Key Words: Criminal Law,  battered woman syndrome, bibliography on self-defence, defence of the person, defence of property, justification, necessity, private defence, sections 37-42 of the Criminal Code of Canada, self-defence, private defence, public defence, self-help, wrongfulness, rechtswidrighkeit, notwehr. Mots clés: droit pénal, droit criminel, bibliographie sur la légitime défense, défense des biens, défense de la propriété, l'illicéité, illégalité.

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by / Par ©François Lareau, 1998-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on
Self-defence, Defence of the Person
and Defence of Property in Criminal Law
Bibliographie choisie sur la
légitime défense et la défense des biens
en droit pénal

II -- Comparative Law / Droit comparé

B -- Articles
        Authors / Auteurs L-Z

See also / Voir aussi :
Comparative Law/Droit comparé -- Articles: Authors/Auteurs: A-K
Compartive Law: Books etc. / Droit comparé: livres etc.
Canadian Law / Droit canadien

LA FOND, John Q., "The Case for Liberalizing the Use of Deadly Force in Self-Defence", (1983) 6 University of Puget Sound Law Review 237-284; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries; note: this periodical continued by Seattle University Law Review;

LAMBETH, Kenneth and Stanley Yeo, "The Use of Firearms in Defence of Person and of Property”, (2002) 6  Southern Cross University Law Review;  title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical found in the Ottawa area libraries;

LAMBETH, Kenneth, "Dismantling the Purported Right to Kill in Defence of Property", (2001) 5 Southern Cross University Law Review 82; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical found in the Ottawa area libraries (18 November 2002);

LANHAM, David., "Death of a Qualified Defence?", (1988) 104 Law Quarterly Review  239-249;

___________ "Defence of Property in the Criminal Law", [1966] Criminal Law Review  368-379 and 426-435;

___________Notes, "Entrapment, qualified defences and codification", (1984) 4 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 437-454; also deals with "Excessive force in self-defence" at pp. 444-* and "Excessive force in the prevention of crime" at pp. 449-452;

___________"Killing the Fleeing Offender", (1977) 1 Criminal Law Journal 16-24;

___________"Offensive Weapons and Self-Defence", [2005] Criminal Law Review  85-97;

___________"Self-Defence, Prevention of Crime and the Duty to Retreat", (1979) 3 Criminal Law Journal 188-210;

LANHAM, David., Bronwyn F. Bartal and Robert Evans, Criminal laws in Australia, Annandale, N.S.W. : The Federation Press, 2006, xlix, 526 p., ISBN: 1862875588; limited preview at,M1 (accessed on 18 March 2009);

LaPIERRE, Wayne R., 1949-, Guns, crime and freedom [with] foreword by Tom Clancy, Washington, D.C. : Regnery, c1994, xvi, 263 p., ISBN: 0895264773;  see Chapter 3, "Self-Defense: The Right and the Deterrent", at pp. 22-28;  see also the Appendix, "Law Review Articles on Each Side" at pp. 237-240; copy at Ottawa University, HV 7436 .L365 1994 MRT;

LAPPI-SEPPÄLÄ, Tapio, "The Doctrine of Criminal Liability and the Draft Criminal Code for Finland" in Raimo Lahti and Kimmo Nuotio, eds., Criminal Law Theory in Transition: Finnish and Comparative Perspectives/Strafrechtstheorie Im Umbruch Finnische und vergleichendePerspektiven, Helsinki:  Finish Lawyers' Publishing Company, 1992, xiv, 604 p., at pp. 214-246, see "Mistake as to a Circumstance Affording a Defence" at pp. 234-236, "Self-Defence" at pp. 236-237 and "Self-Help" at pp. 240-241,  ISBN: 9516405940;

LARGUIER, Jean et Claude Berr, "Rapport sur le principe ‘Nul ne peut se faire justice à soi-même' en droit français" dans Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française, tome 28, 1966, Paris : Librairie Dalloz, 1969, pp. 173-210;

LEADER-ELLIOT, Ian, "Battered But Not Beaten: Women Who Kill In Self-Defence", (1993) 15 Sydney Law Review 403-460;

LEBLOIS-HAPPE, Jocelyne, Xavier Pin et Julien Walther, "Chronique de droit pénal allemand (Période du 1er octobre 2003 au 31 décembre 2004)", (2005) 76(1-2) Revue internationale de droit pénal 139-168, et voir "Homicide volontaire, erreur de droit et impunité pénale", aux pp. 148-149;  s. 35(2) of the German Penal Code applied in the case of a battered woman who killed her sleeping husband; self defence was rejected; important contribution;

LE BRAS, Gabriel, "Chroniques bibliographiques: STEPHAN KUTTNER, Kanonistische Schuldlehre von Gratian bis auf die Dekretalen Gregors IX, systematisch auf Grund der handschriftichen Quelle dargestellt. (Studi e testi 64). Città del Vaticano. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. 1935, pp. xxiii-429 (L. 80)" (1936) 2 Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 232-238, voir sur la légitime défense, les pp. 235-237;

LEE, Cynthia K.Y. (Cynthia Kwei Yung), "The Act-Belief Distinction in Self-Defense Doctrine: A New Dual Requirement Theory of Justification" (1998) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 191-247; see abstract;

___________"Race and Self-Defense: Toward a Normative Conception of Reasonabless", (1996) 81 Minnesota Law Review 367-500; see abstract;

LEE, Cynthia,  et al., "Reasonable Provocation and Self-Defense: Recognizing the Distinction Between Act Reasonableness and Emotion Reasonableness",  in Paul H. Robinson, Stephen P. Garvey and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan, eds., Criminal Law Conversations, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, xxvii, 732 p., Chapter 20, at pp. 427-447, ISBN: 9780195391633 and 0195391632; copy at Fauteux, K5018 .C753 2009;
Table of Contents
- Cynthia Lee, Reasonable Provocation and Self-Defense: Recognizing the Distinction Between Act Reasonableness and Emotion Reasonableness, 427-432;
- Susan D. Rozelle -- Making Waves: Radicalizing Act Reasonableness, 432;
- Carissa Byrne Hessick -- Is an Act Reasonableness Inquiry Necessary?, 434;
- Terry A. Maroney -- Differentiating Cognitive and Volitional Aspects of Emotion in Self-Defense and Provocation, 436;
- Caroline Forell -- Norms, Proportionality, Provocation, and Imperfect Self-Defense, 438;
- Jeremy Horder -- Different Ways to Manifest Reasonableness, 440
- Kenneth W. Simons -- Requiring Reasonable Beliefs About Self-Defense Ensures that Acts Conforming to Those Beliefs Are Reasonable, 441;
- Cynthia Lee, 443; 

LEE, J.A., "Self-Defence, Provocation and Duress", (1977) 51 Australian Law Journal 437-449;

LEE Kiat Seng, "Two Aspects of Private Defense", (1996) 8 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 343; see abstract at (accessed on 26 October 2004); article not consulted; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries acording to my verification of the AMICUS catalogue, Library and Archives Canada (verification of 26 October 2004);

___________ “Moving Towards a More Restrictive Approach Towards  Private Defence?: Public Prosecutor v Asogan Ramesh s/o Ramachandren & Ors [[1998] 1 SLR 286]” (1998) 10 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 231; see abstract at (accessed on 20 December 2004); article not consulted; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries acording to my verification of the AMICUS catalogue, Library and Archives Canada (verification of 19 December 2004);

LEE, Rachel V., Notes, "A Further Erosion of the Retreat Rule in North Carolina", (1976) Wake Forest Law Review 1093-1103; copy at Ottawa University, KFN 7469 .W35  Location: FTX Periodicals

LEGEAIS, Raymond, "Légitime défense et protection des biens: Aperçus de droit comparé", [1980] Revue de science criminelle et de droit comparé 325-336;

LEGROS, Robert et J.-P. Masson, "Rapport sur le principe ‘Nul ne peut se faire justice à soi-même' en droit belge" dans Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française, tome 28, 1966, Paris : Librairie Dalloz, 1969, pp. 159-172;

LEIBOVITZ, William., "Justifiable Use of Force Under Article 35 of the Penal Law of New York", (1968-69) 18 Buffalo Law Review 285-301;

LEIGH, L.H., "Manslaughter and the Limits of Self-Defence", (1971) 34 Modern Law Review 685-690;

LENCKNER, Theodor, "The Principle of Interest Balancing as a Basis of Justification", [1986] Brigham Young University Law Review 645-668;  available at (accessed on 24 March 2008); also published in Albin Eser et al., eds.,  Justification and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry (New York): Transnational Juris Publications, 1987, ISBN: 0929179226,  p. 493;

LENKEVICH, M. H., "Admitting Expert Testimony on Battered Woman Syndrome in Virginia Courts: How Peeples Changed Virginia Self-Defense Law", (1999) 6 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 297-321; title noted in my research but article not consulted as no copy of this periodical found in the Ottawa area libraries;

LERBLANCE, Penn, "Impeding an Unlawful Arrest: A Question of Authority and Criminal Liability", (1983-84) 61 Denver Law Journal 655-703;

LEVERICK, Fiona, "Defending Self-Defence [review of B. Sangero, Self-Defence in Criminal Law, Oxford: Hart, 2006]", (Autumn 2007) 27(3) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 563-579;

__________"Is English self-defence law incompatible with Article 2 of the ECHR [European Convention on Human Rights]?", [2002] The Criminal Law Review 347-362;

__________"Mistake in Self-Defence after Drury", [2002], Part 1, The Juridical Review 35-48; copy at Ottawa University, KD 322 .J854  Location: FTX Periodicals;

___________"The Use of Force in Public or Private Defence and Article 2 [of the European Convention on Human Rights]: A Reply to Professor Sir John Smith [2002] The Criminal Law Review 963-967;

LEVIN,  Benjamin, "A Defensible Defense?: Reexamining Castle Doctrine Statutes" (2010) 47(2) Harvard Journal on Legislation 523, 2010, available at SSRN:  (accessed on 4 November 2011);

LEVINE, Aaron, Notes -- Recent Cases, "Criminal Law -- Self-defense -- The Duty to Retreat", (1928-1930) 5 Wisconsin Law Review 500-503; copy at Ottawa University, KFW 2469 .W57  Location: FTX eriodicals;

LEVINE, Susan, "The Moral Permissibility of Killing a 'Material Aggressor' in Self-Defense", (1984) 45 Philosophical Studies 66-78;

LEVIT, H.I., "Battered Women: Syndrome Versus Self-Defense", (1991) 9 American Journal of Forensic Psychology 29-35; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries;

LEVY, Naomi, "Practical Implications of Self-Defense" in David M. Gordis, ed., Crime, Punishment, and Deterrence: An American-Jewish Exploration - Proceedings of a Conference at the Wilstein Institute, March 1990, Los Angeles: The University of Judaism 1991, xi, 104 p., at pp. 73-75, ISBN: 0881253812; 

LINDSEY, James B., Comment, "The Right to Resist Unlawful Arrest: Judicial and Legislative Overreaction", (1976-77) 10 Akron Law Review 171-184;

LING, Cheah  Wui, "Private Defence", in Wing-Cheong Chan, Barry Wright, and Stanley Yeo, eds., Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code : the legacies and modern challenges of criminal law reform, Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate, c2011, xiii, 379 p., at pp. 185 to approx. 202; ISBN: 9781409424420 (hardback); title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (7 November 2011);

LIWERANT, O. Sara, "Les exécutants" dans Droit international pénal / Centre de droit international de l'Université de Paris X - Nanterre (CEDIN Paris X),  sous la direction de Hervé Ascensio, Emmanuel Decaux et Alain Pellet, Paris : Pedone, 2000,  xvi, 1053 p., aux pp. 211-224, voir "Légitime défense et erreur de droit" à la p. 224 (1 p. seulement), ISBN: 2233003721; copie à la Bibliothèque de l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General, K 5055 .D76 2000;

LOGAN, James C., "Notes: Imperfect Self-Defense" (1934-35) 20 St. Louis Law Review 131-140;

LOUKAS, Chrissa, "[New South Wales] Crimes Amendment (Self Defence) Act 2001", 28 February 2002, available at (accessed on 18 January 2006); Chrissa Loukas, Barrister, Public Defender, 

LOWELL, F. Todd, "When Should Force Directed Against A Police Officer Be Justified Under the Maine Criminal Code?—Toward A Coherent Theory of Law Enforcement Under the Code’s Justification Provision", (1993) 45 Maine Law Review 385-418;

LOWERY, Jack, "Comments: Historical Development of Self-Defense as An Excuse for Homicide", (1950-51) 39 Kentucky Law Journal 469-471;

LUBAN, David, "Liberalism, Torture, and the Ticking Bomb", in In Karen J. Greenberg, ed., The Torture Debate in America, Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, xviii, 414 p., at pp. 35-83, and see "Self-Defense", at pp. 62-65, ISBN: 9780521857925, 0521857929, 9780521674614 (pbk.) and 0521674611 (pbk.); copy at the Library of Parliament JC 599 U5 T67;

LUDSIN, Hallie, "South African Criminal Law and Battered Women Who Kill: Discussion Document 1 and 2",  Johannesburg (South Africa): Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, 2003; available at and (accessed on 30 November 2005);

LUDWIG, Jens, "Gun Self-Defense and Deterrence" in Michael Tonry, ed., Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, vol. 27, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000, ix, 494 p. at pp. 363-417, ISBN: 0226808513;

LUND, Nelson, "A Constitutional Right to Self-Defense?", available at SSRN:; also at  (2006) 2(2) Journal of Law, Economics and Policy 213 to approx. 220;

___________"The Second Amendment, Political Liberty, and the Right to Self-Preservation", (1995) 29 Akron Law Review 57-92; available at (accessed on 28 July 2005);

L.W.B., "Annotation.  Homicide: duty to retreat when not on one's premises", (1922) 18 American Law Reports Annotated 1279-1295;

LYONS, Edward C., "In Incognito -- The Principle of Double Effect in American Constitutional Law", (July 2005) 57 Florida Law Review 469-563; available at (accessed on 14 December 2005);

MACKLIN, Audrey, "The Duty to Retreat in U.S. Law - Reviewing: Richard Maxwell Brown, No Duty to Retreat. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991, 268 pp.", (1993) 4 Criminal Law Forum 177-186;

MacDONALD, Elizabeth, "Intoxication, Mistake and Self-Defence", (2 October 1987) 137 New Law Journal 914-915; issue 6325; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada; number missing at the University of Ottawa;

MacDONALD, John M. (John Marshall) and Abraham N. Tenenbaum, "Justifiable homicide by civilians", in William S. Laufer and Freda Adler, eds., The criminology of  criminal law, New Brunswick (New Jersey): Transaction Publishers, 1999, at pp. 463-492; title noted in my research buta article not consulted (27 April 2007); 

MADDEN, Allison M., "Clemency for Battered Women Who Kill Thier Abusers: Finding a Just Forum", (1993) 4 Hastings Women's Law Journal 1-86; copy at Ottawa University, KF 477 .A15 H37  Location: FTX Periodicals;

MAGENIS,  Sean D., Note, "Natural Law as the Customary International Law of Self-Defense", (2002) 20 Boston University International Law Journal 413-435;

MAGUIGAN, Holly, "Battered Women and Self-Defense: Myths and Misconceptions in Current Reform Proposals", (1991) 140 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 379-486;

MAHONEY, Kathleen E., "The Legal Treatment of Spousal Abuse: A Case of Sex Discrimination", (1992) 41 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 21-40;

MAHONEY, Martha R., "Legal Images of Battered Women: Redefining the Issue of Separation", (1991) 90 Michigan Law Review 1-94;

MAKINEN, Virpi, and Heikki Pihlajamäki,  1961-, "The Individualization of Crime in Medieval Canon Law", (October 2004) 65(4) Jurnal of the History of Ideas 525-542, and see p. 534;

MALCOLM, Joyce Lee, "Bashing Burglars: Why the English Common Law Right of Self-Defence Should Be Restored", 19 November 2004; available at (accesssed on 18 January 2006);

___________Book Review, "That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right by Stephen P. Halbrook...", (1985-86) 54 The George Washington Law Review 452-464; copy at Ottawa University, KF 292 .D4 G46  Location: FTX Periodicals; copy also at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

___________"The right of the people to keep and bear arms: the common law tradition" in Don B. Kates Jr., ed.,  Firearms and violence : issues of public policy, San Francisco, Calif.: Pacific Institute for Public Policy Research; Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1984, xxxiii, 571 p. at pp. 385-416 (Chapter 14) (series; Pacific studies in public policy), ISBN: 0884109283 ; 0884109291 (pbk.) ; 0884109224 (Ballinger); 0884109232 (Ballinger, pbk.); copy at Ottawa University, HV 7436 .F47 1984 MRT;

MALLISON, W. Thomas, and Sally V. Mallison, "The Israeli Aerial Attack of June 7, 1981, upon the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor: Aggression or Self-Defense?",  (Summer 1982) 15(3) Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 417-448;

MANFREDINI, Arrigo D., "Voleurs, brigands et légitime défense en droit romain", (1996) 74 Revue historique de droit français et étranger 505-523;

MANGAN, J.T., "An Historical Analysis of the Principle of Double Effect", (1949) 10 Theological Studies 41-61;

MAOGOTO, Jackson Nyamuya, "War on the enemy: Self-Defense and State-Sponsored Terrorism", (2003) 4(2) Melbourne Journal of International Law 406-438;

MAPEL, David R., "Innocent Attackers and Rights of Self-Defense", (2004) 18(1) Ethics & International Affairs 81-86;

MARCHAL, André, "De L'état de Légitime Défense en Droit Pénal Belge", (1966-67) 47 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 943-991;

___________"Légitime défense et droits de l'homme : Réflexions et hypothèses", (1975-76) 56 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 1029-1037;

MARCUS, Maria L., "Conjugal Violence: The Law of Force and the Force of Law", (1981) 69 California Law Review 1657-1733;

MARTIN, Calvin, "Self-Defence with a Firearm", on the internet at as seen on the internet on 15 December 1998;

MARTINS, Mark S., Lieutenant Colonel, "Deadly Force Is Authorized, but Also Trained", (September/October 2001) The Army Lawyer 1-16; available at, accessed on 2 July 2005); in reply to Parks, infra;

MASCALA, Corinne, "Faits justificatifs -- Légitime défense (Art. 122-5 et 122-6)", 2002, 24 p., in  Juris-Classeur pénal, Paris: Éditions du Juris-Classeur, vol. 1, copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, bibliothèque de droit, FTX, General, KJV 7979 .J87 v. 1;

MASLOW COHEN, Jane, "Regimes of Private Tyranny: What Do They Mean to Morality and For the Criminal Law?", (1996) 57 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 757-808  ("Symposium: Self-Defense and Relations of Domination: Moral and Legal Perspectives on Battered Women Who Kill");

MATHER, Victoria Mikesell, "The Skelton in the Closet: The Battered Woman Syndrome, Self-defense, and Expert Testimony", (1987-88) 37 Mercer Law Review 545-589;

MAUTERER, Steven M., "Louisiana's shoot the carjacker law: a license to kill or a layman's explanation to already existing homicide justifications?", (1999) 26(2) Southern University Law Review 227-239; copy at Ottawa University, KFL 69 .S68  Location: FTX Periodicals;

MAXWELL, Major Mark David, "Individual Self-defense and the Rules of Engagement: Are the Two Mutually Exclusive?", (2002) 41(1-2) Revue de droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre / The Military Law and the Law of War Review 39-50; copy at University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KJM O .R49;

M.B., Annotation, "Duty to wall as affected by illegal character of premises on which homicide occurs", (1919) 2 ALR 518-519; ALR = American Law Reports;

McAULEY, Finbarr, "Excessive Defence in Irish Law" in Stanley Meng Heong Yeo, ed., Partial Excuses to Murder, Leichhardt (N.S.W., Australia): The Federation Press, 1991, xvii, 287 p., at pp. 194-202, ISBN: 1862870470;

McCOLGAN, Aileen, "In Defence of Battered Women who Kill", (1993) 13 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 508-529;

___________"General Defences"  in Donald Nicolson and Llois Bibbings, eds., Feminist Perspectives on Criminal Law, London/Sydney: Cavendish Publishing Limited, 2000, xxx, 282 p., Chapter 8 at pp. 137-158, see in particular, "Justifiable force, provocation, duress and necessity" at pp. 144-146 and "Self-defence/justificationforce" at pp. 152-155, ISBN: 1859415261; copy at Ottawa University, FTX general, KD 7850 .F46 2000;

McCORD, David and Sandra K. Lyons, "Moral Reasoning and the Criminal Law: The Example of Self-Defense", (1992-93) 30 American Criminal Law Review 97-160.  Research Note: philosophy of law article;

McCORMACK, Timothy L.H., "Self-defense in International Criminal", in Hirad Abtahi and Gideon Boas, eds., The Dynamics of International Criminal Justice : Essays in Honour of Sir Richard May, Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 2006,  xiii, 314 p., at pp. 231-255; ISBN 9004145877; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5301 D96 2006;

"Individuals combatants do not need to be excused for killing enemy combatants by lawful means.  An unlawful use of force justifying a response in self-defence might include the killing of a prisoner of war who attempts to attack a prison guard or the killing of an enemy combatant feigning surrender, for example.  In both cases, the threat of force is unlawful and a lethal response will not attract individual criminal responsibility." (p. 238)

McDONALD, E., "Defending Abused Women: Beginning a Critique of New Zealand Criminal Law", (1997)  27(4) Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 673-696;

McDONALD, Elisabeth, Case and comment, "BRIDGER  CA 126/02 (12 December 2002)  New Zealand Court of Appeal.  Keith, Blanchard, Tipping, McGrath and Anderson JJ.  Self-defence -- Affirmation of Wang -- Reform proposal for 'battered defendants' rejected -- Relevance of accused's disease of the mind to a claim of self-defence", ( 2003) 27 Journal of Criminal Law 213-216;

McINTYRE, Alison, "Doing Away with Double Effect", (2001) 111(2) Ethics 258-275, see "Self-Defense" at pp. 247-250;

McKINNON, Gil and Keith Hamilton, "Simplifying Self-Defence", (September 1997) 55(5) The  Advocate (Vancouver Bar Association) 701-706;

McMAHAN, Jeff, "The Basis of Moral Liability for Defensive Killing", (2005) 15(1) Philosophical Issues 386-405;

___________"Innocence, Self-Defense, and Killing in War", (1994) 2(1) The Journal of Political Philosophy 193-221; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries;

___________Book Reviews, "Uniacke, Suzanne, Permissible Killing The Self-Defence Justification of Homicide, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, Pp. ix + 244...", (1996) 106 Ethics 641-644; copy at Ottawa University, BJ 1 .I6  Location: MRT Periodical;

___________"The Ethics of Killing in War", (July 2004) 114(4) Ethics 693-733;

___________"Self-Defense and Culpability", (November 2005) 24(6) Law and Philosophy 751-774;

___________"Self-Defense and the Problem of the Innocent  Attacker", (1993-4) 104 Ethics 252-290;

____________"War as Self-Defense", (2004) 18(1) Ethics & International Affairs 75-80;

McMahan, Jeff, et al., "Self-Defense Against Morally Innocent Threats",  in Paul H. Robinson, Stephen P. Garvey and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan, eds., Criminal Law Conversations, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, xxvii, 732 p., Chapter 18, at pp. 385-406, ISBN: 9780195391633 and 0195391632; copy at Fauteux, K5018 .C753 2009;
Table of Contents
- Jeff McMahan, Self-Defense Against Morally Innocent Threats, 385-394;
- Adil Ahmad Haque, -- Rights and Liabilities at War, 395;
- Shlomit Wallerstein -- Why Causal Responsibility Matters, 396;
- Kimberly Kessler Ferzan -- Can't Sue; Can Kill, 398;
- Whitley R.P. Kaufman -- Can "Moral Responsibility" Explain Self-Defense?, 400;
- Victor Tadros -- Doubts About the Responsibility Principles, 402;
- Jeff McMahan, 404;

McSHERY, Bernadette, "Self-Defence and Provocation", (1992) 66(3) Law Institute Journal 151-152;

METZ, M. l'abbé René, "La responsabilité pénale dans le droit canonique médiéval", dans La responsabilité pénale, Travaux du Colloque de philosophie pénale (12 au 21 janvier 1959) présentés par J. Léauté, Paris : Librairie Dalloz, 1961, 564 p. aux pp. 83-116 (Collection; Annales de la Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques et économiques de Strasbourg; vol. VIII - Note : Travaux de l'Institut de Sciences Criminelles et pénitentiaires).  Note de recherche: un très bel article, voir les pp. 108-115 sur la légitime défense;

MEYERHOFER, William, "Statutory Restrictions on Weapons Possession: Must the Right of Self-Defense Fall Victim?", (1996) 96 Annual Survey of American Law 219-271; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 178 A56 (not in the periodicals);

MICHAEL, Daniel, "Florida's Protection of Persons Bill", (Winter 2006) 43(1) Harvard Journal on Legislation 199-212, available at (accessed on 28 May 2006);

MICHALOWSKI, Sabine, "Sanctity of life -- are some lives more sacred than others?", (2002) 22(3) Legal Studies 377-397; see "Self defense" at pp. 395-396;

"[Abstract] Court decisions concerning the life and death of patients become more and more frequent in the context of medical practice.  One of the most controversial decision in this area in recent years has been the decision of the Court of Appeal in Re A (Conjoined Twins: Medical Treatment), authorising the separation of conjoined twins.  This paper will argue that the decision was flawed both on legal and moral grounds and that its potential implications for future cases are more far-reaching than the judgment itself suggests." (p. 377)

MILGATE, H.P., "Intoxication, Mistake and the Public Interest", [1987] Cambridge Law Journal 381-384; R. v. O'Grady [1987] 3 W.L.R. 321 (C.A.); about mistake due to intoxication in self-defence;

MIHAJLOVICH, Mira, "Does Plight Make Right: The Battered Woman Syndrome, Expert Testimony and the Law of Self-Defense", (1987) 62 Indiana Law Journal  1253-1282;

MILHIZER, Eugene R., "Group Status and Criminal Defenses: Logical  Relationship  or Marriage of  Convenience?",  (Summer 2006)  71(3) Missouri Law Review 547-635; available at (accessed on 26 February 2008); deals with battered woman syndrome as justification/excuse;

___________"Justification and excuse: what they were, what they are, and what they ought to be", (Summer 2004) 78 St. John's Law Review 725-895;

MILLER, Caroll J., Annotation, "Public school teacher's self-defense, or defense of another, as justification, in dismissal proceedings, for use or threat of use of force against student", (1985) 37 ALR 4th  842-845;

MILLER, Kym C., "Abused Women Abused by the Law: The Plight of Battered Women in California and a Proposal for  Revising the California Self-Defense Law", (1994) 3 Southern California Review Law and Women's Studies 303-329; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries;

MILLER, Seumas, "Killing in Self-Defense", (1993) 7 Public Affairs Quarterly 325-339;

__________"Self-defence and Forcing the Choice between Lives", (1992) 9(2) Journal of Applied Philosophy 239-243; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa,  B1.J54  Location: Floor 5 Serial;

MILTON, J.R.L., "Killing in defence of property: An historical footnote", (1968) 85 South African Law Journal 327-329;

MITCHELL, Marilyn Hall, "Does Wife Abuse Justify Homicide?", (1977-78) 24  Wayne Law Review 1705-1731;

MITCHELL, Yolanda R., Case & Statute Comments, "Criminal Law -- No Longer a Duty to Retreat -- Chapter 696 of Mass. Acts of 1981", (Spring 1982) 67(2) Massachusetts Law Review 89; copy at Ottawa University, KFM 2469 .M477  Location: FTX Periodicals;

MOLITOR, Michael K., "The 'Battered Child Syndrome' as Self-Defense Evidence in Parricide Cases: Recent Developments and a Possible Approach", (1993-94) 40 Wayne Law Review 237-94; copy at Ottawa University, KFM 4269 .W39  Location: FTX Periodicals;

MOORE, Shelby A.D., "Battered Woman Syndrome: Selling the Shadow to Support the Substance", (1995) 38 Howard Law Journal 297; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical found in the Ottawa area libraries;

MONTAGUE, Phillip, Reviews, "SUZANNE UNIACKE, Permissible Killing...", (1997) 29(2) International Studies in Philosophy 145-146; copy at Ottawa University, MRT Periodicals, B1.A264;

___________"Forced Choices and Self Defense", (1995) 12(1) Journal of Applied Philosophy 9-93; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa, B1.J54  Location: Floor 5 Serial;

___________"The Morality of Self-Defense: A Reply to Wasserman", (1989) 18 Philosophy and Public Affairs 81- 89;

___________"Self-Defense and Choosing Between Lives", (1981) 40 Philosophical Studies 207-219;

___________"Self-Defense and Innocence: Aggressors and Active Threats", (2000) 12 Utilitas 62-78; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical number in the Ottawa area libraries (11 March 2003);

MONTALDI, Daniel F., "A Defense of St Thomas and the Principle of Double Effect", (1986) 14 Journal of Religious Ethics 296-332;

MORELAND, Roy, "The Use of Force in Effecting or Resisting Arrest", (1953-54) 33 Nebraska Law Review 408-426;

MORENO, Joëlle Anne, “Killing Daddy: Developing a Self-Defense Strategy for the Abused Child”, (1988-89) 137 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1281-1307; see (accessed on 29 August 2009);

MORGAN, Geraint, "Hobbes and the Right of Self Defence", (1982) 30 Political Studies 413-425; copy at Ottawa University, JA 8 .P74  Location, MRT Periodicals;

___________"Locke and the Right of Self Defence", 1993, Department of Government and Economics Occasional paper;  see author at Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the University of Central England in Birmingham,; the title of the series could be: "Occasional paper. New series / Department of Government and Economics, City of Birmingham Polytechnic"; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet;

MORIARTY, Jane Campbell, " 'While Dangers Gather' : The Bush Preemption  Doctrine, Battered Women, Imminence, and Anticipatory  Self-Defense", (2005) 30(1) New York University Review of Law and Social Change 1-33; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada; available at  (accessed on 15 March 2006);

MORISHITA, Tadashi, "Rapport sur le principe ‘Nul  ne peut se faire justice à soi-même' et ses exceptions en droit japonais" dans Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française, tome 28, 1966, Paris : Librairie Dalloz, 1969, pp. 223-228;

MORRIS, Norval, "A New Qualified Defence to Murder", (1960-62) 1 Adelaide Law Review 23-52;

 ___________ "The Slain Chicken Thief: Some Aspects of Justifiable and Excusable Homicide", (1956-58) 2 Sydney Law Review 414-432; Research Note: comments on The Queen v. McKay (1957) A.L.R. (Court of Criminal Appeal);

MORSE, Stephen J., "The Misbegotten Marriage of Soft Psychology and Bad Law: Psychological Self-Defense as a Justification for Homicide", (1990) 14(6) Law and Human Behavior 595-618;

MOSKAL, James, "Note: Justification, Excuse, and Resisting Unlawful Arrest", (1987) 33 Wayne Law Review 1471-1495;

MOSTELLER, Robert P., "Syndromes and Politics in Criminal Trials and Evidence Law", (1996-97) 46  Duke Law Journal 461-516;

MOUSOURAKIS, George, "Excessive self-defence and criminal liability", (1999) 12 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 143-154;

MULLIGAN, Robert A., "Battered woman syndrome: nothing new required, but to turn the page..." in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 2 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

MUNOZ CONDE, Francisco, "Putative Self-Defense: A Borderline Case Between Justification and Excuse", (November 2008) 11 New Criminal Law Review 590–614; available at (accessed on 22 December 2008);

MURDIE, Alan, "Public Reaction to the Tony Martin Case", (28 May 2005) 169(22) Justice of the Peace 412-414;

___________"Shooting the Burglar", (26 June 2001) 165 Justice of the Peace 502-505; about the Tony Martin case;

MURDOCH, Jeffrey B., "Is Imminence Really Necessity? Reconciling Traditional Self-defense Doctrine With The Battered Woman Syndrome", (2000) 20(1) Northern  Illinois University Law Review 191-circa 218; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries (4 March 2003);

MURPHY, Jeffrie G., "Some ruminations on women, violence, and the criminal law"  in Jules Coleman and Allen Buchanan, eds., In harm's way: Essays in honor of Joel Feinberg, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, x, 359 p., at chapter 10, pp. 209-230, (series; Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law), ISBN: 0521484107; see "When may battered women kill", at pp. 222-226; note: discusses battered women and the defence of necessity at p. 225; copy at Ottawa University, K 235 I.53 1994, MRT library;

MURPHY, Sean D., "Self-Defense and the Israeli Wall Advisory Opinion: An Ipse Dixit from the ICJ ?", (2005) 99 The American Journal of International Law 62-76;

MURPHY, Susan, “Assisting the Jury in Understanding Victimization: Expert Psychological Testimony on Battered Woman Syndrome and Rape Trauma Syndrome”, (1992) 25 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 277-312; copy at Ottawa UniversityKFN 5069 .C656  Location: FTX Periodicals;

MYERS, J.E.B., "Expert Testimony Describing Psychological Syndromes", (1993) 24(3) Pacific Law Journal 1449-1464; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this article in the Ottawa area libraries;

NAGLE, Major James F., "Inconsistent Defences in Criminal Cases", (1981) 92 Military Law Review 77-128; available at (accessed on 18 December 2003);

NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION -- INSTITUTE FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION, "This Train Keeps a Rollin'  Castle Doctrine Sweeps  America", 28 July 2006, available at (accessed on 23 May 2008); important contribution on the Castle Doctrine; with related articles, fact sheets and news stories;

NATIONAL WOMEN'S JUSTICE COALITION INC. (AUSTRALIA), "The Women Who Kill in Self-Defence Campaign. 1998, Submission to the Model Criminal Code Officer's Committee Fatal Offences Against the Person", available at (accessed on 15 February 2003);

NAUCKE, Professor Dr. Wolfgang, "An Insider's Perspective on the Significance of the German Criminal Theory's General System for Analyzing Criminal Acts",  [1984] Brigham Young University Law Review 305-321;

NAVERSON, Jan, "Pacifism, ideology and the human right of self-defence", (March 2002) 1(1) Journal of Human Rights 55-69;

NAZ, R. (Raoul) , "Légitime défense" dans Dictionnaire de droit canonique contenant tous les termes du droit canonique avec un sommaire de l'histoire et des institutions et de l'état actuel de la discipline, tome 6 de 7, sous la direction de R. Naz, Paris : Librairie Letouzey et Ané, 1957, colonnes 389-391;

NDAYISHIMIYE, Apollinaire, De la légitime défense en droit pénal rwandais, Kigali : Université nationale du Rwanda, 1998, iii, 70 p.; J. Damascène Habimana (dir.); titre noté.dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée;

NEETHLING, J., "Self-Defence: The 'Unreasonable' Reasonable Man", (2002) 119 The South African Law Journal 283-287;

NEW SOUTH WALES, Crimes Amendment (Self-Defence) Act 2001 (NSW), see ss. 418-423 in the Crimes Act, 1900 at (accessed on 4 February 2003);

NEYLAND, J.P., Note "A Man's Car Is His Castle: The Expansion of Texas' 'Castle Doctrine' Eliminating the Duty to Retreat in Areas Outside the Home, (2008) 60 Baylor Law Review 719;; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (4 November 2011);

NICOLSON, Donald and Rohit Sanghvi, "Battered Women and Provocation: The Implications of R. v Ahluwalia", [1993] Criminal Law Review 728-738;

NORRIE, Alan, "The Problem Of Mistaken Self-Defense: Citizenship, Chiasmus, and Legal Form", (Spring 2010) 13(2) New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal 357-378;

"Note: Justification and Excuse in the Judaic and Common Law: The Exculpation of Defendant Charged with Homicide", (1977) 52 New York University Law Review 599-628.  Research Note: on self-defence and defence of others, see pp. 607-610 and 614-617;

NOTI, Adav, Note, "The Uplifted Knife: Morality, Justification, and the Choice-of-Evils Doctrine", (2003) 78 New York University Law Review 1859-1886; copy at Ottawa University, KFN 69 .N493  Location: FTX Periodicals;

NOURSE, V.F., "Reconceptualizing Criminal Law Defenses", (2003) 151(5) University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1691-1746, see "Self-Defence" at pp. 1703-1710;

___________"Self-Defense and Subjectivity", (2003) 68 The University of Chicago Law Review 1235-1308; copy at Ottawa University, KF 175 .U55  Location: FTX Periodicals;

NOURSE, Victoria, "The New Normativity: The Abuse Excuse and the Resurgence of Judgment in the Criminal Law", (1998) 50 Stanford Law Review 1435-1470.  Research Note: the author reviews James Q. Wilson's book, Moral Judgment: Does the Abuse Excuse Threaten Our Legal System?, New York: Harper Collins, 1997, ix, 134 p.;

OBLET, V., "Défense de soi" dans Dictionnaire de théologie catholique contenant l'exposé des doctrines de la théologie catholique, leurs preuves et leur histoire, tome quatre, commencé sous la dir. de A. E. Mangenot...continué sous celle de Mgr. E. Amann...avec le concours d'un grand nombre de collaborateurs, tome 4, Paris : Letouzey et Ané, 1911, col. 227-230;

O'CONNELL, Mary Ellen, "Lawful Self-Defense to Terrorism", (2002) 63(4) University of Pittsburgh Law Review 889-908; international law;

___________"The Myth of Preemptive Self-Defense", The American Society of International Law (ASIL), Task Force on Terrorism, August 2002, 21 p.; available at (accessed on 30 June 2006); 

O'DONOVAN, Katherine, "Defenses for Battered Women who Kill", (1991) 18 Journal of Law and Society 219-240;

___________"Law's Knowledge; The Judge, The Expert, The Battered Woman, and Her Syndrome", (1993) 20 Journal of Law & Society 427-437;

OGINO, Hitroyuki, "Augustine on Christian Justification of Violence", in Ludger Kühnhardt and Mamoru Takayama, eds., Menschenrechte, Kulturen und Gewalt: Ansätze einer interkulturellen Ethik, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005, 474 p., at pp. 25-44, (series; Schriften des Zentrum für Uropäische Integrationsforschung, Center for European Integration Studies der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitäts Bonn; volume 64, ISBN: 3832910387; available at (accessed on 5 February 2006);

"Augustine indeed poses the question of whether an enemy may be killed in battle or in self-defense in a criminal situation (De libero arbitrio, 1.5.11-13). In his answer, three classes of would-be killers are distinguished: legionary soldiers, officials such as policemen, and private citizens. The soldier, as an agent of the law, and the officials are, due to their public function, allowed to kill without moral compunction. The private citizen, however, also has a right of legitimate violence; The criminal law gives the wayfarer the right to kill a robber and ravisher to save his own life."

OKO, Okechukwu, "Unveiling the Cloak of Deception: Determining When Ignorance or Mistake Should Excuse Criminal Responsibility in Louisiana", (1995-1996) 23 Southern University Law Review 213-255, and seeon mistake of fact as to self-dence, "Imperfect Self-defense", at pp. 238-241;

OKONKWO, Cyprian O. (Cyprian Okechukwa), 1934-, "Excessive self-defence manslaughter in Nigeria",  in I.A. Umezulike and C.C. Nweze, eds.; editorial advisors, Chukwuna Ene ... [ et al.],  Perspectives in law and justice : essays in honour of Hon. Justice Eze Ozobu, the Chief Judge of Enugu State, Enugu (Nigeria): Fourth Dimension Pub. Co., 1996, xxix, 320 p., at pp. 296-317, ISBN:  9781564067; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (2 mars 2007);  

OKONKWO, Cyprian O. (Cyprian Okechukwa), 1934-, and Ian McLean, Cases on the criminal law : procedure and evidence of Nigeria (excluding the North), London : Sweet & Maxwell ; Lagos : African Universities P., 1966,  xxxii, 396 p. (series; Law in Africa ; no. 19); title noted in my research but article not consulted (27 Aoril 2007);

OLESON, K.C. and J.M. Darley, "Community Perceptions of Allowable Counterforce in Self-Defense and Defense of Property", (1999) 23(6) Law and Human Behavior 629-651; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this periodical number in the Ottawa area libraries (6 March 2003);

OLIVER, T.J., Annotation, "Admissibility of evidence of uncommunicated threats on issue of self-defense in prosecution for assault", (1964) 98 ALR 2d 195-219;

___________Annotation, "Admissibility of evidence of uncommunicated threats on issue of self-defense in prosecution for homicide", (1964) 98 ALR 2d 6-185;

OMICHINSKI, Nancy M., "Comment: Applying the Theories of Justifiable Homicide to Conflicts in the Doctrine of Self-Defense", (1987) 33 Wayne Law Review 1447-1469;

ORCHARD, G.F., "Aspects of Intoxication and Self Defence in Crime: A Note to Viro v. The Queen",  [1978] New Zealand Law Journal 478-486;

O'REGAN, R.S.,  "Private Defence, Duress and Necessity from a Code Perspective", (1991) 15 Criminal Law Journal 151-152;

___________"Self-Defence in the Griffith Code", (1979) 3 Criminal Law Journal 336-353.  Research Note: the author writes at p. 336: "The Criminal Code which Sir Samuel Griffith drafted for Queensland and which now applies also in Western Australia and Papua New Guinea....";

ORLAND, Leonard, "Soviet Justice in the Gorbachev Era: The 1988 Draft Fundamental Principles of Criminal Legislation" (1989) 4 Connecticut Journal of International Law 513-576; see pp. 535 and 550 on necessary defence;

OTSUKA, Michael, "Killing the Innocent in Self-Defense", (1994) 23 Philosophy and Public Affairs 74-94;

OVERLAND, Gerhard, "Self-defence among Innocent Persons", (July 2005) 2(2) Journal of Moral Philosophy 127-146;

PARISH, Stephen, "Self-Defence: the Wrong Direction?" [1997] Criminal Law Review 201-204;

PARKS, W. Hays, Colonel (Rtd.), "Deadly Force Is Authorized" (January 2001) Naval Institute Proceedings 32-37; available at (accessed on 2 July 2005);  see reply by Martins, supra;

PEARSON, James O., Annotation, "Admissibility of Expert or Opinion Testimony on Battered Wife or Battered Woman Syndrome", (1982) 18 A.L.R. (4th) 1153-1159;

PECK, Miriam, "The Criminal Law (Amendment) (Protection of Property) Bill, Bill 18 of 2005-2006",   London: House of Commons Library, Home Affairs Section, 2005, 49 p. (series; research paper 05/83; 28 November 2005); available at (accessed on 7 September 2006); important contribution;

PENDLETON, Hibi, "A Critique of the Rational Excuse Defense: A Reply to Finkelstein", (1996) 57 University of Pittsburg Law Review 651-676 ("Symposium: Self-Defense and Relations of Domination: Moral and Legal Perspectives on Battered Women Who Kill");

PERKINS, Rollin M., "The Law of Arrest", (1939-40) 25 Iowa Law Review 201-289, and see "The Use of Force: 3. In Self-defence", at pp. 283-285;

___________"Self-Defense Re-Examined", (1953-54) 1 U.C.L.A. [University of California at Los Angeles] Law  Review  133-161;

PETRAS, Christopher M., "The Use of Force in Response to Cyber-Attack on Commercial Space Systems--Reexamining 'Self-Defense' in Outer Space in Light of the Convergence of U.S. Military and Commercial Space Activities" , (2002) 67(4) The Journal of Air Law and Commerce 1213 to approx. 1268; copy at Ottawa University, K 4135 .A13 J68  Location: FTX periodicals;

PETROWSKI, Thomas D., "Use-of-Force Policies and Training -- A Reasoned Approach [Part I]", in (October 2002) 71(10) FBI Enforcement Bulletin, US Department of Justice, Washington, p. 26 available at (accessed on 7 May 2005); and "Use-of-Force Policies and Training -- A Reasoned Approach (Part Two)", in (November 2002) 71(11) FBI Enforcement Bulletin, US Department of Justice, Washington, p. 27 available at (accessed on 7 May 2005);

___________"When Is Force Excessive?  Insightful Guidance from the U.S. Supreme Court", (September 2005) FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 27-32; deals with civil law but useful for researchers; available at (accessed on 27 January 2006);

PHILIBERT, Jocelyn, "Légitime défense : Lorsque l'agressé devient l'agresseur",  Justice, volume 9, no. 1, janvier 1987, pp. 38-42;

PHILIPPS, George, 1804-1872, Du droit ecclésiastique dans ses principes généraux. Traduit par J.P. Crouzet, 2e éd. revue et corrigée par le traducteur, Paris, J. Lecoffre et cie, 1855, 3 volumes; voir
le tome 1, "De l'exclusion des irréguliers pour cause de crime (Irregularitas ex delicto)", aux pp. 398-432; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 17 novembre 2007);

PICWHADZE, Amir, "Proposals for Reforming the Law of Self-defence", (October 2008) 72(5) The Journal of Criminal Law 406-440, available at  (accessed on 20 January 2010);

POSNER, Richard A., "Killing or Wounding to Protect a Property Interest", (1971) 14 The Journal of Law & Economics 201-232; deals in part with the Restatement of Torts;

PRADEL, Jean, "La défense automatique des biens" dans Mélanges en l'honneur du doyen Pierre Bouzat, Paris : Éditions A. Pedone, 1980, xxxii, 539 p., aux pp. 217-238, ISBN : 2233000811;

__________"Présentation générale du Projet de Code pénal européen sur les délits d'affaires (euros-délits)", (2003) Revue pénitentiaire et de droit pénal 277-308;



Art. 8.   Légitime défense

Est justifiée l'action de celui qui réalise un fait typique pour éviter, par une action nécessaire et adéquate, une agression illicite contre soi-même ou un tiers.  Il n'y a pas d'adéquation, lorsque le comportement apparaît disproportionné au regard de la dangerosité de l'attaque, de la culpabilité de l'agresseur ou de l'importance du bien juridque attaqué." (pp. 289 et 291, rédigé par Dannacker)

PRICE, Deborah, "Struggling with Self-Defense Standards Teaching Criminal Law: Student Perspective", (2003-2004) Saint Louis University Law Journal

PRICE, Terry L, "Faultless Mistake of Fact: Justification or Excuse?", (Summer/Fall 1993) 12(2) Criminal Justice Ethics 14-28;

PRICE, T.W., "Defence, Necessity and Acts of Authority", [1954] Butterworths South African Law Review 1-35.  Research Note: this law review was continued by Acta Juridica;

PRIETO, Javier Valls and Wayne N. Renke, "A Comparison of the Spanish and Canadian Law of Self-Defence", (2010)  47(4) Alberta Law Review  853 to approx. 881;

PY, Bruno, "Le coup de genou malheureux du capitaine de police.  Violences en garde-à-vue et légitime défense.  Étude longitudinale de l'affaire Rivas c/Haustien", (juillet et septembre 2003) 56 Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique 321-340;

QUIGLEY, John, "The Common Law's Theory of Criminal Liability: A  Challenge From Across The Atlantic", (1989) 11 Whittier Law Review 479-509;

QUINN, Warren, "The Right to Threaten and the Right to Punish", (1985) 14 Philosophy and Public Affairs 327-373; with the same title in  A. John Simmons et al., eds., Punishment, Princeton (N.J.) : Princeton University Press, c1995, xii, 337, at pp. 47-93, ISBN: 0691029563 and 0691029555 (pbk ); copy of the book at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, K 5103 .P865 1995;

QUONG, Jonathan, "Killing in Self-Defence", (2009) 119 Ethics 507; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (4 November 2011);

RADBRUCH, G.L., "Jurisprudence in the Criminal Law", (1936) 18 Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law (3rd series) 212-225, see pp. 219-220;

RAKOVER, Nahum, 1932-, "Self-defence and Necessity" in S.M. Passamaneck and M. Finley, eds., Jewish Law Association Studies. VII : the Paris Conference  Volume, Atlanta (Georgia): Scholars Press, 1994,  viii, 245 p. (Series;  Jewish Law Association papers and proceedings,  the Institute of Jewish Law, Boston University School of Law; no. 15 ), (Note: Proceedings of the seventh International Congress of the Jewish Law Association), ISBN: 1555408990; Research Note: noticed in my research but did not consult;

___________"Self defense : how far can I go", Jerusalem : The Library of Jewish Law, the Jewish Legal Heritage Society, [1996],  44 p.; text noted in my research but not consulted yet;

RAYMOND, Margaret, "Looking for Trouble: Framing and the Dignitary Interest in the Law of Self-Defense", (2010) 71 Ohio State Law Journal 287; available at (accessed on 8 November 2011);

Recent Cases, "Criminal Law -- Acts in Defense of Others -- Mistake of Fact", (1923-24) 72 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 325-326;

Recent Cases, "Criminal Law -- Homicide -- "Right to defend person not a relative", (1926-277) 11 Minnesota Law Review 170-171; no author mentioned; copy at Ottawa University, KFM 5469 .M55  Locatiom: FTX Periodicals;

Recent Cases, "Criminal Law -- Homicide -- Self-Defense -- Duty to Retreat from Place of Business", (1920-21) 35 Harvard Law Review 88-89;

Recent Cases, "Criminal Law -- Self Defense -- Burden of Proof", (1919-20) 33 Harvard Law Review 609-610;

Recent Cases, "Criminal Law -- Homicide -- Duty to Retreat", (1927) 12 Iowa Law Review195 (1 paragraph only);

"Recent Cases: Criminal Law - Homicide - Prevention of Felony", (1901-02) 15 Harvard Law Review 155 (1 page only);

Recent Case Notes, "Criminal Law -- Homicide -- Self-Defense -- Pursuit of Adversary", (1919-20) 29 Yale Law Journal 353-354;

Recent Important Decisions, "Crimes -- Homicide -- Self-Defense -- Duty to Retreat", (1922-23) 21 Michigan Law Review 99-100;

REDDY, V.R. Haragopal, "Right of private defence and the Indian Supreme Court: a survey of the cases", in  K.D. (Krishna Deo), Gaur, 1937-, ed., Criminal Law and Criminology/ edited by K.D. Gaur; foreword by Arun Jaitley, New Delhi, Deep & Deep, 2002, xx, 955 p., ISBN:  8176294101; title of article noted in my research but not consulted; no copy of this book in the Canadian libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 27 October 2004);

REED, Alan, "Self-Defence - Applying the Objective Approach to Reasonable Force", (1996) 60 The Journal of Criminal Law 94-99.  Research Note: comments on R v Owino [1955] Criminal Law Review 743 (Court of Appeal) and R v Clegg [1951] 1 Criminal Appeal Reports 507 (House of Lords);

REEKIE, Gail and Paul Wilson, "Rape, resistance and women's rights of self-defence", (July 1993) 26(2) The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 146-154; copy at the University of Ottawa, HV 6001 .A9  Location: MRT Periodicals;

REIMAN, Jeffrey H., "The Social Contract and the Police Use of Deadly Force" in Frederick A. Elliston and Michael Feldberg, eds., Moral Issues in Police Work, Totowa (New Jersey):  Rowman and Allanheld, 1985 309 p., at pp. 237-249, ISBN: 0847671917 and 0847671925 (pbk.);

RESNICK, Ronald S., "Private Arms as the Palladium of Liberty: The Meaning of the Second Amendment", (1999-2000) 77 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 1-50;

REVILLE, N.J., "Self-Defence: Courting Sober but Unreasonable Mistakes of Fact", (1988) 52 Journal of Criminal Law 84-95;

RICE, Charles E. and John P. Tuskey, "The Legality and Morality of Using Deadly Force to Protect unborn Children from Abortionists", (Winter 1994) 5 Regent University Law Review; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries (5 February 2003);

"Using the three people killed by Michael Griffin and Paul Hill as a point of departure, this article examines whether violence is an appropriate tactic in the effort to end the national policy of abortion-on-demand. In particular, it discusses whether killing abortionists as they arrive at abortuaries to perform regularly scheduled abortions is a legally justfiable use of force in defense of another person's life. Assuming that tactic could be legally justified, the article further asks whether it can also be morally justified. The authors conclude it cannot, suggesting instead that there are alternatives to violence"particularly prayer and a determined, principled proclamation of the truth about abortion" that are more appropriate, prudent, and effective than escalating the violence abortionists and the Supreme Court have initiated." (source:, accessed on 5 February 2003)

RICHARD, André, "État de nécessité, contrainte morale et légitime défense", Gazette du Palais, 1952, 2 ième semestre, doctrine pp. 14-15;

RICHARDS, David A.J., "Human Rights and the Moral Foundations of  the Substantive Criminal Law", (1979) 13 Georgia Law Review 1395-1446;

____________"Rights, Resistance and the Demands of Self-Respect", (1983) 32 Emory Law Journal 405-435;

___________ "Self-Defense and Relations: Moral and legal Perspectives on Battered Women Who Kill.  Introduction", (1996) 57 University of Pittsburg Law Review 461-475 ("Symposium: Self-Defense and Relations of Domination: Moral and Legal Perspectives on Battered Women Who Kill");

RIPSTEIN, Arthur, "Self-Defense and Equal Protection" (1996) 57 University of Pittsburg Law Review 685-724 ("Symposium: Self-Defense and Relations of Domination: Moral and Legal Perspectives on Battered Women Who Kill");

RITTENMEYER, Steven D., "Of Battered Wives, Self-Defense and Double Standards of Justice", (1981) 9 Journal of Criminal Justice 389-395;

R.M.R., "Resistance to Illegal Arrest, (1924-25) 23 Michigan Law Review 62-66;

ROBERTSON, J. Bruce, "Battered woman syndrome: Expert evidence in action", (1998) 9(2) Otago Law Review 277-300; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

ROBERTSON, James E., " 'Fight or F...'  and Constitutional Liberty: An Inmate's Right to Self-Defense When Targetted by Aggressors", (1995-96) 29 Indiana Law Review 339-363;

ROBERTSON, Krista, "Subjectivising and Objectivising Self-Defence" in Gerry Ferguson and Stanley Yeo, eds., The Law of Homicide, Provocation and Self-Defence: Canadian, Australian and other Asia-Pacific Perspectives, Workshop Papers and Related Materials, Victoria (British Columbia): Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, 2000, vi, 194 p., at pp. 173-179, ISBN: 1550582119; note: "Procedings of a conference held in Victoria, B.C. on Nov. 19, 1999";

ROBINSON, Jefferey, Note, "Defense Strategies for Battered Women Who Assault Their Mates: State v. Curry, (1981) 4 Harvard Women's Law Journal 161-175; copy at Ottawa University, KF 3467 .W6 H37  Location:  FTX Periodicals;

ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, "Book Review: G. Fletcher, A Crime of Self-Defense: Bernhard Goetz and the Law on Trial", (1 September 1988) 74 American Bar Association, available at SSRN:

___________"Causing the Conditions of One's Own Defense: A Study in the Limits of Theory in Criminal Doctrine", (1985) 71 Virginia Law Review 1-63; also published in Albin Eser et al., eds., Justification and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry (New York): Transnational Juris Publications, 1987, ISBN: 0929179226, p. 657; available at (accessed on 12 October 2002) and at SSRN: (accessed on 24 March 2008);

__________  "Criminal Law Defences: A Systematic Analysis", (1982) 82 Columbia Law Review 199-291; available at (accessed on 12 October 2002);

___________"Does the Availability of Effective Non-Lethal Weapons Make the Use of Firearms in Defense Unlawful? Does it Mean the Rise of NLW Cowboys?" (November 8, 2005). Available at SSRN: (accessed on 14 October 2007);

___________"In Defense of the Model Penal Code: A Reply to Professor Fletcher", (1998) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 25-43 (Symposium "Toward a New Federal Criminal Code");

___________ Books for Lawyers, "Revenge of the Nerd: A CRIME OF SELF-DEFENSE: BERNARD GOETZ AND THE LAW ON TRIAL BY GEORGE P. FLETCHER...", (1 September 1988) 74 American Bar Association Journal 112 and 114-115; copy at the University of Ottawa, KF 200. A425, LOcation: FTX Periodicals;

__________  "A Theory of Justification: Societal Harm as a Prerequisite for Criminal Liability", (1975) 23 University of California at Los Angeles Law Review 266-292; also published in Michael Louis Corrado, ed., Justification and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New York,  Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 283-304, ISBN: 0815308256 (series; vol. 831, Garland Reference Library of Social Science; vol. 1, Garland Studies in Applied Ehics);

ROBINSON, Paul H. and J.A. Grall, "Element Analysis in Defining Criminal Liability: The Model Penal Code and Beyond", (1983) 35 Stanford Law Review 681-762;

ROGERS, Jonathan,  "Justifying the Use of Firearms by Policemen and Soldiers: A Response to the Home Office's Review of the Law on the Use of Lethal Force", (1998) 18 Legal Studies 486-509; copy at Ottawa University, K 12 .E357  Location: FTX Periodicals;

__________“Necessity, private defence and the killing of Mary”, [July 2001] The Criminal Law Review 515-526; copy at Ottawa University, KD 7862 .C734  Location: FTX Periodicals; deals with the case of the conjoined twins;

ROGERS, L.S., Annotation, "Homicide: Extent of premises which may be defended without retreat under right of self-defense", (1957) 52 A.L.R. 2d 1458-1465;

ROLLAND, M., "Légitime défense", (1979) Gazette du Palais 1, Doctrine 268 (1 p. seulement);

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court,17 July 1998, in force 1 July 2002, see Part III, General Principles of Criminal Law, available at (accessed on 4 December 2002);

___________"Draft Report of the International Meeting from 19 to 30 January 1998 in Zutphen, the Netherlands" in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 221-311, (document number: A/AC.249/1998/L.13, 1998), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

___________"Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, vol. 1, (Proceedings of the Preparatory Committee during March-April and August 1996)", in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 385-439, (document number: G.A., 51 st Sess., Supp. No. 22, A/51/22, 1996), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

___________"Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, vol. 2, (Compilation of Proposals)", in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 441-616 (document number: G.A., 51 st Sess., Supp. No. 22, A/51/22, 1996), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

ROMERIO, François, "Les pièges à voleurs et le droit", (1979) La semaine juridique I -- Doctrine 2939, 1 p.;

"La question qui se pose, en résumé, est celle-ci: doit-on prendre, sous peine de sanctions pénales, des précautions pour protéger la sécurité du malfaiteur qui vous choisit pour victime?  J'attends la réponse!"

___________"La violence légitime", (1980) La semaine juridique I -- Doctrine 2974, 2 p.;

ROSEN, Cathryn Jo, "The Battered Woman's Defense", in Michael J. Gorr, 1949 and Sterling Harwood, 1958-, eds., Controversies in criminal law : philosophical essays on responsibility and procedure, Boulder: Westview Press, 1992, xii, 273 p., pp. 89 to 99 approx., ISBN: 0813314836 and  0813314844 (pbk.); title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries;

____________"The Excuse of Self-Defense: Correcting A Historical Accident On Behalf Of Battered Women Who Kill", (1986-87) 36 American University Law Review 11-56;

ROSEN, Richard A., "On Self-Defense, Imminence, and Women Who Kill Their Batterers", (1993) 71 North Carolina Law Review 371-411;

ROSS, P. Luevonda, "The Transmogrification of Self-Defense by National Rifle Association-Inspired Statutes: From the Doctrine of Retreat to the Right to Stand Your Ground", (2007) 35 S.U. Law Review 1; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (4 November 2011); 

ROTH, Debby L. and E.M. Coles, "Battered woman syndrome : a conceptual analysis of its status vis-à-vis DSM-IV mental disorders", (1995) Medicine and Law 14 (7/8) 641-658;  copy at Ottawa University, RA 1001 .M423  Location:  FTX Periodicals;

ROULOT, Jean-François, "Le recours à la force dans le cadre d'une mission de maintien de la paix sous l'égide de l'ONU", [2006] Revue du droit public et de la science politqiue en France et à l'étranger 1617-1632;

ROTUNDA, Kyndra, "Denying self-defense to GIs in Iraq", (3/2/2007) 99(66) Christian Science Monitor 9; rules of engagement limiting self-defence;

RUYS, Tom and Sten Verhoeven, "Attacks by Private Actors and the Right of Self-defence", (2005) 10(3) Journal of Conflict and Security Law 289-320;  international law;

RYAN, Cheyney C.,  "Self-Defense and the Obligations to Kill and to Die", (2004) 18(1) Ethics & International Affairs 69-73,

____________"Self-Defense, Pacifism and the Possibility of Killing", (1982-83) 93 Ethics 508-524;

RUYS, Tom and Sten Verhoeven, "Attacks by Private Actors and the Right of Self-Defence", (Winter 2005) 10(3) Journal of Conflict & Security Law 289-320;

SACKS, Jamie H., "A New Age of Understanding: Allowing Self-Defence Claims for Battered Children Who Kill their Abusers", (1994) 10 Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy 349-381;

SAGAWA, Shirley, "A Hard Case for Feminists: People v. Goetz", (1987) 10 Harvard Women's Law Journal 253-273;

SAITOW, Steffani J., Note, "The Battered Woman Syndrome: Does the 'Reasonable Batered Woman' Exist?", (1993) 19 New England  Journal On Criminal and Civil Confinement 329-371; copy at the Solicitor General,

SALAND, Per, "International Criminal Law Principles" in Roy S. Lee, ed., The International Criminal Court: The Making of the Rome Statute: Issues, Negotiations, Results, The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1999, xxxv, 657 p., at pp. 189-216, ISBN: 904111212X (hardcover) and 904111243X (pbk.); see "XII. Article 31, Grounds for excluding criminal responsibility" at pp. 206-210; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

SAMBEEK, Mavis J. Van, "Parricide as Self-Defense", (1988-89) 7 Law and Inequality 87-106;

SANGERO, Boaz, "A New Defense for Self-Defense", (2005-2006) 9 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 475-559;

___________"Heller's Self-Defense", (Summer 2010) 13(3) New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal. 449-484;

___________"In Defense of Self-defence in Criminal Law: an on Killing in Self-Defence -- A Reply  to Fiona Leverick", (November-December 2008) 44(6) Criminal Law Bulletin  887-912; title noted in my research but article not consulted (24 February 2009);

SAPIRO, Miriam, "Iraq: the Shifting Sands of Preemptive Self-Defense", (2003) 97(3) American Journal of International Law 599-607;

SATZGER, Helmut, "German Criminal Law and the Rome Statute -- A Critical Analysis of the New German Code of Crimes against International Law", (2002) 2  International Criminal Law Review 261-282, and see discussion on excessive self-defence and mistake as to justified self-defence, at pp. 270-271;

SAUNDERS, Daniel G., “When Battered Women Use Violence: Husband-Abuse or Self-Defense?”, (1986) 1 Violence and Victims 47-60; copy at Ottawa University, HV 6250 .V56  Location: MRTeriodicals;

SAVEY-CASARD, Paul, "Réflexions sur l'article 329 du Code pénal", (1960) 15 Revue de Science criminelle et de Droit pénal comparé 29-40;

SCALIOTTI, Massimo, 1959-, "Defences before the International Criminal Court: Substantive grounds for excluding criminal responsibility – Part 1", (2001) 1
International Criminal Law Review 111-172, see "Self-defence", at pp. 158-172;

SCHABAS, William A., "General Principles of Criminal Law in the International Criminal Court Statute (Part III)" (1998) 6(4) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law, and Criminal Justice 400-428, see on self-defence, pp. 424-425;

SCHEFFER, David, "Specific Act Propensity Evidence in Self-Defense Cases: A Two-Way Street or a Dead End?", (March 2007) 48 Boston College Law Review 471-500; available at (accessed on 21 March 2008); 

SCHNEIDER, Elizabeth M. and Susan B. Jordan, "Representation of Women Who Defend Themselves in Response to Physical or Sexual Assault", (1987) 1 Family Law Review 118-132;

SCHNEIDER, Elizabeth M., "Describing and Changing: Women's Self-Defense Work and the Problem of Expert Testimony on Battering", (1986) 9 Women's Rights Law Reporter 195-222;

___________"Equal Rights to Trial for Women: Sex Bias in the Law of Self-Defense", (1980) 15 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 623-647;

__________ "Particularity and Generality: Challenges of Feminist Theory and Practice in Work on Woman-Abuse", (1992) 67 New York University Law Review 520-568;

__________"Resistance to Equality", (1996) 57 University of Pittsburg Law Review 477-524 ("Symposium: Self-Defense and Relations of Domination: Moral and Legal Perspectives on Battered Women Who Kill");

SCHOPP, Robert F., Barbara Sturgis and Megan  Sullivan, "Battered Woman Syndrome, Expert Testimony and the Distinction Between Justification and Excuse", [1994] University of Illinois Law Review 45-113;

SCHOPP, Robert F., "Justification Defenses and Just Convictions", (1993) 24 Pacific Law Journal 1233-1321;

___________ "Self-Defense" in Jules Coleman and Allen Buchanan, eds., In harm's way: Essays in honor of Joel Feinberg, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, x, 359 p., at chapter 12, pp. 255-289, (series; Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law), ISBN: 0521484107; copy at Ottawa University, K 235 I.53 1994, MRT library; limited preview of the 2007 softcover edition, at,M1 and (accessed on 25 May 2008);

SCHULHOFER, Stephen J., "The Gender Question In Criminal Law", (1989-90) 7(2)  Social Philosophy & Policy 105-137;

SCHULLER, Regina A., and Neil Vidmar, "Battered Woman Syndrome Evidence in the Courtroom: A Review of the Literature", (1992) 16 Law and Human Behavior 273-291; Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa/Solliciteur général Canada, Bibliothèque ministérielle et centre de référence, Ottawa;

SCHREIBER, Hans.-Ludwig., "Problems of Justification and Excuse in the Setting of Accessorial Conduct", [1986] Brigham Young University Law Review 611- 643;

SCHWOERER, Lois G., "To Hold and Bear Arms: The English Perspective", (2000) 76 Chicago-Kent Law Review 27; symposium on the second amendment; available at (accessed on 17 March 2003);

SCOBEY, John Nelson, "Self-Defense Parricide: Expert Psychiatric Testimony on the Battered Child Syndrome Current Public Law and Policy Issues", (1992) Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 181-198;

SEBOK, Anthony J., "Does an Objective Theory of Self-Defense Demand Too Much?", (1995-96) 57 University of Pittsburg Law Review 725-756 ("Symposium: Self-Defense and Relations of Domination: Moral and Legal Perspectives on Battered Women Who Kill");

___________"Florida's New 'Stand Your Ground' Law:  Why It's  More Extreme tha Other States' Self-Defense Measures, And How It Got That Way", FindLaw Legal News and Commentray, 2 May 2005, available at (accessed on 28 May 2006);

SEGEV, Re'em, "Fairness, Responsibility and Self-Defense", 2004, ExpressO Preprint series, paper 154, available at (accessed on 13 July 2005); see also (accessed on 13 July 2005); published at (2005) 45(2) Santa Clara Law Review 383-460; copy at the University of Ottawa, KFC 69 .S357  Location: FTX Periodicals;

"Self-Defence", (1886)  22 Canada Law Journal 206-207. Research Note:  comments on State v. Donnelly, N.W. Rep 369 (Iowa Supreme Court); it appears that this article is a reprint taken from the The Central Law Journal;

"Self-Defence: The Burden of Proof", (1957) 23 Irish Jurist 22-23;

SENG, Lee Kiat, "Two Aspects of Private Defence", (1996) 8 Singapore Academy of Law Journal lxi-ci;

SEPINWALL, Amy J., "Defense of Others and Defenseless 'Others' ", (2005) 17 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 327-384; pregnant woman;

SERRAN, Geris and Philip Firestone, "Intimate partner homicide: a review of the male proprietariness and  the self-defense theories", (2004) 9 Aggression and Violent Behavior 1-15;

SEUFFERT, Nan, "Battered Women and Self-Defence", (1997) 17 New Zealand University Law Review 292-328.  Research Note: the article includes coverage of Canadian law;

SHAD, Kerry A.,  "State v. Norman: Self-Defense Unavailable to Battered Women Who Kill Passive Abusers", (1989-90) 68 North Carolina Law Review 1159-1177; copy at Ottawa University, KFN 7469 .N673  Location: FTX Periodicals; copy also at the library of the Suprme Court of Canada;

SHALHOPE, Robert E., "The Ideological Origins of the Second Amendment", (1982) 69 Journal of American History 599-614; copy at Ottawa University, E 171 .J87  Location: MRT Periodicals;

SHANE, Fred, "Le syndrome de la femme battue: existe-t-il pour vrai?" dans Service de la formation permanente, Barreau du Québec, sous la direction de, Congrès annuel du Barreau du Québec (1992), [Montréal]: Barreau du Québec, 1992, xxiv, 1185 p., aux  pp. 355-360, ISBN: 2921290049;

SHARP, Linda A., "Homicide: Duty to Retreat where Assailant and Assailed Share the Same Living Quarters", (1999) (1999) 67 ALR5th 637-676; ALR = American Law Reports; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada; this article superseded Alperin, H.J., supra;

SHARPE, Robert J., and Kent Roach, 1961-, Brian Dickson: A Judge's Journey, Toronto/Buffalo/London: Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, 2003, xiv, 576 p., on self-defense, see pp.236 and 405-406 (interesting insights on excessive force and Lavallee), ISBN: 0802089526; note: a publication of the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History;

SHEEHY, Elizabeth A, Julie Stubbs, Julia Tolmie, "Defending Battered Women on Trial: The Battered Woman Syndrome and Its Limitations", (1992) 16 Criminal Law Journal 369-394;

SHERMAN, Lawrence W., "Execution Without Trial: Police Homicide and the Constitution", (1980) 33 Vanderbilt Law Review 71-100;

SIEGEL, Alexander B., "Recent Decisions Criminal Law - Interposition in Defense of Third Parties", (1908) 8 Columbia Law Review 411 (1 page only);

SIMESTER, A.P., "Mistakes in Defence", (1992) 12 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 295-310;

SIMONS, Kenneth W., "Self-Defense, Mens Rea, and Bernhard Goetz: [Book Review of]  A Crime of Self-Defense: Bernard Goetz and the Law on Trial by George P. Fletcher", (1989)  89 Columbia Law Review 1179-1200;

___________ "Self-Defense: Reasonable Beliefs or Reasonable Self-Control?", Boston Univ. School of Law Working Paper No. 07-14, available at SSRN: (accessed on 3 June 2008; also published in (2008) 11(1) New Criminal Law Review 5190; available at (accessed on 13 January 2009);

SINCLAIR, Sandy, "Lavallée, A New Meaning to an Old Tort",  "unpublished student paper, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia",  mentioned in  Isabel Grant, Dorothy Chunn and Christine Boyle, The Law of Homicide, see Part I of my bibliography on self-defence at p. 6-40, note 187 (pbk. copy);

SINGER, Richard, The Resurgence of Mens Rea: II- Honest but Unreasonable Mistake of Fact in Self-Defense", (1987) 28 Boston College Law Review 459-519;

SKINNER, Stephen, "Citizens in Uniform: Public Defence, Reasonableness and Human Rights",  [2000] Public Law 266-281; copy at the University of Ottawa, JN 101 .P89  Location: FTX Periodicals;

___________“Death in Genoa: The G8 Summit Shooting and the Right to Life,” (2003) 11 European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 233-252;

___________"L'impact du Human Rights Act 1998 sur le droit de la légitime défense en Angleterre", [2004] Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 283-294;

___________"Populist Politics and Shooting Burglars: Comparative  Comments on the Legal Nord's Proposal to Reform  Italian Self-Defence Law",  [April 2005] The Criminal Law Review 275-284; copy at the University of Ottawa, KD 7862 .C734  Location: FTX Periodicals;

SKOPETS, Michael, "Battered Nation Syndrome: Relaxing the Imminence Requirement of Sel-defense in International Law" (February 2006) 55(3) American University Law Review.753-783; available at (accessed on 21 March 2008); 

SLATER, J., "Making Sense of Self-defence", (1996) 5 Nottingham Law Journal 140; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this periodical is found in the Ottawa area libraries (30 January 2003);

SLIEDREGT, Elies van, "Defences in International Criminal Law", 44 p., see "Self-defence", at pp. 10-14, available at (accessed on 11 August 2004); important contribution; "Paper to be presented at the conference Convergence of Criminal Justice Systems: Building Bridges Bridging the Gap, The International Society For the Reform of Criminal Law.  17th International Conference, 25 August 2003 -- not for quotation."; available at "This paper is based on the PhD research recently published at T.M.C. Asser Press: E. van Sliedregt, The Criminal Responsibility of Individuals for Violations of International Humanitarian Law, The Hague, 2003"; research note: this book has been ordered by Ottawa University, Law Faculty, on 20 April 2004 (11 August 2004);

SMART, B. J. (Brian J.), "Understanding and Justifying Self-Defence", (1989) 4(3) International Journal of Moral and Social Studies 231-244;

SMITH, Dale A., Comment, "State v. Gartland: New Jersey Leaning towards a More Lenient Application of the Duty to Retreat Rule as it Affects Battered Women Who Kill Their Partners", (1999) 20 Women's Rights Law Reporter 173-183;

SMITH,  J.C.,  "[Commentary on] Palmer v. R;  Irving v. R. [Judicial Committee of the Privacy Council]", [1971] Criminal Law Review 649-650;

___________"The Use of Force in Public or Private Defence and Article 2 [of the European Convention on Human Rights]", [2002] The Criminal Law Review 958-952;

 ___________"Using Force in Self Defence and Prevention of Crime", (1994) 47 Current Legal Problems 101-123;

SMITH, Peter, "Excessive Defence - a Rejection of Australian Initiative?", [1972] Criminal Law Review 525-534;

SMITH, Robert Hall, "Notes and Comments: The Retreat to the Wall Doctrine of Self-Defense", (1950-51) 39 Kentucky Law Journal 353-357;

SMITH, Susan C., "Abused Children who Kill Abusive Parents: Moving Toward an Appropriate Legal Response", (1992-93) 42 Catholic University Law Review 141-178; copy at Ottawa University, K 3 .A842  Location: FTX Periodicals;

SNELLING, H.A., "Killing in Self-Defence", (1960) 34 Australian Law Journal 130-138; Research Note: the article covers the English authors: Pulton, Coke, Hale, Hawkins, Foster, Blackstone and East;

SNYMAN, Carel Rainer, "Private defence in criminal law - an unwarranted raising of the test of reasonableness", (2004) Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg. 325-331; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (14 February 2006);

___________"The two reasons for the existence of private defence, and their effect on the rules relating to the defence", (2004) South African Journal of Criminal Justice 178-192;  title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (14 February 2006);

SORNARAJAH, M., "Excessive Self-Defence in Commonwealth Law",  (1972) 21 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 758-770;

_________"Excessive Self Defence Under the Australian Criminal Codes", (1981-83) 7 University of Tasmania Law Review 156-173;

SOUTHWICK, L., "Guns and Justifiable Homicide: Deterence and Defense", (1999) 18(1) St. Louis University Public Law Review 217-246; available at (accessed on 9 February 2003);

SPARR, L.F.,  "Mental defenses and posttraumatic stress disorder: assessment of criminal intent", (July 1996) 9(3) Journal of Traumatic Stress 405-425, see "Self-Defense Defense" at pp. 412-413; copy at CISTI, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Ottawa, MAIN Ser, RC552.P67 J86 / ICIST, Institut canadien de l'information scientifique et technique, Ottawa;

SPEIGHT, Hallie White, "Hard Cases Make Bad Law: Commonwealth v. Adjutant and Evidence of the Deceased's Propensity for Violence in Self-Defense Cases in Massachusetts",  (June 2006) 86(3) Boston University Law Review 793-818; available at (accessed on 21 March 2008);

SPENCER, J.R., "Intentional Killings in French Law, revised August 2005, in The Law Commission, The Law of Murder: Overseas  Comparative Studies, [London: HMSO, 2005], at pp. 66-74; available at (accessed on 27 December 2005);

___________"Drunken Defence", (2006) 65(2) The Cambridge Law Journal 267-269; mistake of fact as to self-defence and intoxication; case of Hatton [2005] EWCA Crim 2951, [2006] 1 Cr.App.R. 16 (247);

STADELMAN, George,  "Retreat from Deadly Force", (1929) 9 Oregon Law Review 480-489;

STALLYBRASS, W.T.S., "A comparison of the general principles of criminal law in England with the 'progretto definitivo di un nuovo codice penale' of Alfredo Rocco", (1932) 14 Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 45-61 and (1933) 15 Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 232-241; also with the same title in L. Radzinowicz and J.W.C. Turner, eds., The Modern Approach to Criminal Law, London: University of Cambridge, 1945, x, 511 at pp. 390-466, and see "Self-defence" at pp. 430-431 (series; English Studies in Criminal Science, Department of Criminal Science, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge; volume iv);

" 'Stand-your-ground' laws causing confusion", Associated Press, 9 July 2007, available at (accessed on 29 August 2009); case of Norman Borden, Florida;

STARK, Evan, "From Re-Presenting Woman Battering :  From Battered Battered Woman Syndrome to Coercive Control", (1995) 58 Albany Law Review 973-1026; copy at Ottawa University, KFN 5069 .A42  Location: FTX Periodicals;

STATMAN, Daniel, "On the Success Condition for Legitimate Self-Defense", (2008) 118(4) Ethics 659-686; available at (accessed on 4 March 2009); 

STEELE, Walter W. Jr. and Christine W. Sigman, "Reexamining the Doctrine of Self-Defense  to Accomodate Battered Women", (1990-91) 18 American Journal of Criminal Law 169-185;

STELL, Lana K., "Close Encounters of the Lethal Kind: The Use of Deadly Force in Self-Defense", (1986) 49 Law and Contemporary Problems 113-124; available at (accessed on 28 July 2005);

___________"The Legitimation of Female Violence", in James B. Brady and Newton Garver, eds., Justice, Law and Violence, Philadelphia: Temple University Press,  1991, x, 281 p. at pp. 241-259 (ISBN: 0877228434;

STEIN, Milton, M.,  "Comment on Justification and Excuse: Chapter 6, Sections 601-609" in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws,  vol.1, Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970, xxv, 742 p., at pp. 261-272;

STEPHEN, Dale, "Rules of Engagement and the Concept of Unit Self Defense", (1998) 45 Naval Law Review 126-151;

STEVENS, D.J., "Interviews with Women Convicted of Murder: Battered Women's Syndrome Revisited", (1999) 6 International Review of Victimology 117; title noted in my research but article not consulted; number missing in the periodical book for that year at Ottawa University, HV 6250 .I58  Location: MRT Peridocals; verification of 21 March 2003;


STOIL, Rebecca Anna, "New law allows shooting at burglars", The Jerusalem Post, 24 June 2008, revised 25 June 2008; available at (accessed on 29 August 2009);

  A license to kill or a leg up for law enforcement - the verdict may still be out, but the Knesset approved the "Shai Dromi Bill" on Tuesday, an amendment to the Penal Law aimed at giving property owners more freedom to use fatal force against people who break into their homes, businesses or farms.

    The legislation, named for the Negev farmer who in January 2007 shot at a group of people who broke into his farm to steal livestock, killing Khaled el-Atrash. Dromi was charged with manslaughter, a move that caused a public uproar.

STOLL, Hans, "Grounds of Justification as a Defence to Liability -- German Law", in Journées d'études sur le droit de la responsabilité (1984: Gand, Belgique), Limpens, Jean, 1910-1979, Centre interuniversitaire de droit comparé, In  memoriam Jean Limpens : Studiedagen aansprakelijkheidsrecht, Gent, 23-24 maart 1984 = In memoriam Jean Limpens : Journées d'études sur le droit de la responsabilité, Gent, 23-24 mars 1984 = In memoriam Jean Limpens : Symposium on Civil Liability, Gent, 23-24 March 1984, Antwerpen : Kluwer rechtswetenschappen, 1987, xxvii, 311 p., at pp. 207-221, and see "Self-Defence" at pp. 208-210 and "Self-Help", at pp. 220-221 (series; Interuniversitair Centrum voor Rechtsvergelijking; 12), (Collection; Centre interuniversitaire de droit comparé; 12), ISBN: 9063212879; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K923 Z9 I56 1987; civil law but useful for researchers;

STRACHAN, Billy, "The Art of Self Defence", (1975) 119 Solicitors' Journal 91-93.  Research Note: contains useful information on early English case-law on defence of property;

STRATENWERTH, Günther, "The Problem of Mistake in Self-Defense", [1986] Brigham Young University Law Review 733-767;  also published in Albin Eser et al., eds., Justification and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 1, Dobbs Ferry (New York): Transnational Juris Publications, 1987, ISBN: 0929179269, p. 1055;

STUART, Don, "Killing in Defence of Property", (1967) 84 South African Law Journal 123-131;

STUBBS, Julie and Julia Tolmie, "Battered woman syndrome in Australia: A challenge to gender bias in the law?" in Julie Stubbs, ed., Women, Male violence & The Law, Sydney (Australia): Institute of Criminology, 1994, v, 262 p., at pp. 192-225 (series; The Institute of Criminology Monograph Series; No. 6), ISBN: 0867589183; copy at Ottawa University, FTX, KU 4180 .W636 1994;

___________"Falling Short of the Challenge? A Comparative Assessment of the Australian Use of Expert Evidence on the Battered Woman Syndrome", (1999) 23(3) Melbourne University Law Review 709-748;

___________"Feminisms, Self-Defence, and Battered Women: A Response to Hubble's 'Straw Feminist'", (1998) 10 Current Issues in Criminal Justice 73-84, bibliography at 82-84;

___________"Race, Gender and the Battered Woman Syndrome: An Australia Case Study", (1995) 8 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 122-158;

STUBBS, Julie,  Self-Defence and Defence of Others,  as seen on 6 November 1998 at  

SUK, Jeannie, "The True Woman: Scenes from the Law of Self-Defense", forthcoming in  Harvard Journal of Law & Gender; available at SSRN: ( accessed on 23 May 2008); on the castle doctrine;

SULLIVAN, G.R., "Bad Thoughts and Bad Acts", [1990] Criminal Law Review 559-567;

SWARTHOUT, A.M., Annotation, "Danger of apparent danger of death or great bodily harm as condition of self-defense in prosecution for assault as distinguished from prosecution for homicide", (1938) 114 ALR 634-657;

TALBOT, Jill Suzanne, "Is 'Psychological Self-Defense' A Solution to the Problem of Defending Battered Women Who Kill?", (1988) 45 Washington and Lee Law Review 1527-1547;

TAUSON, Alexandra W., "CRIMINAL LAW—RESISTING ARREST—UNLAWFUL ARREST—The Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that resistance to an arrest found to be unlawful cannot result in a conviction for resisting arrest but can result in conviction for aggravated assault.  Commonwealth v. Biagini, 655 A.2d 492 (Pa. 1995)", (1995-96) 34 Duquesne Law Review 755-775;

TAYLOR, Donald C., Recent Cases, "Criminal Law -- Homicide -- Duty to Retreat -- Attacked in Place of Business", (1952) 57 Dickinson Law Review 254-256; copy at Ottawa University, KFP 69 .F67  Location: FTX Periodicals;

TAYLOR, Laurie J., "Comments: Provoked Reason in Men and Women: Heat-Of-Passion Manslaughter and Imperfect Self-Defense", (1986) 33 University of California at Los Angeles Law Review 1679-1735;

TEAYS, Wanda, "Standards of Perfection and Battered Women's Self-defense", in Stanley G. French, Wanda Teays and Laura M. Purdy, eds., Violence against Women: Philosophical Perspectives, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1998, ix, 260 p., at pp. 57-76, ISBN: 0801434416 and 0801484529 (pbk.);

TENNANT, Edward, "Problems Awaiting the Househilder Who Would Apprehend the Burglar on His Property", (5 July 2003) 167(27) Justice of the Peace 504-507;

TERRACE WOMEN'S Resource Centre Society, "Reforming Criminal Code Defences: Provocation, Self-Defence and Defence of Property - Response Paper", unpublished comments, September 1998, 6 p., received by François Lareau, under his Access to Information Act request of 7 July 1999 to the Department of Justice Canada (their file A-1999-0070) on the consultation document Canada, Department of Justice Canada,  Reforming Criminal Code Defences: Provocation, Self-Defence and Defence of Property A Consultation Paper, cited in Part I: Books etc. / Partie I : livres etc.

TESNER, Michael Andrew, “Racial Paranoia as a Defense to Crimes of Violence: An Emerging Theory of Self-Defense or Insanity?”, (1991) 11 Boston College Third Law Journal 307-333; copy at Ottawa University, FTX periodicals, K521. B677;

TESON, Fernando R., "Self-Defense in International Law and Rights of Persons", (2004) 18(1) Ethics & International Affairs 87-91;

THAN, Claire de, "Mistaken belief in self-defence May Justify Use of Lethal Force: Brady v. United Kingdom (3 April 2001)", (2001) 65(5) The Journal of Criminal Law 417-419;

THOMPSON, Michael, "Aquinas, Locke, and Self-Defense", (1996) 57 University of Pittsburg Law Review 677-684 ("Symposium: Self-Defense and Relations of Domination: Moral and Legal Perspectives on Battered Women Who Kill");

THOMSON, Judith Jarvis, "Self-Defense", (1991) 20 Philosophy and Public Affairs 283-310;

THORBURN, Malcolm Bruce, The gist of justifications, LL.M. thesis, 2003, 38 leaves (Collection; CU Theses T39 2003); title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

THYFAULT, Roberta K., "Self-Defense: Battered Woman Syndrome on Trial", (1983-84) 20 California Western Law Review 485-510;

TINIO, Ferdinand S., Annotation, "Comment Note: Withdrawal, after provocation of conflict, as reviving right of self-defense", (1974) 55 ALR 3rd 1000-1032; see also the Supplement Issue of  June 2002, at pp. 209-212;

TOFFEL, Hope, Note, "Cracy Women, Unharmed Men, and Evil Children: Confronting the Myths About Battered People Who Kill Their Abusers, and the Argument for Extending Battering Syndrome Self-Defense to all Victims of Domestci Violence", (1996-97) 70 Southern California Law Review 337-380; copy at Ottawa University, KFC 69 .S696  Location: FTX Periodicals; copy also at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

TOLMIE, Julia, "Battered Defendants and the Criminal Defences to Murder -- Lessons from Overseas", (2002) 10 Waikato Law Review; available at (accessed on 10 August 2006);

___________"Intoxication and Criminal Liability in New South Wales: - A Random Patchwork?",  (1999) 23 Criminal Law Journal 218-237, see "self-defence" at pp. 226-231;

___________"Pacific-Asian Immigrant and Refugee Women Who Kill Their Batterers: Telling Stories that Illustrate the Significance of Specificity", (1997) 19 The Sydney Law Review 472-513;

___________"Provocation or Self-Defence for Battered Women Who Kill?" in  Stanley Meng Heong Yeo, ed., Partial Excuses to Murder, Leichhardt (N.S.W., Australia): The Federation Press, 1991, xvii, 287 p. at pp. 61-79, ISBN: 1862870470;

___________Case and Comment, "Self-defence -- Response to threat of future harm -- Availability of defence against a sleeping aggressor -- Criminal Code Act 1983 (NT), ss 28 (f) and 187 (b);  Evidence -- Admissibility of expert evidence on battered woman syndrome; SECRETARY, Court of Criminal Appeal, Northern Territory: Martin CJ, Angel and Mildren JJ: 2 April 1996", (1996) 20 Criminal Law Journal 223-230;

TONKIN, Hannah, "Defensive Force under the Rome Statute", (May 2005) 6(1) Melbourne Journal of International Law 86-117; available at (accessed on 24 September 2007 and at  (accessed on 27 February 2008);

TOULEMON, André, "Autodéfense et déplacement des risques", (1978) La semaine juridique I -- Doctrine 2922, 1 p.;

TRACY, Mary Sullivan, Case Comment,  "Criminal Law -- Self Defense -- A Duty to Retreat, the Rule Now Hits Home -- Commonwealth v. Shaffer, -- Mass. -- 326 N.E.2d 880 (1975)", (1975-76) 10 Suffolk University Law Review 100-115;

TRAINOR, Brian T., "Hobbes' Sovereign and the Right of Self-Defence", (1984) 32 Political Studies 280-287; copy at Ottawa University, JA 8 .P74  Location, MRT Periodicals;

TSIMBINOS, Spiros A., "The Justified Use of Deadly Force", (1968) 4 Criminal Law Bulletin 3-34; copy at the University of Ottawa, KF 9202 .C745  Location: FTX Periodicals; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

TURK, Elizabeth L., "Abuses and Syndromes: Excuses or Justifications?", (1997) 18 Whittier Law Review 901-947;

UGLOW, Steve,  Criminal Law 1998-1999 Lecture X: Defences to Murder - Self-Defence, updated 26 February 1999, as noticed on 11 April 1999 at; research note; Steve Uglow is a lecturer at Kent Law School (England);

UNIACKE, Suzanne, "Double Effect, Principle of" in Edward Craig., ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, London & New York: Routledge, 1998, vol. 3 at pp. 120-122, ISBN: 0415073103 for the set of 10 volumes and 0415187087 for vol. 3 only; 

___________"Relativistic Justifications", (2000) 19 Law and Philosophy 645-647;

___________"Self-defense" in  Lawrence Becker and Charlotte B. Becker, 1944-,  eds., Encyclopedia of  Ethics, 2nd ed., New York and London: Routledge, 2001, vol. 3 at pp. 1553-1556, ISBN: 0415936721 (for the set of 3 volumes); copy at Carleton University, Ottawa,  Floor 2 Reference, BJ63.E45 2001;

___________"Self-Defense and Natural Law" (1991) 36 American Journal of Jurisprudence 73-101;

____________"Proportionality and Self-defense", (2011) 30 Law and Philosophy;

___________ "Was Mary's Death Murder?", (Autumn 2001) 9 (3) Medical Law Review 208-220, and see "II.  Was Mary Killed in Legitimate Defence of Jodie", at pp.210-215; most of this  issue of this periodical is on the English case of the cojoined twins Re A, see (accessed on 17 March 2003);

UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, Compiled by the University of Toronto Centre of Criminology Library. March 10, 2003. "Battered Woman Syndrome: A Select Bibliography", available at (accessed on 29 August 2005); see also (accessed on 29 August 2005);

"The Use of Deadly Force in the Protection of Property Under the Model Penal Code", (1959) 59 Columbia Law Review 1212-1232 (no author);

VAN CAENEGEM, R.C., "Notizie dei libri recevuti: N.D. HUNARD,  The King's Pardon for Homicide before A.D. 1307, Oxford, University Press, 1969, pp. xiv-394" (1970) 11 Studi Medievali (3rd series) 996-997. Research Note: short book review;

VAN CLEAVE, Rachel A., "Essay: A Matter of Evidence of Law? Battered Women Claiming Self-Defense in California", (1994) 5 University of California at Los Angeles Women's Law Journal  217-245;

VANDENBRAAK, Sarah Baseden, "Limits on the Use of Defensive Force to Prevent Intramarital Assaults", (1979) 10 Rutgers Camden Law Journal 643-660;

VAN DER MERWE, D.P., "The Cumulative Effect of 'Partial Excuse' and  Error Iuris -- Ntuli  and De Blom Revisited", (1982) 99 South African Law Journal 430-437; important contribution for the history of excessive self-defence (23 August 2005);

    "In Roman law the text 'recte possidenti ad defendendam possessionem, quam sine vitio tenebat, inculpatae tutelae moderatio illatam vim propulsare licet'9 governed the situation. This meant that self-defence was an absolute defence; but the word moderatio showed that there were limits to this defence. Unfortunately, it is not clear whether the punishment was mitigated in Roman law when a defender exceeded the bounds of moderation.

This was the position in Roman-Dutch law.  Gomezius,10 Wesenbecius,11 Matthaeus,12 Carpzovius,13 Huber,14 Voet,15 Moorman,16 Van der Keessel17 and Van der Linden18 all regarded excessive self-defence as a ground for departing from the fixed poena ordinaria so as to leave a discretion to the judge to impose a lighter punishment, the poena extraordinaria. Most of the authors saw the ratio behind mitigation to lie in the fact that the defender had culpa and not dolus, but Matthaeus and Van der Keessel saw a link between this defence and provocation. This analogy stresses the pressure19 under which the offender has had to act rather than the lack of foresight on his part. Another factor enabling the judge to use the poena extraordinaria was ignorance or mistake of either law or fact.20 ...
9 Codex 8.4.1.
10 Commentarium (1597) 3.3.20.
11 Commentarii in Pandeciasfuris civilis ci CodicemJustinaeum ohm dicta paratitla (1649) 48.8.18.
12 De Criminibus (1644)
13 Verhandehing der lyfstraffelijke misdaaden en haare berechtinge (1752 -- the Dutch translation by D van Hogendorp) 29.4.
14 Heedendaegse Rechtsgeleertheyd (1752) 6.13.14.
15 Commentarius ad Pandectas (1698-1704) 48.8.13 (see P Gane's translation VII (1957) 44).
16 Crimineele Advysen (1778) Opinions XLI and XLIII.
17 Praelectiones ad jus criminale libri 47 ci 48 Digestorum 48.8.11 (B Beinart and P van Warmelo's translation 111 (1973) 1073).
18 Regtsgeleerd, Practicaal en Koopmans Handboek (1806) 2.5.6 (p 241).
19 `Skrik of druk' -- see note 5 above.
20 See D P van der Merwe Die Leerstuk van Verminderde Strafbaarheid (unpublished LLD thesis University of South Africa 1980) 271-2." (p. 431)

VAN GERVEN, Walter, Jeremy and Pierre Larouche, Cases, Materials and Text on National, Supranational and International Tort Law, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2000, xcix, 969 p., see Chapter 3, "Liability for One's Own Conduct", part 3.2.4, "Grounds of Justification", sub-part 3.2.4.B, "Self Defence", (series: Common Law of Europe Casebooks series), ISBN: 1841131393; available at (accessed on 6 February 2006); and see also "Grounds of justification" (Comparative overview discussion) at pp. 356-357; civil law (tort law) but very useful for researchers; and see also "copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KJC1640 T672 2000;

VEILLEUX, Danny R., Annotation, "Construction and Application of Statutes Justifying the Use of Force to Prevent the Use of Force Against Another", (1989) 71  Americal Law Reports Annotated (4th) 940-1003;

VEINSREIDERIS, Martin E., "The Prospective Effects of Modifying Existing Law to Accommodate Preemptive Self-Defense by Battered Women", (2000-2001) 149 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 613-644;

VENESY, Barbara A. "State v. Stewart: Self-Defence and Battered Women :Reasonable Perception of  Danger or License to Kill." (1989-90) 23 Akron Law Review 89-104;

VERHAEGEN, Jacques, "Sollicitations et altérations de la notion de légitime défense", (1975-76) 56 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 1039-1065;

VICTORIAN LAW REFORM COMMISSION, "Getting away with murder: The Key defences to homicide, including self-defence, provocation and infanticide are under examination", (July 2003) 77(7) Law Institute Journal 89 (1 p.); about their forthcoming discussion paper; copy at Ottawa University, KFW 2469 .M354  Location, FTX Periodicals; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

VINER, Steve, "Self-defense, Punishing  Unjust Combatants and Justice in War", (2010) 4 Criminal Law and Philosophy  297-319;

VITU, André, "Légitime défense et infraction d'imprudence", [1985] Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 865; disponible au site du Prtofesseur Doucet, à (site visité le 26 juillet 2006);

VOLOKH, Eugene, "State Constitutional Rights Of Self-Defense And Defense Of Property", (Spring 2007) 11(2) Texas Review of Law & Politics 399-418;

VON HIRSCH, Andrew and Nils Jareborg, "Provocation and culpability", in Ferdinand Schoeman, ed., Responsibility, Character, and the Emotions: New Essays in Moral Psychology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987, x, 358 p., chapter 10 at pp. 241-255, ISBN: 0521327202 (hardcover) and 0521339510 (paperback);

WAABEN, Knud, "La théorie générale de l'infraction" dans Le droit pénal des pays scandinaves, sous la direction de Marc Ancel et de Ivar Strahl avec la collaboration de Johs. Andenaes et de Knud Waaben,  Paris : Les éditions de l'Épargne, 1969, x, 224 p., pp. 23-65, voir "La légitime défense" aux pp. 32-34 (collection;  "Les grands systèmes de droit pénal contemporains", vol. 4);

WACKE, Andreas, "Defence and Necessity in Aquilian Liability" in Melanges J. Iglesias, Estudios en Homenaje Al Profesor Juan Iglesias, Madrid: Seminario de Derecho Romano Ursicino Alvarez, I, 1988, pp. 525-541. Research Note: noted in my research but not consulted as not available in Ottawa;

WADDINGTON, P.A.J., " 'Overkill' or 'Minimum Force'?", [1990] Criminal Law Review 695-707;

WAGNER, John F., Annotation, "Standard for Determination of Reasonableness of Criminal Defendant's Belief, for Purposes of Self-Defense Claim, that Physical Force is Necessary -- Modern Cases", (1989) 73 ALR 4th 993-1008 and Supplement Insert, issued August 2002, at pp. 37-49;

WAIBLINGER, Max, "Actes Licites II - La légitime défense (art. 33 C.p.s.)", Fiches juridiques suisses: documentation fédérale et cantonale de pratique juridique, économique, sociale et fiscale, publiée sur fiches constamment tenues à jour, no 1205, mise au point 1er mars 1958, Genève (Suisse): Fiches juridiques suisses, 1941-, 12 pages.  Note de recherche:  il doit certainement exister une mise à jour plus récente;

WALDRON, Jeremy, "Self-defense: Agent-neutral and Agent-Relative Accounts", (2000) 88 California Law Review 711-749; copy at Ottawa University, KFC 69 .C335  Location: FTX Periodicals;

WALKER, Leonore E.A., "Battered Women Syndrome and Self-Defense (Symposium on Women and the Law)", (1992) Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 321-334;

___________"Psychology and Violence Against Women", (1989) 44 American Psychologist 695-702.  Research Note: Bibliography at pp. 701-702;

WALLACE, Shana, "Beyond Imminence: Evolving International Law and Battered Women's Right to Self-Defense", (2004) 71 The University of Chicago Law Review 1749-1781;

WALLERSTEIN, Slomit, "Justifying the Right to Self-Defense: A Theory of Forced Consequences", (June 2005) 91(4) Virginia Law Review 999-1035; copy at the LIbrary of the Supreme Court of Canada; copy available at (accessed on 10 December 2005);

WALTER, Robert H. K., Comment, "Some Proposals for Modernizing the Law of Arrest", (1951) 39 California Law Review 96-118;

W.A.S., "Annotation. Homicide or Assault in Defence of Habitation or Property", (1924) 32 American Law Reports Annotated  1541-1542. Research Note: this annotation is followed by the one by A.S.M., supra;

WASSERMAN, David, "Justifying Self-Defence", (1987) 16 Philosophy & Public Affairs 356-378;

WATKIN, Thomas Glyn, "Hamlet and the Law of Homicide", (1984) 100 The Law Quarterly Review 282-310;

WATSON, Dr Michael, "Reasonable Force and the Defence of Property", (24 August 2002) 166(24) Justice of the Peace 659-661;

___________"Self-defence and the Home", (28 June 2003) 167(26) Justice of the Peace 486-488;

___________"Self-defence, reasonable force and the police", (31 October 1997) 147 New Law Journal 1593-1594;

___________"When police officers kill", (17 August 2001) 151 New Law Journal 1252 (1 p. only);

WEATHERUP, Roy G., "Standing Armies and Armed Citizens: An Historical Analysis of the Second Amendment", (1975)  2 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 961-1001; copy at Ottawa University, KF 4546 .H367  Location, FTX Periodicals;

WECHSLER, Herbert and Jerome Michael, "A Rationale of the Law of Homicide: I", (1937) 37 Columbia Law Review 701-767, see on self-defence, pp. 726-727;

WEINBERG, Mark, "Moral blameworthiness -- The 'objective test' dilemma", (2003) 24 Australian Bar Review 173-198, see "Excessive force in self-defence, at pp. 191-197; copy at Ottawa University, K 1 .U768  Location: FTX Periodicals;

WEINTRAUB, Melissa, "But Does Torture Save Lives?  Torture, Pikuakh Nefesh, and the Rodef Defense", 31 July 2005, 38 p.; available at (accessed on 10 December 2005);

WELLS, Celia, "Domestic violence and self-defence", (1990) 140 New Law Journal 127-128 (issue of 2 February 1990);

W.F.S., Case Comments, "Homicide -- Self defense, Instruction Properly Qualified, Where There Was Evidence That Defendant Invited Combat", (1925-26) 14 Kentucky Law Journal 257-258;

WHARTON, Francis, "II. - Disputed Questions of Criminal Law", (1880) 5 The Southern Law Review  (New Series) 352-379, see "II. Self-defence - Its Basis" at pp. 366-373;

WHEATCROFT, Melissa, "Duty to Retreat for Cohabitants -- In New Jersey a Battered Spouse's Home is not Her Castle", (1998-99) 30 Rutgers Law Journal 539-567;

WHEELER, Samuel C., "Self-defense: Rights and Coerced Risk-acceptance", (1997) 11(4) Public Affairs Quarterly 431-443; copy at Saint-Paul University; available at (accessed on 28 July 2005);

WHITMAN, James Q., "Between Self-Defense and Vengeance/Between Social Contract and Monopoly of Violence",  (Summer 2004) 39(4) Tulsa Law Review 901-923;

WIGMORE, John H., "Responsibility for Tortious Acts: Its History", (1893-94) 7 Harvard Law Review 315-337, 383-405 and 441-456; on self-defence, see 323-324 and 445-446;

WIKIPEDIA  -- The Free Encyclopedia:

- "Battered woman defence", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);
- "Castle doctrine in the U.S.",  (accessed on 22 June 2008);
- "Defence of property", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);
- "Duty to retreat", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);
- "Imperfect Self-Defence", (accessed on 22 June 2008);
- "Justifiable Homicide", (accessed on 22 June 2008);
- "Right to Self-Defence", (accessed on 22 June 2008);
- "Self-defense (Australia)", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);
- "Self-defense (English Law", ( , (accessed on 22 June 2008);
- "Self-defense (Sweden)", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);
- "Self-defense (theory)", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);
- "Self-defense (United States)", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);
- "Stand-your-ground law", available at http://en.wikiped- "Use of Force",  (accessed on 22 June 2008);

WILKINSON,  III, James, Comments, "Self-Defense in Louisiana -- The Criminal Law and Tort Law Compared", (1941-42) 16 Tulane Law Review 609-618;

WILLIAMS, C.R., "Criminal Law" in Robert Baxt and Gretchen Kewley, eds., An Annual Survey of Australian Law 1987, Sydney: The Law Book Compant, 1988, xix, 405 p. at pp. 14-33, ISSN: 0727-4076.  Research Note: see "Self-Defence and Homicide" at pp. 14-19 for comments on the High Court of Australia decision of Zecevic v. Director of Public Prosecutions, (1987) 61 A.L.J.R. 375;

WILLIAMS, Glanville, "Offences and Defences", (1982) 2 Legal Studies 233-256, see on "private defence", pp. 249-252;

__________  "The Theory of Excuses", [1982] Criminal Law Review 732-742, see on "private defence", pp. 738-739;

WILLIAMS, George T., “Reluctance to Use Deadly Force: Causes, Consequences and Cures,” (October 1999) 68(10) FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 1-5; available at (accessed on 7 May 2005);

WILLIAMS, Melissa, J. and Michelle R. Hebl, "Warding Off the Attacker: Self-Defense in Theory and in Practice", (2005) 35(2) Journal of Applied Social Psychology 366-382; psychology article;

WILLOUGHBY, M.J., "Rendering Each Woman Her Due: Can a Battered Woman Claim Self-Defense When She Kills Her Sleeping Batterer?", (1989-90) 38 Kansas Law Review  169-192;

WILMSHURST, Elizabeth, "The Chatham House Principles of International Law on the Use of Force in Self-Defence", (October 2006) 55(4) International and Comparative Law Quarterly 963-972;

A. The law on self-defence encompasses more than the right to use force in response to an ongoing attack....964
B. Force may be used in self-defence only in relation to an 'armed attack' whether imminent or ongoing...965
C. Force may be used in self-defence only when this is necessary to bring an attack to an end, or to avert an imminent attack.  There must be no practical alternative to the proposed use of force that is likely to be effective in ending or averting the attack...966
D. A State may use force in self-defence against a threatened attack only if that attack is 'imminent'...967
E. The exercise of the right of self-defence must comply with the criterion of 'proportionality'...968
F. Article 51 is not confined to self-defence in response to attacks by States.  The right of self-defence may apply also to attack y non-state actors...969
G. The principles regarding the right of self-defence form only a part of international regulation of the use of  force...971

WILSON, Larry C., "The Defence of Others - Criminal Law and the Good Samaritan", (1988) 33 McGill Law Journal 756-814;

WOLFE, Nancy., "Victim Provocation: The Battered Wife and Legal Definition of Self Defense", (Winter 1979) 25 Sociological Symposium 98-118; copy at Ottawa University, HM 403 .S648  Location:  Periodicals MRT;

WOLHUTER, Lorraine, "Excuse them though they do know what they do--the distinction between justification and excuse in the context of battered women who kill", (1996) 9(2)  South African Journal of Criminal Justice 151-166;

WOODRUFF, Paul, "Justification or Excuse: Saving Soldiers at the Expense of Civilians", in Kai Nielsen and Steven C. Patten, eds., New Essays in Ethics and Public Policy, Guelph (Ontario): Canadian Association for Publishing in Philoosophy, 1982, 234 p. at pp. 159-176, ISBN:0919491081; copy at Ottawa Univerity, MRT, BJ 1031 .N478 1982;

WOODS, Anne H., "Use of Force in Defence of Property", (1952-53) 41 Kentucky Law Journal 460-464;

WRIGHT, Fran, "The Circumstances as she believed them to be: a reappraisal of Section 48 of the Crimes Act 1961 [of New Zealand on self-defense]", (1998) 6 Waikato Law Review 109-126; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries (10 February 2003); available at (accessed on 10 August 2006);

WRIGHT, Frances M., "Self-Defence and the Classification of Defences",  (1992) 7 Auckland University Law Review 127-146;

WRIGHT, James D., "The ownerships of firearms for reasons of selfdefense" in Don B. Kates Jr., ed.,  Firearms and violence : issues of public policy, San Francisco, Calif. : Pacific Institute for Public Policy Research; Cambridge, Mass. : Ballinger, 1984, xxxiii, 571 p. at pp. 301-327 (chapter 11) (series; Pacific studies in public policy), ISBN: 0884109283 ; 0884109291 (pbk.) ; 0884109224 (Ballinger); 0884109232 (Ballinger, pbk.); copy at Ottawa University, HV 7436 .F47 1984 MRT;

YEO, S.M.H. (Stanley Meng Heong), "Applying Excuse Theory to Excessive Sef-Defence",  in  Stanley Meng Heong, ed., Partial Excuses to Murder, Leichhardt (N.S.W., Australia): The Federation Press, 1991, xvii, 287 p. at pp. 158-177, ISBN: 1862870470;

___________"Battered woman syndrome in Australia", (1993) 143 New Law Journal 13-14;

___________Contemporary Comment, "Battered Women: In Between Syndrome and Conviction" (1992) 4 Current Issues in Criminal Justice 75-78;

___________Case and Comment, "Self-defence -- Reasonable belief in necessity of defensive action -- Battered woman syndrome: HICKEY, Supreme Court. New South Wales: Slattery A.J.: 14 April 1992",  (1992) 16 Criminal Law Journal 271-273 (with commentary at pp. 272-273);

___________"Commentary [to Dziduch (Court of Criminal Appeal, New South Wales), 9 March 1990]", (1990) 14 Criminal Law Journal 358-359;

___________"Criminal law -- developments in the law of voluntary manslaughter. Exit excessive self-defence, enter a revised self-defence?", Sydney, N.S.W. : Committee for Post-Graduate Studies in the Dept. of Law, University of Sydney, 1988, 24 p.; notes: Lecture held Saturday 16 April, 1988; At head of title: The University of Sydney, Faculty of Law, Continuing Legal Education 1988;  "A half-day, comprising three lectures"; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this article in the Libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada; information from the catalogue of the University of Sydney (14 July 2005);

___________ "The Demise of Excessive Self-Defence in Australia", (1988) 37 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 348-367;

___________"The Element of Belief in Self-Defence", (1988-89) 12 Sydney Law Review 132-158;

___________"Excessive Self-Defence, Macaulay's Penal Code and Universal Law", (1991) 7 Australian Bar Review 223-232;

___________“Killing in Defence of Property”, (2000) 150 New Law Journal 730, 743 and 745; note: issue number 6936 of May 19, 2000;

___________"Killing in Defence of Property", (2010) 36 Commonwealth Law Bulletin 281;

___________"New Developments in the Law of Self-Defence in Australia", (1987) 7 Oxford Law Journal of Legal Studies 489-496;

___________"The Objective and Subjective Elements of Private Defence” [2004] 1 Malayan Law Journal  xcix-cxv; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries covered by the AMICU catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 4 August 2005);

___________"Partial Defences to Murder in Australia and India: Provocation, Diminished Responsability and Excessive Defence", being Appendix A in The Law Commission, Overseas Studies, which is part of the Appendices to the consultation paper, Partial Defences to Murder, 31 October 2003, xiii, 249 p. (series; consultation paper; number 173); this study by Yeo, at pp. iii-vi and 1-72  is available at (accessed on 27 April 2005); see also Appendix G, "Relevant Statutory Provisions and Proposed Provisions";

___________"Private Defence, Duress and Necessity", (1991) 15 Criminal Law Journal 139-151, see "Private Defence" at pp. 139-143;

___________"Proportionality in Criminal Defences", (1988) 12 Criminal Law Journal  211-227, see on self-defence, pp. 216-219;

___________"Recent developments in criminal law. The harmful response in self-defence, duress and necessity", [Sydney] : Committee for Post-Graduate Studies in the Dept. of Law, University of Sydney, 1989, 52 p.;  notes: Lecture held 5th December 1989; At head of title: The University of Sydney, Faculty of Law, Continuing Legal Education, 1989; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this article in the Libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada; information from the catalogue of the University of Sydney (14 July 2005);

___________"Revisiting Excessive Self-Defence", (2000) 12(1) Current Issues in Criminal Justice 39-57;

___________"Rethinking ‘Good Faith' in Excessive Private Defence", (1988) 30 Journal of the Indian Law Institution 443-455;

___________"Self-Defence from Viro to Zedevic", (1988) 4 Australian Bar Review 251-267;

___________"Self-Defence in Homicide Cases: Insights from Down Under" (2000) 5 Canadian Criminal Law Review 263-275;

___________"Self-Defence in Homicide Cases: Some Australian Insights" in Gerry Ferguson and Stanley Yeo, eds., The Law of Homicide, Provocation and Self-Defence: Canadian, Australian and other Asia-Pacific Perspectives, Workshop Papers and Related Materials, Victoria (British Columbia): Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, 2000, vi, 194 p., at pp. 161-172, ISBN: 1550582119; note: "Procedings of a conference held in Victoria, B.C. on Nov. 19, 1999";

___________"Sudden Fight: Exception 4 to Section 300 of the penal Code: P.P. v. Seow Khoon Kwee", (1990) 32 Malaya Law Review 151-157;

YOUNG, Iris Marion, "The Generality of Law and the Specifics of Cases: A Comment on Elizabeth Schneider", (1996) 57 University of Pittsburg Law Review 549-552 ("Symposium: Self-Defense and Relations of Domination: Moral and Legal Perspectives on Battered Women Who Kill");

ZIMONJIC, Peter,  Arguments, "No defence for politicians.  The push by Britrish legislators to solve a major non-problem in self-defence cases demonstrates the worst kind of politics", The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday 30 September 2007, p. B7;

ZIMRA, E. Ben, "Use of Force for the Prevention of Crime", (1981-82) 9 Diné Israel 85-113; it appears to be in English (pretty sure because it was indicated when in Hebrew);  title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (9 February 2003); no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries;

ZIPURSKY, Benjamin C., "Self-Defense, Domination, and the Social Contract", (1996) 57 University of Pittsburg Law Review 579-614 ("Symposium: Self-Defense and Relations of Domination: Moral and Legal Perspectives on Battered Women Who Kill");

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