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by / par ©François
1998-, Ottawa, Canada
Selected Bibliography on
and the Tripartite Theory of
the Offence
Bibliographie choisie sur la
justification, l'excuse
et la théorie
de l'infraction
Table of Contents/Table des matières
• Part /Partie I: Books and Theses/
Livres et thèses
• Part / Partie II: Articles
Part/Partie I: Books and Theses / Livres et thèses"Even a first glance in the criminal law text books of countries such as Germany, England and France, which are all based upon long established individual legal traditions, reveal the multiplicity in the systemisation of the prerequisites of punishability. While the breakdown of a crime into the 'definitional elements of the crime' (TatbestandsmäBigkeit), 'unlawfulness' (Rechtwidrigkeit) and 'culpability' (Schuld) appear to criminalists in Germany to have a quasi-natural law character, their English colleagues with their differentiation between actus reus and mens rea, and their French colleagues with their distinction between the éléments légal, matériel and moral maintain something similar." (Albin Eser, "The Importance of Comparative Legal Research for the Development of Criminal Sciences", infra, at p. 514).
"Article 14
Definition of an Offense
1. An offense is an unjutified act imputable to the perpetrator" (Greek Penal Code, translated by Nicholas B. Lolis, introduction by Giorgios Mangakis, South Hackensack, N.J. : Rothman, 1973, xii, 206 p. , at p. 42)
Alternative Draft of a Penal Code for the Federal Republic
Germany, Translated and with an Introduction by Joseph J. Darby -
by Jürgen Baumann, Hackensack (N.J.)/London: Fred
B. Rothman/Sweet & Maxwell, 1977, xvi, 160 p. (Series; The American
Series of Foreign Penal Codes, vol. 21);
ANCEL, Marc, La défense sociale nouvelle (Un mouvement de politique criminelle humaniste), deuxième édition revue et augmentée (nouveau tirage), Paris: Éditions Cujas, 1971, 391 p., voir sur Hans Welzel, les pp. 160, 180 et 244 (Collection; Publications du Centre d'études de défense sociale de l'Institut de Droit comparé de l'Université de Paris; 1); copie à la bibliothèque générale de l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT, HV 6041 .A52 1971; aussi traduit en anglais / also translated in English: Social Defence. A Modern Approach to Criminal Problems, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965; Ancel écrit à la p. 244:
ARISTOTE, 384-322 av. J.-C., Éthique de Nicomaque, Traduction, préface et notes par Jean Voilquin, Paris: Garnier-Flammarion, 1965, 310, [3] p.; voir le: le Livre III [«Suite de la Vertu; le Courage et la Tempérance»], chapitre I à V (pp. 65-78) avec notes aux pp. 294-295; et le Livre V [«La justice»], chapitre VIII (pp. 139- 141) avec notes aux pp. 298-299);"Cet auteur [Hans Welzel] part en effet de la définition de l'infraction selon la dogmatique allemande avec ses trois éléments : typicité, antijuridicité, culpabilité; il confronte cette notion à la notion d'action envisagée en soi, et aboutit à la conclusion que le concept légal de délit doit être complété par celui d'acte humain, c'est-à-dire tendant à une fin déterminée. L'auteur en arrive ainsi à rejeter une conception qu'on peut appeler technico-juridique qui se limite à la prise en considération du fait qualifié délit dans les termes légaux. Il réintroduit donc l'idée du comportement de l'homme envisagée dans l'élément moteur qui lui donne sa véritable signification. M. Welzel d'ailleurs, parti d'une réaction contre une notion quelque peu élargie, sinon imprécise, de positivisme, aboutit à une nouvelle métaphysique juridico-pénale assignant au droit criminel la fonction essentielle de protéger les valeurs éthico-sociales fondamentales."
ARISTOTLE, 384-322 B.C., The Ethics of Aristotle: The
Ethics, Translated by J.A.K. Thomson, Revised with notes and
by Hugh Tredennick, Introduction and Bibliography by Jonathan
Harmondsworth (England): Penguin Books, rev. ed. 1976 (1978 reprint),
p.; see: "[Book] III - Moral Responsibility - Two Virtues" (parts
i-v, pp. 111-126) and "[Book] V Justice" (part viii, pp.
ASWORTH, Andrew,
of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995, xxviii,
p., see "Justifiable Conduct" at pp. 132-143 and "Fault and Excuses" at
pp. 239-253, ISBN: 0198763670 and 0198763689 (pbk.); there is now a 3rd
edition: New York : Oxford University Press, 1999, xxxiii, 534 p.
(series; Clarendon law series), ISBN: 0198765576 and 0198765584;
BERMAN, Harold J., 1918-, Law and Revolution: The Formation
Western Legal Tradition, Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard
Press, 1983, xii, 657 p., ISBN: 0674517741 (cloth) and 0674517768
(paper); see pp. 185-198 and notes at pp. 598-599; important
contribution to the subject; note de recherche: ce
a été traduit en français : La formation de la
tradition juridique occidentale, traduction par Raoul Audouin,
de l'Université d'Aix-en-Provence, 2001, 684 p., ISBN:
these pages area available at http://books.google.com
http://books.google.com/books?id=9-8fIBVgCQYC&dq=%22law+and+revolution%22&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed
on 4 March 2008);
BINDING, Karl, Droit pénal, traduction de Jean de
[S.l.] : [s.n.], [1879], 288 p., note de recherche: il
d'un manuscrit, une copie se trouve à l'Université de
en Suisse, ; ouvrage non consulté;
BLACKSTONE, William, 1723-1780, Commentaries on the Laws
of England:
Facsimile of the First Edition of 1765- 1769, Volume IV, Of
Wrongs (1769) with an Introduction by Thomas A. Green,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979 (reprint of: Oxford:
Press, 1769 for vol. 4), xvi, 436, [vii], [53] p., see
2, "Of the Persons Capable of committing Crimes", pp. 20-33; translated
in French / traduit en français Commentaires sur les
anglaises / par W. Blackstone ; avec des notes de M. Ed. Christian ;
de l'anglais sur la quinzième édition par N.M.
Paris : Bossange, Père, 1822-1823, 6 v.;
BRENNAN, Gerard Peter, A Philosopher Looks at the Insanity
Ph.D. thesis, Temple University, 1986, 223 p.;
BUCHANAN, Alec, Psychiatric
Aspects of Justification, Excuse and Mitigation in Anglo-American
Criminal Law, Philadelphia: Jessica Kingley Publishers, 2000,
160 p.
Forensic focus; 17), ISBN: 1853027979; Contents: Preface abd
p. 9; Chap. 1, Preliminaries, 11-21; Chap. 2, The Theory of
and Excuse, 22-42; Chap. 3, Psychiatric Aspects of Mitigation, 43-62;
4, How Can Mental States Excuse?, 63-83; Chap.5, What Does the Law
to Excuse?, 84-107; Chap. 6, Drawbacks of the Present Provision,
Chap. 7, Alternatives to the Present Provision, 121-132; Chap. 8,
133-134; Cases cited, 135-138; References, 139-150; Subject Index,
limited preview available at http://books.google.com/
and http://books.google.com/books?id=f1YhHCOc1r0C&dq=%22Compulsion+in+the+Criminal+Law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
(accessed on 4 March 2008);
__________Psychiatric aspects of justification, excuse and
in Anglo-American criminal law, University of Cambridge. Department
of Criminology & Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge
: Ph.D. Dissertation, BLDSC number: D207264, approved: 18 June 1996,
BURCHELL, Jonathan and John Milton, Principles of Criminal Law,
Cape Town: Juta, 1991,
669 p., see "Justification and Excuse: German Theory", pp. 146-148,
research note: there is now a 2nd ed, Kenwyn: Juta,
1997, li, 734 p., ISBN: 0702138541 which I have not consulted
CANADA, House of
Commons, Standing Committee on Public Safety and National
Rights, Limits, Security: A Comprehensive Review of the Anti-Terrorism
Act and Related Issues -- Final Report of the Standing Committee on
Public safety and National Security [and] Subcommitte on the Review of
the Anti-terrorism Act, March 2007, xvi, 131 p;,
and see recommandations 18 and 19 at pp. 23-24, available
at http://cmte.parl.gc.ca/Content/HOC/committee/391/secu/reports/rp2798914/391_SECU_Rpt07_PDF/391_SECU_Rpt07-e.pdf (accessed on 28 March 2007);
also published in French / aussi publié en français:
CANADA, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la
sécurité publique et nationale, Droits,
restrictions et sécurité: un examen complet de la loi
antiterroriste et
des questions connexes -- Rapport final du Comité permanent de
sécurité publique et nationale [et du] Sous-comit/ sur la
revue de la Loi antiterroriste, 2007, xvi, 149 p., et voir les recommenations
18 et 19 aux pp. 29-30,
disponible à http://cmte.parl.gc.ca/Content/HOC/committee/391/secu/reports/rp2798914/391_SECU_Rpt07_PDF/391_SECU_Rpt07-f.pdf (site visité le 28
mars 2007);
CANADA/PROVINCES, Report of the Working Group on Chapter 3 of the Law Reform Commission of Canada Report 30, Vol. 1, "Recodifying Criminal Law", [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], December 1987, vii, 80 p., Research Note: this report is cited in the Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1988-1989 - 18th Annual Report, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1989 at p. 37, ISBN: 0662573013. Chapter 3 of report 30 is entitled "Defences". This report of the working group was submitted to the Federal-Provincial Coordination Committee of Senior Justice Officials. Members of the Working Group were from: the Department of Justice Canada, and from the following provincial Attorney General departments or Ministries/Departments of Justice: Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and British Columbia. This report is available from the Department of Justice Canada. It was obtained by François Lareau in 1998 under Access to Information Request number A98-00185; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: CANADA/PROVINCES, Rapport du Groupe de travail chargé de l'étude du chapitre 3 du Rapport no 30 de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada "Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal" (Volume I), [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada], décembre 1987, vii, 88 p.; Notes de recherche : ce rapport est mentionné dans Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1988-1989, Dix-huitième Rapport annuel, Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1989, à la p. 40, ISBN: 0662573013. Le chapitre 3 du rapport 30 a pour titre «Les moyens de défense». Ce rapport du groupe de travail a été soumis au Comité fédéral-provincial de coordination composé de fonctionnaires de niveau supérieur de la justice. Les membres du groupe de travail proviennent du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des ministères des proccureurs généraux /ministères provinciaux de la justice de: l'Ontario, Québec, Nouvelle-Écosse, Saskatchewan, Alberta et Columbie-Britannique. Ce rapport est disponible au Ministère de la Justice Canada. Il a été obtenu par François Lareau en 1998 suite à une demande d'accès à l'information numéro A-98-00185;
"General IssuesJustification and Excuses
The first issue addressed by the Working Group was the necessity of maintaining a distinction between justifications and excuses. This was discussed at length and revisited from time to time throughout the series of meetings. The LRC (at p. 31) proposed no longer to categorize defences as one or the other, arguing that there is overlap, particularly on the defence of necessity.
In one view, necessity can be considered an excuse where it rings about a state of moral involuntariness in the person claiming the defence, where in the circumstances he or she could not be expected to act differently; and as a justification where, viewed objectively, the harm resulting from the act complained of substantially outweighs the harm that would result from acting in any other way. The latest elaboration of the defence of necessity in Canada, by the SCC in Perka, has not fully explored nor finally established the parameters and application of the defence.
Whatever the practical difficulties may be of formulating the distinction, it became evident in the course of the discussions that the characterization of a defence as either excuse or justification is necessary in its application. There are two significant practical effects of the distinction. First excuses (such as mistake, duress, insanity, automatism) are personal to the accused and cannot be claimed by parties to the offence, whereas justifications (law enforcement, defence of the person) are determined by circumstances and may be claimed by third parties.
Second, justifications bear on the wrongfulness of the act, and excuses on the blameworthiness of the actor. The distinction is an important one. A justified act (such as the application of force where necessary to effect a lawful arrest) is not an 'unlawful' act, whereas an excused act (such as the application of force by an insane person) is still unlawful, though the actor may not be convicted for it. Thus one is justified in using force to defend himself against an insane attacker, but not against a lawful arrestor. Unless the legal theory recognizes a distinction between justification and excuse, there is no basis for distinguishing between the position of a person attacked by a madman and the position of one subjected to necessary force by a police officer in execution of a lawful arrest.
All members of the Working Group agree that the distinction (recognized in the law at present) should be maintained. It is not clear whether the intention of the LRC is to eliminate the distinction or simply to cease to categorize the defences explicitly; but it is generally felt that the LRC treatment of this issue obscures rather than simplifies." (pp. 77-78)
CASSESE, Antonio, International criminal law, Oxford; New
York : Oxford University Press, 2003, lvi, 472 p., see "The Distinction
between justifications and excuses" at pp. 219-220 and "Customary
law: general" at pp. 221-222, ISBN: 0199261288 and
(pbk); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5000 C37
c. 01;
CLARKSON, C.M.V., Understanding Criminal Law, 2nd ed.,
Fontana Press, 1995, x, 274 p., see "Lack Of Defence" at pp.
"Justification" at pp. 74-75 and "Excuses" at p. 85, (series;
Law; series editor: J.A.G. Griffith), ISBN: 0006862950;
COLVIN, Eric, Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed.,
1991, ISBN: 0459355619 (bound) and 0450355716 (pbk.), see pp.
215, 222 and 228;
COLVIN, Eric, 1945 and Sanjeev Anand, Principles
of Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, li,
599 p., ISBN: 978 0779813247;
CORRADO, Michael L., Justification
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, ISBN: 0815308256 (series; vol. 831, Garland
Library of Social Science; vol. 1, Garland Studies in Applied Ehics),
625 p.;
COSBY, Gordon Grant, The Moral Reasons for Legal Excuses,
PhD. thesis (Philosophy), The University of Michigan, 1975, 441 p.;
not consulted; summary at Dissertation Abstracts International,
vol. 36-4 at p. 2253A;
CÔTÉ-HARPER, Gisèle, 1942-, Pierre Rainville,
et Jean Turgeon, 1951-, Traité de droit pénal
4e édition refondue et augmentée, Cowansville:
Éditions Yvon Blais, 1998, lv, 1458 p., voir : «Les causes
de non-responsabilité pénale» aux pp. 871-876;
et justifications» aux pp. 1169-1170, ISBN: 2894512589;
note de
recherche: la première édition porte le tite: Principes
de droit pénal général, 1981; la
édition en 1984 et la troisième édition en 1989
le supplément de 1994 portent le tite Droit pénal
CUTLER, Antony and David Nye, Justice and Predictability,
London: The MacMillan Press, 1983, xi, 169 p., ISBN: 0333315154, see
3, "On Excuses and Excusing", pp. 87-159;
DANDO, Shigemitsu, 1913-, The Criminal Law of Japan: The
General Part,
(Colorado): Fred B. Rothman, 1997, xxiv, 521 p. (Series;
of the Comparative Criminal Law Project, vol. 19); important
contribution to the subject;
limited preview available at http://books.google.com/books?id=gN0QgcW4Td0C&pg=PR17&dq=%22german+criminal+law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=fZvKR-WlBKGyiQGvjrgK&sig=OePFCBqZQ5B-pU7oaj7vYuuszHI
and http://books.google.com/books?id=gN0QgcW4Td0C&dq=%22german+criminal+law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
(accessed on 2 March 2008);
DARBELLAY, Jean, Théorie générale de
en droit civil et en droit pénal, Fribourg (Switzerland),
Universitaires, 1955, 190 p.; see: pp. 1-27, 44-47 and
(Collection; Arbeiten Aus Dem Iuristischen Seminar Der Universität
Freiburg - Schweiz; 13);
D'ARCY, Eric, 1924-, Human Acts: An Essay in their Moral
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963, xi, 176 p., chapter 2, "The
of Circumstances", pp. 72-92;
DASKALAKIS, Élie, La notion d'unité ou de
d'infractions et son rôle dans le procès pénal,
thèse de doctorat, Paris, 1969; texte non consulté mais
par Daskalakis, infra;
___________Réflexions sur la responsabilité
Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1975, 102 p. (Collection;
et recherches de l'Université de droit d'économie et de
sociales de Paris série sciences criminelles; volume 3); contribution
DERSHOWITZ, Alan M., The Abuse Excuse and other Cop-Outs, Sob
and Evasions of Responsibility, Boston: Little, Brown, 1994, x, 341
p., ISBN: 0316181358; Research Note: see severe book
by Singer, infra;
DESJARDINS, Arthur, Théorie
des excuses en droit criminel, Beauvais : impr. de A.
Desjardins, 1858, 185 p.; disponible à
(vérifié le 25 août 2009); disponible à http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5695290k.f3.langEN.tableDesMatieres
(vérifié le 25 août 2009);
DINH-THUC, Joachim, Pour une théorie de la faute en
du droit pénal allemand actuel, Fribourg (Switzerland):
Valores et/and Louvain: Éditions E. Nauwelaerts, 1966, 96
p., bibliographie / bibliography aux / at pp. 88-92 (collection/series;
Publication de l'Institut International des Sciences Sociales et
Fribourg, Suissse);
DRESSLER, Joshua, Understanding Criminal Law, 3rd ed., New
York :
Bender, 2001, xliii, 598, [31] p., see see chapter 17, "Justifications
and Excuses", at pp. 205-219, ISBN: 0820550272 (series;
there is now a 4th edition, at Newark, NJ
: LexisNexis, c2006, ISBN: 082057001X
DUFF, R.A., 1945-, Intention, Agency & Criminal
Philosophy of Action and the Criminal Law, Cambridge, Mass.
Oxford, U.K.:Basil Blackwell, 1990, xii, 219 p., see in particular,
and Responsibility" at pp.99-105, (Series; Philosophical
ISBN: 063115311X and 0631153128 (pbk.);
The Dutch Penal Code, Translated by Louise Rayar and Stafford
Wadsworth in collaboration with Mona Cheung, Gudule Geelen, Marjolein
Maike de Lange, Gert Van Slik, and Jolien Zwarts, Revision by Hans
Instructions by Grat Van Den Heuvel and Hans Lensing, Littleton
Rothman, 1997, xxiii, 277 p., (The American series of penal codes; vol.
30), ISBN: 0837700507; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of
K5001 A63 no. 30;
ERENIUS, Gillis, Criminal Negligence and Individuality,
P.A. Norstedt & Söners Förlag, 1976, 282 p., see in
"The concepts of Schuld and negligence in German criminal law" at pp.
(the title comes from the Table of Contents), (series; Institutet
för Rättsvetenskaplig Forskning (IFRF); vol. 85), ISBN:
this book is distributed in the U.S.A. exclusively by Fred B. Rothman
Co., South Jackensack, N.J.;
ESER, Albin, George P. Fletcher, Karin Cornils, Barbara Huber, Ewa
and Thomas Weigend, eds., Justification and Excuse: Comparative
2 volumes, Dobbs Ferry (N.Y.): Transnational Juris Publications,
Inc., 1987, ISBN: 0929179226 (vol. 1) and 0929179269 (vol. 2), some of
the articles cited in this bibliography; contains several articles in
with an English summary; Note # 1: these books, Justification
and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, seem now to be distributed by
Yonkers (New York), Juris Publishing; Note # 2: these two books
are also published in Germany: Rechtfertigung und
rechtsvergleichende Perspektiven, Freiburg i. Br.:
fur Auslandisches und Internationales Strafrecht, 1987, ISBN:
(series; Beiträge und Materialien aus dem Max-Planck-Institut
Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht Freiburg i. Br.; Bd.
S 7); ISBN: 392249895X (Series; Beiträge und
aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und
Strafrecht Freiburg i. Br.; Bd. S 7, S 26, S 48); Note # 3:
third volume was published by the Max-Planck-Institut in 1991,
und Entschuldigung III: Deutsch-italienisch-Portugiesisch-Spanisches
Strafrechtskolloquium 1990. Hrsg. von Albin Eser und Walter
Freiburg i. Br.: Max-Planck-Institut fur Auslandisches und
Strafrecht, 1991, xiv, 429 p., ISBN: 392249871X (series; Beiträge
und Materialien aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches
und Internationales Strafrecht Freiburg i. Br.; Bd. S 26); Note
# 4: a fourth volume was published by the
in 1995: Rechtfertigung und Entschuldigung IV:
Strafrechtskolloquium Tokio 1993. Hrsg. von Albin Eser und Haruo
Nishirara unter Mitarbeit von Karl-Friedrich Lenz; Freiburg i. Br.:
Max-Planck-Institut fur Auslandisches und Internationales
1995, xv, 493 p., ISBN: 3861139839 (series; Beiträge und
aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und
Strafrecht Freiburg i. Br.; Bd. S 48); Note # 4:
Online Catalog of The New York Public Library indicates that volume 3
4 would contain texts in English. I have not looked at vol. 3 and
4 as of 11 June 2001 as I have not found any library location for them
in Canada;
FISHER, Howard D., German Legal System and Legal Language: A
Survey Together with Notes and a German Vocabulory, London
Cavendish Publish, 1996, xx, 334 p., see in particular, Chapter XV,
Law, at pp. 133-273, ISBN: 1859412297; there is now a 3rd
ed., London: Cavendish Publishing, 2002, xxi, 573 p., ISBN:
185941706X, limited preview available at
S8v_eZQQ7JUIFYrVkV1tyClgWwc and http://books.google.com/books?id=bcolb-MvIIkC&dq=%22German+Legal+System+and+Legal+Language%22&lr=&as_brr=3&
(accessed on 4 March 2008),
FLETCHER, George P., Basic
Concepts of Criminal Law, New York and Oxford: Oxford
Press, 1998, xi, 223 p., ISBN: 0195121708 and 0195121716 (pbk.); for
of contents, see: Biddle
Law catalogue, University of Pennsylvania;
___________Basic Concepts of Legal Thought, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1996, ix, 213 p., ISBN: 0195083350 and 0195083369
for Table of Contents, see Biddle
Law catalogue, University of Pennsylvania;
___________A Crime of Self-Defense: Bernhard Goetz and the Law on
Trial, New York: Free Press, 1988, xi, 253 p., ISBN: 0029103118;
since been published in paperback by the University of Chicago
1990, ISBN: 0226253341;
___________The Grammar of Criminal
Law: American, Comparative, and International, Volume 1 : Foundations,
Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2007, xxv, 366
p., ISBN: 978 0195103106; see Table of Contents
at http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0620/2006030367.html
(accessed on 30 July 2007);
___________Rethinking Criminal Law, Boston: Little, Brown,
xxviii, 898 p.; reprint in: Oxford and New York: Oxford University
2000, ISBN: 0195136950; important
limited preview at http://books.google.com/books?id=lSnomFVuka8C&pg=PA322&dq=penal+code+france+%22criminal+law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=hTTLR7HDA
and http://books.google.com/books?id=lSnomFVuka8C&dq=penal+code+france+%22criminal+law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
(accessed on 2 March 2008);
___________With Justice for Some: Protecting Victims Rights in
Trials, Reading (Massachusetts): Addison- Wesley Publishing
1996 (first paperpack printing), ix, 326 p., ISBN: 0201408228,
8, pp. 245-247; originally published by the same company in 1994 or
hardcover or cloth?, ISBN: 0201622548;
FLETCHER, George P., 1939-, and Steve Sheppard, 1963-, American
law in a global context : the basics, New York : Oxford University
Press, c2005, xii, 682 p., and see on the German tripartite system, pp.
40-42 and the concept of "wrongfulness" at pp. 54-57, ISBN: 0195167228
and 0195167236 (pbk.); copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General,
380 .F59;
FOSTER, Nigel G., German Legal System & Laws, 2nd ed.,
Press, 1996, lvi, 419 p., ISBN: 1854314505, see chapter 7, "Public Law:
Criminal Law", at pp. 201-212;
The German Draft Penal Code E 1962 With an Introduction by Dr.
Dreher, Translated by Neville Ross, South Hackensack (New
Fred B. Rothman and London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1966, xiii, 253 p.,
The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes, vol. 11); see:
Preface (pp. xi-xiii), "Introduction" (pp. 3-20) and the "General
Part" (pp. 23-38);
The German penal code of 1871, Translated by Gerhard O. W.
and Thomas Buergenthal, With an Introduction by Horst Schroder,
Hackensack (New Jersey): F.B. Rothman, 1961, x, 177 p. (Series;
American Series of Foreign Penal Codes; vol. 4);
GISEL-BUGNION, Monique, L'individualisation d'une peine
sur la culpabilité, Genève: Librairie de
Georg et Cie, 1978, 215, [3] p., voir le chapitre 2, "La
pp. 33-56 et le chapitre 6, "La 'situation personnelle' ou
de la mesure de la peine", pp. 107-126, (collection; Mémoires
par la Faculté de droit de Genève, numéro
ISBN: 2825700401;
GIVANOVITCH, Thomas, 1884-1971, Les problèmes
du droit criminel, Paris: Rousseau, 1920, xi, 227 p.; see in
pp. 66-83;
GLASER, Stefan, Infraction internationale: ses
constitutifs et ses aspects juridiques - exposé sur la base du
pénal comparé, Paris: Librairie
de droit et de jurisprudence, 1957, 225 p. (Collection;
de droit international sous le patronage de l'Institut des hautes
internationales de l'Université de Paris; tome IV);
GONZALEZ LAGIER, Daniel, The paradoxes of action: human action,
and philosophy, Leiden/Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2003,
136 p., (series; Law and philosophy; volume 67), ISBN: 1402016611;
see "The Debate in Criminal Law", at pp. 39 to approx. 54;discusses
Hans Welzel theory of action; copy at
Saint Mary's University, Patrick Power Library (Nova Scotia), B 105 A35
G66 2003;
limited preview at http://books.google.com/books?id=KOR65t3ivzsC&pg=PA44&dq=intention+Welzel+criminal+law&lr=
and http://books.google.com/books?id=KOR65t3ivzsC&dq=intention+Welzel+
(accessed on 9 March 2008);
GORDON, Gerald H., The Criminal Law of Scotland, 2nd ed.,
W. Green, 1978, lxxix, 1174 p., ISBN: 041400618 (published under the
of the Scottish Universities' Law Institute); see pp. 423- 440;
GRAVEN, Philippe, L'infraction pénale punissable,
Éditions Staemplfi, 1993, xv, 346 p., (Collection;
de droit Staempfli), ISBN: 372720978X; see pp. 14-21, 95-110 and
HALL, Jerome, 1901-, Law, Social Science and Criminal
Littleton, Fred B. Rothman, 1982 (series; Publication of the
Criminal Law Project; v. 14), xvi, 333 p., ISBN: 0837706408, see
chapter 8, "American Penal Theory Vis à vis German Penal
pp. 165-201;
HAMILTON, V. Lee and Joseph Sanders, Everyday Justice:
and the Individual in Japan and the United States, New
Yale University Press, 1992, xiii, 290 p., see pp. 17-19, ISBN:
HART, H.L.A. (Herbert Lionel Adolphus), 1907-, Punishment
Responsibility: Essays in the Philosophy of Law, Oxford: Oxford
Press, 1984 [1968 ed. but reprinted with revisions in 1984], ix, 277
ISBN:0198251815, see: chapter 1, "Prolegomenon to the Principles of
p. 13-24, chapter 2, "Legal Responsibility and Excuses", pp.
and notes pp. 239-245; Research Notes: chapter1 is also
in (1959) 60 Proceedings Aristotelian Society (n.s.);
2 is also published in Sidney Hook, ed., Determinism and Freedom in
the Age of Modern Science: A philosophical symposium, [New
New York University Press, 1958, xv, 237 p. at pp. 81-104; Michael
Corrado, ed., Justification
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, p. 31-52, ISBN: 0815308256 (series;
831 Garland Reference Library of Social Science; vol. 1, Garland
in Applied Ehics); in Kenneth Kipnis, ed., Philosophical Issues in
- Cases and Materials, Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey):
1977, xii, 337 p., at p. 10-28, ISBN: 0136622968; le chapitre 2 a
été traduit en français "Responsabilité
juridique et excuses légales" traduction par Dominique Buysse
responsabilité: Questions philosophiques, sous la direction
de Marc Neuberg, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1997, 286 p.
aux pp. 65-93 (collection; Philosophie morale dirigée par
Canto-Sperber), ISBN: 2130486789;
HERLITZ, Carl Erik,
Parties to a Crime and the Notion of a
Complicity Object: A Comparative Study of the Alternatives Provided by
the Model Penal Code, Sweedish Law and Claus Roxin,
(Sweden): Iustus Förlag, 1992, 600, [4] p., ISBN: 917678214X and
02822040 (Distributor outside Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell
see chapter 2 - "The Concept of a Crime", pp. 22-39;
HERRMAN, Joachim, Some Problems of Mens Rea in American and
Criminal Law. A Comparative Study, Tulane University School of Law,
New Orleans, 1960, vii, 99 p.; title noted in my research; not found in
the Tulane University library catalogue; not consulted yet (8 March
HORDER, Jeremy, Excusing crime, Oxford: Oxford University
2004, xx, 295 p., (series; Oxford monographs on criminal law and
justice), ISBN: 0198264828; copy at the SCC Library, KF9235 H67
HURTADO POZO, José, Droit pénal - Partie
2, Zurich: Schulthness Polygraphischer Verlag, 2002, xli, 396 p.,
3725544700; importante contribution à
théorie pénale;
HUSAK, Douglas, 1948-, Philosophy of Criminal Law, Totowa
Jersey): Rowman & Littlefield, 1987, xi, 266 p., ISBN: 0847675505
0847675637 (pbk.);
JEANCLOS, Yves, éditeur scientifique et sous la direction de,
circonstances atténuantes et les circonstances aggravantes dans
le droit pénal du XVIème siècle à nos jours,
Strasbourg : Université Robert Schuman, 2000, 305 p.
Dimensions historiques du droit européen, ISSN 1298-8243);
KATZ, Leo, Bad Acts and Guilty Minds: Conundrums of the Criminal
Law, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, xii, 343 p.,
see pp. 125-126 for a discussion of Hans Welzel theory; ISBN:
and 022642592 (pbk.);
KILLIAS, Martin en collaboration avec Bernard A.
de droit pénal général, Berne: Staempfli,
xlv, 300 p., (collection; Précis de droit Staempfli),
3727209895; notes de recherche: le lexique de
allemande" aux pp. xxix-xxxv et le lexique de "Terminologie juridique
aux pp. xxxvi-xlii s'avèrent très utiles et comblent un
KLINEBERG, Joanne, Moral Involuntariness as a Principle of Excusing Conditions : What's Choice Got to Do with It?, LL.M. thesis, University of British Columbia, 2002, v, 116 p.;
KRAMER, Mathhew H., 1959-, Where Law and Morality Meet, Oxford/ New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, iii, 301 p., see Chapter 8, "Moral Rights and the Limits of the 'Ought' -- Implies -- 'Can' Principle: Why Impeccable Precautions are No Excuse", at pp. 249-294, ISBN: 0199274193; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K247.6 K73 2004;ABSTRACT
"The Supreme Court of Canada decision in R. v. Ruzic (2001) formulates a new principle of fundamental justice under section 7 of the Charter. This new principle of fundamental justice holds that notwithstanding that a person committed a crime with the required guilty state of mind, they must not be punished if their actions were "morally involuntary", that is to say if their acts were not the "product of a free will...unhindered by external constraints". This principle relates to defences based on external circumstances. As a constitutional principle, it may result in the redefinition of existing defences such as a necessity, duress and self-defence, and may also lead to the development of new defences.This thesis will examine the principle of moral involuntariness and evaluate its adequacy. The inquiry begins with a review of the philosophical underpinnings of the concept of responsibility, which brings to the fore notions such as freedom of the will. I will then review the theoretical basis for responsibility under the criminal law, the dominant theory of which considers the notion of choice to be fundamental. I ultimately conclude that the principle of moral involuntariness as developed by the Court is inadequate. It leads to many unanswered questions about how to measure choice and how to determine which kinds of external factors interfere with choice and which do not. Further, it does not appropriately or effectively capture the true nature of the inquiry into external excuses. When individuals are excused for committing a crime on the basis of the surrounding circumstances, it is not truly on the ground that they were deprived of a realistic choice about what to do. Choice is possible, although admittedly difficult, and the real basis of excuse is the value of the choice made. This means that a moral evaluation of the situation and the available options must be made. However, choice theory cannot accommodate this evaluation because it is based on an objective, morally neutral assessment of the possibilities and the circumstances. This approach camouflages the normative evaluation and thereby frustrates the responsibility inquiry."
(source: http://www.library.ubc.ca/law/abstracts/klineberg.html)
LACEY, Nicola, Celia Wells, and Dirsk Meure, Reconstructing
Criminal Law: Critical
on Crime and the Criminal Process, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
1990, xxix, 528 p., see "Justification and Excuse", at pp. 38-40 and
index, ISBN: 0297820273 (cased) and 0297782028 (paperback);
LAREAU, François, Légitime
défense et théorie, thèse LL.M.,
Université d'Ottawa, 1992,
335 p.; directeur de thèse: André Jodouin; voir en particulier les
pp. 8-33, "Concept général
l'infraction; analyse de l'acception de ce concept en droit canadien";
• pdf format
- Jury, sommaire (1
p.) et résumé (4 p.);
- English Synopsis
- pp. i-xii et 1-126;
- pp.127-221;
- pp.222-335
• HTML format
- Sommaire
- Synopsis (translation)
- Thèse/Thesis
(in French)
LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF CANADA, Criminal Law: The General Part:
Liability and Defences, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada,
204 p., and see pp. 22-26 (series; Working Paper, vol. 29), ISBN:
0662514297; copy of the English version of this working paper is
available in pdf format at my Digital Library --
Canadian Criminal Law;
in French/en français: Commission de réforme du droit
du Canada, Droit pénal: Partie
- responsabilité et moyens de défense, Ottawa :
Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1982, 239
(Collection: Document de travail, vol. 29), ISBN:
pp. 23-27;
__________Recodifying Criminal Law (Revised and Enlarged Edition
of Report 30), Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1987, ISBN:
0662547578, p. 34 (series; Report, vol. 31); copy of the English
version of this report is available in pdf format at my Digital Library --
Canadian Criminal Law; in French/en
Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle
du droit pénal (Édition revisée et
du rapport no 30), Ottawa: Commission de réforme du
du Canada, 1987, ISBN: 0662547578, pp 37-38 (Collection: Rapport, vol.
LEE, Orlan and T.A. Robertson, "Moral Order" and the Criminal
Reform Efforts in the United States and West Germany, The Hague:
Nijhoff, 1973, xxiv, 266 p., ISBN: 9024715326; see Chapter
iv - "Historical and Theoretical Problems: Issues in the General Part
the Code", pp. 169-203;
LUCAS, David, The Rule of Law and Defences of Justification and
Some Problem Areas, LL.M. thesis, University of Montreal, Faculty
Law, July 1981, vi, 262 p.;
MANGAKIS, Giorgios (George A.), "Introduction" in Greek Penal Code,
translated by Nicholas B. Lolis, introduction by Giorgios Mangakis,
Hackensack (New Jersey) : Rothman, 1973, xii, 205 p., at pp.1-33 and
"An Offense in the Greek Penal Code" at pp. 11-33 (series; The American
Series of Foreign Penal Codes; volume18), ISBN: 0837700388; copy at the
library of the Supreme Court of Canada library, Ottawa, K 5001 A63 no.
MOORE, Michael, S., 1943-, Act
and Crime: The Philosophy of Action and Its Implications for Criminal
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993, xiii, 413 p., (series; Clarendon
Series), ISBN: 0198257910, see pp. 177-183;
___________Law and Psychiatry: Rethinking the Relationship,
York: Cambridge University Press, 1984, ix, 527 p., ISBN: 0521255988
cover) and 0521319781 (paperback);
MOUSOURAKIS, George, Criminal Responsibility and Partial Excuses,
Aldershoot (UK) and Brookfield (Vermont/USA): Ashgate Publishing
1998, vi, 216 p., ISBN: 1855219433;
___________ Shifting grounds of criminal liability: justification
and excuse in the theory of provocation, Thesis (Ph.D.), University
of Edinburgh, 1991;
MÜELLER, Gerhard O.W., Mens Rea, and the Penal Law without
A Study of the German Penal Law in Comparison to the Anglo-American Law,
Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law, Columbia
1954-1955, submitted for the LL.M. degree, Columbia University, iv, 156
of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws - A
New Federal Criminal Code (Title 18, United States Code),
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971, xxv, 364 p., see "§ 601.
and the comment at pp. 43-44; the proposed code is available on the
at the Buffalo
Law Center, at "Materials on Federal Criminal Code Reform" which
also: "Selected Bibliography on Federal Criminal Code Reform", "Special
Collection on Federal Criminal Code Reform" and "Conferences on
Code Reform";
Les nouveaux codes pénaux de langue allemande: Autriche
République démocratique allemande (1968) et
fédérale d'Allemagne (1975), Paris: La
française avec le concours du Centre français de droit
1981, 565 p., ISBN: 2110006579 (Collection des codes pénaux
du Comité de législation étrangère et de
international du Ministère de la Justice, sous la direction de
Ancel avec la collaboration de Yvonne Marx; tome 5);
NORRIE, Alan (Alan William), 1953-, Punishment,
and Justice : A relational Critique, Oxford; New York Oxford
Press, 2000, [xiv], 242 p., see in particular, chapter 7,
Blame I: the Quest for the General Part", at pp. 142-167, ISBN:
limited preview available at http://books.google.com/books?id=M-MoqNt4CGcC&pg=PP1&dq=%22Punishment,+Responsibility,+and+Justice%22&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=WyjNR6HUAtC4igGA1_WhBA&sig
and http://books.google.com/books?id=M-MoqNt4CGcC&dq=%22Punishment,+Responsibility,+and+Justice%22&lr=&as_brr
(accessed on 4 March 2008);
NUTTALL, Steven Richard, 1950-,
Essay on the Criminal Law Justification Defense Dissertation, The
State University, 1991, vi, 271 p. (thesis for the Degree Doctor of
(Ph.D.) in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University); see
in Dissertation Abstracts International, volume: 52-02,
A, p.0662; Microfiche. Ann Arbor, MI : UMI, 1991. 3 microfiches, UMI
no.: 91-20706;
The Penal code of the Federal Republic of Germany,
by Joseph J. Darby With an Introduction by Hans-Heinrich Jescheck,
Littleton (Colorado): F.B. Rothman and London: Sweet &
1987, xxvi, 257 p., (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal
vol. 28), ISBN: 0837700485; Research Note/Note de recherche:
on the internet /disponible sur l'internet Buffalo
Criminal Law Center (and click on "Criminal Law Resources on the
PERSAK, Nina, Criminalising
Harmful Conduct: The Harm
Principle, Its Limits and Continental Counterparts, New
York/London: Springer,
2007, 176 p., ISBN-10: 0387464034; ISBN-13:
978-0387464039; title noted in my research but
document not consulted yet (21 July 2007);
PRICE, Terry L., 1966-, Mistakes and Moral
An Account of the Excusing Force of Faultless Mistakes of Fact and
Mistakes of Morality, Ph.D. thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson,
Arizona, 1998, 233 p., Dissertation Director: Prof. Joel Feinberg,
RAMIREZ, Juan Bustos and Manuel Valenzuela Bejas, Le
pénal des pays d'Amérique latine (avec
au Code pénal type latino-américain), Traduit
l'espagnol par Jacqueline Bernat De Celis, Paris: Éditions A.
1983, 159 p., ISBN: 2233001184;
REIX, Marie, Le motif
légitime en droit pénal: contribution à la
théorie générale de la justification,
thèse de doctorat en droit, Université
Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, École doctorale de Droit (E.D. 41),
2012, 635 p. (source: http://www.theses.fr/en/2012BOR40055,
site visité le 11 novembre 2013);
In many legal
disciplines, the legitimate reason is a model of justification of acts.
The legitimate reason prevents the enforcement of the law, either by
creating a right or by exempting someone from a duty. Despite an
unprecedented boom, criminal law is hesitant about this vague notion.
In order to justify judges' assessment margin, the legitimate reason is
commonly considered as a motive. This accentuates the confusion between
objective and subjective causes of irresponsibility. The formal
approach of the justificatory process is inadequate, making the process
increasingly biased. The analysis of the legitimate reason requires a
re-examination of the justification theory using a solid understanding
of unlawfulness which can help standardize its implementation. The
study of the legitimate reason’s justificatory function allows a better
understanding of the flexibility of its implementation requirements.
The legitimate reason reverses the presumption of unlawfulness on which
liability is based. The cause of liability is conditioned by the value
judgment made about the offence, whereas the judgment of the reality of
the offender’s intention is the condition of his imputation. The
legitimate reason stems from circumstances that are external to the
offence, and which enable the review of its lawfulness. The objective
nature of the legitimate reason is aligned with the fact that it
exempts from liability in rem and not in personam. However, the
requirements for its application seem exceptional to the common law of
justification in two regards: its broad criteria and its narrow field.
It is limited to offences of abstract risk that protect secondary
values for which the presumption of unlawfulness is artificial. The
defendant must prove the legitimacy of his act whereas the abstract
legitimacy of the suppression is unconfirmed. The expansion of this
dispensatory field of suppression reveals an inadequate control of its
abstract necessity. In any case, bringing up legitimate reason is
useless as it is implicit to any offence and is considered as a general
model of justification. It leaves the judge free to assess the
necessity of the penalty on a case by case basis, as the law, by
nature, cannot resolve all value conflicts. The post facto
justification of socially necessary offences or even trivial offences
reinforces the authority of the law by ensuring an enforcement that is
aligned with the law's aim of protecting values.
(source: http://www.theses.fr/en/2012BOR40055,
site visité le 11 novembre 2013))
RIPSTEIN, Arthur, Equality, Responsibility, and the Law,
and in New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999, xii, 307 p.,
"Justification and Excuses" at pp. 163-171 and "Unknown Justifications"
at pp. 214-217; also deals with consent, mistakes, and self-defence;
Cambridge studies in philosophy and law), ISBN: 0521584523;
limited preview available at http://books.google.com/books?id=3EnUmhMKclQC&pg=PP1&dq=%22+Equality,+Responsibility,+and+the+Law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=FSnNR7mSCaOIiQGTmfibBA&sig
and http://books.google.com/books?id=3EnUmhMKclQC&dq=%22+Equality,+Responsibility,
(accessed on 4 March 2008);
ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, and John M., Darley, Justice, Liability,
and Blame: Community Views and the Criminal Law, Boulder
USA): Westview Press, 1995, xvii, 299 p., ISBN: 0813324505, (Series:
directions in social psychology); see in particular: Chapter 1,
Standards and the Criminal Law", pp. 1-11; Chapter 3, "Doctrines of
When Should It Be Lawful for One to Engage in Conduct That Normally
Constitute a Violation?", pp. 53-81; Chapter 5, "Doctrines of Excuse:
Is One's Rule Violation Blameless?", pp. 127-155; Appendix A: Research
Methodology, pp. 217-228; part of Appendix B, pp. 240-271; Notes, pp.
and References, pp. 297-299;
available at http://www.law.upenn.edu/fac/phrobins/books/jlb/
(accessed on 26 February 2008);
ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, Criminal Law Defences, 2 vol., St.
Paul (Minnesota): West, 1984, ISBN: 0314815139 (set);
___________Fundamentals of Criminal Law, Boston, Little,
1988, ISBN: 031675131, pp. 663-664 [note: there is a 2nd ed., Boston:
Brown, 1995];
__________Structure and Function in Criminal Law, Oxford:
University Press, 1997, xxxc, 251 p., (series; Oxford monographs on
law and criminal justice); see Chapter 5, "General Defences", pp.
limited preview available at http://books.google.com/books?id=fVclJRuiGj0C&pg=PP1&dq=%22Structure+and+Function+in+Criminal
and http://books.google.com/books?id=fVclJRuiGj0C&dq=%22Structure+and+Function+in+Criminal+Law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0(accessed
on 4 March 2008);
ROODHOUSE, Ron, "Justifying and Excusing Action", Philosophy of Law
paper (PHM 3400), University of Florida;
ROUQUETTE, Théophile, Des excuses légales et des
justificatifs en matière criminelle, Toulouse :
de Bonnal et Gibrac, 1866, 190 p.; Thèse doctorat : Droit :
1866; disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=D1kOAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=intitle:criminelle+date:1400-1899&lr=&as_brr=3&as_pt=ALLTYPES&ei=prF1SavnDpyqMqWJ7LQM
(vérifié le 20 janvier 2009);
SARRAU DE BOYNET, Aurélien de, Des Excuses légales en droit
pénal, Bordeaux : impr. de A. de Lanefranque, 1875,
viii, 531 p.; disponible à http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5679930d.r=.langEN
(vérifié le 10 octobre 2009);
SCHOPP, Robert F., Justification Defenses and Just Convictions,
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998, x, [ii], 212 p., (series;
Studies in Philosophy and Law), ISBN: 0521622115; limited preview
available at http://books.google.com/books?id=5XnD0xXfPmQC&pg=PP1&dq=%22Justification+Defenses+and+Just+Convictions%22&lr=&as_brr=
and http://books.google.com/books?id=5XnD0xXfPmQC&dq=%22Justification+Defenses+
(accessed on 4 March 2008);
SILVING, Helen, Constituent Elements of Crime, Springfield
Charles C. Thomas, 1967, xxiv, 458 p.; see pp. 361-369 and 381-389;
__________Criminal Justice, vol. 2, Buffalo/Rio Piedras
Rico): Hein/University of Puerto Rico, 1971; see vol. 2, pp. 583-587
__________Essays on Mental Incapacity and Criminal Conduct,
Charles C. Thomas, 1967, xvi, 379 p., see for example the Introduction
at pp. 3-50 which deals in part with Welzel; the author wites at
p. 3 that her introduction are reprinted from "Psychoanalysis and the
Law, (1960) 51 Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police
19, aat 20-24 and other parts from "'Guilt': A Methodological Study",
32 Revista Juridica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 11;
SLIEDREGT, Ellies van, The Criminal Responsibility of
for Violations of International Humanitarian Law, The Hague: T.M.C.
Asser Press, 2003, xxiv, 437 p., see "Justification and excuse", at pp.
229-231, ISBN: 9067041661; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General,
.S53 2003;
SMITH, J.C., Justification and Excuse in the Criminal Law,
Stevens, 1989, xii, 133 p. (series; vol. 40 Hamlyn Lectures), ISBN:
and 0420478205 (pbk);
available at http://law.exeter.ac.uk/hamlyn/Digital%20files/27-03-09/Justification%20and%20Excuse%20in%20the%20Criminal%20Law.pdf
(accessed on 4 January 2010);
SNYMAN, C.R., Criminal Law, 4th ed., Durban: Butterworths,
xii, 616 p., ISBN: 0409056278;
___________A Draft Criminal Code for South Africa with a
Cape Town: Juta, 1995, xl, 133 p., ISBN: 0702133345;
STUART, Don, 1943-, Canadian Criminal Law, 4rd ed., Toronto,
Carswell, 2001, liv, 733 p., ISBN: 0459553062 (bound) and 0459553089
see: chapter 7, "Justifications or Excuses", pp. 451-557;
___________Charter Justice in Canadian Criminal Law, 3rd ed.,
Scarborough: Carswell, A Thomson Company, 2001, lviii, 540 p., see in
"'Moral Involuntariness' Becomes Charter Standard for Defences" at pp.
100-101, ISBN: 0459261134; see also 2nd ed., Scarborough: Carswell,
lx, 541 p., in particular "Charter Standards for Justifications and
at pp. 103-105, ISBN: 0459253964 (bound) and 0459254022 (pbk.);
TEN, C.L., Crime, Guilt, and Punishment: A Philosophical
Oxford: Clarendon Press and New York: Oxford University Press, 1987,
175 p., see Chapter 5, "Treatment without the Excuses of
part 5.1 "Hart's Rationale of Legal Excuses" at pp. 86-100, ISBN:
and 0198750811 (pbk.);
TZITZSIS, Stamatios, La philosophie pénale, Paris:
Universitaires de France, 1996, 127 p., (Collection, Que sais-je?,
3043), ISBN: 2130473490; note de recherche: discute de la Normentheorie
de Karl Binding aux pp. 19-20;
UNIACKE, Suzanne, Permissible killing: The Self-defence
of homicide, Cambridge (Great Britain): Cambridge University Press,
1994, ix, 244 p., (Series; Cambridge Studies in Philosophy of
ISBN: 0521454085 (hardback), see pp. 1-56 and 232-238; also in
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, ix, 244 p., ISBN:
limited preview available at http://books.google.com/books?id=mcMCOdLZxSMC&pg=PP1&dq=%22Permissible+killing:+The+Self-defence+justification+of+homicide%22&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=CADNR4bA
and http://books.google.com/books?id=mcMCOdLZxSMC&dq=%22Permissible+killing:+The+Self-defence+justification+of+homicide%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
(accessed 4 March 2008);
VON LISZT, Franz, 1851-1919, Traité de droit pénal
allemand, Tome Premier - Introduction - Partie générale,
traduction de René Lobstein, Paris: Giard & E.
1911, xiv, 417 p.;
available at my Digital Library, http://www.lareau-law.ca/DigitalLibraryTwo.html;
WALLACE, R. Jay, Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments,
(Massachusetts): Harvard University Press, 1994, ix, 275 p., see
5 "Blameworthiness and the Excuses" at pp. 118-153, ISBN: 0674766229;
WALTHER, Julien, 1970-, L'antijuridicité en droit
comparé franco-allemand: contribution à une
générale de l'illicéité, Thèse
: Droit pénal : Université de Nancy II, Cotutelle avec
de la Sarre/gemeinsame Betreuung mit der Universität des
2003, xvi, 513 p., directeurs de thèse:
Seuvic et Heike Jung, 1942-; Président du jury: André
Prix de Thèse de Droit Privé de la Faculté de
2003; contribution importante;
WILSON, William, 1953-, Criminal Law: Doctrine and Theory,
London and New York: Longman, 1998, xlv, 625 p., see pp. 206-219, ISBN:
0582297702 (series; Longman Law Series)
YEO, Stanley M.H. (Stanley Meng Heong), Compulsion in the
Law, Sydney: The Law Book Company, 1990, xxiv, 300 p., ISBN:
YOTOPOULOS-MARANGOPOULOS, Alice, Les mobiles du délit:
de Criminologie et de Droit Pénal, Paris: Librairie
de droit et de jurisprudence, 1973, xvi, 350 p., voir en particulier,
"Chapitre IV - Les mobiles et les causes de justification; les mobiles
et les causes d'excuse. A) Aperçu théorique" aux
216-224 (Collection; Bibliothèque de sciences criminelles, sous
la direction de G. Stefani et G. Levasseur, Professeurs à la
de Droit et des Sciences Économiques de Paris; tome XVII); copie
à la bubliothèque de droit de l'Université
FTX Général, KJV 7972.3 .B52 V.17 1973;
ALEXANDER, Laurence A., (also as Larry), "Justification and Innocent
(1987) 33 Wayne Law Review 1177-1189;
____________"A Unified Excuse of Premptive Self-Protection", (1999)
Notre Dame Law Review 1475-1505;
____________"Unknowingly Justified Actors and the Attempt/Sucess
(Summer 2004) 38(4) Tulsa Law Review 851-859;
ALLDRIDGE, Peter, "The Coherence of Defences", [1983] Criminal
Law Review
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115-118, and "How Should a Code of Behaviour Deal with Justification
and Rights?", at pp. 118-119, ISBN: 0199243492 (series; Oxford
Oxford monographs on criminal law and justice); copy at the library of
the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, call number: K5018 C77 2002;
AMBOS, Kai, "Current Issues in International Criminal Law: Reviewing:
M. Cherif Bassiouni, Crimes against Humanity in International
Law, 2nd revised ed., The Hague: Kluwer Law, 1999, 610 pages",
14 Criminal Law Forum 225-260, at pp. 247-249; available at http://lehrstuhl.jura.uni-goettingen.de/kambos/Person/doc/current_issues_ICL_-_CLF_14_(2003),_225.pdf
(accessed on 15 October 2005);
___________"Remarks on the General Part of International Criminal Law",
(2006) 4 Journal of International
Criminal Justice 660-673;
___________"Toward a Universal System of Crime: Comments on George
Fletcher's Grammar of Criminal Law", (2007) 28 Cardozo Law Review 2647-2673;
available at http://www.cardozolawreview.com/PastIssues/28.6_ambos.pdf
(accessed on 5 March 2008);
AMIRTHALINGAM, Kumaralingam (Kumar)"Mens Rea and Mistake of Law in
a Lesson from South Africa", (1995) 18 University of New
Wales Law Journal
____________"Mistake of Law: A Criminal Offence or a Reasonable
(1994) 18
Criminal Law Journal 271-283;
ANTONY, Louise, "Why We Excuse", (1979) 28 Tulane Studies in
Philosophy 63-70;
APONTE, Luis Ernesto Chiesa, "Normative Gaps in the Criminal Law: A
Reasons Theory of Wrongdoing", (2007) 10(1) New Criminal Law Review 102-141; abstract available
at http://caliber.ucpress.net/doi/abs/10.1525/nclr.2007.10.1.102?journalCode=nclr
(accessed on 15 April 2008);
APPELBE, Dorothy, "The Theory of Justification and Excuse and Its
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ARCHIBALD, Bruce P., "The Constitutionalization of the General
67 Canadian Bar Review 403-454;
ARENELLA, Peter, "Character, Choice, and Moral Agency: The Relevance
of Character to our Moral Culpability Judgments", (1990) 7 Social
& Policy 59-83.; also published in: Ellen Frankel Paul,
D. (Fred Dycus) Miller, Jr., 1944-, and Jeffrey Paul, eds., Crime,
Culpability, and Remedy, Oxford and Cambridge (MA): Basil
1990, [xii], 248 p. at pp. 59-83, ISBN: 0631173048; and in Michael
Corrado, ed., Justification
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 241-279 (series; vol. 831, Garland
Library of Social Science; vol. 1, Garland Studies in Applied Ehics),
0815308256 with the caveat at p. 241: "Some footnotes [to the original
article in Social Philosophy & Policy] have been omitted;
remainder have been renumbered";
ARZT, Gunther, "Book Review: Rethinking Criminal Law by George
P. Fletcher", (1981) 29 American Journal of Comparative Law
___________"Ignorance or Mistake of Law", (1976) 24 American
of Comparative Law 646-679;
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(accessed on 24 March 2008);
AUSTIN, J.L. (John Langshaw), 1911-1960, "A Plea for Excuses",
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1-30; also
in: Herbert Morris, 1928-, ed., Freedom and
Readings in Philosophy and Law, Stanford, California: Stanford
Press, [1961], ix, 547 p. at pp. 6-19; in Alan R. White,
Philosophy of Action, London: Oxford University Press, 1968, [4],
p. at pp. 19-42 (series; Oxford Readings in Philosophy); in Michael
Corrado, ed., Justification
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 3-30, (series; Garland Reference Library of
Science; vol. 831; Garland Studies in Applied Ehics; vol.
in Peter A. French, ed., The Spectrum of Responsibility, New
St. Martin's Press, 1991, 327 p., at pp. 39-61, ISBN: 0312034962; in J.L.
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3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979, vi, [ii], 306 p., essay
8 at pp. 175-204, ISBN: 0198246277 and 019283021X (pbk); in Jules
L. Coleman, ed., Crimes and Punishments, New York & London:
Garland Publishing, 1994, xxiv, 560 p. at pp. 1-30 (series; Philosophy
of Law), ISBN: 0815314000; and in V.C. Chappell, ed., Ordinary
Essays in Philosophical Method, Englewood Cliffs (New
Prentice-Hall, 1964, viii, 115 p. at pp. 40-63; translated in
French / traduit en français : sous le titre "Plaidoyer pour
les excuses" dans J.L. Austin, Écrits philosophiques,
de l'anglais par Lou Aubert et Anne-Lise Hacker, introduction de Lou
Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1994, [250] p., aux pp. 136-170, ISBN:
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(2005) 5 International Criminal Law Review 203-246;
BANTEKAS, Ilias, "Defences in International Criminal Law", in
McGoldrick, Peter Rowe, and Eric Donnelly, eds., The Permanent
Criminal Court: Legal and Policy Issues, Oxford (England)/Portland
(Oregon): Hart Publishing, xviii, 498 p., at pp. 263-284, and see
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of Canada, KZ 6310 P47 2004;
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___________"Is Justification (Somehow) Prior to Excuse? A
Reply to Douglas Husak", (November 2005) 26(4) Law and Philosophy
___________"Justifications and Excuses", (2005) 2 Ohio State
of Criminal Law 387-406; available at http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/osjcl/issue2_articles/Baron-PDF3-17-05.pdf
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d'Allemagne", (1970) 25 Revue de science criminelle et de droit
comparé 803-829;
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___________ "Hume on Blame and Excuse", (1976) 2 Hume Studies 17-35;
___________"Reconceptualizing Necessity and Duress" (1987) 33 Wayne
Law Review 1191-1220; also published in Michael Louis Corrado, ed.,
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, p. 429-463, ISBN: 0815308256 (series; vol.
Garland Reference Library of Social Science; vol. 1,
Studies in Applied Ehics);
BEALE, Joseph H., "Justification for Injury", (1927-28) 41 Harvard
Law Review 553-563; copy at Ottawa University, KFM 2469 .H457
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Excuses & Justifications, Mitigations & Exculpations", Hastings
Center Report, vol. 8, # 6, December 1978, pp. 8-11;
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Cardozo Law Review 2481-2503;
available at
SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=980692
(accessed on 25 April 2007); also available at http://www.cardozolawreview.com/PastIssues/28.6_bergelson.pdf
(accessed on 8 April 2008);
BERGER, Benjamin L., "Emotions and the Veil of Voluntarism: The Loss
Judgment in Canadian Criminal Defences", (Spring 2006) 51(1) McGill Law Journal 99-128;
available at http://www.law.uvic.ca/bberger/documents/LossofJudgment.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008);
BERGER, Fred R., "Excuses and the Law", (1965) 31 Theoria
Note: Berger comments on H.L.A. Hart's, "Legal Responsibility and
in Sidney Hook, ed., Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern
New York: Crowell-Collier, 1950, pp. 95-116;
BERMAN, Mitchell N., "Justification and Excuse, Law and Morality",
2003) 53(1) Duke Law Journal 1-78; available at http://www.law.duke.edu/journals/dlj/articles/dlj53p1.htm#FA0
(accessed on 11 March 2004);
BERTELSMANN, W., "The Essence of Mens Rea" [1974] Acta Juridica 34-51;
BINAVINCE, Emilio S., "The Doctrine of Mens Rea in Germany", in Travaux
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à Ottawa (Canada) du 5 au 7 septembre
1966 sous les auspices du Centre canadien de droit comparé, de
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d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press, 1967, (series; Collection des
de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa), pp.
___________"The Structure and Theory of the German Penal Code", (1976) 24 American Journal of Comparative Law 594- 601;
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(April 14, 2009). Jurimetrics, 2010. Available at SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1380081
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25(1) Criminal Justice Ethics
44-52, available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=952683, accessed
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(accessed on 26 January 2008);
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between Justification and
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26(1) Criminal Justice Ethics
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Michael Louis Corrado, ed., Justification
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays,
York, Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 95-129, ISBN: 0815308256 (series; Garland
Reference Library of Social Science; vol. 831 and Garland Studies in
Ehics, vol. 1); originally published in (1985) 27 Nomos
Justice) 165-198; also published in Richard B. Brandt, Morality,
utilitarianism, and rights, Cambridge; New York: Cambridge
Press, 1992, viii, 393 p., Chapter 13, at pp. 235-262,
0521415071 and 0521425271 (pbk.), this essay is also commented by
Brandt in the same book, Morality, utilitarianism, and rights,
his introductory comments at pp. 12-13;
___________"A Utilitarian Theory of Excuses", (1969) 78 The
Review 337-361; also published in Richard B. Brandt, Morality,
utilitarianism, and rights, Cambridge; New York : Cambridge
Press, 1992, viii, 393 p., Chapter 12, at pp. 221-234,
0521415071 and 0521425271 (pbk.), this essay is also briefly
by Brandt in the same book, Morality, utilitarianism, and rights,
in his introductory comments at p. 12;
BRONAUGH, Richard N., "Freedom as the Absence of an Excuse", (1964)
BRUDNER, Alan, "A Theory of Necessity", (1987) 7 Oxford Journal
of Legal Studies
339-368; also published in Thomas Morawetz, 1942-, ed., Criminal Law,
2nd ed., Aldershot (England): Darmouth, Ashgate, 2000, xvi, 478 p. at
329-358 (series; The international library of essays in law and legal
2nd ser.; volume 5), ISBN: 184014775X;
BURCHELL, Jonathan, "Heroes,
poltroons and persons of reasonable fortitude - juristic perceptions on
killing under compulsion", (1988) 1 South African Journal
of Criminal Justice 18-34;
BYRD, B. Sharon, "Putative Self-Defense and Rules of Imputation. In
Defense of the Battered Woman" (1994) 2 Annual Review of Law and
283-306; pp. 291-304 are also published in Leo KATZ, Michael
S. Moore and Stephen
J. Morse, eds., Foundations of Criminal Law, New York and
Oxford University Press, 1999, ix, 352 p. at pp. 260-271 followed by
and Questions" at pp. 271-272 (series; Interdisciplinary Readers in
ISBN: 0195094956 (cloth) and 0195094964 (paper);
___________"Till Death Do Us Part: A Comparative Law Approach to
Lethal Self-Defense by Battered Women", (1991) Duke Journal of
& International Law 169-211;
___________"Wrongdoing and Attribution: Implications Beyond the
Distinction", (1987) 33 Wayne Law Review 1289-1342;
CAILLE, Catherine, «Le
motif légitime en droit pénal», (1998) Revue
et de droit pénal 194-207;
CAMPBELL, Kenneth, "Offence and Defence" in I.H. Dennis, ed., Criminal
Law and Justice: Essays from the W.G. Hart Workshop, 1986, London:
Sweet & Maxwell, 1987, xviii, 253 p., at pp. 73-86, ISBN:
CANDEUB, Adam , "An Economic
Theory of Criminal Excuse: A Commentary" (March 22, 2007), available at
SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=975790
(accessed on 4 April 2007);
CASSESE, Antonio, "Justifications and Excuses in International
Law", in Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta and John R.W.D. Jones,
Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary,
I, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, cxl, 1048 p.,
24.1, at pp. 951-956, copy at Ottawa University, FTX General: KZ 6310
2002 v. 1;
CHAPMAN, Bruce, "A Theory of Criminal Law Excuses", (1988) 1 Canadian
Journal of
and Jurisprudence 75-86;
CHIN, Gabriel J.,"The Justification/Excuse Distinction: An Argument for
its Irrelevance to the Criminal Justice System", 28 January 2009,
University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, 2009; Arizona Legal
Studies Discussion Paper No. 09-02, 30 p., available at SSRN:
http://ssrn.com/abstract=1334291; see http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1334291
(accessed on 31 January 2009);
CHRISTOPHER, Russell, "Mistake of Fact in the Objective Theory of
Justification: Do Two
Make Two Wrongs Make Two Rights...?", (1994) 85 Journal of
Criminal Law and Criminology 295-332;
___________"Symposium Foreword Symposium: Twenty-Five Years of
P. Fletcher's Rethinking Criminal Law: Symposium Foreword",
39 Tulsa Law Review 737-754;
__________ "Tripartite Structures of Criminal Law in
Germany and Other Civil Law Jurisdictions", (2007) 28 Cardozo Law Review 2675-2695;
available at http://www.cardozolawreview.com/PastIssues/28.6_christopher.pdf
(accessed on 5 April 2008); draft paper is available at http://fletchersgrammar.com/speakersfromtheus.html
(accessed on 19 July 2007);
___________"Unknowing Justification and the Logical Necessity of the
Dadson Principle in Self-Defence", (1995) 15 Oxford Journal of
Studies 229-251;
CIAFARDINI, Mariano, "The Challenges of Criminal Liability: New
Limits, Forms and Goals", [2002] Cahiers de défense
disponible à http://www.defensesociale.org/revista2002/10.1.htm
(accessed on 20 November 2005);
CLARKSON, C.M.V., "Necessary Action: A New Defence", [2004] Criminal
Law Review 81-104, see "Justification and excuse", at pp. 82-88;
COLB, Sherry F., "Book Review - 'The Character of Freedom'
Evil or Ill^ Justifiying the Insanity Defense. By Lawrie
London: Routledge. 1997. 329 pp. $24.99", (1999) 52 Stanford
Review 235-253;
COLVIN, Eric, "Exculpatory Defences in Criminal Law", (1990)
Journal of Legal Studies 381-407;
CONDE, Francisco Munoz, "'Rethinking' the Universal Structure of
Law", (Summer 2004) 39(4) Tulsa Law Review 941-953;
COOPER, Simon, "Book Review of Justification and Excuse in the
Law by J.C. Smith", (1989) 23 The Law Teacher 345-347;
COOPER, Simon and Alan Reed, "Informed
Consent and the Transmission of Sexual Disease: Dadson Revivified", (October 2007) 71(5) The Journal of Criminal Law 461-474;
CORRADO, Michael, "Defenses" in Christopher Berry Gray, ed.,
Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, New York Garland Publishing,
2 volumes (xxxviii, 950 p.), in vol. 1, at pp. 188-193 (series; Garland
reference library of the humanities ; vol. 1743), ISBN: 0815313446;
___________ "Excuses" in Philosophical problems in the law
/ [compiled by] David M. Adams, Belmont, CA : Wadsworth/Thomson
c2000, 3rd ed., xiii, 650 p., at pp. 433 to approx. 442, ISBN:
copy at Laval University, KF 379 P5682 2000;
___________"Introduction" in Michael L. Corrado, ed., Justification
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, ISBN: 0815308256 (series; Garland Reference Library
of Social Science, volume 831; and Garland Studies in Applied Ehics;
1), xvii, 625 p., at pp. vii-xxxiii;
___________"Is There an Act Requirement in the Criminal Law?",
142 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1529-1561;
___________"Notes on the Structure of a Theory of Excuses",
82 The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 465-497;
CREACH, Donald L., "Notes: Partially Determined Imperfect
The Battered Wife Kills and Tells Why", (1982) 34 Stanford Law
CROCKER, Lawrence, "Justification and Bad Motives", (2008) 6 Ohio Journal of Criminal Law
277-297; available at http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/osjcl/Articles/Volume6_1/Crocker-PDF.pdf
(accessed on 23 December 2008);
___________"Improving the Codes -- Reviewing: Pail H.
and Function in the Criminal Law. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997,
p.", (1999) 10(1) Criminal Law Forum 151-160, and see
at pp. 153-157;
DALY, Francis, "Intoxication and Crime: A Comparative
(1978) 27 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 378-412;
DAN-COHEN, Meir, "Decision Rules and Conduct Rules: On
Separation in Criminal Law", (1984) 97 Harvard Law Review
625-677; available at http://www.law.upenn.edu/cf/faculty/phrobins/conversations/papers/CohenAcousticSeparation.pdf
(accessed on 25 March 2008); also published in Jules L. Coleman,
ed., Crimes and
New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1994, xxiv, 560 p. at pp.
(series; Philosophy of Law), ISBN: 0815314000;
DANNECKER, G. (Gerhard), "Justification and Excuses in the
Community - Adjudication of the Court of Justice of the European
and Tendencies of the National Legal Systems as a Basis for a
Regulation", (1993) 1 European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and
Justice 230-245;
DE SOUZA, Christopher, "Expanding the Boundaries of Suddent Fight
Chun Seng Decision", (2003) 15 Singapore Academy of Law Journal
333-354, and see "Excuses and Justifications", at pp. 333-336;
DESJARDINS, Arthur, "Des excuses en droit criminel", (1859) Tome XIV
-- 9me année Revue
Critique de
Législation et de Jurisprudence 517-526, disponible
à http://books.google.com/books?id=dY0NAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA179&dq=%22des+excuses+en+droit+criminel%22&as_brr=1#PPA517,M1
(vérifié le 19 novembre 2007) et Tome XV -- 9me
année 312-334, disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=vY0NAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA319&dq=%22projet+de+code+p%C3%A9nal%22&as_brr=1#PPA312,M1
(vérifié le 19 novembre 2007);voici un passage
remarquable si l'on tient compte qu'il a
écrit en 1859 :
"Qu'est-ce qu'une excuse dans la langue du droit criminel? Car il n'y a pas excuse, comme on pourrait le croire, toutes les fois que les tribunaux criminels atténuent ou suppriment la peine.Cet homme doit être emprisonné pour dettes; un officier public l'arrête. La justice vient d'ordonner une saisie; un officier public l'exécute. La Cour d'assises a condamné à mort un assassin, un parricide, un empoisonneur; le sang coule sur la place publique. Il y a là violation de la liberté, violation de la propriété, homicide; mais quel homicide et quelle violation? La loi parle, et l'agent de l'autorité s'avance pour obéir. Est-ce une excuse, cet ordre de la loi? Non, sans doute, car cet agent de l'autorité c'est la loi vivante, et la loi n'a pas besoin de s'excuser. La société ne peut pas dire à ses agents: Vous m'avez obéi, donc je vous excuse. Elle leur dit : Vous qui m'avez obéi, je vous justifie. De même pour la légitime défense. La légitimité de la défense est-elle hors de doute? L'acte commis en état de légitime défense est conforme au droit. Voilà une première classe de faits qu'on peut appeler justificatifs. Descendons d'un degré. Des faits justificatifs passons aux faits non imputables. L'imputabilité peut disparaître sans que la loi justifie l'acte. Voici un vol, un viol, un meurtre; c'est un fou qui l'a commis. Le fou n'a plus la conscience de son action, mais la loi ne la déclare pas conforme au droit. Cet homme n'est pas coupable, parce qu'il n'avait ni sa raison morale ni sa liberté; mais il n'est pas justifié. Même remarque pour les actes commis en état d'ivresse, si l'ivresse est accidentelle et altère complètement la liberté, ou pour les actes commis en état de somnambulisme, puisque la justice humaine n'a ni les moyens, ni le besoin, ni le droit de s'enquérir des actions commises pendant le sommeil.
Dans ces diverses hypothèses, il n'y a pas encore d'excuse. J'ai procédé par élimination. Pourquoi mettre à part les cas de non-imputabilité? Ma réponse est simple : L'excuse suppose l'imputabilité. Mais parmi les circonstances qui peuvent entraîner soit une diminution, soit une exemption de peine, les unes sont déterminées par la loi, les autres par le juge. Or, si la langue du droit criminel est bien faite, la diversité des mots marque la diversité des idées. On réserve le nom d'excuses aux circonstances absolutoires ou atténuantes prévues et déterminées par la loi. C'est le language de notre droit pénal français, et ce langage est parfaitement conforme aux données de la science." (pp. 517-518)
DIAMOND, John L., "An Ideological Approach to Excuse in Criminal
Law", (winter 1999) 25(1) New England Journal on Criminal and Civil
Confinement 1-29; available at http://www.nesl.edu/journal/
(viewed 25 May 2002);
DILLOF, Anthony M., "Unraveling Unknowing Justification", (2002) 77
Dame Law Review 1547-1600;
DORÉ, Laurie Kratky, "Review Essay / The Scope and Limits of
Criminal Justifications", (1999) 18(3) Criminal Justice Ethics
review of Robert F. Schopp's book, Justification Defenses and Just
DRESSLER, Joshua, "Battered Women, Sleeping Abusers and Criminal
Policy Review 2:1 Fall 1997, pp. 1-16;
___________"Exegesis of the Law of Duress: Justifying the
and Searching for its Proper Limits" (1989) 62 Southern California
Review 1331-1386; also published in Michael Louis Corrado,
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 379-427, ISBN: 0815308256 (series; vol.
Garland Reference Library of Social Science; vol. 1, Garland Studies in
Applied Ehics); also published in Thomas Morawetz, 1942-, ed., Criminal
Law, 2nd ed., Aldershot (England): Darmouth, Ashgate, 2000, xvi,
p. at pp. 273-328 (series; The international library of essays in law
legal theory; 2nd ser.; volume 5), ISBN: 184014775X;excerpt in Leo
S. Moore and Stephen
J. Morse, eds., Foundations of Criminal Law, New York and
Oxford University Press, 1999, ix, 352 p. at pp. 302-305 (series;
Readers in Law), ISBN: 0195094956 (cloth) and 0195094964 (paper);
___________"Foreword - Justifications and Excuses: A Brief
of the Concepts and the Literature", (1987) 33 Wayne Law Review
___________Justification versus excuse theory [sound
Alexandria (Virginia) : Instant Replay, [1987], 1 sound cassette: 1 7/8
ips, mono. (series; Association of American Law School (AALS);
speakers: Joshua Dressler and R. Kent Greenawalt, recorded at the AALS
Conference on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, May 16-21,
Chapel Hill, N.C.; Research Note: cassette not listened
information from the on-line catalogue of Columbia University.
___________"New Thoughts About The Concept Of Justification In The
Law: A Critique of Fletcher's Thinking and Rethinking", (1984) 32 University
of California at Los Angeles Law Review
___________"Reflections on Excusing Wrongdoers: Moral Theory, New
and the Model Penal Code", (1988) 19 Rutgers Law Journal
___________"Rethinking Heat of Passion", (1982) 73 Journal of
Law and Criminology 421-470;
DRIPPS, Donald A., "Rehabilitating Bentham's Theory of Excuses",
September, 24 2009, forthcoming in Texas Tech Law Review, San Diego
Legal Studies, 30 p., available at SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1478194#
(accessed on 1 October 2009);
DUBBER, Markus Dirk, "The Historical Analysis of Criminal Codes",
18(2) Law and History Review 433-444 (comment, part of the
Codifying Crime, Finding Government"); Dubber discusses Binding's Normen
theorie (theory of norms) at pp. 438-439 (Eser explains the
of this theory, infra, "Justification and Excuse" at p. 625);
___________"The Promise of German Criminal Law: A Science of Crime
Punishment", (July 2005) 6 German Law Journal No. 7; available
(accessed on 20 November 2005);
___________"The Style and Science of German Criminal Law", draft,
Paper, 23 September 2002, 15 p.; available in word format at the
web site, http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/web/publications.htm
(accessed on 17 November 2002);
___________"Theories of Crime and Punishment in German Criminal
24 p., University at Buffalo Law School, Buffalo Legal Studies
Paper Series, Paper number 2005-02; available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=829226
(accessed on 13 November 2005);
DUBIN, Gary V., 1965-, "Mens Rea Reconsidered: A Plea for a
Process Concept of Criminal Responsibility", (1965-66) 18 Stanford
Review 322-395; Research Note: article deals with the
of excuse at length;
DUFF, R.A., "Choice, Character, and Criminal Liability", (1993) 12 Law
and Philosophy 345-383;
___________"Excuses, moral and legal: a comment on Marcia Baron's
'excuses, excuses", (2007) 1 Criminal
Law and Philosophy 49-55; available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/l7n13778582285g6/fulltext.pdf
(accessed on 17 February 2007);
__________"Rethinking Justifications", (Summer 2004) 38(4) Tulsa
Law Review 829-850;
DU PLESSIS, J.R., "Hans Welzel's Final-Conduct Doctrine - An
from Germany We Could Well Do Without", (1984) 101 South African
Journal 301-323;
DURHAM, W. Cole, "Book Review: Rethinking Criminal Law by
P. Fletcher", [1979] Utah Law Review 628-643;
____________"Forerword: Notes on the Dialogue of German and American
Criminal Theory", [1986] Brigham Young University Law Review
available at http://lawreview.byu.edu/archives/1986/3/dur.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008);
____________"Reminiscence of Dialogue: Beyond the Papers of
Freiburg Conference" in A. Eser et al., eds., Justification
and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 2, Dobbs Ferry (New
Transnational Publications, 1987, ISBN: 0929179229, pp.
ELLIOTT, Ian D., "The Use of Deadly Force in Arrest: Proposals for
(1979) 3 Criminal Law Journal 50-88;
ESER, Albin, "A Century of Penal Legislation in Germany -
and Trends" in Albin Eser and Jonatan Thormundsson, eds., Old Ways
New Needs in Criminal Legislation: Documentation of a Germanic-
Colloquium on the Development of Penal Law in General and Economic
in particular, Freiburg i. Br: Eigenverlag Max-Planck-Instut
für auslaändisches und Internationales Strafrecht, 1989, x,
pp. 1-26 ( SERIES: Beitrage und Materialien aus dem Max-Planck-Institut
fur Auslandisches und Internationales Strafrecht Freiburg i. Br; Bd. S
16), ISBN 3922498817; available at http://www.freidok.uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/3756/pdf/Eser_A_century_of_penal_legislation.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008);
___________"Concluding Remarks", (1996) 30 Israel
Law Review 347-349;
__________"'Defences' in War Crime Trials", (1994) 24 Israel
on Human Rights 201-222, see in particular "1. Introduction -
Observations" at pp. 201-203 and "III. Summary - Outlook" at pp.
available at http://www.freidok.uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/3734/pdf/Eser_Defences_in_war_crime_trials.pdf
(accessed on 21 January 2008);
___________"Die Unterscheidung von Rechtfertigung und
Ein Schlüsselproblem des Verbrechensbegriffs" in Raimo Lahti and
Nuotio, eds., Criminal Law Theory in Transition: Finnish
Comparative Perspectives/Strafrechtstheorie Im Umbruch Finnische und
Helsinki: Finish Lawyers' Publishing Company, 1992, xiv, 604 p.,
at pp. 301-317, ISBN: 9516405940, see
in particular the Appendix in
at pp. 316-317 for the "Scheme of the General Structure of the
with comments;
available at http://www.freidok.uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/3383/pdf/Eser_Die_Unterscheidung_von_Rechtfertigung_und_Entschuldigung.pdf
(accessed on 5 April 2008);
___________"Germany", (1973) 21 American Journal of Comparative
__________"The Importance of Comparative Legal Research for the
of Criminal Sciences" in World Law Conference (1st : 1996 : Brussels,
in motion : recent developments in civil procedure, constitutional,
criminal, environmental, family & succession, intellectual
labour, medical, social security, transport law / Roger Blanpain,
The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 1997, xxi, 1137 p., at pp.
ISBN: 9041103864; Note: At head of title: "International
of laws"; copy at Ottawa University, Law Library, FTX, K555 .W67 1996;
with the same title in Les systèmes comparés de
pénale: De la diversité au rapprochement/ Comparative
Criminal Justice Systems: From Diversity to Rapprochment,
Toulouse: Editions Érès, Toulouse 1998, aux pp.
77-108, and see in particular, p. 98 (Collection; Nouvelles
Pénales No. 17);
available at http://www.freidok.uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/3759/pdf/Eser_The_importance_of_comparative_legal_research.pdf
(accessed on 28 January 2008);
___________"Justification and Excuse", (1976) 24 American
of Comparative Law 621-637; important
to the subject for the reader curious to learn about the subject;
available at http://www.freidok.uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/3765/pdf/Eser_Justification_and_excuse_1976.pdf
(accessed on 28 January 2008);
___________"Justification and Excuse: A Key Issue in the Concept of
Crime" in Albin Eser et al., eds., Justification and Excuse:
Perspectives, vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry (New York), Transnational
Publications, 1987, ISBN: 0929179226, pp. 17-65; available at http://www.freidok.uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/3906/pdf/Eser_Justification_and_excuse_2.pdf
(accessed on 28 January 2008);
important contribution to the subject for the reader curious to learn
the subject;
___________"The Principle of ‘Harm' in the Concept of Crime: A
Analysis of the Criminally Protected Legal Interests", (1964-65) Duquesne
University Law Review 345-417;
available at http://www.freidok.uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/3655/pdf/Eser_The_Principle_of_harm.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008);
___________"Reform of the Defences: A German View", article
at the Conference of The Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law:
of the Criminal Law", London (England), July 26-29, 1987, 17 p.
but cited in (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 93];
FERZAN, Kimberly Kessler, "Foreword", (November 2005) 24(6) Law
Philosophy 547-555;
FINGARETTE, Herbert, "Book Review: Rethinking Criminal Law
George Fletcher", (1980) 89 Yale Law Journal 1002- 1016;
FINKELSTEIN, Claire O., "Duress: A Philosophical Account of
Defense in Law", (1995) 37 Arizona Law Review 251- 283;
___________"Excuses and Dispositions in Criminal Law", (2003) 6(1) Buffalo
Criminal Law Review 317-359; available at http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/bclrarticles/6/1/finkelstein.pdf
(accessed on 31 December 2003);
___________"Self-Defense as a Rational Excuse", (1996) 57 University
of Pittsburgh Law Review 621-649;
FISCHER, Benedikt and Jürgen Rehm, "Alcohol consumption and the
liability of offenders in the German criminal system", (1996) 23 Contemporary
Drug Problems 707-729; discusses the Daviault case;
FLETCHER, George P., "Criminal Theory as an International
in Albin Eser et al., eds.,
Justification and Excuse: Comparative
Perspectives, vol. 2, Dobbs Ferry (New York), Transnational Juris
1987, ISBN: 0929179229, pp. 1595-1621 and the same article as it
"in a slightly different version" in (Winter/Spring 1985) 4 Criminal
Justice Ethics 60- 77;
___________"Criminal Theory in the Twentieth Century", (January
2(1) Theoretical Inquiries in Law; summary at http://www.bepress.com/til/default/vol2/iss1/art9/;
"Theoretical Inquiries in Law is an English-language biannual
journal published by the Cegla Supercenter for Comparative and Private
International Law of the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law" (source: http://www.tau.ac.il/law/cegla/journal.htm);
copy at McGill University, Nahum Gelber Law Library/Université
Bibliothèque de droit Nahum Gelber;
__________ "Dogmas of the Model Penal Code", (1998) 2 Buffalo
Law Review 1-24 (Symposium: "Toward a New Federal Criminal Code");
___________"Domination in the Theory of Justification and
(1996) 57 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 621-649;
___________"Excuse: Theory", in Joshua Dressler, editor in chief, Encyclopedia
of crime & justice, 2nd ed., New York : Macmillan Reference
c2002, 4 v. (xxxvi, 1780 p.), in vol. 2, at pp. 637-643,
: 002865319X (for set of 4 volumes) and 0028653211 (vol. 2); important
contribution to the subject for the curious reader wanting to learn
the subject;
___________"Excuse: 1. Theory", in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., Encyclopedia
of Crime and Justice, vol. 2, New York: Free Press, 1983, pp.
ISBN: 0029181110; important contribution to
subject for the curious reader wanting to learn about the subject;
___________"Fairness and Utility in Tort Theory", (1972) 85
Law Review 537-573;
___________"The Individualization of Excusing Conditions", (1974) 47
California Law Review 1269-1309; also published in Michael Louis
ed., Justification
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 53-94, ISBN: 0815308256 (series; vol.
Garland Reference Library of Social Science; vol. 1, Garland
in Applied Ehics); also published in Jules L. Coleman, ed., Crimes
Punishments, New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1994, xxiv,
560 p. at pp. 137-177 (series; Philosophy of Law), ISBN: 0815314000;
___________"Internationalizing Criminal Law", (2004) 39(4) Tulsa
Law Review 979-994;
___________"Introduction from a Common Law Scholar's Point of View"
in A. Eser et al., eds., Justification and Excuse:
Perspectives, vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry (New York): Transnational
Publications, 1987, pp. 9-13, ISBN: 0929179226;
___________"Justification: Theory", in Joshua Dressler, editor in
of crime & justice, 2nd ed., New York : Macmillan Reference
c2002, 4 v. (xxxvi, 1780 p.), in vol. 2, at pp. 883-889, ISBN :
(for set of 4 volumes) and 0028653211 (vol. 2); important
contribution to the subject for the curious reader wanting to learn
the subject;
__________"Justification: 1. Theory", in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., Encyclopedia
of Crime and Justice, vol. 3, New York: Free Press, 1983, pp.
ISBN: 0029181110; important contribution
to the subject for the curious reader wanting to learn about the subject;
___________"Legality as Privacy" in Robert L. Cunningham, ed., Liberty
and the Rule of Law, College Station (Texas): Texas A&M
Press, 1979, xi, 349 p., at pp. 182-207 (series; The Texas A&M
economics series; no.3), ISBN: 0890960569;
___________"The Meaning of Innocence", (1998) 48 University of
Law Journal 157-174;
___________"Mistake in the Model Penal Code: A False False Problem",
(1988) 19
Rutgers Law Journal 649-670;
___________"The Nature of Justification", in Stephen Shute, John
amd Jeremy Horder, eds., Action
and Value in Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993, pp.
175-186, ISBN: 0198258062;
___________"Paradoxes in Legal Thought", (1985) 85 Columbia Law
___________"Parochial versus Universal Criminal Law", (2005) 3 Journal
of International Criminal Justice 20-34, and see p. 34;
___________"Proportionality and the Psychotic Aggressor: A Vignette
in Comparative Criminal Theory", (1973) 8 Israel Law Review
also published in Edward M. Wise and Gerhard O.W. Mueller, eds., Studies
in Comparative Criminal Law, Springfield (Illinois): Charles C.
1975, x, 328 p., at pp. 123-152, (series; Publications of the
Law Education and Research Center; vol. 11), ISBN: 0398031681;
___________"The Psychotic Aggressor - A Generation Later", (1993) 27
Law Review 227-246;
___________"The Right and the Reasonable", (1985) 98 Harvard Law
Review 949-982; also published in in A. Eser et al., eds., Justification
and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry (New
Transnational Juris Publications, 1987, ISBN: 0929179226, p. 67;
___________"The Right Deed for the Wrong Reason: A Reply to Mr.
(1975) 23 University of California at Los Angeles Law Review 293-321;
also published in Michael Louis Corrado, ed., Justification
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 305-339 (series; vol. 831, Garland Reference
of Social Science; vol. 1, Garland Studies in Applied Ehics),
___________"The Right to Life", (1979) 13 Georgia Law Review
___________"Rights and Excuses", (Summer/Fall 1984) 3(2) Criminal
Justice Ethics 17-27;
___________"Should Intolerable Prison Conditions Generate a
or an Excuse for Escape?", (1979) 26 University of California at
Angeles Law Review 1355-1309;
___________"Statutory Appendix", [1986] Brigham Young University
Law Review 793-807 [includes translations and notes by Professor
of some sections of the 1871 and 1975 German Penal Code];
available at http://lawreview.byu.edu/archives/1986/3/appendix.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008);
___________"The Theory of Criminal Negligence: A Comparative
(1971) 119 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 401-438;
___________"Truth in Codification", (1998) 31 University of
___________"Two Kinds of Legal Rules: A Comparative Study of
Practices in Criminal Cases", (1968) 77 Yale Law Journal 880-935;
___________"Two Modes of Legal Thought", (1981) 90 Yale Law
___________"The Unmet Challenge of Criminal Theory" (1987) 33 Wayne
Law Review 1439-1444;
___________"What Is Punishment Imposed For?", (1994) 5 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 101-111;
"The significant feature of culpability, as it bears on punishment, is that it comes in degrees. The person who kills under provocation or while suffering from diminished capacity acts with partial culpability. In sentencing, the presumptively reduced culpability of those who are contrite or who have made amends has the impact of reducing punishment. This, as I pointed out earlier, is the feature that renders criminal liability different from tort liability.The intersection of two factors, then, determines the level of punishment that justly fits the crime. One is the scale of the wrongdoing; the other is the degree of culpability. They come together in this formula devised by Robert Nozick: P = r.H. The level of punishment equals the degree of responsibility (varying from 0 to 1) times the scale of wrongdoing. Causing rather than just risking harm increases the scale of the wrongdoing. Bringing about the harm negligently rather than intentionally reduces the "r" factor.
Punishment is imposed, therefore, for wrongdoing as reduced by the extent to which culpability is diminished. This way of understanding punishment is lost on those who think of culpability as an independent factor or even as the central factor in structuring criminal liability." (p. 109)
FUNK, T. Markus, "Justifying Justifications", (1999) 19 Oxford
Journal of Legal Studies 631-647; the article reviews Schopp's
Defenses and Just Convictions, supra;
GALLANT, Kenneth S., "Is Tragedy Possible?: A Comment on George
‘The Right and the Reasonable'", (1989) 37 American Journal of Comparative
Law 595-602;
GARDNER, John, "In Defence of Defences", in Flores Juris et
Festskrift till Nils Jareborg, Uppsala: Iustus Forlag, 2002;
available at
(accessed on 21 April 2003);
___________"Fletcher on Offences and Defences", (2004) 39(4) Tulsa
Law Review 817-827; copy at Ottawa University, FTX Periodicals;
at http://users.ox.ac.uk/~lawf0081/fletcher.pdf
(accessed on 12 November 2004);
___________"The Gist of Excuses", (1998) 1 Buffalo Criminal Law
575-598; see critique of article in Tadros, infra;
___________"Justification under Authority", (January 2010) 23(1) The Canadian Journal of Law &
Jurisprudence 71-98;
___________"Justifications and Reasons" in A.P. Simester and
Smith, eds., Harms and Culpability,
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996, viii, 280 p.,
pp. 103-129 (series; Oxford monographs in criminal law and
ISBN: 0198260571;
___________"The Logic of Excuses and the Rationality of Emotions", Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper No
35/2008, September 2008; available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1261764
(accessed on 13 September 2008);
___________"Wrongs and Faults", forthcoming in in A.P. Simester,
Strict Liability (OUP 2005); available at http://users.ox.ac.uk/~lawf0081/fault.pdf
(accessed on 12 November 2004);
GARDNER, Martin R., "Review Essay/Self-Defense Theory - Suzanne
Permissible Killing: The Self-Defense Justification of Homicide
University Press, 231 pp." (Winter/Spring 1995) 14(1) Criminal
Justice Ethics 72-79;
GAUVARD, Claude, "Les oppositions à la peine de mort dans le
royaume de France : théorie et pratique (xiie-xve
siècle)", (2007) numéro 4 Clio & Crimen 22-46; disponible
à http://www.durango-udala.net/portal/RecursosWeb/FTP/KHZ/clio4aldizkaria2007/claude_gauvard_6.pdf
(visité le 19 janvier 2009);
"Le juge, la Loi et la mort
Pour justifier l’action du juge, il restait cependant un point
particulièrement délicat: comment concilier le principe
divin du Non occides avec l’application de la peine de mort? Autrement
dit, un juge qui condamne à mort est-il coupable d’homicide? La
question est rapidement évacuée par Alain de Lille qui se
réfugie derrière l’existence de la Loi. En jugeant, le
juge applique la loi, et pour reprendre la belle formule de Christine
Thouzellier paraphrasant le théologien, «ce n’est pas le
juge qui tue mais la loi»40.
40. THOUZELLIER, Christiane: Catharisme
et valdéisme…, op. cit.
supra n. 2, p. 103. (pp. 34-35)
GLABE, Scott, "Necessary Conditions for Justification: Actor
Knowledge and a Causal Link Between Belief and Action", (2004) 11(3) Dartmouth College Undergraduate Journal of
Law 19-25; available at http://rockefeller.dartmouth.edu/assets/pdf/dcujlglabe.pdf
(accessed on 9 September 2007);
GLASER, Stefan, "Les infractions d'omission et le problème de
culpabilité", (1961-62) 42 Revue de droit pénal et de
criminologie 897-952; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa,
K 21 .D725 Location FTX Periodicals;
GOLDING, Martin P., "Responsibility" in Martin P. Golding,
and William A. Edmundson, 1948-, eds., The Blackwell guide to the
of law and legal theory, Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2005, ix, 355
p., at Chapter 15, pp. 221-235, and see "The General Rationale of
H.L.A. Hart", at pp. 233-234 (series; Blackwell philosophy guides; 18),
ISBN: 0631228314 and 0631228322 (pbk); copy at the University of
FTX General, FTX General, K 235 .B433 2005;
GORLÉ, Frits, "Criminal Law" in F.J.M. (Ferdinand Joseph
Feldbrugge, 1933-, ed., The Distinctiveness of Soviet Law,
Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987, xix, 272
p., at pp. 227-268, see in particular "Guilt" at pp. 246-251 (series;
in Eastern Europe; vol. 34), ISBN: 9024735769;
GRAFF, Sunny, "Battered Women, Dead Husbands: A Comparative
of Justification and Excuse in American and West German Law", (1988) 10
of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal
GREENAWALT, Kent, "Distinguishing Justifications from
(1986) 49
Law & Contemporary Problems 89-108;
___________"Justifications, Excuses, and a Model Penal Code for
Societies", (Winter/Spring 1998) 17 Criminal Justice Ethics 14-28;
___________Law and Objectivity, New York: Oxford University
1992, x, 288 p., ISBN: 019506741X; see pp. 104-107;
___________"The Perplexing Borders of Justification and
(1984) 84 Columbia Law Review 1897-1927; available at http://scholar.library.csi.cuny.edu/~white/greenawalt.pdf
(accessed on 27 January 2008); also published in
Louis Corrado, ed., Justification and Excuse in the
Law: A Collection of Essays, New York, Garland Pub., 1994, pp.
ISBN: 0815308256 (series; Garland Reference Library of Social
vol. 831; and Garland Studies in Applied Ehics, vol. 1); in
A. Eser et al., eds., Justification and Excuse: Comparative
vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry (New York), Transnational Juris Publications, 1987,
at p. 263, ISBN: 0929179226; and in Leo KATZ, Michael S. Moore
and Stephen J. Morse, eds., Foundations of Criminal Law,
New York and
Oxford University Press, 1999, ix, 352 p. at pp. 249-259, followed by
and Questions" at pp. 259-260 (series; Interdisciplinary Readers in
ISBN: 0195094956 (cloth) and 0195094964 (paper);
GROSS, Hyman, "Some Unacceptable Excuses", (1972-73) 19 Wayne
Review 997-1005;
GUR-ARYE, Miriam, "Should a Criminal Code Distinguish Between
and Excuse", (1992) 5 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence
___________"Should the Criminal Law Distinguish Between Necessity as
a Justification and Necessity as an Excuse?", (1986) 102 Law
Review 71-89;
HALL, Jerome, 1901-, "Comment on Error Juris", (1976) 24 American
Journal of Comparative Law 680-688;
___________"Comment on Justification and Excuse", (1976) 24 American
Journal of Comparative Law 638-645;
___________"Comment on Structure and Theory", (1976) 24 American
Journal of Comparative Law 615-620;
HASSEMER, Winifried, "German Legal Philosophy and the Criminal Law",
(1990) 10
Aviv Studies in Law 187-194;
___________"Justification and Excuse in Criminal Law: Theses
Comments", [1986] Brigham Young University Law Review 573-609; one
of the best articles on the subject!;
available at http://lawreview.byu.edu/archives/1986/3/has.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008);
HEINTZ, Lawrence, "Excuses and 'Ought' Implies 'Can'", (1975) 5 Canadian
Journal of Philosophy 449-462;
___________"The Logic of Defenses", (1981) 18 American
Quarterly 243-248;
HEMMENS, Craig, "Defenses to Criminal Liability: Justifications and
Excuses", in Richard A. Wright and J. Mitchell Miller, eds., Encyclopedia
Scarborough: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2004, vol. 1, at p.
377-380, ISBN: 1579584659 for vol. 1 and 1579583873 (for the set of 3
copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, HV 61017 E53 2005
HERMANN, Joachim, "Causing the Conditions of One's Own Defense: The
Multifaceted Approach of German Law", [1986] Brigham Young
Review 747-767; available at http://lawreview.byu.edu/archives/1986/3/her.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008); also published in A. Eser et al.,
eds., Justification
and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry (New
Transnational Juris Publications, 1987, at p. 745, ISBN: 0929179226;
___________"The Federal Republic of Germany" in Major
Justice Systems : A Comparative Survey edited by George F. Cole,
Stanislaw J. Frankowski, Marc G. Gertz ; foreword by Gerhard O.W.
Mueller, 2nd ed., Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage Publications,
288 p. at pp. 106-133 (series; Sage focus editions ; vol.
ISBN: 0803925964 ; 0803925972 (pbk.);
HERMIDA, Dr. Julian, "Convergence of Civil Law and Common Law in the
Criminal Theory Realm" (2005) 13 University
of Miami International &
Comparative Law Review 163-232, available at SSRN:
http://ssrn.com/abstract=1419262; see
(accessed on 6 August 2009);
HOLDCROFT, David, "A Plea for Excuses?", (1969) 44 Philosophy
HORDER, Jeremy, "Criminal Culpability: The Possibility of a General
Theory", (1993) 12 Law and Philosophy 193-215;
____________"Excuses in law and in morality: a response to Marcia
Baron", (2006) 1 Criminal Law and
Philosophy 41-47; available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/c10l1626748p5346/fulltext.pdf
(accessed on 17 February 2007);
___________"On the Irrelevance of Motive in Criminal Law" in Jeremy
Horder, ed., Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence, Fourth Series,
Oxford University Press, 2000, [ix], 270 p., Essay 9 at pp. 173-191,
HÖRNLE, Tatjana, "Social Expectations in the Criminal Law: The “Reasonable Person” in a Comparative Perspective", (2008) 11 New Criminal Law Review 1-32;
HOROWITZ, Donald L., "Justification and Excuse in the Program
the Criminal Law", (1986) 49 Law and Contemporary Problems
109-126; available at http://eprints.law.duke.edu/archive/00000916/01/49_Law_%26_Contemp._Probs._109_(1986).pdf
(accessed on 28 January 2008);
HOSNI, Naguib, "L'erreur de droit et son influence sur la
pénale", [1999] Revue de science criminelle et de
pénal comparé 711-727;
HOULGATE, Laurence D., "Excuses and the Criminal Law", (1975) 13 Southern
Journal of Philosophy 187-195;
HRUSCHKA, Joachim, "Imputation", [1986] Brigham Young University
Law Review 669-710; available at http://lawreview.byu.edu/archives/1986/3/hru.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008); also published in in A. Eser et al., eds.,
and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry (New
Transnational Juris Publications, 1987, ISBN: 0929179226, p. 121;
___________"Justifictions and Excuses: A Systematic Approach",
Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 407-413; available at http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/osjcl/issue2_articles/Hruschka-PDF-3-22-05.pdf
(accessed on 30 April 2005);
___________"On the History of Justification and Excuse in Cases of
in Werner Krawietz, Neil MacCormick and Georg Henrik von Wright, eds.,
Normality and Normative Rationality in Modern Legal Systems:
for Robert S. Summers, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1994, xxx,
p. at pp. 337-349, ISBN: 3428078950;
HUBER, B. and G. Restle, “Developments of Criminal Law in Europe”,
2(3) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice,
291-306, see “Justification and Excuse” at pp. 300-303;
HUBER, B., “Developments of Criminal Law in Europe: an Overview”,
1(1) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
57-80, see “Justification and Excuse” at pp. 67-70;
HUIGENS, Kyron, "The Continuity of Justification Defences", (2009) University of Illinois Law Review
627-695; available at http://home.law.uiuc.edu/lrev/publications/2000s/2009/2009_3/Huigens.pdf
(accessed on 29 August 2009);
___________"Virtue and Inculpation", (1995) 108 Harvard Law
Review 1423-1480;
HUGHES, Graham, "How to Define Crime [Book review of George P.
Criminal Law, supra]", The New York Review of Books,
17 May 1979, vol. 36, # 8, pp. 36-38;
HÜNERFELD, Peter, «La perception de la faute dans la
pénale et la responsabilité civile en droit
(1994) 74 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie
HURD, Heidi M., "Justification and Excuse, Wrongdoing and
(1999) 74 Notre Dame Law Review 1551-1573;
HUSAK, Douglas N., 1948-, "Beyond the Justification/Excuse
Dichotomy", in M. Reiff, M. Kramer and C. Cruft, eds., Crime, Punishment and Responsibility,
Oxford: Ocford University Press, 2011, 408 p., ISBN: 978-0-19-959281-4;
title noted in my research but article not consulted yet, 1 November
___________"The 'But-Everyone-Does-That' Defense",
Public Affairs Quarterly 307-334;
___________"Conflicts of Justifications", (1999) 18 Law and
___________"Justification and the Criminal Liability of
(1989) 80 Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 491-520;
___________"A Liberal Theory of Excuses -- JEREMY HORDER, EXCUSING
(OXFORD: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS) (2004)", (2005) 3 Ohio State Law
of Criminal Law 287-299; available at http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/osjcl/Articles/Volume3_1/Review/Husak_3-1.pdf
(accessed on 10 December 2005);
___________"On the Supposed Priority of Justification to Excuse",
at http://www.lawandphil.rutgers.edu/husak.pdf
(accessed on 17 October 2004); now published in (November 2005) 24(6) Law
and Philosophy 557-594;
___________"Partial Defenses", (1998) 11 Canadian Journal of Law
and Jurisprudence 167-192;
___________"The Serial View of Criminal Law Defenses", (1992) 3 Criminal
Law Forum 369-400;
HUSAK, Douglas N. and Andrew
Von Hirsch, "Culpability and Mistake of Law" in Stephen Shute, John
Gardner and Jeremy Horder, eds., Action
and Value in Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press and New
Oxford University Press, 1993, viii, 314 p., ISBN: 0198258062, at pp.
JACKSON, Bernard S., "Towards an Integrated Approach to Criminal
Fletcher's Rethinking Criminal Law", [1979] Criminal Law Review
621-629; research note: a review of Fletcher's book, Rethinking
Criminal Law;
JAKOBS, Günther, "Imputation in Criminal Law and the Conditions
for Norm Validity", (2003-2004) 7 Buffalo Criminal Law Review
JAREBORG, Nils, 1938-, "Justification and Excuse in Swedish Criminal
Law", (1987) 31 Scandinavian Studies in Law 159-174 (this law
is from Stockholm and is edited by Anders Victorin), available at http://sisl.juridicum.su.se/
(accessed on 5 September 2007); alaos available at http://www.cenneth.com/sisl/pdf/31-7.pdf
(accessed on 14 January 2009); also published
a "few editorial changes made" in Nils Jareborg, Essays in Criminal
Law, Uppsala: Iustus Förlag, 1988, 151 p., ISBN:
chapter 1, pp. 11-27;
JESCHECK, Hans-Heinrich, «La conscience humaine et la
pénale de l'individu» dans La responsabilité
Travaux du Colloque de philosophie pénale
au 21 janvier 1959), présentés par J.
Paris: Dalloz, 1961, (Collection : Annales de la Faculté
droit et des sciences politiques et économiques de
VIII; Travaux de l'Institut de Sciences criminelles et
pp. 415-429;
___________"Criminal Law" in The New Encyclopaedia Britannica,
15th ed., Chicago, 1995, pp. 817-821, ISBN: 0852296053;
___________"The doctrine of mens rea in German criminal law
its historical background and present state" (1975) 8 Comparative
International Law Journal of Southern Africa 112-120;
___________"Droit pénal - Procédure pénale",
et adaptation par Alfred Rieg, in Michel Fromont and Alfred Rieg, eds.,
au droit allemand: République fédérale, tome 2,
public - Droit pénal, Paris : Éditions Cujas,
pp. 251- 411 et voir les pp. 253-293, ISBN: 2254840308; importante
contribution au sujet;
___________"The General Principles of International Criminal Law Set Out in Nuremberg, as Mirrored in the ICC Statute", (2004) 2(1) Journal of International Criminal Justice 38-55,
"The Principle of CulpabilityAccording to the principle of culpability -- if we take it to mean more than the requirement of mens rea in Anglo-American law -- means and measures of punishment must be based on a court's conviction that the defendant is personally reproachable for the crime he or she has committed. In Germany, culpability exists as a constitutional principle (nulla poena sine culpa). Abroad, as well, it has become widely accepted because what is at stake is not a theoretical argument, but an essential guarantee of criminal justice." (p. 21)
___________"German Criminal Law Reform: Its Development and
Background" in Gerhard O. Mueller, ed., Essays in Criminal Science,
South Hackensack (N.J.): Fred B. Rothman and London: Sweet &
Maxwell, 1961, xvi, 460 p. at chapter 15, pp. 395-405 (series;
of the Comparative Criminal Law Project; volume 1);
___________"Histoire, principes et réalisation de la
du droit pénal allemand", (1976) Revue de science criminelle
et de droit pénal comparé (nouvelle série) 647-659;
___________"The New German Criminal Law in the International
(1975) 12 Law and State 85-94;
___________"Politique criminelle moderne en Allemagne et en France",
(1968) 23 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal
___________"Les principes de la réforme actuelle du droit
allemand" (1959) Revue de science criminelle et de droit
comparé 67-82;
___________"Les principes de politique criminelle du Projet d'un
pénal allemand en comparaison avec l'évolution du Droit
en Belgique", (1964-65) 45 Revue de droit pénal et de
___________"Principes du nouveau droit allemand en comparaison avec
les dispositions générales du projet de loi portant
du code pénal français", (1987) Revue de science
et de droit pénal comparé 95-103;
___________"La structure juridique de la négligence et son
en Droit pénal moderne", (1965) 36 Revue internationale de
pénal 21-51;
JIMENEZ DE ASUA, Luis, 1889-1970,
(1951) 22 Revue internationale de droit pénal 273-318;
___________"Les problèmes modernes de la
in En Hommage à Jean Constant, [Liège, Belgique]:
Faculté de droit de Liège, 1971, xliii, 416 p. at pp.
___________«Théorie normative et Jugement de
(1960) 8 Travaux et conférences / Université libre de
Bruxelles, Faculté de droit 155-169; copy of this
ISSN: 0524-7977, can be found at Université Laval, Canada;
JOLOWICZ, J.A., "Grounds of Justification -- English Law", in
Journées d'études sur le droit de la
(1984: Gand, Belgique), Limpens, Jean, 1910-1979, Centre
de droit comparé, In memoriam Jean Limpens :
aansprakelijkheidsrecht, Gent, 23-24 maart 1984 = In memoriam Jean
: Journées d'études sur le droit de la
Gent, 23-24 mars 1984 = In memoriam Jean Limpens : Symposium on Civil
Gent, 23-24 March 1984, Antwerpen : Kluwer rechtswetenschappen,
xxvii, 311 p., at pp. 223-248 (series; Interuniversitair Centrum voor
12), (Collection; Centre interuniversitaire de droit comparé;
ISBN: 9063212879; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada,
Z9 I56 1987; civil law but useful for researchers;
"Justification and Excuse 5.1 Distinguishing Justification and
Excuse" in Leo KATZ, Michael S. Moore and Stephen J. Morse,
eds., Foundations of Criminal Law, New York
and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, ix, 352 p. at pp. 249-250
Interdisciplinary Readers in Law), ISBN: 0195094956 (cloth) and
(paper); Research Note: the text is probably written by the
editors, although there is no indication as to the author(s) is;
this book also contains other short parts entitled "Notes and
which deal with justifications and excuses, see at pp. 259-260 and
KADISH, Sanford H., "Excusing Crime", in Blame and Punishment: Essays in the
Criminal Law, New York: MacMillan
and London: Collier MacMillan, 1987, viii, 328 p., at chapter 6, pp.
and 271-276 (notes), ISBN: 0029166918; also published in (1987) 75 California
Law Review 257-289;
___________"Moral Excess in the Law", (2000-2001) 32
Law Review, 63-76, and see "Excuses", at pp. 72-76;
KAUFMANN, Armin, "Le rôle de la notion d'acte dans le droit
allemand", (1973) 21 Annales de l'Université des sciences
de Toulouse 11-26;
___________"Problems of Cognition in Legal Science with Reference to
Penal Law", (1970) 1 Law and State 18-29;
KAYE, Anders, "Resurrecting the Casual Theory of Excuses", Thomas
School of Law, 2004 Research Paper Series, Public Law and Legal Theory,
59 p.; available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=598543
(accessed on 14 December 2005); published in (2005) 83(4) Nebraska
Review 1116-1177;
KNEALE, W.C. (William Calvert), The Responsibility of Criminals, Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1967, 32 p. (series; Marett memorial lecture, 1967); also with the same title in James Rachels, 1941-, ed., Moral Problems: a collection of philosophical essays, 2nd ed., New York: Harper & Row, 1975, ix, 437 p., at pp. 228-251, ISBN: 0060453079; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, HM 665 .R235 1975; I have decided to put this entry in the tripartite bibliography because of the following part:
"We often use the word 'blame' to mean the same as 'fix responsibility on'. But if we take 'responsibility' here in a moral sense, it looks as though we were going round in circles. For in this sense we say that to hold a man responsible is to consider him blameworthy and then that to blame him is to fix responsibility on him. It is easy, however, to escape from the circle. In its basic use 'blame' does not mean 'fix responsibility on,' but rather 'speak ill of,' 'censure,' 'find fault with.' If the blame is expressed to the person blamed, it may also be called reproach, reproof, reprimand, chiding, or scolding according to the relation of the speaker to the person addressed and the manner he adopts. In all cases it is assumed that the person blamed could have chosen to act otherwise, but it is not essential that blame should be expressed to the person blamed for the purpose of influencing his behaviour in future, or indeed that it should be made known to anyone. We can blame dead men in our hearts." (pp. 245-246);
KÖHLER, Michaël, "Le droit pénal entre public et
privé" dans Archives de philosophie du droit, Tome
Le privé et le public, Paris: Sirey, 1997, 585 p. aux pp.
note à la p. 199: "Trad. Seminär für
(Hambourg), révision Centre Phil. Droit Université
KREMNITZER, Mordechai, "Proportionality and the Psychotic Agressor:
Another View", (1983) 18 Israel
Law Review
KUGLER, Itzhak, "On the Possibility of a Criminal Law Defence for
Objection", (1997) 10 The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
387-439, and see on justification and excuse, pp. 391-398;
LACEY, Nicola, "Partial Defences to Homicide: Questions of Power
and Principle in Imperfect and Less Imperfect Worlds",
in Andrew Ashworth and Barry Mitchell, eds., Rethinking English
Law, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2000, xx, 205 p.,
at pp. 107131, ISBN: 0198299044 and 019829915X (pbk); copy at the
Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9305 R48 2000;
LACKNER, Karl, "Insanity and Prevention: On Linking Culpability and
Prevention in the Concept of Insanity", [1986] Brigham Young
Law Review 769-807;
available at http://lawreview.byu.edu/archives/1986/3/lac.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008);
LAGODNY, Otto, "Human Dignity and Its Impact on German Substantive
Law and Criminal Procedure", (1999) 33(3) Israel Law Review 575-591,
see the "Principle of Guilt" at p. 586;
LAPPI-SEPPÄLÄ, Tapio, "The Doctrine of Criminal Liability
and the Draft Criminal Code for Finland" in Raimo Lahti and Kimmo
Criminal Law Theory in Transition: Finnish and Comparative
Perspectives/Strafrechtstheorie Im Umbruch Finnische und
Helsinki: Finish Lawyers' Publishing Company, 1992, xiv, 604 p.,
at pp. 214-246, ISBN: 9516405940;
LAREAU, François, "Le dualisme
et un contre courant
l'infraction de commission intentionnelle", 1989, revu 2001;
___________ "Notes sur
l'article 35 du Code pénal de
la République fédérale d'Allemagne --
état de nécessité en tant qu'excuse",
[Ottawa], 1990, 13 p.;
__________"La théorie
tripartite de
l'infraction", 2000, mise à jour 2006;
___________"The Tripartite Theory of the
Offence", 2000, updated 2006;
It Is
Important To Continue Distinguishing Between Excuses and Justifications,
1986, reviewed 1987;
LEBLOIS-HAPPE, Jocelyne, Éric Mathias, Xavier Pin et Julien Walther, "Chronique de droit pénal allemand", (2002) 73(3-4) Revue internationale de droit pénal 1229-1259;
"La théorie de l'infraction allemande (Verbrechenslehre) est d'ailleurs un bel exemple de la complexité atteinte parfois par les auteurs allemands dans leurs constructions conceptuelles. Pour simplifier, on notera que l'infraction est 'un comportement punissable, typique, illicite (ou antijuridique) et coupable'35. Ce que le droit français regroupe sous les éléments matériels et intellectuels se retrouve partiellement sous la rubrique 'typicité objective et subjective'; le type ou Tatbestand correspondant à la description du comportement prohibé, dans son aspect matériel et moral. Quant à l'illicéité allemande, elle est plus que l'élément injuste' du droit français; elle a un contenu positif et matériel propre, en ce sens qu'elle consiste en une atteinte à la valeur juridique protégée par l'incriminaton, une lésion du bien juridique (Rechtsgut). En conséquence, l'incrimination allemande est une interdiction dont la détermination procède d'abord d'un choix de valeurs (les biens juridiques) dont la lésion implique l'illicéité de l'acte incriminé (Rechtswidrigkeit). L'incrimination procède ensuite d'un commandement légal comportant une prohibition ou une prescription (Tatbestand) visant précisément à protéger les biens juridiques. Dès lors, si un comportement est contraire à ce commandement et qu'il n'est pas justifié, il constitue un acte illicite (Unrecht) et peut être imputé à un auteur. La question de l'imputation subjective relève de l'examen de la culpabilité (Schuld)." (pp. 1235-1236)
LEIGH, L.H., "Book Review of Justification and Excuse in the
Criminal Law by J.C. Smith", (1989) 52 Modern Law Review
LELLING, Andrew E., "A Psychological Critique of Character-Based
of Criminal Excuse", (1998) 49 Syracuse Law Review 35-97;
LENCKNER, Theodor, "The Principle of Interest Balancing as a Basis
Justification", [1986] Brigham Young University Law Review
available at http://lawreview.byu.edu/archives/1986/3/len.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008); also published in in A. Eser et al.,
eds., Justification
Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry (New York):
Juris Publications, 1987, ISBN: 0929179226, p. 493;
LICCI, Giorgio, "Quelques remarques sur les racines allemandes du
pénal italien", (avril-juin 2003) 55(2) Revue internationale
de droit comparé 309-330;
LINDGREN, J. Ralph, "Criminal
Reconsidered", (1987) 6
Law and Philosophy 89-114;
LYONS, Daniel, "Is Hart's Rationale for Legal Excuses Workable?",
8 Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 496-502; Research
see the article of Todd, infra, commenting on Lyons' article;
___________"Unobvious Excuses in the Criminal Law", (1972-73) 19 Wayne
Law Review 925-945;
LYONS, David, "On Sanctioning Excuses", (1969) 66 Journal of
646-660; Research Notes: for articles commenting on this
see Nowell-Smith, infra and Siegler, infra;
MANACORDA, Stefano, "La théorie générale de
pénale en France: lacunes ou spécificités de la
pénale", (1999) 79 Revue de droit pénal et de
MANNHEIM, Hermann, "Mens Rea in German and English Criminal
[Part I, II and III]", (1935) 17 Journal of Comparative Legislation
and International Law (3rd series) 82-101 and 236-250; and
vol. 18, pp. 78- 93;
MAYER, Helmuth, "Les fondements du droit pénal allemand
(1967) 38 Revue internationale de droit pénal 61-76;
McAULEY, Finbarr, "The Theory of Justification and Excuse: Some
Italian Lessons", (1987)
35 American Journal of Comparative Law 359-380;
McGILLIVRAY, Anne, "Reconciling the Defences: A Response to the
Paper", [Ottawa]: The Department of Justice Canada, Law Reform
1994, 14 p., see "Justification and Excuse", at pp. 10-12; copy
at the National Library, Ottawa; available at http://web.archive.org/web/20001001083403/
and at my Digital
(accessed on 8 July 2008); also published in French /
publié en français: "L'harmonisation des moyens de
une réponse au livre blanc, 24 p., voir "La justification et
aux pp. 18-22; copie disponible à la Bibliothèque
du Canada, Ottawa, disponible à ma Bibliothèque
MILHIZER, Eugene R., "Group Status and Criminal Defenses:
Logical Relationship or Marriage of
Convenience?", (Summer 2006) 71(3) Missouri Law Review 547-635;
available at http://law.missouri.edu/lawreview/docs/71-3/Milhizer.pdf
(accessed on 26 February 2008); deals with battered woman syndrome as
justification/excuse; also available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1499800
(accessed on 8 November 2009);
___________"Justification and excuse: what they were, what
are, and what they ought to be", (Summer 2004) 78 St. John's Law
725-895; important contribution;
at http://new.stjohns.edu/media/3/d0d98389221a4f0b9956ce8ae1f107ad.pdf,
(accessed on 10 December 2005);
MOORE, Michael S., 1943-, "Causation and the Excuses", (1985) 73 California
Review 1091-1149; also published by the same author in Placing
A General Theory of the Criminal Law, Oxford:
Press, 1997, xxi, 849 p., ISBN:0198254172, chapter 12, pp. 481-547;
___________"Choice, Character, and Excuse" (1990) 7(2) Social
and Policy 29-58; this article is also published in: Ellen Frankel
Paul, Fred D. Miller Jr, and Jeffrey Paul, eds., Crime,
and Remedy, Oxford and Cambridge (MA): Basil Blackwell, 1990,
ISBN: 0631173048 at pp. 29-58; Michael Louis Corrado, ed., Justification and Excuse in the Criminal
Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 197-240, ISBN: 0815308256 (series; vol.
Garland Reference Library of Social Science; vol. 1, Garland Studies in
Applied Ehics); in Placing Blame: A General Theory of the Criminal
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997, xxi, 849 p., at chapter
13, pp. 548-592, available at http://www.law.upenn.edu/cf/faculty/phrobins/conversations/papers/MooreChoiceCharacterandExcuse.pdf;
(accessed on 25 March 2008), ISBN:0198254172; finally, pp. 29, 31, 33,
35, 37-41, 43-51, 53-58 of
article in Social Philosophy and Policy are also
in Leo KATZ, Michael S. Moore and Stephen J. Morse, eds., Foundations
of Criminal Law, New York and Oxford:
University Press, 1999, ix, 352 p. at pp. 290-300 (series;
Readers in Law), ISBN: 0195094956 (cloth) and 0195094964 (paper);
___________"A Theory of Criminal Law Theories", (1990) 10 Tel
University Studies in Law 115-185;
MORAWETZ, Thomas, 1942-, "Book Review: Rethinking Criminal
By George Fletcher. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1978, Pp. 898",
(1978-79) 13 Georgia Law Review 1558-1564;
___________"Introduction" in Thomas Morawetz, ed., Criminal Law,
2nd ed., Aldershot (England): Darmouth, Ashgate, 2000, xvi, 478 p. at
xi-xvi, see in particular "Doctrinal Issues: The Limits of
at pp. xiii-xiv (series; The international library of essays in law and
legal theory; 2nd ser.; volume 5), ISBN: 184014775X;
___________"Reconstructing the Criminal Defenses: The
of Justification", (1986) 77 Journal of Criminal Law and
article also found in Thomas Morawetz, Law's premises, law's
: jurisprudence after Wittgenstein, Aldershot, Hampshire, England ;
Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate/Dartmouth, c2000, xiv, 334 p., at p. 301
8), ISBN: 0754620131;
MORISON, John, "Hart's Excuses: problems with a Compromise Theory of
Punishment" in Philip Leith, 1954-, and Peter Ingram, eds.,
Jurisprudence of orthodoxy : Queen's University essays on H.L.A. Hart,
: Routledge, 1988, 216 p., at pp. 117-146, ISBN: 0415003059;
MORKEL, Dan W., "On the Distinction Between Recklessness and
Negligence", (1982) 30
American Journal of Comparative Law 325-333;
MORSE, Stephen, J., "Brain and Blame" (1996) 84 The Georgetown
Law Journal
also published in part in Leo Katz, Michael S. Moore and Stephen
J. Morse, eds., Foundations of Criminal Law, New York and
Oxford University Press, 1999, ix, 352 p. at pp. 277-285 (series;
Readers in Law), ISBN: 0195094956 (cloth) and 0195094964 (paper);
___________"Criminal Responsibility and the Disappearing Person",
(2007) 28(6) Cardozo Law Review
2544-2575; available at http://www.cardozolawreview.com/PastIssues/28.6_morse.pdf
(accessed on 15 march 2008);
___________"Culpability and Control", (1993-94) University of
Law Review 1587-1660;
___________"Excusing and the New Excuse Defenses: A Legal and
Review", (1998) 23 Crime and Justice: A Review of Research
___________"Immaturity and Irresponsability", (1997-98) 88 Journal
of Criminal Law and Criminology 15-67;
___________"The ‘New Syndrome Excuse Syndrome'",
1995) 14(1)
Criminal Justice Ethics 3-15;
___________"Reason, Results, and Criminal Responsibility", (2004)
Law Review 363-444, and see "Justification", at pp. 405-409;
MOSKAL, James, "Justification, excuse, and resisting unlawful
arrest", (1987) 33(4) Wayne Law Review 1471-1495;
MOUSOURAKIS, George, "Character, Choice and Criminal
(1998) 39 Les
Cahiers de Droit 51-73;
___________"Criminal Responsibility, Character and the Excuses",
19 Obiter 1-17; Obiter is a legal periodical
under the auspices of the Faculty of Law of the University of Port
South Africa;
___________"Distinguishing Between Justifications and Excuses in the
Criminal Law", (1998) 9 Stellenbosch Law Review 165-181;
___________"Justification and Excuse", (1998) 7(1) Tilburg
Law Review; this periodical is published by Tilburg University, The
Netherlands; not consulted yet;
"Anglo-American criminal law doctrine proceeds from the principle that a person cannot be found guilty of an offence unless two basic elements are established: the conduct or state of affairs which a particular offence prohibits and the state of mind which a person must have at the time of such conduct or state of affairs. Criminal liability and punishment depend, moreover, upon the absence of certain excusing or justifying conditions." (source: http://stuwww.kub.nl/tflr/index2.htm, accessed on 18 January 2003)
MÜELLER, Gerhard O.W., "Causing Criminal Harm" in Gerhard O.W.
Mueller, ed.,
Essays in Criminal Science, South Hackensack (New
Jersey): Fred B. Rothman and London (England): Sweet &
1961, pp. 169-214;
___________"The German Draft Criminal Code 1960- An Evaluation in
of American Criminal Law", (1961) Current Problems in Criminal Law
25-77; also published in [1961] University of Illinois Law Forum
Francisco and Luis Ernesto Chiesa, "The Act Requirement as
a Basic Concept of Criminal Law", (2007) 28 Cardozo Law Review 2461-2480;
available at http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1407&context=lawfaculty
and http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/lawfaculty/408/
(accessed on 24 May 2008);
MURPHY, Jeffrie G., "Forgiveness and Resentment" in Peter A. Finch,
Theodore E. Uhling and Howard K. Wetterstein, eds., Social and
Philosophy, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1982, 546
at pp. 503-516; at pp. 506 determines that forgiveness is not a
an excuse nor is it mercy; moral philosophy; (series; Midwest Studies
Philosophy; volume 7), ISBN: 0816611300 and 0816611297 (pbk.); copy at
the University of Ottawa, JC 571 .S57 1982 MRT;
NAUCKE, Professor Dr. Wolfgang, "An Insider's Perspective on
Significance of the German Criminal Theory's General System for
Criminal Acts", [1984] Brigham Young University Law Review
available at http://lawreview.byu.edu/archives/1984/3/german.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008);
NEUMANN, K., "Part V - Criminal Law" in Manual of German
Volume II - Private International Law, Civil Procedure, Criminal Law,
Procedure, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1952, see in
pp. 72-96;
NEUMANN, Ulfrid, "Mistake of Law", (1996) 30 Israel
Law Review 207-213;
NORRIE, Alan W. (Alan William), 1953-, "Legal and Moral Judgment in
the 'General Part'" in Peter Rush, Shaun McVeigh, 1947-, and Alison
eds., Criminal Legal Doctrine, Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing,
1997, xi, 222 p., Essay 1 at pp. 1-27, see in particular, "Intention,
and Excuse" at pp. 13-16, ISBN: 1855219697; copy at the Library of the
Suprme Court of Canada, K5018 C75 1997;
NOURSE, Victoria, "The New Normativity: The Abuse Excuse and the
of Judgment in the Criminal Law", (1998) 50 Stanford Law Review1435-1470;
Note: the author reviews the book by James Q. Wilson, Moral
Does the Abuse Excuse Threaten Our Legal System?, New York: Harper
Collins, 1997, ix, 134 p.;
NOWELL-SMITH, P.H., "Comments and Criticism: On Sanctioning
(1970) 67 The Journal of Philosophy 609-619; Research Note:
the author comments on Lyons' article, supra;
OEHLER, Dietrich, «La conception juridique allemande de la
(1976) 24 Annales de l'Université des Sciences Sociales de
73-84 (Travaux du Colloque international du cinquantenaire de
de criminologie et des sciences pénales de Toulouse, Toulouse,
22-27 septembre 1975);
PAIZES, Andrew, "Unreasonable Conduct and Fault in the Criminal
(1996) 113 The South African Law Journal 237-266;
PILLSBURY, Samuel H., "The Meaning of Deserved Punishment: An Essay
on Choice, Character, and Responsibilty", (1991-92) 67 Indiana Law
PIOTET, Paul, "La doctrine dite finaliste de l'infraction (‘finale
étude critique", (1956) 71 Revue pénale
Zeitschrift für Strafrecht 385-414;
PIN, Xavier, "La théorie du consentement de la victime en
pénal allemand" (avril-juin 2003) Revue de science
et de droit pénal comparé 259-276; importante
contribution, sur la notion de bien juridique etc.;
___________"La traduction des concepts de droit pénal --
franco-allemand", in Sprache und Identität in frankophonen
-- Langues, identité et francophonie, Jahbuch des
der Universität des Saarlandes, Band 4/2001-2003, pp.
titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté;
aucune copie dans les université canadiennes comprises dans le
AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification
9 septembre 2004);
POZO, José Hurtado, «Le principe de la
le rapport de causalité et la culpabilité:
sur la dogmatique pénale», (1987) 104 Revue
suisse/Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht 23-56;
"Preliminary Report of the Criminal Law Commissionners of
Massachusetts", (1843) 3 Law
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and http://books.google.com/books?id=2KgsAAAAIAAJ&dq=homicide&as_brr=1
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(1995) 41 Criminal Reports (4th) 89-99;
R. v. Langlois (1993) 19 Criminal Reports (4th)
87 (Quebec Court of Appeal); also reported at 80 Canadian
Cases (3d) 28 and Revue de jurisprudence du Québec
[this decision deals with s. 17 of the Criminal Code of Canada,
compulsion by threats / cette décision traite de l'article 17 du
criminel, la contrainte par menaces];
v. Ruzic, [2001] Supreme Court of Canada Reports
on appeal from R.. v. Ruzic (1998) 18 C.R (5th) 58-95
is available on the internet at
(as noticed on 1 June 1999) [this decision deals with s. 17 of the Criminal
Code of Canada, compulsion by threats / cette décision
de l'article 17 du Code criminel, la contrainte par menaces];
(Gustav L.), 1878-1949, "Jurisprudence in the
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of Comparative Legislation and International Law (3rd series)
RAJCZI, Alexander James, Blame and the Scope of Moral Requirement,
Ph.D. (Philosophy), University of California, Los Angeles, 2000, 173
see Chapter 6, "Excuses and Justifications"; thesis advisor:
RICO, M. José, "L'intention criminelle en droit
in Travaux du quatrième colloque international de droit
tenu à Ottawa (Canada) du 5 au 7
1966 sous les auspices du Centre canadien de droit comparé, de
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d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press, 1967, (series; Collection des
de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa), pp.
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ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, "The Bomb Thief and the Theory of
Defences", (1997) 8 Criminal Law Forum 387-409; also with the
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available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=136989
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___________"Competing Theories of Justification: Deeds Versus
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___________"A Functional Analysis of Criminal Law", (1994) 88 Northwestern
University Law Review 857-913; also published in Thomas Morawetz,
ed., Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Aldershot (England): Darmouth,
2000, xvi, 478 p. at pp. 3-59 (series; The international library of
in law and legal theory; 2nd ser.; volume 5), ISBN: 184014775X;
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___________"In Defense of the Model Penal Code: A Reply to Professor
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"Toward a New Federal Criminal Code");
available at
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(accessed on 26 March 2008);
___________"Justification Defenses in Situations of Unavoidable
A Reply to Professor Ferzan", (November 2005) 24(6) Law and
also with the same title at at
SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=969820
(accessed on 15 March 2007);
_ __________"Objective Versus
Subjective Justification: A Case Study in Function and Form in
Constructing a System of Criminal Law Theory", Robinson, Ferzan & Garvey, eds., Criminal
Law Conversions, 2009; also Public Law and Legal Theory Research
Paper Series Research Paper No. #08-23; available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1141982*
(accessed on 11 June 2008);
___________"Rules of Conduct and Principles of Adjudication", (1990)
57 University of Chicago Law Review 729-771;
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___________"A Theory of Justification: Societal Harm as a
for Criminal Liability", (1975) 23 University of California at Los
Law Review 266-292; also published in Michael Louis Corrado, ed., Justification
and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 283-304, ISBN: 0815308256 (series; vol. 831,
Reference Library of Social Science; vol. 1, Garland Studies in Applied
___________"Why Does the Criminal Law Care What the Layperson Thinks Is Just? Coercive Versus Normative Crime Control", (2000) 86 Virginia Law Review 1839-1869; see "Recognizing Excuse Defenses" at pp. 1842-1845; available at at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=184735 or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.184735 (accessed on 26 March 2008);
ROBINSON, Paul H. et al.,
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and State 32-59;
___________"The Dogmatic Structure of Criminal Liability in
General Part of the Draft Israeli Penal Code - A Compararison with
Law", (1996) 30 Israel
Law Review 60-81; see in particular pp. 60-61 and 63-66;
RYU, Paul K., "Causation in Criminal Law", (1958) 106 University
of Pennsylvania Law Review 773-805;
___________"Discussion of Structure and Theory", (1976) 24 American
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___________"Error Juris: A Comparative Study", (1957) 24 University
of Chicago Law Review 421-471;
___________"Misleading Issues in Criminal Law", (1974) 8 Israel
Review 311-324;
___________"Toward a Rational System of Criminal Law", (1963) 32 University
of Puerto Rico Law Review (Revista Juridica de la Universidad
Puerto Rico) 119-145 (also published in the Seoul
University Law Review, Korea circa 1962 or 1963);
SCHNEIDER, Eric, "Justifications and Excuses" in J. Stone and R.
Woetzel, eds., Toward a Feasible International Cruiminal Court, Geneva:
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SCHOOP, Robert F., "Justification Defenses and Just
(1993) 24
Pacifist Law Journal 1233-1321;
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and the Distinction Between Justification and Excuse",
of Illinois Law Review 45-113;
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"A so-called pragmatic conception of guilt which is detached from the insolvable controversy of determination and indermination is gaining ground. According to this conception, guilt means the principle of individual attribution of behaviour that deviates from rules. This attribution requires it 'being someone's fault'. A person can only be held responsible under criminal law if he could have acted (behaved) in a different way, for example, if it was his fault, and not just because damage occurred. This 'being able to act (behave) in a different way' is of course not to be seen in the meaning of the indeterministic understanding of freedom. It only means that somebody else in a comparable situation would normally have been able to act differently, according to the rules, for example, in the sense that, judging by our experience, he had full scope for acting (behaving) as he did. For that reason, a basic requirement for the reproach of guilt is not the ethical freedom of choice but the normal ability to be motivated by social rules." (p. 29)
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15 Tulane Law Review 541-566;
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and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New
Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 163-196 (series; vol. 831, Garland Reference
of Social Science; vol. 1, Garland Studies in Applied
ISBN: 0815308256; originally published in (1990) 25 Wake Forest Law
Review 707- 782;
___________"The Relevance of Conduct and Character to Guilt and
(1996) 10 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy
SHTEIR, Vicki, "Positivist Roots of Criminal Law and the West German
Criminal Law Reform", (1978-79) 10 Rutgers Camden Law Journal 613-641;
SIEGLER, Frederick Adrian, "Lyons on Sanctioning Excuses", (1970) 67
Journal of Philosophy 620-628; Research Note: the author
on Lyons' article, supra;
SILVING, Helen, "‘Guilt': A Methodological Study", (1963) 32 Revista
Juridica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico / University of Puerto Rico
11-40 [reproduced with modifications from Helen Silving, Essays
on Mental Incapacity and Criminal Conduct, Springfield
(Illinois): Charles C. Thomas, 1967, xvi, 379 p.];
___________"‘Rule of Law' in Criminal Justice", in Gerhard O.
ed., Essays in Criminal Science, London: Sweet & Maxwell,
chapter 5, pp. 77-154, see pp. 98-121;
SINGER, Richard G., "No Excuse for a Law Professor - Book Review of
M. Dershowitz, The Abuse Excuse And Other Cop-outs, Sob Stories,
and Evasions of Responsibility", (1995) 6 Criminal Law Forum
121- 128;
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(for the set of 3 volumes); copy at Carleton University, Ottawa,
Floor 2 Reference, BJ63.E45 2001;
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Reworking Hart's Theory of Excuses - The English Judicial
(1993) 13 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 69-98;
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(1994) 11 South African Law Journal 1-5;
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one)" and "The ‘Finalistic' theory of an act in criminal law (part
(1979) 3
South African Journal of Criminal
Law and Criminology
3-11 and 136-144; deals with the theory of Hans
Welzel; very important contribution to the
___________"The Normative Concept of Mens Rea - A New Development in
Germany", (1979) 28 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 211-220;
___________"Notes and Comments: The Attack on German Criminal Legal
Theory - A Retort", (1985) 102 South African Law Journal
SOOTAK, Jaan, "The Civil Law Institutes as Part of Criminal Law
(Uniformity of the Legal Order and the Criminal Law Reform in
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(accessed on 11 February 2006);
___________"The definition and structure of offence in the Penal Code
[of Estonia]", (2002) issue II Juridica
447-455; ISSN: 1406-1074; title noted in my research but article not
consulted; abstract available athttp://www.juridica.ee/juridica_en.php?document=en/articles/2001/7/7421.SUM.php
(accessed on 11 February 2006); in Estonian and summary in
___________"Guilt Capacity in the Penal Code", (2002) issue II Juridica 82-88; ISSN: 1406-1074;
title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (11 February
2006); in Estonian and summary in English;
STRATENWERTH, Günther, "The Problem of Mistake in
[1986] Brigham Young University Law Review 733-767;
available at http://lawreview.byu.edu/archives/1986/3/str.pdf
(accessed on 24 March 2008);
STOCKER, Michael, "Responsibility and the Abuse Excuse", (1999)
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STOLL, Hans, "Grounds of Justification as a Defence to Liability --
German Law", in Journées d'études sur le droit de la
(1984: Gand, Belgique), Limpens, Jean, 1910-1979, Centre
de droit comparé, In memoriam Jean Limpens :
aansprakelijkheidsrecht, Gent, 23-24 maart 1984 = In memoriam Jean
: Journées d'études sur le droit de la
Gent, 23-24 mars 1984 = In memoriam Jean Limpens : Symposium on Civil
Gent, 23-24 March 1984, Antwerpen : Kluwer rechtswetenschappen,
xxvii, 311 p., at pp. 207-221 (series; Interuniversitair Centrum voor
12), (Collection; Centre interuniversitaire de droit comparé;
ISBN: 9063212879; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada,
Z9 I56 1987; civil law but useful for researchers;
STRAUSS, S.A., "Book Reviews - South African Criminal Law and Procedure...Vol. I: General Principles of Criminal Law. By E.M. Burchell and P.M.A. Hunt...Juta & Co., Ltd. 1970..."(1970) 87 South African Law Journal 471-484:
"Next there is the question whether an infant or a lunatic can act unlawfully. It is categorically maintained by the authors [i.e. Burchell and Hunt in their book being reviewed by Srauss] (at pp. 181 and 186) that such persons are exempt from criminal liability because, apart from their being incapable of mens rea, their acts are not regarded as unlawful. With respect, this seems to be based upon the outdated notion that the precepts of law are directed only to responsible human beiings. As long ago as 1878, Thon (Rechtsnorm und Subjektives Recht, pp. 76 ff.) convincingly argued against that proposition and pointed out that although the law could not regulate or determine the conduct of lunatics, the law none the less did attach certain legal consequences to the actions of such persons; that in effect the law did direct its norms to all people, and that in effect insane persons can act contrary to the law. Thon's views gained wide acceptance and the modern view is that a lunatic, as a legal subject, can act unlawfully, although punishment will of course be excluded by application of the principle of nulla poena sine culpa." (pp. 476-477)
STUART, Don, 1943-, "Annotation: Perka et al. v. R.
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p., ISBN: 978 0779812950;
___________"'Moral Involuntariness' Becomes Charter Standard for
(2001) 41 C.R. (5th) 37-43; discusses Supreme Court of Canada decision
Ruzic (2001);
SULLIVAN, G.R., "Making
Excuses" in A.P. Simester and A.T.H. Smith, eds., Harms
and Culpability, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996, chapter 6,
ISBN: 0198260571;
• Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law v. Canada (Attorney General), 2004 SCC 4, decision of 30 January 2004; available in English / disponible en français: http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/index.html (accessed on 1 February 2004);"64 The Foundation argues that this is not the original purpose of the law and does not reflect its actual effects. In the Foundation's view, s. 43 was intended, and continues, to promote the view that the use of corrective force against children is not simply permitted for the purposes of the criminal law, but laudable because it is "good for children". In making this argument, the Foundation relies upon s. 43's statement that parents and teachers are "justified" in the use of reasonable corrective force. Considering "justification" in Ogg-Moss, supra, Dickson J. (as he then was) stated that s. 43 exculpates force in the correction of the child "because it considers such an action not a wrongful, but a rightful, one" (p.193) (emphasis in original). The Foundation submits that as a "justification", s. 43 necessarily identifies praise-worthy conduct.65 In my view, this position is overstated. We cannot conclude that Parliament intended to endorse using force against children from a single word, without also considering the history and context of the provision. In our first Criminal Code, enacted in 1892, Parliament used "lawful" instead of "justified" in the analogous provision:
55. It is lawful for every parent, or person in the place of a parent, schoolmaster or master, to use force by way of correction towards any child, pupil or apprentice under his care, provided that such force is reasonable under the circumstances.It did so even though the term "justified" appeared in other defences such as the use of force to prevent the commission of a major offence (s. 44) and self-defence (s. 45) - defences that we classically associate with moral approval. So at this time, it is clear that Parliament was not asserting the exempted force was moral or good. It was not until the 1953-54 re-enactment of the Criminal Code that Parliament replaced "it is lawful" with "justified". We do not know why it did so. We do know that the change was not discussed in Parliament, and that there is no indication that Parliament suddenly felt that the reasonable force in the correction of children now demanded the state's explicit moral approval. Finally, we know that the government has adopted a program designed to educate parents and caregivers on the potentially negative effects of using corporal punishment against children. Viewing s. 43 in light of its history and the larger legislative and policy context, it is difficult to conclude that Parliament intended by using the word "justify" to send the message that using force against children is "right" or "good". The essence of s. 43 is not Parliament's endorsement of the use of force against children; it is the exemption from criminal sanction for their parents and teachers in the course of reasonable correction." [Per McLachlin C.J. and Gonthier, Iacobucci, Major, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.]
• Perka v. The Queen, [1984] 2 Canada Supreme Court Reports / 2 Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du Canada 232-279 ( judgment in French and in English); also reported but in English only at 14 Canadian Criminal Cases (3d) 385; 42 Criminal Reports (3d) 113 [this decision deals with the defence of necessity / cet arrêt traite de l'état de nécessité comme moyen de défense];
TADROS, Victor, "The Characters of Excuse", (2001) 21(3) Oxford
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___________ "Justifications,
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Christoffer Wong, eds., Foundational
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at http://cracow.nordstraff.net/omnes_02.pdf
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(accessed on 25 March 2008);
TODD, George, "Lyons on Hart's Rationale for Legal Excuses", (1971)
10 Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 109-112; Research
Note: Todd comments on Daniel Lyons' article, supra;
TYLER, Tom R., "Public Attitudes on Criminal Justice Reviewing Paul
H. Robinson and John M. Darley, Justice, Liability, and Blame:
Views and the Criminal Law, Boulder: Westview,
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Meng Heong Yeo, ed., Partial Excuses to Murder, Leichardt (New
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(1995) 58 Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Re.
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noté dans ma recherche mais non consulté car ce
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problems of legal theory and social philosophy, Dordrecht/
Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1991, xviii, 276 p.,and see "The
Formal-teleological Theory of Action and Criminal Law", at pp. 133 to
approx. 147, ISBN: 0792311434; available at the Library of the
Supreme Court of Canada; K370 W4513 1991 and at the University of
Ottawa, K 370 .W39513 1991; important
contribution; limited preview at http://books.google.com/books?id=ZYP2udA1T1gC&pg=PA145&dq=
and http://books.google.com/books?id=ZYP2udA1T1gC&dq=dolus+intention&lr=lang_fr&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
(accessed on 9 March 2008);
WEINREB, Lloyd L., "Desert, Punishment, and Criminal
(1986) 49 Law and Contemporary Problems 47-80; also published
Thomas Morawetz, 1942-, ed., Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Aldershot
Darmouth, Ashgate, 2000, xvi, 478 p. at pp. 61-94 (series; The
library of essays in law and legal theory; 2nd ser.; volume 5), ISBN:
WEISBERG, Mark, "The Not So Secret Lives of George Fletcher", (1982)
7 Queen's Law Journal 209-231;
WESTEN, Peter, "An Attitudinal Theory of Excuse in Criminal
(2006), 25 Law and Philosophy
289-375, available at http://www.law.upenn.edu/cf/faculty/phrobins/conversations/papers/WestenAttitudinalTheoryOfExcuse.pdf
(accessed on 25 March 2008); also ExpressO Preprint series, paper
341, 2004, 81 p., available at http://law.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1826&context=expresso
(accessed on 13 July 2005); see also http://law.bepress.com/expresso/eps/341/
(accessed on 13 July 2005); see also http://www.thattechnicalbookstore.com/b019926922X.htm
(accessed on 23 December 2005);
WIKIPEDIA, "Excuse (legal)", available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excuse_(legal)
(accessed on 21 January 2010);
WILLIAMS, Glanville (Glanville Llewelyn Williams), 1911- ,
Review: Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice by Sanford H. Kadish,
ed.", (1984) 72 California Law Review 1347-1357, see Professor
comments on justifications and excuses at pp. 1349 and 1351-1352 ;
___________"Offences and Defences", (1982) 2 Legal Studies
___________"The Theory of Excuses", [1982] Criminal Law Review 732-742;
WILSON, Williams, Central Issues in Criminal Theory, Oxford
(Oregon): Hart Publishing, 2002, ix, 380 p., see Chapter 9, "Packaging
Criminal Liability", at pp. 259-292 and Chapter 11, "Excusing", at pp.
325-361, ISBN: 1841130621; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of
Canada K5018 W55 2002 c. 01;
___________"The Filtering Role of Crisis in the Constitution of
Excuses", (July 2004) 17(2) The Canadian Journal of Law &
___________"The Structure of Criminal Defences", [2005] Criminal
Law Review 108-121;
WOLHUTER, Lorraine, "Excuse them though they do know what they do--the distinction between justification and excuse in the context of battered women who kill", (1996) 9(2) South African Journal of Criminal Justice 151-166; important contribution on the German element of guilt/schuld;
WURTENBERGER, Thomas, «La doctrine de Frantz Von Liszt de la
et de la responsabilité pénale» in La
pénale: Travaux du Colloque de philosophie
(12 au 21 janvier 1959), J. Léauté, éd.,
Librairie Dalloz, 1961 (Annales de la Faculté de droit et des
politiques et économiques de Strasbourg VIII; Travaux de
de Sciences criminelles et pénitentiaires), pp. 327-347;
YEO, Stanley, "Challenging Moral Involuntariness as a Principle of
Justice", (2002) Queen's Law Journal 335-351; deals with R.
v. Ruzic , [2001] 1 Supreme Court Reports 687;
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