Key Words/Mots clés:  criminal law, act and omission,  bibliography on omissions in criminal law, commission by omission, criminal liability for omissions, crimes of pure omission, failing to rescue, the good Samaritan, legal duty, legal duties, offences for failure to act // droit criminel,  bibliographie  sur l'omission en droit pénal, bibliographie sur l'omission en droit criminel, acte et omission,infraction d'abstention,  l'inaction en droit pénal, infraction de commission par omission, infraction de pure omission, responsabilité pénale pour l'omission, non-révélation

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by / par ©François Lareau, 1998-, Ottawa, Canada

Selected Bibliography on
Omissions in Criminal Law --
Comparative Law with Elements
of Philosophy


Bibliographie choisie sur
l'omission en droit pénal
comparé avec des éléments de

See also/Voir aussi: • Omissions --  Canadian Law / Droit canadien
                              • Command Responsibility / Responsabilité des commandants
                                   • Canadian Law / Droit canadien
                                   • Comparative Law / Droit comparé
                               • Impossibility /Impossibilité                                  

Commission by Omission
Code pénal allemand / German Penal Code / Strafgesetzbuch

[Traduction] Article 13  Commission par omission. (1) Celui qui s'abstient d'éviter un résultat, constituant un élément de l'infraction, n'est punissable en vertu de la présente loi que s'il est légalement tenu d'éviter la réalisation de ce résultat, et si l'omission équivaut à la réalisation active d'un élément constitutif légal de cet acte. (voir Les nouveaux codes pénaux de langue allemande, infra)

[Translation] § 13. Omission as commission  (1) Whoever fails to prevent a harm which is part of the constituent elements of a crime may be punished under this Code only if he was under a legal duty to prevent the harm, and if his failure to act was equivalent to an affirmative act for purposes of establishing the statutorily defined constituent elements of the crime. (see The Penal code of the Federal Republic of Germany, infra)

§ 13. Begehen durch Unterlassen.  (1)  Wer es unterläßt, einen Erfolg abzuwenden, der zum Tatbestand eines Srafgesetzes gehört, ist nach diesem Gesetz nur dann strafbar, wenn er rechtlich dafür einzustehen hat, daß der Erfolg nicht eintritt, und wenn das Unterlassen der Verwirklichung des gesetzlichen Tatbestandes durch ein Tun entspricht.

AAGAARD, Todd S., "A Fresh Look at the Responsible Relation Doctrine", (Summer 2006) 96(4) The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 1245-1291;

ABELSON, Raziel, " 'To do or Let Happen', (1982) 19 American Philosophical Quarterly 219-228; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 1 .A525  Location MRT Periodicals;

ADLER, John M., "Relying Upon the Reasonableness of Strangers: Some Observations About the Current State of Common Law Affirmative Duties to Aid or Protect Others", [1991] Wisconsin Law Review 867-928;

AFRASSIABI, Mohamed, L'abstention délictueuse en droit français.  Étude jurisprudentielle, thèse de doctorat d'État, droit pénal, Paris 2, 1978; dir. de thèse: J.-Claude Soyer; texte non consulté;

AGULNICK, Peter M., and Heidi V. Rivkin, "Criminal Liability for Failure to Rescue: A Brief Survey of French and American Law", (1998) 8 Touro International Law Review 93-115; important contribution;

ALBARET-MONTPEYOUX, A., L'inaction en droit pénal, Paris: Recueil Sirey 1944, 3 p., l, 152 p., (thèse Strasbourg, 1944); Research Note: cited by the French doctrine; details on this publication comes from The National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints, vol. 7, London : Mansell, 1970, p. 65, which indicates also that there is a copy of this book at the Library of Congress;  this book was not consulted;  the Ottawa Public Library Interlibrary loan section advised me in October 1998 that there are no copies of this book in Canadian libraries;

ALDER. John M., "Relying Upon the Reasonableness of Strangers: Some Observations About the Current State of Common Law Affirmative Duties to Aid or Protect Others", (1991) Wisconsin Law Review 867-928;

ALEXANDER, Larry, Criminal Liability for Omissions - An Inventory of Issues, University of  San Diego School of Law, Public Law and Legal Theory, Working paper 22, 2000-2001, 37 p., available at; also with the same title in the following two publications: 1.  in Stephen Shute and Andrew Simester, eds., Criminal Law Theory - Doctrines of the General Part, New York: Oxford University Press, 2002,  332 pages, essay 6, at pp. 121-142 (Series; Oxford Monographs on Criminal), ISBN: 0199243492; 2. (2001) British Anthology (not verified yet);

ALEXANDER, Larry and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan, "Culpable Acts of Risk Creation", (Spring 2008) 5(2) Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 375-405, and see "Adding Omissions" at pp. 385-388 and "Risky Acts and Failure to Rescue", at pp. 388-389, available at (accessed on 23 March 2008);

ALEXANDER, Larry, 1943-, and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan with contributions by Stephen J. Morse,  Crime and culpability : a theory of criminal law, Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008, 372 p., ISBN: 9780521518772 (hardback) and  9780521739610 (pbk.); 

ALLDRIDGE, Peter, Relocating Criminal Law, Ashgate (England): Dartmouth, 2000, xxvi, 247 p., see "Omissions and bystanders" at pp. 51-53 (series; Dartmouth Applied Legal Philosophy), ISBN: 1855212684 (hb);

ALLEN, C.K., "Misprison", (1962) 78 Law Quarterly Review 40-61;

Alternative Draft of a Penal Code for the Federal Republic of  Germany, Translated and with an Introduction by Joseph J. Darby - Commentary by Jürgen  Baumann, Hackensack (N.J.)/London: Fred B. Rothman/Sweet & Maxwell, 1977, xvi, 160 p., see  § 12, "Forebearance as conduct" at p. 18 with comments at p. 22;  § 12 appears to be an exhaustive description of the duties giving rise to liability for commission by omission; ISBN: 0837700418  (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes, vol. 21);

ALTMAN, Andrew, "Concepts of Omission", (2005) 11 Legal Theory 251-257;

AMARASEKARA, Kumar and Mirko Bagaric, Euthanasia, morality and the law, New York : P. Lang, c2002, xvi, 161 p., see Chapter 6, "Passive Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide" at pp. 115-123 (series; Teaching texts in law and politics, ISSN 1083-3447; v. 19), ISBN: 0820456675; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K3611 .E95 A427 2002;

THE AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE, Model Penal Code and Commentaries (Official Draft and Revised Comments), Part I - General Provisions §§1.01 to 2.13, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1985, liii, 420 p., see § 2.01(1), "Requirement of Voluntary Act" and § 2.01(3) "Omission as Basis of Liability" at pp. 212-218 and 222-224 respectively;

___________Model Penal Code: Proposed Official Draft, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1962, xxii, 346 p., see section 2.01(1), "Requirement of Voluntary Act" and section 2.01(3) "Omission as Basis of Liability",  pp. 24-25;

___________Model Penal Code: Tentative Draft No. 4, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1955, xv, 302 p., see  "Section 2.01. Requirement of voluntary act; Omission as basis of liability; Possession as an act" at pp. 119-123;

AMBOS, Kai, "Article 25  Individual criminal responsibility", available at (accessed on 22 October 2005);

"The Rome Conference missed the opportunity to propose a general rule on omission although the final Draft Statute contained a general actus reus article101. This article was deleted102, basically, because it was not possible to reach consensus on the definition of an omission103. Further, it was argued that liability for omission based on article 28 and
on the crimes themselves may be sufficient104. However, if the Court takes the nullum rimen principle seriously it may have difficulties in basing liability for omission on provisions which do not clearly and explicitly provide for such liability105.
101 Draft Statute, supra note 47, article 28.
102 U.N. Doc. A/CONF.183/C.1/WGGP/L.4/Add.1 (1998).
103 But see, for example, articles 33-5 Updated Siracusa Draft, supra note 91; article 2 para. 2 Alternative
General Part, supra note 85. For a general rule also E. Wise, Principles 48-50.
104 See W.A. Schabas, Principles.
105 But see, for example, the ICTR's view that aiding and abetting can be committed by omission (supra note 38, Margin No. 17)."

AMES, James Barr, "Law and Morals", in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 1-21; also published in (1908-09) 22 Harvard Law Review 97-113, and see pp. 111-113; and in Lectures on Legal History, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1913, viii, 553 p. at pp. 435-452 (reprint: Buffalo: William S. Hein, 1986; Second Series of Historical Writings in Law and Jurisprudence, number 3);

ANCEL, Marc, La défense sociale nouvelle : un mouvement de politique criminelle humaniste, 3e éd. entièrement rév., Paris : Cujas, 1981, 381 p. (Collection; Publications du Centre d'études de défense sociale de l'Institut de droit comparé de l'Université de Paris Ii associé au C.N.R.S.; volume 1); copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa, K5015.4 A53 1981; also available in English/aussi publié en anglais: ANCEL, Marc, Social defense : the future of penal reform / Marc Ancel ; [translation by Thorsten Sellin ; edited and revised by Edward M. Wise] with a foreword by Norval Morris, Littleton, CO : F.B. Rothman, 1987, xix, 314 p. (series; Publications of the Comparative Criminal Law Project; vol. 16); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5015.4 A5313 1987;

"Indiquons seulement, à titre d'exemple, que, en quelques années, l'omission de porter secours a été étudiée par les Premières Journées franco-belgo-luxembourgeoises de science pénale (Paris 1951) et par le IVe Congrès international de droit comparé (Paris, 1954)." (p. 282, note 101)

ANDENAES, Johannes, "Comment by Prof. Johannes Andenaes Comparing Study Draft of Proposed New Federal Criminal Code to European Penal Codes (Prof. Johannes Andenaes, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, August 31, 1970)" in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, vol. 3, Washington, July 1971 at pp. 1451-1476, see "Omissions" at pp. 1453-1454;

___________The General Part of the Criminal Law of Norway, translated by Thomas P. Ogle, South Hackensack: Fred B. Rothman and London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1965, xxiii, 346 p., see "Criminal omissions" at pp. 127-142 (series; Publications of The Comparative Criminal Law Project, New York University; volume 3); important contribution;

ANTONIU, George, "Les infractions d'omission et la responsabilité pénale pour omission", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 917-935; Researh Note:  part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Romania;

APPLETON, Paul, "L'Abstention fautive en matière délictuelle, civile et pénale" (1912) 11 Revue Trimestrielle de droit civil 593-607;


D'AQUIN, Saint-Thomas, 1225-1274, Somme Théologique, 4 tomes, Paris : Les Éditions du Cerf, 1984 pour le tome 2 (ISBN: 2204022306) et 1985 pour le tome 3 (ISBN: 2204022314); voir dans le tome 2, I-II, Première section de la deuxième Partie, question 71, «La nature du péché», article 5,  «En tout péché y a-t-il un acte?», aux pp. 449-450; et dans le tome 3, II-II, Second volume de la deuxième Partie, question 79, «Les parties intégrantes de la justice», article 3,  «L'omission est-elle un péché spécial?» aux pp. 498-499 et l'article 4 «Comparaison entre omission et transgression» aux pp. 499-500;

AQUINAS, Thomas, sanctus, 1225-1274, Sin (1a2ae. 71-80) Latin text, English Translation, Introduction, Notes, Appendices and Glossary [by] John Fearon, O.P., Cambridge?: Black friars with Eyre and Spottiswoode, London, 1969, xvii, 267 p. (series; Summa theologiae. English, Cambridge? 1964-1981, volume 25); see Question 71, "Vice and virtue considered in themselves", article 5, "does every sin involve an action?", pp. 16-20; //// see also in the same series, volume 38Injustice (2a2ae.63-79) Latin text, English Translation, Introduction, Notes, Appendices and Glossary [by] Marcus Lefébure., Cambridge?: Black friars with Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1975, xxiv, 290 p., question 79 "the quasi-component parts of justice", "article 3. is omission a special category of sin?" at pp. 260-265 and "article 4. is the sin of omission more serious than the sin of transgression?", pp. 264-269;  

ARZT, Gunther, "An Introduction to the 1975 German Criminal Code" in The Criminal Justice System of the Federal Republic of  Germany : Proceeding of the Conference Sponsored by : the American National Section (U.S.A.) AIDP, the Goethe  Institute of Chicago, De Paul University, College of Law  Held in Chicago, April 12, 1980, Toulouse: Édition Érès (Association internationale de droit pénal), 1981, 134 p. at pp. 15-28, see pp. 23-24 (series; Nouvelles études pénales 2), ISBN:  2865860043;

ASHWORTH, Andrew, "Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm.  Whether an omission to act can amount to an assault or batteryDirector of Public Prosecutions v Santana-Bermudez, Divisional Court: Maurice Kay and McKay JJ.: November 13, 2003; [2003] EWHC Admin 2908", [2004] Criminal Law Review 471-472; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KDE 7862 .C734; commentary signed "A.J.A."; case reported by Dilys, Tausz, Barrister at p. 471 and commentary at pp. 471-472;

___________Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995, xxviii, 496 p., see "Omissions" at pp. 107-111 and "Causation and Omissions" at pp. 129-131, ISBN: 0198763670 and 0198763689 (pbk.);  there are newer editions;

___________ "Public Duties and Criminal Omisions: Some Unresolved Questions", (May 2011) 1 Journal of Commonwealth Criminal Law 1-21;

___________"The Scope of Criminal Liability for Omission"  (1989) 105 Law Quarterly Review 424-459;

ASHWORTH, Andrew and Eva Steiner, "Criminal omissions and public duties: the French experience", (1990) 10 Legal Studies 153-164;


ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT PÉNAL  (AIDP) (International Association of Penal Law), "Projet de Code pénal international", (1981) 52(1-2) Revue internationale de droit pénal;

"Paragraphe 11. Omission

11.1. L'omission par un Etat, groupe ou organisation, ou l'absence de réaction, existe quand une personne investie d'une autorité ayant le pouvoir d'agir et étant au courant de faits nécessitant l'action, omet de prendre des mesures raisonnables pour prévenir ou mettre fin à la commission d'un crime ou pour arrêter, poursuivre ou punir toute personne qui a ou peut avoir commis un crime.

11.2. L'omission par un individu consiste en l'absence consciente d'action selon une obligation juridique pré-existante."


"2.2. Responsabilité d'Etat pour omission

2.2.1. Sera constitutif d'une infraction internationale le fait qu'un Etat omet d'agir en conformité avec ses obligations imposées par ce Code.
2.2.2. Tout mouvement révolutionnaire qui crée un Etat ou qui renverse un gouvernement sera, dans le nouvel Etat ou le nouveau gouvernement, responsable pour soit la
poursuite, soit l'extradition de membres du mouvement du chef de violations de ce Code. A défaut, la responsabilité de l'Etat sera entraînée." (source: et voir aussi; sites vérifiés le 13 novembre 2007)

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT PÉNAL  (AIDP) (International Association of Penal Law) and Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali (ISISC) (International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences) and Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (MPI), Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court -- Alternative to the ILC-Draft -- (Siracusa-Draft), prepared by a Committee of Experts Siracusa/Freiburg, July 1995, 88 p.; available at (accessed on 10 December 2005); you can also find a copy at (accessed on 15 July 2006); 

"Art. 33 d
Omission An omission of an act is punishable under this Statute if the person was under a preexisting legal duty to prevent the harm. Such a duty can in particular arise out of a statutory or contractual responsibility for the safety of the person concerned, or from antecedent dangerous and illegal conduct." (p. 51)


AUSTRALIA, Criminal Law Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, Model Criminal Code, Chapter 2 General Principles of Criminal Responsibility - Discussion Draft, Canberra: Commonwealth Government Printer, July 1992, x, 107 p., see pp. 8-18 on the "Physical elements" of the offence and pp. 28-31 on "Duties"  (Chairman: David Neal), ISBN: 064425372X;

___________Criminal Law Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General,  Model Criminal Code, Chapter 2 General Principles of Criminal Responsibility - Final Report December 1992, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, Commonwealth of Australia, 1993, x, 119, [ii] p., see pp. 8-21 on the "physical elements" of the offence (Chairman: David Neal), ISBN: 0644287438;

___________Model Criminal Code Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, Model Criminal Code - Discussion Paper - Chapter 5: Fatal Offences against the Person, Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia Government Publications, June 1998, see pp. 156-159 and 230-231 on "Omissions", ISBN: 0642209448;

AUSTRALIA, section 155, Failure to rescue, provide help, &c. of the Criminal Code of the Northern Territory of Australia; for the interpretation of that section, see Ian Leader-Elliott, Case and Comment, infra;

"155. Failure to rescue, provide help, &c.  Any person who, being able to provide rescue, resuscitation, medical treatment, first aid or succour of any kind to a person urgently in need of it and whose life may be endangered if it is not provided, callously fails to do so is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 7 years."

BACKSTROM, Michael A., Notes, "Unveiling the Truth When it Matters Most: Implementing the Tarasoff Duty for California's Attorneys", (1999-2000) 73 Southern California Law Review 139-167;

BADAR, Mohamed Elewa and Nora Karsten, "Current Developments at the International Criminal Tribunals", (2007) 7 International Criminal Law Review 163-186, and see "3.3 Command Responsibility" ("3.3.1. Conduct of the Subordinate--Not Limited to physical perpetration" and "3.3.3. Conduct of the Subordinate--Commission by Omission--Duty to act"), at pp. 175-176;

BAGBY, Jennifer, Notes, "Justifications for State Bystander Intervention Statutes: Why Crime Witnesses Should be Required to Call for Help", (2000) 23 Indiana Law Recview 571-597;

BARTH, Alan, "The Vanishing Samaritan"  in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 159-169;

BEDNAR, Steven Craig, Note, "The Psychotherapist's Calamity: Emerging Trends in the Tarasoff Doctrine", (1989)  Brigham Young University Law Review 261-281;

BEEBEE, Helen, "Causing and Nothingness", in John Collins, Ned Hall, and L.A Paul, eds., Causation and Counterfactuals, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 2004, viii, 481, at pp. 291-308 (series; Representation and Mind), ISBN: 0262033178 and 0262532565 (pbk.); philosophy; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, BD 451 .C28 2004;

BEGLEY, Ann-Marie, "Acts, omissions, intentions and motives: a philosophical examination of the moral distinction between killing and letting die",  (October 1998) 28(4) Journal of Advanced Nursing 865-873;

BEKES, Imre and Géza Tokaji, "Crimes of Omission, Omissive Offenses, and Penal Responsibility Because of Omission", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 667-689; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission er responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Hungary;

BENDITT, Theodore M., "Liability for Failing to Rescue" (1982) 1 Law and Philosophy 391-418;

BENEYTOUT, Christian, [L']Abstention fautive ou l'omission de porter secours et le médecin, Bordeaux, A.C.E.M.B. : [s.d.], 61 feuilles; Th.Méd.Bordeaux 21979450 d; source: catalogue collectif de France; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée; aucune copie dans les bibliothèques canadiennes comprises dans le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 30 mai 2006); voir catalogue

BENNET, Jonathan Francis,  The Act Itsef, Oxford: Clarendon Press and New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, x, 238 p., see chapter 6, "Positive/Negative", the part entitled "Negative Acts" at pp. 85-88; ISBN:  0198235488;

___________"Morality and Consequences" in Sterling M. McMurrin, ed., The Tanner Lectures on Human Values II, 1981,Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,  1981, at pp. 45-116, ISBN (Utah): 087480193, 0521241057 for Cambridge, ISSN: 0275-7656;

__________"Whatever the Consequences", (1965-66) 26 Analysis 83-102; also published in James Rachels, ed., Moral Problems: A Collection of Philosophical Essays, New York  Harper & Row, x, 390 p.1971, at pp. 43-6;

BENTHAM, Jeremy, 1748-1832, "Essay on the Promulgation of Laws and The Reasons Thereof; with Specimen of a Penal Code", in The works of Jeremy Bentham, published under the superintendence of his executor, John Bowring, New York: Russell & Russell, 1962, volume 1; note: "Reproduced from the Bowring edition of 1838-1843"; copy at St-Paul University, Ottawa, B1574 B3B68;

"Abstain from helping him.  Every man is bound to assist those who have need of assistance, if he can do it without exposing himself to sensible inconvenience.  This obligation is stronger, in proportion as the danger is the greater for the one, and the trouble of preserving him the less for the other.  Such would be the case of a man sleeping near the fire, and an individual seeing the clothes of the first catch fire, and doing nothing towards extinguishing them; the crime would be greater if he refrained from acting not simply from idleness, but from malice or some pecuniary interest." ("Specimen of a Penal Code", p. 164, Explanation g)

___________An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation with an Introduction by Laurence J. Lafleur, New York: Hafner Press (A Division of Macmillan Publishing), 1948, 20 th printing, lii, 378 p., see chapter VII, "Of Human Actions in General", p. 72 on negative acts; chapter XVII, "Of the Limts of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence", section 19, "Of the dictates of beneficence", at pp. 322-323 (series; The Hafner Library of Classics; number six); Research Note: "The present edition is a reprint of the edition of 1823, which contains the author's final corrections" (p. xx);

"XIX.  As to the rules of beneficence, these, as far as concerns matters of detail, must necessarily be abandoned in great measure to the jurisdiction of private ethics. In many cases the beneficial quality of the act depends essentially upon the disposition of the agent; that is, upon the motives by which he appears to have been prompted to perform it: upon their belonging to the head of sympathy, love of amity, or love of reputation; and not to any head of self-regarding motives. brought into play by the force of political constraint: in a word, upon their being such as denominate his conduct free and voluntary, according to one of the many senses given to those ambiguous expressions. The limits of the law on this head seem, however, to be capable of being extended a good deal farther than they seem ever to have been extended hitherto. In particular, in cases where the person is in danger, why should it not be made the duty of every man to save another from mischief, when it can be done without prejudicing himself, as well as to abstain from bringing it on him? This accordingly is the idea pursued in the body of the work1. ...
1 A woman's head-dress catches fire : water is at hand : a man, instead of assisting to quench the fire, looks on, and laughs at it.  A drunken man, falling with his face downwards into a puddle, is in danger of suffocation : lifting his head a little on one side would save him : another man sees this and lets him die.  A quantity of gunpowder lies scattered about a room : a man is going into it with a lighted candle : another, knowing this, lets him go in without warning.  Who is there that in any of these cases would think punishment misapplied?" (pp. 322-323)

BERAUD, Roger, "L'omission punissable", 1944 La semaine juridique  I- Doctrine numéro 433; note de recherche: très informatif (comprend droit romain et ancien droit français); copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

BERSTER,  Lars C., " 'Duty to Act' and 'Commission by Omission' in International Criminal Law" , (2010) 10(5) International Criminal Law Review 619-646;

BESHAROV, Douglas S., " 'Doing Something' about Child Abuse: The Need to Narrow the Grounds for State Intervention", (1985) 8 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 539-589;

___________"The Legal Aspects of Reporting Known and Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect", (1977-78) 23 Villanova Law Review 458-520;

BESHAROV, Douglas J., with  Lisa A. Laumann, "Child Abuse Reporting", (May/June 1996) 33(4) Society 40-46; copy at the University of Ottawa, H 1 .T72  Location, MRT Periodicals;

BESSER, Anne Cucchiara, and  Kalman J. Kaplan, "The Good Samaritan: Jewish and American Legal Perspectives", (1993-94) 10 Journal of Law and Religion 193-219;

BEYNON, Helen, "Causation, Omissions and Complicity",  [1987] Criminal Law Review 539-552;

__________"Doctors As Murderers",  [1982] Criminal Law Review 17-28;

BIGGS, David C., " 'The Good Samaritan is Packing': An Overview of the Broadened Duty to Aid Your Fellow Man, with the Modern Desire to Possess Concealed Weapons", (1996-97) 22 University of  Dayton Law Review 225-264;

BLAIR, Raneisha, "Can an Omission Fulfill the Actus Reus Requirement for Complicity in Genocide, and the What Degree Does Article 6(3) of the ICTR Statute Impute Criminal Liability for the Crime to a Superior Officer?", Case Western Reserve University School of Law, International War Crimes Project Rwanda Genocide Prosecution, Memorandum for the Office of the Prosecutor, April 2003, 26 p.; available at (accessed on 12 February 2006);

BLANCHE, Antoine, Études pratiques sur le Code pénal, deuxième étude, Paris: Imprimerie et Librairie générale de jurisprudence [...] 1864, et voir "De la révélation et de la non-révélation des crimes qui compromettent la sûreté extérieure de l'État" aux pp. 615-623; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 28 février 2009); 

BOHLEN, Francis H., "The Moral Duty to Aid Others As A Basis Of Tort Liability", (1908) 56 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 217-244;

BOLLE, Pierre-Henri, "De quelques aspects de la revision du Code pénal suisse.  Relecture de certains passages d'un avant-projet de réforme", (1991) 13 Archives de politique criminelle 127-148, voir "Introduction d'une disposition sur la Commission par omission" aux pp. 132-134;

BORATYNSKI, Comte, "Étude sur le Code pénal de l'empire d'Allemagne", (1881) 49 Revue pratique de droit français jurisprudence, doctrine, législation 162-189 et voir la partie "De la non-révélation des crimes", aux pp. 169-179 ; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 30 mars 2009);

BORSCHEID, M. Hélène, Les infractions d'omission dans l'Europe des six, thèse de doctorat d'État, Montpellier 1, 1976; dir. de thèse: J. Marie Aussel;

BOSLY, H.-D., "Abstentions coupables" dans Émile Brunet, Jean Servais, Charles Resteau, Répertoire pratique du droit belge, Complément, tome sixième, Bruxelles: Établissements Émile Bruylant,1983, pp. 1-15, ISBN: 280270317X; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa KJK 500 .R462 1964 v. 6;

BOULOC, B., "Droit pénal des sociétés -- L'abus de biens sociaux par abstention -- Notes sous Cour de cassation (crim.) 28 janvier 2004   x. et autre c/B., liquidateur de Repro/Express", (juillet/septembre 2004) Revue des Sociétés 722-729; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX périodiques K 650 .$49;

BOURRINET, Jacques, L'abstention, source de responsabilité civile délictuelle, Montpellier : Mme R. Mercier, 1959, 127, v f ;  Th. : Droit : Montpellier : 1959; Existe aussi en microfilm à la B.I.U. de Montpellier; copie à McGill University, Nahum Gelber Law Library/Université McGill, Bibliothèque de droit Nahum Gelber, KJV;442;C6B667;1959 law; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse pas encore consultée; l'entrée du Catalogue Sibil, numéro 0076155, indique que la thèse traite aussi du droit pénal;

BOUZAT, Pierre, "Médecine et omission de porter secours" dans Mélanges Karanikas, Thessalonique, 1966, p. 171; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; la source de ce titre se trouve dans la bibliographie des écrits de monsieur Bouzat, à la p. xx, de Mélanges en l'honneur du doyen Pierre Bouzat, Paris: Éditions A. Pédone, xxxii, 539 p., ISBN: 2233000811, copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, K5015.6 M444;

BRADY, Viola C., Note, "Duty to Rescue in Tort Law: Implications of Research on Altruism", (1980) 55 Indiana Law Journal Journal 551-561;

BRAND, Myles, "The Language of Not Doing", (1971) 8 American Philosophical Quarterly 45-53; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 1 .A525  Location MRT Periodicals;

BRANDT, Eric A., "Good Samaritanism -- The Legal Placebo: A Current Analysis", (1983-84) 17 Akron Law Review 303-333;

BRANDT, Richard B., "The Concepts of Obligation and Duty", (1964) 73 Mind 374-393;

BRAAS, M. le Chevalier, Jean van den Bossche, Albert Fettweis, "L'abstention de porter secours", (1951-52) Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 21-30; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; aucune copie de ce numéro de périodique dans les bibliothèques de la région d'Ottawa (vérification du 14 mars 2005);

BROSNAM,  D., "Perceptions of Bystander Willingness to Intervene on Behalf of Victims of Criminal Assaults” (circa 1992), 6(1) Criminal Justice Policy Review 40-54; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; copy at Sécurité publique et Protection civile Canada, Bibliothèque et Centred'information/Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, Library and Information Centre;

BRYAN, William Wheeler, Comment, "Good Samaritan Laws -- Good or Bad?", (1963-64) 15 Mercer Law Review 477-487; civil law;

BURCHELL, Jonathan and John Milton, Principles of Criminal Law, Cape Town: Juta, 1991, xlvii, 669 p., ISBN: 07212639X; research note: there is now a 2nd ed,  Kenwyn: Juta, 1997,  li, 734 p., ISBN: 0702138541 which I have not consulted yet;

"The defence of impossibility is relevant where it is impossible for the accused to comply with a positive injunction of the law....

Some writers regard the defence of impossibility as excluding the voluntary nature of an omission rather than constituting a ground of justification (or defence excluding unlawfulness). ...


    For the defence to succeed there must be (1) a positive obligation imposed by law, compliance with which was (2) physically impossible (3) through no fault on the part of the accused." (1st ed., 1991, p. 150)

BURGSTALLER, Manfred, "Omissive Offences and Penal Responsibility for Omissive Conduct in Austria", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 536-558; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Austria;

BUSSACA, Joseph F., Comments, "Pennsylvania's Good Samaritan Statute -- An Answer to the Medical Profession's Statute", (1964-65) 10 Villanova Law Review 130-139; civil law;.

BUXTON, Richard, "Codifying Actions and Inactions", in I.H. Denis, ed., Criminal Law and Justice: Essays from the W.G. Workshop, 1986, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1987, xviii, 253 p., at pp. 87-92, ISBN: 042137770; Research Note: does not deal with omissions except that Professsor Buxton states that he agrees with clauses 20-21 of the Draft Bill prepared by Professors (see Great Britain, The Law Commission, Codification of the Criminal Law: A Report to the Law Commission, infra): "we agree with the Code's treatment; or at least, agree to sufficient extent not to feel justified in burdening the reader with our views on those issues" (p. 87);

CADOPPI, Alberto, "Failure to Rescue and the Continental Criminal Law" in Michael A. Melowe and Alexander McCall Smith, eds., The Duty to Rescue, Aldershot (England) and Brookfield (USA):  Dartmouth Publishing, 1993, vii, 209 p. at pp. 93-130 (series; Dartmouth Series in Applied Legal Philosophy), ISBN: 1855213966;

CAHILL, Michael T., "Attempt by Omission", (2009) 94 Iowa Law Review; Brooklyn Law School, Legal Studies Paper No. 128. Available at SSRN:; see (accessed on 31 January 2009);

CAMPBELL, I.D., "Crime by Omission" in R.S. Clark, ed.,  Essays on Criminal Law in New Zealand, Wellington: Sweet & Maxwell (N.Z.) Ltd., 1971, 224 p., at pp. 1-27, ISBN: 457011904;  

CANALS, José M. and Henry Dahl, translated by, "Standard Penal Code for Latin America"  (1990) 17 American Journal of Criminal Law 263-285;

 "Article 12
     Criminal acts may be committed by acts or omissions.

    When a criminal act is punished in view of its results, responsibility will likewise attach to those who did not prevent said results, provided they were under a legal duty to prevent the results and could have done so under the circumstances."
(p. 287)

CALNAN, Alan, "Reasonableness, Justice and the No-Duty-To-Rescue Rule of Torts" (November 1, 2007). Southwestern Law School Working Paper No. 0711 Available at SSRN: (accessed on 10 April 2008);

CARD, Richard, Card, Cross & Jones: Criminal Law, 14th ed., London: Butterworths, 1998, xlv, 716 p., see on omissions, paragraphs 3.7 to 3.14, pp. 34-40, ISBN: 0406895902; there is a more recent edition of this book;

CARDOZO, Benjamin N. (Benjamin Nathan), 1870-1938, The paradoxes of legal science, Westport (Conn.): Greenwood Press [1970, c1928], 142 p., see pp. 25-26, ISBN: 0837132630; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General: K 24 .C3 1970; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada K370 .C37 (this library has both editions);

C.A.S. (C.A. Sweeney),  "Criminal Law -- Rape -- Initial penetration with consent -- Whether omission to withdraw upon retraction of consent constitutes rape", (1985) 59 Australian Law Journal 112-114; copy at Ottawa University, KTA 0 .A95  Location: FTX Periodicals;

Caslon Analytics  guide secrecy  and accountability, and see part on "whistleblowing", available at (accessed on 19 December 2007); mostly Australian and American law;

CASSESE, Antonio, International criminal law, Oxford; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003, lvi, 472 p., see Chapter 10, "Criminal Liability for Omissions", at pp. 200-211, ISBN:  0199261288 and  0199259119 (pbk); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5000 C37 2003 c. 01;

CHABASSE, Jean-Pierre, De l'omission de porter secours à une personne en péril dans l'ordonnance du 25 juin 1945 (Article 6392), [Poitiers], [s.n.] : [1964], 164 p -9 ff., copie à l'Université Poitiers, Service commun de la documentation, Section Droit-Lettres; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée; aucune copie dans les bibliothèques canadiennes comprises dans le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 30 mai 2006);

CHALMERS, James,  "Fireraising by omission -- Mr Chalmers considers the recent decision of the High Court in McCue v Currie, arguing that the decision represents a lost opportunity for clarification of the law on criminal omission", [2004] Scots Law Times 59-63;

CHAPIN, Linda A.,"Out of Control?  The Uses and Abuses of Parental Liability Laws to Control Juvenile Delinquency in The United States",(1996-97) 37 Santa Clara Law Review 621-672;

"Under the criminal parental liability laws, the elements of both criminal intent and criminal causation on the part of  the parent must be proved in order to convict him or her in connection with the truancy, curfew violations, or other delinquent acts by his or her child. Thus, for criminal liability to attach, the prosecuting agency must show that the parent did indeed have actual control over the minor child, which he or she failed to adequately exercise. In many instances this  may, in fact, be the case. But what if the child is in fact realistically beyond the parent's control? In that event, the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office has suggested an easy solution: train the parent to be an effective parent, and the child will then be under the parent's effective control, and the child's acts of delinquency will cease." (p. 672)

CHRISTENSON, Gordon A., "Attributing Acts of Omission to the State", (1990-91) 12 Michigan Journal of International Law 312-370;

CHRISTOPHER, Russell, "Does Attempted Murder Deserve Greater Punishment than Murder?  Moral Luck and the Duty to Prevent Harm", (2004) 18(2) Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 419-435; copy at Ottawa University, K 123 .A13 N67  Location: FTX Periodicals;

CICÉRON, (en latin: Marcus Tellius Cicero), -106 à -43, de officiis [Des devoirs], vol. 1;

"ll y a deux sortes d'injustice, celle qui consiste à commettre soi-même une action injuste, et celle qui consiste à ne pas s'opposer, quand on le peut, à l'injustice commise par d'autres. Qui, mû par la colère ou quelque autre passion, s'attaque à autrui, c'est comme s'il portait la main sur la société humaine; qui reste passif en présence de l'injustice et n'y fait pas obstacle, le pouvant, se rend coupable de la même faute que s'il abandonnait ses parents, ses amis ou sa patrie." (TRADUCTION: Charles APPUHN, Cicéron, Des devoirs, Paris: Garnier, 1933, disponible à,visionné le 22 avril 2005)

CITIZEN NEWS SERVICES, "Police file first charge in bombings -- Man allegedly witheld info after London attack", The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, 4 August 2005, p. A6;

"LONDON . ...

Police say that in the week after the [21 July 2005 metro transit] attack, Ismael Abdurahman of southeast London had information he knew might help police capture suspects involved in "the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism.

He was charged under anti-terrorism legislation and is to attend a hearing in London today."

CLARK, Roger S., "The Mental Element in International Criminal Law: The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Elements of Offences",  (2001) 12(3) Criminal Law Forum  291-334;

"The 1996 Compilation of Proposals also captures neatly the terminology and the issues discussed in relation to non-mental elements.40 Called 'Article G,' the relevant formulation was headed “Actus reus (act and/or omission)” and had two sub-headings, 'Physical elements of crime' and 'Omission'. While the text of the draft also used such words as 'conduct' and 'act', there was no attempt to explain what they meant. The main discussion was about omissions and centred around various drafts that tried to describe when there might be a pre-existing duty that gave rise to liability for an omission. A small minority of participants thought that liability for omission was inappropriate, either as a general matter of how they perceived criminal liability, or in the specific context of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. Everyone else thought it obvious that there must be some cases where there should be
liability for omissions; the only issue was what level of culpability to require.

    Finding an acceptable formula simply became “too hard” and the whole 'physical element' article was dropped in Rome.41
40 Bassiouni, supra note 1 at 487. ['THE STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT: A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY (M. Cherif Bassiouni
comp. 1998)']
41 Saland, supra note 23 at 205. ['Per Saland, International Criminal Law Principles, Chapter 7 in THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT: THE MAKING OF THE ROME STATUTE (Roy Lee, ed., 1999).']" (pp. 303-304)

CLARKSON, C.M.V. (Christopher M.V.) and H.M. Keating, Criminal Law: Text and Materials, 1st ed., London: Sweet &  Maxwell, 1984, xxxiv, 590 p., see "Omissions" at pp. 103-120,  ISBN: 042130920 and 042130930X (pbk.); Research Note: there is now a 3rd ed. which I have not consulted: London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1994. xlvii, 828 p., ISBN: 0421482109;

COHEN, Meir Dan, "Actus Reus" in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, vol. 1, New York: Free Press, xvii, 428 p. at pp. 15-23, ISBN: 002918110 (set of 4 vol.);

COHIN, Marco R., L'abstention fautive en droit civil et en droit pénal. Étude sur la responsabilité...Avec une préface de ... V. de Moro-Giafferri, avocat à la cour d'appel,  Paris:  Libr. du Recueil Sirey, viii, 329 p.; thèse de doctorat en droit (sciences juridiques), Université de Paris, 1929; copie à  l'Université McGill, Nahum Gelber Law Library;

COLETTE-BASECQZ, Nathalie, "La répression de l'omission en droit international et en droit belge", (1995) Annales de droit de Louvain 19-52; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX Periodicals KJM 0 .A55;

COLLINS, Jennifer M., "Crime and Parenthood: The Uneasy Case for Prosecution of Negligent Parents", Wake Forest University Legal Studies Research Paper Series, February 2005, 54 p., Research Paper number 05-08; this paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection:; an index to the working papers in the WFU School of Law Research Paper Series is located at; available at  or (accessed on 20 April 2005);

"Confiteor - Je confesse à Dieu", prière catholique;

"Confiteor Deo omnipotenti et vobis,
fratres, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione,
verbo, opere et omissione: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. …
"Je confesse à Dieu tout-puissant,
je reconnais devant mes frères, que j'ai péché en
pensée, en parole, par action et par omission;
oui, j'ai vraiment péché. […]" (source:; visionné le 25 avril 2005)

CONSEIL FÉDÉRAL, Message concernant la modification du Code pénal suisse (dispositions générales, entrée en vigueur et application du Code pénal) et du Code pénal militaire ainsi qu'une loi fédérale régissant la condition pénale des mineurs du 21 septembre 1998, dans FF (Feuille fédérale) 199 II, pp. 1787-2221; disponible à (visionné le 2 juillet 2003);

CONSTANT, Jean, ÉTUDES ET DOCUMENTS, "La répression des abstentions coupables.  Commentaire de la loi du 6 janvier 1961", (1961-62) 42 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 199-295;

CORRADO, Michael, "Is there an act requirement in the Criminal Law?", (1994) 142 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1529-1561;

"Crimes of Omission" (1985) 56 Revue internationale de droit pénal 489-492; Research Note: XIIIe Congrès International de droit pénal following the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'";

COUTTS, J.A.,  "Court of Appeal: Cheating the Revenue by Omission: R. v. Redford", (1990) 54 Journal of Criminal Law 62-65; Research Note: discusses R. v. Redford (1989) 89 Criminal Appeal Reports 1;

___________"Comment: Harassment by Omission?", (1988) 52 Journal of Criminal Law 277-289; Research Note:  discusses R. v. Zafar (1986) 84 Criminal Appeal Reports 64;

___________"Court of Appeal: Obtaining Exemption from Future Liability by Omission", (1991) 55 Journal of Criminal Law 44-45; Research Note: discusses R. v. Firth (1960) 154 JP 576;

___________"Divisional Court: Offences Committed by Omission: R v Green", (1996) 60 Journal of Criminal Law 331-332; Research Note: discusses R v Green (1996) 160 JP 265;

Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2003, available at (accessed on 13 June 2006);

"Manner of Perpetrating Criminal Offence
Article 21

(1) A criminal offence can be perpetrated by an act or an omission to act.

(2) A criminal offence is perpetrated by omission when the perpetrator, who is legally obliged to avert the consequence of a criminal offence defined by law, fails to do so, and such failure to act is tantamount in its effect and significance to the perpetration of such an offence by an act."

CROATIA, Criminal Code in English, available at, (accessed on 26 September 2007);

"Manner of Perpetrating a Criminal Offense
Article 25

(1) A criminal offense can be committed by an act or an omission to act.

(2) A criminal offense is committed by omission when the perpetrator, who is legally obligated to avert the consequence of a criminal offense defined by law, fails to do so, and such a failure to act is tantamount in its effect and significance to the perpetration of such an offense by an act.

(3) The punishment of a perpetrator who commits a criminal offense by omission can be mitigated, except in the case of a criminal offense which can be committed only by failure to act."

CROSS, Jeffrey A., "The Repeated Sufferings of Domestic Violence Victims Not Notified of Their Assailant's Pre-Trial Release from Custody: A Call for Mandatory Domestic Violence Victim Notification Legislation", (1995-96) 34 University of Louisville Journal of Family Law 915-927; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodical, KFK 94 .J653;

CRYER, Robert, "General Principles of Liability in International Criminal Law", in Dominic McGoldrick, Peter Rowe, and Eric Donnelly, eds., The Permanent International Criminal Court: Legal and Policy Issues, Oxford (England)/Portland (Oregon): Hart Publishing,2004, xviii, 498 p., at pp. 233-262, and see "Acts and Omissions", at pp. 236-240 (series; Studies in International Law; volume 5), ISBN: 1841132810; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KZ 6310 P47 2004; limited preview at,M1 and (accessed on 11 March 2008);

CRYTZER, Harry B., "Homicide by non-feasance", (1937) 41 Dickinson Law Review 126-132; copy at the University of Ottawa KFP 69 .F67, FTX Periodicals;

CUQUEMEL, Céline, 1980-, Omission de porter secours à une personne en péril et grève de la faim, thèse, 2003, 95 feuilles, copie à l'Université Montesquieu -- Bordeaux 4, Bibliothèque Universitaire Droit -- Sciences économiques; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée; aucune copie dans les bibliothèques canadiennes comprises dans le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 30 mai 2006);

CURETON, Christopher.Mark, "The Past, Present, and Future of 18 U.S.C. § 4: An Exploration of the Federal, Misprison of Felony Statute", (2003-2004) 55 Alabama Law Review 183-192;

DAGAN, Hanoch, "In Defense of the Good Samaritan", (1998-99) 97 Michigan Law Review 1152-1200;

DAMASKA, Mirjan, "Comment by Dr. Mirjan Damaska Comparing Study Draft of Proposed New Federal Criminal Code to European Penal Codes", in Working Papers of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, vol. III, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971, pp. 1477-1505, and see "Omissions", at pp.1486-1487;

D'AMATO, Anthony, "The 'Bad Samaritan' Paradigm",  (1975-76) 70 North Western Law Review 798-812;

DANIÉLOU, Jean, "Le bon Samaritain", dans Mélanges bibliques rédigés en l'honneur de André Robert, Paris : Bloud & Gay, [1957?], 580 p., aux pp. 457-465; copie à la Bibliothèque USP Library - Collection générale -General collection: BS 540 M45R6 1957; note: interprétation religieuse de la parabole;

DANNECKER, Gerhard, "La responsabilité pénale pour les délits d'omission en droit allemand, notamment dans le domaine de l'économie et de l'environnement" [1987] Revue de science criminelle et de droit comparé (n.s.) 379-395;

DANTO, Arthur, "Freedom and Forbearance", in Keith Lehrer, ed., Freedom and Determinism, New York: Randon House, 1966, 207 p., at pp. 45-63 (series; Random House studies in philosophy; SPH 7); copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, BJ 1461 .L4 1966;

D'ARCY, Eric, Human Acts: An Essay in Their Moral Evaluation, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963, xi, 176 p., see "Acts of Omissions" at pp. 40-57;

DARESTE, Rodolphe, "Projet de Code pénal prussien", (janvier-avril 1848), 14 ième année de la publication, nouvelle collection, année 1848, tome premier, Revue de législation et de jurisprudence 200-221; copie à la bibliothèque de droit de la Cour suprême du Canada;

"Toutefois l'article 19 [au cinquième titre] ajoute une cinquième catégorie qu'on regrette d'y voir figurer, c'est celle des non-révélateurs.  Ce crime, qui n'en est plus un chez nous depuis la révision de 1832, est puni de l'emprisonnement ou même de la réclusion pendant cinq ans au plus. Cet articl;e a été adopté sans changement, malgré une éloquente protestation de M. Donimierski." (p. 210)

DARLEY, John M. and Bibb Latané, The Unresponsive Bystander: Why Doesn't He Help?, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970, xii, 131 p. (Century Psychology Series);

DAVIDSON, Donald, "Replies to Essays I-IX", in Bruce Vermazen and Merrill B. Hitikka, eds., Essays on Davidson: Actions and Events, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985, viii, 257 p., at pp. 195-229, see the part entitled "Reply to [the Essay by] Bruce Vermazen" at pp. 217-221, ISBN: 0198247494; Research Note:  philosophy essay that comments on the article by Vermazen, infra;

DAVIS, Nancy Ellen, 1949-,  Acts, omissions, and integrity,  Thesis (Ph.D. in Philosophy), University of California, Berkeley, December 1976, iv, 276 leaves, bibliography at 242-250; Research Notes: thesis not consulted; information from the University catalogue;

DAWSON, John P.,  "Negotiorum Gestio: The Altruistic Intermeddler", (1961) 74 Harvard Law Review 1073-1129, see the "Duty to Aid in the Criminal Law" at pp. 1101-1108;

__________"Rewards for the Rescue of Human Life?" in  James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 63-89; also published in XXth Century Comparative and Conflicts Law: Legal Essays in Honor of Hessel E. Yntema, Leyden (Netherlands): A.W. Sythoff, 1961, xv, 544 p., at pp. 142-159;

DE BRY, Françoise, "Salariés, héros ou délateurs? Du whistleblowing à l'alerte éthique", Lyon: esdes (École supérieure de commerce & Management), [2006} (Collection; Lettre du managementresponsable; numéro 6 octobre 2006); disponible à (vérifié le 18 décembre 2007);

DE GREEFF, "Note concernant la psychologie de l'omission", (1951-52) 32 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 31-46;

DeKUIPER, Kristin A., "Stalking the Good Samaritan: Communists, Capitalists and  the Duty to Rescue" (1976) Utah Law Review 529-546;

DEL TUFO, Mariavaleria, "Rapport sur la discussion" (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 523-532; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'";

DELVILANI, Alain-François, La responsabilité civile par omission ou abstention, Université de Grenoble, dissertation, 1978, 305, ix, iv, f; titre noté dans mes recherches mais dissertation non consultée;

DENNIS, Ian H., "Manslaughter by Omission",  [1980] 33 Current legal Problems 255-267;

DIAS, Jorge de Figueiredo, "Les délits d'omission dans le droit pénal portugais", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 845-863; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Portugal;

DINIELLO, Daniel, "On Killing and Letting Die", (1971) 31 Analysis 84-85;

DOLENSKY, Adolf and Vladimir Kratochvil, "Crimes d'omission, délit d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 965-989; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission er responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Czechoslovakia;

DONALD, Alexander Paul, Acts and omissions, Ph.D. thesis, St Andrews University, July 1989, 300 p., St Andrews University call number: Th BC199.O7D7;

DOGGETT, Gina, "Italy's right-to-die drama ends in death of comatose woman -- Vatican asks God to 'forgive' those responsible", The Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, 10 February 2009, p. A8;  the right-to-die case of Eluana Englaro, 38 years old;

DOPICO GOMEZ-ALLER, Jacobo, "Criminal Omissions: A European Perspective", (2008) 11(3) New Criminal Law Review 419–451;

DOUGLAS, Geoffrey, "Criminal Law Omissions and the Duty to Act", (3 Oct 1986) 130(40) Solicitors Journal 722 and 727; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KD 322 .S625;

DOWE, Phil, "Causes are Physically Connected to Their Effects: Why Preventers and Omissions are not Causes" in Christopher Hitchcock, 1954-, ed., Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science, Malden ( MA): Blackwell Publishing, 2004, xiii, 344 p., essay 9, (series; Contemporary debates in philosophy; vol. 2), ISBN: 1405101512 and 1405101520 (pbk.); title noted in my research buta article not consulted; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 27 July 2006);

DRESSLER, Joshua, Understanding Criminal Law, 2nd ed., New York : Matthew Bender, 1995, xli, 556, [13], [9] p., see on omissions, pp. 86-95,   ISBN: 0820527173 (series; Legal Text Series); there is now a 4th ed;

___________"Some Brief Thoughts (Mostly Negative) About 'Bad Samaritan' Laws", (1999-2000) 40 Santa Clara Law Review 971-989;

DUCREUX, Sandrine, 1981-, L'omission de porter secours, Mémoire DEA : Droit pénal et sciences criminelles : Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux 4. Service Commun de la documentation. Bibliothèque Universitaire Droit - Sciences économiques : 2004, 100 feuilles; titre noté dans mes recherches mais mémoire non consulté;

DU JARDIN, Jean, "La jurisprudence et l'abstention de porter secours", discours prononcé à l'audience solennelle de rentrée de la Cour d'appel de Bruxelles, le 1er septembre 1983, (1983) 63 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 955-1000;

DUTTWILER, Michael, "Liability for Omission in International Criminal Law", (2006) 6(1) International Criminal Review 1-61; important contribution; available at (accessed on 9 February 2009)

DURANSSEAU, Jean, [Les ]Notions de péril et de risque en matière d'omission de porter secours, Thèse. Droit. Paris. 1954, 200 feuilles; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée;

DYKE, James W., "The Duty to Aid One in Peril Good Samaritan Laws", (1969) 15 Howard Law Journal 672-685;

EISENBERG, Jon B., and Jeremy B. Rosen, Commentary, "Unmasking 'crack_smoking_jesus': Do Internet Service Providers Have a Tarasoff Duty to Divulge the Identity of a Subscriber Who is Making Death Threats?", (2002-2003) 25 Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal 683-696;.

ELIASH, Ben Zion Eliash, "To Leave or Not to Leave: The Good Samaritan in Jewish Law", (1993-1994) 38 Saint Louis University Law Journal 619-628;

ELLIN, Joseph S., "The Mind of a Bad Samaritan" in C.T. (Christine T.) Sistare, 1951-, ed., Civility and Its Discontents: Civic Virtue, Toleration, and Cultural Fragmentation, Lawrence (Kansas): University of Kansas Press, 2004x, 310 p., at pp. 233 to approx. 243, ISBN: 0700613137 and 0700613145; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries comprised in the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 14 November 2005);

ELLIOTT, Catherine, "Liability for Manslaughter by Omissions: Don't Let the Baby Drown!", (April 2010) 74(2) Journal of Criminal Law 163-179;

ELTZ, Louis Anthony, 1914-, Cooperation in Crime: An Historical Conspectus and Commentary,  Washington (D.C.): The Catholic University of America Press, 1942,  xi, 208 p., see Chapter 14, "Negative Cooperators" at pp. 146-169 (series; The Catholic University of America; Canon Law; volume 156);

ENOS, V. Pualani, "Prosecuting Battered Mothers: State Laws' Failure to Protect Battered Women and Abused Children, (1996) 19 Harvard Women's Law Journal 229-268;

ESER, Albin, "Individual Criminal Responsibility", in Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta and John R.W.D. Jones, eds., The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, volume I, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, cxl, 1048 p., Chapter 20, at pp. 767-822, and see "Commission by Omission", at pp. 818-819;copy at Ottawa University, FTX General: KZ 6310 .R64 2002 v. 1;

EPSTEIN, Richard A., "A Theory of Strict Liability", (1973) 2 Journal of Legal Studies 151-204, see "The Problem of the Good Samaritan", pp. 189-204;

ERICKSON, Nancy S., "Battered Mothers of Battered Children: Using Our Knowledge of  Battered Women to Defend Them Against Charges of Failure to Act", in Sandra Anderson Garcia and Robert Batey, eds., A Current Perspective on Psychological, Legal and Ethical Issues, London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1991, at p. 195 (series; Children and families: abuse and endangerment; vol. 1A), ISBN: 1853020834 (Pt.A), 1853020842 (Pt.B), 1853020826; title noted in my research but article not consulted; my research indicates that there is no copy of this book in the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives canada (verification 1 August 2006);

EVERS, Williamson M., "The Law of Omissions and Neglect of Children", (1978) 2(1) Journal of Libertarian Studies 1-10; available at (accessed on 5 July 2005); also published in (1978) 2(2) Child Abuse and Neglect 79-88; abstract at NCJRS Abstracts Database;


FABRIS, E.P. and M. Piccinni, "Legal aspects of end-of-life decisions in Italy: the penal relevance of the limitation of treatment in the terminally ill and the problem of causality by omission", (2008) 23 (Suppl 42) European Journal of Anaesthesiology 58-65;

FANZLAW, Amy J., Comment, " 'A Sign of the Times:' How the Firefighter's Rule and the No-Duty-To-Rescue Rule Impact Convenience Stores' Liability for Failure  to Aid a Public Safety Officer", (1993-94) 23 Stetson Law Review 843-891; civil law;

FEINBERG, Joel, 1926-,  "The Moral and Legal Responsibility of the Bad  Samaritan" (1984) 3 Criminal Justice Ethics 56-66; also found in Joel Feinberg, 1926-,  and Hyman Gross, eds., Philosophy of Law, 3rd ed., Belmont (Clifornia): Wadsworth Publishing, 1986, xii, 708 p., at pp. 530-542, ISBN: 0534061982; in Peter A. French, ed., The Spectrum of Responsibility, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991, 327 p., at pp. 148-169, ISBN: 0312034962;

__________The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law, volume One, Harm to Others, New York: Oxford University Press, 1984, xiii, 269 p., see Chapter 4 "Failures to Prevent Harm" at pp. 126-186 with notes at pp. 256-260, ISBN: 0195034090 and 0195046641 (ppk.);

FELDBRUGGE, F.J.M., "Good and Bad Samaritans: A Comparative Survey of  Criminal Law Provisions Concerning Failure to Rescue" (1965-66) 14 American Journal of Comparative Law 630-657;

FELL, Arthur M., Book Review, "The Good Samaritan and the Law, Edited by James Ratcliffe.  New York: Doubleday & Co. 1966, Pp. xv, 300 (paper cover)", (1967) 51 Minnesota Law Review 979-986;

FIANDACA, Giovanni, "Crimes of Omission and Criminal Liability for Omissions", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 707-752; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Italy;

FILLETTE, Jean-Luc, "L'obligation de porter secours à la personne en péril", La Semaine juridique numéro 37, 13 septembre 1995, doctrine 3868 (pp. 349-355);

FINGARETTE, Herbert, "Some Moral Aspects of Good Samaritanship" in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 213-223;

FINN, Jeremy, "Culpable Non-Intervention: Reconsidering the Basis for Party Liability by Omission", (1994) 18 Criminal Law Journal 90-107;

FINNIS, J.M., "Bland: Crossing the Rubicon?", (1993) 109 The Law Quarterly Review 329-337; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KD 322 .L37;

FISCHER, David A., "Causation in fact in Omission Cases" [1992] Utah Law Review 1335-1384;

FISCHER, John Martin, 1952-,  "Responsibility, Control, and Omissions", (1997) 1 The Journal of Ethics 45-64; philosophical;

FISCHER, John Martin, 1952-, and Mark Ravizza, Responsibility and Control: A Theory of Responsibility and Control, Cambridge (U.K.): Cambridge University Press, 1998, viii, 227 p. (series; Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law),  ISBN: 0521480558; Research Notes: see Chapter 5: "Responsibility for Omissions" at pp. 123-150; copy at Ottawa University, BJ 1451 .F57 1998 MRT;

FITZGERALD, Patrick J., "Acting and Refraining", (1966) 27 Analysis 133-139;

FLETCHER, George P.,  Basic Concepts of Criminal Law, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998, see "Acts and Omissions" at pp. 45-50 and 56-57 (coverage includes "Commission by Omission" and "Offenses of Failing to Act")  and "Problem Three: Omissions" at pp. 67-69 and causation at p. 73, ISBN: 0195121708 and 0195121716 (pbk.);

___________"Dogmas of the Model Penal Code", (1998) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1-24, and see pp. 11-12 (Symposium: Toward a New Federal Criminal Code);

___________"Criminal Omissions: Some Perspectives" (1976) 24 American Journal of Comparative Law 703-717;

___________"The Fall and Rise of Criminal Theory", (1997) 1 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 275-294, see on omissions, pp. 291-293;

___________"Law and Morality: A Kantian Perspective", (1987) 87 Columbia Law Review 533-558, and see discussion of a legal duty to render aid at pp. 548-549;

___________"Legal Aspects of the Decision Not to Prolong Life", (January 1968) 203(1) Journal of the American Medical Association 65-68;

"As native speakers of English, we are equipped with a linguistic sensitivity for the distinction between causing harm and permitting harm to occur.  And we should employ that sensitivity in classifying the hard cases arising in discussions of the prolongation of life.  Is turning off the respirator an instance of causing death or permitting death to occur?  If the patient is beyond recovery and on the verge of death, one balks at saying that the activity causes death.  It is far more natural to speak of the case as one of permitting death to occur.  It is significant that we are inclined to refer to the respirator as a means for prolonging life; we wouldn't speak of treatment for pneumonia in the same way.  The use of the term 'prolonging life' builds on the same perception of reality that prompts us to say that turning off the respirator is an activity permitting death to occur, rather than causing death.  And that basic perception is that using the respirator interferes artificially in the pattern of events.  Of course, the perception of the natural and of the artificial is a function of time and culture.  What may seem artificial today, may be a matter of course in ten years.  Nonetheless, one does perceive many uses of the respirator toaday as artificial prolongations of life.  And that sense of artificiality should be enough to determine the legal classification of the case.  Because we are prompted to refer to the activity of turning off the respirator as activity permitting death to occur, rather than causing death, we may classify the case as an omission rather than an act." (p. 67)

___________"On the Moral Irrelevance of Bodily Movements" (1994) 142 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1443-1453;

___________"Prolonging Life", (1966-67) 42 Washington Law Review 999-1016;

___________"Prolonging Life: Some Legal Considerations", in A.B. Downing, ed., Euthanasia and the Right to Death, London: Owen, 1969, 206 p., at pp 71-84 (series; Contemporary issues; 2) ISBN: 072062830X; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, R 726 .D6 1969;

___________Rethinking Criminal Law, Boston: Little, Brown, 1978, xxviii, 898 p.;

___________"Truth in Codification", (1998) 31 University of California, Davis 745-763;

FORD, Stuart, "Is the Failure to Respond Appropriately to a Natural Disaster a Crime Against Humanity? The Responsibility to Protect and Individual Criminal Responsibility in the Aftermath of Cyclone Nargis", 22 July 2009, available at  SSRN:;  (accessed on 25 July 2009);

FORIERS, Paul, La pensée juridique de Paul Foriers, vol. 1, Bruxelles: Établissements Émile Bruylant, 1982, [vii], 438 p., voir "Les délits dits d'omission" aux pp. 26-44 (Collection; Travaux du Centre national de recherches de logique), ISBN: 2802702939; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, K561 F67 1982; article précédemment publié dans:  (1951-52) Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 484-504 (je n'ai pas vérifié cette dernière référence);

FOSTER, Henry H., Book Review: "The Good Samaritan and the Law. Edited by James M. Ratcliffe.  Garden City: Anchor Books, Doubleday & Co., 1966, Pp. 300", (1966-67) 42 Notre Dame Lawyer 586-589;  

FRANCE, Simon, "The Law of Omissions - Proposals for Reform"  (1992) 7 Otago Law Review 625-639; Research Note: examines The New Zealand Crimes Bill of 1989; the New Zealand Crimes Bill and the Canadian Criminal Code both have their origin in the English Draft Code of 1879;

FRANCIS, Joseph F., "Criminal Responsibility of the Corporation", (1923-24) 18 Illinois Law Review 305-324, and see "It is Incongruous to Hold a Corporation for Nonfeasances and Not for Misfeasances", at p. 317; copy at Ottawa University, KFI 1269 .I55  Location: FTX Periodicals; not at SCC library; while no longer the law, research of this point may be useful;

FRANKEL, Lionel H., "Criminal Omissions: A Legal Microcosm"  (1965) 11 Wayne Law Review 367-429;

FRANKFURT, Harry G., “An Alleged Assymetry Between Actions and Omissions”, (1994) 104 Ethics 620-623;  copy at the General Library of the University of Ottawa, MRT Periodicals, BJ 1 .I6;

FRANKLIN, Marc A., "Vermont Requires Rescue: A Comment", (1972-73) 25 Stanford Law Review 51-61;

FRASER, Brian G., "A Glance at the Past, A Gaze at the Present, A Glimpse at the Future: A Critical Analysis of the Development of Child Abuse Reporting Statutes", (1977-78) 54 Chicago-Kent Law Review 641-686;

FREEDMAN, Lawrence Zelic, "No Response to the Cry for Help"  in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 171-182;

FREEMAN, Samuel, "Criminal Liability and the Duty to Aid the Distressed", (1994) 142 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1455-1492;

FREY, R.G. (Raymond G.), "Acts and omissions" in  Lawrence Becker and Charlotte B. Becker, 1944-,  eds., Encyclopedia of  Ethics, 2nd ed., New York and London: Routledge, 2001, vol. 2, at pp. 15-19, ISBN: 0415936721 (for the set of 3 volumes); copy at Carleton University, Ottawa,  Floor 2 Reference, BJ63.E45 2001;

___________"Intending and Causing", (2005) 9 The Journal of Ethics 465-474;

___________"Omissions"  in Christopher Berry Gray, ed., The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, New York Garland Publishing, 1999, 2 volumes (xxxviii, 950 p.), in vol. 2, at pp. 615-616 (series; Garland reference library of the humanities; vol. 1743), ISBN: 0815313446;

FUGATE, Jeanne A., Note, "Who's Failing Whom?  A Critical Look at Failure-to-Protect Laws", (2001) 76 New York University Law Review 272-308; available at  (accessed on 27 September 2007);

GADIROV, Erkin, "Article 9: Elements of Crimes", in Otto Triffterer, ed., Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Observers' Notes, Article by Article, Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999, xxviii, 1295 p., at pp. 289-321, on omissions, see pp. 296-299, ISBN: 378906173; copy at the Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, call number: legal KZ 6310 .C734 1999;

GAND, Maurice, Du délit de commission par omission: essai de théorie pénale, Paris: A. Rousseau, 1900, 3 p.,  l., 133 p. (thèse, Université de Paris); note de recherche: cité par la doctrine française, non-consulté, une copie se trouve à la US Library of Congress, selon The National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints, vol. 190, Londres : Mansell, 1972, p. 250; the Ottawa Public Library Interlibrary loan section advised me in October 1998 that there are no copies of this book could be found in Canadian libraries; disponible à (vérifié le 11 novembre 2008);

GARDNER, J., "The Activity Condition in English Law" in Heike Jung, Heinz Muller-Dietz and Ulfrid Neumann, eds., Recht Und Moral: Beiträge zu einer Standortbestimung, Badeb-Baden: Nomos, 1991, 410 p., ISBN: 3789021865; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet; copy at York University, Osgoode Hall Law School and at University of Toronto, John P. Robarts Research Library (HUmanities and Social Sciences);

GEIS, Gilbert, "Sanctioning the Selfish: The Operation of Portugal's New 'Bad Samaritan' Statute", (1991) 1(4) International Review of Victimology 297-313; copy at Ottawa University, MRT Periodicals, HV 6250. I 58;

GEORGIA, The Criminal Code of Georgia, s. 8(3); available at (accessed on 10 June 2006) and (accessed on 27 June 2006);

  "Art. 8. Causal relation
3. Inactivity shall be considered a requisite precondition for a hazardous outcome or a concrete risk provided by this Code, if a person was specially required to perform any action pursuant to law, he had an opportunity to perform such action and as a result of this action the outcome would have been avoided." (

GITLIN, Baruch, "Parent's Criminal Liability for Failure to Provide Medical Attention to their Children", (2004) 118 ALR 5th 253-345, see "Duty to Provide Medical Attention" at pp. 275-290 and "Causation" at pp. 291-296;

GIVELBER, Jessica R., "Imposing Duties on Witnesses to Child Abuse: A Futile Response to Bystander Indifference", (1998-99) 67 Fordham Law Review 3169-3204;

GLASER, Stefan, "Culpabilité dans les infractions d'omission", (1960) 99 Recueil des cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye 528-585; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KZ 24 .H35  Location: FTX Periodicals;

___________"Culpabilité en droit international pénal", (1960) 99 Recueil des cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye 473-527; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KZ 24 .H35  Location FTX Periodicals;

___________"Élément moral des infractions de commission par omission en droit international pénal", (1958) 73 Revue pénale suisse 263-312; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article pas encore consulté (11 janvier 2002);

___________"Les infractions d'omission et le problème de culpabilité", (1961-62) 42 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 897-952; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, K 21 .D725  Location FTX Periodicals;

GLASSON, E., "Étude historique sur la clameur du haro",  (1882) 7 Nouvelle Revue historique de droit français et étranger 397-447 et 517-550; disponible à  (site visité le 4 août 2007);

GLAZEBROOK, P.R., "Criminal Omissions: The Duty Requirement in Offenses Against the Person" (1960) 76 Law Quarterly Review 386-411;

___________"How Long, Then, Is the Arm of the Law to Be?  Sykes v. Director of Public Prosecutions considered", (1962) 25 Modern Law Review 301-318; on misprison of felony;

___________ "Misprison of Felony - Shadow or Phantom", (1964) 8 American Journal of Legal History 189-208 and 283-302;

GLENDON, Mary Ann, Rights Talk: The Impoverishment of Political Discourse, New York: The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, Inc. / Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada / New York, Oxford, Singapore, Sydney: Maxwell Macmillan International, 1991, xvi, 218 p., see chapter Four: "The Missing Language of Responsibility", heading "The (Missing) Duty to Rescue" at pp. 78-89 with notes at pp. 196-197;

GLOVER, Jonathan, Causing Death and Saving Lives, Harmondsworth (England): Penguin Books, 1977, 328 p., see chapter 7, "Not Striving to Keep Alive" at pp. 92-112 and the bibliography for that chapter at pp. 304-305, ISBN: 0140220038;

GOBERT, James, "Corporate Killing at Home and Abroad", (2002) 118 The Law Quarterly Review 72-97, see "An Offence of Omission" at pp. 81-82;

GOLDBERG, George "Misprision of Felony: An Old Concept in a New Context", (February 1966) 52(2) American Bar Association Journal 148-150; copy at University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KF 200 .A425;

GOLDSTEIN, Hermann, "Citizen Cooperation: The Perspective of the Police"  in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 199-208;

GONZALEZ LAGIER, Daniel, The paradoxes of action: human action, law and philosophy, Leiden/Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2003, ix, 136 p., and see "Remarks on Omission", at pp. 107 to approx. 114 (series; Law and philosophy; volume 67), ISBN: 1402016611; title noted in my research but book not consulted; no copy in the Ottawa area libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 20 November 2005); copy at Saint Mary's University, Patrick Power Library (Nova Scotia), B 105 A35 G66 2003;

GOOR, Michael, "Some Reflections on the Difference between Positive and Negative Duties", (1985) 33 Tulane Studies in Philosophy 93-100; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, B 21 .T8;

GORDON, Gerald L., "Moral Challenge to the Legal Doctrine of Rescue", (1965) 14 Cleveland-Marshall Law Review 334-355; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KFO 175.C539;

GORÉ, F., "L'omission de porter secours", (1946) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 202; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté;

GOSSEL, Karl Heinz, "Compte Rendu des travaux de la première section - Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission", (1985) 56 Revue internationale de droit pénal 481-484; Research Note: XIIIe Congrès International de droit pénal following the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'";

___________"Crimes of Omission", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 899-915; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Federal Republic of Germany;

GREAT BRITAIN, Criminal Code Bill Commission, Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Consider the Law Relating to Indictable Offences: With an Appendix Containing a Draft Code Embodying the Suggestions of the Commissioners, Command number 2345 in Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers] (1878-79), vol. 20, pp. 169-378, see comments at pp. 190-191 and Part XV, "Duties Tending to the Preservation of Life", ss. 159 to 164, pp. 265-266, s. 159 is "Duty to Provide Necessaries of Life"; s. 160, "Duty of Head of Family to Provide Necessaries"; s. 161, "Duty of Masters to Provide Necessaries", s. 162, "Duty of Persons Doing Dangerous Acts"; s. 164, "Duty to Avoid Omissions Dangerous to Life" (Chairperson: C.B. Blackburn); also published in Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Royal Commission Select Committee and Other Reports on the Criminal Law with Proceedings Minutes of Evidence Appendix and Index 1847-79, vol. 6, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin: Shannon University Press, 1971, pp. 369-579, at pp.390-391 and 465-466,  ISBN: 0716511428; research note # 1: for Command Paper number 2345, the pages are pp.  22-23 and 97-98; available at my Digital Library,;
Report: pp. 1-48;
- Appendix -- Draft Code -- Table of Contents: pp. 49-62;
- Appendix -- Draft Code: pp. 49-209;

___________Criminal Law Revision Committee, Fourteenth Report: Offences against the Person, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1980, v. 150 p., see "Part V. Omissions" at pp. 108-110, paragraphs 252-256 (covers "Present law"; "In what cases should there be liability for omission?"; "Should the common law duty to act be codified?"; and "Recommendations"), (Command number 7844);

___________Her Majesty's Commissiers on Criminal Law,  Fourth Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners on Criminal Law, command number 168 in  Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers]1839, volume 19, pp. 235-432, see "Digest of the Law of Offences against the Person", art. 2,  p. 266 "Definition of the terms 'Unlawful Omission'" and other related sections; this Fourth Report is also published in Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Reports From The Royal Commission On The Criminal Law With Appendices And index 1834-41, vol.3, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin: Shannon University Press, 1971, 233-430 at p. 264, ISBN: 0716511398;  research note # 1: for Command Paper number 168, the page is xxxii;

__________Her Majesty's Commissioners for Revising and Consolidating the Criminal Law,  Second Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners for Revising and Consolidating the Criminal Law,  command number 709 in Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers] (1846), vol. 24, pp. 107-182, see pp. 120-121, art. 2 on unlawful omission;  see also p. 158 (comments by Thomas Starkie, Commissioner); also published in Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Reports From The Royal Commission On Revising and Consolidating The Criminal Law With Appendices and Index 1845-49, vol. 5, Legal Administration Criminal Law, Dublin: Shannon University Press, 1971, pp. 169-244 at pp. 182-183 and p. 220 (comments by Starkie), ISBN: 071651141X; Research Notes: for Command Paper number 709, the pages are p. 14-15 and 52.  This reference constitutes a  major contribution on the topic;

___________Home Office, Fraud Law Reform: Consultation on proposals for legislation, [S.l.] : Home Office Communication Directorate, 2004, 30 p., and see "Fraud by wrongfully failing to disclose information", paragraphs 18-22, available at (accessed on 9 July 2006); see also (accessed on 9 July 2006);

"Fraud by wrongfully failing to disclose information

20. The legislation will make clear that there are two cases where dishonest non-disclosure of information would qualify as fraud. The first is when there is a legal duty to disclose. This may be a legal duty in statute, from a contract, from express or implied terms of a contract, from custom of a particular trade or market, or from the existence of a fiduciary relationship between the parties. In the second case, there is no legal duty to disclose but there are 3 conditions which must be satisfied:

• the information is of a kind which the person trusts the defendant to disclose to him;
• the defendant knows the other person is trusting him to disclose information or is ‘aware that he might be’; and
• any reasonable person would expect the defendant to disclose the information to the other person.

21. While the first case, where there is a legal duty, is relatively uncomplicated, we recognise that there could be concern about the scope of the second case."

___________Home Office, "Fraud Law Reform: Government Response to Consultations", October 2004 , see "Fraud  by Failing to  disclose information (Question 2)", paragraphs 21-25; available at  (accessed on 9 July 2006); see also (accessed on 9 July 2006);

"Fraud by failing to disclose information (Question 2)
22. The point of controversy was the proposal that this offence should extend to situations where a person dishonestly fails to disclose information which he is under no legal duty to disclose, but which the other person trusts him to disclose. There was substantial opposition to this proposal. One of the main arguments was that this would intrude on the caveat emptor principle, and create a conflict between civil and criminal law, in that it would become criminal not to provide information which you are entitled to withhold under civil law. Arlidge and Parry on Fraud says that this result would be 'bizarre'. The Law Commission argued that this situation already exists in relation to the law of theft, following the House of Lords decision in
Hinks.  In that case Lord Steyn said that in a practical world there will always be some disharmony between the systems.
25. Having carefully considered the arguments on both sides we were persuaded that failure to disclose information should not be fraud unless (inter alia) a legal duty is breached. In particular, we share the concerns over extending the criminal law into areas where something may be morally dubious, but not clearly seen as criminal. We believe even if we limit the offence to legal duties it will add to the existing law, as the existing sanctions for such failure may be of a civil nature and be both difficult to pursue and unlikely to lead to a sufficient
sanction." (footnotes omitted)

___________House of Commons,  Bill 178, Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bill, 1878 in  Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers] (1878), vol. 2, pp. 5-249 see at pp. 51-52, Chapter XVIII, "Of Causing Death By Negligence, And Of Duties Tending to The Preservation of Life", sections 127 to 130"; s.127 is "Death of Bodily Injury Caused by Omission to Discharge a Legal Duty"; s. 128, "Death Caused by Neglect to Provide Necessaries"; s. 129, "Duty of Persons Doing Acts Requiring Special Skill or Knowledge"; s. 130, "Bodily Injuries Inflicted by Negligence"; Research Note: Bill 178 was drafted by Sir James Stephen and for comments by Stephen on that Bill, see GREAT BRITAIN, House of Commons,  "Memorandum [by Sir James Stephen] 'Showing the ALTERATIONS proposed to be made in the existing Law by the CRIMINAL CODE (INDICTABLE OFFENCES) Bill [Bill 178], if Amended, as proposed by the Attorney General'", infra;
- i-xviii and 1-40  (Table of Contents; clauses 1-97);
- 41-101  (clauses 41-251);
- 102-166  (clauses 252-385); and
- 167-218  (clauses 386-425 at pp. 167-188;  Schedule I, Forms, at pp. 189-218; and Schedule II, "Acts and Parts of Acts Repealed", at pp. 189-218);


___________House of Commons, Memorandum [by Sir James Stephen] 'Showing the ALTERATIONS proposed to be made in the existing Law by the CRIMINAL CODE (INDICTABLE OFFENCES) Bill [Bill 178], if Amended, as proposed by the Attorney General'", number 276 in Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers] (1878), vol. 63, pp. 159-175, see p. 165 for Stephen's comments on "Clause 129 Duty of Persons doing acts requiring special Skill or Care"; research note # 1: for Parliamentary Paper number 276,  the page is p. 3;  research note # 2: for Bill 178, see GREAT BRITAIN, House of Commons, Bill 178, Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bill, 1878, supra;

___________The Law Commission, Codification of the Criminal Law: A Report to the Law Commission, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1985, vi, 245 p., Research Note: see comments on clause 20, "Liability for omissions" at pp. 56-59 and clause 20 at pp. 182-183; see also the comments on clause 21, "Causation" that deals with omissions at p. 60 and clause 21 at p. 183 (series; Law Com. No. 143);

___________The Law Commission, A Criminal Code for England and Wales, vol. 1: Report and Draft Criminal Code Bill and vol. 2: Commentary on Draft Criminal Code Bill, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, [1989], v, 278 p. see vol. 1, pp. 50-51, clause 16, "Offences of omission and situational offences" and s. 17(b) on causation by omission and in vol. 2, comments on these two clauses at pp. 186-189 (series; Law Com. No. 177), ISBN: 0102299897;

___________The Law Commission, Criminal Law: Legislating the Criminal Code: Offences against the Person and General Principles, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1993, vi, 144 p., see "Offences Committed by Omission" at pp. 14-15, paragraphs 11.1 to 11.6 (the coverage includes "Offences subject to liability by omission" and "Duties to act"); see also in the Draft Criminal Law Bill, Appendix A, clause 19 on "Liability for omissions" at p. 100 and the explanatory note on that clause at p. 101 (series; Law Com. No. 218), ISBN: 0101237022;

___________The Law Commission, Criminal Law: Legislating the Criminal Code: Offences against the Person and General Principles - A Consultation Paper, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1992, v, 131 p., see "Offences Committed by Omission" at pp. 15-19, paragraphs 6.1 to 6.20 (covers "Background"; "Offences subject to liability by omission", and "Duties to act"); see also in the Draft Criminal Law Bill, Appendix A, clause 3 on "Liability for omissions"; and in Appendix B, the explanatory note on this clause 3 of the Draft Criminal Law Bill at p.107 (series; Consultation Paper No. 122), ISBN: 011730204X; 

___________The Law Commission, Inchoate Liability for Assisting and Encouraging Crime, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 2006, x, 166 p., and see "Omissions as acts capable of encouraging or assisting", at pp. 61-65; see also pp. 143 and 151 (clause 15(3))  (series; Law Com. No. 300), ISBN: 0101687826, available at (accessed on 17 July 2006);

___________The Law Commission, Legislating the Criminal Code: Fraud and Deception: a consultation paper, London : The Stationary Office, 1999, ix, 139 p., see "Non-Disclosure", at pp. 42 and 115-117 (consultation paper; number 155), ISBN: 0117302406; copy at the University of Ottawa,  FTX General: KD 8000 .L436 1999;


GREECE, Greek Penal Code, translated by Nicholas B. Lolis,  introduction by Giorgios Mangakis, South Hackensack, N.J. : Rothman, 1973, xii, 206 p. (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes; 18),  ISBN: 0837700388; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K 5001 A63 no. 18;

"Article 15
Commission of an Offense by Omission
    If the law requires a certain result for the existence of an offense, the failure to prevent the result from occuring shall be treated as the active cause thereof, provided that the perpetrator was under a special legal obligation to prevent the occurence of the result." (p. 42)

GREGORY, Charles O., "The Good Samaritan and the Bad: The Anglo-American Law",  in  James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at  pp. 23-41;

___________"Gratuitious Undertakings and the Duty of Care", (1951-52) 1 DePaul Law Review 30-68; civil law;

GREEN, O.H., "Killing and Letting Die", (July 1980) 17(3) American Philosophical Quarterly 195-204; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 1 .A525  Location: MRT Periodicals;

___________"Refraining and Responsibility", (1979) 28 Tulane Studies in Philosophy 103-113; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 21 .T8  Location: MRT General;

GREEN, Stuart P., "Theft by Omission", draft May 27, 2009, Essays in Criminal Law in Honour of Sir Gerald Gordon, Edinburgh University Press, 2010. Available at SSRN:;

GRIFFIN, Lissa, " 'Which One of You Did It?' Criminal Liability for 'Causing or Allowing' the Death of a Child", (2004-2005) 15 Indiana International and Comparative Law Review 89-114; available at (accessed on 4 March 2009);

GRONINGER, Jennifer L., "No Duty to Rescue: Can Americans Really Leave a Victim Lying in the Street?  What Is Left of the American Rule, and Will It Survive Unabated?", (1998-99) 26 Pepperdine Law Review 353-377;

GROSS, Hyman, "A note on omissions" (1984) 4 Journal of Legal Studies 308-311;

__________A Theory of Criminal Justice, New York: Oxford University Press, 1979, xviii, 521 p., see "Omissions" at pp. 61-65 and "Criminal Conduct Reconceived" at pp. 132-135, ISBN: 0195023498 and 0195023501 (pbk.);

GUÉRIN, Pierranne, 1978-, L'omission de porter secours, Mémoire DEA : Droit pénal et sciences criminelles : Bordeaux 4 : 2002, 78 feuilles; titre noté dans mes recherches mais non encore consulté (19 janvier 2003);

GUIGUE, Jean, "La non-assistance à personne en danger", disponible à (vérifié le 4 avril 2008);

GUILLON, Alain, «L'omission de porter secours (Article 63 §2 du Code pénal) et la profession médicale», (1956) La Semaine juridique, Partie I - Doctrine 1294;

GUPTESHWAR, K., "Criminal Omissions" in K.D.(Krishna Deo) Gaur, 1937-, ed., Criminal Law and Criminology with foreword by Arun Jaitley, New Delhi, Deep & Deep, 2002, xx, 955 p., ISBN:  8176294101; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this book in the librairies covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 13 March 2005);

GUR-ARYE, Miriam, "A Failure to Prevent Crime -- Should it Be Criminal?", (Summer/Fall 2001) 20(2) Criminal Justice Ethics 3-30;

___________"The Nature of Crime: A Synthesis, Following the Three Perspectives Offered in The Grammar of Criminal Law", (Winter/Spring 2008) 27(1) Criminal Justice Ethics 91-98, and see "IV The Role of  Duty" at pp. 93-96;

GUSFIELD, Joseph, "Social Sources of Levites and Samaritans"  in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 183-197; 

HALL, Jerome, General Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1960, xii, 642 p., see "Omissions" at pp. 190-211;

HARRIS, John, "Discussions - Bad Samaritans Cause Harm", (1982) 32 Philosophical Quarterly 60-69;

___________"The Marxist Conception of Violence”, (1973-74) 3 Philosophy and Public Affairs 192-220; copy at the University of Ottawa, H 1 .P54  Location MRT Periodicals;

HARRISON, Kate, "Manslaughter by Breach of Employment Contract", (1992) 21 Industrial  Law Journal 31-43;

HART, H.L.A., 1907-,  and Tony Honoré, 1921-, Causation in the Law, 2nd ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985, lxxxi, 516 p., see the index for numerous references to omissions, ISBN: 019825475X and 0198254741 (pbk.);

HASEN, Richard L., "The Efficient Duty to Rescue", (June 1995) 15(2) International Review of Law and Economics 141-150;

HAYDEN, Angela, "Imposing Criminal and Civil Penalties for Failing to Help Another: Are 'Good Samaritan' Laws Good Ideas?", (2000) 6 New England International and Comparative Law Annual; available at (accessed on 2 July 2006);

HAZARD, John, "Soviet Socialism and the Duty to Rescue" in XXth Century Comparative and Conflicts Law: Legal Essays in Honor of Hessel E. Yntema, Leyden (Netherlands): A.W. Sythoff, 1961, xv, 544 p., at pp. 160-171;

HEARN, William Edward, 1826-1888, "The Revision of the Law", (1879) The Melbourne Review 237-246; available at,M1 (accessed on 10 October 2008);

___________ The theory of legal duties and rights: an introduction to analytical jurisprudence,  Melbourne, By authority, J. Ferres, government printer; [etc., etc.] 1883,  viii, 401 p. 24 cm., ; available at,M1 (accessed on 10 October 2008);

HÉMARD, Joseph, "Poitiers 20 novembre 1901.  Violences et voies de fait, délit d'omission, privation de soins, aliéné, complicité par abstention" (1902) Recueil  Sirey  -- Recueil Général des lois et des Arrêts, 2e Partie, Jurisprudence des Cours d'appel, des tribunaux et décisions diverses 305-308; copie à l'Université de Montréal, Faculté de droit, AAFC R311s; consulté le 24 avril 2005;

HENNAU-HUBLET, Christiane, L'activité médicale et le droit pénal : les délits d'atteinte à la vie, l'intégrité physique et la santé des personnes, Bruxelles : E. Bruylant, et Paris: Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence,  1987, 475 p.  (Bibliothèque de la Faculté de droit de l'Université catholique de Louvain ; 18),  ISBN: 2802703706 (Bruylant);  2275008667 (LGDJ);

HENRY, Ph., "La peine de mort en Suisse (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles) -- Orientation bibliographique sommaire", Séminaire d'histoire suisse moderne et contemporaine -- été 2003-2004, disponible à (vérifié le 4  avril 2008);

HERRING, Jonathan, "Familial Homicide, Failure to Protect and Domestic Violence: Who's the Victim?", [December 2007] The Criminal Law Review 923-933;

HERRING, Jonatham and Elaine Palser, "The Duty of Care in Gross Negligence Manslaughter", [January 2007] The Criminal Law Review 24-40, and see "Duty of care and omissions in the law of tort", at p. 32;

HERZOG, Rabbi Isaac, "Moral Rights and Duties in Jewish Law", in Martin P. Golding, 1930-, ed., Jewish law and legal theory, New York, NY : New York University Press, 1993, xviii, 578 p., chapter 12, at pp. 203 to approx. 214, (series; International library of essays in law and legal theory. Legal cultures; volume 4), ISBN: 0814730493;  no location of the book in the Ottawa area libraries (verification of the AMICUS catalogue, 30 March 2005); title noted in my research but article not consulted;

HEYMAN, Steven J., "Foundations of the Duty to Rescue", (1994) 47 Vanderbilt Law Review 673-755; Research Note: has philosophy of law discussion;

__________"Rescue in Tort and Criminal Law"  in Christopher Berry Gray, ed., The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, New York Garland Publishing, 1999, 2 volumes ( xxxviii, 950 p.), in vol. 1, at pp. 743-745 (series; Garland reference library of the humanities ; vol. 1743), ISBN: 0815313446;

HITCHLER, W.H., "The Physical Element of Crime", (1934) 39 Dickinson Law Review 95-111, see "Omissions" at 107-108 and "Crimes of omission" at 108-111;

HOENIG, William, 1977-, L'infraction passive attentoire à l'intégrité physique et à la vie des personnes, thèse de doctorat, droit, Université de Nice-Sofia Antipolis, 2005, 699 p.; directeur de thèse: Roger Bernardini; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée (4 juin 2006); 

HOFFMAN, Susan J., "Statutes Establishing a Duty to Report Crimes or Render Assistance to Strangers: Making Apathy Criminal", (1983-84) 72 Kentucky Law Journal 827-865; Research Note: contains good research on misprision of felony;

HOFSTETTER, Josef  and Wolfgang v. Marschall, Comments, "Amendment of the Belgium Code Pénal: The Duty to Rescue Persons in Serious Danger",  (1962) 11 The American Journal of Comparative Law 66-72; good research;

HOGAN, Brian, "Omissions and the duty myth" in Peter Smith, ed., Criminal Law: Essays in Honour of J.C. Smith, London: Butterworths 1987, xxvii, 234 p., at pp. 85-91, ISBN: 0406501106;

HOLLAND, Lynwood M., "The Good Samaritans Laws: A Reappraisal", (1967) 16 Journal of Public Law 128-137;

HONDERICH, Ted, Violence for Equality: Inquiries in Political Philosophy - Enlarged and revised edition, London and New York: Routledge, 1989, xx, 217 p., see Chapter 3, "Our Omissions and their violence" at pp. 64 to 103 and notes at 208-209,  ISBN: 0415026229 and 0415026237 (pbk.);

HONORÉ, Antony M. (also uses "Tony"),  1921-, "Are Omissions Less Culpable?" in Peter Cane, 1950-,  and Jane Stapleton, eds., Essays for Patrick Atiyah, Oxford: Clarendon Press and in New York: Oxford University Press, 1991, 389 p., at pp. 31-52, ISBN:0198254105; also found in Honoré's book: Responsibility and fault, Oxford: Hart Pub., c1999,  vii, 163 p., ISBN: 1841130052, copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library, Ottawa, K579 L5 H66 1999;

___________«Le défaut d'assistance», (1955) 26 Revue internationale de droit pénal 393-406;

___________"Law, Morals and Rescue" in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (NY): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 225-242; also published in Making Law Bind: Essays Law and Philosophical, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987, 274 p. at pp. 256-269 (essay 13), ISBN: 0198254679; also published in Kenneth Kipnis, ed., Philosophical Issues in Law - Cases and Materials, Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey): Prentice-Hall, 1977, xii, 337 p., at p. 305-117; ISBN: 0136622968;

HOWARD, C., "Misprisions, Compoundings and Compromises", (1959) Criminal Law Review 750-758 and 822-836;  research note: this bibliography will only cite a few articles on misprison of felony, a much wider subject;

HOWARD-SNYDER, Frances, ""Doing vs. Allowing Harm", The Stanford  Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Summer 2002 Edition, Edward N. Zalta (ed.), available at (accessed on 28 July 2006);

HUDA, Syed Shamsul, 1862-1922, The principles of the law of crimes in British India, Calcutta ; Winnipeg : Butterworth, 1919, xv, 455 p. (Tagore Law Lectures - 1902);  see "Acts - Omissions" at pp. 33-45;
- Table of Contents, Index and Index of Cases Cited;
- i-xv and 1-215;
- 216-455;

HUGHES, Graham, "Criminal Omissions" (1957-58) 67 Yale Law Journal 590-637;

HUIGENS, Kyron, "Virtue and Inculpation", (1994-95) 108 Harvard Law Review 1423-1480, and see  "Omissions, the Search for Duties, and Virtue Ethics", at pp. 1478-1480;

HUMM, S. Randall, "Criminalizing Poor Parenting Skilles as a Means to Contain Violence By and Against Children", (1990-91) 139 University of Pennsylvania L:aw Review 1123-1161;

HURTADO POZO, José, Droit pénal: Partie spéciale 1, Infractions contre la vie et l'intégrité corporelle, 2e édition, révisée et mise à jour, Fribourg (Suisse):
Éditions universitaires Fibourg, 1991, xxx, 198 p., voir en particulier "Acte incriminé" du meurtre aux pp. 27-30, ISBN: 2827103796, copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada; il existe cependant une édition plus récente: Droit pénal. Partie spéciale, 1, Infractions contre la vie, l'iintégrité corporelle et le patrimoine, 3e édition, révisée et complétée, Zürich : Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag, 1997, xlviii, 412 p., ISBN: 3725536252, copie à l'Université Laval, KKW 3824 H967 1997, édition que je n'ai pas encore consultée; contribution théorique importante au sujet; voir aussi son traitement de la causalité pour l'omission;

    "L'acceptation de la commission par omission sera soumise en conséquence à des conditions très strictes. [...]

    La troisième condition est étroitement liée à la précédente : il s'agit du devoir de garant de l'agent (Garantenstellung).  Celui-ci doit certes être en mesure d'éviter le dommage, mais il doit également se trouver dans l'obligation d'agir.  Le tribunal fédéral, se basant sur un critère formel, renvoie généralement aux sources du devoir d'agir : la loi, le contrat ou les circonstances du cas.  Dans certains arrêts plus récents, les juges fédéraux ont, d'après une conception plus moderne, fait appel à un critère matériel, en tenant compte de la raison d'être d'un tel devoir: est un garant celui qui est tenu, en vertu de rapports de droit particuliers, de protéger un bien juridique contre toutes ou certaines atteintes, de même que celui qui crée ou augmente le risque que les intérêts soient lésés." (pp. 29-30, notes omises)

HUSAK, Douglas N., 1948-, "Is the Distinction Between Positive Actions and Omissions Value - Neutral?”, (1985) 33 Tulane Studies in Philosophy 83-92; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, B 21 .T8;

___________"Omissions, Causation and Liability", (1980) 30 Philosophical Quarterly 318-326; reprinted in Patricia Smith, ed.: The Nature and Process of Law: An Introduction to Philosophy of Law, New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, xviii, 856 p., ISBN: 0195076974;

___________Philosophy of Criminal Law, Totowa (New Jersey): Rowman & Littlefield, 1987, xi, 266 p., see Chapter 6, "Omissions, Causation, and Criminal Liability", pp. 156-186, ISBN: 0847675505 and 0847675637 (pbk.);

"Infractions d'omission - résolutions"  (1985) 56 Revue internationale de droit pénal 485-488; note de recherche: XIIIe Congrès International de droit pénal following the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'";

HUSTON, Ted L. and Chuk Korte, "The Responsive Bystander: Why He Helps" in Thomas Lickona, ed., and Gilbert Geis and Lawrence Kohlberg, consulting editors, Moral Development and Behavior, New York etc.,: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976, xv, 430 p. at pp. 269-283, ISBN: 0030028116; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, BJ 21 .M58;

HYMAN, David A., "Rescue Without Law: An Empirical Perspective on the Duty to Rescue", (2006) 84 Texas Law Review 653-737; available at (accessed on 1 July 2006);

INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE, Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), decision of 26 February 2007; see and (both sites accessed on 27 February 2007);

INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION, Responsibility of States for Internationnally Wrongful Acts, 2001, text  and comments at  (accessed on 28 July 2006); research note: search the word "omission" / COMMISSION DU DROIT INTERNATIONAL, Responsabilité de l'État pour fait internationalement illicite, 2001, texte et commentaires à  (accessed on 28 July 2006); note de recherche: cherchez le mot "omission";

IRELAND,  Law Reform Commission, Consultation Paper: Civil Liability of Good Samaritans and Volunteers,  Dublin : Law Reform Commission, 2007, xviii, 127 p. (series; LRC CP 47- 2007); available at (accessed on 8 December 2007); see their press release at;

____________Consultation Paper: Involuntary Manslaughter, Dublin : Law Reform Commission, 2007, xiv, 247 p.; available at  (accessed on 9 September 2007);

___________Report on non-fatal offences against the person, Dublin : The Law Reform Commission, 1994, xii, 346 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF384 ZC6 R46 LRC 45; available at and (accessed on 10 August 2006) and search the word "omission";

JACOB, Assaf and Alon Harel, "An Economic Rationale for the Legal Treatment of Omissions in Tort Law",  11December 2001, 34 p., available at SSRN: or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.293794; also published in (2002) 3 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 413-451;

JACOBS, Michelle, "Requiring Battering Women Die: Murder Liability for Mothers Under Failure to Protect Statutes", (1998) 58 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 579-660, see Part III, "The Theory of Omissions Liability", at pp. 621-645 and more particularly: "A. Why Punish Omissions?", pp. 622-626; "B. Causation's Role in the Omissions Analysis", pp. 626-632; "C. Mens Rea and Crimes of Omission", pp. 632-638; and "D. Impossibility of Performance in Omissions Cases", pp. 638-645;

JAIN, Sungeeta, Notes and Comments,  "How Many People Does It Take to Save a Drowning Baby?: A Good Samaritan Statute in Washington State, (1999) 74 Washington Law Review 1181-1208; contains useful analysis of categories of duties giving rise to the duty: personal relationship; contract; creation of risk; voluntary assumption of care; statute; duty to control the conduct of others; landowner;

JAREBORG, Nils, 1938-,  Essays in Criminal Law, Uppsala: Iustus Förlag, 1988,  151 p., chapter 3, "Criminal Liability for Omissions" at pp. 53-74, (series; Uppsala Studies in Law),  ISBN: 9176781186, ISSN: 02822040; also reprinted with "unimportant changes" (p. 53) in (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 937-964; Research Note: in R.I.D.P., the article is part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Sweden;

JEANNERET, Yvan, La violation des devoirs en cas d'accident.  Analyse critique de l'article 92 LCR, Genève : Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 2002, 295 p. (Collection; Genevoise), ISBN: 3-719021580; note: Thèse, Genève, Univ., n° 741, 2001; l'article 92, alinéa 1 de la Loi fédérale sur la circulation routière du 19 décembre 1958 (RS 741.01) se lit: "Celui qui, lors d'un accident, aura violé les devoirs que lui impose la présente loi sera puni des arrêts ou de l'amende."; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT General, KKW 4384 .J425 2002; l'auteur traite aussi de l'article128 du Code pénal suisse sur l'omission de prêter secours;

___________"L'omission de prêter secours et le concours d'infraction", (2002) Revue pénale suisse 369; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté;

JESCHECK,  Hans-Heinrich, "Droit pénal - Procédure pénale", traduction et adaptation de Alfred Rieg, dans Michel Fromont and Alfred Rieg (sous la direction de),  Introduction au droit allemand: République fédérale, tome 2, Droit  public -  Droit pénal, Paris : Éditions Cujas, 1984,  pp. 253-337, voir «l'infraction d'omission» aux pp. 277-279,  ISBN: 2254840308; importante contribution;

JESSBERGER, Florian,  "Bad Torture?  Good Torture?  What International Criminal Lawyers May Learn from the Recent Trial of Police Officers in Germany", (2005) 3 Journal of International Criminal Justice 1059-1073;

"According to the opposing view, the application of 'preventive torture' may be justified or excused if it is the last resort to prevent the death of innocents.  This opinion was mainly based on the assumption that the omission of torture in situations like Daschner case infringes the human dignity of the hostage or the victim of the terrorist attack.  It was submitted that not only does torture itself violate human dignity of the kidnapper, but the omission of torture also infringes the human dignity of the hostage.  According to this view, the conflict between the dignity of the kidnapper and the dignity of the hostage has to be resolved in favor of the latter." (pp. 1063-1064; one note omitted)

Journées franco-belgo-luxembourgeoises de science  pénale (1951 : Paris), L'omission de porter secours. Le rôle du magistrat dans l'exécution des peines, Paris, Librairie du Recueil Sirey, [1952], 176 p., Notes: "Organisées par l'Association internationale de droit pénal, l'Union belge et luxembourgeoise de droit pénal [et] la Société générale des prisons et de législation criminelle, avec le concours de la Section de droit pénal de l'Institut de droit comparé de l'Université de Paris."; copy and information from the US Library of Congress;my verification of the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada indicates no location in Canada (verification of 17 March 2005);

JOHNSON, Anne T., "Criminal Liability for Parents Who Fail to Protect", (1987-88) 5 Law and Inequality 359-390; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KF 4764 .A15 L39;

JOUSSE, Daniel,1704-1781, Traité de la justice criminelle de France : où l'on  examine tout ce qui concerne les crimes & les peines en général & en particulier... , Paris: Debure, 1771, 4 tomes; copie à l'Université Laval (Ville de Québec), 2 KJV/7979/J86/1771; disponible à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Gallica, voir tome 1tome 2tome 3tome 4;

"Une autre regle en matiere de crimes, est que ceux qui se commettent par action, sont plus graves que ceux qui se commettent par négligence, ou omission. (Jul. Clarus. quaest. 28, n. 20; Farin., quaest.28, n. 22, 24)" (Tome 1, p. 10; available at , accessed on 25 January 2003); research note: the text is difficult to read, it could be instead quaest 18 for Clarus and Farinacius.

KADISH, Sanford H., "Act and Omission, Mens Rea and Complicity: Approaches to Codification", (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 65-89;

KADISH, Sanford H., 1921-,  and Stephen J. Schulhofer, Criminal Law and Its Processes - Cases and Materials, 5th ed., Boston: Little, Brown, 1989, xlv, 1280 p., see on omissions, pp. 198-217, ISBN: 0316478164; research note: there is now a 6th ed. which I have not consulted: Boston : Little, Brown, 1995, xlvii, 1232 p., ISBN: 0316478180;

KAMBOVSKI, Vladimir, "Les délits d'omission et la responsabilité de l'omission", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 991-1026; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Yugoslavia;

KAMM, Frances Myrna, "Action, Omission, and the Stringency of Duties", (1994) 142 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1493-1512;

___________"Does Distance Matter Morally to the Duty to Rescue", (November 2000) 19(6) Law and Philosophy 655-681;

__________"Harming, Not Aiding, and Positive Rights", (1986) 15 Philosophy and Public Affairs 3-32; 

KAPLAN,  Andrew D., " 'Cash-ing Out': Regulating Omissions, Analysis of the Sherrice Iverson Act, (2000) 26 New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement 67-93;

KARAKASHEV, V., "Omissive Crimes and Criminal Responsibility for Them" (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 593-608; Research Note: part of the papers of "du colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Bulgaria;

KASHYAP, Girish S., "Looking Abroad to Protect Mothers at Home: A Look at Complicity by Omission  Domestically and Abroad", (2004) 22 Boston University International Law Journal 425-447;

KATZ, Leo, Bad Acts and Guilty Minds: Conundrums of the Criminal Law, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, xii, 343 p., see "Crimes of Omission" at pp. 135-145 and "Live and Let Die" at pp. 145-153, ISBN: 0226425916 and 022642592 (pbk.);

___________"Criminal Law" in Patterson, Dennis M. (Dennis Michael) Patterson, 1955-, ed., A companion to philosophy of law and legal theory, Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell Publishers, 1996, xii, 602 p., pp. 80-95,  on omissions, see pp. 86-88 (series;  Blackwell companions to philosophy; volume 7), ISBN: 1557865353; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa;

KELLEY, David N., "A Psychological Approach to Understanding the Legal Basis of the No Duty to Rescue Rule", (1999-2000) 14 Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law 271-293;

KELLY, Michael, "Misprision of Felony Not a Crime in Florida", (1975-76) 30 University of Miami Law Review 222-230; case of Holland v. State, 302 So. 2d 806 (Fla. 2d Dist. 1974);

KELMAN, Mark, "Interpretative Construction in the Substantive Criminal Law", (1980-81) 33 Stanford Law Review 591-673, see "the omission and commission problem" at pp. 637-640;

KEMP, K.J., "The duty to rescue  -- compulsion or laissez faire?", (1985) 18 Comparative and International Law Journal of South Africa 163-186;

KENNEDY, I.M. (Ian M.), 1941-, "Switching Off the Life Support Machines: The Legal Implications", [1977] Criminal law Review 443-452; also published in  Treat Me Right; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988, xvii, 375 p., chapter 18, at pp. 349-363, ISBN: 0198255594; note: the authors states at p. 349: "This paper first appeared in [1977] Crim. LR and is reproduced here with minor amendments and a postcript in which I comment on more recent developments; copy at the SCC library; KF 3821 A75 K46;

KENNEDY, Mary and B.J. Brown, "Rape by Omission", (1981) 5 Criminal Law Journal 280-284; copy at the University of Ottawa, KTA 0 .C735  Location FTX Periodicals;

KERMABON,  Nicolas, "L’influence du Droit canonique médiéval dans la répression de la complicité par omission", dans  Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law [Toronto, 5-11 August 2012] (à paraître fin 2013);

KERRANE, Jeffrey P., "Will Tarasoff Liability Be Extended to Attorneys In Light of New California Evidence Code Section 956.5?", (1994-95) 35 Santa Clara Law Review 825-843;

KIFT, Sally, "Criminal Liability and the Bad Samaritan: Failure to Rescue Provisions in the Criminal Law I and II ", (1997) 1 Macarthur Law Review 212-234 and 258-281;

KIM, Chin, 1926-, "Asian Criminal Law: A Comparison with Proposed Federal Criminal Code", (1973) South Texas Law Journal; also published in Chin Kim, Selected Writings on Asian Law, Littleton (Colorado), 1982, xiii, 573 p., at pp. 453-478, and see "Omissions (Sections 301(2) and 401(1)(b))" at pp. 460-461; ISBN: 0837707412; copy of the book at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KNC 79 K56 1982;

"The Japanese proposed provision related to crimes committed by omission as it stands now is:

"A person under a duty to prevent the occurence of facts constituting a crime who intentionally fails to prevent their occurence when he could have done so shall be dealth with as if he had caused such facts to occur through his own action.' " (pp. 160-161; notes omitted)

KING, Justin T., Comment, "Criminal Law: 'Am I my Brother's Keeper?' Sherrice's Law: A Balance of American Notions of Duty and Liberty", (1999) 52(4) Oklahoma Law Review 613-644;

KIRCHHEIMER, Otto, "Criminal Omissions" (1941-42) 55 Harvard Law Review 615-642;

KIRCHNER, Stefan, "Ending Lifesaving Measures -- Action or Omission?", Institute for Public Law, University of Goettingen, 13 October 2008; available at (accessed on 3 January 2008);

KIRMAN, M.G.,  La complicité par abstention, [S. l.], 1996,  53, x feuilles, Mémoire DEA: Droit pénal et sci. crim, Université  Bordeaux 4, 1996, catalogue informatisé Sibil numéro: 0782833;

KIRSCHENBAUM, Aaron, "The Bystander's Duty to Rescue in Jewish Law", in Martin P. Golding, 1930-, ed., Jewish law and legal theory, New York, NY : New York University Press, 1993, xviii, 578 p., chapter 25, at pp. 515 to approx. 538, (series; International library of essays in law and legal theory. Legal cultures; volume 4), ISBN: 0814730493; no location of the book in the Ottawa area libraries (verification of the AMICUS catalogue, 30 March 2005); also with the same title in (1980) 8 Journal Religious Ethics 204-226; copy of the periodical at Carleton University, v.1- 1973- SER BJ1188.A1J6; copie de ce périodique également à l'Université de Montréal (consulté le 25 avril 2005);

KLEINIG, John, "Criminal Liability for Failures to Act" (1986) 49(3) Law and Contemporary Problems 161-180; Research Note: note 4 at p. 163 contains a list of several articles of philosophy dealing with omissions that are not cited in this bibliography;

__________"Good Samaritanism", (1975-76) 5 Philosophy and Public Affairs 382-407; copy at Ottawa University, MRT Periodicals, H1 .P54;  

KOENIGSWARTER, Louis Jean, "Législation comparée sur la révélation obligée des crimes d'autrui , chez les principales nations  anciennes et modernes",  (1839)  Tome 6,  6e année ,  Revue étrangère  de législation  et d'économie politique  95-117 et 274-291; disponible à,M1  (vérifié le 14 novembre 2007); étude remarquable;

KORDES-DE VAAL, Johanna H., "Intention and the omission bias: Omissions perceived as nondecisions" (September 1996) 93(1-3) Acta Psychologica  161-172; copy at the University of Ottawa, Library Annex, BF 1 .A12;

"The general question addressed by this paper is why omissions and commissions are evaluated differently, given that the consequences are the same for either option.
In sum, the results of the three experiments suggest that the basis of the omission bias is a difference in perceived causality -- probably caused by the fact that commissions are more salient than omissions -- making the outcome of an omission appear less intended than the outcome of a commission.  In other words, people seem to think that if you want something to happen, you can make it happen: If something is not, or in a lesser degree, caused by your behavior, you did not intend it to happen as much as when something came about because of what you did or did not do.  Because of the reduced strength of the perceived causal link between an omission and its consequence, an omission may usually be perceived as a nondecision, or at least as a less intended decision than a commission." (pp. 162 and 169)

KORTMANN, Jeroen, Altruism in private law: liability for nonfeasance and negotiorum gestio, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, xxiii, 202 p., ISBN: 0199280053; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, 0199280053; civil law but useful for researchers;

"This book examines two problems in Private law which are posed by the 'Good Samaritan'. First, do we have a legal duty to give aid to our fellow human beings?  In particular: can we be held liable for damages if we fail to do so? Second, if we do come to the rescue, as the Good Samaritan did, will we have any claim for the expenses that we incurred, or perhaps even for a reward? Kortmann examines and compares the varied responses of the Roman, French, German, and English legal systems to these problems, providing the first comprehensive treatment of English law in relation to 'liability for nonfeasance' (or 'liability for omissions') and 'negotiorum gestio' (or 'the doctrine of necessity')."--BOOK JACKET

___________"Liability for Nonfeasance; a comparative study", (2001) Oxford University Comparative Law Forum 1; on civil law but of interest; available at (accessed on 6 December 2002); "This article was submitted for the degree of Master of Studies in Michaelmas term 1999. ... outdated. The author would like to emphasise that most of this article is part of a larger project, provisionally titled ‘Altruism in Private Law’ (to be submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy), and should be regarded as ‘work in progress’" (Headnote);

KOWALEWSKI, "Les origines du devoir", (février 1894) Revue internationale de sociologie; titre noté dans mes recherches mais pas encore consulté; Bibliothèque et Archives Canada aurait une copie de ce numéro de périodique;

KRAUSE, Floyd, Legislation Note, "Criminal Law --Requiring Citizens to Aid a Peace Officer", (1964-65) 14 DePaul Law Review 159-164;

KREMNITZER, Mordechai and M. Gur-Arye, "Final Responsibility for Offences of Omission" (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 691-705; Research Note : part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Israel;

KUBEC, Zbigniew, [Les ] Délits d'omission, [S.l., n.d.], 17 p. -27 cm; Notes Société de législation comparée. 5e journées juridiques franco-polonaises. Paris-Rennes, 26-31 octobre 1964; copie à la  Bibliothèque Cujas de droit et de sciences économiques. Paris; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté;

KUBICKI, Leszek, "Les infractions par omission dans le système du droit pénal polonais", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 819-843; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Poland;

KUGLER, Itzhak, "Two Concepts of Omission", (2003) 14 Criminal Law Forum 421-447;

KUTY, Franklin, "La participation criminelle par abstention", in François Roggen, coordinatrice, Actualités de droit pénal [2007],  Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007, 127 p., aux pp. 31 à approx. 60, (Collection; U B 3; Bruxelles; ISSN 1782-6241; vol. 16),  ISBN: 978-2-8027-2507-7; notes: "Le présent volume contient les rapports écrits des orateurs de la conférence du 19 novembre 2007, donnée à l'ULB dans le cadre du cycle UB3 [...] organisé par le barreau de Bruxelles et la Faculté de droit l'Université libre de Bruxelles, abordant des aspects d'actualité de droit pénal." (catalogue SUDOC);  titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; aucune copie de ce livre au Canada selon le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 29 juin 2008);

LaFAVE, Wayne R. and Austin W. Scott, Substantive Criminal Law, vol. 1, Sections 1.1 to 5.11, St. Paul (Minn.): West, 1986, see "§ 3.3 Omission to Act",  pp. 282-296, ISBN: 0314984038;

LAINGUI, André, "Le droit pénal canonique source de l'ancien droit pénal laic", dans Églises et pouvoir politique, Actes des journées internationales d'histoire du droit d'Angers, 30 mai - 1er juin 1985, Angers : Presses de l'Université d'Angers, 1987, 476 p., aux pp. 213-231.  Note de recherche : voir en particulier, les pp. 219-223 et 229-231 sur « L'abstention coupable »;

___________La responsabilité pénale dans l'ancien droit  (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), Paris : Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1970, xii, 366 p., voir "Infractions de commission et infractions d'omission" aux pp. 107-126 (Collection; Bibliothèque d'histoire du droit et droit romain sous la direction de P.-C. Timbal, tome XVII);

___________"La théorie de la complicité dans l'Ancien droit pénal", (1977) 45 Tidjschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'histoire du droit / The Legal History Review 27-65, et voir "Question 87: L'abstention coupable", aux pp. 30-34; 

LAKE, Peter F., "Bad Boys, Bad Men, and Bad Case Law: Re-Examining the Historical Foundations of No-Duty-to-Rescue Rules", (1999) 43 New York Law School Law Review 385-450; civil law;

___________"Recognizing the Importance of Remoteness to the Duty to Rescue", (1996-97) 46 DePaul Law Review 315-365; civil law;

LANDES, William M. and Richard A. Posner, "Salvors, Finders, Good Samaritans and Other Rescuers: An Economic Study of Law and Altruism", (1978) 7 Journal of Legal Studies 83-128; copy at the Ottawa University, KF 262 .J654  Location: FTX Periodicals;

LANGSTON, Emily, "The superior responsibility doctrine in international law: Historical continuities, innovation and criminality: Can East Timor's Special Panels bring militia leaders to justice?", (2004) 4(2) International Criminal Law Review 141-183; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

"The superior responsibility can also be understood as an exercise in risk management.  Thus, the omission of the superior (to supervise the activities of the subordinate or prevent the acts occurring) may give rise to the actual realization of the inherent damgers of a particular context.  In this sense, the superior's omission in fact creates the risk.13 ....
13 K. Ambos, "Superior Responsibility" in A Cassese. A., The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court -- A Commentary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002) 844-6." (p. 146)


LAPPI-SEPPÄLÄ, Tapio, "The Doctrine of Criminal Liability and the Draft Criminal Code for Finland" in Raimo Lahti and Kimmo Nuotio, eds., Criminal Law Theory in Transition: Finnish and Comparative Perspectives/Strafrechtstheorie Im Umbruch Finnische und vergleichendePerspektiven, Helsinki:  Finish Lawyers' Publishing Company, 1992, xiv, 604 p., at pp. 214-246, see "The Liability for Omissions" at pp. 223-224, ISBN: 9516405940;

LARGUIER, Jean, "French Penal Law and the Duty to Aid Persons in Danger", (1963-64) 38 Tulane Law Review 81-90;

LATANÉ, Bibb and John M. Darley, "Social Determinants of Bystander Intervention in Emergencies", in Macaulay, Jacqueline and Leonard Berkowitz, 1926-, eds., Altruism and Helping Behaviour Social Psychological Studies of Some Antecedents and Consequences, New York : Academic Press, 1970, x, 290 p., at pp. 13-27; copy at the University of Ottawa,  MRT General   HM 1146 .A58 1970;

LAUT, Georges, [L']Omission de porter secours, Thèse, Paris, 1951, 166 feuilles; copie à la Bibliothèque Cujas de droit et de sciences économiques Paris; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée; aucune copie dans les bibliothèques canadiennes comprises dans le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 30 mai 2006);

LAW COMMISSION [of New Zealand], Review of Part 8 of the Crimes Act 1961: Crimes against the Person, Wellington: Law Commission, 2009 (series; report 111); available at (accessed on 9 August 2010);

THE LAW COMMISSION, Inchoate Liability for Assisting and Encouraging Crime, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 2006, x, 166 p., and see "Omissions as acts capable of encouraging or assisting", at pp. 61-65 (series; Law Com. No. 300), ISBN: 0101687826, available at (accessed on 17 July 2006);

___________Reforming Bribery, London: The Stationary Office, 2008, xvii, 193 p.; available at (accessed on 4 December 2008);

___________Reforming Bribery: A Consultation Paper, 2007, xiv, 323 p., see "Corporate Liability", at pp. 130-155; deals with the question of failing to adequately supervise  (series; consultation paper; 185); disponible à (accessed on 2 December 2007);

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF IRELAND, Civil Liability of Good Samaritans and Volunteers, Dublin: The Law Reform Commission, 2009, xviii, 127 p.; available at (accessed on 30 May 2009);

LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Fifty-first report of the Law Reform Committee of South Australia to the Attorney-General relating to the review and reappraisal of the twenty-fifth report of this committee on the subject of misfeasance, [Adelaide] : The Committee, 1986.  48 p.; deals with civil law; also published by: [Kanata, Ont. : Manas Media, 1991],  1 microfiche (26 fr.) (series; World law reform collection; South Australia; 25-097); copy at the SCC library OOSC 25-097 Microfiche;

LAWSON, John Davison, 1852-1921, The adjudged cases on defences to crimes, San Francisco:  Summer Whitney, 1885, vol. 3; reprint in 19th-century legal treatises ; no. 45567-45625; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada; available at,M1 (accessed on 14 September 2008);

LEADER-ELLIOTT, Ian, Case and Comment, "Good Samaritan legislation -- Appeal against conviction following plea of guilty: SALMON, Supreme Court, Northern Territory: Kearney J: 22 February 1994 (1994) 115 FLR 176; 70 A Crim R 536", (1996) 20 Criminal Law Journal 102-103; deals with section 155, Failure to rescue, provide help, &c. of the Criminal Code of the Northern Territory of Australia;

LEAVENS, Arthur, "A Causation Approach to Criminal Omissions"  (1988) 76 California Law Review 547-591; 

LEBLOIS-HAPPE, Jocelyne, Xavier Pin et Julien Walther, "Chronique de droit pénal allemand (Période du 1er octobre 2003 au 31 décembre 2004)", (2005) 76(1-2) Revue internationale de droit pénal 139-168, voir "Du renouveau en matière d'action et d'omission?", aux pp. 141-142;

LECLERC, Jules, "L'omission de porter secours.  Un projet de loi à remanier", (1957-58) Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 179-193; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; aucune copie de ce numéro de périodique dans les bibliothèques de la région d'Ottawa (vérification du 14 mars 2005);

LE FOYER, Jean, 1902-, Exposé du droit pénal normand au XIIe siècle, Paris, Sirey, 1931, 314 p., à titre d'exemple d'une vieille infraction d'omission, voir "L'indifférence au cri du haro ou délit 'de abstentione'" aux pp. 215-221;

LegisPedia, "Distinction des infractions de commission des infractions d'omission (fr)", disponible à (site visité le 27 juillet 2006); 

LE POITEVIN, Gustave, "Poitiers, 20 nov. 1901 -- Voies de fait: 1o Délit, caractère, art. 311 c. pén., violences et voies de fait, signification, acte positif; 2o Mineur de quinze ans, aliments, soins, privation, aliéné, Loi du 19 avril 1898, disposition non applicable; 3o et 4o Aliéné majeur, soins, privation, existence en danger, mère, frère, délit de violences et voies de fait, non-exitence; 5o Aliéné majeur, soins, privation, mère, délit, frère, complicité.  -- Complicité, aide et assistance, faits négatifs, complicité par abstention",  [1902] Dalloz Jurisprudence Générale II. 81 à 85; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

LEREBOURS-PIGEONNIÈRE, "Du délit de commission par omission (à propose de l'ouvrage de M. Gand)", (1901) Revue pénitentiaire 716; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté;

LEVASSEUR, Georges, "L'omission de porter secours", (1955) 26 Revue internationale de droit pénal 406-423;

LEVIT, Nancy, "The Kindness of Strangers: Interdisciplinary Foundations of a Duty to Act", (2000-2001) 40 Washburn Law Journal 463-479;

LEVMORE, Saul, "Waiting for Rescue: An Essay on the Evolution and Incentive Structure of the Law of Affirmative Obligations", (1986) 72 Virginia Law Review 879-941; with the same title in Saul Levmore, ed., Foundations of Tort Law, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, ix, 352 p., at p. 219  c xxxx  (part only) ISBN: 0195083911 and 019508392X (pbk.);

LEVY, A., "Délit d'omission et suicide", (1952-53) 33 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 28; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; aucune copie de ce numéro de périodique dans les bibliothèques de la région d'Ottawa (vérification du 14 mars 2005);

LÉVY, Denis, "Responsabilité pour omission et la responsabilité pour risque en droit international public", (1961) 65 Revue générale de droit international public 744-764; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX périodiques, K 521 .R499; discussion de l'arrêt de Corfou; peut s'avérer utile pour les chercheurs;

LEY., Aug., "Délit d'omission et suicide", (1952-53) 33 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 28-29;

LIANG, Bryan A. and Wendy L. Macfarlane, ""Murder by Omission: Child Abuse and the Passive Parent", (1999) 36 Harvard Journal on Legislation 397-450;

LICCI, Giorgio, "Quelques remarques sur les racines allemandes du droit pénal italien", (avril-juin 2003) 55(2) Revue internationale de droit comparé 309-330; on omission, see pp. 319-321;

LICHTENBERG, Judith, "The Moral Equivalence of Action and Omission", in Kai Nielsen and Steven C. Patten, eds., New Essays in Ethics and Public Policy, Guelph (Ontario): Canadian Association for Publishing in Philosophy, 1982, iii, 234 p., at pp. 19-36, ISBN: 0919491081; includes discussion of negligent rape; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, BJ 1031 .N478;

LIPKIN, Robert Justin, "Beyond Good Samaritans and Moral Monsters: An  Individualistic Justification of the Legal Duty to Rescue" (1983-84) 31 University of California Los Angeles Law Review 252-293;

LIVINGSTON, Edward, The Complete Works of Edward Livingston on Criminal Jurisprudence, New York: The National Prison Association of USA, 1873, 2 volumes, vol. 1: viii, 589 p. and vol. 2: vi, 657 p., see "Code of Crime and Punishments",  in vol. 2, at pp. 126-127 on homicide by omission (reprint: Montclair (NJ): Patterson, Smith, 1968; Publication No. 7: Patterson, Smith Reprint Series in Criminology, Law Enforcement, and Social problems);Research Note: Livingston would make an offence "if the blind man is seen walking to the precipice by one who knows the danger, can easily apprize him of it, but does not..."

LOCKWOOD, Lisa, Comment, "Where are the Parents? Parental Criminal Responsibility for the Acts of Children", (2000) 30 Golden Gate University Law Journal 497-557;

LOTHIAN, Lori Ann,  Mapping Contested Terrain : The Doctrine of Failure to Protect in Canadian Criminal Law, LL.M. thesis, 2002, University of British Columbia, abstract available at on 27 December 2002); thèse non consultée;

LUCAS, Colin, "The Theory and Practice of Denunciation in the French Revolution", (1996) 68 Journal of Moden History 768-785; history not criminal law; useful for researchers and philosophers;

LUKENS, Robert J., "The Impact of Mandatory Reporting Requirements on the Child Welfare System",  (Fall 2007) 5(1) Rutgers Journal of Law and Public Policy 177-231; available at  (accessed on 15 March 2008);

MACAULAY, Jacqueline and Leonard Berkowitz, eds., Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social Psychological Studies of Some Antecedents and Consequences;, New York: Academic Press, 1970, 200 p.;

MACAULAY, Lord T.B. [Thomas Babington], J.M. MacLeod, G.W. Anderson and F. Millett., "Notes [on the Indian Penal Code by the Indian Law Commissioners]", in Miscellaneous Works of Lord Macaulay edited by his sister Lady Trevelyan, in Five Volumes, vol. IV, New York: Harper, 1880, 669 p., pp. 177-327, see "Note (M) - On Offences Against the Body",  at pp. 251-281, see in particular the first point discussed at pp. 251-256, available at; also found, except one paragraph, in Joel Feinberg, 1926-,  and Hyman Gross, eds., Philosophy of Law, 3rd ed., Belmont (Clifornia): Wadsworth Publishing,  1986, xii, 708 p., at pp. 528-529, ISBN: 0534061982; see also in "A Copy of the Penal Code prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners, and published by Command of the Governor-General in Council", command number 673 in Sessional Papers [British Parliamentary Papers] (1837-1838) XLI, 463-587, note (M) is at pp. 560-570 of the Sessional Papers and at pp. 98-108 of Command paper number 673;

MACHIELSE, A.J., «Les infractions d'omission dans le droit pénal néerlandais» (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 771-817; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report Netherlands;

MACK, Eric, "Bad Samaritanism and the Causation of Harm" (1979-80) 9 Philosophy and Public Affairs 230-259; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Periodicals, H1 .P54;

___________"Causing and Failing to Prevent", (1976) 7(1) Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 83-90; copy at Ottawa University, MRT Periodicals, B 1 .S58;  

MAGEN, Randy H., "In the Best Interests of Battered Women: Reconceptualizing Allegations of Failure to Protect",  (1999) 4 Child Maltreatment 127-135; 

MAGNOL, J. (Joseph), "Commentaire de l'ordonnance No 45-1391 du 25 juin 1945 concernant le concours des citoyens à la justice et à la sécurité publique", (1946) La semaine juridique  I- Doctrine numéro 531, 6 pages (38 paragraphes);

    "1. -- L'ordonnance du 25 juin 1945 sur le concours des citoyens à la justice et à la sécurité publique a remplacé l'acte dit 'loi du 25 octobre 1941', modifiant les articles 228 et 248 du Code pénal et portant obligation de dénoncer les crimes et projets de crimes et de secourir les personnes en danger, dont nous avons donné le commentaire dans la Semaine Juridique du 8 février 1942 (J.C.P. , 42 , I, 241).

    La loi du 25 octobre 1941, qui avait été maintenue provisoirement en application, a été annulée par l'ordonnance du 25 juin 1945 surtout à raison de son origine et de certaines de ses dispositions.  Elle avait été, en effet, en quelque sorte imposée par les autorités d'occupation dans le but d'essayer de se défendre contre les attentats qui commençaient à devenir fréquents et qui, dans l'ensemble, par le harcèlement de l'ennemi, ont tant contribué à sa défaite et à la libération de notre pays.  Par la liste des infractions visées dans certaines de ses dispositions, cette loi tendait visiblement à assurer la protection des occupants et aussi, il faut le reconnaître, à faire cesser autant que possible les exécutions d'otages, qui étaient la suite de ces attentats.  Nous l'avions fait observer dans notre commentaire, qu'il s'agisse de l'obligation de dénoncer certains crimes et délits ou du refus d'aide ou de secours, la loi de 1941 ne visait que les violences contre les personnes et les actes de sabotage, constituant les attentats pratiquement dirigés contre les autorités et l'armée allemandes.

    L'ordonnance du 25 juin 1945 a repris la plupart des dispositions de la loi du 25 octobre 1941, qui dans leur principe pouvaient se justifier du point de vue général de la défense sociale, mais en les modifiant parfois assez profondément, en faisant surtout disparaître des tares de collaboration juridique avec l'ennemi que contenaient certaines de ses prescriptions." (Paragraphe 1; une note omise)

___________"LOI DU 25 OCTOBRE 1941 Modifiant les articles 228 et 248 C. pén. et portant obligation de dénoncer certaines infractions ou projets d'infractions et de secourir les personnes en danger" (1942) La semaine juridique  I- Doctrine numéro 241, 4 pages (27 paragraphes); copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

"Non-révélation de certains crimes ou délits

    18. -- L'article 2 de la loi du 25 octobre 1941 punit la non-révélation à l'autorité de projets de perpétraion de certaines infractions ou de leur réalisation, dès qu'on en a eu connaissance.

    Une incrimination de ce genre n'est pas nouvelle dans notre droit.  Les articles 103 à 107 du Code pénal de 1810 réprimaient le fait par toute personne qui en avait eu connaissance de ne pas dénoncer à l'autorité publique les complots ou les crimes contre la sûreté de l'Etat.  Cette disposition, dont on peut faire remonter l'origine à une ordonnance de Louis XI en décembre 1477, fut supprimée lors de la révision du Code pénal par la loi du 28 avril 1832, qui abrogea purement et simplement les articles 103 à 107 C. pén.  Dans son rapport à la Chambre des pairs du 6 mars 1832, M. de Bastard, tout en indiquant que la révélation des crimes d'Etat restait un des devoirs les plus rigoureux que la morale publique impose aux citoyens, justifiait la réforme en observant qu'un tel devoir était de ceux que le législateur était impuissant à prescrire, parce que sa violation est à peu près insaisissable.  Pratiquement les articles 103 et suivants du Code pénal étaient restés inappliqués." (Paragraphe 18)


"Refus d'aide et de secours

    24. -- L'article 4 de la loi du 25 octobre 1941 crée une infraction nouvelle sanctionnant l'obligation morale de secours et d'assistance, même envers un tiers qui nous est totalement étranger, pourvu qu'il n'en résulte aucun risque ou aucun dommage.

    Ce texte a repris, à peu près dans les mêmes termes, l'article 251 du projet de révision du Code pénal de 1934." (Paragraphe 24)

MALEKZADEH, [L']Omission de porter secours en droit pénal français, Thèse, Université de Paris, Droit, 1952, 86 feuilles; copie à la Bibliothèque Cujas de droit et de sciences économiques Paris;  titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée; aucune copie dans les bibliothèques canadiennes comprises dans le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 30 mai 2006);

MALM, Heidi Meredith, "Bad Samaritan Laws: More Hype than Help?", (November 2000) 19(6) Law and Philosophy 707-750;

___________ "Civic Virtue and the Legal Duty to Aid", in C.T. (Christine T.) Sistare, 1951-, ed., Civility and Its Discontents: Civic Virtue, Toleration, and Cultural Fragmentation, Lawrence (Kansas): University of Kansas Press, 2004x, 310 p., at pp. 213 to approx. 232, ISBN: 0700613137 and 0700613145; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries comprised in the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 14 November 2005);

___________Harms, ommissions and morals: an analysis of the nature and relative stringency of the duty to prevent, thesis (Ph. D. - Philosophy)--University of Arizona, 1984, vii, 238 p., bibliography at pp. 237-238; Research Notes: information from the on-line library catalogue of The University of Arizona, indicates that the subject is "Life and death, Power over"; thesis not consulted; copy at the St-Paul University, Ottawa, microforms, microfiche, U.M.I. theses;

MALPEL, Caroline, 1981-, Le médecin et l'omission de porter secours, Mémoire de DESS : Droit de la santé : Bordeaux 4 : 2004, 67 feuilles; titre noté dans mes recherches mais document non consulté;

MANGIAFICO, James, "The Independence of the Actus Reus",  (February 17, 2011). Available at (accessed  4 March 2011);

MAPEL, Frank B. and Weigel, Charles J., "Good Samaritan Laws -- Who Needs Them?: The Current State of Good Samaritan Protection in the United States", (1980-81) 21 South Texas Law Journal 327-354; civil law;

MARCHAND, Simone, La complicité par abstention, thèse, Paris, 1969, 147 feuilles; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consulté;

MARQUIS-PIENAZ, Raphaëlle, 1971-, La non assistance du médecin à personne en danger, analyse à travers les décisions de justice, Thèse d'exercice : Médecine : Paris 5 : 2005, 124 p. et annexe; Num. national de thèse :  2005PA05N043; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consulté; directeur de thèse, Paul Robin, 1942-;

MARRUS, Ellen, "Please Keep My Secret: Child Abuse Reporting Statutes, Confidentiality, and Juvenile Deliquency", (1997-98) 11 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 509-546;

MARTIN, Nicole, "Terminally ill baby must be kept alive: judge", The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday 16 March 2006, p. A7;  decision of Judge James Holman, London, England, 15 March 2006, 29 p. judgment; baby known as "MB";

MATHIS, Stephen, "A Plea for Omissions", (Summer/Fall 2003) 22(2) Criminal Justice Ethics 15-31;

MAYER, Danièle, "La 'charité mesurée' de l'article 63, alinéa 2, du Code pénal", (1977) La semaine juridique- Partie I - Doctrine 2851, 3 p.;

McCALL SMITH, RAA and David Sheldon, Scots Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Edinburg: Butterworths, 1997, xxxiii, 346, see "Omissions" at pp. 29-35 and the index, ISBN: 0406891192;

McCALL SMITH, Alexander, "The Duty to Rescue and the Common Law" in Michael A. Melowe and Alexander McCall Smith, eds., The Duty to Rescue, Aldershot (England) and Brookfield (USA):  Dartmouth Publishing, 1993, vii, 209 p. at pp. 55-91 (series; Dartmouth Series in Applied Legal Philosophy), ISBN: 1855213966;

McCARTHY, Francis Barry, "Crimes of Omission in Pennsylvania", (1995) 68  Temple Law Review 633-672;

McCLINTOCK, Lon T., "Duty to Aid the Endangered Act: The Impact and Potential of the Vermont Approach", (1982) 7 Vermont Law Review 143-181;

McCUSKER, Dana, "Liability for Omission under the Lex Aquilia", (1999) 50 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 380-402;

McCUTCHEON, J.P., "Omissions and Criminal Liability" (1993-95) 28-30 Irish Jurist 56-78;

McDONALD, Elisabeth, "Women Offenders and Compulsion", [November 1997] New Zealand Law Journal 402-404; copy at Ottawa University, FTX periodicals, KTC 0 .B887; note: discussion of "the treatment of women who fail to protect their children" (p. 402)

McINTYRE, Alison G., "Compatibilists Could Have Done Otherwise: Responsibility and Negative Agency", (1994) 103 Philosophical Review 453-488; copy at Ottawa University, B 1 .P5  Location: MRT Periodicals;

___________"Guilty Bystanders?  On the Legitimacy of Duty to Rescue Statutes", (1994) 23 Philosophy an Public Affairs 157-191;

__________Omissions, and other Acts, Ph.D. thesis, Princetion University, 1985, vii, 217 p., Research Notes: thesis not consulted; information from Princeton University on-line library catalogue;

McKINNON, Catriona, "Rescue, Community and Perfect Obligation [Book Review of] Patricia Smith, Liberalism and Affirmative Obligation.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1998, xi + 260 pp.", (2000) 6(1) Res Publica 105-116;

McNIECE, Harold F. and John V. Thornton,  "Affirmative Duties in Tort",  (1948-49) 58 Yale law Journal 1272-1289; useful for researchers;

MEADE, Geoffrey, "Contracting into Crime: A Theory of Criminal  Omissions", (1991) 11 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 147-173; Research Note: see note 4, p. 149 listing some articles on omissions not in this bibliography;

MEALE, Robert E., "Misprision of Felony: A Crime Whose Time Has Come, Again",  (1975-76) 28 University of Florida Law Review 199-213;

MENLOWE, Michael A., "The Philosophical Foundations of a Duty to Rescue" in Michael A. Melowe and Alexander McCall Smith, eds., The Duty to Rescue, Aldershot (England) and Brookfield (USA):  Dartmouth Publishing, 1993, vii, 209 p. at pp. 5-54 (series; Dartmouth Series in Applied Legal Philosophy), ISBN: 1855213966;

MENTHA, F. H., Académie de Neuchâtel. Les Délits de commission par omission, discours prononcé le 18 octobre 1897, par F. H. Mentha, Neuchâtel, impr. de P. Attinger : 1898, 26 p.; bibliothèque nationale de France; titre noté dans mes recherches mais document non consulté;

MICCIO, Kristian, "In the Name of the Mothers and Children: Deconstructing the Myth of the Passive Battered Mother and the 'Protected Child' in Child Neglect Proceedings", (1994-95) 58 Albany Law Review 1087-1107; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KFN 5069 .A42;

MICHELIS, Alberto, "L'omission impropre en droit italien: un aperçu sur la loi, la doctrine et la jusrisprudence", mai 2002, disponible à (visionné le 23 juillet 2003);

MIDDELTHON, William R., Note, "Florida's Proposed Good Samaritan Statute -- It Does Not Meet the Problem", (1964-65) 17 University of Florida Law Review 586-596; civil law;

MILANICH, Patricia G., "Allowing, Refraining and Failing: The Structure of Omission", (1984) 45 Philosophical Studies 57-67; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 21 .P53  Location MRT Periodicals;

MILL, John Stuart, On Liberty, 1859;

"It is proper to state that I forego any advantage which could be derived to my argument from the idea of abstract right, as a thing independent of utility. I regard utility as the ultimate appeal on all ethical questions; but it must be utility in the largest sense, grounded on the permanent interests of man as a progressive being. Those interests, I contend, authorize the subjection of individual spontaneity to external control, only in respect to those actions of each, which concern the interest of other people. If any one does an act hurtful to others, there is a primâ facie case for punishing him, by law, or, where legal penalties are not safely applicable, by general disapprobation. There are also many positive acts for the benefit of others, which he may rightfully be compelled to perform; such as, to give evidence in a court of justice; to bear his fair share in the common defence, or in any other joint work necessary to the interest of the society of which he enjoys the protection; and to perform certain acts of individual beneficence, such as saving a fellow-creature's life, or interposing to protect the defenceless against ill-usage, things which whenever it is obviously a man's duty to do, he may rightfully be made responsible to society for not doing. A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury. The latter case, it is true, requires a much more cautious exercise of compulsion than the former. To make any one answerable for doing evil to others, is the rule; to make him answerable for not preventing evil, is, comparatively speaking, the exception. Yet there are many cases clear enough and grave enough to justify that exception. In all things which regard the external relations of the individual, he is de jure amenable to those whose interests are concerned, and if need be, to society as their protector. There are often good reasons for not holding him to the responsibility; but these reasons must arise from the special expediencies of the case: either because it is a kind of case in which he is on the whole likely to act better, when left to his own discretion, than when controlled in any way in which society have it in their power to control him; or because the attempt to exercise control would produce other evils, greater than those which it would prevent. When such reasons as these preclude the enforcement of responsibility, the conscience of the agent himself should step into the vacant judgment seat, and protect those interests of others which have no external protection; judging himself all the more rigidly, because the case does not admit of his being made accountable to the judgment of his fellow-creatures." (Chapter 1)

MILLER, Warren P. and Michael A. Zimmerman, "The Good Samaritan Act of 1966: A Proposal",  in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 279-300;

MINOR, H.D., "The Moral Obligation as a Basis of Liability", (1922-23) 9 Virginia Law Review 420-431;

MITCHELL, Mary Harter, "Must Clergy Tell? Child Abuse Reporting Requirements Versus the Clergy Privilege and Free Exercise of Religion", (1986-87) 71 Minnesota Law Review 723-825; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

MOLNAR, Jozsef, "De la causalité de l'omission relevante du point de vue du droit pénal", (1972) 43 Revue internationale de droit pénal 115-127;

MOMMSEN, Heiner, "Time to Move On: The Case for Liability for Negligent Omissions", (2005) 37 Bracton Law Journal 60-64; civil law but useful for researchers; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

MOORE, Michael S., 1943-,  Act and Crime: The Philosophy of Action and Its Implications for Criminal Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993, xiii, 413 p., (series;  Clarendon Law Series), ISBN: 0198257910; Research Note: see also Moore's, note 31 at p. 28 listing other articles on omissions not cited here; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa,  K5055.M66;

___________Placing blame : a general theory of the criminal law, Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, c1997, xxi, 849 p., see "Omissions: Conceptual and Methaphysical Issues", at pp. 262-277; and "Omissions: Normative Issues", at pp. 277-286, ISBN: 0198254172; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5064 M66 1997;

___________"Reply - More on Act and Crime", (1993-94) 142 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1749-1840;

MONREAL, Eduardo Novoa, «Rapport général» (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 473-519; Research Note: part of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'";

MOREILLON, Laurent, L'infraction par omission: Étude des infractions à la vie et à l'intégrité corporelle en droit anglais, français, allemand et suisse, Genève: Librairie Droz, 1993, 358 p. (Collection; Faculté de droit de l'Université de Lausanne - Travaux et recherches du Centre de droit comparé et européen; comparativa 50); disponible en partie à (vérifié le 23 février 2010);

___________«L'omission de porter secours: Article 128 nouveau du Code pénal suisse: genèse, portée et examen comparé des solutions en droit suisse, français et allemand», (1994) 112 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht/Revue de droit pénal suisse 233-250;

___________"Les tendances récentes en matière d'infractions à la vie et à l'intégrité corporelle par omission et leurs conséquences en droit de la responsabilité civile", dans Recueil de travaux en l'honneur du Professeur François Gilliard, professeur à la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Lausanne / éd. par Bettina Monot et Yves Noëld, Lausanne: [IRAL], 1987, 193 p., aux pp. 75-96; titre noté dans mes recherches; aucune copie au Canada selon ma vérification du catalogue AMICUS le 17 janvier 2004;

___________"Quelques réflexions sur la violation du devoir d'assistance ou d'éducation (article 219 CP)", (1998) Revue pénale suisse 4; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; Code pénal suisse, disponible à;

___________"La répression de l’omission de porter assistance en haute mer, Étude comparée de droits français et de droit suisse", in Université de Lausanne, Faculté de droit, Mélanges Jean-Pierre Sortais: recueil de travaux offerts à Monsieur Jean-Pierre Sortais, Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2002, xviii, 615 p., aux pp. 403-430, ISBN: 2802715992; copie à l'Université de Montréal, AZZD M517 S714 2002; titre noté dans mes recherches mais livre non consulté;

MORGAN, E. Lee, Note, "Misprision of Felony", (1953-54) 6 South Carolina Law Quarterly 87-95;

MORGENTHAL, Léopold, "À propos de l'omission de porter secours.  L'article 63 du Code pénal français et ses applications jurisprudentielles", (1955-56) Revue de droit  pénal et de criminologie 675-709; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; aucune copie de ce numéro de périodique dans les bibliothèques de la région d'Ottawa (vérification du 14 mars 2005);

MORILLO, Carolyn R., "Doing, Refraining and the Strenuousness of Morality", (1977) 14(1) American Philosophical Quarterly 29-39;

MORRIS, Norval, "Compensation and the Good Samaritan"  in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 135-139;

___________"The Watching Brief" (1987) 54 University of Chicago Law Review 1215-1292 with pp. 1271-1292 being a "Selected Annotated Bibliography";

MULLINS, Carla, Notes, "Criminal Law: Guilty of Something: Gilson v. State and the Death Penalty for Omission in Oklahoma", (2001) 54(3) Oklahoma Law Review 647-664;

MULLIS, Carl Wilson, "Misprision of Felony: Reappraisal", (1974) 23 Emory Law Journal 1095-1118;

MUNHOZ NETTO, Alcides, Os crimes omissivos no Brasil : comunicaçô ao XIII Congresso Internacional de Direito Penal, Cairo, 1984 =  Les infractions d'omission au Brésil : communication au XIII  Congrès internacional [sic] de droit pénal, Caire, 1984, Curitiba : [s.n.], 1983 (Curitiba : Imprensa da Universidade Federal do Paraná), 79 p.;  articles en portuguais et français; texte non consulté;

MURPHY, James P., "Evolution of the Duty of Care: Some Thoughts", (1980-81) 30 DePaul Law Review 147-179; civil law;

MURPHY, Liam, "Beneficence, Law, and Liberty: The Case of Required Rescue", (2001) 89(3) Georgetown Law Journal 605-665; copy at Ottawa University, KF 292 .D4 G45  Location FTX Periodicals;.well researched and thoughtful article;

MUÑOZ-CONDE, Francisco and  Luis Ernesto Chiesa, "The Act Requirement as a Basic Concept of Criminal Law", (2007) 28 Cardozo Law Review 2461-2480; available at and (accessed on 24 May 2008); 

MUYART DE VOUGLANS, Pierre François, 1713-1791, Les loix criminelles de France dans leur ordre naturel: dédiées au roi, Paris: Mérigot le jeune, 1780, xliii, 883 p., voir la p. 5; copie à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, Ottawa, K343.0944 M98 x.fol.;

1. Deux manieres principales de contrevenir à la Loi.  Le Crime se commet d'autant de différentes manieres que l'on peut contrevenir à la Loi.  Nous venons de voir que l'on contrevient à la Loi en général, toutes les fois que l'on fait ce qu'elle défend, ou que l'on ne fait pas ce qu'elle ordonne.  Il suit de-là, que toutes les différentes manieres de commettre le crime peuvent se réduire à ces deux principales, dont l'une regarde les Crimes qui se commettent par action: l'autre qui se font par omission; ce que les Auteurs appellent delinquere in omittendo.
  v. JUL. CLAR. Quest 1 no 10. & FARIN. Quest. 18, no 22.

2.  Crimes par omission.  Exemples tirés du Droit Romain.  Quant à la maniere dont le Crime se commet par omission, nous en trouvons plusieurs exemples dans le Droit Romain, notamment les quatre suivans.  1De l'Esclavave qui ne défend pas son Maître qu'il voit attaquer (1).  2Du Soldat qui ne va pas au secours de son Capitaine, qu'il voit aux prises avec l'ennemi (2).  3o Du mari qui souffre la prostitution de sa femme (3).  4o Enfin, du Frere qui ne révele pas les embûches qu'il sçait que son Frere tend à la vie de leur pere commun (4).
  (1) V. L. I. ss. de Senat.  Cons. Syllan.
  (2) V. L. omne delictum.  ss. 8. ss. de re militari.
  (3) V. L. 29. ss. ad Leg. Jul de adulter.
  (4) V. L. 2 ss. ad Leg. Pomp. de Parricid.

3. Sont moins graves que ceux par action.  Exception.  Nous aurons lieu de donner des exemples plus précis de ces sortes de Crimes, en traitant de ceux qui se commettent par faute, auxquels ils se rapportent principalement.  Nous observerons seulement ici en passant que, quoiqu'en général ces Crimes par omission, soient réputés moins graves que ceux qui se commettent par action (1), ils ne laissent pas néanmoins que d'être punis avec la même rigueur, lorsqu'ils emportent un mépris formel de la Loi, & que leur impunité peut tendre à des conséquences dangereuses pour l'ordre public & pour l'État, comme en fait de Crimes de lese-Majestté, & de ceux commis contre la discipline Militaire (2).
  (1) V. FARIN, loc. cit. & TIRAQ. de Poenis temper. Caus. 44.
  (2) V. Ce qui sera dit sous le titre de la Jurisdiction Militaire." (p. 5)

NAHMOD, Sheldon, "The Duty to Rescue and the Exodus Meta-Narrative of Jewish Law", (1999) 16 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law  751-773;

NEETHLING, Johann, "Delictual protection of the right to bodily integrity and security of the person against omissions by the state", (2005) 122(3) The South African Law Journal   572-590; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KR 0 .S69;

NEW SOUTH WALES, Law Reform Commission,  Review of Section 316 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), Sydney : New South Wales Law Reform Commission, 1999, viii, 52 p. (series; report; number 93), ISBN:  0731310349;

__________ Review of Section 316 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW),  Sydney : New South Wales Law Reform Commission, 1997,  x, 44 p. (series; discussion paper; 39), ISBN:  0731310195;

The New Testament, The Gospel According to Luke, "The Parable of the Good Samaritan", 10: 29-37;

NEW ZEALAND, Crimes Bill 1989, introduced in May 1989, see at pp. v and p. 14, clause 20, "Omission";

____________Crimes Consultative Committee, Crimes Bill 1989 - Report of the Crimes Consultative Committee: Presented to the Minister of Justice, [Wellington], 1991, 123 p., see p. 12 on clause 20, "Omissions" and "Crimes Bill - Proposed Amendments", p. 92, "Omissions" (Chairman: Mr. Justice Casey),  ISBN: 0477076165;

NICOLSON, Donald, "The Citizen's Duty to Assist the Police", [1992] Criminal Law Review 611-622;

NILSEN, Amy L., Comment, "Speaking Out against Passive Parent Child Abuse: The Time Has Come to Hold Parents Liable for Failing to Protect Their Children", (2000) Houston Law Review 253-293;

NISHIHARA, Haruo, "Délits d'omission et responsabilité pour omission" (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 753-770; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Japan;

NORRIE, Alan W. (Alan William), 1953-,  Crime, Reason and History - A Critical Introduction to Criminal Law, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1993, xx, 279 p., see "Omissions" at pp. 122-135, (series; Law in context), ISBN: 0297821504;

Note, "Criminal Liability of Parents for Failure to Control Their Children", (1971-1972) 6 Valparaiso University Law Review 332-352;

"Note: The Failure to Rescue: A Comparative Study (1952)52 Columbia Law Review 631-647;

"Note: Good Samaritans and Liability for Medical Malpractice", (1964)64 Columbia Law Review 1301-1322;

Notes, "The Bad Samaritan: Rescue Reexamined", (1965-66) 54 Georgetown Law Journal 629-643;

Le Nouveau Testament, Évangile selon Luc,  «La parabole du bon Samaritain», 10.29-37;

Les nouveaux codes pénaux de langue allemande: Autriche (1974), République démocratique allemande (1968) et République fédérale d'Allemagne (1975), Paris: La  Documentation française avec le concours du Centre français de droit comparé, 1981, 565 p., voir l'article 13 du Code pénal allemand sur la commission par omission à la p. 331 (Collection des codes pénaux européens du Comité de législation étrangère et de droit international du Ministère de la Justice, sous la direction de Marc Ancel avec la collaboration de Yvonne Marx; tome 5);  ISBN: 2110006579; la traduction du Code pénal allemand  a été faite par Pierre Franck et Agnès Guerin-Salem, révisée sous la direction d'Yvonne Marx;

NUVOLONE, Pietro, "Rapport du Centre national de prévention et de défense sociale de Milan - L'omission dans le droit pénal italien.  Considérations générales introductives" (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 1029-1038;Research Note: part of the papers of "du colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'";

ODERBERG, David S., Moral Theory: A Non-Consequentialist Approach, Oxford and Malden (USA): Blackwell Publishers, 2000, xii, 197 p., see "Acts and Omissions", at pp. 127-137, ISBN: 0631219021 (hb.) and 063121903X (pbk.);

OLIER, Jean, "De la condition du mineur devant la loi pénale", (1897) 21 Revue générale du droit, de la législation et de la jurisprudence en France et à l'étranger 305-317; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa; aussi publié comme : De la Condition du mineur devant la loi pénale dans les législations anciennes, Paris: A. Fontemoing, 1896, 15 p.;

    "b) Avant de punir un mineur, le juge doit, avec le plus grand soin, rechercher s'il est doli capax.  Matthaeus (1) blâme un juge, qui, pour apprécier le discernement d'un enfant qui avait tué un de ses camarades de jeu, lui avait présenté une pomme et une pièce de monnaie, et avait condamné l'enfant qui avait choisi la pièce de monnaie.

   c) La responsabilité admise, les docteurs s'entendaient pour décider que les délits in omittendo et negligendo n'étaient pas imputables aux mineurs.  Cette distinction ab omnibus apparatam (2), que l'on essayait de rattacher au droit romain (3), était peu pratique, les infractions par omission étant fort rares (4) ; elle disparaîtra bientôt (5). [...]
(1) Op. cit., pp. 20-21.
(2) Jul. Clarus, op. cit., p. 652; Matthaeus, op. cit., p. 21.
(3) Argument D., 48, 5; 37 (36), Si minor.
(4) Gomesius, op. cit., no 59, cite quelques hypothèses justement critiquées par Matthaeus, op. cit., pp. 21-22.
(5) Voyez, pour le délit d'adultère : Clarus, liv. 5, § final, vo Adulterium, p. 5, 2e col.; Matthaeus, op. cit., pp. 22-3; pour l'onanisme, Clarus, op. cit., p. 653; la bestialité, Gomesius, op. cit., p. 455, qui raconte avoir défendu avec succès un enfant de onze ans qui habuit accessum contra canem et emisit semen, et les critiques vives de Matthaeus contre la conduite et la doctrine de Gomesius, op. cit., p. 22." (p. 311)

ORTOLAN, « Corps du délit », (1836) 1 Revue pratique de droit français 337-346; disponible à,M1
(vérifié le 24 février 2009); 

« Tout délit, n'étant jamais qu'une certaine action ou inaction de l'homme à l'extérieur, a nécessairement en soi un élément physique, un corps matériel. — Ceux dont l'élément physique est le plus fugitif, par exemple les délits d'injure verbale, de cris séditieux, de tapages nocturnes, ne laissent pas que de l'avoir : ne fût-ce que la voix qui prononce ces injures ou ces cris, les ondulations de l'air mis en mouvement par cette voix, les sons ainsi produits qui frappent les oreilles; sans compter que le lieu, s'il s'agit de lieu public, le phénomène de l'heure nocturne, s'il s'agit de la nuit, comme conditions constitutives ou aggravantes du délit, sont au nombre de ces éléments matériels et entrent dans la composition du corps du délit. — Même les délits d'inaction, qui ne consistent en apparence que dans une négation, dans un rôle d'inertie, ont ce corps physique manifesté au dehors par des phénomènes matériels. S'agit-il d'un service obligatoire, par exemple celui de juré, auquel on a manqué? l'heure où ce service devait avoir lieu, la réunion des jurés au milieu desquels on a fait défaut, l'appel de son nom auquel on n'a pas répondu. S'agit-il de précautions qu'on aurait dû prendre et qu'on n'a pas prises, délivres ou journaux qu'on a fait paraître sans avoir fait les déclarations ou les dépôts d'exemplaires exigés? Partout on trouvera cet ensemble plus ou moins considérable d'éléments physiques, ce corps matériel du délit. » (pp.338-339

OSBECK, Mark K., Note, "Bad Samaritanism and the Duty to Render Aid: A Proposal, (1985-86) 19 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 315-347;

ORMEROD, D.C., Case and Comment, "Manslaughter -- Manlaughter by an illegal act -- gross negligence manslaughter -- not mutually exclusive -- jury should decide whether duty of care exists -- duty of care not displaced by joint dangerous enterpriseR. v. Willoughby  Court of Appeal (Criminal Division): The Vice-President and Douglas Brown and Mackay JJ.: December 6, 2004; [2004] EWCA Crim 3365",  [2005] The Criminal Law Review 389-392; case reported by Flora Page, at pp. 389-390 and commentary by Omerod, at pp. 390-392; discussion of duties;

PAGEAUD, Pas.A., Observations, "Omisssions de porter secours. -- Notion de péril.  Apparence immédiate.  Médecin appelé.  Refus d'intervention.  Connaissance insuffisante de la situation.  Délit réalisé (Cass. crim., 21 janv. 1954; Dr. T...) [Ed. G.]", Semaine juridique; 1954. II. 8050;

PALMEN, Harri, (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 653-665; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Finland;

PALMER, Phil, "Attempt by Act or Omission: Causation and the Problem of the Hypothetical Nurse", (1999) 63 The Journal of Criminal Law 158-165;

PANCER, Nira, " 'Crimes et châtiments' monastiques: aspects du système pénal cénobitique occidental (Ve et VIe siècles)", (2003) 109(2) Moyen-âge 261-275; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT Periodicals D111.M9;

"Malgré les nuances parfois sensibles qui se dégagent d'une regula à l'autre, on remarque pourtant certaines invariantes doctrinales.  Fondamentalement, mais avec plus ou moins de rigueur ou de sévérité, les règles monastiques partent du principe de la fragilité des hommes et de leur nature viscéralement pécheresse.  Pendant immédiat de ce principe, la nature humaine est par conséquent intrinsèquement coupable.  Imprégés de cet a priori, les législateurs cénobitiques vont développer à outance le champ de la culpabilité.  À partir d'un modèle clair fondé sur quelques principes directeurs, nous retrouvons à travers le corpus non seulement une coercition de la conduite mais aussi des contraintes d'ordre comportemental ou psychologique: [...]

- la complicité: le moine est susceptible d'être sanctionné s'il ne dénonce pas un délit dont il a été le témoin.  Même s'il n'a pas participé activement ou directement à l'Infraction, son silence l'associe à ce délit.  Il est considéré comme pleinement coupable14.  [...]
14. RT, VII; RPS, XXXVI; Praec., IV, 8.14.  Cet élément nous ramène au système de délation: RPS, XXXVI; RO, 47; RT, XIII; Rmac, 13, 27; RB, 46, 4; la RB, 69, 1-2 précise: praecavendum est ne quavis occasione praesumat alter alium defendere monachum in monasterio aut quasi tueri, etiam si qualivis consanguinitatis iungantur. " (p. 264)

PANKO, Linda J., "Legal Backlash: The Expanding Liability of Women Who Fail to Protect their Children from Their Male Partner's Abuse", (1995) 6 Hastings Women's Law Journal 67-92; copy at the University of Ottawa, KF 477 .A15 H37  Location FTX Periodicals;

PANOUSSIS, Jean, L'omission en droit pénal comparé, thèse de doctorat de 3e cycle, droit pénal, Poitiers, 1978; dir. de thèse: Pierre Couvrat; thèse non consultée;

PAPADOPOULOS, Ioannis S., "La philosophie pénale entre utilité sociale et morale rétributive" dans L'américanisation du droit, Paris: Dalloz, 2001, 399 p. aux pp. 159-175, voir " La rationalité économique et le problème du 'mauvais samaritain' " aux pp. 164-166; (Collection; Archives de philosophie
du droit; tome 45);

PARDUN, John T., Comment, "Good Samaritan Laws: A Global Perspective", (1997-98) 20 Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 591-613;

PARSELY, Kathryn J., "Constitutional Limitations on State Power to Hold Parents Criminally Liable for the Delinquent Acts of Their Children", (1991) 44 Vanderbilt Law Review 441-472;

PAULSEN, Monrad, Graham Parker, and Lynn Adelman, " Child Abuse Reporting Laws -- Some Legislative History", (1965-66) 34 George Washington Law Review 482-506;

PAULUS, Jean-Michel, "L'obligation de porter secours", dans Institut canadien des études supérieures, Droits de la personne : solidarité et bonne foi : actes  des Journées strasbourgeoises de l'Institut canadien d'études juridiques supérieures 2000, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 2001, xii, 700 p, aux pp. 245-252, ISBN: 2894514654; copie à la Bibliothèque du Parlement;

"1) Abstention d'une action indéterminée d'assistance

Il s'agit des infraction suivantes:
• délit d'abstention d'empêcher certaines infractions (Code Pénal article 223-6 alinéa 1er)
• abstention de secours (Code Pénal article 223-6 alinéa 2)
• abstention de combattre un sinistre de nature à créer un danger pour la sécurité des personnes (Code Pénal article 223-7)


2) Abstention d'une action déterminée d'assistance

Sont visés à ce titre les délits suivants:
• non-dénonciation de crimes (Code Pénal article 434-1)
• non-dénonciation de mauvais traitements ou privation infligée à une personne vulnérable (Code Pénal article 434-3)
• l'omission de témoigner en faveur d'un innocent (Code Pénal article 434-11)  (pp. 250-251)

The Penal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany [of 1975], Translated by Joseph J. Darby With an Introduction by Hans-Heinrich Jescheck, Littleton (Colorado):  F.B. Rothman and London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1987, xxvi, 257 p., see art. 13 on commission by omission at p. 53 (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes; vol. 28), ISBN: 0837700485; Research Note/Note de recherche: available on the internet /disponible sur l'internet Buffalo Criminal Law Center (and click on "Criminal Law Resources on the Internet");


PERKINS, Rollin M., "Negative Acts in Criminal Law" (1936-37) 22 Iowa Law Review 659-683;

PERRIN-SMITH VANCE, Natalie, Comments, "My Brother's Keeper? The Criminalization of Nonfeasance: A Constitutional Analysis of Duty to Report Statutes", (1999-2000) 36 California Western Law Review135-156;

PETERS-BAKER, Jean, "Punishing the Passive Parent: Ending a Cycle of Violence", (1996-97) 65 The University of Missouri at Kansas City Law Review 1003-1026; copy at the University of Ottawa, KFM 7869 .U54  Location,  FTX Periodicals;

PEYTEL, Adrien, "Les médecins et le délit de commission par omission", Gazette du Palais 1953.  2.  Doctrine 13-16; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

PHIPPS, Charles A., "Responding to Child Homicide: A Statutory Proposal", (1998-99) 89 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 535-613;

PILIAVIN, Irving M., Judith Rodin and Jane Allyn Piliavin, "Good Samarilanism: An Underground Phenomenon?", (1969) 13 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 289-299; copy at University of Ottawa, HM 1001 .J687  Location MRT Periodicals;

PIRAGOFF, Doanld K., "Article 30: Mental element" in Otto Triffterer, ed., Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Observers' Notes, Article by Article, Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999, xxviii, 1295 p. at pp. 527-535, and see "conduct", at pp. 532-533, ISBN: 378906173; copy at the Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, call number: legal KZ 6310 .C734 1999;

"At the Rome Conference, agreement could not be reached on this proposed article [article 28], and it was decided to delete it from the Statute with the undderstanding that the question of when, and if, omissions might constitute or be equivalent to conduct would have to be resolved in future by the Court." (p. 532)


POEL, Jason van der, "Omissions and a doctor's legal duty to warn identifiable sexual partners of HIV positive patients", (1998) Responsa Meridiana; copy at McGill University; title noted in my research but article not consulted;

"On balance, it is submitted that the courts should take a limited view with respect to breaching confidentiality to permit the warning of third parties. Where a doctor knows  that a patient is going to conduct himself or herself in such a manner as to put an identifiable sexual partner at substantial risk of contracting HIV, it is submitted that such doctor should not have merely a legal right, but a legal duty to warn. This submission passes constitutional muster in that it is the least restrictive but plausible means of limiting the patient's right to privacy, given the overall purpose of instituting the legal duty to warn -- curbing an epidemic that is growing at an alarming rate." (source:

POOLE, Don W., Comment, "The Good Samaritan and the Law", (1964-65) 32 Tennessee Law Review 287-293; civil law;

PRADEL, Jean, Droit pénal comparé, Paris : Dalloz, 1995, viii, 733 p., voir «La question de l'omission» aux pp. 233-238 (couvre les «les délits de pure omission» aux pp. 234-235 et les «délits de commission par omission» aux pp. 235-238),  (Collection; Précis Dalloz - Droit Pivé);

PRENTICE, Robert A., "Expanding the Duty to Rescue", (1985) 19 Suffolk University Law Review 15-54;

PRICE, T.W., "Liability in delict for 'acts of omission' ", (1950) 13 Tydskrif vir hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse reg = Journal of contemporary Roman-Dutch law 1-28; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no Canadian library has a copy of this particular periodical number according to my verification of the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 14 November 2005);

___________"Some further observations on liability in delict for 'acts of omission'", (1950) 13 Tydskrif vir hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse reg = Journal of contemporary Roman-Dutch law 261-270;  title noted in my research but article not consulted; no Canadian library has a copy of this particular periodical number according to my verification of the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 14 November 2005);

PRINCIPAUTÉ D'ANDORRE, Code pénal [nouveau], septembre 2005, disponible à (vérifié le 5 avril 2008);

"Article 22  Commission par omission
Les délits qui consistent en la production d'un résultat peuvent être commis par omission si le sens de l’infraction correspondante le permet ainsi. Dans ce cas les auteurs par omission sont considérés ceux qui, ayant une obligation d'éviter le résultat et pouvant le faire, n’auraient pas permis la production.


Article 131  Omission de porter secours

1.    Celui qui, sans risque pour lui-même ou autrui, s'abstient de porter secours, moyennant un acte personnel ou en demandant l’intervention de tiers, à une tierce personne exposée à un danger manifeste et grave pour la vie ou l’intégrité physique, doit être puni avec une peine d’arrêt.

2.    Si un accident occasionné par hasard par l’auteur de l’omission de porter secours est à l’origine du danger, la peine doit être de deux ans d’emprisonnement au maximum.

3.    Si l'accident est dû à son imprudence, la peine doit être de trois mois à trois ans d’emprisonnement.

4.    Si l'auteur de l’infraction est une personne obligée par sa profession à porter secours à des tiers, la peine d'interdiction de l'exercice du métier ou du poste allant jusqu’à six ans peut lui être imposée en outre.

Article 132  Faire obstacle à porter secours

Celui qui fasse obstacle à l’arrivée de secours destinés à assister une personne en danger manifeste et grave pour la vie ou l’intégrité physique doit être puni avec une peine d’emprisonnement allant jusqu’à deux ans ou avec une peine d’arrêt.

La tentative est punissable."

Projet Code pénal suisse 1998 - Commission par omission, Article 11; voir (site d'archives visité le 5 janvier 2006);

PUERTO RICO, The Penal Code of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico of 2004, available at (accessed on 16 June 2006) / in Spanish/en espagnol: Codigo Penal del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico -- Ley Num. 149 de 18 de Junio de 2004, available at (accessed on 16 June 2006);

    "Section 19.- Commission by Omission.- The crimes that typify the production of a result can only be committed by omission when non-avoidance of same equals their active production.

    To determine the equivalence of the omission to its commission, the existence of a specific duty to avoid the result shall be taken into account, and whether any prior action of the person who omits makes it possible to impute to same the risk situation in which was said injured juridical good."


    "Artículo 19. Comisión por omisión. Los delitos que tipifican la producción de un resultado sólo podrán cometerse por omisión cuando la no evitación del mismo equivalga a su producción activa.

    Para determinar la equivalencia de la omisión a la acción se tendrá en cuenta la existencia de un deber específico de evitar el resultado y si una acción anterior del omitente hace posible
imputarle la situación de riesgo en que se encontraba el bien jurídico lesionado."

PUNDIK, Amit, "Can One Deny Both Causation and Omission and Causal Pluralism?  The Case of Legal Causation", Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, 11 May 2006; available at (accessed on 3 January 2009);

PUY-MONTBRUN, Abbé Bernard du, "Le secret professionnel des ministres du culte.  Souffrance et réflexion", (mars 2002) Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale - "Le Supplément", numéro 220 aux pp. 101-121;

UINTON, Rhonda, "Liability of Search and Rescuers", April 1989; Research Note: on the Search and Rescue Society of British Columbia  Web site:  as seen on 16 October 1998;

RADER, Michael N., "The 'Good Samaritan' in Jewish Law: Lessons for Physicians, Attorneys, and Laypeople", (2001) 22 The Journal of Legal Medicine 375-399;

RAMIREZ, Juan Bustos and  Manuel Valenzuela Bejas, Le système pénal des pays d'Amérique latine (avec référence au Code pénal type latino-américain),  Traduit de l'espagnol par Jacqueline Bernat De Celis, Paris: Éditions A. Pedone, 1983, 159 p., (Collection; Les grands systèmes de droit pénal contemporains; volume 8), ISBN: 2233001184;

"ARTICLE 12. [Code pénal type latino-américain] -- Le fait punissable peut être réalisé par action ou par omission.  Quand la loi réprimera le fait en conséquence du résultat produit, en répondra également celui qui ne l'aura pas empêché alors que les circonstances montrent qu'il aurait pu le faire, et s'il avait le devoir juridique de l'éviter." (p. 52)

RANGELOV, Lavor and Jovan Nicic, "War Crimes Trials Before National Courts / Serbia -- Analysis Command Responsibility: The Contemporary Law", Humanitarian Law Center, 23 February 2004; available at (accessed on 20 August 2005);

"Belgrade - The doctrine of “command responsibility” was established by the Hague Conventions IV (1907) and X (1907) and applied for the first time by the German Supreme Court in Leipzig after World War I, on the Trial of Emil Muller.  Miller was sentenced by the Court for failing to prevent the commission of crimes and to punish the perpetrators thereof.  Command responsibility is an omission mode of individual criminal liability: the superior is responsible for crimes committed by  his subordinates and for failing to prevent or punish (as opposed to crimes he ordered). The doctrine was invoked by the International Military Tribunals after World War II and developed further through international and domestic jurisprudence: inter alia, the High Command, In Re Yamashita, Hostages and Abbaye Ardenne cases after World War II, and the Medina case dealing with war crimes in Vietnam."

RATCLIFFE, James M.,  ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p.; copy at the University of Ottawa,  MRT General: BJ 55 .G636 1966;

REBUT, Didier, L'Omission en droit pénal : pour une théorie de l'équivalence entre l'action et l'inaction, Lyon : Université Jean Moulin, 1993, 690 p., Note de thèse : Thèse :  Droit : Lyon 3 : 1995; informations du catalogue de l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3; thèse non consultée;

Recent Cases, "Criminal Law -- Common-law Offense of Misprison of Felony Held Not Part of Modern Criminal Law", (1940-41) 54 Harvard Law Review 506-507;

Recent Decisions, "Criminal Law -- Misprison of Felony -- Failure to report Knowledge of the Commission of a Felony Insufficient for Conviction", (1944-45) 32 Virginia Law Review 170-172;

Recent Legislation, "Torts -- In General -- Texas Statute Absolves Tortfeasor from Liability for Negligence in Rendering Aid During Emergency.-- Texas Laws 1961, ch. 317, H.B. 100",  (1961-62) 75 Harvard Law Review  641-643; civil law;

RECKSEEN, Don M.,  Notes, "The Duty to Rescue", (1971-72) 47 Indiana Law Journal 321-330;

REDA, Ahmed,  [L']Omission de porter secours en droit comparé, Thèse, Université de Paris, Droit, 1954, 81 feuilles; copie à la Bibliothèque Cujas de droit et de sciences économiques Paris; titre noté dans mes recherches mais thèse non consultée; aucune copie dans les bibliothèques canadiennes comprises dans le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 30 mai 2006);

RHEIN, Ricki, "Assessing Criminal Liability For the Passive Parent: Why New York Should Hold the Passive Parent Criminally Liable",  (2002-2003) 9 Cardozo Women’s Law Journal 627-657; copy at the University of Ottawa, KF 477 .A15 C37  Location: FTX Periodicals; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

RICHER, Tobin P., "Placing Proper Limits on  Battered Woman Syndrome in Areas beyond Self-Defense: An Argument against Admission in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases, (1996-97) 1 DePaul Journal of Health Care Law 855-909;

RIDOLFI, Kathleen M., "Symposium: Law, Ethics, and the Good Samaritan: Should There Be a Duty to Rescue?", (1999-2000) 40 Santa Clara Law Review 957-970;

RIPSTEIN, Arthur, "Thrre Duties to Rescue: Moral, Civil and Criminal", (November 2000) 19(6) Law and Philosophy 751-779;

ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, and John M., Darley, Justice, Liability, and  Blame: Community Views and the Criminal Law, Boulder (Colorado, USA): Westview Press, 1995, xvii, 299 p., ISBN: 0813324505, (Series: New directions in social psychology); see Chapter 2, "Doctrines of Criminalization: What Conduct Should be Criminal?" at pp. 13-51, and, in particular, "Study 4: Omission Liability" at pp. 42-50 and "Chapter Summary" at pp. 50-51;

ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, "Criminal Liability for Omissions: A Brief Summmary and Critique of the Law in the United States" (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 633-651; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission er responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - USA; also published at (1984) 29 New York Law School Law Review 101-124; available at  SSRN: (accessed on 8 April 2008);

___________Criminal Law Defences, 2 vol., St. Paul (Minnesota): West, 1984,  ISBN: 0314815139 (set), see in particular "§86. Omissions - No Duty to Act", at pp. 440-448;

___________"Imputed Criminal Liability", (1984) 93 Yale Law Journal 609-676; see "Liability for Omissions" at pp. 672-675; available at (accessed on 14 October 2007);

___________"In Defense of the Model Penal Code: A Reply to Professor Fletcher", (1998-99) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 25-43, and see "The Legality Complaint", at pp. 35-36, about exhaustive codification of duties (Symposium "Toward a New Federal Criminal Code");

RODRIGUEZ, Teresita, "I am My Brother's Keeper: A Trend Towards Imposing a General Duty Upon a Bystander to Assist a Person in Danger", (1985) 26 Boston College of Law Review 497-527;

ROLLAND, Maurice, "Le délit d'omission" [1964] 20 Revue de science criminelle et droit pénal comparé 583-600; avec le même titre dans Paris, Société de législation comparée : 1964, 13 p., extrait de "Société de législation comparée, 5e journées juridiques franco-polonaises", Paris-Rennes, 26-31 octobre 1964, copie à la Bibliothèque Cujas de droit et de sciences économiques. Paris;

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court,17 July 1998, in force 1 July 2002, see Part III, General Principles of Criminal Law, available at (accessed on 4 December 2002);

___________"Draft Report of the International Meeting from 19 to 30 January 1998 in Zutphen, the Netherlands" in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 221-311, (document number: A/AC.249/1998/L.13, 1998), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

___________"Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, vol. 1, (Proceedings of the Preparatory Committee during March-April and August 1996)", in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 385-439, (document number: G.A., 51 st Sess., Supp. No. 22, A/51/22, 1996), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

___________"Report of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, vol. 2, (Compilation of Proposals)", in M. Cherfif Bassiouni, 1937-, compiled by, The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history, Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, c1998, xxii, 793 pp., at pp. 441-616 (document number: G.A., 51 st Sess., Supp. No. 22, A/51/22, 1996), ISBN:1571050957; copy at the Library of Parliament, KZ6310 S72 (library Br.B.); available at (accessed on 15 December 2002);

ROMOHR, Philip W., "A Right/Duty Perspective on the Legal and Philosophical Foundations of the No-Duty-To-Rescue Rule", (March 2006)  55 Duke Law Journal 1025; available at (accessed on 10 April 2008);

ROSENBERG, Martin B., "The Alternative of Reward and Praise: the Case against a Duty to Rescue", (1985) 19 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 1-17;

ROTENBERG, Daniel L., "An Essay on Criminal Liability for Dutyless Omissions That Cause Results", (1996) 62 Brooklyn Law Review 1159-1163;

ROWE, Jean Eking and Theodore Silver, "The Jurisprudence of Aclion and Inaction in the Law of Tort Solving the Puzzle of Nonfeasance and Misfeasance from the Fifteenth Through the Twentieth Centuries", (1994-95) 33 Duquesne Law Review 807-855;

RUDOLPH, Wallace M., "The Duty to Act: A Proposed Rule" in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p., at pp. 243-278; also published in (1965) 44 Nebraska Law Review 499-537;

RUDZINSKI, Aleksander W., "The Duty to Rescue: A Comparative Analysis" in James Ratcliffe, ed.,  The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (New York): Anchor Press, 1966, viii, 300 p. at pp. 91-139;

RUSSELL, Bruce, "On the Relative Strictness of Positive and Negative Duties", (1977) 14 American Philosophical Quarterly 87-97;

RYU, Paul Kichyun, 1915-,  "The New Korean Criminal Code of October 3, 1953.  An Analysis of Ideologies Embedded in It", (1957) 48 Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 275-295, also found as "Introduction" in The Korean Criminal Code, translated by Paul Ryu, South Hackensack (N.J.): F.B. Rothman, 1960,  x, 145 p., at pp. 1-29 and see "Actus Reus by Omission" at pp. 13-17 (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes, vol. 2);

SALAND, Per, "International Criminal Law Principles" in Roy S. Lee, ed., The International Criminal Court: The Making of the Rome Statute: Issues, Negotiations, Results, The Hague/London/Boston: KLuwer Law International, 1999, xxxv, 657 p., at pp. 189-216, ISBN: 904111212X (hardcover) and 904111243X (pbk.); see "XV. The Missing Article: Actus reus (act or omission)",  at pp. 211-213;

SALTER, Dianne S., "The Duty to Warn Third Parties: A Retrospective on Tarasoff", (1986-87) 18 Rutgers Law Journal 145-164; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KFN 1869 .R87;

SCAROLA, Tami, Note, "Creating Problems Rather Than Solving Them: Why Criminal Parental Responsibility Laws Do Not Fit Within Our Understanding of Justice", (1997-98) 66 Fordham Law Review 1029-1074; good bibliographical notes;

SCHABAS, William A., "General Principles of Criminal Law in the International Criminal Court Statute (Part III)", (1998) 6(4) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 84-112, and see p. 105;

SCHAFFER, Jonathan, "Causes need not be Physically Connected to their Effects: The Case for Negative Causation", in Christopher Hitchcock, 1954-, ed., Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science, Malden ( MA): Blackwell Publishing, 2004, xiii, 344 p., essay 10, (series; Contemporary debates in philosophy; vol. 2), ISBN: 1405101512 and 1405101520 (pbk.); title noted in my research buta article not consulted; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries covered by the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (verification of 27 July 2006);

SCHEID, John H., "Affirmative Duty to Act in Emergency Situations - The Return of the Good Samaritan", (1969) 3 John Marshall Journal of Practice and Procedure 1-16;

SCHLEIFER, Michael, Thomas Shultz, and Monique Lefebvre-Pinard, "Children's judgments of causality, responsibility and punishments in cases of harm due to omission", (1983) 1 British Journal of Developmental Psychology 87-97; copy at Ottawa University, BF 712 .B75  Location, MRT Periodicals;

SCHMIDT, Paul W., Note, "Dangerous Children and the Regulated Family: the Shifting Focus of Parental Laws", (1998) 73 New York University Law Review 667-699;

SCHMIDTZ, David, "Islands in a Sea of Obligation: Limits of the Duty of Rescue", (November 2000) 19(6) Law and Philosophy  683-705;

SCHROEDER, Christopher H., "Two Methods for Evaluating Duty to Rescue Proposals", (1986) 49(3) Law and Contemporary Problems 181-198;

SCHUNEMANN, Bernd, "The Principles Governing Crimes of Omission", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 879-915; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Federal Republic of Germany;

SCHWARTZ, Saul, "The Risk of Rescue -- The Plight of the Good Samaritan", available at (accessed on 23 June 2006);

SCORDATO,  Marin Roger, "Understanding the Absence of a Duty to Reasonably Rescue in American Tort Law", (2008) 82(4) Tulane Law Review; available at SSRN:

SEAGRAVES, Beverley Anne, "The Duty to Rescue in California: A Legislative Solution", (1983-84) 15 Pacific Law Journal 1261-1290;

SEAVY, Warren A., "I am not My Guest's Keeper", (1959-60) 13 Vanderbilt Law Review 699-702;

SEFTON-GREEN, Ruth, Mistake, Fraud and Duties to Inform in European Contract Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 414 p. (series; The Core of European Private Law), ISBN: 0521844231; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, KJC 1063 .M57 2005; civil law but useful for researchers;  see limited preview at and (accessed on 6 March 2008);

SELEME, Hugo Omar, "A Rawlsian Dual Dury of Assistance", 
(January 2010) 23(1) The Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 163-178;

SERVAIS, Jean, "Le meurtre par omission" (1927) 7 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 999-1003;

SHANNON, J.S., Legislation Note, "Good Samaritan Statutes - Adrenalin for the Good Samaritan Legislation", (1963-64) 13 DePaul Law Review 297-304; civil law;

SHANNONHOUSE, Royal G., "Misprision of a Federal Felony: Dangerous Relic or Scourge of Malfeasance?", (1974-75) 4 University of Baltimore Law Review 59-79;

SHAPIRA, Ron, "Structural Flaws of The 'Willed Bodily Movement' Theory of Action", (1998) 1 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 349-402;

SHELEFF, Leon Shaskolsky, The Bystander, Behavior, Law, Ethics, Lexington (Mass.): Lexington Books, 1978, xi, 223 p., ISBN: 0669021105; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, HV 7431 .S53 1978;

SHIELS, Robert S.,  Commnts, "Scots Criminal Law and Liability for Omissions", (October 2006)
70(5)  Journal of Criminal Law 413-423;

SHUMAN, Samuel I., "Act and Omission in Criminal Law: Towards a  Nonsubjective Theory" (1964-65) 17 Journal of Legal Education 16-42;

SICILIANOS, Linos-Alexandre, "La responsabilité de l'État pour absence de prévention et de répression des crimes internationaux", dans, sous la direction de Hervé Ascensio, Emmanuel Decaux et Alain Pellet, Droit international pénal / Centre de droit international de l'Université de Paris X- Nanterre (CEDIN Paris X), Paris : Pedone, 2000, xvi, 1053 p., chapitre 9, aux pp. 115-128, ISBN: 2233003721; copie à la Bibliothèque de l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General, K 5055 .D76 2000;

SIEBER, Ulrich, "Internet Law -- Criminal Liability for the Transfer of Data in International Networks -- New Challenges for the Internet -- Part IV: Precedents", (November 1997) 13(6) Computer Law and Security Report 413-418; note: "In the fourth part of his report on the economic and legal problems involved in the transfer of data in International networks, Professor Sieber discussed how acts of commission or omission may give rise to criminal liability for data transfer" (p. 413);

SILVA SANCHEZ, Jesus-Maria, "Criminal Omissions: Some Relevant Distinctions", (August 2008) 11(3) New Criminal Law Review 452–469;

SILVER, Jay, "The Duty to Rescue: a Reexamination and Proposal", (1984-85) 26 William and Mary Law Review 423-445;

SILVING, Helen, Criminal Justice, vol. 1, Buffalo: Hein and Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico): University of Puerto Rico, 1971; see "omission" at pp. 323-347 and  "Assistance to a Person in Peril" at pp 323-347; see also the Fall 1976 Supplement by Paul K. Ryu amd Helen Silving To Criminal Justice by Helen Silving, Hein, 1977, "The New Austrian Penal Code's Treatment of Omissions" at pp. 114-116;

____________Constituent Elements of Crime, Springfield (Illinois): Charles C. Thomas, 1967, xxiv, 458 p.,  see the index;

SIMESTER, A.P. (Andrew P.), "Criminal Liability for Continuing Omissions: Dr. Andrew Simester, The University of Birmingham reviews the arguments in Nicholson v. DSW", [June 2000] New Zealand Law Journal 191-192; copy at Ottawa University, KTC 0 .B887  Location FTX Periodicals;

___________"Why Omissions Are Special", (1995) 1 Legal Theory 311-335;

SIMON, J., "Il n'existe pas d'omisssion-complicité en droit pénal belge", (1951-52) Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 774; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; aucune copie de ce numéro de périodique dans les bibliothèques de la région d'Ottawa (vérification du 14 mars 2005);

SISTARE, Christine T., "In the Land of Omissions : An Opinioted Guide" (Winter/Spring 1995) 14(1) Criminal Justice Ethics 26-48;

SKEGG, P.D.G., "Omissions to Provide Life-Prolonging Treatment", (1994) 8 Otago Law Review 205-238; Research Note: deals with criminal liability in New Zealand;  the New Zealand Crimes Act  and the Canadian Criminal Code both have their origin in the English Draft Code of 1879;

SMALL, Leslie B., Comment, "Psychotherapists' Duty to Warn: Ten Years After Tarasoff", (1985) 15 Golden Gate University Law Review 271-300;

SMITH, J.C., Case and Commentary, "OMISSION.  Defendant starting fire accidently and then allowing it to continue burning -- whether arson -- whether intentional or reckless damage to property.   R. v. Miller.  Appeal (Criminal Division): Ackner and May L.JJ. and Stocker J.: March 3, 1982", [1982] Criminal Law Review 526-528; notes: report case by J. Greenslade at pp. 526-527 and commentary by "J.C.S." at pp. 527-528;

___________Case and Commentary, "ARSON.  Criminal Damage Act 1971, s. 1(1), (3) -- fire started accidently -- subsequent failure to take preventive measures -- subsequent recklessness -- whether offence. R. v. Miller, House of Lords: Lord Diplock, Lord Keith of Kindel, Lord Bridge of Harwich, Lord Brandon of Oakbrook and Lord Brightman: February 16, 1983", [1983] Criminal Law Review 466-468; notes: case reported by Simon Cassell at pp. 466-467 and commentary by "J.C.S." at pp. 467-468;

___________Criminal Law by Sir John Smith and the late Brian Hogan, 8th ed., London: Butterworths, 1996, lxxxvi, 806 p., see "Omissions" at pp. 47-55 and "Omissions as 'unlawful acts' [for manslaughter]" at pp. 381-382, ISBN: 0406081875;

___________"Liability for Omissions in the Criminal Law" (1984) 4 Legal Studies 88-101;

___________ "Omission, Duty and Bad Samaritans", in A Companion to Applied Ethics, in R.G. Frey and Christopher Wellman, eds., Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2003, xviii, 698 p., at pp. 475 to approx. 486, ISBN:1557865949; limited preview available at
&as_brr=0&sig=Nb0mvALSFiwG9CB_d5FcCSVEzWY#PPR7,M1 and (accessed 11 March 2008);  

___________"Professor Smith ['s reply]", [1982] Criminal Law Review 774;  research note: reply to Glanville Williams, "Letter to the Editor: Criminal Omissions"  [1982] Criminal Law Review 773-774;

SMITH, Patricia, 1956-, "Feinberg and the Failure to Act", (September 2005) 11(3) Legal Theory 237-250;

___________"Legal Liability and Criminal Omissions", (2002) 5(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 69-102; available at;

___________ Liberalism and Affirmative Actions, New York : Oxford University Press, 1998, xi, 260 p., ISBN: 0195115287; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General,  JC 329.5 .S64 1998;

___________"Omission and Responsibility in Legal Theory", (2003) 9(3) Legal Theory 221-240; available at (accessed on 15 March 2005); copy at Ottawa University, FTX Periodicals, K202 L436;

SMITS, Jan S., "The Good Samaritan in European Private Law; On the Perils of Principles withouth a Programme and a Programme for the Future", Inaugural lecture, Maastricht University 19 May 2000, 45 p.; available at (accessed on 24 April 2006);

SNYDER, Orvill C., "Liability for Negative Conduct" (1949) 35 Virginia Law Review 446-480;

SNYMAN, C.R.,  A Draft Criminal Code for South Africa with a Commentary,  Cape Town: Juta, 1995, xl, 133 p., see "Impossibility" at p. 3 with comments at p. 51, ISBN: 0702133345;

    2.3  A person does not commit an offence by omitting to perform an act if it is impossible for him to perform the act required and the impossibility is not dues to his own culpability." (p. 3)


"The defence of impossibility can succeed only if the legal rule infringed by the accused requires him to perform a 'positive act' -- in other words, if his conduct consisted of an omission ....  A similar view is taken of the defence of impossibility in section 3(1)(a)(ii) of the new Draft Canadian Penal Code." (p. 51)

SOUTOUL, Jean-Henri, Le médecin face à l'assistance à personne en danger et à  l'urgence : jurisprudence française sur la non-assistance du médecin, droit médical international, l'organisation des secours d'urgence, Paris : Maloine, 1991, 317 p., ISBN:  2224020309; contribution importante au sujet; copie à la Bibliothèque du Parlement, Ottawa;

___________ La non-assistance de l'article 63 alinéa 2 du Code pénal et le corps médical, thèse de doctorat nouveau (nouveau doctorat), sciences criminelles, Pothiers, 1990;  Numéro d'identification:1990POIT3005; thèse sous la direction de Pierre Couvrat;


À partir du survol de la jurisprudence concernant la non-assistance ou le refus de porter secours du médecin à une personne en péril depuis 1948, l'auteur étudie tout particulièrement des bases de l'incrimination concernant ce délit reproché au corps médical.  Il décrit les effets défavorables pour ce dernier de présomptions multiples ayant pour fondement le texte très court de cet article pénal permettant une application extensive de la loi.  Grâce à l'étude de 181 dossiers de médecins, de sages-femmes ou de personnel de soins pour omission délictueuse de porter secours, sont étudiés les fluctuations de la jurisprudence pendant 40 années (1948-1989) et le rôle fortement stabilisateur de la Chambre criminelle de la Cour de Cassation.  Restrictions dans l'application de l'article 63 alinéa 2 du Code pénal, liées à des justifications d'ordre personnel ou collectif de non-assistance du médecin sont aussi analysées.  Dans une deuxième partie, l'éclairage du droit comparé de la non-assistance en médecine dans les divers systèmes juridiques mondiaux, et l'analyse des réformes législatives mais aussi de transformations des institutions sanitaires françaises facilitant l'aide médicale urgente, permettent à l'auteur d'envisager des perspectives d'avenir pour réduire les risques de poursuites judiciaires des personnels médicaux et de soins.(source: Catalogue Abes)

SPEYER, Paul, "Les crimes de guerre par omission", (1949-50) 30 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 903-943; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article pas encore consulté (11 janvier 2002);

SPRANCA, Mark, Elisa Minsk and Jonathan Baron, "Omission and commission in judgment and choice", (1991) 27(1) Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 76-105; with the same title but dated 25 August 2003, 31 p., available at (accessed on 25 April 2005);

STACY, Tom, "Acts, Omissions, and the Necessity of Killing Innocents", (2002) 29(3) American Journal of Criminal Law 481-520;

STALLEY, R.F., “Austin’s Account of Action”, (1980) 18 Journal of the History of Philosophy 453; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Periodicals, B 1 .A214;

STANFIELD, Jennifer, "Faith Healing and Religious Treatment Exemptions to Child-Endangerment Laws: Should Parents Be Allowed to Refuse Necessary Medical Treatment  for Their Children Based on Their Religious Beliefs? , (2000-2001) 22 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 45-86;

STANNARD, John E., "Stretching the Actus Reus", (1995) 30 Irish Jurist 200-220, see "Acts and omissions" at pp. 213-215;

STEINBERG, Alan M., Robert S. Pynoos, Armen K. Goenjian, Haleh Sossanabadi, and Larissa Sherr, "Are Researchers Bound by Child Abuse Reporting Laws?", (1999) 23(8) Child Abuse & Neglect 771-777;

STEINBOCK, Bonnie, ed., Killing and Letting Die, Englewood Cliffs (N.J.): Prentice Hall, 1980, viii, 239 p., ISBN: 0135153611; title noted in my research but book not consulted; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries according to my verification of the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (1 April 2005);

STEINBOCK, Bonnie, and Alastair Norcross, Killing and Letting Die, 2nd ed., New York : Fordham University Press, 1994,  ix, 431 p., ISBN:  0823215628 and  ISBN:  0823215636 (pbk.);  title noted in my research but book not consulted; no copy of this book in the Ottawa area libraries according to my verification of the AMICUS catalogue of Library and Archives Canada (1 April 2005);

STEPHEN, James Fitzjames, A Digest of the Criminal Law (Crimes and Punishments), 4th ed., London: MacMillan 1887, xl, 441 p.,  see pp. 152-157, art. 211: Death or bodily injury caused by omission to discharge a legal duty; art. 212: Causing death by omissions other than those mentioned in article 211; art. 213: Duty to provide necessaries of life; art. 214: Delegation of duty defined in article 213; art. 215: When direct performance of duty impossible; art. 216: Duty of care in doing dangerous acts; art. 217: Duty of persons doing acts requiring special skill or knowledge; note: this book in pdf format is available at my Digital Library -- Criminal Law;

___________A History of the Criminal Law of England, London: MacMillan 1883, see in vol. 2, pp. 113-114 (treatment of omissions in the English Draft Criminal Code of 1879); vol. 2, p. 238 (misprison of felony); and in vol 3, pp. 10-11 and 18-22 (deals in part with killing by omission and legal duties);  these volumes area available in pdf format at my Digital Library -- Criminal Law;

STEWART, Melody J., "How Making the Failure to Assist Illegal Fails to Assist: An Observation of Expanding Criminal Omission Liability", (1998) 25 American Journal of Criminal Law 385-436;

STILE, Alfonso, «Avant-Propos» (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 449-452; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'";

__________«Commentaire [sur le sujet du collloque]» (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 467-471; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'";

STILLER (no first name given) and Ulrich Dähn, "Offences of Default and the Responsibility for Defaults Under Criminal Law" (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 865-878; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Democratic Republic of Germany;

STRACHAN, W., "The Basis of Case-Law", (1906) 22 The Law Quarterly Review 293-310, and see 296-298, part of which is a discussion of Queen v. Instan [1893] 1 Q.B. 450;

STRAUSS, S.A., "Liability for so-called 'mere omission' and the duty to rescue in South African Law" in Fetschrift fur Hans-Heinrich Jescheck  zum 70. Geburtstag /herausgegeben von Theo Vogler ; in Verbindung mit Joachim Herrmann ... [et al.], Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1985, 2 volumes, xv, 1532 p,  at pp. 515-526, ISBN: 3428058011 (set); title noted in my research but article not consulted yet;

STROUD, Douglas Aikenhead,  Mens Rea or Imputability Under the Law of England, London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1914, xxiv, 352 p., see pp. 4-5 discussing omissions and "Chapter VIII. Criminal Omissions" at pp. 155-168;

SWEENEY, C.A., see C.A.S., supra;

SUISSE, Code pénal, art. 11, "Commission par omission"; disponible à (consulté le 22 septembre 2007);

"Commission par omission
Art. 11

1  Un crime ou un délit peut aussi être commis par le fait d’un comportement passif contraire à une obligation d’agir.

2  Reste passif en violation d’une obligation d’agir celui qui n’empêche pas la mise en danger ou la lésion d’un bien juridique protégé par la loi pénale bien qu’il y soit tenu à raison de sa situation juridique, notamment en vertu:

a. de la loi;
b. d’un contrat;
c. d’une communauté de risques librement consentie;
d. de la création d’un risque.

3 Celui qui reste passif en violation d’une obligation d’agir n’est punissable à raison de l’infraction considérée que si, compte tenu des circonstances, il encourt le même reproche que s’il avait commis cette infraction par un comportement actif.

4 Le juge peut atténuer la peine."

SZERESZEWSKI, Eliazar, Le devoir d'assistance aux personnes en danger notamment d'après la législation du Canton de Fribourg, [S.l.]: [s.n.], [1944], 50 p., thèse Droit Fribourg/Suisse, 1944, noté au Catalogue Collectif RERO (Suisse); texte non consulté;

___________"L'obligation de secours aux personnes en péril en droit pénal français", (1947) Revue pénale suisse 109; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; aucune copie de ce numéro de périodique dans les bibliothèques de la région d'Ottawa (vérification du 14 mars 2005);

TAHA, Ghani Hassun, 1927-, L'omission illicite comme source de la responsabilité civile délictuelle: étude en droit suisse, français et irakien, Genève: Coopérative d'imprimerie, 1966, 211 p., thèse LL.D., Université de Genève, 1966 (Collection; thèse, Faculté de droit de Genève; no 570); copie à la Bibliothèque Fauteux de l'Université d'Ottawa, KKW 6.5 .T47 v.570 1966 FTX; contient des parties pertinentes: "L'influence du droit pénal sur le droit civil" aux pp. 43-50; et "La responsabilité pour omission à travers l'histoire" aux pp. 77-82;

TAM, Henry Benedict, A Philosophical Study of the Criteria for Responsibility Ascriptions: Responsibility and Personal Interactions, Lewiston: E. Mellen Press, 1990, 226 p. (series; Problems in Contemprary Philosophy; v. 28), see Chapter 6, "Responsibility for Foreseable Side Effects and Intentional Omissions", pp. 135-159;

TADROS, Victor, Review Article, "Attribution, Ethics and Emotions in Criminal Responsibility.  William Wilson, Central Issues in Criminal Theory, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2002...", (March 2004) 67(2) The Modern Law Review 322-338, and see pp. 330-332;

TANCK, Nancy A., Note, "Commendable or Condemnable?  Criminal Liability for Parents Who Fail to Protect Their Children from Abuse", [1987] Wisonsin Law Review 659-688;

THOMAS, LAURENCE, "Acts, Omissions, and Common Sense Morality",  in Kai Nielsen and Steven C. Patten, eds., New Essays in Ethics and Public Policy, Guelph (Ontario): Canadian Association for Publishing in Philosophy, 1982, 234 p., at pp. 37-46, (series; Canadian journal of philosophy. Supplementary volume;8); ISBN:0919491081; copy at Ottawa Univerity, MRT, BJ 1031 .N478 1982;

THOMPSON, Barton H., The Model Statute of Omissions, unpublished ms., 1972;  cited in note 22 of Evers, "The Law of Omissions", supra; document not consulted;

THOMSON, Judith Jarvis,  "Causation: Omissions", (January 2003) 66(1) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81-103; copy at University of Ottawa, B 1 .P57  Location: MRT Periodicals;

THOMPSON, Sandra Guerra, "The White-Collar Police Force: 'Duty to Report' Statutes in Criminal Law", March 22, 2009,  William & Mary Bill of Rights, Vol. 11, 2002. Available at SSRN:;  (accessed on 29 March 2009);

TIRAQUEAU, André, 1488-1558, Le «De Poenis Temperandis» de Tiraqueau (1559).  Introduction, traduction et notes par André Laingui et préface de Jean Imbert, Paris : Economica, 1986, vii, 342 p. (Collection Histoire), notes: Société d'histoire du droit et publié avec le concours du CRNS, ISBN:  2717810447. Note de recherche : voir la cause 44 sur l'omission, la commission et la commission par omission aux pp. 231-244;

TOMLINSON, Edward A., "The French Experience with  Duty to Rescue: A Dubious Case for Criminal Enforcement", (2000) 20 New York Law School Journal of International and Comparative Law 451-499; copy at the University of Ottawa, K 521 .N49  Location FTX Periodicals;

TORIO LOPEZ, Angel, «Aspects politico-criminels de l'infraction de commission par omission» (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 609-632; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report - Spain;

TORTAT, Raymond, L'obligation de porter secours et la responsabilité du médecin, Préface de Maurice Gueniot, Troyes: Éd. La Renaissance, 1967, 131 p. (Collection; Collecrtion des problèmes juridiques du XXe siècle); copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, KJV 5340.4 T67;

    [p. 13] "En droit français la répression de l'omission a été liée étroitement à l'histoire et au fondement sur lequel reposait la loi pénale ou du moins la répression.

    Les sociétés antiques avaient, en effet, jadis conservé dans une certaine mesure une conception solidariste du droit.  Ainsi une vieille loi égyptienne rapportée par Delamarre dans son traité de la police (2), prévoyait:
    (2) Delamarre: Traité de la Police, t. I, liv. 1, p. 15.

[p. 14]

    Si quelqu'un trouve en chemin un homme que l'on tue ou que l'on maltraite et qu'il ne le secourt pas quand il le peut, qu'il soit condamné à mort.

    Le droit de Justinien avait admis également que les esclaves qui au moment de l'assassinat de leur maître se trouvaient dans un lieu, soit à la maison, dans la rue ou dans les champs d'où ils pouvaient entendre les cris ou voir les assassins et ne lui avaient porté aucun secours seraient soumis au supplice (3).

    Le droit canonique consacra le texte de saint Ambroise:

    Celui qui ne repousse pas lorsqu'il le peut, l'agression dirigée contre son semblable est aussi coupable que s'il la commettait lui-même (4).

    Les jurisconsultes de l'Ancien Droit français sont dans leur ensemble, favorables à une telle conception:

    Qui peut et n'empesche, pesche.
écrivait Loysel (5).

    Une ordonnance de Saint-Louis prescrivit aux habitants de Paris d'élever une clameur toutes les fois qu'ils étaient témoins d'un acte de violence afin d'obliger ceux qui l'avaient entendue à prêter main-forte (6).  De même dans son article 90, la coutume de Bretagne présente une obligation de secours très caractérisée:

    Quand aucun crie au feu ou au meurtre chacun est tenu d'y aller sans espoir de salaire.

    La coutume de Normandie consacre la même règle et punit d'amende ceux qui ne s'y conforment pas (7).  Au 18e siècle Jousse, dans son 'Traité de Droit Criminel' consacre un titre entier à ceux qui ont connaissance du crime et qui pouvant empêcher de le commettre, ne l'empêchent point (8).

    Une longue tradition existait donc en faveur de l'obligation de porter secours.  Elle ne résista pas cependant, à l'explosion individualiste de la fin du 18e siècle.
    (3) Code, VI, 35.
    (4) Cité par Tiraqueau.  Tractatus varii, p. 409.
    (5) Loysel.  Institutes coutumières, règle 792.
    (6) Isambert, Recueil des Ordonnonaces, t. II, p. 66.
    (7) Pesuel.  Coutume de Normandie, p. 68.
    (8) Jousse, Traité de Justice criminelle, t. I, 1re partie, titre II, p. 5.

[p. 15]    Le droit révolutionnaire notamment par les lois des 16 et 24 août 1790 et la Constitution des 3 et 14 septembre 1791, supprima les usages qui furent remplacés par des textes tandis que le pouvoir arbitraire des juges s'éteignait.  Supprimer les 'arrêts de règlement', poser pour principe que tout ce qui n'était pas défendu par la loi ne pouvait être empêché et que nul ne pouvait être contraint de faire ce qu'elle ne prescrivait pas absolument, tel était l'essentiel des idées directrices qui animait 'L'esprit nouveau'.

    Comment s'étonner dans ces conditions que le Code pénal de 1810 ait à peu près passé sous silence le problème de l'abstention fautive?   Aucun texte général n'ordonne aux citoyens d'empêcher autrui de commettre un délit ou un crime.  La loi pénale est de droit étroit: faute d'un texte particulier, les tribunaux ne pourront sanctionner l'abstention, même jugée condamnable. [...]

[p. 16] [...]

    Mais c'est en fait par une loi du Gouvernement de Vichy du 25 octobre 1941, que la notion de délit par omission va faire son entrée sous une forme générale et étendue dans la vie juridique française (Cf. note in fine)

    Ce texte, inspiré par les armées d"occupation, visait directement l'omission de porter secours qui accompagnait un certain nombre d'autres abstentions dont l'incrimination fut jugée opportune et notamment la non-dénonciation des attentats préparés ou perpétrés par la Résistance contre les troupes d'occupation.

    Cette loi a été heureusement abrogée et rempacée par l'ordonnance du 25 juin 1945.  Celle-ci, épurant le texte primitif, a fait disparaître les dispositions choquantes de la loi ancienne tout en maintenant l'incrimination de l'abstention fautive et en élargissant la notion de porter secours. [...]

[p. 17] [...]
  Note: Loi du 25 octobre 1941 modifiant les articles 228 et 248 du Code pénal et portant obligation de dé                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 noncer les crimes ou projets de crimes attentatoires aux personnes et de secourir les personnes en danger (J.O. 26 oct. 1941)."

TOULEMON, André, "Le délit d'abstention fautive et le médecin", Gazette du Palais 1953. I. Doctrine  48-49; copie à la Bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada;

TRAMMELL, Richard Louis, "A Criterion for Determining Negativity and Positivity of Duties", (1985) 33 Tulane Studies in Philosophy 75-81; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Periodicals, B 21 .T8  Location MRT General;

___________"Saving Life and Taking Life", (March 1975) 72 Journal of Philosophy 131-137; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 1 .J6  Location, MRT Periodicals;

___________"Tooley's Moral Symmetry Principle", (1976) 5(3) Philosophy and Public Affairs 305-313; copy at Ottawa University, MRT Periodicals, H 1 .P54  Location: MRT Periodicals;

TROUSSE, P.-E. (Paul-Émile), "L'orthothanasie par omission de secours", (1950-51) 33 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie1102-1119;

TUNC, André, 1917-1999, "The Failure to Rescue: A Comparative Study", (1952) 52 Columbia Law Review 631-647;

___________[Le] Particulier au service de l'ordre public, sur la loi du 25 octobre 1941 portant obligation de dénoncer certains crimes et de secourir les personnes en danger. Préface de M. Louis Hugueney, Paris: Dalloz, 1943, 72 p.; titre noté dans mes recherches mais livre non consulté; aucune copie dans les bibliothèques canadiennes comprises dans le catalogue AMICUS de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (vérification du 30 mars 2005);

___________"The Volunteer and the Good Samaritan", in  James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 43-62;

UGLOW, Steve,  Criminal Law 1998-1999, Lecture VII, Omissions  updated 26 February 1999, as noticed on 11 April 1999 at; Research Note; Steve Uglow is a lecturer at Kent Law School (England);

"Cryptography -- U.K.: Decrypt Data Or Go To  Prison!", 10 October 2007, available at (accessed on 1 january 2008); " The controversial Part 3 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) in UK is in force starting with 1 October 2007"

VALIER, Claire (C.E.A.), "The bystander", draft paper, University of London and Visiting Scholar, University of California at Berkeley; available at (accessed on 11 February 2006); philosophical;


VAN DEN BOSSCHE, Jean et Albert Fettweis, "Omission de secours aux personnes en péril.  État de la question après les Journées franco-belges de la science pénale (Paris, novembre 1951)", (1952-53) Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 219-226; aucune copie de ce numéro de périodique dans les bibliothèques de la région d'Ottawa (vérification du 15 mars 2005); copie à l'Université de Montréal (consulté, le 24 avril 2005);

VANDERVEEREN, José, "Le délit d'omission", (1949-50) 30 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 681-758;

___________"La loi du 6 janvier 1961 érigeant en délit certaines abstentions coupables", (1961) Journal des Tribunaux 233-238; titre noté dans mes recherches mais article non consulté; ce numéro de périodique n'est pas dans les bibliothèques de la région d'Ottawa;

VAN DEN WYNGAERT, Christine, editor, and Guy Stessens and Liesbeth Janssens, assistant editors,  International Criminal Law: A Collection of International and European Instruments, 3rd ed., Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 2005, xviii, 1542 p., see the index, at p. 1535, under "Failure to act" and "Omission" where the authors refer to 12 and 25 instruments respectively, ISBN: 900414232 and 9004142940 (pbk.); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K5301 A35 I58 2005;

VAN DER KERCKHOVE and P. Martinien, "La notion de juridiction chez les décrétistes et les premiers décrétalistes (1140-1250) 49 (1937) Études Franciscaines 420-455;

VAN GERVEN, Walter, Jeremy and Pierre Larouche, Cases, Materials and Text on National, Supranational and International Tort Law, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2000, xcix, 969 p., see Chapter 3, "Liability for One's Own Conduct", part 3.1, "Acts and Omissions", at pp. 280-300 (series: Common Law of Europe Casebooks series), ISBN: 1841131393; civil law (tort law) but very useful for researchers; see (accessed on 6 February 2006); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KJC1640 T672 2000;

VANIER, Claire, "The bystander", draft only, 14 p., available at (accessed on 11 March 2008);

VARZI, Achille C., "Omissions and Causal Explanations", 14 p.; available at  (accessed on 15 March 2006); note: "Final version to appear in J. Quitterer and F. Castellani (eds.), Agency and Causation in the Human Sciences, Paderborn: Mentis Verlag";

VASSALLI, Giuliano, "Introduction", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 453-463; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'";

VERHAEGEN, Jacques, "Les incertitudes de la répression de l'omission en droit pénal belge", (1984) 55 Revue internationale de droit pénal 559-592; Research Note: part of the papers of the "colloque préparatoire sur la question n. 1 du 13ème Congrès International de Droit Pénal: 'Infractions d'omission et responsabilité pénale pour omission'"; national report -  Belgium;

VERMAZEN, Bruce, "Negative Acts" in Bruce Vermazen and Merrill B. Hitikka, eds., Essays on Davidson: Actions and Events, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985, viii, 257 p., at pp. 93-104, ISBN: 0198247494; Research Note:  philosophy essay; see the reply to this essay by Davidson, supra;

VITU, André, "L'élément légal et l'élément matériel de l'infraction devant les perspectives ouvertes par la criminologie et les sciences de l'homme", in Colloque de science criminelle (Toulouse 1969), Confrontation de la théorie générale de la responsabilité pénale avec les données de la criminologie / travaux du  Colloque de science criminelle (Toulouse, 30, 31 janvier, 1er février 1969), Paris : Dalloz, 1969, iii, 198 p. aux pp. 39-59 (Collection; Institut de criminologie et de sciences pénales de la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Toulouse); copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, HV 6010 .C53 1969FTX;

VOLOKH, Eugene, "Duties to Rescue and the Anticooperative Effects of Law", (1999-2000) 88 The Georgetown Law Journal 105-114;

VON HIRSCH, A., "Criminalising Failure to Rescue: A Metter of 'Solidarity' or 'Altruism'", in M. Reiff, M. Kramer and C. Cruft, eds., Crime, Punishment and Responsibility, Oxford: Ocford University Press, 2011; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet, 1 November 2011;


VOUIN, Robert, "Le médecin devant l'article 63 du Code pénal", (1957) 12 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparée 353-358; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, KJJ 0 .R489  Location FTX Periodicals;

VRANKEN, Martin, "Duty to Rescue in Civil and Common Law: les extrêmes se touchent?", (October 1998) 47 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 934-942;

WALLACE, James D., "The Duty to Help Others in Distress", (1968) 29 Analysis 33-38; copy at the University of Ottawa, B 1 .A11  Location: MRT Periodicals;

WALLER, Louis, "Rescue and the Common Law: England and Australia" in  James M.Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p., at pp. 141-157;

WALTON, Douglas N., "Omissions and Other Negative Actions", (1980) 1 Metamedicine 305-324; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (27 July 2006); copy at CISTI, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Ottawa;

___________"Omitting, Refraining and Letting Happen", (1980) 17 American Philosophical Quarterly 319-326; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Periodicals, B 1 .A525;

WASEK, André, "La responsabilité pénale pour omission dans le droit pénal polonais -- Comparaison avec le droit pénal français", (1998) Revue pénitentiaire et de droit pénal 91-102;

WEBER, Ulrich, "République Fédérale d'Allemagne: Rapport national -- Partie dogmatique II --", (1983) 54(1-2) Revue internationale de droit pénal / International Review of Penal Law 581-627, voir "Incrimination des omissions délictuelles" aux pp. 589-591 (Actes du Colloque International, "Conception et principes du droit pénal économique et des affaires y compris la protection du consommateur", tenu à Freiburg-en-Brisgau, République Fédérale d'Allemagne, 20-23 septembre 1982, en préparation pour le 13e Congrès international de droit pénal de l'Association internationale de droit pénal (AIDP) au Caire en 1984 /  Report of the Proceedings of the International Colloquium, "Concept and Principles of Economic and Business Criminal Law",  held in Freiburg i. Br., Federal Republic of Germany, September 20-23, 1983, in preparation for the 13th International Congress of Penal Law of the International Association of Penal Law (IAPL) in Crairo, 1984); traite en partie du droit des "Ordnungswidrigkeiten";

WENIK, Jack, Note, "Forcing the Bystander to Get Involved: A Case for a Statute Requiring Witnesses to Report Crimes", (1984-85) 94 Yale Law Journal 1787-1806;

WEINREB, Lloyd L., "Homicide: 2. Legal Aspects" in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, vol. 2 of 4, New York: The Free Press, 1983, pp. 855-866, see "Action Causing Death" at pp. 856-857, ISBN: 0020181100 (set of 4 volumes);

WEINRIB, Ernest J., "The Case for a Duty to Rescue" (1980-81) 90 Yale Law Journal 247-293; also with the same title in Saul Levmore, ed., Foundations of Tort Law, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, ix, 352 p., at p. 245 (part only) ISBN: 0195083911 and 019508392X (pbk.);

WEINRYB, Elazar, "Omissions and Responsibility", (1980) 30 Philosophical Quarterly 1-18;

WEINSTEIN, Toni, "Visiting the Sins of the Child on the Parent: The Legality of Criminal Parental Liability", (1990-91) Southern California Law Review 859-901; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX periodicals, KFC 69 .S696;

WERLE, Gerhard and Florian Jessberger, "International Criminal Justice is Coming Home: The New German Code of Crimes Against International Law", (2002) 13(2) Criminal Law Forum 191-223;

"[note]57 At the Rome Conference no consensus on a definition of the notion of omission could be reached.  However, no delegation contested that certain crimes could be committed by failing to take action.  In fact, article 28 (responsibility of commanders and other superiors) gives evidence of that.  The Chair of the Working Group noted that judicial discretion on the subject of omissions would never be abusive, see W. Schabas, supra note 3 [William A. Schabas, Introduction to the International Criminal Court (2001)], p. 87; Per Saland, INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW PRINCIPLES, in THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, THE MAKING OF THE ROME STATUTE, supra note 3 [in Roy S. Lee, ed., 1999]  p. 212.  It has to be admitted, however, that it would be difficult to argue that the punishability of omissions as a general rule is (already) part of international (customary) law; see K. Ambos, supra note 54 [Ansaetze Zu Einer Dogmatisierung Des Foelerstrarechts 804 (2002)], at p. 671; A. Zimmermann, supra note 5 [Auf dem Weg zu einem deutschen Voelkerstrafgesetzbuch, ZEITSCHRIFT FUER RECHTSPOLITIK 97 (2002)], at p. 101." (p. 203)

WERLE, Gerhard, in cooperation with Florian Jessberger, Wulf Burchards, Volker Nerlich and Belinda Cooper, Principles of International Criminal Law, The Hague: TMC Asser Press, c2005, xii, 485 p., and see "Omissions" at pp. 170-172, ISBN: 9067041963 and 9067042021 (pbk.); copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, K5000 .W47 2005;

WHITE, Christopher H., "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: The Case for Reform of the Rescue Doctrine", (2002-2003) 97 Northwestern University Law Review  507-545; civil law;

WIKIPEDIA -- The Free Encyclopedia:

- "Duty to Rescue", available at (accessed on 27 January 2009);
- "Misprision  of felony", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);
- "Misprision of treason", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);
- "Omission (criminal)", available at (accessed on 19 July 2006);

WILLIAMS, Glanville, 1911-, Criminal Law: The General Part, 2nd ed., London: Stevens & Sons, 1961, liv, 929 p., see "Omissions: the necessity for a duty to act" at pp. 3-4; "Omissions: When a duty is imposed", pp. 4-8; and "The mental element in an omission", pp. 15-16; see also the index;

___________"Criminal Omission - The Conventional View ", (1991) 107 Law Quarterly Review 86-98;

___________"Letter to the Editor: Criminal Omissions"  [1982] Criminal Law Review 773-774; Research Note: see Professor Smith, "Professor Smith ['s reply]", [1982] Criminal Law Review 774;

___________"Letting Offences Happen" [1990] Criminal Law Review 780-789;

___________Textbook of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., London: Stevens & Sons, 1983, xlv, 1007 p., see pp. 148-153 on "omissions", pp. 262-268 on "manslaughter", pp. 346-350 on "When an omission can be help",  p. 380 on causation and the index for several other subjects dealing with omissions, ISBN: 042048501 and 0420468609 (pbk);

___________"What should the Code do about omissions?", (1987) 7 Journal of Legal Studies 92-118;

WILLIAMS, Glenys, Intention and causation in medical non-killing, Abingdon (UK)/ New York: Routledge-Cavendish, 2007, xvii, 221 p., ISBN : 9781844720279  9780415423021 (pbk.) ; contents: " The concept of intention -- The principle of double effect -- Acts and omissions -- Causation -- Does a patient who refuses treatment commit suicide? -- Does a doctor who withdraws treatment assist in a patient’s suicide? (catalogue Hollis, Harvard University); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Ottawa, KF 3827E87 W55;

WILLIAMS, Glenys and Gavin Dingwall, "Inferring Intention", (2004) 55(1) Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 69-77, and see pp. 74-75; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada and at the University of Ottawa, KDK 87 .N67  Location FTX Periodicals;

WILLIAMS, Paul and Gregor Urbas, "Heroin Overdoses and Duty of Care", Australian Institute of Criminology  -- Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice, February  2001, 6 p., number 188, ISBN: 0642242151; available at (accessed on 29 July 2006);


WILSON, William, Central Issues in Criminal Theory, Oxford (England)/Portland (Oregon): Hart Publishing, 2002, ix, 380 p., see Chapter 3, "Criminal Wrongdoing: Acts and Omissions", at pp. 77-102; and "Involuntary Omissions" at pp. 121-123; ISBN: 1841130621; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada K5018 W55 2002 c. 01;

___________"Murder and the Structure of Homicide" in Andrew Ashworth and Barry Mitchell, eds., Rethinking Homicide Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, xx, 205p., at pp. 21-54, and see "Causing Death by Omission", at pp. 49-52, ISBN: 0198299044 and 019829915X (pbk); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF9305 R48 2000;

___________"Murder by Omission: Some Observations on a Mismatch between the General and Special Part", (January 25, 2010). Queen Mary School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 43/2010. Available at SSRN: (accessed on 27 July 2010); also published at ; (Winter 2010) 13(1) New  Criminal Law Review 1-22;

WOLTER, W., "De la causalité dite de l'omission", (1954) 10-11 Panstwo i Prawo 520-534; il s'agit d'une revue polonaise; copie à l'University of Toronto; titre noté dans ma recherche mais article pas encore consulté;

WOOZLEY, A.D., "A Duty to Rescue: Some Thoughts on Criminal Liability" (1983) 69 Virginia Law Review 1273-1300;

YAHUDA, Joseph, "Misprision of Felony", (16 February 1962) 106 Solicitors' Journal 124-125; copy at the University of Ottawa, KD 322 .S625  Location FTX Periodicals;

YEAGER, Daniel B., "A Radical Community of Aid: A Rejoinder to Opponents of Affirmative Duties to Help Strangers", (1993) 71 Washington University Law Quarterly 1-58; Research note: contains good research on misprison of felony;

YEUTTER, Clayton, Case Note, "Physicians -- Statute Relieving Physicians, Surgeons and Nurses from Civil Liability for Emergency Medical Care -- Neb. Laws c. 110, p. 349 (1961)", (1961-62) 41 Nebraska Law Review 609-616; civil law;

ZEISEL, Hans, "An International Experiment on the Effects of a Good Samaritan Law",  in James M. Ratcliffe, ed., The Good Samaritan and the Law, Garden City (N.Y.): Anchor Books, 1966, xv, 300 p. at pp. 209-212;

ZIEGLER, Marcia M., "Nonfeasance and the Duty to Assist: the American Sienfeld Syndrome", (1999-2000) 104 Dickinson Law Review 525-560; copy at the University of Ottawa, KFP 69 .F67  Location FTX Periodicals;

ZIMBABWE, Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] Act 23/2004, available at (accessed on 14 June 2006);  NOT YET IN FORCE AS OF 22 June 2005;

"10 Criminal conduct may consist of acts or omissions

(1) Criminal conduct may consist of either an act or an omission.

(2) A person shall not be held criminally liable for an omission nor shall he or she be guilty of the crime to which the omission relates unless

(a) the crime for which the person is held liable is defined in such a way as to render criminal his or her failure to act; or

(b) the person had a legal duty to act positively arising from

(i) the existence of a protective or family relationship between himself or herself and another person which required him or her to protect the life, safety or any legal interest of that other person; or

(ii) the creation by the person’s prior conduct of a situation in which another person’s life, safety or legal interest was or might be endangered; or

(iii) his or her assuming control, by contract or otherwise, over a situation, whether brought about by him or her or not, in which another person’s life, safety or legal interest was or might be endangered; or

(iv) his or her holding a public or like office."

ZIMMERMAN, Michael J., "Taking Some of the Mystery Out of Omissions", (1981) 19 Southern Journal of Philosophy 541-554; copy at Ottawa University, B 1 .S57  Location: MRT Periodicals; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT Periodicals, B1 .S57;

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