Index of Canadian
Artists (Visual Arts)---W
Répertoire des artistes
canadiens (Arts visuels)---W
Par / By François Lareau © François Lareau,
Ottawa, 1998-,
S-T-U-V- W-X-Y-Z
canadiens en arts visuels -- Avons-nous votre nom?
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au répertoire ou pour ajouter une image de
votre art, écrivez-moi à -- c'est
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d'artistes, les chercheurs, la famille, tous peuvent
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d'estimations sur la valeur des tableaux.
Site non lucratif
et de recherches.
Canadian artists in
visual arts --Do we have your name?
To add a link to your site, or your name to this index or
an image of your art, write to me at --
it's free.
W., Gordon (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
W.N. (Toronto in Art)
Waboose, Brian, 1955, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)
WaBvM (initiales), (L'art du Québec)
Publication on Jan Wade:
Jan Wade, Diana Augaitis Stephanie Rebick
(Editor), Vancouver Art Gallery (Publisher)
(Organizer) (Host Institution), Information Office
(Publisher), Jan Wade: Soul Power, Vancouver, BC :
Vancouver Art
Gallery : Information Office, [2022], 175 pages :
illustrations (some
color) ; 17 cm, ISBN: 9781988860138,
9781927656532, 198886013X,
1927656532 (source:,
accessed 9 June 2023).
Wade, Jan, 1952-, born Hamilton, ON;
Waddell, Jan
Waddell, Malcom
Waddell, Stephen, 1968-, (Builders: Biennial 2012; Monte Clark
Gallery Vancouver)
Stephen Waddell, Woman Adjusting Shoe, archival
pigment print, 57 x 38 "— 144.8 x 96.5 cm, on sale at
Waddington's, Waddington's West: Canadian Art, 19
October 2023, lot 54, image reproduced from waddingtons
(accessed 20 October 2023).
Waddle, Harry, 1915-2006, photographer (Stephen Bulger Gallery
Wade, Nicholas, 1938-1992, carver (Toronto Dominion Bank
Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wadhams, Lloyd, (Art Collection Catholic Conference)
Wadmore, Robinson Lyndhurst, 1855-, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wadow, Isadore, 1950-1984, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wadsworth, Daniel, 1771-1848, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Daniel Wadsworth, 1771-1848, Québec,
1819, lavis, 7,7 x 11,7 cm, crédit photographique: Wadsworth
Atheneum, Hartford
Wadsworth, Edward, (Art at the Service of War)
Waghorn, Kerry, 1947-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Wagman, Lorne, 1957-, born in Downsview, ON (YYZ Artists'
Outlet: 1979-1989)
Lorne Wagman, untitled, 1988, watercolour, 45.72 x 60.96 cm, The University of
Art Collection, accession number 1995-508, reproduced from
accessed 21 February 2022.
Wagner, Carole, 1952-, (Extensions intimes--2001; Dictionnaire
historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Wagner, Magdalena (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Wagler, Mattie (Art populaire germano-canadien)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wagner, Joseph, act. c1867-1880, (Folk Artists; Art populaire
Marion Wagschal, video-still, "Marion Wagschal : Colossus ou la
lucidité extrême",
une réalisation de Jean-Luc Daigle, Télé-Québec, La Fabrique,
disponible à
(site visité le 28 juillet 2021).
Publication on Marion Wagschal:
Cronin, Ray, Marion Wagschal, Battat Contemporary (Galerie), Marion Wagschal,
Montréal : Battat contemporary, 2010, 65 p. : illustrations en
coul. ; 30 cm, Notes: "essay = essai, Ray Cronin",
ISBN: 9782981085757, 2981085751 (Voilà catalogue and WorldCat
Image source for the book: and,
accessed 24 October 2019
Wagschal, Marion, 1943-, (McKendry; MAC; Tippett; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada; Roundstone
------Council for the Arts 2; Sir George Williams University;
Claridge Inc. catalogue;
-----Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Montreal Jewish
Community Campus
-----Commissioned Art Collection)
[The image of Marion Wagschal's work of art is reproduced from
the following volume:
Sir George Williams University, Sir
Williams University collection of art/
[foreword, Edwy F. Cooke], [Montréal, Québec : The
University, 1986], 240 p.,
at p. 201, chiefly ill. (some col.), 21 cm ]
Wahl, Irene, 1927-2022, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Waindubence, Gordon, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)
Wainio (Waino), Carol, 1955-, (MAC; Burnett; Murray; Balkind;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Corporate collections; City of Ottawa Art Collection --
2013; Painting Project 2013; The Donovan Collection at St.
Michael's College;
------Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2013)
Wainwright, Robert Barry, 1935-, (MAC; Collection des livres d'artistes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection numérique
------d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wainwright, Ruth Salter, 1902-1984, (McKendry; Tippett; Nova
------années 50; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Creative Canada, 1972;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women
------Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected
------Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Waisberg, Stephen (ARTBOMB-- 26 September 2013 and 12 April 2014)
Wake, Margaret Eveline, 1867-1930, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wake, Margaret Eveline, 1867-1930, Path in the Seven Sisters, watercolour, 13 1/2"
x 9 1/2", photo
credit: Tod Greenaway, Vancouver (Private Collection).
[The description of the title and the image are reproduced from
the following book: Maria Tippett and
Douglas Cole, From Desolation to Splendour: Changing
Perceptions of the British Columbia
Landscape, Toronto/Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin, 1977, at pp. 81
and 153.]
Wakefield, Charles (ARTBOMB--30 June, 15 and 29 July 2015; 23
September 2015; 23 April and 24 May 2016;
------2 and 16 May 2017)
Wakely, Diana (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac --
Wakeman, Thomas, 1812-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wakshinski, Rob (Lisa Kehler Art + Projects Winnipeg)
Wal, Jack Wander, see/voir Wander Wal, Jack
Walch (Morisset)
Walchuk, Kate (quelques parts somewheres -- 2014)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Walcot, Tristan (Sales Index 1989-90)
Wald, Carol, 1935-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wald, Claire, née Québec, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
Vallée 93)
Wald, Susana, 1937-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Walden, Jennifer (ARTBOMB--7 July 2014)
Waldner, Annie, (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Waldner, David (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Waldner, John (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Waldner, Katie (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Waldron, Kim (Sagamie :
L'imprimé numérique en art contemporain)
Wale, George E., 1948-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Walenta, Tomasz, 1974-, (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)
Wales, Philip, 1866-, fl 1900, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wales, Shirley, 1931-1978, born in Montreal (Daigneault 81; Art
Gallery of Ontario; MAC;
------McMaster University; Carleton; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women
Walford, Alfred, photographe (Mode et apparence dans l'art
québécois, 1880-1945)
Walford, Dorice Constance Brown, 1924-, architect (Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Walford, George (Art and Craft of Nova Scotia)
Walken (also Walkem), George Anthony, 1834-1908, (Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political
Walker, Barbara, craftperson in textiles (Cutting Edge in Crafts)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Walker, Christine (ARTBOMB--11 October 2015)
Walker, Douglas , 1958-, born in Broskville, ON (YYZ
Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989);
Douglas Walker, Untitled # 756 (detail),
2005, oil on panel, 44 x 32 (framed),
image published by Jennifer Kostuik
Gallery, Vancouver, in Canadain Art, Fall
2005 at p. 66.
Walker, Caroline, act. 1859-1880 (Lord; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Walker, Chritine (ARTBOMB--22 August 2015)
Walker, Cody (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007
Graduating Class)
Walker, Doug (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Walker, Edmund Murton, 1877-1969, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Walker, Ella May Jacobi (Mrs. O.J.), 1892-1960 (McMaster
University; années 50; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------ Early Women Artists; Alberta Society of Artists; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Exhibition catalogue on Eric Walker:
Mac Namara, Aoife, Eric Walker, 1957-, Emily Falvey, 1975-, Ottawa
Art Gallery, Eric Walker : railway lands / [texts],
Aoife Mac Namara,
Emily Falvey; French translations by Françoise Charron] = Eric
Walker : territoires ferroviaires / [textes, Aoife Mac
Namara, Emily Falvey;
traduction française de Françoise Charron], Ottawa : Ottawa Art
Gallery = Galerie d'art d'Ottawa, c2005, 67 p. : col. ill. ; 15 x
26 cm.
NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Ottawa Art Gallery
in 2005. Includes bibliographical references. Text in English and
ISBN: 1894906225.
Walker, Eric, 1957-, born in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Nova
Scotia; Dalhousie Art Gallery; City of Ottawa Art Collection --
in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Walker, George A. (George Alexander), 1960-, (Wood Engraving in
Canada since 1945; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Walker, Helen M., (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Photo de Horatio Walker 1858-1938, circa 1922, photo prise par
M.O. Hammond, Collection M.O. Hammond, S. 4941, Ontario Archives.
Horatio Walker, à gauche, avec Clarence Gagnon, circa 1930 (Edward
P. Taylor Reference Library, PH-12, Art Gallery of Ontario).
Walker, Horatio, 1858-1938 (Newlands; McKendry; Vallée 89;
Vallée 93;
------Reid; Roussan 82; Laliberté; Boulizon; Robert 78; Art
------of Ontario; Harper; Hill; MQ; Hubbard; Carleton; L'art au
------français; Firestone Art Collection; Lord; Giles; Bruens 88;
------Drawings;Fine Arts in Canada; L'art du Québec; Bernier 99;
------Paysagistes; MQ 2; Robert 64; Art Gallery of Hamilton; Artistes plasticiens par
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Creative Canada, 1972; Art
Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index
Peinture et sculpture québécoises
------1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Morisset);
Note de recherche:
Fonds Horatio-Walker [documents textuels]- 1920-1952.- 214 p.
MSS-163. conservé à la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec.
Walker, Horatio, 1858-1938, Célestin / Le père Célestin,
w.c./aquarelle, 37.8 x 26.7 cm., 1894, Musée du
Québec, photo de Patrick Altman
Walker, Jason, born in Scotland (Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015)
Walker, Jeanette Lou (née Grinwich), 1929-2015, (Alberta Society
of Artists)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Walker, Jo. I., né(e?) à Montréal, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)
Walker, John C., 1950-, ( Photography -- Collection of the
National Film Board)
Walker, John Henry, 1831-1899, (Canadian Drawings; McCord Museum;
Artistes plasticiens par
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian
Political Cartooning;
------L'esprit révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois;
Histoire de la caricature au Québec)
John Henry Walker, Poundmaker, The Cree Chief against whom
Colonel Otter
marched, about 1880, engraving, ink on paper on supporting
paper - Wood engraving,
15.6 x 11.5 cm.
[Image reproduced from the McCord Museum web page at
accessed on 5 April 2014]
Walker, Joy, 1942-, (Carleton; University of Guelph; Toronto
Dominion Bank Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)
Walker, Laurie, 1962-2011; Canadian Art
Database by invitation of the CCCA
(Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art Academy;
sculpteures au
Québec à la page 159)
Miles Walker, photo source:,
accessed 5 February 2020
Publication by Miles Walker, Art Book Nine,
Independently published, May 2019, 250 p.,
ISBN: 1097330516, 978-1097330515, 20.3 x 1.5 x 25.4 cm,
source of image:, accessed 5 February 2020.
Walker, Miles,
Walker, Robert, 1945-, (MAC; Burnett; Roundstone Council for the
Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Montréal au XXe s.--photographes; Ontario
Collection; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board;
------Société des artistes professionnels du Québec 1971)
Walker, Ruth (née Russell), 1928-, (Early Women Artists)
Walker, Shannon (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007
Graduating Class)
Walker, Shirley Pearl, 1933-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Walker, Steve, 1961-2012, (Bernier)
Walker, Vivian Maude, 1903-1972, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions
Walker-Fogg. Elaine, craftsmanship -- patterned textiles (Crafts
WalkingStick, Kay (First Nations)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Walklery, David Birdsey, 1849-1934, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Charlie G. Walkus
Photo of Charlie G. Walkus, reproduced from the following
MacNair, Peter L., Alan L. Hoover, Kevin
Neary, British Columbia Provincial
Museum, The
legacy: tradition and innovation in Northwest Coast
art, Vancouver :
Douglas & McIntyre; Seattle : University of
Washington Press,
©1984, 193 pages, at p.
188 : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits ; 23 cm,
Photo from the collection of the Royal British Columbia
Museum (put on line on
14 October 2021).
Walkus, Charlie G., 1907-1974 (Northwest Coast Indian Art 1984)
Wall, Jake, 1902-, (Folk Artists)
Wall, Jeff, 1946-, (Newlands; MAC; Burnett; Balkind; Pluralities;
Contemporary Canadian Artists;
Vie des arts,
------numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 60; Contemporary Canadian
Art; Contemporary Canadian Photography;
------National Gallery of Canada -- Recent Acquisitions; Monte
Clark Gallery Vancouver)
Book on Jeff Wall (image source:
Vancouver Art Gallery, Grant Arnold, Jeff Wall, Ian Wallace,
1943-, Jeff Wall : Vancouver Art Gallery collection,
Vancouver : Vancouver Art Gallery, c2008, 57 p.:
ill. (chiefly col.); 29 cm. NOTES: Edited by Grant Arnold. "The
essay Some correspondences in retrospect is based on a lecture
given by Ian Wallace at the Art
Institute of Chicago in conjunction with the retrospective
exhibition Jeff Wall in August, 2007"--P. [60]. "Published in
conjunction with Jeff Wall : Vancouver Art
Gallery collection, an exhibition organized by the Vancouver Art
Gallery, presented from October 25, 2008-January 25, 2009"--P.
[60], ISBN: 9781895442700.
Wallace, Agnes Pringle, act. 1840s, (Folk Artists)
Wallace, Birgitta, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wallace, Brenda E., 1932-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Wallace, Chris, born in Dundee, Scotland (Nova Scotia's
Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Wallace, Don, 1921-, born in Oil Springs, ON (Ontario Collection)
Wallace, George Burton, 1920-2009, (Art Gallery of Ontario;
Burnett; McMaster
------University; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario
Collection); site
on the artist
George Wallace, The Balancing Act, c. 1979-80, Bronze
and heavy gauge
copper piping, 251.5 x 477.5 x 215.9 cm / 99 x 188 x 85"
"Commission for the Halton County Court House and Land Registry Office, Milton,
1980. MGS 625898
For Wallace, planning a work for the Halton County Courthouse where cases of criminal,
civil and family law are dealt with daily, it seemed natural to choose the theme of justice
and its precarious balance. In this work the woman holds the balance on the tightrope, just
as the traditional scales of justice are held by a woman. The man holds the wall for support
while the youth attempts a somersault, upsetting the tenuous balance and almost tipping the
whole family over."
[Image and text reproduced from the following book: Fern
Bayer, Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the
Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 366 p., at pp. 363-364,
ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN:
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wallace, Gorden (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Wallace, Helen (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wallace, Henry Draper, 1892-1977 (Toronto in Art; Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Book on Ian Wallace:
Wallace, Ian, 1943-, Grant Arnold, Daina Augaitis, Vancouver Art
Gallery, Ian Wallace : at the intersection of painting and
photography /
Daina Augaitis, curator ; texts by Grant Arnold ... [et al.],
London : Black Dog Pub.; Vancouver BC Canada : Vancouver Art
Gallery, ©2012,
352 p. : chiefly col. ill. ; 27 cm. NOTES: Catalog of an
exhibition held at the Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada, Oct. 27,
2012 - Feb. 24, 2013.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 333-337). Ian Wallace:
framing a practice / Daina Augaitis -- The modernity thesis and
the crisis in
representation / Ian Wallace -- The Monochrome: -- Photography and
the monochrome: an apologia, an exegesis, an interrogation / Ian
-- The Cinematic: -- Focus: lookout / William Wood -- Interview:
Ian Wallace on cinema / Stan Douglas -- The Text: Focus: magazine
piece /
Christine Poggi -- Literature: transparent and opaque / Ian
Wallace -- The Street: Street photos 1970 / Ian Wallace -- Focus:
at the crosswalk /
Jeff Derksen -- The Museum: Interview: Ian Wallace on the museum /
Diedrich Diederichsen -- Focus: the audience / Jessica Morgan --
The studio:
-- Focus: Ian Wallace at work / Kathleen Ritter -- Corner of the
Studio and El Taller: a reflection on two works from 1993 / Ian
Wallace -- Ian Wallace:
an annotated chronology / Grant Arnold. ISBN: 9781907317576.
source of image:,
accessed 4 August 2016
Wallace, Ian, 1943-, (Newlands; Burnett; Nemiroff; Governor
General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2004;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada; Contemporary
Canadian Artists;
------YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989; Monte Clark Gallery
Wallace, Jasmine (ARTBOMB--11 June and 15 November 2014; 10 March
Wallace, Kelly (Foire d'art contemporain d'oeuvres sur papier
2014; Georgia Scherman Projects gallery in Toronto)
Wallace, Ken, 1945-2023, (Shell Canada Collection; Vancouver: Art and Artists
------1931-1983; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wallace, Laura (ARTBOMB--15 July, 22 September, 6 October and 8
December 2014; 20 February, 24 March, 5, 16 and 23 April and
------18 August 2015; 19 September and 18 October 2016; 23 May
2019) *artist's
Wallace, Margaret, (McMaster University)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wallace, Patty (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Wallace, William, act. 1826, (McKendry; Winter in 19th Century
Canada; Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875)
Wallace, William, Captain, 1804-, retired in 1842, (Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Wallbridge, Jean, 1912-1979, architect (Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Chris died peacefully in his sleep on March 25, 2021 in his 91st year.
Chris was recognized as one of Canada's leading artists in the field of
heraldic stained glass. He was born in Earslfield, London, England, on
August 4, 1930 to Ben and Edie Wallis. Chris joined the Royal Air
Force and trained as a navigator, then apprenticed as a stained glass
artist for 7 years in the studios of Travers and Lee. He worked on
the nave windows of Coventry Cathedral prior to emigrating to
Canada in 1956. Fiercely proud of his work, Chris designed and
created more than 800 windows during his lifetime starting in his
studio in London, ON then establishing the Lakeview Studio in 1980
near Grand Bend, with his second wife Geri.
Chris' achievements are impressive, starting with his work 'Yellow Sun
and Red Sky' which was exhibited at Expo 67 and the Museum of Civilization.
In 1969 Chris was invited to co-create the Environmental Arts Program at
Fanshawe College where he taught until 1979. In 1989 Chris created 10 heraldic
windows known as the 'Inns of Court' windows at Osgoode Hall and in 1992,
two of his windows were unveiled at Rideau Hall in Ottawa by Queen Elizabeth
II. In 1993 Chris received the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of
Canada medal for significant contribution to Canada, and in 1996 was awarded
The Bell Canada Award for excellence in heraldic stained glass. In 2003,
Canada Post featured Chris' windows from St. Stephen's Ukrainian Catholic
Church in Calgary, and from St. John's United Church in Arva on an international
stamp series. His work has been photographed by the famous Yousef Karsh.
Chris was a Fellow of both The British Society of Master Glass Painters and
The Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, and a Member of the Royal Canadian
Academy of Arts.
[Above photo and text reproduced from the London Free Press--Obituaries--Christopher
Robert Wallis--August 4, 1930-March25, 2001, available at
christopher-wallis-1081890640 and consulted on 11 October 2022]
Wallis, Christopher Robert, 1930-2021, (Ontario Collection; Royal
Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997)
Wallis, Katherine Elizabeth, sculpt., 1861-1957, (McKendry;
Hubbard; Tippett; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Early Women Artists", Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Wallis, Provo William Parry, 1791-1892, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Wallis, William Henry, 1868-1946, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wallman family, (Folk Art)
Wallot, Hubert, 1945-, (Roussan 2001; Roussan 2005; Roussan 2006;
------Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
2002-2003; Roussan 2009;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Wallot, Jacques Albert, 1938-, (MAC; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
"Cette présence des luttes au sein du travail artistique trouve également place dans
l'oeuvre d'Albert Wallot, particulièrement dans ces suites de sérigraphies et collages,
où, à partir des documents photographiques d'une grève où lui-même fut impliqué, il
traite des fragments et des détails de la ligne de piquetage. Documents aussitôt trans-
formés et imprimés, mais également exposés à la Galerie Média sous forme de pancartes
Image et texte de François Charbonneau, Marcel Saint-Pierre et
Esther Trépanier dans leur article "Pratiques artistiques
d'opposition à Montraéal",
dans le livre suivant:
Musée du Québec, Art société 1975-1980 ; Musée du Québec, du
14 octobre au 29 novembre 1981 : Galerie du Musée, du 14 octobre
15 novembre 1981 Événement art et société, Québec :
Éditions Intervention : Musée du Québec, [1981], 119 p., à la p.
32 : ill. NOTES:
"Expositions presentées dans le cadre de l'Événement art et
société." Includes bibliographical references.
Walmsley, Ben (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Walmsley, Lewis Calvin, 1897-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wallner, Elmer, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Walper, Ora C., 1881-1961, (Folk Artists; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Walsh, Brad (ARTBOMB--26 February, 23 April, 15 and 16 December
2014; 13 January, 15 February, 1 March, 14 April, 22 June
------and 3 July 2015; 26 February, 2, 17 and 28 March, and
15 and 27 June 2016; 30 May, 10 and 22 July, 19 August and
------28 September 2017; 17 July, 2 August and 29 September 2018;
22 January, 1 February, 20 March and 19 May 2019)
Walsh, Edward, c1756 or 1766-1832, (McKendry; Harper; Folk
Artists; Coverdale Collection of Canadiana;
------Artistes plasticiens par
Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Migration de pigeons sauvages au
fort Érié de E. Walsh (ROM, 952.218)
[Texte et photo proviennent du livre: Jean Provencher, Les quatre saisons dans la vallée du
Montréal: Les Éditions du Boréal, 1988, après la p. 96.]
Note: ROM = Royal Ontario Museum
Walsh, Francis, c1825-, fl 1850, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Walsh, George Victor, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Walsh, John Stanley,1907-1994 (The Canadian Society of Painters
in Water Colour;
------Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Roussan 89; Art Gallery of Ontario;
Bruens 88;
------Toronto in Art;
Duval 1952; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in
------Sales Index 1989-90; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992;
Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
John Walsh, 1907-1994, Rue de
Montréal, circa 1982, 61 cm x 50.8 cm, photo
reproduite du catalogue d'exposition , Mémoires
urbaines/Spirit of the City: An Artist's Legacy, John Walsh,
1907, 1994, Galerie Montcalm, Hull, 18 mars au 2 mai 1999
(photographes: Martin Bernard et Mark Montebello).
Walsh, Ronald, 1958-,
Walsh, Serge
Walsh, Vincent Owen, 1912-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Walsh Hopkins, Patricia, 1949-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Walter, Mrs, act. 1872, (McKendry)
Walter, Kathryn (Art public de la ville de Montréal)
Walter, Marc (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Walters, Emile, 1893-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Walters, Louise, 1938-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Saskatchewan: art and artists;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Corporate collections)
Louise Walters, Untitled, 1969, pen
and ink on paper, 24 x 18", Collection
of the artist, Saskatoon.
[Image of Louise Walters' work of art is reproduced from the
following book:
Norman MacKenzie Art Gallery and Regina Public Library Art
Gallery, Saskatchewan: art and
[Regina, 1971], 106 p., at pp. 46 and 91. Notes: "Catalogue
of an exhibition, April 2-July 31, 1971, at
Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery and Regina Public Library Art
Walton, James Geldard, 1860-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Walton, Jennifer (RBC Canadian
Painting Competition; Collection Loto-Québec)
Walton, Jim (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Walton, Patrycja (ARTBOMB--22 March, 29 July, 4, 17 and 22 August,
14, 18 and 25 September and 6 October 2014;
------14 October and 26 and 28 November 2016; 29 January 1 and 10
July, 18 November and 21 December 2017;
------22 January and 15 April 2018); site
de l'artiste
Walty, Paul (Vie des arts,
numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, p. 19; Résidence 1982-1993); *site
de l'artiste / artist's site
Wan, Theodore, 1953, (Vancouver:
Art and Artists 1931-1983)
Wandesford (Wandersforde, Wanderford), James (Juan, Ivan)
Buckingham, 1817-1902,
------ (McKendry; Harper; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wang, Andong;
Wang, Chih-Chien, 1970-, (National Gallery of Canada -- Recent
Acquisitions; Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2014)
Wang, Chui, 1948-, (Magazin'art, v. 13(1), 2000, p. 75;
Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008; Magazin'art Biennial
------Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Le
Balcon d'Art -- artistes de la galerie)
Wang, John (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Wangersky, Barbara Pratt, 1963-, (Swain; Corporate collections)
Waquant, Michèle, 1948-, (MAC; Swain; Corporate collections; Vie des arts, numéro 223,
vol. 45, été 2011, p. 60)
Warbansky, Elizabeth, 1953-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Warburton, Laura (ARTBOMB-- 21 and 28 October 2013; 31 December
2014; 7, 11 and 24 January 2015)
Warburton, W.S., (Sales Index 1989-90)
Ward, Andrea, 1966-, (Mount Saint Vincent University Collection;
YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Ward, Blake (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Ward, Charles Caleb, c1831-1896, (McKendry; Harper; Folk Artists;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ward, Donella Joy Macaulay, 1920-, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Ward, David, 1839-1912 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Ward, Dudley, 1879-1935 (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Ward, Gertrude, (Shell Canada Collection)
Ward, Holly (Republic Gallery Vancouver)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Ward, John, 1798-1849, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ward, John Martin, 1948-, (Toronto
in Art; Sales Index 1989-90)
John Ward, Boat Rider, 1977, acrylic on board, 9.5 x 15 /
24.1 x 38.1 cm; on sale at
Waddington's Collector's Choice: 20th/21st Century Art, 25-30
September 2021, lot 125,
available at
(accessed 30 September 2021)
Ward, Kathleen (Kitty) Louise (née Campbell), 1902-1988 (Early
Women Artists)
Ward, Marney Jean (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian
Artists -- 2012)
Ward, Ray, 1968-, born in Comox, BC; see--voir:
Ward, Tom (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Ward, W. David, 1964-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Ward, William Dudley Burnett, 1879-1935, (Hubbard; Fine Arts in
Ward-Harris, Joan (200 Years of Botanical Art in British
Wardell, Dorothy Wilma, 1909-1983, born in Hamilton, ON
(Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Dorothy Wardell, Untitled--Sunday Morning Winter Trail,
oil on canvas, 12 x
16" / 30.5 x 40.6 cm, image from
(site accessed 14 October 2021).
Ms. Wardell was among the groundbreaking group
of women in art history of Canada. She was active
in the Arts and Letters Club, and was a member of
the Ontario Society of Artists and the Royal Canadian
Academy. At a time when female artists were only
just being recognized for their work, Ms Wardell’s
paintings were featured at the Montreal Museum of
Fine Arts and the Art Gallery of Toronto (now AGO)
alongside members of the Group of Seven and Canadian
Group of Painters.
Wardrop Langlois (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Ware, L. Graeme, fl 1891-2, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Ware, Titus Hibbert, 1810-1890, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Michael Peterman, 1942-, Sisters in Two Worlds: a visual
biography of Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr
Traill / Michael Peterman introduction by
Charlotte Gray, Toronto : Doubleday Canada, 2007, at pp. 68 and
170, ISBN: 9780385662888]
Warin Brothers, The (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Warin, George, 1830-1904, (Folk Artists)
Warin, George and James, (Folk Art; Eastern Canadian Folk Art)
Book on Esther Warkov:
Rasporich, Beverly Jean, Esther Warkov, Magic off Main : the
art of Esther Warkov / Beverly J. Rasporich, Calgary :
University of Calgary
Press, 2003, 99 p. : ill. (some col.), port.; 18 x 26 cm. SERIES:
Art in profile 1700-9995 no. 2. NOTES: Includes
bibliographical references. ISBN: 1552380998 (pbk.).
Source of image:, accessed
16 May 2016.
Warkov, Esther, 1941-, (Newlands; McKendry; Reid; Burnett;
------Murray; Carleton; Shell Canada Collection; Duval; Morris;
------Canadian Drawings; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Winnipeg Art Gallery; 150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Art
------of Hamilton; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
Corporate collections;
------Canadian Pavilion Expo 67)
Esther Warkov, My Cousin Lydia,
Charcoal drawing, 24 1/2 x 18 3/4 ", Donated by
MacLaren Advertising Co. Ltd. G-66-20.
(Text and image reproduced from Winnipeg Art Gallery, Selected Works from the Winnipeg Art
Gallery Collection, [Winnipeg:
Winnipeg Art Gallery], 1971 at p. 161).
Warner & Co., Toronto (Eastern Canadian Folk Art)
Warner, Heather (Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz)
Warner, Ralph Malcolm, 1902-1966, (Four War Artists)
Warner, W., 19th century, (Art Gallery of Ontario)
Warner Keene, Susan, fibre artist / artiste en textiles (Saidye
Bronfman Award 1991)
Warning, Mria Beck, 1832-1918, (Folk Artists)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Warnrer, William, act. 1856-c.1860, (Folk Artists)
Warre, Lieutenant Henry James, 1819-1898, (McKendry; Harper; Folk
------150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Winter in 19th Century Canada;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Painters in a New Land;
------Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Warren, Andrea (ARTBOMB--4 July, 18 August, 23 November and 16
December 2016; 25 April, 24 June, 19 August, 16 October and
------21 November 2017; 2 February 2019)
de l'image:, visité 16 juin 2016
Livre sur les artistes Laurent Lafleur et Ann Warren:
Lafleur, Laurent, 1954, Ann Warren, 1954-, Peintres de
l'imaginaire / Laurent Lafleur, Ann Warren,
Québec : Éditions du Sommet, c2011, 119 p. : ill. en coul. ; 33 x
31 cm. ISBN: 9782896960125.
Warren, Ann, 1954-
Warren, Asa Coolidge, 1815/19-1904, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Warren, Donna, 1949-, (200 Years of Botanical Art in British
Book on Emily Warren:
McRae, Constance, 1896-, The light must be
perfect : the life and art of Emily
Warren : a biographical memoir / by Constance
McRae, 2nd ed.,
Toronto, Canada : Dreadnaught, 1982, c1981, 128 p. : ill. (some
col.) ; 24 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. [127]-128, ISBN:
0919567118, ISBN: 0919567177 (pbk);
image supplied to abebooks by book reseller: Capricorn Books (Oakville, ON, Canada).
Image source:,
accessed 8 February 2017
Warren, Emily Mary Bibbens, 1869-1956 (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists;
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);
Warren, Morgan (
Warren, Raymond (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Warren, Raymond, fl 1967, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Artists of British Columbia )
Warren, Raymond, 1957-, ceramist/céramiste (Grand prix des métiers
d'art; Artists of the Gatineau Hills;
------Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Sur la photo, de gauche à droite: Elizabeth Wyn Wood, C.T. Leung,
Lowrie Warrener et
Emmanuel Hahn, 1924, Ontario College of Art; crédit photographique
Succession Elizabeth Wyn Wood et Emanuel Hahn.
Warrener, Lowrie, 1900-1983, (Block Prints; Abstract Painting;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada);
Wart, Jacques-Bernard, 1932-, sculpt., (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Warters, Winifred M., 1898-1963, (McKendry; Folk Artists;
------150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wartzman, Wendy,
Waschuk, Friedel, 1917-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Washburn, Lawrence (Larry), 1942-, (Shell Canada Collection;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Washbush, Sara (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Washington, Lois Alma, 1946-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wasilczyk, Rai (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Wassegijig, Helen, 1951-, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)
Wasyk, Darrel (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989);
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wasylynchuk, Arlene (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wasylyshen, Ben, 1961-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Wasylyshen, Eve, 1937-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Wasylyshen, Ted, 1932-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Waterhouse, Robert, act. 1930s, (Folk Artists)
Wassef, Sanaa M., 1934-, (canadiens d'origine arabe)
Waterbury, Catherine, fl 1895-8, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Waters, Sande (ARTBOMB--11 November and 13 December 2016; 26 March
and 7 June 2017)
Watier, Donald, né à Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, (Roussan 2006;
Roussan 2009)
Watkins, Alexandra Nugent Johnson, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Watkins, Benjamin, 1853-1913, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Watkins, Cathrine, fl 1904+, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Watkins, Joanne, artisane, courtepointe (Répertoire 1983 des
membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du
Québec -- SMAQ)
Watkins, Margaret, 1884-1969 (Newlands; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Watson, Alexander, 1858-1923, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Alexander Watson, Coastal Scene with Boats, watercolour,
28.1 x 38 cm, "This
artefact belongs to: © New Brunswick Museum", image source: collections.musee-,
accessed 26 January 2020
Typical of the amateur painters of the period was Alexander Watson.
Born in Saint John in 1858, Watson was a lumber dealer by trade and
a painter by choice. When his wife remarked that "shingles and art
do not go together", he is said to have replied that "shingles make
money for the painting". He had studied under Professor Hammond
in Saint John and later in New York. He was fond of young people
and opened a studio on Price William Street where he instructed
youngsters desirous of learning art free of charge. At his death in
1923, he left many portraits in oil and many watercolours of
landscapes and ships.
[Source of text: Tweedie, R.A., Fred Cogswell, and W. Stewart MacNutt,
editors, Arts in New Brunswick, [Fredericton]: Brunswick Press, 1967,
The Centennial edition, copy number 369 of 2,000, 280 pages, at p. 154 :
illustrations (some color); 35 cm (book collection of François Lareau).]
Watson, Arnold Carter, 1929-1992, born in Calgary, Alberta and
died in Prince Albert, SK (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan
------ Men Artists)
Watson, Audrey, 1935-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Watson, Brenda, 1964-, (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Biennale découverte :
------concours des arts visuels de Québec 1995)
Watson, Bruce, 1925-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Watson, Edith S., 1861-1943, photographer (Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
La grossesse en milieu ouvrier à Montréal
La compagnie d'assurances La Métropolitaine assure les familles
ouvrières moyennant une prime hebdomadaire de 0,05$. À partir
de 1900, la compagnie offre un service d'infirmières visiteuses aux
femmes enceintes. Elles préparent la mère à l'accouchement et lui
rendent visite au moment des relevailles.
[Photo et textes proviennent du livre suivant:
Desrochers, Lucie, 1949-, Oeuvres de femmes, 1860-1961 / Lucie Desrochers, Québec : Publications du Québec, c2003
xiii, 207 p., à la p. 53 : principalement des ill., portr. ; 24 cm. SERIES: Aux limites de la mémoire, ISBN: 2551195993]
Watson, Gina Schorscher, 1930-, silk painter, (Craftsman)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Photo de Watson, Homer, 1855-1936, circa 1890, Bibliothèque
du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada.
Book on Homer Watson:
Noonan, Gerald, Refining the real Canada: Homer Watson's
spiritual landscape: A Biography,
Waterloo: MLR Editions Canada, softcover with illustration on
front cover. 373 pages with endnotes, bibliography & index.
Brian Foss, Homer Watson: Life & Work, READ
NOW --
(accessed 22 July 2022).
Watson, Homer Ransford, 1855-1936, (Newlands; McKendry; Reid;
------Hubbard; Harper; Art Gallery of Ontario; Lord; McMaster
------University; Queen's University; Canadian Drawings;
------Paysagistes; Robert 64; University of Guelph; Fine Arts in
------Art Gallery of Hamilton; Development of Painting in Canada:
------Art of the British Empire Overseas; Creative Canada, 1971; Art
Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index
1989-90; Ontario
Watson, Homer Ransford, 1855-1936, The Gravel Pit, oil/huile, 6" x 9", 1903,
Art Gallery of Toronto.
Watson, Josephus, 1792-after 1857, (Folk Artists)
Watson, Leonard, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Watson, Mary Anne, 1923-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Watson, Phoebe Amelia, 1858-1947, born in Doon, ON (Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Phoebe Amelia Watson (1 June 1858 – 22 October 1947)
was a Canadian painter and curator. She worked in painted
ceramics, watercolor and oils. She was the sister of
Homer Watson, the well-known landscape artist read the rest at Wikiwand here
Watson, Susan, 1949-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Art in Ontario)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Watson, Sydney H., 1911-1981, (Hubbard; Duval; Queen's University;
------The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Art
Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)
Sydney H. Watson, 1911-1981, The
Shop, reproduced from Jubilee
Catalogue, 75th Annual
Canadian Academy of Arts, 1954, at p. 17.
Watt, Alison, 1957-, (
Watt, Henry Robertson (Robin), 1896-1964, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Watt, Robin (Henry Robinson), 1896-1964, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Artistes plasticiens par
------Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Robin Watt, Mrs. Keith
Henderson, reproduced from Jubilee Year Catalogue, 75th Annual
Canadian Academy of Arts, 1954, at p. 21.
Watt, Shane (ARTBOMB--20 October and 14 November 2015)
Watteau De Lille, Louis Joseph, 1731-1798 (Québec: A Pictorial
Record -- 1608-1875)
Watters, Carl, 1948-, potier/céramiste (Céramique)
Watts, Etta, fl 1895-1900, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Watts, Gabriel, 1931-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Watts, John (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Watts, John Clair, 1948-, (Vancouver:
and Artists 1931-1983)
Source of photo:,
accessed 7 July 2022.
Watts, John William Hurrell, 1850-1917, (Hubbard; L'estampe; Fine
Arts in Canada; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Watts, John W.H., 1850-1917, Rue Sainte-Famille, Quebec, 1870, 15
x 18 cm, watercolour over graphite on ivory wove paper, mounted on
card, National Gallery
of Canada, Ottawa (no. 42547)
Wauchope, George Frederick, 1911-1984 (Winnipeg School of Art)
Waugh, de Witt C., fl 1872-4, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Waugh, Samuel B., 1814-1885 (Reid; Harper; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Wawra, Margot Lucie, 1923-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wax, Jai (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Way, Annie M., fl 1899-1915, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Way, C. J., 1835-1919, 1864, William Notman Studio,
Albumen print, 8.0 x 5.5 cm, Notman Photographic Museum,
McCord Museum, Montreal (9522-1)
Way, Charles Jones, 1835-1919 (McKendry; Robert 78; Hubbard;
------University of Guelph; Fine Arts in Canada; Artistes plasticiens par
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index
Way, Charles Jones, 1835-1919, Verdun,
48.6 x 73.5 cm, watercolour over graphite on wove paper,
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (no. 18185)
Waydell, Alice, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Art Auctions
Wayne-Von Konigslow, Andrea, 1958-, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Waywell, Alice Doreen, 1920-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Photo of Vera Weatherbie (photo courtesy: Isabel
Weatherbie, Vera Olivia, (also Mortimer-Lamb, Vera), 1909-1977,
(McKendry; Hill;
------Tippett; Vancouver: Art
and Artists 1931-1983; Biographical Index of Artists in
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Weatherby, Hugh, 1908-1985, illustrator
Weatherill, Timothy Douglas Stinson, 1960-, (Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
Weatherley, Alan, (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition
Weatherston, Jean, 1917-1974, (McMaster University)
Weatherstone, Marguerite, 1941-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau0
Weaver, John, act. 1798, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Weaver, John Barney, 1920-2012, sculptor (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Alberta Society of Artists)
Weaver, L.E., Lethbridge, 1937-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts
2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Weaver, William J., circa 1759-1817 (Artists' Halifax Portraits
through 250 years)
Webb, Ken, 1950-, (Swain; Celebration of Contemporary Canadian
Art; Corporate collections)
Webb, Robert, (Sales Index 1989-90)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Webb-Lambden, Debra (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)
Book with photographies by George Webber:
Webber, George
Alberta book, [British Columbia] :
Rocky Mountain Books Ltd., [2018], 271 pages : chiefly color
illustrations ; 20 cm x 22 cm; Voilà catalogue and WorldCat
database; image of book from,
accessed 22 December 2019;
Webber, George (Faces of Canada -- Photography); artist's site
Publication with part on the artist Gordon Webber:
Gordon Webber (photographie reproduite de Musée des Beaux
Arts de Montréal, 35 peintres
dans l'actualité, 1957;
photographe inconnu).
Webber, Gordon McKinley, 1909-1965, (McKendry; Reid; Robert 78;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Art Gallery of
------Ontario; Firestone Art Collection; Duval; Viau; Toronto in Art; Creative Canada, 1972;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Burnett);
Webber (Weber, Waber), John (Johann), c1750-1793, (McKendry; Painters in a New Land;
-------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; British Columbia,
a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)
Webber, John, c1750-1793, Interior
a Westcoast House at Friendly Cove, 1778, watercolour,
Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Photograph by Hillel
Webber, Ron, photographer; artist's
Weber (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Weber family, (Folk Art)
Weber, Anna (Nancy/Anne), 1814-1888, (McKendry; Folk Artists;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art populaire
------Early Women Artists; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Weber, Dennis J., 1951-, (Senior member of the Federation of
Canadian Artists -- 2012)
Weber, George, 1907-2002, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)
Weber, Gisèle, artisane, peinture sur soie (Répertoire 1983 des
membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des
------ Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Weber, Gordon J., 1949-, born Wilkie, Saskatchewan; artist's site
Gordon J. Weber, Peace and Power, watercolour, 42 x 64 cm
(Private Collection Estelle Hamoline); I would like to thank the
artist for his permission to reproduce (30 April 2015).
Weber, Jacob, act. 1873-1897, (Folk Artists)
Weber, Kathleen (Kay) Murray, 1919-2007, Toronto, (Roundstone
Council for the Arts 2;
-----University of Guelph; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
-----Ontario Collection; Early Women Artists)
Weber, Lucille (ARTBOMB--13 and 20 April 2014; 27 January 2015)
Weber, Pam, 1955-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008;
------Alberta Society of Artists)
Weber, Roland, 1924-, photographe, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Weber-Crockford, Meg, 1925-, (Vallée 93; Pluralisme au Québec)
Webster, Clarence, c1900-, fl 1978, (McKendry; Folk Artists;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Webster, George, 1775, fl 1832, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Webster, Helen (ARTBOMB--29 February and 23 April 2016)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Webster Henry, 1909-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Webster, Jessie, 1909-, (Indian Artists at Work; Northwest Coast Indian Art 1984; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Webster, John, 1947-, (Carleton; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
Claridge Inc. catalogue; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013;
------ Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015)
Webster, John Bruce, 1947-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Webster, Peter (Indian Artists at Work)
Wechsler, Dora Harris, 1897-1952, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Wedman, Neil (Postmodernism 1970-1990)
Weekes, Will, (Sales Index 1989-90)
Weetalukluk, Elisapi (Oeuvres d'artisans)
Weetaluktuk, Elie, 1910-1958 (Inuit Sculpture TD Bank Financial
Group Collection-- note: attributed to)
Weetaltuk, Saroli, 1906-1964, 1906-1964 (Sculpture/Inuit 1971,
plate 246)
Weetaluktuk, Simeonie (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Inuit Sculpture TD
Bank Financial Group Collection)
Weghsteen, Robert (Oeuvres d'artisans)
Weideman, Carol, 1942-, born in Montreal
Weidenbach, connu au milieu du 19e siècle, (Artistes plasticiens par
Weiland, Joyce, see Wieland, Joyce
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Weilbrenner, Johanne (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec
Weiler, Martin, 1908-, (Folk Artists)
Publication on Andor Weininger:
Olivier A.I. (Arpad Istvan) Botar, 1957-, Galery 111, Robert
Gallery, A Bauhausler in Canada: Andor Weisinger in the '50s,
MB : Gallery One One One ; Oshawa, ON : Robert McLaughlin
Gallery, 2009., xiii, 277
pages :
color illustrations ; 26 cm, ISBN: 092150098X, 9780921500988, image
bookseller: Hourglass
Books (Vancouver, BC,
Canada), site accessed 7 February 2022.
"Andor Weininger (1899-1986) was a founder and member of the
Bauhaus where he produced a fascinating body of work, mostly related
to the avant-garde stage, attaining his greatest success with the
Mechanical Stage-Review, a kind of moving abstract painting. Fleeing
the National Socialists, Weininger emigrated to Canada where, in the
1950s, he produced a remarkably eclectic body of work, ranging from
sketches of Lake Ontario to free, calligraphic abstract works. Yet his
correspondence with Bauhaus figures such as Walter Gropius and
Xanti Schawinsky reveals a frustration with the conservative cultural
scene. Produced upon the occasion of a gift of over 150 works from
New York's Weininger Foundation to several Canadian art institutions,
this publication takes a close look at Weininger in Canada, situating
the career of this significant European Modernist within the context of
the emergent Canadian abstract art scene. Weininger's work can be
found in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, the Busch-Reisinger Museum at Harvard University, and
in many European collections. Published with Gallery One One One,
University of Manitoba."--BOOK JACKET.
Weininger, Andor, 1899-1986,
Weinstein, Alan, 1930-, (University of Guelph; Roundstone Council
for the Arts)
Weinstein, Alan, 1939-, (Saskatchewan:
and artists); Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); web
site on the artist
Weinstein, Noémie, née en France, site de l'artiste
--artist's site; biographie--biography
Weir, Bert (Albert George), 1925-2018, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Weir, Carrie, Haida basket weaver (Artists at Work)
Weir, George (Red), 1890s-1978, (Folk Artists; Wildfowl decoys
Weir (Webb), Getrude, 1919
Weirter, Louis, 1873-1932, (Canvas of War; Art at the Service of
Weisbeck, Paula (Alberta Society of Artists)
Weisbrich, Les, 1927-, (Artisan; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Weisgerber, Sean (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Weisman, Gustav, 1926-2000, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Duval;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------ Sales Index 1989-90; Ontario Collection)
Gustav Weisman, reproduced from Jubilee
Catalogue, 75th Annual Canadian
Academy of Arts, 1954, at p. 6.
Weiss, Charles, 1962-, (Art Impressions Magazine 1995 Annual
Directory of Artists' Profiles at p. 19)
Weiss, Fred (Murs et murales)
Weiss, Jeannette, 1934-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Artistes plasticiens par
Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Weiss, Louis (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Weiss, Philip, 1924-, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Weiss Simon, Vera, 1923-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Weissman, Larry (Lawrence), 1943-, (Photography -- Collection of
the National Film Board; Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)
Lawrence Weissman, colour diffractographs,
on the cover of Camera Canada, number 66,
Winter 1985; there is an article on the
photographer at pp. 23-27.
Publication illustrated by Claire Weissman Wilks:
Zeller, Ludwig, Claire Weissman Wilks,Totem
women = Mujeres en el totem,
Toronto : Exile Editions ; Don Mills, Ont. : General Pub., sales
distribution, 1993, 69 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm,
ISBN: 1550960792, 9781550960792;information from Voilà
catalogue and WorldCat Database; image source: and High Park
Books (Kitchener, ON,
Canada) (accessed 6 December 2019).
Other publication on Claire Wilks:
Weissman Wilks, Claire, 1933-2017,
Claire Weissman Wilks has published several books as well as
pursuing a career in painting and drawing, showing her work in
Canada and Europe. During the 1970s her erotic images of
women were rarely accepted for showing in conservative
Toronto galleries, so she sought other means to show it, such
as book publishing and illustration. Her books include: Two of
Us Together: Each of Us Alone (1982), a compilation of erotic
drawings exploring the nature of human sexuality and love;
I Know Not Why the Roses Bloom (1986), a collection of
lithographs and sculpture inspired by the diaries of Etty
Hillesum, a Dutch Jew who died in the 1940s at Auschwitz;
and Hillmother (1983), a series of drawings on birth and the
relationship between mother and children. While her Lithuanian
heritage was not an emphasis in her upbringing, Wilks feels that
the connection to eastern Europe has constantly affected her
work, particularly a preoccupation with the Second World War.
In her sculptures and drawings of women and sexuality, such
as the series Totem Women (1993) and Tremors (1989), there
is an underlying empayhy with the life of women in concentration
camps, and a need to reinvest that life with the sexuality and
sensuality that is denied in most Holocaust imagery.
[source and read the rest at :,
accessed 6 December 2019]
Weissmann, Joe (Photography and Illustration 1993 at p. 23)
Weisz, Tavi (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Weitzman, Jordan, 1984-, born in Montreal, photographer (Parisian
Laundry Galerie d'art Montréal)
Welch, Chuck (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Weld, C. Beecher (Charles Beecher), 1899-1991, (Dalhousie Art
Charles Beecher Weld was physician, researcher and professor of medicine
at Dalhousie University. He was born in Vancouver in 1899 and educated
at the University of British Columbia (BA, MA) and the University of
Toronto (MD). He served overseas in the Canadian Armed Forces during
World War One and in 1936 he joined Dalhousie's Faculty of Medicine
as a professor of physiology, a position he held until 1965. He continued
to teach in other capacities at Dalhousie until 1969 and was awarded an
honorary degree in 1970. Dr. Weld published over ninety-five papers,
was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and was active in community
organizations and professional associations. He died in 1991.
[Sotce of text:, accessed 9 November 2023]
Weld, Helen, 1904-1996, (Dalhousie Art Gallery)
Weld, Isaac, 1774-1856, connu à la fin du 18e siècle, (Artistes plasticiens par
Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
Welding, William E., act. 1867-1894, (Folk Artists)
Weldon, Aaron (quelques parts somewheres -- 2014; Georgia Scherman
Projects gallery in Toronto)
Weldon, Phillis Virginia, 1926-2006, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
WELDON, Phyllis Virginia. Passed away peacefully January 16, 2006
in her home in Trail, BC, surrounded by closest family. Residing in
Montreal, PQ, most of her life she was an accomplished artist,
printmaker and lithographer who studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts,
University of Quebec in Montreal and proudly enjoyed two years invitational
honours lithograph with Albert Dumouchel. Her works were exhibited locally
and internationally. Predeceased by her beloved husband James Reynolds Weldon
in 1997....
[source: excerpt, death notice, Montreal Gazette, published on line,19 January 2006
at, accessed 4 November 2023]
Welker, O.H. (Sales Index 1989-90)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Welles/Wells, J., fl 1783-4, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wellge, H., fl 1884-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wellmann, Ambera, 1982-, born in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia (RBC
Canadian Painting Competition 2016 Finalists)
Wellman, Loraine, 1936-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada); artist's site
Loraine Wellman, Morning Break,
acrylic, 30" x 36". I wish to thank Mrs. Loraine Wellman for
her permission to reproduce.
Wells, Albert Eugene, 1859-1931, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wells, Clarence, 1950-,
Wells, Mrs. Farley, c. 1900-, (Folk Artists)
Wells, Frederick, fl 1840-55, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; New Brunswick Landscape Print 1760-1880)
Wells, J.R. (Jack), 1880s-1953, (Folk Artists)
Wells, John R., 1861-1953 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Wells, John, 1789-1864, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wells, John, (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Wells, Statira Elizabeth, voir -- see Frame, Statira Elizabeth,
Welsford, Augustus, 1811-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Welsh, Ruth P., 1949-, Saskatoon, (Roundstone Council for the Arts
------Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in
Welykholowa, Doug (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Wendt, Hans, 1973-, (Oh, Canada:
Contemporary Art -- 2012)
Wentser, Sonia Koniaeff, 1916-2004, (Robert 89; Collection
Lavalin du Musée d'art
------contemporain de Montréal)
"Danielle Boissonneault <>To:flareau@rogers.comFeb. 20 [2019 ]at 5:08 p.m.J’aimerais savoir s’il est possible d’ajouter une image à la citation de Sonia Wentser,
représentant un des ses tableaux en plumes.Il s’agit d’une artiste qui a substitué la plume aux couleurs de l’huile.
Ses tableaux sont donc constitués de brins de plume délicatement collés apportant
luminosité et reflets aux œuvres.Merci de votre attention.
Danielle Boissonneault pour Marguerite Wentser (fille de l’artiste)."
Wentworth, Thomas Hanford, 1781-1849, (McKendry; Harper;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada);
Thomas Wentworth, View of The
Great Conflagration, Saint John, 1839, Lithograph, 48.3 x
67.3 cm, Collection
of New Brunswick Museum, Saint John, New Brunswick (photo and text
reproduced from Moncrieff Williamson and
Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Through
Eyes: Trends and Influences in Canadian Art, 1815-1965,
Calgary: Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1976, picture 21).
Wentworth, William Henry, 1813?-, act. 1859, (McKendry;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; New Brunswick Landscape
Print 1760-1880)
Wenzel, Gordon R., photographer
Weppler, Rhonda, 1972-, (National Gallery of Canada -- Recent
in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Werbel, Jerzy; see--voir:
Werden, Rodney, 1946-, (McKendry; Balkind; Photography --
Collection of the National Film Board; YYZ Artists' Outlet:
Werker, Hard (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Werner, Alice, 1913-, (Folk Artists)
Publication on Janet Werner:
Janet Werner, 1959-, Lisa Baldissera, 1966, Janet Werner:
Sticky Pictures, Vancouver BC Canada :
Figure 1 Publishing Inc., [2022],
237 pages : color
illustrations ; 30 cm, includes bibliographical
(pages 230-231), ISBN: 9781773272023,
1773272020. Image of book reproduced
(accessed 10 June 2023).
1959-Lisa Baldissera
1966-(Writer of
Werner, Janet, 1959-, born in Winnipeg (Painting Project 2013; Oh, Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012;
Parisian Laundry Galerie d'art
------ Montréal); artist's
Werner, Jeker (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Wertheimer, Esther, 1926-2016, sculpt., (Shell Canada Collection;
Sculptors Society of Canada--2015;
------McKendry; Roussan 98; Robert 83; Roussan 82; Pluralisme au
------Tippett; Roussan 2001; Collection Loto-Québec; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe
Werthman, William C., fl 1950+, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Wesbroom, William N., fl 1889 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wescoupe, Clemence, 1951-, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)
Wesley, Maggie (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
"Eric Wesselow painting a portrait of his daughter,
Cornélia", Library and Archives Canada, accession number
1972-047 NPC, item number 4315003,
accessed 28 September 2019
Publication sur Eric Wesselow:
Wesselow, Éric, 1911-1998, aquarelliste, peintre et verrier
(Vallée 89;
------Vallée 93; Bruens 89; Verriers
du Québec; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau;
------membre fondateur de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle;
Ville de Rosemère)
Éric Wesselow, Angelus nudus saltator, 1982, verre
optique, verre plat
gravé au jet de sable, époxy, 61 x 49 x 8 cm, Collection de
(photographe: Laurens Kroon)
[La description de l'oeuvre et son image proviennent du livre
Guy Simard, Verriers du Québec / texte de Guy Simard;
préface et postface de Pierre H. Savignac: LaPrairie,
Québec : Éditions Marcel Broquet, c1989, 159 p., à la p.
133, ill. en coul., portr. en coul.; 24 cm. (Collection;
Signature plus), NOTES:
Comprend des références bibliographiques, ISBN: 289000077X;]
West, A.E. (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
West, Aaron, (ARTBOMB--6 and 25 September and 8 and 29 October
West, Barbara, 1900-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
West, Ingrid, 1939-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
West, John, 1778-1845, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in
West, Mieka (ARTBOMB--26 March and 20 April 2016)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
West, Pat, 1962-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)
West, R. Rolleston, 1894-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
West, W., (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
West, William (Bill), 1921-2007, (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983)
Westcoff, Carol; see--voir:
Image source:, accessed 1
December 2018
Publication by Jim Westergard:
Westergard, Jim, 1939-, artist,: See what I'm saying? :
engravings, Erin, Ontario : Porcupine's Quill, 2018,
"Wood engraver Jim Westergard puts his artistic talents--and his
wicked sense of humour--into play, offering a series
of visual interpretations of some of the more quirky words and
phrases in the English language. The English language
has evolved to embrace an array of linguistic tools the invite
playful minds to introduce ambiguity and innuendo--and
hilarity--into common parlance. In this book, Westergard does just
that, illustrating idioms with a series of exquisitely
detailed engravings."-- Provided by publisher. ISBN:
9780889844124 (softcover) (AMICUS Catalogue)
Westergard, Jim (James), 1939-, (Alberta artists; Wood Engraving
in Canada since 1945; Biographical Index of Artists in
------Canada; Alberta Society of Artists)
Jim Westergard, Becoming an Old
Woman, 1986.
(Text and image reproduced from the following book: Brender à
Brandis, G., 1942-, Danuta M.A.K.
Kamocki, and Carnegie Galerie (Dundas, Ont.), The White line: wood engraving in
since 1945 : a selection of artists and images from a
retrospective exhibition of the same name
curated by G. Brender à Brandis / Brandis / biographies
prepared by Danuta M.A.K. Kamocki,
Erin (Ontario) : Porcupine's Quill, 1990).
Westerlund (Westerland), Mia, 1942-, (Burnett; Canadian Drawings;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Pluralities; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2)
Western Front, The, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2)
Westin, Asa Johnna (RBC Canadian
Painting Competition)
Westlaken, Shawn, 1961-, (Contemporary British Columbia Artists)
Westmacott, E.K./K.E., fl 1874, d1890, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Westmacott, John, 1815-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Westmacott, Stewart, c1818, fl 1841-69, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Westman, Tony (Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)
Westmorland, Priscilla Anne Pole, 1793-1879, (Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
Weston, Eloise, fl 1880-1, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Westen, J.L. (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Weston, James L., c1815-1896, (McKendry; Paysagistes; Winter
------in 19th Century Canada; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in
------History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Weston, Julia, fl 1880-6, (Biographical Index of Artists in
William Percival Weston,
image source:,
accessed 1 January 2020
Book by W.P. Weston:
W.P. Weston, A teachers' manual of drawing for
elementary and high schools,
Toronto : Nelson, [1933?], 168 pages : illustrations (some color)
(Voilà Catalogue and
WorldCat database); source of image:,
accessed 1 January 2010.
Weston, William Percival (W.P.) (Percy), 1879-1967, (McKendry;
------Harper; Hill; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Hubbard; Duval; Block Prints; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983;
------Creative Canada,
1972; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in
------Sales Index 1989-90); web site on the artist
W.P. Weston, Gleneagles,
n.d., Oil on canvas, 90.2 x 101.6 cm, Collection of the Vancouver
Art Gallery, British
Columbia, (photo and text reproduced from Moncrieff Williamson and
Glenbow-Alberta Institute,
Through Canadian Eyes: Trends
and Influences in Canadian Art, 1815-1965, Calgary:
Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1976, picture 125).
Westphalen, Heinrich J.H. (Sales Index 1989-90)
Westrop, Joyce, 1957-, (L'art et le papier 7; City of Ottawa Art
Collection -- 2013)
Westwood, John Craig, 1917- (Reflections
of Gloucester; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Wetenhall, John, 1807-1850, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wettlaufer, Eckhardt, 1845-1919, (Folk Artists)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Weyman, Ronald, 1915-2007, (Hubbard; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Whale, John Claude, 1852-1905, (McKendry; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
John Claude Whale, oil on canvas, 23.5" H x 18.5" W, sold at
Miller & MIller Auctions Ltd., New Hamburg, ON, Canadiana
Decorative Arts, 14 May 2023, lot 150 reproduced from live.miller
(accessed 2 June 2023). Sold for $1,900.00.
Whale, John Hicks, 1829-1905, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Whale, Mary, 1955-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Whale, Robert Heard, 1857-1906, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Whale, Robert Reginald, 1805-1887, (Newlands; McKendry; Reid;
------University of Guelph; Hubbard; Lord; Morris; Folk Artists;
Robert 64;
------Art Gallery of Hamilton; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90)
Whale, Robert Reginald, 1805-1887, Panoramic View of Niagara Falls with a Michigan Central
Railway Train, oil/huile, 30" x 47 3/4", Mr. and
Mrs. Jules Loeb, Hull.
Whalen, Marilyn, born in Corner Brook, Newfoundland (Nova Scotia's
Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Whalley, Peter, 1921-2007, (Queen's University; Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------History of Canadian Political Cartooning); site
on the artist
Peter Whalley, cover page of the book An Uninhibited History of Canada, 1959.
Book in part by Peter Whalley:
Mary Geggie, 1920-1974, Peter Whalley, Northern
Blightsl more than anyone
needs to know about Canadian poetry and painting,
Morin Heights,
Quebec : Upbank Press, 1972,
52 pages :
illustrations ; 20 cm (image: book collection of Fran]\çois
Lareau, put on line on 8 April 2024).
Whatmough, Grant Allan, 1921-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wheale, Ivan T. (Trevor) 1934-, (The Canadian Society of
Painters in Water Colour;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Ontario Collection)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wheatley. W.S., 1910-,
[Image reproduced from National Gallery of Canada, The Stone
Age -- The Canadian
Lithography from its Beginnings, Ottawa, National
Gallery of Canada, 2000, p. 13]
Wheeler, Anne (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Wheeler, Billy, (Folk Artists)
Wheeler, John (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Wheeler, Louis Ward, 1893-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wheeler, Orson Shorey, 1902-1990 (McKendry; Hubbard; Laliberté; Artistes plasticiens par
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wheeler, Thomas, c1809-, fl 1847-71, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Wherry, Sheila, fl 1939+, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Whillans, Morley Gray, 1911-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Whillier, Gitta, (Magazin'art, v. 9(3), 1997, pp. 62-64 and
Whillier, Wayne, 1940-, (Sir George Williams University)
Whishaw, A., (Hubbard)
Whitcombe, Carol (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Whitcombe, F.G. (Fred), Captain, photographer (Pictorial History
of Canada's Army Overseas 1939-1945)
White & White (Céline White et Jean-Guy, frère et soeur) (Vie des arts, numéro 223,
vol. 45, été 2011, p. 104)
White, Ann-Blair (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces
White, Caroline (signe/signs: Blanc) (ARTBOMB-- 7 and 26 October
2013); site de
l'artsite/artist's site
White, Carolyn (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
White, C.H., 1878-1918, ( L'estampe)
White, Céline, 1959-, née à Loretteville, Québec (Magazin'art
Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Vie
des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 104); *site de l'artiste / artist's
White, David (Murals of Chemainus, B.C.)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
White, Dennis, 1899-, (Nova
Scotia Folk Art)
White, George (Canadian Photography 1839-1920)
Publication on George Harlow White:
White, George Harlow, 1817-1888, (McKendry; Harper; Art Auctions
------Art Gallery of Ontario; Hubbard; Fine Arts in Canada; Sales Index
------Queen's University; Canadian Drawings; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada;
------Ontario Collection)
White, George Harlow, Market
Place, 1877 (Government of Ontario Art Collection)
White, Henry Charles (Photos 1895-1924)
White, Jean-Guy (Vie des arts,
numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 104); *site de l'artiste
White, Jen (ARTBOMB--18 February and 15 July 2017)
White, Jen & Heather Alexis Porter (ARTBOMB--2 and 9 September
and 4 October 2015; 16 July and 25 August 2016)
White, Joanne (ARTBOMB--30 June 2016)
White, John, c1540/50-, fl 1570-93, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
White, John Clayton, 1835-1907, (McKendry; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
White, Norman, potter (Artisan)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
White, Norman (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
White, Norman T. (Triplett), 1938-, (McKendry; Burnett;
Bographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art and Technology 2002;
------Exhibition -- Engaging the Virtual 2000)
White, Octavius, (Nova Scotia; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index
Octavius White, Indian Encampment, oil on canvas 31.8 x
cm / 12.5 x 30.25"; text and image reproduced from Waddington
Canadian Art Online Auction, March 11-17, 2016, Lot 167,
available at
(accessed 26 July 2016)
White, Paul-André (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec
White, Richard (Alberta Society of Artists)
White, Richard Leonard, 1954-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
White, Ron (Canadian War Posters)
White-Barbeau, Denyse, 1946-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale
du Québec)
White Bonneau, Danielle, 1944-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
White Laroche, Suzanne, 1940-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
White Loom, Mike, Ojibway Indian from Manitoulin Island, Ontario
Whitecapp, Bill (Oeuvres d'artisans)
Whitefield, Edwin, 1816-1892, (McKendry; L'art du Québec; Painters in a New Land;
-----Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada;
-----Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875; Morisset)
[Image reproduced from the following book: Robert W. Passfield,
1942-, Construction du Canal Rideau: Histoire illustrée,
[Ottawa]: Parcs Canada, 184 p., à
la p. 105, ; ill. (certaines en coul.), cartes géographiques
; 23 cm.; notes: book also published in English under the title: Building
of the Rideau Canal]
Images for Whitefield, Edwin, 1816-1892
Whitefield, T. (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Whitehead, Alfred, 1887-1974, (Creative
Canada, 1971; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Whitehouse, Diane, 1940-, (Alberta artists; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Whitelaw, A. Brodie, 1910-(Amateur photography in Canada /
Whiten, Colette, 1945-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
------McKendry; Burnett; Tippett; Roundstone Council for the Arts
------Nemiroff; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Contemporary Canadian Artists;
------Ontario Collection; Art of Courage; Art in Ontario;
YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
[Image and description of title reproduced from the following
book: Fern Bayer, Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the
Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 366 p., at pp. 364-365,
ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN:
Whiten, Tim (Timothy), 1941-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Balkind; The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College;
------Canadian Drawings; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada);
Publication on Carla Whiteside:
Renaud, Jean-François, 1964-, Galerie d'art d'ottawa, Ottawa Art
Gallery, Consensus-exil : Carla Whiteside / [curated by
Renaud], Ottawa : Galerie d'art, 1994, 1 folded sheet (8
p.) NOTES: Exposition du 17 novembre au 31 décembre
1994. Texte en français
et en anglais. Comprend des références bibliographiques. English
and French text. ISBN: 1895108187.
Image source:,
accessed 31 December 2016
Whiteside, Carla, 1956-, (Galerie éducative De-la-Salle; City of
Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Whiteside, George, 1956-, (Art in Ontario; YYZ Artists'
Outlet: 1979-1989; Photography and Illustration 1993 at pp. 74-75)
Whiteside, Ripley (Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Whiteway, Brenda, (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition
Whiteway, Eli, 1914-1987, (Nova
Scotia Folk Art)
Whiting, Aussie (Photojournalism from La Presse and The Gazette)
Whitlock, An, 1944-, sculpt., (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College;
------McKendry; Burnett; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Whitman, Linley Vail (Lin), 1929-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Whitmore, George St Vincent, 1798-1851, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Whitmore, George St Vincent, Traversée
fleuve Saint-Laurent en hiver, à Québec, au Bas Canada,
1836, aquarelle sur mine de plomb, 14,8 x 23,5 cm,
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Ottawa (1970-188-1051).
Whitney, Elizabeth, fl 1876-98, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Whitten, Jane, basketmaker (Art and Craft of Nova Scotia)
Whittle, G.H., actif à Montréal à la fin du 19e siècle, (Artistes plasticiens par
Whittingham, Patricia (ARTBOMB--18, 19 and 31 March, 29 July and
17 September 2015; 14 April and 3 September 2016; 15 December
------19 January and 8 April 2018)
Whittle, Shannon (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Whittlesey, Mary Ann Bacon, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Irène F. Whittome, récipiendaire
du prix Paul Émile Borduas 1997,
(site consulté le 16 janvier 2022),
crédit photo: Marc-André Grenier.
Whitwell, H.W., 1911-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
David Whitzman, image source: Google
Image --, accessed on 10 June 2014
Whitzman, David, 1915-2014, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Nova Scotia; Canadian Pastels;
------Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)
David Whitzman, Grain Elevators, Halifax, 1947,
watercolour on paper,
28.0 x 38.6 cm; image and information reproduced from the
following book:
O'Neill, Mora Dianne, 1944-, The artists' Halifax: portraits
of the town and harbour through 250 Years:
works from the collection of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia,
Halifax, Nova Scotia: Formac Pub. Co., ©2003,
128 pages, at pages
101 and 128 : illustrations (some color); 21 x 27 cm,
ISBN: 0887806007,
Whymper, Frederick, 1838-1908, active 1863-1883 (McKendry; Harper;
Painters in a New Land;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; British Columbia, a
Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)
Frederick Whymper, Fort Yale, British Columbia, 1864,
watercolour, 7" x 9", Provincial
Archives, Victoria, B.C. (photography: Tod Greenaway)
[The description of the title and the image are reproduced from
the following book: Maria Tippett and
Douglas Cole, From Desolation to Splendour: Changing
Perceptions of the British Columbia
Landscape, Toronto/Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin, 1977, at pp. 44
and 153.]
Whyte, Catarine (Catharine) Robb, 1906-1979, (McKendry; Early
Women Artists; Alberta Society of Artists;
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Publication on Catharine Whyte and Peter Whyte:
Whyte, Peter, 1905-1966, (Hubbard; Canvas of War; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Wiatrowski, Louise (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Wicherts, Audie, 1930-2019, (Shell Canada Collection;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Alberta Society of Artists)
Wickenden, C., act. 1875, (Ontario of Yesterday)
Wickenden, Helen Slack, 1887-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wickenden, Horace Watson, 1901-, born in South Sea. Hampshire,
England (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wickenden, Margaret, 1915-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Wickenden, Robert J., 1861-1931, (McKendry; Robert 78; Hubbard;
------Laliberté; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index
Wickenden, Robert, 1861-1931, Canadian
Woodsman, Musée du Québec.
Wickemhoser Schaudt, Carol Lynn (Membre signataire -- Institut des
arts figuratifs, 2011-2012)
Wickens, Tim (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
Wickens, Wilfred Stanley, 1889-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wickham, Caroline, 1945-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wickrramasinghe, Pavitra (Vie
des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 100); *artist's site
Wicks, Ben (Alfred), 1926-2000, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Caricatures 1992; History of Canadian Political
Wicks, Victor, 1950-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wicks, Vincent, 1959-, (Caricatures 1992)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wickson, Alfred Morton, 1882/4-1947, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Wickson, Alfred Morton, 1882/4-1947, untitled, 1891, oil on
canvas, 66.2 x 107b cm (The University of Guelph Art Collection)
Wickson, Paul Giovanni, 1859-1922, (University of Guelph;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
"Interior of J.H. Ahrens' pottery, Paris, Ont., painted in May,
1883, by Paul Wickson. A Flash flood carried the pottery
later that summer [Paris Public
[Text and photo reproduced from Elizabeth Collard, Nineteenth-Century Pottery and
Porcelain in Canada,
Montreal: McGill University, 1967, plate 37B, at p. 387].
Widgery, Catherine, 1953-, (Swain; Collection Lavalin du Musée
------contemporain de Montréal; Collection Loto-Québec; Musée du
Québec en images --5;
------Corporate collections; City of Ottawa Art Collection --
2013; Art of Courage;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe
siècle; Art public de la ville de Montréal
sculpteures au
Québec à la page 89)
"De retour d'un séjour en Afrique, où elle achevait d'installer l'oeuvre
d'intégration de l'ambassade du Canada au Zaïre, Catherine Widgery a
rapporté des formes et un vocabulaire plastique qu'une invitation à
participer à une exposition de céramique lui a permis de réaliser. 'Ce
fut une découverte, déclare-t-elle. Je ne m'attendais pas à cela. Depuis
longtemps, je cherchais à sortir du matériau dur et industriel qui ne rend
pas bien compte de la dimension organique de l'être humain. Aussitôt que
j'ai commencé à travailler avec l'argile, j'ai senti la terre comme un corps,
j'ai découvert quelque chose qui exprimait enfin le corps. Je vais
maintenant essayer de mettre en relation, en contraste, la terre et le métal
pour voir ce qui va en sortir.' Ce que cherche Catherine Widgery, c'est de
voir comment elle peut intégrer le corps, avec sa dimension organique dans
le contexte urbain, moderne, industriel, en mélangeant la céramique à
d'autres matériaux."
[Image et texte proviennent de l'article de Jean-Claude Leblond, "La céramique à l'assaut de l'art contemporain",
Vie des Arts, numéro 135, juin 1989, été, pp. 19-23, à la p. 22; disponible à, visité 26 février 2016].
Widling, Dorian, (ARTBOMB--3 and 24 August, 5 October 2014; 12, 25
and 30 March 2015)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wiebe, Linda A.E., (Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 28, p. 93)
"Mitchell Wiebe: Bad Magic, was an exhibition curated by George Harris
that brought together ten paintings produced by Halifax artist Mitchell Wiebe
between 1994 and 2013. This publication explores these paintings and a
number of recurring elements that appear throughout them. Bad Magic
considers the artist's interest in the brain and neurology, an interest that
predates Wiebe's participation in an artist's residency program at the Maritime
Brain Tissue bank. Wiebe's intuitive approach to painting is an embodiment
of the imagination that further catalyses in the viewer, their own imaginative
journeys rooted in the brain and the neurological processes that interest him.
The essay explores iconography developed by the artist including an origin
myth that plays out across the assembled paintings, drawing connections
with work by other artists and fin de siécle themes."-- Provided by publisher.
[source: Voilà catalogue and WorldCat database]
Wiebe, Mitchell, 1967-, (Oh,
Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012); artist's site
Wiechula, Ted (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wiegers, Yvonne (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
1955 Photo of Wieland, Joyce, 1931-1998 (photo credit: Warren
Book on Joyce Wieland:
Sloan, Johanne, Joyce Wieland: Life & Work, Art Canada
accessed 14 February 2016
Wieland, Joyce, 1931-1998, (Newlands; McKendry; Reid; Leclerc;
------University of Guelph; Art Gallery of Ontario; Withrow; MAC;
------Burnett; Tippett; Balkind; Duval; Lord; Morris; Cape Dorset;
------Giles; Canadian Drawings; Modern Painting; Dalhousie Art
------Gallery; Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Painting: 1953-1965;
------Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art; Creative Canada, 1971;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; The 60s
in Canada; Contemporary
Canadian Artists;
------Great Canadian Posters; Ontario Collection; History of
Canadian Political Cartooning;
------Early Women Artists; Art in Ontario; Art Gallery of Nova
Scotia Permanent Collection:
------Selected Works);
Images for Wieland, Joyce, 1931-1998
Wiens, Patricia, 1932-, (Saskatchewan:
and artists)
Wiens, Robert (Postmodernism 1970-1990; YYZ Artists' Outlet:
Wierix, Hieronymus, 1553-1619, (MQ 2)
Wieser, Joan Xauen (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wiggin, C.E., fl 1841, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wiggins, Alison, 1955-, jeweller, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wiggins, Samuel A., 1834-, fl 1860, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Wigginton, Lynn, 1952-, (New Brunswick Painters)
Wigglesworth, Ron (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wiggs, Henry R., 1895-1986, (Robert 78; Art Auctions
1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wightman, Donald Albert, 1936-2018, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wihak, Marian (RBC Canadian
Painting Competition)
Wiitasalo, Shirley, 1949-, (McKendry; Reid; Burnett; Tippett;
McKendry; Balkind;
------Nemiroff; Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts
-- 2011;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Contemporary Canadian Artists;
------Vie des arts,
numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 18; Contemporary Canadian Art;
------Art in Ontario; YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989; The
Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)
Shirley Wiitasalo, This is no
way to live, 1981, gouache on paper, 33.25" x 26.75",
photo from Carmen
Lamanna Gallery.
[Text and photo from Asheleigh Moorhouse, Art, Sight and Language: A Reading /
Writing of some
Contemporary Canadian Art, Kapuskasing: Penumbra Press,
1989, pp. 136-137]
Wilbert (Wilbur), A. Rutherford, 1869-1949, (McKendry)
Wilbur, Allan Rutherford, 1869-1949 (Sales Index 1989-90)
Wilcox, Charles Richard, 1906-1963 (Dalhousie Art Gallery;
Canadian War Posters)
Wilcox, Georgie C., 1889-1970, (150 Years of Art in Manitoba;
Winnipeg School of Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wilcox, Melissa (ARTBOMB--12, 20 and 29 October and 2 and 3
November 2018)
Wilcox, Michael, bookbinder/relieur (Saidye Bronfman Award 1985)
Wilcox, Tom
Wild, Catherine; Canadian Art Database by
invitation of the CCCA (Centre for
Contemporary Canadian Art) Academy
Wild, Margo (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Wilde, David, (Stained Glass)
Wilde, Trent (ARTBOMB--10 December 2017; 23 February and 4
July 2018)
Wildman, Sally, 1939-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection;
------Early Women Artists; Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of
Days 1997)
Wiitasalo, Shirley, 1949-,
Wile, Harry, 1891-1978, (Folk Artists)
Wilkie, Doug; artist's
Wilkie, Robert, 1827-1903 (Nova Scotia; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)
Wilkie, Robert, 1828-1903, View
of Halifax from Dartmouth, 1852, oil on canvas, 35.5 x
50.8 cm, Collection of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.
[Image and description of title reproduced from the following
book: O'Neill, Mora Dianne, 1944-, Selections & Text by, Paintings of Nova Scotia
from the Collection of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia,
Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2004, xx, 108 p., pp. 13 and 108,
ISBN: 1551095068.]
Wilkin, Karen (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wilkins, C.
Wilkins, Harold Augustus, 1877-1965 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Wilkins, Louisa A., fl 1879-86, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wilkinson, Berdoe A., (Toronto
in Art)
Wilkinson, Douglas (Doug), 1919-2008, born in Toronto and died in
Brampton, ON (Photography Canada 1967; visages qui sont un pays
par des
------photographes, production de l'ONF); see National Gallery of
Canada at;
Research note:
See the article by Jim Bell, "Douglas Earle 'Qimmiq' Wilkinson:
1919-2008: Author-filmmaker
Doug Wilkinson dies March 12", Nunatsiaq News, 27 March
2008 and available at
(accessed 11 June 2023).
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wilkinson, Jon, 1940-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale
du Québec;
------City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Ontario Collection)
Wilkinson, John B., act. 1865-c1915, (McKendry; Coverdale
Collection of Canadiana; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Québec: A Pictorial
Record -- 1608-1875)
Wilkinson, John, Hauling Boats,
circa 1870, 16.6 x 24.7 cm, watercolour and graphite on wove
National Gallery of Canada (no. 16647)
Wilkinson, Norman, 1878-1971, (Canvas of War)
Wilkinson, Rodney (Ville de Rosemère)
Wilkinson, Thomas Harrison, 1847-1929 (Art Auctions 1976-1978;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Ontario Collection)
Wilks, Claire: see--voir Weissman Wilks, Claire,
Will, John, 1939-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada;
------Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Toronto Dominion Bank
Collection; Oh, Canada:
Contemporary Art -- 2012); artist's site
Will, Mary Shannon, 1944-, (Abstract Painting; Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
Willard, Tania
Willems, Walter; Canadian Art Database by
invitation of the CCCA (Centre for
Contemporary Canadian Art) Academy
Willer, James, 1921-, (Hubbard; 150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Art
Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Willer, Jim (
Willey, Philip, 1941-, born in Hampshire, England (Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Willermet, Gisèle (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
William IV, King of England, 1765-1837, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Photo by Alan Williams
"A special birthday spurred Alan Williams to
capture a few special moments and memories of
Canada's history.
In this case, the birthday party was the centennial
of Canada's national parks system. As a park interpreter
for the Banff National Park, it was Williams's job to cover
the celebrations. Part of the festivities included the re-
dedication of the Banff National Park Museum, the oldest
natural history museum in Western Canada. The ceremony
included skits and dances typical of the early 1900s.
But the 48 year-old Williams, a photographer for 10 years,
wanted to add a unique perspective in the photographs of the
regular proceedings. Many of the participants, personal
friends of his or local residents, were dressed in period costumes,
and the enterprising Williams grabbed the chance to capture
them on film."
(Source: an article on the artist, "Portfolio Alan Willimas -- Characters Out of History",
Camera Canada, number 68, Summer 1986, pp. 28-33 at p. 28.)
Williams, Alan, photographer
Williams, Amanda "Faeghan", (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Williams, Ann (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Williams, Anne (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Williams, Anne (Indian Artists at Work)
Williams, Arch, 1909-1982, (McKendry; Folk Artists; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Williams, Beverley Anne, 1946-, craftsmanship -- knitted &
knotted work (Crafts Canada; Ontario Collection)
Williams, Bob, 1948-, (Saskatchewan:
and artists)
Williams, Bob (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Williams, Brianne (ARTBOMB--10 and 17 December 2014)
Williams, C., Captain in the Royal Artillery (Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada; McCord Museum;
------Painters in a New Land;
Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875)
C. Williams, The Prince of Wales descending the timber slide
Ottawa, Canada West, 1860, watercolour, text and image
are reproduced
from the following book:
Bell, Michael, 1942-, From Annapolis Royal to the Klondike:
Painters in a new land,
Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, [c1973], 224 p., at p. 119, photo
credit: Ron Vickers,
ISBN: 0771009534.
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Williams, Carol, (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Williams, Cecilia, 1890-, basketmaker, (Craftsman; Oeuvres
Williams, Christopher, 1947-, (Carleton; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Williams, Colin, 1935-, (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Murals of Chemainus, B.C.)
Williams, Colin (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Williams, Dorothy May Bentley, 1934-, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Williams, Eva Brook (Donly), see Eva Marie Brook Donly, (McKendry)
Williams, Francis, Haida carver (Indian Artists at Work)
Williams, Gary John
Williams, Garry (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Williams, Henry (Harry), fl 1930s, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Williams, John Francis, né Wales, (Vallée 93; Bruens 88)
Image source:,
accessed 2 January 2017
John Francis Williams, oil.
Williams, John F., (Sales Index 1989-90)
Williams, Jon, (Sales Index 1989-90)
Williams, Juliana (Indian Artists at Work)
Williams, Kate (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
Williams, Larry, (Gaspésie des artistes)
Williams, Loila, -1949 (Alberta Society of Artists)
Williams, Mandy; Canadian Art Database by
invitation of the CCCA (Centre for
Contemporary Canadian Art) Academy
Williams, Marion (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Williams, Megan (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces
Williams, Paul, 1949-, leatherworker, (Craftsman; Oeuvres
d'artisans; Ontario Collection)
Williams, Paul Stanley, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Williams, Regina (RBC Canadian
Painting Competition)
Williams, Richard, 1921-2013, (150 Years of Art in Manitoba)
Williams, Richard Edmund, 1933-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Williams, Richard Emerson, 1921-, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Williams, Saul, 1954-, (McKendry; Thunder Bay Art Gallery;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Ontario Collection)
Saul Williams, The Teacher and the Pupil, 1981, acrylic on
canvas board, 28" x 22 " / 71.1 x 55.9 cm.
[Photo reproduced
Auction, Inuit Art & First Nations Fine Art Auction
of May 3, 2014, lot 175]
William, Sharon, 1954-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Williams, Sharon Lynn (ARTBOMB--26 April, 6 and 18 May, 23 and 30
July, 8 and 19 August and 9 October 2016;
------29 October, 10 November and 7, 24 and 31 December 2017; 13
January, 22 March, 5 April, 9 and 14 June,
------13 and 29 July, 12 August, 8 and 14 September and 8 and 24
October 2018)
Williams, W.J., fl 1833-72, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Williams, Yvonne, 1901-1997, stained glass artist, died in Parry
Sound, ON (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Canadian Art Club Members. Seated, from the left: A.
Phimister Proctor, Horatio Walker and W.E. Atkinson; standing,
from the left:
Edmund Morris, Archibald Browne and Curtis Williamson (Archives of Ontario):
Williamson, Albert Curtis, 1867-1944, (McKendry; Reid;
------Art Gallery of Ontario; Hubbard; Fine Arts in Canada;
------Firestone Art Collection; McMaster University;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Sales Index
------Creative Canada,
1971; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Ontario Collection)
Williamson, Albert Curtis, 1867-1944, Portrait of G. Blair Laing,
1937, oil on board, 23 1/4 x 23", private collection
Michael Neil). Note that Blair wrote the text that
"In later years, Dr MacCallum became noticeably more eccentric, making what appeared to reasonable people to
be almost a fetish of eccentricity. But his letters of this period flow from a mind released from the straitening
influences of convention, They recall past memories vividly and with the fulness of an experience completely
indulged at the time. He freely offers knowledge and guidance with the air of one who 'feels' its rightness, but
who almost expects that that is reason enough for his views to be ignored. Through all runs a clear and
wonderful sense of humour, and a joy in the slightly disturbing qualities of frank revelation" (p. 31 of the
The MacCallum bequest of paintings..., supra.)
Williamson. Betty, 1916-2003 (Photography Canada 1967; isages qui
sont un pays par des photographes, production de l'ONF;
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Williamson, Elizabeth Fraser, 1914-, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Williamson, F.J., act. 1869 (Coverdale Collection of Canadiana)
Williamson, Jacques (Collection numérique d'estampes de la
Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Williamson, Louise (Alberta Society of Artists)
Williamson, R. Stanley (Stan), 1877-1968, (McKendry; Folk Art;
Folk Artists)
Willie, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 235)
Willing, John Thomson, 1860-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Willis, Dorothy G. (née Henzell; Mrs C.B.), 1899-1988,
(Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Biographical Index of Artists in
------Alberta Society of Artists; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Dorothy Henzell Willis, Painting People
Scene (detail), image source:
Willis, Edwin (Eastern Canadian Folk Art)
Willis, George Brander, fl 1809-66, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Willis, Rose MacDonald (Rosa), 1960-, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Willis, W.H., (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Willis, William Harry, (Sales Index 1989-90)
Willmore, Jeffrey (RBC Canadian
Painting Competition)
Willot, André (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Sagamie : L'imprimé numérique en art contemporain)
Wills, Frank, 1819/20-1857, (New Brunswick Landscape Print
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Willsher-Martel, Joan, 1935-, (Burnett; Shell Canada Collection;
Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); see also/voir
aussi Martel, Joan Frances
Joan Willsher-Martel, Tree VII, 1972, watercolour, 19 x
20.25 " -- 48.3 x 51.4 cm, on
sale at Cowley Abbott Canada's Art Auctioneers, 7 November 2023,
image reproduced
(accessed 29 October 2023).
Willson, Frederick J., /John, fl 1881-1900, (Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political
Wilman, Pam, 1961-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wilmot-Savoie, Tricia, 1949-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide
2006-2008; ARTBOMB--19 October, 10 November and 18 December 2016;
24 January,
------ 26 February, 17 March, 3 April, 24 and 30 May, 28 July, 13
and 14 August and 1, 13 and 22, 27 September and 26 December 2017;
------3 March, 30 April, 15 May, 8 July, 3 September, 27 November
and 5, 10, 12 and 22 December 2018; 20 April and 18 May 2019
Wilson, cartoonist in Victoria Times in 1912 (History of
Canadian Political Cartooning)
Wilson, Mrs. (Eastern Canadian Folk Art)
Wilson, Al, fl 1970s, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wilson, Alan Dent, 1923-, (Sales Index 1989-90; Ontario Collection)
Alan Dent Wilson, Canadian Sea Cadet, watercolour on
paper, 78.1 x
55.9 cm / 30 3/4 x 22"
[Image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,
Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the
Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 366 p., at p. 333, ill.
(some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN:
Wilson, Barbara (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac
-- 2012)
Wilson, Barbara, 1929-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wilson, Bernard, ébénisterie (Répertoire 1983 des membres
accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec --
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wilson, Budge, 1927-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wilson, Bunny, 1934-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wilson, Cam, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)
Wilson, Sir Daniel, 1816-1892, (McKendry; Art Gallery of Ontario;
------Toronto in Art;
Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada);
Wilson, Sir Daniel, 1816-1892, Mouth
the Kaministiquia, 1866, 13.8 x 25.3 cm, watercolour over
graphite on wove paper, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
(no. 2016)
Wilson, D'Arcy (quelques parts somewheres -- 2014)
Wilson, Darrell, 1952-, glassblower, (Craftsman; Oeuvres
Wilson, Denise, (L'estampe à Québec)
Wilson, Derek John (Vie des arts,
numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 100)
Wilson, Dorothy R.,
1934-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women
Wilson, Doug, Haida carver (Indian Artists at Work)
Wilson, Duffy, 1925-, Indian art, (McMichael Canadian Art
------Thunder Bay Art Gallery)
Wilson, Edward Francis, 1841-1915, fl 1876, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Wilson, Ernest (Ernie), 1933-1987
Wilson, Frank Howard, 1908-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wilson, Gaétane, 1944-, (Roussan 98; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial
Guide 2006-2008)
Wilson, Gary, 1951-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National
Film Board; Contemporary Art--Halifax, 2006;
------Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected
Wilson, George, 1863-1938 (Winnipeg School of Art)
Wilson, Grace, Haida basket weaver (Artists at Work)
Wilson, Harry, 1905-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wilson, James, 1852-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wilson, James Lewis, (Smart)
Wilson, Jeff (ARTBOMB--9, 26 and 31 March 2019)
Wilson, Joanna Simpson, 1896-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wilson, John (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wilson, John Albert, 1878-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wilson, John Francis, 1865-c1941, (McKendry; 150 Years of Art in
Manitoba; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wilson, Kate, 1955-, (Exhibition: Ecotopia 2012-2014)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wilson, Kate M. (Photos 1895-1924)
Wilson, Katharine E. McDougall, 1833-1893, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Wilson, Lenora (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wilson, Louise (Exhibition Rx: Taking Our Medicine)
Wilson, Lyle, 1955-, (Balkind; Humour and Irony in Contemporary
Native Art)
Wilson, Marla, 1945-, (
Wilson, Michelle (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Wilson, Pat (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Wilson, Paul, 1927-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Wilson, Pauline (Robert 83)
Wilson, Percy Roy, 1900, fl 1987, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wilson, Richard Dinnis (R.D.; Dick; Richard D.), 1920-1994,
(Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain
------de Montréal; Avmor Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau);
Wilson, Robert (Scottie), 1889-1972, (McKendry; Reid; Hubbard;
Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Photo at the Arts & Letters Club, from left C.A.G. (Chuck)
Matthews, Jack
Wildridge, and York Wilson
(Photo from The Arts & Letters Club)
Publication on Ronald Y. Wilson:
Duval, Paul, Mural, Imperial
Oil Limited, Toronto, 1957, 4 p.;
image supplied to abebooks by book reseller: Summerhill Books
(Toronto, ON, Canada).
Image source:,
accessed 5 February 2017
Wilson, Ronald York, 1907-1984, (Reid; Art Gallery of
Ontario; Hubbard;
------Firestone Art; Shell Canada Collection; Collection; Giles;
------Duval; Queen's University; années 50; Carleton; University
of Guelph;
------Toronto in Art; Creative Canada, 1971;
History of Art in Toronto Schools;
------Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Ontario
Collection); see also/voir aussi Wilson, York;
R. York Wilson, Ontario, c. 1966-68, vinyl acetate
on canvas [mural],
261.6 x 505.5 cm / 103 x 199", Commission for the Queen's Park
Project, 196-68. MGS 619755.
"This non-figurative mural pays tribute to the province of
Ontario. The colours represent the various natural resources:
the lakes, rivers and waterfalls, the trees, and the minerals
found throughout the province."
[Text and image are reproduced from the following book: Fern
Bayer, Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the
Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at p. 367, ill.
(some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN:
Images for Wilson, Ronald York, 1907-1984
Wilson, "Scottie", 1890-1972, (Canadian Drawings; Carleton)
Scottie Wilson, Two Birds, c. 1940, watercolour and
crayon, 30.5 x
22.5", text and image are reproduced from the following
Harper, J. Russell, A People's Art:
Primitive, Naive, Provincial, and Folk
Painting in Canada, Toronto : University of Toronto
Press, 1974, plate 123 at p. 167,
ISBN: 0802021530.
An art connoisseur discovered Scottie Wilson during the
1930's, painting at the rear of his depressing Younge Street junk
shop in Toronto. Many of the heads which fill his world of fantasy
are self-portraits. He was born in Glasgow and returned to live in
London, England, during later life, there to be lionized as a great
'modern primitive.' "
Wilson, Stanley B., 1881-1960, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wilson, Tony (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; YYZ
Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Wilson, William F., actif entre 1842 et 1845, fl 1842-54,
(Paysagistes; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
William F. Wilson, Vue de
Québec, huile, 76,3 x 107 cm, Musée McCord d'histoire
canadienne, Montréal.
Wilson, York, 1907-1984, born in Toronto (Toronto Dominion Bank
Collection); see also/voir aussi Wilson, Robert York
York Wilson, Blue Opus, serigraph, limited edition of 300,
19 x 15.25" (sight).
I got this image from a person selling it on ebay, 15 November
Wilson Hammond, Charlotte E. (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994), see Hammond, Charlotte
Wilt, Dianne, 1956-, (The Grand Western Canadian Screen Shop)
Wiltzen, Elizabeth, (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian
Artists -- 2012)
Winant, Alice, 1928-1989, (Robert 83; Artistes plasticiens par
Comeau; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture
------québécoise au XXe siècle; Art public de la ville
de Montréal)
Publicity advertisement of the Beckett
Gallery for Alice Winant; text and photo reproduced
from artscanada, February/March 1972, issue number
164/165, at p. 11.
Windeat, Emma S., fl 1884 died in 1922, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Windeat, William, 1826, fl 1871, (Biographical Index of Artists in
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Windeyer, Richard Cunningham, c1831-1900, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Étienne Windish
Après ses études au Collège Sainte-Marie et
à l'université McGill, il a été professeur de
génie civil à l'École Polytechnique et à l'École
de Technologie Supérieure pendant une trentaine
d'années. Sa curiosité intellectuelle n'avait pas
de limites. Physique, cosmogonie, botanique,
photographie, peinture, émaillerie, métaphysique
le passionnaient. Il cherchait Dieu dans sa création.
Père-pilier, il chérissait les siens. Il était homme de
foi et de paix et gardait en veilleuse la nostalgie de
son pays bien-aimé: la Hongrie.
[Source: Avis de décès,
de-deces/36231-etienne-windisch, site consulté le 20 mai 2021]
Windish, Etienne J., 1936-2014, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 88; Sales Index 1989-90; Émail au Québec, 1944-1989)
Windle, Edith Mary Nazer, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wineman, Marsha, 1947-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; The Grand Western
Canadian Screen Shop)
Wing, Theresa, fl 1895, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Winje, Albert (Folk Art Outdoors)
Winkler, Friedrich, 1894-1974, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Winkler, Jewel (ARTBOMB--17 and 30 March 2016); *artist's site
Winkler, Robert M., 1952-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Winsor, V. Jacqueline, 1941-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Winter, Koen de, 1943-, (Québec en design: 75 ans de
Winter, Henry William, (Folk Artists)
Winter, William Arthur, 1909-1996, (Reid; Art Gallery of Ontario;
------Hubbard; Duval; McMaster University; University of Guelph;
------150 Years of Art in Manitoba; The Canadian Society of
------Painters in Water Colour; Winnipeg School of Art; Sales Index
------Toronto in Art; Creative Canada, 1972;
History of Art in Toronto Schools;
------Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
William Arthur Winter, Country Bedroom, oil
on upson board, 30 x 24", Winter 1944, gift
from the Albert H. Robson Memorial
Susbscription Fund, 1945.
[Image and description of title from the following book:
Art Gallery of Ontario, Painting and sculpture :
illustrations of
selected paintings and sculpture from the
collection, Toronto:
Art Gallery of Ontario, c1959, 95 p., at p. 81, chiefly ill.
(some col.); 26 cm.]
Winterborn, James, act. 1860s, (Folk Artists)
Winterer, Mary Anne (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Winters, Lorne (ARTBOMB--24 June, 28 July, 20 November and 9
December 2014)
Winton, Janet (Jan), 1954- (Murray; McMaster University; L'estampe
à Québec; Ontario Collection)
Jan Winton, The Shadow Dance, 1986, colour screenprint, 98
x 60.5 cm;
text and image reproduced from the following book: The Art Collection
of McMaster University: European, Canadian and American Paintings,
Prints, Drawings and Sculpture, Hamilton (Ontario):
McMaster University
Press, 1987, v, 328 p., at p. 280, ISBN: 0-920603-06-8, put on
line 5 May 2022.
Wipf, Anna, artisane en broderie (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Wipf, Jacob, (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Wipf, Katharina, artisane en broderie (Art populaire
Wipf, R. (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Wipf, Rebecca (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Wirth H.,, fl 1877, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wirun, Peter (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Wise, Jack (
Wise, Jack, 1928-, (Shell Canada Collection; Vancouver: Art and
------ Artists 1931-1983; Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wise, Jack, Texada Island, B.C., (Roundstone Council for the Arts
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wise, Leonard (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Wiselberg, Fanny, 1906-1986 (Gagnon; Peintres juifs de Montréal;
Société d'art contemporain, Montréal, 1939-1948)
Wiseberg, Rivka, 1940-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Wiselberg, Rose, 1908-1992, (McKendry; Peintres juifs de Montréal; Early Women Artists)
Wiseman, Gustave (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water
Wiseman, J.L., actif à Montréal à la fin du 19e siècle, (Artistes plasticiens par
Wiseman, James Lovell, 1847-1912, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wiseman, John, né à Toronto (Gaspésie des artistes)
Wishart, Jean, 1902-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wisnicki, Catherine Chard, 1919-2014, architect (Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Wissmeyer, Gunter Gustav, 1940-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Witebsky, Shirley, 1925-1966 (Sculpture; Art public de la ville de
With, Ronald A., 1907-, (200 Years of Botanical Art in British
Withrow, Wilfred (Sales Index 1989-90)
Withrow, William F., (Sales Index 1989-90)
Witmer, J., (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Witt, Gerard de, 1884-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Witt, Ryan (Republic Gallery Vancouver)
Witte, Gontran de, c1914/18-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Witteman, Nel, 1945-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)
Wlasiuk, E., 1922-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Wloski, Jackie Rae, voir/see Rae Wloski, Jackie
Wodiczko, Krzysztof (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Woerkom, Fons van, 1943-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Wohfarth, Harry, (Roundstone Council for the Arts)
Wohlfarth, Harry Karl Heinz, 1921-1997, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Alberta Society of Artists)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wojdylo, Daniel, 1952-, (Carleton)
Wojtowicz, Evelyn, 1926-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wolf, Michael T., craftsmanship -- metals (Crafts Canada)
Wolfe, James, c1800-1849, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wolfe, Louis Augustin, fl 1760-1818, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Livre sur Robert Wolfe:
Wolfe, Robert, 1935-, Jocelyne Lupien, 1953-, Jean-Pierre Gilbert,
1957-, Wolfe / [texte, Jocelyne Lupien ; entrevue,
Jean-Pierre Gilbert]
Montréal : Éditions Graff, cop. 1989, 34 p. : ill. (certaines en
coul.), portr.; 28 cm. NOTES: Bibliogr.: p. 33-34.
ISBN: 2980091936.
Source de l'image:
(visité 21 mars 2016)
Robert Wolfe, dans son atelier de Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur, 1974,
photographie par Henri Rémillard, source de la photo: numerique.,
site consulté le 8 mai 2022.
Wolfe, Robert, 1935-2003, (Daigneault 81; Robert 83; Robert 78;
------MAC; Robert 64; Viau; L'estampe 2; Sir George Williams
------L'estampe à Québec; 1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale
------Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Peinture et sculpture
québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy)
"Couleur Wolfe" video sur Robert Wolfe , disponible à
site consulté le 15 décembre 2019
Wolfe, Sybil, 1917-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Wolfe, Wallace Leroy de, 1854-1930, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wolff (or Wolf), Louis Augustin, act. 1765-87 (Harper; Artistes plasticiens par
Wolfstein-Joseph, Annette, born in Montreal (L'art au féminin;
Avmor Collection); artist's
Annette Wolfstein-Joseph, Tropicanna, gravure
avec aquatinte, 76 x 56 cm, image accompagnant
l'article de André Seleanu, "L'âme cachée des
fleurs: Annette Wolfstein-Joseph", Vie des arts,
numéro 190, printemps 2003 à la p. 74.
Wollman, Jake (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Wollman, Rachel (Art populaire germano-canadien)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Woloshyn, Caroline E., born in Michel, BC, fl 1966-,
(Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British
Wolput, Patrice, né à Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, (Magazin'art
Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Wolstenholme, Colleen, 1963-, (Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
Permanent Collection: Selected Works;
------National Gallery of Canada -- Recent Acquisitions; Art
public de la ville de Montréal)
Publication on Anna Wong:
Ellen Van Eijnsbergen, 1956-, Writer of
supplementary textual content, Jennifer Canet, witer of
supplementary textual content,
Zoë Chan, Writer of
supplementary textual content, Keith Wallace, writer of
supplementary textual content, Anna Wong, 1930-2013,
Burnaby Art Gallery, Issuing body,
Host institution, Anna Wong: traveller on two roads=périple aux deux
chemins, Burnaby,
British Columbia, Canada : Burnaby Art Gallery, [2018], 151 pages :
illustrations (chiefly colour), portraits ; 29 cm., ISBN:
1927364310, imagereproduced
from RareNonFiction, IOBA
(Ladysmith, BC, Canada)
accessed 7 October 2022; bibliographical data from Voilà
Wong, Anna, Vancouver, 1930-2013, (Roundstone Council for the
Arts 2; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; 200 Years of
Botanical Art in British Columbia)
"Anna Wong, Dandelion IV, 1977 silkscreen and
lithograph, 20 3/4 x 29 3/4", edition 20, Photo:
Edward N. Pryor, courtesy Equinox Gallery"; text and image
reproduced from: artscanada, October/November 1978, Issue
222/223, at p. 67.
Wong, Binglin, born in China (Reflections
of Gloucester; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Wong, Carson (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007
Graduating Class)
Wong, Matthew, 1984-2019,
Wong, Maggie (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007
Graduating Class)
Wong, Paul, 1955-, video art, (Balkind; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; overnor General's Awards
in Visual and Media Arts -- 2005;
------Contemporary Canadian
Wong, Paul, 1981-, see/voir Cedar Tavern Singers, The, aka Les
Wong, Pauly, 1946-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wong, Simon, 1946-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wong, Stanley (Photography and Illustration 1993 at pp. 40-41)
Wong, Viviane, Vancouver, fl 1970s, (Roundstone Council for the
Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wonnacott, Geoffrey (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Publication on Justin Wonnacott:
Wonnacott, Justin, 1950-, Lilly Koltun, Sandra
Dyck, 1966-, Carleton University Art Gallery,
Justin Wonnacott : I remember and I forget
/ Sandra Dyck, curator;with an essay
by Lilly Koltun I remember and I forget, Ottawa : Carleton
University Art Gallery, 2010,
47 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an
exhibition held at the Carleton University
Art Gallery, Ottawa, Ont. from Sept. 7 - Nov. 7, 2010.
ISBN: 9780770905422 (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source:,
accessed 31 January 2017
Wonnacott, Justin, 1950-, (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Festival of the Arts -- Ottawa)
Wonnacott, Victoria P. (Collection Loto-Québec)
Wood, Abraham (Abram), c1791-1879, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; New Brunswick Landscape Print 1760-1880)
Abraham Wood, Parsonage at White's Point, Grand Lake,
watercolour; this image is reproduced from the following book:
Tweedie, R.A., Fred Cogswell, and W. Stewart MacNutt,
editors, Arts in New Brunswick,
[Fredericton]: Brunswick Press, 1967,
The Centennial edition, copy number 369 of 2,000, 280 pages, at p.
129 :
illustrations (some color); 35 cm (book collection of François
WITH the name of this venerable clergyman the history of the Church at Grand Lake
will ever be inseparably connected. Mr. Wood was born at Harewood, near Leeds,
Yorkshire, England, on 22nd July, 1791. His father was an architect, and had twelve
children, of whom Abraham was the youngest. He was educated by clergymen in
Yorkshire and ordained Deacon in 1818 by the Archbishop of York and Priest the
following year by the Bishop of London. In 1819 he came out to New Brunswick
as a Missionary of the Venerable Society to assist the Rector of Saint John, arriving
on 10th October, 1819. In the afternoon of the following Sunday he, preached in
"Old Trinity" his first sermon in New Brunswick. Mr. Wood remained as Curate to
Rev. Robt. Willis, and officiated at Carleton until 1823, when he went to the Grand
Lake to succeed the Rev. Henry Hayden, who was the first clergyman at that place.
Here he remained for nearly forty years, retiring from active work in 1862. During
his incumbency, all the Episcopal Churches of the Grand Lake Mission were built.
At the time of the great fire, (June 20th, 1877,) Mr. Wood was residing in Charlotte
Street, and lost nearly everything. Up to the time of his death, 23rd January, 1879,
he lived on the Adelaide Road, Portland. Faithful and laborious, punctual in the
performance of all his duties, of a mild and conciliating manner, Mr. Wood was
beloved by all. He had a great talent for drawing and sketching, and several of
his works are pronounced by competent judges to be of high merit. Of him it may
be truly said: "Thou hast come to thy grave in a full age like as a shock of corn
cometh in in his season."
[source of text:, accessed 26 January 2020]
Wood, Alan, (Magazin'art, v. 11(1), 1998, pp. 100-103 and
Wood, Alan, 1935-, (Burnett; Vancouver:
and Artists 1931-1983; Celebration of Contemporary
Canadian Art;
------Claridge Inc. catalogue; Kelowna Art Gallery; Kelowna Art
Gallery; Contemporary British Columbia Artists)
Wood, Alan, Vancouver, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wood, Alexander M., fl 1887-95, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wood, Brian (Brian William), 1948-, born in Saskatoon, SK (MAC;
Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Wood, Bruce John (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Wood, Candace, fl 1883, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wood, Deborah (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)
Wood, Derwent, (Art at the Service of War)
Wood, Elizabeth Wyn, 1903-1966 (photo
from Library and Archives Canada)
Wood, Elizabeth Wyn, 1903-1966, (Newlands; McKendry; Hill; Creative Canada, 1971;
------Art Gallery of Ontario; Hubbard; Tippett; Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada;
------Early Women Artists; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Photo de Wood, Wyn, 1903-1966, avec le buste de Narcisse Pelletier,
1929; crédit photographique : Succession Elizabeth Wyn Wood et
Wood Bream, Faith, 1917-2005, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; Early Women Artists)
Wood, George Melville, 1932-, born in Regina, SK (Alberta artists;
années 50; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists; Alberta
Society of Artists)
Wood, Glen, carver (Indian Artists at Work)
Wood, John (Photos 1895-1924)
Wood, Karl E., 1944-1990, (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index
Karl E. Wood, Kettle River, oil on masonite, 20 x
24"--50.8 x 61 cm; on sale
Hodgins Halls Auction Group, Calgary, online auction, Fine Art
Auction, closes 13
February 2023, lot number 41 and reproduced from
accessed on 13 February 2023.
Wood, Kee-hung "Eric", craftperson in ceramics (Cutting Edge in Crafts)
Wood, Kelly, 1962-, photographer (Contemporary Canadian
Wood, Laura; see--voir:
Wood, M. (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
nationale du Québec)
Wood, Peter (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac --
Wood, Reid (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wood, Robert E. , 1971-, né à Vancouver (Le Balcon d'Art --
artistes de la galerie); see laos--voir aussi:
Robert E. Wood, Hillsdale Meadows, oil on board, 12 x 24" --30.5 x
61 cm, on sale at
Hodgins Halls--HH-Auction Group, Hodgins September 2024 Fine Art,
Calgary, AB,
lot number 20, reproduced from
(accessed 23 August 2024)
Wood, Robertson ( Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)
Wood, Rupa (ARTBOMB--21 October 2014)
Wood, Sally E., photographer;
Wood, Susan, 1953-, (Smart; L'estampe à Québec; Dalhousie Art
Gallery; Atlantic Art Exhibition; Mount Saint Vincent University
------ Collection; Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)
Photo of Tom Wood, 1945 (photo credit: Library
and Archives Canada, PA-116590)
Video-still of Tom Wood, left, with Henri Masson, in the National
Board, Graham McInnes, producer, 1944, available at
accessed 12 December 2019.
Wood, Thomas (Tom), 1913-1997, (Hubbard; Art Gallery of Ontario;
------Canada at War; Canvas of War; Development of Painting in
------Canada: 1665-1945; The Canadian Society of Painters in Water
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Tom Wood, Corvette entering St.
John's Newfoundland, oil on canvas, Beaverbrook
of War Art and Canadian War Museum
Wood, T.W., (Duval)
Wood, Thomas Waterman, 1823-1903, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wood, Tracy, illustrator; artist's
Wood, William, 1836-1919, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wood, William (Bill) John, 1877-1954, (McKendry; Reid; Harper;
------Hubbard; Fine Arts in Canada; Duval; McMaster University;
------Creative Canada,
1972; Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Woodall, Mrs. I., act. 1930s, (Folk Artists)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Woodcock, Joseph, 1767-, fl 1785-89, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; British Columbia, a Pictorial Record,
De Volpi, Charles P., 1910-1981, British Columbia, a
pictorial record : historical prints and illustrations of the
Province of British Columbia, Canada, 1778-1891 /
[compiled by] Charles P. DeVolpi, [Don Mills, Ont.] : Longman
Canada, 1973, xii, 11 p., [137] leaves of plates: 184, at p. 21
ill.; 34 cm. NOTES: Descriptive letterpress on
versos facing plates. Includes index of artists and
engravers. Lithographed by Page--Sangster Inc., Sherbrooke,
Quebec. Canadiana: 740034502.
Woodcock, Laurel, 1960-2017; Canadian Art
Database by invitation of the CCCA
(Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art) Academy
Woodcock, Percy Franklin, 1855-1936, (Robert 78; Harper;
------Paysagistes; Fine Arts in Canada; Creative Canada, 1971; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Woodcock, Percy F., 1855-1936, Returning
the Well, 1884-1885, oil
on canvas, Royal Canadian Academy of Arts diploma work, deposited
by the
artist, Brockville, Ontario, 1886, National Gallery of Canada,
Ottawa, (no. 99)
Woodcook, Stephen E. (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic
Provinces 1982)
Woodhouse, Edith, fl 1898-9, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Woodhouse, Margaret E., 1933-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Woodland, Betty (Corporate collections)
Woodley, fl 1830-4, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Woodley, Charles D., 1910-2003, photographer (Stephen Bulger
Gallery Toronto)
Woodley, Clifford Beverley, 1920-, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Woodman, Stanley Livingston, 1886-1949 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Woodrow, Paul, Calgary, 1941-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts
2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Woodruff, Nancy (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Woods, Anna, 1947-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Woods, Chris, Captain, photographer (Pictorial History of
Canada's Army Overseas 1939-1945)
Woods, Chris, 1970-,
Woods, Elizabeth Ann (Lillie), 1849-, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Woods, Emily Henrietta, 1852-1916, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; 200 Years of Botanical Art in British Columbia;
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Woods, J.H. (Lt. Col) (Alberta Society of Artists)
Woods, Myken (Alberta Society of Artists)
Woods, Philip, potter (Art and Craft of Nova Scotia)
Woods, Phyllis, (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Woods, Rex Norman, 1903-1987, (Biographical Index of Artists in
"Mrs. Thring rose. 'Then, I shall have to set everything else aside, andImage and text from "The Winter Road" by Leslie Gordon Barnard, illustrations by Rex
start a campaign. I'm a bit too old to go crusading, nevertheless, Tony
Haddon, you do as I ask about this or I'm capable -- quite capable --
of starting something.
Woods, Robert (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Woods, William Christopher, 1949-, (University of Guelph;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Woodside, Henry Joseph, 1856-1929 (Amateur photography in Canada
/ 1839-1940)
Woodville, Richard Caton, 1856-1927, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Woodville, Richard Caton, 1856-1927, le Royal
Canadian Regiment,
bataille de Paardenberg, 27 février
1900 (MDN, ZK-1938-1)
Woodward, Barbara, 1887-active 1948 (Early Women Artists)
Woodward, Diane, 1958-, (Carleton; City of Ottawa Art Collection
-- 2013; Festival of the Arts -- Ottawa)
Diane Woodward, Danger at Eddie
Banana's Trailer Park Picnic, 1987, acrylic on
canvas/acrylique sur toile,
121.5 x 171 cm, photo by André Pilon.
[Text and photo reproduced from Garry Mainprize, Curator and Bruce
Earl, Coordinator, Snakes in
the Garden, Ottawa:
The Council for the Arts in Ottawa, 1988, at p. 30]
Woodward, Gwladys Clovelly, 1885-1978, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Woodward, John Douglas, 1846-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875)
J.D. Woodward, Quebec, New York: D. Aplleton, 1874, image
reproduite de collections.banq.qc.
(site consulté le 18 juin 2023).
Woodward, Ron, photographer/designer (Artisan)
Woodward, Thomas, fl 1811-51, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Woodyatt, James;
"An early and rare moulded Brantford table pitcher, with a relief
of dancing figures and floral motifs. The piece is
covered with brown
slip, and is stamped WOODYATT & CO. in the base, James
leased the Brantford Pottery during 1857-1859, Height 10" ".
Text and image are reproduced from the following book of the
Lareau's collection of books on Canadian visual arts:
Donald Webster, Early Canadian Pottery, Toronto : McClelland
and Stewart,
[1971], 256 pages, at pages
177 and 178: illustrations ; 26 cm, NOTES:
bibliographical references (pages 249-250), ISBN:
9780771089305 (put on line on 1 May 2022).
Wooller, Geoffrey (Geoff or G.), 1942-, born in Leeds, England (Saskatchewan: art and artists;
Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan
------ Men Artists)
Woolfit, Benjamin Clayton, 1946-, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
------ Woolford, John Elliott, 1778-1866, (McKendry; Reid; Harper;
National Archives
------of Canada; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada;
------Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)
Woolford, John Elliott, 1778-1866, Montréal, Bas-Canada, circa 1824-1860,
aquarelle, Toronto Public Library (TRL), Toronto (902.1.29).
Woolgar, Susan, 1955-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Alberta
Society of Artists)
Woolgar, Tammy, 1968-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Woolnough, Gail, (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Woolnough, Hilda Ida Mary, 1934-2009, (McKendry; Tippett; Murray;
------McMaster University; Canadian Drawings; Smart; Toronto
Dominion Bank Collection;
------Art Collection Catholic Conference; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists)
Hilda Ida Mary Woolnough, "The Mating of Seaman [1986],
Graphite on paper
55.9 x 76.2 cm, Jennifer and David Whittlesey, Charlottetown,
courtesy of the artist, Charlottetown, and Tom Moore, Toronto";
text and
image reproduced from the following book:
Murray, Joan, The Best Contemporary Canadian
Art, Edmonton : Hurtig, 1987,
xi, 201 p. : col. ill. ; 32 cm., at p. 197, ISBN:
0888303181, 9780888303189.
On the artist, see:
The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women
and the PEI Interministerial
Women’s Secretariat, First hand: arts, crafts, and
culture created by PEI women
of the 20 th century, PDF edition for Women’s History
Month 2017 unupdated &
uncorrected. Originally published in 2000 at and as a CD-ROM
pages 126-127 (accessed
6 January 2025). Note: There is also a biography.
Also published in French--Aussi
publié en français.
Woolridge, Aileen, (Smart)
Woollridge, Gloria (ARTBOMB--11 May 2018)
Workman, Lenni (Lennie Elizabeth), 1949-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; City of Ottawa Art
Collection -- 2013)
Workman, T.K., (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Workman, Thomas/J.T., fl 1877-95, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Worles Guerin, M. (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Worsley, John, 1919-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jean-Sébastien Worsnip est
professeur au Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf,
source de la photo :
site consulté le 23 mai 2021
Worsnip, Jean-Sébastien (Collection Loto-Québec)
Wortel, Katherine (ARTBOMB--4 October 2013, 19 October 2013 and 10
November 2013; 24 December 2015; 7 January 2016)
Worthington, Tim (Canadian Potters at Work)
Wortsman, Wendy (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Wouwermans, Philips (MQ)
Woychyshyn, Tony (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Woycik, Bruce, né à Vancouver, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wozniakowska, Kamila, 1956-; (Bernier; Collection des livres d'artistes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p.
64; MACM--exposition : De fougue et de passion;
------Art public de la ville de Montréal)
Wrangel, Natacha (ou Nattacha ou Nathalie), 1920-1992, née
en Russie (Vallée 89; Vallée 93;
-----Robert 89; Aberg; Robert 83; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
-----Marché de la peinture au
Québec 1991/1992; Collection d'art de la Ville de
Gatineau -- 2019)
Wreford, Bertram Stanley, 1926-, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wreford, Lorna Bentley, 1938-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wren, Bernie, 1917-, (McKendry; Folk Art; Folk Artists;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wrenshall, Charles E., 1838-1928, (McKendry)
Wright, Alexa (Exhibition Rx: Taking Our Medicine)
Wright, Andrew (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Patrick
Mikhail Gallery Ottawa)
Wright, Charles, 1793-1866, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; McKendry)
Wright, Charles, 1793-1866, Québec vu depuis le chemin Saint-Louis,
aquarelle, 1837,
22,8 x 30,1 cm, Musée royal de l'Ontario.
Wright, David, 1947-, (Swain; Corporate collections; Art in
Wright, David Thomas, 1947-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wright, Don, 1931-1988, (L'estampe à Québec; Dalhousie Art
------The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Collection
------du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Toronto Dominion
Bank Collection;
------Corporate collections); web
page on the artist
Wright, Donald, 1931-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wright, Donald, (Shell Canada Collection)
Wright, Doug (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Wright, Douglas, 1917-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wright, Evelyn R. Foster, fl 1920-67, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Wright, Fanny, see Bayfield (Mrs.)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wright, George Hand, 1872-1951, (McKendry; Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wright, Graham, 1950-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wright, Henry Charles Sepping, 1850-1937, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Wright, J. Franklin (Joseph Franklin), 1924-,
Wright, Linda, (Artists of the Gatineau Hills)
Wright, Michael, born in Brighton, England; artist's site
Mike Wright, Lousie, oil on canvas, 24 x 30"; I would like
to thank the artist for his
permission to reproduce here this image of his art (23
February 2020).
Wright, Monica (ARTBOMB--26 December 2014)
Wright, Monte M., 1934-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Wright, Robert Leslie (Sales Index 1989-90)
Robert Leslie Wright, Stand of Trees, oil on board, lot number
221, Walker's
Fine Art & Estate Auctioneers, Ottawa, Discovery Live Auction
October 2nd 2019,
source of image:,
accessed 2 October 2019.
Wright, Sam L., fl 1888-95, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wright, T. Alan, 1951-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Wright, Thomas, connu à Montréal à la fin du 18e siècle, (Artistes plasticiens par
Comeau; Morisset)
Wright, W.E., fl 1864-6, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wright Cheney, Janice, 1961-, (Oh,
Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012)
Wrigley, Bill (Murs et murales)
Wrinch, Mary Evelyn, 1878-1969, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);
------ see Reid, Mary E. Wrinch
Wunderly, Jermaine Shannon (Alberta Society of Artists)
Livre sur Fred C. Würtele:
Würtele, Fred C. (Frederick Christian), 1842-1919, Fernand Caron,
Québec (Province). Direction générale du patrimoine, Fred C.
Würtele, photographe
/ présentation de Fernand Caron, [Québec] : Ministère des
affaires culturelles, Direction générale du patrimoine, 1977, 276
p. : ill. ; 28 cm. SERIES: Les
Cahiers du patrimoine ; 6. NOTES: Comprend un index.
Bibliographie: p. 267-269. ISBN: 0775427713.
Source de l'image du livre :, visité 12
octobre 2015
Würtele, Frédérick (Fred) Christian, 1842-1920, photographe; site
sur l'artiste
Wurtele Desjardins, Thérèse, voir/see Taro
Wuth, B., (Shell Canada Collection)
Wuttunee, Lauren, (Aboriginal Art)
Wutz, Rachel, artisane en broderie (Art populaire
Wyant, Alexander Helwig, 1836-1892, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Wyatt, Charles Oliver, fl 1876-8, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wyczolkowski, Leszek, 1950-, (L'art et le papier 7; Collection
Lavalin du
-----Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Pluralisme au Québec)
Wyers, Jan Gerrit, 1888-1973, born in The Netherlands and died in
Regina, SK (McKendry; Harper; Balkind; Lord;
------ Folk Artists; Winnipeg Art Gallery; Saskatchewan: art and artists;
Creative Canada, 1972;
Art Auctions
------1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
John Wyers, These Good
Thrashing Days (circa 1957), Oil on fabric, 71 x 99 cm,
Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, University of Regina.
(Text and photo taken from the following book: Robert Bringhurst,
Geoffrey James,
Russell Keziere and Doris Shadbolt, eds., Visions Contemporary Art in Canada,
Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1983, at p. 132).
Wyland (Murs et murales)
Wyle, Florence, 1881-1968, photo by
Ashley and Crippen
Book on France Wyle and Frances Loring:
Sisler, Rebecca, The girls: a biography of Frances Loring and
Florence Wyle/ by Rebecca Sisler, Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, c1972,
120 p., [8] l. of plates: ill., ports.; 23 cm. NOTES:
Includes index. ISBN: 0772005788 (AMICUS catalogue); image
to abebooks by book reseller: Capricorn
Books (Oakville, ON,
Image source:,
accessed 5 February 2017
Wyle, Florence, 1881-1968, (McKendry; Hill; Art Gallery of
------Hubbard; University of Guelph; Tippett; Firestone Art
------Newlands; Canada at War; Art at the Service of War; Art
Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Contemporary Canadian Artists;
------Early Women Artists; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
-- Florence Wyle
in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wylie, Alan, 1938-2022, (Shell Canada Collection; Art Auctions
1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Senior
member of the Federation
------ of Canadian Artists -- 2012; Murals of Chemainus, B.C.)
Alan Wylie, Brunswick from Barrington, oil on board,
20 x 24"; image reproduced from:,
accessed 20 August 2016
Wylie, Robert A., 1932-, (McKendry; Folk Artists)
Wylie, Robert J. Jr., fl 1886-1908, (Toronto in Art; Biographical Index of Artists in
Wyndham, Alfred, 1837-1914, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Wyngaard, Shirley (née Hamilton) (Alberta Society of Artists)
Wyrsch, Margrith (L'Artothèque)
Wyse, Alexander (Alex) J., 1938-, (Roundstone Council for the
Arts; Burnett;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Murray; Pluralities; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Corporate collections;
------Vie des arts,
numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 92; Claridge Inc. catalogue;
------City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Festival of the Arts
-- Ottawa;
------Art in Ontario)
Wyse, Frederick Horatio, c1826-1884, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Wyse, Max, 1974-, born in Kamloops
The whole works of Max Wyse rest on two principal elements: a very personal
pictorial language and a technique which he has refined over the years; the use
of acrylic plexiglass sheets support and surface. His work which is composed of
disparate objects and hybrid beings scattered in unspecified spaces, proposes a
positive symbiosis between human and animal bodies. A if it where fragments of
a mutant narrative, the meaning of which remains mysterious, Max Wyse's paintings
act as a mirror revealing the tensions under the torn skin of a fantastic unconscious.
A motley, multiple and disjointed reality where strangeness is a part of the most trivial
daily life."
Image and text are from the following publication:
Dufrasne, Martin, guest curator, Jacques St-Gelais Tremblay,
executive director
Unbelievable and Marvelous, Baie Saint-Paul's 27th
International Symposium of Contemporary Art,
July 31 -- August 30, 2009, 34 p., at p. 17.
Wyse, Peter, 1970-, born in Kamloops, BC; see--voir: /
in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses