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updated and corrections / mise à jour et corrections: 11 November 2013
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by / par ©François Lareau, 2002-, Ottawa, Canada
Selected Bibliography on
in Criminal Law
(with some elements of
Part II: L-Z
Bibliographie choisie sur
en droit pénal
(avec des
de philosophie)
See also the following bibliographies / voir aussi les bibliographies
• Mens rea in Canadian Law/
Mens rea en droit canadien
• Motive in Criminal Law / Le mobile/motif en droit pénal
• Negligence in Comparative
Law (excluding Canadian Law)/
La négligence en
droit pénal comparé (autre que le droit canadien)
"In short: intention is to know and to will an act or a result."
(C.R. Snyman, Criminal Law,
Durban: Butterworths, 1984, p. 154)
LABORDE, A., "De l'élément moral dans les infractions
non intentionnelles", (1885) 24ième année, 14 Revue
de législation et de jurisprudence 256-268;
LABORDE-LACOSTE, Marcel, "Le but de l'agent, élément
de l'infraction", (1926) Revue internationale de droit pénal
titre noté dans ma recherche mais article pas encore
LACEY, Nicola, "A Clear Concept of Intention: Elusive or Illusory?",
(1993) 56 The Modern Law Review 621-642; see reply by Horder,
in the Criminal Law - A Rejoinder", supra;
____________"In(de)terminable Intentions", (1995) 58 Modern Law
___________“In Search of the Responsible Subject: History,
and Social Sciences in Criminal Law Theory”, (2001) 64 The Modern
Review 350-371;
LAGRANGE SOCCORO, Enrique, Le délit
préterintentionnel et son application en droit
thèse, Université de Paris, Droit, 1962, 3, 96 feuilles;
titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non
consultée; aucune copie
de cette thèse dans les bibliothèques canadiennes
comprises dans le
catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
(vérification du 9
janvier 2006);
LAING, J.A. (Jacqueline Anne), "“Innocence and Consequentialism” in D. S. Oderberg and Jacqueline A. Laing, eds., Human Lives: Critical Essays on Consequentialist Bioethics, eds., London: Macmillan, 1997, at pp. 196-224. ISBN 0-333-62980-9, ISBN 0-312 16099-2
__________ Intention and culpability :
certain doubts about the role of intention in the criminal law,
Thesis (D. Phil.), Brasenose
College, University of Oxford, 1996, vi, 275
reference no.: D192420/97;
__________"The Prospects of a Theory of Criminal Culpability: Mens
Rea and Methodological Doubts", (1994) 14 Oxford Journal of Legal
LAINGUI, André, "Le droit pénal canonique, source de
droit pénal laïc" dans Églises et pouvoir
Actes des journées internationales d'histoire du droit d'Angers,
30 mai - 1er juin 1985, Angers: Presses Universitaires d'Angers,
477 p., 1987 aux pp. 213-232, voir "Le dol
aux pp. 217-219, note: "Volume publié avec le concours
la Société d'histoire du droit et du Conseil
de Maine-et-Loire);
___________La responsabilté pénale dans l'ancien
XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, Paris: Librairie générale
de droit et de jurisprudence, 1970, xii, 367 p., voir "La
coupable" aux pp. 24-106, (Collection; Bibliothèque
du droit et droit romain sous la direction de P.-C. Timbal; tome XVII);
LAIRG, Irvine of (The Right Honourable The Lord Irvine of Lairg,
Chancelor), "Address - Intention, Recklessness and Moral
Reflections on the English and Australian Law of Criminal Culpability",
(2001) 23 The Sydney Law Review 5-18; available at http://www.usyd.edu.au/sesqui/auspeech.pdf
(accessed on 31 July 2002);
LANHAM, D., "Murder, Recklessness and Grievous Bodily Harm", [1978]
Criminal Law Journal 255-272;
___________"Wilful Blindness and the Criminal Law", (1985) 9 Criminal
Law Journal 261-269;
LAREAU, François, Bibliography on mens
in Canadian Law / Bibliographie sur la mens rea
en droit canadien
___________Bibliography on Criminal
in Comparative Law / Bibliographie sur
négigence criminelle en droit comparé
between Conscious Negligence and Recklessness
LAYLIN, Clarence E. and Alonzo H. Tuttle, "Due Process and
(1921-22) 20 Michigan Law Review 614-645;
LAW COMMISSION, THE, Codification of the Criminal Law, General
The Mental Element in Crime, London : Her Majesty's
Office (HMSO), 1970, 65 p., (series; working Paper, 31); copy at the
library of the University of Ottawa, FTX General, KD 654 .A255 V.31;
___________Codification of the Criminal Law: Strict Liability and
the Enforcement of the Factories Act 1961, London: Her Majesty's
Office, 1970, 66 p., (series; working paper; 30); copy at the law
of the University of Ottawa, FTX General, KD 654 .A255 V.30; title
in my research but not consulted yet; copy missing from the library;
___________Imputed criminal intent (Director of Public
v. Smith) / laid before Parliament by the Lord High Chancellor,
HMSO, 1967, 17 p. (series; Law Commission; 10); copy at the law library
of the University of Ottawa, FTX General, KD 654 .A25 v.10 1967;
Manslaughter and Infanticide, London: TSO (The Stationery Office),
2006, x, 265 p. (series; Law Com; 304), available at http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/docs/lc304.pdf
(accessed on 4 December 2006);
___________A New Homicide Act for
England and Wales?, London: [HMSO], 2005, xiii, 336 p.;
available at http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/docs/cp177_web.pdf
(accessed on 27 December 2005);
___________Report on the Mental Element in Crime, London:
1978, 71 p. (series; report, no. 89);
LAW REFORM COMMISSION, IRELAND, Homicide: The Mental Element in
Dublin: The Law Reform Commission, 2001, ix, 97 p. (series;
paper; number 17); available at http://www.gov.ie/lawreform/publications/cphom.htm;
punishment, [Melbourne] : The Commissioner, [1984], 52 p. (series;
working paper; no. 8);
LAWSON, Robert G., "Kentucky Penal Code: The Culpable Mental States
and Related Matters", (1972-73) 61 Kentucky Law Journal
LEADER-ELLIOTT, Ian D., "Benthamite Reflections on Codification of the General Principles of Criminal Liability: Towards the Panopticon", (2005-2006) 9 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 391-452;
__________"Elements of Liability in the Commonwealth
Code", (2002) 26(1) 26 Criminal Law Journal 28-41; Table of
"Code and common law: antagonism and reconciliation...29; An overview
the Commonwealth Criminal Code...31; The elements of an
Fault and Presumptions of Fault...34; Fault and grades of culpability:
threshold and staircase...36; Element analysis in the Code: an
of the principles...37; Three concluding reflections...39";
"[Summary] Commonwealth criminal law is now substantially codified. Chapter 2 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code provides an exhaustive statement of the principles of criminal responsibility in federal offences. The article which follows provides an introduction to Chapter 2, with illustrations of the structure of criminal offences under the Code. It concludes with a brief examination of three areas of potential strain in the development of a Code jurisprudence." (p. 28)
___________"Elements of Liability in the Commonwealth Criminal Code",
AIJA Magistrate's Conference, 20-21 July 2001, Melbourne, Australia, 16
p.; available at http://www.aija.org.au/Mag01/Leader-Elliott.pdf
(accessed on 15 August 2003);
__________Case and Comment, "NARONGTAI SERENGSAI-OR [2004] NSWLLA
534...Commonwealth Criminal Code -- Fault Elements -- Importing Heroin
-- Importing Child Pornography -- He Kaw Teh resurgent -- Intention and
Recklessness", (2005) 29(1) Criminal Law Journal 55-60; copy at
the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada; copy at the University of
KTA 0 .C735 Location FTX Periodicals;
___________"Fault Elements in Murder -- A Summary of Australian Law --
Draft Memorandum to Jeremy Horder, Law Commissioner, November
2005, in The Law Commission, The
Law of Murder: Overseas Comparative Studies, [London:
HMSO, 2005], at pp. 2-21; available at http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/docs/comparative_studies.pdf
(accessed on 27 December 2005);
___________"Negotiating Intentions in Trials of Guilt and
in Ngaire Naffine, Rosemary Owens and John Williams, eds., Intention
in Law and Philosophy, Aldershot; Burlington, VT :
c2001, xiii, 377 p. at pp. 73-105 (series; Applied legal philosophy),
0754621715; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, K272 .I58
___________"Recklessness in Murder", (1981) 5 Criminal Law Journal 84-88;
___________"Recklessness and Murder - The Facts of the Case", (1986)
10 Criminal Law Journal 359-375;
LEAHY, R.L., "The child's conception of mens rea:
mitigating punishment judgments", (1979) 134 The Journal of Genetic
Psychology 71-78; copy at Ottawa University, BF 699 .P43
MRT Periodicals (some older issues are in storage); not entirely on
but useful for the researcher;
LEBIGRE, Arlette, Quelques aspects de la responsabilité
en droit romain classique, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France,
1967, viii, 126 p., voir le Chapitre 4, "L'élément
de l'infraction et la responsabilité pénale" aux pp.
(Collection; Travaux et recherches de la Faculté de droit et des
sciences économiques de Paris; série "Sciences
volume numéro 11);
LEBRET, Jean, "Essai sur l'intention criminelle", (1938) Revue
science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 438;
noté dans ma recherche mais article non encore consulté;
LECLÈRE, J., L'intention dans l'Ethica de Pierre
mémoire, Université de Louvain, 1954; titre noté
ma recherche mais thèse non encore consultée;
LEDEWITZ, Bruce, "Mr.Carroll's Mental State or what is Meant by
(2001) 38(1) American Criminal Law Review 71-109;
LEE, H.D.P., "The legal background of two passages in the
Ethics", (1937) 31 Classical Quarterly 129-140;
LEE, Kyuhwa, La notion de personnalisation de la sanction
: étude de criminologie appliquée, Mémoire
droit pénal, Aix-Marseille 3, 1993; titre de thèse
dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;
___________La personnalisation de la sanction pénale :
juridique et criminologique, thèse de doctorat,
Aix-Marseille 3 : 1998, 288 feuilles; titre de thèse
dans ma recherche mais pas encore consulté;
___________"Le sens de la personnalisation de la peine", (1999)
internationale de criminologie et de police technique 278-295;
LEFEBVRE, Ch., "Dol en droit canonique actuel" dans Dictionnaire
de droit canonique ...publié sous la direction de R. Naz,
Quatrième, Paris: Librarie Letouzey et Ané, 1949 aux pp.
1347-1358; note de recherche:
LE FOYER, Jean, Exposé du droit pénal normand au XIIIe siècle, Paris: Libraririe du Recueil Sirey, 1931, 314 p.;
"L'Église contribua beaucoup à cette évolution du Droit pénal. En effet dans ses pénitentiels, qui exercèrent une influence considérable, elle appuie sur les sur les éléments mentaux du péché. On prend cette influence sur le vif lorsqu'au beau milieu des Lois d'Henri I, on rencontre la maxime 'Reum non facit, nisi mens rea', non loin du vieux proverbe 'Qui inscienter pecat, scienter emendat' et parmi les règles pénales qui, rendant encore l'homme responsable pour tout tort causé, n'avaient nul souci de l'intention, et s'inspiraient seulement de l'adage 'Factum repubatitur pro voluntate'.A l'influence chrétienne s'ajouta, dans le même sens, l'influence romaine. Au XIIe siècle, la renaissance du Droit romain introduisit quelques idées nouvelles. Les juristes -- par exemple Glanville -- commencèrent à opposer les causes civiles et les causes criminelles, à parler de dolus, de culpa et de casus et à déceler l'élément psychologique du crime. Bracton a emprunté à Aso beaucoup de généralités sur les crimes et les peines, il a étudié le Code et le Digeste, il a transposé du canoniste Bernard de Pavie un long discours sur l'homicide. D'ailleurs les canonistes eux-mêmes tirèrent, dans ce domaine, grand parti de la renaissance du Droit romain; ils eurent les vieux textes romains pour appuyer les décisions de leurs cours, qui nuançaient la responsabilité dans les différents cas d'homicide.
Ces forces diverses, parmi lesquelles il ne faut pas omettre le simple bon sens du commun, conduisirent le Droit coutumier, dans épanouissement du XIIe siècle, à tracer une démarcation nette entre le crime intentionnel et le crime involontaire." (pp. 48-49)
LEGRAND, H. (Henry), De la
préméditation, Paris: A. Rousseau, 1898;
thèse, université de Paris; titre noté dans mes
recherches mais thèse non consulté;
LEGROS, Robert, L'élément moral dans les infactions,
Paris: Recueil Sirey, 1952, 351 p (thèse, Liège, 1952);
LE GUNEHEC, Francis, "Élément de l'infraction", 2002,
34 p., in Juris-Classeur pénal, Paris: Éditions
Juris-Classeur, vol. 1, copie à l'Université d'Ottawa,
de droit, FTX, General, KJV 7979 .J87 v. 1;
LEIGH, L.H.(Leonard Herschel), Cases, "Recklessness after Reid",
56 Modern Law Review
___________"Liability for Inadvertence: A Lordly Legacy?", (1995) 58
Modern Law Review 457-470;
___________Strict and Vicarious Liability: A Study in
Crimina Law, London, Sweet and Maxwell, and Agincourt (Ontario,
Carswell, 1982, xix, 121 p., (series; Modern legal studies),
0421267607 and 0421267704 (pbk.); copy at the University of Ottawa,FTX
General, KD 7890 .L453 1982;
LEMOINE, Emmanuelle, La répression de
l'indifférence sociale en droit pénal français,
Paris : L'Harmattan, c2002, 700 p., (Collection; Collection logiques
juridiques), ISBN: 2747530116; copie à l'Université de
Montréal, HBFD
L555r 2002; disponible en parties à http://books.google.com/books?id=YIIBKBlQBWMC&printsec=frontcover&dq=intitle:p%C3%A9nal&lr=
&as_brr=3&sig=GLNpdrzWfMRp5JDGE7XBJs8gNVg#PPA1,M1 (vérifié le
20 décembre 2007);
LEMOSSE, Max., "Dolus (évolution historique de la
du)", dans Dictionnaire de droit canonique ...publié sous la
direction de R. Naz, Tome Quatrième, Paris: Librarie
et Ané, 1949 aux pp. 1358-1372; note
de recherche: excellent travail!
LENG, Roger, "Mens rea and the defences to a criminal charge" in
Bluglass and Paul Bowden, eds., with an introduction by Nigel Walker,
and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, Edinburgh and New York:
Livingstone, 1990, xxi, 1405, 10, 84, 53 p., at pp. 237-250,
0443035784; copy at CISTI, Canada Institute for Scientific and
Information, Ottawa/ICIST, Institut canadien de l'information
et technique, Ottawa, RA1151 P957;
LEONARD, Gerald, "Public Wrong and Vicious Will in
Statutory Rape Law: The Evolution of the Mental Element in the Age of
Codification of Criminal Law", unpublished paper on file with Professor
Thomas A. Green, as stated in Professor Green's article, "Freedom and
Responsibility in the Age of Pound: An Essay on Criminal Justice",
93 Michigan Law Review 1915-2053 at p. 1928, note 24; Prof.
describes the contents of Leonard's paper as follows: "For a discussion
of competing approaches to the role and meaning of mens rea in
Anglo-American tradition";
LE SELLYER, "De l'intention en matière pénale" ,
France judiciaire - Partie I aux pp. 111-115; copie
la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa;
LEVASSEUR, Georges, "Les aspects psychologiques du comportement
l'élément moral de l'infraction en droit français
(contribution à l'étude de la Mens Rea)" in Fourth
Symposium on Comparative Law held in Ottawa (Canada) September 5 to 7,
1966 under the patronage of The Canadian and Foreign Law Research
- The Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa - The Canadian
of Comparative Law, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press (series;
des travaux de la faculté de droit de l'Université
232 p. at pp. 111- 139; information on the French
sur le titre français : Travaux du quatrième
international de droit comparé tenu à Ottawa (Canada) du
5 au 7 septembre 1966 sous les auspices du Centre canadien de droit
- de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa -
de l'Association canadienne de droit comparé, Ottawa:
de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1967, 232 p. aux pp. 111-139
des travaux de la Faculté de droit de l'Université
copie à la bibliothèque de droiy, Université
FTX, HV 6010 .C53 1969;
___________"Étude de l'élément moral de
in Colloque de science criminelle (Toulouse 1969), Confrontation de
la théorie générale de la responsabilité
avec les données de la criminologie / travaux du Colloque
de science criminelle (Toulouse, 30, 31 janvier, 1er février
Paris : Dalloz, 1969, iii, 198 p. aux pp. 81-97 (Collection; Institut
criminologie et de sciences pénales de la Faculté de
et des sciences économiques de Toulouse); copie à
d'Ottawa, HV 6010 .C53 1969 FTX;
LEVENSON, Laurie, “Good Faith Defenses: Reshaping Strict Liability
(1992-93) 78 Cornell Law Review 401-469;
LEVINSON, Justin D., Mens rea : a psychologically embedded
Thesis (LL. M.)—Harvard Law School, 2004, 60, 87, 30 leaves; not
yet (24 September 2004);
LÉVITT, Albert, "Extent and Function of the Doctrine of Mens
Rea", (1922-23) 17 Illinois Law Review 578-595;
___________"The Origin of the Doctrine of Mens Rea", (1922-23) 17 Illinois
Law Review 117-137;
LEVY, Yuval, "Criminal Intent: A Comment on 'Foreseeability'.
'Purpose' and 'Knowledge", (1996) 30 Israel Law Review 106-125;
LICHTERMAN, Justin Myer, "True Threats: Evolving Mens Rea
for violations of 18 U.S.C. 875 (C)", (2000-2001) 22 Cardozo Law
LOGOZ, Paul, 1888-, "Pas de peine sans culpabilité", (1950) 2
of Criminal Science 197-209; research note: only two volumes were
of this series by the University of Cambridge, Department of
Science and edited by L. Radzinowicz and J.W.C. Turner; copy at
University, Ottawa, v. 2, 1950 HV6001.J65; the article covers intention
and negligence under the Swiss Penal Code;
LÖOFFLER, von Alexander, 1866-1929, Die Schuldformen
Strafrechts in vergleichend-historischer unddogmatischer Darstellung,
Leipzig: C.L. Hirschfeld, 1895, 1 volume only; reprint in : Goldbach:
1995; copy at University of Alberta, Book And Record Depository (BARD),
K5065 L828 1895; je fais ici exception à ma règle de ne
que des textes français et anglais; maintenat disponible
à http://www.archive.org/details/dieschuldformen00lfgoog
(vérifié le 1er janvier 2011);
LOPEZ-REY, Manuel et al., "Les Exigences Pénales
et La politique Criminelle Contemporaine", (1963) Revue de droit
et de criminologie 863-902; il s'agit d'un texte de Lopez-Rey avec
des commentaires d'intervenants suivis d'une réponse de
voir en particulier le passage suivant de Lopez-Rey, "La construction
droit pénal et le problème de la culpabilité" aux
pp. 862-864; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX
K 21 .D725;
LOUBSER, M.M. and M.A. (Marinus André) Rabie, "Defining dolus
a voluntative element?", (1988) 3 South African Journal of Criminal
Justice 415-436;
LOW, Peter W., "The Model Penal Code, the Common Law, and Mistakes
Fact: Recklessness, Negligence or Strict Liability?", (1987-88) Rutgers
Law Journal 539-567; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX
KFN 1869 .R87;
LUBAN, David, "Contrived Ignorance", (1999) 87 Georgia Law
copy at the law library of the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals,
292 .D4G45;
LUKAS, "A Criminologist Looks at Criminal Guilt", (1949?) 2 Social
Meaning of Legal Concepts 113; periodical published by the New York
University School of Law, 1948-1953, 5 volumes; title noted in my
but not consulted yet; no copy in the Ottawa region libraries;
LUSCOMBE, D. E. (David Edward), The school of Peter Abelard: the
influence of Abelard's thought in the early scholastic period,
Cambridge University Press, 1969, xiii, 360 p. (series; Cambridge
studies in medieval life and thought, new ser., 14), ISBN: 0521073375;
look at index for "intention" and "sin";
LYNCH, A.C.E., "The Mental Element in the Actus Reus", (1982)
98 The Law Quarterly Review 109-142; contribution
LYNN, Robert M., "Taking the Desire, and maybe the Presumption, out
of 'Intent'", (1985) 7 Dublin University Law Journal 73; title
in my research but article not consulted yet; no copy of this
in the Ottawa area libraries;
LYONS, Edward C., "In Incognito -- The Principle of Double Effect in
American Constitutional Law", (July 2005) 57 Florida Law Review
469-563; available at http://www.floridalawreview.org/issues/pdf/vol57num3/Lyons-BOOKwithMasthead.pdf
(accessed on 14 December 2005);
MacCALL SMITH, Alexander, "Criminal Law and the Moral
in D.L. Carey Miller and D.W. Meyers, 1942-, eds., Comparative
and Historical Essays in Scots Law: A Tribute to Professor Sir Thomas
QC, Edinburgh: Butterworths and the Law Society of Scotland, 1992,
xiv, 182 p. at pp. 78-90, ISBN: 0406008779;
MacCORMACK, Geoffrey, "Culpa", (1972) 38 Studia et documenta
et iuris 123-188; étude du sens de culpa chez les
romains; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX Periodicals ,
KBD 0 .S82; article in English;
___________"Fault and Causation in Early Roman Law: An
Perspective", (1981) 28 Revue internationale des droits de
97-126; copy at the law library, University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals,
K 589 .R47;
MacDONALD, Elizabeth, "Reckless Language and Majewski",
6 Legal Studies 239-256;
MADRAY, G., "Le dol éventuel", (1938) Revue
de droit pénal 207; titre noté dans ma recherche
article pas encore consulté;
MAGNOL, Joseph, "L'élément intentionnel dans le
en droit français", (1950) 2
Journal of Criminal Science
210-217; only two volumes were published of this series by the
of Cambridge, Department of Criminal Science and edited by L.
and J.W.C. Turner; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa, v. 2, 1950
MAITLAND, Frederic William, "The Early History of Malice
in The Collected Papers of Frederic William Maitland, Downing
Professor of the laws of England / edited by H.A.L. Fisher,
: University Press, 1911, 3 v., in vol. 1, at pp. 304-328; originally
in (August 1983) Law Magazine and Review; copy at Ottawa
Faculty of Law, FTX, KD 358 .M3 1911 v.1;
MALLE, Bertram F. and Sarah E. Nelson, "Judging mens rea: the
between folk concepts and legal concepts of intentionality", (2003)
Sciences & the Law 563-580;
MANCHESTER, A.H., A Modern Legal History of England and
1750-1950, London: Butterworths, 1980, xxv, 419 p., see “The guilty
mind: Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea” at pp. 198-202 and “No
mind: the doctrine of strict liability” at pp. 202-204, ISBN:
and 040662264; copy at Ottawa University, Law Library, FTX, KD 532
MANCHESTER, Colin, "Knowledge, Due Diligence & Strict Liability
in Regulatory Offences", [2006] Criminal
Law Review 213-228;
___________"The Origins of Strict Criminal Liability" (1977)
6 Anglo-American Law Review 277-283; copy at the law library,
of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, K 588 .A15 A535;
MANDIBERG, Susan F., "The Dilemma of Mental State in Federal
Crimes: The Environmental Example", (1995) 25 Environmental Law 1165-1242;
___________"Fault Lines in the Clean Water Act: criminal
continuing violations, and mental state", (2003) 33(1) Environmental
Law 173-214;
MANGAKIS, Giorgios (George A.), "Introduction" in Greek Penal Code,
translated by Nicholas B. Lolis, introduction by Giorgios Mangakis,
Hackensack (New Jersey) : Rothman, 1973, xii, 205 p., at pp.1-33 and
"Intention" at pp. 16-18 (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal
Codes; volume18), ISBN: 0837700388;
MANGAN, J.T., "An Historical Analysis of the Principle of Double
(1949) 10 Theological Studies 41-61;
MARCUS, "Model Penal Code Section 2.02(7) and Willful Blindness",
102 The Yale Law Journal 2231-2257;
MARENBON, John, The Philosophy of Peter Abelard, Cambridge
New York : Cambridge University Press, 1997, xx, 373 p., see
11, "Act, intention and consent" at pp. 251-264, ISBN: 0521553970;
MARIT, Alexandru and Gergian Dan, "Premeditation to the Criminal
Intention", EIRP
Proceedings, Vol 6 (2011) disponible à http://www.proceedings.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/eirp/article/view/753
(accessed on 12 August 2011);
MARSHALL, James, 1896-, Intention - in Law and
New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1968, xv, 237 p.; copy at Carleton
Ottawa, K5066.M27;
___________"Relation of the Unconscious to Intention", (1966) 52
Law Review 1256-1282; copy at Ottawa University, KFV 2469
Location: FTX Periodicals;
MARSTON, Geoffrey, “Contemporaneity of Act and Intention in Crimes”,
(1970) 86 The Law Quarterly Review 208-238;
MASON, Sir Anthony, "Intention in the Law of Murder" in Ngaire
Rosemary Owens and John Williams, eds., Intention in Law and
Aldershot; Burlington, VT : Ashgate/Dartmouth, c2001, xiii, 377
at pp. 107-127 (series; Applied legal philosophy), ISBN: 0754621715;
at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, K272 .I58 2001;
MATHIAS, Don, "Mens rea: Stare decisis v statutory interpretation",
(April 1997) New Zealand Law Journal
MAYAUD, Yves, "De l'article 121.3 du Code pénal à la
de la culpabilité en matière criminelle et
(1997), Recueil Dalloz Sirey -- Chroniques, 7e
aux pp. 37-43;
___________"La volonté à la lumière du nouveau
Code pénal" dans Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur
Larguier: droit pénal, procédure pénale,
: Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 1993, 400 p., aux pp. 203-218,
2706105380; copie à l'Université de Montréal, HBFD
L322da 2001; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article pas
MAXWELL, Joseph, 1858-1938, Le concept social du crime; son
Paris, Librairie Félix Alcan, 1914, iv, 456 p., voir "Rome et le
christianisme" aux pp. 126-172; copie à L'Université
Ottawa, HV 6021 M38C65 1914; disponible à http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5482172m.r=.langFR
(vérifié le 2 juin 2009);
MICHAELS, Alan C., "Accepting: The Missing Mental State", (1998)
California Law Review 953-1035;
McALEESE, "Just What is Recklessness" (1981) Dublin University
Journal 29; title noted in my research but article not
yet; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries;
McAULEY, Finbarr and J. Paul McCutcheon, Criminal Liability: A
Dublin: Round Hall Sweet & Maxell, 2000, lxxxvi, 950 p., ISBN:
and 1858001552 (pbk.);
McAULEY, Finbarr, "The Action Component of Actus Reus", (1988) 23
The Irish Jurist 218-239;
___________"Mens Rea: A Legal-Philosophical View", (1982) 17 The
Irish Jurist 84-104;
___________"Modelling Intentional Action", (1987) 22 The Irish
McDONOUGH, Elizabeth, "A Gloss on Canon 1321", (1987) 21 Studia
McEWAN, Jenny, "The 'Feel-Good factor' and the Criminal Law", (2001)
9(3) Medical Law Review 246-258;
McEWAN, Jenny and St. John Robillard, "'Intention and
again' - a response", (1982) 2 Legal Studies 198-201;
__________"Recklessness: the House of Lords and the criminal law",
1 Legal Studies 267-286;
McGEE, Andrew, "Double Effect in the Criminal Code 1899
A Critical Appraisal", (2004) 4(1) Queensland University and
and Justice Journal 45-57; copy at University of Ottawa, FTX
KU 3411.3 .L3817;
McINTYRE, Alison, "Doing Away with Double Effect", (2001) 111(2) Ethics
McSHERRY, Bernadette, "Voluntariness, Intention, and the Defence
Mental Disorder: Toward a Rational Approach", (2003) 21 Behavioral
and the Law 581-599;
MEILAND, Jack W., The Nature of Intention, London: Methuen,
vii, 136 p.; copy at University St-Paul, Ottawa;
MELDEN, Abraham Irving, Free Action, London: Routledge &
K. Paul, 1967, c1961, x, 226 p.; copy at the University St Paul
Ottawa, BD 429.5 M44F74 1967; philosophical contents;
MELE, Alfred, R., 1951-, "Acting intentionally: Probing Folk
in Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses, and Dare A. Baldwinet, eds. Intentions
and Intentionality: Fondations of Social Cognition, Cambridge
MIT Press, 2001, xiv, 417 p., at pp. 27-43, ISBN: 0262133865; copy at
University, MRT, BF 619.5 .I58 2001;
____________"Folk Explanations of Intentional Actions" in Bertram F.
Malle, Louis J. Moses, and Dare A. Baldwinet, eds. Intentions and
Fondations of Social Cognition, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press,
xiv, 417 p., at pp. 265-285, ISBN: 0262133865; copy at Ottawa
MRT, BF 619.5 .I58 2001;
__________ed., The Philosophy of Action, Oxford and New York
: Oxford University Press, 1997, vi, 314 p. (series; Oxford readings in
philosophy), ISBN: 0198751745 and 0198751753 (pbk.); copy at the
library of Ottawa, MRT General, B 105 .A35 P49 1997; philosophical;
___________"Recent Work on Intentional Action", (1992) 29(3) American
Philosophical Quarterly 199-217;
___________Springs of action : understanding intentional behavior,
New York : Oxford University Press, 1992, ix, 272 p., ISBN: 019507114X;
copy at St-Paul University, B 105 A35M45S6 1992; copy at the University
of Ottawa, MRT, B 105 .A35 M44 1992; philosophical;
MENDEZ, Miguel Angel, "A Susyphean Task: The Common Law Approach to
Mens Rea", (1994-95) UC Davis Law Review [University of
Davis Law Review] 407-443;
MERCADAL, Barthélémy, "Recherches sur l'intention en
pénal", (1967)
Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal
comparé 1-47;
MERLE, Roger, "La culpabilité devant les sciences humaines et
sociales", (1976) Revue de science criminelle et de droit
comparé (1976) 29-39; copie à la
de droit, Université d'Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KJJ 0 .R489;
___________"Rapport de synthèse [sur la
(1976) 24 Annales de l'Université des sciences sociales de
285 (Travaux du Colloque international du cinquantenaire de l'Institut
de criminologie et des sciences pénales de Toulouse, Toulouse,
22-27 septembre 1975); copie de cette revue à la
de droit, l'Université McGill, Montréal;
MESSINE, Jules, "Réflexions sur l'élément moral
de l'infraction: la pratique quotidienne des tribunaux face à
[belge] de Code pénal - II", (1987) 106 Journal des
(numéro 5415 du 21 mars 1987); copie à
d'Ottawa, bibliothèque de droit, FTX Periodicals, KJK 491.3
METZ, René, "La responsabilité pénale dane le
canonique médiéval" dans La responsabilité
Travaux du colloque de philosophie pénale (12 au 21 janvier 1959),
Paris: Dalloz, 1961, aux pp.83-116 (Collection; Annales de la
de droit et des sciences politiques et économiques de
VIII); importante contribution au sujet;
MEYERS, "Psychiatric Determination of Legal Intent, (1965) Journal
of Forensic Sciences 347; title noted in my research but article
MICHALOWSKI, Sabine, "Sanctity of life -- are some lives more sacred than others?", (2002) 22(3) Legal Studies 377-397; see "Double effect" at pp. 384-396;
"[Abstract] Court decisions concerning the life and death of patients become more and more frequent in the context of medical practice. One of the most controversial decision in this area in recent years has been the decision of the Court of Appeal in Re A (Conjoined Twins: Medical Treatment), authorising the separation of conjoined twins. This paper will argue that the decision was flawed both on legal and moral grounds and that its potential implications for future cases are more far-reaching than the judgment itself suggests." (p. 377)
MICHAELS, Alan C., "Acceptance: The Missing Mental State", (1998)
Southern California Law Review 953-1035; see abstract;
___________"Constitutional Innocence", (1998-99) 112 Harvard Law
Review 828-902; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals,
KFM 2469 .H457;
___________Notes, "Defining Unintended Murder", (1985) 85 Columbia Law Review 786-811;
MICHELLE, Jennifer, Criminal intent and homicide law in Qing and
Republican China, Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy in History)
University of California at Los Angeles, 2004, 268 p.; title noted in
research but thesis not consulted;
MILLER, Jeremy M., "Mens Rea Quagmire: The Conscience or
of the Criminal Law", (2001-2002) 29 Western State University
Law Review 21-56; copy at Ottawa University, KFC 69
Location: FTX Periodicals;
MILLS, Katerina, "What Constitutes the Actual Intent Requirement for
An Accused to Be Found Guilty of Genocide?", UCWR, 1999; available at http://www.nesl.edu/center/wcmemos/millsf99.htm
(accessed on 21 October 2005); note: New England School of Law
War crimes Project Rwanda Genocide Prosecution;
MILTON, J.R.L., "Reasonable Mistake of Fact as a Defence in
Offences" (1971) 88 South African Law Journal 70-83; copy at
University of Ottawa, Law Library, FTX Periodicals, KR 0 .S69;
MITCHELL, B.J., “Recklessness and the Camplin Argument”, (1986) 150
of the Peace 388-390 (number 25 in vol. 150, 21 June 1986); copy at
the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, in Periodicals
MITCHELL, Barry, "Culpably Indifferent Murder", (1996) 25 Anglo-American
Law Review 64-86; copy at the University of Ottawa, law library,
Periodicals, KD 532.A9M3;
___________“In Defence of a Principle of Correspondence”, [1999] Criminal
Law Review 195-205;
___________"The Minimum Culpability for Criminal Homicide", (2001) 9 European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 193-208; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, Periodicals;
... Traditional cognition-based concepts of mens rea are regarded as important but inadequate per se in ensuring the defendant's moral culpability and responsibility for the outcomes of his/her behaviour. Indifference can be construed so as to provide moral equivalence to intention and foresight, and a particularly callous form of indifference -- value-deficit indifference -- has been advocated. ... . " (p. 208)
___________"Recklessness Could Still be a State of Mind", (1988)
Journal of Criminal Law 300-308;
Modes of liability and the mental
element : analyzing the early jurisprudence of the International
Criminal Court / War Crimes Research Office, Washington,
DC : War Crimes Research Office, American University Washington College
of Law, c2010, 76 p.; notes: "War Crimes Research Office, International Criminal Court,
Legal Analysis and Eduction Project.", "September 2010"; available at http://www.wcl.american.edu/warcrimes/icc/documents/report13.pdf?rd=1
(accessed on 31 July 2011);
MOINE-DUPUIS, Isabelle, "L'intention en droit pénal, une
introuvable", (2001) Recueil Dalloz Sirey -- Chroniques,
27, aux pp. 2144-2148; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour
suprême du Canada;
MOMMSEN, Théodore, 1817-1903, Le droit pénal
romain, 3
traduction de Joseph Duquesne, 1874-1951, Paris: Fontemoing, 1907, xvi,
401 (t. 1), 443 (t. 2 ),
420 p. (t. 3), (Collection; "Manuel des antiquités
vol. XVII-XIX); mis sur l'internet, le 20 janvier 2007; malgré son âge,
l'oeuvre de base jusqu'ici inégalée sur le droit
pénal romain; travail
- Table des
matières, Tome 1;
- "La Volonté"
(Tome 1, livre 1, section7, pp. 98-109);
MONTALDI, Daniel F., "A Defense of St Thomas and the Principle of
Effect", (1986) 14 Journal of Religious Ethics 296-332;
MORGAN, Neil, "The Fault Elements of Offences", in Wing-Cheong
Chan, Barry Wright, and Stanley Yeo, eds., Codification, Macaulay and the Indian
Penal Code : the legacies and modern challenges of criminal law reform,
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate, c2011, xiii,
379 p., at pp.59 to approx. 86; ISBN: 9781409424420 (hardback); title
noted in my research but
article not consulted yet (7 November 2011);
MOODIE, R.A., "Refulgent Mens Rea Eclipsed", (1974-75) 6 New
Universities Law Review 230-249;
MOORE, Michael, 1943-, "Intention and Mens Rea" in Ruth
ed., Issues in Contemporary Legal Philosophy: The Influence of
Hart, Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press,
vi, 357 p. at pp. 245-270, ISBN: 0198255179;
___________Law and Psychiatry: Rethinking the Relationship,
and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984, xiv, 527 p.,
0521255988, and 0521319781 (pbk.);
MORIN, André Albert, 1961-, "De l'étude des racines chrétiennes des droits pénaux français, britannique et canadien", (2002) 32(2) Revue générale de droit 213-304; il s'agit de la première partie de la thèse de doctorat de Me Morin;
Ce texte est une étude historique du développpement de la mens rea en droit pénal. L'auteur soutient que c'est par le biais de l'influence des théologiens que l'intention est devenue un élément essentiel de l'infraction en droit pénal. L'article traite également de l'influence du christianisme sur le développment du droit pénal en Occident.------
This article describes the development of mens rea in criminal law. The author is of the opinion that mens rea became an essential component of an offence in law through the influence of theology in Medieval Europe. This text also describes the influence of Christianity on the development of criminal law in Western Europe." (p. 213)
___________De l'étude des racines chrétiennes des
droits pénaux français, britannique et canadien et d'un
concret dans le domaine de la lutte contre les produits de la
Thèse de doctorat : Droit : Université de Poitiers :
2 volumes (526 feuilles), thèse sous la direction de Jean
"Résumé :
Cet ouvrage est une étude et une analyse de l'influence de certains principes fondamentaux du christianisme sur la création et le développement du droit laïc en Europe et au Canada. Nous utilisons l'expression droit laïc par opposition au droit canonique qui émane des autorités religieuses. Cette thèse est divisée en deux parties. La première est au regard des principes chrétiens, une étude historique de l'évolution du droit pénal remontant au peuple hébreux, tel que décrit dans l'Ancien Testament, puis au peuple romain avant l'avènement de Jésus-Christ et ensuite à l'étude et à l'impact de la doctrine du Christ sur l'évolution du droit pénal, dans l'Empire romain, dans le royaume franc et par la suite en France et en Angleterre et plus spécifiquement en ce qui a trait à l'évolution et au développement du concept de mens rea. Ces deux pays revêtent une importance capitale puisque le Canada a d'abord été une colonie française pour ensuite devenir une colonie britannique avant d'accéderà une plus grande autonomie au XXe siècle. La seconde partie est une analyse dans les droits canadien, français et britannique des éléments constitutifs d'infractions présentement en vigueur notamment la mens rea et qui démontrent qu'encore aujourd'hui l'influence du christianisme est toujours présente dans notre droit substantiel. Nous avons choisi d'analyser les éléments constitutifs de l'infraction de recyclage des produits de la criminalité car la lutte contre le blanchiment est très d'actualité et c'est une préoccupation autant pour le Canada que pour la France et le Royaume Uni." (source: catalogue de l'Université de Poitiers, à http://catabu.univ-poitiers.fr/cgi-bin/abweb/X5504/ID15660/G0, visionné le 21 décembre 2002)
MORKEL, Dan W., "On the Distinction Between Recklessness and Concious
Negligence", (1982) 30
American Journal of Comparative Law 325-333;
contribution to the subject;
MORRIS, Herbert, ed., Freedom and Responsibility: Readings in
and Law, Stanford (California): Stanford University Press, 1961, v,
547 p., see the bibliography on intention and motive at pp. 533-535 and
on negligence, recklessness and strict liability, at pp. 535-536;
MORRIS, J.M., "The Structure of Criminal Law and Deterrence", [1986]
Law Review 524-534;
MORRIS, Norval and Colin Howard, Studies in Criminal Law,
Clarendon Press, 1964, xxxiv, 270 p., see "Strict Responsibility",
Chap. 6 at pp. 197-222;
MORSE, Stephen J., "Craziness and Criminal Responsibility", (1999) 17(2) Behavioral Sciences and the Law 147-164;
"As a factual matter, mental disorder, even of the extreme variety, rarely negates the mental state requirement of the definitions of offenses. As the previous section indicated, virtually all people with mental disorders know, in the strictest sense, what they are doing or what risk their conduct presents and they act with intent. A person who kills another because of a delusional belief is aware of killing a human being and does so intentionally. A person who kills another in response to a command hallucination knows the victim is a human being and intends to kill that person. In these cases, mental disorder gives people crazy reasons for intending conduct that the criminal law prohibits, but their behavior will satisfy the definitional elements of the offense. If such a person is to be acquitted, it must be because the person deserves an excuse, not because the state cannot fairly prove the definitional elements of the crime." (p. 162)
___________"The 'Guilty Mind': Mens Rea" in D.K. Kagehiro
W.S. Laufer, eds., The Handbook of Psychology and Law, New
York: Springer-Verlag, c1992, xxxi, 628 p., at
pp. 207-229, ISBN: 0387975683; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, K 346
.H363 1992;
___________"Inevitable Mens Rea", (2004) 27 Harvard Journal of
Law and Public Policy 51-64;
MOSSÉ, Jacques-Alexandre, Criminal responsibility without
fault in American criminal law and French criminal law : a study
on a comparative basis, M.C.J. thesis, New York University,
2, 106, [7] leaves (series; Hein's legal theses and dissertations ; v.
001-00192); copy on two microfiches at the law library, University of
K 46 .H44 v.001-00192 1964a FTX;
MUELLER, Gerhard O.W. and Freda Adler, (1988) "Mens Rea, Crime
and the Internalization of Values," Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Paul
Ryu. Seoul, Korea: Yoon Chick Kwack Publ. Co., pp. 35-45;
MUELLER, Gerhard O.W., Criminal liability without fault in legal
philosophy : introduction to a treatise on criminal liability without
in common law and civil law states, [1955?], iv, 41 leaves ;
"Submitted as term paper in the Seminar on Jurisprudence to Professor
Patterson, Winter semester 1954/5, Columbia University"; see Columbia
catalogue; title noted in my research but copy not consulted yet;
___________"Mens Rea and the Law Without It: Rationale and the West
Virginia Rule", (1955-56) 58 West Virginia Law Review 34-68;
at the University of Ottawa, Law Library, FTX, Periodicals, KFW 1269
___________Mens rea, and the penal law without it : a study of
German penal law in comparison to the Anglo-American penal law,
LL.M. thesis, Columbia University, School of Law, 1954-1955; published
on microfiches by Buffalo, N.Y. : W.S. Hein, 1996 (Hein's legal
and dissertations; v. 007-00087); copy at the University of Ottawa, Law
library, K 46 .H44 v.007-00087 1955a FTX;
___________"On Common Law Mens Rea", (1958) 42 Minnesota Law
MUKABA, Tshikangu, "L'étude de l'élément moral
requis par l'art. 108 du Code pénal zaïrois et l'analyse de
tous les cas que cet article comporte", (1973) 49 Revue juridique
Zaïre - Droit écrit et droit coutumier 17-27; copie
l'Université d'Ottawa, bibliothèque de droit, FTX,
KRK 0 .R47;
MULLOCK, Philip, "Professor Hall and the Ghostly Mens Rea",
13 Mercer Law Review 283-293;
MULQUEENY, Keny, "Fault Elements from a Code Perspective", (1991) 15
Law Journal 109-111;
MURPHY, Jeffrie G. and Jules L. Coleman, The Philosophy of Law :
An introduction to Jurisprudence, Totowa, N.J. : Rowman &
1984, xvi, 294 p., ISBN: 0847662772 and 0847662780 (pbk.),
see "Mental States, Excuses and Strict Liability" at pp. 131-138;
note: there is now a revised edition: Boulder: Westview Press, 1990,
240 p., (series; Dimensions of philosophy series), ISBN: 081330847X and
0813308488 (pbk.) which I have not consulted;
MUSTAFA, Faizan, Strict liability in Criminal law, New Delhi
: Deep & Deep Publications, c1992, xii, 124 p., ISBN: 8171004008;
noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy in the Ottawa area
NADELHOFFER III, Thomas Allen, Intention
and Intentional Acts in Ordinary Language and the Criminal Law,
Ph.D. (Department of Philosophy), The Florida State University, College
of Arts and Sciences, 2005, vi, 174 p.; available at http://etd.lib.fsu.edu/theses_1/available/etd-06232005-105139/unrestricted/IntentionsandIntentionalActionsinOrdinaryLanguageandtheCriminalLaw.pdf
(accessed on 23 May 2009);
NAFFINE, Ngaire, Rosemary Owens, and John Williams, Intention in
law and philosophy, Aldershot; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2001,
0754621715; this is a new book which has not arrived in the Ottawa area
libraries (13 January 2002); not consulted yet;
of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws - A
New Federal Criminal Code (Title 18, United States Code),
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971, xxv, 364 p., see "§ 302.
of Culpability" at pp. 27-30; the proposed code is available on the
at the Buffalo Criminal
Center, at "Materials on Federal Criminal Code Reform" which
also: "Selected Bibliography on Federal Criminal Code Reform", "Special
Collection on Federal Criminal Code Reform" and "Conferences on
Code Reform";
NEL RUEDA URIDE, Pedro, "Les délits intentionnels et par
ainsi que le droit d'asile, dans l'ancien testament", (1964) 18(1) Revue
internationale de criminologie et de police technique 167-174;
version française par André D. Schmidt; copie à la
bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa;
NEMERSON, Steven S., Note, "Criminal Liability without Fault: A
View", (1975) 75 Columbia Law Review 1517-1577; copy at the
of Ottawa, Law Library, FTX Periodicals, KFN 5069 .C657;
NERSESSIAN, David L., "The Countours of Genocidal Intent: Troubling
Jurisprudence from the International Criminal Tribunals", (2002) 37(2)
International Law Journal 231-276;
NEUBERG, Marc, sous la direction de, Théorie de l'action
textes majeurs de la philosophie analytique de l'action / introduction
et traduction de Marc Neuberg, Liège: Mardaga, 1991, 318 p.
(Collection; Philosophie et langage), ISBN: 2870094728; contenu
copie à la bibliothèque générale de
d'Ottawa, MRT General, B 105 .A35 T474 1991;
NEW ZEALAND, Criminal Law Reform Committee, Report on the
in DPP v. Morgan, Wellington: Criminal Law Reform Committee, 1980,
16 p. (series; World law reform collection ; 31-066); copy at the
Court of Canada library, Ottawa, 31-066 Microfiche;
NICOLINI, Niccola, 1772-1857, Principes philosophiques et
de droit pénal extraits et traduits des oeuvres de Niccola
et précédés d'une introduction sur l'histoire de
législation criminelle dans le royaume des Deux-Siciles, et sur
les opinions philosophiques de l'auteur, par Eugène Flotard,
Paris: Veuve Joubert, Librairies, 1854, lxxii, 316 p.; copie de ce
à la Bibliothèque du Bareau de Montréal
97, 343 N644p, consultation seulement) ;
NINO, Carlos Santiago, Towards a general strategy for criminal
adjudication, D.Phil.thesis, University of Oxford, 1977, [viii],
leaves; thesis not consulted yet;
NOORIE, Alan W. (Alan William), 1953-, "After Woolin", [1999]
The Criminal Law Review 532-544;
____________"Between Orthodox Subjectivism and Moral Contextualism:
Intention and the Consultation Paper", [June 2006] The Criminal Law Review
___________"Intention: More Loose Talk", [1990] Criminal Law
___________"Legal and Moral Judgment in the 'General Part' " in Peter Rush, Shaun McVeigh, 1947-, and Alison Young, 1962-, eds., Criminal Law Doctrine, Aldershot (England) and Brookfield (Vermont, USA): Ashgate, 1997, xi, 222 p., at pp. 1-27, ISBN:1855219697; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5018 C75 1997;
"The Normative Foundation of Intentional AgencyIntention in Duff's account includes both direct and oblique forms. One either acts with the intention of bringing something about, or one brings something about not as one's intention, but as a foreseen by-product of one's actions. In the latter instance, one does not intend, but one still acts intentionally. With regard to oblique intention a question arises as to whether we ascribe responsibility with regard to all or only some unintended but foreseen consequences. .... " (p. 16) [ Norrie refers to A. Duff, Intention, Agency and Criminal Liability, Oxford: Blackwell, 1990]
___________"The Limits of Justice: Finding Fault in the Criminal
Law", (1996) 59 Modern Law Review 540-556;
___________"Oblique Intention and Legal Politics", [1989]
Law Review 793-807;
___________"Subjectivism, Objectivism, and the Limits of Criminal
(1992) 12 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 45-58;
___________"Subjectivity, Morality and Criminal Law", (1999) 3 Edinburgh
Law Review 359; title noted in my research but article not
yet; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries;
Notes, "Constitutionality of Criminal Statutes Containing no
of Mens Rea", (1948-49) 24 Indiana Law Journal
Notes, "The Distinction Between Mala Prohibita and Mala in se in
Law", (1930) 30 Columbia Law Review 74-86;
Notes, "Mens Rea in Federal Criminal Law", (1998) 111(8) Harvard
Law Review
2402-2419; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals,
KFM 2469 .H457;
Notes, "Public Torts and Mens Rea", (1926-27) 12 Iowa Law Review
NOURSE, V.F., "Hearts and Minds: Understanding the New Culpability",
(2002) 6(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 361-388; available at http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/bclrarticles/6/1/nourse.pdf
(accessed on 31 December 2003);
NOYES, Anne F., Notes, "Early Causes and Development of the Doctrine
of Mens Rea", (1944-45) 33 Kentucky Law Journal 306-311;
NUVOLONE, Pietro, "La conception juridique italienne de la
(1976) 24 Annales de l'Université des sciences sociales de
du Colloque international du cinquantenaire de l'Institut de
et des sciences pénales de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 22-27
1975); copie de cette revue à la bibliothèque de droit de
l'Université McGill, Montréal;
OBERDIEK, Hans, "Intention and Foresight in Criminal Law", (1972) 81 Mind 389-400;
copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Periodicals, B 1
O'CONNOR, Vivienne and Colette Rausch, eds., with Hans Joerg Albrecht
and Goran Klemencic, Model codes for
post-conflict criminal justice, Washington, D.C. : United States
Institute of Peace Press, 2007-, and see "Intention, Recklessness
and Negligence" at pp. 66-71, ISBN: 9781601270115 (pbk. : alk. paper);
1601270119 (pbk. : alk. paper); 9781601270122 (hardcover : alk.
paper); 1601270127 (hardcover : alk. paper); available at http://books.google.com/books?id=FL3nJkyxDBkC&pg=PR23&dq=%22comparative++criminal+law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=XSDxSPaCIoO6yAT4-aziAw&sig=ACfU3U0jIcI2f4BPr_OTvi5RqgnWG9DcMg#PPA66,M1
(accessed on 11 October 2008); important
ODERBERG, David S., Moral Theory: A Non-Consequentialist
Oxford and Malden (USA): Blackwell Publishers, 2000, xii, 197 p., at
86-126 (deals in great part with the PDE, i.e., the Principle of Double
Effect), ISBN: 0631219021 (hb.) and 063121903X (pbk.);
O'HEAR, Michael M., "Sentencing the Green-Collar Offender:
Culpability, and Environmental Crime", (Fall 2004) 85(1) The
of Criminal Law & Criminology 133-276;
O'NEILL, Timothy P., "The Clear Initiative and Mental States 1
1/2 Problems Solved" , (2008) 41 The John Marshall Law Review
701-713; available at http://www.jmls.edu/facultypubs/pdfs/clear_initiative.pdf
(accessed on 10 January 2009);
OKAMOTO, Akira, Evaluating the recent formulation of the presumptive mens rea rule in federal criminal law, LL.M. thesis, Harvard Law School, 2001, 42 leaves; title of thesis noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;
OLA, C. S. and O.A. OLa, Mens rea in statutory offences
in Nigeria, Lagos : Malthouse Press, 1990, xxiii, 116
(Series: Studies in Nigerian criminal law and criminal
Malthouse law series), ISBN: 9782601187; title noted in my
but not consulted yet; no copy in Canada, it seems;
ORCHARD, Gerald, Case and Comment, "Recklessness -- Actual awareness
of risk -- Crimes Act 1961 (N.Z.), s. 198. STEPHENS, High Court
of New Zealand, Auckland: Chilwell J.: 8 December 1983", (1985) 9 Criminal Law Journal 53-55;
___________"Criminal Intention", [1986] New Zealand Law
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PAIZES, Andrew, "Dolus Eventualis Reconsidered", (1988) 105 South
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PATIENT, I.H.E. (Ingrid H.E.), "Caldwell after Moloney
- Another Look at Caldwell - Recklessness", (1987) 51
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PAULEY, Matthew A., “Murder by Premeditation”, (1999) 36 American
Criminal Law Review 145-169;
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PEDAIN, Antje, "Intention and the Terrorist Example", [September 2003] Criminal Law Review 579-593;
"Summary: This article argues that a terrorist, who plants a bomb not necessarily foreseeing death or serious injury as virtually certain, can nevertheless be found to have the intention required for murder if attention is paid to the terrorist's attitude to the risk he creates." (p. 579)
PEIRIS, G.L. "Strict Liability in Commonwealth criminal law" (1983)
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PERKINS, Rollin M., "Alignment of Sanction with Culpable
(1963-64) 49 Iowa Law Review 325-388;
___________"The Civil Offense" (1952) 100 University of
Law Review 832-851; on the distinction between malum in se
___________"Essay: Criminal Liability Without Fault: A Disquieting
(1982-83) 68 Iowa Law Review 1067-1081;
___________" 'Knowledge' as a Mens Rea Requirement", (1978) 29
Law Journal 953-966;
___________"A Rationale of Mens Rea", (1939) 52 Harvard Law
P.F., "Recklessness and the Reasonable Man in Scots Criminal Law",
Juridical Review (N.S.) 29-40;
PHILLIPS, Jean K. Gilles
and Rebecca E. Woodman, "The Insanity of the Mens Rea Model: Due
and the Abolition of the Insanity Defense" (September 4, 2007);
available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1012104 (accessed
on 12 September 2007);
PIKAMÄE, Pritt, "The definition of intent in penal law
the psychological treatment of intention", (2002) Juridica 75-81; title noted in my
research but article not consulted; summary in English; article not
PILLSBURY, Samuel H., "Crimes of Indifference", (1996) 49 Rutgers
Law Review 105-218;
PINATEL, Jean, "La théorie pénale de l'intention
les sciences de l'homme" dans L'évolution du droit criminel
Recueil d'études à la mémoire de Jean Lebret,
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1968, 218 p. aux pp.181-193;
PIRAGOFF, Doanld K., "Article 30: Mental element" in Otto
ed., Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
Observers' Notes, Article by Article, Baden Baden: Nomos
1999, xxviii, 1295 p. at pp. 527-535, ISBN: 378906173; copy at the
of External Affairs, Ottawa, call number: legal KZ 6310 .C734 1999;
PISCIONE, Les deux éléments de la
pénale: l'imputabilité et la culpabilité,
en cours inscription administrative, sciences criminelles: 1998,
de Droit, Sciences économiques et Gestion - Nancy; directeur de
thèse: J.F. Seuvic, voir http://juripole.univ-nancy2.fr/Theses/theses_penal.html
tel que vu, le 28 novembre 2001;
PITCHER, George, " 'In Intending' and Side Effects", (1970) 67 Journal
of Philosophy 659-668; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 1
Location, MRT Periodicals;
PLANIOL, Marcel, "Dol civil et dol criminel", (1893) 42e
tome 22 Revue critique de législation et de
et 649-663; il s'agit ici du dol dans le sens de tromper; copie
la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa;
PLUCKNETT, Edward I and the Criminal Law, Cambridge:
University Press, 1960, 104 p., see Chapter III, "The Criminal and
at pp. 51-76;
POGGI, Francesca, Proving
Intention: Some General Remarks, available at
(accessed on 30 August 2007); research note: look for book under same
title (Berlin : Duncker und Humblot, 2006);
POLLOCK, Frederick, 1845-1937, and Frederic W. Maitland,
History of English Law Before the Time of Edward I, 2nd ed.,
[Eng.] : University Press, 1898, vol. 2, see on mens rea,
pp. 476-478;
POTTER, An Historical Introduction to English Law and Its
3rd ed., London: Sweet and Maxell, 1948, xxiv, 650 p., see “The
of Criminal Liability” at pp. 347-357 with pp. 347-352 covering the
Criminal intent, Absolute Liability in Early Law, Intention in the
Intention in Larceny, Act and Intention, and Degree of Mens Rea; copy
the Ottawa University, Law Library, FTX, KD 532 .P6 1948;
POWERS, Paul R.,
Intent in Islamic Law: Motive and Meaning in Medieval Sunni Figh, Boston
: Brill, 2006, xii, 236 p. (series; Studies in Islamic law and society;
1384-1130 v. 25), ISBN: 9004145923; note: Revised thesis Ph. D.,
University of Chicago, 2001; see Chapter 6, "Intent in Islamic Penal Law";
some parts are available at http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN9004145923&id=uB0tNdJZYnEC&pg=PP1&lpg=PP1&ots=eIhRtpBYXg&dq=intitle:law&as_brr=1&sig=bqEXS4VBi98j_Lr21NyKbrRqaFs#PPP1,M1 (accessed on 27 March 2007);
PREVEZER, S., "Automatism and Involuntary Conduct" [1958] Criminal
Law Review 361-367 and 440-452;
PROSSER, William L., "Transferred Intent", (1966-67) 45 Texas
Review 650-662; copy at the law library of the University of
FTX Periodicals KFT 1269 .T482;
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revue française de théorie juridique 77-86; copie
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périodiques, KJV 441.2 D76;
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"The Rule of Double Effect: a Critique of its Role in End-of-Life
(11 December 1997) 337 New England Journal of Medicine
QUINN, Warren S., Actions, Intentions, and Consequences: The
of Double Effect", (1989) 18 Philosophy and Public Affairs
334-351; copy at the University of Ottawa, H 1 .P54 Location, MRT
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5 Wayne Law Review 319-329; copy at the law library, University
of Ottawa, FTX, Periodicals, KFM 4269 .W39;
1880-1950, "Intent, Criminal" in Edwin R.A. Seligman,
and Alvin Johnson, associate editor, Encyclopaedia of the Social
vol. 8, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932 at pp. 126-131; copy at
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jury instructions in homicide offenses : rethinking homicide law,
Lanham (Md.) : University Press of America, c2004, xiii, 120 p., ISBN:
0761828532; note: Originally presented as the author's thesis
(S.J.D.)--University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003; see the table of
contents at http://www.univpress.com/Catalog/TOC.shtml?command=Search&db=^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0761828532
(accessed on 18 Janurary 2006); title noted in my research but book not
consulted; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries covered by the AMICUS
catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 18 January
RAMRAJ, Victor V. (Victor Vridar), "Freedom of the Person and the
of Criminal Fault", (2002) 18(2) South African Journal on Human
RAPP, Geoffrey Christopher, "The Wreckage of Recklessness", (2008) 86 Washington University Law Review
111-180; available at http://lawreview.wustl.edu/inprint/86/1/Rapp.pdf
(accessed on 10 Janurary 2009);
RAYBIN, David Lewis, Note, "The Proposed Tennessee Criminal Code --
General Interpretive Provisions and Culpability", (1973-74) 41 Tennessee
Law Review 131-166;
RAYMOND, Paul E., deceased in 1999, "The Origin and Rise of Moral
Liability in
Criminal Law", (1935-36) 15 Oregon Law Review 93-117; excellent
research and important contribution to the subject;
913 (9th Cir.) (en banc), cert.
denied, 76 U.S.L.W. 3303 (U.S. Dec. 11, 2007) (No. 07-5762),
(2008) 45 Harvard Law Review
(2008) 1245-1252; available at (accessed on 11 April 2008);
Recent Cases, Notes and Comment, "Mens Rea in Statutory Offenses -
of Statutes" (1944-45) 18 Australian Law Journal 201-203; copy
the law library of the University of Ottawa, FTX periodicals, KTA 0
REED, Paul S., "A
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mens rea in archeological protection case", as seen at http://law.about.com/library/weekly/aa120800a.htm?once=true&
on 3 November 2001;
REIJNTJES, Jan M., "Some reflection on the relation between form and
substance in criminal law", available at http://www.isrcl.org/Papers/Reijntjes.pdf
(accessed on 2 January 2004); paper submitted at the 17th International
Conference of the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law
at The Hague, Netherlands from August 24 - 28, 2003;
REIX, Marie, Le motif
légitime en droit pénal: contribution à la
théorie générale de la justification,
thèse de doctorat en droit, Université
Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, École doctorale de Droit (E.D. 41),
2012, 635 p. (source: http://www.theses.fr/en/2012BOR40055,
site visité le 11 novembre 2013);
In many legal
disciplines, the legitimate reason is a model of justification of acts.
The legitimate reason prevents the enforcement of the law, either by
creating a right or by exempting someone from a duty. Despite an
unprecedented boom, criminal law is hesitant about this vague notion.
In order to justify judges' assessment margin, the legitimate reason is
commonly considered as a motive. This accentuates the confusion between
objective and subjective causes of irresponsibility. The formal
approach of the justificatory process is inadequate, making the process
increasingly biased. The analysis of the legitimate reason requires a
re-examination of the justification theory using a solid understanding
of unlawfulness which can help standardize its implementation. The
study of the legitimate reason’s justificatory function allows a better
understanding of the flexibility of its implementation requirements.
The legitimate reason reverses the presumption of unlawfulness on which
liability is based. The cause of liability is conditioned by the value
judgment made about the offence, whereas the judgment of the reality of
the offender’s intention is the condition of his imputation. The
legitimate reason stems from circumstances that are external to the
offence, and which enable the review of its lawfulness. The objective
nature of the legitimate reason is aligned with the fact that it
exempts from liability in rem and not in personam. However, the
requirements for its application seem exceptional to the common law of
justification in two regards: its broad criteria and its narrow field.
It is limited to offences of abstract risk that protect secondary
values for which the presumption of unlawfulness is artificial. The
defendant must prove the legitimacy of his act whereas the abstract
legitimacy of the suppression is unconfirmed. The expansion of this
dispensatory field of suppression reveals an inadequate control of its
abstract necessity. In any case, bringing up legitimate reason is
useless as it is implicit to any offence and is considered as a general
model of justification. It leaves the judge free to assess the
necessity of the penalty on a case by case basis, as the law, by
nature, cannot resolve all value conflicts. The post facto
justification of socially necessary offences or even trivial offences
reinforces the authority of the law by ensuring an enforcement that is
aligned with the law's aim of protecting values.
(source: http://www.theses.fr/en/2012BOR40055,
site visité le 11 novembre 2013))
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- A Legislative Problem", (1952) Wisconsin Law Review
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Wisconsin Law Review 625-;
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feuilles; titre noté dans mes recherches mais mémoire non
RICHARDSON, H. Anthony (Henry Anthony), The application of the
of mens rea to statutory offences in modern law, LL.M. thesis,
of Leeds (Law Department), 1956, [iii], 276 leaves; title of
noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;
RICO, José M., "L'intention criminelle en droit
(Étude des législations hispano-américaines)" in Fourth
International Symposium on Comparative Law held in Ottawa (Canada)
5 to 7, 1966 under the patronage of The Canadian and Foreign Law
Centre - The Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa - The Canadian
Association of Comparative Law, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press
(series; Collection des travaux de la faculté de droit de
d'Ottawa), 232 p. at pp. 164-183; information on the French
sur le titre français : Travaux du quatrième
international de droit comparé tenu à Ottawa (Canada) du
5 au 7 septembre 1966 sous les auspices du Centre canadien de droit
- de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa -
de l'Association canadienne de droit comparé, Ottawa:
de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1967, 232 p. aux pp. 164-183
des travaux de la Faculté de droit de l'Université
research and important contribution to the subject;
ok___________ "Discussion des rapports [sur l'intention criminelle
la mens rea - The Doctrine of Mens Rea]" in Fourth International
on Comparative Law held in Ottawa (Canada) September 5 to 7, 1966 under
the patronage of The Canadian and Foreign Law Research Centre - The
of Law of the University of Ottawa - The Canadian Association of
Law, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press (series; Collection des
de la faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa), 232
pp. 132-139; information on the French title/informations sur le
titre français : Travaux du quatrième colloque
de droit comparé tenu à Ottawa (Canada) du 5 au 7
1966 sous les auspices du Centre canadien de droit comparé - de
la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa - de
l'Association canadienne de droit comparé, Ottawa: Editions
de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1967, 232 p. aux pp. 82-110
des travaux de la Faculté de droit de l'Université
RIPSTEIN, Arthur, Equality, responsibility, and the law,
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999, xii, 307 p., see Chapter 7,
"Recklessness and Attempts" at pp. 218-245, (series; Cambridge studies
in philosophy and law), ISBN: 0521584523;
ROBBINS, Ira P., "The Ostrich Instruction: Deliberate Ignorance as a
Criminal Mens Rea", (1990-91) 81 The Journal of Criminal Law &
ROBINSON, Paul H., "A Brief History of Distinctions in Criminal
(1980) 31 The Hastings Law Journal 815-853;
available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=665202
(accessed on 14 October 2007);
___________"A Functional Analysis of Criminal Law", (1994) 88 Northwestern
University Law Review 857-913; also published in Thomas Morawetz,
ed., Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Aldershot (England): Darmouth,
2000, xvi, 478 p. at pp. 3-59 (series; The international library of
in law and legal theory; 2nd ser.; volume 5), ISBN: 184014775X;
available at SSRN:
http://ssrn.com/abstract=662024 (accessed on 26 March 2008);
___________"Imputed Criminal Liability", (1984) 93 Yale Law
also published in Arnold H. Loewy, ed., A Criminal law anthology,
[Cincinnati] : Anderson Pub. Co., c1992, vii, 377 p.,
ISBN: 0870841823; available at at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=662022
(accessed on 26 March 2008);
___________"Mens Rea", in Joshua Dressler, editor in chief, Encyclopedia
of crime & justice, 2nd ed., New York : Macmillan Reference
c2002, 4 v. (xxxvi, 1780 p.), in vol. 3, at pp. 995-1006,
: 002865319X (for set of 4 volumes) and 002865322X (vol. 3);
available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=661161
(accesssed on 14 October 2007);
___________"Mens Rea", University of Pennsylvania Law School,
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(2003) 4 Theoretical Inquiries
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eds., Action and Value in Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon
1993 and 1996 (first paperback issue), x, 314 p. at pp. 187-211, ISBN:
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accessed on 14 October 2007);
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James Fitzjames Stephen and Victorian crime responsibility, Ph.D.
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noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet;
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liability crimes?, LL.M. thesis, University of Houston, 1995, 57
call number: Thesis 340 1993.R64; also available in the series: William
S. Hein's & Co., Inc., Legal Theses and Dissertations Microfiche
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Rome Statute of the International Court at http://www.un.org/law/icc/index.html; site # 2 at http://www.iccnow.org/html/icc19990712.html; see article 30, Mental Element;
"Article 30. Mental element
1. Unless otherwise provided, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court only if the material elements are committed with intent and knowledge.2. For the purposes of this article, a person has intent where:
(a) In relation to conduct, that person means to engage in the conduct;
(b) In relation to a consequence, that person means to cause that consequence or is aware that it will occur in the ordinary course of events.3. For the purposes of this article, "knowledge" means awareness that a circumstance exists or a consequence will occur in the ordinary course of events. "Know" and "knowingly" shall be construed accordingly."
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1. Before the Norman Conquest, homicide, intentional or unintentional, was treated by the law as a wrong to the victim's family, to be expiated by a pecuniary penalty, not as a crime against the State. At that stage no mental elemnt seems to have been recognised as a necessary ingredient of criminal liability. When the word 'morth' or 'murdrum' first appeared in this period, it meant a 'secret killing'. It eventually came to be used for the fine imposed by William the Conqueror on any hundred where a Norman was found secretly killed; there was a presomption in any case of secret killing that the victim was a Norman unless there was 'presentment of Englishry', i.e. proof that the victim was an Englishman. The law gradually became obsolete, until the fines were abolished by Edward III in 1340 and the term 'murder' began to acquire its present connotation of the most heinous form of homicide and to be specifically distinguished by the characteristic of malice aforethought. Under the Statute of Gloucester1 a man who killed another by misadventure or in self-defence was entitled to receive a pardon from the King. It appears that as early as the first half of the fourteenth century it had become the practice in such cases for the jury to return a special finding that the killing was done 'in self-defence and not by felony or of malice prepense'. In 1389 this practice was recognised by a statute of Richard II2 which provided that a pardon should not be valid in case of 'murdre, mort d'ome occis par agait assaut ou malice purpense' unless the circumstances were specified in the pardon. There is reason to believe that this association of malice aforethought with 'lying in wait' (agait) as the criterion of the worst form of homicide, which replaced the old notion that murder was killing in secret, may ultimately derive from an Old Testament text (Exodus xxi: 14) which enjoined that 'if a man shall kill his neighbour deliberately and by lying in wait (per industriam ... et per insidias), thou shalt take him from mine altar that he may die'. This doctrine may have been reinforced by the fact that waylaying on the King's Highway was an infringement of the King's special rights at the time when by no means all assaults or homicides were felonies cognisable by the King's courts.32. By a series of statutes passed between 1496 and 1547, of which the Act of 1531 (23 Hen. VIII, c. 1) was the most important, murder 'of malice prepense' was largely excluded from benefit of clergy. Up to this time all homicides, unless justifiable or excusable on the ground of self-defence or misadventure, were felonies and therefore capital, but were within benefit of clergy. Henceforward murder and what would now be called manslaughter, but had then no specific name, were clearly distinguished. Murder, which was unlawful killing with malice aforethought, was without benefit of clergy and was therefore capital unless a pardon were granted; unlawful killing without malice aforethought was within the benefit of clergy, which was finally abolished in 1827, and until 1822 it could be punished only by one year's imprisonment and branding of the thumb.
1. 1278; 6 Edw. I, c. 9.
2. 13 Rich. II, s. 2, c. 1.
3. Maitland, 'The early history of malice aforethought' in Collected Papers, I, 304-308."
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___________"Subsjectivism, Objectivism, and the Draft Criminal Code,
(1985) 101 The Law Quarterly Review 540-555;
___________"A Tale of Four Codes: John Austin and the Criminal Law",
(1990) 41 Northern Ireland Legal Quaterly 293-314;
STARRS, James E., "The Regulatory Offense in Historical Perspective"
in Gerhard O.W. Mueller, ed., Essays in Criminal Science, South
Hacksensack (New Jersey): Fred B. Rothman and London: Sweet &
Maxwell, 1961, xvi, 460 p. at pp.233-267;
STEPHEN, Sir James Fitzjames, A History of the Criminal Law of England, London: MacMillan, 1883, see vol. 2 ( pp. 94-97) and vol. 3;
"Is there anything to choose morally between the man who violently stabs another in the chest with the definite intention of killing him, and the man who stabs another in the chest with no definite intention at all as to his victim's life or death, but with a feeling of indifference whether he lives or dies? It seems to me that there is nothing to choose between the two men, and that cases may be put in which reckless indifference to the fate of a person intentionally subjected to deadly injury is, if possible, morally worse than an actual intent to kill." (vol. 3, p. 92)
____________testimony in the Special Report from the Select
on Homicide Law Amendment Bill; Together with the Proceedings of the
Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix, number 315 in Sessional
[British Parliamentary Papers] (1874), vol. 9, pp. 471-556 and also
771-786 for the index (Chairperson: R. Lowe), see also published
in Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers:
Commission Select Committee and Other Reports on the Criminal Law with
Proceedings Minutes of Evidence Appendix and Index 1847-79, vol. 6,
Administration Criminal Law, Dublin: Shannon University Press,
pp. 97-194, at p. 177, ISBN: 0716511428;
STONE, II, Dwight W., "Cheek V. United States: Finally, a Precise Definition of the Willfulness Requirement in Federal Tax Crimes", (1992) 51 Maryland Law Review 224-238; copy at the University of Ottawa, law library, FTX Periodicals, KFM 1269 .M358 1974;"Mr. Russell Garney. ...331. [Question by Mr. Russell Gurney, a member of the Committee, to Sir James Fitzjames Stephen] Mr. Justice Blackburn says that you have used the word 'intention' in two different meanings?
[Stephen] --I think he does say so; but I think if you look at it you will see that I have not done so. It was considered with extreme care, and I will explain a little more fully why that section was drawn as it is, because it is the cardinal section of the whole Bill. It begins thus: 'Criminal homicide is murder, if the act by which death is caused is done (1) with the intention of causing the death of, or grievous bodily harm to, the person killed, or any other person ascertained or unascertained.' There are a great number of cases in which proof of an actual positive intention is a most essential part of the evidence. Though there is difference between motive and intention, though motive is one thing, and intention another, yet the existence of motive is strong evidence of intention. Now, take such a case as the great case of Palmer; half the evidence given in that case was to prove his motive for murdering Cook. There you have a case which falls under the first branch of the definition, and which it would directly apply to, and which prepares the way for letting the evidence of everything that led up to the murder, and induced the one man to form the intention of killing the other. Then take the second part. I quite admit that if the law were administered by judges only, or by very highly trained persons, you might dispense with it, because you may depend upon them to infer intention from knowledge, but you cannot depend upon a jury to do so; on the contrary, you would continually have people saying, 'Well, the intention with which this act was done was not to kill anybody at all; it was to save a man from custody; it was to effect this or that collateral purpose,' and then you would have the judge obliged to go round, and say, 'You have nothing to do with what the ultimate purpose might be which the person had in view; you must look at his intention, and you must collect his intention from his conduct.' It is much simpler to say at once what I have said in the second head of this section; that is to say, 'Never mind what the man's intention may have been; that is provided for elsewhere; but, apart from the question of intention altogether, if you go and do a thing which you know will cause death or grievous bodily harm, either to the person killed or to any other person, and it does do so, and you have no excuse for doing that, that is murder.' It seems to me that that prevents a great many common places which anyone could suggest, which people would be apt to use in defending prisoners. My own experience of the criminal courts, and the things which are said in defending prisoners, have been always present to my mind in drawing this Bill, and I have put in things to prevent what I may call dishonest defences being set up; and that particular dishonest defence which consists in bewildering a jury about intentions is one which is very often set up, and by which a jury often is misled.
332. [Question by the Chairman, Mr. Lowe, to Stephen] Could you state any case which would come under the first of these two sub-clauses which will not equally come under the second?
[Stephen] --Well, I do not know that I could; but I think that if the second stood alone, the first would not present itself to the mind. I do not think, if I may say so, that the object is to use the fewest possible words by which you could possibly show your meaning; the object is to make a full description, rather than a definition, of the crime, a description which amounts to a definition. Now the state of mind of a man who plots a murder beforehand; and buys a poison for the purpose of murdering a person, and then deliberately contrives it, and murders him, would come under the first head; that is one thing. The state of mind of a man who goes and explodes a powder barrel in an open street is superficially quite different. You might, no doubt, say that when Palmer bought strychine, and put it into Cook's pill, he did it with a knowledge that it would cause his death, and therefore his act came within the second head definition. That would be true, but it is not the natural way of describing the state of his mind; and therefore, although I think the Right honourable Chairman is correct in saying that the first head will always fall within the second head, it is better for the purpose of clearness to have both. It can do no harm.
333. [Question by the Chairman to Stephen] What would be the objection to making the second the presumption of law of the first?
[Stephen] --I think that all arbitrary rules of evidence are very difficult to get juries to understand, and are objectionable in themselves.
334. [Question by the Chairman to Stephen] Have you any objection to put the word 'or' between the two?
[Stephen] --None.
335. [Question by the Chairman to Stephen] But then if you put the word 'or', that does imply a difference between them?
[Stephen] --That is a little minute. If it is done with both the intention and the knowledge, it falls under each head.
336. [Question by the Chairman to Stephen] Then some person would get up and argue, 'You must put a construction on these two sentences, which makes them exclude each other'?
[Stephen] --I do not think that he would be heard.
337. [Question by the Chairman to Stephen] You think that the unwritten law would put him down?
[Stephen] --I think no judge would view it in that light.
Mr. Bristowe.
338. [Question by Mr. Bristowe, a member of the Committe, to Stephen] If you say that No. 1 falls within No. 2, will you excuse my asking, what is the reason for putting the two distinctly?
[Stephen] --Because though the one falls within the other, to all common apprehension the two are distinct. It requires a very logical mind, and a mind very much accustomed to drawing inferences, to see that No. 1 does fall within No. 2. It is quite true that it does. I should like to give an instance that occurs to me at this moment from the Copyright Acts. The Copyright Acts apply to any subject of the Queen. Well, it has been held that 'subject of the Queen' includes a a person who holds a temporary allegiance to the Queen, and therefore includes a foreigner resident in England at the time of the publication. Now, I cannot help thinking, that although the words 'subject of the Queen' includes both foreigners and English people, as is shown by the court having held that they do, the Copyright Act would have been much clearer if it had stated, in so many words, that it applied to every person resident in the Queen's dominions." (pp. 162-163 of the Irish Press edition)
STRAHORN, John S., "Criminology and the Law of Guilt", (1936) 84 University
of Pennsylvania Law Review 491-512 and 600-624; see in particular,
the second part of the article at pp. 600-624;
STROUD, Douglas Aikenhead, Mens rea or imputability under
law of England, London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1914, xxxiv, 352 p.;
copy at the libary of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9236 S87
the title is a bit misleading as it is more a treatise on the
of liability;
STUART, Donald, "Mens Rea, Negligence and Attempts", [1968] The
Law Review 647-662;
___________"Presumed Intention in Criminal Law", (1967) South
African Law Journal 256-260; copy at the law library of the
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General Principles for Criminal Responsibility in the Model Penal Code
with Suggestions for Reconsideration: A Canadian Perspective",
(2000) 4(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 13-51; available on the
internet at http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/bclrarticles/4(1)/Stuartpdf.pdf;
paper presented at the "Model Penal Code (Oct. 29-31, 1999)" Conference
organized by the Buffalo Criminal Law Center;
SULLIVAN, Denis F., "The Doctrine of Double Effect and the Domains
Moral Responsibility", (2000) 64 The Thomist 423-448; copy at
Paul University Library, Ottawa, periodicals, BQT 4T15 1939-;
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Shute, 1955-, and A.P. Simester, eds., Criminal law Theory :
of the General Part, New York, N.Y. : Oxford University
c2002, 332 p. at pp. 207-226, ISBN: 0199243492 (series; Oxford
Oxford monographs on criminal law and justice); copy at the library of
the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, call number: K5018 C77 2002;
SULLIVAN, G.R., "Intent, Subjective Recklessness and Culpability",
12 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 380-391;
SULMASY, Daniel P., "Commentary: Double Effect -- Intention is the
Not the Problem", (2000) 28(1) The Journal of Law, Medicine and
26-29; copy at the law library, University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals,
RA 1001 .L383; title noted in the research but article not read yet as
this volume is presently at the bindery (13 January 2002);
SULMASY, Daniel P., Edmun D. Pellegrino,"The Rule of Double Effect:
Clearing Up the Double Talk", (22 March 1999) 159(6) Archives of
Medicine 545-550;
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Public Welfare Offenses -- In re C.R.M.", (2002) 28 William
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SYROTA, George, "A Radical Change in the Law of Recklesness?",
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SZERER, Mieczyslaw, "Rapport - Le problème du dol
(1961) 32 Revue internationale de droit pénal 1211-1219
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Stephen Shute, 1955-, and A.P. Simester, eds., Criminal law
: Doctrines of the General Part, New York, N.Y. : Oxford
Press, c2002, 332 p. at pp. 227-258, ISBN: 0199243492 (series; Oxford
Oxford monographs on criminal law and justice); copy at the library of
the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, call number: K5018 C77 2002;
___________"Recklessness, Consent and the Transmission of HIV"
5 Edinburgh Law Review 371-380; title noted in my research but
consulted yet; no copy of this publication in the Ottawa area
copy at McGill University, Montreal;
___________"The system of the criminal law", (2002) 22(3) Legal
448-467, and see "The Deflated General Part: Intention and Knowledge of
Virtual Certainty", at pp. 451-455;
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24(1) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 99-127;
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(1971) 81 Ethics 150-160; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT
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: impr. de Paquet, 1942, 176 p.; thèse, Université de
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Canada; thèse non consulté;
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52(2) International and Comparative Law Quarterly 447-462;
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TRIFFTERER, Otto, "Genocide, its Particular Intent to Destroy in
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eds., The International Criminal Court, Aldershot (Hants,
(VT) : Ashgate/Dartmouth,Ashgate, 2004, 550 p. (series; The Library of
Essays in International Law), ISBN: 0754624099;
TROMBLE, Katherine R., "Humpty Dumpty on Mens Rea Standards: A
Methodology for Interpretation", (1999) 52 Vanderbilt Law Review 521-556;
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69 .V35;
TROWBRIDGE, Delger, "Criminal Intent and Bigamy", (1918-19) 7 California
Law Review 1-19; copy at the law library, University of Ottawa, FTX
Periodicals, KFC 69 .C335;
TULKENS, Françoise, "Prévisibilité et
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rea", (1994) 74 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 529-534;
TUR, Richard H.S., "Subjectivism and Objectivism" in Stephen Shute,
John Gardner and Jeremy Horder, eds., Action and Value in Criminal
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993 and 1996 (first paperback issue), x, 314
p. at pp. 213-237, ISBN: 0198258062 and 0198260792 (pbk.);
TURNER, J.W.Cecil, "Mens Rea and Motorists: A Memorandum for
(1933-35) 5 The Cambridge Law Journal 61-76;
___________"The Mental Element in Crimes at Common Law", (1936) 6
Cambridge Law Journal 31-66; with the same title in: L.
and J.W.C. Turner, eds.,
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University of Cambridge, 1945, x, 511 p., at pp. 195-261 (series;
Studies in Criminal Science, Department of Criminal Science, Faculty of
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TUSHNET, Mark, "Constitutional Limitation of Substantive Criminal
: An Examination of the Meaning of Mullaney v. Wilbur”,
55 Boston University Law Review 775-802; copy at the
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UGORJI, Lucius Iwejeru, 1952-, The Principle of Double Effect: A
Critical Appraisal of Its Tradition Understanding and Its Modern
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1985, 150 p., ISBN: 3820456279;
Originally presented as the author's doctoral thesis, Universität
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UNIACKE, Suzanne, "Double Effect, Principle of" in Edward Craig.,
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SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1558968; available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1558968
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n'est pas disponible dans les bibliothèques canadiennes;
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Rea and Actus Reas: The Application of Contactics Theory to Criminal
(1999-2000) 35 Tulsa Law Journal 383-397; copy at the law
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mes recherches mais livre non-consulté; ma vérification
catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada du 28 mars
indique aucune localisation dans les bibliothèques canadiennes;
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Causation: Chapter 3; Section 610" in Working Papers of
the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws,
Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970, xxv, 742 p., at pp.
105-151, see "Requirements for Culpability (Section 302)" at pp.
and "Extended Note B 'Wilfulness'" at pp. 148-151;
___________"Homicide: 2. Legal Aspects" in Sanford H. Kadish, ed.,
of Crime and Justice, 1st ed., vol. 2 of 4, New York: The Free
1983, pp. 855-866, see "Action Causing Death" at pp. 856-857, ISBN:
(set of 4 volumes);
WEISS, Deborah M., "Scope, Mistake, and Impossibility: The
of Language and Problems of Mens Rea", (1983) 83 Columbia Law
WELLS, Celia, "The mental element in crime, 1974-1983: lighthouse
Good", [1984] Criminal Law Review 652-662;
WERLE, Gerhard and Florian Jessberger, "International Criminal Justice is Coming Home: The New German Code of Crimes Against International Law", (2002) 13(2) Criminal Law Forum 191-223;
"According to German doctrine, dolus eventualis meets the requirements under section 15 of the German Criminal Code providing for mens rea. Pursuant to section 2 of tghe CCIL, section 15 is applicable to crimes under the CCIL. Whether dolus eventualis meets the standard established under article 30(1) of thje ICC Statute is, however, questionable.54 In our opinion, the ICC Statute leaves space for an extensive interpretation. This is in line with the case law of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and customary international law.55 Hence, in our opinion, the CCIL rightly refrains from making special provision with regard to the mental element.
54 It seems though that most commentators favour a narrow understanding of article 30 of the ICC Statute, limiting it to dolus directus. See e.g. L. Sadat, supra note 3, [Leila N. Sadat, The International Criminal Court and the Transformation of International Law (2002)] at p. 128; W. Schabas, supra note 3, [William A. Schabas, Introduction to the International Criminal Court (2001)] at p. 86; Thomas Weigend, Zur Frage eines 'internationalen' Allgemeinen Teils, in FESTSCHRIFT FÜR CLAUS ROXIN 1375, 1389 (Klaus Shuenemann et al., eds., 2001); KAI AMBOS, ANSAETZE ZU EINER DOGMATISIERUNG DES FOELKERSTRAFRECHTS 804 (2002). But see, for the inclusion of dolus eventualis, Donald K. Piragoff, Article 30, in COMMENTARY ON THE ROME STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, OBSERVER'S NOTES, ARTICLE BY ARTICLE, supra note 3, [Commentary of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Observer's Notes, Article by Article, Otto Trifferer, ed., 1999] para 22.55On several occasions the ICTY has held that dolus directus is not required under the ICTY Statute and customary international law; see e.g., Prosecutor v. Delalic (Case No. IT-96-21-T), Judgment, 16 November 1998, paras 435-438; Prosecutor v. Krnojelac (Case No. IT-97-25-T), Judgment, 15 March 2002, para 59 ('accused must at least take the risk that [his acts] are part [of an attack against the civilian population]'). See L. Sadat, supra note 3 [Leila N. Sadat, The International Criminal Court and the Transformation of International Law (2002)], p. 210." (pp. 202-203)
___________" 'Unless Otherwise Provided': Article 30 of the ICC
Statute and the Mental Element of Crimes under International Criminal
(2005) 3(1) Journal of International Criminal Justice 35-55;
important contribution;
WERLE, Gerhard, in cooperation with Florian Jessberger, Wulf
Volker Nerlich and Belinda Cooper, Principles
of International Criminal Law, The Hague: TMC Asser Press,
xii, 485 p., and see "Mental Element", at pp. 99-116, and "Mental
Element" for the crime of genocide, at pp. 206-210, ISBN: 9067041963
9067042021 (pbk.); copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, K5000
.W47 2005;
WESSON, Marianne, "Mens Rea and the Colorado Criminal Code"
52 University of Colorado Law Review 167-221;
WEST, César, Université de France.
de droit de Strasbourg. Thèse pour obtenir le grade de docteur
droit...[Droit civil : Des Ordres de succession. - Droit criminel : De
l'intention considérée comme élément du
- Juo romanum : De Haereditatibus quae ab intestato deferuntur.],
Imprimerie de G. Silbermann, 1835, 29 p.; titre noté dans ma
mais thèse pas encore consultée; information du catalogue
de la bibliothèque nationale de France;
WESTBROOK, James E., "Mens Rea in the Juvenile Court", (1965) 5 Journal
Family Law 121-138; copy at Ottawa University, Law library, KFK 94.
J653, FTX, note: the journal is now entitled the Brandeis Law
WHARTON, Francis, 1820-1889, Philosophy of Criminal Law,
Beach (Florida): Gaunt, 1989 , iv, 326 p. see Chapter iv,
at pp. 145-159 (reprint of Philadelphia: Kay & Bro., 1880); also
as part of A Treatise on criminal law, 9th ed.,
: Kay and Bro., 1885, 2 v., xi, 917 p.; copy of this treatise at
the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, rare book;
___________A Treatise on the Law on the Law of Homicide in the United States: to which is appended a series of leading cases, 2nd edition, Philadelphia, Kay and Brother, 1875, xli, 793 p., see Chapter II. Elementary Principles of malice" at pp. 10-23; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 9305 W42 1875;
Research note by François Lareau, 13 August 2002I noticed this book a few years ago but it disappeared from the shelves of the library of the Supreme Court of Canada where it was located in the unclassified and uncatalogued section of the library. In August 2002, I noticed, it was back on the shelves, catalogued and with a new binding. Prettier than ever! It is a rare book by Canadian standards. Wharton was an important American scholar in the XIXth century along with Bishop, his adversary in publishing. Joshua Dressler has written about him in his thesis. Like Stephen and Austin, Wharton possessed a knowledge of comparative law, especially German law. This chapter II is quite remarkable as he discusses the authors, Decian, Carpzov, and topics such as dolus directus etc. This chapter demonstrates his scholarship.
At the time of this edition, Wharton was about 55 years old and probably at the height of his intellectual knowledge of criminal law. It is an ntellectual delight to read him quoting, here and there, French, German and Latin authors. A book to collect.
WHITE, Alan R., 1922-, "Carelessness and Recklessness - A Rejoinder",
(1962) 25
The Modern Law Review 437-441;
__________ "Carelessness, Indifference and Recklessness", (1961) 24
Modern Law Review 592-595;
__________Grounds of Liability: An Introduction to the Philosophy
of Law, New York: Oxford University Press, 1985, x, 128p., see
6, "Intention" at pp. 63-92 and Chapter 7, "Negligence and Recklessnes"
at pp. 93-112, ISBN: 019876191 and 0197876197X (pbk.);
__________ "Intention, Purpose, Foresight and Desire", (1976) 92 The
Law Quarterly Review 569-590;
___________Misleading Cases, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991,
144 p., ISBN: 0198256884; see Chapter 3, "Recklessness and Awareness",
pp. 31-46; Chapter 4, "Intention and Knowledge", pp. 47-61; Chapter 5,
"Conditional Intention", pp. 63-72; Chapter 6, "Dishonesty", pp. 73-79;
and Chapter 10, "Belief, pp. 127-134;
_________The Nature of Knowledge, Totowa, N.J. : Rowman and
1982, vii, 133 p. (series; APQ library of philosophy); copy at the
of Ottawa, General Library, MRT General, BD 161 .W43 1982;
WHITE, Dorcas, "The
Fault Element and Strict Liability", in
Francis Alexis, P.K. Menon, and Dorcas
White, eds., Commonwealth Caribbean Legal Essays,
Cave Hill (Barbados): University of the West Indies, Faculty of
1982, iv, 303 p., at pp. 286-303; note: "UWI Law Faculty decennial
(1970-80) lectures"; title noted in my research but article not
consulted (1 May 2007);
WHITING, Roger, "Thoughts on dolus eventualis", (1988) 3 South
Journal of Criminal Justice 440-446;
WIKIPEDIA -- The Free Encyclopedia:
WILEY, John Shepard, "Not Guilty By Reason of Blamelessness:
in Federal Criminal Interpretation", (1999) 85 Virginia Law Review 1021-1162;
WILLIAMS, Glanville, 'Absolute Liability' in Traffic Offences"
Law Review 142-151 and 194-208;
___________"Carelessness, Indifference and Recklessness: Two
(1962) 25 The Modern Law Review 49-58;
___________"Constructive Malice Revived", (1960) 23 The Modern
Review 605-629; copy at the law library, University of Ottawa, FTX
Periodicals, KD 322 .M62;
___________"Divergent Interpretations of Recklessness I and II",
132 New Law Journal 289-290 (for Part I, issue of 25 March 1982)
and 313-314 (for Part II, issue of 1 April 1982); copy at the
of Ottawa, law library, FTX Periodicals KD 322 .N49;
___________"Intention and Recklessness Again", (1982) 2 Legal
___________"Letters to the Editors: Recklessness and the House of
(1981) Criminal Law Review 580-582;
___________"The Mens Rea for Murder: Leave it Alone", (1989) 105 The
Law Quarterly Law Review 387-397; reply to Lord Goff of Chieveley;
copy at the law library, University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals,
322 .L37; also published in House of Lords, Select Committee on Murder
and Life Imprisonment,
Report of the Select Committee on Murder and
Life Imprisonment,
Volume I - Report and Appendices, London:
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1989, 126 p., at pp. 121-126 (series;
HL Paper 78-I, Session 1988-89), ISBN: 0104868899 (Président :
___________The Mental Element in Crime, Jerusalem: Magnes
The Hebrew University, 1965, 121 p. (series; The Hebrew University of
Lionel Cohen Lectures, Eleventh Series - 1965);
___________"The Mental Element in Crime", (1957) 27 Revista
de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 193-213;
___________"The Mental Element in Crime, The Law Commission's Report
No. 89 - (1) The Meaning of Terms", [1978] Criminal Law Review 588-592;
___________"The Mental Element in Murder", (1974) 33 Cambridge
Journal 200-202; copy at the law library of the University of
FTX, KD 322 .C329;
___________"Oblique Intention", [1987] Cambridge Law Journal
___________"The Problem of Reckless Attempts", [1983] Criminal
Review 365-375;
___________"Rationality in murder - a reply", (1991) 11 Legal
204-206; reply to W. Wilson, "A plea for rationality in the law of
___________"Recklessness Redefined", (1981) Cambridge Law
___________Salmond on Jurisprudence, 11th ed. by Glanville
London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1957, xxix, 550 p., see Chapter 18,
and Negligence" at pp. 410-432; copy at the University of Ottawa, Law
FTX General, K 230 .S3 1957;
___________"The unresolved problem of recklessness", (1988) 8 Legal
Studies 74-91;
WILLIAMS, Glenys N., The Concepts of intention and causation in
non-killing, Ph.D.Thesis, University of Wales, 2003, xlviii, 298
thesis not consulted;
and causation in medical non-killing,
Abingdon (UK)/ New York: Routledge-Cavendish, 2007, xvii, 221 p., ISBN
9781844720279 9780415423021 (pbk.) ; contents: " The concept of
intention -- The principle of double effect -- Acts and omissions --
Causation -- Does a patient who refuses treatment commit suicide? --
Does a doctor who withdraws treatment assist in a patient’s suicide?
(catalogue Hollis, Harvard University); copy at the
Library of the Supreme Court of Ottawa, KF 3827E87 W55; limited preview
available at http://books.google.com/books?id=BWlH0Rw__2kC&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22criminal+law%22+date:2007-2008&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0
http://books.google.com/books?id=BWlH0Rw__2kC&dq=%22criminal+law%22+date:2007-2008&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed
on 22 August 2008);
__________"The Principle of Double Effect and Terminal Sedation",
2001) 9(1) Medical Law Review 41-53;
WILLIAMS, Glenys and Gavin Dingwall, "Inferring Intention", (2004)
Ireland Legal Quarterly 69-77; copy at the Library of the Supreme
of Canada and at the University of Ottawa, KDK 87 .N67 Location
WILLIAMS, Jenny, "Reduction in the Protection for Mentally Ill
Defendants: Kansas Upholds the Replacement of the M'Naughten Approach
With the Mens Rea Approach, Effectively Eliminating the
Defense [State v. Bethel, 66 P.3d 840 (Kan. 2003)]", (2004)
Law Journal 213-245; available at http://washburnlaw.edu/wlj/44-1/
(accessed on 20 October 2005);
WILSON, William, "Doctrine and Responsibility after Woolin",
(1999) 62 The Modern Law Review 448-463;
___________Central Issues in Criminal Theory, Oxford
(Oregon): Hart Publishing, 2002, ix, 380 p., see Chapter 5, "Intention,
Motives and Desert", at pp. 129-159, ISBN: 1841130621; copy at the
of the Supreme Court of Canada K5018 W55 2002 c. 01;
___________"Law Commission Consultation Paper No. 177 -- A New Homicide
Act for England and Wales? The Structure of Criminal Homicide",
[June 2006] The
Criminal Law Review 471-485;
___________"A plea for rationality in the law of murder", (1990) 10
Studies 307-324; see reply by Glanville Williams, "Rationality in
- a reply",
___________"Rejoinder - a plea for excuses", (1991) 11 Legal
207-210; reply to Glaville Williams;
WILSON, William, “Murder and the Structure of Homicide” in Andrew
and Barry Mitchell, eds., Rethinking English Homicide Law,
New York : Oxford University Press, 2000, xx, 205 p., at pp. 21-54,
0198299044 and 019829915X (pbk); copy at the Library of the
Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9305 R48 2000;
WINDFIELD, Percy H., "The Myth of Absolute Liability", (1926) 42 The
Law Quarterly Review 37-51;
WINKEL, Laurens, " 'Sciens dolo malo" et "ope consiliove' :
des conceptions modernes?" in J.A. Ankum, sous la direction de, Mélanges
Felix Wubbe: offerts par ses collègues et ses amis à
de son soixante-dixième anniversairee, Fribourg (Suisse) :
universitaires, 1993, xxi, 615 p., aux pp. 571-585, ISBN:
copy at the University of Toronto, John P. Robarts Research Library
and Social Sciences), K/179/M44/1993; title noted in my research but
consulted yet; no copy of this book is found in the Ottawa area
WINSLADE, William J., "Recklessness", (1970) 30 Analysis
__________ "Brady on Recklessness", (1972) 33 Analysis
WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig, 1889-1951, Philosophical Investigations,
by G.E.M. Anscome, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1968, viii, 250
p., ISBN: 0631119000; translation of: Philosophische Untersuchungen;
WONG, Sally Cheung-Fung, Cognition and Volition in
Disorder: Implications for Mens Rea, Actus Reus and Legal Insanity,
Ph.D. thesis, California School of Professional Psychology,
1998, 105 p.; see summary at Dissertation Abstracts International,
Volume: 59-06, Section: B, page: 3079; thesis not consulted;.
WOODWARD, P.A. (Paul A.), ed., The doctrine of double effect :
debate a controversial moral principle, Notre Dame, Ind.:
of Notre Dame Press, c2001, vi, 317 p., ISBN: 0268008973; copy at
the University of Manitoba Libraries, Elizabeth Dafoe Library, BJ 1500
D68 D63 2001; title noted but articles not consulted yet; no copy of
book in the Ottawa area libraries;
YAFFE, Gideon, "Conditional Intent And Mens Rea", (December 2004)
Theory 273-310;
YEO, Stanley Meng Heong, Fault in Homicide: Towards a Schematic
to the Fault Elements for Murder and Involontary Manslaughter in
Australia and India, Annandale (NSW, Australia): The Federation
and Sydney (NSW, Austrralia): The Institute of Criminology, University
of Sydney, 1997, xv, 312 p., (series; The Institute of Criminology
Series; No. 7), ISBN: 1862872759;
___________"Lavender: Court of Criminal Appeal of New South Wales: The
composition of the mens rea of negligent manslaughter -- The relevance
of the accused's honest and reasonable belief in the safety of his
-- the meaning of 'maliciously' under s. 5 of the Crimes Act 1900
(NSW) -- the effect of s. 5 on s. 18(2)(a) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW)",
[2004] NSWCCA 120", (2004) 28(5) Criminal Law Journal 307-312;
___________"Recklessness under the Indian Penal Code", (1988)
30 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 293-308; copy at the law
library , University of Ottawa, Periodicals, KPN .J695;
YESAKOV, G.A. (Gennady A.), [in Russian] Mens Rea in Criminal Law of the United States of America: Historical and Legal Research / Preface by Doctor of Law, Professor O. F. Shishov, St. Petersburg : “Yuridichesky Center Press”, 2003, 553 p. ISBN: 5942012326, note: J.D. Candidate Thesis, Moscow State Law Academy, Moscow, 2002, 410 p.; see more information on the book at: http://juridcenter.ru/shop/?mode=books&sub=item&old_sub=list&item_offset=0&category=20&id=191&PHPSESSID=906af6b5a86724fbf4250e8ca278b5a7 (accessed on 13 September 2003); thesis & book not consulted yet; for more information, contact Mr. Yesakov at scorhor@conternet.ru;
"[Summary in English] In the monograph it is made an attempt to consider one of the central categories of Anglo-American criminal law – category mens rea as subjective element of criminal act – in the historical aspect on the example of the United States of America. Adhering to a historical dogmatic approach the author examines in detail the roots of mens rea in common law of England; reception of the latter by American law and further landmarks of the development of the category mens rea on the American soil. Without limiting himself to particularly theoretical questions the author aims at showing practical application of doctrinal conceptions in American law on the example of the doctrine about mistake of law, felony-murder and procedural aspects of proof of mens rea. Special attention in the work is paid to the analysis of the Model Penal Code 1962 and modern American criminal legislation and case-law." (source: received from the author)
YOUNG, Douglas R., "Rethinking the Specific - General Intent Doctrine
in California Criminal Law", (1975) 63 California Law Review
copy at the University of Ottawa, law library, FTX Periodicals, KFC 69
ZAIBERT, Leo A., 1966-, “Collective Intentions and Collective
(2003) 60(1) American Journal of Economics and Sociology
with the same title in Lawrence Moss and David Koepsell, eds., John
Searle'se and the Institutions of Social Reality; Extensions,
and Reconstructions, Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishing, c2003, vi,
313 p., at pp. 209-232, ISBN: 1405112573 and 1405112581 (pbk);
___________Five ways Patricia can
kill her husband : a theory of intentionality and blame,
Chicago: Open Court, 2005, xii, 261 p., ISBN: 9780812695762; see table
of contents at http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0514/2005015102.html
and book description at http://www.opencourtbooks.com/books_n/five_ways.htm
(accessed on 14 April 2008); title noted in my research but book not
consulted -- no copy in the Ottawa area libraries according to my
verification of 14 April 2008 of AMICUS, the catalogue of Library
and Archives Canada; see review of book by FERRANTE, supra;
___________“Intentionality and Wickedness”, in Daniel M. Haybron,
Abominations: Philosophical Studies of Evil, Amsterdam/New York:
2002, viii, 166 p., at pp. 33-51 (series; Value inquiry book
0929-8436 v. 120), ISBN: 9042012781; title noted in my research but
not consulted; my verification of the AMICUS catalogue of Library and
Canada indicates that no Candian libraries in the Ottawa area has this
book (28 March 2005); limited preview at http://books.google.com/books?id=GoFMfAtXSagC&pg=PA43&dq=intention
and http://books.google.com/books?id=GoFMfAtXSagC&dq=intention+%22dolus+eventualis%22&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
(accessed on 6 March 2008);
___________"Intentionality, Voluntariness, and Culpability: A
Analysis", (1998) 1 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 459-500; also
in Richard O. Brooks and James Bernard Murphy, 1958-, eds., Aristotle
and Modern Law, Aldershot (England): Dartmouth and Burlington
Ashgate, 2003, xxxi, 689 p., at pp. 263-304, (series; Philosophers and
Law; series editor: Tom Campbell), ISBN: 075462143X; copy of the book
the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K235 A75 2003;
ZEITLIN, Solomon, 1892-, "Studies in Tannaitic Jurisprudence:
as a legal principle", (October 1919) 1(3) Journal of Jewish lore
philosophy 295-311; copy at the University St Paul
Library, Ottawa, Periodicals, PER BM 1 J68 1919; also published in Studies
in Tannaitic jurisprudence, Cincinnati, Ark publishing co., 1920-;
ZHU, Jing, "Intention and Volition", (2004) 34(2) Canadian
of Philosophy 175-193; copy at the University of Ottawa, B1 .C3,
MRT Periodicals;
ZILA, Josef, "Intent in criminal Law: recent developments in the
Swedish jurisprudence and case law" (2004), issue III, Juridica 183-188; summary in
English; article not consulted;
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