Part IV: "S to Z" - Mental Disorder
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Updated on / mise à jour au: 17 September 2009

by / par  ©François Lareau, Ottawa, 2001-

Canadian Criminal Law  - Selected Bibliography on Mental Disorder,
Insanity and Unfitness to Stand Trial with Elements of Criminology,
History, Psychiatry and Psychology
                   - - - - - - - - - - -
Droit pénal canadien - Bibliographie choisie sur le désordre mental,
l'aliénation mentale et l'aptitude à subir le procès avec des
éléments de criminologie, d'histoire, psychiatrie et psychologie
See also/voir aussi
• Part / Partie I:   A-C
• Part / Partie II:  D-K
• Part / Partie III: L-R

Part I: Automatism -- Canadian Law
Part II: Automatism -- Comparative Law

• Diminished Responsibility or Capacity / Responsabilité atténuée
               • Canadian Criminal Law/ Droit pénal canadien
               • Comparative Law / Droit comparé

SAINT-PIERRE, Henri Césaire, 1844-1916, Plaidoyer de Mtre H.C. Saint-Pierre, C.R., pour la défense de Valentine Shortis, accusé de meurtre: audiences des 29, 30 et 31 octobre 1895, Montréal: Beauchemin, 1896,  xiii, 475 p.; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SALHANY, Roger E., Cross-examination: The Art of the Advocate, Rev. ed., Toronto : Butterworths, c1991, xiii, 158 p., see Chapter 6, "The Expert Witness" at pp. 123-153, see in particular, "Attacking the Insanity Defence" at pp. 148-153, ISBN:  0409897868; there is now a 2nd ed which I have not consulted yet:  Toronto : Butterworths, c1999, viii, 146 p., ISBN:  043341555X; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General,  KE 8427 .S34 1999;

SALUTIN, Lorne, "Psychiatric Involvement in the Criminal  Process", (1975) 17  Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 236-249;

SAMEL, Rodrigue, Les asiles en Ontario , 1840-1860, Québec, Université Laval, Institut supérieur des sciences humaines (ISSH), 1974, 14 p., texte non publié, texte cité dans Bouchard et Doucet, supra, bibliographie; texte non consulté;

___________Les asiles en Ontario , 1860-1900, Québec, Université Laval, Institut supérieur des sciences humaines (ISSH), 1974, 6 p., texte non publié, texte cité dans Bouchard et Doucet, supra, bibliographie; texte non consulté;

___________Aperçu historique: les asiles d'aliénés dans la Province de Québec entre 1845 et 1890, Québec, Université Laval, Institut supérieur des sciences humaines (ISSH), mai 1974, 25 p., texte non publié, texte cité dans Bouchard et Doucet, supra, bibliographie; texte non consulté;

SAMPSON, "Psychiatric Aids for the Courts", (1969) 6(2) The Ontario Magistrates Quarterly 3; text noted in my research but not consulted; 
SARRE, Warwick, "Catch 22: The fate of an Accused Deemed Unfit to Stand Trial",  (1983) 5 Canadian Criminology Forum 106-120;

SASKATCHEWAN ASSOCIATION for the Mentally Retarded, Brief (uncertain title), circa 1976?; in Western Canada Workshop, ed., The Mentally Disordered and the Law: Proceedings, Western Canada Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 23-24-25,1975, [Saskatoon : Saskatchewan Association for the Mentally Retarded], 1975,  ii, 67 p. at p. 1, we read: "The Saskatchewan Association for the Mentally Retarded, because of its concern about persons held under Orders-in-Council, established a committee to study sections of The Criminal Code of Canada which deal with the issue of fitness to stand trial.  The committee consisted of representatives of: Saskatchewan Division, Canadian Mental Health Association; John Howard Society of Saskatchewan; The Criminology and Corrections Association of Saskatchewan; the Western Region Office of the National Institute on Mental Retardation; and the Saskatchewan Association for the Mentally Retarded.  ... A brief was prepared by this committee.."; brief not consulted;

SAULL, Richard E., "Not Criminally Responsible (Section 16 of the Criminal Code)",  in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 2, Tab 12.1, 15 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

SAUNDERS, Anthony J., "The Defence of Insanity: The Questionable Wisdom of Substantive Reform", (1984) 42(2) University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 129-146;

SAUNDERS, The Honourable Mr. Justice Jamie, "The Standard of Criminal Responsibility", in National Criminal Law Program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, vol. 1 of 2, section 4.1, 15 p;  copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

SAUNDERS, R.P., ed., with the assistance of J. Munagle, Saunders & Mitchell - An Introduction to Criminal Law in Context: Cases, Notes and Materials, 3rd ed.,  Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell (Thomson Professional Publishing), c1996,  xviii, 892 p., see "Defence of Mental Disorder and Diminished Responsibility" at pp. 723-743, ISBN: 0459554409;

SAVAGE Harvey S., 1942-,  and Carla McKague, Mental Health Law in Canada, Toronto and Vancouver: Butterworths, 1987, xxxi, 353 p., ISBN: 0409865095; "Table of Contents...Chapter 1: Human Rights in the Community...1; Chapter 2: LGWs: The Unwarranted Warrants...31; Chapter 3: Involuntary Commitment...71; Chapter 4: Consent to Psychiatric Treatment; Chapter 5: Patients' Rights...131; Chapter 6: Mental Competency...169; Chapter 7: Remedies...201; Chapter 8: The Future...233; Appendix 1: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms...261; Appendix 2: Draft Uniform Mental Health Act...269; Appendix 3: Proposed Amendments to the Criminal Code (Mental Disorder)...297...";

SAVAGE, Harvey S., 1942-, "The Relevance of the Fitness to Stand Trial Provisions to Persons With Mental Handicap", (1981) 59 The Canadian  Bar Review 319-336;

SCHACTER, Daniel L., "Amnesia and Violent Crime: How Much Do We Really Know?" in Mark H. Ben-Aron, Stephen J. Hucker and Christopher D. Webster, eds., Clinical Crimnology: The Assessment and Treatment of Criminal Behaviour, Toronto: M&M Graphics in cooperation with the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Toronto, 1985, xi, 327 p., Chapter 8 at pp. 107-129, ISBN: 0969215908;

SCHARBACH, Tanya A., Locating Blame: Legal Responses to Parents Who Kill Their Children, LL.M. thesis, York University, 2002;

"This thesis examines Canadian cases of infanticide and  manslaughter of a child by a parent from 1985 to the present. The main question that this thesis asks is whether the infanticide provision of the Criminal Code ought to be abolished. The first chapter explores feminist legal thought and jurisprudence, comparing various formal and substantive equality models with a justice model of equality. The second chapter explores the social uses and misuses of psychiatry and psychology, particularly in relation to women, while the third chapter analyses the merger of psychiatry and the law. The fourth chapter of this thesis is a study of the law of infanticide. The chapter outlines the history of the provision, the psychiatric evidence that supports it, its deficiencies, and various feminist responses to it. Chapter Five examines manslaughter cases involving parents who have killed their children. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)" (source: AMICUS catalogue, accessed on 24 June 2004)

SCHIFFER, Marc E. (Marc Evan), 1951-, "Fitness to Stand Trial", (1977) 35 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 1-25;

___________Fitness to Stand Trial, [Windsor : Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, 1975?], 67 leaves; information from the University of Windsor catalogue; text not consulted;

___________Legal Aspects of the Relationship Between Psychiatrists and Offenders in the Canadian Criminal Justice System, Ph.D. doctoral thesis, Cambridge University, date approved: 20 October 1981, BLDSC number: D42774/82.1981; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________ Mental Disorder and the Criminal Trial Process, Toronto: Butterworths, 1978, xxvi, 342 p., ISBN: 0409865605 (Canadian Legal Text Series);

___________ Mental Disorder and the Criminal Trial  Process: The Pre-trial and Pos-trial Stages, LL.M. thesis, University of Toronto, 1976, 341 leaves;

___________Mental Disorder and the Criminal Trial Process, D.Jur. thesis, University of Toronto, 1977, 2 v. (v, 621 leaves); information from the University of Toronto catalogue; text not consulted;

___________Mental Health Legislation and Dangerousness: A Review, September 7, 1994, 169 p. ("This report was prepared under contract for the Policy Branch of the Solicitor General of Canada for the use of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders and is made available as submitted to the Ministry.  The views expresses are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Task Force or the Ministry."); this paper by Schiffer is mentioned in Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders, supra at p. 52;

___________Psychiatry Behind Bars: A Legal Perspective, Toronto: Butterworths, 1982, xxiv, 509 p., ISBN: 0409865613; "{[Part of the] Table of Contents...Chapter 1: Introduction...1...; Chapter 2: The Psychiatric Interrogation of Accused Persons...13; Chapter 3: The Myth of Confidentiality...57; Chapter 4: Forms of Treatment...97; Chapter 5: Psychiatric treatment and Offender's Rights...143; Chapter 6: The psychiatrist as Jailer... Chapter 7: Summary and Conclusion...293... Appendix A...B... C... Bibliography...459"

___________"Psychiatric Treatment for Mentally Disordered Offenders: The Canadian Cuckoo's Nest", (1976-77) 41 Saskatchewan Law Review 269-279;

___________"The relevance of the fitness to stand trial provisos  to persons with mental handicap", (1980) 1 Autonomy 3-9; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________"The Sentencing of Mentally Disordered Offenders", (1976) 14 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 307-343;

SCHIZOPHRENIA SOCIETY OF CANADA, Tony Cerenzia,  testimony, before  Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 16 April 2002 (E/F): Panel I: From the Schizophrenia Society of Canada: Tony Cerenzia, English / Français
___________Submission of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada on Proposals to amend the Criminal Law concerning mental disorder [Bill C-30, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to amend the National Defence Act and the Young Offenders Act in consequence thereof] for presentation to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, October 22, 1991, 30 p.;  Ann Braden, Advocacy Chair, Margaret Shone, Provincial Advocate for Alberta and Dr. Donald Stewart, First Vice-President, Schizophrenia Society of Canada,  appeared before the Standing Committee on 22 October 1991, see CANADA Parliament - Bill C-31... House of Commons... Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General...issue number 8, October 22, 1991, supra;

___________"Submission on Amendments to the Criminal Code Concerning Mental Disorder", (1992) 1 Health Law Review 2:16-21; the representatives of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada appeared before the Standing Committee on 22 October 1991, see CANADA Parliament - Bill C-31... House of Commons... Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General...issue number 8, October 22, 1991, supra;

SCHLATTER, E.K.E., "An Empirical Study of Pre-Trial Detention and Psychiatric Illness in the Montreal Area - Legal, Psychiatric and Administrative Aspects", (1969) 15 McGill Law Journal 326-346;

SCHMALZ, Barbara J., 1958-, Personality Characteristics of Forensic Patients, Incarcerated Offenders, and Nonoffending PsychiatricPpatients,  Ph.D. Thesis, University of Windsor, 1985, viii, 101 p.; "The primary purpose of this study was to compare psychriatric, forensic, and inmate groups in an attempt to clarify the forensic distinction", "Abstract", p. 2);

SCHNEIDER, Richard D., el al. "Canadian Landmark Case, Winko v. British Columbia: Revisiting the Conundrum of the Mentally Disordered Accused", (2000) 28(2)  Journal of the American Academy of  Psychiatry and the Law  206-212; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SCHNEIDER, Richard D. and Hy Bloom, The mentally disordered accused (Law336F) : course materials, [Toronto] : Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry and Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2000], 453 p.; book not consulted;

___________"R. v. Taylor: A Decision Not in the Best Interests of Some Mentally Ill Accused", (1996) 38 The Criminal Law Quarterly 183-205;

SCHNEIDER, Richard D.,  Hy Bloom, and Mark Heerema, Mental health courts : decriminalizing the mentally ill, Toronto : Irwin Law, 2007, xxi, 296 p., ISBN: 1-55221-120-7 and 13: 978-155221-120-5; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K3608 S36 2006;

SCHNEIDER, Richard D., and David Nussbaum, "Can the Bad be Mad?", (November 2007) 53(2) The Criminal Law Quarterly 206-226;

SCHNEIDER, Richard D., The 1996 Annotated Ontario Mental Health Statutes, Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1996, xxx, 632 p., ISBN: 0459560409; the author discusses the Criminal Code provisions;

__________"Bill C-41: An Overview and Some Introductory Thoughts" mentionned in Patrick Healy et/and Hélène Dumont, sous la direction de/eds., Dawn or Dusk in Sentencing / La détermination de la Peine: une réforme pour hier ou pour demain, Montréal, Éditions Thémis (publié en collaboration de l'Institut canadien d'administration de la justice (ICAJ)/Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ) , 1998, xiii, 417 p., aux pp. 59-82 at p. 80, ISBN: 2894000960; at p. 81, Cole writes about his bibliography: "This is a partial list of sources which I have used in the preparation of this paper.  It does not purport to be exaustive.  Copies of unpublished papers can be obtained from the authors or from myself.  The assistance of these authors is acknowledged";

___________"Fitness to be Sentenced", (1999) 41 The Criminal Law Quarterly 261-272;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Absolute Discharge for Unfits?" (January/February 2000) 21(1) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 36-38;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Applying Wenko: R. v. Campagna (Supreme Court of British Columbia, September 3, 1999, Docket X053416)" (December 1999) 20(6) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 68-69; Winko v. British Columbia (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 S.C.R. 625 and the two decisions of  R. v. Campagna and  R. v. Campagna;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Court Ordered Treatment of Accused" (December 1996) 17(6) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 10-12;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Dispositions: Differentiating between a Discharge Subject to Conditions and Detention in Custody [Where Accused Is to Live in the Community]" (December 1995) 19(5) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 22-23;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Dispositions: When are they unreasonable?  [Administrators of Penetang and Whitby Mental Health Centres and A.G. Ontario v. Clement (January 12, 1999, Court of Appeal for Ontario, Docket No. C31537]",  (October 1999) 20(5) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 39-43; see on the internet  Administrators of Penetang and Whitby Mental Health Centres and A.G. Ontatrio v. Clement;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Diversion of Mentally Disordered Accused", (1994) 2 Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 16-17; also found in Richard D. Schnewider, The 1996  Annotated Ontario Mental Health Statutes, Carswell, Thmoson Professional Publishing, 1996, xxx, 632 p., Appendix 3, pp. 613-615, ISBN: 0459560409;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Failure of the Review Board to Meet Time Lines", (March/April 2000) 21(2) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 30-31;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Fitness hearing before a jury" (February 1997) 18(1) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 33-34;

___________“Mental Disorder in The Courts: Fitness to Strand Trial – The Court’s Obligation to Inquire”, (2001) 22(2) Criminal Lawyers’ Association Newsletter  35-39; comments on R. v. Pietrangelo (March 13, 2001) Court of Appeal for Ontario: Docket C33927;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Involuntary Treatment of Accused" (October 1995) 16(4) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 10-11;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: In the Wake of Winko" (May/June 2001) 22(3)  For the Defence - Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 36-40;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Mental Disorder Courtroom" (December 1998) 19(4) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 57-59;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: The Mental Health Act of Last Resort - Part XX.1 of the Criminal Code" (October 1996) 17(5) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 21-22;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts - Not Criminally Responsible: Does the Psychopath Qualify?", (December 1994) 15(4) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 23-24;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Not Criminally Responsible whether or not the accused should avail of the defence" (October 1994) 15(3) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 26-27;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Not Criminally Responsible: who can raise the defence and under what circumstances?" (February 1996) 17(1) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 8-9;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Ontario Criminal Code Review Board Practice Guidelines" (June 1996) 17(3) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 21-23;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Ontario Review Board: Jurisdictional and Procedural Change" (September 1999) 20(4) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 52-54;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Ontario Review Board Rules of Procedure", (May/June 2000) 21(3) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 38-42;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Psychiatric Gating" (May 1995) 16(2) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 18-21;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Re:  Solicitor-client Privilege: Smith v. Jones (Supreme Court of Canada, March 25, 1999, File No. 26500)" (August 1999) 15(3) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 28-31; see  Smith v. Jones, [1999] 1 S.C.R 455;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Representing the Unfit Accused" (August 1996) 17(4) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 45-46;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Review Board's Failure to Comply with its Own Disposition; 'Significant Threat'" (May 1998) 19(1)Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 47-48;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Sentencing the Mentally Disordered Accused" (April 1996) 19(4) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 15-16;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Unfit to Stand Trial / Not Criminally Responsible: The Aftermath" (March 1995) 16(1) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 19-20;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: Unfit to Stand Trial: Whether Mental Retardation is a Mental Disorder" (April 1997) 18(2) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 41-42;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts: What to Do in the Wake of Denis Lepage" (July 1995) 16(3) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 3-4;

___________(August 1997) 18(4) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter; copy missing at the Supreme Court of Canada Library, Ottawa; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________"Mental Incompetency" in Canadian Encyclopedic Digest Ontario Third Edition: A complete statement of the federal laws of Canda and the provincial laws of Ontario as derived from the cases and statutes; Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, vol. 20, title 93, March 1998, 110 p.; with a 13 p. update by Brenda-Jean Currie, January 2000; ISBN: 0459151908;

___________"The Mentally Disordered Accused",  in The Law Society of Upper Canada, 44th Bar Admission Course Materialss, ed., Criminal Law Reference Materials, Section Head Janet Leiper, Toronto: The Law Society of Upper Canada, Department of Education, June 2001, Chapter 9, 28 pages, copy at Ottawa University, KEO 168 .B37 C75 2001;

___________Review of Mental Health Legislation, research paper done for the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders, Strategies for Managing High-Risk Offenders: Report of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders presented to FPT Ministers responsible for Justice, supra, and mentioned at p. 52, "List of Documents";

___________"Sentencing Mentally Ill Offenders" in Julian V. Roberts and David P. Cole, 1948-, eds., Making Sense of Sentencing, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999,  [ix], 381 p., Essay 9, at pp. 160-172, ISBN: 0802006868 (bound) and 0802076440 (pbk.);

___________Statistical Survey of Provincial and Territorial Review Boards (Part XX.I of the Criminal Code of Canada) [Interim Report, March 14, 2000],  commissioned by  the Department of Justice of Canada, Ottawa, 2000, 29 p.;

___________Statistical Survey of Provincial and Territorial Review Boards (Part XX.I of the Criminal Code of Canada), April 7, 2000, commissioned by the Department of Justice Canada, Ottawa, 7 April, 2000, 56 p.;

SCHREIBER, Jan, Ronald. Roesch and Stephen Golding, "An Evaluation of Procedures for Assesssing Competency to Stand Trial" (1987) 15 Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law 187-203;

SCHULLER, Regina A. and James R.P. Ogloff, eds., Introduction to psychology and law : Canadian perspectives, Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2001, xiii, 565 p., ISBN: 0802042759 and 080208110X (pbk.); title noted in my research but book not consulted yet; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, K346 I58 2001;

SCOLLIN, J.A., F.C. Muldoon, F.C. and J.J. Enns, “Comments on the Report of the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as Defence in Criminal Cases” in  The Canadian Bar Asssociation, ed., Papers presented at the Annual  Meeting Winnipeg, 1961, 368 p. at pp . 202-222; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, periodicals;

SCOTT, George D. with Bill Trent, Inmate: The Casebook Revalations of a Canadian Penitentiary Psychiatrist, Montreal and Toronto: Optimum Publishing International, 1982, xv, 226 p., ISBN: 0888901429; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SCOTT, Sheena, Defending Young Offenders Cases 1997, 2nd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing 1997, ix, 182 p., see Chapter 7: "Medical and Psychological Reports/fitness and Sanity, pp. 53-58 (series: Canada Practice Guide: Criminal) ISBN: 0459552430; for the first edition, see Wong and Weagant, infra;

SCOTT, G.D., "The Care of the Mentally and Emotionally Ill Offender", (January 1975) Crown's Newsletter 1-7;

SCOTT, The Honourable Richard J., "Judge's Instructions Re: Experts" in Joel Pink, Mr. Justice Kenneth Matthews, Alison Tupper and Alvin Wells, The Expert: A Practitioner's Guide, eds., Carswell, December 1995, 2 vols., looseleaf supplemented book, vol. 1, Title 2, ISBN: 0459553291;

___________"Section 16 of the Criminal Code - Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder", in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 2 of 2, section 15.1, 21 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

SCOTT, Sheena, Brian Weagant, and Marvin Wong, Defending young offender cases 1997 / prepared by Sheena Scott ; founding authors: Mavin Wong and Brian Weagant, Revised edition (2nd ed.), Toronto : Carswell, 1997, ix, 182 p., see Chapter 7, "Medical and Psychological Reports/Fitness and Sanity" at pp. 53-58  (series; Canada practice guide. Criminal), ISBN:  045955512X (pbk.);

SCOULAR, William and Vivian Green, A Question of Guilt : The murder of Nancy Eaton, Toronto: Stoddart, 1989, xiii, 225 p., [12] p., ISBN: 0773722165;

SELTZER, A. and A. Langford, "Forensic Psychiatric Assessments in the Northwest Territories", (1984) 29(8) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 665-668;

SEMRAU, Stanley, and Judy Gale, Murderous minds on trial : terrible tales from a forensic psychiatrist's case book, Toronto : Dundurn Press, 2002, 323 p., see "Section I - The Insanity Defence" at pp.15-124, ISBN: 1550023616; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General: HV 6535 .C3 S45 2002;

SEMRAU, Dr. Stanley, as an individual, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 18 April 2002 (E/F): As Individual : Dr. Stanley Semrau; EnglishFrançais

SEPEJAK, D.A. and R.E. Glasberg, What is dangerous? : a comparison between forensic psychiatric patients and psychiatrists, Toronto : METFORS, [197-], 9 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 41); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 S4w; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SEPEJAK, D.S., R.J. Menzies, and C.D. Webster, Asking the appropriate questions : an examination of the clinical prediction of dangerousness, Toronto: METFORS, 1982, 22 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 56); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 451.4.P68 S45a 1982; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SEPEJAK, al., The clinical prediction of dangerousness : comparisons amongst disciplines and individual clinicians, Toronto : METFORS, 19**, 7 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; 45); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 451.4.P68 C58; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SEPEJAK, D.S., R.J. Menzies, C.D. Webster and F.A.S. Jensen, "Clinical Predictions of Dangerousness: Two Year Follow-Up of 408 Pre-Trial Forensic Cases", (1983) 11 American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 171-181; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SEPEJAK, D.S. et al., Clinical predictions of dangerousness two-year follow-up of  408 pre-trial forensic cases, Toronto : METFORS, [1981?], 25 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; volume 34);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 451.4.P68 C45; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SEPEJAK, D.S., R.J. Menzies and C.D. Webster, "The Clinical Prediction of Dangerousness: Getting Beyond the Basic Questions" in D.J. Muller, D.G. Blackman and A.J. Chapman, eds., Psychology and Law, Chichester (UK): Wiley, 1984; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SEPEJAK, D.S. and Christopher D. Webster, 1936-, Judgements of dangerousness : clinical and external raters' use of a seven-point scale, Toronto : METFORS, 1981, 19 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 40);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 S4 1981; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________The relationship between predictions of dangerous behaviour at brief assessment and actual incidents during extended inpatient evaluations, Toronto: METFIORS, 1979, 10 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 15);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 569.5.V55 S4r 1979; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________The relationship between predictions of dangerous behaviour made during a brief assessment and the presence of dangerousness in further criminal charges, Toronto : METFORS, 1979, 4 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number16);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 S4r 1979; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________Self perception of dangerousness to others in forensic psychiatric patients, Toronto : METFORS, 1982, 15 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 46); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 S4s 1982; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SEPEJAK, D.S., Predicting Dangerous Behaviour : A Review of the Literature, Toronto : METFORS, 1979, 28, 2 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number; 17); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 569.5.V55 S4 1979; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SERIN, Ralph C., "Violent Recidivism in Criminal Psychopaths", (1996) 20(2) Law and Human Behavior 207-217;

SEYMOUR, Andrew, "Man who fough treatment ready to 'get on with his life'.  Starson well enough to join community, psychiatrist tells panel", The Ottawa Citizen, 17 August 2006, p. B1 and B6; title at p. B6 is "Patient: Denies he has an illness";

SHARPE, Gilbert S., "Comments on Curran's 'Comparative Analysis of Mental Health Legislation in Forty-three Countries: A Discussion of Historical Trends'" in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1977, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, xii, 163 p., at  pp. 172-175, ISBN:  0080231330;  note: William J. Curran and Timothy W. Harding's article is at pp. 158-171;

___________The Law & Medicine in Canada, 2nd ed., Toronto and Vancouver: Butterworths, 1987, xxxiii, 642 p., see Chapter 21, "Law and Psychiatry" in particular at pp. 419-434 on forensic psychiatry; Chapter 22, "Medico-Legal Education" and Appendix K, "Summary of Recommendation of the Mental Disorder Project, Final Report" at pp. 617-622, ISBN: 0409865907;  Mr. Sharpe was the Project Chief of the Mental Disorder project, Criminal Law Review, Department of Justice Canada;

___________"Psychiatric Remands" dans Les Patients sous ordonnance du Lieutenant-gouverneur : aspects cliniques et légaux, Beauport [Québec] : Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, 1985, 38 p. aux pp. 21-22;

___________see also: CANADA, Department of Justice (Criminal Law Review), Gilbert Sharpe and Judi Richter, Mental Disorder Project, Criminal Law Draft Report, supra;

__________see also: CANADA, Department of Justice (Criminal Law Review) and Gilbert Sharpe, Mental Disorder Project, Criminal Law Review, Final Report, supra;

SHARPE, Robert J., and Kent Roach, 1961-, Brian Dickson: A Judge's Journey, Toronto/Buffalo/London: Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, 2003, xiv, 576 p., see Chapter 11, "Fault and Free Will", at pp. 218-239, and in particular, "Free Will and Mental Disorder", at pp. 231-234; and "An Uncompromised Insistence on Fault", at p. 239, ISBN: 0802089526; note: a publication of the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History;

SHAPIRO, D.L., Forensic Psychological Assessment: An Integrative Approach, Toronto: Allyn and Bacon, 1991; pas à la bibliothèque nationale; livre remarqué dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

SHELDON,  C.T., T.D. Aubry  J. Arboleda-Florez, D. Wasylenki, and P.N. Goering, "Social disadvantage, mental illness and predictors of legal involvement", (2006) 29 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 249-256;

SHONE, Margaret, Ann Braden and Donald Stewart, "Submission of the Schizophrenic Society of Canada [on Bill C-30]", (April 1992) 1(2) Health Law Review 16-21;

SHORTIS, Valentine Francis Cuthbert, 1875?-, and Mathieu,  M. (Michel), 1838-1916, The Queen vs F.V.C. Shortis English Addresses of Counsel and the Charge of the Hon. Mr. Justice Mathieu to the Jury, as Taken by John J. Lomax  and A.A. Urquhart, official stenographers to the Court, Montreal: W. Drysdale, 126 frames (for microfiche). series; CIHM microfiches series; number 64168); noted at the Toronto Public catalogue;

SILVERMAN, Hugh W, "Irresistible Impulse: The Semantic Jungle Revisited", (1973) 21 Criminal Report New Series 13-35;

___________"Letter to the Editor", (1971-72) 14 The Criminal Law Quarterly 287-288; letter adding and discussing case to his article "Psychiatric Evidence in Criminal Law", infra;

___________"Psychiatric Evidence in Criminal Law", (1971-72) 14 The Criminal Law Quarterly 145-171;

SILVING, Helen., "Mental Incapicity in Criminal Law", (1961) 2 Current Law 3; mostly comparative law; very scholarly; Current Law was a periodical of the Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontarion and only three numbers were issued;


_________ "Mental Health Process in Ontario -: Forensics: What is Forensics?" as seen at on 4 November 2000;

__________ "Mental Health Process in Ontario: Forensics - Criminal Code and mental Illness" as seen at on 4 November 2000;

__________ "Mental Health Process in Ontario:: Forensics: Fitness to Stand Trial" as seen at on 4 November 2000;

__________  "Mental Health Proceessing Ontario: Forensics - Not Criminall Responsible due to Mental Disorder" as seen at on 4 November 2000;

_________ "Mental Health Process in Ontario: Forensics - Ontario Review Board as seen at on 5 November 2000;

___________Mental Health Centre Penetanguishene Forensic Division -- Referral and Admission Guidelines as seen at (accessed on 22 September 2002);

SIMON, D., "Assessing the 'Criminlization' of the Mentally Ill in Canada", (1992) 37(8) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 532-538;


SIMOUR, David J. and Robert F. Hoge, "Criminal Psychopathy: A Risk-and-Need Perspective", (2000) 27(2) Criminal Justice and Behaviour 256-272;

SIMPSON, Bernard, "Psychiatric Facilities for the Mentally-Ill Offender in British Columbia", (1967-69) 3 University of British Columbia Law Review 231-243;

SIMS, Catherine Anne, 1957-, An institutional history of the Asylum for the Insane at Kingston, Thesis (M.A., History) - Queen's University, Ontario, 1981, iii, 126 leaves,  bbliography: leaves 120-124; thesis not consulted; thesis not available at the National Library, Ottawa;

SINHA, Maire, An investigation into the feasibility of collecting data on the involvement of adults and youth with mental health issues in the criminal justice system, Ottawa : Statistics Canada, 2009, 82 p., (series; Crime and justice research paper series; no. 016),, ISBN: 9781100116686,  available at  (accessed on 17 september 2009); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Une recherche sur la faisabilité de recueillir des données sur les adultes et les jeunes souffrant de problèmes de santé mentale qui ont des démêlés avec le système de justice pénale;

SLOMEN, D., C.D. Webster, B.T. Butler, F.A.S. Jensen, G.M. Turrall, J. Pepper, M. Penfold, D.S. Sepejak, L. Loftus, D. Byers, T. Chapeskie, R.J. Mahabir, M. Schlager, K. Beckett, A. Shinkoda, A. McDonald, R. Glasberg, M. Jackson, R. Allgood, R. Harman, K. Keeling, C. Taylor, M. Murray, D. Farquharson, I. Lawson, L. Hermanstyne, and L. Bendall, The Assessment of Dangerous Behaviour, Two New Scales, Toronto : METFORS, 1979, 1 v. (various pagings), (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 14); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 569.5.V55 A85 1979;

SLOMEN, D., C.D. Webster, J. Dacre, D. Sepejak, B.T. Butler, F.A.S. Jensen, and G. Turrall, Assessing Dangerous Behaviour by Means of Videotaped Interviews : Data on Inter-rater Reliability Based on a New Comprehensive Scale, Toronto : METFORS, [1980?], 7, [4] p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 18);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 A8; note on the cover: "A version of this paper was presented at the 1980 Meeting of the Ontario Psychiatric Association, Toronto, January 24-26, 1980";

SMANDYCH, Russell Charles, and Simon Verdun-Jones, "The Emergence of the Asylum in 19th Century Ontario: A Study in Segregative Control" in Neil Boyd, ed.,  The Social Dimensions of Law, Scarborough, Ont. : Prentice-Hall Canada, c1986, xii, 259 p. at pp. 166-181, ISBN:  0138155720;

SMANDYCH, Russell Charles,  The Rise of the Asylum in Upper Canada, 1830-1875 : An Analysis of Competing Perspectives on Institutional Development in the Nineteenth Century,  Thesis (M.A.), Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, 1981, viii, 167 leaves, Thesis senior supervisor: Simon Verdun-Jones;

___________"The Rise of the Asylum in Upper Canada: An Application of Scull's ‘Macro-Sociological' Perspective", (Fall1982) 4(2) Canadian Criminology Forum 142- 148;

SMART, William B., "Fitness Hearing" in National Criminal Law Program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, vol. 1 of 2, section 3.2, 14 p;  copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

___________"The Ultimnate Issue Rule - Opinion Evidence"  in Federation of Law Societies of Canada with the Support of the faculty of Law UBC, National Criminal Law Program - Criminal Evidence at University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, July 11-15, 1994 (copy at Hull, Courthouse Library), in vol. 2, section 11, "Evidence of Opinion", subsection 11.4;

SMITH, Alexander D., "The Expert Witness", (1988) vol. 3 Crown's Newsletter 49-60; issue of 15 March 1988;

SMITH, J. and F. Grant, "Amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada: Impact on Inpatient Psychiatric Remands", (1994) 4(2) Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 355-360; article title noted in my research but not yet consulted;

SMITH, S. and J. Dimock, "Problems with the Evaluation of Dangerousnes" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 140-150; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

SMITH, Selwyn M., "Editorial: Warrants of the Lieutenant Governor: An Issue Ripe for Reform", (1987) 32(5) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 336 (1 p. only);

SMITH, S., "Criminal Insanity - A Growing Problem = L'aliénation mentale et l'appareil judiciaire", (1979) 5(3) Liaison 9-12

SMOOKLER, K.M., "A New Appraisal of the M'Naghten Rules", (1959) 17 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 125-132;

SMOUT, D.A.L., "Criminal Responsibility.   Discussion.  2.  Commentary by Mr. D.A.L. Smout", (1960-61) 3 The Criminal Law Quarterly 363-364;

SNELL, Carol, "The Criminal Code Amendments: The Legal Background",  in D. Eaves,  James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and R. Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. 19-38, ISBN:  086491220X; note: Published in cooperation with the British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Commission; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

SOLBERG, D. (David) and Canada Department of Justice, Summary of Views presented to the Department of Justice Consulting Team concerning mental disorder in the criminal justice system, [Ottawa:?]: Department of Justice, [1979?], 75 p. information from the Toronto Public library catalogue; book not consulted;

SOLBERG, D. (David), Disability in Relation to Trial, 1981, 54 leaves; noted at the Toronto Public Library catalogue; document not consulted;

SOMERVILLE, Margareth A., "Criminality, Confinement, Psychiatric Care and Consent: A Dilemma Augmenting Combination", (1981-1983) 5-7 Legal Medecine Quarterly 147-159;

___________"Refusal of Medical Treatment in 'Captive' Circumstances", (1985) 63 The Canadian Bar Review 59-90;

SPEARS, C. and M. Philipps, The Lieutenant-Governor's Warrant and the Young Offender, Toronto: METFORS, 1983 (series; METFORS Working Papers; number 67); noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SOPINKA, John (Late Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada), 1933-1997, and Mark A. Gelowitz, The Conduct of An Appeal, 2nd edition, Toronto and Vancouver: Butterworths, 2000, xxvii, 299 p., see "Appeals Concerning Fitness to Stand Trial and Mental Disorder" at pp. 109-110, ISBN: 043343072;

SOPINKA, John, 1933-, Sidney N. Lederman, 1941-,  and Alan W. Bryant, 1941-,  The Law of Evidence in Canada, 2nd ed.,  Toronto : Butterworths, c1999, lxxvii, 1150 p., see Chapter 12, "Opinion Evidence" and more particularly "II. The Opinion of Experts" at  pp. 616-667; see also in Chapter 14, "Privilege", and more particularly again, "Doctor and Patient" at pp. 798-804, ISBN:  043339823X (bound) and 0433398248 (pbk.);

SOPINKA, The Honourable Mr. Justice John, "The Use of Experts", in Joel Pink, Mr. Justice Kenneth Matthews, Alison Tupper and Alvin Wells, eds., The Expert: A Practitioner's Guide, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell (Thomson Canada Limited), 1995, 2 vols., looseleaf supplemented book, vol.1, Chapter 1, ISBN: 0459553291;

SOUCY, Nicole, Le profil de la clientèle correctionnelle du Québec en matière de santé mentale, [Sainte-Foy] : Direction des politiques correctionnelles et du développement communautaire, Services correctionnels du Québec, Ministère de la sécurité publique, 1995, 65 f.., copie à la Biliothèque nationale; texte noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

SPALDING, H.B., "Insanity and Criminal Responsibility from the Legal Point of View", (March 1933) The Ontario Journal of Neuro-psychiatry 665;  title noted in my research but article not consulted (15 May 2005); copy at ICIST, Institut canadien de l'information scientifique et technique/CISTI, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information;

SPEARS, C. and Michael S. Phillips,  The Lieutenant Governor's warrant and the young offender, Toronto : METFORS, [1984?], 47 leaves, (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 67); copy at the Sollicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, HV 9109 .O5 S6;  noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SPITZER, Stephen P. and  Norman K. Denzin, The mental patient : studies in the sociology of deviance, Toronto : McGraw-Hill, [c1968], xiv, 486 p.(series; McGraw-Hill series in sociology);  noted in my research but not consulted yet;

SRIKANTHAN, Thulasi, "Mental review delays sentencing: Legal issue of fiftness after verdict could affect other cases", Saturday, 19 April 2008, The Ottawa Citizen, p. D5; issue of fitness after verdict but before sentencing;

STALKER, Anne, "The Law Reform Commission of Canada and Insanity",  (1982-83) 25 The Criminal Law Quarterly 223-256;

ST. JOSEPH HEALTH CARE, see WEBSTER, Chris and Steve Hucker, infra;

STALWICK, Harvey Noel, 1937-, A History of Asylum Administration & Lunacy Legislation in Canada Before Confederation, Ph.D., Doctoral thesis, Criminology Faculty, University of London (England), 1969;  on information on how to get a copy of this thesis, contact Christopher Ashill, Information & Enquiry Section, University of London Library, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU,, email:, Telephone: (020) 7862 8461;

STASIAK, Eugene A., and Heasman, Gerald A., Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Ontario Correctional Institute : March 21, 1984, [Toronto] : Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services, [1984]. 78 leaves; University of Toronto catalogue;   first author could be Ontario Correctional Institute. Tenth Anniversary Symposium (1984); noted in my research but not consulted yet;

STEIN, Evelyn, 1964-,  Mental Competency Determinations and the Law, 1989, vii, 235 leaves, Thesis (LL.M.), University of Toronto;

STEINITZ, Susanna E., The mask of science : expert constructions of psychopathy in British Columbia dangerous offender hearings, 1978-2000, Thesis (M.A)., School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, 2001, ix, 192 leaves; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet (10 January 2003);

STELLER, Shirley, 1975-, Special study on mentally disordered accused and the criminal justice system, Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, [2], 33 p., ISBN: 0662332601; notes: catalogue number 85-559-XIE; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF9242 S7413 2003; available at (accessed on 8 January 2004); also published in French/aussi publié en français: Étude spéciale sur les accusés atteints de troubles mentaux dans le système de justice pénale, Ottawa: Centre canadien de la statistique juridique, 2003, 35 p., ISBN: 0662881680; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 9242 S7414 2003; notes: No 85-559-XIF au catalogue; disponible à (visionné le 8 janvier 2004);

STENNING, Philip, C., Annotation, "Admissibility of guilty pleas and  psychiatric evidence of capacity for veracity", (1970) 11 Criminal Reports New Series 43-55;

___________"Expert evidence - The hearsay rule and the 'ultimate issue' doctrine", (1970) 9 Criminal Reports New Series 181-202;

STEPHENS, P., "Psychiatric Services in the Penitentiaries" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 224-236; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

STERMAC, Lana, Cognitive behavioural treatment for anger control in a forensic population, Toronto : METFORS, 1985, 12 leaves (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 83); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 489 .B4 S8 l985; noted in my research but not consulted yet;

STERN, Leonard, "Accused killer's immunity on the line - Deaf, mute man found fit to stand trial in '82 slayings - Panel rules he 'be sent back to court without delay'",  The Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at pp. A1 and A2; in 1984, Jean-Marie Paré was found unfit to stand trial by a jury for the 1982 "slaying of his wife and her lover"; note also that "In 1998, the Citizen published a lenghy investigation into the Paré's case" (no precise date mentioned in the article);

STEVENS, Harry and Ronald Roesch, "The Response of the Canadian Psychological Association to the Law Reform Commission Report on Mental Disorder in the Criminal Process", (1980) 16 Criminal Reports (3d) 21-39;

STEVENSON, G.H., "Correspondence: Irresistible Impulse and Crime", (1946) 54 Canadian Medical Association Journal 620-621; letter commenting on Meredith's article, "Irresistible Impulse and Crime", supra; also found at  CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, Report of First Public Session held in the Board of Transport Court Room, Ottawa, June 9, 1954, pp. 1-99B , exhibit 3, supra;

__________"Insanity as a Criminal Defence: the Psychiatric View-point", (1947) 25 The Canadian Bar Review 731-738; also found in CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, supra, contents of the minutes of proceedings of the Commissions, Public Sessions, supra, exhibit 3, at pp. 67-79;

__________"Insanity as a Defence for Crime: An Analysis of Replies to a Questionnaire", (1947) 25 The Canadian Bar Review 871-878;

__________Transcript of testimony, before CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, supra, contents of the minutes of proceedings of the Commission, Public Sessions, pp. 755-797;

STILL, Larry, The limits of Sanity,  Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1972, 190 p., ISBN:  0771083394; noted in my research but not consulted yet;

STOKES, Ronald E., "Consent in Captive Circumstances", (1981) 2 Health Law in Canada 83-84;

____________"Management and Release of Patients Detained under Warrants of the Lieutenant Governor" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 113-124; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

___________Learning Canadian Criminal Law, 7th ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1999, xxv, 1010 p.,  see "Insanity (Mental Disorder)" at pp. 657-690, ISBN: 0459270613;

STUART, Don, 1943-, "Annotation: Deschambault  v. R. (1986) 49 C.R.(3d) 151 (Que. C.A.)", (1986) 49 Criminal Reports (3d) 152-153; informing jury of consequences of verdict;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Godfrey, (1984) 39 C.R. (3d) 97 (Man. C.A.)", (1984) 39 Criminal Reports (3d) 97-99; deals with the presumption of sanity;

___________Canadian Criminal Law: A Treatise, 3rd ed., Scarborough, Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1995, l, 672 p., ISBN: 0459553062 (bound) and 0459553089 (pbk.); "Table of Contents ... Chapter 6: Incapacity... 333; B. Insanity (Mental disorder)...338;  1. Introduction...338: (1) Limited Truths of Psychiatry...339; (2) Dangers of Civil Commitment Procedures...342; (3) Limited Dispositions in Criminal Law...343; 2. Fitness to Stand Trial...345: (1) Present Law...345; (2) Unfitness Not Due to Mental Disorder...348; 3. Defence of Insanity (Mental Disorder) at Trial...348: (1) Under section 16...349: (a) Onus...351; (b) Disease of Mind...353; (c) Incapable of Appreciating Nature and Quality...358; (d) Incapable of Knowing Conduct is Wrong...362; (e) Juristic Nature of s. 16 Defence...365; (2) Evidence of Mental Disorder Negativing Mens Rea...366; (3) Reform Options...371";  research note: there is a 4th ed. published in 2001;  there is now a 5th ed.: Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, xix, 815 p., ISBN: 978 0779812950;

___________"A Case for A General Part" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., at pp. 95-145, see "Mental Disorder Incapacity" at pp. 122-123, ISBN: 045927077X;  the "General Part Suggested by Don Stuart" is also found in Stuart, supra, Learning Canadian Criminal Law, at pp. 1005-1010; see criticism of Stuart's proposed provision on intoxication by Dubber, supra;

___________Charter Justice in Canadian Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1996, lx, 541 p., ISBN: 0459253964 (bound) and 0459254022 (pbk.); research note: there is now a 3rd edition published in 2001;

___________"Will Section 1 Now Save Any Charter Violation?  The Chaulk Effectiveness Test is Improper", (1991) 2 Criminal Reports (4th) 107-117;

STUART, Heather, Julio Arboleda-Flórez and Annette S. Crisanti, "Impact of legal reforms on length of forensic assessments in Alberta, Canada", (2001) 24(4/5) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 527-538; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet;

SUB-COMMITTEE ON MENTAL HEALTH, Report to the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders, 33 p., undated but circa 1994 or 1995; this document is mentioned in  Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders, supra at p. 52;

SULLIVAN, Steve, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 21 March 2002 (E/F): Steve Sullivan, President and Executive Director, Canadian Resource for Victims of Crime;  English / Français


Bese v. British Columbia (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 S.C.R. 722-732
Bese c. Colombie-Britannique (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 R.C.S. 7222-732

Clark v. The King, [1921] 61 S.C.R. 608-632

Chartrand v. The Queen, [1977] 1 S.C.R. 314-321
Chartrand c. La Reine, [1977] 1 R.C.S. 314-321

Cooper v. The Queen, [1980] 1 S.C.R. 1149-1181
Cooper c. La Reine, [1980] 1 R.C.S. 1149-1181

Kjeldsen v. The Queen, [1981] 2 S.C.R. 617-628
Kjeldsen c. La Reine,  [1981] 2 R.C.S. 616-628

MacDonald v. The Queen, [1977] 2 S.C.R. 665-679
MacDonald c. La Reine, [1977] 2 R.C.S. 665-679

Mazzzei v. British Columbia, Supreme Court of Canada, 16 March 2006;

More v. The Queen, [1963] S.C.R. 522-538

Mulligan v. The Queen, [1977] 1 S.C.R. 612-628
Mulligan c. La Reine, [1977] 1 R.C.S. 612-628

Nagotcha v. The Queen, [1980] 1 S.C.R. 714-719
Nagotcha c. La Reine, [1980] 1 R.C.S. 714-719

Orlowski v. British Columbia (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 S.C.R. 733-743
Orlowski c. Colombie-Britannique (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 R.C.S. 733-743

Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre v. Ontario (Attorney General), [2004], 1 S.C.R. 498;

Pinet v. St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital¸ [2004] 1 S.C.R. 498;

R. v. Abbey, [1982] 2 S.C.R. 24-46
R. c. Abbey, [1982] 2 R.C.S. 24-46

R. v. Barnier, [1980] 1 S.C.R. 1124-1148
R. c. Barnier, [1980] 1 R.C.S. 1124-1148

R. v. Borg, [1969]  S.C.R. 551-572

R. v. Chaulk, [1990] 3 S.C.R. 1303-1416
R. c. Chaulk, [1990] 3 R.C.S. 1303-1416

R. v. Daviault, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 63-132
R. c. Daviault, [1994] 3 R.C.S. 63-132

R. v. Demers, [2004] 2 S.C.R. 489;

R. v. Landry, [1991] 1 S.C.R. 99-114
R. c. Landry, [1991] 1 R.C.S. 99-114

R. v. LePage, [1999] 2 S.C.R. 744-752
R. c. LePage, [1999] 2 R.C.S. 744-752

R. v. Mailloux, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 1029-1044
R. c. Mailloux, [1988] 2 R.C.S. 1029-1044

R. v. Mitchell, [1964] S.C.R. 471-484

R. v. Oommen, [1994] 2 S.C.R. 507-523
R. c. Oommen, [1994] 2 R.C.S. 507-523

R. v. Parks, [1992] 2 S.C.R. 871-914
R. c. Parks, [1992] 2 R.C.S. 871-914

R. v. Ratti, [1991] 1 S.C.R. 68-85
R. c. Ratti, [1991] 1 R.C.S. 68-98

R. v. Romeo, [1991] 1 S.C.R. 86
R. c. Romeo, [1991] 1 R.C.S. 86

R. v. Stone, [1999] 2 S.C.R. 290-415
R. c. Stone, [1999] 2 R.C.S. 290-415

R. v. Swain, [1991] 1 S.C.R. 933-1058
R. c. Swain, [1991] 1 R.C.S. 933-1058

R. v. Schwartz, [1977] 1 S.C.R. 673-702
R. c. Schwartz, [1977] 1 R.C.S. 673-702

R. v. Warsing (1998), 21 C.R. (5th) 75 (S.C.C.), see Justice Major writing for the majority at p. 104;

R. v. Whittle, [1994] 2 S.C.R. 914-950
R. c. Whittle, [1994] 2 R.C.S. 914-950

Rabey v. The Queen, [1980] 2 S.C.R. 513-553
Rabey c. La Reine, [1980] 2 R.C.S. 513-553

Revelle v. The Queen, [1981] 1 S.C.R. 576-577, affirming (1979) 48 Canadian Criminal Cases (2d) 267 (Ontario Court of Appeal)

Schwartz v. The Queen, [1977] 1 S.C.R. 673-702
Schwartz c. La Reine, [1977] 1 R.C.S. 673-702

Smythe v. The King,  [1941] S.C.R. 17-18;

Starson v. Swayze, 2003 SCC 32 , 6 June 2003, available at; before publication in the S.C.R., this judgment should be cited using the neutral citation: Starson v. Swayze, 2003 SCC 32. Once the judgment is published in the S.C.R., the neutral citation should be used as  a parallel citation: Starson v. Swayze, [2003] x S.C.R. xxx, 2003 SCC 32.

Thériault v. La Reine,  [1981] 1 S.C.R. 336-360;
Thériault c. La Reine, [1981] 1 R.C.S. 336-360;

Tulikorpi v. Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre and Ontario (A.G.), [2003] S.C.J. number 67;

Winko v. British Columbia (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 S.C.R. 625-721
Winko c. Colombie-Britannique (Forensic Psychiatric Institute, [1999] 2 R.C.S. 625-721

SURKES, Marci, "Ex-soldier asks military to drop murder charge.  Brain-damaged Matchee accused of killing Somali, 16, on '93 mission", The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, June 30, 2004, p. A9;

"The military holds biannual hearings on the case to keep updated on whether sufficient evidence exists to proceed with second-degree murder charge if Mr. Matchee becomes fit to stand trial."

___________"Free suspects who are unfit for trial: court.  Citing permanent disability, soldier in Somalia case to seek discharge", The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, July 1,  2004, p. A8; about the Supreme Court of Canada decision of Demers rendered on 30 June 2004; as to the other case of the military, it concerns the Matchee case;

SUTTON, Ian, "Mentally ill increasing our caseload: police officer.  Closing of Smnith  Falls centre 'dumps' care onto other services, head of unit says", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 27 November 2006, at pp. B1 and B2;  title at p. B2: "Police: Limit wait times for assessments";

"A major complaint of police is the amount of time they spend in emergency wards waiting for an apprehended individual to receive psychiatric assessment." (p. B2)


SWADRON, B.B.(Barry Bernard), 1938-, and D.R. Sullivan, revised and edited by, The Law and Mental Disorder: A Comprehensive Report of the Committee on Legislation and Psychiatric Disorder: a committee of the National Scientific Planning Council of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto: The Canadian Mental Health Association, 1973, xx, 186 p., ISBN: 0919104045;

SWADRON, B.B. (Barry Bernard), 1938-,  "Criminal Responsibility - A Secondary Problem", (1962) 11 Chitty's Law Journal 274-279; with the same title in (1964) 9 Canadian Psychiatrist Association Journal 512-518;

___________Detention of the Mentally Disordered, Including the Applicable Criminal Law, Toronto: Butterworths, 1964, xxxii, 470 p.; "Table of Contents...Introduction...1...Chapter 1: Volontary Patients...5...Chapter 2: Certfied Patients; the Background...22...Chapter 3: Certification...31...Chapter 4: Institutionalization...102...Chapter 5 ...Release...171...Chapter 6 Adequacy of Legislation...210...Chapter 7: Crime, Mental Disorder and the Canadian Constitution...249...Chapter 8: Patients Remanded from the Courts...253...Chapter 9: Fitness to Stand Trial...273...Chapter 10: By-Passing the Criminal Process...332...Chapter 11: Criminal Responsibility...342...Chapter 12: Prisoners Under Sentence...412...";

___________"The Editor's Page: The Unfairness of Unfitness", (1966) 9 The Canadian Bar Journal 76-77 and 113;

___________The Law Relating to Confining, on the Ground of Mental Disorder, of Citizens Not Charged or Convicted of a Criminal Offence, LL.M. Thesis, Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, 1963, [iv] 360 p.; text not consulted;  no copy at the National Library;

___________"The Legal Aspects of Compulsory Confinement of the Mentally Disordered", (1962-63) 5 The Criminal Law Quarterly 175-209;

___________"Mental Disorders and the Court.  3. Remands for Psychiatric Examination in Ontario", (1963-64) 6 The Criminal Law Quarterly 102-115;

___________"Mentally Disordered Inmates in a Penitentiary", (1962-63) 5 The Criminal Law Quarterly 287-290;

___________"Mentally Disordered Persons Under the Criminal Law", special study undertaken at the request of the Canadian Committe on Corrections as mentioned in The Canadian Committee on Corrections, Report of the Canadian Committee on Corrections: Toward Unity: Criminal Justice and Corrections, supra, at p. 443;

___________"Recent Amendments to The Ontario Mental Hospitals Act", (1962-63) 5 The Criminal Law Quarterly 290-291;

___________"The Editor's Page: The Unfairness of Unfitness", (1966) 9 Canadian Bar Journal 76-77 and 113;

SWANSON, Lynne, "Justice system the wrong route to help for mentally ill", (April 2004) 170 Canadian Medical Journal Association Journal 1381;

SWAMNINATH, R.S., P.D. Norris, W.J. Komer and G. Sidhu, "A Review of the Amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada (Mental Disorder), (1993) 38 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 567-570;

SWAMNINATH, R.S., J.D. Mendonca, C. Vidal and P. Chapman, "Experiments in Change: Pretrial Diversion of offenders with Mental Illness", (2002) 47(5) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 450-458; available at (accessed on 1 June 2003);

SWAYZE, Hugh E., "Fitness to Plead Under Section 524 of the Criminal Code", (1964-66) 2 University of British Columbia Law Review 514-521;

SWEENEY, Colin M. and the Canadian Bar Association. British Columbia Branch. Criminal Justice Sub-section, "Psychiatric Evidence in the Defence Case : Some Pitfalls", [Vancouver : s.n.], 1987, 15 leaves,  Notes: "Prepared for the Criminal Justice Subsection, Vancouver, November 18, 1987"; information from the University of British Columbia catalogue; document not consulted;

SWIRSKY, Marlene, The art of gentle persuasion : helping forensic psychiatrists make fundamental placement decisions, Toronto : METFORS, 1986, 11 leaves (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 89); copy at the Soliciro General of Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 S93 1986; document not consulted yet;

"[Translation] Table of Canadian legislation relevant to the detention of persons suffering from mental disorder in Quebec, during the xixth century", see Labrèche-Renaud, supra, at pp. 528-531 of her thesis;  "Table de la législation canadienne pertinente à la détention des malades mentaux au Québec, au XIXe siècle", voir supra, Labrèche-Renaud, aux pp. 528-531 de sa thèse;

TACON, S.A., "A Question of Privilege: Valid Protection or Destruction of Justice?", (1979) 17 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 332-354;

TALBOT, Jacques, "Le mandat du Lieutenant-gouverneur vu sous l'angle du psychiatre expert", dans Les Patients sous ordonnance du Lieutenant-gouverneur : aspects cliniques et légaux, Beauport [Québec] : Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, 1985, 38 p. aux pp. 29-30;

TANCREDI, L.R. and David N. Weisstub, 1944-, "Law, Psychiatry, and Morality: Unpacking the Muddled Prolegomenon", (1986) 9 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 1-38;

TANCREDI, Larence R., "The Right to Refuse Psychiatric Treatment", (1980) 5 Journal of Health, Politics Policy and Law  514-522; not yet consulted;

TANOVICH, David M., "Annotation: R. c. Demers, (2004) 20(2) C.R. (6th) 241 (S.C.C.)", (2004) 20(2) Criminal Reports (6th) 245-246 (English) et 250-251 (français);

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1998, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, xlix, 271 p., at p. 96, the author discusses: R. v. Warsing (1998), 21 C.R. (5th) 75 (S.C.C.), R. v. W. (J.M.) (1998), 123 C.C.C. (3d) 245 (B.C. C.A.) and R. v. Rondeau (October 2, 1998, Donnelly J., Ont. Gen. Div))

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1999-2000, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 2000, xxxv, 247 p., see "Automatism" at pp. 109-112, ISBN: 0459276913; comments on R. v. Stone, [1999] 2 S.C.R. 290-415;

TEMPLER, Donald L. and Wayne Connolly, "Relationship Between IQ and Type of Crime Committed and Ability to Stand Trial in Criminally Accused Subnormals", (1977) 19 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 362-365;

TEPLIN, Linda A., and Nancy S. Pruett, "Police as Street Corner Psychiatrist: Managing the Mentally Ill", (1992) 15(2) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 139-156; not yet consulted;

TEPLITSKY, M. and D.N. Weisstub, "Comments on Haines' 'Psychiatry and the Adversary System of Justice'" in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1977, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, xii, 163 p., at  pp. 136-140, ISBN:  0080231330;  note: Mr. Justice Edson Haines' article is at pp. 115-129;

THEMAN, Dennis, "Mental Disorder and the Criminal Process" in Joel E. Pink, 1945-,  and David C. Perrier, 1944-,  eds., From Crime to Punishment: An introduction to the Criminal Law System, 4th ed., Scarborough (Ont.), Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, xxxii, 474 p., Chapter 9 at pp. 103-110, ISBN: 0459271733; with the same title in Joel E. Pink and David C. Perrier, eds., From Crime to Punishment: An Introduction to the Criminal Law System, 5th ed., Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2003, lxv, 666 p., at pp. 111-118 (Chapter 9), ISBN: 0459283375; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 9223 F76 2003;

THIBAUDEAU, Marie-France, 1931-, Jean Fortier, 1944-, et Paule Campeau, Les personnes itinérantes souffrant de troubles mentaux sévères et persistants : profil, services d'urgence psychiatrique et nouvelles interventions : rapport de recherche remis à la Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-Centre, [Montréal] : CLSC des Faubourgs, 1997, xiv, 243 p.; non encore consulté; copie à la Bibliothèque nationale, Ottawa;

THIBAULT, Alfred, "Historique et évolution de l'Institut Philippe Pinel" dans Lyse A. Chamberland, Samir Rizkalla et Cécile Toutant, équipe de recherche et d'organisation, La Place de Pinel dans le circuit pénal, [Montréal]: Société de criminologie du Québec, 1981,  ix, 103 p.aux pp. 16-30;  non encore consulté; copie à la Bibliothèque nationale, Ottawa;

THÉORÊT, Josée,  L'examen clinique en institution pour criminels malades mentaux, Thèse (M.A.), Université d'Ottawa, 1994, v, 125 feuillets; thèse non encore consulté; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, Archives-ARCS,  MOR, HV 8742 .C2 T436 1994;                          .

THÉRIAULT, Julie, L'urgence psychosociale et l'intervention auprès de la clientèle « psychiatrie-justice», mémoire de maîtrise en sociologie dirigé par D. Laberge, UQAM, Montréal, 1999; thèse noté dans mes recherches mais document pas encore consulté (le 9 janvier 2003);

THIBAUDEAU, Marie-France, Jean Fortier et Paule Campeau,  Les personnes itinérantes souffrant de troubles mentaux sévères et persistants : profil, services d'urgence psychiatrique et nouvelles interventions : rapport de recherche remis à la Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-Centre, [Montréal] : CLSC des Faubourgs, 1997,  xiv, 243 p.;

THIBAULT, Alfred, "Historique et évolution de l'Institut Philippe Pinel" dans Lyse A. Chamberlan,  Samir Rizkalla et Cécile Toutant, (équipe de recherche et d'organisation), La place de Pinel dans le circuit pénal, Montréal : Société de criminologie du Québec, 1981, ix, 103 p. aux pp. 16-29; note: "Colloque organisé conjointement par la Société de criminologie du Québec et l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, à Montréal, le 20 mars 1981"; texte noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

THOMSON, Andrew, "New court aims to dispense justice with a difference.  The Ottawa Men tal Health Court, which officially opens today, is designed to help defendants more easily access medical treatment, and better determine their capacity for criminal behaviour or for facing trial", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 12 February 2007, p. B3;

THOMPSON, A.H., "Young Offender, Child Welfare, and Mental Health Caseload Communalities", (1988) 30 Canadian Journal of Criminology 135-144;

THOMPSON, E.G. (Mr. Justice), "Proof in a Criminal Case: Reasonable Doubt,  Insanity and Drunkenness", in Special Lectures of the Law Society of Upper  Canada 1955 - Evidence, Toronto: Richard De Boo, 1955, xiii, 342 p., see pp. 71-101, in particular "Insanity" at  pp. 79-98;

THOMSON, Tara L., Director, Legislation and Law Reform; Heather E. Perkins-McVey, Chair, National Criminal Justice Section;, both from the Canadian Bar Association, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 18 April 2002 (E/F): From the Canadian Bar Association: Heather E. Perkins-McVey, Chair, National Criminal Justice Section; Tamra L. Thomson, Director, Legislation and Law Reform:  EnglishFrançais

TIBBETTS, Janice, "Insanity review almost five years late: Four times as likely for 'user-friendly' defence to succeed since 1991 changes", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, July 9, 2001, p. A4;

TOEWS, V.E., "The Effect of Section 11(d) of the Charter upon Section 16(4) of the Criminal Code: 'An Insane Argument'?", (1988) 5 Crown Counsel Review 12:1-3;  text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

TOLLEFSON, Edwin A. (Edwin Archer), 1933-, and Bernard Starkman, Mental Disorder in Criminal Proceedings, Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1993, xx, 223 p., ISBN: 0459551981; Mr. Tollefson was in charge of the Criminal Law Review Section at the Department of Justice Canada and also in charge of the mental disorder project; Mr. Starkman was also a member of the Criminal Law Review section; Research Note: "Table of Contents: Introduction...v; Table of Cases...xvii; Chapter 1: The Mental Disorder Amendments - Barckground...1; Chapter 2: Mental Disorder and Capacity...13; Chapter 3: Automatism...49; Chapter 4: Psychiatric Assessments...63; Chapter 5: Treatment and Constitutional Power to Treat...77; Chapter 6: Verdicts and Dispositions...83; Chapter 7: Review Boards...93; Chapter 8: Disposition Hearings...97; Chapter 9: Review of Dispositions...111; Chapter 10: Capping and Dangerous Mentally Disordered Accused...115; Chapter 11: Dual Status Offenders...125; Chapter 12: Appeals...129; Chapter 13: Enforcement of Orders and Regulation-Making Powers...139; Chapter 14: Hospital Orders...143; Chapter 15: Transitional; Provisions 153; Appendix An Act to amend the Criminal Codee (mental disorder) and to amend the National Defence Act and the Young Offenders Act in consequence thereof, S.C. 1991, C. 43]...159; Appendix B [Daniel M`Naghten's Case]...205; Appendix C [Relevant Excerpts from the White Paper entitled 'Proposals to amend the Criminal Code (general principles)]'"...213; Appendix D [Criminal Code Review Boards]...218"); very important contribution to the topic;

TOLLEFSON, Edwin A. (Edwin Archer), 1933-, "Epilogue: Reflections on the Criminal Code Amendments"  in Derek. Eaves,  James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and Ronald Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. 241-259, ISBN:  086491220X; note: Published in cooperation with the British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Commission; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

___________"Prologue" in D. Eaves,  James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and R. Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. xv-xxxv, ISBN:  086491220X;  note: copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

___________"Proposed Reform of the Criminal Code: Mentally Disordered Offenders", 15, [3] p., paper presented at the Conference : Reform of the Criminal Law, The Inns of Court, London, England, July 26-29, 1987; copy home;

__________ testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 9 April 2002 (E/F): As an individual: Edwin A.Tollefson, Q.C.; English/ Français

TORRESAN, M. F (Inspector) and J. Zawyrucha (S/Sgt). Project Team, Mental disorder in the criminal process : the police perspective, Ottawa : [s.n.], 1978, 1 v. (various pagings); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, KE 8841 T6 1978; copy noted in my rsearch but not consulted yet;

TOWES, J., V. Prabhu and N. El-Guebaly, "Commitment of the Mentally Ill: Current Isues", (1980) 25 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 611-618;

TREMBLAY, L.F.  et S. Hodgins, La grille d'agression contre les personnes (GHAP): développement de l'instrument et résultats préliminaires, Montréal: Insttitut Philippe Pinel, 1988 (Collection; Cahier de recherche de l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montreéal; numéro 25); texte noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

TROTTER,  Gary T., 1961-, The Law of Bail in Canada, 2nd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, c1999, xlviii, 594 p., on mental disorder, see pp. 202-204, 243-244 and 370-371; ISBN:  0459254421;

Troubles mentaux : (guide d'utilisation), [Québec] : Ministère de la Justice, Direction générale des affaires criminelles et pénales, juin 1992, 1 volume avec pagination multiple; information priovenant du catalogue de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; texte non consulté;

TROUSDELL, Marie, 1944-, The Psychiatric Evaluation of Dangerousness Individual vs Collective Rights, LL.M. Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, April 1991, ii, 146, [addendum 7]  p.;

TUKE, D. Hack (Daniel Hack), 1827-1895, The Insane in Canada, Lewes (England): H.W. Wolff, 1885?, 33 p.; on the cover, it is stated that it is a reprint from (1885) The Journal of Mental Science, January 1885; also 1 microfiche (22 fr.), series:   CIHM/ICMH Microfiche series = CIHM/ICMH collection de  microfiches ; no. 64822; copy at the National Library, Ottawa;

TURNER, R.E. (R. Edward) and Howard E. Barbaree, "Forensic Psychiatry", in Quentin Rae-Grant, ed., Images in psychiatry: Canada, Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Press, c1996,  xviii, 301 p.,  chapter 7, at pp. 45-50, ISBN: 0880489006; information from CISTI catalogue, Ottawa; for the Table of Contents, see,82,93,B/frameset&F=tforensic+psychiatry&3,,6 ; texte noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

TURNER, R.Edward, Harry C. Hutchison, Lorraine O'Donell¸ and D. Williams, "The Forensic Clinic of the Toronto Psychiatric Hiospital", (1958-59) 1 Canadian Journal of Corrections 15-20; copie à la bibliothèque de l'Université d'Ottawa, Morriset HV 600.1;

TURNER, R.E. (R. Edward), "Comments on Mohr's 'Law and Mental Disorder: A Critique of the Law Reform Commission of Canada'", in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1978, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, xii, 163 p., at  pp. 97-99, ISBN:  0080231330; note: Hans W. Mohr's article is at pp. 85-96;

___________"Comments on Robitscher's 'The Limits of Psychiatry Authority'" in David N. Weisstub, 1941-, ed., Law and Psychiatry II: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada February 1978, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1979, xii, 163 p., at pp. 157-163, ISBN: 0080239013; Jonas Robitscher's article "The Limits of Psychiatry Authority" is at pp. 132-153;

___________"The Delivery of Mental Health Services to the Criminal Justice System and the Metropolitan Toronto Forensic Service", (1981) 15 Gazette 69-97; the Law Society Gazette is published by the Law Society of Upper Canada;

___________"The Development of Forensic Services in Toronto", (1979) 21 Canadian Journal of Criminology 200-209;

___________"Fitness to Stand Trial", (1983), 3 Crown Counsel's Review 8: 4-9; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________Fitness to stand trial, Toronto : METFORS, 1986, [34] p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 92); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 T9 1986;  text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________"The Forensic Clinic, Toronto", (1959-60) 2 The Criminal Law Quarterly 437-448;

 __________Forensic Psychiatry in Canada, [S.l. : s.n., 1965?], 9, [2] leaves; Note:  Paper presented at the Fifth International Criminological Congress, Sir George Williams University, Montreal, Aug. 30, 1965; information from York University catalogue;

___________Forensic psychiatry, 1964, [S.l. : s.n., 1964?], 10, ii leaves; Note: Paper presented at the Fourth Research Conference on Delinquency and Criminology, McGill University, Montreal, Nov. 17-21, 1964; information from the York University catalogue;

___________"The law and forensic psychiatry" in Robert Bluglass and Paul Bowden, eds., with an introduction by Nigel Walker, Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, Edinburgh and New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1990, xxi, 1405, 10, 84, 53 p., at pp. 1209-1210, ISBN:  0443035784; copy at CISTI, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Ottawa/ICIST, Institut canadien de l'information scientifique et technique, Ottawa, RA1151 P957;

___________"The Life and Death of Louis Riel: Part  III -  Medico-Legal Issues", (1965) 10(4) Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 259-264;

___________"Psychiatric Considerations for Remand and Diagnostic Centres", (1964) The Canadian Journal of Corrections 474-476;

___________"Psychiatry and the Law", (1973) 11 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 166-174;

___________"Some Thoughts on the M'Naughten Rules", Potsdam : s.n, 1963, 13 leaves, copy at the University of Sherbrooke,

___________"Warrants of the Lieutenant Governor", (1987) 32 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 337-342;

TURNER, Ruth A., Examining Comorbidity in Canadian Jail Detainees Using the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-III-R (SCID), M.A.  thesis, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, 1994, viii, 69 leaves; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

TUTCHIE, M.D., "The Sex Offender: 2. Forensic In-Patient Service", (1960-61), 3 The Criminal Law Quarterly 448-454;

TV ONTARIO, "The Insanity Defence, Speaking Out", basic program number 212609, October 1982;  the name of the weekly or daily program was "Speaking Out";   the guest for that particular program was Dr.Thomas Szasz.; the video can be visualized at  the media library  (416) 484-2696; TV Ontario, P.O. Box 200, Station Q, Toronto, Ontario M4T 2T1, (416) 484-2600; .

TWADDLE, Iain K. B. (Iain Kerr Bowden), 1965-, Clinical Psychologists' Endorsements of Mental Disorder Ideology as a Function of Personal Sociopolitical Values, Thesis  (Ph.D.), University of Windsor, 1994, xiii, 209;

TWEED, R., E.M. Coles and T.T. Freitas, T.T. "People with mental retardation in the criminal justice system", "Paper presented (by R. Tweed) as part of a panel on 'Insanity and fitness to stand trial' at a conference entitled 'Mental Disorder and Criminal Justice: Changes, Challenges, and Solutions.'' Vancouver, B.C., 19-22 April 1995", as stated at and seen on 11 October 2000;  text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

TWEDDLE, Margaret, Jim Robb and Orest Yereniuk, "Mental Disability and the Criminal Justice System", (February1993) 2(1) Health Law Review 28-34;

TWEDLE, R., (could be Tweedle instead), "The Mentally Ill Accused", paper presented at the B.C.C.A. Convention, 1981;  text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

UNIFORM LAW CONFERENCE OF CANADA,  Criminal Law Section, Fitness To Stand Trial, Winnipeg, August 1999, 15 p.; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Conférence pour l'harmonisation des lois au Canada, Section du droit pénal, Aptitude à subir son procès, Winnipeg, août 1999, 18 p.;

___________Proceedings of the Seventy-third Annual Meeting Held at Regina, Sakatchewan, August, 1991, [Ottawa?:], [The Uniform Law Conference of Canada/Conférence sur l'uniformisation des lois du Canada], 1991?, 570 p., see "Criminal Law Section - Minutes", pp. 41-53 at p. 41 where it is mentioned that the section discussed the document Proposals to amend the Criminal Code concerning mental disorder submitted by the Federal Department of Justice in advance of the introduction of legislation in Parliament in the Fall of 1991" (the minutes give no further details of the discussion); there is also a resolution by British Columbia at p. 44 "That the Criminal Code be amended to authorize court ordered psychiatric assessments for sentencing, with legislative protections to ensure that assessments may only be ordered by the court where the serious nature of the offence and the apparent mental or emotional condition of the accused cause the court to believe that a psychiatric report would assist in determining the appropriate sentence" (motion carried); French information / renseignements en français: "Section du droit pénal - Procès-verbal", pp. 54-66, à la p. 54, il est fait mention d'une discussion sur le document Proposition de modification du Code criminel en matière de troubles mentaux"  "soumis par le ministère fédéral de la Justice à l'avance de la présentation d'un projet de loi au Parlement au cours de l'automne 1991"; le procès-verbal ne donne pas d'autre information; il y a eu assi une résolution à la p. 57,  "Que le Code criminel soit modifié en vue d'autoriser, pour les fins de la détermination de la peine, des évaluations psychiatriques ordonnées par les tribunaux.  Le Code devrait prévoir des mesures de protection assurant que les évaluations ne peuvent être ordonnées par la Cour que lorsque la gravité de l'infraction et l'état mental affectif de l'accusé permettent à la Cour de croire qu'un rapport psychiatrique l'aiderait à déterminer la peine qui convient" (motion adoptée);

___________ Proceedings of the Seventy-fourth Annual Meeting Held at Corner Brook, Newfoundland, August, 1992, [Ottawa?:], [The Uniform Law Conference of Canada/Conférence pour l'uniformisation des lois du Canada], 1992?, 351 p., see "Criminal Law Section - Minutes", pp. 41-59 at p. 58 there is a resolution "That the Criminal Law Section refer the Uniform Mental Health Act to the Uniform Law Section for reconsideration of this legislation in light of the Criminal Code amendments enacted by Statutes of Canada, 1991, c. 32 and Charter implications" (resolution carried); French information / renseignements en français: "Section du droit pénal- Compte rendu", pp. 60-75,  à la p. 74, il est fait mention d'une résolution "Que la Section du droit criminel renvoie la Loi uniforme sur la santé mentale à la Section du droit unforme pour réexamen à la lumière de la Charte et des dispositions du Code criminel, tel que modifié par les Lois du Canada de 1991, ch. 32" (résolution adoptée);

___________Proceedings of the Seventy-fifth Annual Meeting Held at Edmonton, Alberta, August, 1993, [Ottawa?:], [The Uniform Law Conference of Canada/Conférence sur l'uniformisation des lois du Canada], 1993?, 318 p., see "Criminal Law Section - Minutes", pp. 45-62 at p. 45 on the agreement of the President of Uniform Law Section to reconsider the matter of the review of the Uniform Mental Health Act; French information / renseignements en français: "Section du droit pénal- Compte rendu", pp. 63-80,  à la p. 63 sur l'accord du président de  la Section du droit uniforme de soumettre à nouveau à celle-ci la question du réexamen de la Loi uniforme sur la santé mentale;

___________Proceedings of the Seventy-sixth Annual Meeting Held at Charlottetown, Price Edward Island, August, 1994, [Ottawa?:], [The Uniform Law Conference of Canada/Conférence pour l'harmonisation des lois du Canada], 1994?, 299 p., see "Criminal Law Section - Minutes", pp. 62-82,  at p. 62 there is a mention of a joint session of the Criminal Law Section and the Uniform Law Section where there was a status report on the 1992 resolution calling for the reconsideration of the Uniform Mental Health Act, see supra, year 1992; there is also a resolution from British Columbia at p. 69 "That the 1991 British Columbia resolution with respect to the authorization of psychiatric reports for sentencing purposes, subject to the legislative protections set out therein, be acted upon" (motion carried); there is also a second resolution from British Columbia at p. 70,  "That paragraph 676 [of the Criminal Code of Canada] be amended to read 'against a judgment or verdict of acquittal or verdict that the accused committed the act or made the omission but is not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder of a trial court in proceedings by indictment on any ground of appeal that involves a question of law alone'" (motion carried);  French information / renseignements en français: voir la  "Section du droit pénal- Compte rendu", pp. 83-105, à la p. 83, il est fait mention d'une réunion de la Section du droit criminel et la Section du droit uniforme qui a pris connaissance d'un rapport d'étape sur la résolution de 1992 pour un nouvel examen de la Loi uniforme sur la santé mentale, voir supra, année 1992; à la p.91 d'une résolution de la Colombie-Britannique de "Donner suite à la résolution de 1991 de la Colombie-Britannique portant sur l'autorisation des rapports psychiatriques à des fins de détermination de la peine, sous réserve des protections législatives qui y sont énoncées" (résolution adoptée); à la p. 91, il y a une deuxième résolution de la Colombie-Britannique de "Modifier l'alinéa 676(1)a) du Code criminel de façon à ce qu'il prévoit ce qui suit: 'contre un jugement, verdict d'acquittement ou verdict selon lequel l'accusé a commis l'acte ou l'omission mais qu'il n'en est pas criminellement responsable pour cause de troubles mentaux d'un tribunal de première instance à l'égard de procédures sur acte d'accusation pour tout motif d'appel qui comporte une question de droit seulement'" (motion adoptée);

___________Proceedings of the Seventy-seventh Annual Meeting/Compte rendu de la soixante-dix-septième réunion annuelle, Québec, Québec, August/août 1995, [Ottawa?:], [The Uniform Law Conference of Canada/Conférence pour l'harmonisation des lois du Canada], 1995?, 346 p.; *note that the former French name of the organization "Conférence sur l'uniformisation des lois" has been changed to "Conférence pour l'harmonisation des lois du Canada";  see "Criminal Law Section - Minutes", pp. 77-94, at p. 85,  the resolution of New Brunswick "That ss. 672.13 and 672.14 of the Criminal Code be amended so that the accused can be brought back to Court as soon as the assessment is completed and in any event within a period of 30 days" (resolution carried); there is also a resolution of Saskatchewan at p. 91 "That s. 672.55(1) of the Criminal Code be clarified to provide that a term concerning voluntary psychiatric treatment or the taking of medication may be included as a condition of discharge" (motion carried); finally, at p. 92, there is another resolution of Saskatchewan "That Part XX.1 of the Criminal Code be amended to add a provision providing Review Board members are exempt from civil or criminal liability for decisions made in good faith" (resolution carried); French information / renseignements en français: *notons que le nom français de l'organisation "Conférence sur l'uniformisation des lois du Canada" a été changée à "Conférence pour l'harmonisation des lois du Canada";  voir la "Section du droit pénal- Procès-verbal", pp. 95-113, une résolution du Nouveau-Brunswick à la p. 104 de "Modifier les articles 672.13 et 672.14 du Code criminel afin que l'accusé soit ramené devant le tribunal sitôt l'évaluation terminée et au oplus tard dans les trente jours" (résolution adoptée); à la p.110, il a une résolution de la Sakatchewan de "Clarifier le paragraphe 672.55(1) du Code criminel de manière à prévoir un traitement psychiatrique volontaire ou la prise volontaire de médicaments comme condition d'absolution" (résolution adoptée); à la p. 111, il y a une autre résolution de la Sakatchewan de "Modifier la Partie XX.1 du Code criminel de manière à jouter une disposition prévoyant que les membres de la commission d'examen sont exempts de toute responsabilité civile ou criminelle quant aux décisions prises de bonne foi" (résolution adoptée);

___________Proceedings of the Seventy-eight Annual Meeting/Compte rendu de la soixante-dix-huitième réunion annuelle, Ottawa, Ontario, August/août 1996, [Ottawa?:], [The Uniform Law Conference of Canada/Conférence pour l'harmonisation des lois du Canada], 1996?, 419 p.;  see "Criminal Law Section - Minutes", pp. 80-101, at p. 90,  the resolution of Quebec "That section 672.54 of the Criminal Code be amended to provide appropriate conditions that may be imposed, including conditions: (a) prohibiting the possession of firearms (carried: 17-4-1) (b) prohibiting or limiting a person's driving privileges (Defeated: 6-14-2)"; also a resolution of Quebec at p. 95 that a paragraph be addeds at the end of section 672.5, "disposition by the Review Boards on the record" (resolution carried; full text of the resolution at p. 95); French information / renseignements en français: voir la "Section pénale - Procès-verbal", pp. 102-122, une résolution du Québec à la p. 112 de "Modifier l'article 672.54 du Code criminel de façon à prévoir que les conditions appropriées, notamment les suivantes: a) l'interdiction d'avoir des armes à feu en sa possession;  (Adoptée: 17-4-1) b) l'interdiction de conduire ou la restriction du permis de conduire (Rejetée: 6-14-2)"; aussi aux pp. 116-117, la résolution du Québec d'ajouter à la fin de l'article 672.5 du Code criminel, un paragraphe portant sur la "Décision de la Commission d'examen sur dossier" (voir les pp. 116-117 pour le texte de la résolution);

___________Proceedings of the eightieth Annual Meeting/Compte rendu de la quatre-vingtième  réunion annuelle, August/août 1998, [Ottawa?:], [The Uniform Law Conference of Canada/Conférence pour l'harmonisation des lois du Canada], 199*?, see "Criminal Law Section - Minutes", the  three resolutions of Ontario  ( : "That the Department of Justice refer to the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Working Group on Mental Disorder as a priority issue, the question of whether the definition of unfitness to stand trial in section 2 of the Criminal Code, as applied by the courts, is appropriate or needs to be modified"; "That Part XX.1 (more specifically ss. 672.85(b) and 672.91) dealing with arrest and release, with or without a warant, of a person under a disoposition be referred to the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Mental Disorder for recommendations to reform these provisions and to report back to the Criminal Section of the Uniform Law Conference"; "That Part XX.1 of the Criminal Code be amended to allow the Criminal Code Review Board to order an assessment for the purposes of its disposition or review hearings"; French information / renseignements en français: voir la "Section pénale - Procès-verbal", les trois résolutions de l'Ontario   (  trois résolutions de l'Ontario aux pp. *:  "Que le ministère de la Justice renvoie au Groupe de travail fédéral-provincial-territorial sur les troubles mentaux la question de savoir si la définition de l'expression 'inaptitude à subir son procès' contenue à l'article 2 du Code criminel, telle que les tribunaux l'appliquent actuellement, est appropriée ou si elle doit être modifiée"; texte français des deux autres résolutions ne sont pas disponibles pour le moment;

___________1999,  there were several resolutions put forward to look at some of the mental disorder provisions, including the test for fitness to
stand trial, the expansion of the review board's power, and the mechanisms to deal with the arrest of those who breach the conditions of their release. All of these
issues will be the subject of discussion papers that will be brought back to that Uniform Law Conference this summer; research not concluded on this entry;

___________Uniform Mental Health Act, 1987; the Discussion Draft of September 3, 1986 can be found at Savage and McKague, supra, Appendix 2, pp. 269-296;

UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, Department of Psychiatry, Programmes: Forensic Psychiatry, as seen at on 1 November 2000;

UPSHALL, Phil, President and William P. Ashdown, Vice-President, from the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, From the Mood Disorders Society of Canada:, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 10 April 2002 (E /F): Panel II: From the Mood Disorders Society of Canada: Phil Upshall, President; William P. Ashdown, Vice-President, English / Français;

VALLIÈRES, Sylvie, Hélène Simon avec la collaboration de Violette Dubuc et al., Quand la prison devient abri : une analyse des femmes admises à l'infirmerie de la prison Tanguay en 1987: rapport présenté à la Société d'habitation du Québec, [Montréal] : Société Elizabeth Fry de Montréal, 1988, iii f., 94 p.; texte noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

VANDERVOT, Lucinda, "Legal Aspects of the Medical Treatment of Penitentiary Inmates", (1976-77) 3 Queen's Law Journal 368-423;

___________"To Codify or Not Codify the Principles of Criminal Responsibility: A Question of Fundamental Justice and Equality" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., pp. 231-242, see p. 238, "(b) Section 7 - Involuntary Conduct" and p. 240,  "(h) Section 21 - Mental Disorder Incapacity", ISBN: 045927077X; note: comments on Professor Don Stuart's draft General Part found at  pp. 95-145;

VEIEL, H.O.F. and  E.M. Coles, R. Tweed and P.R. Johnson, "Characteristics of a mentally handicapped forensic psychiatric inpatient population.  Paper presented (by R. Tweed) at the XXth International Congress of Law and Mental Health, Montreal, 15-18 June 1994", as stated at and seen on 11 October 2000; text noted in my rsearch but not consulted yet;

VEIL, H.O.F. and E.M. Coles, "Measuring Unfitness to Stand Trial: Psychological Analysis of a Legal Issues", (1999) 44 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 356-361;

VERDUN-JONES, Simon N. and R.M. Gordon, compiled, Law and Psychiatry: A Bibliography, Burnaby, B.C. : The Criminology Research Centre, Simon Fraser University, June 1983, [i], 45 p.; copies at the Library of the Solicitor General, Ottawa; and at the University of Toronto;

VERDUN-JONES, Simon N. and R.C. Smandych, "Catch-22 in the Nineteenth Century: The Evolution of Therapeutic Confinement for the Criminally Insane in Canada, 1840- 1900", (1981) 2 Criminal Justice History: An International Annual 85-108;

VERDUN-JONES, Simon N. (Simon Nicholas), 1947-,  Criminal Law in Canada: Cases, Questions & The Code, 4th ed., Thomson/Nelson, 2006,  xvi, 332 p., see Chapter 8, "Mental Impairment and Criminal Responsibility: The Defences of 'Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder' (NCRMD) and Automatism" at pp. 180-211, ISBN: 0176407170; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br.B  KE 8809 V47 2007;

__________"Commentary. ‘Regina v. Swain' and ‘Chaulk v. The Queen', (1991) 2 International Bulletin of Law and Mental Health 19-23; text noted in my rsearch but not consulted yet;

___________"The Doctrine of Fitness to Stand Trial in Canada: The Forked Tongue of Social Control", (1981) 4 International Journal of  Law and Psychiatry 363-389;

___________"The Evolution of the Defences of Insanity and Automatism in Canada from 1843-1979: A Saga of Judicial Reluctance to Sever the Umbilical Chord to the Mother Country?", (1979-80) 14 University of British Columbia Law Review 1-73;

___________"Fitness to Stand Trial",  in Jerome J. Atrens, Peter T. Burns and James P. Taylor, eds., update issues by Jerome J. Atrens and J. Egleston,  Criminal Procedure: Canadian Law and Practice, 3 volumes, Toronto: Butterworths, 1982-1999, chapter 15, 151 p. with two supplements noted in book consulted: 1984 [8p.] and 1985 [1p.], ISBN: 04099883308; the chapter was written in 1981 by Simon N. Verdun Jones and revised in 1995 by Jerome Atrens;

___________"Forensic psychiatry, ethics and protective sentencing: what are the limits of psychiatric participation in the criminal justice process", (2000) 101 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 77-82;  

___________"The Insanity Defense in Canada: Setting a New Course", (1994) 17 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 175-189;

___________"The Insanity Defence since Schwartz v. R.: First Steps Along the Road Towards Rationalization of Canadian Policy?", (1979) 6 Criminal Reports (3d) 300-325;  text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________"Law Reform in the Commonwealth" in D.N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Mental Health, vol. 2, N.Y.: Pergamon Press, 1985;  text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________"Making the Mental Disorder Defence a More Attractive Option for Defendants in a Criminal Trial: Recent Legal Developments in Canada" in D. Eaves,  James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and R. Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. 39-75, ISBN:  086491220X; note: Published in cooperation with the British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Commission; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

__________"Mental Disorder as a Defence to a Criminal Charge in Canada: A Survey of the Basic Legal Issues", (December 1996) International Bulletin Law and Mental Health 9-18;  text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________"'Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity': The Historical Roots of the Canadian Insanity Defence, 1843-1920", in Louis A. Knafla, ed., Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada, 2nd ed., Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier Press (for the Calgary Press Institute for the Humanities), 1985, xxix, 339 p. at pp. 179-218, ISBN: 0889201811; note: "[Part of the] Papers presented at the Crime and Criminal Justice Workshop, held at the Calgary Institute for the Humanities, July 1979" (p. ii);

___________"The Right to Refuse Treatment: Recent Developments in Canadian Jurisprudence" (1988) 11 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 51-60;

___________"Sentencing the Partly Bad: The Case of the Hospital Order in England and Wales", (1989)  12 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 1-27;    short summary at "Annotated Bibliography",  (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research at p. 31; Forum on Corrections Research is also published in French / aussi publié en français sous le titre Forum, recherche sur  l'actualité correctionnelle;

___________"Tightening the Reins: Recent Trend in the Application of the Insanity Defence in Canada", (1991) 10 Medicine and Law 285-304; with the same title in Amihay Levy, David Nachshon, Amnon Carmi, eds., Forensic psychiatry, Tel Aviv, Israel : Yozmot Publishers, c1999, iii, 377 p. at pp. 257 to approx. 282 (series; The International Center for Health, Law & Ethics library ; 2), ISBN: 9657077052;

VICKERS, David, 1947-,  and Orville Endicott, "Mental Disability and Equality Rights" in Anne F. Bayefsky and Mary Eberts, eds., Equality Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Toronto: Carswell, 1985, xliv, 661 p.,  at pp.381-409, ISBN: 0459373803 ; 0459374907 (pbk.);

VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE Canadian Centre for Missing Centre,  "Mental Illness and Crime", as seen at on 1 November 2000;

VIDMAR-PERRINS, Mikaela Manon, The construction of insanity: the impact of informational cues on perceptions of criminal responsibility, Thesis (M.Sc.), Acadia University, 1999, vi, 85 leaves; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

VILJOEN, J. L., R. Roesch and D. Eaves, "Canadian mentally disordered offender legislation: Obstacles and advances", in Eric Blaauw, M. Hoeve, H. van Maarle, & L. Sheridan, eds., Mentally disordered offenders:International perspectives on assessment and treatment, Hague: Elsevier bedrijfsinformatie bv, 2002, 225 p., at pp. 39-72; title noted in my research but article not consulted; my verification of the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada indicates only one location for that book: Simon Fraser University, W.A.C. Bennett Library, HV 6133 M46 2002 (23 May 2005);

VILJOEN, Jodi L., Ronald Roesch, James R.P. Ogloff, and Patricia A. Zapf, "The Role of Canadian Psychologists in Conducting Fitness and Criminal Responsibility Evaluations", 2002, 26 p., Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada; this manuscript was included as Appendix A to the document Dr. Cinny Bubber and Dr. Jordan Hanley, from The Canadian Psychologogical Association, "The Expanded Role of Psychologists in the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada: An Applied Perspective -- Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights [Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", April 2002, 12, 26 p.; with the same title in (2003) 44(4) Canadian Psychology 369-381;

VILLAGGI, Jean-Pierre, L'évaluation psychologique dans le contexte légal : sources et commentaires, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, 302 p., ISBN: 2894514980; copie à la Cour suprême du Canada, RA1148 V54 2001;

VILLENEUVE, David Brian, 1948-, Predictors of general and violent recidivism among mentally disordered federal incarcerates, Thesis (Ph.D.), Queen's University, March 1994, viii, 158 leaves; thesis supervisor: Dr. Vernon L. Quinsey;

VILLENEUVE, D.R. et V. Quinsey, "Predictors of General and Violent Recidivism Among Mentally Disordered Inmates", (1995) 22(4) Criminal Justice and Behavior 397-410; texte noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

VILLENEUVE, George, 1866-1918, et E.P. Chagnon, Aliénés méconnus et condamnés [microforme], Montréal : E. Senécal, c1899, 11 p.; disponible à (vérifié le 3 octobre 2010); aussi disponible sous forme d'une microfiche, 10 images,  (series/Collection;CIHM/ICMH Microfiche series = CIHM/ICMH collection de microfiches ; no 36603), ISBN: 0665366035;

___________Judicial errors in lunacy [microform], [S.l. : s.n., 1899?], 1 microfiche (10 fr.), (seies; CIHM/ICMH Microfiche series = CIHM/ICMH collection de   microfiches ; no. 36604), ISBN:  0665366043; copy athe National Library; available at  (accessed on 3 October 2010);

VILLENEUVE, Georges, 1866-1918,  Les aliénés devant la loi: étude médico-legale,  Montréal: Eusèbe Senécal & Cie, 1900, 131, [1], p.; aussi disponible sous forme de deux microfiches, 73 images,  (series/Collection;CIHM/ICMH Microfiche series = CIHM/ICMH collection de microfiches; no ; no 36602), ISBN: 0665366027;

___________"De la récidive en aliénation mentale: étude statistique et clinique", (1917) 46 Union médicale du Canada 577; texte noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

___________Étude statistique sur l'expertise psychiatrique en matière pénale dans la province de Québec et plus particulièrement dans le district judiciaire de Montréal, Archives du Québec, 1916, pp. 376-386; texte noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

VILLENEUVE, Georges, 1866-1918, Organisation de l'expertise psychiatrique en matière pénale dans la province de Québec, [Québec (Province)? : s.n.], Septembre 1916, 14 p.; 1 microfiche (14 images);

___________Thèse pour le concours pour le titre de professeur adjoint de médecine légale : la médecine légale des aliénés au Canada : responsabilité légale,     Montréal : la Compagnie d'imprimerie Desaulniers, 1895, 34 p., Notes:  En tête du titre: École de médecine et de chirurgie de Montréal, Faculté de médecine de l'Université Laval à Montréal;

VINCENT, Gina Marie, Criminal Responsibility after Bill C-30 : Factors Predicting Acquittal and Lengths of Confinement in British Columbia, thesis M.A., Dept. of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, 1999, x, 115 leaves; available at (accessed on 16 May 2006);

VINET, A., Un asile psychiatrique au Québec: institution et signification de la maladie mentale, thèse Ph.D., Département de sociologie, Université Laval, 1974, 234 p.; texte noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

VOLPE, Patricia, "Psychiatric Testimony in the Criminal Prosecution Process", (1989) 10 Canadian Criminology Forum 26-40;

WADDAMS, S.M., "Are the Mentally Ill Deprived of Rights?", (1972) 20 Chitty's Law Journal 301-302;

WAKE, Bev, "Psychiatrist urges 'hybrid' justice system: Specialist's book urges new sentencing rules, separation of actions from mental state", The Ottawa Citizen, Sunday March 2002, p. A8; note: the specialist is Dr. Stanley Semrau and the book is : SEMRAU, Stanley, and Judy Gale, supra;

WAKEFORD, Paola, Pathways followed by mentally disordered accused persons : a comparative study of procedures in the Mexican state of Sinaloa and the Canadian province of British Columbia, M.A., Thesis (School of Criminology) / Simon Fraser University, 2003, x, 193 leaves; microfiche copy at Library and Archives Canada;

WALLACE, J.D., "A Convict May Lose his Freedom but he has Rights", (1974) 110 Canadian Medical Association Journal 324; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

WALLER, Irvin, Men Released from Prison, Toronto: University of Toronto Press in association with the Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, 1974, xxvi, 273 p., see "Involvement with Psychiatrists" at pp. 116-117  (series; Canadian studies in criminology; vol. 2),  ISBN: 0802021050;

WALTER, Bernd, "Presentation to the Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, November 15, 2004, 5 p.; Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (First  Session, Thirty-eight Parliament);  also published in French  / aussi publié en français: WALTER, Bernd, "Présentation devant le Comité permanent de la justice, des droits de la personne, de la sécurité publique et de la protection civile 15 novembre 2004", 6 p.; Projet de Loi C-10, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (troubles mentaux) et modifiant d'autres lois en conséquence (Première session, Trente-huitième législature);  

WALTER, Bernd, Chair B.C. Review Board, in from Association of Canadian Review Board Chairs: Bernd Walter, Chair, B.C. Review Board; Maureen Forestell, Counsel to Ontario Review Board and alternate chair of Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code; also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 17 April 2002 (E/F):  From the Association of Canadian Review Board Chairs: Bernd Walter, Chair, B.C. Review Board; Maureen Forestell, Counsel to Ontario Review Board and alternate chair of Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards;  Lucien Leblanc, Member and President, Quebec Review Board, English / Français

WARD, Dr. Helen, Clinical Fellow in Forensic Psychiatry, Royal Ottawa Hospital, .testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 10 April 2002 (E /F): Panel I: Dr. Helen Ward, Clinical Fellow in Forensic Psychiatry, Royal Ottawa Hospital, English / Français;

WARDLE, Peter, "R. v. Abbey and Psychiatric Opinion Evidence: Requiring the Accused to Testify", (1985) 17 Ottawa Law Review 1161;

WARSH, Cheryl Krasnick, 1957-, Moments of Unreason: The Practice of Canadian Psychiatry and the Homewood Retreat, 1883-1923, Montreal/Kingston, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1989, xiv, 279 p.; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT - RC 447.W37 1989;

WATT, David, Brian Greenspan, Edward Greenspan and Earl J. Levy, "Section 14: Defences: capacity & awareness" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1990: Edmonton, Alberta), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, [Edmonton?]: Federation of Law Societies, 1990, 4 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

WATT, David and Marc Rosenberg, Commentators, "The Insanity Defence: One More Time -The Queen v. Robert Mark Abbey, unreported, July 22, 1982 (S.C.C.)" in Criminal Law Audio Series (C.L.A.S.),  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1982, audio cassette, 1982, tape 5, side one, 30 minutes; copy at the National Library of Canada;

WATT, David, 1948-,  "Not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1993: Montreal), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Montreal (PQ): Federation of Law Societies, 1993, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted; in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, [Montreal] Federation of Law Societies of Canada, July 1993;

__________Ontario Specimen Jury Instructions (Criminal), Toronto: Thomson/Carswell,  [2003], xiii, 1101 p., ISBN: 0459254928; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 9682 W38 2003 c. 01; see:

• "Final 72-A, Mental Disorder (One-Stage Trial) (Code, ss. 2; 16(1); 672.34)", at pp. 1032-1037;
• "Final 72-B, Mental Disorder (Two-Stage Trial) (Code, ss. 2; 16(1); 672.34)", at pp. 1038-1044;
• "Final 70, Cumulative Effect of Evidence on proof of Mental Element in Murder (The Rolled Up Instruction), at pp. 1026-1028;

__________Ontario specimen jury instructions (criminal)  2005 supplement, Toronto : Thomson Carswell, 2005, xiv, 246 p., and see "Final 68 Preventing Assault (Code, s. 37)", at pp. 208-215; "Final 76-C  Consequences of Verdict of Not Criminally Responsible on Account of mental Disorder (Code, ss. 2; 16(1), (2); 672.34), at pp. 215-216; and "Final 72-D Failure of Accused to Submit to Examination By Crown Expert", at pp. 217-219,  ISBN: 0459242628; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF9682 W38 2003 Suppl. c. 01;

___________"Representing the Mentally Ill" in The Law Society of Upper Canada Bar Admission Course Materials, Criminal Procedure 1983-1984, Section Head: R. Carter and Assistant Section Head: David Watt,  [Scarborough (Ontario):], Carswell Legal Publications, 1984, xli, 443 p., Chapter 9 at pp. 167-182, ISBN: 0459159100;

___________Watt's Manual of Criminal Evidence 1999, Scarborough: Carswell Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, lxvi, 796 p., see "Expert Opinion Evidence of Mental Capacity or State of Mind" at pp. 332-337, ISBN: 0459270567;  there is a newer edition, as it is published yearly;

WEATHERHEAD, Rebecca, "Psychotropic Drug-Treatment Refusal By Competent Psychiatric Patients", (1988-89) 47(1) University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 101-131;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-,  et al.,  The Clinical and statistical prediction of dangerous behavior : a general overview of research at METFORS, Toronto: METFORS, 1982, 32, [1], 2 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 49); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, HV 6080 C55 1982; text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-,  B.T. Butler, F.A.S. Jensen, and G.M. Turrall, Constructing Interview-based Models for the Assessment  and Prediction of Dangerous Behaviour: 1, Notes on the Dimensions of the Problem and Some Suggested Criteria against which New Systems might be Evaluated, Toronto: METFORS, 1978, 16 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; volume3);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario,  RC 569.5 .V55 C6 1978 v.1;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________Constructing Interview-based Models for the Assessment  and Prediction of Dangerous Behaviour: 2, Notes on Recording Interviews and a Discussion of Methodological Possibilities, Toronto: METFORS, 1978, 41 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; volume 4);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario,  RC 569.5 .V55 C6 1978 v.1;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-,  al., Dangerous behavior rating scheme (DBRS) : construction and inter-rater reliability, Rev., Toronto : METFORS, 197? (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 23);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 D35);  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-,  al., Preliminary observations on the outcome of clinical predictions of dangerousness, Toronto : METFORS, 1980, 16, 2 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry  26), copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario,  RC 569.5.V55 P745 1980;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, C.D. et al., "The Reliability and Validity of Dangerous Behavior Predictions", (1984) 12 American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 41-50;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-, and Mark H. Ben-Aron, "Dangerous Doctor Fischer: a case history in clinical assessment?" in Christopher D. Webster, Mark H. Ben-Aron and Stephen J. Hucker, eds., Dangerousness: Probability and prediction, psychiatry and public policy, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985,  xiii, 236 p., at pp. 41-51, ISBN: 0521300290;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-, Mark H. Ben-Aron and Stephen J. Hucker, eds., Dangerousness: Probability and prediction, psychiatry and public policy, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985,  xiii, 236 p., see "Introduction" at pp. 1-11, ISBN: 0521300290;

___________eds., Clinical Criminology: The Assessment and Treatment of Criminal Behavior, Toronto: M & M Graphics in Cooperation with the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Toronto, 1985, 327 p., ISBN: 0969215908, Notes: Based in Part on s Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Ontario, April 27-29, 1983; noted at the Toronto Public Library;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, Christopher, 1936-, Bernard Dickens, and Susan Addario, Constructing Dangerousness: Scientific, Legal and Policy Implications, Toronto: University of Toronto Centre of Criminology, 1985, xxvii, 161 p. (series; research report of the Centre of Criminology University of Toronto; number 22), ISBN: 0919584624; table of Contents: "...Chapter one: Scope of the Monograph and General Introduction...1...Chapter Two: Review of the Scientific Literature on Assessment, Prediction, and Treatment...13...Chapter Three: Dangerous Offenders: Legal Issues...87....Chapter Four: A Consideration of Policy Options...140..."; at p. iv, we read: "This monograph is based on a report published in French and English y the Department of Justice, Canada, in December 1983.  That report was entitled: 'Deciding Dangerousness: Policy Alternatives for Dangerous Offenders'";

WEBSTER, Christopher D., Kevin Douglas, Henrik Belfrage and Bruce G. Link, "Capturing Change: An Approach to Managing Violence and Improving Mental Health"  in Sheilagh Hodgings, ed., Violence among the mentally ill : effective treatments and management strategies, Boston, MA : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, at pp. 119-144, ISBN: 0792364376,  (series; NATO ASI series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences);

WEBSTER, Christopher D., Kevin Douglas, Derek Eaves and Stephen D. Hart, "Assessing Risk of Violence to Others" in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds., Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 251-277,ISBN: 1572302259;

___________HRC 20: Assessing Risk for Violence (Version 2), Burnaby: (British Columbia): Mental Health, Law and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University,in cooperation with the British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission, 1997, 98 p., ISBN: 0864911572;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, C.D., 1936-, D. Eaves, K.S. Douglas and A. Wintrup, "The HCR-20 scheme: The assessment of dangerousness and risk", Vancouver: Simon Fraser University and Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission of British Columbia, 1995;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, C.D., 1936-, D. Eaves, R.J. Menzies and Ronald Roesch, The Reliability of the Fitness (to Stand Trial) Interview Test: Patients Seen During Brief Assessment by Trained..., METFORS, 1982 (series; Working Papers; number 49); pas à la Bibliothèque nationale;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, C.D., Grant T. Harris, M.E. Rice, C.  Cormier and Vernon L. Quinsey, The Violence Prediction Scheme: Assessing Dangerousness in High Risk Men, Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre of Criminology, 1994;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, C.D., 1936-, S. Hodgins, M.S. Phillips and Lana Stermac, Feasibility of Establishing a Canadian Data Base for Forensic Patients under Warrants of the Lieutenant Governor, Report submitted to the Department of Justice Canada, 1985;  pas à la Bibliothèque nationale;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, Chris and Steve Hucker, St. Joseph's Healtcare, Hamilton, Ontario, Submissions to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights [Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", 4 April 2002, 2 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000360-000361; letter written on behalf of the British Columbia Psychological Association;

WEBSTER, Christopher D. and Margaret A. Jackson, "A Clinical Perspective on Impulsivity" in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds., Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 13-31, ISBN: 1572302259;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., F.A.S. Jenson, L. Stermac, K. Gardner and D. Slomen, "Psychoeducational Programmes for Forensic Psychiatric Patients", (1985) 26 Canadian Psychology 50-53;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________"Introduction"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds., Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 1-9,ISBN: 1572302259;

WEBSTER, C.D., 1936-, R.J. Menzies, B.T. Butler, and R.E. Turner, "Outcome of Brief and Inpatient Forensic Psychiatric Assessment: Six Canadian Cities" in Christopher D. Webster, Robert J. Menzies and Margaret A. Jackson, With the collaboration of Brian T. Butler, Frederick A.S. Jensen, Diana S. Sepejak and R. Edward Turner, Clinical Assessment Before Trial: Legal Isues and Mental Disorder, Toronto, Butterworths, 1982, xxvii, 319 p., Appendix G at pp. 259-272, ISBN: 0409875775;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________"Forensic Psychiatric Assessment in Selected Canadian Cities", (1982) 27 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 455-462;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-, Robert J. Menzies and Margaret A. Jackson, With the collaboration of Brian T. Butler, Frederick A.S. Jensen, Diana S. Sepejak and R. Edward Turner, Clinical Assessment Before Trial: Legal Isues and Mental Disorder, Toronto, Butterworths, 1982, xxvii, 319 p., ISBN: 0409875775; "Contents...Chapter 1: Why Are Forensic Assessments Conducted?...1; Chapter 2: How Are Assessments Conducted?...22; Chapter 3: Who Is Assessed?...42; Chapter 4 What Is the Medico-Legal Context of the Assessment?...64;  Chapter 5: What Issues Are Addressed During Assessment?...91; Chapter 6: How Are Psychiatric Opinions Reached?...120; Chapter 7: The Effect of Psychiatric Opinion on Judicial Decision...163; Chapter 8: Concluding Comments...175"

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-, and Robert J. Menzies, "The Clinical Prediction of Dangerousness" in D.N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Mental Health: International Perspectives, vol. 3, New York: Pergamon, 1987, at pp. 158-208;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________The METFORS' research programme on dangerousness:1977-1987, Toronto : METFORS, 1987?, [20] p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 95); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 W4m 1977-1987;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________"Supervision in the Deinstitutionalized Community" in S. Hodgins, ed., Mental Disorder and Crime, California, Sage, 1993, xvii, 379 p., at pp. 22-38, ISBN: 0803950225 and 0803950233 (pbk.);

___________"Violence and Mental Illness" in M.E. Wolfgang and N.A. Weiners, eds., Pathways to Criminal Violence, Newbury Park: Sage, 1989;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936- and  M.S. Phillips, Decision making in the criminal justice and mental health systems : a general overview, Toronto : METFORS, [198-], 17 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 91); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 W4d;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-, M.S. Phillips and Lana Stermac, "Persons held on warrants of the Lieutenant Governor in Canada", (September 1985) 33(3) Canada's Mental Health 28-32; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Personnes détenues en vertu d'un mandat du ***lieutenant-gouverneur au Canada", (septembre 1985) 33(3) Santé mentale au Canada 31-36;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-, M. Rogers, Jeanette J. Cochrane,  and Stanley Stylianos, "Assessment and Treatment of Mentally Disordered Young Offenders", chapter 11, pp. 197-229, in Alan W. Leschield, Peter G. Jaffe and Wayne Willis, eds., The Young Offenders Act: A Revolution in Canadian Juvenile Justice, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991, xvii, 300 p., ISBN: 0802026630;  copy at Ottawa University, MRT KE 9445 .Z85 Y683 1991;

WEBSTER, C.D., 1936-, D.S. Sepejak, R.J. Menzies, and F.A.S. Jensen, "Preliminary Observations on the Outcome of Clinical Predictions of Dangerousness" in Christopher D. Webster, Robert J. Menzies and Margaret A. Jackson, With the collaboration of Brian T. Butler, Frederick A.S. Jensen, Diana S. Sepejak and R. Edward Turner, Clinical Assessment Before Trial: Legal Isues and Mental Disorder, Toronto, Butterworths, 1982, xxvii, 319 p., Appendix H at pp. 273-283, ISBN: 0409875775;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-,  Lillian Stermac and Michael S. Phillips, Persons held on warrants of the Lieutenant Governor in Canada, Toronto : METFORS, 1983?, 15 leaves (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 84); copy at the Solicitor General Canada,  Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 W4p;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936- et al., Psychiatric assessment of mentally disordered offenders in Canada,  Toronto : METFORS, 1978, 2 v. (230, [21] p.), (series; Working paper, University of Toronto. Centre of Criminology; number 10 and 11); information from SFU catalogue;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-, "A Guide for Conducting Risk Assessment"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., ISBN: 1572302259; copy at the Univerrsity of Ottawa, RC 569.5 .I46 I49 1997 MRT; out and due 1 April 01; copy also at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario,  also RC 569.5.I46 I49 1997;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________"A Guide for Creating Treatment Programs" in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 434-444, ISBN: 1572302259;

___________Criminology: A Reader's Guide, Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre of Criminology, 1991;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________Designing coordinated information systems to yield therapeutically sound decisions for forensic psychiatric patients : problems and possibilities, Toronto: METFORS, 1984, 22 leaves (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 79);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario,  RA 1151 W4e 1984;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Criminal Justice System" from J. Gladstone, R. Ericson, C.D. Shearing, Criminology. A Reader's Guide, Toronto: University of Toronto, 1991, pp.225-236;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________On Gaining Acceptance : Why the Courts Accept only Reluctantly Findings from Experimental and Social Psychology, Toronto: METFORS, 1984, 15, [2], [2],  leaves (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 77); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario,  RA 1148 W4 1984;

___________"A Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 343-358, ISBN: 1572302259;

___________The nature of man : some imaginary lectures in basic criminology by Freud, Eysenek, Skinner, and Rollo May, Toronto : METFORS, 1984, 17 leaves (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 80);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario,  HV 6080 W3n 1984;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________ed., Problems in the prediction of dangerousness : notes from the 1978 Violence and the Violent Individual Conference, Toronto : METFORS, [1978], 10 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 6); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario,  RC 569.5 .V55 P75 1978;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 21 March 2002 (E/F): Dr. Chris Webster, St. Joseph's Heathcare: English / Français
___________(1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research 14-17; also published in French / aussi publié en français : (1990) 2(3) Forum recherche sur l'actualité correctionnelle;

WEBSTER, Margaret S., "Responsibility and Madness in Dostoevsky's Crime and punishment" in Stephen J. Hucker, Christopher D. Webster and Mark H. Ben-Aron, eds.  Mental Disorder and Criminal Responsibility, Toronto: Butterworths, 1981, xv, 195 p., at Chapter 10, pp. 175-195, ISBN:0409837342;

WEIR, Thomas, 1912-,  Mental Incomptency Applications, Toronto: Carswell, 1951, 31 leaves; Notes: At Head of Title: The Canadian Bar Association, Ontario Legal Education Committee;  noted at the Toronto Public Library Catalogue;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEISSTUB, David N., 1944-, "Comments on Zeeger's 'The Many-Headed Psychiatrist'" in David N. Weisstub, 1941-, ed., Law and Psychiatry II: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada February 1978, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1979, xii, 163 p., at pp. 129-131, ISBN: 0080239013; Michael Zeegeers' article is at pp. 106-120;

___________President, Enquiry on Mental Competency, Enquiry on Mental Competency: Final Report, [Toronto:] Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1990, vii, 516 p., ISBN: 0772972826; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Enquête sur la capacité mentale : rapport final, [Toronto] : Imprimeur de la Reine pour l'Ontario, c1990, vii, 572 p., ISBN: 0772972834;

___________ed., Law and Psychiatry in the Canadian Context, New York, Toronto:  Pergamon Press, 1980, xlvi, 911 p., ISBN: 0080231349;

___________ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada, February 1977,  Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, ix, 175 p.,  ISBN: 0080231330;

___________ed., Law and Psychiatry II: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada February 1978, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1979, xii, 163 p., ISBN: 0080239013;

___________"La moralité, la science et l'expertise médicolégale dans Jocelyn Aubut et al., Le rôle du témoin expert: détermination de la culpabilité chez l'aggresseur sexuel, Montréal et Toronto, Éditions de la Chenelière/McGraw-Hill, 1996, vi, 174 p., partie trois du livre: "Les aspects éthiques", chapitre 7, aux pp. 149-161, ISBN: 2893103278;

___________"Le paradigme d'Alan Stone et l'expertise psychiatrique: un commentaire", dans Jocelyn Aubut et al., Le rôle du témoin expert: détermination de la culpabilité chez l'aggresseur sexuel, Montréal et Toronto, Éditions de la Chenelière/McGraw-Hill, 1996, vi, 174 p., partie trois du livre: "Les aspects éthiques", chapitre 8, aux pp. 163-174, ISBN: 2893103278;

___________"Book Review: Mental Disorder and the Criminal Trial Process by Marc E. Schiffer", (1978) 56 The Canadian Bar Review 549-555;

___________"The Theoretical Relationship Between Law and Psychiatry" in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1978, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, xii, 163 p., at pp. 30-46, ISBN:  0080231330;

WEISSTUB, David N. et J. Arboleda-Florez, "Les droits en santé mentale au Canada: une perspective internationale", (2006) 31 Santé mentale au Québec 19-47;

WEISSTUB, David N., 1944-, with the assistance of Joseph M. Steiner, Materials on law and psychiatry, [Toronto] : Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, 1974, 2 v.; copy from York University catalogue;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WEITZMAN, Lori-Renée, "SECTION 16 of the CRIMINAL CODE: Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder",  in National Criminal Law program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, vol. 1 of 2, section 4.4, 10 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

WEST, D.J., "Clinical Criminology Under Attack" in Mark H. Ben-Aron, Stephen J. Hucker and Christopher D. Webster, eds., Clinical Crimnology: The Assessment and Treatment of Criminal Behaviour, Toronto: M&M Graphics in cooperation with the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Toronto, 1985, xi, 327 p., Chapter 1 at pp. 1-13, ISBN: 0969215908;

WESTERN CANADA WORKSHOP, ed., The Mentally Disordered and the Law: Proceedings, Western Canada Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 23-24-25,1975, [Saskatoon : Saskatchewan Association for the Mentally Retarded], 1975,  ii, 67 p.;

WESTON, A.B., "[Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Law] The Legal View",  (1955-61) 1 Alberta Law Review 40-54;

WESTON, W.A. and R.E. Turner,  "Recent Legislative Approaches", in Stephen J. Hucker, Christopher D. Webster and Mark H. Ben-Aron, eds.Mental Disorder and Criminal Responsibility, Toronto: Butterworths, 1981, xv, 195 p., at pp. 11-14, ISBN:0409837342;

"When the Court of Appeal Goes S. 16",  (2002) 23(6) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 14 (1 p.);

WHITE, Robert B. (Robert Bruce), 1944-, The Art of Using Expert Evidence, Aurora (Ont.): Canada Law Book, c1997, xiii, 162 p., ISBN: 088042302;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WHITE-MAIR, Kimberley, 1966-, Negotiating responsibility: representations of criminality and  mind-state in Canadian law, medicine and society, 1920-1950, Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Toronto, 2001, viii, 278 p.; available at (accessed on 15 May 2005);

WHITELY, S., "Watching for the Hellebore: The Role of the Advisory Board of Review", (1981) Manitoba Law Journal 259-280;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WHITEHEAD, B., A Blueprint of the Legal Process Before, During and After a Pre-Trial Remand to Brief Assessment Unit, Toronto: Metropolitan Forensic Service (METFORS), 1986, 67 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 87);copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 W5;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WHITLEY, Stuart, "The Lieutenant-Governor's Advisory Boards of Review for the Supervision of the Mentally Disordered Offender in Canada: A Call for Change", (1985) 7 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 385-394;

WHITTEMORE, Karen E. and James R.P. Ogloff, and Ronald Roesch, "An Investigation of Competency to Participate in Legal Proceedings in Canada", (1997) 42 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 869-875;  also published at (1995) 19 Law and Human Behavior 283-303;

WHITTEMORE, Karen E. and James R.P. Ogloff, "Competency issues in Canadian criminal courts",  Paper presented at the annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, May 1993, paper mentioned at Prof. Ogloff'sweb site as part of his publications, as seen on 16 October 2000 at; document not seen;

___________"Factors that Influence Jury Decision Making: Disposition Instructions and Mental State at the Time of the Trial", (1995) 19(3) Law and Human Behavior 283-303;

___________"Fitness and Competency Issues in Canadian Criminal Courts: Eluciding the Standards for Mental Health Professionals", (1994) 39(4) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 198-210;

___________"Mock jurors use and understanding of the criminal responsibility standard during deliberation", paper presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Edmonton, Alberta, 1998;  paper mentioned at Prof. Ogloff'sweb site as part of his publications, as seen on 16 October 2000 at; document not seen;

WHITTEMORE,  Karen E., An Investigation of Competency to Participate in Legal Proceedings in Canada, Thesis (M.A.) - Simon Fraser University, Department of Psychology, 1995, viii, 84 leaves;

___________Releasing the mentally disordered offender : disposition decisions for individuals found unfit to stand trial and not criminally responsible,  Thesis (Ph.D.), Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, 1999, ix, 108 leaves;  copy not yet available at  the National Library, Ottawa (will eventually be available on microfiche); text not consulted;

WICKWARE, D., "The Insanity Defense - Should It Be Revised?", (1983) 8 Psychiatry Journal University of Ottawa 198-201;  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________"Psychiatric Testimony in Court" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 65-79; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

WILLIAMS, J. Ivan, Kathryn M. Kopinak and W. David Moynag, eds., "Mental Health and Illness in Canada", in Craig L. Boydell, Carl F. Grindstaff and Paul C. Whitehead, Deviant Behavior Societal Reaction, Toronto : Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1972,  x, 627 p., at pp. 385-420, ISBN:  0039281698;

WILLIAMS, Jim and Kathleen Waters, The Mentally Ill Offender in Nova Scotia, [Halifax, N.S.] : Department of the Attorney General, Province of Nova Scotia, 1975, [6], 103, 8 leaves, Contents: "INTRODUCTIION...1; SECTION !: Criminal Code remands to the Nova Scotia Hospital: A. Intrdoduction and Legilstaion...2; B. Criminal Code Remands - Statistical Breakdown...10; C. Criminal Code Remands Who Became Either Certified or Voluntary Patients...34; D. Certified and Voluntary Remands, Unfitness to Stand Trial, and Lieutenant Governor Warrants - An Interesting Interaction...49  SECTION II: Lieutenant-Governor Warrants: A.  Introduction aand Legislation...5; B. Statistical Breakdown and Discussion...61; SECTION III CHANGE IN WARRANTS - INDIVIDUALS MOVING FROM PROVINCIAL JAILS TO THE NOVA SCOTIA HOSPITAL: A. Introduction...72; B. Statistical Breakdownn and Discussion...76;.  SECTION IV.  NON-OFFENDER PATIENTS HOUSED IN THE MAXIMUM SECURITY WARD OF THE NOVA SCOTIA HOSPITAL...86.  SECTION V.  TWO 'LOOSE ENDS' - 'MAGISTRATES' INVESTIGATIONS AND COMMISSIONER OF PENITENTIARY WARRANTS AT THE NOVA SCOTIA HOSPITAL...91; SECTION VI. SUMMARY...95.  APPENDIX. "Some Implications for Nova Scotia Use of Regional Psychiatric Centre" ...1 to [8];

WILLIAMSON, S., R.D. Hare, S. Wong, "Violence: Criminal Psychopaths and their Victims", (1989) 19 Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science Review 454-462;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WILLIS, R., "The Incapacity of Mental Illness" [1965] Meredith Memorial Lectures 23;  text noted but not consulted yet;

WILSON, Frederica and Donald B. Bayne, "Mentally Disordered Accused: The Amendments and New Procedures", 21 p. in The County of Carleton Law Association and Defence Counsel Association of Ottawa-Carleton, ed., Criminal Law Conference, Le Chateau Montebello, April 23, 24, 25, 1993 [copy at University of Ottawa, Fauteux Library: KE8808 1993];  text noted but not consulted yet;

WILSON, L. Daniel, "Bill C-30: An Analysis of the Legislative Response to R. v. Swain", (April 1992) 1(2) Health Law Review 3-11, 15, 21 and 28;

WILSON, Laurene J. (Laurene Janice), 1966-, The Subjective and Objective Quality of Life of Mentally Disordered Offenders: A Preliminary Investigation, M.A. thesis, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, November 1992, viii, 78 p.; thesis Senior Supervisor: Ronald Roesch;

WINDSOR JACKSON, Margaret, "Lay and Professional Perceptions of Dangerousness and Other Forensic Issues", (1988) 30(3) Canadian Journal of Criminology 215-229;

WINTALL, Helga, "Federal inmates and mental health services: some observations",  (June 1977) 25(2) Canada's Mental Health 23-25; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Les détenus des prisons fédérales et les services d'hygiène mentale: quelques observations", (juin 1977) 25(2) L'Hygiène mentale au Canada 26-28;

WINTRUP, Anne M., 1962-, Assessing Risk of Violence in Mentally Disordered Offenders with the HCR-20, M.A. thesis, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, April 1996, ix, 77 leaves; thesis Senior Supervisor: Dr. E.M. Coles;

WONG, Craig, "Disgraced soldier back in court: Father says Matchee will never be fit to stand trial on Somalia charges", The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, July 24, 2002, p. A8; this is article is about a fitness hearing under National Defence Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-5; the Act should be read with  Chapter 119 on Mental Disorder of the The Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces (1994 Revision), vol. 2,  Disciplinary; also published in French / aussi publiée en français: Loi sur la défense nationale, S.R.C. 1985,  c. N-5;  la loi doit être lue avec le  Chapitre 119 sur le Désordre mental des Ordonnances et règlements royaux applicables aux forces canadiennes (Révision de 1994), vol.  2,  Discipline (;

WONG, Mavin and Brian Weagant, Defending Young Offenders Cases 1994, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing 1994, viii, 140 p., see Chapter 7: "Medical and Psychological Reports/fitness and Sanity, pp. 47-51 (series: Canada Practice Guide: Criminal) ISBN: 0459552430; for the second edition, see Scott, supra;

WONG, S. (Stephen), 1945-, The Criminal and Institutional Behaviours of Psychopaths, Ottawa: Ministry of the Solicitor General of Canada, 1984, iv, 63 p., (series; Programs Branch User Report; 1984-87); copy at the Natioal Library, Ottawa;  also published in French / aussi publié en français:
Comportement criminel et  institutionnel des psychopathes, [Ottawa] : Solliciteur général Canada, Secrétariat du Ministère, [1984], Collection; Rapport pour spécialistes;);  text noted but not consulted yet;

WOOD, Josiash, "Insanity - Recent Cases", 9 Psychiatric Issues in Criminal Law, Material Prepared for a Continuing Legal Education Seminar Held in Vancouver, B.C., on December 4, 1982, Course Co-Ordinator: Josiah Wood, Leaders: Leonard T. Doust et al., Vancouver: The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, December 1982, ISBN: 0865040826; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library;

WOOTON, Barbara, "The Place of Psychiatry and Medical Concepts in Treatment of Offenders:  Layman's View", (1972) 17 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 365-375;

WORKMAN, Joseph, 1805-1894, On crime and insanity, [Montreal? : s.n.], 1877 (Montreal : Lovell Print. and Pub. Co.) 1 microfiche (15 fr.).
Note:At head of caption title: Papers in medical section.;  "From the Transactions of the Canada Medical Association, 1877.";  available also on CIHM/ICMH Microfiche series = CIHM/ICMH collection de microfiches ; no. 24176; copy athe National Library, Ottawa; text noted but not consulted yet;

WORKSHOP on the Legal Rights of Mentally Handicapped Persons (1981: University of British Columbia), The legal rights of mentally handicapped persons, [Vancouver]: Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, 1982,  100 p.; information from the University of Windsor Libraries catalogues;  text noted but not consulted yet;

"Workshop on Psychopathy Highlights Need for Appropriate Intervention", (1990) 3(2) Forum on Corrections Research 9-10;  "brief description of the findings" (p. 3)  of a workshop that the journal refers to as "Gilles Côté, Robert Hare, Grant Harris, Ralph Serin, Vernon Quinsey and Stephen Wong spoke at a synposium entitled 'Psychopathy and the Criminal Justice System' at a convention of the Canadian Psychological  on Friday, June 1, 1990" (p.3); Forum on Corrections is  also published in French / aussi publié en français Forum recherche sur l'actualité correctionnelle;

WORMITH, J.S. and Mark Borzecki, Mental Disorder in the Criminal Justice System, [Ottawa]: Programs Branch, Ministry of the Solicitor General, 1985, [ii], 100 p.(seriesUser report / Programs Branch ; no. 1985-14); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Les maladies mentales dans le système de justice pénale, Ottawa: Solliciteur Général, Direction des programmes, 1985, [ii], 102  p. (Collection; Rapport pour spécialistes / Direction des programmes ; no 1985-14); only the English text was consulted;

WORMITH, J. Steve, "The Mentally Disordered Offender in the Prairie Region" in Dorothy Hepworth, ed., Explorations in Prairie Justice Research, Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina, 1979, [iii], 155 p., at pp. 5-38 (series; Canadian Plains Reports; number 3) ISBN: 0889770158;

WRIGHT, Blenus, Annotation, "Can the prosecutor introduce the defence of  insanity?", (1970) 12 Criminal Reports (New Series) 343-349;

YABSLEY, Reginald J., "The Medical Witness"  in Joel Pink, Mr. Justice Kenneth Matthews, Alison Tupper and Alvin Wells, The Expert: A Practitioner's Guide, eds., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing,1995-,  2 vols., looseleaf supplemented books, vol. 1, chapter 4, ISBN: 0459553291;

YAKE, Iris Barry, The Law and Mental Health, [Edmonton : s.n., 1975?], vol. 2, vi, 127 p.; Note on cover: "Under a Grant From the Alberta Law Foundation, 1974.  Part of a total Study conducted by Iris Yake, Carol Williamson and Gary Draper under the direction of B.M. Barker, Professor of Law, Honourary Professor of Medecine, The University of Alberta"; for vol. 1, see  DRaper, Gary and Williamson, Carol, supra; for vol. 3, see Draper, Gary, supra;

YAREN, Stanley, "The Donna Trueman Case",  (December 1993) 25(6) Canadian Psychiatric Association Bulletin 33 and 35;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Le cas Donna Trueman", (décembre 1993) 25(6) Bulletin de l'Association des psychiatres du Canada 30 et 32;

YARMEY, A.Daniel and P.Karen  Popeil, "Judged Value of Medical Versus Psychological Expert Witnesses", (1988) 11 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 195-204;

YEO, Stanley M.H. (Stanley Meng Heong), Short Articles and Comments, "Rethinking the Incapacities of Insanity", (2000) 36 The Irish Jurist 275-287; the articles deals in part with Canadian law;

YEUDALL, Lorne T. and Douglas M. Wardell, ""Neuropsychological Correlates of Criminal Psychopathy: Part II - Descrimination and Prediction of Dangerous and Recidivistic Offenders" in  Journnées internationales de criminologie clinique comparée, (5e : 1977 : Montréal, Québec), sous la direction de,  = International Seminar in Comparative Clinical Criminology (5th : 1977 : Montréal, Quebec), ed., Dangerosité et agressivité chez l'humain : aperçu des  recherches actuelles des sciences fondamentales pertinentes au traitement et à la réhabilitation des délinquants :  rapport des Vièmes Journées internationales de criminologie clinique comparée = Human aggression and dangerousness : overview of ongoing research in the basic sciences in connection with the treatment and rehabilitation of delinquents / textes réunis par D. Laberge-Altmejd ; sous la direction de L. Béliveau, G. Canepa, D. Szabo, Montréal : Centre international de criminologie comparée, 1978, xi, 412 p. at pp. 257-282;

YEUDALL, Lorne T., "Neuropsychological assessment of forensic disorders", (June 1977) 25(2) Canada's Mental Health 7-15;  also published in French  / aussi publié en français: "L'évaluation neuropsychologique des psychopathies criminelles", (juin 1977) 25(2) L'Hygiène mentale au Canada 8-17;

___________"Neuropsychological Correlates of Criminal Psychopathy: Part I- Differential Diagnosis" in Journnées internationales de criminologie clinique comparée, (5e : 1977 : Montréal, Québec), sous la direction de,  = International Seminar in Comparative Clinical Criminology (5th : 1977 : Montréal, Quebec), ed., Dangerosité et agressivité chez l'humain : aperçu des  recherches actuelles des sciences fondamentales pertinentes au traitement et à la réhabilitation des délinquants :  rapport des Vièmes Journées internationales de criminologie clinique comparée = Human aggression and dangerousness : overview of ongoing research in the basic sciences in connection with the treatment and rehabilitation of delinquents / textes réunis par D. Laberge-Altmejd ; sous la direction de L. Béliveau, G. Canepa, D. Szabo, Montréal : Centre international de criminologie comparée, 1978, xi, 412 p. at pp. 205-256;

YOUNG, Bruce J., "Confessions by Accused Persons to Psychiatrists: A Crown Counsel's View, (March 1976) Crown's Newsletter 13-19;

Young Offenders Act,   R.S.C. 1985, c. Y-1; also published in French / aussi publiée en français: Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants, S.R.C. 1985,  c. Y-1;

YUKON REVIEW BOARD, web site, (accessed on 5 January 2003);

ZAPARNIUK, Judy and Steven Taylor, "Impulsivity in Children and Adolescents"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p. at pp. 158-179,ISBN: 1572302259;

ZAPF, N., "Mental Patients Have Charter Right to Silence, Q.B.", (1993) 12(33) The Lawyer's Weekly 17;  text noted but not consulted yet;

 ZAPF, P.A.R. Roesch and S.D. Hart, S. D., "An examination of the relationship of homelessness to mental disorder, criminal behavior, and health care in a pretrial jail population. (1996) 41 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 435-440;  text noted but not consulted yet;

ZAPF, Patricia A. and Ronald Roesch, "Assessing Fitness to Stand Trial: A Comparison of Institution-Based Evaluations and a Brief Screening Interview" (Spring 1997) 16(1) Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 53-66; see abstract in "Current Research" in (1997) 39 Canadian Journal of Criminology215-219 at 215-217;

___________"A Comparison of American and Canadian Conceptualizations of Competence to Stand Trial" in R.R. Corrado and R.J. Dempster, eds., (in press), Psychology in the Courts: International Advances in Knowledge, Amsterdam: Harwood Academic,  text noted but not consulted yet;

___________"A comparison of the MacCAT-CA and the FIT for making determinations of competency to stand trial", (2001) 24 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 81-92;

___________"Evaluations of Competency: Guidelines for Legal Professionals" (2000) 37 Court Review 28-35 text noted but not consulted yet;

___________"Fitness to Stand Trial: Characteristics of Remands Since the 1992 Criminal Code Amendments", (1998) 43 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 287-293;

___________"An Investigation of the Construct of Competence: A Comparison of the FIT, the MacCAT-CA, and the MacCAT-T", (April 2005) 29(2) Law and Human Behavior 229-252;

ZAPF, Patricia A. and Ronald Roesch, and J.L. Viljoen, "Assessing fitness to stand trial: the utility of the fitness interview test (revised edition)", (2001) 46 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 426-432; title noted but not consulted yet;

ZAPF, P.A., J.L. Boddy, K.E. Whittemore, N. Poythress and R. Roesch, (in press), "Competency: Past, Present, and Future" in James R.P. Ogloff, ed., The State of the Field of Psychology and Law: Presidential initiative, as seen at  Professor Zapf's list of publications (, on 26 October 2000);  text noted but not consulted yet;

ZAPF, Patricia A., 1971-,  An investigation of the construct of competence in a criminal and civil context : a comparison of the FIT, the MacCAT-CA, and the MacCAT-T, Thesis (Ph.D.), Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, 1998, x, 126 p.;  copy not yet available at  the National Library, Ottawa (will eventually be available on microfiche); text not consulted;  text noted but not consulted yet; Ms. Zapf appears to be one of the future leading scholars in the area of mental disorder in Canada;

___________Assessing Fitness to Stand Trial: Characteristics of Fitness Remands and a Comparison of institution- Based Evolutions and the Fitness Interview Test, Revised, MA Thesis, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, 1995, xi, 121 leaves; from the Abstract, p. iii: "....  The results [of study 1 of 2 conducted for the thesis] confirmed previous research that indicated that remanded defendants are more likely to be single, unemployed, living alone, and to have no fixed address, and that unfit defendants are significantly more likely to have never been married";

___________"Competency.  Past, Present, and Future", in James R.P. Ogloff, ed., Taking psychology and law into the twenty-first century, New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2002, xxii, 413 p., at pp. 171-198 (series;  Perspectives in law & psychology; v. 14),  ISBN:  0306467607; copy at Carleton University, Floor 4, K346 .T35 2002;

___________Eluciding the Standards for Mental Disorder as a Prerequisite for Legal Interventions: A Review of Case Law, unpublished manuscript, Simon Fraser University, 1998; "available from P. Zapf at the Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5A 1S6";  text noted but not consulted yet;

__________ List of Publications at her Web site, as seen on 30 December 2001;

ZINGER Ian and Adelle E. Forth, "Psychopathy and Canadian criminal proceedings: The potential for human rights abuses", (1998) 40 Canadian Journal of
Criminology 237-276; bibliography on psychopathy at pp. 264-276;

ZINGER, Ivan and J. Stephen Wormith, The Development of Empirically Preventive Measures in Canada: - An Impossible Task?, August 1994, 51 p., mentioned in Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders, supra, at p. 52;

ZISMAN, Roselyn, Annotation, "Remands for Mental Examination", (1975) 31 Criminal Reports New Series 97-124;

ZOFFMAN, Elisabeth, "Criminalization of the Mentally Ill", (September1999) 41(8) British Columbia Medical Journal 382-385 (Theme Issue: Forensic Psychiatry, Part II);

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