Bibliography, criminal law of Cuba; bibliographie, droit pénal de Cuba
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last  amendment: 24 August 2008

by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Cuba - Penal Code 1979

ANCEL, Marc, "Le Code cubain de 1936 et le mouvment moderne de défense sociale", (1956) Revista penal de La Habana 393;

AZICRI, Max, "Crime, penal law, and the Cuban revolutionary process", (1985) 23 Crime and Social Justice 51-79;

BRADY, J.P., "The Revolution Comes of Age: Justice and Social Change in Contemporary Cuba", in Colin Sumner, ed., Crime, Justice and Underdevelopment, London: Heineman, 1982, xvi, 345 p., at pp. 248-300, (series; Cambridge Studies in Criminology; vol. 46), ISBN: 0435828886; copy at the University of Ottawa, MRT General, HD 6030 .C75 1982;

Codigo Penal (in Spanish); see also (accessed on 19 May 2006);

EVENSON, Debra, Law and society in contemporary Cuba, 2nd ed., The Hague ; London : Kluwer Law International, c2003, xvii, 278 p., see Chapter 7, "Criminal Justice", at pp. 163 to 204 approx.;

___________Revolution in the balance : law and society in contemporary Cuba, Boulder : Westview Press, 1994, xiii, 235 p.,see chapter 7, "Criminal Justice", at pp. 145 to approx. 176,  ISBN: 0813384664 and 0813321468 (pbk.); 2nd edition: The Hague ; London : Kluwer Law International, c2003, xvii, 278 p., see chapter 7, "Criminal Justice", at pp. 163 to approx. 204, ISBN: 904112165X;

FERRI, Enrico, "Le principe de responsabilité légale dans le nouveau code pénal russe (1927) et dans le projet de code pénal pour Cuba (1926)", (1928) 5 Revue internationale de droit pénal 34-49; translated in English by R. Geoffrey-FitzGerald at pp. 50-67;
LUNA, Erik, "Cuban Criminal Justice and the Ideal of Good Governance", (2004) 14 Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 529-654;

MICHALOWSKI, Ray, "World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems - Cuba" at  (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of  Justice Statistics - The World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems at;

NEYMARK, Edward, "L'idée Ferri dans le projet de code criminel cubain", (1929) 4 Revue pénitentaire de Pologne 353-369;

PLAS, Adèle G. van der, Revolution and criminal justice : the Cuban experiment, 1959-1983, [translated from the Dutch by Peter Mason], Amsterdam: The Netherlands : CEDLA; Providence (R.I.,  U.S.A.) : FORIS Publications, [distributor], c1987, 328 p. (series; Latin American Studies; vol. 39), ISBN: 9067651729;

Projet de Code criminel cubain (livre I ou partie générale), Rapport officiel par Fernando Ortiz, Paris, Librairie des Juris-classeurs, 1927, 1 p. l., [15]-194 p.; notes: At head of title: République de Cuba. Ministère de la justice. Commission nationale codificatrice. "Préface" signed: H. Donnedieu de Vabres;

SANEY, Isaac, 1969-, Revolution in motion, Black Point, Nova Scotia : Fernwood Publishing ; London ; New York : Zed Books ; New York : Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave, c2004, viii, 240 p., ISBN: 1552661148 (Fernwood : pbk.), 1842773631 (Zed : pbk.), 1842773623 (Zed : hbk.); see chapter 4: "Crime and Criminal Justice -- Historical Background -- The Court and Legal Structure -- Philosophical and Ideological Basis of the Legal System -- Development of the Penal Code -- The State of Dangerousness Provisions -- Cuban Criminal Procedure: Rights of the Accused -- The Right to Counsel -- The Right to Silence and Confessions -- Search and Seizure -- Trial and Sentencing -- The Death Penalty -- Imprisonment -- The 1999 Modifications to the Cuban Penal Code";

Translation of the law of criminal procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico, Washington : Govt. Print. Off., 1901; available at (accessed on 24 August 2008);

Translation of the penal code in force in Cuba and Porto Rico / Division of Customs and Insular Affairs, War Department, Washington : Govt. Print. Off., 1900, 175 p.;

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