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Contents: 1. Ottawa and the Department of Justice in 1892: pp.
2. The Historical Background of Canada's Criminal Code pp. 23-43.
3. Documents: 1. Personnel of the Department of Justice pp. 43-51; 2.
Drafting and Printing of the Code pp. 52-67; 3. Correspondence pp.
4. Debates of the House of Commons: pp. 256-272; 5. Debates of the
___________ The Canadian Criminal Code 1892: A Comparative Study
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___________"Parliamentary Magic: Sir John Thompson and the Enactment of
the Criminal Code", (Winter 1992-93) 27(4) Journal of Canadian Studies 26-43;
___________ The Genesis of the Canadian Criminal Code of 1892,
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Journal 841;
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ed., Perspectives on
Legislation: Essays from the 1999 Legal Dimensions Perspectives, [Ottawa]: Law Commission of Canada, [v],
256 p., at pp. 125-197, ISBN: 0662286782, available at (accessed on 15 March 2007); also published
in French /aussi publié en français:, MORIN, Michel,
"Portalis c. Bentham?
Les objectifs assignés à la codification du droit civil
et du droit
pénal en France, en Angleterre et au Canada", dans Commission du
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[2000], 278 p., aux pp. 139-214,
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mars 2007);
PARKER, Graham, "The Origins of the Criminal Code" in David H.
ed., Essays in the History of Canadian Law, vol. 1, Toronto:
University Press (for the Osgoode Hall Society), 1981, xvi, 428 p., at
pp. 249-280, ISBN: 0802033822;
SCHWARTZ, Joanie, The Criminal Code
and the English Media in the 19th Century Canada, M.A. (Master
of Arts Degree), Department of Criminology, University of Ottawa, 1993,
iv, 134 p., thesis supervisor: Alvaro Pires; available at
(accessed on 18 April 2009); available also at
(accessed on 17 July 2009); see also;