Bibliography, criminal law of China; bibliographie, droit pénal de la Chine
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by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
China / Chine

ALABASTER, Notes and Commentaries on Chinese Criminal Law and cognate topics. With special relation to ruling cases. Together with a brief excursus on the law of property, chiefly founded on the writings of the late Sir Chaloner Alabaster, London, Luzac & Co., 1899, lxxii, 677, [1] p.; available at (accessed on 5 September 2008); reprint in:  Taipei: Ch'eng-Wen Pub. Co., 1968;

ALFORD, William P., "Of Arsenic and Old Laws: Looking Anew at Criminal Justice in Late Imperial China", (1984) 72 California Law Review 1180;

AN, Q., "China's Criminal Sanctions", (Summer 2005) Trademarl World, number 180, at pp.  19-23;

BERMAN, Harold J., Susan Cohen, and Malcom Russell, "A Comparison of the Chinese and Soviet Codes of Criminal Law and Procedure", (1982) 73(1) The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 238-258;

BODDE, Derk and Clarence Morris, Law in Imperial China, Cambridge: Harvard Univeristy Press, 1967;

BOXER, John T., "China's Death Penalty: Undermining Legal Reform and Threatening National Economic Interest", (1999) 22 Suffolk Transnational Law Review 593-618;

BROADHURST, J. Liu, "Introduction: Crime, Law and Criminology in China", (2004) 27 Australian New Zealand Journal of Criminology - suppl. 1-12; 
BUXBAUM, "Preliminary Trends in the Development of the Legal Institutions of Communist China and the Nature of Criminal Law", (1962) 11 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1;

CAI DING JIAN, "Commentary: China's Major Reform in Criminal Law", (Spring 1997) Columbia Journal of Asian Law 213;

CHANG, C.C., translated by, The criminal code of the republic of China..., Shanghai: Kelly, 1935;

CHANGZONG, S. and D. Muying, "The system of criminal procedure and the protection of human rights in China", (1993) 64(3-4) Revue internationale de droit pénal / International Review of Penal Law 1015-1026; note: "Movements to Reform Criminal procedure and to Protect Human Rights", International Association of Penal Law preparatory Colloquium to the 15th International Congress, Section III; "Les mouvements de réforme de la procédure pénale et la protection des droits de l'homme", Colloque préparatoire de l'Association internationale de droit pénal, Section III, au XVe Congrès international;

CHEN, Guang Zhong et Qiu Hong Xong, "Perspective de la réforme du droit de la procédure pénale en Chine", (1995) 4 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 795-807;

CHEN, Hung-i, 1957-, An introduction to the legal system of the People's Republic of China,  Singapore : Butterworths Asia, 1998. xv, 338 p., ISBN:  0409999970;

CHENG, Jianfu, 1960-, Chinese law : towards an understanding of Chinese law, its nature, and development, The Hague ; Boston : Kluwer Law International, c1999, xiv, 414 p., see Chapter 6, "Criminal Law", at pp. 167 to approx 196, and Chapter 7, Criminal Procedure Law", at pp. 197 to approx. 218 (series; London-Leiden series on law administration and development; 3), ISBN: 9041111867;

CHEN RUIHA, Chen Ruiha, "The Detention System in China", in  Mendes, Errol P. Mendes and Anik Lalonde-Roussy, eds., Bridging the Global Divide on Human Rights: A Canada-China Dialogue, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003;

CHENG YANG, Vincent, "Corporate Crime: State-Owned Enterprises in China", (1995) 6 Criminal Law Forum 143-165; copy at Ottawa University, K 5000 .A13 C747  Location: FTX Periodicals; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

CHENGUANG, Wang and Zhang Xianchu, eds., Introduction to Chinese Law, Hong Kong : Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 1997, xxviii, 586 p., ISBN: 0421560800, copy at Ottawa University;

CHIN, Shih-ting, 1908-, Etude comparée de la justice pénale en Chine et en France...préface de Donnedieu De Vabres, Paris : Recueil Sirey, 1945, 166 p. (Collection; Nouvelle collection de l'Institut de criminologie de l'Université de Paris; 4);

CHINA,, The Chinese criminal code and special criminal and administrative laws / translated and annotated by the Legal department of the Shanghai Municipal council. --,  Shanghai, China : The Commercial press, ltd., 1935,  [2] leaves, [1], v-xi, 178, 178, 179-216 p. 1 leaf ; 23 cm.; copy at McGill University;

CHINA, The criminal code of the People's Republic of China  translated and with an introduction by Chin Kim Criminal code (1979), Littleton, Colo. : Fred B. Rothman, c1982,  xiii, 74 p., (series; American series of foreign penal codes; vol. 25), ISBN: 0837700450,

CHINA,  Information Office of the State Council, Criminal reform in China, Beijing : Information Office of the State Council, 1992, 26 p.;

CHIU, Hungdah, "Recent Chinese Justice Reforms", (1997) 7 International Criminal Justice Review 31-45;

CHU, Mike P.H., “Criminal Procedure Reform in the People’s Republic of China: The Dilemma of Crime Control and Regime Legitimacy”, (2001) 18(1) UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal  157-210?;

CHUN-XI, Yang, John W. Head, and Liu Sheng-rong, "China's Treatment of Crimes against the Environment: Using Criminal Sanctions to Fight Environmental Degredation in the PRC", (1994) 8(2) The Journal of Asian Law 145-184;

CHUN-XI, Yang, and Liu Sheng-jung, "Chine [China]: China's Treatment of Crimes against the Environment", (1994) 65 Revue internationale de droit pénal / International Review of Penal Law 849-863; article in English; part of the Preparatory Colloquium, Section 1, Crimes against the Environment -- General Part, Ottawa (Canada), November 2-6, 1992;

CLARKE, DC. and J.V. Feinerman, "Antagonistic Contradictions - Criminal Law and Human Rights in China", (1995) 141 The China Quarterly 135-154; with the same title in Stanley Lubman, ed., China's legal reforms, Oxford/New York : Oxford University Press, 1996, 218 p., at pp. 135 to approx. 154,  (series; Studies on contemporary China (Oxford, England), ISBN: 0198233442;

Un Code des Yuan. [éd. et trad.] par Paul Ratchnevsky, [Paris] : Collège de France, Institut des hautes études chinoises, 1985, vii, 426 p., (Collection :  Bibliothèque de l'Institut des hautes études chinoises ; 4), ISBN: 2857570341;

Code pénal de la République de Chine, promulguée le 10 mars 1928, traduit du chinois par Jean Escarra,  Paris: Librarie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1930, (Collection; Bibliothèque de l'Institut de droit comparé de Lyon, Série de criminologie et de droit pénal comparé, publiée sous la direction de P. Garaud, Professeur de droit criminel, Doyen de la Faculté de Droit de Lyon; Tome 2, 1ère partie);

"Code pénal de la République Populaire de Chine adopté le 1er juillet 1979 au cours de la deuxième session de la 5e Assemblée populaire nationale",  (1979) 20(1) Revue des pays de l'est 103-151;

COHEN, Jerome Alan, The criminal process in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1963; an introduction, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968, xvi, 706 p. (series; Harvard studies in East Asian law, 2);

COHEN, "The criminal process in the People's Republic of China: An Introduction",  (1966) 79 Harvard Law Review 469;

CONNER, Alison W., "Chinese confessions and the use if torture", dans, sous la direction de Bernard Durand, avec la collaboration de Leah Otis-Cour, La torture judiciaire.  Approches historiues et jurdiques, vol. 1, Lille: Centre d'histoire judiciaire Éditeur, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales, 2002, aux pp. 63-91, ISBN: 2910114066; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT, HV 8593 .T678 2002 v. 1;

The 1997 Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China with English Translation and  Introduction,  by  Wei Luo,  Buffalo (N.Y.): William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 1998,  vii, 341 pages, ISBN: 1575883988;

The criminal code of the People's Republic of China / translated and with an introduction by Chin Kim, Littleton, Colo. : F.B. Rothman  and London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1982, xiii, 74 p.,  (series; American series of foreign penal codes. 25 American series of foreign penal codes; vol. 25);

"The Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", (1982) 73(1) The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 138-170;

"The Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China", (1982) 73(1) The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 171-203;

DADLEY, The punishments of China,  London: William  Bulmer; available at (accessed on 3 November 2008); available at (accessed on 3 November 2008);

DAVIS, Stephen B., "The death penalty and legal reform in the PRC", (1987) 1(2) Journal of Chinese Law 303-334;

DINGJIAM, Cai, "China's Major Reform in Criminal Law", (1997) 11 Columbia Journal of Asian Law 213-218;

DOBINSON, Ian, "Criminal Law", in Chenguang Wang and Xianchu Zhang, eds.,  Introduction to Chinese Law, Hong Kong: Sweet and Maxwell Asia, 1997, xviii, 586 p., Chapter 4, (series; China law series),  ISBN: 0421560800;

__________"The Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China (1997): Real Change or Rhetoric?", (2002) 11(2) Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 1 to approx 62;

DONOVAN, Dolores A., "The Structure of the Chinese Criminal Justice System : A Comparative Perspective", (1987) 21(2/3) University of San Francisco Law Review 229-316; available at (accessed on 13 September 2008);

DOUGLAS, Robert K. (Robert Kennaway), Sir, 1838-1913, Society in China, London, A.D. Innes & co., 1895, xvi, 434 p.; as part of the contents: "The penal code";

DRAPKIN, Israel, 1905-, Crime and Punishment in the Ancient World, Lexington (Mass.): Lexington Books, c1989, xviii, 423 p., see "Crime and Punishment in Imperial China",  at pp. 135-159, ISBN: 0669012793;

DUTTON, Michael, and Xu Zhangrun, "Facing difference: relations, change and the prison sector in contemporary China", in Robert P. Weiss and Nigel South, eds., Comparing prison systems : toward a comparative and international penology, Australia : Gordon and Breach Publishers, c1998,  xx, 488 p., at pp. 289 to approx. 336 (series; International studies in global change; v. 8), ISBN: 9057005107;

EBBE, Obi N. Ignatius, ed., Comparative and international criminal justice system: policing, judiciary and corrections, Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996, xviii, 224 p., ISBN: 0750696885; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, HV 7419 .C65 1996;

ESCARRA, Jean, Code pénal de la République de Chine promulgué le 10 mars 1928, Paris, 1930, 214 p.;

___________"Le droit pénal chinois et les codes de 1928", (1929) 53 Revue pénitentiaire et de droit pénal 193-244;

FENG, Ye, "The Development of Criminal Law in the PRC since the Institution of the Reform and Opening Up Policy" edited by  Jan Michiel Otto ...[et al.], Law-making in the People's Republic of China,  The Hague ; Boston : Kluwer Law International, c2000, xvi, 300, chapter XIV, (series; London-Leiden series on law, administration, and development; 5), ISBN: 9041114335;

FOLSOM, Ralph Haughwout, John H. Minan, Lee Ann Otto, Law and politics in the People's Republic of China in a nutshell, St. Paul, Minn.: West Pub. Co., 1992, xv, 451 p., see Chapter 4, "Criminal Justice", at pp. 155 to approx. 202, (series; Nutshell series), ISBN:031400999X

FU, H.L., "Criminal Defence in China: The Possible Impact of the 1996 Criminal Procedural Reform", (1998) 153 China Quarlerly 31-48;

FU, Hualing, Criminal Law in China, Hong Kong : Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2000,  ISBN: 0421632909;

___________"Comparative Criminal Law and Enforcement: China" in Joshua Dressler, editor in chief,  Encyclopedia of crime & justice, 2nd ed., New York : Macmillan Reference USA, c2002,  4 v. (xxxvi, 1780 p.),  in vol. 1, at pp. 172-182, ISBN : 002865319X (for set of 4 volumes) and 0028653203 (v. 1 );

GAO, Mingxuan et Binzhi Zhao, "De la réforme du nouveau code pénal chinois", (1998) Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 479-493;

GELATT,  Timothy A., "The new Chinese State secrets law", (1989) 22(2) Cornell International Law Journal 255-268;

___________"The People's Republic of China and the Presumption of Innocence", (1982) 73(1) The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 259-316;

GIONA, V., "Parallèle entre la responsabilité pénale dans le droit mésopotamien, hébreu, perse, indien et chinois", (1992) 14 Cuadernos informativos de derecho histórico público, procesal y de la navegación; cité par Stamatios Tzitsis, La philosophie pénale, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1996, 127 p., à la p. 57, note 2 (Collection "Que sais-je?";  no 3043), ISBN: 2130473490;

The great Qing code / translated by William C. Jones ; with the assistance of Tianquan Cheng and Yongling Jiang,  Oxford : Clarendon Press; and New York : Oxford University Press, 1994, xxx, 441 p. ; 24 cm., ISBN: 0198257945 (cloth : acid free paper);

GREEN, Stuart P., "The Universal Grammar of Criminal Law [Book review of Basic Concepts of Criminal Law by George P. Fletcher, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998]", (2000) 88 Michigan Law Review 2104-2125;

GU, Minkang, "Criminal Law" in Guiguo Wang and John Mo, eds., Chinese Law, The Hague; Boston : Kluwer Law International, 1999, xxxii, 839 p. at pp. 591 to approx 642, ISBN: 9041196994;

_________"Criminal Procedure Law"  in Guiguo Wang and John Mo, eds., Chinese Law, The Hague; Boston : Kluwer Law International, 1999, xxxii, 839 p. at pp. 643 to approx 676, ISBN: 9041196994;

GUANGZHONG, Chen and Liu Mei, "Reform of Criminal Evidence System in China"; paper submitted at the 20th Anniversary Conference of the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law held in Vancouver, Canada from June 22 – June 26, 2007, available at  (accessed on 9 September 2007);

GUO, Jianan, Xiang Guo, Wu Zongxian, Xu Zhangrun, Peng Xiaohui, Li Shuangshuang, "World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems - China" available at (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of  Justice Statistics - The World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems);

HUA, Xie Zhao, "Les problèmes juridiques et pratiques posés par la différence entre le droit criminel et le droit administratif pénal", (1988) 59 Revue internationale de droit pénal 473-483;

HUALING, Fu, "Criminal procedure",  in Chenguang Wang and Xianchu Zhang, eds.,  Introduction to Chinese Law, Hong Kong: Sweet and Maxwell Asia, 1997, xviii, 586 p., Chapter 5, (series; China law series),  ISBN: 0421560800;

The International Centre for Criminal law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, Promoting Criminal Justice Reform : A Collection of Papers from the Canada-China Cooperation Symposium, Vancouver: The International Centre for Criminal law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, 2007, [viii], 482 p.,  at pp. 361-383, ISBN: 978-0-973043259; available at (accessed on 5 March 2008);

JEFFREY, Francis, "Penal Code of China", (1810) Edinburgh Review, 21 p.;

JONES, William C., Tianquan Cheng and Edwin Chew, The great Qing code, Oxford: Clarendon Press, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, xxx, 441 p.;

JONES, William C., "A Possible Model for the Criminal Trial in the People's Republic of China", (1976) 24 American Journal of Comparative Law229;

___________"Studying the Ch'ing Code -- The Ta Ch'ing Lu Li", (1974) 22 American Journal of Comparative Law 330;

JOHNSON, Wallace Stephen, Jr., The "Tang Code": An Analysis and Translation of the Oldest Extant Penal Code, Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1968, 275 p.;

___________ The Tang code / translated with an introduction by Wallace Johnson, Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1979, (series; studies in East Asian Law), ISBN:  0691092397;

JUN, Zhang, Shan Changzong and Miao Youshui, "China's Theory and Practice on Ne Bis Idem", (2002) 73(3-4) International Review of Penal Law 865-872; note: "XVIIth International Congress of Penal Law, Preparatory Colloquium, Section IV, Concurrent National and International Criminal Jurisdiction and the Principle 'Ne bis in idem', June 1-4, 2003, Berlin (Germany)"; national report; available at  (accessed on 17 July 2007);

JUNG-HYUK IM, "A Study on the Criminal Law of the Ch'in State", (1986) 24 Journal of Asian Historical Studies 1 to approx. 39; 

KEYUAN, Z., "The 'Re-Education Through Labour' System in China's Legal Reform", (2001) 12 Criminal Law Forum 459-485;

LAUWAERT, Francoise, Le meurtre en famille : parricide et infanticide en Chine, XVIIIe-XIXe siècle, Paris : O. Jacob, c1999, 366 p.; ISBN: 2738106447;

LAWYERS Committee for Human Rights (United States),  Opening to reform? : an analysis of China's revised criminal procedure law, New York : Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, 1996, ii, 87 p., ISBN: 0934143846;

___________Wrongs and rights : a human rights analysis of China's revised criminal law, New York : Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, 1998, vii, 71 p., ISBN:  0934143900;

LEE, Tahirih V., Law, the state, and society in China,  New York: Garland Pub., 1997, xxi, 408 p., (Series; Chinese Law; 2);

LEPP, Alan W., Note, "The Death Penalty in Late Imperial, Modern, and Post-Tiananmen China", (1990) 11 Michigan Journal of International Law 987;

LEI, Kai et Olivier Dubuis, "Le nouvau droit pénal des affaires en Chine suite à l'amendement du 14 mars 1997", (1998), numéro 2, Revue de droit des affaires iInternationales 207-218;

LENG, S.-C., "Criminal Justice in Post-Mao China: Some Preliminary Observations", (1982) 73(1)
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology  204-237;

LIN, "Communist China's Emerging Fundamentals of Criminal Law", (1964) 13 Am. J. Comp. L. 84;

LIN, Zhiqiu and Ronald Keith, "The Changing Substantive Principles of Chinese Criminal Law", (1998) 13(1) China Information 76-105;

LIN, Robert H., "On the Nature of Criminal Law and the Problem of Corruption in the People's Republic of China: Some Theoretical Considerations", (1989) 10 New York Law School Journal of International and Comparative Law 1-10;

LIU, Jianhong, Steven F. Messner, and Allen E. Liska, "Chronic Offenders in China", (1997) 7 International Criminal Justice Review 31-45;

LIU, Xin Kui, Étude comparée du droit pénal chinois et du droit pénal français de l'entreprise,  Thèse de doctorat, droit pénal, Paris 11, 1998, 413 p.;

LIU, Yongping, 1955-, Origins of Chinese law : penal and administrative law in its early development, Oxford : Oxford University Press,  1998,  xiii, 360 p., ISBN: 0195903447;

LO,Carlos Wing-hung, China's legal awakening : legal theory and criminal justice in Deng's era, Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, c1995,  xii, 388 p.(series; HKU Press law series), ISBN : 9622093809 and 9622093426 (pbk.);

LU, Jian-Ping, La politique criminelle en République populaire de Chine : analyse critique et perspectives,  Th. ND : Droit pénal et sci. crimin. : Montpellier 1 : 1988, 260 feuilles, catalogue Abes,  No notice: 005920175;

LIU, Xin Kui, Étude comparée du droit pénal chinois et du droit pénal français de l'entreprise, thèse de doctorat, droit pénal, Paris 11, 1998, 413 p.; dir. de thèse: Jean Penneau; résumé au catalogue Abès;

LIU, Yongping, Origins of Chinese Law: Penal and Administrative Law in its Early Development, Hong Kong/New York: Oxford University Press, 1998;

LIU, Weizheng and Yingvi Situ, "Criminal courts in China transition: inquisitorial procedure to adversarial procedure?", (1999) 15 Crime and Justice International 13-21;

LU, Hong and Terance D. Miethe, "Confessions and Criminal Case Disposition in China", (2003) 37 Law & Society Review 549-578; copy at Ottawa University, FTX Periodicals, K12 .A865;

LUBMAN, Stanley B., Bird in a cage : legal reform in China after Mao, Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, c1999, xxxii, 447 p., see Chapter 6, "First Steps: Legalizing the State, Reinventing Lawyers, Regularizing the Criminal Process", at pp. 138 to approx. 172, ISBN:0804736642;

___________"Comparative Criminal Law and Enforcement: 3. China"  in Sanford H. Kadish, ed.,  Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, vol. 1 of 4, New York: Free Press, 1983, pp. 182-193, ISBN: 0029181110 (set of 4 volumes);

LUNG-SHENG, Tao, "Reform of the Criminal Process in National China", (1971) 19 American Journal of Comparative Law 747;

LUO, Wei, The amended Criminal Procedure Law and the criminal court rules of the People's Republic of China : with English translation, introduction, and annotation, Buffalo, N.Y. : W.S. Hein, 2000, x, 397 p., ISBN: 1575884917; notes: Includes Chinese and English texts of the 1996 amended Criminal Procedure Law, the Provisions Concerning Several Issues  in the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Law (1998), and the Interpretations Concerning Several Issues in the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Law (1998); Includes bibliographical references and index;

___________"China" in Kevin Jon Heller and Markus D. Dubber, eds., The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011, vi, 660 p., at pp. 137-178, ISBN: 978-0-8047-5758-4;

___________The 1997 Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China with English translation and introduction,  Buffalo, N.Y.: Hein, 1998, vii, 341 p., (series; Chinese law series; 1),  ISBN:1575883988;

MacCORMACK, Geoffrey, "Cause, Status and Fault in the Traditional Chinese Law of Homicide", in John W. Cairns and Olivia F Robinson, eds., Critical Studies in ancient law, comparative law and legal history, Oxford/Portland: Hart Publishing, 2001, xix, 427 p., at pp. 173-182, ISBN: 1841131571; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, K 235 .C7547 2001;

___________The Spirit of Traditional Chinese Law, Athens: University of Georgia Press, c1996,  xvi, 262 p. (Series; The Spirit of the Laws), bibliography at pp. 245-257, ISBN: 0820317225;

__________Traditional Chinese Penal Law, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1990, viii, 312 p., bibliograhical references at pp. 300-309, ISBN: 0748602119;

MARIANI, Marie-Luce, Les origines du droit pénal et la religion: la Chine sous la dynastie des Yuan (1260-1368), thèse de doctorat en droit, Paris X-Nanterre, 1994, 496 feuilles; dir. de thèse: Maurice Robin;

McCONVILLE, Mike and Li Ling Yue, "Fair Trial Standards in China" in David Weissbrodt and Rüdiger Wolfrum, eds., The right to a fair trial, Berlin; New York: Springer, 1997, ix, 779 p. at pp. 433 to approx. 456 (Series; Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht ; Bd. 129),  ISBN: 3540625933;

McKNIGHT, Brian, "Punishments in Traditional China: From Family, to Group, to the State", in Richard Mowery Andrews, ed., Perspectives on punishment : an interdisciplinary exploration, New York : Peter Lang Pub., c1997, viii, 200 p., at  pp. 1 to approx. 8, ISBN: 0820417912;

MI, Zhou and Li Hanjun, "The Role of the Defense in Criminal Proceedings in China" in  World Law Conference (1st : 1996 : Brussels, Belgium), ed., Law in motion : recent developments in civil procedure, constitutional, contract, criminal, environmental, family & succession, intellectual property, labour, medical, social security, transport law / Roger Blanpain, (editor), The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 1997, xxi, 1137 p., at pp. 519-524, ISBN: 9041103864;  Note: At head of title: "International encyclopaedia of laws"; I have put this reference mostly because of the quote at the top of this paper; contains less than one page on the topic;

MEIJER, Marinus Johan, The Introduction of Modern Criminal Law in China, Arlington (Va):  University Publications of America, 1976, 214 p. (Series; Studies in Chinese government and law; China Studies), ISBN: 0890930562; Research Notes: originally presented as doctorate thesis, University of Indonesiam 1950; originally published Batavia: De Unie, 1950, 214p., (series; Sinica Indonesiana; v. 2);

MICHELLE, Jennifer, Criminal intent and homicide law in Qing and Republican China, Ph.D. (Doctor of  Philosophy in History) thesis, University of California at Los Angeles, 2004, 268 p.; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted;

MIETHE,  Terance D., and Hung Lu,  Punishment : a comparative historical perspective, Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005, xii, 240 p., and see Chapter 6, "The History of Punishment in China", at pp.115 to approx. 154, ISBN: 052184407X and 0521605164 (pbk.);

MONTHY, Jeremy T., "Internal Perspectives on Chinese Human Rights Reform: The Death Penalty in the PRC", (1998) 33 Texas International Law Journal 189;

NEIGHBORS, Jennifer Michelle, Criminal intent and homicide law in Qing and Republican China, Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy in History), University of California, Los Angeles, 2004, 268 p.;

NG, Vivien W. (Vivian Wai-ying), Homicide and insanity in Qing China, Ph.D. thesis, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1980, 177 leaves;

OU KOEI-HING, La peine d'après le code des Tang; étude de droit pénal chinois ancien, Shanghai: Université l'Aurore, 1935, 116 p.;  thèse;

OU-YANG, Jehng, The application of criminal rules in Imperial China : a study on the period of responsibility, [1987], Thesis (LL. M.)--Harvard Law School, 1987, i, 80, 5 leaves; also available on microfiche: Hein's legal theses and dissertations ; v. 002-00045; copy at Ottawa University, Law Library;

Penal Code (in English), available at (accessed on 23 September 2007);

Penal Code, available at  at, (accessed on 30 September 2007);

Penal Code
, available at  (accessed on 30 September 2007);

PADOUX, Georges Le Nouveau Code Pénal Chinois NP 1935, 20 p.;

PARK, Nancy, "Torture and its limits in late imperial China", dans, sous la direction de Bernard Durand, avec la collaboration de Leah Otis-Cour, La torture judiciaire.  Approches historiues et jurdiques, vol. 1, Lille: Centre d'histoire judiciaire Éditeur, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales, 2002, aux pp. 93-106, ISBN: 2910114066; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, MRT, HV 8593 .T678 2002 v. 1;

PEERENBOOM, C., "Out of the pan and into the fire: well-intentioned but misguided recommendations to eliminate all forms of administrative detention in China", (2004) 98 Northwestern University Law Review 526-539;

PETIT, Françoise, L'homicide dans le droit chinois de l'époque mongole (1260-1368), mémoire Faculté de droit Paris, 1956, 45 pp.;

PHAN, Van-Truong, Le droit pénal à travers l'ancienne législation chinoise : étude comparée sur le code Gia-Long, Paris : Sagot et Cie, 1922, 190 p.;

PHILASTRE, P.-L.-F. (Paul-Louis-Félix), 1837-1902, Le code annamite, nouvelle traduction complète, comprenant: Les commentaires officiels du code, tr. pour la première fois; de commentaires du code chinois; des  renseignements relatifs à l'histoire du droit, tirés de plusieurs ouvrages chinois; des explications et des renvois, par P.-L.-F. Philastre. Imprimé par ordre du gouvernement de la Cochinchine francaise  Lois et décrets de l'Empire de Hoang-Viêt, 2. éd., Taipei, Taiwan : Ch'eng-Wen Pub. Co., 1967, 2 volumes; il s'agit d'une réimpression;

The provisional criminal code of the Republic of China ... Translated by the Law Codification Commission;  published by the Ministry of Justice, Peking, 1919, 1 p. l., 129, [1] p.;

The revised criminal code of the republic of China...translated by Yui ming and M.C. Liang, (1935-36) 8 China Law Review 41-59, 143-151, 209-222,
283-290 and 9 (1936) China Law Review 75-86, 167-179;

REN, Xin, "People's Republic of China", in Donald J. Shoemaker, ed., International Handbook on Juvenile Justice, Westport (Connecticut): Greenwood Press, 1996, xv, 327 p., at pp. 57-79, ISBN: 031328895X; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General, HV 9069 .I665 1996;

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Danwei (Unit) Crime...146
Faren (Legal Person) Liability...151
Gongsi (Company) as Independent Offender...155
The Corporate Mind and the State...158


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