last amendment: 27 July 2005
by © François Lareau,
2002-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Analysis and reform of the criminal justice system in Nepal / [study
conducted by Institute for Legal Research and Resources ; sponsored by
Danish Centre for Human Rights], Kathmandu : Centre for Legal Research
and Resource Development, 1999, 184 p.;
MacDONALD, A.W., "La sorcellerie dans le code népalais de 1853",
(1968) 8(1) L'Homme Revue Française d'Anthropologie 62-69;
VAIDYA, Tulasi Rama, 1940-, and Tri Ratna Manandhar, Crime and punishment in Nepal : a historical perspective, Kathmandu : Bini Vaidya and Purna Devi Manandhar, 1985, 302 p.;
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