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Updated and corrections /
mise à jour et corrections: 4 November 2013
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by / par
Lareau, 2007-, Ottawa, Canada
Selected Bibliography: Harm Principle,
Rechtsgut and Bien
Protégé par la Loi
Bibliographie choisie:
Principe du
Rechtsgut et bien protégé par la loi
"If the 'elusive dimension' of crime consists of incriminating acts, we
can hardly avoid the question:
What makes these acts incriminating?" (Fletcher, "The Unmet
Challenge of Criminal Theory", infra)
I - Canadian Criminal Law /
Droit pénal canadien
Annalise, "Harm,
Community Tolerance, and the Indecent: A Discussion of R. v.
(1997-98) 36 Alberta Law Review
Janine, "Hierarchies of Harm in Canadian Criminal Law: The Marijuana
Triology and the Forcible 'Correction' of Children", (2004) 24 The Supreme Court Law
Review (2nd ed.)
BOYCE, see infra;
BOWAL, Peter and Benjamin Law, "The Contours of what is Criminal",
(June/July 2005) 29(6) Law Now
8; see http://carl-abrc-oai.lib.sfu.ca/index.php/record/view/123406
and https://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48039/1/Bowal_Contours2005_LawNow.pdf
(accessed on 27 November 2011);
BURSTEIN, Paul, "What's the Harm in
Having a 'Harm Principle' Enshrined
in Section 7 of the Charter?", (2004) 24 The Supreme Court Law
Review (2nd ed.)
CAMERON, Jamie, "Abstract Principle v. Contextual Conceptions of Harm:
Comment on R. v. Butler", (1992) 37 McGill
Law Review 1135-1157; available at http://lawjournal.mcgill.ca/abs/vol37/4camer.html
(accessed on 3 April 2008);
Eric, 1945 and Sanjeev Anand, Principles
of Criminal Law, 3rd ed.,
Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2007, li, 599 p., and see "The 'Harm'
Principle" at pp. 42-44, ISBN: 978 0779813247;
"The dissenting minority in Labaye,
at para. 104, contended that Malmo-Levine
had rejected the existence of
harm as a prerequisite for criminalization and that the majority's
demand for harm in relation to indecency was therefore wrong.
Malmo-Levine did
not, however, reject any harm principle; it merely rejected the harm
principle in the narrow version espoused by Mill." (p. 44, note 42)
as a Criminal Offence: A Consultation paper, [Ottawa]
: Dept. of Justice Canada, 2002, available at http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cons/voy/index.html
(accessed on 11 November 2009); the
consultation paper contains a
rationale for offences, an important aspect of criminal law
There has been much discussion in Europe about the protection of legal
interests (part of the definitional elements of an offence); also
published in French / aussi publié en français:
MINISTÈRE DE LA JUSTICE CANADA, Voyeurisme-- Une infraction criminelle:
Document de consultation, [Ottawa]: Ministère de la
Justice , 2002, disponible à http://www.justice.gc.ca/fra/cons/voy/index.html
(vérifié le 11 novembre 2009);
DESJARDINS, Tristan, Les infractions
d'ordre moral en droit
criminel canadien,
Markham (Ontario): LexisNexis Canada, 2007,
xviii, 259 p., ISBN: 9780433454410; copie à la
Biobliothèque de la
Cour suprême du Canada, KF9434 D47 2007;
EPSTEIN, Richard A., "The Harm
Principle -- And How it
Grew", (1995) 45 University of
Toronto Law Journal 369-417;
GOFF, Colin H., 1949-,
Criminal Justice in Canada, 4th ed.,
Scarborough, Ont. : Thomson Nelson, 2007,
xxii, 409 p., ISBN; 9780176252694 and 017625269X ;
important element
in our legal system is that conduct is criminal only if it is
This idea is 'reflected in the notion of due process, which holds that
a criminal statute is unconstitutional if it bears no reasonable
relationship to the matter of injury to the public' (Territo et al.
1995, 33-34). This means there has to be a victim for the action
to be
harmful. Others argue that if the offence is a 'victimless' crime
for example, gambling, abortion, prostitution--it is not the law's
business' (Geis 1974). The basis for this view is that victimless
crimes violate morality, not the law, and that making them illegal
doesn't contribute to the good of society.
Criminal harm may
result in physical injury, but such harm is by no means restricted to
physical injury. For example, physical injury is not inflicted
perjury is committed, yet perjury is still considered harmful.
This is
because the criminal law has to deal with intangibles, such as harm to
public institutions and the harm that results from fear for one's own
well-being. …(p. 47; the reference to Territo is Territo, L., J.B.
Halsted, and M.L. Bromley. 1995.
Crime and Justice in America, 4th ed. Minneapolis, NM: West; and
reference to Geis is Geis, G. 1974, Not the Law's Business,
New York: Schocken)
GUILBAULT, Marie-Élaine, "Les valeurs de la communauté et
justification de l'action gouvernementale en matière criminelle
pénale", (Printemps 2009) 68 La
Revue du Barreau du Québec1-62; disponible à http://www.barreau.qc.ca/publications/revue/index.html
(vérifié le 6 juin 2009);
HUGHES, Jula, "Restraint and Proliferation in Criminal Law", (2010)
15(1) Review of Constitutional Studies,;
available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1738957
(accessed on 26 Jukly 2011);
Ottawa: Law
Reform Commission of Canada,
1985, [ix], 75 p., (series;
Working Paper; 44), ISBN: 0662539907; information
on the French version/informations sur la version française, COMMISSION
Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, 1985, [ix], 85 p.,
(Collection; Document de
travail; 44), ISBN: 0662539907;
___________Limits of Criminal Law: Obscenity:
A Test Case, [Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada],
1975, [vii], 49 p., (series;
Working Paper; 10); pdf conversion finished on 25
October 2006; information
on the French version/informations sur la version française, COMMISSION
DE RÉFORME DU DROIT DU CANADA, Les confins du droit
pénal: leur détermination à partir de
Commission de réforme du droit du Canada], 1975, [vii], 59 p.,
(Collection; Document de
travail; 10);
LEVINE, Roslyn J., "In Harm's Way: The Limits to Legislating Criminal
Law", (2004) 24 The
Supreme Court Law
Review (2nd ed.)
RAMSAY, Mark, “The
Harm Principle and Canadian Law: Reconciling Malmo-Levine &Caine with Labaye”
Canadian Section of the IVR annual meeting (Learneds,
Toronto, Ontario,
June 2nd 2006); title noted in my research but article not
consulted (19 September 2007);
R. v.
Kouri, 2005 SCC 81 (CanLII), available at http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/2005/2005scc81/2005scc81.htm
(accessed on 14 September 2007);
R. v. Labaye,
2005 SCC 80 (CanLII), available at http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/2005/2005scc80/2005scc80.html
(accessed on 14 September 2007);
R. v. Malmo-Levine et al.,
BCCA 335 (CanLII), available at http://www.canlii.org/en/bc/bcca/doc/2000/2000bcca335/2000bcca335.html
(accessed on 11 October 2007); contains an excellent review of
the concept of harm; important
SMITH, Ian R., "Developments in
Criminal Law: The 2005-2006 Term",
(2006) 35 The
Supreme Court Law
Review 141-200, and see
"Indecent Acts R. v. Labaye; R. v. Kouri", at pp.
STUART, Don, 1943-, Charter justice in Canadian criminal law, 4th ed., Toronto
: Thomson Carswell, 2005, lxiv, 604 p., and see on the harm principle
at pp. 63-65; deals with the R. v. Malmo-Levine; case, supra;
WEEKS, Carly, "Federal security
breach policy 'backwards'. 'Large loopholes' created if firms
decide when to notify public", The
Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 5 November 2007, p. A3;
"The debate over [security] breach
notification has become a major focus of Industry Canada's ongoing
review of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents
Act ...
Although Industry Canada has
acknowledged the threat posed by security
breaches, it says the issue of public notification is 'complex' and
should only be required in certain situations, when there is a high
risk that individuals could suffer direct harm as a result."
YOUNG, Alan N., "Done
Nothing Wrong: Fundamental Justice and The Minimum Content of Criminal Law” in Jamie Cameron
and James Stribopoulos, eds., The Charter and Criminal Justice Twenty-Five Years Later, Markham: LexisNexis, 2008, lxix, 759 p., at pp. 441-511, ISBN: 978-0-433-45803-6;
II -
Comparative Criminal Law /
Droit pénal comparé
ALLEMAGNE, Code civil allemand (Bürgerliches
Gesetzbuch ou BGB), disponible à http://fr.jurispedia.org/index.php/Articles_du_Code_civil_%28de%29
"§ 823 Obligation d'indemnisation
1. Celui qui, agissant intentionnellement ou par négligence,
atteinte illicitement à la vie, l'intégrité
corporelle, la santé, la
liberté, la propriété ou à un autre droit
similaire d'autrui, est tenu
à réparation du dommage qui en est résulté.
2. La même obligation vise celui qui contrevient à la
protection d'une autre loi protectrice. Si une violation de la loi en
question est possible sans qu'une faute ne soit nécessaire, le
de réparer le dommage n'intervient qu'en cas de faute."
Al Qudah, Mouaid, Individual
autonomy as a basis of criminal complicity in New South Wales and
Jordan : a comparative study, dissertation for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Western Sydney, 2005, xi, 281 p.;
see pp. 25-36; available at http://arrow.uws.edu.au:8080/vital/access/manager/Repository/uws:3625
(accessed on 2 September 2009);
"Toward a Universal System of Crime: Comments on George Fletcher's
Grammar of Criminal Law", (2007) 28 Cardozo Law Review
"The harm doctrine and the parallel
doctrine of the Rechtsgut
do not predetermine the question of the correct structure of crime;
they, importantly enough, try to limit the application of the criminal
law but it is increasingly controversial if they are able to do so
adequately. (p. 2655; note omitted)
APONTE, Luis Ernesto
Chiesa, "Normative Gaps in the Criminal Law: A
Reasons Theory of Wrongdoing", (2007) 10(1) New Criminal Law Review 102-141, and see "The
Political Theory of Wrongdoing, Legal Goods, and the Harm Principle",
at pp. 128-136; abstract available at http://caliber.ucpress.net/doi/abs/10.1525/nclr.2007.10.1.102?journalCode=nclr
(accessed on 15 April 2008);
Articles in (1994) 5 The Journal
of Contemporary Legal Issues;
ASHWORTH, Andrew, "Concepts
of Overcriminalization", (Spring 2008) 5(2) Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law
407-425; available at http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/osjcl/Articles/Volume5_2/Ashworth-PDF.pdf
(accessed on 25 March 2008);
Offences without Harm" in P.
Law: Essays in Honour of J.C. Smith,
London: Butterworths, 1987,
234 p. at pp. 7-23, ISBN: 0406501106;
Association of Penal Law), "Projet de Code pénal international",
(1981) 52(1-2) Revue internationale
de droit pénal;
"Paragraphe 5. Préjudice
5.0. L'élément de préjudice dépendra de la
définition du crime, exceptés les cas où la
définition du crime ne requiert pas de préjudice."
"Le cinquième élément, l'élément de
préjudice, nécessite une certaine explication et une
interprétation particulière par rapport à chaque
infraction, telle qu'elle est définie dans la Partie
Spéciale. Par conséquent, cet élément doit
être interprété en corrélation avec chaque
crime spécifique, étant donné que, dans certaines
circonstances, la définition du crime ne requiert pas un
résultat particulier qui serait considéré comme un
préjudice dans le sens de cet Article. Afin d'être sans
équivoque sur ce point, ce paragraphe prévoit
explicitement que ces éléments constitutifs peuvent
être changés par la définition même du
crime." (source:
et voir aussi
sites vérifiés le 13 novembre 2007)
BAKER, Dennis J., "Constitutionalizing the Harm Principle", (November
12, 2008) 27(2) Criminal
Justice Ethics 3; available at SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1300356
(accessed on 18 November 2008); also available at http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Constitutionalizing+the+harm+principle.-a0202802800
(accessed on 21 February 2011);
___________" The Impossibility of a Critically Objective Criminal Law",
(February 2011) 56(2) McGill Law
Journal 349-394;
___________"The Harm Principle vs. Kantian Criteria for Ensuring Fair,
and Just Criminalisation", (November 12, 2008) 33(66) Australian Journal of
Legal Philosophy; available at SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1300351
(accessed on 18 November 2008);
___________"The Moral Limits of Criminalizing Remote
Harms", (August 2007) 10(3) New
Criminal Law Review 370–391; with thye same title at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1130052
(accessed on 8 May 2008);
___________The right not to be criminalized : demarcating criminal
law's authority, Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate,
c2011, xi, 297 p. ; 24 cm. ( Applied legal philosophy); see Hollis
catalogue entry http://lms01.harvard.edu/F/6GJEB97JK416ABT976LHEUDA2ELY4SVJYLFT1R6CRMEBF9CYUI-04689?func=full-set-set&set_number=534410&set_entry=000019&format=999
(accessed on 22 October 2011);
"Symbolic Criminal Law without Limits -- Commentary on the Cannabis
decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court", available at http://www.drugtext.org/library/articles/94-const.html (accessed on 17
September 2007);
BOYCE, Bret, "Obscenity and Community Standards", (2008)
33 Yale
Journal of International Law 299-368, available at SSRN:
http://ssrn.com/abstract=1418684, see http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1418684
(accessed on 29 August 2009);
BRANNIGAN, Augustine,
"Obscenity and Social Harm: A Contested Terrain", (1991) 14 International
Journal of Law and Psychiatry
CADOPPI, Alberto, "Recent Developments in Italian
Law", (1990) 37 Alberta Law Review 425-442, and see "THE HARM
PRINCIPLE", at pp. 435-436; contribution
"The harm principle was developed, in the
Anglo-American legal-philosophical tradition, by John Stuart Mill; in a
modern context it has been further developedby the work of the American
scholar Joel Feinberg. In Italy, this idea has been
sharpened in the last century, prompted by the work of the German
scholar, Birbaum. He wrote about the 'legal good' (Rechtsgut; bene giuridico), which constitutes
an 'interest' which has to be protected by the criminal law. It
is only permissible to punish behaviour if it causes harm to a 'legal
good'. The concept of the legal good replaced the concept of
right, which was considered to be the only legitimate subject of legal
protection up to the first half of the nineteenth century. The
change from the notion of 'right' to the notion of 'legal good' was
important because it permitted the punishment of behaviour which
offended interests not belonging to individuals, but to society at
large. The concept of 'legal good' is still fashionable in the criminal
law context, and this topic continues to generate scholarly works in
continental Europe. But it is still difficult to identify with
sufficient precision the scope of this notion. Can a 'legal good'
be a vague 'feeling' of the community? Can it include the common
notion of public (or even private) morality? Can it be the
devotion to a particular religion? ..."
CHIESA, Luis E., "Why is it a
Crime to Stomp on a Goldfish? - Harm, Victimhood and the Structure of
Anti-Cruelty Offenses", 9 March 2008, 85 p., available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1104494
(accessed on 15 March 2008);
"Criminal Law Theory", and see the part "Liberalism and the Harm
Principle", web article available at http://law.anu.edu.au/criminet/tclt.html
(accessed on 30 January 2008);
"Criminalization -- from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", available
at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminalization
(accessed on 27 February 2008);
DAN-COHEN, Meir, "Thinking Criminal Law", (2007)
Cardozo Law Review 2419-2426;
"La norme pénale et la recherche autonome des valeurs dignes de
la protection pénale. Essai sur la théorie
générale du droit pénal", (1971) 95 Revue pénitentiaire et de droit
pénal 411-; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa,
0 .R487; title noted in my research but article not consulted
yet (21 September 2007);
DONOHUE, Brian, "Rhetoric, Harm, and the Personification of Progress in
Mill's On Liberty ", (June 2007) 20(2) Ratio
Juris 196–212;
at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=988574
(accessed on 18 September 2007); title noted in my research but
article not consulted yet (19 September 2007);
DRESSLER, Joshua, Understanding
Criminal Law, 2nd ed., New York : Matthew
Bender/Irwin, 1995, xli, 556 p., and see "§ 9.10 Social Harm: General
principles", at pp. 95-99 (series; legal text series), ISBN:
0256193193; there is now a 4th ed.:
Newark(NJ): LexisNexis, c2006, xxxiv, 649, [32] p. (series;
understanding series), ISBN: 082057001X;
"Social Harm: Constitutional Limits
Various constitutional provisions limit the extent
to which a legislature may proscribe harmful conduct. For
example, the First Amendment bars a state from making it an offence to
deface an American flag in a manner that the actor knows 'will
seriously offend one or more persons,' or to place on property a Nazi
swastika, burning cross, or other symbol that the actor should know
'arouses anger, alram or resentment in others on the basis of race,
color, creed, religion, or gender.' By these and other rulings,
the Supreme Court is not
suggesting that social harm does not occur in the circumstances
under consideration, but rather is saying that constitutional rights --
here, freedom of speech -- outweigh the society's interest in
preventing the harm." (2nd ed., pp. 98-99; notes omitted)
DRIPPS, Donald A., "The
Liberal Critique of the Harm Principle," (Summer/Fall, 1998) 17 Criminal Justice Ethics 3-18; available at http://www.thefreelibrary.com/The+Liberal+Critique+of+the+Harm+Principle.-a054480132
(accessed on 21 February 2011);
DUBBER, Markus Dirk, "Theories of
Crime and Punishment in German Criminal Law” (2006) 53 American Journal
of Comparative Law 679; also at Buffalo
Legal Studies Research Paper
Series No. 2005-02 Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=829226; important
contribution to the subject;
DUFF, Antony, "Harms and
Wrongs", (2001) 5(1) Buffalo
Criminal Law Review 13-45, available at http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/bclrarticles/5%281%29/Duff.pdf.pdf
(accessed on 9 October 2007); issue 5(1) of the Buffalo Criminal
Law Review " is
dedicated to a careful reconsideration of Joel Feinberg's pathbreaking
four-volume study on "The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law" by
and legal scholars from several countries/, available at http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/bclr.htm
(accessed on 9 October 2007);
___________"Theories of
Law", in Edward N. Zalta, ed., The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
, Winter 2002 edition, at http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2002/entries/criminal-law/
(accessed on 17 September 2007);
Lindsay Farmer, S.E. Marshall, Massimo Renzo and Victor Tadros,
"Introduction: The Boundaries of the Criminal Law", in R.A. Duff, Lindsay Farmer, S.E.
Marshall, Massimo Renzo and Victor Tadros, eds., The Boundaries of the Criminal Law, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2010, x, 267 p., at pp. 1-26, ISBN: 978-0-19-960055-7;
DWORKIN, Gerald, "Devlin was Right: Law and the Enforcement of
(1999) 40 William and
Mary Law Review
Albin, "The
Principle of 'Harm' in the Crime Concept: A Comparative Analysis of the
Criminally Protected Legal Interests", (1965-1966) 4 Duquesne
University Law Review 345-417; available at http://www.freidok.uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/3655/pdf/Eser_The_Principle_of_harm.pdf
(accessed on 26 January 2008); with the same title M.C.J. thesis,
New York University, 1962; important
contribution to the subject;
"Based on the
dualistic, integrative structure of legal interests and the three-steps
process of their sociological recognition, harm and legal interest can
be defined as follows. A 'legal interest' worthy of criminal
protection may be any factual interest or good of an individual, of a
social group, or of the state if it is socially recognized and in
harmony with the spirit and value order as established by the
Constitution. Consequently, 'criminal harm,' in its most general
sense, is the negation, endangering, or destruction of an individual,
group, or state interest which was deemed socially valuable, in harmony
with the Constitution and, therefore, protected by a criminal
sanction. In shorthand, 'criminal harm' is the actual or
prejudice to socially and constitutionally recognized and criminally
sanctioned factual interest." (p. 413)
Joel, 1926-, The Moral
Limits of the Criminal Law, and
see vol.
1, Harm to Others,
vol. 4, Harmless
Oxford: Oxford
University Press,
Claire, "Positivism
and the Notion of an
Offense", (2000) 88(2) California
Law Review 335-394;
FLETCHER, George P.,
Grammar of Criminal Law: American, Comparative, and International,
Volume 1 : Foundations,
Oxford/New York: Oxford University
Press, 2007, xxv, 366 p., and see 1.3.2. "Harm", ISBN: 978 0195103106; see Table
of Contents at http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0620/2006030367.html
(accessed on 30 July 2007);
Criminal Law,
Boston : Little, Brown, c1978, xxviii, 898 p.;
are in fact
numerous distinctions among types of harm, and so
these should be worked out before we seek to erect a proposition about
harm in the criminal law. What is true about secular destruction
(homicide, arson) might not be true about cases in which the 'harm'
consists in a legally prescribed result without destruction (the taking
in larceny, the giving of aid and comfort to the enemy in treason).31
31 It is useful to distinguish, as in
German theory, between the 'result' (Erfolg)
and 'encroachment on a legally protected interest' (Beeinträchtigung des geschützten
Rechsguts), see Jescheck 198. If an offense requires a
particular result (larceny as well as homicide, but not offenses of
risk-creation), proof of the result is necessary for liability.
The latter question of the protected legal interest and its
encroachment is a jurisprudential issue, analyzed independently of the
criteria for liability. Cf. the Soviet concept, 'object of the
offense,' Kurs (GP 1970) at 111 (maintaining that every offense has an
'object,' i.e., it infringes on the 'social relations of a socialist
society'). Part of the problem in the analysis of 'harm' is that
it oscillates between these two concepts -- the positive concept of
'result' and the jurisprudential concept of 'encroaching on a legal
interest." (p. 405)
___________ "The Unmet Challenge of Criminal Theory",
(Summer 1987) 33(4) The Wayne Law
Review 1439-
Philippe, L'infraction
pénale punissable,
Éditions Staemplfi, 1993, xv, 346 p., (Collection;
de droit Staempfli), ISBN: 372720978X;
"Toute infraction porte par définition atteinte à un
intérêt pénalement protégé; cette
atteinte (Rechtsgutverletzung)
ne doit pas être considérée comme un
'résultat' [...]
La majorité des incriminations visent une atteinte effective
à un bien juridique: le meurtrier détruit une vie
Plus la valeur d'un bien juridique est élevée, plus est
large la protection dont il jouit. Aussi la loi
réprime-t-elle souvent, par le biais de ces
'délits-obstacles' que sont les infractions de mise en danger (Gefährdungsdelikte), la
création d'un risque de lésion pour les
intérêts les plus précieux, notamment la vie et
l'intégrité corporelle. Il s'agit donc alors
d'intervenir pénalement avant qu'une atteinte effective
survienne, de manière à l'empêcher si possible; la
répression de la tentative (art. 21 [du Code pénal suisse], de
certains actes préparatoires [...] obéit d'ailleurs
à des considérations comparables [...]
Toute infraction suppose un comportement dirigé contre un objet
concret dans lequel l'intérêt protégé
s'incarne ou se matérialise [...]
La majorité des incriminations décrivent un comportement
actif ou passif dirigé contre un seul bien juridique, dont la
nature fournit le critère de regroupement des infractions par
espèces [...]" (pp. 82, 84 et 90)
GUR-ARYE, Miriam, "The Nature of Crime: A Synthesis, Following the
Three Perspectives Offered in The
Grammar of Criminal Law", (Winter/Spring 2008) 27(1) Criminal Justice Ethics
91-98, and see "III The Basic Meaning of Criminal Harm" at pp. 92-93;
available at http://www.thefreelibrary.com/The+nature+of+crime%3a+a+synthesis%2c+following+the+three+perspectives...-a0202802821
(accessed on 21 February 2011);
HALL, Jerome,
General Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Indianapolis:
Bobbs-Merrill, 1961,
xii, 642 p., and see Chapter 7, "Harm" at pp. 212-246;
Marci A.,
God vs. The Gavel: religion and the rule of law, Cambridge/New
Cambridge University Press, 2005, xii, 414 p., ISBN: 13:97805218530 40
and 10: 05218530044; see chapter 9, "The Decline of the Special
Treatment of Religious Entities and the Rise of the No-Harm Rule", at
pp. 238 to
272 with notes at pp. 371-389; copy at the Library of Parliament;
Adil Ahmad, "Lawrence v.
Texas and the Limits of the Criminal Law", (2007) 42(1) Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law
Review; available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=616942
on 18 September
HARCOURT, Bernard E.,
1963-, "The
Collapse of the Harm Principle",
(1999) 90
Journal of Criminal Law and
109-200; see abstract at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=232124
(accessed on 17 September 2007); Also published in his book:
Illusion of
order : the false promise of broken windows policing,
Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 2001, x, 294 p., ISBN:
0674004728; important
contribution to the subject;
HEFENDEHL, Roland, Andrew
von Hirsch,
and Wolfgang Wohlers (Hrsg/eds.), Die
Rechtsgutstheorie: Legitimationsbasis des Strafrechts oder dogmatisches
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft,
2003, 167 p., ISBN:3832919333;
(links accessed on 17 September 2007);
Centre's second
German-language project concerns 'mediating' principles that restrict
the criminalisation of harmful or offensive conduct. A colloquium on
this subject was held in Basel, Switzerland in December 2004, in which
a number of leading German criminal-law theorists attended. Themes
discussed included 'subsidiarity' and the ultima-ratio
principle; tolerance as reason for limiting
criminalisation; the Verhältnismäßigkeit
principle (proportionality of intervention to the importance of its
objectives); and questions of reducing punishments in situations
involving numerous responsible actors." (source:
http://www.crim.cam.ac.uk/research/cpt/criminalisation ; see also http://www.crim.cam.ac.uk/research/cpt/, accessed on 17 September
HIRSCH, Andrew von, "Der Rechtsgutsbegriff
und das 'Harm Principle'" (2002) 149
Archiv für
Strafrecht 2-14;
___________“Extending the
Harm Principle: ‘Remote’ Harms
and Fair Imputation”in
A. P. Simester and A. T. H. Smith, eds., Harm and
Clarendon Press, 1996, at pp.
259-276, ISBN: 0198260571;
HIRSCH, Andrew von and
Jareborg, "Gauging Criminal Harm: A
Living-Standard Analysis", (1991) 11 Oxford
Journal of Legal Studies 1-38;
HIRSCH, Andrew von and
AP Simester, "Penalising Offensive Behaviour: Constitutive and
Mediating Principles", in Andrew von Hirsch and AP Simester, eds., Incivilities: Regulating Offensive
Behaviour, Oxford/Portland (OR) : Hart, 2006, 293 p.,
at pp. 115-131 (series; Studies in penal theory and penal ethics),
ISBN: 1841134996 and 9781841134994; copy at the University
of Ottawa, KD1968 .I53 2006;
HÖRNLE, Tatjana, "Legal Regulation of Offence", in in Andrew von
Hirsch and AP Simester, eds., Incivilities:
Regulating Offensive Behaviour, Oxford/Portland (OR)
: Hart, 2006, 293 p., at pp. 133-148 (series; Studies in
penal theory and penal ethics), ISBN: 1841134996 and
9781841134994; copy at the University of Ottawa, KD1968 .I53 2006;
___________"Offensive Behavior and German Penal Law", (2001) 5(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review
255-278, available at http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/bclrarticles/5%281%29/Hornle.pdf.pdf
(accessed on 9 October 2007); issue 5(1) of the Buffalo Criminal
Law Review " is
dedicated to a careful reconsideration of Joel Feinberg's pathbreaking
four-volume study on "The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law" by
and legal scholars from several countries/, available at http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/bclr.htm
(accessed on 9 October 2007);
José, Droit
pénal -- Partie
générale, 1: Notions fondamentales et loi pénale,
Fribourg: Éditions universitaires Fribourg Suisse, 1991, xlii,
223 p., voir "Violation d'un bien juridique et violation d'un devoir
d'agir conformément à l'ordre juridique", aux pp. 10-13,
ISBN: 2827105624; note: il y a une deuxième édition
en 1997; importante
contribution au sujet;
"La doctrine, abandonnant l'idée selon laquelle toute infraction
représente la violation de droits subjectifs au profit d'une
conception de l'infraction en tant que lésion ou mise en danger
de biens juridiques, déploya des efforts considérables
pour définir cette notion de bien juridique. Sa
tâche a été rendue plus ardue par la
nécessité de prendre en considération, à
côté des biens juridiques individuels (Individualrechtsgüter, par
exemple vie, santé, patrimoine, liberté...), les biens
collectifs (Universalrechtsgüter,
par exemple paix publique paix publique, Etat, administration de la
justice, écologie, sécurité publique...), dont la
notion et les limites sont nettement plus difficiles à cerner.
Si l'idée de bien juridique n'était pas
complètement ignorée au siècle de Lumières,
elle a a été surtout développée à
l'époque moderne par la doctrine allemande.
Dans une perspective statique, les biens juridques constituent soit des
intérêts reconnus par l'ensemble ou la majeure partie de
la société, soit des conditions essentielles dans
lesquelles se concrétisent les éléments
préalables et indispensables pour l'existence
communautaire. Dans une perspective dynamique, par contre, ce ne
sont plus tellement les intérêts, les états de fait
ou les choses qui comptent pour cerner la notion de 'bien juridique',
mais plutôt la fonction sociale dont ils ne sont que le
support. Autrement dit, ne devraient être
considérés comme biens juridiques que les
intérêts propres à atteindre un but utile pour la
société ou une partie de celle-ci.
Malgré tous les efforts entrepris par la doctrine, la notion de
bien juridque demeure obscure et discutée. Cependant. il
faut reconnaître que l'on n'a pas encore trouvé de
critère pouvant lui être substitué; même
imprécise, elle accomplit un rôle primordial dans la
théorie de l'infraction." (pp. 10-11; notes omises)
___________Droit pénal - Partie
2, Zurich: Schulthness
Polygraphischer Verlag, 2002, xli, 396 p.,
"Le bien juridique constitue à la fois le fondement et le point
de départ de l'élaboration de l'énoncé de
fait légal puisque l'acte délictueux vise
précisément à le léser ou à le
mettre en danger. Son rôle central s'explique par le fait
que le législateur, pour décrire l'action
incriminée, se réfère à des circonstances y
relatives. Savoir quel est le bien juridique atteint et en
déterminer la portée représentent donc des moyens
utiles pour interpréter l'énoncé du fait
légal. Par ailleurs, le bien juridique rend
également plus aisée la classification des infractions
dans la partie spéciale du Code pénal (infraction contre
la vie, le patrimoine, l'honneur, etc.).
La protection du bien juridique intervient par le renforcement, au
travers d'une concrétisation dans des énoncés de
fait légaux, de standards culturels qui portent sur
l'interdiction ou le commandement de certains comportements. Par
exemple, l'art. 111 [du Code
pénal suisse] prévoit implicitement la norme 'tu
ne tueras point' ou l'art. 128 'tu prêteras assistance à
autrui'. Ainsi, l'action qui viole cette norme constitue le
fondement matériel de l'illicéité. Cette
conception est actuellement mise en question par une partie de la
doctrine qui affirme que l'ordre juridique, en particulier le droit
pénal, protège plutôt les expectatives à
conserver leurs biens juridiques." (p. 27; notes omises)
HUSAK, Douglas
N., 1948-, Overcriminalization: The
Limits of the Criminal Law, Oxford/New York: Oxford University
Press, 2008, x, 231 p., ISBN: 9780195328714; see excerpt, "External
constraints on criminalization", at http://www.law.upenn.edu/cf/faculty/phrobins/conversations/papers/HusakOvercriminalization.PDF
(accessed on 25 March 2008); "Contents : The amount of
criminal law -- Too much punishment, too many crimes --
How more crimes produce injustice -- The content of new offenses -- An
example of overcriminalization -- Internal constraints on
criminalization -- The "general part" of criminal law -- From
punishment to criminalization -- A right not to be punished? -- Malum
prohibitum -- External constraints on criminalization -- Infringing the
right not to be punished -- The devil in the details -- Crimes of risk
prevention -- Alternative theories of criminalization -- Law and
economics -- Utilitarianism -- Legal moralism." (Hollis catalogue);
"Criminalization as Last Resort (Ultima Ratio)", (2005) 2
Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 521-533, available at http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/osjcl/Articles/Volume2_2/Symposium/Jareborg-PDF-3-17-05.pdf (accessed on 17 September
"Roxin argues that the
criminal law is not the only appropriate means by which to pursue the
proper end of protecting legitimate values and interests (Rechtsgüter).6
6 In
German legal
scholarship, ideas and doctrines about Rechtsgüter
played a central role in the discussion of the legitimacy and limits of
criminal law. Personally, I see the doctrines concerning
a blind alley; something must be wrong when almost 200 years of
intensive intellectual activity seem to have resulted in more confusion
than clarity. The literature is enormous." (pp. 524-525).
RECHERCHE: biens juridiques, biens
juridiques protégés, bien
protégé par la loi, intérêt
protégé; Rechtsgut, Rechtsgutstheorie, Schutzgut; law goods, legal
legal interest, harm
principle, legitimate
values and interests; legally accepted good; legally
interest; bien jurídico protegido; bene giuridico;
Martin, Précis de
droit pénal général, Berne: Éditions Staempfli, 1998, xlv, 300 p.
(Collection; Précis de droit Staempfli), ISBN: 3727209895;
"Avec la Révolution
française, le droit pénal fut réduit aux
infractions qui portaient
atteinte aux intérêts d'autrui ou aux
intérêts publics --une formule
issue de la Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen [de 1789, art. 5] qui laissait une
belle marge d'appréciation
au législateur, mais qui -- en tant que programme
législatif -- a
marqué la politique criminelle jusqu''a nos jours.
Au cours des
discussions postérieures sur l'opportunité de
décriminaliser certains
comportements notamment sexuels, BIRNBAUM introduisit en 1834 le terme
de Rechtsgut
juridique'). D'après cette formule, le législateur
serait appelé à
n'incriminer que les comportements qui mettent en danger de tels biens;
de plus, l'interprétation (surtout téléologique)
d'une disposition pénale devrait chercher d'abord à
identifier le bien
juridique que cette norme est censée protéger. Si
ce terme d'avère
parfois utile en matière d'interprétation, il n'offre
guère de critère
efficace au législateur, puisqu'on peut discuter sans fin sur
l'existence d'un bien juridique digne de protection.
Certes, cette
conception dite libérale permet de faire certaines
délimitations. Un
tel exemple en sont les infractions sans victime, telles que les
rapports homosexuels entre partenaires adultes consentants, la
pornographie ou la prostitution. Dans lesdits domaines, la
plupart des
pays occidentaux ont procédé à une large
décriminalisation. En même
temps, les législateurs se sont montrés de plus en plus
sensibles aux
infractions mettant en cause la liberté d'action de personnes
vulnérables. Ainsi, le législateur suisse a
renforcé, aux art. 191-193
CP notamment, mais aussi aux art. 123 ch. 2 al. 2 et 126 al. 2 CP, la
protection de personnes moins à même de se
défendre. Ces exemples
suisses s'insèrent dans une tendance commune à la
politique criminelle
des pays occidentaux, don’t le dénominateur commun est une
accrue aux souffrances individuelles, sensibilité qui se
progressivement aux valeurs morales communément partagées
(pp. 23-24; notes omises)
KLEINIG, John, "Crime and the
Concept of Harm," (1978) 15 American
Philosophical Quarterly 27-36; (title noted in my research on 21
February 2011 but article not read yet);
"Swingers: Morality Legislation and
of State Police Power", (1999) 12 St.
Thomas Law Review 1- to aprox 38; title noted in my research but
article not consulted yet; no copy in trhe Ottawa area libraries
according to my verification of the AMICUS catalogue (19 September
LAUTERWEIN, Carl Constantin, The limits of criminal law : a
comparative analysis of approaches to legal theorizing, Farnham,
Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., c2010, x, 146 p.,
ISBN: 9780754679462 and 9780754698852 (ebook); note: The limits of criminal law – an analysis
of the Australian perspective in comparison to the German
Rechtsgutstheorie, LL.M. thesis, University of Sydney, 2008;
This book compares the civil and
common law approach to analyze the
question 'What sorts of conduct may the state legitimately make
criminal?'. Through a comparative focus on an Australian and German
context, this book utilizes interviews with Australian criminal law
experts and contrasts them with the German model based on
'Rechtsgutstheorie'. By comparing the largely descriptive,
criminology-based Australian approach with the more sophisticated
German legal theory model the author finds the Australian approach to
be suffering from a 'normative flaw', illustrated by the distinction of
different approaches to the offences of incest, bestiality and
possession of illicit drugs. Carl Constantin Lauterwein discovers that
while there is strength in the common law approach of describing the
possible reasons for criminalizing certain conduct, the approach could
be significantly improved by scrutinizing the legitimacy of those
reasons. (source:
accessed on 20 July 2010)
Contents :
limits and legitimacy : Germany and Australia -- The German
Rechtsgutstheorie -- The approach to the problem : a problem itself --
The discussion in Australia -- Incest, bestiality, and drugs :
legitimately criminalised? -- Conclusions.
Liability in Regulatory Contexts: A Consultation Paper, London,
x, 244 p., 2010, and see "Criminal wrongdoing and harm" at pp. 70-78,
available at http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/docs/cp195_web.pdf
(accessed on 24 November 2010);
LAW COMMISSION (of New Zealand), Maximum Penalties for Criminal Offences,
(series; Study paper 21); available at http://sp21.publications.lawcom.govt.nz/
(accessed on 4 November 2013);
MELANDER, Sakari, "Principles of criminalisation and European criminal
law", in NSfK’s Research Seminar 2003 ”Crime and Crime Control in an
Integrating Europe” 27-30 August 2003, Helsinki, at 191-199; available
at http://www.nsfk.org/downloads/seminarreports/researchsem_no45.pdf
(accessed on 24 February 2008);
MILL, John Stuart,
1806-1873, On
Liberty, London
: J.W.
Parker, 1859, 207 p.; available
at http://books.google.com/books?id=qCQCAAAAQAAJ&dq=intitle:on+intitle:liberty+inauthor:mill&as_brr=1
(accessed on 17 September 2007);
"The object of this Essay is to assert one very
simple principle, as entitled to govern absolutely the dealings of
society with
the individual in the way of compulsion and control, whether the means
used be
physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of
opinion. That principle is, that the sole end for which mankind
are warranted,
individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action
of any
of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for
which power
can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community,
his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either
physical or
moral, is not a sufficient warrant. . . . The only
part of the
conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which
others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his
independence is, of
right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the
individual is
sovereign." (pp. 21-22)
MOOHR, Geraldine Szott,
"The Crime of
Copyright Infringement: An
Inquiry Based on Morality, Harm, and Criminal Theory", available at http://www.law.uh.edu/faculty/gmoohr/Criminal.pdf
(accessed on 3 August 2007);
addition to
this inherent
indeterminancy, the concept of harm is necessarily elastic. For one
thing, community values necessarily inform specific conceptions of
harm. This means that what is regarded as harmful is not static;
definitions of harm may change over time and conditions. This
elasticity permits broad, speculative conceptions of harm, such as harm
government authority or harm from bypassing the market. The
malleability of the harm principle is at once a great strength and a
great weakness. The concept of social harm allows the
government to protect important national interests. On the other hand,
the absence of an objective measurement of detriment to public policy
makes it difficult to evaluate when
criminalization is necessary or appropriate.
Another complicating factor in identifying and evaluating societal harm
is that the principle is more useful in protecting established
interests than it is in ascertaining when harm to some new interest
merits criminal sanctions. With no guidance beyond the general
requirement of some societal harm, the power of the legislature to
define harm and to justify criminalization is thus both unconstrained
and biased toward protecting existing interests. This insight is
illustrated by criminal copyright legislation, in which legislators
were forced to choose
between the present interests of existing copyright holders and the
nascent interests of the public in utilizing technology, accessing
information, and creating new information products. In these
circumstances, as George Fletcher predicted, harm may be anything the
government says it is, and any act can be made a crime. A careful
analysis of the harm at issue, which would include a consideration of
the principle’s limiting axioms and the effect of criminalization on
other interests, may avoid this outcome." (pp. 66-68; footnotes omitted)
NESTLER, Cornelius, "Constitutional
Criminal Law Principles, and German Drug Law", (1997-98) 1 Buffalo Criminal law Review
NUOTIO, Kimmo, "Theories of Criminalization and the Limits of
Criminal Law: A Legal Cultural Approach", in R.A. Duff, Lindsay Farmer, S.E.
Marshall, Massimo Renzo and Victor Tadros, eds., The Boundaries of the Criminal Law, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2010, x, 267 p., at pp. 238-261, ISBN:
PERSAK, Nina, Criminalising
Harmful Conduct: The Harm Principle, Its Limits and Continental
2007, 176 p., ISBN-10:
0387464034; ISBN-13:
see table of
Contents; important
contribution to the subject;
PUIG, Santiago Mir, "Legal
Goods Protected by the Law and Legal
Protected by the Criminal Law as Limits to the State's Power to
Criminalize Conduct", (August 2008) 11(3) New Criminal Law Review 409–418;
title noted in my research but document not consulted yet (3 September
RAZ, Joseph Raz, "Autonomy, Toleration,
and the Harm Principle," in Ruth Gavison, ed., Issues in Contemporary
Legal Philosophy: The Influence of H. L. A. Hart, Oxford (UK): Clarendon, 1987, at pp.
313-333; (title noted in my research on 21 February 2011 but article
not read yet);
RENZO, Massimo, "A Criticism of the International Harm
Principle", (2010) 4 Criminal Law
and Philosophy 267-282;
RIPSTEIN, Arthur, "Beyond
the Harm
Principle", (June 2006) 34(3) Philosophy
and Public
215-243; also available at http://repositories.cdlib.org/berkeley_gala/fall2004/3/
and http://repositories.cdlib.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=berkeley_gala
(accessed on 17 September 2007);
ROMANIA, Penal Code,
available at http://www.legislationline.org/legislations.php?jid=30<id=15
(accessed on 24 September 2007);
The purpose of criminal law
– The criminal law defends, against
criminal offences, Romania, the sovereignty, the independence, the
unity and indivisibility of the state, the person, its rights and
liberties, the property and the rule of law.
[ ...]
Essential features of offences
- (1) An offence is an act provided in the criminal law,
manifesting a social peril and committed in guilt.
(2) Offences are the only grounds for criminal liability.
The social peril
Art.18 -
An act represeting a social peril
according to the criminal law is any action or inaction through which
one of the values provided in article 1 is damaged and for which the
application of a penalty is necessary.
Acts that do not manifest a social peril
Art.19 – (1) If the
act provided in the criminal
law damages insignificantly one of the values protected by the law and
by its concrete content, is obviously lacking importance, therefore not
manifesting a social peril, the above said act does not constitute an
(2) For the determination of the concrete social peril, it shall be
taken into account the manner and the means by which the act was
committed, the purpose of the act, the circumstances in which the act
was committed, the result which was caused or which could have been
caused, as well as the person and the behaviour of the perpetrator.
(3) In case of perpetration of an act provided by this article, the
prosecutor or the court applies one of the following administrative
a) reproach;
b) reproach with warning;
c) a fine from 1.000.000 lei to 25.000.000 lei."
RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Criminal code of the Russian Federation,
by William E. Butler. Introd. by William E. Butler and Maryann E.
3rd ed., London: Simmonds & Hill; The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer
1999, xxvi, 224 p., ISBN: 1898029407 (Simmonds and Hill) and 9041195025
(Kluwer Law International);
"Article 14. Concept of
1. A socially dangerous act committed
guiltily which
is prohibited by the present Code under threat of punishment shall be
to be a crime.
2. An action (or failure to act),
formally also containing the indicia of any act provided for by the
Code but by virtue of insignificance does not represent a social
shall not be a crime [as amended 25 June 1998]." (p. 6)
"The System
of Criminal Wrongs: The Concept of
Legal Goods and Victim-based Jurisprudence as a Bridge between the
General and Special Parts of the Criminal
Code", (2003-2004) 7 Buffalo
Law Review 551-582;
available at http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/bclrarticles/7/2/schuenemann.pdf
(accessed on 15 April 2008);
SERBIA and MONTENEGRO, Criminal Code,
2005, available
at http://www.legislationline.org/upload/legislations/dc/a9/576c23dc41967e427086bf4c2b45.pdf
(accessed on 5 July 2006);
"Basis and Scope of Criminal Law
Article 3
Protection of a human being and other fundamental social values
constitute the basis and scope for defining of criminal acts, imposing
of criminal sanctions and their enforcement to a
degree necessary for suppression of these offences."
SIMESTER, A.P. and Andrew Von Hirsch, Crimes,
Harms, and Wrongs: On the Principles of Criminalisation, Oxford:
Hart Publishing, 2011, xix, 237 p.ISBN: 9781841139401; copy at
University of Ottawa, Fauteux, K5018.S56 2011;
____________"Remote Harms and non-constitute
crimes" (May 2009) 28 Criminal
Ethics 89; available at http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Remote+harms+and+non-constitutive+crimes.-a0203954809
(accessed 21 February 2011);
Steven Douglas, "The
Hollowness of the Harm Principle" (September 2004). University of San
Diego Legal
Studies Research Paper No. 05-07, available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=591327
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.591327(accessed on 15
September 2007);
the Harm principle Illiberal?",
(2006) 51 American
Journal of Jurisprudence 1-42; title noted in my research but article not
consulted yet (3 September 2009);#
STEEL, Alex, "The Harms and Wrongs of Stealing: The Harm Principle and
Dishonesty in Theft", (2008) 31(3) University
of New South Wales Law Journal 712-737; UNSW Law
Research Paper No. 2008-65. Available at SSRN:
http://ssrn.com/abstract=1402453; see http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1402453
(accessed on 16 May 2009);
STEWART, Hamish, "The Limits of the Harm Principle", (2009) Criminal law and Philosophy;
SUISSE, Code pénal,
art. 17, "État de nécessité licite" et art. 18
"État de nécessité excusable"; disponible à
(consulté le 22 septembre 2007);
"État de
nécessité licite
Art. 17
Quiconque commet un acte punissable
pour préserver d’un danger imminent
et impossible à détourner autrement un bien juridique lui appartenant
ou appartenant à un tiers agit de manière licite s’il
sauvegarde ainsi
des intérêts
"État de
nécessité excusable
Art. 18
1 Si l’auteur commet un acte
punissable pour se préserver ou préserver
autrui d’un danger imminent et impossible à détourner
menaçant la vie,
l’intégrité corporelle, la liberté, l’honneur, le
patrimoine ou d’autres biens essentiels, le juge atténue
la peine si le
sacrifice du bien
menacé pouvait être raisonnablement exigé de lui.
2 L’auteur n’agit pas de
manière coupable si le sacrifice du bien menacé ne
pouvait être raisonnablement exigé de lui."
___________Loi fédérale
sur les entraves techniques au commerce (LETC), disponible
à http://www.admin.ch/ch/f/rs/9/946.51.fr.pdf
(consulté le 23 septembre 2007);
"But et objet
Art. 1
1 La présente loi
établit des règles uniformes applicables dans les
domaines où la Confédération est compétente
pour légiférer, visant à empêcher la
création d’entraves techniques au commerce, à les
éliminer ou à les réduire. [...]
Elaboration des prescriptions techniques en général
Art. 4
1 Les prescriptions techniques sont formulées de manière
à ne pas engendrer d’entraves techniques au commerce. [...]
3 Des dérogations au principe de l’al. 1 ne sont admissibles que
dans la mesure:
a. où elles sont rendues
nécessaires par des
intérêts publics prépondérants [...]
4 Constituent des
au sens de l’al. 3, let. a:
a. la protection de la morale, de
l’ordre et de la sécurité publics;
b. la protection de la vie et de la
santé de l’être humain, des animaux et des
c. la protection du milieu naturel;
d. la protection de la sécurité au lieu de travail;
e. la protection des consommateurs et de la loyauté dans les
transactions commerciales;
f. la protection du patrimoine culturel national;
g. la protection de la propriété."
TAJIKISTA, Republic of, Criminal Code,
available at http://www.legislationline.org/legislations.php?jid=50<id=15
(accessed on 6 June 2006);
Article 2. Objectives of the Criminal Code of the Republic of
(1) The Criminal Code is aimed to defend rights and freedoms of a
person and citizen, rights of juridical persons, property, environment,
public order, constitutional system, peace and security of humankind
from criminal invasions, to bring up citizens in the spirit of
observance of the Constitution and laws of the republic and to prevent
(2) To implement these objectives the present Code consolidates
grounds and principles of criminal responsibility , defines which
socially dangerous actions are deemed to be crimes and determines
sentences and other measures of criminal-legal influence for committing
TENNEN, Eric, "Is the
Constitution in
Harm's Way? Substantive Due
Process and Criminal Law", (2004) 8 The Boalt
Journal of
Criminal Law 3;
available at http://www.boalt.org/bjcl/v8/v8tennenprint.htm
(accessed on 25 June 2006); name of law review now changed to Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law;
VIETNAM, Code pénal
de la République socialiste du Vietnam,
1990 disponible à http://www.maisondudroit.org/CodePenal_versionFr/Mdvf.htm
(visionné le 9 avril 2004);
"Article 1. Missions du Code pénal
Le Code pénal a
pour mission de protéger le régime socialiste, le droit
de maître du peuple, l’égalité
entre les communautés ethniques du pays, les
intérêts de l’Etat, les droits
et intérêts légitimes des particuliers et des
groupements, la législation
socialiste, de réprimer tous actes délictueux et
d’appeler les citoyens au
respect de la loi, à la prévention et à la lutte
contre la criminalité.
Afin de remplir ces
missions, le Code pénal détermine les infractions et fixe
les peines applicables
à leurs auteurs."
Article 8. Définition
1. Constitue une infraction tout acte dangereux
pour la société, défini par le code pénal, commis de façon intentionnelle ou non
intentionnelle par une personne ayant la capacité pénale,
portant atteinte à l’indépendance, à la
souveraineté, à l’unité nationale ou à
l’intégrité territoriale, au régime politique,
économique ou culturel du pays, à la défense ou
à la sûreté nationale, à l’ordre public ou
à la sécurité publique, aux droits et
intérêts légitimes des groupements, à la
vie, à la santé, à l’honneur, à la
dignité, à la liberté, aux biens ou aux autres
droits et intérêts légitimes des particuliers,
ainsi qu’à tous autres domaines protégés par la
législation socialiste.
2. Dans le présent code, les infractions sont
classées, suivant la nature et la gravité du danger
social des actes, en infractions peu graves, infractions graves,
infractions très graves et infractions extrêmement graves
3. Est qualifiée
de peu grave toute infraction provoquant un danger social peu grand,
pour laquelle le maximum de l’échelle de peines applicable est
de trois ans d’emprisonnement. Est qualifiée de grave toute
infraction provoquant un grand danger social, pour laquelle le maximum
de l’échelle de peines applicable est de sept ans
d’emprisonnement. Est qualifiée de très grave toute
infraction provoquant un danger social très grand, pour laquelle
le maximum de l’échelle de peines applicable est de quinze ans
d’emprisonnement. Est qualifiée d'extrêmement grave toute
infraction provoquant un danger social extrêmement grand, pour
laquelle le maximum de l'échelle de peines applicable est
supérieur à quinze ans d'emprisonnement, la
réclusion à perpétuité ou la peine de mort.
4. Tout acte réunissant
les éléments constitutifs de l’infraction et
présentant toutefois un moindre danger social, n'est pas une
infraction et encourt une sanction autre que la sanction pénale."
____________Penal Code,
available at http://www.worldlii.org/vn/legis/pc66/index.html
(accessed on 24 September 2007);
"Article 1.- The tasks of the Penal
The Penal Code has the tasks of protecting the socialist regime, the
mastership, equality among people of various nationalities, the
interests of
the State, the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and
protecting the socialist law order, opposing all acts of criminal
offense; at
the same time educating people in the sense of law observance and
struggle to
prevent and combat crime.
In order to carry out such tasks, the Penal Code defines crimes and the
penalties for offenders.
Article 8.- Definition of crime
1. A crime is an act dangerous to the society prescribed in the
Penal Code,
committed intentionally or unintentionally by a person having the penal
liability capacity, infringing upon the independence, sovereignty,
unity and
territorial integrity of the Fatherland, infringing upon the political
the economic regime, culture, defense, security, social order and
safety, the
legitimate rights and interests of organizations, infringing upon the
health, honor, dignity, freedom, property, as well as other legitimate
and interests of citizens, and infringing upon other socialist
2. Based on the nature and extent of danger to the society of acts
in this Code, crimes are classified into less serious crimes, serious
very serious crimes and particularly serious crimes.
3. Less serious crimes are crimes which cause no great harm to society
and the
maximum penalty bracket for such crimes is three years of imprisonment;
serious crimes are crimes which cause great harm to society and the
penalty bracket for such crimes is seven years of imprisonment; very
crimes are crimes which cause very great harm to society and the
penalty bracket for such crimes is fifteen years of imprisonment;
serious crimes are crimes which cause exceptionally great harms to
society and
the maximum penalty bracket for such crimes shall be over fifteen years
imprisonment, life imprisonment or capital punishment.
4. Acts showing signs of crime but which pose minimal danger to society
not crimes and shall be handled by other measures."
Remote Harm and the Case of Anti-democratic Activity",
(2007) 28
Cardozo Law Review 2697-2737;
at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=952175;
also available at http://cardozolawreview.com/PastIssues/28.6_wallerstein.pdf
(accessed on 15 January 2009);
WALTHER, Julien, 1970-, L'antijuridicité en droit
comparé franco-allemand (contribution à une
générale de l'illicéité), Thèse
: Droit pénal : Université de Nancy II, Cotutelle avec
de la Sarre/gemeinsame Betreuung mit der Universität des
2003, xvi, 513 p., voir "Les effets de l'antijuridicité
matérielle: la référence aux biens juridiques
protégés, aux pp. 367-430; Notes: directeurs de
Seuvic et Heike Jung, 1942-; Président du jury: André
Prix de Thèse de Droit Privé de la Faculté de
2003-; contribution
importante au sujet;
"La notion de bien juridique ou 'Rechtsgut' est indissociablement
associée à celle de l'injuste dans l'infraction.
Elle est le corollaire du bloc formé par la typicité et
l'antijuridicité, c'est-à-dire l'injuste (Unrecht), du droit allemand .
L'atteinte au bien juridique portée par un comportement typique
et antijuridique serait la concrétisation de cette contradiction
à l'ordre juridique.
La notion de 'Rechtsgut' reste
centrale en droit allemand pour ses effets et ses fonctions même
si elle n'est pas à l'abri de critiques. M. ROXIN a remis au
goût du jour la notion de 'Rechtsgut'
en la réinscrivant dans une perspective constitutionnelle, en
l'alignant pour ainsi dire sur la notion de droits fondamentaux.
Il précise que la seule limitation posée au
législateur réside dans les principes de la
constitution. Il donne du bien juridique la définition
suivante: 'Les biens juridiques sont des objectifs ou faits
(données) utiles au libre épanouissement de l'individu
dans le cadre d'un système reposant sur cette finalité ou
qui seraient utiles au propre fonctionnement de ce système.' "
(p. 378)
WESTEN, Peter K., "Why
Criminal Harms
Matter: Plato's Abiding Insight
in the Laws", (April 2007) 1(3) Criminal
Law and Philosophy
Commentators have contested the role of
resulting harm in
criminal law
since the time of Plato. Unfortunately, they have neglected what may be
not only the best discussion of the issue, but also the first - namely,
Plato's one-paragraph discussion in the Laws. Plato's discussion
succeeds in reconciling two, seemingly irreconcilable viewpoints that
till now have been in stalemate. Thus, Plato reconciles the view, that
an offender's desert is solely a function of his subjective willingness
to act in disregard of the legitimate interests of others, with the
view that
sentences can appropriately be made to depend upon how indignant,
angry, and upset society is at an offender based upon the results of
his culpable conduct. In doing so, Plato casts light on retributive
theories of punishment by suggesting that an adjudicator can be
committed to retribution and yet rightly believe that it is
inappropriate to give an offender the full punishment he deserves. He
also lays a basis for the view that causation, rather being predicates
for the just punishment of offenders toward whom the public is
intuitively angry for harm, is the consequence of the public's being
intuitively angry at offenders for harm." (source: