Key Words: actus non facit reum, nisi mens fit rea,  advertence, bibliography on intention, bibliography on mens rea in Canadian law, blame, circumstances, consciousness, consequences, criminal intent,  culpability, deliberate ignorance, desire, direct intent, direct intention, doctrine of double effect, dolo sciensdolus, dolus directus, dolus eventualis, dolus indeterminatus, dolus indirectus, dolus malus, fault, foresight, general intent, guilty mind, indifference, indirect intention, intended consequences, intent, intentionnally, knowingly, legal intention, malice, malum in se, malum prohibitum, mental element, mental states, mens rea, oblique intention, penitentials, principle of double effect, purpose,  purposely, recklessness, recklessly, sciens dolo malo,  specific intent, strict liability, sin, transferred intent, transferred malice, versanti in re illicita imputantur omnia quae sequuntur ex delicto, wilful blindness, wilful ignorance,  will, wilfully ///aveuglement volontaire, aveuglement délibéré, bibliographie sur la mens rea en droit canadien, but,  circonstances,  connaissance, conscience et volonté,  conséquences, culpabilité, culpabilité intellectuelle, dans le dessein de, délit praeter intentionnel, dessein coupable, doctrine du double effet, dol, dol aggravé, dol atténué, dol criminel, dol dépassé, dol déterminé, dol direct, dol éventuel, dol général, dol imprécis, dol indéterminé, dol indirect, dol praeterintentionnel, dol réfléchi ou préméditation, dol simple, dol spécial, dol spécifique, élément mental, élément moral de l'infraction, élément intellectuel, élément  psychologique, élément intention, faute intentionnelle, faute criminelle, faute pénale, faute volontaire, infraction praeterintentionnelle, insouciance, intention coupable, intention délictueuse, intention générale, intention spécifique, méchamment, mens rea descriptive, motif, prévision des conséquences,  péché, préméditation, principe du double effet, responsabilité pénale, sciemment, témérité, volonté,  volontairement, volonté criminelle;

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by / par ©François Lareau, 1998-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on
Mens Rea in Canadian Law
Bibliographie choisie sur la
mens rea en droit canadien

Table of Contents/Table des matières
•  Part/Partie II: Before/Avant 1980
•  Part/Partie I: Since/Depuis 1980
See also the other bibliographies /voir aussi les autres bibliographies :

•  Intention in Criminal Law (other than Canadian Law)  Part I: A-K  and  Part II: L-Z

•  Negligence in Comparative Criminal Law (excluding Canadian Law)/
    La négligence en droit penal comparé (autre que le droit canadien).

•   Motive in Criminal Law / Le mobile/motif en droit pénal

Part/Partie II: Before / Avant 1980

A.D.G. (Allan D. GOLD), "Notes and Comments: Homicide",  (1977-78) 20 Criminal Law Quarterly 173-179;

___________"Notes and Comments: Strict Liability: Reasonable Mistake of Fact", (1977-78) 20 Criminal Law Quarterly 300-306;

ALWARD, Silas, "Mens Rea", (1903) 39 Canada Law Journal 691-699;

___________"Mens Rea", (1918) 38  Canadian Law Times 646-658;

ARBOUR, Louise, "In the Last Resort: ‘The Oracle of the Criminal Code'", (1975) 13 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 315-320 [discusses chap. 4 of Paul Weiler's book In The Last Resort which deals with mens rea];

ATRENS, Jerome J., "The Mental Element in Theft", (1967) 3 University of British Columbia Law Review 112-136;

BÉLANGER, Laurent-E., «Le concept de "mens rea"», (1968) 28 Revue du Barreau 170-175;

BINAVINCE, Emilio and Robert D. Chapman, "Criminal Law", (1966) 1 Ottawa Law Review 179-215 (see Part V -  Mens Rea at pp. 195-200);

BINAVINCE, Emilio, "The Doctrine of Mens Rea in Canada" in Fourth International Symposium on Comparative Law held in Ottawa (Canada) September 5 to 7, 1966 under the patronage of The Canadian and Foreign Law Research Centre - The Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa - The Canadian Association of Comparative Law, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press (series; Collection des travaux de la faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa), 232 p.  at pp. 82-110; information on the French title/informations sur le titre français : Travaux du quatrième colloque international de droit comparé tenu à Ottawa (Canada) du 5 au 7 septembre 1966 sous les auspices du Centre canadien de droit comparé - de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa - de l'Association canadienne de droit comparé, Ottawa: Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1967, 232 p. aux pp. 82-110 (Collection des travaux de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa);

BOWEN-COLTHURST, T.G., "Correspondence: The Supreme Court of Canada and the Doctrines of Mens Rea", (1971) 49 Canadian Bar Review / Revue du Barreau canadien 657-659;

BURBIDGE, George Wheelock, A Digest of the Criminal Law of Canada (Crimes and Punishments) Founded By Permission on Sir James Fitzjames Stephen's Digest of the Criminal Law, Toronto: Carswell, 1890. lxii, 588 p.;

BURNS, Peter, "An Aspect of Criminal Negligence or How the Minotaur Survived Theseus who Became Lost in the Labyrinth", (1970) 48 Canadian Bar Review 47-65;

CANADA, Royal Commission on the Revision of the Criminal Code, Report of Royal Commission on The Revision of Criminal Code, Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationnery, 1954, 45 p., (Chairman: William Milville Martin); also published in Senate of Canada, Official Report of Debates 1952, Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationnery, 1952, pp. 226-268, 14 May 1952;copy available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; Research Note: The report was tabled in the House of Commons on 7 April 1952; the report deals with criminal negligence (pp. 12-13 of the report and pp. 235-236 of the Official Report of Debates); information on French version / informations sur la version française: Commission royale pour la révision du code criminel,  Rapport de la commission royale pour la révision du code criminel, Ottawa, Edmond Cloutier, Imprimeur de la Reine et contrôleur de la papeterie, 1954, 45 p.; aussi publié dans Sénat du Canada, Compte rendu officiel des débats 1952, Ottawa : Edmond Cloutier, Imprimeur de la Reine et contrôleur de la papeterie, 1952, pp. 241-283, 14 mai 1952; Note de recherche : Le rapport a été déposé à la Chambre des Communes, le 7 avril 1952; le rapport traite de la négligence criminelle (pp. 12-13 du rapport et pp. 250-251 du Compte rendu officiel des débats); disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale à;

CANADIAN CRIMINOLOGY AND CORRECTIONS ASSOCIATION,  Comments on the Law Reform Commission Working Papers: The Meaning of Guilt:  Strict Liability and The Principles of sentencing and Dispositions, Ottawa : The Canadian Criminology and Corrections Association, June 20, 1974, 11 p.;  information on French version / informations sur la version française: Société canadienne de criminologie, Commentaires sur les documents de travail de la Commission de réforme du droit :  La notion du blâme: la responsabilité stricte et Les principes de la détermination de la peine et du prononcé de  la sentence, Ottawa: Société canadienne de criminologie, 20 juin 1974, 11 p.;

___________Toward a New Criminal Law for Canada: A Brief to the Law Reform Commission of Canada, [Ottawa]: [Canadian Criminology and Corrections Association], September 1973, x, 37 p., see "Crimial Responsibility" at pp. 10-15; information on the French version / informations sur la version française: Nouveau droit criminel pour le Canada : mémoire à la Commmission de réforme du droit du Canada, [Ottawa] : [Société canadienne de criminologie], septembre 1973, x, 36 p., voir la "Responsabilité criminelle" aux pp. 10-15;

CARTER, Robert J., "Annotation: The Intention to commit an offence", (1967) 1 C.R.N.S. 299-302;

___________"Annotation: Unconscious Acts", (1966) 48 C.R. 93-101;

CHASSE, Keith E., "Forgetfulness as a Defence to 'Failure to Appear'", (1975) 31 C.R.N.S. 129-141;

CHITTY, R.M.W., "Drunk Driving and Mens Rea", (1958-59) 1 Criminal Law Quarterly 200- 206;

CLARK, R.S., "The Defence of Impossibility and Offences of Strict Liability", (1968-69) 11 Criminal Law Quarterly 154-174;

CÔTÉ-HARPER, Gisèle et Richard Côté, «Commentaires sur la responsabilité stricte», (1975) 16 Cahiers de Droit 905-917;

Criminal Negligence (Video),  Toronto: Toronto Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1977, 50 min; additional information: 1 0177249 National Film Board of Canada;

CROMWELL, Thomas A. and John D. Whyte, eds.,  The mental element in the law of crimes, Saskatoon : University of Saskatchewan, 1975, iv, 296 p. "Note: Cover title: Criminal law, Prepared for the exclusive use of students in the Program of Legal Studies for Native People at the College of Law";  Research Note: this information is from the University of Saskatchewan  catalogue - document not seen by the author;Note de recherche : cette information provient du catalogue de l'Université de Saskatchewan; document non consulté;

CROUSE, George H., "Criminal Law - Mens Rea - Statutory Offences", (1934) 12 Canadian Bar Review 53-58;

CROWTHER, Glenys, Responsibility under criminal law : a thesis in the philosophy of law, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Calgary, 1979, vii, 309 p.; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet (26 February 2003);

FERGUSON, Gerard A., "Mens Rea Evaluated in Terms of the Essential Elements of a Crime, Specific Intent, and Drunkenness", (1971) 4 Ottawa Law Review 356-388;

FISSE, Brent, "The Delegation Principle: Vicarious Liability in Regulatory Offences", (1967-68) 10 Criminal Law Quarterly 417-446;

FORTIN, Jacques, André Jodouin et Adrian Popovici, "Sanctions et réparation des atteintes au corps humain en droit québécois", (1975-76) 6 Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke 150-198; voir en particulier les pp. 174-177 sur la négligence criminelle; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KEQ 196 .R47, Location: FTX Periodicals;

___________"La sanction et la réparation des atteintes au corps humain en droit canadien", dans Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française.  Journées (1975: Bruxelles, Belgique), Le corps humain et le droit :Journées belges, [1er au 6 septembre 1975], Paris : Dalloz, 1977, xiv, 536 p., aux pp. 303-342 et voir la discussion sur la négligence criminelle aux pp. 323-325 (Collection; Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant; t.26); copie à la Bibliothèque de droit de l'Université de droit, Université d'Ottawa, K 110 .A825 A327 V.26 1977;

FORTIN, Jacques et Adrian Popovici,  «La conception juridique anglo-saxonne de la culpabilité à travers le droit canadien», (1976) 24 Annales de l'Université des sciences sociales de Toulouse 107-128 (Travaux du Colloque international du cinquantenaire de l'Institut de criminologie et des sciences pénales de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 22-27 septembre 1975);

FORTIN, Jacques, 1937-1985,  et Louise Viau,  "La réforme de la responsabilité pénale par la Cour suprême du Canada", (1979) 39 Revue du Barreau 526-558;

FORTIN, Jacques, 1937-1985,  Le mens rea en droit pénal canadien, thèse LL.D., (doctorat en droit), Université de Montréal, 1971, 513 p.;

GLASBEEK, Harry J. and Susan Rowland, "Are Injuring and Killing At Work Crimes?", (1979) 17 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 506-594;

GONTRAN, Chamard, "Responsabilité criminelle des corporations. Négligence criminelle", (1979) 3(3) Revue de droit pénal 69-78; the full title of the law review is / le titre complet de cette revue est : Revue de droit pénal , Publication générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence du Bureau des Substituts du Procureur général du Québec;

GOODE, Matthew R., Criminal Conspiracy in Canada, Toronto: Carswell, 1975, xxix, 276 p., ISBN: 0459315404; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, KE 9112 .A76G6 1975;



(3) Mens Rea...18
(a) Introduction: Mere Uncertainty...18
(b) The Intent to Agree...19
(c) The Intent to Achieve Objective Distinguished...28
(d) The Intent to Achieve Objective Examined...29
(i) Conspiracy to Breach Absolute Prohibition...29
(ii) Advertence as to Circumstances, Consequences and Persons...33
(A) As to Circumstances...33
(B) As to Consequences...36
(C) As to Persons...37
(iii) Recklessness...38
(e) Impossibility...41
(f) Conspiracy and Other Inchoate Offences...45" (p. v)

GORDON, Gerald H., "Subjective and Objective Mens Rea", (1975) 17 The Criminal Law Quarterly 355-390;

HILL, David H., "Annotation: Advertent and inadvertent negligence as elements of dangerous driving", (1968) 2 C.R.N.S. 125-131;

HOGAN, Brian, Reviews, "Criminal Law.  By Alan W. Mewett and Morris Manning, Toronto, Butterworths, 1978, Pp. xlii, 577. Price $65.00" , (1979) 5 Dalhousie Law Journal 812-818, and see on mens rea, pp. 814-817;

____________"Working Paper 2 - Strict Liability", (1975) 7 Ottawa Law Journal 258-261;

HOOPER, Anthony, "Dangerous Driving: A Controversial Decision", (1966-67) 9 The Criminal Law Quarterly 37-46;

___________"Dangerous Driving: What is Advertent Negligence?", (1967-68) 10 The Criminal Law Quarterly 403-411;

HOYLES, N.W., "Criminal Law: The Essentials of Crime", (1910) 46 Canada Law Journal 393- 416 [Contents: "I.  AN ACT OF THE WILL: 1. Generally; 2. Somnambulism; 3. Hypnotism; II.  MALICE  - CRIMINAL INTENTION - MENS REA; III. AN ATTEMPT, OR OVERT ACT: 1.  Generally; 2. What amounts to an Attempt. 3. Some of the rules for determining whether a given act is an attempt; 4.  Acts done in contemplation of the Subject; IV.  THE RULE UNDER THE CRIMINAL CODE"];

HUTCHINSON, Allan C., "Sault Ste Marie, Mens Rea and the Halfway House: Public Welfare Offences Get a Home of Their Own", (1979) 17 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 415-444; available at (accessed on 3 April 2010);

JOBSON, Keith B., "Notes and Comments: Far from Clear [strict liability]", (1975-76) 18 The Criminal Law Quarterly 294-311;

JODOUIN, André, «Chroniques régulières.  Droit pénal», (1971) 31 Revue du Barreau 354-355; Research Note: deals with the case of Pierce Fisheries Ltd. v. The Queen, [1971] 1 S.C.R. 5,  mens rea and offences of strict liability; Note de recherche:  traite de l'arrêt Pierce Fisheries Ltd. c. La Reine, [1971] 1 R.C.S. 5, de la mens rea et des infractions de responsabilité stricte] ;

KELLY, John S., "Annotation - Dangerous Driving", (1975) 29 C.R.N.S. 252-264;

KUJAWA, Serge, "The Mental Element in Criminal Law" in The Canadian Bar Association (ed.), Studies in Criminal Law and Procedure: Addresses Delivered at a Seminar Conducted by the Canadian Bar Association - Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, August 26, 1972, Agincourt: Canada Law Book, 1973, vii, 195 p., at pp. 113-120;

LA FOREST, Gérard, «Mens rea dans les Infractions de Chasse», (1961-62) 4 The Criminal Law Quarterly 437-450;

LAGARDE, Irénée, «La doctrine de stricte responsabilité et la responsabilité pénales des "corporations"», (1964) 24 Revue du Barreau 181-218;

LESLIE, E.C., "Necessity of Proof of Wrongful Intent in Criminal Cases - Report to the Final General Session by the Chairman" in Record of the Second Commonwealth and Empire Law Conference, Ottawa, September 14-21, 1960, Toronto: Carswell, 1962, 533 p. at pp. 300-301;

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF CANADA, Criminal responsibility for group action, Ottawa: Information Canada, 1976, x, 68 p., (series; Working Paper No. 16); copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada,  Responsabilité pénale et conduite collective, Ottawa : Information Canada, 1976, x, 77 p.;

__________The Meaning of Guilt: Strict Liability, Ottawa: Information Canada, 1974, viii, 38 p. (series; Working Paper No. 2); copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; Research Note: Hogan, supra, comments on the paper;; also published in French/aussi publié en françaisLa notion de blâme - La responsabilité stricte, Ottawa: Information Canada, viii, 44 p. (Collection; Document de travail no 2); Note de recherche : Hogan, supra, apporte des commentaires sur le document de travail;

___________Our Criminal Law, [Ottawa]: Minister of Supply and Services, 1976, [10], 42 p., (series; Report No. 3), ISBN: 0662007395; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Notre droit pénal, [Ottawa], Ministre des Approvisionnments et Services Canada, 1976, [10], 44 p. (Collection; Rapport no 3), ISBN: 0662007395;

___________Studies on Strict Liability, Ottawa, Ottawa: Information Canada, 1974, xiii, 251 p; available at my Digital Library, at; Research Note: the studies includes: P.J. Fitzgerald and T. Elton, "The Size of the problem" (pp. 41-62); P.J. Fitzgerald, "Strict Liability in practice" (pp. 63-151); J. Fortin, P.J. Fitzgerald and T. Elton, "Strict liability in law" (pp. 153-185);  J. Fortin, P.J. Fitzgerald and T. Elton, "Real crimes and regulatory offences" (pp. 187-216); Patrick J. Fitzgerald, "Notes and bibliography - Note 1: The Need for Mens Rea" (pp. 221-224); Patrick J. Fitzgerald, "Notes and bibliography - Note 2: Negligence" (pp. 225-228); Tanner Elton, "Notes and bibliography - Note 3: "Due Diligence in the Statutes" (pp. 229-232); Jacques Fortin, "Notes and bibliography -  Note 4: Other Alternatives" (pp. 233-237); Tanner Elton, "Notes and bibliography - Note 5: Strict Liability and the Computer" (pp. 239-245);  also published in French/aussi publié en français:  Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Études sur la responsabilité stricte, Ottawa : Information Canada, 1974, xiv, 273 p.;  Note de recherche : les études comprennent:  P.J. Fitzgerald et T. Elton, «L'importance du problème» (pp. 43-66); P.J. Fitzgerald, «La responsabilité stricte en pratique» (pp. 67-162); J. Fortin, P.J. Fitzgerald and T. Elton, «Le droit de la responsabilité stricte» (pp. 163-202);  J. Fortin, P.J. Fitzgerald and T. Elton, «Crimes véritables et infractions réglementaires» (pp. 203-234); Patrick J. Fitzgerald, «Notes et bibliographie - Note 1 : La nécessité du mens rea» (pp. 239-242); Patrick J. Fitzgerald, «Notes et bibliographie - Note 2 : La négligence» (pp. 243-246); Tanner Elton, «Notes et bibliographie - Note 3 : "La clause de "diligence raisonnable"» (pp. 247-251); Jacques Fortin, «Notes et bibliographie -  Note 4 : Autres solutions possibles» (pp. 253-257); Tanner Elton, «Notes et bibliographie - Note 5 : La responsabilité stricte et l'ordinateurr» (pp. 259-270);

____________________ A True Reflection.  Third Annual Report 1973-1974, Ottawa: Information Canada, 1974, v, 18, [2] p., see "Strict Liability" at pp. 5-6, Cat. No. J31-1974; available at my Digital Library, at; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Un reflet fidèle:  Troisième rapport  annuel: 1973-1974, Ottawa: Information Canada, 1974, [v], 21, [2] p., voir "La responsibilité stricte", aux pp. 5-8, No de cat.: J31-1974;

MacDONALD, T.D., "Careless, Negligent, Reckless Operation of Motor Vehicles", (1963) 6 Canadian Bar Journal 122-135;

MacLEOD, A.J. and J.C. MARTIN, "Offences and Punishments under the New Criminal Code", (1955) 33 Canadian Bar Review 20-40 [see pp.29-32 for a discussion of criminal negligence; voir les pp. 29-32 pour une discussion de la négligence criminelle];

MARLIN, Randal Robert Alexander, 1938-,  Morality and the Criminal Law Some Problems Concerning Intention, Foresight and Responsibility, Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 1973, vi, 399 p.; see Dissertation Abstracts International. Volume: 35-09, Section: A, page: 6196;

MARTIN, Mr. Justice G. Arthur, "Introduction" in National Symposium on Medical Sciences and the Criminal Law, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Medical Sciences  and the Criminal Law: Held in the Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto, Monday, May 28th - Tuesday, May 29th, 1973 / convened by the Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, Toronto : Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, c1974, xviii, 151 p., at pp. 1-6;

MARTIN, J.C., with Annotations and Notes by, The Criminal Code of Canada, Toronto: Cartwright, 1955, lxxxiii, 1206 p.;

McWILLIAMS, P. K. (Peter K.), "What is Dangerous Driving?", (1964-65) 7 Criminal Law Quarterly 297-304;

MEWETT, Alan W., 1930-, "Commentary"  in  National Symposium on Medical Sciences and the Criminal Law, ed.,  Proceedings of the National Symposium on Medical Sciences and the Criminal Law, Convened by the Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, Held in the Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto, Monday, May 28th - Tuesday, May 20th, 1973,  Toronto : Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, c1974,  xviii, 151 p., at pp. 129-131, ISBN: 0919584098; copy at the University of Ottawa (medical library);

___________"Criminal Law 1948-1958", (1958) 36 Canadian Bar Review 445-464;

___________"The Reckless Rape", (1975-76) 18 Criminal Law Quarterly 218-220;

___________"The Shifting Basis of Criminal Law", (1963) 9 McGill Law Journal 124- 137;

MORTON, J.D., "Necessity of Proof of Wrongful Intent in Criminal Cases" in Record of the Second Commonwealth and Empire Law Conference, Ottawa, September 14-21, 1960, Toronto: Carswell, 1962, 533 p. at pp. 263-270;

O'HEARN, P.J.T., "Criminal Negligence: An Analysis in Depth", (1964-65) 7 Criminal Law Quarterly 27-55 and 407-425;

OSTRY, Donald H., "Criminal Law - Homicide - Mens Rea - Objective or Subjective Tests" (1955-61) 1 Alberta Law Review 218-222 [comments in part on Regina v. Ward (1956) 1 W.L.R. 423];

PARKER, Graham, E., 1933-, "Annotation: Mistake of Fact versus Transferred Intent" (1976) 32 C.R.N.S. 150-162;

___________"The Evolution of Criminal Responsibility", (1971) 9 Alberta Law Review 47-88;

____________"Notes: Quasi-criminal Law -- Two Problems arising out of Saskatchewan Cases", (June 1963) 28(2) Saskatchewan Bar Review 70-89, see "Mens Rea and Contributing to Juvenile Delinquency", at pp. 78-89; R. v. Stundon (1962) 40 W.W.R. 565 (Sask. C.A,);

PATON, G.W.,  "Bigamy and Mens Rea", (1939) 17 Canadian Bar Review 94-104;

PAULUS, Ingeborg, "Strict Liability: Its Place in Public Welfare Offences", (1977-78) 20 The Criminal Law Quarterly 445-467;

PENNER, Roland, "Notes and Comments: Sweet v. Parsley: Disappointment and Danger",  (1969) 3(2) Manitoba Law Journal 63-65;

PIGEON, Louis-Philippe, Rédaction et interprétation des lois: Cours donné en 1965 aux conseillers juridiques du gouvernment du Québec,  [Éditeur officiel du Québec], 1965, [6], 56 p., voir les pp. 38-39 sur la mens rea;

POPPLE, A.E., "Annotation: 'Careless', 'Dangerous' and 'Negligent' Driving", (1948-49) 6 C.R. 455-465;

___________"Annotation: Criminal Negligence", (1958) 28 C.R. 380-388;

___________"Annotation: Driving without due care and attention", (1952) 14 C.R. 234-237;

___________"Annotation: Mens rea in its relation to criminal matters", (1952-53) 15 C.R. 349-353;

___________"Annotation: 'Unlawfully', 'Wilfully', 'Knowingly', 'Intentionally'", (1954) 30 C.R. 34-37;

"PRACTICE NOTE[S]" [see many and short] on careless driving, dangerous driving, criminal negligence, driving without due care and attention, mens rea, etc. in Criminal Reports, first series;

RANEY,  W.E., "Trial Judges and Criminal Negligence", (1933) 8 Canadian Bar Review 539-548;

REID, Alan D., "R. v. Sault Ste. Marie: A Comment", (1979) 28 University of New Brunswick Law Journal  205-211;

REYNOLDS, David Patrick, "Mens Rea and Mental Disorder: Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law", (1979) 37 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 187-208;

RICO, José M., "Discussion des rapports [mens rea]"  in Fourth International Symposium on Comparative Law held in Ottawa (Canada) September 5 to 7, 1966 under the patronage of The Canadian and Foreign Law Research Centre - The Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa - The Canadian Association of Comparative Law, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press (series; Collection des travaux de la faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa), 232 p.  at pp. 82-110; information on the French title/informations sur le titre français : Travaux du quatrième colloque international de droit comparé tenu à Ottawa (Canada) du 5 au 7 septembre 1966 sous les auspices du Centre canadien de droit comparé - de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa - de l'Association canadienne de droit comparé, Ottawa: Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1967, 232 p. aux pp. 132-139 (Collection des travaux de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa);

RIVARD, Antoine, "Négligence criminelle", (1942) 2 Revue du Barreau 189-203;

R.M.W.C., "Drunk Driving and Mens Rea", (1958) 8 Chitty's Law Journal 91-93;

RYAN, H.R. Stuart, "Necessity of Proof of Wrongful Intent in Criminal Cases", (1961-62) 4 Criminal Law Quarterly 63-85 and in Record of the Second Commonwealth and Empire Law Conference, Ottawa, September 14-21, 1960, Toronto: Carswell, 1962, 533 p. at pp. 276-299;

___________"The Objective Test of Intention in Criminal Liability - A critical comment on D.P.P. v. Smith (1960) 3 W.L.R. 456, [1960] 3 All E.R. 161 (H.L.)", (1960-61) 3 Criminal Law Quarterly 305-323;

SCHMEISER, Douglas A., "Notes and Comments: Offences of Absolute Prohibition", (1967-68) 10 Criminal Law Quarterly 392-393;

SHARPE, Robert J., "Strict Liability and Due Diligence in Public Welfare Offences:  R. v. City of ault Ste. Marie"  (1979) 3 Canadian Business Law Journal  453-462;

SMITH, R.L.K., "Negligence as a Crime", (1967) 25 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 141-154;

STAPLETON, Basil, "Dangerous Driving and Mens Rea", (1966) 16 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 49-67;

STEPHEN, James Fitzjames, A Digest of the Criminal Law (Crimes and Punishments), 4th ed., London: MacMillan 1887, xl, 441 p.;

STEEL, D.A.B., "Mens Rea and Public Trades Prohibited Under The Securities Act", (1976) 14 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 633-641;

STUART, Don, "Book Review: Studies on Strict Liability, Law Reform Commission of Canada", (1975) 23 Chitty's Law Journal 69-72;

___________"Mens Rea, Negligence and Attempts", [1968] Criminal Law Review 647-662;

___________"The Need To Codify Clear, Realistic And Honest Measures Of  Mens Rea And Negligence", (1972-73) 15 Criminal Law Quarterly 160-194;

___________"Presumed Intention in  Criminal Law", (1967) South African Law Journal 256-260; copy at the law library of the University of Ottawa,   FTX Periodicals,  KR 0 .S69;

TEPLITSKY, Martin, "Annotation: The continuing controversy: the nature of the offence of dangerous driving", (1969-70) 8 Criminal Reports New Series 309-321;

THOMPSON, Robert W., "The Criminal Act: An Analysis", (1975-76) 18 The Criminal Law Quarterly 72-102;

VANDERVOT, Lucinda, "Legal Aspects of the Medical Treatment of Penitentiary Inmates", (1976-77) 3 Queen's Law Journal 368-423, see "Criminal Negligence" at pp. 393-394;

WEILER, Joseph M., "Case Comments: Regina v. Kundeus.  The Saga of Two Ships Passing in the Night", (1976) 14 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 457-480;

WEILER, Paul, In the Last Resort.  A Critical Study of the Supreme Court of Canada, Toronto: Carswell, 1974, xv, 246 p., ISBN: 0459313304; Research Note: chapter 4, "The Oracle of the Criminal Code"  deals with mens reaNote de recherche: le chapitre 4, "The Oracle of the Criminal Code" traite de la mens rea;

___________"The Supreme Court of Canada and the Doctrines of Mens Rea", (1971) 49 Canadian Bar Review 280-363;

WILLIAMS, Glanville, The General Part, 2nd ed., London: Stevens and Sons, 1961, liv, 929 p., see "A propsal of the Criminal Law Commissioners", at pp. 75-76, which includes a discussion of s. 371 of the Criminal Code, now s. 429(1) and (2), wilfully causing event to occur;

WILSON, Larry C., "The Doctrine of Wilful Blindness", (1979) 28 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 175-194;


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