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Thèse LL.M.  - Légitime défense et théorie
par © François Lareau, Ottawa, Canada, 1992
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R.-U., H.C., Second Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners for Revising and Consolidating the Criminal Law, c. 709 dans Sessional Papers (1846), vol. 24, pp. 107-182; aussi publié dans Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Reports From The Royal Commission On Revising and Consolidating The Criminal Law With Appendices and Index 1845-49, vol. 5, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin, Shannon University Press, 1971, pp. 169-244.

R.-U., H.C., Special Report from the Select Committee on Homicide Law Amendment Bill; Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix, no 315 dans Sessional Papers (1874), vol. 9, pp. 471-556 et 771-786 (index) (Président : R. Lowe); aussi publié dans Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Royal Commission Select Committee and Other Reports on the Criminal Law with Proceedings Minutes of Evidence Appendix and Index 1847-79, vol. 6, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin, Shannon University Press, 1971, pp. 97-194.

R.-U., H.L., Report of the Select Committee on Murder and Life Imprisonment, vol. 1, Report and Appendices, Londres, H.M.S.O., 1989, 126 p. (Président : L. Nathan); aussi publié dans no 78-I Sessional Papers (1988-89).

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