Bibliography, criminal law de Singapore; bibliographie, droit pénal de Singapour
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Last  amendment: 24 July 2007

by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Singapore / Singapour

BROWN, B.J., "Chance Medley in the Malayan Penal Codes", (1961) 3 University of Malaya Law Review 73-82;

CHAN, Wing Cheong,  Michael Hor; Yew Meng, and  Victor V. (Vridar) Ramraj, Fundamental Principles of Criminal Law : Cases and Materials. Singapore: LexisNexis, 2005, ISBN: 9812364099;.

CHEANG, M., Criminal Law of Malaysia and Singapore: Principles of Liability, Kuala Lumpur: Professional Law Books, 1990;

CHEONG, Chan Wing, "The Present and Future of Provocation as a Defence to Murder in Singapore", [2001] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 453-474;

___________“Requirement of Fault in Strict Liability” (1999) 11 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 98.

CHEONG, Chan Wing, and Andrew Phang, The development of criminal law and criminal justice in Singapore, Singapore : Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, Faculty of Law,  National University of Singapore, 2001, 55 p.; also with the same title in Kevin Tan, ed., Essays in Singapore Legal History, Singapore Academy of Law : Marshall Cavendish Academic, 2005, x, 294 p.; ISBN: 9812103899  and 981210349X (pbk.);

CHIAN, Mark Lim Fung, "Criminal Offences under the Singapore Copyright Act - Legal and Procedural Issues", (1999) 11 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 120-146;

CHOR-YONG, John Tan, "Habeas Corpus in Singapore", (1960) 2 University of Malaya Law Review  323-334;

Criminal Procedure Code, available at and  (accessed on 2 October 2007);

DE SOUZA, Christopher, "Expanding the Boundaries of Suddent Fight the Tan Chun Seng Decision", (2003) 15 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 333-354;

ENGLISH, Peter, "Sentencing in Singapore", (1981) 23 Malaya Law Review 1-40;

FERGUSON, G., "The insanity defense in Canada, Malaysia and Singapore: A tale of two codes", (1990) 17 Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law 1-28; title noted in my research but article not consulted; no copy of this periodical in the Ottawa area libraries;

HAN, Tan Cheng, "The General Exception of Necessity under the Singapore Penal Code", (1990) 32 Malaya Law Review 271-295;

HOR, Michael, "The Confessions Regime in Singapore” [1991] 3 Malayan Law Journal  lvii;

___________"The Independence of the Criminal Justice System in Singapore", (2003) Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 497;

__________"The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination and Fairness to the Accused”,  [1993] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 35;

__________"Singapore's Innovations to Due Process", (2001) 12(1) Criminal Law Forum - An International Journal 25-40; with the same title in (accessed on 4 August 2004);

__________ “Strict Liability in Singapore: a Re-examination” [1996] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 312;

___________"Terrorism and the Criminal Law: Singapore’s Solution” [2002] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 30;

HSIAO-HUEY, Teo, Notes and Comments, "Sentencing Mentally-Disordered Offenders for Culpable Homicide", (2002) 14 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 153-163;

KEONG, Chan Sek,  “The Criminal Process – The Singapore Model” (1996) 17 Singapore Law Review 431;

___________“Rethinking the Criminal Justice System of Singapore for the 21st Century” in The Singapore Conference: Leading the Law and Lawyers into the New Millennium, Butterworths, 2000;.

KOH, Kheng-Lian and Tan Yock Lin, "National Monographs: Singapore" in Lieven Dupont and Cyrille Fijnault, eds. International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Criminal Law, vol. 2,  The Hague, London, Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1993-, 240 p., ISBN: 9065449374; important contribution;

KOH, Kheng Lian, CMV Clarkson and N.A. Morgan, Criminal law in Singapore and Malaysia : text and materials,  [3rd impr.],  Singapore ; Kuala Lumpur : Malayan Law Journal, 1995, xlviii, 641 p.; (series; International environmental law and policy series),  ISBN:  9971700697 and  9971700719 (pbk);

KOH, Kheng Lian, Criminal Law, Singapore : Malaya law review, Faculty of Law, University of Singapore, 1977,  ix, 90 p. (series; Singapore law series; no. 3);

___________"Doctrine of Consent in Criminal Law", (1967) 9 Malaya Law Review 181-201;

KOK, Lee Peng, Molly Cheang & Chee Kuan Tsee, Diminished responsibility, with special reference to Singapore, Singapore : Singapore University Press, National University of Singapore, c1990, xvi, 287 p., ISBN: 9971691388;

KOH, T.T.B., "The Sentencing Policy and Practice of Singapore Courts", (1965) 7 Malaya Law Review 291-298;

LAW REFORM AND REVISION DIVISION, ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S CHAMBERS,  Administrative and  Civil Sanctions (Consultation Paper), 2002 (series; LRRD; No. 7/2002), available at (accessed on 13 February 2007);

LEE Kiat Seng, Case Note, “Moving Towards a More Restrictive Approach Towards  Private Defence?: Public Prosecutor v Asogan Ramesh s/o Ramachandren & Ors [[1998] 1 SLR 286]” (1998) 10 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 231;

"The recent decision of the High Court in the case of Public Prosecutor v Asogan Ramesh s/o Ramachandren & Ors is instructive as to the recent attitude of the local courts in the manner in which they approach the general defence of private defence. If one were to study the approach of the courts in dealing with the plea in these cases, one can discern a continuation of the recent inclination of the local courts to take a narrow view of the defence. …" (source:, accessed on 20 December 2004);

McKILLOP, Bron, " Strict Liability Offences in Singapore and Malaysia", (1967) 9 Malaya Law Review 118 to approx. 146;

MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS, Consultation Paper on the Proposed penal Code Amendments, 2006, available at (accessed on 13 February 2007);

NALLA, Mahesh, "World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems -- Singapore", U. S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, circa 1992, available at (accessed on 10 April 2004);

Penal Code in English

PIERIS, Anoma Darshani, Hidden hands and divided landscapes: Penal labor and colonial citizenship in Singapore and the Straits Settlements, 1825--1873,  Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2003, 367 pages;

PHANG BOON LEONG, Andrew, "Of Codes and Ideology: Some Notes on the Origins of  the Major Criminal Enactments of Singapore", (1989) 31 Malaya Law Review 46-77;

RAMRAJ, Victor M., "Murder without an Intention to Kill", (2000) Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 560;

REDDY, Bala, "Developments in criminal law", Developments in Singapore Law Between 1996 and 2000 Conference (2nd : 2001 : Singapore), Developments in Singapore law between 1996 and 2000 / [organized jointly by] the Singapore Academy of Law and the Law Faculty, National University of Singapore ; general editor, Kenneth Tan Wee Kheng,  Singapore : Sweet & Maxwell Asia ; St. Paul, Minn. : West Group, [2001], lxx, 678 p., at p. 573, ISBN: 9810445679;

Reprint of the Criminal Procedure Code (chapter 113 of the revised edition) incorporating all amendments up to 31st July 1980 / prepared by the Attorney-General's Chambers, Singapore, [S.l. : s.n.], 1980 (s.l. : Singapore National Printers with the authority of the President), 276 p. (series; Government gazette / Republic of Singapore. Reprints supplement.Acts ; no. 2);

SHING,  Lynette J. Chua Kher, "Saying No: Sections 377 and 377A of the Penal Code", [2003] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 209-261;

"Singapore's Criminal Law and Justice System", from the Lectic Law Library's stacks, available at (accessed on 4 December 2006); 

Singapore Statutes on Line

SOE, Myint, " Some Aspects of Common Intention in the Penal Code of Singapore and West Malaysia", (1972) Malaya Law Review 163-178;

SONARAJAH, M., "Transnational Crimes: The Third Limb of the Criminal Law", [2004] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 390–413;

YEO, Stanley, "The Application of Common Law Defences to the Penal Code of Singapore and Malaysia", in edited by A.J. Harding, ed.,  The Common law in Singapore and Malaysia: : a volume of essays marking the 25th anniversary of the Malaya law review, 1959-1984, Singapore : Butterworths, 1985, xxx, 371 p., at pp. 141-174, ISBN:  0409995010;

___________"Compensating Victims of Crime in Singapore" (1984) 26 Malaya Law Review 219-237;

___________Criminal Defences in Malaysia and Singapore, Kuala Lumpur: LexisNexis, 2005, xxxv, 354 p., ISBN: 9679626474;

___________"Homicide in Singapore" (1985) 27 Malaya Law Review 113-143;

___________"Revitalising the Penal Code with a General Part", (2004) Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 1–19; available at (accessed on 6 November 2004);

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