Key words: criminal law, bibliography on complicity, abet, abetment, abetting, abettor,  acessory, accessories, actual perpetrator, aid, aider, aiding, accomplice liability, accomplices,  assisting, common intent,  common purpose, complicity, doctrine of common intent, helping, inchoate offences, joint enterprise,  joint participation, parties, participation, party, parties,  secondary liability.  Mots clés: coaction, co-activité, complices, complicité

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updated to / mise à jour au: 10 November / novembre 2010

by / par ©François Lareau, 1999-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on Complicity /
Bibliographie choisie sur la complicité

See also /voir aussi :
  • Comparative Law: Books etc. / Droit comparé: livres etc.
  • Comparative Law -- Articles / Droit comparé: articles

I -- Canadian Law / Droit canadien

BARNHORST, Sherrie-1948 and Richard Barnhorst, Criminal Law and the Canadian Criminal Code, 3rd ed., Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1996, xxxii, 414 p., see  "Parties to an Offence", at pp. 51-55 and "Penalties for Accessories and Attempts" at pp. 60-61,  ISBN: 007552757X;

BODNAR, Morris P., "Common purpose doctrine"  in National Criminal Law program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, volume1 of 2, section 1.5, 6 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

BREWER, Carol, "The Common Purpose Doctrine of party Liability", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 2.3, 10 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

BROWN, J.T., "The Accomplice as a Witness",  (1932) 10 The Canadian Bar Review 271-287;

BROWN, D. Murray, "Accessory After the Fact", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

CAMPBELL, Kenneth L., "The common purpose doctrine of party liability"  in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 1 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

___________"Party Liability in Homicide Cases", (1996)  3 Crown Newsletter 29;

CAMPBELL, Mark, "Turning Back the Clock: Aiders and the Defence of Abandonment", (2009) 14(1)  Canadian Criminal Law Review 1;

CANADA, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, ENF [Enforcement] 18.  War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, Ottawa: Citizen and Immigration Canada, 2004, 20 p. and appendixes [total of 38 p.], and see "Procedure: Establishing inadmissibility under A35(1)(a) [i.e. paragraph 35(1)(a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, Statutes of Canada 2001, chapter 27]" at p. 7 and in particular "7.1 Establishing complicity" at p. 7; "7.2 Establishing complicity -- brutal (limited pupose) organizations" at p. 9; and "7.3 Establishing complicity -- non-brutal organizations", at p.10 (series; Policy and programs Manuals); available at (accessed on 1 September 2005); also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada, ENF [Exécution de la loi] 18.  Crimes de guerre et crimes contre l'humanité, Ottawa: Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada, 2004 (Collection; guides), 22 p. et appendices [total de 40 p.] et voir "7. Procédure : Établir l'interdiction de territoire en vertu de L35(1)a) [le sous-alinéa 35(1)a) de la Loi sur l'Immigration et la protection des réfugiés, Lois du Canada, 2001, chapitre 27]" à la p. 10 et en particulier "7.1 Établissement de la complicité", à la p. 10; "7.2 Établissement de la complicité -- organisation visant des fins brutales (et limitées)", à la p.10; et "7.3 Établissement de la complicité -- organisations ne visant pas des fins brutales", à la p. 11; disponible à (visionné le 1er septembre 2005);

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Brian Jarvis and Darren Littlejohn,  Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: A Summary and Analysis of the Responses to the Consultation Paper, [Ottawa]: Department of  Justice Canada, Communications and Consultation Branch, 1995, 123 p., and see "Question 2 -- Ways of being a party to an offence", at pp.17-23; document obtained by François Lareau with letter from Department of Justice Canada, Access to Information and Privacy Office, dated 22 February 1999, Request file A98-00147, released pages 000731-000853; this document is available at my Digital Library on Canadian criminal law at,; there are also two shorter versions of that document also available at my Digital Library: Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: Analysis of the Responses to the Consultation Paper, 51 p., and Analysis of Responses to the Consultation Paper on Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code -- Executive Summary, 15 p; on these three documents,  see Background Document;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada and James W. O'Reilly, Toward a New General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada - Details on Reform Options -, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [December 1994], ii, 50 p., see "Parties" at pp. 22-23; available at my Digital Library, at; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada et James W. O'Reilly, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada - Options de réforme -, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [décembre 1994], ii, 51 p., voir "Parties aux infractions" aux pp. 22-23; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale à;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: A Consultation Paper, [Ottawa]; [Department of Justice Canada], [November 1994], v, 35 p., see "Ways of being a party to an offence" at pp. 5-6; available at my Digital Library, at; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Projet de réforme de la Partie générale du Code criminel, [Ottawa], [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [Novembre 1994], v, 39 p., voir "Participation à une infraction" aux pp. 7-8; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale à;

CANADA, House of Commons,  Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1992-1993,  11 Issues:  no. 1: 25, 26, 30 March  1992, 12 May and  8 June 1992; no. 2: 15 June 1992; no. 3: 16 June 1992; no. 4: 16 June 1992; no. 5: 2 and 18 November. 1991; no. 6: 19 November 1992; no. 7: 23 November 1992; no. 8: 24 November 1992; no. 9: 26 November. 1992; no. 10: 8 December  1992; no. 11: 10 December 1992 and  2, 4, and 16 February 1993; note that the 11 th issue consists of the report:  First Principles: Recodifying the General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada: Report of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Sollicitor General; see pp. 63 and 66-67; also available in French / ausi disponible en français: Chambre des Communes, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général,  [Ottawa]: I'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1992-1993, 11 fasicules : 1: 25, 26, 30 mars 1992, 12 mai, 8 juin 1992; 2: 15 juin 1992; 3: 16 juin 1992; 4: 16 juin 1992; 5: 2 et 18 novembre 1991; 6: 19 novembre 1992; 7: 23 novembre 1992; 8: 24 novembre 1992; 9: 26 novembre 1992; 10: 8 décembre 1992; 11: 10 décembre 1992 et 2,4,16 février 1993; noter que le 11e fasicule contient le rapport : Principes de base: recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada.  Rapport du Sous-comité sur la recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, voir les pp.67 et 70-72;

CANADA, The Minister of Justice of Canada,  Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (general principles), [Ottawa], [Department of Justice Canada], 28 June 1993, 17 p.; available at my Digital Library, at; / also available in French / aussi disponible en français: Ministre de la Justice du Canda, Proposition de modification du Code criminel (principes généraux), [Ottawa], [Ministère de la Justice Canada], 28 ¸juin 1993, 17 p.; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale à;

CANADA, Officials of the Department of Justice Canada and Members of the Law Reform Commission of Canada,  Toward a New General Part for the Criminal Code of Canada: A Framework Document on the Proposed New General Part of the Criminal Code for the Consideration of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [1990], 137 p. see "Aiding and Abetting" at pp. 121-123, "Common Intention" at pp. 124-126 and "Counselling" at pp. 127-129; available at my Digital Library, at; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Fonctionnaires du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des membres de la Commission de r/forme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada : document cadre sur la nouvelle partie générale proposée du Code criminel présenté pour examen au comité permanent de la justice et du solliciteur général, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice], [1990], 144 p., voir "Aide et encouragement" aux pp. 128-130; "Intention commune" aux pp. 131-133; "conseil" aux pp. 134-136; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale à;

CANADA/PROVINCES, Report of the Working Group on Chapter 4 of the Law Reform Commission of Canada Report 30 "Recodifying Criminal Law",[Ottawa]; [Department of Justice Canada], January 1988, iv, 24 p.; Chapter 4 of report 30  is entitled "Involvement in Crime"; Research Note: The Working Group's report was submitted to the Federal-Provincial Coordination Committee of Senior Justice Officials.  Members of the Working Group were from: the Department of Justice Canada, and from the following provincial Attorney General departments or Ministries/Departments of Justice: Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Alberta and  British Columbia. This report is available from the Department of Justice Canada.  It was obtained by François Lareau in 1998 under Access to Information Request number A98-00186 to the Department of Justice Canada; available at my Digital Library, at; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: CANADA/PROVINCES, Rapport du Groupe de travail chargé de l'étude du chapitre 4 du Rapport no 30 de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada "Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal" (Volume I), [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada],  janvier 1988, iv, 25 p.   Notes de recherche :  Le chapitre 4 du rapport 30 a pour titre «La participation aux crimes».  Ce rapport a été soumis au Comité fédéral-provincial de coordination composé de fonctionnaires de niveau supérieur de la justice.  Les membres du groupe de travail provenaient du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des ministères des procureurs généraux /ministères provinciaux de la justice de: l'Ontario, Québec, Nouvelle-Écosse, Saskatchewan, Alberta et Columbie-Britannique.  Ce rapport est disponible au Ministère de la Justice Canada.  Il a été obtenu par François Lareau en 1998 suite à une demande d'accès à l'information numéro A-98-00186 au Ministère de la Justice Canada; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale à;

CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF POLICE CHIEFS, An Evaluation of Volume I of the Report 30 Published by the Law Reform Commission Canada and titled "Recodifying Criminal Law", [Ottawa?]: The Canadian Association of Police Chiefs, 1987, 112 p., see pp. 42-43;

CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION,  CRIMINAL RECODIFICATION TASK FORCE, Principles of Criminal Liability: Proposals for a New General Part of the Criminal Code - Report of the Criminal Recodification Task Force,  Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, [1992],  x, 190 p., see pp. "Parties" at pp. 163-172,  ISBN: 0920742335; Research Note: This book is also published in CANADA, House of Commons, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor Generalsupra, Issue 5 of 2 and 18 November 1992 at pp. 5A:1-5A:194, see "Parties" at pp. 5A:168 to 5A:177;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: ASSOCIATION  DU BARREAU CANADIEN, GROUPE DE TRAVAIL SUR LA NOUVELLE CODIFICATION DU DROIT PÉNAL, Principes de responsabilité pénale: proposition de nouvelles dispositions générales du Code criminel du Canada: Rapport du Groupe de travail sur la nouvelle codification du droit pénal, Ottawa : Association du Barreau canadien, [1992], xiii, 206 p., ISBN: 0920742351; Note de recherche : aussi publié dans CANADA, Chambre des Communes,  Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, supra, fasicule 5 du  2 et 18 novembre 1992 aux pp. 5A:224-5A:434, voir pp. 5A:410 à 5A:417;

CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION, Submission to the Minister of Justice on the Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (General Principles), [Ottawa]: [The Canadian Bar Association], January 1994, 12 p. (series; Legislative and Law Reform Submissions); also published in French / aussi publié en français: L'Association du Barreau canadien, Mémoire au Ministre de la justice sur la proposition de modification du Code criminel (Principes généraux), [Ottawa]: [L'Association du Barreau canadien], janvier 1994, 12 p. (Collection; Mémoires - Législation et réforme du droit);

CHRUMKA, Paul, "The principal party"  in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 1 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

COCKBURN, A.E., "Copy ‘of Letter from the Lord Chief Justice of England PDF dated the 12th day of June 1879, containing Comments and Suggestions in relation to the Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bill’”, Sessional Papers (Parliamentary Papers), (1878-79), vol. 59, pp. 233-252, paper number 232, 20 p., and see pp. 17-18 on parties to offences; to situate Cockburn's letter, see François Lareau, "Notes on the English Draft Code (1878-1883)"PDF, [Ottawa], August 1990, 11 p.;

COHEN, Stanley A., Privacy, crime and terror : legal rights and security in a time of peril, Markham, Ont. : LexisNexis Butterworths, c2005, xxxix, 584 p., and see "The New Offences of Facilitation and Participation", at pp. 201-205, ISBN: 0433447443;

COLVIN, Eric, Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., [Scarborough]: Carswell, 1991, xxvi, 399 p., see Chapter 10, "Secondary Liability" at pp. 361-384, ISBN: 0459355619 (bound) and 0459355716 (pbk.);

COLVIN, Eric, 1945 and Sanjeev Anand, Principles of Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, li, 599 p., ISBN: 978 0779813247;  

CÔTÉ-HARPER, Gisèle, 1942-,  Pierre Rainville, 1964-,  et  Jean Turgeon, 1951-,  Traité de droit  pénal canadien, 4e édition refondue et augmentée, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1998, lv, 1458 p., voir en particulier les pp. 718-876, ISBN: 2894512589; note de recherche: la première édition porte le titre: Principes de droit pénal général, 1981;  la deuxième édition en 1984 et la troisième édition en 1989 avec le supplément de 1994 portent le titre Droit pénal canadien;

Criminal Code -- Annotated codes used by practioners/ Code criminel --codes annotés utilisés par les practiciens

    in English (published every year) /en anglais:

GOLD, Allan D., The Practioner's Criminal Code, Markham, Ont.: LexisNexis Canada, 2008;

GREENSPAN, Edward L. and Marc Rosenberg, annotations by, Martin's Annual Criminal Code 2008, Aurora: Canada Law Book Inc.;
WATT, David and Michelle Fuerst, annotations by, The 2008 Annotated Tremeear's Criminal Code, Toronto: Carswell, A Thomson Company;
     in French/en français (publié chaque année):
COURNOYER, Guy et Gilles Ouimet, Code criminel annoté 2008, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, une société Thomson; note: législation bilingue/bilingual legislation;
          DUBOIS, Alain et Philip Schneider, Code criminel et lois connexes annotés 2008, Brossard: Publications CCH Ltée; note: législation bilingue/bilingual legislation;

Criminal Code (available at, accessed on 11 June 2005) /
Code criminel (disponible à, visionné le 11 juin 2005)

COUGHLAN, Steve, "Annotation: R. v. H. (L.I.), (2004) 17 C.R. (6th) 338 (Man. C.A.)", (2004) 17 Criminal Reports (6th) 339-341;

COURNOYER, Guy, "The Principal Party", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 2.1, 10 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

CROUSE, George H., "Criminal Law - Parties to Offences - Counselling an Offence which is not Committed [Comments on R. v. Stewart (1934) 3 D.L.R. 61, 1 W.W.R. 423, C.C.C. 217]", (1934) 12 The Canadian Bar Review 523-527;

DANGERFIELD, J.G.B., "Aiders and Abettors" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 1 of 2, section 1.2, 12 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada; 

DA SILVA, Orlando V., "Parties to an Offence" in CANADA, House of Commons, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1992-1993,  issues, no. 2: 15 June 1992 at pp. 2A:73 to 2A:84; also published in French/aussi publié en français: "Les parties à une infraction" dans CANADA, Chambre des Communes, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général,  [Ottawa]: I'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1992-1993,  fasicule 2: 15 juin 1992 aux pp. 2A:210 à 2A:227;

DELISLE, Ronald J., "Annotation: R. v. Thatcher (1987) 57 C.R. (3d) 97 (S.C.C.)", (1987) 57 C.R. (3d) 98-99;

DUBBER, Dirk,  "Commentary" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., see "Acessories" at p. 181, ISBN: 045927077X; Research Note: commentary on Don Stuart's article "A Case for a General Part", infra;

EWASCHUK, Eugene G., Criminal Pleadings and Practice in Canada, vol. 1 of 3, 2nd ed., Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 1987-, chapter 15, "Parties to the Offence", loose-leaf, ISBN: 0888040687 (for vol. 1 only);

FEDERAL/PROVINCIAL WORKING GROUP ON HOMICIDE, Final Report of the Federal/Provincial Working Group on Homicide, [Ottawa], [Department of Justice Canada], June 1990, updated April 1991, xii, 170 p., on parties, see pp. 1-2 and 46-51 (Co-Chairmen: Howard F. Morton,  Ministry of the Attorney General, Province of Ontario and Jean-François Dionne, Quebec Department of Justice); copy of this report was obtained by François Lareau under an Access to Information Act request response dated November 9, 1998, file A-98-00183 from the Department of Justice Canada; available at; also available in French / aussi disponible en français : Groupe de travail fédéral-provincial sur l'homicide, Rapport final du groupe de travail fédéral-provincial sur l'homicide, [Ottawa], [Ministère de la Justice Canada], juin 1990, révisé avril 1991, xii, 172 p., voir sur la participation aux infractions, les pp. 2 et 57-64 (Co-Présidents:  Howard F. Morton, Ministère du Procureur général de l'Ontario et Jean-François Dionne, Ministère de la Justice du Québec); copie de ce rapport a été obtenu par François Lareau dans la réponse en date du 9 novembre 1998 de sa demande à la Loi sur l'accès à l'information, au Ministère de la Justice Canada, dossier A-98-00183;

FEDERATION OF LAW SOCIETIES OF CANADA (THE) --annoucement of forthcoming papers ---, the Federation will have its 2001 National Criminal Law Program - Substantive Law -- at the University of Prince Edwards Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I., July 9-13, 2001; one of the topics covered in the documents that will be circulated is "Modes of Participation";

FERGUSON, Gerry, "Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law", (2000) 24(4) Criminal Law Journal 248-263, see "Aiding and abetting: buyer and seller" at pp. 252-253 and "Accessory after the fact" at pp. 253-254;

FERGUSON, Gerry, and John C. Bouck,   CRIMJI - Canadian Criminal Jury Instructions, vol. 1 of 2, Vancouver: The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1994-, loose-leaf, see chapter 5;

FERGUSON, Gerry, "Parties to an offence", [Ottawa] : Law Reform Division, Department of Justice Canada, 1994, 21 p.; copy at the National Library of Canada, Ottawa: AMICUS No. 16835739; available at  and at my Digital Library; (accessed on 17 June 2008); also available in French /aussi disponible en français: "Partie aux infractions", [Ottawa] : Division de la réforme du droit, Ministère de la justice du Canada, 1994, 45 p., copie à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, Ottawa, AMICUS No. 16835836; disponible à ma  Bibliothèque numérique;

FORTIN, Jacques et Louise Viau, Traité de droit pénal général,  Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 1982, xi, 457 p.,  voir le chapitre 8, "La participation criminelle" aux pp. 345-370;

FRICKER, Patricia A. (Patricia Antoinette), 1960-, The Supreme Court of Canada, Parliament and the Charter: Exploring the Limits of the Judicial Functions in Criminal Law, 1998, vi, 170 leaves, Thesis (LL.M.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, 1998, supervisor: Professor Bruce P. Archibald; see "See Ancio, Logan and Hibbert: Attempted Murder - Principal and Party Liability" at pp. 89-94;

FRIEDLAND, M.L. (Martin Lawrence), 1932-,  and Kent Roach, 1961-, Criminal Law and Procedure : Cases and Materials, 8th ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 1997,  xxvii, 1020 p., ISBN: 0920722962, see Chapter 7, "Secondary Forms of Involvement" at  pp. 463-506;

FUERST, Michele, "Aiding and Abetting", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 2.2, 15 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

___________"Counselling an Offence", in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 2 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

GARSON, Craig M., "Who Can Be Charged With a Crime?"  in Joel E. Pink and David Perrier, eds.,  From Crime to Punishment: An Introduction to the Criminal Law System, 3rd ed., Scarborough: Carswell, 1997, xxviii, 410 p. at pp. 43-51, ISBN: 0459554492 (bound), 0459554433 (pbk.);

GELOWITZ, M.A., "Jury Unanimity on Questions of Material Fact:  When Six and Six Do Not Equal Twelve", (1987) 12 Queen's Law Journal 66-103;

__________"The Thatcher Appeal. A Question of Unanimity" (1986), 49 C.R. (3d) 129-136;

GRANT, Brian, "Attempts and Complicity", in CANADA, House of Commons, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General,  [Ottawa]: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1992, Issue number 2,  June 15, 1992, at pp. 2A:66 to 2A:72; also available in French/aussi disponible en français: CANADA, Chambre des communes, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général,  [Ottawa]: I'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1992, fasicule numéro 2, 15 juin 1992, aux pp. 2A:200 à 2A: 209;

GRANT, Isabel, "Developments in Criminal Law: the 1993-94 Term",  (1995) 6 The Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 209-280; see  in particular: "3. Statutory Interpretation Issues...230: (a) The Retreat from Symmetry...230; (b) The Retreat from Subjectivism...233: (i) Penal Negligence Cases...234; (ii) Accessory Liability for Manslaughter...238: (1) Section 21(1): Aiding and Abetting...240; (2) Section 21(2)...241; (iii) The Nature of the Objective Test...245 ...";

GRONDIN, Rachel, "La présence sur les lieux du crime",  (1991) 22 Revue générale de droit 613-647;

GREENSHIELDS, Hon. R.A.E., "The Accomplice as a Witness", (1929) 7 The Canadian Bar Review 520-533;

HARTT, E. Patrick, "Parties to the Offence of Murder - Discrepancies Between the Common Law and the Criminal Code [Part I and II]",  (1959) 1 The Criminal Law Quarterly 60-73 and 178-186;

HASTIE, Miles, "The Separate Offence of Committing a Crime "In Association with" a Criminal Organization: Gang Symbols and Signs of Constitutional problems", (2009) 14(1)  Canadian Criminal Law Review 79;

HÉBERT, Jean-Claude, Droit pénal des affaires, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 2002, xxi, 831 p., voir "La complicité" aux pp. 10-19 et "Le partenariat" (la participation conjurée, la conspiration, et l'interface de la complicité et du complot) aux pp. 19-42; l'auteur examine aussi "L'incitation" aux pp. 2-10, ISBN: 289451607X (livre consulté, les 13-14 janvier 2003);

HENDERSON, 1958-, Michael Brent, Commercial Crime in Canada, Toronto: Carswell, 1990-, 1 volume loose-leaf, see chapter 11, "Modes of Criminal Participation", ISBN:  0459347519;

HILL, Casey S., "Accessory after the Fact", in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Federation of Law Societies of Canada, July 1993;

HOLLAND,  Winifred H., "Murder and Related Issues: An Analysis of the Law in Canada -- Report to the Law Commission", July 2005, in The Law Commission, The Law of Murder: Overseas  Comparative Studies, [London: HMSO, 2005], at pp. 22-65;  available at (accessed on 27 December 2005); 

ILLICO INC., "La corroboration du témoignage d'un complice", recherche jurisprudentielle, CR-8069, octobre 1998; voir

INNES, William I., 1952-, Tax Evasion in Canada, Toronto : Carswell, 1987, xxvi, 326 p., and see Chapter 4, "Parties", at pp. 77-99, ISBN:  0459305719; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General: KE 5728 .I55 1987; note: LL.M. thesis with the title: Tax Evasion in Canadian Law, York University, 1987, 133 p.with W. Neil Brooks as thesis supervisor;

JARDINE, James W. and  Marc Rosenberg, "Section 5: Modes of participation" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1990: Edmonton, Alberta), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, [Edmonton?]: Federation of Law Societies, 1990, 4 volumes, information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

JARDINE, James W. and William B. Smart, "Partie, Mens Rea: Parties to Offences"  in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1986: St. John's, Newfoundland), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, St. John's: Federation of Law Societies, 1986, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

KAMEL-TOUEG, Nabil, Précis de droit pénal général - Droit pénal I, 2e édition, Mont-Royal (Province of Québec) : Modulo Édiiteur, 1994, ix, 242 p., ISBN: 2891135024;

KASHYAP, Girish S., "Looking Abroad to Protect Mothers at Home: A Look at Complicity by Omission  Domestically and Abroad", (2004) 22 Boston University International Law Journal 425-447; on Canadian criminal law, see pp. 438-439;

KINGDON, John, "Counselling" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 1 of 2, section 1.4, 7 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

LAFONTAINE, Fannie, "Parties to Offences under the Canadian Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Act : an Analysis of Principal Liability and Complicity",  (2010) 50(3-4) Cahiers de droit 967-1014;

LASKIN, Bora, "Criminal Law - Uncorroborated Evidence of  Accomplice - Instruction to Jury - Trial Without a Jury", (1938) 16 The Canadian Bar Review 572-577;

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF CANADA, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, Ottawa: Ministry of Supply and Services Canada, 1984, [xiii], 210 p., see "Counselling, Inciting or procuring (Inchoate)", at p. 121 and "Party to Offence", at pp. 121-122 (series; working paper; number 37), ISBN: 0662136039; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; note paper written by James M. Simpson; also published in French / aussi publié en français: La juridiction extra-territoriale, Ottawa: Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1984, [xiv], 222 p., voir "Le fait de conseiller à une personne de commettre une infraction, de l'y amener ou de l'y inciter", aux pp. 126-127 et "Les parties aux infractions", aux pp. 127-128 (Collection; document de travail; numéro 37), ISBN: 0662928776; note: document écrit par James M. Simpson;

___________The General Part - Liability and Defences, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canda, 1982, [10], 204 p., see pp. 21-22 explaining that rules on participation not drafted yet (series; Working Paper 29), ISBN: 0662514297; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française, Commission de réforme du droit du Canada Partie générale - responsabilité et moyens de défense, Ottawa: Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1982, [10], 239 p., voir les pp. 22-23 expliquant que les règles n'ont pas encore été rédigées (collection; Document de travail 29),  ISBN: 0662514297.

___________Recodifying Criminal Law, vol. 1, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, [14], 117 p., see "Chapter 4: Involvement in Crime" at pp. 40-46  (series; Report 30), ISBN: 0662547322; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française, Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal, vol. 1, Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1986, [14], 117 p., voir "chapitre 4: La participation aux crimes", pp. 44-53  (collection; Rapport 30),  ISBN: 0662547322.

___________Recodifying Criminal Law (Revised and Enlarged Edition of Report 30),  Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1987, [16], 213 p.,  see "Involvement in Crime", pp. 42-49 (series; Report 31), ISBN:0662547578; copy of the English version of this report is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; Research Notes:  This report 31 was tabled in the House of Commons on 19 May 1988 (see House of Commons, Debates, 19 May 1988 at 15609);  the Commission's recommendations in this report 31 were modified by a subsequent document: "A New General Part for the Criminal Code: Brief from the Law Reform Commission of Canada to the Subcommittee on the General Part" in Canada, House of Commons, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, supra, Issue 1 of : 25, 26, 30 March 1992, at the Appendix, pp. 1A:1 - 1A:17;  information on the French version/informations sur la version française, Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal (Édition révisée et augmentée du rapport no 30) , Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1987, [16], 233 p., voir «La participation aux crimes», aux pp. 48-56, ISBN: 0662547578; Note de recherche:  Ce rapport 31 a été déposé à la Chambre des Communes, le 19 mai 1988 (voir Chambre des Communes, Débats, 19 mai 1988 à 15609).  Notons que les recommandations de la Commission du rapport 31 ont été modifiées par le document "Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel - Mémoire présenté au sous-comité sur la Partie générale par la Commission de Réforme du droit du Canada" dans Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur généra, supra,  fasicule numéro 1 du  25, 26, 30 mars 1992, aux  pp. 1A:29 - 1A:60.

___________Secondary Liability: Participation in Crime and Inchoate Offences, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1985 (Series; Working Paprer 45), [x], 53 p., ISBN: 0662537491; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: La responsabilité secondaire: complicité et infractions inchoactives, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1985, [xii], 55 p., (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 45), ISBN: 0662537491;

LEGAL AID ONTARIO / AIDE JURIDIQUE ONTARIO -- LAO  LAW, Criminal law Memoranda, Toronto, catalogue current as of February 1, 2006; see  and (both sites accessed on 24 February 2006); see:
- O4-1,  Parties -- Aiding and Abetting (10 Aug 2000; 48 p.);
- O4-2,  Parties -- Principal Unknown or Unconvicted (10 Aug 2000; 10 p.);
- O4-3, Abandonment of Joint Venture (10 Aug 2000; 6 p.);
- O6-2, Counselling Commission of an Offence (19 Aug 2004; 12 p.);

LIBMAN, Rick,  1956-,  The Law of Robbery, Toronto: Carswell, 1990, xix, 388 p., see Chapter 8, "Parties to Robbery" at pp. 165-196, ISBN: 0459340719;

MacKAY, Heather, "Parties to an offence" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1993: Montreal), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Montreal (PQ): Federation of Law Societies, 1993, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

MacKINNON, Peter, "Jury Unanimity: A Reply to Gelowitz and Stuart" (1986) 51 C.R. (3d) 134-138;

MANARIN, Karen, "Compellability of Separately Indicted Co-Accused", Crown's Newsletter, vol. 2, June 14,  1994 at pp. 42-64;

MANSON, Allan, "Re-codifying Attempts, Parties, and Abandoned Intentions",  (1989) 14 Queen's Law Journal 85-114;

MEWETT, Allan W., 1930-,  and Morris MANNING, Mewett & Manning on Criminal Law [previously published under title: Criminal Law], 3rd ed, Toronto: Butterworths, 1994, lxiv, 959 p., see chapter 8, "Personal Liability and Parties", pp. 251-302, ISBN: 0409903752 (bound) and 0433396458 (pbk.);

Modernization of Investigative Techniques Act, Bill C-74, First Reading, 15 November 2005 / Loi sur la modernisation des techniques d'enquête, Projet de loi C-74, première lecture, 15 novembre 2005; available/ disponible à  (accessed on 18 November 2005); "Officers of corporations, etc.

54. If a person other than an individual commits an offence under this Act, every officer, director, agent or mandatary of the
person who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in or participated in the commission of the offence is a party to and guilty of the offence and liable on conviction to the punishment provided for the offence whether or not the person that committed the offence has been prosecuted or convicted. For greater certainty, an officer or director, or any agent or mandatary who is an individual, is liable only to the punishment provided in respect of an individual.

Cadres des personnes morales

54. En cas de perpétration par une personne autre qu’une personne physique d’une infraction prévue par la présente loi, ceux de ses dirigeants, administrateurs ou mandataires qui l’ont ordonnée ou autorisée, ou qui y ont consenti ou participé, sont considérés comme des coauteurs de l’infraction et encourent, sur déclaration de culpabilité, la peine prévue, que la personne ayant perpétré l’infraction ait été ou non poursuivie ou déclarée coupable. Il est entendu que les dirigeants et les administrateurs, ainsi que les mandataires qui sont des personnes physiques, n’encourent que la peine prévue pour
une personne physique."

MORRIS, Glen, Section 21, Subsection (2) of the Criminal Code [of Canada], [Vancouver, B.C. : Canadian Bar Association, B.C. Branch, Criminal Justice Section, 1985], University of British Columbia Law Library call # : KG 28 O774 1985;

MULLIGAN, Robert A., "Aiding and abetting: what about mere presence?" in National Criminal Law program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, volume1 of 2, section 1.4, 6 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

MURRAY, Robert G., "Annotation: They also aid and abet who only stand and watch", (1970) 10 Criminal Reports New Series [C.R.N.S.]  37-42;

National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University. Faculty of Law, Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of  Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v.; one of the subject covered is "Modes of Participation";
copy at Dalhousie University, NSHDL  KB 192 N271 2004; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet (14 May 2005);

NOVA SCOTIA, Royal Commission on the Donald Marshall, Jr., Prosecution, Royal Commission on the Donald Marshall, Jr., Prosecution, Findings and Recommendations 1989, vol. 1: Findings and Recommendations, [Halifax, N.S.] : The Commission, 1989, xiv, 15-413 p., see Recommendation 38, at pp. 236-237,  ISBN: 0888711093 (Chairman: Chief Justice T. Alexander Hickman);

"Recommendation 38

We recommend that: ...

(b) the factors which migh arise for a consideration in determining whether the public
     interest requires a prosecution, include: ...

(iv) the degree of culpability of the alleged offender (particularly in relation to other alleged parties to the offence)" (p. 236)

PECK, Richard and Suzanne M. Smith, "The Common Purpose  Doctrine" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Federation of Law Societies of Canada, July 1993;

___________"The Common Purpose Doctrine" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 1 of 2, section 1.3, 16 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

PECK, Richard C.C., "Counselling an offence" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1993: Montreal), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Montreal (PQ): Federation of Law Societies, 1993, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

___________"Unlawful Act Manslaughter",  in National Criminal Law Program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, vol. 1 of 2, section 1.6, 10 p., see "Aiding and Abetting" at pp. 9-10; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

POPPLE, A.E., "Constructive complicity in crime", (1947-48) 4 C.R. 479-486;

___________ "Accomplices and their evidence", (1950) 10 C.R.  92-96;

POWELL, Clay M. and J. David Watt, "Accomplices: Who can corroborate their evidence?  R. vs McGee, O.C.A., Feb 7, 1979"  in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1979,  audio cassette, February 1979, side two,  number three, 8 minutes;

___________"R. v. Sparrow, O.C.A., Dec. 7, 1979", December 1979, Criminal Law Audio Series, side 1, pt.2-side 2, pt.1, 10 minutes; on the casette, it is written : "Section 21 not to apply while there is only speculation that the accused may be a 'party' and not a 'principal' in the offence'"; the case is summarized as follows elsewhere: "Where there is evidence that the offence was committed by one or more persons then it is appropriate to direct the jury as to the application of this section [21] even on the trial of a single accused and although the identity of the other person is unknown as is the precise part played by each person.  However, where there is no evidence to support the proposition that more than one person was involved then it is misdirection to charge the jury on this section....",  Martin Annual Criminal Code 1981, p. 33;

___________"The Accomplice Warning and the Obligation to itemize for a Jury the Potentially Corrorative Evidence - R. v. Kirsch and Rosenthal, May 11th, 1981 (S.C.C.)"  in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1981,  audio cassette, August 1984, side one, number two, 3 minutes;

"Practice Note: Accessory after the fact", (1950) 10 C.R. 142;

"Practice Note: - 'Accessories'", (1961) 35 C.R. 26-27;

"Practice Note: 'Aiding and abetting'", (1954) 19 C.R. 291-292;

"Practice Note: 'Aiding and abetting'", (1955) 20 C.R. 207;

"Practice Note: 'Aiding and abetting'", (1956) 23 C.R. 296;

"Practice Note: 'Application of Code s. 21'", (1965) 46 C.R. 1-2;

"Practice Note: 'Application of Code s. 69'", (1947) 3 C.R. 41-42;

"Practice Note: 'Common intention'", (1948) 5 C.R. 112-113;

"Practice Note: 'Common intention'", (1962) 38 C.R. 21-22;

"Practice Note: Criminal responsibility of the employer for acts of his employees", (1965) 44 C.R. 97;

"Practice Note: 'A criminal transaction'", (1964) 42 Criminal Reports [C.R.] 378-379;

"Practice Note: Parties to offences under Dominion statutes",  (1947) 3 C.R. 428;

PROVOST, Claude, "Le complot et les infractions inchoatives" dans Droit pénal 13 Cours de la formation professionnelle du Barreau du Québec 1986-1987, Cowansville: Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1987, [v], 357 p. aux pp. 231-254;

QUIGLEY, Tim, "Annotation: R. v. Portillo, (2004) 17 C.R. (6th) 362 (Ont. C.A.)", (2004) 17 Criminal Reports (6th) 364-365;

RAINVILLE,  Pierre, "La responsabilité par appartenance ou les incertitudes conceptuelles et constitutionnelles", (February/février 2008) 12(2) Canadian Criminal law Review / Revue canadienne de droit pénal 161-226; voir la Table des matières aux pp. 162-163;

____________"Le verbe fait crime: la  répression de l'instigation et les avatars de l'arrêt Hamilton", (février 2007) 11(2) Canadian Criminal Law Review / Revue canadienne de droit pénal 177-215; 

RIKHOF, Joseph, "War Crimes Law, as Applied in Canada", and see "Complicity", available at (accessed on 29 August 2005);

ROACH, Kent, 1961-, Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto : Irwin Law, 2004, xx, 421 p. (series; Essentials of Canadian Law), ISBN: 155221091X; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Reserve, KE 8809 .R624 2004;

___________"The New Terrorism Offences and the Criminal Law", in Ronald J. (Ronald Joel) Daniels, 1959-, Patrick Macklem, and Kent Roach, eds., The Security of Freedom: Essays on Canada's Anti-Terrorism Bill, Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2002, vii, 499 p., at pp. 151-194, ISBN: 0802085199; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, KE 9007 .S42 2001;

RODRIGUES,  Gary P., General Editor, Crankshaw's Criminal Code of Canada R.S.C. 1985, 8th ed. rev., Toronto : Carswell, 1993-, loose-leaf, several volumes;

ROSBOROUGH, Bart, "Accessorizing the indictment"  in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 1 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

ROSE, V. Gordon., 1954-,  Parties to an Offence, Toronto: Carswell, 1982, xxiv, 202 p. (Carswell's Criminal Law Series), ISBN: 0459349600;

SAMUELS, Sharon and Gil D. MacKinnon, "Parties",  discussion paper mentionned  in The Canadian Bar Association Task Force Report, Principles of Criminal Liability: Proposals for a New General Part of the Criminal Code, Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, [1992], x, 190 p., at p. 190,  ISBN: 0920742335; Research Note: Paper can be purchased at the Canadian Bar Office in Ottawa;

SAVAGE, C.C., "Who is an Accomplice?", (1960-61) 3 The Criminal Law Quarterly 198-214;

SISKIND, Jillian, "Complicity in Crimes against Humanity: The Intersection of International Criminal and Refugess Law", (2004) 49(1) The Criminal Law Quarterly  96-124;

SMART, William B., "An Offence of Membership?  Participation As a Basis for Criminal Liability Under the Anti-Terrorism Act", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 2.9, 16 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

STUART, Don, 1943-,  and Ronald Joseph Delisle, Learning Canadian Criminal Law, 7th ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1999, xxv, 1010 p., see Chapter 8, "Parties to a Crime", at  pp. 873-897, ISBN: 0459270613;

STUART, Don, "Annotation: R. v. Kehler, (2004) 19 C.R. (6th) 49 (S.C.C.)", (2004) 19 Criminal Reports (6th) 50; on the application of the Vetrovec warning;

____________"Annotation: R. v. Munro and Munro (1983) 36 C.R. (3d) 193 (Ont. C.A.)", (1984) 36 C.R. (3d) 194-198;

___________ "Annotation: Thatcher v. R. (1984) 42 C.R. (3d) 259  (Sask. Q.B.) 259", (1985) 42 C.R. (3d) 259-261;

___________Canadian Criminal Law: A Treatise, 4th ed.,  Scarborough: Carswell, a Thomson Company, 2001, liv, 733 p., see Chapter 9, "Parties to an Offence", pp. 601-652, ISBN: 0459261703 and 0459261118 (pbk.); there is now a 5th ed.: Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, xix, 815 p., ISBN: 978 0779812950;

__________ "A Case for A General Part" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., at pp. 95-145, see "Accessories" at pp. 134-135, ISBN: 045927077X; contains a draft General Part by Professor Stuart;

TANOVICH, David M. and Gerry Ferguson, Annual Review of Criminal Law 2001, Carswell, a Thomson Company, 2002, xxvii, 200 p., ISBN: 0459271148; see  "Aiding and Abetting" at pp. 8-11;

TROTTIER, Michel, "La complicité criminelle", (1958-9) 1 Canadian Journal of Corrections 56-61;

VERDUN-JONES, Simon N. (Simon Nicholas), 1947-,  Criminal Law in Canada: Cases, Questions & The Code, 4th ed., Thomson/Nelson, 2006,  xvi, 332 p., see Chapter 7, "Modes of Participation in Crime and Inchoate Offences" at pp. 142-179, ISBN: 0176407170; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br.B  KE 8809 V47 2007;

VERTES, John, "Ccounselling", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 2.4, 10 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

WALSH, John J. and Aloysius Hayes, "The Principal Party", in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 1 of 2, section 1.1, 13 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

WATSON, Jack, "Welcome to the Party: Case List and Commentary on Parties To Murder" Newsletter A.C.A.A. (Alberta Crown  Attorney's Newsletter), Issue Number 8, April, 1997; available on the internet at:

WATT, David, 1948-, Commentator, "Accessorial Liability: Section 21(1) - The Queen v. Eugene Isaac, unreported, February 2, 1984 (S.C.C.)"  in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1984,  audio cassette, 1984, tape three, side two, number one, 15 minutes;

___________"Accessoryship After the Fact: Substantive, Procedural and Evidentiary Considerations", (1981) 21 C.R. (3d) 307-326;

___________"Charging the Accessory" - The Queen v. Gladstone S. Hall, unreported, April 3, 1984 (O.A.C.)"  in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1984,  audio cassette, 1984, tape three, side two, number two, 7 minutes;

__________Ontario Specimen Jury Instructions (Criminal), Toronto: Thomson/Carswell,  [2003], xiii, 1101 p., see "Modes of Participation" at pp. 186-215, and "Abandonnement" at pp. 954-956, ISBN: 0459254928; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 9682 W38 2003 c. 01;

WATT, David and Marc Rosenberg, "The Supreme Court of Canada Re-examines Corroboration and the Accomplice Rule - Joseph Vetrovec and Joseph Gaja v. The Queen, unreported, May 31, 1982 (S.C.C.)"   in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1982,  audio cassette, 1982, tape four, side one, number one, 30 minutes and side two, number one, 15 minutes;

WILSON, Earl (Earl C.), "Aiders and abettors"  in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 1 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

WRIGLEY, John R., "Regina v. Madigan: Food and Drugs  Act - Trafficking - Aiding and Abetting - Police Entrapment",  (1970) 28 Faculty Law Review - University of Toronto 123-128;

ZIFF, Bruce, "Annotation:  Hébert v. R., (1986), 51 C.R. (3d) 264 (N.B. C.A.)", (1986) 51 C.R. (3d) 265-266 [deals with s. 21(2)];

___________"The Rule Against Multiple Fictions", (1986-87) 25 Alberta Law Review 160-189, see "Criminal Complicity" at pp. 171-173;

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