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last amendment : 9 August 2001
by © François Lareau,
2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sumeria / Sumérie
CARDASCIA, Guillaume, "La peine dans les droits cuneiformes" dans La
peine, Première partie: Antiquité / Punishment - First Part:
Antiquity, Bruxelles: De Boeck Université, 1991, 199 p., aux
pp. 37-49, (Collection; Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin
pour l'histoire comparative des institutions; vol. 55), (series; Transactions
of the Jean Bodin Society for Comparative Institutional History; vol. 55),
ISBN: 2804115232;
FINKELSTEIN, J.J., "Sex Offenses in Sumerian Laws", (1966) 86 Journal
of the American Oriental Society 355;
KRAMMER, S.N., "The Ur-Nammu Law Code: Who was its author?", (1983)
52 Orientalia;
ROTH, Martha Tobi, Harry A. Hoffner, and Piotr Michalowski, Law collections
from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor / by Martha T. Roth with a contribution
by Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.; edited by Piotr Michalowski, Altanta,
Ga. : Scholars Press, c1995, xviii, 283 p. (series; Writings from the ancient
world no. 6), ISBN: 0788501046; and 0788501267 (pbk. : alk. paper);
(c. 3100 - c. 200 BCE), Paul Halsall, ed., Internet History Sourcebooks
Project, Fordham, New York City's Jesuit University, at Paul Halsall, ed.,
Internet History Sourcebooks Project, Fordham, New York City's Jesuit University;
SZLECHTER, Émile, éd., Les Lois sumériennes.
I.-Le code d'Ur-Nammu. II.-Le code de Lipit-Ishtar, Rome : Pontificia
Universitas lateranensis, 1983, 136 p. (Collection; Studia et documenta
/ Pontificium Institutum Utriusque Iuris ; 6);
___________(1957) 51 Revue d'Assyriologie 57-89; titre non disponible pour le moment;
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