
Index of Canadian Artists (Visual Arts) ---O
Répertoire des artistes canadiens (Arts visuels)---O

Par / By  François Lareau © François Lareau, Ottawa,  1998-,

S-T-U-V- W-X-Y-Z

Artistes canadiens en arts visuels -- Avons-nous votre nom?
Pour ajouter un lien à votre site,  pour vous inscrire
au répertoire ou pour ajouter une image de
votre art, écrivez-moi à flareau@rogers.com
-- c'est gratuit.

Les amis d'artistes, les chercheurs, la famille, tous peuvent m'écrire!

Je ne donne pas d'estimations sur la valeur des tableaux.

Site non lucratif et de recherches.


Canadian artists in visual arts  --Do we have your name?
To add a link to your site, or your name to this index or

an image of your art, write to me at flareau@rogers.com
-- it's free.

Friends of artists, researchers, family relatives, anybody can write to me about an artist!

I do not give estimates on the value of paintings.

Non-profit website for research.

  References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

O    like in  / comme dans O'Brien, Lucius R., 1832-1899, "A Prospector's Camp" (illustration from Albert H. Robson,
      Canadian Landscape Painters, Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1932,  p. 37)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses  

Oad, Jan, 1889-, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Oades, Lorraine, 1957-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 118)
Oakes, Nancy (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Oakley, Fred, fl 1963-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1411)
Oakley, George, 1793-1869, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Oakley, Sharon ( Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Oakman, Harry, 1913-1985, photographer, web page on the artist
Oates, David, 1935-2008, painter; app.pch.gc.ca/application/aac-aic/artiste....
Obed, Jesse Clayton, 1878-1932, (Folk Artists; Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Obendrauf, Pierre (Photojournalism from La Presse and The Gazette)
Obergfell, Richard, 1921-1971, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Oberheide (also Oberheide-Zerges), Heidi, 1943-, (McKendry; Tippett; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; ARTBOMB--28 July 2016)
Oberholzer-Zerges, Ursula (ARTBOMB--23 September, 3 October and 23 November 2016; 7 and 12 May, 17 August, 2 and 25 October and
-----------8 December 2017; 30 July, 29 August, 14 September and 18 October 2018)
Oberlander, Cornelia Hahn, 1921-2021 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Oberlander, Wendy

Wendy Oberlander, Heartbowl wall (detail), 2000, glass, steel,
image reproduced from the cover of the following book:
Federation of Jewish Community Services of Montreal, Montreal Jewish Community Campus commissioned art collection =
la collection d'oeuvres d'art sur commande du Campus communautaire juif de Montréal,
Montréal, Québec : Federation CJA, [1999?], 31 p. : col. ill.; 23 cm.

Oberne, Marjorie Mary Borden, 1911-1992, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1412)


Diane Obomsawin, photographer: Sam
Tata, Library and Archives Canada,  Collections
and Fonds – 3608126, accession number:1975-150 NPC, research link:
bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/CollectionSearch/Pages/record.aspx?app=FonAndCol&IdNumber=3608126, accessed 30 September 2019.

Obomsawin, Alanis, 1932-, filmmaker/cinéaste (Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2001; First Nations;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


Obomsawin, Diane (pseudonyme: Obom), 1959-,  (Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, p. 56; Histoire de la caricature au Québec)

Obreau, Gabrielle, 1917-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
O'Brien, Colleen, (ARTBOMB--4 February 2018)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

O'Brien, Cynthia (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
O'Brien, D.C., fl 1846-62, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
O'Brien, Hazel, fl 1960s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p)
O'Brien, Henry Higgins Donatus, 1801-1868, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


J. Leonard O'Brien, source of the photo: legnb.
, accessed 4 May 2023.

O'Brien, J. Leonard, 1895-1973, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1412);

Research note:
Member of the Provincial Legislative Assembly
(1925-1930), House of Commons 1940-1945,
and Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick (1958-1965).


Image source: http://www.abebooks.com, accessed 30 June 2015
Book on the artist John O'Brien:

Laurette, Patrick Condon, John O'Brien, 1831-1891, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, John O'Brien, 1831-1891 / Patrick Condon Laurette; introductory
essay and descriptive entries by Charles A. Armour; conservation entries and appendix by Laurie Hamilton and Keith Bantock, Halifax : Art Gallery
of Nova Scotia, c1984, 128 p.: ill. (some col.); 31 cm.

O'Brien, John, 1831-1891, (Newlands; McKendry; Reid;  Harper; Hubbard; Lord; Nova Scotia; Biographical Index of
------Artists in Canada; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works; Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)

O'Brien, John, 1831/2-1891, Flagship Wellesley and Squadron Leaving Halifax Habour, 1850, oil on canvas, 70.0 x 110.8 cm,  Loan collection of NSCAD
University, 1969.04


O'Brien, Lucius R. (Robert Lucius), 1832-1899,
circa 1885, Photographer unknown, Albumen print,
10.0 x 9.5 cm, Archives of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario
(Society of Artists papers)

O'Brien, Lucius Richard (Robert Lucius), 1832-1899, (Newlands; McKendry; Reid; Boulizon; Harper; University of Guelph;
------Hubbard; Robert 78; Art Gallery of Ontario; Lord; Giles; McMaster University; Fine Arts in Canada; Nova Scotia;
------Queen's University; Canadian Drawings; Paysagistes; Robert 64; Glenbow-Alberta Institue; Art Gallery of Hamilton;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Toronto in Art; Painters in a New Land; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1413-1415;  Sales Index 1989-90;
------Ontario Collection; British Columbia, a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucius_Richard_O%27Brien

O'Brien, Lucius Richard (Robert Lucius), 1832-1899, Fishing Party Returning Home, w.c./aquarelle, 9 1/2 x 18", 1874, Mrs. Percy Band, Toronto.


O'Brien, Mary Elizabeth, 1956-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
O'Brien, Mary Margaret, 1905-, (Folk Artists)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Livre sur Michael D. O'Brien:
Cavallin, Clemens, author, On the edge of infinity : a biography of Michael D. O'Brien,
San Francisco : Ignatius Press, [2017], 292 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color),
portraits (some color) ; 23 cm, ISBN: 9781621642602, 1621642607; Voilà catalogue and WorldCat Database,
source de l'image: https://www.abebooks.com/....  and The Book Depository (London, United Kingdom), accessed 6 December 2019;

O'Brien, Michael David Joseph, 1948-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1415)

Michael D. O'Brien, The Sword and the Crown, image source: seatofwisdom.ca/
, accessed 6 December 2019.


O'Brien, Sylvia B., 1952-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
O'Brien, Paddy Gunn, 1929-2012, died in London, ON (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1415-1416)

Paddy Gunn O'Brien, Bathers Changing, reproduced from the Jubilee Year Catalogue, 75th Annual Canadian
Academy of Arts
, 1954, at p. 12.

OBrotza, Lydia, 1939-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1416)
O'Byrne, Maureen,. (L'estampe à Québec)
Ocampo, Alvaro, (Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 28, p. 64)
Occhipinti, Angela (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)


Ochs, Peter Paul, 1931-1994, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 5, pp. 1416-1418)

Peter Paul Ochs, Abstract # 41, 1958, oil on canvas,
39 x 29"--99.06 x 73.66 cm; on sale at Westbridge Fine Art
Auction House, Canadian & International, 25 February 2023,
lot 23, and reproduced from invaluable.com/auction-.... (accessed on 19 February 2023)  


O'Connor, Harold, 1868-1909 (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
O'Connor, Harry, 1892-1963, carver, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1418)
O'Connor, Patrick, c1890-1960), (Folk Artists; Eastern Canadian Folk Art)
Octavo, pen-name used sometimes by voir Julien, Henri in the 1880s ( History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Odds (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Oddsson, A. Warren, 1958-2001; web page on the artist

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Oddy, Allan Colman, 1923-2011, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1419)


Odell, Gordon K. (Canadian War Posters)

Gordon K. Odell, Train-exposition canadien, affiche, 113 x 83 cm,
S.L., s.é., vers 1923,  image accompagnant l'article sur cette
affiche, "Une remarquable affiche illustrant les relations entre
la France et le Canada",  disponible à À Rayons ouverts, Chroniques
de Bibliothèque
et Archives nationales du Québec, hiver 2021,
numéro 107, à la p. 35, collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/14433, site consulté le 2 octobre 2021.

O'Dette, John Herbert, 1920-2005, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Odin, Geneviève, (L'Artothèque--2014)

Book on Daphne Odjig (image:http://www.
abebooks.com, 26 September 2014):

Devine, Bonnie, 1952-, Robert Houle, 1947-, National Gallery of Canada, Art Gallery of Sudbury, The drawings and paintings of Daphne Odjig : a retrospective exhibition /
Bonnie Devine; with texts by Robert Houle and Duke Redbird, Ottawa : National Gallery of Canada, c2007, 141, [3] p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. NOTES: Cover title: Daphne Odjig
Issued also in French under title: Les dessins et peintures de Daphne Odjig. Exhibition catalogue. "National Gallery of Canada in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Sudbury,
2007". Issued also in Anishnabe under title: Daphne Odjig Miznibii'ganan. Exhibition itinerary: "Art Gallery of Sudbury, 15 Sept. -11 Nov., 2007; Kamloops Art Gallery,
15 June - 31 Aug. 2008; National Gallery of Canada, 16 Oct. 2009 -10 Jan. 2010"--T.p. verso. Includes bibliographical references: p. [2-3] (2nd group), ISBN: 9780888848406
(AMICUS catalogue)

Odjig, Daphne, 1919-2016, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; McKendry; Reid; Thunder Bay Art Gallery
------Tippett; Balkind; McMichael Canadian Art Collection; Newlands; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2007; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1419-1420; Sales Index 1989-90; Ontario Collection;
------University of Winnipeg Collection -- Women; The Grand Western Canadian Screen Shop; Treasured
------Moments: John and Monica Kurtz; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Daphne Odjig, Thunderbird Woman, 1970, H 91.5 cm; W 73.5 cm.  Department of Indian Affairs and
Northern Development (photo by Rudi Haas).

"Painting and collage entitled 'Thunderbird Woman' by Daphne Odjig, Ojibway from
Manitoulin Island.  In acrylics and natural materials on masonite, it was done in 1970.
Thunderbird woman was capable of taking on human form, which she did when she
married a young brave.  One day a jealous man shot and killed her.  Nanabozho heard
of the grief of her husband and advised him to go to the top of a tall mountain that reached
into the clouds.  There the husband was overjoyed to find his wife alive and well, but in
the form of half thunderbird and half woman.  Still her husband wanted to stay with her,
so Thunderbird Woman took him to a thunderbird medicine man who transformed the
young brave into the same form as his wife, and he never returned to earth again."

[Description of title, image and text taken from the following book: Indian and Northern
Affairs and Olive Dickason, Indian Arts in Canada, Ottawa: Information Canada,
1972, at p. 106]

Google -- Images for Daphne Odjig
O'Donnell, Daphne Lee, fl 1971-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1420)
O'Donnell, Joanne, 1957-, (Vallée 93)

Paul O'Donnell
[Photo de Paul O'Donnell reproduite du livre suivant:
Jean-Pierre Payette, 1936-, Le guide des artisans créateurs du Québec, Montréal:
Les Éditions La Presse, 1974, 351 p., à la p. 277, ill., carte; 19 cm, ISBN: 0-7777-0093-X]

O'Donnell, Paul, 1940-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1420;
------Artisans créateurs du Québec)

Oeuvre de Paul O'Donnell reproduite du livre suivant:
Jean-Pierre Payette, Le guide des artisans créateurs du Québec, supra,
à la p. 277.

O'Dowd, Jeanne, émailleuse (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
O'Driscoll, Steve (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Oelschteger, Gustavus, c1833, fl 1860 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Oesterle, Leonhard, 1915-2009, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Robert 64; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1420-1422)
Office du film du Québec; (Montréal au XXe s.--photographes)
O'Flaherty, Agnes, (ARTBOMB--18 and 25 March 2015)
O'Flanagan, Thomas Francis (Tom), 1949-, born in Melfort, SK (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
O'Flynn, Claudia, 1938-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ogawa, Gaboku, 1911-2000, (L'Artothèque--2014)


Ogden, Frederick D., (Art Auctions 1976-1978)

Frederick D. Ogden, Calm Water Landscape, oil on canvas, 24.25 x 36 ",
lot number 87, Walker's Fine Art & Estate Auctioneers, Ottawa, Discovery Live
Auction October 2nd 2019, image source: walkersauctions.hibid.com/catalog/185166/
, accessed 2 October 2019

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Ogden, Henry Alexander (Harry), 1856-1936, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Drawing by H.A. Ogden:

H.A. Ogden
At the Portage: Hudson's Bay Company's Employees on Their Annual Expedition

From Picturesque Canada, vol. 1
(Toronto, 1882)
Hudson's Bay Company Archives
(RB FC 51 vol. 1, opp. p. 309 [N13764])
Provincial Archives of Manitoba

This drawing gives us some idea of the
size and shapes of bales, barrels, boxes,
and other articles transported by fur trade
canoes. [source of text and image: historymuseum.ca/
, and historymuseum.
, accessed 23 January 2020.


Ogden, Ethel, 1869-1902, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethel_Ogden
Ogden, Greta, 1875-1939, see Dictionary of Canadian Biography at biographi.ca/en/bio/ogden_greta_submit_16E.html (accessed 1 March 2025).
Ogilvie, Jessie Aird, 1908-1985, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1422)
Ogilvie, Mary-Lynn, 1947-, (Vie des arts, numéro 222, vol. 45, printemps 2011, p. 72)
Ogilvie (née), Willa Margaret, 1933-2015, married D. Douglas Creighton, born in Montreal and died in Halifax, NS
------(Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;  Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1422-1423)

New Year's eve in the 1930's; front row, from left to right: Elizabeth Wyn Wood, Paraskeva Clark, Will Ogilvie;  in the middle, Doris Davies seated on
Charles Comfort; back row: unknown person, Emmanuel Hahn, Louise Comfort and Gordon Davies.
Ogilvie, William (Will) Abernethy, 1901-1989, (McKendry; Reid; Harper; Hubbard; Hill; Art
------Gallery of Ontario; Firestone Art Collection; Duval; Morris; Canada at War; University of Guelph;
------Canvas of War; Carleton; Art Gallery of Hamilton; The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour;
------Creative Canada, 1972; History of Art in Toronto Schools; Duval 1952; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1423-1427;
------Sales Index 1989-90); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Ogilvie_(painter)

Google -- Images for Will Ogilvie, 1901-1989

Ogilvy, Carol Code, fl 1957+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1427)
Ogilvy, Isabella Ewan Laurie, 1863, fl 1936, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
O'Gorman, Mabel, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ogyallay-Morell, Egon, 1924-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Oh, Seungmee (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Ohadi, Farnaz (ARTBOMB--28 October and 17 December 2014)
O'Hagan, Duane (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
O'Hagan, Shawn, (Smart)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

O'Halloran, Barbara Stephens (Sales Index 1989-90)
O'Hanlon, Harry, 1915 or 1916-1996, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Harry O'Hanlon, Officier de la Gendarmerie
royale du Canada, 1994, bronze, grandeur
nature, photographie: Don Molyneaux, Le Parc
historique du fort Calgary.

[La description du titre et l'image proviennent du livre suivant:
Carol Sprachman, Fédération canadienne des amis de musées, Trésors parlants /
[comité d'édition, Carol Sprachman ... et al.; traduction, Monique Nadeau-Saumier]
= Significant treasures, Toronto : Fédération canadienne des amis de musées, c1997,
320 p., à la p. 231 : ill. (certaines en coul.), portr.; 24 cm. NOTES: Sur la couv.:
Un guide des trésors parlants qui vous attentent dans les musées du Canada.
Comprend des index. Traduction de: Significant treasures/Trésors parlant. Texte en
français seulement, ISBN: 1550565095 (Catalogue AMICUS)]
O'Hara, James Frederick, 1904-1980, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
O'Hara, Pat, 1936-, fl 1970s, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 5, p. 1427; Contemporary British Columbia Artists)
Ohashi, William Ken, 1934-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1427-1428)
Ohaytook, Lucassie, 1921-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plates 108 and 339)


Katie Ohe
Katie Ohe is a renowned Canadian sculptor and
one of the first artists to make abstract sculpture
in Alberta. Born in 1937 in Peers, Alberta, she
attended the Alberta College of Art (ACAD),
the Montreal School of Art and Design, the
Sculpture Centre in New York and Fonderia
Fabris in Verona, Italy.
[Text and above photo from Art Galery of Alberta (asa),
youraga.ca/programs-and-tours, accessed 30 March 2022]

Ohe, Kathie/Katie von der, 1937-, (Newlands; Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1428; Early Women Artists;
-----Alberta Society of Artists)

Kathie Ohe, Muskeg Baby No. 2,
steel sculpture, 2008, 42 x 18 x 6" --
106.7 x 45.7 x 15.2 cm, Heffel, online auction,
Contemporary Prints and Sculptures, 3-31 March 2022,
lot 719, image available at heffel.com/Online/LotDetails....
and heffel.com/Online/LotDetails....  and heffel.com/Online/Lots... (accessed 30 March 2022).


John Donald O'Henry
While serving overseas, John made sketches of people and activity around him.
He sent the initial batch of sketches home, but they were intercepted by censors,
so he kept new sketches in his pack. Decades later the sketches were no longer
considered contraband, and several were donated to the Canadian War Museum
in 2006.


John used government benefits for veterans to attend the Ontario College of Art
This was his first formal art training. He met and fell in love with a classmate, Hillary,
an artist from British Columbia, who would be his future wife.

John built a cottage on Smoke Lake in Algonquin Park. He and Hilary lived in the cabin
one cold winter. They had a circle of like-minded friends, at Smoke Lake, who were
interested in art and nature and who joined them on canoe trips for weeks at a time
throughout the park. After starting a family, the cottage was home during summers.

After attending Teachers’ College, John accepted a teaching position in 1952 at the
art department at H. B. Beal Secondary School, London, Ontario. John was influential
in establishing Beal Art as an acclaimed special place for encouraging and developing
youth with artistic talent. Many professional artists had their start at Beal Art. John
provided encouragement, inspiration, and guidance to hundreds of art students, many
of whom contacted him years later to express their appreciation.

John received approval for a sabbatical for the 1964-65 school year to investigate and
report on how art was taught in England, as well as to visit galleries and museums. He
received a British Arts Council grant for the project. John and his family sailed to England
in the fall of 1964. This year was an exciting and grand adventure for all the family.

While teaching, John also passionately pursued creating art, expressing himself through
painting, drawing, printmaking, and photography. His works were in numerous art shows
throughout his career.
[Source of above photo and excerpt of text from obituary at harrisfuneralhome.ca/obituaries/
, accessed 24 September 2024].

O'Henly, John Donald, 1923-2023, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1429)


Ohi, Ruth, 1964-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ohlmacher, Peter, 1937-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Ohman, Nina, see also under Ojeda;  site 1--site 2-- site 3-- site 4---site 5
---Ohotok (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Ohovelok, 1935-, (McMaster University)
Ohoveluk, Mona, 1935-1992 (Carleton); Google images

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Oingunn, Nutararjuk, (We don't live in snow houses now)


Book illustrated by Lucille Oille:

McNeill Wells, Kenneth, text author and Lucille Oille, illustrator (wood-engravings),
The Owl Pen, Toronto : Dent, 1947, xi, 289 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations; 23 cm;
source of bibliographical date: Voilà catalogue; source of the image of the book:
Alphabet Bookshop (ABAC/ILAB) (Port Colborne, ON, Canada), seller and placed on the internet at abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetails....
(sites consulted on 2 August 2021).

Oille, Ethel Lucille (Mrs. Kenneth Wells), 1911 or 1912-1997, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 5, pp. 1429-1430; Early Women Artists)

Lucille Oille, Bringing in the Milk, print, 1947, wood engraving in black ink on paper, the Impression
is  6.4 × 10 cm; AGO, from https://ago.ca/collection/object/2010/71, accessed 2 August 2021.


Oille, Jennifer (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Oinonen, Anders (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
Ojeda, Cenorina, 1957-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992);
------ note: on 1 June 2011, Cenorina, here in Canada I am known as Nina Ojeda or NinaOhman; see also under Ohman with links to web pages
Okalik, Prime, 1923-2000 (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)


O'Keeffe, Judith, Vancouver, fl 1970-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)

Judith O'Keeffe, oil and collage, 25x16", image on ebay,
viewed 2 July 2019, seller "newtyu" from Canada.

Okey, Ronald N., 1921-2004 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1430)
------);Google images

Ron Okey, East Cost Boat, oil on board; image reproduced from:
abc0:m:mZ1qdbS4F4pekRSSSBhfJxQ, accessed 2 December 2015.

Okheena, Mary, 1955-, (Carleton)


Publication on Maudie Okittuq:
Hans-Hagen Hartter, Maudie Okittuq, Inuit-Galerie (Mannheim), Maudie
, Mannheim : Inuit Galerie, 1985, Notes: in German.

source of image: catawiki.com/l/19003317-a-set-of-22-rare-catalogues-on-eskimo-sculptures-from-the-inuit-galerie-mannheim-germany, site accessed on 30 May 2021

Okittuq, Maudie Rachel, 1946-, (Seidelman)


 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Okituk (Ohaituk), Caroline, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Okkarlik, John (Winnipeg Art Gallery)
Oklaga, Françoise, 1924-1991 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University); Google images
Oksokitok, Louis, 1926-2003 (Inuit Sculpture TD Bank Financial Group Collection; The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)

Louis Oksokitok, 1926-2003, Repulse Bay, Kivalliq region of Nunavut, Flying Geese, c. 1960, Ivory and inlay, 22.1 x 10.5 x 11 cm.
(Text and image taken from National Gallery of Canada, Christine Lalonde and Natalie Ribkoff, ItuKiagâtta! Inuit
Sculpture from the Collection of the TD Financial Group
, Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2005 at p. 39;
photography by Yves Lacombe and Gabrielle Samson).

Oktay (Ergenkon), 1939-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)
Okutark, Matthew (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Olafson, Linda, 1922-1992, (Balkind)
Olariu, Octavian, 1931-, (Sculpture; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Art public de la ville de Montréal)
Olasson, B., fl 1885, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Olbrich, Jürgen O. (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Oldfield, Clifford Thomas, 1923-2010, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1430)
Oldham, Jenna (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Oldrich, Robert (Bob), 1920-1983  (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1431; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Olechowski, Marck, 1942-, (Vallée 93; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Olesen, Muriel (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Olesko-Ferworn, Alexander, 1917-1974, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Olfert, Robert, 1952-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Olin (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)


Jules Olitski Leader of the Emma Lake Artists' Workshop. Artist
Mina Forsyth sits beside him, 1964, image source: communitystories.ca/
, accessed 17 April 2022.

Publication on Jules Olitski:

Moffett, Kenworth, Jules Olitski, Publisher: Harry N Abrams, 1981
or 1982, 240 p., ISBN:
0810914034; 978-0810914032; source of image:
abebooks.com... with bookseller being Acadia Art & Rare Books. Est. 1931 (Toronto, ON, Canada), accessed 17 April 2022.

[Notes of Jules Olitski]

One of the first and most celebrated practitioners of Colour Field abstraction,
Jules Olitski immigrated as an infant to the United States from Soviet Ukraine
in 1923. He studied art in New York and, after the Second World War, in Paris
with Ossip Zadkine. Back in the United States, he befriended the influential critic
Clement Greenberg and began teaching at Bennington College in Vermont. In
1964, the same year that Harlow Flow was painted, Olitski led the Emma Lake
Artists’ Workshop in Saskatchewan. Unlike Abstract Expressionists like
Jackson Pollock, Colour Field painters like Olitski consciously sought to
remove any reference to painterly gesture. Their practice was deeply informed
by Greenberg’s aesthetic ideas, which emphasized material and formal issues
over and above those of subject matter and personal expression.
[Source of text olympus.wag.ca/art/recent-acquisitions, accessed 17 April 2022]

Olitski, Jules, 1922-2007, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Dessin de Jules Olitski, Exposition intitulée
"Dessins de Jules Olitski", musée d'Art contem-
porain, Montréal
. photo de Gilles Langevin, 1975,
reproduit de numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/
consulté le 21 octobre 2024).  On retrouve
 plusieursàautres dessins de l'artiste à ce site.


Oliver, Bobbie, 1943-, (McKendry; Abstract Painting; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobbie_Oliver
------ artist's site

Bobbie Oliver, sans titre, 1999, gouache sur papier, 48,2 x
37,4 cm -- 19 x 14 ⅝ ", Les Enchères BYDealers Auction
House, vente en ligne de mars 2022, disponible à live.bydealers.
(site consulté le 28 février 2022).


Oliver, Carol (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Oliver, Craig, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Oliver, John, 1897/8-, fl 1863, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Oliver, John, 1939-,

John Oliver, St Lawrence, P.Q., 2022, oil on masonite, 23.5 x 28.5" -- 59.7 x 72.4 cm, sold
at Waddington, Discovery Art, 27 April 2023, lot 141, for $252.00 incl. buyer's premium,
available at waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-apr-27-2023/gallery/lot/141/  (accessed 29 April 2023) 


Oliver, Ted Haviland, c.1881-c.1957, (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Oliver, William John, photographer, 1890-1960; U of Calgary Fonds F1420 - W.J. Oliver fonds


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Olivier, Marc-Antoine, dit Le Picard, connu entre 1688 et 1696, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Olivier, Mireille, née en Haïti, (Roussan 2001)
Olivier (LORTIE), Monique (Émail au Québec, 1944-1989)
Olivier, Stéphane (en duo avec Edwin, Gilles) (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Oliver, Suzanne, (Sales Index 1989-90)
Olivier, Suzanne, 1943-,  (Vallée 89; Vallée 83; Robert 83; Boulizon; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of
------Artists in Canada); site de l'artiste


Photo de Georges L. Olney, accompagnant l'article de René B., "Au Domaine Howard:
un peintre autodidacte expose", La tribune, 25 mai 1968, Cahier 1, p. 9 et reproduit de
la page suivante: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3635637  (consultée le 27 mars 2023).

Olney, Georges L., 1931-, (Vallée 93; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1431)

Olsansky, Klement, 1909-1963, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp.1431-1432)

Klement Olsansky, After the bath,  oil on canvas, 30 x 24"
(approx.), as seen on ebay at cafr.ebay.ca/itm/302860056257?hash=item
, accessed 3 January 2022,
seller :artmarketspot ( 2752 ).


Olsen, Andreas, fl 1967-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1432)


Bob Olsen, "The George Jazen family watching the funeral
train of John Diefenbaker", 1979, 1 photograph; b&w; 51 x 30.5 cm.
Image source: sain.scaa.sk.ca/items/index.php/george-jazen-family-watching-funeral-train-of-john-diefenbaker;rad, accessed 16 December 2016

Olsen, Bob, photographer


Olson, Daniel (Vie des arts, numéro 230, vol. 47, printemps 2013, p. 74)
Olson, Daniel, 1955-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Olson, Erik; https://erikolson.ca/About

Olson, Gary, 1946-, (Burnett; Canadian Drawings; Alberta artists; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Carleton; Shell
------Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Alberta Society of Artists)

Gary Olson, I am Denying and Confirming the Picture
Plane, 1976, graphite pencil on paper, 30 x 40"; image
reproduced from: artscanada, March/April 1977, Issue
Number 212/213, at p. 59.


Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom
in or out of the web page being viewed.

Image and text on Geoff Olson, reproduced from the following publication:
Badeaux, Guy (edited and text), Portfoolio 20 : the Year's Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons,
Toronto: McArthur & Company, 2004, 160 p., at p. 156 : ill., Note: © The Association of Canadian
Editorial Cartoonists 2004, ISBN: 1-55278-446-0 (volume 20) (put on line on 15 April 2022).

Olson, Geoff, 1959-, born in Saskatoon, (Caricatures 1992); see An Encyclopedia of Canadian Animation,
------Cartooning and Illustration at canadianaci.ca/Encyclopedia/olson-geoff/


Olson, Jeff, 1946-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Olsson, Roger-John, 1928-, (Roussan 98; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; Laval en peinture/in painting)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Olszowka. Anna (ARTBOMB--11 and 18 July and 5 September 2017)


Eleanor Oltean, source of photo, obituary at
mhfh.com/tribute/details/26648/Eleanor-OLTEAN/condolences.html , accessed 23 November 2022.

Oltean, Eleanor June Lloyd , 1924-2016, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Saskatchewan Artists)


Olthuis, Stanley Lorne, 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Olynyk, Patricia, 1961-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
O'Malley, Andrew (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
O'Malley, Patricia, 1960, née à Waterville (L'Estrie, ses trésors)
Olwen, Jesse (ARTBOMB--6 March 2014)
Oman, Nelda, 1948-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Omen (MU 2015)
Ommundsen, Arlene, fabric artist (Artisan)
Onami, Roy (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1432)


Kim Ondaatje born in Toronto
She grew up in Toronto and studied painting under the
Canadian artist Yvonne McKague Housser and, in 1947,
enrolled at the Ontario College of Art. In 1948 she
began studies in the Fine Art program at McGill
University, but later dropped out and chose to study
English Literature, receiving an MA at McGill in 1954
while on a teaching fellowship. Committing herself to
painting full-time by the early 1960s, Ondaatje later
became an award-winning printmaker, directed two
art films and three documentaries, and published
three books of photography.
[above photo, text and to read more see gibsongallery.com/
, accessed 14 February 2022.]

Ondaatje, Kim (Betty Jane Kimbark Jones Ondaaje), 1928-, born in Toronto (Lord; McKendry; Reid, Tippett; Carleton;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Toronto in Art; Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2009;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1432-1434;
------Early Women Artists); see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Ondaatje (accessed 15 April 2022)

Kim Ondaatje, Hall, silkscreen, 51.435 x
92.075 cm,The University of Toronto Art
Collection, accession number: 1996-208, reproduced
from: collections.artmuseum.utoronto.ca:8080/...., accessed on 14 February 2022.


One, Anny, 1969-, see Sorrentino, Olivier  (MACM--exposition :  De fougue et de passion)
O'Neil, Bruce William, 1942-, (Burnett; Alberta artists; Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Corporate collections;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1434-1435; Alberta Society of Artists)
O'Neil, Guy, 1941-, (Bruens 90)
O'Neil, Karen (Alberta Society of Artists)
O'Neil, Mora Dianne ( Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)


Dan O'Neill, photo, in Talent Trust's article, "Dan O’Neill in
First You Dream: Celebrating 75 Years of the Nova Scotia
Talent Trust.  Dan O'Neill: NS Talent Trust Scholarship 1997",
Sunday, 19 May 2019, available at nstalenttrust.blogspot.com/2019/05/
(accessed 2 April 2021).

Dan O’Neill was born in Montreal, Quebec. He received a Double Major
with Honors in Painting, Drawing and Printmaking from OCAD University,
Toronto, in 1993; a BFA in Studio Art from NSCAD University, Halifax, in
1994; and an MFA in Studio and Media Art from NSCAD University in 1999.
In 2011, he earned the Recognition Award as an Established artist from the
Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council. He works primarily in lithography,
although he continues working on his interdisciplinary practice that includes
drawing, painting, writing and collage. He lives and works in Halifax, Nova
Scotia where he has been teaching at NSCAD University as a Regular Part-Time
Faculty for over 20 years.
[Source of photo and text:  nstalenttrust.blogspot.com/2019/05/dan-oneill-in-first-you-dream.html, accessed on 2 April 2020

O'Neill, Dan, born in Montréal (L'estampe à Québec; Contemporary Art--Halifax, 2006)


O'Neill, Helen, fl 1958, died in 1977, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1435)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


O'Neill, Maureen (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)
Oneschuk, Steve, 1930-1996, football player and wood carver; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Oneschuk
Ongman, Marlene, c1933-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1435)

Toni Onley, photo reproduced from the following
ONLEY, Toni, Onley's Arctic : diaries and paintings of the high Arctic,
Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, ©1989, 166 pages, at p. 3 : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm,
ISBN: 088894666X; 9780888946669; 0295970588; 9780295970585;

Onley (or Only), Norman Antonio (Anthony, Toni), 1928-2004, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Magazin'art, v. 11(3), 1999, pp. 53-54
------and 104-107(E); McKendry; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Reid, Leclerc; Art Gallery  of Ontario; MAC; Sir George Williams University;
------Burnett; Murray; Balkin; Duval; Lord; Roundstone Council for the Arts; Giles; University of Guelph; McMaster
------University; Queen's University; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; années 50; Carleton; Abstract Painting; Cape Dorset;
------Shell Canada Collection; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983;
The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Creative Canada, 1971;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Corporate collections; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5,
------pp. 1435-1439; Sales Index 1989-90; Contemporary Canadian Artists; Claridge Inc. catalogue; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013;
------Kelowna Art Gallery; Contemporary British Columbia Artists; Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toni_Onley

Toni Onley, In the Eastern Lead, Baffin
Bay, 1987, oil on canvas, 66 x 96",
collection of the artist, on the cover of the
following book:

Onley, Toni, and Gregory Strong, 1956-, Flying colours : the Toni Onley story / as told to Gregory Strong, Madeira Park, B.C.:
Harbour Pub., c2002, 336 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), ports.; 24 cm. NOTES: Includes index. ISBN: 1550172980.
(Book Collection of François Lareau)


Onodera, Midi, 1961-,  (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midi_Onodera
Onymus, Ann (Collection Loto-Québec)

Fabien Oogaq, Bear, Muskox and Man at
Committee Bay, 1973, ivory, antler, 5.6 x 10.4 x
8.2 cm.
"A man hunting at Committee Bay saw a bear stalking
a muskox.  The muskox didn't move, but lowered his head,
inviting the bear to approach. When the bear rose up over
him the muskox threw him up into the air with his horn, and
killed him.  The man then killed the muskox.  He had a very
successful hunt."

Image and text are reproduced from the following book:
Eskimo Museum, Lorraine E. Brandson, Catholic Church, Diocese of Churchill-Hudson Bay, Carved from the land : the Eskimo Museum collection /
Lorraine E. Brandson, Churchill, Man. : Diocese of Churchill-Hudson Bay, c1994, Eskimo Museum, Box 10, Churchill, Man. R0B 0E0, 200 p., at p. 99 :
ill. ; 23 x 29 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references (p. 190-199) and index. ISBN: 0969326610.

Oogaaq (Oogark), Fabian (Fabien), 1923-1992, (Inuit Sculpture TD Bank Financial Group Collection; Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 106 and 144;
-------The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Oomen, Susan Antoinette, 1953-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Photo of Jessie Oonark

Oonark (Oonaaq, Una), Jessie (Una), (see also Una), 1906-1985, (Roch; Newlands; McKendry; Tippett; The People Within;
------McMichael Canadian Art Collection; National Museum of Man; Winnipeg Art Gallery; Shell Canada Collection;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Art Collection Catholic Conference; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5,
------ pp. 1439-1440; Contemporary Canadian ArtistsCanadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University )

Jessie Oonark, Untitled,1972-75wool and felt; embroidery floss,
on the cover of the following catalogue: 
Art Gallery of Ontario and Centre Saidye Bronfman, The people within . Art Gallery of Ontario: [art from Baker Lake] =
Les gens de l'interieur : [l'art de Baker Lake]
,[Toronto] : The Gallery, 1976, [64] p., ISBN: 0919876153; note: "Exhibition
at the Art Gallery of Ontario, June 24-August 4, 1976 and the Saidye Bronfman Centre, August 16-September 1, 1976"
(source: AMICIUS catalogue, Library and Archives Canada)

Google -- Images for Jessie Oonark

Oopakak, Jackoposie, 1948-2015
Oopik, Temela,  1946-2018, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 184); Google images

William Oosterhoff with sculpture, photo by Rosemary Gilliat Eaton, from
Library and Archives Canada, Collections and Fonds – 4307459, reference
R12438-1300-6-E. Volume/box number: 7;  source for details:
bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/CollectionSearch/Pages/record.aspx?app=FonAndCol&IdNumber=4307459, accessed 30 September 2019.

Oosterhoff, William Frederick Karel, 1895-1962, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of
------Canadian Artists,
vol. 5, p. 1440)

Oosterman, Pierre, fl 1967-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1441)
Oosuaq (Oosuak, Oosuah), Barnabas, 1940-, (Roch)
Ootook, Thomas (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)


Oottnooyuk, Susan, 1918-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 387)

"110. Susan Ootnooyuk (1918-env. 1975)
f., Eskimo Point, Mère portant collier et
boucles d'oreille, env. 1970, pierre grise,
dents de caribou, perles et tendon, 22,0 x
7,6 x 6,3 cm, photographie de Larry Ostrom,
image et texte sont reproduits de la
publication suivante:
Blodgett, Jean, 1945-, Gardons fermement nos traditions: oeuvres tirées de
la collection d'art inuit de la famille Klamer
, Toronto : Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario,
271 pages, à la p. 24 (figure 110) : illustrations (certaines en couleur), catalogue
d'une exposition tenue au Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario du 27 mai au 31 juillet, 1983, ISBN:
0919876927, 9780919876927; En plus de la p. 24, voir sur cette artiste et sculpture, les pages 110-
112. This book by Jean Blodgett is also published in English under the title:
Grasp tight the old
ways : selections from the Klamer
family collection of Inuit art

[sur Susan Ootnooyuk et la sculpture ci-dessus, figure 110 dans le livre cité]

[Source du texte: Blodgett, Jean, 1945-, supra, at p. 158, mis en ligne
le 20 avril 2022]


Opalski, Michal (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Operti, Albert asper Ludwig Roccabigliera, 1852-1927, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Opie, Julian (Sculpture)
Oppenheimer, Joseph, 1876-1966, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1441-1442)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Oqallaq, (We don't live in snow houses now)
Oqallaq, Joseph (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Oqutaq, Shookjuk, 1920-1982, (Inuit Sculpture TD Bank Financial Group Collection)
Oraf, 1948-, (Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983)
Oram, Barry Spence, 1936-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Orban, David, 1946-, shoemaker, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans)
Orbeliani, Mary, 1873-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1442)
O'Regan, Dana (Off the Grid --Abstract Painting in New Brunswick)
O'Reilly, Katleen, 1867-1945 (Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
O'Reilly, Yves, 1955-, (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes
en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Oremba, Krystyra, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Orensanz, Marie (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Orenstein, Henry, 1918-2008, (Lord; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1443;
------Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Orenstein_(painter)
Orenstein, Leo, 1919-2009  (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1443)
Orenstein, Paul (Photography and Illustration 1993at p. 58)
Organ, Philip T. ( Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Orkney, James, 1760-1832, horloger, (L'art au Canada français; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Orleans, François-Ferdinand d'Prince-de-joinville, 1818-1900, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Orloff, Gregory, 1890-1981  (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1443)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Orlowski, Stanislaw Tadeusz, 1920-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Orner, Steven (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)

O'Rourke, Elizabeth, 1913-1997, née à Wilmo, Pologne, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 90; Bruens 88; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978)

Elizabeth O'Rourke, Stormy Night, Place Jacques Cartier (Montreal),
oil on board, 20 x 16"; source of image: ebay.ca/itm/Elizabeth-ORourke-Canadian-Oil-On-
, accessed 14 August 2016.


Orpen, Sir William, 1878-1931, (Canvas of War)

Orpen, Sir William, 1878-1931, Portrait de Sir Robert Laid Borden, 1919, huile sur toile
76,1 x 64,0 cm , Archives nationales du Canada, Nég. C 11238.

Image reproduite du livre suivant:

Archives nationales du Canada, Trésors des Archives nationales du Canada, Sillery, Québec: Publ. par Septentrion avec la collab. des Archives
nationales du Canada et de Groupe Communication Canada, Éd. d'approvisionnement et services Canada, c1992, 367 p., à la p. 105: ill.; 32 cm. NOTES:
Comprend un index. Publ. aussi en anglais sous le titre/also published under the title : Treasures of the National Archives of Canada, ISBN: 2921114755
(catalogue AMICUS).

On Orpen, see Robert F. Wodehouse. "Orpen Portraits in the Canadian War Memorials Collection" , Bulletin 6 (1965), p. 20-30, 31;


Orr, Ethel (Mrs. C.S.) (Alberta Society of Artists)


Orr, Leo Alan, 1919-1987, (Art Gallery of Ontario)

Leo Orr, untitled, 1938, oil on canvas, lot # 245, Walker's Fine Art & Estate
Auctioneers Inc., Discovery Live Auction 24 July 2019, available at
walkersauctions.hibid.com/catalog/176830/discovery-live-auction-july-24th-2019/?cpage=27&ipp=10, accessed 25 July 2019.

Orr, Sandra, 1949-, weaver and embroiderer, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans)
Orris, Diana Bennett, craftsmanship -- embroidery (Crafts Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Ortega, Rey (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Ortega-Eggart, Cesar-Augusto, artisan, bijoux (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Ortiz, Arthur Donald, 1925-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ortiz-Apuy, Juan (Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2013)
Orton, Ann (Anne), fl 1971-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Reflections of Gloucester; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)


Toki Orui, photo reproduced from tokiorui.com/contact
(accessed 2 March 2025).

Orui, Toki, 1925-2011; artist's site


Osberg, Erik, 1983-, born in Vancouver (Galerie Laroche/Joncas Montréal)
Osborn, Sherard, 1822-1875, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Osborne, Charles (Wildfowl decoys carvers)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Osborne, Dennis Henry, 1919-2016, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1444)
Osborne, Jean, 1926-1965, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1445)
Osborne, John, fl 1965-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1445)
Osborne, L.F. (Ossie); (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p.1445)

Lyndal, Osborne, Archipelago (detail), 2008; on
the front cover of the following publication on
the artist:
Eichorn, Virginia M., 1962-, Linda Jansma, 1962-, Lyndal Osborne, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Lyndal Osborne : ornamenta / essays by Virginia Eichhorn &
Linda Jansma Ornamenta, Oshawa, Ont. : Robert McLaughlin Gallery, c2008, 48 p. : ill. (some col.), port. ; 27 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references.
"Catalogue of an exhibition held at: the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, 12 July-2 September, 2008; Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery, Waterloo, 21 September-16
November 2008; Penticton Art Gallery, Penticton, 13 March-3 May 2009; Harcourt House, Edmonton, 30 July-29 August, 2009; Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery,
Moose Jaw, 25 March-23 May 2010; Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre, Medicine Hat, 25 September-14 November, 2010"--T.p. verso.  ISBN: 9780921500933.

Osborne, Lyndal, 1940-, (Alberta artists; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; L'estampe à Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 100); *artist's site

Osborne, Mary (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1446)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Osborne, M.S. (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1446)
Osborne Stearn, Rosalynde Fuller, 1889-1990, fl 1924+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1446)
Osborne, Sean (Avmor Collection)
Oscar, Arthur (Art), fl 1967-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1446-1447)
Oset, Robert (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1447)
Osgood, Ross Reverdy, 1867-1946, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 5, pp. 1447-1448; Ontario Collection)

R.R. Osgood, Old Union Jack [Sir John A. Macdonald at a torchlight
meeting], 1910, 74.9 x 90.2 cm / 29 1/2 x 35 1/2"
"The painting can be associated with a famous election ploy of
Macdonald's.  His posters, pamphlets and other forms of publicity
often displayed the Union Jack in order to remind the voters of his
Conservative party's continuing allegiance to Great Britain and the
Empire, as opposed to Laurier's Liberals, who advocated trade
reciprocity and closer relations with the United States."

[Text and image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,  Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at p. 141, ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN: 0889029792]
Oshaweetok/Oshweetuk, 1918-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Oshaweetuk (Oshooweetook), 1923-, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Eskimo Prints; Roundstone Council for
------the Arts; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plates 143, 165, 166, 168 and 190); webpage on the artist
Oshuitoq, Anirnik, 1902-1983 (Cape Dorset; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Oshuitoq, Ningeeuga, see Ningeeuga, Osshuitoq
Oshutsiaq, Omalluq, 1948-2014, (Seidelman; Cape Dorset Sculpture); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omalluq_Oshutsiaq

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Osicka, Peter, 1950-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Osinczuk, Michael, 1890-, fl 1949+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1448)
Osithe, Sister Mary (Osithe Elizabeth Labossière), 1867-1941 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Oslender, Ernst, 1928-2015, sculptor; obituary
Osmond, Hubert, act. 1960s-, (Folk Artists)
Ossama, Haldi, 1942-, (Vallée 93)
Ostafijchuk, Ivan, 1940-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Osted, Hans, 1916-2001, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1448)
Ostell, John, 1813-1892, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Osterlind, Lennart, 1937-,  (ARTBOMB--14 March, 3 April, 23 June, 13 August and 21 September 2014; 18 February 2015); *artist's site
Osterlund, Steven, 1943-, (Ontario Collection)
Ostermann, Uli (ARTBOMB--17 February and 17 March 2016)


Pierre Osterrath
[Photo de Pierre Osterrath reproduite du livre suivant:
Jean-Pierre Payette, 1936-, Le guide des artisans créateurs du Québec, Montréal:
Les Éditions La Presse, 1974, 351 p., à la p. 182, ill., carte; 19 cm, ISBN: 0-7777-0093-X]

Osterrath, Pierre, 1939-, verrier (Verriers du Québec; Artisans créateurs du Québec; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle;
------Art public de la ville de Montréal); *site de l'artiste

Google Image pour Pierre Osterrath

Ostiguy, Brigitte, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec) 
Ostiguy, Claire, 1940-, (L'art et le papier 6; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)


Jean-René Ostiguy

Né à Marieville, Jean-René Ostiguy grandit et fait ses études à Valleyfield,
puis à l'Université de Montréal, à l'École des beaux-arts de Montréal, et à
la School of Art and Design. Au début des années 1950 il enseigne l'histoire
de l'art et la composition décorative à l'École des beaux-arts de Montréal et
le dessin à l'École supérieure de Valleyfield, tout en étant critique d'art au
Devoir. En 1955, il entre à la Galerie nationale du Canada (maintenant le
Musée des beaux-arts du Canada) où il occupe différents postes dont celui
de Conservateur chargé de recherches en art canadien, ce jusqu'à sa retraite
en 1986. Auteur de plusieurs catalogues d'exposition, il a également signé de
nombreux articles dans des revues spécialisées, donné d'innombrables confé-
rences, et enseigné à l'Université d'Ottawa et à l'Université Laval. De 1987 à
1990, il a développé la collection de la Banque nationale à Montréal. Jean-René
Ostiguy est aussi l'auteur de différents ouvrages dont Un siècle de peinture cana-
dienne (1870-1970) paru en 1970, et plus récemment Peinture et sculpture québé-
coises : Structures et points forts 1670-1995, publié à compte d'auteur en 2009.

[Source de la photo et du texte: avis de décès à cfo.coop/avis-de-deces/jean-rene-ostiguy-
, site consulté le 24 septembre 2024.]

Ostiguy, Jean-René, 1925-2016, (Carleton; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Ostiguy, Maryel, circa 1932-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1449)
Ostoff, Nick (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
Ostrem, 1945-, (Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983)
Ostrom, Walter, 1944-, ceramist, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Saidye Bronfman Award 2003; Canadian Potters at Work;
------ Claridge Inc. catalogue; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works)

Walter Ostrom

[Photo of Walter Ostrom reproduced from Thompson Ross, Judy, David Allen and Nina Czegledy-Nagy,
Down to Earth: Canadian Potters at Work, Nelson Canada Limited, 1980, 167 p., at p. 82, ISBN:
0176007741 (bd.) and 0176014632 (pa.).]

Ostrup Jensen, Ingrid (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Osuitok, Ipeele, see Ipeele
O'Sullivan, Susan Ann, née à Ville Lasalle (Roussan 2013)
Oswald, John, 1953-, media artist (Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2004; Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, p. 17)
Otani, Fumio (Sculpture)
Otasevic, Lilly (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Other (MU 2015)
Othot, Renée, 1955-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Otis, Édouard, émailleur, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Otis, Manon, 1958-, (Collectionneur 96, vol. IX, # 34, pp. 48-51; Vallée 93; Bernier;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019); *site de l'artiste/artist's site

Manon Otis, Série Salle d'attente: Un autre après-midi de perdu. Acrylique, 20 x 30",

[La description de la toile ainsi que l'image proviennent de l'article de Ninon Gauthier, "Manon
Otis: avec un certain sourire", Le Collectionneur -- l'art et son marché, volume IX, numéro 34,
mai 1996 aux pp. 48-51.]


Publication sur Marie-Renée Otis:

Marie-Renée Otis, Abondance et gratitude, La Malbaie
(Québec) : Éditions Charlevoix, [2024],
197 pages :
illustrations en couleur ; 26 cm, Note: autre titre:
ené Otis, broderie d'art
source de l'image eac-acb.ca/marie-renee-otis-
(site consulté le 5 septembre 2024).

Otis, Marie-Renée,1955-  artiste en arts textiles, tapisserie à l'aiguille (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels
------ du Québec -- 2012; Robert 1983)


Otis, Pierre, 1963-, (Roussan 2005; L'Artothèque--2014; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)

Serge Otis, La Presse, 2 août 1969,  photo reproduite de
la page 30  à: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2682450, consultée
le 2 août 2019.  Je dois cette référence à Colin S. MacDonald,
A Dictionary of Canadian Artistsvol. 5, Nadeau -- Perrigard, Ottawa:
Canadian Paperbacks Publishing Limited, first edition, 1996, à la p. 1449.

Otis, Serge, 1938-1983, (Sculpture; Roussan 82; MAC; Panorama de la sculpture; Oeuvres d'art du Ministère
------ des Travaux publics; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1449;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle); *site de l'artiste


O'Toole, Michael, 1963-2018, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012)

Michael O'Toole, Lions Gate, oil on board, 12 x16"--30.5 x 40.6 cm; Lando Auctions, Online
Auction, 27 Jan to 13 Feb 2022, lot 19, image source: landoauctions.hibid.com/catalog/346646/february
, accessed 9 February 2022.


O'Toole, mother and son (Magazin'art, v. 12(2), 1999, pp. 57-59 and 80-82(E))

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


O'Toole, Nancy, 1936-2023, born in Saskachewan (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Ott, Philip A., fl 1855-7, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Morisset)


Walter Ott
Walter was an Austrian trained Master Engraver, artist, and designer
who brought his skills to Canada in 1952. He was appointed to the
Engraving Department at the Royal Canadian Mint in Ottawa in 1964
and served as Chief Engraver and Director of Art from 1977 until his
retirement in 1985. Of the more than 1000 coins and medals he brought
into production he was proudest of the Canadian Gold Bullion Maple Leaf
he designed and modelled.

[Photo and excerpt from his obituary reproduced from ottawacitizen.remembering.
, accessed 3 March 2025]

Ott, Walter, 1920-2020, coin engraver,


Ottenbrite, Philip, 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Ottens, Diane

Diane Ottens, The Carriage, Quebec City, 25 x 22.5 cm, put on line on 23 July 2021.

Note to file
When I bought this work of art in Ottawa, a few years ago, I did some
research on the artist and wrote the following notes

Diane Ottens
- Born Perth, Australia
- Diploma of Art, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 1961
- Gallery Affiliation:
- The Leafhill Gallery, Victoria
- The Bau-XI Gallery, Vancouver, BC
- The Wallack Gallery, Ottawa,
- CallaGrans Gallery, Ottawa

I don't have the bibliographical source for these notes.

If anyone has information on that artist, please send me an email at flareau@rogers.com

François Lareau
23 July 2021


Otto, Guttorn, 1919-2012,  (History of Art in Toronto Schools; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1449-1450; Ontario Collection)

Guttorn Otto, The Big Chieftain, oil on board, 23 1/2 x
31 1/2" /  59.7 x 80 cm; text and image reproduced from:
www.heffel.com/ho2/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=71363&ImageID=48827&Main=True, accessed 15 July 2015

Ottochie, 1904-1982, Cape Dorset (National Museum of Man; Roch; Larmour; McMaster University; Cape Dorset;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ottochie, Ashoona, 1942-1970, (McMaster University)
Ouchi, Eugene Masahiko, 1943 (or 1944?)-2010, born in Vernon, BC (Roundstone Council for the Arts; McMaster University;
------ Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical
------Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1450; Alberta Society of Artists); Google images
Oudemans, Michiel, 1950-2017, (Wood Engraving in Canada since 1945; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Nel Blink Oudemans, image source:
accessed 1 September 2019.

Oudemans, Nel Blink, she died in 2002, weaver (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)

Nel Oudemans, blankets, 1873 and 1987, wool and mohair,
collection of the artist, this image is reproduced from the
following book: Flood, Sandra, New Brunswick Museum, Sheila Hugh MacKay Foundation,
Five New Brunswick artists : Strathbutler Award, 1991-1995, Rothesay, N.B. : Sheila Hugh Mackay
Foundation, c1997, 47 p. : ill. (some col.), ports., 22 x 29 cm., at p. 28, ISBN: 0968160107, 9780968160107.


Oudendag, Egbert, 1914-1998, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1450-1452)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Oudendijk, Sonja (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

Angémil Ouellet, source de l'image:
43062, FPH-50-01124-01, www.shistoriquesaguenay.com/PhotoDescr.asp?
TxtPhoto=peintre&Submit=Envoyer&offset=60, consulté le 17 November 2018

Ouellet, Angémil, 1936-2022, natif de la région du Saguenay (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 88; Bruens 90; Robert 83; Boulizon;
------ Lemieux 74; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1452; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978)

Angémil Ouellet, Retour précoce, huile sur toile, 16 x 20" -- 40,6 x 50,8 cm,
vendu chez Enchères Champagne Auctions, Vente découverte--Discovery
Sale (2/2), enchères en direct, le 13 avril 2022, lot 437, prix indiqué au site pour
la vente: CDN $340.00, source de l'image: live.enchereschampagne.com/lots/view/4-5LK4LK/ouellet-
, site consulté le 19 avril 2022.


Ouellet, Anne-Marie (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2013;
------Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2013)
Ouellet, Audrey (Lemieux 78)
Ouellet, Blandine (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Ouellet, Chantal, 1959-,  (Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012)
Ouellet, Charles-Frédérick (Lacerte Art Contemporain -- artistes 2015)
Ouellet, Daniel (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Ouellet, Danielle, 1956-, (Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Ouellet, Danielle (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)


David Ouellet, source de l'image: fr.wikipedia.
, site consulté le 6 mai 2022.

Ouellet, David, 1844-1915, né à La Malbaie, QC sculpt., architecte et sculpteur sur bois  (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in
------ Canada);


Ouellet, Francine (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Ouellet, Geneviève (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Ouellet, Gérard, 1961-, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Biennale du Québec 1995)

Gérald Ouellet. Arrive, 1994, sérigraphie,
150 x 110; image reproduite du livre
Biennale du dessin, de l'estampe et du papier-matière du Québec, Biennale du dessin, de l'estampe et du papier-matière du Québec:
Mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-quinze
, Alma: Les Événements majeurs en arts visuels du Québec inc., 1995, 95 p.,  à la p. 67.  ISBN: 2-9804606-0-5.

Ouellet, Jean-Bernard, 1934-, (Vallée 93 à l'annexe)
Ouellet, Joan B., 1931-, (Bruens 90)
Ouellet, Joanne, 1958-, (Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------Collection Loto-Québec; membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012; membre professionnel du Regroupement
------des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Ouellet, Johanne (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Ouellet, Madeleine, 1960-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Ouellet, Marc (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Ouellet, Marie-Josée, artisane du verre, (Collectionneur 96, vol. IX, # 34, p. 76); site de l'artiste
Ouellet, Nicole, (Magazin'art, v. 11(2), 1998, p. 40)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Ouellet, Odile (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998;
------Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)

Ouellet, Reine, 1940-,  (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 89)

Reine Ouellet, Un bouquet d'hydrangers, aquarelle, 18 x 14".

[L'image de l'oeuvre de Reine Ouellet Deschamps a été reproduite du livre suivant:
Bruens, Louis, 1928-2013, 92 Transparences - Aquarelle - Pastel, [Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Québec] :
Éditions La Palette, 1989, 415 p., à la p. 339, ill. (certaines en coul.), portr.; 31 cm.,  ISBN: 298010602X]


Ouellet, Robert; 1949-, (Vallée 89; Collection Loto-Québec; Sales Index 1989-90)

Robert Ouellet, sans titre, impression sur toile, 122 x 122cm -- 48 x 48", en vente chez
IEGOR: Enchères--Auctions, Vente décompte, Tableaux et arts décoratif se terminant le
3 février 2022--Timed auction, Paintings and decorative Art, ending on February 3rd,
2022; image reproduite de live.iegor.net/voir/details/4-4RMTU5/ouellet-robert-1949- (site consulté le 1er février 2022).


Ouellet, Roger, 1916-1999, (Patenteux du Québec); see also--voir aussi Ouellette, Roger
Ouellet, Thérèse, née au Témiscouata, (Roussan 2001)
Ouellet Genest, Chantal, 1959-, (Roussan 98)
Ouellet-Nadeau, Rachel, 1932-, (Sculpteurs en art populaire au Québec par Levasseur -- Tome 1)
Ouellette, Alain, c1939-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, p. 1452)
Ouellette, C. (Murs et murales)
Ouellette, Caroline (Collection Loto-Québec)
Ouellette, Daniel (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Ouellette, Francine, 1954-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
Ouellette, Gisèle L., native de Moncton (Extensions intimes--2001; Répertoire des artistes [...] du Nouveau-Brunswick--2000)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Ouellette, Guy, artisan, bijoux (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Ouellette, J. (Murs et murales) 
Ouellette, Joan B., 1931-, (Vallée 89)
Ouellette, Johanne (Collection Loto-Québec)
Ouellette, Johanne (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Ouellette, Katty (Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, pp. 34-37)
Ouellette, Pierre-Marc (Avmor Collection)
Ouellette, Roger, 1916-1999 (Sculpteurs en art populaire au Québec par Levasseur -- Tome 1);
------see also--voir aussi Ouellet, Roger
Ouellon, Rolande, 1944-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Ough, John, 1926-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)
Ouimet, Albert, sculpteur, piseaux, travaillant à Rivière-du-Loup (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Ouimet, Guy (Robert 78)
Ouimet, Lucie, 1954-; site de l'artiste
Ouimet, Serge, né à Ste-Thérèse-de-Blainville (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99)


Serge Ouimet, image fixe titée du video Peinture en plein air à Mont-Saint-Hilaire,
disponible à youtube.com/watch?v=OX4Tt7r4i6E (site consulté le 6 mars 2023).

Ouimet, Serge, 1949-, (Magazin'art, v. 5(3), printemps, 1993; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)

Serge Ouimet, Intérieures, huile, 102 x 76 cm; image reproduite
de Magazin'art, édition internationale, 5e année, numéro 3,
printemps 1993 (mis en ligne 26 décembre 2022).


Oulton, Dick, 1918-2000,  photographer; web site on the artist at orgallery.org/exhibitions-projects/dick-oulton/ (accessed 3 March 2025).
Outhet, Rickson A., 1874-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Outhouse, Stephen L., (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Ouvrard, François (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

Guy Ouvrard
(source: http://www.ceramiqueduquebec.com/modules/news/
site consulté le 23 décembre 2013)

Ouvrard, Guy, 1935-2012, céramiste, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Ouvrard, Pierre, 1929-2008, relieur d'art, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Ouvrard
Ouy, Sovira (Collection Loto-Québec)


Ouzikov, Michael; artist's site

Michael Ouzikov, My Flowers, 2023, 16 x 20 "--40.6 x 50.8 cm, on sale at
Waddingtons, Toronto, Discovery Art, 11 May 2023, lot 145, reproduced from
waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-may-11-2023/gallery/lot/145/ (accessed 4 May 2023).


Ovadia, Rachel, 1949-, (L'art et le papier 5)
Ovcacik, John, 1964-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001); see also--voir aussi koymangalleries.com/artist/john-ovcacik/
Ovens, Fran Reid, Mrs, 1935-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Ovens, Loree, craftperson in textiles (Cutting Edge in Crafts)
Overend, William Heysham, 1851-1898, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Overfield, Richard, 1953-,  (Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art)

Richard Overfield, Red Runner Blue, oil on linen, 21 x 21" /  53.3 x 53.3 cm;
Heffel, Private Sale Art Works, Inventory # A00F1109-4_SP813-3, source :
 www.heffel.com/Gallery/...., accessed 25 June 2021.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Overton, Eric, (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Overton, George, 1880-1957, (100 Years of Art in Manitoba; Winnipeg School of Art)

Overton, George, 1880-1957, untitled, 1932, watercolour, 28.7 x 40.5 cm, collection: Mrs. Dorothy Gregory; photo: U of M Communications System Photo

Ovissi, Nasser, 1934-, (Vallée 93); artist's site
Ovo magazine, photographes (Montréal au XXe s.--photographes)
Owen, Frederick Howard, 1934-, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1452-1453;
------Alberta Society of Artists)
Owen, James G., fl 1873-90, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Owen, John, fl 1874-80, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Owen, Seka, 1955-, (Alberta Society of Artists)


Violet Owen, photo from orbituary at
 (accessed 25 December 2024).

Owen, Violet (Mrs. Peter), 1930-2024, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Alberta artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary
------ of Canadian Artists,
vol. 5, pp. 1453-1454; Alberta Society of Artists)


 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Owen-Flood, Jill Patricia (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Owens, Andrew, 1950- (Murray)

Book on Nina M. Owens:
Nadeau-Saumier, Margaret Nina Owens, 1938-, Nina M. (Nina May), 1869-1959-, Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke, Nina M. Owens, 1869-1959 : une
exposition du Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke
/ recherche et textes de Monique Nadeau-Saumier avec une participation de Margaret Nina Owens =
Nina M. Owens : Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke exhibition / research and texts by Monique Nadeau-Saumier  with the participation of Margaret
Nina Owens, Sherbrooke, Québec : Le Musée = The Musée, c1992, 64 p. : ill. (certaines en coul.) ; 28 cm. NOTES: Texte en français et en anglais.
Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 63.  ISBN: 2920931024.
Image source: www.amazon.co.uk/Nina-Owens-1869-1959-Exposition-Beaux-Arts/dp/B00OP44GNO/277-3270964-5375507?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0, accessed 27 April 2016

Nina M. Owens, Mlle May,
1911, mine de plomb, 25 x 17,5
cm, Margaret Nina Owens.  Texte
et images sont reproduits du livre suivant:
Des Rochers, Jacques organizer editor, Brian Foss, 1955-, organizer editor, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario, Art Gallery of Windsor,
Glenbow Museum, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, Une modernité des années 1920 à Montréal : le Groupe de Beaver Hall /
sous la direction de Jacques Des Rochers et Brian Foss, Londres : Black Dog ; Montréal : Musée des beaux-arts, 2015, 351 pages,
aux pp. 122 et 328 : illustrations (principalement en couleur); 29 cm., ISBN: 9782891923903.

Owens, Nina M., 1869-1959, born in Bolton, Quebec (Ville de Rosemère; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Research note:
There is an excellent article on Nina May Owens by  Lesley A. Tarasoff, "Nina May (Pickel) Owens, 1869-1959:
English Quebec's Early 'Independent'  Woman/Artist", Journal of Eastern Townships Studies, number 32-33,
Fall 2008, pages 89-112, available at etrc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/JETS_32-33_Spring-Fall_2008.pdf
(accessed 21 June 2022) and Ms. Tarasoff can be reached at


Oxborough, Dorothy Marie, 1922-2014, (Magazin'art, v. 13(1), 2000, p. 87 and 125(E); Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1454-1455; Canadian Pastels; Early Women Artists)

Dorothy Marie Oxborough, Portrait of a Man, pastel, 19 1/2 x 15 1/2 " / 49,5 x 39,4 cm
Source of Image: Google Image -- www.inavluable.com, site accessed on 23 June 2014


Oxendale, Eileen (Alberta Society of Artists)
Oxley, David (ARTBOMB-- 13 November 2013)
O'Young, Kayo, 1950-, born in Canton, China (Claridge Inc. catalogue; Oeuvres d'artisans)
Oyukuluk, Andrew, (We don't live in snow houses now)
Ozan-Groulx, Isabelle et Étienne (Résidence 1982-1993)
Ozanne, Pierre, 1737-1813 (British Columbia, a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)
Ozard, Elmore George, 1914-1988, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5,
------ p. 1455); Webpage on the artist
Ozenne, Jean-François (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Ozerdem, Ulker, 1926-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 5, pp. 1455-1456)
Ozery, Pamela (ARTBOMB--6 April, 4 and 30 May, 10 June, 22 July, 13 and 28 August and 21 October 2016; 1 March 2017)
Ozier, Joyce (ARTBOMB--16 September 2013, 12 October 2013 and 21 January and 4 March 2014)
Ozols, Arija, fl 1970s, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
