Key WordsO: Criminal law, bibliography on mistake or ignorance of  Law in Canadian Law, mitstake of  law, error of law, ignorance of law, defence of mistake of law, defence of error of law, defence of  ignorance of  law, excuse, officially induced error,  normative mens rea, blame, attribution, guilt, culpability, schuld.  Mots clés: droit pénal, bibliographie choisie sur l'erreur de droit ou l'ignorance de la loi en droit canadien comme moyen de défense, erreur de droit, ignorance de la loi, défense d'erreur de droit, défense d'ignorance de la loi, moyen de défense ignorance de la loi, moyen de défense erreur de droit, excuse, illécéité, blâme, imputabilité, culpabilité, mens rea normative, faute, reproche de faute

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©François Lareau, 1999-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on
Mistake or Ignorance of Law in
Comparative Law (other than Canadian Law)
Writings in French and English only
Bibliographie choisie sur l'erreur
de droit ou l'ignorance de la loi
comme moyen de défense en
droit comparé (autre que le droit canadien)
Écrits en anglais et français seulement

by / par François Lareau

See also / voir aussi:
 Bibliography on Mistake or Ignorance of Law in Canadian Law/
    Bibliographie sur l'erreur de droit ou l'ignorance de la loi en droit canadien

ALEXANDER, Larry, "Inculpatory and Exculpatory Mistakes and the Fact/Law Distinction: An Essay in Memory of Myke Bayles", (1993) 12 Law and Philosophy 33-70;

___________"Mistake", in Joshua Dressler, editor in chief,  Encyclopedia of crime & justice, 2nd ed., New York : Macmillan Reference USA, c2002,  4 v. (xxxvi, 1780 p.),  in vol. 3, at pp. 1014-1019, ISBN : 002865319X (for set of 4 volumes) and 002865322X (vol. 3);

ALLDRIDGE, Peter, "Necessity and mistake of law in the draft criminal code", (March 1986) 8(1) Liverpool Law Review 37-52; title of article noted in my research but article not consulted yet;

AMAR, Jacques, "Erreur sur le droit et parties au procès pénal", (1999) 11 Droit pénal 4-7;

AMBOS, Kai, "Current Issues in International Criminal Law: Reviewing: M. Cherif Bassiouni, Crimes against Humanity in International Criminal  Law, 2nd revised ed., The Hague: Kluwer Law, 1999, 610 pages", (2003) 14 Criminal Law Forum 225-260, at pp. 247-249; available at,_225.pdf (accessed on 15 October 2005);

"Bassiouni starts well in distinguishing between the level of responsibility and culpability and the corresponding mens rea of both levels.  This is a highly important distinction and to have made it shows Bassiouni’s great expertise in comparative criminal law; an expertise which distinguishes him from most common law colleagues. The distinction made by Bassiouni goes back to the finalist school of thinking (above all represented by the German scholar Hans Welzel) which, overcoming the classical and neo-classical schools, discovered that human conduct is always purpose-orientated, i.e., pursues a certain objective or goal.  This means that human action is not only an objective cause for a given effect or result but also possesses amental element, i.e., the wish, desire, knowledge, etc., that the causal act produces a certain result. This goes hand in hand with the recognition of a normative concept of guilt or culpability: culpa is no longer (only) the intent to cause a certain result
but the blameworthiness of the perpetrator’s conduct. If A kills B, he or she may have intended this result since A knew – cognitive element – that shooting a bullet in B’s heart would lead to B’s death and he or she also wanted – volitive element – this result. Another question is, however, whether B’s death can be blamed on A if, for example, A acted under drugs or suffered from a mental disease." (p. 247)

___________"Remarks on the General Part of International Criminal Law", (2006) 4 Journal of International Criminal Justice 660-673;

THE AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE, Model Penal Code and Commentaries (Official Draft and Revised Comments), Part I - General Provisions §§1.01 to 2.13, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1985, liii, 420 p., see § 2.02(9), "Culpability as to Illegality of Conduct", at pp. 227 and 250-251;  and § 2.04, "Ignorance or Mistake", at pp. 267-280;

___________Model Penal Code: Proposed Official Draft, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1962, xxii, 346 p., see section 2.02(9) "Culpability as to Illegality of Conduct" at p. 28 and section 2.04, "Ignorance or Mistake" at  pp. 30-31;

___________Model Penal Code: Tentative Draft No. 4, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1955, xv, 302 p., see on section 2.02(9) "Culpability as to Illegality of Conduct", pp. 130-131 and on section 2.04, "Ignorance or Mistake" at  pp. 135-146;

AMIRTHALINGAM, Kumaralingam (Kumar), "Distinguishing between ignorance and mistake in the criminal law in defence of the De Blom principle", (1995) 8 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 12-20;

____________"Ignorance of Law, Criminal Culpability and Moral Innocence: Striking a Balance Between Blame and Excuse", [July 2002] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 302-327;

The ignorance of law rule, embodied in the maxim ignorantia juris non excusat, occasionally conflicts with the fundamental tenet of the criminal law that the morally innocent should not be penalised. It is argued that this rule needs to be reformulated so that reasonable ignorance of law is not excluded as a relevant consideration in criminal matters. A comparative approach is adopted and the discussion is primarily based on the laws of Australia and England with some reference to Canadian and United States jurisprudence. The Penal Code’s apparent unequivocal rejection of ignorance of law as a defence has the consequence that local courts have had almost no opportunity to consider the ignorance of law rule and possible exceptions thereto, apart from merely reaffirming that mistake of law is not a defence. The comparative analysis suggests that the ignorance of law rule, while still applicable, has been whittled by several exceptions, the broad thrust of which is that a person who is reasonably ignorant of the law is in fact morally innocent and not deserving of criminal punishment." (source:, accessed on 17 December 2005)

___________"Ignorantia Maxim" as seen at;

___________"Mistake of Law: A Criminal Offence or a Reasonable Defence?", (1994) 18 Criminal Law Journal 271-283;

___________"Mens Rea and Mistake of Law in Criminal Cases: a Lesson from South Africa",  (1995) 18 University of New South Wales Law Journal 428-442;

AMOS, Andrew, 1791-1860, Ruins of Time Exemplified in Sir Matthew Hale's [1609-1676] History of the Pleas of the Crown, London: V. and R. Stevens and G.S. Norton, 1856, xxviii, 268 p., see "Ignorance of Law" at pp. 14-21; this book is also on four microfiches (series; 9th Century Legal Treatise; no. 9433-9436);

ANDENAES, Johannes, "Comment by Prof. Johannes Andenaes Comparing Study Draft of Proposed New Federal Criminal Code to European Penal Codes (Prof. Johannes Andenaes, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, August 31, 1970)" in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, vol. 3, Washington, July 1971 at pp. 1451-1476, see "Mistake of Law (Section** 610)" at pp. 1460-1461;

___________The General Part of the Criminal Law of Norway, translated by Thomas P. Ogle, South Hackensack: Fred B. Rothman and London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1965, xxiii, 346 p., see "Mistake of Law", at pp. 227-239  (series; Publications of The Comparative Criminal Law Project, New York University; volume 3); important contribution;

__________"Ignorantia Juris in Scandinavian Criminal Law" in Gerhard O.W. Mueller, ed., Essays in Criminal Science, London: Sweet and Maxell and South Hackensack (N.J.): Fred B. Rothman, 1961, xvi, 460 p., at pp. 217-231;

ANDREJEW, Igor, "La règlementation pénale de l'erreur" in Zoltan Péteri and Vanda Lamm, eds., General Reports to the 10th International Congress of Comparative Law / Rapports généraux au 10e Congrès international de droit comparé, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiado, 1981, 1049 p. aux pp. 895-915, ISBN: 9630523698; Research Note: the 10th International Congress of Comparative Law of the International Academy of International Law was held in Budapest, August 23-27, 1978;

There were 13 national reports on the this issue of error reported on by Mr. Andrejew:

13 rapports nationaux
- Angleterre -- B. Nicholas
- Belgique -- I. Matthijs
- Canada -- L. Kos-Rabcewicz-Zublowski
- Espagne -- J.M. Rodriguez Devesa
- Hollande -- J. Remmelink
- Italie --C.F. Grosso
- Israël -- S.Z Feller
- Japon -- T. Morishita
- Pologne -- K. Buchala
- République Démocratique Allemande -- E. Buchholz
- République fédérale allemande -- J. Krümpelmann
- Roumanie -- G. Antoniy
- Yougolsavie -- L. Bavcon

ARMACOST, Barbara .E., "Qualified Immunity: Ignorance Excused", (1998) 51 Vanderbilt Law Review 581-680;

ARTZ, Gunther, "Ignorance or Mistake of Law" (1976) 24 American Journal of Comparative Law  646-679;

___________"The Problem of Mistake of Law" [1986] Brigham Young University Law Review 711-732; available at (accessed on 24 March 2008); also published A. Eser et al., eds., Justification and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 2, Dobbs Ferry (New York), Transnational Juris Publications, 1987, pp. 1025-1054, ISBN: 0929179269;

ASHWORTH, A.J., "Excusable Mistake of Law", [1974] Criminal Law Review 652-662;

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT PÉNAL  (AIDP) (International Association of Penal Law) and Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali (ISISC) (International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences) and Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (MPI), Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court -- Alternative to the ILC-Draft -- (Siracusa-Draft), prepared by a Committee of Experts Siracusa/Freiburg, July 1995, 88 p.; available at (accessed on 10 December 2005);

"Art. 33 n
Mistake of Fact or Law

1. If the person would not be held guilty of the crime if the circumstances were as he reasonably believed, he is not punishable.

2. The person who commits a crime in the mistaken belief that he is acting lawfully is not punishable, provided that he has done everything under the circumstances which could reasonably be demanded of him to inform himself about the applicable law. If he could have avoided his mistake of law, the punishment may be reduced." (p. 53)

AUSTIN, John, 1790-1859, The province of jurisprudence determined, New York, B. Franklin [1970],  2d ed.,  3 v.,  see volume 2 at pp. 168-175 (series;  Burt Franklin research & source works series; 569.  Selected essays in history, economics, and social science; 185) ; Research Note: I have found the following notes from the University of Ottawa Orbis catalogue useful:  "Vol. 1: Being the first part of a series of lectures on jurisprudence or the philosophy of positive law.  Vols. 2-3, issued without ed. statement, have title: Lectures on  jurisprudence; being the sequel to "The province of jurisprudence determined," to which are added notes and fragments, now first published from the original manuscripts.  Reprint of the 1861-63 ed., which was edited for posthumous publication by Sarah Austin.  Beginning with the 3d ed. (1869)  the main and sequel volumes were published together in 2 v. under title: Lectures on jurisprudence."

AUSTRALIA, Commonwealth Attorney's General in association with the Australian Institute of Judicial Administration,  The Commonwealth Criminal Code: A Guide for Practitioners, March 2002, 369 p., on mistake or ignorance of statute law, see pp. 191-199; on mistake or ignorance of subordinate legislation, see pp. 200-211, see pp. 200-201; on claim of right, see pp. 202-217; ISBN: 0642210349; available at (accessed on 16 August 2003);

BACIGALUPO, Enrique, "Responsabilité criminelle", in Peter J. Cullen, ed., Enlarging the fight against fraud in the European Union : penal and administrative sanctions, settlement, whistleblowing and corpus juris in the candidate countries / [ERA, Europäische Rechtsakademie], Köln : Bundesanzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft, c2004, c2003, 447 p., aux pp. 75-89, et voir "Système de l'erreur", aux pp. 84-86 (series; Schriftenreihe der Europäischen Rechtsakademie Trier ; Bd. 36 = Serie de publications de l'Academie de Droit Europeen de Treves; Bd.36 = Series of publications by the Academy of European Law Trier; Bd. 36), ISBN: 3898173658; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, KJE 8643 .E55 2004; note: touche aux droits de la Bulgarie, Estonie, Hongrie, Lituanie, Pologne, Roumanie, Slovaquie, Slovénie et de la R.publique tchèque; contribution importante au sujet;

"I. Observations préliminaires

La comparaison des droits pénaux des pays candidats avec ceux des Etats membres doit tenir compte que dans ces derniers, la théorie et la législation sur l'erreur, en particulier sur la prohibition, est relativement moderne (elle commença en Allemagne dans les années 50 et s'étendit ensuite dans les autres pays).  Il n'existe probablement pas d'unité de critères sûr si cette forme d'erreur doit exclure le dol (Vorsatztheorie) ou si au contraire, elle doit affecter la culpabilité (strenge oder eingeschränkte Schuldtheorie).  En France, l'erreur sur la prohibition a été introduite dans le Code Pénal de 1992, en Grèce, en 1950, au Portugal, en 1984, en Espagne, en 1983, en Allemagne et en Autriche, en 1975.  En Italie, elle est la conséquence de l'interprétation réalisée par la Cour Constitutionnelle en 1984." (p. 84)

BADAR, Mohamed Elewa, "Mens Rea -- Mistake of Law & Mistake of Fact in German Criminal Law: A Survey for International Criminal Tribunals", (2005) 5 International Criminal Law Review 203-246; available at (accessed on 27 January 2008);

BANTEKAS, Ilias, "Defences in International Criminal Law", in Dominic McGoldrick, Peter Rowe, and Eric Donnelly, eds., The Permanent International Criminal Court: Legal and Policy Issues, Oxford (England)/Portland (Oregon): Hart Publishing, xviii, 498 p., at pp. 263-284, and see "Mistake of Fact or Mistake of Law", at pp. 281-282 (series; Studies in International Law; volume 5), ISBN: 1841132810; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KZ 6310 P47 2004;

___________"Individual Responsibility and the Application of Ignoratio Juris Non Excusat in International Law" (2011) 19(2) European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 85-102;

BASSIOUNI, M. Cherif, 1937-, Crimes Against humanity in International criminal law, 2nd rev. ed., The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1999, xli, 610 p., ISBN: 9041112227; see "Knowledge of the Law and Intent", at pp. 411-419; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5302 B37 1999;

BAYLES,  Michael D., Principles of Law: A Normative Analysis, Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing, A Member of the Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 1987, xxi, 398 p., see "Mistake or Ignorance" at pp. 312-316 (series; Law and Philosophy Library), ISBN: 9027724121;

BEIN, Dan, "Mistake of Law", (1996) 30 Israel Law Review 214-221;

BELLIMACK, SueAnn D., "Reliance on an Official Interpretation of the Law: The Defense's Appropriate Dimensions", (1993) University Illinois Law Review 565-588;

BINAVINCE, Emilio S., "The Doctrine of Mens Rea in Germany", in Travaux du quatrième colloque international de droit comparé tenu à Ottawa (Canada)  du  5 au 7 septembre 1966 sous les auspices du Centre canadien de droit comparé, de la faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa, de l'Association  canadienne de droit comparé/Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Comparative Law held in Ottawa (Canada) September 5 to 7,  1966 under the patronage of The Canadian and Foreign Law Research Centre, The Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa, The Canadian Association of Comparative Law, Ottawa: Éditions de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press, 1967,  pp. 143-163, see/voir "Schuld and Mistake" at pp. 158-160 (Series/Collection; Collection des travaux de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa);

BISHOP, Joel Prentiss, Commentaries on the Criminal Law, vol. 1, 7th ed., Boston: Little, Brown, 1882,  xlviii, 803 p., see "Chapter XIX.  Ignorance and Mistake of Law and Fact", at pp. 174-199 (reprint by Buffalo (N.Y.): William S. Hein, 1986, ISBN: 0899415474);

BLACKSTONE, William, 1723-1780, Commentaries on the Laws of England: A Facsimile of the First Edition of 1765-1769Volume 4, Of Public Wrongs (1769) With an Introduction by Thomas A. Green, Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1979 (reprint of : Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1769),  see at p. 27;

BOISTER, Neil, "Reflections on the relationship between the duty to educate in humanitarian law and the absence of a defence of mistake of law in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court", in  Richard Burchill, Nigel D. White, and Justin Morris, eds., International conflict and security law : essays in memory of Hilaire McCoubrey, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005, at pp. 32-48; 

BOLGAR, Vera, "The Present Function of the Maxim Ignorantia Iuris Neminem Excusat - A Comparative Study" (1966-67) 52 Iowa Law Review 626-656; Research Note: covers American, German and French law;

BOTHA, D.A., "Mens Rea in the form of culpa founded upon ignorance of law", (1975) 92 The South African Law Journal 79-85;

__________"What precisely does constitute mens rea?", (1975) 92 The South African Law Journal 380-390;

BOURQUE, Sophie, "Les moyens de défense" dans Claude Leblond, responsable du secteur Droit pénal, École du Barreau du Québec, Droit pénal: infractions, moyens de défense et sentence, Cowansville (Québec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, 264 p., aux pp. 161-188, et plus particulièrement, "L'erreur de droit aux pp. 172-173 (Collection; Collection de droit 2000-2001; volume 11), ISBN: 2894513976; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF385 ZB5 C681 v. 11 2000-01 c. 01 (24 février 2003);

BRAHY, Serge, "De l'effet justificatif de l'erreur en droit pénal", (1976-77) 57 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 339-359;

BRESSOLLES, Gustave, "De l'histoire de la philosophie dans l'étude des lois civiles - De l'erreur de droit", (janvier-juin 1843) 17 Revue de législation et de jurisprudence 602-622 et (juillet-décembre 1843) 18 Revue de législation et de jurisprudence 158-180; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

BRETT, Peter, "Mistake of Law as a Criminal Defence" (1966) 5 Melboune University Law Review 179-204;

BRIGGS, Margaret, 1964-,  Mistake of Law, LL.M. thesis, 1994, xiii, 266 leaves; information from the University of Otago (New Zealand) Library catalogue;

___________ "Officially Induced Error of Law", (1994-95) 16 New Zealand Universities Law Review 403-430;

BROOKBANKS, Warren  J., "Colour of Right and Offences of Dishonesty", (1987) Criminal Law Journal 153-164;

____________"Recent Developments in the Doctrine of Mistake of Law" (1987) 11 Criminal Law Journal  195-205;

BROOKE II, A.F., "Note: When Ignorance of the Law Became an Excuse: Lambert & Its Progeny", (1991-92) 19 American Journal of Criminal Law 279-312;

BUSCH, Richard, "L'erreur de droit", (1955) 26 Revue internationale de droit pénal 309-328;

CADOPPI, Alberto, "Recent Developments in Italian Constitutional-Criminal Law", (1990) 28 Alberta Law Review 427-442; Research Note: discusses the 1988 Italian constitutional decision on mistake of  law at pp. 438-441;

CAMPBELL, Enid, "Reliance on Official Representations and Criminal Liability", (1994) 1 Canberra Law Review 15-41;

CARD, R.I.E., "Authority and Excuse as Defences to Crime",  [1969] Criminal Law Review 359-365 and 415-432;

CASAROLI, Guido, "Erreur sur la loi pénale et principe de culpabilité après l'arrêt N. 364 / 1988 de la Cour constitutionnelle", [1988] Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 873-878; Research Note: discusses the 1988 Italian decision on mistake of law;

CASS, Ronald A., "Ignorance of the Law: A Maxim Reexamined" (1975-76) 17 William and Mary Law Review 671-699;

CASSESE, Antonio, International criminal law, Oxford; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003, lvi, 472 p., see "Mistake of Law" at pp. 256-263, ISBN: 0199261288 and  0199259119 (pbk); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5000 C37 2003 c. 01; copy at Carleton University, floor 4, K5000 .C37 2003;

CHAPLEAU-MUSSEAU, Béatrice,  Des effets de la maxime "Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi" en droit pénal, Thèse doctorat: dr. privé,  Montpellier 1 : 1998, 449 p., dir. de thèse: Christine Lazerges; résumé au catalogue Abès (Système universitaire de documentation), disponible à

___________"Questions sur l'erreur de droit" in, sous la direction de Christine Lazerges, Réflexions sur le nouveau Code pénal, Paris: Éditions A. Pédone, 1995, 170 p., aux pp. 70-90, ISBN: 233002822;

__________ "Questions sur l'erreur de droit" dans Réflexions sur le nouveau Code pénal, sous la dir. de Christine Lazerges (Équipe de recherche sur la politique criminelle (Montpellier), Paris : A. Pédone, 1995, 169 p., à la p. 70, ISBN:  ISBN 2233002822;

CHRISTOPHER, Russell L., "Mistake & Ignorance" in Christopher Berry Gray, ed., The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, New York Garland Publishing, 1999, 2 volumes ( xxxviii, 950 p.), in vol.2, pp. 537-539 (series; Garland reference library of the humanities ; vol. 1743), ISBN: 0815313446;

COCKBURN, A.E., "Copy ‘of Letter from the Lord Chief Justice of England PDF dated the 12th day of June 1879, containing Comments and Suggestions in relation to the Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bill’”, Sessional Papers (Parliamentary Papers), (1878-79), vol. 59, pp. 233-252, paper number 232, 20 p., and see p. 17 on ignorance of the law; to situate Cockburn's letter, see François Lareau, "Notes on the English Draft Code (1878-1883)"PDF, [Ottawa], August 1990, 11 p.;

There follows a section, stated no doubt in the accepted form, "The fact that an offender is ignorant of the law is not an excuse for any offence committed by him"; in its terms a fearful proposition, seeing how many offences there are as to which it is impossible that the mass of mankind can in fact know the law, but which it may be necessary to uphold for the protection of society, but which, though, as I must admit, stated in the usual terms, would be improved if stated with the qualification that the ignorance is not the result of defective intelligence, as in this case the proposition is both theoretically and practically untrue." (p. 17)

"Le Ve Congrès de l'Académie internationale de droit comparé (Bruxelles 4-9 août 1958)", (1958) Revue internationale de droit comparé 799-800;

Section IV B: 'Droit pénal'

La section, sur les trois questions soumises à son examen,

3o 'Les sanctions en matière de droit pénal écononomique'
a abouti aux conclusions ci-après

3o La sauvegarde des droits de la personne exige que la législation pénale économique se réfère en principe aux normes générales du droit pénal communs.

    Il importe néanmoins de reconnaître un certain assouplissement des règles du droit pénal commun, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la responsabilité des personnes morales et la signification de l'erreur de droit.

    Il serait souhaitable qu'une loi pénale économique générale établisse dans chaque pays le répertoire des sanctions économiques afin d'en préciser la nature et les modalités d'aplication." (pp. 794, 799-800)

Code pénal allemand, traduction de Pierre Franck et d'Agnès Guérin-Salem, sous la direction d'Yvonne Marx dans Les nouveaux codes pénaux de langue allemande: Autriche (1974), République démocratique allemande (1968) et République fédérale d'Allemagne (1975), Paris: La  Documentation française avec le concours du Centre français de droit comparé, 1981, 565 p., aux pp. 317-565 (pour le Code pénal allemand), et voir l'article 17, "Erreur sur l'illicéité" à la p. 332 (Collection des codes pénaux européens du Comité de législation étrangère et de droit international du Ministère de la Justice, sous la direction de Marc Ancel avec la collaboration de Yvonne Marx; tome 5), ISBN: 2110006579;

Erreur sur l'illicéité
Si, lors de la commission de l'acte, l'auteur n'a pas conscience d'agir de façon illicite, il agit sans culpabilité s'il n'a pu éviter cette erreur.  Si l'auteur pouvait éviter l'erreur, la peine peut être atténuée en application de l'article 49, alinéa 1. [Note: l'art. 49, al.1 traite des causes spéciales d'atténuation légale]"

Code pénal autrichien, traduction de Yvonne Marx et de Pierre Chenut, in, sous la direction d'Yvonne Marx dans Les nouveaux codes pénaux de langue allemande: Autriche (1974), République démocratique allemande (1968) et République fédérale d'Allemagne (1975), Paris: La  Documentation française avec le concours du Centre français de droit comparé, 1981, 565 p., aux pp. 9-160 (pour le Code pénal autrichien), et voir l'article 9, "Erreur de droit" aux pp. 15-16 (Collection des codes pénaux européens du Comité de législation étrangère et de droit international du Ministère de la Justice, sous la direction de Marc Ancel avec la collaboration de Yvonne Marx; tome 5), ISBN: 2110006579;

"Erreur de droit

ARTICLE 9. -- (1) Quiconque ne discerne pas, par suite d'une erreur de droit, le caractère contraire au droit d'un acte, n'agit pas de manière fautive si cette erreur ne peut lui être imputée à charge.

(2)  L'erreur de droit doit être imputée à charge à son auteur si le caractère contraire au droit de l'acte était facilement discernable par son auteur comme par toute autre personne ou si ce dernier ne s'est pas informé du contenu des dispositions légales en cause, bien qu'il fût tenu de le faire de par sa profession, son emploi ou toutes autres circonstances de fait.

(3) Si l'erreur doit être imputée à charge, il y a lieu d'appliquer la peine prévue pour l'acte commis intentionnellement lorsque son auteur agit de façon intentionnelle, la peine prévue pour l'acte commis par négligence lorsqu'il agit par négligence."

COHN, Haim H., "Judicial Cognizance of the Guilt-Consciousness",  (1993) 27 Israel Law Review  59-83;

___________"Penal Law" in Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jerusalem, Encyclopaedia Judaica; [New York] Macmillan [c1971-72, v. 1, c1972], 16 vol., at vol. 13, pp. 222-228, and see "Ignorance of Law", at pp. 226-227; note: the article is signed "H.H.C."; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Reference: DS 102.8 .E496 1972;

COLVIN, E., "Exculpatory Defences in Criminal Law" (1990) 10 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 381-407, see at pp. 404-406;

CONNELLY, Sean, "Bad Advice: the Entrapment by Estoppel Doctrine in Criminal Law", (1994) 48 University of Miami Law Review 627-648;

Corpus juris 2000 (version de Florence)

"Article 10 – Erreur (ancien article 11)

L’erreur sur les éléments constituant l’infraction exclut l’intention.  L’erreur sur la prohibition exclut la responsabilité au cas d’une erreur inévitable par un homme prudent et raisonnable. Si l’erreur était évitable, la sanction peut être diminuée, et le juge pourra donc ne pas prononcer la peine maximale encourue (voir article 14)." (disponible à, visionné le 3 mai 2004; voir aussi le site principal à

Corpus juris 2000 (draft agreed in Florence)

"Article 10 – Error (previously Article 11)

Mistake as to the constituent elements of the offence excludes intention. Mistake as to the legal prohibition excludes liability if it would have inevitably been committed by a careful, sensible person. If the mistake was avoidable, the penalty may be reduced, and the judge may not impose the maximum penalty (see Article14)." (available at, accessed on 3 May 2004; see also main site at

COUTURIER, Jean-Pierre, "L'erreur de droit invincible en matière pénale"  (1968) 23 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 547-563;

CREMER, Peter S., "The Ironies of Law Reform: A History of Reliance on Officials as a Defense in American Criminal Law" (1978-79) 14 California Western Law Review Review 48-91;

CROATIA,  Criminal Code in English, available at, (accessed on 26 September 2007);

"Mistake of Law
Article 46
(1) The perpetrator who, for justified reasons, does not know and could not have known that the offense is prohibited shall not be culpable.
(2) If the mistake is avoidable, the punishment may be mitigated.
(3) A mistake shall be deemed avoidable if anyone, and thus also the perpetrator, could have easily grasped the unlawfulness of the conduct, or if the perpetrator was supposed to know the relevant regulation because of his profession, occupation or service."

CURRAN, Charles E., Invincible ignorance of the natural law according to St. Alphonsus:  an historico-analytical study from 1748 to 1765,  Roma: Acad. Alfonsiana, 1961, Rome, University dissertation; xvii, 417 leaves; microforme copy at Laval University, 1-9 BR/20.5/LAT/1961/C976a; doctoral thesis,  Université du Latran, Academia Alfonsiana, 1961; Liguori, Alfonso Maria de, saint, 1696-1787; thesis not consulted (4 December 2005);

DAMASKA, Mirjan, "Comment by Dr. Mirjan Damaska Comparing Study Draft of Proposed New Federal Criminal Code to European Penal Codes (Prof. Mirjan Damaska, Professor of Law, University of  Zagreb, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, September 26, 1970)" in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, vol. 3, Washington, July 1971 at pp. 1477-141505, see "Provisions on Mistake and Ignorance" at pp. 1488-1491;

DASKALAKIS, Élie, Réflexions sur la responsabilité pénale, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1975, 102 p.; note de recherche: toute la deuxième partie du livre est consacrée à l'erreur de droit en droit pénal, soit les pp. 55-102 (Collection; Travaux et recherches de l'Université de droit d'économie et de sciences sociales de Paris; Série sciences criminelles -3; Paris II); contribution très importante au sujet;

DAVIES, P.J., "Ignorantia juris non excusat in criminal law",  (1965) Responsa Meridiana 7; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 28 March 2006); copy at Université McGill, Bibliothèque de droit Nahum Gelber / McGill University, Nahum Gelber Law Library;

DAVIES, Sharon L., "The Jurisprudence of Wilfulness: An Evolving Theory of Exusable Ignorance", (1998) 48 Duke Law Journal 341-427;  available at (accessed on 11 February 2006);

DECOTTIGNIES, Roger, "L'erreur de droit", (1951) 49 Revue trimestrielle de droit civil 309-330; droit civil mais utile pour les chercheurs; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada (19 juin 2006); copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KJJ 0 .R459  Location: FTX Periodicals;

DELHAYE, Philippe, "L'Ignorantia juris et la situation morale de l'hérétique dans l'Eglise ancienne et médiévale" dans Études d'histoire du droit canonique dédiées:  à Gabriel Le Bras, vol. 2 de 2, Paris: Recueil Sirey,  1965, aux pp. 1131-1141;  Note de recherche : article intéressant en partie pour la terminologie utilisée aujourd'hui;

DEREUX,  Georges, «Étude critique de l'adage "Nul n'est censé ignorer la  loi"» (1907) 6  Revue trimestrielle de droit civil 532-554;

DESCOUST (ou DECOUST?), René,  L'erreur de droit, Paris: Imprimerie A. Bondon, 1917,  thèse Paris, 1917;

DINSTEIN, Yoram, "Defences", in Gabrielle Kirk McDonald and Olivia Swaak-Goldman, eds., Substantive and procedural Aspects of International Criminal Law.  The Experience of International and National Courts", vol. I, Commentary, The Hague-London-Boston: Kluwer Law International, 2000, xvi,705 p., at pp. 367-388; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5000 S83 2000, v. 1;388;

__________"International Criminal Law", (1985) 20 Israel Law Review 206-241, and see on mistake of law, pp. 235-236;

DLAMINI, C.R.M., "Ignorance or mistake of law as a defence in criminal law", (1987) 50 Tydskrif vir hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse reg.  (THRHR) = Journal of contemporary Roman-Dutch law 43-59; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy of this number in Canadian librairies; published: Durban : Butterworth, 1956-;

 __________"In defence of the defence of ignorance of law", (1989) 2 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 13-20;

DOLCINI, Emilio, et Giorgio Marinucci, "La Constitution et le droit pénal en Italie: Structure de l'infraction et contraintes pour le législateur dans le choix des biens juridiques", (1996) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 317-331;

"Dans la sentence no 364 de 198810, la cour constitutionnelle reconnaît que l'ignorance inévitable de la loi pénale constitue une excuse et indique notamment les cas les plus significatifs où l'ignorance et l'erreur de la loi pénale peuvent trouver des excuses: lorsque le texte de la loi est totalement obscur; lorsque la jurisprudence elle-même reste confuse dans l'interprétation de la norme; lorsque celui qui a commis le fait a reçu de la part des autorités publiques compétentes des assurances erronées sur l'admissibilité de son comportement; lorsque l'auteur se trouve -- sans que ce soit sa faute -- dans une situation de 'carence de socialisation' (il suffit de penser à un immigré maghrébin qui aussitôt arrivé en Italie ignorerait les normes qui régissent le petit commerce ambulant); etc.11
10. Corte cost. 24 mars 1988 no 364, Riv. it. dir. proc. pen., 1988, p. 686 et s.
11. Pour avoir un tableau lucide de la discipline de l'erreur sur la loi pénale après la sentence de la Cour constitutionnelle no 364/1988, cf. Palazzo, Colpevolezza ed ignorantia legis nel sisterma italiano: un binomio in evoluzione, Scritti in memoria di R. Dell'Andro, 1994, vol. II, p. 679 et s. et tout particulièrement p. 700 et s." (pp. 320-321)

DOUCET, Jean-Paul, "Une discussion sur l'erreur de droit", (1962) 17 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 497-503;

DRESSLER, Joshua, [web site # 2]DRESSLER, Joshua, [web site # 2], Understanding Criminal Law, 2nd ed., New York : Matthew Bender, 1995, xli, 556, [13], [9] p., see Chapter 13, "Mistakes of Law" at pp. 147-158 (series; Legal Text Series), ISBN: 0820527173;

DU PLESSIS, J.R., "Awareness of Illegality: Phasing Out the Subjective Test?", (1991) 108 South African Law Journal 426-430;

DUTILE, Fernand N. and Harold F. Moore, "Mistake and Impossibility; Arranging a Marriage Between Two Difficult Partners" (1979) 74 Northwestern University Law Review 166-201;

ELKIN, Elina, "The Concept of error in the Estonian penal law", (2004) -- issue VI Juridica 375-382; title noted in my research but article not consulted; ISSN: 1406-1074; see abstract at  (accessed on 11 February 2006)

ELLIOTT, Catherine, "A Comparative Analysis of Defences in English and French Criminal Law", (2000) 8(4) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 319-326, see "Mistake of Law" at pp. 324-325;

ENKER, Arnold N., "Error Juris in Jewish Criminal Law", (1994-95) 11 Journal of Law and Religion 23-61; also found in Jewish Law Association. International Congress (7th : 1992 : Paris, France), The Paris conference volume / edited by S.M. Passamaneck and M. Finley, Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press, 1994, viii, 245 p., ISBN: 1555408990;

ESER, Albin, "'Defences' in War Crime Trials", (1994) 24 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 201-222, see "Mistake of Law and Fact" at pp. 216-217; available at (accessed on 21 January 2008);

___________"Mental Elements -- Mistakes of Fact and Law",  in Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta and John R.W.D. Jones, eds., The Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court: A Commentary, volume I, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, cxl, 1048 p., Chapter 23, at pp. 889-948, mistake of fact and law are dealt with at pp. 934-948; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General: KZ 6310 .R64 2002 v. 1; available at (accessed on 26 January 2008);

FARNSWORTH, E. Allan (Edward Allan), 1928-, Alleviating Mistakes, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004, xiv, 216 p., ISBN: 0199276110; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General: KF 819 .F37 2004;

FEHA, Magloire Yves, Réflexion sur le principe "nul n'est cense ignorer la loi" cas du Bénin, Thesis (doctoral)--Université Nationale du Bénin, 1998; texte non consulté;

FELLER, Schneyer, "'Mistake' in Israeli criminal law (Sect. V.A.1)" in Stephen R. Goldstein, ed., 1938-, and International Congress of Comparative Law (10th : 1978 : Budapest, Hungary), Israeli reports to the Tenth International Congress of Comparative Law, Jerusalem : Harry Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, 1978, 265 p., at p. 207; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; may be in hebrew; to be verified; copy at McGill University, Nahum Gelber Law Library/Université McGill, Bibliothèque de droit Nahum Gelber, K;555;I57;1978f law; copy at University of Montreal, AAZF C749r 1978is;

FINKEL, Norman J. and Jennifer L. Groscup, "When Mistakes Happen: Commonsense Rules of Culpability", (1997) 3(1) Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 65-125;

FLETCHER, George P., "Criminal Theory as an International Discipline" in Albin Eser et al., eds., Justification and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 2, Dobbs Ferry (New York), Transnational Juris Publications, 1987, ISBN: 0929179229, pp. 1595-1621, see "Mistake of Law" at pp. 1607-1609;  the same article appeared "in a slightly different version" in (Winter/Spring 1985) 4 Criminal Justice Ethics 60- 77, see on mistake of law, pp. 65-67;

___________"Dogmas of the Model Penal Code", (1998) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1-24, see "Dogma VII: Recognize But Do Not Recognize Mistake Of Law As An Excuse" at pp. 21-24;

___________"Excuse: 1. Theory", in Sanford H. Kadish, ed.,  Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, vol. 2, New York: Free Press, 1983, pp. 724-729, see in particular p. 726, ISBN: 0029181110;

___________"The Individualization of Excusing Conditions", (1974) 47 Southern California Law Review 1269-1309, see on "Mistake of Law", pp. 1295-1299; also published in Michael Louis Corrado, ed., Justification and Excuse in the Criminal Law: A Collection of Essays, New York, Garland Pub., 1994, pp. 53-94, ISBN: 0815308256 (series; Garland  Reference Library of Social Science; vol. 831; and Garland Studies in Applied Ehics; vol. 1); also published in Jules L. Coleman, ed., Crimes and Punishments, New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1994, xxiv, 560 p. at pp. 137-177 (series; Philosophy of Law), ISBN: 0815314000;

___________"Paradoxes in Legal Thought", (1985) 85 Columbia Law Review 1263-1292;

____________Rethinking Criminal Law, Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1978, see pp. 730-758;

___________"Statutory Appendix", [1986] Brigham Young University Law Review 793-807; available at (accessed on 24 March 2008); Research Notes: includes translations and notes by Professor Fletcher of some sections of the 1871 and 1975 German Penal Code;  see on s. 17 of the 1975 German Penal Code, "Mistake of law", pp. 799-800;

FOWLER, Thomas L., "Ignorance of the Law Should it Excuse Violations of Certain Federal Restrictions on the Possession of Firearms?", (2000-2001) 23 Campbell Law Review 283-298;

FRANÇON, André, "L'erreur en droit pénal", dans, sous la direction de G. Stefani, Quelques aspects de l'autonomie du droit pénal : Études de Droit criminel, Paris : Librairie Dalloz, 1956, xii, 423 p., Deuxième Partie, Chapitre III,  aux  pp. 227-252;

FUNSTON, M.P., "Ignorance of the Law" , (1981) 1 Legal Studies 37-55; not on the defence but useful article for researchers;

GARDNER, Simon, "Reckless and Inconsiderate Rape", [1991] Criminal Law Review 172-179;

GAUTHIER, J., "La réglementation pénale de l'erreur en droit suisse" in International Congress of Comparative Law (10th : 1978  Budapest), ed., Recueil des travaux suisses présentés au Xe Congrès international de droit comparé  par Emil W. Stark ... [et al.] ; avec une introd. de Bernard Dutoit, Basel : Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1979, vi, 313 p. à la p. 261,  ISBN: 3719007499;

GLASER, Stefan, " 'Ignorantia juris' dans le droit pénal" (février 1931) 11 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 133-139; copie à Dalhousie University; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article pas encore consulté (novembre 2002);

GOLDING, Martin P., "The Cultural Defense", (2002) 15(2) Ratio Juris 146-158;

GRACE, Bruce R., "Notes.  Ignorance of the Law as an Excuse",  (1986) 86 Columbia Law Review 1392-1416;

GRAVEN, Philippe, "L'erreur de droit (Art. 20 CP)", fiche 91, mise à jour au 1er janvier 1992, 11 p. (il se peut qu'il y ait une fiche plus à jour car la bibliothèque Fauteux, de l'université d'Ottawa ne tient plus ces fiches à jour) dans  Les Fiches juridiques suisses : documentation fédérale et cantonale de pratique juridique, économique, sociale et fiscale, publiée sur fiches constamment tenues à jour, Genève : Fiches juridiques suisses, 1941-;

GREAT BRITAIN, House of Common, Bill 178, Criminal Code (Indictable Offences), 1878, in Sessional Papers (1878), vol. 2, pp. 5-245; bill drafted by Sir James Fitzjames Stephen;


    The fact that an offender is ignorant of the law shall not be an excuse for any offence committed by him, but it may be relevant to the question whether an act was in fact accompanied by an intention or other state of mind which if existed at the time when the act was done would make it criminal." (p. 40)

GROSS, Hyman, "Mistake"  in Sanford H. Kadish, ed.,  Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, vol. 3 of 4, New York: Free Press, 1983, pp. 1066-1073, ISBN: 0029181110 (set of 4 volumes);

GUILLIEN, Raymond, "Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi" dans Mélanges en l'honneur de Paul Roubier, Tome I, Théorie générale du droit et droit transitoire, Paris: Librairies Dalloz & Sirey, 1961, aux pp. 253-260;

GÜNGÖR,  Dragana, "Mental Elements and  Mistake of Fact and Law in Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court", (18 July 2005) 1(1) Free Law Journal 21-30; available at (accessed on 10 December 2006);

GUR-ARYE, Miriam, "Reliance on a Lawyer's Mistaken Advice - Should it be an Excuse from Criminal Liability?", (2001-2002) 29 American Journal of Criminal law 455-480;  also EFMA 2003 Helsinki Meetings Available at SSRN: or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.305400  (accessed on 26 February 2008);

HALE, Matthew, 1609-1676,  Historia Placitorum Coronae - The History of the Pleas of the Crown, Savoy (in the): E.R. Nutt and R. Gosling, 1736, vol. 1, at p. 42; reprint: Oxon: Professional Books, 1987 (series: Classical English Law Texts);

"Ignorance of the municipal law of the kingdom, or of the penalty thereby inflicted upon offenders, doth not excuse any, that is of the age of discretion and compos mentis from the penalty of the breach of it; because every person of the age of discretion and compos mentis is bound to know the law, and presumed so to do: Ignorantia eorum, que quis scire tenetur, non excusat. (a) ....
(a) Plowd. 343.a." (p. 42)

HALL, Jerome, "A Comment on Error Juris",  (1976) 24 American Journal of Comparative Law 680-687;

___________General Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd. ed., Indianapolis (N.Y.): The Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc., 1960, xii, 642 p. at pp. 376-414;

___________"Ignorance and Mistake in Criminal Law",  (1956-57) 33 Indiana Law Journal 1-44;

___________"Ignorantia Legis", (1955) 26 Revue internationale de droit pénal 293-308;

___________Law, Social Science and Criminal Theory, Littleton, Fred B. Rothman, 1982 (series; Publication of the Comparative Criminal Law Project; v. 14), xvi, 333 p.,  ISBN: 0837706408, see chapter 8, "American Penal Theory Vis à vis German Penal Theory", pp. 165-201;

HALL, Livinstone and Selig J. Seligman, "Mistake of Law and Mens Rea",  (1941) 8 The University of Chicago Law Review 641-683;

HARBOE, Nicolai, 1876-, Les conditions subjectives de la culpabilité, Oslo: I. Kommisjon Hos Jacob Dybwad, 1930-34 (series; Skrifter Utgitt Av Det Norske Videnskaps-akademi i Oslo. Historisk-filosofisk klasse; 1930: no.4, 1931: no.1, and 1934: no.1), voir dans l'article de 1934, "Le crime par erreur", aux pp. 77-83 et le "Le crime par ignorance", aux pp. 84-93; livre rare au Canada; copie à l'Université Queens, Kingston, Ontario;

HEINIS, Marc, "L'erreur de droit dans la jurisprudence administrative", (mars-avril 1997, n° 296)  La Revue administrative 143-149. titre noté dans mes recherches mais document non consulté (source, site visité le 25 août 2007); 

HELLER, Kevin Jon, "Mistakes of Legal Element, the Common Law, and Article 32 of the Rome Statute: A Critical Analysis" (June 7, 2007), available at SSRN:; Mr. Heller is from the University of Auckland, Faculty of Law; published at (July 2008) 6(3) Journal of International Criminal Justice 419-446;

HENNAU, Christiane et Jacques Verhaegen, "La faute non intentionnelle et sa réglementation dans les codes pénaux modernes", (1994) 74 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 568-580, voir en particulier la "Section V: L'erreur invincible de droit" à la p. 577 et la "Section VI. L'erreur fautive de droit" aux pp. 577-578; note de recherche: importante contribution au sujet;

HENNING, Peter J., "Supreme Court Review Foreword: Statutory Interpretation and the Federalization of Criminal Law", (1996) 86 Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 1167-1199; see "The Regulation of Conduct Which Is Not Intrinsically Wrongful: Bases of Blameworthiness" at pp. 417-422;

HERLIHY, J.M., "Ignorance of Law: Claim of Right under the Criminal Codes of Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory",  (1990) 9 The Queensland Lawyer and Reports 31-41;

HOLMES, Oliver Wendell,  The Common Law, Boston: Little, Brown, 1956 printing, xvi, 422 p., at pp. 47-48 and 125;

HORDER, Jeremy, Excusing crime, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004,  xx, 295 p., see in particular, "Excusing Reasonable Ignorance of the Law", at pp. 270-276 (series; Oxford monographs on criminal law and justice),  ISBN: 0198264828; copy at the SCC Library, KF9235 H67 2004;

HOSNI, Naguib, "L'erreur de droit et son influence sur la responsabilité pénale", [1999]  Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 711-727;

HOULGATE, Laurence D., "Ignorantia Juris: A plea for Justice",  (1967-68) 78 Ethics 32-42;

HUGUENEY Louis, "L'erreur de droit", (1955) 26 Revue internationale de droit pénal 343-352;

HUSAK, Douglas N., "Ignorance of Law and Duties of Citizenship", (1994) 14 Legal Studies 105-115;

__________Philosophy of Criminal Law, Totowa (New Jersey): Rowman & Littlefield, 1987, xi, 266 p.,  ISBN: 0847675505 and 0847675637 (pbk.);

HUSAK, Douglas N., and Andrew Von Hirsch, "Culpability and Mistake of Law", in Stephen Shute,  John Gardner and Jeremy Horder, eds., Action and Value in Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press and New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, viii, 314 p., ISBN: 0198258062, at pp. 157-174; available at (accessed on 25 March 2008);

"Ignorantia Juris non Excusat", (1927) 71 The Solicitors Journal 613-614;

JEANNERET, Yvan, La violation des devoirs en cas d'accident.  Analyse critique de l'article 92 LCR, Genève : Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 2002, 295 p. (Collection; Genevoise), ISBN: 3-719021580; note: Thèse, Genève, Univ., n° 741, 2001; l'article 92, alinéa 1 de la Loi fédérale sur la circulation routière du 19 décembre 1958 (RS 741.01) se lit: "Celui qui, lors d'un accident, aura violé les devoirs que lui impose la présente loi sera puni des arrêts ou de l'amende."; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT General, KKW 4384 .J425 2002;

    "La doctrine et la jurisprudence en matière de violation des devoirs en cas d'accident sont muettes à propose de l'erreur de droit.  Cela tient sans doute du fait que le comportement en cas d'accident, tel qu'il est décrit par la loi, est une norme essentiellement fondée sur la morale collective, à la différence des règles ordinaires de circulation qui revêtent une caractéristique plus articielle517; tout être normalement éduqué saura qu'il doit secourir une personne qu'il a mise en danger, alors que le bon sens commun ne dicte pas de rouler à droite.  On peut voir ici une illustration de la distinction que propose VOLTAIRE518 entre les lois naturelles et les lois politiques. [...]
517 Rusconi in Gauthier, page 55.
518 Voltaire, Commentaire sur le livre des délits et des peines par un avocat de province, 1766, chapitre XIV."  (p. 183)

JESCHECK, Hans-Heinrich, «La conscience humaine et la  responsabilité pénale de l'individu» dans La responsabilité pénale, Travaux du Colloque de philosophie  pénale (12 au 21 janvier 1959), présentés par J. Léauté, Paris: Dalloz, 1961, (Collection :  Annales de la Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques et économiques  de Strasbourg VIII; Travaux de l'Institut de Sciences criminelles et pénitentiaires),  564 p., pp. 415-429, voir "II. - La conscience et le traitement en Droit pénal de l'erreur sur 'l'antijuricité' de l'acte" aux pp. 423-429;

___________"Droit pénal - Procédure pénale", traduction et adaptation par Alfred Rieg, in Michel Fromont and Alfred Rieg, eds., Introduction au droit allemand: République fédérale, tome 2, Droit  public -  Droit pénal, Paris : Éditions Cujas, 1984, pp. 251- 411 et voir la p. 272, ISBN: 2254840308;  importante contribution au sujet;

"Une autre caractéristique de la culpabilité est la conscience de l'illicéité (Bewusstsein der Rechtswidrigkeit).  La reconnaissance de cet élément par un arrêt de principe de la Grande Chambre pour les affaires pénales de la Cour fédérale de justice a constituté un événement dans l'histoire du droit pénal allemand.  La maxime 'Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi', encore fréquemment reconnue à l'étranger, ne vaut plus dans le droit pénal d'Allemagne.  L'auteur n'a certes pas besoin de connaître le caractère punissable de l'acte; mais il doit savoir qu'il porte atteinte à l'ordre juridique, ou du moins faut-il pouvoir lui reprocher de ne pas en avoir eu conscience.  La nouvelle situation juridique résulte du § 17 [du Code pénal] qui réglemente l'erreur sur le caractère répréhensible (Verbotsirrtum).  S'il manque à l'auteur la conscience de l'illicéité, il agit sans faute au cas où l'erreur était pour lui invincible (phase 1).  Si l'auteur pouvait éviter l'erreur, il agit certes fautivement, mais la peine peut être atténuée conformément au § 49, alinéa 1er (phase 2).  Étant donné que la jurisprudence se montre sévère pour admettre le caractère invincible d'une telle erreur et que celle-ci se rencontre rarement dans les matières centrales du droit pénal, ses applications concernenent essentiellement le droit pénal accessoire et le droit des infractions réglementaires; dans ces deux domaines, il est facile d'imaginer que l'auteur ignore une disposition légale, sans que le reproche puisse lui en être fait. L'erreur sur les conditions d'une cause justificative (Irrtum über die Voraussetzungen eines Rechtsfertigungsgrundes) -- l'auteur se sent menacé par une agression illicite, sans l'être -- ne relève pas du § 17, mais est considérée comme une erreur autonome.  La jurisprudence et la doctrine dominate lui appliquent par analogue le § 16 relatif à l'erreur sur les faits constitutifs; dès lors, l'auteur ne peut être puni que s'il a agi par négligence et si les faits constitutifs d'un délit de négligence existent." (p. 272; notes omises)

___________"The General Principles of International Criminal Law Set Out in Nuremberg, as Mirrored in the ICC Statute", (2004) 2(1) Journal of International Criminal Justice 38-55, and see "Mistake of Fact, Mistake of Law", at pp. 46-47;

JurisPedia, "Erreur de droit en droit pénal (fr.)", disponible à (vérifié le 18 mai 2009);

KADISH, Mortimer R. and Sanford H. Kadish, Discretion to Disobey: A Study of Lawful Departures from Legal Rules, Stanford (California): Stanford University Press, xiv, 241 p., see pp. 159-169 and 175-176;

KAHAN, Dan M., "Ignorance of Law is an Excuse - but Only for the Virtuous", (1997-98) 96 Michigan Law Review 127-154;

___________ "Is Ignorance of Fact an Excuse only for the Virtuous?", (1997-98) 96 Michigan Law Review 2123-2128; also published in Thomas Morawetz, ed., Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Aldershot, England : Ashgate Dartmouth, 2000,  xvi, 478 p., at pp. 245-272, (series; The international library of essays in law and legal theory; 2nd ser.; volume 5), ISBN: 184014775X;

KAPLAN, John, "Mistake of Law" in Albin Eser et al., Justification and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 2, Dobbs Ferry (New York): Transnational Juris Publications Inc., 1987,  pp. 1125-1148, ISBN: 0929179269;

KAPLOW, Louis "Optimal Deterrence, Uninformed Individuals, and Acquiring Information About Whether Acts Are Subject to Sanctions", (1990) 6 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 93-128;

KEEDY, Edwin R., "Ignorance and Mistake in the Criminal Law", (1908-09) 22 Harvard Law Review 75-96, see "Ignorance and Mistake of Law" at pp. 88-96;

KELMAN, Mark, "Interpretative Construction in the Substantive Criminal Law", (1980-81) 33 Stanford Law Review 591-673, see "An analogue: mistake doctrine" at pp. 630-633; available at (accessed on 25 March 2008);

KELT, Maria and Herman von Hebel, "General Principles of Criminal Law and Elements of Crime", in Roy S. Lee, ed., ans Hakan Friman, Silvia A. Fernandez de Gurmendi, Herman von Hebel, and Darryl Robinson, associate editors, The International Criminal Court: Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Ardsley (NY): Transnational Publishers, 2001, lxvi, 857 p., at pp. 19-40, and see "MISTAKE OF FACT AND MISTAKE OF LAW", at pp. 36-37, ISBN: 1571052097; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General KZ 6310 .I579 2001,

KIM, Chin, 1926-, "Asian Criminal Law: A Comparison with Proposed Federal Criminal Code", (1973) South Texas Law Journal; also published in Chin Kim, Selected Writings on Asian Law, Littleton (Colorado), 1982, xiii, 573 p., at pp. 453-478, and see "Mistake of Law (Section 609)" at pp. 467-469, ISBN: 0837707412; copy of the book at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KNC 79 K56 1982;

KOHLER, Richard E., "Ignorance or Mistake of Law as a Defense in Criminal Cases", (1935-36) 40 Dickenson Law Review 113-122;

KRISTOVITCH, Stephen M., "United States v. Barker: Misapplication of the Reliance on  an Official Interpretation of the Law Defense" (1978) 66 California Law Review 809-843;

LABORDE, A.,"L'élément moral dans les infractions non intentionnelles", (1885) Revue critique de législation et de jurisprudence 256-258; notes: 34e année. tome 14; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

LAINGUI, André, La responsabilité pénale dans l'ancien droit (XVIe - XVIIIe siècle), Paris :  Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1970, (Collection; Bibliothèque d'histoire du droit et droit romain; tome XVII), voir  sur l'erreur de droit, les pp. 81-90;

LAPPI-SEPPÄLÄ, Tapio, "The Doctrine of Criminal Liability and the Draft Criminal Code for Finland" in Raimo Lahti and Kimmo Nuotio, eds., Criminal Law Theory in Transition: Finnish and Comparative Perspectives/Strafrechtstheorie Im Umbruch Finnische und vergleichendePerspektiven, Helsinki:  Finish Lawyers' Publishing Company, 1992, xiv, 604 p., at pp. 214-246, see "Mistake of Law" at p. 224, ISBN: 9516405940;

LAREAU, François,  "Selected Bibliography on Justification, Excuse and the Tripartite Theory of the Criminal Offence" / «Bibliographie choisie sur la justification, l'excuse et la théorie tripartite de l'infraction pénale», 1998-,  published on the internet at "bibliography.htm";

THE LAW COMMISSION, Reforming Bribery, London: The Stationary Office, 2008, xvii, 193 p.; available at (accessed on 4 December 2008);

LEADER-ELLIOTT, Ian, "Benthamite Reflections on Codification of the General Principles of Criminal Liability: Towards the Panopticon", (2005-2006) 9 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 391-452;

____________"Cracking the Criminal Code: Time for Some Changes", February 8, 2009, University of Adelaide Law Research Paper No. 2009-003, 66 p., available at SSRN:; at (accessed on 14 February 2009);

LÉGAL, Alfred, "L'évolution de la jurisprudence française en matière d'erreur de droit" (1960) Revue pénale suisse 310; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté;

LEGROS, Robert, "Vers une théorie uniforme de l'erreur",  (1953) Journal des Tribunaux 337; périodique belge; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; aucune copie de ce numéro de périodique dans la région d'Ottawa pour les bibliothèques comprises dans le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification 11 novembre 2005);

___________L'erreur de droit en droit pénal, Desoer, Liège, 1954 (stencilé); titre noté dans mes recherches mais document non consulté; aucune copie dans les bibliothèques comprises dans le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification 11 novembre 2005);

___________"L'erreur de droit en droit pénal", (1954) Revue de droit international et de droit comparé 297; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté;

LE GUNEHEC, Francis, "Erreur sur le droit (Art. 122-3), 2003, 12 p., in  Juris-Classeur pénal, Paris: Éditions du Juris-Classeur, vol. 1, copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, bibliothèque de droit, FTX, General, KJV 7979 .J87 v. 1;

LEONARD, Gerald F.,  "Rape, Murder and Formalism. What Happens if We Define Mistake of Law?", Boston University School of Law Working Papers Series, Public Law & Legal Theory 00-09, September 19, 2000; Leonard is Associate Professor, Boston University School of Law; also published in (2001) 72(3) University of Colorado Law Review 507-593;

LIWERANT, O. Sara, "Les exécutants" dans Droit international pénal / Centre de droit international de l'Université de Paris X - Nanterre (CEDIN Paris X),  sous la direction de Hervé Ascensio, Emmanuel Decaux et Alain Pellet, Paris : Pedone, 2000,  xvi, 1053 p., aux pp. 211-224, voir "Légitime défense et erreur de droit" à la p. 224 (1 p. seulement), ISBN: 2233003721; copie à la Bibliothèque de l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General, K 5055 .D76 2000;

LOTTIN, D.O., "Le problème de l'"Ignorantia iuris" de Gratien à Saint Thomas d'Aquin», (1933) 5 Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 345-368; Note de recherche : contribution très importante au sujet!

LUBAN,  David,  "The  Publicity  of  Law  and  the  Regulatory  State", (2002) 10 Journal of Political Philosophy 296-316;

MAJMUDAR, Ankit and Nandan Kamath, "Why Doesn't Ignorantia Juris Excuse? -- A Study of the Law Relating to Mistakes", (1998) 10 The Student Advocate 10-19; available at (accessed on 5 April 2008);

MANGANAS, Antoine D., L'erreur de droit en matière de droit pénal en Grèce et en France, mémoire D.E.S., Université de droit, d'économie et de sciences sociales de Paris II; 1974, 254 feuilles; copie à l'Université Laval;

MARSTON, Geoffrey, "Mens Rea and Mistake of Law" (1967-8) 8 University of Western Australia Law Review 459-475;

MATTHEWS, Paul,  "Ignorance of the law is no excuse?" (1983) 3 Legal Studies 174-192;

McAULEY, Finbarr,  "Beckford and the Criminal Law Defences", (1990) 41 Northern Ireland Law Quarterly 158-166;

___________"The Grammar of Mistake in Criminal Law", (1996) 31 Irish Jurist 56-82;

MENSA-BONSU, Henrietta, J.A.N., "The Defence of Mistake of Fact and Claim of Right Matters Arising from Republic V. Kwando II", (1996-1999) 20 University of Ghana Law Journal 125-136; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

MOREAU, Agnès, Le bilan des décisions jurisprudencielles relatives à l'erreur de droit depuis la mise en vigueur du Code Pénal nouveau, Mém. D.E.A. : droit pénal et sci. crim. : Bordeaux 4 : 1999, 65 feuilles;

MORGAN, Neil, "Mistake", (1991) 15 Criminal Law Journal 128-138, and see "Mistake of Law", at pp. 128-136;

MORRISON IV, Walter C., "Tax Evasion, Wilfulness and the Subjective Standard: The Law Invites a Charlatan.  Cheek v. United States, 111 S. Ct. 604 (1991)", (1992-1993) 13 Mississippi College Law Review 195-219; 

MOUYSSET, Olivier, L'erreur de droit, Toulouse, 1996, 71 feuilles,  Mémoire  de DEA : Sci. crim: Toulouse 1 : 1996; notes de recherches: mémoire non consulté, informations obtenues du catalogue des Bibliothèques Universitaires de Toulouse;

MUELLER, Gerhard O.W., "The German Draft Criminal Code 1960 - An Evaluation in Terms of American Criminal  Law", (1961) Current Problems in Criminal Law 25-77, see "Ignorance and Error" at pp. 50-51;

MÜLLER-RAPPARD, Ekkehart., "The Mistake of Law as a Defense", (1962-63) 36 Temple Law Quarterly 261-279;

MUNOZ-CONDE, Francisco, "'Rethinking' the Universal Structure of Criminal Law", (Summer 2004) 39(4) Tulsa Law Review 941-953;

MURPHY, Joseph E., "The Duty of the Government to Make the Law Known",  (1981-82) 51 Fordham Law Review 255-292;

MURPHY, Richard S. and Erin A, O'Hara, "Mistake of Federal Criminal Law: A Study of Coalitions and Costly Information", (1996-97) 5 Supreme Court Economic Review 217-278; 


MUNTEANU, Calina Andreea, (2010) 3-4 Jurnalul de Studii Juridice 239-245;

Abstract: The Romanian legislator defines in art.51 paragraph 4 of the Penal Code the principle according to which “the ignorance or wrong knowledge of the criminal law does not excuse the criminal nature of the offense”. The reasoning of the legislator when setting up this rule was based on the fact that the penal rules establish conduct rules that have the role to ensure the observance and preservation of important social values whose trespassing would attract the application of a sanction stipulated by the criminal law. Insisting upon the idea according to which people must be aware of the criminal rules in order to establish a social order necessary for a normal living in the society, the Romanian legislator institutionalized an absolute presumption of knowledge of the criminal law by its addressees. While in the past the laws were limited in number and could be known by the citizens, nowadays the extent of the criminal rules, the continuous change of the laws, the wide area of the social relations set up by law make it impossible for this principle to be applied. If the incriminations of serious offenses such as murder, robbery, bodily injury, etc., are no special cases, there are incriminations in the criminal laws to which the perpetrator may have some reduced or no access at all. In the Romanian doctrine, the error in criminal law has been the subject of interesting debates. The new Penal Code included the error in criminal law among the causes of the lack of criminal guilt of the undersigned, stating that1 “The act stipulated by criminal law committed as a result of ignorance or wrong knowledge of its illicit character due to a certain circumstance which could not have been avoided is not ascribable”. This solution is accepted by the majority of modern legislations. The analysis of the institution of error in criminal law in different legislations provides interesting results, taking into account that several solutions are suggested in this case.  

MYERSON, Uri Matthew, "Requiring Accountability Among Those Who Sell  Firearms: Ignorance of the Law Should Not Be an Excuse", (2000-2001) 22 Cardozo Law Review 665-699; available at (accessed on 8 May 2006);

NATIONAL COMMISSION ON REFORM OF FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAWS, Final Report of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws - A Proposed New Federal Criminal Code (Title 18, United States Code), Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971, xxv, 364 p., see § 609. Mistake of Law" at pp. 52-53; the proposed code is available on the internet at the Buffalo Criminal Law Center, at "Materials on Federal Criminal Code Reform" which includes also: "Selected Bibliography on Federal Criminal Code Reform", "Special Collection on Federal Criminal Code Reform" and "Conferences on Criminal Code Reform";

NEUMANN, Ulfrid, "Mistake of Law", (1996) 30  Israel Law Review  207-213;

NORTHEY, Rebecca, Case Comment, "Expanding the Mistake of Law Doctrine: United States v. Barker", (1977) Boston University Law Review 882-905;

"Note: Ignorance or Mistake of the Law",  (1977) 37 Maryland Law Review 404-450;

O'CONNOR, D., "Mistake and Ignorance in Criminal Cases", (1976) Modern Law Review 644-662;

O'CONNOR, D. (Desmond) O. and P.A. Fairall, Criminal Defences, 3rd ed., Sydney: Butterworths, 1996, xxxii, 328 p., ISBN: 0409308463;

O'CONNOR, Vivienne and Colette Rausch, eds., with Hans Joerg Albrecht and Goran Klemencic, Model codes for post-conflict criminal justice, Washington, D.C. : United States Institute of Peace Press, 2007-,  and see "Mistake of Fact and Mistake of Law" at pp. 85-86, ISBN: 9781601270115 (pbk.: alk. paper); 1601270119 (pbk. : alk. paper); 9781601270122 (hardcover : alk. paper);  1601270127 (hardcover : alk. paper); available at,M1 (accessed on 11 October 2008);

O'REGAN, Robin S, Essays on the Australian Criminal Codes, Sydney: The Law Book, 1979, xix, 152 p., see Essay I, "Honest Claim of Right", at pp. 126-136, ISBN: 0455199558;

OSIEL, Mark J., "Obeying orders : atrocity, military discipline, and the law of war", (1998) 86 California Law Review 939-1129, and see "Civilian and Military Approaches to Legal Error", at pp. 959-961; "Why and When Legal Errors ust Be Reasonable", at pp. 976-978; and "The Impact of Legal Advice on the Reasonableness of Client Error", at pp. 1118-1121;

PACKER, Herbert L., "Mens Rea and the Supreme Court", (1962) Supreme Court Review 107-152, see "Ignorantia Legis" at pp. 145-146;

PAIN, J.H. (John H.), "De Blom in Bophuthatswana: Now the Onus of Proof", (1989) 106 South African Law Journal 600-601;

___________"Some Reflections on our Criminal Law", (1960) Acta Juridica 289-311, and see "Ignorantia legis neminen excusat", at pp. 295-296;

PAIN, John H. and John Redgment, "De Blom in Bophuthatswana", (1989) 106 South African Law Journal 36-38;

PALAZZO, Francesco, "Culpability and Ignorantia Legis in the Italian Legal System: A Dual Concept in Evolution", in Alessandro Pizzorusso, Italian Studies in Law: A Review of Legal Problems, vol. 2, Dordrecht/Boston : Martinus Nijhoff, 1994, pp. 179 to approx. 201;   

___________"Rapports italiens - Première Partie: Droit Pénal - 1. La bonne foi des particuliers" dans La bonne foi (Journées louisianaises), Paris: Litec, 1994, xii, 585 p. aux pp. 419-427 (Collection; Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant, 1992; vol. 43), ISBN: 271112385; notes de recherche: article très utile; traite notamment de la décision constitutionnelle italienne de 1988;

PARENT, Hugues, "La connaissance de la loi en droit pénal: vers l'émergence d'un nouvel équilibre entre l'efficacité juridique et la faute morale", (2001) 42 Cahiers de Droit 53;

PARKER, Jeffrey S., "The Economics of Mens Rea", (1993) 79 Virginia Law Review 741-811, see "Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse" at pp. 799-803;;

PARRY, John T., "Culpability, Mistake and Official Interpretation of Law", (1997) 25 American Journal of Criminal Law 1-78;

PATIENT, I.H.E., "Mistake of Law -- A Mistake?", (1987) 51 Journal of Criminal Law 326-337;

The Penal code of the Federal Republic of Germany [of 1975], Translated  by Joseph J. Darby With an Introduction by Hans-Heinrich Jescheck, Littleton (Colorado):  F.B. Rothman and London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1987, xxvi, 257 p., see § 17, "Mistake of Law" at p. 55 (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes; vol. 28), ISBN: 0837700485; Research Note/Note de recherche: available on the internet /disponible sur l'internet Buffalo Criminal Law Center (and click on "Criminal Law Resources on the Internet");

"§ 17. Mistake of Law
  A person who commits an act in the mistaken belief that it is lawful acts without guilt, provided he could not have avoided making the mistake.  If he could have avoided it, the punishment may be reduced in accordance with the provisions of § 49(1)."

PERKINS, Rollins M., "Alignment of Sanction with Culpable Conduct" (1963-644) 49 Iowa Law Review 325-388, see "Mistake of Law" at pp. 382-384;

___________"Ignorance and Mistake in Criminal Law",  (1939-40) 88 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 35-70;

___________"Ignorance or Mistake of Law Revisited",  (1980) Utah Law Review 473-491;

PICHNAMAZZADEH, Mirghassem, L'erreur en droit pénal, thèse de doctorat d'État, Sciences criminelles, Paris II, 1989; directeur de thèse, Decocq, André (1932-....); Numéro national de thèse:1989PA020082; notes de recherche : thèse non consultée mais notée lors de mes recherches au catalogue du "Panthéon - Sorbonne - Université Paris I - Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire Cujas" à; résumé de la thèse disponible au catalogue Abes;

PILCHER, Susan L., "Ignorance, Discretion and the Fairness of Notice: Confronting 'Apparent Innocence' in the Criminal Law", (1995-96) 33 American Criminal Law Review 1-55;

PLAWSKI, Stanislaw, "L'erreur de droit" (1962) 17 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 445-458;

___________"L'erreur de droit",  (1982) 30 Annales de l'Université des Sciences sociales Toulouse 131;

POULOS-MOBILIA, Athy,  "Ignorance or Mistake of Law - Will the Memory Ever Fade?: People v. Marrero", (1987) 62 St. Johns Law Review 114-128;

POWER, Hqelen, "Pitcairn Island: Sexual Offending, Cultural Difference and Ignorance of the Law", [August 2007] The Criminal Law Review 609-629;

PRADEL, Jean, Histoire des doctrines pénales, deuxième édition corrigée, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1991, 126 p. (Collection; "que sais-je"; numéro 2484), ISBN: 2130432735;

    "Le second souffle: F. Gramatica et M. Ancel. --
Jusqu'à présent, le criminel était quasiment sacrifié sur l'autel de l'intérêt général.  Là-dessus, survint le second conflit mondial au cours duquel le mépris de l'homme parvint à des sommets jamais atteints.  Aussi, dès la fin des combats, et comme par réaction, une aspiration à un certain humanisme se fit sentir de tous côtés.  Le courant de défense sociale fut naturellement porté à s'y intéresser.


M. Ancel, au contraire, entend conserver le cadre du droit pénal: point de mesures ante delictum ni de sentences indéterminées prononcées par le juge.  Il désire seulement abandonner les 'fictions juridiques' comme la présomption de connaissance de la loi, le rejet du mobile, la théorie du délit impossible.  C'est ce qu'il appelle la 'déjudiciarisation' du droit pénal." (pp. 93-94, 1 note d'omise)

PRINCIPAUTÉ D'ANDORRE, Code pénal [nouveau], septembre 2005, disponible à (vérifié le 5 avril 2008);

Article 15  Erreur d’interdiction
L'erreur invincible sur le caractère illicite du fait constitutif de l’infraction pénale exclut la responsabilité pénale. Si l'erreur est surmontable
la réduction qualifiée de peine prévue dans l'article 54 est appliquée.


Article 54  Réduction qualifiée

1.    La peine imposable aux auteurs de tentative de délit est déterminée par la réduction à la moitié des limites minimale et maximale prévues dans la loi. Le tribunal peut appliquer une deuxième réduction dans les mêmes termes en tenant compte du degré d'exécution et le danger inhérent à la tentative.


3.    Les mêmes réductions sont imposées à l’auteur de l’infraction s’il y a le concours d’une cause excluante incomplète, ou l'erreur d’interdiction surmontable ou si le responsable est mineur de vingt et un ans."

PUECH, Marc, "L'erreur en droit pénal",  (1982) 30 Annales de l'Université des Sciences sociales Toulouse 65;

RABIE, André, "Aspects of the distinction between ignorance or mistake of fact and ignorance or mistake of law in criminal law", (1985) 48 Tydskrif vir hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg. (THRHR) = Journal of contemporary Roman-Dutch law 332-343; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy of this number in Canadian librairies;

____________"Error iuris: principle, policy and punishment", (1994) 1 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 93-109;

RADULESCO, Jean, De l'influence de l'erreur sur la responsabilité pénale, Paris: Ed. de la "Vie Universitaire", 1923 (thèse, Paris, 1923), 172 p.,  notes de recherche:  informations, une combinaison du catalogue du "South West Germany Library Consortium: Union Catalog  Library Service Center Baden-Württemberg" à  et du catalogue "Panthéon - Sorbonne - Université Paris I - Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire Cujas" à ;

REMMELINK, J., "La réglementation de l'erreur dans le droit pénal hollandais", dans International Congress of Comparative Law (10th : 1978 : Budapest), and Hans Ulrich Jessurun d'Oliveira, ed., Netherlands reports to the Xth International Congress of Comparative Law, Budapest 1978, Deventer: Kluwer, 1978, viii, 365 p., at pp. 331-352, ISBN: 9026810083; copy at Carleton University, K555.I58 1978B;

R.H.S., "Annotation: Reliance upon advice of counsel as affecting criminal responsibility", (1941) 133 ALR 1055-1061;

RIPSTEIN, Arthur, Equality, responsibility, and the law, Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1999, xii, 307 p., and see "Mistake of Fact and Mistake of Law", at pp. 179-182 (series; Cambridge studies in philosophy and law), ISBN: 0521584523; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K579 L5R57 1999;

ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, Criminal Law Defences, vol. 1 of 2, St. Paul (Minnesota): West, 1984,  ISBN: 0314815139 (set);

RODGERS, Linda and William, "Desuetude as a Defense", (1966) 52 Iowa Law Review 1-30;

ROELKER, Edward, "A comparative study of ignorance in the rules of law and in the code of canon law", (1958) 18 The Jurist 128-148;

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court,17 July 1998, in force 1 July 2002, see Part III, General Principles of Criminal Law, available at (accessed on 4 December 2002);

___________"Draft Report of the International Meeting from 19 to 30 January 1998 in Zutphen, the Netherlands" in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 221-311, (document number: A/AC.249/1998/L.13, 1998), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

___________"Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, vol. 1, (Proceedings of the Preparatory Committee during March-April and August 1996)", in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 385-439, (document number: G.A., 51 st Sess., Supp. No. 22, A/51/22, 1996), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

___________"Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, vol. 2, (Compilation of Proposals)", in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 441-616 (document number: G.A., 51 st Sess., Supp. No. 22, A/51/22, 1996), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

ROUQUETTE, Théophile, Des excuses légales et des faits justificatifs en matière criminelle, Toulouse: Bonnal et Gibrac, 1866; disponible à,M1 et  à 1 et (vérifiés le 30 mai 2008);

ROUMY, Franck, "L'erreur de droit dans la doctrine civiliste des XXIIe-XIIIe siècles", (2000) 7 Cahiers de recherches médiévales  disponible à (site visité le 23 juillet 2007); aussi disponible à (vérifié le 18 janvier 2009);

  Le thème de l’ignorance du droit, qui constitue une des questions récurrentes de l’histoire du droit occidental, a déjà fait l’objet de plusieurs études consacrées, pour la plupart, au statut de l’erreur en droit romain1. Plus rares sont en revanche les historiens qui se sont penchés sur la place de l’ignorantia juris dans la doctrine médiévale. Divers travaux, traitant de l’histoire de la responsabilité, ont certes abordé le problème des conséquences juridiques de l’erreur, envisagées soit du point de vue des canonistes des XIIe et XIIIe siècles, soit du point de vue des civilistes des XIVe et XVe siècles2. Aucune monographie ne paraît cependant s’être attachée plus spécialement aux analyses des Glossateurs et des premiers Commentateurs du droit civil relatives à l’ignorance du droit3. Or, en cette matière comme en de nombreux autres domaines de la pensée juridique, les schémas dogmatiques élaborés par les romanistes des XIIe et XIIIe siècles ont été déterminants pour le développement ultérieur des systèmes juridiques occidentaux4.

1 Parmi une bibliographie très abondante, voir Th. Mayer-Maly, «Error iuris», Ius Humanitatis. Festschrift A. Verdross, Berlin, 1980, pp.147-169, et surtout L.Winkel, Error iuris nocet: Rechtsirrtum als Problem der Rechtsordnung, I, Rechtsirrtum in der grieschischen Philosophie und im römischen Recht bis Justinian, Zuphten [Holland] (Studia amsteldamiensia ad epigraphicam, ius antiquum et papyrologiam pertinentia, XXV), 1985.

2 Cf. S.Kuttner, Kanonistische Schuldlehre von Gratian bis auf die Dekretalen GregorsIX., Città del Vaticano (Studi e Testi, 64), 1935, réimpr. anast. 1961, pp.133-184; O.Lottin, «L’ignorantia iuris de Gratien à saint Thomas d’Aquin», Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 5, 1933, pp.345-368; W.Engelmann, Die Schuldlehre der Postglossatoren und ihre Fortentwicklung, Leipzig, 1895, p.26sq. et 41sq.; id., Irrtum und Schuld nach die italienischen Lehre und Praxis des Mittelalters, Berlin, 1922; un bref tableau du traitement de l’erreur de droit aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, par les juristes de l’UsusmodernusPandectarum, est présenté par R.Zimmermann, The Law of Obligations. Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition, 2e éd., Cape Town-Wetton-Johannesburg, 1992, pp.606-614 et 869-870.

3 Un rapide état des lieux est dressé par E.Cortese, «Errore (Diritto intermedio)», Enciclopedia del diritto, 15, Milano, 1966, pp.236-246; id., «Ignoranza (Diritto intermedio)», ibid., XX, Milano, 1970, pp.8-13.

4  À ce sujet, voir les remarques de G.Dolezalek, Repertorium manuscriptorum Codicis Iustiniani, Frankfurt am Main (Ius commune, Sonderhefte, 23), 1985, 2 vol., I, pp.29-30, et surtout l’ouvrage récent d’H.Lange, Römisches Recht im Mittelalter, I, Die Glossatoren, München, 1997, pp.458-466, dans lequel les chercheurs pourront trouver par ailleurs tous les renseignements utiles sur la légistique des XIIe et XIIIe siècles.

___________ « Les distinctions et les sommes des glossateurs relatives à l’ignorance du droit », « Panta rei ». Studi dedicati a Manlio Bellomo, éd. Orazio Condorelli, Roma, Il Cigno Edizioni, 2004, t. IV, p. 467-500 ; publié aussi dans Rivista internazionale di diritto comune, t. 14 (2003) [2005], p. 119-154;

RYU, Paul K. and Helen Silving, "Comment on Error Juris",  (1976) 24 American Journal of Comparative Law 689-693;

___________"Error Juris: A Comparative Study",  (1957) 24 The University of Chicago Law Review 421-471; important contribution;

___________"Misleading Issues in Criminal Law Codification", (1974) 9 Israel Law Review 311-324;

RYU, Paul Kichyun, "The New Korean Criminal Code of October 3, 1953.  An Analysis of Ideologies Embedded in It", (1957) 48 Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 275-295, see "Mistake of Fact and Mistake of Law" at pp. 280-281;

SALAND, Per, "International Criminal Law Principles" in Roy S. Lee, ed., The International Criminal Court: The Making of the Rome Statute: Issues, Negotiations, Results, The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1999, xxxv, 657 p., at pp. 189-216, ISBN: 904111212X (hardcover) and 904111243X (pbk.); see "XIII. Article 32, Mistake of fact or mistake of law" at p. 210;

SAMS, Julia P., "The Availability of the 'Cultural Defense' as an Excuse for Criminal Behavior",  (1986) 16 The Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 335-354;

SATZGER, Helmut, "German Criminal Law and the Rome Statute -- A Critical Analysis of the New German Code of Crimes against International Law", (2002) 2  International Criminal Law Review 261-282, and see discussion on mistake of law, at pp. 271-272;

SAUNANT, Florence, L'erreur en droit pénal, thèse de doctorat: droit privé, Nice, 1997, 446 p.; directeur de thèse: Roger Bernardini; numéro national de thèse: 1997NICE0015; résumé disponible au catalogue Abes;

SCALIOTTI, Massimo, Defences before the International Criminal Court: Substantive grounds for excluding criminal responsibility – Part 2", (2002) 2(1)
International Criminal Law Review 1-46, on "mistake of fact and mistake of law, see pp. 1-16;

SCHABAS, William A., "General Principles of Criminal Law in the International Criminal Court Statute (Part III)" (1998) 6(4) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law, and Criminal Justice 400-428, see on mistake of law, pp. 426-427;

SCHECHTER, Solomon and Julius H., Greenstone, "Ignorance of the Law", in  Jewish Encyclopedia , vol. 6, at pp. 558-559; available at  (accessed on 14 August 2007);

SCHWARTZ, Louis B., "Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Issues, Tactics and Prospects", [1977] Duke Law Journal 171-230, and see "Mistake of Law; Superior Orders; the 'Ehrlichman Defense'", at pp. 213-217;

SEGEV,  Re'em, "Mistake of Law is No Excuse?  It Might Be a Justification!", Harvard University, 2004, paper 176, ExpressO Preprint Series; available at (accessed on 13 July 2005); see also (accessed on 13 July 2005);

___________"Justification, Rationality and Mistake: Mistake of Law is no Excuse? It Might be a Justification", (January 2006) 25(1) Law and Philosophy  31-79;

SENEY, Henry W., " 'When Empty Terrors Overawe' -- Our Criminal Law Defenses -- Part II", (1972-73) 19 Wayne Law Review 1359-1408;

SHERBA, Girard Michael, 1952-, Canon 1096 on ignorance : application to tribunal and pastoral practice, Ottawa : Faculty of Canon Law, Saint Paul University, 2000, xiv, 280 leaves; notes: Thesis (doctoral)--Saint Paul University; see "Chapter One: Concept of Ignorance in Canonical Tradition" at pp. 1-47 (with analysis of Aristotle, Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas and Alphonsus Liguori at pp. 4-27);

SILVING, Helen, Constituent Elements of Crime, Springfield (Illinois): Charles C. Thomas, 1967, xxiv, 458 p., see the index under "error";

___________Criminal Justice,  2 vols., Buffalo: Hein and Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico): University of Puerto Rico, 1971; see the index under "error";

SIMON, Lindsey H., "The Supreme Court's Interpretation of the Word 'Willful': Ignorance of the Law as an Excuse to Prosecutions for Structuring Currency Transactions: Ratzlaf v. United States", (1995) 85 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1161-1188;

SIMONS, Kenneth W., "Mistake and Impossibility, Law and Fact, and Culpability: A Speculative Essay", (1990-91) 81 The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology  447-517;

SINGER, Richard G., "The Proposed Duty to Inquire as Affected by Recent Criminal Law Decisions in the United States Supreme Court", (1999-2000) 3 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 701-754;

SLIEDREGT, Elies van, The Criminal Responsibility of Individuals for Violations of International Humanitarian Law, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2003, xxiv, 437 p., see "Article 32 ICC Statute: Mistake", at pp. 301-316, ISBN: 9067041661; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, K5064 .S53 2003;

___________"Defences in International Criminal Law", 44 p., see "ARTICLE 32 OF THE ICC STATUTE: MISTAKE", at pp. 27-32, available at (accessed on 11 August 2004); important contribution; "Paper to be presented at the conference Convergence of Criminal Justice Systems: Building Bridges Bridging the Gap, The International Society For the Reform of Criminal Law.  17th International Conference, 25 August 2003 -- not for quotation."; available at "This paper is based on the PhD research recently published at T.M.C. Asser Press: E. van Sliedregt, The Criminal Responsibility of Individuals for Violations of International Humanitarian Law, The Hague, 2003"; research note: this book has been ordered by Ottawa University, Law Faculty, on 20 April 2004 (11 August 2004);

SLOME, Ernest,  "Mens Rea and Knowledge of Unlawfulness in Statutory Offences", (1977) 94 South African Law Journal 86-90;

SMITH, A.T.H.,  "Error and Mistake of Law in Anglo-American Criminal Law",  (1985) 14 The Anglo-American Law Review 3-32; also in A. Eser et al., eds.,  Justification and Excuse: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 2, Dobbs Ferry (New York), Transnational Juris Publications, 1987,  pp. 1075-1124; ISBN: 0929179269;

___________"Rethinking the Defence of Mistake", (1982) 2 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 429-439;

SNYMAN, C.R., "Confusion Concerning the Defence of  Ignorance of Law", (1994) 111 South African Law Journal 1-5;

___________"The tension between legal theory and policy considerations in the general principles of criminal law", (2003) Acta Juridica 1-22, and see "The Defence of Ignorance of the Law", at pp. 4-6; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada; also published in Jonathan Burchell and Adele Erasmus, eds., Criminal justice in a new society : essays in honour of Solly Leeman, Lansdowne, Juta, [2003?], xii, 359 p., at pp. 1-22, ISBN: 0702163589; available at  (accessed on 13 April 2008);

STALLYBRASS, W.T.S., "A comparison of the general principles of criminal law in England with the 'progretto definitivo di un nuovo codice penale' of Alfredo Rocco", (1932) 14 Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 45-61 and (1933) 15 Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 232-241; also with the same title in L. Radzinowicz and J.W.C. Turner, eds., The Modern Approach to Criminal Law, London: University of Cambridge, 1945, x, 511 at pp. 390-466, and see "Mistake of Fact" at pp. 410-412 -- it also deals with mistake of law (series; English Studies in Criminal Science, Department of Criminal Science, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge; volume iv);

STONE, II, Dwight W., "Cheek V. United States: Finally, a Precise Definition of the Willfulness Requirement in Federal Tax Crimes", (1992) 51 Maryland Law Review 224-238; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals,  KFM 1269 .M358 1974;

STUDNICKI, "The Current Role of the Maxim 'Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse'" in  International Congress of Comparative Law (7th : 1966 : Uppsala), ed., Rapports polonais présentés au Septième Congrès International de Droit Comparé, Varsovie : [s.n.] ; 1966, 493 p. at p. 325;

STUMBERG, George Wilfred, "Mistake of Law in Texas Criminal Cases",  (1937) 15 Texas Law Review  287-300;

SWOBODA, Innocent Robert, Ignorance in Relation to the Imputability of Delicts: The Imputability of Delicts,  Washington (D.C.): The Catholic University of America Press, 1941, xii, 271 p. (series: The Catholic University of America Canon Law Studies; No. 143);

SZABO, Imre, "Le rôle de la maxime 'Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi'", dans Ake Mallström et Stig Strömholm (sous la direction de), Rapports généraux au VIIe Congrès international de droit comparé Uppsala, 6-13 août 1966, Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1968, 682 p. aux pp. 82-94; copie à l'Université Carleton, Ottawa;

"Le fait qu dix rapports nationaux ont été déposés concernant le thème "'Le rôle actuel de la maxime 'nul n'est censé ignorer la loi'" indique que ce sujet s'est révélé comme ayant un intérêt notable pour les comparatistes.  Ce fait témoigne également de l'opportunité du choix de ce thème et de sa mise à l'ordre du jour du VIIIeCongrès de l'Académie internationale de Droit Comparé.  [...]

    On pourrait affirmer sans exagération que les rapports embrassent dans leur ensemble toute la gamme des conceptions possibles concernant le rôle actuel de la maxime 'nul n'estr censé ignorer la loi'; en tout cas ils traitent le problème sous des aspects les plus variés1. [...]
1 Les auteurs des dix rapports déposés sont -- dans l'ordre alphabétique -- les suivants:  a) Prof. Jean P. Aravantinos (Grèce).  b) Prof. R.C. Casad (Etats-Unis).  c) Prof. Hans Kiefner (République Fédérale d'Allemagne).  d) Prof. A.R. Kiralfy (Angleterre).  e) Prof. W. Kralik (Autriche).  f) Prof. Radomir Lukic (Yougoslavie).  g) Maître Antonio Fernandez Serrano (Espagne).  h) Prof. Franciszek Studnicki (Pologne).  i) Prof. François Terré (France).  j) Prof. Imre Szabo (Hongrie)." (p. 82)

___________"Le rôle de la maxime 'Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi'", dans  Études en droit comparé : volume publié à l'occasion du septième Congrès international de droit comparé = Essays in comparative  law : for the seventh International Congress of Comparative  Law / edited by Zoltan Peteri ; auteurs Istvan Kovacs ; [traduction francaise par Pal Sebestyen; translations in English by Pal Makay], Budapest : Akademiai Kiado, 1966, 283 p., at  pp. 61-85; copy at Carleton University;

TAKIKAWA, Yukitoki, "Mistake of Law" (1955) 3 The Japan Annual of Law and Politics 159-168; title noted in my research but article not consulted; copy at McGill University;

TAM, Henry Benedict, A Philosophical Study of the Criteria for Responsibility Ascriptions: Responsibility and Personal Interactions, Lewiston: E. Mellen Press, 1990, [xviii], 226 p. (series; Problems in contemprary Philosophy; v. 28), see "Culpable and Non-Culpable Ignorance" at  pp. 81-103;

TERRÉ, François, "Le rôle de la maxime 'Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi'" dans Études de droit contemporain (nouvelle série), Paris: Cujas, 1966, aux pp. 91-123 (Collection; Travaux de l'Institut de droit comparé de l'Université de Paris; vol. 30); aussi sur la couverture comme addition possible au titre : "VIIe Congrès international de droit comparé - Uppsala 1966 contributions françaises";

TIEDEMANN, Klaus, "L'influence des principes constitutionnels et de la jurisprudence constitutionnelle sur le droit pénal allemand", [1987] Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 105-109, voir la décision constitutionnelle sur l'erreur de droit à la p. 108;

TRAVERS, Michael L., "Mistake of Law in Mala Prohibita Crimes", (1995) 62 The University of Chicago Law Review 1301-1331;

TRIFFTERER, Otto, "Article 32: Mistake of fact or mistake of law" in Otto Triffterer, ed., Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Observers' Notes, Article by Article, Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999, xxviii, 1295 p. at pp. 555-571, ISBN: 378906173; copy at the Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, call number: legal KZ 6310 .C734 1999;

TURNER, Andrew J., "Mens Rea in environmental crime prosecutions: ignorantia juris and the white collar criminal", (1998) 23 Columbia Journal of  Environmental Law Journal 217-236;

TURPIN, Colin., "Defence of Mistake of Law", (1978) 37 Cambridge Law Journal 8-11;

U.K., Ministry of Defence, The Manual of the Law of Armed Conflict / UK Ministry of Defence, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004, lv, 611 p., and see "Ignorance of Law", at pp. 441-442, ISBN: 0199244545; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, FTX, KZ 6385 .M285, reserve;

VAN DER MERWE, D.P., "The Cumulative Effect of 'Partial Excuse' and  Error Iuris -- Ntuli  and De Blom Revisited", (1982) 99 South African Law Journal 430-437;

VANDERVEEREN, J., "Opinions Erronées en droit" dans Liber Amicorum Hermann Bekaert, Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju, 1977, xxiv, 459 p., à la p. 427; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; aucune copie de ce volume dans les bibliothèques de la région d'Ottawa selon ma vérification du catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 11 Novembre 2005); copie à l'UNiversité de Montréal, AZHD/L695;

VAN DER VYVER, Johan D., "The International Criminal Court and the Concept of Mens Rea in International Criminal Law", (2004) 12 University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review 57-149;

VAN HATTUM, W.F.C., "L'erreur de droit en droit pénal", (1955) 26 Revue internationale de droit pénal 329-342;

VILLEY, Edmond, "De l'intention, de l'ignorance, de l'erreur et de la bonne foi en matière pénale", (1876-1877) La France judiciaire - Partie I aux pp. 313-324, voir "L'ignorance du droit" aux p. 318-321; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa;

VITIELLO, Michael, "Does Culpability Matter?: Statutory Construction Under 42 U.S.C. § 6982" , (1992-93) 6 Tulane Environmental Law Journal 187-257:

VOGELEY, Scott, "The Mistake of Law Defense in International Criminal Law", in Sienho Yee, ed.,  International crime and punishment: selected issues, volume One, Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, 2003, vii, 173 p., at pp. 59-99, ISBN: 0761825703; copy at the University of Ottawa,  MRT General, K 5000 .I575 2003  v.1;

VON HENTIG, Hans, "The Doctrine of Mistake, A Study in Comparative Criminal Law", (1948) 16 University of Kansas City Law Review 17-25; copy at Ottawa University, KFM 7869 .U54  Location: FTX Periodicals;

WALKER, Edwin C., "Criminal Law -- Mistake of  Law Defense Based on Reasonable Reliance on Apparent Authority", (1978) 14 Wake Forest Law Review 136-149;

WASIK, Martin, "Excuses at the Sentencing Stage", [1983] Criminal Law Review 450-465;

WEIGEND, Thomas, "Intent, Mistake of Law, and Co-perpetration in the Lubanga Decision on Confirmation of Charges",  (2008) 6 Journal of International Criminal Justice  471-487;

WEINREB, Lloyd L., "Comment on Basis of Criminal Laibility; Culpability; Causation: Chapter 3; Section 610"  in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws,  vol.1, Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970, xxv, 742 p., at pp. 105-151, see "Section 610.  Defense of Mistake of Law" at pp. 136-141;

WERLE, Gerhard, in cooperation with Florian Jessberger, Wulf Burchards, Volker Nerlich and Belinda Cooper, Principles of International Criminal Law, The Hague: TMC Asser Press, c2005, xii, 485 p., and see "Mistake of Law",  pp. 151-152, ISBN: 9067041963 and 9067042021 (pbk.); copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, K5000 .W47 2005;

WESTEN, Peter K., "Two Rules of Legality in Criminal Law", (May 2007) 26(3) Law and Philosophy 229-305, available at SSRN: (accessed on 10 April 2007);

WHARTON, Francis, 1820-1889, Philosophy of Criminal Law, Holmes Beach (Florida):  Gaunt, 1989 , iv, 326 p., see at pp. 109-114  (reprint of Philadelphia: Kay & Bro., 1880); also published as part of A Treatise on criminal law, 9th ed.,  Philadelphia : Kay and Bro., 1885,  2 v., xi, 917 p.

WHITE, Thomas W., "Reliance on Apparent Authority as a Defence to Criminal Prosecution",  (1977) 77 Columbia Law Review 775-809;

WHITING, R.C., Recent Cases, "Changing the face of mens rea", (1978) 95 South Africa Law Journal 1-8; S v De Bloom 1977 (3) SA 513 (AD);

WIKIPEDIA -- The  Free Encyclopedia:

- "Ignorantis juris non excusat", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);
- "Mistake of Law", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);

WILLIAMS, Glanville, "The draft dode and the reliance upon official statements", (1989) 9 Legal Studies 177-188;

WINFIELD, P.H., "Mistake of Law", (1943) 59 The Law Quarterly Review 327; Research Notes: deals with civil cases and the meaning of mistake of law; useful;

WININGS, Mark C., Comments, "Ignorance Is Bliss, Especially for the Tax Evader", (1993-1994) 84 The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 575 -603;

WINKEL, L.C., "Quelques remarques sur la doctrine de l'erreur de droit aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles", in Witold Wolodkiewicz, Maria Zablocka, Maria, Uniwersytet Warszawski,  Wydzial Prawa i Administracji, éditeurs scientifiques, Au-delà des Frontières. Mélanges de droit romain offerts à Witold Wolodkiewicz , Varsovie: Liber, 2 volumes, xlii, 1156 p., at  pp., 1063-1076, ISBN: 8372060479; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this book in the Canadian libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 17 December 2005);

WOYWOOD, Stanislaus, "Ecclesiastical Penalties.  Transgression of the Law Through Ignorance",  (1935-36) 36 The Homiletic and Pasteral Review 268-276;

___________"Penal Law of the Code.  Requisites for Incurring the Penalty of the Law", (1936) 36 The Homiletic and Pasteral Review 838-847; see in particular "Extent of Excuse from Penalties for Reason of Ignorance" at pp. 839-842;

YEAGER, Daniel, "Kahan on Mistakes",  (1997-98) 96 Michigan Law Review 2113-2122;

YEO, Stanley, "Mistakenly Obeying Unlawful Superior Orders", (1993) 5 Bond Law Review 1-17; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

YOCHUM, Mark D., "Cheek is Chic.  Ignorance of the Law Is an  Excuse for Tax Crimes -- A Fashion That Does Not Wear Well", (1992-93) 31 Duquesne Law Review 249-276;

___________"The Death of a Maxim: Ignorance of Law is no Excuse (Killed by Money, Guns and a Little Sex)" (1998-99) 13  St. John's Journal  of Legal Commentary 635-674;

___________"Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse except for Tax Crimes", (1988-89) 27 Duquesne Law Review 221-235;

YOUNGS, Raymond, "Mistake of Law in Germany -- Opening Up Pandora's Box", (2000) 64 The Journal of Criminal Law 339-344;

ZUPANCIC, Bostjan M., "Criminal Responsibility Under Mistake of Law: The Real Reasons", (1985-86) 13 American Journal of Criminal Law 37-66;

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