Bibliography, criminal law of  Ukraine; bibliographie, droit pénal de l'Ukraine
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Last  amendment: 15 January 2009

by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ukraine -- 2001

BIRYUKOV, Alexander and Inna Shyrokova, The law and legal system of Ukraine, Huntington, N.Y., USA : Juris Pub., c2005, xv, 255 p., ISBN: 1578231744;

CHALUS, Delphine, "Les difficultés constitutionnelles de l'abolition de la peine de mort dans la communauté des États indépendants", (octobre-décembre 2002) 54(2) Revue internationale de droit comparé 1105-1133;

CHAPKEY, Sergey S., "World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems -- Ukraine", U. S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, circa 1992, available at (accessed on 10 April 2004);

Criminal Code (in English), available at (accessed on 7 June 2006);

Criminal Code (in English), available at  (accessed on 20 December 2006);

Criminal Code (in English), available at (accessed on 14 January 2009);

FOGLESONG, Todd S. and  Peter H. Solomon,  Crime, criminal justice, and criminology in Post-Soviet Ukraine, Washington: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice programs, 2001, vii, 111 p., (series; Issues in international crime);

Kryminalnyi kodeks Ukraïny = Ugolovnyi kodeks Ukrainy = Criminal code of Ukraine, Kyïv : In-t derzhavy i prava im. V.M. Koretskoho NAN Ukraïny, 2002, 582 p., note: Ukrainian, English, and Russian.; copy at Columbia University; note: At head of title: Instytut derzhavy i prava im. V.M. Koretskoho NAN Ukraïny;

MATKOVSKYI, Oleh, "A Criminal Code for Ukraine", (1996) 43(1) The Ukrainian review / Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain ; in coop. with Organization for Defence of Four Freedoms for Ukraine and Canadian League for Ukraine's Liberation  3-7;

ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Ukraine, Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005, 181 p., (series; Fighting Corruption in Transition Economies), ISBN: 9264010815; available at,M1 (accessed on 20 November 2007);

PUSHKAR, Pavlo, "The Reform of the System of Criminal Justice in Ukraine: the Influence of the European Convention of Human Rights",  (2003) 11(2) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 195-214;

"Ukraine" in Council of Europe, Judicial organisation in Europe, Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2000, 348  p. at pp. 345-348, ISBN: 9287142459; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Ukraine" dans Conseil de L'Europe, L'Europe judiciaire, Strasbourg : Éditions du Conseil de l'Europe, 2000, 352 p. aux pp. 349-352, ISBN: 9287142440;

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