Key Words: criminal law, bibliography on abuse of process and stay of proceedings, abus de procédure, arrêt des procédures, sursis des procédures, procédure oppressive

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by / par ©François Lareau, 2000-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on Abuse
of Process and Stay of Proceedings
Bibliographie choisie sur l'abus de
procédure et l'arrêt des procédures

See also: Comparative Law / Droit comparé

I- Canadian Law

ANGENE, Manfred, "Case References on Abuse of Process - Summary of Cases up to 15th March 1977", (1977) 37 Criminal Reports New Series Annotated 153-225; also published by Agincourt (Ontario): Carswell, 1977,  73 p., ISBN: 0459318802 (series; Pamphlet series; no. 316, C.R.N.S. reprints);

ATRENS,  Jerome J., "Abuse of Process" in Jerome J. Atrens, Peter T. Burns and James P. Taylor, eds., Criminal Procedure: Canadian Law and Practice, vol. 1 of 3, Toronto: Butterworths, 1982-, looseleaf, chapter VI, 75 p., dated September 1999, ISBN: 0409988308 (set);

___________The Charter and Criminal Procedure: The Application of Sections 7 and 11, Toronto and Vancouver: Butterworths, 1989, xlviii, various pagings, see "The Doctrine of Abuse of Process" at pp. 10-7 to 10-18, 1989, ISBN: 0409806595;

BARTON, P.S., "Abuse of Process as a Plea in Bar of Trial", (1972-73) 15 The Criminal Law Quarterly 437-463;

BERTRAND, Jean-François, 1967-, L'arrêt des procédures en droit criminel, thèse LL.M., Université Laval, 1995, v, 148 p.;  texte non consulté;  la bibliothèque nationale à Ottawa n'a pas une copie;

___________L'arrêt des procédures en droit criminel, Montréal: Wilson et Lafleur, 1995, xi, 105 p., ISBN: 2891273400;

BLANCHFIELD, Mike, "Crown abused powers in pursuit of Regan: lawyers - Former Nova Scotia premier takes fight over sexual assault charges to top court", The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, March 15, 2001, p. A-6; about today's expected arguments by counsel before the Supreme Court of Canada;

___________"Crown didn't abuse power, top court told - Comment about 'shopping' for judges didn't taint ex-Nova Scotia premier's case, lawyer argues", The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, March 16, 2001, p. A-4; about today's questions and arguments before the Supreme Court of Canada in the Reagan case;

BOILARD, Jean-Guy, 1937-, Guide to Criminal Evidence, Cowansville (Quebec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1991-, loose-leaf binder with updates, see chapter 9, "Entrapment, Police Provocation, Abuse of Process",  ISBN: 2890737861;

____________Manuel de preuve pénale, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1991-, cartable avec feuilles mobiles et mises à jour, voir le chapitre 9, "'Entrapment, Provocation policière, procédures abusives", ISBN: 2890737853;

BOURQUE, Sophie, "Les moyens de défense" dans Droit pénal (Infractions, moyens de défense et sentence) volume 11, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2000, aux pp. 163-188, voir sur l'abus de procédure, les pp. 164-165 et 185-186, (Collection; Collection de droit 1999-2000, vol. 11), ISBN: 289451333X;

___________"Les moyens de défense" dans Claude Leblond, responsable du secteur Droit pénal, École du Barreau du Québec, Droit pénal: infractions, moyens de défense et sentence, Cowansville (Québec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, 264 p., aux pp. 161-188, et plus particulièrement, "L'abus de procédure" aux pp. 185-186, "L'abus de procédure par la victime d'une infraction criminelle" à la p. 186; (Collection; Collection de droit 2000-2001; volume 11), ISBN: 2894513976; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF385 ZB5 C681 v. 11 2000-01 c. 01 (24 février 2003);

BRAITHWAITE, W.J., "Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure: The 1979-80 Term", (1981) 2 Supreme Court Law Review 177-234, see "Abuse of Process" at pp. 225-230;

BRAULT, Peter M. and Candice Welsch, "Illegal Police Conduct in the Course of a Bona Fide Investigation", (1999) 43 The Criminal Law Quarterly 64-85;

c. La Reine, C.Q., Longueuil 505-01-002427-942, 15 juin 1995, Micheline Corbeil-Laramée, j.c.q. ("affaire Matticks); l'affaire Matticks a fait l'objet d'une commission d'enquête, voir:
QUÉBEC,, Commission d'enquête chargée de faire enquête sur la Sûreté du Québec, Rapport de la Commission d'enquête chargée de faire enquête sur la Sûreté du Québec : pour une police au service de l'intégrité et de la justice, Sainte-Foy: Les Publications du Québec, 1998, 2 volumes, 1734 p. et appendices, annexes, sommaire en français et en anglais et 2 cd-rom, ISBN: 2551180740 (membres: de la Commission: Lawrence A. Poitras, L. Viau et A. Perreault);

BROWN, Michael F.,"Abuse of Process." in Canadian Bar Association, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, Criminal Law - Recent Issues and Developments in Criminal Law, [Toronto]: Canadian Bar Association Ontario, 1994, 26 p.,  on the cover: "January 27-29, 1994, Royal York Hotel, Toronto", ISBN:  1895806658;

BRUCKER, Theresa, The Practical Guide to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, 1997, xv, 203 p., ISBN: 0459554336; see "Cases Applying the Abuse of Process Doctrine in Respect of Entrapment" at pp. 178-180 and "Cases Involving The Doctrine of Abuse of Power in Respect of 'Illegal' Police Activity" at pp. 180-190; there is now a 2nd ed.: Scarborough: Carswell, November 1999, 275 p., ISBN: 0459270923 which I have not consulted;

CAMPBELL, A.G., David Stilwell, Marian Bryant, Hersh Wolch, "Section 17: Abuse of process and Charter remedies" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1990: Edmonton, Alberta), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, [Edmonton?]: Federation of Law Societies, 1990, 4 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

CANADA, Government of Canada, Law Enforcement and Criminal Liability, [Ottawa:] Government of Canada, June 2000, [iii], 9, [5] p.(series; white paper); published on the internet at; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Gouvernement du Canada, Application de la loi et responsabilité criminelle, [Ottawa]: Gouvernement du Canada, juin 2000, [iii], 10, [5] p. (Collection; Livre blanc), , disponible sur l'internet à;

___________News Release, "Government of Canada Seeks Public Input on Law Enforcement and Criminal Liability", Ottawa: Government of Canada, June 22, 2000, 2 p.; available at  (accessed on 14 July 2006; web archive); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Gouvernement du Canada, Communiqué,, "Le gouvernement du Canada cherche à obtenir l'opinion du public sur l'application de la loi et la responsabilité pénale", Ottawa: Gouvernement du Canada, 22 juin 2000, 2 p.; disponible à (site visité le 14 juillet 2006; web archive);

CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE, Abuse of process in Canadian criminal law, [Ottawa? : Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, 1977?], 156 leaves; text not consulted, information from the University of Toronto libraries web site;

CARTER, Robert J., "Attorney General's Stay of Proceedings",  (1967) 50 Criminal Reports 10-15;

CHASSE, Kenneth L., "Abuse of Process as a Control of  Prosecutorial Discretion", (1970) 10 Criminal Reports New Series 392;

__________Practice Note, "Abuse of Process - Will It Survive Rourke", (1977) 38 Criminal Reports New Series Annotated 270-271;

__________Annotation, "The Crown's Power to Withdraw Charges", (1976) 33 Criminal Reports New Series Annotated 218-227;

COHEN, Stanley A., "Abuse of Process: The Aftermath of Rourke",  (1977) 39 Criminal Reports New Series Annotated  349-365;

___________ Due Process of Law: The Canadian System of Criminal Justice, Toronto: Carswell, 1977, xxvi, 429 p., Chapter 6, "Protecting the Process from Abuse: the Doctrine of Abuse of Process" at pp. 342-401 and the "Epilogue" at pp. 403-405, ISBN: 045931730X;

___________"Observations on the Re-Emergence of the Doctrine of Abuse of Process", (1981) 19 Criminal Reports (3d) 310-326;

___________"The Provincial Judges Court And The Concept Of An Independent Judiciary", (1978) 26 Chitty's Law Journal 325-332;

COLVIN, Eric, 1945 and Sanjeev Anand, Principles of Criminal Law, 3rd ed., Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, li, 599 p., ISBN: 978 0779813247;

DELISLE, R.J., "Annotation: R. v. Rothenberg (1984) 46 Criminal Reports (3d) 18 (Ont. S.C. [H.C.J.])", (1985) 46 C.R.(3d) 18-20; abuse of process issue after accused convicted charged with perjury after conviction;

__________"A Return to the Common Law Power to Stay as an Abuse of Process", (2001) 41(1) C.R. (5th) 120-122;

EWASCHUK, Eugene G., Criminal Pleadings and Practice in Canada, vol. 2 of 3, 2nd ed., Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 1987-, see chapter 12, "Prosecuting the Offence", ISBN: 888041438 (for vol. 2);

___________"The Rule Against Multiple Convictions and Abuse of Process", (1975) 28 Criminal Reports New Series Annotated 28-55;

FRANKEL, S. David, "Abuse of process: The General Framework",  in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 2, Tab 16.1, 7 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;

FRASER, Robert J., Prosecutorial misconduct, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, 2009, xiii, 61, 266 p. + 1 CD-ROM, ISBN: 978-0-88804-487-7;

1. Introduction
2. The Emergence of the Abuse of Process Doctrine
3. Abuse of the Charging Discretion
4. Prejudicial Changes in the Crown’s Position
5. Fair Trial Issues
6. Remedial Issues

GARTON, Graham, edited with commentaries, Canadian Charter of Rights Decisions Digest, available at (accessed on 21 April 2003), see in particular: ; also published in French / aussi publié en français: GARTON, Graham, Publié avec commentaires par, Recueil des décisions relatives à la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, disponible à (visionné le 21 avril 2003); voir en particulier:

• subsection 24(1), "Stay of Proceedings" available at GARTON, Graham, edited[4.H] Stay of Proceedings (accessed on 21 April 2003);

GOLD, Allan D., Annual Review of Criminal Law 1996, Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1996, xxxiv, 319 p., see "Abuse of Process" at pp. 70-73, ISBN: 0459553917;

___________Criminal offences and defences, contributed by Alan D. Gold: contributing editor, Andrew James, contributor editor, Brendon Lounsbery, Markham (Ontario): LexisNexis Canada, 2007, 1034 p., and see "Abuse of process", at pp. 872-875 (series; Halsbury's Laws of Canada), ISBN: 9780433454267; 

GORHAM, Nathan, "Regan: The Residual Category of Abuse of Process Continues to Shrink", (2002) 49 Criminal Reports (5th) 87-04;

GREENFIELD, D.E., "The Position of the Stay in Magistrate's Court", (1961-62) 4 Criminal Law Quarterly 373-383;

GRÉGOIRE, Daniel,  Le pouvoir de contrôler l'abus de procédure (abuse of process) en droit criminel canadien, thèse LL.M., Université Laval, 1979. viii, 311 feuilles, directeur de thèse: Gilles Létourneau puis Jacques Gagné;

GRONDIN, Rachel, 1951-, "Une doctrine d'abus de procédure revigorée en droit pénal canadien", (1983) 24 Les Cahiers de droit 673-698;

___________"Le pouvoir de sursis du juge et l'abus de procédure en droit criminel canadien", (1981) 12 Revue générale de droit 433-470;

___________Le sursis des procédures pour abus en  matière pénale, thèse LL.M., Université d'Ottawa, février 1981, v, 213 p.;  disponible à (vérifié le 17 juillet 2009);

HAINES, Bruce, Annotation, "Judicial ombudsmanship - A problem of policy", (1970) 12 Criminal Reports New Series Annotated 11-28;

HALLEY, Paule, 1964-, Le droit pénal de l'environnement: l'interdiction de polluer, Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, xxi, 403 p., voir "La doctrine de l'abus de procédure" aux pp. 260-284, ISBN: 2894515103; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF 3775 ZB5 H35 2001;

___________Instituer la prudence environnementale: le régime pénal québécois de lutte contre la pollution, thèse de doctorat, LL.D., Université de Montréal, 1994, ix, 332 p., voir "la doctrine de l'abus de procédures" aux pp. 233-254, directrice de recherche: Anne-Marie Boisvert;

HÉBERT, Jean-Claude, Chroniques, "L'élargissement de l'abus de procédure", (1988) 48 Revue du Barreau 567-574; commentaires sur Keyowski v. R., [1988] 1 R.C.S. 657;

__________Chroniques, "Consécration de l'abus de pouvoir", (1985) 45 Revue du Barreau 820-825;

___________"Le contrôle de certains pouvoirs de la couronne" sous la direction de la Formation permanente, Barreau du Québec, Droit pénal - Orientations nouvelles, Cowansville (Québec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1987, [ix], 290 p., aux pp. 129-146, ISBN: 2890736407;

___________Droit pénal des affaires, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 2002, xxi, 831 p., ISBN: 289451607X;  voir notamment "Les redressements" aux pp. 618-625  (dans le chapitre 6 sur les abus de l'État); copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KF9350 H43 2002 (livre consulté le 13 janvier 2003);

HUGHES, Elaine L., Practice Note, "Defences Relating to the Abuse of Government  Authority" (1993) 3 Journal of Environmental Law 195-203;

ISAAC, J.A. and Virginia Davis, Notes and Comments, "Abuse of Process - Defence of Due Diligence", (1979-80) 22 The Criminal Law Quarterly 441-450;

JACOBS, R.W., Notes, "Criminal Law - Abuse of Process - Oppressive Delay -  Jurisdiction of Inferior Courts to Stay Proceedings - Rourke  v. The Queen", (1978) 12 University of British Columbia Law Review 127-134;

JODOUIN, André, "Les abus du pouvoir et de fonction en droit pénal canadien", (1978) 19 Cahiers de droit 21-54;

JONSON, Derek R.S., "Abuse of Process and the Charter", (1995) 37 The Criminal Law Quarterly 309-343;

KAISER, H. Archibald, "Regan: Nearly a Tsunami Out of a Few Ripples", (2002) 49 Criminal Reports (5th) 74-86;

KARI, Shannon, "Abuse-of-process matter likely to end up at SCC", (29 January 2007) 18(4) Law Times 1and 4; accused Nima Ghavami and Ronaldo Lising,  trafficking charge, defence counsel Greg DelBigio, Judge Curtis, Vancouver, decision on abuse of process motion expected in March 2007;

KNOLL, Patrick J., 1950-, Criminal Law Defences - Textbook Edition of the title Criminal Law Defences Canadian Encyclopedic Digest Third Edition, 2nd ed., Scarborough: Carswell (Thomson Professional Publishing), 1994, 224 p., see "Abuse of Process" at pp. 159-163, ISBN: 0459552392;

KOPYTO, Harry, "Downson/Buchbinder Case Comment", (1982-83) 25 The Criminal Law Quarterly 66-94; deals with the right of the A.G. to stay proceedings;

LACERTE-LAMONTAGNE, Céline, "L'abus de procédure en droit pénal", (1982) 42 Revue du Barreau 69-90;

LAFRENIÈRE, Gérald, "Police Powers and Drug-Related Offences, prepared for the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs", Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Law and Government Division, 6 March 2001, v, 88 p., and see, in particular, "Illegal Activities" at pp. 82-87; available at (accessed on 3 September 2005); also published in French / aussi publié en français, Lafrenière, Gérald, "Les pouvoirs de la police et les infractions liées à la drogue. Produit pour le comité sénatorial spécial sur les drogues illicites", Ottawa: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Division du droit et du gouvernement, 6 mars 2001, et voir la partie "Les activités illégales"; disponible à (visionné le 3 septembre 2005);

LAREAU, François,  Selected Bibliography on Entrapment in Criminal Law  -  Bibliographie choisie sur la provocation policière en droit pénal; entrapment is an example of abuse of process; la provocation policière est un exemple de l'abus de procédure;

LAUBMAN, Shaun, "Conditional Sentences and Issue Estoppel", (June 2005) 50(3) The Criminal Law Quarterly 283-304, see "Abuse of Process", at p. 301;

LAYTON, David, "The Prosecutorial Charging Decision", (2002) 46 The Criminal Law Quarterly 447-482, see "Abuse of Process" at pp. 451-455;

LEGAL AID ONTARIO RESEARCH FACILITY,  ( ), Toronto; Research Memoranda on criminal law (as noted on 3 March 2001):
- # D5-1, "Abuse of Process - General Principles", 16 September 1996, 70 p.;
- # D5-2, "Abuse of Process - Multiple Proceedings - Relaying Charges", 16 September 1996, 43 p.;
- # D5-5, "Abuse of Process - Concurrent Proceedings - Collection Agency Principle and Other Ulterior Motives", 16 September 1996, 21 p.;
- # D5-6, "Abuse of Process - Breach of Undertaking by Crown", 16 September 1996, 29 p.;

LEIPER, Janet, "Fail Trial Issues -- The Ultimate Fair Trial Remedy: A Stay of Proceedings", (2003) 24(1) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 22-25;

MacALISTER, David, "Does the Residual Category for Abuse of Process Still Exist?", (1999) 28 Criminal Reports (5th) 72-88;

MacALISTER, David M., (David McCombe), 1959-, Accountability of crown prosecutors under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms : constraints imposed upon abuse of process, selective prosecution and discriminatory prosecution, Thesis (LL.M. -- Master of Laws), Queen’s University, 2000, x, 213 leaves; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted yet (14 December 2007);

MANNING, M., "Abuse of Power by Crown Attorneys", in Special Lectures of the Law Society of Upper Canada on Abuse of Power, Toronto: Richard De Boo, 1979, [ix], 686 p. at pp. 571-615, ISBN: 0858200668;

McCONNELL, W.H. (William Howard), 1930-,  William R. McIntyre: Paladin of the Common Law, Monteal: McGill-Queen's University Press (published for Carleton University), 2000, x, 248 p., see the discussion of Rourke at pp. 47 and 52-55, ISBN: 0886293413;

McGILLIVRAY, Anne, "Reconciling the Defences: A Response to the White Paper", [Ottawa]: The Department of Justice Canada, Law Reform Division, 1994, 14 p., see "Abuse of Process" at p. 9; copy available at the National Library, Ottawa; available at  and at my Digital Library; (accessed on 8 July 2008);  also published in French / aussi publié en français: "L'harmonisation des moyens de défense une réponse au livre blanc, 24 p., voir "L'abus de procédure" aux pp. 16-17; copie disponible à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, Ottawa et à ma Bibliothèque numérique

MEWETT, Allan W., "Editorial: Abuse of Process", (1977-78) 20 The Criminal Law Quarterly 1-3; editorial signed "A.W.M.";

___________"Editorial: Stay of Proceedings", (1984-85) 27 The Criminal Law Quarterly 257-258; editorial signed "A.W.M.";

MITCHELL, Graeme G., "Abuse of Process and the Crown's Disclosure Obligation" (1996) 44 Criminal Reports (4th) 130-143; the article is part of the forum: "A Criminal Reports Forum on O'Connor and B. (A.): Abuse of Process, Disclosure and Access to Therapeutic Records";

___________"R. v. Carosella: Difficult Cases Makes Dangerous Law!", (1997) 4 Criminal Reports (5th) 209-219;

MORGAN, Donna C., "Controlling Prosecutorial Powers - Judicial Review, Abuse of Process and Section 7 of the Charter", (1986-87) 29 The Criminal Law Quarterly 15-65;

MORROW, Juli, Abuse of Process in Canadian Criminal Law, LL.M. thesis, York University, Toronto, 1979, 156 leaves; thesis not consulted; there is no copy  at the National Library Ottawa;

MOSKOFF, Franklin, "Section 11(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Problems in the Application of the Doctrine of Abuse of Process", (1994) 13(2) The Advocates' Society Journal 11-16; issue of summer 1994;

National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University. Faculty of Law, Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of  Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v.; one of the subject covered is "Abuse of Process & Charter Defences"; copy at Dalhousie University, NSHDL  KB 192 N271 2004; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet (14 May 2005);

O'BRIEN,  David P., "Abuse of  process: common law axes and constitutional scalpels" in National criminal law program (2001 : Charlottetown, P.E.I.), ed., National criminal law program / The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Charlottetown : Federation of Law Societies, 2001, in vol. 2 of 2; copy at Department of Justice Canada, Prairies Region, Edmonton Office, Law Library, call number: KF 9655 N36 2001;

OLAH, John A., "The Doctrine of Abuse of Process: Alive and Well in Canada", (1978) 1 Criminal Reports (3d) 341-367;

ORTEGO, Jim and Matthew Goode, Abuse of Process in Canadian Criminal Law: the New Equity?: A Paper Prepared for the Canadian Institute, for the Administration of Justice, Ottawa, Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, March 1977, v, 354 leaves; copy at the University of Ottawa;

PACIOCCO, David M., "Abuse of Process after O'Connor", (1996) 2(8) Amicus - The Sexual Offences Law Reporter 137-140; the article is signed "D.M.P.";

___________"In Defence of R. v. Carosella: The Continuing Need for Prejudice", (1997) 4 C.R. (5th) 199-208;

___________"The Long Term Impact of Carosella", (1997) 3(8) Amicus - The Sexual Offences Law Reporter 218-224; the article is signed "D.M.P.";

___________"The Stay of Proceedings as a Remedy in Criminal Cases: Abusing the Abuse of Process Concept" (1991), 15 Criminal Law Journal  315-350; includes comparative law;

PEARSON, John, "Power to stay criminal proceedings as an abuse of process" in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law (1993: Montreal), [ed.],  National Criminal Law Program, The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Montreal (PQ): Federation of Law Societies, 1993, 2 volumes; information from (The GATE:  NEOS Libraries' Catalogue) as seen on 11 November 2000; document not consulted;

PIETTE, Jean et Isabelle Fournier, "Le développement des moyens de défense en droit pénal de l'environnement", dans Développements résents en droit de l'environnement, Textes des conférences du colloque tenu le 14 octobre 1994, Éditions Yvon Blais, 1994, v, 411 p., aux pp. 291-306 et voir "L'abus de procédure", aux pp. 294-297, ISBN: 2890739945 (Formation permanente du Barreau du Québec - Volume 55); copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General: KEQ 885 .Z85 D476  1994;

POWELL, Clay M., "Abuse of process.  Is the issue finally determined",  in Criminal Law Audio Series, Agincourt (Ontario): Legal Audio Services of Canada, 1975, June tape, side 1, # 1, 19 minutes;

___________"The new defence of abuse of process. An analysis of the development over the last years of the inherent jurisdiction of a court in criminal proceedings", in Criminal Law Audio Series, Agincourt (Ontario): Legal Audio Services of Canada, 1974, December tape (all of the tape is on the subject);

QUÉBEC (Province), Ministère de la justice, Loi annotée sur les poursuites sommaires, 2e édition, Montréal : Société québecoise d'information juridique, 1983, 230 p., ISBN: 2890320863; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa,  FTX General   KEQ 1105.5 .Q4 1983; note: loi maintenant abrogée;

"L'abus de procédure

1- La théorie de l'abus de procédure est applicable en droit pénal provincial.  Le juge de paix présidant une audition peut conséquemment arrêter ou suspendre un procès pour ce motif.

Le fait que le poursuivant décide de porter autant d'accusations que la loi lui permet ne peut être considéré comme un abus de procédure.

(i) Comité paritaire de l'industrie de l'automobile de Montréal et du district c. Morand, C.S. Montréal 500-05-001495-801, le 21 juillet 1981 (J.E. 81-835)." (p. 191)

QUIGLEY, Tim, Procedure in Canadian Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Thomson/Carswell, 2005,  and see "Abuse of Process", at pp. 16-13 to 16-19, ISBN: 0459242687; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF9620 ZA2 Q54 2005, c. 01;

RENKE, Wayne N., "Case Comment: Records Lost Rights Found: R. v. Carosella", (1996-97) 35 Alberta Law Review 1083-1107;

ROACH, Kent, 1961-, "The Attorney General and the Charter Revisted", (2000) 50 University of Toronto Law Journal 1-40;

__________"Editorial: Stays of Proceedings for Abuse of Process", (2002) 46 The Criminal Law Quarterly 129-130;

__________Constitutional Remedies in Canada, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, c1994, 1 loose-leaf volume,  ISBN: 0888041608; important contribution;

__________ "The Evolving Test for Stays of Proceedings", (1998) 40 The Criminal Law Quarterly 400-443; available at (accessed on 8 July 2008)

ROBERTS, "The Doctrine of Abuse of Process in Canadian Criminal Law",  First Annual Conference of B.C. Provincial Judge's Association, 1972, 39 and 47 cited by Barnett M. Sneideman, "A Judicial Test for Entrapment: The Glimmerings Of A Canadian Policy on Police-Instigated Crime", (1973-74) 16 Criminal Law Quarterly 81-111, at  p. 98, note 70 who writes: "unpublished paper presented to the Federal Annual Conference of the British Columbia Provincial Judges Association, September 14, 1972; also cited by Angene, supra, p. 157;

ROOK, John F., "Regina  v. Osborn: Abuse of Process - Autrefois Acquit - Stay of Proceedings", (1971) 29 Toronto Faculty of Law Review 105-114;

SALHANY, Roger E., Canadian Criminal Procedure, 6th ed., Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, c1994-, 1 v. (loose-leaf),  see "Stay of Proceedings By the Court - Abuse of Process", pp. 6-75 to 6-81 (dated July 1994 and November 1997) and "Stay of Proceedings By The Crown" at pp. 6-72 to 6-74.1 (dated July 1995), ISBN:  088804156X;

SETON  "Abuse of Criminal Process Re-Visited", (1980) 4(3) Provincial Judges Journal 24-27, issue of September, 1980; Seton is an anonymous name as the author is a Judge of the Provincial Court of British Columbia who decided to remain anonymous, see at p. 24;

STENNING, Philip C., Appearing for the Crown: A legal and historical review of criminal prosecutorial authority in Canada: A Study conducted for the Law Reform Commission of Canada, Cowansville: Brown Legal Publications, 1986, [viii], 426 p., and see "The doctrine of abuse of process", at pp. 329-339, ISBN: 2890735583;

___________"Observation on the Supreme Court of Canada's Decision in R. v. Osborn", (1970-71) 13 The Criminal Law Quarterly 164-183;

STERN, Paul, "Abuse of Process, Fundamental Justice: At Common Law and Section 7 of the Charter", in Federation of Law Societies of Canada, National Criminal Law Program, Substantive Criminal Law, vol. 3, St John's Newfoundland, 1986, 47 p.;

STEWART, James and Brian Gover, "The Crown as a Witness: Must the Archer Wear the Apple?", (1994)  3 Crown's Newsletter 1-38 (issue dated 21 September 1994), see part "E. Where an Abuse of the Court's Process is Alleged" at pp. 10-26;

STOBER, Michael, Notes and Comments, "Abuse of process - Stay of proceedings", (1985-86) 28 The Criminal Law Quarterly 148-151;

STUART, Don, "Annotation: R. v. Bero, (2001) 39(2) C.R. (5th) 294 (Ont. C.A.)", (2001) 39 C.R. (5th) 294;

___________"Annotation: Kearney v. R., (1992) 13 C.R. (4th) 41 (N.B.C.A.) 41", (1992) 13 C.R. 43***- (1 p.);

___________"Annotation: Keyowski v. R. (1986) 53 C.R. (3d) 1 (Sask. C.A.)", (1986) 53 Criminal Reports (3d) 2-3;

___________"Annotation: R. v. B.(K.R.). (1986) 53 C.R. (3d) 216 (Ont. C.A.)", (1986) 53 Criminal Reports (3d) 217-218;

___________"Annotation: R. v.  Belton (1983) C.R. (3d) 223 (Man. C.A.)", (1983) 31 Criminal Reports (3d) 223-224;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Chabot, (1985) 44 C.R. (3d) 70 (Ont. C.A.)", (1985) 44 Criminal Reports (3d) 71 (1 p.);

___________"Annotation: R. v. D. (T.C.), (1988) 61 C.R. (3d) 168 (Ont. C.A.)", (1988) 61 Criminal Reports (3d) 169 (1 p.);

___________"Annotation: R. v. Jewitt, (1985) 47 C.R. (3d) 193 (S.C.C.)", (1986) 47 Criminal Reports (3d) 193-194;

____________"Annotation:R. v. M. (R.), (2006) 42(1) C.R. (6th) 186 (Ont. S.C.J.)", (2006) 42(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 188;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Scott, (1991) 2 C.R. (4th) 153 (S.C.C.)", (1991) 2 Criminal Reports (4th) 155-157;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Young, (1984) 40 C.R. (3d) 289 (Ont. C.A.)", (1984) 40 Criminal Reports (3d) 290-293;

___________"Annotation: R. v. Zaluski, (1983) 36 C.R. (3d) 17 (Sask. Q.B.)", (1984) 36 Criminal Reports (3d) 17-19;

___________"Annotation: United States v. Leon, (1996) 47 C.R. (4th) 1 (S.C.C.)", (1996) 47 Criminal Reports (4th) 2-3;

___________Charter Justice in Canadian Criminal Law, 3rd d ed., Scarborough (Ontario): Carswell, 2001, lviii, 540 p., see "Abuse of Process" at pp. 136-151, ISBN: 0459261134;

__________"Conspiracy", (1976) 8 The Ottawa Law Review 107-155, and see "Abuse of process" at pp. 141-143; note: "This article was originally prepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada." (p. 107);

STUESSER, Lee, "Abuse of Process: The Need to Reconsider", (1994) 29 Criminal Reports (4th) 92-104;

SUN, Connie, "The Discretionary Power to Stay Criminal Proceedings", (1973-74) 1 Dalhousie Law Journal 482-525;

SUPREME COURT OF CANADA decisions / décisions de la Cour suprême du Canada:

    Canada v. Tobiass, [1997] 3 Supreme Court Reports 391-439
    Canada c. Tobiass, [1997] 3 Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du Canada 391-439

    R. v. Campbell, [1999] 1 S.C.R. 565
    R. c. Campbell, [1999] 1 R.C.S. 565

     R. v. Carosella, [1997] 1 S.C.R. 80-156
     R. c. Carosella, [1997] 1 R.C.S. 80-156

    R. v. Conway, [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1659
    R. c. Conway, [1989] 1 R.C.S. 1659

    R. v. Jewitt, [1985] 2 S.C.R. 128-157
    R. v. Jewitt, [1985] 2 R.C.S. 128-157

    R. v. Keyowski, [1988] 1 S.C.R. 657-661
    R. c. Keyowski, [1988] 1 R.C.S. 657-661

    R. v. La, [1997] 2 S.C.R. 680-713
    R. c. La, [1997] 2 R.C.S. 680-713

    R. v. Mack, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 903-979
    R. c. Mack, [1988] 2 R.C.S. 903-979

    R. v. O'Connor, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 411-535
    R. c. O'Connor,  [1995] 4 R.C.S. 411-535

    R. v. Potvin, [1993] 2 S.C.R. 880-917
    R. c. Potvin, [1993] 2 R.C.S. 880-917

    R. v. Power, [1994] 1 S.C.R. 601-655
    R. c. Power, [1994] 1 R.C.S. 601-655

    R. v. Reagan, Supreme Court Judgment 2002;

    R. v. Scott, [1990] 3 S.C.R. 979-1019
    R. c. Scott, [1990] 3 R.C.S. 979-1019

    R. v. T. (V.), [1992] 1 S.C.R. 749
    R. c. T. (V.), [1992] 1 R.C.S. 749

    Rourke v. The Queen, [1978] 1 S.C.R. 1021-1046
    Rourke c. La Reine, [1978] 1 R.C.S. 1021-1046

    United States v. Leon, [1996] 1 S.C.R. 888-892
    États-Unis d'Amérique c. Leon, [1996] 1 R.C.S. 888-892

TEED, Eric L., "Is A Second Preliminary Inquiry An Abuse of  Process?", (1980-81) 23 The Criminal Law Quarterly 239-252;

TROTTER, Gary T., "Developments in Criminal Law and Criminal procedure: The 2001-2002 Term", (2002) 18 The Supreme Court Law Review (2nd series) 105-270, see "Abuse of Process and Stays of Proceedings" at pp. 243-250; discusses R. v. Reagan, Supreme Court Judgment 2002;

___________"Judicial Termination of Criminal Proceedings under the Charter", (1988-89) 31 The Criminal Law Quarterly 409-430;

VENNER, Dana, "Abuse of Process" (1993) 1 Crown's Newsletter 54-76; issue of 9 February 1993;

VIAU, Louise, "Le contrôle pénal de la police", (1989) 23(2-3)  La Revue Juridique Thémis 363-386, et voir sur l'abus de procédures, les pp. 381-382;;

WATCHORN, D.J., "Abuse of Police Powers: Reasons, Effect and  Control",  (1966) 24 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 48-69;

WATT, David, commentator, "Abuse of Proceedings and the Attorney General's Right of Appeal - The Queen v. Damon Fidel Garfield Jewitt, unreported, September 19, 1985 (S.C.C.)",  in Criminal Law Audio Series, Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada, 1985, tape 9, side 1, # 1, 30 minutes on audio cassette;

__________"Stays of Proceedings: Is there a right of appeal? - The Queen v. Damon Fidel Garfield Jewitt, unreported, September 1985 (S.C.C.),  in Criminal Law Audio Series, Toronto: Legal Audio Services of Canada, 1983, tape 4, side 2, # 1, 23 minutes on audio cassette;

WRAY, Douglas J., "The Abuse of Power Doctrine in Canadian Criminal Law", (1976) 34 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 159-179;

YOUNG, Alan, "Adversarial Justice and the Charter of Rights: Stunting the Growth of the ‘Living Tree' [Part I and II]", (1997) 39 The Criminal Law Quarterly 362-384 and 406-434;

WOOD, Josiah, "Abuse of Process"  in National Criminal Law Program: Substantive Criminal Law, Winnipeg, Man. : The Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 1996, vol. 2 of 2, section 17.1, 22 p;  Notes: "University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15 to 19, 1996"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

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