Bibliography, criminal law of  the United States of America (US); bibliographie, droit pénal des États-Unis (US)
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last  amendment: 11 April 2012

by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
United States of America
États-Unis d'Amérique


1. Codification and Law Reform
2. Textbooks
3. History and Miscellaneous

Criminal/Penal Code

- California, 1872,,M1
-                  1874,,M1
- Colorado, 1877,
- Dakota, 1877,
- Georgia, 1837,,M1
- Hawai Islands, 1850,,M1
- Idaho, 1901,
- Illinois, 1885,
- Iowa, 1879,,M1
- Massachusetts, Report, 1844,,M1
- Nebraska, 1881,,M1
- New York,  1858, Commissioners,
                      Draft, 1864,,M1

- North Carolina, 1886,
- Ohio, 1878;,M1
- Pennsylvania,   1860, Commissioners,
                         1883, vol. 1,
                                  vol. 2,
 - Texas, 1873,

1. Codification and Law Reform

"A Legal Biblibliography on the proposed Federal Code", (Summer 1981) 72(2) Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 631-636;

THE AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE, Model Penal Code and Commentaries (Official Draft and Revised Comments), Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1980 and 1985, 7 volumes;

___________Model Penal Code: Proposed Official Draft, Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 1962, xxii, 346 p.;

__________Model penal code : sentencing: discussion draft, Philadelphia : The Executive Office, American Law Institute, 2006, xxv, 308 p.;


___________Model penal code : tentative drafts, Philadelphia : The Executive Office, American Law Institute, [1953-1961], 13 v. in 8; copy at the University of Sherbrooke;

BERMAN, Douglas A., "The Model Penal Code Second: Might 'Film Schools' Be in Need of a Remake?", (2003) 1(1) Ohio State Journal of  Criminal Law 163-167; available at (accessed on 5 September 2004);

BEYER, Howard S., "Model Penal Code Selected Bibliography", (2000) 4(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 627-639; available on the internet at;

BISHOP, J.P., "Common Law and Codification; or the Common Law as a System of Reasoning; - How and Why Essential to Good Government; What its Perils, and How Averted", (1888) 22 American Law Review 1;

BRICKEY, Kathleen F., "An Introduction to the Kentucky Penal Code: A Critique of Pure Reason", (1972) 61 Kentucky Law Review 624-640 [part of the law review's reporting on the proceedings of the Symposium on the New Kentucky Penal Code];

BROWNE, T.L. Murray, "The Penal Code of New York",  (1870) 28 The Law Magazine and Law Review 1-11; available  at,M1 (accessed on 18 December 2008);

BUFFALO CRIMINAL LAW CENTER,  Materials on Federal Criminal Code Reform [links to their web site]:

   Federl Report of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws (1971) [Proposed Federal Criminal Code]- Buffalo Criminal Law Center Web Site

   Federal Criminal Code Reform: A Selected Bibliography - Buffalo Criminal Law Center Web Site

   Special Collection on Federal Criminal Code Reform - Buffalo Criminal Law Center Web Site

   •  Conferences on Federal Criminal Code Reform

CAHILL, Michael T., "Offense Grading and Multiple Liability: New Challenges for a Model Penal Code Second", (2004) 1(2) Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 599-610; available at (accessed on 5 September 2004);

CLARK, Mr. Justice Tom, "Prologue [on the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws] (1973-74) 68 Northwestern University Law Review 817-825;

COOK, Charles M., 1944-,  The American Codification Movement: A Study of Antebellum Legal Reform, Westport (Connecticut): Greenwood Press, 1981, xi, 234 p., (Collection; Contribution in Legal Studies, number 14),  ISBN: 0313213143;

Criminal Codes (federal and states):& Codes of Criminal Procedure  (Cornell University Legal Information Institute)

• (Buffaolo Criminal Law Center)

DRESSLER,  Joshua, "The Model Penal Code: Is It Like a Classic Movie in Need of a Remake?", (2003) 1(1) Ohio State Journal of  Criminal Law 157-161; available at (accessed on 5 September 2004);

DRINAN, R., M.E. Ward and D.W. Beir, "The Federal Criminal Code: The Houses Are Divided", (1981) 18 American Criminal Law Review 509;

DUBBER, Markus Dirk, "The American Law Institute’s Model Penal Code and European Criminal Law@,  (February 26, 2011). Available at SSRN:

___________"Criminal Law Reform: Current Issues in the United States", in Joshua Dressler, Editor in Chief, Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, 2nd ed., vol. 1, New York: MacMillan Reference USA, 2002, xxxvi, 498 p., at pp. 426-436, ISBN: 002865319 (set of 4 volumes) and 0028653203 (vol. 1);

____________"Penal Panopticon: The Idea of a Modern Model Penal Code", (2000) 4(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 53-100; available on the internet at ;

___________"Reforming American Penal Law", (1999) 90 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 49-107; copy available at (accessed on 27 March 2003); available at (accessed on 9 April 2008);

___________"Toward a Constitutional Law of Crime and Punishment", (2004) 55 The Hastings Law Journal 509-572; available at SSRN:

EDGAR, Harold, "In Memoriam - Herbert Wechsler and the Criminal Law: A Brief Tribute", (2000) 100(6) Columbia Law Review 1347-1358;

FLETCHER, George P., "Dogmas of the Model Penal Code", (1998) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 3;

GAINER, Ronald L., "Report to the Attorney General on Federal Criminal Code Reform", (1989) 1 Criminal Law Forum 99;

GAUSEWITZ, Alfred L., "Considerations Basic to a New Penal Code", (1935-36) 11 Wisconsin Law Review 346-400 and 480-542;

GEORGE, B.J., "A Guide to State Criminal Code Revision" in Edward M. Wise and Gerhard O.W. Mueller, eds., Studies in Comparative Criminal Law, Springfield (Illinois): Charles C. Thomas, 1975, x, 328 p., chapter 6 at  pp. 65-88, (series; Publications of the Criminal Law Education and Research Center; vol. 11), ISBN: 0398031681;

___________"Reform of State Criminal Law and Procedure", (Winter 1977) 41(1) Law and Contemporary Problems 63-101;

GORDON, Walter Lear, Political, Ideological, and Institutional Aspects of Comprehensive Criminal Law Reform in California: 1960-1975,  Ph.D. thesis,  University of California, Los Angeles, 1981, 311 p.; thesis not consulted but noted in research;

GREEN, Stuart P., The Louisiana Criminal Code: Ten proposals for reform, Louisiana Bar Foundation, available at (accessed on 3 May 2003); part of professor Green' s work for the Louisiana Bar Foundation as its 1999-2001 Scholar-in-Residence; contains a bibliography on Edward Livingston;

GREENAWALT, Kent, "A Few Reflections on the Model Penal Code Commentaries", (2003) 1(1) Ohio State Journal of  Criminal Law 241 to approx 244;

HALL, Jerome, 1901-, "Edward Livingston and his Louisiana penal code", (March 1936) 22  American Bar Association Journal;

__________"The Proposal to Prepare a Model Penal Code", (1951) 4 Journal of Legal Studies 91;

___________Studies in Jurisprudence and Criminal Theory, New York: Oceana Publications Inc., 1958, 300 p., see Chapter X, "Revision of Criminal Law" at pp. 253-266;

___________"Theory and Reform of Criminal Law", (may 1978) 29(5) Hastings Law Journal :893-919;

HARNO, Albert J., "Rationale of a Criminal Code", (1936-37) 85 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 549-563;

HORDER, J., "Criminal Law and Legal Positivism", (2002) 8(2) Legal Theory 221-241; discusses the article by Robinson and Cahill, infra;

___________"Reason, rationality, and vulgarity in the reform of the criminal law : Paul Robinson's account", [Toronto] : Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2000], 1 v. (series; Legal theory workshop series ; LTW 2000-2001 (1));

"In Memoriam: Herbert Wechsler" (2000) 100 Columbia Law Review 1347:

- Edgar, "Herbert Wechsler and the Criminal Law: A Brief Tribute"1347;
- Ginsburg, "In Memory of Herbert Wechsler" 1359;
- Hazard, "Tribute in Memory of Herbert Wechsler" 1362;
- Monaghan, "A Legal Giant Is Dead" 1370;
- Shapiro, "Herbert Wechsler—A Remembrance" 1377;

ILLINOIS CRIMINAL CODE REWRITE PROJECT, 2003, available at, (accessed on 20 January 2006); site of Professor Paul H. Robinson;

ISRAEL, Jerold, "The Process of Penal Law Reform - A Look at the Proposed Michigan Revised Criminal Code", (1967-68) 14 Wayne Law Review 772-830 [Part of the Symposium on the Proposed Michigan Criminal Code];

JONES, Howard, "Crime, Law and the Scholars: a History of Scholarship in American Criminal Law", (1970) 4(9) Sociology 425 - 426;

KADISH, Sanford H., "Codifiers of the Criminal Law: Wechsler's Predecessors", (1978) 78 Columbia Law Review 1098-1144; also published under the title "Codifiers of the Criminal Law" in Sanford H. Kadish, Blame and Punishment: Essays in the Criminal Law, New York: Macmillan Publishing and London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1987, viii, 328 p., at Chapter Six, Essay 9,  205-240; Research Note: covers: Edward Livingston; Thomas Babington Macaulay; James Fitzjames Stephen; David Dudley Field; Wechsler;

___________"The Model Penal Code's Historical Antecedents", (1988) 19 Rutgers Law Journal 521;

KENTUCKY PENAL CODE REVISION PROJECT, 2003, available at, (accessed on 20 January 2006); site of Professor Paul H. Robinson;

LEE, Orlan and T.A. Robertson, "Moral Order" and the Criminal Law: Reform Efforts in the United States and West Germany, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,  1973,  xxiv, 266 p., ISBN: 9024715326;

LEONARD, Gerald, "Towards a Legal History of American Criminal Theory: Culture and Doctrine from Blackstone to the Model Penal Code", (2003) 6(2) Buffalo Criminal Law Review  691-832; available at  (accessed on 28 January 2006);

LIVINGSTON, Edward, 1764-1836, Code de réforme et de discipline formant la troisième partie du système de lois générales préparé pour l'État de la Louisianne, 1831; disponible à (vérifié le 11 avril 2012);

___________Code of reform and prison discipline, being the third part of  the system of penal law prepared for the state of Louisiana, Quebec, T. Cary & Co., 1831,  44 p.; also : New Orleans : printed by Benjamin Levy, 1826, 65 p.;

___________The complete works of Edward Livingston on criminal jurisprudence : consisting of systems of penal law for the state of Louisiana and for the United States of America : with the introductory reports to the same : to which is prefixed an introduction / by Salmon P. Chase,  New York : National Prison Association of the United States of America, 1873, 2 volumes; available at :
- Vol. 1,  and  (accessed on 5 May 2008);
- Vol. 2, and  and  (accessed on 5 May 2008);

___________ Exposé d'un système de législation criminelle pour l'État de la Louisiane et pour les États-Unis d'Amérique , par Edward Livingston ... précédé d'une préface par m. Charles Lucas ... et d'une notice historique par m. Mignet ...,  Paris, Guillaumin et cie, 1872, 2 volumes;
- vol. 1,  (vérifié le 21 décembre 2008);
- vol. 2,   (vérifié le 21 décembre 2008);

___________Introductory report to the Code of prison discipline: explanatory of the principles on which the code is founded : being part of the system of penal law prepared for the state of Louisiana, London : J. Miller, 1827, 78 p.; available at (accessed on 27 June 2008);

___________Opinion  de M. Livingston sur le duel et sur la manière de le supprimer, Paris: Chez Achille Désauges, Libraire, 1829; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 24 août 2008);

__________Project of a New Penal Code  for the State of Louisiana, London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1824, 146 p.; available at,M1 (accessed on 24 January 2007);

___________Rapport fait à l'Assemblée générale de l'état de la Louisiane, sur le projet d'un Code pénal, pour ledit état. Par Édouard Livingston ..., Nouvelle-Orléans, Impr. de B. Levy & Co., 1822, 170 p.; disponible à et (vérifiés le 1er mars 2008);

__________Report made to the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, on the Plan of a Penal Code for the said State, New-Orleans: Benjamin Levy, 1822, 159 p.;,M1(accessed on 24 January 2007);

__________sur la vie de Livingston, voir MIGNET, infra;

_________ A system of penal law for the state of Louisiana: consisting of a code of crimes and punishments, a code of procedure, a code of evidence, a code of reform and prison discipline, a book of definitions, prepared under the authority of a law of the said state, Phildelphia, James Kay, 1833, v, 745 p.;  available at (accessed on 24 January 2007); also with the same title at (accessed on 5 March 2008);

LYNCH, Gerard E., "Revising the Model Penal Code: Keeping It Real", (2003) 1(1) Ohio State Journal of  Criminal Law 219-239; available at (accessed on 6 November 2004);

___________"Towards A Model Penal Code, Second (Federal?): The Challenge of the Special Part,” (1998) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 297;

LYONS, Grant, "Louisiana and the Livingston Criminal Codes", 91974) 15(3) Louisiana History  243-272;

MARCUS, M.H., "Responding to the Model Penal Code Sentencing Revisions: Tips for Early Adopters and Power Users", (Fall 2007) 17(1) California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 67-138;

MELONE, Albert P. and Robert Slagter, "Interest Group Politics and the Reform of the Federal Criminal Code",  in Stuart Nagel, 1934-,  Erika Fairchild and Anthony Champagne, eds., The Political Science of Criminal Justice,  Springfield (Illinois): Charles C. Thomas, 1983, xv, 288 p., at chapter 3, pp. 41-55, ISBN:  0398047316;

McCLAIN, Charles, , "Criminal Law Reform: 3. Historical Development in the United States" in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, volume 2 of 4, New York: The Free Press, 1983, at pp. 501-513, ISBN: 002918110 for the set of 4 volumes;

___________"Criminal Law Reform: Historical Development in the United States" , in Joshua Dressler, editor in chief, Encyclopedia of crime & justice, 2nd ed., New York : Macmillan Reference USA, c2002,  4 v. (xxxvi, 1780 p.),  vol. 1, pp. 412-426, ISBN : 002865319X (for set of 4 volumes) and 0028653203 (v. 1 );

McCLELLAN, John L., "Codification, Reform and Revision: The Challenge of a Modern Federal Criminal Code" [1971] Duke Law Journal 663-716;

MIGNET, "Livingston: sa vie et ses travaux", (1838) 15 Revue des Deux Mondes 31-53; disponible à,M1  (vérifié le 19 décembre 2008);

MOORE, E.H., The criminal jurisprudence of Edward Livingston, Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1927;

MUELLER, Gerhard O.W., "Codification pénale aux États-Unis d'Amérique", (1962-63) 43 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 383-417;

NATIONAL COMMISSION ON REFORM OF FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAWS, Final Report of the National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws - A Proposed New Federal Criminal Code (Title 18, United States Code), Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971, xxv, 364 p., the 1971 proposed Federal code is available on the internet at  Buffalo Criminal Law Center Web Site;

PACKER, H., "The Model Penal Code and Beyond", (1963) Columbia Law Review 594;

REITZ, Kevin R., "American Law Institute, Model Penal Code: Sentencing, Plan for Revision", (2003) 6(1) Buffalo Criminal Law Review 219-315;

ROBINSON, Paul  H., Michael T. Cahill, "The Accelerating Degradation of American Criminal Codes", (March 2005) 56(4) Hastings Law Journal 633 to approx. 656;  available at at SSRN: (accessed on 14 October 2007);

___________"Can a Model Penal Code Second Save the States from Themselves?", (2003) 1(1) Ohio State Journal of  Criminal Law 169-177; available at (accessed on 5 September 2004); also available at (accessed on 14 October 2007);

ROBINSON, Paul  H., Michael T. Cahill, and Usman Mohammad, "The Five Worst (and Five Best) American Criminal Codes", (2000) 95(1) Northwestern University Law Review  1-89; Available at SSRN: or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.183290  (accesseed on 24 October 2007);

ROBINSON, Paul H. and Markus Dirk Dubber, "The American Model Penal Code: A Brief Overview" (December 21, 2006). University of Pennsylvania Law School. Scholarship at Penn Law. Paper 137.; available at (accessed on 30 July 2007);

___________"An Introduction to the Model Penal Code" available at (accessed on 5 October 2002); with the same title at (accessed at 9 April 2008);

ROBINSON, Paul H., Natasha Goldstein, Peter D. Greene,"Making Criminal Codes Functional: A Code of Conduct and a Code of Adjudication", (1996) 86  Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 304-365, available at SSRN: (accessed on 14 October 2007);

ROBINSON, Paul H., "Are Criminal Codes Irrelevant?", (1994) 68 Southern California Law Review 159-202; available at (accessed on 12 October 2002) and at : (accessed on 14 October 2007);

___________"Codification, Re-codification, and the American Model Penal Code",  Expert's Group International Conference on Codification of the Substantive Criminal Law, Dublin, 22 November 2003, Codification Archive, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform; title noted in my research but article not consulted; 

___________"In Defense of the Model Penal Code: A Reply to professor Fletcher", (1998) 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 25;  

___________ Publications of Professor Robinson, see  (accessed on 20 January 2006);

___________"Structuring Criminal Codes to Perform Their Function", (2000) 4 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1-11;  available at Available at SSRN: or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.183273 (accessed on 14 October 2007);

SCARMAN, Rt. Hon. Lord, "Codification and Judge-Made Law: A Problem of Coexistence", (1967) 42 Indiana Law Journal 355;

SCHWARTZ, Louis B., "Criminal Law Reform: 4. Current Issues in the United States" in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, volume 2 of 4, New York: The Free Press, 1983, at pp. 513-527, ISBN: 002918110 for the set of 4 volumes;

___________"La réforme du droit pénal américain: Le model penal act", (1966) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 599;

___________"Reform of the Criminal Laws: Issues, Tactics and Prospects", (1977) 41 Law and Contemporary Problems 1; with the same title in [1977] Duke Law Journal 171-230;

SENATE, Hearings,

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on the Report of the National Comm'n on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 92d Cong. (pt. 1) (1971).

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 92d Cong. (pt. 2) (1971)

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 92d Cong. (pt. 3, subpts. A-C) (1972), available at, .

Contents (cover page)
"Part III Subpart B, Policy Questions".

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 92d Cong. (pt. 3, subpt. D) (1972), available at

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 92d Cong. (pt. 4) (1972).

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1, S. 716, S. 1400 and S. 1401 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 93d Cong. (pt. 5) (1973), available at

"Sentence of death and appellate review of sentencing"

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1, S. 716 and S. 1400 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 93d Cong. (pt. 6) (1973), available at

"National security, rules of criminal procedure, antitrust,
abortion, tax, insurance bankruptcy and appelate review of sentencing".

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1 and S. 1400 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 93d Cong. (pt. 7) (1973), available at

Contents (cover page)
"Codification, Indian law, national security, capital punishment,
obscenity, and Federal-State jurisdiction."

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1 and S. 1400 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary
, 93d Cong. (pt. 8) (1973), available at

Contents (cover page)
"Tax law, insanity, firearms, obscenity"

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1 and S. 1400 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 93d Cong. (pt. 9) (1974), available at

Contents (cover page)¸
"General codification and provisions relating to abortion, business
law, civil rights, death penalty, elections, Indian law,
insanity defense, and sentencing."

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1 and S. 1400 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 93d Cong. (pt. 10) (1974), available at

Contents (cover page)
"Provisions relating to attempt, complicity, conspiracy,
drugs, government operations, indians, insanity, intoxication, jurisdiction, national security, obscenity,
and offences against the person".

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1 and S. 1400 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 94th Cong. (pt. 11) (1974), available at

"Civil rights offenses, corporate and business
offenses, public duty defenses, sentencing, and other provisions".

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 94th Cong. (pt. 12) (1975), available at

 Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1437, S. 31, S. 45, S. 181, S. 204, S. 260, S. 888, S. 979, and S. 1221 Before the Subcomm. on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 95th Cong. (pt. 13) (1977), available at

Contents (cover page)
"Sentencing and general codification"

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1722 and S. 1723 Before the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 96th Cong. (pt. 14) (1979).

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1722 and S. 1723 Before the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 96th Cong. (pt. 15) (1979).

Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings on S. 1630 Before the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 97th Cong. (pt. 16) (1981).

The Insanity Defense: Hearings on S. 818, S. 1106, S. 1558, S. 2669, S. 2672, S. 2678, S. 2745, and S. 2780 Before the Senate Comm. on the Judiciary, 97th Cong. (1982).

SHANTZ, Mark E., "Objectives of Criminal Code Revision: Guidelines to Evaluation", (1975) 60 Iowa Law Review 431-461;

SHERRY, Arthur H., "The Politics of Criminal Law Reform", (1973) 21 American Journal of Comparative Law 201;

SIMON, Jonathan, "Wechsler's Century and Ours: Reforming Criminal Law in a Time of Shifting Rationalities of Government", (2003-2004) 7 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 247-274; available at; see also (accessed on 8 March 2008);

STAPERT, Bart, "American Approach to harmonization, the Model Penal Code as an example for Europe?", in André Klip and Harmen van der Wilt, eds., in Harmonisation and harmonising measures in criminal law, Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2002, viii, 119 p., at pp. 109-114; ISBN: 9069843714l; notes:  Note:"Proceedings of the colloquium, Amsterdam, 13-14 December 2001"; available at (accessed on 12 February 2006);

State's Criminal Codes, Codes of Criminal Procedure and Enforcement Codes   as provided by the Buffalo Criminal Law Center as seen at on 17 July 1999;  Site # 2 (Cornell University)

STUART, Don, "Supporting General Principles for Criminal Responsibility in the Model Penal Code with Suggestions for Reconsideration: A Canadian Perspective", (2000) 4 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 13-51;

STUNTZ, William J., "The Pathological Politics of Criminal Law", (2001) 100 Michigan Law Review 505-600;

TIGHE, Janet A., "Francis Wharton and the Nineteenth-Century Insanity Defense: The Origins of a Reform Tradition", (1983) American Journal of Legal History 223;

TOLL, S.S., "Criminal Law Reform in Pennsylvania: The New Crimes Code", (1973-74), 8 Dickinson Law Review 1-13;

WECHSLER, Herbert, "American Law Institute.  II. A Thoughtful Code of Substantive Law", (1954-55) 45 Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology & Police Science 524-530;

___________ "The Challenge of a Model Penal Code, (1952) 65 Harvard Law Review 1097;

___________"Codification of Criminal Law in the United States: The Model penal Code", (1968) 68 Columbia Law Review 1425;

___________"'Foreword' to Symposium on the Model Penal Code", (1963) 63 Columbia Law Review 589;

___________"The Model Penal Code", in J. Ll.J. Edwards, ed., 1918-, Modern Advances in Criminology, Toronto: Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, 1965, ii, 86 p., ISBN:  0919584160; notes: "Four public lectures given under the auspices of theCentre of Criminology, University of Toronto, 1964-1965" (AMICUS catalogue);

__________"The Model Penal Code and the Codification of American Criminal Law", in Roger Wood, ed., Crime, Criminology and Public Policy: Essays in Honour of Sir Leon Radzinowicz, London: Heinemann, 1974, xxii, 650 p., at pp. 418-468, ISBN: 0435824228; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, HV 6028 .C73 1974;

__________"Revision and Codification of Penal Law in the United States", (1983) 7 The Dalhousie Law Journal 219-235;

WEIGEND, Thomas, "German Criminal Justice as a guide to America Law Reform: similar problems, better solutions?", (1995) 18 Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 317-360;

2. Textbooks

ATWELL, William H. (William Hawley), 1869-,  A treatise on federal criminal law and procedure, with forms of indictment, Chicago, T. H. Flood & co., 1911, 452 p.; available at (accessed on 29 June 2008); 1916 edition available at (accessed on 29 June 2008); 1922 edition available at (accessed on 29 June 2008);

BASSIOUNI, M.C, Substantive Criminal Law, Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1978, 676 p., ISBN: 0398036284;

BEALE, Joseph Henry, 1861-1943, A Selection of cases and other authorities upon criminal law,   Cambridge [Mass.] : Harvard Law Review Pub. Association, 1894, xv, 983 p.; available at (accessed on 29 June 2008);

BISHOP, Joel Prentiss, 1814-1901, Commentaries on the Criminal Law, 7th ed., Boston: Little, Brown, 1882, 2 vols. (vol. 1: xlviii and 803 p. and  vol. 2:  xi and 827 p.); pdf and Internet completed on 15 and 16 July 2007;
- Table of Contents -- Vol. 1,  Table of Contents -- Vol. 2 and Analytical Index;
- Alphabethical Index;
- Table of Cases;

Vol. 1
- i-xlviiii and 1-217;
- 218-491;
- 492-803;

Vol. 2
- i-ix and 1-274;
- 275-537;
- 538-827;

___________ Criminal procedure, or, Commentaries on the law of pleading and evidence and the practice in criminal cases,  3rd ed., enl. and rewritten,  Boston : Little, Brown, 1880, 2 volumes;
(accessed on 25 October 2008)
- vol. 1,,M1
- vol. 2,

DRESSLER, Joshua, Understanding Criminal Law,  4th ed., Newark, NJ : LexisNexis, c2006, xxxiv, 649, [32] p. ; 25 cm., ISBN: 082057001X;

"Contents: Criminal law: an overview -- Principles of criminal punishment -- Sources of the criminal law -- Constitutional limits on the criminal law -- Legality -- Proportionality -- Burdens of proof -- Presumptions -- Actus reus -- Mens rea -- Strict liability -- Mistakes of fact -- Mistakes of law -- Causation -- Concurrence of elements -- Defenses: an overview -- Justifications and excuses -- Self-defense -- Defense of others -- Defense of property and habitation -- Law enforcement -- Necessity -- Duress -- Intoxication -- Insanity -- Diminished capacity -- Attempt -- Solicitation -- Conspiracy -- Liability for the acts of others: complicity -- Criminal homicide -- Theft -- Rape." (Source: Hollis, Harvard University catalogue)

DUBBER, Markus Dirk, web site on constitutional criminal law, see (accessed on 25 November 2004);

___________Dubber's Criminal Law Model Penal Code, Foundation Press, 2002, 486 p., (series; Turning Point Series), ISBN: 1587781786;

FLETCHER, George P., Basic Concepts of Criminal Law, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998, see pp. 130-132, 138-145, ISBN: 0195121708 and 0195121716 (pbk.);

___________Rethinking Criminal Law, Boston: Little, Brown, 1978, xxviii, 898 p.;

GRIBSBY,  James Edward, The criminal law, including the federal penal code; parts I-II, a general treatise on the criminal law; part III, a compilation of the criminal statutes of the United States of a general nature up to and including 41 Statutes at large, by James E. Grigsby, Chicago, B. J. Smith & Company, 1922, lxxi, 1440 p. 24 cm.; available at (accessed on 29 June 2008);

HALL, Jerome, General Principles of Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1960, xii, 642 p.; reprint: Clark, N.J. : Lawbook Exchange, 2005, ISBN:  1584774983;  reprint edition, limted preview available at and (accessed on 5 March 2008);

HUGHES,  Charles, 1854-, Hughes' criminal law; the law of crimes, prosecutions, defenses and procedure as determined by decisions of the courts of last resort in the United States and England, Indianapolis, The Bowen-Merrill company, 1901, cxi, 1036 p. 24 cm.; available at (accessed on 29 June 2008);

KADISH, Sanford H., 1921-,  and Stephen J. Schulhofer, Criminal Law and Its Processes - Cases and Materials, 6th ed. which I have not consulted: Boston : Little, Brown, 1995, xlvii, 1232 p., ISBN: 0316478180;

KNOWLTON, Jerome C. (Jerome Cyril), 1850-1916, Cases on criminal law / by Jerome C. Knowlton ... assisted by John W. Dwyer, Chicago : Callaghan & Co., 1902, xi, 397 p.; available at (accessed on 29 June 2008);

LaFAVE, Wayne R. and Austin W. Scott, Substantive Criminal Law, 2 volumes,  St. Paul (Minn.): West, 1986, xxxiii, 696 p. for vol. 1 and xix, 794 p. for vol. 2 ISBN: 0314984038;

___________ Substantive criminal law / by Wayne R. LaFave,  2nd ed. - [St. Paul, Minn.] : Thomson / West, c2003, 3 volumes; copy at the Library of the Suprme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF9219 L382 2003;

LaFAVE, Wayne R., Criminal Law, 4th edition, St. Paul (Minnesota): Thomson West, 2003, xxxi, 1223 p., (series; Hornbook series), ISBN:031414997X; notes: "This book is an updated abridgement of LaFave's three volumes Substantive criminal law, second edition (2003), in West's criminal practice series"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZD2 C65;

LAWSON, John D., 1852-1921, The Adjudged Cases on Defences to Crimes, San Francisco: S. Whitney, 1885-1886, 5 volumes; see also,M1

v. 1. Self-defence -- v. 2. Insanity and drunkenness -- v. 3. Disabilities of parties, agency, duress, accident, ignorance and mistake, consent, omissions and attempts -- v. 4. Special defences to crimes against the public -- v. 5. Special defences to crimes against persons and property;

- vol. 1, on self-defence
- vol. 2,
- vol. 3,,M1
- vol. 4, 

LOEWY, Arnold H., Criminal Law in a Nutshell, 2nd ed., St. Paul, Minn.: West Pub. Co., 1987, xlix, 321 p. (series; Nutshell series), ISBN: 031458529X;

MAY, John Wilder, 1819-1883,  The Law of Crimes2nd ed. / edited by Joseph Henry Beale, Jr.,  Boston : Little, Brown, 1893,  xxxix, 349 p.; (series; The students' series; volume 16); available at (accessed on 29 June 2008); 1881 edition available at (accessed on 29 June 2008);  3d ed., edited by Harry Augustus Bigelow, 1905, available at (accessed on 29 June 2008);

MIKELL, William Ephraim, 1868-1945, Cases on criminal law : selected from decisions of English and American courts, St. Paul : West, 1908, xviii, 610 p.;  available at (accessed on 29 June 2009);

"Nineteenth Century Legal Treaties -- Criminal Law -- Author Index", available at (accessed on  31 March 2008); includes also British treaties; 

PAIGE, James, 1863-,  Illustrative cases in criminal law : with analysis and citations,  Philadelphia : Rees Welsh, 1897,  xiv, 493 p. ; 23 cm. ( Pattee series ); available at (accessed on 29 June 2008);

PERKINS, Rollin Morris, 1889-, and  Ronald N. Boyce, Criminal law, 3rd ed., Mineola, N.Y. : Foundation Press, 1982, xxxv, 1269 p. (series; University textbook series), ISBN:  0882770675;

ROBINSON, Paul H., 1948-, Criminal law defenses, St. Paul, Minn. : West, 1984, 2 v. (series; Criminal practice series), ISBN:  0314815139 (set);

"Twentieth Century Legal Treaties -- Criminal Law -- Author Index", available at (accessed on  31 March 2008); includes also British treaties;

SMITH, Horace, 1836-1922, Roscoe's Digest of the law of evidence in criminal cases / by Horace Smith.  8th American ed., from the 10th London ed. / with notes and references to American cases by George Sharswood, and additional notes by Francis Lincoln Wayland, Philadelphia : T. & J.W. Johnson, 1888, 2 v. (cii, 1343 p.);
- vol. 1, ;
- vol. 2,;
(accessed on 26 June 2008)

WATERMAN, Thomas W. (Thomas Whitney), 1821-1898, A digest of decisions in criminal cases : contained in the reports of the Federal courts and the courts of the several states, from the earliest period to the present time, New York : Baker, Voorhis, 1877, xl, 816 p. ; 26 cm., available at (accessed on 29 June 2008);

WHARTON, Francis, 1820-1889, "Criminal Law at Home and Abroad", (1870) 26 Atlantic Monthly 69-82; available at,M1  (accessed on 11 October 2008);

___________Philosophy of Criminal Law, Philadelphia, Kay and brother, 1880, iv, 326 p.; available at  and (accessed on 23 June 2008);

____________Precedents of indictments and pleas : adapted to the use both of the courts of the United States and those of all the several states : together with notes on criminal pleading and practice, embracing the English and American authorities generally, 3rd and rev. ed., Philadelphia : Kay & brother, 1871, 2 volumes;  see also the 2nd ed. of  1857 at,M1 (accessed on 11 October 2008);
(accessed on 29 June 2008);
- vol. 1,;
- vol. 2,;

___________A Treatise on Criminal Law, 9th ed., Philadelphia: Kay and Brother, 1885,  2 volumes:  vol. 1: xii, 860 p. and vol. 2: vii, 917 p.; research note: Wharton's last edition of his Treatise on Criminal Law before his death; vol. 1 was put on the Internet on 7 July 2007 and vol. 2 on 11 July 2007;
- Table of Contents -- Vol. 1 and  Table of Contents -- Vol. 2 (taken from vol. 1);
- Index and Table of Cases;

Vol. 1
i-xii and 1-274;
556-860 ;

Vol. 2
- 614-917;


____________A Treatise on Criminal Pleading and Practice, 8th ed.,  Philadelphia, Kay and brother, 1880, xi, 804 p.; available at and (accessed on 25 June 2008); for the 9th ed., see (accessed on 30 November 2008);

___________A Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Criminal Issues, 8th ed., Philadelphia, Kay and brother, 1880, 834 p.; available at and (accessed on 25 June 2008);

___________A Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Criminal Issues, 9th ed., Philadelphia, Kay and brother, 1884; available at (accessed on 28 March 2009);

___________A Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Criminal Issues,  10th ed. by Hon. O. N. Hilton ...,  Rochester, N Y., The Lawyers co-operative publishing company, 1912, 2 volumes;
- vol. 1,;
- vol. 2,;

___________A treatise on the law of homicide in the United States : to which is appended a series of leading cases, Philadelphia : Kay and Bro., 1875, xli, 794 p. ; available at and (accessed on 8 July 2008);

ZOLINE, Elijah N. (Elijah Nathaniel), 1869-, Federal criminal law and procedure / by Elijah N. Zoline ; with an introduction by Henry Wade Rogers, Boston : Little, Brown, 1921, 3 volumes; (accessed on 29 June 2008)
- vol. 1,;
- vol. 2,;
- vol. 3,;

3. History and Miscellaneous

"A Bibliography of the Writings of Jerome Hall"  in Edward M. Wise and Gerhard O.W. Mueller, eds., Studies in Comparative Criminal Law, Springfield (Illinois): Charles C. Thomas, 1975, x, 328 p., chapter 17 at  pp. 302-315, (series; Publications of the Criminal Law Education and Research Center; vol. 11), ISBN: 0398031681;

BEAUMONT, Gustave de, 1802-1866,  et Alexis de Tocqueville, Système pénitentiaire aux États-unis et de son application en France; suivi d'un appendice sur les colonies pénales, et de notes statistiques, 3e édition, Paris, C. Gosselin, 1845, 446 p.; disponible à  et à (vérifiés le 2 février 2008);

BECKER, Steven W., "Le système pénitentiaire des États-Unis", dans, sous la direction de, Jean-Paul Céré et Carlos Eduardo A. Japiassu, Les systèmes pénitentiaires dans le monde, 2e édition, Paris: Dalloz, 2011, vi,  400 p.,  aux pp. 149-163, ISBN: 978-247-101382; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, Bibliothèque Fauteux, K5524 .S97 2011;

BILIONIS, Louis D., "Process, the Constitution, and Substantive Criminal Law", (1997-98) 96 Michigan Law Review 1269-1334;

BLAKESLEY, Christopher L., "United States of America", in Albin Eser, Otto Lagodny, Christopher L. Blakesley, eds., The individual as subject of international cooperation in criminal matters : a comparative study,  Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2002, xlix, 770 p., at pp. 525 to approx. 694 (series; Rechtsvergleichende Untersuchungen zur gesamten Strafrechtswissenschaft ; 3. Folge, Bd. 27), ISBN: 3789078379 (pbk.);

CONN, Stephen, "Punishment in Pre-Colonial Indigenous Societies of North America" dans La peine, Quatrième partie = Punishment - Fourth Part, Bruxelles: De Boeck, 1991, 514 p. aux pp.97-107, bibliography at pp. 106-107 (Collection; Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin; vol. 58), (series; Transactions of the Jean Bodin Society for Comparative Institutional History; vol. 58), ISBN: 2804115240;

CORNELL, J.G., R. Valladares, eds., Cultural Issues in Criminal Defense, New York: Yonkers Juris, 2000;

FINLELSTEIN, Claire, "Report on Basic Aspects of the Law of Murder in the United States  The Example of California and New York", October 2005, in The Law Commission, The Law of Murder: Overseas  Comparative Studies, [London: HMSO, 2005], at pp. 106-117; available at (accessed on 27 December 2005);   

FLAHERTY, David, "Law and the Enforcement of Morals in Early America", in Donald Fleming and Bernard Bailyn, eds., Law in American History, Boston: Little, Brown, 1971;

FLANIGAN, Daniel John, The Criminal Law of Slavery and Freedom, 1800-1868, Ph.D. thesis, Rice University, 1973, 518 p.;

FLETCHER, George P., "Les pays d'Amérique du Nord -- I -- Trois modèles de compétence universelle", dans Antonio Cassese et Mireille Delmas-Marty, Juridictions nationales et crimes internationaux, Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 2002, vi, 673 p., aux pp. 451-460,ISBN: 2130526926; copie à la Bibliothèque de l'Université d'Ottawa,  FTX General, K 5036 .C37 2002;

FRIEDMAN, Lawrence, Crime and Punishment in American History, Basic Books, 1993;

GARROW, Carrie E., 1969-, and Sarah Deer, 1972-, Tribal criminal law and procedure, Walnut Creek, CA AltaMira Press, c2004, (series; Tribal legal studies; v. 2), ISBN: 0759107173 and 0759107181;

GINSBERG, Robert E., "United States: National Report", (1983) 54(1-2) Revue internationale de droit pénal / International Review of Penal Law 229-248, see p. 240 (Actes du Colloque International, "Conception et principes du droit pénal économique et des affaires y compris la protection du consommateur", tenu à Freiburg-en-Brisgau, République Fédérale d'Allemagne, 20-23 septembre 1982, en préparation pour le 13e Congrès international de droit pénal de l'Association internationale de droit pénal (AIDP) au Caire en 1984 /  Report of the Proceedings of the International Colloquium, "Concept and Principles of Economic and Business Criminal Law",  held in Freiburg i. Br., Federal Republic of Germany, September 20-23, 1983, in preparation for the 13th International Congress of Penal Law of the International Association of Penal Law (IAPL) in Crairo, 1984);

GRINBERG-VINAVER, S.,  "Le système pénitentiaire des Etats-Unis" dans, sous la direction de,  Hugueney, Louis, 1882-, et H. Donnedieu de Vabres, Les grands systèmes pénitentiaires actuels : exposé systématique du régime appliqué dans les différents pays, Paris : Recueil Sirey, 1950, 448 p. aux pp. 135-153 (Collection; Travaux et recherches de l'Institut de droit comparé de l'Universite de Paris ; 6);

HENNING, Peter, "États-Unis/United States", (2003) 74(1-2) International Review of Penal Law 169-193; notes: article in English; national report; XVIIth International Congress of Penal Law, Preparatory Colloquium, Section II, Corruption and Related Offences in International Economic Acrtivities, November 11-12, 2002, Tokyo (Japan);

HORDER, Jeremy, "Reason, rationality, and vulgarity in the reform of the criminal law : Paul Robinson's account", [Toronto, Ont.] : Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, 2000, [25] p. (series; Legal theory workshop series LTW 2000-01 (1));

J.G. (Jean Graven?), "Notes biographiques.  Le professeur Gerhard O.W. Mueller",  (1964) 18(1) Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique 74-77; copie à la bibliothèque de la Cour suprême du Canada, Ottawa;

JOHNSON, Herbert A., "Sanctions in Colonial North America"  dans La peine, Quatrième partie = Punishment - Fourth Part, Bruxelles: De Boeck, 1991, 514 p. aux pp.109-153, bibliography at pp. 152-153 (Collection; Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin; vol. 58), (series; Transactions of the Jean Bodin Society for Comparative Institutional History; vol. 58), ISBN: 2804115240;

JULIUS, Julius, N. H. (Nicolaus Heinrich), 1783-1862, Du système pénitentiaire américain en 1836 / par le Docteur Julius ... ; suivi de quelques observations par M. Victor Foucher ...
 Rennes : Blin ... ; Paris : Joubert ... : Pougins ... ; Geneve : Cherbullier, libraire ; Bruxelles : Tarlier, 1837, 85, [1] p.; disponible à,M1  et (vérifiés le 2 février 2008);

LEE, Karen I., "Les pays d'Amérique du Nord -- II --  Les États-Unis d'Amérique et le Canada, dans Antonio Cassese et Mireille Delmas-Marty, Juridictions nationales et crimes internationaux, Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 2002, vi, 673 p., aux pp. 461-477,ISBN: 2130526926; copie à la Bibliothèque de l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General, K 5036 .C37 2002;

LEMPERT, Richard O., "Narrative relevance, imagined juries, and a supreme court inspired agenda for jury research", (2001) 72 (1-2) Revue internationale de droit pénal  405-413; available at  (accessed on 15 July 2007);

LLEWELLYN, Karl N. (Karl Nickerson), 1893-1962, "The Anthropology of Criminal Guilt" in Jurisprudence; realism in theory and practice, [Chicago] University of Chicago Press [1962], 531 p.;

MAESTRO, M., "Benjamin Franklin and the Penal Laws", (1975) 36 J. Hist. Ideas 551-562;

MARCUS, Paul, "United States.  The Juvenile Justice System in the United States", (2004) 75(1-2) International Review of Penal Law 535-552; note: XVIIth International Congress of Penal Law -- Preparatory Colloquium, Section I : Criminal Responsibility of Minors in National and International Legal Order, September 26-28, 2002, Vienna (Austria);

MIGNET, Éloge historique de M. Livingston, Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, 1838, 37 p.; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 29 août 2008); .

___________ Notices et portraits historiques et littéraires, 3e édition, tome premier, Paris: Charpentier, 1854, et voir "Livingston  -- notice lue dans la séance publique de l'académie des sciences morales et politiques du 30 juin 1838",  143-183; disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 9 août 2008);

MITTERMAIER, Charles Joseph Antoine, 1787-1867, Traité de la procédure criminelle en Angleterre, en Ecosse et dans l'Amérique du nord / Trad. [de l'allemand] par A. Chauffard, Paris : E. Thorin, 1868, xci, 644p.; livre rare du grand juriste allemand Carl Joseph Anton Mittermaier; copie à la bibliothèque du Barreau de Montréal; disponible à,+en+Ecosse+et+dans+l%27Am%C3%A9rique+du+nord+%22&lr=&as_brr=3#PPR3,M1 (vérifié le 15 septembre 2008); l'édition de 1851 en allemand est disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 19 novembre 2007);

MONKKONEN, Eric H.,  edited with an introduction by Eric H. Monkkonen, The Colonies and early Republic, Westport : Meckler, c1991, 2 volumes (912 p.), ISBN: 0887364950 (v. 1) and 0887364969 (v. 2); see table of contents at Biddle Law Library, University of Pennsylvania, at (accessed on 23 October 2004);

MUELLER, Gerhard O.W., Crime, law and the scholars: a history of scholarship in American criminal law, London, Heinemann Educational, 1969, xvi, 302 p., (series; Heinemann library of criminology and penal reform; Cambridge studies in criminology, vol. 26), ISBN:  0435826107; also published in: Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1969; very important contribution to the subject;

___________"A Synthetic Criminal Law Theory: Jerome Hall's Contribution to the American Criminal Law System" in Edward M. Wise and Gerhard O.W. Mueller, eds., Studies in Comparative Criminal Law, Springfield (Illinois): Charles C. Thomas, 1975, x, 328 p., chapter 15 at  pp. 283-291, (series; Publications of the Criminal Law Education and Research Center; vol. 11), ISBN: 0398031681;

MURCHISON, Kenneth M., 1947-, Federal criminal law doctrines : the forgotten influence of national prohibition, Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press, 1994, viii, 279 p., ISBN: 0822315106; consult the table of contents at the Biddle Law Library catalogue, University of Pennsylvania, at;

NELSON, William E., "Emerging Notions of Criminal Law in the Revolutionary Era", (1967) 42 New York University Law Review 450;

NEW YORK STATE, Law Revision Commission, Communication and study relating to homicide, Albany: J.B. Lyon Printers, 1937, 355 p., (New York State Legislature, legislative document 1937, no. 65 (p)).; disponible : State University of N.-Y. at Buffalo Law Library;  Hofstra Uni. Law School Library, State Univ. of New York at Hamstead; Harvard Law school;

ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD), Country Reports on the Implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the 1997 Revised Recommendation; see the list of reports available at,2340,en_2649_34855_1933144_1_1_1_1,00.html and the reports on the United States at and (accessed on 5 January 2004); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OECD), Rapports par pays sur la mise en oeuvre de la convention sur la lutte contre la corruption d'agents publics étrangers dans les transactions commerciales internationales et la recommendation révisée de 1997, voir la liste des rapports disponibles à,2340,fr_2649_34855_2759409_1_1_1_1,00.html et les rapports sur les États-Unis à  et à  (visionnés le 5 janvier 2004);

OSNER, Nigel, 1948-, Anne Quinn and Giles Crown, eds., Criminal justice systems in other jurisdictions, London : HMSO, c1993, iv, 232 p., see Part 15, "United States of America" at pp. 193-225, ISBN: 0113410824; note: At head of  title: "The Royal Commission on Criminal Justice"; study covers in different parts of the book: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, The Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, The United States of America; based on answers to a questionnaire; areas covered for most of the countries and generally are: police investigations, evidence, prosecution, disclosure, expert evidence, pre-trial procedures, detention pre-trial (or statistics for detention in custody), juries, trial, previous convictions, appeals,training, recet changes/reforms;

PACKER, Herbert L., “The Aims of the Criminal Law Revisited: A Plea for a New Look at ‘Substantive Due Process’ “, (1970-71) Southern California Law Review 490-498; copy at the law library of the University of Ottawa, FTX Periodicals, KFC 69 .S696;

PESTRITTO, Ronald J., Founding the criminal law: punishment and political thought in the origins of America, DeKalb (Ill.): Northern Illinois University Press, c2000, x, 197 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, K9225 P47;

POWERS, Edwin, Crime and Punishment in Early Massachusetts, 1620-1692, Beacon Press, 1966;

REITZ, Kevin R., “The Disassembly and Reassembly of U.S. Sentencing Practices” in Michael Tonry & Richard S. Frase, eds., Sentencing and sanctions in western countries, New York : Oxford University Press, 2001, ix, 440 p. at pp.  222-258 with references at pp.  254-258, ISBN: 0195130537 and 0195138619 (pbk.);  copy athe library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, call number:  K5121 .S46 2001;

ROBINSON, Paul H., "United States", in Kevin Jon Heller and Markus D. Dubber, eds., The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011, vi, 660 p., at pp. 563-592, ISBN: 978-0-8047-5758-4;

SCHÜNEMANN, Bernd, "Some Comments on Parts III and IV of the Model Penal Code from a German Perspective: Fundamentals of the Statutory Regulation of Correctional Practice in Germany", (2003-2004) 7 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 233-246; available at (accessed on 16 June 2005);

SCOTT, Arthur P., History of the Criminal Law in Virginia during the colonial period, Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago, 1916, 356 p.;

SILVERMAN, Emily, "National Report -- USA",  in Eser and Sieber, eds., National Prosecution of International Crimes, Max-Planck-Institut fürausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, 2005, (series; Nationale Strafverfolgung völkerrechttlicher Verbrechen; vol. 5), ISBN: 3861138824; book in English;

SMITH, Kate, "The Government Interest in Criminal Law: Whose Interest Is It, Anyway?", in Stephen E. Gottlieb, editor, Public values in constitutional law, Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1993, viii, 284 p., at pp. 137 to approx. 170,  ISBN: 0472104349;

TONRY, Michael, Thinking about Crime: sense and sensibility in American penal culture, New York : Oxford University Press, 2004, x, 260 p. (series; Studies in crime and public policy), ISBN: 0195141016; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General: HV 9471 .T65 2004;

UNTERMYER, Samuel, 1858-1940,  Evils and remedies in the administration of the criminal law : address delivered before the American Academy of Political and Social Science at Philadelphia on April 9th, 1910,   [U.S. : s.n., 1910?], 23.; available at (accessed on 29 June 2008);

VAUX, Roberts, 1786-1836,  Notices of the original, and successive efforts, to improve the discipline of the prison at Philadelphia, and to reform the criminal code of Pennsylvania: with a few observations on the penitentiary system. ..., Philadelphia: Published by Kimber and Sharpless, 1826, [3],4-76p. tables. 21cm., available at (accessed on 6 September 2008);

WALKER, Samuel, Popular justice : a history of American criminal justice, 2nd ed., New York : Oxford University Press, 1998, vii, 290 p., ISBN: 0195074505 and 0195074513 (pbk.);

WALTHER, Susanne, "The Position and Structure of the Prosecutor's Office in the United States", (2000) 8(3) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 283-295;

WIGMORE, John Henry, 1863-1943-,  A preliminary bibliography of modern criminal law and criminology, Chicago : Northwestern University Building, 1909, xii, 128 p. (series; Bulletin / Gary Library of Law, Northwestern University Law School; no. 1); note:  "Presented to the delegates to the National Conference on Criminal Law and Criminology"--Slip inserted before t.p. (source: Hollis, Harvard catalogue); available at (accessed 12 February 2008); also available at (accessed on 6 June 2009);

ZALKIND, Paola, 1981- and Rita James Simon, Global perspectives on social issues : juvenile justice systems, Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2004, vii, 197 p., see "United States" at pp. 7-15 and 22-23, ISBN: 0739107305; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General: HV 9069 .Z35 2004;

ZEMAN, Thomas Edward, Order, Crime, and Punishment: The American Criminological Tradition, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1981, 572 p.;

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