
Index of Canadian Artists (Visual Arts) ---M
Répertoire des artistes canadiens (Arts visuels)---M

Par / By  François Lareau © François Lareau, Ottawa,  1998-,

S-T-U-V- W-X-Y-Z

Artistes canadiens en arts visuels -- Avons-nous votre nom?
Pour ajouter un lien à votre site,  pour vous inscrire
au répertoire ou pour ajouter une image de
votre art, écrivez-moi à flareau@rogers.com
-- c'est gratuit.

Les amis d'artistes, les chercheurs, la famille, tous peuvent m'écrire!

Je ne donne pas d'estimations sur la valeur des tableaux.

Site non lucratif et de recherches.


Canadian artists in visual arts  --Do we have your name?
To add a link to your site, or your name to this index or

an image of your art, write to me at flareau@rogers.com
-- it's free.

Friends of artists, researchers, family relatives, anybody can write to me about an artist!

I do not give estimates on the value of paintings.

Non-profit website for research.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


M   like in  / comme dans Morrice, James Wilson, 1860-1924, "A Quebec Village"  (illustration from Albert H. Robson,
      Canadian Landscape Painters, Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1932, p. 207)

  References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


M., Sherron; artist's site
M, & Co (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Ma, Ming, 1950-, (Magazin'art, v. 9(1), 1996, pp. 76-78; Magazin'art, v. 8(3), 1996, p. 26; Vallée 89;
------Bruens 91; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; L'aquarelle au Québec --2; Bruens 89; Vallée 93;
------L'aquarelle au Québec -- 3; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art, v. 5(3), printemps, 1993;
------Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Maalouf, Samar, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Maartense (Maatense), Gertrude Jacoba, 1918-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
-----Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 945; Early Women Artists)
Maas, Geert, 1944-, sculptor

Image source: http://www.biblio.com
Book on Geert Maas:
Maas, Geert, 1944, Gayle E., Liman, 1948-, Marcel Teunissen, 1961-, Gary Pearson, 1951-, Kelowna Art Gallery, Passion and vision : the work of Geert Maas /
[curator, Gayle E. Liman ; introduction, Margaret E. Dryden; short essays, Marcel Teunissen, Gary Pearson ; photo credits, Geert Maas ... [et al.], [Kelowna, B.C.]:
Kelowna Art Gallery, 1999, 44 p. : ill. (some col.), port. ; 31 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Kelowna Art
Gallery Sept. 4-Oct. 16, 1999.  ISBN: 1896749127 (pbk.) (AMICUS catalogue).

Mabie, Don, 1947-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Alberta artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 945)
Mablik, Suzanne Tupitnerk (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)


Adley Alexandre Mabro
Through the use of photography, he has managed to
translate images from camera to canvas that have
garnered attention from the layman to the connoisseur.
[source of photo and text: adly.20megsfree.com/, accessed 9 May 2023]

Mabro, Adley Alexandre, 1947-, born in Alexandria, Egypt


Mac, J. ( Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Macalpine, Heather (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
MacAskill, W.R. (Wallace Robertson), 1887-1956 (Sales Index 1989-90; Children in Photography; Photos 1895-1924); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallace_R._MacAskill
Macaulay, Catherine Marsha, 1949-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada))
Macaulay, John Phillip Rankin, 1912-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 946-947; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Macaulay, Lorna Lomer (Lorna Gertrude Lomer), 1881-1970 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 947)
Macaulay, Rosemary (Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)

Macauley, S.S., act. 1861-1869, (McKendry)

S.S. Macaulay, Sleight Ride in Quebec, oil, 1862, 14 x 19", as seen at  cafr.ebay.ca/itm/
with jdsail (92) as the person selling it (accessed 4 August 2022).


Macavoy, Marilyn (Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)
MacBean, Clara Sophia, 1841-1918, fl 1911, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 949)
Mac Callum, Marlene A., (L'estampe à Québec)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

MacCallum, Peter (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
MacCara, Norma

Norma MacCara, from Pictou County, Nova
Scotia, Out of Africa, art quilt (photo: Ian
MacCara), on the cover of The Canadian Quilter
Spring 2014 and see also on p. 7.

MacCarthy, Coeur-de-lion, 1881-1979 (Laliberté; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 951-952;
------Art public de la ville de Montréal)
MacCarthy, Hamilton Plantagenet, 1846 or 1847-1939, sculpt.  (Hubbard; Sculpture Walks; Laliberté; History of Art in Toronto Schools;
------Ontario Collection; see also McCarthy, Hamilton Thomas Carleton Plantagenet

MacCarthy, Hamilton, 1847-1939,  Tecumseh, 1896, 37.3 x 24.2 x 16.5 cm,
terracotta,  National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa  (no. 42257)


Macclare, Beverly (Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)


MacClure, Chris R., 1943-,  (Sales Index 1989-90); artist's website;

Chris MacClure, Lazy Summer Day, oil on board, 24 x 30 " -- 61 x 76.2 cm; sold at
Hodgins Halls Auction Group, February 2022 Fine Art, Lot 122, image source:
hodginshalls.hibid.com/catalog/349741/hodgins--february-2022-fine-art/?cpage=11&ipp=10, price realized
indicated at site : $ 850.00 CAD,  accessed on 1 March 2022.


MacColl, Jack (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)MacCormack, Jamie, 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of
---- Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 961)
MacCormack, June Forbes, 1921-1961 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 961)
MacCormack, Laura June Forbes, 1921-1961 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)
MacCormack, M. (Miss), fl 1891-2, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacCormack Routh, Jan (ARTBOMB--29 November 2017; 5 January and 21 March 2018)
MacCormick, Neil, 1958-, (Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015)
MacCrae (or MacCrea), George, avt. 1783-1802, (Lord; McKendry; Harper; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Macculloch, Ross, 1950-1993, (Vallée 93)
MacCulloch, Sara, 1967-, (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
MacDermid, Margaret Vickers, 1899-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


MacDiarmid, John Duncan, fl 1838-48 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

MacDonald, Albert Angus, 1909-1986 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 966-968)

Albert Angus MacDonald, Cityscape, oil.
Image source: ebay.ca/itm/Albert-Angus-Macdonald-ARCA-OSA-1909-1986-British-Canadian-Listed-Oil-Cityscape-/291835857974?hash=item43f2c5cc36:g:mskAAOSwTZ1XmBg7, accessed 13 December 2016


MacDonald, Archibald St Aubyn, 1931-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 968)
MacDonald, Betty, 1935-, quilter, (Craftsman)
MacDonald, Blaine, 1937-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 969)
MacDonald, Bruce F., born in Halifax (Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz)
MacDonald, Charles, act. late 19th cent. and early 20th cent., (Folk Artists)
MacDonald, Charles William, 1874-1967, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Nova Scotia Folk Art; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected
------ Works
MacDonald, Cim, born in Ardrossan Scotland  (Murals of Chemainus, B.C.; Artists of British Columbia)
MacDonald, Clim, fl 1970-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacDonald, Colin Somerled, 1925-2012, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 969-970)
MacDonald, D. Claude, fl 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 970)
MacDonald, Donald, 1937-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 970)
MacDonald, Donna, (ARTBOMB--29 May and 2, 7 and 19 June, and 7, 14, 21, 23 and 29 August 2016)
MacDonald, Elsie Amy, 1906-?, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 970;
------Early Women Artists)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Errol David MacDonald, obituary
photo from dignitymemorial.com/en-ca/
(accessed 18 September 2024)

MacDonald, Errol David, 1924-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 971)


MacDonald, Euan, 1965-, (MACM--exposition : L'Envers des apparences 2005)

Photo of Evan Macdonald, 1963 reproduced from
Flora Macdonald Spencer, 1943-, and edited by
Judith Nasby, Evan Macdonald: A Painter's Life,
Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2008,
at p. 69 (photographer unknown).

Evan Macdonald, Destruction of the Royal House, 1954, oil on
board, detail; cover of the following book on that artist:

Flora Macdonald Spencer, 1943-, and edited by Judith Nasby, Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Evan Macdonald: A Painter's Life,
Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2008, xiii, 125 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), ports. ; 23 cm. NOTES: Published to coincide with
an exhibition held at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Guelph, Ont., May 8-Jul. 20, 2008. Includes index. Includes bibliographical
references: p. 117-120, ISBN: 9781554580484.

MacDonald, Evan, 1905-1972, (University of Guelph; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 971-973; Ontario Collection)

Evan Macdonald, The Expert, circa 1941, oil on board, reproduced from Flora Macdonald Spencer,
Judith Nasby, Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Evan Macdonald: A Painter's Life, supra,  p. 45,
plate 26 (photographer unknown).


MacDonald, Gordon (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
MacDonald, Grant, 1913-, (Queen's University)


Photo, from left to right, Henri Masson, Stanley Cosgrove and Grant MacDonald, "Summer School of Art", Kingston, 1950.

Grant MacDonald, Sea Lawyer: " '---the fish that
got away' are described by the sea lawyer, spinner
of tall tales, aboard the stout vessels of the Royal
Canadian Navy.  Able Seaman JOE AUSTIN."

Image and text are reproduced from the following book:
Grant MacDonald, Sailors, Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada
 Limited, 1945, v, 153 p., at p. 131, NOTES: "Published under the Auspices
 of the Navy League of Canada.

MacDonald, Grant Kenneth, 1909-1987, (McKendry; Art Gallery of Ontario; Creative Canada, 1971;
------History of Art in Toronto Schools; Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 973-978)

Grant MacDonald, Seated Figure, reproduced from the Jubilee Year Catalogue, 75th Annual Canadian
Academy of Arts
, 1954, at p. 17.

MacDonald, Heather (Artists of the Gatineau Hills)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


MacDonald J., see Thomas MacDonald, (McKendry)
MacDonald, Jacky, ; see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/jacky-macdonald/
MacDonald, James Alexander Stirling (J.A.S.), 1921-2013,  born in Abbey, SK (Creative Canada, 1971; Hubbard; Vancouver:
------Art and Artists 1931-1983
; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
vol. 4, pp. 978-981; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
MacDonald, James B., 1932-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Photo of J.E.H. MacDonald, circa 1930 (?), Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto

MacDonald, James Edward Henry (or Hervey) (J.E.H.), 1873-1932, Group of Seven/
------Groupe des Sept; (Fine Arts in Canada; McKendry; Vallée 93; Reid; Harper; Robert78; Hill; Hubbard;
------Withrow; Art Gallery of Ontario; MAC; Firestone Art Collection; University of Guelph; McMichael
------Canadian Art Collection; Duval; Lord; Newlands; Giles; Queen's University; Nova Scotia; Art Gallery of Hamilton;
------Canadian Drawings; L'estampe; Block Prints; Modern Painting; Robert 64; Vallée 89; Dalhousie Art Gallery;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Art of the British Empire Overseas; Toronto in Art;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; History of Art in Toronto Schools; Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 981-990;
------Contemporary Canadian Artists; Canadian War Posters; Ontario Collection; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
------ Permanent Collection: Selected Works
); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._E._H._MacDonald

MacDonald, J.E.H., The Elements, Georgian Bay, oil/huile, 28" x 36 7/8", Art Gallery of Toronto

J.E.H. MacDonald, Autumn in Algoma (Fall of the Leaf),
on the front wrapper of the following book:
Donald W. Buchanan, 1908-1966, The Growth of Canadian Painting,
London, Collins, 1950. DESCRIPTION: 112 p.notes: foreword by Eric Newton.

J.E.H. MacDonald, The Solemn Land, oil on canvas, 122.5 x
153.5 cm, National gallery of Canada, on the cover of the
following publication:

Whiteman, Bruce, J.E.H. MacDonald, Kingston, Ont.: Quarry Press, 1995, 95 p.: ill. (some col.), ports.;
22 x 26 cm. SERIES: New views on Canadian art.  NOTES: Includes bibliographic references, ISBN: 1550821318.

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


MacDonald, Jana Rayne (ARTBOMB--4   and 27 April 2017)


MacDonald, Jock, 1897-1960, photograph of Jock probably taken in 1932;
photo courtesy of John Varley.

MacDonald, Jock, 1897-1960, photograph of Jock, opening  of Painters
Eleven 1957 Exhibition, Park Gallery.


Jock Macdonald, Heroic Mould, 1959, oil and lucite
on canvas, 182.9 x 121.9 cm, Art Gallery of Ontario,
Toronto, Bequest of Charles S. Band, 1970; cover of
the following publication on the artist:

Zemans, Joyce, 1940-, National Gallery of Canada, Jock Macdonald, Ottawa : National Gallery of Canada, 1985,
91 p. : ill. (some col.); 23 cm. SERIES: Canadian Artists Series; 9;  NOTES: Issued also in French under title: Jock Macdonald, 1897-1960.
Bibliography: p. 91, ISBN: 0888845278, ISSN: 0383-5405.

MacDonald, Jock (James Williamson Galloway), 1897-1960, (McKendry, Harper, Art Gallery of Hamilton;
------Hubbard; McMichael Canadian Art Collection; Reid;  Leclerc; Hill; Art Gallery
------of Ontario; Balkind; Duval; Lord; Newlands; Giles; Queen's University; Canadian Drawings;
------Block Prints; Modern Painting; années 50; Abstract Painting; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983; Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour;
------Toronto Painting : 1953-1965; Creative Canada, 1972; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 990-998; Contemporary Canadian Artists; Ontario
------ Collection; Alberta Society of Artists); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jock_Macdonald

MacDonald, W.G., 1897-1960, Figurative Articulation, oil/huile, 42" x 48", Norman McKenzie Art Gallery, Regina

Book illustrated by MacDonald, Jock (James Williamson Galloway):

Annie Charlotte Dalton, The neighing North, Toronto : Ryerson Press, ©1931,
80 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm; poetry by Annie Charlotte Dalton and drawings by
James Williamson Galloway MacDonald; source of the image of the book:
atticbooks.ca/products/111864, accessed 20 January 2020.

Thesis on the artist:
COLBORNE, Alison, Jock Macdonald: A Search for the Universal Truth in Nature, M.A. thesis,
University, 1992.

Joyce Zemans, Jock MacDonald: Life & Work,
READ NOW--DOWNLOAD and aci-iac.ca/art-books/jock-macdonald/ (accessed 12 July 2022).


MacDonald, Ken, (Stained Glass)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

MacDonald, Kyle (ARTBOMB--15 May 2016)


Lisa MacDonald, Amish Friends Fishing, acrylic on canvas, 2011,
12 x 16"; I would like to thank the artist for her permission to reproduce
(24 October 2015)

     "The Amish boys fishing came about after watching a documentary
     about the Amish. The boys all dress more or less alike and each one
     dons a hat. They look like perfect little gentlemen. As you watch them
     you get the feeling that they have a deep connection to each other and
     they are enjoying this leisure time possibly after a lot of chores."
     (Lisa MacDonald)

MacDonald, Lisa; artist's site

Lisa MacDonald, Cries in the Night, charcoal sketch, 2011, 12 x 16";
the artist has explained to me that the sketch shows the old TB
sanatorium in Hamilton ON as it sat empty for decades before being
recently torn down.  The sketch has won the honourable mention in the
Women's Art 119th Annual Juried Art Exhibition.  I would like to thank
the artist for her permission to reproduce (24 October 2015).

MacDonald, Malcolm Philip, 1879-1965, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Photo of Manly Edward MacDonald

Book on Manly Edward MacDonald:                                         
Beale, Charles, 1950-, Manly Edward MacDonald (1889-1971) : interpreter of old Ontario / Charles Beale, Napanee, Ont. : Plumley Press,
c2010, xviii, 174 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), ports. ; 26 x 31 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references: p. 170-174.  ISBN: 9780986506802
and ISBN: 098650680X.
Image source of book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=16416325482&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D1%26kn%3Dcanadian+art, accessed 19 September 2015

MacDonald, Manly Edward, 1889-1971, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Art Gallery of Ontario; Hubbard; Queen's University;
------Canvas of War; University of Guelph; Fine Arts in Canada; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Creative Canada, 1972; History of Art in Toronto Schools; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 998-1000; Ontario Collection); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manly_E._MacDonald

Manly MacDonald, Northland Lake, oil on canavas, 59.7 x 74.9 / 23 1/2
x 2w9 1/2

[Image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,  Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at p. 340, ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN: 0889029792.]

Google -- Images for Manly Edward MacDonald
MacDonald, Margaret Ellis, 1919-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1000-1001)
MacDonald, Mary Katherine, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1001)


MacDonald, Mike, 1941-2006 (Aboriginal Art)

Born in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Mike MacDonald was a self-taught artist,
videographer and gardener of Mi’kmaw, Beothuk, Scottish, Irish and
Portuguese descent. Mike drove across Canada every year working as
a video installation artist and gardener in addition to pursuing photography
and new media projects. Self-taught, he focused on the environment,
incorporating plants and animals in his artworks. He found inspiration
in both his Indigenous ancestry and Western sources, drawing from
science as well as traditional medicine and ethnobotany.
[Excerpt from a much longer biography at vtape.org/artist?ai=50, accessed 3 February 2025]


 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

MacDonald, Murray, 1947-, (MAC; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art public de la ville de Montréal)
MacDonald, Murray William, 1898-1989, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1001-1002;
------Alberta Society of Artists)
MacDonald, Myles Joseph, 1941-, born in New York, New York, USA (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
MacDonald, Nancy (ARTBOMB-- 13 and 27 January, 1 February 2016)
MacDonald, Neil, 1943-, born in Vancouver, BC (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
MacDonald, Norman, c1941-, fl 1966-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1002)
MacDonald, Ronald B., 1948-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacDonald, Ross; artist's site
MacDonald, Suzanne Chrysler (Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)

MacDonald, Thomas, act. 1825-1837, (McKendry; Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Thomas MacDonald, Portrait of Elizabeth Gilbert,
1821, watercolour over pencil with gum arabic
highlights and black ink,  25.3 x 20.1 cm.
Image credit:
Library and Archives Canada, archival reference number R11944-1
Ecopy: e006608820-v6, e006608821-v6; Mikan number: 3682026
http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/portrait-portal/Pages/ARProfile.aspx?ArchivalRecordKey=3639732&EnsembleCode=1 (accessed on 9 October 2014)


Publication on T.R. MacDonald:

T.R. MacDonald (Thomas Reid), 1908-1978, Art Gallery of
Hamilton, T.R. MacDonald, 1908-1978 [exhibition], Hamilton,
Ont. : The Gallery, 1980,
52 pages : chiefly illustrations (some
color) ; 28 cm; notes: exhibition organized by the Art Gallery
of Hamilton, ISBN:
0919153038, 9780919153035; source of
bibliographical data: canada.on.worldcat.org/search/...
and source
of image: abebooks.com/.... and book seller: McCanse Art (Toronto, ON,
(accessed 8 February 2024)

MacDonald, Thomas Reid, 1908-1978, (McKendry; Hubbard; Duval; Morris; McMaster University;
------Canada at War; Canvas of War; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1003-1004)


Photo of MacDonald, Thoreau, 1901-1989.

MacDonald, Thoreau, 1901-1989, (McKendry; Reid; Hill; Art Gallery of Ontario;
------Hubbard; Firestone Art Collection; McMichael Canadian Art Collection;
------Duval; Block Prints; Creative Canada, 1971; Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian
vol. 4, pp. 1004-1008); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoreau_MacDonald

Book by the artist Thoreau MacDonald:

Thoreau MacDonald, Notebooks, Moonbeam, Ont. :
Penumbra Press, 1980, 216 p., ISBN: 0920806139;

Thoreau MacDonald, cover of the jacket
of the following book:

Housser, Fred B. (Frederick Broughton), 1889-1936, A Canadian art movement : the story of the Group of Seven,
Toronto : Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1974, t.p. 1926, 221 p. : map (on lining paper) ; 23 cm. NOTES: Includes index. Photoreprint ed.
ISBN: 0770512054.

Google -- Images for Thoreau MacDonald

MacDonald, Wally (Wallace) B., 1919-, (McMaster University; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
MacDonald, Wilson Pugsley, 1880-1967, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson_MacDonald
MacDonald-Brown, Edith Hester, 1880-1956 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
MacDonald Leclerc, Reine, 1943-, (Vallée 93)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

MacDonnell, Harriett, fl 1882-1922, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacDonnell, William, 1943-, born in Winnipeg (Postmodernism 1970-1990)

William MacDonnell, Sappers Clearing a
Deadfall (detail), AN 199970084-002), on the
cover of Canadian Military History, Summer 2000,
Volume 9, number 3.

William MacDonnell was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1943.
His father served in the Royal Canadian Air Force in communications,
and as a result, the family moved frequently. As a young man, he
studied at the University of Manitoba, first earning a Bachelor of
Science in 1966 and then a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1977. Shortly
afterwards, in 1979, he earned a Master of Fine Arts from the Nova
Scotia College of Art and Design in Halifax. While working toward
his first degree, in chemistry, he belonged to the Canadian Officers’
Training Corps and later served briefly as a reserve officer with the
Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. A teacher for some twenty-five
years, he taught painting and art history at the Alberta College of
Art and Design in Calgary. MacDonnell travelled overseas twice as
a war artist to document Canadian military activity, first to Croatia
in August 1994 as a guest of the 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia’s
Canadian Light Infantry (1 ppcli), and then to Afghanistan in April
and May 2007 under the auspices of the Canadian Forces Artists
Program. He was elected a member of the Royal Canadian Academy
of Arts in 1998 and later received a Canada Council Senior Artist
Grant in 2001.
(source: Mantle, Craig Leslie, "A Symbolic Return of Communitas William
 MacDonnell's Modernizing Mostar", Canadian Military History, volume 24,
issue 1 at p. 3, available at , accessed 12 April 2016)

MacDougall, Don, 1949-, (MAC)
MacDougall, Doris (ARTBOMB--23 November 2015; 5 April 2016; 19 May 2017)
MacDougall, James Ian, 1936-, (Wood Engraving in Canada since 1945; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacDougall, Ken, c1933-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4,
------pp. 1009-1010; Ontario Collection)
MacDougall, Marianne Adelaide Miles, fl 1881, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacDougall, Nini Keefer, 1914-1996, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1010-1011
------Early Women Artists); Find a grave webpage
MacDowall, Cyndra (Sight Specific: Lesbians & Representation)
Mace, Daniel, originaire de Goffstown, New Hampshire (Gaspésie des artistes)
MacEachern, Ian, 1942-, photographer (Stephen Bulger Gallery Toronto; Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)
MacEachern, Scott, 1952-, (Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)
MacElwain, Peter Brown, 1948-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art in Ontario)
MacEwen, Christina Jean, 1946-, (McMaster University; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)


MacFarlane, David Huron, 1875-1950, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1019)

After this date, MacFarlane continued to work as an architect under his own name from January
1913 to 1925, and he then retired from the profession, choosing instead to take up his hobby of
landscape painting. A detailed review of his artistic skill appeared in an arts critique in The
Gazette [Montreal], 26 April 1941, page 12. He was elected as an Associate of the Royal
Canadian Academy in 1923, and as a Senior Member of the Academy in 1944. MacFarlane
died at his residence at Ste. Hilaire, Que. on 1 February 1950 (obituary Gazette [Montreal],
3 Feb. 1950, 9; obit. Montreal Daily Star, 3 Feb. 1950, 23; biog. Ross Hamilton, Prominent
Men of Canada, 1932, 293; biog. Colin MacDonald, Dictionary of Canadian Artists, 1982,
p. 1019; inf. Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Toronto, membership files; inf. Mrs. Jane
Donnelly, Toronto). The Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal holds an extensive
collection of original architectural drawings by the firm of Ross & MacFarlane from 1904 to
1912, and by the successor firm of Ross & MacDonald.
[source: dictionaryofarchitectsincanada.org/node/2756, accessed 6 October 2024]


MacGee, Chris, 1951-1997 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

MacGillivray, Dougald John, 1905-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1021)
MacGillivray, John William, 1927-1994, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1023)
MacGowan, Clara, 1895-1983, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacGregor, Betty, 1932-, embroider, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans)
MacGregor, Charles, 1893-1978, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art Gallery of Ontario; University of
------Guelph; History of Art in Toronto Schools; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1024-1025;
------Ontario Collection)

Charles MacGregor, Thornton
Mustard, oil on canvas, 99.7 x
84.5 cm / 39 1/4 x 33 1/4"

"Thornton Mustard [b. Brucefield, Ontario, 1886; d.
at sea, 1939] was educated in Huron County and at the
University of Toronto [B.A., B. Paed.].  He was responsible
for an expeditious overhaul and modernization of the
Ontario elementary school curriculum.  Mustard's
appointment as Principal of the Toronto Normal School
in 1938 was cut tragically short.  A passenger aboard the
Athenia, torpedoed on its return from England in one of the
first acts of World War II, he died at sea."

[Text and image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,  Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at pp. 243-244, ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN: 0889029792.]

MacGregor, James Gamble, 1898-, (Winnipeg School of Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1025)
MacGregor, John, 1944-2019, (Burnett; Canadian Drawings; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Carleton; University of Guelph;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1026; Ontario Collection; Art in Ontario)
MacGregor, Larry, 1945-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1026)


Photo of William Firth MacGregor (front) in article by Mouhamad Rachini,
"The Current: New book revisits 1960s art fraud that stained Canada's art scene
with forgeries", CBC Radio, 22 December 2022, at cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/new-book-revisits-1960s-
art-fraud-that-stained-canada-s-art-scene-with-forgeries-1.6692535 (accessed 23 April 2023).

in Ottawa [...MacGregor] was the Director of the Gatineau Summer School of Painting,
working with Goodridge Roberts. He moved to the Toronto area, where in the
late 1950s he became involved with an art dealer for whom he painted
canvasses in the style of well-known eastern Canadian artists. This work later
got him involved in a criminal prosecution of the dealer in 1962, who went
to prison. MacGregor was a Crown witness and was not charged for his work.
[Source: British Columbia Artists, at sim-publishing.com/bca/macgrego.htm, accessed 23 April 2023]

MacGregor, William Firth, 1896-1979, born in Edinburgh, Scotland and died in Toronto, ON; (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

William F. MacGregor, Near Kerwich, oil on canvas, 23 x 31", lot 185, source
of image: pridhams.hibid.com/catalog/281410/hotel-belvedere---saturday--june-26th-at-10-00am/?cpage=4, accessed 9 July 2021.


Macha (Mariette Chartrand), 1939-, (Vallée 93)
Machar, Agnes Maule, 1837-1927 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Machnik, Joan Armstrong (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Macias, Pilar, photographe (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
MacInnis, Stephen B., (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)
MacIntosh, Judy (ARTBOMB--1, 12 and 29 July, 8 and 23 November and 16 December 2015; 11 and 19 March, 24 May and 3 and
------7 June 2017)
MacIntosh, Kenneth (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

MacIntyre, Marjory S., 1898-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacIver, Ian T. (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)
Mack, Mary Agnes, 1899-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1030)
MacKay, Ailsa Marguerite (Mrs. A.M.), 1918-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Alberta
------ Society of Artists)


MacKay, Allan H., 1944-, born in Charlottetown, PEI (Swain; Corporate collections; War Zones--Exhibit); site on the Artist at CCCA

"Allan MacKay, Source/Derivations 1: Charles Hill, 1988 (cat. 47)",
this image of Allan MacKay is reproduced from the following book:
Karen Love, curator, Ottawa Art Gallery, The bigger picture: portraits from Ottawa = Les mille et un visages d'Ottawa,
Ottawa: Ottawa
Art Gallery = Galerie d'art d'Ottawa, ©2004, 71 pages, at p. 30 : illustrations (some color), portraits ; 25 cm,
Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Ottawa Art Gallery, from Sept. 12, 2003 to Jan. 4, 2004, ISBN:
1894906179, 9781894906173;


Art MacKay, photo reproduced from askart.com/artist/Arthur
(accessed 12 June 2023).

MacKay, Arthur Fortescue, 1926-2000, (Saskatchewan: art and artists)

Image reproduced from the following book:
Patricia E. Bovey, Western voices in Canadian art, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada : University of Manitoba Press, [2023],
xvi, 453 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 23 cm, Notes: "Published in collaboration with St. John's College Press.", ISBN:
0887550479, 9780887550478, available at google.ca/books/edition/Western_Voices_in_Canadian_Art/qcSuEAAAQBAJ?hl=
(accessed 12 June 2023).


MacKay, Barry Kent, 1943-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1033-1034)
MacKay, Bill, 1953-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Photo of Donald Cameron MacKay, 1943 (photo
credit: Library and Archives Canada, PA-113906)

 MacKay, Donald Cameron, 1906-1979, (Hubbard; Burnett; Firestone Art Collection; Dalhousie Art Gallery;
------Duval; Nova Scotia; Block Prints; Canvas of War; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4,
------pp. 1034-1035; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works; Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)

Donald Cameron MacKay (photo credit:
Canadian War Museum)

MacKay, Donald Ian, 1937-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)
MacKay, Francine, 1939-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Sales Index 1989-90; Early Women Artists)
MacKay, Graeme, 1968-, (Editorial cartoons)
MacKay, J.G., act. 1875, (Ontario of Yesterday; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
MacKay, Joseph Harold, 1876-1947, (Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940)
MacKay, Jean V., Mrs, 1909-,  (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mackay, J.R., fl 1862-4, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacKay, Joyce, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1036)
MacKay/McKay, James G., fl 1873-85 (ndeBiographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacKay, Katie (Art Auctions 1976-1978)


Mary Mackay, photo
and biography at
forposterityssake.ca/CTB-BIO/MEM001798.htm (accessed 4 February 2025)

Mackay, Mary Ives (née Anglin), 1926-2001, born and died in Saint John, New Brunswick; painter;


MacKay, Mollie Bell (Nova Scotia)
Mackay, Phyllis D., 1925-, (200 Years of Botanical Art in British Columbia)
MacKay, Susan (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
MacKay, Suzanne, (Dalhousie Art Gallery)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


MacKay, Tom, fl 1963-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1037)
MacKeeman, Karl, 1948-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacKela, Don (Sales Index 1989-90)
MacKenzie, Alice Beirne Sawtelle, 1898-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacKenzie, Brian, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1037)
McKenzie, Charles, 1933-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacKenzie, Cynthia, 1952-, (Shell Canada Collection)
MacKenzie, Dana, born in Sarnia, Ontario, 1970-, (Reflections of Gloucester; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
MacKenzie, David (ARTBOMB--5 August 2017)

MacKenzie, Elizabeth, 1955-, born in Trois-Rivières (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989); artist's website---artist's blog

Elizabeth MacKenzie, Reunion (installation detail), 2001-2004, graphite
on vellum (each sheet 8.5” x 11”/ 22 x 28 cm); for more information, see:
http://www.elizabeth-mackenzie.com/stay; I would like to thank the
artist for her permission to reproduce (23 September 2015).

MacKenzie, Frank J., 1865-1939, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1038)
MacKenzie, Helen A., (Art Auctions 1976-1978)

Hugh Seaforth MacKenzie, obituary image reproduced
from legacy.com/ca/obituaries/theglobeandmail/name/
(accessed 18 September 2024)

Publication on Hugh MacKenzie:

MacKenzie, Hugh, Jerrold Morris Gallery, Hugh Mackenzie : December 6-20, 1969,
Toronto : Jerrold Morris Gallery, [1969], 12 unnumbered pages : chiefly illustrations;
14 x 21 cm (source: Voilà catalogue and WorldCat database); source of image:
abebooks.com, Canadian Art Books, accessed 27 May 2021. 

MacKenzie, Hugh Seaforth, 1928-2021, (McKendry; Reid; Burnett; Duval; Morris; Canadian Drawings; Toronto in Art;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1038-1040; Duval -- High Realism)

Hugh Seaforth MacKemzie, Reclining Nude, watercolour, sight
diameter: 55.2 cm /21.75";  text and image reproduced from Waddington
Canadian Art Online Auction, March 11-17, 2016, Lot 146,
available at canadianart.waddingtons.ca/auction/243/lot-146 (accessed 12 March 2016).


Book on Landon MacKenzie:
MacKenzie, Landon, 1954-, Landon Mackenzie : parallel journey-works on paper (1975-2015) / Landon Mackenzie, London :
Black Dog Publishing Limited, [2015]. DESCRIPTION: 191 p. ; 28 cm.  ISBN: 1910433608 paperback and 9781910433607 paperback.
Image source of book: www.amazon.com/Landon-Mackenzie-Parallel-Journeys-Works/dp/1910433608/ref=sr_1_379?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1461529475&sr=1-379&keywords=canadian+painters, accessed 24 April 2016   

MacKenzie, Landon, 1954-, (Burnett; Balkin; Newlands; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)l

See the thesis:
RABINOVITCH, R. Bella, Landon Mackenzie: The Animals in the Landscape,  M.A. thesis, Concordia University, 1991.


MacKenzie, Malcolm (Mac) James, 1932-2002, born and died in BC; painter and sculptor;  see biography at
------ alberta.emuseum.com/people/1622/malcolm-mackenzie;jsessionid=5E0E1664B95D9BCE5270202162F38D9F (accessed 4 February 2025) 


MacKenzie, Rita (Canadian Pastels)

Rita MacKenzie, Autumn in the Muskokas, pastel sur papier, 1982,
21 1/2 x 27 " -- 54.6 x 68,6 cm, en vente chez Enchères Champagne
Auction, Vente découverte--Discovery Auction (2/2), Live auction,
20 July 2022, lot 251, image source:live.enchereschampagne.com/lots/view/4-
, accessed 7 July 2022.


 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


"Robin MacKenzie. Lamanna Gallery
exhibit", photographed by Doug Griffin,
Toronto Star, 9/19/1971, reproduced from
digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/224266/..., object number: TSPA_0104028F (accessed 10 October 2022).

MacKenzie, Robin, 1938-2004, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1046; Art in Ontario)


MacKenzie, Scott (ARTBOMB--18 and 23 February, 3, 10, 16 and 24 March, 6 and 21 April, 6 and 26 May, 17 June, 24 and 27 July,
------2 August and 9 September 2016; 12 March, 6 April,  17 and 18 August and 30 November 2018)
MacKey, Eleanor Dorothy (née Johnston), 1932-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists)
MacKey, J.R., act. 1862-64, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1047)
Mackhkevitch, Idalia, 1935-, (Roussan 98) 
MacKid, Corliss (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
MacKie, Catherine M., 1943-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1047)
Mackie, Christina

Christina Mackie, Interzonal (details),
2002, DVDs, courtesy Catriona Jeffries
Gallery, photo site photography; image and
text reproduced from the article:
Nancy Tousley, "Macrocosm Microcosm Christina Mackie's extended range of vision",
Fall 2015 Canadian Art 150-155 at p. 152.

MacKie, David D., 1924-, (Folk Artists)

Mackie, Dora Helen, 1926-2018, act. 1975 (Shell Canada Collection; The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists;
------Alberta Society of Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Dora Helen Mackie, Ground Cover, watercolour on paper 22 x 30" /  55.9 x 76.2 cm;
Hodgins Art Auctions Ltd.,  Spring 2021 Fine Art Auction, Monday, May 31st, lot 199;
source of image: hodginshalls.hibid.com/catalog/283389/hodgins--spring-2021-fine-art-auction/?cpage=4, accessed 15 July 2021.


Mackie, Frank, 1949-, (Land and Sea)
Mackie, Ray (Oeuvres d'artisans)
MacKie, Stella (Sales Index 1989-90)
MacKinnon, Brian James, 1953-, from New Brunswick (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)
MacKinnion, Bruce, fl 1955-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mackinnon, Bruce, grew up in Antigonish, N.S. (Caricatures 1992)
MacKinnon, Frank, 1919-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacKinnon, Glen, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Corporate collections)
MacKinnon-Pearson, Cecilia, 1882/7/9-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1050-1051;
------Early Women Artists)
Mackinnon-Pearson, Ian (Isaac Pearson), 1896-1963 (University of Guelph; L'art au Canada français; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1049-1050)

Ian MacKinnon-Pearson, La côte de la Montagne, 1943, eau-
forte et pointe-sèche, numéro 4/50, 16,4 x 22,7 cm (au coup
de planche) et 25,4 x 27,9 cm (papier), photographie: Patrick

[La description du titre et l'image proviennent du livre suivant:
Denis Martin, 1955-,  Musée du Québec, L'estampe au Québec, 1900-1950: Musée du Québec, Québec: Musée
du Québec, c1988, 146 p., à la p. 109: ill. (some col.); 31 cm. NOTES: "Publication ... réalisée à l'occasion de l'exposition
L'estampe au Québec, 1900-1950 ... et présentée au Musée du Québec du 28 avril au 3 juillet 1988"--T.p. verso,
Bibliography: p. 143-146, ISBN: 255106872X (Catalogue AMICUS)]

Macklem, Jennifer, 1960-, (Montréal, Michel Tétreault art contemporain; Sales Index 1989-90; Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46,
------automne 2011, p.100); artist's site

Jennifer Macklem, The beginning of time, (Hommage à
, 1998, photo de Michel Saulnier et faisant partie
de l'article de Serge Fisette, "Saint-Jean-Port-Joli de la
sculpture comme cérémonie festive",  (199) Espace Sculp-
, numéro 47 aux pages 12–18 avec photo à la page 15
et reproduit de erudit.org/fr/revues/espace/1999-n47-espace1050793/
(site consulté 7 septembre 2024).., 


Macklin, Edith, 1871-, fl. 1963 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1051)
Macklin, Ken, 1955-, (Burnett)
Macknight, Dodge, 1860-1950, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacLachlan, Graham Martin, 1914-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Maclachlan, Jules, (L'art au féminin)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Maclachlan, Jordan (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
MacLachlan, Winnifred Ann Knowles, 1913-1987, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada),

Photo of David MacLagan, reproduced from the
following book:
Beyer, Hubert, Cynthia M. Bunbury, Chemainus Festival of Murals Society, The Chemainus murals / [writers, Hubert Beyer,
Cynthia M. Bunbury], Special 10th anniversary collector's ed., Chemainus, B.C. : Chemainus Festival of Murals Society,
c1993, 87 p., at p. 26: col. ill., col. maps, col. ports. ; 23 x 28 cm. NOTES: Half-title: Mural capital of North America and the
world, 1983-1993 Previous ed. has title: Chemainus, a celebration of Canadian heritage : the little town that did!  ISBN:
0969316119. (AMICUS Catalogue).

MacLagan, David, 1932-2014, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Murals of Chemainus, B.C.; Artists of British Columbia)


MacLaren, Frances Mary Hewson, 1918-2009 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1052-1053;
-----Early Women Artists)
MacLaren, George Edward Gordon, 1909-1974 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1053)
MacLaughlan, Donald Shaw, 1876-c1938, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1057)


MacLaughlan, W.G. (Photos 1895-1924)

Photo by W.G. MacLaughlan, "Argyle Street at the Corner of George Street,
Halifax", December 1917; "The photo shows pine coffins supplied to Snow &
Co., Undertakers, second building from right, for victims of the Halifax Explosion",
Halifax Relief Commission Nova Scotia Archives accession no. 1976-166 no. 64 /
negative N-4273, available at archives.novascotia.ca/builtheritage/archives/?ID=208 (accessed 27 February 2022).


MacLean brothers -- David, Peter and Paul, wood workers (Art and Craft of Nova Scotia)
MacLean, Alice (ARTBOMB--29 January, 5 and 12 February 2015)
MacLean, Donna, 1914-2013, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
MacLean, Donna, 1918-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Alberta Society of Artists)
MacLean, Donna, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1058-1059)
MacLean, Jamie (ARTBOMB--11 September, 22 October and 12 December 2013,
------1 February, 17 March, 16 October, 5 November, 1 and 11 December 2014; 18 January, 22 February, 8 July,
------27 August, 29 September and 23 and 31 December 2015; 4 January, 21 and 28 February, 19 March, 14 May, 12 August,
------and 27 November 2016; 13 April, 13 May, 30 July, 22 August, 1 and 6 September, 12 and 23 September, 1 October
------and 30 and 31 December  2017; 18 March, 14 July, 25 August, 6 and 24 October and 4 and 23 November 2018; 31 May,
------2, 8  9, 14 and 16 June, 6 and 7 July and 11, 12, 17, 18 and 23 August 2019)
MacLean, Jean Munro, 1873 or 1879?-1952, born in Pictou, N.S. (Robert 78; Fine Arts in Canada; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1060-1061;
------Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


John MacLean, 2016 at La Fondation Guido Molinari (photo by
Guy L'Heureux)

MacLean, John, 1969-, born in Winnipeg (Painting Project 2013; Foire d'art contemporain d'oeuvres sur papier 2014;
------Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2013); artist's site/site de l'artiste

John MacLean, Exposition--exhibition  Arts plastiques, aux Galeries Roger Bellemare et
Christian Lambert, Montréal, January-February 2020 (photo par Guy L'Heureux); I would
like to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce these images (12 October 2021).


MacLean, Loretta (Répertoire des artistes [...] du Nouveau-Brunswick--2000)
MacLean, Mac (Sales Index 1989-90)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

MacLean, Norma Jean, 1984-, (Painting Project 2013)


MacLean, Ruth, 1934-2006, died in Ottawa, ON

Ruth was a talented artist who worked in several media including oils - on both canvas and board -
pastels, water-colour, and pen-and-ink. Her subject matter includes landscapes, buildings, and
portraiture. Latterly, she added wildlife subjects to her repertoire. Her interest in art was shown at
a very young age while still in elementary school in Winnipeg, where she was selected to receive
lessons at the School of Art. She subsequently studied at the University of Manitoba, School of Art
and later she received instruction in oil painting at the Banff School of Fine Arts, and graphic arts
at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. To a large extent, she concentrated on her first and favourite
medium, oils, to capture images of rural scenes of the Ottawa Valley, the Gatineau hills, and
townscapes including heritage buildings in and around Ottawa. Her sketch-pad was always with
her whenever she travelled, whether to Miami, Florida, Scotland, England, and Europe. As well as
selling privately, she sold paintings through the Chelsea Art Gallery. She exhibited with the Bell's
Corners Art League, the Ottawa Art Association, the Winterlude shows at the Ottawa School of Art,
and the City Hall shows. Her paintings have won several awards, and may be found in the U.S.,
Scotland, England, and Canada, where they give, and will continue to give, lasting pleasure to their
owners. She was a contributing artist, for over 5 years, with the Annual Big Brother's Art Auction.
She has also been a member of Art Lending of Ottawa for several years.
[Excerpt from her obituary at legacy.com/us/obituaries/legacyremembers/ruth-maclean-obituary?id=42670646,
 accessed 4 February 2025]


MacLean, Susan, 1880-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Saskatchewan: art and artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacLean, V.L., (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000; Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
MacLeay, Rosanna MacLeay Stewart, 1887-1958, fl 1945 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1063)
MacLellan, Charles Archibald, 1885-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacLellan, John Borland, 1913-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1064)
MacLellan, Joss (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
MacLelland, William, act. mid 20th cent., (Folk Artists)
MacLennan (MacLellan?), Captain "Pearly", act. early 20th cent., (Folk Art; Folk Artists)
MacLennan, Toby, 1939-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacLeod, Alexander Samuel, died c1961, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacLeod, David, 1949-,  (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

 References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

MacLeod, Ella Evans 1910-1996(The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)
MacLeof, F. Scott, 1954-, (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
MacLeod, Grace, 1899-1982, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1065;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
MacLeod, Hazel A. Parks, fl 1957-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1066)
MacLeod, Ian, born in Winnipeg, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum); artist' site

Ian MacLeod, Composition # 379, 48 x 60", acrylic, latex, deck
stain, paper, raw canvas, varathene and polymer emulsion on
canvas.  I
would like to thank the artist for his permission to
reproduce here an image of his work of art (3 October 2014).


MacLeod, J.E.A. (Alberta Society of Artists)

Book about Myfanwy MacLeod:
Arnold, Grant, Cassandra Getty, 1971-, Myfanwy MacLeod, Josée Drouin-Brisebois, 1972-, Joseph Monteyne, Vancouver Art Gallery, Museum London
(London, Ont.), Music Appreciation Society, Myfanwy MacLeod, or, There and back again / curated by Grant Arnold and Cassandra Getty; texts by Grant
Arnold, Josée Drouin-Brisbois, Cassandra Getty, Joseph Monteyne, The Music Appreciation Society There and back again, London, UK : Black Dog
Publishing, [2014], 27 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 25 cm. NOTES: "Published in conjunction with ... an exhibition organized by Museum London and the
Vancouver Art Gallery, ... presented at Museum London from April 20 to September 23, 2013 and at Vancouver Art Gallery from March 8 to June 8, 2014"
--Colophon. Includes bibliographical references. Then as it was, then again it shall be: an introduction / Cassandra Getty -- Dear Myfanwy, everything seems
empty without you / Josée Drouin-Brisebois -- In the absence of presence / Joseph Monteyne -- In there's a bustle in your hedgerow: an essay on listening
to music / The Music Appreciation Society -- Specific objects: profane illumination / Grant Arnold.  ISBN: 9781908966537 and 190896653X
(AMICUS Catalogue).
Source of book image: www.amazon.com/Myfanwy-MacLeod-There-Back-Again/dp/190896653X/ref=sr_1_299?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1465822568&sr=1-299&keywords=canadian+painter, accessed 13 June 2016

MacLeod, Myfanwy, 1961-, (Oh, Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012; Builders: Biennial 2012; Monte Clark Gallery Vancouver)

Myfanwy MacLeod, Hex II, 2009, enamel on wood, 122 x
122 cm, purchased 2010; image and text of title are
reproduced from the following book:
National Gallery of Canada, Heather (Heather Marie) Anderson, Jonathan L. Shaughnessy, 1972-, Builders : Canadian biennial 2012 / Jonathan Shaughnessy;
with essays by Heather Anderson ... [et al.], Ottawa : National Gallery of Canada, 2012, 181 p., at pp. 118-119: col. ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Exhibition catalogue.
Issued also in French under title: Les bâtisseurs, la biennale canadienne 2012. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN: 9780888849052.


MacLeod, Pegi Nicol, 1904-1949, Hart House, University of Toronto, 1934; photograph University of Toronto
Archives, A 78-0009-005 77.

Book on Pegi Nicol MacLeod:
Murray, Joan, ed., Daffodils in Winter; the Life and Letters of Pegi Nicol MacLeod, 1904-1949 Moonbeam, Ontario: Penumbra Press,
1984, 45 p., ISBN:
10: 0920806481.
Image source of the book: amazon.ca/dp/0920806481/ref=olp_product_details?_encoding=UTF8&me=, accessed 8 January 2017

MacLeod, Pegi Nicol (Margaret Kathleen Nichol), 1904-1949, (Newlands; McKendry; Art Gallery of Hamilton;
------Reid; Hill; Hubbard; Harper; Art Gallery of Ontario; Tippett; McMichael Canadian; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Art Collection; Duval; Canadian Drawings; Canvas of War; Carleton; Sir George Williams University; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
------contemporain de Montréal; Toronto in Art; The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Creative Canada, 1971; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1066-1069; Contemporary Canadian Artists; Early Women Artists;
------Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
------ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegi_Nicol_MacLeod

MacLeod, Pegi Nicol, 1904-1949, Morning Parade, 1944, oil on canvas, 76.5 x 91.8 cm,  Beaverbrook
Collection of War Art, Canadian War Museum, 19710261-5784.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

MacLeod (Mac Leod), Scott, 1965-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Collection Loto-Québec; Avmor Collection)
MacLure, Margaret Catherine, 1869-1938 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacLure, Samuel, 1860-1929 (Sales Index 1989-90)

Samuel Maclure, Olympics from Beacon Hill, ca. 1910, watercolour, 4 1/2" x 6-13/16"
(sight), Private Collection (Photo credit: Tod Greenaway, Vancouver)

[The description of the title and the image are reproduced from the following book: Maria Tippett and
Douglas Cole, From Desolation to Splendour: Changing Perceptions of the British Columbia
, Toronto/Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin, 1977, at pp. 64 and 153.]

Research Note:

Leonard K. Eaton, "The Cross-axial Houses of Samuel Maclure", (1980) RACAR, volume VII, number 1/2,
 at pages   -58, available at racar-racar.com/uploads/5/7/7/4/57749791/_racar_7_1_2_06_eaton.pdf (accessed 4 February 2024).


MacMellon, Jack, 1911-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)


MacMillan, Duncan Park, 1873-1908 (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Duncan Park MacMillan, Mother, photo source: mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/
, at p. 62 of the newspaper
clippings/coupures de journaux, accessed 19 January 2020.


MacMillan, Ruth F. Hall, fl 1965-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacMullen, Ralph Spencer, 1885-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacMullin, Dale, born in Fredericton, New Brunswick (Atlantic Art Exhibition)
MacNamara, Aoife (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
MacNamara, Gordon Robertson, 1910-2006, (Duval; Carleton; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1073-1074)
MacNaughtan, Hanna; see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/hannah-macnaughtan/


MacNaughton, John H., fl 1876-99 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)

John H. MacNaughton, The Load Home,  watercolour, 9.75 x 15" / 25 x
38 cm (lot # 26, Walker's live Auction, Canadian & International Fine Arts
Auction 7 December 2016).
Image source: walkersauctions.hibid.com/lot/28388260/john-h--macnaughton/?sort=2&ref=catalog, accessed 5 December 2016

MacNee, Colin

Book on Alison F. MacNeil:
Alison F. MacNeil : portrait sculpture,  Ottawa : The artist,
1984,  27 p. : ill., Note: "27pp. twenty-five pages of photographs
of the artist's work plus biographical sketch and photograph of herself at work"

MacNeil, Alison, 1930-, born in Montreal,  (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
MacNeill, Arthur, 1926-, (Folk Artists; Folk Art Outdoors)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


MacNutt, Dawn, 1937-, weaver, (Craftsman; Art and Craft of Nova Scotia; Oeuvres d'artisans; Art of Courage;
------Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works; Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994; Crafts from
------Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982 )
MacNutt, Glenn Gordon, 1905 or 1906-1987, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1078)
MacNutt, H.R., Miss, fl 1890-2, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Macoux, André, (Magazin'art, v. 11(3), 1999, pp. 42-43)
MacPhee, Medrie, 1953-, (Swain; Newlands; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Corporate collections)

Livre sur Medrie MacPhee:                                 
MacPhee, Medrie, 1953-, Sandra Paikowsky, Galerie d'art Concordia, Medrie MacPhee : the urban landscape : March 25-April 30, 1988 / [photography,
Pierre Charrier, T. E. Moore, Sarah Wells] = Medrie MacPhee : le paysage urbain : du 25 mars au 30 avril 1988 / [photographie, Pierre Charrier, T. E.
Moore, Sarah Wells], Montréal : Concordia Art Gallery = Galerie d'art Concordia, c1988, 28 p. : ill. (certaines en coul.) ; 28 cm. NOTES: Par Sandra
Paikowsky. Texte en anglais et en français. Bibliogr.: p. 28.  ISBN: 2920394193. Image source of the book: cafr.ebay.ca/itm/MEDRIC-MACPHEE-
URBAN-LANDSCAPE-PAYSAGE-URBAIN-CONCORDIA-1988-/281808396462, accessed 18 October 2015

MacPhee, Teresa, (Aboriginal Art; Dalhousie Art Gallery)
MacPherson, Annie A.H., fl 1887-96 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Book on Duncan MacPherson:

MacPherson, Duncan Ian, John Brehl, World events, reportage drawings, the editorial cartoons, 1966 cartoons / Text by John Brehl Toronto daily star,
[Toronto], c1966. DESCRIPTION: 1 v. (chiefly illus.) ; 32 cm. NOTES: Selection of drawings and cartoons previously published in the Toronto star.

MacPherson, Duncan Ian, 1924-1993, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1078-1080; History of Canadian Political Cartooning; Histoire de la caricature au
------Québec); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duncan_Macpherson

Duncan MacPherson, Canada, 1966 cartoon, Toronto Star.


Exhibition catalogue on Janet Macpherson:
Browne, Kelvin (Writer of foreword), Janet Macpherson, Karine Tsoumis, George R. Gardiner Museum of
Ceramic Art (Issuing body) (Host institution),
Janet Macpherson : a Canadian bestiary, Toronto, Ontario : Gardiner
Museum, [2017], 40 pages : colour illustrations ; 31 cm, notes: "Foreword / Kelvin Browne -- Hybrid bodies / Janet
Macpherson -- A Canadian bestiary / Karine Tsoumis -- In conversation : Janet Macpherson and Kelvin Browne",
ISBN: 9780994912930 0994912935 (Voilà catalogue--WorldCat database), image source:
gardinermuseum.on.ca/store/product/janet-macpherson-catalogue-9780994912930/, accessed 22 October 2019

Macpherson, Janet, ceramic artist;


Photo of K-R Macpherson, available at
, accessed 20 January 2020.

MacPherson, Kenneth Ross, 1860-1916, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

K.R. MacPherson, The Traitor, 1895, watercolour
on paper, 14 x 10.5 cm

[Source: McCord Museum, at http://www.mccord-museum.qc.ca/en/collection/artifacts/M966.176.96, accessed on 5 April 2014]


MacPherson, Margaret Campbell, 1860-1931, fl 1885-1907, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

MacPherson, Margaret Campbell, 1860-1931, Brittany Church
, 110.6 x 76 cm, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Canada,
Ottawa  (no. 9981).

Macpherson, Penelope Glasser, 1943-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

MacPherson, Robert L., 1952-, (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacQuarrie, Donald, 1872- (Winnipeg School of Art)
MacRae, Alisdair (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
MacRae, Alisdair and Negar Seyfollahy (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Macredie, Alice, 1913-2006 (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mactavish, Catharine, 1952-, (Burnett; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983)
MacTavish, Newton McFaul,1877-1941 (Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940)
MacVicar, Annie, fl 1895-1900, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacVicar, Donald Norman, 1869-1929 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
MacWhirter, Gavin H., 1894-, (Folk Artists)
MacWhirter, Peter, (Smart; L'estampe à Québec; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000; Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)
MacWilliam, David, 1951-, (Abstract Painting; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Corporate collections; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Macy, W.S., fl 1882, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Madahbee, Mel, 1956-, (McKendry)

Mel Madahbee, illustration on the cover of the following book:
Fox, Mary Lou, 1935-, Martin Panamick, Basil Johnson, Mel Madahbee, The way it was : an Ojibwe-Odawa legend /
by Mary Lou  Fox ; research for this story was done by Basil Johnson; illustrated by Martin Panamick; cover by Mel Madahbee,
Cutler, Ont. : Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, c1979, ii, 21 p. : ill. ; 15 x 24 cm.  ISBN:  0889540497.

Maday, Hélène Julia, 1916-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1082-1083)
Madden, Orval Clinton, 1892-1971, (McKendry; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1083-1084
Maddin, Guy, cinéaste (Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 19; Lisa Kehler Art + Projects Winnipeg)


Maddison, Jean; artist's site

Jean Maddison, Cross Patch I, 1985, lithograph, The University of Toronto
Art Collection, accession number: 1998-195, source of image: collections.
, site visited on 14 February 2022.


Mäder, Helga, 1938-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; LeBourthis)
Madgin, Dominique, née à Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha! (Gaspésie des artistes)

Dominique Madgin, La charmeuse d'abeilles,
2003, 61 x 76,2 cm, acrylique, image reproduite
du livre suivant:
Goyette, Line, Christian Lamontagne, La Gaspésie des artistes / Line Goyette; photographies de Christian Lamontagne,
[Montréal] : Fides, 2006, 123 p., à la p. 100 : ill. en coul., carte, portr. ; 27 cm.  ISBN: 9782762126730 et  2762126738.

Madina, Ramses (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Madison, Charlotte; *artist's site
Madore, Marie, 1956-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Madore, Michel (Collection Loto-Québec)
Madore, Rick (Artists of the Gatineau Hills)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Madsen, Aage, 1898-, sculpt., (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1084)
Madsen, Britta, fl 1964-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1084)
Madsen, Katy/Katie, fl 1964 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1084-1085)
Maeda, Rokosuke, 1889-1970 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
Maes, David (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Maestro, Lani, 1957-, (Newlands; Nemiroff; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)

Lani Maestro, "110.  un livre en pleine mer (1993), livre relié (550 pages,
similigravure deux tons sur papier urodull, couverture de lin estampée à
l'encre d'argent), table de chêne.  Banque d'oeuvres d'art du Conseil des arts
du Canada."; texte et image reproduits du livre suivant:
Nemiroff, Diane, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, Traversées / Diana Nemiroff ... [et al.], [Ottawa] : Musée des beaux-arts du Canada,
c1998, 2 v., dans le vol. 1 à la p. 143: ill. (certaines en coul.); 28 cm. NOTES: Publ. aussi en anglais sous le titre: Crossings. "Publié à
l'occasion de l'exposition Traversées, organisée par le Musée des beaux-arts du Canada et présentée à Ottawa du 7 août au 1er
novembre 1998"-- Achevé d'imprimer. Comprend des réf. bibliogr.  ISBN: 0888846878.

Magali (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Magânak, Don, (Seidelman)
Magar, Ralph, fl 1967-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1085)
Magdenko, Peter, 1922-2002, painter and sculptor; artist's site
Maggi, Ruggero (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)


Gabriele Maggio
He was an artist. He had graceful style of art ahead
of its time. His mind moved as freely and fluid as his
hand. A lover of conversation, language, music, and
philosophy. Never forgetting his humble beginnings
every day he would thank our Lord God for everything
and everybody.
[Above photo and excerpt of obituary reproduced from:
windsorstar.remembering.ca/obituary/gabriele-maggio-1066430360, accessed 4 February 2025]

Maggio, Gabriele, 1937-2018, died in Windsor, ON, painter;

Maggiore, Jérôme-Joseph, 1961-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 88)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Arnaud Maggs, photo reproduced from the
following book:
Governor General's awards in visual and media arts (7th: 2006: Ottawa, Ont.), Governor General's awards in visual
and media arts 2006 = Les prix du gouverneur général en arts visuels et  médiatiques 2006, [Ottawa, Ont. : Canada Council, 2006],
89 p., à la p. 7 : ill. (some col.), ports. ; 27 cm. (Catalogue AMICUS, consulted 13 November 2018).

Anne Cibola, Arnaud Maggs: Life & Work,
READ NOW -- DOWNLOAD and aci-iac.ca/art-books/arnaud-maggs/ (accessed 12 July 2022).

Maggs, Arnaud, 1927-2012, artist and photographer (Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2006; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Contemporary Canadian Artists; Contemporary Canadian Photography; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board;
------Québec en design: 75 ans de créations; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989; Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970); site on the artist---

"Arnaud Maggs pour/for Columbia...The New Benny Goodman
Sextext # 2
, 1953 --Offset -- 18 x 18 cm -- Don anonyme/
Anonymous donation -- 2006.257 --Presentation 1"; image
and text reproduced from the following book:
Arcand, Bernard, Université du Québec à Montréal, Centre de design, Musée national des beaux arts du Québec, Québec en design : 75 ans de créations
issues de la collection du Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
/ rédaction, Bernard Arcand ... [et al.] = Québec in design : 75 years of works from
the collection of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
/ rédactions, Bernard Arcand ... [et al.], Montréal : Université du Québec à Montréal,
Centre de design, c2007, 1 v. (pag. multiple), plate 120: ill. en coul. ; 23 cm. NOTES: Texte en français et en anglais. ISBN: 9782920496040.

Magnan, Oscar (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1085)


Olga Ines Magnano,
source of the video-still at lafabriqueculturelle.tv/capsules/892/portrait-de-
, accessed 30 October 2019

Magnano, Olga Ines, 1953-, (L'art et le papier 7; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

Magnen, Eve (Avmor Collection)
Magny, Réjean (Robert 83)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Magons, John (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Magoon, Ida May, 1901-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Publication on Liz Magor:
Magor, Liz, 1948-, artist, Lesley Johnstone, author, Kunstverein in Hamburg issuing body, Liz Magor / Lesley Johnstone [and ten others], Montréal:
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, 2016, NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal from June 22 to
September 5, 2016.  Includes bibliographical references.  Text in French and English.  Co-published by : Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst.
Co-published by : Kunstverein, Hamburg.  ISBN: 9782551258291 (AMICUS Catalogue).
Image source of the publication: amazon.ca/Liz-Magor-Dan-Adler/dp/2551258294, accessed 2 February 2017

Magor, Elizabeth (Liz), 1948-, (Newlands; McKendry; Burnett; Tippett; Balkind;
------Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Nemiroff; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983;
------Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2001; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Contemporary Canadian Artists; Résidence 1982-1993; National Gallery of Canada -- Recent Acquisitions)

Liz Magor, Hunters's Sweaters, 1993 (photo credit:
Susan Hobbs)

"Unconventional Materials are common in the sculpture of Liz Magor, who
once made a work of art from birds' nests.  In this one, she stacks traditional
woollen hunters' sweaters into a Canadian totem pole topped by a lounging cat.
The references lap to West Coast native art, country clothes, animal kingdoms,
domestic comfort, and woolly warmth.  If we follow them through, they
suggest that wilderness has gone, except for what we can buy in a store."

[Text and image reproduced from following book: Richard
Rhodes, 1952-, A First Book of Canadian Art, Toronto:
Pencier Books, 2001, at p. 62]

Magre, Louis, 1955-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Magrill, Cyril, c1908-, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Magrini, Alex, 1951-,  (Robert 83; MAC; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection numérique d'estampes
------de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionnaire historique de la
------sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Magsino, Frank (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Maguire, Thomas, fl 1807-23 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mah, Peter, 1946-, (University of Guelph; The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Mah, Ping, 1946-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Mahdi/Mahdy, Wadie El, 1921-2000, (Robert 78; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1086); see also--voir aussi El Mahdy, Wadie

Wadie El Mahdy, oil on canvas board, 24 x 20";
image reproduced from: http://www.cafr.ebay.ca/itm/
=item43de5c135b:g:megAAOSwl8NVdlA-, accessed 3 December 2015.


Maher, Cluny, 1941-, (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Maheu, Céline, née à herbrooke, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Maheu, Ginette (70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)


Photo de Lorraine Maheu accompagnant
l'article de Normand Robidoux, "Lorraine
Maheu est une artiste surréaliste, aux expressions inédites", Photo-Journal,
8 mai 1976, à la p. 8 et reproduite de collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3543618
(site consultée 24 décembre 2024).

Maheu, Lorraine, 1930-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Maheux, Ginette (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Maheux, Johanne, 1964-, (Roussan 2001; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Mahey, (Roussan 2001)
Mahey, Lapointe Marie Hélène, 1945-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Mahias, Robert, 1890-1962, fl 1925, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Mahon, Charles Augustus, 1867-, fl 1931+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mahon, Patrick (Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto; Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989); *artist's site

Book on Patrick Mahon:
Mahon, Patrick, Michael D. Blackstock, 1961-, Jen Budney, Kamloops Art Gallery, Patrick Mahon : drawing water, Kamloops, B.C. : Kamloops
Art Gallery, c2008. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Kamloops Art Gallery, Oct. 19, 2008-Jan. 4, 2009, featuring the work of
Patrick Mahon and Kamloops artists and students. Includes catalogue essay by Patrick Mahon, poem by Michael Blackstock and interview by
Jen Budney. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN: 9781895497748. (AMICUS Catalogue)

Mahon, Thomas, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France)
Mahoney, John (Photojournalism from La Presse and The Gazette)
Mahonin, John, act. c. 1910-1930s, (Folk Artists)
Mahovsky, Trevor, 1969-, (National Gallery of Canada -- Recent Acquisitions)
Mahut, Sheila, craftperson in glass (Cutting Edge in Crafts)
Maibauer, Ulli Gerhard (Gerry) Max, 1929-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1086-1087)
Maidman, Sam, 1950-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Maigné, Daniel (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Mail, Merz (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Mailhiot, Gisèle, artisane, acrylique (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Mailhot, Claude, 1959-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)

Charles Maillard, Collection particuliè-

La reproduction de la photo et le renseignement sur sa provenance viennent du livre suivant:

Foisy, Richard, 1952-, Centre de recherche sur l'atelier de l'Arche et son époque, 1900-1925, L'Arche : un atelier d'artistes dans le
, Montréal : VLB, 2009, 205 p., aux pp. 92 et 198: ill. (certaines en coul.), portr. ; 23 cm. NOTES: Comprend des réf.
bibliogr.: p. 195.  ISBN: 9782896490912.

Maillard, Charles, 1887-1973, (McKendry; Roussan 82; Hill; Burnett; Duval; Laliberté; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index
------ of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1087; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy);

Charles Maillard, Nu féminin, 1928, huile sur panneau de bois, 61 x 132,9 cm,
Collection: Musée du Québec

[Photo de la toile reproduite du livre suivant:
Lacroix, Laurier, sous la direction de, Galerie de l'UQAM, Musée du Québec, Peindre à Montréal, 1915-1930: les peintres de la
Montée Saint-Michel et leurs contemporains, [Montréal]: Galerie de l'UQAM, c1996. DESCRIPTION: 143 p., à la p. 95: ill. en
coul.; 28 cm. NOTES: Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 143. Publ. en collab. avec: Musée du Québec. Catalogue d'une exposition
itinérante tenue en premier lieu au Musée du Québec du 24 janv. au 5 mai 1996, Canadiana: 968008305, ISBN: 2892761476,
ISBN: 2551167078 (Musée du Québec)]

Maillard, Mgr Charles, 1873-1939, (McKendry; 100 Years of Art in Manitoba; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of
------Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1088)
Maillard, Michel,  silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France)


Corinne Dupuis-Maillet, image source: archivesvs.
, accessed 26 April 2021.

Maillet, Corinne Dupuis, (pseud.: Rhobena Dippy) (pseud.: Colin Martel), 1895-1990, (McKendry; Tippett;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1088; Early Women Artists;
------ Artistes plasticiens par Comeau sous Dupuis; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 1, p. 666a under Dupuis;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Maillet, Éric, sculpteur (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Maillet, Roger, 1896-1960, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Roger Maillet, "Léo-Pol Morin jouant 'la Cathédrale englou-
tie", gravure sur linoléum, Les Casoars, 1928, p. 41".

Image et texte proviennent du livre suivant:

Foisy, Richard, 1952-, Centre de recherche sur l'atelier de l'Arche et son époque, 1900-1925, L'Arche : un atelier d'artistes dans le Vieux-Montréal,
Montréal : VLB, 2009, 205 p., aux pp. 128 et 199: ill. (certaines en coul.), portr. ; 23 cm. NOTES: Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 195.
ISBN: 9782896490912.

Maillet, Stanley, 1947-, (L'art naïf)


Photo de Philippe Maillot dans Le petit journal, semaine du 20
octobre 1968 à la p. 25 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4251639
(site consulté le 8 août 2022). On retrouve également une autre photo de cet artiste barbu à la p. 25

Maillot, Philippe, 1940-2005 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1088)


Maillou, Amable, 1739-1808, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Maillou, Jean, 1668-1753, (MQ 2; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Jean Maillou, Plan of an unidentified Canadian church, circa 1715, Plan: col. ms.,
47.0 x 36.3 cm, Société du Musée du Séminaire de Québec: Polygraphie 2, 77.
Photo Patrick Altman.

[Text and image taken from the following book: André Vachon, 1933-,  with the assistance of Victorin Chabot and André Desrosiers,
Taking Root -- Canada from 1700 to 1760, English translation by John F. Flinn, Ottawa: Public Archives Canada, 1985, at p. 264
(series; Records of Our History)]


Maillou, Joseph, 1708-1794, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France; L'art au Canada français; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Mailloux, Francine, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Mailloux, Gérald, 1942-, (Sculpteurs en art populaire au Québec par Levasseur -- Tome 1)
Mailloux, Gilles, 1943-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Bruens 91; Vallée 93; Bruens 91;
------Pluralisme au Québec; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; Canadian Pastels; Saint-Donat et sa région en peinture)
Mailloux, Ginette, 1952-, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec)
Mailloux, Jean, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Mailloux, Robert (Photojournalism from La Presse and The Gazette)
Mailly, Jules, 1828-1884 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Stephen Sylvester Main, source of
photo with further information at
, accessed 4 February 2025

Main, Stephen Sylvester, 1872-1937, photographer


Photo de Stuart Main prise par le photographe René Marquis et accompagnant l'article
de Scott Verity Stevenson, "Un mois de juillet au goût de Start Main", La Tribune,
samedi, 21 juillet 2001, à la p. A11 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3990864 (site consulté le 15 avril 2023).

Main, Stuart, 1934-, né à East-Angus, Cantons de l'Est, QC, (Magazin'art, v. 11(4), 1999, pp. 50-52;  Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
------ Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; L'Estrie, ses trésors); artist's site--site sur l'artiste

Stuart Main, Old Buildings near Wotten, oil on canvas, 16 x 20", Encans Gélineau
et Fils, St-Hyacinthe, source: https://quebec-b.hibid.com/catalog/281726/
encans-g-lineau-and-fils-no-21?g=all-categories, lot 174, site visité le 23 mai 2021


Mainguy, Jeanne (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Mainguy, Marie-Claude, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Mainguy, Paule (70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)
Mainguy, Philippe (70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)
Maini, Geraldina, born in Lithuania (Reflections of Gloucester; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Mainville, Lucie-Charlotte, 1967-, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
Mainville, Pierre, 1959-, (Roussan 2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)


Mainwaring, George Baskerville, 1893-1969, died in Flin Flon, Manitoba (where he had once been the mayor)

A talented amateur artist, he was a member of the
British Water Colour Society. A keen amateur historian,
Mainwaring served on the Council of the Manitoba
Historical Society.
[Source: Manitoba Historical Society Archives at
mhs.mb.ca/docs/people/mainwaring_gb.shtml, accessed 5 February 2025]

Maiorino, Biago (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Mairet, Pasquale (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Maisonbasse, Jean-Baptiste, vers 1695-177, orfèvre, (L'art au Canada français)
Maisonneuve, Réal, (Gagnon)
Maisonneuve, Suzanne, 1957-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Roussan 98; Roussan 2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Maitland, H.B., 1895-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Maitland, Peregrine, 1777-1854 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Maître d'Oka (MQ)
Maize, Andrew (RBC Canadian Painting Competition 2016 Finalists)
MAJ (MU 2015)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Majlis, Norbert (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)


Mair, Aeiriuhnn  (Arian) S. W,  1971 - , name added at the request of Yellow Bird Arts Gallery (email 19 June 2023)
Mair, Peter William, 1931-2016, painter, name added at the request of Yellow Bird Arts Gallery (email 19 June 2023)


Major, Charlotte Ruth, 1893-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Major, Christine, 1966-, née dans la ville de Québec, QC (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels
------ du Québec -- 2012; Painting Project 2013; Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2014); wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Major
------site de l'artiste--artist's site

Christine Major, Chiens sauvages, acrylique sur toile, 137 x 162,8 cm, Collection du Musée
des beaux-arts de Montréal, image reproduite de mbam.qc.ca/fr/oeuvres/40865/ (site consulté le 26 mai 2022).


Major, Geraldine, 1901-. fl 1922-50 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Major, Jean-Pierre (Conseil de la sculpture du Québec 2009)


Laure Major

Laure Major, Sans titre, 1968, pièce de concours, huile, 51 x 61 cm

[La photo de Laure Major ainsi que son oeuvre ci-dessus ont  été reproduits de l'article suivant:
Roumanes, J.-B., "L’espace pictural de Laure Major" (2006) 50(203) Vie des arts 48-51 et est
disponible à erudit.org/fr/revues/va/2006-v50-n203-va1098469/52536ac.pdf
] (site consulté le 21 mars 2022)

Major, Laure, 1930-2002, (Robert 83; Trépanier; Robert 78; années 50; Robert 64; Viau; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1089; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)

Photo de Laure Major accompagnant l'article de
Pierre Saucier, " 'Les blondes avalanches' du
peintre Laure Major", La patrie du dimanche,
28 février 1960 à la p. 130 et disponible à collections.
(mis en ligne le 8 août 2022)


Major, Richard Walter, 1899-1973, (Toronto in Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1089-1090)

Richard Walter Major, The Boathouse, oil on board, 8 x 10" -- 20.3 x 25.4 cm. on sale at
Waddington's, Discovery West, Auction, 15-20 October 2022, lot 13, reproduced from
waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-west-oct-20-2022/gallery/lot/13/ (accessed 15 October 2022. 


Major, Susan, 1951-,  artiste-peintre (Roussan 2001; Pluralisme au Québec); site de l'artiste
Majumder, Khaletun, 1942-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mak, Allan (Alberta Society of Artists)


Book on Jahan Maka:
Dunlop Art Gallery, Michael D. Hall, Helen Marzolf, Jahan Maka : retrospective / exhibition organized by Helen Marzolf ; with an essay
by Michael D. Hall, Regina : Dunlop Art Gallery, 1988, 24 p. : ill. (some col.), ISBN: 0920085288 (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=16257695143&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26kn%3DArt%2BSaskatchewan#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 19 Decembr 2016

Maka, Jhan (Jahan), 1900-1987, (McKendry; Folk Art; Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Makhani, Jogi (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Maki, Sheila, Agincourt, Ont., 1932-2021, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum; Ontario Collection;
------Early Women Artists)
Makowichuk, Candace (Alberta Society of Artists)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Makpaaq (Makpa, Makpah), Vital Arnasungnark, 1922-1978, carver, (National Museum of Man; Winnipeg Art Gallery;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plates 115, 163 and 248;
------The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)

Makpa, Vital Arnakingook, Owl, 1962, black stone, 20 x 10 x
11.5; text and image reproduced from the following book:
Canadian Eskimo Arts Council,  Sculpture - Inuit. Sculpture of the Inuit: Masterworks of the Canadian Arctic, Toronto, University Press, 1971,  493 p. :
417 plates, at plate number 163 (part. col.); 26 cm. NOTES: Text in English and French. ISBN: 0802018459 (cloth) and 0802018467 (paper).


Malach, Josephine Lorraine, 1933-2003, (Saskatchewan Artists; Saskatchewan: art and artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1090-1091; Early Women Artists)

Lorraine Malach, The Story of Life
(detail) on the cover of the periodical:
(2012) 23(2) Journal of Canadian Art History; in that number, on the artist, see: Susan Surette "The Story of Life: A Ceramic Mural by Lorraine
Malach" at pp. 74-96; also with a short article in French/également avec un court article en français: Susan Surette "The Story of Life: murale en
céramique par Lorraine Malach" aux pp. 97-99, une traduction de Élise Bonnette.
Source of image: http://jcah-ahac.concordia.ca/en/archive, accessed 5 November 2015

    "Her final and one of her most remarkable works is The Story of Life. It is a ceramic mural created for the
    Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada. The mural consists of ten panels,
    each four feet wide and eight feet high; ten tons of clay were used. It depicts life forms from the Precambrian
     to the Cretaceous, as told by human-based figures. ...

     Lorraine Malach died on March 3, 2003, at Drumheller, Alberta,[1] several weeks before her 80th birthday and
     before the completion of the work. Her friends and colleagues undertook to complete the work. The two remaining
     pieces were fired in a kiln and the mural was completed by Janet Grabner." (Source: WIKIPEDIA, https://en.wikipedia.org/
     wiki/Lorraine_Malach, accessed 5 November 2015)

Malak, 1915-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board), see--voir Karsh, Malak

Artistes canadiens en arts visuels -- Avons-nous votre nom?
Pour ajouter un lien à votre site,  pour vous inscrire
ou pour ajouter une image de
votre art, écrivez-moi à flareau@rogers.com
-- c'est gratuit.

Canadian artists in visual arts  --Do we have your name?
To add a link to your site, or your name to this index or

an image of your art, write to me at flareau@rogers.com -- it's free.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Malchi, Bezalel, 1900-1981, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1091)
Malcolm, Bess Hull, 1909-1992 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1091)
Malcolm, Carole, born in Dieppe, NB; see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/carole-malcolm/
Malcouronne, Kathleen Delacour, 1885-1951 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1092)


Malczewski, Rafal, 1892-1965, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1092-1093)

Rafal Malczewski, Wakefield on Gatineau River, watercolour, 13.5 x 19.5" --34.3 x 49.5 cm,
Waddington's, Auction, The American and Canadian Salon, 26 February-3 March 2022,
lot 47, reproduced from : waddingtons.ca/auction/the-american-and-canadian-salon-mar-03-2022/gallery/lot/47/, accessed on 10 February 2022.


Malden, Wayne (History of Art in Toronto Schools)
Malek, Chantal (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)


Malenfant, Clermont (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)

Dessin de Clermont Malenfant, Louis Hébert, apothicaire, © Société
canadiennes des Postes,
sur la couverture de La Revue d'histoire du Québec,
hiver 2017, numéro 128, source de l'image: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2481942,
site consulté le 30 mai 2022.


Publication sur Nicole Malenfant:

Nicole Malenfant, L'estampe, Québec : Editeur officiel du Québec, 1979, xv, 307
pages : illustrations (certaines en couleur), portrs. ; 25 cm, Collection: Collection
Format: Série initiation aux arts; Collection initiation aux métiers d'art du Québec,
comprend des reproductions en couleurs des estampes par plusieurs artistes
québécois; feuillet d'errata inséré, ISBN:
0775429511, 9780775429510; données
bibliographiques provenant de canada.on.worldcat.org/search/detail.... et source de
l'image: kijiji.ca/v-autre/ville-de-quebec/.... et le vendeur:
Québec, QC G1K 3C3
(Afficher la carte) (sites consultés 10 février 2024).

Malenfant, Nicole, 1949-,  (L'estampe à Québec; Daigneault 81; Robert 83; 1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale
------du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)


Malenfant, Paul-Channel, (MAC)
Malépart, Céline (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Malepart de Beaucourt, see/voir Beaucourt, François
Malepart de Grand Maison (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada), see/voir Beaucourt, Paul
Maler, Miroslav, 1946-, (Sculpture; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionnaire historique de la
------sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Art public de la ville de Montréal)


Maley, Frank, 1907-1999,  landscape artist, died in Burlington, ON

Frank was a founding partner of Standard Engravers, Hamilton.
He was a prominent Hamilton area landscape artist, whose work
is represented in many public and private collections.
[Source of text, excerpt, obituary, at legacy.com/ca/obituaries/theglobeandmail/
, accessed 5 February 2025]

Frank Maley, Gatineau Hills, 1963, oil on canvas, 26 x 30.5 cm--10.25 x
12", image reproduced from Gardner Galleries at gardnergalleries.com/
(accessed 5 February 2025).


Malhamé, Paul, (Paul Mall : son pseudonyme), 1932-2011, venait du Liban avant le Canada;

Oeuvre de Paul Mall, On prend toujours un train pour quelque part..., je remercie Marie-Hélène
de Montigny de m'avoir fait parvenir cette image (19 mars 2022).

e remercie Marie-Hélène de Montigny de m'avoir fait
parvenir cette image-détail de la toile ci-dessus (21 mars 2022).

Queslques notes de recherches sur l'artiste:

1. Avis de décès:

Source: La Presse, lundi, 25 juillet 2011,
Section D, La Presse Affaires, à la p. D 8,
"Décès,Prières, Remerciements", disponible à
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2415392 (site consulté le 18 mars 2022)"

2. un article dans le Devoir:

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl
key and scrolling the wheel of the
mouse allows to zoom in or out of
the web page being viewed.

"Lettres au Devoir", par Paul Malhamé de Montréal, Le Devoir, mardi, 12 octobre 1971, à
la page 4 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2773891 (site consulté le 18 mars 2022).

3. Monsieur Paul Malhamé a exposé à la Galerie Le Bernin, 525, est, rue Sherbrooke, Montréal,
du 2 au 16 octobre 1982; voir La Presse, samedi, 2 octobre 1982, à la p. C14 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2292893.

4. on retrouve un peintre du nom de Paul Malhamé à app.pch.gc.ca/application/...., mais sa date de naissance indiquée est 1937 et
non 1932 comme l'indique son avis de décès ci-dessus;

5. court article de Pol Mall au Devoir, "Surdité volontaire", mardi, 21 juillet 1981, à la p. 6 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2769113

6. Pol Mall est mentionné comme illustrateur pour le Journal L'itinéraire, de Montréal, de mai 1996 à août 1998, cherchez "Pol Mall" au site
https://numerique.banq.qc.ca/ et sélectionnez le filtre "Patrimoine québécois / Revues et journaux"

7.  Pol Mall semble avoir fait du théatre de variétés comme auteur; voir la publicité ci-dessous, publiée dans
La Presse, 15 août 1992 à la p. D15 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2174180:

8.  Le 22 mars 2022, Marie-Hélène de Montigny m'indique l'existence de l'article sur Pol Mall: Jean-Claude Boulos , "Et Pol
Mall s'en est allé...", L'Orient-Le Jour,
13 août 2011, disponible à lorientlejour.com/article/717441/Et_Pol_Mall_s%2527en_est_alle....html,
site consulté le 23 mars 2022.


Malhame, Violette, fl 1959-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1093-1094)
Malin, Lynn, 1943-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Malinowski, Janusz, (Alberta artists)
Malinowski, Robert, 1974-, (L'art et le papier 7)
Malish, Miro, 1944-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Malize, Andrew (RBC Canadian Painting Competition 2015 Finalists)
Malkas, Melissa, 1959-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Malkin, Melvyn Frank, 1935-, born in Saskatoon, SK (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

Malkinson (Malkinson-Powell), Brenda, 1952-, (Stained Glass; Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans; Alberta Society of Artists); artist's site

Brenda Malkinson, Earth, woodblock print; I would like to thank the artist
for her permission to reproduce (1 December 2014).


Mall, Pol, voir Malhamé, Paul
Mallandine (Mallandaine), Edward, 1827-1905, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Malleau, Glenna, (L'estampe à Québec)
Mallet, Denys, 1670-1704, sculpteur, (Robert 78; L'art au Canada français; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index
-----of Artists in Canada; Morisset)
Mallet, Margaret, 1911-1995, photographer (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Mallet, Marilu (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Mallet, Odette, née en Acadie (Roussan 2009; Roussan 2013)
Mallette, Phil, 1955-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Caricatures 1992; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)

Phil Mallette, caricature, Financial Post, circa 1992

[Image reproduced from Guy Badeaux and Charles Gordon, 1940-, Portfoolio 8 : the year in Canadian caricature /
edited by Guy Badeaux; text by Charles Gordon; foreword by Josh Freed, [Toronto]: Macmillan Canada, 1992, 190 p., at p. 180,
ill., ISBN: 0771591845]


Mallo, Luis (The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)


Malloch, Joyce, 1907-1982 (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983)

Joyce Malloch, Gossip, woodcut,  13/25, 4.25 x 5.5 " (image), image source:
Saskatchewan Network for Art Collecting is hosting an online auction of
Saskatchewan, Canadian and International Prints, bidding closing 9 October,
lot 57
connect.invaluable.com/saskatchewannac/auction-lot/joyce-malloch-gossip_A3A4583983, site consulted 5 October 2021.


Mallon, Reinhold D. (Art populaire germano-canadien)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Mallory, Noreen (Collection Loto-Québec; Avmor Collection; Femmeuses 2001); see also Hood, Noreen Mallory (same person)
Malo, André, 1945-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Malo, Denis (70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)

Malo, France, 1958-, d'Otterburn Park, (Roussan 2005; Symposium Gatineau en couleurs, 2011; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts
------visuels du Québec -- 2012; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; Roussan 2013; Bromont en Art, 17e édition, août 2015); site de l'artiste

France Malo,  Diptyque RIO UN-DEUX, 48" x 24", 48" x 24".  Nous
remercions Madame France Malo pour la permission de reproduire.


Malo, Guylaine, 1959-, (Roussan 2009; Roussan 2013; Artistes du Musée d'art contemporain MAC VR 3D
------demeurant au Canada);  Mme Malo fait partie du CIAAZ Colletctif International d'Artistes d'Art Zoom
------ depuis sa fondation; site sur l'artiste; site au MAC VR 3D

Guylaine Malo, Orange Freedom, 2017,  acrylique sur canevas, technique : Chromadepth,
30 x 40"; nous remercions l'artiste pour sa permission de reproduire ci-dessus une image de son
art (30 septembre 2018).


Malo, Jacques, 1952-, (Conseil de la sculpture du Québec 2009; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Malo, Mercédès B., 1936-, (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Robert 83; Trépanier; Bruens 88)
Malo, Pierre-Aimé, 1859/60-1924, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Malo, Rolande L., 1936-, (Bruens 90; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Malolo, 1953-, (Roussan 2009)
Malone, Richard Sankey, Brig, 1909-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Maloney, Sarah, (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)

Malott, died in 1992, architect (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Malouin, Mario (Histoire de la caricature au Québec) 
Maloukis, Rose (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Maltais, Chantal, 1964-, (Vallée 93)
Maltais, Christian, 1963-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Maltais, Esther, 1965-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Maltais, François (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec)
Maltais, Florence, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Maltais, Gabriel, 1948-, (Vallée 93)
Maltais, Jo, 1944-, (Roussan 2005)
Maltais, Jocelyne, 1944-, (Roussan 2001)

Livre sur Marcella Maltais:

Gilles Duguay, Marcella Maltais--Le roman d'une
vie exaltée, Montréal: Éditions Mots en toile, 2022,
ISBN: 978-2-924852-47-7, source de l'image:
(site consulté le 26 novembre 2022).

Photo de Marcella Maltais (photographe: Tess Boudreau Taconis).  Photo reproduite
du livre de Guy Robert, École de Montréal: situation et tendances, Montréal : Éditions
du Centrede psychologie et de pédagogie, [1964], à la p. 86.

Catalogue on Marcella Maltais:
Maltais, Marcelle, 1933-, Céline Myarand, 1958-, Leo Rosshandler, 1922-, Galerie des arts Lavalin, Musée du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Service
de la promotion des arts Lavalin,  Maltais : trente-neuf ans de peinture, 1950-1989 : la Galerie d'art Lavalin, Montréal, le Musée du Saguenay-
Lac-St-Jean, Chicoutimi
/ [exposition organisée par le Service de la promotion des arts Lavalin; directeur, Léo Rosshandler; conservatrice, Céline
Mayrand; photographe, Daniel Roussel], Montréal : La Galerie, [1989?], 91 p. : ill. (certaines en coul.), portr. ; 30 cm. NOTES: Sur la couv.:
Rétrospective. Sur le dos de la couv.: Marcella Maltais, trente-neuf ans de peinture, 1950-1989. Comprend des références bibliographiques.
Source of catalogue : www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=17817719081&searchurl=kn%3Dquebec%2520artists%26pics%3Don, accessed 17 February 2016.

Maltais, Marcella (Marcelle), 1933-2018, (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Robert 83; Roussan 82; Trépanier; Québec 1940-1966;
------Boulizon; Viau; McKendry; Robert 78; MAC; Tippett; McMaster University; années 50; Robert 64; Sir George Williams University;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90); Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1094-1095; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy;
------Early Women Artists; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcella_Maltais

Livre par Marcella Maltais:
Maltais, Marcella, Notes d'atelier / Marcella Maltais ; présentation par Jean-Noël Tremblay, Montpellier: Écrits des Hautes-Terres,
impression 2006, 143 p., 19 cm, Collection: Collection Calepins; 8, ISBN: 2-922404-51-4.

Image source of the book: http://www.arts-up.info/JPGP/JPGP_Marcella_Maltais.htm, accessed 31 October 2016

Google -- Images pour Marcella Maltais


Philippe Maltais, photo reproduite du livre suivant:
Richard Dubé et François Tremblay, Peindre un pays: Charlevoix et ses peintres
, Laprairie: Éditions Broquet, 1989, 160 p., à la p. 111 (Collection; Signature
Plus), ISBN: 2-89000-105-9;

Maltais, Philippe, 1910-1988 (Charlevoix et ses peintres populaires)


Maltais, Sébastien (Sébastian), 1968-, né à Montréal; site de l'artiste

Sébastian Maltais, Mick Jagger, 2003, huile sur tissu marouflé sur
isorel, 48,5 x 42" -- 123 x 107 cm, en vente chez ECA, Enchères
Champagne Auctions, Montréal, Vente découverte--Discovery sale,
27 août 2024, lot 231, reproduit de live.enchereschampagne.com/auctions/4-ECGMLC/
(site consulté 15 août 2024).


Maltby, Mary, act. 1880-1890, (McKendry; Tippett)
Maltese, Vanessa (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)


Maltin, Erika, 1927-2020, died in QC
Erika was a passionate and skilled artist. She attended classes of the "Montreal Art Students" under Alfred Pinsky and Ghitta
Caiserman in 1946. After raising her family, she returned to serious art study and painting studying with Rita Briansky in
mixed media and at McGill University with Judy Garfin in watercolour technique. Erika completed a three-year art study
program, including art exploration, life study, art history, etching and silk screen. Ben helped Erika set up a printing press
in their basement and built frames and a light table. Erika also attended workshops at "Group 80", Rita Briansky studio and
Stewart Hall, Pointe Claire. Erika belonged to the Lakeshore Association of Artists, the Pastel Society of Canada and the
Beaconsfield Association and exhibited with all three as well as at Gallery Oliver, Stonehouse Gallery, Upstairs Gallery (Ottawa),
Magie de l'Art (Montreal) and Stewart Hall (Dorval). Erika travelled to see her three children frequently, especially after Ben
passed away in 1984. She continued to paint and on these trips to her family, painted what she knew as she travelled to Scotland,
Europe, Israel and across Canada and all three northern territories. She was generous with her art and many friends and family
have Erika paintings on their walls. Besides painting, she loved camping, hiking, skiing, biking and all of those pursuits were
reflected in her art.
[source: pbituary at legacy.com/us/obituaries/legacyremembers/erika-maltinsky-obituary?id=40613525, accessed 5 February 2025]

Maltman, William, 1901-1971, (100 Years of Art in Manitoba; The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour;
------Winnipeg School of Art; Sales Index 1989-90)

William Maltman, Haunted House, Markham, Ontario, watercolour, 11 x 14" -- 27.9 x
35.6 cm, on sale at Waddington's, Discovery Art, 16-21 April 2022, lot 67, reproduced
from waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-apr-21-2022/gallery/lot/67/, accessed 5 March 2023.


Maltwood, Katherine Emma Sapsworth, 1878-1961, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Malvada, Marina (ARTBOMB--21 May, 11 June, 22 July, 6 September, 2 October, 12 November and 2 and 11 December 2016;
------1 and 17 January, 13 February, 13 and 30 March, 27 April, 20 May, 8 and 18 June, 10 August, 20 September,
------16 October and 1 November 2017; 12 and 15 January, 26 March, 9  and 19 April, 18 June, 21 August and
------12 September 2018); *artist's site

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Ma Ming, voir Ma, Ming
Mamchure, Kenneth Christopher, 1947-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mamgark, Andrew, 1930-1997, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 216)
Mamnguqsuluk (also Mamnguksualuk; Mamnguqsualuk; Mannguqsualuk), Victoria, 1930-2016 (Shell Canada Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Mamnguqsualuk
Mamsveld, Fred (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Mamusualuk, Esquimo art, Baker Lake, (Larmour)


Man, Vera, 1905-, (Winnipeg School of Art)
Manaipik, Manasie, 1944-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 320)
Manalo, Timothy (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)

Manarey, Thelma born in Edmonton, Alberta, 1913-1984 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary
------of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1095-1096; Alberta artists; Shell Canada Collection; Early Women Artists; Alberta Society of Artists;

Thelma Alberta Manarey, Greek Catholic Church at Radway AP,
1974, etching on paper 2 x 2 in. 5 x 5 cm. Lando Auctions, Online
Auction, 27 Jan to 13 Feb 2022, lot 1, image source: landoauctions.hibid
, accessed 9 February 2022.

Thelma Manarey, Rooster & Hen, oil on board, 9 x 12" -- 22.86 x 30.48 cm, source of
image: invaluable.com/auction-lot/thelma-manarey-rooster-hen-81-c-70249F9B93, and seller:Canadian
& International Works of Art by Westbridge Fine Art Auction House, May 19, 2022,
accessed 8 May 2022.


Mancuso, Fred, 1925-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Fred Mancuso, Autumn Landscape, 1961, watercolour, 10 x 8",
image reproduced from: http://www.cafr.ebay.ca/itm/Fred-
-Landscape-/301808564248?hash=item4645313818:g:UhUAAOSwr81UNfXx, accessed 2 December 2015.


MANDAGGIO, Edward Clarence "Eddie" -93 of Camperdown, passed away
November 7, 2020 in Queen’s General Hospital, Liverpool, Born in Manitoba,
he was a son of the late Joseph and Gladys (Stewart) Mandaggio. Eddie worked
in Northern Manitoba and Ontario as a trapper and as a hunting and fishing guide.
After moving to Nova Scotia in 1951, he worked on the railroad and in lumber
camps. Eddie began carving in the early 1970’s, and later started painting. His
work primarily consists of animals and birds, but includes a life size carved self
portrait. He has been the subject of numerous articles about folk art, and he is
also featured in " Folk Art Found Me’, a National Film Board of Canada production
that was released in 1994. He has not been active for many years and his work is
becoming more difficult to find.
[Source of photo and text:corkumfuneralhome.ca/obituaries/149917, accessed 18
September 2024]

Mandaggio, Edward (Eddie), 1927-2020, (McKendry; Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Nova Scotia Folk Art)


Mandell (Mandel), Roy, 1942-, (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Sales Index 1989-90)

Roy Mandell, Abandonned House, 1980, huile sur paneau, 60,9 x 70,2 cm / 24'
x 30''; source of image: galeriecosner.com/fr/catalogue/roy-mandell/4198-abandonned-house.html, site accessed on 27 July 2021.


Mandl, Claudina (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Mandryk, Rosalette (Alberta Society of Artists)
Manga, Ismaïla, 1954-,  (L'Artothèque--2014)
Mangark, Andy (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Mangaard, Annette (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Carl Mangold (1901 - 1984), painter and designer, was born in
Trimback, Switzerland. In 1922-1923, he studied at the School
of applied arts in Zurich and graduated with honours. THe came
to Canada in 1928 and later established the studio, Carl Mangold
Ltd., in Montréal, Quebec in 1931. For a number of years, he was
a consultant for such companies as Canadian Pacific, Bell Canada,
and Seagram's. He was a fellow of the Royal Society for the
Encouragement of the Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce; the Royal
Philatelic Society of London; and the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada.
He also served as a member of the Post Office Stamp Advisory Committee.
[Above photo of Carl Mangold and text are from: postalhistorycorner.blogspot.com/
, accessed 20 November 2023]

Mangold, Carl, 1901-1984, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1096)

Carl Mangold, murale dans La Patrie, 8 novembre 1934, image reproduite de postalhistorycorner.blogspot.com/2010/07/1957-upu-
, p. 205 (site consulté le 28 novembre 2023)

Mangulins, Shanie, 1943-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mani, Ioyan (Sioux language --"She Who Walks Beyond"; other name is Maxine Noel) (Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz)

Ioyan Mani, The Dance of Life

[Image of painting reproduced from the following book:
Charles J. Humber, ed., Canada's Native Peoples, Mississauga (Ontario): Heirloom Publishing,
1988, viii, 103 p., at p. vi (Series; Canada Heirloom Series; 2), ISBN: 0-9692182-4-9]


Maniapik, Geetee, 1958-, tapestry artist (Nuvisavik: the place where we weave)
Maniapik, Joel, 1960-, (Nuvisavik: the place where we weave)
Maniapik, Nukinga, 1922-1991 (tapestry artist (Nuvisavik: the place where we weave)
Maniapik, Towkee Peterosee, (Dalhousie Art Gallery)
Manias, Grace, 1942-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Manigault, Edward Middleton, 1887-1922, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Manino, Sabrina (ARTBOMB--20 November 2018)
Manley, Elizabeth A., 1938-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary
------ of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1097)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


The Ontario Society of Artists, 1908; Charles MacDonald Manly is in the back row, 4th from the left

Book illustrated by C.M. Manly:
Williams, Helen E., Spinning wheels and homespun, Toronto, McClelland and Stewart [©1923],
314 pages including frontispiece, plates 22 cm; NOTE: illustrated by C.M. Manly;
Image source by Granny Goose Books (Ottawa, ON, Canada) on /www.abebooks.com/....,
accessed 30 January 2020.

C.M. Manly, illustration from the book, Williams,
Helen E., Spinning wheels and homespun,
supra, at p. 285 (image by François Lareau, taken from
his  book collection).

Manly (Manley), Charles MacDonald, 1855-1924, (McKendry; Hubbard; Harper; Fine Arts in Canada; Art Galery of
------Ontario; Queen's University; Canadian Drawings; Toronto in Art; Creative Canada, 1972; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1097-1098;
------Ontario Collection; Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945)

C.M. Manly, Pick and Shovel, 1921, watercolour on paper, 57.2 x 80 cm /
22 1/2" x 31 1/2"

[Photo reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,  Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at p. 87, ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN: 0889029792.]

Google -- Images for Charles MacDonald Manly

Mann, Barb, (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Mann, Cy, 1928-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mann, Harrington, 1864-1937, (Canvas of War)
Mann, Judith, 1948-, (Mount Saint Vincent University Collection)
Mann, Margaret, 1913-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Mann, Robert, 1924-2011, painter, see app.pch.gc.ca/application/aac-aic/artiste....

\Mann, Norman Whitefield, 1882-1953 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mann-Butuk, Margaret, 1913-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp.1098-1099)
Manners, Frank, Toronto, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Mannguqsualuk, Victoria, 1930-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mannik (Manik), Thomas, 1948-, (National Museum of Man; Roch)
Manning, Ann (Alberta Society of Artists)
Manning, Bill (Murals of Chemainus, B.C.)
Manning, Dorothy P., 1940-1980; see SIM PUBLISHING  at sim-publishing.com/bca/bcaart-m.htm (accessed 6 February 2025)


Manning, Douglas A., 1921-2010, (Bruens 91; Bruens 90; Bruens 89; Vallée 89; Vallée 93;
------Collectionneur 88, vol. VI, # 22, pp. 38-41; Bruens; Bruens 88; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; Canadian Pastels)

Douglas A. Manning, Félin blanc--White Feline, pastel sur papier, en vente
chez ECA Enchères Encans, Montréal, Vente découverte, 3 septembre 2024,
lot 331, reproduit de live.enchereschampagne.com/lots/view/4-EESU5C/manning-douglas-
(consulté 30 août 2024).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Manning, Jimmy, 1952-, (Cape Dorset)
Manning, Jo (Joan Elisabeth) 1923-2022 (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Manning, Joanassie, 1967-, (Cape Dorset Sculpture)
Manning, Joanne (Jo, Joan) Elizabeth, 1923-2022, (McMaster University; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Carleton; University of Guelph;
------Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Art Collection Catholic Conference;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum; Ontario Collection;
------Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Manning, Les, 1944-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1099; Claridge Inc. catalogue; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection:
------Selected Works
Manniste, Andres, 1951-, (MAC; L'estampe à Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Manno, 1923-1973, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 121)
Manno, Kootoo, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Manno, Rosa, (Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 70)

Kavavaow Mannomee, Cape Dorset, photo reproduced from 1992 Cape Dorset
Annual Graphics Collection
, Dorset Fine Artts, Division of West Baffin Eskimo
Co-operative Ltd., 1992.

Mannomee, Kavavaow, 1958-, (Cape Dorset)

Mannoni, Gérard, 1928-2020 (Sculpture); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gérard_Mannoni
Mannuk, Johnassie, 1929-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 299)
Mannumi Shaqu, 1917-, (attributed to, McMaster University)
Mannumi, Davidee (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)

Manny, Nicolas, 1812-1883, sculpt., (McKendry; MQ 2; L'art au Canada français; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

"Nicolas Manny, La Résurrection du
Christ, 1850-1852, bas-relief en bois
doré ornant le tombeau du maître-autel."
(Photo IOA)

[Image et description de celle-ci proviennent du livre suivant:
John R. Porter et Jean Bélisle, La sculpture ancienne au Québec:
trois siècles d'art religieux et profane
, Montréal: Les Éditions de
l'Homme, 1986, aux pp. 422 et 440, ISBN: 2-7619-0636-5]


Photo reproduite de accentmontreal.com/in-memoriam-
(site consulté 24 décembre 2024)

Manolescu, Ionela, 1931-2023, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Manolo (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Manolson, Ilana, 1956-,  (Avmor Collection); artist's site

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Manomie, Enook, sculpt. Inuit, (Magazin'art, v. 8(2), 1995, pp. 47 and 92(E))
Manomie, Tukiki, 1952-, (Seidelman)


Mansaram, Panchal, 1934-2020, (Biographical Index of ArtisPanchal, ts in Canada)

Panchal Mansaram, Maharaja, available at rom.on.ca/en/collections-research/magazine/
, accessed on 8 July 2021.


Photo de Moniqaue Manseau
reproduite de: mesaieux.com/
Necrologie/Monique_Manseau/600961, site consulté le 15 mars 2023.

Manseau, Monique, 1935-2007

Monique Manseau, Le violoncelle sourd, 1999, eau-forte,
pointe-sèche, 15 x 10 cm (numérisation : Édith Martin--
Atelier d'images numériques), sur la page couverture
de À rayons ouverts, 14e année, numéro 54, juin 2001,
disponible à  (site consulté le 14 mars 2023).


Mansel, Shelley (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Mansell, Alice, 1945-,  (Alberta Society of Artists)
Mansell, Victoria, 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mansilla-Miranda, José (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)


Manson, Michal, 1944-2010, painter

Manson came to Laurier as an artist-in-residence in 1973 and later became a studio
instructor of drawing and painting. She also received Laurier’s Honorary Alumna Award
in 1991 as well as the Hoffmann-Little Award in 2001 for excellence in teaching.

Throughout her career as a teacher, Manson continued to display her artwork in galleries
across Canada, the U.S. and Europe.

Laurier currently holds several pieces of her work in its collection.

Manson’s passion for art led to the creation of Laurier’s first art gallery, which at the time
of its initiation was located in the Concourse. That on-campus gallery now exists as the
Robert Langen Art Gallery in the Aird building.
[Text by Lauren Millet at hecord.ca/news-in-brief-feb-10-2010/https://thecord.ca/news-in-brief-feb-10-2010/,
accessed 6 February 2025]


Mantrop, Paul (Avmor Collection)
Manuak, Johnassie (Art Auctions 1976-1978) 
Manuel, Dominique (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Manuel, Evelyn, fl 1963-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1099)
Manuel, Leon W.L., 1903-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1100)
Manuel, Mildred Beamish Brooks, 1899-1986, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1100;
------Early Women Artists)
Manukudluk, Matiusie (Povungnituk 1960-1970)
Manumie, Qavavau, 1958-, (Builders: Biennial 2012)
Manybears, Al (Aloysius) 1937-2005, Sioux painter; see Google images
Manzer, Donald, 1912-, (Folk Artists; Nova Scotia Folk Art)
Manzi Comeau, Jeanine, 1933-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Mao Clavet, Renée, see/voir Clavet, Renée Mao
Mapsalak, Jean (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Mapsalak, Lucie Angalakte (The Eskimo Museum Collection, Churchill, Manitoba)
Mara, E.A., fl 1862-3, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mara, Joel (ARTBOMB--19 April and 9 May 2019)

Maracle, Clifford, 1944-1996, (McMichael Canadian Art Collection; Iroquois; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
------; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_Maracle

Clifford Maracle, An Early Morning
Climb, oil on canavs,
91.4 x 61 cm / 36 x 24".
Image source: offthewall.waddingtons.ca/auction/183/lot-236, accessed 30 April 2016


Maracle, Douglas, fl. 1973 (Ontario Collection)
Maradan, François, fin XVIIIe s.-début XIXe s., (MQ 2)


Publication sur Nathalie Maranda:

Nathalie Maranda, artiste, Jean de Julio-Paquin, auteur du texte et Galerie de
Bellefeuille,  organisation de publication et institution hôte, Nathalie Maranda:
une journée particulière, [Montréal] : Galerie de Bellefeuille, [2012], 21 pages:
principalement des illustrations en couleur ; 18 x 22 cm, Notes: "
tenue du 10 au 20 mars 2012 à la Galerie de Bellefeuille, Montréal,
9782923814285, 2923814282;source de l'image: librairielacargaison.com/collections/art....(site consulté le 2 mars 2023).

Maranda, Nathalie, 1963-, (Bernier; Collection Loto-Québec; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; Thompson Landry Gallery -- Contemporary
------Artists 2015; Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015)


Marange, François, (Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 28, pp. 63-64)
Marange, François-Xavier, 1948-2012, (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec;
------Sales Index 1989-90); Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, pp. 52-53; Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, pp. 70-71)

      Livre sur François-Xavier Marange:                         
François-Xavier Marange : du maître à l'artiste / texte : Nathalie Miglioli, 1975-, ; traduction anglaise : Nisha Coleman = text : Nathalie Miglioli ; English translation:
Nisha Coleman, Montréal: Éditions Simon Blais, 2015, 135 p., 
illustrations principalement en couleur ; 25 cm; ISBN: 9782923751115.
Source de l'image: ledevoir.com/culture/arts-visuels/439250/francois-xavier-marange-du-maitre-a-l-artiste-nathalie-miglioli, visité 29 octobre 2015

Voir aussi l'article suivant: Jean Dumont, « Les inachèvements de François-Xavier Marange », Vie des Arts,  vol. 42, n° 172, 1998, p. 42-44; disponible à
https://www.erudit.org/culture/va1081917/va1136325/53186ac.pdf (vérifié 29 octobre 2015);

Marangère, Sylvie, 1959-, (Vallée 93)
Marangoni, Christine, fl 1960-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1101)
Marany (Marani), Ferdinand Herbert, 1893-1971, (Hubbard)
Maranzano, Josefina (ARTBOMB--15 September and 16 October 2013, 29 August 2014)
Maratta, Hardesty Gillmore, 1864-1924, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marc, D. (Histoire de la caricature au Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Marcano, Paul (Murs et murales; Murals of Chemainus, B.C.)
Marceau (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Marceau, Josée (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Marceau, Stéphane, 1971-, né à Maontréal; fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stéphane_Marceau---site sur l'artiste
Marceau, Thierry, (Foire d'art contemporain d'oeuvres sur papier 2014)
Marceau-Tremblay, Sarah (Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 95)
Marcella, Paul, leather craft artist (Art and Craft of Nova Scotia)
March, Herrat, fl 1962-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1101)
March, Peter, fl 1846-51 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


March, Stephen Edgar, 1870-1967, born and died in Bridgewater, NS, painter

"For many years, most of the watercolours [of birds by March] hung
 in the main stairwell of the Chase Archives Building in Halifax,
greeting thousands of visiting researchers...."

His 'favourite hobby', however, was painting — he worked in oils, watercolours and charcoal.
Over his lifetime, he created more than a hundred landscapes, now treasured possessions of
family and friends. In 1915 he began a series of watercolours depicting birds native to Nova
Scotia — the subject of this virtual exhibit.

The paintings were created intermittently over four decades; the last one was produced in 1953
when March was 83 years old. Five years later, in 1958, he donated the collection to the Public
Archives of Nova Scotia, thus ensuring that his talent as an amateur artist would live on.

For many years, most of the watercolours hung in the main stairwell of the Chase Archives Building
in Halifax, greeting thousands of visiting researchers — many of whom can still clearly remember
their bright colours and cheerful welcome.
[Source; of photo, and excerpt of a text, "S. Edgar March", Nova Scotia Archives, at archives.novascotia
,  accessed on 6 February 2025]


Marchak, Maureen Patricia Russell, 1936-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marchand, André, 1938-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Marchand, Andrée, 1935-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Contemporary Tapestry)
Marchand, Christine  (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Marchand, Denise (Bruens 89)
Marchand, Étienne, 1739-après 1761, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Marchand,  Gérard, 1918-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Photo de sculptures de Gérard Marchand.
Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to
zoom in or out of the web page being viewed
La ville de Saint-Tite compte de nombreux professionnels, des industriels, des
hommes d'affaires et des artistes. M. Gérard Marchand, que nous présentons aujourd'hui
à nos lecteurs, est un brillant sculpteur de Saint-Tite.  Fils du Dr J.L. Marchand, il a
étudié plusieurs années à l'école des Beaux-Arts de Québec sous la direction de Marius
Plamondon et de Mlle Sylvia Daoust. Il a complété ses études par un séjour en Europe
ou il a visité les principaux musées de France, d'Italie et d'Espagne.

[La photo et le texte ci-dessus proviennent du journal Le Nouvelliste, de Trois Rivières,
deuxième section, mardi, 19 mai 1953 à la p. 11 et reproduit de collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3249851,
site consulté le 18 janvier 2023.]


Photo de Gilles Marchand, par Photo Roméo Flageol, Studio Lemire),
accompagnant l'article de René Lord, "Gilles Marchand ou l'impulsion
ordonnée", Le Nouvelliste, samedi, 22 novembre 1975, à la p. 13 et
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3191750 (site consulté le 16 août 2021).

Marchand, Gilles, 1949-,  (Robert 83; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary
------ of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1101-1102)

Marchand, Jacques (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Marchand, Jacques, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Marchand, Jean-Omer, 1873-1936, (Hubbard; L'art du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marchand, Jean-Pierre (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Marchand, Laureen Margaret, 1949-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marchand, Louise (Loumar), née à Trois-Rivières (Roussan 2013)
Marchand, Lucie (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Marchand, Manon, 1961-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Robert 89; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Marchand, Manon, née à Sainte-Brigide-d'Iberville, (Roussan 2005)

Publication on Michel Marchand: Grandeur
Nature, Edité par Galerie d’Este (Westmount), 2007,
8 3/4 x 11 1/4, hardcover, bilingual French and English text,
ISBN: 9782551256952, image source : https://www.abebooks.fr and
Michel Lanteigne, Bookseller (Montreal, QC, Canada being the book
image supplier.

Marchand, Michel, 1953-, born in Montréal; artist's site


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Marchand, Nicole, fl 1965-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1102)
Marchand, Roger (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Marchand-Gratton, Lise Charlotte, 1926-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Marchant, Christopher L., 1944-, (Carleton; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1102-1103)
Marchell, George William, 1901-1976, (Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940)

Photo de Jovette Marchessault par Télé-Québec, dans un article
de Frédérique Doyon, "Jovette Marchessault 1938-2012 -- La
dernière traversée", Le Devoir, 3 Janvier 2013, disponible à
/www.ledevoir.com/culture/theatre/367536/la-derniere-traversee, site visité le 23 février 2016.

Marchessault, Jovette, 1938-2012, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1103)

Note de recherche:
Fonds Jovette-Marchessault [documents textuels]- 1980-1989.- 30 cm
MSS-396. conservé à la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec.   

Jovette Marchessault, Porte des Grands Nourrisseurs,
1972, bas-relief en bois polychrome, 112 x 91.5cm /
44 x 39"; lot 0128-B, Iegor, encan, 27 septembre 2016,
image reproduite du site à http://www.iegor.net/working/page2.php?searchterm=
&categorie=&lang=fr&s=128&stat=0&np=9&sortfashion=&dbase=amb# (visité 23 septembre 2016)


Robert Marchessault, image source: themarshallgallery.com/artists/marchessault-robert/, accessed 25 April 2022.

Marchessault, Robert, 1953-, born in Montreal,  married to artist Teresa Cullen (Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015); artist's site


Marchetta, Serge (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Marchetti, Luigi, 1932-, (Vallée 93)
Marchiori, Carlos, 1937-, (Toronto in Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists
vol. 4, p. 1104; Great Canadian Posters)


Edward Marchuk
Forever missed, Forever loved.
Brother, Uncle, Partner, Friend, Artist

[Obituary photo and excerpt of text
at , accessed 6 February 2025]

Marchuk, Edward, 1941-2002, painter; 


Marcil, Claudette, 1951-, (Vallée 93; Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Marcil, Diane (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)


Photo de Lucie Laporte et Joseph Marcil prise par Claude Décarie, dans Lucie
Laporte, Joseph Marcil, Portes gravées: espace imaginaire. Collaboration à
l'oeuvre gravée-- Joseph Marcil, Montréal : Musée d'art contemporain, 1980,
non paginé, notes:
Titre de la couverture. Exposition tenue du 19 juin au 3 août
1980, Musée d'art contemporain, Montréal, ISBN:
2551038707, 9782551038701 et
disponible à macrepertoire.macm.org/media/publications/catalogues/D/CA1980.5_DNf.pdf
(mise en ligne le 6 mai 2013)

Marcil, Joseph, 1941-, sculpt. (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sculpture; Dictionnaire historique de
------la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1104)


Marcil, Monique, 1940-, sculpt. (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


René Marcil, 1956, source de l'image: fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/
(site consulté le 17 janvier 2022).

Publication par René Marcil:

Paul Duval et René Marcil, René Marcil: dessins, 1947-
1990/René Marcil: drawings, 1947-1990 , Toronto :
Stanton Press, [1996 or 1997?],
192 p. : ill., ports.; 31 cm.,
0968187005, 9780968187005; notes: "Mention
parallèle  de titre ou de responsabilité : René Marcil :
drawings, 1947-1980."
"traduction française par Jean-Pierre
Le Noan". 
Question: bilingual book or 2 books?

Marcil, René, 1917-1993, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)

René Marcil, Love, gouache & watercolour,
25 x 19".
Image source: https://offthewall.waddingtons.ca/auction/266/lot-37, accessed 29 April 2016

Marcil, Suzanne (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Marcoe, Leonard, 1924-2011, fl 1972-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1104-1105)
Marcon, Mike (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Marcotte, Céline (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Marcotte, Christine, 1953-, (Vallée 93; Collection Loto-Québec; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Marcotte, Colette; site de l'artiste

Colette Marcotte, Le notaire, multi-médiums, 11" x 14".  Nous remercions Madame Marcotte pour la permission de reproduire.

Colette Marcotte, Mandela, acrylique, 16" x 20".  Nous remercions Madame Marcotte pour la
permission de reproduire.

Photo des années 1910, à l'avant plan, Édouard Marcotte qui était le neveu et l'assistant de Louis Jobin, à l'arrière plan (copie
photographique, Service de l'audio visuel, Université Laval).

[Image et description de celle-ci proviennent du livre suivant: John R. Porter et Jean Bélisle, La sculpture ancienne au Québec:
trois siècles d'art religieux et profane, Montréal: Les Éditions de l'Homme, 1986, à la p. 183, ISBN: 2-7619-0636-5]

Marcotte, Edouard, 1884-1957, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Marcotte, Hélène (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Marcotte, Jacques, 1955-, artisan, poterie (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Marcotte, Jean, 1925-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Marcotte, Maureen, potter (Artists of the Gatineau Hills)


Pauline Marcotte, photo reproduite
du site suivant: nosorigines.qc.ca/Genealogie
site consulté le 7 mai 2023.

Marcotte, Pauline, 1920-2016,  née à Saint-Raymond, Portneuf, QC, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Robert 83; Trépanier;
------Lemieux 74; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1105)


Marcotte, René, 1962-, (Roussan 2001)
Marcotte, Yvan, 1948-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Marcotte-Méthot, Ginette, artisane, vitrail (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Marcou, Gilles, 1824-1898, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marcoux, Albert, 1907-, (Patenteux du Québec)
Marcoux, Andrée, 1966-, (Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------L'Estrie, ses trésors)
Marcoux, Gaétane, 1950-, (Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Marcoux, Hughette, 1944-, (L'art et le papier 4)
Marcoux, Joseph, 1791-1855, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marcoux, Omer, fl 1930-41 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); site on the artist
Marcoux, Pierre, 1946-, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Marcoux, Pierre, 1951-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Marcoux-Fortin, Jacqueline, 1911-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Marcoux-Langelier, Armande, 1936-, (Vallée 89; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Macri, Mike (ARTBOMB--18 February 2014)
Marcus, Ella, 1919-1983, fl 1957-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1105)
Marcus, Richard, 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marcussi, Esquimo art, from Ivujivik, Quebec (Larmour)
Mardon, Allan, 1931-2020, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1106);
------artist's site
Mardon, John, fl 1967-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1106)
Mare, John, c1739, fl 1795 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Morisset)
Marega, Charles (Carlos), 1871 or 1875-1939 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1106-1107)
Marek, Rudolp (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1107)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Maresso, Esther, 1946-, (Roussan 2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)

Livre sur Deborah Margo:
Falvey, Emily, 1975-, François Dion, Deborah Margo, 1961-, Galerie d'art d'Ottawa, Owens Art Gallery, Deborah Margo : castings =
/ Emily Falvey, François Dion, Ottawa : Ottawa Art Gallery = Galerie d'art d'Ottawa, c2006, 47 p. : ill. en coul.; 21 cm. NOTES:
Catalogue d'une exposition présentée à la Owens art Gallery, du 16 sept. au 23 oct. 2005 et à la Galerie d'art d'Ottawa, du 3 nov. 2006 au
7 janv. 2007. Comprend des réf. bibliogr. Texte en anglais et en français. Publ. en collab. avec: Owens Art Gallery.  ISBN: 1894906276.

Margo, Deborah, 1961-, (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Résidence 1982-1993; Patrick Mikhail Gallery Ottawa)
Margrini, Alex (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Mari, Elaine (ARTBOMB--21 September 2013 and 7 October 2013)
Mari, Paul, 1919-1977, fl 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1107)
Mariani, Umberto (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Mariano, Simonetta (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998)

Marich, Geza (Gordon), 1913-1985, (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1108)

Geza (Gordon) Marich, Laurentian Village in Winter,  oil
on canvas, 61 x 76.2 cm / 24 x 30".
Image source: offthewall.waddingtons.ca/auction/183/lot-297, accessed 30 April 2016


Marie Adomi Israel,  1939-, (Pluralisme au Québec)
Marie, Dyan, 1954-, (Vie des arts, number 221, winter 2010-2011, p. 7 (English edition); Kelowna Art Gallery;
------YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989); *artist's site


Photo de Marie-Anastasie, soeur avec un très court
commentaire "Une soeur 'abstraite' ", Dimanche-matin,
29 août 1965; la photo a été prise par B. Lauzé de  Dimanche-matin,
disponible à mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/web1965spicilege28.pdf, site consulté le 6 janvier 2020.

Publication par Marie-Anastasie:
Marie-Anastasie, soeur, Miroir de lumière, Montréal : Librairie Déom, ©1964,
95 pages : illustrations de 5 planches; 21 cm. (Collection; Poésie canadienne; 9), source de
l'image: bibliopolis.net/cote/20/20-10/Cote-Automne-oct-2020.pdf, site consulté le 20 avril 2021.

Marie-Anastasie, soeur, C.S.C., 1909-1989,  (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Daigneault 81;
------Robert 83; Robert 64; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionnaire historique
------de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)

Marie-Anastasie, Vespérales (Sept Eaux-fortes), 1959, aquatinte

[Photo de l'aquatinte reproduite du livre suivant: Michèle Grandbois, L'art québécois de l'estampe,
1945-1990: une aventure, une époque, une collection
, [Québec]: Musée du Québec, 1996, 401 p., à
la p. 206, ISBN: 2551135869.]

Marie-Claire, 1939-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 88)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Marie-de-la-Garde, soeur, s.c.i.m, fl 1931+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); Page web sur l'artiste
Marie-de-l'Eucharistie, Soeur, voir Angers, Elmina
Marie-de l'Incarnation, Mère (Marie Guyart), 1599- 1672, (McKendry; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
------see also/voir aussi Guyart, Marie
Marie-Hélène-de-la-Croix, soeur, voir Martin, Élisabeth
Marie-Jo, 1938-, (Vallée 93)


Marier, Diane, céramiste-potier; site de l'artiste

Diane Marier, pot en céramique, 1998 ou avant,  (Collection Gisèle et François Lareau, Ottawa);
photos par Gisèle Lareau. 


Marier, Elizabeth, 1951-, verrier, (Grand prix des métiers d'art; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)


Photo et texte sur Serge Marier, Photo-Journal,
31 décembre 1976, à la p. 8, disponible au permalien suivant:
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3543652, consulté le 15 octobre 2019.

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to
zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Marier, Serge, 1953-, sculpteur sur bois (Artisans St-Jean-Port-Joli)


Marilou Lemmens Kline, Chris et Ibghy Ricaherd (Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2016)


Julie Marin, huile sur toile, image reproduite du site suivant:
http://artads.ca/oeuvres/julie-marin/, visité le 23 octobre 2016

Marin, Julie, 1921-, (Roussan 2001)

Article sur Julie Marin dans La Revue, 25 février 1997, à la p. A9 et reproduit de collections.banq
(site consulté 19 septembre 2024).

Marin, Serge, (Roussan 2001)
Marin, Serge (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)


Serge Marin, source de la photo: domainefuneraire.
com/avis-de-deces/Serge-MARIN-190353 (site consulté le 25 mai 2023).

Marin, Serge, 1950-2015, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Marin Sauriol, Isabelle, 1925-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Marine, 1976-, (Roussan 2001)
Marineau, Diane, 1941-, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;


Marineau, Noëlline, 1952-, née à Montréal; site sur l'artiste

Noëlline Marineau, Jaune floral, 2019, huile sur canvas,
18 x 24"; nous remercions l'artiste pour sa permission de
reproduire ici cette image de son art (22 décembre 2019).


Marineau, Paul, 1950-, weaver, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans; Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers
------d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Marinier, Suzanne, 1951-, (Roussan 98; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 88; L'aquarelle au Québec -- 3); *site de l'artiste
Marino, Carol, 1943-, (Children in Photography; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)


Photo de Gilbert Marion accompagnant l'article de Paul Gladu, "L'ancien et
le nouveau: Bel exemple du 'jeune artiste' : Gilbert Marion à la Galerie 60",
Le Petit Journal, semaine du 4 avril 1965, à la p. 34 et disponible à collections.
(consulté le 6 août 2022).

Marion, Gilbert, 1933-, (Art Gallery of Ontario; MAC; Robert 64; L'estampe 2; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Hard-Edge Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1108-1109;
------Daigneault 81; Canadian Pavilion Expo 67)

Gilbert Marion, Le Vignoble, 1960, gravure sur linoléum

[Photo de la gravure sur linoléum reproduite du livre suivant: Michèle Grandbois, L'art québécois de l'estampe,
1945-1990: une aventure, une époque, une collection
, [Québec]: Musée du Québec, 1996, 401 p., à
la p. 257, ISBN: 2551135869.]

Marion, Israel, fl 1886, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marion, Jules, 1851-1878, fl 1851 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marion, Louise, née à Joliette, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; L'Artothèque--2014;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/louise-marion/
Marion, Louise, de Valleyfield, (Symposium Gatineau en couleurs, 2011)
Marion, Paul (Ville de Rosemère)
Marion, Pierre Ducharme, 1949-, sculpteur, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Marion, Rachel Potvin, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1109)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Marion, Roland, artisan, céramique (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)

Marion, Salomon, 1782-1832, silversmith, orfèvre (McKendry; MQ; L'art du Québec; L'art au Canada français; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1109)

Salomon Marion, Immaculée Conception, vers 1818, argent
sur socle de bois peint, 50,5 x 19,3 x 12,6 cm sans le
piédestal, piédestal, 16,5 cm, Musée des beaux-arts du
Canada, don d'Ernest E. Poole, Edmonton, 1961 (no 9669),
Photo MBAC

[La description du titre et l'image de l'oeuvre proviennent du livre suivant: Dominique Deslandres, John A.
Dickinson et Ollivier Hubert, sous la direction de, Jacques Des Rochers, recherche iconographique, Les Sulpiciens
de Montréal: une histoire de pouvoir et de discrétion, Montréal: Fides, 2007, 669 p., à la planche 8 et p. 611.]

Voir sur Salomon Marion: Jean Trudel. « Étude sur une statue en argent de Salomon Marion », Bulletin 21 (1973), p. 3-21, 34.


Marion, Ulysse, fl 1942+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1110)

Ulysse Marion, Percé, oil on canvas, approx. 7 1/2 x 11 1/2 ",
image source: https://www.abebooks.com, book seller: 21 East Gallery (Villa Park, IL, U.S.A.)
(accessed 9 February 2019)

"Maritime Family Record Artist", act. 1830s, (Folk Artists)
Marjanovic, Branko, 1960, see--voir koymangalleries.com/artist/branko-marjanovic/
Marjoli, see--voir Ruette, Nathalie
Mark, Gerula (History of Art in Toronto Schools)

Book on Kelly Mark:
Mark, Kelly, 1967-, artist, Barbara Fischer, 1956-, editor, Art Gallery of Windsor, Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Mount Saint Vincent University
Art Gallery, Cambridge Galleries, Kenderdine Art Gallery, Kelly Mark : everything is interesting / Kelly Mark ;  editor, Barbara Fischer ;
designer Gilbert Li., Toronto : Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, [2014], 250 pp col .ill. throughout 10 x 8 in hardcover; NOTES: Co-published by:
Cambridge Galleries, Mount St. Vincent University Art Gallery, Kenderdine Art Gallery, and Art Gallery of Windsor.  Catalogue surveys the
mid-career work of Canadian artist Kelly Mark. Includes bibliographical references. Introduction / Barbara Fischer -- Everything is  interesting /
Jonathan Watkins -- Kelly Mark marks time / Dan Adler -- Installation - intervention -- Video -- Sculpture -- Photography -- Drawing -- Multiples
- audio - misc --Republished texts -- Artist biography -- Acknowledgements. ISBN: 9780772760739.
Image source:of the book kellymark.com/INFO_CataloguesBooks.html, accessed 28 January 2017

Mark, Kelly, 1967-, (Oh, Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012; MACM--exposition : L'Envers des apparences 2005); 


Mark, Sharon, 1955-, (Magazin'art, v. 11(2), 1998, pp. 57-59 and 94-96(E); Magazin'art
------Biennial Guide 98-99; Vallée 93; Roussan 2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------Le Balcon d'Art -- artistes de la galerie; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); site de l'artiste--artist's site--
------see also--voir aussi: koymangalleries.com/artist/sharon-mark/

Multi Art nous donne de la bonne recherche à
                                     consulter sur Sharon Mark, voir multiartmedia.com/
                                     (nous remercions monsieur Steve Pearson de nous avoir
                                     suggérer ce lien à explorer, 3 mars 2020).

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Markell, Jack Harold, 1919-1979, (McKendry; Hubbard; 100 Years of Art in Manitoba, Winnipeg Art Gallery;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1110-1111)

Jack Markell, The Wedding Shawl, Oil on masonite, 48" x 40", Signed, Donated by the Winnipeg Tribune.  G-55-3. 

(Text and image reproduced from Winnipeg Art Gallery, Selected Works from the Winnipeg Art
Gallery Collection
, [Winnipeg: The Winnipeg Art Gallery], 1971 at p. 150).
Marken, Ann, 1939-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Marken, Joslin Robertson, fl 1968-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1111)
Markgraf, Traudi, 1925-2003 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1112)
Markgraf, Waltraud, 1937-, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Carleton; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1112-1113)
Markgraft, Peter Franz, 1924-2008, (Carleton; Shell Canada Collection; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists
------in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1111-1112; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Markham, David H., fl 1850-1, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Markham, Michael J., 1946-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1113)
Markham, Peggy, 1932-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1113-1114;
------Early Women Artists)
Markiewicz, William (Wilek), 1935-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Markle, Edna, 1907-1998 (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Markle, George, act. 1970s and after, (Folk Artists)
Markle, Gretchen (Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Markle, Jack, 1939-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art in Ontario)

Book on Robert Markle:
Wainwright, Andy, 1946-, Blazing figures : a life of Robert Markle / J.A. Wainwright, Waterloo, Ont. : Wilfred Laurier University Press, c2010, xii, 289 p.:
ill. (some col.), ports.; 24 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Issued also in electronic format.  ISBN: 9781554581825 (bound).
Image source of book: www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=15660699246&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D1%26kn%3Dcanadian%2520painters, accessed 16 February 2016

Photo of Robert Markle in the article by Barrie Hale, "Robert
Markle: Master in a Hurry", Toronto Telegram, 18 July 1964, available at
mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/coupures-de-presse-vol-23-1963.pdf, accessed 8 January 2020.

Markle, Robert Nelson, 1936-1990, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; McKendry;
------Art Gallery of Ontario; MAC; Burnett; Balkind; Lord; Morris; McMaster University;
------Queen's University; Canadian Drawings; Thunder Bay Art Gallery; Creative Canada, 1971;
------Toronto Painting : 1953-1965; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4,
------pp. 1114-1116; Ontario Collection; Art in Ontario); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Markle

Robert Markle, Movie Star, ink wash on paper, 22" x 34"

[Image reproduced from the following book: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Permanent Collection 1968,
[Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre Queen's University at Kingston], 1968, at p. 89.]

Markle, Sam, 1932-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1116;
------Art in Ontario)
Markopoulos-Tondino, Antonia, 1961-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99)
Markossie (Markosie), carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)


Moma Markovich standing next to his painting
Dirt Road [The Common Way], 1966, oil on canvas
Government of Ontario Art Collection, Archives of
Ontario: 101203.
[Photo and text reproduced from archives.gov.on.ca/
, accessed 6 February 2025; more information on the artist at the site]

Markovich, Moma, 1902-1977, died in Toronto, ON


Markowsky, Martha, b. Lachine, P.Q., (Magazin'art, v. 8(1), 1995, pp. 88-90 and
------109(E); Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------2002-2003; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; ARTBOMB--10 and
------17 April, 22 May, 18 June and 23 December 2016; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008; Collection d'art
------de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019); artist's site

Martha Markowsky, Buildings in Winter, oil on canvas, 16 " x 20 ".  Nous remercions Martha Markowsky pour la permission de reproduire.
Marks, Adaniga "Nigel", act. late 19th cent., (Folk Artists)
Marks, Esther, fl 1965-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1116-1117)


Photo of Gerry Marks in the following
MacNair, Peter L., Alan L. Hoover, Kevin Neary, British Columbia Provincial
The legacy: tradition and innovation in Northwest Coast Indian
Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre; Seattle : University of Washington Press,
193 pages, at p. 185 : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits ; 23 cm,
Photo from the collection of the Royal British Columbia Museum.

Marks, Gerry, 1949-2020, Haida carver (Indian Artists at Work; Northwest Coast Indian Art 1984)


Markson, Mayta, potter (Allied Arts Catalogue 2)
Markstein, Aurelia, 1924-2024, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marlatt, J.M., milieu de XIXe siècle, potter/potier (Art populaire germano-canadien)
Marlatt, John Mills, act. 1859-1868, (Folk Artists)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Marlatt, Lilian Rogers, 1885-1951, (Sales Index 1989-90)

Lilian Marlatt, Pasture Stream, oil on board, 12 x 16", lot number 35, Walker's
Fine Art & Estate Auctioneers, Ottawa, Discovery Live Auction October 2nd
2019, image source: walkersauctions.hibid.com/catalog/185166/discovery-live-auction-october
, accessed 2 October 2019


Marlay, Lieutenant Thomas George, 1809-1837, drawings 1830-31 (Art Gallery of Hamilton; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

T.G. Marlay, Market Place Quebec, 1831, 133 x
114 mm (subject),  no plate line visible, 196 x 125
mm (paper).

"Lieutenant Thomas George Marlay of the Royal Artillery was born in
Scotland in 1809.  He served at Quebec under Lieutenant-Colonel James
Pattison Cockburn from 1830 and was later posted to Nova Scotia and to
New Brunswick.  He died at Saint John in 1837.

Cockburn and the young Marlay were sketching companions....

The work is found as the frontispiece in some copies of Quebec and its
Environs; Being a Picturesque Guide to the Stranger, Quebec 1831...."

Image and text are reproduced from the following publication:

Allodi, Mary, 1929-, Peter Winkworth, McCord Museum, Public Archives of Canada, Royal Ontario Museum, Printmaking in Canada : the earliest views and portraits =
Les débuts de l'estampe imprimée au Canada : vues et portraits / Mary Allodi ; with contributions from Peter Winkworth ... [et al.], Toronto : Royal Ontario Museum,
c1980, xxviii, 244 p., at pp. 78-79 : ill. ; 28 cm. NOTES: Text in English and French in double columns. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Royal Ontario Museum,
Toronto, Apr. 18-May 25, McCord Museum, Montreal, June 11-July 13, and the Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, July 25-Sept. 1, 1980. Includes index. Bibliography:
p. 238-242, ISBN: 0888542607 (pbk.).


Marleau, France (Robert 83)
Marleau, Francine, 1951-, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec)
Marlenka, see Calvo, Elena
Marlow, Christine (ARTBOMB--17 September and 4 October 2013; 29 May 2014; 9 June, 4 August and 10 October 2018; 15 and 22 February,
------1 and 3 August 2019)
Marlow, Jason, 1955-, born in Woking, Surrey, England (Claridge Inc. catalogue; Contemporary British Columbia Artists)


Marner, Nikita, 1932-1987, died in Tororonto, ON, painter

Nikita Marner, Ontario Springscape, Garner Galleries, image reproduced
from mutualart.com/Artist/Nikita-Marner/4A8F8007D62B8C61 (accessed 6 February 2026)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Marois, A., fl 1882-6, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marois, Claude, 1924-, (Vallée 89)
Marois, Henri (Trépanier 83)

Publication de Jean Marois:
Marois Jean, À l'ombre du J, 2008, Exposition individuelle à la Galerie Art-Mur, Montréal;
Commissaire : étudiants en Histoire de l’art de l’Université du Québec à Montréal.; image submitted by
bookseller Fundus-Online GbR Borkert SchwarzZerfaß (Berlin, Germany), see  (accessed 12 June 2017);

Marois, Jean (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012); site de l'artiste

Marois, Jeannine, artisan, gravure (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Marois, Joseph C./A., fl 1882-90 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Photo de Lauréat Marois prise par Jean Vallières et accompagnant
l'article de Caty Bérubé, "Regard sur des lieux 'sacrés': Les artistes en
art visuel ouvrent leurs portes au public", Le Soleil, 22 avril 1995, Cahier
C à la p. C-14, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2907682 (site consulté le 2 septembre 2021).

Marois, Lauréat, 1949-, né à Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce, QC (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Collectionneur 89, vol. VII,
------ # 25, pp. 71-72; Robert 83; Boulizon; Robert 78; MAC; Daigneault 81; L'estampe à Québec; Roundstone Council
------for the Arts; Bernier 99; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; L'estampe 2; L'estampe à Québec;
------Shell Canada Collection; 1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Musée du Québec en images --5; membre professionnel du Regroupement des
------artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum;
------Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Lacerte Art Contemporain -- artistes 2015;
------Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997); site de l'artiste--artist's site

Lauréat Maurois, Métamorphose,
acrylique sur toile, 240 x 122 cm;
image reproduite du livre suivant:
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Ernest Annau, Académie royale des arts du Canada,   Royal Canadian Academy of Arts: Book of Days
= Académie royale des arts du Canada Calendrier perpétuel
,   [S.l.] : Firefly Books, 1997, 1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 21 cm. NOTES:
Forward by Ernest Annau. English and French.  ISBN: 1552091171.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Publication on Marcel Marois:
Marois, Marcel, Janis Jefferies, Michel Thomas-Penette, Expression, Centre d'exposition de St-Hyacinthe,
Marcel Marois, [Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec] : Expression, Centre d'exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe, c1994,
38 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm., ISBN: 2980260738, 9782980260735; source of image of the book: Midway Book Store
(ABAA) (St. Paul, MN, U.S.A.)
at abebooks.com/, accessed 14 March 2020.

Marois, Marcel, 1949-,  (Roundstone Council for the Arts; L'estampe à Québec; Collectionneur 91-92,
------vol. VIII, # 32, p. 68; Robert 83; MQ; L'art du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Saidye Bronfman Award 1998;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du
------ Québec -- 2012); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel_Marois---site sur l'artiste


Marois-Talbot, Joanne, 1950-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)
Marok, Jack (also John?), 1930-2008, (MAC; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1117; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)

John J. Marok, image reproduced from: , accessed 7 December 2024.

Catalogue d'exposition sur John F. Marok:

Bouchard, Claude, 1934-2012, John F. Marok, Galerie Montcalm, John F. Marok : peintures : insula solitudinis : une exposition de John F. Marok à la Galerie
Montcalm, la galerie d'art de la ville de Gatineau, du 15 août au 6 octobre 2002 / texte, Claude Bouchard; traduction, Franca Palermo, Hull : [Galerie Montcalm,
2002], [20] p.: principalement des ill. en coul.; 21 cm.  NOTES: Texte en français et en anglais Bibliogr.: p. [18] Text in french and english, ISBN: 2921541157; notes:
photos: John F. Marok; graphisme: Christian Quesnel; coordination Pierrette Lambert.

John F. Marok, Pont, 2001, huile sur toile, 152,4 x 182,8 cm (reproduction du
catalogue: Bouchard, Claude, John F. Marok, Galerie Montcalm, John F. Marok :
peintures : insula solitudinis : une exposition de John F. Marok à la Galerie

Montcalm, la galerie d'art de la ville de Gatineau, du 15 août au 6 octobre
, supra).  Nous remercions l'artiste pour la permission de reproduire (25
août 2014).

Marok, John Frank, 1960-, né à Montréal, (Vallée 93; Collectionneur 91, vol. VIII, # 30, pp. 44-46; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
------contemporain de Montréal; Sales Index 1989-90; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013;  ARTBOMB--21 March 2014; L'Artothèque--2014); artist's site

John F. Marok, Riverside & Valley Drive, Wakefield, Quebec, oil on canvas,
2014, 14 x 18".  I would like to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce
(24 August 2014).

Marosan, Julius (Gyula), 1915-2003, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4,
------ p. 1118)

Gyula Marosan, untitled, oil on canvas, 24 x 36" -- 61 x 91.4 cm, on sale at Waddington's,
Discovery Art, 27 August-1 September 2022,  lot 16, image available at waddingtons.ca/auction/
(accessed 19 August 2022).


Marotz, Rick, 1928-2017, phographer; artist's site 
Marqquess of Lorne, see Lorne, (McKendry)
Marquette, Michael (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Marquette-Gagnon, Lucie, 1938-, (Vallée 89)
Marquez, Monica (Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, p. 19; Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, p. 78;
------Galerie Lydia Monaro à Montréal); artist's site
Marquis, Andrea (Bromont en Art, 17e édition, août 2015); site de l'artiste


Annabelle Marquis; nous remercions l'artiste de nous
avoir envoyé cette photo pour le répertoire (15 mars 2022).

Marquis, Annabelle; site de l'artiste

Oeuvre de Annabelle Marquis, source: cette image
accompagne l'article de Janie Fontaine, "Qui sont VOS
12 artistes-peintres québécois préférés?", La journaliste:
Par et pour les femmes, 30 novembre 2017, disponible à
lajournaliste.com/qui-sont-vos-12-artistes-peintres-quebecois-preferes/ (site consulté le 15 mars 2022).


Marquis, Ginette; site de l'artiste
Marquis, Huguette (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Marquis, Lyse D'Amours, c1941-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1118)
Marquis, Noémi, 1978-,  (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)
Marquis, P. (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Marquis, Valère, 1929-,  (Sculpteurs en art populaire au Québec par Levasseur -- Tome 1); site sur l'artiste
Marr, Evelyn, 1901-1975 (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Marr, Octavia Elizabeth Tyler Hayward, 1891-?, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1118-1119;
------Early Women Artists)
Marrack, Peter (ARTBOMB--6 August and 7 October 2016; 12 March, 2 and 30 April, 27 May, 24 September and 15 October 2017)


Anne Marrec, photo provenant du site de la Galerie Québec
Art, 40, rue Notre-Dame, Québec, à galeriequebecart.com/marrec,
site consulté le 19 décembre 2019.

Marrec, Anne, 1943-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;Vallée 93; Vallée 89; Collectionneur 91-92,
------vol. VIII, # 32, pp. 34-36; Bruens 90; Bruens 89; L'aquarelle au Québec -- 3)

Anne Marrec, Claire, aquarelle, 20 x 26"

[L'image de l'oeuvre d'Anne Marrec a été reproduite du livre suivant:
Bruens, Louis, 1928-2013, 92 Transparences - Aquarelle - Pastel, [Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Québec] :
Éditions La Palette, 1989, 415 p., à la p. 315, ill. (certaines en coul.), portr.; 31 cm.,  ISBN: 298010602X]

Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mars, Tanya, 1948-, (Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2008; Contemporary Canadian Artists)
Marsan, Lyse, 1947-, (Magazin'art, v. 11(4), 1999, p. 30; Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); site sur l'artiste


Photo of Gerda Marschall reproduced from beauchampartgallery.
(accessed 5 December 2022).

Marschall, Gerda, 1949-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008);
------see also--voir aussi: koymangalleries.com/artist/gerda-marschall/

Gerda Marschall, Tree Cluster, oil, 40 x 40"; image reproduced
from the Magazin'art, 16e année, numéro 2, hiver/winter,
2003/2004, numéro 62 (page publicitaire Galerie d'art

Painting by Gerda Marschall in a publicity by the Harbour Gallery published in
Canadian Art, Fall 2007, volume 24, number 3 at p. 154.

Marseille, Jean see Natte dit Marseille (McKendry; Harper; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marsh, Anne, born in England (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1119)
Marsh, Annette, fl 1926+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1120)
Marsh, Bessie Thomson, 1883-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marsh, Charles, 1948-, (McKendry)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Marsh, Donald Ben, 1903-1973 (Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940)
Marsh, Elizabeth M., 1946-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Catalogue d'exposition sur Lynne Marsh:
Marsh, Lynne, Lynne Marsh / [coordination de la publication, Bernard Lamarche ; traduction vers le français, François Côté ; traduction vers
l'anglais, Karen Pick], Montréal: Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal et Rimouski: Musée régional de Rimouski, 2008, 63 p. : ill. coul. ;
20 x 29 cm, Notes: Catalogue d'une exposition tenue au Musée régional de Rimouski, du 15 juin au 7 sept. 2008 et au Musée d'art contemporain
de Montréal, du 6 nov. 2008 au 8 févr. 2009. Textes de Bernard Lamarche et Lesley Johnstone. Bibliographie.
Texte en français et en anglais.  ISBN: 9782923525150.
Image source of the catalogue: http://www.cubiq.ribg.gouv.qc.ca. visité 16 août 2015

Marsh, Lynne, 1969-, (Exhibition: Ecotopia 2012-2014; Builders: Biennial 2012; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

Marsh, Peter, fl 1965-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1120)
Marshak, David (ARTBOMB--17 June, 1 and 5 July 2014; 16, 27 March and 24 May 2015)


Marshal (Foster, Joe "Marshal")

  Pour aller plus loin, Multi Art nous offre une
                                     recherche effectuée sur Marshal,  à multiartmedia.com/
                                     (nous remercions monsieur Steve Pearson de nous avoir
                                     écrit sur ce lien, 3 mars 2020).


Christine Marshall, photo reproduite de l'article "La maison
d'un artiste peintre: Albion Hills est l'un des coins les plus
pittoresques de l'Ontario.  Nous y retrouvons la maison, la
galerie et l'atelier de Christine Marshall, peintre témoin de la
vie sauvage",  Décormag, octobre 1983, numéro 124, aux pages
71-75 (p. 74 pour la photo), photos de Fank Prazak et disponible
à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2570044 (site consulté le 1er octobre 2022).

Marshall, Christine, 1946-, born in London, England  (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)


Book on David Marshall:
Ullmann, Monika, The life and art of David Marshall / Monika Ullmann ; introduction by Brooks Joyner, Salt Spring Island, B.C. : Mother Tongue Pub.,
c2008, xiii, 160 p. : ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.) ; 25 cm. SERIES: The unheralded artists of BC; 1; NOTES: Includes bibliographical references
and index. ISBN: 9781896949444.
Image source of Book: www.amazon.com/Life-David-Marshall-Unheralded-Artists/dp/1896949444, accessed 24 April 2016

Marshall, David Franklin, 1928-2006, (Newlands; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1120-1121)


Marshall, James, 1939-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Marshall, Laurie (ARTBOMB--22 March, 4 July and 13 October 2014)
Marshall, Lois C., 1924-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marshall, Neil, 1950-2007, painter; app.pch.gc.ca/application/....
Marshall, Patricia J., 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marshall (Mars), Tanya, see Tanya Rosenberg, (McKendry)
Marshall, Roz, 1947-, (Burnett; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983; Sales Index 1989-90; Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Marshall, Sarah (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)
Marshall, Teresa (First Nations)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Marshall, Terry, woodworker (Artisan)

Vicky Marshall, source of
image: zdocs.pub/doc/one-artist-multiple-
, accessed 12 February 2022.

Marshall, Vicky, 1952-, (Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art; Swain; Vancouver: Art and
------ Artists 1931-1983
; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Corporate collections; Kelowna Art Gallery)

Vicky Marshall, Apple Tree, 1987, oil on canvas, 170 x 234 cm,
purchased 1988, with the assistance of the Canada Council Art
Bank, photo by Kyle L. Poirier; image and text of the title
are reproduced from the following book:
Kelowna Art Gallery, Liz Wylie, Nexus : histories and communities : an exhibition of works from the permanent collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery
in celebration of the Gallery's thirtieth anniversary / by Liz Wylie, Kelowna, B.C. : Kelowna Art Gallery, c2007, 134 p., at p. 39: ill. (chiefly col.):
31 cm.  NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Kelowna Art Gallery, Kelowna, B.C., Nov. 24, 2007-Mar. 2, 2008.  ISBN: 9781896749266.

Marshall-Schieder, Brian, 1956-, (Carleton; Art in Ontario)
Marshall-Turner, Erin (ARTBOMB--18 February and 4 March 2014)
Marsiere, Reine S. (Eastern Canadian Folk Art)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Marsiglia, Gerlando/Gherlando, 1792/7-1850 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marsolais, Alexandre (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

Photo de Jacques Marsot, circa 1974 (photographie de Robert Barzel).  Nous remercions Serge Fisette pour sa permission de reproduire
cette photo apparaissant à la p. 89 du livre suivant: Serge Fisette, Potiers québécois / texte, Serge Fisette; photographies, Robert
Barzel; préface de Gaétan Beaudin
, [Montréal]: Éditions Leméac Inc., 1974, 126 p., 23 cm (Collection; Les Arts du Québec).  Nous
remercions également Robert Barzel pour sa collaboration.

Marsot, Jacques, 1944-, céramiste, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1121; Potiers québécois)


Pierre Marsot, La Sardane, 2011, huile à la spatule, 51 x 61 cm; l'artiste
m'a informé que la toile illustre une "danse catalane que j'ai pu admirer
lors d'un séjour à Céret (France)"; nous remercions l'artiste pour la
permission de reproduire (3 janvier 2017).

Marsot, Pierre; site de l'artiste 1---site de l'artiste 2

Pierre Marsot, Vers Ste-Angèle (automne), 2006, huile à la spatule,
31 x 61 cm; nous remercions l'artiste pour la permission de reproduire (3
janvier 2017).


Catalogue on Mark Marsters:
Göllner, Adrian, 1964-, Catherine Sinclair, 1978-, Mark Marsters, 1962-2002, Ottawa Art Gallery, Mark Marsters : marsterpiece theatre / texts by
Adrian Göllner and Catherine Sinclair = Mark Marsters : comédie humaine / textes de Adrian Göllner et Catherine Sinclair , Ottawa : Ottawa Art
Gallery = Galerie d'art d'Ottawa, 2008, 48 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. NOTES: Translation: Françoise Charron. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the
Ottawa Art Gallery from Nov. 27, 2008 to Jan. 25, 2009. Includes bibliographical references. Text in English and French. ISBN: 9781894906333
and 1894906330 (AMICUS catalogue);
Image source of catalogue: amazon.com/Mark-Marsters-Masterpiece-Adrian-Gollner/dp/1894906330, accessed 31 December 2016

Marsters, Mark, 1962-2002  (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

Marston/Marsden, Benjamin, 1730-1792 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marsy, Bernard, 1945-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Roussan 98; Roussan 2001; Roussan 2005; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)
Martchenko, Michael, 1942-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martel (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Martel, André (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Martel, Bastien (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Martel, Colin, see Corinne Maillet, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martel, David, 1968-, (Roussan 98; Roussan 2001; Roussan 2005; Roussan 2009; Roussan 2013)
Martel, Denis, 1949-, (Vallée 83; Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)


Photo d'Élisée Martel, circa 1922 (collection particulière)

[La photo d'Élisée Martel est une reproduction de celle apparaissant dans le livre suivant:

Maurault, Olivier, 1886-1968, Richard Foisy, 1952-, Joseph Jutras, 1894-1972, Joseph-Octave Proulx, 1888-1970,
Les peintres de la Montée Saint-Michel : cent ans après, 1911-2011 / Olivier Maurault. Suivi de Lettres de Joseph Jutras
et Joseph-Octave Proulx à Olivier Maurault / textes présentés et annotés par Richard Foisy Lettres de Joseph Jutras et
Joseph-Octave Proulx à Olivier Maurault, [Montréal] : Fides, 2011, 154 p., à la p. 12: ill. (principalement en coul.), portr.;
24 cm. NOTES: Comprend le catalogue d'une exposition tenue à Montréal du 25 oct. au 11 nov. 2011. Comprend des réf.
bibliogr. (p. [147]-149) et un index, Canadiana: 20119414414, ISBN: 9782762131130 (catalogue AMICUS)]

Groupe de la Montée Saint-Michel, 1941, de gauche à droite : Jean-Paul Pépin, Élisée Martel, Joseph-Octave Proulx, Ernest
Aubin, Jean-Onésime Legault, Narcisse Poirier et Joseph Jutras (photo: UQAM)

[Photo reproduite de celle apparaissant dans le livre suivant:

Lacroix, Laurier, sous la direction de, Galerie de l'UQAM, Musée du Québec, Peindre à Montréal, 1915-1930: les peintres de la
Montée Saint-Michel et leurs contemporains, [Montréal]: Galerie de l'UQAM, c1996. DESCRIPTION: 143 p., à la p. 82: ill. en
coul.; 28 cm. NOTES: Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 143. Publ. en collab. avec: Musée du Québec. Catalogue d'une exposition
itinérante tenue en premier lieu au Musée du Québec du 24 janv. au 5 mai 1996, Canadiana: 968008305, ISBN: 2892761476,
ISBN: 2551167078 (Musée du Québec)]

Martel, Elysée (Élisée), 1881-1965, Groupe de la Montée Saint-Michel (Robert 78; Laliberté; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Élisée Martel, Ciel d'Orage, 1930, huile, 8 x 9; texte et image provien-
nent du site de la Galerie d'art Le Belley à www.galeriedartlebelley.com/autres
, visité 13 mars 2016.

Martel, Gisèle, c1942-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1121)
Martel, Hugues (Roussan 2013)
Martel, Jacqueline Panneton, 1922-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1121)
Martel, Joan Frances, 1925-2017, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); see also/voir aussi Willsher-Martel, Joan Frances;
Martel, Johanne (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Martel, Joseph, fl 1792, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martel, Louise (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)


Lucyl, Martel, photo, in Obituaries,
Alfred Dallaire Memoria, at memoria.ca/
(accessed 20 January 2022).

Martel, Lucyl, 1922-2015 (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University--fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucyl_Martel; )

Voir cette page sur Lucyl Martel dans  Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec,
Un musée ancré dans sa communauté, Rapport annuel 2019-2020, à la page 33 et
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2321890 (site consulté le 20 janvier 2023).

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to
zoom in or out of the web page being viewed


Martel, Marc, céramiste (Artisans créateurs du Québec)


Marc Martel, source de l'image:
, site consulté le 19 janvier 2022

Martel, Marc, 1933-2016, né à Lévis, QC, sculpteur (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)

Marc Martel, Le vainqueur, 1/8, bronze, 7.5", image
reproduite du site de la Galerie Archambault Inc., Lavaltrie,
QC à: galeriearchambault.ca/marc-martel/, site consulté le 19 janvier 2022.

Martel, Michel, né à Val d'Or, (Roussan 2001; Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 64)
Martel, Michel (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Martel, Michel, 1954-, né à l'Assomption (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Martel, Raymond, fl c1900, died in 1915, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Image source: museejoliette.org/fr/publications/, accessed 14 February 2017
Publication sur Richard Martel:
Musée d'art de Joliette, Richard Martel : élégie-vérification neutre, Joliette : Le Musée, 1991,
1 feuille pliée (8 p.) : ill.   NOTES: Catalogue d'une exposition du 4 mai au 9 juin 1991 (Catalogue AMICUS).

Martel, Richard, 1950-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)

Martel, Suzanne (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Martel, Suzanne, 1942-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
Martel, Sylvie, artisane, tissage (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Martel, William, (Robert 64)
Martel, William, 1926-1997, fl 1961, born and died in St. John, NB (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
------ Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1122)
Martel-Jobin, Suzanne, 1942-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Martell, I. Arleigh, 1903-1979, fl 1936+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1122-1123)

Research on Martell, I. Arleigh by François Lareau, put on line on 24 January 2020:

Image source of the book cover: the bookseller Third Street Books (Victoria, BC, Canada)
 at AbeBooks | Shop for Books, Art & Collectibles

- She wrote a book: MARTELL, I. Arleigh, One window backward, [Oyster Bay, B.C. : I.A. Martell],
 c1973, 43 p. ; 21 cm.;  to find certain libraries who have this book in Canada, search the Voilà catalogue with the
WorldCat database at https://canada.on.worldcat.org/advancedsearch?databaseList=.
  The book can also be
bought used, for example, search:  AbeBooks | Shop for Books, Art & Collectibles;

- From "Artists in Canada", see the entry for Martell, Arleigh,at app.pch.gc.ca/application/aac-aic/artiste_detailler_bas-artist_detail_bas.app?rID
, accessed 24 Jan 2020;

- From Colin S. McDonald, Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Volume 4, Little -- Myles, Ottawa: Canadian Paperbacks Publishing
 Limited, third edition, 1979, reprint 2000, [vii], pp. 871-1347, addendum, index and updates abd additions [23 p.], ISBN: 0919554156;
at  pages 1122-1123 available at lareau-law.ca/MartellBIS2020Jan24.pdf, accessed 24 January 2020;

Martelock, Daniel (ARTBOMB--1 and 17 December 2018; 5 January 2019)
Marten, Thomas Henry Oake, 1880-1950 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1123)
Martens, Cornelius (Corne), 1918-2009 (Alberta artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Materna, Daniel (Corporate collections)
Martha, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1123)
Marti, Hans Peter, (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Martial, Israël, photographe (Mode et apparence dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945)


Martial, Lucien (Lucien Raoul Jean), 1892-1987, né et décédé à Paris, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------ Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1123); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucien_Martial

Lucien Martial, Glissoire à Québec, 1929, huile sur toile, 23,5 x 151 cm --48 5/8 x 59 ½ ",

Lucien Martial est nommé professeur à l’École des Beaux-Arts
de Québec de 1925 à 1936, où il enseigne entre autres la technique
du cloisonnisme. Gérard Morisset (1898-1970), historien de l’art
et écrivain québecois, raconte de lui à cette époque « Il n’est pas
que bon professeur, il est aussi excellent peintre de la lignée des
Chassériau, Puvis de Chavannes et Maurice Denis. Ses peintures
 murales en font foi; ses tableaux aussi. Telle de ses pochades du
vieux Québec me fait songer aux plus belles œuvres de l’école
contemporaine française ».

C’est donc à cette époque que Lucien Martial nous livre l’œuvre
exceptionnelle qu’est Glissoire à Québec, charmante scène de
 luge devant le château Frontenac. Éxécuté en 1929, le tableau
reçoit la médaille d’or du Salon des artistes français la même année.

[L'image de la toile ainsi qu'un extrait du texte sont reproduits
du site  christies.com/en/lot/lot-6151680 (site consulté le 27 mai 2022)]

Martin, 1862-, fl 1899, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Book on Agnes Martin:
Haskell, Barbara, Anna Chave, Rosalind E. Krauss, Agnes Martin, 1912-2004, Whitney Museum of American Art,
Agnes Martin / Barbara Haskell; with essays by Barbara Haskell, Anna C. Chave, and Rosalind Krauss. New York :
Whitney Museum of American Art : Distributed by H.N. Abrams, c1992, 188 p. : ill. (some col.); 31 cm. NOTES:
Exhibition opened first at the Whitney Museum of American Art, N.Y., Nov. 6, 1992-Jan. 31, 1992 and is scheduled
at other museums. Includes bibliographical references (p. 170-182). ISBN: 0810968053 (hardcover) and 0874270820 (softcover).
Image Source of book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=2744287167&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D1%26kn%3Dcanadian+art, accessed 18 September 2015.

Another book on Agnes Martin:
Frances Morris, Agnes Martin, London : Tate Publishing, 2015,
256 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 27 cm, ISBN: 9781849763417,
1849763410, 9781849762687, 1849762686; notes:
Published on
the occasion of the exhibition of the same name held at Tate
Modern, London, 3rd June-11th October 2015, Kunstsammlung
NRW, Düsseldorf, 7th November 2015-February 2016, Los Angeles
County Museum, mid-Aprill-31st July 2016, Guggeheim, New York,
October 2016-January 2017. Source of image: abebooks.com/servlet/
and bookseller:
Book Depository hard to find (London, United Kingdom)
(site consulted on 6 February 2022).

Agnes Martin, image source: wikiart.org/en/agnes-martin,
accessed 10 October 2019

Martin, Agnes Bernice Fenwick, 1912-2004 (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1124; Early Women Artists)

Christopher Régimbald, Agnes Martin: Life &
, READ NOW -- DOWNLOAD and aci-iac.ca/art-books/agnes-martin/ (accessed 12 July 2022).


Martin, Alain James, 1958-, (Biennale du Québec 1995)

Martin, André (Sales Index 1989-90)

Publication par André Martin:
Grant Marchand, Sandra, André Martin, 1956-, Direction du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, André Martin : mes modèles - autoportrait / Sandra
Grant Marchand, [Montréal] : Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, c2000, 24 p. : ill. en coul. ; 27 cm.  NOTES: Catalogue d'une exposition tenue au Musée d'art
contemporain de Montréal du 11 mai au 13 août 2000.  "Cette publication a été réalisée par la Direction de l'éducation et de la documentation du Musée d'art contemporain
de Montréal"--Verso de p. de t.  Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 22-24.  Texte en français et en anglais,  ISBN: 2551199832 (Catalogue AMICUS), image fournie par
Attic Books (ABAC, ILAB) (London, ON, Canada) à abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=11476232014&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D1%26kn%3Darts%2Bquebec (site visité le 16 juin 2017)
Martin, André, né à Rimouski, QC, 1956-, (MAC)


Martin, Annie D., fl 1885-94 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)


From left to right: Norman Price, 1877-1951, T. G. Greene, 1875-1955, William
Wallace and A. A. Martin, Carlton Studio, in London 1902 or 1903, source of image:
Sybille Pantazzi, Librarian, "Book illustration and Design by Canadian Artists 1890-
1940 with a list of books illustrated by members of the Group of Seven", Bulletin 7 (IV:1),
1966, The Art Gallery of Toronto, available at gallery.ca/bulletin/num7/pantazzi1_image1.html,
accessed 30 July 2021.

Martin, Archibald A. (Abernathy) 1876-1954 (Canadian Drawings)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Martin, Arthur N. (Norman), 1889-1961; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_N._Martin


Bernice Fenwick Martin, photo from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
, accessed 22 June 2021.

Martin, Bernice Fenwick, 1902-1999, born in Shelburne, ON and died in 1999, Toronto  (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Bernice Fenwick Martin, Sand Lake, Ontario, oil on board, 10.5 x 13.75" / 26.67 x
34.93 cm.; on sale at Westbridge Fine Art Auction House, Vancouver, June 26, 2021,
lot 7, image from: invaluable.com/auction-lot/bernice-fenwick-martin-sand-lake-ontario-7-c-73E4044BCC,
accessed 22 June 2021.


Martin, Bruce (Artisan)


Publication by Carl Martin

Carl Martin, Like It or Lump It; Poetry - Art - People - Other Things
and the Rules of God,
published By the Author, Millbrook, Ontario,
source of the image: AbeBooks.fr, the seller  Homeward Bound
, Campbellcroft, ON, (accessed 7 February 2025); rare book
could not find it at Voilà catalogue

Martin, Carl Percy, 1904-1997, painter


Martin, Charle F., (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Martin, Claude, 1961-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Martin, David, 1917-1959, sculpt., (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1125)
Martin, Denis, né à Fleurimont, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Martin, Dorothy, 1909-1984 (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martin, Douglas (Doug) William, 1948-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum)
Martin, Édith, 1918-1993, tisserande (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)


Martin, Elisabeth, 1861-1956 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Élisabeth Martin, Monseigneur Ignace Bourget, huile, 121 x 98 cm,
© Centre historique des Soeurs de Sainte-Anne 2009, source de l'image:
consulté le 1er septembre 2019; note: Élisabeth Martin, s.s.a. (Marie-Hélène-de-la-Croix), religieuse de
la Congrégation des Soeurs de Sainte-Anne.


Image source: revolvy.com/page/Emma-May-Martin, accessed 12 November 2018
Emma May Martin

Publication on Emma May Martin:

Emma May Martin, 1865-1857, Jennifer C. Watson, Robert C. Mclaughlin
Gallery, Water Colours by E. May Martin (Exhibition At) the Robert
Maclaughlin Gallery, Oshawa; (Catalogue Compiled By) Jennifer C. Watson,
Oshawa : Robert Mclaughlin Gallery, 1980, 28 pages : illustrations, portraits,
image reproduced from delakeltd.com/collections/canadian-art-books/products/water-colours
(accessed 6 November 2023).

Martin, Emma May, 1865-1956 or 1957 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1128;
------Early Women Artists); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_May_Martin


Martin, Felix (François-Marie), 1804-1886 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martin, Guy, artisan du verre, (Collectionneur 96, vol. IX, # 34, p. 76)
Martin, Guy (Collection Loto-Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Martin, Ginette (Lauzon), 1951-, (Vallée 93)
Martin, Ginette, originaire de Marsboro, près de Lac-Mégantic (L'Estrie, ses trésors)
Martin, H., (Sales Index 1989-90)
Martin, H. George, 1921-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martin, Harry, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1125)
Martin, Harry (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1126)
Martin, Henry C., 1831/2-1902 (Toronto in Art; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Martin, Henry Byam, 1804-1865; wikipedia


Martin,  Henry D., born in Painswick, Gloucestershire, England, c. 1832- died in Toronto, c. 1904 (Ontario Collection)

Henry Martin, Holy Cross Abbey, watercolour on paper, 42.6 x 65.4 cm /
16 3/4 x 25 3/4"

[Image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,  Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at p. 86, ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN: 0889029792.]

Martin, Henry J., 1904-1965 (Sales Index 1989-90)
Martin, J. Ronald, c1930-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1130)


Martin, Jack, 1904-1965, see also Martin, John (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Jack Martin, The Boat Works, this image  comes from
the following book:
Colgate, William G., 1882-1971, Canadian art : its origin and development / William G. Colgate ; with a foreword by C. W. Jefferys
Toronto : McGraw-Hill, 1967,  xvii, 278 p. at p. 229 : ill., ports. NOTES:  First edition pub. Toronto, Ryerson Press, 1943.  Bibliography: p. 267-270.


Martin, Jacqueline; 
Martin, Jacques, 1952-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; ARTothèque Overview of Contemporary Art in Acadia)
Martin, James M., fl 1969-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1126)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Martin, Jane, 1943-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists
------in Canada; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1126;
------Festival of the Arts -- Ottawa)

Jane Martin, Black Half Slip, 1983, oil on masonite/huile sur "masonite", 61 x 71 cm, Canada Council/Artbank/la Banque
d'oeuvres d'art du Conseil des Arts du Canada, photo credit: André Pilon
[Text and photo reproduced from Garry Mainprize, Curator and Bruce Earl, Coordinator, Snakes in the Garden, Ottawa:
The Council for the Arts in Ottawa, 1988, plate 26, at p. 43] 

Martin, Jean, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Martin, Jean, 1951-, (L'art naïf)
Martin, Jean-Louis (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)


Martin, Jean-Marie, 1954-, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Dictionnaire historique de
------la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle);

Thèse sur l'artiste:
HAKIM, Mona, Cadre et cadrage: le cas des paysages-constructions du peintre Jean-Marie Martin, mémoire de
maitrise, Universite du Quebec à Montreal, 1990


Martin, Joan, 1943-, (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983)


Martin, John (Jack) 1904-1965, (McKendry; Nova Scotia; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1127-1128)

John (Jack) Martin, White Cock at Dawn, 1960, ink and Watercolour on illustration board, 20 x 24"
--50.8 x 61 cm, sold at Waddington, Discovery Art, 27 April 2023, lot 28, for $960.00 incl.
buyer's premium, available at waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-apr-27-2023/gallery/?utm_medium=
(accessed 29 April 2023)

Biographical Sketch

John (Jack) Martin was born in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, in 1904.
His earliest studies were under his father, Harry D. Martin, an architect and
designer. He studied art at the King Edward VI School, under Dr. E.A. Needham
(1914-1916) and Mr. Smith (1916-1918). He also studied at the Slade School
of Art and at the Birmingham School of Art (1919-1920), under E.S. Harper.
In 1924, Martin moved to Canada, and two years later began working for the
textile firm, H.P. Ritchie. An accomplished etcher and textile printer, he
introduced the stencil screening process to Canadian textiles. In 1931,
encouraged by his friend Arthur Lismer, Martin began exhibiting his paintings
at the Ontario Society of Artists exhibition. He was a member of the Society
of Canadian Painter-Etchers and Engravers (1938), the Ontario Society of
Artists (1940), the Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts (1951), the
International Institute of Arts and Letters (1960), and the Canadian Group
of Painters (1960). Between 1945 and 1953, he was Director of Design at
the Ontario College of Art in Toronto. After moving to Ayr, Ontario, in
1953, he worked as an art instructor at Ridley College, St. Catherine's,
Ontario, while continuing to lecture at schools and art associations
throughout Ontario during the summer, and for a year at the Nova Scotia
College of Art. He was also an art instructor at the Stratford Art Society
where he met and became close friends with the artist W. M. White. In
1961 he was awarded a Canada Council grant to study art and architecture
in Europe. During the early 1960s he illustrated A Guide to Waterloo
and Anthony L. Kearsley's Paths of History in Perth and Huron.
His paintings are represented in the collections of the National Gallery of
Canada, Vancouver Art Gallery, London Art Gallery, and Portland Art
Gallery. Martin died in Ayr on November 6, 1965, after his car was struck
by a drunk driver. He was married to Agnes Martin (née Bauchof). They
had one daughter, Mrs. J.D. (Ann) Mitchell, who studied at the Ontario
College of Art and worked as a designer in Stratford, Ontario.
[Source: National Gallery of Canada, Library and Archives, John Martin fonds,
available at gallery.ca/library/ngc142.htm, accessed 29 April 2023]


Martin, John (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)
Martin, John Henry, 1941-,  (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1128-1130)
Martin, Joyce (Art and Craft of Nova Scotia)
Martin, Julia, née à Montréal, (Roussan 2005; Roussan 2009)
Martin, Kathleen (Alberta Society of Artists)
Martin, Kenneth F., 1914-2010 (100 Years of Art in Manitoba; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1131)
Martin, Langton, 1903-1974, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martin, Lévis (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Martin, Lise (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum)
Martin, Lise, 1966-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Photo de Louise Martin accompagnant l'article de René Lord, "Louise Martin
expose ses oeuvres à la Cambuz'art",  Le Nouvelliste, jeudi, 6 avril 1978, à la
p. 14, disponible pour lecture à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3185772 (site consulté le 21 août 2021).

Martin, Louise; site de l'artiste; facebook


Martin, Mary S., 1946-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 89; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; L'Estrie, ses trésors;
------membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012; Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs,
------2011-2012); artist's site -- site de l'artiste

Mary S. Martin, Les Éboulements, Charlevoix, aquarelle, 1986, 14,5 x 22", en vente à La Maison
des encans, encan du 5 octobre 2022, Montréal, lot 202; image reproduite de live.encans.pro/vendeur/
(site consulté le
2 octobre 2022).  I would like to thank the artist for her permission to reproduce here this
image of her art (2 October 2022).


Martin, Moïse E. (Ernest? Erast?),  né à Hull le 22 janvier 1877 et décédé 31 août 1965 à Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue; marié en 1911 avec Alice Grenier; illustrateur;

Caricature signée par E. Rastus, pseudonyme de Moïse Ernest(?) Martin; image reproduite de
l'article suivant:

Andrès, B. (2016). "L’humour des Poilus canadiens durant la Grande Guerre
(deuxième partie : Le Canard de Montréal)",  Les Cahiers des dix, (70), 131–177,
à la p. 144, disponible à erudit.org/en/journals/cdd/1900-v1-n1-cdd02912/1038746ar.pdf

Lavoie, Joseph-A., 1884-, Martin, Moïse E.,
Une unité canadienne, "coq-à-l'ane", Québec:
S.n., 1920, v, 162 p., ill., 23 cm; notes: l'auteur
E.I. Oval est le pseudonyme de Joseph-A. Lavoie et
l'illustrateur, E. Rastus, est le pseudonyme de Moïse E.
, copie à la bibliothèque Morisset, Collection
générale, Université d'Ottawa, D.526.3 .L3 1920; cette
publication est disponible à archive.org/stream/uneunitcanadie
00lavo#page/n5/mode/2up (site consulté le 23 septembre 2021)

Sur cette publication, voir les commentaires suivants:

Le Soleil, samedi, 10 juillet
1920, à la p. 4 et disponible à
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3508213 (site consulté le 22 septembre 2021).

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling
the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of
the web page being viewed

Avis de décès de Moïse Martin, La Presse, 1er septembre 1965
à la p. 80, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2759149 (site consulté le 22 septembre 2021)

Avis de décès de Alice Grenier, La Presse, 7 juillet
1976 à la p. H 10, et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/
(site consulté le
23 septembre 2021).

 - see his military records at bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/personnel-records/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=136361
and at https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?op=pdf&app=CEF&id=B5991-S056 (accessed 22 September 2021); son prénom est parfois  Erest.
Notons que l'avis de décès de l'épouse de
Moïse Martin, supra, celui porte le nom de Moïse Erast. 

- voir aussi
"L’UdeM au secours des blessés de la Première Guerre mondiale" disponible à nouvelles.umontreal.ca/article/
Les blessés arrivent par centaines à «l’hôpital Laval» de Troyes,
aux prises avec un afflux de réfugiés civils fuyant les hostilités.
Le lieutenant-colonel George E. Beauchamp, qui dirige l’équipe
médicale composée de 38 officiers, 45 infirmières militaires et
196 infirmiers, doit prendre des décisions capitales pour la survie
des blessés. Ses loyaux services lui vaudront la Légion d’honneur
en France… mais l’anonymat complet au Canada.

Comme ce médecin montréalais, des centaines de Canadiens
français issus notamment de l’Université Laval de Montréal
(ainsi qu’on appelait l’Université de Montréal avant 1920) ont
participé à la Première Guerre mondiale en tenant deux hôpitaux
militaires mis à la disposition de la France par les Forces canadiennes.
Inauguré le 3 juillet 1916, l’hôpital canadien #6, [Canadian General
, No 6] 
qu’on surnomme l’hôpital Laval, se déplace dans
quatre villes françaises jusqu’à sa fermeture, en mai 1919.

Au plus fort de ses activités, l’hôpital dispose de 1040 lits; le
personnel traite congestions, pneumonies et pleurésies, mais
surtout des blessures de guerre qui ne sont répertoriées par
aucun manuel de l’époque: néphrites, «pieds de tranchées» et
brûlures causées par des gaz toxiques.

«L’hôpital Laval traitera en grande majorité des soldats français,
mais aussi des Canadiens, des Britanniques et des Allemands»,
explique Michel Litalien, qui rappelle que le personnel médical
soignait aussi l’ennemi.

- voir aussi la thèse de Michel Litalien, 1964-, Loin des yeux et loin du coeur:
deux hôpitaux militaires canadiens-français au service de la France, maîtrise
en histoire, Université d'ottawa, 2003, xi, 167 p., disponible à ruor.uottawa.ca/handle/10393/26384;
aussi publié comme livre: Dans la tourmente : deux hôpitaux militaires canadiens-français
dans la France en guerre, 1915-1919
Outremont, Québec : Athéna Éditions, 2003,
159 pages, [24] pages de planches : illustrations, portraits ; 21 cm, ISBN: 2922865207, 9782922865202;

note de recherche: on retrouve la mention du "Pte M.E. Martin" à la p. 160 de la thèse

- voir aussi Carl Pépin, "Du Military Service Act aux émeutes de Québec: l'effort de guerre canadien-français
vu de la France", 12 novembre 2011 et disponible à lequebecetlesguerres.org/du-military-service-act-aux-emeutes-de-quebec-leffort-de-guerre-canadien-francais-vu-de-france-1914-1918/
(aussi publié à
Le Bulletin d’histoire politique, vol. 17, no 2 (hiver 2009), p. 89-110):

La réplique ne tarde pas sous la plume de Joseph Canada, pseudonyme conjoint
de Joseph Lavoie et de Moïse Martin, tous deux infirmiers à l’Hôpital Laval de
Troyes, un établissement canadien-français au service de la France. La rédaction
du journal régional français La Tribune de l’Aube estsaisie de l’article de Millet
et accorde une pleine page à Lavoie et Martin le 13 août 1917. Les auteurs invitent
Millet à étudier davantage l’histoire et la politique canadiennes avant d’oser
critiquer la conduite actuelle des Canadiens français face à la conscription. Il
 ajoutent : « Vous dites, M. Millet, qu’il n’y a que les Canadiens Français [sic]
qui sont contre la conscription. Demandez donc au gouvernement canadien les
centaines de pétitions des ouvriers canadiens-anglais comme canadiens-français
demandant le rejet de la conscription ou de soumettre cette question au peuple »[xxvi].
[Pour le texte complet de "Joseph Canada", voir les pages 157-160 de la publication:  Une Unité
, supra, disponible à archive.org/stream/uneunitcanadie00lavo#page/n5/mode/2up>]


Mungo Martin in the Thunderbird Park carving shed (Royal British
Columbia Museum, No PN204).

[The photo and its description are reproduced from the following book:
Maria Tippett, 1944-, Bill Reid: The Making of an Indian, Toronto: Random
House, 2003, vi, 336 p., at p. 98, ill., map, ports.; 24 cm. NOTES: Includes
bibliographical references (p. [311]-320) and index, ISBN: 06793108.]
Martin, Mungo, 1879 or 1880-1962, (McKendry; Arts of the Raven; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1131-1132; Northwest Coast Indian Art 1984); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mungo_Martin

"Totem pole carver Mungo Martin at Thunderbird Park", video,
CBC Archives, Television, 1955, available at cbc.ca/archives/entry/
, accessed 19 December 2019.

Martin, Nancy, 1906-, fl 1970s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martin, Nathalie (Bromont en Art, 17e édition, août 2015)
Martin, Norma, (L'estampe à Québec)

Martin, Paryse, photo reproduite de:artus.ca/in-memoriam
, site visité le 7 décembre 2024.

Martin, Paryse, 1959-2024, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; L'estampe à Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la
-------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle;
------Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 159)

Paryse Martin, Les Avaleurs de nuages, 2012, crayon et
aquarelle sur papier, 76 x 56cm, achat pour la collection
Prêt d'oeuvres d'art (CP.2014.199)

[Image reproduite Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Rapport annuel  2014-2015, à la p. 34,
disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2321890, consulté le 15 août 2019]

Martin, Paul (Saskatchewan: art and artists)
Martin, Peter (Photojournalism from La Presse and The Gazette; Stephen Bulger Gallery Toronto)
Martin, Petros (Pierre), 1951-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Martin, Philippe (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Martin, Pierre (Collection Loto-Québec)
Martin, Pierre-Gilles, 1948-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 99)
Martin, Pierre-Guy, (L'estampe à Québec)


Martin, Raoul, L'abbé; sculpteur sur bois

Photo de Raoul Martin accompagnant l'article "L'abbé Raoul
Martin, professeur de rhétorique, sculpteur sur bois", photo
de APFA, Photo-Journal, 8 mars 1951, à la p. 16, reproduit de
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3542303 (site consulté le 14 mars 2023).


Photo de Raymond Martin accompagnant l'article de Sylvie Mousseau, "Une
promenade à travers les champs avec Raymond Martinet", Acadie nouvelle,
10 mai 2018, reproduit du site:acadienouvelle.com/arts-et-spectacles/2018/05/10/une
, consulté le 31 juillet 2022.

Martin, Raymond, 1958-, né à Lac-à-la-Croix, Québec (Atlantic Art Exhibition; New Brunswick Painters; Lac-à-la-Croix, Québec;


Martin, Renée, 1939-, sculpt., tapissière, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Martin, Richard, 1946-, (MAC)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Martin, Richard, 1956-, (Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983)
Martin, Robert, sculpture sur bois (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)

Photo of Ron Martin, taken from the following volume:
Smith, Brydon, Pierre Théberge, Galerie nationale du Canada, Boucherville, Montreal, Toronto, London, 1973 :
an exhibition
/ organized by Brydon Smith and Pierre Théberge = Boucherville, Montréal, Toronto, London, 1973 :
une exposition
/ organisée par Pierre Théberge et Brydon Smith,  Ottawa : Galerie nationale du Canada, 1973,
332 p., at p. 249 : ill. ; 21 cm. NOTES: Catalogue d'une exposition tenue à la Galerie nationale du Canada,
Ottawa, du 5 juil. au 3 sept. 1973. Errata inséré. Bibliogr. Exposition collective regroupant: Collyer, Robin, 1949- ;
Delavalle, Jean-Marie, 1944- ; Favro, Murray, 1940- ; Martin, Ron, 1943- ; Saxe, Henry, 1937- ; Spencer, James
Burton, 1940-. Texte en anglais et en français.  ISBN: 0888842481; photographer: Robert Frones, London.
Martin, Ron (Ronald Albert), 1943-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; MAC; Reid; Burnett; Balkind; Art Gallery of Hamilton;
------Newlands; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Abstract Painting; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Corporate collections; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1132-1133;
------Contemporary Canadian Artists; Vie des arts, numéro 224, vol. 46, automne 2011, p. 93; Vie des arts, numéro 223, vol. 45,
------été 2011, p. 60; Art in Ontario; Lacerte Art Contemporain -- artistes 2015); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Albert_Martin

Image source: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=8596534944&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26kn%3DArt%2BSaskatchewan#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 19 December 2016
Book on Ron Martin:
Campbell, James D., 1956-, Ron Martin, 1943-, Mackenzie Art Gallery, Ron Martin : geometric painting, 1981-1985 / James D. Campbell, Regina :
Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1991, 52 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm. ISBN: 0920922678 (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source of book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=8596534944&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26kn%3DArt%2BSaskatchewan#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 19 December 2016

Martin, Sarah (ARTBOMB--20 and 29 March, 1 April  2014)
Martin, Sean, 1950-; artist's site: DOC AND RAIDER

Sean Martin, Doc & Raider -- "CANADIAN HERITAGE!, 17 May
2016,  NB: For my non-Canadian readers: the Heritage Minute is a series sort of like
'The More You Know' in the US…
" (docandraider.com/comic/canadian-heritage/).
I would like to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce (6 November 2016).


Martin, Simone (Courtemanche), 1922-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Martin, Stephanie (Sight Specific: Lesbians & Representation)

Martin, S.W., act. 1842, (McKendry; Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

S.W. Martin, Home in the Woods, n.d., oil on canvas, 70.7 x 55.9 cm, Collection of Confederation
Centre Art Gallery, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (photo and text reproduced from Moncrieff
Williamson and Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Through Canadian Eyes: Trends and Influences in
Canadian Art, 1815-1965
, Calgary: Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1976, picture 32).


Martin, T. Harry, 1870-1938 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Martin, Ted, 1938-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)

Book on Thomas Mower Martin:
Graeme, Toni, 1937-, The father of Canadian art : Thomas Mower Martin, 1838-1934 / by Toni Graeme, [Victoria, B.C. : T&T Enterprises], c2009,
72 p. : ill. (some col.), facsims., ports. ; 19 x 24 cm. NOTES: Cover title. Includes bibliographical references.  ISBN: 9780973297409.
Image source of book: www.biblio.com/book/father-canadian-art-thomas-mower-martin/d/864200659, accessed 12 June 2016

Martin, T. Mower, 1838-1934,  with his daughters, 1881, photo by
Gogen & Fraser, Toronto, courtesy Edward P. Taylor Reference
Library and the Archives, Art Gallery of Ontario.

Martin, Thomas Mower, 1838-1934 (Vallée 89; McKendry; Robert 78; Reid; Hubbard; Glenbow-Alberta Institue;
------Harper; Art Gallery of Ontario; Canadian Drawings; L'estampe; Paysagistes; University of Guelph; Sir George Williams University;
------Fine Arts in Canada; Toronto in Art; Creative Canada, 1972; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1133-1136; Ontario Collection); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Mower_Martin

Martin, Thomas Mower, 1838-1934, oil on canvas, 55.9 x 89.2 cm (The University of Guelph Art Collection)

Martin, W.W., Mrs, fl 1948+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1136)
Martin, Yves, photographie (L'estampe à Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Martin de Lino, Antoine, (Père), 1690-1773, connu à Québec au début du 18e siècle; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
Martin Loulou, Odile (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Martina, Lara (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
Martindale, Sean (Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto)

Martineau, Aline, 1949-, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes
------de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Femmeuses 2001; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes
------en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 117)

Vu par hasard - Aline Martineau - extrait -- www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XIJZIzHOCQ


Martineau, Carmelle, 1952-, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; L'estampe à Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la
-----Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec)

Carmelle Martineau, Sous la roche, encre et papier, 9.5 x 15.5", lithographie, 1/5,
source de l'image: artads.ca/oeuvres/carmelle-martineau-1952/, site consulté le 17 juillet 2021.


Martineau, Daniel (Bromont en Art, 17e édition, août 2015)
Martineau/Martino, E., fl 1873-4, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martineau, H., fl 1876, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martineau, Jacques, 1952-, (Vallée 93)


Photo de Joseph A. Martineau,
Montreal Star, 29 janvier 1929 et
reproduit de cwahi.concordia.ca/MMFA_
at p. 458 of the scrapbook (consulté le 20 Novembre 2023).

Article sur J-A Martineau,
La Presse, 30 janvier 1929,
à la p. 7 et reproduit de collections.
 consulté le 20 novembre 2023).

Martineau, Joseph A. (Arcade), sculpteur, dessinateur, né à Napierville, QC décédé en  1929 (à l'âge de 48 ans)


Martineau, Lieutenant, act. 1876, (Folk Artists)


Martineau, Louise, 1952-, (Magazin'art, v. 12(2), 1999, pp. 60-62 and 83-85(E); Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Vallée 93; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)

Louise Martineau, Le rang, 1986, huile sur toile, 12 x 16", en vente Encan Gélineau et
Fils, numéro 34, St-Hyacinthe, encan finissant le 18 juillet 2022, lot 226, source de l'image:
quebec.hibid.com/lot/124897191/louise-martineau---12-x-16/?g=all-categories&ipp=10&q=&ref=catalog (site consulté le 13 juillet 2022).


Catalogue on Luanne Martineau:
Johnstone, Lesley, Shirley Madill, 1952-, Luanne Martineau, 1970-, Daniel Adler, Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, Luanne Martineau / Lesley Johnstone avec la
collaboration de Dan Adler et de Shirley Madill, Montréal : Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, c2010, 55 p. : ill. en coul. ; 28 cm.  NOTES: Catalogue d'une exposition tenue
au Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal du 4 févr. au 25 avril 2010.  Comprend des réf. bibliogr.  Texte en français et en anglais.  ISBN: 9782551238767 (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source of catalogue: cubiq.ribg.gouv.qc.ca/in/faces/details.xhtml?id=p%3A%3Ausmarcdef_0001020802&#prettyPhoto/0/, accessed 16 February 2017

Martineau, Luanne, 1970-, (Oh, Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012; National Gallery of Canada -- Recent Acquisitions;
------Foire d'art contemporain d'oeuvres sur papier 2014)

Luanne Martineau, untitled 2007, graphite
and pastel on parchment paper, 99.7 x 70
cm, purchased 2009, image reproduced from:

National Gallery of Canada, Andrea Kunard, Greg A. Hill, 1967-, Heather (Heather Marie), Josée Drouin-Brisebois, 1972-, It is what it is : recent
acquisitions of new Canadian art
/ Josée Drouin-Brisebois, Greg A. Hill, Andrea Kunare; with contributions from Heather Anderson ... [et al.],  Ottawa:
National Gallery of Canada, 2010, 160 p., at p. 99: col. ill. ; 30 cm. NOTES: Issued also in French under title: C'est ce que c'est, acquisitions récentes d'art
actuel canadien
. Exhibition catalogue, ISBN: 9780888848819.


Photo de Lucienne Martineau accompagnant l'article de Marielle Binette,
"Il n'est jamais trop tard pour faire ses débuts...", Le droit, jeudi 27 février
1969, à la p. 14 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4362880( site consulté le 7 mai 2023).

Photo de madame Alphonse Martineau, née Lucienne Lemieux, à Montréal, et accompagnant
l'article de Darquise Timmerman, "La 'Grandma Moses' canadienne de Campbell's Bay", Le droit,
Ottawa, vendredi, 27 novembre 1970 à la p. 11 (photo de André Audet du dtudio Impact) et reproduit
du site: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4280718, consulté le 7 mai 2023.  On retrouve d'autres photos de
Lucienne Lemieux à cet article.

Martineau, Lucienne (née Lemieux) (Mimi), 1890-1978, marié à Alphonse Martineau en 1916  (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------ Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1136)


Publication sur Michel Martineau:

Martineau, Michel, 1955-, Dominique Laurent, 1962-,
Françoise Le Gris, 1947-, John K. Grande (John Kinnear), 1954-,
Michel Martineau: oeuvres récentes 2004-2008, Montréal : Éditions
de l'École des arts visuels et médiatiques de l'UQAM, 2008, 
24 p. :
principalement des ill. en coul., 1 portr. en coul. ; 26 cm, , Notes:

"Catalogue ... publié à l'occasion des trois expositions suivantes: La
contredanse du temps, au Centre de créativité le Gesù à Montréal, du 28
mai au 23 juillet 2008, Viens danser ce tango d'amour, à la Galerie Montcalm
à Gatineau, du 29 mai au 29 juin 2008 et La mécanique de la fête, à la
Galerie Jean-Claude Bergeron à Ottawa, du 12 juin au 29 juin 2008". - Verso de la p.de t.,
9782922392067, 2922392066; source de l'image du livre: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetails....
pour le vendeur de livre:
Claudine Bouvier (Gatineau, QC, Canada) et pour le texte bibliographique:
catalogue Voilà (sites consultés le 10 septembre 2021).

Michel Martineau, source of image: galeriejean
, site consulted on 10 September 2021.

Martineau, Michel, 1955-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum; membre
------ professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; L'Artothèque--2014; Collection d'art de la Ville
------ de Gatineau -- 2019)


Martineau, Paul, 1921-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martineau, Pierre, 1951-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Martineau, Rolande, fl 1966-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Martineau, Solange (Solle), 1950-, (Vallée 93; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Pluralisme au Québec); parfois sous le nom  "Solle"


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Photo de Stanley Martineau reproduced from  at p. 12 of the scrapbook: cwahi.concordia.ca/MMFA_
  at p. 12 (accessed 19 November 2023).

Martineau, Stanley Frederick, 1915-1977, born in Montreal, sculpt., (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------ Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1137); son of Joseph Arcade, also a sculptor; see page on Stanley Martineau at
------ghostarmy.org/roster/stanley-frederick-martineau/ (accessed 20 November 2023).


Martineau, Suzette, tisserande (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Martineau, Yves (Patenteux du Québec)
Martineau, Yves (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Martineau-Vaillancourt, Rolande (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1137)
Martinez, Hilaire, ébéniste (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Martinez, Luichy (Sculpture)
Martinez, Rita (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998)
Martini, Mena (ARTBOMB--11 February and 15 October 2014; 16 August and 21 October 2015; 26 January, 28 March and 29 July 2016;
------1 and 20 June and 8 September 2017; 26 January, 30 March, 29 May, 7 June, and 5 August 2018; 22 September 2019)
Martinovic, Dimitrije (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Marton, Jirina Kakubuy, Mrs, 1946-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Marton, Joseph, c1930-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1137-1138)
Martucci, Carmen William, 1922-1997,  (Avmor Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1138)


Martyn, Carol, 1916-1995, born in Stratford, ON and died in Toronto, ON (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical
------Index of Artists in Canada)

Carol Martyn, Three Hands, 1987, oil stick, 57.15 x 76.2 cm, The University of Toronto
Art Collection, accession number: 1998-139, reproduced from collections.artmuseum.utoronto.ca:8080/objects....,
accessed 16 February 2022.


Photo of David Marvin accompanying the article "The tragic life of
Montreal photographer David W Marvin", available at coolopolis.blogspot.
(accessed 12 May 2022).

Marvin, David

Montreal, Quebec, c. 1968.  Photographed by David Marvin (NPA), photo and text are
reproduced from following book:
Roger Hall, 1945-, Gordon Dodds, Canada A history in photographs, Edmonton, Alta. : Hurtig, 1981,
256 pages, at p. 247: illustrations ; 29 cm, ISBN: 0888302029, 9780888302021 (book collection of François
Lareau and put on line on 12 May 2022).


Mary-Rouss, 1942-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)


Photo of May Marx, Toronto Star, 1/30/1987, photo by Ron Bull,
TSPA_0065822F, reproduced from digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/289106/toronto-
(accessed 8 May 2023).

Marx, May, 1928-2008, sculptor (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1138-1139;
------Ontario Collection; Early Women Artists)


Photo of Ernest Marza at Chemainus, B.C.painting
the mural Bull Gang, 1984; photo reproduced from
the following book:
Beyer, Hubert, Cynthia M. Bunbury, Chemainus Festival of Murals Society, The Chemainus murals /
[writers, Hubert Beyer, Cynthia M. Bunbury], Special 10th anniversary collector's ed., Chemainus, B.C. :
Chemainus Festival of Murals Society, c1993, 87 p., at p. 42: col. ill., col. maps, col. ports. ; 23 x 28 cm.
OTES: Half-title: Mural capital of North America and the world, 1983-1993 Previous ed. has title:
Chemainus, a celebration of Canadian heritage : the little town that did!  ISBN: 0969316119. (AMICUS Catalogue).

Marza, Ernest, 1923-2019,  (Murs et murales; Murals of Chemainus, B.C.)

Ernest Marza still active at 95!  See the article by Adam Sawatsky, Arts & Entertainment Host, CTV Vancouver Island,
Victoria man creates beauty after escaping 'ugly' WWII labour camp", 13 March 2019, available at
vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/victoria-man-creates-beauty-after-escaping-ugly-wwii-labour-camp-1.4334820, accessed 20 December 2019.

Mas, Monique, née à Oran (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99)

Catalogue sur Alexandre Masino:
Masino, Alexandre,  Alexandre Masino : lumières / [essai, Jean-Marc Desgent; traduction, Nicolas Masino = essay, Jean-Marc Desgent ;
translation, Nicolas Masino], Montréal: Galerie de Bellefeuille, 2012, 
31 p. : principalement des ill. en coul. ; 22 cm

Masino, Alexandre, 1972-,  (Collection Loto-Québec; Avmor Collection; Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015)

Alexandre Masino, Two Apples, watercolor and pencil, 13 x 22 inches and
21 x 29 inches (frame size)

Source of image:  liveauctioneers.com/item/29842089_alexandre-masino-à
, accessed on 4 September 2014.

Mask, Molly (ARTBOMB--15 and 21 March, 1 May, 4 July, 23 August and 17 November 2017)
Maskwa-Iskwew Arseneau, Adele (ARTBOMB-29 January 2016)
Mason, Ambrose Wilcock, 1851-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)
Mason, Becky (Artists of the Gatineau Hills)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Mason, David, fl 1964-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1139)
Mason, Doreen, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Mason, Michelle, fl 1971-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1140)
Mason, Patrick, 1948-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1140)


Ritha Mason

Her life long passion for art made her a perennial
student in Canada, England, Norway, Japan and
China. Ritha's family moved to Victoria, BC in 1978.
She went on to achieve a Bachelors degree in fine
arts and a Masters degree in education at UVIC. Her
art often focused on environmental issues, making
Ritha an advocate for reusing or recycling materials
whenever possible.
[Above photo and excerpt from obituary reproduced
from legacy.com/ca/obituaries/timescolonist/name/ritha-mason-
, accessed 9 February 2025]

Mason, Ritha (Ritha Elizabeth), 1937-2017


Mason, Robert (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum)
Mason, Robert Vincent, 1933-, (Ontario Collection)

Image source: iris.banq.qc.ca/, accessed 15 February 2017
Book on Bill Mason:
Raffan, James, Fire in the bones : Bill Mason and the Canadian canoeing tradition / James Raffan, 1st HarperPerennial ed., Toronto : HarperPerennial,
1997, c1996, xx, 300 p., [16] p. of plates : ill., ports. ; 21 cm.   NOTES: "A Phyllis Bruce Book".   First published in hardcover: Toronto : HarperCollins Publishers,
c1996.  Includes bibliographical references and index.  "Filmography/bibliography": p. 285-290.  ISBN: 0006386555 (AMICUS catalogue).

Mason, William Clifford ("Bill"), 1929-1988 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Mass, Sherill (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Massam, Bryan Hazelwood, 1940-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Massard, Jean-Baptiste, 1740-1822, (MQ 2)
Massé, Aline (membre de l'Association des artistes de la Rive-Sud -- 2012)
Masse, Bob, fl 1970-, Vancouver, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Masse, En (MU 2015)
Massé, Francine, 1949-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Massé, François, 1964-;
Masse, Georges Sévère, 1918-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Masse, Hubert (Murs et murales)
Masse, Isabelle (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Masse, Josée, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998;
------Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001)
Masse, Martine "Mati", 1964-, (Vallée 93)
Massé, Mercedès, 1937-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; L'art naïf)
Massé, Mona, 1956-, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Masse, Monique, née à Montréal, (L'aquarelle au Québec --2)


Pierre-Étienne Massé, source de l'image:
fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peet_Mass%C3%A9, site consulté le 8 février 2020.

Massé, Pierre-Étienne (Peet), 1979-, artiste-peintre, (Roussan 2005; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)


Masse, Sylvie (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
Masse, Yvon, (Vallée 93)

Artistes canadiens en arts visuels -- Avons-nous votre nom?
Pour ajouter un lien à votre site,  pour vous inscrire
ou pour ajouter une image de
votre art, écrivez-moi à flareau@rogers.com
-- c'est gratuit.

Canadian artists in visual arts  --Do we have your name?
To add a link to your site, or your name to this index or

an image of your art, write to me at flareau@rogers.com -- it's free.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Massé Bergeron, Aline, 1947-, (Roussan 2001)
Massee, Jelly (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)


Masselotte, Antonio, 1891-, fl 1911-37, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

"Tableau d'Antonio Masselotte représentant la messe célébrée
le 7 septembre 1535.  Cette peinture se retrouve à l’église de la
paroisse Saint-Bernard, à l'île aux Coudres. (Collection Société
d’histoire de Charlevoix, Carte postale)"
Cette image ainsi que le texte sont reproduits du livre suivant:
Normand Perron, 1950-, Serge Gauthier, 1959-, Institut québécois sur la culture,
Histoire de Charlevoix, Sainte-Foy, Québec : Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 2000,
387 pages, à la p. 57 : illustrations, cartes, portraits ; 23 cm, (Collection; Les régions du Québec; 14),
2892243041, 9782892243048, source de l'image: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2457488 (site consulté le 30 avril 2022).


Masselotte, Paul-Gaston, circa 1846-1895, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Morisset)
Massenet, Bruno (Photography Canada 1967)

Book on Father Duncan Massey:
Sleigh, Daphne, author, Melva McLean, editor, The artist in the cloister : the life and works of Father Dunstan Massey / Daphne Sleigh, Victoria ; Vancouver;
Calgary : Heritage House Publishing Company Ltd., [2013], 207 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour), portraits (some colour) ; 21 cm. NOTES: "Edited by
Melva McLean"--Title page verso. Includes bibliographical references and index. Also issued in electronic format. ISBN: 9781927051399 (pbk.).
Image source of book: www.amazon.ca/Artist-Cloister-Father-Dunstan-Massey/dp/1927051398/ref=sr_1_91?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1473057341&sr=1-91&keywords=Canadian+painters, accessed 5 September 2016

Massey, Dunstan, Father, 1924-2022

Photo of Father Dunstan Massey with article by Gordon MacIntyre, "Cloistered monk
who spent his life adorning Mission's Westminster Abbey dies at 98.   Father Dunstan
Massey, Order of St. Benedict, was considered one of Canada's most original artists",
Vancouver Sun, 28 December 2022, and reproduced from vancouversun.com/news/cloistered-
(accessed 19 September 2024).


Massey, Hart Parkin Vincent, 1918-1997, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

This book covers the following Canadian artists:
"Paulette Phillips examines architect Eileen Gray's villa E-1027...David Tomas,
a house designed by Ludwig Wittgenstein...and Canadian artist John Massey, a
house designed by his father, Hart Massey. In English and French".  Here is the
information on the book:
Johnstone, Lesley, Philip Ursprung, Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal,
Les lendemains d'hier / Lesley Johnstone ; avec la collaboration de Philip Ursprung,
Montréal : Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, c2010, 153, [2] : ill. en coul. ; 26 cm.  NOTES: Catalogue d'une exposition tenue au Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
du 21 mai au 6 sept. 2010.  Comprend des réf. bibliogr.  Texte en français et en anglais.  ISBN: 9782551239399 (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source of book: amazon.ca/Lendemains-dhier-Yesterday%E2%80%99s-Tomorrows/dp/2551239397, accessed 17 February 2017

Massey, John, 1950-, (MAC; Burnett; Balkind; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Contemporary Canadian Artists;
------Art in Ontario; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989; The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)

Exhibition catalogue on John Massey:
Hanna, Martha, John Massey, 1950-, Didier Ottinger, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, John Massey : the house that Jack built / Martha Hanna; with an essay by Didier Ottinger =
La maison que Jack a bâtie / Martha Hanna ; avec un essai de Didier Ottinger, Ottawa : Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography = Musée canadien de la photographie contemporaine, 2004,
115 p. : ill., photos. ; 28 cm. NOTES: Published in conjunction with an exhibition organized by the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography and presented in Ottawa from 8 May to 6 September 2004.
Cf. P. [4] Includes bibliography: p. 114-115. Text in English and French.  ISBN: 0888847831 (AMICUS Catalogue).

Massey, John B., fl 1830-1, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Massey, Pixie Mudge, 1944-, sculpt., (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Massey, Scott (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Massi (Le Balcon d'Art -- artistes de la galerie)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Massicotte, Alain, 1956-, né à Montréal,  (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998;
------ Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 2000-2001; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989); site de l'artiste---autre site sur l'artiste

Alain Massicotte, illustration de la couverture du livre: Association des illustrateurs et illustratrices du
Québec, Répertoire 1995-1996 Directory, Montréal: Association des illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec
(A.I.I.Q.), 1995, xxiii, 216 p. (Collection; 8), ISBN: 2-9800522-9-9, ISSN: 0831-4098, 1995.


Massicotte, Anne (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)

Photo d'Edmond-Joseph Massicotte,
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec,
Centre d'archives de Québec,

Livre sur Edmond-Joseph Massicotte (image:

Karel, David, Edmond-Joseph Massicotte, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Edmond-Joseph Massicotte, illustrateur,
[Québec] : Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, c2005, 222 p.: ill. (certaines en coul.), ports. ; 25 cm. NOTES: Catalogue
de l'exposition présentée au Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec du 24 nov. 2005 au 30 avril 2006. Cf. Verso de la p. de t.
Publ. en collab. avec: Presses de l'Université Laval. Comprend des réf. bibliogr. (p. 187-193) et un index, Canadiana: 20060074558,
ISBN: 2763782752.

Autre livre sur Edmond Massicotte:

Hector Grenon, 1908-, Edmond J. Massicotte, 1875-1929, Edmond J. Massicotte:
scènes d'autrefois
, 1977, non paginée, ISBN: 0885660757, 9780885660759, source
de l'image: collection ded livres de Franàçois Lareau.

Massicotte, Edmond Joseph, 1875-1929 (McKendry; Robert 78; Canadian Drawings; Laliberté; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 76; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1140-1141; Morisset; L'esprit révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois; Mode et apparence
------dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945; Histoire de la caricature au Québec); fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmond-Joseph_Massicotte

Massicotte, Edmond Joseph, 1875-1929, Le violoneux, dessin, dans l'Almanach du peuple, 1912,
à la p. 271.

L'image du dessin d'Edmond Joseph Massicotte provient du livre suivant:

Séguin, Robert-Lionel, 1920-1982, La danse traditionnelle au Québec, Sillery : Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1986, 176 p., à la p. 71:
ill., notation musicale; 22 cm. NOTES: Comprend un index. Bibliogr.: p. [161]-170,  ISBN: 2760503836.

Massicotte, Edmond,  1875-1929, Une veillée d'autrefois, 1915.

Nos canadiens d'autrefois -- 12 grandes compositions, 1923, un livre de Edmond Joseph Massicotte (site visité le 23 juin 2014)

Massicotte, Guillaume (Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, pp. 70-71)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Massicotte, Guy-Anne, 1968-, née à Nicolet, Québec (Collection Loto-Québec; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); site de l'artiste/artist's site

Guy-Anne Massicotte, Le commencement, huile sur toile, 36 x 60"; nous
remercions l'artiste pour la permission de reproduire (30 janvier 2017).


Massicotte, Hélène (Lemieux 74)
Massicotte, Hélène, 1921-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Massicotte, Jean-Maurice (L'esprit révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois)
Massicotte, Michel (Bruens 90; Robert 83; Bruens 88)
Massicotte, Raymond, 1941-, (L'art populaire au Québec par Jean-François Blanchette)
Massie, Donna-Jo, 1948-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Alberta Society of Artists)


Michael Massie, source of image feheley
, site accessed on 3 May 2022.

Massie, Michael, 1962-, (Indian and Inuit Art; Transitions -- Contemporary Canadian Indian and Inuit Art 1997)

Michael Massie, Just Agree to Disagree / Être d'accord d'être en désaccord, 2010, 19.9 x  40.6 x 10.5 cm, MBAC / NGC

(Text and image reproduced from Vernissage -- The Magazine of the National Gallery of Canada, Spring 2011, vol. 13, number 2, at p. 7).
Masson, André Armand; (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Masson, Francis, 1741-1805, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Masson, Henri Jacques (Sales Index 1989-90)

Masson, Henri 1907-1996, photographié en 1940.

Sur la jaquette avant : Henri Masson, L'atelier en juin, 1981, 96,5 x 114 cm, Masters Gallery Calgary
du livre suivant:
Marcel Gingras, 1926- et Henri Masson, 1907-1996, Henri Masson / texte de Marcel Gingras; préface
de Naïm Kattan; photographies, Martial Marois, Michel Julien, [LaPrairie, Québec : Éditions Marcel Broquet,
c1981] Mondia inc., 1977, boul. Industriel, Laval, Québec H7S 1P6, 106 p. : ill. en coul.; 24 cm
(Collection; Signatures; directeur André Fournier), ISBN: 2-89000-049; note: ce livre a également été
publié en anglais par les Éditions M. Broquet.   

Masson, Henri Léopold, 1907-1996  (McKendry; Collectionneur 96, vol. IX, # 34, p. 80;  Sir George Williams University;
------Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 26, pp. 17-21 et 23-25; Boulizon;
------Robert 83; Reid; Trépanier 83; Roussan 82;  Robert 78; Hill; Art Gallery of Ontario; Carleton;
------MQ; Hubbard; Firestone Art Collection; Duval; Giles; McMaster University; Queen's University;
------Bruens 88; Bernier 99; Robert 64; University of Guelph; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Shell Canada Collection;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Galerie éducative De-la-Salle; Collection numérique d'estampes
------de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection;
------Creative Canada, 1972; Duval 1952; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1141-1145; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992;
------City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Cote officielle
------d'artistes du Québec 1978; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_Masson_(artist)

Henri Masson, Rue Guignes, Ottawa, 1979, huile, Collection: M. et Mme A. Larivière

[Reproduction de l'image dans le livre ayant pour titre : Henri Masson / texte de Marcel Gingras;
de Naïm Kattan; photographies, Martial Marois, Michel Julien, aux Éditions Marcel
Broquet, 1981, Collection Signatures, livre décrit ci-dessus, à la p. 67]

Google -- Images for Henri Masson  (3 septembre 2012)

Masson, Henry (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Masson, Louise, 1953-, (Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection Loto-Québec;
------membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Galerie Laroche/Joncas Montréal)

Louis Masson,
Ressemblance, 1995, huile sur toile,153 x 153 cm;
source de l'image: books.openedition.org/pum/docannexe/image/15670/img-29.jpg

publication sur OpenEdition Books, 6 juillet 2018, 
consulté le 7 juillet 2019.  Il s'agit de la figure 89 dans le livre suivant:
Lemieux, Andrée, Laurier Lacroix et François-Marc Gagnon, sous la direction de,
Regards sur l'art québécois :
la collection d'oeuvres d'art de l'Université de Montréal
Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2004,
125 p. : illustrations en coul.; 31 cm, ISBN: 2760619710; 9782760619715 (catalogue AURORA).

Masson, Margaret, born/né Peterborough, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Masson, Marik, fl 1964-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1145)
Masson, Mary, fl 1964-, sculpt., (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1146)
Masson, Nicole, 1944-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
Masson, Raymond, 1860-1944, sculpt., (McKendry; Laliberté; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Masson-Apps, William, 1928-2005, born in England and died in Uxbridge, ON, sculptor (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Massot, Andrée, fl 1957-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1146)
Massy, Auguste, fl 1877-8, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Masters, Barry Owen, 1945-, (McMaster University)
Masterson, Jeanne E., (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Mastrocola, Philippe (MU 2015)
Matak, Lydia, Pond Inlet (McMaster University)
Matar, Lucette, 1944-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Matar, Petra (ARTBOMB--15 November 2016)
Matas, Sylvia (Lisa Kehler Art + Projects Winnipeg)
Mather, Edith H., 1925-2017, photographer (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Mathers, Alvan Sherlock, 1895 or 1896-1965-,  (Hubbard)
Mathers, Charles Wesley, 1868-1960, photographer; see site at cameraworkers.davidmattison.com/getperson.php?personID=I116&tree=cw18581950 (accessed 9 February 2025)
Matherson, Pascale (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Matheson, Audrey, fl 1966-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1147)
Matheson, Janice (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
Matheson, Robbie, Toronto, (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2)
Matheson, Roderick Darey, 1897-, born in Ottawa, ON (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1147)
Mathews/Matthews, George, c1816-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mathews, M., act. 1872, (Ontario of Yesterday)
Mathews, Ralph Godard, 1888-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Mathews, Richard George, 1870-1955, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

R.G. Mathews, L'infirmière Blanche Lavallée, dessin colorié, Ministère de la défense nationale,

Mathews, Thomas (Tom) Edward, 1920-2000, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)

Thomas Mathews, Winter Patterns, acrylic and silica sand on masonite, 10 x 12" / 25.4 x
30.5 cm, lot 190, Waddington's Discovery Art, 18-23 September 2021, image reproduced
from waddingtons.ca/auction/discovery-art-sep-23-2021/gallery/lot/190/ (accessed 14 September 2021).


Mathews, Tom, born in Montreal (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1147-1148)
Mathewsie, Amaruali, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Mathewsie, Johnnysa, 1984-, (Cape Dorset Sculpture)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Mathey, Jean, act. 1824, (McKendry; 100 Years of Art in Manitoba; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

"135/136 Two drawings. one of a shoemaker smoking a pipe, the
other of a standing child with a branch of roses. Pen and W.C.
Ill. Inscr. on mat 'Premier portraits peints à la Rivière Rouge,
1829 par Jean Mathey.  Catherine Lemaire. Joseph Lemaire'.
La Société Historique de St. Boniface."

[source of above image and text:
Winnipeg Art Gallery, 150 years of  art in Manitoba: a struggle for a visual
civilization : an exhibition for the Manitoba centennial 1970, May 1 to August 31,
Legislative Building
, Winnipeg, Man. : The Winnipeg Art Gallery, [1970?], xii, 115 p.,
at pages 23 (plates 135/136) and 36: ill.; 21 x 27 cm; book collection of François
Lareau; put on line on 13 April 2022.]


Mathia, Virginia, 1940-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Mathies, J.L.D., fl 1816-48 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mathieson, Paul, 1949-, (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000; New Brunswick Painters)
Mathieu, André, 1952-, (MAC; Sculpture Walks)
Mathieu, Élisabeth, 1958-, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque
------ nationale du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec)

Publication sur François Mathieu:
Mathieu, François, Un monde de choses, Québec : J'ai vu, 2011,
[48] p. : ill. ; 22 cm, (Collection; Collection Livres d'artistes; 16), ISBN: 9782922763348; 292276334X

Mathieu, François, 1961-,  (L'estampe à Québec; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012);
------site sur l'artiste;

                          Publications sur François Mathieu, voir : e-artexte.ca/view/artists/Mathieu,_Fran=E7ois.html,
                          consulté le 12 juillet 2019.


Mathieu, Georges, 1921-, (MAC)
Mathieu, Grant, 1953-2007, born in Quebec City and died in Montreal, painter (Sculpture)
Mathieu, Hélène, 1954-, (Roussan 2005; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Mathieu, Jacques, 1933-, sculpteur, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Mathieu, Lisette, b. St-Léon-de Standon, P.Q., (Vallée 93)
Mathieu, Marie-Christiane, 1953-, (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle;
------Femmes sculpteures au Québec à la page 161)


Mathieu, Nicole, dite "Niko", 1958-, née à Montréal; site de l'artiste

Nicole Mathieu, dite "Niko", Love my, photolitho-
graphie sur papier, 2/15, 20 x 13" -- 50,8 x 33 cm,
vendu à Enchères Champagne Auctions, Vente découverte--
Discovery Sale (2/2), enchères en direct, le 13 avril 2022, lot 386, source de
l'image: live.enchereschampagne.com/lots/view/4-5LK4MI/mathieu-nicole-niko-love-my, site consulté le 19 avril 2022.


Book on the artists: Leopold L. Foulem, Paul Mathieu, and Ri-
chard Milette:

Musée du Québec, Foulem/Mathieu/Milette : l'espace de la céramique, [Québec] : Musée du Québec, c1997,
43 p. ; 22 cm. NOTES: "Salle 1"--Couv. "Art actuel"--P. [4] de la couv.  ISBN: 2551173043.

Mathieu, Paul, 1954-, (L'art du Québec; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Montréal, Michel Tétreault art contemporain; Claridge Inc. catalogue; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture
------québécoise au XXe siècle; Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2007)


Mathieu, Philippe, fl 1880s, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mathieu, Pierre, 1933-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mathieu-Dufresne, Jacinthe, 1950-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Mathieu-Lajoie, Jean-Marc, 1950-, (MACM--exposition : L'Envers des apparences 2005)
Mathon, Louise-Hélène (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du
------Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec)
Mathur, Florence, 1934-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mathusie, Peter, 1936-, Eskimo (Art Gallery of Ontario; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Matilpi, Oscar Johnson, 1933-1999, Inuit wood carver; see mymondotrading.com/gallery/category/matilpi-oscar-1-178 on the artiste;
------Google images
Matlabi, Aydin (Vie des arts, numéro 230, vol. 47, printemps 2013, p. 80); artist's site
Matlick, John P. ( Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)
Matlock, Judie E., (Alberta Society of Artists)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Book on Glenna Matoush:
Rice Ryan (essays) and John Grande, Glenna Matoush: Requicken, Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 2006,
40 pages, 18 col. ill.  9 x 7.5",  softcover, ISBN: 0770902102.
Image source of the book: riverwashbooks.com/?page=shop/flypage&product_id=28008, accessed 30 January 2017

Matoush, Glenna, (Aboriginal Art; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec)
Matrosovs, Ursula, 1941-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Contemporary Tapestry; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1148; Ontario Collection; Art in Ontario)

Ursula Matrosovs, "Trails, 1978, wool tapestry, 30 x 42 inches"

[Image and description of Ursula Matrosovs' tapestry work of art are reproduced from the following book:
Parkin, Jeanne, William J.S. Boyle, Visual Arts Ontario, Art in Architecture: Art for the built environment in the Province
of Ontario
, [Toronto] : Visual Arts Ontario, 1982, xii, 276 p., at p. 221: ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 276, ISBN: 0920708048]
Matson, Graham, 1934-,(Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Book on Naoka Matsubara:
Matsubara, Naoko, 1937-, Selections, Arlene Gehmacher, 1957- writer of added commentary, Ineke Zigrossi, writer of introduction,
Abbozzo Gallery issuing body, host institution, Dancing with wood : 50 years of woodcuts by Naoko Matsubara, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada : Abbozzo Gallery, [2015], 35 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour); 25 cm; NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the
Abbozzo Gallery from October 1 to October 31, 2015. Includes bibliographical references (page 28), ISBN:  9780992097516 (paperback).

Photo of Naoko Matsubara, image source:
fecklesscollection.ca/naoko-matsubara, accessed 31 December 2019.

Matsubara, Naoko, 1937-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists; Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997)

Naoko Matsubara, print maker, Shoujou, woodcut, 68.5 x
50.8 cm, edition of 50 and block in collection of The
Detroit Institute of Art; text and image reproduced from
the following book:
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Ernest Annau, Académie royale des arts du Canada,   Royal Canadian Academy of Arts: Book of Days = Académie
royale des arts du Canada Calendrier perpétuel
,   [S.l.] : Firefly Books, 1997, 1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 21 cm. NOTES: Forward by Ernest Annau
English and French.  ISBN: 1552091171.


Matsuzaki, Eva, 1944-, architect (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Matta, Dion, 1969-, (Roussan 2009)
Mattar, John Solomon, 1935-2006 (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1148-1149)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Matte, Anne-Marie, voir Matte-Desrosiers, Anne-Marie
Matte, Colette (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Matte, Denis (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)

Denys Matte devant sa toile, Archipels pour
Tennessee Williams
Esquire, Galerie Zanetti, 1962.
samedi, 10 février 1962, à la p. 2, photographe

Matte, Denys, 1930-2019, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1149-1151; Magazin'art, v. 11(4), 1999, pp. 36-38;  Robert 83; MAC;
------Québec 1940-1966; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Robert 64; Viau; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale
------du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90);
------Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec

Denys Matte, Jeune fille, eau-forte sur papier, 3/12,
8 x 6 " -- 20,3 x 15,2 cm, en vente à Enchères Champagne
Auctions, Vente découverte--Discovery Sale (2/2), enchères
en direct, le 13 avril 2022, lot 423, prix indiqué au site pour
la vente: "Non vendu",  source de l'image:
live.enchereschampagne.com/lots/view/4-5LK4ON/matte-denys-jeune-fille, site consulté le 19 avril 2022.


Matte, Francis/François, 1809-1839, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Morisset)

Francis Matte, Francis Matte, 1838 (Detroit Institute of Arts)

[La description du titre de la toile et la reproduction de celle-ci proviennent du livre suivant: Gérard Morisset, La peinture
traditionnelle au Canada français
, Ottawa: Le Cercle du livre de France, 1960.]


Livre avec des illustrations de Gilles Matte:
Matte, Gilles, 1940-, Gilles Pellerin, 1954-, Carnets du Saint-Laurent / texte et illustrations de Gilles Matte avec la collaboration de Gilles Pellerin
pour le texte ; préface de Jean Allard, [Québec] : Heures bleues, 1999, [114] p. : ill. en coul. ; 21 x 28 cm.  ISBN: 2922265099.
Image source du livre: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=20704323582&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3Dquebec%2Bart#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 29 December 2016

Matte, Gilles, 1940-,


Matte, Jean-René, 1929-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Matte, Louis (L'art populaire au berceau de la Nouvelle-France)
Matte-Couturier, Juliette, 1930-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)

Anne-Marie Matte: "Première exposition de l'Ile Sainte-Hélène.  Mlle
Anne-Marie Matte, de Saint-Basile-de-Portneuf, faisant une démonstra-
tion de ses peintures à l'aiguille sur toile du pays", photo: C.P.R.; texte
et photo sont reproduits du livre suivant:

Gauvreau, Jean-Marie, Artisans du Québec: 80 ill. en hors-texte, [Trois-Rivières] :
Éditions du Bien public, 1940,  224 p., à la p. 28 : ill., portr.; 24 cm.

Matte-Desrosiers, Anne Marie, 1907-1977,  peintre à l'aiguille (broderie);  (Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1151-1152)

Anne Marie Matte-Desrosiers, peinture à l'aiguille sur tissu, source:
http://www.ebay.com, 16 décembre 2014.

Matteau (Matto), Philippe, 1920/1-1988 (Giles; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Matteo, Antonio (Folk Art Outdoors)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Mattera, Marie-Reine (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Mattheau, Claude, 1946-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 90; LeBourthis; Bruens 88; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
------L'aquarelle au Québec --2; L'aquarelle au Québec -- 3);  site de l'artiste
Matthew, Edwin, 1924-2014, (Art Impressions Magazine 1995 Annual Directory of Artists' Profiles at p. 16)
Matthews, John Edmund, 1942-2019, sculptor (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); see obituary
Mathhews, John, 1943-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1152; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Matthews, Judy, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)

De gauche à droite sur la photo: John W.H. Watts, William Brymner, James A. Smith (debout arrière), E. Wyly Grier, et Marmaduke Matthews
(Fonds Académie royale des arts du Canada, Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Ottawa, 1978-0-60).

Matthews, Marmaduke, 1837-1913 (McKendry; Robert 78; Reid; Hubbard; Harper; Glenbow-Alberta Institue;
------Art Gallery of Ontario; Paysagistes; Fine Arts in Canada; Creative Canada, 1971; Toronto in Art;
-----Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1153-1154; Ontario Collection); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmaduke_Matthews

Matthews, Marmaduke M., 1837-1913,  Barbara and Alice, Queen's Park, 1886, oil on canvas, 63.5 x 76.2 cm., Art Galery of Ontario (AGO), Toronto, Gift
of Trinity College, University of Toronto, 1967,  Photography Credit -- AGO.
Matthews, Michael (Corporate collections)


Peter Allan Matthews, obituary photo,
reproduced from vancouversunandprovince.
(accessed 24 December 2024).

Matthews, Peter Allan, 1931-2020, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1154)


Matthews, Ruth (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Matthieu, François (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Mattice, Marion Eve, 1878-1956, painter; Google images
Matto (Dr. Philippe Matteau), 1920-1988, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1154-1155)
Mattock, Donald, fl 1967-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1155)
Matton, Jean-Claude, 1957-, (Roussan 2001)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Mauffette, Guy 1951-2005, (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations); Fonds Famille Guy Mauffette à
------ recherche-collection-search.bac-lac.gc.ca/fra/accueil/notice.... (site consulté 22 janvier 2025)
Maufils de Saint-Louis, Marie-Madeleine, 1670-1702, (McKendry; Harper; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Morisset; L'art populaire au berceau de la Nouvelle-France)
Mauger, Mary (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Maunder, John, fl 1962-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1155)
Maunsell, Claire, craftperson in glass (Cutting Edge in Crafts)


Source de l'image, l'article "De retour de Califournie,
Yvon Robert se déclare pret à affronter n'importe
quel lutteur au monde", Le petit journal, 18 mars 1951, à
la p. 82 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4249812 (site consulté le 16 janvier 2023). 

Maupas, Émile, 1874-1948, sculpt., (McKendry; Laliberté; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada);
------site sur l'artiste;


Maupetit, Marie-Luce, (L'aquarelle au Québec --2; Avmor Collection)
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier, 1839-1887, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Maurer, Claude (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Maurer, Kurt, 1965-; antiquesinterchange.com/abn/antiques_painting_1528.html (site consulté 10 août 2024)
Maurice, Sylvie, artisane, création de mode (Répertoire 1983 des membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)


Photo de Maurice Maurin, reproduite de collections.mnbaq.
(site consulté 19 septembre 2024).

Maurin, Maurice, 1929-2008, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada);
------see also/voir aussi Morin, Maurice


Maurius, A.J. (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)

Jean-André Maurius, photo: Antoine
Desilets, source:
http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3127489, consulté le 13 août 2018

MAURIUS, Jean-André, artiste-peintre 


Mauro, Mario, 1920-1984 and not 1985! (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Lemieux 74; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index 1989-90)

Mario Mauro, St. Adolphe, Québec, oil on board, 12 x 16 " /
30.5 x 40.5 cm; image reproduced from:
http://walkersauctions.auctionflex.com, accessed 1 December 2014.

Maurus, Gabriele (ARTBOMB-- 26 September 2013 and 17 October 2013; 6 March and 20 and 24 May 2019)
Mauser-Bain, Lynn, 1944-, (Alberta artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Alberta Society of Artists)
Mauxion, Caroline (Encan-bénéfice au profit des Éditions esse--2016)
Mavreas, Billy (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Maw, Katharine Beatrice (Betty), 1910-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Maw, Samuel Herbert, 1881-1952 (Art Gallery of Ontario; L'estampe; Dalhousie Art Gallery;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1155-1156;
------Artists' Halifax Portraits through 250 years)

Samuel Herbert Maw, Saint-Fidèle, 1935?, eau-forte,
25,6 x 19,1 cm (papier) et 14,9 x 14,9 cm (image);
Collection du musée mational des beaux-arts du Québec,
source de l'image à collections.mnbaq.org/fr/oeuvre/600015075, site consulté le 14 décembre 2019.


Maw, William Elisha (Photos 1895-1924)


John Max, source de la photo: en-noir-et-blanc.com/pn-70-photographe
(site consulté le 4 juin 2023).

Max, John (Jon) (John Porchawka), 1936-2011, born and died in Montreal, QC  (Newlands; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; The 60s in Canada; Photography
------Canada 1967; Visages qui sont un pays par des photographes, production de l'ONF; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board;
------ Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970); site on the artist---fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Max

John Max, Mistassini, Québec, 1961; photo
reproduced from the following book:

Monk, Lorraine, editor, Photographie Canada, 1967 = Photography Canada, 1967, [0ttawa] : National Film Board of Canada /
Office national du film du Canada, c1968, ca. 150 p., at p. 146 : principalement ill.; 22 x 23 cm (series; Image 2); NOTES: "D'après une
exposition réalisée par l'Office national du film du Canada."  Anglais et français.
Maxcy, L., act. late 18th cent., (Folk Artists)
Maxfield, James E., 1848-, fl 1904 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)
Maxwell, 1930-, (Vallée 93)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Maxwell, Edward, 1868-1923, (Hubbard; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Photo de William S. Maxwell, 1898,  Studio Notman,  Archives
photographiques Notman (II-129777), Musée McCord d'histoire

Maxwell, William S. (Sutherland), 1874-1952, (Hubbard; Fine Arts in Canada;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


May, Derek, 1932-1992, painter, film director; wikipedia;
May, Doris, née à Montréal, (Femmeuses 2001)

May, E.S. (Ernest), (Canadian Photography 1839-1920)

E.S. May, Setukkomuccon, scarcee Indian, 1887,  image and text reproduced
from the following book: Greenhill, Ralph, 1924-, Andrew Birrell, Canadian
photography, 1839-1920
, Toronto : Coach House Press, c1979, 171, [8] p., at plate
number 84: ill., ports.; 23 x 27 cm.  NOTES: Includes index.  Revised
and expanded ed. of the author's Early photography in Canada,
published Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1965. Bibliography: p. [179],
ISBN: 0889101345 (put on line 7 May 2022).


May, Elsa Marjorie, 1890-1968 of Westmount, Québec, painter.

  Research on Elsa May is under construction (12 July 2022)

Part I --Some research on  Elsa May initiated by Mr. Guy St-Denis 

Elsa May, Portrait of Hon. Margaret (Peg) Helena Graham Shaughnessy,
image provided by Guy St-Denis (Private collection of Guy St-Denis); the

image is also available at evelynwalters.com/beaver-hall-news.html

The person on the portrait painted by Elsa May is the Hon. Margaret Helena Graham
Shaughnessy, born in 1912,  the daughter of William James Shaughnessy, 2nd Baron
Shaughnessy, K.C., 1883-1938 and Marion Graham.  She died, unmarried, on 24 September 1966.

The Gazette, Montreal, 27
September 1966, p. 39, C3
(Research by Mr. St-Denis, 6 July 2022).

The portrait is an oil on canvas, 24 x 18 " -- 56 x 48 cm, " faint stamps indicating the source of the
canvas as having been the Art Emporium, 23 [street name illegible], Montreal
".  Mr. St-Denis on 6 July
2022 informed us that:
To the best of my knowledge, the sitter (Hon. Margaret Helena
Graham Shaughnessy, 1912-1966) lived her entire life in Montreal
and Pointe Claire.  I presume that upon her death, the portrait passed
to her sister, Hazel Marion Ballantyne (whose husband was James R.
Ballantyne), as Hazel was listed as one of Margaret's survivors and the
portrait was subsequently owned by her daughter, Marion.  I don't know
when the painting came to southwestern Ontario.  I purchased it here
(London, Ontario) from Marion's husband in 2017, by which time she
had been deceased for many years.  Marion's husband identified the
sitter and provided me with the portrait's provenance."

I first came to know Mr. Guy St-Denis, mondalphonse@yahoo.ca, when he was doing research on Elsa May.
n 29 May 2021, he sent me the following email:

Hi François,

I've perused your interesting website of Canadian artists for Elsa May, who
was an artist of Westmount, Montreal, but I don't see her listed.  Below is one
of Elsa's paintings from circa 1920.  She was a member of the Montreal Art
Association and studied under William Brymner.  Yet, I'm aware of only one
other painting by May; it's owned by a fellow in Nova Scotia [Mr. Brian Doucette,
see infra, Part II].  He and I are trying to learn more about May in hopes of raising
a greater awareness of her work.  I wonder if you would be willing to add her
to your extensive listing of Canadian artists.  I'd be happy to let you reproduce
my painting, and perhaps you could provide my email address as I live in hope
that friends or relatives of Elsa will be willing to provide additional information
about her.  If you're agreeable, I'll provide what information I have about Elsa May
and the portrait  attached.

Thanks so much.  Stay well.


Guy St-Denis
London, Ontario
[his email: mondalphonse@yahoo.ca]

Mr. St-Denis' painting is an oil on canvas.  Hereunder is Ms. May's signature on the lower
left of the painting:

Source: St-Denis' email, 10 June 2021.

Part II --Research on  Elsa May by Mr. Brian Doucette 

Mr. Brian Doucette, rhine3612@gmail.com,  is another owner of a painting by Elsa May.   He also
knows Guy St-Denis and they have worked together in this art-history research project.

On the 9 March 2021, the weekly newspaper Westmount Independent,  published
the following letter to the editor written by Mr, Doucette. 

[reproduced from westmountindependent.com/WIv15.3b.pdf:]

Elsa May, The Outcast, 1922 or before, oil, 27 x 40" (Private collection of Brian Doucette).  Note
the chains at her waist.

Here are some facts as to how Mr. Doucette came into possession of his painting:
The painting appeared on my Facebook group "art found in Canada". Somewhere
around January 2019 I purchased it, I couldn't retrieve the painting till our Covid bubble
opened and were allowed to travel from Nova Scotia to New Brunswick. It took fifteen
hours to drive up and back. The seller was near Gagetown New Brunswick, they were
asking 750 and they negotiated down to 500 dollars. Having spent thousands of hours
researching Eleanor Roosevelt, I felt the semi nude was a rare political painting, expressing
subjugation of women. The original label is still on the painting, I can see 500 dollars,
there's more writing but it's not legible. I know the 500 dollars is correct according to the
AAM records in Montreal we've located. Best regards Brian
[Source: email from Brian Doucette to François Lareau dated 6 July 2022]

Mr.  Doucette also added these comments about his painting:
I began researching the painting even before I drove to retrieve the work, we were locked
down with Covid restrictions, it was several weeks before we were allowed entry into New
Brunswick. By the time I did finally get the work, I was pretty confident what the painting
was expressing, subjugation. I wasn't knowledgeable on the Beaver Hall group women, Evelyn
Walters gave me the first clue about the work, calling it " risqué ".  The more I searched and
learnt, the more I understood the rarity of "the outcast" . Several gallery owners agreed Elsa
May was a competent painter, but the nudity aspect wasn't known till I got further into the
research, the Heward and Torrance nudes in the mid 1930's really got me thinking, seeing
the Group of Seven "no nudes please" just added to my curiousity, the Lyman article on the
1917 AAM show, calling nudes " freaks" this only adds to the research questions....why if
we can't find redicule, was Elsa not in trouble?  Did her standing in the community protect
her somehow? We know she was in the circles of the affluent Westmounters... It's a pity
there's not anything from Devon Smithers, then again she wouldn't have known about Elsa
till recently, there's really not much out there pertaining to women's rights and using nudity
to express it, it's an enigma to be exact....I tried the United States and the United Kingdom
art and women's rights historians, the outcast defies the beliefs that women rights activists
were against anything suggesting sexuality for" the male gaze ".  It's a one off Francois, I
can't find anything by a woman artist, even WH Clapp the captive, at first I was thinking
maybe subjugation, but then I learnt he had done many nudes, for the male gaze,  so I am
thinking the captive is dark erotica....I am definitely open for discussion, but where's the
art expert that can elaborate on something this early and as far as I am seeing is the only
one of its kind? I hope you can understand my frustration, several PhDs  couldn't or
wouldn't answer , Elsa is this unique....the few that did , well "rare"  was their first words....
we are treading into an area that's not been seen, subjugation using nudity by a woman
artist. It didn't exist, till now....I have tried sharing the image and story, if that art expert is
out there, I havnt found them yet...the more I research the more I feel I know just as much
as they do, it's like the Roosevelt research, four thousand hours and I know more then most
...sorry for rambling but the Canadian art scene is very peer pressure orientated and asleep....
like I always say, a curator or educator is as good as the teacher that taught them....here's a
great artist that had so much courage, defying the rules so early, her biography is out there,
what a story to be told....I don't understand....why hasn't there been more curiousity....best
regards and again a big warm thank you for all your work, Brian.
[Source: email from Brian Doucette to François Lareau dated 7 July 2022]

William H. Clapp, The Captive, 1909, referred by Mr. Doucette in his
comments immediately above.  Mr. Doucette informs us that Clapp and
Elsa May did share the class of 1914 at the Art Association of Montreal. 

Elsa May's painting was part of the 39th Spring exhibition of the Art Association of Montreal held
 in March 1922 at the Art Gallery on Sherbrooke Street, Montreal .

The artist's signature (image supplied by Brian Doucette)

The label (image supplied by Brian Doucette)

In  "Exhibits Drawn from Wide Area.  Growing Importance of Spring Art Exhibition More Generally Recognized", 
Gazette (Montreal)
March 21, 1922.  p.5, the commentator mentions Mr. Doucette's painting "The Outcast"

Source: cwahi.concordia.ca/inputReviews/reviewsPDFs/A1922Mar21MG_5.pdf

In the article "A Final Glance Around The Art Exhibition Here", Montreal Daily Star, 12 April 1922,
the author writes about Elsa May''s painting "The Outcast" at the 1922 Spring Exhibition: 

Source: cwahi.concordia.ca/inputReviews/reviewsPDFs/A1922Apr12MS_6.pdf

At cwahi.concordia.ca/sources/..., readers can find 7 newspapers  articles about the paintings of the
39th Spring exhibition of the
Art Association of Montreal. 
I did not find anything on Elsa's painting in another article, "Une visite à l'exposition de peinture",
La presse, 22 March 1922 at p. 5.

Is Elsa May an advanced feminist fighting for women's rights...liberating them from their societal chains?
Mr. Doucette in his research has raised also the issue whether Miss Elsa May could have been part of a Quebec suffragette movement.

On 10 June 2021 Brian Doucette told me in an email his impressions on the "Outcast" and  also send me two images accompagning
his thoughts:
Hello Francois, I know 1922 modernist nudes would be very rare, but even
rarer is a suffragette inspired work, looking at Elsa Mays biography I don't
think it was a nude, it was a political statement. She never exhibited again,
was there severe redicule?  The audacity to show a woman clad with a large
chain, this isn't beautiful erotica...that's what drew me to the painting...fifty
dealers, over a thousand members seen it, worthless sexslave my fellow
members called it, after Eleanor Roosevelt and her friend Nancy Cook,
I knew it was a suffragette work...they don't exist Francois...


There is also a second letter to the weekly newspaper Westmount Independent, written by Mr, Doucette,
dated 31 August 2021 at p. 26 and available at westmountindependent.com/WIv15.8d.pdf (accessed 23 May 2022). 

There is also a third letter to the weekly newspaper Westmount Independent, written by Mr, Doucette,
dated 14 June 2022 at p. 14 and available at westmountindependent.com/WIv16.6c.pdf (accessed 30 June 2022).

On 20 May 2022, Brian Doucette sent me an email with the the-portrait painting
by Elsa May reproduced immediately hereunder with Miss May's signature:

Elsa May, Self-portrait, 1916 from the Art Association of

Researchers interrested in early Canadian women painters or Canadian feminist movement are invited to comment
and contribute on the reearch being done on Elsa May -- in French or English!

-  Both Mr. Doucette and Mr. St-Denis state that William Brymner, 1855-1925, taught Elsa May at the Art Association of Montreal. 
Professor Brymmer also painted some nudes.  In Le nu dans l'art au Québec, we find a 1915 oil painting
of a nude by Brymner:

In Jacques de Roussan, 1929-1995, Le nu dans l'art au Québec, La Prairie (Québec):
Éditions Marcel Broquet Inc., 1982, 223 pages at p. 39 (series; Collection rétrospectives de l'art; 3),
ISBN: 2-89000-066-4.

Other Canadian books completely devoted to nudity are:

- The Nude in Canadian Painting, by Jerrold A. Morris, 1911-1984, Toronto, New Press, 1972,
89 pages;

-Michèle Grandbois, 1954-, Esther Trépanier 1951-, Anna Hudson, 1963-, Musée national des
beaux-arts du Québec, Glenbow Museum, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Le nu dans l'art moderne canadien, 1920-1950,
[Québec] : Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec; Paris : Somogy, ©2009, 191 pages : illustrations en
couleur ; 28 cm, , Notes: Also published in English as
The nude in modern Canadian art, 1920-1950, ISBN:
9782757203293, 2757203290;

Judith Hynes, The nude in Canadian painting B.F.A. thesis
University of Manitoba 1965, [ii], 28 [i.e. 29] leaves, 14 pages.

William Brymner finished his teaching at the Art Association of Montreal in 1921 -- Keep in mind that the Elsa's painting
is exhibited in March 1922.  Randolph Stanley Hewton, 1888-1960, replaced William Brymner as the new director of the Art Association
of Montreal from 1921 to 1924.  Randolph S. Hewton also painted some nudes.

Hereafter is William Brymner in a photo with his students in 1918.  Can anyone assist with the identity
of the persons present?

Source of the photo: Jocelyn Anderson, William Brymner:
Life and
Work, READ NOW--DOWNLOAD, available at
aci-iac.ca/art-books/william-brymner/ (accessed 7 July 2022)

William Brymner finished teaching at the Art Association of Montreal in 1921
Brymner received a celebratory scroll sith the names of his students which
included Elsa May.

detail with May's name,
2nd column bottom part
"In 1921, when Brymner finally retired, the AAM
held a special afternoon tea in his honour.  His students
presented him with a celebratory scroll inscribed "with
affection and appreciation from those whom he has taught
and inspired."
[Source: Jocelyn Anderson, William Brymner:
Life and
Work, READ NOW--DOWNLOAD, available at
aci-iac.ca/art-books/william-brymner/ (accessed 7 July 2022)]

Part III -- Some articles or facts about Elsa May's life etc.

- Elsa May, was born on 11 April 1890 in Montreal (baptized Parish St John the Evangilist) and
died in Montreal in 1968 (see more infra).  She was the daughter of Frank W. (Wolff) May, 1856,7or 9- 1934
and Elizabeth Mary Vankoughnet, 1861-1953; they were married on 30 July  1884 in Oakville, Halton, Ontario.
Mr. Frank Wolff May was a "successful businessman, he is vice president and manager of a wholesale dry goods business", the
Thomas May & Co Ltd.  Frank Wolff May died on 22 November 1934 and is buried at Cimetière
Mont-Royal in Montreal, see findagrave.com/memorial/108932203/frank-wolff-may.  Frank W. May at the time of his death
was residing at 2 Avenue Viewmount, see La Patrie, Montreal, 29 November 1934 at p. 18,
(see collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4324435);  Viewmount avenue became Hill Park Crescent
where Elsie was residing at the time of her death.  Elizabeth Mary Vankoughnet
died on 1 January 1953 at age 91 and she was also buried at Cimetière Mont-Royal in Montreal, see
findagrave.com/memorial/108216395/mary-elizabeth-may.  Elsa never married.  Elsa had two sisters: Lilian Gretchen May,
1886-1935 and Beatrix Gladys May, 1886-1948. 

Frank Wolff May, Elsa's father

(source Mr. Doucette's research, see email, 10 June 2021 and the "May Family" at
manfamily.org/about/other-families/loeck-family/may-family/ (accessed 12 June 2021)
and  ancestors.familysearch.org/en/KH2B-ZYC/mary-elizabeth-vankoughnet-1861-1953 (accessed 22 June 2022)).

- Was Elsa Marjorie May related to another very well known woman painter by the name of
May, Henrietta Mabel, 1877-1971, see this index infra, part of the Beaver Hall
(Hill) Group, in Montreal?
- The following thesis on Henrietta Mabel May is useful for a possible family relationship
between Elsa Majorie May and Henrietta Mabel May:

ANTAKI, Karen, 1956-,  Henrietta Mabel May: The Montreal Years, 1877-1969, M.A. thesis, Condordia
University, 1992, available at https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/id/eprint/6035/1/MM73690.pdf
- Henrietta Mabel May's father was Edward May, 1840-1916, 7th mayor if the city of
Verdun, QC;

-  Mabel's  mother was Evelyn Henrietta Walker, 1847-1930; Mabel's mother was the
daughter of the marriage of Francis Gerrard Walker, 1808-1881 and of Ann Mary,
1810-1887 who married in 1834;

- Mabel's father emigrated to Canada in 1858 from Cornwall County, England; he
camer Ann May;

- Mabel's father and mother married in Westmount, St Stephen's Church on
27 December 1866; they had 10 children; they lived in Pointe St-Charles from
1866  to circa 1880;  Mabel, was born in 11 September 1877, in Pointe Saint-Charles,
QC ; she was the 5th child out of the ten her father and mother had.

On 28 June 2022, Mr. David Man, the creator of the site  manfamily.org/about/other-families/loeck-family/may-family/
which covers the family of Elsa Marjorie May, gave us the following conclusion in an email on the issue of a possible family relationship
between Elsa and Mabel:
I am pretty sure I know who all members of Elsa’s May family are
from the 19th century on and Edward the father of Mabel does not
make an appearance anywhere. I believe there were several unrelated
May families living in Montreal in the late 19th century. I think it
would be safe to say that Mabel and Elsa are not related and leave
it to others to prove otherwise.

Mr. Guy St-Denis in an email dated 27 June 2022 stated that he "investigated the possibility
of a genealogical link between Mabel May and Elsa May, but couldn't find a connection.
 I followed them back through census records."

I François Lareau also tried to find a "genealogical link" in June 2022 between the two and
my research was also negative.

- Elsa May studied at King's Hall, Compton, Township of Compton, Eastern Townships, QC,
 see reference to Elsa May in J.M. Horner, ed., King's Hall Magazine, 1929, at p. 34 and available
at qspace.library.queensu.ca/bitstream/handle/1974/8932/kingshallmagazin00king.pdf;jsessionid=3EFF1D1364B9A476A03C794
(accessed 8 June 2021). Primary and secondary education were given at this

Source of photo: townshipsarchives.ca/kings-hall-in-compton, accessed on
13 June 2022.

- Elsa May was a member of the Women's Canadian Club of Montreal (WCCM) in 1913-14 and in 1914-15
and living at 278 Stanley Street Montreal (research with the WCCM lists on file with Mr. Doucette)

- On 28 May 1915, Elsa May participated in the "bazar de la Croix-rouge" in Montreal, see the article "Le bazar de
la .'Croix-Rouge'.  C'est demain après-midi, à hrs, que leurs excellences le lieutenant-gouverneur et Madame LeBlanc
en feront l'ouverture à l'hôtel Windsor", La Patrie, 27 May 1915 at p. 2 and available at  (accessed 12 June 2022).   The name
of Elsa May is mentioned that being one of the orgaizer of this "bazar"(in English "bazaar").

[Excerpt only]

- During WW I, Miss Elsa Marjorie May was a nurse with the "British Committee French Red Cross Regiment or Corps" and
she served in theatres of war from December 1915-November 1918 (source: Mr. Doucette's research, see email, 10 June 2021).  I
made an Access to Information request to the Quebec Order of Nurses in June 2022 and they answered that they had nothing on Elsa.  For evidence
that Miss May served in France during WW I, see: Laurence Binyon, 1869-1943, For Dauntless France: An Account of Britain's Aid to the French Wounded
and Victims of War Compiled for the British Red Cross Societies and the British Committee of the French Red Cross,  London/New York/Toronto:
Hodder and Stoughton, [1918], xv, 372 pages portraits, at pages 356 and 337, available at archive.org/details/fordauntlessfran00biny/page/355/mode/1up?view=theater (accessed 26 June 2022).

- Is the drawing hereunder that of Elsa Marjorie May or Henrietta Mabel May?

Drawing by  Nina May Owens.
1869-1959 of "Miss May", drawing
dated 1911, Collection of Margaret Nina
Owens, 1938-2020.

This drawing is reproduced from the following book:
Jacques Des Rochers, 1960-,  and Brian Foss, editors, 1920s Modernism in Montreal: The Beaver Hall Group,
Montreal, Quebec : Montreal Museum of Fine Arts ; London : Black Dog Publishing, [2015],
351 pages, at page 122 : color illustrations, portraits ; 29 cm, ISBN: 9782891923910, 289192391X,
9781908966933, 1908966939; also published in French under the title: Une modernité des années 1920 à
Montréal: le groupe de Beaver Hall.

In 1911, the date of the drawing, Elsa Marjorie May would have been about 21 years old; Henrietta Mabel
May 34 years old; Nina May Owens, the painter who did the portrait 42 years old.

There is an excellent article on Nina May Owens by  Lesley A. Tarasoff, "Nina May (Pickel) Owens, 1869-1959:
English Quebec's Early 'Independent'  Woman/Artist", Journal of Eastern Townships Studies, number 32-33,
Fall 2008, pages 89-112, available at etrc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/JETS_32-33_Spring-Fall_2008.pdf
(accessed 21 June 2022) and Ms. Tarasoff can be reached at
lesley.tarasoff@utoronto.ca.  In an email from
Lesley A. Tarasoff to Brian Doucette, dated 21 June 2022, Ms. Tarasoff wrote:
I was able to access Nina's diaries and painting through her granddaughter
Margaret, though I believe she has passed away now.

I might try to reach out to Dr. Jean Manore at Bishop's - she was one of the professors
who helped me with that piece and may know if or where Nina's art and diaries are archived somewhere:

Now I am curious if Nina and Elsa May crossed paths!

See also Monique NADEAU-SAUMIER, Nina M. Owens (1869-1959), Sherbrooke, Musee des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke, 1992.

- About the social life and other activities of Elsa Marjorie May:

source: The Quebec chronicle, 24 June 1907, p. 8 under the title:
"The Annual Prize: Distribution at KIng's Hall, Compton--List of the
Succesful Pupils", reproduced from collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3608299 (accessed 30 June 2022).

- "... Miss Florence Ekers, Miss Elsa May and Miss Mona Prentice. ... Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Telfer,
 Arlington avenue, Westmount, went out on Wednesday to spend a,", Montreal Gazette, 4 May 1912,
see  newspapers.com/newspage/419738436/, UNDER CONSTRUCTION (12 July 2022).

On 26 April 1913, Miss Elsa May attended
the wedding of Miss Nora Prentice, shown above,
with Arnold Wainright at Christ Church Cathedral,
see The Saturday Mirror, Montreal, 3 May 1913 at
pages 5, available at collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3655430,
accessed 1 July 2022.  Also present at the wedding was
a Mr. A.T. Shaughnessy.  Mr. St-Denis believes  that
A.T. Shaughnessy is Alfred Thomas Shaughnessy, the uncle
of the Hon. Margaret (Peg) Helena Graham Shaughnessy, whose
oil portrait appears supra and that he was killed in battle during
the First World War (see email dated 4 July 2022).

- On 26 May 1913 in the "Social and Personal" column of the
Montreal Daily Witness, at p. 6, we read:
At the Canadian Handicrafts Fair in the Arena this week,
the candy tables will be in charge of the Delta Phi Soronity
and the Knonami Club. ... Among those assisting on different
days are ...Miss Elsa May....
[source: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3629749, accessed 1 July 2022]

- On 30 October 1913 in the "Social Events" column of the The Globe and Mail,
page 5, we read:

[Source: proquest.com/docview/1351255675/fulltextPDF/4D8907E1BC2541AFPQ/29?accountid=46526,
accessed through the Ottawa Public Library, 17 July 2022]

Is this the right Elsa May?
source: "Chronique Theatrale -- Gayety", Le samedi, Montreal, 21 October 1916,
at p.37, reproduced from collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3767084 (accessed 30 June 2022).

source: The Quebec chronicle, 27 June 1921, p. 8 under column "Social
and Personal", reproduced from collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3612676 (accessed 30 June 2022).

Is this the right Elsa May?
source: The Axe, Montreal, 9 November 1923,
p. 3, reproduced from collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3588142 (accessed 30 June 2022).

- "-West-mount Boulevard, is leaving on Tuesday nest to be' the guest of Miss ... Miss Elsa May,
Viewmount avenue, is expected home about the end of the ... " The Gazette, Montreal, 19 January 2024,
see https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/420306771/ (under construction as of 12 July 2022);

Source: The Quebec chronicle, 17 March 1924, p. 9 under column "Social
and Personal", reproduced from collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3613520 (accessed 30 June 2022).

Is this the right Elsa May?
Source: The labor world = Le monde ouvrier, Montreal, Saturday,
14 February 1925, at p. 4,
reproduced from collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/
(accessed 30 June 2022); note the "Gayety" is a playhouse.

- On 11 January 1926, Elsa May is a singer at the Gayety?


Is this the right Elsa May?
Source: La Patrie, 11 janvier 1926, à la p. 14 et
disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4321712 (site consulté le 1er juillet 2022).

- Elsa May is present at the monthly meeting of the SPCA on 9 July 1926.  Also
present was John Molson.

La Patrie, vendredi 9 juillet 1926, à la p. 2 et
reproduit de collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4321862 (site consulté le 1er juillet 2022).

-  Elsa May makes the "Social Events" column again, The Globe, Toronto, 24 March 1927,
The Globe and Mail, page 14, available at  proquest.com/docview/1354639581/fulltextPDF/4D8907E1BC2541AFPQ/23?accountid=46526
(accessed on 17 July 2022 through Ottawa Public Library).


- Elsa May worked at the "shop" at the Manoir Richelieu, Murray Bay, P.Q. (P.Q. now abbreviated as QC) , circa 1927-29

Source:  J.M. Horner, ed., King's Hall Magazine, 1929, at p. 34 and available at qspace.library.
(accessed 8 June 2021).  Le Manoir Richelieu was completely destroyed
by fire on 12 September 1928; rapid reconstruction followed and it was re-opened on 15
June 1929 (see erudit.org/fr/revues/hq/2003-v9-n1-hq1059851/1040ac.pdf).

Manoir Richelieu in 1929 (source: https://www.ebay.com/itm/193141559278, accessed 12 June 2021)

Was Elsa May involved with the  Coverdale Collection of Candiana while employed by Canada
Steamship Lines at Manoir Richelieu?

-  On 24 April 1928, Elsa is mentioned as the decorator of the Canada Steamship
Lines ship "Quebec"

Le train spécial venu de Montréal est
arrivé en gare du palais vers 8 heures
hier soir. Parmi les passagers qui avaient
pris place dans ce convoi, au nombre de
plus de 200, on voyait M. W.-H. Coverdale,
président de la  Canada Steamship [...] Mlle
Elsa May qui a travaillé à la décoration du
nouveau bateau [...].
[Source: La Patrie, mardi, 24 avril 1928, à la
page 3 et disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/
, site consulté le 1er juillet 2022].

Postcard of the Steamer Quebec, Canada Steamship Lines
(image source: https://www.ebay.com/itm/..., accessed 3 July 2022)

-  in 1933, Elsa May was actively involved with the organization known as the "Oxford Group", see
"Many Sessions were by Oxford Group", Sherbrooke Daily Record, Tuesday, 10 October 1933, at p. 5 and
available at collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3004620  (accessed 12 June 2022).  On the Oxford Group see
wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_Group and note that it says that "the co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous
met in 1935, through the Oxford Group, and codified most of its tenets into AA,
the first Twelve-step program" (research of 12 June 2022).

-  On 6 May 1941, Elsa May as President of the "Red Cross Tea Room" presented a cheque of $1,750 to the Red Cross:

Miss May is the third person from the left (source: La Presse, Montréal, Wednesday,
7 May 1941 at p. 29 and available at collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2979138 (accessed
10 June 2021)).  This photo was brought to my attention by Mr.  Doucette.

Detail of the same event  but from another photo; to the left is Miss May
with Miss Martha Allan (the photographer is Conrad Poirier, the source of
this image is BAnQ P48S1P07061.jpg and is reproduced by Wikimedia Commons;
the research is by Mr. Doucette).

- Elsa May as president of the Allied Post (Courrier des Alliés) wrote a letter to the Editor of the Sherbrooke Daily
Record dated 16 January 1942, at p. 4 where she indicated that she probably lived at 2955
Viewpoint Avenue, Montreal.  Research indicates that Viewpoint Avenue later became 2955
Hill Park Circle:

(Image source: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3002805, accessed 2 July 2022)

- Elsa May, as President of the Allied Post, met Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone,
see "Visite de la Princesse", L'Action catholique: organe de l'Action sociale catholique,
Friday, 13 February 1942, at p. 22, available at collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3521967 (accessed 9 June 2021 and
part of the research of Mr. Doucette):


Photo of Princess Alice, left, with Miss Elsa May at the Allied Post, see article with the photo
at "Au Courrier des Alliés: La princesse Alice touchée de l'intérêt prodigué aux marins", La
Presse, Montréal, mercredi 11 février 1942 at p. 4, reproduced from collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2979828, accessed 2 July 2022.   

- Elsa May as President of the Allied Post, Montreal, Que,
wrote a Letter to the Editor, of the Sherbrooke Daily Record,
that was published on 6 June 1942:

At p. 4 of the newspaper which is available at collections.
(accessed 8 June 2021):

Research note: - Elsa as President of the Allied Post, Montreal, Que,
wrote another Letter to the Editor, of the Sherbrooke Daily Record,
that was published on 16 January 1942 at page 4 and available at
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3002805 (accessed 12
June 2022):

-   A short article in the series "La société" in  Le petit journal, on Sunday, 16 August 1942,
explains that a Garden Party in Montreal for the benefit of the Allied Post.was organized by
a Committee presided by Elsa May:  

At p. 12 of the newspaper available at collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/
(accessed 8 June 2021)

-  Elsa as President of the Allied Post, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 31 October 1944,
at p. 10:

Note: the office of the Allied Post was situated in Montreal, at 1396, rue Sainte-Catherine ouest, pièce (room) 209, selon
la Collection d'annuaires Lovell de Montreal et sa région, année 1945, page 638, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3653605,
site consulté le 28 juin 2022.

- Elsa May as President of the "salle à manger", Montreal, QC gave $4,132 to the Red Cross as reported by the
newspaper Montréal-Matin, 16 October 1945, p. 10, available at collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4481034  and
reproduced hereunder:

(put on line on 12 June 2022).

- Photo hereunder from the Montreal newspaper, La Patrie, Saturday, 17 September 1949, at p.34 and
 available at https://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/4330422; the caption of the newspaper says that
Elsa is the president of the "Tag-Day", organizing committee of the SPCA.   I also made an enlarged
facial photo of Elsa:

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse
allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed.

Elsa May, 1949 (detail of the immediately above photo).

- Elsa May died on Sunday, 13 October 1968 in Montreal, QC  at
the Montreal General Hospital.  At the end of her life, Elsa lived
at 2955  Hill Park Circle Street, Westmount, Montreal, QC, H3H 1S8
and was a beauty counselor.  
One of her obituary is published in the Montreal
newspaper, The Gazette, Montreal, see immediately hereunder:.

Obituary of "May, Elsa Marjorie", The Gazette, Montreal, Wednesday, 16 October
1968, p. 23. 

-  Was Elsa May the owner of the property at 2955 Hill Park Circle Street, Montreal H3H 1S8 where
she resided at the time of her death?  From memory, it seems to me that I got this information about her last residence in
an obituary in the Montreal Gazette or Montreal Star.

If she was the owner of that immovable (real property) at 2955, it was part of her
estate.  The property was transferred to a new owner after Elsa's death who most likely had a
right to it (e.g. by a last will and testament or, if she did not have a testament, by the provisions
of Civil Code of 1968 : intestate succession).  The legal transfer of real property, in about all cases,
is done in Quebec with the help of a notary (part of the professional order of the "Chambre des notaires").
If Elsa had a testament, the transfer of her property  would have been done by her executor who would
have hired a notary.  Today the wording for executor in Quebec is liquidator. 

Under Quebec civil law, the real property at 2955 Hill Park Circle has a cadastre (public register)
and a lot number.  How do we find the cadastre and lot number for the 2955?

A-  The old way, I used in the early 1970s when I was articling in law:

You phone city Hall (Westmount or Montreal to verify...) and ask them.
The city has the cadastre and the lot number because of the municipal taxes. I don't
know if they would also give us also the name of the present owner?

Once we have  the cadastre and lot number, one has to verify the history of the titles for the 2955.
Somebody has to go to the registry office and if there is a testament make a photocopy.  The deed of
sale, mortgage documents may also indicate valuable information.  One could also inquire as to
how Elsa acquired the property herself (from her father's estate?).

I have found recently that registry offices don't exist anymore (July 2022).

B- The modern way in 2022 that I just discovered ...there may not be a need to go to the registry
office, just use the modern computers programs.

see in French, the following sites:
- foncier.mern.gouv.qc.ca/Portail/citoyens/....
- appli.mern.gouv.qc.ca/infolot/....

Note: the above French sites may not be available in English.

see in English, the following relevant sites:

- quebec.ca/en/homes-and-housing/land-information/land-register   
- quebec.ca/en/homes-and-housing/land-information

[I have been an executor under a testament in Quebec where real property was transferred by the testament.
This research on cadastre and lot is as of 26 June 2022 and is under construction.  My text is not a legal opinion;
I am not a member of the Barreau du Quebec].

I have found that the subdivision TROIS CENT QUATRE-VINGT-ONZE du lot originaire numéro TROIS (3-391) au Cadastre
Officiel du Village de Côte-des-Neiges, circonscription foncière de Montréal is description for the residence at 2765 rue Hill Park
Circle, not too far from Elsa's 2955 (see the case of Covexo Construction inc. c. Stasiak, 1999 CanLII 11212 (QC CS),
<https://canlii.ca/t/1kqqc>.  The building at 2755 was built in 1922.

- New inormation obtained: "Edward Van Koughnet was the executor of Elsa's estate" (email from David Gordon Man, dated 15 July

Who lived at 2955 after Elsa's death in 1968?

Lovell's Montreal Street Directory 1969-70, vol. 127, collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3653964

Research on the present owner of 2955-2957 rue Hill Park Circle:

J'ai reçu cette information ci-dessus par courriel le 6 juillet 2022 de:
Monsieur Emmanuel Addoquaye
Agent en urbanisme | Urban Planning Agent

ménagement urbain | Urban Planning

4333 rue Sherbrooke Ouest

Ville de Westmount
(514) 989-5347
MERCI Monsieur Emmanuel Addoquaye pour votre aide à nos recherches sur Elsa May!

Joyce Emma Johansson, MD
245 avenue Victoria, suite 110  fermé jusqu'au 6 mars
no email
Westmount QC  H3Z 2M5
Federal Corporation Information since 2007:
Corporation id: 4419987
Business Number 852473396
Corporation Name: Joyce Johansson SPRCP Inc.

Ville de Montréal
Compte de taxes municipales 2022
Numéro de compte: 262426-00
Numéro de référence:
site: servicesenligne2.ville.montreal.qc.ca/sel/evalweb/comptetaxe?annee=2022
514 280-3825
ou centrale de la Ville de Montréal : 311

-   Elsa May was buried at Cimetière Mont-Royal, in Montreal, see manfamily.org/about/other-families/loeck-family/may-family/
The cemetary is at 1297 Foret Rd, Outremont, Quebec H2V 2P9, tel. 514-279-7358.   I have received an email from
admin@genquebec.com, dated 23 June 2022, Ms Johanne Gervais has written to the cemetery to get the lot number
and the owner of the lot. On 28 June 2022, Ms. Gervais informed me that she had received the following information
from the Mount Royal Cemetery:
Buried in B591 of Mount Royal Cemetery

Daughter of the late Frank Wolff May

Born: April 11, 1890 in Montreal

Died: October 13, 1968

Aged: 78

Late residence: 2955 Hill Park Circle Montreal

Place of death: Montreal General Hospital

Thank you Ms. Gervais for your assistance.  Here are the particulars of Ms. Gervais:
Johanne Gervais, BSc, MBA
Quebec Family Search
1670 rue Gauthier
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, QC
J3V 3H7
(450) 653-7686
  see also Find a grave for Elsa May at findagrave.com/memorial/108932195/elsa-marjorie-may#source
and findagrave.com/memorial/108932195/elsa-marjorie-may (accessed 30 June 2022; research credit:
to Helen Meredith, email 29 June 2022 to Lorraine O'Donnell).

- Another useful research tool on Elsa May is the following book:


The biblio info for this book is:
- McMann, Evelyn de R. (Evelyn de Rostaing), 1913-1998 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, formerly Art Association of
Montreal: spring exhibitions 1880-1970
, Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1988, xx, 417 p., ISBN: 0802026508; there is also an electronic
copy of this book available.  There is a copy of this book at
Carleton University, Ottawa, MacOdrum Library, 1125 Colonel By Dr,
Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6,
Floor 3 Books N6545 .M35, tel.: 613-520-2600 ext. 2734.

Many thanks to Marilyne Pilon, library technician, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal for her great assistance on 10 June 2022
about Ms. McMann's book.


- Elsa is associated with the part of the Island of Montreal, QC
 known as Westmount:
[Westmount, Wikipedia explains] is an affluent suburd on the Island of Montreal.
....Traditionally, the community of Westmount has been a wealthy and
 predominantly anglophone enclave, having been at one point the richest
community in Canada....In the twentieth century, Westmount was home to
some of Montreal's wealthiest families including the Bronfmans and the
Molsons. This made the city a symbolic target of Front de libération du Québec
terrorist bombings in the 1960s, culminating in the 1970 October Crisis.


- Evelyn Walters, the author of two books on the Beaver Hall Group is also part of the group of
persons helping to find facts about Miss Elsa May, see her page at:evelynwalters.com/beaver-hall-news.html


May, Harriett Amelia (Photos 1895-1924)


Photo of Derek May, Montreal Star, Saturday, 27 January 1962,
photo reproduced from the site:mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/
, accessed 1 January 2020.

May, John Derek, 1932-1992, (Robert 64; Viau; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Photo of May, H. Mabel, 1931, the photographer is Melvin Ormond
Jammond (National Gallery of Canada Library, Ottawa, 60442).

May, Henrietta Mabel, 1877--1971, Beaver Hall (Hill) Group, (McKendry; Robert 78; Fine Arts in Canada;
------Hill; Tippett; Bernier 99; Art Gallery of Ontario; Hubbard; Duval; Canvas of War; Montréal vu par les peintres;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Art of the British Empire Overseas; Collection Lavalin du Musée
------d'art contemporain de Montréal; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Creative Canada, 1971; Artistes plasticiens
------par Comeau; Art at the Service of War; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1156-1158; Early Women Artists; Mode et apparence
------dans l'art québécois, 1880-1945; Women of Beaver Hall; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);
------ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mabel_May

Henrietta Mabel May, Yacht Racing, 1914, oil on board,
22.2 x 26.7 cm, Collection of the Leonard and Bina Ellen
Art Gallery, Concordia University Max and Iris Stern
Acquisition Fund, 995.08; photo and text reproduced from the
following book:

Walters, Evelyn, 1939-,  The women of Beaver Hall : Canadian modernist painters, Toronto: Dundurn Press, c2005, 191 p., at p. 63:
col. ill., ports.; 26 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references (p. [167]-170) and index. ISBN: 1550025880 (bound), ISBN: 9781550025880 (bound);

Thesis on Henrietta Mabel May:
ANTAKI, Karen, Henrietta Mabel May: The Montreal Years, 1877-1969, M.A. thesis, Condordia
University, 1992, available at https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/id/eprint/6035/1/MM73690.pdf
Mabel May's father was Edward May, 1840-1916, 7th mayor if the city of Verdun, QC.

There is useful information in Antaki's thesis about the family of Mabel May.  This
information can be used for research purposes if you are trying to find a family link between
Henrietta Mabel May, 1877- and the  Elsa Marjorie May,  1890-1968  (see "May, Elsa Marjorie", this index)

- Mabel's father was Edward May, 1840-1916.  Mabel's mother was Evelyn
Henrietta Walker, 1847-1930;

- Mabel's father emigrated to Canada in 1858 from Cornwall County, England.
Mabel's father came to Canada with his mother Ann May;

- Mabel's father and mother married in Westmount, St Stephen's Church on
27 December 1866; they had 10 children;

- Mabel's mother was the daughter of the marriage of Francis Gerrard Walker, 1808-1881 and
of Ann Mary, 1810-1887 who married in 1834;

- the Mabel's family lived in Pointe St-Charles from 1866 to circa 1880;


Photo of Karl May, 1901-1975 (photo by Elizabeth Frey)

May, Karl, 1901-1975, (McMaster University; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1159-1160)

Book on Karl May:
Public Archives Canada, Karl May retrospective, 1948-1975 = Rétrospective Karl May, 1948-1975, [Otawa] : Public Archives Canada, c1976,
62 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. NOTES: Text in English and French in parallel columns. ISBN: 0662003403 pa. (AMICUS Catalogue). Source of image:
(accessed 21 March 2016).

May, Margaret, 1951-, (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


May, Percy Moreland, 1886-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Percy Moreland May, Winter at Baie St. Paul,  Lot 82, "Off the Wall"
Art Online Auction, waddingtons.ca, 18 July 2007.

Image source: waddingtons.ca/pastauction/14/lot-82,accessed 23 December 2016


May, Robert, 1873-1950 (Wildfowl decoys carvers)
May, Samuel Passmore, 1828-, fl 1887, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
May, Mme Stanley, (Gagnon)
May, Stephanie, 1927-2003, died in Margaree Harbour, N.S., sculptor, see obituary
May, Stephen, 1957-, born in Temiscamingue, Quebec (Atlantic Art Exhibition; New Brunswick Painters)
May, Walter, 1950-, (Alberta artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
May, Walter William, 1831-1896 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Maya, E. (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Maya, see/voir Lightbody
May-Brind, Loredana, née en Italie (Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992; Canadian Pastels)
Maycock, Bryan, 1944-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1160;
------Ontario Collection)
Maycock, Gillian Margaret Cameron (Jill), 1945-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Maycock, Jill, craftsmanship -- patterned textiles (Crafts Canada)
Maydanyk, J., (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1160)
Maydanyk, Jacob, 1891-1984, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Mayer, Anka, fl 1956-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1160-1161)
Mayer-Gunther, 1917-1997, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1161)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Mayer, Rochelle (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012);
------ site de l'artiste; blog de l'artiste


Photo of Mayerovitch (left) with John Grierson, National Film Board of Canada,
circa 1944

Publication sur Harry Mayerovitch:
Mayerovitch, Harry, once over lightly in verse and line, Westmount, Que. :
H. Mayerovitch, 1973,
[67] pages : illustrations ; 16 cm; source of image: abebooks.com/
, bookseller: abibliodocs (Montréal, QC, Canada), accessed on 8 February 2022.

Mayerovitch (Mayo), Harry, 1910-2004, (L'estampe à Québec; Roussan 82; Boulizon; Hill; L'art du Québec; Peintres juifs de Montréal;
------Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Avmor Collection; Duval 1952; Canadian War Posters;
------Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1161-1162;
------Claridge Inc. catalogue; History of Canadian Political Cartooning; Québec en design: 75 ans de créations; Histoire de la caricature au Québec)

Source of image: www.sbcgallery.ca/#!untitled/zoom/chrw/cmby, accessed 17 June 2016
Catalogue on Harry (Mayo) Mayerovitch:
Centre Saidye Bronfman, H. Mayerovitch retrospective, 1929-1989, [Montréal : s.n., 1989] (Groupe Litho Graphique), 64 p. : ill. (some col.);
22 x 29 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Centre Saidye Bronfman, Montréal, Nov. 28, 1989-Jan. 4, 1990. English and
French.  ISBN: 0920473245.

Google--Images for Harry Mayerovitch


Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom
in or out of the web page being viewed.

Image and text on Malcolm Mayes, reproduced from the following publication:
Badeaux, Guy (edited and text), Portfoolio 20 : the Year's Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons,
Toronto: McArthur & Company, 2004, 160 p., at p. 154 : ill., Note: © The Association of Canadian
Editorial Cartoonists 2004, ISBN: 1-55278-446-0 (volume 20) (put on line on 16 April 2022).

Mayes, Malcolm, 1962-, born in Edmonton (Caricatures 1992; Editorial cartoons); see An Encyclopedia
of Canadian Animation, Cartooning and Illustration at at https://canadianaci.ca/Encyclopedia/mayes-malcolm/ (accessed 16 April 2022)


Mayeu, Odette, 1940-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Mayeux, Alice (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)

Mayhew, Elza Edith Lovitt, 1916-2004, sculptor, (McKendry; Tippett; Allied Arts Catalogue 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1162-1165; Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Elza Mayhew, Meditation Piece, cast bronze, 3 x 4'; image reproduced
from the following publication:
Canadian Government Pavilion, Expo 67, Montreal, H. Mcpherson, Architecture and sculpture in Canada
(exhibition at the pavilion of Canada, expo 67, montreal), Ottawa 1967, plate 6. SERIES: Canadian government pavilon expo 67; series 06.


Mayhew, Robert, 1905-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1165-1166)

Artistes canadiens en arts visuels -- Avons-nous votre nom?
Pour ajouter un lien à votre site,  pour vous inscrire
ou pour ajouter une image de
votre art, écrivez-moi à flareau@rogers.com
-- c'est gratuit.

Canadian artists in visual arts  --Do we have your name?
To add a link to your site, or your name to this index or

an image of your art, write to me at flareau@rogers.com -- it's free.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Mayman, Bernard, 1885-1966 (Gagnon; Peintres juifs de Montréal; Société d'art contemporain, Montréal, 1939-1948)

Bernard Mayman, Arbres en hiver/Trees in Winter,Oil on board,  38 x 48 cm /
15 x 19 in.(image source: http://www.galeriemolinas.com)

Maynard, Don (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

Book on Hannah Maynard:
Claire Weissman Wilks, 1933-2017, The magic box; the eccentric genius of
Hannah Maynard, Toronto : Exile Editions, [1980], 149 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 31 cm,
0920428347, 9780920428344; sources of images and text: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetails....
with seller being
Edmonton Book Store (Edmonton, AB, Canada) and Catalogue Voilà with
WorldCat database (accessed 3 July 2021).

Maynard, Hannah Hatherly, 1834-1918 (Early Women Artists; Canadian Encyclopedia -- Photographers; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Hannah Maynard, Tea Time, about 1893, modern print from
original glass negative,
25.3 x 20.1 cm, Archives of the Royal British
Columbia Museum,  F-02852,
Photo: courtesy of the Royal British Columbia Museum

Source: 150ans150oeuvres.uqam.ca/en/artwork/1893-tea-time-by-hannah-maynard/#description, accessed 16 December 2018


Photo of Max Maynard, 1923 (Provincial Archives of British
Columbia 94220).  Photo reproduced from  Nicholas Tuele, Max
Maynard Landscape as Metaphor May 5 - July 3, 1983
, Victoria:
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 1983, at p. 9.

Maynard, Max, 1903-1982, (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1166)

Max Maynard, Girl in the Red Hat, 1960, oil on board, 62.8 x 45.7 cm, private Collection (photographer: Trevor
Mills).  Photo reproduced from Nicholas Tuele, Max Maynard Landscape as Metaphor May 5 - July 3, 1983,
Victoria: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 1983, at p. 37, plate 33.


Photo by Richard Maynard: "BUILDERS OF BRITISH COLIMBIA. Road-
builders and Canadian Pacific Railway construction workers photographed at a
Boston Bar stopping-house in the early' eighties. R. Maynard Photograph";
image and text reproduced from the following book:
Ormsby, Margaret Anchoretta, 1909-, British Columbia : a history / Margaret A. Ormsby, Vancouver : Macmillan, 1958,
x, 558 p., at between pages 214 and 215, [24] leaves of plates : ill., maps, ports. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 527-534. Includes index.

Maynard, Richard, 1832-1907 (Canadian Photography 1839-1920)

Mayne, Richard C., 1835-1892, (McKendry; Harper; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mayo, pen name of see Mayerovitch, Harry

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

Mayodon, Jean-Claude, artiste-peintre, 1938-1981, born in FRance, died in MOntreal,
(Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)

Jean-Claude Mayodon, image reproduite du site suivant:
http://www.kijiji.ca, visité le 4 juin 2015.

Mayor, Malcolm, 1962-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mayr, Christina (Collection Loto-Québec)
Mayrs, Charles Alexander, 1940-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1166)
Mayrs, David Blair, 1935-2020, (Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1166-1167)

David Mayrs, Kafka's Funeral, 1976, oil on canvas, 101 x 144.8 cm,
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, G. Taylor Richardson Fund
and Canada Council, 1978.

[The image of David Mayrs' work of art and the description that follows it
are reproduced from the following catalogue:
Natalie LuckyJ, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Other realities : the legacy of surrealism in
Canadian art : 16 September to 29 October 1978, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, [Kingston, Ont.] : Agnes Etherington Art Centre, c1978, 46 p., at p. 38, ill.;
24 cm, ISBN: 0889110069].
Mayrs, Frank Black, 1934-1994, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1167-1168; Great Canadian Posters)

Frank Mayrs, Jour du Patrimoine, 21 Fév. 1977, 1977, 65.3 x 45 cm, client:
Heritage Canada, collection: the artist.
[Text and image reproduced from: Theo Dimson, Great Canadian Posters, Toronto:
Oxford University Press, 1979, plate 25].

Mayrs, William John Black (Bill), 1932-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1168-1170)
Mays, Douglas Lionel, 1900-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mayureak Ashoona, 1946-, (McMaster University)
Mazepa, Wolodymyr, 1923-2011, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Mazinani, Sanaz, 1978-, photographer (Stephen Bulger Gallery Toronto)
Mazloum, Nihal, 1951-, (canadiens d'origine arabe)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


Mazurek, Aaron J. (ARTBOMB--18 April, 5 May, 10 and 21 June, 8 July and 20 August     2016)
Mazurek, Michel Z., 1941-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Mazurek, Zbigniew Michel, 1938-, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Mazurka, Natasha (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Patrick Mikhail Gallery Ottawa)
Mazzei, Eugene (Ontario Collection)
Mazzocchi, Rico Bruna, Mrs, fl 1968-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1170)
Mbuka, Mampuya (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gartineau--2019)
McAdam, Gérald, 1941-, (MAC; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 946)
McAdam, Josiah Wilson, 1858-1941 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McAdams, Deirdre (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
McAdams, Gerald, 1941-, (Art Gallery of Ontario)
McAleenan, Linda Sirr, craftsmanship -- knitted & knotted work (Crafts Canada)
McAleese, David, 1947-, jeweller, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans)
McAnsh, Joan Regina, 1920-, (Saskatchewan Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
*MCAR*, voir Roy, Andrée
McAren, Teyjah, born in Montréal (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


McArthur, Betty Marie, 1923-1994, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McArthur, John.C., act. 1875 (Ontario of Yesterday; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Sketch of  John.C. McArthur, Sarnia, Railway Station at Point Edward, 13 November 1875, Canadian Illustrated News. (reproduced from book by Nick and
Helma Mika, Ontario of Yesterday, Belleville: Mika Silk Screening Limited, 1971, at p. 101).


McAulay, Anthony, 1947-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McAuliffe, James J., 1848-1921, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McAusland, William


McAvity, Catharine, 1915-1999, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of
------Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 947-948); site on the artiste

Catharine McAvity, Cloudy Day, Grand Manan, watercolour, 19 x 13";
image source: corncrete.ca/keyauctions/2019.06.01/index.htm, accessed 26 January 2020.


McAvity, E.(Emily) Dorothy Irvin (Mrs. Harry Haddon McAvity), 1876 or 1885-1958 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 948-949;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

McAvoy, Marilyn, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; RBC Canadian Painting Competition)

McAvoy, O. Harold, 1891-1977 (Sales Index 1989-90)

Harold McAvoy, Harbour Study Oil, oil on canvas,
22 1/2" x 17 1/2",
framed 26 1/2" x 21 1/2" (accessed 14 August 2016).
Source of image: www.ebay.ca/itm/Harold-O-MCAVOY-1891-1977-Harbour-Study-


McBean, F.M., fl 1840-4, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Photo of Donald McBride, in Times Review, Fort Erie, Ontario, 26 October
1966, available at mbam.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/web1967spicilege32.pdf
(accessed 3 January 2020).

McBride, Donald, c1923-1971 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 949-950)


McBrite, John, 1948-, (Vallée 93)
McBryan, Evelyn (Evy), 1911-1985, fl 1960-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 950;
------Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
McCabe, Megan, (RBC Canadian Painting Competition 2014)
McCafere, C.C., (Shell Canada Collection)
McCaffrey, John Allan, 1904-1965, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 950)
McCairns, Robert,1905-1989, act. 1970s-, died in Turkey Point (Folk Artists); see Google images
McCall, Alice Howe, 1882-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McCall, Ann, 1941-,  (Magazin'art, v. 11(3), 1999, p. 32; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
------Magazin'art, v. 9(2), 1996-97, pp. 38-40; Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Robert 83; MAC; Daigneault 81; L'art et le papier 6;
------L'art et le papier 4; L'estampe à Québec; Shell Canada Collection; 1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec;
------Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Avmor Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Femmeuses 2001; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Claridge Inc. catalogue; Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


MacCall (née Barnard), Helen, 1899-1957, photographer  (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
McCall, Stuart, (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
McCallum, Don, 1919-2011 or 2012, (McKendry); wiki.alquds.edu/?query=Don_McCallum
McCallum, Donald, Mrs, c1885-, fl 1965, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 951)
McCallum, Dr James Metcalfe, 1860-1943, (McKendry)
McCallum, Teresa, born in West Vancouver; artist's site
McCammon, David (Faces of Canada -- Photography)


Photo de Édouard McCann accompagnant l'article de Jean
Provencher, "Édouard McCann, sculpteur", site Les Quatre
saisons, 31 mai 2011, et disponible à jeanprovencher.com/2011/
(mis en ligne le 16 mai 2022).

McCann, Édouard, 1926-2023,  (L'art populaire au berceau de la Nouvelle-France)


McCann, Pierre (Photojournalism from La Presse and The Gazette)


McCargar, William Coulsen, 1906-1980, born in Newcastle, ON and died in Regina, SK (Roundstone Council for the Arts; McKendry;
------ Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)

W.C. McCargar, The Morn After Nite, oil, graphite pencil and gutter on masonite,
45.4 x 60.8 cm -- 18 x 24",  Collection: David and Veronica Thauberger, courtesy:
Dunlop Art Gallery, reproduced from Canadian Art, Fall 1987, at p. 87.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


McCarrell, Susan (ARTBOMB--19 July and 8 September 2019)


Billy J. McCarroll, image reproduced
from: kostuikgallery.com/bill-mccarroll/
(accessed 16 August 2024).

Publication on Billy J. McCarroll

Jeffery Spalding, 1951-2019, Billy J. McCarroll, 1937-, Peter White, 1948-,
Ryan Doherty, 1974-, Billy J. McCarroll: how to play a winning game your
natural way
, Lethbridge, Alta. : Southern Alberta Art Gallery, c2011, ca.
142 p. : col. ill., ports. ; 24 cm, Notes:
Catalogue to accompany an exhibition
held at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Alta., from Mar. 12 -
May 1, 2011, essay:
Jeffrey Spalding, Ryan Doherty, Peter White; ISBN:
9781894699501, 1894699505; image reproduced from canada.on.worldcat.org/search/detail/.....

McCarroll, Bill  (Billy) J., 1937-, born in Santa Barbaram California, USA  (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical
------ Index of Artists in Canada); see his curriculum vitae at norberghall.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Billy-McCarroll-CV.pdf

Bill J. McCarroll, Slant, 1980, acrylic, 36 x 36" -- 91.4 x 91.4 cm; University of
Lethbridge Art Collection, object number: 1987.915, as seen at artcollection.uleth.ca/objects/.... (accessed 10 February 2022)


McCarron, Owen, 1929-2005, born and died in Halifax, NS; cartoonist; see Google images


McCarten, Diane (ARTBOMB--20 February and 18 March 2016); artist' site

Diane McCarten, I Would Like to Come but I have to Go, acrylic on
vellum, 121.9 x 114.3 cm  / 48 x 45"; I would like to thank the
artist for her permission to reproduce (20 March 2016).

McCarthy, Coeur-de-Lion, 1881-1979, sculpt., (McKendry; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
McCarthy, Paul (Photography and Illustration 1993 at p. 38)
McCarter, John Alexander, 1918-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McCarthy, Barry, 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Book on Doris McCarthy:  Doris McCarthy and Charis Wahl,
Doris McCarthy: My Life, Toronto: Second Story Press, 2006,
256 p., ISBN: 1-897187-16-5, front cover photo by Lynne Atkinson.

Other book on the artist:

Doris McCarthy, Doris McCarthy: Ninety Years Wise, Toronto : Second Story Press, 2004,
120 p. : ill. (some col.), ports. ; 23 cm.

and, encore, another book on the artist:

Doris McCarthy, A fool in paradise :
an artist's early life, Toronto : Macfarlane
Walter & Ross, 1990, 257 p., [14] p. of plates : ill., ports. ; 23 cm.
NOTES: Includes bibliographical references.  ISBN: 092191203X.

McCarthy, Doris Jean, 1910-2010, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; McKendry; Shell Canada Collection; Art Gallery of
------Ontario; University of Guelph; The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; History of Art in Toronto Schools;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists;
------Sales Index 1989-90); Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 952-953; Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);
------ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doris_McCarthy

Doris Jean McCarthy, Barachois Village, reproduced from Jubilee Year Catalogue, 75th Annual Canadian Academy of Arts, 1954, at p. 27.


Image source: archives.gov.on.ca/en/explore/online/osa/big/big_07_OSA_members.aspx, accessed 27 February 2022.
McCarthy, Hamilton Thomas Carleton Plantagenet, 1846-1939, (McKendry; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 954-956)


McCarthy, Paul (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)


McCarthy, Rick, 1941-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art in Ontario)

Rick McCarthy, Woman (one panel of triptych), 1984, acrylic, 32 x
24 " -- 81.3 x 61 cm,
object number: 1999.730.b, University of
Lethbridge Art Collection, as seen at artcollection.uleth.ca/objects/10800/
(accessed 10 February 2022).


McCarthy, S., Mrs, fl 1866-78 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


McCaugherty, Irene, 1914-1996, (McKendry; Tippett; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Early Women Artists; Alberta Society of Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Irene McCaugherty, Applique Quilt, Wheelerville series, 1992, mixed media on
paper, 14.5 x 21.5" -- 36.8 x 54.6 cm; on sale Hodgins Halls Auction Group, Calgary,
online auction, Fine Art Auction, closes 13 February 2023, lot number 13 and
reproduced from hodginshalls.hibid.com/catalog/429302/hodgins--february-fine-art-auction/, accessed on 12 February 2023.


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


McCaughey, Betty, 1921-2004  (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 956-957)
McCaul, C.C., (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
McCauley, Alec, 1951-, (Ontario Collection)
McCauley, Alex, 1954-, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)
McCauley, Henry V., 1858-1923 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index 1989-90)
McCausland, Col. Alan (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 957)
McCausland, Joseph, 1828-1905 or 1829-1886, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 957)
McCausland, Robert, 1856-1923, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 957-958)
McCausland, Robert, craftsmanship -- stained glass (Crafts Canada)
McCay, Deirdre (Magazin'art, v. 14(1), automne 2001, p. 38)


McCheane, Edward, 1882-1941, painter

Edward McCheane, Excavating, 1946, watercolour, 42 x 61.5 cm --
16 9/16 x 24 3/16 ", c
redit line:The Mendel Art Gallery Collection at Remai
Modern, gift of John P. Crabb, 1993; image reproduced from collections
(accessed 11 February 2025).


McClain, Helen C.L., 1884-1960 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 958)
McClain, Marianne McCara, 1920-2008, born in Edmonton, Alberta (Artists of British Columbia)
McClellan, Norma Harriet, 1913-2004, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 958;
------Early Women Artists)


PeterAlmer McClellan
He was a father, grandfather, great grandfather, great, great grandfather, loving uncle,
cousin, brother-in-law and a great friend to many. Born in Calais, Maine, May 31, 1922
.... Perley was a great dad and an awesome grampy to his 96 grandchildren. He served
in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Perley was a barber and an artist for many years.
His paintings are hung all over the world. He enjoyed playing music on his harmonica and
singing. He loved playing checkers, watching boxing, and talking to his special friend, Brian
the mailman, on the phone.
[Above photo and excerpt of text from obituary at colchesterfuneral.frontrunnerpro.com/book-of-memories/
, accessed 11 February 2025]

McClellan, Perley Almer, 1922-2014, died in Pugwash, N.S., painter


McClelland, Jeanette E., born Calgary, (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Canadian Pastels)
McClelland, John, fl 1964-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 959)
McClelland, Niall, 1980-, (Foire d'art contemporain d'oeuvres sur papier 2014; Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
McClelland, Patricia Pollett ( Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
McClelland, Susan (ARTBOMB--14 February and 22 March 2016); artist's site


Photo of William Ashby McCloy included in
article by Lillian Krueger, "A Centennial Gift",
Wisconsin magazine of history, vol. 32, number 1,
September 1948, at pages 7-10 and reproduced
from content.wisconsinhistory.org/digital/collection/wmh/id/17437 (accessed 11 February 2025)

McCloy, William Ashby, 1913-2000; 

He had a forty year teaching career at Drake University, the Universities of
Wisconsin and Manitoba, ending his career as Chairman of the Art Department
at Connecticut College between 1954 and 1972. He was a recipient of the
Connecticut College Medal, which he also designed. He was active in civic matters.

William Ashby McCloy died in Uncasville, Connecticut on June 3, 2000.
[Source: annexgalleries.com/artists/biography/4975/McCloy/William, accessed 5 February 2025]


McClure, Dorothy Clark, fl 1967-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 959)
McClyment, David (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
McComb, Eleanor, 1917-2010, fl 1968-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 960)
McConkey, Justin (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007 Graduating Class)
McConnell, Brian Douglas, 1836, fl 1860-80, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


McConnell, Clyde, 1944-,  (Morris; Alberta artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 960;
------Alberta Society of Artists)

Clyde McConnell, Untitled, pencil, 16 x 16 1/4'', collection
of the artist; text and image are reproduced from the following
Morris, Jerrold, 1911-, The nude in Canadian painting,
Toronto: New Press, 1972, 89 p., at p. 72, plate 54, ISBN:  0887701426.


McConnell, Daryl, 1952-1997, died in Vancouver, BC; see
McConnell, Elisha Newton, 1877-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McConnell, James (Jim), fl 1968-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 960)
McConnell, John, 1937-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

McConnell, M. Cary, Miss, fl 1890-1939/40 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Book on Newton McConnell:
McConnell, Newton,  McConnell's Vanity fair; a portfolio of caricatures,
Prefatory word by J.E. Middleton, Toronto : Printed by W.S. Johnston, c1912,
1 v. (unpaged) : ill. ; 26 x 33 cm. (AMICUS Catalogue)
Image source: Attic Books (ABAC, ILAB) (London, ON, Canada), accessed 4 January 2019.

McConnell, Newton, 1872-1940 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)

"Canadian Political Poster Dealing with Reciprocity Debates of
1911. When our interests clash, whose ox is likely to get gored?
Protective tariff bars; the certain result of a hole in the line fence;
lithograph; published by W.S. Johnston & Co., Ltd. Toronto; ...
signed 'N. McConnell' ...approx. 28 by 42 in.  71.1 by 100.7 cm."

[Text and image reproduced from the catalogue: Sotheby's,
Important Canadian Art, Toronto, May 31 and June 1, 1988]
McCool, Monique; artist's site
McCord, Anne Ross, fl 1841-52 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McCord, David Ross, 1844-1930, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McCord, George Herbert, 1848/9-1909, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McCorkindale, Hugh, connu entre 1869 et 1874, photographe (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
McCorkindale, James,  1886-1956 (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
McCormack, Edward (Ontario Collection)
McCormack, June Forbes, 1921-1961 (Early Women Artists)
McCormick, Arthur David, 1860-1943 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McCormick, Robert, 1800-1890, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Photo of Stuart McCormick accompanying the article of Richard Mahoney, "Glengarry's greatest
artist", The Glengarry News, 11 August 2021, available at pressreader.com/canada/the-glengarry-news/20210811/281792812088233 (accessed 18 May 2022).

McCormick, Stuart, 1905-1992, born in Glengarry, ON (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of
------ Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 961-962)


McCracken, Thea, 1950-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 962)
McCrae, James Alexander, 1946-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts)
McCrea, Harold Wellington, 1887-1969, (Hubbard; Art Gallery of Ontario; Fine Arts in Canada; The
------Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 962-963)

Harold W. McCrae, The Corner Store; this image  comes from
the following book:
Colgate, William G., 1882-1971, Canadian art : its origin and development / William G. Colgate ; with a foreword by C. W. Jefferys
Toronto : McGraw-Hill, 1967,  xvii, 278 p. at p. 223 : ill., ports. NOTES:  First edition pub. Toronto, Ryerson Press, 1943.  Bibliography: p. 267-270.


McCrea, Stanley James, 1929-2017, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 964)
Mc Crea, Jeannine, 1942-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Pluralisme au Québec)
McCrea McClain, Marianne, 1920-2008, (années 50)
McCready, Warren Thomas, 1915-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McCredie, Nan (membre de l'Association des artistes du Pontiac -- 2012)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


McCreesh, Alison (ARTBOMB--10 March 2014)
McCrow, William Frederick Jon, 1913-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 964)
McCue, John Arthur Wilson, 1943-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 964-965;
------Alberta Society of Artists)

Photo of of Terry McCue accompanying the article by Paula E. Kirman, "Artist breaks
new ground with Ripples of Loss", 6 November 2017, and available at windspeaker.com/news/
(accessed 3 February 2023).

McCue, Terry, 1945-, born on Curve Lake Reserve, ON, Ojibway artist;


McCullagh, Lavoine or Lavoin, 1945-, (Alberta artists; Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McCulloch, Gillian (Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)


Book on James Frederick McCulloch:
O'Neill, Mora Dianne Guthrie, 1944-, J. Frederic
(James Frederic) McCulloch, 1905-1932, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, J. Frederic McCulloch : Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 5 Novembre-4 December
/ Mora Dianne O'Neill, guest curator, Halifax : Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, c1988, 40 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p.
33-34.  ISBN: 0888711042 (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source of book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=5798405342&searchurl=kn%3Dnova%2Bscotia%2Bartists%26sortby%3D17%26pics%3Don#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 2 December 2016

McCulloch, James Frederick, 1905-1932 (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent Collection: Selected Works)

J. Frederic McCulloch, Seated Nude, 1930, oil on
canvas, 61 x 51 cm, image reproduced from the
following book:
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Bernard Riordon, The AGNS permanent collection : selected works/ contributors, Bernard Riordon ... [et al.],
Halifax, N.S.: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, c2002, 191 p., at p. 39, figure 16: ill. (chiefly col.) ; 23 cm, ISBN: 0888717768;

McCulloch, Mabel, 1889-1977 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McCulloch, Mary Smith, 1942-, (Kelowna Art Gallery)

McCullough, J.J., born in Vancouver, 1984-, cartoonist

J.J. McCullough, cartoonist; text and image reproduced from
the following book: Clements, Warren, ed., Portofolio 24, The
Years' Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons
, Totonto: McArthur
& Company, 2010, 176 p., at p. 117, ISBN: 978-1-55278-898-1


McCullough, Kay, fl 1958-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 965-966)
McCullough, Sara (Avmor Collection)
McCullum, Dr. (L'esprit révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois)
McCurdy, Alexandra, born in Worcestershire, England (Atlantic Art Exhibition; Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)
McCurdy, Patricia Ann, fl 1954-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 966)
McDermid, F. G. (Photos 1895-1924)
McDermid Studies, Edmonton, Alberta (Photos 1895-1924)
McDermott, Andrew, born in Bolton, England (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012l; Canadian Pastels)
McDermott, Arthur, fl 1969-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 966)
McDermott, Dennis, 1922-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

McDermott, Michaelin, 1947-, ( Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board)
McDiarmid, James, 1855-1934, (Winnipeg School of Art)


Richard S. McDiarmid, image source: artcountrycanada.com/
, accessed 22 June 2021.

McDiarmid, Richard S., 1946-, (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012)

Richard S. McDiarmid, Untitled - Island Moorage, acrylic on paper, 13.5 x 18" / 34.29 x
45.72 cm; on sale at Westbridge Fine Art Auction House,  Vancouver, June 26, 2021,
lot 8, image from: invaluable.com/auction-lot/richard-mcdiarmid-untitled-island-moorage-8-c-36E4C4E9EB,
accessed 22 June 2021


McDonald, Hurry up with the Stuffing, 1973, 15 x 15 cm (Collection of François Lareau, acquired in
Ottawa, May 2014)

McDonald, ? (please assist me in identifying the artist -- flareau@rogers.com)

McDonald, Heidi M., ou Heidi Messing (Magazin'art, v. 12(4), 2000, pp. 57-59 and
------89-90(E); Roussan 98; Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012); artist's site
McDonald, Joyce Carsorso, 1931-, (Kelowna Art Gallery)
McDonald, Juliana (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
McDonald, Mary, fl 1971-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1001)
McDonald, Paul (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
McDonald, Percy E. (Photos 1895-1924)
McDonald, Rosemary Lavinia, 1924-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1003)
McDonald, Steve (Avmor Collection)
McDonald, Veronica Pridham, fl 1957-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1008)
McDonnell, Doolee Merry, fl 1976-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
McDonnell, Patrick (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998)
McDonnell, Stuart (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


McDonic, Henry Reed (Harry), 1902-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


Annie G. McDougall, photo: "vers 1900, Musée McCord d'histoire
canadienne, archives photographiques Notman, MP-1974.129.99"
La soumission en échange de la protection

L'article 174 du Code civil du Bas-Canada confirme l'idée d'infériorité
de la femme qui, en mariage, doit obéissance et soumission à son mari.
En contrepartie, son mari lui doit protection.  C'est de cette logique que
découle l'incapacité juridique de la femme mariée, qui jusqu'en 1964 ne
lui accorde aucune autonomie dans l'administration de ses affaires et de
celles de sa famille.
[Photo et textes proviennent du livre suivant:
Desrochers, Lucie, 1949-, Oeuvres de femmes, 1860-1961 / Lucie Desrochers, Québec : Publications du Québec, c2003
xiii, 207 p., à la p. 46 : principalement des ill., portr. ; 24 cm. SERIES: Aux limites de la mémoire, ISBN: 2551195993]

McDougall, Annie G., 1866-1952, photographer (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


Publication on Clark McDougall:

Clark McDougall, Catherine Elliott Shaw (essay by co-curator), Anna Hudson (essay by co-curator),
Alison Kemzie (editor), Fugitive Light Clark McDougall Destination Places, [London, Ont.] : McIntosh Gallery, c2011,
77 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), 1 col. map, ports. (1 col.) ; 24 x 31 cm, Includes bibliographical references, ISBN: 9780771428425,
0771428421  (source of image: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetails... and
Attic Books (ABAC, ILAB) (London, ON, Canada);
and source of bibliographical data: Voilà catalogue at canada.on.worldcat.org; both sites accessed 10 October 2022).

McDougall, Clark Holmes, 1921-1980, (McKendry; Reid; Toronto in Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Corporate collections; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1008-1009)

Clark Holmes McDougall, Barn Interior, oil on board, 61 x
81.3 cm/ 24 x 32", text and image reproduced from: Heffel's Online
Auction Catalogue, March 2016-4th Session, Lot # 330, Heffel Canada's National Fine Art Auction House
available at www.heffel.com/online/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=78887&ImageID=50700&Main=True (accessed 12 March 2016).

McDougall, Colin, Major, photographer (Pictorial History of Canada's Army Overseas 1939-1945)
McDougall, George F., fl 1850-4, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McDougall, Jane (ARTBOMB--16 August, 8 September and 24 October 2016; 16 April and 1 December 2017)
McDougall, Sylvia, born in southern Saskatchewan (Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

McDowall, Catherine, fl 1956-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1011)
McDowell, John (Alberta Society of Artists)
McEachern, Dr. (Alberta Society of Artists)


McEachern, Susan, 1951-, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; Atlantic Art Exhibition; Photography -- Collection of the National Film Board;
------ Contemporary Art--Halifax, 2006; Mount Saint Vincent University Collection)

Book on Susan
Kunard, Andrea, Susan McEachern, 1951-, Canadian museum of Contemporary Photography, Susan McEachern : structures of meaning =
multiplicité de sens
/ Andrea Kunard , Ottawa : Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography = Musée canadien de la photographie
contemporaine, 2004, 75 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. NOTES: Published in conjunction with an exhibition organized and circulated by the
Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, and presented in Ottawa from 18 September 2004 to 9 January 2005. Cf. T.p. verso.
Includes bibliographical  references: p. 28-29. Text in English and French.  ISBN: 0888847904.

McElcheran, Chris (ArtBombPHOTO--25 March 2014)


McElcheran, William (Bill) Hodd, 1927-1999, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Burnett; Sculpture Walks; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Corporate collections; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1012-1013)

William McElcheran, Career Woman,
bronze sculpture, 28 1/2 x 7 1/4 x 10" /
72.4 x 18.4 x 25.4 cm; image reproduced
from heffel.com/auction/Big_Image_E.aspx?ID=91732&ImageID=64483&Main=True,
lot number 34, Heffel Canada's National Fine Art Auction House,
Live auction catalogue, Spring 2017.

McElheron, James Thomas, 1935-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1013)
McElroy, Anne, born in Branrford, Ontario (Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz)
McElroy, Elizabeth (Alberta Society of Artists)

McElroy, George Eldon, c1878-1945, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1014)

George Eldon McElroy, sketch, The Montreal Star, 7 September
1908; image reproduced from the following book:
Schull, Joseph, 1910-1980,  Laurier : the first Canadian, Toronto : Macmillan of Canada, 1965, [xi], 658 p., [10] leaves of plates,
at p. 475: ill., ports.; 23 cm. NOTES: Includes index. Bibliography: p. 624-645. ISBN: 0771595670.

McEvoy, Bernard, 1842-1932 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McEvoy, Henry Nesbitt (Harry), 1828-1914 (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90)

Photo of Jean McEwen

Catalogue on Jean McEwen:
Naubert-Riser, Constance, 1941-, Jean McEwen, 1923-, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Jean McEwen, colour in depth : paintings
and works on paper, 1951-1987
/ by Constance Naubert-Riser; [translation, Judith Terry], Montreal : Montreal Museum of Fine
Arts, c1987, 167 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. NOTES: Catalogue to accompany an exhibition held at the Montreal Museum of Fine
Arts Dec. 11, 1987-Jan. 24, 1988. Translation of: Jean McEwen, la profondeur de la couleur. Bibliography: p. 161-166.  ISBN: 2891920910.
Source of catalogue image: www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=17324376118&searchurl=kn%3Dquebec%2520artists%26pics%3Don, accessed 17 February 2016

McEwen, Jean Albert, 1923-1999, (Newlands; McKendry; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Reid;  Leclerc; Robert 78; Dalhousie Art Gallery;
------Harper; Trépanier;  MQ; Art Gallery of Ontario; MAC; Burnett; Murray; Balkin; Viau; Québec 1940-1966; Shell Canada Collection;
------Duval; Swain; Bernier; Queen's University; L'art du Québec; Pluralities; années 50; Robert 64; Sir George
------Williams University; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection numérique d'estampes
------de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; The 60s in Canada; Corporate collections; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, pp. 1014-1018; Contemporary Canadian Artists; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Galerie de
------ Bellefeuille -- 2015); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_McEwen

Jean McEwen, Loop-hole Crossing Yellow,
1962, oil on canvas, 190.5 x 152.4 cm
"This painting is one of a series of work that investigates the properties of colour in the
restructuring of pictorial space.  In this canvas McEwen widened the plumb line from
an earlier series into a solid binary division.  Besides emphasizing the verticality of
the work, the central black band creates a spatial tension between the foreground and
the background and exposes the ground beneath the superimposed layers of colour.  By
playing upon the opaque and transparent qualities of his colours in a constant permu-
tation of boundaries and planes, McEwen sets the work in motion, thereby creating
the appearance of space.  The influence of colour upon imagination and mood is also
explored in this canvas. 'A painting,' McEwen states, 'is created from rhythm, form,
space, light, shade and colour -- but it is the feeling, the poetry of the painter, that
produces the harmony'."

[Image of Jean McEwen's canvas, description of it and text are reproduced from the following book:
Art Gallery of Ontario, Art Gallery of Ontario : selected works, Toronto : Art Gallery of Ontario
= Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, c1990, 463 p., at p. 364: ill. (some col.); 25 cm. NOTES: Issued also
in French under title: "Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario : oeuvres choisies de la collection". Includes
index, ISBN: 0919777775 and 0919777791]

Google -- Images for Jean McEwen


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


John McEwen, on the front cover of Canadian Art,
Summer 1985, volume 2, number 2, image source:
canadianart.ca/?issues=summer-1985/, accessed 22 April 2022

McEwen, John, 1945-, (Burnett; Balkindl; Newlands; Abstract Painting; Creative Canada, 1971; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Art in Ontario; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989; Art public de la ville de Montréal; The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College)

John McEwen, Rock and Body, 1999, cast
bronze and steel, 66.25 x 60 x 38", photo
by Cheryl O'Brien; text and photo reproduced
from the following book:
University of St. Michael's College, Daniel Donovan, 1937-, Ihor Holubizky, 1952-, Signs of the spirit : the Donovan Collection at St. Michael's
/ foreword by Richard M. Alway; essays by Daniel Donovan and Ihor Holubizky, Toronto : University of St. Michael's College, 2001,
72 p., at pp. 18, 66 and 72 : ill. (some col.); 26 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN: 0772710007 (pbk.) 0772710015 (bound).


McFadden, (Sales Index 1989-90)
McFadden, Mary, 1930-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1018)
McFadden, Mary Josephine, 1900-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1018-1019)
McFaddin, Charles Eugene, 1910-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McFarland, Constance M., 1897-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1019)

Book on Scott McFarland:
McFarland, Scott, 1975-, Grant Arnold,  Scott McFarland / text
by Grant Arnold ... [et al.], Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, 2009, 120 p. : col. ill. ; 24 x 29 cm. NOTES: Published in conjunction with
a solo exhibition of the artist's work at the Vancouver Art Gallery, Oct. 3, 2009-Jan. 3, 2010.  ISBN: 9781553654827.
Image source of book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=17786114013&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3Dcanadian%2520art#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 27 June 2016

McFarland, Scott, 1975-, (National Gallery of Canada -- Recent Acquisitions; Builders: Biennial 2012; Monte Clark Gallery Vancouver)

McFarlane, Jan, 1925-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1020)
McFarlane, Todd, 1961-, born in Calgary; fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_McFarlane
McFall, Angela (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
McGachen, Nicholas H., (Winnipeg Art Gallery)
McGaffey, Robert (Wildfowl decoys carvers)

McGeoch, Lillian Jean McKittrick, 1903-1992, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1020;
------Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)

Lillian Jean McGeoch, as seen on ebay at cafr.ebay.ca/itm/293684216
, site accessed on
3 January 2022 (seller is artmarketspot ( 2752 )).


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

McGiffin, Norah, 1905-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1020-1021)
McGill, Harold, fl 1894-1912, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McGill, Jamie (ARTBOMB--5 and 21 May, 15 July, and 4 August 2014)
McGill, Marie, 1926-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McGillivray, Carla (ARTBOMB--7 June, 3 July, 27 July and 3 and 29 September 2018; 18 June 2019)

Book on Florence McGillivray:
Allen, W.C., "She is One of the Best": A Researcher's Notes on the Life and Times of Canadian Artist
Florence McGillivray
, Tellwell Talent, 2019; source of image : https://www.abebooks.com/....and The Book Depository
(London, United Kingdom)
, accessed 7 December 2019.

Image source: revolvy.com/page/Florence-Helena-McGillivray, accessed 12 November 2018
Florence Helena McGillivray

McGillivray, Florence Helena, 1864-1938, (McKendry; Art Gallery of Ontario; Hubbard; Fine Arts in Canada;
------Tippett; Queen's University; The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1021-1023;
------Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);

McGillivray, Florence Helena, 1864-1938, Afterglow, oil, 42.0 x 54.5 cm, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, Ottawa.


McGillivray, James Archie, 1946-, born in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
McGillivray, Margaret, fl 1906-28 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


McGillivray, Susan, 1947-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)

Susan McGillivray, oil, 38 x 48", source of image:  https://www.ebay.ca/itm/
331722054364.... and seller:  ndip1188 (242), sites consulted on 21 July 2021.


Mc Ginity, Neil (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
McGiverin, Harold MacKintosh, 1900-1937, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1023)
McGivern, Barbara, 1955-2019, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003)
McGivney/McGiveney, JeanMargaret, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McGlade, Terry (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
McGorman, Russell 9YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
McGoun, Lachlan, 1837-1896, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McGovern, Beatrice Hatfield, died in 1967, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1024)
McGraaw, Donald, 1950-, (Vallée 93)
McGraw, Lucie (Répertoire des artistes [...] du Nouveau-Brunswick--2000)
McGrath, Joan Margaret, 1932-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McGrath, Judy (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
McGrattan, Rod (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)  
McGregor, Doug (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


McGregor, Edward (Edwin), act. 1847-1872, (McKendry; Harper; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McGregor, Hone, 1920-2007, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4,
------ p. 1025); webpage on the artist; family name may be Hone, see Hone, McGregor
McGregor, Robert James, 1933-, born in Hanley, SK (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
McGregor, Kate (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
McGuinty, Kristine, lives in BC; see also--voir aussi: koymangalleries.com/artist/kristine-mcguinty/
McGuire, Cate (ARTBOMB--15 November, 4 and 29 December 2014; 29 June, 9 July, 24 August, 30 September and
------23 December 2015; 1 and 8 January and 7 February 2016)
McGuire, Mary (Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 58)
McGuire, Pat, 1942-1970 (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
McGuire, Patrick Samuel, 1943-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1026-1027)
McGuire, Paul Joseph, born in Ottawa, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1027)
McHardy, Natasha (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
McIlwraith/McIllwraith, William Forsyth, 1867-1940 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McIlworth, Thomas, fl 1757-70 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McIndoe, Marion C., fl 1897-1914, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McInnes, Gavin (Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
McInnes, Harvey A., (Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
McInnis, Allen (Photojournalism from La Presse and The Gazette) 
McInnis, Harvey A., 1904-2002, (McKendry; Folk Art; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McInnis, K. (Photos 1895-1924)
McInnis, Kai Liis (Society of Estonian Artists  in Toronto)


Publication on R.F.M. McInnis

RFM McInnis, Art attitude: the random thoughts of
RDM McInnis
, FriesenPress, 2023 (December), 336 p.,
12.7 x 1.78 x 20.32 cm, ISBN: 978-1039180338, paper-
source of image: amazon.co.uk/Art-Attitude-Thoughts-
(accessed 7 February 2024).

McInnis, R.F.M. (Robert Francis Michael), 1942-,  (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013;
------ Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz; Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019); artist's site / site de l'artiste


Catalogue on Brent McIntosh:

Gary Michael Dault, Models of continuity : the art of Brent McIntoch = Modèles de continuité : l'art
de Brent McIntosh, Montréal : Galerie de Bellefeuille, [c2006], 59 p. : ill. en coul.; 21 x 24 cm.;
Notes: "Catalogue d'une exposition tenue à la Galerie de Bellefeuille, Montréal, du 27 avril au 28 mai
2006. Comprend des références bibliographiques. Texte en anglais et en français.", ISBN: 292217347X.

McIntosh, Brent, 1959-, (Vallée 93; Magazin'art, v. 5(3), printemps, 1993; Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015); *artist's site

Brent McIntosh before one of his acrylic canvas (photo by Camille Watts; photo reproduced from the above
described catalogue of Galerie de Bellefeuille at p. 59).

McIntosh, Don, 1927-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1027-1028)
McIntosh, Elizabeth, 1968-, (Painting Project 2013; Parisian Laundry Galerie d'art Montréal); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_McIntosh_(artist)
McIntosh, Ian William, 1931-1994, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1028)
McIntosh, Sylvia Helen Scott Golman, 1930-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1028-1029)
McIntyre, Edgar, fl 1966-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1029)
McIntyre, Edie (Alberta Society of Artists)
McIntyre, Iona, 1930-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1029)
McIntyre, Julie, (L'estampe à Québec)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

McIntyre, Rhéal, 1952-,  (Artists of the Gatineau Hills)
McIsaac, Joseph Jean Jacques (James), 1889-1970, illustrateur (L'esprit révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois)

McIsaac, James, illustration de la page couverture du livre de Marie-Caire Daveluy, Les
jours tragiques de 1837: le Richelieu héroïque
, 1940

McKague Housser, Muriel Yvonne, see/voir  Housser, Muriel Yvonne McKague
McKaig, Mariette (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1030)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


McKale, Daniel, 1951-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; History of Canadian Political Cartooning; Histoire de la caricature au Québec)

Daniel McKale, caricature, Le Droit, 1978

[Image taken from the following book: Peter Desbarats  and Terry Mosher, The Hecklers: A History of Canadian
Political Cartooning and a Cartoonists' History of Canada
, Toronto: National Film Board of Canada, 1979, 256 p.
at p. 214: ill. ; 23 x 27 cm, ISBN: 0771026862]


Catalogue on Arthur F. McKay:
McKay, Arthur F., 1926-, Timothy Long, 1961-,
David Brian Howard, 1956-, Alex Kelly, McKenzie Art
Gallery, Arthur F. McKay, a critical retrospective / David Howard, guest curator; essays by Alex Kelly and Timothy Long, Regina : MacKenzie Art
Gallery, 1997, 64 p. : ill., ports. ; 28 cm. NOTES: "February 7 to May 11, 1997, MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan"
 An exhibition catalogue. Includes bibliographical references.  ISBN: 189647007 (AMICUS catalogue).
Image source of catalogue: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=7986895997&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26kn%3DArt%2BSaskatchewan#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 19 December 2016

McKay, Arthur (Art)  Fortescue, 1926-2000, born in Nipawin, SK (Newlands; McKendry; Leclerc; Reid; Harper;
------Art Gallery of Ontario; Burnett; Balkind; Firestone Art Collection; Duval;  Lord; University of Guelph;
------Modern Painting; années 50; Shell Canada Collection; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain
------de Montréal; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Creative Canada, 1972; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------The 60s in Canada; Corporate collections; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1030-1033;
------Contemporary Canadian Artists; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_McKay

Arthur Fortescue McKay, Image d'une présence verte, 1968, huile sur masonite, 121,9 x 243,8 cm.  Acquis grâce à des fonds du
Conseil des arts du Canada et de la Galerie d'art Beaverbrook.

[La description du titre de la toile et son image proviennent du livre suivant: Galerie d'art Beaverbrook, Ian G. Lumsden,
Curtis Joseph Collins, 1962-, et Laurie Glenn, La collection de la Galerie d'art Beaverbrook -- Oeuvres choisies, Frédéricton:
La Galerie, 2000, à la p. 130.]

Google -- Images for Arthur Fortescue McKay
McKay, Christopher (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
McKay, D. Will, photographer

D. Will McKay, "St. Andrews area.  Fishermen pulling up
seine nets.", circa 1890, Collection: Mrs R. Haughn; text
and photo are from the following book:

Vroom, Richard, 1943-, Arthur T. Doyle, 1938-, Old New Brunswick : a Victorian portrait / photographs selected by Richard Vroom;
introduction by Arthur Doyle, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1978, 19, 123 p., at plate 52: chiefly ill.; 23 x 28 cm. ISBN: 0195402936.

McKay, David (Corporate collections)
McKay, David, 1945-, (New Brunswick Painters)
McKay, Don (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
McKay, Elma Johnston, 1951-, jeweller, (Craftsman; Oeuvres d'artisans; Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
McKay, Gladys, fl 1949+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1035-1036)
McKay, Ian, 1949-, (University of Guelph; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McKay, James William, 1939-, born in Port Alice, BC (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
McKay, Joseph William, 1829-1900 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McKay, Mary Muriel, 1906-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1036)
McKay, Morgan (Western Canada Wilderness Committee 1989)
McKay, William, fl 1864-79 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McKechnie, Neil K., act. 1913, (McKendry)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

McKean, Janet Cordelia, 1887-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McKean, Ryan (ARTBOMB--28 April and 23 May 2016);
McKechnie, Neil Kenneth, 1873-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McKechnie, Rick  (Photography and Illustration 1993 at p. 88)
McKee, Donald ( History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
McKee, Elizabeth (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
McKee, John, 1941-, (McKendry; Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McKeggie, Mary Elizabeth, 1863?-1925? (Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
McKelvey, Marianne O'DEll, 1891-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McKendry, Jennifer Margaret, 1946-, (McKendry)
McKendry, Pat, c1915-, (Folk Artists)
McKenna, Bob-Kevin, (MAC; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
McKenna, Bob, 1955-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle)
McKenna, Sharon D. (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape Artists)
McKenney, Rosalie McQueen. 1856-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McKenzie, Anna M. (Alberta Society of Artists)
McKenzie, Charles, 1933-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1037)
McKenzie, David, 1951-, ceramist/céramiste (Grand prix des métiers d'art; Artists of the Gatineau Hills; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
Vol. 4, Addendum; Claridge Inc. catalogue)
McKenzie, David (ARTBOMB--21 Septrember 2017)
McKenzie, Grace, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Vol. 4, Addendum)
McKenzie, Mary (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)


Photo of Murray McKenzie
with information about his career
at metismuseum.ca/media/document.
(accessed 20 September 2024).

McKenzie, Murray, 1927-2007, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)


McKenzie, Peter, 1886-1965 (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
McKenzie, Peter (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1040)
McKenzie, Peter (Photos 1895-1924)

Book on Tait McKenzie:
Hussey, Christopher, 1899-, Tait McKenzie : a sculptor of youth / by Christopher Hussey,
London : Country Life, 1929, 107 p. : ill ; 29 m.
Image source of book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=16585269878&searchurl=pics%3Don%26sortby%3D0%26kn%3Dcanadian%2520art#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 30 June 2016

McKenzie, Robert Tait, 1867-1938, sculpt., (Newlands; McKendry; Art Gallery of
------Ontario; Hubbard; Laliberté; Creative Canada, 1972; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1040-1046)

Robert Tait McKenzie, Lieutenant-colonel
George Harold Baker, député, 1911-1916, tué en 1916,
statue de bronze, 1923, 198 x 96,5 x 58,5 cm,
Nº de catalogue : O-865, La Collection patrimoniale
de la Chambre des communes
Site: http://www.parl.gc.ca/About/House/Collections/fine_arts/sculpture/865-f.htm, visité le 19 octobre 2014


Ruth McKenzie, photo reproduced
from simplechoicecremation.ca/obituaries/
(accessed 20 September 2024)

McKenzie, Ruth Tye, 1929-2023, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)

Image of the art of Ruth Tye McKenzie, from theag.ca/ruth-tye-mckenzie/ with notes about
her art (accessed 20 September 2024).


McKenzie, Tom, craftperson in furniture (Cutting Edge in Crafts)

Artistes canadiens en arts visuels -- Avons-nous votre nom?
Pour ajouter un lien à votre site,  pour vous inscrire
ou pour ajouter une image de
votre art, écrivez-moi à flareau@rogers.com
-- c'est gratuit.

Canadian artists in visual arts  --Do we have your name?
To add a link to your site, or your name to this index or

an image of your art, write to me at flareau@rogers.com -- it's free.

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

McKenzie, Walter, (Aboriginal Art)

McKeough, Rita Lynn, 1951-, (Balkind; Contemporary Canadian Artists; Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2009;
------ Oh, Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012)

Rita McKeough, Slipping By, 2005, photo: M.N. Hutchinson,
Stride Gallery; text and photo reproduced from the following book:
Roy, Daniel, Timothy Barnard, Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec, Répertoire des centres
d'artistes autogérés du Québec et du Canada
/ [recherchiste et relationniste, Daniel Roy; traduction, Timothy
Barnard ... et al.] = Directory of artist-run centres in Québec and Canada / [research and public relations officer,
Daniel Roy ; translation, Timothy Barnard ... et al.], 6e éd. = 6th ed., Montréal : Regroupement des centres
d'artistes autogérés du Québec, [2006?], 367 p., at p. 271 : ill. ; 22 cm. NOTES: Comprend des index. Texte
en français et en anglais. ISBN: 2980394645  (Catalogue AMICUS).

McKercher, Vois R. (Canadian Pastels)
McKernan, Vanessa (ARTBOMB--3, 7  and 27 May 2014)
McKibbin, Ed, born in Alberta ( History of Canadian Political Cartooning)

McKie, Mary R., act. 1840-1862, (McKendry; Tippett; National Archives of Canada;
------Painters in a New Land; Painters in a New Land; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------ Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)


Mary McKie, Micmac Woman,
watercolour, circa 1850

[Image of painting reproduced from the following book:
Charles J. Humber, ed., Canada's Native Peoples, Mississauga (Ontario): Heirloom Publishing,
1988, viii, 103 p., at p. 5 (Series; Canada Heirloom Series; 2), ISBN: 0-9692182-4-9]

McKiel, Christian, 1889-1978, (Block Prints; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1047-1048;
------Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
McKim, Irene, fl 1965+ (Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------McKendry; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1048-1049)
McKindrey, Susan (Spike) (Murs et murales)
McKinlay, Duncan, 1862-, fl 1911+, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McKinley, Donald, 1932-, woodworker, (Craftsman; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Crafts Canada)
McKinley, Ruth Gowdy, 1931-1981, potter, (Craftsman; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Canadian Potters at Work;
------Crafts Canada; Oeuvres d'artisans); en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Gowdy_McKinley

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

McKinnon, Alice Christine, 1918-, (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1049)
McKinnon, Ian (YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)

Book on John McKinnon:
McKinnon, John, John McKinnon: major sculptures, Webster Galleries, Calgary, Alberta, 1985
Image source of book: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=12562285402&searchurl=kn%3Dcanadian%2Bsculptors%26sortby%3D17%26pics%3Don#&gid=1&pid=1, accessed 1 December 2016

McKinnon, John, 1953-, (Burnett; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Art in Ontario; YYZ  Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)


McKinnon, L., (Sales Index 1989-90)
McKnight, Meghan (RBC Canadian Painting Competition)
McLachlan, George (Senior member of the Federation of Canadian Artists -- 2012; Sales Index 1989-90)
McLachlan, Reid, (Artists of the Gatineau Hills; City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
McLain, Helen Charleton L., 1884-1960 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists)
McLain, Mariannd McCara, 1920-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)


References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses


McLaren, Alex (A.L.), 1892-1959, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 4, p. 1052; Canadian War Posters)

Alex McLaren, war poster, 92 x 61 cm, source: digital.
, site consulted 9 August 2021.


McLaren, Jack, (Sales Index 1989-90)


Publication on Jack McLaren:

John Wilson McLaren, 1896-1988, artist, Merrill
Denison, 1893-1975, wrote the footnotes and E. J.
(Edwin John) Pratt, 1882-1964, wrote foreword,
Our great one: twelve caricatures cut in linoleum,
Toronto : Ryerson Press, 1932.[28] p. 12 plates.,
reproduced from mychangingtimes.wordpress.com/2016/12/15/our-
(accessed 1 February 2024).

McLaren, John (Jack) Wilson, 1896-1988, (Art Gallery of Ontario; Block Prints; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Ontario Collection)

John Wilson McLaren,  Lawren Harris, c.. 1930, linocut, 23.8 x 18.9 (image measurement); 28.0 x 21.6 cm
(sheet measurement), Collection: Glenbow Museum, purchase W.J. Phillips, Collection, 1961 (photograph credit:
Ron Marsh and Kevin Oke, Glenbow Museum, Calgary).

"McLaren used the medium [linocut technique] to great advantage and his simple style
captured the essential features of his subjects.  In Lawren Harris (c. 1830) his
rapid fluid line cleverly captures Harris' characteristic heavy-lidded eyes and rather
pronounced hairstyle."

[Text and Image taken from the following book: Patricia Ainslie, and Glenbow Museum (Calgary),
Images of the Land.  Canadian Block Prints, 1919-1945, 2nd ed., Calgary: Glenbow Museum, 1985,
at pp. 56, 113, 143 and 163.]

McLaren, Norman, 1914-1987, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Sir George Williams University; Collection numérique d'estampes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Biographical Index of Artists
------in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, pp. 1053-1057)

Book on the drawings of Norman McLaren:
McLaren, Norman, 1914-1987, Michael White, 1942-, The drawings of Norman McLaren = Les dessins de Norman
/ commentaires de Norman McLaren rédigés par Michael White d'après des interviews enregistrées; traduction
française, René Chicoine, Montreal : Les Livres Toundra; [Don Mills, Ont. : distribué par Collins], c1975, 192 p.: ill.;
31 cm. NOTES: Textes en anglais et en français sur des colonnes parallèles. Bibliographie: p. 182.
Image source of book: http://www.ebay.com, accessed 16 August 2015


McLaren, Norman, cinéaste (Vie des arts, numéro 221, vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, p. 17)
McLaughlin, Agnes, c1920-, (McKendry; Folk Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
McLaughlin, Anne (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
McLaughlin, D.A. (Sales Index 1989-90)

References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses

McLaughlin, Ghislaine, 1949-, (New Brunswick Painters; Répertoire des artistes [...] du Nouveau-Brunswick--2000;
------ARTothèque Overview of Contemporary Art in Acadia)

Photo of Isabel McLaughlin (left) and Rody Kenny

 McLaughlin, Isabel Grace, 1903-2002, (Newlands; McKendry; Reid; Hubbard; Hill; Toronto in Art; Art
------Gallery of Ontario; Tippett; Duval; Giles; Queen's University; History of Art in Toronto Schools;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 4, p. 1058;
------Early Women Artists; Canadian Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University);
------ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabel_McLaughlin

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