Bibliography, criminal law of  India; bibliographie, droit pénal de l'Inde
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by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
India - Penal Code 1860
Inde - Code pénal 1860

"To compare the Indian Penal Code with English Criminal Law is like comparing cosmos with chaos. Any intelligent person interested in the subject could get a very distinct and correct notion of Indian Criminal Law in a few hours from the Penal Code." (Lester Lelan, "Law and the Study of Law", (1878) 13(1) The Canadian Monthly and National Review 190-201, at 199; available at,M1)

1. Codification and History

BARNEJEE, Tapas Kamur, Background to Indian Criminal Law, Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1963, 389 p.; there is a second edition : Calcutta: R. Cambray, 1990, copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF9220 ZM2 B36 1990;

___________"The substantive criminal law prior to the Indian Penal Code", in S. Govindarajulu, ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 1-32;

BENERJI, Eric H., "Reform",, in S. Govindarajulu, ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 166-177; title noted in my research but article not consulted (27 April 2007);

BONNAN, J.-C., "Le roi, souverain du châtiment : l'exemple de l'Inde ancienne", (1986) 11 Revue Droit et Cultures - Anthropologie et histoire 123-127;

BOSE, V., "The Migration of the Common Law: India", (1960) 76 Law Quarterly Review 59;

CAMERON, C.H. and D. Elliott, The Indian Penal Code as Originally Framed in 1837 and the First and Second Reports Thereon, Madras: Higginbotham, 1888; available at (accessed on 5 April 2009);

Code of Criminal procedure 1973, available at (accessed on 2 October 2007);

"A Copy of the Penal Code prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners, and published by Command of the Governor-General in Council", command number 673,  in British Sessional [Parliamentary] Papers (1837-1838) XLI, 463-587; the British Parliamentary Papers have been reproduced on microcard; copy at Carleton University, Ottawa;

A Copy  of the Penal Code prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners, and published by Command of the Governor-General of India in Council,  Hertford: Austin, 1851, available at (accessed on 22 February 2009);

CROSS, Rupert, "The Making of English Criminal Law (5) Macaulay", [1978] Criminal Law Review 519;

CURRIE, Fendall, 1841-1920, The Indian Code of Criminal Procedure, 5th ed.,  LOndon: John Flack, 1874; available at,M1 (accessed on 15 December 2008);

____________The Indian Criminal Codes, 4.ed., viz., the Penal code act XLV of 1860 .. and the Code of criminal procedure act X of 1872 ... with rulings of all the High courts in India and the chief courts in the Punjaub, Oudh, and the central provinces ... and with notes from the reports of teh law commissioners and framers of teh original codes, notes on evidence, legal maxims, etc., London, J. Flack, 1872,  xiii, xxi p., [1] l., 789, [102]. lviii, lxxxv p. tables. 25 cm.; available at,M1 (accessed on 15 December 2008);

"Editorial: Some Lessons from Macaulay on Codification", (August 2004) 28(4) Criminal Law Journal 197-199; suggesting a General Part for the Indian Penal Code

FISCH, von Jorg, 1947-, Cheap lives and dear limbs : the British transformation of the Bengal criminal law 1769-1817,  Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1983, vii, 154 p., (Series; Beitrage zur Sudasienforschung ; Bd. 79), ISBN: I3515040129;

GLAZEBROOK, P.R., "Criminal Law Reform - England" in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., volume 2, New York: The Free Press, at pp. 490-501 and more particularly, "The Indian Penal Code, 1835-1860" at p. 496, ISBN: 0029181100 (for the set of 4 volumes);

GLUCKLICH, A., "Karma and social justice in the criminal code of Manu", (1982) 16(1) Contributions to Indian sociology 59-78;

GRANDLE, B.B., "Choosing to help or to Advance their agenda: A comparative look at how the Supreme Courts of India and the United States Approach Violence Against Women", (2003) 24(2) Women's Rights Law Reporter 445-477;

ILBERT, C., "Indian Codification", (1889) 5 The Law Quarterly Review 347-369; does not deal more than one page on the codification of the criminal law; 

"India and our Colonial Empire", (1882) 117 The Westminster Review 587-604; available at,M1 (accessed on 15 December 2008);

It is customary to speak as if Indian codification had taken its rise with Macaulay, and to regard the Indian Penal Code as his work. Macaulay was unquestionably an eloquent mouthpiece for the principles of codification laid down by Bentham. But he marks only one stage, and by no means the most active and fruitful stage, of the work. The Indian Penal Code was the result of the labours of thirty years, during which it passed through the hands of many distinguished jurists. In the form in which it ultimately became law, it bears more of the impress of the exact judicial mind of Sir Barnes Peacock than of the discursive genius of Lord Macaulay.

Indian codification may be divided into two periods. The first embraces the thirty years from Macaulay to Maine. The second begins with the labours of Maine, and ends during the present month of April with the retirement of Mr. Whitley Stokes." (p. 587)

INDIA, Indian Law Commissioners,  A Penal Code prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners, and  published by Command of the Governor General of India in Council -- Reprinted from the Calcutta Edition,  London: Pelham Richardson, 1838, viii, 138 p., reprint in  Birmingham (Ala.):  Legal Classics Library, c1987; and in Union (New Jersey): The Lawbook Exchange Ltd., 2002, ISBN: 158477018X; the Indian Law Commissioners were: Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1800-1859, J.M. MacLeod, G.W. Anderson and F. Millett; this work is also available in British Parliamentary Papers (1837-38) XLI  463-587, command number 673;

INDIAN LAW COMMISSIONERS (Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay, J.M. Macleod, G.W. Anderson and F. Millett),  "Introductory Report upon the Indian Penal Code and Notes on the Indian penal Code" in Lady Trevelyan, ed.,  Miscellaneous Works of Lord Macaulay edited by his sister Lady Trevelyan, in Five Volumes, New York: Harper, 1880, vol. 4, 669 p., at pp. 161-327; research note: for the formal and complete report and its availability, see details in  INDIA, Indian Law Commissioners,  A Penal Code prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners, and  published by Command of the Governor General of India in Council -- Reprinted from the Calcutta Edition, supra; pdf and Internet completed on 2 September 2007;
- Table of Contents;
- 161-242 (Introductory Report upon the Indian Penal Code and Notes  (A) to (G));
- 243-327 (Notes (H) to (R));

Indian Penal Code, available at (accessed on 27 September 2007);

Indian Penal Code, available at (accessed on 27 September 2007);

Indian Penal Code, available at  (accessed on 21 October 2007; web archive);

The Indian penal code (Act XLV of 1860) with notes, by W. Morgan, and A. G. Macpherson, Calcutta, G. C. Hay, 1863, vi p., 1 l., 520 p. 22 cm.; available at,M1 and (accessed on 5 may 2008); and see also  (accessed on 16 August 2009);
 for the 1861 edition, see,M1 (accessed on 9 January 2009) and  (accessed on 16 August 2009);

KOLSKY, Elizabeth, "Codification and the rule of Colonial Difference: Criminal Procedure in British India", (Fall 2005) 23(3) Law and History Review 631-683; available at (accessed on 26 January 2008);

Laws of Manu, available at (accessed on 16 June 2008);

LEWIS, Angelo J., The Indian Penal Code, London: Wm. H. Allen, 1870; available at,M1 (accessed on 9 October 2008);

MACAULAY, Lord T.B. [Thomas Babington], 1800-1859, J.M. MacLeod, G.W. Anderson and F. Millett., "Notes [on the Indian Penal Code by the Indian Law Commissioners]", in Miscellaneous Works of Lord Macaulay edited by his sister Lady Trevelyan, in Five Volumes, vol. IV, New York: Harper, 1880, 669 p., pp. 177-327;  these notes are part of the "Introductory Report upon the Indian Penal Code - To The Right Honorable George Lord Auckland, C.G.C.B. Governor-General of India in Council" at pp. 161-177;

___________The Indian penal Code as Originally Framed in 1837 with Notes, Madras: Higginbotham and co., 1888;

__________A Penal Code Prepared by the Indian Law Commissions, Calcutta: Bengal Military Orphan Press, 1837; see also INDIA, Indian Law Commissioners, supra;

MACAULAY, Lord T.B. [Thomas Babington], 1800-1859, Speeches and Poems, with the Report and Notes on the Indian penal code, vol. 2, New York : Hurd and Houghton, 1867; available at,M1 and (accessed on 5 June 2008);

MACRAE, C.C.-"Criminal Jurisdiction over Englishmen in India", (July-December 1883) 34 The Fortnightly Review 203-214; available at,M1  (accessed on 12 October 2008);

MALIK, Shahdeen, The transformation of colonial perceptions into legal norms : legislating for crime and punishment in Bengal, 1790's to 1820's, Ph.D. thesis, University of London, 1994, 300 leaves;

MAYNE, John D., Commentaries on the Indian Penal Code (Act of 1860), Madras: Higginbotham, 1869; available at (accessed on 3 June 2007); 8th edition of 1874, available at,M1 and (accessed on 5 June 2008);  12th edition available at (accessed on 28 September 2008);

MUKHERJEE,Mithi, "Codification and the Rule of Colonial Difference: Criminal Procedure in British India", (Fall 2005) 23(3) Law & Historty Review 589 to approx.630;

MUSTAFA, Faizan, Strict liability in criminal law, New Delhi : Deep & Deep Publications, c1992,  xii, 124 p., ISBN:  8171004008;

PATRA, A.C., "An Historical Introduction to the Indian Penal Code", (1961) 3 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 351;  the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, is missing this particular number in volume 3;  with the same title in S. Govindarajulu, ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 33-46;

RANKIN, G.G., "The Indian Penal Code", (1944) 60 Law Quarterly Review 37-50;


RAO,  K. Sreedhar, "Criminal Justice System -- Required Reforms", (2001) 43(2) Journal of the Indian Law Institute 155-173; copy at Ottawa University;

SINGHA, Radhika, A despotism of law : crime and justice in early colonial India, Calcutta ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1998, xxix, 342 p., ISBN: 0195640497;

SMITH, K.J.M., "Macaulay's Utilitarian Penal Code: An Illustration of the Accidental Function of Time, Place and personalities in Law Making"  in British Legal History Conference (9th : 1989 : Glasgow, Scotland) and W.M. Gordon and T.D. Fergus, eds., Legal history in the making : Proceedings of the Ninth British Legal History Conference, Glasgow, 1989, London; Rio Grande, Ohio : Hambledon Press, 1991, [viii], 216 p. at pp. 145-164, ISBN: 185285054X; copy at the University of Ottawa, General, KD 506 .B74 1989;

Special Reports of Indian Law Coms. Report on Indian Penal Code, in  British Parliamentary Papers, Session 1847-48, vol. 28, p. 1 (Chairr/author: CAMERON, Charles Hay); available at,M1 (accessed on 5 October 2008);

Special Reports of Indian Law Coms. Second Report on Indian Penal Code, in  British Parliamentary Papers, Session 1847-48, vol. 28, p. 117 (Chairr/author: CAMERON, Charles Hay); available at,M1 (accessed on 5 October 2008);

STEPHEN, James Fitzjames, 1829-1894, "Codification in India and England", (July - December 1872) 18 The Fortnightly Review 644-672; available at,M1 (accessed on 12 october 2008);

____________A history of the criminal law of England, London : Macmillan and co., 1883, 3 volumes; see in vol. 3, a complete chapter dealing with Indian criminal law;

STOKES,  Whitley, ed., 1830-1909,  The Anglo-Indian codes, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1887-88, 2 volumes, vol. 1, Substantive law; volume 2, Adjective law;

- vol. 1,,M1

YEO, Stanley M.H., "Revitalising the Penal Code with a General Part", (July 2004) Singapore Journal of Legal Studies;

WRIGHT,  Barry, "Macaulay's Indian Penal Code: Historical Context and Originating Principles", in Wing-Cheong Chan, Barry Wright, and Stanley Yeo, eds., Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code : the legacies and modern challenges of criminal law reform, Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate, c2011, xiii, 379 p., at pp. 19 to approx. 58; ISBN: 9781409424420 (hardback); title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (7 November 2011);  

2. Books & Articles

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, India, persecuted for challenging injustice: human rights defenders in India, New York: Amnesty International, USA, 2000, 96, [28] p.;

ARTHANARESWARAN, P., "Criminal law during the Chola period", in C.E.Ramachandran and K.V. Raman, eds. Aspects of Indian history and culture, New Delhi: Books & Books, 1984. 352 p., at pp. 49-52;

"Group Liability", in S. Govindarajulu, ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 94-106; title noted in my research but article not consulted (27 April 2007);

___________ "Guilty Mind", in S. Govindarajulu,
ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 56-62;

__________"Homicide", in S. Govindarajulu,
ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 144-166; title noted in my research but article not consulted (27 April 2007);

BANERJI, Eric H., "Strict Liability", in S. Govindarajulu,
ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 63-71; title noted in my research but article not consulted (27 April 2007); 

BHATIA, K.L., "Fair Trial in Criminal Proceedings in India"  in David Weissbrodt and Rüdiger Wolfrum, eds., The right to a fair trial, Berlin; New York: Springer, 1997, ix, 779 p. at pp. 373 to approx.402 (Series; Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht ; Bd. 129),  ISBN: 3540625933;

BHATTACHARYA, Chanchal A., 1942-, The concept of theft in classical Hindu law : an analysis and the idea of punishment, Delhi : Munshiram Manoharlal publisgers, c1990, viii, 207 p., ISBN: 8121504753;

BOSE, Sukumar and Paripurnanand Varma, "Philosophical significance of Ancient Indian Penology", (1982) 10(1) Journal of Indian Philosophy 61-100;

CHANDRACHUD, Y.V. in collaboration with Shri V.R. Manohar, Ratanlal & Dhirajlal Indian Penal Code, 30th ed., Nagpur (India): Wadhwa and Company, 2004, 1250 p. (approx.);

The code of criminal procedure (Act X of 1882) together with rulings, circular orders, notifications, etc. ... Ed., with copious notes and full index by W.F. Agnew ... and Gilbert S. Henderson ...,   Calcutta, Thacker, Spink, 1882, lxv, 698 p.; available at,M1 (accessed on 6 November 2008);

CURRIE, Fendall, The Indian Criminal Codes, 4th ed., London: John Flack and Calcutta: Wyman, 1872; available at,M1 (accessed on 5 October 2008);

___________The Penal Code Act XLV, of 1860, 5th ed., London: John Flack and Calcutta: Wyman, 1875; available at,M1 (accessed on 15 December 2008);

DHAGAMWAR, Vasudha, 1940-, Law, power and justice : the protection of personal rights in the Indian penal code, 2nd ed., New Delhi ; Newbury Park : Sage Publications, 1992, 392 p., ISBN : 0803994419 (U.S. : cloth), 0803994427 (U.S. : paper), 8170362970 (India : cloth), 8170362989;

DRAPKIN, Israel, 1905-, Crime and Punishment in the Ancient World, Lexington (Mass.): Lexington Books, c1989, xviii, 423 p., see "Ancient India and the Laws of Manu" at pp. 99-133, ISBN: 0669012793;

GOUR, Hari Singh, Sir, 1869-1949, The penal law of India : being an analytical, critical & expository commentary on the Indian penal code (Act No. XLV of 1860), as amended up to date, Diamond Jubilee - 10th ed. / revised by M.C. Desai, Gyanendra Kumar, R.B. Sethi, Allahabad : Law Publishers, 1982-1984, 4 volumes; copy at the  Government of India, Information Services, Reference Library, Ottawa;

HARTJEN, Clayton A. and Sesha Kethineni, "India" in Donald J. Shoemaker, ed., International Handbook on Juvenile Justice, Westport (Connecticut): Greenwood Press, 1996, xv, 327 p., at pp.175-190, ISBN: 031328895X; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, HV 9069 .I665 1996;

HUDA, Syed Shamsul, 1862-1922, The principles of the law of crimes in British India, Calcutta ; Winnipeg : Butterworth, 1919, xv, 455 p. (Tagore Law Lectures - 1902); 
- Table of Contents, Index and Index of Cases Cited;
- i-xv and 1-215;
- 216-455;

INDIAN LAW INSTITUTE, Essays on the Indian penal code : Published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian penal code / Prepared under the auspices of the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, Bombay : N. M. Tripathi, [c1962], 188 p.;

JACOLLIOT, L., "Le droit de punir : étude sur les anciennes législations pénales de l'extrême orient", (1868) 49 Revue moderne 495-512,  disponible à,M1 (vérifié le 14 mars 2009);

KULSHRESHTHA, V. D. (Visheshwar Dayal), 1922-, Landmarks in Indian legal history and constitutional history, Lucknow, Eastern book co., 1989, xxiv, 518 p., ISBN:  8170123879; excellent book for background information; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF349 I54 K85 1989;

LAUDE, Francois Nicolas, 1822-1874, Manuel de droit indou et de législation civile et criminelle applicable dans les établissements francais de l'Inde, Pondichery, E.-V. Geruzet, imprimeur, 1856, 3 p. l., v, 388 p.; 

LAW COMMISSION OF INDIA, Indian Penal Code, June 1971, Delhi : Manager of Publications, 1971, ii, 579 p. (series; Report ; 42); available at (accessed on 31 July 2006);

____________Web site, has all reports in pdf format; (accessed on 31 July 2006);

MAKKAR, S. P. Singh, 1952-, Law of culpable homicide, murder and punishment in India, New Delhi : Deep & Deep, c1988, viii, 464 p., ISBN: 8171000827;

MALHOTRA, Monika, Criminal jurisprudence and law of insanity, New Delhi : Deep & Deep Publications, c1988, 171 p., ISBN: 8171000916;

MAYNE, John D., The Criminal Law of India, Madras: Higginbotham, 1896, xl, 1028 p., copy at the University of Ottawa and at the Supreme Court of Canada library, Ottawa, KF9219 M39 1896;

MENON, N.R. Madheva, "A Note on the Law and Practice Relating to Habitual Criminals in India", (1967)13 McGill Law Journal 675-678;

MUSTAFA, Faizan, Strict liability in criminal law, New Delhi : Deep & Deep Publications, c1992, 124 p., ISBN: 8171004008;

PALKAR, Vineeta V., "National Monographs: India" in Cyrille Fijnault, ed. International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Criminal Law, The Hague, London, Boston: Kluwer Law International, 2001, + 200 p., ISBN: 9065449374,

PILLAI, P.S.A. (P.S. Atchuthen), Criminal Law, 9th ed., Butterworths, 2001;

PRINSEP, H.T., with notes by, The code of criminal procedure (Acts X of 1872 and XI of 1874) and other laws and rules of practice relating to procedure in the criminal courts of British India, with notes, by H.T. Prinsep ..., 5th ed.,  Calcutta, Thacker, Spink, 1875,  xl, 23, 810 p. tables. 24 cm.; available at,M1 (accessed on 11 October 2008);

    , M.H., Indian criminal law, containing the Indian penal code and other Indian acts relating to offences, and also acts of Parliament and Orders in council relating to offences triable in India, including Act X of 1886 ...,   Bombay, Education society's press, 1886, xxviii, 635 p.; available at,M1 and (accessed on 5 June 2008);

STARLING, M.H. and F.C. Constable, Indian criminal law and procedure, including the procedure in the High courts, as well as that in the courts not established by royal charter: with forms of charges, and notes on evidence, illus. by a large number of English cases, and cases decided in the High courts in India; and an appendix of selected acts passed by the legislative council, relating to criminal matters, 3rd ed., London, W.H. Allen, 1877, xxviii, 1037 p.; available at,M1 and (accessed on 5 June 2008); . 

TEWARI, R.B., "Attempt", in S. Govindarajulu, ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 107-116; title noted in my research but article not consulted (27 April 2007);

___________"Conspiracy", in S. Govindarajulu, ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 87-93; title noted in my research but article not consulted (27 April 2007);

__________"The Law of Sedition",, in S. Govindarajulu, ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 135-142; title noted in my research but article not consulted (27 April 2007);

VAIDYA, Nidhi and Raghuvanshi, Raghvendra Singh, Criminality of Intention - How to Adjudge Mens REA? (February 25, 2010). Available at SSRN:; available at (accessed on 28 February 2010);


YEO, Stanley, Fault in Homicide: Towards a Schematic Approeach to the Fault Elements for Murder and Involontary Manslaughter in England, Australia and India, Annandale (NSW, Australia): The Federation Press and Sydney (NSW, Austrralia): The Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney, 1997, xv, 312 p., (series; The Institute of Criminology Monograph Series; No. 7), ISBN: 1862872759;

___________"India", in Kevin Jon Heller and Markus D. Dubber, eds., The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011, vi, 660 p., at pp. 288-319, ISBN: 978-0-8047-5758-4;

___________"Partial Defences to Murder in Australia and India: Provocation, Diminished Responsability and Excessive Defence", being Appendix A in The Law Commission, Overseas Studies, which is part of the Appendices to the consultation paper, Partial Defences to Murder, 31 October 2003, xiii, 249 p. (series; consultation paper; number 173); this study by Yeo, at pp. iii-vi and 1-72  is available at (accessed on 27 April 2005); see also Appendix G, "Relevant Statutory Provisions and Proposed Provisions";

__________ Unrestrained killings and the law: a comparative analysis of the laws of provocation and excessive self-defence in India, England, and Australia, Delhi; New York: Oxford University Press, 1998, xxi, 210 p., (series; Law in India series), ISBN: 019564400X; Research Note: book not consulted yet;

YEO, Stanley and Barry Wright, "Revitalising Macaulay's Indian Penal Code", in Wing-Cheong Chan, Barry Wright, and Stanley Yeo, eds., Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code : the legacies and modern challenges of criminal law reform, Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate, c2011, xiii, 379 p., at pp. 3 to approx. 18; ISBN: 9781409424420 (hardback); title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (7 November 2011);

3. History & Other Writings

AGARWAL, Rajendra Saran, "India: National Report", (1983) 54(1-2) Revue internationale de droit pénal / International Review of Penal Law 397-399 (Actes du Colloque International, "Conception et principes du droit pénal économique et des affaires y compris la protection du consommateur", tenu à Freiburg-en-Brisgau, République Fédérale d'Allemagne, 20-23 septembre 1982, en préparation pour le 13e Congrès international de droit pénal de l'Association internationale de droit pénal (AIDP) au Caire en 1984 /  Report of the Proceedings of the International Colloquium, "Concept and Principles of Economic and Business Criminal Law",  held in Freiburg i. Br., Federal Republic of Germany, September 20-23, 1983, in preparation for the 13th International Congress of Penal Law of the International Association of Penal Law (IAPL) in Crairo, 1984);

___________"National Report on Question 1 from India.  The Legal and Practical Problems Posed by the Difference Between Criminal Law and Administrative Penal Law", (1988) 59 Revue internationale de droit pénal 243-247;

___________"The relations between the organization of the judiciary and criminal procedure in India", (1989) 60(3-4) Revue internationale de droit pénal / International Review of Penal Law 853-858; note: Colloque préparatoire, on Question III, "Les rapports entre l'organisation judiciaire et la procédure pénale", pour le XIVe Congrès de l'Association internationale de droit pénal; Preparatory Colloquium, Question III, "The relations between the organization of the judiciary and criminal procedure" for the XIVth Congress of the International Association of Penal Law;

ANNOUSSAMY, David, "La torture dans l'Inde", dans, sous la direction de Bernard Durand, avec la collaboration de Leah Otis-Cour, La torture judiciaire.  Approches historiues et jurdiques, vol. 1, Lille: Centre d'histoire judiciaire Éditeur, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales, 2002, aux pp. 41-62, ISBN: 2910114066; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT, HV 8593 .T678 2002 v. 1;

BALASUBRAHMANYAM, V., "Jurisdiction", in S. Govindarajulu, ed., Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1962, pp. 47-55;

BANERJEE, Tapas Kumar, Background to Indian criminal law, Calcutta : R. Cambray, 1990, xviii, 402 p.; notes: Reprint, with new pref. Originally published: Bombay : Orient Longmans, 1963;

BETAI, Ramesh S., 1926-, Evolution of law of crimes in ancient India, Delhi : Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, 2003, x, 225 p., ISBN: 8180900207;

___________"Evolution of criminal law--transition from Manu to Yajnavalkya", (October 1971) Journal of the Gujarat Research Society (Bombay) 33, no.4/132 at pp. 236-246; with the same title in:(1975) 31, pts. 1-4 Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha (Allahabad) at pp. 33-49;
ISSN: 0377-0575;

____________"State of criminal law in Kautilya's Arthashastra", (October 1977) 39(4) Journal of the Gujarat Research Society 3-17;

CHAKRABORTY, Tapan and Kiara Okita, "The Adult Corrections in India", in John A Winterdyk, ed., Adult Corrections, International Systems and Perspectives, Monsey (N.Y.): Criminal Justice Press, 2004, xi, 369 p., ISBN: 188179850X; copie à l'Université de Montréal;

Criminal Justice Reform in India: ICJ Position Paper Review of the Recommendations made by the Justice Malimath Committee from an international human rights perspective, Position Paper of the ICJ submitted on the occasion of the National Conference Jointly Organized by Human Rights Law Network (HRLN), New Delhi and International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Geneva on 9th & 10th August 2003, New Delhi, 40 p.; available at (accessed on 12 February 2006);

DAS, Ram Mohan, Crime and punishment in ancient India : with a particular reference to the Manusmmrti, 1st ed., Bodh-Gaya : Kanchan Publications,  Can be had from R.  Agrawal, 1982, xii, 171 p., ; Based on the author's thesis (D. Litt. -- Magadh University, 1978); copy at the National Library, Ottawa;

DARESTE de la CHAVANNE, 1824-1911, Études d'histoire du droit, Paris : L. Larose et Forcel, 1889, xii, 419 p., voir le chapitre 4, "Les anciens codes brahmaniques", aux pp. 69-100; réimpression de ce livre: Amsterdam: Éditions Rodopi, 1971;

DONGALI, Damayanti, Crime and punishment in ancient Hindu society, Delhi : Ajanta Publications : Distributors, Ajanta Books International, 1986, xvi, 294 p., ISBN: 812020168;

GIONA, V., "Parallèle entre la responsabilité pénale dans le droit mésopotamien, hébreu, perse, indien et chinois", (1992) 14 Cuadernos informativos de derecho histórico público, procesal y de la navegación; cité par Stamatios Tzitsis, La philosophie pénale, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1996, 127 p., à la p. 57, note 2 (Collection "Que sais-je?";  no 3043), ISBN: 2130473490;

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