Key Words: Criminal Law,  bibliography on self-defence, defence of the person, defence of property, justification, private defence, sections 37-42 of the Criminal Code of Canada, private defence, wrongfulness, rechtswidrighkeit, notwehr.   Mots clés: droit pénal, droit criminel, bibliographie sur la légitime défense, défense des biens, défense de la propriété, l'illicéité, illégalité.

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by / par ©François Lareau, 1999-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on
Self-defence, Defence of the Person
and Defence of Property
Bibliographie choisie sur la
légitime défense et la défense des biens

II -- Comparative Law / Droit comparé

A -- Books / Livres etc.
See also / Voir aussi:
Comparative Law/Droit comparé -- Articles: Authors/Auteurs: A-K
Comparative Law/Droit comparé -- Articles: Authors/Auteurs: L-Z
Canadian Law / Droit canadien

"Il est en effet une loi non écrite, mais innée; une loi que nous n'avons ni apprise de nos maîtres, ni reçue de nos pères, ni étudiée dans nos livres : nous la tenons de la nature même; nous l'avons puisée dans son sein; c'est elle qui nous l'a inspirée : ni les leçons, ni les préceptes ne nous ont instruits à la pratiquer; nous l'observons par sentiment; nos âmes en sont pénétrées.  Cette loi dit que tout moyen est honnête pour sauver nos jours lorsqu'ils sont exposés aux attaques et aux poignards d'un brigand et d'un ennemi : car les lois se taisent au milieu des armes; elles n'ordonnent pas qu'on les attende, lorsque celui qui les attendrait serait victime d'une violence injuste avant qu'elles pussent lui prêter une juste assistance."  (Cicéron, Oeuvres complètes de Cicéron avec la traduction en  français, Pro Milone, infra, pp. 215-216)


"There does exist therefore, gentlemen, a law which is a law not of the statute-book, but of nature; a law which we possess not by instruction, tradition, or reading, but which we have caught, imbided, and sucked in at Nature's own breast; a law which comes to us not by education but by constitution, not by training but by intuition--the law, I mean, that should our life have fallen into any snare, into the violence and the weapons of robbers or foes, every method of winning a way to safety would be morally justifiable.  When arms speak, the laws are silent; they bid none to await their word, since he who chooses to await it must pay an undeserved penalty ere can exact a deserved one." (Cicero, Cicero: The Speeches with an English Translation, On Behalf of Milo, infra, p. 17)

ABBAS, K.B., The Right of Private Defence, Lahore (Pakistan): Law Pub. Co., 1972, xlviii, 321 p., Research Note: deals with the law of self-defence in Pakistan; there is a copy at Columbia University Law Library;

AHRENS, Henri, Cours de droit naturel ou de philosophie de droit, complété, dans les principales matières, par des aperçus historiques et politiques, 7e éd., tome 2, "Contenant la Partie spéciale", Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus, 1875,  xiv, 522 p. (tome 2), voir "du droit de légitime défense" aux pp. 99-104; ce cours est en deux tomes; disponible à (tome 1) et (tome 2) (sites visités le 25 juillet 2006);

ALEXANDROV, Stanimir, Self-Defense Against the Use of Force in International Law, The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1996, xv, 359 p. (series; Developments in International Law; vol. 23), ISBN: 9041102477; Research Note: relevant book for the subject in international law; has excellent and extensive bibliography at pp. 299-352.  The author writes at p. xv: "This book is based on a doctoral dissertation presented to the International Legal Studies Program of the National Law Center of the George Washington University in conjunction with its International Rule of Law Institute"; limited preview
-_3SWm9Y3HTM and (accessed on 12 March 2008);

ALLDRIDGE, Peter, Relocating Criminal Law, Ashgate (England): Dartmouth, 2000, xxvi, 247 p., see "Battered Women who Kill" at pp. 90-94 (series; Dartmouth Applied Legal Philosophy), ISBN: 1855212684 (hb);

American Jurisprudence: A Modern Comprehensive Text Statement of American Law State and Federal, 2nd ed.,  vol. 40, West Group, 1999, xxxviii, 747 p., see pp. 606-607 ("Killing in self-defence" by police officers) and pp. 608-650 on "Defence of Persons, Habitation, or Property: A- Self-Defense" at pp. 608-639; "B- Defense of Other Persons" at pp. 639-644; "C- Defence of Habitation" at pp. 644-648; and "D-Defence of Property" at pp. 648-650;

THE AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE, Model Penal Code and Commentaries (Official Draft and Revised Comments), Part I - General Provisions §§3.01 to 5.07, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1985, xl, 506 p., see Section 3.04, "Use of Force in Self-Protection", at pp. 30-62; Section 3.05, "Use of Force for the Protection of Other Persons", at pp. 62-67; and Section 3.06, "Use of Force for the Protection of Property", at pp. 67-103;

________________Model Penal Code: Proposed Official Draft, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1962, xxii, 346 p., see Section 3.04, "Use of Force in Self-Protection", at pp. 47-50; Section 3.05, "Use of Force for the Protection of Other Persons", at pp. 50-51; and Section 3.06, "Use of Force for the Protection of Property", at pp. 51-56;

__________Model Penal Code: Tentative Draft No. 8, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1958, [v], 139 p., see Section 3.04, "Use of Force in Self-Protection", at pp. 12-30; Section 3.05, "Use of Force for the Protection of Other Persons", at pp. 30-32; and Section 3.06, "Use of Force for the Protection of Property", at pp. 33-49;

AMSEL, Nachum, The Jewish encyclopedia of moral and ethical issues, Northvale, N.J. : J. Aronson, c1994, ix, 505 p., see self-defence at p. 252, ISBN: 1568211740; title noted in my research but book not consulted yet; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries;

ANAND, R. L. (Ram Lal), 1890-,  Krishna Jagadisa Aiyar, 1885-, and C. Unikanta Menon, Aiyar & Anand's law of private defence,  2d ed., Allahabad (India) : Law Book Co., 1964,  xi, 558 p., Research Note: copy at Columbia University Law Library;

ANCEL, Marc, A.A. Piontkovsky, et V.M. Tchkhivadze,  Le système pénal soviétique, Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence., 1975, vii, 150 p., sur la légitime défense, voir les pp. 44-46 (Collection; Les grands systèmes de droit pénal contemporains), ISBN: 2275013334; note de recherche: depuis circa 1997, la Russie possède un nouveau Code pénal  qui a été publié en français aux Éditions Cujas de Paris;

ANDENAES, Johannes, The General Part of the Criminal Law of Norway, South Hackensack (N.J.): Fred B. Rothman and in London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1965, xxiii, 346 p., see "§15. Self-Defense", pp. 153-165 (series; Publication of the Comparative Criminal Law Project; vol. 3);

ANSCOMBE, G.E.M. (Gertrude Elizabeth Margareth), 1919-, "War and Murder" in Ethics, Religion and Politics, Collected Philosophical Papers, vol. 3,  Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,  1981, ix, 161 p. at pp. 51-61, being Part # 6 in Part I, "Ethics"; also published in G.E.M. Anscombe et al., Nuclear Weapons: A Catholic Response, New York: Sheed and Ward, 1961, 151 p. at pp. 45-62;

ANTHONY, Elliott, 1827-1898,  A Treatise on the Law of Sefl-Defense, Trial by Jury in Criminal Cases, and New Trials in Criminal Cases, Chicago: J. Jones Stationery and Print. Co., 1887, 427 p.;

"An Argument on the law of criminal homicide and self-defense [microform] : prepared in the case of the state of Ohio vs. -- indicted for manslaughter, for the killing of --.",  Hillsborough, O. : [s.n.], 1863,  72 p. (series; 19th-century legal treatises ; no. 74074); Note: Microfiche. Woodbridge, Conn. : Research Publications, 1993, 1  microfiche; Research Note: information is from the Columbia University Law Library catalogue;

AQUINAS, St. Thomas, 1225-1274, The "Summa Theologica" of  St. Thomas Aquinas, Part II (Second Part) Litterally Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province, Second Number (QQ. XLVII. - LXXIX.), vol. 10, London: Burns Oates & Washbourne, 1929, 350 p., see Question 64, "Of  Murder"  - Seventh Article.  Whether It Is Lawful to Kill a Man in Self-Defence?", at pp. 208-210;  note de recherche : pour le texte français, voir Thomas D'Aquin (Saint), infra; see an English version of the text at (accessed on 19 July 2006);

AMOS, Andrew, Ruins of Time exemplified in Sir Matthew Hale's History of the Pleas of the Crown, London: V. and R. Stevens and G.S. Norton, 1856, xxvi, 268 p.; see "Homicide Justifiable", at pp. 118-126;

ASWORTH, Andrew, Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995, xxviii, 496 p., see in particular "Justifiable Conduct" at pp. 132-143 and  "Killings by the Use of Excessive Force on a Justified Occasion" at pp. 275-277, ISBN: 0198763670 and 0198763689 (pbk.); there are more recent editions (9 December 2004);

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT PÉNAL  (AIDP) (International Association of Penal Law) and Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali (ISISC) (International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences) and Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (MPI), Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court -- Alternative to the ILC-Draft -- (Siracusa-Draft), prepared by a Committee of Experts Siracusa/Freiburg, July 1995, 88 p.; available at (accessed on 10 December 2005);

"Art. 33 k
Self Defence, Defence of Others and Defence of Property

1. Self defence excludes punishment if it was necessary to prevent an imminent unlawful attack on oneself or on another.

2. Self defence, in particular defence of property, shall not exclude punishment if it causes damage disproportionate to the degree of the danger involved or the interest to be protected by the defence act." (p. 52)

AUSSEL, Jean-Marie, «La contrainte et la nécessité en droit pénal (force majeure, contrainte physique et morale, cas fortuit, état de nécessité et légitime défense)» dans Quelques aspects de l'autonomie du droit pénal : Études de Droit criminel, Paris : Librairie Dalloz, 1956, xii, 423 p., Chapitre IV,  pp. 253-292;

AUSTRALIA, Commonwealth Attorney's General in association with the Australian Institute of Judicial Administration,  The Commonwealth Criminal Code: A Guide for Practitioners, March 2002, 369 p., see "self-defence" at pp. 228-232, ISBN: 0642210349; available at (accessed on 16 August 2003)

___________Criminal Law and Penal Methods Reform Committee of South Australia, The Substantive Criminal Law, 1977, xlviii, 460 p., see pp. 28-32 and 40  on defence of the person and defence of property,  (Chair: The Honourable Justice Roma Flinders Mitchell);

___________Criminal Law Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, Model Criminal Code, Chapter 2 General Principles of Criminal Responsibility - Discussion Draft, Canberra: Commonwealth Government Printer, July 1992, x, 107 p., on "self-defence", see pp. 60-63 (Chairman: David Neal), ISBN: 064425372X;

___________Criminal Law Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General,  Model Criminal Code, Chapter 2 General Principles of Criminal Responsibility - Final Report December 1992, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, Commonwealth of Australia, 1993, x, 119, [ii] p., on "self-defence", see pp. 66-69 (Chairman: David Neal), ISBN: 0644287438;

___________ Law Commission of Victoria,  Homicide, Melbourne: Law Reform Commission of Victoria, 1988, 72 p. (series; Discussion Paper No. 13), see "Excessive Defence" at p. 27 and "Recent Developments" with Zecevic at pp. 27-28; and "Defence of property/Arrest" at pp. 28-29; ISBN: 0724167137 and ISSN: 08186413;

___________Law Commission of Victoria, Homicide, Victoria: Law Reform Commission Victoria, c.1990, vi, 166 p., see on "Excessive self-defence", pp. 89-98; on self-defence, see pp. 98-99, ISSN; 08187320 et ISBN: 730623149 (series; Report No. 40);

___________Model Criminal Code Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General,  Model Criminal Code, Chapter 5, Fatal Offences Against the Person, Discussion Paper, [Canberra]: Commonwealt of Australia, Australia Government Publications, 1998, ix, 234 p., see "Excessive Self-Defence" at pp. 107-113,  ISBN: 0642209448;

___________New South Wales Law Reform Commission, Jury Directions, Sydney: New South Wales Law Reform Commission, 2008, xviii, 270 p., ISBN: 978 0  7347 2634 6; available at$file/cp04.pdf (accessed on 25 January 2009);

___________New South Wales, Mervyn Findlay, The Honourable, Review of the Law of Manslaughter in New South Wales -- Report, April 2003, available at (accessed on 9 October 2003);

___________The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, House of Representatives, Criminal Code Bill 1994 - Explanatory Memorandum, 1994, (circulated by authority of the Minister for Justice, the Hon. Duncan Kerr MP), 48 p.;

___________Queensland, Taskforce on Women and the Criminal Code, Report of the Taskforce on Women and the Criminal Code,  [Brisbane] : Office of Women's Policy, 2000, 1 volume, various pagings, and see Chapter 6, "Defences to Violence"; available at (accessed on 8 February 2006) and (accessed on 8 February 2006);

___________Review Committee, Review of Commonwealth Criminal Law - Interim Report - Principles of Criminal Responsibility and Other Matters, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1990,  491, [31], [5] and [3] p., see in chapter 13, "Public and Private Defence", pp. 159-172 and at pp. 13-14, "Division 11 - Defence of Persons or Property"  of Part IX, Draft Bill,  (Chairman: Sir Harry Gibbs), ISBN: 0644127244;

___________South Australia, Attorney-General's Department of South  Australia, Discussion Paper on Self Defence, Defence of Property and Related Issues, Aldelaide, circa 1988, 21 p. [not published];

___________South Australia, Attorney-Generals Department  -- Self Defence - The New SA Law, as noticed on the internet at (accessed on 20 March 2003);

___________South Australia, Parliament (HA), Report of the Select Committee on Self-Defence 1990;

__________Victoria, Crimes (Homicide) Act 2005, Act No. 77/2005, available at$FILE/05-077a.pdf (accessed on 4 August 2006); "the new offence of Defensive Homicide has been created which restores the doctrine of excessive force manslaughter to the status it enjoyed in the pre-Zecevic era"  (source:, accessed on 4 August 2006);

___________Victorian Law Reform Commission, Defences to Homicide: Discussion Paper, FORTHCOMING -- MID 2003 -- see (accessed on 22 March 2003);

___________Victorian Law Reform Commission, Defences to Homicide: Issues Paper, Melbourne (Victoria): Victorian Law Reform Commission, 2002, ix, 129 p., on duress and necessity, see pp. 93-96 and 110, ISBN: 0957967853, available at$file/Issues_Paper.pdf (accessed on 15 February 2003);

___________Victorian Law Reform Commission, Defences to Murder, Options Paper, Melbourne (Victoria): Victorian Law Reform Commission, 2003, xxxii, 410 p., see Chapter 4, "Self-defence", at pp. 105-168; ISBN: 0958182973; copy available at complete paperavailable$file/Options_Paper.pdf (accessed on 14 December 2003);

___________Victorian Law Reform Commission, Defences to Homicide -- Final Report, Melbourne (Victoria): Victorian Law Reform Commission, 2004, lvi, 360 p., see in Chapter 3, "Self-Defence", at pp. 59-92, "Excessive Self-Defence", at pp. 92-105 and "Charging Practices, Plea Negotiations and Self-Defence", at pp. 105-109, ISBN: 0975149776; available at$file/FinalReport.pdf (accessed on 15 January 2005);

AYOOB,  Massad F., In the gravest extreme : the role of the firearm in personal protection,  Concord, NH : M.F. and D.A. Ayoob : available from Police  Bookshelf, c1980,  v, 130 p., Research Note: Book not consulted; information from the Yale University Law Library catalogue;

BAKER, John Hamilton, An Introduction to English Legal History, 3rd ed., London: Butterworths, 1990, xlix, 673 p., ISBN:  0406531013; Research Note: see pp.589 and 600-601 for discussion on pardons, homicide and self-defence;

___________ed., The Reports of Sir John Spelman, London: Selden Society, 1978, vol. 2, see Chapter 10, "Pleas of the Crown", at pp. 299-346, and more particularly, "Misadventure", at p. 310 and  "Excusable Homicide" at pp. 314-316; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, KD 270 1502. S64; note: Sir John Spelman, c. 1480-1546;

BAKIRCIOGLU, Onder, Self-defence in international and criminal law : the doctrine of imminence, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon [England] : Routledge, c2011. x, 271 p. ; 24 cm.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KZ4043 B35 2011; title noted in my research but book not consulted yet (21 October 2011);

BALESTRIER-CANILHAC, L. S. de, Politicon ou choix des meilleurs discours, sur tous les sujets de politique, traités dans la première assemblée nationale de France: avec une analyse historique et critique des motions et opinions sur les mêmes sujets, Tome 1, Paris: Laurent, 1792; disponible à (vérifié le 22 février 2009)

"Projet des premiers articles de la constitution lu dans la séance du 28 juillet 1789, par M. Mounier, membre du Comité, chargé du plan de constitution


Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen [...]

XVI.  Il est permis à tout homme de repousser la force par la force, à moins qu'elle ne soit employée en vertu de la loi" (voir les pp. 30 et 33)"

BAUM, Frederic S. and Joan Baum, 1937-, Law of Self-Defense, Dobbs Ferry (N.Y.): Oceana Publications, 1970, 123 p., (series; Legal Almanac Series, no. 64), ISBN: 0379119709;

BAYLES,  Michael D., Principles of Law: A Normative Analysis, Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing, A Member of the Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 1987, xxi, 398 p., see " Defense of persons" at pp. 332-336 and "Defense of property" at pp. 336-337, (series; Law and Philosophy Library), ISBN: 9027724121;

BEATTIE, J.M., Crime and the Courts in England, 1660-1800 , Princeton (New Jersey), Princeton University Press, 1986, xxiv, 663 p., ISBN: 0691054371;

BEAUFAIN, Charles Random de Berenger, baron de, Helps and hints how to protect life and property : with instructions in rifle and pistol shooting, &c.,  London : Published for the Proprietor by T. Hurst ... 1835, vii, [1] 286 p.; Research Note: Information from the Harvard University catalogue;

BENTHAM, Jeremy, 1748-1832, "Essay on the Promulgation of Laws and The Reasons Thereof; with Specimen of a Penal Code", in The works of Jeremy Bentham, published under the superintendence of his executor, John Bowring, New York: Russell & Russell, 1962, volume 1; note: "Reproduced from the Bowring edition of 1838-1843"; copy at St-Paul University, Ottawa, B1574 B3B68; research note: Bentham deals with excessive self-defense as an extenuating circumstance in his "Specimen of a Penal Code"; I must say that I was quite impressed by Bentham's comments on the subject taking into consideration that the subject is still difficult for common law lawyers today (25 April 2005); important contribution;

___________Theory of Legislation, traduction du français d'Etienne Dumont par R. Hildreth, Londres, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1931, lii, 555, [19] p., see at pp. 262 and 269;

BERMAN, Harold J., 1918-, Law and Revolution: The Formation of  the Western Legal Tradition, Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard University Press, 1983,  xii, 657 p., ISBN: 0674517741 (cloth) and 0674517768 (paper);

BERTOLINI, Vincent Charles, La légitime défense dans la doctrine du droit musulman en Egypte à l'époque des Mamelouks sous la domination ottomane ... Étude  comparée de droit pénal, Paris :  Jouve & cie, 1931, 164 p.; note de recherche : Il s'agit d'une thèse effectuée à l'Université de Paris, avec une bibliographie aux pp. 163-164;

BIELSKI,  Francis V., The post-Tridentine teaching concerning the vicarious killing of an unjust aggressor, Romae : Officium libri catholici, 1961,  64 p.,  NOTES: "Excerpta ex dissertatione ad lauream in Facultate theologica Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae.",  Bibliography: p. 55-59; Research Note: information from Hollis, the catalogue of  Harvard University; this book was not consulted;

BISHOP, Joel Prentiss, Commentaries on the Criminal Law, vol. 1, 7th ed., Boston: Little, Brown, 1882,  xlviii, 803 p., see "Chapter LVI. Defence of Person and Property", at pp. 504-527; see also the index at the end of vol. 2  (reprint by Buffalo (N.Y.): William S. Hein, 1986, ISBN: 0899415474);

BLACKSTONE, William, 1723-1780, Commentaries on the Laws of England: A Facsimile of the First Edition of 1765-1769 , see Volume I  Of the Rights of Persons (1765)  with an Introduction by Stanley N. Katz  and Volume 4, Of Public Wrongs (1769) With an Introduction by Thomas A. Green, Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1979 (reprint of : Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1765 for vol. 1 and 1769 for vol. 4), see in vol. 1, chapter 1, "of the Absolute Rights of Individuals", in particular pp. 117-130; and see in vol. 4, chapter 14 "Of Homicide",  see pp. 176-187;

BLACKWOOD, John, "Self-Defence in the Tasmanian Criminal Code: A Statutory Model", in  Proceedings of the Australian  Stipendiary Magistrates Association Sixth Biennial Convention (1988), pp 60-82; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; Mr. Blackwood teaches at the University of Tasmania, Faculty of Law, see  (accessed on 8 February 2003);

BOCHNAK, Elizabeth, ed. and contributing editors, Elissa Krauss, Susie Macpherson, Diane Wiley, Women's self-defense cases : theory and practice, Charlottesville (Va.): Michie Co., c1981.xviii, 312 p., ISBN:  0872153541; Research Note: Book not consulted; information from the US Library of Congress catalogue;

BOURKE, Vernon J., "Aquinas" in  Robert J. Cavalier, James Gouinlock, and James P. Sterba, eds., Ethics in the History of Western Philosophy,  New York: St Martin's Press, 1989, xiii, 434 p., at pp. 98-124 and see pp. 114-115,  ISBN: 0312021453 and 0312032110 (pbk.); copy at Ottawa University, MRT General: BJ 71 .E84 1989;

BOWETT, D.W., Self-defense in international law, New York: Praeger [1958], xv, 294 p.;  reprinted 2009 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN-13: 978-1-58477-855-4. ISBN-10: 1-58477-855-5; available in part at
on 17 July 2009);.

BRACTON, Bracton De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae - Bracton  On the Laws and Customs of England, edited by George E. Woodbine and translated, with revisions and notes, by Samuel E. Thorne, Cambridge:  Seldon Society & Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1968, vol. 2, xxii, 449 p.;

BRANCA, Andrew F., The law of self defense: a guide for the armed citizen, Acton (MA): Operon Security, [1998], iv, 226 p.; see the  Table of Contents at and a book review at;

BRIGGS, Doug, A matter of personal protection: the weapons & self-defense laws of Texas with illustrations by Monique Louise Jouannet, 3rd ed., Houston (Tex): Beverly Pub. Co., 1995, 503 p., ISBN: 1881287068 and 1881287076 (cover).   Research Note: Book not consulted; information from the US Library of Congress catalogue;

BROWN, Carl and Todd Henschell, eds., American law and the trained fighter, Burbank, Calif.: Ohara Publications, c1983, 96 p., (series; Literary links to the Orient),  ISBN: 0897500911 (pbk.); Research Note: book not consulted; information from the University of Notre Dame Law School library catalogue; on the law and legislation of US martial arts and self-defence;

BROWN, Helen, 1963-, Beyond Battered Woman Syndrome: Reforming Self-Defence to Seek Justice For Women Who Kill, MA Thesis, Monash University, 1996, 82 leaves, xii; thesis not consulted;

BROWN, Mona G.(ed. and author) and the following other authors:  Monique Bricknell-Danaher, Caryl Nelson-Fitzpatrick, and Geraldine Bjornson, Gender Equality in the Courts.  Criminal Law. A Study by the Manitoba Association of Women and the Law 1991,  [Winnipeg, Man.]: Ottawa, Ont. : The Association; National Association of Women and the Law [distributor], 1991,  see "The Battering Victim Who Strikes back: An Issue of Self-Defence" at pp. 41-4-27;

BROWN, Richard Maxell, No Duty To Retreat: Violence and Values in American  History and Society, New York: Oxford University Press, 1991, [viii], 268 p., ISBN: 0195045106;

BURCHELL, E.M., J.R.L. Milton and J.M. Burchell, South African Criminal Law and Procedure, Vol I, General Principles of Criminal Law by EM Burchell and PMA Hunt, 2nd ed., Cape Town: Juta, 1983, lxii, 512 p., see "Private Defence" at pp. 322-335, ISBN: 070211345X (hardcover) and 0702113468 (softcover); research note: there is now a 3rd ed., Kenwyn: Juta, 1997, xxxviii, 383 p., (series;  South African criminal law and procedure; v. 1), ISBN: 070213855X;

BURCHELL, Jonathan and John Milton, Principles of Criminal Law, Cape Town: Juta, 1991, xlvii, 669 p., see "Chapter 12 Private Defence", pp. 109-128, and "Putative Private Defence" at pp. 291-292, ISBN: 07212639X; research note: there is now a 2nd ed,  Kenwyn: Juta, 1997,  li, 734 p., ISBN: 0702138541;

BURLAMAQUI, Jean-Jacques, 1694-1748, Principes du droit de la nature et des gens [Document électronique]. Tome II / par J. J. Burlamaqui... ; nouv. éd. rev., corr., et augm. d'une table générale analytique... par M. Dupin, 1995, 485 p., Num. BNF de l'éd. de, Leiden : IDC, 1984. 6 microfiches ILM 141 (7-12) Reproduction de l'édition de, Paris : chez B. Warée, 1820; voir "De la juste défense de soi-même", aux pp. 316-375; disponible à (site visité le 2 juin 2006);

BUTLER, W.E. (William E.), Soviet Law, 2nd ed., London: Butterworths, 1988, xxiii, 430 p., see on necessary defense, pp. 303-305 (series; Butterworths' Legal Systems of the World), ISBN: 040656261X (hardcover) and 0406562644 (soft cover), ISSN: 0264-8636;

CALISSE, Carlo, 1859-1945, A History of Italian Law, by Carlo Calisse ... Translated by Layton B. Register ... with introductions by Frederick Parker Walton ... and Hessel E. Yntema ..., Boston:  Little, Brown, and company, 1928, lix, 827 p. (series; The Continental legal history series; volume 8); reprint in : South Hackensack, N.J.: Rothman Reprints, 1969; see "Book II - Criminal Law" at pp. 217-491 ("Part I - Germanic Domination" at pp. 217-348; "Part II - Neo-Roman Period" at pp. 349-448; and "Part III - The Philosophic Period" at pp. 449-491);  see "Self-Defense" at pp. 365-368;

CALLAHAN, John M. (John Michael), 1943-, Deadly Force: constitutional standards, federal policy guidelines, and officer survival, Flushing, NY : looseleaf Law Publications, 2001, ii. 46 p., ISBN: 1889031496; title noted in my research but book not consulted; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries;

CARBASSE, Jean-Marie, Introduction historique au droit pénal, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1990, 356 p., voir les pp. 38-39 sur la légitime défense en droit romain; voir aussi les pp. 151 et 191-193 ISBN: 213043293X (Collection Droit fondamental); il y a maintenant une deuxième édition;

CARD, Richard, Card, Cross & Jones: Criminal Law, 14th ed., London: Butterworths, 1998, xlv, 716 p., see "Public or Private Defence" at pp. 624-632, and the index, e.g. "mistake", ISBN: 0406895902;

CARPENTIER, Charles, Le droit payen et le droit chrétien, Livre troisième, cinquième étude, Du droit de repousser la violence par la violence, sous le paganisme et de l'abolition de ce droit par la législation chrétienne, Paris: A. Durand et Pedone Lauriel, 1872, 221 p. (Collection; Études de législations comparées; volume v); copie à l'Université St-Paul, Ottawa;

CASEY, Juliette, Legal defences for battered women who kill : the battered woman syndrome, expert testimony and law reform, Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1999; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

CHADUFAU, Émilie, 1978-, Légitime défense et état de nécessité, Mémoire de DEA : Droit pénal : Bordeaux 4 : 2001, 58 f.; titre noté dans mes recherches mais mémoire non consulté (17 août 2005);

CHAILLOT, G. S., Privilèges du clergé, Paris: Victor Palmé, 1866, 434 p.; traite des irrégularités (y compris des cas de légitime défense) à partir de la p. 188; disponible à et (vérifiés le 24 juin 2008);

CHAMMAS, Samir, La légitime défense, étude de droit comparé français et libanais, thèse, Université de Paris II, 1973; note de recherche: cité par Bernard Beigner, L'honneur et le droit, Paris: Libraririe Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1995, à la p. 584, note 2; thèse non consultée;

CHAVENT, Anne-Sophie, 1973-, La proportionnalité et le droit pénal général, Thèse doctorat : Droit : Université Jean Moulin (Lyon 3) : 2002, 570 p.; thèse sous la direction de Yves Mayaud; résumé au catalogue Abes, à (visionné le 19 janvier 2003; thèse non consultée);

CHAUVEAU, Adolphe, et Faustin Hélie, 1799-1884, Théorie du code pénal, 3e édition, Paris: Imprimerie et Librairie générale de jurisprudence, 1852, voir le tome quatre, le chapitre XLVIII, "De l'Homicide légal et de l'homicide légitime" aux pp. 146-177; copie disponible de ce tome à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, section des livres non catalogués (cependant la bibliothèque n'a pas la collection complète); la bibliothèque de  l'Université de Montréal possède une collection complète des six volumes de la 2e éd., Paris: E. Legrand, 1843,  HAFD C511t 1843; le tome premier: Paris : Cosse, Marchal et Billard, 1872, 611 p. est disponible à;

CICERO, Cicero The Speeches with an English Translation: Pro T. Annio Milone--In L, Calpurnium Pisonem--Pro M. Aemilio Scauro--Pro M. Fonteio--Pro C. Rabirio Postumo--Pro M. Marcello--Pro Q. Ligario--Pro Rege Deiotaro, by N.H. Watts, London: William Heinemann Ltd; New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1931, viii, 547, [8] p.;

CICÉRON (Marcus Tullius Cicero), 106-43 avant l'ère chrétienne, Oeuvres complètes de Cicéron avec la traduction en  français, t. 3 , sous la direction de M. Nisard, Paris, Librairie de Firmin-Didot, 1927, 676 p. (t. 3),  voir le "Plaidoyer pour T.A. Milon" (Pro Milone, chap. IV) aux pp. 213-240 et  plus particulièrement aux pp. 215-216; disponible à Vérifié le 1er novembre 2007);

CLARKSON, C.M.V., Understanding Criminal Law, 2nd ed., London: Fontana Press, 1995, x, 274 p., see "S elf-defence" at pp. 78-85 (series; Understanding Law; series editor: J.A.G. Griffith), ISBN: 0006862950;

Code de droit canonique, Texte officiel et traduction française par La société internationale de droit canonique et de législations religieuses comparées avec le concours des Faculté de droit canonique de l'Université Saint-Paul d'Ottawa, Faculté de droit canonique de l'Institut catholique de Paris, Ottawa:  Service des Éditions de la Conférence des Évêques catholiques du Canada (C.E.C.C.), 1984, xxxii, 363 p., ISBN: 0889970971; note de recherche: voir les canons 1323 et 1324 aux pp. 229-230;

The Code of Canon Law in English translation Prepared by The Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland in association with The Canon Law Society of Australia and New Zealand and The Canadian Canon Law Society,  London (England): Collins, 1983, xv, 319 p.,  ISBN: 000599750X (cased) and 0005997577 (limp); see canons 1323 and 1324 at pp. 234-235;

Code pénal [de France] 1997-1998, édition réalisée par Hervé Pelletier Jean Perfetti, Paris : Litec, 1997, lxxxviii, 1879 p., voir l'art. 122-7 sur l'état de nécessité suivit de commentaires et références à la jurisprudence aux pp. 33-35, ISSN : 0248-5804 et ISBN : 2711128210;

Les Codes pénaux européens présentés, dans leut texte actuel, avec une notice spéciale sur chaque Code et une introduction comparative générale par Marc Ancel avec la collaboration de Yvonne Marx, , Paris: Centre français de droit comparé, 1971, 812 p. (Nouvelle Collection du Comité de  législation étrangère et de droit international, tome 4, Roumanie, République de Saint-Marin, Suède, Suisse, Tchécoslovaquie, Turquie, Union soviétique (R.S.F.S.R.), Yougoslavie);

COKE, Edward, 1552-1634, The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown, and criminall causes, London: Printed by M. Flesher, for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman, 1644, [12], 243 p.; other editions: 1648, 1660, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1680, 1681, 1797, 1809, 1817; the Supreme Court of Canada Library has a copy of the1817 edition; reprint scheduled in November 2001: Union (New Jersey): The Lawbook Exchange, ISBN: 1584772018;  disponible à;

"And yet is some case a man may not onley use force and armes, but assemble company also.  As any may assemble his friends and neighbours, to keep his house against those that come to rob, or kill him, or to offer him violence in it, and is by construction excepted out of this act: and the sherif, &c. ought not to deal with him upon this act: and the house is his castle, et domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium; for where shall a man be safe, if it be not in his house?  and in this sense it is truly said,
Armaque in armatos sumere jura sinunt." (p. 161; marginal note omitted; 1817 edition of the Supreme Court of Canada copy)

COLONNA D'ISTRIA, Helene, La notion de justification en droit pénal, 1997, 467 feuilles, Thèse : Droit privé : Nice : 1997; texte non consulté; informations provenant du catalogue en ligne de la Bibliothèque de l'Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis;

COMMISSION POUR LA RÉVISION DU CODE PÉNAL, Rapport sur les principales orientations de la réforme, Bruxelles: Ministère de la Justice, Moniteur Belge, 1979, 125 p., voir "Usage de la force par les agents de l'autorité" aux pp. 48-50; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX général, KE8809.5 .C3453 1979;

CONGDON, George W., The law of self-defense: the trial of George W. Congdon for the murder of Christopher G. Wilcox, Providence: S.S. Rider, 1884; Research Note: Book not consulted; information from the US Library of Congress catalogue;

Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms  (Rome, 4.XI.1950), Council of Europe European Treaties, ETS No. 5, see art. 2 on "Right to Life"; Research Note: the two official texts are in English and French :  Convention de sauvegarde des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales, (Rome, 4.XI.1950), Conseil de l'Europe, Traités européens, STE No 5, voir l'article 2, «Droit à la vie»;

COQUIN, Céline, Le concept de proportionnalité en droit pénal, Thèse doctorat : Droit : Université de Poitiers, UFR de droit et sciences sociales, 2001, 424 feuilles, Thèse : 2001POIT3003; thèse sous la direction de Michel Danti-Juan; résumé au catalogue Abes, à (visionné le 18 janvier 2003; thèse non consultée);

CORSTENS, Geert and Jean Pradel, European Criminal Law, The Hague/London/New York: Kluwer Law International, xii, 650p., see "The principle of right to life; the existence of criminal liability protecting life [re Art. 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights]", at pp. 333-337, ISBN: 9041113622; copy at the Library of Parliament KJC 7975 C67 2002e; also published in French/aussi publié en français: voir, Pradel, Jean et Geert Corstens,  Droit pénal européen, 2e éd., Paris : Dalloz, c2002, x, 609 p., ISBN: ; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KJC7975 P73 2002;

CRAMER, Clayton E., For the defense of themselves and the state : the original intent and judicial interpretation of the right to keep and bear arms, Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1994, xv, 286 p., ISBN: 0275949133; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa,  Floor 4, KF3941.C73;

CRAWFORD, Robert G. (Robert George), 1927-, Can we ever kill? : an ethical enquiry, London : Darton, Longman & Todd, 2000, xiii, 225 p., ISBN: 0232523584; previously published in London : Fount (HarperCollins), 1991, 212 p., ISBN:  0006275923; title noted in my research but book not consulted; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries (10 March 2003);

Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2003, available at (accessed on 13 June 2006);

"Necessary Defence (Self-Defence)
Article 24

(1) An act committed in necessary defence is not considered a criminal offence.

(2) A defence is considered to be necessary if it is absolutely necessary for the defender to avert a coinciding or direct and imminent illicit attack from himself or from another, and which is proportionate to the attack.

(3) If the perpetrator exceeds the limits of necessary defence, the punishment can be reduced, and if the excess occurs due to strong irritation or fright caused by the attack, the punishment can be remitted."

CRUIT, Ronald L., Intruder in Your Home: How to Defend Yourself Legally With a Firearm, New York: Stein and Day, 1983, 277 p., ISBN: 081282900X, bibliography at p. 271, "Subjects:  Firearms -- Use in crime prevention;  Dwellings -- Security measures -- United States;  Firearms -- Law and legislation -- United
States;  Self-defense (Law) -- United States"; Research Note: the book was not consulted, information from the Library of Congress catalogue;

CURRIE, David W., The Abusive Husband : An Approach to Intervention, Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada, National Clearinghouse for Family Violence, 1988, 36, [30] p.; also available in French / aussi disponible en françaisLe mari violent : Une approche de l'intervention, Ottawa : Centre national de l'Information sur la violence dans la famille, Santé et Bien-être social Canada, 1988, 60 p.;

DADOMO, Christian and Susan Farran, French Substantive Law --Key Elements, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1997, xxii, 232 p., and see "Légitime défense", at pp. 219-221, ISBN: 0421525509; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KJV 233 D332 1997;

DANA, Adrien-Charles, Essai sur la notion d'infraction pénale, Paris : Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1982, xiii, 568 p., voir les pp. 199-216 (Collection; Bibliothèque de sciences criminelles, tome 24);

DANDO, Shigemitsu, 1913-,  The Criminal Law of Japan: The General Part,  Littleton (Colorado): Fred B. Rothman, 1997, xxiv, 521 p.  (Series; Publications of the Comparative Criminal  Law Project, vol. 19), see in particular Section 6.10 Averting Imminent Danger, at pp. 123-128, ISBN: 083770653X; research note: German criminal law is influential in the criminal law theory of Japan;

DAMHOUDERE, Joost de (or/ou Josse de), 1507-1581, La pratique et enchiridion des causes criminelles, illustrée par plusieurs élégantes figures, rédigée en escript par Josse de DAMOUDERE, docteur ès droit, conseiller et commis de domaines et finances de l'empereur Charles V, fort utile et nécessaire à tous souverains, baillifs..., Louvain: Imprimerie par Estienne Vauters & Iehan Bathen, imprimeurs iurez, 1555,  [14], 365, [2] p., voir les chapitres 76 à 81 aux pp. 133-153; disponible à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Gallica, (visionné le 18 janvier 2003);

___________Practique judiciaire es causes criminelles tresutile necessaire à tous baillifz, prevôts, seneschaux, escoutettes, maires, drossartz, et autres justiciers et officiers de toutes provinces / autheur messire Josse de Damhoudere,... , Reprod. de l'éd. de Louvain : chez Jehan Bellere, 1564, 228 p.; disponible à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Gallica, à (visionné le 18 janvier 2003);

DAVIS, Alison (Alison Janet), 1970-, Expert Testimony in Cases of Battered Woman Defendant Characterization, Testimony Explicitness and Juror Gender on Individual Juror and Group Jury Decisions, Ottawa: 1997, viii, 245 p., thesis (M.A.), Carleton University, 1997;

DEMERS-CIPRIANI, Lucile, Quantifier l'inqualifiable : la judiciarisation de la violence conjugale, Thèse LL.D. (doctorat en droit), Université Laval, 2000, ix, 427, 7 feuilles; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse pas encore consultée; je mets ce titre dans cette bibliographie dans l'intuition que cette thèse traite un peu de la légitime défense; si l'auteur lit ce texte pourrait-elle communiquer avec moi, s-v-p? (6 février 2003);

DÉTAIS, Julien,  Les Nations Unies  et le droit de légitime défense, thèse de doctorat, Faculté de droit d'Angers, Université d'Angiers, 2007; directeur de thèse: Rahim Kherad; disponible à (vérifié le 29 mars 2009);

DEVINE, Philip E., 1944-,  The Ethics of Homicide, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1978, 248 p., ISBN: 0801411734, see pp. 151-166 on "self-defense";

DICEY, A.V., 1835-1922, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, 8th ed., London: MacMillan, 1915, cv, 577 p., see "Note IV - The Right of Self-Defence" at pp 489-497;

DONAGAN, Alan, The Theory of Morality, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977, xvi, 278 p., ISBN: 0226155668, see pp. 122-127 and 149-164 for a discussion of St Thomas Aquinas and the theory of double effect;

DONNEDIEU DE VABRES, H., Traité de droit criminel et de législation pénale comparée, 3e éd., Paris : Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1947, xvii, 1059 p., voir les pp. 227-236 sur la légitime défense;

DOUCET, Jean-Paul-P., Précis de Droit pénal général, Liège : Faculté de droit, d'économie et de sciences sociales de l'Université de Liège, 1976, viii, 303 p., voir les pp. 146-152;

DOWNS, Donald Alexander, More than Victims: Battered Women, the Syndrome Society, and the Law, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1996, xi, 309 p., ISBN: 0226161595 (series; Morality and Society; series edited by Alan Wolfe); copy at Ottawa University, MRT General,  K 5087 .S4 D69 1996; limited preview at and (accessed on 26 June 2008);

DRESSLER, Joshua, Understanding Criminal Law, New York, Matthew  Bender, 1987, xxxix, 568, [28] p.; see chapter 18, "Self-Defense", pp. 249-257; Research Note: there is a 2nd edition: New York : Matthew Bender and Irwin, 1995, xli, 556 p., ISBN: 0256193193 (series; Legal Text Series) which I have not consulted; there is now a 3rd edition;

DUFF, Karl J.,  Martial Arts & the Law, Burbank (Calif.): Ohara Publications, c1985, 96 p., ISBN: 0897501268; Research Note: book not consulted; information from the US Library of Congress catalogue;

DUFFEY, Michael-Kerrigan, 1948-, A Study of the Principle of Double Effect, Its Evaluation in Contemporary Philosophical Ethics and Catholic Moral Theology, and Specially Its Role in the Thought of Richard McCormick, PH.D. 1981, University of Notre Dame, Department of Theology, 245 p., Research Note:   "chapter 1 traces the historical emergence of the PDE, beginning with Thomas Aquinas's teaching on self-defense" (I believe that the source of this citation is UMI Dissertation Services, order number 09103);

DULONG, Renaud, L'autodéfense: enquête sur quelques faits indécidables, Paris :  Librairie des Méridiens, 1983, 165 p., (Collection Sociologies au quotidien, numéro 8; ISSN:  0750-9685), ISBN: 2865630625; copie à l'UNiversité de Sherbrooke, KJJ/.D84/1983; copie à l'Université Laval, HV/6967/D884/1983;

DUPARC, Pierre, Origines de la grâce dans le droit pénal romain et français du Bas-Empire à la Renaissance, Paris: Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1942, 193, [1] p.;

The Dutch Penal Code, Translated by Louise Rayar and Stafford Wadsworth in collaboration with Mona Cheung, Gudule Geelen, Marjolein Heesbeen, Maike de Lange, Gert Van Slik, and Jolien Zwarts, Revision by Hans Lensing, Instructions by Grat Van Den Heuvel and Hans Lensing, Littleton (Colorado): Rothman, 1997, xxiii, 277 p., (The American series of penal codes; vol. 30), ISBN: 0837700507; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5001 A63 no. 30; includes historical coverage;

"Article 41

    1.  A person who commits an offense where this is necessary in the defense of his person or the person of another, his or another person's integrity or property, against immediate, unlawful attack is not criminally liable.

    2.  A person exceeding the limits of necessary defense, where such excess has been the direct result of a strong emotion brought about by the attack, is not criminally liable." (p. 73)

DUTTON, Donald G.., 1943-,  The Domestic Assault of Women: Psychological and Criminal Justice Perspectives, Vancouver : UBC Press, c1995. Rev. and expanded ed., x, 337 p.,  ISBN: 0774804629;

EL-CHERIF,  Hamed, Théorie de la légitime défense; étude comparée de droit français  et de droit égyptien, Thèse, Université de Paris, 1922, 75, [4] p.; titre noté dans ma recherche mais thèse pas encore consultée (11 janvier 2002);

EAST, Edward Hyde, 1764-1847., A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown, vol. 1 (of II), London: Printed by Strahan for J. Butterworth and J. Cooke, 1803, lxiv, 480 p., see "Homicide from Necessity in Defence of a Man's own Person or Property, or of the Persons or Property of others", at pp. 271-294; available at

Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle publiée sous la direction d'André Jacob, vol. 2, Les notions philosophiques - Dictionnaire, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1989, voir la courte définition (un paragraphe) de la «légitime défense» par S. Goyard-Fabre à la p. 1459;

ENGLAND and Wales, Criminal Code Bill Commission, Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Consider the Law Relating to Indictable Offences: With an Appendix Containing a Draft Code Embodying the Suggestions of the Commissioners, Command number 2345 in Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers] (1878-79), vol. 20, pp. 169-378 (Chairperson: C.B. Blackburn); also published in Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Royal Commission Select Committee and Other Reports on the Criminal Law with Proceedings Minutes of Evidence Appendix and Index 1847-79, vol. 6, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin: Shannon University Press, 1971, pp. 369-579  ISBN: 0716511428; research note # 1: for Command Paper number 2345, the pages are, in particular,  pp.44-46 and 73-75;

___________Criminal Law Revision Committee, Fourteenth Report: Offences against the Person, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1980, v. 150 p., see in "Part VII. Defences",  pp. 119-122, paragraphs 281-288 on "Self-defence; Research Note: discusses "The use of excessive force in self-defence or defence of property", (Command number 7844);

__________Criminal Law Revision Commmittee, Working paper on Offences against the Person, August 1976, London: Her Majesty's Stationnery Office (H.M.S.O.), 1976, [1], iv, 74 p., see "Self-Defence" at pp. 62-66, ISBN: 0113406010;

___________Her Majesty's Commissioners for  Revising and Consolidating the Criminal Law, Second Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners for  Revising and Consolidating the Criminal Law,  c. 709 in Sessional Papers (1846), vol. 24, pp. 107-182, see pp. 201-204; also published in Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Reports From The Royal Commission On Revising and Consolidating The Criminal Law With Appendices and Index 1845-49, vol. 5, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin: Shannon University Press, 1971, pp. 169-244 at pp. 201-204, ISBN: 071651141X; Research Note: for Command Paper number 709, the pages are 33-36;

__________Her Majesty's Commissioners for Revising and Consolidating the Criminal Law, Fourth Report from Her Majesty's Commissioners for  Revising and Consolidating the Criminal Law, c. 940 dans Sessional Papers (1847-48), vol. 27, pp. 1-214; also published in Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Reports From The Royal Commission On Revising and Consolidating The Criminal Law With Appendices and Index 1845-49, vol. 5, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin, Shannon University Press, 1971, pp. 345-558, see "Justifiable Homicide" at pp. 510-512,  ISBN: 071651141X; Research Note: for Command Paper number 940, the pages are 164-166;

___________Her Majesty's Commissioners on Criminal Law, Fourth Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners on Criminal Law, command number 168 in Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers]1839, volume 19, pp. 235-432, see "Homicide Justifiable or Excusable in Self-Defensce" at pp. 270-271; this Fourth Report is also published in Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Reports From The Royal Commission On The Criminal Law With Appendices And index 1834-41, vol.3, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin: Shannon University Press, 1971, 233-430 at pp. 268-269, ISBN: 0716511398; Research Note: for Command Paper number 168, the pages are xxxvi-xxxvii;

___________Her Majesty's Commissioners on Criminal Law, Seventh Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners on Criminal Law, command number 448 in  Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers]1843,  volume 19,  pp. 1-285; this Seventh Report is also published in Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Reports From The Royal Commission On The Criminal Law With Appendices And index 1834-41, vol.4, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin: Shannon University Press, 1971, pp. 9-296 at pp.238-239, ISBN: 0716511401; Research Note: for Command Paper number 448, the pages are 226-227;

__________Home Office, Report of the Inter-Departmental Review of the Law on the Use of Lethal Force in Self-Defence or the Prevention of Crime, [London: Home Office], 1996;

__________House of Commons,  Bill 178, Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bill, 1878 in  Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers] (1878), vol. 2, pp. 5-249 at p. 72-73, section 119, "Self Defence" and section 120, "Proviso On Foregoing Sections"; Research Note: Bill 178 was drafted by Sir James Stephen and for comments by Stephen on that Bill, see infra, ENGLAND, House of Commons,  "Memorandum [by Sir James Stephen] 'Showing the ALTERATIONS proposed to be made in the existing Law by the CRIMINAL CODE (INDICTABLE OFFENCES) Bill [Bill 178], if Amended, as proposed by the Attorney General'";

__________House of Commons, "Memorandum [by Sir James Stephen] 'Showing the ALTERATIONS proposed to be made in the existing Law by the CRIMINAL CODE (INDICTABLE OFFENCES) Bill [Bill 178], if Amended, as proposed by the Attorney General'", number 276 in Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers] (1878), vol. 63, pp. 159-175, see p. 164 for Stephen's comments on his "Clause 119-120 Killing in Self-defence"; Research Notes: for Parliamentary Paper number 276,  the page is p. 6;  for Bill 178, see ENGLAND, House of Commons, Bill 178, Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bill, 1878, supra;

__________House of Commons, Parliamentary Debates, 3rd series, vol. 245, April 3, 1879, columns 313-314, Attorney-General John Holker; Research Note: Sir Holker gives explanation between the self-defence provision of Criminal Code Bill 178 of 1878 drafted by Stephen and that of Criminal Code Bill Commission's Report of 1879;

__________House of Commons, Special Report from the Select Committee on Homicide Law Amendment Bill; Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix, no 315 in Sessional Papers [Parliamentary Papers] (1874), vol. 9, pp. 471-556 et 771-786 (index) (President : R. Lowe); also published in Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Royal Commission Select Committee and Other Reports on the Criminal Law with Proceedings Minutes of Evidence Appendix and Index 1847- 79, vol. 6, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin: Shannon University Press, 1971, pp. 97-194; Research Note: Bill  44 that was studied by the Select Committee, Homicide Act, 1874, is found in  Sessional Papers [Parliamentary Papers] (1874), vol. 2, p. 365;

___________House of Commons, WRIGHT, R.S., Drafts of a Criminal Code and a Code of Criminal Procedure for the Island of Jamaica with an Explanatory Memorandum by R.S. Wright, Esq., Barrister- at-law, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. August 9, 1877, c [command number] 1893 in Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers] (1877), vol. 61, pp. 377-512;

___________House of Lords, Report of the Select Committee on Murder and Life Imprisonment, Volume I - Report and Appendices, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1989, 126 p., see pp. 28-29 on "Excessive self-defence" (series; HL Paper 78-I, Session 1988-89), ISBN: 0104868899 (Président : L. Nathan); Research Note: this report has two other volumes: Volume II - Oral Evidence, Part I, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1989, [iv], 338 p., (series; HL Paper 78-II, Session 1988-89), ISBN: 010486589X; Volume III: Oral Evidence, Part 2, and Written Evidence, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1989,  [iv] and  339-678 pp., (series; HL Paper 78-III, Session 1988-89), ISBN: 0104866896;

__________The Law Commission, Codification of the Criminal Law: A Report to the Law Commission, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1985, vi, 246 p.,  see comments on clause 47, "Use of force in public or private defence"" at pp. 121-127 and clause 47 at pp. 195-197 (series; Law Com. No. 143); Research Note: see also other clauses, .e.g.  clause 44 "Belief in circumstance affording a special defence...";

___________The Law Commission, A Criminal Code for England and Wales, vol. 1: Report and Draft Criminal Code Bill and vol. 2: Commentary on Draft Criminal Code Bill, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, [1989], v, 278 p. see vol. 1, pp. 60-61, clause 42 on "Duress by threats" and vol. 2, pp. 229-230, comments on clause 42  (series; Law Com. No. 177), ISBN: 0102299897;

___________The Law Commission, Criminal Law: Legislating the Criminal Code: Offences against the Person and General Principles, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1993, vi, 144 p., see "The Justifiable Use of Force" at pp. 65-78 and clauses 27-30  of the "Draft Criminal Law Bill" at pp. 106-112 (series; Law Com. No. 218; Command number 2370), ISBN: 0101237022;

___________The Law Commission, Criminal Law: Legislating the Criminal Code : Offences against the Person and General Principles - A Consultation Paper, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1992, v, 131 p.,  see "Use of Force in Public or Private Defence" at pp. 62-68 and clause 28 of the "Draft Criminal Law Bill" on "Use of force in public or private defence" at pp. 88-89  with an explanatory note at p. 112  (series; Consultation Paper No. 122),  ISBN: 011730204X;

___________The Law Commission, Partial Defences to Murder, 31 October 2003, xiii, 249 p. (series; consultation paper; number 173); available at (accessed on 15 December 2003); available at (accessed on 15 December 2003); see also the Overseas Studies as part of the Appendices to the consultation paper, 231 p., available at (accessed on 27 April 2005);

___________The Law Commission, Partial Defences to Murder: Provisional Conclusions on Consultation Paper No 173, 1 May 2004, 16 p., available at (accessed on 2 May 2004);

___________The Law Commission, Partial defences to murder: report, London: Stationery Office, 2004, vi, 313 p., (series; report; number 290), ISBN: 0101630123; the report is available at (accessed on 27 April 2005) and the Appendices at (accessed on 27 April 2005);

ETTINGER, Shimshon, Self-Help in Jewish Law, Ramat-Aviv (Tel-Aviv, Israel): Open University of Israel Pub. House; Boston (Mass.) : Institute of Jewish Law, Boston University School of Law, 1993, 95 p. (series: Selected topics in Jewish law; edited by Hanina Ben-Menahem and Neil S. Hecht; translated by Shmuel Wosner,; volume 6), ISBN: 9653024140;

EWING, Charles Patrick, 1949-, Battered Women Who Kill: Psychological Self-Defense as Legal Justification, Lexington (Massachusetts):  Lexington Books, 1987, viii, 175 p., ISBN: 966914827X;

EYFFINGER, Arthur, Alan Stephens, Sam Muller, eds., Self-defence as a fundamental principle,   Hague : Hague Academic Press ; Cambridge ; West Nyack, NY : distributed by Cambridge University Press, 2009, xii, 270 p., ISBN: 9789067042871 and 9067042870;


Part I: 1. Self-defence as a general principle of law and its relation to war Peter Haggenmacher; 2. Self-defence and the non-use of force: some random thoughts Shabtai Rosenne; 3. Self-defence and terrorism Paul Cliteur; 4. Self-defence, or the meanderings of a protean principle Arthur Eyffinger; Part II: 5. Self-defence in historical context – a bibliography Arthur Eyffinger; 6. Just war; 7. Self-defence; 8. Criticism of necessity and proportionality; 9. Collective self-defence; 10. The role of the UN; 11. Non-state entities; 12. Anticipatory self-defence; 13. Deprisal/retaliation; 14. Humanitarian intervention; 15. Fundamentalism and clash of cultures; Part III: Documents and references.

FAWCETT, J.E.S. (James Edmund Sanford), 1913-,  The Application of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2nd ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987, xiii, 444 p., see pp. 39-40, ISBN: 0198255098 (pbk);

FELDBRUGGE, F.J.(F.J.M. = Ferdinand Joseph Maria), 1933-,  Soviet Criminal Law: General Part, Leyden: A.W. Sythoff, 1964, 291 p. (series; "Law in Eastern Europe: A series of publications issued by the Documentation Office for East European Law University of Leyden", edited by Z. Szirmai, vol. 9); Research Notes: see on "Necessary defence" (self-defence), pp. 110-117; what we refer to as the defence of necessity is called in the book "defence extreme necessity"; the Soviet Union does not exist any more and Russia has a new Criminal Code;

FEIN, Judith, 1941-,  Exploding the myth of self-defense: a survival guide for every woman, Duncans Mills (California): Torrance Publ., 1993, 183 p., ISBN: 0929523016; Research Note: book not consulted, copy at the Library of Congress Library;

FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb, 1762-1814, Foundations of natural right : according to the principles of the Wissenschaftslehre, edited by Frederick Neuhouser; translated by Michael Baur, Cambridge (U.K.) and New York : Cambridge University Press, 2000, xxxv, 338 p., on self-defence, see pp. 218-222 (series; Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy); ISBN: 0521575915 and 0521573017 (pbk.); copy at Carleton University, Ottawa, JC 181 .F6213; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, K487 .S3 F52413 2000; limited preview at,M1  and (accessed on 12 March 2008);

FINKEL, Norman J. and Gerrod Parrott, Emotions and culpability: how the law is at odds with psychology, jurors, and itself, Washington: American Psychological Association, c2006, xv, 312 p. and see chapter 10, "Where Self-Defense's Justification Blurs into Excuse: A Defensible Theory, with Fitting Verdicts, for Mistaken Self-defense, (series; The law and public policy), ISBN: 1591474167; title noted in my research but book not consulted yet (6 December 2006); 

FINNIS, John, Aquinas : moral, political, and legal theory, Oxford [England] : Oxford University Press, 1998,  xxi, 385 p., see "Private Defence of Self and Others" at pp. 275-279, ISBN: 0198780842; copy at St Paul University, Ottawa, BQ 6899.2 A2F55A8 1998; limited preview at,
+political,+and+legal+theory%22&lr=&as_brr=3&sig=oWiUKtY-bxlxcscvR8utwXrvo1E#PPA273,M1  and,+political,
+and+legal+theory%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 12 March 2008);

FISSE, Brent., Howard's Criminal Law, 5th ed., Sydney: The Law Book, 1990, cxxiii, 660 p., ISBN: 0455207321 and 045520733X (pbk), see the index under "self-defense";

FLETCHER, George P., Basic Concepts of Criminal Law, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998, xi, 223 p., ISBN: 0195121708 and 0195121716 (pbk.), see Chapter 8, "Self-Defense versus Necessity", pp. 130-147; limited preview available at
=0&ei=CnbMR7qCBZ6MjAH2mbGXBA&sig=irJclDP1952FvJ6TFh__yNd7ztM and
&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 3 March 2008);

__________Basic Concepts of Legal Thought, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, ix, 213 p., ISBN: 0195083350 and 0195083369 (pbk.);

__________A Crime of Self-Defense: Bernhard Goetz and the Law on Trial, New York: Free Press, 1988, xi, 253 p., ISBN: 0029103118; has since been published in  paperback by the Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990, xi, 253 p., ISBN: 0226253341.  Research Note: "Passion and Reason in Self-Defense", being chapter 2 of the book, is also published  in Conrad Johnson, ed., The Philosophy of Law, New York,  New York : Macmillan Pub. Co. and  Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan, Canada, c1993,  xii, 708 p., at pp. 648-662, ISBN: 0023609354; limited preview available at,M1 and (accessed on 3 March 2008);

___________Rethinking Criminal Law, Boston, Little, Brown, 1978, xxviii, 898 p.; reprint, Oxford University Press,  2000
Limited preview available at and (accessed on 12 March 2008);

FLETCHER, George P. and and Jens David,  Defending humanity : when force is justified and why, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008, xvi, 268 p., ISBN: 9780195183085; limited access at and (accessed on 25 May 2008);

FLOUR, Jacques., Cours de droit criminel : Licence 2me année, 1955-56, Paris : Les Cours de droit, 1956, 1088 p., voir la légitime défense et les «cas privilégiés de légitime défense ou cas assimilés à la légitime défense» aux pp. 254-267;

FORIERS, Paul, De l'état de nécessité en droit pénal, Bruxelles : Établissements Émile Bruylant et Paris : Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1951, xxx, 364 p.;

FOSTER, Michael Sir, 1689-1763, A Report of some Proceedings on the Commission of Oyer and Terminer and Goal Delivery for the Trial of the Rebels in the Year 1746 in the County of Surry, and of Other Crown Cases.  To which Are Added Discourses upon a Few Branches of the Crown Law, Oxon, Professional Books, 1982, viii, 412, [19] p. (reprint of :  Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1762); Research Note: see "Discourse II. of Homicide", chapter III "Homicide founded in Necessity" at pp. 273-278;

FOVIAUX, Jacques, La rémission des peines et des condamnations : Droit  monarchique et droit moderne, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France [P..U.F.], 1970, 189 p. (Collection; Travaux et recherches de la faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Paris série «Sciences criminelles» - No. 2);

FRIED, Charles, 1955-, Right and Wrong, Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard University Press, 1978, ISBN: 0674769058, x, 226 p.; Research Note: see "Completing The Structure: Defense" at pp. 42-53 (covers: "Defense of the Person"; Defense of Other Values"; and "Defence against an Innocent Aggressor");

FUNK, T. Markus, Self-Defence and the Protection of the Defender's Autonomy: A Comparative Analysis, unpublished D Phil dissertation mentioned in the article by the same author, "Justifying Justifications", (1999) 19 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 631-647 at p. 632, note 9; the note states about the thesis "developing a 'principle-based' theory of self-defence and contrasting this theoretical approach with the approaches developed in Germany, England, and the USA)";

FURNISH, Brendan F.J., and Dwight H. Small, The Mounting Threat of Home Intruders: Weighing the Moral Option of Armed Self-Defense, Springfield (Illinois): C.C. Thomas, 1993, xv, 257 p.,  ISBN: 0398058288;

GAGNÉ, Patricia, Battered Women's Justice: The Movement for Clemency and the Politics of Self-defense, New York : Twayne Publishers ; London : Prentice Hall International, c1998, xi, 245 p., (series; Social movements past and present),  ISBN: 0805791507; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa, 4th floor,  HV6626.2.G34;

GARÇON, E. (Émile Auguste), 1851-1922, Code pénal / annoté par É. Garçon ; avec la collaboration des rédacteurs du Recueil général des lois et des arrêts et du Journal de Palais, Paris : L. Larose et L. Tenin, 1901-1911,  2 volumes; voir son article 318, dans un texte "allégée" préparé par le Professeur Doucet à  (visionné le 28 avril 2009);

GARÇON, Émile, Code pénal annoté, 2e éd. par Patin, Rousselet et Ancel, Paris: Sirey, 1952 à 1959, 3 vol.; note de recherche: copie à la Bibliothèque Nationale du Canada; Ottawa; ce livre possède notamment quelques bonnes notes sur les fondements philosophiques de la légitime défense;

GAGARIN, Michael, Drakon and Early Athenian Homicide Law, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981, xvii, 175 p., on self-defence, see pp. 4 and 61-62 (ISBN: 0300026277);

GAUTHIER, Jean, Cours de droit pénal suisse, 2ème partie, L'infraction, Lausanne : Université de Lausanne Polycopies, Bâtiment des Facultés de Sciences Humaines), janvier 1991, 158 p., voir la légitime défense aux pp. 38-43;

GENTILI, Alberico, 1552-1608, De iure belli libri tres, Oxford: Clarendon Press; London: H. Milford, 1933,  volume 2, 479 p. (series; The Classics of International Law; 16); translation of the edition of 1612 by John C. Rolfe; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General  KZ 6385 .G45 1933 v. 2;

"For to kill in self-defence is just, even though the one who kills may flee without danger and so save himself; and regardless of the question whether the one who slays in self-defence is of such condition that it would be disgraceful for him to flee, or not disgraceful.  These views have been admiited in the case of private individuals, and I consider them still more valid with regard to states.  Even the brutes are given the right of defence by nature, and we are persuaded and convinced of this right not by argument, but by some innate power.  And it is a necessary right; for what can be done against violence, says Cicero, without resort to violence?  This is the most generally accepted of all rights.  All laws and all codes allow the repelling of force by force.  There is one rule which endures for ever, to maintain one's safety by any and every means.  'Every method of securing safety is honourable.  This has been taught to philosophers by reason, to barbarians by necessity, to the nations by custom, to wild animals by Nature herself.  This law is not written but inborn.'  (vol. 2, Chapter 13, "Of Necessary Defence", at pp. 58-59; marginal notes omitted)

GÈZE, H., De la légitime défense et de ses rapports avec la  provocation.  Étude de droit pénal,  Toulouse: V. Rivière, 1904, vi, 166 p., thèse de doctorat,   Université de Toulouse, Faculté de droit;

GIBERT,  Jean-Pierre, 1660-1736,  Usages de l'église gallicane concernant les censures et l'irregularité, considerées on général et en particulier, expliquez par des régles tirées du droit reçu, Paris: Chez Jean Mariette, 1724; disponible à,M1  (vérifié le 1er septembre 2008);

"Dans le fait dont il s'agit, l'homicide & la mutilation ne sont injustes que quand ils sont faits sans autorité & sans juste cause" (p. 804)

GILLESPIE, Cynthia K., 1941-,  Justifiable Homicide: Battered Women, Self-defense, and the Law, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1989, xiii, 252 p., ISBN: 081420466X;

GILLES, Peter, Criminal Law, 4th ed., North Ryde (Australia): The Law Book, 1997, lxviii, 862 p., see Chapter 15, "Lawful Use of Force as a Defence",  pp. 310-340, ISBN: 0455215103;

GIROUX, Michel, 1962-, et Eugène O'Sullivan, Droit pénal général, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1997, xiii, 108 p., voir la légitime défense aux pp. 97-101, (Collection La common law en poche; vol. 7),  ISBN: 2894512198 (aussi publié Bruxelles: Bruylant);

GONSALVES, Milton A., 1928-,  Fagothey's Right & Reason Ethics in Theory and Practice, 9th ed., Columbus: Merrill Pub., 1989, xi, 611 p., ISBN: 0675209145; Research Note: Fagothey, Austin, 1901-1975;

GORDON, Gerald H., The Criminal Law of Scotland, 2nd ed., Edinburg: W. Green, 1978, lxxix, 1174 p., see chapter 24, "Self-Defence" at pp. 750-763, ISBN: 0414006186;  there is by the same author,  a subsequent The Criminal Law of Scotland: First Supplement to the Second Edition Up to date to May 1, 1984, Edinburg: W.Green, 1984,  buit there are no further comments for chapter 24, ISBN: 0414007409; Research Note: there is also a 1992 second cumulative supplement, ISBN: 0414009967  which I have not consulted;

GOYARD-FABRE, Simone, Pufendorf et le droit naturel, Paris : Presses universitaires de France, c1994, 263 p., voir aux pp. 83-86 (Collection; Léviathan), ISBN:  2130459218; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT General :  B 2603 .Z5 G724 1994;

GRAVEN, Philippe, An Introduction to Ethiopian Penal Law (Arts. 1-84 Penal Code), Addis Ababa: The Faculty of Law Haile Sellassie 1 University &
Oxford University Press, 1965, vii, 289 p., see article 74 on self-defence at pp. 220-228 and article 75 on excess in self-defence at pp. 228-231;

GRAVEN, Philippe, L'infraction pénale punissable, Berne: Éditions  Staemplfi, 1993, xv, 346 p., (collection; Précis de droit Staempfli), ISBN: 372720978X;  voir pp. 117- 130 sur la légitime défense (art. 33 du Code pénal suisse);

GRAYSON, J. Paul (John Paul), 1944-,  Working paper on the use of physical force and the social order in Toronto, [North York, Ont.] : Institute for Social Research, York University, 1992, 15 p., ISBN: 1550141767; Research Note: document not consulted; information in part from YORKLINE: York University Libraries Catalogue;

GREAT BRITAIN, Report of the Inter-Departmental Review of the Law on the Use of Lethal Force in Self-Defence or  the Prevention of Crime, (may not be the exact title), Home Office, 1996;  title noted in my research: in Jonathan Rogers, "Justifying the Use of Firearms by Policemen and Soldiers: A Response to the Home Office's Review of the Law on the Use of Lethal Force", (1998) 18 Legal Studies 486-509, at p. 486; copy at Ottawa University, K 12 .E357  Location: FTX Periodicals; according to Mr. Rogers, the report was not published;

Greek Penal Code, translated by Nicholas B. Lolis, introduction by Giorgios Mangakis, South Hackensack (New Jersey) : Rothman, 1973, xii, 205 p., see at  pp. 44-45, Articles 22 (Self-Defense), 23 (Acts in Excess of Self-Defense) and 24 (Criminal Self-Defense), (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes; volume18), ISBN: 0837700388;

"Article 22
    1. An act committed in self-defence is not unjustified.
    2.  Self-defense is a necessary assault by an individual as a defense against an unjustified and immediate attack directed against him or another.
    3.  The necessity of self-defense shall be determined by the degree of danger from the attack, the value of the threatened harm, the manner and intensity of the attack, and other circumstances.

Article 23
Acts in Excess of Self-Defense
    One who intentionally exceeds the limits of self-defense shall be punished by a lesser punishment (Article 83); if the excess was negligent, the punishment shall be as provided in case of negligence.  If the excess is the result of fear or the confusion of the attack, it shall not be imputed to the actor, and he shall not be punished.

Article 24
Criminal Self-Defense
    One who intentionally provokes an attack by another person for the purpose of committing an offense against that person by reason of self-defense shall not avoid punishment under the law." (pp. 44-45)

GREEN, Thomas Andrew,  Pardonable homicide in medieval England, 1250-1400: a study of legal and social concepts of criminal liability, Ph. D. thesis, Harvard University, 1970; Research Note: thesis not consulted; see also Green's articles in Part II of this bibliography;

___________Verdict According to Conscience: Perspectives on the English Criminal Trial Jury 1200-1800, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1985, xx, 409 p., ISBN: 0226306100;

GREGORY, Adriaan Frederik Lodewijk, Commentatio ad locum juris criminalis de inculpatae tutelae moderatione, Hagae Comitis: Martinum Nijhoff, 1864, xv, 284 p.; available at,M1 and (accessed on 25 June 2008);

GRIFFITH, Gareth, 1953-, Home invasion and self-defence: an update, [Sydney]: New South Wales Library Research Service, 1998, 19, 4 p., (series; Briefing paper, New South Wales, Parliamentary Library Research Service), ISBN: 0731316274; paper not consulted, information from the internet catalogue of the National Library of Australia;

GROSS, Hyman., A Theory of Criminal Justice, New York: Oxford University Press, 1979, xviii, 521 p., ISBN: 0195023498 and 0195023501 (pbk.), see "Self-protection" at pp. 178-181, "Protection of others" at pp. 181-182; and "Protection of property" at p. 182;

GROTIUS, Hugo, 1583-1645,  Le droit de la guerre et de la paix nouvelle traduction par Jean Barbeyrac; avec les notes de l'auteur même, qui  n'avoient point encore paru en françois & de nouvelles notes du traducteur, tome 1 de 2, Caen (France): Université de Caen, Centre de philosophie politique et juridique, 1984 (réimpression de: Amsterdam, P. de Coup, 1724), (Collection; (Bibliothèque de philosophie politique et juridique), xliii, 1001, [42] p. (pour les 2 tomes), voir le  tome 1, livre 2; note de recherche: traduction de De jure belli ac pacis; Barbeyrac, Jean, 1674-1744; ces deux tomes sont publiés par la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Gallica, tome1: à et le tome 2 à (visionnés le 19 janvier 2003);

___________The Law of War and Peace in three books (1625), translated into English by Francis W. Kelsey (1925) with the collaboration of Arthur E.R. Boak, Henry A. Sanders, Jesse S. Reeves and Herbert F. Wright, Lonand Institute, 2003, 2005, available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);

___________The Rights of War and Peace, Including the Law of Nature and of Nation Translated from the Original Latin of Grotius with Notes and
Illustrations from Political and Local Writers by A.C. Campbell with an Introduction by David J. Hill, Washington (D.C.): M.W. Dunne, [1901], x, 423 p., see Book 2; available at (accessed on 21 June 2008);

GUR-ARYE, Miriam, Actio Libera in Causa in Criminal Law,  Jerusalem : Harry Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1984,  110 p.; Research Note: see in particular Chapter 3: "Action Libera in Causa and the Defences of Duress, Necessity and Private-Defence";

HALBROOK, Stephen P., That every man be armed : the evolution of a constitutional right, Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, c1984, xii, 274 p., bibliography at pp. 199-265,  ISBN: 0826307647; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa, KF3941.H35; there is also a 2nd ed., Oakland, Calif.: Independent Instiute, c1994, xii, 274 p., ISBN: 0945999380;

HALE, Matthew, 1609-1676, Historia Placitorum Coronae - The History of the Pleas of the Crown, volume 1 of 2, Oxon (England): Professional Books, 1987 (reprint of   [London] : In the Savoy, printed by E. and R. Nutt and R Gosling for F. Gyles, T. Woodward, and C. Davis, 1736. Holborn), xix, 710 p. (for volume 1), see Chapter XL, "Of Manslaughterex necessitate, and first se defendendo" at pp. 478-492 and Chapter XLI, "Concerning the forfeiture of him, that kills in his own defense, or per infortunium", pp. 492-496;

HAMED EL-CHÉRIF, Théorie de la légitime défense. Étude comparée  de Droit français et de Droit égyptien, thèse Paris, 1922, Rousseau, 79 p.;

HARRIS, D.J., M. O'Boyle and C. Warbuck, Law of European Convention on Human Rights, Butterworths: London, 1995, lix, 753 p., ISBN: 0406259305, see on article 2(2)(a) of the Convention, the discussion entitled  "In Self-Defence or the Defence of Another", at pp. 48-50;

HARRIS, John (John I.), Carrying a handgun for self defense in Tennessee: a handbook on the laws and regulations concerning handgun possession in Tennessee, [2nd ed.,], [Nashville, Tenn.?]: J. Harris, c1995-1997, iii, 102 p., Research Note:  information from the US Library of Congress catalogue; deals with the State of Tennessee  law of self-defense and the State of Tennessee law and legislation on firearms;

HATCH, David E., Officer-Involved Shootings and Use of Force: Practical Investigative Techniques, Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, c2003, 183 p. (series; Practical aspects of criminal and forensic investigations CRC series in practical aspects of criminal and forensic), ISBN: 084931268X; title noted in my research but book not consulted yet; no copy in Canada according to the AMICUS catalogue (18 March 2003);

HAWKINS, William, 1673-1746, A Treatise of The Pleas of the Crown or a System of the Principal Matters relating to that Subject, digested under their proper Heads In Two Books, 2nd edition corrected, New York:  Arno Press, 1972, (reprint of:  London: Printed by the Assigns of E. Sayer for J. Walthoe, 1724), 310, [44 ] p. (Book 1) and 387, [77] p. (Book 2), (series; American Law: The Formative Years, An Arno Presss Collection), ISBN: 0405040202;

HAY, Michael A., The Criminal Law of Private Defence in England, Scotland and France, Ph.D., University of Edinburg, U.K., 1987, 491 p.; Research Notes:  Order Number BRD-86406, available from UMI in association with the British Libary, requires signed TDF; noted in Dissertation Abstracts International, vol. 50, no. 7, Jan. 1990, p. 2219-A;

HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831,  Principes de la philosophie du droit, traduction par André Kaan  [de Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts], Paris: Gallimard, 1940, 380 p., voir les  les sections 99-100;

HENRIKS, fr. N., o.s.b., À  propos de la troisième condition du principe de l'acte à  double effet , Roma: Pontificia Studiorum Universitas AS. Thoma Aquinate in Urbe, 1981, 311 p., sur la légitime défense, voir les pp. 177-188; thèse de doctorat, Roma: Pontificia Studiorum Universitas AS. Thoma Aquinate in Urbe;

HILTON, N. Zoe, ed., Legal Responses to Wife Assault: Current Trends and Evaluation, Newbury Park : Sage Publications, c1993, ix, 330 p., ISBN: 0803945523  and  0803945531 (pbk.);

HERTZMAN, Gayle Adrienne, The Battered Woman Syndrome: Lay Interpretation and Perception of Expert Evidence, Thesis, M.A., Graduate Programme in Psychology, York University, 1995, vii, 215 leaves;

HOBBES, Thomas, 1588-1679, The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury,  volume 2 (De Cive) and volume 6 (A Dialogue between a Philosopher & a Student) of 11 volumes, Aalen: Scientia, 1962 (reprint of the edition of 1841 for volume 2 and of the edition of 1840 for volume 6), xxiv, 319 p. (volume 2) and 536 p. (volume 6);

HORRIGAN, L.B. and Seymour D. Thompson, 1842-1904,  Select American Cases on the Law of Self-Defence, St. Louis: Soule, Thomas & Wentworth, 1874, xiv, 990 p.;  available at and (accessed on 25 June 2008);

___________Defences to crime: the adjudged cases in the American and English reports wherein the different defences to  crimes are contained : with notes,  v. 1. Self-defence,  San Francisco: S. Whitney, 1885-1886 (Series; 5 volumes, 19th-century legal treatises ; no. 45567-45625); Research Note: information from Columbia University Law Library catalogue; may well be the same book as Horrigan, 1874, ibid.;  volume 1 on self-defence is available at (accessed on 5 April 2009);

HURNARD, Naomi D., The King's Pardon For Homicide Before A.D. 1307, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969, xiv, 394 p., bibliography at pp. 381-382;

HUDA, Syed Shamsul,1862-1922, The principles of the law of crimes in British India, Calcutta ; Winnipeg : Butterworth, 1919, xv, 455 p. (Tagore Law Lectures - 1902); see Lecture 12: "Right of Private Defence at pp. 382-427;
- Table of Contents, Index and Index of Cases Cited;
- i-xv and 1-215;
- 216-455;

INDIA, Indian Law Commissioners,  A Penal Code prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners, and  published by Command of the Governor General of India in Council -- Reprinted from the Calcutta Edition,  London: Pelham Richardson, 1838, viii, 138 p., reprint in  Birmingham (Ala.):  Legal Classics Library, c1987; and in Union (New Jersey): The Lawbook Exchange Ltd., 2002, ISBN: 158477018X; the Indian Law Commissioners were: Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1800-1859, J.M. MacLeod, G.W. Anderson and F. Millett; research note: the "Notes [on the Indian Penal Code by the Indian Law Commissioners]" are also found in  Miscellaneous Works of Lord Macaulay edited by his sister Lady Trevelyan, in Five Volumes, vol. IV, New York: Harper, 1880, 669 p., pp. 177-327;

"295.  Volontary culpable homicide is 'murder' unless it be of one of the three mitigated descriptions hereinafter enumerated; That is to say,

    First, Manslaughter;
    Secondly, Voluntary culpable homicide by consent;
    Thirdly, Voluntary culpable homicide in defence." (p. 39; emphasis in bold added; see explanations at note M, at p.

The Indian Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1860) As Amended Up-To-Date with Short Comments, Allahabad: Orient Law House, 1985,  see sections 96 to 106 of the Code, pp. 19-22;

IRELAND, The Law Reform Commission, Consultation Paper -- Legitimate Defence, Dublin: The Law Reform Commission, 2006, xvii, 333 p. (series; consultation paper; 41-2006), ISSN: 1393-3140); available at (accessed on 26 November 2006);

___________The Law Reform Commission, Report -- Defences in Criminal Law, Dublin: The Law Reform Commission, 2009, xix, 226 p.(series; report; LRC 95-2009), ISSN: 1393-3132; available at (accessed on 28 December 2009);

JACKSON, Bernard S., Theft in early Jewish law, Oxford [Eng.] Clarendon Press, 1972, xviii, 316 p., see "Measures of Self-Help" at pp. 203-223 (Chapter 9); copy at Ottawa University, Morisset Library - KL 176 .J325 1972;

JEANDIDIER, Wilfrid, Droit pénal général, 2 ième édition, Paris: Montchrestien, 1991,  594 p., voir les pp. 285-294 sur la légitime défense (Collection Domat / Droit Privé), ISBN: 2707604763;

JOHANN,  Sara Lee and Frank Osanka, eds., Representing--battered women who kill,  Springfield, Ill. : Thomas, c1989,  xxi, 393 p., bibliography at pp. 363-372,  ISBN:  039805567X, Research Note: book not consulted; information from the New England School of Law Library catalogue;

JOLY DE CHOUIN, Louis-Albert (Mgr), Instructions sur le rituel, vol. 4, Besançon: J. Petit, 1819, voir les irrégularités ex delicto à partir de la p. 499; disponible à,M1 et
 (vérifiés le 24 juin 2008);

 ___________Instructions sur le rituel, 3e édition mise en concordance avec le droit civil actuel par M. Gousset..., Paris: Chez Gauthier et frères, 1829 et voir les pages 209-221 sur les irrégularités ex delicto et en particulier l'irrégularité qui naît de l'homicide; voir également l'irrégularité par défaut de douceur aux pp. 200-201; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 1er sepetembre 2008);

JONSEN, Albert R. and Stephen Toulmin, The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning, Berkely: University of California Press, 1988, ix, 420 p., ISBN: 0520060636; Research Note: see chapter 11 "Pride: The Case of the Insulted Gentleman" at pp. 216-227 with notes at pp. 384-386; deals with the Catholic Church's position on self-defence from the early days; short but good research;

JOURNÉES Franco-Belgo-Luxembourgeoises de science pénale, La Légitime défense 18-19 octobre 1974 : rapports, Pau Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques,  [1974], texte non consulté, information provenant du catalogue informatisée de la Bibliothèque universitaire d'Angers;

KADISH, Sanford H., 1921-,  and Stephen J. Schulhofer, Criminal Law and Its Processes - Cases and Materials, 5th ed., Boston: Little, Brown, 1989, xlv, 1280 p., see "1. Protection of Life and Person" at pp. 837-885 and "Protection of Property and Law Enforcement" at pp. 886-903, ISBN: 0316478164; Research Note: there is also a 6th ed. which I have not consulted: Boston : Little, Brown, 1995, xlvii, 1232 p., ISBN: 0316478180;

KANT, Immanuel, 1724-1804, Métaphysique des moeurs - Première partie - Doctrine du droit, Paris : Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1988, 279 p.;

___________The Metaphysical Elements of Justice, Part I of the Metaphysics of Morals, translated by  John Ladd, New York: Macmillan, 1965, xxxvi, 150 p. (series;  Library of Liberal Arts; Vol. 72);

___________The Philosophy of Law: An Exposition of the Fundamental Principles of Jurisprudence as The Science of Right, translated by W. Hastie, Edimburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1887, xxxvi, 265 p.;

KILLIAS, Martin en collaboration avec Bernard A. Dénéréaz, Précis de droit pénal général, Berne: Staempfli, 1998, xlv, 300 p., voir en particulier les pp. 97-107 (collection; Précis de droit Staempfli),  ISBN:  3727209895;

KNOOPS, Geert-Jan G. J., Defenses in contemporary international criminal law, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Pub., c2001, xxxviii, 297 p. (series; International and comparative criminal law series); copy at the University of Alberta (interlibrary loan, K 5455, K59 2001, January 2002);

KHONSARI-ASGHAR, Fondement de la légitime défense et son rôle en droit pénal iranien, Thèse. Univ. Paris. Dr. 1955, 200 ff.; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée;

KOUAME, Faustin, La protection pénale du domicile contre les intrusions des particuliers, Doctorat de 3e cycle, Droit pénal, Université de Poitiers, 1980, x, 228 feuilles; directeur de thèse: Jean Pradel; titre noté dans ma recherche mais thèse pas encore consulté;

KOZIOL, Geoffrey, Begging Pardon and Favor: Ritual and  Political Order in Early Medieval France, Ithaca (New York):  Cornell University Press, 1992, xxvi, 459 p., ISBN: 0801423694;

LABLANCHERIE, François Joseph, La légitime défense. Étude des articles 328 et 329 du Code pénal, Bordeaux : V. Cadoret,  1909, 148 p.; Research Note: copy of this book at Harvard and Yale Universities; thesis from the Faculté de droit de l'Université de Bordeaux;

LaFAVE, Wayne R. and Austin W. Scott, Jr., 1916-1966, Substantive Criminal Law, vol. 1, Sections 1.1 to 5.11, St. Paul (Minn.): West Publishing, 1986, xxxiii, 696 p. (for vol. 1), see § 5.7  on "Self Defense" at pp. 649-663;  § 5.8 on "Defense of Another" at pp. 663-667; § 5.9 "Defense of Property" at pp. 667-675, (series; Criminal Practice Series), ISBN: 0314984038;

LAFAYSSE, Stéphanie, La légitime défense excessive,  (S. L.), 1998, Mémoire  D.E.A.: Droit pénal et de sciences criminelles, Bordeaux 4, 1998; thèse non consultée, information provenant du catalogue informatiseé "Babord" de l'Université de Bordeaux; total de pages: 61 (information provenant du réseau SIBIL);

LAHAYE, La légitime défense des biens, Mémoire D.E.A. de Sciences Criminelles, Faculté de Droit, Sciences économiques et Gestion -- Nancy 2, 95/96; directeur de thèse: J.F. Seuvic; site (visionné le 16 janvier 2001); titre noté dans ma recherche mais mémoire non consulté;

LAINGUI, André, La responsabilité pénale dans l'ancien droit  (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), Paris : Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1970, xii, 366 p., sur la légitime défense, voir les pp. 257-295 (Collection; Bibliothèque d'histoire du droit et droit romain sous la direction de P.-C. Timbal, tome XVII); note de recherche: très beau travail!

LAINGUI, André et Arlette Lebigre, Histoire du droit pénal - I -  Le droit pénal, Paris: Cujas, 1979, xi, 223 p., voir en particulier sur la légitime défense, les  pp. 95-100;

LANGBEIN, John H., Prosecuting Crime in the Renaissance: England, Germany, France, Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard University Press, 1974, ISBN: 674716752, Research Note: on self-defence, see chapter 8, "The Carolina" at pp. 171-172 and at p. 297, the titles of sections 139-146 of The Carolina (Constitutio Criminalis Carolina);

LAREAU, François, Légitime défense et théorie, LL.M. thesis, University of Ottawa, 1992, vi, 335 p.; available at;

___________  "Selected Bibliography on Justification, Excuse and the Tripartite Theory of the Criminal Offence" / «Bibliographie choisie sur la justification, l'excuse et la théorie tripartite de l'infraction pénale », 1998-, published on the internet at "bibliography.htm";

___________ "Selected Bibliography on the Defence of Necessity in Criminal Law" / «Bibliographie choisie sur l'état de nécessité en droit pénal», 1998-, published on the internet at: "justification.htm";

LARGUIER, Jean,  Droit pénal général, 16e édition, Paris: Éditions Dalloz, 1997, 249 p. (Collection; Mémentos Dalloz), voir la «La légitime défense» aux pp. 50-54;

LASSERRE, M. Emmanuel, Étude sur les cas de non culpabilité et les excuses en matière pénale suivant la science rationnelle, la législation positive et la jurisprudence, Toulouse: Imprimerie de Bonnal et Gibrac, 1877, 375 p., voir les pp. 59-67, 143-149, 171 et 286-297;

LATOUR, Germain, Légitime défense, ou, Les bas-fonds de la peur, [Paris] : Le Sycomore, c1983, 221, [3] p., (Collection Dispositifs) ISBN: 2862622141;

Laws of the New Sudan -- Penal Code, 2003, available at,%202003.pdf (accessed on 29 September 2007);

LECLERCQ, Jacques, 1891-1971, Leçons de droit naturel, volume. 4, Les droits et devoirs individuels, Namur: Ad. Wesmael-Charlier, 1937, 434 p., voir les pp. 67-73;

LEE, Cynthia, 1961-, Murder and the reasonable man : passion and fear in the criminal courtroom,  New York : New York University Press, 2003, xii, 371 p., ISBN: 0814751156; limited preview at and (accessed on 25 June 2008);

LEEDS, Josiah W. (Josiah Woodward), The primitive Christian's estimate of war and self-defense, New Vienna, O., Peace association of Friends in America, 1876,  58, [2] p.; available  at and (accessed on 25 June 2008);

LE FOYER, Jean, Exposé du droit pénal normand au XIIe siècle, Paris: Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1931, 314 p., sur les homicides légitimes, voir les pp. 54-55;

LEPAGE, P., Éléments de la science du droit; à l'usage de toutes les nations et de toutes les classes de citoyens, ou, Sources des devoirs de l'homme social, tant dans le for intérieur que dans le for extérieur..., Paris, G.C. Hunert, 1819, 2 volumes, voir "Du mal fait à autrui pour se défendre", pp. 127-135, vol. 1;  copie à l'Université St-Paul, Ottawa, K232 F7L46E5 1819 1;

LESLY, Mark, 1959-, Subway Gunman: A Juror's Account of the Bernhard Goetz Trial, Latham (N.Y.), British American Pub., c1988, xxi, 322 p., ISBN: 0945167083; Research Note: book noted but not consulted;

LEMIEUX, Pierre,  Le droit de porter des armes,  Paris : Belles lettres, 1993,  217 p. (series; Iconoclastes,, ISSN 1152-1414 ; 20); Research Note: information from Hollis catalogue, Harvard University; book not consulted;

LEVASSEUR, Georges, L'emploi de la force en matière de maintien de l'ordre et de fonctionnement de la justice répressive, Université d'Ottawa, Faculté de droit année 1967-68,  Enseignement de doctorat en droit criminel, Cours de droit criminel approfondi, Ottawa: Université d'Ottawa, 1968, 169 p.;

LEVERICK, Fiona, A critical analysis of the law of self-defence in Scotland and England, Thesis (Ph.D.), Aberdeen University (Scotland), 2003, viii, 347 leaves; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted; no copy of this thesis in the Canadian libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (21 May 2005);

___________Killing in Self-Defence, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006, xxviii, 217 p., ISBN: 9780199283460, 019928346X (pbk.); title noted in my research but book not consulted yet (2 July 2007);

"Contents: The classification of defences -- The justification of self-defence -- Retreat -- Imminence of harm -- Self-generated self-defence -- Killing to protect property -- Killing to prevent rape -- Mistake -- The impact of the European Convention on Human Rights" (source: Hollis catalogue, Harvard University)

LIMPENS, Jean, Robert M. Kruithof and Anne Meinertzhagen-Limpens, "Liability for One’s Own Act", in André Tunc, Chief Editor,  International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, volume XI, Torts, Part 1, Chapter 2, pp. 2-2 to 2-140, and see in particular, "Grounds of Justifications", at pp. 2-167 to 2-192, and for "NECESSARY DEFENCE", pp. 2-167 to 2-111 and 2-192, Tübingen: Mohr J.C.B (Paul Siebeck) and The Hague/Boston/London: The Hague: Martin Nijhoff, 1983, ISBN: 3166445420 (Mohr) and 9024727871 (Nijhoff); copy at the Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Br. B K530 I58 V. II pt. 1; tort law but very useful for researchers; self-help is also discussed  but separately from necessity, at pp. 2-187 to 2-193;

"168. Conditions . -- Necessary defence is only lawful if certain conditions are fulfilled.  There are six of these:

(1) Defence presupposes an attack.  The attack may be either upon oneself or upon a third party, and may be directed against either person or property.

(2) The defence must be necessary to repel an actual or imminent attack.

(3) The attack must be unlawful.  There is no right to defend oneself against an opponent who is authorised to use force, who acts from urgent necessity, or who, as a servant of the state, is acting within his authority and in the proper manner.

(4) The person attacked must act with the intention of defending himself or another.

(5) The force used in defence must be proportionate to the attack.  When able to avoid it, a person is not entitled to do more damage in self-defence than is necessary to remove the danger that threatens him.  Equally, in the COMMON LAW countries, a person loses his legal protection if, when defending his property, he inflicts grave physical injury on the aggressor.  However, the circumstances must be taken into account.  Thus in some countries it has been held that shock caused by an unlawful attack may wholly or partly excuse the use of excessive force.  And again, some statutory provisions lay down that a person guilty of excessive defence must merely pay an equitable indemnity.  Finally, in the SOCIALIST countries, there must be clear or obvious disparity between the force used in self-defence and the nature of the attack before a person is guilty of excessive self-defence.

(6)  The damge must be caused to the author of the unlawful attack." (pp. 2-170 to 2-171; numerous and lengthy notes omitted)  


LIVINGSTON, Edward, The Complete Works of Edward Livingston on Criminal Jurisprudence, New York: The National Prison Association of USA, 1873, 2 volumes, vol. 1: viii, 589 p. and vol. 2: vi, 657 p., see vol. 1 at pp. 192-197 for a discussion on the reason of the existence of self-defence and vol. 2 at pp. 134-137,  "Of homicide in defence of person or property",  for provisions and comments (reprint of: Montclair (NJ): Patterson, Smith, 1968; Publication No. 7: Patterson, Smith Reprint Series in Criminology, Law Enforcement, and Social problems);

LOCKE, John, 1632-1704, Two Treatises of Government; a Critical Edition with an Introduction and Apparatus Criticus by Peter Laslett, Cambridge: [Cambridge] University Press, 1964, xiv, 520, [1 p.], see The Second Treatise, Chapter 2, "Of the State of Nature", at pp. 287-296 and in particular, Chapter 3, "Of  the State of War", at pp. 296-300;

___________ Deux traités du gouvernement, traduction et présentation par Bernard Gilson, Paris: J.Vrin, 1997, 282 p., voir le Deuxième traité du gouvernement, chapitre II, «De l'état de nature», aux pp. 139-145 et en particulier, le chapitre III, «De l'état de guerre» aux pp. 146-149, ISBN: 2711613089;

LOGOZ, Paul, Commentaire du Code pénal Suisse, Partie Générale (Art. 1 à 110), Deuxième édition mise à jour avec la collaboration d'Yves Sandoz Docteur en droit, Neuchâtel : Delachaux & Niestlé, 1976, 569 p., voir les pp. 168-174 sur la légitime défense (Art. 33 du Code pénal suisse), ISBN: 2603000578;

LOUANDRE, Charles, 1812-1882,  Doctrines morales et politiques, cas de conscience et aphorismes desJésuites : textuellement extraits et traduits des écrivains de la Compagnie de Jésus, Paris : Labitte, 1844, viii, 392 p. et voir "Homicide" aux pp. 94-145; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 3 janvier 2009);

LOUTFY, Omar Bey, Note sur la légitime défense, sur ses conditions et ses limites, d'après le droit musulman, Paris: F. Pichon, 1898, disponible à (vérifié le 4 seotembre 2010); 

LOVESY, Conway Whithorne, 1818-1885, The law of house invasion and defence. "Every man's house is his castle", London: Knight & co., [1879], vi p., 1 l., [9]-45 p.;  Research Note: information from the US Library of Congress catalogue; book not consulted;

MACAULAY,  Lord Thomas Babington, 1800-1859,  The History of England from the Accession of James II , vol. 2 of 5, Chapter 9, several editions available; first written 1849;

"It is true that to trace the exact boundary between rightful and wrongful resistance is impossible: but this impossibility arises from the nature of right and wrong, and is found in almost every part of ethical science. A good action is not distinguished from a bad action by marks so plain as those which distinguish a hexagon from a square. There is a frontier where virtue and vice fade into each other. Who has ever been able to define the exact boundary between courage and rashness, between prudence and cowardice, between frugality and avarice, between liberality and prodigality? Who has ever been able to say how far mercy to offenders ought to be carried, and where it ceases to deserve the name of mercy and becomes a pernicious weakness? What casuist, what lawyer, has ever been able nicely to mark the limits of the right of selfdefence? All our jurists bold that a certain quantity of risk to life or limb justifies a man in shooting or stabbing an assailant: but they have long given up in despair the attempt to describe, in precise words, that quantity of risk. They only say that it must be, not a slight risk, but a risk such as would cause serious apprehension to a man of firm mind; and who will undertake to say what is the precise amount of apprehension which deserves to be called serious, or what is the precise texture of mind which deserves to be called firm. It is doubtless to be regretted that the nature of words and the nature of things do not admit of more accurate legislation: nor can it be denied that wrong will often be done when men are judges in their own cause, and proceed instantly to execute their own judgment. Yet who would, on that account, interdict all selfdefence? The right which a people has to resist a bad government bears a close analogy to the right which an individual, in the absence of legal protection, has to slay an assailant. In both cases the evil must be grave. In both cases all regular and peaceable modes of defence must be exhausted before the aggrieved party resorts to extremities. In both cases an awful responsibility is incurred. In both cases the burden of the proof lies on him who has ventured on so desperate an expedient; and, if he fails to vindicate himself, he is justly liable to the severest penalties. But in neither case can we absolutely deny the existence of the right. A man beset by assassins is not bound to let himself be tortured and butchered without using his weapons, because nobody has ever been able precisely to define the amount of danger which justifies homicide. Nor is a society bound to endure passively all that tyranny can inflict, because nobody has ever been able precisely to define the amount of misgovernment which justifies rebellion." (available at, accessed on 18 March 2003);

McCAUGHEY, Martha, 1966-, Real knockouts : the physical feminism of women's self-defense, New York : New York University Press, c1997,  xvi, 270 p., Includes bibliographical references at pp. 241-255, ISBN: 0814755127 (cloth) and 0814755771 (pbk);  book not consulted;

MacDOWELL, Douglas M., Athenian Homicide Law in the Age of the Orators, Manchester, The University Press, 1963, x, 161 p., on self-defence and defence of property, see pp. 75-76 (series; Publications of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Manchester, No. 15);

MALCOLM, Joyce Lee, To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1994, xii, 232 p., ISBN: 0674893069; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa, KF4558 2ND.M35; copy at the Library of Parliament, Ottawa, HV8059 M216;

MALEKI, Patricia,  La légitime défense des biens, Thèse de droit, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Université de soutenance, 2002, 328 feuilles,  Thèse : 2002NICE0008; directeur de thèse: Roger Bernardini; résumé au catalogue Abes, à (visionné le 19 Janvier 2003; thèse non consultée encore);

MANNING, Fiona,  Self Defence and Provocation: Implications for battered women who kill and for homosexual victims , [Sydney]: NSW Parliamentary Library, 1996, 28 p., (series; Briefing paper, New South Wales, Parliamentary Library Research Service), ISBN: 0731059751; Research Note:  paper not consulted;

MANNING, Robert, Justifiable Force: The Practical Guide to the Law of Self Defence, Chichester (U.K.): Barry Rose Publishers, 2005, xx, 189 p., ISBN: 1902681444; tile noted in my research but book not consulted; no entry in the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 23 February 2007);

MAUDRET, Olivier,  Nature et fondements de la légitime défense, Paris: édité par l'auteur, 1989, 78 p.; texte non consulté; informations provenant du serveur de la Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire CUJAS, Panthéon, Sorbonne, Université Paris 1;

McCALL SMITH, R.A. (R. Alexander), 1948-, and David Sheldon, Scots Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Edinburg: Butterworths, 1997, xxxiii, 346, see "Self-Defence" at pp. 145-150, ISBN: 0406891192;

McCAUGHEY,  Martha, 1966-, Physical feminism : An ethnographic study of the North American Women's Self-defense Movement and its                    transformation of gender ideology, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1995, ix, 346 p.; Research Note: thesis not consulted but title noted during research;

McMAHAN, Jeff, The ethics of killing : problems at the margins of life, New York : Oxford University Press, 2002, xiii, 540 p., see "Abortion and Self-Defense", at pp. 398-421, with notes at pp. 515-516, ISBN: 0195079981 (series; Oxford ethics series); copy at Ottawa University, MRT General HV 6515 .M38 2002;

MELLOW, David Rodger, 1961-, Self-Defense, Agency, and Morality, MA Thesis, University of Calgary, 1998, v, 102 leaves; thesis advisor: Thomas Hurka; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; copy at the National Library of Canada, Ottawa; see abstract;

MENON, C.U., Aiyar & Anand's Law of Private Defence, 2nd ed., Allahabad (India):  Law Book Company, 1964, xl, 558 p.; Research Note: the first ed. is by Anand, Ram Lal, 1890-, and Aiyard, Krishna Jagadisa, 1885-, The Law of private defense, Allahabad: Law Book Co., 1954, iii, 825; information on the first edition, from the US Library of Congress catalogue; book not consulted;

MERLE, Roger, 1922-,  et André Vitu, Traité de Droit Criminel, t. 1, Problèmes généraux de la science criminelle - Droit pénal général, 7e éd., Paris: Cujas, 1997, 1068 p., sur la légitime défense, voir les pp. 574-587;

MICHEL, Olivia,  L'état actuel de la légitime défense en France, Mémoire DEA : Droit pénal et sciences criminelles, Aix-Marseilles3-BU, Droit Sci. Eco., 1996, 226 feuilles; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée;

MOHD IQBAL IBN ABDUL WAHAB, The doctrine of excessive force in self-defence and the theory of the "battered woman syndrome" in the defence of self-defence in criminal law : a comparative study of English, Australian and Canadian criminal law, Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Edinburgh, 2002; not consulted;

MOITRA, Anukul Chandra, revised by Mr. Justice B.L. Yadav, The Law of Private Defence, 5th ed., Allahabad (India): University Book Agency, 1987, xxxi, 416 p.;

MOMMSEN, Théodore, Le droit pénal romain, tome 2, traduction de J. Duquesne, Paris: Albert Fontemoing, 1907, 443 p., sur la légitime défense voir les pp. 334-336 (Collection Manuel des antiquités romaines, vol. XVIII);

MOORE, Kathleen Dean, Pardons: Justice, Mercy, and the Public Interest, New York: Oxford Universityy Press, 1989, x, 271 p., bibliography at pp. 245-260, ISBN: 0195058712;

MONTESQUIEU, Charles de Secondat, Baron de la Brède et de, 1689-1755, Esprit des lois published in 1748 / translated in English under the title Spirit of the Laws;

"Book X. Of Laws in the Relation They Bear to Offensive Force ...
2. Of War.

    The life of governments is like that of man. The latter has a right to kill in case of natural defence: the former have a right to wage war for their own preservation.

    In the case of natural defence I have a right to kill, because my life is in respect to me what the life of my antagonist is to him: in the same manner a state wages war because its preservation is like that of any other being.

    With individuals the right of natural defence does not imply a necessity of attacking. Instead of attacking they need only have recourse to propertribunals. They cannot therefore exercise this right of defence but in sudden cases, when immediate death would be the consequence of waiting for the assistance of the law. But with states the right of natural defence carries along with it sometimes the necessity of attacking; as for instance, when one nation sees that a continuance of peace will enable another to estroy her, and that to attack that nation instantly is the only way to prevent her own destruction. ..." (Spirit of the Laws, Translated by Thomas Nugent, revised by J. V. Prichard based on 1914 edition by G. Bell & Sons, London, available at, accessed on 15 March 2003).


"Des lois dans le rapport qu'elles ont avec la force offensive ...
Chapitre 2. De la guerre

    La vie des États est comme celle des hommes.  Ceux-ci ont droit de tuer dans le cas de la défense naturelle; ceux-là ont droit de faire la guerre pour leur propre conservation.

    Dans le cas de la défense naturelle, j'ai droit de tuer, parce que ma vie est à moi, comme la vie de celui qui m'attaque est à lui : de même un État fait la guerre, parce que sa conservation est juste comme toute autre conservation.

    Entre les citoyens le droit de la défense naturelle n'emporte point avec lui la nécessité de l'attaque.  Au lieu d'attaquer, ils n'ont qu'à recourir aux tribunaux.  Ils ne peuvent donc exercer le droit de cette défense que dans les cas momentanés où l'on serait perdu si l'on attendait que le secours des lois.  Mais, entre les sociétés, le droit de la défense naturelle entraîne quelquefois la nécessité d'attaquer, lorsqu'un peuple voit qu'une plus longue paix en mettrait un autre en état de le détruire, et que l'attaque est dans ce moment le seul moyen d'empêcher cette destruction." (disponible dans la Collection Gallica de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, à, visionné le 15 mars 2003)

MORELAND, Roy, The Law of Homicide, Indianapolis:  Bobbs-Merrill, 1952, viii, 338 p., see Chapter 21, "Self-Defense", pp. 259-270, bibliography at pp. 315-323;

MORIAUD, Paul, De la justification du délit par l'état de nécessité, Genève : R. Burkhardt et Paris: L. Larose & Forcel, 1889, 323 p.; note de recherche : thèse de doctorat, Faculté de droit, Université de Genève;

MOROT, Jean, Du droit de se faire justice à soi-même (self-help, self-defense) en droit anglais, Paris: Jouve & Cie, 1923, 125 p., thèse, Paris, copie à la bibliothèque de Columbia University; livre non consulté;

MORRIS, Norval and Colin Howard, Studies in Criminal Law, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1964, xxxiv, 270 p., Research Note: see Chapter IV. "A New Manslaughter" at pp. 113-146;

MOSCOE, Sydney, "You and the Law", in Glen Edward Witner, Protecting Your Home & Property, Toronto: Bestsellers, Inc., 1980, 190 p., chapter 7 at  pp. 109-134,  ISBN: 086507027X;

MOSTAFA, Mahmoud M., Principes de droit pénal des pays arabes, Préface de Marc Ancel, Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1972,  iii, 190 p., voir "La légitime défense" aux pp. 51-58 (collection; Les grands systemes de droit pénal contemporains; vol. 5); copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General,  FTX General: KMC 974 .M67 1972;

MOUSOURAKIS, GeorgeCriminal Responsibility and Partial Excuses, Aldershoot (UK) and Brookfield (Vermont/USA): Ashgate Publishing Company, 1998, vi, 216 p., ISBN: 1855219433; Research Note: see in particular Part 6, "Self-Defence, Provocation and Mistake of Fact" at pp. 177-195;

MOUZOS, Jenny Dimitra, When women kill: an examination of scenarios of Lethal Self-Help in Australia 1989–2000, Ph.D. Thesis,University of Melbourne, Department of criminology, 2003, 330 leaves; thesis not consulted

MUELLER, Gerhard O.W., "The German Draft Criminal Code 1960 - An Evaluation in Terms of American Criminal  Law", (1961) Current Problems in Criminal Law 25-77, see "Self-Defense, Defense of Others and Property, Necessity, Duress, and Coercion" at pp. 56-57;

NAMMUR, Habib Faris, Hat al-darurah wa-al-difa' al-mashru' fial-ganun al-madani= État de nécessité et légitime défense en droit civil/ Habib Faris Nammur.  al-Tab'ah 1. [Beirut], H.F. Nammur, 1989, 112 p., Research Note: deals with justification, necessity and self-defense in Lebanon and French law; book not consulted; information from the US Library of Congress catalog;

NATHANSON, Stephen, 1943-, An Eye for an Eye? The Morality of Punishing by Death, Totowa (New Jersey): Rowman & Littlefield, 1987, xiii, 161 p., see pp. 6-8, 15-16 and 144, ISBN: 0847675610 and 0847675629 (pbk.);

NATIONAL CLEARINGHOUSE FOR THE DEFENSE OF BATTERED WOMEN, Annotated bibliography,  216 leaves, Philadelphia, PA : The Clearinghouse, c1991, 216, 13, 13 leaves, Research Note: volume not consulted; information from the Library of Congress on-line catalog;

NATIONAL COMMISSION ON REFORM OF FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAWS, Final Report of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws - A Proposed New Federal Criminal Code (Title 18, United States Code), Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971, xxv, 364 p., see "§ 601. Justification" at pp. 43-44, "§ 603.  Self-Defense" at p. 45, "§ 604. Defense of Others" at pp. 45-46; "§ 606. Use of Force in Defense of Premises and Propert" at pp. 47-48, "§ 607. Lits on the Use of Force: Excessive Force; Deadly Force", and "§ 608. Excuse" at p. 52; the proposed code is available on the internet at the along with  other "Materials on Federal Criminal Code Reform" at (Buffalo Criminal Law Center);

NAZ, Raoul, 1889-1977, sous la direction de, Traité de droit canonique, tome 4, livres IV et V, Des Procès, des délits, des peines, 2e éd. revue par P. Torquebiau, R. Naz, C. de Clerc et É. Jombart, Paris : Letouzey et Ané, 1954, 834, [xxxv] p., voir la «Défense légitime» à la p. 591;

NDENGOU, Jean, Le droit à la légitime défense de la victime du vol de nuit en Centrafrique: étude de droit comparé.  Droit français et Centrefricain, thèse de doctorat, 3e cycle, Toulouse I, 1986; directeur de thèse: Roger Merle; thèse non consultée; informations provenant du serveur de la Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire CUJAS, Panthéon, Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 et du catalogue Abes No notice: 043766935;

The New Testament, The Holy Gospel According to Matthew, 5:20-48;

NEW ZEALAND,  Criminal Law Reform Committee, Report on Self Defence, Wellington (New Zealand): Criminal Law Reform Committee, 1979, 11 p.;

___________Government, Crimes Bill 1989, introduced in May 1989, xxvii, 156 p., see on "Protection of persons", pp. ix, clause 41 and p. 41, clause 31 on "Use of force in self-defence"; on "protection of property", see pp. ix, clauses 48-51 and pp. 22-23 on clauses 48-51;

__________Crimes Consultative Committee, Crimes Bill 1989 - Report of the Crimes Consultative Committee: Presented to the Minister of Justice, [Wellington], 1991, 123 p., ISBN: 0477076165, see p. 24 on clause 41, "Use of force in self-defence" and clauses 48 to 51 on "Protection of Property" (Chairman: Mr. Justice Casey);

_________New Zealand Law Commission, Battered defendants : victims of domestic violence who offend : a discusion paper, Wellington, N.Z. : The Commission, 2000, vii, 75 p., (series; Preliminary paper; number 41), ISBN: 1877187542 (pbk.); copy available at;

___________New Zealand Law Commission, Some Criminal Defences with Particular Reference to Battered Defendants, 2001, xiii, 102 p. (series; report; ISSN: 0113-2334; number 73), ISBN: 1877187739; available at  (accessed on 17 March 2008);  

NORMAN, Richard (Richard J.), Ethics, Killing and War, Cambridge/New York/Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1995, x, 256, see chapter 4: "Killing in self-defence" at pp. 117-158 and  the index, ISBN; 0521455391 and 052145537 (paperpack);

NORTHERN TERRITORY LAW REFORM COMMITTEE, Self defence and provocation, Darwin : The Committee, 2000, (series; Report; no. 22); available at;

The Norwegian penal code [of 1902]. Translated by Harald Schjoldager and  Finn Backer. With an introduction by Johs. Andenaes, South Hackensack (N.J.):  F. B. Rothman [1961],  xi, 167 p., see section 48 (series; The American series of foreign penal codes; volume 3); copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, K5001 A63 no. 3;

"Section 48
    Nobody may be punished for an act committed in self-defense.

    Self-defense exists when an otherwise punishable act is committed for the prevention of, or in defense against, an unlawful attack, as long as the act does not exceed what is necessary; moreover, in relation to the attack, the guilt of the assailant, and the legal values attacked, it must be considered absolutely improper to inflict so great an evil as intended by the act of self-defense.

    The above rule concerning the prevention of unlawful attack applies also to acts performed for the purpose of  lawful arrest or for the prevention of a prisoner's escape from prison or custody.

    Anybody who has exceeded the limits of self-defense is nevertheless not to be punished if the excess is due solely to emotional upset or derangement produced by the attack." (p. 29)

Le Nouveau Testament, L'Évangile selon Saint Mathieu, 5 : 20-48;

Les nouveaux codes pénaux de langue allemande: Autriche (1974), République démocratique allemande (1968) et République fédérale d'Allemagne (1975), Paris: La  Documentation française avec le concours du Centre français de droit comparé, 1981, 565 p., (Collection des codes pénaux européens du Comité de législation étrangère et de droit international du Ministère de la Justice, sous la direction de Marc Ancel avec la collaboration de Yvonne Marx; tome 5); voir l'art. 3, «Légitime défense»  et l'art. 8, «Supposition erronée de l'existence d'un état de choses justificatif» du Code pénal autrichien aux pp. 14-15 et pour le Code pénal  allemand, l'art. 32, «Légitime défense» et l'art. 33 «Excès de légitime défense», à la p. 338,  ISBN: 2110006579;

NOZICK, Robert,  Anarchy, State,  and Utopia, New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers 1974, xvi, 367 p., ISBN: 0465002706 (cloth) and 0465097200 (paper);

NUTTALL, Steven Richard, An Essay on the Criminal Law  Justification, Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) thesis, The Ohio State University, 1991, vi, 270 p.;

O'CONNOR, D. O. (Desmond O.) and P.A. Fairall, Criminal Defences, 3rd ed., Sydney: Butterworths, 1996, xxxii, 328 p., ISBN: 0409308463;

O'CONNOR, Vivienne and Colette Rausch, eds., with Hans Joerg Albrecht and Goran Klemencic, Model codes for post-conflict criminal justice, Washington, D.C. : United States Institute of Peace Press, 2007-,  and see "Self-defence" at pp. 78-79, ISBN: 9781601270115 (pbk. : alk. paper); 1601270119 (pbk. : alk. paper); 9781601270122 (hardcover : alk. paper);  1601270127 (hardcover : alk. paper); available at,M1 (accessed on 11 October 2008);

OGLE, Robbin S., 1960-, and Susan Jacobs, 1945-,  Self-defense and battered women who kill : a new framework, Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2002, xii, 208 p., ISBN: 0275967115; copy at Ottawa University, FTX general, KF 9305 .034 2002 (consulted 13 October 2003); limited preview available at
+intitle:self-defense&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=RKnXR_H_EoOEjAH7vbDjAQ&sig=nR2kpIbHDQAnXMxfuNtiCaGFDik and (accessed on 12 March 2008);

OLIVIA, Michel, L'état actuel de la légitime défense en France, [S.l.], 1996, 220 feuilles, Mémoire : DEA : Droit pénal et sciences criminelles,  1996,  information du catalogue informatisée de la Bibliothèque de l'Université Aix-Marseille 3, 1996;

OMAR BEY LOUTFY,  Note sur la légitime défense, sur ses conditions et ses limites, d'après le droit musulman,  Paris : F. Pichon, 1898,  7 p.; Note de recherche: texte non consulté; information du fichier électronique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France; la fiche indique comme note: "Extrait du ?Bulletin de la Société de législation comparée?..bibliothèque de France";

O'REGAN, Robin S. (Robin Stanley), 1935-,  New Essays on the Australian Criminal Codes, Sydney:  The Law Book, 1988, xxii, 125 p., see Chapter VI,  "Self-defence" at pp. 73-95 and Chapter VII, "A Variation of Self-Defence" at pp. 96-102, ISBN: 0455207976;

ORTOLAN, J., Éléments de droit pénal: pénalité - juridictions - procédure suivant la science rationnelle, la législation positive et la jurisprudence avec les données de nos statistiques criminelles, 5e édition, Revue, complétée et mise au courant de la législation française et étrangère par M. Albert Desjardins, Tome Premier, Paris: Librairie Plon, 1886, 660 p. pour le Tome Premier, voir sur la légitime défense les paragraphes 417-445, soient les pp. 176-187;

O'SULLIVAN, Richard, 1888-1963, Christian Philosophy in the Common Law, Westminster (Maryland):  The Newman Bookshop, 1947, 61 p.; Research Note: all three entries of O'Sullivan in this bibliography do not deal with self-defence directly, however, the philosophical discussion of the early influence of canon law on  common law is important;

___________"The Natural Law and the Common Law", (1950) 3 University of  Notre Dame Natural Law Institute Proceedings 9-44;

  _________ The Spirit of the Common Law: A representative collection of the papers of Richard O'Sullivan Selected and edited by B.A. Wortley, Tenbury Wells, Worcs (England): Fowler Wright Books, 1965, 161 p., see "The Philosophy of the Common Law" at pp. 65-86 and "Natural Law and Common Law" at pp. 89-109;

OTSUKA,  Michael, Libertarianism without inequality, Oxford : Clarendon ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2003, viii, 158 p., see "Chapter 4. Killing the Innocent in Self-Defence", at pp. 66-87,  ISBN: 0199243956; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General,   JC 585 .O87 2003;

PARROW, Kathleen Ann, 1951-,  From Defense to Resistance: Justification of Violence during the French Wars of Religion, Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1993, vi, 79 p., see "Background: The Individual's Right to Defense Versus Rights and Duties of the Crown" at pp. 15-37 (series; Transactions of the American Philosophical Society; v. 83, part 6), ISBN: 0871698366, ISSN: 00689746;

PASCAL, Blaise, 1623-1662,  «Les Provinciales - Septième lettre écrite à un provincial par un de ses amis - 25 avril 1656» dans Oeuvres complètes, Préface d'Henri Gouhies de l'Institut, présentation et notes de Louis Lafuma, Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1963, 677 p.;

___________Les provinciales, ou, Les lettres écrites par Louis de Montalte [pseud.] à un provincial de ses amis et aux révérends pères jésuites; publiées sur la dernière édition revue par Pascal, avec les variantes des éditions précédentes, et leur réfutation, consistant en introductions et nombreuses notes historiques, littéraires, philosophiques et théologiques, par M. l'abbé Maynard, tome 1, Paris:  Firmin Didot frères, 1851,  aux pp. 301-345 (7e lettre avec introduction); disponible à,M1  (vérifié le 7 août 2008);

PAYEN, Raymond., De l'emploi d'engins automatiques pour la défense des  propriétés, et de la responsabilité pénale, Paris: A. Rousseau, 1905, 124 p., thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris, Faculté de droit; texte non consulté, information du catalogue informatisé de la Bibliothèque national de France;

The Penal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany, Translated  by Joseph J. Darby With an Introduction by Hans-Heinrich Jescheck, Littleton (Colorado):  F.B. Rothman and London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1987, xxvi, 257 p., (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes; vol. 28), ISBN: 0837700485, see sections 32, "Self defense" and 33 "Exceeding the bounds of self defense"; Research Note/Note de recherche: available on the internet /disponible sur l'intern et at;

PERKINS, Rollin M., 1889-,  and Ronald N. Boyce, Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Mineola (New York): The Foundation Press, 1982, xxiii, 1269 p., see "Self-Defense" at pp. 1113-1144; "Defense of Another" at pp. 1144-1148;  "Defense of the Habitation" at pp. 1148-1154; "Defense of Property" at pp. 1154-11158; and "Spring Guns and Booby Traps" at pp. 1158-1160  (series; University Textbook Series), ISBN: 0882770675;

PHILLIPS, Anthony, Ancient Israel's Criminal Law, New York: Schocken Books, 1970, [x], 218 p., see Chapter 8, "The Prohibition of Murder" at pp. 83-109, and more particularly, "Sel-help" at pp. 92-93;

PLAVES, Meshulam, Attitudes toward self-defense among American and Israeli Jews, Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology-Berkeley/Alameda, 1983, 185 p.; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

POLLOCK, Frederick and William Maitland, The History of English Law, Before the Time of Edward 1, 2nd edition,  volume II, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984, xv, 691 p. (for vol. II), see pp. 477-483 and p. 574;

PORTUGAL, Constitution de la République portugaise, VIIe révision constitutionnelle [2005]

Article 21 (Le droit de résistance)
"Toute personne a la faculté de s’opposer à un ordre qui porte atteinte à ses droits, à ses libertés ou ses garanties fondamentales et celle de repousser une agression en utilisant la
force, quand il est impossible de recourir à l’autorité publique." (disponible à, vérifié le 13 avril 2009);


POST, Gaines, Studies in Medieval Legal Thought: Public Law and the State: 1100-1322, Princeton (N.J.): Princeton University Press, 1964, xv, 633 p., see pp. 526-527 and the index;

PRADEL, Jean, Droit pénal,  Tome 1 - Introduction générale,  Droit pénal général, Dixième édition revue et augmentée à jour au 1er juillet 1995, Paris: Éditions Cujas, 1995, 911 p., voir "La permission fondée sur la légitime défense" aux pp. 379-391; note de recherche: il y a une onzième édition revue et augmentée à jour au 15 décembre 1996, Paris: Éditions Cujas, 1997, 939, xxxvi p. que je n'ai pas consulté;

___________Droit pénal comparé, Paris : Dalloz, 1995, viii, 733 p., voir la légitime défense aux pp. 286-287  (Collection; Précis Dalloz - Droit Pivé); il y a maintenant une deuxième édition de ce volume;

PRADEL, Jean et Geert Corstens, Droit pénal européen : 1999, Paris: Dalloz, 1999, x, 570 p., (collection; Précis: droit privé), ISBN: 2247034950, sur l'art. 2 de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme (Conseil de l'Europe), le droit à la vie, et plus particulièrement à son exception "la défense contre une violence illégale", voir les pp. 300-301;

PRATT,  Erich Maurice, Self-government and the unalienable right of self-defense: restoring the Second Amendment, 1990,  vi, 102 leaves, Thesis (M.A.)--Regent University, 1990, bibliographical references at leaves 97-102; Research Note: thesis not consulted; information from the Washington College of Law (Washington, D.C.) library catalogue;

PREISING, Keith Michael,  Self-defense and the battered woman syndrome : a moment in time,  Thesis ((M.A.)--Central Missouri State University, 1993, iii, 72 p., Research Note: thesis not consulted, information from the York University, Toronto, on-line catalogue;

PRICE, Robert M., 1943-,  Firearms self-defense : an introductory guide, Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, c1981, vi, 157 p., ISBN:  087364218X; Research Note: Not consulted; information from the Library of Congress catalogue;

PRINS, Adolphe, 1845-1919,  Science pénale et droit positif, Bruxelles: Bruylant-Christophe et Paris: Librairie A. Marescq, Ainé,  1899, xxxvii, 589 p.; note de recherche: sur la légitime défense voir les pp. 190-196;

PRIOLAUD, Adrien, Du droit de légitime défense,  Angoulême : impr. de M. Despujols, 1903, 148 p., Thèse, Université de Poitiers, Faculté de droit; note de recherche: texte non consulté, information du catalogue informatisée de la bibliothèque nationale de France;

PUFENDORF, Samuel, Freiherr von, 1632-1694,  De Jure Naturae Et Gentium, vol. 2, The Translation of the Edition of 1688 par C.H. Oldfather et Q.A. Oldfather, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1934, 1465 p.;

__________Le droit de la nature et des gens, ou, Système général des principes les  plus importants de la morale, de la jurisprudence, et de la politique,
traduit du latin par Jean Barbeyrac ; avec des notes du traducteur, & une préface qui sert d'introduction à tout  l'ouvrage, Londres : J.  Nours, 1740, 3 vol.,  (traduction du latin: De jure naturae et gentium).  Note de recherche: l'Université St-Paul à Ottawa a une copie de ce livre rare;

¸__________Le droit de la nature et des gens : ou, Système general des  principes les plus importans de la morale, de la jurisprudence, et de la politique / Traduit du latin de feu Mr. Le Baron de  Pufendorf, par Jean Barbeyrac ; notes du traducteur, & une  préface qui sert d'introduction à tout l'ouvrage, Caen: Centre de Philosophie politique et juridique de l'Université de Caen, 1987,  2 tomes,  (Réimpression de  Publ. à l'origine : 4e éd. rev. et augm. considérablement : Basle : E. & J.R. Thourneisen, Freres, 1732), (traduction de : De jure naturae et gentium). Note de recherche: copie à l'université d'Ottawa; la Bibliothèque nationale de France présente sur son site Gallica, ces deux volumes: tome 1 à et le tome 2 à (tomes visionnés le 19 janvier 2003);

__________Les Devoirs de l'homme et du citoyen: tels qu'ils lui sont prescrits par la loi naturelle,  tome 1 de 2, traduit du latin  par Jean  Barbeyrac, 6e éd., Caen (France):  Centre de philosophie politique et juridique, Université de Caen, 1984 (réimpression de l'édition: Londres:  J. Nourse, 1741), 403 p.,  ISBN 07580428 (traduction du latin :  De officio hominis et civis juxta legem naturalem); ces deux volumes ont été publiés sur le site Gallica de la bibliothèque nationale de France, pour le tome 1 à et le tome 2 à (tomes visionnés le 19 janvier 2003);

__________ On the duty of man and citizen according to natural law, edited by James Tully, translated by Michael Silverthorne, Cambridge (England) and  New York : Cambridge University Press, 1991,  xliv, 183 p., (translation of:  De officio hominis et civis juxta legem naturalem), ISBN: 0521351952 (hardback);

__________ The two Books On The Duty of Man and Citizen According To Natural Law, Cambridge: From the House of John Hayes, printer to the Celebrated University, 1682, electronic version, available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);

QUERRY, A., Recueil de lois concernant les musulmans schyites, tome 2, Paris: l'Imprimerie nationale, 1872 et voir sur la légitime défense, les pp. 536-540; disponible à,M1  (vérifié le 7 août 2008);

QUINN, J.F. (John F.) and J.M.B. Crawford, The Christian Foundations of Criminal Responsibility: A Philosophical Study of Legal Reasoning, Lewiston (N.Y.),  Queenston (Ontario) and Dyfed (Wales, UK): The Edwin Mellen Press, 1990 or 1991, vi, 504 p., see p. 19 (series; Toronto Studies in Theology; volume 40), ISBN: 0889469792;

RADBRUCH, G.L., "Jurisprudence in the Criminal Law", (1936) 18 Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law (3rd series) 212-225, see pp. 219-220; available at;

RAJU, Vadrevu Bhadir, 1907-, Law of Private Defence, 1st ed.,  Ahmedabad (India):  C.C. Vora, 1949, viii, 224 p., (His Criminal Law series; volume 2); Research Note: deals with the law of self-defence in India;

RAKOVER, Nahum, Self defense: how far can I go, Jerusalem : The Library of Jewish Law, the Jewish Legal Heritage Society, [1996], 44 p., Research Note:  information from the US Library of Congress catalogue; deals with the law of  self-defense in Israel; book not consulted;

RAMIREZ, Juan Bustos et  Manuel Valenzuela Bejas, Le système pénal des pays d'Amérique latine (avec référence au Code pénal type latino-américain),  Traduit de l'espagnol par Jacqueline Bernat De Celis, Paris : Éditions A. Pedone, 1983, 159 p., voir les pp. 63-73 sur la légitime défense, ISBN: 2233001184; research note: for an English version of the Standard Penal Code for Latin America, see Dahl, infra;

RAMSEY, Paul, 1913-1988, Basic Christian Ethics, Louisville (Ky.): Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993, xxxviii, 404 p., (series; Library of Theological Ethics), ISBN: 0664253245 (pbk.), see Self-defence and discussions of St-Ambrose and St-Augustine at pp. 171-177; this book was originally published: New York: :Scribner, 1950;

RASSAT, Michèle-Laure, Droit pénal, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1987, 683 p., ISBN: 2130405792, voir les pp. 398-407 et 415-417; note de recherche: il ya maintenant une 2e édition que nous n'avons pas consultée: Droit pénal général, 2e ed . mise a jour, Paris :  Presses universitaires de France , 1999,  Impr. des Presses Universitaires de France,  669 p. (Collection  Collection Droit fondamental  -  Droit penal), ISBN: 2130497594;

RAZGI, Mohamed, La légitime défense en droit français et en droit libyen - étude de droit comparé, Paris I, thèse; texte non consulté; informations provenant du serveur de la Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire CUJAS, Panthéon, Sorbonne, Université Paris 1; voir le  résumé au Catalogue Abes;

RÉGNIER, Jérôme, 1918-,  L'État est-il maître de la vie et de la mort?,  Paris, Centurion, 1983, 191 p., ISBN 2227310537;

REILLY, Alexander, 1969-, The Heart of the Matter: Emotion in the Criminal Law, LL.M. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1996, vi, 151 p.;

RENTELN, Alison Dundes, The Cultural Defense, New York : Oxford University Press, 2004, viii, 404 p., see in particular Chapter 3, "Homicide", at pp. 23-47 with notes at pp. 221-222; see self-defense at pp. 36-40, ISBN: 0195154029; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General: K 5455 .R46 2004; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K 5455 .R46 2004;

RICKABY, Joseph, 1845-1932, Moral Philosophy, or, Ethics and Natural Law, 3e éd.,  New York: Benziger, 1905, viii, 378 p. (series;  Manuals of Catholic Philosophy, Stonyhurst Series), see "Of Killing done Indirectly in Self-defence" at pp. 208-213;

RIPSTEIN, Arthur, Equality, Responsibility, and the Law, Cambridge and in New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999,  xii, 307 p., see "Justification and Excuses" at pp. 163-171, "Unknown Justifications" at pp. 214-217; self-defence is dealt at pp. 190-201 (Series; Cambridge studies in philosophy and law),  ISBN: 0521584523; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa, K579.L5R57;

ROBERTS, Thomas Putnam, 1951-, Domestic violence and self-defense : a legal and ethical analysis, Oh.D., University of Southern California, c1992, xiv, 323 leaves; Research Note: thesis not consulted but title noted during research;

ROBERTSON, J. Bruce, Adams on Criminal Law - Student Edition, Wellington (New Zealand): Brookers, 1996 (reprint 1997), xcviii, 917 p.,  ISBN: 086472215X; research note: excellent textbook on the criminal law of New Zealand;

ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, and John M., Darley, Justice, Liability, and  Blame: Community Views and the Criminal Law, Boulder (Colorado, USA): Westview Press, 1995, xvii, 299 p., ISBN: 0813324505, (Series: New directions in social psychology); see Chapter 3, "Doctrines of Justification: When Should it Be Lawful for one to Engage in Conduct That Normally Would Constitute a Violation?" at pp. 53-81, and, in particular, "Study 5: Use of Deadly Force in Self-Defense" at pp. 54-64, "Study 6: Use of Force in Defense of Property" at pp. 64-72, "Study 7: Citizen's Law Enforcement Authority" at pp. 72-79 and the "Chapter Summary" at pp. 79-81;

ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, Criminal Law Defences, vol. 1 et 2, St. Paul (Minnesota):  West Publishing, 1984, xli, 585 p. (for vol. 1) and xxvii, 783 p. (for vol. 2), see in volume 2, "Defensive Force Justifications" at pp. 69-112, see also the index (Criminal Practice Series), ISBN: 0314815139 (series of 2 volumes);

___________Fundamentals of Criminal Law, Boston: Little, Brown, 1988, xlii, 1090 p., see "Defensive Force Justifications" at pp. 723-749 and the index, (Series: Law school casebook series),  ISBN: 0316751316; research note: there is a 2 nd ed. which I have not consulted: Boston : Little, Brown, c1995,  xxix, 823 p., (series; Law school casebook series), ISBN: 0316751111;

RODIN, David, War and Self-defense, Oxford:Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, 230 p., ISBN: 0199257744; limited preview available at,M1 and (accessed on 3 March 2008);

ROEHRENBECK, Carol A., compiled by, People vs Goetz: The Summations and the Charges to the Jury, Buffalo (NY): W.S. Hein Co., 1989, x, 883 p., ISBN: 0899416578;

ROMERIO, François., Plaidoyer pour la légitime défense, Paris: Éditions du Dauphin, 1979, 165 p. (Collection "Controverses" dirigée par Jean-Pierre Bertrand), ISBN: 2716310092 et ISSN: 01836870;

ROSENBERG, Alfred, 1893-1946, Le mythe du XXe siècle -- Bilan des combats culturels et spirituels de notre temps, traduit de l'Allemand par Adler von Scholle, Paris: Éditions Avalon, 1986, xv, [1], 3, 689 p., ISBN: ISBN: 2906316040 et 2906316032; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT General, JC 481 .R6714 1986; traduction de Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, 1930; Rosenberg, antisémite nazi, fut pendu en 1946 comme criminel de guerre suite au célèbre procès de Nuremberg;

"Le droit, en dépit de ses attaches métaphysiques, est né partout de la légitime défense; en premier lieu, comme simple combat de survie pour défendre la liberté extérieure, ensuite pour servir certaines valeurs de caractère.  L'attaque contre l'honneur de l'individu devint le point de départ d'une défense personnelle légalement reconnue. Celle-ci fut ensuite étendue à la défense des intérêts et de l'honneur de la tribu.  Ce n'est que progressivement qu'apparurent de plus ou moins grandes associations (églises ou Etats) qui remplacèrent la légitime défense au service de la communauté, personnifiée par l'évêque ou le roi, par des tribunaux, dont l'autorité s'imposait à tous.  D'après la conception germanique, cette intrusion dans la vie individuelle n'a de justification que si elle représente une protection de l'honneur.  La hiérarchie ecclésiastique a repoussé ce très ancien esprit de l'Europe nordique ou ne l'a que partiellement reconnu, à contre coeur; notre droit en vigueur ne reconnaissait, jusqu'à aujourd'hui, que la 'défense des intérêts légitimes', et il importait peu que ces intérêts soient nobles ou suspects.  La protection de l'honneur du peuple devait être la suite naturelle de celle de l'honneur de l'individu, passant par celui de la tribu.  Or, précisément la plus effroyable décadence de caractère se manifeste maintenant avec plus de vigueur que jamais, alors que son orighine est déjà ancienne: pas une seule des milliers de lois de la législation, soi-disant, 'allemande', ne sanctionne une atteinte à l'honneur du peuple!" (p. 530)

ROUQUETTE, Théophile, Des excuses légales et des faits justificatifs en matière criminelle, Toulouse: Bonnal et Gibrac, 1866 et voir notamment la légitime défense en droit romain aux pp. 50-56; disponible à,M1 et  à 1 et (vérifiés le 30 mai 2008);

ROUX, J.A. (Jean-André), 1866-, Cours de droit criminel français, deuxième édition, Tome I - Droit pénal, 2e édition, Paris: Société Anonyme du Recueil Sirey, 1927, vi, 540 p., sur la légitime défense, voir les pp. 186-195; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale,;

RUBIN, John, The Law of Self-defense in North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Institute of Government, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996, xvi, 215 p.,   ISBN: 156011245;  Research Note: book not consulted; information from the US Library of Congress catalogue;

RUSSELL, Frederick H., The Just War in the Middle Ages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975, xi, 332 p., see index (series; Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought, 3rd series, vol. 8), ISBN: 0521206901 and 052129276X (pbk.);

RUSSIAN FEDERATION, The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (with the Additions and Amendments of February 20, August 12, 1996, October 24, 1997, July 8, December 17, 1999, April 16, May 15, November 26, 2001, March 21, November 14, 26, 2002, January 10, March 26, November 11, December 23, 2003)

"Article 1066. The Infliction of Injury in the State of Justifiable Defence
Injury inflicted in the state of justifiable defence, unless the requirements of justifiable defence are exceeded, shall not be subject to redress." (available at, accessed on 14 April 2009)


La sainte Bible traduite en français sous la direction de l'École biblique de Jérusalem, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1961, xv, 1669 p., voir L'Exode, 22, 1-2 à la p. 84:

    "22.  1Si le voleur, surpris en flagrant délit de percer un mur, reçoit un coup mortel, son sang ne sera pas vengé.  2Mais si le soleil était déjà levé, le sang du voleur sera vengé.  Il doit de toute manière s'acquitter.  S'il n'a pas de quoi le faire, on le vendra lui-même pour rembourser le prix de son larcin."

SAMPFORD, Karen, Home Invasions and the Criminal Law Amendment Bill 1996, Brisbane: Queensland Parliamentary Library, Publications and Resources Section, 1997, 22, [31] p. (series; Legislation bulletin, Queensland Parliamentary Library),  ISBN: 0724273565; Research Note: bulletin not consulted, information from the on-line catalogue of the National Library of Australia;

SANGERO, Boaz, , Self-Defence in Criminal Law, Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart Pub., 2006, xvii, 376 p., (series; Criminal law library; v. 1) ISBN: 1841136077;  copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, K 5087.S4 2004; limited preview at,M1 and (accessed on 2 March 2008);

SANKOSIK, Uttit, Self-Defense in American and Thai Criminal Laws, May 1955, 242 p., Typescript,  Thesis (S.J.D.)--University of Pennsylvania, 1955; Research Note: book not consulted; information from the University of Pennsylvania Law School Library catalogue;

SAUNDERS, Trevor J., 1934-, Plato's Penal Code: Tradition, Controversy and Reform in Greek Penology, Oxford: Clarendon Press and  New York:  Oxford University Press,  1991,  xvii, 414 p., see "Killings in self-defence" at pp. 230-231 and "theft" at pp. 244-245, ISBN: 0198148933;

SCHNEIDER, Elizabeth, Battered Women and Feminist Lawmaking,  New Haven and London : Yale University Press, 2000, xiii, 317 p., ISBN: 0300083432; copy at OttawaUniversity, FTX General:  KF 9322 .S36 2000;

SÉNAT DE BELGIQUE, Session de 2007-2008, 5 mars 2008, "Proposition de loi modifiant le Code pénal en ce qui concerne les règles relatives à la légitime défense et introduisant la cause absolutoire générale de l'excès de légitime défense (Déposée  par M. Yves Buysse et consorts)", disponible à, vérifié le 14 avril 2009;

SÉRIAUX, Alain, Le droit naturel, Paris: presses Universitaires de France, 1993, 128 p., voir le Chapitre III.  Les droits naturels de l'homme.  I. -- Du droit à la sécurité", aux pp. 94-106; note: traite de Hobbes; (Collection; Que sais-je; numéro 2806) ISBN: 2130458424; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT General K 421 .S468;

SÈVE, René, Leibniz et l'école moderne du droit naturel, Paris : Presses universitaires de France, c1989, 236 p., voir "La légitime défense" aux pp. 169-171 (Collection; Questions, 0752-0514),  ISBN:  2130417337; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, B 2599 .E85 S484 1989;

"L'audace de Grotius se limite à autoriser le meurtre de l'agresseur pour la protection de la pudeur puisque comme la vie, celle-ci est 'irréparable'.  [...] Pour le reste, Grotius accepte l'homicide pour atteinte à l'honneur (le soufflet) selon le droit naturel, mais pas la loi divine, le meurtre du voleur, en général, au niveau du droit naturel, du voleur de nuit selon la charité, la Bible et les droits antiques, mais seulement si les biens volés sont indispensables, pour la loi divine; enfin il rappelle, avec Saint Thomas, qu'au moins selon la loi divine, la fuite ou l'évitement du mal est préférable à l'homicide et que la défense légitime, immédiate et proportionnée n'implique pas le droit d'attaque préventive.

Plus souple est la position pufendorfienne: par exemple l'homicide pour la défense des biens n'est pas opposé à la charité; la patience chrétienne se limite à modérer la riposte et non à supporter l'agression." (pp. 169-170; notes omises)

SHERRIN, Ed, directed by,  Law & order. Self-defense, United States : [s.n.], 1992,  videocassette,  3/4 in., Library of Congress  No.:  VBL 4094 (viewing copy),  Notes: Copyright: Universal City Studios, Inc. DCR 1992; PUB 10Nov92; REG 30Mar93; PA601-805;  Number 68008.  Research Note: information from the Library of Congress catalogue;

SIEURAC, Fernand , La légitime défense,  Toulouse :  Imprimerie de Lagarde et Sébille, 1896, 114 p., thèse, Université de Toulouse, Faculté de droit; note de recherche: texte non-consulté, information du catalogue informatisé de la Bibliothèque nationale de France;

SILVING, Helen, Constituent Elements of Crime, Springfield (Illinois): Charles C. Thomas, 1967, xxiv, 458 p.; see on self-defence, pp. 381-385, 391-395 and the index; Research Note: Of interest is the discussion of the merger of self-defence and prevention of crime;

___________Criminal Justice, vol. 2, Buffalo (NY): WM. S. Hein and Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico): University of Puerto Rico, 1971; see self-defence in the index; of particular interest, see self-defence in "Roman-Civil Law Countries" at pp. 583-599;

SIMMONS, Daniel Lee, An examination of attitudes about violent self-defense behavior exhibited by abused wives, Ph.D. thesis, University of Wyoming, 1983, 102 p.; title of thesis noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

SIMONS, Raphaël, Traité pratique de la légitime défense : avec avant-propos sur la crise du droit pénal, Bruxelles : van Fleteren, 1911, 200 p., (Collection; Bibliothèque de la Société d'études morales et juridiques; vol. 3); note de recherche: texte non consulté mais noté pendant mes recherches; aucune copie dans les bibliothèques canadiennes couvertes par le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 4 août 2005);

SLIEDREGT, Ellies van, The Criminal Responsibility of Individuals for Violations of International Humanitarian Law, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2003, xxiv, 437 p., see "The 'reasonable man standard' and Garantenstellung", at pp. 234-238, and "Self-Defence", at pp. 254-267, ISBN: 9067041661; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, K5064 .S53 2003;

SLOAN, Irving J., The Law of Self-Defense: Legal and Ethical Principles, New York:  Oceana Publications, 1987, iv, 147 p. (series; Legal Almanac Series No. 64), ISBN: 0379111578;

SLOTNICK, Barry, 1939-, Barry Slotni[c]k's summation in State of New York v. Bernhard H. Goetz, forewords by William A. Barton, [1991?], v, 90 leaves (series; Classics of the courtroom; v. 17);  Research Note: Book not consulted; information from the US Library of Congress catalogue;

SMITH, John, Criminal Law by Sir John Smith and the late Brian Hogan, 8th ed., London: Butterworths, 1996, lxxxvi, 806 p., see "Public & Private Defences" at pp. 259-270 and the index; ISBN: 0406081875;

___________Justification and Excuse in the Criminal Law, London:  Stevens, 1989, xii, 133 p. (series; vol. 40 Hamlyn Lectures), ISBN: 0420478108 and 0420478205  (pbk);

SNYMAN, C.R.,  Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Durban: Butterworths, 1995,  xii, 577 p.,  ISBN: 0409056251; there is now a 5th ed.;

___________A Draft Criminal Code for South Africa with a Commentary,  Cape Town: Juta, 1995, xl, 133 p., ISBN: 0702133345, see section 2.5 on private defence at p. 4 with comments at  pp. 52-53; research note: Professor Snyman is a comparative law expert;

SSEKANDI, Francis M.,  Self-defence in Uganda law / by F.M. Ssekandi ; and revised by Florence Nakachwa D.,  Kampala : Law Development Centre, 2008; copy at Harvard University;

ST. AMBROSE, about 330-340 to 397, De Officiis (On the Duties of the Clergy), III (Book III), chapter 4; available at; title of the book in French is Sur les devoirs des clercs;

ST. AUGUSTINE,  Letter 47 (at );

STATE BAR OF TEXAS,  Committee on Revision of the Penal Code, [Reports and drafts on justification],  [Austin, 1969], 1 v. (various pagings); Research Note: volume not consulted; information from the University of Texas at Austin Tarlton Law Library (TALLONS) catalogue; deals with self-defence law in Texas;

The Statutory Criminal law of Germany: With Comments: a Translation of the German Criminal Code of 1871 With Amendments, Together with the Most Important Supplementary Penal Statutes and With the Laws Nos. 1 and 11 and Proclamation no. 3 of the Control Council for Germany, Washington, D.C. : War  Deptartment,1946, xx, 276 p., see pp. 45-48, on sections 52-54 of the German Penal Code of 1871 (Series; War Deptartment pamphlet; number 31-122; Notes: At head of title: "Military government information guide"; copy at Nahum Gelber Law Library, McGill University;

STEFANI, Gaston, Georges Levasseur, 1907-,  et Bernard Bouloc, Droit pénal général, 16e éd., Paris : Dalloz,  1997,  638 p. (Collection; Précis Dalloz - Droit Privé; 8);

STEPHEN, James Fitzjames, 1829-1894,  A Digest of the Criminal Law (Crimes and Punishments), 4th ed., London: Macmillan, 1887, xl, 441 p.;

__________A History of the Criminal Law of England, vol. 2 et 3, Buffalo (New York), Hein, 1985 (reprint of : London: MacMillan, 1883), vi, 497 p. (vol. 2) et vi, 592 p.(vol. 3);

STERN, Joseph B., ed., The right of self-defense and abortion in Jewish law, Brookline, Mass. : Hebrew College, Milender Institute of Jewish Ethics, 1983, 32 p. (Series:  Contemporary legal issues--Jewish law and American law ; source book no. 6);  Research Note: book not consulted; information obtained from the New England School of Law Library;

STREET, Harry, 1919-, The Law of Torts, 6th ed., London: Butterworths, 1976, liii, 528 p.,  ISBN: 0406662061 and  040666207X (pbk.);Research Notes: there are also newer editions;

STROUD, Douglas Aikenhead., Mens Rea Or Imputability Under The Law Of England, London: , Sweet & Maxwell, 1914, xxiv, 352 p., see "Self-Defence" at pp. 284-293 and "Self-Assistance" at pp. 293-297;

STROUD, Ronald S., Drakon's Law on Homicide, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1968, viii, 83 p. (series; University of California Publications: Classical Studies; vol. 3), see p. 56 text and note 106 for starting points on future research on "justifiable homicide";

STRUBE DE PIERMONT, Frédéric-Henri, Ebauche des loix naturelles et du droit primitif, Num. BNF de l'éd. de Leiden (The Netherlands) : IDC,  [19--?], Reproduction de l'édition de Amsterdam : chez J. Ryckhoff, 1744, xxi, 251 p.; disponible Chez Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France, (visionné le 19 mars 2003);

SULLIVAN, Shaun J. (O.F.M., Franciscan School of Theology), Killing in Defense of Private Property: The Development of a Roman Catholic Moral Teaching, Thirteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, Missoula (Montana):  Scholars Press, 1976, x, 234 p., bibliography at pp. 221-234, (series; American Academy of Religion Disertation Series; number 15), ISBN: 0891300678; Research Note: Ph.D., 1973 thesis, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California;

SYLVAIN, Georges, 1935-,  Defense and control tactics, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1971], xii, 74 p., (series;  Prentice-Hall essentials of law enforcement series); Research Note: book not consulted; information from the Yale University Law Library library catalogue, deals with the police methods of arrest and self-defense;

TADROS, Victor, The Ends of Harm: The Moral Foundations of Criminal Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, xii, 370 p., and see chapter 10, "Mistakes and Self-defence" and chapter 11, "Responsibility and Self-defence"; ISBN: 9780199554423 and  0199554420;

TEICHMAN, Jenny, Pacifism and the Just War: A Study in Applied Philosophy, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986, xii, 138 p., see chapter 8, "Self-Defence" at pp. 69-87, ISBN: 0631150560;

TENNENBAUM, Abraham Nathan, Justifiable Homicides by Civilians in the United States, 1976-1990: An Exploratory Analysis, Ph.D. thesis, University of Maryland College Park, 1993, 261 p.;

THENO, Shelley A., Victim-precipitated homicide and the battered woman syndrome: effect of stereotype consistency and weapon use on verdict and social judgements, 1996 May, vii, 154 leaves, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Kansas, 1996; Research Note: information from Hollis, the catalogue of Harvard University;

THOMAS D'AQUIN (SAINT), 1225-1274,  Somme théologique par Thomas d'Aquin, tome 3 (au total 4 tomes), Paris : Éditions du Cerf, 1985, 1158 p., ISBN: 2204022314., voir II-II (Second volume de la deuxième partie), question 64 - L'homicide - article 7  : «Est-il permis de tuer un homme pour se défendre» aux pp. 430-431; Research Note: for the English version, see AQUINAS, St. Thomas, supra;

THOMSON, Judith Jarvis, ed. by William Parent, Rights, Restitution, and Risk: Essays in Moral Theory, Cambridge (Massachussets): Harvard University Press, 1986, x, 269 p. see essay # 3, "Self-Defense and Rights" at pp. 33-48 and essay # 10, "Some Questions About Government Regulation of Behavior" at pp. 154-172;  ISBN: 0674769805 and 0674769813 (pbk.); essay # 10 is also published in Tibor R. Machan and M. Bruce Johnson, eds., Rights and Regulation: Ethical, Political, and Economic Issues, Cambridge (Massachussets): Ballinger, 1983, xxv, 309 p. in Part III, "Rights and Harms", chapter 6, pp. 137-156, ISBN: 0884109283;

THOMSON, Judith Jarvis, The realm of rights, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990, viii, 383 p., ISBN: 0674749480; copy at Carleton University, 5th flloor,  BJ55.T46;

TIERNEY, Brian The Idea of Natural Rights: Studies on Natural Rights, Natural Law and Church Law 1150-1625, Atlanta (Georgia): Scholars Press, 1997, xi, 380 p. (series; Emory University Studies in Law and Religion; vol.5), ISBN: 0788503553; copy at St-Paul University Library, K445 T54I34 1997;

TIRAQUEAU, André, 1488-1558, Le «De Poenis Temperandis» de Tiraqueau (1559).  Introduction, traduction et notes par André Laingui et préface de Jean Imbert, Paris : Economica, 1986, vii, 342 p. (Collection Histoire), notes: Société d'histoire du droit et publié avec le concours du CRNS, ISBN:  2717810447. Note de recherche : voir la «Cause 1» sur la légitime défense et la provocation aux pp. 39-44;

TOINET, Joseph, La Légitime défense du droit de propriété, Paris : imprimerie de Bonvalot-Jouve, 1908, 124 p.; thèse pour le doctorat, Université de Paris, Faculté de droit; titre noté dans mes recherches mais livre pas encore consulté (8 février 2003);

TOURET, Denis, La violence du droit: une introduction biojuridique, Montgeron : La Tournelle, 1980, 318 p., voir aux pp. 84-85 : « La légitime défense (l'aggression défensive)»;

TRAPNELL, Douglas A. (Douglas Andrew), Self-defence in homicide cases after Zecevic v. Director of Public Prosecutions (Victoria), LL.M. thesis, Monash University, 1989, 156 leaves; Research Note: thesis not consulted; information from the National Library of Australia internet catalogue;

TURNER, J.W.Cecil, Kenny's Outlines of Criminal Law, 19th ed., Cambridge: [Cambridge] University Press and Bombay: Tripathi, 1966, lxxiv, 680 p., see on self-defence, pp. 143-144 and 172;

___________ Russell on Crime, 12th ed., volume 1, London: Sweet & Maxwell and Littleton (Colorado): Fred B. Rothman, 1986 (reprint of the 12th ed. of 1964 by London: Stevens & Sons Limited), see in particular on self-defence and excusable homicide, pp. 434-442 and 453-457;

UNIACKE, Suzanne, Permissible killing: The self-defence justification of homicide, Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994, ix, 244p., bibliography at pp. 232-238 (Series; Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law), ISBN: 0521454085 (hardback); also in paperback, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, ix, 244 p., ISBN: 0521564581;

UNITED STATES, Congress. House,  Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime, Gun laws and the need for self-defense : hearing before the            Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, March 31, 1995,  Washington : U.S. G.P.O, Supt. of docs., Conmgressional Sales Office, 1996, notes: "March 31, 1995" - Pt. 1,  "April 5, 1995" - Pt. 2 and "Serial no. 43" - Pts. 1-2, ISBN: 0160524873 (part 1) and 0160524873 (part 2); Research Note: Book not consulted; information from the US Library of Congress catalogue;

UREY, W. Patrick, John C. Hall ; [foreword by Tom Clancy], In defense of self and others... issues, facts & fallacies -- the realities of the law enforcement's use of deadly force, Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, c2005, xiv, 299 p., ISBN: 1594600546; written by retired FBI personel; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, HV 8139 .P37 2005;

"Although self-defense is widely recognized, and officers engage in acts of self-defense with alacrity under justifiable circumstances, the recognition that deadly force can be used with equal promptness in defense of others seems to give pause. ....

    The failure to shoot in defense of others is not uncommon and is symptomic os several factors.  First, when confronted with sudden and unanticipated violence, there commonly occurs a sense of disbelief, a reluctance or inability to comprehend the event and its potential for harm, which can also slow the reactions and responses of the witnessing officer or individual.  Second, there is a pronounced reluctance to shoot someone in defense of others.  And third, there is a reluctance to initiate a use of deadly force against someone who is clearly dangerous, but not acting overtly dangerous yet.  ..." (p. 145)

UVILLER, H. Richard and William G. Merkel, The militia and the right to arms, or, how the Second Amendment fell silent, Durham : Duke University Press, 2002,  ISBN:0822330318 and 0822330172 (pbk); see summary at,  title noted in my research but not consulted yet;

VAN DEN WYNGAERT, Christine, editor, and Guy Stessens and Liesbeth Janssens, assistant editors,  International Criminal Law: A Collection of International and European Instruments, 3rd ed., Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 2005, xviii, 1542 p., see the index, at p. 1535, under "Self-defence" (mistakenly under "Duress" instead of "Defences") where the authors refer to 12 instruments, ISBN: 900414232 and 9004142940 (pbk.); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5301 A35 I58 2005;

VIDAL, Georges et MAGNOL, Joseph., Cours de droit criminel et de science pénitentiaire, 9e édition refondue et mise au courant de la législation et de la jurisprudence., Tome 1, Droit pénal général - science pénitentiaire, Paris: Rousseau, 1949, xi, 879 p. (t. 1),  sur la légitime défense, voir les pp. 351-370; note de recherche: il s'agit de la 9e édition du livre de Vidal dont Magnol faisait les éditions à partir de la 5e;

VITORIA, Francisco de, 1486?-1546, Reflection on homicide & Commentary on Summa theologiae IIa-IIae Q. 64 (Thomas Aquinas) / Francisco de Vitoria; translated from the Latin with an introduction and notes by John P. Doyle, Milwaukee : Marquette University Press, [1997],  269 p. (series; Mediaeval philosophical texts in translation ; no. 34), ISBN:  0874622379; text not consulted yet; copie à la Memorial University of Newfoundland, Queen Elizabeth II Library, KBG V57 1997;

VOGEL, Franz Adam, Code criminel de l'empereur Charles V, vulgairement appelé 'La Caroline', contenant les loix qui sont suivies dans les Jurisdictions criminelles de l'Empire, et à l'usage des Conseils de guerre des troupes suisses, Paris : Simon, 1734, [xxvi], 365 p., sur la légitime défense voir les articles 138-145; copie à l'Université de Montréal; aucune photocopie de permise (Pavillon Samuel-Bronfman, 300, avenue Jean-Brillant), 4e étage, Salle 4030, tel. (514) 343-6111, poste 3832, UdeM Coll. spec CSb, 343.0945 V878c; aussi publié à Maestricht : J.-E. Dufour et Phil. Roux, 1779, xxiv, 340 p., disponible sur microfiches, 4 24X fiche, LLMC 89-018, voir; livre très rare au Canada; note de recherche supplémentaire: "Ordonnance de Charles-Quint du 20 octobre 1541" est aussi disponible dans le Recueil des Ordonnances des Pays-Bas, 2e série, 1536-1543, t. 4, Bruxelles, 1907,  p. 325; disponible à;

Des homicides avoués, que des raisons peuvent excuser et exempter de punition.

  Il arrive quelquefois des homicides, pour lesquels ceux qui  les ont commis, se trouvent par de bonnes raisons exempts de toute peine criminelle et civile.  Ainsi donc que les Juges préposés aux Juridictions criminelles, peu versés dans les Loix, sachent à se conduire plus équitablement dans ces cas, et que, faute de lumières, ils n'accablent point l'innocent, ils trouveront ci-après ce que Nous statuons au sujet des homicides excusables.

De quelle manière la juste défense excuse.

    Quiconque oppose une juste défense pour garantir son corps et sa vie, et qui, dans cette défense, tue celui qui l'attaque, n'en est responsable envers personne.

Ce que c'est qu'une juste défense.

    Celui qui est poursuivi, attaqué ou frappé avec des armes mortelles, et qui ne pourra point fuir sans danger de son corps, de sa vie, de son honneur et réputation, peut, sans encourir aucune peine, garantir son corps et sa vie par une juste  défense, et ne devient point répréhensible lorsqu'il tue ainsi l'aggresseur: en se tenant sur sa défense, il n'est même pas obligé d'attendre qu'il ait reçu un coup, nonobstant toutes Loix écrites et Coutumes à ce contraire.

De l'obligation de prouver la juste défense.

    Si celui dont l'action est avérée, veut se servir de la raison d'une défense nécessaire, et que son accusateur ne voulût point l'admettre, l'accusé sera chargé de l'obligation de fournir des preuves suffisantes en Justice, pour établir la nécessité de sa défense, ainsi qu'il a été dit; au défaut de preuves, il sera tenu pour coupable.

Quand, et comment l'Accusateur est tenu aux preuves dans les cas d'une défense nécessaire.

    Lorsque l'accusateur sera convenu et ne pourra nier la première attaque mortelle ou violence, sur laquelle est fondée la défense nécessaire, comme il vient d'être dit, et que d'un autre côté il soutienne que l'homicide n'a point usé pour cela d'une défense juste et excusable, parce que la mort auroit eu des sujets légitimes de lui porter la prmière attaque dont il est convenu, ce qui pourrait arriver à celui qui assailliroit mortellement, violenteroit ou arréteroit quelqu'un qu'il auroit trouvé en flagrant délit avec sa femme, avec sa fille, ou commettant quelqu'autre action criminelle et punissable, ou lorsqu'il auroit été du devoir et de la charge du mort de se saisir de celui qui est accusé comme homicide, et que pour cet effet il auroit été obligé de le menacer avec ses armes, et de le forcer, dont il se seroit acquitté ainsi d'une manière permise; ou lorsque l'Accusateur avanceroit dans ce cas que l'homicide accusé a d'autant moins employé une défense nécessaire, qu'ayant terrassé son homme, et en étant devenu le maître, il n'étoit plus forcé d'user de violence; ou lorsqu'il diroit, que le mort ayant cédé après la première violence faite, l'homicide l'a poursuivi de son plein gré, sans y être contraint, et l'a seulement tué dans la poursuite; de même lorsqu'il seroit allégué que l'homicide aurait pu facilement, et sans danger de son corps, de sa vie et de son honneur, s'échapper des mains de l'aggresseur, que par cette raison l'homicide n'a pu agir dans la vue d'une défense nécessaire, et que son action, accompagnée de malice, doit être punie criminellement: ces sortes d'allégations, et autres de cette nature, dans les cas où il est avéré que le mort a été le premier agresseur, comme il est dit ci-dessus, doivent être prouvées par l'Accusateur, s'il veut obtenir ses fins; et au cas qu'il parvienne à la preuve suffisante d'une des susdites allégations, ou autres fondements semblables, à opposer contre la première attaque et violence du mort, l'homicide ne pourra plus s'appuyer sur la raison d'une défense nécessaire et entièrement excusable, quoique d'ailleurs il soit prouvé et avoué que le mort a commencé par l'attaquer avec des armes et à le violenter, ainsi qu'il est dit ci-devant en parlant de la défense nécessaire.  Mais si au contraire l'Accusateur n'étoit point en état de prouver de pareils sujets légitimes d'une première attaque reconnue, et que l'homicide accusé de son côté, pour établir la vérité de sa défense nécessaire, prouvât que le mort l'a attaqué le premier avec une arme mortelle, ainsi qu'il est marqué ci-dessus au sujet de la défense nécessaire; la preuve de sadite défense deviendra complète sur la déposition des témoins, qu'il sera permis aux deux parties de produire: en quoi il faut particulièrement prendre garde, que lorsque celui qui a eu des raisons légitimes pour une défense nécessaire dans le cas d'une première attaque, n'a point observé durant l'action toutes les circonstances requises pour une défense nécessaire et parfaitement excusable, les Juges doivent soigneusement peser le plus ou le moins de raisons qu'il a eu pour commettre l'action, afin de discerner, s'il mérite un châtiment corporel, la peine de mort, ou autre correction; le tout suivant l'avis éclairé que donneront les Gens de Loi, comme il sera marqué ci-après: ces sortes de cas étant susceptibles de distinctions très délicates, sur lesquelles le plus ou le moins de rigueur doit être mesuré dans le jugement: il n'est point possible d'en donner des éclaircissements qui soient à la portée de tout le monde.

De  l'homicide dont il n'y a point eu de témoins, et que l'on veut couvrir d'une défense nécessaire.

    Lorsque celui qui ayant tué quelqu'un sans avoir été vu de personne, voudra, pour sa justification, alléguer la raison d'une défense nécessaire contre l'accusateur; dans ce cas on doit examiner le bon et le mauvais renom de l'un et de l'autre, le lieu où l'homicide a été commis, les blessures et les armes qui se seront trouvées sur chacun d'eux; quelles démarches ils ont faites de part et d'autre avant et après l'action; si par la conduite passée, l'un d'eux a pu avoir plus de raison, de motifs ou d'intérêt que l'autre, pour tuer son homme, ou pour lui faire violence dans le lieu où l'action s'est passée.  Un Juge éclairé pourra connoître par ces circonstances, s'il doit ajouter foi à la défense nécessaire alléguée; la présomption d'une pareille défense dans un fait avoué ne pouvant avoir lieu, que lorsque les raisons sur lesquelles elle est fondée, sont bonnes,  fortes et constantes.  Les présomptions établies par l'homicide pour sa justification et au désavantage du mort, pourront être assez bonnes et fortes pour que sa défense nécessaire devienne croyable.  Il n'est pas possible que toutes les circonstances  concernant cette matière, puissent être éclaircies ici à fond, et d'une manière à les faire entendre à chacun: mais il est nécessaire d'observer que dans ce cas, l'accusé est tenu de fournir les preuves de toutes les présomptions dont il vient d'être parlé, et que l'accusateur de son côté doit être reçu dans les preuves du contraire.  Dans les doutes bien fondés sur le cas présent, les jugements doivent nécessairement précédés de la consultation des Gens de Loi, sur le rapport qu'on leur fera de toutes les circonstances; ce cas pouvant  être sujet à plusieurs doutes et distinctions, soit pour ou contre une défense nécessaire, que l'on ne sauroit se représenter avant l'action commise, ou produite.

De la défense nécessaire alléguée contre une femme.

    Si celui qui a tué une femme, veut se justifier par une défense nécessaire, dans ce cas, il faut examiner l'état et la disposition de l'homme et de la femme, les armes et la nature de l'action de l'un et de l'autre, et y porter le jugement sur l'avis que l'on prendra des Gens de Loi, comme il sera dit ci-après; car, quoiqu'il ne soit pas facile qu'une femme oblige un homme de se servir d'une défense nécessaire et innocente, il est néanmoins possible qu'une femme furieuse puisse contraindre un homme faible à user d'une défense nécessaire, et surtout si elle étoit munie d'armes dangereuses, et que lui de son côté n'en eût que de faibles.

De celui qui, dans une juste défense, tue contre sa volonté un tiers qui n'est point de la querelle.

    Celui qui, dans une défense nécessaire, et dont la justice aura été prouvée, viendra à atteindre et à tuer contre sa volonté, un autre qui n'aura point de part à l'affaire, que ce soit  en pointant, ou en frappant à coups d'épée ou coups de feu, ne sera point sujet à subir un jugement criminel." (édition: Maestricht : J.-E. Dufour et Phil. Roux, 1779, aux pp. 212-223; les "Observations" entre les articles ont été omises)

Volokh, Eugene, "Nonlethal Self-Defense, (Almost Entirely) Nonlethal Weapons, and the Rights to Keep and Bear Arms, Defend Life, and Practice Religion", 27 June 2009,  Stanford Law Review, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN:; available at (accessed on 12 July 2009);

VON LISZT, Franz, Traité de droit pénal allemand, Tome Premier - Introduction - Partie générale, traduction de René Lobstein, Paris: Giard & E. Brière, 1911, xiv, 417 p., voir «§33. - La légitime défense» aux pp. 209-216; disponible à

WALKER, Lenore E., Terrifying Love: Why Battered Women Kill and How Society Responds, New York: Harper & Row, 1989, viii, 342 p., ISBN: 0060161604;

__________ The Battered Woman Syndrome, New York: Springer Publishing Company, 1984, xi, 256 p., bibliography at pp. 235-248 (Springer Series; Focus on Women; vol. 6), ISBN: 0826143202;

WALTHER, Julien, 1970-, L'antijuridicité en droit pénal comparé franco-allemand: contribution à une théorie générale de l'illicéité, Thèse doctorat : Droit pénal : Université de Nancy II, Cotutelle avec l’Université de la Sarre/gemeinsame Betreuung mit der Universität des Saarlandes, 2003,  xvi, 513 p., directeurs de thèse:  Jean-François Seuvic et Heike Jung, 1942-; Président du jury: André Vitu; Prix de Thèse de Droit Privé de la Faculté de Droit 2003; contribution importante;

WATTS, Tim J., Justifiable Homicide or Manslaughter: The Battered Woman Defense in Murder Trials, A Bibliography, Monticello (Ill.):  Vance Bibliographies, 1989, 14 p. (series: Public Administration Series - Bibliography 0193-970X; P-2789), ISBN: 0792003993;

WEIL, Maurice, De la circonstance de nuit en droit pénal, Marseille : impr. de Barlatier, 1910, 141 p., thèse, Université de Paris,Faculté de droit; je n'ai pas encore consulté cette thèse mais l'auteur doit couvrir la légitime défense (8 February 2003);

WERLE, Gerhard, in cooperation with Florian Jessberger, Wulf Burchards, Volker Nerlich and Belinda Cooper, Principles of International Criminal Law, The Hague: TMC Asser Press, c2005, xii, 485 p., and see "Self-Defense",  pp. 139-143, ISBN: 9067041963 and 9067042021 (pbk.); copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, K5000 .W47 2005;

WESTERVELT, Saundra Davis, Offenders or Victims?  The Redefinition of Responsibility in America, Ph.D., University of Virginia, xiv, 247 p.; research note: noted in my research but not consulted;

WHARTON, Francis, 1820-1889, Philosophy of Criminal Law, Philadelphia: Kay & Brother, 1880, iv, 326 p.; also published as part of A Treatise on criminal law, 9th ed.,  Philadelphia : Kay and Bro., 1885,  2 v., xi, 917 p.;
- Preface (Table of Contents)
excerpt: "Persons under Necessity: Self-defence", pp. 131-144

WILBANKS, William, 1940-, The make my day law : Colorado's experiment in home protection,  Lanham : University Press of America, c1990,  vi, 389 p.,  bibliographical references at pp. 377-381, ISBN: 081917775X and 0819177768 (pbk.); Research Note: book not consulted, information from the Library of Congress catalogue;

WILLIAMS, Glanville, 1911-, Textbook of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., London: Stevens, 1983, xlvii, 1007 p., see Chapter 23, "Private Defence" at pp. 501-523, ISBN: 0420468501 and 0420468609 (pbk.);

WILSON, James Q., Moral Judgment: Does the Abuse Excuse Threaten Our Legal System?, New York: Basic Books, A Division of HarperCollins Publishers, 1997, ix, 134 p., see chapter 3 "Self-Defense" at pp. 44-69, ISBN:  0465036244 (cloth);

WILSON, Williams, Central Issues in Criminal Theory, Oxford (England)/Portland (Oregon): Hart Publishing, 2002, ix, 380 p., see Chapter 10, "Criminal Defences: Setting Limits to Justifications", at pp. 293-323; ISBN: 1841130621; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada K5018 W55 2002 c. 01;

YADAV, R.D., 1936-,  Law of Crime and Self-Defence, New Delhi: Mittal Publ., 1993, xxxii, 420 p., ISBN: 8170995140; Research Note: Book not consulted; information from the US Library of Congress;

YEO, Stanley M.H. (Stanley Meng Heong), Compulsion in the Criminal Law, Sydney, The Law Book Company Limited, 1990, xxiv, 300 p., ISBN: 0455209944;

___________Unrestrained killings and the law: a comparative analysis of the laws of provocation and excessive self-defence in India, England, and Australia, Delhi; New York: Oxford University Press, 1998, xxi, 210 p., (series; Law in India series), ISBN: 019564400X; Research Note: book not consulted yet;

YOTOPOULOS-MARANGOPOULOS, Alice, Les mobiles du délit: Étude de Criminologie et de Droit Pénal, Paris:  Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1973, xvi, 350 p. (Collection; Bibliothèque de sciences criminelles; tome XVII);

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