Bibliography, criminal law of  Korea; bibliographie, droit pénal de la Corée
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last  amendment: 28 August 2009

by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Korea (South) / Corée du Sud

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, Corée du Sud : l'emprisonnement politique en République de Corée, Paris : Éditions francophones d'Amnesty international,
1981, 64 p.;

CHO, Kuk, "Aggravated Punishment on the Homicide of Lineal Ascendants in the Korean Penal Code: Maintain Filial Piety by Criminal Law?", (2003) 3(1) Journal of Korean Law 109-121;

___________"The Crime of Adultery in Korea: Inadequate Means for Maintaining Morality and Protecting Women",  (2002) 2(1) Journal of Korean Law 81-99;

___________ "Korean criminal law and democratization", in Tom Ginsburg, ed., Legal Reform in Korea, New York: Routledge Curzon, 2004, ISBN: 200400945;

___________"Korean Criminal Law: Moralist Prima Ratio for Social Control", (2001) 1(1)  Journal of Korean Law 77-96;

 __________"Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Lege in Korean Criminal Law", (2006) 6(1) Journal of Korean Law;

___________"The Ongoing Reconstruction of Korean Criminal Justice System", (2006) 5(1) Santa Clara Journal of International Law;

___________"The Revision of the Korean Criminal Procedure Code", (2008) 8(1) Journal of Korean Law;

___________"The Unfinished 'Criminal Procedure Revolution' of Post-Democratization South Korea", (2002) 30(3) Denver Journal of International Law & Policy 377-394;

___________"Transitional Justice in Korea: Legally Coping With Past Wrongs After Democratization", (2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 3;

___________"The Under-Protection of Women under Korean Criminal Law", (Fall 2008) 22(1) Columbia Law Journal 119 to approx. 142;

CHOI, Okchai, A Study of the Development of Penal Services in South Korea in the Light of Comparable Developments in Six Other Western and Asian Societies, Ph.D. thesis, University of South Wales, 1991;

Le Code pénal de la Corée, Tai-han hyeng  pep par Laurent Cremazy,  [Seoul] Seoul Press, Hodge & Co. printers, VIIIe année Koang-Mou, 1904,  xx, 182 p.;

HORIGAN, Damien P., "Observations on the South Korean Penal Code", (2003) 3(2) Journal of Korean Law 139-159; available at  (accessed on 14 October 2007);

KANG, Koo-Chin, "An Analytical Study of Criminal Law in North Korea", (1973) 4(2) Lawasia 1-53;

KIM, Chin, 1926-, "Asian Criminal Law: A Comparison with Proposed Federal Criminal Code", (1973) South Texas Law Journal; also published in Chin Kim, Selected Writings on Asian Law, Littleton (Colorado), 1982, xiii, 573 p., at pp. 453-478, ISBN: 0837707412; copy of the book at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KNC 79 K56 1982;

KOH, H.C., "The persistence of Korean family norms in a Confucian state : An analysis of eighteenth-century criminal cases", in The anthropology of Korea: East Asian perspectives, Senri ethnological studies, 1998, at pp. 7-36; (series; Senri ethnological studies;  no.49); ISSN 0387-6004.
ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD), Country Reports on the Implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the 1997 Revised Recommendation; see the list of reports available at,2340,en_2649_34855_1933144_1_1_1_1,00.html and the report on Korea at  (accessed on 5 January 2004); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OECD), Rapports par pays sur la mise en oeuvre de la convention sur la lutte contre la corruption d'agents publics étrangers dans les transactions commerciales internationales et la recommendation révisée de 1997, voir la liste des rapports disponibles à,2340,fr_2649_34855_2759409_1_1_1_1,00.html et le rapport sur la Corée à  (visionnés le 5 janvier 2004);

The Korean Criminal Code, translated by Paul Ryu, South Hackensack (N.J.): F.B. Rothman, 1960,  x, 145 p., (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes, vol. 2);

RYU, Paul Kichyun (YU, Ki-ch`on, ), 1915-,  Korean Culture and Criminal Responsibility, an application of a scientific approach to law  by Paul K. Ryu,  Thesis (J.S.D.), Yale Law School,  1958, 235, 68, 89 leaves (series; Hein's legal theses and dissertations ; v. 004-00102); microfiche, copy at Ottawa University K 46 .H44 v.004-00102 1958; notes:  Includes: A translation of the Korean Criminal Code of October 3, 1953 (89 leaves, 3rd group);

__________ "The New Korean Criminal Code of October 3, 1953.  An Analysis of Ideologies Embedded in It", (1957) 48 Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and  Political Science 275-295; also found as "Introduction" in The Korean Criminal Code, translated by Paul Ryu, South Hackensack (N.J.): F.B. Rothman, 1960,  x, 145 p., at pp. 1-29 (series; The American Series of Foreign Penal Codes, vol. 2);

SHAW, William, 1944-, Legal norms in a Confucian state, Berkeley, California: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Center for Korean Studies, 1981, xv, 267 p., ISBN: 0912966327 (pbk.);

"World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems -- South Korea", U. S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, circa 1992, available at (accessed on 10 April 2004);

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