Key Words: criminal law, bibliography on causation, adequate cause, but for test, but for cause, causa causans, causal connection, causa determinans, causa efficiens, causa sine qua non,  causalité, causalité adéquate, causalité juridique, causation, causation in the law, cause in law, cause of death, concurrent causation, causes concurrentes, conditio sine qua non, contributory cause, criminal causation, direct cause, equivalence of causes, factual causation, intervening cause, intervening causes, law of causality,  legal causation, legal cause,  lien causal,  lien de causalité, novus actus interveniens, proximate cause,  rapport de causalité, simultaneous causation, Smithers, substantial cause, superseding cause, teleological theory of causation,  theory of relevance, thin skull, thin skulls

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by / par ©François Lareau, 2000-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on
Causation in Criminal Law /
Bibliographie choisie sur la
causalité en droit pénal
See also/Voir aussi: Canadian Law / Droit canadien

Part II - Comparative Law / Droit comparé

ALLDRIDGE, Peter, "The Doctrine of Innocent Agency", (1990) 2 Criminal Law Forum 45-83;

___________"Common Sense, Innocent Agency, and Causation", (1992) 3 Criminal Law Forum 299-305;

THE AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE, Model Penal Code and Commentaries (Official Draft and Revised Comments), Part I - General Provisions §§3.01 to 5.07, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1985, xl, 506 p., see § 2.03, "Causal Relationship Between Conduct and Result Designed on Contemplated and Actual Result or Between Probable and Actual Result", pp. 253-267;

___________Model Penal Code: Proposed Official Draft, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1962, xxii, 346 p., see  "Section 2.03. Causal Relationship Between Conduct and Result Designed on Contemplated and Actual Result or Between Probable and Actual Result", pp. 28-30;

___________Model Penal Code: Tentative Draft No. 4, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1955, xv, 302 p., see  "Section 2.03. Causal Relationship Between Conduct and Result Designed on Contemplated and Actual Result or Between Probable and Actual Result", pp. 15-17 and 132-135;

ANDENAES, Johannes, "Comment by Prof. Johannes Andenaes Comparing Study Draft of Proposed New Federal Criminal Code to European Penal Codes (Prof. Johannes Andenaes, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, August 31, 1970)" in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, vol. 3, Washington, July 1971 at pp. 1451-1476, see "Causal Relationship Between Conduct and Result" at p.1456;

AQUARIUS, "Causation and Legal Responsibility", (1945) 62 South African Law Journal 126-145; civil law;

___________"Causation and Legal Responsibility", (1941) 58 South African Law Journal 232-263; civil law;

ARENSON, Kenneth J., "Causation in the Criminal Law: A Search for Doctrinal Consistency", (1996) 20 Criminal Law Journal 189-214;

ASHBY, Michael, "Death Causation in Palliative Medicine", in Ian R. Freckelton and Danuta Mendelson, eds., Causation in Law and Medicine, Aldershot (England)/Dartmouth (Vermont, USA): Ashgate Publishing, 2002, xxxii, 524 p., at pp. 228 to approx. 250, ISBN: 0754622045; title noted in my research but article not consulted;

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT PÉNAL  (AIDP) (International Association of Penal Law), "Projet de Code pénal international", (1981) 52(1-2) Revue internationale de droit pénal;

"Paragraphe 4. Elément de causalité

4.0. Un comportement constitue la cause d'un résultat, quand il est l'antécédent sans lequel le résultat en question ne se serait pas produit, le résultat étant une conséquence prévisible de ce comportement." (source: et voir aussi; sites vérifiés le 13 novembre 2007)

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT PÉNAL  (AIDP) (International Association of Penal Law) and Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali (ISISC) (International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences) and Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (MPI), Draft Statute
for an International Criminal Court -- Alternative to the ILC-Draft -- (Siracusa-Draft), prepared by a Committee of Experts Siracusa/Freiburg, July 1995, 88 p.; available at (accessed on 10 December 2005);

"Art. 33 e

Criminal responsibility under this Statute presupposes that the harm required for the completion of a crime is caused by and accountable to the perpetrator’s act or omission." (p. 51)

BAKER, J.H., ed., The Reports of Sir John Spelman, London: Selden Society, 1978, vol. 2, see Chapter 10, "Pleas of the Crown", at pp. 299-346, and more particularly  "Causation" at pp. 307-310; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, KD 270 1502. S64; note: Sir John Spelman, c. 1480-1546;

BATTAGLINI, Giulio, "The Exclusion of the Concourse of Causes in Italian Criminal Law", (1952-53) 43 Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 441-450;

BEALE, Joseph H., "The Proximate Consequences of an Act", (1919-20) 33 Harvard Law Review 633-658; deals with civil law rather than criminal law;

___________"Recovery for Consequences of an Act", (1895-96) 9 Harvard Law Review 80-89; deals with civil law rather than criminal law;

BEAUCHAMP, Tom L. and Alexander Rosenberg,  Hume and the Problem of Causation, New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981, xxiv, 340 p., ISBN: 0195202368;

BECHT, Arno C. and Frank W. Miller, The Test of Factual Causation in Negligence and Strict Liability, St Louis, Miss.: Washington University Studies, 1961, 224 p.; 

BECKER, Moshe Tal, Rethinking State responsibility for terrorism: reflections on the principles of attribution and causation in international law, Thesis (J.S.D.)--Columbia University, 2005, ix, 645 leaves; title noted in my research but thesis not cosulted (8 July 2007);

BENYON, Helen, "Causation, Omissions and Complicity",  [1987] Criminal Law Review 539-552;

BINGHAM, Joseph W., "Some Sugestions Concerning 'Legal Cause' at Common Law", (1909) 9 Columbia Law Review 16-37 and 136-154; deals with civil law rather than criminal law;

BLAU, Herbert, "Criminal Law: Abolition of common law crimes: the 'year and a day' rule in  New York", (1933-34) 19 Cornell Law Quarterly 306-311;

BON, Pierre-André, La causalité en droit pénal, préface de Michel Danti-Juan, Paris: LGDL, 2006, 369 p., (Collection;
Collection de la Faculté de droit et des sciences sociales de Poitiers; 20) ISBN: 2275027696; texte remanié de sa thèse de doctorat, Poitiers, 2005; titre noté sans mes recherches mais pas encore consulté (3 mars 2007);

BRETT, Peter, "Book Review: Causation and the Law", (1961-62) 3 Melbourne University Law Review 93-96;

BYK, Christian, "L'euthanasie en droit français", (avril-juin 2006) 58(2) Revue internationale de droit comparé 657-671; 

    "Les soins palliatifs étaient devenus un droit pour le patient et le soulagement de la douleur un devoir du médecin, n'était-il pas paradoxal que les médecins hésitent encore à agir en ce sens, soulevant le risque encouru de poursuites pénales en cas de décès du patient des suites de l'administration d'une dose de produit ayant pour but de soulager la douleur?

    La loi du 22 avril 2005 lève cette difficulté en permettant au médecin 'qui constate qu'il ne peut soulager la souffrance d'une personne, en phase avancée ou terminale d'une affection grave et incurable', de 'lui appliquer un traitement qui peut avoir pour effet secondaire d'abréger sa vie'51.  Une permission légale est ainsi créée mais celle-ci a ses limtes: elle bénéficie aux seuls médecins, s'applique uniquement aux patients en phase avancée ou terminale et suppose qu'il n'existe pas d'autre moyen de soulager la souffrance.

    Toutefois, la différence entre l'hyposthèse visée par la loi, où la mort n'est pas le résultat recherché mais la conséquence possible d'un traitement dont le seul objet est de soulager la souffrance, et celle de l'euthanasie compassionnelle, où la mort aura été délibérément avancée, sera parfois tenue et dépendra des circonstances de fait (respect de la procédure d'information du patient et de l'inscription au dossier...).  L'intention du législateur et le message à l'autorité chargé des poursuites (procureur de la république) est néanmoins de créer, dans ces circonstances, un a priori favorable aux médecins.

51 Art. L. 1110-5 dernier al. du Code de la santé publiqe." (p. 668)

CAMPBELL, Richard V., "Duty, Fault, and Legal cause", [1938] Wisconsin Law Review 402-425; civil law;

CAMPS, Francis E.and John D.J. Harvad, "Causation in Homicide - A Medical View", [1957] Criminal Law Review 576-585;

CANE, Peter, Responsibility in Law and Morality, Oxford/Portland (Oregon): Hart Publishing, 2002, xii, 303 p., see "Responsibility and Causation", at pp. 113-141, ISBN: 1841133213; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K123 C36 2002;

"Causation in the criminal law and civil law paradigms

Although a very significant proportion of crimes are result-crimes as opposed to conduct-crimes, issues of causation tend to be less prominent in the criminal law paradigm than in the civil law paradigm.  This is a reflection of the fact that whereas the civil law paradigm is as much concerned with the effects of conduct on victims as with the nature and quality of that conduct, the criminal law paradigm focuses primarily on agent conduct and mental states.  Thus in criminal law, issues about the connection between conduct and outcomes tend to be treated under the single heading of 'causation'; whereas in tort law, for instance, the topic is divided between 'causation' and 'remoteness of damage'.  In this dichotomy, principles of causation are concerned with tracing a link between the agent's conduct and a proscribed outcome.  By contrast, principles of remoteness of damage focus more closely on the effects of the proscribed conduct on the victim in order to determine in detail which of those effects should be attributed to the agent's conduct.  Principles of remoteness of damage enable judgments of causation to be 'fine-tuned', as it were.  In the labelling of criminal offences, proscribed outcomes are typically described in a quite general way because the basic question is whether the offender, by proscribed conduct, has produced an outcome deserving of punishment.  If that is so, the precise nature and extent of the effects of the outcome on the victim are not of great importance for labelling purposes.  On the other hand, the impact of the criminal conduct on the victims may be taken into account in sentencing.  Sentencing is a much more a matter of discretion than attribution of criminal responsibility; and as a result, sentencing criteria tend to be quite abstract, instructing the sentencer to takde account, for instance, of the 'impact of the crime on the victim'." (pp. 119-120)

CANTOR, Norman L. and George C. Thomas III, "Pain Relief, Acceleration of Death, and Criminal Law", (August 1996) 6(2) Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 107-128;

CARDOZO, Benjamin N., 1870-1938, The Paradoxes of Legal Science, New York: Columbia University Press, v, 142 p., see pp. 81-86;

CAREY, Gearoid, "The Year and a Day Rule in Homicide", (2001) 11(1) Irish Criminal Law Journal 5-8; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

CARPENTER, Charles E., "Concurrent Causation", (1934-35) 83 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 941-952;

___________"Workable Rules for Determining Proximate Cause", (1931-32) 20 California Law Review 229-259, 396-419 and 471-538;

CHARLETON, Peter, "Causation in the Law of Homicide", (1991) 1 Irish Criminal Law Journal 68;

CHRISTLIEB, Terry, "Why Superseding Cause Analysis Should be Abandoned", (1993) 72 Texas Law Review 161-186;

CODERCH, Pablo Salvador, "causation and Liability", InDret  01/2000, available at (accessed on 21 May 2006); civil law with criminal lawcomments;

COHEN, Meir Dan, "Causation" in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, vol. 1 of 4, New York: The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, 1983 at pp. 162-170, ISBN: 0029181100 (set);

COLEMAN, Jules L., Risks and Wrongs, Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press,1992,  xvii, 508 p., see chapter 14, "Causation, responsibility, and strict liability" at pp. 270-284 and 469-473  (series; Cambridge studies in philosophy and law), ISBN: 0521329507 (hardback) ; 0521428610 (pbk.); civil law;

COLVIN, Eric, "Causation in Criminal Law",  (1989) 1 Bond Law Review 253-271; available at (accessed on 5 April 2008);

"Comment: The Use of the Tort Liability Concept of Proximate Cause in Cases of Criminal Homicide", (1961-62) 56 Northwestern University Law Review 791-811;

CROCKER, Lawrence, "A Retributive Theory of Criminal Causation", (1994) 5 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 65-100;

CULP, Jerome M., "Causation, Economists, and the Dinosaur: A Response to Professor Dray", (1966) 49(3) Law and Contemporary Problems 23-46;

DOWE, Phil,  "A Counterfactual Theory of Prevention and 'Causation' by Omission", (June 2001) 79(2) Australasian Journal of Philosophy 216-226;

___________"Causes are Physically Connected to Their Effects: Why Preventers and Omissions are not Causes" in Christopher Hitchcock, 1954-, ed., Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science, Malden ( MA): Blackwell Publishing, 2004, xiii, 344 p., essay 9, (series; Contemporary debates in philosophy; vol. 2), ISBN: 1405101512 and 1405101520 (pbk.); title noted in my research buta article not consulted; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 27 July 2006);


DRAY, W.H., "Causal Judgment in Attributive and Explanatory Contexts", (1966) 49(3) Law and Contemporary Problems 13-22;

DUBBER, Markus, "Causation", available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

DU PLESSIS, L.J., "The Problem of Causality in Law", (1958) Acta Juridica 314-319;

EDGERTON, Henry W., "Legal Cause", (1923-24) 72 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 211-244  and 343-375;

ELLIOTT, D.W., "Frightening a Person into Injuring Himself", [1974] Criminal Law Review 15-25;

EPSTEIN, Richard A., "Causation and Corrective Justice: A Reply to Two Critics", (1979) 8 The Journal of Legal Studies 477-504;  deals with civil law rather than criminal law;

___________"Causation - In Context: An Afterwords", (1987) 63 Chicago-Kent Law Review 653-680; civil law;

___________"A Theory of Strict Liability", (1973) 2 Journal of Legal Studies 151-204; civil law;

ETHIOPIA, The Criminal Code of the Federal Democratic Republic of  Ethiopia,  2004, available at (accessed on 30 September 2007);

"Article 24.- Relationship of Cause and Effect.

(1) In all cases where the commission of a crime requires the achievement of a given result, the crime shall not be deemed to have been committed unless the result achieved is the consequence of the act or omission with which the accused person is charged.  This relationship of cause and effect shall be presumed to exist when the act within the provisions of the law would, in the normal course of things, produce the result charged.

(2) Where there are preceding, concurrent or intervening causes, whether due to the act of a third party or to a natural or fortuitous event, which are extraneous to the act of the accused, this relationship of cause and effect shall cease to exist when the extraneous cause in itself produced the result.  If, in such a case, the act with which the accused person is charged in itself constitutes a crime he shall be liable to the punishment specified for such a crime.

(3) Relationship of cause and effect shall be presumed to exist between each cause specified under sub-article (2) above and the result achieved, when the result is the cumulative effect of these causes, even though each cause cannot independently produce the result."

FAIN, Haskell, "Hart and Honoré on Causation in the Law", (1966) 9 Inquiry (Norway) 322-338;

FELDBRUGGE, F.J.(F.J.M. = Ferdinand Joseph Maria), 1933-,  Soviet Criminal Law: General Part, Leyden: A.W. Sythoff, 1964, 291 p. (series; "Law in Eastern Europe: A series of publications issued by the Documentation Office for East European Law University of Leyden", edited by Z. Szirmai, vol. 9); Research Notes: see  "Cause and Conseequence", at pp.101-110;  the Soviet Union does not exist any more and Russia has a new Criminal Code.

FISHER, John Martin and Robert H. Ennis, "Causation and Liability", (1986) 15 Philosophy and Public Affairs 33-40;

FLEMING, James, and Roger F. Perry, "Legal Cause", (1951) 60 Yale Law Journal 761-811; civil law;

FLETCHER, George P., Basic Concepts of Criminal Law, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998, xi, 223 p.,  see chapter 4, "Human Causes versus Natural Events" at pp. 59-73, ISBN: 0195121708 and 0195121716 (pbk.);

___________"Dogmas of the Model Penal Code", (1998) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1-24, see pp. 4-6 (Symposium: Toward a New Federal Criminal Code);

___________Rethinking Criminal Law, Boston: Little, Brown, 1978, xxviii, 898 p., see the index;

FOCHT, James L., "Proximate Cause in the Law of Homicide - With Special Reference to California Cases", (1938-39) 12 Southern California Law Review 19-53;

FOOT, Philippa, "Hart and Honoré Causation in the Law", (1963) 72 The Philosophical Review 505-515;

FRANK,  Philipp, 1884-1966, The law of causality and its limits, edited by Robert S. Cohen ; translation by Marie Neurath and Robert S.Cohen, Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer, 1998, xiii, 299 p., (series; Vienna Circle collection ; vol. 22), ISBN: 0792345517;  book not consulted;

GADIROV, Erkin, "Article 9: Elements of Crimes"  in Otto Triffterer, ed., Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Observers' Notes, Article by Article, Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999, xxviii, 1295 p., at pp. 289-321, on causation, see p. 304-305, ISBN: 378906173; copy at the Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, call number: legal KZ 6310 .C734 1999;

GARDNER, John,  "Complicity and Causality", (2007) 1(2) Criminal Law and Philosophy 127-141; with the same title at (accessed on 23 March 2008);


G.C.T., "Criminal Law and Procedure - Homicide:  Causal Relation Between Defendant's Unlawful Act and the Death", (1932-33) 31 Michigan Law Review 659-682;

GEORGIA, The Criminal Code of Georgia, s. 8(3); available at (accessed on 10 June 2006) and (accessed on 27 June 2006);

  "Art. 8. Causal relation

1. If according to a respective article of this Code an offense is considered completed, when an action has caused a hazardous outcome or created a concrete risk of such outcome, it is necessary to state a causal relation between the action and outcome or concrete risk.

2. A causal relation exists when an action constituted a requisite precondition for a hazardous outcome or the concrete risk provided by this Code. Without such action this outcome would not follow or such a concrete risk would not be created.

3. Inactivity shall be considered a requisite precondition for a hazardous outcome or a concrete risk provided by this Code, if a person was specially required to perform any action pursuant to law, he had an opportunity to perform such action and as a result of this action the outcome would have been avoided." (

GITLIN, Baruch, "Parent's Criminal Liability for Failure to Provide Medical Attention to their Children", (2004) 118 ALR 5th 253-345, see "Duty to Provide Medical Attention" at pp. 275-290 and "Causation" at pp. 291-296;


GOBERT, James J.,"Corporate Killing at Home and Abroad", (2002) 118 The Law Quarterly Review 72-97, see "Causation" at pp. 85-87;

___________"The Fortuity of Consequence", (1993) 4 Criminal Law Forum 1-46, see "Causation" at pp. 12-19;

GOLDBERG,  Richard A., 1952-, Causation and risk in the law of torts : scientific evidence and medicinal product liability, Oxford : Hart Publishing, c1999,  ISBN: 190136285X; book not consulted;

GOODHART, A.L., "The Third Man or Actor Novus Interveniens", (1951) 4 Current Legal Problems 177-226; civil law;

GOODWIN, Laura Schiesl, "Causation in California Homicide", (2003) 36 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1453-1478;  note: part of the article, "Developments in California Homicide Law", at pp. 1371-1626;  copy at Ottawa University, KFC 69 .L69  Location: FTX Periodicals;

GRANT, James, "The Permissive Similarity of Legal Causation by Adequate Cause and Nova Causa Interveniens", (2005) 122(4) The South African Legal Journal 896-906;

GREECE, Greek Penal Code, translated by Nicholas B. Lolis,  introduction by Giorgios Mangakis, South Hackensack, N.J. : Rothman, 1973, xii, 206 p. (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes; 18),  ISBN: 0837700388; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K 5001 A63 no. 18;

"Article 15
Commission of an Offense by Omission
    If the law requires a certain result for the existence of an offense, the failure to prevent the result from occuring shall be treated as the active cause thereof, provided that the perpetrator was under a special legal obligation to prevent the occurence of the result." (p. 42)

GREEN, Leon, 1888-,  "Are There Dependable Rules of Causation?", (1928-29) 77 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 601-628; also published in Leon Green, Judge and Jury, Kansas City: Vernon Law Book, 1930, vi, 429 p., chapter 6, "Rules of Causation", pp. 186-225;

___________"The Causal Relation Issue in Negligence Law", (1961-62) 60 Michigan Law Review 543-576; civil law;

___________Rationale of Proximate Cause, Kansas City: Vernon Law Book, 1927, x, 216 p.;

GREENE, Erich J. and John M. Darley, "Effects of Necessary, Sufficient and Indirect Causation on Judgments of Criminal Liability", (1998) 22(4) Law and Human Behavior 429-451;

GREGORY, Charles O., "Proximate Cause in Negligence - A Retreat from 'Rationalisation", (1938-39) 6 University of Chicago Law Review 36-61; civil law;

GROSS, Hyman, A Theory of Criminal Justice, New York: Oxford University Press, 1979, xviii, 521 p., see on causation,  pp. 164-165 and 232-254, ISBN: 0195023498 and 0195023501 (pbk.);

HALL, Jerome, Studies in Jurisprudence and Criminal Theory, New York: Oceana Publications Inc., 1958, 300 p., see Chapter X, "Causation" at pp. 158-199;

HANNAN, John, "The act requirement"  in Neil Cameron and Simon France, eds., Essays on Criminal Law in New Zealand: Towards Reform?, Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington Law Review in conjunction with Victoria University Press, 1990,  [iii], 243 p., at pp. 35-41, see "Accident and Causation" at pp. 40-41 (series; Victoria University of Wellington Law Review Monograph; number 3), ISBN: 0864732066;

HART, H.L.A. (Herbert Lionel Adolphus), 1907-,  and Honoré, Tony, 1921-, "Causation in the Law - I-  A Survey of Common Sense Principles",  (1956) 72 Law Quarterly Review 58-90 and  "Causation in the Law - II- Factors Negativing Causal Connection", (1956) 72 Law Quarterly Review 260-281 and 398-417;

__________Causation in the Law, 2nd ed., Oxford and New York: Clarendon Press, 1985, lxxxi, 516 p., ISBN: 019825475X and 0198254741 (pbk); limited preview at and (accessed on 2 March 2008);

HARRIS, John, "The Marxist Conception of Violence”, (1973-74) 3 Philosophy and Public Affairs 192-220; copy at the University of Ottawa, H 1 .P54  Location MRT Periodicals; deals in part with causation and omissions;

HASSETT, Patricia, "Absolutism in Causation", (1987) 38 Syracuse Law Review 683-716;

HEINE, Günter, "Allemagne [Germany]: Crimes Against the Environment", (1994) 65 Revue internationale de droit pénal / International Review of Penal Law 731-759, see "Causation" at pp. 748-750; article in English; part of the Preparatory Colloquium, Section 1, Crimes against the Environment -- General Part, Ottawa (Canada), November 2-6, 1992;

HELLNER, Jan, "Causality and Causation in Law", (2000) 40 Scandinavian Studies in Law 111-134; copy at Carleton University; 

HELME, Robert and   Danuta Mendelson, "Issues of Medical and Legal Causation Relating to Alzheimer's Disease", in Ian R. Freckelton and Danuta Mendelson, eds., Causation in Law and Medicine, Aldershot (England)/Dartmouth (Vermont, USA): Ashgate Publishing, 2002, xxxii, 524 p., at pp. 270 to approx. 288, ISBN: 0754622045; title noted in my research but article not consulted;

HILGENDORF, Eric, "Causality in Penal Law--Explanation or Understanding? A Sketch", in Georg Meggle, ed., Actions, norms, values : discussions with Georg Henrik von Wright / edited by Georg Meggle; assisted by Andreas Wojcik, Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter, 1999, xix, 370 p., book chapter (series; Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie; Bd. 21 = Perspectives in analytical philosophy Bd 21), ISBN: 3110154846; notes: "Papers presented at a colloquium held April 1996 at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld"; title noted in my research but article not consulted;  no copy of this book in the Ottawa area librarues covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 7 October 2005);

HIRSCHBERG, Rudolf, "The Proximate Cause in the Legal Doctrine of the United States and Germany (A Comparative Study)", (1928-29) 2 Southern California Law Review 207-235;

HONORÉ, A.M. (Anthony M.), "Causation and Remoteness of Damage", in André Tunc, ed.,  International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, vol. XI, The Hague/Boston and London: Martinus Nijhoff, 1983, chapter 7, 156 p., ISBN: 9024727871;

___________"Causation in the Law", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (Winter 2005 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), available at (accessed on 3 July 2006);

HORN, E., "Les problèmes de la causalité dans le domaine de la pollution de l'air et de la sûreté des médicaments", (1987) 58 Revue internationale de droit pénal 167-172;

HORWITZ, Morton J., The Transformation of American Law, 1870-1960, New York: Oxford University Press, 1992, ISBN: 0195070240, ix, 361 p. see pp. 51-63 and 282-284; also published in D. Kairys, ed., The Politics of Law, New York: Pantheon Books, 1982, ix, 321 p. at pp. 201-213, ISBN: 0394519817;

HOSNI, Mahmoud-Néguib (ou HUSNI, Mahmud Najib), Le lien de causalité en matière pénale, thèse (dactylographiée), Paris, 1952, éd. Le Caire, 1958;  aussi [Guizeh?] Imp. Université du Caire, 1955,  319 p. 24 cm.; copy at the US Library of Congress; book not consulted;

HOWARTH, David, "O Madness of Discourse, That Cause Sets Up with Against Itself", (1986-87) 96 Yale Law Journal 1389-1424;  book review of Hart and Honoré, Causation in the Law, supra;

IRELAND, Law Reform Commission, Consultation Paper: Involuntary Manslaughter, Dublin : Law Reform Commission, 2007, xiv, 247 p.; available at  (accessed on 9 September 2007);

ITALY,  The Italian penal code / translated by Edward M. Wise, in collaboration with Allen Maitlin; introduction by Edward M. Wise, Littleton (Colorado) : F. B. Rothman, 1978, xlvi, 249 p. see Article 40, "Causal Relationship" and Article 41, "Concurrent Causes" at p. 14 (series; American series of foreign penal codes; volume 23), ISBN: 0837700434; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, KJF 1061 .A7C7 1978;

"Article 40.  Causal Relationship.
    No one shall be punished for an act designated by law as an offence if the harmful or dangerous event on which existence of the offense depends was not a consequence of his own act or omiission.
    Failing to prevent an event which one has a legal obligation to prevent shall be equivalent to causing it.

Article 41. Concurrent Causes.
    The presence of pre-existing, simultaneous or supervening causes, even though independent of the act or omission of the offender, shall not exclude a causal relationship between his act or omission and the event.
    Supervening causes shall exclude a causal relationship when they were in themselves sufficient to bring about the event. If, in that case, the act or omission previously committed itself constitutes an offense, the punishment prescribed therefor shall be applied.
    The preceding provisions shall apply even when the pre-existing, simultaneous or supervening cause consists of the unlawful act of another person."
"Art. 40 - Rapporto di causalità
   Nessuno può essere punito per un fatto preveduto dalla legge come reato, se l'evento dannoso o pericoloso, da cui dipende la esistenza del reato, non è conseguenza della sua azione od omissione.
   Non impedire un evento, che si ha l'obbligo giuridico di impedire, equivale a cagionarlo.

Art. 41 - Concorso di cause
   Il concorso di cause preesistenti o simultanee o sopravvenute, anche se indipendenti dall'azione od omissione del colpevole, non esclude il rapporto di causalità fra l'azione od omissione e l'evento.
   Le cause sopravvenute escludono il rapporto di causalità quando sono state da sole sufficienti a determinare l'evento. In tal caso, se l'azione od omissione precedentemente commessa costituisce per se un reato, si applica la pena per questo stabilita.
   Le disposizioni precedenti si applicano anche quando la causa preesistente o simultanea o sopravvenuta consiste nel fatto illecito altrui."   (see  Codice penale)

JAMIESON, George, 1815-1903, Causality, or, The philosophy of law investigated, 2nd ed., greatly enlarged, London : Longmans, Green, 1872, lxxxii, 368 p.; book not consulted;

JOHNSON-LAIRD, P.N., "Causation, Mental Models, and  the Law", (1999) 65 Brooklynn Law Review  67-103;

JONES, Timothy H., "Causation, homicide and the supply of drugs", (June 2006) 26(2) Legal Studies  139-154;


JurisPedia, "Le lien de causalité en droit pénal (fr)", disponible à (vérifié le 18 mai 2009);

KADISH,  Sanford H., "Complicity, Cause and Blame: A Study in the Interpretation of Doctrine", (1985) 73 California Law Review 324-410;

KAGAN, Shelly, "Causation, Liability, and Internalism", (1986) 15 Philosophy and Public Affairs 41-66;

KAPTEIN, Hendrik, "Causation Criminal" in Christopher Berry Gray, ed., The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, New York Garland Publishing, 1999, 2 volumes ( xxxviii, 950 p.) , at vol.1, pp. 93-94, (series; Garland reference library of the humanities ; vol. 1743), ISBN: 0815313446;

KARP, David J., "Notes: Causation in the Model Penal Code", (1978) 78 Columbia Law Review 1249-1286;

KATZ, Leo, "Criminal Law" in Patterson, Dennis M. (Dennis Michael) Patterson, 1955-, ed., A companion to philosophy of law and legal theory, Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell Publishers, 1996, xii, 602 p., pp. 80-95,  on causation, see pp. 83-85 (series;  Blackwell companions to philosophy; volume 7), ISBN: 1557865353; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

KEETON, Robert E., Legal Cause in the Law of Torts, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1963, xii, 137 p. (series:College of Law, Ohio State University. Law forum series) (series;  Law reform series, Ohio State University. College of Law); civil law;

KELLEY, Patrick J., "Causation and Justice: A Comment", [1978] Washington University Law Quarterly 635-644;

KELMAN, "The Necessary Myth of Objective Causation in Liberal Political Theory", (1987) 63 Chicago-Kent Law Review 579-637; civil law;

KELMAN, Mark, "Interpretative Construction in the Substantive Criminal Law", (1980-81) 33 Stanford Law Review 591-673, see "Causation" at pp. 640-642;

KESSLER, Kimberley, D., "The Role of Luck in the Criminal Law", (1993-94) 142 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 2183-2237;

KHOURY, Lara, Uncertain causation in medical liability, Oxford ; Portland, OR : Hart Publishing, 2006, xxxiii, 270 p.; title noted in my research but book not consulted (8 July 2007);

KUTZ, Christopher, "Causeless complicity", (September 2007) 3(1) Criminal Law and Philosophy 289-305;  

LANHAM, David, "Principles of Causation in Criminal Law",  in Ian R. Freckelton and Danuta Mendelson, eds., Causation in Law and Medicine, Aldershot (England)/Dartmouth (Vermont, USA): Ashgate Publishing, 2002, xxxii, 524 p., at pp. 211-227, ISBN: 0754622045; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries included in the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 20 July 2004);

LANSDOWN, A.V., "Causation in Homicide", (1960) 77 South African Law Journal 427-430;

___________"Again Causation in Homicide", (1962) 79 South African Law Journal 137-139;

LAW COMMISSION, Criminal law : the year and a day rule in homicide : a consultation paper, London : HMSO, c1994, iv, 79 p. (series; Consultation paper / The Law Commission ; no. 136), ISBN: 011730221X;

___________ Legislating the criminal code : the year and a day rule in homicide : item 5 of the fourth programme of law reform : criminal law, London : HMSO, [1995], v, 59 p., (series; Law Com ; no. 230), ISBN: 0102183953; note: "Laid before Parliament by the Lord High Chancellor pursuant to section 3(2) of the Law Commissions Act 1965."; "Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 21 February1995";

LAW COMMISSION OF HONG KONG, THE, Report on the year and a day rule in homicide, [Hong Kong] : The Commission, 1997, 19 p.; "Ms Cathy Wan, Senior Crown Counsel, was principally responsible for the writing of this Commission report; available at (accessed on 15 December 2007); 

LEAVENS, Arthur, "A Causation Approach to Criminal Omissions"  (1988) 76 California Law Review 547-591;

LEGEAIS, Raymond, "Les infractions d'homicide ou de blessures par imprudence et la conception jurisprudentielle de la causalité", dans Droit pénal contemporain: mélanges en l'honneur d'André Vitu, Paris: Éditions Cujas, 1989, 468 p., aux pp. 333-348, ISBN: 2254890415; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KJV 7979 D76 1989;

LEVITT, "Cause, Legal Cause, and Proximate Cause", (1922-23) 21 Michigan  Law Review 34-62 and 160-173; mostly civil law;

LICCI, Giorgio, "Quelques remarques sur les racines allemandes du droit pénal italien", (avril-juin 2003) 55(2) Revue internationale de droit comparé 309-330; sur l'omission et la causalité, voir les pp. 319-321;

LLOYD-BOSTOCK, Sally, "The Ordinary Man, and the Psychology of Attributing Causes and Responsibility", (1979) 42 Modern Law Review 143-168; civil law;

LOMBARDO, John D., "Causation and 'Objective' Entrapment: Toward a Culpability-Centered Approach", (1995)  43 University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Law Review 209-261;

MacDONALD, Elizabeth, "The Twice Killed Corpse - A Causation Issue", (1995) 59 The Journal of Criminal Law 207-212;

MAHDAVI SABET, Mohamad Ali, Essai sur la notion de lien de causalité en droit pénal français, thèse, Paris II, 1987, dir. de thèse: André Decocq; Numéro d'identification:1987PA02Z083;

MALCOLM, David, "Euthanasia and the Criminal Law: What Will Sever a Causal Link?", in Ian R. Freckelton and Danuta Mendelson, eds., Causation in Law and Medicine, Aldershot (England)/Dartmouth (Vermont, USA): Ashgate Publishing, 2002, xxxii, 524 p., at pp. 251 to approx. 269, ISBN: 0754622045; title noted in my research but article not consulted;

MALONE, Wex S., "Ruminations on Cause-in-Fact", (1956-57) 9 Stanford Law Review 60-99; civil law;

MANSFIELD, John H.,  "Hart and Honoré: Causation in the Law", (1963-64) 17 Vanderbilt Law Review 487-524;

MATSUDA, Mari, "On Causation", (2000) 100 Columbia Law Review  2195-2220; torts;

McLAUGHLIN, James Angell, "Proximate Cause", (1925-26) 39 Harvard Law Review 149-199; civil law;

MERLE, Roger, "La th/orie de la causalit/", extrait du Manuel de droit pénal général complémentaire, Paris, 1957, p. 170 disponible à (vérifié le 5 septembre 2011);

MOLES, Robert N., "Book Review: Causation in the Law", (1987) 38 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 214-217;

MOORE, Michael S., 1943-, "Causation" in Joshua Dressler, editor in chief,  Encyclopedia of crime & justice, 2nd ed., New York : Macmillan Reference USA, c2002,  4 v. (xxxvi, 1780 p.),  in vol. 1, at pp. 150-160, ISBN : 002865319X (for set of 4 volumes) and 0028653203 (v. 1 );

___________Causation and Responsibility, Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN: 9780199256860; title noted in my research but book not consulted yet, 2 November 2011;

___________"Causation and the Excuses", (1985) 73 California Law Review 1091-1149; also published by the same author in Placing Blame: A General  Theory of the Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997, xxi, 849 p., ISBN:0198254172, chapter 12, pp. 481-547;

___________"Causation and Responsibility", (1999) 16(2) Social Philosophy & Policy 1-51;

___________"Causing, aiding, and the superfluity of accomplice liability", (2007) 156 University of Pennsylvania Law  Review 395-452; with the same title in  and,Aiding,andtheSuperfluityofAccompliceLiabilityGALA.pdf (accessed on 17 March 2008);

__________"Foreseeing Harm Opaquely"  in Stephen Shute, 1955-, John Gardner and Jeremy Horder, eds., Action and Value in Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, viii, 314 p. at pp. 125-155, ISBN: 0198258062 (cloth) and 0198260792 (pbk. first issued in 1996):

___________"The Metaphysics of Causal Intervention", (2000) 88 California Law Review 827-877;

___________"Thomson's Preliminaries About Causation and Rights", (1987) 63 Chicago Kent Law Review 497-521;

MORRIS, Clarence, "Proximate Cause in Minnesota", (1949-50) 34 Minnesota Law Review 185-209; civil law;

MORRIS, Herbert, ed., Freedom and Responsibility: Readings in Philosophy and Law, Stanford (California): Stanford University Pressm 1961, v, 547 p., see the bibliography on causation at pp. 537-540;

MORSE, Stephen J.,  "Causation, Compulsion, and Involuntariness", (1994) 22 Bulletin of the American Academy of Ppsychiatry and the Law 159-180; now called The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law; copy at Ottawa University, RA 1151 .A43  Location: FTX Periodicals;

___________"The Moral Methaphysics of Causation and Results", (2000) 88 California Law Review 879-894;

___________"Reason, Results, and Criminal Responsibility", (2004) Illinois Law Review 363-444, and see "Causation" at pp. 395-397;

MUELLER, Gerhard O.W., "Causing Criminal Harm" in Gerhard O.W. Mueller, ed., Essays in Criminal Science, South Hackensack, N.J.: Fred B. Rothman and London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1961, xvi, 460 p. at pp. 167-214; major contribution to the subject;

NASRI, Amar, Contribution à la notion de causalité en droit pénal,
thèse de doctorat, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), 2006, 326 p.; numéro national de thèse: 2006PA010289; directeur de thèse: Bernard Bouloc; résumé au catalogue du système universitaire de documentation, disponible à; thèse non conultée; 

NATIONAL COMMISSION ON REFORM OF FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAWS, Final Report of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws - A Proposed New Federal Criminal Code (Title 18, United States Code), Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971, xxv, 364 p., see § 305. Causal Relationship Between Conduct and Result" at pp. 31-32; the proposed code is available on the internet at the Buffalo Criminal Law Center, at "Materials on Federal Criminal Code Reform" which includes also: "Selected Bibliography on Federal Criminal Code Reform", "Special Collection on Federal Criminal Code Reform" and "Conferences on Criminal Code Reform";

___________Study Draft of a New Federal Criminal Code (Title 18, United States Code), Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970, lxiv, 344 p., see section 305, "Causal Relationship Between Conduct and Result" at p. 28;

___________Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, vol. 1 of 2, Relating to Chapters 1-13 of the Study Draft of a new Federal Criminal Code, Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970, xxxv, 742, vii, see "Extended Note A: Causation" at pp. 142-147;

NEW JERSEY LAW REFORM COMMISSION, "Criminal Code - Causation - draft tentative report of 02/05/07 clarifying the criminal code provision on causation", available at (accessed on 30 December 2007);

__________"Criminal Code - Causation - draft tentative report of 01/08/07 clarifying the criminal code provision on causation", available at (accessed on 30 December 2007);

___________"Criminal Code - Causation - new project clarifying the criminal code provision on causation", available at (accessed on 30 December 2007);

NORRIE, Alan W. (Alan William), 1953-,  Crime, Reason and History - A Critical Introduction to Criminal Law, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, xx, 279 p., 1993, see on causation at  pp. 136-152 (series; Law in context), ISBN: 0297821504;

___________"A Critique of Criminal Causation", (1991) 54 Modern Law Review 685-701;

O'REGAN, Robin S, "The High Court and the Defence of Accident under the Queensland Criminal Code", (1996) 20 Criminal Law Journal 140-143;

PALMER, Phil, "Attempt by Act or Omission: Causation and the Problem of the Hypothetical Nurse", (1999) 63 The Journal of Criminal Law 158-165;

PEDRICK, Willard H., "Causation, the 'Who Done It' Issue, and Arno Becht", (1978) Washington University Law Quarterly 645-660; civil law;

PERELLI-MINETTI, C. Robton, "Comments.  Causation and Intention in the Entrapment Defence", (1980-81) 28 Universisty of California Los Angeles Law Review 859-905;

PHILLIPS, Jerry S., "Reflections on Factual Causation", (1978) Washington University Law Quarterly 661-667; civil law;

PINCUS, Stephen M., "Progress on the Causal Chain Gang: Some Approaches to Causation in Tort Law and Steps Toward a Linguistic Analysis", (1986) 24 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 961-1022;

PLAXTON, Michael, "On Scarlet Fever and Falling Trees: Blamable Causation and Mens Rea", (2001) 25(2) Criminal Law Journal 59-63;

POUND, Roscoe, 1870-1964, "Causation", (1957-58) 67 Yale Law Journal 1-18; civil law;

POWELL, Raphael, "'Novus Actus Interveniens' in Roman Law", (1951) 4 Current Law Problems 197-226;

POZO, José Hurtado, "Le principe de la légalité, le rapport de causalité et la culpabilité: réflexions sur la dogmatique pénale", (1987) 104 Revue pénale suisse 23-56;

"Proximate and Remote Cause", (1869-70) 4 American Law Review 201-216; according to Horwitz, supra, The Politics of Law, the author is  Green, Nicholas St. John, 1830-1876 and the article would also be found in Nicholas St. John Green, Essays and notes on the law of tort and crime, Menasha, Wis.: George Banta publishing company, 1933, vii, 220 p.;

PSILLOS, Stathis, 1965-, Causation and explanation, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2002, xi, [i], 324 p.(series; Central Problems of Philosophy), ISBN: 0773524673 and 0773524681 (pbk.); entirely very philosophical; copy at the Library of the Suprme Court of Canada, Ottawa, BD541 P85 2002.

PUNDIK, Amit, "Can One Deny Both Causation and Omission and Causal Pluralism?  The Case of Legal Causation", Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, 11 May 2006; available at (accessed on 3 January 2009);

PUPPE, Ingeborg, "Negligence and Responsibility in German Road Traffic Law", (2003) 11(2) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 151-163;

QUEENSLAND, Parliament, Care of Terminally-ill Patients Bill 2002, introduced and first reading by P W Wellington, on 19 June 2002 and withdrawn on 12 March 2003; see and more particularly, the Bill at and the Explanatory Notes at (accessed on 30 May 2005); deals in part with accelaration of death and criminal liability of physicians;

"3  Non-liability of medical staff for properly administered palliative care

A medical practitioner responsible for the treatment or care of a terminally-ill patient, or a person participating in the treatment or care of the patient under the medical practitioner's supervision, incurs no civil or criminal liability (and in particular is not to be taken to have shortened the life of the patient under the Criminal Code, section 2962) by administering medical treatment with the sole intention of relieving pain or distress—

(a) in good faith and without negligence; and
(b) in compliance with section 2; and
(c) in accordance with proper professional standards of palliative care;
even though an incidental effect of the treatment is to shorten the life of the
2 Criminal Code, section 296 (Acceleration of death)" (section 3 of the Bill)

REED, Alan, "Involuntary Manslaughter and Assisting Drug-Abuse Injection",  (2003) 67(5) The Journal of Criminal Law 431-442;

REINACH, Adolf, "On The Concept of Causality in the Current Criminal Law", Translation: Berit Brogaard, 2/1/2000, Edited by Jonathan Sandford, 1998; Ed Rackley 2/1/00; available at (accessed on 29 November 2005);

ROBINSON, Glen O., "Risk, causation and harm" in R.G. Frey and Christopher W. Morris, eds., Liability and responsibility : essays in law and morals, Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1991, x, 430 p. at pp. 317-347, being chapter 9 of the book (SERIES: Cambridge studies in philosophy and law),  ISBN: 0521392160 (hardcover); civil law;

ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, and John M., Darley, Justice, Liability, and  Blame: Community Views and the Criminal Law, Boulder (Colorado, USA): Westview Press, 1995, xvii, 299 p., ISBN: 0813324505, (Series: New directions in social psychology); see Chapter 6, "Doctrines of  Grading: What Degree of Punishment Is Deserved for One's Blameworthy Violation?" at  pp. 157-199, and, in particular, "Study 17: The Strength of the Person's Connexion with the Prohibited Result -- Causation Requirements" at pp. 181-189 and the "Chapter Summary" at p. 197-199;

ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, "In Defense of the Model Penal Code: A Reply to Professor Fletcher", (1998-99) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 25-43 (Symposium "Toward a New Federal Criminal Code");

___________"Reforming the Federal Criminal Code: A Top Ten List", (1997) 1 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 225-271, see on causation pp. 239-246;

ROSENBERG, Irene Merker, Yale L. Rosenberg, and Bentzion S. "Murder by Gruma: Causation in Homicide Cases under Jewish Law", (2000) 80 Boston University Law Review1017-1060;

ROTHSTEIN, Paul F., "Causation in Torts, Crimes and Moral Philosophy: A Reply to Professor Thomson", (1987-88) 76 The Georgetown Law Journal 151-167;

ROWE, P.J., "Demise of the Thin Skull Rule?", (1977) 40 Modern Law Review 377-388; civil law;

RYU, Paul K., "Causation in Criminal Law", (1958) 106 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 773-805; major contribution to the subject;

SALAKO, Solomon E., "Causation in Criminal Law: a new look at Jordan, Smith , Blaue and Cheschire", (1998) 62 Journal of Criminal Law 461-467;

SALVAGE, Philippe, "Le lien de causalité en matière de complicité", [1981] Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 25-42;

SANKEY, Howard, ed., Causation and the Law of Nature, Kluwer Academic Publishers,  forthcomong February 2000; not consulted;

SAUNDERS, Kevin W., "Voluntary Acts and the Criminal Law: Justifying Culpability Based on the Existence of Volition", (1987-88) 49 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 443-476;

SCHACHAR, Yoram, "Causation, Mens Rea and Negligence in Homicide Offences", (1977) 3 Tel Aviv University Studies in Law 84-112;

SCHAFFER, Jonathan, "Causes need not be Physically Connected to their Effects: The Case for Negative Causation", in Christopher Hitchcock, 1954-, ed., Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science, Malden ( MA): Blackwell Publishing, 2004, xiii, 344 p., essay 10, (series; Contemporary debates in philosophy; vol. 2), ISBN: 1405101512 and 1405101520 (pbk.); title noted in my research buta article not consulted; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 27 July 2006);

SCHLEIFER, Michael, Thomas Shultz, and Monique Lefebvre-Pinard, "Children's judgments of causality, responsibility and punishments in cases of harm due to omission", (1983) 1 British Journal of Developmental Psychology 87-97; copy at Ottawa University, BF 712 .B75  Location, MRT Periodicals;

SHAVER, Kelly G., 1941-, The Attribution of Blame: Causality, Responsibility, and Blameworthiness, New York : Springer-Verlag, 1985, x, 192 p.  (series; Springer series in social psychology), ISBN: 0387961208; copy at the University of Ottawa;

SHUTE, Stephen, "Causation: Foreseeability v. Natural Causes", (1992) 55 Modern Law Review 584-587;

SILVING, Helen, Constituent Elements of Crime, Springfield (Illinois): Charles C. Thomas, 1967, xxiv, 458 p.; see on causation, pp. 92-102; important contribution;

__________Criminal Justice, vol. 1 of 2, Buffalo/Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico): Hein/University of Puerto Rico, 1971, see on causation, pp. 347-386; important contribution;

SLIEDREGT, Elies van, The Criminal Responsibility of Individuals for Violations of International Humanitarian Law, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2003, xxiv, 437 p., see Chapter 4, "Superior Responsibility at the Tribunals and the ICC", at pp. 137-197  ("Causality", at pp. 174-175 and 189-190) ISBN: 9067041661; copy at Ottawa University, FTX General, K5064 .S53 2003;

SMALL, "Gaffing at a Thing Called Cause: Medico-Legal Conflicts in the Concept of Causation", (1952-53) 31 Texas Law Review 630-659; civil law;

SMITH, Jeremiah, "Legal Cause in Actions of Tort", (1911-12) 25 Harvard Law Review 103-128, 223-252 and 303-327; civil law;

SMITH, Patricia, "Legal Liability and Criminal Omissions", (2002) 5(1) Criminal Law Forum 69-102; available at;

SOSA, Ernest and Michael Tookey, eds., Causation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, viii, 252 p., bibliography at pp. 245-249, (series; Oxford readings in philosophy), ISBN: 019870935 and 0198750943 (pbk.);

STALLYBRASS, W.T.S., "A comparison of the general principles of criminal law in England with the 'progretto definitivo di un nuovo codice penale' of Alfredo Rocco", (1932) 14 Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 45-61 and (1933) 15 Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 232-241; also with the same title in L. Radzinowicz and J.W.C. Turner, eds., The Modern Approach to Criminal Law, London: University of Cambridge, 1945, x, 511 at pp. 390-466, and see on causation,  pp. 398-400 (series; English Studies in Criminal Science, Department of Criminal Science, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge; volume iv);

STANNARD, John E., "Criminal Causation and the Careless Doctor", (1992) 55 Modern Law Review 577-583;

STAPLETON, Jane, "Law, Causation, and Common Sense", (1988) 8 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 111-131; article explains Hart and Honoré, Causation in the Law, supra, thesis;

__________"Perspectives on Causation" in Jeremy Horder, ed., Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence, Fourth Series, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, [ix], 270 p., Essay 4 at pp. 61-84, ISBN: 0198268580; tort law;

STRAHORN, John S., "Criminology and the Law of Guilt", (1936) 84 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 491-512 and 600-624; see in particular the first part of the article at pp. 491-512;

THODE, E. Wayne, "The Indefensible Use of the Hypothetical Case to Determine Cause in Fact", (1967-68) 46 Texas Law Review 423-435; civil law;

THOMSON, Judith Jarvis, "Causation: Omissions", (January 2003) 66(1) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81-103; copy at University of Ottawa, B 1 .P57  Location: MRT Periodicals;

___________ "The Decline of Cause", (1987-88) 76 The Georgetown Law Journal 137-150; see reply by Rothstein, supra;

___________"Remarks on Causation and Liability", (1984) 13 Philosophy and Public Affairs 101-133; also found in Judith Jarvis Thomson, Rights, restitution, and risk : essays, in moral theory, edited by William Parent, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1986, x, 269 p., at pp. 192-224,  ISBN    0674769805;

TRAININE, A.N., "Le problème de la causalité dans le droit pénal socialiste", (1951) 5 L'État soviétique et le droit 24-33;

TUNC, André, "Les récents développements des droits anglais et américains sur la relation de causalité entre la faute et le dommage dont on doit réparation", (1953) 3 Revue internationale de droit comparé 5-54; civil law;

UGLOW, Steve,  Criminal Law 1998-1999, Lecture VI, Causation , updated 26 February 1999; as seen on 11 April 1999 at; Research Note: Steve Uglow is lecturer at Kent Law School (England);

YEAGER, Daniel B., "Dangerous Games and the Criminal Law", (Winter/Spring 1997) 16(1) Criminal Justice Ethics 3-12, and see "II  Dangerous Games and Causality", at pp. 4-7; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

WALLACE, William A., Causality and Scientific Explanation, A+nn Arbor, University of Michigan Press, [1972-74], 2 volumes;  volume 1. Medieval and early classical science, xi, 288 p., ISBN: 0472089501;volume  2: Classical and contemporary science; , xi, 422 p., ISBN: 047208951; important contribution, covers all important writers: Kant, Mill etc.;

WALLENSTEIN, Joshua, "Punishing Words: An Analysis of the Necessity of the Element of Causation in Prosecutions for Incitement to Genocide", (2001) 54  Stanford Law Review 351; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (2 November 2011);

WEINREB, Lloyd L., "Comment on Basis of Criminal Laibility; Culpability; Causation: Chapter 3; Section 610"  in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws,  vol.1, Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970, xxv, 742 p., at pp. 105-151, see "Extended Note A Causation" at pp. 142-147;

WEINRIB, Ernest J., "A Step Forward in Factual Causation", (1975) 38 Modern Law Review 518-534; civil law;

___________"Causation and Wrongdoing", (1987) 63 Chicago-Kent Law Review 407-450; civil law;

WHARTON, Francis, 1820-1889, Philosophy of Criminal Law, Holmes Beach (Florida):  Gaunt, 1989 , iv, 326 p, see Chapter VII., "Causal Connection Between Offender and Offence" at pp. 182-207 (reprint of Philadelphia: Kay & Bro., 1880); also published as part of  A Treatise on criminal law, 9th ed.,  Philadelphia : Kay and Bro., 1885,  2 v., xi, 917 p.;
WERLE, Gerhard, in cooperation with Florian Jessberger, Wulf Burchards, Volker Nerlich and Belinda Cooper, Principles of International Criminal Law, The Hague: TMC Asser Press, c2005, xii, 485 p., and see "Consequence and Causation" at pp. 97-98, ISBN: 9067041963 and 9067042021 (pbk.); copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, K5000 .W47 2005;

WILLIAMS, Glanville, "Causation in Homicide", [1957] Criminal Law Review 429-440 and 510-521;

___________"Causation in the Law", [1961] The Cambridge Law Journal 62-85; civil law;

___________"Finis for Novus Actus?", [1989] The Cambridge Law Journal 391-416;

___________"Innocent Agency and Causation", (1992) 3 Criminal Law Forum 289-298;

___________"The Risk Principle", (1961) 77 The Law Quarterly Review 179-212; civil law;

WILLIAMS, Glenys N., The Concepts of intention and causation in medical non-killing, Ph.D.Thesis, University of Wales, xlviii, 298 leaves; thesis not consulted;

___________Intention and causation in medical non-killing, Abingdon (UK)/ New York: Routledge-Cavendish, 2007, xvii, 221 p., ISBN : 9781844720279  9780415423021 (pbk.) ; contents: " The concept of intention -- The principle of double effect -- Acts and omissions -- Causation -- Does a patient who refuses treatment commit suicide? -- Does a doctor who withdraws treatment assist in a patient’s suicide? (catalogue Hollis, Harvard University); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Ottawa, KF 3827E87 W55;  

WILLIAMS, Rebecca, "Policy and Principle in Drugs Manslaughter Cases", (March 2005) 64(1) Cambridge Law Journal 66-78;

WILSON, Williams, Central Issues in Criminal Theory, Oxford (England)/Portland (Oregon): Hart Publishing, 2002, ix, 380 p., see "Causing Harm", at pp. 161-193, ISBN: 1841130621; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada K5018 W55 2002 c. 01;

WOLTER, W., "De la causalité dite de l'omission", (1954) 10-11 Panstwo i Prawo 520-534; il s'agit d'une revue polonaise; copie à l'University of Toronto; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article pas encore consulté;

WRIGHT, R.A., "Causation and Responsibility in English Law", (1955) Cambridge Law Journal 163-171; civil law;

WRIGHT, Richard W., "Causation, Responsibility, Risk, Probability, Naked Statistics, and Proof: Pruning the Bramble Bush by Clarifying the Concepts", (1987-88) 73 Iowa Law Review 1001-1077;

YALE, D.E.C., "A Year and a Day in Homicide", (1989) 48 Cambridge Law Journal 202-242; 

YEO, Stanley, "Blamable Causation", (2000) 24 Criminal Law Journal 144-163;

___________"Causation, Fault and the Concurrence Principle", (2002) 10(2) Otago Law Review 213-227;

__________"An Australian Evaluation of Causation in Fright Cases", (1993) 57 Journal of Criminal Law 390-397;

ZIVANOVIC, Toma, 1884-1971, Du principe de causalité efficiente en droit pénal, Paris : A. Rousseau, 1908, xii, 178 p., thèse, Université de Paris; name is also spelled GIVANOVITCH;

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