
Index of Canadian Artists (Visual Arts) ---E
Répertoire des artistes canadiens (Arts visuels)---E

Par / By  François Lareau © François Lareau, Ottawa,  1998-,

S-T-U-V- W-X-Y-Z

Artistes canadiens en arts visuels -- Avons-nous votre nom?
Pour ajouter un lien à votre site,  pour vous inscrire
au répertoire ou pour ajouter une image de
votre art, écrivez-moi à flareau@rogers.com
-- c'est gratuit.

Les amis d'artistes, les chercheurs, la famille, tous peuvent m'écrire!

Je ne donne pas d'estimations sur la valeur des tableaux.

Site non lucratif et de recherches.


Canadian artists in visual arts  --Do we have your name?
To add a link to your site, or your name to this index or

an image of your art, write to me at flareau@rogers.com
-- it's free.

Friends of artists, researchers, family relatives, anybody can write to me about an artist!

I do not give estimates on the value of paintings.

Non-profit website for research.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

E   like in  / comme dans Edson, Allan Aaron, 1846-1888, « Le temps est à l'orage, lac Memphrémagog », 1880 (Musée du Québec)
  References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Eade, Wallace Cotman, 1872-1916 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Eafo (ARTBOMB--1 November 2013)


Photo of William Eagar, reproduced from findagrave.com/
, photo added by Catacombs
(accessed 28 April 2022).

Eagar, William H., 1796-1839, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; McKendry; Reid; Harper;
------Winter in 19th Century Canada; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)

Eagar, William H., 1796-1839, Halifax, 1835, watercolour, Royal Ontario Museum.

Pour en savoir plus sur cet artiste, on pourra consulter:

Carter, Alexandra, "William H. Eagar, Sensibilities of No Common
Order", M.F.A. thesis, Concordia University, 1979 (source de cette
information: Loren Singer, "Mémoires et thèses en histoire de l'art
au Canada" -- "Canadian Art History Theses and Dissertations",
Journal of Canadian Art History / Annales d'histoire de l'art Canadien,
volume 5, number 2, (1981) pp. 122-128 à la p. 124 (mis en ligne le 28 avril 2022).


Eagle, Ellison (Folk Art Outdoors)
Eagles, Ellison, 1912-1976, (Folk Artists)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Eakin, William, 1952-, photographe (Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 19; Stephen Bulger Gallery Toronto)

William Eakin, Baker Lake, from the series Baker Lake, 1983, silver print on paper, 20.3 x
25.5 cm / Image: 17.8 x 23.8, Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery; Gift of Peter Dyck,
2011-139.  (reproduced from the Winnipeg Art Gallery web site at,
http://wag.ca/art/recent-acquisitions/display,item/68749, accessed on 1 June 2014)


Earle, Herbert, 1884-1975 (Alberta Society of Artists)

Photo of Kathleen Earle in the
short article "It's Never Too Late to
Start Career As Painter, She Finds",
Montreal Star, 12 October 1966, available at mbam.qc.ca/wp-
, accessed 3 January 2019.

Publication illustrated by Kathleen Earle

Kinsman, Katherine Nixon Bell, 1909-,  Kathleen F. Earle,  Montreal Sketchbook,
[Montréal] [Author, 3250 Forest Hill Av.], [©1967], 67 pages illustrations 28 cm,
Notes: "
Text by Kay Kinsman. Drawings by Kay Kinsman and Kathleen F. Earle";
source of bibliographical notes: catalogue Voilà and source of image: abebooks.
com/servlet/BookDetails...., for bookseller  abibliodocs (Montréal, QC, Canada)
(sites accessed on 29 August 2021).

Earle, Kathleen Florence, 1911-2009, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Earle, Michael, 1952-2018, (Collection Loto-Québec; Ontario Collection); artist's site

Michael Earle, Robin, 1982, Sergrapg 54 x 73 cm (sight), 52.4 x 71,8 (image)

[Image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,  Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at p. 317, ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN: 0889029792.]

Michael Earle, Blackwater Valley, painting on silk with fabric dyes, 48 x 48";
I would like to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce (27 March 2015).


Paul Bernard Earle, source of image: commons.
(accessed 2 April 2024).

Earle, Paul Barnard, 1872-1955, born and died in Montreal  (McKendry; Robert 78; NG1;
------Hubbard; Fine Arts in Canada; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian
------ Artists,
vol. 1, p. 671a); excellent peintre! (avis du 2 avril 2024)

Paul B. Earle, Wooden Pasture, oil on canvas, 18 x 24" / 45.5
x 61 cm; text and image reproduced from
http://www.walkersauctions.com/images/Fine%20Art%20Catalogue-FINAL.pdf, accessed 29 October 2015


Benoît East (photographe inconnu)

[Reproduction de la photo apparaissant dans le livre: Jean Trépanier, Cent peintres du Québec, Ville
LaSalle: Éditions Hurtubise HMH, 1980, à la p. 65 (Collection; Les Cahiers du Québec, Collection

East, Benoît, 1915-2016 (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Trépanier; Robert 78; Gagnon; L'art
------au Canada français; Collection Loto-Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90); Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1,
------pp. 671a-671a; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Collection Desjardins d'oeuvres d'art)
East, Fabienne, née au Québec (Roussan 2009)
Eastcott, Robert Wayne, 1943-, (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Roundstone Council
------for the Arts 2; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 672a-673a)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Eastlake, Charles H., see Mary Alexandra Bell Eastlake, McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Eastlake, Mary Alexandra Bell, 1864-1951, (McKendry; Hubbard; NG1; Fine Arts in
------Canada; Art Gallery of Ontario; Tippett; Queen's University; Art Gallery of Hamilton;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 673a-674a; Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Eastlake, Mary Bell, 1864-1951, Happiness, circa 1892, 75.9 x 62.9 cm, pastel and
graphite on illustration board, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa  (no. 947)


Eastman, Albert, 1918 or 1921-1975

Albert Eastman, Female Head at Shoulders, huile sur toile, 16 x 20" -- 40,1 x
50,7 cm, en vente chez Enchères Champagne Auction, Vente découverte (1/2),
Vente en direct, 19 juillet 2022, lot numéro 82, image reproduite de live.encheres
(site consulté le 10 juillet 2022).


Source of photo with further information on her at
fecklesscollection.ca/antonia-eastman, accessed 14 October 2022

Eastman, Antonia, 1886-1972, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Eastman, E.E. (Sales Index 1989-90)


Eastman, Elizabeth, 1905-1999;

Book published on the artist:
Elizabeth M. Eastman, Brad Blain, 1953-,  (text), Elizabeth Eastman: a quiet inner authority,
[Kitchener, Ont.] : Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, 1982, 1 folded sheet (6 pages) : illustrations;
22 x 28 cm
, Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, 4-28 March,
1982, ISBN:
0919423388, 9780919423381 

Eastman, Frank, act. C1933, (McKendry)
Eastman, Harrison, c1822-1890/1, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; British Columbia, a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)
Eastman, Norman Robert, 1931-2007, see app.pch.gc.ca/application/....
Easton, Amanda (ARTBOMB--30 March and 16 April 2019)


Book on Charlie Easton:

Mountain Galleries: Charlie Easton: The Jasper Collection at Takerra
, published by The Mountain Galleries; source of image: abebooks.com/
and book seller: The Groaning Board.Kesington, CA, USA (accessed 14 August 2024).

Easton, Charlie; artist's site

Charlie Easton comes from a family of fine British painters.
 He moved to Vancouver, Canada, in 2006 and immediately
fell in love with the same scenery that inspired many of the
group of seven artists.
[source: mountaingalleries.com/artist/charlie-easton, accessed 14 August 2024]


Eaton, Alexandra, born in Moncton, (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)
Eaton, Charles Henry (Harry), 1850-1901 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Eaton, Charles Warren, 1857-1937 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Eaton, Charlotte Amelia Collin (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Eaton, E., (Art Auctions 1976-1978)


John Eaton, à droite, au vernissage de l'exposition de celui-ci au Musée des Beaux-Arts
de Montréa
l, février 1988, photographie par Robert Mailloux, source de la
reproduction: numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/4378911?docref=CYqk1WkazSAra4yFkpJH1Q
(site consulté le 25 avril 2022).

Note de recherche la veuve de John Eaton, Dominique Larocque,  m'a téléphoné le 11 novembre 2023
pour discuter sur l'artiste (tél. 819-456-2786; creativewheel@bell.net, Founder & CEO of Creative Wheel
Consulting Inc. LaRoccaXC MTB School).

Eaton, John, 1942-2020, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Collectionneur 89, vol. VI, # 24, pp. 36-38;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art, v. 5(3), printemps, 1993;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 674a-675a; Galerie Lydia Monaro à Montréal;
------Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019); artist's site--site de l'artiste

Celebrated painter John Eaton, 78, died of natural causes on October 31, 2020,
riding his mountain bike on his land, accompanied by Goya, his gentle grey
Percheron. Son of Kenneth A. Eaton and Mildred Black. He is survived by
his partner and best friend, Dominique Larocque. Brother of the late Katharine
Blendena Jackson. Born and raised in Ottawa, John's childhood was spent
enjoying the great outdoors with this family at the Five Lakes Fishing Club
near Wakefield. He lived most of his adult life in Rupert, a beautiful rural
village tucked away in the picturesque Gatineau Hills. He painted prolifically
in his straw bale studio, surrounded by woods and fields, creating expressionist
"visual poems" on themes of nature,
animals and humanity. He rarely painted
with a brush. John kept a studio in New York City from 1961 to 1967. During
that period, his works were displayed at the Lincoln Center, the Donnell Library,
the Cubiculo Theatre and the Pan Am building. In 1965, John illustrated e.e.
cummings's posthumous work Fairy Tales. He was awarded an honorable
mention at the 1992 La Biennale de Paris. His works can be found around
the world: in embassies, consulates, private collections, as well as in the
Canada Council Art Bank. As per John's wishes, there will be no funeral
service.Condolences / Tributes / Donations
McGarry Memorial Chapel
[Source: Obituary for John Eaton, The Ottawa Citizen, 14 November 2020,
available at ottawacitizen.remembering.ca/obituary/john-eaton-1080816374, accessed 25 April 2022]


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Eaton, Otto John, 1895-1982 (Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940)


Photo of Wyatt Eaton

Eaton, Wyatt, 1849-1896, (McKendry; MQ;  Roussan 82; Reid; NG1; Hubbard;
------Harper;  Fine Arts in Canada; Art Gallery of Ontario; Lord; Morris;
------Canadian Drawings; L'estampe; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists
------in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 675a-676a)

Eaton, Wyatt, 1849-1896, John Baker, 1870, 68.9 x 55.8 cm, National Gallery of
Canada, Ottawa  (no. 26980)

Eberhardt, Nicholas, act. 1863-1879, (Folk Artists)
Eberman, Frank, 1945-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 676a)
Ebersol, Barbara, 1846-1922, (Folk Artists)
Ebner, F. (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Ebrahimi-Sadat, Ashkan (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Ebsen, Alfred Karl, 1908-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
E'Bwenze, Taki, 1948-, (Vallée 93; L'art naïf)


Eby, Harold Kerr, 1889-1946, illustrator;  Wikipedia

Kerr Eby was born the son of a Canadian Methodist missionary
in Tokyo, but at the age of 3 years, the family returned to Canada.
He later studied and worked in New York primarily as an illustrator,
mostly of soldiers in action, with both World Wars influencing his
works. During World War II, he worked as an art correspondent
and was involved in the re-conquest of the Philippines by the US Army,
where he contracted a tropical disease, from which he died in 1946.
[source: olympedia.org/athletes/921495, accessed 3 August 2021]

Eby, William, 1831-1910, (Folk Artists)
Eby, William, 1855-1907 (Art populaire germano-canadien)



Dessin--Drawing by E.C. published in Canadian Illustrated News, 27 April 1872 and
reproduced from De Volpi, Charles P., 1910-, Québec : Recueil iconographique: Gravures
historiques et illustrations relatives à la ville de Québec, Province de Québec, Canada
1608-1875 -- Québec: A Pictorial Record: Historical Prints and Illustration of the City
of Québec, Province of Québec, Canada 1608-1875
, traduction par Jules Bazin, [Don
Mills, Ont.] : Longman Canada Limited, 1971, xiv, 188 p., ISBN: 0774700815 (mis en
ligne le 11 d/cembre 2022).


Eccles, Ronald (Ron) Kenneth, 1944-, (McMaster University; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)
Eccleston, Pegi, 1935-, ( Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ecclestone, Sue; artist's site
Echalok (Ekalook), Samwillie (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Echalook, Levi, 1918 (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 200)
Echalook, Moses, 1931-, (Ontario Collection)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Echaluk (Echalook), Noah, 1946-, (Newlands; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Echaluk (Echalook), Thomassie (Thomas), 1935-2011, (National Museum of Man; Art Auctions 1976-1978)

Echeverria y Godoy, Atanasio, fl 1792-1804 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Atanasio Echeverria, Wife of a Nootka
chief, 1792; " 'Improved' version of a
drawing by Atanasio Echeverria; courtesy
of Iris H.W. Engstrand, and Ministerio de
Asuntos Exteriores, Madrid." Copy of image and text are reproduced from the following book:
Henry, John Frazier, 1908-, Early maritime artists of the Pacific Northwest coast, 1741-1841,
Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, c1984, xiii, 240 p., at p. 167, 16 p. of plates : ill.
(some col.); 28 cm. Includes index, Bibliography: p. 233-236.   ISBN:  0888944365.


Echeverria, Carolina, 1964-,  (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008; ARTBOMB--15 September 2015 and 16 May 2016)

Book on Christian Eckart:
Eckart, Christian, 1959-, Mark A. (Mark Arthur)
Cheetham, 1954-, Artlab (Art Gallery), Disturbing abstraction : Christian Eckart / [Mark A. Cheetham, curator ; contributors.
Mark A. Cheetham ... [et al.]], London, Ont. : Artlab, [1996], 60 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held
at the Artlab, London, Ont., Nov. 14-Dec. 6, 1996 and travelling to other galleries. Includes bibliographical references.  ISBN:
077141921X (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=19514786462&searchurl=n%3D200000038%26xpod%3Don%26pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3DCanadian%2Barts#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 22 October 2016/

Eckart, Christian, 1959-, (Abstract Painting; Shape of Colour; Corporate collections)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses 


Eckhart, Ron, 1942-, (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)

Ron Eckhart, Laure #2, gum print, etching,
23.5 x 17.5" / 59.69 x 44.45cm, numbered 9/10,
dated 1982; text and image reproduced from:
accessed 28 May 2015.


Economo, Niki; born in Ottawa, ON; see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/niki-economo/
Eddenden, Michael, born in Hamilton (Editorial cartoons)
Eddy, Kimberley (ARTBOMB--25 February, 4 and 11 March, 15 April, 25 June, 4 and 6 July, 26 August, 12 and 16 September,
------18 October, 5 and 27 December 2015; 3 February, 30 March, 6 April, 11 and 29 May, 1 June,  1, 17 and 30 August, 5 September,
------3 November and 3 December 2016; 4, 11 and 25 January, 7 April, 1 May, 25 June, 31 July, 5 and 25 September and 11 and
------18 October 2017; 8 March, 20 and 31 August, 7 September, 8 November and 5 and 19 December 2018; 10 and 23 May, 3 July
------and 19 August 2019)
Ede, Charles, fl 1850-2 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ede, Frederick Charles Vipond, 1865-1943, (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)

Frederick C. Vipond Ede, Portrait of Three Dogs, watercolour,
1889, 14.25 x 21.75 " /  36 x 55 cm.

Image and information about watercolour reproduced from web site of
http://walkersauctions.auctionflex.com on 18 September 2014, lot
number 239,
Prints and Postage Auction of September 18, 2014,
at Tudor Hall, Ottawa.


Book on Nancy Edell:
Edell, Nancy, Mora Dianne O'Neil, 1944-, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia,
Art nuns : recent work by Nancy Edell : Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 21 September-24 November, 1991 / Mora Dianne O'Neil, curator,
Halifax, N.S. : The Gallery, c1991, 16 p. : ill (some col.) ; 21 cm. NOTES: Text by: Mora Dianne O'Neil. Cf. p. 15. Includes
bibliographical references.  ISBN: 0888712146 (IAMicus catalogue).
Image source: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=15580875237&searchurl=n%3D200000038%26xpod%3Don%26pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3DCanadian%2Barts#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 24 October 2016.

Edell, Nancy, 1942-2005 (Nova Scotia; L'estampe à Québec; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Atlantic Art Exhibition;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art of Courage); Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works;
------Mount Saint Vincent University Collection)

Nancy Edell, Operating, 1994, hooked rug (found wool, rag and burlap), 44 x 55 1/2 x

[Image and description of title reproduced from the following book:
Amesbury, Barbra, 1948-, Survivors: In Search of a Voice.  The Art of Courage, Toronto: Woodlawn Arts Foundation,
1995, 60 p.,  at p. 8, ill. (some col.), ports. ; 21 x 23 cm,  NOTES: Catalogue to accompany an exhibition held at the
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Feb. 17-May 22, 1995 and travelling to other venues. Essay by Barbra Amesbury, ISBN: 0-9699043-0-4]

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Edema, Gerard Van, 1652-1700, (McKendry; Harper; Lord; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Gerard Edema, Fishing Station, Newfoundland, circa 1690,
oil, 81.3 x 99 cm /32 x 39", Sigmund Samuel Collection,
Royal Ontario Museum; text and image reproduced from the following book:
Harper, John Russell, 1914-, Painting in Canada, 2nd ed., Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1977,
reprinted 1978, vii, 463 p., plate 11 at p. 40 : ill., ISBN: 0-8020-2271-5 (bd.).

Eden-Denée, Michel, voir Denée, Michel
Edenshaw, Albert Edward, 1810-1894 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Photo of Charles Edenshaw

Edenshaw, Charles (Charlie), 1839-1920, (McKendry; Balkind; Newlands;
------Arts of the Raven; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Northwest Coast Indian Art 1984)

Charles Edenshaw, Chest, circa 1890 (photo British Columbia Museum)

Book on Charles Edenshaw (image source: http://shop.vanartgallery.bc.ca):

Augaitis, Daina, Robert Davidson, 1946-, James Hart, Robin Kathleen Wright, Vancouver Art Gallery, Charles Edenshaw / curated by Robin K. Wright
and Daina Augaitis ; Haida advisors: Robert Davidson and James Hart PUBLISHER: London : Black Dog Pub., 2013, 256 p.: ill. (some col.); 29 cm. NOTES:
Includes bibliographical references. Published in conjunction with an exhibition organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery, ISBN: 1908966203 ISBN: 9781908966209.


Edenshaw, Isabella, 1842-1926 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Edgar, Allan (Collection Loto-Québec)
Edgar, Percival (Percy) James, 1888-1946, (McKendry; NG1; 100 Years of Art
------in Manitoba; Winnipeg School of Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

P.J. Edgar, Mallards, c. 1929,
drypoint on wove paper, 17.4 x
24.7 cm (plate); 21.6 x 35.4 cm
(sheet); image and its information
are reproduced from the following book:

National Galllery of Canada, Charles C. Hill, 1945 and Pierre B. Landry, 1953-, General Editors,
Canadian Art, Volume One / A-F
, Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1988, xxxii, 415 p., at p. 297
(series; Catalogue of the National Gallery of Canada; vol. 1; ISSN: 0826-9726); note:
also published in French under the title: "Art canadien", ISBN: 0888845456 (v. 1)
Edgar, Victoria, voir Chloé

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Edge, Marney Rose (ARTBOMB--12 June, 6 July and 12 August 2017; 29 August 2019)


Sue Edgerley, photo accompanying the article:
Isabelle Riendeau, "Susan Edgerley: Le verre
comme métaphore de l'existence", (1999) 42(174)
Vie des arts 32-34 disponible à erudit.org/fr/revues/va/
(site consulté le 9 juilledt 2022).

Edgerley, Sue (Susan), 1960-, craftperson in glass (Cutting Edge in Crafts;  Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 92)
------ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Edgerley---artist's site

Susan Edgerley, Berceuse, 1984, verre, bambou, ardoise, fil métallique et fibre végétale,
30,5 × 91,8 × 42,4 cm Don d’Elena et Stuart Lee (2015.42)

[Source: Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Rapport annuel  2015-2016, à la p. 37,
disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2321890, consulté le 14 août 2019]

Edis, Olive (Photos 1895-1924)
Edmond, Pierre, 1738-1800, sculpt., (McKendry)
Edmonds, Dana (ARTBOMB--30 November and 5 December 2018; 29 January, 8 February, 29 April, 15, 23 and
------29 May and 4 August 2019)
Edmonson, Joe, 1952-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Edmunds, Philip J., fl 1882-90 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Edouart, Augustin (Auguste), 1788-1861, (McKendry; National Archives of Canada; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Edson, Allan, 1846-1888, 1870  by  William
Notman Studio, Albumen print, 8.0 x 5.5 cm,
Notman Photographic Archives, McCord Museum,
Montreal (60,026-1).  This image is from the following book:
Dennis Reid,  "Our own country Canada" : being an account of the
national aspirations of the principal landscape artists in Montreal and
Toronto, 1860-1890
, Ottawa : National Gallery of Canada, 1979, xvi,
454 pages at p. 99: illustrations ; 26 cm, ISBN: 0888843607.

Edson, Allan Aaron, 1846-1888 (McKendry; Béland; MQ;  Reid;  Boulizon;
------Robert 78; Fine Arts in Canada; Harper; Art Gallery of Ontario; NG1;
------Hubbard; Newlands; Canadian Drawings; L'art du Québec; L'art au
------Canada français; Paysagistes; Ontario of Yesterday; Art Gallery of
------Hamilton; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 677a-678a; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995
------par Ostiguy; Morisset; British Columbia, a Pictorial Record, 1778-1891)

Thesis on Allan Aaron Edson:
Day, Gordon H., The Life and Times of Aaron Allan Edson,
A thesis for the degree of Master of Fine Arts, Department of Fine Art, Concordia University, Montreal,
September 1977, iv, 80 leaves, available at spectrum.library.concordia.ca/5199/1/MK34683.pdf, accessed 24 October 2019.

Voir également l'article de Pierre-André Côté, "- Gens d'ici - Les frères Edson, des personnalités à redécouvrir",
dans V15N5 - Avril-mai 2018  (consulté le 28 septembre 2020);

Edson, Allan Aaron, 1846-1888, Giant Falls, w.c./aquarelle, 22" x 17 3/4", 1872, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musé des Beaux Arts de

Edson, William, fl 1894-7 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Edward, Joan (Avmor Collection)
Edwards, Allan Whitcombe, 1915-1991 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 678a-679a)
Edwards, Austin, 1924-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Edwards, Bob, cartoonist for his publication the Calgary Eye-Opener (History of Canadian Political Cartooning)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Edwards, Douglas, 1954-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, pp. 143-145 and
Edwards, Frank A., 1940-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Caricatures 1992)

Frank A. Edwards, caricature in The Whig Standard, Kingston,
c. 1992?

[Image reproduced from Guy Badeaux and Charles Gordon, 1940-, Portfoolio 8 : the year in Canadian caricature /
edited by Guy Badeaux; text by Charles Gordon; foreword by Josh Freed, [Toronto]: Macmillan Canada, 1992, 190 p., at p. 173,
ill., ISBN: 0771591845]
Edwards, Gordon Lewis, 1931-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Edwards, Henrietta Muir, 1849-1931 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Edwards, Richard Powell, 1944-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Edwards, O.E., fl 1899-1900 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Edwards, Robert Chambers, 1864-1922 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Edwards, Roger Glenn, 1948-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Edwards, Wallace (Wally), 1957-2022, children' books, see canada.on.worldcat.org/search....


W.B. Edwards, Le professionnalisme, gage de qualité, Cote:
P525, P1 (les livreurs de la compagnie paquet); texte et image
reproduits dans le livre suivant:
Lambert, Serge, 1958-, Jean-Claude Dupont, 1934-, Archives nationales du Québec, Québec (Province),
Ministère des relations avec les citoyens et de l'immigration, Les voies du passé, 1870-1965 : les transports
au Québec
/ Serge Lambert, Jean-Claude Dupont, Sainte-Foy : Archives nationales du Québec, c1997, xiii,
197 p., à la p. 27: nombreuses ill. ; 24 cm. SERIES: Aux limites de la mémoire.  NOTES: "Gouvernement
du Québec, Ministère des relations avec les citoyens et de l'immigration"--P. [4] de la couv. Publ. en collab.
avec: Publications du Québec.  ISBN: 2551178347. (Catalogue AMICUS)

Edwards, W.B. (William Bertram), 1880-1944, photographe  (Photos 1895-1924)

Edwards, Brothers, Vancouver, B.C. (Photos 1895-1924)
Edwin, Gilles (en duo avec Olivier, Stéphane; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Eecuesk, (Shell Canada Collection)
Eegyvadluk (Eegyvadlook), 1931-2000, (Roch)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Eegyvudluk (Eegivudluk, Eejyvudluk) Ragee, 1920-1983, (Eskimo Prints; National
------Museum of Man McKendry; NG1; Larmour; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Eegyvudluk, Stoneblock for
"Sky Stars", 1960, green stone
with orange ink, 24,5 x 22 x 1.8
cm (irregular), image and its information
are reproduced from the following book:

National Galllery of Canada, Charles C. Hill, 1945 and Pierre B. Landry, 1953-, General Editors,
Canadian Art, Volume One / A-F
, Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1988, xxxii, 415 p., at p. 299
(series; Catalogue of the National Gallery of Canada; vol. 1; ISSN: 0826-9726); note:
also published in French under the title: "Art canadien", ISBN: 0888845456 (v. 1)


Eeleesceepee, 1927-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 171)
Eeseemailie, Atoomowyak--Atungauja, 1923-1988 or 1989 (Nuvisavik: the place where we weave; National Museum of Man)
Eeseemailie, Gyta, 1955-, (Nuvisavik: the place where we weave)
Eeteeguyakjuak, 1923-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 195)
Eetook, Josephie  (Seidelman)
Eetook, Moses, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Eevee, 1935-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Eevik, Tommy, 1951-, (National Museum of Man)
Eeyeeteetowak (Iyi'tuaq, Eeyeetowak, Eyeetowak), 1934-, (National Museum of Man; Roch)
Efi (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Egan (Hagen), Alice, see under/voir Hagen, Alice Mary Egan


Allen Egan, The Journey, 2005, acrylique sur toile, 101 x 100 cm
sur la couverture de la brochure suivante:

Centre d'exposition Art-Image, Espace Odyssée, Galerie Montcalm, Centre d'artistes AXENÉ07, Espace
Pierre Debain, Centre d'exposition L'Imagier, Arts Visuels 2010 -- expositions à Gatineau

Egan, Allen, 1962-,  (Collection Loto-Québec); *artist's site
Egan, J.H., actif à Montréal fin 19e siècle (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Egan, J. Hugh, fl. 1892-1929 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Egar, Dina; from Greece; see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/dina-egar/
Egar, Stanley Ernest, 1913-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Egerszegi, Eva (Avmor Collection)
Egerton, Francis, 1800-1857 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Egerton, Rowland (Roland?)  Philip, 1891-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 679a)
Egger, Virginia ou Virginie, 1966-, (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Egivudluk, (Eskimo Prints)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Eglington, Judith, 1945-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board; Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)
Egnatoff, Peter George, 1912-1958, born near Perdue, SK and died in Oshawa, ON  (Biographical Index of Artists
------in Canada)


Shushan Egoyan, photo reproduced from legacy.com/ca/obituaries/
(accessed 11 December 2022).

Egoyan, Shushan, 1933-2022, born in Cairo, Egypt

Shushan Egoyan, Coastline, oil on canvas, 22 x 28", image published by Winchester
Galleries, Victoria, BC in Canadain Art, Fall 2005 at p. 9.


Egrmajer, Willa (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Egutak, Harry, 1925-2009, (National Museum of Man; Roch)
Egyedi, Bela, 1913-1982, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Vladislav Ehlers et François Lareau, Galerie
Montcalm, Hull, 1998, photo de Fernand Leclair,
prise lors du vernissage de l'exposition de Vladislav
Ehlers, "Vladislav Ehlers: monde énigmatique",
Galerie Montcalm, la galerie d'art de la ville de Hull,
12 mars au 26 avril 1998. 

Photo de Vladislav Ehlers prise par François Lareau lors de l'une de nos visites
 impromtues avec Claude Bouchard à la résidence de Vladislav à Aylmer en 1998.

Vladislav Ehlers a illustré la couverture du livre suivant:
Meynard, Yves, Élisabeth Vonarburg, Chanson pour une sirène,
Hull, Québec : Vents d'Ouest, 1995, ©1993, 93 pages ; 19 cm, ISBN: 2921603225,
9782921603225, catalogue Voilà et WorldCat database; source de l'image du livre:
sf.emse.fr/AUTHORS/EVONARBURG/EV-CPUS-B.JPG, site consulté le 6 mars 2020.

Vladislav Ehlers a illustré la couverture du livre suivant:
Bernier, Pierre, Michel Céré, Monique Avon, Vladislav Ehlers,
Mots dévêtus: les corps amoureux dans tous leurs ébats,
Ripon, Québec : Écrits des Hautes-Terres, 1997, 73 pages :
illustrations en couleurs; 23 cm., ISBN: 2922404005, 9782922404005;
catalogue Voilà et WorldCat database; source de l'image du livre:
vincenttheberge.ca/participation.html, site consulté le 6 mars 2020.
Note de recherche: il existe également un tirage limité de ce livre à 150 ex. num. et
signés par les auteurs et les artistes, le tout dans un 1 emboîtage, 31 x 21 x 3 cm.

Ehlers, Vladislav, 1940-2004, (exposition Gallerie Montcalm, mars-avril 1998; Robert 83;
------Collection Loto-Québec; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

Vladislav Ehlers, La Belle et la bête,1996, techniques mixtes
sur toile / Mixed Media on Canvas,  152 x 101,6 cm  -  Photo
par / by Top Photo, Ottawa 1996 (Collection privée).  Toile
exposée lors de l'exposition de Vladislav Ehlers, "Vladislav
Ehlers: monde énigmatique", Galerie Montcalm, la galerie
d'art de la ville de Hull, 12 mars au 26 avril 1998.

Photo de l'affiche pour l'exposition de Vladislav Ehlers, "Vladislav Ehlers: monde
énigmatique", Galerie Montcalm, la galerie d'art de la ville de Hull, 12 mars au
26 avril 1998 (photo de l'affiche prise par Gisèle Lareau, 17 mai 2024).

Vladislav Ehlers, Madona et sa fille, 1998, techniques mixtes sur bois, 60,5 cm x 40,5
(Collection François Lareau).  Toile exposée lors de l'exposition de Vladislav Ehlers,
"Vladislav Ehlers: monde énigmatique", Galerie Montcalm, la galerie d'art de la ville de Hull,
12 mars au 26 avril 1998.

Photo de Vladislav Ehlers avec l'article de Rachel Bergeron, "Artemise, une grand-mère
surréaliste!", Le régional, 9 août 1989, Cahier Outaouais, à la p. 12, disponible à collections.
(site consulté le 1er septembre 2021).

Le Pélérin, oeuvre de Valdislav Ehlers accompagnant
l'article de Claude Bouchard, "C'est l'année du cochon, et elle a
donné naissance à la thématique du solstice d'été, Cochonailles, au
centrre d'exposition L'Imagier, secteur Aylmer.  Cochonailles ludiques",
Le droit, Ottawa-Gatineau, édition week-end 23 et 24 juin 2007,
supplément 1, à la p. A12, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3750502
(site consulté le 1er septembre 2021).
Puis, dans le hall d'entrée [de la galerie], une oeuvre
de feu Vladislav Ehlers intitulée Le Pèlerin, faite d'acrylique
sur bois et réalisée en 1988, et qui souligne l'anniversaire de
son ami Pierre Debain, un "Cochon" qui avait beaucoup voyagé,
retient l'attention des spectateurs.

Vladislav Ehlers, Non titré, 1998, Techniques mixtes sur bois, 61,5 x 61,3 cm
Collection permanente de la Ville de Gatineau (NAC : 1998.288), © Succession
Vladislav Ehlers, source de l'image: gatineau.ca/portail/.... (site consulté 17 avril 2024).

Note de recherche: vérifiez ci cette toile ci-dessus n'est pas incluse dans le livre:
Valérie Mandia, 1986-, éditeur intellectuel, Galerie Montcalm, institution hôte, Gatineau
(Québec), Collectionneur, Dialogues de l'oeil.  Regards sur la collection permanente
d'oeuvres d'art de la
Ville de Gatineau, Gatineau (Québec): Neige-galerie, 2015, 109
pages : illustrations en couleur ; 29 cm, ISBN:
9782924384039, 2924384036, Notes:
Catalogue d'une exposition tenue à la Galerie Montcalm du 27 août au 4 octobre 2015
(date de cette recherche par François Lareau  2 décembre 2024).

Valdislav Ehlers et son épouse Lise Godmaire, à l'extrême-gauche, Le Droit, Ottawa, jeudi, 2
avril 1970, à la p. 17, reproduit de collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4280445 (site consulté le 31 octobre 2023).

Vladislav Ehlers, Casino, image accompagnant l'article de Joanne Legault,
"ARTS VISUELS: Des jeux spéciaux", Le Droit, Ottawa-Hull, samedi,
5 août 1995 aux pages A10 et A11 et reproduit de collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/
  (site consulté 17 avril 2024).

L'image de cette toile Casino devrait également se retrouver deans la
publication suivante:
Jacqueline Tardif, 1955-, Galerie Montcalm, Jeux d'artistes,
Hull, Québec : Galerie Montcalm, 1995, 71 pages : illustrations
(certaines en couleur) ; 26 cm, ISBN: 2921541068
, 9782921541060;
Notes: Jacqueline Tardif , directrice de la Galerie Montcalm; participation
de 32 artistes; exposition du 13 juillet-27 ao
ût 1995; de concert avec la
Société Loto Québec.

Vladislav Ehlers, 1997, photo prise à son
exposition "La mytho-magie de Vladislav
Ehlers", 7 au 21 décembre 1998, Cercle
universitaire, 453 est, rue Laurier, Ottawa,
Ontario.  Exposition organisée par Claude
Toutes les photos ont été manquées.  J'ai cependant
réussi à en découper quelques unes.

Photo de l'affiche pour l'exposition de Vladislav Ehlers, "La mytho-magie
de Vladislav Ehlers", 7 au 21 décembre 1998, Cercle universitaire, 453 est,
rue Laurier, Ottawa, Ontario.  Exposition organisée par Claude Bouchard.
Photo de l'affiche prise par Gisèle Lareau le 17 mai 2024.

Avis de décès pour Vladislav Ehlers,
reproduit de Le Droit, Ottawa-Gatineau,
lundi, 2 février 2004, page 29 et
disponible à diffusion.banq.qc...pdf (site
consulté 10 novembre 2024).

Valdislav Ehlers, photo d'une carte postale; voir l'image suivante.

Moitié de l'endos de la carte postale
pour la photo précédente.

Livre illustré par Vladislav Ehlers:

Michel Blouin, 1958-, Vladislav Ehlers,
Survivant de la pleine lune, Ripon, Québec:
Écrits des Hautes-Terres, 1999,
79 pages :
illustrations en couleur ; 19 cm, (Collection;
Collection Gélivures: 3e), ISBN:
9782922404142, notes:
six illustrations,
techniques mixtes, de Vladislav Ehlers,

source de l'image: kijiji.ca/v-essais-et-biographies/ville-

(site consulté 2 décembre 2024).


Ehlert, Una Mavis, 1922-2007, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 679a-680a; Ontario Collection)
Ehrbar, Fred, 1931-, (Vallée 93)
Eibner, Frédéric (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998;
------Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001; Photography and Illustration 1993 at p. 17)
Eid, Jean-Paul (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998; Illustrateurs et illustratrices
------du Québec 2000-2001; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Eid, Sabine (Bromont en Art, 17e édition, août 2015)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Einarson, Dale, born in Westminster, B.C. (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Einerssen, John, 1949-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Eiriksdottir, Soley (Sculpture)
Eisemann, Michael, (Sales Index 1989-90)
Eisler, John, 1973-, (Abstract Painting; RBC Canadian Painting Competition)


Eissenhauer (Eisener; Eisenhauer) Collins E., 1898-1979, sculpt., (McKendry;
------Folk Art; Folk Artists; L'art populaire du Québec; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Nova Scotia Folk Art; Art populaire germano-canadien; Folk Art Outdoors; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works)

Research note:
See the thesis: Morton, Erin. Visions which Succeed: Regional Publics and Public Folk Art in Maritime Canada,
Degree: PhD, Art History, 2009, Queens University, available at Morton_Erin_D_200908_PhD.pdf (44.65 MB)  (accessed 12 February 2024)


Eitel, George, 1906-1961, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 680a)
Ekidlak, Paulassie, 1934-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 314)
Ekiktook, Davidee (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Elkin, Elizabeth (ARTBOMB--10 January 2016)
Ekoota, David, 1929-1984, born Baker Lake, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plates 262, 263 and 290)
Ekootak, Victor, 1916-1965,  from Holman (National Museum of Man; Larmour; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ekstedt, Dennis; (Collection Loto-Québec; RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
Ekvall, Francis (Alberta Society of Artists)
El Abir, Samir, 1971-, (Roussan 2001)
El Asraoui, Abderrahim (ARTBOMB--2 and 6 April 2015)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


André Elbaz, Fonds La Presse, 27 février 1984, par le photographe
Jean-Yves Létourneau, source: numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/
(site consulté 20 février 2024).

Elbaz, André, 1934-,  (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9_Elbaz


Elchab, Michel, 1930-2016, (Aberg; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Elcock, W. Hew, 1949-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 681a)
Elder, Bruce, filmmaker/cinéaste (Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2007; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)


Elder, Edward C., (Folk Artists)

Edward C. Elder, An Edwardian Table, oil, 20 x 16"; this image
and text are reproduced from the following book:

Harper, J. Russell, A People's Art: Primitive, Naive, Provincial, and Folk
Painting in Canada
, Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1974, 176 p.,
plate 121 at p. 165, ISBN: 0802021530.

Elder, David Morton, 1936-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Elder, Mary Louise, 1911-2000, photographer (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Eldridge, Charles William, 1811-1883, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Èle, 1975-, (Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 95)
Eleeshushe (Elishushi, Ilisusi), c1896-1975, (National Museum of Man; Roch;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------History of Art in Toronto Schools; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Élément, Gilles, 1941-, (Vallée 93)
Elfassy, Ran (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Elford, Shirley, 1943-2011 born in Hamilton (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Elgin, Mary Louisa Lambton, 1819-1898 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Eli (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 241)
Eliany, Marc, 1948-, (canadiens d'origine arabe)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Elias, André, 1952-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Elias, Arthur Edward, 1872-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Eliassiepik, 1913-196?, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 317)
Eliasson, Gissur, 1912-1980, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 681a)

Publications sur Areg Elibekian:

Areg Elibekian, Parc d’Outremont en hiver, oil on canvas,
30" × 24"; image from Empire auctions, Montreal, lot # 654,
Wednesday. 1 March 2017.
Image source: montreal.empireauctions.com/catalog_dbS4.php, accessed 23 February 2017

Elibekian, Areg, 1970-; artist's site--site de l'artiste


Eliceiry, André, 1946-, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; Collection
------Loto-Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Eliceiry, Péio (Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2015)
Élie, Maryse (Collection Loto-Québec)


Pascal Élie, photo que l'on retrouve dans l'article "Décès du
caricaturiste du Devoir Pascal Élie", Radio-Canada, 24 octobre
2022, reproduit de: ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1927106/deces-caricaturiste
(site consulté le 27 octobre 2022).

Élie, Pascal, 1959-2022, (Histoire de la caricature au Québec; Editorial cartoons)

Pascal Élie et ses dessins dans le livre suivant
(image: http://www.ebay.com):
Baudouin, Jean-Louis, 1938-, Pascal Élie, 1959-, Les perles de Thémis, ou, Les joyaux de l'humour involontaire /
Jean-Louis Baudouin; dessins de Pascal Élie, Québec : Éditions Y. Blais, 1990; notes: tome I.  ISBN: 2890737519.


Eliès, Gloria, 1923-2013
Elijassiapik,  Elie, 1936-2015
Elijassiapik, Sarah, 1941-, (National Museum of Man)
Elijassiapik (Elisasipik), Simeonie, 1913-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 175)
Elijassie, Kavik, 1947-, (McMaster University)
Elin, Lisa S. (Avmor Collection)
Eliot, Charles Graham, 1912-1940 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Eliot, Ruth Mary, 1913-2002, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists)
Eliot-Ledoux, Nicole, 1944-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Eliot-Los, Elise, 1944-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Elishushi, (Eskimo Prints)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Eliyah (Elijah, Eliyah Pootoogook), 1943-, (National Museum of Man; Roch)
Eliyakota, 1939-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Elizabeth, 1950-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 240)
Elizabeth, fl 1970s (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Elizanne (Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Campbell) (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 681a)
Elkin, Anita, 1922-2014, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Elkin, Elizabeth (ARTBOMB--27 February and 4 May 2014; 13 April and 28 June 2016; 1, 17 and 26 May, 14 June, 30 and
------ 31 July, 24 August and 2 September 2017; 2 March, 26 May, 29 June and 26 October 2018)
Ellemers, Jim, 1939-, born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Saskatchewan: art and artists; Biographical Dictionary of
------Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Ellerhusen, Florence Cooney, 1888-1950 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ellery, Melanie (ARTBOMB--21 January, 17 February, and 26 March 2017; 1, 8  and 29 May, 8 July and 16 August 2019)

Ellice, Katherine Jane, 1814-1864, (McKendry; Tippett; Painters in a New Land;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists; L'esprit révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Ellice, Katherine Jane, 1814-1864,  The interior of the seigniory house at Beauharnois, Lower Canada, 1838, watercolour, 6 1/2" x 8 3/4 " (Documentary Art,
Public Archives of Canada, photographer: Ron Vickers).

Ellievel, 1945-, (Bruens 88)
Ellingsen, David, Photographer  (Initial Gallery in Vancouver)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Ellingsen, Erling Olay (Photos 1895-1924)
Elliot, David, 1953-, (Burnett; Bernier; Collection Loto-Québec)
Elliot (Elliott), Joseph H., fl 1871-99 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Elliott, Arthur, 1809-1892 , fl 1881-2 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Elliot_(artist)

Arthur Elliott, Man with a Fur Hat,
1881-1882, watercolour;
source: bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/portrait-portal/Pages/

E Copy: e001201139; accessed on 8 October 2014

Arthur Elliot, an English artist, lived in Canada from
circa 1881 to 1882. In addition to his stay in Montreal,
Quebec, he visited Toronto, the Muskoka Lakes and
Sault Ste. Marie, in Ontario. During this time he
produced dozens of sketches, several of which were
reproduced in the Montreal based magazine, the
Canadian Illustrated News between October 1881
and January 1882. He was an experienced illustrator
whose pen and ink drawings were ideally suited for
reproduction purposes.
[Source: web.archive.org/web/20100123080900/http://www.collections
, accessed 9 July 2022]

Elliott, Mrs. D. (History of Art in Toronto Schools)

Image source: http://www.joyceyahoudagallery.com/en/artists/david_elliott/bio, accessed 18 May 2016
David Elliott

Elliott, David, 1953-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989; Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2016)

Elliott, Douglas Ferguson, 1916-2012, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------McMaster University; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 682a; Ontario Collection)

Image source: offthewall.waddingtons.ca/auction/183/lot-90, accessed 29 April 2016
Douglas Ferguson Elliott, High Level Birches,
October, oil on masonite, 20.3 x 25.4 cm /
8 x 10".


Elliott, Elizabeth (ARTBOMB--29 November 2017; 8 April, 30 June, 1 July and 2 September 2018)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Emily Louise Orr Elliott, 1930, photo reproduced
from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Louise_Orr
_Elliott (accessed 9 July 2022).

Elliott, Emily Louise Orr, 1867-1952, born in Montreal  (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Collection numérique d'estampes
------ de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Sales Index 1989-90; Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Emily Louise Orr Elliott, untitled, 1917, oil on board, 9 x 10.5"/22.9 x
26.7 cm, Lot 150, Waddington's Discovery Art, 18 September to 23
September 2021, image reproduced from waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-
(accessed 14 September 2021).

Elliott, France, 1954-, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Elliott, Gillian, 1940-, Born in Barrie, ON (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Elliott, Glen (Allied Arts Catalogue 2)
Elliott, Glen Curtis, 1944-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 682a; Biographical Dictionary of
------Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Elliott, Harold, 1890-1968, born in Killarney, Manitoba and died in Burnanby, BC; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Elliott_(artist)
Elliot, John, c1885-1971, (Folk Artists)
Elliot, Margaret, born in England (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012)
Elliott, Paul Jones (ARTBOMB--4  and 20 October 2016)
Elliott, Nicole (Collection Loto-Québec)
Elliott, Robert James (JE), 1790-1849 (Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)
Elliot, William Barry, 1937-, (McMaster University)


Winston Elliott, photo reproduced from
his obituary which describes his career
as an artist  at vancouversunandprovince.re
(accessed 11 September 2024)

Elliott, Winston, 1924-2020,

Winston Elliott, Art Galleries, 1947, 16 x 12", oil on masonite, Collection of
Grace Turner

[Description of title and image taken from John Davenall Turner, 1900-1980,
Sunfield painter : the reminiscences of John Davenall Turner / introduction by
Jon Whyte
, Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, 1982, at p. 108]

Photo de Nicole Elliot-Ledoux, reproduite de
Québec Presse, 3 décembre 1972, cahier 2,
Association coopérative des publications popu-
laires, à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4346013 (site
consulté 26 novembre 2024).

Elliot-Ledoux, Nicole, peintre, tisserande (Artisans créateurs du Québec)


Elliotte, Xander (ARTBOMB--26 March and 17 September 2014)
Ellis, Ada Leslie Withrow, c1862-1939 (Elliot (Elliott), Joseph H., fl 1871-99 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada))
Ellis, Clay, 1955-, (Burnett)
Ellis, Dean, 1948-, sculptor (Reid; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Ellis, Dean, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ellis, Francis Wilson, fl 1778-1810 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ellis, Gerald, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Ellis, John, fl 1845-66, died in 1888 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ellis, John, 1795-1877, (Toronto in Art)
Ellis, Owen William, 1888-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ellis, Roy Gilmore, 1906-1989, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ellis, Salathiel, fl 1824-64 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ellis, Walter James (Photos 1895-1924)


Ellis, William, 1747-1810 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

"William Ellis, A Rock and a Distant View in KingGeorge's Sound, N.W. Coast of
America", watercolour, 22.8 27.1 cm, 1778, National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an2816706,
image reproduced from the book by McKAY, Marylin J.,  1944 , Picturing the Land:
Narrating Territories in Canadian Landscape Art, 1500-1950
, Montreal and Kingston:  McGill-Queen's
University Press, c2011, xviii, 359 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 26 cm.(series;  McGill-Queen's/Beaverbrook Canadian
Foundation Studies in art history ; 3);, ISBN: 9780773538177.  The image is at p. 54 and is fig. 2.15, see
(accessed 19 September 2021).

William Ellis was a draftsman who "accompanied Captain James Cook
on his explorations of the northwest coast of British North America
.... (McKAY, supra, at p. 54 )


Ellis, William, 1870s-1960, (Folk Artists; Eastern Canadian Folk Art)
Ellis, William, 1865-1963 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Ellis, William Hodgson, 1845-1920 (Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940) 
Ellison, Jane, (MAC)
Ellison, John, 1912-1957 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 683a)
Ellison, William, connu à Québec entre 1848 et 1865, photographe (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Ellisson & Co. (Canadian Photography 1839-1920)
Ellwood, William James Howard, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Photo reproduced from patrimoinepotton.org/appnum/s/APP-IL/page
(accessed 10 May 2023).

Ellmaurer, Otto W.,


Article du journal Le Courrier du Sud, mercredi.
le 1er décembre 1975 à la p. A9 et reproduit de:
, site consulté le 17 mai 2023.

El Mahdy, Wadie, see also--voir aussi Mahdi/Mahdy, Wadie El,


Elmslie, Barbara, 1941-, (Canadian Pastels; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Eloul, Kosso, 1920-1995, (McKendry; Burnett; Murray; Sculpture Walks; Art Gallery
------of Hamilton; Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 683a-684a; Ontario Collection; Art in Ontario; Art public de la ville de Montréal)

Kosso Eloul, Salut, c. 1975, Stainless steel, 365.8 x 365.8 x 182.9 cm / 144 x 144 x 72"

"The giant stainless steel or aluminum sculptures of Kosso Eloul, usually
consisting of two or more large rectangular blocks precariously balanced
together, are notable in their combination of simplicity and complexity."

[Text and image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,  Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at pp. 293 and 317, ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN: 0889029792.]


Elsdon, Ann (ARTBOMB--4 and 27 November 2015; 28 January and May 2016)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Elsen, Michael (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Elsenbach, Annegret Hunter (Oeuvres d'artisans)
Elsiddique, Teto (RBC Canadian Painting Competition 2014)

Elsom, Vicky (Photography and Illustration 1993 at p. 21)
Elston, Dave, 1958-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Elstor, Miriam (Photos 1895-1924)
El-Taji El-Khairy, Najat, Egypte, (Roussan 2006)
E.M., act. mid-18th cent. (Folk Artists)
Emerak (Imerak), Mark, 1901-1983, (Roch; Galerie éducative De-la-Salle)
Emery, Margaret (Indian Artists at Work)
Emikotialuk, George (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Emiqutailaq, Mina, 1921-, (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Emodi, Arnold Ignace, 1860-1923, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Émond, Anne-Marie (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec) 
Emond, Cécile, 1931-, (Vallée 93; Naïfs; L'art naïf); site sur l'artiste
Émond, Jean-Louis, 1957- (Collection Loto-Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle); site de l'artiste


Photo de Léonce Émond, dans le journal Le
, mardi, 9 juillet 1997, à la p. A3, repro-
duit de collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2911032
(site consulté le 3 septembre 2024).

Émond, Léonce; site de l'artiste


Émond, Lucien, 1925-2015, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Histoire de la caricature au Québec)
Emond, Paul, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Émond, Philippe, 1930-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Emond, Pierre, 1738-1808, sculpt., (McKendry; MQ 2; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical
------ Index of Artists in Canada)

"Slide panel of a restrained but rich and delicate Louis XV tabernacle -- St. Pierre,
(Ile d'Orléans), P.Q., sculptor PIERRE ÉMOND (1795).
(Québec, IBC, 7664, K-9)
IBC= Inventaire des biens culturels
(Text and photo reproduced from National Museum of Man (Canada), History Division,
A.J.H. Richardson, Geneviève Bastien, Doris Dubé and Marthe Lacombe,
Quebec City: Architects, Artisans, and Builders, Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1984,
at p. 255).
Emond, Raymonde, 1944-, (Vallée 89)
Émond, Richard, artisan, jouets de bois (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Emond, Suzette, 1947-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008; Collection Loto-Québec)
Emori, Eiko, 1938-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Endicott, George, 1802-1848, (MQ 2)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Endo, Koyo, 1939-, (L'Artothèque--2014)
Enfants du Centre d'art de Percé;
Engel, Howard, 1931-2019, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); cartoonist with name: Foo
Engelberg, Randy (Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)
Engelhardt, Fred, 1915-,  (Alberta Society of Artists)
Engelhart, Louis Joseph (Lou), 1915-1989, born in Campellton, NB (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Engelheart, Gardner D., fl 1860 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
England, Kathleen Margaret, 1908-, act. 1999 (Sales Index 1989-90; Early Women Artists; 200 Years of Botanical Art in British Columbia)
Englbrecht, Nathan Robert (ArtBombPHOTO--12 April 2014)
Ennecker, Louis, 1818-, fl 1866 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ennis, Patrick (ARTBOMB--12 January 2019)
Enns, Cornelius, 1884-1960, (Folk Artists)
Enns, Erin (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Enns, Maureen, 1943-, (McKendry; Alberta artists; Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Alberta Society of Artists)
Ennutsiak (also known as Innutsiak or Eenutsia), 1896-1967 (Inuit Sculpture TD Bank Financial Group Collection); see also under
------Innutsiak; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ennutsiak
Enoogoo (Enoogo) (We don't live in snow houses now; Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Enoogoo, Pangaqjuk, (We don't live in snow houses now)
Enoya (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Enright, Clifford, 1934-, (Saskatchewan: art and artists)
Ense, Don, 1953-, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ensor, Arthur John, 1905-1995, (McKendry; NG1; Hubbard; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 685a-686a); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_John_Ensor

John Ensor, Distance Bus Driver, 1939, watercolour and
charcoal on paper, 15 x 21 7/8" / 38.1 x 55.6 cm; image and text
reproduced from: http://www.heffel.com/ho2/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=71020&ImageID=48313&Main=True, accessed 15 July 2015.


Entz, Anne Marie, 1952-2000, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Entz, Sara, (Folk Art)
Enuaraq, Elisapee, 1955-, (Clyde River Prints/Estampes 1981)
Enuaraq, Nubiya, 1927-1985, (Clyde River Prints/Estampes 1981)
Épaule, Jacques Dominique, 1949-,  (Robert 83; Roussan 82;  Robert 78; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Sales Index 1989-90)
Eperjessy, Ferdinand, 1905-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Epirk, 1923-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 205)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Epoo, Josie (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Epoxy (Daniel Fortin; Stéphane Legault), (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)


Epp, Edward John, 1950-, born in Sakatoon, SK (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Claridge Inc. catalogue; Treasured Moments: John
------and Monica Kurtz; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists);

Edward Epp, Brake, 1981, watercolour, 29 7/8"
 x 22 1/2"; image reproduced from: http://www.
OSwMmBVuDmC, accessed 2 December 2015.

Epp, Ellie, 1945-, (Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983)

Epp, Paul, 1949-, woodworker, (Craftsman; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Oeuvres d'artisans;
------Art in Ontario)

Paul Epp, Table, maple with bird's eye maple veneer and imbuya inlay,
28 3/4 x 28 3/4 x 28 3/4", photo Bernd Taeger

[Image and description of Paul Epp's table are reproduced from the following book:
Parkin, Jeanne, William J.S. Boyle, Visual Arts Ontario, Art in Architecture: Art for the built environment in the Province
of Ontario
, [Toronto] : Visual Arts Ontario, 1982, xii, 276 p., at p. 158: ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 276, ISBN: 0920708048]


Epp, William (Bill) Harold, 1930-1995, born in Glenbush, SK (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan
------Men Artists; Saskatchewan: art and artists); biography


Epstein, Max, 1932-2002, ( Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 686a)

Max Epstein, A path to glory, 1977, colour lithograph,
numbered 49/50, 24 x 16" --61 x 41 cm, on sale at Empire
Auction, Montreal, 17-22 March 2022, Art sale auction, lot 64,
source of image bid.empireauctions.com/lots/view/4-58K32U/max-epstein, site consulted on 9 March 2022.


Epstein, William, 1912-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo of Isaac Erb, source: collectionartnb.ca/en/artists/issac-erb
(accessed 13 June 2023).

Publication on Isaac Erb:

"The Isaac Erb Collection", Camera Canada (magazine, a
special edition), 1977.  This magazine is published by the
National Association For Photographic Art (Collection
of François Lareau)

Photo from "The Isaac Erb Collection", Camera Canada, supra at p. 16.

Photo from "The Isaac Erb Collection", Camera Canada, supra at p. 35.

Erb, Isaac, 1846-1924, photographer

Isaac Erb, "Saint John.  Interior of the Waterbury and Rising
shoe store", 1909, Wilson Studio, Saint John; text
and photo are from the following book:

Vroom, Richard, 1943-, Arthur T. Doyle, 1938-, Old New Brunswick : a Victorian portrait / photographs selected by Richard Vroom;
introduction by Arthur Doyle, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1978, 19, 123 p., at plate 42: chiefly ill.; 23 x 28 cm. ISBN: 0195402936.


Publication sur Daniel Erban:
Erban, Daniel, Robert Poulain, Hugues Brouillet,  Daniel Erban,
Montréal: Galerie Robert Poulain, 2019, source de l'image: abebooks.com/
, vendeur de la publication: abibliodocs (Montréal, QC, Canada) (site consulté le 7 février 2022).

Erban, Daniel, 1951-2017, (L'estampe à Québec; L'art et le papier 2; 1980-1990 : L'estampe
------originale au Québec; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, pp. 24-31)

Daniel Erban, Jungle Jungle, 2000, Oil on canvas,  97 × 144 cm / 38 ¼ × 56 ¾ in;
image reproduced from catalogue, Les Enchères ByDealers, Auction House, "Art d'après-guerre
& contemporain -- Post War & Contemporary Art", 5 November 2018, Montreal, at page 115,
available at  bydealers.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/BYD_05112018.pdf (accessed 3 July 2019).

Erichsen-Brown, Frank, 1878-1967 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Erickson, Arthur, 1924-2009 (Balkind; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Erickson, Bryce, 1948-, (Wood Engraving in Canada since 1945; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Erickson, Leanne, (L'art au féminin)

Erisalu, Enn, 1943-2005, born in Estonia,

Enn Erisalu, untitled, acrylic on paper, 16 x 12.75 /40.64 x 32.39 cm,
Canadian and International Works of Art, by Westbridge Fine Art Auction
House, Vancouver, 26 September 2021, lot 27, available at invaluable.com/auction
(accessed 14 September 2021).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Erkel, John, fl 1970-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Erkolik (Erkoolik), Toona (Tuna), also known as Iquliq, Tuna 1935-2015, Eskimo art, Baker Lake, (Larmour; The People Within;
------Winnipeg Art Gallery; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plates 247 and 368)

Erkolik, Toona, Bust, c.1960's, stone, 11.25 x 8.25 x 3.5 in., 28.6 x 21 x 8.9cm,
lot 6, Walker, Ottawa, Online Canadian Inuit and First Nations Art Auction,
biding starts closing 12 Julu 2021
, source of image: walkersauctions.hibid.com/lot/95324791/tuna-iquliq?ipp=10, accessed 13 July 2021.


Ernette, Adolphe (Morisset)
Ernette, Victpor (Morisset)
Ernette,Victor (or Adolphe), act. 1842, 1844, (McKendry; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ernst, Suzanne (ARTBOMB--11 December 2013)
Erratum Designers (Frédéric Galliot et Vincent Hauspy) (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)
Erskine, Shirley, 1931-; artist's site
Erskine-Smith, Caitline, artiste du fibre (Vie des arts, numéro 222, vol. 45, printemps 2011, p. 82)
Erwin, Arthur, act. 1970s, (Folk Art; Folk Artists; Folk Art Outdoors)
Eryaşa Özgen, 1947-, né à Bursa, Turquie, sculpteur; fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96zgen_Eryasa
Esa, stonecutter (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Esar, Joan, 1943-,  (Robert 83; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 95)
Escamel, François (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001); site de l'artiste--artist's site
Escobedo, Helen, (Sculpture)
Esfahani, Soheila, (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
Eshulutak, Eleesapee, 1925-2018, see--voir Ishulutaq Elisapee (Elleeseepee)
Esler, Anne Marie Schmid-,  see Schmid-Esler, Anne-Marie1937-2013,

Photo of John Kenneth

Esler, John Kenneth, 1933-2001, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; McKendry; NG1;
------100 Years of Art in Manitoba; Art Gallery of Ontario; Alberta artists; Roundstone
------Council for the Arts 2; University of Guelph;Sir George Williams University;
------Winnipeg Art Gallery; Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Corporate collections; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 687a-688a; Canadian Pavilion Expo 67;
------Alberta Society of Artists)

Google -- Images for John Kenneth Esler


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Espina, Melissa, (ARTBOMB--8 August 2014; 30 May and 10 October 2015)
Espinel Ruiz, Pedro, 1946-, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Essertaize, Marie-Jeanne, 1942-, (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93 à l'annexe; Lemieux 74)
Essiambre, Estelle, couture (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Essiembre, Armel-André (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Essimailee, M., carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Esson, James, 1853-1933, (Photos 1895-1924; Canadian Encyclopedia -- Photographers)


Estcourt, Caroline Bucknall (née Pole Crew), 1809-1886, (Painters in a New Land; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Caroline Bucknall Estcourt, The good "woman of
colour" of Lundy's Lane, Upper Canada, 1838,
watercolour, 10.5 x 8.5"; text and image reproduced
from the following book:
Bell, Michael, 1942-, From Annapolis Royal to the Klondike: Painters in a new land,
Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, [c1973], 224 p., at p. 151, photo credit: Ron Vickers, ISBN: 0771009534.


Estcourt, Sir James Bucknall Bucknall, 1802-1855, (McKendry; Harper; Painters in a New Land;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Image source: collectionscanada.gc.ca/pam_archives/index.php?fuseaction=genitem.displayEcopies&lang=eng&rec_nbr=2897573&title=Les+chutes+am%C3%A9ricaines+vues+de+l%27%C3%AEle+Goat.+&ecopy=c093935k,accessed 1 November 2016
James Bucknall Bucknall Estcourt, Les chutes américaines vues de l'île
/The American Fall from Goat Island, New York, aquarelle sur crayon avec raclage sur papier, Online MIKAN no. 2897573 (1 item)

Estevez, Jésus (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Etchells, Frederick, 1886-1973, (Canvas of War)
Etherington, Agnes Richardson, 1880-1954, (McKendry)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Etherington, Leo, 1953-, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)


Photo of André Éthier, image source: backtotheworld.net/2013/02/19/
, accessed 15 November 2019.

Publication on André Éthier:
Éthier, André, Robert Carleton Hobbs, Derek Eller Gallery, André Éthier, New York, NY : Derek Eller Gallery, ©2008,
48 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm, Notes: essay by Robert Hobbs; Card from exhibition entitled "André Ethier: heading South" held
from Apr. 10-May 16, 2009 laid in; image of book reproduced from  www.abebooks.com with Ethan Daniel Books (Toronto, ON, Canada)
(accessed 15 November 2019), information from Voilà catalogue and WorldCat database.

Éthier, André, 1977-

André Éthier, Untitled, 2006 (reproduced from Canadian Art, Winter 2008, volume 25, number 4, at p. 36).

Éthier, Diane, artisane, couture (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Éthier, Henriette (Galerie franco-ontarienne; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau--2019)
Etidloie, Isaci, 1972-2014, (Cape Dorset Sculpture)


Book on Etidlooie Etilooie:
Blodgett, Jean, 1945-, Etidlooie, Etidlooie, 1910-1981, London Regional Art Gallery (Ont.),  Etidlooie Etidlooie : [exhibition catalogue] / Jean Blodgett,
London, Canada : London Regional Art Gallery, 1984, 68 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 20 x 23 cm.   NOTES: Exhibition held January 6-February 19, 1984, ISBN: 0920872352.
Image from the bookseller, From edconroybooks (Troy, NY, U.S.A.), abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=22414610881&searchurl=n%3D100121503%26pt%3Dbook%26pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3Dcanadian%2Bart%2Bbooks,
accessed 7 June 2017.

Etidlooie, Etidlooie (Eeteedlooee), 1910-1981, (Cape Dorset)

Etidlooie, Etidlooie (Eeteedlooee), Cape Dorset, 1960, Stone height 8", NGG 29279, photo credit:
Tom Prescott, Winnipeg.

[Image reproduced from the following book: George Swinton, 1917-2002, Sculpture of the Inuit, Revised and
Updated edition, Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1992, at p. 79, ISBN: 0-7710-8368-8 (bound)]

Etidlooie, Kingmeata, 1915-1989, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; McMichael Canadian Art
------Collection; Cape Dorset; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Etidlooie, Sheojuk, 1932-1999, (Cape Dorset)
Etienne, Errol Herbert Russell, 1941-2011, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Etoangat, Anna, 1947-, tapestry artist (Nuvisavik: the place where we weave)
Etoangat, Igah, 1943-, tapestry artist (Nuvisavik: the place where we weave)
Etoangat, Towkie, 1935-, tapestry artist (Nuvisavik: the place where we weave)


Book on Tivi Etok:
Weetaluktuk, Jobie, Robyn Bryant, Tivi Etok, 1928-, Avataq
Cultural Institute, Le monde de Tivi Etok : la vie et l'art d'un aîné inuit / [rédaction et adaptation] Jobie Weetaluktuk, Robyn Bryant =
The world of Tivi Etok : the life and art of an Inuit elder
/ [edited by] Jobie Weetaluktuk, Robyn Bryant,  Québec : Éditions MultiMondes,
c2008. DESCRIPTION: 207 p. : ill., ports. ; 22 cm. NOTES: Parallel title: World of Tivi Etok Text in Inuktituk, French and English.
Co-published by: Avataq Cultural Institute.  ISBN: 9782895440994 and 2895440999.
Source of book image: www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=15223831503&searchurl=kn%3Dquebec%2520artists%26pics%3Don, accessed 16 February 2016

Etook (Etok), Tivi, 1929-, (National Museum of Man; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978;

Etowk (Itow, Etow), Silas, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)


Alma Mikulinsky, Sorel Etrog: Life and Work,
READ NOW--DOWNLOAD and aci-iac.ca/art-books/sorel-etrog/ (accessed 9 July 2022).

Book on Sorel Etrog:
Withrow, W.J. (William John), 1926-, Sorel Etrog : sculpture / text by William J. Withrow; preface by Sir Philip Hendy,
[Toronto] : Wilfeld, c1967,  64 p. : ill., ports.; 31 cm.

Etrog, Sorel, 1933-2014, sculptor and painter (McKendry; Collectionneur 91, vol. VIII, # 30,
------pp. 66-69; Sculpture Walks; Leclerc; Art Gallery of Ontario; Robert 83; NG1;
------MAC; Burnett; Newlands; Morris; Art Gallery of Hamilton; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Canadian Drawings; Shell Canada Collection; Creative Canada, 1971; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 688a-690a;
------Contemporary Canadian Artists; Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, p. 33; Art
------in Ontario; Art public de la ville de Montréal); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorel_Etrog

Sorel Etrog, Flight, sculpture located in Ottawa

[Image of Sorel Etrog's sculpture is reproduced from the following book:
National Capital Commission / Commission de la Capitale nationale, Sculpture walks : sculptures and
monuments in the  National Capital
= Circuits-sculptures : sculptures et  monuments de la Capitale nationale,
[Ottawa] : National Capital Commission = Commission de  la Capitale nationale, 1985, 91 p., at p. 23, ISBN: 0660530473]

Google -- Images for Etrog, Sorel, 1933-


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Etungat, Abraham, 1911-1999  (Seidelman; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Etungat, Lucassie, 1951-missing since 29 June 2016; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucassie_Etungat
Eudes-Pascal, Elisabeth, 1952-, (Roussan 90; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau--2019)
Evaglok, Susie Kingolok (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Evalak (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Evaluarjuk, Henry, 1923-2007, sculpt., (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Evangelista, Anna;
Evanger, Todd (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Evans, Andrew Fitzherbert, act. 1780-1826, (McKendry; Coverdale Collection of Canadiana;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Evans, Ann Marsh (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)
Evans, Anne Cynthia Marsh, 1923-2015, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Evans, Blanche, fl 1891-1906 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Book on Carol Evans:
Evans, Carol, Releasing the light : the art of Carol Evans, Vancouver : Raincoast Books, 1997,  88 p. : col. ill., col. port.;
27 cm.   NOTES: Includes index.  ISBN:  1551920670 (pbk.) and 1551920743 (bound).
Image source of the book: www.ebay.ca/itm/ART-BOOK-RELEASING-THE-LIGHT-THE-ART-OF-CAROL-EVANS-CANADIAN-ARTIST-/361508580889?hash=item542b972e19:g:GQsAAOSwT5tWLCVo

Evans, Carol (Art Impressions Magazine 1995 Annual Directory of Artists' Profiles; Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Evans, Dennis, 1946-, born in Saskatoon, SK (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Evans, Dennis, 1942-, (Alberta artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Illustration of Don Evans on the front dust jacket of the following book:

Mark M. Orkin, 1917-2019, French Canajan, Hé?, by Mark M. Orkin, illustrations by Isaac Bickerstaff,  Lester and Orpen Limited,
1973, ISBN: 0-919630-01-4;

From the left: Tim Lauer, Don Evans, and Gord Ball at
Mariposa. Supplied photo; photo appearing with article by
OrillaMatters Staff, "Bringing Mariposa back to Orillia: Four 'Mariposa moments' ", 5 June 2018,
available at : orilliamatters.com/local-news/bringing-mariposa-back-to-orillia-four-mariposa-moments-944714, accessed 27 February 2022;

Evans, Don (nom de plume/pseudonyme being : Isaac Bickerstaff), 1936-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)

Illustration by Don Evans on the front dust jacket of the following book:

Mark M. Orkin, 1917-, Issac Bickerstaff (nom de plume/pseudonyme for Don Evans), Canajan, Eh?,
Don Mills, Ont. : General Pub. Co., 1973, 127 p., ISBN: 0-7736-0022-1;

Evans, Elizabeth Anne, 1944-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 690a-691a;
------Art Impressions Magazine 1995 Annual Directory of Artists' Profiles at p. 8)


Ric Evans photographed by Mario Geo, Toronto Star, 30 December
1969 with caption that reads: "Ric Evans is one of several young
Toronto artists who have moved into moody, modulated convases
that are more expressive than the clean, precise-edged (...)",
reproduced from: digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/257396/ric-evans-is-one-of-
(accessed 5 July 2022).

Evans, Eric (Ric), 1946- (Reid; Burnett; Carleton); see also Evans, Ric, infra


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Evans, Ford William, 1952-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Evans, Gary, 1966-, (Kelowna Art Gallery)

Book on the artist Gary Evans:
Evans, Gary, 1966-, Stuart Reid, 1962-, Liane and Danny Taran Gallery, Seeing things : the paintings of Gary Evans / curator, Stuart Reid;
[French translation, Yves Lapointe] = commissaire, Stuart Reid ; [traduction au français, Yves Lapointe], Montreal : Gallery of the Saidye
Bronfman Centre for the Arts, [2000?], 64 p.: col. ill., port.; 25 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Liane and Danny Taran
Gallery, Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts, Montreal, Nov. 16, 2000-Jan. 14, 2001 and other places. Includes bibliographical references:
p. 61. Text in English and French.   ISBN: 0920473326.

Evans, James (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)
Evans, James Alexander, 1918-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Evans, James B. (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Evans, Janice (ARTBOMB--24 March and 16 May 2016; 27 April 2018)
Evans, Katharine Norcross (Nova Scotia)
Evans, Larry, (Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 61)
Evans, Larry, 1947-,  (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 691a)
Evans, Lindsay Albert, 1891-1976, born in Chelsea, Massachusetts and died in Lloydminster, SK (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 691a; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Evans, M.A., fl 1862-6 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Evans, Martina (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)
Evans, Maurice (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)


Evans, Meredith, 1919-1996, (Sales Index 1989-90; Alberta Society of Artists)

Meredith Evans, Canadian Parkland, 1978, ink and watercolour.
Image source: ebay.ca/itm/Canadian-Parkland-1978-by-Meredith-Evans-1919-1996-Ink-Watercolor-Painting-/252674048414?hash=item3ad48c019e:g:6u0AAOSwA3dYSdNH, accessed 13 December 2016

Evans, Nevil Norton, 1865-1948, (Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940)
Evans, Owen Norton, 1864-1926, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Evans, Pascal


Photo of Ric Evans by Bernard Weil, in front of his painting
Blue Shield, as published in the Toronto Star, 10/8/1986, source
of image: digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/...., accessed 19 February 2022.

Evans, Ric, 1946-, (Abstract Painting; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art in Ontario; The Donovan Collection at St.
------Michael's College); see also Evans, Eric, supra;

Evans, Roger Tipton, 1940-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Evans, Sarah, 1870-, fl 1918, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Evaschesen, Christine, 1946-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Eve Rell (ou Ever-Rell), Jeannine, 1925-, née Hawkesbury (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
------Robert 83; Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Roussan 2001; Magazin'art Biennial
------Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Pluralisme au Québec;
------Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992); voir aussi: Rell, Ève; see also Everell (Eve Rell),


Publication with part on the artist, Henry Eveleigh:

Esther Trépanier, 1951-, Musée d'art de Joliette. host institution,
Scott, Brandtner, Eveleigh, Webber: revisiting Montreal abstraction
of the 1940s
, Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's
University Press, [2022],
270 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour) ; 26 cm,
translated by Judith Terry, ISBN: 0228015952, 9780228015956
(Voilà catalogue).

Source of the image of the publication books.google.ca/books... (accessed 9 Marc h 2023).

Eveleigh, Henry (Henri), 1909-1999, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Viau; Gagnon; Development of
------Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Société d'art contemporain, Montréal, 1939-1948;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Canadian War Posters; Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)

Henry Eveleigh, The Fortune Teller, 1939, cat. no. 20 (photography: Montreal  Museum of Fine
Arts Montreal).

(Text and photo reproduced from The Edmonton Art Gallery, The Contemporary Arts Society Montréal
/ La Société d'art contemporain, Edmonton: The Edmonton Art Gallery, 1980, at p. 58)

Eveleigh, Henry Rowland, 1934-, (McKendry)
Eveleigh, Romany (Vie des arts, numéro 230, vol. 47, printemps 2013, p.100)
Evelyn, Angelo, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Evelyn, Leya, 1937-, (L'estampe à Québec; Art and Craft of Nova Scotia; Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)

Eventov, Maya, 1964-, born in Leningrad, Russia (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001); see--voir: koymangalleries.com/artist/maya-eventov/

Maya Eventov, toile, 48 x 44" avec le cadre; image reproduite du site suivant:
(site visité le 22 uin 2017).

Everell (Eve Rell), Jeannine, 1925-, née à Hawkesbury, (L'aquarelle au Québec --2; Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); voir aussi-see also Eve Rell

Aquarelle de Jeannine Everell, image reproduite du
livre suivant:

L'aquarelle au Québec -- 2, Montréal: L'art vivant, [1986], 80 p.
à la p. 27; Note: introduction par André Lesueur, Galerie L'Art Vivant (p. 3)


Yolande Everell, photo de son avis de décès, reproduite de
 (site consultée le 16 juillet 2023).

Everell, Yolande, 1926-2005, (Vallée 93; Bruens 91?)


Everett, Catherine (Collection Loto-Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Everett, Florence Harris, fl 1913+ (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Everett, Herbert D., fl 1880-1912 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Everett, Jane, 1958-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)


Everett, Robert Emerson, 1908-1994, (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 691a-692a)

Robert Emerson Everett, "Winter Sundown" (Beaver Creek, Muskoka),
oil on canvas, 12 x 16 " — 30.5 x 40.6 cm, source of image: lot 207,
Waddington's Discovery Art, 3-8 November 2018, available at
waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-nov-08-2018/gallery/lot/207/, accessed 18 October 2019.


Everingham, Scott (Patrick Mikhail Gallery Ottawa)
Evette, M.N.,  né(e) Montréal, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art
------Biennial Guide 2002-2003)


Evergon, photo reproduced from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Evergon (site consulted 9 July 2022).

Publication on Evergon:

Martha Anna, Evergon, Canadian Museum of
Contemporary,  Evergon, 1971-1987, Ottawa : Canadian
Museum of Contemporary Photography = Musée canadien de la photographie
contemporaine, [1988]
, 74 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm, NOTES: Text in English and French,
Includes bibliographical references, ISBN: 0888845537, 9780888845535, source of image:
delakeltd.com/collections/canadian-art-books/products/evergon-1971-1987-by-martha-hanna, and bibliographical reference:
canada.on.worldcat.org/search (both accessed 11 November 2023)

Evergon (Albert Jay Lunt), 1946-, (Murray; Swain; Newlands; Musée du Québec en images --5; Corporate collections;
------ Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 692a; Contemporary Canadian Artists; Claridge Inc. catalogue;
------Contemporary Canadian Photography; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board; membre
------professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Canadian Encyclopedia -- Photographers);


Evermon, Robert (Bob), 1941-, (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Roundstone
------Council for the Arts 2; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Evers-Ryan, Judith (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Everton, Nathanial Bird, 1881-1962, act. 1930, (Folk Artists); Facebook
Everything Co., The (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Eves, Walter Graham, 1924-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Evette, M.N. (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)


Evoy, Arthur (G. Arthur), 1924-2003, born in Outlook, SK (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Treasured Moments: John
------and Monica Kurtz; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists; Alberta Society of Artists)

Arthur Evoy, Inner Harbour, oil, 10 x 8".
Image source: ebay.ca/itm/OIL-PAINTING-ARTHUR-EVOY-CAN    ADIAN-/142186689701?hash=item211afcb4a5:g:P-sAAOSwx2dYDlnH, accessed 25 November 2016


Evrard, Jamie, 1949-, (Claridge Inc. catalogue; Kelowna Art Gallery; Contemporary British Columbia Artists)

Jamie Evrard, Okanagan Orchard, 1989, colour lithograph,
40 x 53 cm, gift of the artist, 1990; image and text of the title
are reproduced from the following book:
Kelowna Art Gallery, Liz Wylie, Nexus : histories and communities : an exhibition of works from the permanent collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery
in celebration of the Gallery's thirtieth anniversary / by Liz Wylie, Kelowna, B.C. : Kelowna Art Gallery, c2007, 134 p., at p. 31: ill. (chiefly col.): 31 cm.  NOTES:
Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Kelowna Art Gallery, Kelowna, B.C., Nov. 24, 2007-Mar. 2, 2008.  ISBN: 9781896749266.

Ewan, Gladys Kathleen Mackintosh, 1911-1996, fl 1940s (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 693a)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Ewart, Elizabeth, 1949-, (Burnett)
Ewart, Mary Clay (Mrs. Alan C.), American, lived in Manitoba, 1907-1914, (100 Years
------ of Art in Manitoba)

Peter Ewart, around 1982, source of image:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Maxwell_Ewart, accessed 16 January 2022.

Ewart, Peter Maxwell, 1918-2001, (Shell Canada Collection; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 693a-694a)

Image source: heffel.com/online/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=83106&ImageID=21027&Main=True, accessed 9 November 2016
Peter Ewart, October Sunset at High Peaks, Kootenay Valley,
oil on artist board, 12 x 16" /  30.5 x 40.6 cm; lot number 502,
online auction catalogue, auction November 2016, 7th session,
closing 26 November 2016, Heffel, Canada's National Fine Art
Auction House.


Ewasiuk, Sandee, 1964-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); artist's site


Ewen, Ruby, 1947-,  (Avmor Collection; membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012; Artists of the Gatineau Hills;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp. 697a-698a)

Image source: http://www.kijiji.ca, accessed 14 July 2015
Ruby Ewen, painting, oil on canvas, 1997, 36 x 48".

Ewen, Thoma, 1949-, tapestry artist (Artists of the Gatineau Hills; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


John G. Hatch, Paterson Ewen: Life & Work,
READ NOW --DOWNLOAD  and aci-iac.ca/art-books/
(accessed 9 July 2022). 

Photo de Ewen, William Paterson, 1925-2002, circa 1956

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Ewen, William Paterson, 1925-2002, (Newlands; McKendry; MQ; Leclerc; Reid;  Robert 78;
------Harper; NG1; MAC; Burnett; Murray; Balkind; Duval; Bernier 99; Roundstone
------Council for the Arts 2; années 50; Robert 64; Abstract Painting; Québec 1940-1966;
------Sir George Williams University; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain
------de Montréal; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art;
------Creative Canada, 1972; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Corporate collections;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, pp.695a-697a; Contemporary Canadian Artists;
------Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 60; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy;
------Art in Ontario); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paterson_Ewen

Ewen Paterson, Precipitation, 1973,
acrylic on gouged plywood, 244.0 x
229.0 cm, Purchase, 1988, 88/5.

[Image of Paterson Ewen's work of art is reproduced from the following book:
Art Gallery of Ontario, Art Gallery of Ontario : selected works, Toronto : Art Gallery of Ontario
= Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, c1990, 463 p., at p. 405: ill. (some col.); 25 cm. NOTES: Issued also
in French under title: "Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario : oeuvres choisies de la collection". Includes
index, ISBN: 0919777775 and 0919777791]

Google -- Images for Ewen, Paterson, 1925-2002

Ewert, fl c1824 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Ewing & Co. (Canadian Photography 1839-1920)


Book on Juliana Horatia Ewing:
McDonald, Donna, 1942-, Juliana Horatia Ewing, 1841-1885, New Brunswick,
 Illustrated news : Juliana Horatia Ewing's Canadian pictures, 1867-1869 / Donna
McDonald, Saint John: New Brunswick Museum, 1985, 82 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm.
NOTES: Co-published by New Brunswick Museum, Saint John, N.B. Includes bibliographical
 references and index. ISBN: 1550020056 (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=17610431399&searchurl=n%3D200000038%26xpod%3Don%26pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3DCanadian%2Barts#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 24 October 2016

Ewing, Juliana Horatia, 1841-1885


Photo de Éliane Excoffier, première à droite, accompagnant l'article de Éric
Clément, "Cinq artistes embelliront les stations du REM", La presse, 16 mars
2025, reproduit de lapresse.ca/arts/arts-visuels/2025-02-20/cinq-artistes-embelliront-les-
(site consulté 16 mars 2025).

Excoffier, Éliane; site de l'artiste


Eyden, Jean, 1889-1990, (Winnipeg School of Art; University of Winnipeg Collection -- Women; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Jean Eyden, Lonely House, 1961, watercolour, 23.4 x 35.0;
image reproduced from the following book:
University of Winnipeg Gallery, Jennifer (Jennifer L.) Gibson, 1971--editor, Laura White, 1981--writer of supplementary textual, Herstory :
art by women in the University of Winnipeg collection
/ curated by Laura White ; edited by Jennifer Gibson , Winnipeg : Gallery 1C03, The
University of Winnipeg, 2014, 48 p., at p. 12.   NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the University of Winnipeg, Gallery 1C03, Winnipeg,
Manitoba from March 7 - April 6, 2013. Includes bibliographical references.  ISBN: 9780992118709 (pbk.).


Publication sur Eyetoaq:

Ada Eyetoaq, 1934-, Canadian Artic
Producers Co-operative Ltd., Ada Eyetoaq:
recent sculpture/sculpture récente
[Canada] : Canadian Arctic Producers Co-operative Ltd., [1979?],
15 unnumbered pages : photographs ; 23 cm, Notes: "Galerie Lippel ... Montréal, Québec
H3G1K4, November 17-December 8, 1979."
Cover title, ISBN: 0920234194, 9780920234198,
source of image: François C
ôté, libraire, Liste thématique--Hiver 2021, Sculptures 2 -- (mars) --
de H à Z
, disponible à  bibliopolis.net/cote/21/21-03/Cote-Sculpture-2-mars21.pdf, site consulté le 4 octobre 2021

Eyestiak, 1934-,  (Eeseechaik; Alternative Names: Eyetoaq Eyetoaq, Ada Eyetoaq, Kingilik Eyetoaq, Iyi'tuaq Eyetoaq, Eeyeetoaq Eyetoaq, Eyeetoaq Eyetoaq, Eeyeetowak
------ Eyetoaq, Iyi'tag Eyetoaq, Eetoowa Eyetoaq, Eyittuak Eyetoaq, Eeyeeteetowak Eyetoaq, Iti'tuaq , Eeeyeetowa , Eda
), carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Eykel, Madeleine (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

Publication on Cliff Eyland:
Eyland, Cliff, Cliff Eyland, ID Paintings, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1998,
8 p., 28 cm. 5 b&w illustrations. Illustrated paper covers. Accompanied
an exhibition held at Winnipeg Art Gallery from June 7 to September 6, 1998.
Includes biographical details on rear cover (series; The Manitoba Art Series).
Image source: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=11476231485&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26kn%3Darts%2BManitoba#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 20 Decemver 2016

Eyland, Cliff, 1954-2020 (Dalhousie Art Gallery; RBC Canadian Painting Competition; Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto;
------Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)

Eyre, Ferman, 1882-1969 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)


Eyre, Lady Georgiana, 1808-98

Painting by Lady Georgiana Eyre, reproduced from site with notes on the artist
at gallery.ca/magazine/your-collection/lady-georgiana-eyres-premier-view-of-toronto-1857 (accessed 1 March 2025).


Book on Ivan Eyre (image source: Google
Bovey, Patricia, Ivan Eyre, drawings, 1965-1981 : April 15-June 15, 1982,  Victoria, B.C. : Art Gallery of Greater Victoria,
c1982, [52] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 22 x 28 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. [8]; photographs by Trevor Mills, ISBN: 0888850867.

Book on Ivan Eyre (image source:
http://www.amazon.com, 14 September 2014):

Campbell, James D., 1956-, Andrew Oko, 1946-, Masks & shadows : the art of Ivan Eyre, Regina : Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1996,
80 p. : ill. (some col.); 26 cm. (series: Permanent collection / Mackenzie Art Gallery; no. 3).  NOTES: Exhibition held at the
Mackenzie Art Gallery June 7-Aug. 25, 1996. Includes bibliographical references, ISBN: 1896470041.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Eyre, Ivan Kenneth, 1935-2022,  born in Tullymet, SK (100 Years of Art in Manitoba; Swain; Duval; McKendry;
------Reid; NG1; Burnett; Murray; University of Guelph; Balkind; Lord; Newlands;
------Morris; McMaster University; Canadian Drawings; Sir George Williams
------University; Art Gallery of Hamilton; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Winnipeg Art Gallery; Shell Canada Collection; Collection Lavalin du Musée
------d'art contemporain de Montréal; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art; Art Collection Catholic Conference;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Corporate collections; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
---- -
vol. 1, pp. 698a-699a; Contemporary Canadian Artists; Contemporary Canadian Photography;
------Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works; The Grand Western Canadian
------Screen Shop; Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997; Biographical Dictionary of
------Saskatchewan Men Artists); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Eyre

Ivan Eyre, Highwater, 1978, acrylic on canvas,
178.0 x 167.7 cm, Gift of Norcen Energy
Resources Limited, 1986, 86/52

[Image of Ivan Eyre's canvas is reproduced from the following book:
Art Gallery of Ontario, Art Gallery of Ontario : selected works, Toronto : Art Gallery of Ontario
= Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, c1990, 463 p., at p. 343: ill. (some col.); 25 cm. NOTES: Issued also
in French under title: "Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario : oeuvres choisies de la collection". Includes
index, ISBN: 0919777775 and 0919777791]

Google -- Images for Eyre, Ivan Kenneth, 1935-


Photo of Janieta Eyre, image source: alchetron.com/Janieta-Eyre (accessed 13 November 2022).

Eyre, Janieta, 1966-, born in London, England photographer  (Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011,
------ p. 97); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janieta_Eyre

Janieta Eyre,"Opened My Dress, 2004, C-print  12/30  33 x 38 cm".   Encan au
bénéfice de la Fondation Vie des Arts, 18 octobre 2011, lot numéro 27, dans Vie
des arts
, numéro 224, automne 2011, à la page 97.

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to
zoom in or out of the web page being viewed


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Eyres, Jessica, 1980-, born in Winnipeg (Lisa Kehler Art + Projects Winnipeg)
Ezeregaile, Dzidra, 1926-2013, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
