Part II: "D to K" - Mental Disorder

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Updated on / mise à jour au: 29 August 2009

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by /par  ©François Lareau, Ottawa, 2001-

Canadian Criminal Law  - Selected Bibliography on Mental Disorder,
Insanity and Unfitness to Stand Trial with Elements of Criminology,
History, Psychiatry and Psychology
                   - - - - - - - - - - -
Droit pénal canadien - Bibliographie choisie sur le désordre mental,
l'aliénation mentale et l'aptitude à subir le procès avec des
éléments de criminologie, d'histoire, psychiatrie et psychologie

See also/voir aussi
• Part / Partie I:   A-C
• Part / Partie III: L-R
• Part / Partie IV: S-Z

Part I: Automatism -- Canadian Law
Part II: Automatism -- Comparative Law

• Diminished Responsibility or Capacity / Responsabilité atténuée
               • Canadian Criminal Law/ Droit pénal canadien
               • Comparative Law / Droit comparé

DACRE, J., "Psychiatric Assessments in Local Jails and Detention Centres" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those Working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 192-200; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

DAIGLE, Chantal, Activité physique et santé mentale en milieu carcéral psychiatrique, Thèse de maîtrise ès sciences de l'activité physique, (M.Sc.), Université de Montréal, 1999, xii, 45 p.;

DAIGLE, Marc et Gilles Côté, "Suicides et troubles mentaux chez les hommes incarcérés: faut-il en appeler à une prise en charge communautaire?", (2001) 34 Criminologie 103-122;

DAIGNEAULT, Marie-Michèle, "Le projet de loi 39: trop ou pas assez?" dans, sous la direction de, Service de la formation permanente Barreau du Québec, Développements récents en droit de la santé mentale (1998), Cowansville (Québec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1998, x, 299 p., aux pp. 43-76 ISBN: 2894512384;

DANDURAND, Raoul et Charles Lanctôt,  Traité théorique et pratique de droit criminel comprenant la nature, les caractères essentiels et la division des crimes, les règles relatives à la responsabilité pénale et à la complicité. les offenses statutaires et de droit commun, la procédure régulière et la procédure sommaire avec renvois aux statuts et aux ouvrages des criminalistes canadiens, anglais et américains, Montréal: A. Périard, 1890, xxii, 695 p., voir "De la Folie" aux pp. 50-61;

DANDURAND, Yvon, "Criminality is not a mental health problem",  (June 1977) 25(2) Canada's Mental Health 18-20; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "La criminalité n'est pas un problème de santé mentale", (juin 1977) 25(2) L'Hygiène mentale au Canada 20-23;

DANSEREAU, Dollard, Juge des Sessions, Le Citoyen face au Droit criminel, Montreal: Beauchemin, 1970, 224 p., voir "la folie" aux pp. 204-206;

DANSON, J.H. and D. Sattler, "Development of a Forensic system: Ontario's Experience 1980-1992" in Canada" in S.N. Verdun-Jones and M. Layton, eds, Mental Health Law and Practice Through the Life Cycle: Proceedings from the XVIIIth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Burnaby (British-Columbia): Simon Fraser University, 1994 at pp. 170-179, ISBN: 0864911386;

DAVID H., "Qu'est-ce qu'une expertise psycho-légale?", document  inédit, département de psychologie, Université de Montréal, 1990, cité à la p. 37 de Jocelyn Aubut, sous la direction de, Le rôle du témoin expert: détermination de la culpabilité chez l'aggresseur sexuel, Montréal, Éditions de la Chenelière/McGraw-Hill, 1996, vi, 174 p., ISBN: 2893103278; texte non consulté;

DAVIS, Honourable C.S., "The Psychiatrist in Court" in Schizophrenia and the Law, Regina (Saskatchewan): Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, c1975, 98 p. at pp. 93-94; copy at Carleton University;

DAVIS, Simon Paul, 1956-,  "Assessing the `Criminalization' of the Mentally Ill in Canada", (1992) 37  Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 532-538;  see summary in Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al., Canada Mental Health and Violence: Proof or Stereotype?supra, Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography, available on the internet at; mentioned in Winko v. British Columbia (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 S.C.R. 625; le résumé est aussi disponible en français dans Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al., Maladie mentale et violence: un lien démontré ou un steréotype?, supra, Appendice A: bibliographie commentée, disponible sur l'internet à;

___________"Changes to the Criminal Code Provisions for Mentally Disordered Offenders and their Implications for Canadian Psychiatry", (1993) 38 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 122- 126;

___________Community Mental Health in Canada: Theory, Policy, and Practice, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2006, xvii, 362 p., ISBN: 077481280X;

___________Exploring the Impact of Bill C-30 on the Handling of Mentally Disordered Offenders, Thesis (Ph.D.),  Simon Fraser University, School of Criminology, 1994, ix, 279 p.; Simon Verdun-Jones was the thesis Senior Supervisor; available at (accessed on 22 May 2013);

___________"Factors Associated with the Diversion of the Mentallty Disordered Offenders", (1994) 22(3) Bulletin of the American Academy of  Psychiatry and Law 389-397;

___________"Fitness to Stand Trial: a Study of a Change in the Law Concerning Pre-Trial Psychiatric Remands" (1995) 16(2) Health Law in Canada 33-38;

_________"Fitness to Stand Trial in Canada in Light of the Recent Criminal Code Amendment", (1994) 17 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 319-329;

DEBUYST, Christian, "La notion de dangerosité, maladie infantile de la criminologie", (1984) 27(2) Criminologie 7-24;

DEEGAN, Corinne, paper on Fitness to Stand Trial, Manitoba Department of Justice, c1998 mentioned in Uniform Law Conference of Canada, Criminal Law Section, Fitness To Stand Trial, Winnipeg, August 1999, 15 p. at p. 1; text not consulted;

ok"Déficience intellectuelle et système de justice criminelle -- Chercheurs universitaires, membres de l'équipe 'Déficience intellectuelle, troubles envahissants et du développement et intersectorialité", (mai 2006) Journal le Barreau  23, possiblement disponible éventuellement à (visionné le 3 mai 2006); voir aussi "Étude exploratoire sur l'intervention adaptée aux personnes déficientes intellectuelles ayant commis des délits", disponible à (visité le 3 mai 2006); 

DELAGE, Jean, "Troubles mentaux et responsabilités", (mars 1959) 27 Laval médical 359-369; ne traite pas du droit criminel mais du consentement pour le mariage; intéressant comme discussion et idées!

DELANEY, Me Julie, Lawyer, and Giuseppe Battista, Lawyerfrom le Barreau du Québec, from testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 16 April 2002 (E/F): Panel I: From the "Barreau du Québec": Me Giuseppe Battista, Lawyer; Me Julie Delaney, Lawyer, English / Français

DelBIGIO, Gregory P., "Raising the Defence of Automatism", (June 1999) 12(2) Charter of Rights Newsletter 1-4; the article is signed "G.P.D."; Gregory P. DelBigio is the associate editior of the newsletter; discusses the case of R. v. Stone, [1999] 2 S.C.R. 290-415;

DEL BUONO, Vincent M., "Mental Disorder: A Crime", (1976) 18 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 302-318;

DELISLE, R.J. (Ronald J.), "The Admissibility of Expert: A New Caution based on General Principles", (1994) 29 Criminal Reports (4th) 267-273;

___________Canadian Evidence Law in a Nutshell, 2nd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell (Thomson), 2002, xxxvi, 153 p., ISBN: 0459240706; deals with expert evidence; the 1996 iedition published under the title: Evidence in a nutshell;

__________ Evidence: Principles and Problems, 5th ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, c1999, lxviii, 879 p., see Chapter 5, "Evidence and the Opinion Rule" at pp. 583-661, ISBN: 0459239139 (pbk.);

_________ "Stone: Judicial Activism Gone Awry to Presume Guilt", (1999) 24 C.R. (5th) 91-96;

DYKEMAN, Mary Jane, "Expanding the Criteria for Psychiatric Assessment and Involuntary Admission: Bill 68 and the Need for Enhanced Rights Protection", (2000) 21(2) Health Law in Canada 41-45;

DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE, MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION, Mental Health Services for Courts, Penal and Reform Institutions in Canada, Ottawa : Mental Health Division, Department of National and Welfare, [1954], 31 p.;

DE PLAEN, Jacqueline, "Psychiatrie légale et criminalité: bibliographie sélective", (1982) 15(2) Criminologie 131-134;

DER, Balfour Q.H.,  "Remands for Psychiatric Observation" in National Criminal Law Program: Criminal Procedure and Charter Issues (1992 : Saskatoon, Sask.), [ed.], National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada,  Saskatoon : Federation of Law Societies, 1992, 2 volumes; text not verified;

DesROCHES, The Honourable Mr. Justice Armand, "Fitness to Stand Trial -- A Glass Slipper?",  in National Criminal Law Program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, vol. 1 of 2, section 3.1, 10 p.;  copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

DESROCHES, Fred, "Regional Psychiatric Centres - A Myopic View?", (1973) 15(2) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 200-218;

DESROSIERS, Christian, "L'aliénation mentale: vers une réforme judiciaire?" dans Service de la formation permanente Barreau du Québec (sous la direction de), Développements récents en droit criminel (1990), Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, ix¸, 200 p., 1990, ISBN: 2890737578, pp. 91-115;

DESSUREAULT, Danny, Gilles Côté, and Alain Lesage, "Impact of First Contacts With the Criminal Justice or Mental Health Systems on the Subsequent Orientation of Mentally Disordered Persons Toward Either System", (2000) 23(1) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 79-90;

DESSUREAULT, Danny, 1957-, Les sujets atteints de troubles mentaux graves en milieu hospitalier ou carcéral : explication et modélisation de la prise en charge actuelle, [Montréal] : Université de Montréal, thèse Ph.D. en psychologie, 1998, vi, 93 f.;

DE ST. Croix, S., R. Dry and C.D. Webster, "Patients on Warrants of the Lieutenant Governor in Alberta: A Statistical Summary with Comments on Treatment and Release Procedures", (1988) 33(1) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry14-20;

DEUTSCHER, David B., "Mental Health and The Charter: R. v. Chaulk and R. v. Swain: Insanity and the Constitution", (1991) 2 Constitutional  Forum 99-102, 105;

DEVLIN, Lord, "Mental Abnormality and the Criminal Law" in Ronald St. J. MacDonald, ed., Changing Legal Objectives: Essays by J.A. Corry, Lord Devlin, the Honourable J.M. McRuer, C.A. Wright, Q.C., Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1963, vii, 85 p., at pp.71-85;

DICAIRE, Isabelle, Discipline et dossiers : analyse de discours carcéraux sur les détenues psychiatrisées, mémoire de maîtrise en sociologie dirigé par D. Laberge, UQAM, Montréal, 1998; thèse noté dans mes recherches mais document pas encore consulté (6 janvier 2003);

DICKENS, Bernard M., 1937-, "Prediction, professionalism, and public policy"  in Christopher D. Webster, 1936-,  Mark H. Ben-Aron and Stephen J. Hucker, eds., Dangerousness: Probability and prediction, psychiatry and public policy, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985,  xiii, 236 p., at pp. 177-207, ISBN: 0521300290;

__________"The Sense of Justice and Criminal Responsibility", pp. 33-61 in Stephen J. Hucker, Christopher D. Webster and Mark H. Ben-Aron, eds., Mental Disorder and Criminal Responsibility, Toronto: Butterworths, 1981, xv, 195 p., at Chapter 3, pp. 33-61, ISBN:0409837342;

__________Sourcebook on Psychiatry, Mental Health and the Law, 1989-90 edition, [Toronto, Ont.] : Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [1989], various pagings; copy at the University of Toronto; text not consulted;

DICKSON, Brian,  Speeches delivered by the Right Honorable Brian Dickson= Discours prononcés par le très Honorable Brian Dickson, [Ottawa] : Supreme Court of Canada / Cour suprême du  Canada, 1993, 2 volumes, see: “Criminal Law (Second Lecture) : Lecture Given to the Distinguished Visitors Program…University of Western Ontario, September 8 to 10, 1982”, in vol. 1, 1973-1985, at pp. 57-82;  this lecture is entirely on mens rea and discusses “insanity” cases at pp. 274-278; notes: Documents compiled by Mrs. Louise Lévesque;  Vol. 1 covers 1973-1985 and vol. 2. 1986-1990; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, call number: KF 345 D53 1993 v. 1 and KF 345 D53 1993 v. 2;

DIONNE, Jacques, "L'application de l'approche Yachelson et Samenoir à la réducation de jeunes adolescents 'délinquants'   dans Lyse A. Chamberlan,  Samir Rizkalla et Cécile Toutant, (équipe de recherche et d'organisation), La place de Pinel dans le circuit pénal, Montréal : Société de criminologie du Québec, 1981, 103 p. aux pp. 70-84; note: "Colloque organisé conjointement par la Société de criminologie du Québec et l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, à Montréal, le 20 mars 1981";

DIZGUN, Leslie, "Advocacy - Psychiatric Patient in QSMHC", Toronto, 1984, unpublished and  mentioned in Bartlett, supra, p. 1.31 (loose-leaf page dated January 1988); document not consulted;

DORÉ, Mireille, "La désinstitutionnalisation au Québec", (novembre 1987) 12(2) Santé mentale au Québec 144-157;

DORVIL, Henri, 1941-,  De l'Annonciation à Montréal, histoire de la folie dans la communauté, 1962-1987, Montréal : Éditions Émile-Nelligan, 1988, 280 p., ISBN:   2920217259;

DOUGLAS, Kevin S., Elizabeth Macfarlane and Christopher D. Webster, "Predicting dangerousness in the contemporary Canadian mental health and criminal justice systems", (1996) 43(3) Canada's Mental Health 4-11; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "La prévision de la dangerosité dans les systèmes canadiens contemporains de santé mentale et de justice pénale", (1996) 43(3) Santé mentale au Canada 3-11;

DOUGLAS, Kevin S, James R.P. Ogloff, Tonia L. Nicholls, and Isabel Grant, "Assessing Risk for Violence Amobng Psychiatric Patients: The HCR-20 Violence Risk Assessment Scheme and the Psychopathy Checklist: Version", (1999) 67(6) Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 917-930; HCR= Historical, Clinical and Risk Management;

DOUGLAS, Kevin S. and Christopher D. Webster, "The HCR-20 Violence Risk Assessment Scheme: Concurrent Validity in a Sample of Incarcerated Offenders", (1999) 26 Criminal Justice and Behavior 3-19; HCR= Historical, Clinical and Risk Management;

__________"Predicting Violence in Mentally and Personality Disordered Individuals" in  Ronald Roesch, Stephen D. Hart and James R.P. Ogloff, eds., Psychology and Law : The State of the Discipline, New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c1999,  xviii, 459 p., chapter 6 at pp.175-239 (series; Perspectives in law and psychology; v. 10), ISBN: 0306459493 (hbk.), 0306459507 (pbk.);

DOUGLAS, Kevin S., Assessing the Risk of Violence in Psychiatric Outpatients : The predictive Validity of the HCR-20 Risk Assessment Scheme, Thesis (M.A.), Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia,  1996, ix, 114 leaves;

__________HCR-20 Violence Risk Assessment Scheme: Overview and Annotated Bibliography, Simon FRaser University, 1999; document not consulted, cited in Vincent, Gina Marie, infra;

DOZOIS, Jean, Jean Poupart et Michèle Lalonde, "Dangerosité et pratique criminologique en milieu adulte", (1984) 27(2) Criminologie 25-51;

___________ "La dangerosité: un dilemme sans issue? Réflexions à partir d'une recherche en cours", (1981) 5  Déviance et société  383-401; texte noté mais non consulté dans ma recherche;

DRAPER, David, "Representing Clients with Psychiatric Problems", Toronto, 1985, unpublished and mentioned in Bartlett, supra, p. 1.31 (loose-leaf page dated January 1988); document not consulted;

DRAPER, Garry and Carol Williamson (prepared by), Lunacy in Legislation (A Guide to Federal and Alberta Legislation Regarding Idiocy, Imbecility, Insanity, Lunacy, Mental Disability, Mental Disorder, Mental Illness, Mental Incapacity, Mental Incompetence, and Unsoundness of Mind, [Edmonton : s.n., 1975?], vol. 1, vi, 216; Note on cover: "Under a Grant From the Alberta Law Foundation, 1974.  Part of a total Study conducted by Iris Yake, Carol Williamson     and Gary Draper under the direction of B.M. Barker, Professor of Law, Honourary Professor of Medecine, The University of Alberta"; for vol. 2, see Yake, Iris Barry, infra; for vol. 3, see Draper, Garry, immediately infra;

DRAPER, Garry, "Due Process and Confinement for Mental Disorder", (1976) 14 Alberta Law Review 266-268;

DRAPER, Ronald J. and David Dawson, "Competence to Consent to Treatment: A Guide for the Psychiatrist", (1990) 35 The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 285-288;

__________The Law and Mental Health,  [Edmonton : s.n., 1975?], vol. iii, 83 p.; Note on cover: "Under a Grant From the Alberta Law Foundation, 1974.  Part of a total Study conducted by Iris Yake, Carol Williamson and Gary Draper under the direction of B.M. Barker, Professor of Law, Honourary Professor of Medecine, The University of Alberta"; for vol. 2, see Yake, Iris Barry, infra; for vol. 1, see Draper, Gary, and Williamson, Carol, supra;

DREWRY, Richard, "Recommendations by The Canadian Mental Health Association Concerning Mental Disorder", (April 1992) 1(2) Health Law Review 12-15;

DUBBER, Dirk,  "Commentary" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., pp. 156-182, see "Age & Mental Disorder Incapacity" at p. 178, ISBN: 045927077X; Research Note: commentary about Don Stuart's article "A Case for a General Part", infra;

DUBÉ, Myriam, 1966-, Une comparaison entre l'histoire des comportements d'agression des hommes et des femmes souffrant de schizophrénie et de ceux et celles ne manifestant aucun trouble mental grave, Thèse de maîtrise en psychologie, (M.Sc.), Université de Montréal, mai 1992. viii, 87 f.;

___________Étude rétrospective des facteurs de risque et des indices comportementaux précurseurs de filicide chez une cohorte de parents québécois,  Thèse de doctorat (Ph.D.), Département de psychologie, Université de Montréal, 1998; pas encore disponible à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; texte non consulté;

DUBÉ, Viateur, Alain Fugère, Jean Lafrance et André Paradis, Bibliographie sur la préhistoire de la psychiatrie canadienne au dix-neuvième siècle, Trois- Rivières (Province de Québec):  Université du Québec à  Trois-Rivières, Département de philosophie, mai1976, xii, 117, 5 feuillets (Collection; Recherches et théories;  numéro 10), sur la couverture: "documentation départements de philosophie université du québec à montréal et à trois-rivières";

DUBÉ, Viateur, Le concept et les pratiques de l'enfermement, thèse de maîtrise en Philosophie, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), décembre 1978, iii, 162 p.; directeir de thèse: Jean-Paul Brodeur;

DUBIENSKI, Ian V., Notes and Comments, "Resources of the Criminal Justice Process Required by the Police, the Crown and the Court in Dealing with the Mentally Retarded Offender", (1972-73) 5 Manitoba Law Journal 441-451;

DUBOIS, Alain, 1952-,  et Philip Schneider, Code criminel annoté et lois connexes - 1999, Annotations par Me Alain Dubois et Me Philip Schneider, Cowansville : Éditions Yvon Blais, 1998, c, 1827 p. ISBN: 2894513100; il existe une version du code annoté plus récente (volume publié annuellement);

DUCKETT, Mona,  "Not criminally responsible (still crazy after all these years)" in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 2 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001; title noted but not consulted yet;

DUFFY, John, Patrick Kernaghan, Charles Johnston and Francis Philips (Panelists), "Custody in Criminal Proceedings" in Carol Kerfoot , ed., Mental Disorder and the Law: A Report of an Advanced Seminar in Criminology, Held May 24 and 25, 1974 at the Instructional Resources Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver: Centre for Continuing Education, University of British Columbia, [1974?], vi, 131 p., at pp. 118-131, ISBN:  0888438796;

DUGUAY, Raymonde, "La juridiction de la Commission d'examen et de la Commission des Affaires sociales" dans Les Patients sous ordonnance du Lieutenant-gouverneur : aspects cliniques et légaux, Beauport [Québec] : Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, 1985, 38 p. à la p. 22;

DUMONT, Hélène, "L'administration de la justice pénale.  Loi de la protection du malade mental", dans, sous la direction, de Louis Kos-Rabcewicz-Zubkowski,  Lois Récentes du Québec, volume 3, Montréal: Les Éditions de l'Iris, xii, 114 p., aux pp. 93-100 et plus particulièrement pour la partie la "Loi de la protection du malade mental" aux pp. 98-100, ISBN: 088522003X; le volume porte aussi le titre: Troisième session de la vingt-neuvième législature de l'Assemblée nationale du Québec : [série de textes sur une partie des lois / Ont collaboré : Alain Bisson et al.] préface de Robert Choquette;

DUTTON, Donald G., "A Social Psychological Perspective on Impulsivity/Intimate Violence",  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds., Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 32-41,ISBN: 1572302259;

DURIVAGE, Antoine, "Assaultive Behaviour: Before it Happens...", (1989) 34 Canadian Jiournal of Psychiatry 393-397;

DYER, Hugh, Comments, "The Insanity Defence: The Law Reform Commission's Proposals" (1983) 21 University of Western Ontario Legal Review 265-288;

EAST COAST FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, NOVA SCOTIA, Dr. Emmanuel Aquino, from, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 18 April 2002 (E/F): From the East Coast Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, Nova Scotia: Dr. Emmanuel Aquino. EnglishFrançais

EAVES, D., K.S. Douglas, C.D. Webster, J.R.P. Ogloff, and S.D. Hart, Dangerous and long-term offenders: An assessment guide, Burnaby, BC:  Simon Fraser University, Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, 2000;

EAVES, Derek, Diane Lamb and George Tien, "Forensic Psychiatric Services in British Columbia", (2001) 23(5-6) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 615-631;

EAVES, Dr. D., Dr. R. Nixon, Dr. R. O'Saughnessey and Dr. G. Goyer, (edited transcript of panel discussion), "Current Concepts in Forensic Psychiatry", 12 p. in Psychiatric Issues in Criminal Law, Material Prepared for a Continuing Legal Education Seminar Held in Vancouver, B.C., on December 4, 1982, Course Co-Ordinator: Josiah Wood, Leaders: Leonard T. Doust, Dr. Derek Eaves et al., Vancouver: The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, December 1982, ISBN: 0865040826; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library;

EAVES, D., James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and R. Roesch, "Preface" in D. Eaves,  James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and R. Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. ix-xiv, ISBN:  086491220X; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

EAVES, Derek, Ronald Roesch, William Glackman and Susan Vallance, "Attitudes of the Legal Profession to the Law Reform Commission Recommendations on Fitness to Stand Trial", (1981-82) 24 The Criminal Law Quarterly 233-243;

EAVES, Derek, George Tien and Derek Wilson, "A Systems Approach to the Management of Impulsive Behavior"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 409-423, ISBN: 1572302259;

EAVES, Derek, Derek Wilson, Jill Hightower, and George Tien, "Mentally Disordered Offenders: Treatment, Co-ordination and Continuity" in Lynn Stewart, Lana Stermac & Cristopher D. Webster, 1936-, eds., Proceedings of the Second Conference on Clinical Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Toronto: Correctional Services Canada, December 1995,  ii, 150 p., at pp. 110-115, ISBN: 0662807790;  also published in French, ISBN: 0662807790; Notes: Title on cover: Clinical criminology : toward effective correctional treatment; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, HV 6080 C5 1991;

EAVES, D. (Derek), "Administrative and Clinical Perspectives", "The Criminal Code Amendments: The Legal Background",  in D. Eaves, James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and R. Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. 79-88, ISBN:  086491220X; note: Published in cooperation with the British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Commission; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

__________"Assessment and Management of Sexual Offenders" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those Working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 151-165; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

___________Brief to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code, 2002, 3 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000362-000364; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000378-000389;

___________testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 11 April 2002 (E/F): As Individual: Dr. Derek Eaves, Vice-President, Medicine and Research, Riverview Hospital, Visiting Scholar, Simon Fraser University, English / Français

EDGAR, Patti, "New prison opens for mentally ill.  Brockville institution will be first of kind in Canada",  The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, June 9, 2001, p. C1;

EDINGTON, Barry Eugene, 1947, The Formation of the Asylum in Upper Canada, Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1981, vi, 247 p.;

__________ The Political Economy of Mental Illness, Thesis, M.A. in Social Sciences, University of Saskatchewan (Regina) July 1973, v, 140 leaves;.

"Éditorial [pour le numéro 15(2) de la revue Criminologie ayant pour thème:  "Criminels et psychiatrie"], (1982) 15(2) Criminologie 3-5;

"Éditorial [pour le numéro 27(2) de la revue Criminologie ayant pour thème: "La dangerosité, un débat à pousuivre"], (1984) 27(2) Criminologie 3-5;

EHE (EDUCATION HEALTH ENVIRONMENT OTTAWA LIMITED), prepared for Evaluation & Special Projects, Correctional Service of Canada,  Study Goals, Issues, Audiences & Approach, Evaluation of Psychiatric Services, Ottawa:  EHE, October 1981, 117 p.;  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 451.4  P68 E9 1981;

EHRCKE, William F., Mental Illness and the Criminal Law Process, [Vancouver : s.n.], 1985, 11, [11] p.; information from the University of British Columbia catalogue; text not consulted;

EKSTEDT, John W. and Curt T. Griffiths, "Correctional Treatment Programs"  in N. Zoe Hilton, Margaret A. Jackson and Christopher D. Webster, eds., Clinical Criminology: Theory, Research and Practice, Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 1990, ix, 654 p. at pp. 607-624d), ISBN: 0921627688;

ELLIOT, Ian, "Actor's case takes centre stage: Mental-health capping provisions urged", (17 September 2007) 28(29) Law Times 1 and 2; case in Kinston, Ont.,  Tona Rosato, accused; defence counsel is Brodsky; Superior Court Justice Gordon Thomson; first week of September 2007; assistant Crown attorney Priscilla Christie;

Emperical Review of the New Provisions of Section XX.1 C.C.C. (Mental Disorder), 1995?, 23 p., author unknown; covers period 1993-1995 and the following provinces: British Columbia, Alberta,Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia; document obtained by François Lareau as a result of his Access to Information Act request to the Department of Justice Canada, number A-2000-0125/ts, pages 000223-000245 (received);

EMPOWERMENT COUNCIL, Jennifer Chambers, Empowerement facilator, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 18 April 2002 (E/F): From the Empowerment Council: Jennifer Chambers, Empowerment Facilitator: EnglishFrançais

___________"Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights: Regarding the Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", 2002, 9 p., available at  Standing; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000369-000377;

ENCON INSURANCE MANAGERS INC., Report on the Assessment of Risk Management Systems for Patients on Warrants of the Lieutenant Governor in the Provincial Psychiatric Hospitals, [Toronto : Ontario Ministry of Health], 1988, ii, 24, 5 p., ISBN: 077294864X; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Rapport sur l'évaluation des systèmes de gestion du risque pour les malades détenus en vertu d'un mandat décerné par le lieutenant-gouverneur dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques provinciaux, [Toronto : Ministère de la santé de l'Ontario], 1988,  ii, 27, 5 p., ISBN:  0772948658;

ENDICOTT, Orville, "Detention reforms reflect Section 15: Lieutenant governor warrants to be eliminated", (1986) 2(8)  Canadian Human Rights Advocate 10-11;

___________Persons with Intellectual Disability Who Are Incarcerated for Criminal Offences A Literature Review, [Ottawa, Ont]: Correctional Services of Canada, Communications and Corporate Development, Research Branch], March 1991, 51 p. (series; Research Report; number 14); also published in French / aussi publié en français:Personnes souffrant de déficience intellectuelle incarcérées pour les délits criminels : examen de la documentation,  [Ottawa] : Service correctionnel Canada, Communications et développement organisationnel, Direction de la recherche,mars 1991, 54 p.(Collection; rapport de recherche; numéro 14); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, HV 6791 E5 1991 and for the French version, HV 6791 E5 1991 F;

___________testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français:  CANADA, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 19 March 2002 (E/F): from the Canadian Association for Community Living: Orville Endicott, Legal Consultant, Disability Right Issues;  English / Français
ENGEL, Bruce, "Mental Health and the Law", in County of Carleton Law Association and Defence Counsel Association of Ottawa-Carleton, ed., Criminal Law Conference 2002, Ottawa: County of Carleton Law Association and Defence Counsel Association of Ottawa-Carleton, 2002, see TAB 2A, 7 p.; copy at Ottawa University, location: FTX, FTX General, KE 8808 .C75  2002;

ERICKSON, Richard V., "Penal Psychiatry in Canada" in William K.  Greenaway and Stephen L.  Brickey, eds., Law and Social Control in Canada, Scarborough (Ontario): Prentice-Hall, 1978, ix, 240, at pp. 105-117, ISBN: 0135262445; also in (1976) 26 University of Toronto Law Journal 17-27;

___________"Penal Psychiatry in Canada: The Method of our Madness", (1976) 26 University of Toronto Law Journal 17-27;

___________"Psychiatrists in Prison: On Admitting Professional Thinkers into a Tinker's Paradise", (1974) 22 Chitty's Law Journal 29-33;

___________"Responsibility, Moral Relativity and Response Ability: Some Implications of Deviance Theory for Criminal Justice", (1975) 25 University of Toronto Law Journal 23-41;

__________"Working Paper 14: The Criminal Process and Mental Disorder", (1976) 8 Ottawa Law Review 365-370;

ERNST, Fred, The treatment of the criminally insane in Ontario, 1830-1900, [S.l. : s.n.], 1980, i, 71, [19] leaves, General notes: "Research paper prepared for Professor David Weisstub for Law and Psychiatry 324, Osgoode Hall Law School, YorkUniversity"; information from the York University (Toronto) catalogue;.text not consulted;

EWASCHUK, Eugene G., Criminal Pleadings and Practice in Canada, 2nd ed., 3 looseleaf volumes, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 1987-, see vol. 2, Chapter 22, "Insanity", ISBN: 0888041438 (vol. 2);

___________"The Criminal Process and Mental Disorder", (1976) 8 Ottawa Law Review 371-376;

FALK, Gerhard J., "A Sociological Approach to the ‘Right-Wrong' Test in Criminal Procedure", (1964-65) 7 The Criminal Law Quarterly 331-342;

FAUTEUX, Arthur, "Les attentes du secteur correctionnel face à Pinel"  dans Lyse A. Chamberlan,  Samir Rizkalla et Cécile Toutant, (équipe de recherche et d'organisation), La place de Pinel dans le circuit pénal, Montréal : Société de criminologie du Québec, 1981, 103 p. aux pp. 30-37; note: "Colloque organisé conjointement par la Société de criminologie du Québec et l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, à Montréal, le 20 mars 1981";

FEDERAL/PROVINCIAL/TERRITORIAL Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders, Strategies for Managing High-Risk Offenders: Report of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders presented to FPT Ministers responsible for Justice, [Ottawa: Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders], January 1995, [i], 52 p; copy at  Health Canada Departmental Library; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Groupe de travail fédéral/provincial/territorial sur les délinquants violents à risque élevé, Stratégies pour la gestion des délinquants à risque élevé: Rapport du Groupe de travail fédéral/provincial/territorial sur les délinquants violents à risque élevé présenté aux ministres F/P/T responsables de la Justice, [Ottawa: Groupe de travail sur les délinquants violents à risque élevé], ¸janvier 1995, [i], 56 p.;

__________Mental Health Sub-Committee, Report of the Mental Health Sub-Committee, 33 p., c1994, mentioned in the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on High-Risk Violent Offenders, Strategies for Managing High-Risk Offenders, supra, at p, 52;

FEDERAL/PROVINCIAL/TERRITORIAL Working Group on Mental Disorder established in 1990; may be of interest for an Access to Information Act request!

FEDERATION OF LAW SOCIETIES OF CANADA (THE) --annoucement of forthcoming papers ---, the Federation will have its 2001 National Criminal Law Program - Substantive Law -- at the University of Prince Edwards Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I., July 9-13, 2001; one of the topics covered in the documents that will be circulated is "Defences of Capacity, Awareness & Self Defence";

FELDMAN, James K., "The Schizophrenias and the Law" in Schizophrenia and the Law, Regina (Saskatchewan): Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, c1975, 98 p. at pp. 95-98; copy at Carleton University;

FERGUSON, Gerry  A. and John C. Bouck, Canadian Criminal Jury Instructions (CRIMJI), 3rd edition, vol. 2, Vancouver (British Columbia) : Continuing Legal Education Society of British  Columbia, 1994-,  ISBN: 0865047715, see "Unfit to Stand Trial on Account of mental Disorder (ss. 672.22 to 672.32)" at 8.28 and "Mental Disorder the Time of the Offence (ss. 16.614)" at 8.32;

FERGUSON, Gerry A. and Keith Jobson, Hospital orders: A Study Prepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada, [Ottawa:] Law Reform Commission of Canada, [ii], 62, 16 p.; copy at the National Library (microform); English version only;  cited in Law Reform Commision of Canada, Fourteenth Annual Report 1984-1985, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1985, 52, [3], p. at p. 36, ISBN: 0662539575;

FERGUSON, Gerry, "A Critique of Proposals to Reform the Insanity Defence", (1989) 14 Queen's Law Journal 135-151; mentioned in Winko v. British Columbia (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 S.C.R. 625;

___________"Le droit aux soins de santé mentale en milieu carcéral", (1988) 21(2) Criminologie 13-26;

__________ Forms of Psychiatric Treatment for the Mentally Disordered Offender in Canada, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada¸ 1976, 54 p., research paper prepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada; copy at the National Library of Cnada; cited in Law Reform Commision of Canada, Fourteenth Annual Report 1984-1985, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1985, 52, [3], p. at p. 36, ISBN: 0662539575;

___________"Insanity", in Wing-Cheong Chan, Barry Wright, and Stanley Yeo, eds., Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code : the legacies and modern challenges of criminal law reform, Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate, c2011, xiii, 379 p.; ISBN: 9781409424420 (hardback); title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (7 November 2011);

___________The Insanity Defence and Recent Proposals for Change, [Vancouver : Canadian Bar Association (B.C. Branch), Criminal Justice Subsection], 1987, 46, 13 leaves; information from the University of British Columbia catalogue; document not consulted;

___________The insanity defence : current law and reform options, [Ottawa : Dept. of Justice], 1982, v, 215 leaves, Notes: Prepared for the Criminal Code Review Project, Department of Justice; copy at Dalhousie University; text not consulted;

___________"The insanity defense in Canada, Malaysia and Singapore: A tale of two codes", (1990) 17 Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law 1-28; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries;

___________"Insanity in Canada" (September1983) 8(2) American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law Newsletter 11-14;

___________Medical and Scientific Techniques for Treating, Altering or Controlling Personality and Behaviour, [Ottawa]: [Law Reform Commission of Canada], May 1979, iii, 345 p.; unpublished research paper prepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada; English text; copy at the National Library, Ottawa;  title varies, see Ferguson,  Working paper prepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada on medical and scientific techniques for treating, altering or controlling personality and behaviour, infra;

___________Psychiatry in the Criminal Law Process, Ottawa : Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, January 1976,  308 p. in various pagings;

___________"Recent Developments in the Canadian Law of Insanity: Progression, Regression or Repression?", (1984) 3 Medicine and Law 287-296;

___________Submission to the Parliamentary Subcommittee on Recodification of the Criminal Law: Mental Disorder, Diminished Responsibility and Automatism,  October 1992. in  House of Commons, Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General  House of Commons, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, Issue 5 of 2 et 18 November 1992, pp. 5A:195-5A:223; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Mémoire au sous-comité parlemantaire sur la nouvelle codification du droit pénal: troubles mentaux, responsabilité et automatisme, in CANADA, Chambre des Communes, Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, octobre 1992, fasicule numéro 5 du 2 et 18 novembre 1992, aux  pp. 5A:435-5A:460;

__________Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Solicitor General: Bill C-30 Mental Disorder, revised copy, October 25, 1991, 24 p.and Additions and Further Observations on Bill C-30, 24 October 1991, 2 p.; Professor Ferguson appeared before the Standing Committee on 24 October 1991, see CANADA Parliament - Bill C-31... House of Commons... Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General...issue number 11, October 24, 1991, supra;

___________Working paper prepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada on medical and scientific techniques for treating, altering or controlling personality and behaviour, [Ottawa] : The Commission, 1979, iii, 345 leaves ; 29 cm., preservation copy at the National Library, Ottawa; title varies, see Ferguson, Medical and Scientific Techniques for Treating, Altering or Controlling Personality and Behaviour, supra;

FINLAY, Bryan, 1941-, and T.A. (Thomas A.) Cromwell, 1952-, Witness Preparation Manual, 2nd ed., Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, c1999,  xiii, 130 p., see Chapter 7, "Preparing Experts" at pp. 75-86,  ISBN: 0888042957;

FINLEY, Michael J.W. (written by) and Catherine M. Zuck (edited by), Mental Disorder and the Law, Saskatoon: Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan, 1984, 12 p.;

FIRST LINE CRIMINAL LAW INFORMATION,  "Capacity and Fitness to Stand Trial" (as seen on 3 July 2000 at;

___________, "The 'Defence' of Mentals Disorder" (as seen 3 July 2000 at;

FISHER, Barbara, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 9 April 2002 (E/F): From the B.C. Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission: Barbara Fisher, Legal Counsel; Dr. Mark Riley, Psychiatrist.  English / Français

FISZAUF, Alec, and Elliott Allen in cooperation with the Toronto Community Law Program, Mental Health and the Law, Toronto : Toronto Community Law Program, July 1976, see "Mental Disorder and the Criminal Law" at pp. 9-10;

FLANAGAN, Thomas, "The Riel 'Lunacy Commission': The Report of Dr. Valade", (January - March 1976) 46(1) Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa 108-127;

FLANAGAN, Kurt, Crown Attorney for Leeds and Grenville and Robert Gattrell, Assistant Crown Attorney for Simcoe, Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 16 April 2002 (E/F): Panel II: From the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario: Curt Flanagan, Crown Attorney for Leeds and Grenville; Robert Gattrell, Assistant Crown Attorney for Simcoe: English / Français

FLEISCHMAN, John, Empirical Review of the New Provisions of Section XX.1 CCC (Mentally Disordered Offenders), 1998; paper mentioned in  Department of Justice Canada, Directory of Research 2001, Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, Research and Statistics Division, 2001, ii, 51 p., at p. 38 (series; Research and Statistics Division methodological series), available at (accessed on 4 January 2003);

___________"Gathering New Data on Mentally Ill Offenders", (April 1993), number 5, Justice Research Notes at pp. 6-7, ISSN: 1181-9243; also published in French / aussi publié en français : "De nouvelles données sur les détenus souffrant de troubles psychiatriques",  (avril 1993), numéro 5, Justice Notes de recherche 6-8;

FORCIER, Louise, 1946-, La prison, asile de l'an 2000 : étude exploratoire de sept cas psychiatrie-justice en milieu carcéral, Maison Tanguay, mémoire pour la maîtrise en intervention sociale, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1996, iv, 112 p.; thèse dirigée par Danielle Laberge;

FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE, 70 Colony Farm Road, Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, V3C 5X9, Adminin.: Mr. Mike Quinn, tel.: 604-524-7742;


FORESTELL, Maureen, Counsel to Ontario Review Board, and alternate chair of Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards, in from Association of Canadian Review Board Chairs: Bernd Walter, Chair, B.C. Review Board; Maureen Forestell, Counsel to Ontario Review Board and alternate chair of Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 17 April 2002 (E/F):  From the Association of Canadian Review Board Chairs: Bernd Walter, Chair, B.C. Review Board; Maureen Forestell, Counsel to Ontario Review Board and alternate chair of Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards;  Lucien Leblanc, Member and President, Quebec Review Board; English / Français
FORTH, Adelle E. and Heather C. Burke, "Psychopathy in Adolescence: Assessment, Violence, and Developmental Precursors"  in  David  J. Cooke, 1952-, Adelle E. Forth & Robert  D. Hare, 1934-,  eds., Psychopathy theory: Research and Implications for Society, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, viii, 428 p., at pp. 205-229, (series; NATO ASI series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences ; volume 88), ISBN: 0792349199;

FORTH, Adelle E., Stephen D. Hart and Robert D. Hare, "Assessment of Psychopathy in Male Young Offenders", (1990) 2(3) Psychological Assessment 342-344;

FORTIN, Jacques, 1937-1985,  et Louise Viau, Traité de droit pénal général, Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 1982, xi, 457 p., voir l'aliénation mentale aux pp. 173 à 194;

FOULKES, Richard G., "British Columbia Mental Health Services: Historical Perspectives to 1961", (1961) 85 Canadian Medical Association Journal 649-655;

FOURNIER, Louise, 1953-,  "Criminalité et maladie mentale" dans Louise Fournier, 1953-,  et Céline Mercier, sous la direction de, Sans domicile fixe: au delà du stéréotype, Montréal: Les Éditions du Méridien, 1996, 341 p., chapitre 10, aux pp. 201-212, ISBN: 2894151608;

____________Itinérance et santé mentale à Montréal : étude descriptive de la clientèle des missions et refuges : rapport de  recherche, Verdun [Québec] : Unité de recherche psychosociale, Centre de recherche de l'Hôpital Douglas, 1991, xiv, 161, [152] p., ISBN:  2920080628;

FRADSHAM, Allan A., 1951-, and Heather Lamoureux, Presenting Expert Witnesses, [Scarborough, Ont.] : Carswell, 1995, xi, 123 p. (series; Alberta Practice Guide; Civil Ligation), ISBN:  0459547402;

FRANCIS, Daniel, "Development of the Lunatic Asylum in the Maritime Provinces" in S.E.D. Shortt, ed., Medicine in Canadian Society: Historical Perspectives,  Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1981, xiii, 506 p., at pp. 93-114, ISBN: 0773503560 (cloth) and 077350369 (pbk.);

___________That Prison on the Hill: The Historical Origins of the Lunatic Asylum in the Maritime Provinces, Thesis (M.A.) - Carleton University, 1975, [ii], 142 leaves;

FRANK, K. Portland, The Anti-psychiatry Bibliography and Resource Guide, 2nd ed., Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1979, 160 p., ISBN: 08899740089 and 08899740062 (pbk.);

FRASER, Dianne, 1955-, Informed consent as an independent variable in pre-trial psychiatric remand:  the effects of disclosure and right of refusal on the decisions of simulated, incarcerated, criminal defendants in consenting to or  refusing forensic assessment, Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Education, Graduate Program of Education, University of Toronto, 1993, xiii, 188, [83], [19];

"Freedom by reason of insanity: The Board of Review remains silent on why satanic schizophrenic Dean Vickers was let out", (1993) 8(22) Western Report 28-29;

FREEMAN, Richard J. and Ronald Roesch, "Mental Disorder and the Criminal Justice System: A Review", (1989) 12 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 105-115;

FRIEDLAND, Martin L., (Martin Lawrence), 1932-, "The Case of Valentine Shortis - Yesterday and Today", (1991) 36(3) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 159-166;

__________ The Case of Valentine Shortis : A True Story of Crime and Politics in Canada, Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c1986, xi, 324 p., ISBN:  080206728X;

FROMSTEIN, Cynthia, "Mental Disorder in the Courts -- Aplications of Mental Health Legislation to Criminal Cases", (2002) 23(6) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 42-43;

___________"Legislative Amendments to the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code", (January/February 2002) 23(1) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 38-39;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts -- Fitness to  be Sentenced -- R. v. Balliram, [2003] O.J. No. 784", (2003) 24(1) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 34-35;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts -- Habeas Corpus", (January/February 2002) 23(1) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 38-39;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts -- Imposing Conditions on the NCR Accused", (March/April 2002) 23(2) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 35-36;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts -- Introducing the Secure Treatment Unit, St Lawrence Valley Correctional and Treatment Centre", (2004) 25(2) For the Defence - Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 30-31;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts -- Mental Health Act Assessments for Sentencing and NCR", (2004) 25(1) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 29-31;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts -- Ontario Review Board Allows Deportation as a Condition of Detention", (July/August 2002) 23(4) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 42-43;

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts -- Reasonableness of Review Board.  Decision to Detain: R. v. Owen", (2003) 24(3) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 38-40; note: R. v. Owen (2003) 174 C.C.C. (3d) 1 (S.C.C.);

___________"Mental Disorder in the Courts -- Tulikorpi and Pinet Overturned by the Supreme Court of Canada", (2003) 24(4) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 40-42;

FUGÈRE, Alain, "La stratégie matérialiste d'Henry Howard, médecin aliéniste québécois (1815-1887)" dans A. Paradis, en collaboration, sous la direction de, Essais pour une préhistoire de la psychiatrie au Canada (1800-1885), suivi d'une anthologie de textes / ont collaboré à cette recherche, Viateur Dubé, Andrée Bertrand-Ferreti, Alain Fugère, Jean Lafrance, André Paradis, Trois Rivières (Province de Québec): Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Département de philosophie, 1977, ix, 345 p. aux pp. 210-242 (Collection; Recherches et théories; numéro 15);

FUGÈRE, Renée et Ingrid Thompson-Cooper, eds., Breaking the Chains: Bruno M. Cormier and the McGill University Clinic in Forensic Psychiatry, Volume One [of two]: Tributes - Bruno M. Cormier, M.D. (1919-1991), Westmount (Province of Québec): Robert Davies Multimedia Publishing Inc., 1998, xx, 235 p., ISBN: 1552070190; tributes by: Cyril Greenland; Pierre Gauvreau, Colin Angliker, Yann Bobopolsky, Justin Ciale, Renée Fugère, Pierre Gagné, Baila Markus, Guy Mersereau, Hans Mohr, Anton Obert, Ingrid Thompson-Cooper, Reginald A.H. Washbrook, Paul J. Williams, and Alan Hustak;  vol. 2 contains articles by Dr. Cormier;

FUGÈRE, Renée, "Editorial: Forensic Psychiatry", (1995) 40(3) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 117-119;

FUMERTON, Gail Barbara, The Influence of Psychiatric Testimony on Jurors' Verdicts, thesis (M.A.), Graduate Programs in Psychology, York University, Toronto, August 1978, vi, 111 p., thesis supervisor: N.S. Endler;

GAGNÉ, Jacques, 1930-, et Pierre Rainville, Les infractions contre la propriété : le vol, la fraude et certains crimes connexes, Cowansville, Québec : Éditions Y. Blais, 1996, xxxiii, 514 p., voir "Les troubles mentaux" aux pp. 357-359, ISBN:  2894510527; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa,  FTX General, KE 8958 .G336 1996;

GAGNÉ, Jacques, "Une alternative à l'exclusion, à la  judiciarisation et à l'incarcération: les services d'urgence psycholosociale pour la clientèle santé mentale-justice" in, sous la direction du Service de la formation permanenete, Barreau du Québec,  Développements récents en droit criminel (1996), Cowansville: Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1997, [v], 168 p. aux pp. 125-131 (Textes des conférences du colloque tenu le 17 octobre 1996) (Collection; Formation permanente du Barreau du Québec; volume 84), ISBN: 2894511507;

GAGNÉ, P., "Forensic Psychiatric Units in the Context of Community Psychiatric Services" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 183-191; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

GAGNÉ, Pierre, "Les patients sous ordonnance du Lieutenant-gouverneur: le rôle de l'hôpital général", dans Les Patients sous ordonnance du Lieutenant-gouverneur : aspects cliniques et légaux, Beauport [Québec] : Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, 1985, 38 p. aux pp. 19-20;

GAGNON, Guylaine, "L'expertise et la défense d'aliénation mentale" (1987), 1 Revue juridique des étudiants de l'Université Laval 147;  il ne s'agit pas d'un article mais l'annonce d'un travail d'étudiant (R.J.E.L. 87-20) de 51 p. que l'on peut acheter; ce travail se trouve à la Bibliothèque de la faculté de droit de l'Université Montréal;

GALLANT, Denis, "Protection des contrevenants souffrant de troubles mentaux et protection de la société", dans, sous la direction de, Barreau du Québec, Formation permanente, Être protégé malgré soi, 2002 / [colloque organisé par] Service de la formation permanente, Barreau du Québec; [textes de Paul-André Lafleur ... et al.],  Cowansville, Québec : Éditions Y. Blais, c2002, xvi, 160 p., aux pp. 73-104 (Collection; Service de la formation permanente; Bareau du Québec; vol. 165);  ISBN: 2894515510; notes: "Textes des conférences prononcées lors du colloque intitulé 'Être protégé malgré soi' qui s'est tenu à l'Île Charron, le 25 janvier 2002";: note: Denis Gallant est substitut du Procureur général du Québec;

GAMBRILL, David, " 'A Strong endorsement of self-determination' SCC affirms patient's right to refuse drugs", (16 June 2003) 14(21) Law Times 2; deals with the 2003 Supreme Court of Canada Starson decision;

GARANT, Louise, La désinstitutionnalisation en santé mentale : un tour d'horizon de la littérature, [Québec : Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux], 1985, viii, 74, [15] p., (Collection: Evaluation des programmes. Série études et analyses; numéro 20); texte noté dans ma recherche mais non consulté;

GARCEAU, Marie-Lucie, 1951-, La détention provisoire théorie et pratique, thèse M.A., Université du Québec à Québec, 1990, xiii, 286 p.;

__________Étude descriptive: la population psychiatrisée admise au Centre de prévention de Montréal: Rapport de recherche présenté à l'IPPM et à l'UQAM, Montréal, 1989; cité par Danielle Laberge, Pierre Landreville et  Daphné Morin, "Naming the Charge: Criminal Justice Decision-Making with a Group of Mentally Ill and Homeless Defendants", infra, à la p. 87;

GARSON, Stuart S., The Honourable, Minister of Justice of Canada, "[Testimony]"  before CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, Report of First Public Session held in the Board of Transport Court Room, Ottawa, June 9, 1954, pp. 1-99B , supra;

GASTON, Louise et Sheilagh  Hodgins, Services communautaires auprès des patients "chroniques", Montréal: Institut Philippe Pinel, 1983, 75 p. (Collection; Cahier de recherche; numéro 4); texte noté mais non consulté;

GAUDET, Maureen Anne, prepared by, for the Mental Health Division, Health Services Directorate, Health Programs and Services Branch, Health Canada, Overview of mental health legislation in Canada, 1994, Ottawa : Health Canada, 1994, vii, 36 p., ISBN: 0662215729; also published in French / aussi publié en français: préparé par, pour la Division de la santé mentale, Direction des services de santé, Direction générale des programmes et des services de santé, Santé Canada, Vue d'ensemble de la législation sur la santé mentale au Canada, 1994, Ottawa:  Division de la santé mentale, Direction des services de santé, Direction générale des programmes et des services de santé, Santé Canada, 1994, vii, 39 p., ISBN: 0662990331;

GAUDREAU, Jean, "Le psychologue, témoin expert" dans Droit et enfant, sous la direction de la Formation permanente du Barreau du Québec, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1990, [x], 205 p. aux pp. 93-101, ISBN: 2890737411;

GAULTIER, D.Z., L'aliénation mentale devant la justice criminelle, [Sorel], imprimé au Sorelois, 1883, 37 p., en tête du titre : "Thèse soumise à la Faculté légale de l'Université McGill"; disponible  sur microfiche, voir le catalogue de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; texte non consulté; copie à l'Université de Montréal, HYBD/G271a;

GEDDES, Beatrice Ann, 1936-, The Challenge of the Canada Act, 1982 to Existing Mental Health Legislation: Implications for Planning, Mental Health Legislation and Rights in Canada, M.A. Thesis, Department of Health Care and Epidemiology Health Planning and Administration Programme, University of British Columbia, April 1984, viii, 93 p.; deals mostly with provincial law but of interest;

GÉLINAS,  Louis, "Les droits nouveaux des personnes détenues en établissement psychiatrique suite à la commission d'une infraction criminelle: le Code criminel revu et corrigé" dans (1994) 42(1)  Santé mentale au Canada 11-18;  also published in English  / aussi publié en anglais: "The new rights of persons held in psychiatric institutions following the commission of a criminal offence: The Criminal Code revised and corrected", (1994) 42(1) Canada's Mental Health 10-16;

GÉLINAS, Louis, Michel Alain et Lyne Thomassin, La place et le rôle du psychologue dans le sytème judiciaire québécois, Eastman (Québec): Éditions Behaviora, 1994, xix, 295 p., ISBN: 276290026; copie à la Cour suprême du Canada;

GENDREAU, Caroline, 1960-, Le droit du patient psychiatrique de consentir à un traitement : élaboration d'une norme internationale, Montréal : Éditions Thémis, 1996, xvii, 342 p., ISBN:  2894000774;

___________Élaboration d'une nouvelle norme internationale concernant le droit du patient psychiatrique de consentir à un traitement ou de le refuser, thèse LL.M., Université de Montréal, Thèse (LL.M.), Université de Montréal, 1995, vii, 186,  et les annexes, 45 p.;

GENDREAU, Paul, "Critical Comments on the Practice of Clinical Criminology",  in Mark H. Ben-Aron, Stephen J. Hucker and Christopher D. Webster, eds., Clinical Crimnology: The Assessment and Treatment of Criminal Behaviour, Toronto: M&M Graphics in cooperation with the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Toronto, 1985, xi, 327 p., Chapter 2 at pp. 15-24, ISBN: 0969215908;

GERMAIN, Daniel, "La femme psychiatrisée en milieu carcéral" (1988) 21(2) Criminologie 97-102; short summary at "Annotated Bibliography",  (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research at p. 29; Forum on Corrections Research is also published in French / aussi publié en français: pour le résumé, voir "Bibliographie annotée" (1990) 2(3) Forum, recherche sur  l'actualité correctionnelle 33;

GERSHMAN, S., "The Search for a Legal Standard of Criminal Responsibility: An Exercise in Medieval Scholasticism", (1963) 21 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 45-74;

GERVAIS, Gylbert, 1952-, Réactivité autonome émotionnelle du sociopathe et du psychopathe criminel, Thèse (M.A.), maîtrise en psychologie, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1981, vi, 112 p.; directeur de thèse: Jean-Marie Labrecque;

GIBSON, John L., and Henry Waldock, Criminal Law Evidence, Practice and Procedure, 2 vol.,  Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1987-, looseleaf, see in vol. 2: Part 42A, "Mental Disorder" and Part 49, "Psychiatric Assessment and Fitness Hearing Procedure",  ISBN: 0459312219; note: John L. Gibson died in 2003;

GIGEROFF, Alex K., Sexual Deviations in the Criminal Law: Homosexual, Exhibitionistic, and Pedophilic Offences in Canada, Toronto: Published for the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry by University of Toronto Press, 1968, [xi], 218 p., (series; Clarke Institute of Psychiatry Monograph Series; 2), ISBN: 802031994;

GILLES, R., "Comparative Analysis in Forensic Mental Health Systems in Canada, prepared for the Canadian College of Health Service Executives as a Requirement for Fellowship"; for a "brief description of the findings" (p.3) for this paper, see "Study Stresses Co-ordination of Mental Health Services" at  (1990) 3(2) Forum on Corrections Research 6; also published in French / aussi publié en français, le résumé "Une étude démontre l'importance de coordonner les services psychiatriques", (1990) 3(2)  Forum recherche sur l'actualité correctionnelle 7;

GILLSTROM, Brenda Jean, 1961-, Abstract Thinking in Criminal Psychopaths, Thesis (Ph.D.),  Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Graduate Studies (Department of Psychology), University of British Columbia, 1995, vii, 106 p.; thesis supervisor: Dr. Robert Hare;

GINGELL, Christopher Robert, The Criminalization of the Mentally Ill : An Examination of the Hypothesis, Thesis (Ph.D.),  Simon Fraser University, Department of Psychology, 1991, xv, 321 p.; Dr. Richard Freeman was the thesis Senior Advisor;

GLANCY, Graham D. and Jonh McD. Bradford, "Canadian Landmark Case: Regina v. Swain: Translating M'Naughton into Twentieth Century Canadian", (1999) 27(2)  Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 301-307;

GLASBERG, R.E., D.S. Sepejak, and J. Purins, Cognitions of Dngerousness: A Comparison Between Violent Forensic Patients and Psychiatrists, Toronto: METFORS, 1977?, 19 p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 57); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 451.4.P68 G4c; text not consulted; book not on the shelves on my visit, 5 April 2001, at the library;

_________Dangerousness in the Forensic Psychiatric Patient: A Cognitive Approach, Toronto: METFORS, 1978? (circa), 26, [3] p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 22);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 451.4.P68 G4;

GLASBER, Rhoda and Irving Wayne, "The Beginning of a New Story: Post-Release Adjustment of Men Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity"  in Stephen J. Hucker, Christopher D. Webster and Mark H. Ben-Aron, eds.  Mental Disorder and Criminal Responsibility, Toronto: Butterworths, 1981, xv, 195 p., at Chapter 9, pp. 157-174, ISBN:0409837342;

GLOVER, Anthony J. J. (Anthony Joseph James), 1956-, Identification of Violent Incarcerates Using the Test of Criminal Thinking and the Revised Psychopathy Checklist, thesis (Ed.D./Doctor of Education), University of Toronto, 1992, xii, 175 p.;

GOERING, Paula, Donald Wasylenki, and Janet Durbin, "Canada's Mental Health System", (2001) 23(3-4) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 345-359;

GOLD, Alan D., Annual Review of Criminal Law 1982, Toronto: Carswell, 1983, xxxiv, 212 p., ISBN: 045935100;  discusses: Kjeldsen v. The Queen, [1981] 2 S.C.R. 617 at pp. pp. 80-81; Cooper v. The Queen, [1980] 1 S.C.R. 1149 at pp. 81-83;  and R. v. Barnier, [1980] 1 S.C.R. 1124 at pp. 83-84;

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1983, Toronto: Carswell, 1984, xxxiv, 282 p., ISBN: 045935100;  discusses: R. v. Abbey, [1982] 2 R.C.S. 24 at pp. 154-156; U.S. v. Lewellyn, 32 Cr. L. 2215 (Iowa, 1982) at p. 156; R. v. Fournier (1982) 70 C.C.C. (2d) 35 (Que. C.A.) at pp. 156-157; R. v. Hilton (1977), 34 C.C.C. (2d) 206 (Ont. C.A.); R. v. Baltzer (1974), 10 N.S.R. (2d) 561 (C.A.); R. v. Browning (1976), 34 C.C.C. (2d) 200 (Ont. C.A.); Lechasseur v. R. (1977), 1 C.R. (3d) 190 (Que. C.A.); R. v. Blackmore (1967), 1 C.R.N.S. 286 (N.S. C.A.); R. v. MacDonald (974), 22 C.C.C. (2d) 129 (Ct. Martial App. Ct.), affirmed [1977] 2 S.C.R. 665 at p. 157; R. v. Wright (1979), 48 C.C.C. (2d) 334 (Alta. C.A.) at pp. 157-158; and Mulligan v. R., [1977] 1 S.C.R. 612 at p. 157;

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1985, Toronto: Carswell, 1986, lviii, 163 p., ISBN: 0459382306; discusses or mentions at pp. 88-89, the following cases: R. v. Jollimore (1985), 67 N.S.R (2d) 246 (N.S. C.A.); State v. Huber, 36 Crim. L. Rep. (BNA) 2404 (N.D. Sup. Ct. 1984); People v. Good, 36 Crim. L. Rep. (BNA) 2404 (Mich. Sup. Ct., 1984); People v. Moore, 37 Crim L. Rep. (BNA) 2057 (Calif. C.A., 1985); Taylor v. U.S., 222 F. 2d 398 (D.C. Cir., 1955); Lyles v. U.S., 254 F. 2d 725 (D.C. Cir., 1957), certiorari denied 356 U.S. 961 (1958); Re Rabic, B.C.S.C., summarized 14 W.C.B. 235; and R. v. Dickie (1984), 79 Cr. App. R. 213;

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1986, Toronto: Carswell, 1987, lvi, 225 p., ISBN: 045939480,  discusses R. v. Kirby (1985) 21 C.C.C. (3d) 31 (Ont. C.A.) at pp. 103-105 and R. v. Oakley (1986), 24 C.C.C. (3d) 351 (Ont. C.A.) at 106-108;

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1989, Toronto: Carswell, 1990, lix, 600 p., ISBN: 0459...; discusses R. v. Landry, [1991] 1 S.C.R. 99 at p. 379;

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1991, Toronto: Carswell, 1992, xxxviii, 330 p., discusses R. v. Chaulk, [1990] 3 S.C.R. 1303 at pp. 156-162 and R. v. Stevenson (1990) 58 C.C.C. (3d) 464 at pp. 162-163;

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1992, Toronto: Carswell, 1993, xxxv, 497 p., ISBN: 0459551620; discusses R. v. Taylor (1991), 7 C.R. (4th) (Ont. C.A.) at pp. 274-276;

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1993, Toronto: Carswell, 1994, xxxix, 359 p., ISBN:04592228; discusses R. v. Oommen (1993), 21 C.R. (4th) 117 (Alta. C.A.) at pp. 135-139; Orlowski v. British Columbia (Attorney General) (1992), 75 C.C.C. (3d) 138 (B.C. C.A.) at pp. 139-144;

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1995, Toronto: Carswell, 1996, xxxix, 461 p., ISBN: 0459553372; discusses the following cases: R. v. Oommen, [1994] 2 S.C.R. 507 at pp. 179-184; R. v. Sullivan (1995), 96 C.C.C. (3d) 135 (B.C. C.A.) at pp. 184 and 261-262; R. v. Worth (1995) 98 C.C.C. (3d) 133 (Ont. C.A.) at pp. 184-185); R. v. Peckham (1994), 93 C.C.C. (3d) 443 (Ont. C.A.) at pp. 185-192; and R. v. Pinet (1995), 23 O.R. (3d) 97 (C.A.) 97 at pp. 192-195;

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 1997, Toronto: Carswell, 1998, xli, 184 p., ISBN: 0459554654; discusses R. v. Bailey (1996), 111 C.C.C. (3d) 122 (B.C. C.A.) at p. 56 only;

___________"Criminal Law and Incapacity -- There is us and there is them: Those that the Law Views as Different, Not Fully Autonomous, Less than Fully Responsible Adults" in Douglas E. Finkbeiner, Douglas D. Yard, Law Society of Manitoba, Manitoba Bar Association, University of Manitoba. Faculty of Law, Competence & capacity : new directions / co-chairs, Douglas D. Yard, Douglas E. Finkbeiner, [Winnipeg : Law Society of Manitoba, 2000], xvi, 139 p. at pp. 121-130 (series; Isaac Pitblado lectures; 2000); notes: "Sponsored by: The Law Society of Manitoba, The Manitoba Bar Association and the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law", ISBN: 1552139220; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 209 I84 2000;

___________Criminal offences and defences, contributed by Alan D. Gold: contributing editor, Andrew James, contributor editor, Brendon Lounsbery, Markham (Ontario): LexisNexis Canada, 2007, 1034 p., and see "Mental Disorder", at pp. 906-910 (series; Halsbury's Laws of Canada), ISBN: 9780433454267; 

___________Expert evidence in criminal law : the scientific approach, Toronto : Irwin Law, 2003, xiv, 253 p., ISBN: 1552210723; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9674 G65 2003;

___________Notes and Comments, "Insanity - Diminished Capacity", (1980-81) 23 The Criminal Law Quarterly 326-329;

GOLDRING, Philip, The Penitentiary Building, Lower Fort Garry : The Manitoba Penitentiary, 1871-1877, and the Manitoba Asylum, 1885-1886, rev. ed.,  Ottawa : Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1971,  iv, 115 p.; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, HV 9509.M42 G6 1971; text not consulted; copy not on the shelves, on my visit to the library, 7 April 2001;

GOLDING, Stephen L. and Derek Eaves and Andrea M. Kowaz, "The Assessment: Treatment and Community Outcome of Insanity Acquitees: Forensic History and Response to Treatment", (1989) 12 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 149-179;

GOLDING, Stephen L., Jennifer L. Skeem,  Patricia Zapf, and Ronald Roesch, "The Assessment of Criminal Responsibility: Current Controversies" in Allen K. Hess and Irving B. Weiner, 1945-,  eds., Handbook of Forensic Psychology, 2nd ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999, xii, 756 p., at pp. 379-408, ISBN: 0471177717; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1148 H3 1999;

___________"Competency for Adjudication: An International Analysis", in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Mental Health: International Perspectives, vol. 4, New York: Pergamon Press, 1988, xii, 239 p. at pp. 73-109;

GOLDING, Stephen L., Ronald. Roesch and Jan Schreiber, "Assessment and Conceptualization of Competency to Stand Trial: Preliminary Data on the Interdisciplinary Fitness Interview", (1984) 8(3/4)  Law and Human Behavior 321-334;

GOMME, Ian McDermid, 1949-, "Mental Illness"  in his book The Shadow Line: Deviance and Crime In Canada, 2nd ed., Toronto: Harcourt  Brace & Company Canada, 1998, xx, 545 p., chapter 16 at pp. 459-499,  ISBN: 0774736194;

GONTHIER, Charles D., "Le témoignage d'experts: à la frontière de la science et du droit", (1993) 53 La Revue du Barreau 187-196;

GOODWIN, Norman, "The Pre-Sentence Mental Assessment: Good or Bad?", (June1978) 2(2) Legal Medical Quarterly 185-187;

GORDON, Robert M. (Macaire), Comment, "Legal Services for Mental Health Patients: Some Practical and Theoretical Observations on Canadian Developments", (1982-83) 1 Australian Journal of Law and Society 101-111;

___________"Legal Services for Mental Health Patients: Some Commonwealth Developments", (1981) 4 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 171-180;

___________Mental Disorder, Law, and State: A Sociological Analysis of the Periods of Reform in Canadian Mental Health Law, Thesis (Ph.D.), Department of Antropology and Sociology, University of British Columbia, October1988, vii, 609 p.;

GORDON, Robert M. and Simon N. Verdun-Jones, "The Impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms upon Canadian Mental Health Law: The Dawn of a New Era or Business as Usual?", (1986) 14(3-4) Law Medecine and Health Care 190-197;

_________"Mental Health Law and Law Reform in the Commonwealth: The Rise of the 'New Legalism'?" in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Mental Health: International Perspectives, vol. 2,  New York: Pergamon Press, 1986, 286 p., at pp. 1-82,

___________"The Trials of Mental Health Law: Recent Trends and Developments in Canadian Mental Health Jurisprudence", (1987-88) 11 Dalhousie Law Journal 833-863;

GORDON, Robert M. (Robert Macaire), "Adult protection legislation in Canada: models, issues, and problems", (2001) 24(2/3) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 117-134; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet;

___________Mental disorders, law, and state : a sociological analysis of the periods of reform in Canadian mental health law, Thesis (Ph.D.), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1988, xi, 609 leaves; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet (10 January 2003);

GORE, Karine, "McGill University Clinic in Forensic Psychiatry: Bibliography [of the published and unpublished papers of Bruno M. Cormier, 1919-1991, M.D., Director McGill Clinic in Forensic Psychiatry, 1955-1987]"  in Renée Fugère and  Ingrid Thompson-Cooper, eds., Breaking the Chains: Bruno M. Cormier and the McGill University Clinic in Forensic Psychiatry, Volume One [of two]: Tributes - Bruno M. Cormier, M.D. (1919-1991), Westmount (Province of Québec): Robert Davies Multimedia Publishing Inc., 1998, xx, 235 p., at pp. 219-235, ISBN: 1552070190;

GOUNFRY, Sandra A. and Yvonne Peters, prepared for the Canadian Disability Rights Council,  Litigating for Disability Equality Rights: The Promises and the Pitfalls, Winnipeg (Manitoba): Canadian Disability Rights Council, 1994, 32 p.;

GOYER, Julian, "Commitment under the criminal code of Canada: double jeopardy" (December 1993) 25(6) Canadian Psychiatric Association Bulletin 39, 41 and 43;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Engagement pris en vertu du code criminel du Canada: un double risque", (décembre 1993) 25(6) Bulletin de l'Association des psychiatres du Canada 36, 38 et 40;

GRANT, Isabel, 1957-, Dorothy Chunn and Christine Boyle, The Law of Homicide, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1994-, 1 volume looseleaf with yearly sipplements, see subchapter 6.9, "Mental Disorder", ISBN: 0459552244 (loose-leaf); there was a hardcover copy published in 1994, various pagings, ISBN: 0459552562 (pbk.);

GRANT, Isabel, James R.P. Ogloff, and Kevin S. Douglas, "The British Columbia Review Panel", (2000) 23(2) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 173-194;

GRANT, Isabel and Laura Spitz, "Case Comments: Criminal Law - Defences - Automatism - Accused Killing While Sleepwalking - Acquittal or Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity: R. v. Parks", (1993) 72 The Canadian Bar Review224-237;

GRANT, Isabel, "The British Columbia Criminal Code Review Board: An Empirical Analysis"   in Derek. Eaves,  James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and Ronald Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. 161-206, ISBN:  086491220X; note: Published in cooperation with the British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Commission; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

___________"Canada's New Mental Disorder Disposition Provisions: A Case Study of the British Columbia Criminal Code Review Board" (1997) 20 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 419-443;

___________"Dangerous Offenders", (1984-85) 9 Dalhousie Law Journal 347-382;

___________"Developments in Substantive Criminal Law: The 1998-99 Term", (2000)  The Supreme Court Law Review (2nd series) 233-306, see "R. v. Stone" at pp. 283-304;  R. v. Stone, [1999] 2 S.C.R. 290-415;

___________ "Developments in Substantive Criminal Law: The 2003-2204 Term", (2004) 26 The Supreme Court Law Review (2nd series) 215-287; see the discussion of R. v. Demers on fitness to stand trial, at pp. 227-234 and Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre v. Ontario (Attorney General) on the disposition of persons found not guilty on account of mental disorder at pp. 236-239;

__________(compiled by), Law and Psychiatry, [Vancouver : University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law], 1995], 1 v. (loose-leaf); document not consulted; information from the University of British Columbia catalogue;

__________"Mental Health Law and the Courts", (1991) 29 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 747-790; note 2 of the article at p. 748 reads: "This paper will be limited to the consideration of individuals involuntarily detained in psychiatric facilities.  My focus is on civil commitment process, but occasional reference will be made to cases involving individuals detained in psychiatric facilities through the criminal justice system";

GRANT, William J., Chairperson, Nova Scotia Review Board, NOVA SCOTIA REVIEW BOARD, Letter to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, "Revisions to Section 672 of the Criminal Code of Canada", 9 January 2002, 4 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000290-000293; also available in French / aussi disponible en français;

GRAVIER, Bruno et André Surprenant, "Approche institutionnelle et impact de la sortie de psychotiques dangereux", (1982) 15(2) Criminologie 83-92;

GRAY, John E., 1940-, and Richard L. O'Reilly, "Canadian compulsory community treatment laws: Recent reforms", (2005) 28 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 13-22; civil law but useful for researchers;

___________"Clinically Significant Differences Among Canadian Mental Health Acts", (2001) 46 The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 315-321;

GRAY, John E., 1940-, Margaret A. Shone, 1942-,  and Peter F. Liddle, 1946-,  Canada Mental Health Law and Policy, Toronto and Vancouver: Butterworths, 2000, xxvii, 395 p., ISBN:  0433430524; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library; "Table of Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Overview of Mental Health Legislation in Canada; 3. Environmental Scan:  Historical, Legal, Service Delivery and Advocacy; 4. The Nature, Causes and Treatment of Mental Disorders; 5. Criteria for Involuntary Admission to Hospital; 6. Admission Procedures and Hospitalization; 7. Psychiatric Treatment Authorization and Refusal; 8. Assisted Community Treatment; 9. Rights and Safeguards; 10. Mandated Services and Comprehensive Mental Health Legislation; 11. Psychiatric Treatment and the Criminal Justice System; 12. Trends and Recommendations [at pp. 327-346]; Appendix 1:  Mental Health Acts: Involuntary Admission Criteria; Appendix 2: Mental Health Acts:  Treatment Authorization Procedures";

GRAY, Kenneth G. and Harry C. Hutchison, "The Psychopathic Personality: A Survey of Canadian Psychiatrists' Opinions", (1964) 9 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 452-461;

GRAY, K.G. (Kenneth George), 1905-, "Criminal Responsibility. Discussion. 1. Commentary by Dr. Kenneth G. Gray", (1960-61) 3 The Criminal Law Quarterly 361-363;

___________"Hospital Examination of Adult Offenders", (1951-52) 108 American Journal of Psychiatry 625-627; issue of February 1952;

____________Law and the Practice of Medicine, revised and enlarged, Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1955, x, 133 p.; see Chapter 17, "Mental Illness in Criminal Cases" at pp. 96-104; Chapter 18, "Amnesia" at pp. 105-115; Chapter 19, "Sex Offenders" at pp. 116-121; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 3821 G72;

___________"Editorial: Meaning of the M'Naghten Rules: The McRuer Report", (1958) 3 Canadian Psychiatry Association Journal 75-77;

___________"Mental Disorders and the Court.  1. A Psychiatrist Looks at the Court", (1963-64) 6 The Criminal Law Quarterly 86-92;

___________"The Mental Examination of Prisoners", (1937) 15 The Canadian Bar Review 348-369;

___________"Psychiatric Evidence in Criminal Cases", (1949-50) 106 American Journal of Psychiatry 497-500;

___________"Psychiatric Treatment as Alternative to Imprisonment", in D. Ewen Cameron, ed., Forensic Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry, Boston: Little, Brown, 1965, x, 217 p. at pp. 43-60 (series; International Psychiatry Clinics; January 1965; volume 2, number 1);

___________"Psychiatry and the Criminal Code", (December 1935) The Ontario Journal of Neuro-Psychiatry 44-55;

___________The Psychopathic Personality: A Survey of Canadian Psychiatrists Opinions", (1964) 9 Canadian Psychiatrists Association Journal 452-461;

___________"The Role of the Psychiatrist" in Special Lectures of the Law Society of Upper Canada 1959: Jury Trials, Toronto: Richard De Boo, 1959, [vii], 364 p. at pp. 33-40;

___________"The Sex Offender.  1. Psychiatric Services for the Courts", (1960-61) 3 The Criminal Law Quarterly 443-447;

__________Transcript of his testimony, before CANADA, Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases, supra, contents of the minutes of proceedings of the Commission, Public Sessions, pp. 1341-1381;

GREAT BRITAIN, House of Commons, Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bill, 1878 in  Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers] (1878), vol. 2, pp. 5-249; Research Note: Bill 178 was drafted by Sir James Fitzjames Stephen;  because of the importance of Stephen's influence on the Canadian Criminal Code, I think that Stephen's position should be known to Canadian researchers (17 October 2003);


    No act shall be an offence if the person who does it is at the time when it is done prevented, either by defective mental power or by any disease affecting the mind,

(a.) from knowing the nature of his act; or
(b.) from knowing either that the act is forbidden by law or that it is morally wrong; or
(c.) if such person was at the time when the act was done, by reason of any such cause as aforesaid, in such a state that he would not have been prevented from doing the act by knowing that if he did do it the greatest punishment permitted by law for such an offence would be instantly inflicted upon him, provided that this provision shall not apply to any person in whom such a state of mind has been produced by his own default.
     An act may be an offence although the mind of the person who does it is affected by disease or is deficient in power, if such disease or deficiency does not in fact produce one or other of the effects above mentioned in reference to that act." (p. 31)
GREEN, Christopher M. and Laurence J. Naismith, "A Comparative Perspective on Forensic Psychiatry in Canada and England", (1988) 28(4) Medical, Science and the Law 329-335;

GREEN, Christopher M., Laurence J. Naismith, and Robin D. Menzies. "Criminal Responsibility and Mental Disorder in Britain and North America: A Comparative Study", (1991) 31(1) Medical, Science and the Law 45-54;

GREEN, Christopher M., Robin P.D. Menzies and Laurence J. Naismith, "Psychiatry in the Canadian Correctional Service", (1991) 36 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 290-295;

GREENBERG, David M. and  Thomas G. Gratzer, "The impact of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms on the mental disorder provisions of the Criminal Code", (1994) 42(1) Canadian  Mental Health 6-9; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Les répercussions de la Charte des droits et libertés sur les dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux toubles mentaux", dans (Printemps 1994) 42(1) Santé mentale au Canada 7-10;

GRENNBERG, David M., "Accreditation for forensic fellowship programs in Canada", (December 1993) 25(6) Canadian Psychiatric Association Bulletin 27 and 29;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Agrément des programmes de formation 'fellowship' en psychiatrie médico-légale au Canada", (décembre 1993) 25(6) Bulletin de l'Association des psychiatres du Canada 24 et 26;

___________"Capacity to Stand Trial: Pitfalls of Legal Interpretation", (1994) 39 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 113-115;

GREENBERG, Lee, "Arenburg lawyer ponders insanity defence.  'Review board made a mistake, ' widow says", The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, 8 February 2008, p. A1 and A8; the title at p. A8 is "Arenburg: Victim's widow says incident proves parole system failed";

"Attorney David…said … [Mr. Arenburg] might plead insane if indicted on [U.S.] federal charges for alledgedly punchingh a U.S. border guard in November [2007]. ...

Ontario authorities granted Mr.Arenburg an absolute discharge from psychiatric custody in November 2006, more than a decade after he gunned down CJOH sportscaster Brian Smith in the parking lot of the TV station on Aug. 1 1995." (p. A1)

GREENLAND, Cyril and Ellen Rosenblatt, "Remands for Psychiatric Examination in Ontario, 1969-70", (1972) 17(5)  Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 397-401;

GREENLAND, Cyril, "Appealing Against Commitment to Mental Hospitals in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States: An International Review", (1969) 126(4) The American Journal of Psychiatry 538-542;

___________"Comments on Walker's 'Dangerous People' in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1977, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, xii, 163 p., at  pp. 69-73, ISBN:  0080231330; note: Nigel Walker's article "Dangerous People" is at pp. 56-68;

___________"Crime and the Insanity Defense, An International Comparison: Ontario and New York State", (1979) 7 Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 125-138;

___________"Dangerousnes mental disorder and politics" in Christopher D. Webster, 1936-, Mark H. Ben-Aron and Stephen J. Hucker, eds., Dangerousness: Probability and Prediction, Psychiatry and Public Policy, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985,  xiii, 236 p., at pp. 25-40, ISBN: 0521300290;

___________"Dangerous Sexual Offenders in Canada", (1972) 14 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 44-54;

___________"Evaluation of Violence and Dangerous Behavior Associated with Mental Illness", (1971) 3(3) Seminars in Psychiatry 345-356;

___________"The Prediction and Management of Dangerous Behavior: Social Policy Issues", (1978) 1 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 205-221;

___________"Research Strategies in the Evaluation of Violent and Dangerous Behaviour", (1973) 41 The Social Worker 4-10;

___________"Treatment under Compulsion", (1969) 14 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 343-349;

___________"Violence and Dangerous Behaviour Associated with Mental Illness: Prospects for Prevention", (1971) 13 Canadian Journal of Crimininology and Correction 331-339;

GREENSPAN, Edward L. and Marc Rosenberg, Martin's Annual Criminal Code 2000 with Annotations by Edward L. Greenspan and The Honourable Mr. Justice Marc Rosenberg, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 2000, various pagings (total of approx. 1921 p.);

GREENSPAN, Edward L., "Informing the Jury of the Consequences of an Insanity Verdict", (1978) 40 Criminal Reports New Series 73-77; with the same title in (June 1977) Crown's Newsletter 1-6;

___________ "Recent Developments in the Law of Insanity and Psychiatric Testimony", (June 1978) Crown Newsletter, 1-40;

___________"The Role of the Psychiatrist in the Canadian Justice System", (1978) 23 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 137-142;

GREER, Alexander, compiled by, Psychiatry and the Law - Casebook, [North York (Ontario)]:  Osgoode Hall Law School, Winter 1997, various pagings;

GRENIER, Bernard, "Le désordre mental et le droit pénal", (juin 1984) 14(6) Sûreté 13-20; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté;

___________"Le désordre mental et le processus pénal" dans Les Patients sous ordonnance du Lieutenant-gouverneur : aspects cliniques et légaux, Beauport [Québec] : Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, 1985, 38 p. aux pp. 23-24;

GRENIER, Guy, 1960-, L'histoire de la folie criminelle au Québec de 1840 à 1945, Thèse (Ph.D.) en histoire, Université de Montréal, 1998, xi, 409 f.;

___________L'implantation et les applications de la doctrine de la dégénérescence dans le champ de la médecine et de l'hygiène mentales au Québec entre 1885 et 1930,  Thèse M.A. (Maître ès arts), Université de Montréal, 1990, xi, 172 feuilles;

___________Les monstres, les fous et les autres : la folie criminelle au Québec, Montréal : Éditions Trait d'union, 1999, 353 p.,  (Collection; Histoire, Collection Art dirigée par André Yanacopoulo; numéro 35), ISBN: 2922572005;

GIGEROFF, Alex K., Sexual Deviations in the Criminal Law: Homosexual, Exhibitionistic, and Pedophilic Offences in Canada, [Toronto] published for the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry by University of Toronto Press [c1968], x, 218 p., (series; Clarke Institute of Psychiatry. Monograph series, 2), ISBN: 0802031994;

GRIFFIN, David, Executive Officer, Canadian Police Asspociation, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 23 April 2002 (E /F): From Canadian Police Association: David Griffin, Executive Officer: English / Français

GROSMAN, Brian A., "Past and Future Criminality - Society's Response"  in Western Canada Workshop, ed., The Mentally Disordered and the Law: Proceedings, Western Canada Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 23-24-25,1975, [Saskatoon : Saskatchewan Association for the Mentally Retarded], 1975,  ii, 67 p. at pp. 33-40;

GRUNBERG, Frédéric et Gaston-B. Gravel, "Psychiatrie légale" dans sous la direction de Pierre Lalonde et  Frédéric Greenberg, Psychiatrie Clinique, Chicoutimi (Québec): Gaëtan Morin & Associés, 1980, xl, 925 p., Chapitre 39 aux pp. 877-906, ISBN: 2891050304;

GRUNBERG, Frédéric, "Editorial: Bill C-30 and Canadian Psychiatry", (1993) 38(5) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 303 (1 p. only); also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Édirorial: La loi C-30 et la psychiatrie canadienne", (1993) 38(5) La revue canadienne de psychiatrie 304 (1 p. seulement);

___________"Réflexions d'un psychiatre siégeant à la Commission d'examen" dans Les Patients sous ordonnance du Lieutenant-gouverneur :  aspects cliniques et légaux, Beauport [Québec] : Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, 1985, 38 p. aux pp.6-7;

GUÉDON, Jean-Claude, "Comments on Foucault's 'About the Concept of the «Dangerous Individual» in 19th-Century Legal Psychiatry'" in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1977, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, xii, 163 p., at pp. 22-29, ISBN:  0080231330;  Foucault's article "About the Concept of the 'Dangerous Individual' in 19th-Century Legal Psychiatry" is at pp. 1-18;

HAFFMANS, C., "The Limits of Psychiatry in Criminal Law", (1984)  4(5) Crown Counsel Review 4-6;  noted in my research; text not consulted; copy at McGill University;

HAINES, Mr. Justice Edson L., "The Criminal Process and Mental Disorder", (1976) 8 Ottawa Law Review 377-381;

___________The Ontario Lieutenant Governor's Board of Review, 3rd ed., Toronto: Ontario, The Ontario Government Bookstore or Publications Services Section, 1984, x 192 p.; The Honourable Edson L. Haines was Chairman of The Ontario Lieutenant Governor's Board of Review in 1984;

___________"Psychiatry and the Adversary System of Justice" in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1977, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, xii, 163 p., at  pp. 115-129, ISBN:  0080231330;

HALYK, Silas E., "Prosecution Only of the Criminally Responsible", (1969) 17 Chitty's Law Journal 298-301;

HAMEL, J. and P.L. Rousseau, "Texte explicatif sur la Loi C-30", Centre Communautaire Juridique de Québec, 1992; cité par Crocker, Ohayon et Caulet, supra à (1998) 43 La revue canadienne de psychiatrie 488; texte non consulté;

HANLEY, Dr. Jordan Ward and Dr. Cinny Bubber, from The Canadian Psychologogical Association, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 10 April 2002 (E/F): Panel I: From the Canadian Psychological Association: Dr. Jordan Ward Hanley; Dr. Cinny Bubber, English/ Français;

___________"CPA Members Advocate for Psychology [before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", (Summer 2002) 24(3) Psynopsis 7; available at; (accessed on 5 August 2002);

HANNAH-SUAREZ, J. Andres, "Psychiatric Gating of Sexual Offenders under Ontario's Mental Health Act: Illegality, Charter Conflicts & Abuse of Process", (2005-2006) 37(1) Ottawa Law Review 71-99;

HARDY, Eldon, "No Acquittal" in Bonnie Burstow, 1945-,  and Don Weitz, eds., Shrink Resistant: The Struggle Against Psychiatry in Canada, Vancouver, New Star Books, 1988, 360, [3], at pp. 139-148,  ISBN: 0919573843 and 09195738355 (pbk.); written by a person found not guilty on account of mental disorder;

HARE, Robert D. and Stephen D. Hart, "Psychopathy, Mental Disorder and Crime" in S. Hodgins, ed., Mental Disorder and Crime, California, Sage, 1993, xvii, 379 p., at pp. 104-115, ISBN: 0803950225 and 0803950233 (pbk.);

HARE, Robert D. and Hugues F. Herve, Hare P-Scan Research Version Manual, Multi-Health Systems, Toronto as seen at on 23 December 2000;

HARE, Robert D., "The Alvor Advanced Study Institute"  in  David  J. Cooke, 1952-, Adelle E. Forth & Robert  D. Hare, 1934-,  eds., Psychopathy theory: Research and Implications for Society, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, viii, 428 p., at pp. 1-11, (series; NATO ASI series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences ; volume 88), ISBN: 0792349199;

___________"A Checklist for the Assessment of Psychopathy" in Mark H. Ben-Aron, Stephen J. Hucker and Christopher D. Webster, eds., Clinical Crimnology: The Assessment and Treatment of Criminal Behaviour, Toronto: M&M Graphics in cooperation with the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Toronto, 1985, xi, 327 p., Chapter 10 at pp. 157-167, ISBN: 0969215908; note: "Based in part on a symposium held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Ontario, April 27-29, 1983";

___________"Psychopathy: A Clinical Construct Whose Time Has Come", (1996) 23 Criminal Justice and Behavior 25-54;

__________"Psychopathy, Affect and Behavior",  in  David  J. Cooke, 1952-, Adelle E. Forth & Robert  D. Hare, 1934-,  eds., Psychopathy theory: Research and Implications for Society, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, viii, 428 p., at pp. 105-137, (series; NATO ASI series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences ; volume 88), ISBN: 0792349199;

___________Without Conscience : The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, New York ; Toronto : Pocket Books, c1993, xiii, 236 p., ISBN: 0671732617; reissued by Guilford Press, January 1999, ISBN: 1572304510;

___________writings by Dr. Hare at  and at;

HARRIS, Grant T. et al., Mentally disordered offenders in Ontario : research on assessment and treatment, [Ontario] : Mental Health Programs and Services, Ministry of  Health, Ontario, [1994 or 1995], 45 p.; copy at Queen's University; text not consulted;

HARRIS, Grant T., N. Zoe Hilton and  Marnie E. Rice, Admission to Psychiatric Hospital, Penetanguishene (Ontario): Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre, December 1990, 41 leaves (series; Penetanguishe Mental Health Centre Research Report; December 1990, volume 7, number 6);

HARRIS, Grant T.  and Vernon L. Quinsey, "The Mentally Disordered Offender (Draft Report of the CPA Committee on the Mental Disorder project)", (1984) 14 Association of Psychologists in Nova Scotia Newsletter 11-16; noted in my research but unable to locate in Ottawa;

HARRIS, Grant T. and  Marnie E. Rice, "Mentally Disordered Offenders: What Research Says about Effective Service"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds., Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 361-393,  ISBN: 1572302259; with the same title in: Penetanguishene (Ontario): Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre, December 1994, 57 p., references at pp. 42-55 (series; Penetanguishe Mental Health Centre Research Reports; December 1994, volume 11, number 5);

___________Predicting the Recidivism of Mentally Disordered Firesetters, Penetanguishene (Ontario): Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre, October 1994, 25 p.,  references at pp. 16-18 (series; Penetanguishe Mental Health Centre Research Reports; October 1994, volume 11, number 2);

___________"Psychopaths: Is a 'Therapeutic Community' Therapeutic", in Lynn Stewart, Lana Stermac & Cristopher D. Webster, 1936-, eds., Proceedings of the Second Conference on Clinical Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Toronto: Correctional Services Canada, December 1995,  ii, 150 p., at pp. 116-127, ISBN: 0662807790;  also published in French, ISBN: 0662807790; Notes: Title on cover: Clinical criminology : toward effective correctional treatment; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, HV 6080 C5 1991;

___________The Treatnment of Mentally Disordered Offenders, Penetanguishene (Ontario): Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre, December 1995, 126 p., references at pp. 84-126 (series; Penetanguishe Mental Health Centre Research Reports; December 1995, volume 12, number 5); the references contains a long list of Harris and Rice's writings;

___________A Typology of Firesetters, Penetanguishene (Ontario): Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre, December 1991, 24 p.,  references at pp. 17-19 (series; Penetanguishe Mental Health Centre Research Reports; October 1994, volume 11, number 1);

HARRIS, Grant T.Marnie E. Rice and Catherine A. Cormier. "Length of Detention in Matched Groups of Insanity Acquittees and Convicted Offenders" (1991), 14 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 223-236 mentioned in Winko v. British Columbia (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 S.C.R. 625;

__________"Psychopathy and Violent Recidivism", (1991) 15(6) Law and Human Behavior 625-637;

___________Violent Recidivism Among Psychopaths and Non-Psychopaths Treated in a Therapeutic Community, Penetanguishene (Ontario): Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre, April 1989, 35 leaves, references at leaves 23-29 (series; Penetanguishe Mental Health Centre Research Reports; April 1989, volume 6, number 1); summarized at (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research at p. 30; Forum on Corrections Research is also published in French / aussi publié en français sous le titre Forum, recherche sur  l'actualité correctionnelle;

HARRIS, Grant T., Marnie E. Rice and  Vernon L. Quinsey, "Psychopathy as a Taxon: Evidence that Psychopaths are a Discrete Class", (1994) 62(2) Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 387-397;

__________Violent Recidivism of Mentally Disordered Offenders, Penetanguishene (Ontario): Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre, May 1992, 28 leaves, references at leaves 19-22 (series; Penetanguishe Mental Health Centre Research Reports; May 1992, volume 9, number 1);

__________"Violent Recidivism of Mentally Disordered Offenders: The Development of a Statistical Prediction Instrument", (1993) 20 Criminal Justice and Behavior 315-335;

HARRIS, Grant T.  web page at;

HART, Stephen, David N. Cox and Robert D. Hare, Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL: SV)Multi-Health Systems, Toronto as seen at on 23 December 2000;

HART, Stephen D. and Rebecca J. Dempster, "Impulsivity and Psychopathy"  in Christopher D. Webster, 1936-,  and Margaret A. Jackson, eds., Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp.212-232, ISBN: 1572302259;

HART, Stephen D., Philip R. Kropp and Robert D. Hare, "Performance of Male Psychopaths fiollowing Conditional Release from Prison", (1988) 56(2) Journal of Consulting Clinical Psychology 227-232; see short summary at "Annotated Bibliography",  (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research 29 at p. 30; also published in French / aussi publié en français pour le résumé voir, (1990) 2(3) Forum, recherche sur  l'actualité correctionnelle 33 à la p. 34;

HART, Stephen D., Ronald Roesch, Raymond R. Corrado and David N. Cox, "The Referral Decision Scale: A Validation Study", (1993) 17(6) Law and Human Behavior 611-623;

HART, Stephen D., Christopher D. Webster and Robert.J. Menzies, Research Note, "A Note on Portraying the Accuracy of Violence Predictions", (1993) 17(6) Law and Human Behavior 695-700; mentioned inWinko v. British Columbia (Forensic Psychiatric Institute), [1999] 2 S.C.R. 625;

HART, Stephen David, 1962-, Development and Validation of a New Scale for the Assessment of Psychopathy, University of British Columbia. Dept. of Psychology. Thesis. Ph.D., 1993, ix, 113 leaves;

__________Diagnosis of Psychopathy in a Forensic Psychiatric Population, University of British Columbia. Department of Psychology. Thesis. M.A., 1987, xi, 91 leaves; thesis supervisor: Dr. Robert D. Hare;

___________"Psychopathy and Risk for Violence"  in  David  J. Cooke, 1952-, Adelle E. Forth & Robert  D. Hare, 1934-,  eds., Psychopathy Theory: Research and Implications for Society, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, viii, 428 p., at pp. 355-373, (series; NATO ASI series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences ; volume 88), ISBN: 0792349199;

___________"The role of psychopathy in assessing risk for violence: conceptual and methodological issues", (1998) 3 Legal and Criminological Psychology 121-137;

HARVEY, Fernand, 1943-,  et Rodrigue Samuel, Matériel pour une sociologie des maladies mentales au Québec, Québec : Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines, Université Laval, 1974, xiii, 143, 3 p. (Collection; Cahiers de l'ISSH : collection instruments de travail; numéro 15);

__________"Préliminaires à une sociologie historique des maladies mentales au Québec", (janv.-avril 1975) 16(1) Recherches sociographiques 113-117;

HAYES, Janet and Jody Souka, Violence in Society : A selective Bibliography / Violence au sein de la société : bibliographie choisie, [Ottawa] : Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Secretariat, [1986], v, 215 p., see Chapter 10, "Mentally Disordered Offenders /Criminel handicapé mental" at pp. 135-148, n(series; User report / Programs branch ; no. 1986-24);

HAYNES, R. Brian, "The predictive value of the clinical assessment for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment response of patients" in Christopher D. Webster, 1936-,  Mark H. Ben-Aron and Stephen J. Hucker, eds., Dangerousness: Probability and prediction, psychiatry and public policy, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985,  xiii, 236 p., at pp. 53-64, ISBN: 0521300290;

HEALTH LAW INSTITUTE,  Law Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta; as seen on 9 April 2001 at;

HEALTH LAW INSTITUTE , Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia; as seen on 9 April 2001 at;

HEALY, Patrick, "R. v. Chaulk: Some Answers and Some Questions on Insanity", (1991) 2 Criminal Reports (4th) 95-106;

HEASMAN, Gerald A. and Eugene A. Stasiak, eds., Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Ontario Correctional Institute : March 21, 1984, [Toronto] : Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services, [1984], 78 leaves; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 451.4 P6P7 1984; text not consulted; copy not on the shelves, on my visit to the library, 7 April 2001;

HEASMAN, G., "The Psychiatrist in the Correctional System" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 201-223; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

HÉBERT, J., et  S. Hodgins, Les malades mentaux qui font des crimes: une recension des écrits, Montréal: Institut Philippe Pinel, 1983, 19 p. (Collection; Cahier de recherche; numéro 5); texte noté mais non consulté;

HÉBERT, Jacques, 1923-, Scandale à Bordeaux, Montréal: Les Éditions de l'homme, 1959, 157 p.;

HÉBERT, Jean-Claude, "L'expertise en droit pénal" dans [sous la direction de, Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec], Développements récents en droit criminel (1990), Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1990, [v], 200 p. aux pp. 1-28 (Collection; Colloques du Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec; vol. 17), ISBN: 2890737578;

HECKFORD, Ian, 1948-,  and Susan Stanley, compiled by,  A guide to the collection [of the Griffin-Greenland Archives on the History of Canadian Psychiatry], Toronto: Griffin-Greenland Archives on the History of Canadian Psychiatry = Archives de l'histoire de la psychiatrie canadienne, [1987], v, 139 p.;

HEEREMA, Mark, "An Introduction to the Mental Health Court Movement and Its Status in Canada", (June 2005) 50(3) The Criminal Law Quarterly 255-282;

HEILBRUN, Kirk, James R.P. Ogloff and Kim Picarello, "Dangerous Offender Statutes in the United States and Canada", (1999) 22(3-4) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 393-415;

HEMPHILL, James F., Robert D. Hare, Stephen Wong, "Psychopathy and Recidivism: A Review", (1998) 3 Legal and Criminological Psychology 139-170;

HEMPHILL, James F.,  and Stephen D. Hart, “The Assessment and Treatment of Offenders and Inmates: General Considerations”  in Regina A. Schuller and R.P. Ogloff, eds., Introduction to psychology and law : Canadian perspectives, Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c 2001, xiii, 565 p., at pp. 217-247, ISBN: 0802042759 and 080208110X (pbk.); copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library, Ottawa, call number K346 I58 2001; copy also at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, K 346 .I575 2001;

HEMPHILL, James F., Ron Templeman, Stephen Wong et al., "Psychopathy and Crime: Recidivism and Criminal Careers"  in  David  J. Cooke, 1952-, Adelle E. Forth & Robert  D. Hare, 1934-,  eds., Psychopathy theory: Research and Implications for Society, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, viii, 428 p., at pp. 375-399, (series; NATO ASI series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences ; volume 88), ISBN: 0792349199;

HEMPHILL, James Franklin, 1965-, Psychopathy, Criminal History, and Recidivism, Thesis (Ph.D.), Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Graduate Studies (Department of Psychology), University of British Columbia, August 1998, x, 172 p.; research supervisor: Dr. Robert Hare;

HEMSWORTH, Wade, 1965-, Killing Time: The Senseless Murder of Joseph Fritch, Toronto: Viking, 1994, vi, 284 p., ISBN: 0670849863;

HENDERSON, A.G., "Mental Incapacity and the Admissibility of Statements", (1980-81) 23 The Criminal Law Quarterly 62-87;

HENDERSON, Marvin, "Response to Colin's Campbell's Address on 'Issues Relating to Fitness to Stand Trial'" in Western Canada Workshop, ed., The Mentally Disordered and the Law: Proceedings, Western Canada Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 23-24-25,1975, [Saskatoon : Saskatchewan Association for the Mentally Retarded], 1975,  ii, 67 p. at pp. 29-32;

HENEY, Jan, Report on Self-injurious Behavior in the Kingston Prison for Women : submitted to, The Correctional Service of Canada, [Ottawa] : Ministry of the Solicitor General of Canada, 1990,  42 p.;  "brief description of the findings" (p.3) at "Reduction of Self-Injury: A Mental Health Priority", (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research 10-12; cette dernière publication est  also published in French / aussi publié en français "Contrôler le phénomène de l'autopunition: une priorité en santé mentale", (1990) 2(3) Forum recherche sur l'actualité correctionnelle 12-14;

HENRY, Yukimi, "Psychiatric Gating: Questioning the Civil Committal of Convicted Sex Offenders", (2001) 59 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 229-250;

HERMAN, Nancy J. and Colin M. Smith, "Mental Hospital Depopulation in Canada: Patient Perspectives", (1989) 34(5) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 386-391;

HERVÉ, Hugues F.M., 1971-, The masks of sanity and psychopathy: a cluster analytical investigation of subtypes of criminal psychopathy, hesis (Ph.D.)--University of British Columbia, 2003; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

HESSELTINE, Margaret, Ray Slough and Nitch Loreth, "Panel on Alternatives to Incarceration"  in Western Canada Workshop, ed., The Mentally Disordered and the Law: Proceedings, Western Canada Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 23-24-25,1975, [Saskatoon : Saskatchewan Association for the Mentally Retarded], 1975,  ii, 67 p. at pp. 47-61;

HEWAK, Nancy, "The Ethical, Medical and Legal Implications of the Forcible Treatment Provisions of the Criminal Code", (1995) 15 Health Law in Canada 107-116;

HIGHTOWER, J. and D. Eaves, "Multi-problem mentally disordered offenders: A policy response", (1992) 34 British Columbia Medical Journal 223-224; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet;

HILL, Brian P., "Civil Rights of the Psychiatric Patient in Quebec", (1977) 12 Revue Juridique Thémis 503-529;

HILL, R.W., "Drunkenness and Criminal Responsibility: The Psychiatrist's Contribution", in Stephen J. Hucker, Christopher D. Webster and Mark H. Ben-Aron eds, Mental Disorder and Criminal Responsibility, Toronto, Butterworths, 1981, xv, 195 p. at pp. 79-90, ISBN: 0409837342; includes bibliography at pp. 88-90

HILLABY, Lyle, prepared by, "Mental Disorder Case Primer", undated, 15, [13] p.;  available from Acess to Information Act Request to Department of Justice Canada number A98-0024, pp.00102-00131;  Lyle Hillaby is Crown Counsel, Review Board, New Westminster, B.C.;

HILLEL, Jean, "Le psychiatre et la justice", (1976) 36 Revue du Barreau 285-287;

HILLEN, P., C.D. Webster, 1936- and M.S. Philipps, Outcome of Ad Hoc Consultations with Selected  Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Criminologists and Lawyers on Matters Relating to Mentally Disordered Offenders in Canada, Toronto : METFORS, 1985, 11 leaves (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number  82); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 H5 1985;

HIMELFARB, Alexander, 1947-, and Avrim Lazar, Legal Aid for Mental Patients: An Evaluation Report, [Ottawa]: Evaluation and Statistics Section, Policy Planning and Development Branch, Deptartment of Justice Canada, 17 April 1981,  77, [28], [5] p.; Part of the Preface: This report is an evaluation of a concept in the delivery of legal aid.  It is concerned with the provision of legal services for civilly committed patients"; of interest even if it deals with civilly committed patients; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Aide juridique aux malades mentaux : un rapport d'évaluation, [Ottawa] : Section de l'évaluation et de la statistique, Ministère de la justice Canada, 1981, 86, [22] p.; texte français non consulté;

HITCHEN, Denise LaCombe, Fitness to Stand Trial and Mentally Challenged Defendants; Evaluation of the Forensic Process and the Criminal Code of Canada, MA thesis, School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, 1994, ix, 180 leaves; Senior Supersvisor: Simon N. Verdun-Jones;

HO, Bing., "The Psychiatrist and the Accused: Some Evidentiary Problems", (1980) 38 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 197-222;

HOAG, G.C., False positives : are the mad predictably bad?,  Thesis (M.A.)--Centre for Criminology, University of Toronto, 1979, 52, [13] leaves; texte noté durant ma recherche mais non consulté;

HODGINS, Sheilagh and  Gilles Côté, "The Criminality of Mentally Disordered Offenders", (1993) 20(2) Criminal Justice and Behaviour 115-129; see summary in Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al.,Canada Mental Health and Violence: Proof or Stereotype?supra, Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography, available on the internet at; le résumé est also available in French / aussi disponible en français dans Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al.,Maladie mentale et violence: un lien démontré ou un steréotype?, supra, Appendice A: bibliographie commentée, disponible sur l'internet à;

___________"Major Mental Disorder Among Canadian Penitentiary Inmates", in Lynn Stewart, Lana Stermac & Cristopher D. Webster, 1936-, eds., Proceedings of the Second Conference on Clinical Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Toronto: Correctional Services Canada, December 1995,  ii, 150 p., at pp. 6-20, ISBN: 0662807790;  also published in French, ISBN: 0662807790; Notes: Title on cover: Clinical criminology : toward effective correctional treatment; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, HV 6080 C5 1991;

__________"Major Mental Disorder and Antisocialersonality Disorder: A Criminal Combination", (1993) 21 Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 155-160;

___________"Mental Disorder Among Penitentiary Inmates", (Spring 1990) 2(1) International Bulletin of Law and Mental Health 24 (1 p. only);

__________"The mental health of penitentiary inmates in isolation", (1991) 33 Canadian Journal of Criminology 175-182;

___________"Prevalence of mental disorders among penitentiary inmates in Quebec", (March 1990) 38(1) Canada's Mental Health1-4; short summary at "Annotated Bibliography",  (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research at p. 30; Forum on Corrections Research is also published in French / aussi publié en français sous le titre Forum, recherche sur  l'actualité correctionnelle; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Prévalence des troubles mentaux chez les détenus des pénitenciers du Québec", (mars1990) 38(1) Santé mentale au Canada 1-5;

HODGINS, Sheilagh., Gilles Côté and  Jean Toupin, "Major Mental Disorder and Crime: An Etiological Hypothesis" in  David  J. Cooke, 1952-, Adelle E. Forth & Robert  D. Hare, 1934-,  eds., Psychopathy Theory: Research and Implications for Society, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, viii, 428 p., at pp. 231-256, (series; NATO ASI series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences ; volume 88), ISBN: 0792349199;

HODGINS, Sheilagh, Mireille Cyr et Louise Gaston, "A Study of Criminal Justice System Contacts of Former Inpatients", (1991) 10(1) Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 83-91;

HODGINS, Sheilagh, Mireille Cyr, Jean Paquet et Pierre. Lamy, "Étude de relance auprès des détenus fédéraux traités en milieu psychiatrique: description des antécédents du séjour, des rechutes et des récidives", (1988) 21(2) Criminologie 27-61;

HODGINS, Sheilagh et R. Elysée, L'Étude de post-cure (107 patients ayant reçu leur congé entre septembre '81 et février '82), Montréal: Institut Philippe Pinel, 40 p. (Collection; Cahier de recherche de l'Institut Philippe Pinel; numéro 1);  texte noté dans mes recherches mais non consulté, car non disponible dans la région d'Ottawa;

HODGINS, Sheilagh,  Jacques Hébert et Rosanna Baraldi, Étude d'une cohorte de femmes ayant été jugées aliénés au Québec, Montréal : Institut Philippe Pinel, 1985,  44 f. (Collection; Cahier de recherche / Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal ; numéro 10);  texte noté dans mes recherches mais non consulté, car non disponible dans la région d'Ottawa;

HODGINS, S., J. Hébert et J. Laberge, Un suivi de 196 hommes ayant reçu une ordonnance du Lieutenant-Gouverneur au Québec entre 1973 et 1975, 1987 (Collection; Cahier de recherche de l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréa; numéro 17); texte noté dans mes recherches mais non consulté, car non disponible dans la région d'Ottawa;

HODGINS, Sheilagh. et Jacques Hébert, "Une étude de relance auprès de malades mentaux ayant commis des actes criminels", (1984) 29 Revue canadienne de psychiatrie 669-675; see summary in Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al., Canada Mental Health and Violence: Proof or Stereotype?supra, Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography, available on the internet at; le résumé est aussi disponible en français dans Julio Arboleda, Heather L. Holley, et al., Maladie mentale et violence: un lien démontré ou un steréotype?, supra, Appendice A: bibliographie commentée, disponible sur l'internet à;

___________Les personnes ayant reçu un mandat du Lieutenant-Gouverneur au Québec entre 1973 et 1975 : une comparaison entre les cas traités dans un hôpital sécuritaire et ceux traités dans d'autres centres hospitaliers, Montréal : Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, 1982, 44, [1] feuilles (Collection; Cahier de recherche de l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal; numéro 3); copie au Solliciteur général Canada, Bibliothèqueministérielle et centre de référence , HV 8742.C2 H6p 1982;

___________Les personnes ayant reçu un mandat du Lieutenant-Gouverneur au Québec de 1973 à 1975: Une étude de leur récidive criminelle, Montréal : Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, 1982, 55 feuilles (Collection; Cahier de recherche de l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal; numéro 2); copie au  Solliciteur  général Canada, Bibliothèque ministérielle et centre de référence, HV 8742.C2 H6 1982;

HODGINS, Sheilagh and N. Lalonde, "Major Mental Disorders and Crime: Changes over Time" in Patricia Cohen, Cheryl Slomkowski and Lee N. Robins, eds., Historical and geographical influences on psychopathology, Mahwah (New Jersey): L. Erlbaum Associates Pubishers, 1999, xi, 392 p., ISBN: 080582426X (hardcover) and 0805824278 (pbk.);  texte noté durant ma recherche mais non consulté;

HODGINS, Sheilagh et Yvon  Lefebvre, Lionel Béliveau et Jacques Hébert, "La loi, les procédures et l'histoire des cas", (1982) 15(2) Criminologie 49-81;

HODGINS, Sheilagh and Rüdiger Müller-Isberner, eds., Violence, crime, and mentally disordered offenders : concepts and methods in effective treatment and prevention, Chichester (New York): Wiley, c2000, xix, 233 p., ISBN: 0471977276 (paper), (series; Wiley series in forensic clinical psychology);  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 451.4.P68 V56 2000; text not consulted; copy not on the shelves of the library on my visit of 6 April 2000; see Table of Contents from the catalogue of the  Biddle Law Library, University of Pennsylvania;

HODGINS, Sheilagh, J. Toupin and G. Côté, "Schizophrenia and Antisocial Personality Disorder: A Criminal Combination" in  L.B. Schlesinger, ed., Explorations in Criminal Psychopathology: Clinical Syndromes with Forensic Implications, Springfield (Illinois): Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1996 at pp. 217-237; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, HV 6080 E885 1996;  text not consulted; copy not on the shelves of the library on my visit of 6 April 2000;

HODGINS, Sheilagh, Jean Toupin, Stéphanie Fiset et Daniel Moisan, Soins communautaires pour patients souffrant de troubles mentaux graves et ayant une histoire d'actes illégaux : une comparaison de  l'efficacité des soins spécialisés et non-spécialisés,  [Québec : Conseil québécois de la recherche sociale, 1996],  [i], 89, [5] p.; note: "Ce rapport a été rendu possible grâce à une subvention du Conseil québécois de la Recherche Sociale (RS-1222 088)",  ISBN: 2980470317;

HODGINS, Sheilagh and Christopher Webster, The Canadian Data Base: Patients Held on Lieutenant-Governors' Warrants, Ottawa: Department of Justice, March 1992, v, 11 p. (series; Working Document; Research and Development Directorate/Corporate Policy and programs Sector, Department of Justice Canada;WD1992-6E); with the same title in Adelmo Manna, Ryosuke Kurosawa and Koichi Hamai, eds., Pathways to the Management of Mentally-ill Offenders in the Criminal Justice System, Rome : United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, [1993],  iv, 263 p.,  at pp. 9-28 (series; Publication; United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute; number 48), ISBN: 9290780224 (I have not compared the two texts to see if there are identical);  also published in French / aussi publié en français: La base de données canadienne: les patients détenus aux termes d'un mandat du lieutenant-gouverneur, Ottawa: Ministère de la Justice Canada, mars 1992, v, 11 p. (Collection: document de travail, Sous-direction de la recherche et du développement / Secteur des politiques et programmes ministériels; numéro WD1992-6F); copy at the National Library of Canada, Ottawa;

HODGINS, S., C. Webster, J. Paquet and E. Zellererer, The Canadian Data Base: Patients Held on Lieutenant-Governors' Warrants, Year 1 Annual Report, January 1990  (prepared under contract with the Department of Justice Canada); see "Patients Held on Lieutenant Governor Warrants", (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research at pp. 4-5 for a "brief description of findings" (p.3); Forum on Corrections Research is also published in French / aussi publié en français sous le titre Forum, recherche sur  l'actualité correctionnelle;

HODGINS, Sheilagh, Christopher D. Webster and Jean Paquet, Canadian Data Base: Patients Held on Lieutenant-Governors' Warrants Year 2 Annual Report, [Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada], September 1990; texte noté durant ma recherche mais non consulté;

___________Canadian Database: Patients Held on Lieutenant-Governors' Warrants, Year 3 Annual Report [Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada] August 1991, 47 p.;

HODGINS, Sheilagh, 1947-, "Assessing Mental Disorder in the Criminal Justice System: Feasibility Versus Clincal Accuracy", (1995) 18 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 15-28; also with the same title in  Jill Peay, ed., Criminal justice and the mentally disordered, Aldershot, Hants, England ; Brookfield, Vt., USA : Ashgate/Dartmouth, c1998, xxvi, 556 p. at p. 157, ISBN: 185521962X;

___________"Biological factors implicated in the development of criminal behaviours" in Rick Linden, ed., Criminology: A Canadian Perspective, 4th ed., Toronto: Harcourt Brace Canada,  c2000, xv, 501 p., Chapter 7, pp. 199-227, ISBN:  0774736321; also in N. Zoe Hilton, Margaret A. Jackson and Christopher D. Webster, eds., Clinical Criminology: Theory, Research and Practice, Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 1990, ix, 654 p. at pp. 40-55c, ISBN: 0921627688;

___________"Criminality of Mentally Disordered Persons" in S. Hodgins, ed., Mental Disorder and Crime, Newbury Park (California): Sage, 1993, xvii, 379 p., at pp. 3-21, ISBN: 0803950225 and 0803950233 (pbk.);

___________"The Etiology and Development of Offending Among Persons with Major Mental Disorders: Conceptual and Methodological Issues and Some Preliminary Findings", in Sheilagh Hodgings, ed., Violence among the mentally ill : effective treatments and management strategies, Boston, MA : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, at pp. 89-116, ISBN: 0792364376,  (series; NATO ASI series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences);

___________"Étude à long terme des personnes jugées inaptes à subir leur procès ou acquittées pour cause d'aliénation mentale au Québec" dans Les Patients sous ordonnance du Lieutenant-gouverneur : aspects cliniques et légaux, Beauport [Québec] : Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard, 1985, 38 p. aux pp. 8-13;

___________Étude des rechutes constatées dans une cohorte de personnes jugées inaptes à subir leur procès ou acquittées pour cause d'aliénation mentale", (1987) 19 Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement 441-453;

___________"A Follow-up Study of Persons Found Incompetent to Stand Trial and/or Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity in Québec", (1983) 6 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 399-411;

___________"Institut Pinel et la recherche évaluative", (1982) 15(2) Criminologie 93-104;

___________List of publications ( as seen on 22 October 2000;

___________"Les malades mentaux face à la justice criminelle" dans Traité de criminologie empirique : phénomène criminel, justice pénale et mesures pénales, sous la direction de Denis Szabo, 1929-,  et Marc LeBlanc, 1943-, 2e éd. entièrement ref., Montréal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1994, xi, 464 p. aux pp. 323-348 (chapitre 10), ISBN: 2760616231;

___________ "Major mental disorder and crime: An overview", (1995) 2 Psychology, Crime and Law 5-17;

___________"The major mental disorders and crime: Stop debating and start treating and preventing", (2001) 24 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 427-446;

___________"The Major Mental Disorders: New Evidence Requires New Policy and Practice", (May 1996) 37(2) Canadian Psychology 95-111;

___________"Men Found Unfit To Stand Trial and/or Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity: Recidivism", (1987) 29 Canadian Journal of Criminology 51-70;

__________ed., Mental Disorder and Crime, Newbury Park (California): Sage, 1993, xvii, 379 p., ISBN: 0803950225 and 0803950233 (pbk.); note: "The editor is a Canadian.  She presents contributions from renowed experts in the field of criminology and mental health from around the world.  The book emerged from an advanced study institute sponsored by NATO.  It presents controversial new findings which demonstrate that persons who suffer from major mental disorders often behave violently", by/par Tom Gabor et André Normandeau, (1994) 36 Revue canadienne de criminologie/Canadian Journal of Criminology 506; see the Table of Contents of the book from the catalogue of the Biddle Law Library, University of Pennsylvania;

___________"Mental Disorder, Intellectual Deficiency, and Crime: Evidence from a Birth Cohort" , (1992) 49 Archives of General Psychiatry 476-483; with the same title in  Jill Peay, ed., Criminal justice and the mentally disordered, Aldershot, Hants, England ; Brookfield, Vt., USA : Ashgate/Dartmouth, c1998, xxvi, 556 p. at p. 53, ISBN: 185521962X;

___________"Mental Health Treatment Services in Québec for Persons Accused or Convicted of Criminal Offences", (1993) 16 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 179-194;

___________"The Organization of Forensic Services in Canada", (1988) 11  International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 329-339; short summary at "Annotated Bibliography",  (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research at p. 30; Forum on Corrections Research is also published in French / est aussi publié en français sous le titre Forum, recherche sur  l'actualité correctionnelle;

___________Psychopathy: A Critical Examination, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Psychology, McGill University, 1977, [v],  156 leaves; the author is identified as Sheilagh Hodgins Milner;

___________"Quelques points de repère sur les recherches concernant les malades mentaux ayant commis des délits" dans Denis Szabo, 1929-, et Marc Leblanc, 1951-,  sous la direction de, La criminologie empirique au Québec, Montréal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1985, 451 p., aux pp. 373-395, ISBN: 2760607275;

___________Une recension des écrits portant sur les facteurs de risque des troubles mentaux graves,  [Montréal : Conseil québécois de la recherche sociale], juillet 1995, 267 p., pagination  multiple, ISBN: 2980470309; note de recherche sur la Table de matières: Chapite 1: "Introduction", 21 p.; Chapitre 2: "Types de recherche sur les troubles mentaux graves", 5 p.; chapitre 3, "Difficultés d'ordre méthodologique dans l'étude de l'étiologie des troubles mentaux graves", 10 p.; Chapitre 4, "Schizophrénie", 95 p.; Chapitre 5: "Dépression majeure", 75 p.; Chapitre 6, "Trouble bipolaire", 56 p.; Chapitre 7: "Conclusion", 5 p.;

___________"Schizophrenia and violence: are new mental health policies needed?", (1994) 5 Journal of Forensic Physiatry 473-477;

___________Troubles mentaux graves PSY 3114 - 1997-98, Montréal: Librairie de l'Université de Montréal, [1997?], v, 441 p.; note sur la couverture: Université de Montréal, Faculté des arts et des sciences, département de psychologie, v, 441 p.; ne touche pas au droit;

___________, Web site of Professor Hodgins as seen on 9 April 2001 at;

HOFFER, A., "Factors in Crime" in Schizophrenia and the Law, Regina (Saskatchewan): Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, c1975, 98 p. at pp. 4-9; copy at Carleton University;

HOFFMAN, B.F. and J. Srinivasan, "A Study of Competence to Consent to Treatment in a Psychiatric Hospital", (1992) 37(3) Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 179-182;

HOFFMAN, Brian F., "The Criminalization of the Menatlly Ill", (1990) 35 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 166-169; study of three cases;

HOGAN, Timothy and Luisa Guglielmo, Mental Disorder Needs Identification Study, [Ottawa: Canadian Corrections Service, Evaluation & Special Projects Division], Ministry of the Solicitor General, 1985,  [i], ii, 98 p.;  also published in French/aussi publié en français: Traitement des troubles psychiques: évaluation des besoins,[Ottawa]: Service correctionnel du Canada, Évaluation et projets spéciaux, 1985; copies at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 451.4.P68 H6 1985 and RC 451.4.P68 H6 1985 F;

HOGARTH, John, "Can Psychiatry Aid Sentencing?", (1979) 2 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 499-508;

___________Sentencing as a Human Process, Toronto: University of Toronto Press in association with the Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, [1971], [xii], 434 p., see pp. 84-85 and 238-40 (series; Canadian studies in criminology edited by J. LL. Edwards; number 1), ISBN: 0802000371;

HOGE, Robert D., "An Expanded Role for Psychological Assessments in Juvenile Justice Systems", (1999) 26(2) Criminal Justice and Behaviour 251-266;

HOGG, Peter W., Constitutional Law of Canada 1998 Student Edition, 4th edition, Agincourt: Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1998, lxiii, 1328 p., ISBN: 0459238957; there is also a current loose-leaft edition: 4th ed., Agincourt: Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1997-, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0459239155;

HOLLAND,  Winifred H., "Murder and Related Issues: An Analysis of the Law in Canada -- Report to the Law Commission", July 2005, in The Law Commission, The Law of Murder: Overseas  Comparative Studies, [London: HMSO, 2005], at pp. 22-65;  available at (accessed on 27 December 2005);

HOLLEY, H., J. Arboleda-Florez and A. Crisanti, "Do Forensic Offenders Receive Harsher Sentences?", (1998) 21 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 43-57;

HOLTHY, Brian J., "Psychiatric Evidence of Disposition", (May 1993) 14(2) Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter 17-19;

HOROVITZ, Menahem, "The Role of Psychiatry in the Treatment of  Delinquency and Its Possibilities", (1963) 5 Canadian Journal of Corrections 149-155;

HOUCHON, Guy, "Évolution du concept de dangerosité en criminologie européenne", (1984) 17(2) Criminologie 79-91;

HOWARD, Henry, 1815-1887, "Can Anything be Done to Arrest the Increase of Insanity and Imbecility", (1875) 3 Canada Medical and Surgical Journal 248-257;

__________"Idiocy and Imbecility not Insanity: A Definition on Idiocy and Imbecility", (1879-1880) 8 Canada Medical Record 59-65; note at p. 59: "Read before the Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Society, November 28th, 1879";

___________Mental and moral science : with some remarks upon hysterical mania, Montreal: Gazette Printing Office, 1878, 15 p.; also published in Canada Medical Journal, March, 1878CIHM/ICMH Microfiche series = CIHM/ICMH collection de microfiches ; no. 08781;

___________A Rational, Materialistic Definition of Insanity and Imbecility, with the Medical Jurisprudence of Legal Criminality, Founded upon Physiological, Psychological and Clinical Observations, Montreal : Dawson Brothers, 1882, 145 p.; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, Ontario;

__________Responsibility and Irresponsibility in Crime and Insanity: A Paper Read before the Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Society, Montreal: The Gazette Printing House, 1879, 13 p.; copy at the National Library; also available on microfiche, 11 frames at CIHM/ICMH Microfiche series = CIHM/ICMH collection de microfiches ; no. 01540, ISBN:  0665015402;

___________"Some Remarks on the Medical Jurisprudence of  Insanity: Read Before the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Montreal, October 19th, 1877", Montreal:: Gazette Printing House, 1877, pp. 3-13; also published CIHM/ICMH Microfiche series = CIHM/ICMH collection de microfiches; no. 01540, 11 frames;

HOWARD, Wayne and Laurel Putman, "The Criminalization of the Mentally Ill - A Small Community's (Pre-charge) Prevention Model", (1997) 59(12) Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP Gazette] 10-12;

HOYER, Geog, Derek Eaves, and William Enwright, "Approaches Towards Insanity Acquittees: Comments on Recent or Proposed Amendments to the Criminal Codes of Canada and Norway", (1995) 18  International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 71-82;

HUARD, Michel, "Le rapport d'expertise et la comparution du témoin - expert psychologique en cour adulte", (1987) 8(1) Revue québécoise de psychologie 102-115;


HUCKER, Stephen J., "Impulsivity in DSM-IV Impulse-Control Disorders" in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 195-211, ISBN: 1572302259;

___________"Forensic", web site of Stephen J. Huckler, available at  (accessed on 23 April 2006);

HUCKER, S.J. (Stephen J.)  and R.E. (Robert Edward)  Turner, eds., Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those Working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [S.l. : s.n.], 1983, v, 285 p.;  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151 B32;

HUCKER, Stephen J., Christopher D. Webster and Mark H. Ben-Aron, eds. Mental Disorder and Criminal Responsibility, Toronto: Butterworths, 1981, xv, 195 p., ISBN:0409837342;

HUNT, John, Materials on psychoanalysis and the law, [Toronto] : Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [1993] , edition:  [1993/94 ed.], 1 v. (various pagings), Note: "These materials are for the sole use of students at the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto and are not to be considered published.", information from the University of Toronto catalogue; text not consulted;

HURD, Henry M. (Henry Mills), 1843-1927, ed., The Institutional Care of the Insane in the United States and Canada, New York: Arno Press, 1973, 4 v., (series; Mental illness and social policy, the American experience;), ISBN:  0405051905; copy at the National Library; reprint of  Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins Press, 1916-1917., 4 v.;

HUSTAK, Alan, "The McGill University Clinic in Forensic Psychiatry: A Short History" in Renée Fugère et Ingrid Thompson-Cooper, eds., Breaking the Chains: Bruno M. Cormier and the McGill University Clinic in Forensic Psychiatry, Volume One [of two]: Tributes - Bruno M. Cormier, M.D. (1919-1991), Westmount (Province of Québec): Robert Davies Multimedia Publishing Inc., 1998, xx, 235 p., at pp. 207-215, ISBN: 1552070190;

HYLTON, J.H. (John H.), 1950-, "Care or Control: Health or Criminal Justice Options for the Long-Term Seriously Mentally Ill in Canada" in S.N. Verdun-Jones and M. Layton, eds.,  Mental Health Law and Practice Through the Life Cycle: Proceedings from the XVIIIth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Burnaby (British-Columbia): Simon Fraser University, 1994 at p. 141;

__________Care or control : health or criminal justice options for the long-term seriously mentally ill, Toronto : Canadian Mental Health Association, 1995, 12 p. (series; Social action series), Notes: "Originally presented at the 1992 International Congress on Law and Mental Health";  copy at the Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism, Manitoba Legislative Library;  text not consulted;

ILACQUA, Giorgio, "Expert Evidence: Psychology in the courts: why, what, when, how", (March/April 2002) 23(2) Criminal Lawyers' AssociationNewsletter 41-43;

Insanity and the criminal trial process : a collection of materials prepared for the benefit of the judges of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Ontario,   [Toronto, Ont.] : Continuing Education Meeting of the High Court, Osgoode Hall, 1977, 104, xxiv leaves; document not consulted; information from the University of British Columbia library catalogue;

"Insanity in Criminal Proceedings (From the 'Jurist')", (1860) 6 The Upper Canada Law Journal 248-249; issue of November 1860; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library, Ottawa;

INSTITUT PHILIPPE PINEL DE MONTRÉAL, rédaction du mémoire/Brief written by Dr. Louis Morisette, "A Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights [Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", 21 January 2002, 14 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000234-000247; also available in French / aussi disponible en français;

___________Comments and Recommandations Respecting Bill C-30, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Mental Disorder) and tio Amend the National Defence Act in Consequence Thereof, by Maître Donald Carette, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Lionel Béliveau, Managing Director and Director of Professional Services, Dr. Paul-André Lafleur, Assistant Director of Professional Services and Ms Sheilagh Hodgins of the Research Centre, undated, 6 p., this document, provided by the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, M. Roger Préfontaine, on 30 December 2000 may be the translation of an original brief in French; the four individuals appeared before the Standing Committee on 22 October 1991, see CANADA Parliament - Bill C-31... House of Commons... Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General...issue number 8, October 24, 1991, supra; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Commentaires et recommendations sur le projet de loi modifiant le code criminel (troubles mentaux) et modifiant en conséquence la loi sur les jeunes contrevenants (Projet de Loi C-30), 6 p.;

___________rédaction du mémoire par les docteurs Richard Michaud et Pierre Brien, Mémoire respectueusement présenté à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur l'Administration de la Justice en matière criminelle et pénale par l'Institut Philippe Pinel, 1968, 31 p. sans les appendices qui suivent::
- Appendice 1, "Conseil d'Administration de l'Institut Philippe Pinel", 1 p.;
- Appendice 2, "Le problème des mandats de Cour par [la] Division des Services psychiatriques, Ministère de la Province de Québec", 4 p.; note: les noms de Pierre Martel, Camille Laurin et Lucien Panaccio apparaissent à la fin du document (comme auteurs);
- Appendice 3, Barry B. Swadron, "The Editor's Page - The Unfairness of Unfitness", 3 p., note:  pp. 76-78 d'un journal non identifié; aussi comme partie de cet appendice: Barry B. Swadron, "Collateral Attack of Federal Convictions on the Ground of Mental Incompetency", (1966) 39(2) Temple Law Quarterly 117-137;
- Appendice 4, J.W. Mohr, "Prison or Hospital - Some Problems in the Relationship Between Criminal Law and Mental Illness", vol. 9(2) Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 101-110;
- Appendice 5, "Recommandation  #16 du mémoire de l'Association des psychiatres du Québec à la Cour d'enquête sur la santé et le bien-être social", avril 1967, 1 p.;
- Appendice 6, Marie-Andrée Bertrand, "L'expertise psychiatrique devant les tribunaux de juridiction criminelle", 9 p.;
- Appendice 7, "Recommandation du  mémoire de l'Association des psychiatres du Québec à la Cour d'enquête sur la santé et le bien-être social", septembre 1967, 1 p.;
- Appendice 8, "Mémoire respectueusement présenté à la Commission royale d'enquête sur la santé et le bien-être par les Surintendants des des hôpitaux psychiatriques de la Probince de Québec", 20 p.;

__________Site web de l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, tel que constaté le 5 décembre 2000 à; comprend une liste des travaux du personnel associé au Centre de recherche;

___________testimiony before: House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights; Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français:  CANADA, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 20 March 2002 (E/F): Dr. Louis Morissette, psychiatrist, Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, Association des médecins psychiatres du Quebec:  English/ Français

INSTITUTE OF LAW RESEARCH AND REFORM, Defences to Provincial Charges, Edmonton: The Institute of Law Research and Reform, March 1984, ii, 123 p., see "Insanity" at pp. 70-73 (series; Report No. 39); recommends the abolition of the defence for provincial charges;

Internet Mental Health as seen at on 2 January 2001;

International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services web site at (accessed on 7 July 2001);

JACK, Lindsey A. and  James R.P. Ogloff, "Factors affecting the referral of young offenders for medical and psychological assessment under the Young Offenders Act", (1997) 39(3) Canadian Journal of Criminology 247-274; summary available at (accessed on 5 August 2002);

JACK, Alison, Factors affecting the referral of young offenders for medical and psychological assessment under the Young Offenders Act, Masters Thesis (M.A.), Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, 1996, 85 p.;

JACKSON, Jeremy, "A Conceptual Model for the Study of Violence" in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 233-247, ISBN: 1572302259;

JACKSON, M.A., C.D. Webster, B.T. Butler, F.A.S. Jensen, R.J. Mahabir and R.E. Turner, The Effects of Psychiatric Recommendations Upon Court Decision: A Study of 188 Court-Remanded Assessments in Metropolitan Toronto, Toronto: METFORS, 1978, v, 105 p. (series; working paper in forensic psychiatry; number 8); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario,  RA 1151 E5 1978;

JACKSON, Margaret A. and Christopher D. Webster, What Judges Want: Outcome of  METFORS Judicial Questionnaire, Toronto, METFORS, 1980, 5, [3] p. (series; Working Papers in forensic psychiatry; number 20); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, KE 8429 J3 1980;

JACKSON, Margaret A., "The Clinical Assessment and Prediction of Violent Behavior: Tward a Scientific Analysis", (1986) 16(1) Criminal Justice and Behavior 114-131; also in N. Zoe Hilton, Margaret A. Jackson and Christopher D. Webster, eds., Clinical Criminology: Theory, Research and Practice, Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 1990, ix, 654 p. at pp. 516-528, ISBN: 0921627688;

___________"Criminal Deviance Among the Elderly", (Fall1981) 4(1) Canadian Criminology Forum 45-54;

___________"Dangerousness: Law, Psychiatry and the Ontogenetic Problem", (Fall 1979) 2(1)  Canadian Criminology Forum 20-30;

___________An Examination of Court Remands for Psychiatric Assessment: Factual and Theoretical Considerations, M.A. Thesis, University of Toronto Centre of Criminology, 1978; pas à la bibliothèque nationale;

___________"Inpatient Assessment of Metropolitan Toronto Forensic Patients: A Study of Patients Discharged from Four Services Over a Six-Month Period" in Christopher D. Webster, Robert J. Menzies and Margaret A. Jackson, With the collaboration of Brian T. Butler, Frederick A.S. Jensen, Diana S. Sepejak and R. Edward Turner, Clinical Assessment Before Trial: Legal Isues and Mental Disorder, Toronto, Butterworths, 1982, xxvii, 319 p., Appendix E at pp. 249-258, ISBN: 0409875775;

___________"Lay and Professional Perceptions of Dangerousness and Other Forensic Issues", (1988) 30(3) Canadian Journal of Criminology 215-229;

___________"The Outcome of Brief Forensic Psychiatric Assessment: A Study of 188 Cases over an Eight-Month period" in Christopher D. Webster, Robert J. Menzies and Margaret A. Jackson, With the collaboration of Brian T. Butler, Frederick A.S. Jensen, Diana S. Sepejak and R. Edward Turner, Clinical Assessment Before Trial: Legal Isues and Mental Disorder, Toronto, Butterworths, 1982, xxvii, 319 p., Appendix E at pp. 239-248, ISBN: 0409875775;

___________Psychiatric Decision-Making for the Courts: Determining the Nature of Mental Health Expertise, Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 1985, xii, 253 p.; senior thesis supervisor: Professor Anthony N. Doob;

__________"Psychiatric Decision-Making for the Courts: Judges, Psychiatrists, Lay People?", (1986) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 507-520;

JACKSON, Michael, Law and Psychiatry: Readings and Materials, [Vancouver : Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia], 1977, 1 v.; information from the catalogue of the University of British Columbia; text not consulted;

JAFFEY, John, "Mentally ill woman's murder conviction quashed on appeal", (28 March 2003) The Lawyers Weekly 17; vol. 22, number 44; case of R. v. I.E.M., 2003, Ontario Court of Appeal, 19 March 2003; available at (accessed on 24 June 2003);

JAMES, Patricia L., "Indeterminate Custody after Swain", (1991) 2(4) Constitutional Forum 103-105; issue of summer 1991;

___________"Recent Decisions: Application of Bill C-30", (April 1992) 1(2) Health Law Review 29-30;

JARDINE, James W., "Pre-Trial Procedures", 17 p. in Psychiatric Issues in Criminal Law, Material Prepared for a Continuing Legal Education Seminar Held in Vancouver, B.C., on December 4, 1982, Course Co-Ordinator: Josiah Wood, Leaders: Leonard T. Doust et al., Vancouver: The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, December 1982, ISBN: 0865040826; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library;

J.B.B., "Editorial: The Object of Litigation Between Psychiatry and the Law", (1969) 14 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 327-328;

JÉZÉQUEL, Myriam, Regards sur le droit, "L'expertise psycholégale", (15 mars 2003) 35(5) Journal du Barreau 8; interview avec Louis Brunet, psychologue, psychanalyste et professeur à l'UQAM;

JEFFCOCK, Malcolm S., Lawyer, Nova Scotia Legal Aid, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 16 April 2002 (E/F): Panel II: From the Nova Scotia Legal Aid, Malcolm S. Jeffcock, Lawyer, English / Français

___________Nova Scotia Legal Aid, Letter "Re : Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code" to the Library of Parliament for the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code,  31 December 2001,  9 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000281-000289; also available in French / aussi disponible en français;

JENSEN, F., "Fitness to Stand Trial" in  S.J. (Stephen J.) Hucker and R.E. (Robert Edward) Turner, eds., in Basic Forensic Psychiatry: A Manual for those working in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems of Canada, [Canada : s.n., 1983?], v, 285 p., at pp. 87-99; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RA 1151.B32;

JOBSON, K.B., "Commitment and Release of the Mentally Ill under Criminal Law", (1968-69) 11 The Criminal Law Quarterly 186- 203;

JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY OF ALBERTA,  Assessing Dangerousness, 1995, available on the internet at;

JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY OF CALGARY, Mental Retardation and Criminal Justice: a Guide to Understanding, Calgary: Calgary John Howard Society, 1983, 60 p., 22 cm., notes: project funded by Alberta Law Foundation; published in conjunction with a handbook: Services for Offenders with a mental handicap in Calgary, Alberta; there is also a 2nd edition at :  Calgary : The Society, [1983], 66 leaves;  copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario,  RC 451.4 .P68 M45 (first ed.) and HV 9310.C4 S4; both copies not on the shelves when checked on 5 April 2001; texts not consulted;

__________Services for offenders with a mental handicap in Calgary, Alberta, 2d ed., Calgary : The Society, [1984?], 6 leaves; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, HV 9310.C4 S4;  copy not on the shelves, checked 5 April 2001;

JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY OF KINGSTON,  Letter of Complaint to the Chief Commissioner, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Ottawa, "Re: Complaint re: Prisoners with Mental Health Disabilities at RTC [Regional Treatment Centre]", dated 8 March, 2002, 9 p.; "From September 2000, to June 2001, JHS Kingston reviewed operations at RTC to determine whether prisoners with mental health disabilities who are confined there are disadvantaged in comparison to other federal prisoners, from both a formal and substantive equality perspective" (p. 2);  document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000248-000256;

JOHNSON, Brian D., "The trials of the insanity plea", MacLeans, 5 July 1982, pp. 46-47 (vol. 95, number 27); discusses, inter alia, the 1981 Supreme Court of Canada decision of Christian Kjeldson;

JOLLIFFE, Charles Kyle, 1956-,  An Examination of Medical Services at the Kingston Penitentiary: 1835-1856, M.A. thesis, Department of History, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, April 1983, iv, 208 leaves; thesis supervisor: S.E.D. Shortt; see Chapter 6, "Recognizing a Problem: The Treatment of Insane Convicts Until 1851" at pp. 122-160 and Chapter 7, "Controversy over 'Moral Monsters' and the Rockwood Asylum: The Insane at the Penitentiary, 1851-1865", at pp. 161-190;

___________Penitentiary Medical Services 1835-1983, Ottawa: Ministry of the Solicitor General of Canada, Ministry Secretariat, 1984, iii, 274 p. (series; Programs Branch User Report; number1984-19); also published in French / aussi publié en français: under the title:  Les services médicaux en milieu pénitentiaire 1835 à 1983, Ottawa: Ministère du Solliciteur général, Secrétaria  du ministère, 1984, iii, 328 p. (Collection; Direction des programmes rapport pour spécialistes; numéro 1984-19);

JONCAS, Lucie, ssociation québécoise des avocats et des avocates de la défense du Québec/Quebec Defence Attorneys Association, Me Lucie Joncas, testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français: témoignage devant, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

• 17 April 2002 (E/F):  From the Quebec Defence Attorneys Association/Association québécoise des avocats et avocates de la défense du Québec: Me Lucie Joncas, Lawyer:  English / Français
___________"The Canadian Criminal Code and the Provincial Mental Health Acts: Related Statutes", dated 16 April 2002, brief presented to the House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code; part of document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000404-000423; also published in French  / aussi publié en français;

__________La personne atteinte de troubles mentaix et le droit criminel: à la croisée des chemins, thèse LL.M., Université de Sherbrooke, 2001, iii, 79 feuilles;

__________"La personne atteinte de troubles mentaux sous l'angle du Code criminel (section XX.I)", sous la direction du Service de la Formation Permanente du Barreau du Québec, Développements récents en droit criminel (1994), vol. 58, Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, 1995, pp. 83-109, ISBN: 2894510047; textes des conférences du colloque tenu le 2 décembre 1994;

___________"Les troubles mentaux en matière criminel...pour ne pas y perdre la tête", dans sous la direction du Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec, Développements récents en droit criminel, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 2004, xiii, 263 p., aux pp. 211-247 (Collection; Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec; volume 211), ISBN: 289451778;  note: colloque, "Développements récents en droit criminel", Montréal, 15 octobre 2004; copie à la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 9220 ZA2 D48 2004;

JONES, Robert O., "The Insanity Defense - Riel to Hinckley", (1983) 3(8) Crown Counsel Review 10-12; noted in my research; text not consulted; copy at McGill University;

___________"Observations on Psychiatry in the Law in Canada", in D. Ewen Cameron, ed., Forensic Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry, Boston: Little, Brown, 1965, x, 217 p. at pp. 83-104 (series; International Psychiatry Clinics; January 1965; volume 2, number 1);;

___________"The Use and Abuse of Psychiatry in Canadian Criminology", (1971) 39 Medico-Legal Journal 143-156;

JOHNSTON, Cameron, "Changes in Criminal Code will create more work for psychiatric facilities, MDs Say", (1992) 146(10) Canadian Medical Association Journal 1788-1790;

JORDAN, Cally, "The Survival of the Insanity Defence", (1983) 31 Criminal Reports (3d) 12-30;

KACHANOFF, R. and Claude Morand, "Methodology and Uses of an Automated Patient Information and Evaluation System [summary only]" in Journnées internationales de criminologie clinique comparée, (5e : 1977 : Montréal, Québec), sous la direction de,  = International Seminar in Comparative Clinical Criminology (5th : 1977 : Montréal, Quebec), ed., Dangerosité et agressivité chez l'humain : aperçu des  recherches actuelles des sciences fondamentales pertinentes au traitement et à la réhabilitation des délinquants :  rapport des Vièmes Journées internationales de criminologie clinique comparée = Human aggression and dangerousness : overview of ongoing research in the basic sciences in connection with the treatment and rehabilitation of delinquents / textes réunis par D. Laberge-Altmejd ; sous la direction de L. Béliveau, G. Canepa, D. Szabo, Montréal : Centre international de criminologie comparée, 1978, xi, 412 p. at pp. 331-334;

KAHAN, I.J., "Introduction" in Schizophrenia and the Law, Regina (Saskatchewan): Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, c1975, 98 p. at pp. 2-3; copy at Carleton University;

___________"Schizophrenia, Mass Murder, and the Law" in Schizophrenia and the Law, Regina (Saskatchewan): Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, c1975, 98 p. at pp. 10-29; copy at Carleton University;

___________"Skafte: A 'Symptom-Free Murderer, Part 1 and Part 2", in Schizophrenia and the Law, Regina (Saskatchewan): Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, c1975, 98 p. at pp. 30-42 and 43-70; copy at Carleton University;

__________"A Strange Case" in Schizophrenia and the Law, Regina (Saskatchewan): Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, c1975, 98 p. at pp. 71-92; copy at Carleton University;

KAISER, H. Archibald, "Mental Disability Law", in Jocelyn (Jocelyn Grant) Downie, 1962-, Timothy (Timothy A.) Cauldfield, 1963-,  and Colleen M. (Colleen Marion) Flood, 1966-, eds., Canadian Health Law and Policy, 2nd ed., Markham (Ontario): Butterworths Canada, A Member of the LexisNexis Group, 2002, xxxv, 601 p., chapter 8, at pp. 251-330,  ISBN: 0433438126; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br. B. KE 3646 C36 2002;

___________"Mazzei: Constrained Progress in Construing Review Board Powers",  (June 2006) 36(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 37-54;

___________"R. v. Knoblauch: A Mishap 'at the often ambiguous cross roads between the criminal justice and the mental health care systems' ", (2001) 37(2) Criminal Reports (5th) 401-413;  discusses the Supreme Court of Canada decision of  R. v. Knoblauch, 16 November 2000;

KAMEL-TOUEG, Nabil, Précis de droit pénal général - Droit pénal I, 2e édition, Mont-Royal : Modulo, 1994, ix, 242 p.; voir "Les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux" aux pp. 127-133 et "Les troubles mentaux" aux pp. 179-180, ISBN: 2891135024;

KANE, Catherine, see CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, various Briefing Notes/Information Notes/Advice for the Minister, supra;

___________testimony before Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code also published in French  / aussi publié en français:  CANADA, Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Examen des dispositions du Code criminel relatives aux troubles mentaux :

•  1 June 1999 (E/F), Catherine Kane, Criminal Law Policy Section, Department of Justice Canada English / Français

• 13 December 2001 (E/F), From the Department of Justice Canada: Catherine Kane, Senior Counsel, Policy Centre for Victims; Greg Yost, Counsel,
Criminal Law Policy Section; Douglas Hoover, Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section: English/ Français

KATZ, Joel I. (Joel Ian), 1959-, The Art of Bail : Strategy and Practice, Toronto : Butterworths, 1999, xiii, 145 p., see "Mental Disorder" at pp. 44-45,  ISBN:  0433410566 (pbk.) :

KAZADI, Ka Cisungu André, La détention consécutive à un verdict de non-responsabilité criminelle pour troubles mentaux: sa conformité à la Charte canadienne, maîtrise en droit de la santé, thèse LL.M. Université de Sherbrooke, LL.M., 1997, iv, 90, vii p.; conseiller pour la thèse: Pierre Blanche;

KEATING, Peter, 1953-, L'institutionalisation de la psychiatrie au Québec: 1800-1914,  Thèse Ph.D., Université de Montréal, 1986, ix, 323 f.; directeur de thèse: Othmar Keel;

___________La science du mal : l'institution de la psychiatrie au Québec, 1800-1914, [Montréal] : Boréal, 1993, 208, [3] p., ISBN: 2890525295;

___________Psychiatry and Preventive Detention in Canada: 1848-1961, mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maître es sciences (M.Sc.), Institut d'histoire et de sociopolitique des sciences, Faculté des arts et des sciences, Université de Montréal, décembre 1979, xix, 92 p.;

KEEFE, Lynn, A Forensic Psychiatric Nursing Perspective: Assessing the Mentally Disordered Offender at Metropolitan Toronto Forensic Service, Toronto: METFORS, March 1984, [18] leaves, (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 73); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 440 K4 1984;

KEILITZ, Imgo and  Ronald Roesch, "Improving Justice and Mental Health Systems Interactions: In Search of a New Paradigm", (1992) 16(1) Law and Human Behavior 5-26;

KEITH, Arthur L., "Practice Note: The Hospital Detention Order (Criminal Code Section 672.29)", (1996) 49 Criminal Reports (4th) 288-289;

KELLEY, James King, The Administration of Criminal Law in Relation to Insanity as an Excuse for Crime: An Address Delivered before the Union of Municipailities of New Brunswick at Moncton, N.B., August twenty-second, 1924, [Moncton? N.B. : s.n., 1924?], 12 p.; copy at the National Library, Ottawa;

KELLY, Lynn, "Psychiatric inmates may have right to be heard on liberty issues", (4 March 1988) volume 7, number 4 Lawyers Weekly 10-11 and 18; discuses the case of the Attorney General for the Province of Ontario et al. v. Philip Joseph Grady, January 1988, Ontario Supreme Court, Associate Chief Justice Frank Callaghan;

KENEFICK, Donald P., "Legal Concepts and Psychiatric Classification", (1964) 9 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 481-487;

KERFOOT, Carol, ed., Mental Disorder and the Law: A Report of an Advanced Seminar in Criminology, Held May 24 and 25, 1974 at the Instructional Resources Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver: Centre for Continuing Education, University of British Columbia, [1974?], vi, 131 p., ISBN:  0888438796;

Key References Relating to the Study of Psychopathy at;

KIERNAN, James, G., "Medico-Legal Relations of Epilepsy: A Study of the Hayvern-Salter Homicide" in Henry Howard, 1815-1887, [ed.], A Rational, Materialistic Definition of Insanity and Imbecility, with the Medical Jurisprudence of Legal Criminality, Founded upon Physiological, Psychological and Clinical Observations, Montreal : Dawson Brothers, 1882, 145 p. at pp. 73-126; copy at the National Library of Canada, Ottawa;

KIJEWSKI, Kristina J., The Prediction of Dangerousness: A Critical Review, Toronto: METFORS, May 1981, 28, [z], p. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 28); note on cover: "This paper was originally prepared by the author for a graduate course offered through the Centre of Criminology (Psychological Theories of Crime and Practical Implications - C.D. Webster)"; copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, RC 569.5.V55 K4 1981;

KINGMA, Maryanne, Mental Health Law: A Critique of the "Dangerousness" for Civil Commitment Criterion and Some Recommendations for Change, Master's Degree (M.A.) Thesis, Dalhousie University, 1995, v, 247 p.;

KLEIN, J.F., "Dangerous Offender Legislation: Forensic Folklore Revisited", (1976) 18(2) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 109-122;

KLINCK, Dennis R., "‘Specific Delusions' in the Insanity Defence", (1982-83) 25 The Criminal Law Quarterly 458-479;

KLINE, Stephen A., "The Clinical Issues of Determining Competency", (1987) 8(1) Health Law in Canada 4-6;

KNOLL, Patrick J., 1950-, Criminal Law Defences - Textbook Edition of the title Criminal Law Defences Canadian Encyclopedic Digest Third Edition, 2nd ed., Scarborough: Carswell (Thomson Professional Publishing), 1994, 224 p., see "Mental Disorder" at pp. 97-104, ISBN: 0459552392;

KONOPASKY, Robert J., Philip A. Street and Irmingard I. Lenzen, "Forensic Psychology" in Joel Pink, Mr. Justice Kenneth Matthews, Alison Tupper and Alvin Wells, eds., The Expert: A Practitioner's Guide, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing,1995, 2 vols., looseleaf supplemented book, vol. 1, chapter 10, ISBN: 0459553291;

KONTOS, Alkis, "Comments on Weisstub's 'The Theoretical Relationship Between Law and Psychiatry'" in David N. Weisstub, ed., Law and Psychiatry: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1977, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1978, xii, 163 p., at  pp. 52-55, ISBN:  0080231330;

KORENBERG, Morton and Michael Korenberg, "Psychiatry: The Lost Horizon; the Erosion of Human Rights", in two parts (Spring 1981) 5 Legal Medical Quarterly 1-73 and (Summer 1981) 5 Legal Medical Quarterly at 79-111;

KORMOS, Benjamin J., “The Posttraumatic Stress Defence in Canada: Reconnoitring the ‘Old Lie’ “, (November 2008) 54 The Criminal Law Quarterly 189-236; note: see in particular “mental disorder” at pp. 203-228; available at (accessed on 29 August 2009);

KRINDLE, R., "Insanity - An Update", (1983) 3(8) Crown Counsel Review 1-3; noted in my research; text not consulted; copy at McGill University;

KROPP, P. Randall, David N. Cox, Ronald Roesch and Derek Eaves, "The Perceptions of Correctional Officers Toward Mentally Disordered Offenders", (1989) 12(2/3) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 181-188; see "brief description of the findings" (p.3) of the paper at "Correctional Staff Perceptions of Disordered Offenders" (1990) 2(3) Forum on Corrections Research 3-4; cette dernière publication est  also published in French / aussi publié en français à "Ce que pensent les employés du secteur correctionnel des délinquants souffrant de troubles mentaux",  (1990) 2(3) Forum recherche sur l'actualité correctionnelleaux pp. 3-4;

KROPP, P. Randall and Stephen D. Hart, "Assessing Risk of Violence in Wife Assaulters"  in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 302-325, ISBN: 1572302259;

KUNJUKRISHNAN, R., J.W. Bradford and Lily Varan, "Mentally disordered female offenders and their crimes",  (December 1993) 25(6) Canadian Psychiatric Association Bulletin 43 and 45;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Criminelles atteintes de troubles mentaux et leurs crimes", (décembre 1993) 25(6) Bulletin de l'Association des psychiatres du Canada 40 et 42;

KUNJUKRISHNAN, R. and J. Bradford, "Interface between the Criminal Justice System and the Mental Health System in Canada", (1985) 10 Psychiatry Journal of the University of Ottawa 24-33;

KUNJUKRISHNAN, Reghuvaran, "10 Year Survey of Pretrial Examinations in Saskatchewan", (1979) 24 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 683-689;

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