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François Lareau
Last amendment: 1 March 2010

Stephen, the British House of Commons and
the English Draft Code -- the British Heritage, 1877-1887  /
Stephen, la Chambre des communes anglaise et
l'English Draft Code: l'héritage anglais, 1877-1887

To go further / pour aller plus loin :

In addition to the works cited in the notes and bibliography of my "Notes on the English Draft Code (1878-1883)"PDF,

"ART. VIII. -- Bill for the Codification of the Law on Indictable Offences.  Sessions 1878 and 1879", (July-October1879) 150 The Edinburgh Review of Critical Journal 524-556; available at http://books.google.com/books?id=ne4EAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA528&dq=stephen+code+date:1877-1885&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=zwvvSPygMIO6yAT4-aziAw#PPA524,M1 (accessed on 10 October 2008);

GLAZEBROOK, P.R., "Criminal Law Reform: England", in Joshua Dressler, editor in chief,  Encyclopedia of crime & justice, 2nd ed., New York : Macmillan Reference USA, c2002,  4 v. (xxxvi, 1780 p.),  vol. 1 at pp. 400-411, ISBN : 002865319X (for set of 4 volumes) and 0028653203 (v. 1 );

___________"Criminal Law Reform: 2. England" in Sanford H. Kadish, ed., Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, volume 2 of 4, New York: The Free Press, 1983, at pp.490-501, ISBN: 002918110 for the set of 4 volumes; text available at http://law.jrank.org/pages/864/Criminal-Law-Reform-England-unreformed-law.html (accessed on 1 March 2010);

HOSTETTLER, John, The Politics of Criminal Law Reform in the Nineteenth Century, Chichester: Barry Rose Law Publishers, c1992, xxv, 234 p., ISBN: 1872328903; copy at Carleton University, KD 7850.H68;

The Law Times: The Journal and Record of the Law and the Lawyers:
vol. 65, from May to October 1878; comments on Bill 178:
- "A Criminal Code", 1 June 1878, p. 80;
- "The New Criminal Code.  No. I", June 15, 1878, p. 116;
- "The New Criminal Code.  No. II", June 22, 1878, p. 136;
- "The New Criminal Code.  No. III", June 29, 1878, p. 155;
- "The New Criminal Code.  No. IV", June 13, 1878, pp. 189-190; 
vol. 67, from May to October 1879:
- House of Commons, Monday, June 30, The Criminal Code", July 5, 1879, p. 173;
- "The Lord Chief Justice on the Criminal Code Bill", July 12, 1879, pp. 188-189;

The Supreme Court of Canada Library has gathered some documents:
  - Report of the Royal Commission on the Criminal Code (Eng.) 1880 and Imperial Criminal Code and criminal bills,  3 volumes, call number KF 9220 G71, v. 1, v. 2 and v. 3; microfilm copy; poor quality; and
  - Criminal Code Bills of 1880, call number KF 9220 G73 c.;

To read about the English efforts towards a Criminal code, see "Codification and Law Reform", at http://www.lareau-law.ca/codification-England&Wales.html

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