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Bibliography Penal Law/Bibliographie Droit pénal
A. Canon Law / Droit canonique
B. Christianism and Penal Law - Religion /Christianisme et droit pénal - Religion
--------A. Canon Law (with elements of history and theology) /
Droit canon (avec des éléments d'histoire et de théologie)
"L'Italie antique et l'Italie moderne nous ont donné chacune leur loi universelle:
L'une le Droit romain (1);
L'autre le Droit canonique.Voilà les deux sources juridiques communes, sans l'exploration desquelles il n'y a pas de vraie connaissance historique du droit et de la vie des grands peuples modernes. La dernière, le Droit canonique, est aujourd'hui entièrement négligée chez nous: c'est une des lacunes regrettables de nos études, que le mouvement de progrès scientifique doit chercher à faire disparaître. M. Ortolan nous en fait connaître la naissance, la progression, la nature et la partie générale.
Le droit romain et le droit canonique, voilà ce qui donne à la législation européenne de l'époque que nous étudions, un caractère de similitude, de communauté, presque d'unité, si remarquable.
(1) Le droit romain a eu cependant très peu de prise en Angleterre; beaucoup plus en Écosse.
Joignez-y la Jurisprudence, autre élément comun, qui s'inspire aux deux sources précédentes, et aux déductions du raisonnement; la Jurisprudence, qui, à cette époque encore, est une; qui a son empire comme sa langue universelle.
Droit romain, Droit canonique, Jurisprudence: voilà ce qui appartient à toute l'Europe. Voilà ce qui fait que le jurisconsulte criminaliste est de tous les pays et fait autorité dans tous [...]
Telles sont, dans la législation et dans la jurisprudence, les principales sources du droit criminel au XVIIIe siècle."
(J.-L.-E. (Joseph-Louis-Elzéar) Ortolan, 1802-1873, Cours de législation pénale comparée, volume 2: Introduction historique, histoire du droit criminel en Europe depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu'à ce jour: analyses du cours de 1839-1840; recueillies et publiées par M. G. Narjot, Paris : Joubert, 1841, vij, 295 p. aux pp. 105-106; copie de ce volume rare au Canada à l'Université de Montréal, #1-2 HAZD/O 78c);
"L'analyse des circonstances du péché, à laquelle se sont livrés les confesseurs, a servi de modèle à l'analyse des circonstances du délit faite par les anciens criminalistes, qu'ils aient eu en vue le droit canon ou le droit séculier" (Louis Kahn, Étude sur le délit et la peine en droit canon, infra, p.23)
ABELARD, Peter, 1079-1142, Peter Abelard's Ethics: an edition
with introduction, English translation and notes by D.E. Luscombe,
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971, lxi, 144 p. (series; Oxford medieval
ISBN: 0198222173; research note: "The theoretical foundation
the new law of ecclesiastical crimes was laid by Abelard in his Ethics..."
writes Harold J. Berman,
Law and evolution: the Formation of the Western
Legal Tradition, infra, at p. 187;
AKAIDA, M., "La pénitence: étude comparative des
droits musulmans et canonique", (octobre/décembre 2007) Revue pénitentiaire et de droit
pénal 835 à 867 approx.;
ALLETZ, Pons-Augustin, 1703-1785, La Discipline de l'Église de
France, d'après ses maximes et ses
décisions répandues dans la Collection des
mémoires du clergé. Ce qui a
pour objet tout ce qui concerne le culte divin ; les ministres du
premier et du second ordre ; leurs droits et leurs obligations ; les
abbayes en commende et celles en règle ; les matières
bénéficiales, la
juridiction ecclésiastique, etc. Ouvrage utile aux
évêques, aux prélats
commendataires, aux abbés réguliers, aux grands vicaires,
officiaux, aux promoteurs, aux curés, aux chanoines, aux
quelconques, enfin à tous les sujets attachés au service
de l'Église
[Texte imprimé]. Par l'auteur du Dictionnaire théologique,
Paris : Impr. de P.-D. Pierres, 1780; disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=kGoPAAAAQAAJ&pg=RA3-PA515&dq=homicide+irr%C3%A9gularit%C3%A9s+date:1500-1815&lr=lang_fr&as_brr=3&as_pt=ALLTYPES&ei=4jBFSb7LM4GklQS1jKTBCg#PPP9,M1
(vérifié le 14 décembre 2008);
J.-F. (Jean-François), 1809-1881, Cours alphabétique et
méthodique de droit canon dans ses rapports avec le droit civil
ecclésiastique, 3e éd., Paris : Chez
l'auteur et a la Librairie catholique de F. Boullotte, 1860, 6
- vol. 1, "Abandonnement", http://books.google.com/books?id=N54LAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:OCLC02702522
- vol. 2, "Cabaret", http://books.google.com/books?id=IKELAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:OCLC02702522
- vol. 3, "Dais", http://books.google.com/books?id=0KALAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:OCLC02702522#PPA15,M1
- vol. 4, "Habits", http://books.google.com/books?id=baALAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:OCLC02702522#PPP5,M1
- vol. 5, Naissance, http://books.google.com/books?id=LKALAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:OCLC02702522#PPP5,M1
- vol. 6, "Rapt", http://books.google.com/books?id=3p8LAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:OCLC02702522#PPP6,M1
___________ Somme
théorique et pratique de tout
le droit canonique, 3me éd., Bar-le-Duc et
Paris, 1878, 2 vols.;
- vol. 1, http://books.google.com/books?vid=HARVARD32044097727929&printsec=titlepage#PPP9,M1;
- vol. 2,http://books.google.com/books?id=XawLAAAAYAAJ&printsec=titlepage&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0
ARCHAIMBAUD, Benoît, 1643-1688, Abbrégé
du droit canon contenant des remarques sur les décrets de
avec des dissertations sur les plus importantes matières de la
de l'Église et de la morale chrétienne, Lyon : J.
1689, [xix], 512, [39] p.; copie à l'Universit/ St-Paul, Ottawa,
collection des livres rares, BQV 116 A73A2 1689; texte non
ARMSTRONG, Christopher, A Critical Appraisal of Latae Sententiae
Penalties in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, Canon Law Studies No. 548,
(Catholic University of America: Washington, DC, 1996); texte non
ATNER, Peter, "The canonical protection of the dignity of the sacrament
of penance in the penal law", (2007) 10 Folia Canonica 87-103;
AUBERT, Jean-Marie, Le droit romain dans l'oeuvre de Saint-Thomas,
Paris : Vrin, 1955, 164 p. (Collection; Bibliothèque Thomiste;
AUBOUX, J., La veritable
pratique civile et criminelle des cours ecclesiastiques… 2ª ed.
corr. & augm., Paris: Michel Bobin, 1665;
AYRINHAC, Henry Amans, P.S.S., 1867-1930, Penal legislation in
new Code of canon law (liber V) / Henry Amans Ayrinhac ; rev. by P.J.
New York : Benziger, 1936, xxii, 340 p.; copy at Bibliothèque
Library - Collection générale - General collection, BQV
2195 A97P4 1936;
available at
and http://www.openlibrary.org/details/penallegislation00ayriuoft
(sites accessed on 24 January 2007); available at http://www.archive.org/details/penallegislation00ayriuoft
(accessed on 12 November 2007);
__________Penal legislation in
new Code of canon law (liber V), 1920; available at http://www.archive.org/details/penallegislation00ayriuoft
(accessed on 2 July 2007); also available at ighttp://www.archive.org/details/penallegislatio00ayroog
(accessed on 30 January 2010);
BAKER, J.H., ed., The Reports of Sir John Spelman, London:
Society, 1978, vol. 2, see Chapter 10, "Pleas of the Crown", at pp.
and see "Criminals and the Liberties of the Church", at pp. 326-346;
at Ottawa University, FTX General, KD 270 1502. S64; note: Sir John
c. 1480-1546;
BALDWIN, John, "The Crisis of the Ordeal: Literature, Law and
around 1200", (1994) 24 Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies
___________"The Intellectual Preparation for the Canon of 1215
Ordeals" (1961) 36 Speculum 613-636;
BAR, L. v. (Ludwig von), 1836-1913 and others, A history of continental criminal law / by Carl Ludwig von Bar and others; translated by Thomas S. Bell and others; with an editorial preface by John H. Wigmore ; and introductions by William Renwick Riddell and by Edwin R. Keedy, Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1916, lvi, 561 p. (series; Continental legal history series; v. 6); see "[The Middle Ages] The Christian Church's Law", at pp. 79-94; important contribution; available at http://www.lareau-law.ca/DigitalLibraryTwo.html (accessed on 16 August 2007); also available at http://www.archive.org/stream/ahistorycontine01bargoog (accessed on 12 April 2009);
BASSETT, William W., "L'appel à l'équité dans les procès", (1975) 107 Concilium [Concilium: Revue internationale de théologie] 97-109; traduit de l'américain par André Divault;
"[p. 79] § 27. Excommunication as the Foundation of the Criminal Law of the Church. -- Every association has the natural right to expel those of its members who will not conform to its general rules.1 If denied this right, it is either forced to endure every
1 Concerning the matter contained in this chapter the following writers may be consulted: Eichhorn, 'Grundsätze des Kirchenrechts' (2 vols. 1831) (cf. also Eichhorn, 'Deutsche Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte' (5th ed.), I §§ 105, 106, 108 et seq.); Du Boys, 'Histoire du droit criminel des peuples anciens' (1845); Du Boys, 'Histoire du droit criminel des peuples modernes'; Faustin Hélie, 'Traité de l'instruction criminelle' (I, 1866, 2d ed.); Dove, 'Untersuchungen über die Sendgerichte', in the 'Zeitschrift für Kirchenrecht,' (Vol. 19, pp. 321 et seq.); (cf. also Dove in the 'Zeitschrift für Kirchenrecht,' IV, pp. 1 et seq., pp. 157 et seq., V (1865) pp. 1 et seq.); Eck, 'De natura poenarum secundum jus canonicum' (1860); Nic. München, 'Das kanonische Gerichtsverfahren und Strafrecht' (2 vols. 1865, 1866); Waitz, 'Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte' (2d ed., Vols. III and IV);Sohm, in the 'Zeitschrift für Kirchensrecht' (1870), pp. 248 et seq.; Richter, 'Lehrbuch des katholischen und evangelischen Kirchenrechts' (7th ed. prepared by Dove, 1874); Edgar Löning, 'Geschichte d. deutschen Kirchenrechts' (Vols. 1 and 2, 1878); Edw. Katz, 'Ein Grundriss des Kanonischen Strafrechts' (1881); Von Holtzendorff, in his 'Handbuch des deutschen Strafrechts', I, pp. 40-50. [For
[p. 80] variety of disorder, or else it must be given the right of direct coercion, or there must be placed at its disposal, for the compulsory enforcement of its orders, the power of the State.
The Christian Church, in its early periods was constantly defending itself against the State. It tolerated the State only as a necessary evil. To avoid subjecting itself further persecution, it forbade its adherents to litigate before the civil authorities.2 It is self-evident3 that the only weapon and defense against refractory members possessed by such an organization was expulsion. To this fact there may be attributed the essential characteristics of the criminal law of the Church.4
The oldest punishment of the Church is merely excommunication, which when applied to the Clergy necessarily amounted to dismissal; since expulsion from the association carried with it removal from offices held in the association. The association in question was, or appeared to be be, of vital importance for the welfare or woe of the individual. Consequently, instead of permitting himself to be expelled from the association, he would prefer to subject himself voluntarily to certain disadvantages and sacrifices, if, in this way, he could undo the effects of his disobedience. Moreover, the association, since its value depended upon its numbers, would avail itself of expulsion -- at least final and permanent expulsion -- only in extreme cases. Thus the oldest punishments of the Church came to consist of either a compete or a partial exclusion from the Church itself, or, in a milder form, only from the sacrament or from office. There were also other punishments, the so-called penance, the fasts, self-scourging and allowing oneself to be scourged, the wearing of a penitential garment, pigrimages, etc. Moreover the gifts of money and valuables, which later were given to good works and to the purposes of the Church, were originally voluntary gifts by which the giver
additional and later literature, see: Aichner, 'Compendium juris ecclesiastici' (Brixen 1890); Bouix, 'Tractatus de principiis juris canonici' (Paris, 1822); Brosy, 'Kirchenrecht' (Berlin 1890); Cavagnis, 'Institutiones juris publici ecclesiastici' (Roma 1912); Phillips, 'Lehrbuch des Kirchenrechts' (Regensburg, 1872-1889); Sant, 'Praelectiones juris canonici' (Regensburg, 1886); Albrecht, 'Verbrechen und Strafen, als Scheidungsgrund nach evangelischen Kirchenrecht' (Berlin, 1903); L. Kahn, 'Étude sur le délit et la peine en droit canon' (Paris, 1898); Silbernagl, 'Lehrbuch des katholischen Kirchenrechts' (Berlin, 1913); Hinschius, 'Kirchenrecht' (1869-1897). (VON THOT)].
2 N.T., I. Corinthians, vi, 1 and 2 et seq. Cf. Du Boys, 'Histoire du dr. crim. des peuples anciens', pp. 610 et seq.
3 N.T., Matthew, xviii, 15-17.
4 Cf. also Edg. Löning, I, pp. 252 et seq.
[p. 81] forestalled his expulsion from the Church or secured his reinstatement.
Comprehensive Nature of the Law 'of Penance.' Other Characteristics. -- The duties of the Church theoretically embraced the entire life of the individual. Not only belief but also morals were subject to the authority of the Church; under minute inspection, every act or omission acquired a moral significance. Thus the criminal law of the Church was unlimited in its scope. And so it actually appeared in the penal provisions in use in the Middle Ages.5 Their rules extended to excesses of every character, to passions such as greed, pride, envy, and even to uncleanliness. It was, however, only a system of moral law, a law aiming to bring about a reconciliation of the guilty with God and the Church, that assumed this wide jurisdiction. This law could be applied only in cases of grave and notorious offenses, or by virtue of the voluntary confession of the guilty; which might be procured through the confessional. The characteristics, therefore, of the so-called 'law of penance', the churchly penalties which were to ensure the repentance and reformation of the offender were: first, a lack of definiteness in the acts which incurred these penalties, and definiteness only in that practically they were limited to the most important and frequent offenses, in any epoch or locality; secondly, limitations due to the lack of an effective criminal procedure.6
Influence upon the Criminal Law of the State. -- This portion of the criminal law of the Church, founded as it was directly upon morality, had only a limited influence upon the law of the State relative to crimes. In the first place, the different penalties applicable to acts also forbidden by the temporal law expressed the views of the Church as to the varying importance of these acts. In the next place, an act for which the Church did not inflict a penalty at all was given the character (in the view of the Church) of not being generally reprehensible. These moral valuations of acts, and especially the latter (by which certain acts were
5 Cf. Wasserschleben, 'Die Bussordnungen der abendländischen Kirche nebst rechtsgeschichtlicher Einleitung' (1951); 'Ponitentiale Remense' in Katz, pp. 161-202 (from the 700s).
6 However, the Church, in the so-called 'Sendgerichte' in the Carolingian period, and also later, as a matter of fact exceeded the principle of inflicting penance only for those sins which were either notorious or freely acknowledged. It bound by oath a number of the members of the congregation to lay information of sins or offenses which might be known to them, and it compelled the accused either to free himself upon oath or to undergo penance or punishment; cf. Dove, 'Untersuchungen', p. 356.
[p. 82] regarded as not deserving punishment), potentially exerted an influence upon the temporal law. But this portion of the criminal law of the Church was widely separated from the temporal law. Penance was inflicted by the Church without regard to whether or not temporal punishments were inflicted upon the offender; the essential purpose of penance was the offender's reformation.
§ 28. The Disciplinary Law of the Church. -- The requirements of so extensive an organization as the Christian Church could not be met by a criminal law applicable only in cases where there was a voluntary confession of guilt or where the offence chanced to be notorious. The inadequacy of such a law was especially evident in its bearing on the non-performance of their duties by servants of the Church.1 Thus, in addition to that indefinite system of penance above mentioned, there grew up in the Church a system of criminal law, which was based upon definite ideas of the various offenses, and also reached, by a special criminal procedure, acts that were neither notorious nor voluntarily admited.
Its Similarity to the Criminal Law of the State. -- In these offenses punishment assumed a totally different character. It was not limited in its application to offenders whom it might hope to lead to repentance, conversion, and submission to the Church; it could also operate against others -- in extreme cases even by deterrence.2 Here the criminal law of the Church is
1 Herein it really acted in cooperation with the exemption of the clergy from the jurisdiction of the courts (see post). The disciplinary punishments of the clergy took the place of State punishment, since also in extreme cases the Church would expel the guilty from the clergy (to degrade him), and deliver him to the civic power for punishment. Cf. Innocent III, in Cap. 17, X 'De judiciis', 2, 1: 'Praecipiatis exparte nostra Praelatis, ut laicis de clericis conquerentibus plenam faciant justitiam exhiberi...ne pro defectu justitiae clerici trahantur a laicis ad judicium seculare...' The civic power had no reason to take offense at the extreme mildness of the punishments of the clergy. Cf. Eichhorn, 'Grundsätze', I, p. 153. C. 3 X, 'De crim. falsi', 5, 20 (by Urban III, 1186) even provided branding in one case as a punishment for the clergy.
2 Cf. e.g. c. 1, X, 5, 26 '...ut poena illius aliis terrorem injiciat, ne de cetero contra Romanam Ecclesiam in talia verba prorumpat.' The purpose of deterrence is very apparent in the well-known provision that heretics who again became such, even if they later renounced their error, should irrevocably be turned over to the civic power for punishment, although 'si postmodum poeniteant, ut poenitentiae signa in eis apparuerint manifesta', the sacrament of the Last Supper was not denied them. The Church however at this time did not require a judgment against heretics. But the judgment of the civic courts against those whom the Church had adjudged as heretics was a mere formality. The Church absolutely demanded and obtained execution of the infliction of a puni-
[p. 83] closely allied to the criminal law laid down by the civic community. The culpable act was judged not only according to its significance, but also according to certain external characteristics and effects. Since, in fact, the Church had means at its disposal3 to carry out its will and commands, it was even able, to a certain extent, to take the place of the then somewhat defective political administration of criminal justice. Since morality was also the ultimate basis of the State's criminal law, the Church could take the standpoint that, if the State was lax in the punishment of certain acts in which the Church was especially interested, although they in no way constituted violations of the commands of the Church, it would itself undertake the punishment of these acts. Moreover, the influence of a powerful religious organization which has a firm hold upon the entire people is such that it can easily cause the civic community to punish acts which it has heretofore left unpunished. The Church then turned over to the civic power many cases formely punished by itself, since the civic community now punished them adequately.4
§ 29. Growth of Criminal Power of the Church. Privilege of Clergy. -- Through the Church's criminal law thenceforth was still essentially only that of a tribunal dealing with moral conduct,
ment of a permanent nature, without allowing a new examination of the judgment of guilt. Cf. c. 2, 4, 18 in VI. 'De haereticis', 5, 2; Aegidius Bossius, 'pract crim.', Tit. 'De haereticis', n. 35 and Du Boys, 'Histoire de dr. cr. des peuples modernes', V, pp. 95, 96. The view that 'poenae vindicativae' might be applied and were applied only to the Clergy cannot be accepted. (Katz, pp. 33 et seq.).
3As is well known, the chief sanction used by the Church was excommunication. The Church even prohibited business transactions with the excommunicated, although in the begining this was so only where the punishment was 'excommunication major.' Cf. Richter (Dove), 'Lehrbuch' § 214, note 13. Ecommunication carried with it incapacity to bring a suit or to act as a witness, and incapacity to fill the office of judge even of a civic tribunal. Cap. 5 X. 2, 25, -- c. 7 X. 2, 1; c. 38 X, 2, 20. According to the ordinance of Emperor Frederick II. (A.D. 1220 c. 7, Pertz, 'Monum.' IV, p. 236), civil attainder attached to those remaining in 'greater' excommunication for a year, 'non revocanda, nisi prius excommunicatio revocetur.' A French judgment of the 1300s ordered that anyone who should see the party who had been excommunicated 'crachät contre lui' (Faustin Helie, I, N. 199).
4 This explains the fact that those cases in which mention is made of a 'delictum mixti fori' do not form a separate class, and also the fact that sometimes, when the punishments of the Church were rather in the nature of mere penance, and for this reason did not seem to the civic criminal authorities to be sufficient, the latter paid no attention to the punishments which had already been inflicted by the Church; cf. Richter (Dove), 'Lehrbuch', § 222. Moreover (except in case of a 'delictum mixtum'), where the punishment seemed to the Church to be insufficient, the Church appealed to the civil authorities for a sharper punishment of the offender; cf. c. 8, X, 'De foro comp.', 2, 2.
[p. 84] yet the Church in the Midlle Ages went far beyond the bounds appropriate for a religious organization. This requires for its explanation a review of its historical relation to the State.
In the Roman Empire, as soon as the predominance of the Christian religion was definitely established, the Church began its efforts to make the clergy independent of the civic authorities by means of jurisdictional exemption. But against the firmly established and fully developped judicial system of the Roman State, it failed to make headway. An enactment1 of Valens, Gratian, and Valentinian (A.D. 376) expressly specified that every action involving a civil crime should be tried, not by the synod, but by the civic judge. The same rule obtained in the law of Justinian,2 although certain imperial enactments during the intervening period manifested apparently a greater compliance with the claims of the Church.3
Union of the Criminal Laws of the Church and State under the Frankish Kings. -- Under the Frankish monarchy, however, the Church obtained a complete jurisdictional exemption for all cases essentially criminal. As early as the 500s, the chief authorities of the Church4 were practically exempt from the civil jurisdiction. In cases of high treason, in which the death penalty would ordinarily be inflicted, there were applied to bishops5 only the Church penalties (deprivation of office, excommunication, banish-
1 L. 23, 'Cod. Theodos', 16, 2.
2 Nov. 83 pr., § § 1 and 2. When a member of the clergy was pronounced guilty by the judge of a civic tribunal, he was merely deprived of his clerical character by the bishop before the execution of sentence. A tribunal of the Church took cognizance only of 'crimina ecclesiastica.' Concerning the bishops, it was merely decreed by Nov. 123 c. 8, that no proceedings should be taken against them by the civil judge except by special order of the Emperor.
3 Cf. L. 12, L. 41, L. 47; C. Theodos. 16, 2. Perhaps (as suggested by Gothofredus and Eck, p. 5, note 4) these passages merely have reference to insignificant offenses, in which a disciplinary punishment seemed to be sufficient. In L. 23, eod., the jurisdiction of the Church seems to extend only to offenses against discipline.
4 Cf. Du Boys, I, pp. 404 et seq. and especially Sohm in Dove's 'Zeitschrift für Kirchenrecht', IX, pp. 248 et seq.
5 However, the royal despotism was at times not hindered in the use of other measures of violence. Löning, II, pp. 516 et seq., is of the opinion that the Church did not possess an actual jurisdictional exemption, and that rather it was only a custom (and indeed one not always observed) to bring a complaint and secure a judgment against bishops before subjecting them to the judgment of the civic courts. But as a matter of fact the judgment of the Council would be really the determining factor. The cases in which the royal authorities made a direct prosecution (i.e. without first bringing a complaint before the Council) seem to be invariably cases of 'lèse majesté', and in such cases, exceptional measures are often applied.
[p. 85] ment to a cloister. The kings appeared before the councils as accusers of the bishops.6 Chlothar II, by an enactment7 of A.D. 614, rendered all the lower clergy exempt from civic punishment.8 In its place there was applied to clericals the Church's disciplinary powers. Thus in the 'Edictum Pistence' (A.D. 864)9 it is stated:10 'Et de tali causa unde seculares homines vitam per-
6 Cf. 'L. Bajuv.', I, 10: '...episcopus si convictus crimine negare non possit, tunc secundum canones ei judicetur, si talis culpa sit, ut deponatur aut exilietur...'; I, 12 'De ceteris causis, diaconus vel clericus ab episcopis secundum illorum canones judicentur.'
7 Pertz, 'leges', I, p. 14.
8 'Ut nullus judicium de quolibet ordine clericos de civilibus causis praeter criminalia, per se distringere aut damnare praesumat, nisi eo convincitur manifestus excepto presbytero et diacono. Qui vero convicti fuerint de crimine capitali, juxta canones distringantur et cum pontificibus examinentur.' Sohm explains this provision correctly. All Clergy were punished by the disciplinary criminal law of the Church ('secundum canones' since the civic law of the Church was the constitutions of the Roman emperors) by their authorities ('cum pontificibus' = 'a pontificibus'). It was only in respect to the lower class of the Clergy (including the 'deacon' and those beneath) that the civic judge had the right of first trial ('districtio'). The well-known 'Constitution' of Emperor Frederick II. (Auth. 'Statuimus' Cod., 1, 3, 'De episcopis et clericis') merely enforced anew a right which had long existed previously. The exponents of the Roman-Canon Law often denied (although on the whole without practical results) that the clergy were subjects of the rulers of the country, and denied therefore that they could commit the crime of 'lèse-majesté' against them. In this light the clergy became in fact a State within the State. Cf. (later) Jul. Clarus, § 'Laesae majestatis crimen', n. 7.
9 c. 20 (Pertz, p. 497).
10 The mild punishment of the clergy (cf. the so-called 'Const. pacis Dei' Heinrich IV, A.D. 1085, Pertz, 'Leges', II, p. 58: 'Unde laici decollentur, inde clerici degradentur; unde laici detruncantur, inde clerici ab officio suspendantur et consensu laicorum crebris ieiuniis et verberibus usque ad satisfactionem affligantur'); the provisions exempting the clergy from the criminal jurisdiction of the civic authorities (in the 'Sententia Henrici regis' A.D. 1234, Pertz, 'Leges', II, p. 302); the fact that the tonsure was often conclusively accepted as proof of being one of the clergy (cf. concerning this and concerning the claim of the Church to base its own jurisdiction hereon, c. 12 in Sexto. 'De sent. excomm.', 5, 11); and the fact that this jurisdictional exemption was frequently conferred (the bishops gladly conferred it since their power was thereby increased) -- all these circumstances were the causes of numerous abuses. Chief among these abuses was the fact that many, in order to render themselves secure from civic punishment on some one occasion, received the tonsure and thereafter led worldly lives. On the other hand, even the Popes were obliged to maintain civic jurisdiction. Cf. c. 27 (Honorius III) X, 5, 33. Also cf. 'Schwabenspiegel' (L.) 225. R. von Freising, 'Landrechtsbuch', c. 168: 'Pfaffenn dye nicht beschornn sein vnnd nicht pfäfflich gewantt an yn tragenn, vnd fürentt sy messer oder swert oder annder waffenn oder vindet man sy in dem frauenhaus oder in ainem leuthaus, dye sol man richten als ainem andernn layenn...' There is a somewhat different provision in R. von Freising, Stadtrechtsbuch', c. 16. Concerning the later custom in Italy, cf. especially Decianus, 'Practica crim.', IV, c. 9 n. 106: 'Ut clericus possit a laico detineri et puniri sex requiruntur. Primum quod non incedat in habitu et tonsura. Secondum quod
[p. 86] dunt, inde clerici ecclesiasticum gradum amittunt'.11 Moreover, as is well known, with the Frankish kings began a far-reaching union, or, one may even say, an amalgamation, of the temporal and spiritual powers. As a supplement12 to the duty of the Church to care for the souls of men, the Church felt constrained, if the State did not perform its duty, to undertake in some matters a kind of temporal justice, e.g. illgotten gain must be returned, and compensation made for unlawful injury. Moreover, the kings realized the service rendered to the security of their rule by a religion which preached as its precept13 obedience to the authorities and especially the king. They also perceived the extent to which the ready an compact organization of the Clergy, supported by historical tradition and remarkable for its training, could be of service to the State. The great men of the Empire, who, strong in their own considerable resources, could often successfully dispute the jurisdiction of the king, and need not fear revenge or punishment, were thus compellable to submit to a public punishment, often humiliating.14 And this was generally true, even though the Church was governed by motives of prudence in lending its services. The kings therefore accorded to the criminal power of the Church the most thorouhgoing support of the temporal courts and officers,15 for the enforcement of every
ingerat se enormibus. Tertium quod frequens fuerit in illis. Quartum quod in eis deprehendatur. Quintum quod fuerit ter monitus. Sextum quod post monitionem fuerit incorrigibiles'! (Here at any rate there is a long tolerance of abuses.) Cf. also Grandinus, 'De malef. Rubr. de poenis', n. 34.
11 In England the so-called 'benefit of clergy', which in the course of time was also extended to other persons (e.g. to those who were able to write), gradually led to a lessening of many of the punishments, until in later times it was abolished as incongruous, and at the same time superfluous because of the more lenient character of modern law. Cf. Stephen 'Hist. of the Crim. Law', pp. 4, 532.
12 Concerning the task of supplying the defects in the civil jurisdiction, assumed by the Church, and its results, cf. for later period, especially Tib. Decianus, 'Practica crim.', IV, c. 10.
13 Waitz, III, p. 271.
14 Everyone, even the most prominent, were under the jurisdiction of the 'Sendgerichte' of the Church. Dove, p. 355.
15 'Cap. Mant.' (A.D. 781), c. 6 (Pertz, p. 41): 'comite vel schudaz adiutorium praeveat.' 'Cap. Missorum' (A.D. 853), c. 10 (Pertz, p. 420); 'Ut missi nostri omnibus reipublicae ministeriis denuntient, ut comites vel reipublicae ministri ... quando episcopus eis notum fecerit et quos per excommunicationem episcopus adducere non potuerit, ipsi regia auctoritate et poteste ad poenitentiam vel rationem atque satisfactionem adducant.' In the compact entered into by the sons of Louis the Pious, Lothair, Louis, and Charles (A.D. 851. 'Coventus apud Marsnam', II, c. 5, Pertz, 'Leges', I, p. 408), the Bishops were granted international legal privileges in the enforcement of penance. Thus arose the familiar maxim of the Middle Ages that the spiritual and temporal powers mutually
[p. 87] penance.16 They even made use of the spiritual authorities for the better and more certain punishment of the persons liable to punishment under the civil laws,17 and also for the suppression of feuds and blood revenge. On the other hand, the bishops appear as officials of the king; for the king claimed and exercised, in respect to their judgments (at least where the laity were involved) a supreme power of review.18 Thus by virtue of the coercive coöperation of the civil officials, the Church was able to inflict degrading punishments upon even the most prominent individuals, or, instead or in addition, to compel the payment of considerable sums for pious purposes. Unfree persons it could thus punish, even peremptorily and to the last extremity.19 Consequently
support each other, that the civil judge can have recourse to the bann of the Church, and 'vice versa' the spiritual tribunal, if it fails to accomplish its purpose by excommunication, can resorts to civil outlawry, and even that this punishment last mentioned attaches itself 'ipso jure' to excommunication of long standing. Cf. 'Frederici II. imp. confoederatio com principibus ecclesiasticis.' A.D. 1220 (Pertz, 'Leges', II, p. 236): 'Et quia gladius materialis constitutus est in subsidium gladii spiritualis, si excommunicatus in ea ultra sex septimanas perstitisse... nobis constiterit, nostra proscriptio subsequatur, non revocanda nisi prius excommunicatio revocetur.' The 'Sachsenspiegel', III, 63, § 2, however, denies direct effect to the ban of the Church; cf. 'Schwabenspiegel Vorw.' In England there was a special warrant of arrest, the writ 'De excommunicato capiendo'; the excommunicated was placed in the county prison until he relieved himself of the excommunication; cf. Folkard, 'The Law of Libel and Slander' (London, 1876), 4th ed. p. 77.
16 Cf. the questions in Regino, 'De syn. causis libr.', II, c. 2 (in the early 900s).
17 'Cap. Karol. M. Paderb.' (A.D. 785) 'De partibus Saxoniae', c. 14 (Pertz, 'Leges', I, p. 49; Merkel, 'Lex Saxonum', p. 17): 'Si vero pro his mortalibus criminibus latenter commissis aliquis sponte ad sacerdotem confugerit, et confessione data agere poenitentiam voluerit , testimonio sacerdotis de morte excusetur' (this has to do with high treason and homicide connected with treason). 'Cap. Aquisgraph.' (A.D. 813), c. 1(Pertz, p. 188): 'Ut episcopi circumeant parochias sibi commissas et ibi inquirendi stadium habeant de incestu, de parricidiis, adulteriis, cenodoxiis, et alia mala quae contraria sunt Deo...Et...emendi curam habeant.' Thus in the Midlle Ages the gravest crimes were often punished only with the penalties of the Church, pilgrimages, and erection of a cross. As to the criminal justice of the cities, in this regard, during the 1300s and 1400s, cf. Von Maurer, 'Geschichte der Städteverfassung in Deutschland', III, p. 633.
18 'Karoli II. Ed. Pistense' (A.D. 869), c. 7 (Pertz, p. 510): Ut si episcopi suis laicis injuste ferecint, et ipsi se ad nos inde reclamaverint, nostrae regiae potestati secindum nostrum et suum ministerium ipsi archiepiscopi et episcopi obediant, ut secundum sanctos canones et juxta leges quas ecclesis catholica probat et servat, et secundum capitula avi et patris nostri hoc emendare curent.' However, complaints of the clergy against their superiors were not entertained by the King; cf. Du Boys, I, pp. 418 et seq.
19 By the later Canonists, according to c. 10, Caus. 26, qu. 5, imprisonment by the Church in exceptional cases was deemed applicable even against laymen: Eichorn, II, p. 80.
[p. 88] the Church exercised a criminal power that was secular as well as spiritual. It is thus easily explicable that the State recognized the jurisdiction of the Church in respect of the so-called 'delicta mixta' by omitting to punish these crimes if they had been already punished by the Church.20 Moreover the laity, at least the lower and poorer classes, often had sufficient reason for gladly subjecting themselves to the milder criminal justice of the Church.21
§ 30. Influence of the Church's Right of Asylum. -- The right of asylum1 belonging to the Church was yet a third means by which its criminal jurisdiction was indirectly extended. The hard-pressed criminal who was able to reach a church2 was safe, at least for the time being.3 It rested with the discretion of the spiritual
20 Prevention of crime appears to have been undertaken by both civic and spiritual powers; cf. c. 2 in Sexto 'De exc.', 2, 12. Katz, pp. 40 et seq. denies the so-called 'delicta mixti fori.' This intermediate field of jurisdiction was the necessary result of the new life acquired by the State and the Church under the Carolingians. c. 8 X, 'De foro competente', 2, 2 is also of interest. However, the spiritual judge was able to inflict only the punishments of the Church. But it is not to be infered from this that the punishments of the Church might not be supplanted by the punishments of the State.
21 In the statutes of the cities it was sought later to limit the excessive subordination of the citizen to the spiritual jurisdiction. Thus, in the law of the city of Augsburg (A.D. 1276, ed. Meyer), Art. 22, it is stated: Ez sol ein burger antworten in dem capitel umbe vier dinch umbe niht anders...' Any one prosecuting a cause other than one of these four before the spiritual court was obliged to pay to the people a money fine. Cf. also 'Sächsisches Weichbild', Art. 25.
1 Concerning the history of the right of asylum, cf. Richter, 'Kirchenrecht' (Dove), § 212. It was completely abolished in Germany during the 1700s, and in Protestant regions at an earlier date. Decianus, 'Practica crim.' VI, 31, remarks: 'Hoc vero cum lacrymis memorandum non silebo, quod apud Germanos Lutherana haeresi infectos nullus habetur locus sacer...et ideo nullus in his (templis) tutus est, quum ecclesias, id est templa habeant loco platearum'; Löning, I, pp. 317 et seq., II, pp. 536 et seq. The right of asylum had its origin under the Christian emperors of Rome, but it was only a sort of foothold for intercession. In the Frankish empire, where criminal prosecution was generally a private proceeding, the right of asylum (which was also important in heathen times and among the Jews) it may be stated that, so far as the right of asylum has encroached upon the public procedure, the state criminal power, when it lacked confidence in itself (occasionally in ancient times the death penalty was inflicted in such a manner that it might be possible for the condemned to be saved by a special intervention of fate or the goods), obtained from the deity a ratification of its punishments, or if the condemned came in touch with the deity the punishment was forthwith mitigated or abandoned (as in Rome when the condemned on his way to the place of execution met a Vestal Virgin).
2 'Schwabenspiegel', 329 (Lassberg), regards as already within the peace of the church those who have grasped the ring on the door of the church, and also attributed the right of asylum to the sacred courtyards of the church.
3 Cf. c. 1, 2, 3, Can. 23, qu. 5 and 'lex Bajuv.' 1, 7 (ed. Merkel T. 1): 'Si quis culpabilis...confugium ad ecclesiam fecerit, nullus eum vim
[p. 89] power whether or not to give him up; and he was given up only after a preliminary mediation between the pursuer and the criminal. The latter, if the spiritual authorities deemed him guilty, was obliged to bind himself, in consideration of the former's foregoing all claim for slaying or mutilation,4 to furnish satisfaction and damages.5 'Ecclesia abhorret a sanguine.' Thus the Church, in a certain sense, performed the function of an arbitrator between private revenge or the public criminal authority, on one hand, and the criminal on the other. A substantial restriction was hereby placed upon private vengeance, and the State's criminal power was rendered more lenient. The latter, to be sure, was thus often weakened and hindered, to the sacrifice of the public safety.6
Acquisition by Church of Temporal Jurisdiction. -- Yet another indirect influence of the Church upon criminal law deserves consideration. In the Middles Ages, the Church came into possession of a great number of the civic trinunals. Thus it was enabled to administer justice (i.e. civic justice) through the civic officials and in accordance with the civil methods. It was only natural that civic officials in the employment of the Church should yield to the principles of the Church and its criminal law.7 Moreover,
abstrahere ausus sit, postquam januam excclesiae intraverit, donec interpellat presbyterium ecclesiae vel episcopu,. Si presbyter repraesentare ausus fuerit et si talis culpa est, ut dignus sit disciplina cum consiliosacerdotis hoc faciat, quare ad ecclesiam confugium fecit. Nulla sit culpa tam gravis ut vita non concedatur propter timorem Dei et reverentiam sanctorum, quia Dominus dixit: Qui dimiserit, dimittetur ei; qui non demiserit nec ei demittetur.' Cf. concerning the later treatment of the right of asylum, the (exceedingly canonistic) description of Tiberius Decianus, 'Practica cr.', VI, c. 25 et seq.
4 The spirit of asylum of the Church contributed much towards the substitution of composition for private vengeance. The kings, looking at the matter from their own point of view, had sufficient reason to sanction this right of asylum and to extend to it their protection: Pardessus, 'Loi salique', p. 656.
5 The ban of the Church was the penalty attached to a violation of the right of asylum. However, in those times of violence there were frequent violations of the right of asylum, as also of the oath whereby the pursuer bound himself to be satisfied with the penalties levied by the Church.
6 Abuses of the right of asylum in the case of grave crimes must have soon arisen. Cf. Cap. A.D. 779 (Francicum), c. 8 (Pertz, 'Leges', I, p. 36). Necessities of life were not to be furnished the criminal ('homicidas aut ceteros qui legibus mori debent' runs the passage), and he could also be compelled by hunger to leave the place of refuge. Cf. also 'Lex Sax', XXVIII (ed. Merkel): 'Capitis damnatus nusquam habeat pacem. Si in ecclesiam confugerit, reddatur.' Concerning such exceptions (murdr and sihonorable offenses) in other free States at a later period, see von Maurer, 'Geschichte der Fronhöfe in Deutschland', IV, p. 250.
7 For example, fundamental rules and customs of which the Church distinctly disapproved could hardly maintain themselves in such courts. For a case of this kind, cf. c. 2 X. 'De delictis puerorum', 5, 23; an abbot acting as judge of a court inflicted a money fine upon a boy not
[p. 90] the Church must have been at this period extremely popular, as several circumstances allow us to infer. In a time when the criminal law of the State was weak and uncertain, the Church had at its disposal its own system of law, both comprehensive and powerful because of the learning bestowed upon its preparation. The Church was in exclusive possession of a higher state of culture. Furthermore it passed judgment (at least as a general rule) with no discrimination of person, and from the beginning regarded as its own the cause of the helpless and poor. Finally, in short, its justice was contrasted with that of the civic authorities, often exercised in the interest of petty fiscal exactions and marked by frequent oppression of the poor and humble.
§ 31. Variation in Extent of the Church's Jurisdiction at Different Periods. -- These circumstances readily explain the variation in the jurisdiction of the Church at different periods. To punish crime was a concern of the Church; since all true crimes are also violations of morality and imperil the soul of the criminal, it was not difficult to discover that the Church also was concerned in punishing many crimes which were already punished by the State, and to lay a basis for using the criminal law power of the Church. Thus there were included, under 'delicta mixta' or 'mixti fori', offenses against morality in the narrower sense, especially adultery, sacrilege, sorcery, and usury, in so far as Christians were guilty of the same. Blasphemy, forgery of papal documents, perjury, and breach of contract were also included.1 This also readily explains the fequent controversies with the civic authorities,2 the disputes among the learned jurists, and their subtle distinctions.3
considered old enough to be responsible, 'secondum consuetudinem illius terrae'; the Pope forbade the enforcement 'pro temporali poena.' Aug. Aretinus, 'De malef. Rubr. Comparuerunt dicti inquisiti', n. 14, notes the different treatment of the testimony of women in 'terris ecclesiae subjectis' and in 'terris imperii.' At any rate, in 'terris imperii' the 'jus canonicum' did not 'de jure' have precedence of the 'jus civile.' Cf. 'Bajardi Addit. in Jul. Clarum' § 'Raptus', n. 38.
1 'Ratione pacti et voti fracti, item ratione juramenti vel fidei dationis' say the statutes of the Würzburg Synod 1407, 1446 A.D., has the Church her jurisdiction. Cf. the interesting references in Sickel, 'Die Besfrafung des Vertragsbruches u.analoger Rechtsverletzen in Deutschland' (Halle, 1876), pp. 46 et seq., especially 49-51.
2 In some territories (those of princes who were clericals) the Church also had before its tribunals complaints and accusations of the Clergy against laymen: 'Privileg. Carl IV für Würzburg', 'Monum Boica', XLI, pp. 307, 308. This reads: 'Super publicis ac privatis injuriis' the Clergy and the judges of the tribunals of the Church may bring charges against laymen 'coram judice ecclesiastico', 'quemadmodum etiam in plerisque partibus Germaniae ac praecipue in provincia Moguntina.'
3 Cf. Tib. Decianus, 'Tract. crim.', IV, 27, 6.
[p. 91] 'Poenae Medicinales' and 'Poenae Vindicativae.' -- The fundamental ideal of the punishment of the Church was the restoration of the guilty to the Church and to obedience to God. Hence the punishments of the Church were chiefly 'poenae medicinales', -- punishments calculated to cure the guilty of his faults. For this purpose, use was especially made of excommunication in both of its grades4 ('excommunicatio major' and 'minor'), the interdict,5 and, in the case of priests, suspension. But the Church was not barred from using other punishments, and its doctrine mentions also 'poenae vindicative' inflicted by the Church.
This distinction, however, had little real influence upon the actual operation of the criminal law of the Church. Those penalties which were designated as 'medicinales' were also used by the Church as 'poenae vindicativae.'6 Moreover, the effect of many of the 'poenae medicinales' was exactly the same as that of punishment inflicted by the civic authorities. This appears from the fact that, in the earlier periods, public penance of a humiliating nature, and later, severe fines and imprisonment, were inflicted. The penalty of imprisonment for life, though theoretically (as maintained by the Church) justified by the enormity of the offense, was a matter of fact substantially equivalent to the extermination of the offender.
Defects of Criminal Law of the Church. -- Thus, one defect of the system lay in the uncertainty of its scope, due to the fact that the Church did not confine itself to the disciplinary offenses of the clergy nor to voluntary penances or ultimate expulsion. But this was not the only defect in the character of the Church's criminal law. Inevitably there was also a fluctuation between the punishment of external misdeeds and that of mere immorality or the mere possession of an opinion not in accord with the views
4 Cap 20, X. 'De V.', p. 5, 40 (Innocent III).
5 The interdict was nothing else than a modified application of excommunication to all places and regions.
6 Exck, 'De natura poenarum secundum jus canonicum' (1860), p. 30. Theoretically these two varieties of punishment are very different. The 'poena medicinae' has regard only for the intention which is deemed equivalent to the manifested act ('in maleficiis voluntas pro opere reputatur' is written before C. 25, D. I. 'De poenintia', and in C. 29, id., it says: 'Si propterea non facis furtum quia times, ne videaris, intus fecisti...furti teneris, et (si) nihil tulisti'), and repentenace may at least remove a portion of the culpability. The 'poenae vindicativae' have as their purpose the separation of the guilty, as a corrupt part of the body, from the Church, c. 18, C. XXIV, qu. 3, or else have the purpose of deterring others, c. 1, X, 5, 26.
[p. 92] of the Church; and also a fluctuation between a concern for real penitence and a satisfaction with its external manifestations. The danger to its criminal law from this source is apparent in its older penal provisions which, in analogy to the early folk-laws, contained an exact calculation of penalties for each individual sin or transgression. An it is even more evident in the later system of indulgences, which permitted forgiveness of sins to be purchased outright by the payment of money.
Thus the history of the criminal law of the Church offers an illustration of the truth that only by adherence to an objective or outward standard can a steady development of criminal law be obtained. By taking the external standard, it is possible to reach gradually a juster valuation of inward or personal guilt. If we are to hope to detect inward guilt by human agencies, we must resort exclusively to external manifestations. Apart from the fact that, under a system of criminal law based on that theory, the inward guilt of malice and passion of ambition and greed, are sure to receive their just deserts, there is, at any rate, no other means available to attain the end desired. Exclusive regard for the moral element leads endlessly nowhere.
§ 32. Heresy. -- The crime of heresy was also based upon a theoretical and abstract standard of guilt.
How far the error involved in heresy is to be attributed to personal guilt is a problem which never has been and never will be solved. The Church, however, believed that it could solve this problem. It proclaimed as guilty those who held views contrary to its own and lapsed from the faith, if they could not be convinced of their error.1 This attitude the Church had adopted at a very early period. Even in the days of Rome,2 it demanded and obtained from the State the most severe and terrible punishments of the State for those guilty of this offense.3 Once it had thus
1 Tib. Decianus, 'Practica crim.', V, 8, n. 2: 'Vere dicitur haereticus qui errat circa fidem Christianum per intellectum et pertinaciter haeret errori per voluntatem.'
2 L. 1, C. J., 1, 5 'De haereticis': 'Haereticos non solum his privilegiis alienos esse volumus, sed adversis muneribus constringi et subjici' (Constantine, A.D. 326). L. 4, § 1, C. eod. (Theodosius, A.D. 407): 'Ac primum quidem volumus esse publicum crimen qui quod in religionem divinam committitur, in omnium fertur injuriam.' The confiscation of property ordered by the last emtioned 'constitutio' made the punishment of this offense by the secular authorities one to be feared. Cf. the later decrees, relating to heresy, of the German emperors. Const. Friederici II, A.D. 1220, § 6 (Statuimus), Pertz, 'Leges,' II, p. 244; Henrici reg. const., A.D. 1232, Pertz, p. 287.
3 The heretic was not formally sentenced to death by the spiritual
[p. 93] induced the State to take such measures, it found later no difficulty, when its interests seemed to demand, in demonstrating its sympathy with harsh penalties in other cases. To this attitude the Church steadfastly adhered. And this was in spite of the fact that (as already remarked) it had in the beginning announced its abhorrence of punishments of life or blood, and that it also later exemplified this principle in the exercise of its right of asylum.
Ideal of Divine Justice and the Mosaic Law. -- Naturally, then, the belief arose that, since all these punishments were not opposed by the Church and were indeed favored, their infliction was in furtherance of divine justice. And here, significantly, the Mosaic criminal law, which frequently is based on the 'talio', or rule of like for like, began to be regarded under the influence of the Church as a direct divine command. It was looked upon, to be sure, as directed to the secular authorities and not to the Church itself; consequently, justice administered by the secular authorities was relieved of every doubt as to its own infallibility. Thus is explained that fanatical tenacity with which, even after the Reformation, criminal justice allowed itself to revel in blood and
authorities. But the death of one declared guilty of the 'phaffen' followed as a matter of course (cf. c. 18 in VI. 'Dehaeret.', 5, 2). Theoretically the scular jurists maintained the right of the civic judge to make an investigation of the verdict of the spiritual tribunal (cf. e.g. Bartolus in 'Leg. Div. Hadrianus', [7] n. 3, D. 'De custodia reorum', 48, 3); but as a matter of practice this was not done, or else it was expressly rejected in the statutes (cf. 'Augsburger Stadtr.' 1276, ed. Meyer p. 106, Art. 32; 'Schwabenspiegel', ed. Lassberg, 313, 'Bambergensis', 130: 'Item wer durch denördentlichen geystlichen richter für einen Ketzer erkant und dafur dem weltlichen Richter geantwort wurde, der soll mit dem fewer vom leben zum todt gestrafft weden'). Cf. also Osenbrüggen, 'Das Alamannische Strafrecht', p. 375. Also Clarus, § fin., qu. 96, n. 7, denies that the civic judge has the right of examination, although the judges had usurped this right in certain cases, so that recently Philip II at the Senate of Milan had made unconditional execution of the sentence a duty. -- There was a direct coercion to remain in the Church. If a Jew once converted to Christianity again became a Jew, he was put to death by burning. 'Schwabenspiegel' (ed. Lassberg), 262. -- The extent to which the Church lost all sense of justice towards real or alleded heresy is shown e.g. in the collection of extravagant principles of persecution (for one should not call them principles of law) found in Tib. Decianus, V, c. 20 ('Haeresis specialia'). The heretic e.g. lost 'ipso jure' the ownership of all his property, his descendants to the second degree had no legal rights, he became 'infamis.' His sons lost their fiefs. Mere 'cogitatio' was subject to punishment. There were also rules of procedure that were monstrosities. -- Even apart from the cases of heresy, the Popes at times favored provisions that were clearly unjust. Cf. e.g. c. 4 in VI, 'De poenis', 5, 9, directed against those who injure a cardinal, and (in anology to the Statutes of the Roman despots also) visiting the penalties even upon sons and grandsons. The significant analogy of heresy to 'lèse-majesté' appears in L. 4, § 4, c. 1, 5 (by Theodosius).
[p. 94] grewsome penalties, with an almost universal approval. Amidst an increasing progress and culture, the law remained, till well into the 1700s, the bulwark, as it were, of cruelty and barbarity. So, too, the influence of the Church is responsible for that dominant aim (often extravagant) in later practice and legislation to make men moral, resulting in measures of moral police grossly over-stepping the appropriate limitations of State interference. The idea of an external power, like the Church, intruding upon the moral life of the individual, observing, protecting, and punishing, had become familiar. What had earlier been done by the Church became later the province of the police power of the city or State.4 Thus the Church laid the foundations for the later omnipotence of the State.
Ultimate Effect of the Criminal Law of the Church. -- A long period was to elapse, and arduous effort was to be expended, before the criminal law freed itself from these untoward effects of the Church's influence. This weakness itself had its origin (paradoxically enough) in the rugged natural strength of the Germanic race and its almost unlimited sense of personal individual liberty. This trait vested the individual with a liberty to barter away his liberty, and gave to the King the freedom to dismember the State, and parcel it out piece by piece. In other words, this weakness was due to the subordination of general public law and order to subjective or personal right.5 Nevertheless, one permanent service to the Germanic peoples was rendered; for the Church represented and emphatically upheld the idea of an absolute objective law and order superior to all individual rights. In one aspect, this signified the equality of all before the law. In another aspect, this signified a better valuation of the subjective side of crime, of individual guilt, -- the idea of reformation, implying that the punishment should benefit the offender.6 To the Church, in the main, we owe our thanks for these contributions, -- elements which, although only secondary, are nevertheless very important.
4 Thus many acts punished by the Church later became punishable by police authorities, e.g. unchastity.
5 In the German kingdom, which at times (e.g. under Charles the Great) was so powerful, the personal (subjective) element was very prominent (cf. Waitz, 'Verfassungsgeschichte', IV, p. 427.
6 c. 63, 84, D. 1 'De poenitentia.' " (pp. 79-94)
___________"Canon Law and the Common Law", (1978) 29 The
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"On pourrait oire que le droit criminel ancien dut beaucoup plus au droit canonique. Son influence se fit certainement sentir sur l'instruction criminelle, puisque la procédure inquisitoire fut son oeuvre propre. Dans le domaine du droit pénal, les lois ecclésiastiques et la théologie élaborèrent certainement des théories nouvelles. Elles ont dégagé avec plus de clarté que le droit romain lui-même, le concept de l'imputabilité et de la responsabilité morale. La peine reste intimidante et exemplaire, mais son caractère expiatoire reprend, sous une forme nouvelle et rajeunie, une force singulière. En même temps s'affirme, dans le droit canon, l'idée qu'elle doit être corrective, qu'elle doit tendre à l'amendement du coupable et qu'il peut par son repentir, -- par sa contrition -- obtenir son pardon et sa réhabilitation. Ainsi la doctrine de la rédemption pénètre dans le domaine de la justice humaine. Les peines que l'Église institue elle-même sont d'ordre moral et sont humaines: Abhorret a sanguine. Toutes ces doctrines ont trouvé leur belle expression dans le monitum du concile de Trente que le canon 2214 du nouveau Codex juris canonici a littéralement transcrit et conservé." (p. 63)
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"Résumé:L'objet de cette thèse est la mise en exergue des aspects juridiques de la paix et de la trêve de Dieu, jusqu'à présent à peine traités par les historiens et les juristes. Nous qualifions la paix de Dieu de continuation et d'intensification de la législation antérieure, surtout carolingienne. Il y a harmonisation du droit car les normes en questions sont répétées dans de nombreux évêchés et comtés en Europe occidentale aux XIe-XIIe siècles. De surcroît, la paix et trêve de Dieu jouent un certain rôle comme source juridique. Songeons tout d'abord à l'immunité des lieux sacrés dans le Midi et en Catalogne (sacraria) et à la citation des statuts de paix dans les sources. Mais nous rencontrons également une application contextuelle des règles de la paix (promulguées à Charroux, Poitiers, Limoges) pour des questions de restitutions de biens usurpés par des laïcs à l'abbaye de Charroux.
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2. L´harmonisation du droit
3. La mise en pratique de la paix de Dieu" (source: communication de l'auteur, le 4 mars 2004)
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HALE, William Hale, 1795-1870, A
series of precedents and proceedings in criminal causes : extending
from the year 1475 to 1640, extracted from act-books of ecclesiastical
courts in the diocese of London, illustrative of the discipline of the
Church of England : to which is prefixed an introductory essay / by
William Hale Hale, London : F. & J. Rivington, 1847, lxiii,
280 p. ; 25 cm.; Notes : Includes: An essay
on the English ecclesiastical
law, and the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical
courts (p. i-lxiii); available
at http://www.archive.org/details/seriesofpreceden00lond
(accessed on 7 October 2008);
HÄRING, Bernard, The Law of Christ Translated by
G. Kaisert, Westminster (Maryland): The Newman Press, 1963, vol. 1,
xxxi, 615 p., at p. 10; see also the index under penentials books" and
"Penitential Books" and "Penitential works"; note: "Moral Theology for
Priests and Laity";
TO THE TWELFTH CENTURIESOriginal and creative in this period and of singular significance for the later development of moral theology are the penitential books, the libris poenitentiales. These penitentials appeared first in Ireland, then in Germany and France. They were composed to aid and direct the confesor in determining the character and degree of sacramental penance he was to impose on his penitent. Since nothing was to be left to the discretion of the particular confessor, the various species of mortal sins were examined in the most minute detail. The penitential of Burchard3 is a pertinent example; it lists no less than twenty varieties of homicide, each with its own appropriate penance …
3. PL 140, 853 DC." (pp. 10 and 563)
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Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington, Washington, D.C. : Catholic
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(accessed on 20 November 2009);
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597 to the 1640s, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004, xxxii,
p., (series; The Oxford history of the laws of England; volume I),
___________Canon Law and English Common Law, London 1983;
___________ Canon law and the law of England, London ;
: Hambledon Press, 1987, xvi, 364 p., ISBN: 0907628931; copy at the
of Ottawa, Law Library, KD610 .H437 1987;
___________"Conviction according to conscience", (1989) 7 Law
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Athens & London: The University of Georgia Press, 1996, at pp.
___________"Criminal Procedure", in The
Spirit of Classical Canon Law, Athens & London: The
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___________"The Development of Law in Classical and Early Medieval
The Bible in the Service of the Canon Law", (1995) 70 Chi.-Kent L.
of the Clergy: Medieval and Modern", (2003) 6 Ecc L J 189-198;
___________"The Early History of the Grand Jury and the Canon Law",
(1983) 50 University of Chicago Law Review 613-627;
___________"Judges and trials in the English ecclesiastical courts,"
in Judicial tribunals in England and Europe, 1200-1700, Vol. 1,
Maureen Mulholland and Brian Pullan eds., Manchester 2003;
___________The ius commune in England : four studies, Oxford;
New York : Oxford University Press, 2001, xv, 270 p., ISBN: 0195141903;
copy at Ottawa University, FTX General: KD 671 .H435 2001; 4 essays:
Law of Sanctuary"; "The Law of Compurgation"; "Mortuaries and the Law
Custom"; and "Civil Jurisdiction and the Clergy"; book consulted 26
___________"Origins of the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination: The
Role of the European Ius Commune", (1990) 65 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 962;
___________The spirit of classical canon law, Athens :
of Georgia Press, c1996, xiv, 514 p. (series; Spirit of the laws),
0820318213; copy at Ottawa University, KBR 190 .H456 1996 FTX;
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nouvelle et accompagné de notes, Paris, J.J. Blaise
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Penal Trial", (1992) 52 The Jurist
HESS, Hamilton, The early development of Canon law and the
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xi, 279 p., ISBN: 0198269757;
HINSCHIUS, Paul, 1835-1898, Das kirchenrecht der Katholiken und
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- vol. 4 from p. 691, available at http://www.archive.org/details/daskirchenrecht03hinsgoog;
- all of vol. 5, available at http://www.archive.org/details/daskirchenrecht04hinsgoog;
HOLDSWORTH, W.S., "The Ecclesiastical Courts and their Jurisdictions"
in Select Essays in Anglo-American
Legal History, vol. 2, Boston: Little Brown, 1908, at p. 255;
available at http://www.archive.org/details/selectessaysinan02assoiala
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atonement and penal substitution in the Bible and history,
London : Paternoster, 2007, xii, 130 p., ISBN: 1842275410; copy at
St-Paul University, .
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: H. Dessain, 1945, xxix, 679 p., voir les pp. 492-493 sur les
de droit pénal au moyen-âge; copie à
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- Collection générale -General collection BQV 214 C65V25
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Philadelphia, Pa. : The Department of History of the University of
Pennsylvania; New York : Longmans, Green &
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(accessed on 27 August 2008);
HUC, Théophile,
1829-1906, "Influence du droit canonique
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année Revue critique de
législation et de jurisprudence 441-468; pdf et
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HUIZING, P., "Crime and punishment in the Church", (1967) 8 Concilium
___________"Des délits et des peines", (1967) 28 Concilium
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Witnesses in Criminal Trials of Clerics, Canon Law Studies No. 106,
(Catholic University of America: Washington, DC, 1937); thesis not
HUGHES, M., "The Presumption of Imputability in Canon 1321, §
(1987) 21 St Can 19-36;
HUIXING, P., "Crime and punishment in the church", (1967)
8(3) Concilium 113-128;
HUSER, Roger, The Crime of Abortion in Canon Law, Canon Law
Studies No. 162, (Catholic University of America: Washington, DC,
1942); thesis not consulted;
HYLAND, P., Excommunication. Its nature, historical developmennt
and effects, Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America,
viii, 181 p. (series; Catholic University of America; number 49); note:
Thesis (J.C.D.), Catholic University of America, 1928;
INGELS, Gregory, "Dismissal from the clerical state: An examination of
the penal process", (1999) 33 Studia
canonica 169-212;
INNOCENT IV, pape, Apparatus ad decretalia, écrit
1245; canoniste important selon J.J. (Jacques Joseph) Haus,
généraux du droit pénal belge, 3e .éd.,
rev., corr., et augmentée, Bruxelles : Editions Swinnen H.,
2 v. (réimpression deGand (Belgique) : Librarie
de Ad. Hoste éditeur, 1879, 2 volumes au vol. 1, p. 7; recherche
en cours;
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with an introduction, bibliography and notes by Montague Summers,
York : B. Blom, 1970, xlv, 277 p., Notes: "Written by H. Institoris and
J. Sprenger. Reprint. Originally published: 1928"; deals in part
with canon law criminal procedure;
INSTITORIS, Heinrich, 1430-1508 and Jacobus Sprenger, Malleus maleficarum
[English & Latin], Edited and translated by Christopher S. Mackay,
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006;
Sorcebook at http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/sbook.html;
"Irregularity", in The Original catholic Encycopedia, and see
"Irregularities ex Delicto or on Account of Crime", available at http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Irregularity
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irrégularités ex
delicto à partir de la p. 499; disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=XuICAAAAQAAJ&pg=RA2-PA509&lpg=RA2-PA509&dq=%22irr%C3%A9gularit%C3%A9+ex+delicto%22&source=web&ots=LwLsY9AdDE&sig=Eksow1YCGl3VNUw2flQZZ2cy9mY&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=4&ct=result#PPR3,M1
et http://books.google.com/books?id=XuICAAAAQAAJ&dq=%22irr%C3%A9gularit%C3%A9+ex+delicto%22&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
(vérifiés le 24 juin 2008);
sur le rituel,
3e édition mise en concordance avec le droit civil actuel par M.
Gousset..., Paris: Chez Gauthier et frères, 1829 et voir
les pages 209-221 sur les irrégularités ex delicto et en
particulier l'irrégularité qui naît de l'homicide;
voir également l'irrégularité par défaut de
douceur aux pp. 200-201; disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=f5APAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA180&dq=irr%C3%A9gularit%C3%A9s+%22ex+delicto%22&lr=&as_brr=1#PPP9,M1
(vérifié le 1er sepetembre 2008);
JOMBART, E., "Des délits et des peines", in Traité
de droit canonique (a cura di R. Naz), volume 4, Paris 1954, pp.
JONKERS, W., "Le problème de la peine", (1970) 58 Concilium
JOUSSE, Daniel, 1704-1781, Traité de la jurisdiction
et contentieuse des officiaux et autres juges d'église, tant en
matière civile que criminelle, ou l'on traite de leur
fonctiones & devoirs ... par ... conseiller au Presidial
Paris, 1769;
disponible à http://www.archive.org/details/traitdelajuris00jous
(vérifié le 16 août 2010);
JULLIEN DE POMMEROL, André, 1882-1964, Juges et avocats
tribunaux de l'Eglise, Rome: Officium libri catholici, 1970, viii,
567 p. (series; Series: Studia et documenta juris canonici; 1);
KAHN, Louis,
1870-1932, Étude sur le délit et la peine en
canon, Paris et Nancy: Librairie Administrative Berger-Levrault,
xv, 173 p. (Collection; Bibliothèque de la conférence
- Études spéciales d'histoire du droit; vol. 3); (pdf
completed on 7 January 2006); contribution
importante au sujet du droit pénal de l'Église et
la connaissance des sources du droit pénal séculier;
- Table des matières;
- i-xv et 1-173;
KELLY, Ansgar H., "Inquisitorial due process and the status of
crimes", in Proceedings of the Eight International Congress on
Canon Law, Monumenta Iuris Canonici, 9 (1992) 407-427;
KERMABON, Nicolas, "La contribution du droit canonique de
l'époque classique (XIIe-XIVe siècle) à la
conception contemporaine de la complicité", dans Mathias
Schmöckel, Orazio Condorelli et Franck Roumy, sous la direction
de, Der Einfluss der
Kanonistik auf die europäische Rechtskultur, t. III Straf- und
Strafprozessrecht, Köln-Weimar-Wien, Böhlau
Verlag (Norm und Struktur, 37/3), 2012, 445 p.,
aux pp. 169-199, ISBN10:3412204331 / ISBN13:9783412204334;
___________"L’influence du Droit canonique médiéval dans
la répression de la complicité par omission", dans Proceedings of the XIVth International
Congress of Medieval Canon Law [Toronto, 5-11 August 2012]
(à paraître fin 2013);
KÉRY, Lotte, "Canon Law and Criminal Law: Results of a New Study", in Proceedings of the Twelf International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Wasington, D.C., August 1-7, 2004, Vatican City, 2007, pp. 407-21; MIC, series C, subsidia 13 (source: http://faculty.cua.edu/pennington/Medieval%20Papacy/InnocentIuscom.htm, accessed on 3 July 2007); note: ed. Uta-Renate Blumenthal/Kenneth Pennington [im Druck];
___________"La culpabilité dans le droit canonique
de Gratien (vers 1140) à Innocent IV (vers 1250)", in: La
Actes des XXèmes Journées
d’Histoire du Droit, [4-6 octobre 2000. Limoges];
par la] Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques ,
de Limoges ; Textes réunis par Jacqueline Hoareau-Dodinau et
Texier, Limoges : PULIM, 2001, 690 p.- [7] f. de pl., aux pp.
(Collection; Cahiers de l'Institut d'anthropologie juridique; 6), ISBN:
2842871979; copie à l'Université de Montréal
(en traitement au 2 décembre 2002); voir le texte non complet
à http://books.google.ca/books?id=B9ZbKwjfAEQC&pg=PA429&lpg=PA429&dq=%22La+culpabilit%C3%A9+dans+le+droit+p%C3%A9nal+de+l%
(vérifié le 9 novembre 2013);
___________"Non enim homines de occultis, sed de manifestis
Quelques observations sur la culpabilité dans le droit
de l’Eglise à l’époque
classique", (2003) 53(2) Revue de droit canonique 311-336;
copie à l'Université St-Paul, PER BQV 102 R20 1951-
KIEDA, Francis J., "An Outline of the Historical Evolution of Penal
Law of the Church", (1943) 3 Jurist
KIM, Onyoo Elizabeth, Law and
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Cheltenham : Hermit Kingdom Press, c2006, xiii, 221 p.
(series; Hermit Kingdom studies in history and religion;
3),, ISBN: 1596890673; 9781596890671; 1596890681 (pbk.) ;
9781596890688 (pbk.);
KLUCKHOHN, et Louis Binaut, "La trève de Dieu", (1er
septembre 1857) 27e année Revue
des Deux Mondes 415-432; disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=2YcNAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA427&dq=tr%C3%AAve+de+dieu+eglise+paix+de+dieu+concile&lr=&as_brr=3#PPA416,M1
(vérifié le 8 août 2008);
KOUAMÉ, Thierry, "Légitime défense du corps et
légitime défense des biens chez les Glossateurs (XIIe-XIIIe)",
dans F. Foronda, Ch. Barralis et B. Sère, éd., Violences souveraines au Moyen Âge, Travaux d'une école historique,
Paris, 2010, pp. 19-27;
KOENIGSWARTER, Louis, 1814-1878, Sources
et documents du droit français antérieur au
quinzième siècle, ou Bibliothèque de l'histoire du
droit civil français depuis les premières origines
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Paris: A. Durand, xi, 132 p.; disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=il0DAAAAQAAJ&printsec=toc&dq=intitle:monuments&as_brr=1&sig=IVHjaaG2yYU1hNu391u8ryukcoE#PPR3,M1
(site visité le 22 août 2007);
KRAMER, Heinrich and James Sprenger, Malleus
Maleficarum, translated by Montague Summers, 1928; available
at http://books.google.com/books?id=6PjRPYfKLJoC&pg=PA94&dq=homicide+canon&lr=&as_brr=1&sig=ACfU3U3VUXkNxz89TWUgVQlkch-Mj95KEw#PPP3,M1
(accessed on 14 September 2008);
KREHBIEL, Edward B. (Edward Benjamin), 1878-, The interdict, its history and its
operation, with especial attention to the time of Pope Innocent
III, 1198-1216, Washington, American Historical
Association, 1909, viii, 184 p.; available at http://www.archive.org/details/interdictitshist00krehrich
(accessed on 27 June 2008); also available at http://www.archive.org/details/interdictitshist00krehuoft
(accessed on 27 August 2008);
KROL, John, The Defendant in Ecclesiastical Trials, Canon
Law Studies No. 146, (Catholic University of America: Washington, DC,
1942); thesis not consulted;
KUTTNER, Stephan, 1907-1996, Kanonistische schuldlehre von
bis auf die Dekretalen Gregors IX, systematisch auf grund der
quellen dargestellt, Citta del Vaticano: Biblioteca apostolica
1935, xxiii, 429 p. (series; [Vatican. Biblioteca vaticana] Studi e
volumke 64); reprint: [Modena?] : Edizione anastatica, 1973; one
of the great books for researchers interested in criminal law;
I am making here an exception to my rule of only citing English and
writings because of the importance of the writing;
__________"The Father of the Science of Canon Law", (1941) 1 Jurist
141-189; deals with Gratian, see Gratian, supra;
___________Repertorium der Kanonistik (1140-1234) : prodromus
glossarum, Città del Vaticano : Biblioteca apostolica
1937, xx, 536 p., (Collection; Studi e testi / Biblioteca apostolica
71); Bibliothèque USP Library - Reference REF Z 7776 K88R4 1937,
Consultation seulement; titre noté dans ma recherche le 27
2002, à consulter; bibliographie sur le droit canon; à
complété par Institute of research and study in
Canon Law. Bulletin for 1958 (Traditio, t. 14, 1958),
p. 462, note 2; bibliographie sur les traité de droit
au moyen-âge; titre noté le 27 octobre 2002; livre
consulter; copy at Bibliothèque USP Library - Périodiques
- Periodicals PER D 111 T25 1943-, vol. 1 (1943) -Vol. 56 (2001); titre
noté dans ma recherche, le 27 octobre 2002; à consulter;
LABROQUÈRE, Armand, De l'influence du droit canonique sur
la législation criminelle; discours, Bastia, E. Ollagnier,
59 p.; note: Cour d'appel de Bastia; audience solennelle de
du 3 novembre 1877; copy, Harvard University; disponible à http://books.google.ca/books?id=UM4LAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22l%C3%A9gislation+criminelle%22&lr=&as_brr=3 et http://books.google.ca/books?id=UM4LAAAAYAAJ&dq=%22l%C3%A9gislation+criminelle%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (vérifiés le
26 mai 2008);
LAINGUI, André, "Le droit pénal canonique, source de
droit pénal laïc" dans Églises et pouvoir
Actes des journées internationales d'histoire du droit d'Angers,
30 mai - 1er juin 1985, Angers: Presses Universitaires
d'Angers, 1987 aux pp. 213-232, note: "Volume publié
avec le
de la Société d'histoire du droit et du Conseil
de Maine-et-Loire";
_________La responsabilité pénale dans l'ancien
(XVIe - XVIIIe siècle), Paris : Librairie
de droit et de jurisprudence, 1970, xii, 366 p., (Collection;
d'histoire du droit et droit romain; tome XVII); une
perle sur le sujet pour les pénalistes!
LASTEYRIE, Comte de (Charles), 1759-1849, Histoire de la confesson sous ses rapports
religieux, moraux et politiques, chez les peuples anciens et modernes,
Paris: Chez Pagnerre, 1846, 379 p.; disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=RuLi-S4lETYC&pg=PA92&dq=p%C3%A9nitentiels+criminel+droit&lr=&as_brr=1#PPA379,M1
http://books.google.com/books?id=RuLi-S4lETYC&dq=p%C3%A9nitentiels+criminel+droit&lr=&as_brr=1&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (vérifiés
le 28 août 2008);
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de l'inquisition au moyen-âge / Ouvrage traduit sur
l'exemplaire revu et corrigé de l'auteur, par
Salomon Reinach ... Précédé d'une introduction
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Fredericq, Paris : Société nouvelle de
libraire et d'édition, 1900-1901, 2 volumes: I. Origines et
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l’inquisition.--II L’inquisition dans les divers pays de la chrétienté;
- vol. 1, http://books.google.com/books?id=UJgQAAAAYAAJ&printsec=toc&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPP7,M1;
- vol. 2,; http://books.google.com/books?id=qZYQAAAAYAAJ&printsec=titlepage&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0
___________ An historical
sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the
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Lippincott, 1867, xx,
[17]-601 p. ; 24 cm., available at http://books.google.com/books?id=MOoc0ZrCVzgC&printsec=titlepage&dq=subject:%22Wager+of+law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0
and http://books.google.com/books?id=MOoc0ZrCVzgC&dq=subject:%22Wager+of+law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
(7 July 2008); also available at http://www.archive.org/details/sacerdotalceliba00hlearich
(accessed on 27 August 2008);
___________A history of auricular
confession and indulgences in the Latin church, Philadelphia,
1896, 3 vols.,; v. 1-2. Confession and absolution -- v. 3.
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(accessed on 21 August 2007);
___________A history of the
Inquisition of Spain, New York : The Macmillan
company; London : Macmillan & co., ltd., 1906-1907,
4 volumes;
(accessed on 27 August 2008)
- vol. 1, http://www.archive.org/details/historyofinquisi00leah;
- vol. 2, http://www.archive.org/details/ahistoryoftheinq02leahuoft;
- vol. 3, http://www.archive.org/details/ahistoryoftheinq03leahuoft;
- vol. 4, http://www.archive.org/details/historyofinquisi04leahuoft;
inquisition of the Middle Age : its organization and operation. / With
an historical introduction by Walter Ullmann, London: Eyre &
Sottiswoode, 1963, 326 p.; Lea's three volumes on the inquisition area
available at Internet
Search Archives (accessed on 21 August 2007);
___________Studies in church history
: The rise of the temporal power.-Benefit of
clergy.-Excommunication.-The early church and slavery,
Philadelphia : H. C. Lea; London : S. Low, Son, &
Marston, 1869, xvi, [13]-515 p.; available at http://books.google.com/books?vid=HARVARD32044081778888&printsec=titlepage
and http://books.google.com/books?id=MMvJeYCQaJEC&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
(accessed on 7 July 2008);
___________Superstition and force
: Essays on the wager of law--the wager of battle--the
ordeal, torture, 3rd ed., rev., Philadelphia : H. C.
Lea, 1878, xii, [13]-552 p.; available at http://books.google.com/books?id=HccMAAAAYAAJ&printsec=titlepage&dq=du+boys+criminelle&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0
and http://books.google.com/books?id=HccMAAAAYAAJ&dq=du+boys+criminelle&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
(accessed on 8 July 2008); edition of 1866 available at http://www.archive.org/details/superstitionforc00leahrich
(accessed on 27 August 2008);
LE BRAS, Gabriel et al. , "L'âge classique 1140-1378 : sources
et théorie du droit", in Histoire du droit et
Institutions de l'Eglise en Occident, vol. 7, Paris, 1965;
LE BRAS, Gabriel, "Compte rendu : Stephan Kuttner -- Repertorium
des Kanonistik (1140-1234). Prodomus Corporis glossarum, 1.
del Vaticano, xx-536 p.", (1937) 16 Revue de droit historique de
français et étranger 724-729; (consulté le 15
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et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 232-238; il semble manquer une
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(Collections; Recueil de la Société Jean Bodin pur
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__________"La répression du cumul de délit dans le
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1 Revue de droit canonique 134-149;
___________"La responsabilité pénale dans le droit
médiéval" dans La responsabilité
Travaux du colloque de philosophie pénale (12 au 21 janvier 1959),
Paris: Dalloz, 1961, aux pp. 83-116 (Collection; Annales de la
de droit et des sciences politiques et économiques de
VIII); un classique pour le débutant ou
l'érudit! Un des meilleurs articles sur le sujet;
__________"Simples réflexions sur la réforme du droit
pénal dans l'Église", (1968) 18 Revue de droit
MEYER, Marc A. (Marc Anthony), "Early Anglo-Saxon Penitentials and
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- Periodicals, PER BQT 4 I6, 1906-; title noted in October 2002;
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Wilson & Lafleur , Montreal 2006, pp. 33-47;
___________ "Penal law in the church today: Recent jurisprudence and instructions", in Patricia M. Dugan, ed., The penal process and the protection of rights in canon law. Proceedings of a conference held at the Pontificial University of the Holy Cross Rome, March 25-26, 2004, Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2005, 303 p., at pp. 51-66 (Collection Gratianus. Proceedings = Gratianus series), ISBN: 2891276647;
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Ce texte est une étude historique du développpement de la mens rea en droit pénal. L'auteur soutient que c'est par le biais de l'influence des théologiens que l'intention est devenue un élément essentiel de l'infraction en droit pénal. L'article traite également de l'influence du christianisme sur le développment du droit pénal en Occident.------
This article describes the development of mens rea in criminal law. The author is of the opinion that mens rea became an essential component of an offence in law through the influence of theology in Medieval Europe. This text also describes the influence of Christianity on the development of criminal law in Western Europe." (p. 213)
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"L'ouvrage débute par une large introduction où sont abordés les plus intéressants problèmes. On y trouve notamment précisés: la notion de délit en droit canonique; la distinction du crimen et du peccatum; la notion de culpabilité, assise sur la théorie du contemptus (qui magis contempnit magit peccat), où se résument en définitive les exigences des canonistes à l'égard de l'existence d'un élément intentionnel; enfin, les rapports de la volonté et de l'action (théorie de la participation, de l'abstention, voluntas directa et voluntas indirecta, théorie de la tentative, théorie du délit involontaire).Quand on aborde l'examen des deux parties entre lesquelles se divise le livre de M.S.K., on constate tout naturellement -- la chose est bien connue des criminalistes, mais plutôt en vertu d'une tradition que sur la base de recherches méthodoliques -- que l'apport essentiel des canonistes consiste dans l'analyse approfondie des circonstances de nature à modifier l'étendue de la responsabilité.
Comme on le voit, c'est avec la plus extrême prudence que les canonistes du XIIe et du début du XIIIe siècle ont étudié cette déliquate question de la responsabilité pénale. Et cependant combien hardies paraissent leurs spéculations, et de combien de siècles en avant sur leur temps, quand on réfléchit à la terrible rusticité des moeurs et des procédures de leurs contemporains laïcs. Dans la parfaite objectivité de ses constatations, le livre de M.S.K. se présente donc comme un éloquent hommage à l'oeuvre de l'Église dans notre rude moyen âge, comme un nouveau témoignage de la part si importante prise par les canonistes à l'élaboration du droit moderne et, partant, de notre société moderne. Il constituera une source précieuse pour les historiens du droit pénal, à la portée desquels il mettra non seulement une synthèse fortement charpentée des théories élaborées, depuis Gratien jusqu'à la publication des Décrétales de Grégoire IX, en matière de responsabilité pénale, mais encore une foule de textes jusqu'ici peu connus et difficilement accessibles." (pp. 704 et 708)
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L'empire -- t. 16. La réaction religieuse -- t. 17. La religion
de l'avenir -- t. 18. La philosophie de; note de recherche: voir vol.
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St-Paul, JX 1305 L38H58 (recherche effectuée le 23 juin
il s'agit d'une collection très rare au Canada);
LOBINGIER, Charles S., "Lex Christiana: the connecting link between
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ISBN : 0893914118;
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