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by / Par ©François Lareau, 2003-, Ottawa, Canada
First posted on the internet on 17 June  2003

Selected Bibliography on
Consent in Canadian Criminal Law
Bibliographie choisie sur le
consentement en droit pénal canadien

see also: • Comparative Law / Droit pénal comparé
                      Authors / Auteurs: A-K  **  L-Z

ALLARD, Pierre, "Game Misconduct - Violent behaviour has always been part of hockey, but rarely does any on-ice incident make it all the way to a court of law.  Does the Criminal Code apply to our national game?", (December 1999) 8(8) National (published by the Communications Committee of the Canadian Bar Association) 16-18 and 20;

___________"Quand le droit criminel est mis sur la glace. Ou pourquoi les comportements violents observés au hockey échappent bien souvent aux règles de droit applicables ailleurs", (décembre 1999) 8(8) National (publié par le Comité des communications de l'Association du Barreau canadien) 12-15;

AURAY-BLAIS, Christiane, 1950-, Le consentement libre et éclairé dans la recherche en génétique humaine : réalité ou utopie?, Thèse LL.M., Université de Sherbrooke, 1998; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse pas encore consultée; copie à la Biliothèque nationale, Ottawa;

BAKER, Brenda M., "Consent, Assault and Sexual Assault", in Anne (Anne F.) Bayefsky, ed., Legal Theory Meets Legal Practice, Edmonton (Alberta): Academic Printing and Publishing, 1988, xxvi, 369 p., at pp. 223-238, ISBN: 0920980228 and 0920980236 (pbk.); article prepared for the conference "Legal Theory Meets Legal Practice", May 15-16, 1987, University of Ottawa; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, KE 427 .L32 1988; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 380 L43;

__________"Understanding Consent in Sexual Assault", in Keith Burgess-Jackson, ed., A Most Detestable Crime: New  Essays on Rape, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, xv, 306 p., at pp. 49-70, ISBN: 0195120752 and 0195120760 (pbk.); copy at Ottawa University, K 5197 .M67 1999 MRT;

BAKER, Greg, "Blood Samples on Consent and By Demand", (1996) 7 Journal of Motor Vehicule Law 243-255; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, periodicals, S/R2;

BARNES, John, Sports and the Law in Canada, 3rd ed., Toronto: Butterworths, 1996, xlii, 326 p., see "Violence and Criminal Liability", at pp. 251-269, ISBN: 0433391677, copy at Ottawa University,  FTX Reserve, KE 3792 .B364 1996; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

BARTON, P.G., "Consent by Others to Search Your Place", (1993) 35 The Criminal Law Quarterly 441-452;

BAXTER, Angela, "Hockey Violence: The Canadian Criminal Code and Professional Hockey", (2005) 31(2) Manitoba Law Journal 281-299;

BAUDOUIN, Jean-Louis, "L'expérimentation  sur les humains: un conflit de valeurs", dans Licéité en droit positif et références légales aux valeurs:  contribution à l'étude du règlement juridique des conflits de  valeurs en droit pénal public et international / [par] Jean Ladrière ... [et al.] ; avant-propos de Jacques Verhaegen, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1982, 706 p., aux pp. 171-213 (Collection; Bibliothèque de la Faculté de droit de l'Université catholique de Louvain; 14), ISBN: 2802703013; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General, K 7033 .L524 1982;

BAYLIS, Françoise, and Jocelyn Downie, "An Ethical and Criminal Law Framework for Research Involving Children in Canada", (1993) 1 Health Law Journal 39-64;

BENEDET, Janine, "Annotation: R. v. Ashlee, (2006) 40 C.R. (6th) 125 (Alberta Court of Appeal)", (2006) 40 Criminal Reports (6th) 126-127; case is available at R. v. Ashlee, 2006 ABCA 244 (2006-08-23), (accessed on 27 December 2006);

"Annotation: R. v. M. (J.), (2007) 46 C.R. (6th) 193 (Ontario Supreme Court of Justice)", (2007) 46 Criminal Reports (6th) 194-195;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Reichmuth, (2007) 46 C.R. (6th) 252 (British Columbia Provincial Court)", (2007) 46 Criminal Reports (6th) 253-254;

The Age of Innocence: A Cautious Defense of Raising the Age of Consent in Canadian Sexual Assault Law", (Fall 2010) 13(4) New Criminal Law Review 665-687;

BENNET, Elizabeth, "Common Law Inroads into the Criminal Code" in J. Wood and R. Peck, eds., 100 Years of the Criminal Code in Canada: Essays Commemorating the Centenary of the Canadian Criminal Code, Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, 1993, pp. 87-110, see "assault" at pp. 105-110 which deals with Jobidon;

BOURQUE, Sophie,  "Les moyens de défense" dans Claude Leblond, responsable du secteur Droit pénal, École du Barreau du Québec, Droit pénal (Infractions, moyens de défense et sentence), Cowansville (Québec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, une société Thomson, 2003, 278 p., voir pour les voies de faits, les défenses particulières du consentement et de l'erreur sur le consentement, aux pp. 82-3; et voir aussi pour les infractions sexuelles, la défense d'erreur aux pp. 89-91  (Collection; Collection de droit 2002-2003; volume 11), ISBN: 2894515863; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF385 ZB5 C681 v. 11  2002-03 c. 01;

BOYLE, Christine L.M., 1949-, Sexual Assault, Toronto: Carswell, 1984, xxv, 189  p., ISBN: 045936720X;

___________"Sexual Assault as Foreplay: Does Ewanchuk Apply to Spouses?", (2004) 20(2) Criminal Reports (6th) 359-367;

BRAITHWAITE, W.J., "Developments in Criminal Law and procedure: the 1979-80 Term", (1981) The Supreme Court Law Review 177-234, see "Mistake and Mens Rea" at pp. 177-188, deals with R. v. Pappajohn, [1980] 2 Supreme Court Reports 120;

BRETT, Nathan, "Commentary",  in Anne (Anne F.) Bayefsky, ed., Legal Theory Meets Legal Practice, Edmonton (Alberta): Academic Printing and Publishing, 1988, xxvi, 369 p., at pp. 253-257, ISBN: 0920980228 and 0920980236 (pbk.); article prepared for the conference "Legal Theory Meets Legal Practice", May 15-16, 1987, University of Ottawa; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, KE 427 .L32 1988; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 380 L43;

___________"Sexual Offenses and Consent", (1998) 11 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 69-88;

BRYANT, Alan W., "Consent and Constructive Manslaughter", (1989)  67 Criminal Reports (3d) 193-206;

___________"The Issue of Consent in the Crime of Sexual Assault", (1989) 68 Canadian Bar Review 94-154;

BURBIDGE, George Wheelock, 1847-1908, A Digest of the Criminal Law of Canada (Crimes and Punishments) Founded By Permission on Sir James Fitzjames Stephen's Digest of the Criminal Law, Toronto: Carswell, 1890, lxiii, 588 p.; see in particular, at pp. 198-201, the following articles with illustrations: article 259, "Consent to Bodily Injury"; 260, "Right to Consent to Bodily Injury for Surgical Purposes"; 261, "Surgical Operation on Person Incapable of Assent"; 262, "Right to Consent to Bodily Injury Short of Main"; 263, "No Right to Consent to Infliction of Death"; 264, "No Right to Consent to Injury Constituting a Breach of the Peace"; 265, "Consent to be Put in Danger"; pdf completed on 4 September 2006; also available at http://www.archive.org/details/cihm_00331 (accessed on 21 September 2008); also reprint in: Toronto, Carswell, 1890, lxiii, 588 p., (series; The Carswell Legal Research Series), ISBN: 0459329804;
- Table of Contents and Index
- i-lxiii and 1-41 (Cover page; Table of cases cited; Table of statutes cited (U.K. and Canada); List of Abbreviations; Contents; articles 1-34);
- 42-140 (articles 35-184);
- 141-239 (articles 185-308);
- 240-340 (articles 309-434);
- 341-448 (articles 435-561);
- 449-537 (articles 562-629 and Appendix of Notes);
- 539-588 (Index; p. 538 is blank)

CAIRNS-WAY, Rosemary, 1956-, Dimensions of Criminal Law -- Toni Pickard, Phil Goldman, Renate M. Mohr, 3rd ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2002, xxvi, 1004 p., on consent, see  pp. 516-563, ISBN: 155239050; copy at Ottawa University, location: FTX general, KE 8808.5 .P528 2002;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, "Age of Consent  to Sexual Activity -- Frequently Asked Questions", last updated: 2005-10-26; available at http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/dept/clp/faq.html (accessed on 2 April 2006); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Ministère de la Justice Canada, "Âge du consentement à une activité sexuelle -- Foire aux questions", mise à jour : 2005-10-26, disponible à http://canada.justice.gc.ca/fr/dept/clp/faq.html (site visité le 2 avril 2006);

___________Federal Prosecution Service Deskbook, [Ottawa]: Department of Justice Canada, 2000, ISBN: 0662294378, see see Part V, "Proceedings at Trial and on Appeal", Chapter 16, "Decisions Made by, and on behalf of, the Attorney General"; available at  http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/dept/pub/fpsdeskbook.pdf (accessed on 4 June 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Ministère de la Justice Canada, Guide: Le service fédéral des poursuites, [Ottawa]: Ministère de la Justice Canada, 2000, ISBN: 066285851129, voir la Partie V, "La procédure au procès et en appel", chapitre 15, "La décision d'intenter des procédures", disponible à http://canada.justice.gc.ca/fr/dept/pub/FPSDeskbook.pdf (visionné le 3 juin 2003);

___________Department of Justice, "Report of the Senior Federal Delegate", Uniform Law Conference of Canada, Regina, Saskatchewan, August 22-26, 2004, Criminal Law Section, Minutes, and see "Other Initiative - Review of Criminal Code Provisions Requiring Consent of the Attorney General", available at http://www.ulcc.ca/en/poam2/index.cfm?sec=2004&sub=2004c (accessed on 18 August 2005);  also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Ministère de la Justice Canada, "Rapport du principal délégué fédéral", La Conférence pour l'harmonisation des lois au Canada, Regina (Saskatchewan), 22 au 26 août, 2004, Section pénale, Procès-verbal, et voir "Autre initiative - Examen des dispositions du Code criminel qui exigent le consentement du procureur général", disponible à  http://www.ulcc.ca/fr/poam2/index.cfm?sec=2004&sub=2004c (visionné le 18 août 2005);

CANADA, Health Canada, Health Canada, "Guide to the proposals for Legislation Governing Assisted Human Reproduction", May 2001, 16 p.; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Santé Canada, "Guide pour les Propositions relatives au projet de loi régissant l'assistance à la procréation", Mai 2001, 18 p.;

___________"News Release -- Rock Launches Review of Draft Legislation on Assisted Human Reproduction to Ban Cloning and Regulate Research", 3 May 2001 (series; 2001-44), available at  http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/media/releases/2001/2001_44e.htm (accessed on 7 September 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Santé Canada, "Communiqué -- Le Ministre Rock amorce l'examen d'un avant-projet sur l'assistance à la reproduction qui interdira le clonage et réglementera la recherche connexe", 3 mai 2001 (Collection; 2001-44), disponible à http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/francais/media/communiques/2001/2001_44f.htm (visionné le 7 septembre 2003);

___________Health Canada, "Proposals for Legislation Governing Assisted Human Reproduction"/"Propositions relatives au projet de loi régissant l'assistance à la procréation: aperçu",  May/mai 2001, 34 p.; available/disponible à  http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/pdf/reproduction/legislation.pdf (accessed, 7 September 2003 / visionné le 7 septembre 2003);

___________Health Canada, "Proposals for Legislation Governing Assisted Human Reproduction: An Overview",  May 2001, 9 p., available at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/pdf/reproduction/repro_over.pdf (accessed on 7 September 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Santé Canada, "Propositions relatives au projet de loi régissant l'assistance à la procréation: aperçu", Mai 2001, 12 p., disponible à  http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/francais/pdf/procreation/apercu_projet_loi.pdf (visionné le 7 septembre 2003);

CANADA, Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics / Groupe consultatif interagences en éthique de la recherche, web site, available at http://pre.ethics.gc.ca/ (accessed on 9 August 2003);

___________Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (August 1998), available at  http://pre.ethics.gc.ca/english/menuAWM/../policystatement/policystatement.cfm (accessed on 9 August 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Énoncé de politique des trois Conseils : Éthique de la recherche avec des êtres humains (1998), disponible à  http://pre.ethics.gc.ca/francais/menuAwm/../policystatement/policystatement.cfm (visionné le 9 août 2003);

CANADA, Officials of the Department of Justice Canada and Members of the Law Reform Commission of Canada,  Toward a New General Part for the Criminal Code of Canada: A Framework Document on the Proposed New General Part of the Criminal Code for the Consideration of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [1990], 137 p., see "Consent to death no defence" at pp. 40-41; available at my Digital Library, http://www.lareau-law.ca/DigitalLibrary.html; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Fonctionnaires du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des membres de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada : document cadre sur la nouvelle partie générale proposée du Code criminel présenté pour examen au comité permanent de la justice et du solliciteur général, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice], [1990], 144 p., voir "Le consentement à sa propre mort" aux pp. 40-41; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale, http://www.lareau-law.ca/DigitalLibrary.html;

1. Should this provision [s. 14 of the Criminal Code, Consent to death] be kept in a new General Part or should the issue of consent to the infliction of bodily injury and/or death be dealt with in specific sections of the Code?" (p. 41)

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, Bill C-247, "An Act to amend the Criminal Code (genetic manipulation)", First reading, 9 october 1997, introduced by Mrs. Picard, M.P.; available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/36/1/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/private/C-247_1.pdf (accessed on 23 August 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Projet de Loi C-247, "Loi modifiant le Code criminel (manipulation génétique)", première lecture, le 9 octobre 1997, projet de loi présenté par Mme Picard, députée; disponible à  http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/36/1/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/private/C-247_1.pdf (visionné le 23 août 2003);

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, Bill C-13, "An Act respecting assisted human reproductive technologies and related research", first reading 9 October 2002, see  http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/C-13_1.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2003); reprinted on 12 December 2002, as amended by the Standing Committee on Health after second reading, see  http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/C-13_2.pdf (accessed on 8 September 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Projet de Loi C-13, "Loi concernant la procréation assistée", première lecture, le 9 octobre 2002, voir http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/C-13_1.pdf (visionné le 13 août 2003); réimprimé, le 12 décembre 2002, tel que modifié par le Comité permanent de la santé après la deuxième lecture, voir http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/C-13_2.pdf (visionné le 8 septembre 2003);

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, Bill C-47, "An Act respecting human reproductive technologies and commercial transactions relating to human reproduction", First reading, 14 June 1996; available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/35/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/C-47_1.pdf (accessed on 22 August 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Projet de Loi C-47, "Loi concernant les techniques de reproduction humaine et les opérations commerciales liées à la reproduction humaine", Première lecture, le 14 juin 1996; disponible à http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/35/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/C-47_1.pdf (visionné, le 22 août 2003);

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, Bill C-56, "An Act respecting assisted human reproduction", First reading, 9 May 2002, died on the order paper; did not go further than first reading; available at  http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/C-56_1.pdf (accessed on 7 September 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Projet de Loi C-56, "Loi concernant la procréation assistée", Première lecture, le 9 mai 2002; mort au feuilleton; n'a pas été plus loin que la première lecture; disponible à   http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/C-56_1.pdf (visionné le 7 September 2003);

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons,  Bill C-306, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (age of consent), first reading 19 November 2002, tabled by Mr. Thompson (Wild Rose) available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/private/C-306/C-306_1/C-306_cover-E.html  (accessed on 4 June 2003); also available in French /aussi disponible ne Français, Projet de loi C-306, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (âge du consentement), déposé en première lecture le 19 novembre 2002 par M. Thompson (Wild Rose), disponible à http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/private/C-306/C-306_1/C-306_cover-F.html (visionné le 4 juin 2003);

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Health considering Bill C-13, "An Act respecting assisted human reproductive technologies and related research", first reading 9 October 2002; also published in French / aussi publié en français, Canada, Chambre des Communes, Comité permanent de la santé étudiant le projet de loi C-13, "Loi concernant la procréation assistée", première lecture le 9 octobre 2002:

• Report with amendments / rapport avec amendements, 12 December/décembre 2002, available at / disponible à http://www.parl.gc.ca/InfoComDoc/37/2/HEAL/Studies/Reports/HEALrp1-e.htm;

• Minutes of Proceedings and evidence, 19 November -10 December 2002,  available at  http://www.parl.gc.ca/infocom/CommitteeMinute.asp?Language=E&Parliament=9&Joint=0&CommitteeID=247 (accessed, 9 September 2003); Liste des réunions, procès-verbaux et témoignages, disponible à  http://www.parl.gc.ca/infocom/CommitteeMinute.asp?Language=F&Parliament=9&Joint=0&CommitteeID=247 (visionné, le 9 septembre 2003).

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Health, considiring the draft legislation on assisted human reproduction tabled in the House of Commons on May 3, 2001 by the Minister of Health, the Hon. Allan Rock, [Report] Assisted Human Reproduction: Building Families, December 2001 (Chair: Bonnie Brown, M.P.), available at  http://www.parl.gc.ca/InfoComDoc/37/1/HEAL/Studies/Reports/healrp01-e.htm (accessed on 7 September 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Chambre des Communes, Comité permanent de la santé ayant examiné l’avant-projet de loi sur  l’assistance à la procréation, déposé à la Chambre des communes le 3 mai 2001 par le ministre de la Santé, l'honorable Allan Rock, [Rapport:] Assistance à la procréation: bâtir la famille, décembre 2001, disponible à http://www.parl.gc.ca/InfoComDoc/37/1/HEAL/Studies/Reports/healrp01-f.htm (visionné le 7 septembre 2003);

___________Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Health, considiring the draft legislation on assisted human reproduction tabled in the House of Commons on May 3, 2001 by the Minister of Health, the Hon. Allan Rock, Minutes of Proceedings and evidence, 3 May to 10 December 2001, available at   http://www.parl.gc.ca/infocom/CommitteeMinute.asp?Language=E&CommitteeId=147&Joint=0  (accessed on 9 September 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Chambre des Communes, Comité permanent de la santé ayant examiné l’avant-projet de loi sur l’assistance à la procréation, déposé à la Chambre des communes le 3 mai 2001 par le ministre de la Santé, l'honorable Allan Rock, Liste des réunions, procès-verbaux et témoignages, du 3 mai au 10 décembre 2001, disponible à  http://www.parl.gc.ca/infocom/CommitteeMinute.asp?Language=F&CommitteeId=147&Joint=0  (visionné le 9 septembre 2003);

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, Four-Year Review of the Child Sexual Abuse Provisions of the Criminal Code and the Canada Evidence Act (Formerly Bill C-15), Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, Issue number 87, 13 May 1993 and 3 June 1993, 34th Parliamenrt, 3rd Session (Chairperson: Bob Horner); information on the French version / informations sur la version française: CANADA, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la Justice et du Solliciteur général, Examen de quatre ans des dispositions du Code criminel et de la Loi sur la preuve au Canada sur l'exploitation sexuelle des enfants (anciennement projet de loi c-15), Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Comité permanent de la Justice et du Solliciteur général, Fascicule numéro 101, 13 mai 1993 et 3 juin 1993, 34e législature, 3e session (Président: Bob Horner);
- Table of Contents
- Report

Table des matières
CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1992-1993,  11 Issues: no. 1: 25, 26, 30 March  1992, 12 May and  8 June 1992; no. 2: 15 June 1992; no. 3: 16 June 1992; no. 4: 16 June 1992; no. 5: 2 and 18 November 1991; no. 6: 19 November 1992; no. 7: 23 November 1992; no. 8: 24 November 1992 (this number deals with consent, see the Appendixes); no. 9: 26 November. 1992; no. 10: 8 December  1992; no. 11: 10 December 1992 and  2, 4, and 16 February 1993; note that the 11th issue consists of the report:  First Principles: Recodifying the General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada: Report of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Sollicitor General; see Chapter XIII, "The Offence of Aiding Suicide" at pp. 59-61 of the report; also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Chambre des Communes, Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général,  [Ottawa]: I'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1992-1993, 11 fasicules : 1: 25, 26, 30 mars 1992, 12 mai, 8 juin 1992; 2: 15 juin 1992; 3: 16 juin 1992; 4: 16 juin 1992; 5: 2 et 18 novembre 1991; 6: 19 novembre 1992; 7: 23 novembre 1992; 8: 24 novembre 1992 (ce numéro traite du consentement, voir les annexes); 9: 26 novembre 1992; 10: 8 décembre 1992; 11: 10 décembre 1992 et 2,4,16 février 1993; noter que le 11e fasicule contient le rapport : Principes de base: recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada.  Rapport du Sous-comité sur la recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général; voir le Chapitre XIII. "L'incrimination de l'aide au suicide" aux pp. 63-65;

    "The Sub-Committee believes that reform of the law concerning aided suicide would require amendments to provisions now contained in the Special Part of the Criminal Code.  Indeed, the proposal for reform submitted to the Sub-Committee by the Right to Die Society concentrated on an amendment to section 241 [counselling or aiding suicide] of the Code.  While the position of this group was that an amendment to section 14 of the Code [consent to death] would also be desirable, the Sub-Committee is not persuaded that this amendment would be necessary in order to accomplish the goals sought by the Right to Die Society or, even if such an amendment were necessary, that this would amount to a sufficient connection to reform of the General Part that it should make a recommendation at this time.

    As mentioned earlier in this chapter, section 14 states that one cannot consent to death 'inflicted' on oneself.  The Sub-Committee believes that in a situation where a person requests the assistance of another person in carrying out a suicide, this would not involve the 'infliction' of death.  What is contemplated is a situation where a person would be provided with the means to take his or her own life.  The death-causing act would be taken by the person himself or herself, not by the assistant.  Thus, strickly speaking, an amendment to section 14 would not be necessary to accomplish what is sought by groups advocating legal recognition of assisted suicides.  A provision along the lines of section 14 should continue to exist in the General Part and the question of assisted suicide should be addressed separately.

    Even if the issues could be resolved in the General Part, additional evidence and deliberation are required before adequate consideration can be given to the advisability of reform in this area of the law.  The Sub-Committee heard a good deal of conflicting testimony on these matters.  It is likely that many more individuals and groups would want to be heard before even preliminary decisions are taken on these issues.

    For these reasons, the Sub-Committee does not suggest amendments to the General Part to address the issue of aiding suicide.  Nevertheless, the Sub-Committee is convinced, from the level of debate and the testimony heard by it, that the issue of assisted suicide is one of pressing interest and concern to Canadians.  The Sub-Committee also believes that public policy issues of such importance should be addressed by the parliamentary process.

Recommendation Eighteen
The Sub-Committee recommends that the issues surrounding assisted suicide not be addressed in a recodified General Part of the Criminal Code." (pp. 60-61)

CANADA, Parliament, Senate, Special Committee on Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide, Of life and death : report, Ottawa : The Special Committee, 1995, 266 p., ISBN: 0662217292; available  at http://web.archive.org/web/20041013074700/www.parl.gc.ca/english/senate/com-e/euth-e/rep-e/lad-tc-e.htm (accessed on 18 May 2008); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Parlement, Sénat, Le comité spécial du Sénat sur l'euthanasie et l'aide au suicide, De la vie et de la mort -- Rapport final,  Ottawa : le Comité, 1995, 273 p., ISBN: 066299180X; disponible http://web.archive.org/web/20041013072228/www.parl.gc.ca/english/senate/com-f/euth-f/rep-f/lad-tc-f.htm (visionné le 18 mai 2008);

CANADA, Policy Centre for Victims Issues, "Legislation", see  "A Definition  of Consent to Sexual Activity" and "Restricting the Defence of  Honest Belief of Consent", available at http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/ps/voc/voclegdef.html#restr (accessed on 19 April 2006); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Centre de la politique concernant les victimes, "Législation" et voir "La définition de consentement à l'activité sexuelle" et "Exclusion du moyen de défense fondé sur la croyance au consentement", disponible à http://canada.justice.gc.ca/fr/ps/voc/voclegdef.html (visionné le 19 avril 2006);

CANADA, Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies (RCNRT), Proceed with care: final report, Ottawa : Canada Communications Group, 1993,  2 v. (xxxvii, 1275 p.) ISBN: 0660156059 (set of 2 vol.),  (Chair: Patricia Baird; other members: G. Jantzen, B.M. Knoppers, S.E.M. McCutcheon, and S.R. Scorsone, S. R); copy at Ottawa University, at FTX, CA1 Z1 89N27 FTX; and MRT, CA1 Z1 89N27 MRT; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada; also published in French /aussi publié en français: Commission royale sur les nouvelles techniques de reproduction, Un virage à prendre en douceur: Rapport final de la Commission royale sur les nouvelles techniques de reproduction, Ottawa: La Commission, 1993, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0660944383 (pour les deux volumes);

"Criminal Legislation

    We have judged that certain activities conflict so sharply with the values espoused by Canadians and by this Commission, and are so potentially harmful to the interests of individuals and of society, that they must be prohibited by the federal government under threat of criminal sanction.  These actions include human zygote/embryo research related to another species [184], or the maturation and fertilization of eggs from human fetuses; the sale of human eggs, sperm, zygotes, fetuses, and fetal tissues [192, 286, 287]; and advertising for or acting as an intermediary to bring about a preconception arrangement, receiving payment or any financial or commercial benefit for acting as an intermediary, and making payment for a preconception arrangement [199].

    We also recommend that unwanted medical treatment and other interferences or threatened interferences with the physical autonomy of pregnant women be recognized explicitly under the Criminal Code as criminal assault.  To ensure that medical treatment never be imposed upon a pregnant woman against her wishes, we also recommend that the criminal law, or any other law, never be used to confine or imprison a pregnant woman in the interests of her fetus, and that the conduct of a pregnant woman in relation to her fetus not be criminalized [273, 274]." (p. 1022)

"Lois pénales

    Nous avons jugé que certaines activités sont tellement contraires aux valeurs chères à la population canadienne et à
la Commission, et qu'elles peuvent nuire à un tel point aux intérêts des particuliers de la société, qu'il est impérieux que le gouvernement fédéral prononce contre elles des interdictions assorties de peines au criminel.  Au nombre de ces activités, mentionnons la recherches sur les zygotes ou embryons humains liés à l'ectogénèse, le clonage, les hybrides animaux et humains, le transfert de zygotes à d'autres espèces [184] ou de maturation et la fécondation d'ovules à partir de foetus humains: la vente d'ovules, de spermatozoïdes, de zygotes, de foetus ou de tissu foetal humains [192, 286, 287]; et la publicité et le versement ou la réception de sommes d'argent pour des contrats de maternité de substitution, la négociation de tels contrats, la participation à ceux-ci ou n'importe quel profit, financier, commercial ou autre, en découlant [199].

    Nous recommandons aussi que les traitements médicaux non voulus et les autres entraves, réelles ou possibles, à l'autonomie physique des femmes enceintes soient prévus expressément dans le Code criminel à titre de délits criminels de voie de fait.  Pour éviter qu'aucun traitement médical ne soit imposé à une femme enceinte contre sa volonté, nous recommandons également qu'on ne puisse invoquer le droit pénal ni tout autre droit pour faire interner ou emprisonner une femme enceinceinte pour le bien du foetus, et que sa conduite à l'égard du foetus qu'elle porte ne soit pas criminalisée [273, 274]."  (p. 1159)

CASTEL, J-G., "Nature and Effects of Consent with Respect to the Right to Life and the Right to Physical and Mental Integrity in the Medical Field: Criminal and Private Law Aspects", (1978) 16 Alberta Law Review 293-356;

___________Nature and Effects of Consent with Respect to the Right to Life and the Right to Physical and Mental Integrity in the Medical Field: Criminal and Civil Law Aspects, Toronto, 31 October 1977, 157 p.; paper prepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada, available at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF3827  I5 C38;

CAULFIELD, Timothy, "Clones, Controversy, and Criminal Law: A Comment on the Proposal for Legislation Governing Assisted Human Reproduction", (2001-2002) 39 Alberta Law Review 335-345; copy at Ottawa University, KEA 4 .L23  Location: FTX Periodicals;


  In the past few years there has been a tremendous amount of regulatory conflict in the area of reproductive genetics.  The Canadian government has recently released a proposal for legislating in this complex arena.  Although the proposed Bill contains many positive elements, it is argued that the use of the criminal law as a regulatory mechanism is neither warranted nor appropriate.  The author suggests a more flexible and responsive system of moratoriums and licences that would enable review and adjustment to the realities of emerging reproductive technologies is a better approach." (p. 335)

CHAMPLAIN, Éric de, L'utilisation des techniques de génétique en regard de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, Thèse LL.M., Université Laval, 2001, v, 136 feuilles; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée;

CHEN, Melody, "Wombs for rent: an examination of prohibitory and regulatory approaches to governing preconception arrangements", (February 2003) 23(3) Health Law in Canada 33-50;

CÔTÉ-HARPER, Gisèle, 1942-,  Pierre Rainville, 1964-,  et  Jean Turgeon, 1951-,  Traité de droit  pénal canadien, 4e édition refondue et augmentée, Cowansville: Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1998, lv, 1458 p., voir "Le consentement de la victime" aux pp. 1009-1030 ISBN: 2894512589; note de recherche: la première édition de ce livre porte le titre: Principes de droit pénal général, 1981; la deuxième édition en 1984 et la troisième édition en 1989 avec le supplément de 1994 portent le tite de Droit pénal canadien;

COUGHLAN, Steve, "Annotation: R. v. Paice, (2005) 29 C.R. (6th) 1 (S.C.C.)", (2005) 29 Criminal Reports (6th) 3-5;

__________"Commentary: R. v. Niedermier, (2005) 26(2) C.R. (6th) 215 (British Columbia Court of Appeal)", (2005) 24(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 216-218;

___________"Commentary: R. v. Stender, (2005) 24(1) C.R. (6th) 91 (Ontario Court of Appeal)", (2005) 24(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 92;

Criminal Code -- Annotated codes used by practioners/ Code criminel --codes annotés utilisés par les practiciens

    in English (published every year) /en anglais:

GOLD, Allan D., The Practioner's Criminal Code, Markham, Ont.: LexisNexis Canada, 2008;

GREENSPAN, Edward L. and Marc Rosenberg, annotations by, Martin's Annual Criminal Code 2008, Aurora: Canada Law Book Inc.;
WATT, David and Michelle Fuerst, annotations by, The 2008 Annotated Tremeear's Criminal Code, Toronto: Carswell, A Thomson Company;
     in French/en français (publié chaque année):
COURNOYER, Guy et Gilles Ouimet, Code criminel annoté 2008, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, une société Thomson; note: législation bilingue/bilingual legislation;
          DUBOIS, Alain et Philip Schneider, Code criminel et lois connexes annotés 2008, Brossard: Publications CCH Ltée; note: législation bilingue/bilingual legislation;

Criminal Code (available at http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/C-46/index.html, accessed on 11 June 2005) /
Code criminel (disponible à http://lois.justice.gc.ca/fr/C-46/index.html, visionné le 11 juin 2005)

DADOUR, François, 1971-, Le phénomène du SIDA et le droit criminel : impacts et enjeux!, Montréal : Éditions Thémis, 1996, xii, 235 p., ISBN: 2894000758; copy at Ottawa University, KE 8928 .D335 1996 FTX; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 9325 D23 1996 c. 01;

DAVIES, Chris, "Criminal law and assaults in sport: An Australian and Canadian perspective", June 2006) 30(3) Criminal Law Journal 151-158;

DESROSIERS, Julie, "La hausse de l'âge du consentement sexuel: renouveau du moralisme juridique?", (2009) 14(1)  Canadian Criminal Law Review 19;

DICKENS, Bernard M., "Informed Consent", in Jocelyn (Jocelyn Grant) Downie, 1962-, Timothy (Timothy A.) Cauldfield, 1963-, and Colleen M. (Colleen Marion) Flood, 1966-, eds., Canadian Health Law and Policy, 2nd ed., Markham (Ontario): Butterworths Canada, A Member of the LexisNexis Group, 2002, xxxv, 601 p., chapter 5, at pp. 129-156, ISBN: 0433438126; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br. B. KE 3646 C36 2002; civil law;

____________"The Modern Law on Informed Consent", (1987) 37 Modern Medecine of Canada 706-710; copy at Ottawa University, R 11 .M97  Location: RGN Periodicals;

DOHERTY, David H. and STUART, Don, "Jobidon: Consensual Combat and the Crime of Manslaughter - Two Views", see infra under STUART, Don and David  H. Doherty;

DUBIN, Charles L., "Consent in Criminal Law", in Anne (Anne F.) Bayefsky, ed., Legal Theory Meets Legal Practice, Edmonton (Alberta): Academic Printing and Publishing, 1988, xxvi, 369 p., at pp. 239-252, ISBN: 0920980228 and 0920980236 (pbk.); article prepared for the conference "Legal Theory Meets Legal Practice", May 15-16, 1987, University of Ottawa ; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, KE 427 .L32 1988; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 380 L43;

"Consent 'A Defence'

Where consent is a relevant issue in determining the guilt or innocence of an accused charged with a crime, it is frequently referred to as a defence.  However, where consent is material in determining the guilt or innocence of an individual, it is the absence of consent which constitutes the offence.  In those cases where consent is material, if there is consent, there is no offence, and the act or omission complained of is not culpable.  Of recent date, there has been some suggestions that where consent is material, the burden of proof should lie on the accused to prove consent.  However, because it is the absence of consent which categorizes otherwise lawful conduct as criminal, it follows, I think, in such cases that the Crown must bear the burden of proof of the absence of consent.  This is consistent with the traditional approach to criminal law where the Crown bears the burden of proving every essential ingredient of the crime alleged." (p. 252)

DUCHESNE, André, "Les siamoises rendent l'âme", La Presse, mercredi 9 juillet 2003, p. A3;

"Décédées à 90 minutes d'intervalle hier [à Singapour], les siamoises Ladan et Laleh Bijani [de l'Iran] avaient accepté tous les risques de l'opération visant à séparer leur tête pace qu'elles voulaient vivre chacune leur vie et pouvoir enfin se regarder dans les yeux.

    C'était la première fois qu'une équipe médicale tentait de séparer deux adultes siamois unis par la tête.  Une intervention semblable se pratique, avec 20% de succès, chez les enfants. [...]

    En 1996, des spécialistes allemands avaient refusé d'opérer les deux femmes en raison des risques trop élevés que comportait la chirurgie.  Mais les progrès technologies des dernières années, notamment en matière d'imagerie médicale, avaient ressuscité leur espoir. [...]"

EATON, J. David, "Consent in sexual assault cases" in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 2 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001; title noted in my research but not yet consulted;

"Editorial : Change Age of Consent", Winnipeg Free Press, 29 September, 2001, 321 words; "the age at which children are eligible to consent to sexual relations in Canada should be increased to 16 from 14";

Editorial "Our Views: Consenting children: The arrest of a 31 year-old Texas man alleged to have lured an Ottawa boy to a hotel room for sex shows what a hash our legislators have made of Canada's laws on sex and drugs", The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, 11 March 2005, p. A14;

ELLIOTT, Ricahrd, After Cuerrier : Canadian criminal law and the non-disclosure of HIV-positive status, Montréal : Canadian HIV-AIDS Legal Network = Réseau juridique juridique canadien VIH-SIDA, c1999, 80 p., ISBN:  1896735215 and 1896735223, available at  http://www.aidslaw.ca/Maincontent/issues/criminallaw/finalreports/cuerrier/tofc.htm (accesssed on 28 May 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: ELLIOTT, Richard, Après l'arrêt Cuerrier : le droit ciminel canadien et la  non-divulgation de la séropositivité, Montréal : Réseau juridique canadien VIH-SIDA = Canadian HIV-AIDS Legal Network, c1999, 92 p., ISBN:  1896735215 et 1896735223, disponible à  http://www.aidslaw.ca/francais/Contenu/themes/droitcriminel/cuerrier-f/f-tofc.htm (visionné le 28 mai 2003);

EMSON, H.E., 1927-, The Doctor and the Law: a Practical Guide for the Canadian Physician, 3rd ed., Toronto: Butterworths, 1995, xvii, 282 p., see "Consent", at pp. 107-137, ISBN: 0433396261, copy at Ottawa University, KE 2708 .E47 1995 FTX;

EWASCHUCK, Eugene G., Criminal Pleadings and Practice in Canada, 2nd ed., 3 volumes, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 1987-, see in vol. 2, "21:900 Consent"", ISBN: 0888041438 (vol. 2); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 9656 E93; important contribution;

FERGUSON, Gerry, "Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law", (2000) 24(4) Criminal Law Journal 248-263, see "Consent obtained by fraud" at pp. 256-257 and "Consent,  mistaken belief in consent and sexual assault" at  pp. 257-259;

FEYISITAN, Joy Beniebi, Redefining consent: The quest for a global initiative that reflects cultural diversity in women's rights, LLM. thesis, University of Toronto, 2002, 132 p.; thesis advisor: Audrey Macklin; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

FISH, Arthur  and Peter A. Singer, "Nancy B.: the criminal code and decisions to forgo life-sustaining treatment", (1992) 147(5) Canadian Medical Association Journal 637-642;

FITZGERALD, Patrick, "Consent, Crime and Rationality",  in Anne (Anne F.) Bayefsky, ed., Legal Theory Meets Legal Practice, Edmonton (Alberta): Academic Printing and Publishing, 1988, xxvi, 369 p., at pp. 209-221, ISBN: 0920980228 and 0920980236 (pbk.); article prepared for the conference "Legal Theory Meets Legal Practice", May 15-16, 1987, University of Ottawa; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, KE 427 .L32 1988; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 380 L43;

FORTIN, Isabelle et Valérie Lessard, "Le critère de vraisemblance en matière d'erreur sur le consentement dans les cas d'agression sexuelle", (1996) 10 Revue juridique des étudiants et étudiantes de l'Université Laval ( R.J.E.U.L) 177 (1 p. seulement); il s'agit du sommaire d'un travail de recherche de 35 pages, numéro 96-15 que l'on peut commander;

FORTIN, Jacques, André Jodouin et Adrian Popovici, "La sanction et la réparation des atteintes au corps humain en droit canadien", dans Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française.  Journées (1975: Bruxelles, Belgique), Le corps humain et le droit :Journées belges, [1er au 6 septembre 1975], Paris : Dalloz, 1977, xiv, 536 p., aux pp. 303-342 et voir la discussion sur le consentement aux pp. 320-321 (Collection; Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant; t.26); copie à la Bibliothèque de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa, K 110 .A825 A327 V.26 1977;

FORTIN, Jacques et Louise Viau, Traité de droit pénal général,  Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 1982, xi, 457 p.; "Table Analytique des Matières:..Chapitre VI Les Moyens de défense particuliers.  2. Le consentement...297 à 305: Le consentement de la victime.  La pertinence légale du consentement.  Le consentement est non pertinent.  Le consentement est pertinent.  Les cas limites.  Le consentement et l'article 228 C. Cr.  Le consentement et l'article 245(2) C. Cr.  Consentement et ordre public.  Consentement et traitement médical. Consentement et exercise des sports";

FUERST, Michelle K., Defending Sexual Offences, 2nd ed., Carswell, 2000, ix, 162  p., see Chapter 8, "The Defences of Consent and Mistaken Belief in Consent", at pp. 71-78 (series; Carswell practice guides), ISBN: 0459260839; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada, KF9325 F84 2000;

GAGNÉ, Jacques, 1930-, et Pierre Rainville, Les infractions, contre la propriété: le vol, la fraude, la possession illégale et certains crimes connexes, Cowansville (Québec): Les éditions Yvon Blais, 1996, xxxiv, 514 p., ISBN: 2894510527,  "Chapitre Préliminaire - Le rôle du consentement dans les infractions contre la propriété", aux pp. 5-17; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa,  FTX General, KE 8958 .G336 1996; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 9350 G34 1996;

GASCON, Suzanne, 1955-, L'utilisation médicale et la commercialisation du corps humain, Cowansville, Québec : Éditions Y. Blais, 1993, xxv, 166 p. (Collection; Collection Minerve); copie à l'Université d'Ottawa,  FTX General, KEQ 893 .G37 1993;

GAUTHIER, Isabelle, 1972-, Analyse de la norme sociale comme contrainte au consentement : l'exemple de la recherche biomédicale en situation d'urgence, thèse LL.M., McGill University, 2000, iv, 142 p.; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non encore consultée; copie à la bibliothèque nationale, Ottawa;

GIRARD, Nathalie, 1962-, Le consentement du mineur aux soins médicaux, Cowansville (Québec) : Éditions Y. Blais, 1993, xxiv, 236 p. (Collection; Collection Minerve), ISBN: 2890739031; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KEQ 893 .G57 1993 FTX; traite du droit civil;

GLASS, Kathleen Canley and Trudo Lemmens, "Research Involving Humans",  in Jocelyn (Jocelyn Grant) Downie, 1962-, Timothy (Timothy A.) Cauldfield, 1963-,  and Colleen M. (Colleen Marion) Flood, 1966-, eds., Canadian Health Law and Policy, 2nd ed., Markham (Ontario): Butterworths Canada, A Member of the LexisNexis Group, 2002, xxxv, 601 p., chapter 12, at pp. 459-400,  ISBN: 0433438126; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br. B. KE 3646 C36 2002;

GOTELL, Lise and Barbara Crow, presently doing the following research: "Canadian Sexual Assault Law and the Contested Boundaries of Consent: Legal and Extra-legal Dimensions (SSHRC Funded, Standard Research Grants Program, 2001-2003)", see research summary at  http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/~gotell/SSHRC.htm (accessed on 14 August 2003);

GREEN, Maurice A., Case comment, "Consent as a Defence in a Fistfight Between Minors [R. v. W.(G.) (1994) 18 O.R. (3d) 321 (C.A)]", (1994-95) 6 Education & Law Journal 115-117;

GREENAWAY, Norma, "Delay threatens bioethics legislation: Biotechnology bill might have to wait until after election", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, October 13, 2003, pp. A1 and A2;

HANCOCK, Moffatt, "Fallacy of the Transplanted Category", (1959) 37 Canadian Bar Review 536-575;

HANES, Allison, "Former child star reveals she was abused.  Nathalie Simard allows judge to identify her as girl raped by famed Quebec producer"; The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday 25 May 2005, p. A7;

"Quebec Superior Court Justice Maurice Laramée decided late yesterday that if the 35 year-old now feels the publication ban [in the Guy Cloutier criminal trial] is impeding her right to free expression, it should be struck down." (p. A7)

HEALY, Patrick, "Developments in the Law of Evidence: The 1993-94 Term.  Admissibility, Discretion and the Truth of the Matter", (1995) 6 The Supreme Court Law Review (second series) 370-451, see "R. v. Osolin: The Evidential Burden" at pp. 445-447;

___________"Statutory Prohibitions and the Regulation of New Reproductive Technologies under Federal Law in Canada", (1995) 40 McGill Law Journal 905-946;

"This paper reviews recommendations made by the Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies concerning   statutory prohibitions and offences relating to reproduction and reproductive technologies.  The recommendations are criticized on three grounds. First, the Report offers no analysis of the legislative authority that would enable Parliament to enact its recommendations. Second, it offers no consideration of principles of criminal jurisprudence that would justify the prohibitions proposed. Third, the Report fails to advance arguments or  rationales that would justify each of the specific recommendations concerning statutory prohibitions. In short, the Report fails to make a case for implementation of the Commission's recommendations with respect to statutory prohibitions because the legal aspects of those proposals are ill-developed or misconceived. A further conclusion is that the only effective legislative response to issues raised by reproductive technologies is concerted action, including regulatory measures, by Parliament and the provincial legislatures." (p. 905; available at  http://www.journal.law.mcgill.ca/arts/404healy.pdf, source 22 August 2003)

HÉBERT, Jean-C. (Jean-Claude), "Violence au hockey: Loi pénale ou loi sportive?", (Mai 2008) 40(5) Le Journal Barreau du Québec 10; disponible au site du Barreau du Québec;

HÉBERT, Monique, Nancy Miller Chenier and Sonya Norris, Legislative Summary -- Bill C-56: An Act Respecting Assisted Human Reproduction [First Reading on 9 May 2002], Ottawa: Library of Parlaiment, Parliamentary Research Branch , 27 May 2002, (series; LS-427E), available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/summaries/c56-e.pdf (accessed on 8 September 2003); also available in French /aussi disponible ne Français, Hébert, Monique, Nancy Miller Chenier et Sonya Norris, Résumé législatif -- Projet de loi C-56, Loi concernant la procréation assistée [Première lecture, le 9 mai 2002], Ottawa: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Direction de la recherche parlementaire, 27 mai 2002 (Collection; LS-427F), disponible à  http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/summaries/c56-f.pdf (visionné le 8 septembre 2003);

___________Legislative Summary -- Bill C-13: Assisted Human Reproduction Act [First Reading on 9 October 2002, reprint on 12 December 2002 after 2nd reading and report by the Standing Committee on Health], Ottawa: Library of Parlaiment, Parliamentary Research Branch ,10 October 2002 and revised 16 April 2003 ( series; LS-434E), available at  http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/summaries/c13-e.pdf  (accessed on 8 September 2003); also available in French /aussi disponible ne Français, Hébert, Monique, Nancy Miller Chenier et Sonya Norris, Résumé législatif -- Projet de loi C-13, Loi sur la procréation assistée [Première lecture, le 9 octobre 2002; réimpression de cette loi, le 12 décembre 2002, après la deuxième lecture et le rapport du Comité permanent de la santé], Ottawa: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Direction de la recherche parlementaire, 10 octobre 2002, révisé le 16 avril 2003, (Collection; LS-434F), disponible à  http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/summaries/c13-f.pdf (visionné le 8 septembre 2003);

HECHTER, William, "The Criminal Law and Violence in Sports", (1976-77) 19 The Criminal Law Quarterly 425-453;

HOFFMAN, Brian F. (Brian Francis), 1942-, The law of consent to treatment in Ontario, 2nd ed., Toronto : Butterworths, c1997, xxvii, 238 p., ISBN: 0433404078; copy at the Library of Parliament; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 3827 I5 H64; civil law;

HUBBARD, Robert W., 1948-, Peter M. Brauti, and Scott Fenton, Wiretapping and Other Surveillance: Law and Procedure, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 2000-, loose-leaf with updates, ISBN: 0000843074, see in particular, Chapter 2, "Lawful and Consent Interceptions Without Judicial Authorization"; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br. B  KE 9328 H82;

HUGHES, G.J., "Criminal Law -- Defence of Consent -- Test to be Applied", (1955) 33 Canadian Bar Review 88-93;

HUSA, Anna and Stephen Thiele, "In the Name of the Game: Hockey Violence and the Criminal Justice System", (2002) 45(4) The Criminal Law Quarterly 509-528;

HUTCHISON, Scott C., 1962-, and  James C. (James Cooper) Morton, 1960-, and Michael Bury, Search and Seizure Law in Canada, Toronto: Carswell, 1990-, 2 volumes,  looseleaf, ISBN: 0459350617, see chapter 7, "Consent Searches";

ILLICO INC., "Le consentement en matière d'agression sexuelle", CR-5478, (visionné le 2 juin 2003);

JACOB, Marie-Claude, La médecine du désir, LL.M., Université Laval, 1997, 116 p.;

KARI, Shannon, "Courts upholds soccer player's assault conviction -- Opponent's broken leg not 'within ordinary course of game' ", The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, 21 April 2004, p. A5; Ontario Superior Court judge Casey Hill and defendant: Martin Owen;,

KELL, David, "Consent to Harmful  Assaults Under the Queensland Criminal Code: Time for a Reappraisal?", (1994) 68 Australian Law Journal 363-378; Canadian law is discussed at pp. 373-375;

"This article examines, with particular reference to the position under the Queensland Criminal Code, the extent to which a person's consent to the infliction of harm ought to prvent criminal liability atttaching to a person charged, under criminal assault provisions, with inflicting that harm.  Both common law and code authority are considered, as is the recent work of the Queensland Criminal Code Review Committee.  Four alternative models, to the prevailing Code interpretation are evaluated and a new approach, to some extent drawing upon common law doctrine, is advanced as a more persuasive guide for judicial decision making." (p. 363)

KEYSERLINGK, Edward W. (Edward Wendelin), Sanctity of Life or  Quality of Life, in the context of  ethics, medicine, and law : a study / written for the Law Reform Commission of Canada, Ottawa : Law Reform Commission of Canada, c1979, viii, 224 p. (series; Study paper; Law Reform Commission of Canada, Protection of Life series), ISBN: 0662104455; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 384 ZA2 P76 S3613; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Le caractère sacré de la vie ou la qualité de la vie du  point de vue de l'éthique, de la médecine et du droit : étude écrite pour la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1979, ix, 231 p. (Collection; document d'étude; Commission de réforme du droit du Canada; Série Protection de la vie),  ISBN:  0662902645; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada,  KF 384 ZA2 P76 S3613;

KLEINIG, John, "The Ethics of Consent", in Kai Nielsen and Steven C. Patten, eds., New Essays in Ethics and Public Policy, Guelph (Ontario): Canadian Association for Publishing in Philoosophy, 1982, 234 p. at pp. 91-118, ISBN:0919491081; copy at Ottawa Univerity, MRT, BJ 1031 .N478 1982;

KNOLL, Patrick J., 1950-, Criminal Law Defences: Textbook Edition of the title Criminal Law Defences Canadian Encyclopedic Digest Third Edition, 2nd ed.,  Scarborough: Carswell (Thomson Professional Publishing), 1994, 224 p., see "Consent" at pp. 187-190, ISBN: 0459552392; there is a newer edition of this book;

KNOPPERS, Bartha Maria, and Geneviève Cardinal, "Genetics and the Law"  in Jocelyn (Jocelyn Grant) Downie, 1962-, Timothy (Timothy A.) Cauldfield, 1963-,  and Colleen M. (Colleen Marion) Flood, 1966-, eds., Canadian Health Law and Policy, 2nd ed., Markham (Ontario): Butterworths Canada, A Member of the LexisNexis Group, 2002, xxxv, 601 p., chapter 11, at pp. 433-458,  ISBN: 0433438126; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br. B. KE 3646 C36 2002;

KOURI, Robert P. et Suzanne Philips-Nootens, "Civil Liability of Physicians under Quebec Law", in Jocelyn (Jocelyn Grant) Downie, 1962-, Timothy (Timothy A.) Cauldfield, 1963-, and Colleen M. (Colleen Marion) Flood, 1966-, eds., Canadian Health Law and Policy, 2nd ed., Markham (Ontario): Butterworths Canada, A Member of the LexisNexis Group, 2002, xxxv, 601 p., chapter 10, at pp. 367-431, ISBN: 0433438126; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br. B. KE 3646 C36 2002; civil law;

____________Le corps humain, l'inviolabilité de la personne et le consentement aux soins: le regard du législateur et des tribunaux civils, Sherbrooke: Éditions de la Revue de droit de l'Université Sherbrooke, 1999, xxi, 712 p. (Collection Monographies juridiques), ISBN: 292000333X; copie à la Bibliothèque du Parlement, Br. B KEQ893 K68; livre consulté le 27 mai 2003; traite du droit civil mais s'avère précieux pour le recherchiste;

___________ L'intégrité de la personne et le consentement aux soins, 2e éd., Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 2005, xxxv, 738 p., ISBN: 2894518986; voir la table des matières à http://www.editionsyvonblais.com/Produits/753.asp (vérifié le 26 octobre 2007); copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

KOURI, Robert P., "Réflexions sur les interventions chirurgicales et la défense de l'article 45 du Code criminel", (1981-82) 12 Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke 499-510;

LAGE, Dietmar, Subject to consent: the ethics of human subjects research in Canada, Winnipeg: Wuerz Publishing, 1998, 391 p., ISBN: 0019553815; title noted in my research but document not consulted; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraruies according to my verification of the AMICUS catalogue on 27 August 2003;

LAREAU, François, 1948-, Bibliographies  / Bibliographies:

Topics of the General Part  / Sujets de la Partie générale

Bibliography on mistake of fact  / Bibliographie sur l'erreur de fait;

• "Canadian Criminal Law -- Selected Bibliography on Mental Disorder, Insanity and Unfitness to Stand Trial with Elements of Criminology, History, Psychiatry and Psychology", available under the names of the authors:  • A-C---• D-K---•L-R---•S-Z / "Droit pénal canadien - Bibliographie choisie sur le désordre mental, l'aliénation mentale et l'aptitude à subir le procès avec des éléments de criminologie, d'histoire, psychiatrie et psychologie", disponible sous le nom des auteurs:  • A-C---• D-K---•L-R---• S-Z;

•  Justification, Excuse and the Tripartite Theory of the Criminal Offence /
   La justification, l'excuse et la théorie tripartite de l'infraction pénale

• Complicity /complicité
      • Part I: Books and Theses / Partie I: Livres et thèses
      • Part II: Articles (except Canadian Law) / Articles (sauf pour le droit canadien)
      • Part III: Canadian Law / Partie III: Droit canadien

Topics of the Special Part in Canadian Law (forthcoming) / Sujets de la Partie spéciale en droit canadien (prochainement)

Bibliography on arson / Bibliographie sur l'incendie criminel;
Bibliography on assault / Bibliographie sur les voies de fait;
Bibliography on fraud / Bibliographie sur la fraude;
Bibliography on interception of communications / Bibliographie sur l' interception des communications;
Bibliography on mischief / Bibliographie sur le méfait au Canada;
Bibliography on kidnapping, unlawful confinement / Bibliographie sur les infractions d'enlèvement et séquestration;
Bibliography on sexual offences / Bibliographie sur les infraction d'ordre sexuel;
Bibliography on theft / Bibliographie sur le vol;

Topics on Canadian Criminal Procedure (forthcoming) / Sujets sur la procédure pénale canadienne (prochainment)

Bibliography on plea bargaining / négociation sur le plaidoyer;
Bibliography on search and seizure in Canada / Bibliographie sur fouilles, perquisitions et saisies;

___________"Le consentement en droit pénal", [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada, Section de la révision du droit pénal], 25 juin 1986, 13 p.; also available in English / aussi disponible en anglais: "Consent in Criminal Law", [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada, Review of the Criminal Law section], 25 June 1986, 12 p.;

"La partie générale peut-elle inclure une règle sur le consentement?

    Comme nous l'avons vu, le consentement est pertinent seulement dans le cas de certaines infractions.  Lorsqu'il est pertinent, l'absence de consentement doit faire partie de la définition de l'infraction si, à défaut de consentement, le comportement n'est pas mauvais ni incriminant.  Dans les cas d'infliction de lésions à la personne, des règles spéciales doivent être adoptées dans la mesure où l'État autorise une personne à consentir à ces lésions.  En outre, pour ce qui est de l'infliction de lésions à la personne, des règles spéciales doivent également être adoptées en matière d'exercice de sports et d'interventions chirurgicales.  Par conséquent, compte tenu de cet ensemble de règles disparates, aucune règle sur le consentement ne peut être formulée dans la partie générale.

    Il a été suggéré32 que la partie générale devrait contenir une règle selon laquelle le consentement n'est pas pertinent sauf lorsqu'il est prévu dans la partie spéciale.  À mon sens, une telle déclaration ne doit pas figurer dans la partie générale, car elle confirme fondamentalement qu'il n'existe aucune règle dans la partie générale.

    Toutefois, il serait possible de prévoir, dans la partie générale, à l'article des définitions, une définition énonçant les conditions du consentement valide. [...]
32  Conversation avec Me Vincent M. Del Buono, ministère de la Justice." (pp. 10 et 13)


"Can there be a General Part rule about consent?

    As we have seen above consent is only relevant for certain offences.  Where it is relevant, absence of consent mut be part of the defnition of the offence, whenever, without it, the conduct would not be wrongful or incriminating.  In cases of infliction of injuries to the person, special rules must exist as to the extent the State will not permit a person to consent to injuries.  Also, on the subject of infliction of injuries to the person, special rules must also exist for sports and injury.  Consequently in view of this mosaic of mini-rules, no rule about consent can be formulated in the general part.

    It has been suggested32 that possibly the general part should have a rule to the effect that consent is irrelevant except when provided for in the special part.  In my mind, such a statement is not a general part rule as it basically confirms that there is no general part rule.

    However, it would be possible to provide in the general part, in the definition section, a definition setting out the conditions of a valid consent.
32 Conversation with Vincent M. Del Buono, Department of Justice." (pp. 8-9 and 12)

___________ "Quelques réflexions sur l'euthanasie et l'aide au suicide", (Mémoire présenté au Comité sénatorial spécial sur l'euthanasie et le suicide assisté en 1994);

LAST, Gavin, "Advances Less Criminal than Hormonal: Rape and Consent in R. v. Ewanchuk", (2001) 5 Appeal -- Review of Current Law and Law Reform 18-27; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada; this periodical is published by the Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, British Columbia;

LATULIPPE, Daniel, "La violence au hockey et la défense de consentement: application et limites", (1989) 3 Revue juridique des étudiants et étudiantes de l'Université Laval (R.J.E.L.) 156; note de recherche: cette page 156 ne constitue qu'un avis et un sommaire d'un travail de 42 p. sous la supervision du professeur Jacques Gagné; une copie du document se trouve à la Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval, KE 16 R454 89-17, et à la Bibliothèque de l'Université de Montréal, GZAZ/L365v/1989; on peut aussiacheter le document;


    La pratique du hockey exige un certain consentement implicite des joueurs vu le nombre élevé de contacts physiques qui seraient assimilables à des voies de fait hors de la patinoire.

    Ce travail examine les fondements, la portée et les limites de ce consentement implicite à travers la jurisprudence anglaise, américaine et canadienne.  Il met en évidence la dichotomie entre les motifs des jugements pénaux québécois et hors Québec, notamment quant à l'importance des règles du hockey dans la détermination de l'existence d'un consentement implicite de la victime.

    L'auteur(e) constate que l'appareil judiciaire fait preuve d'un certain laxisme à l'instar de la société en général qui accorde une immunité relative aux scènes violentes ou disgracieuses.

    À son avis, la théorie du consentement implicite se trouve étendue à un point tel qu'elle ne répond plus au sens commun le plus élémentaire." (p. 156)

LAUZON, Benoit, 1971-, "Le consentement en matière de voies de fait", (1994-95) 2 Revue d'études juridiques [R.J.E.] 71-116; copy at Ottawa University, KE 250 .A13 R49, Location: FTX Periodicals; note: périodique publié par les étudiants et étudiantes de la faculté de droit de l'Université de Montréal;

___________Les champs légitimes du droit criminel et leur application aux manipulations génétiques transmissibles aux générations futures, Cowansville, Québec : Éditions Y. Blais, c2002, xxi, 178 p. (Collection; Collection Minerve sous la directioon de Jean-Louis Baudouin), ISBN: 2894515413; note: prix 2001; copie à l'Université Ottawa, FTX General, K 5018 .L389 2002; thèse LL.M., Université de Montréal, 2000, dir. de thèse: Anne-Marie Boisvert;

LAVALLÉE, Stéphanie, 1976, L'effritement du consentement au profit d'une meilleure justice distributive de la recherche biomédicale avec des sujets humains: une étude comparative en situation d'urgence, thèse, LL.M. (option Droit et Biotechnologies), Université de Montréal, 2002, xxxii, 186 feuilles; titre noté dans mes recherches mais mémoire de thèse non consulté; copie à Bibliothèque et Archives Canada; "Recherche biomédicale Situation d'urgence Consentement libre et éclairé Population vulnérable Principe de  justice distributive Modèle de réflexion éthique pluraliste Démarche d'approbation des protocoles" (Catalogue AMICUS);

LAVOIE, Bianca, 1970-, Moralité et acteurs sociaux: la construction de l'ordre pénal au Canada, 1892-1927,  Thèse (M.A.)--Université d'Ottawa, 1997, v, 134 feuilles, voir "L'âge du consentement et la question de chasteté", aux pp. 114-121; disponible sur AMICUS (Bibliothèque et Archives Canada) avec résumé;


Assault, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada,1984, [v], 59 p. (Series; Working Paper; number 38), ISBN: 0662534174; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Les voies de fait, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1984, [vii], 68 p. (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 38); ISBN: 0662534174;

Biomedical experimentation involving human subjects, Ottawa: The Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1989, [iii], 69 p., bibliography at pp. 67-69, (series; working paper; number 61), (series; protection of life), ISBN: 0662569008;  copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français: L'exp/rimentation biomédicale sur l'être humain, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1989, v, 73 p., bibliographie aux pp. 71-73 (Collection; document de travail; numéro 61) (Collection; protection de la vie), ISBN: 0662569008;

Behaviour Alteration and the Criminal Law, Ottawa: The Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1985, viii, 48 p., bibliography at pp. 51-56, (series; working paper; number 43), (series; protection of life), ISBN: 0662538579; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Les techniques de modification du comportement et le droit pénal, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1985, vi, 56 p., bibliographie aux  pp. 51-56 (Collection; document de travail; numéro 43) (Collection; protection de la vie), ISBN: 0662538579;

Criminal Law: Sexual Offences, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1978, xi, 66 p., (series; working paper; number 22), ISBN: 0662019962; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Droit pénal: infractions sexuelles, Ottawa: La Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1978, xi, 72 p., (Collection; document de travail; numéro 22), ISBN: 0662019962;

    "The second distinguishing factor of this kind of assault [rape] is the essential ingredient of non-consent  (or lack of informed consent) on the part of the victim.  No other extremely serious crime is so similar to an act which, in other circumstances, is so mutually esteemed and valued -- as is the case, of course, with consensual sexual course.  In the matter of assault, other than sexual assault, the question of consent, or its absence, does not come into issue, apart from sporting events and mutually arranged personal combat.  The ingredient of non-consent is always an issue in an accusation of rape, whereas it rarely if ever is an issue in accusations of any other type of assault." (p. 20)

Euthanasia, aiding suicide and cessation of treatment, Ottawa : The Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1982, vi, 78 p., (seriesl Working Paper; number 28), (series; Protection of Life), ISBN:  0662518675; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français :Euthanasie, aide au suicide et interruption de traitement, Ottawa: La Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1982, vi, 88 p. (Collection; document de travail; numéro 28), (Collection; protection de la vie), ISBN:  0662518675;

Euthanasia, aiding suicide and cessation of treatment, Ottawa : The Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1983, vii, 35 p., (series; Report, number 20), ISBN:  0662526538; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Euthanasie, aide au suicide et interruption de traitement, Ottawa: La Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1983, vii, 37 p. (Collection; rapport; numéro 20), ISBN: 0662526538;

The General Part - Liability and Defences, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canda, 1982, [xi], 204 p., see Appendix A, "Consent" at pp. 137-138 (series; Working Paper; number 29), ISBN: 0662514297; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French version/aussi publié en fraçais: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada Partie générale - responsabilité et moyens de défense, Ottawa: Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1982, [xii], 239 p., voir l'annexe A, "Le consentement" aux pp. 157-158 (collection; Document de travail; numéro 29),  ISBN: 0662514297;


    No provision is included in this General Part concerning consent.

    At common law no one can consent to death or grievous bodily harm. Cr.C. section 14, however, merely provides that no one is entitled to consent to have death inflicted on him.

    Is Cr.C. section 14 really necessary?  On the face of it, it might appear so, because it excludes consent as a defence to homicide.  But consent is quite irrelevant to homicide offences, which consist of causing death with certain mens rea.  In murder what is relevant is the intent to kill; in manslaughter it is the unlawful and dangerous nature of the act; in causing death by criminal negligence, it is the recklessness that accompanies the act or omission. Cr.C. section 14, then, is strickly surplusage.

    What this highlights in fact is that consent has strickly nothing to do with the General Part.  On the contrary it finds its context in the Special Part.  What this means is that in certain offences (e.g. rape, assault, theft) the act must be in invitum: the victim's non-consent is essential -- it is an element of the offence.  Accordingly, if the victim consents, the charge against the defendant is not made out.

    Equally important here is the fact that in such cases the victim's consent is not really a defence at all; it is not something which the defendant has to prove.  On the contrary, absence of consent is something which the prosecution has to prove.  This obscured by the fact that (surgical operations and sports apart) consent to violence is exceptional, that non-consent is therefore presumed and that in an ordinary case unless the defendant raises some evidence of consent, the victim's non-consent will be readily inferred.  For this reason consent tends to be regarded, quite wrongly, as a defence.

    Strictly speaking then, the right place for all rules regarding consent is in the relevant chapters of the Special Part.  The chapter on crimes of violence should specify which crimes require the victim's non-consent and which do not.  So should the chapter on offences of dishonesty.

    Even where consent is relevant, the criteria may differ from crime to crime.  In obtaining by false pretences, guilt is negatived by consent to pass the property, but not by mere consent to pass possession.  In rape, consent as a defence is vitiated only by fraudulent representation concerning the nature of the act or the identity of the rapist.  And in assault, consent as a defence is nullified by any sort of fraud.  In consequence even if consent is dealt with in the General part, repetition cannot be avoided because of the need to articulate these different criteria." (pp. 137-138)

Homicide, Ottawa: Miister of Supply and Services Canada, 1984, [vii], 117 p. (Series; Working Paper; number 33), ISBN: 0662529871; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français : L'homicide, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1984, [vii], 129 p., (Collection; document de travail; num/ro 33), ISBN: 0662529871;
    "Under our Code we have a special section dealing with this matter.  Section 14 provides that no one can consent to death and that such consent will not affect the killer's criminal responsibility.

    In our view no such section is required.  In the first place, the Code defines culpable homicide as quite simply causing the death of a human being.  It includes no such wording as 'without his consent' as it does in the corresponding section on assault.  In the second, there is no provision in the Code to the effect that a victim's consent is a defence in general.  Accordingly there is no general rule requiring the addition of a special exception regarding homicide.

    Under a reformed chapter of homicide provisions it is envisaged that murder, manslaughter and causing death by criminal negligence would all be defined in terms of 'causing the death of another'.  This being so, lack of the victim's consent would not be an essential requirement any more than under present law.  Accordingly, no special provision like that in section 14 would be necessary." (pp. 37-38)

Medical Treatment and Criminal Law, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1980, [viii], 136 p., (series; working Paper -- Protection of Life Project; number 26), ISBN: 0662506707; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français:  Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Le traitement médical et le droit criminel, Ottawa: Comission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1980, [ix], 152 p., (Collection; Document de travail - Projet sur la protection de la vie; numéro 26), ISBN: 0662506707;

Medically assisted procreation, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission, Ottaqwa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1992, xii, 244 p., bibliography at pp. 237-242 (series; working paper; number 65), ISBN: 0660574039;  copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français:  Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, La procréation médicalement assistée, Ottawa: Comission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1992, [xii], 256 p., bibliographie aux pp. 249-254 (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 65), ISBN: 0660574039;

Recodifying Criminal Law (Revised and Enlarged Edition of Report 30),  Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1987, [16], 213 p., and see clause 7(3) for example (series; Report; number 31), ISBN:0662547578; copy of the English version of this report is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; the report was tabled in the House of Commons on 19 May 1988 (see House of Commons, Debates, 19 May 1988 at 15609); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal (Édition révisée et augmentée du rapport no 30), Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1987, [16], 233 p., (Collection; Rapport; numéro 31), ISBN: 0662547578; le rapport 31 a été déposé à la Chambre des Communes, le 19 mai 1988 (voir Chambre des Communes, Débats, 19 mai 1988 à 15609);

TITLE I.  General principles
Chapter 1: Principles of General Application and Interpretation
1(1) Title.  This Act may be cited as the Criminal Code.
1(2) Definitions.10
'Consent' means consent given by a competent person and not obtained by force, threat or deceit.
10. Contrary to the present Criminal Code, our proposed clause 1(2) groups together all of the definitions contained in our new Code, whether these apply to the entire Code or to a title, chapter or clause." (p. 10)

Sexual Offences, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1978, vii, 56 p., (series; report; number 10), ISBN: 0662501365; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Les infractions sexuelles, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1978, vii, 60 p. (Collection; rapport; numéro 10), ISBN: 0662501365;

"Texts and Commentary on the Reform...

SECTION 3 -- Consent
    (1) Consent obtained by misrepresentation as to the character of the act or the identify of the accused is not consent for the purposes of section 1 and 2 [Sexual Interference and Sexual Aggression]

    (2) Whether or not valid consent is given by a mentally handicapped person for the purposes of section 1 is a question of fact to be determined by the trier of fact.

SECTION 3 -- Consent
    This section clarifies the term 'consent' used throughout the draft legislation.  The phrase 'nature and quality' now used in this context has been replaced by 'character' and 'identity'.  This terminology should avoid potential problems.  It covers conduct where the 'character' of touching is misrepresented (e.g., where an otherwise proper gynecological examination is performed for sexual or voyeuristic purposes).

    The second paragraph deals with the consent of mentally handicapped persons.  It is intended to allow sexual expression for the mentally handicapped while protecting them from improper exploitation.  These objectives, the Commission thinks, are best met by leaving the complex question of validity of consent to the trier of fact in light of all the particular circumstances." (p. 52)

Some aspects of medical treatment and criminal law, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1986, vi, 19 p. (series; Report; number 28), ISBN: 0662543793; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Quelques aspects du traitement médical et le droit pénal, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, v, 19 p., ISBN: 0662543793 (Collection; rapport; numéro 28);

Sterilization: Implications for Mentally Retarded and Mentally Ill Persons, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1979, ix, 157 p. (series; working paper; number 24), (series; protection of life), ISBN: 0662504763; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français : La stérilisation et les personnes souffrant de handicaps mentaux, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1979, vii, 163 p. (Collection; document de travail; numéro 24), (Collection; protection de la vie), ISBN: 0662504763;

Theft and Fraud, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission, 1977, x, 123 p. (series; working paper; number 19), ISBN: 0662009193 (for the 1984 reprint); copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Le vol et la fraude,  Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1977, ix, 137 p. (Collection; document de travail; numéro 19), ISBN: 0662009193 (pour la réimpression de 1984);

Theft and Fraud, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission, 1979, vii, 60 p. (series; report; number 12), ISBN: 0662502280 (for the 1982 and 1983 reprints); copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Le vol et la fraude,  Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1979, vii, 65 p. (Collection; rapport; numéro 12), ISBN: 0662502280 (pour les réimpressions de 1982 et 1983);

LEGAL AID ONTARIO / AIDE JURIDIQUE ONTARIO -- LAO  LAW, Criminal law Memoranda, Toronto, catalogue current as of February 1, 2006; see http://www.lss.bc.ca/__shared/assets/LAOlawindex1225.pdf  and http://www.legalaid.on.ca/ (both sites accessed on 24 February 2006); see:
- D15 -- Consent and Other
    D15-1, "Non-Sexual Assault", 1 December 2005; 45 p.;
    D15-2, "Sexual Offences", 24 October 2002, 78 p.;
    D15-3, "Section 150.1", 24 February 2003, 23 p.;
- O25-3, "Assault Generally and Common Assault", 22 July 2005, 51 p.;
- MEN1-2, "[Civil Law] Consent to Treatment", 26 September 2003, 68 p.;
- C8-2, "Consent Searches", 19August 2004, 31 p.;

LEROY, Brian E., Consent to trial by judge alone : S.430, [1981], 40, [6] leaves; (series; Advanced criminal law papers); copy at the University of Calgary, Library, KF210 .C246 1981 L47; title noted but not consulted; no copy of this document is available in the Ottawa area libraries;

LESAGE-JARJOURA, Pauline, 1948-, et Suzanne Philips-Nootens, Éléments de responsabilité civile médicale: le droit dans le quotidien de la médecine, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, xxx, 518 p., ISBN: 289451589; copie à la Bibliothèque du Parlement, Br.B KEQ 982 L47 2001 (consulté le 27 mai 2003); traite du droit civil mais peut s'avérer très utile pour le recherchiste;

LESAGE-JARJOURA, Pauline, 1948-, La Cessation de traitement : au carrefour du  droit et de la médecine, Cowansville, Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1990, xxvi, 246 p. (Collection: Collection Minerve); copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General: KE 3663 .E94 L47 1990; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF3827 E87;

LESHIELD, Alan W. and Christopher Hyatt, "Perspective: Section 22(1), Consent to Treatment Order Under The Young Offenders Act", (1986) 28 Canadian Journal of Criminology 69-78;

LÉTOURNEAU, Gilles et Antoine Manganas, "La légalité des sports violents et le Code criminel", (1977) 55 La Revue du Barreau canadien 256-288.

__________"La tolérance des droits pénal et sportif, source de violence dans les sports", (1976) 17 Cahiers de droit 741-776;

LÉTOURNEAU, Gilles, "Sports, Violence and Criminal Law in Canada",  (1981) 22 Criminal Reports (3rd series) 103-106;

LUSSIER, Christiane, 1955-,  Les caractéristiques du consentement de la victime en matière d'infractions contre les personnes:  à la recherche d'un équilibre entre l'autonomie de la volonté et l'ordre public, thèse LL.M., Université Laval, 1997, 133, xix feuilles;

__________Le consentement de la victime en matière d'infractions contre les personnes, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1999, xvii, 150 p. (Collection; Collection Minerve sous la direction de Jean-Louis Baudouin), ISBN: 2894513216; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa, KF 9304 L87 1999, à la p. xiii, l'auteur compare son mémoire de thèse et son livre subséquent ainsi: "Le mémoire a été présenté pour évaluation le 1er août 1996 (et était à jour à cette date).  Pour la mise à jour en vue de la publication, j'ai revu la jurisprudence jusqu'au début septembre 1998 et laissé de côté la doctrine (à l'exception d'un volumineux rapport sur le sida, paru en mars 1997)"; importante contribution;

"Table des matières [les grandes lignes]


Chapitre I -- Le consentement : analyse du concept...5

Chapitre II -- Les limites du consentement selon la nature de l'agression ou de ses conséquences: les voies de fait...13

Chapitre III -- Les limites du consentement selon la nature de l'agression ou de ses conséquences: le suicide assisté...47

Chapitre IV -- Les limites relatives au caractère volontaire du consentement...83



MacDONALD, Donald, 1952-, Rape and Consent -- The Defense of Mistake of Fact,  prepared for the Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Ottawa, Library of Parliament, 1982, 12 leaves; copy at the Library of Parliament, J 103 H7 1980/83 L4 226; deals with the Supreme Court of Canada decision of R. v. Papajohn, [1980] 2 Supreme Court Reports 120 and Bill C-53 amending the Criminal Code for sexual offences;

MANGANAS, Antoine, "Note.  Le consentement en matière d'agression sexuelle; peut-on sortir du labyrinthe sans le fil d'Ariane?", (1988) 29 Cahiers de droit 535-548;

MARIN, André, "When is an 'Honest but Mistaken Belief in Consent'  NOT an 'Honest but Mistaken Belief in Consent' ", (1995) 37 The Criminal Law Quarterly 451-460 [Table of Contents: "Introduction.  The Impact of Seaboyer.  Section 276 and the Claimed 'Honest but Mistaken Belief in Consent'. Conclusion"];

MARSHALL, David T. (David Thomas), 1939-, The law of human experimentation,  Toronto : Butterworths, c2000, xvii, 230 p. ISBN : 0433423862; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF3827 M38 M37 2000; copy at Ottawa University, KE 3663 .M38 M37 2000;

MAYRAND, Albert, 1911-, L'inviolabilité de la personne humaine, Montréal, Wilson et Lafleur, 1975, 228 p. (Collection; Wainwright lectures, first series); copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, KEQ 228 .M3 1975;

McDONALD, Mark et François Handfield, "Consent in Canadian Criminal Law", 20 July 1987, 24 p.; article présenté à la Conférence "Reform of the Criminal Law", Londres (Angleterre), 26-29 juillet, 1987, texte non publié;

MacDONALD, Gayle and Karen Gallagher, "The Myth of Consenting Adults: The New Sexual Assault Provisions", (1993) 42 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 373-380; deals with An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sexual assault) (Bill C-49);

McCUTCHEON, J. Paul, "Morality and the Criminal Law: Reflections on Hart-Devlin", (2002) 47(1) The Criminal Law Quarterly 15-38; copy at Ottawa University, KE 8802 .C534  Location: FTX Periodicals;

___________"Sports Violence, Consent and the Criminal Law", (1994) 45 Northern Ireland Law Review 267-284; Canadian law discussed at pp. 274-277;

McDONALD, Michael, 1942-, Bernard Dickens, Bartha Maria Knoppers, Michael Burgess, Fern Brunger, Jean Joly, T. , Brenda Beagan, Marcelo Victor Otero, Delphine Roigt, and the Law Commission of Canada, The governance of health research involving human subjects (HRIHS), Ottawa: The Law Commission of Canada, 2000, xxiv, 363 p., see on criminal law, pp. 94-97; available at http://www.lcc.gc.ca/en/themes/gr/hrish/macdonald/macdonald.pdf (accessed on 8 August 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Gouvernance de la recherche en santé avec des sujets humains (RSSH), [Ottawa : Commission du droit du Canada, 2000], disponible à  http://www.lcc.gc.ca/fr/themes/gr/hrish/macdonald/macdonald.pdf (visionné le 8 août 2003);

McDONALD, Michael, "Canadian Governance of Health Research Involving Human Subjects: Is Anybody Minding the Store", (2001) 9 Health Law Journal 1-21;

MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (CANADA), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Tri-council policy statement : ethical conduct for research involving humans, Ottawa : Medical Research Council of Canada, 1998, 87 p. in various pagings, ISBN: 0662271211; available at  http://www.nserc.ca/programs/ethics/english/policy.htm (accessed on 13 July 2003);  also published in French / aussi publié en français : CONSEIL DE RECHERCHES MÉDICALES (CANADA), Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada, et Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada, Énoncé de politique des trois conseils : éthique de la recherche avec des êtres humains, Ottawa : Conseil de recherches médicales du Canada, 1998, 96 p. en pag. multiple, ISBN: 0662831373; disponible à http://www.nserc.ca/programs/ethics/francais/policy.htm (visionné le 13 juillet 2003);

MEWETT, Alan W., 1930-,  and Morris Manning, Mewett & Manning on Criminal Law (previously published under the title: Criminal Law), 3rd ed, Toronto: Butterworths, 1994, lxiv, 959 p., ISBN: 0409903752 (bound) and 0433396458 (pbk.); "Table of Contents...Chapter 5: The Physical Element...VI. Consent...154 to 157";

MEWETT, Alan W., 1930-, "Editorial: Consent to Prosecute", (1978-79) 21 The Criminal Law Quarterly 245-247;

___________"Editorial: The Limits of Consent", (1994) 36 The Criminal Law Quarterly 1-2 [deals in part with R. v. Brown (1993) 97 Criminal Appeal Reports 44 (House of Lords)];

___________"The Reckless Rape", (1975-76) 18 The Criminal Law Quarterly 418-420;

"Thus, whether the mistake is 'reasonable' or 'unreasonable' is not the right way of putting the problem; nor whether rape is an offence of general or specific intent.  What the jury should be instructed is to convict the accused if they find that he knew the woman was not consenting or if they find that he was reckless as to whether she consented or not and, in the latter question, all the circumstances, such as the consumption of alcohol, the conduct of the woman, or the time and place of the episode, must be considered." (p. 420)

MILLER, Catherine Susan, 1952-,  Monitoring of biomedical research in Canada, LL.M. thesis, University of Alberta, Faculty of Law, 2000, [ix], 287 leaves; copy at the National Library of Canada, Ottawa; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

MYKITIUK, Roxanne and Albert Wallrap, "Regulating Reproductive Technologies in Canada", in Jocelyn (Jocelyn Grant) Downie, 1962-, Timothy (Timothy A.) Cauldfield, 1963-,  and Colleen M. (Colleen Marion) Flood, 1966-, eds., Canadian Health Law and Policy, 2nd ed., Markham (Ontario): Butterworths Canada, A Member of the LexisNexis Group, 2002, xxxv, 601 p., chapter 10, at pp. 367-431, ISBN: 0433438126; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br. B. KE 3646 C36 2002;

National Council on Ethics in Human Research / Conseil national d'éthique en recherche chez l'humain, web site, available at  http://www.ncehr-cnerh.org/ (accessed on 9 August 2003);

National Defence Act, R.S., c. N-5, section 98, available at http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/N-5/index.html (accessed on 4 July 2003); for details and notes, see The Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces (1994 Revision), volume 2, Disciplinary, QR&O article 103.31 available at  http://www.dnd.ca/admfincs/subjects/qr_o/vol2/ch103_e.asp#103.31 (accessed on 4 July 2003); also available in French / aussi disponible en français: Loi sur la défense nationale, S.R., ch. N-5, article 98, disponible à  http://lois.justice.gc.ca/fr/N-5/index.html (visionné le 4 juillet 2003); pour des notes et renseignements supplémentaires, voir Ordonnances et règlements royaux applicables aux forces canadiennes (Révision de 1994), volume 2, Discipline  , ORFC, article 103.31 disponible à http://www.dnd.ca/admfincs/subjects/qr_o/vol2/ch103_e.asp#103.31 (visionné le 4 juillet 2003);

"98. [Malingering, aggravating disease or infirmity or injuring self or another] Every person who
(a) malingers or feigns or produces disease or infirmity,

(b) aggravates, or delays the cure of, disease or infirmity by misconduct or wilful disobedience of orders, or

(c) wilfully maims or injures himself or any other person who is a member of any of Her Majesty's Forces or of any forces cooperating therewith, whether at the instance of that person or not, with intent thereby to render himself or that other person unfit for service, or causes himself to be maimed or injured by any person with intent thereby to render himself unfit for service,

is guilty of an offence and on conviction, if he commits the offence on active service or when under orders for active service or in respect of a person on active service or under orders for active service, is liable to imprisonment for life or to less punishment and, in any other case, is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to less punishment."


"98. [Simulation ou mutilation]  Commet une infraction quiconque :

a) simule, feint ou provoque une maladie ou une infirmité;

b) aggrave une maladie ou une infirmité, ou en retarde la guérison, par inconduite ou désobéissance                 volontaire à des ordres;

c) volontairement se mutile ou se blesse, ou mutile ou blesse un membre de l'une des forces de Sa Majesté ou de toute force coopérant avec elles, que ce soit sur les instances de cette personne ou non, dans l'intention de se rendre, ou de la rendre, inapte au service, ou encore se fait infliger une mutilation ou blessure dans la même intention.

Sur déclaration de culpabilité, l'auteur de l'infraction encourt comme peine maximale, s'il a agi alors qu'il était en service actif ou tenu de s'y présenter, ou commis l'infraction sur une personne alors qu'elle était elle-même en service actif ou tenue de s'y présenter, l'emprisonnement à perpétuité et, dans tout autre cas, un emprisonnement de cinq ans."

NELSON, Eric, "The Fundamentals of Consent",  in Jocelyn (Jocelyn Grant) Downie, 1962-, Timothy (Timothy A.) Cauldfield, 1963-, and Colleen M. (Colleen Marion) Flood, 1966-, eds., Canadian Health Law and Policy, 2nd ed., Markham (Ontario): Butterworths Canada, A Member of the LexisNexis Group, 2002, xxxv, 601 p., chapter 4, at pp. 111-128, ISBN: 0433438126; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br. B. KE 3646 C36 2002; civil law;

NÉRON, Josée, 1962-, L'agression sexuelle et le droit criminel canadien: l'influence de la tradition, Cowansville: Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1997, xxvii, 280 p., (Collection; Collection Minerve; sous la direction de Jean-Louis  Baudouin), ISBN: 2894511353; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 9325 N47 1997 c. 01;

OLIVER, Marcia, 1977-, Governing the politics of consent: gender, expert knowledge, M.A. thesis, University of Windsor, 2002, microform copy at Library and Archives Canada; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet (28 July 2005);

"STUDENT ABSTRACT: Bill C-49 was enacted in the Canadian Criminal Code in 1992. For the first time in Canadian legal history this new legislation provided a definition of consent as it applies to sexual assault offences. The enactment of Bill C-49 by Parliament was clearly aimed at resolving problems that emerged within legal proceedings dealing with sexual assault. Bill C-49 was therefore enacted to govern the legal proceedings of sexual assault cases and actors of the juridical field. The courts, in turn, have adopted complex heterogeneous ways of dealing with, and managing their relations in light of, the legislative amendments of Bill C-49. Employing a feminist understanding of governance in the context of sexual assault, I argue that determinations of consent are governed by a complex assemblage of legal rationalities, expert knowledges and esponsibilization strategies employed by judicial actors in sexual assault cases. The various ways that these governing mechanisms link up and contest with one another plays an essential role in determinations of consent. More specifically, the degree to which these governing mechanisms interconnect reflects elaborate power/knowledge relations within the juridical field that arise from, but also perpetuate, normative constructions of gender and heterosexuality.  Determinations of consent therefore constitute a contested site where power is exercised through competing rationalities, knowledges and strategies of various actors within the juridical field."
(Source:  http://amicus.collectionscanada.ca/s4-bin/Main/ItemDisplay?l=0&l_ef_l=0&id=106207.1310181&v=1&lvl=2&coll=18&rt=1&itm=28584675&rsn=S_WWWyaaKrSpbX&all=1&dt=+AW+|criminal|+AND+TD+=+2002&spi=-&rp=2&vo=1, accessed on 14 May 2005)

ONTARIO, William R. McMurtry, Investigation and inquiry into violence in amateur hockey, [Toronto] : Ministry of Culture and Recreation, [1974], 51 p.; copy at the Library of Parliament; Ottawa Public Library, 796.962/M168; copy at Ottawa University, MRT Government Pubs, CA2 ON CR80 78I53;

ONTARIO, Ontario Statutes / Lois de l'Ontario

Health Care Consent Act, S.O. 1996, chapter 2; available at  http://www.canlii.org/on/sta/cson/20030327/s.o.1996c.2sch.a/whole.html (accessed on 14 June 2003); also available in French / aussi disponible en français: Loi de 1996, sur le consentement aux soins de santé, L.O. 1996, chapitre 2, disponible à  http://www.canlii.org/on/loi/lcon/20030327/l.o.1996c.2ann.a/tout.html(visionné le 14 juin 2003);
Mental Health Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.7; available at  http://www.canlii.org/on/sta/cson/20030327/r.s.o.1990c.m.7/whole.html (accessed on 14 June 2003); also available in French / aussi disponible en français: Loi sur la santé mentale, L.R.O. 1990, chapitre M.7, disponible à   http://www.canlii.org/on/loi/lcon/20030327/l.r.o.1990c.m.7/tout.html (visionné le 14 juin 2003);
Substitute Decisions Act, 1992, S.O. 1990, chapter 30; available at  http://www.canlii.org/on/sta/cson/20030327/s.o.1992c.30/whole.html (accessed on 14 June 2003); also available in French / aussi disponible en français: Loi de 1992 sur la prise de décisions au nom d'autrui, L.O. 1992, chapitre 30, disponible à http://www.canlii.org/on/loi/lcon/20030327/l.o.1992c.30/tout.html (visionné le 14 juin 2003);

PARENT, Hugues, 1970-, Traité de droit criminel, Tome 1. L'acte volontaire et les  moyens de défense, Montréal : Éditions Thémis, 2003, xxviii, 587 p., voir "consentement" aux pp. 36-38, ISBN: 2894001703; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

PASCALL, Bernie with the assistance of Sharon White, 1960-, Eliminating violence in hockey : a report; commissioned by Ian G. Waddell, Minister Responsible for Sport Violence in hockey, [Victoria] : British Columbia, Ministry of Small Business, Tourism and Culture, 2000, 104 p., bibliography at pp. 75-83, ISBN:  0772643288; copy available at  http://www.sport.gov.bc.ca/pubs/sportsafe/sptsafe-violence_hockey.pdf (accessed on 13 June 2003);

PATERSON, Robert K., "Consent in the Law of Theft", (1979) 29 University of Toronto Law Journal 366-389;

PILON, Marilyn, Canada's legal age of consent to sexual activity, Ottawa: Parliamentary Research Branch, Law and Government Division, 1999, revised 12 April 2001 (series; PRB; 99-3E), copy available at  http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/library/PRBpubs/prb993-e.htm (accessed on 31 May 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: PILON, Marilyn, Âge requis au Canada pour consentir à des actes sexuels, Ottawa: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Division du droit et du gouvernement, 1999, révisé le 25 janvier 2001 (Collection; PRB; 99-3F), disponible à http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/library/PRBpubs/prb993-f.htm (visionné le 31 mai 2003);

POPPLE, A.E., Annotation, "Consent as a defence", (1947) 3 Criminal Reports 37-40;

QUÉBEC, ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE, Commission permanente de l'aménagement du territoire,  La  problématique de la  violence dans le hockey mineur: rapport final, Québec : Assemblée nationale, Secrétariat des commissions, 2001,  49 p., 2001, ISBN 2550382846; disponible à  http://www.assnat.qc.ca/fra/publications/rapports/rapcat1.html (visionné le 12 juin 2003);

___________Charte des droits et libertés de la personne au Québec, L.R.Q., C-12, art. 8; aussi disponible en anglais/also available in EnglishCharter of humans rights and freedoms, R.S.Q., C-12;

"Respect de la propriété privée.
8.  Nul ne peut pénétrer chez autrui ni y prendre quoi que ce soit sans son consentement exprès ou tacite.1975, c. 6, a. 8."
"Respect for private property.
8.  No one may enter upon the property of another or take anything therefrom without his express or implied consent.       1975, c. 6, s. 8."
___________Code civil, 1991, ch. 64; aussi publié en anglais/ also published in English: Civil Code, 1991, c. 64;

___________COMITÉ D'ÉTUDE SUR LA VIOLENCE AU HOCKEY AMATEUR AU QUÉBEC, Rapport final du Comité d'étude sur la violence au hockey amateur au Québec / présenté à l'Honorable Claude Charron par Gilles E. Néron,  président, J.-Noël Bilodeau, rédacteur, [Québec] : Haut-Commissariat à la jeunesse, aux loisirs et aux sports, 1977, 325 p., ISBN:  0775429732; note:  La couverture porte en outre le titre: Rapport Néron: la violence au hockey; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KEQ 919 .H6A73 1977 FTX; aussi publié en anglais / also published in English: Québec (Province). Comité d'étude sur la violence au hockey amateur au Québec, Final report of the study committee on violence in amateur hockey in Quebec / presented to the Honourable Claude Charron [by Gilles E. Néron, Jean-Noel Bilodeau], [Québec] : Haut-Commissariat à la jeunesse, aux loisirs et aux sports, 1977, 357 p.;

___________GOUVERNEMENT DU QUÉBEC, Ministère de la Justice, Direction générale des affaires criminelles et pénales, Manuel des directives concernant la violence au hockey, 1983;  titre noté dans mes recherches mais directive non-consultée; comme projet de recherche, il serait intéressant de demander à toutes provinces, une copie de leur directive sur le sujet; malheureusement, les provinces refusent de rendre public leurs directives;

RABINOVITCH, Jannit, "Considerations on the Age of Consent to Sexual Activity", discussion paper written for Senator Landon Pearson, Senate of Canada, Ottawa; available at  http://www.sen.parl.gc.ca/lpearson/Age%20of%20Consent.pdf (accessed on 31 May 2003);

RANDALL, Melanie, "Sexual Assault in Spousal Relationships, 'Continuous Consent', and the Law: Honest But Mistaken Judicial Beliefs", (2008) 32(2) Manitoba Law Journal 144-181;

RENAUD, Gilles, "Je ne suis point battant de peur d'être battu", (1992) 26 Revue juridique Thémis 125-137; article sur l'arrêt R.v. Jobidon, [1991] 2 Supreme Court Reports 714; available at http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1991/vol2/index.html (accessed on 25 May 2003);

RIBEIRO, Marc, 1974-, Limiting arbitrary power : The vagueness doctrine in Canadian constitutional law, Vancouver: UBC Press, 2004, x, 203 p., ISBN:  07784810505; see at pp. 25-26, see the discussion of R. v. Jobidon, [1991]  [1991] 2 Supreme Court Reports 714, available at  http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1991/vol2/index.html;

ROACH, Kent, "Editorial: Jobidon Revisited in Paice", (2005) The Criminal Law Quarterly 357-359; the editorial is signed "K.R.";

ROBERTSON, Gerald B., Mental Disability and the Law in Canada, 2nd ed., Toronto, Carswell, 1994, cviii, 498 p., ISBN: 045955803, see Chapter17, "Consent to Treatment", at pp. 467-488; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF3828 R62 1994; copy at the University of Ottawa, KE 3658 .R62 1994 FTX;

ROSBOROUGH, Bart, "Consent and Apprehended Consent" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 2 of 2, section 10.2, 15 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

___________"Consent as an Element of / Defence to Sexual Assault", A.C.A.A. Newsletter, Isue Number 6, July, 1996, available on the internet at the following site:http://www.class.ab.ca/Subscribers/Publications /acaa6.htm#exec; "Those purposes [for which a legal consent can be given] include sports, medical treatment, social interventions and 'daredevil activities' by stuntmen. Unsurprisingly, sado-masochism did not make the list of generally approved social purposes"; very good and complete; I have checked the link as of 15 June 2003 and it is no longer active;   A.C.A.A. Newsletter = Alberta Crown Attorney's Association Newsletter;

ROZOVSKY, Lorne Elkin, 1942-, The Canadian Law of Consent to Treatment, 2nd ed., Markham, Ont. : Butterworths, 1997, xx, 166 p., ISBN: 0433396253; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF3827 I5 R69 1997; note: 3rd edition, forthcoming December 2003, ISBN: 0433441712;

RUBY, Clayton C. and Suzanne Jarvie, "Developments in Criminal Law and procedure: From Seaboyer to Stinchcombe: A Review of the Major Decisions of the 1991-92 Term", (1993) 4 The Supreme Court Law Review (second series) 379-407, see "Consent" at pp. 395-396;

SANDLER, Neil, Feauture Article, "Due Diligence and the Age of Consent", (May/June 2002) 23(3) Criminal Lawyer's Association Newsletter - For the Defence 32-36; about s. 150.1(4) of the Criminal Code;

SCHABAS, William A., 1950-, Les infractions d'ordre sexuel, Cowansville (Quebec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1995, xix, 378 p., ISBN: 2890739791; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 9325 S32 1995 c. 01;

SCUTT, Jocelynne A., "Fraud and Consent in Rape: Comprehension of the Nature and Character of the Act and Its Moral Implications", (1975-76) 18 The Criminal Law Quarterly 312-324;

SHEEHY, Elizabeth, "From Women's Duty to Resist Men's Duty to Ask: How Far Have We Come?", (Fall 2000) 20(3) Canadian Women Studies 98-104; copy at Ottawa University, HQ 1181 .C2 C3  Location: MRT Periodicals;

SHEEHY, Elizabeth, and Christine Boyle, "Justice L'Heureux-Dubé and Canadian Sexual Assault Law: Resisting the Privaitization of Rape", in Elizabeth Sheehy, ed., Adding Feminism to Law: The Contributions of Justice Claire L'Heureux-Dubé, Toronto: Irwin Law, 2004, viii, 390 p., at pp. 247-283, ISBN: 1552210855; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br.B KE 8248 L44 A73;

SHELTON, Bruce, "Assault Simpliciter", in National Criminal Law  Program (2004 : Halifax, (N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 2, Tab 9.1, 11 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

SHORT, Kimberly Johanne, Consent, the legal "Reasonable man" criteria, and woman : the case of acquaintance rape, LL.M. thesis, Dalhousie University, 1993; title noted in my research; thesis not consulted yet; copy at the National Library, Ottawa; copy at Ottawa University, FTX Microfiche, KE 8930 .R3 S567 1993a;

SLOBODIAN, Linda, Bill to raise age of sexual consent faces tough battle, MP admits", The Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, 27 September 2005, p. A4; about Bill C-313 (38th Parl., 1st Session); defeated in the House of Commons on 28 September 2005; would have raised the age of sexual consent from 14 to 16;

SMART, William B. and AINSLIE, Mary T., "Sexual Assault and Related Crimes: Consent and Apprehended Consent in Sexual Assault"  in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1993: Montreal), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Montreal (PQ): Federation of Law Societies, 1993, 2 volumes; information from  http://gate.library.ualberta.ca/ (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

SOMERVILLE, Margaret A., 1942-, Consent to Medical Care: a study paper / prepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada, Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1979, viii, 186 p. (series; Study Paper; Protection of Life Series), ISBN: 0662104528; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, KE 3663 .I5 S65 1979; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Le consentement à l'acte médical : une étude effectuée pour la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, c1980, 214 p. (Collection; document d'étude; Série Protection de la vie), ISBN: 066290270X; copie à la Bibliothèque de l'UNiversité d'Ottawa, FTX General, KE 3663 .I5 S6512 1980;

___________"Medical Interventions and the Criminal Law: Lawful or Excusable Wounding?", (1980) 26 McGill Law Journal 82-96; available at http://www.infocirc.org/wound.htm (accessed on 1 June 2003);

STALKER, Anne, "Issues of Consent and Control in Sexual Harassment Cases", paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association at the Learneds, Calgary, June 1994;  see Professor Stalker's list of Selected Publications and Presentations, 1982-1996; paper not consulted;

___________"Self-Defence and Consent: The Use of the Common Law Developments in Canadian Criminal Law Analysis", (1994) 32 Alberta Law Review 484-510;

STARKMAN, Bernard, "A Defence to Criminal Responsibility for Performing Surgical Operations: Section 45 of the Criminal Code", (1981) 26 McGill Law Journal 1048-1055; copy at Ottawa University, KEQ 5 .M35  Location: FTX Periodicals;

___________Preliminary Study on Law and the Control of Life, [Ottawa] : Canada Law Reform Commission, 1974, [iii], vii, 92 p.; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, KE 8809.5 .S738 1974;

“... it would appear that section 45 of the Criminal Code was intended to deal with the situation where the patient is not capable of consenting. If the patient is not capable, the person performing the operation is protected from criminal liability provided the patient’s condition necessitates surgery for the preservation of life or limb. If these conditions are met, the surgeon is protected even if the patient  resists treatment. Support for this interpretation of section 45 is obtained from editions of the [Stephen's] Digest published after the Draft Code, which state that article 67 of the Draft Code, which is now section 45 of the Criminal Code, is based on article 205 of the Digest” (pp. 5-6).

STEED, Emily Rachel, When yes means no: An examination of the distinction between genuine consent and acquiescence, LL.M. thesis, University of Toronto, 1997, 158 p.; thesis advisor: Alan Mewett; title noted in my research but not consulted yet (19 July 2003);

STEWART, Hamish, "When Does Fraud Vitiate Consent?  A Comment on R. v. Williams", (September 2004) 49(2) The Criminal Law Quarterly 144-165;

STUART, Don and David  H. Doherty, "Jobidon: Consensual Combat and the Crime of Manslaughter -- Two Views", (1988) 59 C.R. (3d) 216-222; deals with R. v. Jobidon (1987), 59 C.R. (3d) 203 (Ont. H.C.); the part by Doherty is at pp. 216-220 and by Stuart at pp. 220-226;

STUART, Don, "Annotation: R. v. Cornejo, (2004) 18 C.R. (6th) 124 (Ont. C.A.)", (2004 18 Criminal Reports (6th) 126-127; mistaken belief in consent, s. 273.2(b) of the Criminal Code;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Ewanchuk, (1998) 13 C.R. (5th) 324 (Alta. C.A.), (1998) 13 C.R. (5th) 330-331; deals with consent for a sexual offence;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Livermore, (1994) 31 C.R. (4th) 374 (Ont. C.A.)", (1994) 31 Criminal Reports  (4th) 375-376; "mistaken belief defence to sexual assault; air of reality test not necessary to be supported by source other than the accused"];

___________"Annotation: R. v. Livermore, (1996) 43 C.R. (4th) 1 (S.C.C.)", (1996) 43 Criminal Reports (4th) 5-6;

___________"Annotation, R. v. O. (M.)", (2001) 36 C.R. (5th) 258 (S.C.C.)", (2001) 36 Criminal Reports (5th) 259-260;

__________"Annotation: R. v. Roche, (1985) 46 C.R. (3d) 160  (Ont. C.A.)", (1985) 46 C.R. (3d) 161; on interpretation of s. 246.1 of the Criminal Code and the defence of mistake of fact as to consent;

__________"Annotation: R. v. Thompson, (1993) 16 C.R. (4th) 168 (Alta C.A.)", (1993) 16 C.R. (4th) 168-169; s. 150.1(2) on consent and persuasive burden on accused;

___________Canadian Criminal Law: A Treatise, 4th ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, A Thomson Company, 2001, liv, 733 p., see "Consent" at pp. 559-578,  ISBN: 0459261703 (bound) and 0459261118 (pbk.); there is now a 5th ed.: Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, xix, 815 p., ISBN: 978 0779812950;

__________"Ewanchuk: Asserting 'No Means No' at the Expense of Fault and proportionality Principles", (1999) 22 Criminal Reports (5th series) 39-49;

Supreme Court of Canada decisions/ Arrêts de la Cour suprême du Canada:

Morgentaler v. The Queen [1976] 1 S.C.R. 616; deals with section  45 of the Criminal Code; see  Dickson J., at p. 676; and Laskin, C.J.,

R. v. Audet, [1996] 2 Supreme Court Reports 171; available at  http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1996/vol2/index.html (accessed on 17 June 2003);

R. v. Cuerrier, [1998] 2 Supreme Court Reports 371; available at  http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1998/vol2/index.html (accessed on 25 May 2003);

R. v. Ewanchuk, [1999] 1 Supreme Court of Canada 330; available at  http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1999/vol1/index.html (accessed on 17 June 2003);

R. v. Jobidon, [1991] 2 Supreme Court Reports 714; available at  http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1991/vol2/index.html (accessed on 25 May 2003);

R. v. Latimer, [2001] 1 Supreme Court Reports 3; available at  http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/2001/vol1/index.html (accessed on 8 June 2003);

R. v. Paice, 22 April 2005; available at/ disponible à http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/index.html;

R. v. Pappajohn, [1980] 2 Supreme Court Reports 120;

R. v. Osolin, [1993] 4 Supreme Court Reports 595; available at  http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1993/vol4/index.html (accessed on 8 June 2003);

Rodriguez v. British Columbia (Attorney General), [1993] 3 Supreme Court Reports 519; available at  http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1993/vol3/index.html (accessed on 3 JUne 2003);

Starson v. Swayze, 2003 SCC 32 , 6 June 2003, available at http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/; before publication in the S.C.R., this judgment should be cited using the neutral citation: Starson v. Swayze, 2003 SCC 32. Once the judgment is published in the S.C.R., the neutral citation should be used as  a parallel citation: Starson v. Swayze, [2003] x S.C.R. xxx, 2003 SCC 32.

SVORANOS, Barbara, "Fighting?   It's All in a Day's Work on the Ice: Determining the Appropriate Standard of a Hockey Player's Liability to Another Player", (1997) 7 Seton Hall Journal of Sports Law 487-511; covers Canadian Law;

"Symposium Issue on Consent -- Part I and II", (Autumn 1980) 1(3) Health Law in Canada and (Winter 1981) 1(4) Health Law in Canada;

TANOVICH, David M. and Gerry Ferguson, Annual Review of Criminal Law 2001, Carswell, a Thomson Company, 2002, xxvii, 200 p., ISBN: 0459271148; see  "Consent and Exercise of Authority" at p. 38 (less than one page) and "Mistaken Belief in Consec (nt: Sexual Assault" at pp. 42-46;

TANOVICH, David M., Annual Review of Criminal Law 1999-2000, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 2000, xxv, 247 p., see "Consent" at pp. 98-102, ISBN: 0459276913; comments on R. v. Ewanchuk,

___________, Annual Review of Criminal Law 2000, Toronto (Ontario): Carswell, a Thomson Company, xxx, 275 p., see "Consent" at pp. 54-55, ISBN: 0459261436;

THORNTON, M.T., "Rape and Mens Rea" in Kai Nielsen and Steven C. Patten, eds., New Essays in Ethics and Public Policy, Guelph (Ontario): Canadian Association for Publishing in Philosophy, 1982, 234 p. at pp. 91-118, ISBN:0919491081; copy at Ottawa Univerity, MRT, BJ 1031 .N478 1982;

TROTTER, Gary T., "Annotation: R. v. Paice, (2005) 29 C.R. (6th) 1 (S.C.C.)", (2005) 29 Criminal Reports (6th) 2-3;

TUR, Richard H.S., "Rape: Reasonableness and Time", (1981) 1 Oxford Journal of legal Studies 432-441, and see "Papajohn: When is honest mistake operative?" at pp. 432-438; copy at Ottawa University, KD 418 .O93  Location: FTX Periodicals;

USPRICH, S.J., "Annotation: R. v. Jobidon (1991), 7 C.R. (4th) 233 (S.C.C.)", (1992) 7 Criminal Reports (4th) 235-236;

VANDERVORT, Lucinda, "Consent and the Criminal Law", (1990) 28 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 485-500;

___________"The Defence of Belief in Consent: Guidelines and Jury Instructions for Application of Criminal Code Section 265(4)", (2005) 50 The Criminal Law Quarterly 441-452;

___________"Honest Beliefs, Credible Lies, and Culpable Awareness: Rhetoric, Inequality, and Mens Rea in Sexual Assault", (Spring 2004) 42(4) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 625-660;

___________"Mistake of Law and Sexual Assault: Consent and Mens Rea", (1986-88) 2 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 233-309;

___________"Sexual Assault: Availability of the Defence of Belief in Consent", (2005) 84 The Canadian Bar Review 89-105;

VERDUN-JONES, Simon N. (Simon Nicholas), 1947-,  Criminal Law in Canada: Cases, Questions & The Code, 4th ed., Thomson/Nelson, 2006,  xvi, 332 p., see Chapter 9, "Mistake of Fact, Consent, and Mistake of Law as Defences to a Criminal Charge" at pp. 212-242, ISBN: 0176407170; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br.B  KE 8809 V47 2007;

WATSON, Jack, Appellate Counsel, Edmonton, Alberta, "When ‘No'  Means ‘Attack Me': Inferring Consent to Assault in Family Violence Cases", A.C.A.A. Newsletter, Issue Number 5, May, 1996, available on the internet at: http://www.class.ab.ca/Subscribers/Publications/acaa 5.htm as of January 1998; contents: "1. Introduction; 2. Evolution of the Law as to Implied Consent; 3. Evolution of the Law as to Inferred  Consent; 4. Evolution of the Law in Sexual Assault Cases; 5. Conclusion"; I have checked the link as of 15 June 2003 and it is no longer active;   A.C.A.A. Newsletter = Alberta Crown Attorney's Association Newsletter;

WATT, Justice David, 1948-, Ontario Specimen Jury Instructions (Criminal), Toronto: Thomson/Carswell,  [2003], xiii, 1101 p., see "Final 63-A Apprehended Consent (Code, s. 265(4)" at pp. 961-963; "Final 63-B, Apprehended Consent (Code, ss. 273.1(1); 273.2)", at pp. 964-966; "Final 67-A, Consent (General) (Code, ss. 265(1); (3))" at pp. 981-983; and "Final 67-B, Consent (Sexual Assault) (Code, s. 273(1))!" at pp. 984-985 and "Final 73, Mistake", at p. 1045, ISBN: 0459254928; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 9682 W38 2003 c. 01;

___________The New Offences Against the Person: The Provisions of Bill C-127, Toronto: Butterworths, ISBN: 0459875759;

WEISSTUB, David N., ed., Research on human subjects : ethics, law and social policy, Oxford, UK : Pergamon, 1998, xxvi, 658 p., ISBN: 0080434347; copy at Ottawa University, RGN General, R 853 .H8 R46 1998; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; not on shelves (20 August 2003);

1. The Ethical Parameters of Experimentation / David N. Weisstub
2. Bringing Ethics to Human Experimentation: The American Experience / David J. Rothman
3. Beyond Consent / M. Gregg Bloche
4. Roles in Clinical and Research Ethics / David N. Weisstub
5. The Concept of Goodness in Medical Research: An Action-Theoretic Approach/ Jan Helge Solbakk
6. Drawing the Distinction between Therapeutic Research and Non-Therapeutic Experimentation: Clearing a Way Through the Definitional Thicket / Simon N. Verdun-Jones and David N. Weisstub
7. The Distinction between "Clinical Practice" and "Research": The Case of Pituitary Derived Hormones and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease / Margaret Allars
8. "Consensual" Research with Cognitively Impaired Adults: Resolving Legal Shortcomings in Adult Guardianship / George F. Tomossy and David N. Weisstub
9. French Law and Biomedical Research: A Practical Experiment / Christian Byk

10. Consent to Human Experimentation in Quebec: The Application of the Civil Law Principle of Personal Inviolability to Protect Special Populations / Simon N. Verdun-Jones and David N. Weisstub
11. The Advance Directive in Research: Prospects and Pitfalls / David N. Weisstub and Anne Moorhouse
12. The Regulation of Human Experimentation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives / Sev S. Fluss
13. International Trends in Research Regulation: Science as Negotiation / Paul M. McNeill
14. Models for Regulating Research: The Council of Europe And International Trends / Bernard Starkman
15. Research Ethics Committees and the Principle of Justice: Putting Ethics and Law to the Test / Marie-Luce Delfosse
16. The Institutional Review Board: Its Origins, Purpose, Function, and Future / Charles R. McCarthy
17. The Regulation of Biomedical Experimentation in Canada: Developing an Effective Apparatus for the Implementation of Ethical Principles in a Scientific Milieu / Simon N. Verdun-Jones and David N. Weisstub
18. Establishing the Boundaries of Ethically Permissible Research withVulnerable Populations / David N. Weisstub, Julio Arboleda-Florez and George F. Tomossy
19. Biomedical Experimentation with Children: Balancing the Need for Protective Measures with the Need to Respect          Children's Developing Ability to Make Significant Life Decisions for Themselves / David N. Weisstub, Simon N. Verdun-Jones and Janet Walker

20. Biomedical Experimentation Involving Elderly Subjects: The Need to Balance Limited. Benevolent Protection with Recognition of a Long History of Autonomous Decision-Making / David N. Weisstub, Simon N. Verdun-Jones and Janet Walker
21. Ethical Research with Vulnerable Populations: The Mentally Disordered / Julio Arboleda-Florez and David N. Weisstub
22. Ethics in Psychiatric Research with Incompetent Patients / Hanfried Helmchen
23. The Conditions of Personhood as Applied to Incompetent Persons / Michel Silberfeld
24. Ethical Research with Vulnerable Populations: The Developmentally Disabled / David N. Weisstub and Julio Arboleda-Florez
25. Ethics in Research with Detained Individuals / Norbert Nedopil
26. Prisoners as Subjects of Biomedical Experimentation: Examining the Arguments For and Against a Total Ban / Simon N. Verdun-Jones, David N. Weisstub and Julio Arboleda-Florez
27. Ethical Questions Pertaining to the Use of Placebos / Christian Mormont
28. Resolving the Inherent Dissonance between the Doctor's Roles as Healer and Researcher: A Proposal / Dominique Sprumont
29. Ethical Issues in Epidemiological Research / Julio Arboleda-Florez, David N. Weisstub and H ...

WESTEN, Peter, "Consent in Criminal Law" in Guy Lafrance, ed., Éthique et droits fondamentaux / Ethics and Basic Rights, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1989, 322 p., pp. 177-194, ISBN: 2760302342; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, K 3240.6 .E838 1989; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K225 E85;

    "The difference between actual consent and legal consent is that actual consent is a saying of 'yes' to something under such conditions of freedom and information as actually exist, while legal consent is a saying of 'yes' to something under such conditions of freedom and information as ought to exist.  Fraud and coercion both preclude legal consent: fraud, because it denies B the information to which he is entitled; and coercion, because it denies B the freedom to which he is entitled." (p. 189; one note omitted)

WHITE, Diane V., Notes, "Sports Violence as a Criminal Assault: Development of the Doctrine by Canadian Courts", [1986] Duke Law Journal 1030-1054; copy at Ottawa University, KFN 7469 .D84  Location: FTX Periodicals;

WRIGHT, Joanne, "Consent and Sexual Violence in Canadian Public Discourse: Reflections on Ewanchuk", (2001) 16(2) Canadian Journal of Law and Society 173-204;


This paper analyses the public discourse regarding consent and sexual violence that emerged in response to the Ewanchuk ("bonnet and crinolines") case. Analyzing the debate that ensued in the editorial pages of  the National Post, I suggest that the strong response to Ewanchuk stems from the way in which participants in the debate interpreted the case  through the lens of their own personal - and gendered - experience. The reaction is also the result of a clash between the dominant cultural-sexual script of heterosexual interaction, on the one hand, - a script which celebrates masculine sexual aggression, and the consensual script encoded in Canada's "No Means No" legislation, on the other. Finally, to a public already skeptical of feminism, Ewanchuk symbolized the feminist "take-over" of the Supreme Court. I argue, as well, that the interpretation of consent embraced in the dominant cultural-sexual script represents a considerable departure from the liberal ideal of free and voluntary consent in its reliance on a notion of "inferred" consent and its Hobbesian obfuscation of coercion and consent. Ultimately, Ewanchuk reflects the persistence of so-called common sense attitudes about sexual violence in spite of legal reforms, and it raises questions about whether consent can be defined in terms that would be meaningful and emancipatory for women." (source:  http://www.utpjournals.com/jour.ihtml?lp=cjls/cjls-162.html, accessed on 8 November 2003);

YATES, Jeff and William Gillespie, "The Problem of Sports Violence and the Criminal Prosecution Solution", (2002) 12(1) Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 145-168; discusses Canadian law;
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