Key words: criminal law, bibliography on complicity - articles,abet, abetment, abetting, abettor,  acessory, accessories, aid, aider, aiding, accomplice liability, accomplices,  common purpose, complicity, inchoate offences, joint enterprise, joint participation, parties, participation, party, parties,  secondary liability.  Mots clés: coaction, co-activité, complices, complicité,

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updated to / mise à jour au: 9 November 2013

by / par ©François Lareau, 1999-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on Complicity /
Bibliographie choisie sur la complicité

See also / voir aussi:
  • Comparative Law: Books etc. / Droit comparé: livres etc.
  • Canadian Law / Canadian Law

II - Comparative Law / Droit comparé

B- Articles

AKHAVAN, Payam, "The Crime of Genocide in the ICTR Jurisprudence", (2005) 3 Journal of International Criminal Justice 989-1006, and see "Exceptions to Intentionality ... 2.  Complicity and Aiding and Abetting", at pp. 993-995;

ALEXANDER, Larry, "Insufficient Concern: A Unified Conception of Criminal Culpability", (2000) 88(3) California Law Review 931-954, see on complicity, pp. 944-947;

ALLDRIDGE, Peter, "The Doctrine of Innocent Agency", (1990) 2 Criminal Law Forum 45-83;

AMBOS, Kai, "Article 25: Individual criminal responsibility"  in Otto Triffterer, ed., Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Observers' Notes, Article by Article, Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999, xxviii, 1295 p. at pp. 475-492, ISBN: 3789061735; copy at the Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, call number: legal KZ 6310 .C734 1999; see (accessed on 22 October 2005);

___________"The Fujimori judgment : A President's  Responsibility for Crimes  Against Humanity  as Indirect Perpetrator by Virtue of an Organized  Power  Apparatus", (2011) 9(1) Journal of International Criminal Law Justice  137-158;

___________"General Principles of Criminal Law in the Rome Statute", (1999) 10(1) Criminal Law Forum 1-32, and see "Forms of Perpetration" at pp. 8-9 and "Other Forms of Participation", at pp. 9-12;

____________ "1. Individual Criminal Responsibility in International Criminal Law: A Jurisprudential Analysis -- From Nuremberg to the Hague", in Gabrielle Kirk McDonald and Olivia Swaak-Goldman, eds., Substantive and procedural Aspects of International Criminal Law.  The Experience of International and National Courts", vol. I, Commentary, The Hague-London-Boston: Kluwer Law International, 2000, xvi,705 p., at pp. 5-31; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5000 S83 2000, v. 1;

___________"Remarks on the General Part of International Criminal Law", (2006) 4 Journal of International Criminal Justice 660-673; 

ANDENAES, Johannes, "Comment by Prof. Johannes Andenaes Comparing Study Draft of Proposed New Federal Criminal Code to European Penal Codes (Prof. Johannes Andenaes, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, August 31, 1970)" in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, vol. 3, Washington, July 1971 at pp. 1451-1476, see "Complicityy, Facilitation and Conspiracy" at pp. 1457-1458;

"Annexe 2.  Articles 10 à 14 du Corpus juris",  (avril -juin1997) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 368-369; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KJJ 0 .R489  Location: FTX Periodicals; aussi publié dans: La responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise: vers un espace judiciaire européen unifié?, sous la direction de Mireille Delmas-Marty, Paris: Dalloz, 1997, ISBN: 2247027458 (même pagination que dans la revue); note partie des travaux de la Journée d'études du 13 décembre 1996 "consacrés au thème de la responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise (art. 10 à 14 du Corpus)" (p. 253);

"Article 12.  – Responsabilité pénale individuelle

1. Tout individu peut être déclaré responsable des infractions définies ci-dessus (articles 1 à 8) en tant qu’auteur, instigateur ou complice:

a) est auteur de l’infraction celui qui commet les faits incriminés ou qui participe comme coauteur à la commission de l'infraction;

b) est instigateur de l’infraction, celui qui, par don, promesse, menace, ordre, abus d'autorité ou de pouvoir aura provoqué à l'infraction ou donné des instructions pour les commettre;

c) est complice de l’infraction,  celui qui sciemment, par aide ou assistance, en a facilité la préparation ou la consommation." (pp. 368-369)

ARNOLD, Roberta, "The Mens Rea of Genocide under the Statute of the International Criminal Court", (2003) 14(2) Criminal Law Forum 127-151, see "Complicity", at pp. 144-146;

ARZT, Gunther, "An Introduction to the 1975 German Criminal Code" in The Criminal Justice System of the Federal Republic of  Germany : Proceeding of the Conference Sponsored by : the American National Section (U.S.A.) AIDP, the Goethe  Institute of Chicago, De Paul University, College of Law  Held in Chicago, April 12, 1980, Toulouse: Édition Érès (Association internationale de droit pénal), 1981, 134 p. at pp. 24-25 (series; Nouvelles études pénales; 2), ISBN:  2865860043;

ASHWORTH, Andrew,  "The Draft Code, Complicity and the Inchoate Offences",   [1986] Criminal Law Review 303-314;

___________"Sharpening the Subjective Element in Criminal Liability" in Antony Duff and Nigel Simmonds, eds., Philosophy and theCriminal Law at the Univ. of Manchester, 8th-10th April 1983,  Wiesbaden: F. Steiner, 1984, 120 p. at  pp. 79-89 (series; Archives for philosophy of law and social philosophy/Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie; vol. 19) (series; Association for Legal and Social Philosophy: Annual Conference);

AUSCALER, Gustaw et Wladyslaw Wolter, "De la participation criminelle", (1957) 27 Revue internationale de droit pénal 49-62 (Rapport présenté au VIIe Congrès international de droit pénal - "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction");

BADAR, Mohamed E., " 'Just Convict Everyone!' -- Joint Perpetration from Tadic to Strakic and Back Again", (2006) 6(2)  Internatuional Criminal Law Review 293-302; with the same title at,%2B2006.pdf (accessed on 17 March 2008);

BADAR, Mohamed Elewa and Nora Karsten, "Current Developments at the International Criminal Tribunals", (2007) 7 International Criminal Law Review 163-186, and see "Instigation" at pp. 168-170 and "Joint Criminal Enterprise v. Co-perpetratorship", at pp. 170-175;

BANTEKAS, Ilias, "Defences in International Criminal Law", in Dominic McGoldrick, Peter Rowe, and Eric Donnelly, eds., The Permanent International Criminal Court: Legal and Policy Issues, Oxford (England)/Portland (Oregon): Hart Publishing, xviii, 498 p., at pp. 263-284, and see "Perpetration", at pp. 240-242; "Ordering and Soliciting", at pp. 242-247; "Aiding and Abetting", at pp. 247-249; "Complicity", at pp. 249-251 (series; Studies in International Law; volume 5), ISBN: 1841132810; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KZ 6310 P47 2004;

BEAUMONT, John, "Abetting without a Principal!", (1979) 30 Northern Ireland Law Quarterly 1-23;

___________"Accomplices and Liability for Joint Enterprises", (1999) 63 The Journal of Criminal Law 57-66;

BENYON, Helen, "Causation, Omissions and Complicity",  [1987] Criminal Law Review 539-552;

BIERSCHBACH, Richard A. and Alex Stein, "Mediating  Rules in Criminal Law",  (September 2007)  93(5) Virginia Law Review 1197-1258, and see "Accomplice Liability", at pp. 1218-1226; available at (accessed 16 March 2008);

BIGUENET, Jérôme, "De la nécessité d'opérer une distinction entre complicité et instigation", (janvier 2001) 13(6) Droit pénal 4-8; copie à la bibliothèque de droit de l'université d'Ottawa, périodiques, KJV 7972 D757;

BLAIR, Raneisha, "Can an Omission Fulfill the Actus Reus Requirement for Complicity in Genocide, and to What Degree Does Article 6(3) of the ICTR Statute Impute Criminal Liability for the Crime to a Superior Officer?", April 2003, [iii], 26 p.; available at (accessed on 20 October 2005);  note: Web site of the New England School of Law International War crimes Project Rwanda Genocide Prosecution;

BLAKEY, G. Robert and Kevin P. Roddy, "Reflections on Reves v. Ernst & Young: its meaning and impact on substantive, accessory, aiding abetting and conspiracy liability under RICO", (1996) 33(5) American Criminal Law Review 1345-1702; copy at the University of Ottawa, KF 9202 .A425  Location: FTX Periodicals;

BLOOS, William P., "Accomplices, Aiding, and Abetting",  in Richard A. Wright and J. Mitchell Miller, eds., Encyclopedia of Criminology,  Scarborough : Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2004, vol. 1, at pp. 7-8, ISBN: 1579584659; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, HV 61017 E53 2005 REF;    

BOELAERT-SUOMINEN, Sonja, "Commentary: The Yugoslavia Tribunal and the Common Core of Humanitarian Law Applicable to all Armed Conflicts", (2000) 13 Leiden Journal of International Law 619-653, and see pp. 650-651;

BOGDAN, Attila, "Individual Criminal responsibility in the Execution of a 'Joint Criminal Enterprise' in the jrisprudence of the ad hoc International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia", (2006) 6(1) International Criminal Law Review 63-120;

BOISTER, Neil, "Common purpose: association and mandate", (1992) 8 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 167-172;

BORATYNSKI, Comte, "Étude sur le Code pénal de l'empire d'Allemagne", - (juillet-décembre 1874) 38  Revue pratique de droit français jurisprudence, doctrine, législation 274-309, et voir les pp. 280-286 sur la complicité; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 30 mars 2009);   

BURCHELL, Jonathan, "Joint enterprise and common purpose: perspectives in English and South African criminal law", (1997) 10 South African Journal of Criminal law and Justice 125-140;

BUXTON, R.J. (Richard J.), "Complicity and the Law Commission", [1973] Criminal Law Review 223-230;

___________"Complicity in the Criminal Code",  (1969) 85 Law Quarterly Review 252-274;

___________"Notes of Cases: The Extent of Criminal Complicity", (1979) 42 Modern Law Review 315-318;

CARBONNIER, Jean, "Du sens de la répression applicable aux complices selon l'article 59 du Code pénal",  (1952) La semaine juridique, Partie 1 - Doctrine 1034;

CARPENTER, Catherine, "Should the Court Aid and Abet the Unintending  Accomplice: The Status of Complicity in California", (1984) 24 Santa Clara Law Review 343-370;  

CASSEL, Doug, "Corporate Aiding and Abetting of Human Rights Violations: Confusion in the Courts" , (2008) 6(2) Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights 304-326; available at SSRN:  (accessed on 2 June 2008);

CATSANTONIS, A.H., "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction", (1957) 27 Revue internationale de droit pénal 63-73 (Rapport présenté au VIIe Congrès international de droit pénal - "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction"); traite en partie du droit grec;

CHAN,  Wing-Cheong, "Abetment, Criminal Conspiracy and Attempt",  in Wing-Cheong Chan, Barry Wright, and Stanley Yeo, eds., Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code : the legacies and modern challenges of criminal law reform, Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate, c2011, xiii, 379 p., at pp.129 to approx. 154; ISBN: 9781409424420 (hardback); title noted my research but article not consulted yet (7 November 2011); 

CHEVAILLER, Laurent, "Contribution à l'étude de la complicité en droit  pénal romain",  (1953) Revue historique de droit français et étranger 200-243;

CLAPHAM, Andrew, "On Complicity", in Marc Henzelin et Robert Roth, sous la direction de, Le droit pénal à l'épreuve de l'internationalisation, Paris: L.G.D.J.; Genève: Georg; Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2002, xvii, 355 p., aux pp. 241-275, ISBN: 2275022155 (L.G.D.J.); 282570783X Georg); 2802715887 (Bruylant); copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, K5036 H46 2002; disponible à (vérifié le 28 avril 2009);

CLAPHAM, Andrew and Scott Jerbi, "Categories of Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses", (2000-2001) 24 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 339-349;

CLARKSON, C.M.W., “Complicity, Powell and Manslaughter”, [1998] Criminal Law Review 556-561;

"Code pénal européen", [2003] Revue pénitentiaire et de droit pénal 289-308, voir les articles 1 à 17 "Qualité d'auteur et participation", aux pp. 292-293; contribution importante;

COEURET, Alain, "Les propositions 'Espace judiciaire européen' confrontées à la situation en France", (avril -juin1997) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 295-287; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KJJ 0 .R489  Location: FTX Periodicals; aussi publié dans: La responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise: vers un espace judiciaire européen unifié?, sous la direction de Mireille Delmas-Marty, Paris: Dalloz, 1997, ISBN: 2247027458 (même pagination que dans la revue); note partie des travaux de la Journée d'études du 13 décembre 1996 "consacrés au thème de la responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise (art. 10 à 14 du Corpus)" (p. 253);

[Table des matières]


I. -- L'INFRACTION...296

A. -- La participation à l'infraction...296
B. -- La culpabilité...299
A. -- La responsabilité pénale des directeurs...301
B. -- Responsabilité pénale des groupements...305

COHN, Haim H., "Penal Law" in Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jerusalem, Encyclopaedia Judaica; [New York] Macmillan [c1971-72, v. 1, c1972], 16 vol., at vol. 13, pp. 222-228, and see "Parties to Offenses", at pp. 222-223; note: the article is signed "H.H.C."; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Reference: DS 102.8 .E496 1972;

COMBALDIEU, R., "Questions pratiques et pratiques des Parquets:  Le problème de la tentative de complicité ou le hasard peut-il être arbitre de la répression?", (1959) 14 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 454-458;

COMBS, Nathan Isaac, Notes, "Civil Aiding and Abetting Liability", (January 2005) 58(1) Vanderbilt Law Review 241-300;

"Comments on Recent Cases.  Requirement of Knowledge in an Instruction on 'Aiding and Abetting'", (1931-32) 17 Iowa Law Review 529-532;

CONNELLY, Clare, "Parties to Criminal Conduct" in Christopher Berry Gray, ed., The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, New York Garland Publishing, 1999, 2 volumes ( xxxviii, 950 p.), in vol. 2, at pp. 629-631 (series; Garland reference library of the humanities ; vol. 1743), ISBN: 0815313446;

Corpus Juris, 1997, articles 12 to14; available at (accessed on 21 February 2004); note: "European Union code for conducting criminal procedures known as Corpus Juris was originally requested by the European Parliament and compiled by a group of "academic experts" under the aegis of the European Commission";

Article 12 -- Individual criminal liability

1 -- Any person may be held responsible for the offences defined above (Articles 1 to 8) as a principal offender, inciter or accomplice;

a) as principal offender, if he commits the incriminating facts or participates, as co-offender, in committing the offence;
b) as an inciter if he, by means of a bribe, promise, threat, order, abuse of authority or power provokes the offence or gives instructions for it to be committed;
c) as an accomplice if he knowingly, by providing assistance, facilitates the preparation or the commission of the offence.

COURTEAU, Candace, "Comment: The Mental Element Required for Accomplice Liability: A Topic Note", (1998) 59 Louisiana Law Review 325-346;

COWAN, Veronica and J.C. Smith, "Acessories: Procuring the commission of an offence by another - mens rea of procurer- whether inadvertent recklessness suffices: Blakely, Sutton v. D.P.P.",  (1991) Criminal Law Review 763-767; Research Note: case report by Cowan at pp. 763-765 and commentary by Smith at pp. 765-767;

COWLEY, David, "Aiding and Abetting an Attempt: R. v. Dunnington",  (1984) Journal of Criminal Law 149-151;

CRABTREE, Joseph H., "Accessory Liability: Acquittal of the Principal Bars Conviction of the Accessory Before the Fact - the Common Law Lives in Tennessee",  (1985-84) 15 Memphis State University Law Review 87-104;

CROCKER, Phyllis L., "Concepts of Culpability and Deathworthiness:  Differentiating Between Guilt and Punishment in Death Penalty Cases", (1997-98) 22 Fordham Law Review 21-86, and see "Accomplice" at pp. 45-48;

CROSS, Rupert, "Duress and Aiding and Abetting (A Reply)",  (1953) 69 Law Quarterly Review 354-358; reply to J.LL. J. Edwards, infra;

CRYER, Robert, "General Principles of Liability in International Criminal Law", in Dominic McGoldrick, Peter Rowe, and Eric Donnelly, eds., The Permanent International Criminal Court: Legal and Policy Issues, Oxford (England)/Portland (Oregon): Hart Publishing, 2004, xviii, 498 p., at pp. 233-262, and see "Perpetration", at pp. 240-242; "Ordering and Soliciting", at pp. 242-247; "Aiding and Abetting", at pp. 247-249; "Complicity", at pp. 249-251 (series; Studies in International Law; volume 5), ISBN: 1841132810; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KZ 6310 P47 2004; limited preview at,M1 and (accessed on 11 March 2008);

CUCHE, M., "Une théorie nouvelle de la complicité", (1896) Annales de l'Université de Grenoble, 2e trimestre, p. 1; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; aucune copie de ce numéro de périodique dans les bibliothèques comprises dans le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 4 juin 2005);

DAHS, Hans, "Évolution moderne des notions de l'accomplissement par l'auteur de l'acte punissable et de la complicité",  (1957) 27 Revue internationale de droit pénal 74-85 (Rapport présenté au VIIe Congrès international de droit pénal - "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction"); traite du droit allemand;

DAMGAARD, Ciara, , in  Individual Criminal Responsibility for Core International Crimes and see "The Joint Criminal Enterprise Doctrine: A 'Monster Theory of Liability' or a Legitimate and Satisfactory Tool in the Prosecution of the Perpratators of Core International Crimes?", Berlin: Springer, 2008, at  pp. 127-261, ISBN: 978-3-540-78780-8 ; limited preview available at,M1 (accessed on 3 September 2008); 

DANNECKER, Gerhard, "La responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise. Vers un espace judiciaire européens unifié? Les propositions 'Espace judiciaire européen' confrontées à la situation en Allemagne", (avril -juin1997) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 275-287; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KJJ 0 .R489  Location: FTX Periodicals; aussi publié dans: La responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise: vers un espace judiciaire européen unifié?, sous la direction de Mireille Delmas-Marty, Paris: Dalloz, 1997, ISBN: 2247027458 (même pagination que dans la revue); note partie des travaux de la Journée d'études du 13 décembre 1996 "consacrés au thème de la responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise (art. 10 à 14 du Corpus)" (p. 253);

[Table des matières]



1. Différenciation entre auteur (principal) et participant...276
a) Comparaison entre auteur (principal) et participant...276
b) Prise de position relative à la réglementation proposée...276
2. Différenciation entre auteur, instigateur et complice...277
a) Comparaison du principe proposé avec la situation légale
b) Prise de position relative à la réglementation proposée...278
1. L'introduction d'une réglementation spéciale de la responsabilité du
    chef d'entreprise et du "décideur"...278
a) Comparaison du principe proposé avec la situation légale
aa) Chef d'entreprise et décideur comme auteurs indirects...279
bb) La responsabilité du chef d'entreprise et du décideur face
      à l'omission...280
b) Prise de position relative à la réglementation proposée...280
2. Délimitation de la responsabilité du chef d'entreprise et du décideur...281
a) Comparaison du principe proposé avec la situation légale
b) Prise de position relative à la réglementation proposée...281
1. Introduction de peines criminelles contre les groupements collectifs...281
a) Comparaison du principe proposé avec la situation légale
b) Prise de position relative à la réglementation proposée...284
1. Comparaison de la proposition avec la situation légale nationale...286
2. Prise de position relative à la réglementation proposée...286

DANNER, Allison Marston, and Jenny S. Martinez, "Guilty Associations: Joint Criminal Enterprise, Command Responsibility, and the Developmentof International Criminal Law" (January  2005) 93(1) California Law Review 75-169; copy at the University of Ottawa, KFC 69 .C335 Location, FTX Periodicals; available at (accessed on 22 February 2006); see also (accessed on 7 November 2005); see also (accessed on 24 February 2008);

DARCY, Shane, "An Effective Measure of Bringing Justice?: The Joint Criminal Enterprise Doctrine of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia", (2004)  20(1) American University Law Review 153-191; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, K1 .M475; see important notice sent with this number of the periodical with corrections and comments on the article;

D'AUTRICOURT, J.Y., "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction en droit international pénal - Une confrontation avec les tendances actuelles du droit pénal interne et les enseignements qu'elle apporte", (1957) 27 Revue internationale de droit pénal 86-116 (Rapport présenté au VIIe Congrès international de droit pénal - "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction");

DAWKINS, K.E., "Parties, conspiracies and attempts" in Neil  Cameron and Simon France, eds., Essays on Criminal Law in New Zealand: Towards Reform?, Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington Law Review in conjunction with Victoria University Press, 1990,  [iii], 243 p., at 117-146 (series; Victoria University of Wellington Law Review Monograph; number 3), ISBN: 0864732066;

DAWKINS, Kevin, "The unknown look-out and liability for ‘aiding’ and offence”, [January 1989]  New Zealand Law Journal 30-35;

DE ASUA, Luis Jiménez, "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction - Rapport présenté au VIIe Congrès international de droit pénal (Athènes, 26 septembre - 20 octobre 1957)",  (1957) 27 Revue internationale de droit pénal 479-544; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, K5012 .R47;

DENNIS, Ian (also I.H.), "[Intent, Purpose and Complicity] Ian Dennis replies", [1989] Criminal Law Review 168-175; a reply to Sullivan , infra, [1989]¸ Criminal Law Review;

___________ "Intention and Complicity: A Reply",  [1988] Criminal Law Review 649-659; a reply to Sullivan, infra, [1988] Criminal Law Review ;

___________"The Mental Element for Accessories" in Peter Smith, ed., Criminal Law: Essays in Honour of JC Smith, London: Butterworths, xxvii, 234 p., at pp. 40-67, ISBN: 0406501106;

DILLOF, Anthony M., "Putting Hate in Its Place: The Codification of Bias Crime Laws in a Model Penal Code", (2000) 4(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 341-397, and see "Bias Crime and Complicity", at pp. 372-379; available at (accessed on 12 March 2006);

DIMITRIJEVITCH, Dragoliub V., "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction", (1958) 28 Revue internationale de droit pénal 7-18 (Rapport présenté au VIIe Congrès international de droit pénal - "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction"); traite du droit yougoslave;

DRESSLER, Joshua, "The Jurisprudence of Death by Another: Accessories and Capital Punishment", (1979-80) 51 University of Colorado Law Review 17-75;

___________"Reassessing the Theoretical Underpinnings of  Accomplice Liability: New Solutions to an Old Problem" (1985) 37 The Hastings Law Journal 91-140;

___________"Reforming Complicity Law: Trivial Assistance as a Lesser Offense?", in  Anthony Duff and Christoffer  Wong, eds.,  Foundational Issues in the Philosophy of Criminal Law, Special Workshop at the 23rd IVR Congress, 1-6 August 2007, Krakow, at pp. 37-54; available at (accessed on 24 February 2008); see also
+comparative+criminal+law+filetype:pdf&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=32 (accessed on 2 March 2008); also published at (2008) 5 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 427-448; available at (accessed on 13 April 2008);

DUBBER, Markus Dirk, "Complicity in Domestic Criminal Law: A Comparative Analysis,” Journal of International Criminal Justice, (forthcoming 2007) (Special Issue on “Individual Criminal Responsibility in International Criminal Law”),  [draft(accessed on 18 May 2007);

___________"Criminalizing Complicity", (2007)  
Journal of International Criminal Justice 25 pages, available at (accessed on 24 February 2008);

DUFF, R.A., "Can I Help You? acessorial liability and the intention to assist" (1990) 10 Legal Studies 165-181;

EBOE-OSUJI, Chile, " 'Complicity in Genocide' versus 'Aiding and Abetting Genocide' ", (2005) 3 Journal of International Criminal Justice 56-81;

EDWARDS, J. LL. J., "Duress and Aiding and Abetting", (1953) 69 Law Quarterly Review 354-358;

"L'emprunt matériel de criminalité entre participants - Réflexion à partir de Cassation 9 décembre 1986 (arrêt Volders) - Synthèse de la réunion du 26 avril 1990", (1990)  70 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 1057-1072;

ESER, Albin, "Individual Criminal Responsibility", in Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta and John R.W.D. Jones, eds., The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, volume I, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, cxl, 1048 p., Chapter 20, at pp. 767-822; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General: KZ 6310 .R64 2002 v. 1; available at (accessed on 26 January 2008);

FINKEL, N.J. and F.S. Smith, Research on the Death Penalty, "Principals and Accessories in Capital Felony-Murder: The Proportionality Principle Reigns Supreme", (1993) 27 Law and Society Review 128-156; copy at the University of Ottawa, K 12 .A865  Location FTX Periodicals;

FISHMAN, Clifford S., "Defense Witness as 'Accomplice': Should the Trial Judge Give a 'Care and Caution' Instruction?",  (Fall 2005) 96(1) The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 1-23;

FISSE, Brent, "Complicity in Regulatory Offences",  (1967-68) 6 Melbourne University Law Review 278-307;

FLETCHER, George P., Book Review, "Is Conspiracy Unique to the Common Law: ACCORDO CRIMINOSO E CONSPIRACY.  TIPICITA E STRETTA LEGALITA NELL'ANALISI COMPARATA by Elisabetta Grande, Milan: Cedam, 1993, Pp. 332", (1995) 43 American Journal of Comparative Law 171-174; notwithstanding, the article does deal in part with complicity;

__________ Basic Concepts of Criminal Law, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998, xi, 223 p.,  see chapter 11, "Perpetration versus Complicity" at pp. 188-205, ISBN: 0195121708 and 0195121716 (pbk.);

___________"Complicity", (1996) 30 Israel Law Review 140-153;

___________Editorial Comments,"Guantanamo Revesited.  The Hamdan Case and Conspiracy as a War Crime: A New Beginning for International Law in the US", (2006) 4 Journal of International Criminal Justice 442-447;

"It is important, in this context, to distinguish between conspiracy as a crime in and of itself and conspiracy as a criterion for complicity in the completed acts of others.  The latter form of liability is recognized under various doctrines including the newly coined concept of 'joint criminal enterprise'." (p. 445; important comment)

___________"New Court, Old Dogmatik", (2011) 9(1) Journal of International Criminal Justice 179-190;

The contribution explores the meaning and relevance of a criminal law Dogmatik in international criminal law. Noting that the concept has reached its fullest exposition in German criminal law but is missing in international jurisprudence, the author urges us to develop a Dogmatik that would incorporate our basic principles of individual accountability for criminal acts. The mirror image of a Dogmatik is a set of concepts, such as conspiracy or joint criminal enterprise, which make it easier to attribute responsibility to actors who commit their actions as part of a group. The author concedes that this anti-Dogmatik could also be called a pro-victim Dogmatik. He notes that the recent ICC decisions in Lubanga and Katanga & Chui represent a shift away from pro-victim doctrines to the principles of complicity recognized in the traditional German doctrine of participation and now incorporated in Article 25 of the Rome Statute. (source:  (accessed on 15 November 2011)

FLETCHER, George P. and Jens David Ohlin,  "Reclaiming Fundamental Principles of Criminal Law in the Darfur Case",  (2005) 3 Journal of International Criminal Justice 539-561, and see "Collective Responsibility and the Question of Joint Criminal Enterprise", at pp. 548-550;

FOUNTAIN, Frank W., "Aiding and Abetting Involuntary Manslaughter and Negligent Homicide: An Unprincipled Extension of Principl Liability", (Nov. 1991) Army Lawyer 3-10; available at (accessed on 3 June 2005);

FOURNIER, Stéphanie, "Le nouveau code pénal et le droit de la complicité", [1995] Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 475-504;

FREEDMAN, David, "The New Law of Criminal Organizations in Canada", (2006)  85 Canadian Bar Review 171-219;

FREIJ-DALLOZ, Isabelle, "Répression de la tentative de complicité: commentaires de l'article 28 du code pénal ivoirien", (1993) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 73-85;

FRIEDMAN, Allen R., "Aiding and Abetting the Investment of Dirty Money: Mens Rea and the Nonracketeer Under RICO [Racketeering Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act] Section 1962(a)" (1982) 82 Columbia Law Review 574-592;

GARDNER, John, "Aid, Abet, Counsel, Procure: an English View of Complicity", in Albin Eser, Barbara Huber, Karin Cornils, eds., Einzelverantwortung und Mitverantwortung im Strafrecht: europäisches Kolloquium auf Schloss Ringberb am Tegernsee vom 1.-3. Juli 1996 /Individual, Participatory and Collective Responsibility in Criminal Law, Freiburg im Breisgau : Edition Iuscrim, 1998, xv, 441 p., at pp. 227-232 (Collection; Beiträge und Materialien aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht Freiburg i. Br Bd. S 71, ISBN: 3861139510; see at; title noted in my research but article not consulted; none of the Canadian libraries comprised in the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada has a copy of this book (verfication of 4 June 2005);

___________ "Complicity and Causality", (2007) 1(2) Criminal Law and Philosophy 127-141; with the same title at (accessed on 23 March 2008);

GENREAU, George, "Bibliographie.  Essai sur la complicité par M. Gabriel-Bernard  Benoît-Champy, Compte rendu", (1861) Tome 18, 11e année Revue critique de législation et de jurisprudence  456-466; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 19 novembre 2007);

GIUSTINIANI, Flavia Zorzi, "The Responsibility of Accomplices in the Case-Law of the Ad Hoc Tribunals", (November 2009) Criminal Law Forum;

GIVANOVITCH, Thomas, "Historique des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction", (1958) 28 Revue internationale de droit pénal 19-22 (Rapport présenté au VIIe Congrès international de droit pénal - "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction");

GILES, Marianne, "Complicity - the Problems of Joint Enterprise",  [1990] Criminal Law Review 383-393;

GILLES, Peter, "Secondary Offences and Conspiracy",  (1991) 15 Criminal Law Journal 157-165;

G.L., Bibliographie, "La doctrine de la complicité en droit criminel, par M.J. FOINITSK, professeur de droit criminel à l'Université de St-Pétersbourg; préface et traduction du russe en allemand par BORIS GOURVITCH",  (1892) 7 Archives d'anthropologie criminelle de criminologie et de psychologie normale et pathologique 211-215; disponible à (site visité le 2 janvier 2007);

GLAZEBROOK, P.R., "Structuring the Criminal Code: Functional Approaches to Complicity, Incomplete Offences, and General Defenses"  in A.P. Semester and A.T.H. Smith, eds., Harm and Culpability, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996, viii, 280 p., Essay 9, at pp. 195-214 (series; Oxford monographs in criminal law and justice), ISBN: 0198260571;

GOLD, John W., "A Comparative Analysis of the Mens Rea Requirement for Complicity as Applied in the International Tribunals and the Common-Law Jurisdictions of the United States, England & Australia", Spring 2003, iv, 18 p.; available at (accessed on 20 October 2005); note: New England School of Law International War crimes Project Rwanda Genocide Prosecution;

GRAEFRATH, Bernhard, "Complicity in the Law of International Responsibility", (1996) 29 Revue belge de droit international 370-380; deals with State responsibility;

GRAY, Stephen, "'I Didn't Know.  I Wasn't There': Common Purpose and the Liability of Acessories to Crime", (1999) 23 Criminal Law Journal 201-217;

GREEN, and Daniel J. Pochoda, "Comment on Accomplices and Criminal Facilitation: Sections 401 and 1002" in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, Vol. I, Relating to Chapters 1 to 13 (Sections 101 to 138 of the Study Draft of a new Federal Criminal Code), Washington: US Government Printing Office 1970, xxxv, 742, [vii], p. at pp. 153-161;

GREENFIELD, Daniel M., "The Crime of Complicity in Genocide: How the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and Yugoslavia Got it Wrong, and Why it Matters", (2008) 98(3) The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 921-952;

GRIEW, Edward, "It Must Have Been One of Them",  [1989] Criminal Law Review 129-133;

GRIFFIN, Lissa, " 'Which One of You Did It?' Criminal Liability for 'Causing or Allowing' the Death of a Child", (2004-2005) 15 Indiana International and Comparative Law Review 89-114, and see "Accomplice liability", at pp. 95-97;

GRIVEL, Félicien, "Étude sur la complicité en matière de chasse", (1881-1882) La France judiciaire - Première Partie 179-217; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada; disponible à (vérifié le 20 mars 2010);

GRYNFOGEL, Catherine, "Les limites de la complicité de crime contre l'humanité", [1998] Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 523-533;

GUR-AYRE, Miriam, "Comment [on A Theory of Complicity by Sanford Kadish]" in Ruth Gavison, ed., Issues in Contemporary Legal Philosophy: The Influence of H.L.A. Hart, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987, vi, 357 p., at pp. 304-310, ISBN: 0198255179;

___________"The Influence of Aggravating or Mitigating Personal Characteristics on the Liability of the Participants", (1984) 19 Israel Law Review. 253-283;

___________"The Structure of Criminal Liability: Complicity", (1996) 30 Israel Law Review 146-153;  introductory excerpt  at;

HAAN, Verena, "The Development of the Concept of Joint Criminal Enterprise at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia", (2005) 6 International Criminal Law Review 167-201;

HAFFAJEE,  Rebecca L., "Prosecting Crimes of Rapeand Sexual Violenceat the ICTR: The Application of Joint Criminal Enterprise Theory", (2006) 29(1) Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 201-221; available at (accessed on 11 March 2008);

HALES, Louise, " 'Effective dissociation' from a common purpose -- a Zimnanwean view", (1992) 5 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 187-193;

HEFFERNAN, Liz, "The Vagaries of Accomplice Evidence", (2003) 38 The Irish Jurish 369-382; copy at Ottawa University, KDK 87 .I735  Location: FTX Periodicals; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

HENNAU-HUBLE, Christiane, "La participation punissable: vers un affranchissement de la théorie de l'emprunt de criminalité?", (1990) 70 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 591-603;

___________"Réflexions à partir de Cassation 9 décembre 1996 (arrêt VOLDERS).  Synthèse de la réunion du 26 avril 1990", (1990) 70 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 1057-1072;

HERLITZ, C.E. and  D. Frande, "Parties to a Crime and the Notion of a Complicity Object", (1992) 77 Svensk Juristtidning 585-593; éditeur: Stockholm, A.-b. Nordiska bokhandeln; no copy of this periodical found the Canadian libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 3 June 2005);

HIBBERT, T., "Dishonesty and Knowledge of accessories and Recipients", (2000) 15(6) Journal of International Banking Law 138-144; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries comprised in the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 3 June 2005);

HOGAN, Brian, "Victims as Parties to Crime",  [1962] Criminal Law Review 683-695;

HOLROYD, Jessica, "Incitement -- a tale of three agents", (December 2001) 65(6) The Journal of Criminal Law 515-520;

HOR, Michael, "Common Intention and the Enterprise of Constructing Criminal Liability", [1999] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 494-530;

___________"Misuse of Drugs and Aberrations in the Criminal Law", (2001) 13 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 54-88, and see "Complicity: Dormant problems", at pp. 83-87;

HUBBLE, Gail, "Rape by Innocent Agent", (1997) 21 Criminal Law Journal 204-212;


The Victorian Court of Criminal Appeal has recently endorsed the English case of Cogan and Leak [1976] AB 217, and accepted that the doctrine of inncocent agency is applicable to the crime of rape.  This article critically examines both the decision in Hewitt (1996) 84 A Crim R 440 and the debate surrounding the application of innocent agency in this context.  In particular, the argument that rape is 'too personal' to be committed via the acts of an agent will be assessed.  Finally, the implications of the decision for corporate criminal liability will also be briefly explored." (p. 204)

HUBER, B., and G. Restle, “Developments of Criminal Law in Europe”, (1994) 2(3) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 291-306, see “Perpetration and Complicity” at pp. 305-306

HUBER, B., “Developments of Criminal Law in Europe: an Overview”, (1993) 1(1) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 57-80, see “Complicity” at  p. 71 (half page only);

HUSAK, Douglas N., 1948-, "Justification and the Criminal Liability of  Accessories", (1989) 80 Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology491-520;

IBBETSON, David, "Mental element for complicity", (1982) 2 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 287-290;

JAEGER, Marc, "Les propositions 'Espace judiciaire européen' confrontées à la situation au Luxembourg", (avril -juin1997) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 347-349; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KJJ 0 .R489  Location: FTX Periodicals; aussi publié dans: La responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise: vers un espace judiciaire européen unifié?, sous la direction de Mireille Delmas-Marty, Paris: Dalloz, 1997, ISBN: 2247027458 (même pagination que dans la revue); note partie des travaux de la Journée d'études du 13 décembre 1996 "consacrés au thème de la responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise (art. 10 à 14 du Corpus)" (p. 253);

[Table des matières]

L'incidence des articles 12, 13 et 14 du Corpus juris sur le droit pénal
    luxembourgeois fait l'objet des quelques remarques suivantes.

A. -- La responsabilité pénale du fait personnel...347
B. -- La responsabilité pénale du fait d'autrui...348
C. -- La responsabilité pénale des personnes morales...348

JOHNSON, Sveinbjorn, "Parties to Crime in Norse Law", (1932-33) 27 Illinois Law Review 330 (1 p. only);


- "Participation in crime (eg)", Egyptian law; available at (accessed on 27 July 2006);


KADISH, Sanford, "Act and Omission, Mens Rea and Complicity",  paper presented at the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law Conference, "Reform of the Criminal Law",  July 26-29, London, England, 1987, 24, [14] p.;  paper mentioned in "[Conference Report]: Reform of the Criminal Law - The Inns of Court, London, England, July 26-29, 1987", (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 91-98 at 94;

___________"Act and Omission, Mens Rea and Complicity: Approaches to Codification", (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 65-89;

___________"Complicity, Cause and Blame: a Study in the Interpretation of Crime", (1985) 73 California Law Review  323-410; also published in the author's book,  Blame and Punishment: Essays in the Criminal Law, New York: MacMillan and London: Collier MacMillan, 1987, viii,  328 p., Essay  8,  pp. 135-201 and 281-300 (notes),  ISBN: 0029166918;also published in Jules L. Coleman, ed., Crimes and Punishments, New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1994, xxiv, 560 p. at p. 406  (series; Philosophy of Law), ISBN: 0815314000;

___________"Reckless complicity", (1996-97) 87 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 369-394;

___________"A Theory of Complicity" in Ruth Gavison, ed., Issues in Contemporary Legal Philosophy: The Influence of H.L.A. Hart, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987, vi, 357 p., at pp. 287-303, ISBN: 0198255179; Research Note: the editor's note at p. 287 reads: "...this paper is an abridged version of the first part of a longer study, which appears in its entirety and in revised form in California Law Review, vol. 73 (1985), 329-410, under the title 'Complicity, Cause and Blame: A Study in the Interpretation of Doctrine'";

KASHYAP, Girish S., "Looking Abroad to Protect Mothers at Home: A Look at Complicity by Omission  Domestically and Abroad", (2004) 22 Boston University International Law Journal 425-447;

KATZ, Leo, "Criminal Law" in Patterson, Dennis M. (Dennis Michael) Patterson, 1955-, ed., A companion to philosophy of law and legal theory, Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell Publishers, 1996, xii, 602 p., pp. 80-95,  on complicity, see pp. 88-90 (series;  Blackwell companions to philosophy; volume 7), ISBN: 1557865353; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

KEIJZER, Nico, "Participation in Crime - Developments in Dutch Law"  in Raimo Lahti and Kimmo Nuotio, eds., Criminal Law Theory in Transition: Finnish and Comparative Perspectives / Strafrechtstheorie Im Umbruch Finnische und vergleichende Perspektiven, Helsinki:  Finish Lawyers' Publishing Company, 1992, xiv, 604 p., at pp. 491-502, ISBN: 9516405940;

KELLY, Robert Dale, "Social Host's Criminal Liability for DUI [driving under the influence] Guest's Manslaughter of Another: What Will Oklahoma Think of Next?" (1986) 39 Oklahoma Law Review 689-727;

KELMAN, Mark, "Interpretative Construction in the Substantive Criminal Law", (1980-81) 33 Stanford Law Review 591-673, see "Aiding and abetting" at pp. 627-628;

KERMABON,  Nicolas, "La contribution du droit canonique de l'époque classique (XIIe-XIVe siècle) à la conception contemporaine de la complicité", dans Mathias Schmöckel, Orazio Condorelli et Franck Roumy, sous la direction de,  Der Einfluss der Kanonistik auf die europäische Rechtskultur, t. III Straf- und Strafprozessrecht, Köln-Weimar-Wien, Böhlau Verlag (Norm und Struktur, 37/3), 2012, 445 p., aux pp. 169-199, ISBN10:3412204331 / ISBN13:9783412204334;

___________"L’influence du Droit canonique médiéval dans la répression de la complicité par omission", dans  Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law [Toronto, 5-11 August 2012] (à paraître fin 2013);  


KÉRY, Lotte, "La culpabilité dans le droit canonique classique de Gratien (vers 1140) à Innocent IV (vers 1250)", in: La culpabilité: Actes des XXèmes Journées
d’Histoire du Droit, [4-6 octobre 2000. Limoges]; [organisé par la] Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques , Université de Limoges ; Textes réunis par Jacqueline Hoareau-Dodinau et Pascal Texier, Limoges : PULIM, 2001, 690 p.- [7] f. de pl., aux pp. 427-442, (Collection; Cahiers de l'Institut d'anthropologie juridique; 6), ISBN: 2842871979;  copie à l'Université de Montréal, CAZF J86 2001c;

___________"Non enim homines de occultis, sed de manifestis iudicant. Quelques observations sur la culpabilité dans le droit pénal de l’Eglise à l’époque
classique", (décembre 2001) 51(2) Revue de droit canonique;

KHULUSE, D.R., "Dissociation from common purpose -- a survey", (1992) 5 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 173-179;

KLEIN, Stephen R., "A Shot at Mens Rea in Aiding and Abetting Illegal Firearms Possession Under 18 U.S.C. § 922(G)",  (July 15, 2009) Ave Maria Law Review, Vol. 7, No. 639, 2009; available at SSRN:; (accessed on 30 January 2010);

KIM, Chin, 1926-, "Asian Criminal Law: A Comparison with Proposed Federal Criminal Code", (1973) South Texas Law Journal; also published in Chin Kim, Selected Writings on Asian Law, Littleton (Colorado), 1982, xiii, 573 p., at pp. 453-478, and see "Accomplices (Section 401)" at pp. 463-464, ISBN: 0837707412; copy of the book at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KNC 79 K56 1982;

KLING, Lilly, "Constitutionalizing the Death Penalty for Accomplices  to Felony Murder" (1988) 26 American Criminal Law Review 463-490;

KOH, K.L., Case Comments, "Penal Code: Section 34 and Participation: P.P. v. Tan Joo Cheng", [1992] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 232-239;

KUTZ, Christopher, "Causeless complicity", (September 2007) 3(1) Criminal Law and Philosophy 289-305;

LAINGUI, André, "La théorie de la complicité dans l'Ancien droit pénal", (1977) 45 Tidjschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'histoire du droit / The Legal History Review 27-65;

LAKATOS, Viktor, "The Offender and Complicity in the Swedish and Hungarian Criminal Law", Lund University, Faculty of Law, 2005; available at
cd0028a0b9/55a2926ba49d6aa6c1257099002ed9a7/%24FILE/Lakatos.doc++%22dolus+eventualis%22  (accessed on 30 August 2007);

LANHAM, David,  "Accomplices and Transferred Malice", (1980) 96 Law Quarterly Review 110-125;

___________"Accomplices and Withdrawal", (1981) 97 Law Quarterly Review 575-592;

___________"Accomplices, Principals and Causation", (1979-80) 12 Melbourne University Law Review 490-515;

___________"Complicity, Concert and Conspiracy", (1980) 4 Criminal Law Journal 276-295;

___________"Drivers, Control and Accomplices", [1982[ Criminal Law Review 419-428;

___________"Limitations on Accomplice Liability", (1982) 6 Criminal Law Journal 306-326;

___________"Primary and Derivative Criminal Liability: An Australian Perspective", [2000] Criminal La Review 707-718;

___________"Three Cases of Accessorial Absurdity?", (1990) 53 Modern Law Review 75-77;

LAZERGES, Christine, "La partcipation criminelle", in, sous la direction de Christine Lazerges, Réflexions sur le nouveau Code pénal, Paris: Éditions A. Pédone, 1995, 170 p., aux pp.11-30, ISBN: 233002822;

LÉAUTÉ, J., "Coactivité, complicité et provocation en droit français" (1957) 72 Revue pénale suisse 1-18; titre non consulté;

LEBLOIS-HAPPE, Jocelyne, Éric Mathias, Xavier Pin et Julien Walther, "Chronique de droit pénal allemand", (2002) 73(3-4) Revue internationale de droit pénal 1229-1259, voir "La participation à l'infraction", aux pp. 1240-1245;

LEBLOIS-HAPPE, Jocelyne, Xavier Pin et Julien Walther, "Chronique de droit pénal allemand (Période du 1er octobre 2003 au 31 décembre 2004)", (2005) 76(1-2) Revue internationale de droit pénal 139-168, voir "Une 'révolution' en matière de coaction par imprudence", aux pp. 145-146;   

"Limits of Criminal Responsibility in Common Enterprise", (1932) 76 Solicitors' Journal 207 (one page only); copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KD 322 .S625;

"The Logic of Art and Part Guilt", (1985) 30 Journal of the Law Society of Scotland 230-232; the article is signed "Forensis";

LUND, J.R., "Extenuating circiumstances, mob violence and common purpose", (1988) 1 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 260-268;

MANACORDA,  Stefano and Chantal Meloni, "Indirect Perpetration versus Joint Criminal Enterprise: Concurring Approaches in the Practice of International Criminal Law?", (2011)  9(1) Journal of International Criminal Justice 159-178;

This article addresses the well-known problem of establishing individual criminal responsibility for the commission of international crimes. In particular, attention is devoted to an analysis of the modes of liability that are best suited to dealing with the individual criminal responsibility of high-level perpetrators. In recent years, efforts have been made at the international level to bring to justice several high-level perpetrators, including incumbent Heads of State. In this context, the modes of participation of ‘joint criminal enterprise’ and ‘indirect perpetration’ have emerged as two possible alternatives for qualifying the participation of such persons in the commission of international crimes. Whereas the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has almost exclusively utilized the former mode of participation, most notably in the Milošević case, by contrast, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in its earliest decisions has rejected this doctrine, and it has resorted instead to a complex form of co-perpetration and indirect perpetration, based on the concept of ‘control over the crime’. Whilst the establishment of the latter mode of participation in the case law of the ICC represents a positive development in terms of advancing general principles of criminal law, this article also highlights some of the possible weaknesses and difficulties that could emerge in the application of this theory at the international level, which has its roots in the German Dogmatik.  (source:, accessed on 15 November 2011);


MARCUS, Paul, "Joint Criminal Participation: Establishing Responsibility, Abandonment", (1986) 34 American Journal of Comparative Law -- Supplement 479-490;

MARÉ, M.C., "The Liability of the 'joiner-in' for murder", (1990) 3 South African Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 24-38;

MARTINEZ, Jenny S., "International Criminal Law: A Conversation with Professor Jenny S. Martinez", circa 2005 or 2006; available at (accessed on 21 November 2006);

There are two liability doctrines that appear in basically every international criminal case today, joint criminal enterprise and command responsibility. The reason is that these crimes are committed by groups, not by individuals. When the crime is the ethnic cleansing of a region—like the town of Srebrenica in Bosnia where 7,000 civilians were tied up and shot to death—it takes hundreds of people to execute that.

"What about joint criminal enterprises? Joint criminal enterprise doctrine deals with the same problem as command responsibility, the collective nature of the crime. Joint criminal enterprise doesn't appear explicitly in the statute of the ICTY. The court created it in the first decision before the ICTY, extracting from some of the post–World War II cases the idea that individuals who together participated in a set of crimes would each be liable for all the crimes perpetrated by the collective. This doctrine has some of the same problems that command responsibility has. Under this doctrine, one soldier in Bosnia who participated in killing people in one village could conceivably be responsible not only for the three people he shot in the village, but also for the 20,000 or 30,000 people who were killed all over the country during the whole scope of the war. A joint criminal enterprise can include commanders, but it can also include the lowest foot soldier who knowingly participated in some of the crimes.

Joint criminal enterprise (JCE), in part, began to be used in response to the contraction of command responsibility. That's why you've now got commanders being prosecuted under the JCE theory, because command responsibility is a more rigorous standard and JCE is still loosey-goosey. My coauthor and I went back and looked at the post–World War II cases and found that although there was some support for limited JCE liability, the cases didn't support the incredibly expansive doctrine that it has now become. We don't suggest that JCE doctrine should be abandoned altogether, but rather that it ought to be reined in."

MARTINEZ, Jenny S., and Allison Marston Danner, "Guilty Associations: Joint Criminal Enterprise, Command Responsibility and the Development of International  Criminal Law",  (2005) 93 California Law Review  75-169; also with the same title in (March 2004). Vanderbilt Public Law Research Paper No. 04-09; Stanford Public Law Working Paper No. 87. Available at SSRN: or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.526202 (accessed on 11 March 2008);

MATZUKIS, N.A., "The Nature and Scope of Common Purpose" (1988) 1 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 226-234;

MacCORMACK, Geoffrey, "Ope Consilio Furtum Factum", (1983) 51 Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'histoire du droit 271-293; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KJM 0 .R489  Location;

MENDEZ, Miguel Angel, "A Susyphean Task: The Common Law Approach to Mens Rea", (1994-95) UC Davis Law Review [University of California Davis Law Review] 407-443;

METTRAUX, Guénaël, "Complicity" in Dinah L. Shelton, editor in Chief, Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, Vol. 1, Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005, at pp. 193-196, ISBN:  0028658477 (set), 0028658485 (v. 1), 0028658493 (v. 2) and 0028658507 (v. 3); copy at Bibliothèque University Saint Paul Library - Reference  REF HV 6322.7 E53S44 2005; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Reference;

MEURISSE, P., "De quelques applications du principe de la solidarité pénale", (1957) 12 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 439-445;

Modes of liability and the mental element : analyzing the early jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court / War Crimes Research Office,  Washington, DC : War Crimes Research Office, American University Washington College of Law, c2010, 76 p.;  notes: "War Crimes Research Office, International Criminal Court, Legal Analysis and Eduction Project.", "September 2010"; available at  (accessed on 31 July 2011); 

MOORE, Michael S., "Causing, aiding, and the superfluity of accomplice liability", (2007) 156 University of Pennsylvania Law  Review 395-452; with the same title in  and,Aiding,andtheSuperfluityofAccompliceLiabilityGALA.pdf (accessed on 17 March 2008);

MORRIS, Norval, "The Felon's Responsibilty for the Lethal Acts of Others", (1956-57) 105 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 50-81;

MORSE, Stephen J., "Reason, Results, and Criminal Responsibility", (2004) Illinois Law Review 363-444, and see "Accomplice Liability", at pp. 397-400;

MUELLER, Grace E., "Note: The Mens Rea of Accomplice Liability",  (1987-88) 61 Southern California Law Review 2169-2191;

MULLINS, Timothy, "Broader Liability for Gang Accomplices: Participating and Criminal Gang", (1998) 8 Auckland University Law Review 832-855;

MUNDIS, Daryl A., "Current Developments at the ad hoc International Criminal Tribunals",  (2003) 1 Journal of International Criminal Justice 196-225, see "Modes of Criminal Liability", at pp. 204-207;

NDULO, Muna, "Parties to the Commission of a Crime and the Doctrine of Common Purpose in Zambia: An Examination of Sections 21 and 22 of the Penal Code", (1978) 10 Zambia Law Journal 62-68; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

MUNOZ-CONDE, Francisco and Hector Olasolo, "The Application of the Notion of Indirect Perpetration through Organized Structures of Power in Latin America and Spain", (2011) 9(1) Journal of International Criminal Law Justice 113-135;

NENOV, Ivan, "La participation à l'infraction et les principes généraux de la responsabilité pénale",  (1958) 28 Revue internationale de droit pénal 23-34 (Rapport présenté au VIIe Congrès international de droit pénal - "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction"); monsieur Nemov vient de Sofia;

NUVELONE, "Plurity of Delicts and the Criminal Offenders, Contribution to the Theory of Concurrence of Crimes and of Criminal Complicity", (1957-58) 27 Revista Juridica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 215; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries comprised in the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 3 June 2005);

OBOTE-ODORA, Alex, "Complicity in genocide as understood through the ICTR experience", (2002) 2(4) International Criminal Law Review 375-408;

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ORCHARD, Gerald, Case and Comment, "Possession -- Aiding and abetting -- Effect of statutory presumption of purpose -- Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 (N.Z.), s. 6(6).  SAMUELS, Court of Appeal of New Zealand: Cooke, Somers & Savage J.J.: 1 April 1985", (1985) 9 Criminal Law Journal 376-379;

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O'REGAN, R.S. (Robin Stanley), 1935-, "Complicity and the Defence of Timely Countermand or Withdrawal under the Griffith Code", (1986) 10 Criminal Law Journal  236-245;

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ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD), Country Reports on the Implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the 1997 Revised Recommendation; note: each report contains very important contribution on complicity, see,2340,en_2649_34855_1933144_1_1_1_1,00.html (accessed on 20 December 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OECD), Rapports par pays sur la mise en oeuvre de la convention sur la lutte contre la corruption d'agents publics étrangers dans les transactions commerciales internationales et la recommendation révisée de 1997, chaque rapport rapport contient des renseignements très importants sur la complicité, voir:,2340,fr_2649_34855_2759409_1_1_1_1,00.html (visionné le 20 décembre 2004);

Phase 1 Country Reports
Argentina / Argentine**Australia/ Australie**Austria/Autriche**Belgium/Belgique**Bulgaria/Bulgarie** Canada/ Canada**Czech Republic/République Tchèque**Denmark/Danemark**Finland/ Finlande**France/France**Germany/Allemagne**Greece / Grèce**Hungary (updated March 2003)--Hungary - Phase 1bis (February 2003)/Hongrie(mise à jour mars 2003) --/Hongrie - Phase 1bis (février 2003)**Iceland/Islande**Ireland/ Irlande**Italy / Italie**Japan (updated May 2002)/Japon (mise à jour mai 2002)**Korea/ Corée **Luxembourg / Luxembourg**Mexico / Mexique**Netherlands / Pays-Bas**New Zealand (May 2002)/ Nouvelle-Zélande (mai 2002)**Norway/Norvège**Poland  / Pologne**Portugal  (May 2002) /  Portugal (mai 2002)**Slovak Republic (updated February 2003)/République slovaque (mise à jour février 2003)**Spain/**Sweden/Suède**Switzerland/Suisse**United Kingdom-(1) and  United Kingdom (2)/ Royaume-Uni(1) et Royaume-Uni (2)**United States/États-Unis

Phase 2 Country Reports
Bulgaria (June 2003)/Bulgarie (juin 2003)**Finland (May 2002)/Finlande (mai 2002)**Germany(June 2003)/ Allemagne (juin 2003)** Iceland (March 2003) Islande (mars 2003)** United States (October 2002)/ États-Unis (octobre 2002)

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OSTOS-IRWIN, Gary R., "Wisconsin's Party to a Crime Statute: The Mens Rea Element Under the Aiding and Abetting Subsection, and the Aiding and Abetting-Choate Conspiracy Distinction" [1984] Wisconsin Law Review 769-829;

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PARISI, Nicolette, "Theories of Corporate Criminal Liability (or Corporations Don't Commit Crimes, People Commit Crimes)" in Ellen Hochstedler, ed., in cooperation with the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Corporations as criminals, Beverly Hills : Sage Publications, c1984, 168 p., at pp. 41-68, and see "Aiding and Abetting", at pp. 46-48 (series; perspectives in criminal justice; volume 6), ISBN: 0803921586 and 0803921594 (pbk.); copy at the Library of Parliament, HD2785 C67;

PARMANAND, S.K., "Dissociation in common purpose -- a view from Venda", (1992) 5 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 180-186;

PARSONS, Simon, "Criminal Liability for the Act of Another: Accessorial Liability and the Doctrine of Joint Enterprise", (1998) 62 The Journal of Criminal Law 352-359;

PERKINS, Rollin M., "Parties to Crime", (1941) 89 University of Pensylvania Law Review 581-623;

PIESLIAKAS, V., "Participation in Lithuanian Criminal Law" in Einzelverantwortung und Mitverantwortung im Strafrecht : europäisches Kolloquium auf Schloss Ringberg am Tegernsee vom 1.-3. Juli 1996 = Individual, participatory, and collective responsibility in criminal law/ herausgegeben von Albin Eser, Barbara Huber, Karin Cornils, Freiburg im Breisgau : Edition Iuscrim, 1998,  xv, 441 p. (series; Beiträge und Materialien aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht Freiburg i. Br. ; Bd. S 71), ISBN: 3861139510; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet;

PIONTKOVSKY, A.A., "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction",  (1958) 28 Revue internationale de droit pénal 35-39 (Rapport présenté au VIIe Congrès international de droit pénal - "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction");

PIOTET, Paul, "Le champ d'application de l'art. 26 C.P"", (1961) 4 Journal des tribunaux  98-121; il s'agit du Journal des tribunaux publié à Berne, Suisse. L'article 26 du Code pénal suisse se lit ainsi: "Les relations, qualités et circonstances personnelles spéciales dont l'effet est d'augmenter, de diminuer ou d'exclure la peine, n'auront cet effet qu'à l'égard de l'auteur, instigateur ou complice qu'elles concernent.";

PJANIC, Jasmina, "Joint Criminal Enterprise: New form of individual criminal responsibility", available at (accessed on 18 March 2008);

POWLES, Steven, "Joint Criminal Enterprise: Criminal Liability by Prosecutorial Ingenuity and Judicial Creativity?", (2004) 2 Journal of International Criminal Justice 606-619;

PRADEL, Jean, "Tentative et abandon en cas de pluralité de participants à la commission du crime", (1986) 38 Revue internationale de droit comparé 735-747;

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RAIFEARTAIGH, Una Ni, "The Mental Element for Accessories to Murder", (1994) 4 Irish Criminal Law Journal 31-44; title noted in my research but article not consulted;

REED, Alan, "Involuntary Manslaughter and Assisting Drug-Abuse Injection",  (2003) 67(5) The Journal of Criminal Law 431-442;

___________"Joint Participation in Criminal Activity", (1996) 60 The Journal of Criminal Law 310-324;

RIKHOF, Joseph, "Complicity in International Criminal Law and Canadian Refugee Law", (2006) 4 Journal of International Criminal Justice 702-722;

ROBERT, Jacques-Henri, "Imputation et complicité" (1975) La semaine juridique - Partie I - Doctrine 2720, 12 p.;

ROBINSON, Paul H. and Jane A. Grall, "Element Analysis in Defining Criminal Liability: The Model Penal Code and Beyond", (1983) 35 Stanford Law Review 681-762, see "Element Analysis in Complicity" at pp. 732-743;

ROBINSON, Paul H., "Imputed Criminal Liability", (1984) 93 Yale Law Journal 609-676;

ROBINSON, Tyler B., "A question of intent: aiding and abetting law and the rule of accomplice liability under § 924(c) [18 U.S.C. section 924(c)]", (1997-98) 96 Michigan Law Review 783-810;

ROGERS, Audrey, "Accomplice Liability for Unintentional Crimes: Remaining Within the Constraints of Intent", (1998) 31 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1351-1386;

RÖLING, Ar. B.V.A., "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction", (1957) 27 Revue internationale de droit pénal 117-121 (Rapport présenté au VIIe Congrès international de droit pénal - "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction"); couvre le droit hollandais;

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court,17 July 1998, in force 1 July 2002, see Part III, General Principles of Criminal Law, available at (accessed on 4 December 2002);

___________"Draft Report of the International Meeting from 19 to 30 January 1998 in Zutphen, the Netherlands" in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 221-311, (document number: A/AC.249/1998/L.13, 1998), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at on 15 December 2002);

___________"Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, vol. 1, (Proceedings of the Preparatory Committee during March-April and August 1996)", in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 385-439, (document number: G.A., 51 st Sess., Supp. No. 22, A/51/22, 1996), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

___________"Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, vol. 2, (Compilation of Proposals)", in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 441-616 (document number: G.A., 51 st Sess., Supp. No. 22, A/51/22, 1996), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

ROSENTHAL, Judith L., "Aiding and Abetting Liability for Civil Violations of RICO [Racketeering Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act]",  (1988) 61 Temple Law Review 1481-1508;

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RYU, Paul Kichyun, "The New Korean Criminal Code of October 3, 1953.  An Analysis of Ideologies Embedded in It", (1957) 48 Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 275-295, see "Complicity" at pp. 287-290;

SALVAGE, Philippe, "Complicité Art. 121-6 et 121-7", Juris-Classeur pénal, 24 p.;

___________"Le lien de causalité en matière de complicité",  [1981]  Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 25-42;

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SAMUELS, Alec, "Complicity in Suicide", (December 2005) 69(6) The Journal of Criminal Law 535-539;

SARGENT, Mark A., "Lawyers in the Moral Maze", (2004) 49 Villanova Law Review 867-885; copy at the University of Ottawa, KFP 69 .V55  Location: FTX Periodicals; re: Symposium - Up the Ladder and Beyond: The New Professional Standards for Lawyers under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act;

SASSOLI, Marco and Laura Olson, SASSOLI, Marco and Laura M. Olson, "International humanitarian law -- 1949 Geneva Conventions -- international criminal law -- conflict in Bosnia and Heizegovina -- distinction between international and noninternational armed conflicts -- concept of protected persons --  participation in international crimes --crimes against humanity -- motives --discriminatory intent.  PROSECUTOR V. TADIC  (JUDGEMENT). Case No. IT-94-1-A, 38 ILM 1518 (1999).  International Criminal Tribunal for the FormerYugoslavia, Appeals Chamber, July15, 1999", (2000) 94 American Journal of International Law 571-578; commone enterprise;

___________"The judgment of the ICTY Appeals Chamber in the Tadic Case", (2000) number 839  International Review of the Red Cross 733-769;

SAVEY-CASARD, Paul, "La réglementation de la complicité dans la partie spéciale du Code pénal de 1810", (1970) 25 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé  547-567;

SAYRE, Francis B., "Criminal Responsability for the Acts of Another", (1929-30) 43 Harvard Law Review 689-723;

SCHABAS, William A., "Enforcing international humanitarian law: Catching the accomplices", (June 2001) 83 International Review of the Red Cross 439-459; issue number 842; available at$FILE/439-460_Schabas.pdf (accessed on 18 November 2004); réumé en français à (visionné le 18 novembre 2004);

SCHREIBER, Hans-Ludwig, "Problems of Justification and Excuse in the Setting of Accessorial Conduct", [1986] Brigham Young University Law Review 611-643; available at (accessed on 24 March 2008);

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_________"Participation I - Généralités", fiche 1189, 12 p., 1er aoüt 1957;  "Participation II - L'instigation", fiche 1190, 8 p., 1er août 1957; "Participation III - La complicité", fiche 1191, 4 p., 1er août 1957 dans  Les Fiches juridiques suisses: documentation fédérale et cantonale de pratique juridique, économique, sociale et fiscale, publiée sur fiches constamment tenues à jour, Genève : Fiches juridiques suisses, 1941-,  (il se peut qu'il y ait des fiches plus à jour car la bibliothèque Fauteux, de l'Université d'Ottawa ne tient plus ces fiches à jour depuis le début de 1993);

SCOTT, I.R., "Proof of Principal Offences and Liability of Secondary Party", (1974) 90 Law Quarterly Review 314-319;

SCOULER, Colin and Richard Button, "Guide to Acessorial Liability in New South Wales", May 2001, reformatted  29 March 2004, available at the end of the paper of  J. Zahra. and J. Wheeker, "Principles of Complicity ", Public Defenders Annual Criminal Law Conference, 3rd and 4th March 2007", available at (accessed on 5 March 2008);

SEARS, Kenneth C., "Principal and Accessories - Some Modern Problems", (1931) 25 Illinois Law Review 845-855;

SHANY, Yuval and Keren R. Michaeli, "The Case Against Ariel Sharon: Revisiting the Doctrine of Command Responsibility", (2001-2002) 34 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 797-886, and see "Accomplice Responsibility", at pp. 877-880;

SHIMOMURA, Yasumasa, "Les coauteurs par conspiration en droit pénal japonais", (1981) Revue de la recherche juridique droit prospectif 179-184; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

SICKMANN, Andrew John, Accomplice Liability: American Jurisprudence Injecting Mens Rea Under False Hopes of Criminal Deterrence (March 26, 2010). Available at SSRN: (accessed on 29 March 2010);

SILZ, "Auteur intellectuel et auteur moral", (1936) Revue internationale de droit pénal 140; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté;

SIMESTER, A.P., "The Mental Element in Complicity", (October 2006) 122 The Law Quarterly Review  578-601;

SKALIZKY, William G., "Comments: Aider and Abettor Liability, The Contininuing Criminal Enterprise, and Street Gangs: a New Twist in an Old War on Drugs" (1990) 81 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 348-397;

SLIEDREGT, Elies van, "Joint Criminal Enterprise as a Pathway to Convicting Individuals for Genocide", (March 2007) 5(1) Journal of International Criminal Justice 184-207; available at (accessed on 23 March 2008);

SMITH, J.C. (Sir John), "Aid, Abet, Counsel, or Procure" in P.R. Glazebrook, ed., Reshaping the Criminal Law: Essays in Honour of Glanville Williams, London: Stevens & Sons, 1978, xii, 492 p., at pp. 120-137, ISBN: 042045540X;

___________"Criminal Liability of Accessories: Law and Law Reform", (1997) 113 Law Quarterly Review 453-467;

___________"Joint enterprise and accessory liability",  (1998) 11 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 337-349;

___________"Joint Enterprise and Secondary Liability", (1999) 50 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 153-163;

___________"Secondary Participation and Inchoate Offences" in CFH Tapper, ed.,  Crime, Proof and Punishment: Essays in Honour of Sir Rupert Cross, London: Butterworths, 1981, xxvi, 336 p., at pp. 21-44, ISBN: 0406569991;

___________"Secondary participation in crime - can we do without it?", (1994) 144 New Law Journal 679-680 and 682;

SMITH, K.J.M.,  "Complicity and Causation",  [1986] Criminal Law Review 663-676;

___________“The Law Commission Consultation Paper on Complicity: (1) A Blueprint for Rationalisation” [1994] The Criminal Law Review 239-251;

___________"Withdrawal from Criminal Liability for Complicity and Inchoate Offences", (1983) 12 Anglo-American Law Review 200-219;

___________“Withdrawal in Complicity: A Restatement of Principles”, [2001] The Criminal Law Review 769-785;

SOBEL, Nathan R., "The Anticipatory Offences in the New Penal Law: Solicitation, Conspiracy, Attempt and Facilitation", (1965-66) 32 Brooklyn Law Review 257-273;

SOE, Myint, " Some Aspects of Common Intention in the Penal Code of Singapore and West Malaysia", (1972) Malaya Law Review 163-178;

SORNARAJAH, M., "Common Intention and Murder under the Penal Codes", [1995] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 29-55;

___________"Transnational Crimes: The Third Limb of the Criminal Law", [2004] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 390–413, and see "The Rule on Complicity in Crime", at pp. 408-411;

SPENCER, J.R., "Trying to Help Another Person Commit a Crime" in Peter Smith, ed., Criminal Law: Essays in Honour of J.C. Smith, London: Butterworths, 1987, xxvii, 234 p. at pp. 148-169, ISBN: 04065011106;


"Article 7
Individual criminal responsibility

1. A person who planned, instigated, ordered, committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation or execution of a crime referred to in articles 2 to 5 of the present Statute, shall be individually responsible for the crime." (available at on 26 September 2005)


"Article 7
Responsabilité pénale individuelle

1. Quiconque a planifié, incité à commettre, ordonné, commis ou de toute autre manière aidé et encouragé à planifier, préparer ou exécuter un crime visé aux articles 2 à 5 du présent statut est individuellement responsable dudit crime." (disponible à, visionné le 26 septembre 2005)

STEPHEN, Fitzjames, "Assassination Abroad, and Complicity in England -- The Point of Law in the Case of Reg. v. Bernard", (1858-1863) Papers Read Before the Juridical Society 67-85;

STRAZZELLA, James A., "Accomplices" in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, vol. 1 of 4, New York: The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan Inc., and in London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1983, at pp. 9-14, ISBN: 0029181100 (for the set);

SULLIVAN, Bob, "Principals and Accomplices -- A Necessary and Useful Division?, in in  Anthony Duff and Christoffer  Wong, eds., in Foundational Issues in the Philosophy of Criminal Law, Special Workshop at the 23rd IVR Congress, 1-6 August 2007, Krakow, Poland, at pp. 151-167, available at (accessed on 24 February 2008); "

SULLIVAN, G.R., "Aiding and Abetting the Commission of a Non-Existent Offence", (1976) 39 Modern Law Review 350-353;

___________"Complicity for First Degree Murder and Complicity in an Unlawful Killing", [June 2006] The Criminal Law Review 502-513;

___________"First degree murder and complicity  -- conditions for parity  of culpability  between principal  and accomplice", (September 2007)  1(3)  Criminal Law and Philosophy  271-288;

___________"Inchoate Liability for Assisting and Encouraging Crime -- the Law Commission Report", [2006] The Criminal Law Review 1047-1057;

___________"Intent, Purpose and Complicity", [1989] Criminal Law Review 641-648; see the reply by Dennis, supra, [1989] The Criminal Law Review;

___________“The Law Commission Consultation Paper on Complicity: (2) Fault Elements and Joint Enterprise”, [1994] The Criminal Law Review 252-263;

___________"Letter to the Editor: Intent, Purpose and Complicity", [1989] The Criminal Law Review 166-168;

____________"Participating in Crime: Law Com No. 305 -- Joint Criminal Ventures", [2008] The Criminal Law Review 19-31;

SZLECHTER, Émile, "La complicité en Droit suméro-babylonien" dans Université des sciences sociales (Toulouse). Centre d'histoire juridique .Ed., Mélanges offerts à Jean Dauvillier, Toulouse: Centre d'histoire juridique méridionale, 1979, xlvii, 849 p. aux pp. 773-785; copie à l'Université St-Paul, Ottawa, BQV 103 D38M45 1979;

TADROS, Victor,  "The Scots Law of Murder", September 2005, in The Law Commission, The Law of Murder: Overseas  Comparative Studies, [London: HMSO, 2005], at pp. 87-105; available at (accessed on 27 December 2005);   

TAYLOR, R.D., "Complicity and Excuses",  [1983] Criminal Law Review  656-664;

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TIEDERMANN, Klaus, "Rapport introductif", (avril -juin1997) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 259-274; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KJJ 0 .R489  Location: FTX Periodicals; aussi publié dans: La responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise: vers un espace judiciaire européen unifié?, sous la direction de Mireille Delmas-Marty, Paris: Dalloz, 1997, ISBN: 2247027458 (même pagination que dans la revue); note partie des travaux de la Journée d'études du 13 décembre 1996 "consacrés au thème de la responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise (art. 10 à 14 du Corpus)" (p. 253);

Table des matières



        (Responsabilité du chef d'entreprise et du "décideur")...265




TISSOT, J., "Philosophie du droit criminel", (1859) Tome XV, 9me année, Revue critique de législation et de jurisprudence 114-140, voir "De la complicité" aux pp. 114-125; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa; disponible à,M1 et (vérifiés le 1er janvier 2008);

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UNTERHALTER, David, "The Doctrine of Common Purpose: What Makes One Person Liable for the Acts of Another", (1988) 105 South African Law Journal 671-678;

"Le VIIe Congrès International de Droit pénal", (1958) 29 Revue internationale de droit pénal222-249; voir sur la première section du congrès, "L'orientation moderne des notions d'auteur de l'infraction et de participation à l'infraction" aux pp. 224-229; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, K5012 .R47;

VAN DER LANDEN, D., "Résolutions votées lors des congrès de l'Union internationale de droit pénal (Ordre chronologique)", (1990) 61 Revue internationale de droit pénal 341-353;

"CONGRES DE LISZT (12-14 août 1895)

Question 1- Influence des nouvelles conceptions en matière de droit pénal sur les dispositions législatives concernant la tentative et la participation

L'Union exprime le voeu que les dispositions légales soient reliées aux principes de la responsabilité personelle et de la défense sociale.  Elle se réserve d'étudier lors du prochain congrès, la question de la capacité pénale et celle de la responsabilité qui, l'une et l'autre, sont en relation étroite. [...]

CONGRES DE SAINT-PETERSBOURG (17-20 septembre 1902)

Question 1-  De l'importance que doivent avoir, dans la loi pénale, les éléments psychiques du crime par rapport à ses conséquences matérielles.
2) sur la question de la complicité, la oi devra abandonner toute distinction doctrinaire entre ceux qui ont participé au même crime et se borner à indiquer les modes de participation qu'elle considérera comme tels.  La question de la tentative reste à l'ordre du jour des travaux de l'Union." (pp. 346-347 et 349)

VAN DER WILT, Harmen G., "Genocide, Complicity in Genocide and International v. Domestic Jurisdiction Reflections on the van Anraat Case", (2006) 4(2) Journal of International Criminal justice 239-257;

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WEISBERG, Robert, "Reappraising Complicity", (2000) 4(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 217-281; available at the Buffalo Criminal Law Center at

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____________"Helping, Doing, and the Grammar of Complicity", (Winter/Spring 1996) 15(1) Criminal Justice Ethics 25-35; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, periodicals; contents: Introduction...25;I Principal Liability...26; II Making a Difference to the Principal...29; III Complicity as an Inchoate or Risk-Based Offense...30; Conclusion...33; Notes...33;

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