Key Words: actus non facit reum, nisi mens fit rea,  advertence, bibliography on intention, bibliography on mens rea in Canadian law, blame, circumstances, consciousness, consequences, criminal intent,  culpability, deliberate ignorance, desire, direct intent, direct intention, doctrine of double effect, dolo sciensdolus, dolus directus, dolus eventualis, dolus indeterminatus, dolus indirectus, dolus malus, fault, foresight, general intent, guilty mind, indifference, indirect intention, intended consequences, intent, intentionnally, knowingly, legal intention, malice, malum in se, malum prohibitum, mental element, mental states, mens rea, oblique intention, penitentials, principle of double effect, purpose,  purposely, recklessness, recklessly, sciens dolo malo,  specific intent, strict liability, sin, transferred intent, transferred malice, versanti in re illicita imputantur omnia quae sequuntur ex delicto, wilful blindness, wilful ignorance,  will, wilfully ///aveuglement volontaire, aveuglement délibéré, bibliographie sur la mens rea en droit canadien, but,  circonstances,  connaissance, conscience et volonté,  conséquences, culpabilité, culpabilité intellectuelle, dans le dessein de, délit praeter intentionnel, dessein coupable, doctrine du double effet, dol, dol aggravé, dol atténué, dol criminel, dol dépassé, dol déterminé, dol direct, dol éventuel, dol général, dol imprécis, dol indéterminé, dol indirect, dol praeterintentionnel, dol réfléchi ou préméditation, dol simple, dol spécial, dol spécifique, élément mental, élément moral de l'infraction, élément intellectuel, élément  psychologique, élément intention, faute intentionnelle, faute criminelle, faute pénale, faute volontaire, infraction praeterintentionnelle, insouciance, intention coupable, intention délictueuse, intention générale, intention spécifique, méchamment, mens rea descriptive, motif, prévision des conséquences,  péché, préméditation, principe du double effet, responsabilité pénale, sciemment, témérité, volonté,  volontairement, volonté criminelle;

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updated and corrections / mise à jour et corrections: 20 August / août 2011

- To assist researchers, please do not hesitate to suggest titles to these bibliographies.  Thank you.
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by / par ©François Lareau, 1998-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on
Mens Rea in Canadian Law
Bibliographie choisie sur la
mens rea en droit canadien

Table of Contents/Table des matières
•  Part/Partie I: Since/Depuis 1980
•  Part/Partie II: Before/Avant 1980
See also the other bibliographies /voir aussi les autres bibliographies :

•  Intention in Criminal Law (other than Canadian Law)  Part I: A-K  and  Part II: L-Z

•  Negligence in Comparative Criminal Law (excluding Canadian Law)/
    La négligence en droit penal comparé (autre que le droit canadien).

•   Motive in Criminal Law / Le mobile/motif en droit pénal

Part/Partie I: Since/Depuis 1980

ABELL, J. (Jennie), 1951-,  and Elizabeth Sheehy, Criminal Law and Procedure: Poof, Defences, and Beyond, 2nd ed., North York (Ontario): Captus Press, c.1998, ii, 463 p., ISBN: 6896691374, see Chapter 3, "Mens Rea",  pp. 43-93;

L'ACTION ONTARIENNE CONTRE LA VIOLENCE FAITE AUX FEMMES,  "La violence contre les femmes et la réforme du droit criminel: Recommendations en vue d'une réforme égalitaire du droit criminel", rédigé par Andrée Côté, 5 mai 1995, 65 p., voir : "La 'subjectivisation' du droit criminel', en particulier aux pp. 22-24 et "Contre la subjectivisation du droit criminel (pour la contextalisation du crime et la présomption qu'une personne est censée vouloir les conséquences naturelles et probables de ses actes)" aux pp. 41-43; note sur la page couverure: "Soumis par l'Action Ontarienne contre la Violence Faite aux Femmes, en vue de contribuer à la réflexion sur la réforme de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada"; documents obtenus par François Lareau par une demande d'accès à la Loi sur l'accès à l'information au Ministère de la Justice Canada, leur réponse en date du 17 novembre 1998, dossier A98-000147, documents numérotés 000246-000314;

ALLEN, John Pearson, 1951-, and Bernie Aron, contributing editor, Defending Provincial Offences Cases in Ontario 2003, 3rd ed., Scarborough: Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 2003, xv, 180 p.,  ISBN: 0459240951 (series: Carswell's Practice Guides); see Chapter 6, "Mens Rea Offences", at pp. 45-48; chapter 7, "Strict Liability Offences", at pp. 49-55; and Chapter 8, "Absolute Liability Offences", at pp. 57-60; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF9620 ZB3 A45 2003;

ALLEN, John Pearson, 1951-, Handling Provincial Offence Cases in Ontario 2006,  Scarborough: Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 2006,  200 p., (series: Carswell's Practice Guides), ISBN: 0459243098; see Chapter 6, "Mens Rea Offences", chapter 7, "Strict Liability Offences -- Details", and chapter 8, "Absolute Liability Offences -- Details";   

ANAND, Sanjeev .S., "Case Comment: R. v. Lucas", (1998) 14 C.R. (5th) 279-282 [R. v. Lucas (1998) 14 Criminal Reports (5th) 237 (S.C.C.) is on defamatory libel];

___________"Criminal Law Course -- Class Notes -- Mens Rea --19 Lectures ", Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, these 19 lectures are available at (accessed on 28 March 2003);

__________"A Provocative Perspective on the Influence of Anger on the Mens Rea for Murdr: The Alberta Court of Appeal's Interpretation of Parent in Walle", ( August 2008) 54(1) The Criminal Law Quarterly 27-41;

ARCHIBALD, Bruce P., "Canadian Criminal Law - Reviewing: Eric Colvin, Principles of Criminal Law (2d). Totonto: Thompson Professional Publishing, 1991, 399 pp.", (1992) 3 Criminal Law Forum 525-539;

___________"The Constitutionalization of the General Part of Criminal Law", (1988) 67 Canadian Bar Review 403-454;

___________"Fault, Penalty and Proportionality: Connecting Sentencing to Subjective and Objective Standards of Criminal Liability (with Ruminations on Restorative Justice)", (1997) 40 Criminal Law Quarterly 263-286;

__________"Liability for Provincial Offences: Fault, Penalty and the Principles of Fundamental Justice in Canada (A Review of Law Reform Proposals from Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta)", (1991) 14 Dalhousie Law Journal 65-80;

__________"Rehabiliting the Criminal Code: Rational and Constitutional Construction of the Elements of Offences" in Josiah Wood and Richard C.C. Peck, eds., 100 Years of the Criminal Code in Canada: Essays Commemorating the Centenary of the Canadian Criminal Code/Le centenaire du Code criminel du Canada : mémoires commémorant le centenaire du Code criminel du Canada, Ottawa, Canadian Bar Association, 1993, x, 368 p., at / aux pp. 301- 346, ISBN: 0920742416;

ARCHIBALD, Todd, "The Interrelationship Between Provocation and Mens Rea: A Defence of Loss of Self-control", (1985-86) 28 Criminal Law Quarterly 454-475;

ARCHIBALD, Todd, Kenneth Edgar Jull, 1957-,  and Kent Roach, 1961-, "The Changed Face of Corporate Criminal Liability", (2004) 48(3) The Criminal Law Quarterly 367-396;

___________Regulatory and corporate liability : from due dilligence to risk management, Aurora, Ont. : Canada Law Book, c2004-, loose-leaf, ISBN: 0888044208; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF1418 A6 A73 2004;

BACHER, Jean-Luc, "La politique criminelle de la Cour suprême du Canada en matière de fraude", (avril-juin 2005) 58 Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique 215-228, et voir "L'intention criminelle" aux pp. 221-222;

BAKER, Brenda M., "Mens Rea, Negligence and Criminal Law Reform", (1987) 6 Law and Philosophy 53-88; Research Note: for comments on this article, see  Sistare, "Models of Responsibility in Criminal Theory: Comment on Baker", infra;

___________ "Theorizing about Responsibility and Criminal Liability", (1992) 11 Law and Philosophy 403-430;

BARNETT, C. Cunliffe, "The Glorious Decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Vaillancourt: An Analysis", (December 1989) 13 Provincial Judges Journal des Juges Provinciaux No. 4, 14-16;

BARNHORST, Sherrie-1948 and Richard Barnhorst, Criminal Law and the Canadian Criminal Code, 3rd ed., Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1996, xxxii, 414 p., see Chapter 3 "Some General Principles for Determining Criminal Liability",  pp. 35-64 (more particularly pp. 40-50) and Chapter 10, "Criminal Negligence and Legal Duties - Part VIII of the Code", at pp. 235-248,  ISBN: 007552757X;

BATTISTA, Giuseppe et Jean Villeneuve, «Récents développements en matière d'intention» dans Service de la formation permanente Barreau du Québec (sous la direction de/editor), Développements récents en droit criminel (1991), Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais,  1991, [8], 263 p., aux / at  pp. 31-51, ISBN: 2890737934;

BEAUDOUIN, Gérald, 1929-, avec la collaboration de Pierre Thibault, Les droits et libertés au Canada, Montréal : Wilson & Lafleur, 2000, xix, 790 p., voir "La preuve de prévision subjective dans le cas de meurtre" aux pp. 344-352 et "La diligence raisonnable" aux pp. 373-376 (Collection; La Collection bleue), ISBN: 2891274962;

BELL, Craig, "R. v. Luxton and First Degree Murder in Canada: A ‘Constructive' Criticism", (1993) 31 Alberta Law Review 707-728;

BELL, "Legal Classification of Regulatory Offences: Confusion Reigns Supreme", Department of Justice, cited in Swaigen, Regulatory Offences in Canada, infra, p. 20, note 2;

BELL, "Updating Sault Ste. Marie", "unpublished manuscript (1989), prepared for the Department of Justice" as mentioned by Healy in "Regulatory Offences: The Case for a Purposive Test of Proportionality in Public Liability", infra, p. 210, note 52;

BENEDET. Janine, "Annotation: R. v. Jiang, (2007) 48 C.R. (6th) 49 (B.C. C.A.)",  (2007) 48 Criminal Reports (6th) 50-51; dangerous driving and "intrusive sleep episode";

BENNETT, Elizabeth, in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 3.1; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

____________"Manslaughter: Mens Reyat?" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1996: Winnipeg), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Winnipeg (Manitoba) : Federation of Law Societies, 1996, 2 volumes;  information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

BLACKLOCK, Jim and Stan Berger, "The Mens Rea of Fraud", (30 September 1983) Crown's Newsletter, vol. 4, 1-19;

BLACKLOCK, W.J., "The Post Vaillancourt Era", (Feb. 1991) 3 Crown's Newsletter 2-43; also published in Canadian Bar Association - Ontario 1991 Institute of Continuing Legal Education, ed., Current Issues in Criminal Law: Saturday, January 19, 1991, [Toronto]: Canadian Bar Association - Ontario, 1991, 1 vol., various pagings, paper no. 5, 51 p.;

BLAIR, Annice, 1948-, Kathleen Ryan Elliott, Bonnie Manning and Marcus Mossuto, lead authors, Canadian and International Law, DonMills (Ontario): Oxford University Press, 2004, ix, 551 p., and see "Mens Rea" at pp. 278-281 and "Strict and Absolute Liability", at p. 281, ISBN: 0195420470; note: there is also a "Teacher's Resource", ISBN: 0195420489; copy at the Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Br. B KE444 B53;

BLAIS, François, «Réformisme pénal et responsabilité : une étude philosophique», (1989) 16 Philosophiques 293-325; note de recherche : «Philosophiques» est la revue de la Société de Philosophie du Québec;

___________Le réformisme pénal: ses conséquences pour une théorie de la responsabilité, thèse de maîtrise en philosophie, Université du Québec à Montréal, août 1987, vi, 139 f. (Collection: Mémoires et thèses (Université du Québec);  01742);

BOILARD, Jean-Guy, 1937-, Guide to Criminal Evidence, Cowansville, Quebec : Éditions Y. Blais and Scarborough: Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1991-, see chapter 13 "Guilty Intent", ISBN: 28907378861; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Manuel de preuve pénale, Cowansville (Québec):  Éditions Y. Blais, [1991?], voir le chapitre 13 "Intention coupable", ISBN:  2890737853;

BOISVERT, Anne-Marie et André Jodouin, "De l'intention à l'incurie: le déclin de la culpabilité morale en droit pénal canadien", (2002) 32(3) Revue générale de droit 759-795;

BOISVERT, Anne-Marie et Louise Viau, «Le défaut de prévoyance à  l'épreuve des faits et du droit - L'expérience canadienne», (1994) 74 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 313-338 (partie du séminaire "Le défaut de prévoyance à l'épreuve des faits et du droit.  Droit belge et droit comparé.  Séminaire 'Université' - Monde judiciaire' sous la direction de Christiane Hennau-Hublet responsable de l'Unité de droit pénal de l'Université catholique de Louvain.  Louvain-la-Neuve 1993");  article aussi publié dans les Actes du Colloque organisé en l'honneur du professeur Jacques Verhaegen, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1993, tel qu'indiqué par Viau, dans «La Charte et la nouvelle conception de la mens rea», infra, sa note 43;

BOISVERT, Anne-Marie, « L'article 7 de la Charte et l'évolution de la mens rea » dans Service de la formation permanente, Barreau du Québec, (sous la direction de), Développements récents en droit criminel (1997), Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1997, viii, 216 p., aux pp. 26-54, ISBN: 2894512163;

__________"La constitutionalisation de la mens rea et l'émergence d'une nouvelle théorie de la responsabilité pénale", (1998) 77 Canadian Bar Review / Revue du Barreau canadien 126-151; une note à la p. 126 indique que: «Une version antérieure de ce texte est à paraître dans Développements récents en droit criminel, Éditions Yvon Blais, Cowansville, 1997»; disponible à (vérifié le 8 avril 2008);

__________(comme intervenante) "Débats", (1994) 74 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 417-424 (partie du séminaire: "Le défaut de prévoyance à l'épreuve des faits et du droit.  Droit belge et droit comparé.  Séminaire 'Université' - Monde judiciaire' sous la direction de Christiane Hennau-Hublet responsable de l'Unité de droit pénal de l'Université catholique de Louvain.  Louvain-la-Neuve 1993");

__________«Les exigences constitutionnelles en matière de faute pénale: un bilan critique», (1994) 73 Canadian Bar Review /Revue du Barreau canadien 161-199;


___________"La fraude criminelle : Sommes-nous allés trop loin?",  (1994-95) 40 McGill Law Journal  415-485; sommaire disponible à (vérifié le 8 avril 2008);

__________«Innocence morale, diligence raisonnable et erreur de droit», (1995) 41 Criminal Reports (4th) 243-248;

___________“Le juge Lamer, la faute, le blâme et le châtiment", (2009) 46 The Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 123-150; aussi publié/also published in Adam Dodek & Daniel Jutras, eds., Le feu sacré : l'héritage d'Antonio Lamer / The Sacred Fire: The Legacy of Antonio Lamer, Markham: LexisNexis, 2009, xlix, 509 p., at pp. 123-150, ISBN: 978-0-433-46082-4; 

___________"La négligence criminelle, la négligence pénale et l'imprudence en matière réglementaire: quelles différences?", (2000) 5 Canadian Criminal Law Review 247; disponible à
C3%A8re+r%C3%A9glementaires.pdf (vérifié le 8 avril 2008);

___________"La négligence en matière criminelle" in  Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., at pp. 182-189, ISBN: 045927077X;

___________"La responsabilité versant acteurs: vers une redécouverte en droit canadien, de la notion d'imputabilité", (2003) 33 Revue générale de droit 271-292; voir en particulier la conclusion du professeur Boisvert à la p. 284;

"En définitive, il ressort graduellement de la jurisprudence de la Cour suprême sur les fondements constitutionnels de la responsabilité pénale, que les principes de justice fondamentale ont, somme toute, peu à dire sur la théorie de la culpabilité et de son élément essentiel, la mens rea.  Le législateur demeure libre d'identifier et de définir à sa guise les comportements intolérables ou attentoires aux valeurs sociales sans risquer de voir les tribunaux interférer avec sa volonté.  Le Parlement peut ainsi incriminer la négligence ou stigmatiser le fait de causer un préjudice à autrui sans qu'il soit nécessaire d'établir une faute morale importante.  Il en va cependant tout autrement de la théorie de l'imputabilité. [...]" (p. 284, une note omise)

BOWERING, A.G., "Criminal Negligence: Generally", (1982) 3 Crown Counsel  Review 3:1-2 (this review was published by the Manitoba Association of Crown Attorneys in Winnipeg);

BOYD, Neil, 1951-, Canadian Law: An Introduction, 2nd ed.,  Toronto : Harcourt Brace Canada, 1998,  xiii, 326 p., see "Mens Rea and Actus Reus: Prerequisites for Conviction" at pp. 290-298 and "Mens Rea and Parties to an Offence" at pp. 298-299, ISBN: 0774735740;

BOYLE, Christine, "Commentary",  in  Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., at pp. 146-155, ISBN: 045927077X; comments on Professor Stuart's proposals on the General Part, see Stuart, "A Case for a General Part", infra;

BRAITHWAITE, W.J., "Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: The 1978-79 Term", (1980) 1 Supreme Court Law Review 187-248 [see "I. Mens Rea: Strict Liability, Mistake of Fact and Law, Motive", pp. 188-213];

___________"Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: The 1979-80 Term", (1981) 2 Supreme Court Law Review 177-234 [see "Mistake and Mens Rea" at pp. 176-188];

BRAUTI, Peter M., 1968-, and Brian G. Puddington, 1975-, Prosecuting and defending drug offences, Aurora (Ont.): Canada Law Book, c2003, xlvi, 490 p., see "Wilful Blindness", at pp. 12-14, ISBN: 0888043775; copy at Carleton University,  Floor 4, KE9050 .B73 2003;

BREWER, Carol, "The mental element" in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 1 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

BROWN, Elizabeth, Mary Campbell and Scott Feltman, "Mens Rea and S. 7 of the Charter of Rights",  (1985) 6(5) Criminal Lawyers' Association 26-27 (March 1985);

BROWN, Elizabeth, Statutory Interpretation and Mens Rea in Non-Criminal Code Offences, Thesis for the Master of Laws Degree (LL.M.), University of Ottawa, 1989, vi, 202 leaves, [3 p.]; available at  (accessed  on 17 July 2009);

BROWN, Murray, "Recklessness" in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 1 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

BRUCKER, Theresa M., The Practical Guide to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, 3rd ed., Scarborough: Carswell, A Thomson Company, 2002, xv, 240 p., see "The Concepts of Recklessness and Wilful Blindness", at pp. 82-89, ISBN: 0459261452; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 3890 B78 2002 c. 01; there isnow a 4th edition published circa December 2008;

BRUDNER, Alan, "Agency and Welfare in the Penal Law" in Stephen Shute, 1955-,  John Gardner, 1955-, and Jeremy  Horder, eds., Action and Value in Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, viii, 314 p., at  pp. 21-53, ISBN:  0198258062 (cloth) and  0198260792 (pbk. first issued in 1996);

___________"Guilt Under the Charter: The Lure of Parliamentary Supremacy", (1997) 40 The Criminal Law Quarterly 287-325;

___________"Imprisonment and Strict Liability", (1990) 40 University of Toronto Law Journal 738-774; also with the same title in ONTARIO LAW REFORM COMMISSION, The Basis of Liability for Provincial Offences: An Issues Paper, 24 p., infra;

___________"Proportionality, Stigma and Discretion", (1996) 38 The Criminal Law Quarterly 302-321;

BRYANT, Michael, "Criminal Fault as Per the Lamer Court and the Ghost of William McIntyre", (1995) 33 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 79-103; available at (accessed on 9 September 2003); available at (accessed on 10 April 2008);

CAIRNS-WAY, Rosemary, 1956-,  and Renate Mohr, Toni Pickard and Phil Goldman: Dimension of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1996, xxvi, 999 p., ISBN: 0920722822; see "Subjectivity, Objectivity, and Mens Rea" at pp. 264-273; "Core Mens Rea Concepts" at pp. 273-415; and "Subjectivity / Objectivity Revisited: What's at Stake", pp. 481-486;

CAIRNS WAY, Rosemary, 1956-, "Bill C-49 and the Politics of Constitutionalized Fault", (1993) 42 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 325-334 [deals with An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sexual assault) (Bill C- 49) and is part of the Forum "Sexual Assault Legislation"];

___________"The Charter and the politics of fault : reforming the laws of sexual assault", Toronto: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [1993],  [30] p. (series;  Feminism and law workshop series ; WS 92-93 (9)); Research Note: this information is from the University of Toronto catalogue - document not seen by the author; Note de recherche : cette information provient du catalogue de l'Université de Toronto; document non consulté;

__________The Charter, the Supreme Court and the Invisible Politics of Fault: A Critical Analysis of the Constitutionalization of Fault,  Kingston: Queen's University, 1992, 174 p.,  LL.M. thesis; with the title "The Charter, The Supreme Court and the Invisible Politics of Fault" in (1992) 12 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 128-179;

___________"Constitutionalizing Subjectivism: Another View", (1990) 79 Criminal Reports (3d) 260-264;

___________"Culpability and the Equality Value: The Legacy of the Martineau Dissent", (2003) 15(1) Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 53-72;

___________"Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: The 1992-93 Term", (1994) 5 Supreme Court Law Review 113-187 [see Part II of the article, "Culpability Standards", at pp. 115-130];

___________"Developments in Criminal Law: The 1995-96 Term" (1997) 8 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 181-232 [see Part V: "R. v. Pontes: Absolute Liability, Mistake of Law and Regulatory Offences", pp. 231-232];

___________Dimensions of Criminal Law -- Toni Pickard, Phil Goldman, Renate M. Mohr, 3rd ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2002, xxvi, 1004 p., see on mens rea, pp. 339-495, ISBN: 155239050; copy at Ottawa University, location: FTX general, KE 8808.5 .P528 2002;

CAMERON, Jamie, "Dickson's Law: 'Manifestly One of the Humanities'", (2004) 53 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 93-127;

___________Fault and Punishment under Section 7 and 12 of the Charter, in Jamie Cameron and James Stribopoulos, eds., The Charter and Criminal Justice Twenty-Five Years Later, Markham: LexisNexis, 2008, lxix, 759 p., at pp. 553-592,  ISBN:  978-0-433-45803-6; also with the same title at 40 Supreme Court Law Review (2nd) series 553-592;

____________"From the MVR to Chaoulli v. Quebec: The Road Not Taken and the Future of Section7", (2006) 24 The Supreme Court Law Review 2nd ed. 105-168;

CAMPBELL, Kenneth L., "Recklessness", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 1.4, 19 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

CANADA, Commission of Inquiry Concerning Certain Activities of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Freedom and Security under the Law, Second Report -- Volume 1, [Ottawa]: The Commission, 1981, xxii, 664 p., and see "LACK OF EVIL INTENT", at pp. 374-376, ISBN: 0660109514 and 0660109506 (vol. 1 and 2) (Chairman: Mr. Justice D.C. McDonald); also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Commission d'enquête sur certaines activités de la gendarmerie royale du Canada, Liberté et la sécurité devant la loi: deuxième rapport -- volume 1, [Ottawa]: La Commission, 1981, ISBN: 0660907682 (vol.1 et 2) (Président: D.C. McDonald);

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Brian Jarvis and Darren Littlejohn,  Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: A Summary and Analysis of the Responses to the Consultation Paper, [Ottawa]: Department of  Justice Canada, Communications and Consultation Branch, 1995, 123 p., and see "Question 1 -- Fault", at pp. 8-16; document obtained by François Lareau with letter from Department of Justice Canada, Access to Information and Privacy Office, dated 22 February 1999, Request file A98-00147, released pages 000731-000853; this document is available at my Digital Library on Canadian criminal law at,; there are also two shorter versions of that document also available at my Digital Library: Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: Analysis of the Responses to the Consultation Paper, 51 p., and Analysis of Responses to the Consultation Paper on Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code -- Executive Summary, 15 p; on these three documents,  see Background Document

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada and James W. O'Reilly, Toward a New General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada - Details on Reform Options -, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [December 1994], ii, 50 p.; available at my Digital Library, at; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada et James W. O'Reilly, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada - Options de réforme -, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [décembre 1994], ii, 51 p.; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale à;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Government Response to the Fifteenth Report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights: Corporate Liability, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada]¸ November 2002, 18 p., available at  with a backgrounder available at and the fifteenth report of the Committee available at (accessed on 8 November 2002); also published in French /aussi publié en français, MINISTÈRE DE LA JUSTICE CANADA, Réponse du gouvernement au quinzième rapport du Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne: Responsabilité des personnes morales, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada], Novembre 2002, 20 p., disponible à Réponse du gouvernement au quinzième rapport du Comité, voir aussi la fiche documentaire disponible à (visionné le 8 novembre 2002), enfin le quinzième rapport est disponible à;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Legislative Section, Legislation Deskbook, [Ottawa : Department of Justice  Canada], August 2001, v, 371 p;  see "Faultt Requirement» at pp. 195-200; and  "Appendix 2 – Related Documents – Crime ? or Regulatory Offence?" at pp. 277-371, this appendix being written by L.S. Fairbairn, 16 February 1995; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Canada, Ministère de la Justice Canada, Section de la législation, Manuel de légistique, [Ottawa]: Minstère de la Justice Canada, août 2001 , v, 295 p., voir : «Régimes de responsabilté » aux pp. 193-199; et  Annexe 2 – Documents connexes – Acte criminel ou infraction réglementaire » écrit par L.S. Fairbairn, en date du 16 février 1995 aux pp. 279-295;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: A Consultation Paper, [Ottawa]; [Department of Justice Canada], [November 1994], v, 35 p.; available at my Digital Library, at; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Projet de réforme de la Partie générale du Code criminel, [Ottawa], [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [Novembre 1994], v, 39 p.; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale à;

CANADA, Environment Canada, Environmental Branch, Office of Enforcement, "Notes on Possible Due Diligence Defence", available at (accessed on 16 February 2003); also available in French / aussi disponible en français: Environnement Canada, La Direction de la protection de l'environnement, Application de la loi, "Moyens éventuels de défense basée sur la diligence raisonnable", disponible à (visionné le 16 février 2003);

CANADA, Federal Statutes, for examples of the due diligence defence for strict liability offences; hereunder are two examples; French/français, CANADA, lois fédérales, pour des exemples du moyen de défense de diligence raisonnable pour la responsabilité stricte des infractions, voici deux exemples:

Fisheries Act, R.S., c. F-14
"[Due diligence defence]
78.6 No person shall be convicted of an offence under this Act if the person
establishes that the person
(a) exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of the offence; or
(b) reasonably and honestly believed in the existence of facts that, if
true, would render the person's conduct innocent."
Loi sur les pêches, L.R., ch. F-14.
78.6 Nul ne peut être déclaré coupable d'une infraction à la présente loi
s'il établit :
a) soit qu'il a pris les mesures nécessaires pour l'empêcher;
b) soit qu'il croyait raisonnablement et en toute honnêteté à l'existence de
faits qui, avérés, l'innocenteraient."
British Columbia Grain Handling Operations Act, 1991, c. 25.
24. For greater certainty, nothing in this Act shall be construed so as to
restrict a person from raising a defence of due diligence in a prosecution
for an offence under this Part."
Loi sur la manutention des grains en Colombie-Britannique, 1991, ch. 25
"[Moyen de défense]
24. Il demeure entendu que la présente loi ne fait pas obstacle, dans les
poursuites pour infraction à la présente partie, au recours à un moyen de
défense fondé sur un motif de diligence normale."

CANADA, Government of Canada, The Criminal Law in Canadian Society, Ottawa:  [Department of Justice], August 1982, [6], 123 p., ISBN: 0662120833; copy of the English version of this document  is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Gouvernement du Canada,  Le droit pénal dans la société canadienne, Ottawa: [Ministère de la Justice], 1982, [6], 136 p., ISBN: 0662916719;

CANADA, House of Commons,  Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1992-1993,  11 Issues:  no. 1: 25, 26, 30 March  1992, 12 May and  8 June 1992; no. 2: 15 June 1992; no. 3: 16 June 1992; no. 4: 16 June 1992; no. 5: 2 and 18 November. 1991; no. 6: 19 November 1992; no. 7: 23 November 1992; no. 8: 24 November 1992; no. 9: 26 November. 1992; no. 10: 8 December  1992; no. 11: 10 December 1992 and  2, 4, and 16 February 1993; note that the 11 th issue consists of the report:  First Principles: Recodifying the General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada: Report of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Sollicitor General; see in particular in the report, Chapter V: "The Fault Element of Crimes" at pp. 19-22 and "States of Mind" at pp. 68-69;   also published in French/aussi publié en français: Chambre des Communes, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général,  [Ottawa]: I'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1992-1993, 11 fasicules : 1: 25, 26, 30 mars 1992, 12 mai, 8 juin 1992; 2: 15 juin 1992; 3: 16 juin 1992; 4: 16 juin 1992; 5: 2 et 18 novembre 1991; 6: 19 novembre 1992; 7: 23 novembre 1992; 8: 24 novembre 1992; 9: 26 novembre 1992; 10: 8 décembre 1992; 11: 10 décembre 1992 et 2,4,16 février 1993; noter que le 11e fasicule contient le rapport : Principes de base: recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada.  Rapport du Sous-comité sur la recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général; voir en particulier dans le rapport, le chapitre V, "Les éléments constitutifs des infractions" aux pp. 19-23 et "L'état d'esprit" aux pp. 72-73;

CANADA, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security, Rights, Limits, Security: A Comprehensive Review of the Anti-Terrorism Act and Related Issues -- Final Report of the Standing Committee on Public safety and National Security [and] Subcommitte on the Review of the Anti-terrorism Act, March 2007, xvi, 131 p;, and see recommendations 16-17 in particular, available at (accessed on 28 March 2007);  also published in French / aussi publié en français:  CANADA, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la sécurité publique et nationale, Droits, restrictions et sécurité: un examen complet de la loi antiterroriste et des questions connexes -- Rapport final du Comité permanent de la sécurité publique et nationale [et du] Sous-comit/ sur la revue de la Loi antiterroriste, 2007, xvi, 149 p., et voir les recommendations 17-18 en particulier, disponible à (site visité le 28 mars 2007);

CANADA, The Minister of Justice of Canada,  Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (general principles), [Ottawa], [Department of Justice Canada], 28 June 1993, 17 p./ information in French (bilingual publication) /informations en français (publication bilingue): Ministre de la Justice du Canda, Proposition de modification du Code criminel (principes généraux), [Ottawa], [Ministère de la Justice Canada], 28 ¸juin 1993, 17 p.;

CANADA, Officials of the Department of Justice Canada and Members of the Law Reform Commission of Canada,  Toward a New General Part for the Criminal Code of Canada: A Framework Document on the Proposed New General Part of the Criminal Code for the Consideration of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [1990], 137 p.; available at my Digital Library, at; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Fonctionnaires du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des membres de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada : document cadre sur la nouvelle partie générale proposée du Code criminel présenté pour examen au comité permanent de la justice et du solliciteur général, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice], [1990], 144 p.; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale à;

CANADA, Parliament, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal liability of organizations); Bill C-45, Royal Assent on 7 November 2003, Statutes of Canada 2003, chapter 21, available at; also published in French /aussi publié en français:  Loi modifiant le Code criminel (responsabilité pénale des organisations), Projet de loi C-45, sanctionné le 7 novembre 2003, Lois du Canada (2003), chapitre 21, disponible à (visionné le 20 novembre 2003);

CANADA, Parliament, Senate, Bill C-45, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal liability of organizations), Proceedings of the Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on Bill C-45, see issue of 30 October 2003, available at (accessed on 9 November 2003); also published in French /aussi publié en français: CANADA, Parlement, Sénat, Projet de loi C-45, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (responsabilité pénale des organisations), Délibération du Comité permanent des affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles sur le Projet de loi C-45, du 30 octobre 2003, disponible à;

CANADA/PROVINCES, Report of the Working Group on Chapter 2 of the Law Reform Commission of Canada Report 30 "Recodifying Criminal Law", [Ottawa]; [Department of Justice Canada], January 1988, v, 118 p.; Research Notesthis report is cited in the Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1988-1989 - 18th Annual Report, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1989 at p. 37, ISBN: 0662573013.  Chapter 2 of report 30  is entitled "Principles of Liability" and  includes proposals on mens rea.  This report was submitted to the Federal-Provincial Coordination Committee of Senior Justice Officials.  Members of the Working Group were from: the Department of Justice Canada, and from the following provincial Attorney General departments or Ministries/Departments of Justice: Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Alberta and  British Columbia. This report is available from the Department of Justice Canada.  It was obtained by François Lareau in 1998 under Access to Information Request number A98-00184; available at and at my Digital Library,; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: CANADA/PROVINCES, Rapport du Groupe de travail chargé de l'étude du chapitre 2 du Rapport no 30 de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada "Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal" (Volume I), [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada],  janvier 1988, vi, 134 p.;   Notes de recherche :  ce rapport est mentionné dans Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1988-1989, Dix-huitième Rapport annuel,  Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1989,  à la p. 40, ISBN: 0662573013.  Le chapitre 2 du rapport 30 a pour titre «Principes régissant la responsabilité» et comprend des dispositions sur la mens rea.  Ce rapport a été soumis au Comité fédéral-provincial de coordination composé de fonctionnaires de niveau supérieur de la justice.  Les membres du groupe de travail proviennent du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des ministères des procuereurs généraux /ministères provinciaux de la justice de: l'Ontario, Québec, Nouvelle-Écosse, Saskatchewan, Alberta et Columbie-Britannique. Ce rapport est disponible au Ministère de la Justice Canada.  Il a été obtenu par François Lareau en 1998 suite à une demande d'accès à l'information numéro A-98-00177; maintenant disponible à et à ma Bibliothèque digitale,;

CANADA/PROVINCES, Report of the Working Group on Chapter 3 of the Law Reform Commission of Canada Report 30, Vol. 1,  "Recodifying Criminal Law", [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], December 1987, vii, 80 p.; Research Notethis report is cited in the Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1988-1989 - 18th Annual Report, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1989 at p. 37, ISBN: 0662573013.  Chapter 3 of report 30  is entitled "Defences" and  includes a provision on "Lack of Knowledge".    This report of the working group was submitted to the Federal-Provincial Coordination Committee of Senior Justice Officials.  Members of the Working Group were from: the Department of Justice Canada, and from the following provincial Attorney General departments or Ministries/Departments of Justice: Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and  British Columbia. This report is available from the Department of Justice Canada.  It was obtained by François Lareau in 1998 under Access to Information Request number A98-00185also available in French / aussi disponible en français: CANADA/PROVINCES, Rapport du Groupe de travail chargé de l'étude du chapitre 3 du Rapport no 30 de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada "Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal" (Volume I), [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada],  décembre 1987, vii, 88 p.; Notes de recherche :  ce rapport est mentionné dans Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1988-1989, Dix-huitième Rapport annuel,  Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1989,  à la p. 40, ISBN: 0662573013.  Le chapitre 3 du rapport 30 a pour titre «Les moyens de défense» et comprend une disposition sur «[l']absence de connaissance».  Ce rapport du groupe de travail a été soumis au Comité fédéral-provincial de coordination composé de fonctionnaires de niveau supérieur de la justice.  Les membres du groupe de travail proviennent du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des ministères des procuereurs généraux /ministères provinciaux de la justice de: l'Ontario, Québec, Nouvelle-Écosse, Saskatchewan, Alberta et Columbie-Britannique. Ce rapport est disponible au Ministère de la Justice Canada.  Il a été obtenu par François Lareau en 1998 suite à une demande d'accès à l'information numéro A-98-00185;

CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF POLICE CHIEFS, An Evaluation of Volume I of the Report 30 Published by the Law Reform Commission Canada and titled "Recodifying Criminal Law", [Ottawa?]: The Canadian Association of Police Chiefs, 1987, 112 p.;

___________"Submission and Brief by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police for the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General concerning The Framework Document on the Proposed New General Part of the Criminal Code",  May 1991, published in Canada, House of Commons, Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: Queen's Printer for Canada, issue number 10, of 8 December 1992, pp. 10A: 1 to 10A: 12, and see "Culpability" at pp. 10A: 5 to 10A: 6; also published in French /aussi publié en français, "Présentation et mémoire de l'Association canadienne des chefs de police au Comité permanent de la Chambre des Communes de la Justice et du Solliciteur général au sujet du document cadre sur la nouvelle Partie générale du Code criminel", dans CANADA, Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général,  [Ottawa]: I'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1991, fasicule numéro 10, du 8 décembre 1992 aux pp. 10A : 24 à 10A :38, voir "Culpabilité" aux pp. 10A : 29 - 10A : 30;

CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION,  CRIMINAL RECODIFICATION TASK FORCE, Principles of Criminal Liability: Proposals for a New General Part of the Criminal Code - Report of the Criminal Recodification Task Force,  Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, [1992],  x, 190 p., ISBN: 0920742335; Research Note: This book is also published in CANADA, House of Commons, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor Generalsupra, Issue 5 of 2 and 18 November 1992 at pp. 5A:1-5A:194;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: ASSOCIATION  DU BARREAU CANADIEN, GROUPE DE TRAVAIL SUR LA NOUVELLE CODIFICATION DU DROIT PÉNAL, Principes de responsabilité pénale: proposition de nouvelles dispositions générales du Code criminel du Canada: Rapport du Groupe de travail sur la nouvelle codification du droit pénal, Ottawa : Association du Barreau canadien, [1992], xiii, 206 p., ISBN: 0920742351; Note de recherche : aussi publié dans CANADA, Chambre des Communes,  Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, supra, fasicule 5 du  2 et 18 novembre 1992 aux pp. 5A:224-5A:434;

CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION, Submission to the Minister of Justice on the Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (General Principles), [Ottawa]: [The Canadian Bar Association], January 1994, 12 p. (series; Legislative and Law Reform Submissions); infomation on the French version/informations sur la version française: L'Association du Barreau canadien, Mémoire au Ministre de la justice sur la proposition de modification du Code criminel (Principes généraux), [Ottawa]: [L'Association du Barreau canadien], janvier 1994, 12 p. (Collection; Mémoires - Législation et réforme du droit);

CANADIAN JUDICIAL COUNCIL, "Model Jury Instructions -- Criminal Negligence, Homicide  and Related Offences", available at (accessed on 31 March 2008) ; aussi disponible en français à (vérifié le 10 mars 2011);

CARLTON, Ted, "A Principled Approach to the Constitutional Requirement of Fault", (1992) 24 Ottawa Law Review 613-648;

CHAMBERLAIN, S.R., "Criminalizing Negligence: - Pandering to the Mob and Special Interest Groups", Ottawa, dated June 29, 1993, 22 p., paper presented at the Conference of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, "100 years of Criminal Codes", Ottawa, June 28-July 2, 1993;

CHAPMAN, Bruce, "Criminal Law Liability and Fundamental Justice: Toward a Theory of Substantive Judicial Review", (1986) 44 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review  151-178;

CHARLOW, Robin, "Bad Acts in Search of a Mens Rea: Anatomy of a Rape",  (2002-2003) 71 Fordham Law Review 263-327; discusses the Supreme Court of Canada decision of Sansregret;

CLARKE, Cherry Brady, "The Mental Element in Criminal Contempt of Court", (October 1991) 16(2) West Indian Law Journal 1-37; on Canadian law, see pp. 3-11;

COCHRANE, Tara, "R. v. Klair: Unjustified Limitations on Sentencing for Consequential Harm", (2004) 22(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 115-125, and see "The Consequentialist Debate", at pp. 117-120;

CODE, W.E. Brett, "Proportionate Blameworthiness and the Rule Against Constructive Sentencing" (1992) 11 Criminal Reports (4th) 40-47;

CODERRRE, Michel P. et Michel Proulx, Planification fiscale et pratique dentaire [enregistrement vidéo] = Taxation aspects of a dental  practice / Michel P. Coderre. Négligence criminelle dans  la pratique de la médecine dentaire = Criminal negligence in dental practice / Michel Proulx, [Montréal]: McGill University, Faculté de droit, 1992, 1 vidéocassette VHS, 85 minutes, en français sauf quelques exceptions (Collection; Le droit et vous : un guide pratique), notes:  Communications présentées lors d'un colloque intitulé "Aspects juridiques de la médecine dentaire" tenu les 20  et 21 novembre 1992";

Code criminel, S.R.C. 1985, c. C-46 / Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46;  

Criminal Code -- Annotated codes used by practioners/ Code criminel --codes annotés utilisés par les practiciens

    in English (published every year) /en anglais:

GOLD, Allan D., The Practioner's Criminal Code, Markham, Ont.: LexisNexis Canada, 2008;

GREENSPAN, Edward L. and Marc Rosenberg, annotations by, Martin's Annual Criminal Code 2008, Aurora: Canada Law Book Inc.;
WATT, David and Michelle Fuerst, annotations by, The 2008 Annotated Tremeear's Criminal Code, Toronto: Carswell, A Thomson Company;
     in French/en français (publié chaque année):
COURNOYER, Guy et Gilles Ouimet, Code criminel annoté 2008, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, une société Thomson; note: législation bilingue/bilingual legislation;
          DUBOIS, Alain et Philip Schneider, Code criminel et lois connexes annotés 2008, Brossard: Publications CCH Ltée;

COLVIN, Eric, "Culpability, Offences and the Sentencing Process", paper W-1, presented at the Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law Conference "Reform of Sentencing, Parole, Early Release", Ottawa, August 1-4, 1988;

___________"The Design of Objective Tests for Criminal Liability",  Conference Paper, International Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law 2008;

___________"Justice and Criminal Culpability", (1992-93) 5 Canterbury Law Review 321-339; deals in part with Canadian law; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

___________"Ordinary and Reasonable People: The Design of Objective Tests of Criminal Responsibility", (2001) 27(2) Monash University Law Review 197-228;

___________Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., [Scarborough]: Carswell, 1991, xxvi, 399 p., ISBN: 0459355619 (bound) and 0459355716 (pbk.);

___________"Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law", (1991) 15 Criminal Law Journal 379-386, and see "The Mens Rea for Murder", at pp. 380-381;

___________"Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law", (1995) 19 Criminal Law Journal 139-151;

___________"Recklessness and Criminal Negligence", (1982) 32 University of Toronto Law Journal 345-373;

___________"Section Seven of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms", (1989) 68 Canadian Bar Review 560-585;

COLVIN, Eric, 1945 and Sanjeev Anand, Principles of Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, li, 599 p., ISBN: 978 0779813247;  

COMISKEY, Marie and Matthew Sullivan, "Avoidance, Deception and Mistake of Law: The Mens Rea of Tax Evasion", (2006) 51(3) The Criminal Law Quarterly 303-341;

CONKLIN, M.J., "Strict Liability: the Doctrine in Sault Ste Marie - Judicial Creativity Gone Sour?", (1982) 3 Crown Counsel Review 5:9-13 (this review was published by the Manitoba Association of Crown Attorneys in Winnipeg);

CONNOLLY, Richard, "Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle: More than Careless, But Less than Criminally Negligent?", (1994) 5 Journal of Motor Vehicle Law 253-275;

CONSEIL CANADIEN DE LA MAGISTRATURE, "Modèles de directives au jury -- La négligence criminelle, l'homicide et les infractions connexes", disponible à (site vérifié le 31 mars 2008);

CORY, The Honourable Mr. Justice Peter deCarteret, "Criminal negligence",  in National Criminal Law Program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, vol. 1 of 2, section 1.1, 12 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

CÖTÉ, Andrée, 1956-, voir L'Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes, "La violence contre les femmes et la réforme du droit criminel: Recommendations en vue d'une réforme égalitaire du droit criminel", supra;

CÔTÉ-HARPER, Gisèle, 1942-, Pierre Rainville, 1964-, et  Jean Turgeon, 1951-, Traité de droit  pénal canadien, 4e édition refondue et augmentée, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1998, lv, 1458 p., voir en particulier les pp. 357-638, ISBN: 2894512589; note de recherche: la première édition porte le tite: Principes de droit pénal général, 1981;  la deuxième édition en 1984 et la troisième édition en 1989 avec le supplément de 1994 portent le tite Droit pénal canadien;

CÔTÉ-HARPER, Gisèle, "La Cour suprême et les moyens de défense en droit pénal canadien", dans/in Gérald-A. Beaudouin, sous la direction de/editor, La Cour suprême du Canada : Actes de la conférence d'octobre 1985 / The Supreme Court of Canada: Proceedings of the October 1995 Conference,  Cowansville : Éditions Yvon Blais, 1986, [6], 436 p. aux/at pp. 157-179, ISBN: 2890735893;

COTLER, Irwin, "Canada -- war crimes -- crimes against humanity -- criminal law --constitutional validity -- jurisdiction --actus reus -- mens rea -- defenses -- alternative remedies -- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  REGINA v. FINTA. [1994] 1 S.C.R. 701.  Supreme Court of Canada, March 24, 1994.  Regina v. Finta", (1996) 90 American Journal of International Law 460-476;

___________"War Crime and the Finta Case", (1995) 6 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 577-646, and see in particular, "Mens Rea" at pp. 622-632;

COUGHLAN, Stephen G., "Developments in Criminal Law: the 1996-97 Term", (1998) 9 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 229-272, see "II.  R. v. Hinchey: Approaches to Statutory Interpretation" at pp. 256-272;

COURNOYER, Guy, "Criminal Negligence:  has the Minotar found Ariadne's clue? in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 1 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

___________"Criminal Negligence: Has the Minotaur Found Ariadne's Clue?" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 1 of 2, section 4.1, 20 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

COVAL, S., J.C. Smith and Peter Burns, "The Concept of Action and Its Juridical Significance", (1980) 30 University of Toronto Law Journal 199-224;

COX, Harold J., Criminal Evidence Handbook, 2003-2004, Aurora (Ontario) Canada Law Book, 2003, cxxvii, 553 p., see "INTENT", at pp. 69-75, ISSN: 1201-253X; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF9660 C69 2003-04;

CRAMPTON, Paul S. and Joel T. Kissack, "Recent Developments in Conspiracy Law and Enforcement: New Risks and Opportunities", (1992-93) 38 McGill Law Journal 569-619;

Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46 / Code criminel, S.R.C. 1985, c. C-46;

CULLEN, M.E., "Criminal Negligence and Related Matters", (1982) 3 Crown Counsel  Review 3:3-13 (this review was published by the Manitoba Association of Crown Attorneys in Winnipeg);

CUMBLETON, Anita G. (Anita Gloria), 1971-, The effects of intention on ratings of crime seriousness and sentencing, Thesis (M.A.), Queen's University at Kingston, 1997; copy at the National Library; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet (20 June 2005);

DE COSTE, F.C., "R. v. Sault Ste. Marie: The Jurisprudential Aftermath", (1985/86) 50 Saskatchewan Law Review 276-297;

DelBIGIO, Gregory P., "The Constitutional Standards of Mens Rea (Part I) and (Part II)", (March 1994) 6(9)  Charter of Rights Newsletter 1-4; and  6(10) Charter of Rights Newsletter 1-4; the two articles are signed "G.P.D."; Gregory P. DelBigio is the associate editior of the newsletter;

DELISLE, R.J., "Annotation: R. v. Sharp (1984) 39 C.R. (3d) 367 (Ont. C.A.)", (1984) 39 Criminal Reports (3d) 368-369 [deals with criminal negligence/traite de la négligence criminelle];

DESROSIERS, Julie, "Chronique bibliographique: HUGUES PARENT, Traité de droit criminel, 2e t., Montréal, Éditions Thémis, 2004, 587 p., ISBN: 2-89400-192-4", (décembre 2004) 45(4) Les Cahiers de Droit 823-825;

DICKSON, Brian,  Speeches delivered by the Right Honorable Brian Dickson= Discours prononcés par le très Honorable Brian Dickson, [Ottawa] : Supreme Court of Canada / Cour suprême du  Canada, 1993, 2 volumes, see: “Criminal Law (Second Lecture) : Lecture Given to the Distinguished Visitors Program…University of Western Ontario, September 8 to 10, 1982”, in vol. 1, 1973-1985, at pp. 57-82;  this lecture is entirely on mens rea; notes: Documents compiled by Mrs. Louise Lévesque;  Vol. 1. covers 1973-1985; and Vol. 2. 1986-1990; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, call number: KF 345 D53 1993 v. 1 and KF 345 D53 1993 v. 2;

DIENING, J.A.A.,  1915-, On Reasonable Liability: A Comparison of Dutch and Canadian Law Regarding the Limits of Criminal Liabilty, Arnhem (The Netherlands):  Gouda Quint, 1982, xiv, 437 p.,  ISBN: 9060002504; Research Note: this book is the author's Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of Nijmegen, 1982; Note de recherche : ce livre est la thèse Ph.D. de l'auteur, Université catholique de Nijmegen, 1982;

DISANTO, Laura. and Sheila  McAllister,  "The Defence of all Reasonable Care", (1980) 18 Alberta Law Review 294-306;

DOHERTY, David H., "Conduct and Blame: Principles of Criminal Liability - A Canadian Note",  paper presented at the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law Conference, "Reform of the Criminal Law",  July 26-29, London, England, 1987, 18 p.;  paper mentioned in "[Conference Report]: Reform of the Criminal Law - The Inns of Court, London, England, July 26-29, 1987", (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 91-98 at 93;

__________"The Fault Element in Canadian Criminal Law" paper presented at the Criminal Lawyers' Association education programme, Annual Fall Convention, November 3 & 4, 1989, L'Hotel, Toronto, 124 p. (unpublished); Research Note: Two parts of Mr. Justice Doherty's paper, Part IX, "The Charter and the Fault Requirement" (pp. 95-121) and Part X, "Some Concluding Remarks" (pp. 122-124) have been revised and updated by Brian J. Gover, see infra; Note de recherche: Deux parties de l'article de Monsieur le jugeDoherty, la partie IX, "The Charter and the Fault Requirement" (pp. 95-121) et la partie Part X, "Some Concluding Remarks" (pp. 122-124) ont été révisées et mises à jour par Brian J. Gover, voir infra;

__________"The Mens Rea of Fraud", (1982-83) 25 The Criminal Law Quarterly 348-398; a note at p. 348 reads: "An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the Continuing Legal Education proceedings entitled 'Recent Developments in Criminal Law', conducted under the auspices of the Canadian Bar Association on May 1, 1982 in Toronto, Ontario";

DUBBER, Markus Dirk,  "Commentary" in Don Stuart, 1943-, R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., at pp. 156-182, ISBN: 045927077X; Research Note: commentary on Stuart, Don's proposals on the General Part in his article "A Case for a General Part", infra;

DUCKETT, Mona T., "Negligence As a Basis of Criminal Party", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 1,5, 13 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

DUMONT, Hélène, 1947-, "Disarming Canadians, and Arming them with Tolerance: Banning Firearms and Minimum Sentences to Control Violent Crime.  An Essay on an Apparent Contradiction", (2001) 39 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 329-365, see "Just proportionality" at pp. 344-347;

EATON, J. David, "Dangerous Operation",  in National Criminal Law Program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, vol. 1 of 2, section 1.2, 8 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

___________"Vicarious liability in criminal law" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1993: Montreal), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Montreal (PQ): Federation of Law Societies, 1993, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

"Editorial", (2001) 6 Canadian Criminal Law Review 129-131; also published in French/aussi publié en français: "Éditorial", (2001) Revue canadienne de droit pénal 129-131; deals with the decision of  R. v. Latimer, [2001] 1 S.C.R. 3;

"Thus the principle of proportionality is not concerned specifically with the moral culpability of the offender but with the objective gravity of the offence committed.  Latimer affirms this view and would seem to peclude any consideration of cruel and unusual punishment in matters of sentencing." (p, 130)
"En outre, le critère de la proportionalité ne s'évalue plus en regard de la culpabilité morale du contrevenant, mais en regard de la gravité objective du crime commis.  L'arrêt Latimer scelle définitivement ce courant et ferme pratiquement la porte à toute velléité de reconnaissance d'une quelconque pertinence de la Charte et de ses gardiens dans la reconnaissance et la protection de principes fondamentaux en matière de détermination de la peine." (p. 126)

EDWARDS, J. Ll. J., "Bora Laskin and the Criminal Law", (1985) 35 University of Toronto Law Journal 325-352, see at pp. 326-355;

EISEN, Mitch, "Recklessness",  (1988-89) 31 The Criminal Law Quarterly 347-371;

EWART, J. Douglas (John Douglas), 1949-, Criminal Fraud, Toronto: Carswell, 1986, xv, 182 p., see Chapter 5, "The New Law of Fraud: The Mental Element" at pp. 143-175,  (series; Carwell's Criminal Series), ISBN: 045938550;

EWASCHUK, Eugene G., Criminal Pleadings and Practice in Canada, 2 vol., 2nd ed., Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 1987-, loose-leaf, ISBN: 0888040687 (vol. 1) and 0888041438 (vol. 2);

FABIEN, Marc André, «Développements récents en droit pénal de l'environnement» dans Service de la formation permanente du Barreau (sous la direction de), 1998 Développements récents en droit de l'environnement, Cowansville : Éditions Yvon Blais, 1998, 356 p. aux pp. 63-99 (Collection; Service de la formation permanente Barreau du Québec; vol. 108), ISBN: 2894512628;

FAIRBURN, Michael, "Criminal Organizations: The Mental Element Exemplified", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 1.6, 13 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

FATTAH, E.A., "From a Guilt Orientation to a Consequence Orientation: a Proposed New Paradigm for the Criminal Law in the 21st Century" in Kuper, W. and Welp, J., eds., Beiträge zur Rechtswissenschaft: Festschrift für Walter Stree und Johannes Wessels zum 70, Geburtstag, Heildelberg: C.F. Müller Juristischer Verlag, 1993,  xix, 1279 p. at pp. 771-792; ISBN: 3811408933;

FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL-TERRITORIAL TASK FORCE ON YOUTH JUSTICE, A review of the Young Offenders Act and the Youth Justice System in Canada: Report of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on Youth Justice, August 1996, v, 651 p., see in 10.2, "Parental Liability", the section "10.2.6  Contributing and Negligence Offences", at pp. 483-489 (Chairs: Glenn Rivard and Alan Markwart); note from François Lareau: I obtained a copy of this report under an Access to Information Act request to the Department of Justice Canada, their file, AI-2001-0014/ll, letter dated 13 June 2001; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Groupe de travail fédéral-provincial-territorial sur la justice applicable aux jeunes (Canada), Examen de la Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants et du système de justice applicable aux jeunes au Canada: rapport / du Groupe de travail  féderal-provincial-territorial sur la justice applicable aux jeunes, [Ottawa] : Le Groupe de travail, 1996, 637 p.;

"Criminal negligence offences are controversial - a government order to act (duty of care) is far more intrusive than a demand to refrain from proscribed conduct (e.g. theft).  Accordingly, negligence offences are usually limited to circumstances that concern the life or safety of others, e.g. criminal negligence causing death, careless use of a firearm, etc.27  Given this, establishing a negligence offence in relation to parental omission of a duty of care to supervise children should, if considered, be restricted to circumstances affecting the life or safety of other persons. ...
27 There are some exceptions, e.g. s. 436 C.C. concerning arson by negligence applies whether the negligence results in bodily harm to another person or damage to property." (p. 484)

FEDERAL/PROVINCIAL WORKING GROUP ON HOMICIDE, Final Report of the Federal/Provincial Working Group on Homicide, [Ottawa], [Department of Justice Canada], June 1990, updated April 1991, xii, 170 p. (Co-Chairmen: Howard F. Morton,  Ministry of the Attorney General, Province of Ontario and Jean-François Dionne, Quebec Department of Justice); copy of this report was obtained by François Lareau under an Access to Information Act request response dated November 9, 1998, file A-98-00183 from the Department of Justice Canada; available at  my Digital Library,; also available in French / aussi disponible en français : Groupe de travail fédéral-provincial sur l'homicide, Rapport final du groupe de travail fédéral-provincial sur l'homicide, [Ottawa], [Ministère de la Justice Canada], juin 1990, révisé avril 1991, xii, 172 p. (Co-Présidents:  Howard F. Morton, Ministère du Procureur général de l'Ontario et Jean-François Dionne, Ministère de la Justice du Québec); copie de ce rapport a été obtenu par François Lareau dans la réponse en date du 9 novembre 1998 de sa demande à la Loi sur l'accès à l'information, au Ministère de la Justice Canada, dossier A-98-00183; disponible à  ma Bibliothèque digitale,;

FEDERATION OF LAW SOCIETIES OF CANADA (THE) --annoucement of forthcoming papers ---, the Federation will have its 2001 National Criminal Law Program - Substantive Law -- at the University of Prince Edwards Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I., July 9-13, 2001; one of the topics covered in the documents that will be circulated is "The Mental Element in Crime";

FERGUSON, Gerry, "Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law", (2000) 24(4) Criminal Law Journal 248-263, see "Mens Rea" at pp. 248-250 and "Proof of Intent" at p. 250;

___________"Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law", (April 2006) 30(2) Criminal Law Journal 100-114, see "Mens Rea: Recklessness" at pp. 100-102;

FITZGERALD, Thomas E.K., "R. v. Whythe: The Mens Rea of Impaired Driving" (1989) 8 Motor Vehicule Reports (2d) 308-316;

FLETCHER, George P., "Criminal Theory in the Twentieth Century", (January 2001) 2(1) Theoretical Inquiries in Law;

___________ "The Meaning of Innocence", (1998) 48 University of Toronto Law Journal 157-174;

FLYNN, P., "Criminal Negligence: Hunting Accidents", (1987) 5 Crown Counsel  Review 8:1-2 (this review was published by the Manitoba Association of Crown Attorneys in Winnipeg);

FOOT, Richard, "Moments  of inattention by drivers not criminal, top courts rules", The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, 23 February 2008; case of R. v. Beatty,  2008 SCC 5 (CanLII), 22 February 2008, available at (accessed on 23 February 2008);

FORESTIER-MAILLARD, Madeleine, L'élément moral de l'infraction en droit canadien et en droit français,  LL.M. thesis, Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, 1986,  xii, 377  p.;

FORTIN, Jacques et Louise Viau, Traité de droit pénal général, Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 1982, xi, 457 p.;

FRANCE, Simon, "Gains and Lost Opportunities in Canadian Constitutional Mens Rea", (1995) 20 Queen's Law Journal 533-555;

FRANKEL, David, "The Normative Basis of Fault in Criminal Law: History and Theory -- Book Review [see ODUJIRIN, Adekemi, infra, The Normative Basis of Fault in Criminal Law: History and Theory]", (November 2000) 58 The Advocate 935;

FRICKER, Patricia A. (Patricia Antoinette), 1960-, The Supreme Court of Canada, Parliament and the Charter: Exploring the Limits of the Judicial Functions in Criminal Law, 1998, vi, 170 leaves, Thesis (LL.M.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, 1998, supervisor: Professor Bruce P. Archibald; see "Criminal Liability and its Pre-Charter Constitutional Context" at pp. 82-89; "B.C. Motor Vehicule Act Reference, Vaillancourt, Paré, Martineau and Cooper" at pp. 95-118; and  "Creighton: Manslaughter, Penal Negligence and Criminal Liability" at pp. 136-141;

FRIEDLAND, M.L. (Martin Lawrence), 1932-,  and Kent Roach, 1961-, Criminal Law and Procedure : Cases and Materials, 8th ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 1997,  xxvii, 1020 p., ISBN: 0920722962, see Chapter 8, "The Mental State: Requirements of Culpability" at  pp. 507-561 and Chapter 9, "Absolute and Strict Responsibility" at pp. 563-599;

FRUCHTMAN, Earl, "Recklessness and the Limits of Mens Rea: Beyond Orthodox Subjectivism [Part I and II]", (1986-87) 29 The Criminal Law Quarterly 315-344 and 421-452;

GABIAS, Maurice, Jacques Blais, Hélène Carle, Jacques Lacoursière, Yvon Lefebvre, Droit pénal général et pouvoirs policiers, Droit pénal III, 3e édition, Mont-Royal  (Québec): Modulo Éditeur, 1997,  xii, 315 p., voir "L'aveuglement volontaire (Wilful Blindnness)" aux pp. 133-134, ISBN: 2891137019; il y a maintenant une 5e édition, 2005 que je n'ai pas encore consultée (7 septembre 2005);

GAGNÉ, Jacques, 1930-, et Pierre Rainville, Les infractions contre la propriété : le vol, la fraude et certains crimes connexes, Cowansville, Québec : Éditions Y. Blais, 1996, xxxiii, 514 p., ISBN:  2894510527;

GALLOWAY, Donald, "Annotation: R. v. Sansregret (1983), 37 C.R.(3d) 45 (Man. C.A.)", (1984) 37 Criminal Reports (3d) 45-46;

___________"Criminal Liability and the Centrality of Intention: Donald Galloway writing on Duff", (1992) 5 The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 143-154;

___________"Why the Criminal Law Is Irrational", (1985) 35 University of Toronto Law Journal 25-42;

GARANT, Patrice, "Vie, liberté, sécurité et justice fondamentale (article 7)" dans Gérard-A Beaudoin et Errol P. Mendès, sous la direction de, Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, troisième édition, Montréal: Wilson et Lafleur, 1996, xxv, 1192 p., chapitre 10, aux 419-520, voir "L'intention coupable en matière pénale" aux pp. 514-517,  ISBN: 2891273494; avec le même titre dans: Gérald-A. Beaudoin and Errol Mendes, eds., Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms = Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, 4th ed., Markham, Ont.: LexisNexis Butterworths, c2005, lxviii, 1508 p., at pp. 457-593, and see "L'intention coupable (mens rea) en matière pénale" at pp. 575-578, ISBN: 0433445939, copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Reserve, KE 4381.5 .Z85 C327 2005; also published in English [translation] / aussi publié en anglais [traduction] Garant, Patrice, "Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Justice (Section 7)", in Gérard-A Beaudoin and Errol P. Mendès, eds., The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,3rd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell - Thompson Professional Publishing, 1996, iv, various pagings, at Chapter 9, 101 p., see "Mens Rea in Penal Matters" at pp. 9-95 to 9-98,  ISBN: 045956014X (bound)  and  0459560417 (pbk.);

_____________"Vie, liberté, sécurité et justice fondamentale (Article 7)", (2005) 28 The Supreme Court Law Review 267-426, see "L'intention coupable (mens rea) en matière pénale", aux pp. 405-408;

GARNEAU, Grant S. and Sandra deVink, Issues Paper : Situations of Risk to Children  - Part One: Child Neglect and Criminal Law Enforcement; Part Two:    Chronic Neglect : Social Policy and Program Development; Part Three: List of Issues, Fredericton, N.B. : Department of Justice Canada, 1999, 21 p.; available at  as noted on 28 April 2001;  Part I is by Garneau and Part 2 by de Vink;  also available in French / aussi disponible en français: Situations de risque pour les enfants - Première partie: négligence envers les enfants et application de la loi; Deuxième partie: Négligence Chronique; Troisième partie: liste de questions, Frédéricton, Nouveau-Brunswick, 1999; disponible à tel que vu le 28 avril 2001; la partie I est par Garneau et la deuxième par de Vink;

GARTON, Graham,  Canadian Charter of Rights Decisions Digest, available at;  also available at; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: GARTON, Graham, Recueuil de décisions relatives à la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, et voir "Imprécision et portée excessive" sous les articles 1 et 7, disponible à (vérifié le 12 avril 2008);

GIBSON, John L., Canadian Criminal Code Offences, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, A Thomson Company, 1986-, 2 volume looseleaf supplemented book (3-4 supplements per year), ISBN: 0459385704; "information about 51 most commonly charged Criminal Code offences" (publicity brochure from Carswell), e.g. criminal negligence;

GOLD, Alan D., "Constructive Manslaughter Should Not Have Survived", (1993) 23 Criminal Reports (4th) 262-264 [Part of a series of articles by different authors under the heading "Criminal Reports Forum: Objective Fault in the Supreme Court", (1993) 23 C.R. (4th) 240-279];

___________Criminal offences and defences, contributed by Alan D. Gold: contributing editor, Andrew James, contributor editor, Brendon Lounsbery, Markham (Ontario): LexisNexis Canada, 2007, 1034 p., and see "Criminal Negligence and recklessness", at pp. 605-620 (series; Halsbury's Laws of Canada), ISBN: 9780433454267;

___________"Fraud: The Mens Rea of Dishonesty",  in 1982 Annual Institute On Continuing Legal Education, Recent Developments in Criminal Law, Toronto: Canadian Bar Association - Ontario, 1982, 19 p., [2 p.];

___________"Notes and Comments: Charter of Rights - Fundamental Justice", (1983-84) 26 The Criminal Law Quarterly 29-31 [ Reference Re Section 94(2) of the Motor Vehicle Act (1983) 4 C.C.C. (3d) 243, 33 C.R. (3d) 22, 147 D.L.R. (3d) 539 (B.C.C.A.)];

___________Notes and Comments: Criminal Law - Criminal Negligence", (1988-89) 31 The Criminal Law Quarterly 405-408 [comments on /commentaires sur : R. v. Waite (1989), 48 C.C.C. (3d) 1 (S.C.C.) R. v. Tutton (1989), 48 C.C.C. (3d) 129 (S.C.C.)];

___________"Notes and Comments: Criminal Negligence - Elements of Offence", (1986-87) 29 The Criminal Law Quarterly 12-14 [comments on / commentaires sur R. v. Waite (Ont. C.A.)];

___________"Notes and Comments: Homicide - Mens Rea - Intent for murder - Concurrence of actus reus and mens rea", (1993) 35 The Criminal Law Quarterly 299-304  [R. v. Cooper (1993), 78 C.C.C. (3d) 289 (S.C.C.)];

___________Notes and Comments: Lessons About Mens Rea; Three Recent Cases"  (1994) 36 Criminal Law Quarterly 157-167 [The three cases are/les trois décisions sont: R. v. Reyat, (1993) 80 C.C.C. (3d) 210 (B.C.C.A.); R. v. DeSousa, [1992] 2 S.C.R./R.C.S. 944; R. v. L (S.R..), (1992) 76 C.C.C. (3d) 502 (Ont. C.A.)];

___________"Notes and Comments: Offences - Wilful Breach of Probation - Mens Rea - Mistake of Law"  (1989-90) 32 The Criminal Law Quarterly 435-439 [discusses R. v. Docherty (1989), 51 C.C.C. (3d) 1; 72 C.R.(3d) 1 (S.C.C.)];

___________"Notes and Comments: R. v. Barron, (1985) 23 C.C.C. (3d) 544, 48 C.R. (3d) 334 (Ont. C.A.), (1985-86) 28 The Criminal Law Quarterly 302-303;

GOODE, M.R., "Mens rea in corpore reo: an exploration of the Rapists' Charter", (1983) 7 Dalhousie Law Journal 447-527;

GOODMAN, G.R., "Criminal Negligence in the Operation of a Motor Vehicle: Some Further Thoughts", (1982) 3 Crown Counsel Review 3:16 (this review was published by the Manitoba Association of Crown Attorneys in Winnipeg);

GOVER, Brian J. and David H. Doherty, "Constitutionalization of the Fault Requirement in Canadian Criminal Law", 36 p. in Criminal Law '90, [Toronto],  Canadian Bar Association - Ontario, February 1990,  Institute of Continuing Legal Education, ISBN: 0921664613; Research Note: A footnote for the title of the article reads in part as follows/ Note de recherche: Une note au bas de la page pour cet article, se lit en partie ainsi: : "By Justice David H. Doherty of the Supreme Court of Ontario.  First presented to the Annual Convention of the Criminal Lawyers Association in November 1989, as part of a larger paper entitled 'The Fault Element in Canadian Criminal Law,'  [supra] this chapter has been revised and updated by Brian J. Gover, Counsel, Ministry of the Attorney General, Crown Law Office." ;

MITCHELL, Graeme G., "Significant Developments in Criminal Charter Jurisprudence in 1992", (1993) 57 Saskatchewan Law Review 59-103, and see "The Minimum of Fault" at pp. 60-65; 

GRANT, Isabel, "Combining Oakes and the Motor Vehicle Reference, and the Question of Stigma", (1988) 60 Criminal Reports (3d) 336-339 [part of a series of articles by different authors: "Vaillancourt: A Criminal Report's Forum"];

___________"Developments in Criminal Law: the 1993-94 Term", (1995) 6 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 209-279; "I. Introduction...209; 1. Culpability and Harm...209; 2.Outline...213.  II. The 1993-94 Term...214; 1. An Overview...214; 2. Developments in the Constitutional Dimensions of Fault...215: (a)Unlawful Act Manslaughter...216; (b) Other Crimes...224; (c) Discussion...226; 3. Statutory Interpretation Issues...230: (a) The Retreat from Symmetry...230; (b) The Retreat from Subjectivism...233: (i) Penal Negligence Cases...234; (ii) Accessory Liability for Manslaughter...238: (1) Section 21(1): Aiding and Abetting...240; (2) Section 21(2)...241; (iii) The Nature of the Objective Test...245; (c) First Degree Murder: Section 231(5) Revisited...259; (d) The Prevention of Harm and the Protection of Vulnerable Individuals...264: (i) Firearms...265; (ii)Indecency...269; (iii) Assisted Suicide. III.Conclusion...276";

__________"Developments in Criminal Law: the 1994-95 Term [of the Supreme Court of Canada]", (1996) 7 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 203-259 [R. v. Hibbert, [1995] 2 SCR 973, 99 CCC (3d) 193 is discussed at pp. 231-244];

___________"An Equality Analysis of the Reasonable Person in Defences", [Ottawa:] The Department of Justice Canada, Law Reform Division, 1995, approx. 33 p. (approx. as downloaded from the internet);; as seen on 31 November 2000; article deals with question 5 of the Department of Justice Canada document Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code, November 1994;

___________"The Impact of Vaillancourt v. The Queen on Canadian Criminal Law", (1990) 28 Alberta Law Review 443-467;

___________R. v. Vaillancourt: The Constitutionalization of Mens Rea",   (1988) 22 University of British Columbia 369-390;

GRANT, Isabel, Natasha Bone, and Kathy Grant, "Canada's Criminal Harassment Provisions: A Review of the First Ten Years", (2003) 29(1) Queen's Law Journal 175-241, see "Mens Rea" at pp. 212-226 and 238-240;

GRANT, Isabel and Christine Boyle, "Equality, Harm and Vulnerability: Homicide and Sexual Assault Post-Creighton", (1993) 23 Criminal Reports (4th) 252-261 [Part of a series of articles by different authors under the heading "Criminal Reports Forum: Objective Fault in the Supreme Court", (1993) 23 C.R. (4th) 240-279];

GREENSPAN, Brian H. and Harris M. Rosen,  "Other Vehicular Crimes: Guilt Without a Guilty Mind: the Law of Criminal Negligence in Canada", in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Federation of Law Societies of Canada, July 1993;

GREENSPAN, Brian H., "Guilt without a guilty mind: the law of criminal negligence in Canada" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1993: Montreal), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Montreal (PQ): Federation of Law Societies, 1993, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

GREGOR, Brenda Leigh, The Mens Rea of Fraud: A Thesis,  LL.M. thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 1994, [iv], 258 leaves;

GRONDIN, Rachel, 1951-, "L'élément psychologique des crimes internationaux les plus graves", (2003) 33(3) Revue générale de droit 439-479;

___________Les infractions contre la personne et contre les biens, 5e édition, Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2003, ix, 194 p. (Collection; la collection blueue; Faculté de droit, Section de droit civil, Université d'Ottawa), ISBN: 2891276132; voir "Homicide par négligence criminelle" aux pp. 27-30 et "négligence criminelle causant la mort" aux pp. 56-58; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 9304 G76 2003;

HALLEY, Paule, 1964-, Le droit pénal de l'environnement: l'interdiction de polluer, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, xxi, 403 p., ISBN: 2894515103; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 3775 ZB5 H35 2001;

___________"Les infractions de pollution et la Charte constitutionnelle: R. c. Wholesale Travel Group Inc.", Congrès annuel du Barreau du Québec (1992), sous la direction du Service de la formation permanente Barreau du Québec, [Montréal]: [Barreau du Québec], [1992], pp. 701-728, ISBN: 2921290049;

___________Instituer la prudence environnementale : le régime pénal québécois de lutte contre la pollution, thèse de doctorat, LL.D., Université de Montréal, 1994, ix, 332 p., voir "la défense de diligence raisonnable" aux pp. 137-192;

HARVIE, Robert and Hamar Foster, "Different Drummers, Different Drums: The Supreme Court of Canada, American Jurisprudence and the Continuing Revision of Criminal Law Under the Charter", (1992) 24 Ottawa Law Review 39-115, see pp. 92-98;

HAWKE, Kathryn, "The Mens Rea of Criminal Negligence", (1991) 3 Journal of Motor vehicle Law 1-13;

HEALY, Patrick, "Anderson: Marking Time or a Step Back on Criminal Negligence?", (1990) 75 Criminal Reports (3d) 58-63;

___________"Case Comments - Criminal law -- Strict and Absolute Liability Offences -- The Role of Negligence -- Presumption of Innocence and Reverse Onus -- Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Sections 7, 11; Competition Act, Sections 36, 37.3: R. v. Wholesale Travel Group Inc.", (1990) 69 Canadian Bar Review 761-775;

__________"The Creighton Quartet: Enigma Variations in a Lower Key", (1993) 23 Criminal Reports (4th) 265-279 [Part of a series of articles by different authors under the heading "Criminal Reports Forum: Objective Fault in the Supreme Court", (1993) 23 C.R. (4th) 240-279];

___________"Innocence and Defences", (1993) 19 Criminal Reports (4th) 121-131;

___________"Regulatory Offences: The Case for a Purposive Test of Proportionality in Public Liability" dans Commercial Crime and Commercial Law/Le droit des affaires face au droit pénal, Meredith Memorial Lectures 1990/Conférences commémoratives Meredith 1990, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1990,  xvi, 467 p., at Chapter/Lecture IV, pp. 195-231, ISBN:2890737640;

___________"Repeal Criminal Negligence", (1995) 37 The Criminal Law Quarterly 205-219;

HÉBERT, Jean-Claude, Droit pénal des affaires, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 2002, xxi, 831 p., ISBN: 289451607X;  voir notamment "La connaissance coupable" (la mixité de la connaissance; l'ignorance volontaire; l'insouciance) aux pp. 42-62; et "L'élément intentionnel de la fraude" aux pp. 458-481; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF9350 H43 2002 (livre consulté le 13 janvier 2003);

___________Fenêtres sur la justice, Montréal: Éditions du Boréal, 2006, 298 p., voir "Les formes de responsabilité", aux pp. 179-184, ISBN: 2764604564;

___________«L'intention requise en matière d'emploi d'un document contrefait», (1988) 48 Revue du Barreau 107-123;

HOGAN, Brian, Vicarious Liability for Crime, unpublished paper prepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada; cited in Law Reform Commision of Canada, Fourteenth Annual Report 1984-1985, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1985, 52, [3], p. at p. 35, ISBN: 0662539575;

HOGG, Peter W., Constitutional Law of Canada, vol. 2, 3rd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, 1992-, loose-leaf edition (1 release per year), see chapter 44, "Fundamental Justice", ISBN: 0459556878; Research Note/Note de recherche: there is also a fourth edition in hardcover/il y a aussi une 4e édition; catalogue information: Constitutional Law of Canada, 4th edition, Agincourt, Carswell, September 1997, 1500 p.,  ISBN: 0459238558;

__________"Judicial Reform of Criminal Law under Section 7 of the Charter" in Gérald.-A. Beaudouin, editor/sous la direction de, The Charter: Ten Years Later, Proceedings of the April 1992 Colloquium of the Canadian Bar Association and the Department of Justice of Canada in Ottawa /La Charte: dix ans après, Actes de la Conférence de l'Association du Barreau canadien et du ministère de la Justice du Canada tenue à Ottawa en avril 1992: Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1992,  ix, 238 p. at/aux pp. 71-89, ISBN: 2890738418;

HOLLAND, Winifred H., "Comments on the Consultation Paper", February 1995, 7 p., see "The Fault Element p. 8" at p. 2; "Wilful blindness - p14" at p. 2; "Criminal Negligence p 16 and Consultation Paper p5" at pp. 2-4; and "Simple Negligence" at p. 4; document obtained by François Lareau, further to an Access to Information Act request of 21 August 1998 to the Department of Justice Canada, request number A98-00147, documents page number 000232-000240 (includes covering page letter);

___________The Law of Theft and Related Offences, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson professional Publishing, 1998, xiii, 405 p., see Chapter 5, "The Mens Rea of Theft" at pp. 145-199, ISBN: 0459555227;

___________"Murder and Related Issues: An Analysis of the Law in Canada -- Report to the Law Commission", July 2005, in The Law Commission, The Law of Murder: Overseas  Comparative Studies, [London: HMSO, 2005], at pp. 22-65;  available at (accessed on 27 December 2005); 

HORDER, Jeremy, "Gross Negligence and Criminal Culpability", (1997) 47 University of Toronto Law Journal 495-521;

HUBBARD, Robert W., Fault Requirement,  [Toronto, Ont.] : Department of Justice, [1990], 1 v. (various pagings), Notes: other titles: "Panel discussion on fault requirement"; "Constitutionalization of the fault  requirement in Canadian criminal law"; copy at the Library of the Department of Justice Canada, Ontario Regional Office, Toronto; text not consulted;

HUGHES, Elaine L., "Environmental Prosecurions: Characterizing the Offence", (1991) 1 Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 323-328;

___________"Practice Note - Environmental Offences and Vicarious Liability", (1993) 3 Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 105-112;

HUGHES, Patricia, "Charter Implications in Criminal Justice: A Commentary on Klinck and Weiser", (1993) 42 University of New Brunswick Law Journal  223-226;

HUOT, François, 1963-,  Negligence in Criminal Law: A Comparative Approach, LL.M. thesis,  University of Toronto, 1994, viii, 377  leaves;

ILLICO INC, Ste-Julie, QC, tel. 1-800- 663-3824,, recherche jurisprudentielle:
- «L'aveuglement volontaire ("wilfil blindness")», CR- 3183, mai 1994;
- «La diligence raisonnable au sens de Sault Ste-Marie [1993-94]», CR-8128, avril 1995;
- «La "diligence raisonnable" au sens de Strasser c. Roberge»,  CR-7294, août 1994;
- «L'infraction de responsabilité stricte ou absolue et le Code de sécurité routière»,  CR-2698, avril 1992;
- «L'infraction statutaire de responsabilité stricte ou absolue»,  CR-1698, avril 1994;
- «La négligence criminelle causant la mort: l'accident d'automobile»,  CR-5465, mai 1993;
- «L'offense de responsabilité stricte ou absolue, en droit pénal, C.A - C.S.»,  CR-2697, avril 1993,

INNES, William I., 1952-, Tax Evasion in Canada, Toronto : Carswell, 1987, xxvi, 326 p., and see "Mens Rea", at pp. 101-125, and "Negligence", at pp. 188-190,  ISBN:  0459305719; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General: KE 5728 .I55 1987; note: LL.M. thesis with the title: Tax Evasion in Canadian Law, York University, 1987, 133 p.with W. Neil Brooks as thesis supervisor;

INSTITUTE OF LAW RESEARCH AND REFORM, Defences to Provincial Charges, Edmonton: The Institute of Law Research and Reform, March 1984, ii, 123 p., (series; Report No. 39);

JACOBY, Daniel  et Gilles Létourneau,  "Les soubresauts de Sault Ste-Marie et le droit du Québec", (1981) 41 Revue du Barreau 447-468;

JARDINE, James, "Other Vehicular Crimes: Dangerous Driving",  in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Federation of Law Societies of Canada, July 1993;

JEFFERY, M.I., "Environmental Enforcement and Regulation in the 1980's: Regina v. Sault Ste. Marie Revisited" (1984) 10 Queen's Law Journal 43-70;

JODOUIN, André, «La Charte canadienne des droits et libertés et l'élément moral des infractions», (1983) 61 Revue du Barreau canadien/Canadian Bar Review  211-241;

__________"La légitimité des sources du droit pénal (réflexions d'un agnostique sur les certitudes fondamentales du droit répressif)" dans Ejan Mackaay, sous la direction de, Les certitudes du droit = Certainty and the Law, Montréal: Les Éditions Thémis, 2000, [xxvii], 278 p., aux pp. 115-150, voir en particulier, "Un cas figure : la mens rea" aux pp. 140-143, ISBN: 2894001266;

__________«L'incidence de l'article 7 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés sur la mens rea» dans Formation permanente, Barreau du Québec (sous la direction de), Nouveaux développements en droit criminel découlant de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, Cowansville : Éditions Yvon Blais, 1988, [8], 281 p. aux pp. 15-24, ISBN: 2890736717;

__________"Systèmes, interprétation et culpabilité", dans Ernest Capparos et al. (sous la direction de), Mélanges Louis-Philippe Pigeon,  Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 1989, (Collection Bleue, Série Ouvrages Collectifs, Faculté de droit, Section de droit civil, Université d'Ottawa), viii, 320 p. aux  pp. 235-261, ISBN:  2891271165;

JOHNSTONE, Gregory P. and Norman A. Peel, "Criminally negligent operation causing death or bodily harm and dangerous operation of vehicules and vessels and aircraft & Mens Rea sisters of fantasia" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1986: St. John's, Newfoundland), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, St. John's: Federation of Law Societies, 1986, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

KADISH, Sanford H. with the assistance of Martha Matthews, "Act and Omission, Mens Rea and Complicity",  paper presented at the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law Conference, "Reform of the Criminal Law",  July 26-29, London, England, 1987, 24, [14] p.;  paper mentioned in "[Conference Report]: Reform of the Criminal Law - The Inns of Court, London, England, July 26-29, 1987", (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 91-98 at 94;  paper deals in part with the Law Reform Commission proposals contained in its draft code, Recodifying Criminal Law, vol. 1, 1986, infra;

___________"Act and Omission, Mens Rea and Complicity: Approaches to Codification", (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 65-89;

KAISER, H. Archibald, "Summary of Proceedings: The Mental Element", (1989) 14 Queen's Law Journal 115-118;

KAMEL-TOUEG, Nabil, Précis de droit pénal général - Droit pénal I, 2e édition, Mont-Royal (Province of Québec) : Modulo Édiiteur, 1994, ix, 242 p., voir le chapitre 5, "L'élément moral de l'Infraction (la mens rea)" aux pp. 97-124 et "La diligence raisonnable" aux pp.193-196, ISBN: 2891135024;

KEEFE, John, "The Due Diligence Defence: A Wholesale Review", (1993) 35 The Criminal Law Quarterly 480-492;

KEHOE, Jeff, "Ellis Don and Strict Liability for Provincial Offences: Where has Sault Ste. Marie Gone?", (1991) 36 McGill Law Journal 1089-1109;

KEITH, Norman, 1956-, Workplace health and safety crimes: Bill C-45 and Westray criminal offennces, Markham (Ontario): LexisNexis Butterworths, 2004, xiii, 193 p., see Chapter 3, "The Law of Criminal Negligence", at pp. 39-61, ISBN: 0433444738; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF3570 K45 2004;

KLINCK, Dennis, "The Charter and Substantive 'Criminal Justice'", (1993) 42 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 191-211;

KURKE, Alex, "The Mental Element" in CANADA, House of Commons, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, supra, Issue number 2:  June 15, 1992 at pp. 2A:17 to 2A:33; information on the French translation/informations sur la traduction française: [traduction] «L'élément psychologique», dans Canada, Chambre des Communes, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, supra, fasicule numéro 2 : 15 juin 1992 aux pp. 2A : 128  à  2A : 139;

LAREAU, François, PDF "Definitions of States of Mind / Défintions des formes de culpabilité", [Ottawa], 2006, 2 p. (English) et 2 p. (français);

____________"The Difference Between Negligent Homicide and Reckless Homicide when Both of them Involve Consciousness of the Risk", article presented at the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law Conference "Reform of the Criminal Law", 26-29 July 1987, London, England, 21 p. and  1 page errata; paper mentioned in "[Conference Report]: Reform of the Criminal Law - The Inns of Court, London, England, July 26-29, 1987", (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 91-98 at 95; see a revised version : The Distinction between Conscious Negligence and Recklessness;

___________«Le dualisme et un contre-courant dans l'infraction de commission intentionnelle», travail présenté à M. Alain-François Bisson, professeur du cours DCL 5500, Séminaire en philosophie du droit, programme de maîtrise en droit, Université d'Ottawa, École des études supérieures et de la recherche, Faculté de droit, session automne 1989, 60  p., texte non publié; voir une copie revue et corrigée: Le dualisme et un contre-courant dans l'infraction de commission intentionnelle;

___________PDF"Les mobiles dans un concept d'infraction pénale", travail présenté à M. André Jodouin, professeur du cours de recherche dirigé DCL 7399, programme de maîtrise en droit, LL.M., Université d'Ottawa, École des études supérieures et de la recherche, Faculté de droit, session de l'hiver 1990, [2], 120 p.,

___________«Mens Rea constitutionnelle pour les conséquences prévues à l'al. 267(1)b) et au par. 268(1) du Code criminel», travail présenté à Me Daniel Proulx, professeur du cours DCL 7605 - Étude approfondie des droits de la personne (2e cycle), programme de maîtrise en droit, LL.M., Université d'Ottawa, École des études supérieures et de la recherche, Faculté de droit, session automne 1989, 47 p., texte non-publié;

LAVOIE, Réjean, «Négligence criminelle, conduite dangeureuse et Charte» dans Service de la Formation permanente Barreau du Québec (sous la direction de), Congrès annuel du Barreau du Québec (1992), [Montréal]: [Barreau du Québec], 1992, pp. 283-314;

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, Report on Vicarious Liability under the Motor Vehicule Act,  Vancouver: The Law Reform Commission of British Columbia, 1989; iii, 88 p. (series; LRC 106), ISBN: 0771888643;

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF CANADA, Classification of offences, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1986, [10], 92 p., (series; Working Paper; number 54), ISBN: 0662545699; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, La classification des infractions, Ottawa: La Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1986, [10], 98 p., (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 54), ISBN: 0662545699;

___________Crimes against the Environment, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1985, [ix], 75 p., see "Thee Mental Element Test", at pp. 29-38, and "Criminal Negligence" at pp. 51-52 (series; Working Paper; number 44), ISBN: 0662539907; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Les crimes contre l'environnement, Ottawa: La Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1985, [ix], 85 p., voir "Le critère de l'élément moral", aux pp. 34-45 et "La négligence criminelle" aux pp. 59-60 (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 54), ISBN: 0662539907;

__________Damage to Property: Arson, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission, 1984, [ix], 44 p., see "The Mental Element" at pp. 19-21, (series; Working Paper; number 36), ISBN: 0662532457; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Les dommages aux biens: le crime d'incendie, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1984, [ix], 52 p., voir "L'élément moral" aux pp. 21-24, (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 36), ISBN: 0662532457;

___________Damage to Property - Vandalism, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1984, [x], 65 p., see the discussion of "wilfully" at p. 6 and the recommendation on the mental element for the new proposed offence of vandalism at pp. 37-38  (Series; Working Paper; number 31), ISBN: 0662528956; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Les dommages aux biens - le vandalisme, Ottawa: Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1984, [xi], 77 p., voir la discussion de l'expression "volontairement" aux pp. 8-9 et la recommandation sur l'élément moral de l'infraction proposée de vandalisme" aux pp. 47-48 (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 31),  ISBN: 0662528956;

___________Defamatory Libel, Ottawa: Ministry of Supply and Services Canada, 1984, [x], 99 p., see "Mens Rea" at pp. 17-20 (Series; Working Paper; number 35), ISBN: 0662531337; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française: Le libelle diffamatoire, Ottawa: Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1984, [xiv], 109 p., voir "Le mens rea" aux pp. 18-22 (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 35), ISBN: 0662531337;

__________The General Part - Liability and Defences, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canda, 1982, [xi], 204 p., (series; Working Paper; number 29), ISBN: 0662514297; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française, Commission de réforme du droit du Canada Partie générale - responsabilité et moyens de défense, Ottawa: Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1982, [xii], 239 p., (collection; Document de travail; numéro 29),  ISBN: 0662514297;

"...mens rea can be understood in two different ways.  It can refer to mental facts -- intent, recklessness or knowledge.  In this sense, it has a purely descriptive meaning, with criminal liability involving three things: (1) an actus reus, (2) a mens rea, and (3) lack of a defence, so that there may actus reus without liability on account of some defence.  Alternatively mens rea has a normative connotation.  In this sense to say that someone had mens rea is to say that he is at fault in that he did the prohibited act with the required state of mind and had no excuse or justification for doing it.  In other words mens rea means guilt or blame." (p. 24)


"[...] la notion de mens rea peut être comprise de deux façons.  D'une part, elle peut renvoyer à des facteurs d'ordre psychologique comme l'intention, l'insouciance ou la connaissance.  Dans ce sens, la mens rea a une valeur purement descriptive et la responsabilité se fonde sur trois éléments : (1) un actus reus, (2) une mens rea, et (3) l'absence d'un moyen de défense.  Ainsi, à cause de l'application d'un moyen de défense, la responsabilité peut ne pas être engagée, en dépit de la présence d'un actus reus et d'une mens rea. D'autre part, on peut donner au  mens rea un caractère normatif.  Selon cette conception, dire qu'une personne a la mens rea revient à dire qu'elle est en faute parce qu'elle a accompli un acte interdit avec l'état d'esprit requis et qu'elle n'avait aucune excuse ou justification pour l'acomplir.  Autrement dit, les mots mens rea signifient la culpabilité ou le blâme." (pp. 25-26)

___________Homicide, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services, 1984, [10], 117 p., (series; Working Paper; number 33), ISBN: 0662529871; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version / informations sur la version française: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, L'homicide, Ottawa: Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1984, [10], 129 p., (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 33), ISBN: 0662529871;

___________Medical Treatment and Criminal Law, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1980, [viii], 136 p., see "Criminal Negligence" at pp. 29-34, with the notes at the end of the volume (series; working Paper - Protection of Life Project; number 26), ISBN: 0662506707; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française, Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Le traitement médical et le droit criminel, Ottawa: Minsitre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1980, [ix], 152 p., voir "La négligence criminelle" aux pp. 32-39 avec les notes à la fin du volume (Collection; Document de travail - Projet sur la protection de la vie; numéro 26), ISBN: 0662506707;

__________Omissions, negligence and endangering, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1985, [8], 42 p. (series; Working Paper; number 46),  ISBN: 0662540824; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française, Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Omission, la négligence et la mise en danger, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1985, [8], 48 p. (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 46), ISBN: 0662540824;

__________Policy implementation, compliance and the administrative law, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1986, [vi], 105 p. (series; administrative law; Working Paper; number 51),  ISBN: 0662540832; information on the French version/informations sur la version française, Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Droit, objectifs publics et observation des normes, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1986, [vi], 115 p. (Collection; Droit administratif, Document de travail; numéro 51), ISBN: 0662540832;

__________Recodifying Criminal Law, vol. 1, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1986, [14], 117 p., ISBN: 0662547322 (series; Report; number 30); copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française, Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal, vol. 1, Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1986, [14], 117 p.,  ISBN: 0662547322 (collection; Rapport; numéro 30);

__________Recodifying Criminal Law (Revised and Enlarged Edition of Report 30),  Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1987, [16], 213 p., (series; Report; number 31), ISBN:0662547578; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; Research Note:  the Commission's recommendations in this report were modified by a subsequent document: "A New General Part for the Criminal Code: Brief from the Law Reform Commission of Canada to the Subcommittee on the General Part" in Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, supra, Issue 1 of : 25, 26, 30 March 1992, at the Appendix, pp. 1A:1 - 1A:17.  This report 31 was tabled in the House of Commons on 19 May 1988 (see House of Commons, Debates, 19 May 1988 at 15609); information on the French version/informations sur la version française, Commission de réforme du droit du Canada,  Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal (Édition révisée et augmentée du rapport no 30) , Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1987, [16], 233 p., (Collection; Rapport; numéro 31), ISBN: 0662547578; Note de recherche:  notons que les recommandations de la Commission ont été modifiées par le document "Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel - Mémoire présenté au sous-comité sur la Partie générale par la Commission de Réforme du droit du Canada" dans Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur généra, supra,  fasicule numéro 1 du  25, 26, 30 mars 1992, aux  pp. 1A:29 - 1A:60.  Ce rapport 31 a été déposé à la Chambre des Communes, le 19 mai 1988 (voir Chambre des Communes, Débats, 19 mai 1988 à 15609);

___________Secondary Liability: Participation in Crime and Inchoate Offences, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1985, [x], 53 p., and see "Mens Rea" at pp. 28-31 (series; Working Paper; 45), ISBN: 0662537491; pdf conversion finished on 10 November 2006; information on the French version/informations sur la version française, COMMISSION DE RÉFORME DU DROIT DU CANADA, La responsabilité secondaire : complicité et infractions inchoatives, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1985, [xi], 61 p., et voir "L'élément moral" aux pp. 32-35 (Collection; Document de travail; 45), ISBN: 0662537491;

___________Workplace Pollution, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1986, x, 94 p., see "Criminal Negligence: Can It Be Proved? Should We Try?" at pp. 66-69, (series; Working Paper; number 53), ISBN: 0662545702; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; information on the French version/informations sur la version française, Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, La pollution en milieu de travail, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1986, x, 106 p., voir "La négligence criminelle: peut-elle être prouvée? Est-ce souhaitable?" at  pp. 75-79, (Collection; Document de travail; numéro 53), ISBN: 0662545702;

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF SASKATCHEWAN, Proposals for Defences to Provincial Offences: Report to the Minister of Justice,  Saskatoon : Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan, December 1986, 18 p.;

___________Tentative Proposals for Defences to Provincial Offences,  Saskatoon : Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan, 1981,  ii, 113, iv p., ISSN: 0701-6948;

LEBEL, Louis, "La consolidation des fondements de la responsabilité pénale en droit criminel canadien depuis l'entrée en vigueur de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés",  (2009) 50 Cahiers de Droit 735-748;

LEFURGEY, John, "Case Comment: R. v. Hundal and R. v. Rajic: How Bad a Driver Must You Be to Be a Criminal?"  (1993) 5 Journal of Motor Vehicule Law 185-192 [comments on: R. v. Hundal, [1993] 1 S.C.R.  867 and R. v. Rajic 13 O.R. (3d) 1 (C.A.)];

LEGAL AID ONTARIO / AIDE JURIDIQUE ONTARIO -- LAO  LAW, Criminal law Memoranda, Toronto, catalogue current as of February 1, 2006; see  and (both sites accessed on 24 February 2006); see:

- O1-6, "Careless Use/Storage of Firearms", 18 April 2005; 65 p.;
- O3-4, "First Degree Murder -- Planning and Deliberation", 29 March 2005, 39 p.;
-  O14-7, "Impaired Driving -- Over 80 -- Mens Rea", 1 August 2005, 46 p.;
- O3-5, "Murder and Manslaughter", 6 May 2005, 38 p. (document not consulted);
- O8-1,  "Criminally Negligent Driving", 1 April 2005, 49 p.;
- O8-2, "Criminal Negligence", 1 April 2005, 60 p.;
- O8-3, "Dangerous Driving", 1 April 2005, 80 p.;
- O8-4, "Careless Driving", 1 April 2005, 39 p.;
- E10-1, "[Circumstantial Evidence] Post-Offence Conduct -- Consciousness of Guilt", 21 November 2002, 30 p.;
- S12-1, "Sentence -- Criminal Negligence", 30 October 2005, 52 p.;
- S12-2, "Sentence -- Dangerous Driving", 28 September 2005, 101 p.;
- S31-1, "Sentence, Criminal Negligence -- Non-motor Vehicle Cases", 19 June 2002, 15 p.; 

LEIGH, L.H.,   "The Law Reform Commission of Canada and the Reform of the General Part", [1983] Criminal Law Review 438-449, see at p. 445, the discussion of the Commission's proposals on mens rea contained in their working paper 29, Criminal Law: The General Part: Liability and Defences, supra;

LERNER, Ivan, An Analysis of Certain Aspects of Criminal Negligence, LL.M. thesis, University  of Montreal., January 1983, x, 249 p.;

LÉTOURNEAU, Gilles et Pierre Robert, Code de procédure pénale du Québec annoté, 6e édition, Montréal : Wilson et Lafleur, 2004, xiiv, 919 p., voir les "Catégories d'infractions" aux pp. 89-93, "Les critères d'identification de responsabilité stricte et de responsabilité absolue" aux pp. 93-95, "Le fardeau de preuve de la diligence raisonnable" à la p. 95 et "La définition et le contenu de la diligence raisonnable" aux pp. 96-97, ISBN: 2891276442; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KEQ 1174 .A3117 L47 2004; note: droit pénal provincial;

LEVENSON, Laurie, “Good Faith Defenses: Reshaping Strict Liability Crimes”, (1992-93) 78 Cornell Law Review 401-469, see "Canadian Law" at pp. 442-445;

LEVY, Earl J., "The Mental Element in Crime: Recklessness",  in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1993: Montreal), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Montreal (PQ): Federation of Law Societies, 1993, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

LIBMAN, Rick,  1956-, "Case Comment: R. v. Anderson (1990), 19 M.V.R. (2d) 161 (S.C.C.)", (1990) 2 Journal of Motor Vehicle Law 374-377 [case dealing with criminal negligence];

___________"Case Comment: R. v. Gingrich and McLean  (1991), 28 M.V.R. (2d) 161 (Ont. C.A.)", (1992) 4 Journal of Motor Vehicle Law 234-236 [case dealing with criminal negligence];

___________The Law of Robbery, Toronto: Carswell, 1990, xix, 388 p., see Chapter 7, "Mens Rea of Robbery" at pp. 145-164, ISBN: 0459340719;

___________Libman on regulatory offences in Canada, Saltspring Island, BC : Earlscourt Legal Press, c2002-, 1 v. (loose-leaf), see in partuclar Chapter 4, "Public Welfare Offences Involving Mens Rea"; Chapter 5, "Absolute Liability Offences"; Chapter 6, "Strict Liability Offences", Chapter 7, "The Defence of Due Diligence"; and Chapter 8, "Other Defences" (8.7,  Mistake of Fact; 8.8, Lack of Mens Rea), ISBN: 0968233864; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 1292 A6 L53 2002;

___________"Proof of Fault in Criminal Negligence Driving Cases Case Comment R. v. Waite [Ont. C.A.]", (1986) 41 Motor Vehicle Reports171-182;

___________Regulating Criminal Offences or Criminalizing Regulatory Offences, Still Debating After All these Years, LL.M. thesis, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, 2001; director of thesis: Kenneth Jull; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;

LINDEN, Allen M. and Patrick Fitzgerald, "Recodifying Criminal Law", (1987) 66 Canadian Bar Review 529-550;

LINDSAY, Peter, "The Implications of R. v. Vaillancourt: Much Ado About Nothing?", (1988-89) 47 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 465-498;

LITKOWSKI, Richard, "The Charter and the Principles of Criminal Responsibility: A Long and Winding Road", in Jamie Cameron, ed., The Charter's Impact on the Criminal Justice System, Scarborough: Carswell (Thomson Canada Limited), 1996, xxvi, 448 p., ISBN: 0459553887, at chapter 14, pp. 271-292 [Contents: 1. General Principles of Fault; 2. Drunkenness and Criminal Responsibility; 3. Mental Disorder and the Charter: (a) The presumption of sanity and the presumption of innocence; (b) Raising the issue of mental disorder; 4. Vagueness; 5. Conclusion];

LONG, Brenda Ann, 1968-, Judicial Reform of Criminal Law under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Master of Arts thesis, Department of Political Science, University of Calgary, 1996, x, 198 p., see "Mens Rea and Standards of Culpability" at pp. 77-79 and 118-120 and "Constructive Murder" at pp, 118-120;

MacALISTER, David and Simon N. Verdun-Jones, "Unprotected Sexual Intercourse with Knowledge of HIV-Positive Results: Attempted Aggravated Assault or the Need for Legislative Reform?", (2003) 13(2) Criminal Reports (6th) 257-265; comments on the Supreme Court of Canada decision of R. v. Smith, 26 September 2003;

MacKINNON, Peter,  and Tim Quigley, "Developments in Canadian Criminal Law 1995", (1996) 20 Criminal Law Journal 321-339, see "Mens rea and defences" at pp. 326-334 and "Absolute and strict Liability" at pp. 334-335;

MacKINNON, Peter,   "Notes of Cases.  Criminal Law - Criminal Negligence and Recklessness - Criminal Law Reform: The Queen v. Tutton; Waite v. The Queen, (1990) 69 Canadian Bar Review /Revue du Barreau canadien 177-182;

___________"Notes of Cases - Criminal Law - Felony Murder - Constructive Murder - Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Criminal Law Reform: Vaillancourt v. The Queen", (1988) 67 Canadian Bar Review / Revue du Barreau canadien 350-357;

MacNAB, Ross, "Case Comment: R. v. Vaillancourt", (1988) 13 Queen's Law Journal 208-215;

MAHONEY, Richard, "Memory and Mens Rea: The Defense of Forgotten Possession", (1989-90) 32 The Criminal Law Quarterly 16-68;

MANDEL, Michael, 1948-, The Charter of Rights and the Legalization of Politics in Canada, Revised, Updated and Expanded Edition, Toronto: Thompson Education Publishing, [xiv], 542 p., 1994,  see the "Mental Element in Crime" at pp. 203-206, ISBN: 1550770500;

MANFREDI, Christopher P. (Christopher Philip), 1959-, "Fundamental Justice in the Supreme Court of Canada: Decisions under Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1984-1988", (1990) 38 American Journal of Comparative Law 653-682;

___________Judicial Power and the Charter : Canada and the Paradox of Liberal Constitutionalism, 2nd ed., Don Mills (Ontario): Oxford University Press, 2001, xvii, 276 p., see on mens rea, pp. 88-89,  ISBN: 0195415043;

MANIRA, Amissi Melchiade, "La négligence criminelle en milieu de travail : Pour une application cohérente des nouvelles dispositions du Code criminel?", (novembre-décembre 2010) 40(2) Revue générale de droit;

MANNING, Morris, "Rethinking Criminal Law in the Age of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms: The Necessity for a 21st Century Criminal Code", (July 2003) 47(4) The Criminal Law Quarterly 406-437, see "The General Part: Mens Rea" at pp. 411-420;

MANSON, Allan, "Annotation: R. v. Lucas, (1998) 14 C.R. (5th) 237 (S.C.C.)", (1998) 14 Criminal Reports (5th) 241-242  [R. v. Lucas (1998) 14 C.R. (5th) 237 (S.C.C.) is on defamatory libel];

___________"Annotation: Sansregret v. R. (1985) 45 C.R. (3d) 193 (S.C.C.)", (1985) 45 Criminal Reports (3d) 194-195;

__________"The Knowledge Requirement: a Different Result", (1987) 56 C.R. (3d) 83-86 [Part of a series of articles by different authors on "The Zundel Appeal [(1987), 56 C.R. (3d) 1 (Ont. C.A.)] - A Criminal Reports Forum", (1987) 56 C.R. (3d) 77-96];

__________"Morrisey: Observations on Criminal Negligence and s.12 Methodology", (2000) 36(1) Criminal Reports (5th) 121-128; discusses the Supreme Court of Canada decision of  R. v. Morrisey, 29 September 2000;

MARCHAND, Michel, «L'arrêt Vaillancourt et la mens rea en tant qu'exigence constitutionnelle», Congrès du Barreau du Québec 1989, Droit pénal, Capsule 19, 5 mai 1989, 26 p.;

MARCIL, Alexandra, 1963-, L'objectivation de la faute en droit pénal, thèse LL.M., Université de Montréal, 1997, v, 216 f..;

MARCOTTE, Alain,  "Les moyens de défense en matière pénale dans le contexte de l'obligation de protection du travailleur, victime potentielle",  dans  Développements récents en droit de la santé et sécurité au travail, 2001, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, xii, 308 p. aux pp. 171-204 (Collection; Service de la formation permanente Barreau du Québec; vol. 148), ISBN: 2895414700; voir "Les régimes de responsabilité pénale applicables à l'infraction pénale réglementaire" aux pp. 180-184; voir: "L'avènement de la Charte canadienne et les régimes de responsabilité absolue et de responsabilité stricte" aux pp. 184-186; "L'erreur de fait raisonnable" (comme moyen de défense) aux pp. 196-198; et le tableau de la p. 204;

___________"Rappel sur certains principes encadrant le droit pénal réglementaire", dans Conférence des juristes de l'État (14e : 2000 : Québec, Québec), Actes de la XIVe Conférence des juristes de l'État, Cowansville, Québec : Éditions Y. Blais, c2000, xiii, 512 p., aux pp. 493-512, note: Conférence tenue à Québec, Québec les 12 et 13 avril 2000;  disponible à (vérifié le 16 juin 2011);

MARIN, Sally E. and WEIN, Bonnie J., "Recent Developments in Sections 7 and 11(d) of the Charter", (1990) 1 Crown's Newsletter 22-38;

MARKO, John G. and HUTCHINSON, Scott C., "Ball of Confusion: Criminal Negligence After Tutton and Waite",  (1990) 2 Journal of Motor Vehicle Law 59-72;

MAYER-RENAUD, Micheline, avec la collaboration de la Table des  répondants en négligence dans les BSS, Ginette Beaudry ... [et al.], Le phénomène de la négligence, Montréal : Centre de services sociaux du Montréal métropolitain, 1990, 16 f.,  ISBN:  2892180619; notes: sur la couverture : Direction des bureaux de services sociaux; titre not/ dans mes recherches mais document non consulté; copie à Bibliothèque et Archives Canada;

McCARTHY TÉTRAULT, "What Is Due Diligence", on the internet as seen on 5 September 1998 at;

McCONNELL, W.H. (William Howard), 1930-,  William R. McIntyre: Paladin of the Common Law, Monteal: McGill-Queen's University Press (published for Carleton University), 2000, x, 248 p., see the discussion of R. v. Tutton at pp. 161-163, ISBN: 0886293413;

McCONNERY, Lorne W., "Criminal Negligence: The Requirement of Proximity", (1985) 5 Crown's Newsletter 45-57 [issue/numéro: 30 November 1985];

McAULEY, Finbarr and J. Paul McCutcheon, Criminal Liability: A Grammar, Dublin: Round Hall Sweet & Maxell, 2000, lxxxvi, 950 p., ISBN: 1858000580 and 1858001552 (pbk.); discusses Canadian cases;

McCHESNEY, Allan and Terry Mueller, "Canada -- Environmental Offences in Canada: Criminal and Regulatory Regimes", (1994) 65 Revue internationale de droit pénal / International Review of Criminal Law 831-847, see "The mental element of criminal and regulatory offences", at pp. 839-841;

McCORMACK, Hilary, "Criminal Negligence: Still 'Waite'-ing", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 3.2, 20 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

McELMAN, Mark, "A New Conception of Wilful Blindness: The Supreme Court of Canada Decision in R. v. Sansregret", (2000) 9 Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies 324-343;

McKINNON, Gil D., "The Fault Element", April 15, 1991, 51, [11] p. (series; Working Paper, Canadian Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section, Committee on Criminal Code Reform; number 2); Research note: this discussion paper is mentioned in the Canadian Bar Association, Criminal Recodification Task Force, Principles of Criminal Liability: Proposals for a New General Part of the Criminal Code - Report of the Criminal Recodification Task Force, supra at p. 189, "List of Discussion Papers"; available from the Canadian Bar Association, Ottawa; the University of Montreal, Faculty of Law Library has a copy (call number: HAAD W926 v.02 1991);

McLACHLIN, Beverley, The Honourable Madam Justice, "Truth and Consequences: The Relationship of Crime and Fault under the Canadian Criminal Code" in Josiah Wood and Richard C.C. Peck, eds., 100 Years of the Criminal Code in Canada: Essays Commemorating the Centenary of the Canadian Criminal Code/Le centenaire du Code criminel du Canada : mémoires commémorant le centenaire du Code criminel du Canada, Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, 1993, x, 368 p., pp. 275-299, ISBN: 0920742416;  important contribution to the study of the subject;

McLEOD, Roderik M., 1942-, John Takach, 1941-, and Murray D. Segal, Criminal Code Driving Offences: A Companion Text for Breathalyzer Law In Canada, 2 volume looseleaf supplemented book, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, A Thomson Company, 1987-, ISBN: 0459310216; deals with the offences of criminal negligence and dangerous driving;

McMANUS, Kathleen. "The Sleeping Giant of Rights: Section 7 and Substantive Review", (1994) 3 Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies 35-54

MacNAB, Ross, 1957-, The law of murder before and after R. v. Vaillancourt : the rise and fall of the Canadian murder doctrine,  LL.M. thesis,  Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.). Faculty of Law, c1988, iii, 248 leaves; title of thesis noted in my research but document not consulted yet (26 February 2003);

McNAUGHTON, William K., "Case Comment R. v. The Wholesale Travel Group Inc.: The ends justify the means", (1992) 50 The Advocate 77-81;

McWILLIAMS, Peter K., Canadian Criminal Evidence, 3rd ed., Aurora (Ont.): Canada Law Book, c1996-, 2 looseleaf volumes, see vol. 2, Chapter 21, "Proof of Intent", ISBN: 08880405505;

MEUNIER, Pierre B., and Charles Kazaz, "Liability of corporate directors and officers under environmental statutes" in  Les société par actions à la croisée des chemins - Corporations at the Crossroads, [Montreal]: Faculty of Law, McGill University, 1995, iv, 535 p., at  pp. 211-254 (series; Meredith Memorial Lectures 1994/95), no ISBN number in the book; copy at OttawaUniversity, FTX General: KE 1389.5 .S627 1995;

MEWETT, Allan W., 1930-, and Morris Manning, Mewett & Manning on Criminal Law, 3rd ed, Toronto: Butterworths, 1994, lxiv, 959 p., ISBN: 0409903752 (bound) and 0433396458 (pbk.);

MEWETT, A.W., 1930-,  "Editorial: Regulatory Offences", (1991-92) 34 The Criminal Law Quarterly 257-258;

__________"The Enigma of Manslaughter", (1991-92) 34 Criminal Law Quaterly 362-382; Research Note: comments on  R. v. Creighton,   [1993] 3 S.C.R. 3 ;

MICHALYSHYN,  Peter, "The Law Reform Commission of Canada and the Supreme Court of Canada: Partners in Law Reform--Mens Rea : Paper Prepared by Peter Michalyshyn for A.M. Linden, Law Reform Commission of Canada", [Ottawa] : The Law Reform Commission of Canada, 30 June 1988. 34 p.; Research Note: a copy of this document is at the National Library of Canada, Ottawa; paper mentioned in: Law Reform Commission of Canada,  17th Annual Report: 1987-1988, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1988, [v], 46  p., at p. 31, ISBN: 0662567269;   Note de recherche: une copie de ce document se trouve à la Librairie nationale du Canada, Ottawa;  ce document est mentionné dans: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada,  17e Rapport annuel: 1987-1988, Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1988, v, 47 p. à la p. 33;

MIKUS, Rudolf Alexander, 1969-, The Reasonable Person in Substantive Canadian Criminal Law, LL.M. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1995, vi, 175 p.; abstract available at (accessed on 27 December 2002); thesis noted in my research but not consulted yet;

MITCHELL, Graeme G., "Significant Developments in Criminal Charter Jurisprudence in 1992", (1993) 57 Saskatchewan Law Review 59-103, see in particular / voir en particulier,  pp. 60-65;

___________ "Significant Developments in Criminal Charter Jurisprudence: 1993-94", (1995) 37 The Criminal Law Quarterly 460-512, see "The Minimum Level of Fault -- An Odyssey Ends?", at pp. 463-473;

MONAHAN, Patrick  and Andrew Petter, "Developments in Constitutional Law: The 1985-86 Term", (1987) 9 Supreme Court Law Review 69-180 [deals with Motor Vehicle Reference at pp. 78-101];

MORAN, M. le juge Alain, «Les infractions relatives au bien-être public» dans Droit pénal, infractions, moyens de défense et sentence, Cowansville : Éditions Yvon Blais, 245 p., aux pp. 23-52, chapitre I du livre, (Collection de droit, 1997-1998, vol. 11),  ISBN: 2894512082;

MORAN, Mayo, Rethinking the reasonable person : an egalitarian reconstruction of the objective standard, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003, xx, 343 p., ISBN: 019924762;

___________Rethinking the reasonable person : custom, equality and the objective standard,  Thesis (J.S.D.), University of Toronto, 1999, iv, 315 leaves; thesis not conulted;

MORIN, André Albert, 1961-, "De l'étude des racines chrétiennes des droits pénaux français, britannique et canadien", (2002) 32(2) Revue générale de droit 213-304; il s'agit de la première partie de la thèse de doctorat de Me Morin;

Ce texte est une étude historique du développpement de la mens rea en droit pénal.  L'auteur soutient que c'est par le biais de l'influence des théologiens que l'intention est devenue un élément essentiel de l'infraction en droit pénal.  L'article traite également de l'influence du christianisme sur le développment du droit pénal en Occident.


This article describes the development of mens rea in criminal law.  The author is of the opinion that mens rea became an essential component of an offence in law through the influence of theology in Medieval Europe.  This text also describes the influence of Christianity on the development of criminal law in Western Europe." (p. 213)

___________De l'étude des racines chrétiennes des droits pénaux français, britannique et canadien et d'un exemple concret dans le domaine de la lutte contre les produits de la criminalité, Thèse de doctorat : Droit : Université de Poitiers : 2001, 2 volumes (526 feuilles), thèse sous la direction de Jean Pradel;
"Résumé :
Cet ouvrage est une étude et une analyse de l'influence de certains principes fondamentaux du christianisme sur la création et le développement du droit laïc en Europe et au Canada. Nous utilisons l'expression droit laïc par opposition au droit canonique qui émane des autorités religieuses. Cette thèse est divisée en deux parties. La première est au regard des principes chrétiens, une étude historique de l'évolution du droit pénal remontant au peuple hébreux, tel que décrit dans l'Ancien Testament, puis au peuple romain avant l'avènement de Jésus-Christ et ensuite à l'étude et à l'impact de la doctrine du Christ sur l'évolution du droit pénal, dans l'Empire romain, dans le royaume franc et par la suite en France et en Angleterre et plus spécifiquement en ce qui a trait à l'évolution et au développement du concept de mens rea. Ces deux pays revêtent une importance capitale puisque le Canada a d'abord été une colonie française pour ensuite devenir une colonie britannique avant d'accéderà une plus grande autonomie au XXe siècle. La seconde partie est une analyse dans les droits canadien, français et britannique des éléments constitutifs d'infractions présentement en vigueur notamment la mens rea et qui démontrent qu'encore aujourd'hui l'influence du christianisme est toujours présente dans notre droit substantiel. Nous avons choisi d'analyser les éléments constitutifs de l'infraction de recyclage des produits de la criminalité car la lutte contre le blanchiment est très d'actualité et c'est une préoccupation autant pour le Canada que pour la France et le Royaume Uni." (source: catalogue de l'Université de Poitiers, à, visionné le 21 décembre 2002)

MORRISON, W.J. and M.E. Cullen, "Criminal Negligence and Related Matters", (1980) Crown's Newsletter, vol. 7,  pp. 1-46;

MORTON, James C., 1962-,  and Scott C. Hutchison, The Presumption of Innocence, Toronto: Carswell, 1987, xviii, 154 p., see Chapter 6, "Strict Liability Offences", pp. 89-98 and "Mens Rea and Specific Intent" at pp. 131-132, ISBN: 0459305816;

NADON, Odette, "Vingt-cinq ans d'environnement à la Cour suprême du Canada" dans Servivce de la formation permanenete Barreau du Québec, sous la direction de,  Développements récents en droit de l'environnement 2003, Cowansville : Éditions Yvon Blais -- une société Thomson, 2003, xii, 386 p., aux pp. 179-219 (Collection; Formation permanenete; volume 193),  ISBN: 2894516576, copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF3775 A75 D48 2003;

National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University. Faculty of Law, Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of  Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v.; one of the subject covered is "The Mental Element in Crime";
copy at Dalhousie University, NSHDL  KB 192 N271 2004; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet (14 May 2005);

NIGHTINGALE, Brenda L., 1959-, The Law of Fraud and Related Offences, Scarborough: Carswell, 1996-, looseleaf, ISBN: 0459554298; see chapter 7, Defining Mens Rea", chapter 10: "Fraudulent Intent" and chapter 11: "Recklessness, Wilful Blindness, and Mistake";

O'CONNELL, Hugh K., "Knowledge and Wilful Blindness -- Eyes Wide Shut", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 1.3, 12 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

ODUJIRIN, Adekemi, 1959-, History, Theory and the Definition of Wrong: The Limitations of Analytical Criminal Jurisprudence, S.J.D. (Doctor of Juridical Science)  thesis,  University of Toronto, 1994, [4], 383 p.;

__________The Normative Basis of Fault in Criminal Law: History and Theory, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998, ISBN: 0802043046 (bound) and 0802081320 (pbk.);

___________"The Resilience of the Common Law: Negligence, Criminal Responsibility, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms", (2001) 30(2) Common Law World View 169-192;

___________"The Rule of (Criminal) Law: 'Absolute' Liability and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms", (2003) 32(2) Common Law World Review 161-178;

O'HEARN, P.J.T., "The Development of the Concept of Mens Rea" in Sandra Oxner, ed., Criminal Justice: Papers Prepared for Presentation at the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice Conference on Criminal Justice Held at Halifax, October 28, 29 and 30, 1981, Toronto: Carswell, 1982,  [10], 282 p. at pp. 257-282,  ISBN: 0459349708;

ON NEGLIGENCE, see also my Bibliography "Selected Bibliography on the Criminal Liability of Corporations with elements of criminology.  Part I -- Canadian Law / Bibliographie choisie sur la responsabilité pénale des corporations avec des éléments en criminologie.  Partie I -- Droit canadien", available at / disponible à;

ONTARIO LAW REFORM COMMISSION, The Basis of Liability for Provincial Offences: An Issues Paper, September, 1988, 20 p. contains also as appendixes, articles by Professor Alan Brudner: "Imprisonment and Strict Liability", 24 p. and Professor Don Stuart: "Memorandum to the Ontario Law Reform Commission: The Propriety of Provincially-Imposed Prison Sentences in the absence of proof of mens rea", 14 p.;

__________Executive Summary : Report on the Basis of Liability for Provincial Offences, Toronto : Ontario Law Reform Commission, 1990, 4 p.,  ISBN:0772972370; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Commission de réforme du droit de l'Ontario, Sommaire - Rapport sur le fondement de la responsabilité  pénale en matière d'infractions provinciales, Toronto : La Commission de réforme du droit de l'Ontario, 1990,  4 p., ISBN: 0772972370;

___________Report on the Basis of Liability for Provincial Offences, Toronto: The Ontario Law Reform Commission 1990, viii, 60 p., ISBN: 0772971382;

ORCHARD, Gerald, "The defence of absence of fault in Australasia and Canada" in Peter Smith, ed., Criminal Law: Essays in Honour of JC Smith, London: Butterworths, 1987, xxvii, 234 p. at 114-131, ISBN: 0406501106;

PACIOCCO, David M., "Pragmatism, Legal Culture, and the Protection of Rights and Freedoms", (2003) 8 Canadian Criminal Law Review 5- 32;

___________"Subjective and Objective Standards of Fault for Offences and Defences", (1995) 59 Saskatchewan Law Review 271-309;

PARDY, Bruce, "MacMillan Bloedel: Progression in Due Diligence", (2003) 5 Criminal Reports (5th) 146-153;

PARENT, Hugues, 1970-,  et Louis Morisette, "La capacité en droit criminel: analyse juridique et médicale du seuil d'intervention de la justice criminelle en matière de négligence pénale", (sept.-déc. 2009) 50(3-4) Les Cahiers de Droit 749-770;

PARENT, Hugues, 1970-, "Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea.  L'élément de faute en droit pénal canadien évolution et description", [septembre 2005] Revue pénitentiaire et de droit pénal 691-706;

___________Discours sur les origines et les fondements de la responsabilité morale en droit pénal, Montréal : Éditions Thémis, 2001, xvii, 437 p., ISBN: 2894001479;

___________"Essai sur la notion de responsabilité pénale: analyse sociologique et historique de la fonction punitive", (2001) 6 Canadian Criminal Law Review 179-215;

___________Évolution de l'élément de faute en droit pénal canadien et incidence sur la défense d'intoxication volontaire et sur l'exemption de responsabilité relativement à la présence de troubles mentaux, thèse LL.M, Université Laval, 1995, xi, 139 p.;

___________"L'imputabilité pénale.  Mort d'un mythe, naissance d'une réalité", (2001) 35 (1 et 2) Revue juridique Thémis 191-239; disponible à  (visionné le 14 décembre 2002);

___________"L'intention en droit pénal canadien: analyse dualiste d'un concept en pleine évolution", (2007) 41(2) Revue juridique Thémis 301-335;

__________"Histoire de l'acte volontaire en droit pénal anglais et canadien", (2000) 45(4) McGill Law Journal / Revue de droit de McGill 975-1020; disponible à  (visionné le 11 octobre 2007);

___________"La négligence criminelle en droit pénal canadien: analyse descriptive et critique d'un concept en pleine évolution", (May/mai 2006) 10(3) Canadian Criminal law Review / Revue canadienne de droit pénal 259-298;

___________Traité de droit criminel, Tome II, La culpabilité (actus reus et mens rea), Montréal : Éditions Thémis, 2004, xxxii, 582 p., ISBN: 2894001924; copie à la Cour suprême du Canada, KF9220 ZA2 P39 2003; l'auteur traite séparément de la négligence criminelle et de la négligence pénale;  maintenant une 2e édition, Montréal : Éditions Thémis, 2005-2007; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF9220 ZA2 P39 2005;


PARKER, Graham, 1933-, "Developments in Criminal Law: The 1984-85 Term", (1986) 8 Supreme Court Law Review 165-227 [see "VI. Pappajohn - The Banquo's Ghost of Canadian Criminal Law", pp. 186-190];

___________An Introduction to Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto: Methuen, 1987, viii, 452 p., see chapter 5, "The Structure of the Criminal Law" and the index, ISBN: 0458806803;

PEARS, David, producer, Criminal Negligence, Toronto:  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,  1977, 16 mm. film, 50 min. 55 sec., 1 0177249 National Film Board of Canada,  (series; On the Evidence);

PEARSON, John C., "Annotation:  R. v. Greenwood (1991) 8 C.R. (4th) 235 (Ont. C.A.)", (1991) 8 C.R. (4th) 236-239  [deals with the mens rea of the offence of fraud on the government, s. 121(1)(c) of the Criminal Code];

___________"The Fault Element and Fundamental Justice" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 1 of 2, section 2.3, 21 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

PECK, Richard C.C., "Recklessness in Criminal Law" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 1 of 2, section 2.2, 14 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

___________"Unlawful Act Manslaughter"  in National Criminal Law Program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, vol. 1 of 2, section 1.6, 10 p., see for "Unlawful Act", the parts "Foresight of Bodily Harm" at pp. 3-4 and "Objective Test" at p. 4; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

___________"Wilful Blindness"  in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 1 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

PEDICELLI, Gabriella, When Police Kill: Police Use of Force in Montreal and Toronto, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1998, 147 p., see Chapter 5, "The Allan Gosset Case" at pp. 78-99, ISBN: 1550651021; this chapter also contains numerous references to newspapers articles; on the Gosset case, see R. v. Gosset, [1993] 3 S.C.R. 76;

PEIRIS, G.L. "Strict Liability in Commonwealth criminal law" (1983) 3 Legal Studies 117-145, see "Canadian Law" at pp. 123-131;

PENNEY, Steven, "A Concern for Innocence: Justice La Forest and the Criminal Law" in Rebecca Johnson, John P. McEvoy with Thomas Kuttner and H. Wade MacLauchlan, eds., Gérard V. La Forest at the Supreme Court of Canada, 1985-1997, Winnipeg: Canadian Legal Historic Project, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, 2000, xix, 570 p., at pp. 217-240, see "Moral Responsibility" at pp. 222-230 and in particular for mens rea, pp. 222-228, ISBN: 0968456014;

PERREAULT, Chantal, «L'aveuglement volontaire et l'alter ego comme modes de commission d'une infraction déontologique» dans, sous la direction de,  Barreau du Québec, Formation permanente, Développements récents en droit professionnel et disciplinaire, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1999, pp. 45-120, (Collection Formation permanente, vol. 122); note de recherche:  l'article couvre le droit criminel;

PERRY, Stephen R., "The Impossibility of General Strict Liability", (1988) 1 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 147-171;

PETTEM, Murray, Criminal negligence in the operation of a motor vehicle : some considerations, University of Calgary, 1981, 35 p. (series; Advanced criminal law papers); copy at the University of Calgary Library, call number: KF210 .C246 1981 P48; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet (26 February 2003);

PICARD, Jacques, "La défense d'erreur en publicité trompeuse", (1992) 52 Revue du Barreau 85-117;

PICKARD, Toni, "Culpable Mistakes and Rape: Harsh Words on Pappajohn", (1980) 30 University of Toronto Law Journal 415-420;

___________"Culpable Mistakes and Rape: Relating Mens Rea to the Crime", (1980) 30 University of Toronto Law Journal 75-98;

PILON, Marilyn,  "Life, Liberty and Security  of the Person Under the Charter", [Ottawa: Parliament, Library of Parliament, Law and Government Division], revised 19 February 2000, see  "Mens Rea or Intent" (series;  91-6E);  aussi publié en français : "Droit  à la vie, à la liberté et à la sécurité de la personne en vertu de la Charte", [Ottawa; Parlement, Libraririe du Parlement, Direction de la recherche parlementaire], révisé, le 19 février 2000, voir "Mens rea ou intention coupable" (Collection; 91-6F);

PINK, Joel E., "Dangerous Operation of Motor Vehicule, Motor Vessel, Aircrway Equipment" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 1 of 2, section 4.2, 12 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

PINX, Sheldon, "Proof of the Fault Element", dated June, 1993, 13 p., paper presented at the Conference of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, "100 years of Criminal Codes", Ottawa, June 28 to June 30 or July 2, 1993;

POWELL, Clay M. and J. David Watt, "Duplicity and mens rea.  Is there a middle ground between strict liability offences requiring full mens rea?  The defence of due diligence or reasonable care.  R. v. Sault Ste. Marie, S.C.C., May 1, 1978"  in Criminal Law Audio Series, Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd., 1978, side two, # 1, 15 minutes;

PRADEL, Jean, "Un regard français sur le projet canadien de Code pénal: les nouvelles dispositions sur la responsabilité", (1988) 22 La Revue juridique Thémis 183-205;

PRESSER, Jill R., "Absolute Liability and Mistakes of Law in the Regulatory Context: Pontes Disappoints and Confuses", (1995) 41 Criminal Reports (4th) 249-260;

PROULX, Michel, "Le concept de la malhonnêteté dans la fraude pénale" dans [sous la direction de, Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec], Droit pénal - Orientations nouvelles, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1987, [v], 290 p. aux pp. 209-233, voir "La malhonnêteté et la 'mens rea'" à la p. 233  (Collection; Colloques du Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec; vol. 2), ISBN: 2890736407;

___________"Criminal Responsibility: Who's to Blame?" in Frank E. McArdle, ed., The Cambridge Lectures 1991: Selected Papers Based upon Lectures at the Conference of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Lrgal Studies, 1991, held at Cambridge University, England, Montréal : Éditions Yvon Blais, 1993, xxiii, 315 p., at lecture number 11, pp. 137-145, ISBN: 2890738612;

___________«La faute et l'infraction criminelle», 29 June 1993, 29 p., paper presented at the Conference of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, "100 years of Criminal Codes"/"Le centenaire des codes criminels", Ottawa, June 28 to June 30 or July 2, 1993;

___________Responsabilité criminelle [Enregistrement vidéo] = Criminal liability,  Montréal : Université McGill. Faculté de droit, 1991, vidéocassette VHS de 96 minutes, (Collection; 1) Le droit et vous : un guide pratique; 2) Problèmes juridiques et pratique de la médecine = Legal issues in medical practice; 9); traite notamment du médecin et de la négligence criminelle; en français;

QUIGLEY, Tim and Eric Colvin, "Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: The 1987-88 Term", (1989) 11 Supreme Court Law Review 165-231 [see "Culpability and Section 7 of the Charter", pp. 166-173];

__________"Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: The 1988-89 Term", (1990) 1 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 187-268 [see Part II "Culpability Standards", pp. 188-212; deals in part with R. v. Tutton, [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1392 and R. v. Waite, [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1436];

__________"Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: The 1989-90 Term", (1991) 2 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 255-346 [see Part II "Criminal Offences...2. Mental Elements and Mistakes of Law", deals with R. v. Docherty, [1989] 2 S.C.R. 941 at pp. 259-261];

QUIGLEY, Tim, "Annotation: R. v. Nedlin, (2006) 32(2) C.R. (6th) 361 (Northwest Territories Territorial Court)", (2006) 32(2) Criminal Reports (6th) 362 (2 paragraphs); 

___________"Constitutional Fault during the Lamer Years", (2000) 5 Canadian Criminal Law Review 99-114;

___________"Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: The 1990-91 Term" (1992) 3 Supreme Court Law Review 121-210; see "Culpability Standards" at  pp. 126-149;

. v. Harding, (2001) 160 C.C.C. (3d) 225 (Ont. C.A.);  available at  (accessed on 12 June 2006);

"Wilful blindness is more than mere recklessness. Criminal law treats wilful blindness as equivalent to actual knowledge because the accused 'knew or strongly suspected' that inquiry on his part respecting the consequences of his acts would fix him with the actual knowledge he wished to avoid."  (see paragraph 66)

RAINVILLE, Pierre, "Droit et droiture: le critère de la malhonnêteté et la fraude criminelle", (1992) 33 Les Cahiers de droit 189-230;

___________ "Le verbe fait crime: la  répression de l'instigation et les avatars de l'arrêt Hamilton", (février 2007) 11(2) Canadian Criminal Law Review / Revue canadienne de droit pénal 177-215;

RAMRAJ, Victor V. (Victor Vridar), "Freedom of the Person and the Principles of Criminal Fault", (2002) 18(2) South African Journal on Human Rights 225-258; deals extensively with Canadian law;

___________A Theory of Criminal Negligence (Negligence, Moral Agency, Character Theory, Responsibility), Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 1998, iv, 259 p., Advisor: Mark Thornton;  available at (accessed on 16 May 2006);

RAMSAY, J.A., "Criminal Negligence After Vaillancourt", (1989) 1 Journal of Motor Vehicle Law 1-12;

REILLY, Alexander and Rudolf Mikus, "R. v. Hibbert: The Theoretical Foundations of Duress", (1996) 30 University of British Columbia Law Review 181-199; [deals in part with Creighton and negligence];

REQUADT, Scott, "Regulatory Offences Since Wholesale Travel: the Need to Re-Evaluate Sections 1, 7 and 11(d) of the Charter", (1993) 22 Canadian Business Law Journal  407-465;

ROACH, Kent, 1961-, "Book Review: Ontario Law Reform Commission: Report on the Basis of Liability for Provincial Offences 1990", (1990) 69 Canadian Bar Review 802-806;

___________"Canada", in Kevin Jon Heller and Markus D. Dubber, eds., The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011, vi, 660 p., at pp. 97-136, ISBN: 978-0-8047-5758-4;

___________"Chief Justice Lamer and some Myths about Judicial Activism", (2000) 5 Canadian Criminal Law Review 21-40, see "Absolute Liability" at pp. 33-35;

___________"Constitutional and Common Law Dialogogues Between the Supreme Court and Canadian Legislatures", (2001) 80 The Canadian Bar Review 481-533, see "Dialogues About Fault in Criminal Law" at pp. 510-515;

___________"Crime Victims and Substantive Criminal Law" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., pp. 219-230, see p. 227, "(f) Fault for Offences under Other Acts of Parliament", ISBN: 045927077X; note: comments on Professor Don Stuart's draft General Part, see, infra, Stuart, Don, "A Case for a General Part";

___________Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Toronto (Ontario): Irwin Law, 2000, xx, 370 p., (series; Essentials of Canadian Law), ISBN: 1552210413; Research Note:  see Chapter 4: "The Fault Element, or Mens Rea", at pp. 124-163; and Chapter 5, "Regulatory Offences and Corporate Crime", at pp. 165-181;

___________Due Process and Victims' Rights: The New Law and Politics of Criminal Justice, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999, x, 391 p., see "Striking Down Felony Murder" at pp. 106-108 and "Expanding Manslaughter" at pp. 109-110, ISBN: 080200931X and 0802079016 (pbk.);

___________"Editorial: Counselling Murder and the Problems Presented by Hamilton", (2006) 51(3) The Criminal Law Quarterly 265-267; the editorial is signed "K.R.";

___________"The Effects of the Canadian Charter of  Rights on Criminal Justice", (1999) 33(3) Israel Law Review 607-637, see "Absolute Liability" at pp. 626-628; "Strict Liability and Constitutionally Sufficient Negligence" at pp. 628-629; and "Constitutionally Required Subjective Fault" at pp. 630-632;

___________"The Gap Between Canada"s Common Law  and Constitutional  Standards of Fault",  draft, circa August 2009?; available at  (accessed on 16 June 2011); for more information see (accessed on 16 June 2011)

___________"Institutional Choice, Co-operation, and Struggle in the Age of The Charter", in Jamie Cameron, ed., The Charter's Impact on the Criminal Justice System,  Scarborough: Carswell  (Thomson Canada Limited), 1996, xxvi, 448 p., at chapter 20, at pp. 357-368, ISBN: 0459553887, Research Note: Contents of the chapter: "1. Introduction; 2. The Investigative Process; 3. The Trial Process; 4. The Principles of Criminal Responsibility; 5. Conclusion";

___________"Mind the Gap: Canada's Different Criminal and Constitutional Standards of Fault", (2011) University of Toronto Law Journal [forthcoming];

___________"The Problematic Revival of Muder Under Section 229(c) of the Criminal Code", (2010) 47(3) Alberta Law Review 675 to approx. 704;

___________The Supreme Court on trial : judicial activism or democratic dialogue, Toronto : Irwin Law, 2001, x, 352 p., see "Common Law Dialogues about Criminal Fault" at pp. 258-260, ISBN: 1552210545;

___________"Twenty Years of the Charter and Criminal Justice: A Dialogue Between a Charter Optimist, a Charter Realist and a Charter Sceptic", (2003) 19 The Supreme Court Law Review (2nd series) 39-64, see "REFORMING THE CRIMINAL LAW", at pp. 55-59; there is a reprint of this article in: Joseph Eliot Magnet, Gérald-A. Beaudouin, Gerald Gall, and Christopher Manfredi, eds., The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Markham (Ontario): LexisNexis, Butterworths, 2003, xxxiii, 483 p., at pp. 39-64, ISBN: 0433443367;

ROBERT, Marie-Pierre, "La responsabilité du supérieur hiérachique basée sur la négligence en droit pénal international".(2008) 49 Les Cahiers de Droit 413-543; traite de la négligence en droit pénal canadien;

ROBERT, Pierre, "Les défis du droit pénal de l'environnement: les régimes de responsabilité pénale de Sault Ste-Marie à Wholesale Travel", (1993) 34 Les Cahiers de droit 803-816;

ROCK, Nora, 1968-, and Dayna E. Simon, 1972-, Foundations of Criminal and Civil Law in Canada, Toronto: Edmond Montgomery, 2000, x, 214 p., see "Mens Rea" at pp. 45-48 and "Non-Intent Offences" at pp. 48-49, ISBN: 1552390373;

RODRIGUES,  Gary P., General Editor, Crankshaw's Criminal Code of Canada R.S.C. 1985, 8th ed. rev., Toronto : Carswell, 1993-, (loose-leaf, several volumes);

__________ The Police Officers Manual, 16th edition, Scarborough: Carswell (Thomson Professional Publishing), 1999, 816 p., ISBN: 045926998; Research Note: Carswell's Law Book News of July/August 1999 states at p. 8 that the manual "examines over 400 Criminal Code and related offences by setting out the elements of each offence, the mens rea required, definitions....";

ROLFES, Brian, "The Golden Thread of Criminal Law - Moral Culpability and Sexual Assault", (1998) 61 Saskatchewan Law Review 87-126;

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (in force on 1 July 2002), and see article 30, "Mental element", available at (accessed on 7 September 2005); this international convention was implemented in Canada by the Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Act, Statutes of Canada 2000, chapter 24, available at (accessed on 25 August 2005); also published in French/aussi publié en françaisStatut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale (en vigueur le 1er juillet 2003), et voir l'article 30, "Élément psychologique"; disponible à (visionné le 7 septembre 2005) cette convention internationale aété mise en oeuvre au Canada par Loi sur les crimes contre l'humanité et les crimes de guerre, Lois du Canada, 2000, chapitre 24, disponible à (visionné le 25 August 2005);

Article 30
Mental element

1. Unless otherwise provided, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court only if the material elements are committed with intent and knowledge.

2. For the purposes of this article, a person has intent where:

(a) In relation to conduct, that person means to engage in the conduct;

(b) In relation to a consequence, that person means to cause that consequence or is aware that it will occur in the ordinary course of events.

3. For the purposes of this article, "knowledge” means awareness that a circumstance exists or a consequence will occur in the ordinary course of events. “Know” and “knowingly” shall be construed accordingly.


Article 30

1. Sauf disposition contraire, nul n’est pénalement responsable et ne peut être puni à raison d’un crime relevant de la compétence de la Cour que si l’élément matériel du crime est commis avec intention et connaissance.

2. Il y a intention au sens du présent article lorsque :

a) Relativement à un comportement, une personne entend adopter ce comportement ;

b) Relativement à une conséquence, une personne entend causer cette conséquence ou est consciente que celle-ci adviendra dans le cours normal des événements.

3. Il y a connaissance, au sens du présent article, lorsqu’une personne est consciente qu’une circonstance existe ou qu’une conséquence adviendra dans le cours normal des événements. « Connaître » et « en connaissance de cause » s’interprètent en conséquence.

ROSENBERG, Marc, "The Mens Rea Requirements of Criminal Negligence: R. v. Waite and R.v. Tutton", (1990) 2 Journal of Motor Vehicle Law 243-259;

__________"Proof of Fault", 17 p., paper presented at the Conference of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, "100 years of Criminal Codes", Ottawa, June 28 to June 30 or July 2, 1993;

"Roundtable III", in Jamie Cameron, ed., The Charter's Impact on the Criminal Justice System, Scarborough: Carswell (Thomson Canada Limited), 1996, xxvi, 448 p., at chapter 15, pp. 293-312, ISBN: 0459553887; the contents are: "1. Introduction by John C. Pearson: (a) The Constitutionalization of principles of Criminal Responsibility; (b) The Daviault Decision: Bad Facts, Bad Science or Bad Law?; 2.  The Roundtable Discussion"; the participants of the roundtable were Doherty and Arbour, J.A., Ont C.A.; Mr. Lithowski; Mr. Cohen; Ms. Chapman; Michael Code; Marc Rosenberg; Mr. Justice Michael Moldaver; Kent Roach; Diane Martin; Don Stuart; Toni Williams;  Anil Karpoor; and Alan Young;

RUBY, Clayton C. and Suzanne Jarvie, "Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: From Seaboyer to Stinchcombe: A Review of the Major Decisions of the 1991-92 Term", (1993) 4 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 379-407 [at pp. 391-392 deals with criminal negligence and the case of R. v. Sullivan, [1991] 1 S.C.R. 489];

RUBY, Clayton and  Kenneth Jull, "The Charter and Regulatory Offences: A Wholesale Revision", (1992) 14 C.R. (4th) 226-244;  also published in / aussi publié dans : The New Battlefield for Litigators: Criminal Law Invades the Boardroom, Toronto : Canadian Bar Association-Ontario, Continuing Legal  Education, March 28, 1992,  Tab 14, ISBN:  1895200849;

RYAN, H.R.S., "The Knowledge Requirement", (1987) 56 C.R. (3d) 82-83 and untitled part at pp. 81-82 [Part of a series of articles by different authots on "The Zundel Appeal [(1987), 56 C.R. (3d) 1 (Ont. C.A.)] - A Criminal Reports Forum", (1987) 56 C.R. (3d) 77-96];

SABLONNIÈRE, René de la, 1951-, avec la collaboration de Caroline Morin, L'homicide involontaire: L'acte illégal et la négligence criminelle examinés selon les critères objectif et subjectif, Montréal: Wilson et Lafleur, 1995, vi, 99 p.,  ISBN: 2891273184;

SAGA, C.L., "Regulatory Offences, Infractions And Alternative Compliance Measures", (1984) 42(2) University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 25-40;

SALVATORI, Peter E.,  "Criminal Law - Criminal Negligence - Punishment", (1980) 58 Canadian Bar Review 660-673;

SANDLER, Mark J. and Christopher Sherrin, "Developments in Criminal Law: The 1999-2000 Term", (2000) 13 The Supreme Court Law Review (2nd series) 167-209, see the discussion on "Moral Blameworthiness" at pp. 187-189, in the context of s. 718.1 of the Criminal Code and conditional sentences;

SAXE, Diane, 1952-, Environmental Offences: Corporate Responsability and Executive Liability, Aurora: Canada Law Book, 1990, xxxiv, 254 p., ISBN: 0888041020;

SENIOR, Jeffrey Allan, The Concept of Negligence (Criminal Liability),  Master of Arts (MA) thesis, Department of Philosophy, University of Calgary, January 1997, vi, 124 p.; Research Note: Brenda M. Baker, Department of Philosophy was thesis supervisor; available at  (accessed on 17 May 2006);

SHARPE, Robert J., and Kent Roach, 1961-, Brian Dickson: A Judge's Journey, Toronto/Buffalo/London: Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, 2003, xiv, 576 p., see Chapter 11, "Fault and Free Will", at pp. 218-239, and in particular, "A New Halfway House: The Due Diligence Defence", at pp. 219-223; "No Halfway House: Rape and Contested Notions of Fault", at pp. 223-227; and "An Uncompromised Insistence on Fault", at p. 239, ISBN: 0802089526; note: a publication of the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History;

SHARPE, Robert J.and Katherine E. Swinton, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Toronto: Irwin Law, 1998, [xix], 265 p. (Series; Essentials of Canadian Law), see "Section 7 and the Principles of Fundamental Justice 1) The Fault Element", ISBN: 1552210154;

SHARPE, Robert J., Katherine E. Swinton, 1950-, and Kent Roach, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 2nd ed., Toronto:  Irwin Law, 2002, xix, 348 p., see "The Fault Element" at pp. 208-211, (series; Essentials of Canadian law), ISBN: 1552210634;

SHARPE, Robert J., "Antonio Lamer and Section 7 of the Charter: A Law Reformer's Ambition, a Judge's Restraint", n Adam Dodek & Daniel Jutras, eds., Le feu sacré : l'héritage d'Antonio Lamer / The Sacred Fire: The Legacy of Antonio Lamer, Markham: LexisNexis, 2009, xlix, 509 p., at pp. 423-445, ISBN: 978-0-433-46082-4; 

SHEEHY, Elizabeth, "Case Comments: Regulatory Crimes and the Charter: R. v. Wholesale Travel Inc.", (1992) 3 Journal of Human Justice 111-124;

SINGER, Richard G., "The Resurgence of Mens Rea: III - The Rise and Fall of Strict Criminal Liability", (1989-89) 30 Boston College Law Review 337-408, see "Canada" at pp. 379-380; copy at the law library of the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KFM 2469 .B66;

SISTARE, Christine T.,"Models of Responsibility in Criminal Theory: Comment on Baker", (1989) 7 Law and Philosophy 295-320; Research Note: comments on Baker's article, "Mens Rea, Negligence and Criminal Law Reform", supra;

__________"On the Use of Strict Liability in the Criminal Law", (1987) 17(2) Canadian Journal of Philosophy 395-408;

SKURKA & PRINGLE, Barristers and Solicitors, "Is there a different mens rea standard for criminal negligence by omission as opposed to commission?", Defence Brief # 85, January 7, 2000; as seen at (accessed on 24 October 2000 and 14 April 2008);

SMART, William B., "Dangerous operation"  in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 1 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

SMITH, Ian R. and Gary T. Trotter, "Developments in Criminal Law: The 2004-2005 Term",  (2005) 30 The Supreme Court Law Review  (2nd ser.)  207-276, and see  "Counselling the Commission of an Offence -- R. v. Hamilton", at pp. 221-226;

SNIDER. Laureen, "Eau empoisonnée, réglementation de l'environnement et crime contre l'environnement: création d'un nouveau sujet non coupable à Walkerton, en Ontario", dans Commission du droit du Canada, sous la direction de, Qu'est-ce qu'un crime?  Mémoires du concours perspectives juridiques 2002, Saint-Nicolas (Québec): Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 2005, 296 p., aux pp.253-296, ISBN:2763781276;

SPEARS, Tom, "Forget my child in a hot car?  It can happen to anyone?  Psychologists blame our fallible 'working memory,' which can get all jumbled up if too much is thrown at it.", The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, 21 August 2003, pp. A1 and A2;

    "Should a parent who forgets a child like this be punished?

    'Tragic accidents do occur and the law takes account of that,' says Nick Bala, a law professor at Queen's University in Kingston.

    A parent who deliberately leaves a child in the car to go to a casino or a bar runs the risk of being convicted of criminal negligence or even manslaughter if the child dies, he said.  But pure, innocent forgetfulness is not likely to bring charges. ...." (p. A2)

SPENCER, Charmaine (assisted by Ann Vanderbijl, Maureen Ashfield, and Monica R. Bischof) and Marie Beaulieu (assisted by Marie Josée Tremblay),  "Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults in Institutional Settings: An Annotated Bibliography", prepared by Mental Health Division, Health Services Directorate, Health Canada, June 1994, available at (accessed on 14 April 2008); also published in French / aussi publié en français: SPENCER, Charmaine (avec l'aide de Ann Vanderbijl, Maureen Ashfield et Monica R. Bischof) et Marie Beaulieu (avec l'aide de Marie Josée Tremblay),  "Les mauvais traitements et la négligence envers les personnes âgées en milieu institutionnel: Bibliographie commentée", préparé pour la Division de la santé mentale, Direction des services de la santé, Santé Canada, juin 1994, disponible à (vérifié le 14 avril 2008);

SPEYER, Jocelyn, "Intent", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 1.2, 13 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

STALKER, Anne, "Can George Fletcher Help Solve The Problem of Criminal Negligence?", (1982) 7 Queen's Law Journal 274-304;

__________"Chief Justice Dickson's Principles of Criminal Law", (1991) 20 Manitoba Law Journal 308-322;

___________"The Impact of the Charter on the Mental Element of Crime", paper presented at the Canadian Association of Law Teachers meeting at the Learned Societies, Université de Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, 1995, see Professor Stalker's list of Selected Publications and Presentations, 1982-1996;

__________"The Regulation of General Human Behaviour and the Criminal Fault Element", in Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, ed., 100 years of Criminal Codes : the society for the reform of criminal law conference, Ottawa, Ont, June 28-30, 1993 - One hundred years of Criminal Codes, Ottawa: The Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law, 1993, various pagings; research notes: Prof. Stalker's paper is about 16 p.; a copy of this rare publication can be found at the following library: "Justice Canada, Prairie and Northwest Territories Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library" (library code: AEJ), call number: KF 9219 S61 1993;

__________"The Fault Element in Recodifying Criminal Law: A Critique", (1989) 14 Queen's Law Journal 119-131;

___________"Fault Element Proposals in the White Paper", [Ottawa] : Law Reform Division, Department. of Justice Canada, 1994, 22 p.; Research Note: The National Library of Canada has a copy of this document written for the Department of Justice Canada and commenting upon the Department of Justice document cited in this bibliography: CANADA, The Minister of Justice of Canada,  Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (general principles), supra; available at my Digital Libraryinformation on the French version - translation /informations sur la version française - traduction: «Le livre blanc et la faute», [Ottawa] : Division de la réforme du droit, Ministère de la justice du Canada, 1994, 29 p., la version française est disponible à (visionné le 2 décembre 2002)  et  (vérifié le 17 juin 2008); Note de recherche: la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada possède  une copie de ce document préparé pour le Ministère de la Justice Canada et commentant sur la publication cité dans cette bibliographie: CANADA, Ministre de la Justice du Canda, Proposition de modification du Code criminel (principes généraux), supra, disponible à ma Bibliothèque numérique;

STEPHENS, K. Michael, "Fidelity to Fundamental Justice: An Originalist Construction of Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms", (2002) 13(2) Constitutional Law / Droit constitutionnel 183-244; note: "This paper is an abridged version of my Master's thesis of the same title" (p. 183);

STEWART, Hamish and John Norris, Materials for criminal law: fault and responsibility, [Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, 1996, 494 p, 28 cm., "SUBJECTS: Criminal liability--Canada--Cases"; Research Note: this information is from the University of Toronto catalogue - document not consulted;  Note de recherche: cette information provient du catalogue de l'Université de Toronto; document non consulté;

STEWART, Hamish, "Beatty: Towards a Coherent Law of Penal Negligence", (2008) 54 Criminal Review (6th) 45-55;

___________ "F. (J.): The Continued Evolution of the Law of Penal Negligence", (2008) 60 Criminal Review (6th) 243-249;

___________"R. v. Darrach: A Step Forward in the Constitutionalization of Fault", (1999) 4 Canadian Criminal Law Review 9-23;

STRANTZ, N.J., "Beyond R. v. Sault Ste. Marie: The Creation and Expansion of Strict Liability and the 'Due Diligence' Defence", (1992) 30 Alberta Law Review 1233-1257;

STRIBOPOULOS, James,"The Constitutionalization of ‘Fault' in Canada: A Normative Critique", (1999) 42 The Criminal Law Quarterly 227-285; available at (accessed on 3 April 2010);

STUART, Don, 1943-,  and Ronald Joseph Delisle, Learning Canadian Criminal Law, 7th ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1999, xxv, 1010 p., see Chapter 3, "The Fault Requirement (Mens Rea or negligence)", at  pp. 293-513, ISBN: 0459270613;

STUART, Don and Allan Manson,  "Annotation Reference Re Section 94(2) Motor Vehicle Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c. 288 (1985) 48 C.R. (3d) 289 (S.C.C.)",     (1986) 48 Criminal Reports (3d) 295-297;

STUART, Don, 1943-, "Annotation: Abbas v. R. (1984) 42 C.R. (3d) 243 (S.C.C.)", (1985) 42 Criminal Reports (3d) 244;

___________"Annotation: Latulippe v. Desruisseaux, (1986) 50 C.R. (3d) 277 (Que. C.A.)", (1986) 50 Criminal Reports (3d) 277-278 [re Que. C.A. decides that the offence of strict liability requires proof of intent beyond a reasonable doubt by the Crown];

___________"Annotation: Lévis (Ville) c. Téreault, (2006) 36(2) C.R. (6th) 215 (S.C.C.)", (2006) 36(2) Criminal Reports (6th) 217-218 (English) and 219-220 (français);

___________"Annotation: R. v. Barron, (1984) 39 C.R. (3d) 379 (Ont. S.C. [H.C.J.])", (1984) 39 Criminal Reports (3d) 380-382 [reversed on appeal by (1985) 48 C.R.(3d) 334; 23 C.C.C. (3d) 544 (Ont. C.A.);

___________"Annotation: R. v. Blackwell, (1994) 29 C.R. (4th) 376 (Ont. C.A.)", (1994) 29 Criminal Reports (4th) 376 [re objective standard for offence of dangerous driving causing death after R. v. Creighton], [1993] 3 S.C.R. / R.C.S. 3;

___________"Annotation: R. c. Boulanger, (2006) 39(1) C.R. (6th) 1 (S.C.C.)", (2006) 39(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 3-4 (English) and 4-5 (français);

___________"Annotation: R. v. Buttar (1986), 52 C.R. (3d) 327 (B.C. C.A.)", (1987) 52 Criminal Reports (3d) 328-329 [re mens rea for offence of s. 390 a) setting fire to substance likely to cause fire];

___________"Annotation: R. v. Canoil Thermal Corp., (1986) 52 C.R. (2d) 188 (Ont. C.A.)", (1986) 52 Criminal Reports (2d) 189-190;

___________"Annotation: R. v. D. (S.), (2002) 1 C.R. (6th) 5 (Nfld C.A.)", (2002) 1 Criminal Reports (6th) 7;

___________"Annotation:  R. v. Docherty, (1990) 72 C.R. (3d) 1 (S.C.C.)" , (1990) 72 Criminal Reports (3d) 2-3 [deals in part withmens rea and the elements of the offence of wilful breach of probation / traite notamment de la mens rea et des éléments de l'infraction du refus volontaire de se conformer à une ordonnance de probation];

___________"Annotation: R. v. Harding, (2001) 39(2) C.R. (5th) 119 (Ont Supreme Court)", (2001) Criminal Reports (5th) 120-121; discusses the meaning of "wilfully" at s. 319(2) of the Criminal Code and whether or not it includes wilful blindness;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Harper (1986) 53 C.R. (3d) 185 (B.C.C.A.)", (1986) 53 Criminal Reports (3d) 186-187 [speeding as an offence of absolute liability /l'excès de vitesse comme une infraction de responsabilité absolue];

____________"Annotation: R. v. Kerr", (2004) 20 C.R. (6th) 199 (S.C.C.)", (2004) 20 Criminal Reports (6th) 202-204;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Ludlow, (1999) 27 C.R. (5th) 46 (B.C. C.A.)", (1999) 27 Criminal Reports (5th) 47-48;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Maidment (1984) 37 C.R. (3d) 387 (N.S.C.A.)", (1984) 37 Criminal Reports (3d) 387-388 [mens rea, s. 7 of the Charter, regulatory offences / la mens rea, l'article 7 de la Charte et les infractions règlementaires];

___________"Annotation: R. v. Menezes (2002) 50(2) C.R. (5th) 343 (Ontario Superior Court of Justice)", (2002) 50(2) Criminal Reports (5th) 345-346; deals with dangerous driving and criminal negligence causing death;

___________"Annotation: R.. v. Nickel City Transport (Sudbury) Ltd. (1993) 22 C.R. 155 (Ont. C.A.)", (1993) 22 Criminal Reports (4th) 156-157;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Pétel", (1994) 26 C.R. (4th) 145 (S.C.C.)", (1994) 26 Criminal Reports (4th) 150-151;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Reed, (1998) 15 C.R. (5th) 28 (S.C.C.)", (1998) 15 Criminal Reports (5th) 29-30;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Roche (1984) 40 C.R.(3d) 138 (Ont. County Ct.)", (1984) 40 Criminal Reports (3d)  138-139;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Sandhu, (1990) 73 C.R. (3d) 162 (Ont. C.A.)", (1990) 73 Criminal Reports (3d) 163-164 [the mens rea for the offence of possession for the purpose of trafficking and importing are knowledge and wilful blindness not recklessness; this approach is critized/la mens rea pour l'infraction de possession aux fins de traffic et l'importation est la connaissance et l'aveuglement volontaire et non l'insouciance; cette position est critiquée];

___________"Annotation: R. v. Stevanovich (1983) 36 C.R. (3d) 174 (Ont. C.A.)", (1984) 36 Criminal Reports (3d) 174-175;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Smillie (1999) 20 C.R. (5th) 179 (B.C. C.A.)", (1999) 20 Criminal Reports (5th) 180-181;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Sullivan (1987) 55 C.R. (3d) 48 (B.C. County Ct.)", (1987) 55 Criminal Reports (3d) 49 [deals with criminal negligence/traite de la négligence criminelle];

____________"Annotation: R. v. Timnico Ltd., (2001) 42 C.R. (5th) 203 (Ont. C.A.) at 280;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Tutton and Tutton, (1985) 44 C.R.(3d) 193, (Ont. C.A.)", (1985) 44 Criminal Reports (3d) 194-196;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Ubhi, (1994) 27 C.R.(4th) 332 (B.C.C.A.) [leave to appeal to the S.C.C. refused (1994) 177 N.R. 79n]", (1994) 27 Criminal Reports (4th) 332-333 [deals with the objective test of criminal negligence causing death];

___________"Annotation: R. v. Wasykyshyn, (1983) 36 C.R.(3d) 143" (1984) 36 Criminal Reports (3d) 143-145 (N.T.S.C.);

___________"Annotation: R. v. Winmill, (2008) 63 C.R. (6th) 224 (N.B. C.A.)", (2008) 63 Criminal Reports (6th) 225-227; re the murder provision of s. 229(c) of the Criminal Code and objective foresight;

___________Canadian Criminal Law: A Treatise, 4th ed., Scarborough:  Carswell, 2001, liv, 733 p., ISBN: 0459261703 (bound) and 0459261118 (pbk.); there is now a 5th ed.: Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, xix, 815 p., ISBN: 978 0779812950;

___________"A Case for A General Part" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., at pp. 95-145, ISBN: 045927077X;

___________"A Case for a General Part: Lesson's From Canada's Experience With Stephen's Code Since 1892 and Entrenched Charter Standards Since 1982",  International Conference paper, International Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law, Dublin, 2008;  published in (2009) 20(1) Criminal Law Forum 113-137;

___________"A Case for Simplified and Workable General Principles of Criminal Law", document presented at the Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law Conference, "Reform of the Criminal Law", London, England, 26-29 July 1987, London, England, 27 p.; paper mentioned in "[Conference Report]: Reform of the Criminal Law - The Inns of Court, London, England, July 26-29, 1987", (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 91-98 at 97;

___________“The Charter: ‘Good’ or Bad’ for Criminal Law?” in Denis N. Magnusson and Daniel A. Soberman, eds., Canadian Constitutional Dilemmas Revisited, Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University, 1997, [xi], 182 p. at pp. 109-115, see in particlar pp. 110 and 114-115;

___________Charter Justice in Canadian Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Scarborough: Carswell, A Thomson Company, 2001, lviii, 540 p., ISBN: 0459261134;

___________"Chief Justice Dickson and Criminal Law: Cheers, Brickbats, and Regrets", (1991) 20 Manitoba Law Journal 288-322;

___________"Chief Justice Antonio Lamer: An Extraordinary Judicial Record of Reform of Canadian Criminal Justice System", (2000) 5 Canadian Criminal Law Review 51-62;

___________"Continuing Inconsistency but also Now Insensitivity That Won't Work", (1993) 23 C.R. (4th) Criminal Reports (4th) 240-251 [Part of a series of articles by different authors under the heading "Criminal Reports Forum: Objective Fault in the Supreme Court", (1993) 23 C.R. (4th) 240-279];

___________"Corruption in Hinchey: Scrambling Mens Rea Principles", (1997) 3 Criminal Reports (5th) 238-248;

___________"Criminal Negligence: Deadlock and Confusion in the Supreme Court", (1989) 69 Criminal Reports (3d) 331-336 [deals with R. v. Waite (1989), 69 C.R. (3d) 323 (S.C.C.); R. v. Tutton (1989), 69 C.R. (3d) 289 (S.C.C.)];

___________ "Ewanchuk: Asserting 'No Means No' at the Expense of Fault and Proportionality Principles", (1999) 22 Criminal Reports (5th) 39-49;

___________"F. (J.): The Three Degrees of Negligence", (2008) 60 Criminal Review (6th) 240-242;

___________"Fault and Just Punishment: Canadian Courts Point the Way to a Principled Approach", 27 p., dated 7 June 1993, paper presented at the Conference of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, "100 years of Criminal Codes", Ottawa, June 28 to June 30 or July 2, 1993; published in  Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, ed., 100 years of Criminal Codes : the society for the reform of criminal law conference, Ottawa, Ont, June 28-30, 1993 - One hundred years of Criminal Codes, Ottawa: The Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law, 1993, various pagings; a copy of this rare publication can be found at the following library: "Justice Canada, Prairie and Northwest Territories Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library" (library code: AEJ), call number: KF 9219 S61 1993;

___________"Fault: Welcome New Directions from the Supreme Court", (1993) 19 Criminal Reports (4th) 186-193 [deals mostly with Hundal and Théroux, S.C.C. decisions];

___________"Four Springboards from the Supreme Court of Canada: Hunter, Therens, Motor Vehicle Reference and Oakes: Asserting Basic Values of our criminal justice system", (1987) 12 Queen's Law Journal 131-154 [Reference Re Section 94(2) of Motor Vehicle Act (1986), 48 C.R. (3d) 289 (S.C.C.) is discussed at pp. 145-149];

___________"Further Progress on the Constitutional Requirement of Fault, But Stigma is Not Enough", (1990) 79 Criminal Reports (3d) 247-259;

___________"The Implications of DeSousa for the Crimes of Aggravated Assault and Dangerous Driving", (1993) 16 Criminal Reports (4th) 326-331;

___________"Inconsistent Intent at the Supreme Court", (1994) 31 Criminal Reports (4th) 35-44;

___________"The Knowledge Requirement: A Different View", (1987) 56 Criminal Reports (3d) 86-88 [Part of a series of articles by different authors on "The Zundel Appeal [(1987), 56 C.R. (3d) 1 (Ont. C.A.)] - A Criminal Reports Forum", (1987) 56 C.R. (3d) 77-96];

__________"Memorandum to the Ontario Law Reform Commission: The Propriety of Provincially-Imposed Prison Sentences in the absence of proof of mens rea", June 16, 1988, 14 p. in ONTARIO LAW REFORM COMMISSION, The Basis of Liability for Provincial Offences: An Issues Paper, supra;

__________"Metro News: Misplaced Objectivity", (1986) 53 C.R. (3d) 333-338 [deals in part with R. v. Metro News Ltd. (1987) 53 Criminal Reports (3d) 289 (Ont. C.A.)];

___________"'Moral Involuntariness' Becomes Charter Standard for Defences", (2001) 41 Criminal Reports (5th) 37-43; discusses Supreme Court of Canada decision of Ruzic (2001);

___________"Progress on the Constitutional Requirement of Fault", (1988) 64 Criminal Reports (3d) 352- 359;

___________"R. v. 1260448 Ontario Inc.: Is the Sault Ste. Marie Approach to Regulatory Offences About to Disappear?", (2004)16(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 147-150;

___________"Sexual Assault: Substantive Issues Before And After Bill C-49", (1993) 35 The Criminal Law Quarterly 241-262 [see Part 3, "Fault", pp. 251-261];

___________"Subjective and Objective Standards for Fault and Defences", unpublished, paper prepared for the National Judicial Institute, 1994; information on the French version - translation / informations sur la version française - traduction: «Les normes subjective et objective de faute et les moyens de défense», cours intensif - Droit pénal, Institut national de la magistrature, conférence donnée au mois de mai 1994, l'article français est cité dans Sablonnière, de la, supra, à la p. 95;

___________"Supporting General Principles for Criminal Responsibility in the Model Penal Code with Suggestions for Reconsideration: A Canadian Perspective",  (2000) 4(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 13-51; available on the internet at;  paper presented at the "Model Penal Code (Oct. 29-31, 1999)" Conference organized by the Buffalo Criminal Law Center;

___________"The Supreme Court Drastically Reduces The Constitutional Requirement of Fault: A Triumph of Pragmatism and Law Enforcement Expediency", (1992) 15 Criminal Reports (4th) 88-101;

___________"White Paper Proposals on Subjective and Objective Standards of Fault and Defences, Mistake of Fact and Transferred Intent", [Ottawa] : Law Reform Division, Department . of Justice Canada, 1994, 21 p., available at my Digital Library; information on the French version - translation /informations sur la version française - Traduction : "Les normes subjectives et objectives applicables - la faute, les moyens de défense, l'erreur de fait le transfert d'intention : la proposition du livre blanc,  [Ottawa] : Division de la réforme du droit, Ministère de la justice du Canada, 1994, 25 p.; disponible à et  Bibliothèque numérique (visionnés le 5 juillet 2008);

___________"Wholesale Travel: Presuming Guilt for Regulatory Offences is Constitutional But Wrong", (1992) 8 Criminal Reports (4th) 225-234;

STUESSER, Lee, "Convicting the Innocent Owner: Vicarious Liability under Highway Traffic Legislation", (1989) 67 Criminal Reports (3d) 316-329;

SUGUNASIRI, Shalin M., Integrating equality into the criminal constitutional context: Sexual assault, mistake of fact and minimum mens rea, LL.M. thesis, Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia), 2002, 168 p., thesis supervisor: Stephen Coughlan; thesis not consulted; microfiche copy at Library and Archives Canada; abstract available on the AMICUS catalogue;

SULLIVAN, Ruth, 1946-, Sullivan and Driedger on the Construction of Statutes, 4th ed., Markham (Ontario): Butterworths, 2002, lxxiii, 634 p., see "Presumption of Fault", at pp. 390-395, ISBN: 043343094X;

SUPREME COURT OF CANADA  judgments at the  Supreme Court of Canada and the U of  Montreal Centre de Recherche en Droit Public  web site / jugements de la Cour suprême du Canada au  site web de la  Cour suprême du Canada et l'U de Montréal, Centre de recherche en droit public;   here are some of the cases: / voici quelques décisions :

***needs to be updated***
ENGLISH                                                   FRANÇAIS
R. v. Anderson,      [1990] 1 S.C.R. 265 R. c. Anderson,       [1990] 1 R.C.S. 265
R. v. Chartrand     [1994] 2 S.C.R. 864 R.c. Chartrand,     [1994] 2 R.C.S. 864
R. v. Clemente,      [1994] 2 S.C.R. 758 R. c. Clemente,        [1994] 2 R.C.S. 758
R.v. Cooper,         [1993] 1 S.C.R. 146       R. c. Cooper,          [1993] 1 R.C.S. 146
R. v. Creighton,     [1993] 3 S.C.R. 3 R. c. Creighton,      [1993] 3 R.C.S. 3
R. v. Daviault,       [1994] 3 S.C.R. 63         R. c. Daviault,       [1994] 3 R.C.S. 63
R. v. DeSousa,      [1992] 2 S.C.R. 944       R. c. DeSousa,        [1992] 2 R.C.S. 944
R. v. Docherty      [1989] 2 S.C.R. 941 R. c. Docherty,        [1989] 2 R.C.S. 941
R. v. Finlay,          [1993] 3 S.C.R. 103       R. c. Finlay,            [1993] 3 R.C.S. 103
R. v. Finta,           [1994] 1 S.C.R. 701       R.c. Finta,              [1994] 1 R.C.S. 701
R. v. Gosset,        [1993] 3 S.C.R. 76        R. c. Gosset,        [1993] 3 R.C.S. 76
R.v.Hess; R. v. Nguyen,    R. c. Hess; R. c. Nguyen,
                                [1990[ 2 S.C.R. 906                                      [1990] 2 R.C.S. 906
R. v. Hinchey,      [1996] 3 S.C.R. 1128 R. c. Hinchey,         [1996] 3 R.C.S. 1128
R. v. Holmes,       [1988] 1 S.C.R. 914        R. c. Holmes,         [1988] 1 R.C.S. 914
R. v. Hundal,       [1993] 1 S.C.R. 867       R. c. Hundal,          [1993] 1 R.C.S. 867

R. v. J.F., 2008 SCC 60  (October 31, 2008) available at; on appeal from R. v. J.F., 2007 ONCA 500 (CanLII) available

R. v. Jorgensen   [1995] 4 S.C.R. 55   R. c. Jorgensen,      [1995] 4 R.C.S. 55
R. v. Lemky,         [1996] 1 S.C.R. 757       R. c. Lemky,            [1996] 1 R.C.S. 757
R. v. Logan,         [1990] 2 S.C.R. 731       R.. c. Logan,         [1990] 2 R.C.S. 731
R. v. Lucas,          [1998] 1 S.C.R. 439       R. c. Lucas,            [1998] 1 R.C.S. 439
    R. v. McMaster,   [1996] 1 S.C.R. 740   R. c. McMaster,      [1996] 1 R.C.S. 740
    R. v. Mara,          [1997] 2 S.C.R. 630       R. c. Mara,              [1997] 2 R.C.S. 630
    R. v. Martineau,  [1990] 2 S.C.R. 633    R.  c. Martineau,     [1990] 2 R.C.S. 633
    R. v. Morrissey    2000 SCC 39    R. c. Morrisey      2000 R.C.S. 39
    R. v. Naglik,        [1993] 3 S.C.R. 122        R. c. Naglik,             [1993] 3 R.C.S. 122
    R. v. Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society  R. c. Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society,
                                [1992] 2 S.C.R. 606                                           [1992] 2 R.C.S. 606
    R. v. Nygaard,     [1989] 2 S.C.R. 1074 R.  c. Nygaard,        [1989] 2 R.C.S. 1074
    R. v.Oakes,          [1986] 1 S.C.R. 103        R. v. Oakes,            [1986] 1 R.C.S. 103
    R. v. Pontes,        [1995] 3 S.C.R. 44          R. c. Pontes,            [1995] 3 R.C.S. 44
    R. v. Robinson,    [1996] 1 S.C.R. 683  R. c. Robinson,       [1996] 1 R.C.S. 683
    R. v. Rodney,       [1990] 2 S.C.R. 687        R. v. Rodney,           [1990] 2 R.C.S.     687
    R.v. Swain,         [1991] 1 S.C.R. 933        R. c. Swain,              [1991] 1 R.C.S. 933
    R. v. Théroux,      [1993] 2 S.C.R. 5           R.c. Théroux,          [1993] 2 R.C.S. 5
    R. v. Tremblay     [1993] 2 S.C.R. 932 R. c. Tremblay,        [1993] 2 R.C.S. 932
    R. v. Tutton,        [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1392       R. c. Tutton,            [1989] 1 R.C.S. 1392
    R. v. Vaillancourt [1987]2 S.C.R. 636     R. c. Vaillancourt,    [1987] 2 R.C.S. 636
    R. v. Waite,         [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1436       R.c. Waite,             [1989] 1 R.C.S. 1436
    R. v. Wholesale Travel Group Inc,     R. c. Wholesale Travel Group Inc,
                               [1991] 3 S.C.R. 154                                         [1991] 3 R.C.S. 154
    Re B.C. Motor Vehicule Act       Renvoi sur la motor vehicle act (c.-b.)
                               [1985] 2 S.C.R. 486                                        [1985] 2 S.C.R. 486

     Rodriguez v. British Columbia, [1993] 3 S.C.R. 519; a good example of the theory of double effect;

The fact that doctors may deliver palliative care to terminally ill patients without fear of sanction, it is argued, attenuates to an even greater degree any legitimate distinction which can be drawn between assisted suicide and what are currently acceptable forms of medical treatment.  The administration of drugs designed for pain control in dosages which the physician knows will hasten death constitutes active contribution to death by any standard.  However, the distinction drawn here is one based upon intention -- in the case of palliative care the intention is to ease pain, which has the effect of hastening death, while in the case of assisted suicide, the intention is undeniably to cause death.  The Law Reform Commission, although it recommended the continued criminal prohibition of both euthanasia and assisted suicide, stated, at p. 70 of the Working Paper, that a doctor should never refuse palliative care to a terminally ill person only because it may hasten death.  In my view, distinctions based upon intent are important, and in fact form the basis of our criminal law.  While factually the distinction may, at times, be difficult to draw, legally it is clear.  The fact that in some cases, the third party will, under the guise of palliative care, commit euthanasia or assist in suicide and go unsanctioned due to the difficulty of proof cannot be said to render the existence of the prohibition fundamentally unjust." (Judge Sopinka)


SWAIGEN, John, 1944-,  "Negligence, Reverse Onuses and Environmental Offences: Some Practical Considerations", (1992) 2 Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 149-188;

__________Regulatory Offences in Canada: Liability and Defences, Scarborough: Carswell, 1992,  xi, 250 p.,  ISBN:  0459556657; ("Contents: Chapter. 1: The History and Scope of the Modern Public Welfare Offence; Chapter 2: The Classification of Offences; Chapter 3: Public Welfare Offences in the Mens Rea and Absolute Liability Categories; Chapter 4: Strict Liability Offences; Chapter 5: The Defence of Reasonable Care; Chapter 6: Who Must Take Reasonable Care; Chapter 7: Evidentiary Issues in Establishing Reasonable Care; chapter 8: Other Defences to Public Welfare Offences; Chapter 9: Public Welfare Offences at the Crossroads");

TANOVICH, David M., "The Implications of Beatty For Criminal Negligence", (2008) 54 Criminal Review (6th) 38-44;

TANOVICH, David M. and Gerry Ferguson, Annual Review of Criminal Law 2001, Toronto: Carswell, a Thomson Company, 2002, xxvii, 200 p., ISBN: 0459271148; see  the following: "1. Can Knowledge be Established by Recklessness or Wilful Blindness?" at p. 1; "Can Wilfully Hatred Be Established by Wilful Blindness?" at pp. 1-3; "3. Mens Rea and Anger/Rage" at pp. 3-4; "4. Strict Liability" at p. 5; "5. Vicarious Liability: Photographic Radar" at pp. 5-6;  and "6. Voluntariness Requirement" at p. 6;

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 2003, Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2004, xxvi, 400 p., see "Counselling an Offence Which is Not Committed: Intent, Not Recklessness, is the Requisite Mens Rea", at pp. 40-45, ISBN: 0459273713;

TAPPER, R.L., "Criminal Negligence and Dangerous Driving: A Consideration of the Difference", (1982) 3 Crown Counsel Review 3:14-15 (this review was published by the Manitoba Association of Crown Attorneys in Winnipeg);

TESHOME, Yeshak, 1954-, Principles of Criminal Liability: A Comparative Study, LL.M. thesis, Dalhousie University, 1991, ix, 228 p.; Canadian and Ethiopian Legal Systems;

THOMSON, Nancy K., "Fundamental Justice, Stigma and Fault", (1994) 52 University of Toronto Faculty Law Review 379-404; on the internet at;

THORNTON, M.T., "Rape and Mens Rea", in Kai Nielsen and Steven C. Patten, eds., New Essays in Ethics and Public Policy, Guelph (Ontario): Canadian Association for Publishing in Philosophy, 1982, iii, 234 p., at pp. 119-146, ISBN: 0919491081; includes discussion of negligent rape; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, BJ 1031 .N478;

THORNTON, Mark, "Intention in Criminal Law", (1992) 5 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 177-194;

TILLEMAN, William A., "Due Diligence Defence in Canada for Hazardous Clean-Up and Related Problems: Comparison With the American Superfund Law", (1991) 1 Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 179-198;

TOLLEFSON, Chris, "Case Comments: Constitutional Law - Charter of Rights - Strict Liability Offences - Reverse Onus Clauses - Standing of Corporations - Charter of Rights and Freedoms, ss. 1, 7, 11(1)(d) - Competition Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. C-23, ss. 36(1)(a), 37.3(2): R. v. Wholesale Travel Group Inc.", (1992) 71 Canadian Bar Review 369-383;

___________"Mens Rea, Class 5, Recklessness, Wilful Blindness and Knowledge & Criminal and Penal Negligence", available at (accessed on 10 March 2011);

TRECHSEL, Stefan, Human rights in criminal proceedings / Stefan Trechsel ; with the assistance of Sarah J. Summers, Oxford : Oxford University Press,  c2005, x, 611 p. (Series; Collected courses of the Academy of European Law volume xii/3); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KJE9405 T74 2005;

"Finally, it must be recalled that the principle nullum crimen sine culpa is not universally accepted.  While it is deeply rooted in German, Swiss, and Austrian law, it has less authority in, for example, France, Belgium, and Canada.20   One important exception must however be mentionned, a situation where the rule nulla poena sine culpa must be respected: the case of vicarious liability... .
20 Pradel (2002) N 305." (p. 158)

TROTTER, Gary T., "Anger, Provocation, and the Intent for Murder : A Comment on R. v. Parent", (2002) 47(3) McGill Law Journal 669-690;

___________"Instructing Juries on Murder and Intent", (2005) 24(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 178-184; deals with the words "and is reckless whether death ensues or not", in the definition of murder at s. 229(a)(ii) of the Criminal Code;

TUCK-JACKSON, Andrea "The Defence of Due Diligence and the Presuption of Inncocence", (1990-91) 33 The Criminal Law Quarterly 11-42;

ULLRICH,  Dierk, "Concurring Visions: Human Dignity  in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Basic law of the Federal Republic of Germany", (March 2003) 3(1) Global Jurist Frontiers -- article 1;

UNIFORM LAW CONFERENCE, Criminal Injuries Compensation Act, see subsection 20(2),  available at (accessed on 11 August 2006);. also published in French / aussi publié en français: CONFÉRENCE POUR L'HARMONISATION DES LOIS AU CANADA, Loi uniforme sur l'indemnisation des victimes d'actes criminels, voir le paragraphe 20(2), disponible à (site visité le 11 août 2006);

"Capacity for mens rea
[20](2) Notwithstanding that a person for any reason is legally incapable of forming criminal intent, he shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have intended an act or omission that caused injury or death for which compensation is payable under this Act."


"Mens rea
[20](2) Pour l'application de la présente loi, l'auteur d'un acte ou d'une omission ayant causé la mort ou des blessures donnant droit au versement d'une indemnité est réputé avoir agi volontairement, même s'il est légalement incapable pour quelque raison que ce soit de former une intention coupable."

USPRICH, S.J., "Felony Murder and Far Beyond", (1988) 60 C.R. (3d) 332-336 [part of a series of articles by different authors on "Vaillancourt: A Criminal Report's Forum"];

VAN DIEEN, Jodie, "The 20th Anniversary of the Charter: Developments in Criminal Law Under Section 7 of the Charter", (2002) 21 The Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 129-151, and see "Principles of Fundamental Justice", at pp. 130-133 and "Constitutionally-Required Mens Rea" at pp. 141-146;

VANDERVORT, Lucinda, "To Codify or Not Codify the Principles of Criminal Responsibility: A Question of Fundamental Justice and Equality" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., pp. 231-242, see p. 239, "(e) Section 15 - Mistake of Fact", ISBN: 045927077X; note: comments on Professor Don Stuart's draft General Part, see Stuart, Don, supra, "A Case for a General Part";

VERDUN-JONES, Simon N. (Simon Nicholas), 1947-,   Criminal Law in Canada: Cases, Questions & The Code, 4th ed., Thomson/Nelson, 2006,  xvi, 332 p., see Chapter 4: "The Mental Element in the Criminal Law: Subjective Liability" at pp. 66-99; Chapter 5, "The Mental Element in the Criminal Law: Objective Liability" at pp. 100-121; and Chapter 6: "The Special Case of Regulatory Offences: Strict and Absolute Liability in Canada" at pp. 122-141, ISBN: 0176407170; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br.B  KE 8809 V47 2007;  

VIAU, Louise, 1953-,  "Annotation: R. v. Lebrun (1988) 65 C.R. (3d) 280 (Que. C.A.)", (1988) 65 Criminal Reports (3d) 280-281;

___________«La Charte et la nouvelle conception de la mens rea», (1995) 26 Revue générale de droit 81-97 ("Sommaire: Introduction...82; I. La définition des termes et l'exposé de l'état du droit canadien avant la Charte...82: A. La définition des termes...82; B. L'état du droit canadien avant la Charte...83; II. L'impact de la Charte sur les éléments essentiels de l'infraction...84: A. Le cas des infractions réglementaires...86: 1. L'exclusion de principe de la responsabilité absolue...87; 2. La reconnaissance de la négligence ou de l'absence de diligence raisonable comme standard usuel de faute...88; B. Le cas des infractions criminelles au vrai sens du mot:...89: 1. l'exigence d'une mens rea stricto sensu..90; 2. La négligence pénale comme standard minimal...92; Conclusion...96);

___________ (comme intervenante) "Débats", (1994) 74 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 417-424 (partie du séminaire: "Le défaut de prévoyance à l'épreuve des faits et du droit.  Droit belge et droit comparé.  Séminaire 'Université' - Monde judiciaire' sous la direction de Christiane Hennau-Hublet responsable de l'Unité de droit pénal de l'Université catholique de Louvain.  Louvain-la-Neuve 1993");

___________"Les éléments essentiels et la charge de la preuve  des infractions criminelles et réglementaires", (1987-88) 33 McGill Law Journal 555-574;

___________"L'impact de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés sur les régimes de la responsabilité pénale", dans Ernest Capparos et al. (sous la direction de), Mélanges Louis-Philippe Pigeon,  Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 1989, (Collection Bleue, Série Ouvrages Collectifs, Faculté de droit, Section de droit civil, Université d'Ottawa), viii, 320 p. aux  pp. 305-320;

___________«La mens rea et la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés: éléments de réflexion», [s.l.] : Commission des services juridiques, 1987, 29 p.; Research Note: Information from the University of Montreal catalogue; Note de recherche: informations du catalogue de l'Université de Montréal;

WALSH, John  J., "The Concepts of Diminished Responsibility and  Cumulative Intent: A Practical Perspective", (1991) 33 The Criminal Law Quarterly 229-246;

WATSON, Jack, "Case Comment: R. v. Hundal", (1994) 5 Journal of Motor Vehicle Law 329-338 [Hundal is reported at  [1993] 1 S.C.R. 867 and deals with dangerous driving];

WATT, David, 1948-, "The Essential Coincidence of Mens Rea and Actus Reus", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 1.1, 11 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

___________"The Mental Element in Murder: Fundamental Justice vs. Public Policy" in Josiah Wood and Richard C.C. Peck, eds., 100 Years of the Criminal Code in Canada: Essays Commemorating the Centenary of the Canadian Criminal Code / Le centenaire du Code criminel du Canada : mémoires commémorant le centenaire du Code criminel du Canada, Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, 1993, x, 368 p., at / aux  pp. 189- 231, ISBN: 0920742416;

___________Ontario Specimen Jury Instructions (Criminal), Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, December 2002, approx. 900 p., ISBN: 0459254928; see instructions on the offence of criminal negligence, at pp. 430-438 and on manslaughter by criminal negligence, at pp. 501-508; there is a supplement: Ontario specimen jury instructions (criminal). 2005 supplement, Toronto : Thomson Carswell, 2005, xiv, 246 p., at pp. 117-126 on criminal negligence, and at p.  199 for manslaughter by criminal negligence, ISBN: 0459242628;

__________ "The Relationship between Mistake of Fact, Wilful Blindness and Recklessness - John Henry Sansregret v. The Queen, unreported, May 9, 1985 (S.C.C.) in Criminal Law Audio Series, Toronto: Criminal Law Audio Series, 1985, tape 6, side 1, # 1, 20 minutes on audio cassette;

WEBB, Kernaghan R., "Regulatory Offences, The Mental Element and the Charter: Rough Road Ahead", (1989) 21 Ottawa Law Review 419-478;

___________Regulatory Offences: The Quest for a Non-Criminal Approach to Penal Liability, LL.D. thesis, University of Ottawa, September 1999, [iv], 398 p.; thesis supervisor: Peter Finkle; available at (accessed on 17 July 2009);

WHITE, John D., "Annotation: Reference Re Section 94(2) of Motor Vehicle Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c. 288, (1985) 48 C.R. (3d) 289", (1986) 48 Criminal Reports (3d) 291-295;

___________"Fundamental Justice: The Scope and Application of Section 7 of the Charter", (1983) 13 Manitoba Law Journal 455-475;

WHITE, Katherine M. M., Aspects of civil and criminal negligence which apply to outdoor trip leaders in the Province of Ontario,  Thesis (H.B.O.R.)--Lakehead University, 1983, iv, 96 leaves; thesis advisor: Jim Smithers; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted;  

WHITE, Nicholas R. and V. Julian Roberts, "Criminal Intent: The Public View", (1985) 27 Canadian Journal of Criminology 455-465;

WILLIAMS, John M., "Transferred Intent/Transferred Mistake", 7 p., in Keith R. Hamilton, "Defence of the Person",  March 1991, 13, [9] p., discussion paper mentioned in The Canadian Bar Association Task Force Report, Principles of Criminal Liability: Proposals for a New General Part of the Criminal Code, Ottawa: Canadain Bar Association, [1992], x, 190 p. at p. 189, ISBN: 0920742335; available from the Canadian Bar Association, Ottawa; copy at the Library of the Faculty of Law, University of Montreal; the paper is part of the  following series: (series; Working Paper, Canadian Bar Association, National Criminal Justice Section, Committee on Criminal Code Reform; number 1);

WILLIAMSON, Doug, "Police consider charging hospital in nurse's stabbing death", The Ottawa Citizen, 9 February 2006, p. A5;  case of Lori Dupont, nurse, killed by ex-boyfriend Dr. Marc Daniel while she was working at the hospital;

"Staff Sgt. Ed McNorton said investigators are looking at Section 217 of the Criminal Code... .  Breaking the section by omitting that duty can lead to a charge of criminal negligence causing death..."

WILSON, Larry C., "Beatty, J.F., and the Law of Manslaughter",  (2010) 47(3) Alberta Law Review 651 to approx. 674;

___________ "Obstructing a Peace Officer: Finding Fault in the Supreme Court of Canada", (2000) 27(2) Manitoba Law Journal 273-296;

___________ "Too Many Manslaughters", (May 2007) 52(3-4) The Criminal Law Quarterly 433-469; see the "The Problem With Criminal Negligence", at pp. 443-453 and "The Problem with Unlawful Act Manslaughter", at pp. 453-466;

WOOD, Josiah and J.C. McArthur, "The Mental Element in Crime" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 1 of 2, section 2.1, 26 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

WOOD, Josiah, "Mental element" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1993: Montreal), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Montreal (PQ): Federation of Law Societies, 1993, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

WORSOFF, Mitchell, "Care or Control: Mens Rea or Absolute Liability?", (November 2007) 53(2) The Criminal Law Quarterly 215-219;

WRIGHT, Nicola, "Overview of the Concept of Mens Rea", unpuplished, "Paper prepared toward completion of LL.M. thesis, University of Ottawa, 1994", paper mentioned by Elizabeth Sheehy in "What Would a Women's Law of Self-Defence Look Like?", paper prepared for the Status of Women Canada, 1995,  p. 22, note 90;

YEO, Stanley, "The Fault Elements for Involuntary Manslaughter", (2000) 43 The Criminal Law Quarterly 291-304;  

____________ " 'Murder' She Said: Canadian, Indian and Australian Formulations of the Fault Elements for Murder", (2000) 49 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 21-32;

YOUNG, Alan N., "Done Nothing Wrong: Fundamental Justice and The Minimum Content of Criminal Law” in Jamie Cameron and James Stribopoulos, eds., The Charter and Criminal Justice Twenty-Five Years Later, Markham: LexisNexis, 2008, lxix, 759 p., at pp. 441-511, and see The Constitutionalization of Mens Rea" at pp. 481-489, ISBN:  978-0-433-45803-6;

___________"Fundamental Justice and Political Power: A Personal Reflection on Twenty Years in the Trenches", (2002) 16 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 121-159, see at pp. 127-131;

___________Justice defiled : perverts, potheads, serial killers and lawyers, Toronto : Key Porter Books, c2003, xi, 347 p., see Chapter 13 , "The Legal Construction of Crime", at pp. 196-215, and more particularly on mens rea, pp. 201-208, ISBN: 1552632253; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 9223 Y68 2003;

___________"National Monographs: Canada" in Lieven Dupont and Cyrille Fijnault, eds. International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Criminal Law, vol. 1, The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1993-, Young's monograph constitues Supplement 15, issued in 1999, 252 p., see "The Constitutionalization of Fault" at pp. 33-34 and the "Mental Element" at pp. 45-65,  ISBN: 9065449374;

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