Key words: criminal law, bibliography on the defence of entrapment, abuse of process, defence of entrapment, defense of entrapment, entrapment defence, entrapment defense, the outrageous government defence, due process, police entrapment, police traps, stay of proceedings.  Mots clés: droit pénal, bibliographie sur la provocation policière,  piège policier, agent provocateur,  agents provocateurs, arrêt des procédures,  piège illégal, provocation policière, abus de procédures

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by / par ©François Lareau, 2000-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on the
Defence of Entrapment --
Canadian Law
Bibliographie choisie sur la
provocation policière --
Droit canadien

see also / voir aussi: Comparative Law / Droit comparé

ABELL, J. (Jennie), 1951-,  and Elizabeth Sheehy, Criminal Law and Procedure: Poof, Defences, and Beyond, 2nd ed., North York (Ontario): Captus Press, c.1998, ii, 463 p., see Chapter 19, "Entrapment" at pp. 419-438, ISBN: 6896691374;

ALEXANDER, Bruce K., Peaceful Measures: Canada's Way Out of the 'War on Drugs', Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990, xiv, 401 p., see "spying" at pp. 41-46, ISBN: 082027229;

ANGENE, Manfred, "Case References on Abuse of Process - Summary of Cases up to 15th March 1977", (1977) 37 Criminal Reports New Series Annotated153-225, see "Entrapment" at pp. 201-206;

ANTHONY, B.,  J. Moore, R. Solomon and M. Green, "Entrapment and Violence in the enforcement of drug laws", cited  in the Commission of Inquiry Into The Non-Medical Use of Drugs, Final Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, Ottawa: Information Canada,  c1973, xxvi, 1148 p. at p. 1145 as part of the Law and Enforcement papers of the Commission Research Project; should be available under an Access to Information Act request;

ARCHIBALD, Bruce P., "The Constitutionalization of the General Part of Criminal Law", (1988) 67 Canadian Bar Review 403-454, see "Constitutional Problems with Non-Exculpatory Public Policy Defences" at pp. 437-442;

ARMOUR, The Honourable Mr. Justice, Annotation, "Police Traps and Incitements to Crime", (1933) 59 Canadian Criminal Cases 273-301;

ATRENS,  Jerome J., "Abuse of Process" in Jerome J. Atrens, Peter T. Burns and James P. Taylor, eds., Criminal Procedure: Canadian Law and Practice, vol. 1 of 3, Toronto: Butterworths, 1982-, looseleaf, chapter VI, 75 p., dated September 1999, see "Entrapment and Other Police Tactics" at pp. VI-37 to VI-49, ISBN: 0409988308 (set);

BACCIGALUPO, Alain, 1944-, L'impact de la charte canadienne des droits et libertés sur les activités policières au Canada, Québec : Université Laval, Laboratoire d'études politiques et administratives, 1994, iv, 143 p. (Collection; Cahier ; 94-01),  ISBN:  2920479458, voir: "La provocation policière et la Charte: seuls les abus sont sanctionnés par les tribunaux" aux pp. 29-30;

___________Police et droits de l'homme : droit pénal comparé Canada-France, Cowansville, Québec : Éditions Y. Blais, c2001, lvi, 1032 p., voir "La provocation policière en droit canadien", ISBN:  2894515197; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa, K3465 B33 2001;

BACHAND, Gilles, «Légalité et piège illégal», (1981-82) 12 Revue de droit de l'Université Sherbrooke 357-394;

BARNHORST, Sherrie, 1948-,  and Richard Barnhorst, Criminal Law and the Canadian Criminal Code, 3rd ed., Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1996, xxxii, 414 p., see "Entrapment" at pp. 93-94,  ISBN: 007552757X;

BEAUDOUIN, Gérald, 1929-, avec la collaboration de Pierre Thibault, Les droits et libertés au Canada, Montréal : Wilson & Lafleur, 2000, xix, 790 p., voir "L'abus de procédure" aux pp. 410-411 (Collection; La Collection bleue), ISBN: 2891274962;

BERGERON-GUYARD, Sébastien, La provocation policière dans le cyberspace: le test de l'arrêt Mack mis à l'épreuve, Université d'Ottawa. mémoire de maîtrise en droit avec concentration en droit et technologie 2005 or 2006?;  indiqué dans la (2005) 65 Revue du Barreau 352, on y ajoute "Veuillez noter que les mémoires ne sont pas disponibles pour consultation"; (p. 351); texte non consulté;  

BLAIS, Jean-Michel, “Conclure un marché avec le diable: la  nécessité et les conséquences de l’utilisation des indicateurs de police dans le processus judiciaire” (1997) 11 La Revue juridique des étudiants et étudiantes de l’Université Laval 139-193;  voir la PDF table des matières aux pp.139-140; notes: article a gagné un prix; superviseur: professeure Paule Halley;

BOILARD, Jean-Guy, 1937-, Guide to Criminal Evidence, Cowansville (Quebec) : Éditions Yvon Blais, 1991- (loose-leaf with updates), see chapter 9, "Entrapment, Police Provocation, Abuse of Process",  ISBN: 2890737861;

____________Manuel de preuve pénale, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1991-(feuilles mobiles avec mise à jour), voir le chapitre 9, "'Entrapment, Provocation policière, procédures abusives", ISBN: 2890737853;

BOISVERT, Anne-Marie, "La responsabilité versant acteurs: vers une redécouverte en droit canadien, de la notion d'imputabilité", (2003) 33 Revue générale de droit 271-292, voir les pp. 285-287;

BOLTON, P. Michael, 1943, Defending Drug Cases, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, 1999, xi, 141 p., see "Entrapment" at pp. 93-96, (series; Canada Practice Guides Criminal Series), ISBN: 04592711857;

BOMHOFF, Scott, "Entrapment and the General Part" in Canada, House of Commons, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, Ottawa:  Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons by the Queen's Printer for Canada, available from Canada Communication Group - Publishing, Supply and Services Canada, 1992 (Chairperson: Blaine Thacker), Issue: 2: June 15, 1992, at pp. 2A:58- 2A:65; also published in French - translation  / aussi publié en français - traduction: «La provocation et la Partie générale" dans Canada, Chambre des Communes, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, Ottawa : publié en conformité de l'autorité du Président de la Chambre des communes par l'imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1992 (Président: Blaine Thacker), fasicule numéro 2, 15 juin 1992 aux pp. 2A:188 - 2A:199;

BOURQUE, Sophie, "Les moyens de défense" dans Droit pénal (Infractions, moyens de défense et sentence) volume 11, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2000, aux pp. 163-188, voir sur la provocation policière, les pp. 186-188 (Collection; Collection de droit 1999-2000, vol. 11), ISBN: 289451333X;

__________"Les moyens de défense" dans Claude Leblond, responsable du secteur Droit pénal, École du Barreau du Québec, Droit pénal: infractions, moyens de défense et sentence, Cowansville (Québec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, 264 p., aux pp. 161-188, et plus particulièrement, "La provocation policière" aux pp. 186-187 et "L'abus de procédure découlant des activités criminelles des policiers" aux pp. 187-188 (Collection; Collection de droit 2000-2001; volume 11), ISBN: 2894513976; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF385 ZB5 C681 v. 11 2000-01 c. 01 (24 février 2003);

BRAULT, Peter M. and Candice Welsch, "Illegal Police Conduct in the Course of a Bona Fide Investigation", (1999) 43 The Criminal Law Quarterly 64-85;

BRAUTI, Peter M., 1968-, and Brian G. Puddington, 1975-, Prosecuting and defending drug offences, Aurora (Ont.): Canada Law Book, c2003, xlvi, 490 p., see "Entrapment", at pp. 65-74, ISBN: 0888043775; copy at Carleton University,  Floor 4, KE9050 .B73 2003;

BRIDAL, J.F.C., "Entrapment" in David L. Greenbank, Course Co-ordinator, The Drug case: Materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Education seminar held in Vancouver, B.C. on March 17, 1990, Vancouver: The Continuing Legal Education, 1990, various pagings, Chapter 4, "Entrapment", 5 p., ISBN: 0865044724; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 3890 A75 D78 1990;

BRILLINGER, Don, "Stay of proceedings granted in N.W.T.  entrapment case", (1987) 7(25) Lawyers Weekly,  p. 22 (1 page only); issue of October 30, 1987; deals with R. v. Ashooma;

BRODEUR, Jean-Paul, "Undercover Policing in Canada: A Study of Its Consequences" in Cyrille Fijnaut and Gary T. Marx, eds., Undercover: Police Surveillance in Comparative Perpective, The Hague (The Netherlands): Kluwer Law International. 1995, x, 337 p. at pp. 71-102, ISBN: 9041100156;

BRONITT, Simon, "The Law in Undercover Policing: A Comparative Study of Entrapment and Covert Interviewing in Australia, Canada and Europe", (2004) 33(1) Common Law World Review 35-80; available at  (accessed on 12 July 2006); important contribution;

BRUCKER, Theresa, The Practical Guide to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Scarborough: Carswell, 1997, xv, 203 p., ISBN: 0459554336; see "Cases Applying the Abuse of Process Doctrine in Respect of Entrapment" at pp. 178-180 and "Cases Involving The Doctrine of Abuse of Power in Respect of 'Illegal' Police Activity" at pp. 180-190; there is now a 2nd ed.: Scarborough: Carswell, November 1999, 275 p., ISBN: 0459270923 which I have not consulted;

CANADA, Board of Inquiry on Activities of the RCMP Related to Allegations Made in the Senate of Canada, Report/Board of Inquiry on Activities of the RCMP Related to Allegations Made in the Senate of Canada, Ottawa:: Board of Inquiry on Activities of the RCMP  Related to Allegations Made in the Senate of Canada, 1991, vi, 270 p., and see "Entrapment" at pp. 49-64 (Commissionerr: The Hon. René J. Marin) also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA,Commission d'enquëte sur les allégations soulevées au Sénat du Canada concernatn les activités de la GRC, Rapport/Commission d'enquëte sur les allégations soulevées au Sénat du Canada concernatn les activités de la GRC, Ottawa: Commission d'enquëte sur les allégations soulevées au Sénat du Canada concernatn les activités de la GRC, 1991, vi, 283, et voir "La provocation policière" aux pp. 50-66 (Commissaire: L'Hon. René J. Marin);

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada and James W. O'Reilly, Toward a New General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada - Details on Reform Options -, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [December 1994], ii, 50 p., see in particular p. 48 on entrapment; available at my Digital Library; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada et James W. O'Reilly, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada - Options de réforme -, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [décembre 1994], ii, 51 p., voir la provocation policière,  à la p. 49; disponible à ma Bibliothèque numérique;

CANADA, Department of Justice Canada, Reforming the General Part of the Criminal Code: A Consultation Paper, [Ottawa]; [Department of Justice Canada], [November 1994], v, 35 p., see p. 35 for short explanation why entrapment not dealt with;available at my Digital Library; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Projet de réforme de la Partie générale du Code criminel, [Ottawa], [Ministère de la Justice Canada], [Novembre 1994], v, 39 p., voit à la p. 39 pour une courte explication pourquoi le moyen de défense qu'est la provocation policière n'est pas abordé;disponible à ma Bibliothèque numérique;

CANADA, Government of Canada,  Law Enforcement and Criminal Liability, [Ottawa:] Government of Canada, June 2000, [iii], 9, [5] p.(series; white paper); published on the internet at; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Gouvernement du Canada, Application de la loi et responsabilité criminelle, [Ottawa]: Gouvernement du Canada, juin 2000, [iii], 10, [5] p. (Collection; Livre blanc), , disponible sur l'internet à;

___________News Release, "Government of Canada Seeks Public Input on Law Enforcement and Criminal Liability", Ottawa: Government of Canada, June 22, 2000, 2 p.; available on te internet at as seen on 3 July 2000;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: Gouvernement du Canada, Communiqué, "Le gouvernement du Canada cherche à obtenir l'opinion du public su l'application de la loi et la responsabilité pénale", Ottawa: Gouvernement du Canda, 22 juin 2000, 2 p.; disponible sur l'internet à tel que vu le 3 juillet 2000;

CANADA, House of Commons,  Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1992-1993,  11 Issues: no. 1: 25, 26, 30 March  1992, 12 May and  8 June 1992; no. 2: 15 June 1992; no. 3: 16 June 1992; no. 4: 16 June 1992; no. 5: 2 and 18 November 1991; no. 6: 19 November 1992; no. 7: 23 November 1992; no. 8: 24 November 1992; no. 9: 26 November. 1992; no. 10: 8 December  1992; no. 11: 10 December 1992 and  2, 4, and 16 February 1993; note that the 11th issue consists of the report:  First Principles: Recodifying the General Part of the Criminal Code of Canada: Report of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Sollicitor General; see Chapter XI, "The Defence of Entrapment" at pp. 49-52 of the report; also published in French / aussi publié en français: CANADA, Chambre des Communes, Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général,  [Ottawa]: I'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 1992-1993, 11 fasicules : 1: 25, 26, 30 mars 1992, 12 mai, 8 juin 1992; 2: 15 juin 1992; 3: 16 juin 1992; 4: 16 juin 1992; 5: 2 et 18 novembre 1991; 6: 19 novembre 1992; 7: 23 novembre 1992; 8: 24 novembre 1992; 9: 26 novembre 1992; 10: 8 décembre 1992; 11: 10 décembre 1992 et 2,4,16 février 1993; noter que le 11e fasicule contient le rapport : Principes de base: recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada.  Rapport du Sous-comité sur la recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général; voir le Chapitre XI, "Le moyen de défense de provocation policière" aux pp. 53-56;

CANADA, The Minister of Justice of Canada,  Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (general principles), [Ottawa], [Department of Justice Canada], 28 June 1993, 17 p., see clause 39 on entrapment at pp. 17-18; available at also published in French / aussi publié en français : Ministre de la Justice du Canada, Proposition de modification du Code criminel (principes généraux), [Ottawa], [Ministère de la Justice Canada], 28 ¸juin 1993, 17 p., voir la clause 39 aux  pp. 12-13 sur la provocation policière; disponible à available at;

CANADA, Officials of the Department of Justice Canada and Members of the Law Reform Commission of Canada,  Toward a New General Part for the Criminal Code of Canada: A Framework Document on the Proposed New General Part of the Criminal Code for the Consideration of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], [1990], 137 p., see "Entrapment" at pp. 113-115, available at my Digital Library; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Fonctionnaires du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des membres de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Canada : document cadre sur la nouvelle partie générale proposée du Code criminel présenté pour examen au comité permanent de la justice et du solliciteur général, [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice], [1990], 144 p., voir la "Provocation policière" aux pp. 118-120; disponible à ma Bibliothèque numérique;

CANADA/PROVINCES, Report of the Working Group on Chapter 3 of the Law Reform Commission of Canada Report 30, Vol. 1,  "Recodifying Criminal Law", [Ottawa]: [Department of Justice Canada], December 1987, vii, 80 p., see pp. 78-80; Research Note: this report is cited in the Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1988-1989 - 18th Annual Report, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1989 at p. 37, ISBN: 0662573013.  Chapter 3 of the Commission's report 30  is entitled "Defences".  This report of the working group was submitted to the Federal-Provincial Coordination Committee of Senior Justice Officials.  Members of the Working Group were from: the Department of Justice Canada, and the following provincial Attorney General Departments or Ministries/Departments of Justice: Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and  British Columbia. This report is available from the Department of Justice Canada.  It was obtained by François Lareau in 1998 under an Access to Information Act request number A98-00185, available at my Digital Library; also published in French / aussi publié en français : CANADA/PROVINCES, Rapport du Groupe de travail chargé de l'étude du chapitre 3 du Rapport no 30 de la Commission de réforme du droit du Canada "Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal" (Volume I), [Ottawa]: [Ministère de la Justice Canada],  décembre 1987, vii, 88 p., voir les pp. 85-88; Notes de recherche :  ce rapport est mentionné dans Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1988-1989, Dix-huitième Rapport annuel,  Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1989,  à la p. 40, ISBN: 0662573013.  Le chapitre 3 du rapport 30 de la Commission a pour titre «Les moyens de défense».  Ce rapport du groupe de travail a été soumis au Comité fédéral-provincial de coordination composé de fonctionnaires de niveau supérieur de la justice.  Les membres du groupe de travail proviennent du Ministère de la Justice Canada et des ministères des procureurs généraux /ministères provinciaux de la justice de: l'Ontario, Québec, Nouvelle-Écosse, Saskatchewan, Alberta et Columbie-Britannique.  Ce rapport est disponible auprès du  Ministère de la Justice Canada.  Il a été obtenu par François Lareau en 1998 suite à une demande en vertu de la Loi d'accès à l'information, demande numéro A-98-00185; disponible à ma Bibliothèque numérique;

CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION, CRIMINAL RECODIFICATION TASK FORCE, Principles of Criminal Liability: Proposals for a New General Part of the Criminal Code - Report of the Criminal Recodification Task Force,  Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, [1992],  x, 190 p., see "Entrapment" at pp. 130-135,  ISBN: 0920742335; Research Note: This book is also published in CANADA, House of Commons, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, supra, Issue 5 of  November 2 and 18, 1992 at pp. 5A:1-5A:194, see "Entrapment" at pp. 5A:36 - 5A:41;  also published in French / aussi publié en français: ASSOCIATION  DU BARREAU CANADIEN, GROUPE DE TRAVAIL SUR LA NOUVELLE CODIFICATION DU DROIT PÉNAL, Principes de responsabilité pénale: proposition de nouvelles dispositions générales du Code criminel du Canada: Rapport du Groupe de travail sur la nouvelle codification du droit pénal, Ottawa : Association du Barreau canadien, [1992], xiii, 206 p., ISBN: 0920742351; Note de recherche : aussi publié dans CANADA, Chambre des Communes, Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur général, supra, fasicule 5 du  2 et 18 novembre 1992 aux pp. 5A:224 - 5A:434, voir la "Provocation policière" aux pp. 5A:373 - 5A:376;

CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION, Submission to the Minister of Justice on the Proposals to Amend the Criminal Code (General Principles), [Ottawa]: [The Canadian Bar Association], January 1994, 12 p. (series; Legislative and Law Reform Submissions); also published in French / aussi publié en français: L'Association du Barreau canadien, Mémoire au Ministre de la justice sur la proposition de modification du Code criminel (Principes généraux), [Ottawa]: [L'Association du Barreau canadien], janvier 1994, 12 p. (Collection; Mémoires - Législation et réforme du droit);

THE CANADIAN COMMITTEE ON CORRECTIONS, Report of the Canadian Committee on Corrections: Toward Unity: Criminal Justice and Corrections, Ottawa: The Queen's Printer, 1969, xi, 505 p., see in particular pp. 75-80 (Chairman: Roger Ouimet); also published in French / aussi publié en français : Comité canadien de la réforme pénale et correctionnelle, Rapport du Comité canadien de la réforme pénale et correctionnelle: Justice pénale et correction: un lien à forger, Ottawa, L'Imprimeur de la Reine, 1969, xii, 554p. (Président: Roger Ouimet);

C.L.A.S. (Criminal Law Audio Series), 1978 #1, January, "Defence of Entrapment:  Is It Available in Canada?  The Supreme Court of Canada examines the defence - American and English parties compared.  How is it established?  Allan Kirzner v. The Queen, S.C.C. Dec. 14, 1977; R. v. Kirzner, 32 C.C.C. (2d) 76; Lemieux v. The Queen, [1967] S.C.R. 492; Patterson v. The Queen, [1968] S.C.R. 157", Toronto:  Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1978, 30 minutes on the  audiocassette;

C.L.A.S. (Criminal Law Audio Series), 1979 #12, December, "Brief Comments on Eight Supreme Court of Canada Judgements Delivered on Dec. 21/79; ..."Entrapment: Is the Defence Still, Available.  Could be!  R. vs. Amato B.C.C.A. Nov 29, 1979; R. v. Ridge, B.C.C.A. Dec 7, 1979; R. v. Sang, H. of L. (1979) 3 W.L.R. 263",  Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1979, 7 minutes on the audiocassette;

COHEN, Stanley, Due Process of Law: The Canadian System of Criminal Justice, Toronto: Carswell, 1977, xxvi, 429 p., see "Entrapment" at pp, 385-395, ISBN: 045931730X;

COLLINS, Jerry, "Revenge for an acquittal?  Police are accused entrapping a brain-damaged ex-con", (1996) 8(8) BC Report 30;

COLVIN, Eric, Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., [Scarborough]: Carswell, 1991, xxvi, 399 p., see "Entrapment" at pp. 275-279, ISBN: 0459355619 (bound) and 0459355716 (pbk.);

COLVIN, Eric, 1945 and Sanjeev Anand, Principles of Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, li, 599 p., ISBN: 978 0779813247;  

COMMISSION D'ENQUÊTE SUR DES OPERATIONS POLICIÈRES EN TERRITOIRE QUÉBÉCOIS, Rapport de la Commission d'enquête sur des opérations  policières en territoire québécois, [Québec] : Direction des communications, Ministère de la justice, 1981,  xv, 451 p. (Président: Jean F. Keable), ISBN:  2551042240,  voir en particulier "Les opérations extra-légales des services policiers" aux pp. 421-423 et "Les opérations intra-légales" aux pp. 423-427;

COMMISSION OF INQUIRY CONCERNING CERTAIN ACTIVITIES OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE,  Second Report - Volume 2: Freedom and Security under the Law, [Ottawa]: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1981, see in particular "Agents provocateurs and entrapment" at pp. 1047-1053 (xxii, 1257 p. for the 2 vol.), ISBN: 0660109522 (vol. 2) and 0660109506 (set of  vol. 1 and 2),  (Chairman: Mr. Justice D.C. McDonald) available at (accessed on 17 February 2009); also published in French / aussi publié en français : Commission d'enquête sur certaines activités de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, La liberté et la sécurite devant la loi - deuxième rapport v.2, [Ottawa]: Ministre des approvissionnements et services, 1981,  (xxii, 1333 p. for the 2 vol.), ISBN: 0660907704 (v. 2) et 0660907682 (v. 1 et 2), disponible à  (vérifié le 17 février 2009);

COMMISION OF INQUIRY INTO THE NON-MEDICAL USE OF DRUGS, Final report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, Ottawa: Information Canada,  c1973, xxvi, 1148 p. at p. 952 with notes at pp. 966-967 (Chairperson: Gérald Le Dain);  also published in French / aussi publié en français : Commission d'enquête sur l'usage des drogues à des fins non médicales,  Rapport final de la Commission d'enquête sur l'usage des drogues à  des fins non médicales, Ottawa:  Information Canada,  c1973, iii, 1160 p., voir la p. 942 et les notes aux pp. 956-957 (Président: Gérald Le Dain);

___________Interim Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, Ottawa: Information Canada,  c1973, viii, 335 p., on entrapment, see pp. 184-185, 242, 250; originally published: Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1970, viii, 320 p.(Chairperson: Gérald Le Dain); also published in French / aussi publié en français : Rapport provisoire de la Commission d'enquête sur l'usage des drogues à  des fins non médicales, Ottawa:  Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, v, 379 p., voir le piégage aux pp. 206-207, 272 et 282 (Présidence: Gérald Le Dain);

COURNOYER, Guy, and Anjali Radcliffe-Schwartz, "Entrapment" in National Criminal Law program (1998: Victoria, B.C.), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Victoria : Federation of Law Societies, 1998, volume1 of 2, section 2.5, 10 p; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9220 ZA2 N38 1998 v. 1 c. 01;

CUNNINGHAM, Alison Hatch, 1959-,  and Curt Simon Griffiths, Canadian Criminal Justice A Primer, Toronto : Harcourt Brace, c1997, xvi, 360 p., ISBN:  0774734051, see "Entrapment" at pp. 125-126;

DEL BUONO, Vincent and Winston McCalla, Background Paper with respect to a Defence of Entrapment, Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, Criminal Law Review, Police Powers, January 1984, 66 p.;

EDWARDS, J. Ll. J., "Bora Laskin and the Criminal Law", (1985) 35 University of Toronto Law Journal 325-352, see at pp. 344-352;

EWASCHUK, Eugene G., Criminal Pleadings and Practice in Canada, vol. 2 of 3, 2nd ed., Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 1987-, see # 21:8000, "Entrapment",  ISBN: 888041438 (vol. 2);

FERGUSON, Gerry and Greg Allen, "Undercover Police Activities: International and Canadian Perspectives" , in The International Centre for Criminal law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, Promoting Criminal Justice Reform : A Collection of Papers from the Canada-China Cooperation Symposium, Vancouver: The International Centre for Criminal law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, 2007, [viii], 482 p.,  at pp. 361-383, ISBN: 978-0-973043259; available at (accessed on 5 March 2008);

FORTIN, Jacques et Louise Viau, Traité de droit pénal général, Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 1982, xi, 457 p., voir "La provocation policière" aux pp. 307-310;

FRANCE, Simon Peter, 1959-, The Defence of Entrapment: a comparative study of the law concerning police entrapment practices in four Commonwealth jurisdictions and in the United States of America, LL.M.  thesis, Queen's University, August 1983, ix, 254 leaves, copy available at the University of Ottawa;

___________"Jewitt: The Entrapment Defence Succeeds", (1983) 34 Criminal Reports (3d) 224-228;

___________"Problems in the Defence of Entrapment", (1988) 22 University of British Columbia Law Review 1- 20;

FRANKEL, S. David, "Entrapment: Recent Happenings", (1985) 43 The Advocate 505-508;

___________"Entrapment: Substantive and Procedural Issues",  in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 2, Tab 13.7, 15 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

___________"An Overview of the Law of Entrapment", (July 1991) 49 The Advocate  591-594;

FRIEDLAND, M.L. (Martin Lawrence), 1932-,  and Kent Roach, 1961-, Criminal Law and Procedure : Cases and Materials, 8th ed., Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 1997,  xxvii, 1020 p., ISBN: 0920722962, see "Entrapment" at pp. 74-88;

FRIEDLAND, Martin L.  (Martin Lawrence), 1932-, "Controlling the Administrators of Criminal Justice", (1988-89) 31 Criminal Law Quarterly 280-317;  may also be published at (1989) 11 Dublin University Law Journal 10-39 but not verified;

___________"Controling Entrapment",  (1982) 32 University of Toronto Law Journal 1-30; also found with the addition of an addendum in Chapter  6, Martin L. Friedland, A Century of Criminal Justice: Perspectives on the Development of Canadian Law, Toronto: Carswell, 1984, xxii, 245 p., chapter 6, pp. 169-204, with the addendum at pp. 203-204, ISBN: 0459365800;

___________ National Security: the Legal Dimensions, A Study prepared for the Commission [of Inquiry Concerning Certain Activities of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police], [Ottawa] : Minister of Supplies and Services, 1980, xiii, 219 p., and see "Informants and Entrapment", at pp. 93-97 with notes at pp. 170-172, ISBN: 0660105004; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General: KE 5008 .A73F75 1980;  also published in French/aussi publié en français: FRIEDLAND, M.L. (Martin Lawrence, 1932-, Les aspects juridiques de la sécurité nationale / étude préparée pour la Commission [d'enquête sur certaines activités de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada], [Ottawa] : Ministre des Approvisionnements et services, 1980, xiii, 235 p.; copie à l'Universit/ d'Ottawa,

__________"Review of the Law Relating to Entrapment"  mentioned  in: Commission of Inquiry Concerning Certain Activities of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Second Report - Volume 2: Freedom and Security under the Law, [Ottawa]: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1981, xxii, 1257 p. for the 2 vols. at p. 1233, Appendix "T", "Contracted Studies and Consultants",  ISBN: 0660109522 (vol. 2) and 0660109506 (set of  vol. 1 and 2),  (Chairman: Mr. Justice D.C. McDonald); research note: this research paper could be the subject of a request under the Access to Information Actalso cited in the French version of the report / aussi cité dans la version française du rapport: Commission d'enquête sur certaines activités de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, La liberté et la sécurite devant la loi - deuxième rapport v.2, [Ottawa]: ministre des approvissionnements et services, 1981,  (xxii, 1333 p. for the 2 vol.), Annexe "T", "Études et consultants à forfait", p. 1307;  ISBN: 0660907704 (v. 2) et 0660907682 (v. 1 et 2); le titre dans la version française est "Review of the Law Relating to Entrapment" ce qui suggère qu'il n'y a pas eu de traduction, une demande en vertu de la Loi sur l'Accès à l'information pourrait être faite pour obtenir une copie de ce document de recherche;

GOLD, Allan D., Annual Review of Criminal Law 1989, Toronto: Carswell, 1989, see "Entrapment" at p. 357-375, ISSN: 0821-7912 (appears yearly) and 0459342231 (for 1989);

__________ Annual Review of Criminal Law 1991, Toronto: Carswell, 1989, see "Entrapment" at p. 151-156, ISSN: 0821-7912 (appears yearly) and 0459362218 (for 1991);

___________Criminal offences and defences, contributed by Alan D. Gold: contributing editor, Andrew James, contributor editor, Brendon Lounsbery, Markham (Ontario): LexisNexis Canada, 2007, 1034 p., and see "Entrapment", at pp. 875-877 (series; Halsbury's Laws of Canada), ISBN: 9780433454267; 

___________"Entrapment -- Abuse of process -- Crown appeal from stay: R. v. Jewitt (1985), 21 C.C.C. (3d) 7, 20 D.L.R. (4th) 651, [1985] 2 S.C.R. 128", (1985-86) 28 The Criminal Law Quarterly 159-161;

___________"Entrapment: Kirzner v. The Queen (1977) 2 W.C.B. 50 (S.C.C. Dec 14, 1977)" (1977-78), 20 Criminal Law Quarterly 166-169; research note: the author's initials, A.D.G., appears at the article;

GORHAM, Nathan, "Regan: The Residual Category of Abuse of Process Continues to Shrink", (2002) 49(1) Criminal Reports (5th) 87-94; deals with R. v. Regan, Supreme Court of Canada, 14 February 2002 available at;

GREENBANK, David L., "Procedural Aspects of the Doctrine of Entrapment", in David L. Greenbank, Course Co-ordinator, The Drug case: Materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Education seminar held in Vancouver, B.C. on March 17, 1990, Vancouver: The Continuing Legal Education, 1990, various pagings, Chapter 4, "Entrapment", 4 p. (with the Supreme Court of Canada decision of Mack attached, 33 p.), ISBN: 0865044724; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 3890 A75 D78 1990;

GRIFFITHS, Curt T. (Curt Taylor), 1948-, and  Simon  N. Verdun-Jones, Canadian Criminal Justice, 2nd ed., Toronto, Harcourt Brace, 1994,  xviii, 687 p., ISBN: 0774734035, see "The Police and Entrapment" at pp.139-143 with notes at pp. 154-155;

HEAD, Anita K., "Book Reviews:  Entrapment in Canadian criminal law by Michael I. Stober", (1985) 13(5 and 6) International Journal of Legal Information 78-79 (issue of October-December 1985);

HUGHES, Paul M., "Temptation and Culpability in the Law of Duress and Entrapment", (2006) 51(3) The Criminal Law Quarterly 342-359;

HUTCHINSON, Allan C., and Neil R. Withington, Comments, "Criminal law - Evidence - Defence of Entrapment - Discretion to Exclude Evidence", (1980) 58 Canadian Bar Review 376-390; R. v. Sang, [1979] 2 All E.R. 1222 (H.L.);

ILLICO INC., "La défense d'‘entrapment", recherche jurisprudentielle, CR-6675 Août 1998,

INSTITUTE OF LAW RESEARCH AND REFORM, Defences to Provincial Charges, Edmonton: The Institute of Law Research and Reform, March 1984, ii, 123 p., see "Entrapment" at pp. 77-79 (series; Report No. 39);

JARDINE, James W., "Entrapment"  in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Manitoba : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 2 of 2, section 16.8, 17 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

JORDAN, James Campbell, The Doctrine of Entrapment Within the Canadian Criminal Justice System, thesis, LL.M., Edmonton: University of Alberta, Faculty of Law, Fall 1983, vii, 198 p.;

KAISER, H. Archibald, "Regan: Nearly a Tsunami Out of a Few Ripples", (2002) 49(1) Criminal Reports (5th) 74-86; deals with R. v. Regan, Supreme Court of Canada, 14 February 2002 available at;

KAMEL-TOUEG, Nabil, Précis de droit pénal général - Droit pénal I, 2e édition, Mont-Royal (Province of Québec) : Modulo Éditeur, 1994, ix, 242 p., voir le "La conspiration avec un agent provocateur" aux pp. 153-154 et le "Piège policier" aux pp.197-200, ISBN: 2891135024;

KNOLL, Patrick J., 1950-, Criminal law defences : textbook edition of the title Criminal law defences, Canadian encyclopedic digest, third edition, Scarborough, Ont. : Carswell, c1994. 2nd ed., 224 p.,  ISBN: 0459552392;. there is now a 3rd edition;

LAFRENIÈRE, Gérald, "Police Powers and Drug-Related Offences, prepared for the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs", Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Law and Government Division, 6 March 2001, v, 88 p., and see, in particular, "Entrapment" at pp. 71-82; available at (accessed on 3 September 2005); also published in French / aussi publié en français, Lafrenière, Gérald, "Les pouvoirs de la police et les infractions liées à la drogue. Produit pour le comité sénatorial spécial sur les drogues illicites", Ottawa: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Division du droit et du gouvernement, 6 mars 2001, et voir la partie "La provocation policière"; disponible à (visionné le 3 septembre 2005);

LAGARDE, Irénée, "Indicateur, Agent Provocateur et Complice", (1964) 10 McGill Law Journal 38-59;

LAREAU, François, Selected Bibliography on Abuse of Process and Stay of Proceedings / Bibliographie choisie sur l'abus de procédures et l'arrêt des procédures; entrapment is an example of the doctrine of abuse of process; la provocation policière n'est qu'un exemple de la théorie de l'abus des procédures;

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF CANADA, Recodifying Criminal Law, vol. 1, Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1986, [14], 117 p., at p. 25, ISBN: 0662547322 (series; Report 30);  also published in French / aussi publié en français, Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal, vol. 1, Ottawa : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1986, [14], 117 p.,  à la p. 27, ISBN: 0662547322 (collection; Rapport 30);

____________Recodifying Criminal Law (Revised and Enlarged Edition of Report 30),  Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1987, [16], 213 p., at p. 28 p. (series; Report 31), ISBN:0662547578; copy of the English version of this report is available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Canadian Criminal Law; Research Note:  the Commission's recommendations in this report were modified by a subsequent document: "A New General Part for the Criminal Code: Brief from the Law Reform Commission of Canada to The Subcommittee on the General Part" to  CANADA, House of Commons,  Sub-Committee on the Recodification of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Standing Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General, supra, issue 1 of  March 25, 26 and 30,  1992, Appendix, pp. 1A:1 - 1A:17.  This report 31 was tabled in the House of Commons on 19 May 1988 (see House of Commons, Debates, 19 May 1988 at 15609);  also published in French / aussi publié en français : Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, Pour une nouvelle codification du droit pénal (Édition révisée et augmentée du rapport no 30), Ottawa: Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1987, [16], 233 p., à la p. 31, ISBN: 0662547578;Note de recherche:  notons que les recommandations de la Commission ont été modifiées par le document "Pour une nouvelle codification de la Partie générale du Code criminel - Mémoire présenté au sous-comité sur la Partie générale par la Commission de Réforme du droit du Canada" dans Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Sous-comité sur la Recodification de la Partie générale du Code criminel du Comité permanent de la justice et du Solliciteur généra, supra,  fasicule numéro 1 du  25, 26, 30 mars 1992, aux  pp. 1A:29 - 1A:60.  Ce rapport 31 a été déposé à la Chambre des Communes, le 19 mai 1988 (voir Chambre des Communes, Débats, 19 mai 1988 à 15609);

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF SASKATCHEWAN, Proposals for Defences to Provincial Offences: Report to the Minister of Justice,  Saskatoon : Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan, December 1986, 18 p., see "Common Law Defences" at pp. 13-15;

LEGAL AID ONTARIO / AIDE JURIDIQUE ONTARIO -- LAO  LAW, Criminal Law Memoranda, Toronto, catalogue current as of February 1, 2006; see  and (both sites accessed on 24 February 2006);
-D2-1 Entrapment (5 Oct 2005; 50 pages);

LEVY, J.C., "Police Entrapment - A Note on Recent Developments", (1970) 35Saskatchewan Law Review 180-191 and (1972) 20 Chitty's Law Journal 331-336;

LIBMAN, Rick,  1956-,  Libman on regulatory offences in Canada, Saltspring Island, BC : Earlscourt Legal Press, c2002-, 1 v. (loose-leaf), see section 8.13,  "Entrapment", ISBN: 0968233864; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 1292 A6 L53 2002;

MACFARLANE, Bruce A., Robert J. Frater and Chantal Proulx, Drug Offences in Canada, 3rd ed., Aurora, Ont.: Canada Law Book, 1996-, 1 v. (loose-leaf), see Chapter 24, "Entrapment" and Chapter 25, "Police 'Reverse Sting Operations'",  ISBN: 0888041861;

MANITOBA WORKING GROUP, "Entrapment",  November 1991, discussion  paper mentioned in The Canadian Bar Association Task Force Report, Principles of Criminal Liability: Proposals for a New General Part of the Criminal Code, Ottawa: The Canadian Bar Association, [1992], x, 190 p., at p. 189, ISBN: 0920742335; not published but available at the Canadian Bar Association office in Ottawa and at the Library of the Faculty of Law, University of Montréal, 11 pages, part of the series: (series; Working Paper, Canadian Bar Association, National Criminal Justice Section, Committee on Criminal Code Reform; number 10);

MARIN, The Honourable René J., Policing in Canada: Issues for the  21st Century, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 1997, vii, 180 p., see Chapter 6, "Entrapment and Informers: A Potentially Dangerous Mix", ISBN: 0888042242;

MEWETT, Allan W., 1930-, and Shaun Nakatsuru, An Introduction to the Criminal Process in Canada, 4th ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional, 2000, xii, 255 p., see "Police Entrapment" at pp. 181-182, ISBN: 0459276654;

MEWETT, Allan W., 1930-, and Morris Manning,  Mewett & Manning on Criminal Law, 3rd ed, Toronto: Butterworths, 1994, lxiv, 959 p., see "Entrapment" at pp. 532-539, ISBN: 0409903752 (bound) and 0433396458 (pbk.);

MILLER, Gary A., "Other General Defences: Entrapment"  in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, [Montreal], Federation of Law Societies of Canada, July 1993;

PALLARD, Henri R., "Book Review: Entrapment in Canadian Criminal Law by Michael I. Stober", (1986-87) 51 Saskatchewan Law Review 195-196;

PANAGOPOULOS,  Nicholas V., "Amato v. The Queen: A Precedent for Entrapment", (1983) 32 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 261-266;

PARKER, Graham, "Case Comment", (1970) 48 Canadian Bar Review 178-189; discusses Ormerod;

___________"Criminal - Police Practices - The Relevance of  Entrapment as a Defence - Public Duty as Negativing Mens Rea", (1970)  48 Canadian Bar Review 178-189;

____________An Introduction to Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto: Methuen, 1987, viii, 452 p., see "Entrapment: Police Morality and Crime Prevention" at pp. 415-419 with notes at p. 437; see also the index, ISBN: 0458806803;

PATERSON, Robert K., "Towards a defence of Entrapment", (1979) 17 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 261-284;

PINX, Sheldon, "Entrapment"  in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 2 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

POPPLE, A.E., "Annotation. Agents provocateurs, police spies and informers", (1946) 1 Criminal Reports 336-339;

POWELL, Clay M. and J. David Watt, "The defence of entrapment - Is it available in Canada?  The Supreme Court iof Canada examines trhe defence - American and English parties compared.  How is it established?  Allan Kirzner v. The Queen, S.C.C., Dec. 14, 1977; R. v. Kirzner, 32 C.C.C. (2d) 76; Lemieux v. The Queen, [1967] S.C.R. 492; Patterson v. The Queen, [1968] S.C.R. 157", in Criminal Law Audio Series, January 1978, Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada Ltd, 1978, audio cassette, side one, 30 minutes;

PROULX, Michel, "Le contrôle du pouvoir discrétionnaire du procureur général" dans La Montée en puissance des juges : ses manifestations, sa contestation / sous la  direction de Mary Jane Mossman, Ghislain Otis ; [colloque organisé par]  Institut canadien d'administration de la justice = The Judiciary as Third  Branch of Government : Manifestations and Challenges to Legitimacy / edited  by Mary Jane Mossman, Ghislain Otis ; [conference organized by] Canadian  Institute for the Administration of Justice, Montréal : Éditions Thémis,  c2000. - xvi, 468 p. at pp. 377-395, ISBN: 2894001355;

PROWSE, Janet A., 1947-, Working Manual of Criminal Law, Toronto : Carswell Co., 1984-, 1 v. (looseleaf),  ISBN: 0459359703;

QUIGLEY, Tim, ___________"Annotation: R. v. Sterling, (2004) 23 C.R.(6th) 54 (Ont. Superior Court)", (2004) 23 C.R. (6th) 55;

ROACH, Kent, 1961-, Due Process and Victims' Rights: The New Law and Politics of Criminal Justice, Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1999, x, 391 p., ISBN: 080200931X (cloth), 0802079016 (paper), see in particular pp. 65-67 and 120;


___________Editorial, "Stays of Proceedings for Abuse of Process", (2002) 46 The Criminal Law Quarterly 129-130; the editorial is signed: "K.R."; deals mainly with the February 2002 decision of Regan, Supreme Court of Canada;

RUBY, Clayton, 1942-, Jill Copeland, Breese Davies, Delmar Doucette and Richard Litkoski, Setencing, 6th ed., Markham (Ontario): LexisNexis Butterworths, 2004, see "Agents Provocateurs", at pp. 210-213 and a short discussion of entrapment at pp. 270-271, ISBN: 0433443162; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF9685 R82 2004;

SAUNDERS, R.P. and J. McMunagle, Saunders & Mitchell - An Introduction to Criminal Law in Context, 3rd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1996, see "Entrapment" at pp. 652-673, ISBN: 0459554409;

SAUVÉ, Ève-Stéphanie, "The Minister of  Justice's Proposal for the Codification of the 'Defence' of Entrapment (Section 39 of the Proposal to Amend the Criminal Code - General Principles), [Ottawa] : Law Reform Division, Dept. of Justice Canada, 1994, 34 p., available at my Digital Library; also published in French - Translation / aussi publié en français - traduction : "Proposition du Mininistre de la Justice visant à codifier la 'défense' de provocation policière (article 39 de la proposition de modification du Code criminel - principes généraux)", [Ottawa] : Division de la réforme du droit, Ministère de la justice du Canada, 1994, 40 p., disponible à ma Bibliothèque numérique;

SCHMEISER, Douglas A., Book Reviews, "Entrapment in Canadian Criminal Law by Michael I. Stober", (1986) 51 Saskatchewan Law Review 195-197;

SHAFER, Joel and William J. Sheridan, "The Defence of  Entrapment", (1970) 8 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 277-299;

SNEIDEMAN, Barnett M., "A Judicial Test for Entrapment: The Glimmerings Of A Canadian Policy on Police-Instigated Crime", (1973-74) 16 Criminal Law Quarterly 81-111;

STOBER, Michael I., 1952-, Comment, "Persistent Importuning for a Defence of Entrapment", (1987-88) 33 McGill Law Journal 400- 421;

___________"Entrapment", (1976) 7 Revue générale de droit 25-69;

___________ Entrapment in Canadian Criminal Law, Toronto: Carswell, 1985, xxx, 228 p. (series; Carswell's Criminal Law Series);

___________Entrapment in Canadian Criminal Law, LL.M. thesis, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, April 1983, vi, 351 p.; available at (accessed on 17 July 2009);

___________"The Limits of Police Provocation in Canada", (1991-92) 34 The Criminal Law Quarterly 290-348;

STUART, Don, 1943-,  and Ronald Joseph Delisle, Learning Canadian Criminal Law, 7th ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thompson Professional Publishing, 1999, xxv, 1010 p., see "Entrapment" at   pp. 864-872, ISBN: 0459270613;

STUART, Don, "Amato: Watersheds in Entrapment and Abuse of Process", (1982) 29 Criminal Reports (3d) 54-59;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Mack, (1983) 34 C.R. 228 (B.C. County Court)", (1983) 34 C.R. (3d) 228-229;

___________Canadian Criminal Law: A Treatise, 4th ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, A Thomson Company, 2001, liv, 733 p., see "Entrapment" at pp. 578-592, and see also, for conspiracy, "Agents Provocateurs", at p. 690,  ISBN: 0459261703 (bound) and 0459261118 (pbk.); there is now a 5th ed.: Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, xix, 815 p., ISBN: 978 0779812950;

___________Charter Justice in Canadian Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, 1996, lx, 541 p., see pp. 102 and 260, ISBN: 0459253964 (bound) and 0459254022 (pbk.);

___________"Mack: Resolving Many But Not All Questions of Entrapment", (1989) 67 Criminal Reports (3d) 68-73;

SUPREME COURT OF CANADA decisions / Décisions de la Cour suprême du Canada:

   R. v. Barnes, [1991] 1 S.C.R. 449-488
   R. c. Barnes, [1991] 1 R.C.S. 449-488

   R. v. Campbell, [1999] 1 S.C.R. 565
   R. c. Campbell, [1999] 1 R.C.S. 565

   R. v. Mack, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 903-979
   R. c. Mack, [1988] 2 R.C.S. 903-979

  R. v. Regan, Supreme Court of Canada, 14 February 2002 available at

   R. v. Showman, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 893-902
   R. c. Showman, [1988] 2 R.C.S. 893-902


TANOVICH, David M., "Rethinking the Bona Fides of Entrapment" (2001). University of British Columbia Law Review, Vol. 43, pp. 417-446, 2001. Available at SSRN:

VIAU, Louise, "L'arrêt Mack: la consécration de la défense de  provocation policière (Commentaire d'arrêt)", (1989) 23 La revue juridique Thémis 205-213;

WATT, John David, "The Defence of Entrapment", (1970-71) 13 The Criminal Law Quarterly 313-341;

___________"Entrapment as a Criminal Defence", (1971-72) Queen's Law Journal 3-45;

WIJESINHA, Kingsley, "Entrapment", ( January1977 but  issued in March 1977) Crown's Newsletter 1-8 (published by the Ontario Crown Attorney Association, ISSN: 0319-8510);

WOOL, George L., "Police Informants in Canada: The Law and Reality", (1985-86) 50 Saskatchewan Law Review 249-270; reprinted without notes in  J. (Jennie) Abell  and Elizabeth Sheehy, supra, at pp. 419-428;

WRIGLEY, John R., "Regina v. Madigan: Food and Drugs  Act - Trafficking - Aiding and Abetting - Police Entrapment",  (1970) 28 Faculty Law Review - University of Toronto123-128;

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