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Updated and corrections / mise à jour et corrections: 11 April 2011

©by / par François Lareau, 2008, Ottawa, Canada
First posted on the internet on 23 May 2008

Bibliography on Amnesty before the
verdict in Canadian law

Bibliographie sur l'amnistie avant
le verdict en droit canadien

"Le Christianisme mit plus que jamais en honneur ce principe que 'l'indulgence est une partie de la justice' (Joubert, Pensées, 15, 24), et sous les empereurs chrétiens, les amnisties devinrent fréquentes.  Aussi le Code Théodosien (liv. 9), renferme-t-il  un titre spécial, le titre 38, sur les amnesties, de indulgentiis criminum, accordées de Constantin à Théodose II." (Achille-François Le Sellyer, Traité de l'exercice et de l'extinction des actions publique et privée, Paris: Librarie du jeune Barreau, etc., 1870, p. 507)

Table of Contents/Table des matières

I-     New France / Nouvelle-France
II-    Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse
III-   837-1838: Rebellions / Rébellions
           A-  1838 Amnesty -- Lower Canada / Amnistie -- Bas Canada
           B-  1838 Amnesty -- Upper Canada / 1838 Amnistie -- Haut Canada
           C-  18 43-1844: Nolle prosequi for Papineau and individual pardons/
                 1843-1844: Nolle prosequi pour Papineau et pardons individuels
           D-  1849 Amnesty / Amnistie
IV-    1868-1870: Red River Rebellion/Rébellion de la rivière rouge
V-     1885: North-West Rebellion
VI-    Military Amnesties / Amnisties militairess: 1916-1919
VII-   Firearms amnesties / Amnesties pour les armes à feu
           A-  Federal amnesties / Amnisties fédérales
           B-  Provincial amnesties / Amnisties provinciales
VIII-  Tax Amnesty/Amnistie fiscale
IX-    International Criminal Law / Droit pénal international
X-     Letters Patent Constituting the Office of Governor General of Canada/
         Lettres patentes constituant la charge de gouverneur général du Canada  
XI-    Text Writers, etc. / Doctrine, etc.

I- Nouvelle-France / New France

"Ordonnance du roi qui accorde une amnistie entière aux habitants de la Nouvelle-France qui ont été sans congés parmi les nations sauvages, et ce sous certaines conditions",  Édits, ordonnances royaux, déclarations et arrêts du Conseil d'État du roi concernant Canada / Imprimés sur une adresse de l'Assemblée législative du Canada,  Revus et corrigés d'après les pièces originales déposées aux archives provincialesaux, Quebec : De la presse à vapeur de E. R. Fréchette, 1854, vol. 1, à la p. 341, copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX Statutes;  aussi disponible à  http://www.heritage.nf.ca/law/lab6/labvol6_2727.html  (vérifié le 14 mai 2008);

"Amnistie pour les Coureurs de Bois",  Édits, ordonnances royaux, déclarations et arrêts du Conseil d'État du roi concernant Canada / Imprimés sur une adresse de l'Assemblée législative du Canada,  Revus et corrigés d'après les pièces originales déposées aux archives provincialesaux, Quebec : De la presse à vapeur de E. R. Fréchette, 1854, vol. 1, aux  pp. 249-250; disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=u1kTAAAAYAAJ&printsec=titlepage&dq=intitle:%C3%A9dits&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPA249,M1  et http://books.google.com/books?id=u1kTAAAAYAAJ&dq=intitle:%C3%A9dits&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (vérifiés le 5 mai 2008); aussi disponible à http://www.heritage.nf.ca/law/lab6/labvol6_2727.html  (vérifié le 9 mai 2008);

"Déclaration du Roi, portant amnistie pour les Coureurs de bois, du mois d'avril, mil sept cent trente-sept",  Édits, ordonnances royaux, déclarations et arrêts du Conseil d'État du roi concernant Canada / Imprimés sur une adresse de l'Assemblée législative du Canada,  Revus et corrigés d'après les pièces originales déposées aux archives provincialesaux, Quebec : De la presse à vapeur de E. R. Fréchette, 1854, vol. 1, aux  pp. 551-552; disponible à  http://books.google.com/books?id=u1kTAAAAYAAJ&printsec=titlepage&dq=intitle:%C3%A9dits&lr=&as_brr=
3&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPA551,M1 et http://books.google.com/books?id=u1kTAAAAYAAJ&dq=intitle:%C3%A9dits&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (vérifiés le 5 mai 2008);

"Lettres Patentes en forme d'Edit, portant amnestie pour les Coureurs de bois, et qui établit de nouvelles peines, et la forme de procéder  contre ceux  qui n'en profiteront point", Édits, ordonnances royaux, déclarations et arrêts du Conseil d'État du roi concernant Canada / Imprimés sur une adresse de l'Assemblée législative du Canada,  Revus et corrigés d'après les pièces originales déposées aux archivs provincialesaux, Quebec : De la presse à vapeur de E. R. Fréchette, 1854, vol. 1, aux  pp. 350-352; disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=u1kTAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=intitle:%C3%A9dits&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_book_other_versions_r&cad=2_1#PPA352,M1 et http://books.google.com/books?id=u1kTAAAAYAAJ&dq=intitle:%C3%A9dits&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (vérifiés le 5 mai 2008);

"Ordonnance du gouverneur général Vaudreuil de Cavagnial portant amnistie en faveur des soldats déserteurs qui se joindront à l'armée de Lévis pour le siège de Québec",  16 avril 1760; disponible à http://mikan3.archives.ca/pam/public_mikan/index.php?fuseaction=genitem.displayItem&lang=fre&rec_nbr=3073402&rec_nbr_list=3073402,3050545,2492537,2492356,2458292  (vérifié le 9 mai 2008);

II- Nova Scotia 1783 / Nouvelle-Écosse 1783

"AN ACT for granting the King's Most Gracious Free Pardon to all his Subjects in this Province, for all Treasons, Misprison of Treasons, or treasonable Correspondence committed or done by them or any of them in adhering to, aiding or assisting, countenancing or abetting his Majesty's late Subjects in the Thirteen Colonies during their Rebellion", Anno Vicessimo Tertio Regis, GEORGII III. CAP. III.   1783,  The Perpetual Acts of the General Assemblies of His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia, pub. Halifax, N.S., 1784, p. 238; available at http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/halew/1783-III.html (accessed on 10 May 2008);

III- 1837-1838: Rebellions/Rébellions

       A- 1838 Amnesty -- Lower Canada / Amnitie -- Bas Canada

"An Ordinance to enable the Governor, or person  Administering the Government of this Province, to extend a conditional pardon, in certain cases, to persons  who have been concerned  in the late  Insurrection" / "Ordonnance pour autoriser le Gouverneur, ou la Personne Administrant le Gouvernement de cette Province, à accorder un pardon conditionnel dans certains cas, aux personnes qui ont été concernées dans l'Insurrection récente", Provincial Ordinance of Lower Canada, Anno Primo Victoriae Reginae, His Excellency Sir John Colborne, Administor, First Session of the Special Council / Ordonnance provinciale,  Anno Primo Victoriae Reginae, Son Excllence Sir John Colborne, Administrateur du Gouvernment, Première session du Conseil Spécial, CAP XV, 4 May/mai 1838 ; available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Pardon.pdf ; available at/disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=rXkvAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=intitle:lower+canada&lr=&as_brr=1&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPA83,M1  and http://books.google.com/books?id=rXkvAAAAIAAJ&dq=intitle:lower+canada&lr=&as_brr=1&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0  (accessed on 3 May 2008);

"An Ordinance to provide for the security of the province of Lower Canada" / "Ordonnance qui pourvoit à la sûreté de la Province du Bas Canada", Ordonnance provinciale du Bas-Canada, Anno Secundo, Son Excellence le très honorable Jean George Comte de Durham, Gouverneur Général, étant la seconde Session du Conseil spécial, CAP. I, pp. 6-12,  28 June/juin 1838; available at http://books.google.com/books?id=rXkvAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=intitle:lower+canada&lr=&as_brr=1&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPA192,M1 and  http://books.google.com/books?id=rXkvAAAAIAAJ&dq=intitle:lower+canada&lr=&as_brr=1&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0  (accessed on 3 May 2008);

"An Ordinance to prevent the discharge of certain persons , until they shall have given security" / "Ordonnance pour empêcher l'élargissement de certaines personnes jusqu'à ce qu'elles aient donné caution", Ordonnance provinciale du Bas-Canada, Anno Secundo, Son Excellence le très honorable Jean George Comte de Durham, Gouverneur Général, étant la seconde Session du Conseil spécial, CAP. 3, 23 August/août 1838,  pp. 28-30, available at http://books.google.com/books?id=rXkvAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22bas+canada%22&lr=&as_brr=1&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PRA1-PA28,M1 and http://books.google.com/books?id=rXkvAAAAIAAJ&dq=%22bas+canada%22&lr=&as_brr=1&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 11 May 2008);

DURHAM, Lord, Governor General, Proclamation, 9 October 1838 (Proclamation number 1), in Robert Christie, A History of the Late Province of Lower Canada, vol. 5, Québec: John Lovell, 1854, vi, 425 pp. 211-221; research note: see on the events, Chapter 43, at pp. 145-233; very important contribution; available at  http://books.google.com/books?id=-7sNAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA165&dq=amnesty+governor+general+canada+proclamation&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=-bwiSLCqAaHQjgGSi8HJDQ#PPA211,M1  and   http://books.google.com/books?id=-7sNAAAAQAAJ&dq=amnesty+governor+general+canada+proclamation&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 8 May 2008);

"A Proclamation

In conformity with one of its provisions, I have this day proclaimed the Act 1 and 2 Victoria, chap. 212, intituled, 'An Act for indemnifying those who have issued or acted under certain parts of a certain Ordinance made under colour of an Act passed in the present Session of Parliament, intituled, An Act to make temporary Provision for the Governmenl of Lower Canada.'

I have also to notify the disallowance by Her Majesty of the Ordinance 2d Victoria, chapter 1, intituled, 'An Ordinance to provide for the security of the Province of Lower Canada'."  (p. 211)

DURHAM, Lord, Governor General, Proclamation, 9 October 1838 (Proclamation number 2), in Robert Christie, A History of the Late Province of Lower Canada, vol. 5, Québec: John Lovell, 1854, vi, 425 pp. 221-222; research note: see on the events, Chapter 43, at pp. 145-233; very important contribution; available at

WHEREAS by the one hundred and twelfth  chapter of the statute of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, intituled, "An Act for indemnifying those who have issued or acted under certain parts of a certain Ordinance made under colour of an Act passed in the present session of Parliament, intituled 'Act to make temporary Provision for the Government of Lower Canada'" passed in the first and second  year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, Victoria, it is amongst other things enacted, that the said Act shall be proclaimed in the said Province of Lower Canada by the Governor, or by the person authorised to execute the commission of Governor of the said Province, forthwith after he shall have
received a copy of the same from one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State; And whereas I the said JOHN GEORGE, EARL OF DURHAM, being the Governor of the said Province of Lower Canada, have received a copy of the said Act from one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. Now THEREFORE KNOW YE, that I, the said JOHN GEORGE, EARL OF DURHAM, being such Governor as aforesaid, by virtue of the power and authority reposed in me by Her Majesty, and of the said Act of the said Parliament, do, by this proclamation, proclaim the said Act of the said Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, intituled, "An Act for indemnifying those who have issued or acted under certain parts of a certain Ordinance made under colour of an Act passed in the present session of Parliament, intituled, 'An Act to make temporary Provision for the Government of Lower Canada'" so that the said Act of the said Parliament, shall and may commence and take effect within the said Province from the day of the date of these presents.

Early Canadiana on Line, available at  http://www.canadiana.org/

LACOURSIÈRE, Jacques et Hélène-Andrée Bizier, recherche et rédaction, Nos racines: l'histoire vivante des Québécois, vol. 13, Une société s'organise, Montréal: Livres Robert Lafont, 1979, ISBN: 2891410460; sur l'ordonnance d'amnistie du Gouverneur lord Durham le 18 juin 1838 et de sa répudiation subséquente par Londres, voir les extraits aux PDF pp.1360 et 1367-1368;

"Une bonne mauvaise solution
Les patriotes emprisonnés demandent à être jugés.[...]

John Simpson, qui a été député à la Chambre d'Assemblée du Bas-Canada, est chargé des négociations avec les prisonniers.  Mission délicate, car le gouverneur [Durham] a décidé que si les huit principaux chefs de la révolte avouaient leur culpabilité, les autres prisonniers, sauf quelques-uns, seraient libérés. [...]
Une première rencontre entre l'émissaire et Wolfred Nelson et Robert-Shore-Milnes Bouchette a lieu à la nouvelle prison de Montréal. 'Nous avons eu avec lui, raconte Bouchette, une entrevue privée dans la chambre du geôlier.  Il nous a laissé entendre que lord Durham était favorable à une amnistie générale, mais qu'il lui manquait quelque déclaration qui pourrait faire la base d'une proclamation officielle d'amnistie.  Il nous a alors communiqué un projet de lettre au gouverneur général qu'il avait préparée et qu'il nous a invités à signer, ainsi que les autres qui ont pris part au mouvement insurrectionnel.  Nous avons rejeté ce projet qui était tout à fait inacceptable [...] '.

Le 18 [juin 1838], les huit présumés chefs signent une lettre au gouverneur où ils expliquent le pourquoi de leur conduite, sans ouvertement se déclarer coupables d'actes criminels. [...]

Simpson remet la lettre à Buller qui arrive à Montréal le 20 juin au soir.  Le secrétaire du gouverneur trouve que le texte n'est pas satisfaisant, car il ne constitue pas un aveu formel [...].

Sur l'invitation de Simpson, les huit chefs patriotes rédigent une nouvelle lettre le 26 juin [...]" (pp. 1358-1360; voir la suite des évènements dans les pages pdf)   

TODD, Alpheus, 1821-1884, Parliamentary  Government in the British Colonies, London : Longmans, Green, 1880, 607 p., and see pp. 267-274; available at http://books.google.com/
books?id=JnNDAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA268&dq=amnesty+proclamation+1838&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=IXsUSIrOGJyMjAGcseHZBQ#PPR3,M1 and http://books.google.com/books?id=JnNDAAAAIAAJ&dq=amnesty+proclamation+1838&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 27 April 2008);

UNITED KINGDOM, Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, "An Act for indemnifying those who have issued or acted under certain Parts of a certain Ordinance made under colour of an Act passed in the present Session of Parliament, intituled Act to make temporary Provision for the Government of Lower Canada", Chapter 112, assented to 16 August 1838, in A Collection of the Public General Statutes Passed in the First and Second Year  of the Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837, 1838, London: George Eyre and Andrew Spottiswoode, Queen's Printers, 1838, at pp. 818-819; available at http://books.google.com/books?id=oE0vAAAAIAAJ&pg=PR11&dq=%22An+Act+for+indemnifying+those+who+have+issued+or+acted+under+certain+parts+of+a+certain+Ordinance+made+under+colour%22&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=h6YmSLTRIZiijgGggYHADQ#PRA1-PA818,M1 and http://books.google.com/books?id=oE0vAAAAIAAJ&dq=%22An+Act+for+indemnifying+those+who+have+issued+or+acted+under+certain+parts+of+a+certain+Ordinance+made+under+colour%22&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 11 May 2008);

 ___________Act to make temporary Provision for the Government of Lower Canada, chapter 9, assented to on 10 February 1838,  in A Collection of the Public General Statutes Passed in the First and Second Year  of the Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837, 1838, London: George Eyre and Andrew Spottiswoode, Queen's Printers, 1838, at pp. 42-45; available at http://books.google.com/books?id=3YdKAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA42&dq=%22Act+to+make+temporary+Provision+for+the+Government+of+Lower+Canada%22&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=BKQmSLuzJZiijgGggYHADQ#PPR1,M1 and http://books.google.com/books?id=3YdKAAAAMAAJ&dq=%22Act+to+make+temporary+Provision+for+the+Government+of+Lower+Canada%22&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0  (accessed on 11 May 2008);

WADE, Mason, 1913-1986,  Les Canadiens français de 1760 à nos jours, TOME I (1760-1914), 2e édition, traduit de l'anglais par Adrien Venne, Ottawa, Le Cercle du livre de France, 1966, tome I, voir les pp. PDF  205-206 et 243;

        B- 1838 Amnesty -- Upper Canada / 1838 Amnistie -- Haut Canada

An Act to enable  the Government of this Province to extend a conditional pardon, in certain cases, to persons  who have been concerned  in the late insurrection, passed on 6th March 1838, in Act of Upper Canada, 1 Vict. chapter 10, at pp.31-32; available at http://books.google.com/books?id=tMcvAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:0gZWVjntDL2Cs9pJg24QWYd#PPA31,M1 and http://books.google.com/books?id=tMcvAAAAIAAJ&dq=editions:0gZWVjntDL2Cs9pJg24QWYd&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 15 May 2008);

An Act to restore the rights of certain persons attainted for High Treason, Royal Assent proclaimed 26th December 1846, in Provincial Statutes of Canada, vol. 2, 2nd Sess., 2nd Parlt., Montreal: Stewart, Derbishire & George Desbarats, 1846, chapter 106, at pp. 1183-1184; available at http://books.google.com/books?id=-wkvAAAAIAAJ&pg=RA1-PA1183&dq=canada+%22gracious+pardon%22&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=4-orSMe2AoegiwGg7vyzAw#PRA1-PA1185,M1 and (accessed on 15 May 2008); ; also available in French / aussi disponible en français; ******

      C- 1843-1844 Nolle Prosequi for Papineau and individual pardons/ 1843-44: Nolle prosequi pour Papineau et pardons individuels      

DENT, John Charles, The Story of the Upper Canadian Rebellion: largely derived from original sources and documents, volume 2, Toronto: C.B. Robinson, 1885, available at http://books.google.com/books?id=ErANAAAAQAAJ&pg=RA1-PA301&dq=metcalfe+1843+pardon&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=a68dSPTdGYecjgHQpdSGBg#PRA1-PA302,M1 and http://books.google.com/books?id=ErANAAAAQAAJ&dq=metcalfe+1843+pardon&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0  (accessed on 4 May 2008);

"The entry of a nolle prosequi  enabled even Papineau himself to come back to his native land...." (p. 302)  [note: my research indicates that the nolle prosequi was entered in Montreal at the end of August 1843; it had been obtained by Lafontained from Sir Charles Metcalfe]

"No amnesty, comprehensive or otherwise, was granted in 1843, nor at any time prior to 1849. Those exiles who returned to Canada before the last-named date did so either by virtue of special pardons granted under the Great Seal, or in consequence of official  discontinuance of proceedings against them..." (p. 302; note the title of the book and so the text cited here can not make reference to Durham's amnesty of 1838).

FAHEY, Curtis,  "Amnesty Act [assented to on 1 February 1849]", The Canadian Encyclopedia, article available at http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&
Params=A1ARTA0000186 (accessed on 26 April 2008);

"In 1843, with Colonial Office authority, Governor General Metcalfe issued a special pardon to any exiled rebels who petitioned. By early 1844 all 58 rebels who wanted to end their exile had received pardons, and in January 1845 they began returning to Canada from Australia and Bermuda.

Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, London, 1843, vol. 66, and see the debates on the motion by Mr. Roebuch "That  an humble address be presented to her Majesty , praying that pardon  may be extended  to all persons transported from Upper and Lower Canada to our penal colonies, for political offences committed during the late unhappy disturbances in those provinces", House of Lords, 7 February 1843, from column 237-258; available at http://books.google.com/books?id=XCN92ksUJyAC&pg=PA254&dq=amnesty++%22prerogative+of+mercy%22&lr=
&as_brr=0&ei=p4gfSPv7LpWQjgGyrd2ABg#PPA238,M1and  http://books.google.com/books?id=XCN92ksUJyAC&dq=amnesty++%22prerogative+of+mercy%22&lr=
&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 5 May 2008);

METCALFE, Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, Baron, 1785-1846, and John William Kaye, editor,  Selections from the Papers of Lord Metcalfe, Late Governor-General of India, Governor of Jamaica, and Governor-General of Canada, London: Smith, Elder and co., 1855, xiv, [2], 476, [2] p.; available at http://books.google.com/books?id=o2QBAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA450&dq=metcalfe
+1843+pardon&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=a68dSPTdGYecjgHQpdSGBg#PPR1,M1 and http://books.google.com/books?id=o2QBAAAAQAAJ&dq=metcalfe+1843+pardon&lr
=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on  4 May 2008);

"I rejoice to learn that you advocate the extension of the royal mercy to those unfortunate men who were formerly engaged in rebellion against the Crown. It has always been my anxious desire that the recollection of past offences should be obliterated and I have been incessantly engaged since my arrival in Canada in promoting that good work, either by my own act, when it was within my competency to pardon, or by forwarding applications to her Majesty's Government when the case was beyond my own reach. Her Majesty delights in the twice blessed exercise of mercy.  Every petition hitherto submitted has been successful; and I have no doubt that in a short time all the advantages that could have been obtained from a general amnesty will be realised in both sections of the province, by the individual pardons granted to those who were transported to the penal colonies, and by their happy return to their families and homes." (p. 467)

      D- 1849 Amnesty / Amnistie

An Act for the Queen's Most Gracious, General and Free Pardon, Provincial Statutes of Canada, 1849, vol. 3, 2nd Session, 3rd Parliament, Chapter 13, assented to 1st February 1849, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/ProvincialStatutes1849c12E.pdf; Research Note: In English the words of the title "General and Free Pardon" are rendered in French as "amnistie pleine et entière"; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: Acte d'amnistie pleine et entière, gracieusement accordée par Sa Majesté La Reine, Statuts provinciaux du Canada, 1849, vol. 3, 2e Session, 3e Parlement, chapitre 13, sanctionné le 1er février 1949, disponible à http://www.lareau-legal.ca/ProvincialStatutes1849c12F.pdfNote de recherche : En anglais les mots du titre "General and Free Pardon" deviennent en français "amnestie pleine et entière";

DENT, John Charles, The Story of the Upper Canadian Rebellion: largely derived from original sources and documents, volume 2, Toronto: C.B. Robinson, 1885, available at http://books.google.com/books?id=ErANAAAAQAAJ&pg=RA1-PA301&dq=metcalfe+1843+pardon&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=a68dSPTdGYecjgHQpdSGBg#PRA1-PA302,M1 and  (accessed on 4 May 2008);

"But it was not until after the arrival of Lord Elgin, and after the formation of  the second Lafontaine-Baldwin Government, that a general amnesty was granted for all offences arising out of the Rebellion. The measure was introduced by Mr. Lafontaine during the session of 1849, and encountered no serious opposition from any quarter. It was rapidly passed through its several stages, and was assented to by his Excellency on the 1st of February, when the session was barely a fortnight old!" (p. 302)

FAHEY, Curtis,  "Amnesty Act [assented to on 1 February 1849]", The Canadian Encyclopedia, article available at http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&
Params=A1ARTA0000186 (accessed on 26 April 2008);

"Amnesty Act, 1 February 1849, offered a pardon to all those involved in the 1837-38  REBELLIONS.  It originated March 1838, when a conditional pardon was extended to minor participants. In 1843, with Colonial Office authority, Governor General Metcalfe issued a special pardon to any exiled rebels who petitioned. By early 1844 all 58 rebels who wanted to end their exile had received pardons, and in January 1845 they began returning to Canada from Australia and Bermuda. That year Louis-Joseph PAPINEAU, in exile in France since 1839, also returned. Four years later, the Baldwin-LaFontaine ministry introduced its amnesty bill. Only William Lyon MACKENZIE, the one rebel who had not been given a special pardon in 1843, returned to Canada under the Act."

IV- 1869-70 Red River Rebellion / Rébellion de la rivière rouge

"Correspondence, and further correspondence relating to the commutation of the sentence of death passed on Ambroise Lepine for the murder of Thomas Scott at Fort Garry", in Sessional Papers, vol. 7, Second Session of the Third Parliament of the Dominion of Cnada, Session 1875,  Sessional Paper number 11, available at PDF pp. 1-[45]; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: "Dépêches concernant la commutation de la sentence de Lépine et l'amnistie relative aux troubles du Nord-Ouest: [message du Gouverneur-général transmettant copie de la correspondance ...échangée avec le ...secrétaire d'État au Ministère des colonies]", Ottawa : Imprimés par MacLean, Roger, 1875, 40 p., disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=b7ANAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=subject:%22Red+River+Rebellion,+1869-1870%22&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=AewvSKCWJqiSjgGys6icDw#PPP5,M1  et  http://books.google.com/books?id=b7ANAAAAQAAJ&dq=subject:%22Red+River+Rebellion,+1869-1870%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (vérifiés le 18 mai 2008); 

DUFFERIN, Lord (Sir Frederick Temple Blackwood), 1826-1902, Governor General of Canada, Proclamation of 23 April 1875, in The Canada Gazette, vol. 8, number 43, 24 April 1875, at pp. 1297-1298, available at PDF   http://www.lareau-legal.ca/CanadaGazette24April1875-1297.pdf; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: DUFFERIN, (Sir Frederick Temple Blackwood), 1826-1902, Gouverneur général du Canada, Proclamation du 23 avril 1875, in The Canada Gazette, vol. 8, numéro 43, 24 Avril 1875, aux pp. 1338-1339, disponible à PDF http://www.lareau-legal.ca/CanadaGazette24April1875-1338.pdf;

DUFFERIN, Lord (Sir Frederick Temple Blackwood), 1826-1902, Governor General of Canada, Proclamation of 23 Novemberl 1877, in The Canada Gazette, vol. 11, number 21, 24 Novemberl 1877, at p.530, available at PDF http://www.lareau-legal.ca/CanadaGazette23November1877-530.pdf; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: DUFFERIN, (Sir Frederick Temple Blackwood), 1826-1902, Gouverneur général du Canada, Proclamation du 23 novembre 1877, in The Canada Gazette, vol. 11, numéro 21, 24 novembre 1877, à la p.543, disponible à PDF  http://www.lareau-legal.ca/CanadaGazette23November1877543.pdf;

DUFFERIN, Lord (Sir Frederick Temple Blackwood), 1826-1902, Governor General of Canada, Proclamation of 23 Novemberl 1877, in The Canada Gazette, vol. 11, number 22, 1 December 1877, at pp. 550-551, available PDF http://www.lareau-legal.ca/CanadaGazette23November1877-550.pdf; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: DUFFERIN, (Sir Frederick Temple Blackwood), 1826-1902, Gouverneur général du Canada, Proclamation du 23 novembre 1877, in The Canada Gazette, vol. 11, numéro 22, 1er décembre 1877, aux pp. 567-568, disponible à PDF  http://www.lareau-legal.ca/CanadaGazette23November1877-568.pdf;

DUFFERIN, Lord (Sir Frederick Temple Blackwood), 1826-1902, Governor General of Canada, Proclamation of 23 Novemberl 1877, in The Canada Gazette, vol. 11, number 23, 7 December 1877, at p. 576, available at PDF http://www.lareau-legal.ca/CanadaGazette23November1877-576.pdf; also available in French / aussi disponible en français: DUFFERIN, (Sir Frederick Temple Blackwood), 1826-1902, Gouverneur général du Canada, Proclamation du 23 novembre 1877, in The Canada Gazette, vol. 11, numéro 23, 7 décembre 1877, aux pp. 589-590, disponible PDF à http://www.lareau-legal.ca/CanadaGazette23November1877-589.pdf;

LEGGO, William, 1822-1888, The history of the administration of the Right Honorable Frederick Temple, Earl of Dufferin, K.P., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., F.R.S., late governor general of Canada, Montreal: Lovell Print. and Pub. Co.; Toronto: G.M. Adam, 1878, 901 p.;
available at http://books.google.com/books?id=Vn5IbZkax2YC&pg=PA306&dq=%22archbishop+tach%C3%A9+contending%22&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=xZUxSPbGJISgiwHG86meDw#PPA1,M1 and http://books.google.com/books?id=Vn5IbZkax2YC&dq=%22archbishop+tach%C3%A9+contending%22&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 19 May 2008);

LISGAR, Lord  (Sir John Young), 1807-1876, Governor General of Canada, Proclamation of 6 December 1869, in Sessional Papers, Volume V, Third Session of the First Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, Session 1870, Vol. 3, Sessional Paper number 12, p. 44; available at PDF  http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Dufferin6December1869.pdf;

LISGAR, Lord  (Sir John Young), 1807-1876, Governor General of Canada, Proclamation of 6 December 1869, in Red River insurrection : Hon. Wm. McDougall's conduct reviewed, Montreal: J. Lovell, 1870, [3]-69 p., at pp. 47-48;
available at http://books.google.com/books?id=6rENAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA48&dq=%22peaceable+obedience+and+dispersion%22&lr=&as_brr=0#PPA47,M1 and http://books.google.com/books?id=6rENAAAAQAAJ&dq=%22peaceable+obedience+and+dispersion%22&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0  (accessed on 14 May 2008);

"By Her Majesty's authority I do therefore assure you, that on the union with Canada all your civil and religious rights and privileges will be respected, your properties secured to you, and that your country will be governed, as in the past, under British laws, and in the spirit of British justice.

I do, further, under her authority, entreat and command those of you who are still assembled and banded together in defiance of law, peaceably to disperse and return to your homes, under the penalties of the law in case of disobedience.

And I do lastly inform you, that in case of your immediate and peaceable obedience and dispersion, I shall order that no legal proceeding be taken against any parties implicated in these unfortunate breaches of the law." (p. 48)

HUEL, Raymond, Archbishop A.-A. Taché of St. Boniface : the "good  fight" and the illusive vision, Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2003, xxv, 429 p. (series; The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in the Canadian North West), ISBN: 088864406X; limited preview available at http://books.google.com/books?id=N8WJM9-kexMC&printsec=frontcover&dq=amnesty+governor+general+canada&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0 and http://books.google.com/books?id=N8WJM9-kexMC&dq=amnesty+governor+general+canada&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 8 May 2008);

MACKENZIE, The Hon. Alexander, Prime Minister of Canada, 1822-1892, Debates in the House of Commons on the North-West Troubles on 11 February 1875, in Debates of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada, vol. 1, session 1875, Ottawa: C.W. Mitchell, 1875,  at PDF pp. 36-50; speech on the motion for amnesty; also published in French/aussi publié en français: MACKENZIE, L'honorable Alexander, premier ministre du Canada, 1822-1892, Débats dans la Chambre des communes sur les troubles du nord-ouest, 11 février 1875, dans Débats de la Chambre des Commune du Canada, vol. 1, session de 1875, Ottawa: Imprimés par MacLean, Roger et Cie, 1875, aux PDF pp. 38-52; discours sur la motion portant amnestie;

"Memorandum on Report of the Select Committee to Inquire into the Causes of the Difficulties in the North-West Territory in 1869-70", in Sessional Papers, volume 7, Second Session of the Third Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, Session 1875, vol. 8, Session Paper number 11, Enclosure A, at pp.19-26 ; available at http://www.canadiana.org/ECO/PageView/9_08052_8_7/0300?id=fb205b31be859e29  (accessed on 14 May 2008);

MORTON, W.L. (William Lewis), 1908-, Manitoba: the birth of a nation, Altona, Man., Friesen, 1965, xxx, 265 p., (Collection; Manitoba Record Society. Publications; volume 1); available at http://www.mhs.mb.ca/docs/books/mrs01.pdf (accessed on 9 May 2008); important contribution; to researchers: suggest the search of the word "amnesty"; important contribution to the subject;

PRIVY COUNCIL, [Report of a committee of the Privy Council recommending amnesty be granted to Louis Riel and A.D. Lépine], [Ottawa]: Privy Council Canada, [1875], [6] leaves, 36 cm; Notes: Submitted 5th March 1875, approved 17 March 1875; PDF  Amnesty 1875;

RIEL, Louis, 1844-1885, L'amnistie: mémoire sur les causes des troubles du Nord-Ouest et sur les négociations qui ont amené leur règlement amiable, [Montréal]: Bureau du "Nouveau-Monde", 1874, 22 p.; copie à l'Université St-Paul; disponible à http://bibnum2.banq.qc.ca/bna/numtxt/114041.pdf  et http://bibnum2.banq.qc.ca/bna/numtextes/tl57.htm  (vérifiées le 7 mai 2008); aussi disponible à http://books.google.com/books?id=gBkWAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA21&dq=amnistie+tach%C3%A9+riel&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=SesvSMy4IKi2jgHSiPmlDw#PPP7,M1 et http://books.google.com/books?id=gBkWAAAAYAAJ&dq=amnistie+tach%C3%A9+riel&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (vérifiés le 18 mai 2008); aussi disponible à http://www.canadiana.org/ECO/PageView?id=7f20b7779d6814cc&display=30457+0002 (vérifié le 2 juillet 2008);

***TACHÉ, Alexandre A. (Alexandre Antonin),1823-1894, Archbishop Tache on the amnesty question with regard to the north west difficulty communicated to "The Times", on the 6th, 7th and 8th, April, 1874, St. Boniface: Canadian Pub. Co., 1893 and 1898,  60 p.; copy at Carleton University, Floor 1 Microform MCR, FC 3231.P43;

***____________Encore l'amnistie, [St. Boniface, Man.] : Impr. du journal Le métis), 1875, 42 p.; 22 cm.; note: Monseigneur Taché; disponible dans la collection: ICMH Microfiches /available in the CIHM series, number 24425; copy at Carleton University, Floor 1 Microform MCR, FC 18.C15N.24425; aussi publié en anglais/also published in English: The amnesty again; charges refuted,  [Winnipeg? : s.n.], 1875 (Winnipeg : "The Standard"), 31 p; available in the collection: ICMH Microfiches /CIHM series, number 24,009;

___________ Histoire et origine des troubles du N. Ouest racontées sous serment par Sa Grandeur Mgr. l'archevê que de St-Boniface; [S.l. : s.n., 1874?]; disponible à et (vérifiés le 2 juillet 2008); disponible à http://www.canadiana.org/ECO/ItemRecord/40324?id=7f20b7779d6814cc et http://www.canadiana.org/ECO/PageView?id=7f20b7779d6814cc&display=40324+0002 (vérifiés le 2 juillket 2008),

V- 1885 North-West Rebellion

okProclamation of the Governor General, 10 July 1886, see PDF http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Proclamation10July1886E.pdf; also available at http://www.canadiana.org/ECO/PageView?id=fb205b31be859e29&display=9_08051_16_1+0157 (accessed on 14 May 2008); also available in French / aussi disponible en français: Proclamation du Gouverneur Général, 10 juillet 1886, voir PDF http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Proclamation10July1886F.pdf,

VI- Military Amnesties/Amnisties militaires, 1916-1919


- (1916) 50 The Canada Gazette, Proclamation of 24 November 1916, p. 1896, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Proclamation24November1916E.pdf; Proclamation du 24 novembre 1916, p.1953, disponible à http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Proclamation24November1916F.pdf;

- (1916) 50 The Canada Gazette   Proclamation of 14 December 1916, p. 2074, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Proclamation14December1916E.pdf; Proclamation du 14 décembre 1916, p. 2157, disponible à http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Proclamation14December1916F.pdf;

- (1918) 52 The Canada Gazette, Proclamation of 1 August 1918, p. 547, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Proclamation1August1918E.pdf, Proclamation du 1er août 1918, pp. 608-609, disponible à http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Proclamation1August1918F.pdf;

- (1919) 53 The Canada Gazette, Proclamation of 20 December 1919, p. 1928, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Proclamation20December1919E.pdf; Proclamation du 20 décembre 1919,  p. 1974, disponible à http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Proclamation20December1919F.pdf;

NICHOLSON, G.W.L. (Gerald William Lingen), 1902-1980, Canadian expeditionary force, 1914-1919, Ottawa : R. Duhamel, Queen's Printer and Controller of  Stationery, 1964, xiv, 621 p., available at http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/dhh-dhp/cdn_expeditionary-e/CEF_e.PDF (accessed on 3 May 2008); also published in French / aussi publié en français: NICHOLSON, G.W.L. (Gerald William Lingen), 1902-1980, Le Corps  expéditionnaire canadien, 1914-1919, Ottawa : Roger Duhamel, Imprimeur de la Reine, 1963, xiv, 671 p., disponible à http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/dhh-dhp/cdn_expeditionary-f/CEF_f.PDF (vérifié le 3 mai 2008);

"On the grounds that delinquents under the Military Service Act had acted largely through ignorance or the bad advice of ill-disposed persons, on 2 August 1918 the Government granted an amnesty to all defaulters and deserters who would report on or before 24 August.55  In all 5477 persons gave themselves up under this temporary amnesty, but when hostilities ended there were still some 20,000 Class 1 men who had neither reported nor been apprehended.56  On 22 December 1919, when a general amnesty was proclaimed for all offenders under the Military Service Act, an estimated 15,000 were still at large, with about the same number serving prison sentences.57" (p. 327; notes omitted)


Partant du principe que les délinquants avaient surtout agi par ignorance ou sur les conseils de personnes mal intentionnées, le 2 août 1918, le gouvernement accordait l'amnistie à tous les violateurs et déserteurs qui se présenteraient de leur propre chef au plus tard le 24 août 55.  Au total, 5,477 hommes répondirent à cet appel mais à la fin des hostilités il y avait encore
20,000 membres de la classe 1 qui ne s'étaient pas présentés et n'avaient pas été appréhendés56.  Le 22 décembre 1919, lorsque fut proclamée une amnistie générale en faveur de tous les
violateurs de la Loi sur le service militaire, environ 15,000 d'entre eux restaient en liberté et à peu près autant purgeaient des sentences en prison57. (p. 320; notes omises

VII- Firearms Amnesties/Amnisties des armes à feu

          A- Federal amnesties / Amnisties fédérales

CANADA FIREARMS CENTRE, "Background on Firearm Amnesties", Special Bulletin for Police No. 6, 4 March 1999, available at http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/bulletins/police/bulletin6_e.asp (accessed on 29 April 2008); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CENTRE DES ARMES À FEU CANADA, "Renseignements sur les amnesties d'armes à feu", Bulletin spécial à l'intention de la police no 6, 4 mars 1999, disponible à http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/bulletins/police/bulletin6_f.asp (vérifié le 29 avril 2008);
"There are four common types of amnesties...

1. A federal legislative amnesty provides protection from prosecution and conviction for specific criminal offences anywhere in Canada during a specified time period. These are sometimes referred to as "general amnesties". A national public information campaign and weekly statistical updates to the media normally support this type of amnesty. In the past, the federal government also has provided amnesty forms (receipt, tracking, statistical reporting, and disposal) for use by all law enforcement agencies that receive amnesty firearms.

2. A provincial administrative amnesty is an agreement by the Solicitor General and/or the Attorney General (or their counterparts) of a province/territory to not prosecute in their province/territory for certain possession offences. Ministerial statements provide the reasons for the amnesty and define its time periods. A series of media announcements by the province/territory usually support this type of amnesty. During a provincial amnesty, law enforcement agencies generally use either the federal amnesty tracking forms, if they are available, or the property reporting system in use at the law enforcement agency receiving the firearms.

3. A local amnesty is an agreement between the Chief of Police and the Crown Attorney to not prosecute for certain possession offences during specified time periods. The limits on a local amnesty are that it applies to the municipal jurisdiction only, is locally designed and managed, and must be locally accepted.

4. A "Guns for Goods" amnesty is a local reward program where a person turning in a firearm receives a "good" in return. The "good" ranges from tickets to sporting events to products donated by manufacturers and retailers in the community. "Guns for Goods" amnesties were popular throughout North America in the early nineties, although they produced mixed results. In some areas the value of the goods to be given out for a firearm was so high that crimes were committed to obtain firearms. In others, mail order shopping brought guns into an area just for the amnesty, again for the goods being offered."


"Il existe quatre genres communs d'amnistie :

1. L'amnistie législative fédérale prévoit une protection contre les poursuites et les condamnations pour certaines infractions criminelles partout au Canada au cours d'une certaine période. Elle est aussi connue sous le nom « d'amnistie générale ». Une campagne nationale d'information publique et des mises à jour hebdomadaires de statistiques à l'intention des média appuient généralement ce genre d'amnistie. Par le passé, le gouvernement fédéral a également fourni à tous les organismes responsables de l'application de la loi qui reçoivent des armes à feu des formulaires d'amnistie (réception, suivi, rapport statistique et disposition).

2. L'amnistie administrative provinciale est une entente intervenue entre le Solliciteur général et le procureur général (ou entre les ministres compétents) d'une province / d'un territoire selon laquelle aucune poursuite ne sera intentée dans leur province ou territoire pour certaines infractions de possession. Les déclarations ministérielles énoncent les motifs de l'amnistie et définissent sa durée. Une série d'annonces médiatiques faites par la province ou le territoire vient généralement appuyer ce genre d'amnistie. Au cours d'une amnistie provinciale, les organismes responsables de l'application de la loi se servent habituellement soit des formulaires de suivi des amnisties fédérales, si ils sont disponibles, soit du système de déclaration de biens qu'ils utilisent couramment.

3. L'amnistie locale est une entente intervenue entre le chef de police et le procureur de la Couronne selon laquelle certaines infractions de possession ne feront pas l'objet de poursuites pendant certaines périodes. Les restrictions ou les mesures de contrôle d'une amnistie locale ne s'appliquent qu'à un ressort municipal, sont élaborées à l'échelle locale et doivent être acceptées par la localité.

4. L'amnistie prévoyant un bien en échange d'une arme à feu est un programme local de récompense selon lequel une personne qui remet une arme à feu reçoit un « bien » en échange. Il peut s'agir tant de billets pour des activités sportives que de produits donnés par des fabricants et des détaillants dans la communauté. Ce genre d'amnistie, qui a gagné en popularité au début des années 1990 dans toute l'Amérique du Nord, a donné des résultats mixtes. À certains endroits, la valeur du bien donné en échange de l'arme à feu était si élevée que certains sont allés jusqu'à commettre des crimes pour se procurer des armes à feu; tandis qu'à d'autres endroits, les armes à feu achetées par commande postale ont fait leur apparition juste pour l'amnistie, toujours en prévision d'un échange avantageux."

Criminal Code, s. 117.14 (Amnesty period) and  117.15 (Regulations), see http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/index.html
okCode criminel, art. 117.14 (Délai d'amnistie pour les armes etc.) et 117.15 (Règlements), voir http://laws.justice.gc.ca/fr/HOME

Orders Declaring an Amnesty Period / Décrets fixant une période d'amnestie
- SOR/2008-147,  at  http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/2008/20080528/pdf/g2-14211.pdf
- SOR/2007-101,     at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/2007/20070530/pdf/g2-14111.pdf
- SOR/2006-95,    at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/2006/20060531/pdf/g2-14011.pdf 
- SOR/2003-414,  at http://gazetteducanada.gc.ca/partII/2003/20031231/pdf/g2-13727.pdf
- SOR/2003-22,    at http://gazetteducanada.gc.ca/partII/2003/20030115/pdf/g2-13702.pdf
- SOR/2002-439,  at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/2002/20021218/pdf/g2-13626.pdf
- SOR/2002-6,      at http://gazetteducanada.gc.ca/partII/2002/20020102/pdf/g2-13601.pdf
- SOR/2001-233,  at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/2001/20010704/pdf/g2-13514.pdf
- SOR/2001-13,    at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/2001/20010103/pdf/g2-13501.pdf
- SOR/1999-452,  at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/1999/19991208/pdf/g2-13325.pdf
- SOR/1999-229,  at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/1999/19990609/pdf/g2-13312.pdf 
- SOR/1998-472;  at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/1998/19980930/pdf/g2-13220.pdf
- SOR/1998-467,  at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/1998/19980930/pdf/g2-13220.pdf

Criminal Code, s. 91.1 (Amnesty periods), Statutes of Canada, 1991, chapter 40, s. 6, in force 01.08.92 and repealed 01.12.98, see http://www.lareau-legal.ca/1991c40s6.pdf
okCode criminel, art. 91.1 (Délai d'amnistie). Lois du Canada, 1991, chapitre 40, art. 6, en vigueur 01.08.92 et abrogé 01.12.98, voir http://www.lareau-legal.ca/1991c40s6.pdf

- SOR/1995-11,   at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/SOR95-11.pdf
- SOR/1995-10,   at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/SOR95-10.pdf
- SOR/1993-367, at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/SOR93-367.pdf
- SOR/1992-666, at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/SOR92-666.pdf
- SOR/1992-554, at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/SOR92-554.pdf

Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1977, Statutes of Canada, 1976-77, chapter 53, s. 4 / Loi de 1977 modifiant le droit pénal, Lois du Canada, 1976-77, chapitre 53, article 4;
available at/disponible à: http://www.lareau-legal.ca/1976-77c53s4.pdf

- Order in Council P.C. 1978-2955, 27 September 1978, at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/PC1978-2955E.pdf
- Décret C.P. 1978-2955 du 27 septembre 1978, à http://www.lareau-legal.ca/PC1978-2955F.pdf

- SI/78-176, at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/SI78-176.pdf.

          B-  Provincial amnesties / Amnisties provinciales  

note: Manitoba (June 2005), Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Ontario(city of Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton)  have also held provincial gun amnesties

ALBERTA, "Gun amnesty declared  for October (9:45  a,m.)" , The Edmonton Journal (edmontonjournal.com), Monday, 25 September 2006, available at (accessed on 28 April 2008);

"3. How can the Alberta government legally create an amnesty?
The Minister of Justice and Attorney General has the constitutional authority to direct that no person who voluntarily surrenders a firearm or weapon to the police during the amnesty period will be prosecuted for a weapons possession offence, as long as that firearm or weapon was not stolen or was not used in a crime."

ALBERTA, News Release, "Alberta declares a province wide gun amnesty for October", 25 September 2006; available at http://www.gov.ab.ca/acn/200609/20541E55BE019-9237-1A56-B069994E7D1339B9.html (accessed on 28 April 2008);

ALBERTA, News Release, "Gun amnesty triggers great community response", available at http://www.gov.ab.ca/acn/200611/20824F6D4C41B-D394-EB02-528B02652D4F3FE1.html (accessed on 28 April 2008);

ALBERTA, Solicitor General and Public Security Home, "Gun Amnesty Common Questions", available at http://www.solicitorgeneral.gov.ab.ca/home/default.aspx?id=4894 (accessed on 28 April 2008);

"How can the Alberta government legally create an amnesty?

The Minister of Justice has directed that anyone can voluntarily surrender a firearm or weapon to the police during the amnesty period as long as that firearm or weapon has not been used in a criminal act."

BRITISH COLUMBIA, "B.C. Gun Amnesty", available at http://www.bccriminallawblog.com/movabletype/archives/2006/06/bc_gun_amnesty.html (accessed on 22 April 2008);

BRITISH COLUMBIA, Ministry of of Public Safety and Solicitor General and Ministry of Attorney general,  New Release, "British Columbia Declares Gun Amnesty in June",  31 May 2006; available at http://www2.news.gov.bc.ca/news_releases_2005-2009/2006PSSG0030-000703.htm  (accessed  on 28 April 2008);


CANADA FIREARMS CENTRE, "Background on Firearm Amnesties", Special Bulletin for Police No. 6, 4 March 1999, available at http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/bulletins/police/bulletin6_e.asp (accessed on 29 April 2008); also published in French / aussi publié en français: CENTRE DES ARMES À FEU CANADA, "Renseignements sur les amnesties d'armes à feu", Bulletin spécial à l'intention de la police no 6, 4 mars 1999, disponible à http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/bulletins/police/bulletin6_f.asp (vérifié le 29 avril 2008);

"There are four common types of amnesties...

2. A provincial administrative amnesty is an agreement by the Solicitor General and/or the Attorney General (or their counterparts) of a province/territory to not prosecute in their province/territory for certain possession offences. Ministerial statements provide the reasons for the amnesty and define its time periods. A series of media announcements by the province/territory usually support this type of amnesty. During a provincial amnesty, law enforcement agencies generally use either the federal amnesty tracking forms, if they are available, or the property reporting system in use at the law enforcement agency receiving the firearms."


"Il existe quatre genres communs d'amnistie :

2. L'amnistie administrative provinciale est une entente intervenue entre le Solliciteur général et le procureur général (ou entre les ministres compétents) d'une province / d'un territoire selon laquelle aucune poursuite ne sera intentée dans leur province ou territoire pour certaines infractions de possession. Les déclarations ministérielles énoncent les motifs de l'amnistie et définissent sa durée. Une série d'annonces médiatiques faites par la province ou le territoire vient généralement appuyer ce genre d'amnistie. Au cours d'une amnistie provinciale, les organismes responsables de l'application de la loi se servent habituellement soit des formulaires de suivi des amnisties fédérales, si ils sont disponibles, soit du système de déclaration de biens qu'ils utilisent couramment."

VIII- Tax Amnesty / Amnistie fiscale

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), "Voluntary Disclosures Program", available a http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/voluntarydisclosures/ (accessed on 24 April 2008); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Agence du revenu du Canada, "Programme des divulgations volontaires", disponible à http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/agency/investigations/vdp-f.html (vérifié le 24 avril 2008);

ROTFLEISCH & SAMULOVITCH, "Canadian Tax Amnesty -- Voluntary Disclosure Canada",  available at http://www.canadiantaxamnesty.ca/index.html?source=google (accessed on 23 April 2008); this site is an example of the many services offered by

IX- International Criminal Law / Droit pénal international

- Amnesty in international criminal law will be dealt in my bibliography on amnesty in comparative criminal law (forthcoming)
- L'amnistie en droit pénal international sera traitée dans une bibliographie en préparation sur l'amnistie en droit pénal comparée

- Geneva Convention Acts, R.S., 1985, c. G-3 / Loi sur les conventions de Genève, S.R. 1985, chap. G-3

(Subsection 2(2))


Article 6 -- Penal Prosecutions
5. At the end of hostilities, the authorities shall endeavour to grant the broadest possible amnesty to persons who have participated in the armed conflict, or those deprived of their liberty for reasons related to the armed conflict, whether they are interned or detained."


(paragraphe 2(2))



Article 6 — Poursuites pénales
5. À la cessation des hostilités, les autorités au pouvoir s’efforceront d’accorder la plus large amnistie possible aux personnes qui auront pris part au conflit armé ou qui auront été privées de liberté pour des motifs en relation avec le conflit armé, qu’elles soient internées ou détenues."                                               

X-  Letters Patent Constituting the Office of Governor General of Canada /
      Lettres patentes constituant la charge de gouverneur général du Canada

"Letters Patent Constituting the Office of Governor General of Canada”, R.S.C. 1985, Appendix II, Constitutional Document #31,PDF Paragraph 12, effective October 1, 1947; information on the French version/informations sur la version française, « Lettres patentes constituant la charge de gouverneur général du Canada », L.R.C. (1985), Annexe II, Document constitutionnel no 31, PDF article XII, entré en vigueur le 1er octobre 1947;

Research Note: There does not appear to be any power for amnesty in these letters patent.
Note de recherche: Il ne semble pas y avoir de pouvoir d'amnistier dans ces lettres patentes.

XI - Text Writers etc. / Doctrine, etc.c.

BERGERON, Marc, "La déchéance post-pénale: Une étude sur les conséquences légales de la condamanation et sur les moyens d'en atténuer les effets sur le statut de la personne", (1982) 42 La Revue du Barreau 725-812, et voir l'amnistie aux pp. 767-772;  voir la PDF   Table des matières;

"Les effets juridiques de l'amnestie se distinguent selon qu'elle est prononcée avant ou après la condamnation.  Dans le premier cas, son effet majeur est d'empêcher le dépôt d'une accusation contre le délinquant.  Il peut se produire qu'un acte d'accusation soit déjà déposé, auquel cas le tribunal ne pourra que décliner sa juridiction." (pp. 772-773) 

COLE, David P., 1948-,  and Allan Manson, Release from Imprisonment: The Law of Sentencing, Parole and Judicial Review, Toronto: Carswell, 1990, xlii, 502 p., ISSBN: 0459346431;

"There are two basic forms of pardon: free and conditional.  These are not to be confused with the statutory 'pardons' granted pursuant to the Criminal Records Act.  There are, as well, other manifestations of the exercise of the Royal Prerogative of Mercy, particularly remission of sentence and amnesty." (p. 402; notes omitted)

COUILLARD, Denis,: The royal prerogative of mercy in Canada : its origins, its evolution, its issues / prepared by Denis Couillard  for the Secretariat of the Solicitor General,: [S.l. : s.n.], 1985, 110 leaves; copy at Public Safety Canada, Library and Information Centre, KE 9380 C6 1985; title noted in my research but document not consulted (10 May 2008);

DUMONT, Hélène, 1947-,  Pénologie - Le droit canadien relatif aux peines et aux sentences, Montréal: Éditions Thémis, Montréal, 1993, xii, 684 p., et voir "L'amnistie", aux pp. 553-554, ISBN:289400012X;

EVANS, Marvin Keith, The Prerogative of Pardon in Canada: Its Development 1864-1894, Master's thesis (M.A.), Carleton University, 1971, x, 155 p.; unpublished; Carleton University, theses, Floor 1, THS M.A. 1971.E92; copy at the Department of Justice Canada, JL 88 .Ev16; title noted in my research but document not consulted (10 May 2008);

FRIEDLAND, Martin L., 1932-,  A Century of Criminal Justice: Perspectives on the Development of Canadian Law, Toronto: Carswell, 1984, xxii, 245 p., see Chapter 2, "Criminal Justice and the Constitutional Division of Power in Canada", at pp. 47-66, and more particularly, "Pardoning Power", at PDF pp. 63-65, ISBN: 0459365800;

NORTH, David S., The Canadian experience with amnesty for aliens : what  the United States can learn,  [S.l.] : International Labour Organisation, c1979, 43 p. (series; Working paper / World Employment Programme Research; 43),  ISBN: 9221022447; title noted in my research but document not consulted;

___________Amnesty : conferring legal status on illegal immigrants: the Canadian experience, the Western European experience, and a proposal to study its possible consequences in the U.S., Washington, D.C. : Center for Labor and Migration Studies, New TransCentury Foundation, 1980, 139 p.; copy at the Library of Parliament; copy at the University of Ottawa,  HV 640.4 .U5 N67 1980; consists of three essays, the first one being "The Canadian Experience with Amnesty for Aliens: What the United States Can Learn", Center for Labor and Migration Studies New TransCentury Foundation Washington, D.C., April 1979, 48 p., A Study Supported by the Ford Foundation;

SHAH, Syed Jamal,: The pardoning power, LL.M. thesis, University of Alberta 1977,. vi, 112 leaves; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted; there is a microfiche copy at Library and Archives Canada;

WILSON, H.L., The use of the prerogative of mercy in Canada, Thesis (M.S.W.), University of Toronto, 1954, 93, [27] leaves; title noted in my research but thesis not consulted; there is a microfiche copy at Library and Archives Canada;

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