Bibliography, criminal law of Fiji; bibliographie, droit pénal du Fiji
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last  amendment: 1 October 2007

by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Fiji Islands

COLVIN, Eric, "Criminal Responsibility under the South Pacific Codes", (2002) 26(2) Criminal Law Journal 98-113;

ETHERINGTON, N., "The gendering of indirect rule. Criminal law and colonial Fiji, 1875-1900", (1996) 31(1) Journal of Pacific history 42-57;

FIJI LAW REFORM COMMISSION, available at  (accessed on 29 August 2004);

FIJI LAW REFORM COMMISSION, An examination of the laws and practice relating to penal policy, Suva : The Commission, 1986,  96, 5 p. (series; 1) Discussion paper (Fiji Law Reform Commission) ; no. 8;  2) World law reform collection ; no. 33-005); copy at Ottawa University, Ottawa, K 235 .W67 v.33-005 1986a FTX;

___________Swordsellers : recommendations for reform, [Suva, Fiji : The Commission, 1998], (series; Reform of the criminal procedure code and penal code; report 4);

Penal Code, available at  (accessed on 30 September 2007);

Penal Code, available at

ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO CRIME, Report of Royal Commission of Inquiry into Crime, Suva : Government of Fiji, 1976, 41 p.;

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