Key Words / Mots clés : defence of intoxication, defense of intoxication, defense of drunkenness, defence of drunkenness, excuse, extreme drunkenness, general/specific intent, incapacity, self-induced intoxication, voluntary intoxication, R. v. Daviault, responsibility, self-induced, incapacity,  intoxication; intoxication volontaire, l'ivresse comme moyen de défense, l'intoxication comme moyen de défense

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updated and corrections / mise à jour et corrections: 7 November 2011

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©by / par François Lareau, 2000-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on Intoxication/Drunkenness
in Canadian Law
Bibliographie choisie sur l'ivresse/l'intoxication
en droit canadien

 Table of Contents
Part/Partie  I: Since September 30, 1994 (Daviault decision)
   Depuis le 30 septembre 1994 (décision Daviault)

Part II - Pre-September 30, 1994 (Daviault decision)
   Avant le 30 septembre 1994 (décision Daviault)

see also/voir aussi:
•  Bibliography on Intoxication - Comparative Law/ Bibliography sur l'ivresse - droit comparé

Part I: Since September 30, 1994 (Daviault decision)
            Depuis le 30 septembre 1994 (décision Daviault)

ABELL, Jennie, 1951-,  and Elizabeth Sheehy, Criminal Law and Procedure: Proof, Defences, and Beyond, 2nd ed., North York (Ontario): Captus Press, c.1998, vii, 463 p., ISBN: 6896691374, see Chapter 12, "Intoxication" at pp. 257-270;

Acess to Information Act Request number A-98-00147 (request made by François Lareau on  21 August 1998 to the Department of Justice Canada) on the  consultations of the Department of Justice Canada on the General Part (recodification of the General Part); demande en vertu de la Loi sur l'accès à l'information numéro A-98-00147 (demande faite par François Lareau, le 21 août 1998) sur les consultations du Ministère de la Justice Canada  sur la Partie générale (recodification de la Partie générale);

Acess to Information Act Request number   (request mailed  by François Lareau on  23 May 2000) to the Department of Justice Canada) on the Bill C-72 and section 33.1 of the Criminal Code; demande en vertu de la Loi sur l'accès à l'information numéro (demande postée par François Lareau, le 23 mai 2000) sur le Projet de loi C-72 et l'article 33.1 du Code criminel;

L'ACTION ONTARIENNE CONTRE LA VIOLENCE FAITE AUX FEMMES,  "La violence contre les femmes et la réforme du droit criminel: Recommendations en vue d'une réforme égalitaire du droit criminel", rédigé par Andrée Côté, 5 mai 1995, 65 p., voir en particulier : "La défense d'ivresse" aux pp. 16-20; "La défense de rage" aux pp. 20-21; "Restreindre le recours à la défense d'intoxication" aux pp. 35-39; note sur la page couverure: "Soumis par l'Action Ontarienne contre la Violence Faite aux Femmes, en vue de contribuer à la réflexion sur la réforme de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada"; documents obtenus par François Lareau par une demande d'accès à la Loi sur l'accès à l'information au Ministère de la Justice Canada, leur réponse en date du 17 novembre 1998, dossier A98-000147, documents numérotés 000246-000314;

ADDICTION RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO, "Response to Consultation Paper on Options to Reform The Criminal Code of Canada", January 10, 1995, 15 p. and Appendix of 5 p. in questions and answers format, dated "Revised Jan. 9, 1994"; copy obtained under an Access to Information Act request made to the Department of Justice Canada, reply of 17 November 1998, Department of Justice file A98-00147, documents numbers 000596-000620; note: the paper deals with automatism and the defence of intoxication; important contribution to the subject;

"Contributing staff at ARF [Addiction Research Foundation] agree with the majority decision in the Daviault case that it would indeed be the rarest of cases in which a defence of automatism resulting from intoxication would be justified on scientific grounds.  Several researchers who are expert in the pharmacologic effects of alcohol, and with extensive working with alcohol-dependent clients, were consulted.  None of these, in fact, were convinced that the defence should ever be successful (their arguments are included in the discussion below).  The fact that this defence appears to have been used successfully on more than one occasion since the Daviault decision demonstrates how important it is to explain to the public, and the criminal justice system, that the scientific evidence does not support the existence of automatism resulting from intoxication." (  p. 3)

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Self-induced intoxication), Annual Statutes of Canada, 1995, chapter 32 (Bill C-72; assented to 13th July, 1995; in force since September 15, 1995 (SI/95-101)); note the Preamble of the statute that we do not find in the Criminal Code; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Loi modifiant le Code criminel (intoxication volontaire), Lois annuelles du Canada 1995, chapitre 32  (Bill C-72; sanctionnée le 13 juillet 1995; en vigueur depuis le 15 septembre 1995 (SI/95-101)); à noter: le Préambule de la loi que l'on ne retrouve pas dans le Code criminel;

ANAND, Sanjeev S., "Criminal Law Course -- Class Notes -- Defenses -- Lectures", Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, see lectures 6 and 7 available at (accessed on 28 March 2003);

BARNHORST, Sherrie, 1948-,  and Richard Barnhorst, 1947-, Criminal Law and the Canadian Criminal Code, 3rd ed., Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1996, xxxii, 414 p., "Intoxication"  at pp. 75-77,  ISBN: 007552757X;

BARREAU DU QUÉBEC, Comité permanent en droit criminel du Barreau du Québec, lettre à Me Yvan Roy, Ministère de la Justice Canada, objet de la lettre: "Intoxication volontaire / Position du Comité permanent en droit criminel du Barreau du Québec", Montréal : Barreau du Québec, 17 janvier 1995, lettre signée par Me Annie Chapados, avocate, Service de recherche et législation; document obtenu par François Lareau en vertu d'une demande sur la Loi sur l'accès à l'information,  numéro A98-00147 (documents 000618-000620);

BATTISTA, Giuseppe et Jean Villeneuve, "L'intoxication volontaire et la responsabilité criminelle après R. c. Daviault" sous la direction de l'AADM (L'Association des avocats de la défense de Montréal), Septième journée d'étude de l'association des avocats de la défense de Montréal, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1995, x, 293 p., aux pp. 269-281, ISBN: 2894510624;

BAZILLI, Susan, "Brief to the Legislative Committee on Bill C-72", 20 p., Toronto: Metro action committee on public violence against women and children [METRAC], June 1995, 20 p., published in Canada, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, Minutes of the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, Issue112 (meetings 158-164 - from 6-20 June 1995), Ottawa: Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons by the Queen's Printer for Canada, available from Canada Communication Group Publishing, 1995, pp. 112A: 41 to112A:60; also published in French (translation) /aussi publié en français (traduction), "Mémoire présenté au Comité législatif concernant le projet de Loi C-72, juin 1995, 22 p., publié dans Canada, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, Procès-verbaux du Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, numéro 112 (séances 158-164 - du 6-20 juin 1995), Ottawa: Publié en conformité de l'autorité du Président de la Chambre des communes par l'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, en vente: Groupe Canada, 1995,  aux pp. 112A:117 - 112A: 138;

BEAUDOUIN, Gérald, 1929-, avec la collaboration de Pierre Thibault, Les droits et libertés au Canada, Montréal : Wilson & Lafleur, 2000, xix, 790 p., voir "L'exclusion de l'intoxication comme moyen de défense" aux pp. 352-357 (Collection; La Collection bleue), ISBN: 2891274962;

BEN AMAR, Mohamed, Richard Masson, Sylvain L. Roy, L'alcool: aspects scientifiques et juridiques, Montréal: Les Éditions B.M.R.(1992), 1992, ix, 365 p., ISBN: 2980312701; par Amar:"Aspects scientifiques", Masson: "La preuve contraire", et Roy: "Les facultés affaiblies";

BENEDET, Janine, "Annotation: R. v. Chaulk, (2007) 49(1) C.R. (6th) 1 (Nova Scotia Court of Appeal", (2007) 49(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 173-174;  see R. v. Chaulk, 2007 NSCA 84 (CanLII)2007-July-10;

BLOOM, Hy and Brian T. Butler, Defending Mentally Disordered Persons, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell (Thomson Professional Publishing), 1995, xiii, 162 p., see Chapter 8, "Specific Intent: Intoxication" at pp. 69-80, ISBN: 0459552961 (Series: Criminal Practice Guides);

BLOOM, Hy, and Richard D. Schneider, Mental disorder and the law: a primer for legal and mental health professionals, Toronto: Irwin Law, 2006, xvi, 302 p., ISBN: 1552211215;

BOISVERT, Anne-Marie, "La responsabilité versant acteurs: vers une redécouverte en droit canadien, de la notion d'imputabilité", (2003) 33 Revue générale de droit 271-292;

____________"Le rôle de l'accusé dans la poursuite criminelle (alinéa 10a), b), 11a), c) et d) de l'article 13)" dans sous la direction de Gérald Beaudoin et Errol P. Mendes,  Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, 3e éd., Montréal : Wilson & Lafleur, c1996,  xxv, 1192 p. aux pp. 643-717, voir aux pp. 713-715, ISBN:  2891273494;            .

BONDY, Susan J. "Editor's Introduction - Self-induced intoxication as a defence in the Criminal code of Canada: issues and discussion around  Daviault v. R.", (winter 1996) 23 Contemporary Drug Problems 571-582;

___________"A summary of public consultation on reform of  the Criminal Code of Canada as related to a defense of self-induced intoxication  resulting in automatism", (1996) 23 Contemporary Drug Problems 583-593;

BOURQUE, Sophie, "Les moyens de défense" dans Droit pénal (Infractions, moyens de défense et sentence) volume 11, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2000, aux pp. 163-188, voir sur l'intoxication, les pp. 170-171 et 174 (Collection; Collection de droit 1999-2000, vol. 11), ISBN: 289451333X;

___________"Les moyens de défense" dans Claude Leblond, responsable du secteur Droit pénal, École du Barreau du Québec, Droit pénal: infractions, moyens de défense et sentence, Cowansville (Québec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, 264 p., aux pp. 161-188, et plus particulièrement, "L'intoxication involontaire" à la p. 169, "L'intoxication extrême" aux pp. 169-170 et "l'intoxication volontaire" aux pp. 173-174 (Collection; Collection de droit 2000-2001; volume 11), ISBN: 2894513976; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF385 ZB5 C681 v. 11 2000-01 c. 01 (23 février 2003);

BRYANT, Michael, "Criminal Fault as per the Lamer Court and the Ghost of William McIntyre", (1995) 33 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 79-103, see "Daviault: Drawing a Line Around Criminal Fault", pp. 99-101;

CAIRNS-WAY, Rosemary and Renate Mohr, Toni Pickard and Phil Goldman: Dimension of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1996, xxvi, 999 p., ISBN: 0920722822, see "Intoxication" at pp. 556-603;

CAIRNS-WAY, Rosemary, "Developments in Criminal Law: The 1995-96 Term", (1997) 8 The Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 180-232, see "III The Supreme Court and Intoxication" at pp. 197-208;

CAIRNS-WAY, Rosemary, 1956-, Dimensions of Criminal Law -- Toni Pickard, Phil Goldman, Renate M. Mohr, 3rd ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2002, xxvi, 1004 p., on intoxication, see pp. 674-727, ISBN: 155239050; copy at Ottawa University, location: FTX general, KE 8808.5 .P528 2002;

CAMERON, Jamie, "Dickson's Law: 'Manifestly One of the Humanities'", (2004) 53 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 93-127,

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Backgrounder, "The Defence of Intoxication", [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [24 February 1995], 1 p.;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: Fiche documentaire, "Le moyen de défense fondé sur l'intoxication", [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [24 février 1995], 1 p.;

___________Information Note, "Self-Induced Intoxication as Criminal Fault", Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, 24 February 1995, 7 p.;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: Note explicative, "La responsabilité criminelle pour l'intoxication volontaire", Ottawa: Ministère de la Justice Canada, février 1995, 8 p.;

___________News Release, "Legislation to Address the Defence of Intoxication Adopted in the House of Commons, Ottawa: Departent of Justice Canada, 22 June 1995, 1 p.,; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Communiqué de presse, "Des mesures législatives visant la défense d'intoxication", Ottawa: Ministère de la Justice Canada, 22 juin 1995, 1 p.,;

___________News Release,  "Minister of Justice Tables Legislation to Address the Defence of Intoxication",  [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], 24 February 1995, 1 p.; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Communiqué, "Le ministre de la Justice dépose des mesures législatives visant la défense d'intoxication", [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada], 24 février 1995, 1 p.,

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Brian Jarvis and Darren Littlejohn,  Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: A Summary and Analysis of the Responses to the Consultation Paper, [Ottawa]: Department of  Justice Canada, Communications and Consultation Branch, 1995, 123 p., and see "Question 9 -- Intoxication as a defence", at pp. 64-85; document obtained by François Lareau with letter from Department of Justice Canada, Access to Information and Privacy Office, dated 22 February 1999, Request file A98-00147, released pages 000731-000853; this document is available at my Digital Library on Canadian criminal law at,; there are also two shorter versions of that document also available at my Digital Library: Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: Analysis of the Responses to the Consultation Paper, 51 p., and Analysis of Responses to the Consultation Paper on Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code -- Executive Summary, 15 p; on these three documents,  see Background Document

CANADA, Parliament, House of Commons, The Senate of Canada,  Bill C-72: An Act to amend the Criminal Code [self-induced intoxication] /Parlement, Chambre des communes et le Sénat, Projet de loi C-72, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (intoxication volontaire).
  House of Commons / Chambre des communes
      House of Commons Debates - Official Report (Hansard)
      Débats de la Chambre des communes - Compte rendu officiel (Handsard)
      • vol. 133, no. 159, 24 February 1995,   First Reading, p. 10,009  /
        Première lecture, p.10,009
      • vol. 133, no. 177, 27 March 1995,  Second Reading, pp. 11,036-50 /
        Deuxième lecture, pp. 11036-50
      • vol. 133, no. 177, 27 March 1995,  Agreed to, p. 11,050  /
        Adoption, p. 11,050
      • vol. 133, no. 177, 27 March 1995,
        Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee Referral, p. 11,050 /
        Renvoi au Comité de la justice et des questions juridiques, p. 11, 050
      • vol. 133, no. 200, 16 June 1995,
        Report of the Committee, with amendments, p. 14,023 /
        Rapport du Comité avec modifications, p. 14.023
      • vol. 133, no. 224, 22 June 1995
        Report stage, concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, p. 14,469 /
        Étape du rapport, adoption, p. 14,469
      • vol. 133, no. 224, 22 June 1995, Third Reading at pp. 14,469-73,
        14,482-84agreed to, passed, p. 14,484 /
        Troisième lecture, pp. 14,470-7514,470-75adoption, 14,484
      • vol. 133, no. 224A, 13 July 1995
        Senate Passing, p. 14,499  -   Adoption par le Sénat, p. 14,499
        Royal Assent, p. 14,500, Chap. 32, S.C. 1995 /
        Sanction royale, p.14,500. Chap. 32, L.C. 1995

      Journals / Journaux
      • First Reading, p. 1166  (number 159, 24 February 1995 /
        Première lecture, p. 1166 (numéro 159, 24 février 1995)
     •  Second Reading, Agreed to, Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
        Referral, p. 1293 (number 177, 27 March 1995) / Deuxième lecture, adoption
        et renvoi au Comité de la justice et des questions juridiques, p. 1293
        ( numéro 177, 27 mars 1995)
      • Report of the Committee, with amendments, p. 1775 (number 220,
        16 June 1995) / Rapport du Comité avec modifications, p. 1775
        (numéro 220, le 16 juin 1995)
      • Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, third reading, agreed to, passed,
        pp. 1870 and 1872 (number 224, 22 June 1995) / Étape du rapport,
        adoption, troisième lecture, adoption, pp. 1870 et 1872 (numéro 224,
        22 juin 1995)
      • Senate passing and Royal Assent, pp. 1877-1879 (number 224A, 13 July 1995) /
        A doption par le Sénat et Sanction royale, pp. 1877-1879 (numéro 224A,
         le 13 juillet 1995)

  House of Commons: Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs
      Chambre des communes: Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques

      Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs
      Respecting: Bill C-72, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (self-induced intoxication)

      Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques concernant:
      Projet de loi C-72, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (imtoxication volontaire)

     • Issue 97 (meeting of 5 April 1995), 28 p.; witnesses: Professor Patrick Healy, McGill University
       and professor Christine Boyle, University of British Columbia
     • Fascicule 97 (séance du 5 avril 1995), 28 p.; témoins: le professeur Patrick Healy, Université McGill
        et le professuer Christine Boyle, la Colombie- Britannique -- available / disponible à

     • Issue 98 (meeting of 6 April 1995), 29  p.; witness: The Hon. Allan Rock, Minister of Justice
        and Attorney General of Canada
     • Fascicule 98 (séance du 6 avril 1995), 29 p.; témoin: l'hon. Allan Rock, Ministre de la Justice
        et Procureur général du Canada -- available / disponible à

     •  Minutes of Meetings 158-163  -   Procès-verbaux séances 158-163
         Issue112 (meetings 158-164, from 6 to 20 June 1995), ninth report,  at p. 112-3,
         Fascicule 112 (séances 158-164, du 6 au 20 avril 1995), neuvuième rapport, à la p. 112-3;

     •   Evidence - Meeting 158, Tuesday, June 6, 1995 - Witnesses
         Témoignages de la séance 158, mardi, le 5 juin 1995-  témoins
         Ms Lisa Addario (Director of Legislation and Law Reform, National Association of Women
         and the Law):
         Mme Lisa Addario (directrice de la législation et de la réforme du droit de l'Association nationale
         de la femme et du droit)

         Ms Susan Bazilli (Director, Metro Action Committee on Public Violence Against Women
         and Children)
         Mme Susan Bazilli (directrice, Metro Action Committee on Public Violence Against Women
         and Children)

         Professor Liz Sheehy (Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa; National Association of Women
         and the Law)
         Mme Liz Sheehy (professeure, Faculté de droit, Université d'Ottawa; Association nationale de
         la femme et du droit)

     •  Evidence - Meeting 159, Tuesday, June 6, 1995 - Winesses
        Témoignages de la séance 159, mardi, le 6 juin 1995 - témoins
        Mr. Sheldon E. Pinx (Vice-Chair, National Criminal Justice Section, Canadian Bar Association)
        M. Sheldon E. Pinx (vice-président, section nationale de la justice criminelle, Association du
        Barreau canadien)

        Ms Joan Bercovitch (Senior Director, Legal and Governmental Affairs, Canadian Bar Association)
        Mme Joan Bercovitch (directrice supérieure, affaires juridiques et gouvernementales, Association
        du  Barreau canadien)

        Ms Michelle K. Fuerst (Chair, National Criminal Justice Section, Canadian Bar Association):
        Mme Michelle K. Fuerst (présidente, Section nationale du droit pénal, Association du Barreau

     • Evidence - Meeting 160, Wednesday, June 7, 1995 - Witnesses
       Témoignages de la séance 160, mercredi, le 7 juin 1995 - témoins
       Ms Annie Chapados (secretary, Standing Committee on Criminal Law, Barreau du Québec)
       Me Annie Chapados (secrétaire, Comité permanent en droit criminel, Barreau du Québec)

       Mr. Michel Denis (Chair, Standing Committee on Criminal Law, Barreau du Québec)
       Me Michel Denis (président, Comité permanent en droit criminel, Barreau du Québec)

       Ms Anne-Marie Boisvert (member of the Standing Committee on criminal law, Barreau du
       Me Anne-Marie Boisvert (membre du Comité permanent en droit criminel, Barreau du Québec

     • Evidence - Meeting 161, Tuesday, June 13, 1995 - Witnesses
       Témoignages de la séance 161, mardi, le 13 juin 1995 - témoins
       Dr. John Bradford, Canadian Psychiatric Association
       Docteur John Bradford, Association des psychiatres du Canada

       Dr. Perry Kendall, President, Addiction Research Foundation:
       Docteur Perry Kendall, Fondation de recherche sur la toxicomanie

       Dr. Harold Kalant, Fondation de recherche sur la toxicomanie
       Docteur Harold Kalant, Fondation de recherche sur la toxicomanie

       Sue Bondy, Addiction Research Foundation
       Sue Bond, Fondation de recherche sur la toxicomanie

     • Evidence - Meeting 163, Thursday, June 15, 1995- Witnesses
        Témoignages de la séance 163, jeudi, le 15 juin 1995 - témoins
        M. Russell MacLellan (secrétaire parlementaire du ministre de la Justice et procureur général du
        Mr. Russell MacLellan (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and the Attorney
        General of Canada)

  The Senate of Canada / Le Sénat du Canada

     Journals of the Senate / Journaux du Sénat
     - no. 101, 27 June 1995,  first reading/première lecture, p. 1132
     - no. 101, 27 June 1995,  second reading/deuxième lecture, p. 1135
     - no. 101, 27 June 1995, referral to the Standing Senate Committee/ référence au
       Comité permanent du Sénat, p. 1135
     - no.  103, 11 July 1995, Thirteenth Report without amendment from Committee presented/
       présentation du 13e rapport du Comité, p. 1151
     - no. 104, 12 July 1995, third reading /troisième lecture, p. 1169

    Debates of the Senate - Official Report (Hansard)
    Débats du Sénat - Compte Rendu Officiel (Hansard)
    - vol. 135, no. 101, 27 June 1995, first reading/première lecture, p. 1924
    - vol. 135, no. 101, 27 June 1995, second reading/deuxième lecture, pp. 1944-45
    - vol. 135, no. 101, 27 June 1995, referral to the Standing Senate Committee/
       renvoi au Comité permanent du Sénat, p. 1945
    - vol. 135, no. 103, 11 July 1995, 13th Report without amendment from Committee presented/
       présentation du 13e rapport du Comité, p. 1979
    - vol. 135, no. 104,  12 July 1995, third reading /troisième lecture, p. 2019

   Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
     Comité sénatorial permanent des Affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles

      Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
      Délibérations du Comité sénatorial permanent des Affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles

    - First Proceedings on Consideration of Bill C-72, An Act to amend the Criminal Code
       (self-induced intoxication), issue 46, 28 June 1995
       Witness: Allan Rock, Minister of Justice and Attorney General for Canada, pp. 46:21 to 46:25

    - Premier fascicule concernant L'étude du projet de loi C-72, Loi modifiant le Code criminel
      (intoxication volontaire), fascicule 46, 28 juin 1995
      Témoin: Allan Rock, Ministre de la Justice et procureur-général du Canada, aux pp. 46:21 à 46:25

    - Thirteenth Report without amendment, Issue 49, 11 July 1995, p. 49:5
      Treizième rapport sans amendement, Fascicule 49, 11 juillet 1995, p. 49:5

CANADA, House of Commons,  Bill C-303: An Act to amend the Criminal Code (dangerous intoxication), tabled by Ian McClelland (Edmonton Southwest, Reform Party), first reading,  16 February 1995, 1st Session, 35th Parliament / also published in French/aussi publié en françaisProjet de loi C-303, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (intoxication dangereuse), projet de loi déposé par Ian McClelland (Edmonton-Sud-Ouest, Parti réformiste), première lecture, le 16 février 1995, 1re session, 35e législature:

   House of Commons Debates - Official Report (Hansard)
   Débats de la Chambre des communes - Compte rendu officiel (Hansard)
   -  First Reading, 16 February 1995, p. 9693 (vol. 133, number 154)
       Première lecture, 16 février 1995, p. 9693 (vol. 133, numéro 154)
   -  Second reading and bill withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 30 March 1995,  p. 11,255
      (vol. 133, number 180)
      Deuxième lecture et retrait du projet de loi par consentement unanime , 30 mars 1995,
      p. 11,255 (vol. 133, numéro 180)

   Journals / Journaux
   -  First Reading, p. 1141 (number 154, 16 February 1995)
       Première lecture, p. 1141 (numéro 154, 16 février 1995)
   -  Second reading and bill withdrawn, by unanimous consent,
       p. 1314 (number 180, 30 March 1995)
       Deuxième lecture et retrait du projet de loi par consentement unanime
       p. 1314 (numéro 180, 30 mars 1995)

CANADA, House of Commons,  Bill C-305, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (voluntary intoxication), tabled by Mr. Paul E. Forseth (New Westminster-Burnaby, Ref.), first reading in the House of Commons, February 20, 1995, 1st Session, 35th Parliament  / also published in French/aussi publié en français: Projet de loi C-305, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (intoxication volontaire), déposé par  M. Paul E. Forseth (New Westminster-Burnaby, Réf.), première lecture le 20 février 1995, 1re session, 35e législature;

  House of Commons Debates - Official Report (Hansard)
  Débats de la Chambre des communes - Compte rendu officiel (Handsard)
  - First Reading,  20 February 1995, p. 9829 (vol. 133, number 156)
  - Première lecture, le 20 février 1995, p. 9829 (vol. 133, numéro 156)

  Journals / Journaux
  - First Reading, pp. 1152-1153 (number 156, 20 February 1995)
  - Première Lecture, pp. 1152-53 (numéro 156, 20 février 1995)

CANADA, Policy Centre for Victims Issues, "Legislation", see  "Restricting the Defence of  Honest Belief of Consent", available at (accessed on 19 April 2006); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Centre de la politique concernant les victimes, "Législation" et voir "Exclusion du moyen de défense fondé sur la croyance au consentement", disponible à (visionné le 19 avril 2006);

CANADA, The Senate of Canada,  Bill S-6, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (dangerous intoxication), First Session, Thirty-fifth Parliament, tabled by Senator Gigantès on November 16, 1994; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Le Sénat du Canada,  Projet de loi S-6, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (intoxication dangereuse), Première session, 35e Parlement, déposé par le Sénateur Gigantès, le 16 novembre 1994 :

  The Senate of Canada/ Le Sénat du Canada
   Journals of the Senate / Journaux du Sénat
   - no. 48, 16 Nov. 1994, first reading/première lecture, p. 568
   - no. 50, 22 Nov. 1994, debates on second reading/débats sur la deuxième lecture, p. 584
   - no. 51, 23 Nov. 1994, debates on second reading/débats sur la deuxième lecture, pp. 588-589
   - no. 52, 24 Nov. 1994, debates on second reading/débats sur la deuxième lecture, p. 595
   - no. 54, 30 Nov. 1994, debates on second reading/débats sur la deuxième lecture, p. 614
   - no. 55,   1 Dec.  1994, second reading and referral to Commitee / deuxième lecture et référence au
     Comité, pp. 608-614

  Debates of the Senate - Official Report Hansard / Débats du Sénat - Compte Rendu Officiel (Hansard)
  - vol. 135, no. 48, 16 November 1994, First Reading/Première lecture,  p. 919
  - vol. 135, no. 50, 22 November 1994, Debates on second reading/débats sur la deuxième lecture,
     pp. 956-959
  - vol. 135, no. 51, 23 November 1994, Debates on second reading/débats sur la deuxième lecture,
     pp. 975-976
  - vol. 135, no. 52, 24 November 1994, Debates on second reading/débats sur la deuxième lecture,
     pp. 987-988
  - vol. 135, no. 54, 30 November 1994, Debates on second reading/débats sur la deuxième lecture,
     pp. 1012-1014
  - vol. 135, no. 55, 1 December 1994, Second Reading and Referral to Committee/Deuxième
    lecture et renvoi au Comité,  pp. 1044-1046

  The Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
       Comité sénatorial permanent des Affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles

  - First Proceedings on: Examination of Bill S-6, An Act to amend the Criminal Code
    (dangerous intoxication),  Issue 21, 15 December 1994;
    Witnesses: André Jodouin, Prof. University of Ottawa and Henry S. Brown, from Gowling,
    Strathy and Henderson (who drafted a "large part" of Bill)

  - Premier fascicule concernant: L'étude du Projet de loi S-6, Loi modifiant le Code criminel
    (intoxication dangereuse); Fascicule 21, 15 décembre 1994;
    témoins: André Jodouin, prof., Université d'Ottawa et Henry  S. Brown, de Gowling, Strathy
    and Henderson (qui a rédigé en "grande partie" le projet de loi)

__________Communiqué, "L'intoxication dangereuse...un crime", [Ottawa]: Le Sénat du Canada, 16 novembre 1994, 1 p.; il s'agit du communiqué sur le projet de loi S-6;  also published in English /aussi publié en anglais;

CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION, National Criminal Justice Section, Letter to The Honourable Allan Rock, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, "Re: Self-Induced Intoxication", dated January 5, 1995, signed by a person (signature unreadable) above the signature block of Michelle Fuerst, Chair, National Criminal Justice Section, 3 pages,  (Legislative and Law Reform Submissions number 94-24);

___________National Criminal Justice Section, "Submission on Bill C-72 - An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Self-induced intoxication), Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, 12 p., published in Canada, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, Minutes of the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, Issue112 (meetings 158-164 - from 6-20 June 1995), Ottawa: Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons by the Queen's Printer for Canada, available from Canada Communication Group Publishing, 1995, at pp. 112A: 61 to112A:72; also available from the Canadian Bar Association in Ottawa (series; Legislative and Law Reform Submissions; 95-13); also published in French (translation) /aussi publié en français,  L'Association du Barreau canadien, Section nationale de droit pénal, "Mémoire à propos du projet de loi C-72, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (intoxication volontaire)", Ottawa, Association du Barreau Canadien, 13 p., publié dans Canada, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, Procès-verbaux du Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, numéro 112 (séances 158-164 - du 6-20 juin 1995), Ottawa: Publié en conformité de l'autorité du Président de la Chambre des communes par l'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, en vente: Groupe Canada, 1995,  aux pp. 112A:139 - 112A:151; aussi disponible du Barreau canadien à Ottawa (Collection; mémoire Législation et réforme du droit; 95-13);

CANADIAN JUDICIAL COUNCIL, "Intoxication", available at (accessed on 31 March 2008);

CARTER, Mark, "Criminal Law, Women's Equality, and the Charter: An Analysis of the Criminal Code's Self-induced Intoxication Provisions"  in Margaret Jackson, 1942-  N. Kathleen Sam Banks, eds., with the assistance of Krista Robson, Ten years later : the charter and equality for women : a symposium assessing the impact of the equality provisions  on women in Canada, [Burnaby, B.C.] : Pulbic Policy Programs, Simon FraserUniversity at Harbour Centre, c1996, xvii, 323 p.; Notes: "A publication of proceedings from the symposium", ISBN:  0864911459; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; copy at Library and Archives Canada and at École de la fonction publique du Canada (EFPC), Bibliothèque/Canada School of Public Service (CSPS), Library, HQ 1106 T45 1996;

___________"Non-Statutory Criminal Law and the Charter: The Application of the Swain Approach in R. v. Daviault", (1995) 59 Saskatchewan Law Review 241-269;

CHISHOLM, Patricia, "Justice – Sobering questions : An Alberta case raises new debate over the so-called drunk defence", Maclean's, vol. 107, 14 November 1994, pp. 100 and 102; note: discusses in part the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench decision of Mr. Justice MacKenzie in R. v.  Blair;

COLVIN, Eric, 1945 and Sanjeev Anand, Principles of Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, li, 599 p., ISBN: 978 0779813247; 

CONSEIL CANADIEN DE LA MAGISTRATURE, "Intoxication", disponible à (vérifié le 31 mars 2008);

CÖTÉ, Andrée, 1956-, voir L'Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes, "La violence contre les femmes et la réforme du droit criminel: Recommendations en vue d'une réforme égalitaire du droit criminel", supra;

CÔTÉ-HARPER, Gisèle, 1942-,  Pierre Rainville, 1964-,  et  Jean Turgeon, 1951-, Traité de droit  pénal canadien, 4e édition refondue et augmentée, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1998, lv, 1458 p., voir le «L'intoxication volontaire» aux pp. 1117-1167, ISBN: 2894512589; note de recherche: la première édition porte le tite: Principes de droit pénal général, 1981;  la deuxième édition en 1984 et la troisième édition en 1989 avec le supplément de 1994 portent le tite Droit pénal canadien;

Code criminel, S.R.C. 1985, c. C-46 / Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46;

Criminal Code -- Annotated codes used by practioners/ Code criminel --codes annotés utilisés par les practiciens

    in English (published every year) /en anglais:

GOLD, Allan D., The Practioner's Criminal Code, Markham, Ont.: LexisNexis Canada, 2008;

GREENSPAN, Edward L. and Marc Rosenberg, annotations by, Martin's Annual Criminal Code 2008, Aurora: Canada Law Book Inc.;
WATT, David and Michelle Fuerst, annotations by, The 2008 Annotated Tremeear's Criminal Code, Toronto: Carswell, A Thomson Company;
     in French/en français (publié chaque année):
COURNOYER, Guy et Gilles Ouimet, Code criminel annoté 2008, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, une société Thomson; note: législation bilingue/bilingual legislation;
          DUBOIS, Alain et Philip Schneider, Code criminel et lois connexes annotés 2008, Brossard: Publications CCH Ltée; note: législation bilingue/bilingual legislation;

CURRAN, Judge P.H., "Intoxication and the Criminal Law", paper presented at the National Judicial Institue's 1994 Criminal Study Program; cited by Don Stuart, Canadian Criminal Law, 4th ed., Scarborough: Casrwell, A Thomson Company, 2001, p. 439, note 530; paper not consulted;

DEUTSCHER, David B., "Mental Health and The Charter: R. v. Chaulk and R. v. Swain: Insanity and the Constitution", (1991) 2 Constitutional  Forum 99-102, 105;

DIMOCK, Susan, "What  are Intoxicated  Offenders Responsible  for?  The 'Intoxication Defence' Re-examined, (2011) 5 Criminal Law and Philosophy 1-20; 

DRASSINOWER, Martha and Don Stuart, "Nine Months of Judicial Application of the Daviault Defence", (1995) 39 Criminal Reports (4th) 280-286;

DUBBER, Dirk,  "Commentary" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., pp. 156-182, see "Self-induced Intoxication" at p. 178, ISBN: 045927077X; Research Note: commentary on Don Stuart's article "A Case for a General Part", infra;

DUBOIS, Alain, 1952-,  et Philip Schneider,Code criminel annoté et lois connexes - 1999, Annotations par Me Alain Dubois et Me Philip Schneider, Cowansville : Éditions Yvon Blais, 1998, c, 1827 p. ISBN: 2894513100; il existe un code annoté plus récent;

EVANS, Christopher D., "Filling the gap: s. 37 of the Criminal Code"   in National Criminal Law program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, volume1 of 2;  information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

EWASCHUK, Eugene G., Criminal Pleadings and Practice in Canada, 2nd ed., 3 looseleaf volumes, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 1987-, see vol. 2, "21: 2000 - Drunkenness (Intoxication), ISBN: 0888041438 (vol. 2);

FEDERATION OF LAW SOCIETIES OF CANADA (THE) --annoucement of forthcoming papers ---, the Federation will have its 2001 National Criminal Law Program - Substantive Law -- at the University of Prince Edwards Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I., July 9-13, 2001; one of the topics covered in the documents that will be circulated is "Defences of Capacity, Awareness & Self Defence";

FERGUSON, Gerry, "Intoxication", in Wing-Cheong Chan, Barry Wright, and Stanley Yeo, eds., Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code : the legacies and modern challenges of criminal law reform, Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate, c2011, xiii, 379 p.; ISBN: 9781409424420 (hardback); title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (7 November 2011);

FERGUSON, Gerry  A. and John C. Bouck, Canadian Criminal Jury Instructions (CRIMJI), 3rd edition, vol. 2, Vancouver (British Columbia) : Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1994-,  ISBN: 0865047715, see "CRIMJ 8.36 - Intoxication - Alcohol/Drugs" (as of 11/99);

FISCHER, Benedikt and Jürgen Rehm, "Alcohol consumption and the liability of offenders in the German criminal system", (1996) 23 Contemporary Drug Problems 707-729; discusses the Daviault case; important contribution to the subject;

FRICKER, Patricia A. (Patricia Antoinette), 1960-, The Supreme Court of Canada, Parliament and the Charter: Exploring the Limits of the Judicial Functions in Criminal Law, 1998, vi, 170 leaves, Thesis (LL.M.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, 1998, supervisor: Professor Bruce P. Archibald; see "Daviault: The Charter and Adjudication Function at Common Law" at pp. 142-149;

FRIEDAY, Karen, Daviault, drunkenness, and discourse the social construction of the drunkenness defence as a feminist issue, thesis (M.A.), Department of criminology, University of Ottawa, 1998,  viii, 128 leaves; available at (accessed on 6 May 2006); also available at (accessed on 17 July 2009);


FRIEDLAND, M.L. (Martin Lawrence), 1932-,  and Kent Roach, 1961-, Criminal Law and Procedure : Cases and Materials, 8th ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 1997,  xxvii, 1020 p., ISBN: 0920722962, see Chapter 13, "Drunkenness" at  pp. 685-730;

GARANT, Patrice, "Vie, liberté, sécurité et justice fondamentale (article 7)" dans Gérard-A Beaudoin et Errol P. Mendès, sous la direction, Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, troisième édition, Montréal: Wilson et Lafleur, 1996, xxv, 1192 p., chapitre 10, aux 419-520, voir "L'intention coupable en matière pénale" aux pp. 514-517,  ISBN: 2891273494; also published in English [translation] / aussi publié en anglais [traduction] Garant, Patrice, "Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Justice (Section 7)", in Gérard-A Beaudoin and Errol P. Mendès, eds., The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,3rd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell - Thompson Professional Publishing, 1996, iv, various pagings, at Chapter 9, 101 p., see "Mens Rea in Penal Matters" at pp. 9-95 to 9-98,  ISBN: 045956014X (bound)  and  0459560417 (pbk.);

GÉLINAS, Louis, Michel Alain et Lyne Thomassin, La place et le rôle du psychologue dans le sytème judiciaire québécois, Eastman (Québec): Éditions Behaviora, 1994, xix, 295 p., voir "L'ivresse ou l'intoxication" aux pp. 47-50, ISBN: 276290026; copie à la Cour suprême du Canada;

GENDRON, Dominic, "Étude d'un moyen de défense controversé: l'intoxication", (1999) 6 Revue d'études juridiques 1-46; la Revue d'études juridiques est la revue des étudiantes et étudiants de l'Université de Montréal publié par Montréal: Wilson et Lafleur;

GOLD, Alan D., Annual Review of Criminal Law 1996, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1996, xxxiv, 319 p, see "Intoxication" at pp. 87-101, ISBN: 0459553917; important contribution;

___________"Criminal Law and Incapacity -- There is us and there is them: Those that the Law Views as Different, Not Fully Autonomous, Less than Fully Responsible Adults" in Douglas E. Finkbeiner, Douglas D. Yard, Law Society of Manitoba, Manitoba Bar Association, University of Manitoba. Faculty of Law, Competence & capacity : new directions / co-chairs, Douglas D. Yard, Douglas E. Finkbeiner, [Winnipeg : Law Society of Manitoba, 2000], xvi, 139 p. at pp. 121-130 (series; Isaac Pitblado lectures; 2000), itle:  Isaac Pitblado lectures 2000; notes: "Sponsored by: The Law Society of Manitoba, The Manitoba Bar Association and the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law", ISBN:  1552139220; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 209 I84 2000;

___________Criminal offences and defences, contributed by Alan D. Gold: contributing editor, Andrew James, contributor editor, Brendon Lounsbery, Markham (Ontario): LexisNexis Canada, 2007, 1034 p., "Intoxication", at pp. 902-905 (series; Halsbury's Laws of Canada), ISBN: 9780433454267; 

GOUGH, Stephen, "Surviving without Majewski?",  [2000] The Criminal Law Review 719-733, and see "Canada" at pp., 726-730; copy at the University of Ottawa, KD 7862 .C734  Location, FTX Periodicals;

GRANT, Isabel, 1957-,  Dorothy Chunn, 1943-, and Christine Boyle, 1949-, The Law of Homicide, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, 1994, see "Intoxication" at pp. 6-28 to 6-35, ISBN: 0459552562 (pbk.); there is also a loose-leaf edition which is updated, ISBN: 045955244;

GRANT, Isabel, "Developments in Criminal Law: The 1994-95 Term", (1996) 7 The Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 203-259; the author deals with R. v. Daviault, [1994] 3 R.C.S. 63 at pp. 244-258;

____________"Developments in Substantive Criminal Law: The 1998-99 Term", (2000) 11 The Supreme Court Law Review (2nd series) 233-306, see R. v. Stone" at pp. 283-304;  R. v. Stone, [1999] 2 S.C.R. 290-415;

____________"The Limits of Daviault", (1995) 33 Criminal Reports (4th) 277-282;  part of the "Criminal Reports Forum on Daviault: Extreme Intoxication Akin to Automatism Defence to Sexual Assault" at pp. 269-294;

___________"Second Chances: Bill C-72 and the Charter", (1995) 33 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 379-409;  available at (accessed on 22 January 2010)

GREENSPAN, Edward L. and Marc Rosenberg, Martin's Annual Criminal Code 2000 with Annotations by Edward L. Greenspan and The Honourable Mr. Justice Marc Rosenberg, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 2000, various pagings (total of approx. 1921 p.);

GREGORY, Anne B., " 'Voluntary' or 'self-induced' intoxication: a legal fiction?", (May 1990) 2 Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 1-23;

HEALY, Patrick, "Another Round on Intoxication", (1995) 39 Criminal Reports (4th) 269-276; part of the "Criminal Reports Forum on Daviault: Extreme Intoxication Akin to Automatism Defence to Sexual Assault" at pp. 269-294;

___________"Beard Still Not Cut Off", (1996) 46 Criminal Reports (4th) 65-73;

___________"Intoxication in the Codification of Canadian Criminal Law", (1994) 73 The Canadian Bar Review 515-552; note: the article contains a: "Postcript, Daviault: Last Call for Beard?" at pp. 543-552; with the same title, but only the "Summary of the Argument" at (accesed on 2 December 2002);

Her Majesty the Queen (Appellant) v. Donald Robinson (Respondent), Respondent's Factum and Appellant's Factum, [1995], Supreme Court of Canada, file number 24302;

HOLLAND,  Winifred H., "Murder and Related Issues: An Analysis of the Law in Canada -- Report to the Law Commission", July 2005, in The Law Commission, The Law of Murder: Overseas  Comparative Studies, [London: HMSO, 2005], at pp. 22-65;  available at (accessed on 27 December 2005); 

HOGG, P.W. and A.A. Bushell, "The Charter Dialogue between Courts and Legislatures (Or Perhaps the Charter of Rights Isn't Such a Bad Thing After All)", (1997) 35 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 75-124, see on Daviault, pp. 103-104; available at  (accessed on 31 March 2008);

HOGG, Peter W., Constitutional Law of Canada 1998 Student Edition, 4th edition, Agincourt: Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1998, lxiii, 1328 p., see "Intoxication" at pp. 911-915 (par. 44.14),  ISBN: 0459238957; there is also a current loose-leaft edition, Agincourt: Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1997-, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0459239155;

HURLEY, Mary C., Bill C-72: An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Self-induced  intoxication), Ottawa : Library of Parliament, Research Branch, Law and Government Division, 8 March 1995, revised 1 March 1996, 10 p. (series; Legislative Summary;  LS-218E); very helpful document; also published in French (translation) /aussi publié en français, Projet de loi C-72: Loi modifiant le Code criminel (intoxication volontaire), Ottawa: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, Division du droit et du gouvernement, 8 mars 1995, révisé le 1er mars 1996, 11 p. (Collection; Résumé législatif; LS-218F); document très utile;

ILLICO INC. , «La défense d'intoxication et d'automatisme», recherche jurisprudentielle, FC-8317, août 1995, voir;

JODOUIN, André, "Brief submitted to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee concerning Bill S-6 [An Act to amend the Criminal Code (dangerous intoxication)]", 1994, 11 p., English translation of the original brief written in French;

___________"Mémoire présenté au Comité des affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles du Sénat sur le projet de loi S-6 [Projet de loi S-6, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (intoxication dangereuse)",  1994, 22 p.,

KALANT, Harold, "Intoxicated automatism: legal concept vs. scientific evidence", (1996) 23 Contemporary Drug Problems 631-648; the author's note at p. 631 reads in part as follows: "This paper was originally prepared as a submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, and was presented before the Committee on June 13, 1995";

____________"A Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, Concerning Reform of the Criminal Code of Canada with Special reference to the concept of intoxicated automatism", Department of Pharmacology, University of Toronto and Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, March 31, 1995, 15 p.,  published in Canada, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, Minutes of the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, Issue 112 (meetings 158-164 - from 6-20 June 1995), Ottawa: Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons by the Queen's Printer for Canada, available from Canada Communication Group Publishing, 1995, pp. 112A: 80 to112A:94; also published in French (translation) /aussi publié en français (traduction), "Mémoire présenté devant le Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général au sujet de la réforme du Code criminel du Canada en ce qui touche particulièrement le concept d'automatisme par intoxication", Départment de pharmacologie, Université de Toronto et Fondation de la recherche sur la toxicomie de l'Ontario, 31 mars 1995, 15 p., publié dans Canada, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, Procès-verbaux du Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, numéro 112 (séances 158-164 - du 6-20 juin 1995), Ottawa: Publié en conformité de l'autorité du Président de la Chambre des communes par l'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, en vente: Groupe Canada, 1995,  aux pp.112A:158 à 112A:172;

KENDALL, Dr. Perry, "Presentation to Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs on Bill C-72", June 13, 1995, 7 p.,  published in Canada, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, Minutes of the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, Issue112 (meetings 158-164 - from 6-20 June 1995), Ottawa: Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons by the Queen's Printer for Canada, available from Canada Communication Group Publishing, 1995, pp. 112A: 73 to112A:79, note on cover: "Dr. Perry Kendall President and CEO Addiction Research Foundation"; also published in French (translation) /aussi publié en français (traduction), "Mémoire sur le projet de loi C-72 présenté au Comité permanent de la justice et des questions juridiques", publié dans Canada, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, Procès-verbaux du Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, numéro 112 (séances 158-164 - du 6-20 juin 1995), Ottawa: Publié en conformité de l'autorité du Président de la Chambre des communes par l'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, en vente: Groupe Canada, 1995, aux pp. 112A:152 à 112A:157, sur la couverture: "le Dr Perry Kendall, Président et directeur général de la Fondation de recherche sur l'alcoolisme et la toxicomanie";

KIREWSKIE, Cassandra, "Intoxication without Responsibility: Are There No Limits to the Defence?" (1996-97) 7 National Journal of Constitutional Law 110-128;

__________"R. v. Daviault: Expanding the Intoxication Defence", (1995) 5 National Journal of Constitutional Law 109-123;

KNOLL, Patrick J., 1950-, Criminal Law Defences: Textbook Edition of the title Criminal Law Defences Canadian Encyclopedic Digest Third Edition, 2nd ed.,  Scarborough: Carswell (Thomson Professional Publishing), 1994, 224 p., see "Intoxication" at pp. 134-143, ISBN: 0459552392;

LEBEL, Louis, "La consolidation des fondements de la responsabilité pénale en droit criminel canadien depuis l'entrée en vigueur de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés",  (2009) 50 Cahiers de Droit 735-748;

LEGAL AID ONTARIO / AIDE JURIDIQUE ONTARIO -- LAO  LAW, Criminal Law Memoranda, Toronto, catalogue current as of February 1, 2006; see  and (both sites accessed on 24 February 2006);
- D1-2 Non-Insane Automatism and Intoxication (13 Feb 2003; 18 pages);
- D6-1 Drunkenness (13 Mar 2003; 45 pages);
- D6-2 Drunkenness -- List of Offences (17 Mar 2003; 26 p.)
- E1-15, Evidence -- Admissibility of Statements -- Operating Mind (21 Nov 2003; 7 p.); this one may be relevant for researchers who want to go further; 

LITKOWSKI, Richard, "The Charter and the Principles of Criminal Responsibility: A Long and Winding Road", chapter 14 in Jamie Cameron, ed., The Charter's Impact on the Criminal Justice System, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell (Thomson Canada Limited), 1996, xxvi, 448 p., pp. 271-292, see in particular "Drunkenness and Criminal Responsibility" at pp. 280-285, ISBN: 0459553887; Research Note: note 42 at p. 309 of the same book reads: "Mr. Litkowski was a law clerk to Chief Justice Lamer, at the Supreme Court of Canada, from 1989 to 1990";

Loi modifiant le Code criminel (intoxication volontaire) , chapitre 32 (Projet de loi C-72), Lois annuelles du Canada 1995 (sanctionnée le 13 juillet 1995; en vigueur depuis le 15 septembre 1995); à noter: le Préambule de la loi que l'on ne retrouve pas dans le Code criminel; also published in English / aussi publié en anglais:An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Self-induced intoxication), chapter 32 (Bill C-72), Annual Statutes of Canada, 1995 (Assented to 13th July, 1995; in force since September 15, 1995 (SI/95-101); note the Preamble of the statute that we do not find in the Criminal Code;

MacDONALD, Scott, Patricia Erickson and Barbara Allen, "Judicial Attitudes in Assault Cases Involving Alcohol and Other Drugs", (1999) 27(3) Journal of Criminal Justice 275-286;

MacINTOSH, Donald A., 1952-, Fundamentals of the Criminal Justice System, 2nd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1995, xxxi, 456 p., see intoxication at pp. 342-347, ISBN:0459553488 (bound) and 0459553356 (pbk.);

MacMILLAN-BROWN, Heather, "No Longer ‘Leary' About Intoxication:  In the Aftermath of R. v. Daviault", (1995) 59 Saskatchewan Law Review 311-333;

MANFREDI, Christopher P. and Scott Lemieux, "Judicial Discretion and Fundamental Justice: Sexual Assault in the Supreme Court of Canada", (1999) 47 The American Journal of Comparative Law 489-514; discusses the Daviault decision;

MANFREDI, Christopher P. (Christopher Philip), 1959-, Judicial Power and the Charter : Canada and the Paradox of Liberal Constitutionalism, 2nd ed., Don Mills (Ontario): Oxford University Press, 2001, xvii, 276 p., see pp. 90 and 92-93,  ISBN: 0195415043;

McCOOEY, Paula, "Repeat drunk driver to stay in hospital.  Brownlee being held at psychiatric facility; to be reassessed", The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, 3 May 2006, p. C3;  Ottawa case of Matthew Brownlee "charged with impaired driving, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, failure to comply with probation conditions and driving while disqualified" on 12 October 2005; on 27 March 2006, Justice Bruce McPhee declared him not criminally responsible; Brownlee "suffers from a psychotic mood disorder  that includes hallucinations and delusions as a result of head injuries sustained in the 1996 accident"; see also The Ottawa Citizen of 28 March 2006;

McMAHON, Maeve W. (Maeve Winifred), 1957-,  The Persistent Prison? Rethinking Decarceratioon and Penal Reform, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992, xxvi, 274 p., see Chapter 8, "Drunkenness Offenders and the Revolving Doors" at pp. 142-169, ISBN: 0802028179 and 0802076890;

MEWETT, Allan W., 1930-, and Shaun Nakatsuru, An Introduction to the Criminal Process in Canada, 4th ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional, 2000, xii, 255 p., see "Drunkenness" at pp. 203-207, ISBN: 0459276654;

MEWETT, Allan W., 1930-,  "Editorial: Extreme Drunkenness", (1995), 37 The Criminal Law Quarterly 385-386;

MORISSETTE, Louis, Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, rédaction du mémoire/Brief written by Dr. Louis Morisette, "A Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights [Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code]", 21 January 2002, 14 p.; document obtained by François Lareau, pursuant to a request under the Access to Information Act to the Department of Justice Canada, their file number: A-2002-0084/mfa, their reply dated 29 July 2002, documents 000234-000247; also available in French / aussi disponible en français;

"Parliament reacted effectively to the decision of the Supreme Court in Daviault with the result that the question of automatism as a result of intoxication is now not used very much and, in any event, the decision in Stone has again clarified what automatism is and how a distinction should be made between automatism linked to a mental illness and automatism that is not so linked." (p. 5)

MORTON, James C., 1962-,  and Scott C. Hutchison, The Presumption of Innocence, Toronto: Carswell, 1987, xviii, 154 p., see "Drunkenness" at pp. 132-135, ISBN: 0459305816;

NÉRON, Josée, 1962-, L'agression sexuelle et le droit criminel canadien: l'influence de la tradition, Cowansville: Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1997, xxvii, 280 p., voir "R. c. Daviault: la protection de l'ivresse extrême", aux pp. 165-173 (Collection; Collection Minerve; sous la direction de Jean-Louis  Baudouin), ISBN: 2894511353; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 9325 N47 1997 c. 01;

ONN, Andrea, "Self-induced intoxication: balancing principles of justice and responsibility (Intoxication as a Legal Defense: Recent Canadian Experience with Changes in Criminal Law)",  (1996) 23 Contemporary Drug Problems 687-705;

PACIOCCO, David M., " The Legacy of Daviault: Part I: The Constitutionality of Bill C-72" (1995) 2(4) Amicus - The Sexual Offences Law Reporter 105-110; the article is signed "D.M.P";

___________"The Legacy of Daviault: Part II", (1996) 2(7) Amicus - The Sexual Offences Law Reporter;129-133; the article is signed "D.M.P."

PARENT, Hugues, 1970-,  Évolution de l'élément de faute en droit pénal  canadien et incidence sur la défense d'intoxication volontaire et sur l'exemption de responsabilité relativement à la présence de troubles mentaux, thèse de maîtrise, LL.M., Université Laval, 1995, xi, 139 feuilles;

___________Traité de droit criminel, Tome 1. L'acte volontaire et les  moyens de défense, Montréal : Éditions Thémis, 2003, xxviii, 587 p., voir "L'intoxicatuion volontaire" aux pp. 217-280 et quelques pages sur l'intoxication involontaire débutant à la p. 166, ISBN: 2894001703;

___________Traité de droit criminel, Tome Premier:  L'imputabilité, 2e édition, Montréal : Éditions Thémis, 2005, xxxii, 1023 p., voir le Chapitre 4, "L'intoxication volontaire" aux pp. 287-361, ISBN: 2894001703; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 9220 ZA2 P39 2005, t. 1, c. 01;

___________"Les troubles psychotiques induits par une substance en droit pénal canadien: analyse médicale et juridique d'un concept en pleine évolution" (Printemps 2010) 69 La Revue Barreau du Québec 105-135; 

PENNEY, Steven, "A Concern for Innocence: Justice La Forest and the Criminal Law" in Rebecca Johnson, John P. McEvoy with Thomas Kuttner and H. Wade MacLauchlan, eds., Gérard V. La Forest at the Supreme Court of Canada, 1985-1997, Winnipeg: Canadian Legal Historic Project, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, 2000, xix, 570 p., at pp. 217-240, see "Moral Responsibility" at pp. 222-230 and in particular for intoxication, pp. 228-229, ISBN: 0968456014;

PILON, Marilyn, "Life, Liberty and Security  of the Person Under the Charter", [Ottawa: Parliament, Library of Parliament, Law and Government Division], revised 19 February 2000, see  « Intoxication” (series;  91-6E);  aussi publié en français : "Droit  à la vie, à la liberté et à la sécurité de la personne en vertu de la Charte", [Ottawa; Parlement, Libraririe du Parlement, Direction de la recherche parlementaire], révivé, le 19 février 2000, voir «Intoxication volontaire» (Collection; 91-6F);

Queen´s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces, [QR&O], available at (accessed on 10 November 2005); and see QR&O vol. 2, article 103.03 -- Civil Defences Available to Accused", available at (accessed on 10 November 2005) / also publish in French;  aussi publié en français: Ordonnances et règlements royaux applicables aux Forces canadiennes [ORFC],  disponibles à (visionné le10 novembre 2005) et voir l'article 103.03, ORFC, vol. 2, "Moyens de défense civils dont dispose l'accusé", disponible à, visionné le 10 novembre 2005);

QUIGLEY, Tim, "A Time for Parliament to Enact an Offence of  Dangerous Incapacitation", (1995) 33 Criminal Reports (4th) 283- 288;  part of the "Criminal Reports Forum on Daviault: Extreme Intoxication Akin to Automatism Defence to Sexual Assault" at pp. 269-294;

R. v. Cedeno (2005), 27 C.R. (6th) 251 (Ont. C.J.); 2005 ONCJ 91 (CanLII); constitutionality of s. 33.1 of the Criminal Code; available at (accessed on 21 June 2006);

R. v. Vickberg (1998), 16 C.R. (5th) 164, 54 C.R.R. (2d) 83 (B.C.S.C.); constitutionality of  s. 33.1 of the Criminal Code (when self-induced intoxication is not a defence); available at (accessed on 20 June 2006);

Randy André McMaster and Harley Howard McMaster (Appellants) and Her Majesty the Queen (Respondent), the Factum of the Appellant (two factums) and the Factum of the Respondent,  [1995], Supreme Court of Canada file number 24395; the decision of the court is reported at   R. v. McMaster, [1996] 1 S.C.R. 740-756;

REGROUPEMENT PROVINCIAL DES MAISONS D'HÉBERGEMENT POUR FEMMES VICTIMES DE VIOLENCE CONJUGALE, et du Regroupement québécois des Centres d'aide et de lutte contre les agresssions à carctère sexuel (CALACS), "Projet de réforme de la Partie générale du Code criminel : Mémoire du Regroupement provincial des maisons d'hébergement pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale et du Regroupement québécois des Centres d'aide et de lutte contre les agresssions à carctère sexuel (CALACS)", avril 1995, i, 11 p., voir "L'intoxication : quant [sic] l'alcool et le viol se rencontrent"; documents obtenus par François Lareau par une demande d'accès à la Loi sur l'accès à l'information au Ministère de la Justice Canada, leur réponse en date du 17 novembre 1998, dossier A98-000147, documents numérotés 000330-000343;

ROACH, Kent, 1961-, "Crime Victims and Substantive Criminal Law" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., pp. 219-230, see p. 228, "(h) Involuntary Conduct" and "(j) Self-Induced Intoxication", ISBN: 045927077X; note: comments on Professor Don Stuart's draft General Part found at  pp. 95-145;

___________Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Toronto: Irwin Law, 2000, xx, 371 p., see Chapter 6, "Intoxication" at pp. 183-210 (series; Essentials of Canadian Law), ISBN: 1552210413;

___________"Dialogue or defiance: legislative reversals of Supreme Court decisions in Canada and the United States", (April 2006) 4(2) International Journal of Constitutional Law 347-370; discusses Daviault;

__________Due Process and Victims' Rights: The New Law and Politics of Criminal Justice, Toronto: University Toronto Press, 1999, x, 391 p., see on Daviault, pp. 175-180, ISBN: 080200931X (bound) and 08079016 (paper);

___________The Supreme Court on trial : judicial activism or democratic dialogue, Toronto : Irwin Law, 2001, x, 352 p., see " 'In-Your-Face Dialogues and Shouting Matches on Intoxication and Access to Records" at pp. 273-281 at pp. 258-260, ISBN: 1552210545;

RODRIGUES,  Gary P., General Editor, Crankshaw's Criminal Code of Canada R.S.C. 1985, 8th ed. rev., Toronto : Carswell - Thomson Professional Publishing, 1993-,  loose-leaf vol. 1,  ISBN: 0459325000 (vol. 1);

ROOM, Robin, "Drinking, violence, gender and causal attribution: a Canadian case study in science, law and policy",  (1996) 23 Contemporary Drug Problems 649-683;

"Roundtable III", chapter 15 in Jamie Cameron, ed., The Charter's Impact on the Criminal Justice System, Scarborough: Carswell (Thomson Canada Limited), 1996, xxvi, 448 p., ISBN: 0459553887, Chapter 15, at pp. 293-312, see in particular, "The Daviault Decision: Bad Facts, Bad Science or Bad Law?";  The participants are: Doherty and Arbour, J.A., Ont C.A.; Mr. Lithowski (Counsel); Mr. Cohen; Ms. Chapman (Crown Law Office, Criminal, Ministry of the Attorney General (Ontario)); Michael Code (Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Criminal (Ontario); Marc Rosenberg (Assistant Deputy Attorney General (Ontario), since appointed to the Ontario Court of Appeal; Mr. Justice Michael Moldaver, Ont. Court of Justice (General Division), since appointed the Ont. C.A.; Kent Roach, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto; Diane Martin, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University; Don Stuart, Faculty of Law, Queen's University; Toni Williams, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University; Anil Karpoor, Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto; Alan Young, Osgoode Hall Law School;

ROY, Simon, 1959-, L'erreur de fait attribuable à l'intoxication comme moyen de "défense" en droit criminel canadien, thèse LL.M., Université Laval, 2001, viii, 166 feuilles; bibliographie aux pp. 156-166;

SAUNDERS, R.P., ed., with the assistance of J. Munagle, Saunders & Mitchell - An Introduction to Criminal Law in Context: Cases, Notes and Materials, 3rd ed.,  Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell (Thomson Professional Publishing), c1996,  xviii, 892 p., see "Intoxication" at pp. 743-762, ISBN: 0459554409;

S.C.H., "Drunk on Daviault", (1994) 1(3) Amicus - The Sexual Offences Law Reporter 33-37;

SCHABAS, William A., 1950-, Les infractions d'ordre sexuel, Cowansville (Quebec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1995, xix, 378 p., voir "Intoxication Volontaire" aux pp. 155-161, ISBN: 2890739791; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 9325 S32 1995 c. 01;

SEMRAU, Dr. Stanley, and Judy Gale, Murderous minds on trial: terrible tales from a forensic psychiatrist's case book, Toronto : Dundurn Press, 2002, 323 p., see "Section II - The Intoxication Defence" at pp. 125-170, see also pp. 315-316, ISBN: 1550023616; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General: HV 6535 .C3 S45 2002;

    "If a drunk person stumbles and falls, that's accidental, caused by a decline of physical competence.  But if he tries to bribe a traffic officer or points a gun at someone, that's intentional, the result of a thought process.  The behaviour is clearly purposeful, goal directed and would be extremely unlikely to occur as the random, bad-luck product of a non-operating mind.  The fact that it is still potentially accepted in court that a person can be 'too drunk to form the intent to kill' keeps allowing cases to be decided based on misinformation.  And unfortunately, the opinion of any expert witness who claims an accused is 'too drunk' is more likely to be accepted by non-expert jurors if only because the court, by allowing this category, legitimizes it.  Opposing views will be less readily accepted, given that psychiatry comes to the courtroom disadvantaged: much psychiatric evidence is considered 'soft' data, whereas 'hard' statistics, photographs, and perhaps even tears are easier to believe.

    The amnesia issue also seemed to muddy the waters.  Alcohol does impair memory and chronic alcoholism can lead to chronic memory loss -- but not being able to remember what happened bears no relation to what actually happened.  That is, at the time, you had the intention to do something and you did it; whether or not you remember later is irrelevant, even though many people, including jurors, assume that absence of memory goes hand-in-hand with absence of awareness and intent at the time of the crime." (pp. 146-147)

SEMRAU, Dr. Stanley, "Review of the Mental Disorder Provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada - Submission by Dr. Stanley Semrau, MD FRCPC to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights", 10 April 2002, 14 p., see in particular "The Intoxication Defense" at p. 7; important contribution;

"In the case of homicides and other specific intent offenses, the law asumes that alcohol and other intoxicants are capable of depriving the accused of the ability to form the intent to carry out the unlawful act which they have committed.  To a substantial extent this premise is based on a now-obsolete psychiatric concept, which includes such old wives tales as the notion that lack of memory for one's actions implies lack of awareness and intent for those actions. ..." (p. 7)

SHAFFER, Martha, "Criminal Responsibility and the Charter: The Case of R. v. Daviault", chapter 16 in Jamie Cameron, ed., The Charter's Impact on the Criminal Justice System, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell (Thomson Canada Limited), 1996, xxvi, 448 p., ISBN: 0459553887, at pp. 313-325;

SHAHIN, Mike, "Cocaine high lets man beat assault charge", The Ottawa Citizen, 18 November 1994, pp. A1 and A2; accused had snorted 5 grams and was accused of assault; Judge Jules Barriere, Quebec Court, Hul,  acquits Theriault on  Thursday; "Dr. France Proulx, a psychiatrist at Hull's Pierre-Janet hospital, testified that quantity of cocaine could bring the user to a state similar to temporary insanity through 'cocaine psychosis' "; defence counsel Jacques Belley; 

SHAIN, Martin, "The Charter and intoxication: some observations on possible Charter challenges to an Act to Amend the Criminal Code  (Self-Induced Intoxication)", (1996) 23 Contemporary Drug Problems 731-734;

SHARPE, Robert J., and Kent Roach, 1961-, Brian Dickson: A Judge's Journey, Toronto/Buffalo/London: Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, 2003, xiv, 576 p., see Chapter 11, "Fault and Free Will", at pp. 218-239, and in particular, "No Halfway House: Intoxication and Sexual Violence", at pp. 227-231; and "An Uncompromised Insistence on Fault", at p. 239, ISBN: 0802089526; note: a publication of the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History;

SHEEHY, Elizabeth, "A Brief on Bill C-72 - An Act to Amend the Criminal Code", [Ottawa]:  National Association of Women and the Law, 6 June 1995, 40 p. published in Canada, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, Minutes of the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, Issue112 (meetings 158-164 - from 6-20 June 1995), Ottawa: Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons by the Queen's Printer for Canada, available from Canada Communication Group Publishing, 1995, pp. 112A: 1 to112A: 40; an extract, pp. 7-10, is also published in Jennie Abell and Elizabeth Sheehy, Criminal Law and Procedure: Proof, Defences, and Beyond, supra, at pp. 268-270;  also published in French (translation) /aussi publié en français (traduction), Mémoire sur le projet de loi C-72 - Loi modifiant le Code criminel, [Ottawa]: Association nationale de la femme et du droit, Ottawa, 6 juin 1995, 22 p., publié dans Canada, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, Procès-verbaux du Comité permanent de la Justice et des questions juridiques, numéro 112 (séances 158-164 - du 6-20 juin 1995), Ottawa: Publié en conformité de l'autorité du Président de la Chambre des communes par l'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, en vente: Groupe Canada, 1995,  aux pp. 112A:95 à 112A:116;

___________The Intoxication Defence in Canada: Why Women Should Care, Ottawa, Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, January 1995, 29 p.; also with the same title in (1996) 23 Contemporary Drug Problems 595-630; extract published in Jennie Abell and Elizabeth Sheehy, Criminal Law and Procedure: Proof, Defences, and Beyond, supra, at pp. 257-258; also published in French (translation) /aussi publié en français (traduction) La défense d'intoxication au Canada: un sujet de préoccupation pour les femmes, Ottawa: Conseil consultatif canadien sur la situation de la femme, janvier 1995, 32 p.;

___________"R. v. Daviault: A Principled Approach to Drunkenness or A Lapse of Common Sense?", (1996) 3 Review of Constitutional Studies 311-329; discusses  R. v. Daviault, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 63-132;

SHINER, Roger, Intoxication and responsibility, [Toronto, Ont. : Faculty of Law, University of Toronto,1990], 48, 9 p. (series; Legal theory workshop series WS 1989-90 (10)); note: "Friday, March 16, 1990..."; title noted in my research but not consulted yet; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries;

SMART, William B., "Putting an End to the Drunken Two-Step: Capacity and Actual Intent Under the Defence of Intoxication", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 2, Tab 12.1, 13 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

SMITH, Kelly, "Section 33.1: Denial of the Daviault Defence Should Be Held Constitutional", (2000) 28 Criminal Reports (5th) 350-366; discusses cases which have held s. 33.1 of the Criminal Code unconstitutional;

STUART, Don, 1943-,  and Ronald Joseph Delisle, "A Case for A General Part" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., at pp. 95-145, ISBN: 045927077X; contains a draft General Part by Professor Stuart; see "Self-induced Intoxication" at pp. 123-125; see criticism of Stuart's proposed provision on intoxication by Dubber, supra;

___________Learning Canadian Criminal Law, 7th ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1999, xxv, 1010 p.,  see "Intoxication" at pp. 727-763, ISBN: 0459270613;

STUART, Don, 1943-, Canadian Criminal Law: A Treatise, 3rd ed., Toronto, Carswell, 1995, l, 672 p., see on intoxication, pp. 383-415, ISBN: 0459553062 (bound) and 0459553089 (pbk.);  there is now a 4th ed. (2001); now also a 5th ed.;

___________"A Case for A General Part" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., at pp. 95-145, see "Self-induced Intoxication" at pp. 123-125, ISBN: 045927077X;

___________Charter Justice in Canadian Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, 1996, lx, 541 p., see "Intoxication" at pp.93-99, ISBN: 0459253964 (bound) and 0459254022 (pbk.); there is now a 3rd ed. (2001); there is now a 4th ed.,

___________"Parliament Should Declare a New Responsibility for Drunkenness Based on Criminal Negligence", (1995) 33 Criminal Reports (4th) 289-294;  part of the "Criminal Reports Forum on Daviault: Extreme Intoxication Akin to Automatism Defence to Sexual Assault" at pp. 269-294;

SUPREME COURT OF CANADA decisions / décisions de la Cour suprême du Canada

- R. v. Daviault, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 63, available at (accessed on 30 December 2006); also published in French / aussi publiée en français: R. c. Daviault, [1994] 3 R.C.S. 63, disponible à (site visité le 30 décembre 2006);

- R. v. Daley, 2007 SCC 53 (Can LII); available at (accessed on 23 February 2008);
also published in French / aussi publiée en français: R. c. Daley, 2007 CSC 33 (CanLII), disponible à  (vérifié le 22 février 2008);

"On the current state of the law, for a murder charge, the defence of intoxication will only be available to negate specific intent so as to reduce the charge to manslaughter.  There are three legally relevant degrees of intoxication.  First, there is mild drunkenness, which induces relaxation of both inhibitions and socially acceptable behaviour.  This has never been accepted as a factor in determining whether the accused possessed the requisite mens rea and the trial judge is not required to give any instruction on mild intoxication.  Second, there is advanced intoxication, i.e. intoxication to the point where the accused lacks the specific intent, to the extent of an impairment of the accused’s foresight of the consequences of his or her act sufficient to raise a reasonable doubt about the requisite mens rea.  A defence based on this level of intoxication applies only to specific intent offences and the extent of intoxication required to advance it successfully may vary, depending on the type of offence involved.  Third, there is extreme intoxication akin to automatism, which negates voluntariness and thus is a complete defence to criminal responsibility, but such a defence would be extremely rare and, by operation of s. 33.1 of the Criminal Code, limited to non‑violent types of offences.  [40‑44]" (headnote; majority judgment)
"Dans l'état actuel du droit, la défense d’intoxication ne peut être invoquée, à l’égard d’une accusation de meurtre, que pour nier l’existence de l’intention spécifique et réduire l’accusation à celle d’homicide involontaire coupable.  Trois degrés d’intoxication sont pertinents en droit.  Premièrement, l’intoxication légère, qui induit un relâchement des inhibitions et du comportement socialement acceptable, n’a jamais été reconnue comme facteur lorsqu’il s'agit de déterminer si l’accusé avait la mens rea requise, et le juge du procès n’a pas à donner de directives au jury à son sujet.  Deuxièmement, l’intoxication avancée, c.‑à‑d. un état d’intoxication tel que l’accusé n’a pas d’intention spécifique, lorsque l’atteinte à sa capacité de prévoir les conséquences de ses actes est suffisante pour susciter un doute raisonnable concernant l’existence de la mens rea requise.  On ne peut invoquer de défense fondée sur ce degré d’intoxication qu’à l'égard d’infractions d’intention spécifique et le degré d’intoxication nécessaire pour qu’elle soit retenue peut varier suivant l’infraction.  Troisièmement, il y a l’intoxication extrême s’apparentant à l’automatisme, qui exclut tout caractère volontaire et qui, de ce fait, constitue un moyen de défense exonérant totalement de toute responsabilité criminelle, mais ce moyen ne peut être invoqué que très rarement et, aux termes de l’art. 33.1 du Code criminel, qu'à l'égard d'infractions non violentes.  [40‑44]" (sommaire, jugement majoritaire)

- R. v. Lemky, [1996] 1 S.C.R. 757, available at (accessed on 30 December 2006); also published in French / aussi publiée en français: R. c. Lemky, [1996] 1 R.C.S. 757, disponible à (site visité le 30 décembre 2006);

R. v. McMaster, [1996] 1 S.C.R. 740, available at (accessed on 30 December 2006); also published in French / aussi publiée en français: R. c. McMaster, [1996] 1 R.C.S. 740, disponible à (site visité le 30 décembre 2006);

R. v. Robinson, [1996] 1 S.C.R. 683, available at (accessed on 30 December 2006); also published in French / aussi publiée en français: R. c. Robinson, [1996] 1 R.C.S. 683, disponible à (site visité le 30 décembre 2006);

R. v. Stone, [1999] 2 S.C.R. 290, available at (accessed on 30 December 2006); also published in French / aussi publiée en français: R. c. Stone, [1999] 2 R.C.S. 290, disponible à (site visité le 30 décembre 2006);


TANOVICH, David M. and Gerry Ferguson, Annual Review of Criminal Law 2001, Toronto: Carswell, a Thomson Company, 2002, xxvii, 200 p., ISBN: 0459271148; see "Intoxication: Common Sense Inference" at pp. 39-42;

THEN, Edward, "Intoxication"  in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 2 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001; title noted but not consulted yet;

Timothy Randall Lemky (Appellant) and Her Majesty the Queen (respondent's), Appellant's Factum and Respondent's Factum, [1995], Supreme Court of Canada file number 244454;  the decision of the Court is at  R. v. Lemky, [1996] 1 S.C.R. 757-770;

TOLLEFSON, Edwin A. (Edwin Archer), 1933-, "Epilogue: Reflections on the Criminal Code Amendments"  in Derek. Eaves,  James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and Ronald Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. 241-259, and see on intoxication, pp. 258-259; ISBN:  086491220X; note: Published in cooperation with the British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Commission; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

VANDERVORT, Lucinda, "To Codify or Not Codify the Principles of Criminal Responsibility: A Question of Fundamental Justice and Equality" in Don Stuart, 1943-,  R.J. Delisle and Allan Manson, eds., Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1999, v, 574 p., pp. 231-242, see pp. 240-241, "(i) Section 22 - Self-induced Intoxication", ISBN: 045927077X; note: comments on Professor Don Stuart's draft General Part found at  pp. 95-145;  

VERDUN-JONES, Simon N. (Simon Nicholas), 1947-,  Criminal Law in Canada: Cases, Questions & The Code, 4th ed., Thomson/Nelson, 2006,  xvi, 332 p., see Chapter 10, "Provocation and Intoxication: Partial Defences to a Criminal Charge" at pp. 243-263, ISBN: 0176407170; copy at the Library of Parliament, Br.B  KE 8809 V47 2007;

___________"Making the Mental Disorder Defence a More Attractive Option for Defendants in a Criminal Trial: Recent Legal Developments in Canada" in D. Eaves,  James R.P. (James Robert Powell) Ogloff and R. Roesch, eds., Mental disorders and the Criminal Code : legal background and contemporary perspectives, Burnaby, B.C. : Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University, c2000, xxxv, 259 p., at pp. 39-75, and see "Self-Induced Intoxication, 'Disease Of The Mind', and the Mental Disorder Defence" at pp. 62-73 and the Conclusion at pp. 73-75; ISBN:  086491220X; note: Published in cooperation with the British Columbia Forensic Psychiatric Commission; copy at the National Library, Ottawa, KE 8841 Z85 M45 2000 c. 2;

VIENNEAU, David, "Drunkenness ruling said based on error: intoxication doesn't cause ‘automatism' researcher says", The Toronto Star, Wednesday 12 April 1995, p. 2;  the researcher is Professor Harold Kalant, see Kalant, supra, and the case is  R. v. Daviault, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 63-132;

"Kalant said the judges wrongly compared automatism to 'blacking out, and it's not.  It's totally different.  In a blackout you can be behaving quite consciously, knowing the consequences of what you are doing, but the next day you can't remember it.'"

WATT, David, "The Defoliation of Beard: The Intoxication Trilogy" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg (Manitoba) : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 2 of 2, section 15.4, 26 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

__________Ontario Specimen Jury Instructions (Criminal), Toronto: Thomson/Carswell,  [2003], xiii, 1101 p., ISBN: 0459254928; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 9682 W38 2003 c. 01; see:

• "Final 71, Intoxication", at pp. 1029-1031;
• "Final 70, Cumulative Effect of Evidence on proof of Mental Element in Murder (The Rolled Up Instruction), at pp. 1026-1028;
WILKINSON, Joseph S., "The Possibility of Alcoholic Automatism: Some Empirical Evidence", (1997) 2 Canadian Criminal Law Review 217-238;

WOLSON, Richard J., "Quelling the Spirits.  The Evolution of the Plea of Intoxication" in National Criminal Law Program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, volume1 of 2, section 2.3, 8 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

WOOD, Josiah, "Intoxication" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1993: Montreal), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada,Montreal (PQ): Federation of Law Societies, 1993, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

Part II - Pre-September 30, 1994   (Daviault decision)
            - Avant  le 30 septembre 1994 (décision Daviault)

ALEXANDER, E.R., "The Criminal Responsibility of Alcoholics and Drug Addicts in Canada, (1966) 31 Saskatchewan Bar Review 71-102; note: The Saskatchewan Bar Review subsequently became the Saskatchewan Law Review; also published  in Centre canadien de droit comparé et al. (sous la direction de), Travaux du troisième colloque international de droit comparé / Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Comparative Law,  [Ottawa:]: Ottawa: Centre canadien de droit comparé et Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 1965, 170 p., at pp. 50-82 (Collection; Collection des travaux de la faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa; tome VI);

ARCHIBALD, Bruce P., "Actus Reus, Voluntariness and Automatism: A Commentary on Federal Government Proposals to Amend the Canadian Criminal Code", [S.l. : s.n.], 1994, 15 p.; available at and at my Digital Library (accessed on 7 July 2008); also published in English/ aussi publié en anglais: L'actus reus, le fait volontaire et l'automatisme : observation sur la proposition de modification du Code criminel élaborée par le gouvernement fédéral, [Ottawa] : Division de la réforme du droit, Ministère de la justice du Canada, 1994, 11 p. ; 28 cm., copie à Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, Ottawa Preserv Copy - COP.CA.2.1997-1640 - NO ILL;  la version française est disponible à ma Bibliothèque numérique; (vérifiés le 7 juillet 2008);

BEAUMONT, S.J., "Drunkenness and Criminal Responsibility - Recent English Experience", (1976) 54 The Canadian Bar Review 777-784;

BECK, Stanley M. and Graham E. Parker, "The Intoxicated Offender - A Problem of Responsibility", (1966) 44 The Canadian Bar Review 563-609;

BECK, S.M., "Voluntary Conduct: Automatism, Insanity and Drunkenness", (1966-67) 9 The Criminal Law Quarterly 315- 322;

BEN AMAR, Mohamed, Richard Masson, Sylvain L. Roy, L'alcool: aspects scientifiques et juridiques, Montréal: Les Éditions B.M.R.(1992), 1992, ix, 365 p., ISBN: 2980312701; partie par Amar:"Aspects scientifiques", Masson: "La preuve contraire", et Roy: "Les facultés affaiblies";

BERNER, S.H., "The Defence of Drunkenness - A Reconsideration", (1971) 6 University of British Columbia Law Review 309- 351;

___________Intoxication and Criminal Responsibility, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1975, 69 p.; copy at the National Library and at the University of Ottawa, Law Library;

BLOUIN, R. et A. Hooper, "L'ivresse et les infractions criminelles", (1970) 11 Les Cahiers de droit 74-88;

CAMPBELL, Kenneth L., "Intoxicated Mistakes", (1989-90) 32 The Criminal Law Quarterly 110-134;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada and James W. O'Reilly, Toward a New General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada - Details on Reform Options-, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [December 1994], ii, 50 p., see "Intoxication" at pp. 37-47; available at my Digital Library,; also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA, Ministère de la Justice Canada et James W. O'Reilly, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada - Options de réforme-, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [décembre 1994], ii, 51 p., voir l'intoxication aux pp. 37-48; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale,;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: A Consultation Paper, [Ottawa]; [Department of Justice Canada], [November 1994], v, 35 p., see "Intoxication as a defence" at pp. 16-19; available at my Digital Library,; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Projet de réforme de la Partie générale du Code criminel, [Ottawa], [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [Novembre 1994], v, 39 p., voir "l'intoxication" aux pp. 20-23; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale,;

CANADA, Officials of the Department of Justice Canada and Members of the Law Reform Commission of Canada, Toward a New General Part for the Criminal Code of Canada: A Framework Document on the Proposed New General Part of the Criminal Code for the Consideration of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [1990], 137 p., see "Intoxication" at pp. 84-87;  available at my Digital Library,; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Fonctionnaires du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des membres de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada : document cadre sur la nouvelle partie générale proposée du Code criminel présenté pour examen au comité permanent de la justice et du solliciteur général, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice], [1990], 144 p., voir "Intoxication"  aux pp. 87-90; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale,;

CANADA, House of Commons, Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor GeneralHouse of Commons,  Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1992-1993,  11 Issues:  no. 1: 25, 26, 30 March  1992, 12 May and  8 June 1992; no. 2: 15 June 1992; no. 3: 16 June 1992; no. 4: 16 June 1992; no. 5: 2 and 18 November. 1991; no. 6: 19 November 1992; no. 7: 23 November 1992; no. 8: 24 November 1992; no. 9: 26 November. 1992; no. 10: 8 December  1992; no. 11: 10 December 1992 and  2, 4, and 16 February 1993; note that the 11 th issue consists of the report:  First Principles: Recodifying the General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada: Report of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Sollicitor General; in the report, see Chapter VIII - The Defence of Intoxication" at pp. 33-38; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Chambre des Communes, Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général,  [Ottawa]: I'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1992-1993, 11 fasicules : 1: 25, 26, 30 mars 1992, 12 mai, 8 juin 1992; 2: 15 juin 1992; 3: 16 juin 1992; 4: 16 juin 1992; 5: 2 et 18 novembre 1991; 6: 19 novembre 1992; 7: 23 novembre 1992; 8: 24 novembre 1992; 9: 26 novembre 1992; 10: 8 décembre 1992; 11: 10 décembre 1992 et 2,4,16 février 1993; noter que le 11e fasicule contient le rapport : Principes de base: recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada.  Rapport du Sous-comité sur la recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général; dans le rapport, voir "le Chapitre VIII - Le moyen de défense d'intoxication" aux pp. 35-42;

CANADA, The Minister of Justice of Canada, Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (general principles), [Ottawa], [Department of Justice Canada], 28 June 1993, 17 p., see Clause 35, "Self-induced intoxication" at pp. 10-11; available at my Digital Library,; also published in French/aussi publié en français: Ministre de la Justice du Canda, Proposition de modification du Code criminel (principes généraux), [Ottawa], [MInistère de la Justice Canada], 28 ¸juin 1993, 17 p., voir l'article 35, "Intoxication volontaire" aux pp. 10-11; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale,;

CANADA/PROVINCES, Report of the Working Group on Chapter 3 of the Law Reform Commission of Canada Report 30, Vol. 1,  "Recodifying Criminal Law", [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], December 1987, vii, 80 p., see the discussion of "Clause 3(3) Intoxication"  at pp. 30-35; Research Note: this report is cited in the Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1988-1989 - 18th Annual Report, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1989 at p. 37, ISBN: 0662573013.  Chapter 3 of report 30  is entitled "Defences" and  includes a provision, clause 3(3),  on "Intoxication".    This report of the working group was submitted to the Federal-Provincial Coordination Committee of Senior Justice Officials.  Members of the Working Group were from: the Department of Justice Canada, and from the following provincial Attorney General departments or Ministries/Departments of Justice: Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and  British Columbia. This report is available from the Department of Justice Canada.  It was obtained by François Lareau in 1998 under Access to Information Act Request number A98-00185;  also published in French/aussi publié en français: CANADA/PROVINCES, Rapport du Groupe de travail chargé de l'étude du chapitre 3 du Rapport no 30 de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada "Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal" (Volume I), [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada],  décembre 1987, vii, 88 p., voir la discussion sur le "Paragraphe 3(3) - Intoxication" aux pp. 32-38; Notes de recherche : ce rapport est mentionné dans Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1988-1989, Dix-huitième Rapport annuel,  Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1989,  à la p. 40, ISBN: 0662573013.  Le chapitre 3 du rapport 30 a pour titre «Les moyens de défense» et comprend une disposition, le paragraphe 3(3),  sur «[l']Intoxication».  Ce rapport du groupe de travail a été soumis au Comité fédéral-provincial de coordination composé de fonctionnaires de niveau supérieur de la justice.  Les membres du groupe de travail proviennent du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des ministères des procureurs généraux /ministères provinciaux de la justice suivants: l'Ontario, Québec, Nouvelle-Écosse, Saskatchewan, Alberta et Columbie-Britannique. Ce rapport est disponible au Ministère de la Justice Canada.  Il a été obtenu par François Lareau en 1998 suite à une demande en vertu de la Loi sur l'accès à l'information, demande numéro A-98-00185;

CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF POLICE CHIEFS, [Law Amendment Committee], An Evaluation of Volume I of the Report 30 Published by the Law Reform Commission Canada and titled "Recodifying Criminal Law", [Ottawa?]: The Canadian Association of Police Chiefs, August 1987, 112 p., see the discussion on intoxication at pp. 25-27;  Research Note:  this report was submitted by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police to the Minister of Justice Canada in September 1987; a copy of this paper can be found in the unpublished papers of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code, supra,. see Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code, issue number 10, December 8, 1992 at p. 10A-4;

CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION, Submission to the Minister of Justice on the Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (General Principles), [Ottawa]: [The Canadian Bar Association], January 1994, 12 p. (series; Legislative and Law Reform Submissions); also published in French / aussi publié en français:: L'Association du Barreau canadien, Mémoire au Ministre de la justice sur la proposition de modification du Code criminel (Principes généraux), [Ottawa]: [L'Association du Barreau canadien], janvier 1994, 12 p. (Collection; Mémoires - Législation et réforme du droit);

CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION,  CRIMINAL RECODIFICATION TASK FORCE, Principles of Criminal Liability: Proposals for a New General Part of the Criminal Code - Report of the Criminal Recodification Task Force,  Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, [1992],  x, 190 p., see "Intoxication" at pp. 100-107, ISBN: 0920742335; Research Note: This book is also published in CANADA, House of Commons,Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, supra, Issue 5 of 2 and 18 November 1992 at pp. 5A:1-5A:194; also published in French / aussi publié en français: ASSOCIATION  DU BARREAU CANADIEN, GROUPE DE TRAVAIL SUR LA NOUVELLE CODIFICATION DU DROIT PÉNAL, Principes de responsabilité pénale: proposition de nouvelles dispositions générales du Code criminel du Canada: Rapport du Groupe de travail sur la nouvelle codification du droit pénal, Ottawa : Association du Barreau canadien, [1992], xiii, 206 p., ISBN: 0920742351; Note de recherche : aussi publié dans CANADA, Chambre des Communes,  Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, supra, fasicule 5 du  2 et 18 novembre 1992 aux pp. 5A:224-5A:434;

CAPPELL, Howard, A.E. Leblanc and Marc Rosenberg, "Alcohol, Drugs and Assaultive Crime: Pharmacological Considerations" in Mark H. Ben-Aron, Stephen J. Hucker, Christopher D. Webster and the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, eds., Clinical Criminology: The assessment and Treatment of Criminal Behaviour,  Toronto : M & M Graphics in cooperation with the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Toronto, 1985, 327 p. at pp. 131-156,  ISBN: 0969215908;

CARR, David, Joanne Mead and Tony Pass, "The Defence of Intoxication", (1980) Crown's Newsletter 1-28; issue of  20 April 1980, vol. 4;

CARR, Robert M., "A Common Sense Inquiry Into the Problem of the Intoxicated Offender - Proposed Amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada", (1970-71) 4 Manitoba Law Journal 365-371;

COLVIN, Eric, 1945-,  "Annotation: R. v. Butler (1984) 42 C.R.. (3d) 268 (Ontario County Court)", (1985) 42 Criminal Reports (3d) 268-269;

___________"Codification and Reform of the Intoxication Defence", (1983-84) 26 The Criminal Law Quarterly 43-73;

___________"Mens Rea Evaluated in Terms of the Essential Elements of a Crime, Specific Intent, and Drunkenness", (1971) 4 Ottawa Law Review 356-388;

___________Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, 1991, xxxvi, 399 p.,  see on intoxication, pp. 303-328, ISBN: 0459355619 (bound) and 0459355716 (pbk.).

___________"A Theory of the Intoxicated Defence", (1981) 59 The Canadian Bar Review 750-779;

COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO THE NON-MEDICAL USE OF DRUGS, Final report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, Ottawa: Information Canada,  c1973, xxvi, 1148 p. (Chairperson: Gérald Le Dain);  see on alcohol, pp. 386-410; does not cover the defence of intoxication but deals with such matters as the short-term effects and the long- term effects;  also published in French / aussi publié en français : Commission d'enquête sur l'usage des drogues à des fins non médicales,  Rapport final de la Commission d'enquête sur l'usage des drogues à  des fins non médicales, Ottawa:  Information Canada,  c1973, iii, 1160 p., (Président: Gérald Le Dain); voir sur l'alcool, les pp. 374-400; ne traite pas du moyen de défense de l'intoxication mais plutôt de sujets tels que les effets à court terme et les effets à long terme de l'alcool;

___________Interim Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, Ottawa: Information Canada,  c1973, viii, 335 p., originally published: Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1970, viii, 320 p.(Chairperson: Gérald Le Dain), see on alcohol, the index and pp. 36-44 and 131-133; does not cover the defence but deals with such matters on alcohol as the short-term effects and the long- term effects, tolerance and dependence; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Rapport provisoire de la Commission d'enquête sur l'usage des drogues à  des fins non médicales, Ottawa:  Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1970, v, 379 p., (Présidence: Gérald Le Dain), voir sur l'alcool, l'index et les pp. 37-47 et 145-147; ne traite pas du moyen de défense sur l'intoxication mais plutôt de sujets sur l'alcool, tels que les effets à court terme, les effets à long terme, la tolérance et la dépendance;

COMMITTEE ON ALCOHOLISM OF THE MEDICO-LEGAL SOCIETY OF TORONTO, "Report on Alcoholism", (1958-59) 1 The Criminal Law Quarterly 442-468;

CONNELLY, Peter J., "Drunkenness and Mistake of Fact: Pappajohn v. The Queen; Swietlinski v. The Queen", (1981-82) 24 The Criminal Law Quarterly 49-65;

CURRAN, Judge Patrick, of the Nova Scotia Provincial Court, "Intoxication and the Criminal Law", a paper presented to the National Judicial Institute's 1994 Criminal Law Intensive Study Program as mentioned in Stuart, Charter Justice in Canadian Criminal Law, 2nd ed., infra,  pp. 97-98, note 272; paper not consulted;

DOHERTY, David H., "Regina. v. O'ConnorMens Rea Survives in Australia" (1981) 19 University of Western Ontario Law Review 281- 301;

DUCHARME, Patrick J., "The Defence of Drunkenness", (1974) 22 Chitty's Law Journal 151-170;

EDWARDS, J. Ll. J., "Bora Laskin and the Criminal Law", (1985) 35 University of Toronto Law Journal 325-352, see at pp. 341-344;

FERGUSON, Gerard A., "Mens Rea Evaluated in Terms of the Essential Elements of a Crime, Specific Intent, and Drunkenness" (1970-71) 4 Ottawa Law Review 356-388;

FITZGERALD, Thomas E.K., Case Comment, "R. v. Penno (1990), 29 M.V.R. (2d) 161 [S.C.C.]", 29 Motor Vehicle Reports (2d) 222-226; comments on R. v. Penno, [1990] 2 S.C.R. 865-905

FORTIER, Léonard Age, "Influence de l'ivresse sur la liberté morale", (Décembre 1873) 2 L'Union médicale du Canada  529-540; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 14 octobre 2008);

FORTIN, Jacques et Louise Viau, Traité de droit pénal général, Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 1982, xi, 457 p., voir "L'intoxication" aux pp. 212-224;

GALLOWAY, Donald, "Annotation: R. v. Moreau (1986), 51 C.R. (3d) 209 (Ont. C.A.)", (1986) 51 Criminal Reports (3d) 210-212;

GOLD, Alan D., Annotation, "Rape and Drunkenness: a Tale of two Provinces", (1975) 31 Criminal Reports New Series 207-220;

___________Case Comments, "Leary v. The Queen", (1978) 16 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 735-740;

__________"Drunkenness and Criminal Responsibility"  in Stephen J. Hucker, Christopher D. Webster and Mark H. Ben-Aron eds, Mental Disorder and Criminal Responsibility, Toronto, Butterworths, 1981, xv, 195 p. at pp. 63-77, ISBN: 0409837342;

__________"Mens Rea and Intoxication", Criminal Lawyer's Association, Annual Convention, November 11-12, 1988, Toronto, Ontario, 30 p.;

___________Notes and Comments, "Defences - Drunkenness - Impaired Care and Control of Vehicle. R.v. Penno (1990), 59 C.C.C. (3d) 344 [S.C.C.]", (1990- 91) 33 The Criminal Law Quarterly 154-156; article signed "A.D.G."; comments on R. v. Penno, [1990] 2 S.C.R. 865-905;

___________Notes and Comments, "Defences - Intoxication defence Violates Charter - R. v. Canute (1993) 80 C.C.C. (3d) 403 [B.C. C.A.]" 19 W.C.B. (2d) 247", (1993) 35 The Criminal Law Quarterly 429-432; article signed "A.D.G.";

___________"An Untrimmed 'Beard': The Law of Intoxication as a Defence to a Criminal Charge", (1976-77) 19 The Criminal Law Quaterly 34-85;

GRAY, Kenneth G., "Alcoholic Amnesia", (1958-59) 1 The Criminal Law Quarterly 483-486;

___________"Amnesia as a Defence: A Comment on R. v. Schonberger (1960), 126 C.C.C. 113", (1960-61) 3 The Criminal Law Quarterly 13-15;

GREGORY, Anne B., "'Voluntary' or 'self-induced' intoxication: a legal fiction", (1990) 2 Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 1-23; issue of May 1990;

GROSMAN, Brian A., "R. v. Boucher et al. - (1963) 2 C.C.C. 241", (1963-64) 6 The Criminal Law Quarterly 148-151;

HAMILTON, Keith R., "Drunkenness", August 27, 1991, 22 p. (series; Working Paper, Canadian Bar Association, National Criminal Justice Section, Committee on Criminal Law Reform; number 5); discussion paper mentioned in The Canadian Bar Association Task Force Report, The Canadian Bar Association Task Force Report: Principles of Criminal Liability -  Proposals for a New General Part of the Criminal Code, Ottawa: The Canadian Bar Association, [1992], x, 190 p., ISBN: 0920742335, at p. 189; available from the Canadian Bar Association, Ottawa,  for a nominal fee; also available at the University of Montreal Law Faculty Library, call number: HAAD W926 v. 05 1991;

HARTT, Patrick, "Drunkenness" in Law Society of Upper Canada, ed., Special Lectures of the Law Society of Upper Canada 1959: Jury Trials, Toronto: Richard De Boo, 1959, iv, 364 p. at pp. 55-72;

HEALY, Patrick, Case Comments, "Criminal Law - Care and Control of Motor Vehicle While Impaired - Self-Induced Intoxication No Defence - Principles of Fundamental Justice - Charter of Rights and Freedoms, ss. 7, 11(d)", (1992) 71 The Canadian Bar Review 143-155; comments on  R. v. Penno, [1990] 2 S.C.R. 865-905;

___________Comments, "R. v. Bernard: Difficulties With Voluntary Intoxication (1989-90) 35 McGill Law Journal 610-632;

___________"Intoxication in the Codification of Canadian Criminal Law", (1994) 73 The Canadian Bar Review 515-552; note: The Canadian Bar Review article contains a "Postcript, Daviault: Last Call for Beard?" at pp. 543-552;  also with the same title but without the Postcript in: [Ottawa] : Law Reform Division, Deptartment of Justice Canada, 1994, 37 p., copy at the National Library, Ottawa;  available at my Digital Library; also published in French (translation) /aussi publié en français (traduction): "La codification de l'intoxication en droit pénal canadien", Division de la réforme du droit, Ministère de la justice du Canada, 1994, 33 p., copie à la Bibliothèque nationale, Ottawa; disponible à ma Bibliothèque numérique;

Henri Daviault (Appelant)  et Sa Majesté la Reine (Intimée), Mémoire [Factum] de l'appellant et mémoire de l'intimée, [1993], dossier de la Cour suprême du Canada,  numéro de dossier 23435; mémoires en français / factums in French; la décision de la Cour se trouve à   R. c. Daviault, [1994] 3 R.C.S. 63-132;

HILL, R.W., "Drunkenness and Criminal Responsibility: The Psychiatrist's Contribution", in Stephen J. Hucker, Christopher D. Webster and Mark H. Ben-Aron eds, Mental Disorder and Criminal Responsibility, Toronto, Butterworths, 1981, xv, 195 p. at pp. 79-90, ISBN: 0409837342; includes bibliography at pp. 88-90

HUTCHISON, H.C., M. Tuchtie, K.G. Gray and D. Steinberg, "A Study of the Effects of Alcohol on Mental Functions", (1964-65) 7 The Criminal Law Quarterly 343-360; indicates at p. 343: "Reprinted from Canadian Psychiatry Journal, vol. 9, No. 1 (February, 1964)";

INSTITUTE OF LAW RESEARCH AND REFORM, Defences to Provincial Charges, Edmonton: The Institute of Law Research and Reform, March 1984, ii, 123 p., see "Intoxication" at p. 60 (series; Report No. 39);

JACKSON, Mary, "Intoxication", brief presented to CANADA, House of Commons, Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, supra, Issue number 2,  June 15, 1992, pp.2A:34 to 2A:38; also published in French (translation) /aussi publié en français (traduction), "L'intoxication", mémoire présenté dans Canada, Chambre des Communes,  Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, supra, fasicule numéro 2, 15 juin 1992 aux pp. 2A:152 à 2A:159;

KAMEL-TOUEG, Nabil, Précis de droit pénal général - Droit pénal I, 2e édition, Mont-Royal : Modulo, 1994, ix, 242 p.; voir "L'intoxication" aux pp. 185-187, ISBN: 2891135024;

KNOLL, Patrick J., 1950-, Criminal Law Defences - Textbook Edition of the title Criminal Law Defences Canadian Encyclopedic Digest Third Edition, 2nd ed., Scarborough: Carswell (Thomson Professional Publishing), 1994, 224 p., see "Intoxication" at pp. 134-143, ISBN: 0459552392;

LABRÈCHE, Diane, The defence of voluntary intoxication in Canadian penal law, LL.M. thesis, York University, Osgoode Hall Law School, viii, 209 leaves, text in French; thesis published as "La défense d'intoxication volontaire en droit pénal canadien", (1979-1980) 14 Revue juridique Thémis161-242;

___________"La défense d'intoxication volontaire en droit pénal canadien", (1979-1980) 14 Revue juridique Thémis161-242;

LAGARDE, Irénée, Droit pénal canadien, Montréal: Wilson et Lafleur, 1974, feuilles mobiles, vol.3 de 3, chapitre 25 des Règles de preuve et de pratique, "Défense d'ivresse", pp. 2685-2695;

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF CANADA, The General Part - Liability and Defences, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canda, 1982, [10], 204 p., (series; Working Paper; 29), see "Intoxication" at pp.54-63 with notes at pp. 132-133,  ISBN: 0662514297; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada Partie générale - responsabilité et moyens de défense, Ottawa: Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1982, [10], 239 p., voir "Intoxication" aux pp. 60-71 avec les notes aux pp. 153-154 (collection; Document de travail; 29),  ISBN: 0662514297;

___________Homicide, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1984, [vii], 117 p., see " 'Drunken Homicide' " at pp. 60-62 (Series; Working Paper; number 33), ISBN: 0662529871; copy of the English version of this working paper is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français : L'homicide, Ottawa: Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, [vii], 129 p., voir, "L'homicide commis sous l'influence de l'alcool" aux pp. 68-70 (Collection; document de travail; numéro 33), ISBN: 0662529871;

___________Recodifying Criminal Law, vol. 1, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1986, [14], 117 p., on intoxication, see pp. 27-29 and 101,  ISBN: 0662547322 (series; Report; 30);  copy of the English version of this report is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal, vol. 1, Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1986, [14], 117 p.,  voir sur l'intoxication,  les pp. 30-32 et la p. 115, ISBN: 0662547322 (collection; Rapport; 30);

___________Recodifying Criminal Law (Revised and Enlarged Edition of Report 30), Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1987, [16], 213 p., (series; Report 31), on intoxication, see pp. 30-32 and 1177,  ISBN: 0662547578; copy of the English version of this report is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; Research Note:  the Commission's recommendations in this report were modified by a subsequent document: "A New General Part for the Criminal Code: Brief from the Law Reform Commission of Canada to the Subcommittee on the General Part" in Canada, House of Commons, Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, supra, Issue 1 of : 25, 26, 30 March 1992, at the Appendix, pp. 1A:1 - 1A:17 (there is a modification to intoxication, see p. 1A:15).  This report 31 was tabled in the House of Commons on 19 May 1988 (see House of Commons, Debates, 19 May 1988 at 15609);  also published in French / aussi publié en français: Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal (Édition révisée et augmentée du rapport no 30) , Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1987, [16], 233 p., voir l'intoxication aux pp. 33-35 et 197, ISBN: 0662547578; Note de recherche:  notons que les recommandations de la Commission ont été modifiées par le document "Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel - Mémoire présenté au sous-comité sur la Partie générale par la Commission de Réforme du droit du Canada" dans Canada,  Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, supra,  fasicule numéro 1 du  25, 26, 30 mars 1992, aux  pp. 1A:29 - 1A:60 (il y a une modification à l'intoxication, voir la p. 1A:45).  Ce rapport 31 a été déposé à la Chambre des Communes, le 19 mai 1988 (voir Chambre des Communes, Débats, 19 mai 1988 à 15609);

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF SASKATCHEWAN, Proposals for Defences to Provincial Offences: Report to the Minister of Justice,  Saskatoon : Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan, December 1986, 18 p., see "Common Law Defences" at pp. 13-15;

LEIGH, L.H.,   "The Law Reform Commission of Canada and the Reform of the General Part", [1983] Criminal Law Review 438-449, see on intoxication, pp. 443-444;

LIBMAN, Rick, "The Defence of Drinking and Driving Offences: Too Drunk to Drive; Too Drunk for a Defence", (1991) 3 Journal of Motor Vehicle Law 15-33; also with the same title in Canadian Bar Association - Ontario, ed., Criminal Law '90, [Toronto]: Canadian Bar Association - Ontario, 1990 Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1990, 25 p., on the cover: "CBAO February 8, 9, and 10, 1990 Holiday Inn Downtown, Toronto", ISBN: 0921664613, copy at the National Library;

MANSON, Allan and Tim Quigley, "Bernard on Intoxication: Principle, Policy and Points in Between - Two Comments", (1989) 67 Criminal Reports (3d) 168-182; the part by Professor Quigley is at pp. 168-173 and the part by Professor Manson, at pp. 173-182;

MARTIN, Mr. Justice G. Arthur, "Introduction" in National Symposium on Medical Sciences and the Criminal Law, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Medical Sciences  and the Criminal Law: Held in the Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto, Monday, May 28th - Tuesday, May 29th, 1973 / convened by the Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, Toronto : Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, c1974, xviii, 151 p., at pp. 1-6;

McKAY, Corinne, "Reform of the Law of Intoxication: A First Nations Women's Analysis", prepared for Yukon Women's Directorate, 1994, 25 p., Note on document: "This research has been completed for the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Senior Status of Women Officials and does not necessarily reflect their views"; a French translation exists of this document; aussi disponible en français;

MEWETT, Allan W., 1930-,  and Morris Manning, Mewett & Manning on Criminal Law (previously published under title: Criminal Law), 3rd ed, Toronto: Butterworths, 1994, lxiv, 959 p., see "Chapter 12: Intoxication: Alcohol or Drugs" at pp. 403-440, ISBN: 0409903752 (bound) and 0433396458 (pbk.);

MEWETT, Alan W., 1930-, "Commentary" in National Symposium on Medical Sciences and the Criminal Law, ed.,  Proceedings of the National Symposium on Medical Sciences and the Criminal Law, Convened by the Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, Held in the Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto, Monday, May 28th - Tuesday, May 20th, 1973, Toronto: Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, c1974,  xviii, 151 p., at pp. 129-131, ISBN: 0919584098; copy at the University of Ottawa (medical library);

MITCHELL, Chester N.,"The Intoxicated Offender - Refuting the Legal and Medical Myths", (1988) 11 International  Journal of Law and Psyschiatry 77-103;

MYERS, Frederick L., or Fred.,  1959-, Making sense of nonsense : a rationalization and a proposal for Canadian legislative reform of the criminal law defences of  automatism, insanity and drunkenness, LL.M. thesis, Harvard University Law School, 19 March 1985, ii, 69, 14 leaves; copy at Harvard University and Univeristy of New Brunswick; thesis not consulted; no copy at the National Library, Ottawa;

National Defence Act , R.S.C. 1985, c. N-5, section 95, the offence of "Drunkenness" for the persons subject to the military code of discipline; see notes of that offence in article 103.30 of the Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces (QR&O) / Loi sur la défense nationale, S.R.C. 1985, c. N-5, article 95, l'infraction d'ivresse pour les personnes qui sont sujettes au code de discipline militaire; voir les notes explicatives à l'article 103.30 des  Ordannances et règlements royaux applicables aux Forces canadiennes (ORFC);

PARKER, Graham, 1933-, Case Comments, "Mulligan v. The Queen", (1977) 15 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 427-435;

___________Comments, "Criminal Law - Mens Rea - General Principles - Intoxication as a Defence", (1977) 55 The Canadian Bar Review 691-705;

___________An Introduction to Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto: Methuen, 1987, viii, 452 p., see the index and Chapter 7, "Drugs: A Problem of Law and Morals" at  pp. 299-314 and also at  p. 435 for the bibliographic notes, ISBN: 0458806803;

PINCOCK, T.A., "The Frequency of Alcoholism Among Self-Referrred Persons and Those Referred by the Courts for Psychiatric Examination", (1962) 34(1) Manitoba Bar News 95-103;

POPPLE, A.E., Annotation, "Capacity of the accused to form the necessary intent in murder", (1956) 23 Criminal Reports 271-275;

___________Annotation, "Drunkenness as a defence in a criminal case", (1949) 7 Criminal Reports 152-158;

POWELL, Clay M., Commentator, "Drunkenness: A defence to manslaughter? A comment on R. v. Mack (1974) 29 C.R.N.S. 270; R. v. Howell [1974] 2 All E.R. 806; R. v. Bratty, [1963] A.C. 386; D.P.P. v. Beard [1920] A.C. 479; D.P.P. v. Gallagher [1963] A.C. 349; R. v. Lipman [1970]1 Q.B. 152; R. v. Haywood, [1971] V.R. 755; R. v. Keogh [1964] V.R. 400; R. v. Hartridge (1966) 48 C.R. 389; Gray v. Barr [1971] 2 All E.R. 949; O'Grady v. Sparling (1960) 128 C.C.C. 1 (S.C.C.); R. v. Sheehan and Moore [1975] Criminal Law Review 339; R. v. Stones (1955) 56 S.R. (N.S.W.) 25; R. v. Crump (1966) Qd.R. 340; R. v. Gordon (1963) S.R. (N.S.W.) 631; R. v. Broadhurst [1964] A.C. 441; Asworth, 'Reason, Logic & Criminal Liability' (1975) 91 L.Q. Rev. 102; Hogan, "The Killing Ground", 1964-1973, [1974] Criminal Law Review 393 (30 minutes)"  in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1975, audio cassette, September 1975, side one, 30 minutes;

POWELL, Clay M. and J. David Watt, Commentators, "Drunkenness as a defence to constructive first degree murder.  R. v. Swietzlinski, O.C.A., Oct. 18, 1978; D.P.P. v. Majewski [1977] A.C. 443; D.P.P. v. Beard [1920] A.C. 479; R. v. Hartridge [1967] 1 C.C.C. 346"  in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1978, audio cassette, November 1978, side one, number one, 30 minutes;

___________"Drunkenness - Defence to charge of attempted murder.  Test is NOT regarding 'capacity' to form an intent.  An old problem revisited.  R. vs Seguin, O.C.A. Feb. 22 1079 [sic]; R. vs Otis, 39 C.C.C. (2D) 304; R. vs. Dees, 40 C.C.C., (2D) 58"  in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1979, audio cassette, February 1979, side one, number one, 17 minutes;

___________"Intent - a general look at the defence of lack of intent caused by alcohol and of drugs as it relates to principals and parties to various offences. Constructive and first degree murder.  General guidelines to keep in mind.  R. v. Dees, O.C.A., March 13, 1978; R. v. Otis, O.C.A., Feb. 13, 1978; R. v. Vasil (1977) 37 C.C.C. (2d) 199; R. v. McAskill (1931) S.C.R. 330; R. v. Tennant & Naccarato (1975) 23 C.C.C. (2d) 80"  in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1978,  audio cassette, March 1978, side one, number one, and continued on side two;

Practice Note, "Alternative defences", (1961) 34 Criminal Reports 320-321; deals with the defences of intoxication and mental disorder;

Practice Note, "Defence of drunkenness", (1947) 3 Criminal Reports 449 (part of one page only);

Practice Note, "Defence of drunkenness", (1954) 18 Criminal Reports 304 (part of one page only);

Practice Note, "Defence of drunkenness", (1955) 21 Criminal Reports 247-248;

Practice Note, "Defence of drunkenness and provocation", (1949) 7 Criminal Reports 141-142;

Practice Note, "Drunkenness as a defence", (1951) 11 Criminal Reports 444 (part of one page only);

Practice Note, "Drunkenness as a defence", (1951-52) 13 Criminal Reports 53 (part of one page only);

Practice Note, : Drunkenness as a defence", (1954) 18 Criminal Reports 326-327;

Practice Note, "Drunkenness as a defence to a charge of rape", (1961) 34 Criminal Reports 380 (part of one page only);

Practice Note, "Provocation and drunkenness", (1956) 23 Criminal Reports 163 (part of one page only);

QUIGLEY, Tim and Eric Colvin, "Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: The 1988-89 Term", (1990) 1 The Supreme Court Law Review (second series) 187-268, see "The Intoxication Defence" at pp. 188-201;

QUIGLEY, Tim, Notes and Comments, "A Shorn Beard", (1986-87) 10(3) Dalhousie Law Journal 167-194;

___________"Reform of the Intoxication Defence", (1987-88) 33 McGill Law Journal 1-48;

___________"Specific and General Nonsense? ", (1987-88) 11 Dalhousie Law Journal 75-125;

ROGERS, Richard, 1950-,  and Chester Mitchell, Mental Health Experts and the Criminal Courts: A Handbook for Lawyers and Clinicians, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing Canada, 1991, zxi, 406 p., see chapter 6, "Intoxication Defence " at pp. 165-201,  ISBN: 045935751;

SCHABAS, Paul B., "Intoxication and Culpability: Towards an Offence of Criminal Intoxication", (1984) 42 University of Toronto Faculty Law Review 147-164;

SCHIFFER, Marc E. (Marc Evan), 1951-,  Mental Disorder and the Criminal Trial Process, Toronto: Butterworths, 1978, xxvi, 342 p., see "Incapacity To Form Specific Intent Due To Intoxication" at pp. 153-163,  ISBN: 0409865605 (Canadian Legal Text Series);

SEGAL, Abraham, Drunknness and provocation as defences in criminal law, [Montreal : s.n.], 1959, [iv]+89+2+[4] leaves; copy at Université McGill, Bibliothèque de droit Nahum Gelber/McGill University, Nahum Gelber Law Library, KLG82;S454; Cutter law; title noted in my research but document not consulted;

SHINER, Roger, "Intoxication and Responsibility", (1990) 13 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 9-35;  with the same title in [Toronto, Ont.] : Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [1990], 48, 9 p. (series; Legal theory workshop series; WS 1989-90 - (10)), text not consulted;

SOLURSH, Lionel P. and M. J. Solursh, Illusinogenic Drugs: Their Effects on Criminal Responsibility, Toronto, Canadian Mental Health Association, [1969?], 37 p.; copy at Ottawa University;

SOMERVILLE, M.J., "Drunkenness as a Defence to Rape.  R. v. Vanderwoort and R. v. Boucher", (1964) 22 University of Toronto Faculty Law Review 133-139;

STUART, Don, "Annotation: R. v. Cedeno (2005) 27(2) C.R. (6th) 251 (Ontario Court of Justice, Duncan J.)", (2005) 27(2) Criminal Reports (6th) 252;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Gawel (1984) 40 C.R. (3d) 93 (Sask. Q.B.)", (1984) 40 Criminal Reports (3d) 93; deals with intoxication and break and enter;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Jensen (2005) 27(2) C.R. (6th) 240 (Ont. C.A.)", (2005) 27(2) Criminal Reports (6th) 242;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Penno (1991) 80 C.R. (3d) 97  (S.C.C.)", (1991) 80 C.R. (3d) 99-101; discusses R. v. Penno, [1990] 2 S.C.R. 865-905;

SUPREME COURT OF CANADA decisions / décisions de la Cour suprême du Canada

Leary v. The Queen, [1978] 1 S.C.R. 29, 1977 CanLII 2 (S.C.C.), available at (accessed on 30 December 2006); also published in French / aussi publiée en français: Leary c. La reine, [1978] 1 R.C.S. 29, 1977 IIJCan 2 (C.S.C.), disponible #à (site visité le 30 décembre 2006);

MacAskill, v. The King,  [1931] S.C.R. 330-335

Mulligan v. The Queen, [1977] 1 S.C.R. 612-628
Mulligan c. La Reine, [1977] 1 R.C.S. 612-628

Perrault v. The Queen, [1971]  S.C.R. 196-208
Perrault c. La Reine, [1971]  R.C.S. 196-208

The Queen  v. George, [1960]  S.C.R. 871-891

The Queen  v. King, [1962] R.C.S. 746-764

R. v. Bernard, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 833-892
R. c. Bernard, [1988] 2 R.C.S. 833-892

R. v. Penno, [1990] 2 S.C.R. 865-905
R. c. Penno, [1990] 2 R.C.S. 865-905

R. v. Quin, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 825-832
R. c. Quin, [1988] 2 R.C.S. 825-832

Swietlinski v. The Queen, [1980] 2 S.C.R. 956-984
Swietlinski c. La Reine, [1980] 2 R.C.S. 956-984

Young v. The Queen, [1981] 2 S.C.R. 39-63
Young c.  La Reine,   [1981] 2 R.C.S. 39-63

SYNOWICKI, Donald N., Notes, "A Review of the Defence of Drunkenness in the Criminal Law", (1961) 2 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 1231-1239;

TASCHEREAU, Elzéar (Elzéar-Alexandre), 1820-1898, "Criminal Code of 1892. Letter by Judge Taschereau to the Attorney General of Canada with Comments and Suggestions" PDF 20 January 1893, 6 p., and annexed memoranum of 23 p., National Archives of Canada; document obtaine by a request under the Access to Information Act in 1993; pdf completed on 26 August 2006;

"Not a word about drunkenness, and the rule that, though it is not an excuse for a crime, yet where the intention of the party guilty of an offence is an element of the offence itself, the fact that the accused was intoxicated at the time may be taken into consideration by the jury in considering whether he had the intention necessary to constitute the offence charged.  R. v. Doherty, 16 Cox, 806; R. v. Cruse, 8 Cox 541, -- There is no room for doubting that such is the law.  Then, why not insert it?" (p. 1 of the annexed memorandum)

THOMPSON, E.G. (Mr. Justice), "Proof in a Criminal Case: Reasonable Doubt,  Insanity and Drunkenness", in Special Lectures of the Law Society of Upper  Canada 1955 - Evidence, Toronto: Richard De Boo, 1955, xiii, 342 p., at pp. 71-101, see "Drunkenness" at pp. 98-101;

THORNTON, Mark T., "Making Sense of Majewski", (1980-81) 23 The Criminal Law Quarterly 464-491;

USPRICH, S.J., "Two problems in Sexual Assault: Attempts and the Intoxication Defence", (1986-87) 29 The Criminal Law Quarterly 296-314;

VIAU, Louise, Chroniques régulières - Droit pénal, "La solution du droit positif en matière d'intoxication volontaire: un compromis indéfendable?" (1978) 38 La Revue du Barreau 101-113;

WATT, David, Commentator, "Intoxication and constructive first degree murder.  The Queen v. Jeffrey Scott Breese, unreported, May 1, 1984, (O.C.A.)"  in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1984, audio cassette, 1984, tape six, side one, 30 minutes, continued on side two, number one, 12 minutes;

___________"The Mental Element in Murder as Affected by intoxication and Provocative Conduct by the Deceased.  The Queen v. Patrick Nealy, unreported, October 9, 1986 O.C.A."  in Criminal Law Audio Series,  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1986, audio cassette, 1986, tape seven, side one, number two, 5 minutes and continued on side two, number one, 22 minutes;

WEILER, Paul, In the Last Resort.  A Critical Study of the Supreme Court of Canada, Toronto: Carswell, 1974, xv, 246 p., see "Defining Common Law Excuse: Intoxication" at pp. 104-108, ISBN: 0459313304;

___________"The Supreme Court of Canada and the Doctrines of Mens Rea", (1971) 49 The Canadian Bar Review 280-363, see "Drunkenness and Criminal Guilt" at pp. 340-344;

WILSON, J.O. (Mr. Justice), "The Defence of Drunkenness: R. v. Beard", (1953-58) 2 University of British Columbia Legal Notes 141-148;

___________"The Defence of Intoxication: A Re-Examination",  (1958-63) 1 University of British Columbia Law Review 543-552;

WOOD, Josiah (Mr. Justice), "Defences Relating to Capacity and Awareness:  Intoxication", in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, [Montreal]:  Federation of Law Societies of Canada, July 1993;

___________"Late Nite Musings on Drunkenness (as a Defence)", (1991) 49 The Advocate 887-893; issue of 6 November 1991;

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