Bibliography, criminal law of  Mexico; bibliographie, droit pénal du Mexique
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last  amendment: 22 November 2008

by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Mexico / Mexique

ALMARAZ, José, "New Penal Legislation in Mexico" in Hubert Clinton Herring, 1889-, and Katherine Terrill, eds,  The genius of Mexico ; lectures delivered before the fifth seminar in Mexico, 1930, New York, The Committee on cultural relations with Latin America [1931], ix, 334, at pp. 208-217;

ALVAREZ, Ana Josefina, translated by Ivonne Vinay, "Mexico" in Donald J. Shoemaker, ed., International Handbook on Juvenile Justice, Westport (Connecticut): Greenwood Press, 1996, xv, 327 p., at pp. 207-219, ISBN: 031328895X; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, HV 9069 .I665 1996;

Biblioteca Jurídica Virtual (UNAM), disponible à  (site visité le 20 juillet 2006); comme exemple de recherche sous titulo, tapez "penal"; contribution importante / important contribution;

BUFFINGTON, Robert, 1952-, Criminal and citizen in modern Mexico, Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c2000, 229 p., [10] p., ISBN: 0803213026; and 0803261594 (pbk.);

CAMACHO, L. Nunez, "Measures adopetd and proposed by Mexico to abate white collar crime", (2004) 11 United States-Mexico Law Journal  215-217;

DIAZ-ARANDA, Enrique, "Criminality and Criminal Law in Mexico.  Where Are We Going?", (July-December 2006) number 6 Mexican Law Review; available at (accessed on 30 May 2006);

ELOLA, Javier,  "Le système pénitentiaire du Mexique" dans, sous la direction de,  Hugueney, Louis, 1882-, et H. Donnedieu de Vabres, Les grands systèmes pénitentiaires actuels : exposé systématique du régime appliqué dans les différents pays, Paris : Recueil Sirey, 1950, 448 p. aux pp. 249-262 (Collection; Travaux et recherches de l'Institut de droit comparé de l'Universite de Paris ; 6);

GONZALES de la Francisco, sous la direction de, La réforme des lois pénales au Mexique, Mexique, Imprimerie du Ministère des affaires étrangères, 1935, ix, 121 p.; "contributions du Mexique aux Congrès internationaux de droit pénal de Berlin et a'celui de la législation pénale de Copenhague";

HASLIP-VIERA, Gabriel, Crime and punishment in late colonial Mexico City, 1692-1810, Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, c1999, xii, 193 p., ISBN: 0826318754;

Legalized injustice : Mexican criminal procedure and human rights, New York (NY): Lawyers Committee for Human Rights; Mexico D.F., Mexico: Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez Human Rights Center, c2001, xvi, 208p.;

MacLACHLAN, Colin M., Criminal justice in eighteenth century Mexico : a study of the Tribunal of the Acordada,  Berkeley : University of California Press, 1974, viii, 141 p., ISBN: 0520024168; copy at Ottawa University;

__________The tribunal of the Acordada: a study of criminal justice in eighteenth century Mexico, Thesis (Ph. D.), University of California, Los Angeles, 1969, vii, 216 leaves;

MENDOZA,  Salvador, The new Penal code of Mexico, by Salvador Mendoza ... Summary of  a lecture delivered at Columbia University, April 16, 1929, New York, 1929, 7 p.; copy at Harvard University;

___________"Mexico's bold experiment in the new criminal code", (1929) 31 Current History 107-111;

___________"Recent tendencies in Mexican criminal procedure", (1930) 64 Pan-American Union Bulletin 433-439; in French/en français: "Les récentes tendances de la procédure criminelle mexicaine", (1930) 5 Études criminologiques 274-277;

MONTLUC, Léon de, 1847-. "M. le Secrétaire général dépose une Notice sur le Code pénal du Mexique qui lui a été adressée par M. Léon de Montluc, sous-préfet à Brest", (1878-1879) tome 8 Bulletin de la société de législation comparée 138-154;  disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 22 novembre 2008); aussi publié à Paris: Cotillon, 1879, sous le titre de Notice sur le Code pénal du Mexique, disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 26 décembre 2008);

OLIVERO, J. Michael, "The crisis in Mexican prisons: the impact of the United States" in Robert P. Weiss and Nigel, eds., Comparing prison systems : toward a comparative and international penology, Australia : Gordon and Breach Publishers, c1998,  xx, 488 p., at pp. 99 to approx. 114 (series; International studies in global change; v. 8), ISBN: 9057005107;

ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD), Country Reports on the Implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the 1997 Revised Recommendation; see the list of reports available at,2340,en_2649_34855_1933144_1_1_1_1,00.html and the report on Mexico at  (accessed on 5 January 2004); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OECD), Rapports par pays sur la mise en oeuvre de la convention sur la lutte contre la corruption d'agents publics étrangers dans les transactions commerciales internationales et la recommendation révisée de 1997, voir la liste des rapports disponibles à,2340,fr_2649_34855_2759409_1_1_1_1,00.html et le rapport sur le Mexique à  (visionnés le 5 janvier 2004);

Penal Code  (Spanish); also available (accessed on 27 July 2004);

Federal Criminal Code (English), at (accesed on 7 January 2004);  also available (accessed on 27 July 2004); see also (accessed on 19 May 2006);

PORTILLO, Ernesto Lopez, translation by Carlos Becerril Torres, "World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems -- Mexico", U. S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, circa 2003, available at (accessed on 10 April 2004);

RIPPY, J. Fred., "The new penal code of Mexico", (1930) 10 Hispanic-American Historical Review 295-298;

SARRE, Miguel and Fernando Arturo Figueroa, "Perspectives on the Right to a Fair Trial in Mexico" in David Weissbrodt and Rüdiger Wolfrum, eds., The right to a fair trial, Berlin; New York: Springer, 1997, ix, 779 p. at pp. 85 to approx. 114 (Series; Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht ; Bd. 129),  ISBN: 3540625933;

SCHAFFER, "Justice with Mercy: The Treaties With Canada and Mexico for the Execution of Penal Judgments", (1978) 4 B'klyn J. Int'l L. 246;

SCHWENK, "Criminal Codification and General Principles of Criminal Law in Argentina, Mexico, Chile, and the United States: A Comparative Study", (1942) 4 Louisiana Law Review 351;

TELKES, Laszlo K. de, Aggravating and mitigating circumstances in criminal law; a critique of the criminal codes of Hungary, Germany, Italy and  Mexico, from the viewpoint of modern criminology and suggestions for a rational criminal code, Thesis, Law School of Harvard University, 1933;

ZAMBRANO, Maria Teresa, La politique criminelle actuelle au Mexique: quels modèles?, thèse, doctorat nouveau, sciences criminelles, Paris 2, 1988, 408 p.; dir de thèse: Mireille Delmas Marty; résumé au catalogue Abes, voir (visionné le 12 janvier 2003);

ZAMORA, Jimenez A., "Criminal justice and the law in Mexico", (July 2003) 40(1) Crime, Law and Social Change 33-36;

ZAMORA, Stephen, José Ramon Cossio, Leonel Pereznieto, José Roldan-Xopa and David Lopez, Mexican Law, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004,  xxviii, 712 p., see Chapter 1, "The History of Mexican Law" and Chapter 11, "Criminal Law and procedure", ISBN: 0198267770; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada, KGF327 M49 2004;

"Historical Background

    After gaining independence [1821], Mexican political leaders focused their attention on political organization, and criminal laws dating back to colonial times simply remained in force.  In 1835, the first criminal code to take effect in Mexico was enacted in the State of Veracruz.  During the French intervention (1864-1867), the government of Emperor Maximilian at first adopted the French criminal code; an effort by Maximilian to commission a new Mexican criminal code ended with his premature death.  Finally, in 1868, President Benito Juarez ordered the creation of a commission to draft a federal criminal code, which closely resembled the Spanish Criminal Code of 1870.

    The Criminal code of 1871 remained in force until the end of the Mexican revolution.  As mentioned above, the Constitution of 1917 included a number of provisions relevant to the application of criminal law, but as a result of the revolutionary turmoil, no progress was made with regard to enactment of a new criminal code until 1925, when President Plutarco Elias Calles named a commission to draft a criminal code for the Federal district and federal territories (Codigo Penal para el Distrito y Territorios Federales), which was published on 15 December 1929.  However, this draft code was heavily critized, and was never put into effect.

    Soon thereafter, President Emilio Portes Gil appointed a new commission, which produced the Federal Criminal Code that is in effect today.  This code, the Codigo Penal para el Distrito Federal en materia de fuero comun y para toda la Republica en material federal, or Federal Criminal code, was enacted on 13 August 1931 under President Otiz Rubio and went into effect on 17 September of that year.  Due to the highly centralized nature of the Mexican federal system, most state criminal codes and criminal procedure in Mexico were modelled on the Federal Criminal code and federal procedure laws…." (pp. 346-347)

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