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by /par ©François Lareau, 2004-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on the Doctrine
Versari in re illicita
Bibliographie choisie sur la doctrine,
Versari in re illicita

BINAVINCE, Emilio S., "The Ethical Foundation of Criminal Liability" (1964) 33 Fordham Law Review 1-38, see pp. 16-17;

"The idea of this doctrine is that liability does not extend to the clasical guilt in the forms of dolus and culpa of Roman law, but that liability may be found for consequences which are accidently realized as a consequence of a prohibited conduct.  This notion was related to the principle of the church in cases of religious irregularity that the unworthy should be excluded from the exercise of ecclesiastical functions.  The ethical standard of the church was high; it demanded absolute moral innocence so that responsibility over the injury should not be traced to any wrongful conduct of the actor.  If a man accidently causes death because of a prohibited act, however remote from the death, the actor is liable for the death...From Bracton, English law found this doctrine useful to impose liability upon persons not totally free from contributing causal elements in the realization of the injury.  It was so useful that it is now so firmly established a principle in the common law that attempts to abolish it have seen great difficulties." (p. 337)

BODENSTEIN, H.D.J. (Helgard Dewald Johannes), 1881-1943, "Phases in the Development of Criminal Mens Rea", (1919) 36 The South African Law Journal PDF 323-349 and  see pp. 335-337;

BURCHELL, E.M., J.R.L. Milton and J.M. Burchell, South African Criminal Law and Procedure, Vol I, General Principles of Criminal Law by EM Burchell and PMA Hunt, 2nd ed., Cape Town: Juta, 1983, lxii, 512 p., ISBN: 070211345X (hardcover) and 0702113468 (softcover);

CRAWFORD, J. M. B. and   J.F. Quinn, The Christian foundations of criminal responsibility : a philosophical study of legal reasoning, Lewiston, N.Y. :
Edwin Mellen Press, c1991, vi, 504 p. (series; Toronto studies in theology ; v. 40), ISBN:  0889469792;

FRANKOWSKI, Stanislaw, "Mens Rea and Punishment in England: In  Search of Interdependence of the Two Basic Components of Criminal Liability (A Historical Perspective)", (1986) 63 University of Detroit Law Review 393-450, at pp. 411-412;

GARDNER, Martin R., "The Mens Rea Enigma: Observations on the Role of Motive in the Criminal Law Past and Present", [1993] Utah Law Review 635-750;

IGOR, Vuković, "Aggravating consequences of criminal offences -- versari in re illicita", (2001) 28(1-2) Yugoslav Law / Droit yougoslave 73-95; see summary at http://www.scindeks.nbs.bg.ac.yu/clanak.php?issn=0350-2252&je=en&prv=1&zad=1&id=0350-22520101073V  (accessed on 22 September 2007);  title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa;

JACOBS, Francis G., Criminal Responsibility, London, Weidenfeld  and Nicolson, 1971, xi, 188 p., at pp. 17 and 19-20;

KOLLMAN, Horst, "Die Lehre vom versari in re illicita", (1913 or 1914) Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft (zitiert nach Band, Jahr und Seite) [abréviation allemande de ce périodique: ZStW] 35; article non consulté; copy at University of Toronto, but double-check with catalogue;

KUTTNER, Stephan, 1907-1996, Kanonistische schuldlehre von Gratian bis auf die Dekretalen Gregors IX, systematisch auf grund der handschriftlichen quellen quellen dargestellt, Citta del Vaticano: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1935, xxiii, 429 p. (series; [Vatican. Biblioteca vaticana] Studi e testi, volumke 64); reprint: [Modena?] : Edizione anastatica, 1973;

LAINGUI, André, La responsabilté pénale dans l'ancien droit: XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1970, xii, 367 p., et voir "Cas fortuit et opus illicitum", aux pp. 75-80 et le "dol pretderintentionnel" aux pp. 100-102;

LÖOFFLER, von Alexander, 1866-1929,  Die Schuldformen des Strafrechts in vergleichend-historischer unddogmatischer Darstellung, Leipzig: C.L.
Hirschfeld, 1895, pp. 136-142;  reprint in : Goldbach: Keip, 1995; copy at University of Alberta, Book And Record Depository (BARD), K5065 L828 1895; livre non consulté;

MANNHEIM, Hermann, "Mens Rea in German and English Law - II", (1935) 17 Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law (3rd series) 236-250, at  pp. 237-239;

MÜLLER, Michael, 1901-, Ethik und Recht in der Lehre von der Verantwortlichkeit, Regensburg: Joseph Habbel, 1932, 256 p., aux  pp. 71 et ss.; copy at University of Alberta, Cameron Library, BX 1758 M94; copy at University of Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Library, BQT/1708/.M8; livre non-consulté;

PAIN, J.H., "Some Reflections on our Criminal Law", (1960) Acta Juridica 289-311, at pp. 296-297;


The idea that if a man commits a crime he should be made liable for all the consequences which accidently ensue, has a long history. As a rule of the Canon law dating back at least to the 7th Century, it decided whether a priest who had been the cause of a person's death was still entitled to perform his duties.  The doctrine was an advance on a more primitive stage, where the consequences of the conduct alone were considered in fixing liability, without reference to  the state of mind of the wrongdoer. The question of culpa was enquired into where the act of the priest was initially lawful, whereas if his act was unlawful, then he was held responsible for all the resultant consequences, without enquiry  into his mental state. The responsibility for the introduction of the doctrine into English law rests, in the opinion of Stephen,66 upon Lord Coke. In a field of  law neglected for centuries, it flourished in fertile soil and came to full flower in the latter half of the 19th century.67 ...
66.   Stephen, History of Criminal Law, Vol. III at p. 57.
67.   See e.g. WILLS, J., in R. v. Tolson, (1889) 23 Q.B.D. 168 at p. 172 and BRETT, J., in R. v. Prince, (1875) 32 L.T. 700 at pp. 708/9." (p. 296)

PHILIPPS, George, 1804-1872, Du droit ecclésiastique dans ses principes généraux. Traduit par J.P. Crouzet, 2e éd. revue et corrigée par le traducteur, Paris, J. Lecoffre et cie, 1855, 3 volumes; voir
le tome 1, "De l'exclusion des irréguliers pour cause de crime (Irregularitas ex delicto)", aux pp. 398-432; disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=QrALAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA431&dq=meurtre+intention&as_brr=1#PPA398,M1 (vérifié le 17 novembre 2007);

ROKOFYLLOS, Christos, Le concept de lésion et la répression de la délinquance par imprudence: essai critique, Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1967, vii, 135 p., voir "L'évolution des délits préterintentionnels et la fiction de culpabilité quant au résultat aggravant", aux pp. 87-99 (Collection; Bibliothèque de sciences criminelles; volume 6); note: Thèse. Droit. Paris. 1963; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KJV 1748 R65 1967;

"C'est dans la doctrine de l'Eglise catholique que prend naissance et s'impose dans les faits, par l'exercice de sa juridiction répressive, le principe selon lequel la responsabilité de celui qui commet volontairement un acte délictueux ne se limite pas au résultat prévu et voulu par lui; elle s'étend à toutes les conséquences dommageables provoquées par cet acte.  C'est le sens qu'on attribue généralemnt à la fameuse maxime 'versanti  in re illicita impunatur omnia quae ex delicto sequuntur', consacrée expressément dans la Summa decretalium (rédigée entre 1191 et 1198) de Bernardus Papiensis (150) [...]
(150) Cf. JIMENEZ DE ASUA, op. cit, p. 568; ZIGAROLAS, op. cit, tome I, p. 15 et s.  De la même essence est également l'adage 'vulnera ad mesuram non danur', cité par ROUX, 'Cours de Droit criminel', 2e édition, 1927, no 37, p. 147 et 148." (p. 89)

RYU, P.K., "The New Korean Criminal Code of October 3, 1953.  An Analysis of Ideologies Embedded in It", (1957) 48 Journal of Criminal Law,
Criminology and  Political Science 275-295, at pp. 282-283;

SAYRE, Francis Bowes, "Mens Rea", (1931-32) 45 Harvard Law Review 974-1026, at pp. 984-985;

SILVING, Helen, Criminal Justice, Buffalo (N.Y.): Hein, 1971, 2 volumes, see vol. 1, at pp. 380-385 and vol. 2 at pp.665-681;

SWOBODA, Innocent Robert, Ignorance in Relation to the Imputability of Delicts: The Imputability of Delicts, Washington (D.C.): The Catholic University of America Press, 1941, xii, 271 p., at pp. 59-62 (series: The Catholic University of America Canon Law Studies; No. 143);

VAN DER VYVER, Johan D., "The International Criminal Court and the Concept of Mens Rea in International Criminal Law", (2004) 12 University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review 57-149, and see "Versari in re Illicita", at pp. 72-73;

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