
Canadian Artists (Visual Arts)

Répertoire des artistes canadiens (Arts visuels)---S

Par / By  François Lareau © François Lareau, Ottawa,  1998-,

S-T-U-V- W-X-Y-Z

Artistes canadiens en arts visuels -- Avons-nous votre nom?
Pour ajouter un lien à votre site,  pour vous inscrire
au répertoire ou pour ajouter une image de
votre art, écrivez-moi à flareau@rogers.com
-- c'est gratuit.

Les amis d'artistes, les chercheurs, la famille, tous peuvent m'écrire!

Je ne donne pas d'estimations sur la valeur des tableaux.

Site non lucratif et de recherches.


Canadian artists in visual arts  --Do we have your name?
To add a link to your site, or your name to this index or

an image of your art, write to me at flareau@rogers.com
-- it's free.

Friends of artists, researchers, family relatives, anybody can write to me about an artist!

I do not give estimates on the value of paintings.

Non-profit website for research.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

S    like in  / comme dans Simpson, Charles W., 1878-1942, "L'Ange Gardien" (illustration from Albert H. Robson,
      Canadian Landscape Painters, Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1932, p. 131)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

S., H., act. 1839-77, (McKendry; Coverdale Collection of Canadiana)

Saabel, Julia, (Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 28, p. 93)
Saad, Patrick (Avmor Collection)


Saarniit, Joann (John), 1909-1982 (Society of Estonian Artists  in Toronto; History of Art in Toronto Schools;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 7, pp. 2401-2402; Ontario Collection)

John (Johann-Woldenar) Saarniit, Winter Creek Study, oil on masonite, 20 x 24 "
---50.8  x 61 cms, online auction, discovery art, date to be confirmed, lot 76,
Waddington's, source of image: waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-jan-20-2022/gallery/lot/76/, site accessed on 6 January 2022


Saba, Arn, 1948-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, p. 2403)
Sabat, Peter, 1970-, born in Fredericton, New Brunswick (Atlantic Art Exhibition; Corporate collections;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, pp. 2403-2404)
Sabeau, Arthur, artisan du cuir (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Sabeli (ARTBOMB--14 September 2013 and 2 October 2013)
Sabelis, Huibert, 1942-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of
------Artists in Canada; Pluralisme au Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, pp. 2404-2405)
Sabelli, Josiane, 1975, (Vallée 93; Pluralisme au Québec)
Sabina, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, p. 2406)
Sabiston, Carole, 1939-, fibre artist / artiste en textiles (Saidye Bronfman Award 1987; Biographical Index of Artists
------in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, pp. 2406-2407; Claridge Inc. catalogue, Crafts Canada;
------City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997 )
Saborio, Jane Mary, née à Medellin, Colombie, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)
Sabourin, Claude, 1936-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, p. 2408;
-------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Sabourin, Denise, 1939-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, p. 2408)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Sabourin, Francine (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Sabourin, François (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sabourin, Jacques (Murs et murales)


Manon Sabourin, source de l'image: m.facebook.com/Le4673/videos/2045036328852192/

Sabourin, Manon; site de l'artiste

Manon Sabourin, Envol moléculaire, 2018, encaustique, 18 x 24", source: Le 4673, Boutique
culturelle, à  le4673.ca/oeuvres/oeuvre/615/envol-moleculaire,  site consulté le 12 février 2022).


Sabourin, Ode (Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 56)
Sabourin, Pierrette, 1949-, (Roussan 98; Roussan 2001)


Sabourin, Réal, 1950-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93;
------Robert 83; Boulizon; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)

Note de recherche:
L'artiste a vécu à Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, QC; principalement autodidacte;

Réal Sabourin, Dans le petit matin (St. Denis-sur-Richelieu), 2005, oil on canvas,
24 x 36"--61 x 91.4 cm, sold at Waddington, Discovery Art, 27 April 2023, lot 50,
for $600.00 incl. buyer's premium, available at waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-apr-27-2023/
(accessed 29 April 2023). 


Sabourin, Satori, 1949-, (Roussan 2005)
Sabourin-Brunet, Pauline (Collection Loto-Québec; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Saby, Brian (Arthur II) (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, p. 2408)
Sabyan, Paul (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, p. 2409)
Sacha, 1965-, (exposition l'Art de l'Époque, mai 1998; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Saci, M'Hamed, 1959-, (Roussan 2001; Pluralisme au Québec; L'Artothèque--2014
Sacilotto, Deli Daniel, 1936-, (Carleton; University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, pp. 2409-2410; Alberta Society of Artists)
Sackaney, Sammy, 1951-,  (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, p. 2410; Ontario Collection)
Sackareasie, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sackheim, Frances Krainya, 1902-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sackville, Peter, 1945-, born in Toronto, ON (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Salt Spring Island)
Sactouris, Louise, artisane, tissage (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Sadan, Suraj, 1939-, (Magazin'art, v. 9(4), 1997, p. 24; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Aberg;  Robert 83;
------Trépanier; Roussan 2001; Roussan 2005; Roussan 2006; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, pp. 2410-2411; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Sadanand, V.M., 1940-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, p. 2411)
Sadd, William Harvey, 1864-1954, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 7, pp. 2411-2412)
Sader, Jean, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, pp. 2412-2413)

Sadigh, Mike K., 1931-, (McMaster University; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists
------in Canada)

I work for my main earning source as interior home furnishing
and graphic illustrator designer and an expressionist artist for
solo and group shows for Canadian and United States galleries
as a poet and researcher I published several articles written
in English and Farsi in Iranian magazines and lectures in
Canada and United States relevant to political analysis,
historical , art and aesthetic essays and seventeen books
of my poetry and researches translated from Farsi to
English and French published by Wordclay and Creatspace
[source: linkedin.com/in/mike-k-sadigh-43347820, accessed 30 August 2021]

Photo of Sadigh's art by Michel Gravel with article
by Yves Robillard, "Un miracle de la couleur", La Presse,
Montréal, samedi, 2 mars 1968 à la p. 38, disponible
à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2681298 (site consulté le 30 août 2021).

Sadler, John, 1932-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, p. 2413)
Sadlowski, Julian Jack, 1936-,  born in Krydor, SK (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, p. 2414; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada;
------Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Krystyna Sadowski in her Toronto studio; image source
and other information: http://collectionscanada.gc.ca/pam_archives/index.php?
3931655,2260013,4404213,3829940,4369970,2260011,4404201,2238231,2236351,4316631, accessed 18 December 2015

Sadowska (Sadowski), Krystyna Kopczynska, 1912- 1994? or 2000?, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7,
------ pp. 2414-2417; Ontario Collection; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Krystyra Sadowska, God Pan, ink and oil, reproduced from Jubilee Year Catalogue, 75th Annual
Canadian Academy of Arts
, 1954, at p. 25.
Sadowski, Konrad Jagmin, 1902-1960 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 7, pp. 2417-2418)
Saëz, César (Sagamie : L'imprimé numérique en art contemporain)
Saez, Oscar Valero & Emmanuelle Renard (ARTBOMB--15 May and 29 August 2014)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Safdie, Sylvia, 1942-, (Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection
-----Loto-Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
-----Femmeuses 2001; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Corporate collections;
-----Claridge Inc. catalogue; Montreal Jewish Community Campus Commissioned Art Collection;
-----Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)

Sylvia Safdie, Simbole, 1983, acry-
lique et techniques mixtes sur toile;
212 x 123 cm (photo: Pierre Charrier).
Texte et image sont reproduits de la
revue suivante: Vie des arts, Printemps,
mars 1989, numéro 134. à la p. 56.


Safra, Ellyn, 1936-, (Roussan 82; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Artistes
------ plasticiens
par Comeau)

Ellyn Safra, Ellyn, Marianne
laurentienne, 1973, acrylique sur formica,
205,7 x 76,2 (Collection particulière).
Cette image est reproduite du livre suivant:
Roussan, Jacques de, 1929-1995, Le nu dans l'art au Québec, La Prairie: Éditions
Marcel Broquet, 1982, 223 p., à la p. 185, ISBN: 2890000664.


Safran, Barbara, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Safran, Bernard, 1924-1995, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Safran, Judy, 1954-, (Roussan 2005; Roussan 2006)
Safruk, Alexandria, 1931-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sagar, Alan, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sagard, Gabriel, fl 1614-1636; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_Sagard
Sage, Laurine, 1923-2015, (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Sage, Raga (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sager, Peter Winchell, 1920-1985, (MAQ; McMaster University; Carleton; Sir George Williams
------University; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sager, Roz, 1933-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saggashi, Fred, 1950/1-, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saggiak, 1897-1980, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plates 230, 311, 348 and 357; The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Saggiak, Emataluk, 1955-, (Cape Dorset Sculpture)


Saggiak, Kumakuluk, 1944-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Inuit Sculpture TD Bank Financial Group Collection)

Kumakuluk Saggiak, Relief, soapstone, 30 x 48"; image reproduced
from the following publication:
Canadian Government Pavilion, Expo 67, Montreal, H. Mcpherson, Architecture and sculpture in Canada
(exhibition at the pavilion of Canada, expo 67, montreal), Ottawa 1967, plate 13. SERIES: Canadian government pavilon expo 67; series 06.

National Film Board of Canada -- Documentary on Saggiak and Pudlat


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Saggiak, Lizzie, 1924-1989, (Cape Dorset)

Kakulu Saggiatok, Cape Dorsert, Neaqugarsiit
(Many Heads), 2003, etching and aquatint, 30 x 31";
on the cover of Innuit Art Quarterly -- IAQ, volume
20, number 3, Fall 2005.

Saggiaktok, Kakulu, 1940-, (Cape Dorset)

Saggiaktoo, 1943-, (National Museum of Man)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Saggiassie (Sakiasse), Ragee, 1924-2003, (National Museum of Man; Roch; McMaster University)
Saggiassik, Cape Dorset (McMaster University)
Sagiatuk, Kakulu, 1940-, (McMichael Canadian Art Collection)
Sahai, Pandit Sharda (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Sahar, Ishrak, 1949-, (canadiens d'origine arabe)
Saharuni, Randy, 1947-, (Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)
Sahdev, Interjett/Interjet, 1938-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;  Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saheb, Marie, 1943-, (Pluralisme au Québec; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Saheurs, Eliane, né à Thun, Suisse, 1941-, (L'art et le papier 4; Reflections of Gloucester; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); site de l'artiste
Saia, Jorge (or George), 1944-, (Balkind; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada) see also/voir aussi General Idea
Saidon, Paul, 1954-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Saighi né en Algérie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saila, Mikisiti, 1939-, (Cape Dorset Sculpture)


Photo, 1961, from left to right, Pauta Saila and James Houston (Photo: National Film Board of Canada).
Saila, Paula (Pauta), 1916-2009, sculpt. Inuit, (Seidelman; Magazin'art, v. 8(2), 1995, pp. 48 and 91-92(E);
------National Museum of Man; Roch; Larmour; Cape Dorset; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Biographical Index
------of Artists in Canada; Inuit Sculpture TD Bank Financial Group Collection; Cape Dorset Sculpture)

Paula Saila, Cape Dorset, Dancing Bear, 1984,
"mottled dark grey stone and ivory, 51.2 x 38.8 x
 22.8 cm, Art Galley of Ontario, gift of Samuel and Esther Sarick, courtesy West Baffin Eskimo
Co-operative Ltd., Cape Dorset, N.W.T., and Dorset Fine Arts, Toronto"; on the cover of the following book:
Hessel, Ingo, and Dieter Hessel, Inuit art : an introduction / Ingo Hessel; photography by Dieter Hessel; with a foreword by George Swinton,
Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, c1998, x, 198 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), maps ; 29 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references (p. 194-196)
and index.  ISBN: 1550548298 (pbk.) (AMICUS catalogue).

Google -- Images for Pauta Saila, 1916-2009


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Saila, Pitaloosie, 1942-2021, Eskimo art (McMichael Canadian Art Collection; Cape Dorset; Biographical Index
------of Artists in Canada; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013); see also/voir aussi Pitaloosie, Saila

Pitaloosie Saila, Woman and Snow Bird, stonecut and stencil, 1973,
edition of 50, 61 x 41.9 cm / 24" x 16 1/2", printer: Lukta Qiatsuq

[Image reproduced from the following book: Leslie Boyd Ryan et al., Cape Dorset prints, a retrospective :
fifty years of  printmaking at the Kinngait Studios
, San Francisco : Pomegranate, c2007, 304 p., at pp. 200 and 299,
ISBN: 9780764941917]


Saindon, Paul (Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012)


Sainnawap, Noah, 1954-2005, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)

Noah Sainnawap, toile en vente sur Kijiji, le 28 juillet 2022


Saint: voir aussi sous "St" / see also under "St"
Saint-Amand, Julie, voir St-Amand, Julie


Photo de Alain Saint-Amant par le photographe Sylain Mayer et accompagnant l'article de
Marie-Josée Montminy, "L'homme qui dessinait des femmes.  Alain Saint-Amant expose
'Femmes de bar' au Somnabule", Le Nouvelliste, samedi, 23 mai 1998 à la p. P2, disponible à
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3304469, site consulté le 1er septembre 2021.

Saint-Amant, Alain, born in Saint-Tite (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Saint-Amant, Ginette, 1948-, (Vallée 93; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Saint-Amant, Ginette, de Roberval, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Amédée, fl 1918-39 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saint-Amour, Michel, 1946-1992,  (Robert 83; Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Trépanier 83?; Robert 78;
------ Lemieux 80; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Sales Index 1989-90)
Saint-Arnaud, Damase, fl 1832-62, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saint-Arnaud, Hélène (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1), at pp. 13-14)
Saint-Arnaud, Michel, 1950-, (Naïfs)
Saint-Arnaud, Réjeanne Fraser, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Arnaud, Raymond, 1942-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); see also /voir aussi St. Arnaud, Raymond
Saint-Arnaud-Caron, Gilberte, tissage  (Artisans créateurs du Québec)


Publication sur Jean-Guy Saint-Arneault:
Saint-Arneault, Jean-Guy, Fenêtre sur la rivière La Grande,
[Montréal] : Parcours Arts visuels, [1993], 48 pages : colored illustrations, maps ; 27 cm,
ISBN: 2980331112, Notes: [poèmes, Nathalie Gérard ; photographies, Michel Dubreuil],
sources de l'image: https://www.abebooks.com et Michel Lanteigne, Bookseller (Montreal, QC, Canada), consultés le 6 octobre 2019.

Saint-Arneault, Jean-Guy, 1936-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 90; Bruens 88; L'art -- Aberg)


Saint-Aubin, Daniel, 1944-, (Robert 64; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Saint-Aubin, Diane, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Photo de Saint-Charles, Joseph A., 1868-1956, from Le monde illustré,  volume 15,
numéro 741, p. 170 (18 octobre 1890).

Saint-Charles, Joseph A., 1868-1956, (McKendry; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; MQ; Reid; Roussan 82; Robert 78;
------Harper; Bernier 99; Laliberté; Creative Canada, 1972; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------ Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945)

Joseph Saint-Charles, autoportrait,
(Musée du Québec)

[Texte et image proviennent du livre suivant: Jacques Lacoursière, 1932-,
et Hélène-Andrée Bizier, 1947-, recherches et rédaction, Nos racines --
l'histoire vivante des Québécois, St-Laurent: Les Éditions Transmo, 1979,
à la p. 2426 (Collection; De la guerre à la crise; volume 21)]

Joseph Saint-Charles, Vue vers la montagne, 1936, pastel, 18 x 27,1 cm,
fonds Joseph-Saint-Charles, M4-82.

[La description de la toile et la reproduction de celle-ci proviennent du livre suivant:
Yves Frenette, 1955-, Université d'Ottawa, Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française,
Le Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française, 1958-2008 : archives, recherche, diffusion
/ sous la direction de Yves Frenette, Ottawa : Le Nordir, 2008, 130 p., aux pp. 62 (illustration 51) et 126:
ill. (certaines en coul.), portr.; 25 cm. (Collection; La collection Roger-Bernard); notes: Produit en
collaboration avec: CRCCF.  Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 123-124, ISBN: 9782895310525.]

Livre sur Joseph Saint-Charles:
Cousineau, Marie-Josée, Catalogue raisonné des oeuvres de Joseph Saint-Charles, 1868-1956 / par Marie-Josée Cousineau EDITION: Ed.
préliminaire, Ottawa : Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française, 1982, xxxiii, 282 p. : ill. SERIES: Documents du travail du
centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française; 20.

Note de recherche:
On consultera également: Françcois Laurin, "Joseph Saint-Charles, 1868-1956", (1975) RACAR, volume 2, numéro 2,
aux pages  -64, disponible à: racar-racar.com/uploads/5/7/7/4/57749791/_racar_2_2_05_laurin.pdf (site consulté 4 février 2024).

Google -- Images pour Joseph Saint-Charles, 1868-1956


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Saint Clair, Bruce, 1945-, (McKendry; Reid; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); see also/voir aussi
------St-Clair, Bruce


Saint-Cyr, Bob,  fine-art traditional photographer;

Bob Saint-Cyr, Follow the Light...;  I would like to thank the artist for his permission
to reproduce here this image of his art (19 and 20 December 2019).


Claude Saint-Cyr; 1981, photo de Henri Rémillard, provenant du site:
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3167153, consulté le 13 août 2018

Saint-Cyr, Claude, 1938-,  (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Robert 89; Robert 83; Boulizon; Robert 78;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Saint-Cyr, Lise, 1960-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Saint-Cyr, Normand, (L'aquarelle au Québec --2)
Saint-Cyr Trasybule, Mireille, 1936-, (Aberg)
Saint-Gelais, Rita, 1921-2013, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Saint-Gelais, Sonyal (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Saint George, Marie Elyse Yates, 1929-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada), see also/voir aussi
------St-George, Marie Elyse
Saint-Georges, Diane, 1949-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 91; Bruens 89;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)

Saint-Germain, Alcide, 1911-1978,  (Folk Art; Folk Artists; L'art populaire au Québec par Jean-François Blanchette)

Alcide Saint-Germain, Orignal, 1971  Bois peint  56 x 86,3 x
54,6 cm  Musée canadien des civilisations, Gatineau"; texte et
image proviennent du livre suivant:
Théberge, Pierre, Mayo Graham, Kitty Scott, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, Cité de l'énergie (Shawinigan, Québec),
L'arche de Noé / Pierre Théberge en collaboration avec  Mayo Graham et Kitty Scott, Ottawa : Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, 2004,
108 p., à la p. 101 : ill. (principalement en coul.); 27 cm.   NOTES: Publié pour une exposition organisée par le Musée des beaux-arts du
Canada, Ottawa (Ontario) et présentée à la Cité de l'énergie à Shawinigan (Québec), du 12 juin au 3 octobre 2004. Cf. Verso de p. de t.
Publ. aussi en anglais sous le titre: Noah's ark.  Comprend des réf. bibliogr. et un index. ISBN: 0888847882 (Source: Catalogue Amicus,
21 février 2018).


Saint-Germain, Armande, 1932-, (Roussan 98)
Saint-Germain, Arthème, 1896-1971, (L'art populaire du Québec; L'art populaire au Québec par Jean-François Blanchette)
Saint-Germain, Louise, 1949-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; L'art naïf)
Saint-Hilaire, Alphonse, 1895-, fl 1920-7, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saint-Hilaire, Atelier de Joseph, (MQ 2)
Saint-Hilaire, Joseph, 1858-1943, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saint-Hilaire, Lise Couture (Lemieux 80)
Saint-Hilaire, Louis, artisan du cuir (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Saint-Hilaire, Lyse (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Saint-Hilaire, Lyse, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Hilaire, Louis, 1834-1877, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Louis Saint-Hilaire, La mort de saint Joseph, 1894,
huile sur bois, 217 x 152,6 cm, Collection du Musée
national des beaux-arts du Québec, disponible à
collections.mnbaq.org/fr/oeuvre/600009258, site consulté le 1er septembre 2021.

Saint-Hilaire, Louis, 1860-1922, (McKendry; Laliberté; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Saint-Jacques, Claude, 1952-, (Magazin'art, v. 10(4), 1998, pp. 58-60 and 86-88(E);
------Vallée 93; Bernier; Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Jacques Côté Claude, 1952-, (Vallée 89)


Saint-James dit Beauvais, René, 1785-1837, sculpt., (McKendry; Béland; MQ; L'art du Québec;
------L'art au Canada français; MQ 2; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada);

Collection du Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
Saint-James dit Beauvais, René, L'Immaculée
Conception, vers 1820, pin doré et argenté, 58,2 x 20,2 x 14 cm,
source de l'image: collections.mnbaq.org/fr/oeuvre/600004704, site consulté le 29 mars 2021.

Sur Saint-James dit Beauvais, René, voir aussi:

David Karel, Dictionnaire des artistes de langue française en Amérique
du Nord : peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs, graveurs, photographes, et orfèvres
[Québec] : Musée du Québec : Presses de l'Université Laval, ©1992, à la p 57.


Photo de Claude Saint-Jean accompagnant l'article de René Lord, "Claude
Saint-Jean expose", Le Nouvelliste, samedi, 19 février 1977, à la p. 16,
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3247454 (site consulté le 2 septembre 2021).

Saint-Jean, Claude, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Saint-Jean, Ève (ARTBOMB--12 and 20 February and 16 August 2017; 25 January and 29 May 2018)
Saint-Jean, Jacqueline, 1948-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Saint-Jean, Maryse, 1953-,  (Robert 83; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Saint-Jean, Michel, 1937-2007, photographe, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; The 60s in Canada; Montréal au XXe s.--photographes;
------ Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board; Photography Canada 1967; Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)
Saint-Jean, René, 1918-, (Roussan 98; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Just, Viateur de, fl 1918, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saint-Laurent, Albert, sculpteur, oiseaux (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Saint-Laurent, Albert (L'art populaire au Québec par Jean-François Blanchette)
Saint-Laurent, Clémence, 1923-2016, (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992); site on the artist
Saint-Laurent, Georgine (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1) , see/voir St-Laurent, Georgine
Saint-Laurent, Gilles, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Laurent, Lynda L., from Windsor, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Laurent, Marc, 1919-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Laurent, Pauline, 1958-, (Pluralisme au Québec)
Saint-Laurent Turcotte, Georgine, 1940-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saint-Louis (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Saint-Louis, Anne (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec) 
Saint-Louis, Julie (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Saint-Loup, Pierre, 1894-1963, (Histoire de la caricature au Québec) 
Saint-Menin (ou Memin), Charles Balthazar Julien Fleuret de, 1770-1852, (McKendry; McCord Museum;
------Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saint-Michel, Christiane (Murs et murales)
Saint-Michel, Jean-Baptiste, fl 1848-68, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Saint-Michel soeur, 1823-1871

Soeur Saint-Michel (non-signé), vers 1860, Maison mère de la congrégation
, aquarelle sur papier,
38,9 x 53,9 cm, Collection McCord,
numéro d'accession
M969.51.1, image reproduite de collections.musee-mccord-
stewart.ca/.... (site consulté 30 novembre 2024).


Saint-Nicolas, Nicolas-Antoine de, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France)
Saint-Onge, Michel (Sculpture)
Saint-Onge, Pierrette M., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Pere, Agathe de (Legardeur de Repentigny), 1657-1747 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Saint-Pierre, Angéline, artisan bijoutier sur bois (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Saint-Pierre, André, 1897-, (L'art populaire au Québec par Jean-François Blanchette)
Saint-Pierre, Mme Antoine (L'art populaire au Québec par Jean-François Blanchette)
Saint-Pierre, Bertrand, 1933-, (Sculpteurs en art populaire au Québec par Levasseur -- Tome 1)
Saint-Pierre, Chantal (Collection Loto-Québec)
Saint-Pierre, Denis, c1943-, sculpt. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Pierre, Denis, 1951-, (Bernier; L'estampe à Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes
------de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Saint-Pierre, Diane, née à Matane (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012;
-------Roussan 2013)
Saint-Pierre, Éva, macramé (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Saint-Pierre, François Xavier (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)

Photo de Georges Saint-Pierre devant son tableau
L'Homme à la pipe dans un article de Céline Chevalot,
"Pour le peintre Georges  Saint-Pierre: La poésie, le
musée, des projets", Rond-Point, 14 décembre 1966 à la p. 29.

Georges St-Pierre devant son tableau, vers 1950, photo reproduit de numerique.
(site consulté le 5 novembre 2022).

Saint-Pierre, Georges, 1927-1985, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Robert 83; Trépanier; Robert 78; Lemieux 74;
-------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); voir le livre Georges St-Pierre artiste peintre par Jean Racine
------et le site.georgesstpierre.com/

Livre sur Georges St-Pierre:

Georges Saint-Pierre du 23 janvier au 23 février 1975, Québec: Ministère des Affaires Culturelles, Musée du Québec, 1975,
61 p., 21 cm.  Notes: Exposition illustrée du peintre Georges St-Pierre.  Source de l'image du livre: http://www.ovieuxbouquins.com, site
visité le 27 septembre 2014.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Saint-Pierre, Guy, artisan, tissage (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Saint-Pierre, Gerald, from Cowansville (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Pierre, Germain, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Pierre, Jeanne Lessard, from Granby, P.Q. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saint-Pierre, Lucille, couture (Artisans créateurs du Québec)


Publication sur Marcel Saint-Pierre:
SAINT-PIERRE, Marcel, 1947-, Thérèse St-Gelais, 1956-, Maison des arts de Laval,
Université de Sherbrooke Galerie d'art, Maison des arts et de la culture du Haut Richelieu,
Galerie Eric-Devlin, Marcel Saint-Pierre [transferts 1991-1997], Montréal : Galerie Eric Devlin, 1997,
48 p. : ill. en coul, notes [texte, Thérèse Saiont-Gelais]; notes: "Exposition tenue du 11 avril au 4 mai 1997
à la Maison des arts de Laval, du 10 mai au 29 juin 1997 à la Galerie d'art du Centre culturel de l'Université
de Sherbrooke, du 6 novembre au 30 novembre 1997 à la Maison des arts et de la culture du Haut-Richelieu,
et du 29 janvier au 28 février 1998 à la Galerie Eric Devlin, Montréal.  Titre de la couverture.", catalogue Voilà.
Source de l'image: François Côté, Libraire, Acquisitions récentes--Hiver 2021, à bibliopolis.net/cote/21/21-02/Cote-Art-Q-7-fev21.pdf,
site consulté le 27 mars 2021).

Marcel Saint-Pierre, photographié par Guy l'Heureux accompagnant
l'article de Caroline Montpetit, "Le créateur Marcel Saint-Pierre nous
a quittés", 10 août 2021, Club des Collectionneurs en Arts Visuels du
Québec, disponible à clubdescollectionneursenartsvisuelsdequebec.com/?p=14559, site consulté le 29 août 2021.

Saint-Pierre, Marcel, 1947-2021, (Bernier; Bernier 99; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Art public de la ville de Montréal)


Saint-Pierre, Marie, designer de mode (Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945)
Saint-Pierre, Marie Blanche, 1897-1982, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saint-Pierre, Nicole, 1953-,  voir / see St-Pierre, Nicole, 1953-
Saint-Pierre, Roger-Yves, artisan, fléché (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Saint-Pierre, Roméo (Lemieux 78)
Saint-Pierre, Solange, 1946-, (Roussan 98; Vallée 93; Bruens 89;  Bruens 84; Robert 83; Bruens; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
------Vol. 8, Part 1
; Charlevoix en peinture); ...voir aussi St-Pierre, Solange;
Saint-Pierre, Suzanne, 1931-, (Pluralisme au Québec)
Saint-Pierre-Brideau, Jacqueline, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sainte-Angèle, fl 1865-8, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sainte-Jeanne, fl 1922, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sainte-Marie, Marie-Rose Judith, 1886-1970, (Boulizon)
Sainte-Marie, Judith, 1886-1970, fl 1911-39, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Sainte-Marie

Judith Sainte-Marie, Petit vendeur de
journaux, années 1920, huile sur carton,
37 x 24,4 cm, Collection Musée national
des beaux-arts du Québec, photographie:
Idra Labrie.

Image et texte provenant du livre suivant:

Trépanier, Esther, 1951-, Véronique Borboën, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945 /
commissaires, Esther Trépanier, Véronique Borboën, Québec : Publications du Québec, 2012, 207 p., à la p. 122: ill. en coul. ; 27 cm. SERIES:
Collection Arts du Québec.  NOTES: Catalogue d'une exposition tenue au Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec du 9 févr. au 6 mai 2012.
Comprend des réf. bibliogr. Publ. en collab. avec: Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. ISBN: 9782551252008.

Sainte-Marie, Richard, 1945-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; 1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sainte-Marie, Sylvie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sainte-Ursule, fl 1890s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sainte-Virginie, fl 1918, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saito, Makoto (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Doucer-Saito, phographie de Jean-François Ozoux

[Cette photo de Satoshi Saito et Louise Doucet est  reproduite du livre suivant:
Inglis, Stephen, Musée canadien des civilisations, De main de maître : les lauréats du Prix d'excellence en artisanat Saidye Bronfman,
, Hull, Québec : Musée canadien des civilisations, 1989, 144 p., aux pp. 74 et 144: ill. (certaines en coul.) ; 29 cm.  NOTES: Publ.
aussi en anglais sous le titre: Masters of the crafts.   "Les recherches ... ont été faites par Stephen Inglis, qui a également supervisé la rédaction
du texte"--Verso de la p. de t.  Comprend des références bibliographiques.   ISBN: 0660902893 (Catalogue AMICUS, le 12 novembre 2018)]

Saito, Stoshi ou Satoshi, 1935-,  potter, (MQ; Craftsman; Saidye Bronfman Award 1980)


Doucet Saito (Louise Doucet-Saito et Satoshi Saito),

"Louise Doucet Saito et Satoshi Saito ont, au cours de leur vie, créé une oeuvre importante
d'abord en céramique, puis plus récemment en sculpture de pierre et de métal.  Nous sommes
ravis de contribuer à la présentation de leurs oeuvres au Royaume-Uni.  Reconnus au Canada
et au Japon pour leurs grandes oeuvres de granit qui ornent des collections à la fois publiques
et privées, les Doucet Saito sont méconnus en Europe.  Il s'agit donc d'une occasion importante
pour la Délégation générale du Québec à Londres de contribuer à une exposition célébrant une
oeuvre contemporaine déterminante créée au Québec."
    Georges MacLaren, Délégué général, Délégation générale du Québec à Londres (p. 3) 

Le texte et l'image de la sculpture des Doucet Saito proviennent du livre suivant:

Saito, Satoshi, 1935-, Doucet-Saito, Louise, 1938-, Galerie de la Maison du Canada, Doucet Saito : sculptures 1989-2006 : 27 avril au 7 juillet 2006,
Maison du Canada, Londres
, Londres : Maison du Canada = Canada House, [2006], 34, 34 p.: ill. en coul.; 30 cm. NOTES: Added title page title: Doucet
Saito :
sculptures 1989-2006 : April-July 7, 2006, Canada House, London. Notes:  Catalogue d'une exposition tenue à la Galerie de la Maison du Canada.
Cf. P. 3. Texte en français et en anglais disposé tête bêche.  Note: l'image de la sculpture est sur la couverture du livre.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Saito, Y.T., fl 1892-4, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saintonge, Chantale, née à St-Philippe-de-Néri, comté de Kamouraska, Québec (Collection Loto-Québec; L'Artothèque--2014)
Saintonge, Lynne, born in New Brunswick (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Sajak, Ron, 1948-2017, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Sajkowski, Adam (MU 2015)
Sakhavarz, Alan, 1945-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Canadian Artists in Aid to Endangered Wildlife, 1987)
Sakhavarz, Allan, c1936-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sakhavarz, Nazy
Sakiasee (Eskimo Prints)
Sakiassie (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Sakkiasse (Shell Canada Collection)
Sakowski, Robert C., 1943-,  (Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sakr, Sam, 1947-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Sala, Barbara, 1937-, (Vallée 93; Naïfs; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; L'art naïf;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; L'Artothèque--2014; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); artist's site / site de l'artiste

B. Sala, Abstract, 1982, oil on canvas, 22 1/2 x 28", on sale by Pridham's Auction
House Inc., Ottawa, Consignment Auction Sale-- RA Centre, 22 November 2012,
lot 62, and the lot was passed, image reproduced from pridhams.hibid.com/catalog/27366...
and result shown at pridhams.hibid.com/catalog/27366/.... (accessed 25 March 2022). 


Sala, Issac (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Sala, Mina, 1947-, (National Museum of Man)
Salas, Jose, 1928-1994, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sale, Stéphanie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saleh, Amireh, Saskatoon, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saleh, Ludvic, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Salem, Jocelyne Belcourt, née à Québec, P.Q., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Salembier, Michel 1946-, (Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sales, Robin, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Salesse, Alain, 1958-, (Vie des arts, numéro 222, vol. 45, printemps 2011, p. 104; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)


Photo de Louis Salette accompagnant
l'article, "À l'École des Beaux-Arts de
Montréal: M. Salette coordonnateur du niveau
collégial", Le Nouvelliste, 14 mars 1968, à la p. 16,
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3318683 (site consulté le 12 septembre 2021).

Salette, Louis, 1932-, (Queen's University; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Note de recherche sur Louis Salette:
- Il maria Michelle N Gagnon en 1958 (à vérifier)

Louis Salette, Ships and Waterfall, oil, 30 x 27", source of image: ebay.com/itm/,,,, by seller
 swsparadise (sites accessed 2 September 2021).

Saley, Robert (Avmor Collection)
Salidas, Nick, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Salihou, Moses, (ARTBOMB--23 August, 13 October and 14 November 2016; 20, 21 and 27 February; 1 and 13 March,
------18 and 27 April and 3 May 2019)
Salimi, H. (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Salina, Joe, born in Scotland (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Salkauskas, Ilse, 1942-, (Alberta Society of Artists)


Salloum, Jayce, 1958-, (canadiens d'origine arabe; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

On Jayce Salloum, see Michael Davidge, "A Speculative Process: Reading Jayce Salloum’s Mute Pictures",
National Gallery of Canada, at gallery.ca/magazine/your-collection/across-canada/a-speculative-process-reading-jayce-salloums-mute-pictures, accessed 23 January 2020.


Image source:wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuben_R._Sallows, accessed 1 June 2019
Reuben Sallows

Book with photos of Reuben Sallows:
Sallows, Reuben, Jock Carroll, John de Visser, The Farm: photographs by Reuben Sallows & John de Visser ; text by Jock Carroll,
Toronto : Stoddart, 1988, 120 p. : ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.) ; 28 cm, ISBN: 0773722491; 9780773722491; 0773752331; 9780773752337.

Sallows, Reuben R., 1855-1937, photographer

Sallualuk, Eli, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sally-Carrington, Jessica (ARTBOMB--20 January and 9 February 2015)
Salmela, Sheila, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Salmon, Margaret (Alberta Society of Artists)
Salois, Lison, née à Sutton (Roussan 2009)
Salois, Paul, from Val-d'Or, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Salois, Paul, 1955-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Salomaa, Hilkka (Helen), 1947-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Salomon, Marion, 1782-1830, silversmith, (McKendry)

Joannsie Salomonie, photo
reproduced from the following book:

Driscoll, Bernadette, Barbara Latocki, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Uumajut : animal imagery in Inuit art :
March 24, 1985 through May 19, 1985
/ Bernadette Driscoll, with contributions by Robert McGhee ...
[et al.]; editor, Barbara Latocki, Winnipeg : Winnipeg Art Gallery, c1985, 134 p., at p. 45 :ill. (some col.);
31 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held 24 March-19 May 1985 at the Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Man.
Includes some text in Inuktitut syllabics, with English translation. Bibliography: p. 38, ISBN: 0889151229.

Salomonie, Joanasie (Joanassie), 1936/8/9-1998, (Cape Dorset; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Salonen Fox, Barbara, 1937-, (Vallée 93)
Salt, W. Ray, born in England, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Salter, Amy, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Salter, Elsie Ruby, 1919-2013  (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Salter, Robert Bruce, 1924-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Salter, Wilson, 1914-1995, born in Woodstock, ON and died in Ottawa, ON, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; City of Ottawa Art
------Collection -- 2013)
Saltiel-Marshall, Alice, 1948-,  (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012; Alberta Society of Artists)


Photo of Kenneth "Ken" Saltmarche, reproduced from
windsorpubliclibrary.com/?page_id=37961 (accessed 4 March 2024).

Publication on Kenneth Charles Saltmarche:

Kenneth Saltmarche, 1920-2003, William J. Withrow (with essay),
Magan Brice (with essay), Catharine M. Maslin, 1963- (with essay),
Kenneth Saltmarche: a retrospective, Windsor, Ont. : Art Gallery
of Windsor, ©1994,
48 pages : illustrations, in English, Notes: exhibition catalogue; includes bibliographical
references,  ISBN:
0919837425, 9780919837423, source of photo of book:alexandriaslibrary.com/product/187847/
  and bibliographical data: canada.on.worldcat.org/search/detail/.... (sites visited 4 March 2024).

Saltmarche (Saltmarsh), Kenneth Charles, 1920-2003, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------ Sales Index 1989-90; Ontario Collection)


Saltzman, Mona, born in Montreal, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saltzman, Vera (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Salualuk, Eli, 1937-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Salvador, Jose, 1946-,

Jose Salvador, Memories, oil on canvas, 1980, watercolour, 18 x 24" -- 45.72 x
60.96 cm; on sale at Westbridge Fine Art Auction House, 29 January
2022, lot 37, image source: invaluable.com/auction-lot/jose-salvador-memories-37-c-8D44D96895,
accessed 24 January 2022.


Reno Salvail, avis de décès, reproduit de
(site consulté le 21 juin 2023).

Salvail, Reno, 1947-2023, (Oeuvres d'art du Ministère des Travaux publics; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
-----Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reno_Salvail
-----site de l'artiste

Livre par Reno Salvail (source de l'image:

Salvail, Reno, Le passage de la grande ourse, Québec: Éditions J'ai VU, coll. Livres
d'artistes, 2003, 176 pages, 60 illustrations, ISBN: 2-922763-06-4.

À propos du livre:
"À travers des récits de voyage, des fragments de journal et des
réflexions sur l'art contemporain, Reno Salvail présente ses
interventions sur le paysage et ses travaux de Land Art des
dix dernières années." (source: https://vuphoto.org/fr/livre/22/Le-passage-la-Grande-Ourse/)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Salvail-Bagdoo, Lucette, 1928-2020 (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)


Salvaggio, José, 1953-, né en Sicile, Italie (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)

José Salvaggio, Le sentier des amoureux, 20 x 24",
image publicitaire de la Galerie Bel Art, à Québec, QC,
reproduit de Magazin'Art, 13e année, numéro 2, 2000/
2001 à la p. 29.


Salzaedo, Anne, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Salzberg, Claire, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Samanek, Susanna, 1958-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Samanos, Pierre (Sculpture)
Samari, Farahnza (ARTBOMB--27 May, 4 and 24 June and 14 October 2015; 1 February, 31 May and
------13 June 2016; 17 October and 7 November 2017; 15 and 31 January, 10 July and 22 November 2018)
Samberg, Nancy Diane (Collection Loto-Québec)
Samchuk, Alexis/Alex, 1947-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sametz, Zenon William, born in Winnipeg, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Image source: www.matchboxgallery.com/YvoSamgushak.html, accessed 28 February 2016
Yvo Samgushak

Samgushak, Yvo

Yvo Samgusjak, Rankin Inlet, Sedna Story, ceramic (work finished
terasigilata, H 14".  The image appeared in a publicty page of Harris Gallery Fine Inuit
Art, Toronto in Inuit Art Quarterly -- IAQ, volume 20, number 3, Fall 2005, inside cover, front.


David Samila in his studio; text and image reproduced
from artscanada, August 1968, issue number 120/121,
at p.  42.

Samila, David, 1941-, (Winnipeg Art Gallery; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Shell Canada Collection;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Hard-Edge Collection; Hard-Edge Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

David Samila, Mural Sketch II, 1972-, serigraph, 48.3 x 64.5 cm, London
Museum, ON, object number: 80.A.238, reproduced from /collection.museumlondon.
(accessed on 11 April 2022).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Samoila, Roseanne, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sammoun, Samir, 1952-, (Magazin'art, v. 13(1), 2000, pp. 107-109 and 135-137(E);
------ Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Roussan 98; Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Le Balcon d'Art -- artistes de la galerie;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Sammurtok, Victor (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Sampson, E.J. (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)

Photo of J. Ernest Sampson (photographer: Charles Axlett; photo from The Arts & Letters Club)

Sampson, J. Ernest, 1887-1946, (Fine Arts in Canada; Hubbard; Art Gallery of Ontario;
------Canvas of War; Toronto in Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90; Canadian War Posters;
------Ontario Collection)

Sampson, J. Ernest, 1887-1946, Armistice Day, Toronto, circa 1918, oil on linen, 152.8 x 91.7 cm,
Canadian War Museum/National Museum of Man/National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, 8795.

[Image reproduced from Heather Robertson, A Terrible Beauty: The Art of Canada at War,
James Lorimer & Company, Publishers in association with The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa and National
Museum of Man National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, 1977, at p. 118.]


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sampson, Leslie, 1959-, (Mount Saint Vincent University Collection)
Samson, Adrien (L'art populaire au berceau de la Nouvelle-France)
Samson, Émilie, 1900-, (Patenteux du Québec)


Françcois Samson, capture d'image du video L'artiste-peintre François
Samson, produit par Sila Creations pour la Galerie Lydia Monaro et reproduit
à pinterest.ca/pin/394135404865378618/ (mis en ligne le 8 décembre 2022).

Samson, François (Galerie Lydia Monaro à Montréal);

François Samson, "Backyard 2, detail, 2007, mixed media,
48 x 60", image published by Thompson Landry Gallery,
in Canadian Art, winter 2007, volume 24, number 4, at
p. 12 (put on line on 8 December 2022).


Samson, Georgette, 1939-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------2000-2001; Roussan 2001)
Samson, Jacques,
Samson, J.-Marc, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)  
Samson, Jonah, photographer (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver; Macaulay & Co. Fine Art Vancouver)
Samson, Laurette, from Cornwall, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Samson, Madeleine, 1954-, (Robert 83; L'art et le papier 2; L'art et le papier 7;
------L'estampe à Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes
------de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)


Madeleine Samson, photo pour
avis de décès, site: domainefuneraire.
, consulté le 22 avril 2023.

Samson, Madeleine B. (Beaulieu),  1916-2008,  décédé à Lévis le 28 octobre 2008 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Toile de Madeleine Samson, Grand Manan, 1980, aquarelle, Collection de la
Ville de Lévis, image reproduite du site suivant: flickr.com/photos/archiveslevis/
(site consulté le 22 avril 2023).


Samson, Marc, 1965, né à Sherbrooke, QC; site de l'artiste--artist's site
Samson, Olivier, vers 1830 - vers 1900, act. 1854, fl 1835-91, sculpt., (McKendry; L'art au Canada français;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

"Olivier Samson, Dorsal des fonts baptismaux de l'église
de saint-François (île d'Orléans), 1854.  Le motif du serpent
enroulé autour de l'arbre au fruit défendu se retrouvait
également dans la partie basse du grand meuble des anciens
fonts baptismaux de l'église de L'Ange-Gardien.  On constate
aussi la présence dans le retable principal de l'église de La
Présentation.  Photo IOA."

[Image et description de celle-ci proviennent du livre suivant:
John R. Porter et Jean Bélisle, La sculpture ancienne au Québec:
trois siècles d'art religieux et profane
, Montréal: Les Éditions de
l'Homme, 1986, à la p. 103, ISBN: 2-7619-0636-5]
    , (Vallée 89)
Samson-Mott, Catherine (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Samualie, Keeleemeeoomee, 1919-1983 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Samuel,  André, 1955-, (L'estampe à Québec; 1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Samuel, Deborah, 1956-, (Children in Photography)
Samuel, Diane, 1955-, (Roussan 2006)
Samuel, Edith (Edith Mary Thornton Samuel), 1935-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Samuel, Julian (Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, p. 68); artist's site
Samuel, Matilda, 1860-, fl 1920s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Samuelle (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Samuelli/Samuellie, Mary, 1923-2001, (University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada), see Pudlat, Mary
Samuellie, 1920-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Samuellie, Eliyakota, 1939-1987, (Cape Dorset)
Samuels, Clara A., 1914-1988, (Saskatchewan Artists; Carleton; Saskatchewan: art and artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Samuels, Chuck, photographer (Vie des arts, numéro 230, vol. 47, printemps 2013, pp. 72-73)
Samuels, H.S., fl 1891, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Samuels, Linda (ATBOMB--28 July 2019)
Samuelson, Ken (Kenneth C.), 1936-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Shell Canada Collection;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90; Alberta Society of Artists)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Samyuallie, Tunnilee, 1918-,  (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Sanborn, Margaret Jane, 1861-1949, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sanchagrin, Réjane (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1), voir Sanschagrin, Réjane,
Sanchez, Jason & Carlos (Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, p. 79; Parisian Laundry Galerie d'art Montréal)
Sanchez, Juan M. (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Sanchez, Matias (Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, pp. 24-31)
Sanchez, Reynalda Bedolla (L'art populaire au Québec par Jean-François Blanchette)
Sanchez, Silvia, 1955-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99)
Sandberg, Hannah, 1904-1970, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sandeman, Leonard  (Len)Anthony, 1923-2017, (150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sander-Regier, Raymond (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Sanders, Anne, born in Surrey, England, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo of Benira Sanders in the article "Gallery XII
Series.  Sanders' Exhibit", Montreal Gazette, 26 October 1964
and available at mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/web1965spicilege28.pdf (accessed 6 January 2020).

Sanders, Benita Elizabeth, 1935-, (Art Gallery of Ontario; MAQ; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Canadian Pavilion Expo 67; Early Women Artists)

Benita Sanders, Dream of Birds, 1964, etching, edition 8/15,
45.1 x 36.2 cm, Lot #h319, reproduced from Heffel, Fine Art, HO2 Online
Auction, closes on 31 July 2019, heffel.com/ho2/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=142193&ImageID=107941&Main=True
accessed 21 July 2019.
Sanders, Caroline, 1937-,  (born Caroline Mount; Mrs Georges M. Sanders), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sanders, Ernest Beverly (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sanders, George Minard, 1934/5-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sanders, Mary-Lee; artist's site
Sanders, Robert, 1876-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sanders, Paul, 1934-1959, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sanderson, Linda Beth, c1942-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sanderson, Mary Rose, born in Toronto, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1))
Sandeson, Christene (Art and Craft of Nova Scotia; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; ARTBOMB--5 and 26 December 2017;
------21 January, 7 and 24 February, 19 March, 1, 11 and 22 April, 15 June, 25 July, 5 September, 19 October and 20 December 2018;
------6 February, 5 and 27 March, 10 April and 21 May 2019)
Sandessin (Therrien, Claude), 1951-,  (Lemieux 74; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Sandford, Kylie (ARTBOMB--25 September, 15 October, 15 November and 3 December 2015; 13 and 24 March
------and 13 April  2017)
Sandham, Alfred, 1838-1910, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sandham, Henry, 1842-1910, circa 1882, Albumen print,
18.0 x 12.8 cm, Notman Photographic Archives, McCord
Museum, Montreal (MP 029/74)

Sandham, John Henry, 1842-1910 (Dalhousie Art Gallery; McKendry; Reid;  Robert 78; Hubbard;
------Harper; Art Gallery of Ontario; Queen's University; Canadian Drawings; L'estampe;
------Paysagistes; Robert 64; Fine Arts in Canada; Winter in 19th Century Canada;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Coverdale Collection of Canadiana;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90; Peinture et sculpture québécoises
------1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)

Sandham, Henry, 1842-1910, Landing, St. Helen's Island, 1869, 24.4 x 36.5 cm, watercolour over
graphite on wove paper, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa  (no. 18942)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sandiford, Judith (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sandilands, Don (Alberta Society of Artists)
Sandin, Mary Isabel (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


Sandonato, Aurelio, 1931-2012,  (Sculpture; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle;
------Art public de la ville de Montréal)

Aurelio Sandonato, Sculpture murale, station de métro Du Collège, Montréal,
image source: dictionnaire.espaceartactuel.com/en/artistes/sandonato
, accessed 12 March 2022.

L’artiste d’origine italienne Aurelio Sandonato (1931-2012)
s’installe à Montréal en 1951 et entreprend des études à
l’École des beaux-arts de Montréal à compter de 1956.
Pendant plus de 30 ans, il enseigne les arts plastiques au
cégep de Saint-Laurent. Parmi les œuvres qu’il a réalisées
dans l’espace public, on trouve Sculpture murale (circa 1982),
une imposante composition d’éléments en terre cuite intégrée
à la station de métro Du Collège. La production artistique
de Sandonato est traversée par des préoccupations
architecturales où la relation qu’entretiennent l’œuvre,
le spectateur et le lieu est au cœur du propos.


Sandlers, Bob, (L'estampe à Québec)
Sandonato, Aurelio, 1931-2012,  (Aberg;  Trépanier 83)
Sandonato, Nunziato, 1955-, (Aberg)
Sandulak, Keith, c1954-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sandwell, H.W. (Harry W.), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sandy, E., (Painters in a New Land)
Sandy, Frances, born in Princeton, B.C., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sanertanut, Pie Unalerjuar, 1949-,  (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Sanfaçon, Patrick (Je lis Montréal 2005)
Sandford, Kylie (ARTBOMB--20 April 2016; 6 April 2017)
Sanford, Marion, 1904-, sculpt., (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sanford, Raymond, born in Bear River, Nova Scotia, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sanft, Heather, basketmaker (Art and Craft of Nova Scotia)
Sangil Kim, Anne (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sanguya (Sangooyak), Elijah, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sanguya, Elisha, 1957-, (Clyde River Prints/Estampes 1981)
Sankey, Christopher (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
Sanna, Marielle, 1938-, (Vallée 93)

Réjeanne Sanschagrin (photographe: Harvey Rivard)

[Reproduction de la photo apparaissant dans le livre: Jean Trépanier, Cent peintres du Québec, Ville
LaSalle: Éditions Hurtubise HMH, 1980, à la p. 184 (Collection; Les Cahiers du Québec, Collection

Sanschagrin (Sanchagrin), Réjane ou Réjeanne, 1933-2008, née à St.-Tite dans la Mauricie, QC (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
------Magazin'art, v. 10(3), 1998, pp.  59-61 and 86-87(E); Vallée 83; Vallée 89;
------Vallée 93; Trépanier; Robert 83; Robert 78; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Pluralisme au Québec; Sales Index 1989-90; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)

Voir aussi Google images pour Réjane Sanschagrin

Photo de Réjane Sanschagrin, prise par le
photographe Claude Marchand, et accompagnant
l'article de René Lord, "Réjane Sanschagrin: vers le visage intérieur",
Le Nouvelliste, samedi, 9 décembre 1977 à la p. 9, disponible à
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3247824 (site consulté le 20 août 2021)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sansome, Ethel, from Vulcan, B.C. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Santa, Claude, (Sculpture)


Santagnello, A.E.

A.E. Santagnello, Government House, Prince Edward Island,
drawing, c. 1852; image reproduced from the following book:
Hubbard, R.H. (Robert Hamilton), 1916-1989, Ample mansions : the viceregal residences of the Canadian provinces /R.H. Hubbard, Ottawa :
University of Ottawa Press, c1989, ix, 237 p., at p. 94 : ill. (some col.) ; 24 x 31 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references.  ISBN: 0776602772.


Santalucia, Francesco (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Santana, Guillermina (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998)
Santander. Cesar, 1947-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo of Jerry Santbergen, in the following article:
"Jerry Santbergen stands in front of the 23-foot mural he painted for the Pilot Tavern by coating
himself and his wife Naili (seated above) with paint and rolling around on the canvas. The mural
marks a come-back for the 26-year-old artist. He announced last year that he was quitting art-and
caused a commotion at the Ontario Art Gallery when one of his pictures was hung there. Now; he
says; he finds art in being", The Toronto Star,
9/3/1969, photographer: Frank Lennon, photo credit:
Toronto Star Photograph Archive, Courtesy of Toronto Public Library,
TSPA_0104159F, reproduced
from: digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/224600/jerry-santbergen-stands-in-front-of-the-23foot-mural-he-pai (accessed 30 March 2022).

Santbergen, Jerry, 1942-2002, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Hard-Edge Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Santella, Michael, 1961-, (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)
Santerre, Bruno, 1954-,  (Collection Loto-Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Santerre, Mme G. (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Santilli, Giuliano

Giuliano Santilli, illustration de la
couverture du livre suivant:
Des Marais, Claude Alexandre, 1948-, La ronde ultime : poèmes, [Version rev. et corr.], Montréal : Éditions du Coin, 2000, 58 p.; 18 cm.
NOTES: Éd. originale: Ottawa : Éditions Go-Rébec, 1973. ISBN: 2890500136.


Santini, Laura, 1960-,  (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015; Art public de la ville de Montréal)

Laura Santini, Nu couché, bronze, 2/7, en vente IEGOR et reproduite de iegor.net/

(site consult/ le 8 mars 2023).


Sanros, Jojene (ARTBOMB--11 and 25 September, 21 and 28 October and 11 November 2017; 23 January and 6 March 2018)
Santos, T., ( Sales Index 1989-90)
Santos, Victor, 1934-2003 (Magazin'art, v. 11(1), 1998, pp. 90-92 and 140-142(E))
Sapa (Sappa), Davidee, Esquimo art, Richmond Gulf (Larmour; Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sapalopee (Art Auctions 1976-1978)


Saper, Arnold, 1933-2019  (150 Years of Art in Manitoba); site on the artist

Arnold Saper, The Magistrate, etching, 61 x 41.5 cm, The
University of Toronto Art Collection, access number: 1996-180,
reproduced from: collections.artmuseum.utoronto.ca:8080/...., accessed on 16 February 2022.


Sapere, Horacio (Lacerte Art Contemporain -- artistes 2015)
Sapergia, Theresa (Parisian Laundry Galerie d'art Montréal)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo of Allen Sapp, 1976 (photographer: unknown).  Photo reproduced from W.P. Kinsella, Two Spirits
Soar: The Art of Allen Sapp -- The Inspiration of Allan Gonor
, Toronto: Stoddart, 1990, at p. 24.

Sapp (Kiskayetum), Allen or Allan, 1928-2015, born Pheasant Reserve, North Battleford, SK (Newlands; Magazin'art
------ Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; McKendry; Reid; Lord; Shell Canada Collection; Saskatchewan: art and artists;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------ Sales Index 1989-90; Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

Allen Sapp, Little Pow-Wow Dancer, 1969, Acrylic on canvas, 50.8 x 40.64 cm (20" x 16"), Allen Sapp
Paintings Inc.

[Reproduction of title and painting taken from W.P. Kinsella, Two Spirits Soar: The Art of Allen Sapp
-- The Inspiration of Allan Gonor
, Toronto: Stoddart, 1990, at p. 120.] 


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Saprowich, Frank, 1939-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)


Sarafinchan, Lillian, 1935-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
-----Ontario Collection)

Lilian Sarafinchan, oil on canvas, 1962, 34 x 24"--86.4 x 61 cm, on sale at
Cowley Abbott, Canada's Art Auctioners, reproduced from cowleyabbott.ca/artwork/AW43208 (accessed 9 March 2023).


Sarama, from Kelowa, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Sarazin, Daniel, 1971-, né à Trois-Rivières, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
------ Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003); site de l'artiste/ artist's site

Daniel Sarazin, Le carnaval, 2000, huile sur toile, 14 x 24"; en vente chez  Encan
Gélineau Et Fils, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, 24-31 janvier 2022, lot 118, source de l'image:
quebec.hibid.com/lot/110545716/daniel-sarazin...., site consulté le 19 janvier 2022.

Sardelic, Ante (Antun), 1947-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sarfaraz, Sayeh (Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2016; Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2015; Encan-bénéfice au profit
------des Éditions esse--2014)
Sarfati, Monique (Vie des arts, numéro 222, vol. 45, printemps 2011, pp. 94-95)
Sargent, John Silver (Ontario Collection)
Sargent-Crossen, Jill, 1930-, (Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal); artist's site
Sarkin, Sidney (Sid), born in Lithuania, 1902-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sarkis Tumanian, Serge, 1952-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Sarner, Susan, 1947-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sarony, Hector (abbé) 1828-1855, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
Sarony, Napoléon, 1821-1896, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Québec:
------A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875; Morisset)
Sarossy, Ivan, 1926-2008, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Ontario Collection)
Sarpinak, Artic Bay (McMaster University)
Sarpinak, Louise (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)


Photo de Claire Sarrasin, accompagnant l'article "Le souci
culturel", La Presse, 6 octobre 1990, Cahier spécial Publiscopie
Ultramar à la p. 14 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2170012 (site consulté le 7 août 2021).

Sarrasin, Claire, 1946-, née à Montréal, peintre et sculpteure (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture
------québécoise au XXe siècle; Art public de la ville de Montréal); site de l'artiste


Sarrazin, Claude (Robert 83)
Sarrazin, Claude (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Sarrazin, Claude, 1933-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sarrazin, Daniel, 1971-, (L'Artothèque--2014)
Sarrazin, Dominique, 1959-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bernier; Collection des livres
------d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec); site de l'artiste
Sarrazin, Hélène, 1954-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 86)
Sarrazin, Marisol (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Sarrazin, Robert (Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 58)
Sarro, Gina, born in SK (ARTBOMB--10 November and 9 December 2016); see also--voir aussi koymangalleries.com/artist/gina-sarro/
Sartain, Emily, 1903-1990, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------200 Years of Botanical Art in British Columbia)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Sartorelli, Jane, born in Toronto (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sarty, Robert J., born in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sasabuchi, Shun,  1951-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)
Sasaki, Akiko (Collection Loto-Québec)
Sasaki, Jon

Jon Sasaki, In a real dark night of the soul it is always three
o'clock in the morning (maquette), 2014 LCD display, electronic
components and patatoes.  Dimensions variable.  Text and image
are reproduced from Adam Lauder, "Comedians and Stoics:
Contemporary Artists harness Humour and Comic Futility",
Summer 2014 Canadian Art, pp. 96-101, at 98-99.


Sasaki, Leslie, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sasaki, Tomiyo, 1943-, (Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal)

Photo accompagnant l'article "Décès: 1937-2023,
Giampaolo Sassano, Le Journal de Montréal,
disponible à journaldemontreal.com/2023/05/09/0602cb5ff7/
(site consulté le 10 mai 2023).

Sassano, Giampaolo, 1937-2023, (Pluralisme au Québec); artist's site

Giampaolo Sassano, Nudo Di Donna, 2012, acrylic, 30 x 36".  I would like to
thank the artist for his permission to reproduce (27 August 2014)

Sasseville, Claire, 1953-, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec)

Sasseville, François, 1797-1864, silversmith, orfèvre, (McKendry; MQ; MQ 2; L'art au
------Canada français; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Sasseville, Françoise, artisane, tissage (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Sasseville, Joseph, 1776-1831, silversmith, (McKendry; L'art au Canada français)
Sasseville, J.H. (L'art populaire au berceau de la Nouvelle-France)


Stella Sasseville, avis de décès, reproduit de "Nécrologie", Le Charlevoisien, volume 25,
numéro 6, 11 mars 2020, à la page 36  et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3254918 (site
consulté le 31 janvier 2022).

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom
in or out of the web page being viewed.

Sasseville, Stella, 1943-2020, (Vallée 93; Aberg;  Robert 83; 1980-1990 : L'estampe originale
------au Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Collection
------ Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; L'Artothèque--2014; Collection d'art de la
-------Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

Stella Sasseville, Danse, huile sur toile, 61 x 76 cm -- 24 x 30", en vente à Iegor enchères
auctions, Montréal, Art canadien, 8 février 2023 à partir de 14h--Canadian Art, February
8th, 2023, from 2 pm (provenance: succession de l'artiste); image reproduite du
site: live.iegor.net/voir/details/4-8KHUPR/sasseville-stella-1943-2020 (en date du 31 janvier 2023).   


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sasseville, Yanick, 1977-, (Roussan 2001; Roussan 2005; Roussan 2006; L'Artothèque--2014)
Sassoon, Nicolas, (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Sataa, Kalingo, sculp. Inuit, (Magazin'art, v. 8(2), 1995, pp. 46-47 and 92(E))
Satch, 1941-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Sato, Shokichi (Koichi), 1957?-, 1937?-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Collectionneur 91, vol. VIII, # 31,
------ pp. 66-68; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
-----Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Sato, U.G. (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Satok, Ronald Maurice, 1932-2018, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Satori, 1949-, (Roussan 2009)
Satterthwaite, Jack, 1910-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saucier, Guylène (ou Guylaine), 1960-, (Magazin'art, v. 11(3), 1999, pp. 50-52 and 94-96(E);
------Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 91; Bruens 90; Bruens 88; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------2002-2003; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Monde des enfants; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Saucier, Luc (MU 2015)
Saucier, Paul, 1958-, (Vallée 93; Galerie éducative De-la-Salle; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013;
------Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019); site de l'artiste
Saucier, Robert, 1951-,  (Sculpture; Roundstone Council for the Arts; Robert 83; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
-------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture
-------québécoise au XXe siècle; Art public de la ville de Montréal)
Sauer, June, 1924- (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_Sauer

Sauer, Thierry, 1951- (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Caricatures 1992; Histoire de la caricature au Québec;
-------Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)

Livre sur les caricatures de Thierry Sauer:
Sauer, Thierrt, L'ostidchoix, LaSalle, Québec : Hurtubise HMH, 1992,
[96] p. : en majeure ptie ill.; 21 cm.  NOTES: Caricatures publ. dans
le journal Le Devoir de févr. 1991 à juin 1992. ISBN: 2890459705.


Saul, Bass (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Saul, Pam, born in England, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saull, James E. (Jim), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo accompagnant l'article de Jean Dumont,  "Un art qui dit bien des
choses", Le Devoir, samedi, 18 mai 1991 à la p. C-12 et disponible à
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2760718 (site consulté le 15 août 2021).

Saulnier, Michel, 1956-, (Peinture au Québec: une nouvelle génération; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Montréal, Michel Tétreault art contemporain; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle;
------Art public de la ville de Montréal)


Photo de Paul-Émile Saulnier photographié par Jean Vallières et accompagnant
l'article de Marie Delagrave, " 'Never' Paul-Émile Saulnier: L'art en guerre contre la
bêtise humaine", Le Soleil, Québec, dimanche, 22 mars 1987, Cahier A, à la p. A9,
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2885936 (site consulté le 2 septembre 2021).

Saulnier, Paul-Émile, 1948-, (Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Résidence 1982-1993; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)


Saults, Hazel, (Winnipeg School of Art)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Saumier, Geneviève; Site sur l'artiste à web.archive.org/

Geneviève Saumier, Régate de casseroles, 2010, acrylique
et huile sur toile, 100 x 100 cm; cette image accompagne
l'article de André Seleanu, "Geneviève Saumier: Entre
l'anxiété et le plaisir", Vie des arts, numéto 226, printemps
2012 à la p. 96.


Saumik, Bernadette Ivaluardjuk (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Samik, Thomas (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Saunal-Dumont, Marie-Thérèse, 1928-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art
------Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Saunders, Bill, 1948-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99); see also--voir aussi: koymangalleries.com/artist/bill-saunders/#bio
Saunders, Bill (Art Impressions Magazine 1995 Annual Directory of Artists' Profilesat p. 18)
Saunders, Bruce, 1914-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saunders, Charles Edward, 1867-1937 9Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940)
Saunders, David (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Saunders, Doris (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Saunders, Gary Lloyd, 1935-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saunders, Joyan, 1954-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board; Contemporary Art--Halifax, 2006)

Book on L.G. Saunders:
Saunders, Leslie Gale, 1895-1968, Johm Climer, Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon Gallery and Conservatory Corporation, Photographs by L.G.
Saunders, 1895-1968; a memorial [exhibition] Mendel Art Gallery
, Saskatoon; [catalogue,/ prepared by John Climer.], [Saskatoon] Saskatoon
Gallery and Conservatory Corporation 1970, 1 v. (unpaged) : ill. ; 23 x 29 cm.
Image source of the book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=1129163850&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26kn%3DArt%2BSaskatchewan#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 19 december 2016.

Saunders, Leslie G. (Leslie Gale), 1895-1968, born in London, England and died in Victoria, BC (Saskatchewan: art and artists; Biographical
------Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940;
------Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

Saunders, Lois, fl 1894-6, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saunders, Marlis, born in Germany, fl 1959-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; The Canadian Society
------of Painters in Water Colour; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Saunders, Richard Lorraine de Chasteney Holbourne, 1908-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saunders, Scott (quelques parts somewheres -- 2014)
Saunders, William J. (Ville de Rosemère)
Saunders, William (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Saunier, Hector (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Sauriol, Jeanne-D'arc (Émail au Québec, 1944-1989)
Sauriol, Michelle (Michèle), 1944-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)
Sauvageau, Benoît (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec) 
Sauvageau, Christiane D., 1955-, (Roussan 98)
Sauvageau, Claude (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sauvageau, Daniel (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Sauvageau, Fleurette, 1943-, (Roussan 2005; Roussan 2006; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Roussan 2009; Roussan 2013)
Sauvageau, Sylvie, artisane, émail (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)


Photo de Thérèse Sauvageau (au centre) avec Raymond Massicotte et Aline
Coulombe, prise par le photographe Gilbert Bouchard et accompagnant l'article de
Brigitte Trahan, "Thérèse Sauvageau raconte avec art les mémoires de nos
ancêtres", Le Nouvelliste, vendredi, le 18 octobre 1996 à la p. 15, disponible à
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3278680 (site consulté le 3 septembre 2021).

Sauvageau, Thérèse, 1915-2012, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Source de l'image: http://www.abebooks.com, visité le 3 juillet 2015
Livre sur Thérèse Sauvageau:
Sauvageau, Thérèse, Thérèse Sauvageau : témoin de notre passé : oeuvres complètes, Québec : Anne Sigier, 2004, 299 p. :
ill. en coul. ; 31 cm,  ISBN: 289129453X

Sauvé, Arthur, 1896-1973, (McKendry; Folk Artists)
Sauvé, Danielle, 1959-, born in Montreal, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au
------ XXe siècle; Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 80)
Sauvé, François (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87)
Sauvé, Gilbert, architecte (Art public de la ville de Montréal)

Sauvé, Jean-Louis, 1946-, né à Lachine, P.Q. (Robert 78; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Jean-Louis Sauvé,  oeuvre exposé en janvier 1971, à La
Maison des Arts (photo Pierre Côté); photo reproduite de
l'article de  Hélène Ouellet, "Jean-Louis Sauvé et Yvon Soucy",
Vie des arts, numéro 62, printemps 1971, aux pages 62-63,
disponible à erudit.org/en/journals/va/1971-n62-va1192389/58010ac.pdf (site consulté le 16 juin 2021)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses 


Jean-Pierre Sauvé, image reproduite de: spheregallery.ca/
, site consulté 7 décembre 2024.

Sauvé, Jean-Pierre, 1945-, né à Montréal (Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 28, p. 64; Collection des livres d'artistes
------de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------L'estampe à Québec; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)


Sauvé, Jeanne; Légère; Michel; Doré, Jean (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Sauvé, Michel, 1962-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Sauvé, Pat, from Cornwall, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Photo de Paulette-Marie Sauvé, reproduite du livre suivant :
Jean-Pierre Payette, 1936-, Le guide des artisans créateurs du Québec, Montréal:
Les Éditions La Presse, 1974, 351 p., à la p. 89, ill., carte; 19 cm, ISBN: 0-7777-0093-X.

Publication sur Paulette-Marie Sauvé:

Paulette-Marie Sauvé, Rétrospective Paulette-Marie Sauvé, [Verchères,Québec]:
Paulette-Marie Sauvé, [2018], ISBN:
9780968893517, 0968893511, source de
l'image: paulettesauve.com/product/vibrations-sur-fibres-21-p-m-sauve/ (site consulté le 25 avril 2022).

Sauvé, Paulette-Marie, 1949-, (Avmor Collection; Oeuvres d'art du Ministère des Travaux publics;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Tapisserie québécoise; Artisans créateurs du Québec); site de l'artiste / artist's site
----Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV)

Paulette-Marie Sauvé, "Prisme", 1977, nouage ou shenalla, polypropeline, 8' diamètre
(244 cm), Collection de l'artiste.
(Texte et photo proviennent du livre suivant: Musée d'art contemporain, La nouvelle tapisserie
québécoise -- Musée d'art contemporain du 13 avril au 14 mai 1978, Montréal: Musée d'art contemporain,


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sauvineau, Isabelle, 1965-, (Roussan 2009; Roussan 2013); *site de l'artiste
Savage & Sons, "société d'horlogers, Montréal, 1837-1858", (L'art au Canada français)

Savage, Anne  Douglas, 1896-1971

[The photo is reproduced from the following book: Mela Constantinidi, Art Gallery of Ontario, Extension Dept., The Laurentians: painters
in a landscape/organized and circulated by the Art Gallery of Ontario, Extension Services, 1977-78; Mela Constantinidi;
Helen Duffy,
, Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1977, at p. 70]

Savage, Anne (Annie) Douglas, 1896-1971, Beaver Hall Group ( Art Gallery of Hamilton;
------Newlands; McKendry; Magazin'art, v. 9(4), 1997, pp. 67-69; Reid; Hubbard;
------Robert 78; Hill; Art Gallery Ontario; Burnett; Tippett; McMichael Canadian Art
------Collection; Duval; Giles; Bernier 99; Sir George Williams University;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
------contemporain de Montréal; Creative Canada, 1971; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Early Women Artists; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works;
------Women of Beaver Hall; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);
------ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Savage_(artist)

Anne Savage, Cap à l'Aigle, Strawberry Pickers, courtesy of Concordia University, Sir George
Williams University Fine Arts Department, on the cover of the dust jacket of the following book:
Anne McDougall, 1926-, Anne Savage : the story of a Canadian painter, Montreal : Harvest House,
c1977, 215 p., [4] leaves of plates: ill. (some col.), ports. ; 26 cm, ISBN: 0887721826 (information
from the AMICUS catalogue & book from the collection of François Lareau, put on line on 8 June 2014).

Anne Savage, La maison rouge, Dorval, circa 1928, oil on
canvas, 51 x 61.7 cm, Musée national des beaux-arts du
Québec, phot0: Jean-Guy Kérouac; image reproduced
from the following book:
Walters, Evelyn, 1939-,  The women of Beaver Hall : Canadian modernist painters, Toronto: Dundurn Press, c2005, 191 p., at p. 103:
col. ill., ports.; 26 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references (p. [167]-170) and index. ISBN: 1550025880 (bound), ISBN: 9781550025880 (bound).

Google -- Images for Anne Savage, 1896-1971


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Savage, Gary, 1955-, (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)
Savage, Gerald Charles, 1927-2020, born in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Savage, Harry, 1938-, (Alberta artists; Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
-------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Savage, Henry, 1940-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts)
Savage, Isolde, 1939-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Savage, Mary, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Savage, Michel (Murs et murales)


Michel Savage, photo provenant du site
et mis en ligne le 7 mai 2023.

Savage, Michel, 1953-, né à Limoges, ON (Galerie éducative De-la-Salle; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1,
------at p. 119; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

Michel Savage, Ulysse no. 14 -- Bouteille confiée à la mer,
sérigraphie avec papier collé, 6/15, 30 x 22" -- 76 x 56 cm,
nouvel arrivage chez la Galerie Jean-Claude Bergeron,
Ottawa, reproduit de galeriejeanclaudebergeron.ca/nouveaux-arrivages
  et mis en ligne le 7 mai 2023.


Savage, Paul, from B.C., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Savage, Peter (Alberta Society of Artists)
Savage, Robert, born in Windsor, Ontario (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Savage, Robert (Corporate collections)
Savage, Roger, 1931-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Savage, Roger, 1941-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for the
------Arts 2; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90; Claridge Inc. catalogue; Artists' Halifax
------Portraits through 250 years); artist's site

Roger Savage, "Isolde and Cow, 1972, Serigraph, 16/20, 44 x 80 cm", image reproduced from
the following publication:
Senecal College of Applied Arts and Technology, David Phillips (art text: History of the Collection),
John K. Gamble (preface on The Seneca College Collection), 1954-, The collection: contemporary
Canadian art at Seneca College
, Toronto: Seneca College, 2014, 164 pages, at p. 123 : colour
illustrations, portrait; 26 x 33 cm, ISBN:
9780993760709, 0993760708 (book collection of François
Lareau, put on line on 20 October 2022).


Savage, Sunny; artist's site
Savard, Alice Tay (Lemieux 80)


Photo de Benoît Savard accompagnant
l'article de Denise Pelletier, "Benoît Savard:
un cheminement sous le sceau de l'originalité",
Progrès-dimanche, 21 novembre 1999, cahier 2,
à la p. B3 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3513108 (site consulté le 3 août 2021)

Savard, Benoît, 1950-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978;
------Vallée 93; Roussan 2005; Trépanier 83; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
-------Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean en peinture; Sales Index 1989-90; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)


Savard, Doris, (ARTBOMB--14 November 2013, 2 December 2013,  29 January 2014 and 20 February 2014)
Savard, Doris, 1961-, née à Chicoutimi (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)


Catalogue on Francine Savard:
Johnstone, Lesley, Francine Savard, 1954-, Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, Francine Savard, Montréal : Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, c2009,
96, [1] p. : ill. (certaines en coul.) ; 27 cm.   NOTES: Catalogue d'une exposition présentée au Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal du 10 oct. 2009 au 3 janv. 2010.
"Commissaire, Lesley Johnstone"-- Verso de p. de t.  Comprend des réf. bibliogr.  Texte en français et en anglais.  ISBN: 9782551238378 (Catalogue AMICUS).
Image source of the catalogue: amazon.ca/Francine-Savard-Lesley-Johnstone/dp/2551238374/ref=sr_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1487186756&sr=1-8, accessed 15 February 2017

Savard, Francine, 1954-, (Abstract Painting; Collection des livres d'artistes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 60;
------Painting Project 2013; Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2013)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Savard, Fred (Tancrede Victor Savard), 1910-1992, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Savard, Frederick (History of Art in Toronto Schools)
Savard, F.T.V. (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)
Savard, Gail, from Highland Creek, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Savard, Huguette (Huguette Gosselin Savard), 1941-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Savard, Jocelyne, 1949-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Savard, Martine, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Femmeuses 2001; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo de Napoléon Savard reproduite du
Monde illustré, samedi, 30 juin 1900, à la p. 1
et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/
(site consulté le 19 janvier 2024).

Source: Monde illustré, supra, à la p. 7.

Savard, Napoléon, 1870-1962, (McKendry; Laliberté; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

"Honorable Honoré Mercier / Na-
poléon Savard.  – [vers 1890] – 03Q
– P600,S5,PLN1" (source:
http://www.banq.qc.ca, 23 septembre

Dessin de Napoléon (Nap.) Savard, La Patrie, 11 avril 1904: Inondation Rue May, Verdun, 1904; source
de l'image: ville.montreal.qc.ca/memoiresdesmontrealais/la-rue-may-dans-lombre-du-pont-champlain#&gid=1&pid=2 (site consulté le 22 mai 2022).

Savard, Rodrigue, né à Kénogami, (Roussan 2005)
Savard, Sylvie, (L'estampe à Québec)
Savard, Véronique, 1977-; site de l'artiste/artist's site

Photo de Catherine Savaria par le photographe
Pierre McCann et accompagnant l'article de Madeleine
Dubuc, ."Comme pour une naissance", La Presse, jeudi,
18 décembre 1986 à la p. D3, disponible à collections.banq.
(site consulté le 3 septembre 2021).

Savaria, Catherine, c1953-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo de Lisette Savaria prise par Stéphane
Lemire et accompagnant l'article de Rachel
Lussier, "L'oeuvre commune de la porcelainière Lisette
Savaria et du sculpteur François Potvin: Un équilibre qui
ne se lasse pas d'étonner", La Tribune, Sherbrooke, vendredi, le
14août 1987, à la p. D5, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3709659
(site consulté le 3 septembre 2021). 

Savaria, Lisette, 1947-, née à McMasterville, porcelainière, sculpt., peintre, (Collectionneur 91,
------vol. VIII, # 31, pp. 82-85; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Collection Loto-Québec;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Claridge Inc. catalogue -- note with François Potvin;
------Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)


Savaria-Martin, Marielle, 1938-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)
Savatzki (Murs et murales)
Savery, Robert Hubert, 1902-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Saviadjuk, Mathew, 1950-, (Cape Dorset Sculpture)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Savidant, Diana (Diane Lemire Savidant), c1949-1994 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Diana Savidant, Painting of North Shore, PEI, 50 x 40"; image source: kijiji.ca/v
, accessed 11 July 2017;


Savignac, Céline ou Cécile, 1927-, (Vallée 93; Robert 89; Pluralisme au Québec)
Savignac, Raymond (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)


Savignac, Robert, 1946-,  (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Roussan 98;
------Magazin'art, v. 9(4), 1997, pp. 58-61 and 88-89(E); Magazin'art Biennial
------Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art, v. 17(3), 2005, pp. 125-128 and 152-154(E);
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)

Robert Savignac, La floraison, huile sur toile, 36 x 24" --
91,5 x 61 cm; en vente chez IEGOR, enchères-auctions,
Montréal, tableaux canadiens, 28 août 2024, lot 1050,
 reproduit de live.iegor.net/voir/details/4-ED0ASS/savignac-robert-
(site consulté 16 août 2024).


Savina, Aleksandra, born in Kiev; see--voir: koymangalleries.com/artist/aleksandra-savina/
Savnolook, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Savoie, Amateur "Mat" A., 1896-1983, (Folk Artists; Wildfowl decoys carvers)

Photo de Claire Savoie prise par Claude Poulin, La Tribune, 12 décembre 1983,
Cahier 3 à la p. C6, disponible à (site consulté le 3 septembre 2021).

Savoie, Claire, from Richmond, P.Q. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Collection Loto-Québec Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 58); site de l'artiste


Savoie, Céline, 1956-, (Roussan 2005; Roussan 2006; Roussan 2009)
Céline Savoie, huile, 14 x 18", en vente chez La Maison des encans, Montréal,
Encan du collectionneur, 21 août 2024, lot 62, image reproduite de live.encans.pro/

(site consulté 18 août 2024).

Savoie, Claude, artisan, poterie (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Savoie, Gérald, 1930-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Pluralisme au Québec)
Savoie, Ginette (Répertoire des artistes [...] du Nouveau-Brunswick--2000)
Savoie, Gisèle (Marie-Ève), (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)

Louis-Paul Savoie,
photo reproduced from following book:
Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick,
Répertoire des artistes et des ressources artistiques et culturelles du Nouveau-Brunswick, Moncton,
N.-B. : Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick, 2000, 178, [6] p., at p. 65.

Savoie, Louis-Paul, 1941-, née à Ste-Marie-de-Raphaël, Nouveau-Brunswick, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Répertoire des artistes [...] du
------ Nouveau-Brunswick--2000)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Photo de Maurice Savoie, circa 1974 (photographie de Robert Barzel).  Nous remercions Serge Fisette pour sa permission de reproduire
cette photo apparaissant à la p.107 du livre suivant: Serge Fisette, Potiers québécois / texte, Serge Fisette; photographies, Robert
Barzel; préface de Gaétan Beaudin
, [Montréal]: Éditions Leméac Inc., 1974, 126 p., 23 cm (Collection; Les Arts du Québec).
Nous remercions également Robert Barzel pour sa collaboration.

Publication sur Maurice Savoie:
Nadeau, Lisanne, 1960-, Maurice Savoie, 1930-2013, Materia, centre de diffusion en métiers d'art (Québec), Maurice Savoie : un parcours alchimique / commissaire
Lisanne Nadeau ; [texte, Lisanne Nadeau ; traduction, Marcia Couëlle], Québec : Centre Materia, diffusion en métiers d'art, [2004?], 47 p. : ill. (certaines en coul.) ; 24 cm.,
NOTES: "Ce catalogue accompagne l'exposition Maurice Savoie : un parcours alchimique présenté à Materia, centre de diffusion en métiers d'art, du 25 mars au 23 mai 2004."
Comprend des réf. bibliogr.  Texte en français et en anglais, ISBN: 2980742627, image fournie par Librairie La forêt des Livres (Lévis, QC, Canada),
 à https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=15816271877&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D1%26kn%3Darts%2Bquebec (site visté le 16 juin 2017).

Savoie, Maurice, 1930-2013, né à Sherbrooke (MQ; Collection Loto-Québec; Oeuvres d'art du Ministère des Travaux publics; Céramique;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Saidye Bronfman Award 2004; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Potiers québécois; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 37; Canadian Potters at Work; Claridge Inc. catalogue;
------Artisans créateurs du Québec; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Art public de la ville de Montréal;
------Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997)

Maurice Savoie, Altantide, cinquième d'une série, porcelaine, glaçures feldspathiques contenant des
cendres d'érable, glaçure craquelée, application de sceaux (boutons de fleurs de pavot) surmontés de
poils de porc-épic.

[Photo reproduite du livre suivant: Louise Désy, 1952-, La céramique,
édition refondue et augmentée, Québec: Éditeur officiel du Québec,
1977, à la p. 123.]


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Savoie, Michel, 1936-,  (Sculpture; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)

Savoie, Richard, 1959-, (Magazin'art, v. 12(4), 2000, pp. 60-63 and 91-92(E); Roussan 98;
------Vallée 93; Roussan 2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art
------Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Le Balcon d'Art -- artistes de la galerie; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); site de l'artiste

Source de l'image: http://www.abebooks.com, visité 16 juillet 2015
Livre sur Richard Savoie:
Savoie, Richard, Solange Lebel, Richard Savoie, St. Lambert, PQ : Multi Art ; Montreal : Roussan, 2002, 20 p.: col. ill. ;
22 cm. SERIES: La collection Multi Art NOTES: Text by Solange Lebel. Text in English and French. ISBN: 2923073053.


Livre sur Robert Savoie:
Ouvrard, Hélène, L'eau-forte en couleurs, Robert Savoie, Québec: Éditions Formart, 1972
(image supplied to abebooks.com by
bookseller: Claudine Bouvier (Gatineau, QC, Canada).
Image source of the book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=15064806817&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D62%26kn%3Darts%2Bcanada#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 7 January 2016.

Savoie, Robert, 1939-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Daigneault 81; Robert 78; MQ;
------MAQ; L'estampe 2; L'art du Québec; Carleton; Sir George Williams University;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection des livres
------d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Claridge Inc. catalogue; Sales Index 1989-90); Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy;
------Canadian Pavilion Expo 67; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle;
------Lacerte Art Contemporain -- artistes 2015; Société des artistes professionnels du Québec 1971)

Robert Savoie, Tadoussac, 1965, eau-forte, essai d'en-
crage, 64,5 x 50,2 cm; Montréal, Musée d'art contempo-
rain; image et texte reproduits du livre suivant:
Chamberland, Roger, 1955-, Heinz Weinmann, 1940-, Littérature québécoise : des origines à nos jours : textes et méthode / ouvrage réalisé sous la direction de
Heinz Weinmann, Roger Chamberland; [collaborateurs], Claude Cassista ... [et al.], LaSalle, Québec : Hurtubise HMH, 1996, x, 349 p., à la p. 217: ill., portr.;
28 cm. NOTES: Comprend des index. Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 345-346.  ISBN: 2894280785.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Savoie, Roméo, 1928-2023, (New Brunswick Painters; L'art et le papier 4; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
------contemporain de Montréal; Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Off the Grid --Abstract Painting in New Brunswick; ARTothèque Overview of Contemporary Art in Acadia)

Roméo Savoie, photo reproduite du livre suivant:
Université de Moncton, Art Gallery, Selection 67: [Centennial art exhibition]/ [Art Gallery, Université de Moncton], [Moncton]:
Art Gallery, Université de Moncton, [1967], [20] p.: ill.; 26 cm. NOTES: Cover title. Text in French and English.

Savoie, Roméo, 1953-, (Vallée 93; MAQ)
Savoie, Roméo, (Vallée 89)
Savoie, Roméo, né à Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick (Atlantic Art Exhibition; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 49)
Savoie, Roméo (Répertoire des artistes [...] du Nouveau-Brunswick--2000)
Savoie, Thérèse, 1928-, (Aberg)
Savoie, Yvan M.R., 1953-, (Vallée 89)


Photo de Marie-Paule Savois devant son "bas-relief sculpté dans le bois",
et prise par Antoine Desilets, entre 1951 et 1997,  et reproduit de
numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/3127544 (Fonds Antoine Desilets;
site consulté le 17 octobre 2024).

Savois, Marie-Paule


Saw, Lew, 1922-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Sawada, Miho, 1944-, (University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Noboru Sawai, photo source: fecklesscollection.
, accessed 28 August 2021

Sawai (Sawaii), Noboru, 1931-2016, (Alberta artists; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Shell Canada Collection; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Corporate collections)


Saward, Gillian, 1934-1983, (Tippett; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sawatzky, Dan, from Chemainus, B.C. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Murals of Chemainus, B.C.)
Sawatzky, Ed (Edward ), 1943-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sawatzky, Gary, born in Matsqui BC (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sawatsky, Julie, (L'art au féminin)
Sawatzky, Kelvin, from Fort McMurray, c1957-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sawatzky, Peter, 1922-2012, born in Europe (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------ Murals of Chemainus, B.C.; Salt Spring Island)
Sawatzky, Peter, 1951-, sculptor  from Manitoba, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Peter Sawatzky, Com'n Apart, Bull, bronze, 19 x 21 1/2 x 13 1/2 " / 48.3 x 54.6 x 34.3 cm,
this image was reproduced from Heffel Fine Art Auction House, Online Auction Catalogue,
lot # 533, auction closing on
Thursday, June 27, 2019, available at heffel.com/online/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID
(accessed 26 June 2019)


VHS on George Sawchuk:
Hands, Head, Heart: a closer walk with Georgew Sawchuk, VHS tape in case, 22 minutes, Haeckel Hill, Canada, 1998.
Image source of the VHS: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=7232796014&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26kn%3Dcanadian%2Bsculptors#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 1 December 2016

Sawchuk, George, 1927-2012, (Burnett; Balkind; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); art-history.concordia.ca/eea/artists/sawchuk.html

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Oryst Sawchuk, photo from his obituary
that contaons also information about his
career at (accessed 28 September 2024).

Sawchuk, Oryst H., 1928-2019, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)


Sawchuk, Sonia, 1959-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sawers-Olson, Debbie, from Wanham, Alberta (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sawford-Dye, Ernest, 1873-1965 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index 1989-90)
Sawicki, Alice, from Englehart, Kirkland Lake, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sawicui-Kutac (Sawic-Kutac), Wanda, 1951-, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection numérique
------d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Daria Sawka, obituary photo at
  (accessed 28 September 2024)

Sawka, Daria, 1923-2020, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)


Sawler, John Stanley (Stan), 1877-1966, (Folk Artists; Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Sawron, Walter, 1943-, (University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sawyer, Carol (Republic Gallery Vancouver)


Source of image: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=14640727473&searchurl=
                                                    pics%3Don%26kn%3Dcanadian+painters, accessed 16 August 2015
Book on William Sawyer:
Bell, Michael, 1942-, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, W. Sawyer, portrait painter / Michael Bell, Kinsgton, Ont. : Agnes Etherington Art Centre, c1978,
95 p. : ill., ports.; 28 cm. NOTES: Exhibition held at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre. Includes bibliographical references.  ISBN: 0889110018 pa.

Sawyer, William, 1820-1889, (McKendry; Reid; Harper; Hubbard; Paysagistes;
------Dalhousie Art Gallery; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90)

William Sawyer, Sir John A. MacDonald, 1864

[Title of painting and its image are from the following book:
R. H. Hubbard, The Development of Canadian Art, Ottawa: Queen's
Printer, 1964 at p. 55.]


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Saxe, C.J., painting dated 1896, (McCord Museum)
Saxe, Charles Jewett, 1870-1943, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Photo d'Henry Saxe

Photo de Henry Saxe reproduite du livre suivant:
Smith, Brydon, Pierre Théberge, Galerie nationale du Canada, Boucherville, Montreal, Toronto, London, 1973 : an exhibition / organized by
Brydon Smith and Pierre Théberge = Boucherville, Montréal, Toronto, London, 1973 : une exposition / organisée par Pierre Théberge et
Brydon Smith,  Ottawa : Galerie nationale du Canada, 1973, 332 p., at p. 61 : ill. ; 21 cm. NOTES: Catalogue d'une exposition tenue à la
Galerie nationale du Canada, Ottawa, du 5 juil. au 3 sept. 1973. Errata inséré. Bibliogr. Exposition collective regroupant: Collyer, Robin, 1949- ;

Delavalle, Jean-Marie, 1944- ; Favro, Murray, 1940- ; Martin, Ron, 1943- ; Saxe, Henry, 1937- ; Spencer, James Burton, 1940-. Texte en anglais et en français.
------ISBN: 0888842481; photographer: David Saxe, Montreal.

Saxe, Henry, 1937-;  (Daigneault 81; MQ; MAQ; Burnett; Murray; Balkind;
------L'art du Québec; Panorama de la sculpture; Robert 64; Sculpture;
------Québec 1940-1966; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain
------de Montréal; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; The 60s in Canada; Contemporary Canadian Artists;
------Vie des arts, numéro 222, vol. 45, printemps 2011, p. 75; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 60;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Art public de la ville de Montréal)

Google -- Images Henry Saxe

Sayeau, Heather, from Nova Scotia, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sbrissa, Claudia, (L'estampe à Québec; The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)

Claudia Sbrissa, And / I am dumbfounded,
1997, photo silkscreen, vinyl lettering,
41 x 29", photo by Cheryl O'Brien;
text and photo reproduced from the following book:
University of St. Michael's College, Daniel Donovan, 1937-, Ihor Holubizky, 1952-, Signs of the spirit : the Donovan Collection
at St. Michael's College
/ foreword by Richard M. Alway; essays by Daniel Donovan and Ihor Holubizky, Toronto : University of
St. Michael's College, 2001, 72 p., at pp. 39, 69 and 72 : ill. (some col.); 26 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 0772710007 (pbk.) 0772710015 (bound).

Scalabrini, Luce-Brini, tisserande (Artisans créateurs du Québec)

Luce-Brini Scalabrini à droite, sa soeur, Rita Scalabrini au centre, et soeur Lucille Proulx, photogra-
phiées par Pierre Wibaut et accompagnant l'article "Luce Scalabrini ouvre la saison
artistique à Montréal", Courrier Sud. mardi le 21 septembre 1976 à la p. 23, disponible à
https://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2546068 (site consulté le 3 septembre 2021).

Scalabrini, Rita, 1919-2000, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Rita Scalabrini, 1973, couverture du livre sui-
Maillet Antoine, 1929-,  Gapi et Sullivan / Antonine Maillet, [Montréal] : Leméac, 1973, 72 p.; 20 cm. SERIES: Collection
Répertoire acadien; Théâtre acadien 3. NOTES: le livre contient aussi "Du phare fidèle aux sortilèges du bout des eaux, par  Yves Dubé".--p. [7]-22.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Scadding, Charles A., fl 1865-85, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scadding, Henry, 1813-1901, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scadding, S.C., 1901-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scalabrini, Luce-Brini, born in St-Edwige de Clifton, P.Q. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scalabrini, Rita, 1919-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scallen, Pierre (Lemieux 80)
Scalon, Thomas, c1880-1970, (Folk Artists)
Scamolla, Diana (ARTBOMB--9 May, 2 June  and 25 July 2017)
Scani, B. (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)


Joanne Scantlebury Muckart, image reproduced
from peicraftscouncil.com/mad-about-colourhttps://
(accessed 9 April 2024).

Scantlebury, Joanne, from Milton, PEI, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)

"Detail of  'Rainbow Dress' by Joanne Scantlebury, winner of the Prince Edward Island
Premier's Award of Excellence and the Contemporary Garment Award" on the cover
of the following book:
Atlantic Juried Craft Exhibition, Canadian Crafts Council, Atlantic Caucus, Atlantic Visions; crafts
from Canada's four Atlantic provinces
, [St. John's, Nfld.] : Atlantic Juried Craft Exhibition, 1982,
93 p. : ill. ; 22 x 28 cm., ISBN: 0969115105, 9780969115106; source of image: book from the
Collection of François Lareau (put on line om 9 April 2024).


Scarff, Sharyn, born in London, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Alberta Society of Artists)

Book on Rolph Scarlett:
Nasby, Judith, 1945-, Rolph Scarlett : painter, designer, jeweler / Judith Nasby, Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2004, x, 180 p. : ill. (some col.);
24 cm. NOTES: Includes index. Includes bibliographical references: p. [169]-176.  ISBN: 0773528040 (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source of the book: www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=17432251964&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D1%26kn%3Dcanadian%2520painters, accessed 16 February 2016

Scarlett, Rolph, 1889-1984, (Abstract Painting; University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Rolph Scarlett, mixed media on paper, 4 1/2 x 4 1/2".
, accessed 7 February 2017

Scattergood, Mary; see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/mary-scattergood/
Scattoloni, Mario, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Résidence 1982-1993)
Schackel, Dianne Secord, see Secord,
Schaddelee, Maarten, c1947-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Schaefer, Carl, 1903-1995, photographer unknown, Hanover, Ontario, 1936,
Art Gallery of Ontario.

Book on Carl Schaefer:

Sir George William University, John Russell Harper, 1914-1983, editor, Agnes Etherington Art
Centre, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Carl Schaefer : retrospective exhibition, paintings from 1926
to 1969
, [Montreal : Sir George Williams University, 1969], 52 p.: 39 plates (some col.); 21 cm.

Photo of Carl Schaefer, reproduced from
Sir George William University, supra, at p. 3.

Schaefer, Carl Fellman, 1903-1995, (McKendry; Reid; Harper; Hubbard; Hill;
------Art Gallery of Ontario; Burnett; Shell Canada Collection; Firestone Art Collection;
------Duval,  Lord; Newlands; Queen's University; Canadian Drawings; Sir George
------Williams University; Canada at War; Block Prints; Canvas of War; Carleton;
------University of Guelph; Art Gallery of Hamilton; Dalhousie Art Gallery;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Toronto in Art; The
------Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Creative Canada, 1972;
------History of Art in Toronto Schools; Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Contemporary Canadian Artists); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Schaefer_(artist)

Photo of Carl Schaefer, reproduced from Sir George William University, supra, at p. 5.

Google -- Images for Schaefer, Carl, 1903-1995

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Schaefer, Harry, 1930-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schaefer, Susan, from Saskatchewan, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schaetzle, Sheila (ARTBOMB--13 and 26 November and 20 and 27 December 2017; 12 January, 11, 18 and 25 February and
------18 March 2018)
Schafer/Schaeffer, Frederick, 1839-1927, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schafer, Richard (Dick), born in Cardston, Alberta, 1922-2004, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schafer, Rosemarie Yvonne (née Genée), 1935-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Schaffer, Evelyn, 1923-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)
Schaeffer, Fred, 1929-2001, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90)


Book on Mary Schäffer:
Skidmore, Colleen, Searching for Mary Schäffer : women wilderness photography,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada : The University of Alberta Press, 2017,  xi, 360 pages : illustrations (some colour),
maps (some colour), portraits (some colour) ; 26 cm., ISBN: 9781772122985, 177212298X;

"Mary Schäffer was a photographer, writer, and cartographer from Philadelphia,
well known for her work in the Canadian Rockies at the turn of the twentieth
century. Colleen Skidmore's engrossing study asks new questions, tells new
stories, and introduces women and men with whom Schäffer interacted and
collaborated. It argues for new ways of thinking about the significance and
impact of Schäffer's work on historical and contemporary conceptions of
women's experiences in histories and societies in which gender is fundamental
to the distribution of power. Scholars and readers of women's photography and
writing histories, as well as wilderness and mountain studies, will make new
discoveries in Searching for Mary Schäffer."-- Provided by publisher.
[Source of publisher's statement: Voilà catalogue, accessed 23 December 2019]

Schäffer, Mary Townsend, 1861                                                                                -1939 (200 Years of Botanical Art in British Columbia;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


Schaffer, Sidi (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Alberta Society of Artists)
Schaflein, John Edward, 1894-1986, (Block Prints; 150 Years of Art in Manitoba;
Winnipeg School of Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schaller, Roland, 1940-, (Pluralisme au Québec)
Schalk, Leslie, 1900-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schalkwyk, Helene (Leni) born in the Netherlands (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


Karl Schantz, source of photo: journaldemontreal.com/2021/05/
(site accessed on 3 September2021).

Schantz, Karl, 1944-2021, glassblower, (Craftsman; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Claridge Inc. catalogue;
------Oeuvres d'artisans)

Karl Schantz, Stars and Stripes bottle, 1979,
7 x 3.5", source of image hindmanauctions.com/items/....
(site accessed 3 September 2021).


Book on Miriam Schapiro:
Gouma-Peterson, Thalia, Miriam Schapiro, 1923-, Polk Museum of Art, Miriam Schapiro : shaping the fragments of art
and life
/ Thalia Gouma-Peterson ; foreword by Linda Nochlin Shaping the fragments of art and life, New York : Harry N.
Abrams Publishers, 1999, 160 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 29 cm. NOTES: "In association with the Polk Museum of Art".
Exhibition to be held at the Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland Fla., Dec. 11, 1999-Mar. 5, 2000; Miami University Art
Museum, Oxford, Ohio, Mar. 17, 2000-June 2, 2000; Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Miami, Fla., Feb. 22,
2001- Apr. 8, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (p. 148-153) and index.  ISBN: 081094377.
Image source of the book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=15515028145&searchurl=isbn%3D9780810925656%26sortby%3D0#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 26 June 2016

Miriam Schapiro, source of photo: thefamouspeople
, accessed 4 May 2022.

Schapiro, Miriam, 1923-2015, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Schappy, Lucy (ARTBOMB--4 October 2013 and 25 October 2013)
Schaub, Callen (ARTBOMB--10 and 23 April 2014)
Scheepers, Malvina (Mrs. F. S. Coburn; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Schefield (History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Scheer, Ewa (Avmor Collection)
Scheiber, Jeanette, born in New York (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scheiber-Milicevio, Tania, 1924-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scheiderman, Goldye, act. late 1960s-, (Folk Artists)
Scheliga, Horst, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schell, Francis H., 1834-1909, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schell, Fred B., died in 1905 (Paysagistes; 150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Toronto in Art; British Columbia, a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)


Schell, Frederick B., 1838-1902, (Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Frederic B. Schell, Un coup d'oeil sur Québec, à
partir des murs de la vieille ville, extrait du livre
illustré Picturesque Canada, 1882-1884, Gravure sur bois et
rehauts d'aquarelle, 30,5 x 22 cm (papier); 23,8 x 16,2 cm (image).

Schell, James Edgar, 1877-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schell, Pat (Margot Patricia Schell), 1930-2020, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); obituary
Schell, Ray (Raymond), c1937-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schell, Ward, 1958-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schell-Gervais, Wendy, born in Saint John, N.B., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schella, Rick and Kathleen, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schella, Warren, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schelle, Susan, 1940-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Art in Ontario; Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto)
Schellenberger, Otto, see Rand, Paul
Schellengberg, Susan, (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Schneeberger, Eugène
Schenk, Barbara, 1941-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Schenk, Oswald Kenneth, 1914-2002 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997)


Schepansky, Wladimir, 1895-1985, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Wladimir Schepansky, Laurentia Vista, 1957, oil on canvas, 24 x 60.24" -- 61 x
153 cm, on sale at Cowley Abbott, Canada's Art Aucrioneers, 30 May 2023,
lot 370 and reproduced from cowleyabbott.ca/artwork/AW43479 (accessed 22 May 2023).


Catalogue on Tony Scherman:
Scherman, Tony, 1950-, Michael Shepherd, Maxwell Davidson Gallery, Tony Scherman,
New York : Maxwell Davidson Gallery, [1980], [8] p.  NOTES: Catalogue for the exhibition held Oct. 7-Nov. 5,
1980  at the Maxwell Davidson Gallery, New York.  Catalogue essay by Michael Shepherd.  Canadiana: 980167698.
Image supplied by bookseller: From Karol Krysik Books, Member ABAC, IOBA (Toronto, ON, Canada),
see at www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=21872982838&searchurl=n%3D100121503%26pt%3Dbook%26pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3Dcanadian%2Bart%2Bbooks (accessed 7 June 2017),

Scherman, Tony (Anthony), 1950-2023, (Newlands; Burnett; Swain; Art Gallery of Hamilton; Dalhousie Art
------Gallery; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Celebration of
------Contemporary Canadian Art; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Corporate collections; Sales Index 1989-90; Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015; Monte Clark Gallery
------Vancouver; Georgia Scherman Projects gallery in Toronto)

Tony Scherman, Still Life with Fruit, encaustic on
canvas, 30 x 24" / 76.2 x 61 cm; image reproduced
from http://www.heffel.com/online/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=69
(accessed 15 May 2015)

Scherrer, Joseph, 1860/7-1936, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scherzinger, Claire (RBC Canadian Painting Competition 2015 Finalists)
Schestakowich, Irina, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schetky, John Christian, 1778-1874 (Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)


Scheuer, W., fl 1873-83, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875; British Columbia,
------a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)

W. Scheuer, Montreal, "The New Works on the  Lachine Canal, beyond Wellington Bridge",
Canadian Illustrated News, Montreal, 1876, à vendre par Guy de Grosbois (Montréal, QC, Canada),
source de l'image: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetails....bdp, site consulté le 29 janvier 2022.


Schiavetto, Mara,; see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/mara-schiavetto/
Schiavoni, Natale, (MQ 2)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Schick, Alexander, c1945-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schiele, Bernard, 1943/4-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Schiffleger, Carole/Carol Louise, 1937-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schilling, Edith, from Port Colborne, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Book on Leo Schimanszky:
Schimanszky, Leo, Leo Schimanszky : Bildhauer und Maler = Leo Schimanszky : sculptor and painter Max Stern Collection, Canada:
L. Schimanszky ; Austria : Wolfgang Schimanszky, 1992 (Stiepan Druck, Austria), 209 p. : chiefly ill., ports. ; 28 cm. NOTES: Edition
of 2000 copies. Includes reviews and articles by Raymond Lacroix, Guy Roberts, Angelica Bäumer ; translations by Context, Austria,
and Nancy Côte (sic), Canada.  Text in German, English, French and Japanese.
source of the image of the book: www.biblio.com/book/leo-schimanszky-sculptor-painter-leo-schimanszky/d/476790386, accessed 22 August 2016

Schimanszky, Léo, 1943-,  (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Robert 83)

Schimek, Suzanna, 1958-, (Roussan 2001)
Schindel, Heinz, born in Germany (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schindler, Emily (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Schindler, Joseph (Jonas, Johannes), act. 1730-1792, silversmith, orfèvre (McKendry; MQ;
-----MQ 2; L'art au Canada français; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Schink, Christopher (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Schinko, Lorie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Lorie Schinko, Bewitched, 2001, oil on canvas, 32 x 44"; lot # 128, "Off the
Wall" Art Online Auction, waddingtons.ca, 28 October 2010.
Image source: waddingtons.ca/pastauction/141/lot-128, accessed 23 December 2016

Schinotti (Morisset)
Schintz, Janet D., born in England, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schintz, Ted (Theodor) (Theodoor Marie), 1904-1975, born in Almelo, Holland, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------ Sales Index 1989-90; Alberta Society of Artists)

[Image of T.M. Schintz's painting  reproduced from Stephen Leacock, 1869-1944, Canada The Foundations
of Its Future, Montreal: Privately printed, 1941, xxvi, 257 p., at p. 202: ill. (some col.), maps ; 27 cm.]
Schipper, Gerritt, 1770-1825, (McKendry; McCord Museum; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Schipper, Gerritt, 1770-1825, Sir James
Henry Craig (National Archives of Canada,
Ottawa, C-24888)

Research note:
On this artist, see the following article:
Jeanne Riger, "New Light on Gerritt Schipper the Painter", The Clarion, America's
Folk Art Magazine, Winter 1990, volume 15, number 1 at pp. 65-70, available at
issuu.com/american_folk_art_museum/docs/clarion_15_1_win1989-90/67. I would like to thank
Guy St-Denis for having brought this reference to my attention (email, 13 December 2022).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Schirm, David (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Schirmer, André (Avmor Collection; Galerie MX -- Artists 2015)

Amy Schissel, 8, 12, 22, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 168 x 131 cm
on the cover of the following brochure: 

Centre d'exposition Art-Image, Espace Odyssée, Galerie Montcalm, Centre d'artistes AXENÉ07, Espace
Pierre Debain, Centre d'exposition L'Imagier, Visual Art 2010 -- Exhibitions in Gatineau

Schissel, Amy (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Patrick Mikhail Gallery Ottawa); artit's site


Schlager, Franz, 1917-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schklar, Lois, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Schkolnyk, Laurent (Collection Loto-Québec)
Schlachter, John, 1906-1982, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schlademan, Carl (Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz)
Schlanger, Susie (History of Art in Toronto Schools)

Publication on Hans Schleeh:
SCHLEEH, Hans, Hans Schleeh, Montréal : Graph, c1970,
[4], 15 leaves : ill. ; 18 cm.; catalogue Voilà.  Source de l'image: François Côté,
Libraire, Liste thématique, hiver 2021, libraire à bibliopolis.net/cote/21/21-03/Cote-Sculpture-2-mars21.pdf,
site consulté le 27 mars 2021).

Schleeh, Hans, 1928-2001,  sculpt., (Robert 83; Roussan 82; MAQ; Panorama de la
; Queen's University; Robert 64; Carleton; Avmor Collection;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Art public de la ville de Montréal)

Hans Schleeh, Galatea, Pierre, Hauteur: 76,2 cm (Galerie Dominion, Montréal)
(Texte et image proviennent du livre suivant: Jacques de Roussan, Le nu dans l'art au
, LaPrairie: Éditions Marcel Broquet Inc., 1982, à la p. 154).
Schleeh, Helga (Avmor Collection)
Schlegemilch, Mandred, born in Germany (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schleimer, Edward A., 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schlein, Lilyan, 1914-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schleusner, Paul, 1930-2009 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schlienger, Oscar, 1905-1991, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); site on the artist


Photo with his biography at orthodoxcanada.
(accessed 26 December 2024)

Schlieper, Heiko, 1931-2008, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); book published on his icons


Schlichter, Karl, born in B.C., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schlieper, Heiko, 1931-2008, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada); site on the artist
Schlingerman, Barbara T., 1910-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schlitt, Andy, 1969-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schlitter, Helga, c1932-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------ Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Résidence 1982-1993; Dictionnaire historique de
------la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle); site de l'artiste
Schloesser, Gabrielle (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Schlosberg, Jane, born in Baltimore, USA (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Photo et oeuvre de Walter Schluep reproduites du
livre suivant: Jean-Pierre Payette, 1936-, Le guide des artisans créateurs du Québec, Montréal:
Les Éditions La Presse, 1974, 351 p., à la p. 90, ill., carte; 19 cm, ISBN: 0-7777-0093-X.

Schluep, Walter, 1931-2016, joaillier, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
-----Artisans créateurs du Québec)

Le sculpteur Gregory Schlybeurt, photo de Jacinthe Laliberté,  Journal des
Citoyens: Prévost, Piedmont, Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs, jeudi, 19 octobre 2017,
volume 17, numéro 12, à la p. 1, disponible à jdc.quebec/lejournal/PDF-complet/JDC-201710.pdf,
consulté le 16 juillet 2019.  Voir l'article de Jacinthe Laliberté, "Journée de la culture: À
la découverte de nos artistes" à la p. 12.

Schlybeurt, Gregory, 1962-, sculpteur; *site de l'artiste


Schmalz, Kathleen (Alberta Society of Artists)
Schmerholz, George, 1949-, born in Rumania (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
------ Vol. 8, Part 1
; Artists of British Columbia)


Photo of Anne Marie Schmid-Esler,

Anne Marie Schmid-Esler, a well known Canadian Artist, passed away
peacefully on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at the age of 76 years. Anne Marie
was born and raised in Winnipeg. She attended the University of Manitoba
where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 1959. After travel and further
studies in Europe, she returned to Winnipeg and soon decided to focus her
education in the area of fine art (specifically ceramic sculpture). In 1964, she
met and married John K. Esler, and based on his teaching opportunity, they
promptly moved to Calgary. Continuing on with her education, Anne Marie
graduated with a diploma in ceramics from Alberta College of Art in 1968.
Around this time, along with her husband and two young boys, she moved
into a uniquely built home on an acreage, just west of Calgary. Family life
began and she embraced the many roles she had. Most of all, Anne Marie
loved working in her studio, finding energy and inspiration from the
spectacular surrounding landscape. Over the years her art career grew and
flourished (spanning over 25 years). Anne Marie’s artwork is represented in
gallery, university, museum and private collections across Canada and abroad.
She was an instructor, advisor, and lecturer, as well as a recipient of several
grants for projects and awards for excellence.

[Source of photo and excerpt text are from her obituary with McInnis & Holloway,
Funeral Homes, available at mhfh.com/tribute/details/7064/Anne-SCHMID-ESLER/obituary.html,
accessed 15 November 2021.]

Schmid-Esler, Anne-Marie, 1937 and died 17 July 2013, born in Winnipeg, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Corporate collections; Canadian Potters at Work; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Alberta artists; Biographical Index of Artists
------in Canada; Claridge Inc. catalogue)


Schnidt, Albert, 1919-, born in Nordeney, Germany, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schmidt, Alfred, from Edmonton, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schmidt, Alfred R., 1937-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Schmidt, Aurel (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Schmidt, Brenda, from Creighton, Manitoba, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Schmidt, Edith Buchsteiner, 1931-2022, né à Berlin, Allemagne (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Oeuvre d'Edith B. Schmidt accompagnant l'article
de René Lord, "Edith Schmidt présente une exposition
diversifiée", Le Nouvelliste, 7 juillet 1973 à la p. 15,
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3299922 (site consulté le 4 septembre 2021).

Schmidt, Gabriele, 1941-, tisserande, macramé (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Schmidt Inglis, Clarissa, 1936-, (L'art et le papier 4)


Schmidt, Maggie, 1941-, née aux États-Unis, (Vallée 83; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Maggie Schmidt, Halos are for angels, huile sur
isorel, 25.5 x 20 cm -- 10 x 8"; en vente chez IEGOR:
Enchères--Auctions, Vente décompte, Tableaux et arts décoratif
se terminant le 3 février 2022--Timed auction, Paintings and
decorative Art, ending on February 3rd, 2022, lot 1069;
image reproduite de live.iegor.net/voir/details/4-4RMTXT/schmidt-maggie-1941- (site consulté le 1er février 2022).


Book on Marianna Schmidt:
Laurence, Robin, 1950-, Bill Jeffries, 1945-, Marianna Schmidt, 1918-, Darrin J. Martens, Burnaby Art Gallery, Simon Fraser Gallery, Evergreen
Cultural Centre, Marianna Schmidt / introduction by Ellen van Eijnsbergen; essays by Robin Laurence, Darrin J. Martens, Bill Jeffries,
[Burnaby, B.C.] : Burnaby Art Gallery, 2007, 79 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) 25 cm. NOTES: Co-published by the Burnaby Art Gallery, Evergreen Cultural
Centre and Simon Fraser University Gallery. Catalogue of 3 exhibitions: Carnival photographs & paintings, held at the Teck Gallery, SFU Vancouver
Campus, Vancouver, B.C., June 25-Aug. 30, 2007; Selected prints & drawings, held at the Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby, B.C., July 10-Aug. 26, 2007;
Mixed media works 1963 to 2002, held at the Evergreen Cultural Centre, Coquitlam, B.C., July 13-Sept. 15, 2007. Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 9780973825190 (AMICUS catalogue).
Source of rhe book image: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=19567273253&searchurl=n%3D200000038%26xpod%3Don%26pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3DCanadian%2Barts#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 22 October 2016

Schmidt, Marianna, 1918-2005  (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Canadian Pavilion Expo 67)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Schmidt, Matthias, (Galerie Montcalm, exposition 3 nov.- 18 déc. 2011)
Schmidt, Peter, 1952-2009 (in memoriam, Société canadienne de l'aquarelle)
Schmidt, Victor, from Saskatchewan, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schmidt, Walter, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schmidt-Malo, Hildegarde, 1917-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schmidtz, Philip Christian, 1947-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schmitt, Mrs. C.G., from Saskatoon, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schmitz, Matthew, (Paysagistes)
Schnare, Cheryl (ARTBOMB--10 February 2016)


Daniel Dion and Su Schnee, Oboro2007, source of image: (site accessed 4 September 2021).

Schnee, Su 1959-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Voir ce texte de Jacques Bkais à shcr.qc.ca/au-fil-du-temps (site
 consulté le 7 février 2024).

Schneeberger, Eugène, 1934-2008, potier/céramiste (Céramique; Artisans créateurs du Québec)


Schneid, Otto, 1900-1974, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Otto Schneid, untitled [aerial garden], oil, 80.01 x 62.23 cm, The
University of Toronto Art Collection, accession number 1999-010,
reproduced from collections.artmuseum.utoronto.ca:8080/objects/8079/...., accessed 21 February 2010.


Schneider, Bruce, from Victoria, B.C., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo of Claire B. Schneider, Le Devoir, mercredi, 16 mai
1973 à la p. 13, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2774400 (site consulté le 4 Septembre 2021)

Schneider, Claire B., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Schneider, Craig, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Schneider, Dagmar, from St. Jacobs, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schneider, Denis, 1946-,  (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Schneider, Gwen, from Whonock, B.C., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schneider, Harry, 1919-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schneider, Jason, from North York, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schneider, Jupp, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo of Mary Schneider with
article by Wellner O'Connell, "Moon exhibits Predicted:
Artist Foresees Canada As Centre of World Culture", Montreal Star, 10
December 1960, available at mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/
(accessed 11 January 2020).

Schneider, Mary, 1900-c1995, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
------ Sales Index 1989-90)


Schneider, Juan (Avmor Collection)
Schneider, Mary, 1900-1992 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Schneider, Olaf, 1964-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); see also--voir aussi: koymangalleries.com/artist/olaf-schneider/
Schneider, Pierre ( Sales Index 1989-90)
Schneider, Roman, 1889-1969, born in Stanislawow, Poland (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schneider, Roy, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schneider, Roy Kenneth (Alberta Society of Artists)
Schneider, Susan, 1944-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schneider-Granatstein, Lynda, 1954-, (Magazin'art, v. 12(3), 2000, p. 40; Magazin'art,
-----v. 9(2), 1996-97, pp. 49-52 and 77-78(E); Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
-----Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
------Magazin'art, v. 8(1), 1995, p. 34; Vallée 93; Magazin'art, v. 5(3), printemps, 1993;
------Le Balcon d'Art -- artistes de la galerie; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Schneiderman, Goldie (Grandma Goldye), 1904-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schneidersmann, Peiscilla (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Schnetzie, Sheila (ARTBOMB--4 November 2017)
Schnobb, Jean-Guy, 1946-, (Vallée 93; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Schnubb, Pierre-Alexandre, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo de Jean-Pierre Schnupp accompagnant l'article de Madeleine Dubuc, "La
sculpture au service du design", La Presse, jeudi, 6 février 1986, à la p. D1,
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2253055 (site consulté le 5 septembre 2021).

Schnupp, Jean-Pierre, sculpt. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Schnurrenberger, John Ralph, c1941-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schnutgen, William, née en Allemagne, (L'Estrie, ses trésors)
Schoales, Barton, 1941-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schock, Elmer ( Sales Index 1989-90)
Schoenborn, Albrecht, potter, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schoenfelt, Matthew A. (Oeuvres d'artisans)
Schoenmakers, Willem, 1922-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schofield, John (MQ)
Schofield, Nancy King, 1940-, (New Brunswick Painters)
Schofield, Stephen, 1952-, (Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011,
------pp. 70-71; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2013)

Stephen Schofield, Le petit cube, graphite sur papier-calque, 76 x 106,5 cm, crédit photographique:
Richard-Max Tremblay.

[La description du titre et l'image sont reproduites du livre suivant:
Bélisle, Josée,  La Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal: le partage d'une vision,
Montréal: Les Éditions de l'homme, 1994, 280 p., à la p. 206, ISBN: 2761911997]

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Scholes, Graham, 1933-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scholfield-Sweet, Kristen, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scholte, Rob (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Schonberger, Fred M.A., 1930-1993, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; McKendry)
Schön, Irena, (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)
Schoof, Edward G., 1943-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Schooley, Mary Rice, fl 1920-53, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schoonman, Cornelius, born in the Netherlands, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schoonover, Karen Lynne, 1952-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Ross Schorer, image source: facebook.com/ross.schorer, accessed 5 September 2021.

Schorer, Ross, 1945-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); artist's web site

Schott, Eleanor, born in Toronto, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schowalter, Ellen (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)
Schrama, Henry, 1954-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo of Mrs C.M.B. Schreiber;
this photo is reproduced from the following book:
M.O. (Melvin Ormond), Hammond, 1876-1934, Painting and sculpture in Canada,
, Can., Ryerson Press [©1930], 72, [2] pages including color frontispiece, illustrations (portraits),
at p. 54, 29 cm, and available at archive.org/stream/paintingsculptur00hamm?ref=ol#page/8/mode/2up, accessed 9 March 2020.

Schreiber, Charlotte Mount Brock Morrell, 1834-1922, (Newlands; McKendry;
------Hubbard; Tippett; Fine Arts in Canada; Paysagistes; Development of Painting
------in Canada: 1665-1945; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of
------Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1
; Sales Index 1989-90; Duval -- High Realism;
------Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);

Schreiber, Charlotte, 1834-1922, The Croppy Boy (The Confession of an Irish
,  91.6 x 76.2 cm, oil on canvas, Royal Canadian Academy of Arts diploma
work, deposited by the artist, Toronto, 1880, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa,
(no. 118)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Schreiber, Rick, c1950-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schreier, Hilde, 1926-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Crafts Canada; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Art in Ontario); cwahi.concordia.ca/sources/artists/displayArtist.php?ID_artist=2868
Schreier, Michael, 1949-, born in Vienna, Austria, (Reflections of Gloucester; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Photography -- Collection of the
------National Film Board)
Schrey-Van Tol, Ditty, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Brigitte Schreyer photographed by Frank Cajella, Toronto Star, 13
December 1979, from the Toronto Star Archives.
Original Toronto Star caption: Expert with a brush: Mississauga
artist Brigette Schreyer gave up a 16-year career as a hairdresser
when she decided to become a serious painter. Currently she has
22 watercolors on display at Woodlands Library and she's producing
more in her basement studio. Mrs. Schreyer is active in Visual Arts
[Above photo and text are reproduced from digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/
, accessed 20 February 2022.]

Schreyer, Brigitte (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Schreyer, Edward Richard, 1935-, sculpt., (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schreyer, Lily Schulz, born in Grandview Manitoba, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schricker, L., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schroder C. (Schroeder G.) Act. 1811-1831, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schroder, Helmut, 1928-, (Shell Canada Collection); see also--voir aussi Schroer, Helmut
Schroeder, Felix, c1908-c1967 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schroeder, Marie Patricia, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schroeder, Virginie, 1976-; *site de l'artiste


Helmut Schroer
Born in Germany, he arrived in Canada in the early 50's.
Alone. No family, no money and not a word of English...
but, after meeting his future wife, he became the first
adult student at Victoria Composite High School and
went on to U of A and subsequently to teach art and
other subjects (including English!) at many high schools
and junior highs within the EPSB.  A fine landscape artist,
he specialized in realistic Alberta landscape. He mounted
many one-man shows, and his work hangs in wonderful
collections worldwide.
[source of photo and text: edmontonjournal.remembering.ca/obituary/
, accessed 14 October 2023]

Schroer, Helmut, 1928-2017, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1);
------see also--voir aussi Schroder, Helmut,


Schroer, Jan, from Toronto (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schroeter, Sigrun, from Montreal, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schruder, Helen, from Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schrüfer, Lydia (Collection Loto-Québec; Femmeuses 2001)
Schryvers, Wilhelmina Frederica Hendrika, 1916-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Schubert, Anton, 1924-2016, (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90)
Schuck, Gordon S., from B.C. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schueler, Lorna Moor (Elsie Lorna Schueler), 1932-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schuey, Ranald, 1941-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schul, Rose (née Rose Glassl), 1922-2010, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schuler, Henry, act. 1867-1880s, (Folk Artists)
Schuler-Mallon, Darci, 1954-, (L'estampe à Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schuller, Levon, photographe (Je lis Montréal 2005)
Schuller, Rae, from Edmonton, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schultes, Elmar (Murals of Chemainus, B.C.)
Schultz, Lyle (ARTBOMB--1 December 2015; 5 January, 9 February, 15 March, 14 April, 13 May, 9 June,
------7 and 28 July, 16 September, 2 October and 19 December 2016; 16 February, 18 March, 18 April, 24 May,
------4 and 29 July, 11 September, 31 October and 12 December 2017; 11 January 2018)
Schultz (née Babony), Marty (Martha), 1924-2009, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schumacher, Lynn, 1950-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schumacher, Rita (Rita Schumacher-Plawski), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schurick, Sylvia Gloria, born in Lwow -- Lemberg, Poland (Sylvia Gloria Powers as surname changed to Powers in 1943), 1914-1991
------ (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

         Sylvia Gloria Schurick, oil on canvas                             
         Image source: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Painting-by-Ukrainian-Canadian-Painter-Artist-Silvia-G-Schurick-
         Ukraine-Canada-/180894459868?hash=item2a1e2667dc:m:m97ggFq_8psLX0K8ayzphog, accessed 23 October 2015


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Schurr, Jean-Eudes, photographe (Je lis Montréal 2005)
Schutt, connu à la fin du 19e siècle, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Schutt, Ignace (Morisset)
Schuyff, Peter, 1958-, (Abstract Painting; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989;
------Macaulay & Co. Fine Art Vancouver)
Schutt, Karl R., 1942-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schutz, Karl, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwab, Rosemarie, c1943-, born in Germany, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwager, Agatha, born in Arnhem, Holland, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwartz, Adeline, 1934-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwartz, Bernice, born in Zambia, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Ontario Collection)
Schwartz, Burrell, 1925-2004, (Carleton); artist's site
Schwartz, Chick, 1937-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Schwartz, Sara, photographer (Stephen Bulger Gallery Toronto)
Schwartz, Eddy, from Montreal, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Georges Schwartz

Schwartz, Georges, 1929-, né à Paris (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Artisans créateurs du Québec);


Schwartz, Herman Herbert, 1885-1962, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwartz, Jeff, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwartz, Jeffrey (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Schwartz, Judith (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989; The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)
Schwartz, Marsha, born in the U.S.A., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwartz, Norma, 1945-, born in Montreal, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwarz, Judith, 1944-, sculptor (Burnett; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Contemporary Canadian Artists)
Schwartzentruber, Nadia

Nadia Schwartzentruber, Untitled, 2005, Forest City Gallery,
London, Ontario, photo: J. Hallows; text and photo reproduced
from the following book:
Roy, Daniel, Timothy Barnard, Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec, Répertoire des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec
et du Canada
/ [recherchiste et relationniste, Daniel Roy; traduction, Timothy Barnard ... et al.] = Directory of artist-run centres in Québec and
/ [research and public relations officer, Daniel Roy ; translation, Timothy Barnard ... et al.], 6e éd. = 6th ed., Montréal : Regroupement
des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec, [2006?], 367 p., at p. 199 : ill. ; 22 cm. NOTES: Comprend des index. Texte en français et en anglais.
ISBN: 2980394645  (Catalogue AMICUS).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Schwartzman, Peter, 1947-, (Vallée 93 à l'annexe; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwarz, Edith, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwarz, Judith, 1944-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwarz, Peter, c1947-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schweiger, Christy, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schweiger, Karol, born in Iowa, U.S.A., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schweitzer, John (Robert 83; Avmor Collection)

Schweitzer, John A., 1952-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, pp. 36-37)

John A. Schweitzer, Tempio di Venere, 1998, papier, fibre, pastel et bois sur
papier, 40,5 x 30,5 cm,
source de l'image: books.openedition.org/pum/docannexe/image/15670/img-25.jpg,
publication sur OpenEdition Books, 6 juillet 2018, 
consulté le 7 juillet 2019.  Il s'agit de la figure 84 dans le livre suivant:
Lemieux, Andrée, Laurier Lacroix et François-Marc Gagnon, sous la direction de,
Regards sur l'art québécois :
la collection d'oeuvres d'art de l'Université de Montréal,
Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2004,
125 p. : illustrations en coul.; 31 cm, ISBN: 2760619710; 9782760619715 (catalogue AURORA).

Schweitzer, Rebecca, act. late 19th cent., (Folk Artists)

Rebecca Schweitzer, Hooked Rug, 1886, New Hamburg, Ontario, 119 x 90 cm, photo by Michael Bird.

(Text and image reproduced from the following book: Michael Bird, Canadian Folk Art, Old Ways in a New
, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1983, at p. 58).


Joyce Schweitzer-Cochrane

Joyce was a fine arts instructor and an accomplished artist. Born in 1930
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, she studied at the Pennsylvania Museum
and School of Industrial Art. In 1973, she received her license in Pédagogie
at the Université de Sherbrooke, then taught art, notably at the Sherbrooke
Service des loisirs, the Séminaire de Sherbrooke, and the Faculté d’éducation
of Université de Sherbrooke. Throughout her life, she created hundreds of
watercolour paintings, principally landscapes of Sherbrooke and the surrounding

Jack Cochrane and Joyce Schweitzer were married for 69 years, immigrated to
Canada together with their young family in 1955, and passed away within days
of each other.

Schweitzer Cochrane, Joyce, 1930-2020, (L'aquarelle au Québec --2; L'aquarelle au Québec -- 3; L'Estrie, ses trésors;;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Schwenk, Lorna, born in Penticton, B.C., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Schwenk, Louise (1900-66) and Adolf (1896-1968), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Photo de Jacques Schyrgens accompagnant l'article de Claire Gagnon,
"Jacques Schyrgens", La patrie, dimanche 3 novembre 1957 à la p. 76 et
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4333877 (site consulté le 1er août 2021.

Schyrgens, Jacques (Jack), 1923-, né en Belgique (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------ Sales Index 1989-90); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Schyrgens

Jacques Schyrgens, Quebec scene, watercolour,
image soure: http://www.ebay.com

Sciortino, Francesco Saverio, 1875-1958, sculpt., (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sclafani, voir Di Sclafani
Sclater, Gilbert Turnbull, 1908-1939 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Sclater, William Hamilton, 1932-1978, born in New Westminster, BC (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

W.H. Sclater, Boat and Sheds, Annieville, Fraser River, oil on board, 8 x 10"--
20.32 x 25.8 cm; on  sale at Westbridge Fine Art Auction House, Canadian &
International, 25 February 2023, lot 55, and reproduced from invaluable.com/auction-lot/.... (accessed on 20 February 2023).


Sco mâle (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Scoles, Ernie, 1962-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scollon, Bliss, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Scomoroco, Catherine, act. early 20th cent., (Folk Artists)

Catherine Scomoroco, Hooked rug, Early 20th century, Kitchener, Ontario, 77 x 85 cm, photo by Michael Bird.

(Text and photo reproduced from the following book: Michael Bird, Canadian Folk Art, Old Ways in a New Land , Toronto: Oxford University
Press, 1983, at p. 59).

Scondi, Annabella, 1921-2005 (Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto)


Scott, Adam Sheriff, 1887-1980, (McKendry; Reid; Vallée 83; Vallée 89;
-----Vallée 93; Robert 78; Hill; Hubbard; Queen's University; Fine Arts in Canada;
-----Montréal vu par les peintres; Laliberté; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
-----Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Scott, Adam Sheriff-, 1887-1980, Early Canadian Postal Delivery (reproduced from Kathleen Moore and Jessie McEwen, A Picture
History of Canada, Illustrated by Famous Artits
, Toronto: Thomas Nelson and Sons, [1938], plate 34 facing p. 76).

Scott, Allan K., 1898-1984, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Allanah, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1, ar p. 265)
Scott, Anne Adele (Winnipeg School of Art)
Scott, Barbara Ann (ARTBOMB--19 February and 29 April 2016)
Scott, Blanche, 1914-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Brian, 1955-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Brian (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo of Campbell Scott in the article of Joan Phillips,
"Campbell Scott Has Strong Views On Art: City Artist
to Display Graphics At Sao Paolo, Krakow Exhibitions",
St. Catharines Standard, 19 April 1968, available at
mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/web1968spicilege33.pdf, accessed 2 January 2020.

Scott, Campbell, 1930-2013, (University of Guelph; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists
------in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Ontario Collection)

Campbell Scott, Hamilton Bay at Night, woodcut, 1960, ed. 10/10,
17.75 x 27" / 45 x 68.5 cm; text and image reproduced from
(accessed 21 May 2015)

Scott, Charles, 1937-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Image source: http://www.ebay.com, accessed 23 October 2015
Catalogue on Charles Hepburn Scott:
Scott, Charles Hepburn, 1886-1964, Ian M. (Ian MacEwan) Thom, Charles Hepburn Scott : Vancouver Art Gallery, June 14 to August 7 1989,  Vancouver, B.C. :
The Gallery, c1989, 28 p. : ill. (some col.); 23 cm. NOTES: Catalogue essay by Ian M. Thom. Includes bibliographical references (p. 28).

Scott, Charles Hepburn, 1886-1964, (McKendry; Reid; Harper; Duval;
-----Glenbow-Alberta Institue;Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Creative Canada, 1971;
------Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983; Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Charles H. Scott, British Columbia Coasr, ink drawing, 1932, 7 5/8 x
9 7/8; image reproduced from the following book:
Duval, Paul, Canadian Drawings and Prints, Toronto:
Burns and MacEachern, 1952, [xv], 100, [7] at page or plate 19.

Scott, Christine, weaver, New Brunswick, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Colin Alexander, 1861-1925, born in Ottawa (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scott, Desmond W., (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Scott, Desmond, 1926-2019, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Scott, Don, 1933-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Dorothy (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Scott, Eleanore, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Elizabeth ( Sales Index 1989-90)
Scott, Elizabeth, from Sechelt, B.C., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Scott, Gerald, 1926-2003, (Reid; Art Gallery of Ontario; Lord; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Image source: waddingtons.ca/media/pricesrealised/pdf/Off%20the%20Wall_2_535.pdf, lot 172, accessed 29 April 2016
Gerald William Scott,
self-portrait, oil on masonite.


Scott. Gerald William, 1931-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)
Scott, Harry, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Harry Brent, 1925-2020, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scott, Heather (Heather Ballantyne), 1956-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Ian (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Scott, James Douglas, fl 1871-80, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scott, Jeannette, 1864-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scott, Jim, c1939-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, John ( Sales Index 1989-90)
Scott, John (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Scott, John, 1950-2022, (Newlands; Burnett; Balkind; Collection des livres d'artistes
-----de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2000;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
-----Contemporary Canadian Artists; War Zones--Exhibit; Art in Ontario; The Donovan Collection at St.
-----Michael's College); artist's site

John Scott, "Firestorm, 1981, graphite, varsol on paper, 96" x 96", Photo:
courtesy Carmen Lamanna Gallery, Toronto."

[Image and description of John Scott's work of art are reproduced from the following book:
Parkin, Jeanne, William J.S. Boyle, Visual Arts Ontario, Art in Architecture: Art for the built environment in the Province
of Ontario
, [Toronto] : Visual Arts Ontario, 1982, xii, 276 p., at p. 245: ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 276, ISBN: 0920708048]

Scott, John McBride, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, John Wilson, 1915-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scott, Juan F., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Katherine, artisan, poterie (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Scott, Kay Fortier (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Scott, Ken, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Lillian, c1910-1964, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Lloyd Edward William, 1911-1968, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo de Louise Scott reproduite         du site
suivant: askart.com/artist/Louise_Scott/86302/
(consulté le 30 août 2023).

Publication sur Louise Scott:

Scott, Louise, West End Art Gallery, Montreal, Louise Scott, pastels, Montreal:
West End Art Gallery, [1980],
32 unnumbered pages : chiefly illustrations (color
illustrations), portrait ; 15 x 22 cm; note: exhibition at West End Art Gallery was
from 26 April - 17 May 1980, source of image: abebooks.com/servlet/Book
Details...., book seller abibliodocs (Montréal, QC, Canada) (accessed 3 February 2022).

Scott, Louise, 1936-2007, né à New York et décédé à Montréal (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; McKendry;
------Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Trépanier; Robert 83; Roussan 82; Robert 78; MAQ;
------Tippett; Robert 64; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial
------Guide 2002-2003; Sir George Williams University; Montréal vu par les peintres;
------ Shell Canada Collection; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992;
------Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

Louise Scott, La Saint-Jean-Baptiste / Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, huile sur panneau / oil on board, 118, 8 cm x 147, 5 cm (44" x 58"), Musée d'art

(Texte et image proviennent du livre suivant : CIDEM -- Communications et Montréal (Québec), Services des activités culturelles,
Montréal vu par les peintres / Montréal as seen by Painters, [Montréal] : Ville de Montréal, Service des activités culturelles,
1984, à la p. 51).
Scott, Marguerite, (L'art au Canada français)
Scott, Marie, 1950-, born in Kamloops, BC (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Scott, Marilyn (Oeuvres d'artisans)

Scott, Marian, 1906-1993, undated photo Scotts fonds,
PA-200631 55.

Livre sur Marian Dale Scott (image:

Trépanier, Esther, 1951-, Marian Dale Scott, 1906-1993, Musée du Québec,
Marian Dale Scott : pionnière de l'art moderne, [Québec] : Musée du Québec,
c2000, 301 p.: ill. (certaines en coul.); 24 cm. NOTES: "Cet ouvrage accompagne
l'exposition Marian Dale Scott, 1906-1993, pionnière de l'art moderne, présentée
au Musée du Québec du 6 avril au 4 septembre 2000"--Verso de p. de t. Publ. aussi
en anglais sous le titre: Marian Dale Scott, pioneer of modern art. Comprend un
index. Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 285-291, Canadiana: 00802958X rév,
ISBN: 2551199719

Scott, Marion (or Marian) Mildred Dale, 1906-1993, (McKendry; Magazin'art, v. 9(4), 1997, p. 69
------and pp. 93-94(E); Reid; Trépanier;  Roussan 82;  Robert 78; MQ; Harper; Hubbard;
----- Hill; Art Gallery  of Ontario; MAQ; Burnett; Tippett; Duval; Newlands; Roundstone
------Council for the Arts; Canadian Drawings; L'art du Québec; Bernier 99; Viau; Gagnon;
------Abstract Painting; Québec 1940-1966; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Société d'art contemporain, Montréal, 1939-1948; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Early Women
------Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);

Source of the image:
Reid, Dennis, Canadian Jungle: The later Work of Arthur Lismer, Toronto : Art Gallery of Ontario
= Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, c1985, 112 p., at page 53 : ill. (some col.), ports. ; 21 X 25 cm. NOTES:
Published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Sept. 28-Nov. 24, 1985,
and travelling to other galleries. Includes bibliographies. ISBN: 0919777171., put on line on 28 February 2022.

Google -- Images for Scott, Marion (or Marian) Mildred Dale, 1906-1993

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Scott, Mary, 1948-, (Nemiroff; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Contemporary Canadian Artists)

Thesis on the artist:
CROWSTON, Catharine, Making Art/Making Theory: On the relationship between Theory and Arr in the Work of
Mary Scott M.A. rhesis, York University, 1989.


Scott, Mary S., fl 1889, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scott, Nigel, 1956-, (Children in Photography; Postmodernism 1970-1990)
Scott, Pamela, 1921-2009, died in West Vancouver, BC (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Peggy, from Niagara-on-the-Lake (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Phylliss, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, R. Stuart, 1904-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scott, Ralph C., 1896-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scott, Ric, born in England, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Robert, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Robert, 1923-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Robert (Robert Austin), 1941-, (Shell Canada Collection; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
------contemporain de Montréal; Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Corporate collections; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Scott, Robert John Elliot, fl. 1890-1920 (Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940)
Scott, Ron, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Scott, Samuel, 1703/10-72 (Harper; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Samuel Scott, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, undated, oil,
private collection; text and image reproduced from the following book:
Harper, John Russell, 1914-, Painting in Canada, 2nd ed., Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1977,
reprinted 1978, vii, 463 p., plate 12 at p. 40 : ill., ISBN: 0-8020-2271-5 (bd.).

Scott, Shirley, from Mallorytown, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Stanley, 1889-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Scott, Stephen, 1952-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; New Brunswick Painters);  artist's site 1--- artist' site 2

Stephen Scott, Draped Figure, 2012, oil on canvas, 47 x 47”; I would
like to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce (9 September 2016).


Publication on Susan G. Scott:
Bordo, Jon, Susan G. Scott, Jonathan Bordo, Victoria LeBlanc,
Susan G. Scott : les enfants terribles (a painter's narrative), Montréal : Éditions de la Galerie mcClure, 2004,
28 pages : color illustrations ; 21 cm, essay by = texte de Jon Bordo ; afterword by = postface de Victoria LeBlanc,
ISBN: 097344620X, 9780973446203, image source: artgallery.dal.ca/susan-g-scott-les-enfants-terribles, accessed 22 October 2019

Scott, Susan G., 1949-, (Tippett; Bernier; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Collection Lavalin
-------du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection Loto-Québec;
-------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Montréal, Michel Tétreault art contemporain; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995
------par Ostiguy; Galerie Laroche/Joncas Montréal; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
------ ol. 8, Part 1
); *artist's site

Scott, Sue, 1935-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scott, Sue, craftsmanship -- knitted & knotted work (Crafts Canada)
Scott, Susan, c1945-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Scott, Sylvia, 1946-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1), see also/voir aussi
------Palchinski, Sylvia Scott
Scott, T. Seaton, 1836-1895, (Hubbard; Fine Arts in Canada; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scott, Tim (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Scott, Victoria, 1967-, (Art and Technology 2002)
Scott, Walter (Macaulay & Co. Fine Art Vancouver)
Scott, W.P., fl 1883-9, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scott B., Jo, 1941-, born in Argentina (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Scott-Taggart, Clare, craftperson in furniture (Cutting Edge in Crafts)


Scovil, James Noel, 1878-, born in St. John, New Brunswick

"Caricature drawing -- Waiting, only
Waiting.  J. Noel Scovil, 1900. (Acadiensis Magazine,
1901).  Young men gathered at the stage door of the
Saint John Opera House"; text and image reproduced
from following book:
Tweedie, R.A.,  Fred Cogswell, and W. Stewart MacNutt, editors, Arts in
New Brunswick
, [Fredericton]: Brunswick Press, 1967, The Centennial
edition, copy number 369 of 2,000, 280 pages, at p. 157 : illustrations (some
color) ; 35 cm (book collection of François Lareau)

On Scovil, see David Russell Jack "An Acadian Artist", Acadiensis,
vol. 1, No. 2, April 1901, pages 69-73, available in part at C:/Users/Owner/
, accessed 25 January 2020;
the author states that Scovil was born on 25 December 1878, studied at
L'Académie Julien in Paris,was employed at the St. John Gazette and
his father was James Scovil who was deceased at the time the article
was written. 


Scoville, Morris Allaire, 1889-1968, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scrak, Stephan, (Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 61; membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)
Scranton, H.H., fl 1872-4, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Screier, Michael, 1949-, (Canadian Encyclopedia -- Photographers)


Publication on Glen Scrimshaw:
Scrimshaw, Glen, A mile in my shoes : the story behind the paintings,
Saskatoon : One Way Pub. House, 2010, 1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 23 x 29 cm,
ISBN: 9780973207552,  0973207558 (catalogue Voilà and WorldCat database)
source of image: www.abebooks.com and Michel Lanteigne, Bookseller
(Montreal, QC, Canada), accessed 4 November 2019.

Scrimshaw, Glen, 1959-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Scriuba, Otilia (ARTBOMB--8 and 12 May, 12, 18 and 24 June, 27 and 31 July, 10 August,
------1 and 23 September, 1 and 2 October, 17 November and 8 December 2018; 17 March and
------13, 15, 16 and 27 June and 1, 23 and 24 July 2019)


Scrive, Hélène, 1957-, (Roussan 98; Vallée 93); site sur l'artiste

Hélène Scrive, Vivre un rêve, 1995, oil on canvas, en vente Encan West Island Auctions
Internet, 4-19 juillet 2022, lot 70, source de l'image: quebec.hibid.com/lot/126019747/helene-scrive
, site consulté le 15 juillet 2022.


Photo de Philippe Scrive, source:
Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe_Scrive, site visité le 12 février 2017

Livre par Philippe Scrive:
Centre culturel canadien (Paris, France),  Dans les vergers de
Philippe Scrive: Centre Culturel canadien, du 30 nov.
1972 --23 janv. 1973
, Paris : Le Centre, 1973], [20] p. : ill. (certaines
en coul.) ; 21 cm.  NOTES: Titre de la couverture (Catalogue AMICUS);
image fournie à abebooks par Le-Livre (SABLONS, France).
source de l'image: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=12868128450&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3Dart%2Bcanadien#&gid=1&pid=1, visité le 12 février 2017

Scrive, Philippe, 1927-, (MAQ; Sculpture; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Sales Index 1989-90; Collection d'art de la Ville de
------ Gatineau -- 2019); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe_Scrive

Scriven, Palemon L., fl 1870-98, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Scrivener, Patt (ARTBOMB--25 February and 3 April 2016; 20 June 2019); artist's site
Scully, Elizabeth (Liz), 1959-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scully-Mosna, Merry Ellen, 1958-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Scythes, Marta, 1957-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seabrook, Harold, 1920-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seaborne, Kenneth T. (Alberta Society of Artists)
Seager, c1809-1886, fl 1831-50 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Seager, Kenneth (Ken), 1927-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Ken Seager, image reproduced from:
accessed 18 November 2018

Seal, Andrew, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sealock, Rick, 1963-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seaman, Abraham, 1767-1848, (Folk Artists)
Seaman, Albert, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seaman, Kenneth, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seaman, Laurie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seamon, Barbara, 1937-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Searle, Dianne, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Sears, Elizabeth (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Sears, Roland, born in Shelburne, Nova Scotia, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seary, Gwen, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Seath, Ethel, 1878-1963, member of the Canadian Group of painters and member of the Beaver Hall Group  (McKendry; Reid;
------Hubbard; Robert 78; Hill; Art Gallery of Ontario; Tippett; Duval; Gagnon;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Collection Lavalin du
------Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Société d'art contemporain, Montréal, 1939-1948;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Early Women Artists; Women of Beaver Hall; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);

Ethel Seath, St. Jame's Cathedral from La Gauchetière Street (renamed Mary
Queen of the World Cathedral), c. 1925, oil on panel, 41.0 x 30.8 cm, Private collection.
(Text and photo taken from Barbara Meadowcroft, Painting Friends:
The Beaver Hall Women Painters
, Montreal: Vehicule Press, 1999, plate 8).

Seaton, Robert, born in California, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Photo of Julien Ruggles Seavey

Seavey, Julien Ruggles, 1857-1940, (Newlands; McKendry; Harper; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------ Sales Index 1989-90; Duval -- High Realism; Ontario Collection)

Seavey, Julien Ruggles, 1857-1940,  Music, 1890, 92.2 x
56.6 cm, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa,
(no. 7782)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Seavey, Marjorie Goodwin, 1896-1914, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo of Willie Seaweed,  reproduced from the following book:
MacNair, Peter L., Alan L. Hoover, Kevin Neary, British Columbia Provincial
The legacy: tradition and innovation in Northwest Coast Indian
Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre; Seattle : University of Washington Press,
193 pages, at p. 187 : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits ; 23 cm,
Photo from the collection of the Royal British Columbia Museum (put on line on 15 October

Seaweed, Willie (Hiamas; Kwaxitola), c1873-1967, carver (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Northwest Coast Indian Art 1984)


Sebag-Montefiore, Nancy, 1920-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sebald, Dick, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sebastian, Chelo, born in Spain, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom
in or out of the web page being viewed.

Image and text on Fred Sebastien, reproduced from the following publication:
Badeaux, Guy (edited and text), Portfoolio 20 : the Year's Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons,
Toronto: McArthur & Company, 2004, 159 p., at p. 158 : ill., Note: © The Association of Canadian
Editorial Cartoonists 2004, ISBN: 1-55278-446-0 (volume 20) (put on line on 15 April 2022).

Sebastian, Fred, 1964-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Caricatures 1992; Editorial cartoons)
------; site on Fred Sebastian at canadianaci.ca/Encyclopedia/sebastian-fred/ (accessed 15 April 2022).


Sebastian, Robert Edward (Roland Edward Sebastian) (Gwin-Jups), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sebastian, Ron (Gwin Butsxw), born in Hazelton, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sebastian, Ron (Indian Artists at Work)
Sebelius, Helen, 1953-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sebert, Carol, craftperson in textiles (Cutting Edge in Crafts; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sebesta, Jim, 1957-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sebestyen, Ed, born in Saskatchewan (History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Sebron, Hippolyte Victor Valentin, 1801-1879, (Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Seccafien, Cara (ARTBOMB--11 March 2014)
Seck, York Ying, born in Singapore, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Secka, Passionaria, 1947-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
"Second Horton Carver", act. 1798-1805, (Folk Artists)
Secord Schackel, Dianne
Secours, Michelle (Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 100)
Secter, Lloyd, 1940-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Secunda, David, 1948-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Secunda, Ruth, 1947-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seddon, Derek, 1931-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sedge, Raymond Joseph, 1952-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sedgewick, Ruth, from Oshawa, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sedgwick, Holly (ARTBOMB--11 June 2014)
Sedgwick, John, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seding, Volker, 1943-2007, (Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board; Stephen Bulger Gallery Toronto)
Sedlacik, Antoin, 1962-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sedmina, Karl, 1950-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
See, J.T., 1824-, fl 1873-5, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seed, Brian (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
Seed, June, born in Ottawa, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seedhouse, Fred, 1924-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seegmiller, Anita, from Craighurst, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seeleenak, Celina, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Seeley/Serlet, Florence, fl 1886-1900, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Seeley, Mabel Olive, 1918-1988, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seely, Walter Frederick, 1886-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Seeman, Karp, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Seese, Wayne, 1918-1980 (Roussan 82)

Wayne Seese, Gestation, 1973, encre et aquarelle, 175,2 x 195,5 cm (Collection
Cette image a été reproduite du livre suivant:
Roussan, Jacques de, 1929-1995, Le nu dans l'art au Québec, La Prairie:
Éditions Marcel Broquet, 1982, 223 p., à la p. 124, ISBN: 2890000664.


Sefton, Joan (Alberta Society of Artists)
Segal, Alan, ( Sales Index 1989-90)


Gerald Segan; this photo is from the article by Jack Kapika,
"Brian Gerald Segal", The Globe and Mail, 24 April 2011, available
at theglobeandmail.com/life/facts-and-arguments/brian-gerald-segal/article1322233/ (accessed 7 May 2021).

Segal, Brian Gerald, 1948-2011, born in Montreal (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Crafts
______from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)

Segal, Carole, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Segal, Harvey, born in Montreal; artist's site

Harvey Segal, Feel the Music, 2004; I would like to thank the artist
for his permission to reproduce (12 November 2015).


Segal, Jill, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Photo of Seymour Segal taken by Howard Kay with
the article by Raymond Eljarrat, "L'art juif existe-t-il?",
La voix séfarard, Décembre 1992- février 1993, à la p. 40,
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2688803 (site consulté le 5 septembre 2021).

Segal, Seymour, 1939-,  (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Robert 83; Avmor Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Claridge Inc. catalogue)

Seymour Segal, Hand Puppets, 1994, acrylic and oil on canvas,
20 x 20"; image source: http://www.ebay.ca/, accessed on 17
December 2014.

Segal, Sheila (Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Segan, Srdjan (Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, pp. 44-45)
Segnoret, Maria Luisa (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019) 
Segor (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Segovia, Robert F., 1971-, (Biennale du Québec 1995)
Séguin, Claire Irene, born in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seguin, Clara, 1901-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Seguin, Denys, 1937-2000, décédé à Ottawa (Creative Canada, 1971; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Source: Le Droit, 28 octobre 1983 à la p. 11,
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4205252 (site consulté le 5 septembre 2021).


Séguin, E., ( Sales Index 1989-90)
Séguin, Élise, 1952, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Pluralisme au Québec)
Séguin, Élise, c1965-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Séguin, Élise (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)


Séguin, Fernand, 1927-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical
------ Index of Artists in Canada)

Oeuvre de Fernand Séguin accompagnant l'article,
"Séguin d'abord faire des objets", La Presse, 28 septembre
1968 à la p. 39, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/
  (site consulté le 5 septembre 2021).


Séguin, Gilles, 1936-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 90; Bruens; Bruens 88; Bruens 89; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------ Sales Index 1989-90)

Oeuvre de Gilles Séguin accompagnant l'article de Robert
Duguay, "Un 'Séguin' au Forum?", La Presse, mardi, le 27 juin
1995 à la p. 9, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2180097 (site visité le 5 septembre 1995).


Seguin, Irène, 1950-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Pluralisme au Québec; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)


Jean Séguin, photo reproduite du site
suivant: necrocanada.com/deces-2022/
(consulté le 20 décembre 2022).

Séguin, Jean, 1938-2022,  décédé à Baie-Saint-Paul, QC (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)


Photo de Jean Séguin, La Presse, 16 juin 1988, à la p. A7, disponible
à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2259859 (source consultée le 5 octobre 2021).

Séguin, Jean, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Séguin, Jean-Paul (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)


Photo de Jean-Pierre Séguin accompagnant l'article, "Son
oeuvre 'L'Index' se classe 2ième: Séguin satisfait de la qualité
des oeuvres présentées", La Tribune, samedi, 18 août 1979 à
la p. 34, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3682910 (site consulté le 6 septembre 2021).

Séguin, Jean-Pierre, 1951-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; MAQ;
------1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; Collection Lavalin du Musée
------d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection des livres d'artistes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle); site de l'artiste


Séguin, Johanne, from Lemoyne, P.Q. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Séguin, Lorraine, (Roussan 2006)
Séguin, Louie, from Vankleek Hill, Ontario, sculpt., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo de Marc Séguin, accompagnant l'article de Jérôme
Delgado, "Les multiples horizons de Marc Séguin", La Presse,
samedi, 11 novembre 2000 à la p. D16, disponible à collections.banq.
(site consulté le 6 septembre 2021).

Livre sur/Book on  Marc Séguin:
Stéphane Aquin, Robert Enright et Marc Séguin,  Marc Séguin : survol / essais par Stéphane Aquin,
Robert Enright = Marc Séguin : overview / essays by Stéphane Aquin, Robert Enright, Montréal :
400 coups, c2006, 127 p. : ill. en coul.; 22 cm; ISBN: 2895402094 et  9782895402091

Séguin, Marc, 1970-, (Bernier; Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, p. 92; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011,
------pp. 46-47; MACM--exposition :  De fougue et de passion) *site de l'artiste/artist's site
Séguin, Marc, (Galerie Montcalm, exposition 3 nov.- 18 déc. 2011; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)
Séguin, Marie-Claude, architecte-paysagiste (Art public de la ville de Montréal)
Séguin, Pierre, 1792-1822, sculpteur, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Séguin, Pierre (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Séguin, Raphaelle, née à Montréal (Galerie MX -- Artists 2015); see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/raphaelle-seguin/
Séguin, Richard (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Séguin, Richard (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)


Gravure de Richard Séguin accompagnant l'article de Stéphane Bérubé, "Les artistes...
peintres : Plusieurs chanteurs, humoristes, comédiens s'expriment par la peinture", La
,  samedi, 2 décembre 2000, aux pages D1 et D3, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/
(site consulté le 7 septembre 2021).

Séguin, Richard (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 96); *site de l'artiste


Seguin, Rick, from Fredericton, New Brunswick,  (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seguin, Robert, born in Montreal; see--voir: koymangalleries.com/artist/robert-seguin/
Seguin, Ron, from Ottawa area, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo de Bernard Séguin-Poirier, accompagnant l'article de Marie-Claude Pilon,
"Il était âgé de 74 ans.  Décès de l'artiste émailleur Bernard Séguin Poirier", Néomedia:
Vaudreuil--Valleyfield, 29 septembre 2023, reproduit de: neomedia.com/vaudreuil-soulanges/
(consulté le 28 octobre 2023).

Livre sur Bernard Séguin-Poirier:

Claude Sauvage, 1938-, Séguin Poirier / texte de Claude Sauvage, Saint-Constant, Québec :
Éditions Broquet, c2004, 119 p. : ill. (principalement en coul.); 24 x 28 cm (Collection Signatures),
ISBN: 2890006522 (source de l'image: http://www.renaud-bray.com/Livres_Produit.aspx?id=581966&def=S%C3%A9guin+Poirier%2
, site visité le 22 avril 2014)

Séguin-Poirier, Bernard, 1949-2023, né à Montréal, QC, émailleur sur cuivre  (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Collectionneur 90-91, vol. VIII, # 29,
------pp. 38-40; Naïfs; Bruens 88; L'art naïf; Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; Émail au Québec, 1944-1989); site de l'artiste


Segura, Yolanda (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Seguro, Nelson, 1954-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Seh, Elmer (Elemer), 1922-1989, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seheult, Brenda Pirie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seibert, Sharyn, c1949-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seiden, Regina, see Goldberg, Regina Seiden
Seidl, Albert, 1935-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seidl, Nany, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seifried, Chris (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)
Seigel, Bonnie Anne, from Liskeard, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seipio, Sirpa, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sejer, Dieter, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sejnoha, Jaroslav, 1889-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sekaric, Dragan, see--voir Shex, Dragan Sekaric


Sekeris, Pim, 1950-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87); artist's site

Pim Sekeris, Light Current, 2005, oil on linen, 30 x 40"; I would like
to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce (6 April 2016).

Sekeris, Willem Pieter, 1950-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)
Sekerka, John (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Selassi, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Selchow, Roger Hoffman, 1911-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Seldon, Walter (History of Art in Toronto Schools)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Selenuk, Walter, 1950-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Walter Selenuk, 1981, oil on canvas, 26 x 26"; image
reproduced from: http://www.cafr.ebay.ca/itm/Walter-Selenuk-
wYH, accessed 3 December 2015.

Seles, Zeljko, 1954-, (Vallée 93)

Image source: theglobeandmail.com/life/facts-and-arguments/delmar-johnnie-seletze/article4251459/, accessed 16 December 2016
Delmar Johnnie Seletze

Seletze, Delmar Johnnie, 1946-2012, born in Duncan, British Columbia

Self, Basil, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Selfe, Reginald Franklin, 1888-1960; artist's site
Selfridge, Richard and Carol, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Claridge Inc. catalogue)


Gary D. Selig, Lost In A Story, acrylic on canvas;
24”x24” and  Gary writes : "Here’s me with an image
inspired by my youngest grandson"

(I would like to thank the artist for his permission
to reproduce here, this image of his art 8 March 2021)

Gary D. Selig, His Favourite Hat: Self Portrait in Orange and Blue, 2019,
acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24"; I would like to thank the artist for his permission
to reproduce here, this image of his art (13 January 2020).

Selig, Gary D.; artist's web site

Gary D. Selig, Stoic, 2019, acrylic on canvas, 12 x12"; I would like to thank
the artist for his permission to reproduce here, this image of his art (13 January


Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 1771-1820, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sell, Vera (Vera Riazonova), 1951-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sella, Antonio, ( Sales Index 1989-90)
Sellar, Gloria, born in Calgary, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sellars, Kathleen, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Stan Sellen
He later went to the Ontario College of Art, graduating in 1949. Stan joined the CBC
in 1953, the early days of Canadian television, as a set designer–and later art director–
for such classic CBC shows starring Wayne & Shuster, Juliette, and Ann Murray.

Stan’s painting spans sixty years–from the late 1940s to the 2000s. His earlier work is
in oils, later transitioning to water colours and ink. In the tradition of The Group of Seven,
much of his painting was executed while on canoe trips in northern Ontario:  in Algonquin,
Killarney, and Temagami parks and the French River. Many of his watercolours depict the
countryside of Vaughan township (he lived outside of Maple, Ontario from 1960 to 1975).

[Above photo and excerpt of text reproduced from: stanleysellen.com/about, accessed
29 September 2024.]

Sellen, Stanley (Stan), 1926-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); artist's site


Sellin, Herbert (Herb) Otto, 1943-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90)

Herbert (Herb) Otto Sellin, The Old Man with the Horse Mower, 1997, acrylic
on masonite, 24 x 36 "--61 x 91.4 cm; on sale at, Hodgins Art Auctions Ltd.,
Fall 2023 Art Auction, 4 December 2023, lot 161, reproduced from hodginsauction.
(accessed 23 November 2023).


Sellors, Ernest Wright, 1878-1957, (150 Years of Art in Manitoba)
Selva, Pierre (Robert 83)
Selwyn, Winifrede, 1888-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Exhibition catalogue on Michael
Kunard, Andrea, Michael Semak, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Michael Semak / Andrea Kunard, Ottawa : Canadian Museum
of Contemporary Photography = Musée canadien de la photographie contemporaine, c2005, 83 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition
organized and circulated by the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, and presented in Ottawa from 7 May to 13 November 2005. Cf. T.p.
verso. Includes bibliographical references: p. 72-73. Text in English and French.  ISBN: 0888848064.
Source of catalogue image: http://www.shopngc.ca/boutique/en/product/photography-publications/michael-semak.html, accessed 22 August 2015.

Semak, Michael, 1934-2020, (The 60s in Canada; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board; Photography Canada 1967;
------Visages qui sont un pays par des photographes, production de l'ONF; Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)

Michael Semak, Toronto, Ontario, 1963; photo reproduced from the
following book:
Monk, Lorraine, editor, Photographie Canada, 1967 = Photography Canada, 1967, [0ttawa] : National Film Board of Canada /
Office national du film du Canada, c1968, ca. 150 p., at plate 126 : principalement ill.; 22 x 23 cm (series; Image 2); NOTES: "D'après une
exposition réalisée par l'Office national du film du Canada."  Anglais et français.

Sémanyshyn, Michel, 1953-, (Vallée 89)
Semchishen, Orest, 1932-, born in Mundare, Alberta  (The 60s in Canada; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board;
------Faces of Canada -- Photography; Canadian Encyclopedia -- Photographers); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orest_Semchishen


Book by Sandra Semchuk:
Semchuk, Sandra, Joan Borsa, 1948-, Martin Semchuk,
Presentation House Gallery, Coming to death's door : a daughter/father collaboration /
Sandra Semchuk ; [essay by Joan Borsa], North Vancouver, B.C. : Presentation House Gallery,
1992, 1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 26 cm. NOTES: Catalogue for the exhibition held Oct. 19-Nov. 24,
1991 at the Presentation House Gallery, North Vancouver, B.C. Includes bibliography.  ISBN: 0920293301 (AMICUS catalogue).
Source of image: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=18821967850&searchurl=n%3D200000038%26xpod%3Don%26pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3DCanadian%2Barts#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 23 October 2016

Semchuk, Sandra, 1948-, (Newlands; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Nik Semenoff, death notice with biographical
notes at dignitymemorial.com/en-ca/obituaries/saskatoon
(accessed 23 November 2023).

Semenoff, Nik (Niholi), 1928-2022, born in Arelee, SK (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)


Sementzeff, Michel, 1933-,  (Vallée 89; Bruens 88; Bruens 90)
Semkiw, Michael R., 1961-,  (Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989)
Semmad, Taouffik, 1957-, (canadiens d'origine arabe)
Semotiuk, Zenovia, 1970-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)


Semple, Glen, 1960-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Glen Semple, A Quiet Moment, 2001, acrylic on canvas, 18 x 18" / 45.7 x 45.7 cms,
Waddingtons, Canadian Art from a Prominent Coraporate Art Collection, 12-17 June 2021,

Semple, Margaret Hunter Doty, 1900-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Sen, Ranjan, 1941-, (Burnett; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Alberta Society of Artists)
Senay, Kathleen, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Artists of British Columbia)
Sendrea, Emily-Marie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sène, Annie; site de l'artiste
Sénécal, Ernest, 1894-1974, site sur l'artiste
Sénécal, Fernand, 1914-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo de Irène Senécal, vers 1956-60; photo reproduite de À Rayons ouverts,
Chroniques de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, hiver 2019, numéro
103, à la p. 9 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/14433 (site consulté le 2 octobre 2021).

Senécal, Irène, 1901-1978, (McKendry; Tippett; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8,
------ Part 1
; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
------ fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/....Publications

Sénécal, Michel, photographe (Montréal au XXe s.--photographes)
Sénécal, Micheline, 1946-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)
Senéchal, Benoît (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec) 
Sénéchal, Gilles (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec) 
Sénéchal, Lionel (Lemieux 87)
Sénéchal, Normand, 1954-, (L'Artothèque--2014)
Senegal, Ralph L., 1883-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Senf, Erna, from Bradford, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Senft, Douglas, 1950-2012, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Senggih (Henk Kreger), 1914-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Senini, Blake, 1954-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Senior, Desmond, 1936-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 89; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Senior, Ray (Raymond), 1921-, craftsmanship -- woven work (Crafts Canada; Tapisserie québécoise)
Senitt-Harbison, Cathy, 1945-, Fergus, Ont., (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seniw, Tom (Thomas), 1942-, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Senkiw, Christina, 1950-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Senkus, Slawka, 1919-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Senner, Winona, from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Senneville, Diane, ébénisterie (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Sepers, Tony, 1945-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sephton, Doug, 1950-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sepp, Peeter, 1935-, (Society of Estonian Artists  in Toronto; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sepulveda, Adrian, né en Amérique du Sud, (Roussan 2001); artist's site / site de l'artiste
Sequeira, Rui (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)

Serafin, Sigmund, 1920-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Sigmund Serafin, Bleak Radiance, 1969, oil on masonite, 18.5 x 30 in — 47 x 76.2 cm,
on sale at Waddington's Discovery Art, 21-26 October 2023, lot 130, reproduced from:
waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-oct-26-2023/gallery/lot/130/ (accessed 23 October 2023).


Serdan, Charlene (ARTBOMB--17 December 2014; 9 February, 10 June, 25 July and 28 September 2015; 6 March 2017)
Serediuk, John, 1953-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo de Claudia Serei accompagnant l'article de Pierre Sévigny, "Claudia Serei: Peintre
de Montréal consacrée à Paris", À propos, dimanche, 19 mai 1974 à la p. 8 et disponible à
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3487883, site consulté le 31 juillet 2021.

Serei, Claudia, 1949-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Sergeant, Edgar, 1877-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sergerie, Pascale (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Séripop (Yannick Desranleau et Chloe Lum), (Galerie Hugues Charbonneau)

Book on Phyllis Serota:
Serota, Phyllis, Painting my life : a memoir of love, art and transformation, Winlaw, B.C. : Sono Nis Press,
c2011, 230 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm.  ISBN: 9781550391886.
Source of the book image: www.amazon.com/Painting-My-Life-Memoir-Transformation/dp/1550391887, accessed 18 April 2016.

Serota, Phyllis, 1938-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Serr, Jan, 1943/6-, (Shell Canada Collection; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Serrani, Emilio H. (Avmor Collection)
Serré, Jean-Baptiste, 1723-après1741,  silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Serres, Dominic, 1722-1793 (Nova Scotia; Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)

Image source: Ray Cronin, Halifax Art & Artists: An Illustrated Hisrory, https://www.aci-iac.
ca/art-books/halifax-art-and-artists/historical-overview/ (accessed 13 October 2023).


Servant, Valérie, née à Sainte-Anne-des-Monts (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Service, Patricia Olive (Pat), 1941-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Pat Service, Hitchum Flats, 1997, acrylic & oil on canvas,
36 x 66", cover of the following publication:

Service, Pat, 1941-, Sherri kajiwara, Karen Wilkin, 1940-, Buschlen-Mowatt Gallery, Pat Service : land scapes, Vancouver : Buschlen
Mowatt Fine Arts, [1998], 46 p.: chiefly col. ill.; 25 x 30 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Buschlen-Mowatt Gallery,
Sept. 8-30, 1998. Essay by Karen Wilkin; edited by Sherri Kajiwara, ISBN: 1895183146.


Seth, 1962-, see Gallant, Gregory
Seto, Kenson, 1943-,  (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012)

Source of Image: www.worldcat.org/title/ernest-thompson-seton-the-life-and-legacy-of-an-artist-and-conservationist/oclc/434744227&referer=brief_results
Book on Ernest Thompson Seton:
Witt, David L., 1951-, Ernest Thompson Seton, 1860-1946,  New Mexico History Museum, Ernest Thompson Seton : the life and legacy of an
artist and conservationist
/ David L. Witt ; foreword  by David Attenborough, 1st ed., Layton, Utah : Gibbs Smith, c2010, viii, 184 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm;
NOTES: " While this book stands on its own, it also serves as  the exhibition catalog for a nearly yearlong show  at the New Mexico History Museum in Santa Fe"
--Pref.  Includes bibliographical references (p. 169-180) and index. ISBN:  9781423603917 and 1423603915.

Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946, (McKendry; Reid; Gallery of Ontario; 150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Creative Canada, 1972;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; see also/voir aussi Thompson, Ernest Evan Seton; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest_Thompson_Seton


Seton, George, 1819-1905, (150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Painters in a New Land; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Seton, George, 1819-1905,  Cree Indians Celebrating a Dod Feast, Rupert's Land, 13 Sept. 1857, watercolour, Public Archives of Canada C-1063.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Settle, Jeanne Megan, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sevan, Steve, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sevcik, Vladimir, born in Czechoslovakia, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Alberta Society of Artists)
Sevehon, Paul, 1931-1995, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Severs, Anne, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Severson, John Russell, 1948-, born in Regina, SK (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Severson, Karen, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Severson, Tom, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sevestre, Fred, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Sevier, Gerald Leslie (Gerry), 1934-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------ Sales Index 1989-90; Ontario Collection)

Image source: www.kijiji.ca, accessed 14 July 2015
Gerald Sevier, Winter at the top of Ragged Falls, oil on
canvas, 41" x 29"

Sévigny, Albert, 1922-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Sévigny, Florence, 1940-, (Vallée 89; L'aquarelle au Québec -- 3; La Beauce en peinture)
Sévigny, François, 1952-, (Roussan 2001)
Sevigny, Jacks (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Sévigny, Jacques, 1942-, (Vallée 89; Roussan 2013)
Sevigny, Michel, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sévigny, Michel, 1965-, né à Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce (Biennale découverte : concours des arts visuels de Québec 1995)
Sévigny, Roger, 1921-2005, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)
Sevilliano, France-Andrée (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec; Femmeuses 2001)
Sevoga, Esquimo art, Baker Lake (Larmour)
Sevoga, Peter, 1940-2007, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Sevoga
Sevy, Pernelle, born in France, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Seward, Ellen Mary, 1892-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Ellen Mary Seward, sans titre, 16 x 20"; source: www.kijiji.ca/v-oeuvre-
, accessed 2 August 2016


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sewell, Adrian, 1892-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Sewell, Edmund Willoughby, 1800-1890

"Edmund Willoughby Sewell, Quebec City, from the
St. Lawrence River, oil on canvas, 38.4 x 53.3 cm. National
Archives of Canada, Ottawa (C-11045).

This image is reproduced  from the following book on 24 March 2021:
BÉLAND, Mario, Musée du Québec, Painting in Quebec, 1820-1850 : essays,
[Québec] : Musée du Québec, 1992, 112 pages : illustrations (certaines en couleur) ; 31 cm,
at p. 63, Illustration number 70, ISBN: 2551128005; information in part from Voilà catalogue.


Sewell, Helen Moore, 1906-2001, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sewell, Helen, 1966-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts)
Sewell, Jordan (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Sewell, Richard, 1942-, (L'estampe à Québec; Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Ontario Collection;
------Art in Ontario)


Val Sewell, photo reproduced from dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/
(accessed 3 August 2022).

Sewell, Valerie (Val) Joan, 1943-2022 , born in England (L'aquarelle au Québec -- 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia;
------(Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Sewell, William S., 1798-1866, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875)
Sewell-Spinney, Marjorie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sewid, Willie

Willie Sewid, totem pole, image and text reproduced
from the following book:

D. Allen, Totem Poles of the Northwest, [Saanichton, B.C.; Seattle: Hancock House, c1977],
32 p., at p. 1: ill. (some col.); 22 cm, ISBN: 0919654835.


Sexton, Albert E. (Edward), 1905-1979,

Albert E. Sexton, Morning Light, oil on board, 20 x 24"--50.8 x 61 cm, on sale at Waddingtons,
Discovery Art, 8 June 2023, lot 12 reproduced from waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-jun-08-2023/gallery/lot/12/ (accessed 31 May 2023).


Sexton, Ezekiel, Jr, fl 1842-50 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sey (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Seybold, Tammy Flynn (ARTBOMB-- 7 October 2013)
Seye, Bouna Medoune (Résidence 1982-1993)
Seyer, Martine (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Seyffer, Ingrid ( Sales Index 1989-90)
Seyffert, Robert, from Chester, Nova Scotia, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seyfort, Charles, 1928-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seyler, Gert, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seyler, Iris, 1964-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seymour, David, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seymour, Jesse, 1953-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Seymour, Mary, 1958-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Portrait of Admiral Michael Seymour, source of
image: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael... (accessed 25 June 2022).

Seymour, Michael, 1802-1887 (Nova Scotia; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works; Artists' Halifax
------ Portraits through 250 years)

Michael Seymour, From the Preston Road near Dartmouth, 1845, watercolour,
17.5 x 25.1 cm; image and information reproduced  from the following book:

O'Neill, Mora Dianne, 1944-, The artists' Halifax: portraits of the town and harbour through 250 Years:
works from the collection of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia: Formac Pub. Co., ©2003,
128 pages, at pages 45 and 127 : illustrations (some color); 21 x 27 cm,  ISBN: 0887806007, 9780887806001.


Seymour, Munsey, 1837-1912, (Hubbard; Fine Arts in Canada; Coverdale Collection of Canadiana;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------ Sales Index 1989-90)

Munsey Seymour, Les chutes de Shawinigan, circa 1865, Musée McCord, Don de la
succession de Elizabeth Carmichael Monk, M981.56.41, sources de la photo et
du texte: zeffy.com/fr-CA/ticketing/94feb413-8265-47b2-8dff-ea0d5af7e08d  et email à François
Lareau  du 9 ao
ût 2024 de la Fondation Histoire Québec, Rencontre régionale de la FHQ
en Mauricie, 26 ao
ût 2024  (sites consultés le 9 août 2024).


Seyssel, Alphonse de, fl 1983, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sexton,Richard (Visages qui sont un pays par des photographes, production de l'ONF)
Sgabellone, Angelo, 1948-, sculpt., (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Shaa, Aglangajuk/Aqjangajuk, 1937-, (Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Biographical Index
------of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;Cape Dorset Sculpture) see also/voir aussi Axangayu

Aqjangajuk Shaa, Figure with Ulu, c. 1967, green
stone, 38.5 x 47.0 x 6.0 cm.  Gift of the Klamer
family, 1978, 78/199

[The image of the sculpture of Aqjangajuk Shaa is reproduced from the following book:
Art Gallery of Ontario, Art Gallery of Ontario : selected works, Toronto : Art Gallery of Ontario
= Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, c1990, 463 p., at p. 440: ill. (some col.); 25 cm. NOTES: Issued also
in French under title: "Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario : oeuvres choisies de la collection". Includes
index, ISBN: 0919777775 and 0919777791]

Un détail de la sculpture ci-dessus de Aqjangajuk Shaa,
photographie de Larry Ostrom se trouve sur la couverture
avant de la publication suivante:
Blodgett, Jean, 1945-, Gardons fermement nos traditions: oeuvres tirées de
la collection d'art inuit de la famille Klamer
, Toronto : Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario,
271 pages, page couverure: illustrations (certaines en couleur), catalogue d'une exposition tenue au
Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario du 27 mai au 31 juillet, 1983, ISBN:
0919876927, 9780919876927.   This
book by Jean Blodgett is also published in English under the title:
Grasp tight the old ways : selections
from the Klamer
family collection of Inuit art
Consultez également les pages 75-77 et la page
couverture arrière pour une vue de toute la sculpture.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Shaa, Pudlalik, 1965-, (Cape Dorset Sculpture)
Shaanan, Gad, see/voir Gad Shaanan Design
Shabacon, Charles ( Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)


Source de l'image: La Patrie, Montréal, lundi, 26 avril 1948,
à la p. 5, permalien: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4329847, site consulté le 25 janvier 2022.

Shabaeff, Valentin, 1891-1978, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Valentin Shabaeff, Return of the Fleet, oil on canvas, 15 x 18"; lot # 126,
Walker's live Auction, Canadian & International Fine Arts Auction
7 December 2016.
Image source: walkersauctions.hibid.com/lot/28388360/valentin-shabaeff/?sort=2&ref=catalog, accessed 5 December 2016


Shabogesic, Perry McLeod, c1959-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shackleton, Deborah, 1951-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)
Shackleton, Karen, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Shackleton, Kathleen, 1884-1961, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)

Image source: collectionscanada.gc.ca/pam_archives/index.php?fuseaction=genitem.displayItem&rec_nbr=3636384&lang=eng, accessed 1 November 2016
Kathleen Shackleton, Portrait of Eva Bouchard,
1928, drawing: charcoal on laid paper, 30.8 x 42.5 cm; collectionscanada.gc.ca/pam_archives/index.php?fuseaction=genitem.displayEcopies&lang=eng&rec_nbr=3636384&title=Eva+Bouchard.+&ecopy=e010946769-v8

Shackleton, Libby, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo of Jack Shadbolt, at the Art Students League, New York, 1948.

Shadbolt, Jack, 1909-1998, (McKendry; Reid; Leclerc  Harper; Hubbard;  MAQ;
------Withrow; University of Guelph; Gallery of Ontario; Burnett; Murray; Balkind;
------Firestone Art Collection; Duval; Swain; Lord; Sir George Williams University;
------Newlands; Morris; Queen's University; Canadian Drawings; Canada at War;
------Carleton; Art Gallery of Hamilton; Block Prints; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Canvas of War; années 50; Abstract Painting; Winnipeg Art Gallery;
------Dalhousie Art Gallery; Shell Canada Collection; Collection Lavalin du Musée
------d'art contemporain de Montréal; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983;
------Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art;
------Creative Canada, 1972; Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of
------Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; The 60s in Canada;
------Corporate collections; Sales Index 1989-90; Contemporary Canadian Artists; Kelowna Art
------Gallery; Contemporary British Columbia Artists; Western Canada Wilderness Committee
------ 1989); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Shadbolt

Google -- Images for Jack Shadbolt

Shadrock, Ben (Ontario Collection)
Shaerer, James Brodie, 1911-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Shaffer, Lorna, from Thunder Bay, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shafley, Greg, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shagoo, Munamee (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Shagri (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Shah, Hazel, born in Cambridge, England, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaheen, Dave, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shahid, Mona (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Shahrokhi, Shamsi, 1951-, (L'art et le papier 6)

Shamsi Shahrokhi, Familiar Faces, 95 x 62.5 cm, chaleur sur
tickets de correspondance thermiques du métro de Toronto /
heat on thermal Toronto Subway transfer tickets; photo de Jacek Sokolowski, couverture du livre: Galerie d'art Jean-Claude Bergeron, L'art et le Papier VI,
Ottawa: Galerie d'art Jean-Claude Bergeron, 2004, page couverture et à la p. 9; prix d'excellence lors de l'exposition-
concours L'Art et le Papier VI, à la Galerie d'art Jean-Claude Bergeron, Ottawa, Ontario, du 27 juin au 11 juillet 2004.

Shaila (Mrs S.M. Bordo), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaimaijuk, Simon, 1915-2000 (Nuvisavik: the place where we weave)
Shalagan, Lynda, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists; ARTBOMB--9 and
------19 May, 21 June, 15 and 31 August and 12 September 2017)
Shale, Jeff, 1936-, born in Coventry, England (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Shananditti, Nancy, 1801-1829 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Shanawdithit, 1801-1829 (Newlands)

Shanadithit, drawing; text and image reproduced
from the following book:
Neary, Peter, 1938-, and Patrick O'Flaherty, 1939-, Part of the Main : an illustrated history of Newfoundland and Labrador,  St. John's, [Nfld] :
------ Breakwater Books, c1983,
208 p., at p. 77 : ill., maps, ports. ; 31 cm. NOTES: Includes index. Bibliography: p. 202.  ISBN: 091951927X (AMICUS catalogue).


Publication by George Shane:

George Shane, Sportraits of the Stars, Toronto:
Gall Publications, ©1975, 
111 pages : illustrations;
22 cm, ISBN:
0889040575, 9780889040571,
image of book reproduced from archive.org/details/
(accessed 29 September 2024).

Shane, George, 1921-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)


Shankle, Howard William, 1924-2001, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shanks, Howard, c1922-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shanks, Jeanette, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Shanly, Charles Dawson, 1811-1875, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875)

Charles Dawson Shanly, Première écluse sur le canal Rideau, près de
Kingston, 1842, aquarelle sur crayon sur papier vélin, Support:
16.3 x 12 cm

Sources of images, accessed on 12 October 2014:
- http://collectionscanada.gc.ca/pam_archives/index.php?fuseaction=genitem.displayEcopies&lang=eng&rec_nbr=2896941&title=
- http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/shanly_charles_dawson_10E.html


Shanly, Charles Dawson, 1871-1887 (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Shanly, Cuthbert William, 1859-1882, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shanly, Francis James, 1857-1877, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shanly, R.C., fl 1866, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shannon, James Jebusa, 1862-1923, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shannon, Lilian Elizabeth (Mrs Joseph R. Shannon), born in Pittsburg, USA, (Dictionary of
------ Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1
Shannon Wunderly, Jermaine (Alberta Society of Artists)
Shano, Raphael, 1930-2015, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial
------Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); 
Shantz, Brothers, c. 1924-1940s, (Folk Artists)
Shantz, Susan D., 1957-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shantz, Wilf, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shapiro, Anita-Ein, 1919-, (Robert 83; Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shapiro, Catherine, 1948-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shapiro, Harry, c1908-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shapiro, Millicent (Millie), 1938-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shapiro, Rhona Susan (born Rhona Golfman)


Shapiro, Rosalie ("Dare"), née Schapira, 1929-2016, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); Rosalie Shapiro fonds

Rosalie Shapiro graduated in Journalism and Humanities from Carlton University,
Ottawa. She worked in radio, newspapers, and advertising before accepting the
position of Director of the controversial Blue Barn Gallery (then called the Little Blue
Barn Gallery) in Bells Corners, Ontario (1966-1967). During her time as Director of
the Blue Barn Gallery, Shapiro kept a scrapbook of materials related to her work at
the Gallery. In 1968, Shapiro began a new career as an etcher. In the early 1980s,
she organized exhibitions of works by herself and by other artists in her Ottawa home.

[Source: Rosalie Shapiro fonds at gallery.ca/library/ngc076.html]

Shapiro, S. (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

Book by Leanne Shapton:
Shapton, Leanne, Toronto:  drawings / by Leanne Shapton, Atlanta, Ga. : J & L Books, c2003, 111 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm., ISBN:
9780970165688 (Paper),  ISBN: 0970165684 (Paper) (AMICUS catalogue); image supplied by from Karol Krysik Books, Member
ABAC, IOBA (Toronto, ON, Canada), see
www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=21885227672&searchurl=n%3D100121503%26pt%3Dbook%26pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3Dcanadian%2Bart%2Bbooks, accessed
7 June 2017.

Shapton, Leanne, 1973-, cartoonist


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sharar, Simon, born in Israel, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Share, Henry Pruett (Harry), 1853-1905, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Share, Henry Pruett (Harry), 1853-1905, En route, crédit photographique -- Inventaire des biens culturels du Québec


Sharkey-Thomas, Jan, 1930-2022, (Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989); artist's site
Sharky, Napachie, 1971-, (Cape Dorset Sculpture)

Sharky, Toonoo, 1970-, (Indian and Inuit Art; Transitions -- Contemporary Canadian Indian and Inuit Art 1997;
------Cape Dorset Sculpture)

Toonoo Sharky, Inner Spirit, 1996,
serpentine, 47 x 14 x 16.5 cm; image
reproduced from the following catalogue:

Ace, Barry, July Papatsie, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Centre culturel canadien (Paris, France), Waikato Museum of Art and History,
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Transitions : contemporary Canadian Indian and Inuit art = l'art contemporain des Indiens et des Inuits du
Canada : with essays by curators : avec textes rédigés par les conservateurs
/ Barry Ace, July Papatsie Contemporary Canadian Indian and Inuit art, [Ottawa:
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development : Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1997], 63 p., at p. 55: ill. (some col.); 26 cm.
NOTES: "An international traveling exhibition jointly sponsored by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Canada) and the Department of
Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Canada), 1997" - p. facing T.p. "Itinerary: Canadian Cultural Centre, Canadian Embassy, Paris, France, January 24-February
20, 1997; Waikato Museum of Art and History, Hamilton, New Zealand, October 11 - December 31, 1997" - p. facing T.p. "QS-3581-000-BB-A2" - p. preceding T.p.
Text in English and French. ISBN: 066263053X.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sharma, Manjari, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sharma, Meera K., 1942-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Sharing, A.E., (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sharon Temple, see Richard Coates, (McKendry)
Sharp, Blair (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Sharp, George Lester Thornton, 1880-1974 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sharp, Isabel, 1911-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sharp, Vincent, 1937-, (MAQ)


Sharpe, Blair, 1954-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Publication on Blair Sharpe:

Blair Sharpe, 1954-, Mayo Graham, Arts Court Gallery, Blair Sharpe: 15 years of
work, Ottawa : Arts Court Gallery = Galerie de la Cour des arts, 1989, [28] p. : ill.
(some col.) ; 17 x 22 cm; notes:
[French translation, Andrée Mennie] = 15 ans de
production / [traduction française, Andrée Mennie],
Text in English and French,
1895108004, 9781895108002; image reproduced from oaggao.ca/learn/research/
(accessed 14 December 2024).


Sharpe, Don, from Edmonton, Alberta, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Edward Sharpe, Notman staff artist, Montreal, QC,
1870, 17.8 x 12.7 cm, photo by William Notman,
reproduced from collections.musee-mccord-stewart.ca/en/objects/
(accessed 15 August 2022).

Sharpe, Edward, 1850-1871, act. 1870, (McKendry; Paysagistes; Winter in 19th Century Canada;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Sharpe, Elwood (Folk Art Outdoors)
Sharpe, Vera M., 1905-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sharples, Peter, fl 1860-96, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sharrer, Honore, 1920-2009, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor%C3%A9_Desmond_Sharrer
Sharrock, Joan (Art Impressions Magazine 1995 Annual Directory of Artists' Profiles at p. 18)
Shastri, Henry (ARTBOMB--14 March  and 27 April 2019)
Shatilla, Ian (ARTBOMB--1 August 2017)
Shaughnessy, Arthur, 1884-1945, sculpt., (McKendry)
Shaver, A.M. (Alberta Society of Artists)


Book on Darcey Shaver:

Kathy Reid, 1973-, Darcy Shaver, 1956-2003, Tamarack Trail Gallery,
The art of Darcey Shaver: in remerbrance of her life and art
AB : Tamarack Trail Gallery, 2003,
157 p. : col. ill., col. port. ; 24 x
29 cm, ISBN:
0973327707, 9780973327700, image reproduced from:
abebooks.com/....with book seller
George Longden, Macclesfield,
United Kingdom
  (accessed 13 August 2024).

Shaver, Darcey, 1956-2004, born in Bengough, SK and died in Lacombe, Alberta

Shaver, Irene, 1898-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of
------Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Photo of a painting by Irene Shaver in article "Irene Shaver", Montreal Gazette,
22 February 1964 and available at mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/coupures-de-
, p. 76 of 100 (accessed 4 Narch 2023).


Shaver, Mary Julia, 1941-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaw, Anne, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaw, Austin (History of Art in Toronto Schools; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Ontario Collection)
Shaw, Avery, (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)


Shaw, Avery Maynard, 1907-1957 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Avery Maynard Shaw, 1946, South Market Wharf, watercolour, New Brunswick
Museum,  source of the image:
Tweedie, R.A.,  Fred Cogswell, and W. Stewart MacNutt, editors, Arts in
New Brunswick
, [Fredericton]: Brunswick Press, 1967, The Centennial
edition, copy number 369 of 2,000, 280 pages, at p. 159 : illustrations (some
color) ; 35 cm (book collection of François Lareau)

Shaw painted with admirable skill.  His logical mind conceived
many experiments, closely controlled, in which he explored
design, colours, and patterns.  He was an excellent draughtsman.
His work was experimental, dramatic, and full of exciting contrasts.
In the years immediately before his death in 1957, Shaw turned
more and more frequently toward the painting of geometric
[Tweedie et al., Arts in New Brunswick, supra, at p. 158].


Shaw, D.A., fl 1884-96, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Shaw, Graeme, 1951-, born in Calgary, AB (Magazin'art, v. 14(1), 2001, pp. 92-94 and 140-142(E); Dictionary of
------Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1
); Google images

Graeme Shaw, Barrens Pioneer, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 88", in the article by Staff,
"Wildlife Artist: Graeme Shaw--Chronicler of North", Magazin'Art, Autumn 2001, 14e
année, numéro 1, pp. 140-142 at p. 141; in the French section of this number of Magazin'Art,
see "Les peintres naturalistes: Graeme Shaw--La tendresse et la froidure" aux pages 92-94
(image mise en ligne le 27 novembre 2013).


Shaw, Harold V., 1902-1975, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaw, Harry, 19590, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaw, H. Robertson, fl 1889+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shaw, Jane Brumm, 1917-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaw, Jeremy (Macaulay & Co. Fine Art Vancouver)
Shaw, Joan, 1946-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaw, Jo-Ann (ARTBOMB--28 March, 3 April and 14 December 2015; 8 January 2016)
Shaw, Jocelyn, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaw, John Byam Lister (Art at the Service of War)

Photo de John H. Shaw reproduite du livre suivant:
Jean-Pierre Payette, 1936-, Le guide des artisans créateurs du Québec, Montréal:
Les Éditions La Presse, 1974, 351 p., à la p. 94, ill., carte; 19 cm, ISBN: 0-7777-0093-X.

Shaw, John Hamilton, 1944-, céramiste, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Crafts Canada; Artisans créateurs du Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Shaw, John Palmer, born in California, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shaw, Jon (ARTBOMB--27 July 2014; 18 January 2015)
Shaw, Margaret, (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Shaw, Marvin, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaw, Nigel, 1964-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaw, Shelley Graves, fl 1973-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaw, Sophia (Alberta Society of Artists)

Shaw, Stuart Clifford, 1896-1970, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1Sales Index 1989-90;
-----Ontario Collection)

Stuart Clifford Shaw, House in the Countryside, oil on board,
8 1/2 x 10 1/2"  /  21.6 x 26.7 cm
; image reproduced from
http://www.heffel.com/online/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=73144&ImageID=1982&Main=False, accessed 12 August 2015

Shaw Law, Jane, (Nova Scotia)
Shaw-Rimmington, Barrie, 1923-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shawana, Ivan, 1960-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shawe, John Donbavand, 1888-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shaz (Sharron Bloomer), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shea, Catherine (ARTBOMB--14, 21, 28 and 31 March  and 6 May 2018)
Shea, Felix, 1896-, (Block Prints; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shea, Geoffrey (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Shea, George, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shea, Patrick, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sheard, Matthew, 1840-1910, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Brodie Shearer, Still Life with Melon Halves, 1950, oil on canvas, 74.5 x 99 cm,
Collection of the artist; on the cover of the following exhibition catalogue:
McGregor, kate, Ron McRae, Arts Court Gallery, Galerie de la cour des arts, Brodie Shearer : 50 years of painting and sculpture =
50 années de peinture et de sculpture
/ [text and coordination/texte et coordination: Kate McGregor and Ron McRae], Ottawa : Arts
Court, 1992, [14] p. : ill. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held Nov.29, 1992 - Jan.3, 1993. Text in English and French.

Shearer, James Brodie, 1911-2004, (Carleton; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------ Sales Index 1989-90; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)


Steven Shearer, Longhairs, 2004; on the
front cover of the following book on the
Drouin-Brisebois, Josée, 1972-, Steven Shearer, 1968-, National Gallery of Canada,  Steven Shearer : exhume to consume / Josée Drouin-Brisebois,
Ottawa : National Gallery of Canada = Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, c2011, 256 p.: col. ill. ; 26 cm. NOTES: Exhibition catalogue. "Biennale Arte 2011.
Canada Pavilion. National Gallery of Canada". Text in English, French and Italian. Exhibition held at Biennale di Venezia from June 4 to Nov. 27, 2011.
ISBN: 9780888848888.

Shearer, Steven, 1968-, originaire de la Colombie-Britannique (Vie des arts, numéro 222, vol. 45, printemps 2011, p. 25; Monte Clark Gallery Vancouver;
------Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, p. 63; National Gallery of Canada -- Recent Acquisitions)

Steven Shearer, Larry in Germany, 2004, 116,8 x 71,1 cm

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to
zoom in or out of the web page being viewed.

Source of image:
Vernissage -- The Magazine of the National Gallery of Canada/Le
magazine des beaux-arts du Canada
, Spring 2011, vol. 13, number 2, at p. 12, put
on line on 4 May 2022.


Shearwood, Diana (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sheba, Michael, 1945-, born in Toronto, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Claridge Inc. catalogue)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Shebageget, Frank, born in Thunder Bay (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

Frank Shebageget, Beavers (Castors), 2003, 1692 bass wood airplanes, Collection of the Ottawa Art
Gallery, photo: David Barbour, 2003.

[Text and image reproduced from following book: Françoise Charron, 1954-, Emily Falvey, 1975-, Ottawa Art
Gallery, Kosmos / [Emily Falvey, publication coordinator; Françoise Charron, French translation] = Kosmos /
[Emily Falvey, coordination de la publication; Françoise Charron, traduction française], Ottawa: Ottawa Art
Gallery = Galerie d'art d'Ottawa, c2006, 67 p., at pp. 55 and 56 : coll. ill.; 27 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an
exhibition held at the Ottawa Art Gallery from Feb. 17 to Apr. 30, 2006. Cf. P. 67. Includes bibliographical
references. Text in English and French, ISBN: 189490625X (AMICUS catalogue)]
Sheckter, Bonnie, 1951-, (Alberta artists; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Ontario Collection)

Publication on Leslie Shedden:
Shedden, Leslie, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Allan Sekula, Robert Wilkie, Don MacGillivray, 1942-, Shedden Studio, Mining photographs and other pictures,
1948-1968 : a  selection from the Negative Archives of Shedden Studio,  Glace Bay, Cape Breton
/ photographs by Leslie Shedden; essays by Don Macgillivray
and Allan Sekula ; introduction by Robert Wilkie ; edited by Benjamin H.D. Buchloh and Robert Wilkie, Halifax, N.S. : Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
and the University College of Cape Breton Press, 1983,: xxviii, 277 p. : ill. (3 col.) ; 22 x 28 cm, SERIES: The Nova Scotia series, source materials of the contemporary
arts; no. 13, NOTES: Includes bibliographical references,  ISBN: 0919616259 (AMICUS catalogue); image supplied by Martin Kaukas Books (Manchester, VT, U.S.A.),
at abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=18572486613&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26kn%3DNova%2Bscotia%2Bart (accessed 20 June 2017).

Shedden, Leslie, 1913-1987, photographer

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sheeg (Shegoapik), Isah, (Seidelman; Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sheeguapik, Maggie (Povungnituk 1960-1970)
Sheehan, Carol (Alberta Society of Artists)
Sheehy, Alain (Lemieux 78; Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978)
Sheehy, Nathalie (membre de l'Association des artistes de la Rive-Sud -- 2012)
Sheelor, F.W. (Photos 1895-1924)
Sheeks, Sally Lee (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Sheeookjuk, 1920-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plates 128, 179 and 218)
Shegelman, Simon, 1933-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shekoalook, Esquimo art, Cape Dorset (Larmour)
Shekoolook (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sheldon-Williams, Dorothea, 1873-1938 (Saskatchewan: art and artists)

Photo of Inglish Sheldon-

Sheldon-Williams, Inglish Jodrell , 1870-1940, born in Woodside, Elwetham, Hampshire, England and died in Turnbridge Wells, England (McKendry; Reid;
------Harper; Burnett; Canvas of War; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Biographical Dictionary
------of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

Sheldon-Williams, Inglish, 1870-1940, Fire Guard, oil on canvas, 26" x 35", Collection of the Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina.


Shellard, Rita, born in Luxembourg (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); artist's site

Rira Shellard, Sea Song, à vendre, La Maison des encans, Montréal, Encan du
collectionneur, 25 octobre 2023, lot 26, image reproduite de live.encans.pro/vendeur/la-
(site consulté le 26 octobre 2023).


Shelleau, Maureen, 1961-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shellenberger, Otto, see Rand, Paul


Shelton, Barry, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Barry Shelton, Poetic Return, acrylic on canvas with canvas, 24 x 24 " — 61 x 61 cm,
on sale at Waddington's Discovery Art, 21-26 October 2023, lot 192, reproduced from:
waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-oct-26-2023/gallery/lot/192/  (accessed 25 October 2023).


Shelton, Cary Ann, born in England, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Photo of Margaret Shelton reproduced from the web page with
further information on her at fecklesscollection.ca/margaret-shelton
(accessed on 14 October 2022).

Book on Margaret Dorothy Shelton:
Ainslie, Patricia, Margaret Shelton, 1915-1984, Glenbow Museum, Margaret Shelton : block prints, 1936-1984 : Glenbow Museum, Calgary,
/ Patricia Ainslie, Calgary : Glenbow Museum, 1985-?, 48 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 x 27 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliography.  ISBN:
Image source for the book: www.fineartandantiques.ca/Gallery%20Pages/Prints%20Pages/galleryshelton.html, accessed 18 September 2015

Shelton, Margaret Dorothy (Mrs. C.E. Marcellus), 1915-1984, (McKendry; Tippett; Block Prints; Dalhousie Art
------Gallery; Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Alberta Society of Artists;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Margaret Shelton, Peyto Lake and Glacier, 1944, watercolour,
10 x 14" / 25.4 x 35.6 cms (sight); Consignor Canadian Fine Art, March
2017 Online Auction of Canadian and International Art work, Lot # 208.
Image source: consignor.ca/artwork/AW28940, accessed 5 March 2017


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Shelton, Monica, born in Chile, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shen Chin Yuan (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Shenker, Bertha (Collection Loto-Québec)
Shenstone, Barbara (Faces of Canada -- Photography)

Barbara Shenstone, Remembrance Day,
St. John's, Newfoundland; image reproduced
from the following book:

J. Marc Coté Pouliot, Ford Motor Company of Canada, Urban Photographic Projects, Visages du Canada : collection de photographies
Ford du Canada
/ conçu et dirigés par J. Marc Coté Pouliot; avant-propos de George F. MacDonald; préface de Ralph Benmergui =
Faces of Canada : a Ford of Canada photographic collection / conceived and edited by J. Marc Coté Pouliot; prologue by George F.
MacDonald; foreword by Ralph Benmergui, Toronto : Projets photographiques urbains = Urban Photographic Projects, c1992, 168 p.,
at p. 89: ill. (some col.); 31 cm. NOTES: Text in French and English. Includes index.   ISBN: 0969643004.

Sheouak, 1928-1961, (National Museum of Man; McMaster University)
Sheowak, (Eskimo Prints)
Shepherd, Earle, c1937-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shepherd, Helen Parsons, 1923-2008, (McKendry; Tippett; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Shepherd, Jan (Jan Shepherd McKee), 1956-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shepherd, Reginald Shirley Moore, 1924-2002, (McKendry; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Corporate collections)
Shepherd, Shawn, residing in Victoria, B.C.; artist's site
Sheppard, Gordon (Collection Loto-Québec)


Peter Clapham Sheppard, source of photo:
pcsheppard.com/pcsheppard (accessed19 December 2022).

Book on Peter Clapham Sheppard:
Tom Smart ; foreword by Louis Gagliardi, Peter Clapham Sheppard: His Life and Work,
Buffalo, New York ; Richmond Hill, Ontario : Firefly Books, [2018], 240 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ;
29 cm, ISBN: 9780228100782   022810078X.
Image source: google.com/search?...., accessed 12 December 2018

Sheppard, Peter Clapham, 1882-1965, (Fine Arts in Canada; Hubbard; Art Gallery of Ontario; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); site on the artist

Peter Clapham Sheppard,
Ship at dock; image reproduced
from the following site: http://
canadianart.waddingtons.ca, accessed 21 November 2014


Shepstone, Colleen, 1951-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Shequak, (Shell Canada Collection; Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sherbeck, M. Carmen (Mrs L. Adair), (Alberta Society of Artists)
Shere, Parvin, born in Patna, India, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shergill, Manject,
Sheridan, Dave, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sheridan, Maureen, 1957-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sheriden, Vincent, (L'estampe à Québec)
Shériff, Yves, (Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 28, p. 93)
Sherman, B.J., born in Kingston, Ontario, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sherman, Bill (Charles William), 1919-2004 (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

William Sherman, Totems, watercolour, 20.5" x 29"; lot # 147, "Off the
Wall" Art Online Auction, waddingtons.ca, 17 April 2014.
Image source: www.waddingtons.ca/pastauction/416/lot-147, accessed 23 December 2016


Sherman, Bruce, c1944-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sherman, Ian Parkinson, 1945-, born in Scotland, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sherman, Jamie, 1949-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sherman, Larry, c1935-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sherman, Leah (Avmor Collection)
Sherman, Tom (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Sherman, Tom, 1947-, sculpt., (McKendry; MAQ)
Sherman, Tom, video artist/vidéaste (Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2010; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

Publication on Erin Shirreff:
Allen, Jan, 1952-, Sandra Dyck, 1966-, Jenifer Papararo, 1966-, Erin Shrirreff, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Carleton University Art Gallery,
Contemporary Art Gallery (Vancouver, B.C.),  Erin Shirreff / Jan Allen, Sandra Dyck and Jenifer Papararo, Ottawa : Carleton University Art
Gallery; Kingston :  Agnes Etherington Art Centre ; Vancouver : Contemporary Art Gallery, 2013, 78 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm.   NOTES:
Catalogue of an exhibition held at Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa, from 13 February to 22 April 2012, at Agnes Etherington Art Centre,
Kingston, from 22 September 2012 to 27 January 2013, and at Conremporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, from 19 April to 16 June 2013.
Image source: amazon.com/Erin-Shirreff-Jan-Allen/dp/1897302592, accessed 1 February 2017.

Sherreff, Erin, 1975-, born in Kelowna; *artist's site


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sherrf, Haim (Avmor Collection)
Sherrif-Scott, Adam, 1887-1980, (Roussan 82; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Sales Index 1989-90; Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois,
------ 1880-1945)
Sherstyuk, Irena, see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/irena-sherstyuk/
Sherwin, Adrienne, 1930-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 89; membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
Sherwood, Nancy, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sherwood, Stewart (Art Impressions Magazine 1995 Annual Directory of Artists' Profilesat p. 21)


Image source: archives.gov.on.ca/en/explore/online/osa/big/big_07_OSA_members.aspx, accessed 27 February 2022.

Sherwood, William Albert/Alfred, 1855-1919, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Hubbard; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Ontario Collection)

William Sherwood, Klondike Miner, 1905, oil on canvas, 66 x 47 cm /
26" x 18 1/2"

[Image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,  Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at p. 119, ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN: 0889029792]

Sherzzz (pseudonyme) (Histoire de la caricature au Québec)
Shewchenko, Walter, 1913-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shewchuk, Jeanette, 1948-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Shewchuk, Theodore William, 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shex, Dragan Sekaric; artist's site
Shibata, Avako (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
Shibata, Jun (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Schideiler-Hill, Helen, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shield, Judy, 1944-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shields, Caroline, born in Vernon, B.C., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shields, George S., 1872-1952, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Shields, L., (Sales Index 1989-90)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Shields, Willam Gordon, 1883-1947 (Children in Photography)

Image source: http://www.abebooks.com, accessed 4 July 2015
Livre sur William Gordon Shields:
Bell, Michael, 1942-, William Gordon Shields, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Pictorial incidents : the photography of William Gordon Shields /
Michael Bell,  Kingston, Ont. : Agnes Etherington Art Centre, c1989, 80 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. NOTES: Exhibition catalogue.  ISBN: 0889115044
(AMICUS catalogue)


Shiels, Anita (ARTBOMB--7 and 13 April, 13 and 21 May, 14, 15, 17 and 20 July and 7 September 2019)
Shigeno, Kinichi, 1953-, born in Ina, Japan (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Claridge Inc. catalogue; Artists of British Columbia)

Shilleto, David, 1934-, born in Edmonton, Alberta, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

David Shilleto, Power Dream, 1963, oil on canvas, 40 x 50"; lot # 87,
Walker's live Auction, Canadian & International Fine Arts Auction
7 December 2016.
Image source; walkersauctions.hibid.com/lot/28388321/david-a--shilleto/?sort=2&ref=catalog, accessed 5 December 2016


Art book on Arthur Shilling:
Shilling, Arthur, 1941-1986, The Ojibway dream / Arthur Shilling, Montreal : Tundra Books, c1986,
48 p. : col. ill. ; 31 cm., Canadiana:  850901391.  ISBN:  0887761739.

Arthur Shilling, videostill from the video "The Beauty of My People" by Alan
Collins, produced by the National Film Board, 1977 and available at nfb.ca/film/
(accessed on 11 May 2022).

Shilling, Arthur, 1941-1986, (Newlands; Giles; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90)

Arthur Shilling, Objibway of Rama Reserve, Ontario, Portrait of a Boy, oil on canvas, H. 91.5 cm;
W. 69.9 cm., Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (photographer: Rudi Haas).

[Description of title and image taken from the following book: Indian and Northern Affairs and
Olive Dickason, Indian Arts in Canada, Ottawa: Information Canada, 1972, at p. 128, plate 92.]
Shilling, Travis, 1978-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shilov (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998)
Shim, Brigitte 9YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Shimayook, 1924-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 332)
Shimizu, Audrey, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Henry Shimizu
Born in Prince Rupert, Henry Shimizu and his family were interned 70 years
ago in Hastings Pak and then New Denver. After their release, the family
moved to Edmonton where Dr. Shimizu earned his medical degree at the
University of Alberta.
Dr. Shimizu is the author and illustrator of Images of Internment: A Bitter-
Sweet Memoir in Words and Images. His work has been shown across
Canada. Dr. Shimizu now lives in Victoria.

In 1999, Dr. Henry Shimizu created a series of oil paintings based on his
life as a teenager in the New Denver, BC Internment Camp, from 1942 to
1946. The paintings highlight the activities and lifestyle of the internees in
this camp; they are the memories of a teenager and his friends.

[Source of above photo and an excerpt of text reproduced from: hastingspark1942.
ca/words-images/through-artists-eyes/henry-shimizu/, accessed 29 September 2024.]

Shimizu, Henry, 1928-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Shimoda, Mel, 1950-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Shimout, Joseph, 1913-1969 (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 187)

Joseph Shimout, Sea bird, whale bone, 12 x 22 x 17; text and
image reproduced from the following book:
Canadian Eskimo Arts Council,  Sculpture - Inuit. Sculpture of the Inuit: Masterworks of the Canadian Arctic, Toronto, University Press, 1971,  493 p. :
417 plates, at plate number 187 (part. col.); 26 cm. NOTES: Text in English and French. ISBN: 0802018459 (cloth) and 0802018467 (paper). ------

Shindler, Krisdy, (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
Shiner, Jerry, 1949-, (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Joseph Shink, photo dans l'article de Louise
Lépine et Yves Bourget, "Jos Shink, un Beau-
montois original", dans Au fil des ans, Revue de la
Société historique de Bellechasse
, volume 16, numéro 4,
automne 2004, pages  18-20 à la p. 18 et disponible à
, site
consulté le 21 janvier 2022
.  Comme indiqué à la
page 18, "cet article est extrait de la revue
L'Oseilleur, mars 1981".

Shink, Joseph, 1884-1963, (McKendry; Folk Artists; L'art populaire du Québec; L'art populaire au Québec par Jean-François Blanchette;
------L'art populaire au berceau de la Nouvelle-France)

Shink, Joseph, 1884-1963, Cinq personnages polychromes de Shink (Musée du Québec; reproduction de la photo dans Michel
Lessard et Huguette Marquis, L'art traditionnel au Québec: trois siècles d'ornements populaires, Montréal: Les Éditions de
l'Homme, 1975, page opposée à la p. 384).
Shink, Robert (Lemieux 87)
Shinkle, Eugénie (MACM--exposition :  De fougue et de passion)
Shintani, Keiko (Oeuvres d'artisans)
Shipley, Conway Mordaunt, 1824-1888 (Sales Index 1989-90)
Shirley, James R., 1944-, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shirley, Jim, 1946-, (Mount Saint Vincent University Collection)
Shiu-Yu, Ma born in Canton, China, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo of Arnold Shives reproduced from the web page with
further information on the artist at  fecklesscollection.ca/arnold-shives
(accessed on 14 October 2022).

Shives, Arnold, 1943-, born in Vancouver (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Shell Canada Collection;
------Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Corporate collections; Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989; Artists of British Columbia); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_Shives

Arnold Shives, Mt. Rocher de Boule, etching, numbered 11/20,
7.75 x 7" / 19.7 x 17.8 cms; Consignor Canadian Fine Art,
March 2017 Online Auction of Canadian and International Art
work, Lot # 228.
Image source: consignor.ca/artwork/AW29137, accesed 5 March 2017.


Shivpik, Maggie (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Shllaku, Mikel, 1966-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Shmelzer, Peter (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Shnier, John (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Shoebotham, William, 1910-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shoebridge, Peter (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Shoji, Takashi, 1946-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Shone, David John, 1941-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

David John Shone, Elevators at Warner, Alberta, 2016, acryllic, 16 x 20”; I would
like to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce here this image of his art
(8 May 2020).


Shoniker, Claire, 1931-1995, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; The Canadian Society
------of Painters in Water Colour; History of Art in Toronto Schools; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shoo (of Lake Harbour), (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Shoovagar, 1904-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 104)


Publication on Henrietta Shore:

Henrietta Shore,1880-1963, artist, Roger Cushing Aikin,
contributor, Richard Lorenz, curator and contributor, Jo Farb
Hernandez, editor, Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art, organizer,
Henrietta Shore, a retrospective exhibition; 1900-1963, Monterey,
CA : Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art Association, [1986],
72 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm, Catalog of an
exhibition held December 12, 1986-January 25, 1987,
bibliographical references (pages 64-66)
image source: abebooks
(accessed 3 February 2024);
source of bibliographical data: canada.on.worldcat.org/.

Shore, Henrietta Mary, 1880-1963, (Fine Arts in Canada; McKendry; Hubbard; Tippett;
------Abstract Painting; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrietta_Shore


Shore, Louis (History of Art in Toronto Schools)
Shore, Louis Allen, 1912-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shore, Stephen, (Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 90)
Shoroshituto, Esquimo art, Cape Dorset (Larmour)
Short, Cynthia, 1949-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989; The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)
Short, Don, 1964-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Short, Frank, 1857-1945, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Short, Hedley Vicars Roycraft, 1914-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Short, Richard, act.1759-1761, fl c1750-66, (McKendry; Reid; Harper; Art Gallery of Hamilton; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875; Morisset; Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)

Short, Richard, act.1759-1761, Quebec in ruins, 1759 (National Archives of Canada, C-350)

Short, Robert Bond, 1917-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shortliffe, J. Newton, 1912-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Publication on Angus H. Shortt:

Angus H. Shortt, My Life with Birds, The
Education and Successes of a WildLife Artist,
Winnipeg: Cavendish Investing, 2003, 94 p.:
illustrations; 26 x 30 cm, ISBN:
9780919664104; notes:
A Richard Bonnycastle Book V,
image supplied by BISON BOOKS - ABAC/ILAB (Winnipeg,
MB, Canada)
, at abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetails.... (accessed 29 January 2022).

Shortt, Angus H., 1908-2006, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Biography on Angus Shortt
Angus Shortt is a well known Winnipeg artist and painter of wildlife
art. He was born on September 25, 1908 in Belfast, Ireland. His family
immigrated to Canada in 1911 and settled in Winnipeg, Manitoba. In
1926 Shortt started working for Brigden's commercial art firm as a
wood engraver. As an apprentice he was sent to study at the University
of Manitoba under Professor L. LeMoine Fitzgerald. Shortt was interested
in painting wildlife and studied wild birds plumage and anatomy. In 1932
Shortt obtained a federal collecting permission to hunt and taxidermy wild
birds and in 1935 he obtained a position at the Museum of Manitoba where
he worked on restoration of a Treherne Plesiosaur skeleton.
[Read the rest at umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/collections/complete_holdings/ead/
, accessed 29 January 2022].


Shortt, James W., 1926-1989, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

James W. Shortt, After the Rain, 1970, oil on canvas board, 12 x 16 " — 30.5 x 40.6 cm,
on sale at Waddington's Discovery Art, 21-26 October 2023, lot 15, reproduced from:
waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-oct-26-2023/gallery/lot/15/  (accessed 21 October 2023).


Publication on Terry Shortt:

Shortt, Terry, Not As the Crow Flies: A lifetime for adventure in exotic and
untamed lands
, Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, ©1975, 255 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm,

      Summary of Shortt's book: Personal narrative of more than forty years of field
      travel to the Galapagos, India, Africa, northern Canada, Alaska and Greenland
      by one of Canada's most distinguished painters of bird life and creators of
      museum displays [from Voilà catalogue and Database WorlCat]

Image for the book is a combination of abebooks.com and  High Park Books (Kitchener,
ON, Canada)
, accessed 17 November 2019.

Shortt, Terence Michael, 1911-1986, born in Winnipeg and died in Toronto (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Canadian Artists in Aid to Endangered Wildlife, 1987)


Shortt, Willa, 1913-,  (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shorty (Art Auctions 1976-1978)

Book on Peter Shostak (http://www.abebooks.
com, bookseller image, 26 September 2014):

Shostak, Peter, 1943-, For our children : a series of paintings depicting early Ukrainian pioneer settlement in western Canada,  Victoria, B.C. : Yalenka
Enterprises, [1991], 16 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. NOTES: Exhibition catalogue. Includes some text in Ukrainian. Includes bibliographical references, ISBN:

Shostak, Peter, 1943-, (Magazin'art, v. 10(4), 1998, pp. 61-63 and 89-91(E); Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada; Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz)

Peter Shostak, Billy went to chop the ice out of the pig trough, 1983, oil on canvas,
16 x 16"--40.6 x 40.6cm, on sale at Hodgins Halls--HH-Auction Group, Hodgins,
9 September 2024 Fine Art, Calgary,  AB, lot number 29, reproduced from hodginshalls.
(accessed 23 August 2024).

Shoub, Jaclyn, 1962-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shoultz, Curt, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shouyu, Eskimo art, Cape Dorset (Larmour)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Showell, William, 1903-1985, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 84; Boulizon; Robert 78; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Bruens 88; Montréal vu par les peintres; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

William Showell, Le vieux Séminaire / The Old Seminary, c. 1967, huile sur toile / oil on canvass, 50 cm x 60 cm (20" x 34"), Collection
Banque nationale du Canada

(Texte et image proviennent du livre suivant : CIDEM -- Communications et Montréal (Québec), Services des activités culturelles,
Montréal vu par les peintres / Montréal as seen by Painters, [Montréal] : Ville de Montréal, Service des activités culturelles,
1984, à la p. 52).

Shrapnel, Edward Scrope, 1845-1920,  (McKendry; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90);  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Scrope_Shrapnel

E.S. Shrapnel, Awkward Squad, Fenian Raid, 1865; text and
image reproduced from the following Wikipedia site: "The Battle of Ridgeway", at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Ridgeway, accessed 6 May 2016.

Shrapnel, Henry Needham, 1812-1896, (McKendry; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shriver, Kathryn (ARTBOMB--7, 16 and 29 March 2017)


Publication on Ron Shuebrook:
Authier, Melanie, 1980-, writer of added commentary, Thames Art Gallery issuing body, host institution, Ron Shuebrook drawings / curator, John Kissick;  project
coordinator, Carl Lavoy ; project assistant, Sonya Blazek ; essays, Melanie Authier, Robert Enright, John Kissick, David Urban ; editors, Alison Kenzie, Megan MacKay;
photography, Bob Housser, Dean Palmer, Frank Piccolo, Trent Photographics, Chatham, Ontario : Thames Art Gallery, 2013, 46 pp 29 bw ill. 8 x 10 in softcover.
" NOTES: Catalogue of a traveling exhibition held at the Thames Art Gallery (Chatham, Ontario) August 16 – October 6, 2013; Macdonald Stewart Art Centre (Guelph,
Ontario)  January 23 – April 27, 2014; MSVU Art Gallery (Halifax, Nova Scotia) May 24 – August 10, 2014; The Robert McLaughlin Gallery (Oshawa, Ontario) October
11, 2014 – January 25, 2015; Kelowna Art Gallery (Kelowna, British Columbia) March 7 – April 26, 2015.  Includes bibliographical references.  ISBN: 9781894651912
(AMICUS catalogue).
Image source of the publication: www.wantitall.co.za/Ron-Shuebrook-Drawings__189465191X, accessed 22 January 2017

Shuebrook, Ron (Ronald Lee), 1943-, born in Virginia U.S.A. (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Burnett; Murray; Swain;
------Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain
------de Montréal; Abstract Painting; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Celebration of Contemporary
------Canadian Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Corporate collections; Corporate collections; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent
------Collection: Selected Works
; The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Shuebrook


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Shugar, Lena
Shukster, Dana, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shulamit, 1941-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Shulman, Frank, 1919-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Source: "Huronia Museum – Looking Back 60 Years Ago in North Simcoe – December
22nd to 31st 1956", at huroniamuseum.com/looking-back-3/looking-back-to-1956/  (accessed 4 March 2024).


Shultes, Elmar, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shumate, Michael, 1947-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Shupe, Percy, 1877-1962, (Folk Artists)
Shurg, A. Phillip, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

"Cover of Action Comics, No. 1 (1998
reprint). Art by Joe Shuster Source:
Library and Archives Canada/Rare Books/John Bell collection/Action Comics, No. 1, June 1938
© DC Comics. Reproduced with the permission of DC Comics.nlc-2250", source:
www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/comics/027002-150-e.php?uid=027002-nlc002250&uidc=recKey, accessed 3 May 2016

Shuster, Joe, 1914-1992, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Shutt, Dale K., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)
Shutter (Murs et murales)
Shuttleworth, Edward Buckingham, 1842-1934, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Shvil, Donna (Galerie Lydia Monaro à Montréal)
Shwan, 1955-, (canadiens d'origine arabe)
Shykora, Paul, 1945-, (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Alberta Society of Artists)
Shyllit, Joe (ARTBOMB--11 February and 20 March 2016)
Shypowskyj, Orest, c1954-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Siakoluk, Noah (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Sibbald, Peter (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
Sicard, Philippe, 1951-, photographe, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Sich, Janice, 1950-; artist's site


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sicotte, Rolande, 1910-1992, act. 1936, (McKendry; Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945)

Rolande Sicotte, La légende de Rose Latulippe, 1937, huile
sur toile, 117,5 x 127,2 cm, Collection du Musée national des
beaux-arts du Québec,  no A37 1BP) Source de l'image:
https://www.mnbaq.org/blogue/2014/07/30/museumcats, 3 octobre 2014) 


Sidaway, Dave, photographe (Photojournalism from La Presse and The Gazette; Je lis Montréal 2005)
Sidearous, Celia Perrin (Foire d'art contemporain d'oeuvres sur papier 2014; Parisian Laundry Galerie d'art Montréal;
------Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2015; Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2014)
Sideleau, Genevieve (ARTBOMB--22 and 28 November and 7 December 2018); *artist's site
Siddiqi, Joseph (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
Sidla-Monner, Hedda (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Sidley, David, 1958-, born Sun Valley, Idaho, USA (Claridge Inc. catalogue); artist's site
Siebens, Evann (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)

Book on Herbert Siebner:
Bennett, James, Herbert Siebner, 1925-, Robin Skelton, 1925-1997, Karl Spreitz, 1930-, Herbert Siebner, a celebration / compiled and edited by Robin
Skelton & James Bennett; with the collaboration of the artist and his friend, film maker and photographer Karl Spreitz PUBLISHER: Victoria, B.C. :
Morriss Pub., c1993, 126 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 28 cm.  ISBN: 1550390457.
Source of image: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=16995621222&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3Dcanadian%2520art#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 30 June 2016.

Siebner, Herbert Johannes Josef, 1925-2004, (Harper; Duval; Creative Canada, 1971; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Siegel, Jack, c1900-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Publication par Lois Siegel:
Siegel, Lois, Faces Photography bu Lois Siegel, Lachine:
Airamac, 1978, 1 v. : chiefly photos ; 27 cm.,  NOTES:
Texts in English and French.

Siegel, Lois, photographer; artist's site

Siegner, Dwight, 1949-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Siegner, Marc, 1956-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Siegner, Marc C., (L'estampe à Québec)
Siemens, Gladys Helen Marian Wozny, 1943-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sienkiewicz, Tatiana, 1906-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Signori, Carlo Sergio, 1906-1988 (Sculpture; Art public de la ville de Montréal)
Sigouin, Pierre, 1942-, (Roussan 2001)
Sikkuark, Nick, 1943-, (Seidelman; Aboriginal Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Nick Sikkuark, Untitled (detail), 2000, stone, caribou antler,
whalebone, caribou hide, animal bone, string, caribou fur,
13.5" H x 11.75" W x 10" D; on the cover of the following
Kardosh, Robert, Nick Sikkuark, Bradin Cormack, Marion Scott Gallery, The art of Nick Sikkuark : sculpture & drawings / written and curated by Robert Kardosh,
Vancouver : Marion Scott Gallery, 2003, 91 p.: col. ill., port. ; 23 cm.  NOTES: Edited by Bradin Cormack. Text chiefly in English. Includes text presented in both
English and Inuktitut (in syllabic characters). Catalogue for an exhibition held at the Marion Scott Gallery, Vancouver, B.C., May 17-13, 2003. ISBN: 092163438
(AMICUS catalogue).

Silaki, (Eskimo Prints)
Silas, Rick, 1976-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Silasieapik, (Sir George Williams University)
Silbermayr, Ingrid (ARTBOMB--14 July, 19 October, 1 November and 13 December 2017; 26 March 2018)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Book on Josh Silburt:
Silburt, Allan Lloyd, 1957-, author, A colourful life : the art and drawing of Josh Silburt,  Renfrew, Ontario: General Store Publishing House, [2013],  247 pages :
illustrations (some colour) ; 24 cm x 33 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references: page 247.  ISBN: 9781771230049 (bound).

Silburt, Josh (Jack), 1914-1991, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Newspaper Gallery add for Josh Silburt, date and
publication unknown, put on line on 27 April 2022.

Silcock, Bette, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sileem, Zeena (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Sileo (Yves Baril), 1962-, (Vallée 93)
Sillence, Colleen, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Siller, Bernard, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sills, Stephen (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Siltanen-Pickering, Donna J., 1948-, (Ontario Collection)
Silva, Richard (ARTBOMB--19 May, 15 June, 22 July, 3 August and 7 September 2017; 7 April 2018)


Francis Silver, circa 1910, the photo is reproduced
from the following book:
Silver, Francis, 1841-1920, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Francis Silver, 1841-1920 : an exhibition of
paintings and murals by a Nova Scotia folk artist = Francis Silver, 1841-1920 : exposition de peintures
et muraux par un artiste du peuple en Nouvelle Ecosse, [Halifax] : Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 1982,
51 p., at 18 : ill. (some col.); 26 cm. NOTES: Text in English and French in parallel columns. "Art Gallery of
Nova Scotia, March 25-May 10, 1982". Includes index, ISBN: 0888710356.

Silver, Francis (Francie), 1841-1920, (McKendry; Nova Scotia; Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Nova Scotia Folk Art)

Francis Silver, The Hantsport (Steam and Sailing Ship), oil on wood, 196.8 x 304.8 cm. collection: Hantsport Memorial
Community Centre, cover of the book: Francis Silver, 1841-1920 : an exhibition of paintings, supra.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Silver, Noel, from B.C,. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


"Phillip Silver, Production Design & Technical Arts, 1966" video part
of the National Theatre School of Canada, Alumni Memories, available
at ent-nts.ca/en/alumni-memories (accessed 19 June 2022)

Silver, Phillip;  site on the artist,

"Phillip Silver's designs for Moira Wylie as Ruth and Judy Leigh-Johnson as Edith in BLITHE
SPIRIT by Noel Coward, 1979.  Directed by Leslie Yeo.  Court House Theatre".  Text and
above images are reproduced from the following book:

Shaw Festival Theatre Foundation of Canada, Katherine Holmes, editor, The Pictorial Stage.
Twenty-five years of vision and design at the Shaw Festival
, [Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.] :
Shaw Festival Theatre Foundation of Canada, 1986,
96 p., at p. 41 : ill. (some col.), ports, ISBN:
0919783546, 9780919783546 (put on line on 19 June 2022).


Silver, Sarah, 1928-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo of David Silverberg in the
short article "Prof. D. Silverberg Gets
Canada Council", Chronicle-Herald, Halifax,
24 March 1967, available at mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/
, accessed 2 January 2019.

Publication on David Silverberg:

Silverberg, David, engraver, The song of
songs: a portofolio of engravings
, Toronto:Toronto : Upstairs Gallery, 1961,
[33] leaves : color plates ; 40 cm, notes: In portofolio. Each plate is accompanied
by a descriptive Biblical quotation.
Artist's autograph on each plate; source of image:
Attic Books (ABAC, ILAB) (London, ON, Canada) and put on the internet at
abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetails.... (sites accessed on 31 July 2021)

Silverberg, David, 1936-, born in Montréal (Robert 83; Art Gallery of Ontario; Carleton;
------Dalhousie Art Gallery; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997); see Google images

David Silverberg, artist's proof, 11 x 13", image
source: corncrete.ca/keyauctions/2019.06.01/index.htm, accessed 26 January 2020.


Silvercruys, Suzanne, 1898-1973, sculpt., (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Silverstein, Natalie, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Silvester, Roger (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Silvester, Roger, 1939-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Silvestri, Soraya (ARTBOMB--11 and 24 July, 29 August, 8 September, 14 October, 15 November and 27 December 2016; 3 February,
------22 March, 15 April, 23 May, 11 July, 13 October and 10 November 2017; 20 and 21 February, 16 April, 17 May, 19 June,
------27 July, 22 September, 5 and 30 October and 19 November 2018; 24 January, 4 March, 4, 18 and 29 April, 3 June,
------1 August and 17, 18, 21, 22 and 28 September and 3 October 2019)
Sim, Dave, c1956-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Sima, André (Visages qui sont un pays par des photographes, production de l'ONF)

Photo par André Sima, source de l'image: À Rayons ouverts, Chroniques de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales
du Québec
, Printemps-été 2017, numéro 100, à la p. 23 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/14433
(site consulté le 2 octobre 2021).


Simaotik, Daniel, 1907-1968 (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 403)
Simard, André, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simard, B. (Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978)


Photo de Benoît
Simard, Benoît, 1942-2010, (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Collectionneur 91,
------vol. VIII, # 30, pp. 56-58; Bruens 90; Bruens;  Robert 83; Trépanier 83;
-----Lemieux 74; Bernier; Bruens 88; Collection des livres d'artistes de la
-----Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
-----Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean en peinture; Magazin'art, v. 5(3), printemps, 1993)

Benoît Simard, La fin des pensionnats, serigraph on paper, 16 x
 25 3/4" /  40.6 x 65.4 cm;
Lot # h317, Heffel, Canada's National
Fine Art Auction House, 4th session, Wednesday, 10 August 2016,
available at www.heffel.com/ho2/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=85773&ImageID=58638&Main=True (accessed 9 August 2016)

Google -- Images pour Benoît Simard

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Image reproduite du livre suivant:
Richard Dubé et François Tremblay, Peindre un pays: Charlevoix et ses
peintres populaires
, Laprairie: Éditions Broquet, 1989, 160 p., à la p. 124
(Collection; Signature Plus), ISBN: 2-89000-105-9;

Simard, Berthe (Charlevoix et ses peintres populaires)

Simard, Bruno, 1959-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Simard, C. (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Simard, Claude (Galerie Laroche/Joncas Montréal)
Simard, Claude, 1933-, (Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Simard, Claude, 1956-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simard, Claude, 1956, (Peinture au Québec: une nouvelle génération)

Photo de Claude A. Simard

Simard, Claude A., 1943-2014,  (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art, v. 9(4),
------1997, p. 27; Magazin'art, v. 9(3), 1997, pp. 42-43; Vallée 83; Vallée 89;
------Vallée 93; Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 26, p. 84; Roussan 90; Robert 83;
------Trépanier 83; Bruens 84; Robert 78; Bernier; Bruens 88; Magazin'art Biennial
------Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Collection
------numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Magazin'art, v. 5(3), 1993, pp. 66-73 et 86-86; Pluralisme au Québec; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019); site de l'artiste/artist's site---
------- /en..org/wiki/Claude_A._Simard

Livre par Claude A. Simard:                                     
Simard, Claude A.,1943-2014, Claude A. Simard : jardins, passions, [Sainte-Foy, Québec] :
C.A. Simard, 2000, c1999, 112 p. : ill. (certaines en coul.) ; 30 cm. NOTES: Publ. aussi en anglais sous le titre:
Claude A. Simard : painting and planting the garden. Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 110-111.  ISBN: 2980654205.
Source de l'image: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/FrameBase?content=/en/imagegallery/imagegallery.shtml?images
LIBRAIRIEMONTREAL/12081428077_2.jpg, accessed 1 November 2015

Google -- Images pour Claude A. Simard


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Livre sur Cyril Simard:
Simard, Cyril, Charlevoix autrement: inédits, Québec (Québec) : Les Éditions GID, [2013],
84 pages : principalement des illustrations en couleur; 28 cm, ISBN: 9782896341771; 2896341773.
Source de l'image: leseditionsgid.com/charlevoix-autrement.html, consulté le 9 juillet 2019

Simard, Cyril, 1938-, né à Baie-Saint-Paul,


Simard, Danielle, née à la Sarre, Abitibi-Témiscamingue  (Roussan 2009)
Simard, Denis (Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Simard, Éric (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)


Photo de Fleurette Simard accompagnant l'article de
Cécile Brosseau, "Une exposition-vente toujours populaire",
il s'agit d'une chronique de l'époque, celle-ci publiée dans
La Presse, de vendredi le 5 novembre 1982, à la p. C1 et
reproduite de collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2293095 (site consulté le 5 février 2024).

Simard, Fleurette, née à Montréal, décédée en 2004 (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Sales Index 1989-90)


Simard, François, 1980-, (Galerie Laroche/Joncas Montréal)


Simard, Gilles, 1954-, (Roussan 2005; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)

Gilles Simard, Place royale Québec, 2006, huile sur toile,
48 x 24"; en vente, Encans Gélineau & Fils Inc., Saint-Hyacinthe, QC,
encan Gélineau numéro 35, lot numéro 84, dates: du 9 au 12 septembre 2022;
source de l'image, encangelineau.hibid.com/catalog/390851/encans-g-lineau-and-fils-no-35/?cpage=3  (site consulté le 6 septembre 2022).


Guy Simard,  Un beau dimanche (détail), 1986, verre antique, polymère, 76,2 x 76,2 cm, Collection privée, La Tuque,
(photographe: Jacques Grenier)
page couverture du livre suivant sur les verriers dans la Collection "Signature plus":
Guy Simard, Verriers du Québec / texte de Guy Simard; préface et postface de Pierre H. Savignac PUBLISHER: LaPrairie,
Québec : Éditions Marcel Broquet, c1989, 159 p.: ill. en coul., portr. en coul.; 24 cm. (Collection; Signature plus), NOTES:
Comprend des références bibliographiques, ISBN: 289000077X;

Simard, Guy, 1944-, vitrailleur (Verriers du Québec)

Simard, Hélène, (Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 28, p. 64)
Simard, Hubert  (Murs et murales)
Simard, Jacques, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale
------du Québec)
Simard, Jacques, 1947-, sculpt., (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Simard, Jasmin (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)

Simard, Jean, 1916-2005, (Roussan 82; L'art au Canada français; Development of Painting in
------Canada: 1665-1945; Creative Canada, 1971; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Jean Simard, illustration pour le chapitre sur la fable de Jean de La Fontaine  "La Colombe et la
Fourmi" dans le livre de Robert E. Llewellyn, La sagesse du bonhomme, illustrations de Jean
troisième édition, [Montréal:] Les Éditions Fides, 1947, à la p. 43 (Collection : François Lareau).

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Simard, Jean-Claude, 1932-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Vallée 89; Vallée 93;
------Lemieux 87; Lemieux 80; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art
------Biennial Guide 2002-2003; L'Estrie, ses trésors; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean en peinture; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Simard, Jean-Gilles (Lemieux 87)
Simard, Jean-Noël, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simard, Jocelyne (membre de l'Association des artistes de la Rive-Sud -- 2012)
Simard, Joseph-Élie, 1917-, (Folk Artists; Patenteux du Québec)
Simard, Julie (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Simard, Kent, (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Simard, Kize (Émail au Québec, 1944-1989)


Laurent Simard:
Laurent a fait carrière comme producteur délégué au Ministère le l'Éducation
du Québec; il s'était spécialisé en audio-visuel et en électronique, après ses
études à l'École des Beaux-Arts. Outre sa carrière professionnelle, il avait
plusieurs passions dont la musique classique, la lecture, la collection
d'antiquités et d'oeuvres d'arts et surtout la création de ses propres oeuvres;
ses sérigraphies ont été admirées dans plusieurs expositions au Canada et
ailleurs. De plus, en tant que pionnier, il a influencé l'art Inuit et l'a fait
connaitre et diffusé par la production de gravures esquimaudes.

[Source: La photo ci-dessus et l'extrait de son avis de décès sont reproduits de
domainefuneraire.com/avis-de-deces/Laurent-SIMARD-284018, site consulté 29 septembre 2024]

Simard, Laurent, 1928-2019, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Léo Simard, au travail; photo accompagnant l'article de Hélène de Villy, "La
rédemption par l’art pour un ex-braqueur de banques", selection.ca, mis à jour du 25 avril
2016, et disponible à selection.ca/reportages/la-redemption-par-lart-pour-un-ex-braqueur-de
, site consulté le 25 mai 2021.

Simard, Léo


Léonard Simard, source de la photographie:
48662, FPH-50-05685-03, shistoriquesaguenay.com/
consulté le 18 novembre 2018

Simard, Léonard, 1933-2010, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Collection numérique
------d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean en peinture; Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978)

Voir sur Léonard Simard, l'article de Laura Lévesque, "Peintre-sculpteur de Roberval Léonard Simard s'éteint à 76 ans",
Le Quotidien, mardi, 4 mai 2010 à la p. 12, reproduit de collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4233075 (site consulté le 30 octobre 2022).


Simard, Lise, potier (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Simard, Lise, 1955-, sculpt., (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Simard, Luce (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
Simard, Madone, (Roussan 2001; Roussan 2009; Ville de Rosemère)

Marie-Anne Simard, photo still from National Film Board of
Canada and Jean Palardy's, Primitive Painters of Charlevoix, 1947,
21 minutes (at 13:39), available at nfb.ca/film/primitive_painters_of_charlevoix/, accessed 4 October 2019.

Simard, Marie-Anne, 1920-1952 (Charlevoix et ses peintres populaires)

Marie-Anne Simard,  Le Viatique, huile sur carton, 40,5 x 50,5 cm, circa 1940, Collection: Musée
régional Laure-Conan, don de Jori Smith.

[Image reproduite du livre suivant: Richard Dubé et François
Tremblay, Peindre un pays: Charlevoix et ses peintres populaires,
Laprairie: Éditions Broquet, 1989, à la p. 125.]

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Simard, Martine (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)


Photo de Mélanie Simard accompagnant l'article de Catherine Bouchard,
"Atteinte du cancer du sein: cette artiste n’a jamais rangé ses pinceaux et
ça lui a sauvé la vie.  Depuis son diagnostic en avril, Mélanie Simard n'a pas
cessé de créer des œuvres", Le Journal de Montréal, jeudi, 5 sepembre 2024
et disponible à journaldemontreal.com/2024/09/06/atteinte-du-cancer-du-sein-une-artiste-de-
(site consulté 17 octpbre 2024).

Simard, Mélanie, 1975-, (Roussan 2005)

Simard, Nancy (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Simard, Nicole (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Simard, Normand, 1945-, (Sculpteurs en art populaire au Québec par Levasseur -- Tome 1) 
Simard, Raynald, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99)
Simard, Raymond, 1943-, (Artiste
s plasticiens
par Comeau)
Simard, Raynald, 1959-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art
------Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Simard, Rémy (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec
------ 2000-2001; Histoire de la caricature au Québec; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Simard, Sylvain Pierre, 1963-, (L'Artothèque--2014)
Simard, Sylvia, 1946-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Simard, Yves (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)


Photo of Françoise Simard-Boily
Au début de la cinquantaine, madame Simard passe
d'artiste peintre amateur à jeune professionnelle,
malheureusement certaines circonstances de la vie,
amènent madame Simard à mettre sa carrière sur pause,
sans jamais lui permettre une reprise.
[Photo et texte proviennent de son avis de décès à
francoise-simard, consulté le 26 décembre 2024]

Simard-Boily, Françoise, 1930-2022, (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93)

Photo de Carole Simard-Laflamme
reproduite su livre suivant:
Jean-Pierre Payette, 1936-, Le guide des artisans créateurs du Québec, Montréal:
Les Éditions La Presse, 1974, 351 p., à la p. 122, ill., carte; 19 cm, ISBN: 0-7777-0093-X.

Publication par Carole Simard-Laflamme:

Carole Simard-Laflamme, Habit Habitat Habitus,
Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada : Éditions d'art Le
Sabord, [2002],
145 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm,
Notes: "
Includes bibliographical references (pages 136-137)",
2922685136, 9782922685138; (Catalogue Voilà), source de
l'image: quebecois.leslibraires.ca/livres/habit-habitat-habitus-carole-simard-laflamme
, site consulté le 21 avril 2022.

Simard-Laflamme, Carole, 1945-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Robert 83; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Vie des arts, numéro 223,
------vol. 45, été 2011, p. 100; Tapisserie québécoise; Artisans créateurs du Québec; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture
------ québécoise au XXe siècle; Art public de la ville de Montréal); *site de l'artiste
Simard-Levesque, Francine, born in Edmundston, New Brunswick (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simard Saint-Gelais, Juliette, 1921-2007, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Lemieux 74; Lemieux 78;
------Roussan 2001; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992); see also--voir aussi St-Gelais, Juliette


Publication by Elizabeth Simcoe:

Elizabeth Simcoe, 1766-1850, author, and J. Ross
Robertson (John Ross), 1841-1918, The Diary of Mrs.
John Graves Simcoe, wife of the
of the Province of Upper Canada,
1792-6 with notes
and a biography by J. Ross Robertson
and two hunded
and thirthy-seven illustrations, including
reproductions of interesting sketches made by

Mrs. Simcoe, Toronto : W. Briggs, 1911, xxix, 440 p.,
available at digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects.... (accessed 16 March 2023).

Simcoe, Elizabeth Posthuma Gwillim, 1762-1850, (McKendry; Tippett; Folk Artists; Early Women Artists;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Elizabeth Simcoe, on the Welland River, source: PAC C13912;
text and image are reproduced from the following book:
Bradford, Robert D., Historic forts of Ontario / by Robert D. Bradford; research assistant, John F. Bradford, Belleville, Ont. : Mika Pub. Co., 1988, 176 p.,
at p. 48: ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. NOTES: Includes index. Cover title: Historic forts, Ontario. Bibliography: p. 172-173. ISBN: 0921341202 (AMICUS catalogue).

Simcoe, Sophia Jemima, 1789, dl 1850, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Siméon, Thomas, 1952-, Montagnais (Indian and Inuit Art; Transitions -- Contemporary Canadian Indian and Inuit Art 1997)

Thomas Siméon, Wuapmeoti Thsisseltemun, 1993,
African wonderstone--pyrophyllite, 21 xd 51 x 10 cm,
I have often wanted to dedicate this sculpture to all
those who have taken pleasure or gained money from
polluting and destroying the lands through which the
Péribonka and Manouaned rivers run (Thomas Siméon, 1993)
J'ai souvent voulu dédier cette sculpture à tous ceux qui se
sont procurés du plaisir ou de l'argent en polluant et
détruisant les terres que baignent les rivières Péribonka
et Manouane (Thomas Siméon, 1993)

Image of sculpture and text are from Ace, Barry and July Papatsie, Transitions: Contemporary Canadian
Indian and Inuit Art
/ Transitions: L'art contemporain des Indiens et des Inuits du Canada, [Ottawa?] :
Published under the authority of the  Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1997, 63 p.,
at pp. 56-57, ISBN: 0-662-63053-X.


Simhoni, George (Photography and Illustration 1993 at p. 77)
Simic, Momcilo,  "from sokolac, republic srpska (bih, former Yugoslavia"; see--voir: koymangalleries.com/artist/momcilo-simic/
Simigak, 1939-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 155)
Siminovitch, David, 1916-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Siminaro, Johanne, 1950-, (Roussan 2005; Roussan 2006)
Simkins, Henry, 1906-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Simkins, Howard, 1948-, (Burnett; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de
------Montréal; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Art in Ontario)

Howard Simkins, "Having Cake, 1981, mixed media on canvas,
72" x 60", Photo: courtesy Sable-Castelli Gallery, Toronto."

[Image and description of Howard Simkins' canvas are reproduced from the following book:
Parkin, Jeanne, William J.S. Boyle, Visual Arts Ontario, Art in Architecture: Art for the built environment in the Province
of Ontario
, [Toronto] : Visual Arts Ontario, 1982, xii, 276 p., at p. 247: ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 276, ISBN: 0920708048]
Simkins, Ronald, 1942-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Simmie, Allyson, (L'art au féminin; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simmons, Barbara, 1942-, (Magazin'art, v. 11(1), 1998, pp. 71-74 and 128-130(E);
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 90; Bruens 89;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Simmons, Caroline (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Simmons, Lucie, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)
Simmons , Marke K., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Photo de Lorraine Simms accompagnant l'article de Rachel
Lussier, "Lorraine Simms: Une artiste douée d'un second
et d'un 3e regard", La Tribune, Sherbrooke, samedi, 17 janvier
1987, à la p. D8, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3708831
(site consulté le 7 septembre 2021).

Simms, Lorraine, c1956-, (Collection Loto-Québec; Femmeuses 2001; Dictionary of Canadian
------Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1
); artist's site


Simo, Béla, 1959-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simon, Esquimo art, from Povungnituk, Quebec (Larmour)
Simon, Blanche, see René-Jean Richard, (McKendry)
Simon, Ellen Rosalie, 1916-2004, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Crafts Canada; Early Women Artists)

Image source: museejoliette.org/fr/publications/, accessed 13 February 2017
Brochure sur Eric Simon:
Simon, Eric, 1961-, Elise Bernatchez, Musée d'art de Joliette, Eric Simon : portraits séquentiels / [texte: Elise Bernatchez] Portraits séquentiels, Joliette, Que. :
Musée d'art de Joliette, c2007, 1 feuille plié (8 p.) : ill., ports. ; 23 cm.   NOTES: Titre de la couverture.  Brochure d'une exposition tenue au Musée d'art de
Joliette du 20 mai au 2 septembre 2007 (Catalogue AMICUS).

Simon, Eric, 1961-


Photo de Gaétan Simon accompagnant l'article de René Lord,
"Un exploit peu commun à Shawinigan", Le Nouvelliste, samedi,
7 mars 1981 à la p. 14 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/
(site consulté le 19 août 2021).

Simon, Gaétan


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Publication on John Simon (Mishibinijima):

Mishibinijima, James, 1954-, artist, Tom Smart, writer of introduction, Pictographs : the graphic art of James Simon Mishibinijima
Graphic art of James Simon Mishibinijima, Erin, Ontario : The Porcupine's Quill, [2017], 2017, 205 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.,
NOTES: Includes bibliographical references.  "Transcending the familiar iconography of the Near North--the crows, the wolves, the
loons and the ravens--the drawings of James Simon Mishibinijima propel readers into a fantastical spirit world, one that is as powerful
and mysterious as it is beautiful.  Mishibinijima's drawings are a reflection of the surface landscape of  his native Wikwemikong First
Nation on a peninsula at the eastern end of Manitoulin Island--the immediate geography of forest and rock, but also the ancestral wisdom
of the Elders who have left telling images graven on stone on the north shore of Lake Superior and at the burial sites on LaCloche Island."
- Provided by publisher,  ISBN: 9780889844056 (softcover)  (AMICUS Catalogue)

Simon, James Alexander (Mishibinijima), 1954-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Simon, Laura (Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto as part of the group VSVSVS)
Simon, Laurianne, 1958-, née à Brest, France; site de l'artiste
Simon, Lawrence, 1936-, from Calgary, Alberta, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simon, Luke, 1953-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simon, Madge (née Bellamy), 1923-, born in Chicago, Illinois, USA (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Simon, Randy, 1971-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simon, Roger, 1954-2000, né à Big Cove, Nouveau-Brunswick (Atlantic Art Exhibition; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works)

Roger Simon, Woman with a Gun, 1992, oil on
paper, 50.5 x 40 cm, purchased with funds provided
by the Art Sales and Rental Society, Halifax, Nova
Scotia, 1995, 1995.2; text and image come from the
following book:
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Bernard Riordon, The AGNS permanent collection : selected works/ contributors, Bernard Riordon ... [et al.],
Halifax, N.S.: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, c2002, 191 p., at p. 101, figure 67: ill. (chiefly col.); 23 cm, ISBN: 0888717768;

Simon, Shirley Berk, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simon, Steve (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
Simon, Vera Weiss, 1923-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Simon, Wendy, 1945/6-, (L'art et le papier 2; 1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au
------Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Wood Engraving in Canada since 1945; Biographical Index of
------Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simon, Wilma J., 1950-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)  
Simond, Raymond, 1951-, (Galerie éducative De-la-Salle; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simoneau, Guy, 1959-, métier d'art -- porcelaine (Collection Loto-Québec; Grand prix des métiers d'art)
Simoneau-Émard, France, 1941-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Simoneau, Guy, artisan, céramique (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Simoneau, Julie (Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 102)
Simoneau, Robert, 1962-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simonee (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 325)
Simonelis, Irene, 1924-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Simonet, André, 1940-, (Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)

André Simonet, Saint-Bruno, rues De Lorraine et Montarville, toile à vendre sur Kijiji,
le 28 juillet 2022.


Simonie, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Livre sur Francine Simonin :

Simonin, Francine, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Francine Simonin : Prix de la Fondation Monique et Robert Parizeau 2004 /
[direction de la publication, Anne-Marie Ninacs ; essai, Éric Chenet ; traduction, Colleen Bilodeau (anglais), Maria Eugenia Elgue (espagnol)],
Québec : Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, c2005, 79 p. : ill. en coul. ; 26 cm. NOTES: Comprend des réf. bibliogr Texte en français,
en anglais et en espagnol; Canadiana: 20068034229 ISBN: 2551228107 (catalogue AMICUS)

Simonin, Francine, 1936-2020, (L'estampe à Québec; Daigneault 81; Vallée 89;
------Vallée 93; Trépanier; MAQ; L'estampe 2; Bernier; 1980-1990 :
------L'estampe originale au Québec; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
------contemporain de Montréal; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique
------d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Femmeuses 2001; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Corporate collections;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Vie des arts, numéro 222, vol. 45, printemps 2011, pp. 86-87;
------Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, pp. 70-71; Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, p. 76;
------Collection Desjardins d'oeuvres d'art; Lacerte Art Contemporain -- artistes 2015; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018;
------Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Simonin, Louis-Laurent, 1830-, fl 1875, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Art Simons

Art Simons, who died aged 94 on March 3, was an artist, a cartoonist,
a fine singer, a longtime Salt Spring Islander, and a quiet activist.

Art was born in Kitchener, Ontario in 1925, spending his youth in Mimico
(now part of Toronto). He volunteered for the Royal Canadian Air Force in
1944, but had the good fortune to not be sent overseas. After the war, he
did sign-painting work, enrolled in the Ontario College of Art, and married
Margaret Graham, a fellow art student. [read the rest at gulfislandsdriftwood.
com/simons-art/, accessed 29 September 2024.]

Simons, Art, 1925-2020, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Simons, Brian, from Victoria, B.C., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; ARTBOMB--25 December 2017;
------18 January, 2 February, 16 March and 30 June 2018; 4 July, 1 August and 24 September 2019)

Brian Simons, Bright summer market landscape, acrylic on
canvas, 24 x 30"; image reproduced from:http://www.cafr.ebay.
85d9aa3:g:TPYAAOxyUrZSsj7D, accessed 2 December 2015.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo of Lucie Simons with article by
Barb Piercy, "Getting to Know EYGC
Members--Lucie Simons", The East York
Garden, March-April 2013, freproduced from
accessed 29 September 2024.

Simons, Lucie, 1920-2021, (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Lucie Simons was a Toronto-based artist working in small editions of hand-printed serigraphs,
oil, and watercolour painting. She attended the Chelsea Art School in the United Kingdom.
Simon’s work has been widely exhibited and represented in collections in Canada, the United
States, and the United Kingdom, including the Toronto Dominion Bank (Toronto), Halifax Art
Gallery (Halifax), and Michigan State University (East Lansing, Mich.). Simons had solo
exhibitions at the Arts & Letters Club, (Toronto) the Art Gallery of Burlington (ON), and Cedar
Ridge Gallery (Scarborough, ON). She was a member of the Society of Canadian Artists and
the Ontario Society of Artists.
[Source embark.utsc.utoronto.ca/artist-maker/info?records=60&query=Artist_Maker%3D%2217%22&artistName
, accessed 29 September 2024.]


Simons, Sabine (ARTBOMB--30 May, 1 June and 28 August 2019)

Simonson, G.F., photographer

G.F. Simonson, "The ruins of the Custom House on
Prince William Street after the fire of 1877"; text and
image are from the following book:
Vroom, Richard, 1943-, Arthur T. Doyle, 1938-, Old New Brunswick : a Victorian portrait / photographs selected by Richard Vroom;
introduction by Arthur Doyle, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1978, 19, 123 p. : chiefly ill.; 23 x 28 cm. ISBN: 0195402936.

Simonsson, Kim, c1974-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simpkins, Bill, 1945-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Simpkins, Henry John, 1906-1995, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Vallée 89;
------Vallée 93; Robert 78; Collection Loto-Québec; Winnipeg School of Art; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simpkins, James Nathaniel, 1910-2004, born in Winnipeg (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Cartoon by James Nathaniel Simpkins reproduced from
MacLean's Canada's National Magazine, September 1,
1956 at p. 38.

Simpkins, Ollie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simpkins, Ron, 1922-2008, (Vallée 93; Robert 78)
Simpkins, Ron, 1942-, (Vallée 89; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Sales Index 1989-90)
Simpkins, Ron (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Simpkinson, Francis Guillemard, c1819-1906, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Simpson, Ann, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simpson, Catherine, born in London, Ontario, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Charles Walter Simpson, Collection Charles
Robert Willian Gordonsmith, image source:
numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/3283324, accessed 31 July 2019.

Illustrations by Charles Walter Simpson in the following book:

Morin, Victor, text and Charles W. Simpson,
illustrator, Old Montreal with Pen & Pencil,
(Montreal), Canadian Pacific Railway, 1929. 40 p. (23 cm),
source of image: ovieuxbouquins.com/siteweb/inventaire...., site visited on 14 March 2022.

Simpson, Charles Walter, 1878-1942, (Fine Arts in Canada; McKendry; Harper;
------Hubbard; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art of the British Empire Overseas; Laliberté; Creative Canada, 1972; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90;

Charles Walter Simpson

"Le Conseil législatif, créé en 1774, tel qu'imaginé par Charles
Walter Simpson au début de notre siècle, alors que, sous
l'impulsion des commandes de l'État, peintres et sculpteurs
développent les thèmes historiques. (Archives publiques
du Canada)"

Charles Walter Simpson

"La Chambre d'assemblée du Bas-Canada telle
qu'imaginée par Charles Walter Simpson en 1792.
(Archives publiques du Canada)"

[Les deux images et textes sur Simpson proviennent du livre suivant:
Luc Noppen, 1949-, et Gaston Deschênes, 1948, Québec (Province) Assemblée nationale, L'Hôtel du Parlement : témoin de
notre histoire / [préparé par Luc Noppen, Gaston Deschênes], [Québec] : Assemblée nationale, c1986, ix, 204 p. aux pp. 29 et 26: ill.
(certaines en coul.) ; 31 cm. (Collection; Les Publications du Québec).  NOTES: Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre:
Québec Parliament Building. Bibliogr.: p. 201-203, ISBN: 255108704X]

Google -- Images for Charles Walter Simpson
Simpson, Dionne, born in Jamaica,  (RBC Canadian Painting Competition; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simpson, Douglas C., 1916-1967, (années 50)
Simpson, Drew (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
Simpson, F. May (Ontario Collection)
Simpson, Gregg, 1947-, (Burnett; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; ARTBOMB--13 March, 2 June, 22 July and
------25 August 2017)

Gregg Simpson, Monument to
Tycho Brahe, 1973, collage
17.7 x 12.3 cm

[The image of Gregg Simpson's work of art and the description of it
that follows are reproduced from the following catalogue:
Natalie Lucky, J. Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Other realities : the legacy of surrealism in
Canadian art : 16 September to 29 October 1978, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, [Kingston, Ont.] : Agnes Etherington Art Centre, c1978, 46 p., at p. 44, ill.;
24 cm, ISBN: 0889110069].


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Simpson, Gregg Cairns, 1947-, Vancouver, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2)
Simpson, Jamie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simpson, Janet (Mrs. Jack Simpson), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simpson, Jeanette Russell, fl 1864-88, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Simpson, John R. (Photos 1895-1924)


Mary Kincaid Simpson (nee Haldenby), obituary
at  legacy.com/ca/obituaries/theglobeandmail/name/mary-
(accessed 29 September 2024).

Simpson, Mary Haldenby, 1927-2019, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

She eventually enrolled at Western University to pursue her dream of becoming
a teacher. Juggling the role of mother and full-time student she graduated with a
BA in Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Education. She first taught at Sarnia Northern
Collegiate. In the late 1970s with their sons grown, Mary and Donny moved back
to Toronto where she became a beloved art teacher at Branksome Hall. She
influenced a generation of girls with her knowledge and passion for art, retiring in
[Excerpt from findagrave.com/memorial/217958163/mary_kincaid_simpson, accessed 29
September 2024.]


Simpson, Minnie A., 1888-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Simpson, Muriel Jessie, 1889-1963, (Saskatchewan Artists; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Simpson, Nancy Griswold, 1902-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Simpson, Robert David (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Simpson, Thomas Veitch (Photos 1895-1924)
Simpson, Vern, 1940-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sims, Charles, 1873-1928, (Canvas of War)
Sims, Joshi, 1971-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sims, Randy, from Hamilton, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sims-Jones, Malcolm, 1954-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Simson, Najouits, 1937-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Sinclair, Claire, 1931-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sinclair, Claire, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sinclair, Deborah, 1953-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008; Alberta Society of Artists); see also? Lougheed Sinclair, Deborah

Deborah Sinclair, MacKenzie Beach at Tofino, acrylic on
canvas, 61 x 91.4 cm / 24 x 36"; text and image reproduced from:
Online Auction Catalogue, March 2016-5th Session, Lot # 419, Heffel Canada's National Fine Art Auction available
at www.heffel.com/online/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=78077&ImageID=53342&Main=True (accessed 10 March 2016).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sinclair, Irving, act. early 20th cent., (Folk Artists)
Sinclair, J. Gordon, 1889-1980, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sinclair, Jamie (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Sinclair, Dr. K.Y., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sinclair, Orville, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sinclair, Robert (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)
Sinclair, Robert (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Sinclair, Robert William, 1939-, born in Saltcoats, SK (Alberta artists; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Glenbow-Alberta Institue; University of Guelph; Shell Canada Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Corporate collections; Sales Index 1989-90; Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997;
------Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Sinclair, Robert, 1942-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts)
Sinclair, Robert A./R.R., fl 1883-9, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sinclair, Robert William, 1939-, (McKendry)
Sinclair-Hall, Gelen, born in India, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Gécin Sindon, photographie dans l'article de
Michelle Tisseyre, "Gécin est un visionnaire...",
Photo-Journal, 31 mars 1962 à la p. 19, disponible
à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3542880 (page consultée le 14 novembre 2019).

Sindon (Sindon Gécin), Gérard (Gécin), 1907-2000, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau, Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
------see also/voir aussi Gécin

Gécin Sindon, dessein, dans l'article de Beaulieu, C. , "Gécin", (1960)  Vie
des Arts
, (19), 36–37, disponible à erudit.org/fr/revues/va/1960-n19-va12
08922/55226ac.pdf (vérifié le 14 novembre 2019).

Singaqti, Mary Yuusipik, 1936-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Singer, Christian Bernard, 1962-, born in Paris, France, eco-artist and sculptor, lives in Georgian Bay, Ontario; artist's site

Christiam Bernard Singer, Red II, No. 15, 2016,
pine needles, paint and pigment on wood, 6.75 x 7.5
x 3.5”, Collection: Global Affairs Canada.  I would like
to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce here
this image of his art (27 August 2019).

Singer, Emy, born in Holland, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Singer, Judy, 1951-, (Vallée 83; McKendry; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Singer, Melissa, born in Lethbridge, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Singer, Sueann (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)


Sylvia Weininger
Sylvia was born and raised in Montreal. She
graduated from McGill University with a BFA
and went on to become an innovative and
creative multi-media artist and skilled art
therapist. Her artwork can be found in many
private collections and galleries.
[Photo and text from her obituary at mount
, accessed 26 December 2024]

Singer, Sylvia Roberta Weininger, 1930-2017, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Singer, Teri, 1946-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Singh, Meera Margaret; *artist's site

Meera Margaret Singh, You're all I Ever Think About, 2006,
Platform Centre for Photographic and Digital Arts, photo:
Larry Glawson; text and photo reproduced from the following book:
Roy, Daniel, Timothy Barnard, Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec, Répertoire des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec
et du Canada
/ [recherchiste et relationniste, Daniel Roy; traduction, Timothy Barnard ... et al.] = Directory of artist-run centres in Québec and
/ [research and public relations officer, Daniel Roy ; translation, Timothy Barnard ... et al.], 6e éd. = 6th ed., Montréal : Regroupement
des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec, [2006?], 367 p., at p. 239 : ill. ; 22 cm. NOTES: Comprend des index. Texte en français et en anglais.
ISBN: 2980394645  (Catalogue AMICUS)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Singh, Shantala, (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Singler, Caroline; site de l'artiste
Singleton, Becky, 1952-, (Burnett)
Singleton, Clare, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Singleton, Colin (Photography and Illustration 1993 at p. 69)
Siniarski, Hans and Nadia, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sinkins, Audre Lucille, born in Toronto, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sinott, Heather (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Sintzenich, Eugene, fl 1831-57, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sintzenich, Horace H., fl 1862-1919, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Siomol, Aneta Aleksandra, 1963-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Siomra, Marlene, c1944-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sioui, Eugène A. (Gagnon, originaire de Rivière-Bleu, potier ( Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Sioui, Mireille, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sipos, Sandor (Avmor Collection)

Sirag, Helen De Silaghi, 1920-2008, born in Transylvania, Romania, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Helen De Silaghi Sirag, Oil Floral Still Life, 30 x
24"; image reproduced from: http://www.cafr.ebay.ca/
hash=item43df5f83c0:g:LKgAAOSwDNdVkznj, accessed 2 December 2015.


Sirbu, Petronella, 
Siris (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sirko, Irene 9Sculptors Society of Canada--2015) 
Sirois (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec) 
Sirois, Anne-Marie (ARTothèque Overview of Contemporary Art in Acadia); site de l'artiste
Sirois, Louis (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

Photo de Marthe Sirois reproduite du
livre suivant:
Jean-Pierre Payette, 1936-, Le guide des artisans créateurs du Québec, Montréal:
Les Éditions La Presse, 1974, 351 p., à la p. 281, ill., carte; 19 cm, ISBN: 0-7777-0093-X.

Sirois, Marthe, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Artisans créateurs du Québec)

Reproduction of p. 12 of the brochure Arts 2013 -- Dare the difference! Montcalm Gallery, Espace Pierre-Debain
Gatineau, 2013.  The exhibition of Marthe Sirois "The Eighty Springs of Marthe Sirois" was held at the art institution
Espace Pierre-Debain in Gatineau from 6 March  to 14 April 2013.  The Artistic Director of Espace Pierre-Debain  and the
Montcalm Gallery is Dominique Laurent.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sirois, Pierre (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sirois, Pierre (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Sirois Lavallée, Jocelyne (Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 58)
Sirr-Mcaleenan, Linda (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Sirry, Farouk (Aberg)
Sise, Tom, 1947-, (Carleton)
Sisetski, Paul, 1954-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sisler, Edgar Briggs, 1900-, (University of Guelph)
Sisler, Rebecca Jean, 1932-, (McKendry; Art Gallery of Ontario; Early Women Artists;
------University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sisley, Edgar Briggs, 1900-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sissons, Lynn, circa 1889/98-1985, (150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Winnipeg School of Art;
------Winnipeg Art Gallery; Winnipeg School of Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Lynn Sissons, The Ancient Birch, Watercolour, 17" x 20".  Signed and dated '67.   G-63-231.

(Text and image reproduced from Winnipeg Art Gallery, Selected Works from the Winnipeg Art
Gallery Collection
, [Winnipeg: The Winnipeg Art Gallery], 1971 at p. 145).

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Situ, Dina (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Sitwell, H.S., fl 1870s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Siupik, Maggie, 1916-1984, (Roch; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Sivanerktok, Christine Aaluk, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sivarulrasa, Sanjeev (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Sivell, Ted (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Sivuak, Paulossie (Paulsi) (Povungnituk 1960-1970; Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sivuarapik, Charlie, 1911-1968 (Inuit Sculpture TD Bank Financial Group Collection; The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba) 
Sivuraq (Seevoga, Siruraq, Suvaaraq, Seevogag), Thomas, 1941-, (National Museum
------of Man; Roch; Seidelman)
Siwinski, Stefan, (années 50)
Sjolseth, Minn Solveig, 1919-1995, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sjostrom, Lee (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)


Esther Freeman
Esther Freeman was born in Grande
Prairie, AB, on October 28, 1928. During
her career as an art instructor and portrait
artist, she was president of the Edmonton
Art Club and the Alberta Society of Artists.
[Source of photo and excerpt from obituary:
, accessed 29 September 2024.]

Skaar-Freeman, Esther, 1928-2011, (Alberta Society of Artists)


Skafel, Ena Winnifred (born Sparks)m born in Vars, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Skahan, Justine (RBC Canadian Painting Competition 2016 Finalists)


Skalnik, Pavel, 1941-, (L'estampe à Québec; Roundstone Council for the Arts;
------Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Carleton; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Oeuvre de Pavel Skalnik accompagnant l'article, "Nouvelles icônes: Peintures de
Skalnik, à la Galerie Whitney", La Presse, 28 novembre 1970, à la p. D14,
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2717156 (site consult. le 8 seotembre 2021).

Skedd, Ian (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Skelly, Elizabeth, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Skelton, Carl, (L'estampe à Québec)
Skelton, Carl, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Leslie J. Skelton, photo source:
 at p. 460 of the newspaper clippings/coupures de presse, accessed 19 January 2020.

Skelton, Leslie J., 1848-1929, (Hubbard; Fine Arts in Canada; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Skelton, Liana, 1956-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Skelton, Robin, 1925-1997, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); canadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/robin-skelton
Skene, Cameron, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Skensved, Emmy (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
Skeoch, Robert (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
Skerry, George, 1916-1965, (Folk Artists; Eastern Canadian Folk Art; Wildfowl decoys carvers)

Book on Ralph Sketch:
Sketch, Ralph,  Equestrian sculpture / foreword by Bruce Hutchison; Ralph Sketch,  Toronto : NC Press,
1986,  vii, 64 p. : ill. ; 23 x 28 cm.  ISBN: 0920053734.
Image source of the book: www.ebay.ca/itm/Equestrian-Sculpture-Ralph-Sketch-Canadian-Artist-/161648770817?hash=item25a3047f01, accessed 8 February 2016

Sketch, Ralph MacKern, 1910-1993, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Skewis, Benjamin P. (Photos 1895-1924)
Skillet, Samuel (MQ)
Skinner, Robert (Photojournalism from La Presse and The Gazette)
Skinner, S. & Co., Picton, C.W. (Eastern Canadian Folk Art)
Skinner, Samuel, act. 1849-1864, (Folk Artists)
Skinner, Si Angelo, act. 1940's, (McKendry)
Skinner, Thomas, 1759-1818, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Skipper, Robert, 1946-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sklar, Stanley (ARTBOMB--29 March and 21 April 2015)
Sklavos, Yérassimo (Gerasimos), 1927-1967 (Sculpture; Art public de la ville de Montréal)
Sko, Michael (Alberta Society of Artists)


Margaret Ann Skoberg
Margaret Skoberg passed away peacefully on the morning of January 15th, 2020
at Royal University Hospital at 90 years of age. She was born in Hardisty, Alberta,
and spent her early years living on a farm there and then married John Skoberg,
from the neighbouring town of Lougheed. Margaret lived a life full of adventure,
friendships and became known as a highly talented artist. She was fortunate to
live in different locations across Canada, including Moose Jaw, Ottawa, Peachland,
Cranbrook, and finally Saskatoon. She enriched the lives of all who knew her with
her quick wit and active involvement in many community organizations.
[Source of photo and excerpt of obituary at cranbrooktownsman.com/obituaries/margaret-ann
, accessed 29 September 2024]

Skoberg (nee Overman), Margaret Ann, 1929-2020, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Skoczylas, Christopher B., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Skof, Anna Maria, 1937-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Skog, Wendy, 1949-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Skolleborg, Jens Birger, 1935-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Skoundridakis, Mariana (ARTBOMB--2 October 2013)
Skroce, Steve, 1973-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Lou Skuce, cartoon, Toronto Telegram News Service;
image reproduced from the following publication:
Allen, Robert Thomas, A Treasury of Canadian Humour, Toronto:McCelland
and Stewart Limited, 1967, 128 p., at p. 89 (series; Canadian Illustrated Library)

Skuce, Lou, 1886-1951, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------History of Canadian Political Cartooning)


Skudra, Tom, 1946-, (Children in Photography; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)
Skye, Isobel

Isobel Skye of Six Nations Reserve, Ontario, average height, 15 cm,  Private Collection,  "Iroquois cornhusk dolls playing lacrosse...This group was
shown at the Indian arts exhibition of the Canadian Guild of Crafts in Montreal, 1970."  (photographer: Rudi Haas).

[Description of title and image taken from the following book: Indian and Northern Affairs and Olive Dickason, Indian Arts in Canada,
Ottawa: Information Canada, 1972, at p. 116, plate 83; note: the image was too large so a part on the left, the goalie, is missing.]

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Skye, Raymond R., 1947-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Skye, Wyne, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)
Slabiev, Vassia, 1928-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Slack, Crawford Chelson, 1855-1929, act. c1900, (McKendry; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sladek, Brigitte, 1954-,  (Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 101); artist's site / site de l'artiste
Slanskey, Jim, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Norman Slater, 1958, photographed by
Sam Tata, National Gallery of Canada,
accession number EX-78-531, available at
, accessed 2 March 2022.

Slater, Norman, 1921-2003, architect and designer, (Sculpture Walks; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Slauenwhite, Lori (Off the Grid --Abstract Painting in New Brunswick)
Slava TCH. (Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, pp. 128-131 and 177-180(E))
Sleep, Dorothy-Margaret, born in Boston, USA, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sleep, Joseph, 1914-1978, (McKendry; Folk Art; Folk Artists; Dalhousie Art Gallery;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Nova Scotia Folk Art; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works)

Joseph Sleep, Ship and Creatures, circa 1976, lithograph on
paper, 12/70, 61 x 91.2 cm, purchase 1981, 1981.25, text and
image reproduced from the following book:
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Bernard Riordon, The AGNS permanent collection : selected works/ contributors, Bernard Riordon ... [et al.],
Halifax, N.S.: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, c2002, 191 p., at p. 122, figure 82: ill. (chiefly col.); 23 cm, ISBN: 0888717768;

Slemon, Jessie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Slimand, Fadil Victor, 1933-, (Pluralisme au Québec)
Smily, Elizabeth (Murals of Chemainus, B.C.)
Slind, Stuart, 1951-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Slingerland, James, ceramist, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Slingerland, Rick, Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Slipper, Annemarie (née Teuscher), born in New York (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Slipper, Gary Peter, 1934-2019, (McMaster University; Queen's University; Sir George
------Williams University; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90)

Gary Peter Slipper, The Voice of Authority,
brush, pen and ink, 36.2 x 28.6 cm / 14.25 x
11.25"; text and image reproduced from Waddington
Canadian Art Online Auction, March 11-17, 2016, Lot 129,
available at canadianart.waddingtons.ca/auction/243/lot-129 (accessed 12 March 2016).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sloan, Dave (Photography and Illustration 1993 at p. 59)
Sloan, Debora (ARTBOMB--17 October 2013, 1 November 2013 and 21 November 2013)
Sloian, Johanne (Art public de la ville de Montréal)


Sloan, John, 1890/1-1970, (McKendry; Reid; Duval; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

John Sloan, Reflections, York St., Sunday Morning, Hamilton, huile sur isorel,
46 x 61cm - 18 x 24", lot 76, chez Iergor, "Art canadien, Art international,
Antiquités, Bijoux, 5 octobre 2021", 1456 rue Sherbrooke ouest Montréal,
available at iegor.net/catalogue/118400?lang=fr&sold=&offset=50&max=50 (accessed 25 September 2021).

Sloan, Mack, 1920-2005, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sloan, Mack, born in Weston, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Sloane, George, 1864-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Sloggett, Paul, 1950-, (Reid; Burnett; Murray; Abstract Painting; University of Guelph;
------Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Art in Ontario); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Sloggett

Paul Sloggett, Rose Madder Mate, 1975, acrylic, 62 x 70 " -- 157.5 x 177.8 cm;
University of Lethbridge Art Collection, as seen at artcollection.uleth.ca/objects/.... (accessed 10 February 2022)


Sloot, Rosemary, 1952-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Slota, Marian (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Slubik, Fran, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Slutsky, Erik, 1953-, (Avmor Collection; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90);
------en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Slutsky--- site de l'artiste

Erik Slutsky, sans titre, 1983, gouache et pastel sur papier,
30 x 21"--76 x 53 cm, en vente chez Enchères Champagne
Auctions, Montréal, Vente découverte -- Discovery sale 1/2,
finishing 21 May 2023, lot 25, reproduced from live.encheresc
(accessed 12 May 2023).


Smallenberg, Donna, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smalley, Jeff (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Smalley, Steven, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smarch, Doug, from Teslin, Yulon Territory, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smarch, Keith, 1961-, born in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smardon, Kate L., fl 1888-96, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smart, Edmund Hodgson, 1873-1942, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smart, Jan, born in Alert Bay, B.C., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smeaton, Charles, died in 1868, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smedegaard, Joyce, died in 1983, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1);


Geoffrey Smedley, 1982, photo reproduced from open.library.ubc.ca/viewer/arphotos/
(accessed 29 September 2024).

Smedley, Geoffrrey, 1927-2018, (Balkind; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Smedley, William Thomas, 1858-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smeraldo, Carol, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Paul Smet, "Expositions. Le kiosque de Mr. Paul Smet, sculpteur sur bois", photographie
de Conrad Poirier, 1937.
Nous voyons les oeuvres de monsieur Paul Smet. Elles sont exposées à
son kiosque dans le cadre du Carnaval de l'Office d'Apprentissage de la
Petite Industrie. Nous remarquons à coté de l'artiste, son épouse madame
Françoise Gaudet-Smet, très connue pour ses chroniques dans les
journaux, à la radio et à la télévision

[Source de la photo: page web numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/2834153,
consultée le 15 septembre 2019]

Smet, Paul, 1892-1950, sculpteur sur bois

------Smet, Pierre-Jean de, 1801-1873, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smeulders, John, born in Hilversum, Holland, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smider, Alick, 1955-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smigel, Anne, from Winnipeg, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smiler, Isa, 1921-1986 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Inuit Sculpture TD Bank Financial Group Collection)
Smillie, George Frederick Cumming, 1854-1924, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smillie, George Henry, 1840-1921, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Book on James Smilie:
Smillie, James, 1807-1885, Rosemarie L. Tovell, Mary Allodi, Royal Ontario Museum, An engraver's pilgrimage : James Smillie in Quebec,
/ Mary Macaulay Allodi, Rosemarie L. Tovell, Toronto : Royal Ontario Museum, c1989, 139 p.: ill. NOTES: Includes bibliographical
references and index. ISBN: 0888543352 (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source of the book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=11035926442&cm_sp=collections-_-item_1_48-_-bdp, accessed 1 November 2016

Smillie (Smillie Le Jeune), James, 1807-1885, engraver, (McKendry; MQ; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875)

Smillie, James David, 1833-1909, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smillie, William Cumming, 1813, fl 1899, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smily, Elizabeth Marian (born Elizabeth Marian Wolf), 1918-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012)
Smirnoff, Wladimir, 1917-2000, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Wladimir Smirnoff, Les bleuets du Lac-Saint-Jean,
photo accompagnant l'article de Gilles Paradis, "Le
public de la région décidera si Smirnoff est bon ou
mauvais peintre", Le Soleil, samedi, le 23 juin 1973,
à la p. 28, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3112486
(site consulté le 8 septembre 2021).

Smiltneiks, Erika, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smit, Ben, born in Saint John New Brunswick, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Smit, Nicholas, 1967-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith (Mrs. Petrie) (Alberta Society of Artists)
Smith, Abigail, act. 1860s, (Folk Artists)
Smith, Adam, 1956-, knifemaker, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans)

Adam Smith, couteau en acier, et manche en micarta; couteau à long manche en acier, laiton, et manche en bois de caribou;
couteau pliant en acier, manche en bois dentelle (photo d'Harry Foster;  photo et texte reproduits à partir du livre: Collection de la
Fondation Massey, Centre canadien d'études sur la culture traditionnelle: Objets d'art, oeuvres d'artisans: la Collection
de la Fondation Massey / le Centre canadien d'études sur la culture traditionnelle du Musée national de l'homme
Ottawa: Balmur Book Publishing Ltd. en collaboration avec le Musée national de l'homme, Musée nationaux du Canada,
1984, pp. 91 et 101).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Smith, A.G., 1945-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Ala, 1930-, (Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Smith, Alan, 1931-, (Vallée 93)
Smith, Alan, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Allison (ARTBOMB--1 and 5 November 2018)
Smith, Andrea, craftsmanship -- appliqué and fabric collage (Crafts Canada)


Photo of Andrew Smith accompagnant l'article de Nathalie Roy,
"Andrew Smith: De structures de chaos et d'abeilles", Vie des arts,
numéto 226, printemps 2012 aux pages 80-81.

Smith, Andrew (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Patrick Mikhail Gallery Ottawa)


Smith, Andrew James, 1945-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Ann, 1946-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Ann, 1952-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Anne Plaxton, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Arthur Gordon, 1901-, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Arthur Oswald, 1887- (Winnipeg School of Art)
Smith, B., fl 1846-60s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Rev. B. Smith, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, 1846; text
and image reproduced from the following book:
Neary, Peter, 1938-, and Patrick O'Flaherty, 1939-, Part of the Main : an illustrated history of Newfoundland and Labrador,  St. John's, [Nfld] :
Breakwater Books, c1983, 208 p., at p. 83 : ill., maps, ports. ; 31 cm. NOTES: Includes index. Bibliography: p. 202.  ISBN: 091951927X
(AMICUS catalogue).


Smith, Barbel, born in Germany; see--voir: koymangalleries.com/artist/barbel-smith/

"Bernie Smith, sculpteur d'animaux sauvages
de Mossbank (Saskatchewan), en 1986; son
oeuvre inspira William Hazzard et l'encouragea à
perfectionner son métier"; photo: "Collection du
Musée des civilisations; photographie de Larry Raynard."

[Cette photo de Smith et le texte proviennent du livre suivant:
Inglis, Stephen, Musée canadien des civilisations, De main de maître : les lauréats du Prix d'excellence en artisanat Saidye Bronfman,
, Hull, Québec : Musée canadien des civilisations, 1989, 144 p., aux pp. 20 et 144: ill. (certaines en coul.) ; 29 cm.  NOTES: Publ.
aussi en anglais sous le titre: Masters of the crafts.   "Les recherches ... ont été faites par Stephen Inglis, qui a également supervisé la rédaction
du texte"--Verso de la p. de t.  Comprend des références bibliographiques.   ISBN: 0660902893 (Catalogue AMICUS, le 11 novembre 2018)]

Smith, Bernie, 1893-1990, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Smith, Bob, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Brian G. (Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz)
Smith, Bruce, c.1915-, (Folk Artists)


Smith, Bruce, 1925-2005, born in Oshawa, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Bruce Smith was born in 1925 in Oshawa and was a resident of Toronto and the Town of
Georgina until his passing in December, 2005. The Permanent Collection at the Georgina
Centre for Arts & Culture exists due to his generosity as a collector and donor.
For more than 40 years, Smith celebrated his joy in the world around him by capturing light
on canvas. His work has been described by curators such as Joan Murray, past Director
Emeriti of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery and past Executive Director of the McMichael
Gallery, as having its own “assured sense of touch and sonorous colour, Smith’s an
original,” Murray has said, “ with complete faith in his own way of seeing – a way which
is divided between an appreciation of the world around us and that which is decorative
Smith was known to create his own, peculiarly Canadian, brand of modernism.”
[Excerpt from thegcac.ca/live-auction-lot-list/, accessed 29 September 2024.]


Smith, Bruce Leslie Thomas, 1937-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Bryce, fl 1843-61, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Charles Alexander, 1864-1915  (L'esprit révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois)
Smith, Charles Gustave, 1826-1896, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Charles Hamilton, 1776-1859, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Smith, Charles L., c1812-?, fl 1880s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; British Columbia, a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)

Entrance to the Harbor of Victoria, B.C., "Drawn by C.L.
Smith, engraved by H. Epting for Illustrated British Columbia,
lithographed by West Shore Lith., Portland,Oregon; published
by J.B. Ferguson, Victoria, 1884; reproduced from the
following book:
De Volpi, Charles P., 1910-1981, British Columbia, a pictorial record : historical prints and illustrations of the Province of British Columbia, Canada, 1778-1891 /
[compiled by] Charles P. DeVolpi, [Don Mills, Ont.] : Longman Canada, 1973, xii, 17 p., [137] leaves of plates: 184, at p. 158 ill. ; 34 cm. NOTES: Descriptive
letterpress on versos facing plates. Includes index of artists and engravers.  Lithographed by Page--Sangster Inc., Sherbrooke, Quebec.  Canadiana: 740034502.


Smith, Cherie (Mrs D.M. Smith), 1917-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Christina, 1922-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Christopher, born in Port Hope, Ontario, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Cyndy (Bromont en Art, 17e édition, août 2015)
Smith, D.J., (Canadian Photography 1839-1920)
Smith, David, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, David, 1941-,  from Newfoundland, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, David, 1947-, from Port Perry, Ontario (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, David, born in Waterloo, Ontario, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Dennis K., 1950-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Diane (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Smith, Don Lelooska; (Arts of the Raven)
Smith, Donald, 1917-, (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Donald Appelbe, 1917-, born in London, England, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90;
-----Ontario Collection)
Smith, Dora Ashkins, born in Saint John, New Brunswick, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Edith Agnes Smith, photo reproduced from:

Smith, Edith Agnes, 1867-1954, (McKendry; Tippett; Nova Scotia; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Early Women Artists; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works; Artists' Halifax Portraits through
------ 250 years; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Smith, Edith Agnes, 1867-1954, Evening Light, Petite Rivière, oil on canvas, 28.9 x
39.3 cm, Dalhousie Art Gallery.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Smith, Edith May, 1918-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Edith Jackson, 1905-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Effie, 1867-1960/70, (University of Guelph; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, E. Gilmour, 1892-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, E. Gordon born before 1900 (Winnipeg School of Art; Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Smith, E. May, fl 1886, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Effie, 1867-1960, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)
Smith, Elmer Boyd, 1860-1943, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Francis Hopkinson, 1838-1915, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Frank Vining, 1879-1967, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Freda Pemberton, 1902-1991, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; The Canadian Society
------of Painters in Water Colour; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freda_Pemberton-Smith
Smith, Gar, 1946-, photographer, (Lord; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Art in Ontario; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Smith, George F/P.,  fl 1880-2, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Smith, George Neilson, 1789-1854. (McKendry; Harper; Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; New Brunswick Landscape Print 1760-1880;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

George Neilson Smith, The Collegiate School and Christ Church,
1835, watercolour and ink over pencil. Credit: Beaverbrook Art
Gallery/1966.2.; image source: familyheritage.ca/fredericton1.html, accessed 26 January 2020.

In 1823, George N. Smith arrived in Fredericton from Edinburgh.
He secured a post in the Crown Land Office where he was employed
drawing maps and plans until 1831.  He then moved to St. Andrews
where he founded the weekly St. Andrew's Standard.  He continued to
edit and publish this newspaper until 1841 when he settled in Saint John.
There he served as an architect and as a lecturer on astronomy and the
fine arts at the Mechanics' Institute.  His several sketches of New
Brunswick are to be commended.

[Source of text: Tweedie, R.A.,  Fred Cogswell, and W. Stewart MacNutt,
editors, Arts in New Brunswick, [Fredericton]: Brunswick Press, 1967,
The Centennial edition, copy number 369 of 2,000, 280 pages, at p. 134 :
illustrations (some color); 35 cm (book collection of François Lareau).]


Smith, Gerald, 1929-2015, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
-----City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

Photo reproduced from an article by David Kearn, "Remembering Gerald
Smith", 26 February 2016 at davidkearn.com/2016/02/26/remembering-gerald-smith-
(accessed 30 September 2024).


Smith, Gilbert, 1872-1945, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Glen, c1908-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Smith, Gordon, 1919-2020, artist, Daina Augaitis, interviewer, Equinox Gallery (Vancouver), Gordon Smith : don't look back Don't look back NAME/TITLE:
Nasgaard, Roald, 1941-, Gordon Smith, Wallave, Ian, 1943-,  Meditations on life as a painter, London, UK : Black Dog Publishing, 2014, 237 pages : colour
illustrations, portratis ; 29 cm. NOTES: Includes index. Gordon Smith: to make the ordinary into the extraordinary / Roald Nasgaard -- Learning by looking:
Gordon Smith in conversation / with Daina Augaitis -- Meditations on life as a painter: Gordon Smith and the gesture of modernity / Ian Wallace -- Winnipeg
days / Gordon Smith -- A time remembered / Gordon Smith. Issued in conjunction with the exhibition held at the Equinox Gallery, Vancouver, from 20 September
to 24 October 2014.  ISBN: 9781908966490.

Smith, Gordon Appelbe (Appleby), 1919-2020, born in the UK and died in Vancouver, B.C. (McKendry; Reid;
------ Leclerc; MAQ Harper; Art Gallery-of Ontario; University of Guelph; Burnett; Balkind; Canadian Drawings;
------ Firestone Art Collection; Duval; Swain; Lord; Abstract Painting; Sir George Williams University;
------McMaster University; Queen's University; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; années 50;
------150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Shell Canada Collection;
------Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983; Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Creative Canada, 1971;
------Hard-Edge Collection; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2009;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Corporate collections;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Contemporary Canadian Artists; Canadian Pavilion Expo 67; Contemporary British Columbia Artists;
------Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_A._Smith

Sur Gordon Smith, on pourra également consulter:

Malkin, Peter Grundy, "Gordon Smith: a Study of the
Artist's Life and Career from 1919 to 1955",
M.A. thesis, University of British Columbia,
1977 (source de cette information: Loren Singer,
"Mémoires et thèses en histoire de l'art au Canada" -- "Canadian
Art History Theses and Dissertations", Journal of Canadian Art
History / Annales d'histoire de l'art
Canadien, volume 5, number 2, (1981)
pp. 122-128 à la p. 126).


Photo of Gord Smith, Waddington Galleries, photo reproduite du livre de Guy Robert, École de Montréal: situation
et tendances
, Montréal : Éditions du Centre de psychologie et de pédagogie, [1964], à la p. 117.

Smith, Gordon (Gord) Hammond, 1937-, sculpt., (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
------McKendry; Hubbard; MAQ; Firestone Art Collection; Sculpture; McMaster University;
------Panorama de la sculpture; Robert 64; Sir George Williams University; Dalhousie Art
------Gallery; Creative Canada, 1972; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Allied Arts Catalogue 2;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Art in Ontario; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle;
------Art public de la ville de Montréal); artist's site   

Gord Smith, "Relic
Trinity, bronze, 6' 8",
Photo: courtesy Mira
Godard Gallery, Toronto"

[Image and description of Gord Smith's sculpture are reproduced from the following book:
Parkin, Jeanne, William J.S. Boyle, Visual Arts Ontario, Art in Architecture: Art for the built environment in the Province
of Ontario
, [Toronto] : Visual Arts Ontario, 1982, xii, 276 p., at p. 250: ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 276, ISBN: 0920708048]


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Smith, Harris (Lalkawilas), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Harold Thomas Faulkner, 1893-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Harry Leslie, 1900-1974, (Sir George Williams University; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)

Harry Leslie Smith, Quebec Red Church Landscape Painting,
watercolour, 11 1/2 x 15 1/2"; image source: http://www.ebay.com,
accessed on 16 December 2014.

Smith, Henry Walter, 1917-, (McKendry; Hubbard; McMaster University; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Hervey, 1734-1811, (Boulizon; Hubbard; Sales Index 1989-90)
Smith, Horace S., fl 1865-76, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Isapik (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Smith, J. Roxburgh, born Scotland, 1883-1975, (Hubbard)
Smith, Jack (J. Middleton Smith), born in Calgary, Alberta, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Jack, Captain, photographer (Pictorial History of Canada's Army Overseas 1939-1945)
Smith, James Agrell, 1913-1988, (Wood Engraving in Canada since 1945; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Sales Index 1989-90)

James Agrell Smith, Reflections on a Great-grandfather.

(Text and image reproduced from the following book: Brender à Brandis, G., 1942-, Danuta M.A.K.
Kamocki, and Carnegie Galerie (Dundas, Ont.), The White line: wood engraving in Canada
since 1945 :  a selection of artists and images from a retrospective exhibition of the same name
curated by G. Brender à Brandis /  Brandis / biographies prepared by Danuta M.A.K. Kamocki
Erin (Ontario) : Porcupine's Quill, 1990).
Smith, James Avon, 1832-1918, (McKendry; Hubbard; Fine Arts in Canada; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90)
Smith, Jamie (ARTBOMB--21 November 2013)
Smith, Jean K., (Jean Joy), (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Jean K., Hythe, 1918-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Jeff (ARTBOMB--26 March, 6 April and 15 May 2015)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Smith, Jeremy, 1946-, (McKendry; Burnett; Shell Canada Collection; Collection
------Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
------Duval -- High Realism)

Jeremy Smith, Seated Nude, 1984, egg tempera on
panel, 67.6 x 53.3 cm, Private Collection, Toronto,
on the cover of the following book:

Burnett, David, Jeremy Smith / with a foreword by Alex Colville, [Kitchener, Ont.]; Toronto : Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery & Dundurn Press,
1988, 95 p. : ill. (some col.), port. ; 27 cm, ISBN: 1550020404 (bound), ISBN: 1550020420 (pbk.).

Smith, Jeremy L., 1946-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Jerome Howard, c1861-1941, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Smith, Jerry, 1952-,

"Raven by Jerry Smith shows the bird
in associatiom with the sun. (Kwagiutl)"
Image and text are reproduced from the
following book:
Stuart, Hilary, 1924-, Looking at Indian Art of the Northwest Coast,
Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, ©1979, 111 pages, at p. 58, plate 87 :
illustrations ; 23 cm, ISBN:
088894229X, 9780888942296 (put on line on 10 April 2022).

Research note: his brother is Smith, Russell. infra.

Smith, Jill, 1948-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Jim, potter (Art and Craft of Nova Scotia; Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Smith, Jim, from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, painter, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Jim, 1914-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Jim, 1949-, sculptor, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Joan, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, Joanne, born in Toronto, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)


Joel Smith, photo reproduced in article on him at
byhigh.org/Alumni_P_to_T/Smith-Joel/1947.html, accessed 29 September 2024.

Smith, Joel, 1929-2017, (MAQ; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1).


Smith, John, blacksmith, Kootenay Forge (Artisan)
Smith, John, c1928-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, John E., born in England, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
Smith, John Ivor, 1927-2004, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Art Gallery of Ontario; Burnett;
------University of Guelph; Queen's University; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Panorama de la sculpture; Sir George Williams University; Sculpture Walks;
------Creative Canada, 1972; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Allied Arts Catalogue 2;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Claridge Inc. catalogue)

John Ivor Smith, Chimeric Figure 1967,
Fibreglass, 274 x 61 x 61 cm, Gift of the
House of Seagram for display in the Carey
Fox Quadrangle; commissioned for Expo '67;
the artist.

(Text and image reproduced from the following book: The Art Collection of
McMaster University: European, Canadian and American Paintings,
Prints, Drawings and Sculpture,
Hamilton (Ontario): McMaster
University Press, 1987, at p. 256).

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Smith, John Meredith, see John Meredith, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, John Roxburgh, 1883-1975, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Jori, see Smith, Marjorie
Smith, Joshua, c1880-1938, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Kate Adeline, 1878-1945, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists)
Smith, Keith C., 1924-2000, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K._C._Smith

Keith Smith, Grizzly Bear, oil on board, 55.9 x 71.1 cm/
22 x 28"; text and photo reproduced from Online Auction
Catalogue, March 2016-5th Session, Lot # 428, Heffel Canada's National Fine Art Auction available
at www.heffel.com/online/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=78706&ImageID=50723&Main=True (accessed 10 March 2016).


Smith, Kiki, (Corporate collections)
Smith, Laurel (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
Smith, Leslie Victor, 1880-1952, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Levi Alasua Pirti, 1927-1986,  (Seidelman; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Shell Canada Collection)

Smith, Lewis E. (Edward), 1871-1926, (Nova Scotia; L'estampe; Dalhousie Art Gallery;
------Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works; Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)

Smith, Lewis E., 1871-1926, Broad Cave Lunenburg, oil on board, 20.3 x 25.3 cm, Dalhousie Art Gallery.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Smith, Lorne (Lorna) Kidd, 1880-1966, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Lorne Kidd Smith, Harbour Scene with Shipping and Tug Boats, 1927, gouache, 15.5 x
27.5 " — 39.4 x 69.9 cm, on sale at Waddington's Discovery Art, 21-26 October 2023,
lot 140, reproduced from: waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-oct-26-2023/gallery/lot/140/  (accessed 24 October 2023).


Smith, Lynda Gaelyn, 1947-; artist's web site 
Smith, M., act. 1807, (McKendry)
Smith, Madge, 1898-1974, photographer (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Smith, Marilyn (Artists of the Gatineau Hills)

Photo of Jori Smith: Chez Eloi Tremblay, March 1935 taken by her husband Jean Palardy
[Reproduced from Jori Smith, Charlevoix County, 1930, Penumbra Press, 1998 at p. 46]

Jori Smith photographiée par Alain Roberge, La Presse, 5 août 1998, reproduit
du site numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/4153713?docref=kEbGWt7o4f_2JSdv4
(consulté le 1er juin 2022).

Publication on Jori Smirh:

Jori Smith,   Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery,
Jori Smith = a celebration = une célébration
Montréal : Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University =
Galerie d'art Leonard & Bina Ellen, Université Concordia, 1997,
72 p. : ill. (some col.), ports. ; 23 cm, Notes: "January 22-March 8, 1997",
2920394436, 9782920394438 (put on line on 4 August 2023).

Smith, Marjorie (Jori) Thurston, 1907-2005, (Magazin'art, v. 9(4), 1997, pp. 67-68
------and 92-93(E); McKendry; Reid; Tippett; Hubbard, Hill, Roussan 82; Vallée 83;
------Vallée 89; Robert 83; Robert 78; MAQ; Tippett; Duval; Newlands;
------L'art du Québec Modern Painting; L'art au Canada français; Shell Canada
------Collection; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Société d'art contemporain, Montréal, 1939-1948; Duval 1952; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Early Women Artists;
------Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019;
-----Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Jori Smith, untitled, H.C. II/X, 21.4 x15.4 cm, private collection, put on line on 21 July 2021.

Google -- Images for Jori Smith


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Smith, Mary G., 1957-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)

Book on Michael Smith:
Smith, Michael, Jeffrey Spalding, Galerie de Bellefeuille, Michael Smith: Broken Ground,  Montréal, Québec:
Galerie de Bellefeuille, [2001], 52 pages : color illustrations, portrait; 29 cm, Translation/traduction, Christine Gendreau,
ISBN: 2922173135 and  9782922173130; image supplied by book seller: J. W. Mah (Burnaby, BC, Canada) 

Smith, Michael, 1951-, (Swain; Collection Loto-Québec; Corporate collections; Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, p. 89;
------Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, pp. 70-71); artist's site

Smith, Mitchell, 1959-, (Abstract Painting)
Smith, Morley, 1938-2022, (L'art du Québec; Québec en design: 75 ans de créations); artist's obituary
Smith, Murray (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Smith, Nancy, 1951-,  (Robert 83; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain
------de Montréal)
Smith, Neville, 1938-,  (Great Canadian Posters)
Smith, Noel (Oeuvres d'artisans)
Smith, Peggy, 1935-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; New Brunswick Painters)

Livre sur l'artiste Peggy Smith, Peter J. Larocque, Transitions : The Paintings of Peggy Smith /
Transitions: la peinture de Peggy Smith, Saint John, NB: New Brunswick Museum, 1997. I reproduced
the image of the book from http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=2197055458&searchurl=backto%3Dart.shtml%26n%3D100200137%26
, accessed on 17 March 2014.


Smith, Peter, (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Smith, Peter J., (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Smith, Ralph (Oeuvres d'artisans)
Smith, Ralph (Alberta Society of Artists)
Smith, Randall, 1906-, (Folk Art; Folk Artists)
Smith, Rita, 1918-1996 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Smith, Mrs. R.M., (Alberta Society of Artists)
Smith, Robert, fl 1821-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith, Roxann Vivian, 1924-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Photo of Russell Smith,  reproduced from the following book:
MacNair, Peter L., Alan L. Hoover, Kevin Neary, British Columbia Provincial
The legacy: tradition and innovation in Northwest Coast Indian
Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre; Seattle : University of Washington Press,
193 pages, at p. 187 : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits ; 23 cm,
Photo from the collection of the Royal British Columbia Museum (put on line on 15 October

Smith, Russell, 1950-,  (Indian Artists at Work; Northwest Coast Indian Art 1984)

Research note: his brother is Smith, Jerry, supra.


Smith, Shelby Dawn (ARTBOMB--6 June, 1, 16 and 18 July, 29 September, 31 October and 30 November 2016; 3, 8  and 17 April and
------10 May 2019)
Smith, Strathy, Lieutenant, photographer (Pictorial History of Canada's Army Overseas 1939-1945)
Smith, Suzie (Lisa Kehler Art + Projects Winnipeg)

Smith, Ted, 1933-,

Book on the artist Ted Smith:
(image source: http://www.kag.bc.ca/exhibitions/publications.htm, accessed 6 February 2015)
Kamloops Art Gallery host institution, issuing body, Ted Smith with essays by Charo Neville, 1975- and Roger Boulet, 1944-,
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada : Kamloops Art Gallery, [2014], 95 pages : illustrations (colour); 25 x 28 cm.  NOTES: Catalogue of the exhibition
"Ted Smith: A Retrospective," held at the Kamloops Art Gallery from June 28 to August 30, 2014.  Includes bibliographical references. Foreword / Jann LM Bailey.
ISBN: 9781895497823 (bound).

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Smith, Tom, 1951-, Vancouver, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Shell Canada Collection)
Smith, Tom, (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)
Smith, Tom (Oeuvres d'artisans)
Smith, Tom (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Smith, Vicki, (L'art au féminin)

W. St. T. Smith, 1904, photo by Edmond Dyonnet,
"Épreuve à la gélatine argentique, virée, sur papier
mat avec bordures fines virées imitant une épreuve au platine,
15,5 sur 11,2 cm (image : 15,2 sur 10,9 cm)", source de la photo:
ngcr.utpjournals.press/doi/full/10.3138/ngcr.11-001, site consulté le 11 mai 2021.

Smith, William (St Thomas), 1862-1947, (McKendry; Hubbard; Queen's University; Fine
------Arts in Canada; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Ontario Collection)

William St. Thomas Smith, The Castle by the Sea, watercolour on
paper, 44.5 x 59.7 cm /  17 1/2 x 23 1/2"

[Image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,  Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at p. 120, ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN: 0889029792.]

Smith, William Ernest, 1938-, (Canadian Encyclopedia -- Photographers)
Smith, William Ronald, see William Ronald, (McKendry)
Smith, Wycliffe Dalton, 1947-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smith Dow, Craig, born in Newfoundland, (Smart)
Smith-Lamothe, Terry, (Stained Glass)
Smith Peck, Robin, (L'estampe à Québec)
Smith-Welsh, Alison (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Smithers, George, 1810-1868, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smolarek, Waldemar, 1937-, born in Warsaw, Poland (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Smolleck, Kristine Frederickson, 1895- (Winnipeg School of Art)
Smutylo, Allen, 1946-, (Carleton; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Smylie, Barry, 1948-, (Shell Canada Collection)


Fiona Smyth, source of image: ago.ca/people/fiona-smyth,
accessed 6 December 2019.

Publication by Fiona Smyth:
Smyth, Fiona, Somnambulance, [Toronto, Ontario] : Koyama Press, 2018,
367 pages : chiefly illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm, ISBN: 9781927668542, 1927668549;
image source: https://www.abebooks.com/..., accessed 16 December 2019.

"A comics collection by Canadian cartoonist, painter, and
illustrator Fiona Smyth. Over thirty years of comics that
feature Fiona's world of sexy ladies, precocious girls, and
vindictive goddesses is revealed in all its feminist glory.
This is recommended reading for sleepwalkers on a female
planet."--Publisher's description.
[Source: Voilà catalogue and WorldCat database]

Smyth, Fiona, 1964-, born in Montreal, ; artist's web site


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Smyth (Smith), Hervey, 1734-1811, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Québec:
------A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Morisset;
------New Brunswick Landscape Print 1760-1880; McKendry; Reid; Harper)

Image reproduite du livre suivant: Musée du Québec, Québec (Province), L'art du paysage au
Québec (1800-1940) = Landscape painting in Québec (1800-1940)
, [Québec] : Le Musée, 1978,
à la p. 14.


J.R. Coke Smyth, "Québec vue depuis le Château Saint-Louis, 1840";
image reproduite du livre suivant:
Gillmor, Don, Pierre Turgeon, Le Canada: une histoire populaire des origines à la confédération, Saint-Laurent,
Québec : Fides, 2000, xiv, 305 p., à la p. 218, ISBN: 2762122821.

Smyth, John Richard Coke, 1808-1882, connu à Québec vers 1838, (McKendry; Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------ Sales Index 1989-90; (Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875; Morisset)

Smyth, John Richard Coke, 1808-1882, Intérieur de la chapelle des Ursulines à Québec, avec la chaire, 1838, Aquarelle, 25,5 x 28,5 cm, collection
particulière, Toronto, photographie de Patrick Altman,  Musée du Québec.

Coke Smyth, Le port de Montréal en 1832.

L'église Notre-Dame domine d'ailleurs le paysage urbain, comme le
montre la lithographie de Coke Smyth, Le port de Montréal en 1832.
Les berges du fleuve sont encore dépourvues de quais permanents, une
situation à laquelle viendra bientôt remédier la toute nouvelle Commission
du port.  En attendant, les navires doivent jeter l'ancre face à la ville et on
les décharge de barques. (MM)

[L'image ci-dessus et le texte proviennent du livre suivant:
Craig Brown, 1935-, sous la direction de, Paul-André Linteau, 1946-, édition française, Histoire générale du Canada,
[Montréal] : Boréal, 1988, 694 pages, [viii], à la page 309 : illustrations, cartes, portraits; 24 cm, ISBN: 2890522490,
Notes: traduction du livre anglais: Robert Craig, 1935-, The illustrated history of Canada,  L'abbréviation "(MM)"=
Musée McCord d'histoire canadienne, Université McGill, Montréal (mis en ligne 4 ao
ût 2024). ]


Smyth, Samuel Gordon, 1891-1930,
Smyth, William, c1800-1877,
Smyth, William, act. 1813-43 (Harper)
Snaké, Stephen, (Magazin'art, v. 9(2), 1996-97, pp. 56-57 and 79-81(E))
Snell, Dawn, 1928-2006, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Snelling, Garry, fl 1970s, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sneyd, Douglas, 1933-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Snider, Gregory (Greg), 1945-, (McKendry)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Snider, Stephen, 1953-; artist's site  

Stephen Snider, Furby House Dog Walk, 2014, oil on canvas, 18 x 24"; I
would like to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce (31 October

Snihurowycz, Taras, 1918-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Sniper (pseudonyme) (Histoire de la caricature au Québec)


Snow, John, 1911-2004, photo by Philip
Pocock (reproduced from Canadian Art, volume
15, number 4, November 1958, at p. 264).

Book on John Snow:
Herbert, Elizabeth, 1956-, The art of John Snow / Elizabeth Herbert, Calgary :
University of Calgary Press, c2011, x, 215 p. : ill. (chiefly col.); 28 cm. SERIES:
Art in profile, 1700-9995 ; no. 9, NOTES: Includes bibliographical references: p.
[209]-215. ISBN: 9781552385166.
Image source of the book: www.amazon.ca/Art-John-Snow-Elizabeth-Herbert/dp/1552385167/ref=sr_1_35?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1473058954&sr=1-35&keywords=Canadian+artist, accessed 5 September 2016

Snow, John, 1911-2004, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Burnett; McMaster University; Alberta artists;
------University of Guelph; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Carleton; Shell Canada Collection;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Creative Canada, 1972; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Contemporary Canadian Artists;
------City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Alberta Society of Artists)

Google -- Images for Snow, John, 1911-2004
Snow, Leonard, (Folk Artists)


Michael Snow, photo reproduced from: fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael
(accessed 18 October 2022).

Martha Langford, Michael Snow:
Life and Work
and aci-iac.ca/art-books/michael-snow/ (accessed 19 July 2022).

Snow, Michael James Aleck, 1928-2023, (McKendry; Reid;  Leclerc; Art Gallery of Ontario;
------Withrow; MAQ; Burnett; Murray; Balcourt; Duval; Lord; Newlands; Roundstone
------Council for the Arts; Morris; Queen's University; Canadian Drawings; Modern Painting;
------Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Carleton; Abstract Painting; University of Guelph;
------Dalhousie Art Gallery; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Toronto Painting : 1953-1965; Creative Canada, 1971; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2000; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------The 60s in Canada; Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, p. 17;
------Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 60; Vie des arts, numéro 230, vol. 47, printemps
------2013, pp. 28-29; Contemporary Canadian Photography; Ontario Collection; Oh, Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012;
------Builders: Biennial 2012; Canadian Encyclopedia -- Photographers); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Snow

Book on Michael Snow (image source:

Déry, Louise, 1955-, Curator, Oeuvres de Michael Snow : Solo snow = Works of Michael Snow : Solo snow,
Montreal : Galerie De I'UQAM, c2011, 141 p.: ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. NOTES: Text in English and French.
Exhibition held at the Galerie de l'UQAM in Montreal, from February 10 to April 24, 2011, ISBN: 9782920325425 and

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Snow, William Parker, 1817-1985, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Snow, W.R., fl 1863-7, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Snowball, Cornelius, 1934-, (McMaster University)
Snowball, Edward (Seidelman)
Snowball, Jeannie, 1906-, (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Snowdon, Michael, 1948-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)
Snowie, Allan, 1922-, sculpt., (McKendry; Folk Artists)
Snyder, Alisa (Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)
Snyder, David (Art Impressions Magazine 1995 Annual Directory of Artists' Profiles  at p. 20)
Snyder, G. Gordon (Alberta Society of Artists)
Snyder, Gordon, 1951-, (Sales Index 1989-90)


Peter Etril Snyder, photo still of video accompagnying the article
"Peter Etril Snyder remembered for artistry and generosity", CTV
Kitchener, 29 August 2017 and available at kitchener.ctvnews.ca/peter-
(accessed 22 April 2022).  

Snyder, Peter Etril, 1944-2017, born in Waterloo, ON (Bruens 88; Sales Index 1989-90)

A book on the artist Peter Etril Snyder:
Snyder, Peter Etril, 1944-, A painter's harvest : the works of Peter Etril Snyder, Toronto : CBC Enterprises,
c1986, iii, 170 p. : chiefly col. ill.; 24 x 31 cm. NOTES: Includes index.  ISBN:  0887943098. (mage source: http://www.abebooks.com)


Snyder-Nadeau, Roberta (Alberta Society of Artists)
Soares, Zelia (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Soboloff, Simon A., 1887-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Sobkovich, Colleen, 2001-,; see--voir: koymangalleries.com/artist/colleen-sobkovich/

Sobkowicz, Richard, born in Montreal,  1950 -;  Mr. Sobkowicz is President of the Ottawa Watercolour Society (accessed 14 November 2015)  

Richard Sobkowicz, Working Partners, 2014, watercolour, 11 x 14½";
I would like to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce (13 November


Soehner, Lynn (ARTBOMB--3 July, 22 August and 18 September 2016)
Soeur Saint-François d'Assise, see--voir Halle, Marie-Joseph,
Sofia, voir/see Lebeuf, Sophie
Sohail, Kashifa (ARTBOMB--8 and 15 April 2016)
Sohier, G.H., fl 1856-7, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sohn, Barbara; see--voir: koymangalleries.com/artist/barbara-sohn/

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sohon/Sohns, Gustave (Gustavus) Frederick, 1825-1900, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; British Columbia, a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)

Drawn by G. Sohon, Fort Vancouver, W.T., which was lithographed
by Sarony, Major & Knapp, New York, 1855; image reproduced from
the following publication:

De Volpi, Charles P., 1910-1981, British Columbia, a pictorial record : historical prints and illustrations of the Province of British Columbia, Canada, 1778-1891 /
[compiled by] Charles P. DeVolpi, [Don Mills, Ont.] : Longman Canada, 1973, xii, 17 p., [137] leaves of plates: 184, at p. 52 ill.; 34 cm. NOTES: Descriptive letterpress on
versos facing plates. Includes index of artists and engravers.  Lithographed by Page--Sangster Inc., Sherbrooke, Quebec.  Canadiana: 740034502.

Soisson, Jacques (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)


Publication sur Béatrice Sokoloff::
VIAU, René, Béatrice Sokoloff, Beaux-arts des Amériques, Béatrice Sokoloff: L'un et le multiple,
Montréal : Beaux-arts des Amériques, 2013, "In-4 illustré couleurs, n.p. [12] p, couverture illustrée couleurs, cataloge
d'exposition, textes en franàçais et en anglais de René Viau et al.., ISBN: 9782923976136; 2923976134.  Sources:
catalogue Voilà et  François Côté, Libraire, Acquisitions récentes--Hiver 2021, à bibliopolis.net/cote/21/21-02/Cote-Art-Q-7-fev21.pdf,
site consulté le 27 mars 2021).

Sokoloff, Béatrice (Vie des arts, numéro 230, vol. 47, printemps 2013, pp. 70-71; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018); *site de l'artiste/artist's site

Sokolowski, Dominik, 1976-, (L'art et le papier 6; Collection Loto-Québec; Galerie Montcalm, exposition 3 nov.- 18 déc. 2011;
------Thompson Landry Gallery -- Contemporary Artists 2015)

Dominik Sokolowski, Octobre 34, 2003, huile sur toile,
182.9 x 213.4 cm, sur la couverture de:
Sokolowski, Dominik, François Chalifour, 1957-, Jean-Claude Bergeron, Sokolowski / [texte, François Chalifour], Ottawa : Galerie d'art Jean-Claude-Bergeron,
[2004?], 90 p. : principalement des ill. en coul.; 21 x 23 cm.  ISBN: 0973506504.


Sola, Mariana, 1974-,  (ARTBOMB--16 October 2015; ARTBOMB--11 January and 14 February 2016)

Mariana Sola, Lady in Pink, acrylic on canvas, 23 x 31; I would like
to thank the artist for her permission to reproduce (13 January 2016).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Soldaticz, Giorgio
Soldatkin, Paul, 1910-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Source de l'image: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Stelio-Sole-par-Guy-ROBERT-Peintre-Quebec-1977-/
Livre sur Stelio Sole:                                                                   262136304715?hash=item3d088a944b, site visité 22 novembre 2015.
Robert, Guy, 1933-, Stelio Sole, 1930-1993, Stelio Sole / Guy Robert, Sainte-Adèle, Québec: Editions du Songe, c1977, [30] p. : ill. (certaines en coul.), portr.; 25 cm.

Sole, Stelio, 1932-1993, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Robert 83; Vallée 89;
------Trépanier 83; Robert 78; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
------contemporain de Montréal; Collection Loto-Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)

[notes biographiques]
Stelio Sole né le 5 octobre 1930 à Caracas [sic] et mort le 6 mai 1993
à Montréal est un peintre québécois. Il vit à Trois-Rivières pendant
plusieurs années et il se lie d'amitié avec le peintre Jean-Marc
Gaudreault. À la suite de son décès en 1993, la ville de Trois-
Rivières a instauré en 1994 en son honneur le prix Stelio-Sole
dont les récipiendaires ont été des talents émergents de la région.
Une de ses œuvres a été intégrée à l'architecture de la Bibliothèque
municipale de Trois-Rivières.
[source: collections.mnbaq.org/fr/artiste/600002965, site consulté le 22 août 2021]

Soleska, Elizabeth (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Soligo, Joseph, 1935-, (Vallée 83)


Photo dans son avis de décès
avec un lomg exposé de sa carrière
d'arttiste, La Presse, Montréal, mercredi,
16 juillet 2014, p. 8, reproduite de
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3244439, site consulté 29 septembre 2024.

Sollogoub, Nicolas, 1925-2014, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Soloman, William Ewart Gladstone, 1880-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Solombre (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Solomon, act. 1844, (Folk Artists)

Solomon, Daniel, 1945-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; McKendry;
------Reid; Burnett; Abstract Painting; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Solomon

Daniel Solomon, Flying, acrylic on canvas, 97 x 101 cm; image reproduced
from Heffel Fine Art Auction House, online auction closing Thursday, 25 April
2019, lot 420, available at heffel.com/online/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=115943&ImageID=59159&Main=True
(accessed 24 April 2019)


Solomon, Fleurette L., 1929-2016, (L'art populaire au Québec par Jean-François Blanchette);
------; webpage on the artist

Solomon, Ron (Photography Canada 1967)
Solonyka, Tanya (ARTBOMB--9  and 20 August, 3 September and 3 and 13 October 2017)
Solowey Shapiro, Jo-Anne (Collection Loto-Québec)
Soly, Albric, 1942-, (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 88; Sales Index 1989-90; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992;
------Laval en peinture/in painting; Laval vingt-cinq ans/artistes)

Albric Soly, Reine d'été, oil and collage on board, 9.8 x 8" /
24.8 x 20.3 cm, lot 177, Waddington's Discovery Art, 18 September to 23
September 2021, image reproduced from waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-
(accessed 14 September 2021).


Somersall/Summerskill, R.H., fl 1868-74 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Somerscales, Thomas Jacques, 1842-c1927, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Somerville, Dan, act. mid-19th cent., (Folk Artists)
Somerville, J. (L'esprit révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois)

Somerville/Sommerville, Martin, 1796/7-1856, connu 1834-1855 or 1839-56 (McKendry; Reid; Robert 78;
------Harper; Paysagistes; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Martin Sommerville, La Vendeuse de mocassins, 1852, huile sur
toile, 30,6 x 25,7 cm; don de la succession de Maurice Duplessis,
image provenant du site collections.mnbaq.org/fr/oeuvre/600003921, consulté le 13 décembre 2019.


Source of photo: Montreal Star, 14 November
1949 and available at mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/coupures-de-presse-vol-9-1947-1950.pdf, accessed 15 January 2020.

Somerville, William Lyon, 1886-1965, (Hubbard); good coverage at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Lyon_Somerville (accessed 22 April 2022)

Sommerer, Karl (Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)
Sommers, Elke, (Sales Index 1989-90)
Sommers (Sommes or Somms), Robert Karl, 1908-1987, (McKendry)
Son, Kye-Yeon, 1957-, metalsmith/orfèvre (Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2011; Grand prix des métiers d'art)
Sonnenberg, Anthony (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Sonenberg, Jack, 1925-2012, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Kevin Sonmort, Sixth Story: journeyman, 2001, Huile sur
toile, 84"x 72"; image taken in the article:
Florentina Lungu, "Kevin Sonmor: Paysages lyriques et natures mortes", Vie des arts, volume 46, numéro 186,
2002, pp. 62-65 à la p. 62, Image source: disponible à www.erudit.org/culture/va1081917/va1163265/52914ac.pdf  (vérifié 17 mai 2016)

 Sonmort, Kevin, 1959-, (Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015; Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto)

Sonntag, August, fl 1853-7, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sonntag, William, (Paysagistes)
Soo, Mark, 1977-, (Builders: Biennial 2012; Macaulay & Co. Fine Art Vancouver)
Soop, Everette, 1943-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Soos, Tony, (Folk Artists)
Soovere, Salme, 1912-, (Society of Estonian Artists  in Toronto)
Sooz; see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/sooz/


Book on Lyle Sopel:
Sopel, Lyle, sculptures, selections, Pauline Gauthier, 1954-, author, editor, Sopel : alluring presence : jade & gem stone sculptures / writer and editor:
Pauline Gauthier Alluring presence, jade & gem stone sculptures,: [Vancouver, British Columbia] : Red Leaf, 2011, ©2011, 156 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour),
portrait; 31 cm.   NOTES: Statement of responsibility from Book credits following   ISBN: 9781897476604 (AMICUS Catalogue).
Image source of the book: canadahouse.com/dynamic/artwork_display.asp?ArtworkID=28225, accessed 6 March 2017

Sopel, Lyle, 1951-, sculptor

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sophie (Murs et murales)
Sopkova, Danka (ARTBOMB--19 and 27 February 2019)
Sorel, Nicole, 1949-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Sorel, Pierre, 1962-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art Biennial
------Guide 2000-2001)
Soren, Albert (Sales Index 1989-90)

Photo of David Sorensen, circa 1953

Sorensen/Sorenson, David, 1937-2011,  (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Robert 83; MAQ; Roundstone
------Council for the Arts 2; Abstract Painting; Collection Lavalin du Musée
------d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection numérique d'estampes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Vie des arts, numéro 222, vol. 45, printemps 2011, p. 25; Dictionnaire historique de la
------ sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle);  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_G._Sorensen--- *artist's site

Google -- Images for David Sorensen

David Sorensen, Solar Centre # 1 -- Sun Journey, 2000,
huile sur toile, 140,5 x 140,5 cm; cover of the
following publication:

Grande, John K., David Sorensen, J.-Armand Bombardier Foundation, Centre culturel Yvonne L. Bombardier, David Sorensen / John K. Grande;
[traduction française, Monique Crépault; traduction espagnole, Graciela Giordano], Valcourt, Québec : Fondation J. Armand Bombardier, [2001?], 95 p.:
ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at Centre culturel Yvonne L. Bombardier, from Aug. 1st to Oct. 1st, 2001. Cf. Verso
of t.p. Text in French, English, and Spanish, ISBN: 292276902X (Catalogue Amicus)


Sorensen, Tove, 1934-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)


Book on Linda Sorenson and two other painters:
Burkholder, Joyce (artist and author), Kathy Haycock (artist and author) and Linda Sorensen (artist and author),
Wild Women: painters of the wilderness, Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Inanna Publications and Education Inc., [2014],
ix, 119 pages : colour illustrations ; 27 cm., ISBN: 9781771331548 (bound); 9781771331579 (pdf); 9781771331555 (e-pub).
Image source: amazon.ca/Wild-Women-Wilderness-Joyce-Burkholder/dp/1771331542, accessed 9 July 2019.

Sorenson, Linda, 1953-,


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sorge, Bernice Lutfie, 1943-, ( (L'art et le papier 3; canadiens d'origine arabe; 1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec;
------ Collection Loto-Québec; Femmeuses 2001; ARTBOMB--20 July, 27 August and 7 December 2016; 9 January, 5, 9 and
------ 17 October and 15 November 2017; 8 and 19 February and 1 May 2018)  artist's site

Bernice Sorge, Forest Garden, 2013, acrylic on canvas, 153 x 194 cm; I
would like to thank the artist for her permission to reproduce (23 January 2015).


Photo of Walter Felix Sorge,
obituary (accessed 26 DEcember 2024).

Sorge, Walter Felix, 1931-2021, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Sorochan, Derrick (Alberta Society of Artists)
Soroka, Joanne Mary, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sorokolit, Michael Marcus, 1932-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Soroseelutu (Soroseelutu Ashoona, Sorosilutoo, Sorosilutu), 1941-, (National Museum
------of an; McMaster University; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sorrell, Brad S. (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Sorrentino, Olivier (Any One), 1969-, (MACM--exposition : De fougue et de passion)
Sortino, Carmelo (ARTBOMB--8 September, 17 November and 12 December 2014; 13 June and 26 July 2015)
Sorusiluk, Mary Irqiquq (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Sottolichio, Rafael, né à Santiago, Chili (Collection Loto-Québec; Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, p. 98; Vie des arts,
------numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011,  pp. 70-71; Collection Desjardins d'oeuvres d'art; MU 2015; Lacerte Art Contemporain -- artistes 2015)
Soublière, André (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Soucy, Cléophas, 1880-1950, sculpteur, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)

Cléophas Soucy, L'honorable Alexander Mackenzie, 1943,
buste en plâtre peint, 78,5 x 55 cm, Nº de catalogue : O-571,
Collection patrimoniale de la Chambre des communes, Ottawa,
http://www.parl.gc.ca/About/House/Collections/fine_arts/sculpture/571-f.htm, visité le 18 octobre 2014

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


"Elzéar Soucy [à droite], professeur de sculpture sur
bois et de modelage à l'École du meuble, et son élève,
le jeune sculpteur sur bois de la Pointe-du-Lac, Léo Arbour"
(photo: Tavi); texte et image proviennent du livre suivant:
Gauvreau, Jean-Marie, Artisans du Québec: 80 ill. en hors-texte, [Trois-Rivières] :
Éditions du Bien public, 1940,  224 p., à la p. 111 : ill., portr.; 24 cm.

Soucy, Elzéar, 1876-1970, sculpteur, (L'art au Canada français; L'art populaire du Québec;
------Laliberté; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)

Elzéar Soucy, Pierre Le Moyne
d'Iberville, bronze, L'Hôtel du
Parlement du Québec
(image: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elz%C3%A9ar_Soucy, visité 26 mai 2015).


François Soucy

[Photo reproduite du livre suivant: Panorama de la sculpture au Québec, 1945-70, [Québec]:
Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère des Affaires culturelles, [1971], 195 p., à la p. 69.]

Soucy, François, 1929-2007, sculpteur et peintre, (MAQ; Panorama de la sculpture; Robert 64; Oeuvres d'art du Ministère
------des Travaux publics; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle); site sur l'artiste; fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Soucy

François Soucy, Je t'ai aperçue, 1955, huile sur
panneau, 51 x 38 cm (source de l'image: http://francoissoucy.
, site visité le 17 juin 2014).
Nous remercions, madame Catherine Desaulniers-Soucy,
fille de François Soucy, pour la permission de

François Soucy, Polycèdre polychromé, aluminium peint, 19' x 12' x 6', 1964, 2002,
Place Montcalm, Gatineau, Québec.

Soucy, Hugues, 1955-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle); site de l'artiste
Soucy, Jean, 1915-2003 (Robert 78; Trépanier 83?; L'art au Canada français; Creative Canada, 1972;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Peinture et sculpture
------québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy)

Jean Soucy, illustration de la couverture du livre de Gabrielle Roy, Rue Deschambault,
Beauchemin, 1967.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Soucy, Jean, 1934-, (Robert 78; McKendry; Trépanier 83?; Québec 1940-1966)
Soucy, Jean-Baptiste, 1899-1966, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


« Le dossier montre l'artiste visuel Jean-Jules Soucy au musée d'art contemporain, étendu
sur son oeuvre "Tapis stressé" fait de contenants de lait en carton.
», La Presse, 10 décembre
1993, photo de Bernard Brault, reproduit du site numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/4300035
(mis en ligne le 1er juin 2022). 

Soucy, Jean-Jules, 1951-2022, (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, p. 57;
------Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 93; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Alberta Society of Artists);
------ Documentaire de l'ONF sur l'artiste 

Note de recherche:
Voir l'article de Catherine Paradis, "L’artiste baieriverain Jean-Jules Soucy n’est plus", Radio-Canada,
ICI Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, 20 juillet 2022, disponible à ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1899677/deces-mort-
(site consulté le 27 juillet 2022)


Soucy, Joseph Alfred Elzear, 1876-1970, (McKendry)
Soucy, Louise, 1956-, (Roussan 2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Soucy, Yvon, 1947-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Soudack, Linda Cherry (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Souffle Artistique est composé de Marie Giroux, Roberta Roy et Olivier Roussat (Roussan 2009)
Soulages, Pierre, 1919-2022, (MAQ; Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, p. 49)
Soulaine, Paul, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France)

Photo of Paul Soulikias (photo
courtesy: Roussan Éditeur Inc.)

Oeuvre de Paul Soulikias sur la jaquette de face du livre suivant dans la "Collection Signatures":

Adrian Waller, 1936-, Paul Soulikias, 1926-, P. Soulikias / texte, Adrian Waller; préface, Jean Brouillet; traduction en français,
Marie-Sylvie Fortier-Rolland, [LaPrairie, Quebec : Éditions M. Broquet, c1982], 104 p.  ill. (some col.); 24 cm, Collection
Signatures; NOTES: Text in French and English. In double columns, ISBN: 2890000605;

Soulikias, Paul, 1926-2023, (Roussan 98; Collectionneur 96, vol. IX, # 34, pp. 42-43; Vallée 83;
------Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Robert 83; Trépanier 83; Boulizon; Robert 78; Roundstone Council
------for the Arts; Bruens 88; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Charlevoix en peinture); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Soulikias

At p. 15

Photos above at page 15 and under at page 19 from the following book:
SOULIKIAS, Paul, 1926-, Paul Soulikias, [Montréal] : Roussan éditeur, [1996?],
102 pages : illustrations (certaines en couleur), portraits ; 24 x 27 cm, ISBN:
2921212242, 9782921212243;

At p. 19

Google -- Images for Paul Soulikias


Soulard (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Soullard, Jean, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France)
Soullard, Jean-Baptiste circa1677-circa1720, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Souquerre/Soquere, J., 1827/8, fl 1862, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sousa, Pere (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Southam, Thomas, 1876-1929 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Southerland, Mary (Indian Artists at Work)


Photo reproduced from "British Columbia Artists", available at sim-publishing.com/bca/
southwe2.htm (accessed 21 April 2023).

Southwell, George H., 1865-and died on 13 May 1961, born in Spain died in Garden Bay, BC (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Southworth, Frederick W., 1860-1946, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Soval, (Sonia Roseval), 1955-, (Robert 89)
Sowden, Peggy (Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989)
Sowdon, Michael, 1948-, (University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sowdon, Michael, 1949- (Murray)
Sower, Claire (ARTBOMB--11 December 2017; 9 January 2018)
SP, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France)
Spain, Maeve Veronica Frances, 1957-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Spaith, Robert (Alberta Society of Artists)


Publication on Jeffrey Spalding:
Jeffrey Spalding Paintings April 30-May 24, 1981,
Saskatoon: Mendel Art
Gallery, 1981, curator: Allan MacKay,
image of publication reproduced from
abebooks with the image supplier being  Ken Jackson (Calgary, AB, Canada), accessed
28 September 2019.

Spalding, Jeffrey, 1951-, (Newlands; Abstract Painting; Collection Lavalin du
-----Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Corporate collections)

Spalding, Joseph Fred (Photos 1895-1924)
Spandau, Carole, 1948-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------2006-2008); *artist's site
Spanier, Harold (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Spanjerdt, Marion

Marion Spanjerdt, Le diable et le cheval, bannière

L'image de cette bannière par Marion Spanjerdt a été reproduite à partir du livre suivant:
Bennett, Bryan et Constance P. Hall, adaptation française: Jacques de Roussan, À la découverte de
l'art canadien: le langage, Saint-Laurent: Éditions Études Vivantes, 1987, 96 p., à la p. 39, ISBN: 2-7607-0360-6.
Spanner, Russell, 1916-1974, (années 50)
Sparaco, Michael (ARTBOMB--23 June, 16 and 25 July 2015)
Sparkman, Kevin (Photography and Illustration 1993 at p. 70)
Sparks, M.E. (RBC Canadian Painting Competition 2016 Finalists)
Sparks, Perrin (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012)
Sparks, Shirley Alexandre, 1935-, (McMaster University)
Sparkuhl, Rudy, 1952-,  (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Robert 83;  Robert 78;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Sales Index 1989-90)
Sparling, John Edmond (Jack), 1916-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sparrow, 1952-, (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983)
Spataru, Margareta (Margaret),1948-1996,  fl 1970s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Spath, Sally (Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Catalogue on Gary Spearin:
Spearin, Gary, 1958-, David Liss, McMaster Museum of Art, Museum London (London, Ontario), Gary Spearin : inifiniti / [essayist, David Liss] Inifiniti, London :
Museum London, 2011, 28 p. col. ill. ; 19 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at Museum London from 24 Sept. 2011 to 18 Mar. 2012 and at the McMaster
Museum of Art, Hamilton, from 10 May to 18 Aug. 2012.  ISBN: 9781897215364.
Source of the catalogue image: www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=15816289006&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26kn%3Dcatalogue%2520canadian%2520art#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 1 August 2016

Spearin, Gary, 1958-, born in Hamilton, Ontario

Spears, Edward, 1918-2012 (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012)

Edward Spears, Quebec City--Chateau Frontenac, as seen on
www.ebay.ca, salesman: arts_sports (2730 ), accessed 1 October 2019.


Speck, Henry, 1908-1971 (Arts of the Raven; Sales Index 1989-90; Macaulay & Co. Fine Art Vancouver); site on the artist (archive)

Henry Speck, Two Headed Giant, 1966, 13 1/4 x 13".
Image source: ebay.ca/itm/Chief-Henry-Speck-1908-71-Original-Painting-Canadian-Listed-Native-Artist-/282204248007?hash=item41b4af17c7:g:~1AAAOSw4shX8W30, accessed 13 December 2016


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Speck, Lily (Indian Artists at Work)
Spector, Norma Haller, 1937-,  (Robert 78; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Spector, Sally, 1946-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Collection numérique d'estampes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Speigel, Blaine (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
Speigel, Susan (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)


Doris Speirs with her husband Murray, source:
americanornithology.org/the-nice-bird-club/, accessed
30 June 2023.

Speirs, Doris Huestis Mills, 1894-1989, (McKendry; Tippett; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada);


Speller, Caleb (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Spenard, Jean-Jacques (Émail au Québec, 1944-1989)


Spénard-Bouthillette, Pauline, 1926-2012 (Robert 83; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise;
au XXe siècle; Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 64)

Sculpture de Pauline Spénard, photo reproduite du
livre suivant:
Serge Fisette, 1944-, La Sculpture et le Vent: Femmes sculpteures au Québec,
Montréal : Centre de diffusion 3D, 2004, 143 pages, à la p. 64 : illustrations, portraits;
26 cm, Notes:
Comprend des références bibliographiques (pages 141-142) et un index,
2980474185, 9782980474187 et reproduit de collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4160039,
catalogue Voilà (site consulté le 4 octobre 2022).


Spence, Alexander, 1832-1890, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Spence, Claudette, (Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 61; membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)

Claudette Spence, Chapeau-Fred’s Hotel, Street with Ice Sled, oil on canvas,
19.5 x 23.5"; live online only webcast, Pridham's Auction House Inc., Saturday,
26 June 2021, at 10:00am.  lot 105,
source of image: pridhams.hibid.com/catalog/281410/
, accessed 9 July 2021.

Spence, John C. (and sons), fl 1855-1891, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Spence, Ruth Elizabeth (Bette), 1918-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Spence, Sheila, 1952-, (University of Winnipeg Collection -- Women)
Spence, W.R., fl 1893, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Spence, Mrs W.R., fl 1884, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Spencer, Albert B., 1898-1988, born in Worcestershire, England and died in Saskatoon, SK (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Spencer, Edna Isbester, 1883-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Photo de James B. Spencer, reproduite du
livre suivant:
Smith, Brydon, Pierre Théberge, Galerie nationale du Canada, Boucherville, Montreal, Toronto, London, 1973 : an exhibition / organized by Brydon Smith and Pierre Théberge =
Boucherville, Montréal, Toronto, London, 1973 : une exposition / organisée par Pierre Théberge et Brydon Smith,  Ottawa : Galerie nationale du Canada, 1973, 332 p., at p. 141 :
ill. ; 21 cm. NOTES: Catalogue d'une exposition tenue à la Galerie nationale du Canada, Ottawa, du 5 juil. au 3 sept. 1973. Errata inséré. Bibliogr. Exposition collective regroupant:
Collyer, Robin, 1949- ; Delavalle, Jean-Marie, 1944- ; Favro, Murray, 1940- ; Martin, Ron, 1943- ; Saxe, Henry, 1937- ; Spencer, James Burton, 1940-. Texte en anglais et en
français.  ISBN: 0888842481; photographer: :Lyle Wachovsky. Toronto.

Spencer, James Burton, 1940-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; McKendry; Reid; Burnett;
------Morris; Realism; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Ontario Collection; Art in Ontario)

James Spencer, "Montain # 1, 1974, acrylic on canvas, 10 1/2" x 12 1/2",
Photo: Lyle Wachovsky"

[Image and description of James Spencer's canvas are reproduced from the following book:
Parkin, Jeanne, William J.S. Boyle, Visual Arts Ontario, Art in Architecture: Art for the built environment in the Province
of Ontario
, [Toronto] : Visual Arts Ontario, 1982, xii, 276 p., at p. 252: ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 276, ISBN: 0920708048]


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Spencer, Joan McCann, 1954-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Spencer, Karen elaine (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2016)
Spencer, Mary, 1857-1938 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Spencer, Michael, 1942-, blacksmith, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans)
Spencer, R.B., act. 1813, (McKendry)


Publication on Sam Spencer

Michael D. Hall, 1941-, Sam Spencer, 1898-1988, Suzanne
Probe, Dunlop Art Gallery, Sam Spencer: an exhibition
organized by Suzanne Probe with an essay by Michael D. Hall,
Regina : Dunlop Art Gallery, ©1993, 24 pages : illustrations (some color), Notes: Catalogue
of an exhibition held Dunlop Art Gallery Apr. 25-May 31, 1992 ; Mendel Art Gallery Jun. 6-
Jul. 12, 1992, ISBN:
0920085644, 9780920085646, image of book: sknac.ca/index.php?page=StoreDetail&id=115, accessed 1 June 2023.

Spencer, Sam (Arthur B.), 1898-1988, (McKendry; Folk Art; Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Sperling, Brian Wendel, 1950-, born in Saskatoon, SK (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Spicer, Glenn (Murals of Chemainus, B.C.)
Spicer, Joyce (Alberta Society of Artists)

Publication on Ron Spickett:

Simmins, Geoffrey, Spirit matters: Ron (Gyo-Zo) Spickett,
artist, poet, lay-priest
, Calgary, Alta., Canada : University of
Calgary Press, 2009,
1 online resource (xxi, 274 pages, 31 pages of plates) :
illustrations (some color), portraits, series: Art in profile, no. 6-1700-9995; Art in

profile; 6, ISBN: 1552385078, 9781552385074; source of image: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetails....
and seller Edmonton Book Store (Edmonton, AB, Canada) (sites consulted on 16 July 2021); summary:
"Ronald Spickett, also known by his Buddhist name of Gyo-Zo, is best known for a series of ambitious paintings
he executed during the 1960s. This book argues that he is an 'ideas-based' artist whose work reveals complexities
and undercurrents that link him with the prevailing artistic currents of his times." (sources of text, Catalogue Voilà)

Spickett, Ronald (Ron) John (Gyo-zo), 1926-2018, born in Regina, SK (McKendry; Art Gallery of Ontario; Burnett;
------Firestone Art Collection; McMaster University; Queen's University; années 50;
------Sir George Williams University; Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Creative Canada, 1971; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists; Alberta Society of Artists)


Spiecker, Klaus, 1929-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Spier, Adrienne, born in Montreal (Parisian Laundry Galerie d'art Montréal)


The Ontario Society of Artists, 1908; Harry Spiers is in the middle row, 1st from the left.

Spiers, Harry (Henry), 1869-1947, (Toronto in Art; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Ontario Collection)

Spiers, Harry (Henry), 1869-1947, Toronto Island, 1896, watercolour, 17.9 x 25.2 cm, Corporation of the City of Toronto, photography
credit -- City Photographer, City of Toronto.

Spiers, Ray (Raymond), 1934-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Spiess, Fritz, 1925-1998, photographer (Stephen Bulger Gallery Toronto); webpage on the artist
Spilsbury, Ashton James (Jim), 1905-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Spina, Ferdinando (Fernando & Fred) Nichola (Nicola), 1949-, (Ontario Collection)

Ferdinando (Fred) Nichola, Pond Inlet Looking to Bylot Island (Glaciers across from
Pond Inlet), 2017-2018, acrylic on board, 12 x 16" -- 30.5 x 40.6 cm, Hodgins Halls
Auction Group, Calgary, 18-28 February 2022, lot 54, source of image: hodginshalls.hibid.com/
, accessed 13 March 2022.


Spinelli, Diego, 1967-,
Spinning, Hester Johnson, 1848-1915, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada) 
Spital, Karl Groenig, Karl, 1945-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Spiteris, Jeanne (Sculpture)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Spohr, Barbara, 1955-1987, photographer

Barbara Spohr, Untitled / Sans titre, N.D., Type C Print with Paint, 30.6 x 60.8 cm / Épreuve de Type C rehaussée de peinture,
30,6 x 60,8 cm, Collection The Spohr Family / La famille Spohr (reproduction photography: Anita Dammer, Glenbow Museum)

(Text and image reproduced from Spohr, Barbara, 1955-1987 and Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, Barbara Spohr --
apparent reasons
/ Barbara Spohr -- raisons apparentes, Banff (Alberta): Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies,
1995, Figure 21).
Spooner, Melinda, (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)
Spooner, Ruby Young, fl 1891-7, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sportes, Cédric, 1973-, (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)
Spragge, Ellen Elizabeth Cameron, 1854-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sprague, Stewart, 1943-, (Wood Engraving in Canada since 1945; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Sprang, Jeffrey (History of Art in Toronto Schools); artist's site

Jeff Sprang, Ali and child, watercolour and mixed
media, 23 x 18”, image source: jeffsprang.com/#portfolio;
I would like to thank the artist for his
permission to reproduce this image of his art (30 March 2021)

Spratt, Charles; see--voir: koymangalleries.com/artist/charles-spratt/
Spremo, Boris, 1935-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)
Spriggs, David (Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, p. 17; Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, pp. 70-71)
Springer, Cornelis (MQ)
Springer, Judy, 1946-, act. 1995, sculpt. and ceramicist, (McKendry)
Springett, Martin, 1947-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Springgay, Stephanie, (L'art au féminin)
Sproat, James (Visages qui sont un pays par des photographes, production de l'ONF)
Sproatt, Henry, 1866-1934, (Hubbard)
Sproot, Suzy,
Sproule, Michael, 1934-, (Artists of the Gatineau Hills; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

Robert Auchmety Sproule, Self-portrait, miniature:
watercolour ; 20.1 x 16.2 cm

Source of Image:
- Credit line: Library and Archives Canada, archival reference number R13199-1, e00800521; MIKAN number: 3960303
- http://collectionscanada.gc.ca/pam_archives/index.php?fuseaction=genitem.displayEcopies&lang=eng&rec_nbr=3960303&title=Robert+Auchmuty+Sproule.+&ecopy=e008300521-v6

Sproule, Robert Auchmety, 1799-1845, (McKendry; Reid; MQ 2; Sales Index 1989-90;
------McCord Museum; Winter in 19th Century Canada;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Québec: A Pictorial Record -- 1608-1875;

Sproule, Robert, 1799-1845, Saint James Street, Montreal, 1829-30, watercolour, 24.1 x 35.3 cm. McCord Museum of Canadian History, McGill University,
Montreal (M300).

Spunt, Louise Bloom, 
Squire, Margaret L. (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)
Squire, Rev. Bowen P. (Ontario Collection)
Squires, Carol (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Image source: amazon.ca/Gerald-Squires-Stan-Dragland/dp/1897141823, accessed 26 February 2018
Book on Gerald Squires:
Dragland, Stan, 1942-, author, Michael Crummey, author, and Gerald Squires, 1937-2015,  Gerald Squires / Stan Dragland ; with an appreciation by Michael Crummey,
St. John's : Pedlar Press, [2017], 239 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour); 29 cm.,  NOTES: Includes bibliographical references (pages 189-195) and index. "A retrospective look
at the career of NL artist Gerald Squires, fully illustrated, with essays by the renowned critic Stan Dragland and creative writer Michael Crummey."-- Provided by publisher.
ISBN: 9781897141823 (hardcover) (Catalogue AMICUS).
Image source of the book: www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=15816289006&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26kn%3Dcatalogue%2520canadian%2520art#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 1 August 2016.

Squires, Gerald, 1937-2015, (Swain; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Art Collection Catholic Conference; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Corporate collections)

Gerald Squires, They Fled the Earth and Naked Climbed the
Weather, 1976, acrylic on canvas, 11.5 x 142.5, Art Gallery,
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's Newfoundland.

[The image of Gerald Squires' work of art and the description that follows
are reproduced from the following catalogue:
Natalie LuckyJ, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Other realities : the legacy of surrealism in
Canadian art : 16 September to 29 October 1978, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, [Kingston, Ont.] : Agnes Etherington Art Centre, c1978, 47 p., at p. 45, ill.;
24 cm, ISBN: 0889110069].
Squires, Miriam Fox (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)
St. Amand, Chris (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
St. Amand, Daniel, (ARTBOMB--18 November and 23 December 2013)
St-Amand, Julie, née à Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick (Collection Desjardins d'oeuvres d'art; Lacerte Art Contemporain -- artistes 2015)

Julie St-Amand, Le pont de la rive, 2005, encaustique
sur toile, 76 x 96,5 cm, Collection Desjardins d'oeuvres
d'art; le texte et l'image proviennent du livre suivant:
Goulet, Pierre, 1948-, Desjardins en 3D / conception et rédaction, Pierre Goulet; coordination, André Forgues; collaboration, Gilles Chouinard ... [et al.],
Lévis: Éditions Dorimène, Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec, 102 p., à la p. 100: ill (certaines en couleurs), portr.; 23 x 29 cm, ISBN: 978-2-98091113-5-4.


St. Amand, Line Renée,(Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St. Amant, Daniel (ARTBOMB--19 November 2014; 20 April, 4 June and 19 October 2015)


Atelier de l'artiste Josée St-Amant sur la rue Bellechasse Est, à Montréal.  Nous remercions l'artiste pour
la permission de reproduire.

St-Amant, Josée, Artiste peintre, figuratif contemporainsite de l'artiste

Josée St-Amant, Projet Alzheimer, technique
mixte sur toile, 30 x 40", 2014

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


St-Antoine, Claude, vient de la région de la Mauricie, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Antoine, Michelle de (Marie-Michelibne Gagnon), 1939, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Arnaud, Guy, 1932-, (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)
St-Arnaud, Michel, 1950-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Trépanier 83?)
St-Arnaud, Hélène (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
St-Arnaud, Hélène (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St. Arnaud, Raymond, 1942-, (Alberta artists); artist's site--- Wikipedia; see also/voir aussi Saint-Arnaud, Raymond
St-Arnaud-Thibaudeau, Claudette, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Arneault, Jean-Guy, 1936-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Aubin, Bruno (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
St-Aubin, Yvon, 1959-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Roussan 98; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008;
-----Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; site de l'artiste--artist's site
------Symposium Gatineau en couleurs, 2011; Bromont en Art, 17e édition, août 2015); site de l'artiste --
St-Aubin Seers, Annie-Claude (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
St-Clair, Bruce, 1945-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for
------the Arts 2; Realism; University of Guelph; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1; Corporate collections)
------ see also/voir aussi Saint Clair, Bruce
St-Cyr, 1960-, (Vallée 93)
St-Cyr, Claude, 1938-2014, (Bruens 88; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1;
------ Collectionneur 88, vol. VI, # 22, pp. 55, 57-59); site de l'artiste
St-Cyr, Joanne (Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012)
St-Cyr, Joanne, 1959-, (Magazin'art, v. 5(3), printemps, 1993; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
St-Cyr, Lise, 1960-, (Roussan 2005; Roussan 2006; Roussan 2009; Roussan 2013; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
St-Cyr, Lise, 1961-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Cyr, Lise, (Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012)
St-Cyr, Lise (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
St-Cyr, Lise, (Le Balcon d'Art -- artistes de la galerie)
St-Denis, Ghislaine, de Gatineau, (Symposium Gatineau en couleurs, 2011)


St-Gelais, Juliette (Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978); see also--voir aussi Simard-Saint-Gelais, Juliette

Juliette St-Gelais, L'arbre dénudé ou l'arbre tordu, 1980, huile,
11 x 8,  en vente chez La Maison des encans, Encan du mercredi,
17 Mai 2023, lot 227, reproduit de live.encans.pro/vendeur/la-maison-
(site visité le 15 mai 2023).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Book on Marie Elyse St-George:
St. George, Elyse Yates, 1929, Once in a blue moon : an artist's life / Marie Elyse St. George, Regina : Coteau Books, c2006.
DESCRIPTION: ix, 259 p. : ill. (some col.), ports. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 1550503383 and 9781550503388;
Image source of the book: www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=3283112948&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D96%26kn%3Dcanadian%2Bfine%2Bart#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 6 September 2016;

St-George, Marie Elyse, Merritton, Ont., 1929-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Saskatchewan Artists; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Elyse_St._George;
------see also Saint George, Marie Elyse Yates

St. George, Marilyn French, glass artist (Artists of the Gatineau Hills)
St. Georges, Darlene (ARTBOMB--27 January 2014 and 18 February 2014)
St-Georges, Diane (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
St-Georges, Evelyn (Collection Loto-Québec)
St-Germain, Alcide, 1911-1978, (Patenteux du Québec; Folk Art Outdoors)
St-Germain, Huguette, née à Longueuil (Roussan 2009)
St-Germain, Pauline, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Gilles (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)


St-Gilles, source de la photo: galeriedoucepassion.com/artistes/
(site consulté le 1er septembre 2021).

St-Gilles, 1956-, né dans la Ville de Québec, alias Gilles Côté (Magazin'art, v. 12(1), 1999, p. 104(E); Magazin'art, v. 9(2),
------1996-97, p. 20; Collectionneur 91, vol. VIII, # 30, pp. 40-43; Magazin'art, v. 11(4),
------1999, pp. 42-43; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Vallée 89; Vallée 93;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008);
------voir aussi- see also Côté, Gilles

Photo d'une toile de St-Gilles accompagnant l'article de Régis Tremblay, "Peu à peu,
St-Gilles apprivoise la ville et les personnages", Le Soleil, samedi, 19 novembre 1994,
à la p. G-12. disponible à numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/.... (site consulté le 1er septembre 2021).

St-Hilaire, Fern, 1946-, (Roussan 2009; Bromont en Art, 17e édition, août 2015)

Jean-Claude St. Hilaire, source de la photo ca.linkedin.com/in/jean-
, site consulté le 1er septembre 2021.

St. Hilaire, Jean-Claude, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1 

Image reproduite du livre suivant:

Musée du Québec, Art société 1975-1980 ; Musée du Québec, du 14 octobre au 29 novembre 1981 : Galerie du Musée, du 14 octobre au
15 novembre 1981 Événement art et société
,  Québec : Éditions Intervention : Musée du Québec, [1981], 119 p., à la p. 41 : ill. NOTES:
"Expositions presentées dans le cadre de l'Événement art et société." Includes bibliographical references.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


St-Hilaire, Judith, (Roussan 2006; Symposium Gatineau en couleurs, 2011; Roussan 2009)


St-Hilaire, Micheline, 1947-, (Magazin'art, v. 12(3), 2000, pp. 79-80 and 110-111(E);
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)

Micheline St-Hilaire, Au coin de feu, huile sur toile, 30 x 36", Encans Gélineau Et
Fils Inc., Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, du 28 février au 7 mars 2022, lot numéro 40,
source de l'image: quebec.hibid.com/lot/113409893/micheline...., site consulté le 23 février 2022.


Stish Tang, Brendan Lee (Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, p. 16)
St-Jacques, Claude, né à Montréal, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)
St-Jean, Josée (Conseil de la sculpture du Québec 2009)
St-Jacques, Luc, 1959-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
St-Jacques, Luc (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)


Photo de Luc St-Jacques accom-
pagnant l'article de Pierrette Roy,
"Luc St-Jacques: un vernissage un
peu spécial", La Tribune, 26 septembre 1980,
cahier 2, à la p. B5, disponible à  collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3684150
(site consulté le 2 septembre 2021).

St-Jacques, Luc, originaire de Magog (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); site de l'artiste


St-Jean, Lucie, 1962-,  (ARTBOMB--1 and 15 February, 16 March, 6 April and 1 July 2018;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); site de l'artiste

Lucie St-Jean, Tourbillon de voiles, techniques mixtes, 40,6 x
50,8 cm / 16 x 20"; source de la photo: Fondation Cégep de Sherbrooke,
Automn'Art 2015, à la p. 22 (cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca/sites/default/files/
brochureautomnart2015.pdf); nous remercions l'artiste pour la permission
de reproduire ci-dessus, cette image de son art (4 juin 2021). 


St-Jean, Madeleine (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
St-Jean, Marc W., 1947-, né à St-Hyacinthe (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
St-Jean, Marc, (Roussan 2006; Bromont en Art, 17e édition, août 2015)
St-Jean, Marc, 1958-, né à Montréal; site de l'artiste
St-Jean, René, 1918-, (Roussan 2001)
St-Jean, René (Canadian Pastels)
St-Jean, Roger, 1917-1971 (Photojournalism from La Presse and The Gazette); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_St-Jean
St-Jean, Walker, 1961-, (Vallée 93)
St. John, Chuck, from Pinantin Lake, B.C. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Laurent (aussi St-Laurent-Turcotte), Georgine; (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
------L'estampe à Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale
------du Québec)
St-Laurent, Georgine, 1940-, (L'estampe à Québec; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St Laurent, James (Photography and Illustration 1993 at p. 68)
St-Laurent, Jeanne, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Laurent, Louis-Philippe (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
St-Laurent, Martin (Collection Loto-Québec)

Noëlla St-Laurent, photo accompagnant l'article "Noëlla
St-Laurent recevra le Prix Thérèse-Pagé [de la ville d'Amos].
L'artiste-peintre sera honorée durant les Journées de la culture",
12 septembre 2019, source: lecitoyenvaldoramos.com/article/2019/09/12/noella-
, site consulté le 14 septembre 2019.

St-Laurent, Noëlla, 1935-, sculpt. et peintre, (Roussan 2001; Roussan 2005; Roussan 2006; Roussan 2009;
------Roussan 2013)


St-Laurent, Stefan, 1974-, né à Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick; Linkedin

Image et texte sur Stefan St-Laurent
sont reproduits de Vie des Arts,
numéro 219, été 2010 à la p. 18.


St-Louis (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
St-Louis, Dolf, 1919-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Art Auctions 1976-1978)
St-Martin, France, (Vallée 93)
St-Martin, Chantal (membre de l'Association des artistes de la Rive-Sud -- 2012)
St.Maur (Alberta Society of Artists)
St-Onge, Chantale, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Onge, Chantale, (L'art au féminin)
St-Onge, Daniel, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Onge, Daniel (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
St-Onge, Eugène, né à Nouvelle, P.Q. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Onge, Gérald, 1953-, (Patenteux du Québec)
St-Onge, Gonzague, 1939-, (Roussan 2005)
St-Onge, Michel,  1958-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
St-Onge, Nancy, 1970-, (Roussan 2013)
St-Pierre (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
St-Pierre, Caroline, née à Trois-Rivières (Roussan 2009); site sur l'artiste
St-Pierre, Chantal (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
St-Pierre, Chantal (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87)
St-Pierre, Denis, voir aussi Saint-Pierre, Denis ? (Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 28, p. 64; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)
St-Pierre, Guy, 1956-, (Vallée 93; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
St-Pierre, Georges, (Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978)
St-Pierre, Georges, 1927-1985, voir-see Saint-Pierre, Georges
St-Pierre, Germain, 1933-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)
St-Pierre, Gloria, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St-Pierre, Jérémie, 1983-, né à Ste-Félicité de l’Islet; site de l'artiste
St-Pierre, Marcel, 1947-, voir aussi Saint-Pierre, Marcel ?  (MAQ)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo de Nicole St-Pierre par le photographe Claude Poulin,
et accompagnant l'article de Rachel Lussier, "Nicole St-Pierre
est une peintre en pleine mutation. 'Il faut du temps pour entrer dans une
émotion' ", La Tribune, Sherbrooke, lundi, 16 novembre 1992, à la p. B4,
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3801174 (site consulté le 2 septembre 2021).

St-Pierre, Nicole, 1953-, née à Montréal, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art, v. 17(3), 2005, pp. 121-124 and 174-176(E);
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1); site de l'artiste

Nicole St-Pierre, Féminité, 1980, huile, 11 x 14", source de l'image: kijiji.ca/v-oeuvre
, accessed 8 February 2017.


St-Pierre, Rachel, voir sous/see under: Rashël;


Solange St-Pierre, photo du site de l'artiste  (consulté
le 31 octobre 2023).

St-Pierre, Solange, 1946-1990, (Vallée 89; Bruens 90; Bruens 88; Sales Index 1989-90)

Solange St-Pierre, Les Connaisseurs, huile sur toile, 24" x 20".

[Image reproduite du livre suivant: Louis Bruens, Les dessus, les dessous
du marché de l'art, Les Éditions: Productions Julad, 1982, à la p. 110,
photographie: Daniel Alarie]

St-Pierre, Suzanne, 1944-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
St-Pierre, Valérie (Collection Loto-Québec)
St-Pierre-Gaudet, Suzanne (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 8, Part 1)
St. Thomas, Rose (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
St. Thomas Smith, William, see/voir Smith, William (St Thomas)
St-Yves, Nicole, 1960-, (Roussan 2001; Roussan 2005; Roussan 2006)
Staats, Greg, 1963-,  (Iroquois; Children in Photography)
Stacey, Harold, 1911-1979, (années 50)

Stackhouse, James Charles, died on 25 January 2008

Photo d'une pointe sèche de James-C. Stackhouse, dans La presse, journal de Montréal,
lundi, 11 novembre 1946, à la p. 26, et reproduit de
à la p. 275 du "scrapbook" (accès 14 décembre 2023); aussi disponible avec qualité de
photo inférieure à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2885005

STACKHOUSE, JAMES CHARLES - Jim Stackhouse of Saint John
passed away peacefully on January 25th, 2008. He was the son of the
late Ursula (Ellis) and James Clarke Stackhouse. Jim attended Saint
John Vocational High School and was involved in the Saint John art
community. He served in the Royal Canadian Navy and then relocated
to Toronto where he opened his first graphic art studio. He then returned
to Saint John working in both newspaper and television before starting
 "Stackhouse Studios". After an illness, Jim dedicated his time to fine
art and was best known for his watercolour landscapes. He will be
remembered for his strength, humour, creativity, warmth and hospitality
to everyone and love of family. He will be remembered fondly by his
loving wife, Josephine (Castillou) Stackhouse; four children, Greer
Stackhouse (Peter Gillies), Leslie Burgess (Ron), Hank (Cyndi) and Eric
(Fern MacDonald)....
[excerpt from inmemoriam.ca/view-announcement-138813-james-charles-stackhouse.html,
accessed 14 December 2023]


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Helen Stadelbauer, Space Breaker, 1949,
linocut on paper, top right on the cover of the
following catalogue:

Laviolette, Mary-Beth, Helen Stadelbauer, Wes Irwin, Triangle Gallery of Visual Arts, At the crossroads : Helen Stadelbauer and Wes Irwin /
curator, Mary-Beth Laviolette, Calgary, AB : Triangle Gallery of Visual Arts, c2010, 34 p.: ill. (chiefly col.); 28 cm. NOTES: At head of title:
Triangle Gallery presents Catalog of an Exhibition held at Triangle Gallery of Visual Arts in Calgary, AB, from March 19-April 28, 2010.
Includes bibliographical references, ISBN 9780978317614 and 0978317610.

"Helen Stadelbauer during her plein-air
sojourn, early 1940s.  Collection of Jean
Pilch, Calgary.  Image copyright by the
Estate of Helen Stadelbauer", photo
reproduced from:
Laviolette, Mary-Beth, Helen Stadelbauer, Wes Irwin, Triangle Gallery of Visual
Arts, At the crossroads : Helen Stadelbauer and Wes Irwin, supra, at p. 7.

Stadelbauer, Helen Alethea, 1910-2006, (McKendry; Tippett; Early Women Artists; Alberta Society of Artists;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


Stadelbauer, Isabel, 1909-2004 (Alberta Society of Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Stadnick, James, 1947-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)
Staeck, Klauss (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)


Doris Staffen, photo with
short biography at

Staffen, Doris (born Doris Marguerite Macpherson), 1905-2010, born in Springhill, Nova Scotia; site:with
------ gallery: "The Doris Staffen Mystery" exhibition at QuestArt,


Staffer, Charles (Karoly), 1928-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stafford, Charles, (Sales Index 1989-90)
Stagg, Pamela Margaret Southwell, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stahl, Annie, (Folk Art)
Stairs, Steven (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Stairs, William, Son and Morrow (Photos 1895-1924)
Stalker, George Frederick, 1845-1895, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stallworthy, William Wilson, 1880-1960 (Ontario Collection)
Stamatopoulos, Krystina (ARTBOMB--27 October, 25 November 2013; 1 August and 12 September 2014; 31 May 2015;
------17 and 27 June, 18 October, 2 November and 13 and 30 December 2016; 22 January 2017)
Stamp, Arlene, 1938-, (Abstract Painting; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Stanbridge, Harry, 1943-, (Abstract Painting; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Contemporary British Columbia Artists)
Stanbridge, Jeremy, 1972-, (Abstract Painting; Republic Gallery Vancouver)
Stanbridge, Linda, 1948-,  (Claridge Inc. catalogue; Contemporary British Columbia Artists)
Standish, Ineke (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)


Stanios, Josip Stanic, 1943-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Josip Stanic Stanios, huile, 18 x 14", en vente La Maison des
Encans, Montréal, 6 novembre 2024, Encan du Collectionneur,
lot 173, reproduit de live.encans.pro/vendeur/la-maison-des-encans/.... (site
consulté 16 novembre 2024).


Joanna Staniszkis, photo: collection du Musée canadien des
civilisations,  Rolph Bettner, photographe.

[Cette photo de Joanna Staniszkis est  reproduite du livre suivant:
Inglis, Stephen, Musée canadien des civilisations, De main de maître : les lauréats du Prix d'excellence en artisanat Saidye Bronfman,
, Hull, Québec : Musée canadien des civilisations, 1989, 144 p., aux pp. 82 et 144: ill. (certaines en coul.) ; 29 cm.  NOTES: Publ.
aussi en anglais sous le titre: Masters of the crafts.   "Les recherches ... ont été faites par Stephen Inglis, qui a également supervisé la rédaction
du texte"--Verso de la p. de t.  Comprend des références bibliographiques.   ISBN: 0660902893 (Catalogue AMICUS, le 11 novembre 2018)]

Staniszkis, Joanna (Joanne) Katarzyna Kiljanski, 1944-,  fibre-artistéartiste en textiles (Saidye Bronfman Award 1981;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Contemporary Tapestry; Corporate collections;Crafts Canada;
------Contemporary British Columbia Artists)


Stanké, Alain (Collection Loto-Québec; Magazin'art, v. 14(1), 2001, p. 49; Le Balcon d'Art -- artistes de la galerie)
Stankievech, Charles, 1978-, (Oh, Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012)
Stankiwwicz, Gert (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Stankus, Edith, 1925-1975 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index 1989-90; Early Women Artists)
Stanley, Christine, 1954-, weaver, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans)
Stanley, John Mix, 1814-1872, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; British Columbia, a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)


Stanley, Owen, 1811-1850 (Painters in a New Land; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Owen Stanley, H.M.S. Terror at sunrise, 14 July 1837, watercolour, 4.25 x
6.25"; text and image are reproduced from the following book:
Bell, Michael, 1942-, From Annapolis Royal to the Klondike: Painters in a new land,
Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, [c1973], 224 p., at p. 167, photo credit: Ron Vickers, ISBN: 0771009534.

Stanley, Pat (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)
Stanley, Patrice (RBC Canadian Painting Competition; ARTBOMB--7 and 26 May and 10 June 2019)
Stanley, Richard (Canadian Artists in Aid to Endangered Wildlife, 1987)
Stanton, James Harry Youdin, 1912-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Stanton, John T., fl 1842, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stanton, Victoria (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Staples, Joseph (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Staples, L. Vera (Alberta Society of Artists)
Staples, Margaret S. (Mrs. M.H.), -1976 (Alberta Society of Artists)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo of Owen Staples, 1939 (photo credit: Ontario Archives) 

Publication on Owen Staples:

Rod Staples, 1922-, with Ian Galt, 1899-1976,
Owen Staples Painter of Canada's Past,
Scarborough, Ont. : Hogarth Productions,  c1994,
xii, 163 p. : ill., ports. ; 30 cm, ISBN: 0968309607,
9780968309605; image reproduced from , seller:

Hockley Books (Palgrave, ON, Canada), image
reproduced from: abebooks.com/signed/Owen-Staples-
(accessed 8 November 2023).

Staples, Owen, 1866-1949,  (McKendry; Art Gallery  of Ontario; Hubbard;
------McMaster University; L'estampe; Queen's University; Fine Arts in Canada;
------Toronto in Art; Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978;  The Canadian Society of
------Painters in Water Colour; History of Art in Toronto Schools; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; History of Canadian Political Cartooning; Histoire de la caricature au Québec);

Staples, Owen P., 1866-1949, Burlington Races, from a drawing by C.H.J. Snider (reproduced from Kathleen Moore and Jessie McEwen,
A Picture History of Canada, Illustrated by Famous Artists, Toronto: Thomas Nelson and Sons, [1938], plate 28 facing p. 64).


Bill Stapleton, image source from:
crpmuseum.com/index.php?article=75, accessed 16 September 2019

Book on Bill Stapleton:
Gervais, C.H. and William J. Stapleton, People in Struggle: the life and art of Bill Stapleton,
Waterloo, Ont., Canada : Penumbra Press/Archives of Canadian Art, 1992, 128 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm,
ISBN:0921254377; 9780921254379; the source of the image for this book is gerryyaum.blogspot.com/2008/02/social-artist-bill-stapleton.html,
accessed 16 September 2019

Stapleton, Bill (real first name is William J.), 1916-2008

Bill Stapleton, "Rally, Canadian Seamen's Union Strike
1946, Pen-and-ink and brush-and-ink wash (20.3 x 14 cm)";
image and text are from Gervais, C.H. and William J. Stapleton, People in
Struggle: the life and art of Bill Stapleton
, supra, at p. 51.

Stapleton, Archibald Bruce, 1910-1981, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Canadian War Posters)

Archibald Bruce Stapleton, painting of the Treaty 7 negotiations of
1877; image reproduced from the following book:
Byfield, Ted, editor, The Great West before 1900, Edmonton: United Western Communications, 1991, 292 p.,
at p. 84: ill. (some col.); 32 cm. SERIES: Alberta in the 20th century v. 1; NOTES: Includes index.  ISBN:  0969571801. 


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Stappells, Tony E., 1932-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Publication par Stefan Starenkyi:
STARENKYJ, Stefan, 1946-, Bellechasse en blanc et en noir, [Armagh, Québec] :
[Publications Orion], [©1977], environ 150 pages : en majeure partie des illustrations; 23 x 30 cm,
source de l'image: Librairie à la bonne occasion (Lévis, QC, Canada), image au site abebooks.com

Stefan Starenkyj, photo accompagnant l'article "«Et si la mer n’était plus…» en
avant-première à Warwick", La Nouvelle Union, 19 septembre 2017, disponible à
, site consulté le 21 mai 2021.

Starenkyj, Stefan, décédé en 2021 (L'Estrie, ses trésors; Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012)


William Stark
Image source: veterans.gc.ca/fra/remembrance/history/first-world-war/audio-archive/wsbio, accessed 28 October 2015

Stark, William Redver, 1885-1953, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

William Redver Stark, Low tide at the beach, Wimereux, France,
image source: http://data2.archives.ca/e/e333/e008315538-v6.jpg, accessed 28 October 2015.


"Local artist Laura Jean Starkey at the easel. Photo courtesy of
the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation", image
source: ottawaroadtrips.com/2017/03/07/artist-studio-tours-near-ottawa/,
accessed 13 December 2019.

Book by Laura Starkey:
Starkey, Laura, A Year in the Life of an Artist, no date, self-
published, www.lulu.comn ID 7906876.

Starkey, Laura


Starkman, Bernice, 1940-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Stary, Marcel, 1918-1962, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Michel(?) Stary, Street from a Dream, 11 x 16", source de l'image: www.cafr.ebay.
ca/itm/...., and seller: 2468canada (2949), sites consultés le 18 juillet 2021

Starzak, Nina (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
Stasieczek, Patryk (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Stathacos, Chrysanne (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
State of Being (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec) 
Stathacos, Chrisanne (Christianne), 1951-, (Burnett; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Staub, Olivier, 1967-, né en France, photographe; fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_Staub
Stauffer, Sharlene Dee, 1935-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ste-Croix, Michel, né à Cap-des-Rosiers (Gaspésie des artistes)
Ste-Croix, Renée (Avmor Collection)


Ken Steacy, photo reproduced from the following web page:
marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Ken_Steacy?file=Ken_Steacy.jpg, accessed 13 November 2019.

Steacy, Ken, 1955-, comics artist


Stead, Hay, died in 1924, (Winnipeg School of Art)
Stead, Jennifer (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Stead, Matthew, c. 1808-1879 (New Brunswick Landscape Print 1760-1880)
Steadman, George, 1910-, (Folk Artists)
Steegman, John, 1899-1966, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Steel (Lemieux 80; Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Steel, Bob, Vancouver, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Steel, Stephanie Quainton, 1935-,  (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Early Women Artists)
Steele, Edwin Albert (Ed), 1956-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Steele, Lisa, 1947-, (McKendry; Tippett; Murray; Balcourt; Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2005;
------Contemporary Canadian Artists; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

Robert Steele, obituary photo with art
career at vancouversunandprovince.remembering.
(accessed 18 August 2024)

Steele, Robert, 1925-2018, born in Mervin, SK (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Biographical Dictionary of
------Saskatchewan Men Artists)


Steele, Suzanne; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzanne_Steele ---site on the artist
Steele, Timothy Walter, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Steele and Company, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Photos 1895-1924)
Steen, Lois, 1934-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; McKendry; Tippett;
------Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Early Women Artists; Art in Ontario)

Source of image: http://dansteeves.com/gallery/memory-of-pain/, accessed 29 May 2016
Catalogue on Dan Steeves:
Smart, Tom, author and Dan Steeves, artist, The memory of pain = Le souvenir de la douleur, Confederation Centre of the Arts; Bilingual edition, 2013, 42 p., ISBN: 

Steeves, Dan, (L'estampe à Québec; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)

Dan Steeves, I hope you have moments when you take heart,
2012, intaglio and etching, 17" x 23.5".  Mr. Steeves won the
2014 Open Studio National Printmaking Awards, first place.
 Image and text reproduced from CanadianArt, Summer 2014,
at p. 104.

Steeves, George, 1943-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)

Exhibition catalogue on George Steeves:
Langford, Martha, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, George Steeves : 1979-1993 / Martha Langford, Ottawa : Canadian Museum of
Contemporary Photography = Musée canadien de la photographie contemporaine, 1993. NOTES: Text in English and French. Exhibition catalogue.  ISBN: 0888845669.
Photo source of the catalogue: http://www.amazon.com, 23 August 2015


Steeves, Jude (Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)
Stef (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Stefan, Nadine (Alberta Society of Artists)
Stefanchuk, William, act. mid 20th cent., (Folk Art; Folk Artists; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Stefaniuk, Maureen, 1952-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Christo Stefanoff, source de l'image: bac-lac.gc.ca/fra/portail-portraits/Pages/
, consultée le 23 octobre 2019.

Stefanoff, Christo, 1898-1966, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index 1989-90);
------note: married to Irena Stefanoff, infra;

Christo Stefanoff, Paysage Mont Plante de Val David, 24 x 31".
Image source: kijiji.ca/v-oeuvre-d-art/ville-de-montreal/peintre-tableau-de-lartiste-christo-stefanoff/1193844144?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true, accessed 24 November 2016


Stefanoff, Irena (nee Pludowska), died in 2005, age 90; married to Christo Stefanoff, supra;

Photo of Irena Stefanoff with article, by Jane Paige, "Quiet rural scenes a
contrast to artist's life", The Sherbrooke Record, 9 September 1976, at p. 12,
and reproduced from collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2944790 (accessed 2 November 2023).


Stefanowski, Didier, potier d'étain (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Steffen, Johanna (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Steffensen, Maria (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Stefoff, Wally (Great Canadian Posters)
Stegeman, Charles, 1924-2013, born in the Netherlands, came to Canada in 1951, taught at UBC (Art Gallery of Ontario; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983;
------ Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Steggles, George (Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989)
Stehelin, Jacqueline, 1939-, (
Alberta Society of Artists)
Stehwien, Fritz, 1014-, born in Miltern, Germany (
Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)


Photo of the artist Frederick Steiger in the article:
"Crosbie captured on canvas. Artist Frederick Steiger puts finishing touches on portrait of Conservative finance
critic John Crosbie, right. The painting will be presented by the artist as a personal gift to Crosbie at a benefit concert
Oct. 17 at Roy Thomson Hall. The concert is being held to help pay costs of his bid for Conservative leadership",
Toronto Star,
10/5/1983, photographer: Michael Stuparyk, credit for photo: "Toronto Star Photograph Archive,
Courtesy of Toronto Public Library",
object number TSPA_0041306F, reproduced from digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/252312/
(accessed 30 March 2022).

Steiger, Frederick, 1899-1990, born in Solwutz, Austria (Saskatchewan: art and artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

Frederick Steiger, Wharf scene with seated fisherman, oil on canvas board, 45.7 x 61 cm,
on sale at Waddington, Discovery Art, 12-17 November 2022, lot 368, available at
waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-nov-17-2022/gallery/lot/368/ (accessed 14 March 2023).

Steiger, Rodolphe von, 1791-1847, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Rudolph von Steiger, Deputation of Indians from the Mississippi Tribes to the Governor General of British
North America, Sir George Prevost, 1814, Library and Archives Canada, C-0134461, Acc. No. 1989-446-25.
"Native American Alliances
Great Britain was alarmed by the possibility that the United States might invade Canada in response to these
measures [blockade and impressment], so it maintained diplomatic contact with Native Americans, including
those portrayed in this painting, Deputation of Indians from the Mississippi Tribes.  In the event of war, Native
Americans could be invaluable for Britain.

The British prudently refrained from encouraging these potential allies to make war on the United States.  Given,
however, that many Native Americans had been fighting the United States as recently as 1811, diplomatic relations
with nations that might support the British in the event of an American war also increased the possibility that the
United States would go to war with Britain."

Image and text reproduced from the following book:
D. Peter MacLeod, 1955-, Eric Fernberg, Canadian War Museum, Four wars of 1812 / D. Peter MacLeod with the Canadian War Museum 1812 team,
Eric Fernberg ... [et al.], Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, c2012, 95 p., at  pp. 36-37 and 94 : ill., maps, ports.; 21 cm. NOTES: Co-published by: Canadian
War Museum. Includes bibliographical references: p. 93-95, ISBN: 9781771000505 (AMICUS catalogue)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Steiman, Barbara, 1950-, (Newlands; MAQ; Nemiroff; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983; Contemporary Canadian Artists;
------Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 60; Art of Courage; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Stein, David, 1935-, (Vallée 93)
Stein, Joël (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

Guerite Steinbacher

[Photo of Guerite Steinbacher reproduced from the following book:
Aarons, Anita, ed., "Allied Arts Catalogue - Catalogue des arts connexes", Arts for Architecture
(Royal Architectural Institute of Canada), numbers 49-89, volume 1968, 48 pages, at p. 32, vol. 2, Oct. 1968.]

Steinbacher, Guérite, 1904-, weaver/tisserand (Allied Arts Catalogue 2; Ontario Collection)
Steinberg, William, 1952-, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec)
Steinbock, Albertina (Canadian Pastels)
Steiner, Jan W., 1916-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Steinhardt, Jakob (The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)


Photo de Tobie Steinhouse, dans un article
de Janet Kask, "Elle vit dans un monde de
lumière tamisée",  Le Droit, Ottawa, 15 octobre
1963, disponible à www.mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/
(site consulté le 8 janvier 2020).

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Steinhouse, Tobie Thelma Davis, 1925-1979, (Daigneault 81; McKendry; Vallée 89; Vallée 93;
------LeBourthis;  MAQ; Robert 83; Robert 78; Tippett; Duval; Roundstone Council for the
------Arts; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Robert 64; L'estampe 2; Québec 1940-1966;
------1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique
------d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Avmor Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Femmeuses 2001; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


Steinman, Barbara, 1950-, (Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts --  2002; War Zones--Exhibit;
------Postmodernism 1970-1990; The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College; Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 59)
Steinman, Bonnie (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)
Stekelenburg, Jack (ARTBOMB--25 November and 9 and 27 December 2018; 6 January 2019)
Stella, Marie, 1966-, (Roussan 2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Stellas, Nick (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Stellick, Jeff, 1952-, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique
------d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013;
------Festival of the Arts -- Ottawa; Alberta Society of Artists)
Stellmack, Andrew (ARTBOMB--20 and 28 February 2014)
Ste-Marie, Jacques, 1941-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 88)
Ste-Marie, Richard, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Stelmackowich, Cindy (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Patrick Mikhail Gallery Ottawa)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Stelzer, Ulli, 1923-2018, photographer (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Image source: www.amazon.ca, accessed 27 August 2015
Book by Ulli Stelzer:
Steltzer, Ulli, 1923-, Indian Artists at Work, Vancouver : J.J. Douglas, 1977 (first paper edition), 163 p. : ill.; ISBN: 0-88894-170-6;
NOTE: Mabel Taylor, Port Alberni, weaver on the cover.

Stemp, Miles (Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto as part of the group VSVSVS)
Stene, John, born in Norway, (années 50)
Stennett/Stennett, Ralph, fl 1803-15, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; New Brunswick Landscape Print 1760-1880)
Stepan, Ursulina Rose, 1934-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stephanie, Anne (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Stephanson, Loraine Ann, 1950-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stephen, Elizabeth, 1903-, (200 Years of Botanical Art in British Columbia)
Stephen, Lib, 1958-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stephens, Arlene, 1937-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Steohens, Barbara H.V

Stephens, David P., (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Book on Godfrey Stephens:
Stephens, Gurdeep, 1973-, author, Godfrey Stephens, 1939-, artist, Wood storms, wild canvas : the art of Godfrey Stephens / Gurdeep Stephens,Victoria,
British Columbia : D&I  Enterprises Inc, 2014,  144 p., ISBN: 9780993852107 (pbk.).
Image source: www.amazon.ca/Wood-Storms-Wild-Canvas-Stephens/dp/0993852106/ref=sr_1_15?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1461528352&sr=1-15&keywords=canadian+sculptors,
accessed 25 April 2016.

Stephens, Godfrey, 1939-, born in Duncan, British Columbia, sculptor; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godfrey_Stephens


Stephens, Herman Archibald, 1890-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stephens, Justin, 1972-, born in Ottawa (Parisian Laundry Galerie d'art Montréal; RBC Canadian Painting Competition; Painting Project 2013;
------ Galerie Laroche/Joncas Montréal))
Stephens, Maxwell, 1966-, see /voir Hdley + Maxwell
Stephens, M.M. (Photos 1895-1924)

Vernon Stephens (photo by Ulli Steltzer); image reproduced
from the following book:
Steltzer, Ulli, 1923-, Indian Artists at Work,  Vancouver : J.J.
Douglas, 1977 (first paper edition), 163 p., at p. 138 : ill.; ISBN: 0-88894-170-6.

Stephens, Vernon, 1949-, carver (Indian Artists at Work; Northwest Coast Indian Art 1984)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Stephenson, Baillie Thomson, 1899-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Stephenson, Lionel McDonald, 1854-1907, (McKendry; Harper; 150 Years of Art in Manitoba;
------Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90)

Lionel McDonald Stephenson, Fort Garry, 1870, oil on board, 29.8 x 44.5 cm,
Lot #h323, reproduced from Heffel, Fine Art, HO2 Online
Auction, closes on 31 July 2019, heffel.com/ho2/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=115888&ImageID=82205&Main=True
accessed 21 July 2019.

Stephenson Coole, Margaret (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Source: bilan.usherbrooke.ca/bilan/pages/biographies/608.html, visité le 23 février 2016
Jana Sterbak

Sterbak, Jana, 1955-, (Newlands; L'art du Québec; Nemiroff; Contemporary Canadian Artists; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 60;
------YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Foire d'art contemporain d'oeuvres sur
------papier 2014; Galerie Laroche/Joncas Montréal; Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 123)
Sterling, Anthony Coningham, 1805-1871, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sternberg, Barbara, filmmaker/ cinéaste (Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2011; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 18)
Sterner, Malte, active 1932 (Sales Index 1989-90)
Sternthal, Gail (Avmor Collection)
Sterritt, Art, carver (Indian Artists at Work)
Sterzi, Suzanne, (Femmeuses 2001)


Obituary of Arthur George Gard, The Globe and
Mail, Saturday, 29 October 2022 at p. B24.

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Steven, Arthur George Gard, 1920-2022, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Stevens, Brian, 1944-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Stevens, David (ARTBOMB--11 October and 6 November 2013; 16 May and 2 July 2014; 12 January, 25 March and 6 April 2015)
Stevens, Dawn (Avmor Collection)


From left to right on this 1916 photo at a committee of the Ontario
Society of Artists, Toronto: Dorothy Stevens, J.E.H. MacDonald
and C.W.  Jefferys (papers of the Ontario Society of Artists,
Ontario Archives, Toronto).

Book illustrated by Dorothy Stevens:
Hale, Katherine (author, Mrs. John Garvin) and Dorothy Stevens (illustrator),
Canadian cities of romance, New York, George H. Doran Co. [1922],
191, [1] pages including front, illustrations 22 cm;  image source of the book:
the bookseller is Livres Norrois (Sutton, QC, Canada) at www.abebooks.com, accessed 27 January 2020.

Stevens, Dorothy (also Dorothy Stevens Austin), 1888-1966, (Hubbard; McKendry;
------Art Gallery of Ontario; Fine Arts in Canada; National Archives of Canada;
------Canadian Drawings; L'estampe; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Toronto in Art; Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);

Dorothy Stevens, Portrait, Pencil, 10 1/4 x 10 1/4 ins (26 x 26 cm).  Private Collection

(Text and image reproduced from the following book: Jerrold Morris, 100 Years of
Canadian Drawings,
Toronto: Methuen, 1980, at p. 138, plate 150).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Stevens, E. Nancy, born in Vancouver, British Columbia (Atlantic Art Exhibition)
Stevens, J., fl 1745, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Stevens, Laura; voir--see: koymangalleries.com/artist/laura-stevens/
Stevens, Levi, fl 1815, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stevens, Paul, fl 1857-60, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stevenson, A.D. (New Brunswick Landscape Print 1760-1880)
Stevenson, Amy Leanor, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stevenson, Edith P. (Mrs Wright), 1885-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stevenson, Frederick J., (MQ)
Stevenson, Frederick (Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)
Stevenson, James MacIntyre (Alberta Society of Artists)
Stevenson, James W. (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
Stevenson, John (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

Book on Lionel F. Stevenson:
Stevenson, Lionel, 1939-, Photographs. Selections, Wendt, Pan, 1971-, writer of added commentary Confederation Centre Art Gallery Issuing body, host institution,
Lionel F. Stevenson : fifty years of photographs (1962-2012) = Lionel F. Stevenson : cinquante ans de photographie (1962-2012) / Pan Wendt, Charlottetown, Prince
Edward Island :The Acorn Press, 2013, 73 pages : illustrations (some colour) ; 27 cm.  NOTES: A catalogue of an exhibition held at the Confederation Centre Art
Gallery, October 13, 2012-May 12, 2013. Text in English and French. Co-published by: Confederation Centre Art Gallery.  ISBN: 9780920089774 (AMICUS Catalogue).
Image source of the book: www.amazon.com/Lionel-F-Stevenson-Photography-1962-2012/dp/0920089771/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8, accessed 29 May 2016

Stevenson, Lionel, 1939-,  (Visages qui sont un pays par des photographes, production de l'ONF; Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)

Stevenson, Lynn R. (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Stevenson, Pamela Nagley, potter/clay sculptor (Artisan)
Stevenson, Sandy, metal sculptor (Artisan)
Stevenson, Sarah (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Stevenson, Sarah, 1957-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Book on Sylvie Stevenson:
Stevenson, Sylvie, 1943-, Gil McIlroy, Mount Saint Vincent University, Galery d'art, Université de Moncton, galerie d'art, Ateliers Square One,
Sylvie Stevenson--the painted work/tableaux, 1974-1994 : Galerie d'art, Université de Moncton, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, du 4 au 30 mai 1994,
Art Gallery, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 14 October-27 November 1994
/ curator, Gil McIlroy = curateur, Gil McIlroy, Halifax [N.-É.] :
Square One Studios = Ateliers Square One, c1994, 28 p. : ill. (certaines en coul.) ; 22 x 28 cm. NOTES: Textes en anglais et en français. Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 22.
ISBN: 0969794207 (Catalogue AMICUS).
Image source of the book: www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=30053212&searchurl=kn%3Dcanadian%2520painter%26sts%3Dt%26sortby%3D96#&gid=1&pid=1

Stevenson, Sylvie, 1949- (Dalhousie Art Gallery)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Stevenson, Terry Dunton (Claridge Inc. catalogue)

On the artist see:
The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women and the PEI Interministerial
Women’s Secretariat,  First hand: arts, crafts, and culture created by PEI women
of the 20 th century, PDF edition for Women’s History Month 2017 unupdated &
uncorrected. Originally published in 2000 at www.gov.pe.ca/firsthand and as a CD-ROM
at peistatusofwomen.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/firsthand2017.pdf page 127 (accessed
6 January 2025).  Note: There is also a biography.  Also published in French--Aussi
publié en français.   

Stevenson, Thomas H., act. 1841-1858, (McKendry; Toronto in Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Photo of William Leroy Stevenson with article "Exhibition
Slated", Calgary Albertan, 22 January 1962 and available at
mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/coupures-de-presse-vol-20-1962.pdf, accessed 9 January 2020.

Stevenson, William. Lawrence (William Lewy Leroy(Roy)), 1905-1966, (Block Prints; Modern Painting;
------Glenbow-Alberta Institue; University of Guelph; Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Alberta Society of Artists)

William Lewy Leroy (Roy) Stevenson, Autumn West of Calgary, oil, 23.75 x 30 " --60.3 x
76.2 cm, sold at Hodgins Halls Auction Group, February 2022 Fine Art, Lot 89, image source:
hodginshalls.hibid.com/catalog/349741/hodgins--february-2022-fine-art/?cpage=8&ipp=10, price realized
indicated at site : $ 2,250.00 CAD,  accessed on 1 March 2022.


Stewart, Alexander Bishop, fl 1878-90, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stewart, Amy (ARTBOMB--30 October 2018; 2 January, 12 April, 28 June, 24 July and 4 October 2019)
Stewart, Anabel (Indian Artists at Work)
Stewart, Carl (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)


Source of photo: with article by Eric Setliff, "Master of Design: Clair Stewart's
Modernist Mission", 18 April 2017, available at canadashistory.ca/explore/arts-culture-society/
(accessed 18 August 2024).

Stewart, Clair, 1910-2008, born in Kenton Manitoba  (Canadian War Posters; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Stewart, Donald Campbell, 1912-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stewart, F.A., fl 1827-32, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stewart, Hilary M., 1924-2014, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); webpage on the artist

Publication on Hilda Stewart:
Bell, Lynne S., Hilda Stewart, 1892-1978, Hilda Stewart R.M.S : an essay in retrieving history / Lynne Bell =
Hilda Stewart R.M.S : un essai d'histoire rétablie / Lynne Bell, Saskatoon : Mendel Art Gallery, c1990, 48 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm.,
NOTES: Includes bibliographical references: p. 40-41.  Text in English and French.  Catalogue of an exhibition held at Mendel Art Gallery,
Saskatoon, July 20-Sept. 30, 1990.  ISBN: 091986354X (AMICUS Catalogue)
Image supplied by From Ken Jackson (Calgary, AB, Canada)

Stewart, Hilda Joyce, 1892-1978, (Saskatchewan Artists; Saskatchewan: art and artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Stewart, Isobel Grace, 1918-2011, architect (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Stewart, J.W. (John Stewart), 1951-, (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001;
------ Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989; Musée du Québec en images --5; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87)


James W. Stewart, Nos ancêtres et les sucres, lithographie, Encan 612 du Dimanche
05-13 mars 2022 | HiBid Auctions, lot 351, image disponible à quebec.hibid.com/lot/.... (site consulté le 15 mars 2022).

Stewart, James W., 1951-, (Roussan 89; Roussan 2001)

J.W. Stewart, illustration de la couverture du livre: Association des illustrateurs et illustratrices du
Québec, Répertoire / Directory 93-94, Montréal: Association des illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec
(A.I.I.Q.), 1993, 222 p. (Collection; 6), ISBN: 29800522-7-2, ISSN: 0831-4098; notes supplémentaires:
photo: Michel Filion; graphisme: Jane Hope Design; conception graphique: Robert Doutre; production
graphique: Les Studios Artifisme; pelliculage: Grafix Studio; impression: Imprimerie Richard Veilleux;
saisie des données: Marie-Claude Coupal (mis en ligne le 4 février 2022).


Stewart, Jennifer (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Stewart, Jim, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art in Ontario; The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)

Jim Stewart, "Thought, 1979, oil on canvas, 40" x
48", Photo: T.E. Moore, courtesy Aggregation
Gallery, Toronto"

[Image and description of Jim Stewart's canvas are reproduced from the following book:
Parkin, Jeanne, William J.S. Boyle, Visual Arts Ontario, Art in Architecture: Art for the built environment in the Province
of Ontario
, [Toronto] : Visual Arts Ontario, 1982, xii, 276 p., at p. 254: ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 276, ISBN: 0920708048]


Stewart, Linda Anderson, 1954-, (Alberta Society of Artists); Artist's site
Stewart Loney, Zillah (Collection Loto-Québec); Artist's site
Stewart, Marina, (Dalhousie Art Gallery)
Stewart, Merle, fl 1977-, (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stewart, Murray McCheyne, 1919-2006, (University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Ontario Collection); Google images
Stewart, Pamela, (L'art au féminin)
Stewart, Penelope (Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto)
Stewart, Rob, 1979-, (Canadian Encyclopedia -- Photographers)
Stewart, William (Bill) Archibald, 1914-2004, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stewart/Stuart, William M./H/. 1829-, fl 1850-60, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Stewart, William Neil, 1888-1972,  born in Kessington, Prince Edward Island (McKendry; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

W.N. Stewart, Spring in the Arizona Desert, oil, 24 x 30--61" x 76.2 cm, en
vente Heffel, Vente en ligne, Art populaire, 8 au 29 juin 2022, lot 311,
reproduit de heffel.com/Online/LotDetails... (site consulté le 21 juin 2022).


Stidolph, Mel,
Stiebel, Max, (Magazin'art, v. 14(1), 2001, p. 38; Canadian Pastels)
Stiff, Walter G. (Photos 1895-1924)
Stikeman, Annie, fl 1880-1911, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stikeman, Harry Howard, 1913-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stiles, G., c1899-, (Folk Artists; Eastern Canadian Folk Art)
Still, Nancy (Alberta Society of Artists)
Stini, Étienne (Stephen Grenier), 1941-,  (Robert 78; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Stintson, David (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Stirton, Alexander (Alex) Mackenzie, Captain, photographer (Pictorial History of Canada's Army Overseas 1939-1945)

Image source: italyrevisited.org/images/photos/image2701.jpg, accessed 13 December 2016
Alex Stirton, 23 October 1943, Italy, Library and Archives
Canada/ PA-129774.


John Stpbard, photo at en.wikipedia.org/
(accessed 29 September 2024).

Stobard, John, 1929-2023, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Stocki, Elaine, born in Winnipeg, 1979-, photographer (Stephen Bulger Gallery Toronto)
Stocking, John, 1938-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Stockli, Ann (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)


Image reproduced from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
(accessed 18 August 2024)

Stoddard, Frederick Lincoln, 1861-1940, born in Coaticook, QC (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Stoddard, Mary Catherine, 1844-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stoddard, S.P., act. 1843, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stogre, Peter Alexander Zachary, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Jan Stohl remettant une sculpture de René Lévesques à Gérald Godin, photo de Jean
Goupil, La Presse, 13 novembre 1989, source de la photo: numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/
(site consulté le 6 mars 2023).

Stohl, Jan, 1945-, (Vallée 93)

Jan Stohl, monument de Horatio Walker
source de l'image: http://claudeyvonne.blogspot.ca/, accessed 24 August 2016


John Stohn

For most of his life until retirement John acted as Director of Personnel
at Clarkson Gordon (now Ernst & Young), but throughout had a successful
second career as an artist, creating spatial constructions in acrylic, with
sell-out shows in a number of cities including three at Roberts Gallery in
Toronto and one at Gilman Gallery in Chicago.
[Photo with excert of his obituary at legacy.com/ca/obituaries/theglobeandmail/name/
, accessed 29 September 2024.]

Stohn, John, 1922-2021,  (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Stoilova, Maria (Avmor Collection)
Stoker, Richard, glass artist  (Artists of the Gatineau Hills)
Stokes, Douglas Dodd, 1907-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stokes, Frank Wilbert, 1858-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Publication on Louis Stoke:

Louis Stokes, 1941-, Louise Dompierre, text, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Louis Stokes: trees
if life: recent sculptures 1982-84, Kingston, Ont., Canada : Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's
University, ©1984,
20 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm, ISBN: 0889113831, 9780889113831, notes:
Catalog of an exhibition held at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Ont., May 26-July 29,
1984, in
cludes bibliographical references at p. 20; source of bibliographical data: canada.on
source of image: agnes.queensu.ca/product/louis-stokes-trees-of-life/https://agnes.queensu.ca/product/
(accessed 2 February 2024).

Stokes, Louis Walter, 1941-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection;
------McMaster University; Art in Ontario)

Louis Stokes, "Valley Arches, 1980, painted steel, 3 sections: 3 x 19 x 20', 4 x
17 1/2 x 20', 5 x 16 x 20 feet."

[Image and description of Louis Stokes' sculpture are reproduced from the following book:
Parkin, Jeanne, William J.S. Boyle, Visual Arts Ontario, Art in Architecture: Art for the built environment in the Province
of Ontario
, [Toronto] : Visual Arts Ontario, 1982, xii, 276 p., at p. 255: ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 276, ISBN: 0920708048]

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Stokes, W.H., (History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Stolee, James, 1931-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Stollery, Jack, Sgt., photographer (Pictorial History of Canada's Army Overseas 1939-1945)
Stone, Amy Blanche, 1887, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stone, Caroline Amy, 1952-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Stone, Doug, 1951-,  (The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)

Doug Stone, Death Full of Possibilities, 1993, mixed media
drawing on paper, 30 x 30'', photo by Cheryl O'Brien;
text and photo reproduced from the following book:
University of St. Michael's College, Daniel Donovan, 1937-, Ihor Holubizky, 1952-, Signs of the spirit : the Donovan Collection at St. Michael's
/ foreword by Richard M. Alway; essays by Daniel Donovan and Ihor Holubizky, Toronto : University of St. Michael's College, 2001,
72 p., at pp. 35, 70 and 72 : ill. (some col.); 26 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN: 0772710007 (pbk.) 0772710015 (bound).


Stone, Frank Frederick, 1860-1939, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stone, Nathan, act. 1970s-, (Folk Artists)


Sylvia Stone, photo with article in
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvia_Stone, accessed 29 September 2024.

Stone, Sylvia, 1928-2011, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stone, Thomas (Tom) Albert, 1894-1978, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Nova Scotia; University of Guelph;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)

Tom Stone, Harvest Field Lower Quebec, oil; image source:
http://www.ebay.com, accessed on 16 December 2014.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Stone, Limited (Photos 1895-1924)
Stoneypoint, Helen (Oeuvres d'artisans)
Stonyer, Andrew, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Stooshinoff, Harry, 1956-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stoppa, Christina (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Storberg, Raymond A., 1908-1971,  (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index 1989-90)
Storey, Alan, 1960-,  (Contemporary British Columbia Artists)
Storey, Kim (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Storey, Tim (Claridge Inc. catalogue)

Storm, Hannelore, 1941-, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; Daigneault 81;
------L'estampe à Québec; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Hannelore Storm, Motorcycle series, 1968, estampe : lithographie,  53 x 62 cm,
image reproduite du site: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/1975842, consulté le 15 septembre 2019.


Storm, William George (W.G.), 1826-1892 (Fine Arts in Canada; Toronto in Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Storm, William George (W.G.), 1826-1892,  Toronto University, 62.5 x 124.8 cm, watercolour and
gouache over graphite with pen and blue ink on wove paper Royal Canadian Academy of Arts diploma
work, deposited by the architect, Toronto, 1880, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (no. 239)

Storm, W.G., act. 1907-1911, (Hubbard; Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Storms, Richard (The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)
Stothard, Thomas, 1755-1834 (British Columbia, a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)
Stoughton, Arthur A., 1867-1955, (Winnipeg School of Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stout, Wade, 1955-, (Swain; Corporate collections; Alberta Society of Artists)
Stowe, Rejene, (Stained Glass)
Stowel, Robert, 1941-, (Alberta Society of Artists)


Stoyan, Peter, 1900- 1994, (Sales Index 1989-90)

Peter Stoyan, untitled (Rocky Inlet), oil on canvas, 30 x 38 in — 76.2 x 96.5 cm,
on sale at Waddington's Discovery Art, 21-26 October 2023, lot 265, reproduced from:
waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-oct-26-2023/gallery/lot/265/  (accessed 25 October 2023).


Strada, Giovanni (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)


Strai Kat

Strai Kat, Dualqty in Focus, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 18 x .5"
-- 61 x 45.7 x 1.3 cm, on sale at Waddingtons, Toronto,
Discovery Art, 11 May 2023, lot 133, reproduced from
waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-may-11-2023/gallery/lot/133/  (accessed 4 May 2023).


John S. Straiton

Throughout his life, John was a
creator in many mediums. He painted;
he sculpted; he photographed. And,
to great acclaim he made animated films,
winning world-wide recognition, including
an Etrog in Canada. He religiously devoted
two weekends a year to 'sketching trips' in
the woods with his creative cronies.
[source of photo and text: koprivataylor.com/obituary/john-straiton]

Publication by John S. Straiton:

Straiton, John S., Of women and advertising,
Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, ©1984,
174 pages : illustrations; ISBN: 0771083092, 9780771083099
(I would like to thank his daughter Susan Straiton for having sent
me a copy of this image on 20 October 2021).

Straiton, John S. (Seal), 1922-2019, born in Kapuskasing, ON (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

John S. Straiton, untitled, painting done in the 1970s in the Huntsville, Ontario
area; photo taken by his son Ken Straiton.  I would like to thank Susan Straiton,
his daughter and a painter herself, for having sent me this image of of her father's
art (26 October 2021).


Publication by Kenneth Straiton:
Straiton, Kenneth, Japanese Design: A Collection,
New York : Weatherhill, 1999,
159 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm, ISBN:
0834804557, 9780834804555 (source of image:
amazon.com/Japanese...., accessed 21 November 2021). 

Straiton, Kenneth (Ken), 1949-, born in Toronto, photographer;  kenstraiton.com---photographer.kenstraiton.com



Photo of Susan Straiton accompanying the article "Milford Artist wins award",
The County Weekly News, 10 July 2017, available at countyweeklynews.ca/2017/07/10/milford-artist-wins-award
(site accessed 20 October 2021)

Straiton, Susan, 1952-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99); site 1----site 2---artist's site

Susan Straiton, Serenity, oil on canvas, 24 x 40"; I would like to thank the artist for
having sent me this image of her art (21 October 2021).

Strakhovsky, Leonid Ivanovich, 1898-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Book on Pat Strakowski:
Oko, Andrew, 1946, Pat Strakowski, John W. Heintz, Moon nibbler : the art of Pat Strakowski / Andrew Oko ;
photography by John W. Heinz, Calgary : Frontenac House, 2009, 131 p. : col. ill., ports.; 29 cm, ISBN: 781897181287.
Image source of the book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=15865526016&cm_sp=collections-_-item_2_60-_-bdp, accessed 1 November 2016

Strakowski, Patricia (Pat) Elizabeth Dmytrychyn, 1937-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Claridge Inc. catalogue; Alberta Society of Artists)


Strandberg, John Edmund, 1911-1996, born in Sweden; fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Edmund_Strandberg

Strange, Thomas Bland, 1831-1925, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stranks, Gordon (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

Gordon Stranks, Ottawa West Railroad
Yards, 1946, Collection of the City of
Ottawa, 1987-0068; text and image
reproduced from the following book:
Burant, Jim, Ottawa Art Gallery and others, History of art and artists of Ottawa and surroundings, 1790-1970, Part III, 1946-1970 =
Histoire de l'art et des artistes d'Ottawa et des environs de 1790 à 1970,
Troisième partie, 1946-1970 / text, Jim Burant, Ottawa :
Ottawa Art Gallery = Galerie d'art d'Ottawa, 1995, 75p., ISBN: 1895108160 (v. 3).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Strater, Susanne (ARTBOMB--14 and 18 April and 11 and 26 May 2017)
Stratford, Harry W., 1890-1967 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Strath, Robert (Nova Scotia; Dalhousie Art Gallery)
Straume, Frank, 1947-2003 (in memoriam, Société canadienne de l'aquarelle)
Streatfield, Josephine, 1882-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Street, John, 1942-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Street, Philip, 1959-, (Editorial cartoons)
Streeton, Esther Leonora Clinch (Nora), fl 1890s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Streicher,  Max; artist's site

Max Streicher, Floating Giants, photo reproduced
from Canadian Art, Winter 2001, volume 18,
number 4 at p. 81 (put on line on 20 December 2022).


Streifler, Leesa (Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz)

Leesa Streifler, They Were With Her in Her Pleasure,
acrylic, plexi, 20 x 16"; image reproduced from
the following book:
Kurtz, John, 1923-, Monica Kurtz, 1926-, James Kurtz Memorial Foundation, Treasured moments / John and Monica Kurtz, Regina:
James Kurtz Memorial Foundation Inc., 1997, 163 p., at p. 153 : col. ill., ports. (some col.) ; 24 x 30 cm.  ISBN: 189529294.

Streintenfeld, Dirk (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Stren, Patti, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stretton (Morisset)


Stretton, Sempronius, 1781-1842, (McKendry; Lord; Painters in a New Land; Coverdale Collection of Canadiana;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Stretton, Sempronius, 1781-1842, Bust of a Mohawk
Indian on the Grand River
, 1804, pen and ink, Archives
of Canada C-14827.


Stretton, Severus William Lynam, 1793-1884, (McKendry; MQ; Painters in a New Land; Biographical Index
------of Artists in Canada)
Strickefoot, Tanya (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Strickland, Mary, fl 1870-84, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Strickland, Susanna, see Susanna Moodie, (McKendry)
Stringer, Marc T., 1929-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Book on Andy Stritof:
Kocjancic, Cvetka, 1949-, Andy Stritof, Multicultural History Society of Ontario, Unhappy rebel : the life and art of Andy Stritof / Cvetka Kocjancic, Toronto :
Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1993,  xiv, 154 p., [10] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm.  SERIES: Ethnocultural voices 0825-0448, ISBN:  0919045480.

Stritof, Andy


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Strokowsky, Cathy (Collection Loto-Québec)
Stromberg-Stein, Susan, née à Cut Knife, SK, 1945-,  sculpt., (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------L'art au féminin; Sculptors Society of Canada--2015; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)


Strong, H.A., (150 Years of Art in Manitoba)

Source of image: gallery.ca/magazine/dog-teams.... (accessed 24 February 2023).


Book on Dmytro Stryjek:
Millard Peter, 1932-, Stryjek, trying the colours, Saskatoon : Fifth House, 1988, x, 106 p., 16 p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ISBN: 0920079393.
Image source of the book: www.ebay.ca/itm/Dmytro-Stryjek-Ukrainian-Canadian-Artist-Canada-/161951676093?hash=item25b51276bd, accessed 8 February 2016.

Stryjek, Dmytro, 1899-1991, born in Lanowce, Western Ukraine (McKendry; Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Corporate collections; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada; The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

Stuart, Berth, 1979-, (Painting Project 2013)
Stuart, Donald Alexander, 1944-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Grand prix des métiers d'art; Crafts Canada; Royal Canadian
------ Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997; Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisan)

Donald A. Stuart, Bracelet, 18K gold, diamonds, steel; text
and image reproduced from the following book:
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Ernest Annau, Académie royale des arts du Canada,   Royal Canadian Academy of Arts: Book of Days = Académie royale des arts du
Canada Calendrier perpétuel
,   [S.l.] : Firefly Books, 1997, 1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 21 cm. NOTES: Forward by Ernest Annau. English and French.  ISBN: 1552091171.


Publication sur James W. Stuart:

Léo-André Tremblay, James W. Stuart, service d'Art
royal, impression Litho Mille Isles Ltée, 2000, source de
l'image: galerie2000.ca/products/stuart-james-w-1951, site consulté le 14 mai 2022.

James W. Stuart, image reproduite de la
revue Le collectionneur, volume VI, numéro 23,
automne 1988 à la p. 104; cette image fait partie
d'une page publicitaire sur James W. Stuart où l'on indique
que l'artiste est représenté par la Maison d'Oeuvres d'Art Sheraton Inc.,
rue Turgeon à Sainte-Thérèse (mis en ligne le 14 mai 2022).

Stuart, James W., 1951-,  né à Pointe-aux-Trembles (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 90; Bruens 88; Sales Index 1989-90; Charlevoix en peinture)


Stuart, Margaret, 1975-, (L'Artothèque--2014)


Eva Stubbs, photo with the article by Alison Mayes, "A head for figures: Winnipeg
sculptor Eva Stubbs' rough-hewn works capture universal experiences", Winnipeg
Free Press, 16 December 2010, source of photo: winnipegfreepress.com/arts-and-life/
, accessed 30 July 2021.

Publication on Eva Stubbs:

Hellner, Fave (Faye Lynne), 1943-, Eva Stubbs, Winnipeg Art
Gallery, For the Love of Creation: The Life and Art of Eva
Winnipeg : Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2010, 124 p. : col. ill. ; 25 x 31 cm,
Notes: "
Catalogue of an exhibition titled: Eva Stubbs : the Rough Ideal, 1954-2008,
held at the Winnipeg Art Gallery from Dec. 17, 2010 - March 20, 2011
9780889150072, 0889150079; source of image: book seller: Werdz Quality Used Books (Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
and placed on the internet at abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetails.... (accessed 30 July 2021).

Stubbs, Eva Koves, 1925-2017, sculptor (University of Winnipeg Collection -- Women;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


Publication sur Maurice Stubbs:
Stubbs, Maurice (artist), Allison Reid (editor), Doris Cowan (editor), James Patten,
Tom Smart, Catherine Elliot Shaw, Philipp McNamara, McIntosh Art Gallery,
Maurice Stubbs : intuitive painter, London, Ontario : McIntosh Gallery, 2015,
167 pages : colour illustrations, portrait ; 33 cm, ISBN: 9780771430916; 0771430914;
Image source: muse.museumlondon.ca/products/maurice-stubbs-intuitive-painter, accessed 3 October 2019.

The long, remarkable, illustrious career of the artist and museum curator
Maurice Stubbs is noted in this wonderful documentary of his life and art.
Maurice had already achieved prominence as a young artist in Western
Australia, a rising star in post war Australia, a member of its modernistic
art scene: and a prize winning artist prior to his arrival in Canada in 1959.
In 1969 Stubbs position as curator of the McIntosh Gallery and during the
tumultuous decades of the 1970's and 1980's abandoned the tenets of
modernistic abstraction to embrace the Canadian landscape as a fertile
subject for the body of work he has produced since.
(source: Voilà catalogue)

Stubbs, Maurice, 1924-, (Carleton; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)

Maurice Stubbs, Byzantine Still Life, 1966, oil on masonite, 91.4 x
121.9 cm / 36 x 48"

[Image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,  Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at p. 358, ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN: 0889029792.]

Studham, Richard Lynn, 1936-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Collection Loto-Québec)
Studio de la Montagne (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998)
Stull, Henry, 1851-1913, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Stump, Sarain, 1945-1974 (Balkind; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

Sarain Stump, Shoshone of Eden Valley Reserve, Alberta, He Came Back, 1970, pen and ink sketch, H 43.2 cm; W 43.2 cm,
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (photographer: Rudi Haas).

[Description of title and image taken from the following book: Indian and Northern Affairs and
Olive Dickason, Indian Arts in Canada, Ottawa: Information Canada, 1972, at p. 104, plate 75.]

Photo of Agatha Stupnikoff appearing in her
obituary with biography, at thestarphoenix.
(accessed 4 March 2024).

Stupnikoff, Agatha, 1921-2010, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Sturdy, Kenneth (Ken), 1920-, (années 50; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Alberta Society of Artists)
Sturn, Pat, 1910-2011; webpage on the artist  (accessed 30 September 2024).
Stüssi Marcel (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

Image source: amazon.ca/Askew-Rudolf-St%C3%BCssi/dp/3894798750, accessed 22 January 2018
Book by Rudolf Stussi: Askew, Nicholaische Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, 2014, 96 p.;

Stussi, Rudolf, 1947-,  (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997)

Rudolf Stussi, Tacheles (Berlin), oil, 71 x 142, Collection
Clive Smith and Melanie Melody; text and image reproduced
from the following book:
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Ernest Annau, Académie royale des arts du Canada,   Royal Canadian Academy of Arts: Book of Days = Académie royale
des arts du Canada Calendrier perpétuel
,   [S.l.] : Firefly Books, 1997, 1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 21 cm. NOTES: Forward by Ernest Annau. English and French.
ISBN: 1552091171.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Stykolt, H. and W. Czerwinski, W., (années 50)
Suarez, Jose Antonio Londono, see Londono Suarez, Jose Antonio

Photo de Charles Sucsan reproduite du livre suivant:
Jean-Pierre Payette, 1936-, Le guide des artisans créateurs du Québec, Montréal:
Les Éditions La Presse, 1974, 351 p., à la p. 94, ill., carte; 19 cm, ISBN: 0-7777-0093-X.

Sucsan, Charles, 1932-2022, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Oeuvres d'art du Ministère des Travaux publics;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Magazin'art, v. 5(3), 1993, pp. 52-53; Répertoire 1983 des membres
------accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

Charles Sucsan, Saint-Jean l'Évangéliste, 1963-1969,
1,2 x 2,4 m., murale gravée dans le mortier frais.

[La description du titre de la sculpture et l'image de celle-ci proviennent du livre suivant:
Québec (Province), Ministère des Travaux publics et de l'approvisionnement, Les oeuvres
d'art du Ministère des Travaux publics et de l'approvisionnement : ou la politique du un
pour cent
, Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Direction générale des communications
gouvernementales, 1981, à la p. 137.]

Oeuvre de Charles
(Collection de François Lareau, mis en ligne 13 décembre 2014)


Photo of Marianne Suda in the article by Diane Turner,
"Canadian Ceramics 1967.  Potter Wins Her First Award",
Montreal Gazette, 7 March 1967, available at mbam.qc.ca
, accessed 3 January 2020.

Suda, Marianne, 1928-, artisane, céramique (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon
------des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)


Suetakak, 1933-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 296)
Suey, Wesley, 1898-, (Winnipeg School of Art)
Sugimoto, Yoskitake (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Sugino, Shin, 1946-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)
Sugslak, Joseph, (Seidelman)
Sugrue, John Francis (Photos 1895-1924)
Suhacev, Igor P., 1925-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Suicide, Richard (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sukora, Zdenek (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sulatyski, Tanya, 1969-,  (Galerie franco-ontarienne; Collection Loto-Québec; Reflections of Gloucester)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Sullivan, Betty Elizabeth, born in Wakefield, Quebec; artist's site

Betty Sullivan, Dressed for Tea, watercolour, 20 x
16", source: bettysullivanart.com/dataviewer.asp?keyvalue
; I would
like to thank the artist for her permission to reproduce
(7 March 2016).


Book on Derek Sullivan:
Sullivan, Derek, Joan Stebbins, Pamela Meredith, 1971-, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Derek Sullivan : we may be standing on the shoulder of giants
but some of us are looking at the stars, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, January 26 to March 2, 2008
/ curated by Joan Stebbins, Lethbridge : Southern
Alberta Art Gallery, c2008, 1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 23 cm. NOTES: Includes a catalogue essay by Pamela Meredith. When the dust jacket is removed
from the book, it can be unfolded to reveal an image of Arnold Palmer used in the installation. ISBN: 9781894699426 (AMIUS catalogue).
Image source of the book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=18941214171&searchurl=n%3D200000038%26xpod%3Don%26pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3DCanadian%2Barts#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 23 October 2016.

Sullivan, Derek, 1976-, (Builders: Biennial 2012)


Sullivan, Elizabeth, 1955-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Sullivan, Ellen Gould, 1907-, (Nova Scotia Folk Art)
Sullivan, Francis (ARTBOMB--2 and 24 November 2017)


Françoise Sullivan, Danse dans la neige, 1948 (photographie de Maurice Perron):

Anne Gérin, Françoise Sullivan: Life and Work,
READ NOW--DOWNLOAD and aci-iac.ca/art-books/
(accessed 19 July 2022).

Sullivan, Françoise, 1925-, signs the 1948 Automatist's manifeto, (McKendry; Reid;
------Béland; Leclerc; Robert 83; MQ; Daigneault, MAQ; Burnett; Tippett; Duval;
------Newlands; Roundstone Council for the Arts; L'art du Québec; Bernier 99;
------Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Robert 64; Gagnon; Collection Lavalin du
------Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection des livres d'artistes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Femmeuses 2001; Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2005;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Montréal, Michel Tétreault art contemporain;
------The 60s in Canada; Corporate collections; Sales Index 1989-90; Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45,
------hiver 2010-2011, p. 17; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Early Women Artists;
------Exhibition -- Parallel Flight 1993; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle;
------Art public de la ville de Montréal; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University;
------Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 57)

Livre sur Françoise Sullivan:

Déry, Louise, 1955-, Michel-V. Cheff, Jean Dumont, 1953-, Sullivan, Françoise Sullivan, Musée du Québec, Françoise Sullivan /
textes de Louise Déry et Jean Dumont; entrevue avec l'artiste par Michel-V. Cheff, [Québec] : Musée du Québec, c1993, 86 p. : ill. (certaines en coul.);
22 x 24 cm. NOTES: "Cette publication a été réalisée à l'occasion de l'exposition Françoise Sullivan, présentée au Musée du Québec du 10 février au
6 juin 1993"--Verso de p. de t. Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 82-85, ISBN: 2551130395 (catalogue AMICUS)

Françoise Sullivan, Tête d'aigle [Eagle Head], 1993, acrylic,
nylon, string, 224.3 x 243.6 cm, Collection of the artist.
"The work of Françoise Sullivan has made a profound and lively
impression on recent art history in Quebec through her wide-ranging
activities in dance, performance art, sculpture photography and painting.
The numerous exhibitions, articles and presentations in Canada and
abroad throughout nearly forty years of involvement in and devotion
to art demonstrate the richness, perseverance and versatility of this artist."
Image and text reproduced from the following catalogue:
Déry, Louise, 1955-, Danielle April, 1949-, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, Pictures for the sky : parallel flight / [texts written by Louise Déry; Danielle April
et al.], Montreal : Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, c1993, 31 p., at pp. 28-29, and 31: ill.; 28 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Montreal Museum
of Fine Arts June 17-Sept. 26, 1993. Issued also in French under title: L'art prend l'air.Includes bibliographical references: p. 8. ISBN: 2891921739.

Google -- Images for Françoise Sullivan

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sultan, Louise; site de l'artiste

Louise Sultan, Émeraude, 2020, huile, 24 x 24 x 1.5"; merci à l'artiste de nous avoir envo-
yé cette image l'inscription au répertoire (18 décembre 2022).


"Robert Summerhayes, 1876.  Photographe au service
de Notman".
Robert Summerhayes
25 décembre 1869: 5$; 30 avril 1880: 24$

Robert Summerhayes naquit en Angleterre et émigra au
Canada avec sa famille dans sa petite enfance.  Ayant
commencé comme jeune apprenti, il resta au studio de
Montréal pendant onze ans (jusqu'en 1880).  En 1881, il est
inscrit dans l'annuaire de Boston.  De retour à Montréal
l'année suivante, il gère son propre studio en association
avec Alfred Walford.  En 1891, Walford avait quitté le
studio et Summerhayes est inscrit seul jusqu'en 1894.  Il
était un raquetteur chevronné et, en tant que membre de la
Montreal Amateur Association, il gagna des douzaines de
médailles et de trophées dans des courses.

[La photo de Summerhayes ainsi que le texte proviennent du live

Triggs, Stanley, William Notman, 1826-1891, Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, Musée MCCord, William Notman l'empreinte
d'un studio
, [Toronto] : Art Gallery of Ontario = Musée des beaux arts de l'Ontario, ©1986, 173 pages, aux pages 117 (pour la photo) et
165 (pour le texte) : illustrations, portraits ; 28 x 30 cm + 1 feuille pliée (4 pages), Notes:
traductrices, Cécile Grenier, Jocelyne Marquis.
"Publié à l'occasion d'une exposition organisée et présentée à l'échelle nationale par le Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario en collaboration
avec le Musée McCord, Université McGill, 1985-1986"--Verso de la page de titre
Traduction de : William Notman : the stamp of a studio.
Publié en collaboration avec : The Coach House Press, ISBN:
0919777244, 9780919777248. (site consulté pour l'information bibliographique:
canada.on.worldcat.org et, mis en ligne le 27 novembre 2022).

Summerhayes, Robert, connu entre 1869 et 1882, photographe, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945)


Summers, Mark, 1955-, illustrator; artist's site
Sunahara, Walter Toshiyuki, 1935-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sunahara, Yoshiko/Yoshika, 1939-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Sunday, Celia, 1919-2010 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Sunn, Maya, 1977-; site de l'artiste/ artist's site 
Suqslaq, Joseph, (ARTBOMB--6 January 2014)
Surber, Paul (Sales Index 1989-90)
Surcouf, Lorraine Joy, 1933-, (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)

Jack Sures

Photo of Jack Sures reproduced from the following book:
Aarons, Anita, ed., "Allied Arts Catalogue - Catalogue des arts connexes", Arts for Architecture
(Royal Architectural Institute of Canada), numbers 49-89, volume 1968, 48 pages, at p. 35, vol. 2, Oct. 1968.

Sures, Jack, 1934-, sculptor and ceramist (Saskatchewan: art and artists; Allied Arts Catalogue 2;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Canadian Potters at Work; Claridge Inc. catalogue;
------Oeuvres d'artisans; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

Surette, Nelson, 1920-2004, (McKendry; Panorama de la sculpture)

Nelson Surette, Holigans de mains, huile sur isorel, 30 x 42" / 76,2 x 107 cm;
image reproduite du site Enchères Champagne Auctions, Art Canadien International
--Canadian and International Art, live bidding begins on 19 October 2021, lot 170, image
disponible à live.enchereschampagne.com/lots/view/4-3QIT4R/surette-nelson-holigans-de-mains, site consulté le 7 octobre 2021.


Surette, Richard (Collection Loto-Québec)
Suria, Tomas de, 1761-1835, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Suronen, Kary, (Sketches of Life on the Farm)

Kary Suronen, Sketch, figure 50.  Straw-cutter, ca. 1900.
"Figure 50.  Straw-cutter, ca. 1900.  This indispensable
barn machine of the 1920s was used primarily for cutting
silage for animals and was powered by a small gasoline
engine.  Used inside the barn, the dust and noise must have
been unbearable."

[Image and text reproduced from the following book:
Densmore, David, 1948-, Seasons of change : sketches of life on the farm / text by David Densmore; artwork by George Rickard ... [et al.],
Toronto : Summerhill Press, 1987, 151 p., at p. 80, figure 50: ill.; 23 x 27 cm.  NOTES: Includes bibliographies and index.  ISBN: 0920197418.]


Surprenant, Alain, 1949-, né à La Prairie, QC

Alain Surprenant, Castor et Pollux, 1988, acrylique
et collage sur bois, 214,5 x 142 cm, Collection du
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, numéro
d'inventaire CP.1989.40, reproduit du site: collections.
(site consulté le 26 juillet 2022).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Surprenant, Claire, née à Sainte-Catherine (Roussan 2013)
Surprenant, Denise, née à  St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec (L'Artothèque--2014)


Photo of Philip Surrey, courtesy of
Galerie d'art Michel Bigué

Surrey, Philip Henry, 1910-1990,  (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Roussan 82;
------Reid;  Boulizon; Robert 83; Trépanier; 150 Years of Art in Manitoba;
------Roussan 82;  Robert 78; Art Gallery of Ontario; Harper; Hill; MQ;
------Hubbard; Burnett; Sir George Williams University; Firestone Art
------Collection; Duval; Morris; Canadian Drawings; L'art du Québec;
------Bernier 99; Modern Painting; Gagnon; Montréal vu par les peintres;
------Shell Canada Collection; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983; Collection Loto-Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Winnipeg School of Art; Creative Canada, 1972; Société d'art contemporain, Montréal, 1939-1948;
------Duval 1952; Canadian War Posters; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Peinture et sculpture québécoises
------1670-1995 par Ostiguy); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Surrey

Philip Surrey, La rue Saint-Jacques à 5 heures, acrylique sur papier, 32,7 x 24,4 cm,
sur la couverture du livre suivant: 
Martin, Denis et Michèle Grandbois, La Collection des desseins et estampes: 80
oeuvres choisies
,  Musée du Québec, 1991, 214 p., ISBN: 2551125855,

Google -- Images for Philip Surrey
Surusila, Harry, 1944-, (McMaster University)
Survilla, Ivonka Symaniec, 1936-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Suska, Helena, 1897-1993 (Alberta Society of Artists)
Sutcliff, Robert, (ARTBOMB--20 May and 8 August 2016)
Sutcliffe, Erma, 1912/15-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sutcliffe, Harry, photographe (Montréal au XXe s.--photographes)
Sutcliffe, Howard (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Sutcliffe, Roger (ARTBOMB--13 June, 7 July 13 and 15 August, 22 September and 30 October 2016; 9 January, 12 February
------and 23 March 2017; 20 February and 11 June 2018; 16, 30  and 31 January 2019)
Sutherland, Betty (Société d'art contemporain, Montréal, 1939-1948)
Sutherland, Edward, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Sutherland, Edward, fl 1851, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sutherland, Edward, fl 1872-5, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sutherland, Fanny, fl 1858-59, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sutherland, Florence M., fl 1888, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sutherland, Frederick William, 1860, fl c1920s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sutherland, Gail (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Sutherland, Joan, (Carleton; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Sutherland, Joan Charlotte, 1942-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sutherland, Kirk (ARTBOMB--9 August and 19 September 2016)
Sutterfield, Allen (Adze) 
Suttle, Charlie, 1914-, (Folk Artists)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Sutton, Carol, 1945-, (Vallée 83; McKendry; Burnett; Tippett; Abstract Painting;
------Shell Canada Collection; Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Art in Ontario)

Carol Sutton, "Alvertie, 1977, acrylic on canvas, 67 1/2 x 143 1/2", photo: André Fauteux."

[Image and description of Carol Sutton's canvas are reproduced from the following book:
Parkin, Jeanne, William J.S. Boyle, Visual Arts Ontario, Art in Architecture: Art for the built environment in the Province
of Ontario
, [Toronto] : Visual Arts Ontario, 1982, xii, 276 p., at p. 256: ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 276, ISBN: 0920708048]

Sutton, L. (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Suzana, Ken, 1948-, (Realism; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art in Ontario)
Suzor, Louis-Jacques, 1955-, joaillier (Grand prix des métiers d'art)

Suzor-Côté, Marc-Aurèle de Foy, 1869-1937 (McKendry; Béland; Magazin'art, v. 9(1),
------1996, pp. 96-100 and 131-134(E); Fine Arts of Canada; Roussan 98; Vallée 83;
------Vallée 89; Vallée 93;  Roussan 82; Reid;  Boulizon; Robert 78; Harper; Art Gallery
------of Ontario; MQ; Hubbard; MAQ; Lord; Bruens 88; Québec 1940-1966;
------Newlands; Morris; Giles; Canadian Drawings; L'art du Québec; Bernier 99;
------MQ 2; University of Guelph; Robert 64; L'art au Canada français; Montréal
------vu par les peintres; Art Gallery of Hamilton; Winnipeg Art Gallery; Development
------of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Art of the British Empire Overseas; Collection
------Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Laliberté; Collection Loto-Québec;
------Creative Canada, 1971; Duval 1952; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Peinture et sculpture
------québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Morisset; Ontario Collection; Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978);
------en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc-Aurele Foy_Suzor-Cot%C3%A9

Pour aller plus loin, on consultera également:

Brunette, Michel, "Paysage et paysan dans l'oeuvre de Suzor-Côté
(Suzor-Côté et Edmond de Nevers),  mémoire de maîtrise,
Université de Montréal, 1974 (source de cette information: Loren Singer,
"Mémoires et thèses en histoire de l'art au Canada" -- "Canadian
Art History Theses and Dissertations", Journal of Canadian Art
History / Annales d'histoire de l'art
Canadien, volume 5, number 2, (1981)
pp. 122-128 à la p. 124 (mis en ligne le 28 avril 2022).

Google -- Images for Marc-Aurèle de Foy Suzor-Côté

Documentaire de l'ONF sur Suzor-Côté


Aiko Suzuki, fibre creation, Toronto Star, 8/7/1978, reproduced from
digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/224323/...., accessed on 20 February 2022.

Suzuki, Aiko, 1937-2005, (Canadian Drawings; History of Art in Toronto Schools; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------ Contemporary Tapestry; Early Women Artists; Art in Ontario)


Suzuki, Takako, (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Svarre, Grace, 1935-, (McMaster University)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo de Maria Svatina reproduite
du livres suivant:
Jean-Pierre Payette, 1936-, Le guide des artisans créateurs du Québec, Montréal:
Les Éditions La Presse, 1974, 351 p., à la p. 95, ill., carte; 19 cm, ISBN: 0-7777-0093-X.

Svatina, Maria, née en Yougoslavie,  artisane, tissage (Tapisserie québécoise; Artisans créateurs du Québec; Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités
------ de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)


Sved, Donna (ARTBOMB--25 July, 10, 11 and 17 August, 13 September, 28 October, 17 November and 12 December 2014;
------14 January, 24 February, 11 and 21 April, 2 May, 6 and 31 October 2015; 5 February, 9 and 28 March, 25 April, 23 June, and 23 and
------26 July 2016; 15 and 20 March, 8 April, 21 September, 9, 20 and 29 October and 11 November 2017; 6 January, 25 April, 4 and
------21 May, 2 and 24 June and 6 and 8 July 2018)
Sverre, Christy, 1956-,  (ARTBOMB--7 November and 23 December 2015)
Svendsen, Svend V., 1864-, fl 1886, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Svob, Mike (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012; Murals of Chemainus, B.C.
Svrcek, Louise, see--voir Greene, Shelag
Swaffield, Myrtle Lewis, fl 1945+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Swaine, Mary, 1952-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Swainson, William, 1789-1855 (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Swan, Larissa, craftperson in textiles (Cutting Edge in Crafts)
Swan, Peter, 1941-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Swan, Rosemary, potter, (Reflections of Gloucester; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Swannie, Suzanne, 1942-, weaver, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans; Mount Saint Vincent University Collection;
------Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)


Burrell Swartz, photo from the website of the artist,
accessed 30 September 2024.

Swartz, Burrell, 1925-2004, (University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Photo of Roslyn Swartzman, in the article by Doris
Giller, "Etchings on Display: Vernissage Like Graduation
Time to Start Something New", Montreal Star, 4 November 1966,
available at mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/web1967spicilege32.pdf, accessed 3 January 2020.

Swartzman, Roslyn (née Scheinfeld), 1931-2023, born in Montreal (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Daigneault 81; MAQ; McMaster
------University; Shell Canada Collection; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
------contemporain de Montréal; Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de
------la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Avmor Collection;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Early Women Artists); see obituary with notes on her career

Roslyn Swartzman, Prairie Winter III, colour stone etching with embossing,
numbered 16/40, 22 x 30" -- 55.9 x 76.2 cm, sold atWaddington's Women in Art,
online auction, 5-10 March 2022, lot 427 price realized $420.00, reproduced from
waddingtons.ca/auction/women-in-art-mar-10-2022/gallery/lot/427/  (accessed 12 March 2022).


Sweeny, Bob (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Sweeny, Frances Beatrice, fl 1934+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Sweetman, Harriet, act. 1830, (McKendry; Folk Artists)
Swenson, Jens E. (Photos 1895-1924)
Swerdlow, Christina, craftperson in textiles (Cutting Edge in Crafts)
Swiatek, Ted (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Swiatecki, Antoni, 1949-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Swiblod, Suzanne, 1938-, photographe, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Swiderski, Anne, de Chelsea, (Symposium Gatineau en couleurs, 2011; ARTBOMB--29 May, 16 June, 17 and 21 July, 16 September,
------9 November  and 23 December 2016; 8 April abnd 11 May 2017); artist's site/site de l'artiste
Swift, Jonathan W., fl 1836-66, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Swift, Joseph/James, 1832-1889, fl 1872 (Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Joseph Swift, Princess Louisa, watercolour and pencil on paper, 18.5 x 24", sold at
Miller & MIller Auctions Ltd., New Hamburg, ON, Canadiana & Decorative Arts,
14 May 2023, lot 322 reproduced from live.millerandmillerauctions.com/lots/view/4-5T28KS/
(accessed 2 June 2023). Sold for $8,500.00. 


Swift, Michel, (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)
Swim, Joanna (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Swim, Fontana (ARTBOMB--3 April 2018)


Publication on Laurie Swim:

Carol Bruneau, 1956, Laurie Swim, No Ordinary Magic: the art of
Laurie Swim
, Fredericton, New Brunswick : Goose Lane Editions, 2023,
9781773103457, 1773103458;
"Laurie Swim is an artist of extraordinary range and vision.
For more than forty years, she has been among the most
capable and passionate practitioners of textile art."
[Text and 
image reproduced from: chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/....,
accessed 29 July 2023.]

Swim, Laurie Elizabeth, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurie_Swim


Swinburne, Jan (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Swiniarski, Larry (Avmor Collection)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


George Swinton, 1964, source of the photo:
WAG - Swinton-SL-ACC_15_2C, umanitoba.ca/
accessed 10 February 2020.

Swinton, George, 1917-2002, (McKendry; Burnett; Queen's University; Carleton; 150 Years of Art
------in Manitoba; Winnipeg Art Gallery; Creative Canada, 1971; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

George Swinton,
image source: http://www.ebay.ca

Swithenbank, Gail (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Switzer, Allan, 1955-, (Magazin'art, v. 9(3), 1997, pp. 65-67 and 94-96(E); Monte Clark Gallery Vancouver)
Switzer, Glenys (Alberta Society of Artists)
Switzer, Richard (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)


Sybal, Philip, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)

Philip Sybal, The Morning in Frontenac County, 1994, oil on canvas, 36 x 48 " — 91.4
x 121.9 cm; on sale at Waddington's, Modern, Post-War and Contemporary Art, 19
October 2023, lot 81, image reproduced from waddingtons.ca/auction/modern-post-war-and-
(accessed 19 October 2023). 


Sybiline, 1976-, (Roussan 2005)
Sydiaha, Joanne Oldring Beirnes, 1945-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Syed, Shaan (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
Sykes, John, 1724-1858, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; British Columbia, a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)
Sylca, 1955-, (Roussan 2009)
Sylcor, Jean, 1932-, (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Syliboy, Allan (Alan), 1952-, (Nova Scotia; Art and Craft of Nova Scotia; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works;
------Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists; Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years
Sylvain, Catherine (Sagamie : L'imprimé numérique en art contemporain; Art public de la ville de Montréal)
Sylvain, Jacques, 1950-, (Roussan 2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Sylvain, Jocelyne (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------ Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sylvain, Louise D., 1944-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Sylvain, Marc (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Sylvain, Marc (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sylvain, Michel, pseudonyme pour deux personnes: Michel Babeux et Sylvain Cayer
Sylvain, Michel, ( Magazin'art, v. 14(1), 2001, p.. 44)
Sylvestre, Daniel, 1952-,  (L'art et le papier 4; L'art et le papier 5; L'art et le papier 7;
------Collection Loto-Québec; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)
Sylvestre, Daniel (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998;
------Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Sylvestre, Danielle (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sylvestre, Henri (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Sylvestre, J. Richard, 1940-1997, (Roussan 98; Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Robert 83; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)

Yves Sylvestre est la deuxième personne de la droite.  Cette photo accompagne l'article de
Renée Lacoursière, "À la Galerie La Salle: Un artisanat canadien abondant et varié", Le nouvelliste,
samedi 12 décembre 1964 à la p. 5, dispobible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3257269 (site
consulté le 21 avril 2021).

Sylvestre, Yves, émailleur, voir De Passillé-Sylvestre, Yves and Micheline

Syme, James, 1832-1881, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Syme, Jonathan (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Syme, Ruth Helen (Ellen) (née Charman), 1934-, (Early Women Artists; Alberta Society of Artists)
Symington, Juanita LeBarre, 1904-1979, (McMaster University)

Juanita Le Barre Symington, untitled (Going to Church), 1954, oil on canvas
board, 16 x 20 " --- 40.6  x 50.8 cm, as seen at online auction, discovery art, date
to be confirmed, lot 136,Waddington's, source of image:  waddingtons.ca/auction/
, site accessed on 7 January 2022.


Symons, Bessie Adelaide Fry, 1884-, (University of Guelph)
Symons, Jelinger H., fl 1861, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Symons, Robert David, 1898-1973, born in Mayfield, England and died in Silton, SK (McKendry; Saskatchewan: art and artists; Painters
------from Saskatchewan
; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

Book on Robert David Symons (image:
http://www.abebooks.com, 25 October 2014):

Fenton, Terry, 1940-, author, Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery issuing body, Robert David Symons : countryman : artist, writer, naturalist, rancher / Terry Fenton;
introduction by Trevor Herriot, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan: Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery, 2013, ISBN: 9781927516034; mnote: also published in French / aussi
publié en français sous le titre: Un homme du terroir, Robert David Symons : artiste, écrivain, naturaliste, rancher;


Syollie (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 278)
Syperek, Anna, 1950-, (L'estampe à Québec; Art and Craft of Nova Scotia; Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists;
------Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)
Systeme Septikes (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Szablowski, Julie Anne Richard, 1932-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Syverson, Terrence Vernon, 1939-, born in Kincaid, SK (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Szabo (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

Image source: https://www.google.ca, accessed 27 July 2019
Book by Zoltan Szabo:
Szabo, Zoltan, Zoltan Szabo, Artist at Work, New York : Watson-Guptill Publications ; London : Pitman ; Don Mills, Ont. :
General Publishing, 1979,
144 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), port., ISBN: 9780823059775 and 0823059774; 

Szabo, Zoltan, 1928-2003, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

Szarsto, Dezso (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

Szasz, Endre, 1926-2003, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)

Image source:offthewall.waddingtons.ca/auction/183/lot-305, accessed 30 April 2016
Endre Szasz, The Girl of the Woods, mixed
media on board, 48.3 x 34.3 /
19 x 13.5".

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Szasz, Rose (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
Szekely, Pierre, 1923-2001 (Sculpture; Art public de la ville de Montréal)
Szenes, Susan (ARTBOMB--30 September 2013; 12 and 20 January, 3 April, 3 and 27 May 2015; 25 May and 2 July 2016; 12 January,
------3 March and 13 May 2017)
Szep, Paul, 1941-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Szepielewicz, Thaddeus, 1955-, (Ontario Collection)
Szilasi, Andrea (Collection Loto-Québec; Avmor Collection; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, pp. 80-81)

Book on Gabor Szilasi:
Harris, David, 1950-, Gabor Szilasi, 1928-, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography,
Musée d'art de Joliette, Gabor Szilasi : the eloquence of the everyday / guest curator, David Harris,
Ottawa : Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, 2009, 239 p. ill., ports. ; 29 cm. NOTES:
Exhibition catalogue. Issued also in French under title: Gabor Szilasi, l'éloquence du quotidien. Published
in conjunction with the exhibition Gabor Szilasi: the eloquence of the everyday, organized by the Musée
d'art de Joliette and the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography. Includes bibliographical references
Co-published by: Musée d'art de Joliette. ISBN: 9780888848666.

Szilasi, Gabor, 1928-, photographe, (Magazin'art, v. 113), 1999, pp. 85-87(E); Murray;
------Collection Loto-Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale
------du Québec; Avmor Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media
------Arts --2010; The 60s in Canada; Corporate collections; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, pp. 80-81;
------Montréal au XXe s.--photographes; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board; Canadian Encyclopedia --Photographers;
------Foire d'art contemporain d'oeuvres sur papier 2014; Stephen Bulger Gallery Toronto; Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)

Publication sur Gabor Szilasi (image du
livre: http://www.museejoliette.org):

Harris, David, 1950-, Gabor Szilasi, 1928-, Musée canadien de la photographie contemporaine, Musée d'art de Joliette,
Gabor Szilasi : l'éloquence du quotidien / commissairede l'exposition, David Harris, Ottawa : Musée canadien de la
photographie contemporaine, 2009, 239 p.: ill., ports.; 29 cm. NOTES: Catalogue d'exposition. Publ. aussi en anglais
sous le titre: Gabor Szilasi, the eloquence of the everyday. Publié à l'occasion de l'exposition Gabor Szilasi: l'éloquence
du quotidien organisée par le Musée d'art de Joliette et le Musée canadien de la photographie contemporaine. Comprend
des réf. bibliogr.: p. 39-41. Publ. en collab. avec: Musée d'art de Joliette, ISBN: 9780888848642.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Szilva, Joseph, 1950-, (University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Szoke, Donna; artist's site
Szopinska, Monika (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Szulhan, Oksana, 1952-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
