Key Words: actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea,  advertence, bibliography on intention, blame, circumstances, consciousness, consequences, criminal intent,  culpability, deliberate ignorance, desire, direct intent, direct intention, doctrine of double effect, dolo sciensdolus, dolus directus, dolus eventualis, dolus indeterminatus, dolus indirectus, dolus malus, fault, foresight, general intent, guilty mind, indifference, indirect intention, intended consequences, intent, intentionnally, knowingly, legal intention, malice, malum in se, malum prohibitum, mental element, mental states, mens rea, oblique intention, penitentials, principle of double effect, purpose,  purposely, recklessness, recklessly, sciens dolo malo,  specific intent, strict liability, sin, transferred intent, transferred malice, versanti in re illicita imputantur omnia quae sequuntur ex delicto, wilful blindness, wilful ignorance,  will ///aveuglement volontaire, aveuglement délibéré, but,  circonstances,  connaissance, conscience et volonté,  conséquences, culpabilité, culpabilité intellectuelle, dans le dessein de, délit praeter intentionnel, dessein coupable, doctrine du double effet, dol, dol aggravé, dol atténué, dol criminel, dol dépassé, dol déterminé, dol direct, dol éventuel, dol général, dol imprécis, dol indéterminé, dol indirect, dol praeterintentionnel, dol réfléchi ou préméditation, dol simple, dol spécial, dol spécifique, élément mental, élément moral de l'infraction, élément intellectuel, élément  psychologique, élément intention, faute intentionnelle, faute criminelle, faute pénale, faute volontaire, infraction praeterintentionnelle, insouciance, intention coupable, intention délictueuse, intention générale, intention spécifique, méchamment, mens rea descriptive, motif, prévision des conséquences,  péché, préméditation, principe du double effet, responsabilité pénale, sciemment, témérité, volonté,  volontairement, volonté criminelle;

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by / par ©François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on Intention
in Criminal Law (with some elements of philosophy)
Part I: A-K
Bibliographie choisie sur l'intention
en droit pénal (avec des éléments de philosophie)
See also the following bibliographies / voir aussi le bibliographies suivantes:

Intention - Part II: L-Z

Mens rea in Canadian Law/
   Mens rea en droit canadien

Motive in Criminal Law / Le mobile/motif en droit pénal

Negligence in Comparative Criminal Law (excluding Canadian Law)/
   La négligence en droit pénal comparé (autre que le droit canadien)

ARTICLE 5. -- (1) Agit intentionnellement quiconque a la volonté de réaliser un état de choses correspondant aux éléments constitutifs du délit prévu par la loi; il suffict pour cela que l'auteur de l'acte estime cette réalisation raisonnablement possible et s'accommode d'une telle éventualité.

(2) L'auteur agit avec préméditation lorsque ce qui lui importe est le fait de réaliser la circonstance ou le résultat pour lequel la loi postule un comportement prémédité.

(3) L'auteur agit sciemment s'il estime pas seulement possible la circonstance ou le résultat pour lequel la loi postule qu'on agit sciemment, mais considère qu'il existe ou qu'il se produira.
[voir Autriche, Code pénal autrichien, traduction de Yvonne Marx et de Pierre Chenut, infra]

SECTION 5 -- (1) Everyone acts intentionally who has the will to realize a state of affairs corresponding to the constitutive elements of the offence provided by the statute; it is sufficient for that, that the person believes this realization to be reasonably possible and accepts such an eventuality.

(2) A person acts with premeditation when the important thing in his view is bringing about the circumstances or result for which the law demands premeditated conduct.

(3) A person acts knowingly if he not only believes that the state of affairs or result for which the law requires that the conduct be performed knowingly is possible, but actually believes that it exists or will exist." (translation by François Lareau and unknown government translator on the French text, supra, -- caution on this point)

Note by François Lareau: Le paragraphe 5(2) me semble être la définition d'agir à dessein.  Subsection 5(2) appears to me to be the definition of acting purposely.  See/voir German text/texte allemand.

ABATE, Randall S. and Dayna E. Mancuso, " It's All about What You Know: The Specific Intent Standard Should Govern 'Knowing' Violations of the Clean Water Act", (2000-2001) 9  New York University Environmental Law Journal 304-339; copy at

ABBOT, James, Roman Deceit: Dolus in Latin Literature and Roman Society (Roman republic, Roman Empire), Ph.D. thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997, 221 p.; title noted in my research (29 Dec 2001) but not consulted yet;

ABDEL RAZEK, MOHAMED, L'élément moral de l'infraction en droit comparé, thèse d'État, Sciences criminelles, Paris 2, 1992; directeur de thèse: Yvonne Bongert; publié à: Lille : Atelier national de reproduction de  thèses, Université de Lille 3, 2 microfiches de 469 images, 105 x 148 mm; titre noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté; voir le sommaire au catalogue Abès,

ABELARD, Peter, 1079-1142, Abailard's Ethics, translated with an introduction by J. Ramsay McCallum; foreword by Kenneth E. Kirk, Merrick, N.Y. : Richwood Pub. Co., [1976], x, 93 p., ISBN: 0915172089; note: Reprint of the 1935 ed. published by Oxford: Basil Blackwell;

___________Peter Abelard's Ethics: an edition with introduction, English translation and notes by D. E. Luscombe, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971,  lxi, 144 p. (series; Oxford medieval texts); note: Abelard's text is in English and Latin; ISBN: 0198222173;

ACIMOVIC, Mihajlo M., "Conceptions of Culpability in Contemporary American Law", (1965-66) 26 Louisiana Law Review 28-55;

ADAMS, Fred, and Annie Steadman, "Intentional action and moral considerations: still pragmatic", (July 2004) 64 Analysis 268-276;

___________"Intentional action in ordinary language: core concept or pragmatic understanding?", (April 2004) 64 Analysis 173-181; important contribution;

ADAMS, Frederick, "Intention and Intentional Action: The Simple View", (1986) 1 Mind and Language 281-301; copy at University of Ottawa, MRT, periodicals, P37 .M55;

ADAMS, Frederick and Alfred Mele, "The Role of Intention in Intentional Action", (1989) 19 Canadian Journal of Philosophy 511-532; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Library, periodicals, B1.C3;

AGHAHOSSEINI, Mohsen, A comparative study of the alternatives to strict liability in criminal law, Thesis (B.Litt.), Oxford University, 1978,  [1], vi, 352 leaves; title of a thesis noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

AGRETELIS, Demetrios, " 'Mens Rea' in Plato and Aristotle", (1965) 1 Issues in Criminology 19-33;

AKHAVAN, Payam, "The Crime of Genocide in the ICTR Jurisprudence", (2005) 3 Journal of International Criminal Justice 989-1006, and see "The Requirement of Dolus Specialis", at pp. 992-998;

AL HASSAN, Abdul Aziz, L'élément psychologique en matière criminelle et délictuelle, thèse de doctorat: droit pénal, Strasbourg 3, 1998, 2 volumes, 799 p.; thèse sous la direction de Marie José Littman Martin; note: Numéro d'identification: 1998STR30016; voir le résumé au catalogue Abes (Système universitaire de documentation -- France); thèse non consulté;

ALEXANDER, Larry, "Insufficient Concern: A Unified Conception of Criminal Culpability", (2000) 88(3) California Law Review 931-954;

ALEXANDER, Larry and Kimberly D. Kessler, "Mens Rea and Inchoate Crimes", (1997) 87 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1138-1193;

ALEXANDER, Larry, 1943-, and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan with contributions by Stephen J. Morse,  Crime and culpability : a theory of criminal law, Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008, 372 p., ISBN: 9780521518772 (hardback) and  9780521739610 (pbk.); 

AL HASSAN, Abdul Aziz, L'élément psychologique en matière criminelle et délictuelle, thèse de doctorat, Université Strasbourg 3, 1998, 2 volumes, 799 p.; directeur de thèse: Marie Josée Littmann Martin; titre noté dans ma recherche mais thèse non encore consultée;

ALLAIN, Jean and John R.W.D. Jones, "A  Patchwork of Norms: A Commentary on the 1996 Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind",  (1997) 8 European Journal of International Law 100-117, and see "Mens Rea" at pp. 105-106;

ALLDRIDGE, Peter, Relocating Criminal Law, Ashgate (England): Dartmouth, 2000, xxvi, 247 p., see "Strict Liability" at pp. 53-54 (series; Dartmouth Applied Legal Philosophy), ISBN: 1855212684;

AMBOS, Kai, "General Principles of Criminal Law in the Rome Statute", (1999) 10(1) Criminal Law Forum 1-32, and see "Subjective Elements of Individual Criminal Responsibility (mens rea)", at pp. 20-22;

___________"1. Individual Criminal Responsibility in International Criminal Law: A Jurisprudential Analysis -- From Nuremberg to the Hague", in Gabrielle Kirk McDonald and Olivia Swaak-Goldman, eds., Substantive and procedural Aspects of International Criminal Law.  The Experience of International and National Courts", vol. I, Commentary, The Hague-London-Boston: Kluwer Law International, 2000, xvi,705 p., at pp. 5-31; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5000 S83 2000, v. 1;

___________"Some Preliminary Reflections on the Mens Rea Requirements of the Crimes of the ICC Statute and of the Elements of Crimes", in Lal Chand Vohrah et al., eds., Man’s Inhumanity to Man. Essays on International Law in Honour of Antonio Cassese, The Hague/New York: Kluwer Law International, 2003, xxviii, 1032 p., at pp. 11-40 (series; International humanitarian law series  v. 5), ISBN: 9041119868; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no location in the Ottawa area libraries according to my verification of the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 26 March 2005); copy at University of Montreal, AZZD M517 C344 2003; available at,M1
and (accessed on 2 March 2008);

THE AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE, Model Penal Code and Commentaries (Official Draft and Revised Comments), Part I - General Provisions §§1.01 to 2.13, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1985, liii, 420 p., see § 2.02(2), "General Requirements of Culpability", at pp. 225-253; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 84-51700;

___________Model Penal Code: Proposed Official Draft, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1962, xxii, 346 p., see section 2.02 "General Requirements of Culpability" at  pp. 25-28;

___________Model Penal Code: Tentative Draft No. 4, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1955, xv, 302 p., see "Section 2.02.  General requirements of culpability" at  pp.123-132;

___________  Restatement of the Law Third  Torts: Liability for Physical Harm (Basic Principles), Tentative Draft No. 1 [FNa] (March 28, 2001), Chapter 1, Intent, Recklessness, And Negligence: Definitions, see (accessed on 21 December 2002);

"§ 1. INTENT
A person acts with the intent to produce a consequence if
(a) The person has the purpose of producing that consequence; or
(b) The person knows to a substantial certainty that the consequence will ensue from the person's conduct".

AMIRTHALINGAM, KUMARALINGAM, "Caldwell Recklessness is Dead Long Live Mens Rea's Feckleness", (2004) 67(3) The Modern Law Review 491-500; about R v G & Anor, [2003] UKHL 50 reversing Caldwell;

AMOS, Sheldon, 1835-1886, The science of law, London : King, 1874, xx, 417 p. (series; International scientific series), see "Popular Uses of the Term 'Act'", "Definition of Legal Terms 'Act' and 'Event'" and "'Intention' as Qualifying Acts'" at pp. 99-106; copy at University of Ottawa, Law Library, K 24 .A4 1874 FTX;

ANCEL, Marc, "L'évolution de la notion d'individualisation", (1959) Revue pénale suisse 75; titre noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté; aucune copie de cegtte revue au Canada;

ANDENAES, Johannes, "Comment by Prof. Johannes Andenaes Comparing Study Draft of Proposed New Federal Criminal Code to European Penal Codes (Prof. Johannes Andenaes, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, August 31, 1970)" in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, vol. 3, Washington: US Government Office, July 1971 at pp. 1451-1476, see "Kinds of Culpability" at p.1455;

ANDREJEW, "Les conceptions juridiques de la culpabilité dans les pays socialistes",  (1976) 24 Annales de l'Université des sciences sociales de Toulouse (Travaux du Colloque international du cinquantenaire de l'Institut de criminologie et des sciences pénales de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 22-27 septembre 1975); copie à l'Université McGill, bibliothèque de droit;

ANDREWS, J.A., "Wilfulness, a lesson in ambiguity", (1981) 1 Legal Studies 303-325;

ANNOTATION, "Law Maxims - Of Criminal Intention", (1842) 27 Law Magazine (long title: or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence) 370-381;

ANSCOMBE, G.E.M. (Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret), 1919-, Intention,Oxford [England] : B. Blackwell, 1958, ix, 93 p.; copy at St PaulUniversity, Ottawa, BJ 1461 A58I58 1958;

___________"Medalist's Address: Action, Intention and 'Double Effect'", in Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, volume 56, Annual meeting 1982, The role and responsibility of the moral philosopher, edited by Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Desmond J. FitzGerald and John T. Noonan, Washington (D.C.): National Office of the American Philosophical Association, Catholic University of America, 1982, v, 214 p. at pp. 12-25;  copy at St. Paul University, Ottawa, call number: B 20 U55C38P7 1926-56;

APTEL, Cécile, "The Intent to Commit Genocide in the Case Law of the International Tribunal for Rwanda", (2002) 13(3) Criminal Law Forum 273-290;

AQUINAS, Thomas (St Thomas d'Aquin), 1225-1274, Somme théologique[coordination, Albert Raulin ; traduction, Aimon-Marie Roguet], Paris : Éditions du Cerf, 1984-1986, 4 volumes; copie à l'Université St-Paul, Ottawa, BQ 6838 F6N53 1984-1986, ISBN: 2204022292 (v. 1); copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT, BX 1749 .T4414 1984 v.1-4;

AQVIST, L., "On the Logical Syntax or Linguistic Deep Structure of Certain Crime Structure" in André-Jean Arnaud, Risto Hilpinen and Jerzy Wróblewski, eds., Juristische Logik, Rationalität und Irrationalität im Recht / Juristic logic, rationality and irrationality in  law, Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, c1985, xix, 419 pp. 77-88, (series;  Rechtstheorie. Beiheft;  8), ISBN: 3428058666; titre noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté; aucune copie de ce volume dans les bibliothèques de la région d'Ottawa;

ARCHARD, David, "The Mens Rea of Rape: Reasonableness and Culpable Mistakes" in Keith Burgess-Jackson, ed., A most detestable crime: new philosophical essays on rape, New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, xv, 306 p., at pp. 213 to 229 (approx), ISBN: 0195120752 and 0195120760 (pbk.); title of article noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries;

ARMITAGE, A.L., "Statutory Offence-Presumption of mens rea Sherras v. De Rutzen Revisited" [1963] Cambridge Law Journal 177-180;

ARNOLD, Roberta, "The mens rea of genocide under the ICC Statute The mens rea of genocide under the ICC Statute (IAGS IAGS Conference Conference, 2003, Galway -- EIRE)", available at (accessed on 4 September 2004);

___________"The Mens Rea of Genocide under theStatute of the International Criminal Court", (2003) 14(2) Criminal Law Forum 127-151;

ASHWORTH Andrew and Meredith Blake, "The Presumption of Innocence in English Criminal Law”, [1996] Criminal Law Review 306-317;

ASHWORTH, Andrew J., "Belief, Intent, and Criminal Liability" in John Eekeelaar & John Bell, eds., Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence Third Series, Oxford: Clarendon  Press, 1987, 267 p. at pp.  1-31,  ISBN: 0198255071;

___________"Criminal Liability in a Medical Context: The treatment of Good Intentions in A.P. Semester and A.T.H. Smith, eds., Harm and Culpability, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996, viii, 280 p., Essay 8, at pp. 173-193, (series; Oxford monographs in criminal law and justice), ISBN: 0198260571;

__________ "The elasticity of mens rea", in C. Tapper, ed., Proof and Punishment: Essays in Honour of Sir Rupert Cross, London: Butterworths, 1981, xxvi, 336 p., at pp. 45-70, ISBN: 0406569991;

___________"Sharpening the Subjective Element in Criminal Liability" in Antony Duff and Nigel Simmonds, eds., Philosophy and the Criminal Law at the Univ. of Manchester, 8th-10th April 1983,  Wiesbaden: F. Steiner, 1984, 120 p. at  pp. 79-89 (series; Archives for philosophy of law and social philosophy/Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie; vol. 19) (series; Association for Legal and Social Philosophy: Annual Conference);  copy at University St-Paul, Ottawa, K5018 A3A88P4 1984;

___________"Taking the Consequences"  in Stephen Shute, 1955-, John Gardner and Jeremy Horder, eds., Action and Value in Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, viii, 314 p. at pp. 107-124, ISBN: 0198258062 (cloth) and 0198260792 (pbk. first issued in 1996):

___________"Towards a Theory of Criminal Legislation" (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 41-63;

___________"Transferred Malice and Punishment for Unforeseen Consequences", in P.R. Glazebrook, ed., Reshaping the Criminal Law: Essays in Honour of Glanville Williams, London: Stevens & Sons, 1978, xii, 492 p., at pp. 77-94, ISBN: 042045540X;

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT PÉNAL  (AIDP) (International Association of Penal Law) and Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali (ISISC) (International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences) and Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (MPI), Draft Statute
for an International Criminal Court -- Alternative to the ILC-Draft -- (Siracusa-Draft), prepared by a Committee of Experts Siracusa/Freiburg, July 1995, 88 p.; available at (accessed on 10 December 2005);

"Art. 33 f
Mens Rea

1. Criminal responsibility under this Statute cannot be based on strict liability.

2. Unless provided for otherwise, crimes under this Statute are punishable only if committed intentionally." (p. 51)

ASUA, Luis Jimenez de, "La Faute consciente et le 'Dolus eventualis'", (1959-60) Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 603-615;

___________"L'infraction préterintentionnelle", (1960) 15 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 569-578;

___________"La notion de culpabilité en droit comparé", (1954) 6 Revue internationale de droit comparé 5-18;

___________"Les problèmes modernes de la culpabilité" dans En hommage à Jean Constant, [Liège]: Faculté de droit de Liège, 1971, xliii, 416 p., aux pp. 147-155;

___________"Théorie normative et Jugement de culpabilité", (1960) 8 Travaux et conférences / Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de droit 155-169; copy of this publication, ISSN: 0524-7977, can be found at the Law Library of the Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada;

AUDI, Robert, 1941-, Action, intention, and reason, Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1993, xi, 362 p., ISBN: 0801428661; copy at St Paul University, B 105 A35A83A3 1993;

___________"Intending", (1973) 70 Journal of Philosophy 387; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Library, periodicals, B1.J6;

AUGUSTINE (Augustinus Hipponensis), Saint, "Sermo 180, De Verbis Apostoli IACOBI (5, 12): 'Ante Omnia Nolite Iurare', etc.",

"Iuratio licet a Deo usurpata, homini tamen fugienda. Periurium quot modis contingit.

2. Invenimus enim iurasse sanctos, iurasse primitus ipsum Dominum, in quo non est omnino peccatum. Iuravit Dominus, et non paenitebit eum: Tu es sacerdos in aeternum, secundum ordinem Melchisedech. Aeternitatem sacerdotii Filio cum iuratione promisit. Habes etiam: Per   memetipsum iuro, dicit Dominus. Et illud iuratio est: Vivo ego, dicit Dominus. Quomodo homo per Deum, sic Deus per seipsum. Non est ergo peccatum iurare? Durum est hoc dicere; et quoniam diximus Deum iurasse, quam blasphemum est hoc dicere? Iurat Deus qui peccatum non habet; non ergo est peccatum iurare; sed magis peccatum est peierare. Fortasse quis dicat non esse proponendum de Domino Deo iurationis exemplum. Deus enim est, et forte illi soli competit iurare, qui non potest peierare. Homines enim falsum iurant, vel cum fallunt, vel cum falluntur. Aut enim putat homo verum esse quod falsum est, et temere iurat; aut scit vel putat falsum esse, et tamen pro vero iurat, et nihilominus cum scelere iurat. Distant autem ista periuria, quae duo commemoravi. Fac illum iurare, qui verum putat esse, pro quo iurat; verum putat esse, et tamen falsum est. Non ex animo iste periurat; fallitur, hoc pro vero habet quod falsum est; non pro re falsa sciens iurationem interponit. Da alium qui scit falsum esse, et dicit verum esse; et iurat tamquam verum sit, quod scit falsum esse. Videtis quam ista detestanda sit bellua, et de rebus humanis exterminanda? Quis enim hoc fieri velit? Omnes homines talia detestantur. Fac alium, putat falsum esse, et iurat tamquam verum sit, et forte verum est. Verbi gratia, ut intellegatis: Pluit in illo loco? interrogas hominem; et putat non pluisse, et ad negotium ipsius competit, ut dicat: Pluit. Sed putat non pluisse. Dicitur ei: Vere pluit? Vere, et iurat; et tamen pluit ibi, sed ille nescit, et putat non pluisse; periurus est. Interest quemadmodum verbum procedat ex animo. Ream linguam non facit, nisi mens rea. Quis est autem qui non fallatur, etsi noluit fallere? Quis est homo cui non subrepat fallacia? Et tamen iuratio ab ore non discedit, frequentatur; plura sunt plerumque iuramenta, quam verba. Si discutiat homo quoties iuret per totum diem, quoties se vulneret, quoties gladio linguae se feriat et transfigat, quis in illo locus invenitur sanus? Quia ergo grave peccatum est peierare,compendium tibi dedit Scriptura: Noli iurare." (notes omitted, emphasis added, source:, accessed on 23 January 2006) 

AULISIO, Mark Paul, "In Defense of the Intention/Foresight Distinction”, (1995) 32 American Philosophical Quarterly 341-354; copy at Ottawa University, B 1 .A525  Location: MRT Periodicals;

___________Intention, Foresight, and the Doctrine of Double Effect, Ph.D. thesis, Bowling Green State University, 1996, 259 p., thesis advisor: R.G. Frey; the abstract reads:

 "This dissertation is fundamentally concerned with the conceptual tenability and applicability of the distinction between intention and foresight. This distinction, I  argue, is embedded in ordinary language, assumed to be of moral import in common morality, at the center of a vigorous jurisprudential debate regarding the  proper legal conception of intention, and at the basis of the Doctrine of Double Effect. With respect to the latter, the intention/foresight distinction has relevance  for a wide variety of moral issues including, among other things, abortion, euthanasia, sterilization, organ donation and transplantation (bioethics), self-defense and murder, suicide and self-sacrifice (legal philosophy), and strategic bombing in war (military ethics). Detractors of the intention/foresight distinction have advanced a number of arguments against it. The challenges typically take one of the following three tacks: (1) gainsaying the tenability of the distinction at the conceptual level, (2) denying that the distinction can be formulated and applied in a consistent and intuitively satisfying manner, or (3) impugning its moral  significance. The first two challenges are conceptually prior to the third, and, as such, pose the more formidable threat. If the conceptual distinction between  intention and foresight cannot be maintained, then there can be no debate regarding its moral import. So much the worse, critics might argue, for moral   frameworks that rely upon this conceptually untenable distinction. Furthermore, even if the intention/foresight distinction turns out to be conceptually defensible,  there is no point to discussing its moral significance if it cannot be interpreted and applied in any very reliable fashion. Once again, critics could argue that moral frameworks which require an inapplicable distinction should be held suspect on that grounds alone. Lastly, the moral import afforded a particular distinction will almost always be largely a function of the sort of moral framework within which the distinction is supposed to operate. Challenges to the moral significance of such a distinction are more properly challenges to the moral framework which affords the distinction significance. The focus of this work, then, is the conceptual tenability and applicability of the intention/foresight distinction." (Dissertation Abstracts International, vol. 57-11, Section: A, page: 4772);

AUSTIN, John, 1790-1859, Lectures on jurisprudence, or, The philosophy of positive law, by the late John Austin, 5th ed., rev. and edited by Robert Campbell, 1832-1912,  London, J. Murray, 1911, 2 volumes; notes: "Fifth edition, November, 1885, reprinted, April, 1895, reprinted, March, 1911"; we reproduce here excerpts from vol. 1: Lecture 18 -- "Will and Motive"; Lecture 19 -- "Intention"; Lecture 20 -- "Negligence, Heedlessness, and Rashness"; Lecture 21 --  "Intention Further Considered", at PDF pp. 407-443; pdf and Internet completed on 15 September 2007;  the 1885 edition is available at (accessed on 18 January 2003);

AUSTRALIA, Commonwealth Attorney's General in association with the Australian Institute of Judicial Administration,  The Commonwealth Criminal Code: A Guide for Practitioners, March 2002, 369 p., see "Fault elements", at pp. 48-114 and "Cases where fault elements are not required" at pp. 115-123, ISBN: 0642210349; available at (accessed on 16 August 2003);

AUSTRALIA, Parliament of Australia, Senate, Senate Standing Committee for Scrutiny of Bills, "Inquiry into absolute and strict liability offences in Commonwealth legislation", 2002, available at  (accessed on 31 March 2008); and see Government Response, 2002 at  (accessed on 31 March 2008);

AUTRICHE, Code pénal autrichien, traduction de Yvonne Marx et de Pierre Chenut dans Les nouveaux codes pénaux de langue allemande: Autriche (1974), République démocratique allemande (1968) et République fédérale d'Allemagne (1975), Paris: La  Documentation française avec le concours du Centre français de droit comparé, 1981, 565 p., aux pp. 10-160 (pour le code), voir l'article 5, "Intention" aux pp. 14-15 (Collection des codes pénaux européens du Comité de législation étrangère et de droit international du Ministère de la Justice, sous la direction de Marc Ancel avec la collaboration de Yvonne Marx; tome 5);

AVINOR, Shaul, "The Fallacy of the Conventional Theory on the Historical Development of the Concept of Criminal Liability", (2004) 15 Criminal Law Forum 411-466;

BACIGALUPO, Enrique, "Responsabilité criminelle", in Peter J. Cullen, ed., Enlarging the fight against fraud in the European Union : penal and administrative sanctions, settlement, whistleblowing and corpus juris in the candidate countries / [ERA, Europäische Rechtsakademie], Köln : Bundesanzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft, c2004, c2003, 447 p., aux pp. 75-89, et voir "Formes de la responsabilité criminelle", aux pp. 81-84 (series; Schriftenreihe der Europäischen Rechtsakademie Trier ; Bd. 36 = Serie de publications de l'Academie de Droit Europeen de Treves; Bd.36 = Series of publications by the Academy of European Law Trier; Bd. 36), ISBN: 3898173658; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, KJE 8643 .E55 2004; note: touche aux droits de la Bulgarie, Estonie, Hongrie, Lituanie, Pologne, Roumanie, Slovaquie, Slovénie et de la R.publique tchèque; contribution importante au sujet;

BADAR, Mohamed Elewa, The Concept of Mens Rea in International Criminal Law,  forthcoming book in August 2012, approx. 300 p., Hart Publishing, Oxford;

___________ "Drawing the Boundaries of Mens Rea in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia", (2006) 6 International Criminal Law Review 313-348; available at  (accessed on 28 September 2007);

___________"Mens Rea -- Mistake of Law & Mistake of Fact in German Criminal Law: A Survey for International Criminal Tribunals", (2005) 5 International Criminal Law Review 203-246; important contribution; available at  (accessed on 28 September 2007);

___________"The Mental Element in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary from a Comparative Criminal Perspective" (December 2008) 19(3-4) Criminal Law Forum 473-518;

___________"Rethinking Mens Rea in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanada",  in Olaoluwa Olusanya, ed., Rethinking International Criminal Law: The Substantive Part, Groningen : Europa Law Publishing, 2007, viii, 213 p., at pp. 13 to approx. 35, ISBN: 9076871752 and 9789076871752; available in part at,M1 (accessed on 19 April 2009);

BAIER, Annette C., "Act and Intent", (1970) 67 Journal of Philosophy 648-658;

BAIXAS, André, L'évolution de la notion de dol en droit pénal français de 1789 à nous jours; le délit d'escroquerie et ses dérivés, Bordeaux, 1920,  [2], 94, [3] p.; (thèse Bordeaux;1919-1920 ; 4); thèse notée dans ma recherche mais pas encore consultée;

BALASUBRAHMANYAM, V., "Guilty Mind", in S. Govindarajulu, ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 56-62; title noted in my research but article not consulted (27 April 2007);

BALDWIN, Thomas, "Foresight and Responsibility", (1979) 54 Philosophy 347-360; copy at Ottawa University B 1 .P55  Location: MRT Periodicals;

BANERJI, Eric H., "Strict Liability", in S. Govindarajulu, ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 63-71; title noted in my research but article not consulted (27 April 2007);  

BARBER, M. Diane, "Fair Warning: The Deterioration of Scienter under Environmental Criminal Statutes", (1992-93) 26 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 105-149;

BARNES, John Winthrop, The elimination of act and intent as elements of crime, thesis, University of Southern California, 1929, 62 p.; thesis not consulted;

BARRETT, Jane F. and Veronica M. Clarke, "Perspectives on the Knowledge Requirement of Section 6928(d) of RCRA After United States v. Dee", (1990-91) 59 George Washington Law Review 862-888;

BARTON, Joshua, "Recklessness in Scots Criminal Law: Subjective or Objective?", (2011) The Juridical Review Part 2, 143-161;

BATEY, Robert, "Judicial Exploitation of Mens Rea Confusion, at Common Law and Under the Model Penal Code", (2001) 18(2) Georgia State University Law Review 341-414;

BAYLES, Michael D., Hart's Legal Philosophy: An Examination, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, xi, 316 p. (Law and Philosophy Library; vol. 17), see chapter 9, "Mental Conditions of Criminal Responsibility" at pp. 229-292, ISBN: 0792319818; text noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries;

BEARDSLEY, Monroe C., "Intending", in Alvin I. Goldman, 1938-, and Kim Jaegwon, eds., Values and morals: essays in honor of William Frankena, Charles Stevenson, and Richard Brandt, Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1978, xvii, 331 p., ISBN: 9027709149; copy at the University of Ottawa, BJ 1012 .V34, MRT;

BEIN, D., "Knowledge which Reached a High Degree of Probability", (1967) 2 Israel Law Review 18-34;

BENDJOUYA, Georges, The Criminal Intent (Mens Rea) and the Criminal Negligence in
French and Anglo-American Law, LL.M. Thesis, Tulane University, 1963, 92, 14 p.; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted (19 March 2008);

BENTHAM, Jeremy, The Principles of Morals and Legislation, New York: Hafner Press, 1948, lii, 378 p., see Chapter 7, "Of Human Actions in General" at pp. 70-81; Chapter 8, "Of Intentionality" at pp. 82-88; Chapter 9, "Of Consciousness" at pp. 89-96; and Chapter 10, "Of Motives" at pp. 97-130  (series; The Hafner Library of Classics; 6);

BERKOWITZ, Benita F., Comment, "Conscious Avoidance of Knowledge: A Balanced Jury Charge Reinforces the Subjective Standard: United States v. Morales", (1978-79) 45 Brooklyn Law Review 1083-1099; copy at the University of Ottawa, Fauteux KFN 5069 .B744;

BERMAN, Harold Joseph, 1918-, Law and revolution : the formation of the Western legal tradition, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1983, viii, 657 p,  see pp. 185-198 and notes at pp. 598-599, ISBN:  0674517741 and 0674517768 (pbk.); important contribution to the subject; note de recherche: ce livre a été traduit en français : La formation de la tradition juridique occidentale, traduction par Raoul Audouin, Librairie de l'Université d'Aix-en-Provence, 2001, 684 p., ISBN: 290344966X;

"The canonists also defined the kinds of intent and the kinds of causal connection that were required for an external act to be criminal.  They distinguished between "direct intent" (knowledge that the act would produce the particular illegal result - for example, a homicide - coupled with the desire to cause the result) and "indirect intent" (knowledge that the illegal result would occur but no desire to accomplish it - for example, the relunctant killing of a guard in order to escape).  They also distinguished between intent (of either kind) and negligence (as in the case where the actor lacked knowledge that the result would occur, but if he had been diligent he would have known)." (p. 188).

BERNARDINI, Roger, L'intention coupable en droit pénal, 2 volumes,  thèse Nice 1976, lxxiiI, 1113 p.; directeur de thèse: Bernard Gassin; titre de thèse noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

BERREVILLE, Jean-Claude, "Quelques réflexions sur l'élément moral de l'infraction", (1973) Revue de science criminelle et  de droit pénal comparé  865-877;

BERTELSMANN, Werner, 1916-, The essence of mens rea : inaugural lecture delivered on accepting the chair of public law at the University of  the North on 10 August 1973, Sovenga, Republic of South Africa : University of the North, 1974, 34 p. (series; Publications of the University of the North : Series C;  number 31); copy at University of Alberta, Cameron Library; with the same title in [1974] Acta Juridica 34-52;

___________"Farewell recklessness - welcome the real dolus eventualis", (1980) 4(1) South African Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 28-35; copy at the library of the Solicitor General for Canada, Ottawa;

___________"What Happened to Luxuria?  Some Observations on Criminal Negligence, Recklessness and Dolus Eventualis", (1975) 92 The South African Law Journal 59-77;

BERTÉ PUEL, Stéphanie, 1975-, L'intention en droit pénal, thèse de doctorat, droit privé, Paris 10, 2005, viii, 311 f.; directeur de thèse: Pierrette Poncela; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consulté (4 juin 2006);

BIGUENET, Jérôme, "L'élément intentionnel dans les infractions formelles et obstacles depuis la loi du 13 mai 1996", (Novembre-décembre 2003), Gazette du Palais -- Doctrine 3712-3718; paraît le 28-30 décembre 2003, aux pp. 3-10;

BINAVINCE, "Emilio S., "The Doctrine of Mens Rea in Germany" in Fourth International Symposium on Comparative Law held in Ottawa (Canada) September 5 to 7, 1966 under the patronage of The Canadian and Foreign Law Research Centre - The Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa - The Canadian Association of Comparative Law, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press (series; Collection des travaux de la faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa), 232 p.  at pp. 143-163; information on the French title/informations sur le titre français : Travaux du quatrième colloque international de droit comparé tenu à Ottawa (Canada) du 5 au 7 septembre 1966 sous les auspices du Centre canadien de droit comparé - de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa - de l'Association canadienne de droit comparé, Ottawa: Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1967, 232 p. aux pp. 143-163 (Collection des travaux de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa);

___________"The Ethical Foundation of Criminal Liability", (1964) 33 Fordham Law Review 1-38;

BINDER, Guyora, "Felony Murder and Mens Rea Default Rules: A Study in Statutory Interpretation", (2000) 4 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 399-485; available at (accessed on 17 November 2004);

___________"The Rhetoric of Motive and Intent", (2002) 6 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1-96;

BIRCH, D.J., "The Foresight Saga: The Biggest Mistake of All", [1988] Criminal Law Review 4-18;

BLACKHURST, Andrea, "Directing Juries on Criminal Intention",  (1999) 10(1) King's College Law Journal 119-121; discusses R v Woollin, [1998] 3 WLR 382 (H.L.);

BLACKMAN, D.E., "On the Mental Element in Crime and Behaviourism" in Sally M. Lloyd-Bostock, ed., Law and Psychology: Papers presented at SSRC law and psychology Conferences 1979-1980, Oxford: S.S.R.C. Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, 1981, Wolson College, viii, 165 p.,  at pp. 113-126, ISBN: 0862260752; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries;

BLACKWELL, Leslie, "Mens Rea in Statutory Offences [Part I, II and III]" (1960) 77 South African Law Journal 79-85, 229-234, and 308-322;

BLOCH, R. Howard, Medieval French Literature and Law, Berkeley : University of California Press, c1977,  xii, 267 p., see "Criminal Intent" at pp. 28-42, ISBN: 0520032306;

BOCCARA, B., Dol criminel et dol civil, thèse, Paris, 1952; thèse notée dans ma recherche mais pas encore consultée;

BODENSTEIN, H.D.J. (Helgard Dewald Johannes), 1881-1943, "Phases in the Development of Criminal Mens Rea", (1919) 36 The South African Law Journal PDF 323-349 and  "Phases in the Development of Criminal Mens Rea (Continued)", (1920) 37 The South African Law Journal PDF 18-34; pdf completed on 3 January 2007;" important contribution;

BOED, Roman, "Current Developments in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda",  (2002) 2 International Criminal Law Review 283-295, and see "Mental element of the crime of genocide", at pp. 288-289;

BOHLANDER, Michael, 1962-, "Federal Court of Justice of Germany (Ordinary Jurisdiction) (Bundesgerichtshof -- BGH), 1st Criminal Senate.  Causing Grievous Bodily Harm: Mens Rea; Intention Case No. 1 StR 65/05, 12 July 2005", (April 2006) 70(2) The Journal of Criminal Law 131-135;

_____________________"Problems of Transferred Malice in Multiple-actor Scenarios", (2010) 74(2) The Journal of Criminal Law 145 to approx. 162; "Keywords Transferred malice; Transferred defences; Multiple-actor scenarios; aberratio ictus; German criminal law";


BONNET, Lucien, Le but, élément constitutif du délit, spécialement dans les lois nouvelles,  Montpellier, impr. de Mari-Lavit, 1934, 135 p.; Université de Montpellier. Faculté de droit, thèse, 1934; copie à l'Université Harvard;

BONNET, Stéphanie et Alex Bouvard (thèse commune avec), La volonté dans la théorie pénale : essai appliquée aux atteintes à l'intégrité corporelle, thèse de doctorat, droit pénal, Lyon 3, 1994; dir. de th.: Yves Mayaud; voir le résumé au  Catalogue Abes;

BOTICA, Aurelian,  The concept of intention in the Old Testament, Philo of Alexandria and the early rabbinic literature : a study in human intentionality in the area of criminal, cultic and religious and ethical law, Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias Press, c2011;  NOTES: "This work is based on the Ph. D. dissertation completed in 2007 at the Hebrew Union College, in Cincinnati";

BOTROS, Sophie, "An Error about the Doctrine of Double Effect", (1999) 74 Philosophy 71-83; copy at the University of Ottawa,  B 1 .P55, MRT periodicals;

___________"An Error about the Doctrine of Double Effect: A Response to Kaufman's Reply to Botros", (2001) 76 Philosophy 304-311; copy at the University of Ottawa,  B 1 .P55, MRT periodicals;

BOULEY, D., C. Massoubre, C. Serre, F. Lang, L. Chazot, et J. Pellet, "Les fondements historiques de la responsabilité pénale", (juillet-août 2002) 160 (5-6) Annales medico-psychologiques 396-405;

"2. Les fondations romaines
b. Une ébauche de droit pénal [...]
Progressivement s´imposent tout au long de l´époque classique les principes d´une responsabilité subjective (cf. les XII Tables) où s´opposent les homicides commis dolosciens, en pleine connaissance de cause, et les homicides involontaires qui ne sont tenus qu´à l´offrande d´un bélier aux parents de la victime.

c. L´intention coupable
Sous l´impulsion des Stoques, les magistrats développent la notion d´élément intentionnel. L´enjeu du stocisme est de maintenir, dans une philosophie du déterminisme, une place à la liberté humaine. Fondé en Grèce par Zénon de Cittium (335-264 av. J.-C.), il jouit dès le départ d´un préjugé favorable à Rome. Cette philosophie, apanage d´une aristocratie cultivée, investira rapidement les secteurs politique et judiciaire. À la fin du Ier siècle avant notre ère, le droit pénal s´est enrichi d´un vocabulaire qui s´attache à définir la volonté coupable, la claire conscience et la pleine appréciation du méfait accompli.

Apparaissent les concepts de dol (qui implique la volonté mauvaise et le désir de nuire) et de fraus (action malicieuse et concrète) qui marquent à quel point la pensée s´est déplacée de l´acte vers l´agent et ne se satisfait plus pour sanctionner de l´unique matérialité des faits.

C´est à l´époque d´Hadrien (76-138) que l´élément psychologique s´affirme avec le plus de clarté dans les rescrits impériaux : dans les crimes, on doit regarder la volonté de l´auteur et non le résultat («  In maleficiis voluntas spectatus, non exitus. » Digeste, 48, 8, 14). Dans un autre rescrit, l´empereur n´hésite pas à demander l´absolution pour tout homicide qui a tué sans le vouloir ( Digeste, 48, 8, 1, 3).

Tout naturellement se dégagent des catégories de personnes pour qui les méfaits sont automatiquement excusés ; l´incapacité dolosive qui leur est reconnue rend leur crime non imputable. Il s´agit des impubères (impubes) et des fous (furiosi) dont les dommages sont comparés à ceux provoqués par les quadrupèdes ou une tuile tombée du toit (Ulpien, Digeste, 9, 5, 2)." (pp. 397-398)

BOWEN, Veronica L., "Intent as an Element of Voluntary Manslaughter: State v Pettit" (1990-91) 24 Creighton Law Review 583-619;

BOYLE, Joseph M. and Thomas D. Sullivan, "The Diffusiveness of Intention Principle: A Counter-Example", (1977) 31 Philosophical Studies 357-360;

BOYLE, Joseph M., "The Personal Responsibility for Mortal Sin" in Luke Gormally, ed., Moral Truth and Moral Tradition: Essays in Honour of Peter and Elizabeth Geach, Blackrock, Co. Dublin,: Four Courts Press, c. 1994, ix, 246 p., at pp. 149-162, ISBN: 1851821589; copy at University of Ottawa, BJ 1251 .M6324 1994 MRT;

___________"Praeter Intentionem in Aquinas", (1978) 42 The Thomist 649-665; copy at St Paul University, Ottawa, periodicals, BQT 4T15 1939-;

___________"Towards Understanding the Principle of Double Effect", (1980) 90 Ethics 527-538; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Library, periodicals, BJ! . I16;

BRADY, James B., The Doctrine of Mens Rea: A Study in Legal and Moral Responsibility, Ph.D. thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, 1970. 298 p.; title of thesis noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

___________"Indifference and Voluntariness", (1972) 32(3) Analysis98-99;

___________"Recklessness, Negligence, Indifference and Awareness", (1980) 43 The Modern Law Review 381-399;

___________"Strict Liability Offences: A Justification" (1972) 8 Criminal Law Bulletin 217-227;

BRAND, Myles, Intending and Acting: Toward a Naturalized Theory, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 1984, xiii, 296 p., ISBN:  0262022028; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa, B105.A35B73; copy at St-PaulUniversity, Ottawa, BD 450.2 B73I58 1984;

BRASENS, Walter, "L'élément moral dans les infractions et le futur Code pénal belge", (1979) Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 407-432;

BRATMAN, Michael E., Intention, Plans and Practical Reason, Cambridge (Mass.):  Harvard University Press, 1987, viii, 200 p.,  ISBN:  0674458184; copy at the Ottawa University Library, BF 619.5 .B73 1987 MRT;

BRETT, Peter, "Strict Responsibility: Possible Solutions" (1974) 37 Modern Law Review 417-438;

BRISCOE, Oliver, "Intent" in Robert Bluglass and Paul Bowden, eds., with an introduction by Nigel Walker, Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, Edinburgh and New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1990, xxi, 1405, 10, 84, 53 p., at pp. 251-254, ISBN:  0443035784; copy at CISTI, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Ottawa/ICIST, Institut canadien de l'information scientifique et technique, Ottawa, RA1151 P957;

BROCHER, Charles Antoine, 1811-1884, Essai sur l'élément moral du droit criminel, [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1836 (Genève : E. Carey), 52 p.; note: thèse de licence en droit Genève, 1836 ; D [54]; titre noté dans ma recherche mais volume pas encore consulté;

BROSENS, Walter, "L'élément moral dans les infractions et le futur Code pénal belge", (1979) 59 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 407-432; Note: "Traduction du rapport établi, en langue néerlandaise, par M. Walter Brosens, avocat général près la cour d'appel d'Anvers, présenté par lui à l'assemblée de l'Union belge-luxembourgeoise de Droit pénal, tenue à Anvers, le 17 novembre 1978" (note à la p. 407); traite du dolus eventualis; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, K 21 .D725  Location: FTX Periodicals;

BROWN, Bernard, 'The Emergence of the Psychical Test of Guilt in Homicide 1200-1550", (1958-63) 1 Tasmanian Universiy Law Review 231-239; copy at the University of Ottawa, KTA 0 .U547  Location: FTX Periodicals; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

BROWN, Darryl K., "Judicial Instructions, defendant culpability, and jury interpretation of law", (2002) 21(1) Saint Louis University Public Law Review 25-50;

BUDD, Malcolm and Adrian Lynch, "Voluntariness, Causation and Strict Liability"  [1978] Criminal Law Review 74-81;

BUMPUS, Ann, "Actors without Intentions: The Double Phenomena View", (March 2001) 103(2) Philosophical Studies 177-199;

___________ "Aiming and Intending", (2000) 30(4) Canadian Journal of Philosophy 581-596;

___________"Intention" in  Lawrence Becker and Charlotte B. Becker, 1944-,  eds., Encyclopedia of  Ethics, 2nd ed., New York and London: Routledge, 2001, vol. 2 at pp. 866-868, ISBN: 0415936721 (for the set of 3 volumes); copy at Carleton University, Ottawa,  Floor 2 Reference, BJ63.E45 2001;

BURCHELL, E.M., "Criminal Intent", (1978) 8 Speculum Juris 23-35;

BURCHELL, Jonathan, "Criminal Justice at the Crossroads", (2002) 119(3) The South African Law Journal 579-602;

___________"Mistake or Ignorance to the Causal Sequence - A New Aspect of Intention" (1990) 107 South African Law Journal 168-175;

BURKHARDT, Björn, "Some Questions and Comments on What is Called 'The Mental Element of the Offence', (1996) 30 Israel Law Review 82-105;

BUXTON, Richard, "Circumstances, Consequences and Attempted Rape", [1984] Criminal Law Review 25-34;

___________"Some Simple Thoughts on Intention", [1988] Criminal Law Review 484-497;

BUZZARD, J.H., "Intent", [1978] The Criminal Law Review 5-21;

BYK, Christian, "L'euthanasie en droit français", (avril-juin 2006) 58(2) Revue internationale de droit comparé 657-671; 

    "Les soins palliatifs étaient devenus un droit pour le patient et le soulagement de la douleur un devoir du médecin, n'était-il pas paradoxal que les médecins hésitent encore à agir en ce sens, soulevant le risque encouru de poursuites pénales en cas de décès du patient des suites de l'administration d'une dose de produit ayant pour but de soulager la douleur?

    La loi du 22 avril 2005 lève cette difficulté en permettant au médecin 'qui constate qu'il ne peut soulager la souffrance d'une personne, en phase avancée ou terminale d'une affection grave et incurable', de 'lui appliquer un traitement qui peut avoir pour effet secondaire d'abréger sa vie'51.  Une permission légale est ainsi créée mais celle-ci a ses limtes: elle bénéficie aux seuls médecins, s'applique uniquement aux patients en phase avancée ou terminale et suppose qu'il n'existe pas d'autre moyen de soulager la souffrance.

    Toutefois, la différence entre l'hyposthèse visée par la loi, où la mort n'est pas le résultat recherché mais la conséquence possible d'un traitement dont le seul objet est de soulager la souffrance, et celle de l'euthanasie compassionnelle, où la mort aura été délibérément avancée, sera parfois tenue et dépendra des circonstances de fait (respect de la procédure d'information du patient et de l'inscription au dossier...).  L'intention du législateur et le message à l'autorité chargé des poursuites (procureur de la république) est néanmoins de créer, dans ces circonstances, un a priori favorable aux médecins.

51 Art. L. 1110-5 dernier al. du Code de la santé publiqe." (p. 668) 


BYRNE, Peter, «Double Effet - Le principe du double effet» dans Dictionnaire d'éthique et de philosophie morale, sous la direction de Monique Canto-Sperber, 2e édition corrigée, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1997, xxii, 1719 p., aux pp. 432-435, ISBN: 2130477291.  Note de recherche: courte bibliographie utile à la p. 435.

CALCOTE, Sarah, "Criminal Intent in Federal Environmental Statutes: What Corporate Officers and Employees Should 'Know'", (1993) 20 American Journal of Criminal Law 359-383;

CALLAGHAN, D.J., "Responsibility for Recklessness", (1978) 31 Current Legal Problems 55-80;

CAMPBELL, I.D., "The Resurgence of Mens Rea", (1956) 32 New Zealand Law Journal 310-312 and 325-329;

CAMPBELL, I.G., "Recklessness in Intentional Murder Under the Australian Codes", (1986) 10 Criminal Law Journal 3-23;

CAMPBELL, Jay, "A Strict Accountability Approach to Strict Responsibility" (1965) 29 Federal Probation 33-36; copy at the University of Ottawa, Fauteux Library, KF 9750. F424;

CANDEUB, Adam, "Consciousness and Culpability", (2002-2003) 54 Alabama Law Review 113-145;

___________Comments, “Motive Crimes and Other Minds”, (1994) 142 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 2071-2123;

CANE, Peter, “Fleeting Mental States”, (2000) 59 Cambridge Law Journal 273-283;

___________“Mens Rea in Tort Law”, (2000) 20(4) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 533-556;

___________Responsibility in Law and Morality, Oxford/Portland (Oregon): Hart Publishing, 2002, xii, 303 p., see "Responsibility and Causation", at pp. 113-141, ISBN: 1841133213; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K123 C36 2002;

CARLEBACH, Alexandre, Le problème de la faute et sa place dans la norme du droit international, Paris : Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1962, [iii], [131] p. (Collection; Bibliothèque de droit international sous le patronage de l’Institut des hautes études internationales  de l’Université de Paris; tome XX); voir  en particulier « Le problème de la culpabilité » aux pp. 85-122; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General, K5064 .C37 1962;

CAROSELLA, Ann Marie, Effects of foreseeability and intentionality on sanction assignment motives and severity, Thesis (Ph. D.), Princeton University, June 1992, v, 157 leaves; title of thesis noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

CARSON, David C. and  Alan R. Flethous, "Mens Rea", (September/October 2003) 21(5) Behavioral Sciences & the Law 559-562;

CARSON, W.G.,  "Some Sociological Aspects of Strict Liability and the Enforcement of Factory Legislation", (1970) 33 Modern Law Review 396-412;

___________"White-Collar Crime and the Enforcement of Factory Legislation" (1970) 10 The British Journal of Criminology 383-398;

CASSESE, Antonio, International criminal law, Oxford; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003, lvi, 472 p., see "Mens Rea" at pp. 159-178, ISBN:  0199261288 and  0199259119 (pbk); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5000 C37 2003 c. 01;

CATANI, Lucia, L'intention criminelle dans le génocide et dans les crimes contre l'humanité, Genève : Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales, 2000, 81 p. (Collection; Diplôme d'études supérieures / IUHEI ; [833]. Mention Droit international);

CATO, C.B., "Strict Liability and the Half-Way House" [1981] New  Zealand Law Journal 294-300;

CAVANAUGH, Thomas A., "Aquinas's Account of Double Effect", (1997) 61 The Thomist 107-121;

CEDRAS, Jean, "Le dol éventuel: aux limites de l'intention", (1995) Recueil Dalloz Sirey -- Chroniques, 3e Cahier, aux pp. 18-20; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

CHALMERS, James, "Distress as corroboration of mens rea [on a charge of rape]", (2004) Scots Law Times 141-145; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

CHANTRY, Allen David, Mens Rea in Modern Criminal Law, Ph.D. thesis, Council for National Academic Awards (United Kingdom), 1989, 386 p.; thesis noted in my research but not consulted yet; copy at York University, Law Library, Ontario;

CHANTRY, Len, "Intention and Purpose in Criminal Law", (1991) 13(1) Liverpool Law Review 37-52;

CHAPMAN, Gill, Recent Developments, "Criminal Law: Regina v. G. and Another (2003) UKHL 50", (2004) 38(1) The Law Teacher 85-114; deals with recklessnes; copy at Ottawa University, KD 418 J685  Location: FTX Periodicals;

CHAPMAN, Kenneth J., "Measuring intent: There's nothing 'mere' about mere measurement effects", (August 2001) 18(8) Psychology and Marketing 811-841; deals in part with goal oriented action;

CHARLOW, Robin, "Bad Acts in Search of a Mens Rea: Anatomy of a Rape",  (2002-2003) 71 Fordham Law Review 263-327; discusses in part the Supreme Court of Canada decision of Sansregret; deals with wilful ignorance;

___________"Wilful Ignorance and Criminal Culpability", (1992) 70 Texas Law Review 1351-1429;

CHAZAL, Jean, 1907-,  Essai sur la notion de mobile et de but en droit pénal, Lyon: impr. de Bosc frères et Riou, 1929, 140 p. (thèse, doctorat en droit,  Université de Lyon, Faculté de droit, 1929); titre de thèse noté pendant mes recherches mais thèse non encore consultéee; aucune copie localisée au Canada;

CHEN, Hen-chie, 1940-, A comparative study of the mental state required for criminal liability , Thesis (M.C.L.), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1967, iv, 106 leaves; Microfiche. [Buffalo, N.Y. : Hein, 1998?] microfiches, Hein's legal theses and dissertations ; 005-00271; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted; no copy found in the catalogues covered by my verification of the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (23 February 2005);.

CHESNEY, "The Concept of Mens Rea in the Criminal Law", (1938-39) 29 Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 627-644;

CHILD, James W., “Donald Davidson and Section 2.01 of the Model Penal Code”, (1992) 11 Criminal Justice Ethics 31-43;

CHINN, Ewing Y., "Intentional Actions and Their Side Effects", (1977) 15 Southern Journal of Philosophy 161-171; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT  Periodicals, B 1 .S57;

CHINNI, Christine L., Notes & Comments, "Whose Head Is in the Sand?  Problems With the Use of the Ostrich Instruction in Conspiracy Cases", (1991) 13 Western New England Law Review 35-62; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, on microfilm;

CHISHOLM, Roderick M., "The Structure of Intention", (1970) 67 The Journal of Philosophy 633-647;

CIOLINO, Dane S., "The Mental Element of Louisiana Crimes: It Does not Matter What You Think",  (1995-96) 70 Tulane Law Review 855-903;

CLARK, R.S., "Automatism and Strict Liability" (1968) 5 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 12-25;

CLARK, Roger R., "The Mental Element in International Criminal Law: The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Elements of the Offence", (2001) 12(3) Criminal Law Forum 291-334; available as a word download file at;

"Code pénal européen", [2003] Revue pénitentiaire et de droit pénal 289-308;

COKE, Edward, 1552-1634, The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown, and criminall causes, London: Printed by M. Flesher, for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman, 1644, [12], 243 p.; other editions: 1648, 1660, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1680, 1681, 1797, 1809, 1817; the Supreme Court of Canada Library, Ottawa,  has a copy of the 1817 edition; reprint scheduled in November 2001: Union (New Jersey): The Lawbook Exchange, ISBN: 1584772018;  note: see. p. 107 (1817 ed.)  where he writes: "Actus non facit reum, nisi mens fit rea.  And this intent to steal..."

COLEMAN, Doriane Lambelet, "Culture, Cloaked in Mens Rea", (October 2001) 100(4) South Atlantic Quarterly 981-1004;

COLES, E. and D. Jang, “A Psychological Perspective on the Legal Concepts of ‘Volition’ and ‘Intent’”, (1996) 4 Journal of Law and Medicine 60; copy at Laval University and Sherbrooke University, Quebec; no copy in the Ottawa region libraries;  title noted in my research but article not yet consulted; see abstract at;

COMMENT, "Intent in the Criminal Law: The Legal Tower of Babel", (1959) 8 Catholic University of America Law Review 31-42; title of law review also: Catholic University Law Review; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy of this volume in the Ottawa area libraries;

COMMISSION POUR LA RÉVISION DU CODE PÉNAL, Rapport sur les principales orientations de la réforme, Bruxelles: Ministère de la Justice, Moniteur Belge, 1979, 125 p., voir "Deuxième orientation: Souci de réserver la sanction pénale aux comportements intentionnels" aux pp. 51-61; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX général, KE8809.5 .C3453 1979;

COOK, Walter Wheeeler, "Act, Intention and Motive in Criminal Law", (1916-17) 26 Yale Law Journal 645-663;

COOPER, Simon, “Summing Up Intention: Should the 'Special defence' be restrained to doctors?”, (2000) 150 New Law Journal (# 6949) 1258-1259;

COPES, John F., "The Mens Rea Provisions of the Proposed Ohio Criminal Code -- The Continuing Incertainty", (1972) 33 Ohio State Law Journal 354-396;

CONSEIL FÉDÉRAL, Message concernant la modification du Code pénal suisse (dispositions générales, entrée en vigueur et application du Code pénal) et du Code pénal militaire ainsi qu'une loi fédérale régissant la condition pénale des mineurs du 21 septembre 1998, dans FF (Feuille fédérale) 199 II, pp. 1787-2221; disponible à (visionné le 2 juillet 2003);

CORDORA RODA, "La conception juridique espagnole de la culpabilité", (1976) 24 Annales de l'Université des sciences sociales de Toulouse; (Travaux du Colloque international du cinquantenaire de l'Institut de criminologie et des sciences pénales de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 22-27 septembre 1975); copie à l'Université McGill, bibliothèque de droit;

CORNAZ, O., "Intention, dessein, mobile (quelques réflexions sur le système du Code pénal suisse)" JdT = Journal des tribunaux 106, (publication suisse) 1958 IV 66 (74); note de recherche: titre noté dans ma recherche mais non consulté;  je ne crois pas que les bibliothèques canadiennes possèdent une copie de cette publication;

CORNWELL, Joel R., "The Confusion of Causes and Reasons in Forensic Psychology: Deconstructing Mens Rea  and Other Mental Events",  (1999-2000) 33 University of Richmond  Law Review 107-151;

Corpus juris 2000 (version de Florence)

"Article 9 – Elément moral (ancien article 10)

La faute intentionnelle est requise pour toutes les infractions définies ci-dessus (articles 1 à 8), à l’exception de l’infraction assimilée à la fraude au budget communautaire (article 1) pour laquelle l’imprudence grave, ou la négligence grave, est suffisante.

Dispositif d’application
L’imprudence grave est constituée si l’auteur prend consciemment un risque conduisant à la commission de l’infraction et si ce risque apparaît déraisonnable au vu des circonstances. La négligence grave est constituée lorsque le risque est évident au regard de circonstances connues de l’auteur, même si celui-ci n’en est pas conscient.." (disponible à, visionné le 3 mai 2004; voir aussi le site principal à

Corpus juris 2000 (draft agreed in Florence)

"Article 9 – Mens rea (previously Article 10)

All the offences set out above (Articles 1 to 8) require intention, with the exception of offences ‘considered’ as fraud (‘délit assimilé à la fraude’) against the Community budget (Article 1) for which recklessness or gross negligence is

Implementing provision
The offender acts recklessly if he is aware of the risk that the circumstances that amount to the constituent elements of the offence exist and that it is unreasonable, having regard to the circumstances known to him, to take that risk. The offender acts with gross negligence if he is not aware of the risk that the circumstances that amount to the constituent elements of the offence exist but the risk is, having regard to the circumstances known to the offender, obvious." (available at, accessed on 3 May 2004; see also main site at

CORRADO, Michael, "How to Do Things on Purpose: R. A. Duff's Intention, Agency, and Criminal Liability", (1992) 11 Law and Philosophy 265-281;

Court of Appeal, "Murder Direction on Oblique Intention: R v (1) Darren John Mathhews; (2) Brian DEan Alleyne [2003] EWCA Crim 192", (2003) 67(4) The Journal of Criminal Law 292-294 with commentary at 293-294;

COWAN, Thomas Anthony, 1904-, "Toward an experimental definition of criminal mind"  in Francis Palmer Clarke, 1895-,  and Milton Charles, 1903-, eds., Philosophical essays in honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, jr. [1873-], Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press; London, H.Milford, Oxford University Press, 1942, x, 377 p. at pp. 163-190; also reprint in Freeport (New York): Books for Libraries Press, 1969; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 21 .S5 1969 MRT;

CRAGG, Wesley, "Mens Rea and its twentieth century critics" in Eugenio Bulygin, Mark van Hoecke, and Burton M. Leiser, eds., Changing structures in modern legal systems and the legal state ideology, Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, c1998, xix, 424 p. (series; Rechtstheorie. Beiheft  18), ISBN:  3428091477; note: Proceedings of the 17th World Congress, International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Bologna, 1995; only copy in Canada at the University of Calgary, Law Library, call number: K225 .C45 1998; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet;

CRAWFORD, J. M. B. and   J.F. Quinn, The Christian foundations of criminal responsibility : a philosophical study of legal reasoning, Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, c1991, vi, 504 p. (series; Toronto studies in theology ; v. 40), ISBN:  0889469792;

CROATIA,  Criminal Code in English, available at, (accessed on 26 September 2007);

"Punishability for Intentional and Negligent Conduct
Article 43
(1) Only the intentional perpetration of a criminal offense is punishable, unless a statute expressly provides punishment for negligent conduct as well.
(2) A more severe punishment which the law prescribes for a particular consequence of a criminal offense shall be inflicted only when the perpetrator acted at least negligently with regard to such a consequence.

Article 44
(1) A criminal offense may be committed with direct (dolus directus) or indirect intent (dolus eventualis).
(2) The perpetrator acts with direct intent when he is aware of his conduct and desires its perpetration.
(3) The perpetrator acts with indirect intent when he is aware that he might commit an offense  and accedes to it.

Article 45
(1) A criminal offense may be committed by advertent or inadvertent negligence.
(2) The perpetrator acts with advertent negligence when he is aware that he might commit  an offense but carelessly assumes that it will not occur, or that he will be able to prevent it from occurring.
(3) The perpetrator acts with inadvertent negligence when he is unaware that he might commit an offense, although under the circumstances and according to his personal characteristics he should and could have been aware of such a possibility."

CROSBY, C., "Recklessness -- The Continuing Search for a Definition", (August 2008) 72(4) The Journal of Criminal Law 313-334;

CROSS, Rupert, "The Mental Element in Crime", (1967) 83 The Law Quarterly Review 215-228;

___________"The Need for a Re-definition of Murder", [1960] Criminal Law Review 728-741;

CRYER, Robert, "General Principles of Liability in International Criminal Law", in Dominic McGoldrick, Peter Rowe, and Eric Donnelly, eds., The Permanent International Criminal Court: Legal and Policy Issues, Oxford (England)/Portland (Oregon): Hart Publishing, 2004, xviii, 498 p., at pp. 233-262, and see "Mens Rea", at pp. 254-257 (series; Studies in International Law; volume 5), ISBN: 1841132810; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KZ 6310 P47 2004; limited preview at,M1 and (accessed on 11 March 2008);

"Culpability", Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopdedia, available at (accessed on 28 January 2008); 

CUOMO, Anthony A., "Mens Rea and Status Criminality", (1967) Southern California Law Review 463-526;

DAUBE, David, Roman Law, Linguistic, Social and Philosophical Aspects, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; Chicago: Aldine Pub. Co, [8], 205 p., (series; The Gray lectures; 1966), see "Standards of Liability" at pp. 131-175; ISBN: 0852240511; copy at the Law library of the University of Ottawa, K 142 .D3 1969 KJA 147 .D375 1969 FTX;

___________Sin, Ignorance and Forgiveness in the Bible, London : Liberal Jewish Synagogue, [1960?], 30 p. (series; Claude Montefiore lecture 1960); copy at the McMaster University, Mills Memorial Library, Hamilton, Ontario; title noted in my reserach but text not consulted yet; no copy in the Ottawa area librairies;

DAVIDSON, Donald, 1917-, Essays on Actions and Events, Oxford : Clarendon Press; New York : Oxford University Press, New York: Oxford University Press, 1980, xvi, 304 p., ISBN: 0198245297 and 0198246374 (pbk.); Research Note: philosophy; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 105 .A35 D37 1980 MRT;

DAVIES, F.G., Comment, "Where Have We Got to with Recklessness?" (1990) 54 Journal of Criminal Law 370-377;

DAVIES, Mitchell, "Lawmakers, Law Lords and Legal Fault: Two Tales from the (Thames) River Bank: Sexual Offences Act 2003; R v G and Another", (2004) 68(2) The Journal of Criminal Law 130-149;

DAVIES, Sharon L., "The Jurisprudence of Wilfulness: An Evolving Theory of Exusable Ignorance", (1998) 48 Duke Law Journal 341-427; see abstract;

DAVIS, Michael, "Strict Liability"  in Christopher Berry Gray, ed., The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, New York Garland Publishing, 1999, 2 volumes ( xxxviii, 950 p.), in vol. 2, at pp. 841-844 (series; Garland reference library of the humanities ; vol. 1743), ISBN: 0815313446;

___________"Strict Liability: Deserved Conduct for Fautless Conduct" (1987) 33 Wayne Law Review 1363-1393;

DAVIS, Nancy, "The Doctrine of Double Effect: Problems of Interpretation", (1984) 65 Pacific Philosophical Quaterly 107-123; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Library, periodicals, AP2 . P46;

DAVIS, Wayne A., "A Causal Theory of Intending", (1984) 21 American Philosophical Quarterly 43–54; references at pp. 53-54; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 1 .A525  Location MRT Periodicals;

DAWKINS, K.E., "Criminal Recklessness: Caldwell and Lawrence in New Zealand", (1983) 10(4) New Zealand University Law Review 364-378;

DAWKINS, Kevin and Margaret Briggs, Criminal Law", [2007] Part 1 New Zealand Law Review 131-177, and see "The Mental Element in Attempt", at pp. 161-166; deals with R v L [2006] 3 NZLR 291 (Supreme Court);

DE JONG, Ferry, "Theorizing Criminal Intent: A Methodological Account" (January 31, 2011). Utrecht Law Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-33, January 2011. Available at SSRN: (accessed on 3 March 2011);

DE LA HARPE, Stephen and Tharien Van De Walt, "The volitional component of dolus eventualis", (2003) 16 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 207-211;

DELGADO, Richard, "Active Rationality to Judicial Review", (1979-80) 64 Minnesota Law Review 467-521, see pp. 480-481 on "wilful blindness";

DELMAS-MARTY, Mireille, sous la direction de, La responsabilité pénale dans l'entreprise: vers un espace judiciaire européen unifié?, sous la direction de Mireille Delmas-Marty, Paris: Dalloz, 1997,  ISBN: 2247027458 (même pagination que dans les articles dans la revue, soit, les pp. 253-369);

DELTEL, Guy,  De la considération du but de l'agent comme élément de la responsabilité pénale, Toulouse : Impr. régionale, 1930, 177 p.; note: Thèse de doctorat, Paris, 1930;  ma recherche a indiqué qu'aucune bibliothèque canadienne ne possède ce livre;

DEMY, Timothy James, The doctrine of original sin in twelfth-century theology, Masters Thesis (M.A.), The University of Texas at Arlington, 1994, 170 p.; deals, in part, regarding original sin, with penal aspects (Anselm) and intention (Abelard);

DENNING, Lord Alfred Thompson, 1899-, Responsibility Before the Law: A Lecture [with special reference to Director of Public Prosecutions v. Smith], Jerusalem: Magnes Press, the Hebrew University, 1961, 31 p. (Series; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Lionel Cohen Lectures, Seventh Series, January 1961); copy at Carleton University, Ottawa,  KD 7890.D4; titre noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

DENNO,  Deborah W., "Criminal Law in a Post-Freudian World", (2005) Illinois Law Review 601-774; available as Fordham Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 48 at (accessed on 12 November 2005); also available at, (accessed on 22 January 2006);

___________"Mental State Across Eight Centuries: 1235 - 2005", Conference Paper, International Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law 2008;

DENNIS, Ian H., "Intention and Complicity: A Reply", [1988] Criminal Law Review 649-659;

DEPREZ, Jean, "Faute pénale et faute civile" dans G. Stefani, sous la direction de, Quelques aspects de l'autonomie du droit pénal, Paris: Dalloz, 1956, xii, 423 p. aux pp. 157-185 (Collections; Publications de 'Institut de criminologie de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Paris);

DESCH, S.C., "Negligent Murder", (1963) 26 Modern Law Review 660-673; discusses D.P.P. v. Smith;

DESPORTES, Frédéric et Francis Le Gunehec, "Responsabilité pénale.  Élément moral de l'infraction [art. 121-3]" Juris-Classeur pénal code, Paris: Éditions du Juris-Classeur, cet article particulier est en date de 1995, 12 p., copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, bibliothèque de droit, Réserve, KJV 7979 .J87, volume 1;

DEVINE, Philip E., 1944-,  The ethics of homicide, Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, c1978, 248 p., see chapter 4, "The Principle of Double Effect" at pp. 106-133 with notes at pp. 221-225, ISBN: 0801411734; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, HV 6515 .D49 1978;

DEVLIN,  Sir Patrick, "Statutory Offenses" (1957) 4 The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law (new series) 206-216; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canda, Ottawa;

D'HAUTEVILLE, Anne, "La gradation des fautes" dans Christine Lazerges, sous la direction de, Réflexions sur le nouveau code pénal, Paris : Editions A. Pédone, c1995, 169 p., aux pp. 40-56, ISBN:  2233002822; copie à Dalhousie University, Sir James Dunn Law Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia, KE 1142 R33;

DIAMOND, John L., "The Myth of  Morality and Fault in Criminal Law Doctrine", (1996-97) 34 American Criminal Law Review 111-131;

DILLOF, Anthony M., "Transferred Intent: An Inquiry into the Nature of Criminal Culpability", (1998) 1 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 501-536;

DINE, Janet, "Intention, History and Hancock", (1987) 51 Journal of Criminal Law 72-81;

DLAMINI, C.R.M., "Strict liability in South African criminal law", (2002) 15 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 1-22;

DONNEDIEU DE VABRES, Henri, "Les rapports de l'intention et du préjudice en droit pénal français" dans Studi sul libro I del Progetto preliminare di codice penale della repubblica di S. Marino, Napoli, E. Jovene, 1940, 2 p.l., [vii]-viii, 166 p.; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article non encore consulté; aucune location pour ce livre a été trouvée au Canada;

DOWNER, L.J., edited with translation and commentary by, Leges Henrici Primi, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972, vi, 460 p.; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa, KD544.L4; see c. 5,  § 28b at p. 94: "Reum non facit mens rea" with its translation at p. 95: "A person is not considered guilty unless he has a guilty mind"; see also the commentary on 5, 28b at pp. 311-312;

"Draft Report of the International Meeting from 19 to 30 January 1998 in Zutphen, the Netherlands" in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 221-311, (document number: A/AC.249/1998/L.13, 1998), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.);

"Article 23 [H]98
Mens rea (mental elements) of crime

1.  Unless otherwise provided, a person is only criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime under this Statute if the physical elements are committed with intent and knowledge.

2.  For the purposes of this Statute and unless otherwise provided, a person has intent where:
(a) in relation to conduct, that person means to engage in the act or omission;
(b) in relation to a consequence, that person means to cause that consequence or is aware that it will occur in the ordinary course of events.

[*60] 3. For the purposes of this Statute and unless otherwise provided, 'know', 'knowingly' or 'knowledge' means to be aware that a circumstance exists or a consequence will occur.

[4. 99 100  For the purposes of this Statute and unless otherwise provided, where this Statute provides that a crime may be committed recklessly, a person is reckless with respect to a circumstance or a consequence if:
(a)  the person is aware of a risk that the circumstance exists or that the consequence will occur;
(b) the person is aware that the risk is highly unreasonable to take;
[(c) the person is indifferent to the possibility that the circumstance exists or that the consequence will occur.]]
N.B. The inclusion of the notion of recklessness should be reexamined in view of the definition of crimes. ...
98  A/AC.249/1997/L.5, pp. 27-28.
99  Further discussion is needed on this paragraph.
100  A view was expressed to the effect that there was no reason for rejcting the concept of commission of an offence also through negligence, in which case the offender shall be liable only when so prescribed by the statute." (p. 249; note: "The U.N. page numbers of this document are indicated in biolded brackets [*] in the text", p. 221)

DRESSER, Rebecca, "Culpability and Other Minds", (1993) 2 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 41 to 88 aprox.; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries;

DRESSLER, Joshua, "Does One Mens Rea Fit All?: Thoughts on Alexander's Unified Conception of Criminal Culpability", (2000) California Law Review 955-963;

DREYFUS, Robert, De la distinction du dol civil et du dol criminel en droit français, Paris: A. Rousseau, 1907, 266 p.; note: thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris, Faculté de droit, copie à l'Université McGill, Montréal, bibliothèque de droit, call number: KJV 442 C6D734 1907; titre noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

DROIT CANADIEN / CANADIAN LAW,  Bibliographie choisie sur la mens rea en droit canadien / Selected Bibliography on mens rea in Canadian Law;

DUBIN, Gary V., 1965-,  "Mens Rea Reconsidered: A Plea for a Due Process Concept of Criminal Responsibility", (1965-66) 18 Stanford Law Review 322-395;

DUBUISSON, E., Essai sur la théorie du dol en droit romain, thèse de droit, Université de Dijon 1897-98, viii, 255 p.; titre noté dans ma recherche mais thèse non encore consultée;

DUFF, R.A., (R. Antony), "Absolute Principles and Double Effect", (1975-76) 36 Analysis 68-80; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Library, periodicals, B1 .A11;

___________"Acting, Trying, and Criminal Liability"  in Stephen Shute, 1955-, John Gardner and Jeremy Horder, eds., Action and Value in Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, viii, 314 p. at pp. 75-106, ISBN: 0198258062 (cloth) and 0198260792 (pbk. first issued in 1996):

___________"Caldwell and Lawrence: The Retreat from Subjectivism", (1983) 3 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 77-98;

___________"Codifying Criminal Fault: Conceptual Problems and Presuppositions", in I.H. Dennis, ed., Criminal Law and Justice - Essays From the W.G. Hart Workshop, 1986, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1987, xviii, 253 p., at  pp. 93-108, ISBN: 0421377704;

___________"Implied and Constructive Malice in Murder", (1979) 95 The Law Quarterly Review 418-444;

___________Intention, Agency & Criminal Liability: Philosophy of Action and the Criminal Law, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.and Oxford, U.K.: Basil Blackwell, 1990, xii, 219 p., (Series; Philosophical introductions), ISBN: 063115311X and 0631153128 (pbk.);

___________"Intention, Mens Rea and the Law Commission Report", [1980] The Criminal Law Review 147-160;

___________"Intention, Recklessness, and Probable Consequences", [1980] The Criminal Law Review 404-412

___________"Intention, Responsibility and Double Effect", (1982) 32 Philosophical Quaterly 1-16; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Library, periodicals, B1. P49;

___________"Intentions Legal and Philosophical", (1989) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 76;

___________"The Obscure Intentions of the House of Lords", [1986] The Criminal Law Review 771-781;

___________"The Politics of Intention: A Response to Norrie", [1990] The Criminal Law Review 637-641;

___________Principle and contradiction in the criminal law : motives and criminal liability, [Toronto] : Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [1997], 30 p., (series; Legal theory workshop series ; WS-1996-97-(6)); title noted in my research but not consulted yet; also with the same title in Anthony Duff, ed., Philosophy and the Criminal Law: Principle and Critique, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, [vii], 261 p., at pp. 156-204 ISBN: 0521550440;

___________"Professor Williams and Conditional Subjectivism", [1982] The Cambridge Law Journal 273-285;

___________"Recklessness", [1980] The Criminal Law Review 282-292

___________"Recklessness and Rape", (1981) 3 Liverpool Law Review 49; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries;

DUFFEY, Michael-Kerrigan, 1948-, A Study of the Principle of Double Effect, Its Evaluation in Contemporary Philosophical Ethics and Catholic Moral Theology, and Specially Its Role in the Thought of Richard McCormick, Ph.D. thesis, University of Notre Dame, Department of Theology, 1981, 245 p., Research Note:   "Chapter 1 traces the historical emergence of the PDE, beginning with Thomas Aquinas's teaching on self-defense" (I believe that the source of this citation is UMI Dissertation Services, order number 09103);

DUNN, Robert, "Intention" in Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy, London ; New York : Routledge, 1998, vol. 4 at pp. 812-816, ISBN: 0425187095 (v. 4) and 0415073103 (for the set of 10 vol.); copy at the University of Ottawa, B 51 .R68 1998 MRT - Reference section;

DUPRET, Baudouin, "L'intention en acte.  Approche pragmatique de la qualification pénale dans un contexte égyptien", (2001) 48 Droit et Société -- Revue internationale de théorie du droit et de sociologie juridique 439-467; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, K 368 .D765  Location: FTX Periodicals; disponible à  (vérifié le 4 avril 2008);

DUVAL, Raoul, Du dol éventuel: Étude de droit comparé,  Paris : V. Giard et E. Brière, 1900, [3], 156 p ; thèse Paris, 1900; titre remarqué durant ma recherche mais livre pas encore consulté; copie à l'Université Harvard; il ne semble y avoir aucune copie de ce livre au Canada;

DWORKIN, Gerald, "Intention, foreseeability and responsibility" in Ferdinand Shoeman, ed., Responsibility, Character and the Emotions: New Essays in Moral Psychology, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987, ix, 358 p., at pp. 338-354, ISBN: 0521327202 and 0521339510 (pbk.);

ÉCHAPPÉ, Olivier, "Délit et péché, le mal vu par les canonistes médiévaux" dans, Nathalie Nabert, sous la direction de, Le Mal et le diable : leurs figures à la fin du Moyen Age, Paris : Beauchesne, 1996, 274 p. aux pp. 245-258 (Collection; Cultures & christianisme ; 4), ISBN 2701013461;

___________"La faute et la peine en droit canonique contemporain" dans Jean-Benoît d'Onario et al., La faute, la peine et le pardon - Actes du XVe colloque national de la Confédération des Juristes Catholiques de France, Paris: Pierre Téqui, éditeur, 1999, 201 p., aux pp. 67-83, ISBN: 2740307373;

___________ «L'imputabilité de l'acte délictueux : du droit romain au droit canonique», (1987) 30 L'année canonique 115-132;  note de recherche: contribution très importante au sujet;

EDGAR, Harold, "Mens Rea" in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, vol. 3, New York: The Free Press, 1983, ISBN: 0029181100, pp. 1028-1040; note: a 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia by J. Dressler, ed., published in 2002;

Editorial, "The demise of recklessness", (1981) 5 Criminal Law Journal 181-183;

Editorial: "The House of Lords and the Criminal Law", (1985) 9 Criminal Law Journal 129-130;

EDWARDS, John LL. J.(John Llewelyn Jones), 1918-,  "The Criminal Degrees of Knowledge", (1954) 17 The Modern Law Review 294-314; note: constitutes a chapter of his book, Mens rea in statutory offences, infra (as stated in note at p. 294 of the Modern Law Review article);

___________ Mens rea in Statutory Offences, London: Macmillan & Co.; and New York : St. Martin's Press, 1955, xiv, 297 p. (series: English studies in criminal science; 8); copy at Ottawa University, Fauteux Library, KD 7892 .E39 1955a;

EDWARDS, Susan S.M., "Ascribing Intention: The Neglected Role of Modus Operandi -- Implications for Gender", [1999/2000] Contemporary Issues in Law 235-256;

EIDAM, Lutz, Book Review, "Making Comparative Criminal Law Possible.  EINFÜHRUNG IN DAS US-AMERIKANISCHE STRAFRECHT.  By Markus Dirk Dubber.  Munich: C.H. Beck, 2005, Pp. xvii, 216, E[uro] 19.80" , (May 2006) 54(1) Buffalo Law Review 235-249, and see pp. 239-242; discusses Model Penal Code and German law;

EKABHOT, Sanoh, The principles of criminal liability : the mental element in crime at common law and in statutory offences in England compared with the law of Thailand, Cambridge, England : [the Author], 1955; copy at Harvard University; title noted in my research but text not consulted yet;

ELLIOTT, Catherine, "The French Law of Intent and Its Influence on the Development of International Criminal Law", (2000) 11(1) Criminal Law Forum  35-46;

___________Comment, "What Direction for Gross Negligence Manslaughter?  R. v. Lidar and Attorney-General's Reference (No. 2 of 1999)", (2001) 65(2) The Journal of Criminal Law 145-148;

___________"Recklessness: Caldwell Test Abolished -- Rv. G and Another [2003] UKHL 50, The Times (17 October 2003)", (2004) 68(1) The Journal of Criminal Law 31-33;

ELLIOTT, W.F., "Proving Criminal Intent", (1886) 7 The Criminal Law Magazine and Reporter 273-279; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library, Ottawa;

ENDLICH, G.A., "The Doctrine of  Mens Rea", (1891) 13 The Criminal Law Magazine and Reporter 831-844; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

ENGELS, J., "Mens Rea: Purpose to Kill Offenses", (2002-3) 36 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1401-1424; note: part of the article, "Developments in California Homicide Law", at pp. 1371-1626;  copy at Ottawa University, KFC 69 .L69  Location: FTX Periodicals;

ERLINDER, C. Peter, "Mens Rea, Due Process and the Supreme Court: Toward a Constitutional Doctrine of Substantive Criminal Law", (1981) 9 American Journal of Criminal Law 163-192;

ESER, Albin, "Mental Elements -- Mistakes of Fact and Law", ", in Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta and John R.W.D. Jones, eds., The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, volume I, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, cxl, 1048 p., vol. 1, Chapter 23, at pp. 889-948, mental elements are dealt with at pp. 889-934, and pp. 946-948 copy at Ottawa University, FTX General: KZ 6310 .R64 2002 v. 1; available at (accessed on 26 January 2008);

EVANS, Robert William, The jurisprudence of moral responsibility: Toward a descriptive theory of the relative contributions of moral philosophy, Christian theology, and behavioral medicine to the origins and historical development of the insanity defense and mental elements of crime, Ph.D. thesis, Trinity Evangelical School, 2000, 344 p., thesis adviser: Nigel Cameron;  the abstract reads:

"The purpose of this study was to investigate the origins, development and changes of mental disability law and to examine how the law has handled the mentally ill offender. It was argued that the core elements of insanity (intention, free will, and mental incapacity) are rooted in the moral philosophical writings of antiquity, biblical and theological sources, and in the literature of behavioral medicine. This study then turned to an examination of several models which have been proposed as reformulations of the insanity defense. These models were assessed for their respective ability to maintain balance between the core elements of insanity. This study concluded that each proposed reformulation had either failed to include one or more of the core elements, or was unsuccessful in retaining the full constellation of necessary elements. The research methodology employed in this study was descriptive in nature. Theelements of insanity were located in the moral philosophical writings of the Hellenic world, and then traced through its development in the literature of Roman law, the Holy Scriptures, early Church Council pronouncements, theological perspectives concerning children and the insane, medieval and church law, and the rise of behavioral medicine. The parallel developments between these fields were also highlighted and discussed. The results of this study demonstrated that the origins of the insanity defense began much earlier than many researchers have believed. Moreover, it was argued that a proper contemporary view of the insanity defense is achieved only when its moral philosophical and theological roots are understood and incorporated into a legal definition of insanity. Furthermore, this study concluded that more recent efforts to reformulate the insanity defense have been largely incomplete and unsuccessful. This study concludes with an assessment of the relative contributions made by this investigation, along with a discussion of several limitations that temper the significance of the results. The findings of this study  indicate that further investigation is warranted and some suggestions for future research are offered". (source: UMI web site)

FEINBERG, Kenneth "Toward a New Approach to Proving Culpability: Mens Rea and the Proposed Federal Criminal Code", (1980) 18 American Criminal Law Review 123-143;

FEITH, Kirsten M.F., "The Mens Rea of Superior Responsibility as Developed by ICTY Jurisprudence", (2001) 14 Leiden Journal of  International law 617-634;

FELLER, S.Z., "The 'Knowledge' Rule", (1970) 5 Israel Law Review 352-378; copy at Ottawa University, KPD 0 .I872  Location: FTX Periodicals;

FENNELL, Caroline, "Intention in Murder Cases: Chaos, Confusion and Complexity", (1990) 41 Northern Ireland Law Quarterly (new series) 325-338;

FERGUSON, Peter, "Wicked Recklessness", (2008) The Juridical Review, Part 1, 1-13;

FERRANTE, Marcello, "Review Essay: Explaining Mens Rea : FIVE WAYS PATRICIA CAN KILL HER HUSBAND: A THEORY OF INTENTIONALITY AND BLAME.  By Leo Zaibert.  Chicago and La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 2005, Pp. xii, 261. $34.95 (paper)", (2007) 10(3) New Criminal Law Review 458-469;

FERRARI, Isabelle, "L'élément moral de l'infraction : l'application de la Chambre criminelle des nouvelles dispositions du Code pénal, dans Rapport de la Cour de Cassation, 1995, Paris: La Documentation française, 1996, aux pp. 103-110, ISBN: 2110035536; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KJV 3792 A215 F73 1995;

FERRI, Enrico, 1856-1929, Sociologie criminelle,  traduit de l'italien par Léon Terrier, Paris : Alcan, 1905, iii, 640 p.; voir le Chapitre III, "Théorie positive de la responsabilité pénale" aux pp. 317-483 et particulièrement le numéro 60 aux pp. 419-423; note: deuxième édition de son ouvrage en français; la première édition fut en 1893; copie à l'Université de Montréal; 364.33 F388s.F ex. 2;  

FIELD, Stewart and Mervyn Lynn, "The Capacity for Recklessness", (1992) 12 Legal Studies 74-91;

___________"Capacity, recklessness and the House of Lords", [1993] Criminal Law Review 127-129;

FINKEL, Norman J. and Jennifer L. Groscup, "Crime Prototypes and a Commonsense Balance", (1997) 21(2) Law and Human Behavior 209-230;

___________"When Mistakes Happen - Commonsense Rules of Culpability", (1997), 3(1) Public Policy & Law 65-125; no copy in Canadian libraries;

FINKELSTEIN, Claire, "The Ineficiency of Mens Rea", (2000) 88 California Law Review 895-920;

FINNIS, John, Conditional and preparatory intentions, Toronto: Faculty of Law, University of  Toronto, 1992, 16 p. (series; Legal theory workshop series WS 1991-92 (9)); no copy in the Ottawa area libraries; title noted in my research but article not yet consulted;

___________"Intention and Side-Effects"  in R.G. Frey and Christopher W. Morris, eds., Liability and Responsibility: Essays in law and morals, Cambridge [England]; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991, x, 430 p. at pp. 32-64 (Chapter 2), (series: Cambridge studies in philosophy and law), ISBN: 0521392160 (hardcover);

___________“Intention in Tort Law” in David G. Owen, ed., Philosophical Foundations of Tort Law, Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1995, xvi, 510 p., at pp. 229-247, ISBN:  019825847X;  circa p. 238; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, K923 Z9 P45 1995;

___________"Object and Intention in Moral Judgments according to Thomas Aquinas", (1991) 55 Thomist 1-27; copy at University, St Paul, Ottawa, PER BQT 4 T15  1939-; with the same title in J. (Jacques) Follon and J. McEvoy, eds., Finalité et Intentionnalité: Doctrine Thomiste et Perspectives Modernes:  actes du colloque de Louvain-la-Neuve et Louvain, 21-23 mai 1990,  Louvain-la-Neuve: Editions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie; Paris : Libr. philosophique J. Vrin; Leuven: Editions Peeters, 1992, xi, 338 p., (Collection; Bibliothèque philosophique de Louvain; 35), ISBN: 9068314319; copie à l'Université de Montréal, B 765 T54 F56 1992;

___________"On Conditional Intentions and Preparatory Intentions" in Luke Gormally, ed., Moral Truth and Moral Tradition: Essays in Honour of Peter and Elizabeth Geach, Blackrock, Co. Dublin,: Four Courts Press, c. 1994, ix, 246 p., at pp. 163-176, ISBN: 1851821589; copy at University of Ottawa, BJ 1251 .M6324 1994 MRT;

FISCHER, John Martin and Mark Ravizza, and David Copp, "Quinn on Double Effect: The Problem of 'Closeness' ", (1993) 103 Ethics 707-725; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT, periodicals, BJ1 .I6;

FISHER, John, "Voluntariness- The Missing Link" (1988) 6 Auckland University Law Review 1-13;

FISSE, Brent, "The Duality of Corporate and Individual Criminal Liability" in Ellen Hochstedler, ed., in cooperation with the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Corporations as Criminals, Beverly Hills : Sage Publications, c1984, 168 p., at pp. 69-84, and see "Corporate Intentionality", at  pp. 77-79 (series; perspectives in criminal justice; volume 6), ISBN: 0803921586 and 0803921594 (pbk.);

___________"The Elimination of Vicarious Responsiblity in Regulatory Offences" (1968) 42 Australian Law Journal 199-207;

___________"Vicarious Responsiblity in Regulatory Offences" (1970) 44 Australian Law Journal 601-605;

FITZGERALD, P.J. and Glanville Williams, "Carelessness, Indifference and Recklessness: Two Replies", (1962) 25 Modern Law Review 49-58;

FITGERALD, P.J., "Crime, Sin and Negligence", (1963) 79 The Law Quarterly Review 351-370; the author, Patrick Fitgerald, was one of the leaders with the Law Reform Commission of Canada in their efforts to have a new criminal code for Canada;

___________"Real Crimes and Quasi-Crimes" 10 Natural Law Forum 21-53; copy at St Paul University Library, Ottawa, periodicals, K1 N37; in 1968, the review changed its name to the American Journal of Jurisprudence;

FLANNERY, Kevin L., "Natural Law Mens Rea Versus The Benthamite Tradition", (1995) 40 The American Journal of Jurisprudence 377-400;

FLEMING, Brice N., "On Intention", (1964) 73 Philosophical Review 301-320; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Periodicals, B1 .P5;

FLETCHER, George P.,  Basic Principles of Criminal Law, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998, xi, 223 p., see Chapter 7, "Intention versus Negligence" at pp. 111-129, ISBN: 019512708 and 0195121716 (pbk.);

___________"Dogmas of the Model Penal Code", (1998) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1-24 (Symposium: Toward a New Federal Criminal Code);

___________The Grammar of Criminal Law: American, Comparative, and International, Volume 1 : Foundations, Oxford/New York:  Oxford University Press,  2007, xxv, 366 p., ISBN: 978 0195103106; see Table of Contents at (accessed on 30 July 2007);  

___________"Parochial versus Universal Criminal Law", (2005) 3 Journal of International Criminal Justice 20-34, and see p. 33;

___________Rethinking Criminal Law, Boston: Little, Brown, 1978, xxviii, 898 p.; reprint in: Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, ISBN: 0195136950;

FLETCHER, George P. and Jens David Ohlin,  "Reclaiming Fundamental Principles of Criminal Law in the Darfur Case",  (2005) 3 Journal of International Criminal Justice 539-561, and see "The Required Intention", at pp. 553-555;

FOOT, Philippa, "The problem of abortion and the doctrine of the double effect" in James Rachels, 1941-, ed., Moral Problems: a collection of
philosophical essays, 2nd ed., New York: Harper & Row, 1975, ix, 437 p., at pp. 59-70, ISBN: 0060453079; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, HM 665 .R235 1975;

FOX, Sanford J., "Statutory Criminal Law: The Neglected Part" (1961) 52  Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 392-404;

FRANCE, Simon, "The mental element" in Neil Cameron and Simon France, eds., Essays on Criminal Law in New Zealand: Towards Reform?, Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington Law Review in conjunction with Victoria University Press, 1990,  [iii], 243 p., at 43-56 (series; Victoria University of Wellington Law Review Monograph; number 3), ISBN: 0864732066;

___________"A reckless approach to liability", (1988) 18 Victoria University Wellington Law Review 141-153; copy at the University Library, Fauteux Library, periodicals,  KTC .U52;

FRANCISCO FRANCISCO, Maria Inmaculada, Aspects of implementing the culpability principle both under international and national criminal law, Nijmegen (The netherlands): Wolf Legal, 2004, xiii, 286 p., ISBN: 9058500543; Originally the author's Ph.D. thesis, University of Groningen, 2003; title noted in my research but book not consulted yet; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada; copy at University of Calgary, Library, K5066 .F73 2004 (verification of 12 December 2005);

FRANKOWSKI, Stanislaw, "Mens Rea and Punishment in England: In Search of Interdependence of the Two Basic Components of Criminal Liability (A Historical  Perspective)",  (1986) 63 University of Detroit Law Review 393-450;

FRENCH, Peter A., "Integrity, Intentions, and Corporations", (1996) 34 American Business Law Journal 141-155;

FRICKER, Matthew T. and Kelly Gilchrist, "United States v. Nofziger on the Revision of 18 U.S.C.  § 207: The Need for a New Approach to the Mens Rea Requirements of Federal Criminal Law", (1989-90) 65 Notre Dame Law Review 803-852;

FRYM, Marcel, "Criminal Intent", (1952-53) 31 Texas Law Review 260-288;

FUREY, J.R., A Consistent Approach to Assessing Mens Rea in the Criminal Law of England and Wales, doctoral thesis in philosophy, University of Exeter, 2010; available at (accessed omn 28 May 2011);

GADEN, Chloé, L'animus necandi, mémoire ou thèse Université de Montpellier I UFR Droit, 353 f., 2006; thèse non consultée (30 mars 2007); résumé au catalogue du système universitaire de documentation, disponible à;

GADIROV, Erkin, "Article 9: Elements of Crimes"  in Otto Triffterer, ed., Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Observers' Notes, Article by Article, Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999, xxviii, 1295 p., at pp. 289-321, see pp. 305-308, ISBN: 0378906173; copy at the Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, call number: legal KZ 6310 .C734 1999;

GAINER, Ronald L., "The Culpability Provisions of the Model Penal Code", (1988) 19 Rutgers Law Journal 575-591;

GALLIGAN, D.J., "Responsibility for Recklessness", (1978) 31 Current Legal Problems 55-80;

GALLOWAY, Donald, "Critical Note: Criminal Liability and the Centrality of Intention, Donald Galloway writing on Duff", (1992) Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 143-154;

GANDILLAC, Maurice, "Intention et loi dans l'éthique d'Abélard", dans Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France), Pierre Abélard - Pierre le Vénérable:les courants philosophiques, litteraires et artistiques en Occident au milieu du XIIe siecle, Abbaye de Cluny, 2 au 9 juillet 1972, Paris : Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1975, 782 p., aux pp. 585-608, suivi d'une discussion aux pp. 609-610 (Colloques Internationaux du Centre Nat'l de Recherche Scientifique; 546), ISBN: 2222016924; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT General, B 765 .A24 F725 1972;

GARCIA, J.L.A.,  "Intentions in Medical Ethics",  in  D. S. Oderberg and Jacqueline A. Laing, eds.,  Human Lives: Critical Essays on Consequentialist Bioethics, eds., London: Macmillan, 1997,  at pp. 161-181; ISBN 0-333-62980-9, ISBN 0-312 16099-2

GARDNER, John and Heike Jung, "Making Sense of Mens Rea: Anthony Duff's Account", (1991) 11 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 559-588;

GARDNER, Martin L., "The Mens Rea Enigma: Observations on the Role of Motive in the Criminal Law Past and Present", (1993) 3 Utah Law Review 635-750;

GARDNER, Simon, "Reckless and Inconsiderate Rape", [1991] Criminal Law Review 172-179;

___________"Recklessness Refined", (1993) 109 Law Quarterly Review 21-27; deals with Reid [1992] 1 W.L.R. 793 (H.L.);

GARVEY, Stephen P., "What's Wrong with Involuntary Manslaughter",  (2006) 85 Texas Law Review; available at SSRN: (accessed on 16 September 2006);

GAUDEMET, Jean, 1908-2001, "De la responsabilité pénale dans la législation post-classique" dans Sodalitas : scritti in onore di Antonio Guarino, Napoli : Jovene, c1984, 10 v. (lxxxiv, 4841 p.), (Collection; Biblioteca di Labeo; v. 8) au volume 6 aux pp. 2569-2574; copie à University of Western Ontario, D.B. Weldon Library, K435.S62 1984; copie à University of Toronto, John P. Robarts Research Library (Humanities and Social Sciences), 1-10 KJA/147/S63/1984; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article pas encore consulté (1er novembre 2002);

___________"Le problème de la responsabilité pénale dans l'antiquité" dans La responsabilité pénale, Travaux du Colloque de philosophie  pénale (12 au 21 janvier 1959), présentés par J. Léauté, Paris: Dalloz, 1961, (Collection :  Annales de la Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques et économiques  de Strasbourg VIII; Travaux de l'Institut de Sciences criminelles et pénitentiaires), pp. 49-80; avec le même titre dans: Studi in onore di Emilio Betti, Milano : Giuffrè, 1962, aux pp. 483-508; avec le même titre dans:: Jean Gaudemet, Études de droit romain / Jean Gaudemet; [edizione a cura di Luigi Labruna, Ignazio Buti, Francesco Salerno], volume 3, Vie familiale et vie sociale, [Napoli] : Jovene editore, 1979, at pp. 457-484, note: articles reprinted from various publications, copy at University of Toronto, John P. Robarts Research Library (Humanities and Social Sciences), #1*2,3(c1979-1980) K/ /G2664E8/1979 for the 3 volumes; contribution importante au sujet;

GAYED, Jeremy N., " 'Corruptly': Why Corrupt State of Mind Is an Essential Element for Hobbs Act Extortion Under Colour of Official Right", (2003) 78(5)  The Notre Dame Law Review 1731-1790; copy at Ottawa University, KF 1269 .N657  Location: FTX Periodicals;

GAZZANIGA, Jean-Louis, "Notes sur l'histoire de la faute" (1987) 5 Droits, revue française de théorie juridique 17-28; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, Bibliothèque Fauteux, périodiques, FTX, KJV 441.2 D76;

GEGAN, Bernard E., "More Cases of Depraved Mind Murder: The Problem of Mens Rea", (1989-90) 64 St John's Law Review 429-469; copy at Ottawa University, KFN 5069 .S76  Location: FTX Periodicals;

GENNARO, Rocco J., “The Relevance of Intentions in Morality and Euthanasia”, (1996) 36(2) International Philosophical Quarterly 217-227; copy at St Paul University, Ottawa, PER B 1 I30 1961-;

GEORGE, B.J., "A Guide to State Criminal Code Revision" in Edward M. Wise and Gerhard O.W. Mueller, eds., Studies in Comparative Criminal Law, Springfield (Illinois): Charles C. Thomas, 1975, x, 328 p., chapter 6 at  pp. 65-88, and see "Culpability" at pp. 75-76 (series; Publications of the Criminal Law Education and Research Center; vol. 11), ISBN: 0398031681;

GERSTENFELD, Phyllis B., "Mens Rea (Criminal Intent)",  in Richard A. Wright and J. Mitchell Miller, eds., Encyclopedia of Criminology,  Scarborough : Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2004, vol. 2, at pp. 982-984; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, HV 61017 E53 2005 REF;

GETTIER, Edmund, "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?", (1963) 23 Analysis 121-123; copy at Ottawa University, B 1 .A11  Location: MRT Periodicals;

GHOOS, J., "L'acte à double effet : étude de théologie positive", (1951) 27 Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 30-52; copy at St Paul University, Ottawa, periodicals, BQT 3 E64 T44;

GIBEAUT, John, "A Matter over Mind: The Supreme Court is Poised to Review the Insanity Defense, an Issue That Has Confounded Courts, Psychiatrists and Lawyers", (April 2006) ABA Journal 32-39; case of Clark v. Arizona, No 05-5966 (oral arguments 19 April 2006); confusion between mental disorder and mens rea; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

GILLES, "La culpabilité dans l'ancien droit"  (1976) 24 Annales de l'Université des sciences sociales de Toulouse (Travaux du Colloque international du cinquantenaire de l'Institut de criminologie et des sciences pénales de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 22-27 septembre 1975); copie à la Bibliothèque de droit, Université McGill, Montréal;

GILLETT, G.R., "Intent in law and medicine", (April 1991) New Zealand Law Journal 115-121; copy at Ottawa University, KTC 0 .B887  Location: FTX Periodicals;

GILSON, Étienne, 1884-1978, L'esprit de la philosophie médiévale, 2 ed., rev., Paris : Vrin, 1948, viii, 446 p., voir le chapitre XVII, "Intention, Conscience et Obligations"  aux pp. 324-344 et en particulier aux pp. 329-331 (Collection; Études de philosophie médiévale; 33);

GIUDICELLI, André, "Incertitudes sur les frontières de l'intention", dans Michel Danti-Juan, sous la direction de, Dix après la réforme de 1994: Quels repères dans le Code pénal?, Paris: Cujas, 2005, 255 p., aux pp.25-43,  ISBN: 2254054058; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX général, KJV 7979 .D59 2004;

GIVANOVITCH, Thomas, "De l'élément subjectif ('moral') dans la notion de délit", (1909) 22 Scheizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht / Revue pénale suisse 9; extrait dans Givanovitch, Les problèmes fondamentaux du droit criminel, infra, aux pp. 217-224; aucune copie de la Revue pénale suisse pour cette année au Canada;

___________"De la notion du délit", (1910) 23 Scheizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht / Revue pénale suisse 23; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article non consulté;  aucune copie de la Revue pénale suisse pour cette année au Canada;

___________ Les problèmes fondamentaux du droit criminel...Introduction à la Science du droit criminel, Paris: Librarie Arthur Rousseau, 1929, xi, 227 p.;

___________"Systématique de l'argumentation contre le système bipartite du droit criminel, en faveur du système tripartite", (1928) Revue internationale de droit pénal 20; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article non encore consulté;

GIVRY, François, Essai sur le fondement de la responsabilité pénale en matière de délits intentionnels et de délits d'imprudence, Montpellier: Causse et Castelnau, 1967, 53 p.; copy at the US Library of Congress; aucune copie dans une bibliothèque canadienne; titre noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;

GLASER, Stefan, "Élément moral de l'infraction internationale", (1955) 58 Revue générale de droit international public 537-569; on retrouve aussi une autre description pour ce volume, soit le tome 36, troisième série;

___________"Élément moral des infractions de commission par omission en droit international pénal", (1958) 73 Revue pénale suisse 263-312; titre noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté (11 janvier 2002);

___________"Les infractions d'omission et le problème de culpabilité", (1961-62) 42 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 897-952; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, K 21 .D725  Location FTX Periodicals; bonne contribution théorique sur l'intention avec ses élments de conscience et volonté;

GOFF, Robert, "The Mental Element in the Crime of Murder", (1988) 104 The Law Quarterly Review 30-59; see reply by Glanville Williams, "The Mens Rea of Murder: Leave it Alone", infra;  also published in House of Lords, Select Committee on Murder and Life Imprisonment, Report of the Select Committee on Murder and Life Imprisonment, Volume I - Report and Appendices, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1989, 126 p., at pp. 103-120 (series; HL Paper 78-I, Session 1988-89), ISBN: 0104868899 (Président : L. Nathan);

GOLDENBERG, Nathalie, L'élément moral en droit pénal des affaires, thèse de doctorat, droit privé, Université Paris 1, 1995, 490 p., thèse effectuée sous la direction de Danielle Mayer; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse pas encore consultée; résumé au catalogue Abes, voir (visionné le 11 janvier 2003);

GOLDMAN, Alvin I., 1938-, A Theory of Human Action, Englewood Cliffs (N.J.): Prentice-Hall,  [1970], x, 230 p., ISBN:  0139144404; copy at the University of Ottawa, BF 131 .G58 1970 MRT;

GOODE, Mathew, "Fault Elements", (1991) 15 Criminal Law Journal 95-108;

___________"The Mental Element of Rape, The Naffin Report and Other Questions: A Defence of the Common Law", (1985) 9 Criminal Law Journal 17-47; 

GOOR, Michael, "Should the Law Distinguish Between Intention and (mere) Foresight?", (1996) 2 Legal Theory 359-380; copy at the University of Ottawa, Law Library, FTX Periodicals, K 202 .L436;

GORDLEY, James, "Responsibility in Crime, Tort, and Conract for the Unforeseeable Consequences of an Intentional Wrong: A Once and Future Rule?" in Peter Cane and Jane Stapleton, eds., The Law of Obligations: Essays in Celebration of John Fleming, Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press,1998, xxv, 430 p. at pp. 175-208, ISBN: 0198264844; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library, Ottawa, K923 Z9 L39 1998;

GORDON, Gerald H., "The Mental Element in Crime", (1971) 16 Journal of the Law Society of Scotland 282-288; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

GRAHAM, George, "Doing Something Intentionally and Moral Responsibility", (1981) 11 Canadian Journal of Philosophy 667-677; copy at St Paul University, Ottawa, periodicals, B1 C35;

GRAVEN, Philippe, "Le principe nulla poena sine culpa dans la jurisprudence récente du Tribunal fédéral", (1981) 98 Revue pénale suisse 159-167; titre noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté; ce volume de la revue n'est pas disponible au Canada;

GRAY, Richard L., Notes, "Eliminating the (Absurd) Distinction Between Malum in se and Malum prohibitum crimes", (1995) 73 Washington University Law Quarterly 1369-1398;

GRAY, Stephen, "A Class Act, an Omission or a Non-event?  Criminal Responsibility Under Section 31 of the Criminal Code (NT)", (2002) 26 Criminal Law Journal 175-188;

GREAT BRITAIN, Her Majesty's Commissioners on Criminal Law, Seventh Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners on Criminal Law, London: W. Clowes and Sons, 1843, iv, 293 p.; also published in Parliamentary Papers, (1843), vol. 19, p. 1, command number 448; also published in Irish University Series of British Parliamentary Papers, Reports from the Commission on the Criminal Law with Appendixes and Index 1843-45, Legal Administration Law 4, Shannon (Ireland): Irish University Press, 1971, ISBN 0716511401:

"Of Criminal Intention
ART. 1
All penal transgressions (as regards the mind of the offender) are either wilful or culpable for want of due caution.

ART. 2
A hurt, damage, or other evil consequence of an act, shall be deemed to have been caused wilfully where the doer of the act intended such consequence to result, or knew or believed that it was likely to result from his act, or where, knowing or apprehending that such consequence would probablyresult from his act, he willfully incurred the risk of causing it.

ART. 3
The same rule is applicable in respect of any hurt, damage, or other evil consequence resulting from any unlawful omission." (p. 32 of the report = p. 44 of the Irish Series of British Parliamentary Papers)

GREAT BRITAIN, Home Office, Violence: Reforming the Offences against the Person Act 1861, [London]: Stationery Office, 1998, 41 p.; note: consultation paper dated February 1998, see clause 14 of the Offences Against the Person Bill containg definitions of intention and recklessness;

GREEN, Richard Firth, 1943-, A Crisis of truth : literature and law in Ricardian England, Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999, xvi, 496 p., ISBN: 0812234634; see parts dealing with "Criminal Law", "The Role of Intention", "The Intention to Be Bound", and  "Unintended Consequence and illicit consequence"; copy at the University of Ottawa,  MRT General Library,  PR 275 .L35;

GREEN, Stuart P., "Why It's a Crime to Tear Off the Tag Off a Matress: Overcriminaliozation and the Moral Content of Regulatory Offenses", (1997) 46 Emory Law Journal 1533-1615;

GREENAWALT, Alexander K.A., “Note, Rethinking Genocidal Intent: The Case for a Knowledge-Based Interpretation”, (1999) 99 Columbia Law Review 2259-2294;

GRIEW, Edward James and John Eryl, 1921-, Intent to kill; the transcript of papers given by Edward Griew and J. E. Hall Williams at the Society's symposium held on November 22nd 1960, on "The doctrine of intent in criminal law with reference to Director of Public Prosecutions v. Smith",  [London] Haldane Society [1961],  4, 4 leaves; copy at the US Library of Congress;

GRIEW, Edward, "Consistency, Communication and Codification: Reflections on Two Mens Rea Words" in P.R. Glazebrook, ed., Reshaping the Criminal Law: Essays in honour of Glanville Williams, London: Stevens & Sons, 1978, xii, 492 p., at pp. 57-76, ISBN: 042045540X; Research Note: the words are "recklessness" and "belief";

___________"Dishonesty: The Objections to Feely and Ghosh", [1985] Criminal Law Review 341-354;

___________"Reckless Damage and Reckless Driving: Living with Caldwell and Lawrence", [1981] Criminal Law Review 743-755;

___________"States of mind, presumptions and inferences" in Peter Smith, ed., Criminal Law: Essays in Honour of JC Smith, London: Butterworths, 1987, xxvii, 234 p., at pp. 68-84, ISBN: 0406501106;

GRIFFIN, S.G., "Inferring the requisite intention to kill", (1989) New Law Journal 1637-1638 (issue of 1 December 1989);

GRIFFON, René, De l'intention en droit pénal, Paris : Sirey /L. Larose et L. Tenin, 1911, 140 p., thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris, Faculté de droit, 1911;

GRONDIN, Rachel, 1951-, "L'élément psychologique des crimes internationaux les plus graves", (2003) 33(3) Revue générale de droit 439-479;

GROPENGIEßER, Helmut. "The Criminal Law of Genocide: The German Perspective", (2005) 5(3) International Criminal Law Review 329-341, and see "The Notion of Special Intent", at pp. 391-393;

G.S.L.S., "Malice in Morals and in Law", (1858) 6 American Law Register 320-328; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, important: Shelved with: University of Pennsylvania Law Review;

GÜNGÖR,  Dragana, "Mental Elements and  Mistake of Fact and  law in Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court", (18 July 2005) 1(1) Free Law Journal 21-30; available at (accessed on 10 December 2006);

GUYADER, Josseline, "Aux origines canoniques de la responsabilité pénale: volonté coupable et pénitence dans les crimes contre les personnes d'après Burchard de Worms" sous la direction de Jean-Louis Thireau, Le droit entre laïcisation et néo-sacralisation, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1997, 298 p.aux pp. 87-107 (Collection; Publication du Centre d'histoire et de Recherches internormatives de l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne),  ISBN: 2130486495; copie à l'Université St Paul, Ottawa, K487 R4R76D7 1997;

"Après avoir examiné minutieusement chaque cas en particulier, le confesseur pourra appliquer un tarif pénitentiel précis qui variera en fonction de l'intention criminelle du coupable.  Ce nouveau système, appelé pénitence tarifiée et privée, d'origine insulaire, prend sur le continent la place de l'ancienne pénitence publique à partir du VIIesiècle. [...]

    Avec ce système apparaît l'idée d''une satisfaction effective personnelle et proportionnée au péché.  Fixée en fonction de la faute qui doit être réparée, l'expiation accomplie par le pécheur demeure la condition indispensable pour obtenir le pardon.  De plus, elle est scrupuleusement tarifiée selon les cas, à la différence de la pénitence antique. Ainsi au livre XIX de son Décret, Burchard prévoit les tarifs ou taxes pénitentielles qui accompagnent les catalogues de péchés.  Le confesseur va donc tenir compte du degré de l'intention criminelle du pécheur, auteur du délit, pour lui infliger une pénitence qui variera aussi selon la gravité de l'acte commis et diminuera au cours des années." (pp. 101-102; notes omises)

HACKER, Peter M.S., "Bentham's Theory of Action and Intention", (1976) 62 Archiv fur Rechts - und Sozialphilosophie (Berlin) / Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy 89-110; copy at Carleton University, SER K1.R3 (in storage, basement);

HADDEN, Tom, "Strict Liability and the Enforcement of Regulatory Legislation",  [1970] Criminal Law Review 496-504;

HADRAY, "Le dol éventuel", (1938) Revue internationale de droit pénal 207 ou 237; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article pas encore consulté;

HALE, Matthew, 1609-1676, Historia Placitorum Coronae - The History of the Pleas of the Crown, Savoy (in the): E.R. Nutt and R. Gosling, 1736, 2 vol., [xx], [8], 710 p. for vol. 1 and [4], 414, [198] p. for vol. 2; reprint in : Abingdon Oxon: Professional Books, 1987; series: Classical English Law Texts);

"Man is naturally endowed with these two great faculties, understanding and liberty of the will, and therefore is a subject properly capable of a law properly so called, and consequently obnoxious to guilt and punishment for the violation of that law, which in respect of these two great faculties he hath a capacity to obey ... ." (vol. 1, p. 14)

HALL, Clifford, “A Defence of the Doctrine of Transferred Malice: Its Place in the Nigerian Criminal Code”, (1985) 34 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 805-818;

HALL, C.G., "Woolin : More on Foresight and all That" (1999) 9(1) Caribbean Law Review 93-102; article not consulted; copy at University McGill, Humanities and Sciences Library, Montreal; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries;

HALPIN, Andrew K., Definition in the criminal law, Oxford : Hart Pub., c2004, 224 p., see Chapter 3, "The Unlearned Lessons of Recklessness", at pp. 75-148; ISBN: 1841130710; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada,  KF 9220 ZC2H35 2004; limited preview at
=&as_brr=0&ei=P6fPR7WPNNC4igH0ldirBQ&sig=1MzRn-JyQ6DdE5s2H0xs1LC7_zE#PPP1,M1 and (accessed on 6 March 2008);

___________ “Definitions and directions: recklessness unheeded”, (1998) 18 Legal Studies 294-315;

___________"Good Intentions" (1987) 137 New Law Journal 696-698 (issue of July 24, 1987, number 6315);

___________"Intended Consequences and Unintentional Fallacies", (1987) 7 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 104-114;

HAMDANI, Assaf, "Mens Rea and the Cost of Ignorance", (2007) 93 Virginia Law Review 415-457; available at (accessed on 15 January 2009);

HAMPTON, Jean, "Mens Rea", (1990) 7(2) Social Philosophy and Policy 1-28; also published in Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. (Fred Dycus) Miller, Jr., 1944-,  and Jeffrey Paul, eds., Crime, Culpability, and Remedy, Oxford and Cambridge (MA):  Basil Blackwell, 1990, [xii], 248 p., at pp. 1-28, ISBN: 0631173048;

HAMPSHIRE, Stuart, 1914-, Thought and Action, Notre Dame (Ind.): University of Notre Dame Press, 1983, 298 p.; copy at St Paul University, Ottawa, BJ 41 H36T46 1983 , Research Note: philosophy;

HANNAN, "Responsibility for the Actus Reus" in Brown, ed., Movements and Markers in Criminal Policy; [Auckland, N.Z.] : Legal Research Foundation, 1984, 82 p., (series; Publication (Legal Research Foundation, University of Auckland); number 23), ISBN:  0508981300; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries;

HANSON, Andrew C., "Section 309(c) of the Clean Water Act: Using the Model Penal Code to  Clarify Mental State in Water  Pollution Crimes", (2002-2003) 20 Pace Environmental Law Review 731-775;

HARA, Bujiro, De l'Importance de l'élément subjectif de l'infraction, et des droits reconnus au juge dans la fixation de la peine en droit pénal japonais, Paris : L. Larose et L. Tenin, 1911, 166 p., thèse de doctorat, Université de Grenoble. Faculté de droit; copy at the US Library of Congress; thèse notée dans ma recherche mais pas encore consultée;

HARNO, Albert J., "Intent in Criminal Conspiracy", (1941) 89 University of Pensylvania Law Review 624-647;

HARRING, Janet S., Comment, "Liability without Fault: Logic and Potential of a Developing Concept", (1970) Wisconsin Law Review 1201-1215;

HARRIS, Kimberley A., Notes, "Death at First Bite: A Mens Rea Approach in Determining Criminal Liability for Intentional HIV Transmission", (1993) 35 Arizona Law Review 237-264;

HART, H.L.A, "The Ascription of Responsibility and Rights", (1949) 49 Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 171-194; copy at Ottawa University, MRT B11.A7;

__________"Decision, Intention, and Certainty", (1958) 67 Mind 1-12;  is it not in Punishment and Responsibility; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT,   B 1 .M65;

___________Punishment and Responsibility: Essays in the Philosophy of Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968, viii, 277 p., see Chapter V, "Intention and Punishment" at 136-157, ISBN: 0198251815; the author indicates at p. vii that the chapter is reprinted from the Oxford Review No 4, February 1967;

HART Jr., Henry M., "The Aims of Criminal Law" (1958) 23 Law and Contemporary Problems 401-441;

HARTOG, Govert den, "The Authority of Intention", (October 2004) 115(1) Ethics 6-34; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Periodicals, BJ 1 .I6; philosophy;

HAWKINS, Keith, Environment and Enforcement, Oxford: Clarendon Press; and New York: Oxford University Press, 1983, xiv, 253 p. (series; Oxford socio-legal series), ISBN: 0198275110 and 0198275145 (pbk.) copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K3590 .4H38;

HEATON, Russell, "Murder Most Simple?  R.  v. Woollin [1998] 4 All E.R. 103 (H.L.) (Lords Browne-Wilkinson, Nolan, Steyn, Hoffmann and Hope)", (1998) 7  Nottingham Law Journal 66-69; available at `(accessed on 1 February 2004);

HELBIG, Edward John, The notion of intention in the ethical writings of Peter Abelard, Thesis (Ph.D.), Washington University, 1976, 118 p.; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; copy at the University of Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Library, BQ/6306/.H38;

HENNING, Peter J., "Supreme Court Review Foreword: Statutory Interpretation and the Federalization of Criminal Law", (1996) 86 Journal of Criminal Law  & Criminology 1167-1199;

HENRIKS, fr. N., o.s.b., À  propos de la troisième condition du principe de l'acte à  double effet, Roma: Pontificia Studiorum Universitas AS. Thoma Aquinate in Urbe, 1981, 311 p., thèse de doctorat, Rome: Pontificia Studiorum Universitas AS. Thoma Aquinate in Urbe;

HEYD, David, "Comment [to essay in same book: 'Intentions and Mens Rea: Michael Moore']" in Ruth Gavison, ed., Issues in Contemporary Legal Philosophy: The Influence of H.L.A. Hart, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987, vi, 357 p., at pp. 271-276, ISBN: 0198255179;

HIGGER, Michael, 1898-1952, "Intention in Jewish Law", in Edward M. Gershfield, ed., Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence, New York: Hermon Press, 1971, ISBN: 0872030288; copy at the University of Manitoba Libraries, Elizabeth Dafoe Library, X381 G4, v. 1; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet;

___________ Intention in Talmudic law, New York, 1927,  64 p., note: Thesis (Ph. D.), Columbia University, 1927; title of thesis noted in my reserach (Harvard catalogue); thesis not consulted yet;

HIPPARD, Sr., James J., "The Unconstitutionality of Criminal Liability Without Fault: An Argument for a Constitutional Doctrine of Mens Rea", (1973) 10 Houston Law Review 1039-1058;

HIRSCHENBERGER, Kristie, Sexual assault and the mens rea problem : the empathic approach, Urbana-Champaign, Univ. of Illinois, Diss., 1999, viii, 1333 p.; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted;

HOGAN, T. Brian, Criminal liability without fault: an inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Leeds on 2 December 1968, Leeds, Leeds U.P., 1969, [2], 25 p., ISBN: 0853160066; title noted in my research but not consulted yet;

___________"The Mental Element in Crime, the Law Commission's Report No. 89: (2) Strict Liability", [1978] Criminal Law Review 593-598;

HOLDSWORTH, William Searle, Sir, 1871-1944, A History of English Law, London: Methuen: Sweet and Maxwell, [1982], 17 v. (reprint of  London: Methuen, 1903-1977);

HOLLEY, Dannye, "Culpability Evaluations in the State Supreme Courts from 1977 to 1999: A 'Model' Assessment", (2000-2201) 34 Akron Law Review 401-520;

__________"The Influence of the Model Penal Code’s Culpability Provisions on State Legislatures: A Study of Lost Opportunities, Including Abolishing the Mistake of Fact Doctrine", (1997-98) 27 Southwestern University Law Review 229-263;

HOLLIDAY, Christopher Robert, Proof of Mens Rea in Criminal Law, Ph.D. thesis, Northwestern University, 1978, 283 p.; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

HOLMES, Oliver Wendell., The Common Law, Boston: Little, Brown, 1881 (also 56 printings!), see Lecture II, "The Criminal Law" at pp. 39-76 and for mens rea, see pp. 51-60; available at,O.%20W/The%20Common%20Law.txt;

HOPKINS, Ann, "Mens rea and the right to trial by jury", (1988) 76 California Law Review 391-420;

HOR, Michael, "Managing Mens Rea in Singapore", (2006) 18 (SAcLJ = Singapore Academy of Law Journal) 314-371;

HOR YEW MENG, Michael, "Strict Liability in Criminal Law: A Re-Examination", [1996] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 312-341;

HORDER, Jeremy, "Crimes of Ulterior Intent" in A.P. Simester and  A.T.H. Smith, eds., Harm and Culpability, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996, viii, 280 p., Essay 7 at  pp. 153-172 (series; Oxford monographs in criminal law and justice), ISBN: 0198260571;

___________"A Critique of the Correspondence Principle in Criminal Law”, [1995] Criminal Law Review 759-770;

___________"Intention in the Criminal Law - A Rejoinder", (1995) 58 The Modern Law Review 678-691; reply to Nicola Lacey, "A Clear Concept of Intention: Elusive or Illusory?";

___________“Questioning the Correspondence Principle – A Reply”,  [1999] Criminal Law Review 206-213; a reply to Mitchell, infra, “In Defence of a Principle of Correspondence”;

___________"Strict Liability, Statutory Construction", (2002) 118 The Law Quarterly Review 458-475;

__________"Two Histories and Four Hidden Principles of Mens Rea", (1997) 113 The Law Quarterly Review 95-119;

___________"Transferred Malice and the Remoteness of Unexpected Outcomes from Intentions", [May 2006] Criminal Law Review  383-398;

HORNSBY, Jennifer, "On What's Intentionally Done"  in Stephen Shute, 1955-, John Gardner and Jeremy Horder, eds., Action and Value in Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, viii, 314 p. at pp. 55-74, ISBN: 0198258062 (cloth) and 0198260792 (pbk. first issued in 1996);

HOSENFELD, Leo G., "Criminal Intent Generally and as Applied to Crimes Mala in Se and Crimes Mala Prohibita", (1931-32) 6 St. John's Law Review 137-142;

"How does English criminal law differ from Greek criminal law on the issue of intention? Is the presumption of similarity of results confirmed in this case?", available at (accessed on 14 December 2002);

HOWARD, Colin and Ian D. Elliott, "The Concept of Recklessness in the Criminal Law" in Norval Morris and Mark Perlman, eds., Law and Crime: Essays in Honour of Sir John Barry, New York/London/Paris: Gordon and Breach, 1972,  vii, 259 p. at pp. 50-79;  ISBN:  0677152701; copy at the University of Ottawa, Law Library,  FTX KD 7876 .A75P8 1972;  the article, discusses in part, the work of Austin on intention, rashness etc.;

HOWARD, Colin, "Strict Liability in the High Court of Australia" (1960)  76 The Law Quarterly Review 547-566;

___________ Strict Responsibility, London: Sweet and Maxell,1963, xx, 220 p.; also title of his thesis at the University of Adelaide;

HUBER, B., “Developments of Criminal Law in Europe: an Overview”, (1993) 1(1) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 57-80, see “Principle of Fault, Subjective Attribution of Consequences” at  pp. 64-67;

HUDA, Syed Shamsul, 1862-1922, The principles of the law of crimes in British India, Calcutta ; Winnipeg : Butterworth, 1919, xv, 455 p., see Lecture V, "Mens Rea" at pp. 168-193 and Lecture VI, "Words Used in the Code to Denote Mens Rea" at pp. 194-215 (Tagore Law Lectures - 1902);
- Table of Contents, Index and Index of Cases Cited;
- i-xv and 1-215;
- 216-455;

HULL, Richard, "Deconstructing the Doctrine of Double Effect", (2000) 3 Ehical Theory and Moral Practice 195-207; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article non encore consulté; aucune copie de ce périodique dans la région d'Ottawa;

HUMBERT, François, De l'incidence du décalage entre le moment de l'intention et celui de l'acte matériel en droit pénal et en criminologie, thèse de doctorat d'État, droit pénal, Paris 2, 1975; directeur de thèse: Jacques Léauté; titre noté dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté; il ne semble pas y avoir une copie de cette thèse dans les bibliothèques canadiennes;

HURTADO POZO, José, Droit pénal - Partie générale, 2, Zurich: Schulthness Polygraphischer Verlag, 2002, xli, 396 p., ISBN: 3725544700;

HUSAK, Douglas, Craig A. Callender, "Wilful Ignorance, Knowledge and the 'Equal Culpability' Thesis: A Study of the Deeper Significance of  the principle of Legality", (1994) Wisconsin Law Review 29-69; also published in Thomas Morawetz, ed., Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Aldershot, England : Ashgate Dartmouth, 2000,  xvi, 478 p., at pp. 203-243,  (series; The international library of essays in law and legal theory; 2nd ser.; volume 5), ISBN: 184014775X;

HUSAK, Douglas & Brian P. McLaughlin, "Time-Frames, Voluntary Acts, and Strict Liability", (1993) 12 Law and Philosophy 95-120;

HUSAK, Douglas N., Book Notes, "White, Alan R., Misleading Cases",  (1992-93) 103 Ethics 418 (very short, half a page);

___________"Intent" in Christopher Berry Gray, ed., The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, New York Garland Publishing, 1999, 2 volumes ( xxxviii, 950 p.), at vol.1, pp. 425-428 (series; Garland reference library of the humanities ; vol. 1743), ISBN: 0815313446; with the same title (reprint) in David M. Adams, compiled by, Philosophical Problems in the Law, 4th ed., Belmont (California): Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005, xiii, 626 p., at pp. 394-397, ISBN: 0534584284; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, KF 379 .A3 2005;

___________"The Sequential Principles of Relative Culpability", (1995) 1 Legal Theory  493-518;

___________"Transferred Intent", (1996) 10 Notre Dame Journal of Law and Public Policy 65-97; copy at the University of Ottawa, Fauteux Library, periodicals, K123 .A13N67;

___________“Varieties of Strict Liability”, (1995) 8(2) Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 189-225;

HUTTER, B., The Reasonable Arm of the Law? The Enforcement Procedure of Environmental Health Officers, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988, xiv, 240 p., ISBN: 0198255942; pas de copie dans la région d'Ottawa;

IBBETSON, David, Case and Comment, "Recklessness Restored" , (March 2004) 63(1) The Cambridge Law Journal 13-15;

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, "Elemenst of Crimes", Adopted by the Assembly of States Parties First session, New York, 3-10 September 2002
Official Records, ICC-ASP/1/3; see "General Introduction", available at (accessed on 15 December 2004);

IRELAND, Law Reform Commission, Consultation Paper on Homicide: The Mental Element in Murder, Dublin: Law Reform Commission, 2001, ix, 97 p. (series; LRC; CP 17; 2001), ISSN: 1393-3140; available at (accessed on 29 October 2002);

____________Report.  Homicide: Murder and Involuntary Manslaughter, Dublin : Law Reform Commission, 2008 (series; LRC 87); available at (accessed on 2 February 2008);

IRWIN, William, "Intention and Foresight in the British Law of Murder", (April 1998)  SORITES issue 9 at pp. 6-15; available at (accessed on 23 May 2006);

JACKSON, Bernard S. (Bernard Stewart), 1944-, "Liability for Mere Intention in Early Jewish Law", (1971) 42 Hebrew Union College Annual 197-225; copy at Carleton University,  SER BM11.H4; copy also at St Paul University, Ottawa, Periodicals, BM 11 H43; also with the same title in: Bernard S. Jackson, Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history,  Leiden : Brill, 1975, xiii, 288 p. (series; Studies in Judaism in late antiquity; 10), ISBN: 9004043330; available at
=o7tESEH5WRxF2sSQRaiPlYoQt34#PPA202,M1  and (accessed on 8 February 2008);

JACKSON, Jeremy, "A Conceptual Model for the Study of Violence" in Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson, eds.,  Impulsivity: Theory Assessment, and Treatment, New York: Guilford Press, 1987, xvii, 462 p., at pp. 233-247, see "Facet 5: Intention", ISBN: 1572302259;

JACKSON, R.M.,  "Absolute Prohibition in Statutory Offenses" (1936-38) 6 Cambridge Law Journal 83-92; also in Modern Approach to Criminal Law, London: University of Cambridge, 1945, ix, 511 p. at pp. 262-272  (series, English Studies in Criminal Justice; L. Radzinowicz and J.W.C. Turner, eds.; vol. 4);

JACQUEMIN, Marcel, Faculté de droit de Paris. Droit romain : de la Loi ?Aquilia?. Droit français : de l'Intention en droit pénal,  Besançon : impr. de P. Jacquin, 1888, 190 p.;.Faculté de droit de Paris, thèse de doctorat; disponible à  (vérifié le 28 juin 2010);

JEFFERSON, Michael, "Recklessness: The Objectivity of the Caldwell Test", (1999) 63 The Journal of Criminal Law 57-66;

JEFFRIES, John C. and Paul B. Stephan III, "Defenses, Presumptions, and Burden of Proof in the Criminal Law", (1979) 88 Yale Law Journal 1325-1407;

JENNINGS, Farnsworth, 1906-,  Mens rea a study of an abstraction,  [1933], 39 leaves; (Series; 1) Hein's legal theses and dissertations ; v. 004-00118); copy on microfiche at Ottawa University;  K 46 .H44 v.004-00118 1933a; on the microfiche, it is written "Yale L.S.";

JOHNSON, Eric A., "Beyond Belief: Rethinking the Role of Belief in the Assessment of Culpability", (2006) 3(2) Ohio State Criminal Law Journal 502-522; available at (accessed on 29 April 2006);

JOHNSON, Phillip E., "Strict Liability.  2. The Prevalent View" in Sanford H. Kadish (ed.), Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, vol. 4, New York: The Free Press, 1983, ISBN: 0029181100, pp. 1518-1521;

JONAKAIT, Randolf N., "The Mens Rea for the Crime of Providing Material Resources to a Foreign Terrorist Organization", (Fall 2004) 56(3) Baylor Law Review 861-915;

JONES, John R.W.D., " 'Whose Intent is it Anyway?'  Genocide and the Intent to Destroy a Group", in Lal Chand Vohrah, et al.,  eds., Man's inhumanity to man: essays on international law in honour of Antonio Cassese, The Hague/London/New York: Kluwer Law International, 2003, xxviii, 1032 p., at pp. 467- 480, (series; International humanitarian law series; volume 5), ISBN: 9041119868; title noted in my research but article not consulted; my verification of the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada indicates that there is no copy of this book in the Canadian Libraries covered by this catalogue (verification of 14 September 2004); available at,M1
and (accessed on 2 March 2008);

JORGENSEN, Nina H.B., "The definition of genocide: Joining the dots in the light of recent practice", (2001) 1 International Criminal Law Review 285-313, and see "The intent requirement", at pp. 292-299;

JOSEPH, Christopher M., "Is Scienter an Element of Criminal Securities Fraud in Kansas?", (1999-2000) 48 University of Kansas Law Review 197-227;

Judgment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the case of Delalic et al. (I.T-96-21) Celebici 16 November 1998, see the discussion on "Wilful Killing and Murder" at paragraphs 420-439;

JUSTICE, Breaking the Rules: The Problem of Crimes and Contraventions, London: Justice, 1980, v, 54 p.; note: At head of title: "A report by Justice. Chairman of Committee: Paul Sieghart.copy at OOJ =  Justice Canada, Library Services, Ottawa/Justice Canada, Ottawa, Services de la bibliothèque, KE/92/.In8/B74; title noted in my research but volume not consulted yet;

KADISH, Sanford H., "The Decline of Innocence", (1968) 26 Cambridge Law Journal 273-290;  also published in Stanford H. Kadish, Blame and Punishment: Essays in Criminal Law, New York: MacMillan and London: Collier MacMillan, 1987, viii,  328 p., chapter 5, pp. 65-80 and for the notes, pp. 270-271, ISBN: 0029166918;

___________"Some Observations on the Use of Criminal Sanctions in Enforcing Economic Regulations" (1962-63) 30 University of Chicago Law Review 423-449;

KAPLAN, Pamela S., "Discriminatory Purpose and Mens Rea: The Tortured Argument of Invidious Intent", (1983-84) 93 Yale Law Journal  111-134;

KAVENY, M. Cathleen, "Infering Intention from Foresight", (January 2004) 120 The Law Quarterly Review 81-107; copy at Ottawa University, FTX Periodicals KD322 L37;

KEANE, R., "Murder: the Mental Element", (2002) 53 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 1-8; copy at Ottawa University, KDK 87 .N67  Location: FTX Periodicals;

KHAN, Louis, 1870-1932, Étude sur le délit et la peine en droit canon, Paris et Nancy: Librairie Administrative Berger-Levrault, 1898, xv, 173 p. (Collection; Bibliothèque de la conférence Rogéville - Études spéciales d'histoire du droit; vol. 3); pdf et internet complétés le 7 janvier 2007;
- Table des matières;
- i-xv et 1-173;

    "L'analyse des circonstances du péché, à laquelle se sont livrés les confesseurs, a servi de modèle à l'analyse des circonstances du délit faite par les anciens criminalistes, qu'ils aient eu en vue le droit canon ou le droit séculier." (p. 23)
    "Bien des auteurs ont considéré le péché comme ressortissant au droit pénal canonique et ont été entraînés à commettre cette erreur par la confusion, qu'offrent les sources, les textes les plus anciens, du péché et du délit.  Dans les pénitentiels, par exemple, on trouve, à côté de véritables délits, des péchés prévus et réprimés; dans le Corpus juris canonici se rencontrent des dispositions de même genre à côté d'autres vraiment juridiques.  Mais ce mélange, dans les sources, de dispositions de nature différente tient à ce que, dans les premiers siècles de l'Église, la théologie n'était pas distincte, comme science, du droit: elle le devint seulement au moyen-âge." (p. 29, notes omises)
    "L'absence d'intention criminelle exclut la responsabilité et la culpabilité de l'homme.  L'intention criminelle, supposant une volonté libre et la conscience du délit à commettre, le discernement, là où l'un de ces deux éléments fait défaut, il n'y a point d'infraction.  Nombreuses sont les applications de ces principes.  Ainsi la démence et l'ivresse, supprimant le libre arbitre et le discernement, enlèvent à l'acte commis sous leur influence tout caractère délictueux: 'Quomodo enim reus constituitur, qui nescit quod fecerit?'.  De même l'âge, l'ignorance invincible de fait, l'erreur, sont ou peuvent être exclusifs de toute intention criminelle et des obstacles à la naissance du délit." (p. 38, notes omises)
    "La doctrine de la direction d'intention et de l'intention probable, comme on l'appelle au XVIIe siècle, repose sur une confusion entre l'intention, cause du délit, l'intention criminelle (ea quae tendit ad crimen) et l'intention, motif du délit, ayant seulement en vue ses conséquences médiates.  L'intention est criminelle lorsqu'elle tend librement à l'accomplissement d'un acte ou d'un fait dont le caractère délictueux est connu ou réputé par la loi être connu comme tel par son auteur.  Elle est nécessaire et suffisante à l'existence du délit.  L'intention de faire produire à l'acte délictueux un résultat louable n'exclut pas l'intention criminelle.  Elle peut seulement atténuer la culpabilité, diminuer la force et la gravité de l'intention criminelle, constituer une circonstance atténuante, mais elle est impuissante à justifier le délit.

    La justice séculière, pas plus que le for extérieur de l'Église, n'a admis la doctrine de la direction d'intention probable des casuistes.  L'anecdote judiciaire rapportée par Pascal dans la VIe Provinciale en fait foi." (pp. 45-46, notes omises)

KARLEN, Peter H., An analysis of the concepts of mens rea and actus reus in the criminal law, [Coventry, Eng. : School of Law, University of Warwick], 1977, 34, 7 p : ill ; 30 cm; (series; Warwick law working papers ; [v.1], no. 1), copy at Newcastle University; title of a paper noted in my research but not consulted yet;

KATZ, Leo,  Bad acts and guilty minds : conundrums of the criminal law, Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1987,  xii, 343 p., szee in Chapter 3, "Guilty Minds", pp. 165-209, the following: "A Little Knowledge" at pp. 186-191 and "An American Tragedy Retried" at pp. 201-209  (series; Studies in crime and justice), ISBN:  0226425916;

KAUFMAN, Whitley R.P., "On a Purported Error About the Doctrine of Double Effect: A Reply to Sophie Botros", (2000) 75 Philosophy 283-295; copy at the University of Ottawa,  B 1 .P55, MRT periodicals;

KAYITANA, Evode, "The Form of Intention Known as Dolus Eventualis in Criminal Law", 31 July 2008, available at  (accessed on 8 August 2008);

KEASEY, C.B., "Children's developing awareness and usage of intentionality and motives" in C.B. Keasey, ed., Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1978 at pp. 219-260; copy at McGill University, Humanities and Social Sciences Library (McLennan/Redpath); title noted in my research but article not consulted yet;

KEATING, Heather, "Reckless Children?", [July 2007] The Criminal Law Review 546-558;

KEELER, Kevin L., “Direct Evidence of State of Mind: A Philosophical Analysis of How Facts in Evidence Support Conclusions Regarding Mental State”, (1985) Wisconsin Law Review 435-460; discusses dualism (body and mind distinction) and Wittgenstein;

KEENAN, James, "The Function of the Principle of Double Effect", (1993) 54 Theological Studies 303-315; copy at St Paul University, Ottawa, periodicals, BQT 4 T10 1940-,

KEITER, Mitchell, "With Malice Toward All: The Increased Lethality of Violence Reshapes Transferred Intent and Attempted Murder Law", (2004) 38(2) University of San Francisco Law Review 261-299; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KFC 69.S352;  

KELMAN, Mark, "Interpretative Construction in the Substantive Criminal Law", (1980-81) 33  Stanford Law Review 591-673, see "Broad and narrow views of intent" at pp. 595-596 and 667-668; "Intentionalism and determinism" at pp. 597-598; "Hostility to Strict Liability" at pp. 605-611;

__________"Strict Liability.  1. An Unorthodox View" in Sanford H. Kadish (ed.), Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, vol. 4, New York: The Free Press, 1983,  pp. 1512-1518, ISBN: 0029181100;

KELSEN, Hans, 1881-1973, Théorie générale du droit et de l'état : suivi de La doctrine du droit naturel et le positivisme juridique, traduit de l'anglais par Béatrice Laroche ;  traduit de l'allemand par Valérie Faure ; introduction de  Stanley L. Paulson, Paris : Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1997, 517 p. (Collection; La pensée juridique), voir «Culpabilité et responsabilité inconditionnelle» aux pp. 116-118, ISBN:  2275001921 (LGDJ) et  2802707485 (Bruylant); pour le texte anglais, voir General theory of law and state, New York : Russell & Russell, 1945, xxxiii, 516 p. (series; 20th century legal philosophy series; volume 1); copie du livre français à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa, K 230 K34 G3614 1997;

KELT, Maria and Herman von Hebel, "General Principles of Criminal Law and Elements of Crime", in Roy S. Lee, ed., and Hakan Friman, Silvia A. Fernandez de Gurmendi, Herman von Hebel, and Darryl Robinson, associate editors, The International Criminal Court: Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Ardsley (NY): Transnational Publishers, 2001, lxvi, 857 p., at pp. 19-40, and see "ARTICLE 30 AND THE DEFAULT RULE", at pp. 24-36, ISBN: 1571052097; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General KZ 6310 .I579 2001,

___________"What Are Elements of Crimes?",  in Roy S. Lee, ed., ans Hakan Friman, Silvia A. Fernandez de Gurmendi, Herman von Hebel, and Darryl Robinson, associate editors, The International Criminal Court: Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Ardsley (NY): Transnational Publishers, 2001, lxvi, 857 p., at pp. 13-18, being part of Chapter 1, "The Making of the Elements of Crime", at pp. 3-18, ISBN: 1571052097; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General KZ 6310 .I579 2001,

KENNEDY, Joseph E., "Making the Crime Fit the Punishment", (2002) 51 Emory Law Journal 753-876; copy at Ottawa University, KF 450 .P8 J68  Location: FTX Periodical;s

KENNY, Anthony John Patrick, 1931-, Action, Emotion & Will,  London: Routledge & Kegan Paul; and New York: Humanities Press, 1963, 245 p. 1963 (series; Studies in philosophical psychology); copy at St Paul University of Ottawa, BF 531 K45A38 1963;

___________The Anatomy of the Soul: Historical essays in the Philosophy of Mind, Oxford: Basil Blackwell; New York: Barnes and Noble, 1973, ix, 146, [1] p., ISBN:   0631149600 (Blackwell) and 0064936384 (Barnes and Noble); see in particular, "Appendix: The History of intention in Ethics" at p. 129-147 (Contents of the Appendix:: 1. The Concept of intention, pp. 129-131; 2. Old Testament, pp. 131-132; 3. Aristotle, pp. 132-135; 4. Christianity, pp. 135-136; 5. Abelard, pp. 136-138; 6. Aquinas, pp. 138-140; 7. Double effect direction of intention, pp. 140-141; 8. Kant, p. 141; 9. The Utilitarians, pp. 141-144; 10. Intention and the Law, pp. 144-146; Bibliography, p. 147); important contribution by a learned scholar; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT library, BD 421 .K46 1973;

___________Freewill and Responsibility, London and Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978, viii, 101 p., ISBN:  0710089988; Table of Contents: Part 1: "The mind and the deed"; 2. "Choice and determinism"; 3. "Purpose, intention and recklessness"; 4. "Reason, deterrence and punishment"; copy at St-Paul University, K5018 K46F74 1978;

___________"Intention and  Mens Rea in Murder" in P.M.S. Hacker and J. Raz, eds., Law, Morality, and Society: Essays in Honour of H. L. A. Hart, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977, vi, 312 p. at pp. 161-174, ISBN: 0198245572 and 0198246102;

___________"Intention and Purpose in Law" in Robert S. Summers, ed., Essays in Legal Philosophy, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1968, viii, 307 p., at pp. 146-163, ISBN: 0631113800; copy at the University of Ottawa;  note 2 at p. 162  indicates that this article is a modified version of an earlier paper, "Intention and Purpose", (1966) 63 Journal of Philosophy 642-651;

___________The ivory tower : essays in philosophy and public policy, Oxford, UK ; New York, NY, USA : B. Blackwell, 1985, 137 p. ISBN:   0631139850;  pt. 1. Philosophy and law -- Direct and oblique intention and malice aforethought -- Intention and mens rea in murder; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa, K235.K43;

___________"The Mental Element in Crime" in Michael J. Gorr, 1940-,  and Sterling Harwood, 1958-, eds., Controversies in criminal law: philosophical essays on responsibility and procedure, Boulder: Westview Press, 1992, xii, 273 p., at pp. 17 to approx. 31, ISBN: 0813314836  and 0813314844 (pbk.); title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this book available in the Ottawa area libraries (17 July 2002);

___________Will, Freedom and Power, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1975, 170 p., ISBN: 0064936392; copy at St Paul University, BD 429.4 K45W55 1976;

KENNY, Courtney, "Intention and Purpose (Rex v. Ahlers)", (1915) 31 The Law Quarterly Review 299;

KEOWN, John, "Debate  A Futile Defence of Bland: A Reply to Andrew McGee", (Autumn 2005) 13 Medical Law Review 393-402;

KESSLER FERZAN, Kimberly, "Beyond Intention",  Cardozo Law Review, Forthcoming Available at SSRN: (accessed on 12 July 2007); (2008) 29(3) Cardozo Law Review 1147-1191 (accessed on 14 January 2009);

___________"Don't Abandon the Model Penal Code Yet!  Thinking Through Simons's Rethinking", (2002) 6(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 185-217; available at (accessed on 31 December 2003);

___________"Holistic Culpability", (2007) 28 Cardozo Law Review 2523-2543; available at (accessed on 25 March 2008);

___________"Opaque Recklessness", (2001) 91(3) The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 597-652;

KHAN, Arfan, "Intention in Criminal Law: Time to Change?", (2002) 23(3) Statute Law Review 235-239;

KIM, Chin, 1926-, "Asian Criminal Law: A Comparison with Proposed Federal Criminal Code", (1973) South Texas Law Journal; also published in Chin Kim, Selected Writings on Asian Law, Littleton (Colorado), 1982, xiii, 573 p., at pp. 453-478, and see "Kinds of Culpability" at pp. 461-463; ISBN: 0837707412; copy of the book at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KNC 79 K56 1982;

KIM, Nancy S., "Blameworthiness, Intent and Cultural Dissonance: The Unequal Treatment of Cultural Defense Defendants", California Western School of Law, 2005, 31 p.; available at (accessed on 1 December 2005);

KIM, Onyoo Elizabeth, Law and criminality in the middle ages: academic essays, Cheltenham : Hermit Kingdom Press, c2006, xiii, 221 p. and see "Understanding 'intent' in criminal law via Gratian’s Decretum and St. Augustine" (series; Hermit Kingdom studies in history and religion; 3),, ISBN: 1596890673; 9781596890671; 1596890681 (pbk.) ;  9781596890688 (pbk.);

KIMEL, Dori, "Inadvertent Recklessness in Criminal Law", (2004) 120 The Law Quarterly Review 548-554; deals with R. v G  [2003] UKHL 50 (H.L.);

KINPORTS, Kit, "Rape and Force: The Forgotten Mens Rea" (2001) 4(2) Buffalo Criminal Law Review  755-799;

KITTRIE, Nicholas, "Mens Rea in the United States" in Fourth International Symposium on Comparative Law held in Ottawa (Canada) September 5 to 7, 1966 under the patronage of The Canadian and Foreign Law Research Centre - The Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa - The Canadian Association of Comparative Law, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press (series; Collection des travaux de la faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa), 232 p.  at pp. 57-81; information on the French title/informations sur le titre français : Travaux du quatrième colloque international de droit comparé tenu à Ottawa (Canada) du 5 au 7 septembre 1966 sous les auspices du Centre canadien de droit comparé - de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa - de l'Association canadienne de droit comparé, Ottawa: Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1967, 232 p. aux pp. 57-81 (Collection des travaux de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa);

KLUVER, John and Rose Kluver, "Insider Trading: Strict Liability or Mens Rea?", (1981) 5 Criminal Law Journal 209-227;

KOFFMAN, Laurence, "Conditional Intention - (2) A Reply", (1981) Criminal Law Review 14-19; in reply to Jacques Parry, infra;

KNOBE, Joshua, " 'Intent' in Ordinary Language and in the Criminal Law", available at (accessed on 17 July 2003);

___________"Intention, intentional action and moral considerations", (April 2004) 64 Analysis 181-187;

___________"Intentional action and side effects in ordinary language", (2003) Analysis 190-194;

___________"Intentional action in folk psychology: an experimental investigation", (2003) 16 Philosophical Psychology 309-324;

"ABSTRACT  Four experiments examined people’s folk-psychological concept of intentional action. The chief question was whether or not evaluative considerations—considerations of good and bad, right and wrong, praise and blame—played any role in that concept. The results indicated that the moral qualities of a behavior strongly influence people’s judgments as to whether or not that behavior should be considered 'intentional.' After eliminating a number of alternative explanations, the
author concludes that this effect is best explained by the hypothesis that evaluative considerations do play some role in people’s concept of intentional action." (p. 309)

KOUKOUI, Cyrille,  "L'intention criminelle en droit égyptien de l'époque pharaonique", 9 p., disponible à (vérifié le 3 novembre 2009); monsieur Koukoui est avocat au Barreau de l’Essonne, Institut d’Egyptologie Khéopsde Paris, Auditeur à l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes de Paris;

"Le « droit » de l’époque de l’Egypte pharaonique nous semble avoir une conception radicalement différente de la notion d’intention criminelle. Celle-ci se rapproche beaucoup de la conception dite réaliste retenue par une autre partie
de la doctrine.  Dans cette optique ce n’est pas l’existence d’un texte légal mais le mobile antisocial (cause déterminante de l’acte criminel) qui conditionne l’existence de l’élément intentionnel.  Ainsi le Juge n’entrera en voie de condamnation que s’il a l’intime conviction que l’auteur de l’acte poursuivi était mû par une intention contraire à l’ordre social.
On peut alors déduire de cette étude que les juges égyptiens, faisaient grand cas du mobile ayant déterminé l’acte pour asseoir leur conviction sur l’existence de
l’intention; criminelle ayant déterminé le trouble à l’ordre social." (pp. 1 et 9)

KOZLOV-DAVIS, Jessica A., "A Hybrid Approach to the Use of Deliberate Ignorance in Conspiracy Cases", (2001-2002) 100 Michigan Law Review 473-501;

KRAMER, Herbert Gerard, The indirect voluntary; or, Voluntarium in causa ..., Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America, 1935, viii p., 1 l., 89 p.; note: Universitas catholica Americae, Washingtonii S. Facultas theologica, 1934-35.  no. 42; Thesis (S.T.D.), Catholic University of America, 1935; copy at St-Paul University, Ottawa, BQT 4 W38S87 1895- 1947 42;

KREMNITZER, Mordechai, "Comment [to the essay in the same book: 'Intentions and Mens Rea: Michael Moore']" in Ruth Gavison, ed., Issues in Contemporary Legal Philosophy: The Influence of H.L.A. Hart, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987, vi, 357 p., at pp. 277-286, ISBN: 0198255179;

____________"Is the Subjective  Mental Element Superfluous?", (Winter/Spring 2008) 27(1) Criminal Justice Ethics  78-82,

KRESS, Claus, "The Darfur Report and Genocidal Intent", (2005) 3 Journal of International Criminal Justice 562-578;

KUEBLER, Bernard, traduction de H. Mankiewicz, "Les degrés de faute dans les systèmes juridiques de l'Antiquité", dans Introduction à l'étude du droit comparé : recueil d'études en l'honneur d'Édouard Lambert, Paris : Société anonyme du Recueil Sirey, 1938, 3 volumes, au volume 1, lv, 735 p. aux pp. 174-184; reprint in : Glashütten im Taunus : D. Auvermann, 1973; l'auteur fait remonter l'origine de la distinction entre le dol, la culpa et le casus à la Grèce antique; contribution importante au sujet; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General, K 561 .I5L3 1973  v.1 ;

KUGLER, Itzhak, "Conditional Oblique Intention", [April 2004] The Criminal Law Review 284-290;

___________"The Definition of Oblique Intention", (2004) 68(1) The Journal of Criminal Law 79-83;

"Abstract   The Law Commission contended that a person should not be held as having oblique intention with respect to a result if his whole purpose in acting is to avoid this result.  This article asserts that the Commission was wrong concerning this point.  The justifications that it gave for the rule it suggested are not convincing, while the rationales for the doctrine of oblique intention apply even to cases in which the whole purpose of the actor, in acting, is to avoid the prosecribed result." (p. 79)

___________Direct and Oblique Intention in the Criminal Law : An Inquiry into Degrees of Blameworthiness, Aldershot, Hampshire, England; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2002, xi, 248 p., ISBN: 0754622487; not consulted yet; copy at McGill University, Nahum Gelber Law Library/Université McGill, Bibliothèque de droit Nahum Gelber, K 5066 K84 2002;

"Contents: Introduction. Intention and degrees of blameworthiness; The doctrine of the double effect; Possible implications of the debate about the doctrine of the double effect for the issue of degrees of blameworthiness in the criminal law; A common denominator between direct and oblique intention; Degrees of probability; Reconsidering the idea of grading offences based on the distinction between intention and recklessness; Grading offences by using a moral formula; An alternative justification for grading offences based on the distinction between intention and recklessness; Conclusions. A possible justification for enacting basic crimes of intention; A requirement of a high degree of culpability for offences enacted for retribution." (source: , accessed on 20 January 2004)

KUMAR, K.S., "Doctrine of Mens Rea", (1974) 3 Delhi Law Review 96-109; noted in my research but not consulted yet; copy of this publication is only found in Canada, at the University of Western Ontario, D.B. Weldon Library;

KWONG-LOI, Shun, "Intending as a Means", (1985) 66 Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 216-223;

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