Bibliography, criminal law of Greenland; bibliographie, droit pénal du Groenland
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last  amendment: 11 June 2006

by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Greenland / Groenland

BENTZON,Agnete Weis, and Torben Agersnap, "Verner Goldschmidt: Danish Sociologist of Law and Culture", (December 2000) 43(4) Acta Sociologica 375-380;

GOLDSMIDT, Verner, 1916-1982, "The Greenland Criminal Code and its sociological background", (1956) 1 Acta Sociologica 217-255;

__________, ed., The Greenland Criminal Code, South Hackensack NJ: Fred B. Rothman and Co. 1970, (series; American Series of Foreign Penal Codes; number 16);

JENSEN, Henrik Garlik, Criminal justice in Greenland, M.A. Thesis in Criminology, Simon Fraser University, 1993;.

___________Crime, law and justice in Greenland, Copenhagen:  New Social Science Monographs, 1996, 151 p., ISBN: 8770342806; also with the same title: Burnaby, B.C. : Northern Justice Society, c1996, vii, 71 p., ISBN: 0864911769; copy at the National Library of Canada, Ottawa;

__________"Justice in Greenland," in: Self-sufficiency in northern justice issues, in Curt T. Griffiths, ed., Vancouver BC: Simon Fraser University, for The Northern Justice Society, 1992, at pp. 121-139;

JEMSEN, Henrik G. and Torben Agersnap, eds., Crime, law and justice in Greenland, Copenhagen, and Burnaby BC: New Social Science Monographs, Copenhagen Business School, and The Northern Justice Society, 1996;

Loi criminelle pour le Groenland du 5 mars 1954, traduction de M. Richaume-Lambert,  avec une notice spéciale sur cette loi par Marc Ancel avec la collaboration de Yvonne Marx, dans Les Codes pénaux européens, Tome I, Paris: Centre français de droit comparé, 1956, lxxi, 416 p., aux pp. 3-89 (Nouvelle Collection du Comité de législation étrangère et de droit international);

SCHECHTER, E.J., "The Greenland Criminal Code and the Limits to Legal Pluralism", (1983) 7(2) Etudes Inuit = Inuit Studies 79-93;

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