Part I: "A to C" - Mental Disorder
Key Words:  appreciating the nature and quality of the act or omission, assessment orders, assessment reports, asylum, attribution, accountability,  bibliography on  insanity/mental disorder,  Bill C-30, blame,  blameworthiness, burden of proof, capacity to stand trial, capping of dispositions, Chaulk, competency to stand trial, consent to psychiatric care, craziness, criminal responsibility, criminally insane, culpability, dangerousness, disposition hearings, ethics of psychiatry, exemption, excuse, fault,  forensic psychiatry, dangerous mentally disordered accused, dangerousness, defence, disposition hearings, fitness interview test, fitness interview, fitness to stand trial, forensic assessment, forensic psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, forensic psychology, guilt,  idiocy, imbecility, impulsivety,  imputability, imputation, incapable of appreciaying the nature and quality of act or omission,  incapable of knowing that act or omission was wrong, insanity, insanity jurisprudence,  insanity defence, insanity -  jurisprudence, Institut Philippe Pinel, involuntary admission, irresistible impulse, jurisprudence on insanity, knowing that it was wrong, Lieutenant Governor's warrant, lunacy, madness, mens rea,  METFORS, mental disability, mental disease,  mental disorder, mntal disorder defence, mental health law, mental incompetence, mental incompetency, mentally disabled persons, mentally disordered inmates, mentally disordered offenders, mentally ill, mental illness,  mental retardation, NCRMD, NGRI, normative mens rea, psychiatry and law,  Part XX.1 - Mental Disorder,  presumption, psychiatric assessment,  psychiatrists, psychiatry and law,  psychologists, psychology and law, psychopath, psychiatry, psychiatry and law, review board, Review Board, right and wrong, section 16 of the Criminal Code,Swain, unsoundness of mind, verdict of not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder, verdict of unfit to stand trial,

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updated on / mise à jour au: 25 June / juin 2011

- To assist researchers, please do not hesitate to suggest titles to these bibliographies.  Thank you.
- Pour le bénéfice de tous, n'hésitez pas à suggérer des ajouts aux bibliographies.  Merci.

by / par ©François Lareau, Ottawa, 2001-

Canadian Criminal Law  - Selected Bibliography on Mental Disorder,
Insanity and Unfitness to Stand Trial with Elements of Criminology,
History, Psychiatry and Psychology
           - - - - - - - - - - -
Droit pénal canadien - Bibliographie choisie sur le désordre mental,
l'aliénation mentale et l'aptitude à subir le procès avec des
éléments de criminologie, d'histoire, psychiatrie et psychologie

See also/voir aussi
• Part / Partie II:  D-K
• Part / Partie III: L-R
• Part / Partie IV: S-Z

Part I: Automatism -- Canadian Law
Part II: Automatism --Comparative Law

• Diminished Responsibility or Capacity / Responsabilité atténuée
               • Canadian Criminal Law/ Droit pénal canadien
               • Comparative Law / Droit comparé

ABELL, Jennie, 1951-,  and Elizabeth Sheehy, Criminal Law and Procedure: Proof, Defences, and Beyond, 2nd ed., North York (Ontario): Captus Press, c.1998, vii, 463 p., ISBN: 6896691374, see "Mental Disorder" at pp. 252-256;

ABBOTT, The Honourable Judge Daniel C., "Sentencing the Mentally Ill",  in National Criminal Law program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, vol. 1 of 2, section 3.3, 9 p.;  copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

Access to Information Act Request number A98-0024, Department of Justice Canada, 206 pages (some of them having parts deleted) out of 549 released; the "applicant requested the records of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on the Implementation of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code since its inception (1991-1992)" (source: Letter to me from Letter of Anne Brennan, Director, Department of Justice Canada, Access to Information and Privacy Office, Ottawa, 9 November 2000, her file: A-2000-0125, tel. 613-952-8361;

AKHTAR, Syed,  testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code; also published in French  / aussi publié en français:  témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 30 April 2002 (E /F): Dr. Syed Akhtar:  English / Français

___________"A Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada", April 30, 2002, 3 p.;

ADDINGTON, Donald and Heather L. Holley, "A Comparison of Voluntary with Remanded Shizophrenics", (1984) 34 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 89-93;

___________"Pre-Trial Assessment of Shizophrenics on Remand", (1987) 32 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 773-776;

ADVISORY BOARD OF PSYCHIATRIC CONSULTANTS, The General Program for the Development of Psychiatric Services in Federal Correctional Services in Canada, Ottawa: Information Canada, 1973; also published in French / aussi publié en français;

AKTAR, Syed Naveed, "Pre-Trial Evaluation of Court Referrals", (1971) 16 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 5-13;

___________"Psychiatric Assessment and Treatment of Probation and Parole Clients" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 166-182; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

___________testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 30 April 2002 (E /F): Dr. Syed Akhtar:  English / Français

ALBERTA CIVIL LIBERTIES RESEARCH CENTRE, Representing Mentally Disabled Persons in the Criminal Justice System: A Guide for Practitioners, Calgary: Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre, 1994, [xviii], ii, 744 p., ISBN: 1896225012;

ALBERTA HOSPITAL EDMONTON and A. Donald Milliken, "Response by Forensic Services, Alberta Hospital Edmonton to Changes to the Criminal Code of Canada Concerning Mental Disorder", (1992) 1(2) Health Law Review 22-28;

ALBERTA REVIEW BOARD, web site, (accessed on 5 January 2003);

ALLODI, F.A., H.B. Kedward and M. Robertson, "'Insane but Guilty': Psychiatric Patients in Jail", (June 1977) 25(2) Canada's Mental Health 3-7; also published in French  / aussi publié en français: "'Fou mais coupable': les malades mentaux en prison" (juin 1977) 25(2) L'Hygiène mentale au Canada 3-8;

ALLODI, F.A. and R. Montgomery, "Mentally Abnormal Offenders in a Toronto Jail", (1975) 17 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 277-283; see  summary in Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al.,Canada Mental Health and Violence: Proof or Stereotype? infra, Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography, available on the internet at; le résumé est aussi disponible en français dans Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al., Maladie mentale et violence: un lien démontré ou un steréotype?, infra, Appendice A: bibliographie commentée, disponible sur l'internet à;

 The American Journal of Psychiatry web site at seen on 29 November 2000;

AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Letter to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights [Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", 4 April 2002, 2 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000054-000055; letter written on behalf of the British Columbia Psychological Association;

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to amend the National Defence Act and the Young Offenders Act in consequence thereof, Annual Statute 1991, c. 43 (Bill C-30), ss. 1 to 10;
- First Reading, Bill C-30, 16 September 1991;
 -Second Reading, 4 October 1991;
- assented to 13 December 1991; brought into force, except that part of s. 4 which enacts ss. 672.64 to 672.66, ss. 5, 6 and 10(8), February 4, 1992 by SI/92-9, Canadian Gazette, Part II, February 12, 1992; these parts are capping, dangerous mentally disordered accused and hospital orders;
- that part of s. 4, ss. 5, 6 and 10(8) to come into force by order of the Governor in Council;
- Amended 1991, c. 43, ss. 1 to 10; brought into force, except that part of s. 4 which enacts ss. 672.64 to 672.66, ss. 5, 6 and 10(8), February 4, 1992 by SI/92-9, Canadian Gazette, Part II, February 12, 1992; that part of s. 4, ss. 5, 6 and 10(8) to come into force by order of the Governor in Council;

ANAND, Raj, "The Involuntary Civil Commitment in Ontario: the Need to Curtail the Abuses of Psychiatry", (1979) 57 The Canadian Bar Review 250-280; does not deal with criminal law but informative;

ANGELOMATIS, Cheryl  S. (Sue), Canadian Insanity Defence Reform: Capturing a New Spirit of McNaughtan, M.A. (Criminology) Thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1983, vi, 196 leaves;

ANTONOWICZ, D., "Reviews --MENTAL DISORDER AND VIOLENCE -- Swanson, J. W., Swartz, M. S., Essock, S. M., Osher, F. C., Wagner, H. R., Goodman, L. A., Rosenberg, S. D., and Meador, K. G. (2002). The social-environmental context of violent behaviour in persons treated for severe mental illness. American Journal of Public Health, 92, 1523-1531", (2003) Justice Research, issue 9, at pp. 3-5; available at (accessed on 14 October 2004); Mr. Antonowicz is A/Senior Research officer, Department of Justice Canada; also available in French/aussi disponible en français: (visionné le 14 octobre 2004);

APOLITO, Arnaldo, "Book Review: IMPULSIVITY, THEORY, ASSESSMENT, TREATMENT.  Edited by Christopher D. Webster and Margaret Jackson.  New York:: Guilford Press, 1997, 462 pp. $46.95", (1998) 26(3) Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 525-527;

"Appendix 4 -- Psychiatric In-patients Programs", (March / April 2004) 95 Canadian Journal of Public Health S60-S61;

AQUINO, Dr. Emmanuel, From the East Coast Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, Nova Scotia, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 18 April 2002 (E/F): From the East Coast Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, Nova Scotia: Dr. Emmanuel Aquino. EnglishFrançais

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, Julio, 1939-, and F. Chato, "Issues Regarding Admissions from a Correctional Facility to a Hospital Forensic Unit", (1985) 29(1) International Journal of Offender Therepy and Comparative Criminology 13-22;

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, Julio, 1939-,  Margaret Copithorne, 1940 and charts contributed by Cheryl Hoffner, Mental Health Law and Practice: A Guide to the Alberta Mental Health Act and Related Canadian Legislation, Calgary: Carswell, 1995-, ISBN: 0459547062, looseleaf, approx. 440 p.;

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, Julio, 1939-, A. Crisanti and H.L. Holley, "The Effects of Changes in the Law Concerning Mentally Disordered Offender: The Alberta Experience with Bill C-30", (1995) 40 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 225-233;.

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, Julio, 1939-, and Christine Deynaka,  Forensic Psychiatric Evidence, Toronto: Butterworths, 1999,  xx, 304 p., ISBN:  0433408561;  "Table of Contents...Chapter 1: On the Nature of Science...2...Chapter 2...Expert Evidence...26...Chapter 3: The Scientific Paradigm...61...Chapter 4: Intersections Between Psychiatry and Criminal Law...85...Chapter 5: SpecifiicTopics in Forensic Psychiatry...129...Chapter 6: Psychiatric Legal Reports and Psychiatric Expertise...171...Chapter 7: Examining the Expert...198...Chapter 8: Ethical Issues...225...Chapter 9: Brave New World...252...Chapter 10: Reflections ...277...";

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, J., 1939-, Karuna Gupta and Allan Alcock, "A Two-Year Review of the Court Examinations", (1975) 20 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 469-475;

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, J., 1939-,  and H.L. Holley,  "Criminalization of the Mentally Ill: Part I.  Police Perceptions" and "Criminalization of the Mentally Ill: Part II.  Initial Detention", (1988) 33 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 81-86 and 87-95; see  summary in Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al.,  Canada Mental Illness and Violence: Proof or Stereotype?supra, Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography, available on the internet at;

___________"Development of a Suicide Screening Instrument for Use in a Remand Centre Setting", (1988) 33 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 81-86;

___________"Predicting Suicide Behaviours Among Incarcerated Offenders Awaiting Trial", (1989) 34 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 668-674;

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, J., 1939-, H. L. Holley,  J. Willams and A. Crisanti, "An Evaluation of Legal Outcome Following Pretrial Forensic Assessment", (1994) 39(3) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 161-167;

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, Julio, 1939-, Heather L. Holley,  Annette Crisanti, and Calgary World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health for Health Promotion and Programs Branch Health, Canada Mental Illness and Violence: Proof or Stereotype?, Ottawa: Health Canada, Minsiter Supplies Services Canada, 1996, xii, 144 p.,  ISBN:  0662240731; available on the internet at; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Maladie mentale et violence: un lien démontré ou un steréotype?, [Ottawa]: Santé Canada, Ministre des Approvisionnements Canada, 1996,  xiv, 167 p., ISBN:  0662807847; disponible sur l'internet as seen on 3 July 2000 at;

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, Julio, 1939-, David Nussbaum, Maurice M. Ohayon, and Ronald Roesch, "Research on the Impact of the 1992 Criminal Code Amendments on Remands for Fitness to Stand Trial and Criminal Responsibility",  in Derek. Eaves,  James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and Ronald Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. 101-160, ISBN:  086491220X; note: Published in cooperation with the British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Commission; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, J., 1939-, E.J. Love, G. Fick, K. O'Brien, K. Hashman, and Y. Aderribigbe, "An Epidemiological Study of Mental Illness in a Remanded Population", (1995) 2(2) International Medical Journal 113-126;

ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, Julio E., 1939-, An Epidemiological Study of Mental Illness in a Remanded Population and The Relationship Between Mental Condition and Criminality, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Community Sciences, University of Calgary, 1994, xvii, 212 p.;

___________"Consent in Psychiatry: The Position of the Canadian Psychiatric Association" (1988) 33(4) Canadian Psychiatric Journal 314-318; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Le consentement en psychiatrie - La position de l'Association des psychiatres du Canada", idem, aux pp. 319-323;

___________"Criminal Responsibility of the Mentally Disordered" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 100-112; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

___________"Deinstitutionalization and forensic issues: are we flogging the wrong horse?,  (December 1993) 25(6) Canadian Psychiatric Association Bulletin 29, 31 and 33;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: "La désinstitutionnalisation et les questions médico-légales: empruntons-nous une mauvaise voie?", (décembre 1993) 25(6) Bulletin de l'Association des psychiatres du Canada 26 et 28;

___________"The Development of a Forensic Psychiatric  Service", (1975) 17 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 141-145;

___________"The Ethics of Psychiatry in Prison Society", (1983) 25 Canadian Journal of Criminology 47-54;

___________"Forensic Psychiatry and Epidemiology: Introduction", (2001) 24 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 335-337;

___________"Forensic Psychiatry Services in Canada: Strengths and Weakennesses", (1981) 4 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 391-399;

___________"Forensic Psychiatry: Success an Failure of the Mental Health System in Canada -- A Brief to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", 2 January 2002, 6 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000204-000209;   also available in French / aussi disponible en français:

___________"Infanticide: Some Medicolegal Considerations", (1975) 20(1) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 55-60;

___________"Insanity Defense in Canada", (1978) 23 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 23-27;

___________"Mental Illness and Violence: An Epidemiological Appraisal of the Evidence", (1998) 43 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 989-996;

___________"Neonaticide", (1976) 21(1) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 31-34;

___________"Post-homicide Psychiotic Reaction", (1980) 24 International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 47-52;

___________"Some Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Offenders at the Regional Psychiatric Centre (Abbotsford)" , (1978) 20(3) Canadian Journal of Criminology 301-307;

___________testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français:  CANADA, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 14 March 2002 (E/F): Dr. Julio Arboleda-Florez, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, Queen's University: English / Français

___________"Two Solitudes: Mental Health and Law", (1990) 1(2) Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 143-165;

ARCHIBALD, Bruce P., "Criminal Law and Mental Disorder: The Impact of the Swain Decision in Nova Scotia", (October 1991) 17(6) Nova Scotia Law News 255-258;


ARÈS, Lucille L., Jean Garneau, Jean Boudreau et Serge Ménard,  réalisation Johanne Cote, Jean Garneau, Introduction à l'expertise psycho-légale: document de formation à distance, Montréal: Corporation professionnelle des psychologues du Québec, 1987, 121 p.; copie à l'Université de Montréal (École des hautes études commerciales);

ARNOLD, Larry,  Vernon L. Quinsey and Illo Verner, "Overcontrolled hostility among men found not guilty by reason of insanity", (1977) 9 Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science 333-340;

ARNUP, C. Jane, "Advocacy Before the Lieutenant Governor's Board of Review", (April 1987) 6(2) The Advocates Society Journal 12-13 and 15-16;

___________"The Mental Disorder Amendments: Impact on Young Persons", prepared for the Canadian Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Program, 14 November 1992; mentionned in Sheena Scott, Brian Weagant, and Marvin Wong, Defending young offender cases 1997, infra, at p. 57; document not consulted yet;

___________"Representing the Mentally Ill" in The Law Society of Upper Canada,  Criminal Procedure: Reference Materials, Toronto: Law Society of Upper Canada, September 1995, chapter 9, (series; 37th Bar Admission Course Materials Phase Three September 1995),  ISBN: 0887598692;

ARROWOOD, J.S., R. Rogers and S.E. Dickens, Bias against the Insanity Defence: An Exploratory Canadian Study, Toronto: METFORS, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1987, 23 p., (series; Working Papers in Forensic Psychiatry; number 96); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, KE 8841 A7;

ASHDOWN, William P., Vice-President and Phil Upshall, President, the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 10 April 2002 (E /F): Panel II: From the Mood Disorders Society of Canada: Phil Upshall, President; William P. Ashdown, Vice-President, English / Français;

ASHFORD, Jose B., "Offense Comparisons Between Mentally Disordered and Non-Mentally Disordered Inmates", (1989) 31 Canadian Journal of Criminology 35-48;  in N. Zoe Hilton, Margaret A. Jackson and Christopher D. Webster, eds., Clinical Criminology: Theory, Research and Practice, Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 1990, ix, 654 p. at pp. 27-37, ISBN: 0921627688;

ASSOCIATION DES GROUPES D'INTERVENTION EN DÉFENSE DE DROITS EN SANTÉ MENTALE (AGIDD-SMQ), mémoire présenté à la Chambre des communes Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux, 2002; document pas encore consulté; demande faite à l'organisation pour une copie (détails à suivre);



ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN REVIEW BOARD CHAIRS (from): Bernd Walter, Chair, B.C. Review Board; Maureen Forestell, Counsel to Ontario Review Board and alternate chair of Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 17 April 2002 (E/F):  From the Association of Canadian Review Board Chairs: Bernd Walter, Chair, B.C. Review Board; Maureen Forestell, Counsel to Ontario Review Board and alternate chair of Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards;  Lucien Leblanc, Member and President, Quebec Review Board; English / Français

___________"Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on Behalf of the Association of Canadian Review Board Vhairs - Review of the Mental Disorder Provision of the Criminal Code", 2002, 21 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000056-000076;  also available in French / aussi disponible en français;

ASSOCIATION QUÉBÉCOISE DES AVOCATS ET AVOCATES DE LA DÉFENSE DU QUÉBEC/Quebec Defence Attorneys Association, Me Lucie Joncas, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 17 April 2002 (E/F):  From the Quebec Defence Attorneys Association/Association québécoise des avocats et avocates de la défense du Québec: Me Lucie Joncas, Lawyer:  English / Français

ATCHESON, J.D., "Canadian Native People and Psychiatric Justice", (1978) 1 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 93-104; with the same title in David N. Weisstub, 1944-, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada, February 1977,  Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, ix, 175 p.,  at pp. 103-114, ISBN: 0080231330;

____________"Forensic Psychiatric Assessment of Native People in the Canadian Artic", in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 43-53; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

AUBUT, J., P. Laberge, J. Talbot and J. Wolwertz, "Assessment and Management of Violent Patients and Offenders" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 125-139; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

AUBUT, Jocelyn, "Les délinquants sexuels" dans Lyse A. Chamberland, Samir Rizkalla et Cécile Toutant, équipe de recherche et d'organisation, La Place de Pinel dans le circuit pénal, [Montréal]: Société de criminologie du Québec, 1981,  ix, 103 p.;

__________"L'évaluation des délinquants sexuels", (1982) 15(2) Criminologie 41-48;

AULD, Frederick Clyde, 1893-,  The criminal responsibility of lunatics (being the concluding part of a lecture delivered on April 21, 1934, in the Weekly Seminar of
the Toronto Psychiatric Hospital) [n.p., n.d.] 10 p.; information from the University of Toronto Library catalogue;

AUSTIN, Jacob, "Should Irresistible Impulse be a Defence in Criminal Law?", (1953-58) 2 University of British Columbia Legal Notes 108-115;

AWAD, George A., "Juveline Deliquency" in Mark H. Ben-Aron, Stephen J. Hucker and Christopher D. Webster, eds., Clinical Crimnology: The Assessment and Treatment of Criminal Behaviour, Toronto: M&M Graphics in cooperation with the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Toronto, 1985, xi, 327 p., Chapter 15 at pp. 221-252, ISBN: 0969215908; note: "Based in part on a symposium held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Ontario, April 27-29, 1983";

___________, "Psychiatric Assessments for the Juvenile Courts" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 25-42; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

BAEHRE, Rainer, 1949-, The Ill-regulated Mind: A Study in the Making of Psychiatry in Ontario, 1830-1921, Ph.D. Thesis (Graduate Programme in History),  York University, May 1985; ix, 468 p., supervisor: Peter Oliver; "It [the thesis] attempts to address three main topics: the humanitarian content of lunacy 'reform'; the changing role of the psychiatrist; and the social, intellectual, and economic aspects of Ontario psychiatry in relation to its transformation" (from the Abstract at p. iv);

BAGBY, R. Michael, Richard A. Nicholson, Richard  Rogers and David Nussbaum, "Domains of Competency to Stand Trial: A Factor Analytic Study", (1992) 16(5) Law and Human Behavior 491-507;

BAILEY, Sue and Jim Bronskill, "Shackled Minds: Criminalizing the Mentally Ill." , five-part print series, November 2006, Canadian Press; title noted in my research but documents not consulted (16 August 2007);

BAKAN, David, "Comments on Robitscher's 'The Limits of Psychiatry Authority'" in David N. Weisstub, 1941-, ed., Law and Psychiatry II: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada February 1978, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1979, xii, 163 p., at pp. 154-156, ISBN: 0080239013; Jonas Robitscher's article "The Limits of Psychiatry Authority" is at pp. 132-153;

BAKER, David, "Advocacy for the Mentally Disordered Client", Toronto, 1983, unpublished, mentioned in Bartlett, infra, p. 1.31 (loose-leaf page dated January 1988); document not consulted;

BAL, Peter and Frans Koenraadt, "Criminal law and mentally ill offenders in comparative perspective", (2000) 6(4) Psychology Crime & Law 219-250;  Belgium, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom;

BALA, Nicholas, 1952-, "Children, Psychiatrists and  the Courts: Understanding the Ambivalence of the Legal Profession - Part I- General Principles" and "Children, Psychiatrists and  the Courts: Understanding the Ambivalence of the Legal Profession - Part II- Applied Principles", (1994), 39 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 526-530 and 531-539; see the 1995  "substantially revised version" on the internet at;

___________Young Offenders Law, Concord (Ontario): Irwin Law, 1997, xvi, 344 p., see "The Possibility of a Mental-Health Response for Under-Twelves" at pp. 89-91, and "Offending Behaviour by Under-Twelves: Is Law Reform Desirable?" at pp. 92-94, ISBN: 1552210251; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 9780 ZA2 B35 1997;

BALDINI, Maurizio, "My experience with the Forensic Psychiatric System in British Columbia: Consumer's Perspectives",  in D. Eaves, James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and R. Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. 89-97, ISBN:  086491220X; note: Published in cooperation with the British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Commission; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

BALLANTINE, Mr. Serjeant, "Some Experiences of a Barrister's Life" in Henry Howard, 1815-1887, [ed.], A Rational, Materialistic Definition of Insanity and Imbecility, with the Medical Jurisprudence of Legal Criminality, Founded upon Physiological, Psychological and Clinical Observations, Montreal : Dawson Brothers, 1882, 145 p. at pp. 126-144; copy at the National Library;

BAMBONYÉ, Manassé, "Prévalence des troubles de santé mentale, motivation au traitement et pertinence des suivis thérapeutiques chez les délinquants sous surveillance dans le District Montréal métropolitain", (1996) 29 Criminologie 25-44;

BANKS, D.,  The Effects of Mental Impairment on Sentencing, B.A. (Honours) thesis, Queen's University, 1988; thesis not consulted; cited at (accessed on 6 September 2003);

BARBAREE, Dr. Howard, Professor and Clinical Director, Law and Mental Health Programs, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto; and Gail Czukar, General Counsel; , both from the Centre for addiction and Mental Health, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 23 April 2002 (E /F): From the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: Gail Czukar, General Counsel; Dr. Howard Barbaree, Professor and Clinical Director, Law and Mental Health Programs, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, English / Français

BARKER, E.T. and M.H. Mason, "Buber Behind Bars", (1968) 13 Canadian Psychiatry Association Journal 61-72;

__________"The Insane Criminal as Therapist", (1968) 10 The Canadian Journal of Corrections 553-561;

BARKER, Elliott, 1933-, Mad Killers, Toronto (Ontario): Doubleday, 1983, ISBN:  038517781X;

BAKHT, Natasha, "Problem Solving Courts as Agents of Change", (June 2005) 50(3) The Criminal Law Quarterly 224-254;

BARNES, Gordon E. and John Toews, "Deinstitutionalization of Chronic Mental Patients in the Canadian Context", (January 1983) 24(1) Canadian Psychology 22-36;

BARNHORST, Sherrie, 1948-,  and Richard Barnhorst, 1947-, Criminal Law and the Canadian Criminal Code, 3rd ed., Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1996, xxxii, 414 p., see "Mental Disorder"  at pp. 66-72,  ISBN: 007552757X;

BARREAU DU QUÉBEC,  Lettre au Sous-ministre de la Justice et sous-procureur général de la province de Québec au sujet du Tribunal en santé mentale, 23 mai 2008; disponible à (vérifié le 16 juin 2008);

BARREAU DU QUÉBEC, et Francis Gervais, bâtionnier du Québec, lettre au Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux, "Objet: Document de discussion -- Examen des dispositions du Code criminel concernant les troubles mentaux", 8 avril 2002, 4 p; also available in English/ aussi disponible en anglais: should be available from the House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code, 2002;

BARREAU DU QUÉBEC, from the, Me Giuseppe Battista, Lawyer and Me Julie Delaney, Lawyer, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 16 April 2002 (E/F): Panel I: From the "Barreau du Québec": Me Giuseppe Battista, Lawyer; Me Julie Delaney, Lawyer, English / Français

BARRETT, Joan, and Riun Shandler, Mental Disorder in Canadian Criminal Law, Toronto: Thomson -- Carswell, c2006, ISBN: 0459276050 , looseleaf supplemented book; (not consulted yet, 13 December 2006);

"Table of Contents
•  Introduction
•  Assessment Orders
•  Fitness to Stand Trial
•  The NCR Defence
•  Automatism
•  Mental Disorder in a Non-NCR Context
•  Review Boards
•  Disposition Hearings: venue, Procedure and Evidence
•  Sections 672.54: NCR and Fitness Dispositions
•  Review of Dispositions
•  Appeals
•  Travel, Interprovincial Transfers and Extraterritorial Matters" (publicity pamphlet received home on 13 December 2006)

BARRIÈRE, Jean, "Droit à la santé et politique psychiatrique", (1970) 30 Revue du Barreau 282-297;

BARRONS, E., Use of Seclusion : The Management Decision Exercise, Toronto : METFORS, 1984, 19 leaves (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry  81); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 B37 1984;

BARTHOLOMEW, Allen A., "Some Problems of the Psychiatrist in Relation to Sentencing", (1972-73) 15 The Criminal Law Quarterly 325-352;

BARTLETT, Peter,  Mental Health Law: The Advocates' Manual, 2nd ed., Toronto: Community Legal Education Ontario, 1988-, 1 volume loose-leaf, ISBN: 0889030707;

____________"Structures of Confinement in 19th Century Asylums: A Comparative Study Using England and Ontario", (2000) 23 (1) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 1-13;

BATTISTA, Me Giuseppe, Lawyer and Me Julie Delaney, Lawyer, from le Barreau du Québec, from testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 16 April 2002 (E/F): Panel I: From the "Barreau du Québec": Me Giuseppe Battista, Lawyer; Me Julie Delaney, Lawyer, English / Français

BAKHT, Natasha, "Problem Solving Courts as Agents of Change", (June 2005) 50(3) The Criminal Law Quarterly 224-254, and see "Mental Health Courts", at pp. 245-249;

BAY, Michael, Arthur Fish and Carla McKague, compiled by, Psychiatry, Mental Health and the Law, [Toronto] : Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [1994], [vi], 553 p.; copy at the National Library, Ottawa;

BAZELON, The Hon. David L., "Criminal Responsibility", (1960-61) 3 The Criminal Law Quarterly 359-361;

BAZINET, Gerald, "Mental Disease and Criminal Responsibility",  (1961) 11 Thémis Revue juridique 162-175; la revue a pour titre aujourd'hui La Revue juridique Thémis;

BEAUCHEMIN, Michel avec la collaboration de René Turcotte et Daniel Larochelle, "Les incidences procédurales découlant des troubles mentaux" dans Droit pénal (Procédure et preuve), Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2000, 270 p., chapitre 6 aux pp. 91-92 (Collection; Collection de droit 1999-2000, vol. 10), ISBN: 2894513321;

BEAL, Christopher A, The association between mental illness and violence among federally incarcerated adult males, Thesis (B.A.),  1997, vi, 64 p.; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 569.5.V55 B37 1997;

BEANLANDS, D. Bruce, 1963-, The Development of the Lieutenant's Governor Warrant in Canada, 1841-1988, A History and a Critique, 1989; M.A. Thesis, Department of Criminology, University of Ottawa, [v], vii, 211 leaves; director of thesis: Michael Petrunik;

BÉLANGER, Claire, Les asiles d'aliénés au Québec, 1887-1900, Québec, Université Laval, Institut supérieur des sciences humaines (ISSH), 1974, 11 p., texte non publié, texte cité dans Bouchard et Doucet, supra, bibliographie; texte non consulté;

___________Le gouvernement et les asiles et le processus administratif (1850-1888), Québec, Université Laval, Institut supérieur des sciences humaines (ISSH), 1974, 34 p., texte non publié, texte cité dans Bouchard et Doucet, supra, bibliographie; texte non consulté;

BEAUDET, Céline, 1953-, Évolution de la psychiatrie anglophone au Québec, 1880-1963, le cas de l'hôpital de Verdun, Québec: Institut supérieur des sciences humaines, Université Laval, 1976, iii, 126 p. (Collection; Cahiers de l'ISSH - Institut supérieur des sciences humaines; numéro 6);

BEAUDOIN, Marie Nathalie, Sheilagh Hodgins and François Lavoie, "Homicide, Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse or Dependency", (1993) 38 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 541-546;

BEAUDOIN, Mélanie, "Tribunal de la santé mentale -- projet-pilote à la Cour municipale de Montréal", (Février 2008) 40(2) Le Journal Barreau du Québec 5;

"La cour municipale de Montréal traite annuellement plus de 1 200 dossiers de personnes ayant des troubles de santé mentale, et la pente est croissante.  Afin de remédier à cette tendance, un projet-pilote devrait voir le jour en mars 2008." (p. 5)

BECK, Philip, "Editorial: Law and Ethics in Psychiatry", (2000) 45(10) The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 890-891;

BECK, S.M., "Voluntary Conduct: Automatism, Insanity and Drunkenness", (1966-67) 9 The Criminal Law Quarterly 315- 322;

BÉDARD, Julien, Valérie Cliff, Paul Golliez et Luc Thouin, "La psychologie: pratique et considérations légales", (Novembre1990) 7(6) Psychologie Québec 5;

BÉLIVEAU, Denise, Urgence psychiatrique et intervention policière communauté urbaine de Montréal: étude d'intérêt policier, médical, légal, Montréal: Institut Philippe Pinel, juin 1975, viii, 107 p.; copy at Carleton University;

BÉLIVEAU, Lionel et Suzanne Laflamme Cusson, "L'organisation, au Québec, des soins psychiatriques pour les détenus - Allocution présentée au 2e Congrès mondial des services médicaux pénitentiaires du 28 août au 31 août 1983, à Ottawa", (1984) 37 Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique 71-81;

BÉLIVEAU, Lionel, "Pinel: Dix ans après" dans L. Béliveau, G.C. Nivoli et J. Boulanger, sous la direction de, Cahiers internationaux de Pinel, 1980, pp. 9-19;

__________"La psychiatrie et le traitement des caractériels: possibilités et limites",  dans Lyse A. Chamberlan,  Samir Rizkalla et Cécile Toutant, (équipe de recherche et d'organisation), La place de Pinel dans le circuit pénal, Montréal : Société de criminologie du Québec, 1981, ix, 103 p. aux pp. 38-52; note: "Colloque organisé conjointement par la Société de criminologie du Québec et l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, à Montréal, le 20 mars 1981";

___________"Le rôle de l'Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal face aux cas d'ordonnances du Lieutenant-gouverneur (O.L.G.) dans Les Patients sous ordonnance du Lieutenant-gouverneur : aspects cliniques et légaux, Beauport [Québec] : Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, 1985, 38 p. aux pp. 14-15;

BEN-ARON, M. and R. Coulthard, "Forensic Psychiatric Examination and Court Reports" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 1-24; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

BEANLANDS, D. Bruce, 1963-, The development of the Lieutenant Governor's Warrant in Canada, 1841-1988 : a history and a critique,  Thesis (M.A.)--University of Ottawa, 1988, 234 leaves; thesis not consulted yet (20 July 2002);

BENTIVEGNA, Giuseppa, The Effects of Inadequate Mental Health Resources on the Operation of the Mental Disorder Provisions, LL.M. thesis, Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law (Nova Scotia), 1998, ix, 264 leaves; no copy at the National Library of Canada, Ottawa; thesis not consulted;

BERAN, N.J. and B.G. Toomey, Mentally Ill Offenders and the Criminal Justice System, Toronto: Praeger Publishers, 1979;

BERGER, Benjamin L., "A Due Measure of Fear in Criminal Judgment", forthcoming in (2008) Supreme Court Law Review, available at SSRN:; discusses Chaulk;

_________"Peine Forte et Dure: Compelled Jury Trials  and Legal Rights in Canada", (2003) 48(2) The Criminal Law Quarterly 205-248, and see the discussion of mental disorder at pp. 234-235;

BERGERON, V., "Coup d'oeil sur le traitement juridique des déficients et malades mentaux au Québec", (1981) 4 Canadian Legal Aid Bul 221-243;

BERTRAND, M.-A., "L'expertise devant les tribunaux de juridiction criminelle", 9 p. Appendice 6 dans L'Institut Philippe Pinel,  rédaction du mémoire par les docteurs Richard Michaud et Pierre Brien, Mémoire respectueusement présenté à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur l'Administration de la Justice en matière criminelle et pénale par l'Institut Philippe Pinel, infra;

___________"Réflexions critiques sur l'intervention et les limites du droit à intervenir", (1981) 6(2) Santé mentale au Québec 5-11;

BERTRAND-FERRETTI, Andrée, "Pratiques sociales et pratiques discursives: le discours sur la folie au Québec, sous l'Union" dans A. Paradis, en collaboration, sous la direction de, Essais pour une préhistoire de la psychiatrie au Canada (1800-1885), suivi d'une anthologie de textes / ont collaboré à cette recherche, Viateur Dubé, Andrée Bertrand-Ferreti, Alain Fugère, Jean Lafrance, André Paradis, Trois Rivières (Province de Québec): Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Département de philosophie, 1977, ix, 345 p. aux pp. 94-63 (Collection; Recherches et théories; numéro 15);

Bill C-17, circa 1997; Several amendments were included in Bill C-17, which was an omnibus bill two years ago. These amendments came into force a year ago to clarify thatthere is a right of appeal for both the Attorney General and for the person found not criminally responsible to provide immunity for review board members fordecisions made in good faith and to clarify that consensual or voluntary treatment can be a condition of a person's release. They also came into force to clarify the
responsibility for payment of counsel and for a variety of other technical changes, to make the right section references and so on.

BILLINGHURST, Janet and Jim Hackler, "The Mentally Retarded in Prison: Justice Denied?", (1982) 24(3) Canadian Journal of Criminology 341-343;

BILODEAU, Steven, "Hired Guns?", (October-November 2001) Law Now 9-10; on expert evidence in general and not focused on psychiatry or psychology;  recent case law discussed; informative;

BINCHY, Rose-Mary, "The Insanity Plea: A Socio-Historical Review of Its Early Origins and development", (1983) 5 Canadian Criminology Forum 86-104;

BLACK, Doug, Ralph Thompson and Gail Vickery, The law and the mentally retarded : a research project, [Halifax, N.S. : Dalhousie University Faculty of Law], 1973, 98, [4] leaves;

BLAIR, Annice, 1948-, Kathleen Ryan Elliott, Bonnie Manning and Marcus Mossuto, lead authors, Canadian and International Law, DonMills (Ontario): Oxford University Press, 2004, ix, 551 p., and see in Chapter 11, "Defences and Sentencing", the part "Mental Disorder", at pp. 334-336, ISBN: 0195420470; note: there is also a "Teacher's Resource", ISBN: 0195420489; copy at the Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Br. B KE444 B53;

BLAIS, François, Le réformisme pénal: ses conséquences pour une théorie de la responsabilité, thèse de maîtrise en philosophie, Université du Québec à Montréal, août 1987, vi, 139 f. (Collection: Mémoires et thèses (Université du Québec);  01742);

BLANCHETTE, Kelley, 1966-,  The Relationships Between Criminal History, Mental Disorder, and Recidivism among Federally Sentenced Female Offenders, Thesis (M.A.), Carleton University, 1996, viii, 197 p.;

BLAND, Roger C., Stephen C. Newman, Ronald J. Dyck, and Helene Orn, "Prevalence of Psychiatric Dsorders and Suicide Attempts in a Prison Population", (1990) 35 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 407-413;

BLOOM, Hy and Michael Bay, eds., A Practical Guide to Mental Health, Capacity, and Consent Law of Ontario, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1996, xxiv, 582 p., see Chapter 12, "Psychiatric Issues in the Criminal Process" at pp. 255-291, ISBN: 0459553968; excellent overview of all the topics;

BLOOM, Hy and Brian T. Butler, Defending Mentally Disordered Persons,  Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1995, xiii, 162 p. (series; Carswell Practice Guides - Criminal),  ISBN: 0459552961;

BLOOM, Hyman and Graham D. Glancy,  "The Various Psychiatric Evidence and Consultation in Criminal Proceedings; Part I: Pre-Trial Issues", (1991) 12(1) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 23-27;

BLOOM, Hyman, Graham D. Glancy and Mark H. Ben-Aron, "The New Board of Review and Criminal Code Amendments", (1992) 13(1) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 44-50;

___________"The Various Psychiatric Evidence and Consultation in Criminal Proceedings; Part II: Sentencing Issues", (March 1991) 12 (2) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 8-10;

__________"The Various Psychiatric Evidence and Consultation in Criminal Proceedings; Part III: The Young, The (Sexually) Restless, and Other Interesting Topics in Forensic Psychiatry" (March 1992) 13(1) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 5-12;

BLOOM, Hy, and Richard D. Schneider, Mental disorder and the law: a primer for legal and mental health professionals, Toronto: Irwin Law, 2006, xvi, 302 p., ISBN: 1552211215;

BLOOM, Hyman, Christopher Webster, Stephen Hucker and Karen De Freitas, In Review, "The Canadian Contribution to Violence Risk Assessment: History and Implications for Current Practice", (January 2005) 50(1)  The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 3-11; available at and (accessed on 11 May 2005);

BLOM, Joost, Case and Comments, "Regina v. Borg: Insanity, Irresistinle Impulse, and Knowing the Act was Wrong", (1969) 4 University of British Columbia Law Review 270-281;

BOER, Douglas P., Robin J. Wilson, Claudine M. Gauthier and Stephen D. Hart, "Assessing Risk of Sexual Violence"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 326-342, ISBN: 1572302259;

BOGOPOLSKY, Yann, "Le clinicien et la question de la 'dangerosité' à la croisée du social et de l'individuel", (1984) 17(2) Criminologie 93-101;

BOISCLAIR, Guy, 1947-, La perception de la folie au Québec au XVIIIe siècle, thèse de maîtrise en histoire, Département des sciences humaines, Université de  Sherbrooke, 1989, iii, 183 p.; thèse dirigée par André Lachance;

BOISVERT, Anne-Marie, "Psychanalyse d'une défense: réflexions sur l'aliénation mentale", (1990) 69 Revue du Barreau canadien 46-77;

BOLTON, A., "The Mentally Disabled Offender: An Overview", (1984) 4(2) Crown Counsel Review 7-10; text not consulted;

BOND, L., A report on the discrepancies about release between treatment team recommendations and review board outcomes, Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission of B.C., 1997; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet;

BOND, Sadie, "The Role of Crown Counsel in Post-Verdict Disposition Hearings for Accused Found 'Not Criminally Responsible On Account of Mental Disorder'", (1993) 2 Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies 292-309;

BONIN, Jean-Pierre, "La violence et les cours" dans, sous la direction de Paul Dumouchel, 1951-, Comprendre pour agir: Violences, victimes et vengeances, [Sainte-Foy]: Les Presses de l'Université Laval; et à Paris: L'Harmittan, 2000, 232 p., aux pp. 141-164, ISBN: 2763777716 (PUL) et 273849949X (L'Harmittan);

BONOKOSKI, Mark, "There's a killer on the road?  Mark Bonokoski examines the possible transfer of a sadistic killer to the ROH", The Ottawa Sun, Monday, 4 July 2005, p. 4;

BONTA, J., K. Hanson and M. Law, "The Prediction of Criminal and Violent Recidivism Among Mentally Disordered Offenders: A Meta-Analysis", (1998) 123(2) Psychological Bulletin 123-142; rest: summarized at Mentally Disordered Offenders, 1998,
( ); résumé à  Les délinquants atteints de troubles mentaux, 1998

BONTA, James, Andrew Harris, Ivan Zinger and Debbie Carriere, The Crown Files Research Project : A Study of Dangerous Offenders, [Ottawa, Ont.] : Solicitor General Canada, [1996], 58, (series; User report - Solicitor General Canada; no. 1996-01), ISBN:  0662622502,  available at as seen on 11 March 2001; also published in French / aussi publié en français:  Projet de recherche concernant les dossiers de la Couronne: Étude sur les délinquants dangereux, [Ottawa]: Solliciteur général Canada, 1996, 62 p., (Collection;  Rapport pour spécialistes -   Solliciteur général Canada; numéro 1996-01), ISBN:  0662622502, disponible à tel que constaté le 11 mars 2001;

BORITCH, H., "Crime and Punishment in Middlesex County, Ontario,1871-1920" in PHILIPS, Jim and Tina Loo and Susan Lewthwaite, eds.,  Essays in the History of Canadian law, Vol. 5, Crime and criminal justice, Toronto : The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History,  1994, 583 p., 24 cm., ISBN: 0-8020-7587-8, pp. 387- 438;

BORZECKI, M. and J.S. Wormith, "The Criminalization of Psychiatrically Ill People: A Review with a Canadian Perspective", (1985) 10(4) Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa 241-247; see  summary in Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al., Canada Mental Health and Violence: Proof or Stereotype?, supra, Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography, available on the internet at; le résumé est aussi disponible en français dans Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al., Maladie mentale et violence: un lien démontré ou un steréotype? , supra, Appendice A: bibliographie commentée, disponible sur l'internet à;

BOTTERELL, E.H., (Committee of One), Enquiry into the Health Care System in the Ministry of Correctional Services- Report to the Minister, Toronto: [Ministry of Correctional Services], 28 November 1972, xi, 435 p.; the then Minister of Correctional Services, was the Honouranle C.J.S. Apps;

BOUCHARD, Daniel et Simon Doucet, L'État et l'administration des institutions asiliaires au Québec: 1845-1895, Thèse de maîtrise en histoire, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1986, viii,216 p.;

BOUDREAU, François, Changes in the System for the Distribution of Psychiatric Care in Quebec, 1960-74, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, 1977; text not consulted;

__________De l'asile à la santé mentale.  Les soins psychiatriques: histoire et institutions, Montréal: Éditrions Saint-Martin, 1984, 274 p., bibliographie aux pp. 241-253, ISBN: 2890350789;

BOURGET, Dominique and John M.W. Bradford, "Affective Disorder and Homicide: A Case of Familial Filicide Theoretical and Clinical Considerations", (1987) 32(3) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 222-225;

BOURGET, Dominique, Pierre Gagné and Javad Moamai, "Spousal Homicide and Suicide in Québec", (2000) 28 The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 179-182;

BOURGET, Dominique, and Pierre Gagné, "Maternal Filicide in Québec", (2002) 30(3) The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 345-351; copy at Ottawa University, RA 1151 .A43  Location: FTX Periodicals;

BOURGET, Dominique, from the Canadian Psychiatric Association and President, Canadian Academy on Psychiatry and the Law; testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 10 April 2002 (E /F): Panel I: From the Canadian Psychiatric Association: Dr.Dominique Bourget, President, Canadian Academy on Psychiatry and the Law, English / Français;

___________"Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada -- Brief Presented to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights", brief prepared by Dominique Bourget, April 2002, 10 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000390-000399;

BOURQUE, Paul C., "Mental Disorders Amendments to the Criminal Code", (1994) 14 Health Law in Canada 108-114;

BOURQUE, Sophie, "Les moyens de défense" dans Droit pénal (Infractions, moyens de défense et sentence), Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2000, aux pp. 163-188, voir "Les troubles mentaux" aux pp. 176-178 (Collection; Collection de droit 1999-2000, vol. 11), ISBN: 289451333X;

___________"Les moyens de défense" dans Claude Leblond, responsable du secteur Droit pénal, École du Barreau du Québec, Droit pénal: infractions, moyens de défense et sentence, Cowansville (Québec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, 264 p., aux pp. 161-188, et plus particulièrement, "Les troubles mentaux" aux pp. 176-177 (Collection; Collection de droit 2000-2001; volume 11), ISBN: 2894513976; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF385 ZB5 C681 v. 11 2000-01 c. 01 (24 février 2003);

BOURRIE, Mark, "Changes to psychiatric reviews meet resistance", (13 December 2004) 15(38) Law Times 9; about Bill C-10 now before Parliament ( 30 December 2004);

___________"Finding forensic psychiatrists: Lack of legal aid funding narrows pool of available experts", (2 February 2004) 15(4) Law Times 10;

BOXMA, J.R., "The Administration of the Insanity Defence: Commitment and Release Procedures", (1968-70) 1(1) Intramural Law Journal Faculty of Law Queen's University 37-51;

BOW, Corey, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 9 April 2002 (E/F): From the Community Legal Assistance Society: Diane Nielsen, Lawyer; Corey Bow, Lawyer, Mental Health Law Program:  English/ Français

BOWMAN, Marilyn L., "Brain Impairment in Impulsive Violence"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p. at pp. 116-141,ISBN: 1572302259;

BOYD, B.A. (Barry A.), Crime and Insanity, [s.l. : s.n.], 1979, 13 p.; copy at the University of Alberta, Cameron Library; text not consulted;

__________"Our Jails and the Psychiatric Examination and Treatment of the Disturbed Offender", (1964) 6 Canadian Journal of Corrections 477-479;

__________"Psychiatry Notes - Section 16", (March 1973), Crown's Newsletter 11-12;

__________"The Psychopath: Mad or Bad?!", (1971) 16(1) Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 3-4 (Part of the "Symposium Forensic Psychiatry");

BOYD, Neil, 1951-, The Last Dance: Murder in Canada, Scarborough: Prentice-Hall Canada, 1988, x, 286 p., ISBN: 0135238870;

__________"Ontario's Treatment of the 'Criminally Insane' and the Potentially Dangerous: The Questionable Wisdom of Procedural Reform", (1980) 22 Canadian Journal of Criminology 151-167; also published in Wesley Cragg , ed., Contemporary Moral Issues, Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1983, x, 611, [2] p., at pp. 248-264, ISBN: 0075485826;

BOYER, J. Patrick, A passion for justice: the legacy of James Chalmers McRuer, Toronto : Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, c1994, xxxii, 436 p., see pp. 277-283, ISBN: 0802006566; Research Note:  The Honourable J.C. McRuer was Chairman of, infra, Canada, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, Report of the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity asa Defence in Criminal Cases;

BOYLE, Christine, 1949-, Confidentiality in medicine and corrections, thesis LL.M., Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.), Faculty of Law, 1972, vii, 390 leaves; thesis noted in my research but document not consulted yet (10 January 2003);

BRADFORD, J.M.W. and S.N. Atkar, "Treatment Issues in the Mentally Disordered Offender", (1980) 25(6) Canadian Psychiatry Bulletin 35-39; text noted in my research but not consulted;

BRADFORD, John M.W. and David M. Greenberg; "Forensic Psychiatry" in Joel Pink, Mr. Justice Kenneth Matthews, Alison Tupper and Alvin Wells, The Expert: A Practitioner's Guide, eds., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing,1995-,  2 vols., looseleaf supplemented books, at Title 6, ISBN: 0459553291;

BRADFORD, John M.W., "Assessing the Dangerous Psychiatric Patient", undated, 13 p. (25 frames, 2 per page); document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000090-000102; the request was for the briefs presented to the House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code, 2002;

___________"Editorial: Mentally Disordered Offenders and the Law", (1995) 40 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 223-224;

___________"Mental health legislation in Canada" in Robert Bluglass and Paul Bowden, eds., with an introduction by Nigel Walker, Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, Edinburgh and New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1990, xxi, 1405, 10, 84, 53 p., at pp. 1211-1216, ISBN:  0443035784; copy at CISTI, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Ottawa/ICIST, Institut canadien de l'information scientifique et technique, Ottawa, RA1151 P957;

___________testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français:  CANADA, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 12 March 2002 (E/F): Dr. John Bradford, Clinical Director, Forensic Program and Head of the Division of Forensic Psychiatry, Ottawa University:  English  / Français

__________"Treatment issues in the mentally disordered offender",  (December 1993) 25(6) Canadian Psychiatric Association Bulletin 35, 37 and 39;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Traitement du criminel souffrant d'un trouble mental", (décembre 1993) 25(6) Bulletin de l'Association des psychiatres du Canada 32 et 34;

BRAITHWAITE, W.J., "Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: The 1979-80 Term",  (1981) 2 Supreme Court Law Review 177-234, see "Insanity" at pp. 188-197;

BRANT, C.C., "Psychiatric Examination of the North American Indian" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 54-64; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

BRETON, Madeleine, Québec (Province). Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux. Direction générale de la planification et de l'évaluation, Orientations pour la transformation des services de santé mentale : document de consultation, [Québec] : Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux, Direction de la planification et de l'évaluation, 1997, 51 p., ISBN: 2550315367, notes: "Recherche et rédaction, Madeleine Breton, Anne Gauthier" (p. 51); pour le rapport sur les consultations, voir Lauzon, Normand, infra;

"Brian Smith's killer granted 3-day passes: Mentally ill man who shot sportscaster will be without official supervision", The Ottawa Citizen, June 7, 2001, p. B3;

BRILLINGER, Dr. H. Roy, "The Judge and the Psychiatrist - Toward Mutual Understanding", (1958-59) 1(2) The Canadian Journal of Corrections 1-9;

BRINK, Johann H., Diana Doherty and Alexandra Boer, "Mental Disorder in Federal Offenders: A Canadian Prevalence Study", (2001) 24 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 339-356;

BRITISH COLUMBIA, Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission, B.C. Policy Manual, 1978; text not consulted but noted in my research;

BRITISH COLUMBIA, Criminal Justice Branch, Ministry of the Attorney General, Crown Policy Manual, revised edition, Victoria: Criminal Justice Branch, 1999-, 1 v. (loose-leaf), see "Mental Disorders Protocols", policy code: MEN 1, effective date: October 1, 1999, ARCS/ORCS File Number: 58300-00, 5 pages; copy at the University of Ottawa, Law Library (Dickson Library);

BRITISH COLUMBIA, Ministry of Health, Discussion Paper on Mental Health Legislation, Victoria (British Columbia): BC Ministry Of Health, 1992; text noted in my research but not consulted;

BRITISH COLUMBIA, Ministry of Attorney General, Criminal Justice Branch, Mentally Disordered Accused and the Justice System in British Columbia, March 2003, 5 p.; note: AG03043-W; available at (accessed on 8 January 2004);

BRITISH COLUMBIA CIVIL LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION,  "Executive Summary of Recommendations of the BCCLA [to House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights; Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code], [2002], 3 p.;  document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000195-000197;

___________Lindsay Lyster, Policy Director, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 16 April 2002 (E/F): Panel I:  From the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association: Lindsay Lyster, Policy Director, English / Français

___________ "Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights Regarding the Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", February 26, 2002, available at accessed on 30 July 2002;


BRITISH COLUMBIA FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES COMMISSION, from the,  Barbara Fisher, Legal Counsel; Dr. Mark Riley, Psychiatrist, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 9 April 2002 (E/F): From the B.C. Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission: Barbara Fisher, Legal Counsel; Dr. Mark Riley, Psychiatrist.  English / Français

___________"FPSC Comments on the Submission of the Association of Canadian Review Board Chairs [to the House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", 2002; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000108;

___________"Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada -- Submission of the Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission of British Columbia to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights", 23 January 2002, 6 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000110-000116;  also available in French / aussi disponible en français;

___________web page, "Criminal Justice - Mentally Disordered Accused", available at (accessed on 3 January 2003);

BRITISH COLUMBIA REVIEW BOARD, web site, (accessed on 5 January 2003);

BRITISH COLUMBIA REVIEW BOARD, Bernd Walter, Chair B.C. Review Board, in from Association of Canadian Review Board Chairs: Bernd Walter, Chair, B.C. Review Board; Maureen Forestell, Counsel to Ontario Review Board and alternate chair of Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 17 April 2002 (E/F):  From the Association of Canadian Review Board Chairs: Bernd Walter, Chair, B.C. Review Board; Maureen Forestell, Counsel to Ontario Review Board and alternate chair of Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards;  Lucien Leblanc, Member and President, Quebec Review Board, English / Français

BRODSKY, G. Greg., The Accused, Psychiatry and the Criminal Law/ [paper] Delivered by G. Gred Broadsky, Moderator; panelists: A. Lamar et al., Quebec Hilton Hotel, August 27, 1975, [S.I:  s.n.], 1975, 181 p.; noted at the Toronto Public Library Catalogue;:

BROOKE, John W., "Insanity" in Special Lectures of the Law Society of Upper Canada 1959: Jury Trials, Toronto: Richard De Boo, 1959, [vii], 364 p.  at pp. 41-54;

BROOKS, Simon A., What Price Insanity?", (1988) 33 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 118-124;

BROUILLETTE, Marie-Josée and Joel Paris, "The Dangerousness Criterion for Civil Commitment: The Problem and a Possible Solution", (1991) 36 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 285-289;

BROWN, D., R.L. Whitmand and Bruce Donald (Panelists), "Arrest in Criminal Proceedings" in Carol Kerfoot , ed., Mental Disorder and the Law: A Report of an Advanced Seminar in Criminology, Held May 24 and 25, 1974 at the Instructional Resources Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver: Centre for Continuing Education, University of British Columbia, [1974?], vi, 131 p. at pp. 82-97, ISBN:  0888438796;

BROWN, Lisa K. (Lisa Karen), Assessing risk for elopement and breaches of conditional release in insanity acquittees,  Thesis (Ph.D.) - Simon Fraser University, Department of psychology, 2001, ix, 71 leaves;

"People who commit criminal offences but are found not culpable on account of mental disorder, sometimes referred to as insanity acquittees, are subject to special care and control in most Western nations. The present research used a prospective design to identify factors associated with risk for adjustment problems--specifically, elopement from the hospital and breach of conditional release--in a sample of insanity acquittees in British Columbia, Canada. The risk factors studied were those in the HCR-20 risk assessment guide (Webster, Douglas, Eaves, & Hart, 1997) and the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG; Quinsey, Harris, Rice, & Cormier, 1998). Risk for elopement was associated primarily with a history of failures on other forms of conditional release. The granting of conditional release was associated with the absence of risk factors related to a history of serious violence, active symptoms of major mental illness, and poor release plans. Among those who were released, rehospitalization due to recurrence of mental health problems was associated primarily with active symptoms of major mental illness. Rehospitalization due to serious antisocial behaviour was associated primarily with psychopathic personality traits, and to a lesser extent with various dynamic risk factors. The findings were consistent with expectations and highlight the importance of systematic risk assessments--including the use of standardized procedures such as the HCR-20--in making decisions about the institutional andcommunity supervision of insanity acquittees." (AMICUS catalogue, Library and Archives Canada) 


___________Mental Health Screening in Jail: The Predictive Validity of a Symptom Level Instrument, M.A. thesis, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, September 1996, viii, 60 leaves, Senior Supervisor: James R. Ogloff;

BROWN, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward), 1945-, "The origins of the asylum in Upper Canada, 1830-1839: Towards an interpretation", (1984) 1(1) Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 27-58;

___________"Foucault plus twenty: On writing the History of Canadian Psychiatry in the 1980's", (1985) 2(1) Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 23-50;

___________Living with God's Afflicted" A History of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum at Toronto, 1830-1911, Ph.D. thesis, Department of History, Queen's University, 1980, iv, 437 p.; thesis supervisor: Dr. G.A. Rawlyk;

BROWNING, Andrew, 1961-, Profiles of sane and insane offenders: a study of the determinants of not-guilty-by-reason-of-insanity findings, Thesis (M.A.), Graduate Programme in Psychology, York University, Toronto, 1986, v, 85 p.; thesis supervisor: Dr. W. Coons;

BROWNSTONE, D.Y., and R.S. Swaminath, "Violent Behaviour and Psychiatric Diagnosis in Female Offenders", (1989) 34(3) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 190-194;  short summary at "Annotated Bibliography",  (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research at p. 29; Forum on Corrections Research is also published in French / aussi publié en français sous le titre Forum, recherche sur  l'actualité correctionnelle;

BRULE, Carole, Improving the Health of Canadians: Mental Health, Delinquency and Criminal Activity, Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information, viii, 69 p., ISBN: 978-1-55465-219-8; available at and (accessed on 1 May 2008); also published in French / aussi publié en français: BRULE, Carole,  Améliorer la santé des Canadiens: Santé mentale, délinquance et activité criminelle, Ottawa: Institut canadien  sur la santé, disponible à et (vérifiés le 1er mai 2008);

BRUNET, Louis, sous la direction de, L'expertise psycholégale. Balises méthodologiques et déontologiques, Montréal: Les Pesses de l'Université du Québec (Louis Brunet, éditeur), 1999, 347 p.,  ISBN: 2760510166;

BRYANT, M. and C.D. Evans, "'Fitness to Stand Trial' or 'The Politically Correct Criminal Code'", in Federation of Law Societies,  National Criminal Law Program, Criminal Procedure and Charter Issues, Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1992;

BUBBER, Dr. Cinny and Dr. Jordan Hanley, from The Canadian Psychologogical Association, "The Expanded Role of Psychologists in the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada: An Applied Perspective -- Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights [Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", April 2002, 12, 26 p.; note the brief includes as Appendix A, an unpublished manuscript by Jodi L.Viljoen, Ronald Roesch, James R.P. Ogloff, and Patricia A. Zapf, "The Role of Canadian Psychologists in Conducting Fitness and Criminal Responsibility Evaluations", 2002, 26 p., Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada;  note the paper: Dr. James R.P. Ogloff, "The Expanded Role of Psychologists in the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", Position paper, Committee on Legal Affairs, Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Canada, 2002 has been sent as a separate submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code;

___________testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 10 April 2002 (E /F): Panel I: From the Canadian Psychological Association: Dr. Jordan Hanley; Dr. Cinny Bubber, English / Français;

BULL, H.H., "Criminal Responsibility.  Discussion.  3. Commentary by H.H. Bull, Q.C.", (1960-61) 3 The Criminal Law Quarterly 364-370;

__________"Fitness to Stand Trial", (1965-66) 8 The Criminal Law Quarterly 290-299;

BURGESS, T.J.W. (Thomas Joseph Workman), 1849-1926, "A Historical Sketch of Our Canadian Institutions for the Insane", in Royal Society of Canada, Proceedings and Transactions, 1898, section 4, at pp. 3-122; reproduced in C.I.H.M./I.C.M.H. microfiche series. N.16949; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa;

____________"Presidential Address: The Insane in Canada", (1905) 57(1) American Journal of Insanity 1-36;

BURKE, Heather C. (Heather Christine), 1965-, Psychopathy and treatment outcome in incarcerated violent offender program participants, Thesis (Ph.D.)--Simon Fraser University, 2003; title noted in my research; thesis not consulted;

BURNS, Thomas E., "Mentals Procedure, Vancouver Crown Counsel Office", 57 p. in Conducting a Criminal Case, Materials Prepared for a Continuing Legal Seminar Held in Vancouver, B.C., on December 10, 1983, course Co-Ordinators: Leonard T. Doust and William B. Smart, Instructors: S. David Frankel, John E. Hall et al., Vancouver: The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1983, ISBN: 0865041369; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library;

BURT, Laura, "The Mental Disorder Disposition Provisions:/Community Residence and Dispositions Under s. 672.54(c)", (1994) 36 Criminal Law Quarterly 40-48; also with the same title in (1993) 14 (4) Criminal Lawyers' Association 9-13;  with a different title, "The Mental Disorder Disposition Provisions of theCriminal Code", (1993) 14(1) Health Law in Canada 9-13; I have not compared the three articles to see if they are exactly the same; however, I have noted that in one article, the number of footnotes was greater;

BURTCH, B.E. (Brian E.), 1949-, Psychologists as Expert Opinion Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings, Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre of Criminology, February 1977, unpublished manuscript, cited in, Jackson, M.A., infra, Psychiatric Decision-Making for the Courts: Determining the Nature of Mental Health Expertise, bibliography; text not consulted;

BURTCH, Brian E. and Richard V. Erickson, "The Control of Treatment: Issues in the Use of Prison Clinical Services", (1979) 29 University of Toronto Law Journal  51-73;

BUSH, Alice-Jeanne, The Mentally Ill in the Federal Prison System in British Columbia, Who Are They and How Do They Fare? : An Exploration, M.A. thesis, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, 1992, vi, 86 leaves; senior supervisor: Dr. Richard Freeman; Abstract (p. iii): "As a result of the deinstitutionalization movement, increasing numbers of mentally ill offenders are found in the community where they interact with the criminal justice system.  The present study examined the fate of the mentally ill offenders in the federal correctional system.  The analysis focused on the type of offence for which they were incarcerated, their sentence length, the proportion of sentence they served prior to their initial release, and the total proportion of the sentence served.  In comparison to non mentally ill offenders, it was found that although the mentally ill were incarcerated for more serious crimes, they did not receive longer sentences.  However, the mentally ill Offenders were found to serve a greater proportion of their sentences.  Results are discussed on the context of deinstitutionalization";

BUTLER, B.T. and R.E. Turner, "The Ethics of Pre-Arraignment Psychiatric Examination: One Canadian Viewpoint", (1980) 12 Criminal Reports (3d) 84-92; also published in  (1975) 6 Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 368-404;

CAHN, C.H., Hospital Douglas, 100 ans d'histoire et de progrès, Montréal: Hôpital Douglas, 1981, 235 p.;

CAIRNS-WAY, Rosemary, 1956-, and Renate Mohr, Toni Pickard and Phil Goldman: Dimensions of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1996, xxvi, 999 p., see "Mental Disorder" at pp. 487-517, ISBN: 0920722822;

CAIRNS-WAY, Rosemary, 1956-, Dimensions of Criminal Law -- Toni Pickard, Phil Goldman, Renate M. Mohr, 3rd ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2002, xxvi, 1004 p., on mental disorder, see pp. 585-623, ISBN: 155239050; copy at Ottawa University, location: FTX general, KE 8808.5 .P528 2002;

CALDMAN, T.S., "The Regional Psychiatric Hospital in the care of patients under Lieutenant Governor's Warrants" dans Les Patients sous ordonnance du Lieutenant-gouverneur : aspects cliniques et légaux, Beauport [Québec] : Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, 1985, 38 p. aux pp. 16-18;

CALGARY John Howard Society, Mental retardation and criminal justice: a guide to understanding,  Calgary: John Howard Society, 1983, 60 p.; information from the University of Windsor catalogue;

CAMPBELL, Colin, "Address: Issues Relating to Fitness to Stand Trial" in Western Canada Workshop, ed., The Mentally Disordered and the Law: Proceedings, Western Canada Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 23-24-25,1975, [Saskatoon : Saskatchewan Association for the Mentally Retarded], 1975,  ii, 67 p. at pp. 1-25; not at the National Library;

CAMPBELL, Don, "Board frees man who gunned down Brian Smith  -- Discharge a major step toward total freedom", The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, 13 May 2005, pp. A1 and A6; note: decision of the Ontario Review Board; Arenburg found not criminally responsible in the 1995 Ottawa murder trial of Brian Smith; written reasons to follow within a month;

___________"Hospital wants Brian Smith's killer set free -- Board to decide in 2 weeks if Jeffrey Arenburg to get discharge 9 years after sportscaster's death", The Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, 4 May 2005, pp. B1 and B2; note: case before the Ontario Review Board; Arenburg found not criminally responsible in the 1995 Ottawa murder trial; deals also with the victim;

CAMPBELL,  Mary-Ann, 1972-,  Influence of Mental Health Input and Legal Factors in the Disposition of Young Offenders, Thesis (M.A.), Lakehead University, 1998, viii, 86 p.; from the abstract: "The current study examined the influence of mental health and criminal/legal factors on Judges' court dispositions of young offenders";

CANADA, Advisory Committee to the Solicitor General of Canada on the management of Correctional Institutions,  Report of the Advisory Committee to the Solicitor General of Canada on the Management of Correctional Institutions, Ministry of the Solicitor General, 1984 (Carson Committee Report);  also published in French / aussi publié en français: Comité consultatif chargé par le Solliciteur général du Canada d'étudier la gestion des établissements correctionnels, Rapport du Comité consultatif chargé par le Solliciteur général du Canada d'étudier la gestion des établissements correctionnels, Ministère du Solliciteur général, 1984 (Rapport du Comité Carson);

CANADA, Committee Appointed to Inquire into the Principles and  Procedures Followed in the Remission Service of the Department of Justice of Canada, Report of a Committee Appointed to Inquire into the Principles and Procedures Followed in the Remission Service of the Department of Justice of Canada, Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1956, iii, 162 p. (Chairman: The Hon. Gérald Fauteux);  also published in French / aussi publié en français: Comité institué pour faire enquête sur les principes et les méthodes suivis au service des pardons du Ministère de la   justice du Canada, Rapport d'un Comité institué pour faire enquête sur les principes et les méthodes suivis au service des pardons du ministère de la justice du Canada, Ottawa : Imprimerie de la Reine, 1956,  iii, 170 p. (Président: L'honorable Gérald Fateux);

CANADA, Correctional Service of Canada, "Management Focus [on the Regional Psychiatric Centres] Dorechester Pentitentiary - Regional Treatment Centre (Ontario) - Regional Psychiatric Centre (Prairies) - Regional Psychiatric Centre (Pacific)", (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research 7-8; Dorchester iscovered at pp. 18; Ontario at pp. 18-19; Prairies at pp. 19-20; and Pacific at pp. 20-21; also published in French / aussi publié en français Service correctionnel du Canada, "L'état de santé mentale des détenus fédéraux", (1990) 2(3) Forum recherche sur l'actualité correctionnelle;

__________"A Mental Health Profile of Federally Sentenced Offenders", (1990) 2(1) Forum on Corrections Research 7-8;  also published in French / aussi publié en français Service correctionnel du Canada, "L'état de santé mentale des détenus fédéraux", (1990) 2(1) Forum recherche sur l'actualité correctionnelle 7-8;

__________"Recidivism Is Predictable and Can Be Influenced: Using Risk Assessments to Reduce Recidivism",  (1989) 1(2) Forum on Corrections Research 11-18;  also published in French / aussi publié en français (1989) 1(2) Forum recherche sur l'actualité correctionnelle;

__________"Review of Treatment Research within the Regional Psychiatric Centres and Pinel Institute", (1989) 1(2) Forum on Corrections Research 20-22;  also published in French / aussi publié en français (1989) 1(2) Forum recherche sur l'actualité correctionnelle;

CANADA, Correctional Service Canada, Joint Action Committee on Corrections and Criminal Justice (also referred to as the Joint Action Committee on Corections and Mental Health), Framework for Criminal Justice and Mental Health, [Ottawa]: January 1994, 50, [5], [2]; this paper is mentioned in Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders, infra at p. 25;

CANADA, Correctional Service Canada/Service correctionnel du Canada, The Prison Careers of Offenders with Mental Disorders/ L'incarcération des délinquants ayant des problèmes de santé mentale, 35 p., (series; Research Report; -  No R-33 , 1992) at; also published in French / aussi publié en français;

CANADA, Correctional Service of Canada, Study of Regional Psychiatric Centres, [Ottawa]: Correctional Service of Canada, 1994, 53 leaves;  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 451.4 .P68 C645 1994;

CANADA, Correctional Service Canada, EXCOM (Executive Committee), Treatment Centre Review, "Treatment Centre Review Committee: EXCOM Decision Points", [Ottawa?], 2004, 38 p.;  copy obtained by François Lareau, 1 April 2004, further to his demand pursuant to the Access to Information Act request file A-2004-00543;

CANADA, Correctional Service Canada Task Force on Mental Health, Report of the Task Force on Mental Health, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada (Correctional Service of Canada), September 1991, vi, 88, ISBN:  0662581539; this is a report by the Task Force on Mental Health Care to offenders; the preface indicates that there is another volume which gives more information on the discussion papers; the list of sub-task discussion papers and a short summary of these papers can be found in the report;   the list of sub-task discussion papers follows; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Service Correctionnel du Canada, Groupe de travail sur la santé mentale, Rapport du Groupe de travail sur la santé mentale, [Ottawa] : Ministre des Approvisionnements, publié par le Service Correctionnel du Canada, 1991, 96 p., ISBN:  0662581539;
Sub-Task Discussion Papers:
- Sub-Task # 1, Larry Motiuk, The development of a strategy to implement a broad range of programs to target offender groups, based on the prevalence of mental disorders among the offender population (discussed at pp. 41-44 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 2, Bram Deurloo and Caroline Cyr Haythornthwaite, The development of a standardized programming process to ensure a uniform approach to program planning, design, resource allocation, follow-up and evaluation, in order to provide a basis for comparative evaluation of program outcome and effectiveness (discussed at pp. 45-47 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 3, Bram Deurloo and Caroline Cyr Haythornthwaite, The development of a uniform process for the delivery of mental health programs and services, including: assessment, diagnosis, program planning, targeting, treatment, pre/post assessment, maintenance, risk assessment, release planning, post-release follow-up, evaluation; and consistent and integrated with the case management and pre-release decision making process  (discussed at pp. 47-48 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 4, Robert Gilles, The development of a service delivery system including the clarification of the roles of RPC/RTCs, institutional and community based mental health staff, and contracted resources  (discussed at pp. 48-50 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 5, Bram Deurloo and Caroline Cyr Haythornthwaite, The development of a strategy to implement programs for psychiatric/psychological disorders: acute, chronic and marginal offenders (discussed at pp. 50-53 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 6, Robert Gilles, The development of a strategy to implement specialized programs and services to meet the needs of aboriginal people (discussed at pp. 53-55 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 7, Odette Pellerin, Development of a strategy to implement and evaluate programs and services aimed at suicide prevention (discussed at pp. 55-56 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 8, Dr. Lorcan Scanlon, Anger, violence and psychopathy: offender categories and their implications for intervention (discussed at pp. 56-59 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 9, Dr. Serge Brochu, Review of the literature on dual diagnosis of drug addiction and mental disorder (discussed at pp. 59-61 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 10, Lynne Bernier, Developing a model of crisis management for employees and offenders (discussed at pp. 62-63 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 11, Dr. V. Quinsey, Development of a strategy to implement programs for sex offenders (discussed at pp. 63-65 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 12, Odette Pellerin, The development, implementation and evaluation of programs and services aimed at reducing the incidence of self-injrious behaviour among male and female offenders (discussed at pp. 66-67 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 13, Laurie Fraser, The development of a strategy to deal with the anticipated mental health needs of offenders in the testing, diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection (discussed at pp. 67-68 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 14, Bram Deurloo and Caroline Cyr Haythornthwaite, The development of a strategy to implement specialized programs and services to meet the needs of women (discussed at pp. 68-71 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 15, Dr. Carson Smiley, The development of standards for the delivery of psychological/sychiatric services and programs based on a hierarchy of needs and priorities, to provide a basis on which to set corporate objectives, plan programs and allocate resources (discussed at pp. 72-74 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 16, Jean-Guy Léger,  The development of professional standards, staff selection criteria, recruitement strategies and professioinal development programs to recruit, motivate and dedvelop a calibre of mental health professionals consistent withand professional standards (discussed at pp. 74-76 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 17, Lynne Bernier, Outlining the roles of professionals and other participants involved with mental health care for offenders(discussed at pp. 76-77 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 18, Bram Deurloo and Caroline Cyr Haythornthwaite, The development of a strategy to ensure the collation and dissemination of information (discussed at pp. 77-79 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 19, Bram Deurloo and Caroline Cyr Haythornthwaite, The development of a communication network with universities, provincial ministries and professional associations to develop an expertise in forensic issues, initiate joint research programs and services, and maintain standards of excellence in keeping with those prevailing in the community and professions; and the negotiation and implementation of agreements with provincial governments and academic facilities for the provision and/or exchange of mental health services including assessment, treatment, research and staff training (discussed at pp. 79-81 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 20,  Bram Deurloo and Caroline Cyr Haythornthwaite, The development of a strategy to deal with ethico-legal issues of mental health care within the Correctional Service of Canada (discussed at pp. 81-82 of the report);
- Sub-Task # 21, Larry Motiuk, The development of a research component aimed at meeting corporate and ministerial priorities in mental health (discussed at pp. 82-83 of the report);

CANADA, Department of National Health and Welfare, Mental Health Division, Mental Health Services for Courts, Penal and Reform Institutions, Ottawa: Department of National Health and Welfare, Mental Health Division, [1954], 31 p.; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 447 A352;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Equality Issues in Federal Law: A Discussion Paper, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada (prepared by the Department of Justice Canada), 1985, [vi], 65 p., see in Part IV, "Disability", "Criminal Code" at p. 39, ISBN: 0662534956; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Les droits à l'égalité et la législation fédérale: un document de travail, Ottawa: Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada (préparé par le Ministère de la Justice Canada), 1985, [vi], 79 p., voir dans la partie IV, "Déficiences", le "Code criminel" à la p. 49, ISBN: 0662534956;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Report of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on the Implications of the Proposed Criminal Code Amendments on Mental Disorder, May 1987 (quoted at p. 7 of  Tollefson and Starkman's book); research note: in 2000 or 1999, I tried to get that document from the Department of Justice Canada but it could not be located;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Priorities and Planning Division, Current Policy Activity, [Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada], January 2000, see "Mentally Disordered Offenders", available on the Justice web site at Disordered Offenders as seen on 13 October 2000;  also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Division des priorités et la planification, Groupe de l'intégration et de la coordination des politiques, Principaux dossiers à l'étude en matière de politiques publiques, [Ottawa: Ministère de la justice Canada], janvier 2000, voir "Contrevenants atteints de troubles mengtaux", tel que vu sur le site web du ministère à atteints de troubles mentaux;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Criminal Law Review,  Mental Disorder Project: Discussion Paper, [Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada], September 1983, xii, 421 p., available at my Digital Library; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Révision du droit p/nal, Projet sur le désordre mental - Document de Travail, {Ottawa: Ministère de la Justice Canada], Septembre 1983, xiii, 456 p.; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale, voir,;

CANADA, Department of Justice (Criminal Law Review), Gilbert Sharpe and Judi Richter, Mental Disorder Project, Criminal Law Draft Report, [Ottawa: Department of Justice], May 1984, iv, 95 p.; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Gilbert Sharpe et Judi Richter, Projet sur le désordre mental, Revision du droit pénal - Projet de Rapport, [Ottawa: Ministère de la Justice Canada], mai 1984, iii, 110 p.;

CANADA, Department of Justice (Criminal Law Review) and Gilbert Sharpe, Mental Disorder Project, Criminal Law Review, Final Report, [Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada], September 1985, iv, 106 p.; available at my Digital Library; note that the "Summary of Recommendations", pp. 71-80 are reproduced in Gilbert Sharpe, The Law & Medicine in Canada, 2nd ed., Toronto and Vancouver: Butterworths, 1987, xxxiii, 642 p. at Appendix K, pp. 617-622, ISBN: 0409865907; also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Ministère de la Justice Canada (Revision du droit pénal) et Gilbert Sharpe, Le désordre mental - Rapport final, [Ottawa: Ministère de Justice Canada], Septembre 1985, iv, 117 p.; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale, voir,;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada and James W. O'Reilly, Toward a New General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada - Details on Reform Options-, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [December 1994], ii, 50 p.,  while the paper does not deal directly with mental disorder is does discuss automatism at pp. 34-37; also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Ministère de la Justice Canada et James W. O'Reilly, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada - Options de réforme-, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [décembre 1994], ii, 51 p., bien que le document ne traite pas directement le désordre mental, on y traite l'automatisme aux pp. 34-37;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Crown Policy Manual, [Ottawa]: Department of Justice Canada, January 1993, see "Part II: Proceedings at Trial and on Appeal: 1. The Decision to Prosecute" at pp. II-1-1 to II-1-6, at p. II-1-4 where one of the factor mentioned is "(c) the age, intelligence, physical or mental health or infirmity of the accused";

CANADA, Department of Justice, Directory of Research 2000, Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, Research and Statistics Division, 2000?, vi, 68 p., see "Mental Disorder" at pp. 35-36; also published in French (Text in English and French on inverted pages)/aussi publié en français: Répertoire des travaux de recherche 2000, Ottawa: Ministère de la Justice Canada, 2000?, vi, 70 p., voir "Troubles mentaux" aux pp. 35-36;

CANADA, Department of Justice, Directory of Research 2001, Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, Research and Statistics Division, 2001, ii, 51 p., see "Mentally Disordered Offenders" at p. 38 (series; Research and Statistics Division methodological series), available at (accessed on 4 January 2003); also published in French (Text in English and French on inverted pages)/aussi publié en français: Répertoire des travaux de recherche 2001, Ottawa: Ministère de la Justice Canada, 2001, iii, 61 p. (Collection; Division de la recherche et de la statistique, Série sur  les méthodologies); disponible à (visionné le 4 janvier 2003);

"Current Research
In preparation for the belated Review of the Mentally Disordered Offenders provisions, the Research and Statistics Division is looking into the possibility of undertaking a study to collect data from all jurisdictions regarding the number of accused found unfit to stand trial and the number found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder.  This study will provide an update to Richard Schneider study completed in 2000.

Dan Antonowicz
Research Analyst
Tel.(613) 952-6380
E-mail:" (p. 38)

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, "News Release/Communiqué: Justice Minister Introduces Mental Disorder Amendments", Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, 25 June 1986, 2 p., document prepared by Edwin Tollefson; also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Ministère de la Justice Canada, "News Release/Communiqué: Le Ministre de la justice présente des mesures concernant le désordre mental", Ottawa: Ministère de la Justice Canada, 25 juin 1986, 3 p., document prdocument rédigé par Edwin Tollefson;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, The Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code: Capping of Persons Found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder, Ottawa: Department of Justice, Criminal Law Policy Section, Criminal and Social Policy Sector, June 1995 (updated October, 1996), 13 p.; copy obtained by Fraçois Lareau under Access to Information Act Request number A-2000-0160/ts, pp. 000332 to 000345 of the documents received;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, various Briefing Notes/Information Notes/Advice for the Minister:

"Briefing Note: Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", prepared by Catherine Kane, Counsel, Criminal Law Review, 17 June 1998, 9 p.;   document obtained by François Lareau as a result of his Access to Information Act request to the Department of Justice Canada, number A-2000-0125/ts, pages 000350-000358 (received); some parts exempted;

"Briefing Note: Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", prepared by Catherine Kane, Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section, 24 November 1998, 8 p.; document obtained by François Lareau as a result of his Access to Information Act request to the Department of Justice Canada, number A-2000-0125/ts, pages 000359-000366 (received); some parts exempted;

"Information Note: Mentally Disordered Offenders", 1 February 1999, 9 p.;  document obtained by François Lareau as a result of his Access to Information Act request to the Department of Justice Canada, number A-2000-0125/ts, pages 000370-000378 (received); some parts exempted;

"Briefing Note: Mentally Disordered Offenders", prepared by Catherine Kane, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section, 17 February 1999, 6 p.;   document obtained by François Lareau as a result of his Access to Information Act request to the Department of Justice Canada, number A-2000-0125/ts, pages 000379-000384 (received); some parts exempted;

"Briefing Note: Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", 6 April 1999, 7, 3,  p.; prepared by Catherine Kane, Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section, document obtained by François Lareau as a result of his Access to Information Act request to the Department of Justice Canada, number A-2000-0125/ts, pages 000385-000394 (received); some parts exempted;

"Advice for the Minister: Mental Disorder - Constitutionality of Part XX.1 Criminal Code", prepared by Catherine Kane, 17 June 1999, 3 p.;
document obtained by François Lareau as a result of his Access to Information Act request to the Department of Justice Canada, number A-2000-0065/ts, pages 000083-000000085 (received); some parts exempted;

"Briefing Note: Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", prepared by Catherine Kane, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section, 9 September 1999, 6 p.; document obtained by François Lareau as a result of his Access to Information Act request to the Department of Justice Canada, number A-2000-0125/ts, pages 000402-000407 (received); some parts exempted;

"Briefing Note: Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", prepared by Catherine Kane, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section, 18 January 2000,  8 p.;  document obtained by François Lareau as a result of his Access to Information Act request to the Department of Justice Canada, number A-2000-0125/ts, pages 000408-000415 (received); some parts exempted;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Proposals to amend the Criminal Law concerning mental disorder, [Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada], July 1991, iv, 54 p.,  also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Propositions de modification du droit p/nal en matièere de troubles mentaiux,[Ottawa: Ministère de la Justice Canada], juillet 1991, iv, 52 p.;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: A Consultation Paper, [Ottawa]; [Department of Justice Canada], [November 1994], v, 35 p., while the paper does not deal directly with mental disorder it does discuss automatism at pp. 15-16; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Projet de réforme de la Partie générale du Code criminel : Document de consultation, [Ottawa], [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [Novembre 1994], v, 39 p., bien que le document ne traite pas directement le désordre mental, on y traite l'automatisme aux pp. 18-19;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Three summaries of the views presented to the Department of Justice consultation team,  [Ottawa? : Dept. of Justice, 1979?], 18, 11 and 12p.; document not consulted; information from the University of British Columbia catalogue; the catalogue entry indicates three subjects: "Mentally handicapped and crime; Criminal justice, Administration of --Canada; and Insanity -- Law and legislation";

CANADA, Department of National Defence, The Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces (1994 Revision), 4 vol., [Ottawa], see vol. 2,   Disciplinary  ( and more particularly Chapter 119 on Mental Disorder;  also published in French/aussi publié en français : Ordonnances et règlements royaux applicables aux forces canadiennes (Révision de 1994), 4 vol., voir le vol. 2:  Discipline  ( et plus particulièrement  le  Chapitre 119 sur le Désordre mental;

CANADA, Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High Risk Violent Offenders, Strategies for Managing High-risk Offenders: Report of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders Presented to FPT Ministers Responsible for Justice, Ottawa: Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders, January 1995, 52 p.; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Groupe de travail fédéral/provincial/territorial sur les délinquants violents à risque élevé, Stratégies pour la gestion des délinquants à risque élevé, Rapport du Groupe de travail fédéral/provincial/territorial sur les délinquants violents à risque élevé présenté aux ministres F/P/T responsables de la Justice, Ottawa: Groupe de travail fédéral/provincial/territorial sur les délinquants violents à risque élevé, janvier 1995, 56 p.;

CANADA, Government of Canada, The Criminal Law in Canadian Society, Ottawa:  [Department of Justice], August 1982, [6], 123 p., ISBN: 0662120833; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Gouvernement du Canada,  Le droit pénal dans la société canadienne, Ottawa: [Ministère de la Justice], 1982, [6], 136 p., ISBN: 0662916719;

CANADA, Government of Canada, The Human face of Mental Health  and Mental Illness 2006, [Ottawa], 2006,  xi, 188 p., ISBN: 0662438876; available at (accessed on 24 November 2006); also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Gouvernment du Canada, Aspect humain de la santé mentale  au Canada 2006, [Ottawa], 2006, xi, 188 p.; disponible à  (page visité le 24 novembre 2006)

CANADA, Government of Canada, Response to the 14th Report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights : Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], November 2002, 36 p. available at (accessed on 8 November 2002); see also the Department of Justice Canada backgrounder, "Minister of Justice announces measures to modernize mental disorder provisions", Ottawa, 7 November 2002, available at (accessed on 4 December 2002); also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Gouvernment du Canada, Réponse au 14e rapport du Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne: Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada], Novembre 2002, 41 p., disponible à (visionné le 8 novembre 2002); voir aussi à ce sujet, le document d'information du ministère de la Justice Canada, "Le ministre de la justice annonce des mesures pour la modernisation des dispositions sur les troubles mentaux", Ottawa, le 7 novembre 2002, disponible à (visionné le 4 décembre 2002);

CANADA, Government of Canada, Toward Equality: The Response to the Report of the Parliamentary Committee on Equality Rights, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada (prepared by the Department of Justice Canada), 1986, 65 p., see "Mental Disability" at pp. 43-44, in particular recommendation 53, ISBN:0662543181; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Gouvernement du Canada, Cap sur l'égalité: Réponse au Rapport du Comité parlementaire sur les droits à l'égalité, Ottawa: Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada (préparé par le Ministère de la Justice Canada), 69 p., voir "La déficience mentale" aux pp. 47-48, et plus particulièrement la recommandation 53 à la p. 48;  ISBN: :0662543181;

CANADA, Government of Canada, [Department of Justice], News Release, "Government Announces High-Risk Offenders Initiative", Ottawa, 17 September 1996, 2 p.; two other documents were issued: the "News Release: High-Risk Offenders Backgrounder", 3 p. and "Low-Risk Offenders Backgrounder", 3 p.; also published in French  / aussi publié en français: Communiqué, "Le gouvernement annonce son programme concernant les délinquants à risque élevé", 3 p.; deux autres documents sont aussi rendus publics le même jour: "Fiche documentaire: délinquants à risque élevé", 4 p. et "Document d'information: délinquants à risque faible", 3 p.;

CANADA, Health and Welfare Canada, "Mental Health Policy in Canada" , (March 1992) 40(1) Canada's Mental Health;  also published in French/aussi publié en français: "Les politiques de santé mentale au Canada", (Mars 1992) 40(1) Santé mentale au Canada;

CANADA, Health Canada,  Mental Health web site as of 3 July 2000; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Santé Canada,  Santé mentale site web, site web , vu le 3 juillet 2000,;

CANADA, Health Canada, prepared by Carol Milstone, 1959-, for the Mental Health Division, Health Services Directorate, Health Programs and Services Branch, Health Canada, The Mentally Ill and the Criminal Justice System: Innovative Community-Based Programs 1995,  Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1995, [ii], 40 p., ISBN: 0662217152; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Santé Canada, préparé par Carol Milstone, 1959-,  pour la Division de la santé mentale, Direction des services de santé, Direction générale des programmes et des services de santé, Santé Canada, Les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales et le système de justice pénale, Programmes communautaires innovateurs 1995, Ottawa:

CANADA, Health Canada, prepared by Maureen Anne Gaudet for the Mental Health Division, Health Services Directorate, Health Programs and Services Branch, Health Canada, Overview of Mental Health Legislation in Canada 1994, Ottawa: Minsiter of Supply and Services Canada, 1994, vii, 36 p., ISBN: 0662215729; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Santé Canada, préparé par Maureen Anne Gaudet pour la Division de la santé mentale, Direction des services de santé, Direction générale des programmes et des services de santé, Santé Canada, Vue d'ensemble de la Législation sur la santé mentale au Canada 1994, Ottawa: Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1994, v, 39 p., ISBN: 0662990331; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

CANADA, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Information Paper, "Mental Disorder Amendments to the Criminal Code", [Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada], June 1986, 7 p.; this information paper was published as a result of the tabling in the House of Commons by the Minister of Justice, the Hon. John Crosbie,  of the Draft Bill, "Proposed amendments to the Criminal Code (mental disorder)" on 25 June 1986 (House of Commons Debates (Hansard), p. 14,818, 1st Session, 33rd Parliament); also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministre de la Justice Canada et procureur général du Canada, Document d'information, "Modification des dispositions du Code criminel relatives au désordre mental", [Ottawa: Ministère de la justice Canada], juin 1986, 8 p.; document publié à l'occasion du dépôt par le ministre de la justice, l'honorable John Crosbie,  de l'avant-projet de loi, "Propositions de modification du Code criminel (désordre mental) le 25 juin 1986;

CANADA, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Justice Information, "Information Paper: Mental Disorder Amendments to the Criminal Code", September 1991, 8 p.; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Ministre de la Justice et Procureure générale du Canada, Justice Information, "Document d'information: Modification des dispositions du Code Criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux", Septembre 1991, 9 p.;

___________Justice Communiqué, "Humanitarian Legislation Stresses Public Safety, 16 September 1991, 2 p., written by Richard Mosley; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Canada, Ministère de la Justice Canada, Justice Communiqué, "Loi à caractère humanitaire axée sur la protection du public", 16 septembre 1991, 3 p., rédigé par Richard Mosley;

___________Justice Communiqué, "Minister of Justice Releases Proposals for Mental Disorder", 10 July 1991, 2 p., written by Ed Tollefson; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Canada, Ministre de la Justice et Procureure générale du Canada, Justice Communiqué, "Le ministre de la justice publie des propositions relativement aux contrevenants atteints de troubles mentaux", 10 juillet 1991, 3 p., rédigé par Ed Tollefson;

CANADA, The Minister of Justice of Canada, Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (general principles), [Ottawa], [Department of Justice Canada], 28 June 1993, 17 p.; the proposals did not contain a provision on mental disorder but one on automatism; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministre de la Justice du Canda, Proposition de modification du Code criminel (principes généraux), [Ottawa], [MInistère de la Justice Canada], 28 ¸juin 1993, 17 p.; la proposition ne contient pas de disposition sur le désordre mental mais une sur l'automatisme;

CANADA, The Minister of Justice, Proposed amendments to the Criminal Code (mental disorder),  [Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada], 23 June 1986, 44 p., [i]; draft bill of the Honourable John C. Crosbie, Minister of Justice, tabled in Parliament, House of  Commons on 25 June 1986 (House of Commons Debates (Hansard), 1st Session, 33rd Parliament, p.14,818); also published  in  Savage and McKague, infra, Appendix 3, pp. 297-337; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Le Ministre de la Justice Canada et procureur général du Canada, Propositions de modification du Code criminel (désordre mental), [Ottawa: Ministère de la justice Canada], 23 juin 1986, 44, i¸ avant-projet de loi de l'honorable John C. Crosbie, déposé à la Chambre des communes, le 25 juin 1986;

CANADA, Office of the Correctional Investigator, web site at (accessed on 25 February 2008); see for example the Annual Report 2006-2007; also available in French/aussi disponible en français: Bureau de l'enquêteur correctionnel, site web à (vérifié le 25 février 2008); voir par exemple, le Rapport annuel 2006-2007;

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, The Sub-Committee on the Penitentiary System in Canada, Report to Parliament, [Ottawa]: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1977, ISBN: 0660010968, [x], 202, ISBN: 0660010968, see "Mentally Disturbed Inmates", at pp.140-141 (paragraphs 686-691) (Chairman: Mark MacGuigan); also published in French / aussi publié en français:  CANADA, Parlement, Chambre des communes,  Sous-comité sur le régime d'institutions pénitentiaires au Canada, Rapport au Parlement, Ottawa : Sous-comité sur le régime d'institutions pénitentiaires au Canada, 1977, 224 p., ISBN:  0660010976;

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights; Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français:  CANADA, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

Meetings, Issues Paper and Report/Réunions, Document de réflexion, et rapport:

•  1 June 1999 (E/F), Catherine Kane, Criminal Law Policy Section, Department of Justice Canada English / Français

• 13 December 2001 (E/F), From the Department of Justice Canada: Catherine Kane, Senior Counsel, Policy Centre for Victims; Greg Yost, Counsel,
Criminal Law Policy Section; Douglas Hoover, Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section: English / Français

• December 2001: Issues Paper of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights (see Appendix A of the Report English) / Document de réflexion, du Comité permanent de la Justice et des droits de la personne, décembre 2001 (voir l'Annexe A du  Rapport  Français)

• 12 March 2002 (E/F): Dr. John Bradford, Clinical Director, Forensic Program and Head of the Division of Forensic Psychiatry, Ottawa University:  English  / Français

• 14 March 2002 (E/F): Carol Ann Letman, Director Peel Region, Criminal Lawyers' Association; and Dr. Julio Arboleda-Florez, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, Queen's University: English / Français

• 19 March 2002 (E/F): from the Canadian Association for Community Living: Orville Endicott, Legal Consultant, Disability Right Issues; Jim Mahaffy, CACL Board Representative of NAACJ: English / Français

• 20 March 2002 (E/F): Dr. Louis Morissette, psychiatrist, Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, Association des médecins psychiatres du Quebec:  EnglishFrançais

• 21 March 2002 (E/F): Steve Sullivan, President and Executive Director, Canadian Resource for Victims of Crime; and Dr. Chris Webster, St. Joseph's Heathcare: English / Français

• 9 April 2002 (E/F): From the B.C. Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission: Barbara Fisher, Legal Counsel; Dr. Mark Riley, Psychiatrist.  As Individual: Edwin A.Tollefson, Q.C. From the Community Legal Assistance Society: Diane Nielsen, Lawyer; Corey Bow, Lawyer, Mental Health Law Program:  English / Français

• 10 April 2002 (E /F): Panel I: From the Canadian Psychological Association: Dr. Jordan Hanley; Dr. Cinny Bubber. From the Canadian Psychiatric Association: Dr.Dominique Bourget, President, Canadian Academy on Psychiatry and the Law; Dr. Helen Ward, Clinical Fellow in Forensic Psychiatry, Royal Ottawa Hospital.
Panel II: From the Mood Disorders Society of Canada: Phil Upshall, President; William P. Ashdown, Vice-President. As Individual: Justice Ted Ormston: English / Français

• 11 April 2002 (E/F): As Individuals: Dr. Derek Eaves, Vice-President, Medicine and Research, Riverview Hospital, Visiting Scholar, Simon Fraser University; Prof. Ronald Roesch, Director, Mental Health, Law and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University: English / Français

• 16 April 2002 (E/F): Panel I: From the "Barreau du Québec": Me Giuseppe Battista, Lawyer; Me Julie Delaney, Lawyer. From the Schizophrenia Society of Canada: Tony Cerenzia, President. From the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association: Lindsay Lyster, Policy Director.
Panel II: From the Nova Scotia Legal Aid: Me Malcolm S. Jeffcock, Lawyer. From the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario: Curt Flanagan, Crown Attorney for Leeds and Grenville; Robert Gattrell, Assistant Crown Attorney for Simcoe. From the "Association des groupes d'intervention en défense de droits en santé mentale du Québec": Paul Morin, "coordonnateur du Collectif de défense des droits de la Montérégie"; Jean-Yves Pronovost, Administrator: English / Français

• 17 April 2002 (E/F):  From the Association of Canadian Review Board Chairs: Bernd Walter, Chair, B.C. Review Board; Maureen Forestell, Counsel to Ontario Review Board and alternate chair of Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards; Lucien Leblanc, Member and President, Quebec Review Board. From the Quebec Defence Attorneys Association: Me Lucie Joncas, Lawyer:  English / Français

• 18 April 2002 (E/F): From the East Coast Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, Nova Scotia: Dr. Emmanuel Aquino. As Individual : Dr. Stanley Semrau. From the Empowerment Council: Jennifer Chambers, Empowerment Facilitator. From the Canadian Bar Association: Heather E. Perkins-McVey, Chair, National Criminal Justice Section; Tamra L. Thomson, Director, Legislation and Law Reform:  EnglishFrançais

• 23 April 2002 (E /F): From the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: Gail Czukar, General Counsel; Dr. Howard Barbaree, Professor and Clinical Director, Law and Mental Health Programs, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto. From the Canadian Police Association: David Griffin, Executive Officer: English / Français

• 30 April 2002 (E /F): Dr. Syed Akhtar:  English / Français

• 4 June 2002 (E/F)

• 5 June 2002 (E/F)

          • June 2002: Report English / Rapport  Français
List of Briefs (not published) Liste des mémoires (non publiés):

        Syed Akhtar

        American Psychological Association

        “Association des groupes d'intervention en défense de droits en santé mentale du Québec”

        “Association des services de réhabilitation sociale du Québec inc. ”

        Association of Canadian Review Board Chairs

        B.C. Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission

        “Barreau du Québec”

        Canadian Academy on Psychiatry and the Law (The)

        Canadian Association for Community Living

        Canadian Bar Association

        Canadian Criminal Justice Association

        Canadian Mental Health Association

        Canadian Psychiatric Association

        Canadian Psychological Association

        Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

        Community Legal Assistance Society

        East Coast Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, Nova Scotia

        Derek Eaves

        Empowerment Council

        Federal/Provincial/Territorial Working Group

        “Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal”

        John Howard Society of Kingston & District

        Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario

        Mood Disorders Society of Canada

        Nova Scotia Legal Aid

        Nova Scotia Review Board

        Office for Victims of Crime

        Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office

        Quebec Defence Attorneys Association

        Queen's University

        Ronald Roesch

        Royal Ottawa Hospital

        Schizophrenia Society of Canada

        Stanley Semrau

        St. Joseph's Healthcare

        Edwin A. Tollefson

CANADA, Parliament, Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Research Branch, Law and Government Division, "Issues Paper on the Review of the Criminal Code Mental Disorder Provisions (title not exact)", [Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Research Branch, Law and Government Division, c. 2000]; Research Note: this issues paper was prepared for the House of Commons, Standing Committee on  Justice and Human Rights for their review of the Criminal Code mental disorder provisions (see the minutes of proceedings of the Committee, of June 1, 1999); the issues paper  is not available to the public and is intended to be sent to individuals  invited to attend the hearings of the Standing Commmittee when it resumes its hearings (date unknown as of 4 October 2000); this information was provided,  in part, on 4 October 2000, by Philipp Rosen, research staff,  Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Research Branch, Law and Government Division, tel. (613) 995-8444;

CANADA,  Parliament, House of Commons, Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General House of Commons,  Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1992-1993,  11 Issues:  no. 1: 25, 26, 30 March  1992, 12 May and  8 June 1992; no. 2: 15 June 1992; no. 3: 16 June 1992; no. 4: 16 June 1992; no. 5: 2 and 18 November. 1991; no. 6: 19 November 1992; no. 7: 23 November 1992; no. 8: 24 November 1992; no. 9: 26 November. 1992; no. 10: 8 December  1992; no. 11: 10 December 1992 and  2, 4, and 16 February 1993; note that the 11 th issue consists of the report:  First Principles: Recodifying the General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada: Report of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Sollicitor General; in the report, see "Chapter XIX  - Remaining Issues - Tentative Views", and more particularly, "Mental Disorder" at pp. 69-70; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Chambre des Communes, Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général,  [Ottawa]: I'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1992-1993, 11 fasicules : 1: 25, 26, 30 mars 1992, 12 mai, 8 juin 1992; 2: 15 juin 1992; 3: 16 juin 1992; 4: 16 juin 1992; 5: 2 et 18 novembre 1991; 6: 19 novembre 1992; 7: 23 novembre 1992; 8: 24 novembre 1992; 9: 26 novembre 1992; 10: 8 décembre 1992; 11: 10 décembre 1992 et 2,4,16 février 1993; noter que le 11e fasicule contient le rapport : Principes de base: recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada.  Rapport du Sous-comité sur la recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général; dans le rapport, voir le "Chapitre XIV - Autres questions - Éléments de réflexion" et plus particulièrement "les troubles mentaux" aux pp. 73-74;

CANADA, Parliament -- Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (First  Session, Thirty-eight Parliament, also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Parlement -- Projet de Loi C-10, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (troubles mentaux) et modifiant d'autres lois en conséquence (Première session. Trente-huitième législature):

  Department of Justice of Canada Information / Renseignements du ministère de la Justice Canada

• News Room, "Government Moves to Modernize Mental Disorder Provisions in the Criminal Code", 8 October 2004, available at (accessed on 9 October 2004); and Backgrounder, "Measures to Modernize the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", October 2004, available at  (accessed on 9 October 2004); also published in French/aussi publié en français: Salle de nouvelles, "Le gouvernement présente des mesures visant à moderniser les dispositions du Code criminel sur les troubles mentaux", 8 octobre 2004, disponible à  (visionné le 9 octobre 2004); et Feuillet doccumentaire, "Mesures visant à moderniser les dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux", octobre 2004, disponible à (visionné le 9 octobre 2004);

  House of Commons / Chambre des communes:

• Legislative Summary, "Bill C-10: An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Mental Disorder) and To Make Consequential Amendments to Other Acts", prepared by Wade Raaflaub, Law and Government Division, Library of Parliament, 14 October 2004, revised 20 May 2005; available at (accessed on 3 December 2004); also published in French / aussi publié en français:  Résumé législatif, "Projet de Loi C-10 : Loi modifiant le Code criminel (troubles mentaux) et modifiant d'autres lois en conséquence", rédigé par Wade Raaflaub, Division du droit et du gouvernement, le 14 octobre 2004, révisé le 20 mai 2005, disponible à (visionné le 3 décembre 2004);

•  First Reading of the Bill C-10, October 8, 2004, Bill available at (accessed on 9 October 2004); also published in French/aussi publié en français: Première lecture du Projet de loi C-10,  le 8 octobre 2004, projet de lois disponible à (visionné le 9 octobre 2004);

•  Motion to refer the Bill to the Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness before second reading -- Debated; adopted -- October 22, 2004, available at (accessed on 11 November 2004); also published in French/aussi publié en français: Motion portant renvoi du projet de loi au Comité permanent de la justice, des droits de la personne, de la sécurité publique et de la protection civile avant la  deuxième lecture -- Débat; adoption -- 22 octobre 2004, disponible à (visionné le 11 novembre 2004);

• Proceedings before the Committee of Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness / Procès-verbaux du Comité Justice, droits de la personne, sécurité publique et protection civile:

- 1 November 2004, witnesses:  Hon. Irwin Cotler, Minister of Justice; Catherine Kane, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section, Department of Justice; see evidence at (accessed on 3 December 2004); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 1er novembre 2004, témoins: L'hon. Irwin Cotler, ministre de la Justice; Catherine Kane, avocate-conseil, Section de la politique en matière de droit pénal, ministère de la Justice, voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages, à (visionné le 3 décembre 2004);.

- 5 November 2004, witnesses: Mr. Bernd Walter, Chair, British Columbia Review Board; Mr. Joe Wright, Secretary, Counsel, Ontario Review Board, Review Boards Canada; Mr. Vincent Westwick, Co-Chair, Law Amendments Committee, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police; Mr. Vince Bevan, Chief, Ottawa Police Service; Vice-President, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police; Luc Delorme, Executive Support Officer; see evidence at (accessed on 3 December 2004);  also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 5 novembre 2004, témoins: British Columbia Review Board: Bernd Walter, président; Review Boards Canada: Joe Wright, secrétaire, Avocat, commission ontarienne d'examen; Association canadienne des chefs de police : Vincent Westwick, président adjoint, Comité de modification des lois; Vince Bevan, vice-président, Chef, service de police d'Ottawa; Luc Delorme, officier de soutien à la haute direction; , voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages, à (visionné le 3 décembre 2004);

- 22 November 2004, witnesses: Canadian Bar Association: Allan Manson, Chair, Committee on Imprisonment and Release; Tamra L. Thomson, Director, Legislation and Law Reform. Community Legal Assistance Society: Daniel Soiseth, Lawyer, Mental Health Law Program. Schizophrenia Society of Canada: John Gray, President; Cecelia Deighton, Executive Director, Ottawa Chapter. Criminal Lawyers' Association: Carol Letman, Assistant Secretary; see evidence at: (accessed on 3 December 2004); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 22 novembre 2004, témoins: Association du Barreau canadien : Allan Manson, président, Comité sur l'emprisonnement et la libération; Tamra L. Thomson, directrice, Législation et réforme du droit. Community Legal Assistance Society : Daniel Soiseth, avocat, Mental Health Law Program. Société canadienne de schizophrénie : John Gray, président; Cecelia Deighton, directeur général, Chapitre d'Ottawa. Criminal Lawyers' Association : Carol Letman, secrétaire adjointe; voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages à (visionné le 3 décembre 2004);

- 29 November 2004, witnesses: Centre for Addictions and Mental Health: Padraig Darby, Deputy Clinical Director, Law and Mental Health Program, Chair, Research Ethics Board. Barreau du Québec: Nicole Dufour, Lawyer, Research and Legislation Service; Lucie Joncas, Lawyer. Canadian Mental Health Association: Penelope Marrett, Chief Executive Officer; Richard B. Drewry, Chair, Legal Issues Network, see evidence at (accessed on 10 April 2005);  also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 29 novembre 2004, témoins: Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale : Padraig Darby, directeur adjoint des services cliniques, Programmes de droit et de santé mentale, Président, comité d'éthique de la recherche. Barreau du Québec : Nicole Dufour, avocate, Service de recherche et législation; Lucie Joncas, avocate. Association canadienne pour la santé mentale : Penelope Marrett, chef de la direction; Richard B. Drewry, président, Réseau des affaires juridiques; voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages à (visionné le 10 avril 2005);

- 1 December 2004, witnesses: Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office: Nils Riis, Legal Counsel, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (Ontario); David Simpson, Programme Manager, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (Ontario). Empowerment Council: Jennifer Chambers, Coordinator, Co-Chair, Mental Health Legal Advocacy Coalition, see evidence at (accessed on 10 April 2005);  also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 1er décembre 2004, témoins: Bureau de l'intervention en faveur des patients des établissements psychiatriques : Nils Riis, avocat-conseil légal, Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée (Ontario); David Simpson, directeur de programme, Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée (Ontario). Empowerment Council : Jennifer Chambers, coordonnatrice, Co-présidente, Mental Health Legal Advocacy Coalition; voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages à (visionné le 10 avril 2005);

- 8 December 2004, witnesses: Department of Justice: Catherine Kane, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section; Julie Besner, Counsel, Criminal Policy Section. Department of National Defence: André Dufour, Director, Legislative and Regulatory Services, see evidence at (accessed on 10 April 2005);  also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 8 décembre 2004, témoins: Ministère de la Justice : Catherine Kane, avocate-conseil, Section de la politique en matière de droit pénal; Julie Besner, avocate, Section de la politique en matière de droit pénal. Ministère de la Défense nationale : André Dufour, directeur, Services législatifs et de réglementation; voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages à (visionné le 10 avril 2005);.

- 10 December 2004, Report of the Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (JUST) on  Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (Presented in the House December 10, 2004), available at (accessed on 10 April 2005); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 10 décembre 2004, Rapport du Comité permanent de la justice, des droits de la personne, de la sécurité publique et de la protection civile (JUST) sur le Projet de loi C-10, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (troubles mentaux) et modifiant d'autres lois en conséquence, présenté à la Chambre des communes, le 10 décembre 2005, disponible à (visionné le 10 avril 2005);

• 4 February 2005, Report Stage and Second Reading, available at pp. 3313-3314 of the House of Commons Debates  (accessed on 7 May 2005); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 4 février 2005, étape du rapport et deuxième lecture, Débats de la Chambre des communes, pp. 3313-3314, disponible à (visionné le 7 mai 2005);

• 7 February 2005, Debates and 3rd Reading, House of Commons Debates, pp. 3131- 3141, available at (accessed on 7 May 2005); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 7 février 2005, débats et troisième lecture, Débats de la Chambre des communes, aux pp. 3131-3141, disponible à (visionné le 7 mai 2005);

  Senate / Sénat
•  8 February 2005, 1st Reading, Debates of the Senate, p. 632, available at (accessed on 7 May 2005);  also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 8 février 2005, 1re lecture, Débats du Sénat, p. 632, disponible à (visionné le 7 mai 2005);

•  15 and 22 February 2005, Debates and 2nd Reading, Debates of the Senate, at pp. 703-706 and 762-766, available at and (accessed on 7 May 2005); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 15 et 22 février 2005, débats et 2e lecture, Débats du Sénat, pp. 703-706, et 762-766 disponible à and (visionnés le 7 mai 2005);

• Proceedings of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee / Procès-verbaux du Comité des Affaires juridques et constitutionnelles:

- 13 April 2005, witnesses:  Hon. Irwin Cotler, Minister of Justice; Catherine Kane, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section, Department of Justice; see evidence at (accessed on 7 May 2005); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 13 avril 2005,  témoins: L'hon. Irwin Cotler, ministre de la Justice; Catherine Kane, avocate-conseil, Section de la politique en matière de droit pénal, ministère de la Justice, voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages, à (visionné le 7 mai 2005);

- 14 April 2005, witnesses: Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission: Malcolm Jeffcock, Lawyer; Schizophrenia Society of Canada: Dr. John Gray, President and Sheila Deighton, Executive Director, Ottawa Chapter; Canadian Mental Health Association: Penelope Marrett, Chief Executive Officer; Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: Dr. Padraig L. Darby, Deputy Clinical Director, Law and Mental Health Program; see evidence available at (accessed on 29 May 2005); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 14 avril 2005,  témoins: Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission : Malcolm Jeffcock, avocat; Société canadienne de schizophrénie: Le docteur John Gray, président et Sheila Deighton, directrice exécutive, chapitre d'Ottawa; Association canadienne pour la santé mentale: Penelope Marrett, chef de la direction; Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale: Le docteur Padraig L. Darby, directeur adjoint des services cliniques, Programme psycho-légal; voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages à (visionné le 29 mai 2005);

- 20 April 2005, witnesses: Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office: David Simpson, Program Manager and Stanley K. Stylianos, Program Manager; Empowerment Council and Mental Health Legal Advocacy Coalition: Jennifer Chambers, Coordinator, Empowerment Council and Co-Chair, Mental Health Legal Advocacy Coalition; Canadian Association for Community Living: Dr. Michael Bach, Executive Vice-President; Department of Justice Canada: Catherine Kane, Senior Counsel/Director, Policy Centre for Victim Issues, see evidence available at  (accessed on 29 May 2005); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 20 avril 2005,  témoins: Bureau de l'intervention en faveur des patients des établissements psychiatriques: David Simpson, directeur des programmes et Stanley K. Stylianos, directeur des programmes; Empowerment Council and Mental Health Legal Advocacy Coalition: Jennifer Chambers, coordonnatrice, Conseil d'autonomie des clients, Mental Health Legal Advocay Coalition; Association canadienne pour l'intégration communautaire:
M. Michael Bach, vice-président exécutif; Ministère de la Justice du Canada: Catherine Kane, avocate conseil/directrice, Centre de la politique concernant les victimes; voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages à (visionné le 29 mai 2005);

- 21 April 2005: witnesses: Canadian Psychiatric Association: Dr. John Bradford, President, Canadian Academy of Psychiatry and the Law and Dr. Blake Woodside, Chairman of the Board;  Canadian Psychological Association: Dr. David Nussbaum, Chair, Section on Psychopharmacology and Dr. Karen R. Cohen, Associate Executive Director; see evidence available at (accessed on 29 May 2005); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 21 avril 2005, témoins: Association des psychiatres du Canada: Le docteur John Bradford, président, Académie canadienne de psychiatrie et droit et Le docteur Blake Woodside, président du Conseil; Société canadienne de psychologie: M. David Nussbaum, président, Section de la psychopharmacologie et Mme Karen R. Cohen, directrice exécutive associée; voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages à  (visionné le 29 mai 2005);

- 4 May 2005: witnesses: Canadian Professional Police Association: Tony Cannavino, President and David Griffin, Executive Officer;  Review Boards Canada: Bernd Walter, Chair, British Columbia Review Board; see evidence available at (accessed on 29 May 2005); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 4 mai 2005, témoins: Association canadienne de la police professionnelle:
Tony Cannavino, président et David Griffin, agent exécutif; Review Boards Canada: Bernd Walter, président, British Columbia Review Board; voir les procès-verbaux des témoignages à  (visionné le 29 mai 2005);

- 5 May 2005: witness: Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime: Steve Sullivan; see evidence available at (accessed on 29 May 2005); also available in French/aussi disponible en français: 5 mai 2005, témoin: Centre canadien de ressources pour les victimes de crimes: Steve Sullivan, président; voir le procès-verbal du témoignage à  (visionné le 29 mai 2005);

•  For further proceedings bfore the Senate and Parliament, see Legis Info -- Library of Parliament and its links -- available at (accessed on 20 June 2005); / pour de amples renseignements sur les procédures devant le Sénat et le Parlement, voir Legis Info -- Bibliothèque du Parlement et ses liens -- disponible à (visionné le 20 juin 2005)

• Royal Assent, 19 May 2005; Statutes of Canada, 2005, chapter 22, available in the Canada Gazette, Part III,  of 22 June 2005, available at (accessed on 22 February 2006); / sanction royale le 19 mai 2005; Lois du Canada, chapitre 22, voir la Gazette du Canada, du 22 juin 2005, disponible à (visionné le 22 février 2006)

CANADA Parliament - Bill C-13, An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the DNA Identification Act and the National Defence Act, assented to on 19 May 2005, Bill C-13, available at (accessed on 20 June 2005); also published in French / aussi publiée en français: CANADA, Parlement - Projet de Loi C-13, Loi modifiant le Code criminel, la Loi sur l’identification par les empreintes génétiques et la Loi sur la défense nationale, sanctionnée le 19 mai 2005, Projet de loi C-13, disponible à  (visionné le 20 juin 2005);

Department of Justice of Canada Information / Renseignements du ministère de la Justice Canada
• Backgrounder, "Strengthening National DNA Data Bank Legislation", [made public 15 October 2004], available at (accessed on 16 October 2004); also published in French/aussi publié en français: Feuillet doccumentaire, "Renforcement de la législation sur la Banque nationale de données génétiques", disponible à (visionné le 16 octobre 2004);
"Reforming our Laws to Improve Public Safety

The Government of Canada has introduced legislation that responds to priority issues raised by the provinces and territories and builds on its public consultation in relation to laws governing a powerful crime-solving tool - the National DNA Data Bank.

The amendments would: ...
Permit DNA sample collection orders to be made against a person who has committed a designated offence but was found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder"


"Le gouvernement du Canada a déposé un projet de loi qui répond aux questions prioritaires soulevées par les provinces et territoires et s'appuie sur ses consultations publiques à propos des lois qui régissent un puissant outil de résolution d'affaires criminelles, la Banque nationale de données génétiques.

Les modifications viendraient : [...]
autoriser des ordonnances de prélèvement d'échantillons génétiques contre des personnes qui ont commis une infraction désignée, mais qui ont également été déclarées non criminellement responsables pour cause de troubles mentaux"

Legis Info -- Library of Parliament --  NEW -- available at (accessed on 20 June 2005)
Legis Info -- Bibliothèque du Parlement -- NOUVEAU -- disponible à (visionné le 20 juin 2005)

CANADA Parliament - Bill C-17,
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and certain other Acts, Annual Statutes of Canada, 1997, Chapter 18 (Bill C-17), see sections 84-98; also published in French / aussi publiée en français:CANADA, Parlement -- Projet de Loi C-17,Loi modifiant le Code criminel, Lois annuelles du Canada (1997), chapitre 18 (Projet de loi C-17), voir les articles 84 à 98;

CANADA Parliament - Bill C-29, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (Third Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Parlement -- Projet de Loi C-29, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (troubles mentaux) et modifiant d'autres lois en conséquence (Troisième session. Trente-septième législature):

    Department of Justice of Canada Information / Renseignements du ministère de la Justice Canada

• News Room, "Minister of Justice Introduces Measures to Modernize Mental Disorder Provisions", 29 March 2004, available at (accessed on 30 March 2004); and Backgrounder, "Measures to Modernize the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", March 2004, available at (accessed on 30 March 2004); also published in French/aussi publié en français: Salle de nouvelles, "Le ministre de la Justice présente des mesures visant à moderniser les dispositions sur les troubles mentaux", 29 mars 2004, disponible à (visionné le 30 mars 2004); et Feuillet doccumentaire, "Mesures visant à moderniser les dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux", Mars 2004, disponible à (visionné le 30 mars 2004);

    House of Commons / Chambre des communes:

•  First Reading of the Bill C-29, March 29, 2004, Bill available at (accessed on 30 March 2004); also published in French/aussi publié en français: Première lecture du Projet de loi C-29,  le 29 mars 2004, projet de lois disponible à (visionné le 30 mars 2004);

•  Debates before second reading, on 29 April 2004 ( and 3 May 2004 (  (accessed on 11  May 2004); also published in French/aussi publié en français: Débats avant la deuxième lecture, le 29 avril 2004 ( et le 3 mai 2004 ( (visionnés le 11 mai 2004);

•  Third reading, on 3 May 2004 ( (accessed on 11  May 2004); also published in French/aussi publié en français: Troisième lecture, le 3 mai 2004 ( (visionné le 11 mai 2004);

Legis Info -- Library of Parliament --  NEW -- available at  (accessed on 20 June 2005)
Legis Info -- Bibliothèque du Parlement -- NOUVEAU -- disponible à  (visionné le 20 juin 2005)

CANADA Parliament - Bill C-30, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to amend the National Defence Act and the Young Offenders Act in consequence thereof (Third Session, Thirty-Fourth Parliament)  also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Parlement -- Projet de Loi C-30, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (troubles mentaux) et modifiant en conséquence la Loi sur la défense nationale et la Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants (Troisième session. Trente-quatrième législature):

  House of Commons / Chambre des communes:

•  First Reading, House of Commons Debates, Official Report, Third Session, Thirty-Fourth Parliament, vol. II, 1991, September 16, 1991, p. 2171; also published in French/aussi publié en français:

• Second Reading, House of Commons Debates, Official Report, Third Session, Thirty-Fourth Parliament, vol. II, 1991, October 4, 1991, pp. 3295-3305 and 3326-3332;  also published in French/aussi publié en français:

• Report of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, House of Commons Debates, Official Report, Third Session, Thirty-Fourth Parliament, vol. II, 1991, November 19, 1991, p. 4987;  also published in French/aussi publié en français:

• Third Reading, House of Commons Debates, Official Report, Third Session, Thirty-Fourth Parliament, vol. II, 1991, November 21, 1991, pp. 5132-5140; also published in French/aussi publié en français:

Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General RESPECTING: Bill C-30, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to amend the National Defence Act and the Young Offenders Act in consequence thereof be now read a second Time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, (Chairman: Robert Horner), Third Session of the thirthy-four Parliament; the documents of the proceedings of the Committee are now at the Public Archives, Ottawa, also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la Justice et du Solliciteur général, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Comité permanent de la Justice et du Solliciteur général CONCERNANT: Projet de loi C-30, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (troubles mentaux) et modifiant en conséquence la Loi sur la défense nationale et la Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants, soit maintenant lu une deuxième fois et renvoyé au Comité permanent de la Justice et du Solliciteur général (Président: Robert Horner), Troisième session de la trente-quatrième législature:
•  Issue/fascicule number 7, October 9,  1991, 30 p., witnesses/témoins:
- From the Department of Justice Canada/Du ministère de la Justice Canada: Daniel Préfontaine, Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy, Programs and Research /sous-ministre adjoint, Politique, programmes et recherche; Bernard Starkman, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy/Avocat principal, Politique-Droit pénal; et Yvan Roy, General Counsel, Criminal Law Policy/Avocat général, Politique - Droit pénal;
•  Issue/fascicule number 8, October 22,  1991, 63 p., witnesses/témoins:
- From the Shizophrenia Society of Canada/De la Société canadienne de schizophrénie: Ann Braden, Advocacy Chair/présidente; Margaret Shone, Provincial Advocate for Alberta/représentante de l'Alberta; Dr. Donald Stewart, First Vice-President/premier vice-président;
- From the Canadian Mental Health Association/De l'Association canadienne pour la santé mentale: Mary Oordt, National President/présidente nationale; Richard Drewry, Lawyer/avocate et Judy Shipper, Educator/éducatrice;
- From the Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal/De l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal: Me Donald Carette, Chairman of the Board/président du Conseil; Dr. Lionel Béliveau, General Director/directeur général; Dr. Paul-André Lafleur; Sheilagh Hodgins;
- From the Lieutenant Governor's Board of Review/Du Bureau de révision du lieutenant-gouverneur: Hon. Mr. Justice Thomas P. Callon/Le juge; A.J.C. O'Marra;
Issue/fascicule  number 9, October 22, 1991, 23 p., witness/témoins:
-From Canadian Bar Association/De l'Association du Barreau canadien: Terence A. Wade, Director, Legislation and Law Reform/directeur, Législation et réforme du droit;
Issue/fascicule  number 10, October 23, 1991, 25 p., witness/témoins:
- From the Canadian Association for Community Living/Association canadienne pour l'intégration communautaire: Dulcie McCallum, Counsel and legal/government affairs/conseiller juridique/Directeur, affaires légales et gouvernementales;
- From Canadian Disabilities Rights Council/Du Canadian Disabilities Rights Council: Yvonne Peters, National coordinator/Yvonne Peters, coordonnatrice nationale;
Issue/fascicule  number 11, October 24, 1991, 40 p., witness/témoins:
- Professor Gerry Ferguson, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria;
- From the Canadian Psychiatric Association / De L'Association des psychiatres du Canada: Dr. Maralyn MacKay, Director/directeur; Dr. Nizar Ladha, Chair, Section on Forensic Psychiatry/président, Section de la psychiatrie légale;
Issue/fascicule  number 12, October 30, November 6, and November 7, 1991, 25 p., witness/témoins:
- October 30,  1991: From the Department of Justice Canada/Du ministère de la Justice Canada:  Bernard Starkman, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy/Avocat principal, Politique-Droit pénal; et Yvan Roy, General Counsel, Criminal Law Policy/Avocat général, Politique - Droit pénal;
- November 6, 1991: From the Department of Justice /Du ministère de la Justice:  Bernard Starkman, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy/Avocat principal, Politique-Droit pénal; et Yvan Roy, General Counsel, Criminal Law Policy/Avocat général, Politique - Droit pénal;
- November 7, 1991: From the Department of Justice /Du ministère de la Justice:  Bernard Starkman, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy/Avocat principal, Politique-Droit pénal; et Yvan Roy, General Counsel, Criminal Law Policy/Avocat général, Politique - Droit pénal;  from the Department of National Defense/Du ministère de la Défence nationale: Lietenant-Colonel A.F. Fenske, Director of Law and Legislation/Directeur du Droit et de la législation ******aussi ***Nicholson****;

  Senate / Sénat

• First Reading, Debates of the Senate, Official Report (Hansard), 3rd Session, 34th Parliament, number 30, November 26, 1991, p. 593;

• Second  Reading, Debates of the Senate, Official Report (Hansard), 3rd Session, 34th Parliament, number 32, November 28, 1991,  pp. 627-629; and number 33, December 3, 1991, pp. 661-662;

• Receipt of Report from the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Debates of the Senate, Official Report (Hansard), 3rd Session, 34th Parliament, number 32, November 28, 1991,  pp. 627-629; and number 35, December 5, 1991, pp. 695-696;

• Third Reading, Debates of the Senate, Official Report (Hansard), 3rd Session, 34th Parliament, number 37, December 10, 1991,  pp. 746-747;

Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutionmal Affairs, Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, First and last proceedings on: Bill C-30, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to amend the National Defence Act and the Young Offenders Act in consequence thereof, Issue No 5, December 5, 1991, 37 p., Witnesses: From the Lieutenant Governor's Board of Review: The Hon. Justice T.P. Callon, Chairman and Mr. Alfred J.C. O'Marra, Legal Counsel; From the Department of Justice Canada: Mr. Yvan Roy, General Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section and Mr. Bernard Starkman, Senior Counsel, Family Law Policy Section; (Chairman: The Honourable Nathan Nurgitz), Third Session of the thirthy-four Parliament  also published in French/aussi publié en français: Comité sénatorial permanent des Affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles, Délibérations du Comité sénatorial des Affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles, Premier et dernier fascicule concernant: Projet de loi C-30, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (troubles mentaux) et modifiant en conséquence la Loi sur la défense nationale et la Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants, Facicule numéro 5, 5 décembre 1991, 37 p., Témoins: Du Conseil de révision du lieutenant gouverneur: L'honorable juge  T.P. Callon, président et M. Alfred J.C. O'Marra, conseiller juridique; du Ministère de la justice Canada: M. Yvan Roy, avocat général, Section de la politique - Droit pénal et  M. Bernard Starkman, avocat conseil, Section de la politique - Droit familial (Président: L'honorable Nathan Nurgitz), Troisième session de la trente-quatrième législature;

- assented to 13 December 1991, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to amend the National Defence Act and the Young Offenders Act in consequence thereof, Annual Statute 1991, c. 43 (Bill C-30), ss. 1 to 10; ****
-  brought into force, except that part of s. 4 which enacts ss. 672.64 to 672.66, ss. 5, 6 and 10(8), February 4, 1992 by SI/92-9, Canadian Gazette, Part II, February 12, 1992; these parts are capping, dangerous mentally disordered accused and hospital orders;
- that part of s. 4, ss. 5, 6 and 10(8) to come into force by order of the Governor in Council;
- Amended 1991, c. 43, ss. 1 to 10; brought into force, except that part of s. 4 which enacts ss. 672.64 to 672.66, ss. 5, 6 and 10(8), February 4, 1992 by SI/92-9, Canadian Gazette, Part II, February 12, 1992; that part of s. 4, ss. 5, 6 and 10(8) to come into force by order of the Governor in Council;

CANADA Parliament - Bill C-33, An Act to implement treaties and administrative arrangements on the international transfer of persons found guilty of criminal offences, First reading, April 28, 2003, see the provisions on administrative arrangements for mentally disordered persons, sections 31-36, available at (accessed on 1 May 2003); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Parlement -- Projet de Loi C-33, Loi de mise en oeuvre des traités ou des ententes administratives sur le transfèrement international des personnes reconnues coupables d'infractions criminelles, Première lecture le 28 avril 2003, voir les ententes administratives pour les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux, aux articles 31-36, disponible à (visionné le 1 mai 2003);

Legis Info -- Library of Parliament --  NEW -- available at  (accessed on 20 June 2005)
Legis Info -- Bibliothèque du Parlement -- NOUVEAU -- disponible à    (visionné le 20 juin 2005)

CANADA Parliament - Bill C-41, An act to amend the Criminal Code (sentencing) and Other Acts in consequence thereof, Annual Statutes of Canada, 1995, Chapter 22 (Bill C-41); also published in French / aussi publiée en français: CANADA, Parlement -- Projet de Loi C-41, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (détermination de la peine) et d'autres lois en conséquence, Lois annuelles du Canada (1995), chapitre 22 (Projet de loi C-41), voir l'article 6;

CANADA Parliament - Bill C-55, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (high risk offenders, the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the Criminal Records Act, the Prison and Reformatories Act and the Department of the Solicitor General Act Annual Statutes of Canada, 1997, Chapter 17 (Bill C-55); also published in French / aussi publiée en français: CANADA, Parlement -- Projet de Loi C-55,Loi modifiant le Code criminel (délinquants présentant un risque élevé de récidive), la Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mikse en liberté sous condition, la Loi sur le casier judiciaire, la Loi sur les prisons et les maisons de correction et la Loi sur le ministère du Solliciteur général, Lois annuelles du Canada (1997), chapitre17 (Projet de loi C-55);

CANADA Parliament - Bill C-105, PDF  An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Insanity), sponsored by Mr. Andrew Brewin, Member of Parliament, 27th Parliament, 1st Session (1966-67); discussed in the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, on 29 November 1966 (minutes of proceedings and evidence, number 19), 31 January 1967 (minutes of proceedings and evidence, number 25), and 1 March 1967 (minutes of proceedings, number 27 which contains the report); also published in French/aussi publié en français; CANADA, Bill [Projet de Loi] C-105, PDF Loi modifiant le Code criminel (Aliénation mentale), par M. Andrew Brewin, député, promoteur de ce projet de loi, 27e législature, 1ère session (1966-67); discuté au Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, le 29 novembre 1966 (procès-verbaux et témoignages, fascicule 19), le 31 janvier 1967 (procès-verbaux et témoignages, fascicule 25), et le 1er mars 1967 (procès-verbaux et témoignages, fascicule 27; contient aussi le rapport);

CANADA Parliament - Bill C-176,PDF  An Act to amend the Criminal code (Insanity at time of trial), sponsored by Mr. John Munro, Member of Parliament, 27th Parliament, 1st Session (1966-67); discussed in the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, on 7 July 1966 (minutes of proceedings and evidence, number 9), 6 December 1966 (minutes of proceedings and evidence, number 22)  31 January 1967 (minutes of proceedings and evidence, number 25), and 1 March 1967 (minutes of proceedings, number 27 which contains the report); also published in French/aussi publié en français; CANADA, Bill [Projet de Loi] C-176, PDF Loi modifiant le Code criminel (Aliénation mentale lors du procès), par M. John Munro, député, promoteur de ce projet de loi, 27e législature, 1ère session (1966-67); discuté au Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, le 7 juillet 1966 (procès-verbaux et témoignages, fascicule 9), le 6 décembre 1966 (procès-verbaux et témoignages, fascicule 22), le 31 janvier 1967 (procès-verbaux et témoignages, fascicule 25),et le 1er mars 1967 (procès-verbaux et témoignages, fascicule 27; contient aussi le rapport);

CANADA, Parliament, Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on Capital Punishment, Corporal Punishment  [and] Lotteries, Reports of The Joint Committee of The Senate and House of  Commons on Capital Punishment, June 27, 1956, Corporal Punishment, July 11, 1956, Lotteries, July 31, 1956, Ottawa: Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1956, 86, [ii], see "The Royal Prerogative of Mercy" at pp. 4-5 (mental abnormality is discussed); also published in French  / aussi publié en français:  CANADA, Parlement,  Comité mixte du Sénat et de la Chambre des Communes sur la peine capitale, les punitions corporelles [et] les loteries, Rapports du Comité mixte du Sénat et de la Chambre des Communes sur la peine capitale, 27 juin 1956, les punitions corporelles, 11 juillet 1956, les loteries, 31 juillet 1956, Ottawa : Imprimeur de la Reine et Contrôleur de la papeterie, 1956, [ii], 88 p.;

CANADA, Parliament, Senate, Bill S-33, The Canada Evidence Act 1982, s. 11(2) and s. 13, s. 165, "Privilege for Psychiatric Assessment"; also published in French/aussi publié en français;

CANADA, Parliament, Senate, The Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Out of the Shadows at Last: Transforming Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction Service in Canada: Final Report of the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Ottawa, 2006, xviii, 484, lvii p., (The Honourable Michael J.L. Kirby, Chair and the Honourable Wilbert Joseph Keon, Deputy-Chair), available at (accessed on 19 May 2006); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Parlement, Sénat, Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires sociales, des sciences et de la technologie, De l'ombre à la lumière, La transformation des services concernant la santé mentale, la maladie mentale et la toxicomanie, Rapport final du Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires sociales, des sciences et de la technologie, Ottawa, 2006 (L'honorable Michael J.L. Kirby, président et L'honorable Wilbert Joseph Keon, vice-president), disponible à (accessed on 19 May 2006); 

CANADA, Officials of the Department of Justice Canada and Members of the Law Reform Commission of Canada, Toward a New General Part for the Criminal Code of Canada: A Framework Document on the Proposed New General Part of the Criminal Code for the Consideration of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [1990], 137 p., see "Mental Disorder" at pp. 88-92; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Fonctionnaires du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des membres de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada : document cadre sur la nouvelle partie générale proposée du Code criminel présenté pour examen au comité permanent de la justice et du solliciteur général, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice], [1990], 144 p., voir "Troubles mentaux"  aux pp. 91-95;

CANADA, Royal Commission on Penitentiaries or Royal Commission to # the state and management of the Kingston Penitentiary, Report of the Royal Commission on Penitentiaries, Ottawa : Printed by J. de L. Taché, 1914, 44  p., and see "Insane Prisoners", at pp. 18-19 PDF; Notes: Printed as Sessional paper no.252, 1914 (Chairman : George Milnes Macdonnell);

CANADA, Royal Commission on the Criminal Law Relating to Criminal Sexual Psychopaths, Report of the Royal Commission on the Criminal Law Relating to Criminal Sexual Psychopaths, 1958 (Chairperson: The Honourable J.C. McRuer);

CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases,PDF Report of the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, Hull: Queen's Printer, 1956, viii, 73 p. (Chairman: The Honourable J.C. McRuer), see Table of contents; the documents of the Royal Commission are at the National Archives, file RG 33, series 130, vol. 1 and 2; there is also a copy at the Great Library of the Law Society of Upper Canada; also published in French  / aussi publié en français: Commission royale chargée d'étudier la défense d'aliénation mentale en matière criminelle, Rapport de la Commission royale chargée d'étudier la défense d'aliénation mentale en matière criminelle, Hull: Imprimeur de la Reine, 1956, viii, 75 p.( Président: L'honorable J.C. McRuer); les documents de la Commission royale sont aux archives nationales, dossier RG 33, collection (series) 130, vol. 1 et 2; il y a aussi une copie à la Great Library of the Law Society of Upper Canada;

Contents of the Minutes of Proceedings of the Commission ( kept at the National Archives, Ottawa, file RG 33, series 130, vol. 1):

Report of Organization Meeting Ottawa, March 29, 1954, pp. 1-90

Index, pp. i-ii;
Reading of Exhibit 1, Order in-Council appointing Commission, pp. 2-5;
Appointment of Secreatry, pp. 5-6;
Appointment of Counsel, p. 6;
Appoitment of Reporter, pp. 6-7;
Letter Paper and Office Stationery, p. 7;
Commission Office, p. 7-9;
Criminal Code (Bill 7), pp. 9-15;
Letterhead, Appoitment of Vice-Chairman, and Name of Commission, pp. 15-17;
Consideration of Nature of Evidence which should be called, pp. 17-24 and 27-48;
Scope of the Sittings, pp. 25-27;
Statistical Information, pp. 48-50;
Doccumentary Information, pp. 50-51
Where the Commission should sit, pp. 51-57;
Schedule of Sittingggs in Maritime, pp. 57-60;
Schedule of Sittings in Western Provinces, p. 60;
Nature of Sittings - Private or Public, pp. 61-64;
Quorum of Commission, pp. 64-65;
Press Interviews and Releases, p.65-66;
Meeting Confidential, p. 66;
Suggested topics by member of the Commision for discussion at this meeting, pp. 66-68;
Memorandum of the Present Law, pp. 69-72;
Infanticide, pp. 72-74;
Mr. Worall's (Commission's counsel) Memorandum, p. 75;
Re Hansard of March 15, 1954, pp. 75-79;
Appendix (containing excerpts from Hansard of March 15, 1954), pp. 80-90;

Private Sessions

Report of Private Session at Ottawa, June 9, 1954 (pp. 91-118)
- Discussion of exhibit 5, pp. 91-92;
- Discussion of exhibit 6, pp. 92-111;
- Discussion of exhibit 7, p. 112;
- Discussion of a paper written by Dr. Manfred Guttmacher presented at a meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, pp.113-114;
- Letter of Dr. Frank Walker, Toronto to the Hon. Mr. Garson, Federal Minister of Justice, pp. 115-117;

- Exhibit 5, "Brief of Canadian Psychiatric Association", filed at p. 92,  (but found in Public Sessions, infra, at pp. 92-93E);
- Exhibit 6, "Brief of Canadian Mental Health Association", filed at p. 92 (but found in Public Sessions, infra, pp. 94-94D);
- Exhibit 7, "Brief by Dr. A.J. Murchison, Director, Division of Mental Health, Department of Health and Welfare, Province of Prince Edward Island", filed at p. 112 (but found in Public Sessions, infra, pp. 95-95D);
- Exhibit 8, "Brief of the New Brunswick Committee of the Canadian Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section", filed at p. 113 (but found in Public Sessions, infra, pp. 96-99B);

Report of Private Sessions held at Fredericton, New Brunswick June 14 and John's Newfoundland, June 28, 1954, pp. 119-174
- Interview, The Honourable Charles D. Richards, Chief Justice of New Brunswick and The Honourable Joseph E. Michaud, Chief Justice, Queen's Bench Division, Fredericton, pp. 120-140;
- Interview, The Honourable Sir Albert Joseph Walsh, Kt., Chief Justice of Newfoundland and The Honourable Harry Anderson Winter, Judge of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, pp. 141-174;

- Exhibit 9, "Summary of murder trials in New Brunswick, and disposition thereof 1943-1953", filed at p. 140 (but found in Public Sessions, infra, pp. 451-453);

Report of Private Sessions in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, Sept. 2nd to Sept. 9, 1954, pp. 175-231
- The Honourable E.K. Williams, Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, Manitoba, pp. 176-191;
- The Honourable Mr. Justice George E. Talylor, of the Queen's Bench, Saskatchewan, pp. 203-215;
- Dr. R.R. MacLean, pp. 217-222;

- Short letter from Dr. C.M. McIntyre, Assistant Medical Superintendent, Hospital for Mental Diseases, Selkirk, Manitoba addressed to the Secretary of the Commission, dated 27 Aug. 1954 and not marked as an exhibit;
- Exhibit 16, "Letter dated June 22, 1954 from the Honourable Mr. Justice John Doull [Supreme Court, County of Cape Breton, Sydney, Nova Scotia] to the Chairman of this Commission", pp. 194-201 and 222A-228 (filed at p. 192);
- Exhibit 20, "Letter dated April 1st, 1954 from the Honourable Mr. Justice George E. Taylor of the Queen's Bench Saskatchewan, to the Honourable Mr. Garson, Minister of Justice", pp. 229-231 (filed at p. 203);

Report of Private Sessions held at Montreal, February 7, 1955, Quebec City, February 9, 1955 and Toronto, April 12, 1955, pp. 232-310 incl.
- The Honourable Wilfred Lazure of the Superior Court, Montreal, pp. 233-258;
- The Honourable Mr. Justice Gerard Lacroix, Superior Court, Quebec City and Professor of the Chair of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Laval University, pp. 260-277;
- The Honourable Mr. Justice J.K. MacKay and the Honourable Mr. Justice W.D. Roach, of the Supreme Court of Ontario (Court of Appeal), pp. 279-301;

- Exhibit 31, "Submission of the Honourable Mr. Justice Lacroix, of the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec", dated 4 February 1955, pp. 302-310 (filed at p. 260);

Public Sessions

Report of First Public Session held in the Board of Transport Court Room, Ottawa, June 9, 1954, pp. 1-99B:
- The Honourable Stuart S. Garson, Federal Minister of Justice of Canada at pp. 1-42  (speaks on the exercise of the Royal prerogative of mercy in capital cases where questions of insanity are involved", p. 2);
- Mr. Raoul Mercier, Q.C., Crown Attorney for the County of Carleton, Ontario and the City of Ottawa, pp. 43-53;

- Exihibit 1: Order in Council appointing Commission, p. 55 (but found in Private Sessions, supra, pp. 2-5);
- Exhibit 2: Article by W.C.J. Meredith "Insanity as a Criminal Defence: A Conflict of Views" at pp. 55-66, filed at p. 54  (see Meredith,infra, for other locations of that article);
- Exhibit 3: Article by G.M. Stevenson, "Insanity as a Criminal Defence: The Psychiatric Viewpoint", pp. 67-79, filed at p. 54 (see Stephenson, infra, for other locations of that article);
- Exhibit 4: Address delivered by Mr. Common, Q.C., Director of Public Prosecutions, Province of Ontario, "Insanity and the Criminal Law" at pp. 80-91D; the address was delivered to the Medico-Legal Society Dinner held on April 7, 1954, Osgoode Hall, Toronto (filed at p. 54);
- Exhibit 5: "Presentation by the Canadian Psychiatric Association to the Royal Commission appointed to study the Revision of the Criminal Code with Respect to Insanity" at pp. 92-93E (document filed at Private Session, supra, p. 92);
- Exhibit 6, The Canadian Mental Health Association, Scientific Planning Council, "Brief to the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity", pp. 94-94D (document filed at Private Session, supra, p. 92);
- Exhibit 7, article by Dr. A.J. Murchinson, Director, Division of Mental Health, Department of Health and Welfare, Province of Prince Edward Island, "On the Law of Insanity as a Defense in Criminal Cases" at pp. 95-95D (document filed at Privatre Session, supra, p. 112);
- Exhibit 8, "Brief of the New Brunswick Committee of the Canadian Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section", pp. 96-99B (document filed at Private Session, supra, p. );

Report of Public Sessions in the Province of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, June 14 to 28, 1954, pp. 100-533:
Fredericton, New Brunswick
-  Dr. R.R. Prosper, Psychiatrist, Director of Mental Health Services for the Department of Health and Social Services of the Province of New Brunswick, pp.101-118;
- Dr. E.C. Menzies, Superintendent of the provincial Hospital at Lancaster, pp. 119-151;
- Mr. Leo F. Cain, Crown Prosecutor, pp. 152-153;
- Mr. W.F. Lane, Magistrate for the County of Westmorland, pp. 154-159;
- Mr. Carvell, J.T., Solicitor from Moncton, pp. 160-174;

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
- Dr. Alexander John Murchison, Director of the Mental Health Division for the Province of Prince Edward Island and  Medical Superintendent Falconwood Hospital for Mental Illnesses, pp. 175-206;

Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Mr. Gordon S. Black, Vice-President, Welfare Council of Halifax, pp. 208-224;
- Dr. Robert Joseph Weil, Psychiatrist and medical practitioner, pp. 225-247;
- Mr. John Arnott, Executive Secretary of the John Howard Society, pp. 248-253;
- Dr. John Fraser Nicholson, Psychiatrist, pp. 254-260;
- Mr. Louis Harris McDonald, Director, Criminal Division, Department of the Attorney General, Nova Scotia, pp. 261-275;
- Dr. R.W. Murray MacKay, Superintendent of the Nova Scotia Hospital, pp. 276-304;
- Mr. Peter J. O'Hearn, Barrister and Solicitor, Nova Scotia, pp. 305-342;
- Dr. Clyde S. Marshall, Psychiatrist, Chief, Neuro-Psychiatric Division of the Department of Health, Nova Scotia, p. 344-396;
- Dr. James Edgar Milligan, Penitentiary Physician at Dorchester Penitentiary, pp. 397-405;
- Hon. L.R. Curtis, Attorney-General, Nova Scotia, p. 407;

St-John's, Newfoundland
- Mr. Donald M. Clouston, President of the John Howard Society of Newfoundland, pp. 408-412;
- Dr. Clarence Herbert Pottle, Superintendent of the Hospital for the Mental and Nervous Diseases, pp. 413-429;
- Dr. Gerald Joseph O'Brien, Private Psychiatrist, pp. 430-440;
- Dr. William Whyte Black, Hospital for Mental and Nervous Diseases, pp. 441-450;

- Exhibit 9, "Summary of murder trials in New Brunswick, and disposition thereof, 1943 to 1953, Appendix, pp. 451-453, refered to and filed at p. 140 of Private Sessions, supra;
- Exhibit 10, "Submission on behalf of the Welfare Council of Halifax and the John Howard Society of Nova Scotia on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases", Appendix, pp. 454-461 (filed at p. 220);
- Exhibit 11, "Report of the Nova Scotia Sub-Committee on the Rules in McNaghten's Case", Appendix, pp. 462-504 (filed at p. 262);
- Exhibit 12, "Brief of the Nova Scotia Subsection of the Criminal Justice Section of the Canadian Bar Association", Appendix,  pp. 505-517 (filed at p. 329);
- Exhibit 13, "Submission to: Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases" by Donald M. Clouston, Appendix, pp. 518-532 (filed at p. 409);
- Exhibit 14, "Letter from Raoul Mercier, Q.C., Crown Attorney, Ottawa, dated June 18, 1954", Appendix, p. 533;

Report of Public Sessions in the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, Aug. 31 to Sept. 9, 1954, pp. 534-753
- Dr. Alvin T. Mathers, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, pp. 535-570;
- Dr. Roy Martin, Jail Physician, Winnipeg, pp. 570-574;
- Dr. Thomas Alexander Pincock, Provincial Psychiatrist, Manitoba, and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Medical Faculty, University of Manitoba, pp. 574-581;
- Dr. Gordon Maxwell Stephens, Psychiatrist, Manitoba Penitentiary, and lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, University of Manitoba, pp. 581-583;
- Dr. D.G. McKerracher, Pychiatrist, Director of the Psychiatric Services Branch, Department of Public Health of the Province of Saskatchewan and Professor of Psychiatry, University of Saskatchewan, pp. 585-608;
- Dr. Morgan Martin, Psychiatrist, Director of the Mental Health Clinic, Regina General Hospital and President of the Saskatchewan Psychiatric Association, pp. 609-616;
- Dr. George Franklin Nelson, Psychiatrist and Consultant to the Warden, Saskarchewan Penitentiary, pp. 616-626;
- Dr. John Lucy, Psychiatrist, Psychiatric Services, Division of the Department of Public Health, Provincial Government of Saskatchewan and Director of the Munroe Wing, Regina (small in-patient establishment for psychiatric cases) and member of the Saskatchewan Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association, pp. 627-642;
- Mr. Wilbur Fee Bowker, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, pp. 644-678;
- Dr. Randall MacLean, Director, Division of Mental Health, Division of Alberta, pp. 678-721;

- Exhibit 15: "Brief prepared jointly by the Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine University of Manitoba and the Psychiatric Section Manitoba Division Canadian Medical Association for submission in August, 1954 to the Royal Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases", pp. 722-723 (filed at p. 563);
- Exhibit 17:  "Presentation by Psychiatric Services Branch [of the Department of Public Health, Province of Saskatchewan]", pp. 724-727 (filed at p. 587);
-Exhibit 18, "Brief to be submitted to the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defense on behalf of the Saskatchewan Psychiatric Association", pp. 728-730 (filed at p. 609);
-Exhibit 19, "To the Royal Commission on Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases submitted Dr. John Lucy on behalf of the Canadian Mental Health Association Sasktachewan Division - The Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases", pp. 731-744 (filed at p. 628);
-Exhibit 21, "Royal Commission on Insanity in Relation to Criminal Cases - Representations of the Faculty of Law, University of Alberta", pp. 745-748 (filed at p. 678);
-Exhibit 22, "Joint Presentation by the Director and the Mental Hospitals' Medical Staffs, Division of Mental Health, Alberta, the Faculty of Medicine University of Alberta, the College of Psychicians and Surgeons of Alberta, the Alberta Division of the Canadian Medical Association, and the Alberta Psychiatric Association, to the Royal Commission appointed to Study the Revision of the Criminal Code in Respect to the Defence of Insanity", pp. 749-753 (filed at p. 704);

Report of Public Sessions in Victoria and Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 13th to 16th 1954, pp. 754-983 incl.
- Dr. George Herbert Stevenson, Director of the Narcotic Addiction Survey, University of British Columbia and Research Professor in Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, pp. 755-797; see his writings, Stevenson, infra;
- Mr. H.A. Maclean, Q.C., Attorney-General for British Columbia, pp. 798-819;
- Mr. Joseph McKenna, Q.C., Barrister, Victoria, pp. 819-830;
- Mr. Eric Pepler, Q.C., Barrister of the Province of British Columbia and former Deputy Attorney-General (for last 20 years), pp. 831-841;
- Dr. Roderich Laird Whitman, Canadian Medical Association, British Columbia Division, Psychiatrist, Assistant Psychiatrist to the Department of Medicine in the Vancouver General Hospital, and lecturer in psychiatry in the University of British Columbia Medical School, pp. 841-860;
- Mr. Angelo Ernest Branca, Q.C., Barrister, British Columbia, pp. 862-885;
- Mr. Stanley James Richard Remnant, Q.C., Member of the Bar of British Columbia and a Crown Prosecutor, pp. 886-932 (his brief is copied with interpelations into the record at pp. 888-914, exhibit 24, infra);
- Dr. Arthar Milsap Gee, Psychiatrist, Director, Mental Health Services, Province of British Columbia at Essondale (Headquarters), pp. 932-948;
- Mr. Thomas Grantham Norris, Q.C., Barrister, British Columbia, pp. 949-975;

- Exihibit 23, "Submission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases" by H. Alan Maclean, Q.C., Deputy Attorney-General at Victoria, B.C., pp. 976-981 (filed at p. 807);
-Exhibit 24, "Brief submitted by S.J.R. Remnant, Q.C., at the request of the Attorney General for British Columbia, the Faculty of Law of the University of British Columbia and the Chairman of the Committee on the Administration of Criminal Justice of the British Columbia Section of the Canadian Bar Association", filed at p. 932 (the brief is copied with interpelations into the record at pp. 888-914);
- Exhibit 25, "Presentation by the B.C. Provincial Mental Health Services to the Royal Commission Appointed to Study the Revision of the Criminal Code with Respect to Insanity", pp. 982-983 (filed at p. 938);

Report of the Public Sessions Held at Montreal and Quebec City, Commencing February 7, 1955, pp. 984-1226 F-1:
- Mr. Maxwell Cohen, member of the Quebec and the Manitoba Bars, Professor of law at McGill University, pp. 985-1008;
- Dr. Allister W. MacLeod, MD, Psychiatrist, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Departement of Psychiatry, McGill University and Associate Director of the Montreal Hygiene Institute of Montreal, also in private practice, pp. 1009-1026;
- Dr. J. Arthur Huard, Psychiatrist, Superintendent, Bordeaux Hospital, pp. 1027-1038;
- Mr. W.J.J. Meredith, Q.C., Dean of the Faculty of Law, McGill University, member of the Quebec Bar, pp. 1040-1051; see his writings, Meredith, infra;
- Mr. Georges-Émile LeBel, Warden, St. Vincent Penitentiary, pp. 1053-1060;
- Dr. George Ernest Reed, Superintendent Verdun Protestant Hospital, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at McGill University, and Consultant in psychiary to the Department of Veterans' Affairs and Children Memorial Hospital, pp. 1061-1085;
- Mr René Gauthier, Former Senior Prosecutor and now defence counsel, pp. 1086-1087;
- Mr. Dollard Dansereau, Q.C., member of the Quebec Bar, former Crown Prosecutor and now defence counsel, pp. 1087-1122;
- The Honourable Antoine Rivard, Q.C., Solicitor-General for the Province of Quebec, pp. 1123-1132;
- Dr Charles Martin, Psychiatrist, Roy-Rousseau Clinic (attached to St. Michel Archange Hospital)  neuro-psychiatric hospital attached to Laval University, also psychiatrist Ste Foy Hospital, The Veterans' Hospital,  pp. 1133-1155;
- Mr. J.P.A. Gravel, Q.C., Vice President, Canadian Bar Association, pp. 1155-1157;
- Dr. Lucien Larue, Psychiatrist, Medical Superintendent, St. Michel Archange Hospital and Professor of Psychiatry , Laval University, pp. 1158-1165;
- Mr. Francis de B. Gravel, member of the Quebec Bar, pp. 1165-1187;
- Mr. Noël Dorion, Senior Chief Crown Attorney and professor of criminal procedure, Laval University, pp. 1187-1200;
- Mr. Raymond Maher, member of the Quebec Bar, pp. 1201-1226;

- Exhibit 26, "Brief Submitted by the John Howard Society of Quebec Inc. to the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases", dated 7 February 1955, pp. 1226A to 1226A-12 (filed at p. 988);
- Exhibit 27, "Brief to be submitted by the province of Quebec Psychiatric Association to the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defense in Criminal Cases", pp. 1226B to 1226B-4 (filed at p. 1028);
- Exhibit 28, "Re Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases.  Brief submitted by W.C.J. Meredith, Q.C., Dean of the Faculty of Law, McGill University", pp. 1226C to 1226C-3 (filed at p. 1042); brief dated 28 January 1955; see his writings, infra;
- Exhibit 29, "Report to the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defense in Criminal Cases", pp. 1226D to 1226D-5 (filed at p. 1166); signature block of François De B. Gravel, and dated 9 February 1955;
- Exhibit 30, "Written submission of Mr. Noël Dorion, Q.C., Chief Crown Attorney and Professor of criminal procedure, Quebec City, pp. 1226E- 1226E-4 (filed at p. 1200); this written submission is the "Excerpt of 'The History of Capital Punishment' by George Ryley Scott, F.Z.S., F.R.A.I., F.Ph.S. (eng.), - First published 1950 - ch. VIII - The Responsibility of the Individual and the Question of Insanity, the Murderer and the Question of Responsibility, page 103";
- Exhibit 31, "Submission of the Hon. Mr. Justice Lacroix of the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec"; filed at p. 1200 (but found at pp. 302-310 of the Private Sessions, supra);
-Exhibit 32, "Summary of representations by Mr. Raymond Maher", pp. 1226F to 1226F1 (filed at p. 1206);

Report of Public Sessions held at Toronto and Ottawa Commencing April 12, 1955, pp. 1227-1866 incl.
- Mr. William Belmont Common, Q.C., member of the Ontario Bar, Director of Public Prosecutions, Department of the Attorney-General of Ontario, pp. 1228-1299;
-Dr. Charles Simmons Tennant, Psychiatrist, Forensic Psychiatrist, Ontario, Department of Healt, pp. 1301-1326;
- Mr. Tobias Forestell, Q.C., Crown Attorney for the County of Welland, pp. 1327-1336;
- Dr. Charles Augustus Roberts, Psychiatrist, National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, pp. 1339-1341 (alone); pp. 1341-1347 testifying with Dr. Gray;
- Dr. Kenneth George Gray, Psychiatrist, Professor, Department of psychiatry, University of Toronto, pp. 1341-1347 (with Dr. Roberts); pp. 1348-1381 (alone); see the writings of Gray, infra;
- Mr. Goldwyn Arthur Martin, Q.C., Member of the Ontario and the British Columbia Bar, pp. 1381-1421; see his writings, infra;
- Dr. George F. Boyer, specialist in nervous diseases, pp. 1422-1431;
- Mr. John Josiah Robinette, Q.C., member of the Ontario Bar, pp. 1431-1452;
- Mr. Norman Borins, Q.C., member of the Ontario Bar, pp. 1452-1498;
- Dr. John Nelson Senn, Psychiatrist, Medical Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Hamilton, pp. 1499-1539;
- Mr. William Osmund Gibson, Q.C., Crown Attorney of the County of York, pp. 1539-1555;
- Dr Clarence B. Farrar, head of the course of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, pp. 1556-1564; ***there is a note at p. 1564 indicating that the next page is 1650***;
- Mr. Henry H. Bull, Q.C., member of the Ontario Bar, pp. 1650-1670;
- Dr. Arthur Manning Doyle, Psychiatrist, Professor, Department of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, on staff at St. Michaels Hospital at the Toronto Psychiatric Hospital, pp. 1671-1701;
- Dr. John Phillip Selby Cathcart, Psychiatrist, private practice and advisor to the Department of Justice, pp. 1702-1744;
- Mr. Timothy J. Rigney, Q.C., member of the Ontario Bar, pp. 1745-1766;

-Exhibit 33, "Memorandum of Mr. W.B. Common, Q.C., Director of Public Prosecutions, Ontario" at pp. 1774-1778 (filed at p. 1299);
-Exhibit 34, "Letter dated February 24, 1955 from Dr. C.S. Tennant to Mr. R.N. Dickson, The Secretary of this Commission", pp. 1779-1783 (filed at p. 1300);
-Exhibit 35, "Submission in writing by Mr. T.F. Forestell, Q.C., Crown Attorney for the County of Welland" [ "Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases"], pp. 1784-1786 (filed at p. 1328);
-Exhibit 36, "University of Toronto, Department of psychiatry and the Toronto Psychiatric Hospital Operational Forensic Clinic January 1, 1950 to December 31, 1954" , pp. 1787-1789D (filed at p. 1375);
-Exhibit 37, "Chapter IV of the Report of the Ontario Health Survey Committee Vols. I II III (1951)" [Chapter IV = Mental Health Facilities for the Courts], pp. 1790-1802 (filed at p. 1375);
-Exhibit 38, "International review of criminal policy", filed at p. 1376 "(This review is not into the Appendix)";
-Exhibit 39, "Submissions to the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases" by Norman Borins, Q.C.,  pp. 1803-1815 (filed at p. 1470);
- Exhibit 39-A, "Summary of Submission to the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases" by Norman Borins, Q.C., Toronto, April 13, 1955", pp. 1816-1818;
-Exhibit 40, "Written submission of Dr. J.N. Senn, Medical Superintendentof Ontario Hospital at Hamilton", pp. 1819-1825 (filed at p. 1501);
-Exhibit 40-A, "Memorandum submitted by Mr. Henry H. Bull, Q.C.", pp. 1826-1831 (filed p. 1652);
-Exhibit 41, "Letter dated August 30, 1954 from Canadian Psychological Association [the President, Father Noël Mailloux] to the Chairman of this Commission", pp. 1832-1834 (filed at p. 1766);
-Exhibit 42, "Letter dated September 10, 1954, from the Office of the Police Magistrate of the City of Vancouver [signed by Gordon W. Scott Deputy Police Magistrate"], addressed to the Secretary of this Commission", p. 1835 (filed at p. 1767);
-Exhibit 43, "Letter dated October 18, 1954 from the Department of Health of the Province of Saskatchewan, addressed to the Secretary of this Commission", pp. 1836-1841 (filed at p. 1767);
-Exhibit 44, "Representation of the Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, presented by Dean W.J. Bowker, Q.C., B.A., L.L.B., L.L.M.", pp. 1842-1861 (filed at p. 1769);
-Exhibit 45, "Letter dated April 1, 1955 from Dr. J.T. Phair, M.B., D.P.H., Deputy Minister of Health, Ontario, addressed to the Secretary", pp. 1862-1864 (filed at p. 1769);
-Exhibit 46, "Letter dated April 4, 1955 from H.C. Moorhouse, Superintendent of the Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, Ontario", p. 1865 (1 p.), (filed at p. 1770);
-Exhibit 47, "Letter dated April 6, 1955 from Ontario Medical Association (Canadian Medical Association - Ontario Division), addressed to the Secretary of this Commission, with presentation of Canadian Psychiatric Association", p.1866, (one page only and  filed at p. 1770);

CANADA, Royal Commission to Investigate the Penal System of Canada, Report of the Royal Commission to Investigate the Penal System of Canada/, Ottawa: Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1938, vi, 418 p., and see Chapter 11, "Treatment of Insane Persons", at pp. 149-158 PDF and (Chairman: Judge Joseph Archambault); also published in French  / aussi publié en français: Commission royale d'enquête sur le système pénal du Canada, Rapport de la Commission royale d'enquête sur le système pénal du Canada, Ottawa: Imprimeur de Sa Très Excellente Majesté Le Roi, 1938, 440 p. (Président: Juge Joseph Archamabault);

CANADA/PROVINCES, Report of the Working Group on Chapter 3 of the Law Reform Commission of Canada Report 30, Vol. 1,  "Recodifying Criminal Law", [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], December 1987, vii, 80 p., see the discussion of "Clause 3(5) and 3(6) Unfitnesss to Plead and Mental Disorder" at pp. 36-37; Research Note: this report is cited in the Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1988-1989 - 18th Annual Report,Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1989 at p. 37, ISBN: 0662573013.  Chapter 3 of report 30  is entitled "Defences" and  includes a provision, clause 3(5), on "Unfitness to Plead" and clause 3(6) on "Mental Disorder".    This report of the working group was submitted to the Federal-Provincial Coordination Committee of Senior Justice Officials.  Members of the Working Group were from: the Department of Justice Canada, and from the following provincial Attorney General departments or Ministries/Departments of Justice: Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and  British Columbia. This report is available from the Department of Justice Canada.  It was obtained by François Lareau in 1998 under Access to Information Act Request number A98-00185; also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA/PROVINCES, Rapport du Groupe de travail chargé de l'étude du chapitre 3 du Rapport no 30 de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada "Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal" (Volume I), [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada],  décembre 1987, vii, 88 p., voir la discussion sur le "Paras. 3(5)  à 3(6)  Inaptitude à se défendre et Troubles mentaux" aux pp. 30-40; Notes de recherche : ce rapport est mentionné dans Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1988-1989, Dix-huitième Rapport annuel,  Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1989,  à la p. 40, ISBN: 0662573013.  Le chapitre 3 du rapport 30 a pour titre «Les moyens de défense» et comprend une disposition, le paragraphe 3(5),  sur «l'inaptitude à se défendre» et le paragraphe 3(6) sur les «Troubles mentaux».  Ce rapport du groupe de travail a été soumis au Comité fédéral-provincial de coordination composé de fonctionnaires de niveau supérieur de la justice.  Les membres du groupe de travail proviennent du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des ministères des procureurs généraux /ministères provinciaux de la justice suivants: l'Ontario, Québec, Nouvelle-Écosse, Saskatchewan, Alberta et Columbie-Britannique. Ce rapport est disponible au Ministère de la Justice Canada.  Il a été obtenu par François Lareau en 1998 suite à une demande en vertu de la Loi sur l'accès à l'information, demande numéro A-98-00185;

CANADA, Solicitor General Canada, Working Group of the Correctional Law Review, Mental Health Services for Penitentiary Inmates, Ottawa: Solicitor General Canada, February 1988, vi, 79 p. (series; working paper; number 9); available at, accessed on 29 December 2002; also published in French / aussi disponible en français: Groupe de travail de la Révision du droit correctionnel, Les services de santé mentale pour les détenus des pénitenciers, Ottawa: Solliciteur général Canada, février 1998, vii, 90 p. (Collection; document de travail; numéro 9); disponible à  visionné le 29 décembre 2002;


_____________Dominique Bourget, from the Canadian Psychiatric Association and President, Canadian Academy on Psychiatry and the Law; testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 10 April 2002 (E /F): Panel I: From the Canadian Psychiatric Association: Dr.Dominique Bourget, President, Canadian Academy on Psychiatry and the Law: the Law, English / Français;

___________"Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada -- Brief Presented to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights", brief prepared by Dominique Bourget, April 2002, 10 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000390-0003899;

 CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING, Hand written notes submitted to the Standing Committee  to the Standing Committee on Justice and Solicitor General: Bill C-30 Mental Disorder, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to amend the National Defence Act and the Young Offenders Act in consequence thereof, 2 p.; Dulcie McCallum, Counsel and legal/government affairs appeared before the Standing Committee on 23 October 1991, see CANADA Parliament - Bill C-31... House of Commons... Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General...issue number 10, October 24, 1991, supra;

___________"Reviewing the Menatl Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code Through An Intellectual Disability Lens [Brief presented to the House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", [Toronto:] [The Canadian Association for Community Living], 25 January 2002, 7 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000143-000149; also available in French / aussi disponible en français:

___________testimony before the House of Commons, on 19 March 2002 (E/F): from the Canadian Association for Community Living: Orville Endicott, Legal Consultant, Disability Right Issues; Jim Mahaffy, CACL Board Representative of NAACJ: English/ Français

CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED, Community alternatives to imprisonment for mentally retarded persons in conflict with the law: seminar report, [Downsview]: The Association, [1978], 60 p.; information from the University of Windsor catalogue;

CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF POLICE CHIEFS, [Law Amendment Committee], An Evaluation of Volume I of the Report 30 Published by the Law Reform Commission Canada and titled "Recodifying Criminal Law", [Ottawa?]: The Canadian Association of Police Chiefs, August 1987, 112 p., see the discussion on Mental Disorder at  pp. 23-24;  Research Note:  this report was submitted by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police to the Minister of Justice Canada in September 1987; a copy of this paper can be found in the unpublished papers of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code, supra,. see Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code, issue number 10, December 8, 1992 at p. 10A-4;

___________"Submission and Brief by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police for the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General concerning The Framework Document on the Proposed New General Part of the Criminal Code",  May 1991, published in Canada, House of Commons, Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: Queen's Printer for Canada, issue number 10, of 8 December 1992, pp. 10A: 1 to 10A: 12, and see "Mental Disorder" at p. 10A: 9; also published in French /aussi publié en français, "Présentation et mémoire de l'Association canadienne des chefs de police au Comité permanent de la Chambre des Communes de la Justice et du Solliciteur général au sujet du document cadre sur la nouvelle Partie générale du Code criminel", dans CANADA, Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général,  [Ottawa]: I'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1991, fasicule numéro 10, du 8 décembre 1992 aux pp. 10A : 24 à 10A :38, voir "Troubles mentaux" à la p.10A : 35;

CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION, Criminal Recodification Task Force, Principles of Criminal Liability: Proposals for a New General Part of the Criminal Code - Report of the Criminal Recodification Task Force,  Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, [1992],  x, 190 p., see "Mental Disorder" at pp. 59-70, ISBN: 0920742335; Research Note: This book is also published in CANADA, House of Commons, Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, supra, Issue 5 of 2 and 18 November 1992 at pp. 5A:65 to 5A:76; also published in French / aussi publié en français: ASSOCIATION  DU BARREAU CANADIEN, GROUPE DE TRAVAIL SUR LA NOUVELLE CODIFICATION DU DROIT PÉNAL, Principes de responsabilité pénale: proposition de nouvelles dispositions générales du Code criminel du Canada: Rapport du Groupe de travail sur la nouvelle codification du droit pénal, Ottawa : Association du Barreau canadien, [1992], xiii, 206 p., ISBN: 0920742351; Note de recherche : aussi publié dans CANADA, Chambre des Communes, Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, supra, fasicule 5 du  2 et 18 novembre 1992 aux pp. 5A:224-5A:434, voir "Les troubles mentaux aux pp. 5A:298 à 5A:309;

___________discussion of the  "Proposals to amend the Criminal Law concerning mental disorder" released by the Minister, the Hon. Kim Campbell summer of 1991; discussion at the annual meeting of 1991, August probably!

___________Heather E. Perkins-McVey, Chair, National Criminal Justice Section; Tamra L. Thomson, Director, Legislation and Law Reform, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 18 April 2002 (E/F): From the Canadian Bar Association: Heather E. Perkins-McVey, Chair, National Criminal Justice Section; Tamra L. Thomson, Director, Legislation and Law Reform:  EnglishFrançais

___________Information Service of the Canadian Bar Association, "CBA Urges Multi-disciplinary Approach to Current Review of Mental Disorder Provisions in Criminal Code", 10 April 2002, available at (accessed on 30 July 2002); also published in French/aussi publié en français,  ASSOCIATION DU BARREAU CANADIEN, Service d'information du Barreau canadien, "L'ABC préconise l'adoption d'une approche multidisciplinaire pour l'examen des dispositions du Code criminel concernant les troubles mentaux", 10 avril 2002, disponible à;

"OTTAWA - The Canadian Bar Association says the government has taken too narrow a focus in its review of the mental disorder provisions contained in the Criminal Code, and urges the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and
Human Rights to opt for a multi-disciplinary approach that would take into account input from psychiatrists, lawyers and social scientists. ..."

"OTTAWA - Selon l'Association du Barreau canadien, le gouvernement a adopté une approche trop restrictive dans son examen des dispositions du Code criminel concernant les troubles mentaux et, dans cette optique, exhorte le Comité permanent des Communes de la justice et des droits de la personne à opter pour une approche multidisciplinaire qui tiendrait compte de l'opinion des psychiatres, des juristes et des spécialistes en sciences sociales. [...]"

___________Legal and Governmental Affairs Directorate (Legislation and Law Reform) in consultation with the National Criminal Justice Section, Submission on Bill C-30: An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Mental Disorder) and to Amend the National Defence Act and the Young Offenders Act in Consequence Thereof, September 1991, 46 p.;  the brief states that "The submission was also reviewed by the Association's Standing Committee on Legislation and Law Reform.  The submission has been approved as a public statement of the Canadian Bar Association" (p. i); Mr. Terence A. Wade, Director, Legislation and Law Reform, Canadian Bar Association appeared before the Standing Committee on 22 October 1991, see CANADA Parliament - Bill C-31... House of Commons... Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General...issue number 9, October 22, 1991, supra;

___________Letter to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code, "RE: Review of Criminal Code Mental Disorder Provisions", signed by Heather Perkins-McVey, Chair, National Criminal Justice Section, and Professor Allan Manson, Chair, Committee on Imprisonment and Release, 4 February 2002, 3 p; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000150-000156 (includes the French letter); also available in French / aussi disponible en français;

___________National Criminal Justice Section, "Submission on Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code [to the House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights; Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", April 2002, 14 p., available at, accessed on 30 July 2002, 14 p.;  see also the testimony on 18 April 2002 (E/F) of Heather E. Perkins-McVey, Chair, Canadian Bar Association, National Criminal Justice Section; EnglishFrançais; also published in French  / aussi publié en français: "Mémoire au sujet des Dispositions du Code criminel concernant les troubles mentaux [à la Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions relatives aux troubles mentaux]", avril 2002, 17 p., disponible à

___________Nova Scotia, Sub-committee on the Rules in McNaghten's Case, Report, [Halifax?: s.n.], 1946, 30 p., 29 cm., copy at Dalhousie Law Faculty;

___________Submission to the Minister of Justice on the Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (General Principles), [Ottawa]: [The Canadian Bar Association], January 1994, 12 p. (series; Legislative and Law Reform Submissions); also published in French / aussi publié en français: L'Association du Barreau canadien, Mémoire au Ministre de la justice sur la proposition de modification du Code criminel (Principes généraux), [Ottawa]: [L'Association du Barreau canadien], janvier 1994, 12 p. (Collection; Mémoires - Législation et réforme du droit);

THE CANADIAN COMMITTEE ON CORRECTIONS, Report of the Canadian Committee on Corrections: Toward Unity: Criminal Justice and Corrections, Ottawa: The Queen's Printer, 1969, xi, 505 p., see Chapter 12, "Mentally Disordered Persons under the Criminal Law" at  pp. 219-239 (Chairman: Roger Ouimet); also published in French / aussi publié en français : Comité canadien de la réforme pénale et correctionnelle, Rapport du Comité canadien de la réforme pénale et correctionnelle: Justice pénale et correction: un lien à forger, Ottawa, L'Imprimeur de la Reine, 1969, xii, 554 p., voir le chapitre 12, "Les personnes présentant des troubles psychiatriques et le droit pénal" aux pp. 235-256 (Président: Roger Ouimet);

CANADIAN COUNCIL ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, The mentally retarded offender : workshop papers  presented at the Canadian Conference on Social Welfare,  June 18-22, 1972, Laval University, Ottawa : [Canadian Council on Social Development, 1973?], 26 p.;

CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH INFORMATION, Improving the Health of Canadians: Mental Health, Delinquency and Criminal Activity, Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information, viii, 69 p., ISBN: 978-1-55465-219-8; available at and (accessed on 1 May 2008); also published in French / aussi publié en français: INSTITUT CANADIEN SUR LA SANTÉ,  Améliorer la santé des Canadiens: Santé mentale, délinquance et activité criminelle, Ottawa: Institut canadien  sur la santé, disponible à et (vérifiés le 1er mai 2008);

Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / La revue canadienne des sciences du comportement; as seen at on 4 November 2000;

CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION and Richard Drewry, "Recommendations by the Canadian Health Association Regarding Amendments to the Criminal Code Concerning Mental Disorder",  (April 1992) 1(2) Health Law Review 12-15; "minor revisions have ben made to the submissions to reflect the fact that the provisions of Bill C-30 now constitute law";


___________"Care of Insane Persons Under the Criminal Law", special study undertaken at the request of the Canadian Committe on Corrections as mentioned in The Canadian Committee on Corrections, Report of the Canadian Committee on Corrections: Toward Unity: Criminal Justice and Corrections, supra, at p. 443;

___________The Law and mental disorder, one: Hospitals and patient care - A Report of the Committee on Legislation and Psychiatric Disorder in Canada,  vol. 1 of 3, Toronto: Canadian Mental Health Association, 1964, xi, 39  p.;

___________The Law and mental disorder, two: civil rights and privileges - a report of the Committee on Legislation and Psychiatric Disorder in Canada; a commiiee of the National Scientific Planning Council of the Canadian Mental Health Association,  vol. 2 of 3, Toronto: Canadian Mental Health Association, 1967, xiv, 99  p.;

___________The Law and mental disorder, three: criminal process - a report of the Committee on Legislation and Psychiatric Disorder in Canada; a commiiee of the National Scientific Planning Council of the Canadian Mental Health Association,  vol. 3 of 3, Toronto: Canadian Mental Health Association, 1969, ix, 78 p.;

___________La loi et la maladie mentale, rapport du Comité d'études sur la Loi et la Maladie mentale du Comité scientifique national de Planification de l'Association Canadienne pour la Santé Mentale: Première partie: Hôpitaux et soins aux malades.  Deuxième partie: Droits civils et privilèges.  Troisième partie: Pratiques en droit criminel, Montréal: L'Association canadiene pour la santé mentale, Division du Québec, 1969, xi, 202 p.;

__________Scientific Planning Council, "Brief to the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity", found at  CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, Report of First Public Session held in the Board of Transport Court Room, Ottawa, June 9, 1954, pp. 1-99B , supra;

CANADIAN POLICE ASSOCIATION, from the, David Griffin, Executive Officer, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 23 April 2002 (E /F): From Canadian Police Association: David Griffin, Executive Officer: English / Français

___________"Brief to the Standing Committe on Justice and Human Rights -- Regarding the Statutory Review of the mental disorder provisions of the Criminal Code", 23 April 2002, 12 p.; brief published in English at; also available in French/aussi disponible en français "Mémoire de l'Association canadienne des policiers et policières concernant un examen prévu dans la loi des dispositions du Code criminel sur les troubles mentaux", 23 avril 2002; le mémoire est publié au site de l'Association à;

CANADIAN PROFESSIONAL POLICE ASSOCIATION, "Brief to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Regarding Bill C-10 (An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts)", 9 p.;  Tony Cannavino, President
David Griffin, Executive Officer,  appeared before the Standing Committee on May 4, 2005, available at  and (accessed on 8 April 2006); note: "The CPPA was created in 2003, with the merger of the Canadian Police Association (CPA) and National Association of Professional Police (NAPP)" (p. 1); also published in rench / aussi publié en français: ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DE LA POLICE PROFESSIONNELLE, "Mémoire au Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles concernant projet de loi C-10 (Loi modifiant le Code criminel (troubles mentaux) et modifiant d’autres lois en conséquence), présenté par Tony Cannavino, président et David Griffin, agent exécutif, 4 mai 2005, 10 p., disponible à  et (pages visitées le 8 avril 2006); note: "L'ACPP fut créée en 2003 lors de la fusion de l'Association canadienne des policiers et policières (ACP) et de l'Association nationale de la police professionnelle (ANPP)" (p. 1);


___________BOURGET, Dominique, from the Canadian Psychiatric Association and President, Canadian Academy on Psychiatry and the Law; testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 10 April 2002 (E /F): Panel I: From the Canadian Psychiatric Association: Dr.Dominique Bourget, President, Canadian Academy on Psychiatry and the Law, English / Français;

___________Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Solicitor General Re: Mental Disorder Amendments to the Criminal Code, submitted by the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Ottawa, Presented by Dr. Maralyn MacKay and Dr. Nizar Ladha, October 24, 1991, revised copy, 8 p.; Dr. Maralyn MacKay, Director/directeur; Dr. Nizar Ladha, Chair, Section on Forensic Psychiatry/président, Section de la psychiatrie légale appeared before the Standing Committee on 23 October 1991, see CANADA Parliament - Bill C-31... House of Commons... Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General...issue number 11, October 24, 1991, supra;

___________Majority see promise in C-30", (June 1993), 25(3) Canadian Psychiatric Association Bulletin 7 and 9; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Le projet de loi C-30: un espoir a l'horizon pour la majorité" (juin 1993) 25(3) Bulletin de l'Association des psychiatres du Canada 6 et 8;

___________"Presentation by the Canadian Psychiatric Association to the Royal Commission appointed to study the Revision of the Criminal Code with Respect to Insanity", the brief is  reproduced in CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, supra, at pp. 16-18 of the report and at CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, Report of First Public Session held in the Board of Transport Court Room, Ottawa, June 9, 1954, pp. 1-99B , supra;  also published in French  / aussi publié en français: [Traduction] "Exposé de l'Association canadienne de psychiatrie à la Commission royale nommée aux fins d'étudier la revision du Code criminel en ce qui concerne l'aliénation mentale"; le mémoire est reproduit dans CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, supra, aux  pp. 15-18;

__________Video of the Highlights of the Symposium on Bill C-30, held May 7, 1993, St Mary's Hospital, sponsored by St. Mary's Hospital, the Canadian Psychiatric Association and the Department of Psychiatry at McGill University; such a video was mentioned as being in the process of being produced in "Majority see promise in C-30", (June 1993), 25(3) Canadian Psychiatric Association Bulletin 7 at 9; the participants were : Dr. Gilbert Pinard (opening remarks) and the five panel members: Dr. Nizar Ladha, Bernard Starkman, Ed Tollefson, Dr. Bradford, ans Dr. Morrison;

CANADIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Committee on Legal Affairs, prepared by the, in cooperation with the Mental Health, Law and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, "The Expanded Role of Psychologists in the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", Position paper, Committee on Legal Affairs, Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Canada, 2002, [ii], 14 p., submitted to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code;

CANADIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION web site / site web ( as of 25 June 2000);

___________Dr. Cinny Bubber and Dr. Jordan Hanley, from The Canadian Psychologogical Association, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 10 April 2002 (E /F): Panel I: From the Canadian Psychological Association: Dr. Jordan Hanley; Dr. Cinny Bubber; English / Français;

___________Dr. Cinny Bubber and Dr. Jordan Hanley, from The Canadian Psychologogical Association, "The Expanded Role of Psychologists in the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada: An Applied Perspective -- Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights [Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", April 2002, 12, 26 p.; note the brief includes as Appendix A, an unpublished manuscript by Jodi L.Viljoen, Ronald Roesch, James R.P. Ogloff, and Patricia A. Zapf, "The Role of Canadian Psychologists in Conducting Fitness and Criminal Responsibility Evaluations", 2002, 26 p., Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada; note that the paper, prepared by the Committee on Legal Affairs, Canadian Psychological Association in cooperation with the Mental Health, Law and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, "The Expanded Role of Psychologists in the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", Position paper, Committee on Legal Affairs, Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Canada, 2002 has been sent as a separate submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code;

__________Jordan Ward Hanley and Cinny Bubber, "CPA Members Advocate for Psychology [before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", (Summer 2002) 24(3) Psynopsis 7; available at; (accessed on 5 August 2002);

___________Report to the Minister of Justice on the Canadian Law Reform Commission's submission "Mental disorder in the criminal justice process", [Ottawa : The Association, 1979?], 37 leaves; information from the Simon Fraser University catalogue;


CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION, NEW BRUNSWICK DIVISION, A special committee report on lieutenant governor's warrants,             Fredericton, N.B. : C.M.H.A., New Brunswick Division, 1982, 27 leaves,  note: "Released May, 1982"; information from the York University catalogue;

CANADIAN RESOURCE CENTRE FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME, "Brief to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on the Review of Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", 24 January 2002, 5 p., available at; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000390-000399; the brief is also available in French / le mémoire est aussi disponible en français;

___________see also the testimony before the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on the Review of Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code on  21 March 2002 (E/F) of  Steve Sullivan, President and Executive Director, Canadian Resource for Victims of Crime English / Français;

CANTIN, Julie, Judiciarisation et problèmes de santé mentale: la trajectoire pénale des clients de l'Urgence psychosocialejustice, Mémoire de maîtrise en criminologie dirigé par Pierre Landreville, Université de Montréal, 2000; titre de thèse noté dans ma recherche mais document pas encore consulté;.

CAPLAN, Joseph, "Medico-Legal experience: Review of One Hundred Consecutive Forensic Cases in a General Psychiatric Practice", (1973) 18(4) Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 279-282;

CAPLAN, Paula J., "The Justice System's Endoresement of Mental Health Assessors's Sexism and Other Biases' Charter Issues and Other Forms of Injustice",  in Health Care, Ethics and Law/Le droit de la santé, Montreal: Éditions Thémis, xi, 398 p. at pp. 79-87, ISBN: 2894100251; part of the National Conference "Health Care, Ethics and Law" hosted by the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice;

CARDINAL, Christiane, 1961-, La construction des identités d'infracteur et de malade mental à travers le processus pénal, Thèse Ph.D. (doctorat en sociologie), Université du Québec à Montréal, novembre 1995, xviii, 348 p.; directrice de thèse: Danielle Laberge;

CARRUTHERS, Mr. Justice Douglas H.,  "Ontario Review Board Chairman's Report to Members: April, 1998", 25 p.;   document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000294-000318;

___________"Pinet [R. v. Pinet, (1995) 23 O.R. 3rd 97] and McGillis [Administrator of Brockville Psychiatric Hospital & McGillis (1996) 2 C.R. (5th) 242] and the Cutbacks: Some Views, Comments, and Opinions on How they Affect the Ontario Review Board", 28 April 1997, 56 p.;  available from Acess to Information Act Request to Department of Justice Canada number A98-0024, pp. 00455-00511; Mr. Carruthers is the Chairperson of the Ontario Review Board;

CARTER, Mark, "Non-Statutory Criminal Law and the Charter: The Application of the Swain Approach in R. v. Daviault", (1995) 59 Saskatchewan Law Review 241-269;

CARVER, Paul, "Dangerous Offenders" in Joel E. Pink and David C. Perrier, eds., From Crime to Punishment: An Introduction to the Criminal Law System, 5th ed., Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2003, lxv, 666 p., at pp. 503-540, ISBN: 0459283375; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 9223 F76 2003;

CARVER, Peter, "Mental Health", in Barney Sneiderman, John C. Irvine, and Philip H. Osborne, eds., Canadian medical law : an introduction for physicians, nurses and other health care professionals, 3rd ed., Scarborough, Ont. : Carswell, c2003,  xxxiii, 766 p., Chapter 13, at pp. 263-303; deals with civil law but useful; copy at the Library of the Suprme Court of Canada, KF3821 S64 2003;

CATTELAN, V., The Psychiatrist as an Expert Witness and the Acceptance of Expert Testimony, Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre of Criminology, 1980, unpublished manuscript, cited in, Jackson, M.A., infra, Psychiatric Decision-Making for the Courts: Determining the Nature of Mental Health Expertise, bibliography; text not consulted;

CAVEAT - Canadians Against Violence, SafetyNet Conference 1994 Report, available on the internet at; the report contains a section on "High Risk Offenders" and a recommendation # 5 that s. 672.64 of the Criminal Code on capping not be proclaimed in force; CAVEAT stands for "Canadians against Violence Everywhere Advocating its Termination";

______________ SafetyNet Conference 1995 Report, available on the internet at; the report contains a section on "Mental Health and the High Risk Offender";

CELLARD, André et Dominique Nadon, "Ordre et désordre: le Montreal Lunatic Asylum et la naissance de l'asile au Québec", (Hiver1986) 39(3) Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française345-367;

CELLARD, André, 1958-, Folie et Société au Québec: de la Nouvelle-France au milieu du XIXe siècle, thèse Ph.D., Départment d'histoire, Faculté des Arts, février 1988, xii, 502 p.;

___________Histoire de la folie au Québec de 1600 à 1850 : le désordre, [Montréal]: Boréal, 1991, 282 p., ISBN:  2890523551;

CENTRE FOR ADDICTION AND MENTAL HEALTH, from the, Gail Czukar, General Counsel; Dr. Howard Barbaree, Professor and Clinical Director, Law and Mental Health Programs, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 23 April 2002 (E /F): From the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: Gail Czukar, General Counsel; Dr. Howard Barbaree, Professor and Clinical Director, Law and Mental Health Programs, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, English / Français

CENTRE OF CRIMINOLOGY,  University of Toronto,  Topical Bibliographies - Insanity Defence - A Select Bibliography, as seen on 26 October 2000 at;

CERENZIA, Tony,  from the Shizophrenia Society of Canada, testimony, before  Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 16 April 2002 (E/F): Panel I: From the Schizophrenia Society of Canada: Tony Cerenzia, English / Français

CHAIMOWITZ, Gary A., Graham D. Glancy and Janice Blackburn, "The Duty to Warn and Protect - Impact on Practice",  (2000) 45(10) The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 899-904;

CHALKE, F.C.R., "Comments on 'Dershowitz's 'The Role of Psychiatry in the Sentencing Process" in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1977, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, xii, 163 p., at  pp. 115-129, ISBN:  0080231330; Alan Dershowitz's article is at pp. 141-155;

__________Chairman, Advisory Board of Psychiatric Consultants) et al., The General Program for the Development of Psychiatric Services in Federal Correctional Services in Canada, Ottawa: Solicitor General of Canada, Information Canada, 1973, [5], 60 p.;  also published in French  / aussi publié en français: Plan d'ensemble de développement des services psychiatriques dans les services correctionnels fédéraux, Ottawa: Solliciteur général du Canada, 1973, [5], 60 p.;

CHAMBERS, Brian, Louis Riel: A Critical Examination of the Psychiatric Evidence, MA Thesis, Department of Political Science, University of Calgary, April 1976, v, 136 leaves;

CHAMBERLAIN, Clive and George Awad, "Psychiatric Service to the Juvenile Court: A Model", (1975) 20 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 599-605;

CHAMBERLAND Lyse A., 1957-, "Synthèse des débats - Les problèmes vécus par les services utilisateurs quant au fonctionnement de Pinel comme Ressource" dans Lyse A. Chamberlan,  Samir Rizkalla et Cécile Toutant, (équipe de recherche et d'organisation), La place de Pinel dans le circuit pénal, Montréal : Société de criminologie du Québec, 1981, ix, 103 p. aux pp. 1-15; note: "Colloque organisé conjointement par la Société de criminologie du Québec et l'Institut Philippe Pinel de   Montréal, à Montréal, le 20 mars 1981";

CHAMBERS, Jennifer, Empowerement Facilator, Empowerement Council, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 18 April 2002 (E/F): From the Empowerment Council: Jennifer Chambers, Empowerment Facilitator: EnglishFrançais

CHARLES, F.C. Rhodes, C.A. Roberts and R.E. Turner, "Forensic Psychiatry, 1845 to 1980", (1995) 40(3) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 120-124;

CHARPENTIER, René, L'expertise psychiatrique devant la juridiction criminelle et la défense sociale contre les anormaux, Québec : Imprimerie Laflamme, 1929, 24 p.; traite surtout du droit français; copie à copie à la Bibliothèque nationale, Ottawa et celle du Québec;

CHASSE, Kenneth L., "Comments on Wald and Friedman's 'The Politics of Mental Health Advocacy'" in David N. Weisstub, 1941-, ed., Law and Psychiatry II: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada February 1978, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1979, xii, 163 p., at pp. 71-76, ISBN: 0080239013; Patricia M. Wald and Paul R. Friedman's article "The Politics of Mental Health Adocacy in the United States" is at pp. 55-70;

CHAYKO, G.M. (Gary M.), Editor-in-chief and E.D. Gulliver, Associate Editor, Forensic Evidence in Canada, 2nd ed., Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 1999, xxv, 626 p., see Chapter 2, "Opinion Evidence" at pp. 3-11 and Chapter 2, "The Expert Witness" at pp. 13-33, ISBN: 0888043007;

CHENIER, Elise, "The Criminal Sexual Psychopath in Canada: Sex, Psychiatry and the Law at Mid-Century", (2003) 20(1) Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 75-101; available at (accessed on 18 February 2008);

CHERRY, Paul, "Montreal man who killed nun found not guilty by reason of insanity.  Martin Rouleau suffers from epilepsy and was in a state of dissociation when he killed 80-year-old Estelle Lauzon", The Gazette [The Montreal Gazette], 8 February 2010;  Quebec Superior Court Judge Guy Cournoyer; Crown Louis Bouthillier; available at (accessed on 10 February 2010); 

CHEVALIER, François, "Le coupable est-il un malade?", (1971) 16(1) Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 21-24 (Part of the "Symposium Forensic Psychiatry"); mosnieur Chevalier est juge à Cour supérieure du Québec;

CHRUMKA, Paul S., "Meeting the defense of  insanity" in Western Canada Crown Seminar  (4th : 1981 : Banff, Alta.), Alberta. Dept. of the Attorney General; British Columbia, Dept. of the Attorney-General; Manitoba. Dept. of the Attorney-General,  Saskatchewan, Dept. of the Attorney General, Western Canada Crown Seminar / sponsored by the Attorneys General of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia; Western Canada Prosecutors Conference, Banff : The Seminar, 1981; notes: "Annual seminar Banff Centre, Alberta March 29-April 3, 1981 "; Collected papers presented at the Western Canada Crown Seminar, also known as the Western Canada Prosecutors Conference; copy at the Department of Justice Canada,Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library / Ministère de la Justice Canada, Région des prairies, Bureau d'Edmonton, Bibliothèque de droit, KF 9223 A75 W47 1981; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet;

CHUANG, Henry T., Richard Williams and J. Thomas Dalby, "Criminal Behaviour among Schizophrenics", (1987) 32(4) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 255-258;

CHUNN, Dorothy E. and Robert Menzies "Out of Mind, Out of Law: The Regulation of 'Criminally Insane' Women inside British Columbia's Public Mental Hospitals, 1888-1973", (1998)10 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 306-337;

CHURGIN, Michael J., "The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Mental Health System: A Comparison of Law as Written and Law as Applied", A Comparison of Law as Written and Law as Applied", (1987) 7 Health Law in Canada 100-105;

CIALE, Justin, "Psychological Services At St. Vincent De Paul Penitentiary", (1958-59) The Canadian Journal of Corrections 15-20;

CIEPLY, Alfred, 1948-, A Mmultivariate Analysis of Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Violence as a Function of Television Viewing and Mental Disorder,  Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, c1979, v, 238 leaves;

CITY EDITORIAL, Our Views, "Justice for the mentally ill.  For too long, Ottawa's court system has been unable to deal swiftly and fairly with mentally ill defendants.  At last, there's a bright spot on the horizon", The Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, 13 February 2007, p. B4; about the opening of a Mental Health Court in Ottawa, February 2007;

CLARIDGE, Thomas, "Mentally ill detainees achieve major win at Supreme Court", (21 November 2003) 23(28) The Lawyers Weekly 1 and 8; deals with the Supreme Court of Canada decision of

CLARKE, C.K., "A Critical Study of the Case of Louis Riel", (April 1905) 12(4) Queen's Quarterly 379-388 and (July 1905) 13(1) 14-26;

_________"The Care and Treatment of the Criminal", (1904) 15 Canadian Journal of Medicine and Surgery 1;

CLARK, Daniel, 1835-1912, "Another Chapter in the History of Canadian Jurisprudence of Insanity", (1897) 4 Transactions of the American Medico-Psycological Association 331-351; noted in my research but not consulted;

__________"A Few Canadian Cases in Criminal Courts in which the Plea of Insanity was Presented", (1895) 2 Transactions of the American Medico-Psycological Association 171-191;  noted in my research but not consulted;

__________"Medical evidence in courts of law", [S.l., s.n.], 1879, Cover title. "Read before the Canada Medical Association, at Hamilton, Ontario,  September 12th, 1878"--p. [1]. From: American Journal of Insanity, January, 1879;  available 18 frames in series/Collection;CIHM/ICMH Microfiche series = CIHM/ICMH collection de microfiches ; no 36603), ISBN: 0665366035; noted in my research but not consulted;

CLARK, J. Maxwell, "A Cybernautical Perspective on Impulsivity and Addiction"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds., Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p. at pp. 82-91,ISBN: 1572302259;

THE CLARKE INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY, Forensic Division as seen at on 4 December 2000;


CLÉMENT, M., L'aire du soupçon.  Contribution à l'histore de la psychiatrie au Québec, Montréal: Triptyque, 1990;

COBOURN, F., "Survey of Mental Health of Inmates at Prince Albert Penitentiary", Research Report, Department of Psychiatry, University of Saskatchewan, 1972;

COCKBURN, A.E., "Copy ‘of Letter from the Lord Chief Justice of England PDF dated the 12th day of June 1879, containing Comments and Suggestions in relation to the Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bill’”, Sessional Papers (Parliamentary Papers), (1878-79), vol. 59, pp. 233-252, paper number 232, 20 p., and see pp. 14-16 on mental disorder; to situate Cockburn's letter, see François Lareau, "Notes on the English Draft Code (1878-1883)"PDF, [Ottawa], August 1990, 11 p.;

COCKBURN, Neco, "Jailing the mentally ill: Jumping incident highlights challenges for which detention centre is ill-equipped: experts", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 25 February 2008, pp. C1 and C2; the title at p. C2 is "Jail: Bad environment for mentally ill inmates, doctor says";

Code criminel, S.R.C. 1985, c. C-46 / Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46;


COFFIN, Graeme,  "Madness and the Criminal Law", document submitted in Fulfilment of the Extended Paper Requirement for the Medical Jurisprudence course of Professor B. Dickens", University of 1992, 69 pages; available at;

COLE, Judge David P., "Bill C-41: An Overview and Some Introductory Thoughts" in Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, Patrick Healy and Hélène Dumont, eds., Dawn or Dusk in Sentencing / La détermination de la peine: une réforme pour hier ou pour demain, Montréal: Les Éditions Thémis, 1998, xiii, 417 p. at pp. 59-81, see the short paragraph at p. 79, "Hospital Orders (Sections 747-747.8; 785)", ISBN: 2894000960; Bill C-41 is
An act to amend the Criminal Code (sentencing) and Other Acts in consequence thereof, Annual Statutes of Canada, 1995, c. 22, see s. 6; also published in French  / aussi publié en français:  Le projet de loi C-41 est devenu la  Loi modifiant le Code criminel (détermination de la peine) et d'autres lois en conséquence, Lois annuelles du Canada (1995), chapitre 22, voir l'article 6;

COLES, E. Michael  and Faye E. Grant, "Detention of Accused Persons Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Diversion or Preventive Treatment", (1990) 10(4) Health Law in Canada 239-250; see shorth abstract at;

____________"The Insanity Defence in Canada: A Psychologist's Point of View", (1989) 10 Health Law in Canada 175-182; see shorth abstract at; also published in French  / aussi publié en français:

____________"The Legislated and De Facto Insanity Defence in Canada", (1989) 47 The Advocate 101-105; see shorth abstract at;

___________"The Role of the Psychiatrist in Dangerous Offender Hearings", (1991) 36 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 534-543;

COLES, E.M., P.R. Johnson, H.O.F. Veiel, and R. Tweed, "The diagnosis of mental handicap in a forensic psychiatric facility.  Paper presented (by E.M. Coles) at
the XXth International Congress of Law and Mental Health, Montreal, 15-18 June 1994" as stated at and seen on 11 Ocrober 2000;

COLES, E.M. and Robert Post, "Assessment of Fitness to Stand Trial: a Critique", (1986) 5 Medicine and Law 489-497;  short abstract at as seen on 6 December 2000;

__________"Assessment of Fitness to Stand Trial: the Need for a Profile Rather than a Scale",  (1985) 57(3) Psychological Reports 1051-1054; summary at as seen on 11 October 2000;

COLES, E.M. and H.O.F. Veil, "Expert testimony and pseudoscience: How mental health professionals are taking over the courtroom", (2001) 24 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 607-625;

COLES, E.M., Clinical Psychopathology: An Introduction, London; Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982, xxii, 502 p., (series; Introductions to modern psychology), ISBN: 0710008643 and 0710008678 (pbk.);  at pp. 64-76;

__________"The emperor in the courtroom: psychology and pseudo-science", (2000) 11(1) The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 1-6;

__________"Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Diversion or Preventive Treatment", (1990) 10(4) Health Law in Canada 239;

_________"Impulsivity in  Major Mental and Personality Disorders"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 180-194, ISBN: 1572302259;

___________ List of publications as seen at on 6 December 2000;

Colloque international Agression, troubles mentaux & intervention (2e : 1996 : Montréal, Québec) et Centre de recherche Philippe Pinel, Deuxième Colloque annuel international Agression, troubles mentaux & intervention: recueil des résumés:1-3 novembre 1996, Montréal = Second Annual International  Colloquium Agression, Mental Disorders & Intervention : Book of abstracts : November 1-3, 1996, Montréal; Agression, troubles mentaux & intervention = agression, mental disorders & intervention, [Montréal] : Centre de recherche Philippe Pinel de Montréal, [1996?], 77 p., ISBN:  2921483173;

COLLINS, Nelson, "Basic Overview of Fitness and NCRMD Evaluations", (July/August 1999) 41(7) British Columbia Medical Journal 332-334 (Theme Issue: Forensic Psychiatry, Part I);

COLVIN, Eric, 1945-, "Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law", (1991) 15 Criminal Law Journal 379-386, and "The Burden of Proof for Insanity", at pp. 381-382; discussion of the the 1990 decision of Chaulk and Morrissette;

___________ "Exculpatory Defences in Criminal Law" (1990), 10 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 381; mentioned in Winko v. British Columbia (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 S.C.R. 625;

___________"Ignorance of Wrong in the Insanity Defence", (1981) 19 University of Western Ontario Law Review 1-20;

_________Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, 1991, xxxvi, 399 p., see "Mental Capacity and Criminal Liability" at  pp. 281-283 and "Insanity" at pp. 283-303, ISBN: 0459355619 (bound) and 0459355716 (pbk.);

COLVIN, Eric, 1945 and Sanjeev Anand, Principles of Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, li, 599 p., ISBN: 978 0779813247;  

COOKE, D., "Being an 'expert' in court", (1990) The Psychologist 216-221; noted in my research but not consulted;

COOMBS, W., "Specialized Halfway House for Male Forensic Patients", (1986) 3 Justice Rep 4-5; aussi publiée en français:  "Maison de transition pour les détenus psychiatriques", (1986) 3 Actualités 4-5;

COMMON, W.B., "Insanity and the Criminal Law" found at  CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, Report of First Public Session held in the Board of Transport Court Room, Ottawa, June 9, 1954, pp. 1-99B , supra;

COMMUNITY LEGAL ASSISTANCE SOCIETY, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 9 April 2002 (E/F): From the Community Legal Assistance Society: Diane Nielsen, Lawyer; Corey Bow, Lawyer, Mental Health Law Program:  English / Français

___________"Submissions of the Community Legal Assistance Society to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights in Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada" prepared by Diane Nielsen, Corey Bow and Heidi Currie, 20 March 2002, 18 p; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000172-000189;  also available in French / aussi disponible en français;

CONACHER, G. Neil (Geoffrey Neil), 1950-, "Issues in Psychiatric Care within a Prison Services", (March 1993) 41(1) Canada's Mental Health 11-15; also published in French  / aussi publié en français:  "Les soins psychiatriques en milieu carcéral", (mars1993) 41(1) Santé mentale au Canada 13-17;

_________ Management of the Mentally Disordered Offender in Prisons, Montreal & Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGill-Queen's University Press, viii, 136 p., ISBN: 0773514198;

Concern (Radio program), Psychiatric justice ; mental illness and the law. (Phonotape), CBC cat. no. 298. [1969], 1 cassette, 60 minutes, information from the University of Toronto catalogue;

Constitutional Acts 1867 to 1982, subsections 91(27) and  92(7) - separation of powers between the federal and the provinces /   Lois constitutionnelles de 1867 à 1982, paragraphes 91(27) et 92(7) - partage des pouvoirs entre le fédéral et les provinces;

CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, Psychiatric issues in criminal law, Dec. 4/82 [sound recording],  Vancouver : Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982, 5 cassettes, 4.75 cm/s. (series; Publisher no.:  AA82298 Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia; copy at the National Library, Ottawa;

COOK, Eva, Pragmatic determinants of acceptance or rejection of the insanity plea : jury attempts to predict dangerousness, Toronto : METFORS, 1983, 26 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 74); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, K 5077 C6 1983;

COOPER, H.H.A., "The Inadequate Psychopath: Some Medico-Legal Problems and a Clinical Profile", (1973) 21 Chitty's Law Journal 325-343;

COOPER, M. and D. Eaves, "Suicide following homicide in the family", (1996) 11 Violence and Victims 99-112; title noted in my research on 20 August 2002 but article not consulted yet; copy at Ottawa University, HV 6250 .V56  Location: MRT Periodicals;

CORBEIL, Céline, Le consentement aux soins psychiatriques, Masters Thesis (M.SC.), Université de Sherbrooke, 1997, 101 p.; dir. de thèse: Jean-Pierre Ménard;

CORMIER, Bruno M., C.C.J. Augliker, Raymond Boyer, Miriam Kennedy and G. Messereau, "The Psychodynamics of Homicide Committed in a Special Relationship", (1971) 13(1) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 1-8;

CORMIER, B.M. and P. Boulanger, "Life Cycle and Episodic Recidivism", (1973) 18(4) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 283-288;

CORMIER, Bruno M., Miriam Kennedy, Jadwiga M. Sangowicz and Michel Trottier, "The Natural History of Criminality And Some Tentative Hypotheses On Its Abatement", (1959) 1(4) The Canadian Journal of Corrections 35-49;

__________ "Presentation of a Basic Classification for Clinical Work and Research in Criminology", (July 1959) 1(4) Canadian Journal of Corrections 21-34;

CORMIER, Bruno M., Miriam Kennedy, Jadwiga M. Sangowicz, Raymond Boyer, André L. Thiffault and  Anton Obert, "Criminal process and Emotional Growth" in D. Ewen Cameron, ed., Forensic Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry, Boston: Little, Brown, 1965, x, 217 p. at pp. 3-41 (series; International Psychiatry Clinics; January 1965; volume 2, number 1);

CORMIER, B.M., M. Kennedy, J.M. Sangowicz, "Psychodynamic of Father-daughter Incest", (1962) 17(5) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 203-217;

CORMIER, B.M. et al., "The Natural History of Criminality and Some Tentative Hypotheses on Its Abatement", (July 1959) 1(4) Canadian Journal of Corrections 35-49;

CORMIER, B.M., G. Morf and G. Mersereau, "Psychiatric Services in Penal Institutions", (1969) 40 Laval Médical 939-945;

CORMIER, Bruno M., Jadwiga M. Sangowicz, Raymond Boyer, André Thiffault, Miriam Kennedy and  Anton Obert, "The Persistent Offender",  (1963) 5(4) The Canadian Journal of Corrections 253-261;

CORMIER, Bruno M., "Comments on Jensen's 'The Mask of Psychopathy'" in David N. Weisstub, 1941-, ed., Law and Psychiatry II: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada February 1978, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1979, xii, 163 p., at pp. 98-105,  ISBN: 0080239013; Nygaard Jensen's article is at pp. 83-95;

___________"Divergent Views Between Law and Psychiatry on Problems of Sentencing", (August 1964) 87 Canadian Medical Association Journal 229-234;

__________"Le droit, le psychiatre, et les droits de l'homme dans les procédures judiciaires: les prévenus", (1965) 15 Thémis Revue juridique  99-114;

___________List of publications, see Karine Gore, "McGill University Clinic in Forensic Psychiatry: Bibliography [of the published and unpublished papers of Bruno M. Cormier, 1919-1991, M.D., Director McGill Clinic in Forensic Psychiatry, 1955-1987]"  in Renée Fugère and  Ingrid Thompson-Cooper, eds., Breaking the Chains: Bruno M. Cormier and the McGill University Clinic in Forensic Psychiatry, Volume One [of two]: Tributes - Bruno M. Cormier, M.D. (1919-1991), Westmount (Province of Québec): Robert Davies Multimedia Publishing Inc., 1998, xx, 235 p., at pp. 219-235, ISBN: 1552070190;

__________"The Psychiatric Hospital in a Maximum Security Prison", (1958-59) 1(4) Canadian Journal of Corrections 3-14;

___________"Psychodynamics of Homicide Committed in a Marital Relationship", (1962) 8(4) Corrective Psychiatry and Journal of Social Therapy 187-194; noted in my research but not consulted;

CORRADO, Raymond R., Irwin Cohen, Stephen Hart and Ronald Roesch, "Comparative Examination of the Prevalence ofisorders Among Jailed Inmates in Canada and the United States", (2000) 23(4-6) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 633-647;

COSCINA, Donald V., "The Biopsychology of Impulsivity: Focus on Brain Serotonin"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds., Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p. at pp. 95-115,ISBN: 1572302259;

CÔTÉ, Gilles et Sheilagh Hodgins, "Co-Occuring Mental Disorders Among Criminal Offenders", (1990) 18(3) Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 271-281;

_________L'échelle de psychopathie de Hare révisée (PCLR): Éléments de validation française, Toronto: Multi-Health Systems, 1996;

___________"The Prevalence of Major Mental Disorders Among Homicide Offenders", (1992) 15 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 89-99;

___________"Les troubles mentaux et le comportement criminel", dans M. LeBlanc, M. Ouimet et D. Szabo (eds.), Traité de criminologie empirique, 3e éd., Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2003, 777 p., aux pp. 503-548, ISBN: 2760618587; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT Général,  HV 6809 .Q4 T73 2003;

CÔTÉ, Gilles, Sheilagh Hodgins et J. Toupin, "Psychopathologie, comportement antisocial et violence" dans Jean Proulx, Maurice Cusson et Marc Ouimet, sous la direction de, Les violences criminelles, Presses de l'Université de Laval, 1999, xxii, 353 p., aux pp. 289-317, ISBN: 2763776930;

CÔTÉ, Gilles et Alain Lesage, Diagnostics complémentaires et adaptation sociale chez des détenus schizophrènes ou dépressifs : rapport final, Montréal : Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, 1995, iii, 98 f. (Collection; cahier de recherche, Institut Philippe Pinel), ISBN:  292148305X; copie à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada;

CÔTÉ, Gilles, 1951-, "Commentary: Monahan and Applelbaum, 'Reducing Violence Risk: Diagnostically Based Clues from the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study'; Steadman and Silver, 'Immediate Perecursors of Violence Among Persons with Mental Illness: A Return to a Dituational Perspective",  in Sheilagh Hodgings, ed., Violence among the mentally ill : effective treatments and management strategies, Boston, MA : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, at pp. 49-57, ISBN: 0792364376,  (series; NATO ASI series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences);

___________"L'homicide et la recherche quantitative: aspects techniques", (1990) 4 Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique 499-521; noted in my research but not consulted;

CÔTÉ-HARPER, Gisèle, 1942-,  Pierre Rainville, 1964-,  et  Jean Turgeon, 1951-, Traité de droit pénal canadien, 4e édition refondue et augmentée, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1998, lv, 1458 p., voir le «les troubles mentaux» aux pp. 883-972, ISBN: 2894512589; note de recherche: la première édition porte le tite: Principes de droit pénal général, 1981;  la deuxième édition en 1984 et la troisième édition en 1989 avec le supplément de 1994 portent le tite Droit pénal canadien;

COUGHLAN, Steve, "Annotation: Mazzei v. British Columbia, (2006) 36(1) C.R. (6th) 1 (S.C.C.)", (2006) 36(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 4;


"Counsel for the 'Defence': This Man is Insane", (March 1977) Crown's Newsletter 13-22; no author; mostly quotes from the decision of R. v. Simpson, Ont. C.A.,  28 April 1977 (now reported at (1977) 35 C.C.C. (2d) 337);

COURNOYER, Guy, "Mental Disorder Short of Not Criminally Responsible", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 2, Tab 15.4, 11 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

COURTEMANCHE, Marcel, "Le traitement de la personalité criminelle en milieu institutionel fermé"  dans Lyse A. Chamberlan,  Samir Rizkalla et Cécile Toutant, (équipe de recherche et d'organisation), La place de Pinel dans le circuit pénal, Montréal : Société de criminologie du Québec, 1981, ix, 103 p. aux pp. 53-69; note: "Colloque organisé conjointement par la Société de criminologie du Québec et l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, à Montréal, le 20 mars 1981";

COVAL, S., J.C. Smith and Peter Burns, "The Concept of Action and Its Juridical Significance", (1980) 30 University of Toronto Law Journal 199-224, see pp. 221-222;

COX, Harold J., Criminal Evidence Handbook 1900-2000,  Aurora: Canada Law Book, 1999, see "Statutory Presumptions" at pp. 7-8, "Charter Revised Reverse Onuses - Presumption of Sanity - Code, s. 16(2)" at p. 9 and Chapter 7, "Opinion Evidence";  there is a more recent edition;

CRAIG, William A., "Case Comment: Criminal Law" in British Columbia Annual Law Lectures 1970, Vancouver: University of British Columbia, pp. 1-13 [deals with: 1) s. 682 of the Criminal Code on certiorari and the Sanders decision of the S.C.C. in 1969/70; 2) psychiatric evidence and the Lupien decision];

CRAGG, A.W., "Psychiatry, the Inmate and the Law", (1976-77) 3 Dalhousie Law Journal 510-527;

CRANE, J.L., A Report on the Mentally Ill Offender Problem in Nova Scotia, Halifax: Attorney General, March 1982;  noted in my research but not consulted;

CRAWFORD, Barbara and G. Neil Conacher, "Criminalization of the Mentally Ill", (June 1988) 29(2) Canadian Journal of Psychiatric Nursing 14-16;

CRAWFORD, C.M., "Correspondence: Irresistible Impulse and Crime", (1946) 55 Canadian Medical Association Journal 520-521;

CRELINSTEN, Dorothy, "Résumé du Contenu/English Summary", (1982) 15(2)  Criminologie 135-137; summary of number 15(2) of Criminologie on the theme "Criminels et psychiatrie" (criminals and psychiatry);

CRÉMAZIE, Jacques, Les lois criminelles anglaises traduites et compilées de Blackstone, Chitty, Russell et autres criminalistes anglais et telles que suivies en Canada: arrangées suivant les dispositions introduites dans le Code criminel de cette province par les statuts provinciaux 4 et 5 Victoria, Chap. 24, 25, 26 et 27, comprenant aussi un précis des statuts pénaux de la ci-devant Province du Bas-Canada, Québec: Imprimerie de Frechette, 1842, xii, 591 p., voir la "folie" et "l'imbécilité" à la p. 11 ( 1 p. seulement);

Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46 / Code criminel, S.R.C. 1985, c. C-46;

Criminal Code -- Annotated used by practioners/ Code criminel annoté utilisé par les practiciens

    in English (published every year) /en anglais

GREENSPAN, Edward L. and Marc Rosenberg, annotations by, Martin's Annual Criminal Code 2005, Aurora: Canada Law Book Inc., 2005, 2236 p. (with 1560 pages devoted to the Criminal Code), ISSN: 0527-7892; note: the legislation is in English only;
WATT, David and Michelle Fuerst, annotations by, The 2005 Annotated Tremeear's Criminal Code, Toronto: Carswell, A Thomson Company, 2004, 2474 p. (with 1573 p. devoted to the Criminal Code), ISBN: 0459275658 (professional ed.), 0459275674 (student ed.), and 0459275631 (police ed.), ISSN: 1184-0293; note: the legislation in English only;
  in French/en français (publié chaque année)
COURNOYER, Guy et Gilles Ouimet, Code criminel annoté 2005, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, une société Thomson, 2004, 2515 p. (1399 sur le Code criminel), ISBN: 289457327, legislation in English and French;
DUBOIS, Alain et Philip Schneider, Code criminel et lois connexes annotés 2005, Brossard: Publications CCH Ltée, 2004, 2744 p. (1476 p. sur le  Code criminel), ISBN: 2893664466, legislation in English and French; ISSN: 1707-0740;

CRIMINAL LAWYERS' ASSOCIATION,  from the, Carol Ann Letman, Director Peel Region, Criminal Lawyers' Association, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 14 March 2002 (E/F): Carol Ann Letman, Director Peel Region, Criminal Lawyers' Association: English / Français

___________"Submissions of the Criminal Lawyers Association to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights [Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", 2002, 12 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000378-000389;

CRIMINAL TRIAL LAWYERS ASSOCIATION (EDMONTON),  sponsored by, The McNaughton rules : the mentally ill offender (still crazy after all these years), Edmonton : Criminal Trial Lawyers Association, [1982], 1 v. (various pagings),  Notes: "November 13 & 14, 1982, Law Centre, University of  Alberta, Edmonton"; copy at the University of Alberta, Cameron Library; document not consulted;

CRISANTI, A.S., J. Arboleda-Florez and H. Stuart, "The Canadian criminal code provisions for mentally disordered offenders: A survey of experiences, attitudes, and kowledge", (2000) 45(9) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 816-821;

CRISANTI, Annette S. and Edgar J. Love, "Characteristics of psychiatric inpatients detained under civil commitment legislation: A Canadian study", (2001) 24(4/5) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 399-410;

CROUSE, George H.,"Criminal Law - Insanity as Preventing Trial", (1936) 14 The Canadian Bar Review 160-161;

CROCKER, Anne G., Olga Eizner Favreau et Malijaï Caulet, "Gender and Fitness to Stand Trial: A 5-Year Review of Remands in Québec", (2002) 25(1) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 67-84;

CROCKER, Anne G., Maurice Ohayon et Malijaï Caulet, "Instruments d'évaluation de l'aptitude à subir son procès : une recension de la documentation scientifique", (1998) 43 La revue canadienne de psychiatrie 482-490;

CURRAN, W.J., "Comments on Mohr's 'Law and Mental Disorder: A Critique of the Law Reform Commission of Canada'" in  D.N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada, February 1977,  Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, ix, 175 p.,  at pp. 100-102, ISBN: 0080231330;

CYR, M., S. Hodgins et R. Elysée, Étude de relance auprès d'hommes traités en milieu psychiatrique sécuritaire: I. Description des antécédents et du séjour cible, Montréal: Institut Philippe Pinel, 1985, (Collection; Cahier de recherche de l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal; numéro 11);

CYR, Mireille, Sheilagh Hodgins, Pierre Lamy, Jean Paquet, Description d'une cohorte de détenus fédéraux ayant participé au programme de traitements pour les délinquants structurés à l'IPPM, [S.l. : s.n], 1987, xi, 55 p.; note sur la couverture: Rapport soumis au Ministère du Solliciteur Général du Canada Mai 1987; copie au Solliciteur général Canada, Bibliothèque ministérielle et centre de référence, HV 8742.C2 D4 1987;

CZAIKA, Gabrielle, The social construction of female criminality: women, mental health, and the criminal justice system, Thesis (M.A.), Concordia University, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, 2001, v, 111, [4] leaves; microfiche copy at Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet (29 May 2005);

CZUKAR, Gail, General Counsel; Dr. Howard Barbaree, Professor and Clinical Director, Law and Mental Health Programs, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, both from the Centre for addiction and Mental Health, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 23 April 2002 (E /F): From the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: Gail Czukar, General Counsel; Dr. Howard Barbaree, Professor and Clinical Director, Law and Mental Health Programs, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, English / Français
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