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Malbrough s'en-va-t'en guerre, 17e siècle
Malbrough s'en va-t-en guerre,
Mironton, mironton, mirontaine,
Malbrough s'en va-t-en guerre,
Ne sait quand reviendra.

updated and corrections / mise à jour et corrections: 7 August 2021

Canadian Military Law
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Droit militaire canadien
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Other sites on Canadian military law

Part II -- Bibliography: A-B--C-D--E-G--H-L--M-R--S-Z

Part I  --  Canadian Military Law -- Miscellaneous

- Blog

- Somalia Inquiry & Government Reaction
      -  1995-1997: Somalia Inquiry
Departmental Reaction to Somalia Inquiry
      -  Special Advisory Group on Military Justice and Military Police Investigation Services
          January 1997 to July 1997
-  The Special Senate Committee on the Canadian Airborne Regiment in Somalia (April 1997)
The Report to the Prime Minister on the Leadership and Management of the Canadian Forces (March 1997)
Minister's Monitoring Committee on Change in the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces (October 1997 to 1999)
Bill C-25--An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
(Royal Assent, 10 December 1998)
2003 -- Five Year Review of Bill C-25
      - 2011 -- Second Five Year Review of Bill C-25

Governments Bills 1999-2012 on National Defence Ac

- Current Affairs -- Sexual Misconduct

- Court Martial Comprehensive Review 2016-2017

- JAG & DND Web Sites

- Laws, Regulations and Orders

Superseded Legislation

- Web Sites of Interest


Starting here:

Bibliography M to R  /
Bibliographie M à R

MacARTHUR, Welsford Graham, 1929-2010, former JAG officer; see "1953 Welsford Graham MacArthur, QC"  in Hearsay--The Dalhousie Law Alumni Magazine, volume 33, 2010/11 at p. 69, available at https://issuu.com/schulichlaw/docs/hearsay_2010 and at https://cdn.dal.ca/content/dam/dalhousie/pdf/law/Alumni/Hearsay_2010.pdf (accessed 3 May 2018);

___________"Quote-unquote", National Post, Saturday, 24 June 1967 at p. 6, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 22 June 2020;

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

image source: https://www.thestar.com/authors.maccharles_tonda.html, accessed 21 August 2016
Tonda MacCharles
MacCHARLES, Tonda, "Canadian military to get guidelines on dealing with child soldiers", thestar.com, 1 December 2016, available at https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2016/12/01/canadian-military-to-get-guidelines-on-dealing-with-child-soldiers.html (accessed 3 December 2016);
OTTAWA—Canada’s top soldier is issuing the first-ever guidelines for Canadian military personnel on how to deal
with child soldiers in advance of deployment to Africa, the Star has learned.
Called the CAF Child Soldiers Doctrine, it is not country-specific but will provide overarching principles to military
personnel, no matter what the mission or mandate.
The military’s guidelines will make clear that all Canadian Armed Forces personnel have a legal duty to report any
such violations, and it recognizes that the issue of child soldiers “needs to be better addressed within Canadian Forces doctrine.”

___________"I should have told PM sooner: Eggleton ; Minister admits he knew even earlier about seizure by troops [al Qaeda fighters]",  Toronto Star, Jan 31, 2002, p.A01

___________ "Liberals introduce bill to create spy oversight committee", 16 June 2016, available at https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2016/06/16/liberals-introduce-bill-to-create-spy-oversight-committee.html (accessed 21 August 2016); re Bill C-22 introduced 2016;

___________ "Senior lawyers join calls for changes to Torries' terror bill", 12 March 2015, available at http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/03/12/senior-lawyers-join-calls-for-changes-to-tories-terror-bill.html  (accessed 16 November 2015); retired Lieutenant-Colonel Denis Couture is one of the senior lawyer referred to in the article;
Eight senior lawyers who are security-cleared to challenge classified evidence in closed-court terrorism cases have added their voices to a chorus
calling for changes to the government’s anti-terror bill.
The eight lawyers have first-hand knowledge of CSIS’ activities in national security cases; all are “special advocates” on a roster approved by the
federal justice department, and are appointed by Canadian courts to ensure top secret evidence is properly tested when Ottawa seeks to deport terror suspects.
The submission was made on behalf of lawyers Gordon Cameron, Paul Cavalluzzo, Paul Copeland, Denis Couture, François Dadour, Anil Kapoor,
John Norris and Lorne Waldman. The Conservative-dominated committee denied their request to testify.

MacDERMID, J.E. (John Edgar), Major was Assistant Judge Advocate for military district number 12, see "Appointed Major J.E. MacDermid", Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Wednesday, 31 December 1941, at p. 7; available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 17 May 2020;

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___________on MacDERMID, J.E., see "MacDermid Is Director: Appointment Goes to Saskatoon Man; Takes Higher Rank as Lieutenant-Colonel", Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Friday, 30 October 1942, at p. 5, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/....,  accessed 18 May 2020;


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___________on MacDERMID, J.E. (John Edgar), "Deaths", died 17 January 1975, 82 years old, Saskatoon, see Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saturday, 18 January 1975 at p. 29, available at https://www.newspapers.com/..., accessed 30 May 2020;

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

MacDONALD, A.B., Lieutenant, from Kingston, was the prosecutor in a murder court martial in Korea, see: Canadian Press, "Claim Soldier Out of Senses During Shooting", Island Newspapers, UPEI, Robertson Library,  The Guardian of the Gulf, Saturday, 15 December 1951, at p. 13, available at islandnewspapers.ca/islandora/search/%22court%20martial%22%20?page=2&type=dismax&f%5B0%5D=PARENT_decade_s%3A%221950%22 (accessed 2 October 2018);

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of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

 ----- Image source:  windsorstar.com/opinion/columnists/jarvis-canadas-chief-war-crimes-prosecutor-lived-here
MacDonald's book on Kurt             "Bruce J.S. Macdonald, of Windsor, was a lieutenant-colonel in the Essex Scottish
Meyer                                                Regiment and served as its commanding officer during the invasion of Normandy.
                                                          He was later appointed Canada’s chief war crimes prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials.
Windsor Star" 

The prosecution at the Kurt Meyer trial in 1945:
from the left: Lt-Col. Clarence S. Campbell (later NHL president), assistant-prosecutor,
LCol. Bruce J.S. Macdonald, prosecutor and
L.Col. Dalton G. Dean, legal officer from JAG assisting the prosecution

Image source: ww2gravestone.com/people/meyer-kurt-adolph-wilhelm-panzermeyer/, accessed 6 June 2018
Members of the tribunal at the Meyer's trial

MacDONALD, B.J.S. (Bruce John Stuart), 1902-86,  The Trial of Kurt Meyer, Toronto: Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited, 1954, 216 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.; copy at Ottawa University: KK 73.5 .M475 M317 1954. off campus Storage, Annex; prosecutor at the Kurt Meyer's trial in 1945; not a member of the OJAG but assisted by JAG officers; ****

[research note by François Lareau:

 to read about LCol Bruce MacDonald / pour lire sur le LCol Bruce MacDonald:

- LCol. Bruce MacDonald was the prosecutor in the court martial of Brigadier General
J.F.A. Lister, see BOSS, William, "Restrict Crown in Examination of Gen. Simonds", Globe and Mail, 1946/05/10, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5081808 (accessed on 5 June 2019);

Bruce MacDonald                             Cartoon of Bruce MacDonald by Charlie Knight

\- MacDonald, Bruce, The MacDonald Papers, web site by the London Public Library, see http://projects.windsorpubliclibrary.com/digi/macdonald/default.asp (accessed 27 October 2018);

n August 1944 he served as the Canadian Member of Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force

McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 49 and 63-65 available at   pp. i-xii and 1-102;

- McDONALD, R. Arthur, Les avocats militaires du Canada, Ottawa : Cabinet du Juge-avocat général, c2002, aux pp. 56 et 71-73  à  pp. i-x et 1-116];

- on Bruce McDonald, see:

Brode Patrick,
 image source: osgoodesociety.ca/Author%20_Biographies/Brode_Patrick.html, accessed on 26 April 2014
BRODE, Patrick, 1950-, "Bruce Macdonald and the Drafting of Canada's War Crimes Regulations -- 1945", (1995) 24  Law Society Gazette (Law Society of Upper Canada) 274-282; also published in (March-April 1998) vol. 2, JAG Newsletter;

- 1 Canadian War Crimes Investigation Unit fonds, Repository,  National Defence Headquarters Directorate of History and Heritage, Reference code CA ON00093 98/28; 159.95 (D1); 159.95.023 (D1-D11), see https://www.archeion.ca/1-canadian-war-crimes-investigation-unit-fonds (accessed 19 March 2019);
No. 1 Canadian War Crimes Investigation Unit was established on 4 June 1945 under the
command of Lieutenant-Colonel B.J.S. Macdonald to continue the work of the SHAEF
(Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces) Court. Two detachments were
established: the North West Europe Detachment at Bad Salzflen, Germany and the U.K.
Detachment at Canadian Army Headquarters, London, England. Canadian personnel
from the SHAEF Courts were transferred to the new Canadian Unit whose mandate
was to investigate all reports of war crimes affecting any member of the Canadian
forces. The unit remained active until its disbandment 31 May 1946.

Fonds consists of transcripts of Record of the Evidence, Record Proceedings, witness
statement and evidence for the trial of Kurt Meyer. Also includes documents for many
others trials for alleged War Crimes. In addition, there are several miscellaneous
documents and there are also reports of No. 1 Canadian War Crimes Investigation
Unit on miscellaneous War Crimes against members of Canadians Armed Forces. There
are two series:
1. Kurt Meyer Trial (98/28)
2. Reports of Proceedings, Evidence and Witness Statements (159.95 (D1) and 159.95.023 (D1-D11))

LCol B.J.S. MacDonald
Maker, John,  "The Essex Scottish Regiment in Operation Atlantic: What Went Wrong?",  (Winter 2009) 18(1) Canadian Military History  7-19,
ailable at https://scholars.wlu.ca/cmh/vol18/iss1/3/ and at https://scholars.wlu.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.ca/&httpsredir
=1&article=1492&context=cmh (accessed 14 May 2020);


On 20–21 July 1944 the 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade was engaged
in combat operations on Verrières Ridge south of Caen. Enemy resistance
was stronger than expected and the Canadian attack was met by strong
German counterattacks supported by armour. During the course of the
battle, two units, the Essex Scottish Regiment and the South Saskatchewan
Regiment were driven back. In the aftermath of the battle the Essex Scottish
Regiment and their commanding officer were criticized for their poor performance.
This article examines the battle in an attempt to understand who was to blame.
Lieutenant–Colonel B.J.S. MacDonald, the commanding officer of the Essex Scots,
was fired for his role in the battle, but this article posits that Brigadier Hugh A.
Young bears the greater share of responsibility for the operation’s failure.

- transcript of his testimony before the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals
chaired by the Honourable Jules Deschênes, public hearings, April 1985.

MacDONALD, C. Roy, was Assistant Judge Advocate General, RCAF's Eastern Air Command, see "Rosetown magistrate appointed", The Leader-Post, Regina, Wednesday, 17 July 1957 at p. 8, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 25 May 2020;

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MacDONALD, D.D., Major,  from R.C.A., Assistant Judge Advocate General, military district 6 with headquarters in Halifax, in 1944, The Quarterly Army List, January 1944, Part I, London: His Majesty's stationery Office, 1944 at p. 171 (bottom page number) or p. 181 (top page number), available at https://deriv.nls.uk/dcn23/8897/88977987.23.pdf (accessed 21 March 2019);

___________Memorandum signed by Major D.D. MacDonald, 14 September 1944 available at http://heritage.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.lac_reel_t15545/174?r=0&s=1 (accessed 24 March 2019);

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G. Bruce MacDonald
MacDonald, G. Bruce, [article on him] "G. Bruce MacDonald Promoted", The Guardian, Wednesday, 11 January 1956, p. 11; available at http://islandnewspapers.ca/ (accessed 30 April 2018);

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___________on MacDONALD, Flight Lieutenant, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 81, available at i-xii and 1-102;

MacDONALD, J.A. (James A.), K.C., died in Toronto on 23 May 1932,  Lieutenant-Colonel, member of the OJAG during WW I, see:

- "Lt.-Col. MacDonald, Judge Advocate, Dies", The Winnipeg Tribune, Tuesday, 24 May 1932 at p. 1, available at https://www.newspapers.com/..., accessed 22 May 2020;

-  "L/T.-Colonel's Appointment", The Globe and Mail, 3 August 1916, p. 1 (accessed 27 July 2018); simply saying that the rank of LCol is given to James A. MacDonald, K.C., Assistant-Judge-Advocate General in District 2";

- on LCol J.A. MacDonald, K.C., see the article "Contends Draftee Planned Desertion.  Judge-Advocate Sums Up Case of E.J. Weber Before Court-Martial", Toronto Star, 16 January 1919 at p. 2; available at https://anatomylesson.wordpress.com/tag/neustadt/ (accessed 16 April 2020);

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
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- "Mayor Wrathy over interview 'Piece of Gross Impertinence,' He Describes it in Letter to Col. Bickford", The Globe, Toronto, 9 August 1918, at p. 7;

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[Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/....,
ProQuest Historical Newspapers, accessed 5 March 2019]

- McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 32, available at i-xii and 1-102;

- order-in-council 1916-1984, date introduced: 1916-08-19, "Title: Appoint [Appointment] of Lt Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] J. a. MacDonald as Asst [Assistant] Judge Advocate General Toronto at $3,500 approved - Premier 1916/08/17 submit Parlimy Secy [Parliamentary Secretary]"; see http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/politics-government/orders-council/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=318388 (accessed 6 February 2019);

- "SAYS ORDERLY IS RESPONSIBLE: Capt. Smith at Neals Inquiry Reveals Flaws of Medical Service.  Much Illness  Feigned.  Medical Officer Admits at Inquest That Orderly Determines Character of witness" , The Globe, Toronto, 9 March 1918 at p. 8; re  Lieutenant-Colonel J.A MacDonald, involved in a coroner's inquest;

- "STANDING BOARD TO TRY SOLDIERS: General Court-martial Personnel to be Chosen From These Officers",
The Globe and Mail, 21 August 1918, at p. 7;

ProQuest Historical Newspapers
https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca, accessed 11 September 2018

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  Source of image: JAG Newsletter, volume 1, 2003 at p. 7
Admiral Sir Ian Garnett with Margaret-Ann

Macdonald, Margaret-Ann, "Honours", JAG Newsletter, volume 1, 2003 at p. 7; research note: we worked together in Lahr; very nice person (dixit François Lareau);

"In July 2002, LCol Margaret-Ann Macdonald was awarded the Chief of Staff Commendation for Exceptional
Service by Admiral Sir Ian Garnett, SHAPE Chief of Staff, in recognition of her professional excellence,
primarily in relation to the NATO-led operations in the Balkans.  This prestigious award cited her ceaseless
enthusiasm within the Office of the SHAPE Legal Advisor during a period of almost 5 years, and noted that
her efforts 'consistently showed her to be a master of her legal craft and NATO procedures.'  As well, it cited
her critical value to operators, both in SHAPE and in the field."

___________on MacDONALD, Lieutenant-Colonel Margaret Ann, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 171, available at   103-242;

___________photo of Margaret Ann MacDonald:

From the right: Margaret-Ann
MacDonald,  Nicole Girard, and Mrs. Mitchell,
Lahr, Federal Republic of Germany,
circa 1981-1982 (photo by François Lareau)

___________photos of Margaret Ann MacDonald on Flick by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/32026013723/in/album-72157623951146254/https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/32840727425/in/album-72157623951146254/; and https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4567831961/in/album-72157624001614413/ (accessed 26 and 29 September 2020);

image source: https://twitter.com/novamac, accessed 29 January 2018
Michael MacDonald

Mitch MacDonald, the author, image             Luc Boutin, left with his client, Captain Todd Bannister
source: twitter.com/mitch_pei?lang=en, accessed           (photo by Mitch MacDonald)
28 February 2018

MacDONALD, Mitch, "UPDATED: P.E.I. court martial against Todd Bannister lacked ‘basic legal standard’: defence", The Guardian, 27 February 2018; available at http://www.theguardian.pe.ca/news/local/updated-pei-court-martial-against-todd-bannister-lacked-basic-legal-standard-defence-189371/, accessed 20 February 2018;

MacDONALD, N.F.  (Norman Frederick), Major,  from R.C.A., legal officer in military district 6 with headquarters in Halifax, in 1944, see The Quarterly Army List, January 1944, Part I, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1944 at p. 171 (bottom page number) or p. 181 (top page number), available at https://deriv.nls.uk/dcn23/8897/88977987.23.pdf (accessed 21 March 2019);

____________on MacDONALD, N.F. (Norman Frederick), born in Hamilton, died in February 1957 at the age 54 and see extensive notes on Mr. MacDonald at the Great War Centenary Association, Brantford, Brant County, Six nations web site at http://doingourbit.ca/profile/norman-macdonald-mc (accessed 14 April 2019);

____________on MacDONALD, N.F. (Norman Frederick), see "Major N. MacDonald Returns to East", Edmonton Journal, Tuesday, 26 November 1940, at p. 10, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 23 May 2020;

Neil MacDonald
MacDONALD, Neil, "Canada is uncomfortably allied with the torturers of the new Iraq: Neil Macdonald.  Warning: This column contains graphic descriptions of violence that some readers might find disturbing", CBC News Opinion, 27 May 2017; available at http://www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/torturers-of-the-new-iraq-1.4133747 (accessed 28 May 2017);


Ralph MacDonald: image source: Google Image, accessed on 31 May 2014

MACDONALD, LCol (ret'd) Ralph, 1922-2010, notes on:

After serving in Vancouver and back in Edmonton, he was called to the Alberta Bar in 1956 and transferred to the Judge Advocate
General's branch. Ralph's more than 30 years of service as a legal officer took him to Ottawa, Winnipeg, Calgary, Lahr and finally
back to Ottawa. Along the way, he was a minor hockey coach, Cub leader and Group Committee chair. One of his proudest
accomplishments was the two years he spent as president of the Canadian Forces Europe senior hockey league. By 1988, when he
retired at the age of 65, Ralph was the oldest member and last Second World War veteran serving in the Regular Force.

He then began his second career, serving another 10 years as a civilian in the Department of National Defence.
(source: http://www.inmemoriam.ca/view-announcement-201182-lcol-ret-d-ralph-fraser-macdonald-cd.html, accessed on 31 May 2014)

___________on MACDONALD, LCol Ralph, see his photo on flick put by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/31997831394/in/album-72157623951146254/lightbox/ (the person standing at the table and next to Pierre Boutet on his right), accessed 26 September 2020;

____________on MacDONALD, Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 211, available at  103-242;


Ralph MacDonald
___________see also http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/ottawacitizen/obituary.aspx?n=ralph-macdonald&pid=144183682&fhid=5973, see obituary The Ottawa Citizen, 19and 20 July 2010 (accessed 13 December 2015);

MacDONALD, W.F., Major was the judge-advocate in the General Court Martial of Lt. Boulton, see BARRETT, Matthew Kenneth, Ruin and Redemption: losing and Regaining Honour in the Canadian Officer Corps, a thesis submitted to the Graduate Program in History in conformity with the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Queen's University, KIngston, Ontario, September 2019, v, 395 leaves, at p. 252; available at https://qspace.library.queensu.ca/bitstream/handle/1974/26534/Barrett_Matthew_K_201909_PhD.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y (accessed 30 October 21019);


MacDOUGALL, Colonel, J.C. (James Charles/Charlie), born in Toronto 1863, died in Hamilton, Bermuda, 30 January 1927, Canadian Deputy Judge Advocate General in Britain, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 21, 23 and 25, available at i-xii and 1-102;

___________on MacDOUGALL, Colonel, J.C., see LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA, War Office (United Kingdom) - Colonel MacDougall - Appointment as Deputy Judge Advocate General. 1915. File. RG25-B-1-b. Volume/box number319. File numberW-16-35.   Textual material. [Access: Open]. Government. Finding aid number: 25-72; see Collection SearchBETA

___________on MacDOUGALL, J.C., Major-General, see "Famous Canadian Soldier Expires in Bermuda, Sunday", Calgary Herald, 31 January 1927, p. 14; available at https://www.newspapers.com/, accessed 8 June 2020;


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___________on MacDOUGALL, J.C., Major-General, see Special to the Gazette, "Maj. Gen. M'Dougall Leaves Army Life.  Retires After Serving 38 in Military Forces of Dominion", Yhe Gazette, Montreal, Wednesday, 2 April 1919 at p. 2, available at , accessed 23 May 2020;


                                     Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
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MacDOUGALL, M.H. (M. Holly),  "Canada: Investigation and Prosecution of Alleged Violations of the Law of Armed Conflict", in The Public Commission to Examine the Maritime Incident of 31 May 2010, The Turkel Commission, Second Report, Israel's Mechanisms for Examining and Investigating Complaints and Claims of Violations of the Laws of Armed Conflict According to International Law, Annex C -- The Comparative Survey, at pp. 563-640, available at http://www.turkel-committee.gov.il/files/newDoc3/Annex%20C%20-%20for%20Website.pdf (accessed on 1 March 2015); I have found MacDougall's paper very informative;  

__________ "Coalitions Operations and the Law" in Richard B. Jaques, ed., Issues in International Law and Military Operations, 2006 at pp. 195-203 (series; vol. 80 US Naval War College International Law Studies); available at http://www.usnwc.edu/Research---Gaming/International-Law/Studies-Series/documents/Naval-War-College-vol-80.aspx (accessed on 4 March 2012); also available at https://archive.org/details/issuesininternat80jaqu (accessed on 11 November 2014);

Source of image: www. amazon.co.uk (accessed 24 December 2015)
___________"Legal Aspects of Command of United Nations Operations" in Yves Le Bouthillier, David M. McRae, and Donald Pharand, eds., Selected Papers in International Law: Contribution of the Canadian Council on International Law 1972-1997,  The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1999, p. 403; 

Source: Source: (2003) 1 JAG Newsletter -- Les actualités at p. 9
"Certificate of Commendation for Sept 11th, 2001,
to: S. Roy, L. Vaillancourt, Maj Van Veen, Maj Fensom,
Cdr Phillips, LCol Perron, [the JAG: Jerry Pitzul], LCol Herfst, Maj Carson,
LCol Fournier, Cdr Maguire, Capt(N) MacDougall".
___________"The Legal Basis for Chapter VI and Charter VII UN Sanctioned Operations", Brief to the Commission of Inquiry into the Canadian Forces Deployment to Somalia, Ottawa, June 1995; note: would be available on the CD-Rom published by the Commission (see Part I of Canadian Military law );

___________on MacDOUGALL, Commander M.H. (Holly), see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 171, available at   103-242;

___________ Testimony as Director of Military Prosecutions, Department of National Defence, before the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on the provisions and operation of An Act to amend the National Defence Act (court martial) and to make a consequential amendment to another act (S.C. 2008, c. 29); Issue 3, 12 March 2009; evidence;

Still video at 1:01:46
Captain (N) (retired) Holly MacDougall testifying
___________Testimony with video of Holly MacDougall before the Senate Committee -- Legal and Constitutional Affairs on Bill C-15, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, 30 May 2013, at 1:01:15 to 1: 40: 29 at http://www.cpac.ca/en/programs/in-committee-from-the-senate-of-canada/episodes/24635946/ (accessed 24 November 2015);  also available at meeting issue 38, 30 May 2013, minutes  and evidence;

___________ United Nations Operations: Who Should be in Charge?, Thesis (LL. M.)--The Judge Advocate General's School, United States Army, 1994, [ii], 106 leaves; notes: available at http//www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA456615&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf and http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA456615 (accessed on 28 March 2012); also published in (1994) Military Law and Law of War Review 21-87;

MacEACHERN, Michael, Major, "Detaining Outside of War: How Legal Ambiguity Leads to Policy Paralysis", JCSP 45 Exercise Solo Flight, May 2019, 25 p., available  at https://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/308/305/maceachern.pdf (accessed 21 December 2020);

MacFARLAND, Lieutenant-Colonel G.F., legal officer, circa 1918, see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 31, available at i-xii and 1-102;

MacGILLIVRAY, Don, "Military Aid to the Civil Power", (1974) 3(2) Acadiensis 45-64; available at http://journals.hil.unb.ca/index.php/Acadiensis/article/view/11354/12104 (accessed on 6 December 2011);

Bruce MacGregor, photo reproduced from: live.ottawacitizen.com/Event/Live_blog_Military_complaints_commission_hearing_Monday_Sept_10

MacGREGOR, Bruce, "Biography", available at http://www.iap-association.org/getattachment/Conferences/Annual-Conferences/21st-Annual-Conference-2016/Monday,-12-September-2016/21AC_SIGM_BIo_Bruce_Macgregor.pdf.aspx (accessed 2 October 2016);

___________"BIOGRAPHY  -- Colonel Bruce MacGregor, C.D., Q.C., LL.M., LL.B., B.A.", 2019 (copy received from Colonel Bruce MacGregor, 31 May 2019);

,                                                BIOGRAPHY

                        Bruce MacGregor, C.D., Q.C., LL.M., LL.B., B.A.

Colonel MacGregor was born in Sydney, Nova Scotia and attended schools in several
communities in Ontario, Alberta, and Nova Scotia, before obtaining a high school
diploma from the Halifax Grammar School. He is a graduate of Dalhousie University
(B.A., Political Science and LL.B.) and the University of Ottawa (LL.M). He has been a
member of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society since 1991.

In 1990, Colonel MacGregor articled with Cox, Downie and Goodfellow in Halifax. He
then practiced law for six years at MacIntosh, MacDonnell and MacDonald in New
Glasgow, Nova Scotia, concentrating on criminal law (as defence counsel and as a
federal and municipal prosecutor). He routinely appeared before Nova Scotia’s Family
Court, Provincial Court, Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. He became a partner in his
firm in 1995.

In 1997, Colonel MacGregor left private practice to join the Office of the Judge Advocate
General (JAG) and assumed the duties of Assistant Deputy Judge Advocate Pacific
Region in Victoria, British Columbia. During this time, he advised the Maritime Pacific
Commander, the Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific, and the various regional bases
including Esquimalt, Comox and Chilliwack. He also prosecuted and defended at
numerous courts martial. Additionally, he sailed with HMCS Regina to the Arabian Gulf
providing legal advice to the ship’s Commander in support of OP AUGMENTATION in

In 2001, Colonel MacGregor was posted to the Directorate of Military Prosecutions in
Ottawa where he prosecuted courts martial, represented the Minister of National Defence
in appeals before the Court Martial Appeal Court, mentored junior prosecutors,
represented the office in media interviews and provided policy and prosecutorial advice
to the Director of Military Prosecutions.

In 2004, Colonel MacGregor was posted to the Directorate of Law Human Resources
where he provided legal advice on personnel and administrative legal matters. Later that
same year, he was tasked to work with the JAG Internal Review Team in order to provide
a departmental response to the First Independent Review by former Chief Justice of
Canada, Antonio Lamer.

In 2006, Colonel MacGregor returned to prosecutions and assumed the position of
Deputy Director Military Prosecutions in Ottawa where he guided a team of regular and
reserve force military prosecutors and civilian staff in charge of prosecuting persons
under the Code of Service Discipline at courts martial and the Court Martial Appeal

In January to July 2009, Colonel MacGregor was deployed to the Sudan as the Force
Legal Advisor to the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS). There he was the sole
legal advisor to the UNMIS Force Commander and his 10,000 military troops in support
of the enforcement of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between North and South
Sudan. For his efforts, Colonel MacGregor was awarded the United Nations Force
Commanders Commendation.

Upon his return to Canada, Colonel MacGregor became the Director of Military Justice
Policy supporting the Judge Advocate General’s legislative mandate to superintend the
administration of Military Justice. This included the development of legislative and
regulatory initiatives, and policy development related to Canada’s military justice system.
After a re-organization of the Military Justice Division, Colonel MacGregor then became
the Director of Military Justice Operations and then assumed the role of Director of
Military Justice Strategic where he assisted in the Office of the JAG’s work with the
Second Independent Review Authority (Mr. Justice Patrick LeSage).

In 2013, Colonel MacGregor was posted to the position of Assistant Deputy Judge
Advocate General Operations. There he assisted the DJAG Operations in the provision of
legal advice in direct support to the planning and conduct of domestic and international
operations. In 2014, Colonel MacGregor was promoted to his current rank and assumed
the duties of DJAG Operations.

On 20 October 2014, Colonel MacGregor was appointed by the Minister of National
Defence to the position of the Director of Military Prosecutions pursuant to section 165.1
of the National Defence Act. He is is responsible for the preferring of all charges to be
tried by court martial and for the conduct of all prosecutions at courts martial. The
Director of Military Prosecutions also acts as counsel for the Minister in respect of
appeals before the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and before the Supreme Court
of Canada. Between 2015 and 2019, Colonel MacGregor has appeared as counsel before
the Supreme Court on a number of significant cases affecting the military justice system
specifically and the criminal justice system more broadly.

Colonel MacGregor is married and has two sons. He has been a committed community
volunteer in various projects for over thirty years.

___________Canadian Military Boards of Inquiry in the Line of Fire of Procedural Fairness, University of Ottawa. mémoire de maîtrise en droit, LL.M., 2005 or 2006?;  titre cité dans (2005) 65 Revue du Barreau 351, on y ajoute "Veuillez noter que les mémoires ne sont pas disponibles pour consultation"  (p. 350);

__________"Canadian Military Boards of Inquiry in the Line of Fire of Procedural Fairness", (2007) 1 JAG Les actualités Newsletter 54-74;

___________LinkedIn, available at https://ca.linkedin.com/in/bruce-macgregor-9a364663 (accessed 3 December 2015);

___________"Message from the Chair" (April/Avril 2008) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters/mil-2008/news.aspx (accessed on 26 April 2012);
___________"Mot du président" (April/Avril 2008) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles/mil-2008/nouvelles.aspx#article10 (site visité le 26 avril  2012);

____________"Military courts martial do not sacrifice fairness", The Ottawa Citizen 9 August 2010, p. A.7;

___________Notes on Bruce MacGregor
from 2017 Canadian Council on International Law (CIL), 2017 CCIL Conference November 2-3 in Ottawa, “Canada at 150: The Return of History for International Law”, 2017 Speaker Biographies, Keynote Speakers, available at  http://www.ccil-ccdi.ca/speakerbios, accessed 26 October 2017:

Bruce MacGregor (Speaker) is a Colonel in the Canadian Forces, having joined the Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG) in 1997.
He has deployed to the Arabian Gulf with HMCS Regina in support to Op AUGMENTATION (1999) and to Sudan as the legal advisor to
the UNMIS Force Commander (2009). Colonel MacGregor has played a significant role in the Office of the JAG’s engagement in the
independent review process led in the first instance by former Chief Justice of Canada, Antonio Lamer, and in the second instance, by
Mr Justice Patrick Lesage. In 2014, Colonel MacGregor was promoted to his current rank and assumed the duties of DJAG Operations
and later that year was appointed by the Minister of National Defence to the position of the Director of Military Prosecutions. (E)

___________Note on MacGregor, Bruce: listed as a witness before the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security, on Bill S-2, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and other Acts, 6 October 2010; see https://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/40-3/SECU/meeting-32/notice (accessed 30 May 2019);

___________on Colonel Bruce MacGregor, see CPAC, "Headline Politics:  Reaction to Supreme Court Ruling on Canada’s Military Justice System", circa 27 July 2019, available at http://www.cpac.ca/en/programs/headline-politics/episodes/66026163 (accessed 30 July 2019); re R. v. Stillman, 2019 SCC 40 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/j1n56>;

___________ photo of Colonel Bruce MacGregor, participating in panel 3 with others, 10 June 2019

....[10 June 2019]

ICJCanada Conference at the University of Ottawa, 10 June 2019, "Facing Changes in the Military while Respecting the Rule of Law"

Photo by Marina Amaral at https://twitter.com/marinamaral2

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
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Image source: ml-fd.caf-fac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/dmp-un.jpg, accessed 19 May 2018
Col Bruce MacGregor (center)
____________Research note on Colonel Bruce MacGregor: "Director of Military Prosecutions attends a high-level UN meetings on national terrorism prosecutions", The Maple Leaf,  at https://ml-fd.caf-fac.ca/en/2018/05/13623 (accessed 19 May 2018);

Colonel Bruce MacGregor, Director of Military Prosecutions and Co-Chair of the International Association of Prosecutors’ Network
of Military Prosecutors, was at UN Headquarters in New York on April 9-10, 2018 for high-level expert meetings on “Bringing terrorists
to justice before national courts: developing guidelines to facilitate the collection of information and evidence by military and other
relevant criminal justice actors within a rule-of-law framework”.

The Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, acting in collaboration with the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism
– The Hague and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and within the framework of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force
Working Group on Legal and Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism, has launched a project that aims to strengthen criminal justice
responses to terrorism by enhancing the role of the military in supporting the collection, sharing, and use of information and evidence.

The Network of Military Prosecutors (NMP), which was officially launched at the 22nd International Association of Prosecutors
(IAP) Annual Conference in September 2017, embraces prosecutors from the military and the civilian justice systems and is available
to all members of the IAP dealing with military criminal cases, including prosecutors belonging to organizational members. The network
has been growing steadily, welcoming new members from Italy, Israel, Romania, Spain and Greece, and is continuing to reach out to
civilian prosecution services that are dealing with military criminal cases as well as The International Society for Military Law and the
Law of War.

[Also available in French/aussi disponible en français: "Le Directeur – Poursuites militaires participe à des réunions de haut niveau de
l’ONU sur les poursuites en matière de terrorisme national" à https://ml-fd.caf-fac.ca/fr/2018/05/13623 ]

___________"Successful outcome of Military SIGM [Special Interest Group Meeting (for prosecutors)], 7/12/2017, available at iap-association.org/NMP/News/Successful-outcome-of-1st-Military-SIGM (accessed 27 May 2018);

The first SIGM for prosecutors dealing with Military Prosecutions took place on Monday 12 September 2016 in
Dublin, Ireland during the 21st IAP Annual Conference and General Meeting on the topic “Independence in the
prosecution and investigation of military criminal cases both domestically and on international operations”.

Bruce MacGregor, The Canadian Director of Military Prosecutions and John Spierin, The Irish Director of the Military
Prosecutions facilitated the meeting. Speakers in session were; Jennifer Woodward, Director of Military Service, Australia,
David Antonyshyn, Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Director of the Canadian Military Prosecutions and Albert van den Kerk
representing the Dutch Military Service. The session turned out to be a pure magnet on people and the organizers were
forced to reject several participants.

___________Testimony, Military Police Complaints Commission, Fynes Public Interest Hearings, Transcript of Proceedings, 10 September 2012, Volume 44, pp. 1-155, available at http://mdlo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/ and go to the date of 10 September 2012 (accessed 30 December 2015);

____________"Role of the Military Justice System: Accountability of Soldiers and Commanders during Deployment", presented at 10th Seminar for Legal Advisors, Legal Advisors and International Military Operations on the African Continent, 6-10 May 2014, Galway, International Society  for Military Law and law of War, available at http://www.ismllw.org/seminaires/2014_05_06_Galway_textes%20des%20orateurs/2014_05_08_03%20LtCol%20MacGregor.pdf (accessed on 12 February 2015);

MacINNIS, LCdr D.M., "Cyber Warfare, The Law of Armed Conflict, ROE and the Sufficiency of International Law", Canadian Forces College, JCSP 40, Exercise Solo Flight, 2016, 12 p.; available at http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/301/305/MacInnis.pdf (accessed 2 February 2017);

Image source: http://www.inmemoriam.ca/view-announcement-522652-lieutenant-colonel-john-
John MacIssac                                               francis-donald-macisaac-c-d-q-c.html, accessed 15 December 2015
MacISSAC, John, "John MacIssac: Obituary", 1920-2015, former JAG Officer with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, The Ottawa Citizen, published 26 October to 31 October 2015; available at http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/ottawacitizen/obituary.aspx?pid=176225518, accessed 1 November 2015; and http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/ottawacitizen/obituary.aspx?n=john-macisaac&pid=176225518&fhid=5973 (accessed 13 December 2015);
Following the war, John returned to Halifax where he used his veteran’s benefits to attend Dalhousie University Law School,
graduating in 1949. He re-joined the Army, as a member of the Judge Advocate General’s Branch.  He served with the Canadian
Infantry Brigade Group in Korea in 1952-53 and retired from the Army in 1969 after postings in Shilo, Borden, Ottawa, Germany
and Winnipeg. He took up a new position in 1970 as legal advisor to the Atomic Energy Control Board. He was appointed a Queen’s
Counsel for his contributions to the writing of legislation and regulations governing the use of nuclear energy. John finished his public
service in the Department of Justice.

Following the war, John returned to Halifax where he used his veteran's benefits to attend Dalhousie University Law School, graduating in 1949. He re-joined the Army, as a member of the Judge Advocate General's Branch. He served with the Canadian Infantry Brigade Group in Korea in 1952-53 and retired from the Army in 1969 after postings in Shilo, Borden, Ottawa, Germany and Winnipeg. He took up a new position in 1970 as Legal Advisor to the Atomic Energy Control Board. He was appointed a Queen's Counsel for his contributions to the writing of legislation and regulations governing the use of nuclear energy. John finished his public service in the Department of Justice. - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/ottawacitizen/obituary.aspx?pid=176225518#sthash.n4BfWFWR.dpuf
MacISAAC, Lieutenant-Colonel John Francis Donald

____________on MacISSAC, John, Lieutenant-Colonel, see "Army Promotion",  The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, 7 January 1961 at p. 2, available at https://www.newspapers.com/, accessed 16 May 2020;

Donald Neil Maciver
MACIVER, Donald Neil, 1931-2013, former JAG Officer, see obituary at http://passages.winnipegfreepress.com/passage-details/id-205623/MACIVER_DONALD (accessed 13 September 2017);
Born November 27, 1931, to Charles and Johan in Winnipeg, Donald attended United College and graduated from the University of Manitoba
with a Bachelor of Laws in 1957. During his education he served with the Canadian Military at Fort Churchill, Manitoba. After graduation
Donald served for five years in Ottawa with the Office of the Judge Advocate General retiring with the rank of Major.  Donald returned to
Winnipeg and continued his career as legal counsel with the Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg before entering private practice.


Image source: http://www.citizensassembly.gov.on.ca/gallery1/en/LearningWeekend6.html, accessed 13 September 2016
Heather MacIvor
MacIvor, Heather, "The Speaker's Ruling on Afghan Detainee Documents: The Last Hurrah for Parliamentary Privilege?" (2010) 19(1&2) Constitutional Forum constitutionel 129-137, available at https://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/constitutional_forum/article/view/17258/13723 (accessed at 13 September 2016);

MacKAY,  J.S., lawyer with the OJAG; was Deputy Judge Advocate Gagetown and  Counsel for Her Majesty the Queen in the case of R. v. Captain A.G.M., 1997 CanLII 17818 (CA CM), <http://canlii.ca/t/gtnsb> (accessed 10 May 2018);

Louis MacKay, on the left, photo detail, in article by
Virginia Beaton, "Annual wargame encourages dialogue and understanding"
Trident, vol. 42, issue 19,  22 September 2008, at p. 2, available at docplayer.net/163079583-Landlocked-sailors-triathlon-triumph-aiming-
, accessed 8 February 2020.

MacKAY,  Louis, LCol,  1955-2020, lawyer with the OJAG, at one time was with AJAG Eastern Region, Detachment St. Jean, member of the Ontario Bar (1992), see  https://www.canadianlawlist.com/listingdetail/contact/l-mackay-586676/   (accessed 8 August 2018);

MacKAY,  Louis, Col, see Beaton, Virginia, "Guilty as charged.  Mock trial finds sailor was AWOL", Trident, vol. 44, issue 9, 3 May 2010, at pages 20 and 21; available at http://tridentnews.ca/Portals/0/pdfarchives/2010/may3_2010.pdf (accessed 24 February 2019);

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
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___________on MacKAY, Louis, Major, see 
McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 119, 158 and 159, available at  103-242;

___________on MacKay, Louis "retired", see https://www.linkedin.com/in/louis-mackay-1a03468a (accessed 24 February 2019);

Louis MacKay
___________on Mackay, Louis, death notice at  https://ettingerfuneralhome.com/tribute/details/1093/Louis-Mackay/obituary.html (accessed 14 September 2020);

Obituary of Louis Mackay

MACKAY, J.S.W.L., Lt. Col. (Ret’d) -age 65 of Upper Nine Mile River
passed away September 10, 2020 in Colchester East Hants Health Centre,
Truro. Born in Laprairie, Quebec, he was a son of the late Julien and Paulette
(Lavallée) Mackay.

Louis joined the military in 1983 as an infantry officer with the 22nd Regiment.
He was called to the bar in 1992 with the Upper Law Society of Canada.
He finished his career as (A) JAG Atlantic. Louis retired to a small hobby farm
in Upper Nine Mile River.

He is survived by his wife, Michele (LeBlanc); son, Hugues (Aimee);
grandchildren, Adelyn, Jack and Emme-Rose Mackay and Julia and David
MacWilliam; sisters, Christiane, Monique, and Hélène; brother, Paul,; numerous
nieces and nephews.

Besides his parents, he was predeceased by his first wife, Claire. Due to COVID-19
restrictions, cremation has taken place and a funeral service will be held in Quebec
at a later date.

 Source of image: (2004) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter at p. 39
"Canadian Forces JAG Maj Louis Mackay of Halifax at Camp Julien in November 2003"

___________on Mackay, Louis, see the article : THORNE, Stephen, "Canadian troops depart for Afghanistan", The Globe and Mail, published 19 July 2003; updated 22 April 2009, available at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/canadian-troops-depart-for-afghanistan/article25686424/ (accessed 13 October 2016);

There were hugs, kisses and plenty of tears as 150 troops said their goodbyes Saturday before departing
on a six-month mission into the great unknown of Afghanistan.
Defence Minister John McCallum reiterated the point Saturday, acknowledging that Canadians will be
in harm's way but reminding them that they are there for Canada's security as well as Afghanistan's.
...Major Louis MacKay of Halifax, a legal advisor to the brigade commander, said the troops are
well-equipped with what everybody is calling "robust" rules of engagement.

It is Maj. MacKay's job to interpret those rules for the Canadian contingent. He said the interpretations
of "lethal force" vary among the nations involved but the Canadians, he said, "are equipped for everything."

"As in any mission, the rules of engagement cannot negate the inherent right of self-defence."


Image source: www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-reports-pubs-departmental-performance/2012-section-i-department-national-defence-departmental-performance-report.page
Peter MacKay
MACKAY, Peter, "Minister of National Defence Statement on the Canadian Forces Judge Advocate General", Statement / December 20, 2012 / Project number: NR 12.265, available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/news/article.page?doc=minister-of-national-defence-statement-on-the-canadian-forces-judge-advocate-general/hgq87xa8 (accessed 12 April 2018);
On October 29, 2012, I approved the Chief of the Defence Staff’s recommendation to establish the position of the Canadian Forces Judge Advocate
General at the rank of Major-General from that of Brigadier-General and to promote the Judge Advocate General, Major-General Blaise Cathcart, to that rank.

The elevation of the Judge Advocate General’s rank is a significant recognition of the importance of the Judge Advocate General’s position in performing
two unique roles set out in the National Defence Act: legal advisor in matters relating to military law and superintendent of the administration of military
justice in the Canadian Forces. In the complex global environment within which the Canadian Forces operate, security challenges are more diverse and
complex than ever before. In these increasingly dynamic circumstances, mission success remains inseparable from adherence to the rule of law. Against
this backdrop, the role of the uniformed legal advisor as a source of independent and objective legal advice, takes on growing importance. The Judge
Advocate General is a key strategic advisor in the decision-making process. 

___________ testimony of Peter MacKay, Minister of national Defence on Bill C-15, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts -- this Bill has the Short Title: Strengthening Military Justice in the Defence of Canada Act, :
- before the House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence,  meeting number 62, 30 January 2013, minutes and evidence;
- before the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, issue 37, 23 May 2013,  minutes and evidence;

___________testimony of Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence on Bill C-16, An Act to amend the National Defence Act (military judges), before the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, issue number 6, 23 November 2011, minutes  and  evidence;

MacKENZIE, D.B., Captain, General List, Legal officer in military district number 13 in Calgary in 1944, see The Quarterly Army List, January 1944, Part I, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1944 at p. 173 (bottom page number) or p. 183 (top page number), available at https://deriv.nls.uk/dcn23/8897/88977987.23.pdf (accessed 21 March 2019);  the Assistant Judge Advocate General at military district number 13 that time was Major S. Wood, General List;

___________photo of Donald Bruce MacKenzie (not 100% sure it is the JAG legal officer) in "Five Edmonton Lawyers Named on 1952 King's Counsel List", The Edmonton Journal, 2 January 1952 at p. 7, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/, accessed 22 June 2020;

Donald Bruce MacKenzie

Image source: artsandsciences.sc.edu/hist/s-p-mackenzie, accessed 7 April 2017
S.P. MacKenzie

MacKENZIE, S.P., “The Shackling Crisis: A Case-Study in the Dynamics of Prisoner-of-War Diplomacy in the Second World War”, (February 1995) 17(1) International History Review 78-98;

MacKIE, Christopher S.T., "The Law of (Heraldic) Arms: Military's Law's Long Lost Cousin", (May/Mai 2011) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/2011/2011-03_military.aspx and
  and http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/pdf/2011-03_ss3.pdf (accessed on 30 April 2012);
MacKIE, Christopher S.T., "Le droit des armoiries : le cousin perdu du droit militaire",  (May/Mai 2011) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/ABC/nouvelles-sections/2011/2011-03_military.aspx  et http://www.cba.org/ABC/nouvelles-sections/2011/2011-03_military.aspx#article7  (site visité le 30 avril  2012);

Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon, CBC Reporter, image source:                     Catherine Harrop, CBC journalist who took the photos for this story
cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/n-b-newsmaker-dec-12-bobbi-jean-mackinnon-1.2871933                      images source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/catherine-harrop-1.3677511
still video at 00.20/03:37


Prosecutor Capt. Marc-Andre Ferron (Photo: Catherine Harrop/CBC)            Defence lawyer Lt.-Cmdr. Brent Walden (Photo: Catherine Harrop/CBC)  

MacKINNON, Bobbi-Jean, "Soldier fined $1K and reprimanded for accessing porn on DND computer while on duty.  2nd charge against Sgt. Brent Douglas Hansen of accessing child porn dropped prior to Oromocto proceeding", CBC News, 18 April 2018; President of Sgt Hansen's court martial was Commander Pelletier; available at  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/soldier-pornography-gagetown-brent-hansen-1.4624564 (accessed 19 April 2018);

Image source: https://twitter.com/EmilyMMacKinnon, accessed 13 March 2019
Emily MacKinnon

MacKINNON, Emily, L., Capt., lawyer and member of the AJAG, reserve force; practices with McCarthy Tetrault LLP, Toronto;

___________photo of
MacKINNON, Emily, from the JAG Annual Report 2018-2019, p. 10 of the French report, see https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/dnd-mdn/documents/legal-juridique/reports-rapports/jag/jag-rapport-annuel-2018-19-fr-complet.pdf (accessed 11 April 2020);

MacKINNON, J.L., LCol, was Deputy Judge Advocate General (acting) in 1919, see "Wing Up Overseas Militia Ministry Soon Possible", The Ottawa Citizen, 20 December 1919; r
etrieved from http://biblioottawalibrary.ca.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ezproxylogin?url=/docview/2336205258?accountid=46526, accessed 1 May 2020;

The following officers now have their headquarters
in Ottawa....Lt.-Col. J.L. MacKinnon, deputy judge-
advocate general (acting)....

Photo:Warrant Officer André Gagnon, centre, walks to testify at his court
 martial at the St-Malo Armoury Tuesday, August 12, 2014 in Quebec City with his defence counsel Major Philippe-Luc Boutin, left. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Clement Allard

MacKINNON, Leslie, "Top court upholds military justice system. Defence minister can carry on filing appeals of court martial decisions, judges rule",   i Politics, 22 July 2016; available at https://ipolitics.ca/2016/07/22/top-court-upholds-military-justice-system/ (accessed 22 August 2016);

Image source: amazon.com/Vintage-photo-Portrait-W-H-S-Macklin/dp/B01B5FCK1U, accessed 3 May 2018
W.H.S. MacKlin
MacKLIN, W.H.S. (Wilfred "Slim" Harold Stephenson), 1899-1966, "Military Law" (January 1954) 8 Canadian Army Journal 31-2;  title of article noted on 19 August 2017 in Chris Madsen,  Another Kind of Justice : Canadian Military Law from Confederation to Somalia, Vancouver : UBC Press, c1999,  p. 190, note 18;  Major General Wilfred Macklin was the Adjudant General of the Canadian Army when he retired in 1954; available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/MacKlin12June18.pdf (put on line on 12 June 2018);

MacLEAN, Lieutenant-Colonel D.A., "Rules of Engagement and the Peacekeeper's Dilemma", AMSC 3 (Advanced Military Studies Course 3), Canadian Forces College, circa 2000, 26 p.; available at http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/260/263/macleand2.pdf (accessed on 17 June 2012);


 The use of force by soldiers deployed on United Nations peacekeeping missions is
controlled by Rules of Engagement (ROE). Depending on the mandate, some peacekeeping
missions have allowed peacekeepers to use force only in self-defence. In areas torn by civil
war or ethnic strife, soldiers have sometimes witnessed crimes and violent acts perpetrated
  against defenceless non-combatants. Depending on the mandate of the peacekeeping force
  and on the ROE that have been prepared for the mission, soldiers may be precluded from
intervening due to their ROE. This paper argues that the restrictive nature of peacekeeping
 ROE may create a situation where soldiers deployed on peacekeeping operations must deal
with ethical and moral dilemmas. The potential for such situations is so widespread that this
phenomena is not just isolated, but instead should be considered a real concern for all soldiers
deployed on peacekeeping operations

Image source: ca.linkedin.com/in/swmaclean/zh-cn, accessed 2 July 2018
Stephen W. MacLean

MacLEAN, Stephen W., legal officer with the OJAG in Halifax since July 2018, member of the Law Society of Nova Scotia, Stephen.MacLean@forces.gc.ca (information as of 2 July 2018);

___________MacLean, Steve, Capt., legal officer appeared as co-counsel for the prosecution with Maj. Patrice Germain in the case referred to in the article: Peddle, Stuart, "Defence wants crucial video evidence excluded in drug use court martial", The Chronicle Herald, Halifax, 6 November 2018; available at https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/news/local/defence-wants-crucial-video-evidence-excluded-in-drug-use-court-martial-257175/, accessed 13 November 2018; court martial of Leading Seaman Christopher Edwards;

MacLEANS MAGAZINE, "Somalia Inquiry's Damning Report", 14 July 1997, available at http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/somalia-inquirys-damning-report/#links (accessed 10 May 2017);

As well, some Liberals suggested that Eggleton felt it important to look especially decisive in order to win the confidence of senior officers.
From the outset, the Liberals expected the report to be tough on them - and suggested, in part, that the commissioners were motivated by
their frustration over the decision to end the hearings. "We gave these guys $25 million and 27 months, and it still wasn't enough for them,"
complained one PMO official. "How much is enough?"

Image source: ctvnews.ca/col-williams-assaulted-victim-after-she-had-seizures-1.564944, accessed 7 April 2017

MacLEANS MAGAZINE, "Russell Williams no longer a colonel.  Convicted serial killer officially stripped of his rank", macleans.ca, 22 October 2010; available at http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/russell-williams-no-longer-a-colonel/ (accessed 16 January 2017);

1. On 21 Oct 10, Mr. Russell Williams, former Commander of 8 Wing, was sentenced to two concurrent terms of life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years for the first-degree murders of Cpl Marie France Comeau and Mrs. Jessica Lloyd.

4. With the conviction and sentencing completed, and following my recommendation, the Governor General has revoked his commission, an extraordinary and severe decision that may constitute a first of its kind in Canadian history.

5. Further, the following actions will now be taken:
A. Stripping Mr. Williams of his medals
B. Termination and recovery of his pay from the date of arrest
C. Denial of severance pay; and
D. His prompt release from the CF under “service misconduct” – which is the most serious release item possible.
6. As a consequence of his release from the CF for “service misconduct” and of the revocation of his commission, Mr. Williams no longer possesses a rank as a member of the CF.

7. I wish to point out that under the CF superannuation act, there are no grounds to revoke his pension and a court martial would not have any impact on these accrued benefits.

8. Some have questioned why Mr. Williams has not also been charged under the military justice system. I believe we need to understand why this is so. This is because there is no jurisdiction under the code of service discipline to try persons charged with murder where those murders took place in Canada. Mr. Williams was therefore tried and convicted of all of these 88 charges under the Criminal Code of Canada by a civilian court. Additionally there will be no further court martial on these matters because the National Defence Act specifically prevents an individual from being tried by court martial where the offence or any other substantially similar offence arising out of the same underlying facts have been previously dealt with by a civilian court. This basic principle sometimes known as “double jeopardy” is fundamental within our civilian and military justice system. With his current convictions and sentence to life imprisonment justice has already been served.

MacLEOD, Colonel B.W., "Law of Armed Conflict at the Operational Level Rwanda and an Unlawful Order", AMSP (2000),  AMSC 3 (Advanced Military Studies Course 3), Canadian Forces College,  16 p.; available at http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/260/263/macleodb2.pdf (accessed on 19 June 2012);


In the autumn of 1993 the United Nations (U.N.) authorised the deployment of a United Nations Assistance Mission
to Rwanda (UNAMIR) to supervise the transition to peace in accordance with the terms of the Arusha Accord signed
earlier that year.  Unfortunately, the conditions were not met and genocide resulted in the massacre of approximately
800,000 people. Within the U.N. Headquarters, there was considerable debate as to what action to take. The options
ranged from a complete withdrawal of the force to its reinforcement.  In the early weeks of what later became defined
as genocide, the U.N. Force Commander, General Dallaire reports that he received the worst of all possible orders – to
withdraw the force. General Dallaire refused the order on the grounds that to do so would result in the slaughter of
approximately 30,000 people under the protection of his UNAMIR force. This paper argues that, based on the laws of
armed conflict (LOAC) and other international laws and conventions, General Dallaire had a legal responsibility to
refuse this order as being unlawful.


Sandra MacLeod, photo reproduced from http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/?p=33454 (accessed on 31 March 2014)

"15519 Captain Sandra S Macleod (Hawes) (RMC 1986)", everitas, posted by rmcclub, 14 April 2009, available at http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/?m=20090%2Fes_search%2F--&paged=37  (accessed 1 May 2016);

Where do you work? Chilly Beach Studios March Entertainment, Sudbury, ON and part-time as a legal officer with the Office of Judge Advocate General of the Canadian Forces (International law)
I originally chose the Royal Military College because of the Regular Officer Training Program (ROTP) with the Canadian Forces. Under this program, they paid me to study. It was a great program
which I highly recommend other students to consider.
If your schooling or work was away from your family, what was/is this like? I did two tours with the Canadian Forces away from my family (Bosnia and the Persian Gulf). During Canada’s response
to the 9/11 attacks, I was away from my family for 7 months. It was difficult but we all survived. As I was starting to be away from my family (more and more), this eventually contributed to my decision to take the job here in Sudbury.

[additional research note: the above image of LCdr Macleod also made the front cover of the JAG Les actualités --Newsletter, Volume 1 --2004]:

MacLEOD, Lt.-Cmdr. Sandra, "Pardons for New Zealand Soldiers of the Great War" (June/Juin 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 3; available at http://web.archive.org/web/20050125074204/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/sword2001-06.pdf (accessed on 18 April 2012);
MacLEOD, Lt.-Cmdr. Sandra, "Précis : Pardons pour des soldats néo-zélandais de la Première Guerre mondiale" (June/Juin 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 3; disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20050125074204/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/sword2001-06.pdf  (site visité le 18 avril 2012;

MacLeod, Sandra S., "15519 Captain Sandra S Macleod (Hawes) (RMC 1986)", biographical notes 

15519 Captain Sandra S Macleod (Hawes) (RMC 1986)

What is your occupation?  Animation Project Management and Lawyer

Where do you work? Chilly Beach Studios March Entertainment, Sudbury, ON and part-time as a legal officer with the Office of Judge Advocate General
of the Canadian Forces (International law)

Please provide a brief summary of your career path. During High School, I worked at a number of jobs (McDonalds, United Cigar Store, Cambrian Fitness
Centre). Joined the Canadian Forces in 1982 and attended the Royal Military College in Kingston, ON and graduated with a Honours BA in Economics
and Commerce. Worked as a logistics officer with the Canadian Forces in Chilliwack, BC, Ottawa, ON and Halifax, Nova Scotia. Attended law school
at Dalhousie Law School and graduated with LLB in 1998. Joined the Office of the Judge Advocate General and completed a number of interesting
ortfolios within the CF. Primary interest and specialty was in International and Operational Law. During this time, I traveled extensively and did a tour
in the Balkans (Bosnia) as well being the Legal advisor to Canada’s Naval contribution in the Persian Gulf (Our Canadian response to the terrorist attacks (9/11).
 I was one of the first investors in Chilly Beach.

How was I inspired to get this job? I never really had a master plan, although I admit that I always wanted to become a lawyer. My current career is the result
of the various paths I followed throughout the last 22 years.

Education: University Undergraduate Degree Royal Military College – Kingston, Ontario. 4 year degree which on top of the Honours BA requires the
students to be successful in physical fitness, military training, engineering and leadership courses. Dalhousie Law School – (3 years) law school program –
graduated in 1998. University Masters Degree Ottawa University – Studied courses under the MA (Economics) Studied under the Canadian Forces
Management training programs which are similar in structure and substance. University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (Diploma course – Laws of War)
[source: http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/law-day-many-ex-cadets-at-the-bar/, accessed 17 March 2018]

MacLEOD, Major Sherry, "JAG Social Fund Activities / Activités du club social du JAG", (2006) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 10;

Major Sherry MacLeod
___________ Linked in web page, available at https://ca.linkedin.com/in/sherry-macleod-811b0a10a?trk=pub-pbmap (accessed 7 August 2017);

____________message "Fw: Retirement --  Major Sherry MacLeod", 22 August 2018, from Bill & Ben (JAG Alumni):

___________"The Nijmegen Marches: A Test of Endurance, Leadership and Teamwork", (2005) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 13-14;

___________on Sherry MacLeod, see the article: LEE, John, "Military Law.  Alumna Profile: Sherry MacLeod ('00) NORAD", (Spring 2015) VISTAS THE UVIC LAW ALUMNI MAGAZINE 20-23; available at https://issuu.com/uviclawalumni/docs/uviclaw-vistas7-spring2015-interact/22 (accessed 1 Janurary 2018);

___________on Sherry MacLeod, see "Sherry Macleod", UVicLaw News, Fall 2005-Winter 2007 at pages 48-49; available at uvic.ca/law/assets/docs/news/lawnews20052007.pdf (accessed 2 December 2019);

MacMILLAN, Billy Matthew (Matt), legal officer with the OJAG, admitted to the Nova Scotia Bar in 2018; see the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society Bar Admission Ceremony 2018, Halifax, 15 June 2018, available at http://nsbs.org/sites/default/files/ftp/CallToTheBarProgram2018.pdf (accessed 27 September 2018);

BILLY MATTHEW MACMILLAN is the son of Billy and Pearl MacMillan of
Stellarton, is married to Amber Comisso, and is the proud father of Tessa and Mia
MacMillan. Matt received a Bachelor of Arts in business administration from the
Royal Military College of Canada, and his law degree from the Schulich School of
Law in 2017. He articled with Roger Strum of the Office of the Judge Advocate
General and Brad Sarson of Nova Scotia Legal Aid in Halifax. He will be a legal
officer in the Canadian Armed Forces.

___________ employed at the Office of The Judge Advocate General (Central Region), 1 Yukon Lane, Toronto, ON  M3K 0A1, matt.macmillan@forces.gc.ca; source: http://nsbs.org/member-search/results/profile/117728, accessed 27 September 2018; employed  in the Ottawa OJAG in 2020;

____________photo hereunder of Matthew MacMillan with his wife, source: https://everitas.s3.amazonaws.com/2009/09/img_0055.jpg, accessed 22 October 2020;

Amber Comisso and Matt MacMillan, 2009, both are RMC graduates 2001.

MacMILLAN, J.M. (James M.), Major, legal officer, member of the OJAG,  Deputy Judge Advocate Central  and Assistant Counsel for Her Majesty the Queen in the case of R. v. Captain L.M. Paquette, 1997 CanLII 17819 (CA CM), <http://canlii.ca/t/gtnsg> (accessed 10 May 2018);

___________on LCol James MacMillian in Artic Obiter -- The Law Society of the Northwest Territories, June 2010 at p. 17 and available at https://www.lawsociety.nt.ca/data/public/arctic-obiter/ArcticObiter_June2010.pdf (accessed 18 April 2020);

James MacMillan, retired legal officer interviewed in the video
___________on LCol (retired) James MacMilliam interviewed in the video with the article of CAIN, Patrick, "Canada’s last military prison costs $2M a year. About half the time, it has no prisoners.  New information obtained by Global News shows the detention facility at the Edmonton Garrison is empty a lot but costs taxpayers a pretty penny. Fletcher Kent reports", Global News Toronto, 23 May 2018; includes videos; available at https://globalnews.ca/news/4097208/military-prison-edmonton-empty/ (accessed 24 May 2018);

___________photo of LCol J. MacMillan, legal officer:

 source:(2006) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter at p. 11
JAG Recognition... October 27, 2005--CD1 (22 years of service) presented to
LCol J. MacMillan, Maj D. McGowan, Maj R. Stoney and Sgt G. Taillon
(with MGen Jerry Pitzul in his blue uniform in the middle)

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

MacPHERSON, J., "Developments in Constitutional Law: The 1978-79 Term", (1980) 1 Supreme Court Law Review 77 at 111; may comment on the MacKay decision [1980] 2 S.C.R 370; research on this point started on 17 March 2019;

                                                                    Image source for above image: John W. Doull, Bookseller (A.B.A.C.) (Dartmouth, NS, Canada), accessed 9 May 2017

MacPHERSON,  J. Pennington (James Pennington), 1839-1916, A Catechism on Military Law as Applicable to the Militia of Canada : Consisting of Questions and Answers on the Militia Act, 1883, Rules and Regulations for the Militia, 1883 ... Together with a Compilation of the Principal Points of the law of Eidence, Montreal : J. Lovell, 1886, 191 p.; available at http://www.archive.org/details/cihm_11790 (accessed on 5 January 2011);

____________research note : found in Library and Archives Canada:  "The General Officer Commanding - Purchase of 500 copies of book on "Military Law" by Lt. Col. J.P. Macpherson for issue on repayment to the Royal Military College, and the different schools.", see http://collectionscanada.gc.ca/ourl/res.php?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&url_tim=2019-03-31T20%3A04%3A29Z&url_ctx_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Actx&rft_dat=3758724&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Fcollectionscanada.gc.ca%3Apam&lang=eng, accessed on 31 March 2019;

____________research note : found in Library and Archives Canada: "The General Officer Commanding (26455) - Lt. Col. J.P. Macpherson requests that his book on Military Law be officially recognized as the textbook for the Militia of Canada", date: 1889/03/29; see http://collectionscanada.gc.ca/ourl/res.php?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&url_tim=2019-03-31T20%3A39%3A29Z&url_ctx_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Actx&rft_dat=3759645&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Fcollectionscanada.gc.ca%3Apam&lang=eng  (accessed 31 March 2019);

___________research note: MacPHERSON,  J. Pennington (James Pennington), 1839-1916, is the author of Life of the Right Hon. Sir John A, Macdonald, St. John, N.B., Earle Pub. House, 1891, 2 volumes frontispieces, plates, portraits 23 cm; MacPherson was  his nephew;

___________research note: MacPHERSON,  J. Pennington (James Pennington), 1839-1916, see order-in-council 17381,  date approved: 1882-02-04, "Military College - Min: [Minister of] Militia, 1882/02/02, rec [recommends] printing at Kingston 200 textbooks on military law for cadets' use", see http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/CollectionSearch/Pages/record.aspx?app=ordincou&IdNumber=17381&new=-8586475083869573984 (accessed 1 April 2019);

___________research note: MacPHERSON,  J. Pennington (James Pennington), became on 7 October 1886, the Commanding officer of the Governor General's Foot Guards, see https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governor_General%27s_Foot_Guards#cite_note-history-11https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governor_General%27s_Foot_Guards#cite_note-history-11 (accessed 2 April 2019); 

MacPHERSON, L., Captain, member of the OJAG, appears as co-counsel for the prosecution in the court martial case of Hunt C.D.L. (Captain), R. v., 2019 CM 4009 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/j0vw3> ;

MacPHERSON, Matthew, Captain, member of the OJAG, reserve force; he attended the 2019 mandatory legal officer qualification course at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, CFB Kingston, see Access to Information Act, DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 12 June 2019, File A-2019-00289;

source of photo: geni.com/people/Duncan-MacTavish/6000000030410374201, accessed 13 April 2018
Duncan K. MacTavish
MacTAVISH, Duncan K. (Kenneth), 1899-1963,  JAG member with the Royal Canadian Navy during World War II, millionaire, Ottawa lawyer, Senator,  former president of the Liberal party, died in a car accident;  see also MADSEN, C.M.V. (Chris Mark Vedel), 1968-,  Another Kind of Justice : Canadian Military Law from Confederation to Somalia, Vancouver : UBC Press, c1999, at p. 88 (https://books.google.ca/books?id=uPJIvl19-koC&pg=PA88&lpg=PA88&dq=%22Duncan+MacTAVISH%22+ottawa+lawyer&source=bl&ots=31Ohr4cIo9&sig=WtsMVzBbzzQPGQI1ikcx6pT7pkk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBrJbBkbfaAhVK7IMKHewFCUUQ6AEIQTAC#v=onepage&q=%22Duncan%20MacTAVISH%22%20ottawa%20lawyer&f=false); see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duncan_Kenneth_MacTavish; and https://lop.parl.ca/sites/ParlInfo/default/en_CA/People/Profile?personId=10145;

___________on  MacTAVISH, Captain D.K.,  see "RCN Veteran Senator Killed", The Crowsnest, vol. 15, number 12, December 1963, at p. 11,  available at http://www.sous-marin.ca/crowsnest/1963-12.pdf (accessed 28 February 2019);

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

___________on MacTAVISH, Duncan K., see biographical notes hereunder, available at http://docplayer.net/98449448-Mac.html#show_full_text (accessed 22 April 2020);

MacTAVISH, Kenneth Duncan, Captain (SB) - Officer - Order of the British Empire (OBE)
- RCNVR / Deputy JAG Navy -Awarded as per Canada Gazette of 5 January 1946 and London
Gazette of 1 January Home: Rockcliffe, Ontario. MacTAVISH. Duncan Kenneth, , LCdr(SB)(Temp)
[1.7.41] RCNVR, Cdr(SB)(Temp) [1.1.44] A/Capt(SB)(Temp(WHA) OBE~[5.1.46] Demobilized [ ]
"This Officer contributed greatly to the Canadian Naval Service by his legal knowledge and its
application to Naval matters. His appointment as Assistant Judge Advocate General, Deputy Secretary
of the Naval Board and from December 1942 until his retirement in August 1945 as Deputy Judge
Advocate General (Navy), were filled with superlative efficiency. His high personal qualities, his tact
and tolerance, have won him the respect and admiration of all with whom he came in contact."

___________on MacTAVISH, Duncan K., see "Senator campaigned for 3 prime ministers", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 18 November 1963 at p. 3; source: Retrieved from http://biblioottawalibrary.ca.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ezproxylogin?url=/docview/2338578464?accountid=46526, accessed 30 April 2020;

___________on MacTAVISH, Lieutenant-Commander Duncan K., see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 60, available at i-xii and 1-102;


Mike Madden, image source: http://www.dal.ca/academics/programs/graduate/law/graduate-life/recent-graduates/mike-madden.html, accessed on 2 August 2014

MADDEN, Mike, "Comparative Cherry-Picking in a Military Justice Context: the Misplaced Quest to Give Universally Expansive Meaning to International Human Rights", Dalhousie University--Schulich School of Law, 18 February 2014; ; available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2397734 (accessed on 2 August 2014); now published in (2014) 46 George Washington International Law Review 713-763, available at http://docs.law.gwu.edu/stdg/gwilr/PDFs/46-4/1%20Madden.pdf (accessed on 6 January 2015);


This article identifies, describes, and provides two military justice examples of a
phenomenon that is labeled as "comparative cherry-picking," whereby scholars
and jurists rely upon extra-jurisdictional law in their efforts to promote more expansive
human rights protections. The article then discusses some of the seemingly overlooked
pitfalls of the comparative cherry-picking phenomenon, including treaty denunciation,
"cheap talk", human rights backsliding, and desuetude – all of which could result in
counter-productive advocacy strategies on the part of human rights activists, when
increases to international human rights standards lead, in turn, to decreases in levels
of state protection of human rights. Thus, in addition to demonstrating the flaws with
the comparative cherry-picking phenomenon as a matter of positive international law,
this article also ultimately demonstrates how the phenomenon can be damaging to
the cause of those who care about human rights protections.


___________ “First Principles and Last Resorts: Complications of Civilian Influences on the Military Justice System”,  (2009) 9(3) Canadian Military Journal 49-57, available at http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo9/no3/08-madden-eng.asp (accessed on 28 August 2009); also available at  SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1373671, see http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1373671 (accessed on 28 August 2009);
___________"Principes premiers et derniers recours : complications nées des influences civiles sur le système de justice militaire", (2009) 9(3) Revue militaire canadienne 49-57, disponible à http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo9/no3/08-madden-fra.asp (vérifié le 28 août 2009);

___________"International Humanitarian Law /   Laws 2205.03 -- Three credits -- Course Syllabus Jan 2012", available at http://law.dal.ca/Files/Course_Outlines_2011/Winter__2012_LAWS_2205_International_Humanitarian_Law_by_Mad.pdf (accessed on 21 May 2012);

___________"Keeping Up with the Common Law O'Sullivans?  The Limnits of Comparative Law in the Context of Military Justice Law Reform", (2013) 51(1) Alberta Law Review 125-152; also available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2269098 (accessed on 15 February 2014); available at http://www.albertalawreview.com/index.php/ALR/article/viewFile/60/60 (accessed 10 September 2016);

___________"Latest news from Canadian military justice", available at http://www.foroijm.org/noticia/lastes-news-form-canadian-military-justice/ (accessed 23 August 2016); news dates: 22 July 2016, 25 July 2016;

 __________"Making Use of Neutral Forces: Mediation of Performance Appraisal Disputes within the Canadian Forces", (Autumn 2011) 11(4) Canadian Military Journal; available at http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/index-eng.asp  and http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo11/no4/08-madden-eng.asp (accessed on 15 December 2011); also available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1604729 (accessed on 2 August 2014);
___________"Le recours à des forces neutres: la médiation pour régler les différends portant sur l'appréciation du rendement au sein des Forces canadiennes', (automne 2011) 11(4) Revue militaire canadienne; disponibe à http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/index-fra.asp et http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo11/no4/08-madden-fra.asp (vérifié le 15 décembre 2011);

Image source: http://mdlo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/2015-Conference-Proceedings.pdf, accessed 22 January 2016
Mike Madden

___________"A Model for Excluding Improperly or Unconstitutionally Obtained Evidence"(January 12, 2015) Berkeley Journal of International Law (BJIL), Forthcoming; available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2548851 , accessed 1 December 2015;

Image source: http://www.navalreview.ca/volume6-issue4/, accessed on 11 May 2014
___________"Naval Chameleons?  Re-Evaluating the Legality of Deceptive  Lighting  Under International Humanitarian Law", (2011)  6(4) Canadian Naval Law Review 4-9; available at http://naval.review.cfps.dal.ca/archive/8465465-5645648/vol6num4art2.pdf  (accessed on 22 May 2012);

Discussion on perfidy in IHL, particularly as the concept is applied to deceptive lighting of warships at sea.  An analysis of conventional and customary IHL
will demonstrate that many ambiguities and grey areas exist in the laws that purport to distinguish between permissible ruses of war and illegal acts of perfidy.
An investigation into the practice of deceptively lighting naval vessels during armed conflicts will reveal that some more careful analysis of the practice might
be necessary for Canadian naval commanders if they wish to avoid violating perfidy prohibitions.
(source: http://web.archive.org/web/20120119140132/http://www.icrc.org/eng/assets/files/2011/ihl-bibliography-2nd-trimester-2011.pdf, p. 22, accessed 16 March 2015)

Image source: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/journal-of-conflict-and-security-law-14677962?cc=ca&lang=en&, accessed 28 September 2016

__________"Of Wolves and Sheep: A Purposive Analysis of Perfidy Prohibitions in International Humanitarian Law", (2012) 17(3) Journal of Conflict and Security Law 439-463; title noted but article not consulted (3 July 2016);


A combatant in an armed conflict, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, can seek to gain a tactical or strategic advantage by resort to deception and trickery.
International Humanitarian Law (IHL), however, distinguishes between permissible ruses of war and illegal acts of perfidy. How, then, should combatants
conduct themselves so as to avoid violating IHL’s perfidy prohibitions? This article argues that belligerents should interpret prohibitions against perfidy
in a purposive manner (looking to causative links that may exist between perfidy and harm) in order to avoid eroding the protection that IHL affords to
designated groups. A close analysis of potentially perfidious land, air and sea combat practices will further reveal that some accepted practices may
need to be reassessed and/or ceased if States wish to comply with purposively interpreted perfidy prohibitions.
(source: http://jcsl.oxfordjournals.org/content/17/3/439.abstract, accessed 4 July 2016)

___________on MADDEN, Mike and his publications on SSRN (accessed 5 January 2021);

___________on MADDEN, Mike, on career in Canadian Forces and publications, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/mike-madden-2893b911 (accessed 24 February 2019);

___________on MADDEN, Mike, now is doing his PhD at Ottawa University, see  https://techlaw.uottawa.ca/people/madden-mike (accessed 5 January 2021)


Mike Madden is a PhD in Law candidate at the University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society, under
 the supervision of Prof. Elizabeth Judge.

Mike Madden’s research focuses on the use of computer-based Natural Language Processing techniques, together with elements
of applied linguistics theory, as a means of assessing the readability and comprehensibility of various sources of law and legal information.

Mike Madden completed both his LLM and MA in English at Dalhousie University. He has published widely in law journals from around
the world, primarily on topics relating to criminal law and procedure, international law, evidence law, military law, and judicial/appellate
review. His publications have been cited by all levels of court in Canada, including two articles that have been cited by the Supreme Court
of Canada (in 2016 and 2019).

Prior to commencing his PhD, Mike Madden spent 25 years in the Canadian Forces where he first served as an Artillery Officer, then
as a Naval Operations Officer, and finally as a Legal Officer within the Office of the Judge Advocate General. In this last capacity, he
was frequently the lead instructing counsel and policy architect for Bills proposing legislative amendments to the National Defence Act,
such as Bill C-77, an Act that fundamentally transforms the Canadian Forces’ summary trial system into a non-criminal, non-penal
forum for maintaining military discipline. His last posting was as the Director of Military Personnel Law, where he was the senior legal
advisor to the Canadian Forces’ Chief of Military Personnel (essentially the Chief Military Human Resources Officer), providing legal
advice and support in respect of diverse military administrative, employment, and human rights law questions. 

Image source: https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/appeal/issue/view/937/showToc, accessed 28 September 2016

___________“Sui Not-So-Generous: The Unconstitutionality of Canadian Court Martial Jury Trials”,  (2009) 14 Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform 24-36; available at http://works.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=mikemadden (accessed on 20 October 2009); also available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1384178; see http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1384178 (accessed on 28 August 2009);

MADDEN, Mike and J. Jason Samson. “Entrench the Bench! Canada’s Pressing Need for a Permanent Military Court.” (2009) 55 The Criminal Law Quarterly 215-239; with the same title at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1473451 (accessed on 6 July 2010);

Chris Madsen, photo reproduced from http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/136/284-fra.html  (accessed on 31 March 2014)

MADSEN, C.M.V. (Chris Mark Vedel), 1968-,  Another Kind of Justice : Canadian Military Law from Confederation to Somalia, Vancouver : UBC Press, c1999, x, 236 p., ISBN: 0774807180; Research Note: see important and excellent bibliography at pp.195-220; limited preview available at http://books.google.com/books?id=uPJIvl19-koC&printsec=titlepage&dq=Canadian+Military+Law+Annotated&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_toc_s&cad=1 and at http://books.google.com/books?id=uPJIvl19-koC&dq=Canadian+Military+Law+Annotated&lr=&as_brr=0&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 9 July 2008); chapter 1, "Modest beginnings" is available at https://www.ubcpress.ca/asset/12440/1/9780774807180.pdf (accessed 5 February 2019); copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF7209 M33 1999 (Room E); copy at Ottawa University Law Library: KE 6800 .M32 1999; IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION;

Contents -- 1. Modest beginnings -- 2. In defence of Empire -- 3. Coming of age -- 4. Total war -- 5. Under the National Defence Act -- 6. A gradual slide -- Conclusion: Beyond Somalia -- Appendices: 1. Judge Advocate Generals of Canada -- 2. Courts martial in the Canadian Armed Forces under the National Defence Act.   

___________"Canada's troops lack solid grasp of military law" 28 April 1997 27(2) University of Calgary Gazette; available at http://www.ucalgary.ca/uofc/events/unicomm/Research/somalia.html (accessed on 23 April 2014);

When Madsen applied for the defence department's R.B. Byers Fellowship at the end of 1995, officials were making erroneous statements about Canadian military
 history by declaring the Somali incident to be the first of its kind.

"It just wasn't true," Madsen says. "Military history is one of these areas they've ignored . . . . These aren't new problems."

Canadian soldiers have been involved in other criminal acts, including the rape of civilians in the Korean war, and the murder of nine prisoners in the Boer War.

Madsen says the army tends to assign blame to individuals and look no further. His report, however, will propose several systemic changes.

Parliament must, he says, take a more active role in shaping defence policy and limit the role of bureaucratic "mandarins." One question that's never been
satisfactorily addressed is why Canadian soldiers -- particularly an airborne regiment -- were in Somalia in the first place. Just because Canada has a history of
peacekeeping involvement doesn't mean the military should take on every assignment that comes up, he says.

A reorganization of the Judge Advocate General's office, the main unit in the defence department that deals with legal matters, would prevent some of the
 "stagnation" that has reduced the office's effectiveness, he says. For example, bringing in civilian lawyers would help in such areas as real estate law, international law and contracts.

"There is a myth that soldiers can only talk to other soldiers," Madsen says.

___________"The Canadian Army and the Maltreatment of Civilians: The Korean Example", unpublished paper presented at the Qualicum History Conference, 5 February 1994; title noted in WATSON, Brent Byron, Far Eastern Tour: The Experiences of the Canadian Infantry in Korea, 1950-53, infra, at p. 380, footnote 55 (thesis) and p. 215, note 54 (book form);

Image source: http://www.riverwashbooks.com, accessed on 6 January 2015

___________"Courts Martial in the Royal Canadian Navy, 1951-1967", in Richard Howard Gimblett, 1956-, and Richard O.(Richard Oliver)  Mayne, 1971-, eds., People, Policy and Programmes: Proceedings of the 7th Maritime Command (Marcom) Historical Conference (2005) / Des Personnes, des politiques et des programmes: actes de La 7e Conférence du Commandement Maritime (Comar) Sur L'Histoire Militaire (2005), Ottawa: Canadian Naval Heritage Press, 2008, 287 p.; ISBN: 0662480503; 9780662480501; copy at University of Ottawa, FC 231 .M37 2005;

___________Chris Madsen's Publications available at https://ca.linkedin.com/in/chris-madsen-31589350 (accessed on 21 August 2017);

Image source: http://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/312749/publication.html, accessed 6 January 2015

___________Kurt Meyer on Trial: A Documentary Record / edited and introduced by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Chris M.V. Madsen, Kingston, Ontario : Canadian Defence Academy Press, 2007, xi, 697 p., ISBN: 9780662461692 and 066246169X;  Read it all at https://www.academia.edu/222219/Kurt_Meyer_on_Trial_A_Documentary_Record._Kingston_CDA_Press_2007._xii_697_pp._With_Chris_Madsen._ (accessed 3 May 2018);

Introduction -- Legal and pre-trial documents -- The trial of Kurt Meyer, December 1945 -- The decision to commute Meyer's sentence -- Transfer to Canada
and imprisonment at Dorchester Penitentiary -- Appeals and Meyer's transfer to Germany -- The decision to release Meyer -- Responses to the release of Kurt
Meyer. (source: http://ares.cfc.forces.gc.ca/rooms/portal/media-type/html/language/en/country/US/userage/Si/anon/prsi_AdvancedCatalogSearch, accessed on 1 Janurary 2011)

___________"Legal  Education in the Canadian Forces  from Historical  and Contemporary Perspective", Paper presented on a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) panel “The State of Military-Legal Education in Canada” at the Canadian Bar Association Canadian Legal Conference and Expo in Vancouver, British Columbia on 16 August 2005, 30 p.; available at http://www.cba.org/cba/annualmeeting/pdf/2005_madsen.pdf  (accessed on 23 July 2008);

___________"Military Justice, The Anglo-American  Tradition", article,  published on line, 11606 words, in Military History, ISBN: 9 780 19979 1279, Oxford Bibliographies, see http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199791279/obo-9780199791279-0045.xml#obo-9780199791279-0045-bibItem-0001 (accessed on 23 January 2013); note: "Oxford Bibliographies Online is available by subscription and perpetual access to institutions and individuals.   For more information or to contact an Oxford Sales Representative";  see also http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199791279/obo-9780199791279-0045.xml (accessed 10 January 2016);


Because each nation has different laws and traditions, it is hard to make generalizations about military justice applicable to all, though commonalities
certainly exist. Each armed forces is unique in character, and even within those, individual service environments may have distinct attitudes and methods
in regard to the maintenance of discipline. The historical trend has been toward greater uniformity across armed forces and closer mirroring of civilian
criminal jurisprudence, in response to societal change. Reform of military law periodically becomes an issue when it falls too far behind or when some
particular event happens that shakes public confidence in the military. Sherrill 1970 notes the practical nature of military justice as a separate form of
legal jurisprudence that serves the particular needs of militaries in being operationally effective. Bishop 1974 describes the public pressure that can build
when doubts are raised about militaries that have not performed according to expectations and the disappointment in the administration of military justice.
Many writers are critical of military justice, premised either on the need for improvement or on the backwardness and supposed conservatism of military
institutions. Other writers focus on the general aim and mechanics of military justice (for our purposes here, as practiced in the United States; other nations
have similar how-to works). Davidson 1999 provides a basic guide to the practice of military criminal law geared toward a predominantly nonlegal audience,
especially those either in or entering the military profession. Morris 2010 meets a similar need and, in focus and content, reflects the broader interpretation
given to military justice today compared with earlier decades. Military justice, or rather military legality, touches upon many operational matters of interest
to militaries, because the requirement for discipline and good behavior in the military context cannot be divorced from the core mandate of armed forces.
Historical treatment of military justice is still catching up to this broader focus and to changes to military law itself. It is a very specialized field that requires
some knowledge of the law and how it has been practiced in armed forces over time. In the early 21st century, good overviews focused on the history are yet
to be written.
[source: http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199791279/obo-9780199791279-0045.xml#obo-9780199791279-0045-bibItem-0002, accessed 10 January 2016]


___________Military law and operations, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, c2008-, three loose-leaf volumes, 26 cm.; Updated once or twice a year, ISSN:1918-2236; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library KF7210 ZA2 M33 2008 (Room E); copy at Montreal Court House, reference: KE 6800 M183 Cour; copy at Parliament Library and copy at Library and Archives Canada;  see 2011 PDF detailed Table of Contents; see recent 2016 Table of Contents; IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION

"CONTENTS: pt. 1. Defence, armed forces and military law: ch. 1. Historical antecendents -- ch. 2. Military justice -- ch. 3. Civilian oversight --
ch. 4. Legal issues in the Canadian Forces -- pt. 2. Legal dimensions of operations: ch. 5. Domestic versus international operations --
ch. 6. Status of forces -- ch. 7. Use of force -- ch. 8. Protected persons and war crimes -- Appendices: Legislation -- Courts martial lists --
Digests -- Operational documents."

___________"Military Law, the Canadian Militia, and the North-West Rebellion of 1885", (Spring 1998) 1(1) Journal of Military and Strategic Studies -- The Electronic Journal of the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, article number 5; available at http://web.archive.org/web/20031008215733/http://www.stratnet.ucalgary.ca/journal/1998/article5.html; also available at http://www.jmss.org/jmss/index.php/jmss/article/view/21/20 (accessed on 24 March 2012) also available at file:///C:/Users/Owner/AppData/Local/Temp/57621-Article%20Text-156545-1-10-20090603-1.html (accessed 18 April 2020); IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION;

___________"Military Responses  and Capabilities in Canada's Domestic Context Post 9/11", (Spring 2011) 13(3)  Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 1-18; available at http://www.jmss.org/jmss/index.php/jmss/article/view/409 (accessed on 24 March 2012); also available at http://jmss.synergiesprairies.ca/jmss/index.php/jmss/article/viewFile/409/417 (accessed 3 July 2015); also available at http://jmss.org/jmss/index.php/jmss/article/view/409/417 (accessed 11 June 2017);

___________on Chris Madsen, see  HARRIS, Greg, "Canada's troops lack solid grasp of military law",  University of Calgary Gazette, 28 April 1997, vol. 27, number 2; article about the work of Chris Madsen; available at (accessed 3 March 2017);

Giving Canadian soldiers a stronger grounding in military law would help prevent other tragedies like Somalia, says a U of C post-doctoral fellow.

Chris Madsen, a research fellow in the U of C's Strategic Studies Program, will make that recommendation and others in a report to the Department of National Defence in August.

He says the torture and murder of Somali teen Shidane Arone in 1993 can be seen, in part, as "symptomatic of a training deficiency.

"The Canadian army calls itself a professional force, but somewhere along the line they forgot professionalism is something you continually have to work on," says Madsen.

A soldier's knowledge of military law tends to begin and end with rules of engagement, but proper interpretation of those rules requires a sound knowledge of military law, he says. And in the last 30 years, there has been a "gradual slide" in the way military law has been taught to service personnel.

When Madsen applied for the defence department's R.B. Byers Fellowship at the end of 1995, officials were making erroneous statements about Canadian military history by declaring the Somali incident to be the first of its kind.

"It just wasn't true," Madsen says. "Military history is one of these areas they've ignored . . . . These aren't new problems."

Canadian soldiers have been involved in other criminal acts, including the rape of civilians in the Korean war, and the murder of nine prisoners in the Boer War.

Madsen says the army tends to assign blame to individuals and look no further. His report, however, will propose several systemic changes.

___________"Victims of Circumstance: The Execution of German Deserters by Surrendered German Troops under Canadian Control in Amsterdam, May 1945",  (1993) 2(1)  Canadian Military History 93-113;  available at http://www.wlu.ca/lcmsds/cmh/back%20issues/CMH/volume%202/issue%201/Madsen%20-%20Victims%20of%20Circumstance%20-%20the%20Execution%20of%20German%20Deserters%20by%20Surrendered%20German%20Troops%20Under%20Canadian%20Control.pdf (accessed on 21 May 2012); also available at http://scholars.wlu.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1121&context=cmh (accessed 7 January 2016);

Canadian newspapers, after interviews with former Canadian officers and other witnesses, presented strong evidence of active Canadian participation in the execution.
Conseqently, Brigadier William J. Lawson, then Judge Advocate General, appointed Group Captain J.H. Hollies to undertake a full departmental investigation.  This
military legal officer searched relevant Canadian documents, and made a three-day whirlwind trip to West Germany.  Based on Hollies' findings, an embarrassed Hellyer
confirmed, in the House of Commons on 21 December 1966, Canadian involvement in the execution, but suggested "that in view of the fact it is now over 20 years since
the war ended, nothing is to be gained by carrying this matter further." [p. 108, footnotes omitted]

Photo of John Maguire (right) with Blaise Cathcart, photo reproduced from http://www.goderichsignalstar.com/2013/04/16/maguires-military-career-one-for-the-ages (accessed on 31 March 2014)

MAGUIRE, John C. (John Campbell), 1957-, "Fashioning an Equitable Vision for Public Resource Protection and Development in Canada: The Public Trust Doctrine Revisited and Reconceptualized, (1997) 7(1) Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 1-42;

Image source: www.linkedin.com (accessed 18 May 2015)
John Maguire
___________Linked in, available at https://www.linkedin.com/pub/john-maguire/6b/a6/b54?trk=seokp_posts_secondary_cluster_res_author_name (accessed on 26 April 2015); vast military experience;

___________on MAGUIRE, Commander John, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 139 and 141, available at  103-242;

___________on MAGUIRE, Commander John, see Pugliese, David, "Rank injustice: Seven cases from Canada's military: A Nine-Part Report", The Ottawa Citizen, 12 October 1999, at p. 12;

Some worry that the Defence Department is further ensuring that outsiders can't see how it investigates itself
with recently announced changes to the military justice system. Those changes give the Canadian Forces, for
the first time, the jurisdiction to try sexual assault cases involving military personnel in Canada.

But Cmdr. John Maguire, who was involved in the development of the new policy changes in the military
justice system, said the Defence Department decided it needed jurisdiction over sex assaults because such
incidents are damaging to a unit's cohesion and impair military efficiency. He said the NIS is in charge of
investigating sex assaults.

Court martial rulings, he also pointed out, are often more harsh than civilian courts in dealing with sexual

Cmdr. Maguire also dismissed concerns that because those in the military justice system wear a uniform
and salute senior officers, there is a lack of independence. "We have a strong sense of duty to uphold law,"
he said. "We are obliged under regulation to enforce law. Every member of the (Canadian Forces) is required
to report infractions. There is a code of ethics."


Paul Cluff, journalist, image source:

___________on Maguire, John, see CLUFF, Paul, "Maguire"s military career one for the ages", Goderich Signal Star, 16 April 2013, available at http://www.goderichsignalstar.com/2013/04/16/maguires-military-career-one-for-the-ages (accessed on 7 June 2014);

After earning a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws and a Masters Degree in Law,

Maguire served as a prosecutor in Atlantic Canada and as defence counsel at Canadian Forces Europe bases in Germany.

He was deployed to the Arabian Gulf – the first legal officer since the Korean War to serve on active service with a Naval Task group.

Maguire was deployed in Bahrain during the Gulf War as legal advisor to the Commander of the Canadian Forces Middle East.

In the late 1990’s, he played a formative military justice policy development role in the post-Somalia inquiry transformation of
Canada’s military justice system.

That led to some of the most sweeping set of reforms to Canada’s National Defence Act since 1950 and modernization of the trial
 system and Court Martial Appeal Court Rules.

After serving in Ottawa for a year as the special assistant to the JAG, Maguire returned to Halifax in 2001 to become the Assistant
Judge Advocate for the Atlantic Region.   Responsibilities entailed the provision of legal advice and services for all aspects of military
law to all sea, land and air units of the Canadian Forces in the Atlantic provinces.

He received a JAG Commendation for supporting the Commander of the Maritime Forces Atlantic in response to the 9/11 terrorist
attacks and follow-up on naval deployments to the Persian Gulf.

Maguire was deputy legal advisor to the NATO commander, Stabilization Force in Bosnia and received Commendation for his work
on law reform there, from U.S. Lieutenant-General William Ward.

Back in Canada, Maguire worked for the Department of Justice’s Legal Service Unit, responsible for claims and civil litigation. He
later became a Deputy Judge Advocate General/Operations, responsible for the provision of all operational legal advice and
services by legal officers deployed to Afghanistan, Congo and Sudan. Maguire deployed to Afghanistan to provide mission-critical
legal advice on targeting, use of force, detainee transfer, and other issues to the Commander, Commander Joint Task Force Afghanistan.

In recent years, he served as head of the independent Canadian Military Prosecution Service, supervising a number of
legally ground breaking, high profile cases. In 2010, he became the first regular forces legal officer to appear as Crown
Counsel before the Supreme Court of Canada.

___________on Maguire, John see the following article written with the JAG: PITZUL, Jerry S.T., Brigadier-General,  and John C. Maguire, Commander, "A Perspective on Canada's Code of Service Discipline", JAG Newsletter, Vol. IV: Oct-Dec 1999, pp. 6-16; "Originally presented: Saturday, August 1, 1998 ABA Annual Meeting General Practice and Small Firm Section Toronto Canada"; the article has three parts: "A. The Development of Canada's Military Justice System to 1950"; "B. Subsequent Developments in Canadian Military Law"; and "C. The Future: Canadian Military Justice in the 21st Century"; also published in  Eugene R. Fidell and Dwight Hall Sullivan, eds., Evolving Military Justice, Annapilis (Md.): Naval Institute Press, 2002, at pp. 233-245, ISBN: 1557502927, limited preview available at  http://books.google.com/books?id=G3tYljWV_zEC&printsec=titlepage&dq=%22canadian+military+law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_toc_s&cad=1#PPA233,M1 (accessed on 9 July 2008); with the same title in (2002) 52 The Air Force Law Review 1-15, available at http://www.afjag.af.mil/library/index.asp (accessed on 12 January 2012) and http://www.accessmylibrary.com/archive/4897-air-force-law-review/january-2002.html (accessed on 29 January 2011); with same title in 1 Modern Legal Systems Cyclopedia § 1.30.5 (Kenneth Robert Redden & Linda L. Schlueter, eds., 2000);
__________sur Maguire, John vois l'article qu'il a écrit avec le JAG: PITZUL, Jerry S.T., Brigadier-général et  John C. Maguire, Commander, "Une perspective sur le Code de discipline militaire du Canada", JAG Bulletin d'actualités, Volume IV, octobre-décécembre 1999,  pp. 17-28; "Présentation originale: Samedi, 1er août 1998 Réunion annuelle de ABA Section des études de pratique générale et des petites entreprises Toronto (Canada)"; l'article comprend trois parties: "A. L'évolution du système de justice militaire du Canada jusqu'en 1950"; "B. Développements subséquents du droit militaire canadien"; "C. L'avenir: la justice militaire canadienne au 21e siècle";

Cdr John Maguire receiving his diploma of achievement for the OPDP program from BGen Pierre Boutet, JAG, image source: JAG Newsletter/Bulletin d'actualités du JAG, volume 1, Part 1, Jan-Feb 98 (posted 21 December 2016)

___________Out of Conflict: A Principled Vision for the Future of the Crown-Aboriginal Fiduciary Relationship, LL.M. thesis, Dalhousie University, 1997, x, 396 p.; available at http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp04/mq24876.pdf (accessed on 3 March 2012); Captain (N) Maguire was appointed Director of Military Prosecutions (DMP) by the Minister of National Defence on 19 September 2009;

In this thesis the attempt is made to formulate a workable definition of the Crown-Aboriginal fiduciary relationship and the nature of the duties
it imposes having regard to the undertaking which is presumed to exist at the heart of the relationship. To that end, the Crown's "general" duty
of loyalty, with its attendant requirement to avoid a conflict of interest, is distinguished from the more "specific" duties which may arise whenever
the Crown purports to exercise a discretion in relation to particular Aboriginal interests. A consideration of the effectiveness of the fiduciary
construct in this area is also undertaken through an assessment of the manner in which Canadian courts at al levels have approached the requirement
to apply fiduciary principles to the Crown-Aboriginal relationship. The case summaries presented highlight a number of theoretical and practical
problems which the courts have yet to address fully. The courts' response to the no-conflict rule is of particular concern in view of the manysources
of conflict in the modern Crown-Aboriginal relationship. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) (source: AMICUS catalogue)

___________Testimony before the Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, to which was referred Bill S-10, to amend the National Defence Act, the DNA Identification Act and the Criminal Code, met this day:

- 2 December 1999,  to give consideration to the bill, available at https://sencanada.ca/en/Content/Sen/committee/362/lega/04ev-e (accessed 28 October 2017);

- 15 December 1999,  to give consideration to the bill, available at https://sencanada.ca/en/Content/Sen/committee/362/lega/07ev-e (accessed 28 October 2017);

Percy H. Maguire

MAGUIRE, Percy H.  (Percy Hathaway Banks), 1899-1984, "The Honourable Percy H. Maguire --1962-1974 Justice of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal", available at https://sasklawcourts.ca/index.php/percy-h-maguire (accessed 22 March 2019);
Percy H. Maguire was born in Elgin, Manitoba, on October 14, 1899. His family moved to Saskatchewan
in 1910, and he attended high school in Saskatoon. In 1918 he enlisted in the Royal Air Force and then
entered the University of Saskatchewan, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1921 and a law
degree in 1924. Mr. Maguire was admitted to the Bar in 1924 and spent the following year studying as a
special student at Harvard Law School.

From 1925 to 1936, he practiced in partnership with Carroll, Sheppard & Maguire. In 1936, he and
Emmett Hall formed their own law firm in Saskatoon. In 1937, Mr. Maguire was appointed King’s Council.
He practiced law in Saskatoon until he was appointed to the Court of Appeal in 1962.

During the Second World War, he served for a time as acting City Solicitor. He also served
for four years in Ottawa in the Judge Advocate-General’s office for the Canadian Army. 
Mr. Maguire was discharged in 1946 with the rank of Major.

During his years in Saskatoon, Mr. Maguire was active in civic affairs and was a member of many service
clubs. He served as vice-president of the Saskatchewan chapter of the Canadian Bar Association in 1959
and 1960, and served as the president of the Saskatoon Bar Association. He was also one of the first
directors of the Saskatoon Hilltops.

Justice Maguire served on the Court of Appeal until his retirement in 1974. He passed away on November 19,

[Emphasis in bold and oversize added by François Lareau]

___________on MAGUIRE, Percy H.  (Percy Hathaway Banks), see his death notice in The Leader-Post, Regina, Wednesday, 21 November 2020, at p. 51, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 27 June 2020;

               (1)                                            (2)                                           (3)

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Image source: http://cbmllp.com/portfolio/john-mah/, accessed 16 August 2016
MAH, John, former JAG officer; Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Armed Forces Reserve;

MAH, John Chew Mean, see his heraldic Emblem at https://reg.gg.ca/heraldry/pub-reg/project-pic.asp?lang=e&ProjectID=1137&ProjectElementID=4002 and http://www.chinese-armorial.com/Mah_John_Chew_Mean/Mah_John_Chew_Mean.html (accessed 20 August 2019);

MAH, John Chew Mean, see biographical notes at  http://www.chinese-armorial.com/Mah_John_Chew_Mean/Mah_John_Chew_Mean.html (accessed 20 August 2019);
John Mah, Q.C., is a partner in the law firm Chomicki Baril Mah LLP in Edmonton, Alberta, and Hong Kong.
He is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG) in the Canadian Forces. He is
also a past Governor of the University of Alberta and past National Chair of the Hong Kong-Canada Business
Association. He was the first Chinese Canadian to be appointed as Chancellor of the Priory of Canada of the
Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. In 2009, he was promoted to Bailiff Grand
Cross, the highest grade of the Order.

MAIDMENT, Erica, lawyer, member of the OJAG since September 2016; see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/erica-maidment-98680314 (accessed 2 June 2018);

Image source: https://gowlingwlg.com/en/canada/people/erica-maidment, accessed 14 May 2016
Erica Maidment
____________"New Legal Aspects of Canadian Involvement in the Private Military Industry", (2010) Can. L. Libr. Rev. 70-77; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (23 September 2015); Ms. Erica Maidment is an Associate at Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP;
Jusqu'à présent, les obligations juridiques des états utilisant les compagnies militaires privées pour défendre leurs forces militaires publiques n'étaient pas très définies.
Récemment, des initiatives internationales telles que "Montreux Document" et le "Draft International Convention on the Regulation, Oversight and Monitoring of Private
Military and Security Companies" ont tenté de clarifier le droit afin de réduire les risques posés par l'utilisation de compagnies privées dans un rôle militaire. Cet article
cherche à situer le Canada dans ce cadre juridique amilioré et à fournir un point de départ à des recherches futures dans ce domaine.
[source pour le résumé: https://biblio.caij.qc.ca/recherche#q=(military%20law)&first=10&t=biblio&sort=relevancy&m=detailed&i=5&sb=advanced&bp=results, site consulté le 24 septembre 2017]

MAIER, Christopher M. (Michael), Liberal rights and citizen soldiers : a  Rawlsian treatment of the rights of soldiers ;  thesis (M.A.)--University of Victoria, 2003; available at http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk4/etd/MQ82503.PDF (accessed on 16 April 2012);

MAILLET, Guy, "Military grievance: Setting it right if we got it wrong" (March/Mars 2010) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2010/2010-02_military.aspx and http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2010/2010-02_military.aspx#article7 (accessed on 30 April 2012);
MAILLET, Guy, "Les griefs militaires : corriger nos fautes lorsque nous en commettons" (March/Mars 2010) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/pdf/03-10-salut_militaire.pdf  (site visité le 30 avril  2012);

Ilario Maiolo
MAIOLO, Ilario, notes on, available at https://www.conservative.ca/saint-leonard-saint-michel/ (accessed 27 December 2018);
Ilario Maiolo

Ilario Maiolo is a lawyer and part-time-professor at the University of Ottawa. Previously, he worked for the Canadian Red
Cross as Senior Legal Advisor before becoming the Director of government relations, policy and international human rights.
Before joining the Red Cross, Ilario worked as a Consultant for Global Affairs Canada. He also gave conferences in
universities across Canada on the themes of international human rights and international law regarding natural and human
disasters and published two articles on this matter. Ilario is a member of the Barreau du Québec and the Law Society of
Ontario. He studied at the University of Ottawa and is licensed in civil (LL.L.) and Common Law (LL.B.). He also holds
a masters degree in international law from the University of Geneva.

___________on Maiolo, Ilario, see syllabus of  course CML4132 - INTERNAT. HUMANITARIAN LAW that he teaches at the University of Ottawa, available at https://commonlaw.uottawa.ca/15/index.php?option=com_course&catid=430&task=view&course_id=2516&siscode=CML4132&sissection=%20%20&sissession=20171&sissubsession=H%20&lang=en (accessed 27 December 2018);


The course addresses the philosophy, principles and practical application of International Humanitarian Law (IHL).
Also known as the law of war, or the law of armed conflict, international humanitarian law consists of the international
rules governing the conduct of hostilities, the methods and means of warfare, and international rules designed to protect
the victims of armed conflict.  The course will begin by placing international humanitarian law within a broader
theoretical and legal context. The course will consider the historical development of IHL, its sources and its fundamental
principles, such as the principles of humanity, military necessity, distinction between civilians and combatants, and proportionality.

The course will then examine  specific conventions and issues, including the four 1949 Geneva Conventions and their
historical antecedents; the 1977 Protocols; and the laws of the Hague. Students will then be called upon to consider some
contemporary challenges, such as the legality of the use of nuclear weapons; the environmental consequences of armed
conflict; the emergence of cyberwarfare; the protection of journalists, humanitarian agencies and peacekeepers; the status
of ‘unlawful combatants’; the protection of cultural property; and the specific protection of women and children.

Afton Maisonneuve

Image source: twitter.com/Nouvelles_ABC/status/1000032074416373760, accessed 19 November 2018
Afton Maisonneuve receiving the award certificate

MAISONNEUVE, Afton, "Afon Maisonneuve Receives CBA Military Law Award", see http://www.kellysantini.com/articles/afton-maisonneuve-receives-cba-military-law-award (accessed 4 June 2018);
Congratulations to Afton Maisonneuve, this year’s recipient of the Sword & Scale Essay Contest run by the Military
Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association. The prize is presented annually for the best scholarly paper in Canadian
military law or justice, public policy or public affairs related to Canadian military law and regulation touching on
military law or national security.
Her essay “Neither Charity nor Special Treatment: Amendments to Sustainably Modernize the Canadian Forces
Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act” provides a chronological overview of important
amendments to the Veteran’s Charter and a discussion of future proposed amendments as well as a commentary on
the practical challenges surrounding Veteran benefits.

Source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/afton-maisonneuve-972361a6, visité 16 avril 2016
Afton Maisonneuve
___________"Une carrière en droit militaire – pourquoi pas? -- Chronique en droit militaire", disponible à  http://www.flagrantdelit.ca/?p=2326 (vérifié 15 avril 2016); 

Image source: ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/ottawa-judge-lise-maisonneuve-named-chief-justice-of-ontario, accessed 16 November 2015
Lise Maisonneuve
MAISONNEUVE, Lise is the chief justice of the Ontario Court of Justice since May 2015.

She has an important background in military law:
She was also a member of the Oversight Working Group for the Department of National Defence;
Advisor to the Military Police and Investigative Services Reorganization Steering Committee and
to the Military Police Services Review Group; Advisor to the Minister of National Defence’s
Committee on Change in the Department of National Defence and Special Legal Advisor to the
late Chief Justice of Canada Brian Dickson on various military investigations.
(see commonlaw.uottawa.ca/en/alumni/common-law-honour-society/announcing-2015-common-law-honour-society-inductees
accessed 16 November 2015)
You can consult part of this background in the following documents:
Report of the Special Advisory Group on Military Justice and Military Police Investigation Services
, [Ottawa]: [Department of National Defence],
25 March 1997,
viii, 73 p. and other paginations with the Annexes (series; Report to the Prime Minister), (Chairman: The Right Honourable Brian
Dickson; Members:
Lieutenant General Charles H. Belzile (Retired) and Mr. J.W. Bird), this report also know as "Dickson Report I" is available
http://web.archive.org/web/20021016134113/http://www.dnd.ca/eng/min/reports/Dickson/justictc.htm and http://web.archive.bibalex.org/web/20041013002211/http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/minister/reports/dickson/justindex_e.htm

(accessed on 5 July 2009); also available at http://responsesystemspanel.whs.mil/public/docs/meetings/20130924/materials/allied-forces-mil-justice/
canada-mj-sys/04_Dickson_Rpt.pdf (accessed on 22 May 2014);
 see Annex B and F;

member and legal advisor of the Military Police Services Review Group,
Report of the Military Police Services Review Group Presented to the Vice Chief of
Defence Staff
on 11 December 1998, available at

- Testimony on Bill C-25, an Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts before the Standing Senate Committee on
 Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Issue 39, 29 October 1998, see minutes and evidence;

[research note: posted on Francois Lareau's military blog on 16 November 2015; amended 13 January 2016] 

Carl Miguel Maldonoto, source de l'image: tva.canoe.ca/emissions/lavoix/candidat-ligne-du-temps/carl-miguel-maldonado, consulté le 6 janvier 2019
MALDONOTO, Carl Miguel, Les sociétés militaires privées et le droit international contemporain: enjeux et perspectives en matière de responsabilité, mémoire présenté comme exigence partielle de la maitrise en droit international, Université du Québec à Montréal, mars 2017, vii, 149 p.; disponible à https://archipel.uqam.ca/9895/1/M15018.pdf  (consulté le 6 janvier 2019);

Sean M. Maloney, image source: Facebook, accessed on 12 May 2014
MALONEY, Sean M., " 'A Mere Rustle of Leaves' : Canadian Strategy and the 1970 FLQ Crisis", (December 2000) Canadian Military Journal; available at http://www.revue.mdn.ca/vo1/no2/doc/71-84-eng.pdf (accessed on 25 June 2012);

___________ “Domestic Operations: The Canadian Approach”,  (Autumn, 1997) 27(3): Parameters: U.S. Army War College Quarterly 135-152; available at http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/97autumn/maloney.htm (accessed on 2 August 2008); also available at http://strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/parameters/Articles/97autumn/maloney.htm, accessed 20 April 2015; also available at http://www.seanmmaloney.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/PARAMETERS-US-Army-War-College-Quarterly-Autumn-1997.pdf (accessed 6 August 2017); also available at https://press.armywarcollege.edu/parameters/vol27/iss3/10/ (accessed 11 December 2020);

Sean Maloney, image source: http://mediaspotme.com/search?query=Canadian%20civil-military%20relations, accessed 19 April 2014
___________Homeland Defence: The Canadian Context 1940-2000, Kingston: National Defence, Directorate of Land Strategic Concepts (DLSC), DLSC Research note: 01/02, January 2001, 55 p; available at http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/DLCD-DCSFT/pubs/archive/RN0102%20-%20S%20Maloney%20-%20Homeland%20Defence%20Jan%2001.pdf (accessed on 16 Dexcember 2011);

___________"Purple Haze: Joint Planning in the Canadian Forces from Mobile Command to J-Staff, 1975-1001 (Part 1)", (Winter 2002-2003) 5(4) The Army Doctrine and Training Bulletin. 56-72, available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/D12-9-5-4E.pdf (accessed 14 May 2019);

It took another year, almost 21/2 years after the initial directive had been implemented, to finalize a
command and control policy. The exact reasons why the process was drawn out are obscure, but
it appears
as though there were snags discovered by the judge advocate general staff over the exact
authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff to command. At one point it even appeared that
the Chief of the
Defence Staff might only have the authority to advise in the command of the CF
as opposed to actually
doing so.  [at p. 61]

Image source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/arnavmanchanda, accessed 27 August 2016
Arnav Manchanda
MANCHANDA, Arnav, "Book Review : The Taliban Don’t Wave.  Semrau, Robert. The Taliban Don’t Wave. John Wiley & Sons, Mississauga ON, Canada, © October 30 2012. $17.52 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-11826-118-7 (print); 978-1-118-26160-6 (ebk)", (Spring 2013) 18(1) On Track 41-42, available at (accessed 27 August 2016); Note: On track is published by the Conference of Defence Associations Institute; available at http://www.cdainstitute.ca/images/ontrack18n1.pdf (accessed 27 August 2016);

When it comes to the mercy kill incident in October 2008 that would change his life, Semrau abruptly and briefly
switches to reprinting what is available in the public record from his court martial, deliberately declining to provide a
firsthand account. In an interview with CBC in September 2012, Semrau asserted that some memories were difficult to
deal with, and that that particular incident is something he was not willing to talk about. But at the same time, he writes
that he felt he was unfairly not provided with a right during his court martial to recount what had happened. But neither
does he do it in the book – and this is very odd.

Semrau holds the investigative process that led to his demotion and dismissal in extremely low regard. He
wonders if any of the 􀏐ive members of his court martial had “ever been shot at”, “heard a bullet” or “been literally soaked
in another man’s blood, or held a fellow soldier as he was dying.” These are powerful words, but they lack explanatory
power as to why he continues to not provide us with his side of the story. He does not provide the reader with the details
of that particular incident, and thus the reader cannot fully ever – while perhaps wanting to – empathize with him and
his actions. Perhaps he did not want to use the dead insurgent as an excuse for his behaviour in an issue that became so
politicized, saying that the “truth of that moment will always be between me and the insurgent.” Or perhaps he invokes
a battle􀏐ield exceptionalism, in line with those who believe that those who have experienced the reality of combat stand
apart from those who have not. (p. 42)

image and information source: mhs.mb.ca/docs/people/tritschler_ge.shtml
The judge was former Col. George
Tritschler, from the JAG, who later became the Chief Justice of the
Manitoba Court of Appeal.

MANCHESTER GUARDIAN,THE, "Mother not guilty of Murder", The Manchester Guardian (1901-1959), Feb 8, 1957, p. 9; note: "
Canadian court-martial Baden-Baden
February 7 Mrs Doris Joan Stevenson aged 35 the London-born wife of Canadian..." ; source:
© ProQuest LLC All rights reserved;; defence counsel at
the Baden-Baden, West Germany trial was Captain D.S. Collins from Terrace, British Columbia; the judge was from Manitoba: George Tritschler;
- For further research on this case, see:

Article: Presse canadienne, "Mme Stevenson
acquittée de l'accusation d'avoir tué son bébé
d'un mois", La Presse, jeudi, 7 février 1957, à la p.3, article disponible à:
collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2877306 (consulté le 1er avril 2018);

- "Procès de Doris Joan Stevenson", La Presse, mercredi, 6 février 1957, à la p. 13; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2877298 (vérifié le 1er mars 2018);

MANSOUR, Diana, Captain, member of the OJAG, reserve force; she attended the 2019 mandatory legal officer qualification course at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, CFB Kingston, see Access to Information Act, DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 12 June 2019, File A-2019-00289;

___________on Mansour, Diana, Captain, as defence counsel for the CF Defence Counsel Services, see Sangha G. (Officer Cadet), R. v., 2020 CM 2011 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/jb3qm> (court date was 6 October 2020);

___________on Mansour, Diana, see By David Hodson, "Special Forces, The War on Terror and Articling", Spring 2019, available at https://www.defendme.ca/resources/DurLaw2019Vol2Iss1Pg13.pdf (accessed 8 March 2020);

When Diana Mansour, a second-year student at the time, was observing
a trial being conducted by David Barrison, she had no idea that she'd
soon be immersed in litigation involving Canada's Special Operations
(SOF) community, learning the intricacies of combat arms or
navigating the
misery of tear gas. At the time, Mr. Barrison was conducting
a human traf-
ficking trial with David Hodson. During a break, Mr. Hodson
learned that
Ms. Mansour was interested in part-time distance work
while finishing her JD
at the University of Windsor. Recognizing her potential,
and with the bless
ing of Mr. Barrison, he immediately made her an offer of

as an aside, with her knowledge of Arabic and Arab culture, it wasn't long before
both JAG and the SOF community were
showing an interest in her future.

Ms. Mansour, as an articling student, argued the first Jordan application within
a military Court Mar-
tial.She, vis-a-vis 11(b) of The Charter, an eighteen-month
time frame.
Her accomplishment is more pro-nounced knowing that a CM is
deemed a Superior Court.
She subsequently argued four more applications,
cluding a Corbett, Similar Fact and a. s. 276 -all were successful. ....

Captain Diana Mansour has successfully represented a number of accused in
civilian trials, but after her
Call to the Bar, she accepted an offer from Defence
Counsel Services, of Canada's Judge Advocate General. ....

As a Reserve Legal Officer, many may think she's only a courtroom warrior, but
her skill with a rifle, to-
gether with her linguistic abilities germane to a wartorn region,
will, inshallah (God willing), provide her with
many opportunities to deploy as a
In the interim, she continues to maintain a criminal law practice with Carlos
Da Cruz and David Hodson, as well as crossing the country to appear at Court Martial.

Photo by Derek Ruttan, London Free Press                                                                                 

____________on a court martial in which Ms. Mansour was involved, see CARRUTHERS, Dale, "Ex-military medic jailed nine months" The London Free Press,
Thursday, 25 May 2017, available at  Theobsever.cahttp://www.theobserver.ca/2017/05/25/military-court-judge-to-sentence-james-wilks-thursday-in-london
accessed 26 May 2017);

Wilks, 57, was previously convicted in 2013 of 10 counts of sexual assault and 15 counts of breach of trust for giving
inappropriate breast exams to females at Ontario military recruiting centres.

The former petty officer had challenged the ruling, but an appeals court upheld it last Friday.

Wilks’s lawyer, David Hodson, said the two sentences will be served concurrently at the Joyceville Institution, a
medium-security prison on Kingston.

 Image source: https://sites.google.com/a/umn.edu/giovanni-mantilla/, accessed 30 September 2016
Giovanni Fabrizio Mantilla
MANTILLA CASAS, Giovanni Fabrizio, Under (Social) Pressure: The Historical Regulation of Internal Armed Conflicts through International Law, a dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy, August 2013, ix, 410 p.; available at
https://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/handle/11299/175520/MantillaCasas_umn_0130E_14332.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (accesed 30 September 2016); discusses Canada;

MANTLE, Craig Leslie, 1977-, ed., The apathetic and the defiant : case studies of Canadian mutiny and disobedience, 1812 to 1919 / edited by Craig Leslie Mantle ; foreword by major-general
P.R. Hussey
, Kingston (Ont.): Canadian Defence Academy Press; Toronto: Dundurn Group, c2008, 496 p., ISBN: 9781550027105; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General  FC 226 .A63 2007;
Canadian soldiers have served their country for centuries, and for the most part they have done so honourably and loyally. Yet, on certain occasions,
their conduct has been anything but honourable. Whether by disobeying their legal orders, terrorizing the local population, or committing crimes in
general, some soldiers have embodied the very antithesis of appropriate military conduct. Covering examples of unsavoury behaviour in the
representatives of our military forces from the War of 1812 to the immediate aftermath of the First World War, The Apathetic and the Defiant reveals
that disobedience and mutiny have marked all of the major conflicts in which Canada has participated. Canadian military indiscipline has long been
 overshadowed by the nation's victories and triumphs ... until now (source:http://www.dundurn.com/books/apathetic_and_defiant )


__________sous la direction de, Les apathiques et les rebelles : des exemples canadiens de mutinerie et de désobéissance, 1812-1919, Kingston (Ont.): Presse de l'académie canadienne de la défense, c2008, 516 p., ISBN: 9781550027204;

___________ed., The unwilling and the reluctant : theoretical perspectives on disobedience in the military, Winnipeg: Canadian Defence Academy Press, c2006, vii, 257 p. ; 24 cm., ISBN: 0662432517;
Foreword – Preface – Introduction
 – 1. Obedience to military authority: a psychological perspective / Peter Bradley
 – 2. Loyal mutineers: an examination of the connection between leadership and disobedience in the Canadian Army since 1885 / Craig Leslie Mantle
 – 3. Mutiny and the Royal Canadian Navy / Christopher M. Bell
 – 4. Beyond mutiny? Instrumental and expressive understandings of contemporary “collective indiscipline” / Christopher Andersen
 – 5. A law unto themselves? – Elitism as a catalyst for disobedience / Bernd Horn
 – 6. Combat stress reaction and the act of disobedience: does the significance of acts of disobedience diminish under the pressure of combat stress? / Gordon (Joe) Sharpe and George Dowler
 – 7. “But ... it’s not my fault!” -  Disobedience as a function of fear / Bernd Horn
 – 8. Disobedience of professional norms: ethos, responsibility, orientation and Somalia / George Shorey
–  9. “We don’t like you, Sir!” – informal revenge as model o f military resistance in the British Army / Charles Kirke
 – Contributors – Glossary.
(source: http://bib.cfc.dnd.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=1N17KK7608183.40074&profile=cfc&uri=link=3100007~!205069~!3100001~!3100002&aspect=subtab46&menu=

Manuals/Manuels of interest to a lawyer or a researcher

[see also "DND/CF Publications" in  Bibliography C to D, available at www.lareau-law.ca/military.2C-D.html]

see also ARMY ELECTRONIC LIBRARY at http://armyapp.forces.gc.ca/SOH/AEL_E.html, accessed 5 July 2020;

Research note: on Manuals from JAG, see LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA, Reports and Manuals from the Office of the Judge Advocate General [textual record]. 1956-1991. Accession. RG24-B-9. BAN2008-00847-9. Textual material. [Access: Restricted by law]. Government. 24-166 1 90. This accession consists of various reports and manuals created and/or maintained by the Office of the Judge Advocate General.


 Manuals -- Law of Armed Conflicy / Manuels sur le droit des conflits armés

Collection of Documents on the Law of Armed Conflict,
 **2004 edition**XHTML Version
Collection de documents sur le droit des conflits armés
***version 2004 ***Version XHTML 

 Law of Armed Conflict at the Operational and Tactical Level,,***13 August 2003 edition***XHTML Version
Droit des conflits armés au niveau opérationnel et tactique***version du 13 septembre 2001***Version XHTML
see 2001-08-13 edition in English at http://web.archive.org/web/20061114215832/http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/training/publications/law_of_armed_conflict/loac_2004_e.pdf
voir la version française du 2001-09-13 à http://web.archive.org/web/20060224223135/http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/training/publications/law_of_armed_conflict/loac_2004_f.pdf

Code of Conduct for CF Personnel  ***undated version ---takes a while to load! and ***PowerPoint Presentation
Code de conduite for CF Personnel ***  version non datée ---prends quelques secondes à venir sur l'écran et ***Séance d'information en  Power Point  



Lesson Plan for the: Code of Conduct for CF Personnel, Office of the Judge Advocate General, B-GG-005-027/AF-022, available at http://web.archive.org/web/20010612031347/http://www.dnd.ca/jag/jag_pdf_docs/codeconduct_lessonplan_e.pdf, accessed 29 November 2015.

Plan de leçon pour le : Code de conduite du personnel des FC, Cabinet du Juge-avocat général, l, B-GG-005-027/AF-022, disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/
20010612041027/http://www.dnd.ca/jag/jag_pdf_docs/codeconduct_lessonplan_f.pdf, visité 29 novembre 2015.


International Human Rights Law -- Collection of Documents, B-LG-007-000/AF-003***  1 March 2007 edition
Droit international en matière de droits de personne -- Recueil de documents, B-LG-007-000/AF-004 ***version 1er mars 2007

LOAC Student Deskbook, probably available from CFMLC
DCA Manuel de cours, probably available from CFMLC

Intermediate Law of Armed Conflict Course (Distance Learning phase), 190 pages, available at http://docslide.us/documents/iloace.html (accessed 9 September 2015); also available at https://www.scribd.com/document/90133828/ILOAC-e (accessed 24 October 2016);
Deployment of Legal Advisers
26. Military legal advisers accompany all Canadian Forces deployed operations
and provide IHL advice on the conduct of military operations at the tactical level.
Additionally, legal advisors advise all levels of the chain of command that are
involved in the planning and conduct of military operations. Specifically, military
legal advisers must conduct a legal review of all operational plans and ROE prior
to their approval by the chain of command. Legal advisers also provide legal
advice on all targeting decisions requiring consideration by a Targeting Directive
at all levels of command. Within the Canadian Forces, military legal officers
belong to the Office of the Judge Advocate General and are under the command
of the Judge Advocate General, a General Officer who is statutorily responsible
to the Minister of National Defence. Consequently Canadian Forces legal officers
are not a part of or subject to the direction of the military chain of command. They
are able to provide independent legal advice to military commanders
(pp. 62-63/190, available at http://docslide.us/documents/iloace.html, accessed 6 April 2017)

Military Justice Manuals, etc. -- Manuels sur la justice militaire, etc.

Aide Memoire -- Elements of the Offence, Using the Code of Service Discipline
, Office of the Judge Advocate General,
Canadian Military Prosecution Service, 87 pages, available at https://www.scribd.com/document/382309130/Elements-of-the-Offence (accessed 31 March 2020);


Canadian Military Justice Bulletin, Semi annual Bulletin published by DJAG/MJ Division (the image above is  for
2015 number 2)
Bulletin de justice militaire canadienne, Bulletin semi-annuel publié par la Division du JAGA/JM (l'image ci-dessus est pour le numéro 2 de 2015) 

The Code of Service Discipline and Me -- A guide to the military justice system for Canadian Forces members
, undated, 14 p., ***PDF Format ; also available at http://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/475952/publication.html;
Le Code de discipline militaire et moi,
sans date, 14 p.,  Format PDF; aussi disponible à  http://publications.gc.ca/site/fra/477463/publication.html;

Court Martial Procedures , Guide for Participants and Guide for the Public = Procédures devant la cour martiale, guide des partiipants et du public, A-LG-007-000/AG-001, 8 June 2012; available/disponible à  http://www.jmc-cmj.forces.gc.ca/assets/CMJ_Internet/docs/en/gpcm-cmpg.pdf (accessed 3 May 2015);

The Election to be Tried by Summary Trial or Court Martial: Guide for Accused and Assisting Officers (Bilingual), [Ottawa?], 30 November 1997, 11 p. with a 2 p. Annex, Index of Documentation of National Defencee no. A-LG-050-000/AF-001; Research Note:  the OPI for this publication is the Office of the Judge Advocate General / Directorate of Law/Military Justice; paragraph 4, p. 1 of the publication reads in part: "The purpose of this guide is to place the election to be tried by court martial in its procedural context and to provide a convenient summart, for use by accused service members and their assisting officers, of the differences betwen summary trials and courts martial, so that the accused are in a position to make an informed election"; copy at the National Library, Ottawa; "A-LG-050-000/AF-001"; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX General,  KE 7160 .E436 1997; NOTE: superseded in 2002 by OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Guide for accused and assisting officers : pre-trial proceedings at the summary trial level,  issued on authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff;
Le choix d'être jugé par procès sommaire ou devant une cour martiale: Guide à l'intention des accusés et des officers désigés pour les aider,  [Ottawa?], 30 novembre 1997, 11 p. avec une annexe de 2 p.,  index de documentation de la Défense nationale:  # A-LG- 050-000/AF-001; note de recherche: le BPR pour cette publication est le Cabinet du Juge-avocat général, Directeur juridique/Justice militaire; le paragraphe 4, à la p. 1 se lit en partie ainsi en expliquant le but de la publication: «Pour aider les militaires accusés à exercer un choix éclairé, le présent guide situe dans son contexte procédural le choix d'être jugé devant une cour martiale et résume, à l'intention des accusés et des officers désignés pour les aider, les différences entre les procès sommaires et les cours martiales"; copie à la Bibliothèque nationale, Ottawa; NOTE: remplacé en 2002 par BUREAU DU JUGE-AVOCAT GÉNÉRAL, Guide à l'intention des  accusés et des officiers désignés pour les aider : les procédures préliminaires lors d'un procès sommaire,Publiée avec l'autorisation du Cef d'état-major de la Défense;   

Guide for Accused and Assisting Officers (Bilingual) Pre-Trial Proceedings at the Summary Trial Level/ ***PDF Format Bilingual-Bilingue
A-LG-050-000/AF-001, dated 2002-08-31/Guide à l'intention des accusés et des officiers désignés pour
les aider (Bilingue) Les procédures préliminaires lors d'un procès sommaire, A-LG-050-000/AF-001, daté 2002-08-31; also
available at http://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/475651/publication.html;  IMPORTANT NEW EDITION, 2009-10-06, available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/assets/FORCES_Internet/docs/en/jag/guide-for-accused-and-assisting-officers.pdf  and at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2014/mdn-dnd/D2-349-2009.pdf http://www.forces.gc.ca/assets/FORCES_Internet/docs/en/jag/manual-mil-jus-summary-trial-level.pdf  (English) et (français);

Guide for Referral Authorities/Guide à l'intention des autorités de renvoi, November/novembre 2002,***PDF Format Bilingual-Bilingue



 The Investigation and Charging Process in the Military Justice System, available at http://web.archive.org/web/20040225132101/http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/
training/publications/charging_and_investigating_e.pdf (accessed 30 November 2015)
- Le processus d'enquête et d'accusation du système de justice militaire, disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20030711040204/http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/
training/publications/charging_and_investigating_f.pdf (visité 30 novembre 2015)

-------- Source: http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vol12/no2/61-gibson-eng.asp

Military Justice at the Summary Trial Level v. 2.2, B-GG-005-027/AF-011, 12 January 2011,*** PDF format ***other format
Justice militaire au procès sommaire, version 2.2, 14 février 2011, B-GG-005-027/AF-011,***version PDF ***autre format

Military Justice at the Summary Trial Level
, updated 14 September 2001, DND publication: number: V2.09/01,  B-GG-005-027/AF-011) available at   http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/training/publications/POCT_docs/military_justice_manual_e.pdf and http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/training/publications/POCT_docs/military_justice_manualOLD_e.pdf; version V2.1  2/06, available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/publications/Training-formation/MilJustice_JustMilv2.1-eng.pdf (accessed on 3 March 2011);
  Justice militaire au procès sommaire, 2001 (Collection; publication du MDN; numéro: V2.0 9/01, B-GG-005-027/AF-011); disponible à   http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/training/publications/POCT_docs/military_justice_manual_f.pdf  et http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/training/publications/POCT_docs/military_justice_manualOLD_f.pdf; voir version 2.1, février 2006, disponible à http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/publications/Training-formation/MilJustice_JustMilv2.1-fra.pdf (vérifié le 3 mars 2011);

Defence Counsel Study Team, Report of the Defence Counsel Study Team on the provision of Defence Counsel Services in the Canadian Forces, Office of the Judge Advocate General, 15 August 1997,
available at  (accessed 25 March 2019), available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2018-02048.pdf; obtained under an Access  to Information Act request, National Defence Access to Information and Privacy
Request file A-2018-02048 dated 26 February 2019, available at http://www.lareau-law.ca/A1a-208-02048.pdf (accessed 25 March 2019);

- Sexual Offences & Sexual Harassment, Legal and Ethical Obligations
, 30 November 2015, available at http://web.archive.org/web/20080124140609/
http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/training/publications/default_e.asp#SEXUALH and click on "Sexual Offences and Sexual Harassment...Power Point Presentation"

- Infractions à caractère sexuel et harcèlement sexuel: Obligations juridiques et éthiques, 30 novembre 2015, disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20071213224306/
http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/training/publications/default_f.asp et pressez sur "Les infractions à caractère sexuel et harcèlement sexuel ...séance d'information en 'Power
Pont' "

- Sexual Offences and Sexual Harrassment -- Briefing Notes, available at http://web.archive.org/web/20041124020535/http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/training/publications/SexualOffences_e.pdf
(accessed 30 November 2015)
- Infractions à caractère sexuel et harcèlement sexuel -- Notes de synthèse, disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20041124023001/http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/training/publications/Sexual
Offences_f.pdf (vérifié 30 novembre 2015)


Training Brief for Assisting Officers -- Summary Trials, 23 May 2003, ***available on this web page under the title "Assisting Officer--Summary Trial"
Formation des officiers désignés pour aider l'accusé -- Procès sommaire, 23 mai 2003, ***disponible sur cette page web sous le titre "Formation des officiers désignés -- Procès sommaire

Other Manuals, publications etc.

You and the Law of War, [Ottawa]: Office of the Judge Advocate General, circa 1981, 92 p.; prepared by Colonel Armand Desroches with the assistance of Major François Lareau, JAG/Directorate of Law / Training, circa 1981; this publication is available at National Defence, Directorate of Land Concepts and Doctrine, Fort Frontenac Library. The Directorate first published 25 short articles on the law of war and some beautiful accompanying posters were also prepared and distributed in the Canadian Forces bases;
Source: You and the Law of War, circa 1981, reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada and of the Canadian Forces, Office of the Judge Advocate General, 2012
Notice: This publication does not necessarily reflect the current state of the  or the current views of the Government of Canada, the Canadian Forces and  the Office of the Judge Advocate General.  This permission does not imply an
endorsement of the views of François Lareau and of the views expressed at  http://www.lareau-law.ca/ and http://www.lareau-legal.ca/
- Table of Contents;
- Complete document (92 p.);
Vous et le Droit de la guerre, [Ottawa]: [Forces canadiennes, Cabinet du Juge Avocat Général], circa 1981, 104 p.; ce document a été préparé par le Colonel Armand Desroches avec l'aide du major François Lareau du  "JAG/Directorate of Law/Training"  (on m'excusera mais je n'ai pas le titre en français du directorat) vers 1981; copie à Défense nationale, Direction des concepts et de la doctrine de l'Armée de terre, Bibliothèque Fort Frontenac; de magnifiques affiches en couleurs ont été préparés avec ce document et distribués sur les bases;
Source:  Vous et le droit de la guerre, circa 1981, reproduit avec la permission du Ministre des Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada et des Forces canadiennes, Cabinet du Juge-avocat-général, 2012.
Avis: Cette publication ne représente pas nécessairement l'état actuel du droit des conflits armés, ni l'état actuel des opinions du Gouvernement du Canada, des Forces canadiennes et du Cabinet du Juge-avocat général. Cette permission de reproduire n'implique pas  une approbation des opinions de François Lareau ni celles exprimées à  http://www.lareau-law.ca/ et http://www.lareau-legal.ca/
- Table des matières;
- document entier;
Some of the accompanying posters were also prepared and distributed in the Canadian Forces bases:

Source: http://collections.civilisations.ca/public/pages/cmccpublic/emupublic/Display.php?irn=1020403
(accessed on 21 May 2012).

Source: https://searcharchives.ucalgary.ca/lilian-green-accession (accessed 27 February 2019)

11 of these posters were collected by Leslie C. Green, 1920-2011, and donated by Lilian Green, September 2016
to the Leslie C. Green Collection, Collection F0096, University of Calgary, The Military Museums.

CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, Canadian Forces Manual of Military Occupational Structure, volume 2, Part 1, Job Based Specification (JBS) for the Legal Officer Occupation, CCM Mercury # 889827, date approved, 21 May 2007, iv, 21 pages (look for numbers AO511583_1-A-2016-02606-047 to AO511583_26-A-2016-02606-0072, bottom right numbers on each page at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2016-02606.PDF (put on line on 6 August 2017); document obtained from an  Access to information Act request to DND, see http://www.lareau-law.ca/A-2016B-02606.pdf dated 20 July 2017;

CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, Operational Law Manual, V 1, no date of publication, approx. 300 pages, B-GJ-005-104/FP-024; available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2016-02619.PDF (accessed 3 November 2017);
document obtained from an  Access to information Act request to DND, see http://www.lareau-law.ca/Empey3No17.pdf dated 25 October 2017;

CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, Qualification Standard, Legal Officer Qualification, AJCK, Regular Force 00204, Training Authority: CDA, basic date: 25/06/14, change date 20/06/14, 46 pages (look for numbers AO511582_1-A-2016-02606-001 to AO511582_46-A-2016-02606-0046, bottom right numbers on each page); available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2016-02606.PDF (put on line on 6 August 2017); document obtained from an  Access to information Act request to DND, see http://www.lareau-law.ca/A-2016B-02606.pdf dated 20 July 2017;

CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, Training Plan, Legal Officer Qualification, Regular  Force 00204, basic date: 28/10/2013 and Master Lesson Plan, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A201501212_2017-02-09_14-21-38.PDF (put on line on 22 February 2017);  this document was released under Access to Information Act request A-2015-01212 (DND), 1709 pages (disclosed in part) which request summary read as folows: "Training Plan and and Master Lesson Plan used in support of the Legal Officer Qualification Course (LOQC) run by CF Military Law Centre (CFMLC) in Kingston from September 14, 2015 to October 9, 2015. The CFMLC falls under the Canadian Defence Academy"; I received records previously released under file A-2015-01212 by Kimberly Empey, Director, Access to Information and Privacy, undated (but in reality February 2017), National Defence, National Defence Headquarters' letter file AI-2016-00223, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Training21.pdf (put on line on 22 February 2017); IMPORTANT DOCUMENT.

Canadian Forces Military Law Centre -- Legal Officer
 Qualification Course, approved  20 July 2017, available at
[I have noticed on 13 July 2020, that this document is also now available at https://docplayer.net/150455199-Canadian-forces-military-

in connection with this course, see:
- LOQ Timetable--Military Administrative Law Module, 24-29 April 2019, http://www.lareau-legal.ca/2019%20Admin%20En.pdf
- LOQ Timetable-- Military Law Module, 6-10 May 2019, at  http://www.lareau-legal.ca/2019%20MJ%20En.pdf
- LOQ Timetable -- Operational Law Module, 13- 17 May 2019, http://www.lareau-legal.ca/2019%20Ops%20En.pdf
- Exercice Able Advocate  Legal Officer Qualification -- Operational Law, Ex Able Advocate 2019 Timetable, 17-24  May, http://www.lareau-legal.ca/2019%20Ex%20AA%20Schedule.pdf  

[These five documents received by François Lareau on 31 May 2019 from LCol Brent Clute, Director, Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, Kingston, Access to Information Act informal request]

On the subject of the Legal Officer Qualification Course, see photo:

Office of the JAG
The JAG, Commodore Geneviève Bernatchez, was in Kingston today to
 address and congratulate graduates of the Legal Officer Qualification Course.
This month-long training prepares new Legal Officers to perform their duties
as legal advisors to
@CanadianForces at home and abroad.
[images sources: https://twitter.com/KimberleyDawn8 and https://twitter.com/JAGCAF/
status/1132008858203893760, accessed 4 April 2020]

Image source: picclick.com/Collectibles/Militaria/WW-II-1939-45/Original-Period-Items/Canada/?page=68

Image source: https://www.ebay.com/itm/252858819273. accessed 24 February 2019

NAME(S):* Canada. Canadian Army. Judge Advocate-General
TITLE(S): Canadian army handbook on district courts-martial, 1941 (December) / prepared by officers of the Judge Advocate-General's Branch in Collaboration with Officers of other Branches Handbook on district courts-martial
PUBLISHER: Ottawa : E. Cloutier, King's printer, 1941. DESCRIPTION: 78 p. ; 25 cm. [Information from AMICUS catalogue]
FURTHER RESEARCH on Voilà catalogue on 25 November 2019 as to the librarues that have that book:
Library and Archives Canada;University of Calgary Library, Taylor Family Digital Library (TFDL);
Canadian War Museum; Concordia University Libraries; Toronto Public Library;

Canada, Office of the Judge Advocate General, Basic operational legal advisor, course 8501, 15-19 April 1985, Cornwall, Ontario, deskbook
Cours de conseiller juridique, 15-19 avril, 1985, [Cornwall? Ont.] : Canadian Forces, Office of the Judge dvocate General, [1985?], 502 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
NOTES: Title on cover: Basic operational legal adviser, course 8501, 15-19 April, 1985, Cornwall, Ontario = Cours de conseiller juridique, 15-19 avril, 1985;
copy at the University of Alberta, Rutherford Library, Edmonton, call number: JX 4521 C212 1985;

CANADA, Office of the Judge Advocate General, Digest of Opinions and Rulings, Ottawa: March 31, 1944, compiled from the records
of the Office of the Judge Advocate General at National Defence Headquarters
, [Ottawa, 1944], 353, [35] p.; available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2018-02026.pdf;
obtained under an Access  to Information Act request, National Defence Access to Information and Privacy
Request file A-2018-02026 dated 12 March 2019, available at http://www.lareau-law.ca/A2a-2018-02026.pdf (accessed and put on line on 29 March 2019);

Canada, Office of the Judge Advocate General, Sixth basic law of armed conflict course, 30 March to 3 April 1992, TCTI, Cornwall, Ontario : deskbook =
Sixième cours de base, droit de la querre, 30 mars au 3 avril 1992, IFTC, Cornwall, Ontario : cahier de l'étudiant Basic law of armed conflict: course 9201,
30 March to 3 April 1992 Cours de base, droit de la querre: cours 9201, 30 mars au 3 avril 1992 Sixième cours de base, droit de la querre, 30 mars au 3 avril 1992,
IFTC, Cornwall Ontario: cahier de l'étudiant, Ottawa : Office of the judge advocate general, 1992, 604 p. ; 30 cm. NOTES: Cover title: Basic law of armed conflict :
course 9201, 30 March to 3 April 1992, Cornwall, Ontario. On cover: Office of the Judge Advocate General; copy at the University of Ottawa, FTX (Fauteux Library)
KZ 6385 .B37 1992;

CANADIAN FORCES MILITARY LAW CENTRE (CFMLC), President Officer Certification Training, Student Desk Book, version 2.2 (September 2012), Kingston: Canadian Forces Academy, 2012, 532 p., available at  http://www.lareau-law.ca/PresidingOfficer.pdf Access to Information Act request to DND, their file A-2012-01401;  MAY TAKE LONG TIME TO DOWNLOAD!

This past weekend, 42 members from across the
#CAF attended the first remotely
conducted Presiding Officer Certification Training session.
#COVID19 #StayHealthy

source: twitter.com/JAGCAF/status/1253039686844588032/photo/1, accessed 5 May 2020

Further research:

MANUALS, that were available at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre (CFMLC) web page, http://www.cda.forces.gc.ca/cfmlc-cdmfc/index-eng.asp  (accessed on 16 June 2011)/
MANUELS qui étaint disponibles au site du Centre de droit  militaire des Forces canadiennes (CDMFC), http://www.cda.forces.gc.ca/cfmlc-cdmfc/index-fra.asp (vérifié le 16 juin 2011)

- Charge Layer Aide memoire
- POCT (President Officer Cerification Training) Instructor's Manual v. 2.2/ AOP Guide d'instructeur v. 2.2.
- Collection of Documents on Domestic Operations, B-LG-007-000/AF-001
- Canadian Forces Drug Testing Manual/Manuel de dépistage des drogues au sein des forces canadiennes
- "During the reporting period, legal officers continued to provide considerable support to the Officer Professional Military Education (OPME) Program
 military law course. The OPME program includes courses on defence management, Canadian military history, leadership and ethics and military law.
The successful completion of the program is required for officers to be promoted to the rank of Major or Lieutenant-Commander. The course DCE 002
Introduction to Military Law
contains a module addressing in detail the administration of military justice in the CF. The second module in the course
details the laws applicable to armed conflict. The training is offered through self-paced distance learning and condensed on-site instruction at CF bases
and wings, and is available to both officers and NCMs. During the reporting period, 1691 students successfully completed the English-language serial,
while 312 students completed the French-language serial of this course."
(source: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-reports-pubs-military-law-annual-2008-09/ch-5-review-mil-education-training-0809.page, Judge Advocate General Annual Report, 2008-2009, chapter 5, accessed 11 Narch 2017)
 - The Manual of International Law in Peace Operations -- Draft Outline of the Manual's Content, available at  http://home.scarlet.be/~ismllw/actualite/ISMLLW%20464%20E%2019.pdf (accessed on 29 July 2012);
- Legal Officer Intermediate Training: Military Operations Law - 29 April 2013 to 4 May 2013, see course details at https://www.nsbs.org/event/2013/05/legal-officer-intermediate-training-military-operations-law-april-29 (accessed 4 August 2017);

The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston,
courses POE488 and POE486:

Image source: Kijiji (item for sale at $20.00, March 2017)
POE 488 (Course Code), The Law of Armed Conflict, course reader, v. 2.0;   This is a course of Royal Military College of Canada Division
of Continuing Studies, Royal Military College of Canada, PO Box 17000, Station Forces, Kingston, ON K7K 7B4; Department of Political Science;
see https://www.rmcc-cmrc.ca/sites/default/files/rmcbmas-cmrbasm-bil_3.pdf (accessed 26 March 2017);
"POE488 The Law of Armed Conflict

"This course gives students a solid knowledge of the law regarding the use of force in international and non-international armed conflicts. Following an examination
of the situation of the Law of Armed Conflict within the broader context of Public International Law, there will be a general discussion of the general concepts of the
LOAC and its two branches, the jus ad bellum (the right to the use of force) and the jus in bello (the law applicable in conflict). A study of the rules includes their
applicability in operational situations, with reference to issues including the notion of combatants, prisoners of war, the treatment of civilians, the obligation to limit
unnecessary suffering and damage, the legality of certain weapons, and special cases such as child-soldiers and mercenaries. The course concludes with an examination
of means of enforcing the law, including national courts, ad hoc tribunals and the International Criminal Court.

Note(s) :
Also offered through Distance Education.
This course may count as a Military Arts credit within the BMASc programme.
Contact Hours:
3 - 0 - 6 (Distance Learning: 0 - 0 - 9)
1" (source: https://www.rmcc-cmrc.ca/en/registrars-office/undergraduate-political-science-courses#poepof488, accessed 26 March 2017);

- For more information, see also https://www.rmcc-cmrc.ca/en/division-continuing-studies/distance-education-undergraduate (accessed 26 March 2017);

- Syllabus for Course POE 488A, winter 2013-2014, 9 p., lecturers: LCol Rory Fowler and Lieutenant-Commander Mike Baker, available at  http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2015-00669.pdf (accessed 26 March 2017);

- Military Arts and Science (DMAS), Ontario College Diploma, Seneca Faculty of Continuing Education & Training:


Seneca College delivers this exciting Ontario College Diploma developed through an innovative partnership between OntarioLearn, the Royal Military
College of Canada (RMC) and the Canadian Defence Academy (CDA). All courses are available online as well as some in class options.

The aim of the Diploma in Military Arts and Science (DMASc) is to provide Non-Commissioned Members (NCMs) of the Canadian Forces and those
interested in military affairs, a comprehensive knowledge of leadership, critical thinking, security studies, resource management and communication skills
deemed essential to the functioning of modern military or large corporations. This diploma will serve as a recognized component of the Non-Commissioned
 Members training.

The program will provide an accredited 2-year Ontario College Diploma in Military Arts and Science that is portable into the civilian workforce once NCMs
retire from their military service. The program is also open to the public. Under an articulation agreement between RMC and Seneca College, graduates of
this diploma program may be admitted into the RMC Bachelor of Military and Strategic Studies degree program with Advanced Standing.
(source: http://www.senecacollege.ca/ce/humanities/military-arts-science.html, accessed 26 March 2017)



POE 486 (Course Code),  Air and Space Law, This is a course of Royal Military College of Canada Division of Continuing Studies, Royal Military College of Canada, PO Box 17000, Station Forces, Kingston, ON K7K 7B4; Department of Political Science; see https://www.rmcc-cmrc.ca/sites/default/files/rmcbmas-cmrbasm-bil_3.pdf (accessed 26 March 2017);

"This course is an introduction to air and space law. The primary focus is the international and national law applicable to air operations and outer space activities, particularly
of a military nature. It also considers historical and political factors in the development of these legal regimes. The international law concepts will be instilled by reference to
the various applicable international conventions and legal principles, such as the Charter of the United Nations and the sources and nature of public international law. The study
of public air law will focus on the Chicago Convention of 1944 and the 1963 Tokyo Convention stream.  The Warsaw (1929) and Montreal (1999) Conventions relating to civil
aviation liability provide the basis for the private international air law study.  For space rights, the five major treaties governing that domain will be studied, along with the work
of the UN General Assembly and the UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS).  Outer space activities such as military uses and remote sensing will be
considered, as will the rights and obligations of rescue and liability.  Given the legal importance of and similarities between the outer space and air regimes and that of the oceans, the law of the sea will also be the object of analysis and discussion.

Usually Offered in the Winter Term
Contact Hours:
0 - 0 - 9
1" (source: https://www.rmcc-cmrc.ca/en/registrars-office/undergraduate-political-science-courses#poepof488, accessed 26 March 2017)

DND Publications in the National Defence Index
of Documentation (NDID)

- Manuals noted in the answer (CD with electronic files on it) from the Director, Access to Information and Privacy, their file letter A-2015-00389, dated 20 October 2015; my Access to Information Act request read as follows: "Current list of DND publications contained in the National Defence Index of Documentation (NDID) database (i.e. Publication Number/IDDN, English Title, Frenc Title, Language, OPI, Edition, Last Change Level, Last Change Date)"

        NDID CD                       TITLE                                                   OPI            LANG          STATUS           DATE                UPDATED              FORMAT
- B-GA-005-104/FP-024   Operational Law/Droit opérationel      JAG DLaw        B              Reserved                                     14 mar 2006            Hardcopy

- B-GG-005-004/AF-027   Legal Support to CF Operations          JAG DLawT     E              Reserved                                      27 Nov 1998          Hardcopy

- B-GG-005-027/AF-010   Legal Support to CF Operations          DJAG/Ops        E              Reserved                                      27 Nov 1998          Hardcopy
                                           vol. I, Military Justice Manual

- B-GG-005-027/AF-020   Legal Support to CF Operations          DJAG/Ops        E              Reserved                                      18 Nov 1998          Hardcopy
                                           vol. 2, Law of Armed Conflict

- B-LG-007-000/AF-001   Domestic Operations -- Collection       DLaw/T            E               Active               01 Mar 2007     15 Aug 2007           Hardcopy
                                           of Documents
- B-LG-007-000/AF-002   Opérations nationales--Recueil            DLaw/T            F               Active           
                                           de documents

Administrative Law

Administrative Law Manual Military Administrative Law Manual, 2008-10-01, A-LG-007-000/AF-010, **PDF Format**other format (also at web.archive.org/web/20130523025729/http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/publications/mal-dam/miladminlaw-droitadminmil-eng.pdf)
Manuel de droit militaire administratif
, 2008-01-01, A-LG-007-000/AF-011, ***format PDF***autre format


Image source: https://www.balsillieschool.ca/people/michael-w-manulak, accessed 14 december 2015
Michael W. Manulak
MANULAK, Michael W., The Kosovo crisis and Canadian foreign policy: an agenda for intervention, M.A. Carleton University 2009, vi, 119 leaves : charts ; 29 cm; thesis not consulted yet;


This thesis employs John W. Kingdon's multiple-streams model of policy agenda setting and alternative specification to analyze Canada's policy response to
ethnic conflict in Kosovo in 1998/1999. By using an extensive program of interviews with former policy actors and public source documents, the thesis argues
that it was a convergence of independent problem, policy, and political dimensions that caused the Kosovo intervention to emerge on the Canadian agenda.
The research interviews contribute a comprehensive insider's view of events as they developed in Ottawa.
(source: https://carletonu.summon.serialssolutions.com/?q=kosovo+crisis#!/search/document?ho=t&l=en&q=kosovo%20crisis&id=FETCHMERGED-carletonu_catalog_b3086281a2, accessed 14 December 2015)


MAPLE LEAF, The, "Royal Assent of Bill C-77 marks a historic moment in the evolution of the military justice system", available at https://ml-fd.caf-fac.ca/en/2019/07/31713 (accessed 30 July 2019);  Bill C-77, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts (the Act),  received royal assent on 21 June 2019;

Martin Marceau
MARCEAU, Martin, Me, avocat, a agi comme avocat militaire, grade Lieutenant-commander, bureau du Juge-avocat général; LL.M. Maîtrise en droit ("Achat et vente d'entreprises en matière internationale"), voir http://www.cmsbavocats.com/index.php/equipe/item/6-me-martin-marceau (site visité le 11 avril 2020);
Conférencier reconnu, il a, tant au niveau civil que militaire, devant un auditoire
tant professionnel que diversifié, donné plusieurs conférences dans le cadre,
notamment, de la formation militaire aux officiers mais, également, auprès des
membres du Barreau du Québec et de gens d’affaires de différents milieux eu
égard à des sujets d’actualité.

Me Marceau a également été impliqué auprès du ministère de la Défense nationale,
pour lequel il a agi à titre d'avocat militaire. À ce titre, il a été appelé à conseiller
différents intervenants et à participer à des commissions d’enquête militaire ainsi
qu'à la Cour martiale militaire. Il a été appelé, jusqu’en 2014, à conseiller des
commandants et il a eu l'opportunité de participer à certains exercices militaires
internationaux, notamment sous l'égide de l’OTAN.

 Image source: https://www.facebook.com/jerome.marchildon.3, accessed 3 January 2019
Jérôme Marchildon
MARCHILDON, Jérôme, "The Story of Elzéar Goulet", (Winter 2011) 65 Manitoba History 39-43; available at http://www.mhs.mb.ca/docs/mb_history/65/mh65web.pdf (accessed 3 January 2018);

On 3 March 1870, Elzéar served as a member of the court martial for Thomas Scott,
who was accused of treason against the provisional government in the Red River. 35
Scott was an Orangeman who had recently immigrated to Red River from Upper Canada
and protested violently against Métis land rights.36  Scott not only was in support of the
Canadian government’s claiming of Métis land to be redistributed to Ontario immigrants,
but voiced racist and anti-Catholic sentiments.37  On the day following the trial, Elzéar,
with other members of the court, escorted Scott outside the walls of Upper Fort Garry and
executed him by firing squad. 38


"Source Archivia.net ( Original title: Art by Roland Price Meade (left:
Death of Thomas Scott", source of the image for me: biographi.ca/en/bio/scott_thomas_1870_9E.html, accessed 3 January 2019

------------- Image source for Ward: cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/rachel-ward-1.3550310, accessed 24 April 2017
Rosa Marchitelli                          Rachel Ward
MARCHITELLI, Rosa, and Rachel Ward, "Go Public: 'Embarrassment to Canadians': Abuse, humiliation occurred at bases across country, soldiers say.  Recruit treatment, lack of apology 'tarnishing' Canada's image, says torture victim advocate", CBC News Canada, 24 April 2017, available at http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/abuse-humiliation-embarassment-military-bases-former-soldiers-say-1.4075778 (accessed 24 April 2017);

___________ "Go Public: 'We were tortured': Recruits starved and humiliated as part of military training.  Military police investigation into events now under review after no action taken", CBC News Canada, 10 April 2017, available at http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadian-soldiers-prisoner-war-training-wainwright-alberta-1.4053351 (accessed 11 April 2017);

For the first time, former Canadian soldiers are speaking publicly about being tortured at the hands of the Canadian military
during a prisoner of war training exercise in the 1980s.

The men say that in February 1984 they were among 33 young recruits who were stripped naked, crowded into small military
 jail cells with windows open, denied food and, for up to two days, repeatedly sprayed with cold water. For more than 40 hours
 they were forced to listen to loud rock music.

Image source: www.amazon.ca/                       Howard Margolian, photo-still from cbc.ca/archives/entry/war-criminals-immigration-history-reconsidered
Conduct-Unbecoming-Canadian-                           accessed 23 January 2019
, accessed 15 October 2016
MARGOLIAN, Howard, Conduct Unbecoming: The Story of the Murder of Canadian Prisoners of War in Normandy, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, 2000, 336 p.; ISBN: 9780802083609 (paper) and 9780802042132 (cloth); copy at Ottawa University, Morisset, D 804 .G4 M36 1998;
On the afternoon of 7 June 1944, Lorne Brown, a private serving with the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division in Normandy, was bayoneted to death while trying
to surrender to troops of Nazi Germany's Tlite 12th SS Division 'Hitler Youth.' Over the next ten days, more than a hundred and fifty Canadian soldiers were
brutally murdered after capture by the 12th SS. Despite months of post-war investigation by Allied courts, however, only two senior officers of the 12th SS
were ever tried for war crimes.

Drawing extensively on archival sources, Howard Margolian reveals the full account of an atrocious chapter in history and exposes the causes - an inept and
indifferent Canadian military justice system
, and a Canadian government all too willing to let bygones be bygones - of the flagrant inaction that followed.
Highly praised for both its meticulous research and its engaging passion, this book will resonate with veterans, those interested in war crimes, military buffs,
and historians. [emphasis in red bold added]

MARILLER-RIBET, Roseline et Suzanne Lalonde, "L'OTAN: vers une conception élargie de la sécurité", (2007) 37(2) Revue de droit de l'Université Sherbrooke 331-391; disponible à http://www.usherbrooke.ca/droit/fileadmin/sites/droit/documents/RDUS/volume_37/37-2-mariller-ribet.pdf (site visité le 21 mars 2012);

André Marin, source: http://en.wikipedia.
, 23 Nov 14
MARIN, André, 1965, Overhauling Oversight: Ombudsman White Paper = Remaniement de la surveillance : livre blanc de l'Ombudsman, Ottawa:  National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman, 2005, 48, 48 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.  NOTES: Includes bibliographical references; available at  http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/assets/OMBUDSMAN_Internet/docs/en/overhauling.pdf (accessed 22 February 2015);
There is unfortunately little appetite by senior leaders to find solutions to technical jurisdictional issues involving
our mandate. The Judge Advocate General (JAG), who is the key legal advisor to the chain of command,showed
us his hand when he bluntly declared to us months after my appointment in 1998 that “the field was occupied”
and that there was no room for the kind of independent oversight we were pursuing. The last seven years have
shown that, in fact, not only was the field unoccupied but it proved to be fertile and ready to accommodate an
office to truly serve the needs of the troops. Unfortunately, all too often, senior leadership has not been able to
divorce itself from the JAG mindset and help us work the field and provide the Office with the tools for it to
really flourish. (p. 13)

The second kind of deficiency is far less defensible. When the position of Director General of the CF Grievance
Administration was established, it was set up to function under the authority of the Judge Advocate General (JAG).
It is the JAG, of course, who provides legal advice to the chain of command on matters that may end up being grieved.
It is also the JAG who provides advice to the initial grievance authority on how to respond to grievances. In effect,
the very body that assists in making decisions that may be grieved, or the grievance decisions under appeal, was given
command over the body that would ultimately and finally be deciding the grievances that remain unsettled. This was
a spectacular and obvious conflict. The simple fact that this system was adopted reveals a deficit in understanding about
the importance and nature of independent oversight. Indeed, it smacks of the kind of “trust us” attitude that is resistant
to oversight. It was only because of the intercession of Chief Justice Lamer, who pointed out the conflict, that this system
was changed. The CF Grievance Administration now falls under the command of the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff.

Still, this deficiency has not been remedied effectively. As its website reveals, the JAG continues to provide legal advice
to the CF Grievance Administration. Indeed a former JAG lawyer continues to hold the Director General Grievance
Administration position. The same body that may have advised the chain of command on matters leading to grievances,
or have advised the initial authority on how to respond, advises the CF Grievance Administration and ultimately the CDS
on what to do about it. Unfortunately, the “correction” that took place after the Five Year Review was half-hearted and
superficial. It is evident that the CF Grievance Administration needs independence from JAG influence and access to
independent legal advice in deciding grievances. (p. 23)

In spite of the case that I made, Departmental legal advisers, after consultation with Canadian Forces lawyers and
commanders, prepared a mandate that bore no relationship to the principles I had identified. The initial draft mandate
I was offered crafted an ineffective, feeble authority for the Office. The proposed mandate would have cast the Ombudsman,
as a senior JAG lawyer once put it to me, as a “consigliere”-type backroom intervener gently offering the chain of command
non-intrusive nuggets of advice from time to time. The mandate would have prevented the Ombudsman from conducting
investigations. The Ombudsman was to be confined to making informal inquiries, and was to refer matters back to the chain
of command with a recommendation for a board of inquiry or summary investigation. This was not civilian oversight. The
Office was treated as if it was to be cosmetic, a mere pretence of civilian involvement while the military would continue to
decide military matters, without accountability or real input. To make matters worse, in spite of what was widely understood
at the time to be a military culture that was resistant to oversight and change, the mandate was not to be supported by any
directive to members and the chain of command to co-operate with the Office.

Instead, only a platitudinous promise in a
directive from the Minister that CF authorities would be collegial and collaborative was included.  I could not accept this.
Faced with our hopelessly conflicting positions, the Minister of National Defence asked that we enter into negotiations with
military and departmental lawyers about the mandate for the Office. (p. 27)


The fact is that the Canadian Forces are using solicitor-client privilege in a self-serving way. When members or the chain
 of command consult with JAG in the course of their duties before acting, the human being doing the consulting is not the
client. The Canadian Forces is. While it is true that legal privilege does exist even between government lawyers and the
departments being advised, the Ombudsman is not an outsider.  The Office of the Ombudsman is independent of the chain
of command but is part of the military apparatus. In a very real sense, to invoke privilege against a DND Ombudsman is
like one arm of an organization invoking it against another arm of the same organization. Moreover, the Ombudsman is the
delegate of the Minister of National Defence. Invoking solicitor-client privilege against the Ombudsman is like invoking
that privilege against the Minister himself. Can you imagine a general saying, “Sorry Minister, but I cannot answer your
question because we acted on legal advice from the JAG.” In truth, use of solicitor-client privilege to shield information
from the Ombudsman where the client is the Canadian Forces is an opportunistic subterfuge calculated to hide information,
but it is a subterfuge we are being met with.(p. 30)

Image source: www.stcatharinesstandard.ca/2015/01/22/dont-get-rid-of-integrity-commish-ombudsman, accessed 23 May 2016
André Marin
___________"The Ombudsman: Marin: Military gets bad bill of health for PTSD", The Ottawa Sun, 22 May 2016; available at http://www.ottawasun.com/2016/05/21/marin-military-gets-bad-bill-of-health-for-ptsd, accessed 23 May 2016;
The military was disorganized and secretive in 2002 in dealing with OSI [Operational Stress Injury].
According to Alberta’s public examination into the suicide of Cpl. Shaun Collins, we’re exactly
where we were in 2002.

You’d think the chain of command might want to hear what presiding provincial court Judge Jody Moher
would like to recommend about preventing similar deaths when she reports back in a few months.

But no. Leave it the Judge Advocate General lawyers to want to gag the presiding judge in making recommendations,
making the idiotic and wrong-headed argument that the province does not have jurisdiction over the military.
Sounds like an act of desperation to avoid dealing with OSI once again. Plus ça change…

____________"Ombudsman: Why won’t military treat sex assaults as a criminal matter?", The Ottawa Sun, first posted 3 September 2016; updated 4 September 2016; available at http://www.ottawasun.com/2016/09/03/ombudsman-why-wont-military-treat-sex-assaults-as-a-criminal-matter, accessed 8 September 2016;
Former Federal Court of Appeal and Court Martial Appeal justice Gilles Letourneau, who also headed the Somalia public inquiry in 1995,
told me last week that smart public policy would suggest that sexual assault cases be left to civilian courts due to their seriousness and the
much-greater expertise of civilian prosecutors. I agree, especially given Maclean’s exposé of covered-up rampant sex abuse in the military.
In response to that, then-chief of defence staff Maurice Baril admonished military officers in an open letter that “Canadians demand a higher
standard of behaviour from members in uniform, and so do I.”

___________on André Marin, read WARD, John, "[Andre Marin, the Canadian Forces ombudsman, wants to fine-tune his mandate]", Canadian Press NewsWire, Dec 16, 1999;

Description: OTTAWA (CP) - [Andre Marin], the Canadian Forces ombudsman, wants to fine-tune his
mandate, expand his right to watch the military justice system and open his door to anyone with a beef
against National Defence. Marin said military lawyers interpret a section of the rules to mean they're out
of range of the ombudsman. Lawyers shouldn't enjoy a "zone of immunity." He said he doesn't want to
run afoul of lawyer-client privilege or the sanctity to trial decisions, but added he should be able to look
at questions of legal process, such as undue delays. Lawyers and the military can't be allowed to shelter
behind a broad interpretation of privilege, he said.
[source: http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?ct=Next+Page&pag=nxt&page
, accessed 19 August 2016]

___________"Opinion MARIN: Military leadership should embrace oversight", The Ottawa Sun, 8 August 2016; available at  www.ottawasun.com/2016/08/08/marin-military-leadership-should-embrace-oversight (accessed 10 August 2016);
But let’s think about it and ask ourselves: Have we really saddled our military with too much oversight?  The military has an ombudsman,
but it’s a far cry from the parliamentary inspector general recommended by the Somalia inquiry in the 1990s. The office operates as an internal
body and has none of the statutory powers and independence of a parliamentary ombudsman.The Canadian Grievances External Review
Committee, run by a former lieutenant colonel, can make non-binding recommendations to the chief of defence staff on grievances from the
rank and file. The Military Complaints Commission offers similar avenues of complaints and investigations that civilian police have to contend with.

Maybe Thibault’s beef had to do with a fatality inquiry report released almost at the same time as he was airing his beef about checks and balances.
Military lawyers had attempted to stop the provincial inquiry on the absurd basis that the province had no jurisdiction over the federal government.
Provincial inquests about deaths in federal penitentiaries are routine and go unchallenged.

___________Research Note on the ombudsman André Marin: there are several articles written by the journalist  BLANCHIELD, Mike, see this bibliography under that name; 


Photo of René Marin, reproduced from http://www.media.uottawa.ca/mediaroom/awards-recipients_492.html (accessed on 1 April 2014);
research note: René Marin is a former Judge, an ex JAG officer (reserve) and father of André Marin

MARIN, René J., 1938-, Audit of External Review of the Canadian Forces Special Investigation Unit: Report, [Ottawa : Government of Canada]. 1994, 1 v. (various pagings) ; 28 cm.; NOTES: Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages
also published in French/ également publié en français:
MARIN, René J., 1938-, Vérification de l'examen externe de l'Unité des enquêtes spéciales des Forces canadiennes : rapport, [Ottawa: Gouvernment of Canada], 1994; NOTES: Texte en français et en anglais disposé tête-bêche;

René Marin (Photo Credit: RCN Official Photo)
___________biographical notes available at nauticapedia.ca/dbase/Query/Biolist3.php?&name=Marin%2C%20Rene%20Jean&id=24831&Page=42&input=1  (accessed 15 August 2017);

___________External Review of the Canadian Forces Special Investigation Unit : report, [Ottawa : Government of Canada], 1990, vi, 98 p.;  NOTES: Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages;
also published in French/ également publié en français:
___________Examen externe de l'Unité des enquêtes spéciales des Forces canadiennes : rapport, [Ottawa : Gouvernement du Canada], 1990, vi, 105 p., NOTES: Texte en français et en anglais disposé tête-bêche;

___________on MARIN, Captain(N) René,  see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 114, 135 and 217, available at  103-242;

Eric Marinacci (photo reçue d'Éric le 29 janvier
MARINACCI, Eric C., avocat au Bureau de services juridiques des pensions et un ancien officier du JAG; témoignage devant, 38e LÉGISLATURE, 1re SESSION,Sous-comité des anciens combattants du Comité permanent de la défense nationale et des anciens combattants, mercredi 23 mars 2005, disponible à http://www.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?DocId=1717715&Language=F&Mode=2#Int-1183363 (vérifié 29 juillet 2016); research note: Éric Marinacci is a former JAG officer in the seventies;

___________on MARINICI (sic), Captain Eric, see 
McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 213, available at  103-242;

___________on Eric C. Marinacci, was acting Chief Pensions Advocate in 2004, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureau_of_Pensions_Advocates, accessed 8 March 2020;

MARKERT, Lyse Claire, " 'A Year in Review: Military Law' -- A Presentation in Halifax" (May/Mail 2009) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2009/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=37322#top and http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2009/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=37322#article12 (accessed on 29 April 2012);
MARKERT, Lyse, " 'Bilan de l'année en droit militaire' -- Séance d'information à Halifax" (May/Mai 2009) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx et http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx#article8 (site visité le 29 avril  2012);

" Office of the JAG @JAGCAF 18 minutes ago  Cdr Lyse Markert and CPO1
John Wilson provided Unit Disciplinary Investigation training to @3MPRegiment
in Halifax recently. These sessions are delivered regularly to help ensure investigations
at the unit level are conducted fairly in accordance with Canadian law."
Image source: https://twitter.com/jagcaf?lang=en (accessed and put on the internet by JAG on 17 September 2018)

____________legal officer with the OJAG; member of the Law Society of Alberta & Nova Scotia; works in Halifax (2018);

source de l'image: https://twitter.com/melmarquis?lang=en (accessed 13 March 2017)
Mélanie Marquis, journaliste à la Presse canadienne
MARQUIS, Mélanie, La presse canadienne,  "Syrie: Ottawa invoque le droit à l'autodéfense", Métro, 25 mars 2015, disponible à http://journalmetro.com/actualites/national/743540/syrie-ottawa-invoque-le-droit-a-lautodefense/ (vérifié le 13 mars 2017);

OTTAWA – Le droit à l’autodéfense — même préventive — justifie la légalité de la campagne aérienne en Syrie en l’absence de «consentement explicite»
du président Bachar el-Assad, a plaidé le ministre fédéral de la Défense.

Le Canada agira donc en conformité avec le droit international lorsqu’il effectuera des frappes dans l’espace aérien syrien dans l’objectif d’«éliminer» la
menace que représente le groupe armé État islamique (ÉI), a exposé mercredi Jason Kenney.

«Nos opérations militaires en Syrie sont justifiées en vertu de l’article 51 de la Charte des Nations unies, précisément en ce qui a trait au droit naturel de
légitime défense, individuelle ou collective», a-t-il dit en point de presse.

Cet avis juridique a été fourni au ministre Kenney par le juge-avocat général, qui est l’avocat militaire principal des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC).

Byron Marrello
MARRELLO, Byron Troy, notes:
Office of the Judge Advocate General, Canadian Armed Forces
– Present (1 year)Ottawa, Canada Area
Directorate of Administrative Law- Grievances
Provided legal advice to the Canadian Armed Forces in relation to grievances and judicial reviews. Drafted legal opinions and memoranda on complex administrative and constitutional issues.

Directorate of Administrative Law- Compensation, Pension, Benefits, Estates and Elections
Provided legal advice to the Canadian Armed Forces in relation to the pay, benefits, pensions and estates of members. Drafted legal opinions and memoranda on a range of pay, benefits, pension and estate issues.
(source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/byron-marrello-06274338, accessed 13 April 2017);

___________Photo of Major Byron Marrello, on the OJAG Twitter account:

" Nov 19 [2019] Maj Byron Marrello earned the
title Most Northerly Judge Advocate on his trip to Station Alert.
Maj Marrello was on the Ellesmere Island to provide instruction to attentive
members on charge laying and unit disciplinary investigations.", accessed 29 November 2019.

___________Unlocking the competitiveness of the fee : is Canadian mobile service providers charging a fee to remove the software lock after the contract expires anti-competitive?, Thesis (LL.M.)-University of Toronto, 2012,  iv, 68 leaves ; 28 cm;

MARRINER, Len (Leonard Phlip), 1931-2007, a well liked court reporter at the OJAG; Len is on the right in the photo hereunder with the JAG--MGen Jerry Pitzul;

[Photo source: (Nov-Dec 2000) 4 JAG Newsletter-Bulletin d'actualités at p. 6,
 accessed 26 October 2017]

____________obituary for Len Marriner at http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/ottawacitizen/obituary.aspx?page=lifestory&pid=90577192 (accessed 15 June 2018);

___________on MARRINER, Len, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 214, available at  103-242;

MARSAW, Dean, submarine Commander who was court martialed:

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

- COX, Kevin, "Marsaw ends hunger strike--Navy restores his former rank", The Globe and Mail, 29 November 1996, at p. A1:

[Source: ProQuest Historical Newspapers
https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview, accessed 4 November 2018]

- Court Martial Appeal Court: R. v. Marsaw, 1997 CanLII 17154 (CMAC), <http://canlii.ca/t/ggpvw>, retrieved on 2018-11-04;

-  "Court overturns conviction of submarine commander in crew-abuse case", 10 September 1997, available at
apnews.com/article/ecfc15eb9366b6ea3cc2c3b816b973ca  (accessed 25 September 2020);

- "Canadian Navy is paying former submarine commander Dean Marsaw up to $180,000 and allowing him to
retire with an honourable release rather than lauch another court martial...", Canadian News Facts, 10/1997,
volume 31, issue 18, start page 5572, ISSN: 0008-4565; information obtained from http://yale.summon.serialssolutions.com/
#!/search?ho=t&l=en&q=canadian%20court%20martial, accessed 7 February 2020;


Canadian Forces College gates, source:             Mary-Ellen Clark, the author
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Forces_College               Source: canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/caf-jobs/life/gtkyf/profiles.html,
                                                                                             and look for year 2015 accessed 22 July 2018
- CLARK, M.E. (Mary-Ellen), The court martial of Lieutenant-Commander  Dean Marsaw:  lessons on culture, leadership, and accountability for the CF, Toronto: Canadian Forces College, 2007, viii, 106 p. (series; Masters thesis (Canadian Forces College); JCSP/PCEMI 33-12), available at http://wps.cfc.forces.gc.ca/papers/csc/csc33/mds/clark.pdf  (accessed on 17 July 2008); also available at https://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/293/286/clark.pdf (accessed 3 September 2017);

“Between 1995 and 1996 Lieutenant Commander Dean Marsaw underwent court martial
proceedings over the alleged abuse of his crew on board Her Majesty’s Canadian Submarine
OJIBWA.  Allegations ranged from verbal to physical abuse and included an alleged incident
of sexual abuse of a subordinate on board the boat he commanded. While the media focused
on weaknesses in the Canadian Forces (CF)  military justice system throughout Marsaw’s
court martial, this paper examines the ‘lost story’ concerning the court martial – how key
lessons can be identified for the Canadian Forces in the areas of organizational culture,
leadership and accountability. Marsaw’s court martial represents three key factors in the
relationship between culture, leadership and accountability: the critical role of the leader
as the primary agent who embeds culture in an organization; the historical and leadership
style influences in Canadian submarine culture that impacted Marsaw’s leadership ability;
and at the instruction level, the requirement for external accountability mechanisms due to
failures in the CF’s ability to self-regulate as a profession. The Somalia Commission identified
the need for renewal in the areas of culture, leadership, and accountability during the era of
Somalia and Marsaw, and fundamental changes have taken place in both CF culture and
leadership; however, negligible change has occurred in the realm of accountability. While
the Department of National Defence (DND) and the CF hold to the principles of and
reporting requirements for accountability to the federal government, the CF has failed
to introduce effective changes in the area of accountability for leader behaviour both
at the individual and unit level, proving that the CF has lost its privilege for self-regulation
as a profession of arms until it makes significant changes in this area.” ( p. viii)

CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION [CBC], "On the Beach", The Fifth Estate: Re the  Marsaw Affair,  aired Tuesday, 3 December 1996, 2100 h.;

MARSAW, Roy, "Old guard update: a military justice primer", (March 1988) 6(6) Esprit de Corps 26; Source: Cengage Learning, Inc.; title noted but article not consulted (11 October 2018);

MARTEL, Jean, "Éditorial: Le tribunal mis en question", Le soleil,  22 septembre 1997, cahier B, à la p. B6; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2913535, consulté le 18 janvier 2019;


Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Please note that the title in bold at the top of the article has been omitted

Thaïs Martel, source de                                    Major Jean Caron             
l'image: http://www.ottawaathome.ca/
, site visité le 26 avril 2014

MARTEL, Thaïs, "Le droit au service de l'armée", Ottawa at Home, actualités, 10 novembre 2011; disponible à  http://www.ottawaathome.ca/Actualites/Economie/2011-11-10/article-2801965/Le-droit-au-service-de-l%26rsquo%3Barmee/1 (vérifié le 26 avril 2014); article sur le major Jean Caron, avocat militaire; aussi disponible à http://www.quebechebdo.com/Actualites/2011-11-10/article-2801965/Le-droit-au-service-de-l%26rsquo%3Barmee/1 (vérifié le 9 mars 2016);

Image source for Kimberley Marten: , accessed 26 December 2014
MARTEN, Kimberley, From Kabul to Kandahar: The Canadian Forces and Change, Barnard University, Columbia University, Prepared for delivery at the annual convention of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, 5 September 2009, 40 p.; available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1449361 (accessed on 2 August 2014); also published at (June 2010) 40(2) American Review of Canadian Studies 214-236;

Image source: http://www.allard.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/andrew-flavelle-martin, accessed 22 May 2019
Andrew Flavelle Martin
MARTIN, Andrew Flavelle, "Legal Ethics and Canada's Military Lawyers", (2019) 97 Canadian Bar Review 100-128; available at https://cbr.cba.org/index.php/cbr/article/view/4509/4452  (accessed 22 May 2019); also available at ssrn.com/abstract=3387637 (accessed 22 June 2019);

Military lawyers—lawyers who are legal officers in the Canadian Forces—
are virtually ignored in the Canadian legal literature. This article assesses
what appear to be the most striking potential legal ethics issues facing
military lawyers. Several of these issues arise because military lawyers are
both lawyers and military officers at the same time, and therefore face two
sets of obligations that interact in complex ways. Some issues, however, arise
because of the special practice contexts of military lawyers, for example,
advising military commanders on the law of armed conflict. As context for
this discussion, the article examines the relationship and tension between
the Judge Advocate General and the Minister of Justice. It concludes with
recommendations for amendments to the rules of professional conduct and
the legislation governing the Canadian Forces to resolve these ethical issues.
The article also proposes legislative amendments to clarify the relationship,
and reduce the tension, between the Judge Advocate General and the Minister
of Justice.

MARTIN, Beth, "Revamp military justice, opposition MPs demand", Edmonton Journal, Mar 21, 1989, p. D1;
Description: NDP justice critic Svend Robinson, Liberal status of women critic Mary Clancy and Liberal MP Sheila Copps also want the military's
justice system reviewed, saying it allows two standards of justice for Canadians. While "the military has to deal with military matter," [George Rideout]
said, in [Christian Pepin]'s case, the crime "occurred outside of Canada and outside the base in a foreign country. The lady involved was a civilian. It
seems to have been a civilian crime committed in Hungary." Black & White Photo; CP; NDP MP Svend Robinson ... objects to sentencing.
(source: http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?ct=Next+Page&pag=nxt&pageNumberComingFrom=
_tab&dum=true&vl(freeText0)=Ottawa%20%22military%20justice%22&dstmp=1471629193990, accessed 19 August 2016);


MARTIN, Craig, What Role and Rules for Canada's Armed Drones? Canadian Global Affairs Institute, December 2018, ISBN: 978-1-77397-055-4 . Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3308515  (accessed 16 March 2019); 

Image source: lfpress.com/news/national/navy-reservist-gets-2000-fine-and-severe-reprimand-for-
Major Dominic G.J.  Martin                                                                                                     pinning-female-peer-to-bed/wcm/499e20a9-2270-4a59-be55-04cc731d5324, accessed 26 September 2018

MARTIN, Dominic G.J.,  Major, member of the OJAG, acted as the representative of the Director of Military Prosecutions in the case of Daigle M. (Corporal), R. v., 2017 CM 1003 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/h4bfw> (accessed 9 May 2018);

___________photo de promotion à Lieutenant-Colonel pour Dominic Martin.  Félicitations!

Dominic Martin promu au rang de Lieutenant-Colonel et félicité par le Colonel
Bruce MacGregor à gauche.
[source de la photo: Jul 25  [2019], accessed 27 July 2019]

___________photo still of Major Dominic Martin, represening Her Majesty the Queen,  before the Supreme Court of Canada hearing, 16 October 2018, Warrant Officer J.G.A. Gagnon v. Her Majesty the Queen (Federal Court) (Criminal) (As of Right), Case Docket 37972, https://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/info/dock-regi-eng.aspx?cas=37972;

Source: scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/info/webcastview-webdiffusionvue-eng.aspx?cas=37972&id=2018/
, accessed 16 October 2018

Major David Hodson, on the left

MARTIN, Dov, "Death,  Hope  and  the  Cost  of  a  Bullet  in  Afghanistan" Durlaw Voice, Fall 2014, Volume I, issue III,  at p. 3; available at http://www.defendme.ca/resources/FallDurLawVoice-p3.pdf  (accessed 11 January 2016);  article about Major David Hodson; 

------------------------ Image source: www.cba.org/Sections/Military-Law/Galleries/Photo-Gallery/2014/2014-Ethics-and-Military-Law-Conference, accessed 13 September 2016
Joelle Martin and Robert Young         On the right, Robert Young, senior delegate for the International Committee of the Red Cross with MGen Blaise Cathcart
with their child; image source:                Committee of the Red Cross, 2014
Common Law Bulletin, University of Ottawa, Spring 2008, p. 11.
MARTIN, Joelle and Robert M. Young, "Unfinished business: Canada's contribution to promoting compliance with international humanitarian law through the protection of civilians in armed conflict agenda of the United Nations Security Council", (2009) 27 WindsorYearbook of Access to Justice 347-383;
During its 1999-2000 term on the United Nations Security Council, Canada helped launch the Council's "Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict"
agenda.  This aimed to reduce civilian war casualties through better respect for international humanitarian law [IHL].  This article reviews the agenda's
origins and evolution ten years on.  The authors focus on  Canada's  contributions in increasing the Council's efforts to protect civilians, with three main
assertions.  First,  Canada had a key role in creating and promoting the agenda, an important IHL initiative.  Second, the agenda is well established in the
Council's work, but needs further effort to ensure greater impact in specific situations. Third, Canada could develop the agenda and improve respect for
IHL if  it joins the Security Council for the 2011-2012 term, picking up its "unfinished business" from its last Council term.
(source: http://web.archive.org/web/20130407065442/http://www.icrc.org/eng/assets/files/2012/ihl-bibliography-4th-trimester-2011.pdf, at p. 31, accessed 16 March 2015)

Image source: www.pressrush.com/author/8521978/kevin-martin, accessed 19 March 2016
Kevin Martin, journalist at the Calgary Sun
MARTIN, Kevin, "Lawyer defends Calgary reservist facing court martial over soldier's death in Afghanistan", Calgary Sun, 13 November 2012; available at www.calgarysun.com/2012/11/13/lawyer-defends-calgary-reservist-facing-court-martial-over-soldiers-death-in-afghanistan (accessed 19 March 2016);

The prosecution team                                                                           video stills             Defence counsel
___________"Maj Darryl Watts acquitted of manslaughter in training range explosion", Calgary Sun . com,  4 December 2012, available at  http://www.calgarysun.com/2012/12/04/maj-darryl-watts-acquitted-of-manslaughter-in-training-range-explosion (accessed 10 November 2016);

___________"No jail for Calgary soldier", Calgary Sun, 20 February 2013, available at http://www.calgarysun.com/2013/02/20/no-jail-for-calgary-soldier (accessed 16 April 2017);

Calgary military reservist Darryl Watts won’t have to serve jail time for his role in a deadly Afghan training exercise
three years ago, a judge ruled Wednesday.


Instead, Watts was stripped of his rank as major in the Canadian Forces and reduced two levels to a lieutenant.

Cmdr. Peter Lamont said the jail term sought by the prosecution was too harsh, but Watts required more than the
simple reprimand sought by the defence.

Image source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/authors/lawrence-martin, accessed 18 January 2016
Lawrence Martin
MARTIN, Lawrence, "The detainees file appears lost in the fog of committee", The Globe and Mail, published 16 November 2010 and updated 6 September 2012; available at  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/the-detainees-file-appears-lost-in-the-fog-of-committee/article1461552/ (accessed 18 January 2016);
The detainees' imbroglio figured prominently in the resignation of defence minister Gordon O'Connor. It prompted revelations by diplomat
Richard Colvin that tore holes in the government's credibility. It prompted a mea culpa by Chief of the Defence Staff Walter Natynczyk.
It was a factor behind Stephen Harper's much-regretted decision to prorogue Parliament, a move that sparked a national protest. It led to
an extraordinary ruling from House Speaker Peter Milliken condemning the government for breach of parliamentary privilege in its refusal
to release uncensored documents.

--9th Judge Advocate General, 1986-1990
Brigadier-General Robert L Martin
photo  reproduced from the back dust jacket of McDonald, R. Arthur, Canada's Military Lawyers, infra.

MARTIN, Robert L. (Bob), 1932-2011,  there is an intervention by BGen R.L. Martin in (1989) 28 Military Law and Law of War Review on peacekeeping operations; notes in my research on 11 February 2016;

___________ The employment of the Canadian Armed Forces in the maintenance of law and order in Canada, Kingston (Ontario): National Defence College of Canada, 1986, 26 p., (series; National Defence College of Canada course paper); copy at Canadian Forces College Library, call number 355.005 N3 1986 no.04;  available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2015-01171.PDF (put on line on 12 August 2017); Brigadier-General Martin was the Judge Advocate General from 10 November 1986 to 10 November 1990; document obtained as a result of a request to DND  Director Access to Information and Privacy, file A-2015-01171, dated 22 September 2015;

Robert L. Martin
___________Nécrologie/obituary, Robert L. Martin, décès, lundi, 26 décembre 2011, source: l'Acadie nouvelle, N.B., 31 décembre 2011; disponible, français and English at http://necrologie.genealogiequebec.com/avis-de-deces/838837-MARTIN-Robert-L- (accessed 26 December 2016);

___________on MARTIN, Brigadier-General Robert L. (Bob), see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 128, 130, 132-134, 143 and 153, available at  103-242;

___________on Martin, Colonel R., testimony before The House of Commons, Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections, 2 March 1976,  available at https://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.com_HOC_3001_18_2/174?r=0&s=1 (accessed 28 August 2020) and on 13 April 1976, issue number 44 at pp. 29-30 and available at https://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.com_HOC_3001_18_2/413?r=0&s=1 (accessed 3 September 2020);


MARTIN, Robert ("Bob"), 1933-2011, former court reporter with the JAG, see http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/ottawacitizen/obituary.aspx?n=Robert-Martin&pid=147625885 (accessed 13 February 2016);  I had the chance to work with Bob at the AJAG office in Halifax;

MARTIN,  Walter M. (Walter Melville), died in 1977, Group Captain, was JAG RCAF Overseas effective 1 February 1945, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 59, available at i-xii and 1-102;

___________on MARTIN, Walter, see "Ex drug-prosecutor, Walter Martin named county court judge", The Globe and Mail, 17 August 1967, at p. 3:

ProQuest Historical Newspapers
https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca..., accessed 15 September 2018

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

___________on MARTIN, Walter, see "Eight Nazis Face Trial For Murder of Airmen", The Globe and Mail, 18 February 1946 at p. 3;

ProQuest Historical Newspapers
https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca..., accessed 13 March 2019

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Note: title omitted from article's image above.

____________on  MARTIN, Walter, see "Walter Martin:Judge was counsel at Mimico inquiry", The Globe and Mail, 26 January 1977, at p. 4;

____________on  MARTIN, Walter, see "York East.  Three-Way Race in Largest Riding", The Globe and Mail, 16 June 1949, at p. 8;

___________photo of MARTIN, Walter M., Wing Commander with his wife, The Globe and Mail, 27 October 1944, at p. 11;


Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

ProQuest Historical Newspapers, The Globe and Mail
https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca...., accessed 25 November 2018

Photo of Herbert Marx, reproduced from http://www.justice.gouv.qc.ca/english/ministere/liste-min-a.htm (accessed on 1 April 2014)

MARX, Herbert, 1932-2020, " 'The 'Apprehended Insurrection' of October 1970 and the Judicial Function", (1972) 7(1) UBC Law Review 55-69;

____________ "The Emergency Power and Civil Liberties in Canada", (1970) 16 McGill Law Review 39-91; Herbert Marx was one of my law professors of constitutional law in the early 1970s at the University of Montreal; he also became the Quebec  minister of justice and later on a judge;  available at http://lawjournal.mcgill.ca/userfiles/other/4841543-marx.pdf (accessed 18 October 2018);


___________ "Human Rights and Emergency Powers", in The Practice of freedom : canadian essays on human rights and fundamental freedoms, Toronto: Butterworth, 1979, at pp. 439-462;

MASON, J.A.R.  (Jim), 1891-1977, "Case and Comment : Military Tribunals -- Restraint of By Civil Courts -- Habeas Corpus and Prohibition", (1946) 24 Canadian Bar Review 210-217; Research Note: article comments in part on In the Matter of the King v. George Hector Thompson, [1946] O.R. 77 (LeBel J.) and The King v. George H. Thompson, [1946] O.W.N. 217 (Urquhart J.); available at : https://cbaapps.org/cba_barreview/Search.aspx?VolDate=06%2f01%2f2017, accessed 22 October 2017;

___________"Group Capt. Mason Arrives Home", The Globe and Mail, 3 February 1945; available at https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview/1356073650/330F5E87FB024E65PQ/15?accountid=46526 (accessed 19 July 2018); legal officer with the JAG Branch; was deputy judge advocate; practive law in Toronto with the firm of McRuer, Mason, Cameron and Brewin;


____________on MASON, Group Captain J.A.R., see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 59, available at i-xii and 1-102;

___________on MASON, Group Captain J.A.R., having authority to perform "the powers, duties and functions of the Judge Advocate-General", see :

-  HUNTER, T.M., Some aspects of disciplinary policy in the Canadian  services, 1914-1946, [Ottawa?] : Army Headquarters, Historical Section, report number 91, 15 July 1960, 131 leaves, at p. 89, paragraph 115, 29 cm;  "NOTES: "This report was prepared by Lt.-Col. T.M. Hunter, a  member of the Law Society of British Columbia"--Leaf 114; "Unclassified under reference DHD 3-1 dated 19 May 1981"; available at http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/his/rep-rap/ahqrd-drqga-eng.asp?txtType=3&RfId=280 and http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/his/rep-rap/doc/ahqr-rqga/ahq091.pdf (accessed on 14 September 2013); also available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/mdn-dnd/D63-5-91-1960-eng.pdf (accessed 8 January 2019);


Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

___________photo of J.A.R. Mason with others, see "Three Lawyers Defending London Doctor Who Is Now on Trial for His Life", The Windsor Star, Tuesday, 1 March 1938 at p. 12, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 22 June 2020; trial of Dr. Cline, in London, abortion murder of Miss Mary Wilkinson;

From left, J.A.R. Mason, James C. McRuer and William E. Dyer

___________photo of J.A.R. (James Arthur Ryerson) Mason from http://lsuc.minisisinc.com/lsuc/scripts/mwimain.dll/1758/12/2/9937?RECORD&DATABASE=DESCRIPTION_WEB, accessed 2 July 2020;

James Arthur Ryerson, 1891-1977

MASON, John William,  Basic Freedoms in the Canadian Armed Forces,  Thesis (M.A.), Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 1972,  ii, 159, [12], vii p. (Canadian theses on microfilm; 10946); available at http://curve.carleton.ca/theses/21222 (accessed on 11 August 2013);

MASON, Peggy, “RE: Need for Commission of Inquiry on Canada’s Transfer of Afghan Detainees to Torture”,  Rideau Institute, June 7, 2016; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet (21 December 2020);

Peggy Mason, image source:
accessed 29 December 2017

MASON, Peggy and Omar Sabry, "How Canada failed Afghan detainees: Canada knowingly transferred detainees in Afghanistan to facilities where torture was rife. Since then, the Canadian government has avoided all accountability. This is our unfinished business", Open Canada . Org, 16 October 2015, available at https://www.opencanada.org/features/how-canada-failed-afghan-detainees/ (accessed 29 December 2017);

The government of Stephen Harper vociferously resisted — and systematically blocked — all efforts at transparency and accountability.
Citing operational security concerns, it refused to provide uncensored information to the public, Parliament, the Federal Court and the
Military Police Complaints Commission (MPCC). It used court challenges to prevent the MPCC from investigating the policy decisions
behind the transfer of Canadian-held prisoners to Afghan torturers. It also thwarted an investigation by the House of Commons special
committee on Afghanistan, first by refusing to disclose documents and then by shutting down the committee when the Conservatives
won a majority in 2011.

How could Canada have strayed so far from its bedrock principles of respect for human rights and the rule of law? Through persistent
obfuscation, Prime Minister Harper has sought to avoid any accountability for alleged grave breaches of international and Canadian
laws prohibiting torture.

Only a public inquiry — if not by Harper, then by his successor — will allow us to understand what went so terribly wrong in Kandahar,
and how to ensure that it never happens again. Our common humanity demands no less.

Samuel Massicotte
MASSICOTTE, Samuel, former JAG officer; professional background notes at : https://www.steinmonast.ca/en/lawyers/samuel-massicotte/114, accessed 22 October 2017;
He holds a Bachelor of Laws from Université Laval (Québec) and a Masters in European Law from the Université de Nantes (France).
He was called to the Quebec Bar in 1998. Mr. Massicotte is a lecturer at Université Laval where he teaches “Professional Practice II”,
a course in construction law dedicated to master's students in architecture. Since 2006, he also teaches at the École du Barreau du Québec
and has been an instructor for the Ordre des architectes du Québec for more than ten years. He is also a guest speaker for various
organizations and professional associations. Finally, he served as a Deputy Judge Advocate in the Canadian Forces for just over six years.


___________on MASSICOTTE, Samuel,  Université Laval, RPA : Rapport du programme en architecture soumis au Conseil canadien de certification en architecture, 10 septembre 2018,  la page BV 194, disponible à https://www.arc.ulaval.ca/files/arc/RPA_EAUL_DocB.pdf (consulté le 16 février 2018):

Samuel Massicotte
Avocat •
Stein Monast, Avocats S.E.N.C.R.L.

2006-2012 Juge-Avocat adjoint Cabinetdu Juge-Avocat Général, Ottawa
Officier de la réserve navale, au grade de Lieutenant de vaisseau, conseiller
juridique aux Commandants d’unités en
droit disciplinaire

Image source: brill.com/international-military-missions-and-international-law, accessed 16 December 2016

MASSIDDA, Paolina, "Criminal Responsibility of International Military Missions and Personnel" in Marco Odello and Ryszard Piotrowicz, rds., International military missions and international law, Leiden/Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011, xxi, 308 p. , at chapter 8,  25 cm. (International humanitarian law series ; v. 31), 9789004174375 (hbk. : alk. paper); available in part at https://books.google.ca/books?id=vplfUo4IL_gC&printsec=frontcover&dq=isbn:9789004174375&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjiurvd1PjQAhUHzGMKHUQ-AwMQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q&f=false (accessed 16 December 2016);

source de l'image: http://uqam.academia.edu/JustinMassie, visité 9 septembre 2015
Justin Massie

MASSIE, Justin, professeur, "Quadrilatère transatlantique : sources de légitimité politique de l’usage de la force militaire au Canada" (2008) 37 International Journal of Canadian Studies 83–114; disponible à https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/ijcs/2008-n37-ijcs3714/040796ar.pdf (consulté le 5 juin 2018);

____________ "Relations extérieures du Canada et du Québec", [titre du cours], POL 8421-20, Université du Québec à Montréal, Département de science politique, Hiver 2014, 27 pages; syllabus du cours avec bonne bibliographie; disponible à  http://politique.uqam.ca/upload/POL8421-20-H14-Massie.pdf (vérifié 9 septembre 2015);


Defense attorney Balfour Der, left, and prosecutor Major Dylan Kerr              
The court martial for Major Darryl Watts, source: calgary.ctvnews.ca/blast-video-shown-at-court-martial-for-calgary-soldier-1.1041351
Image source: http://www.edmontonjournal.com/Thumb/7992569/story.html, accessed 24 November 2015
MASSINON, Stephane, "Calgary reservist Darryl Watts demoted, but avoids jail in Afghan training death (with video)", Calgary Herald, 19 February 2013; available at http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/calgary+reservist+darryl+watts+demoted+avoids+jail+afghan+training+death+with+video/7991321/story.html (accessed 24 November 2015);

Bruno Masson
MASSON, Bruno, available at https://allseasonsweddings.com/wedding-officiants/profile/bruno-masson (accessed 28 February 2019);

Bruno Masson

An experienced public speaker, I’ve been giving presentations to large crowds from a young age.
I went from president of the youth council to administrative assistant for the Judge Advocate General.
I have lots of experience with the public from all across Canada. As an active military employee,
I’ve learned to always give 110% and will do the same for your wedding celebration.
[oversized bold is my own]

MASSON, H.M., Captain, Régiment de Maisonneuve,  was a legal officer in military district number 4 with Headquarters in Montréal 1943,  see The Quarterly Army List, October 1943, Part I, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1943 at p. 163 (bottom page number) or p. 179 (top page number), available at https://deriv.nls.uk/dcn23/8903/89030567.23.pdf  (accessed 21 March 2019);

___________sur le capitaine Henri Masson, voir l'article et la photo dans "Nomination de Henri Masson", Le soleil, Québec, le 4 mars 1944  à la p. 16 et disponible au permalien http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3439040, site consulté le 23 février 2020;

Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse
allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Photo of Major David Hodson in article
MASSOUD. A.H., "Oshawa Lawyer Contributed to the Rule of Law in Afghanistan", DurLaw Voice, Spring 2015,  Vol.I, issue IV,  at p. 12,  available at http://www.durhamregionlawassociation.com/SpringDURLAW2015.pdf  (accessed 10 January 2015); about Major David Hodson; 

MASTERSON, W.J., Capt., was the prosecutor referred to in the article "Irregularities Charged:  Move to Quash Trial of Deane" , The Winnepeg Tribune, Tuesday 23 April 1946 1 at p. 3 (the title at p. 3 is "Court Martial"); the Judge Advocate was Major W.M.W. Shaw; defence counsel Mr. J.J. Kelly and the accused RSM Henry Leonard Deane, at Fort Osborne Barracks; W.J. Masterson was a Crown prosecutor in Vancouver, circa 1954;

MATAMBO, Alfred, Lieutenant-Colonel, "Leveraging Autonomous Technology for Advanced Joint Warfare", Canadian Forces College, JCSP 45, May 2019, Exercise Solo Flight, 26 p., available at https://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/308/305/matambo.pdf (accessed 9 August 2020); IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION!

Step One [of the targetting process]: End State and Commander’s Objectives demands
commanders develop their mission, objectives, intent, priorities and desired effects while
clarifying the Rules of Engagement (ROEs) and acceptable collateral damage
. ...
The Force Legal Adviser(LEGAD) takes a leading role in legitimizing the target selection.
This process ensures that the selected t
argets fall within the LOAC principle of Military
” and “Distinction”.51 The products of the first step are then passed to the second
step which is Target Developmentand Prioritisation.52

StepTwo of the targeting cycle is heavily reliant on all source intelligence. It firstly involves
Target System Analysis (TSA). TSA requires collection of detailed intelligence on each
individual target from step one to determine operational and legal aspects in engaging it.

51International Committee of the Red Cross,The Law of Armed Conflict: Basic Knowledge. (Geneva: ICRC,
2002), 1-29. Accessed online from https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/assets/files/other/law1_final.pdfon 24 March 2019.

52Joint Doctrine Branch, Canadian Forces Joint Publication: CFJP 3-9 Targeting 1st Edition. (Ottawa: Department
of National Defence, 12 December 2014),
4-1 to 4-20.

Photo of David Matas, reproduced from http://www.beyondborders.org/wp/speakers-bureau/ (accessed on 1 April 2014)

MATAS, David, "Equality and the Military Abroad", August 2006, pdf format, part of the "2006 Canadian Legal Conference Full Binder"; available from the Canadian Bar Association  Store; $40.00 for non-members and $25.00 for members;

"The Canadian military policy on restrictions of duty violates equality principles. Why that is so requires looking at the past versions of
that policy and its evolution. At one time, the Canadian Forces had an explicit policy of excluding all Jews and all Moslems from
peacekeeping duties in the Middle East. The policy dated from 1974."
 (Source of all this entry in my bibliography:, http://www.cba.org/cbastore/search.aspx?pubid=2&subject=Military+Law, accessed on 8 April 2013)


MATERI, Ashley, 3rd Cdn Div Public Affairs, "One-of-a-kind internship opportunity offered by the Armed Forces and University of Alberta", Edmonton Sun, 9 November 2017; available at https://www.pressreader.com/canada/edmonton-sun/20171109/282677572569050   (accessed 10 November 2017);

Chief Justice, Court of Queen’s Bench, Neil Wittmann and Chief
Provincial Court Judge Terry Matchett (photo Bill Brooks), available
at (accessed on 18 April 2020).

MATCHETT, Terrence J., appointed to Provincial Court of Alberta in 2008:

Terrence J. Matchett, Q.C. received his law degree from the University
of New Brunswick in 1977.
He was called to the Bar in New Brunswick
in 1977, in Saskatchewan in 1980, and in Alberta in 1985.
Since August
2001, he has been Deputy Minister of Alberta Justice and Deputy Attorney
General. Prior
to that, he was the Assistant Deputy Minister of the
Criminal Justice Division. He is also a former
prosecutor and Director of the
Special Prosecutions Branch of Alberta Justice. His experience includes

several years as Regional Crown Prosecutor responsible for criminal
prosecutors in northwestern
Saskatchewan as well as three years in the
private sector defending criminal matters. He has lectured at
continuing legal education conferences and seminars as well as at the
University of Alberta
Law School,
and was a member of the Judge
Advocate General Advisory Panel on Military Justice
[source: alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=240947596F5B7-9F92-E368-
2444C374CA7EF234, accessed 18 April 2020]

MATHIESON, David L.,  legal officer with the OJAG, see article: "Mr. Mathieson Honoured By Bar Society On Eve Of Departure For West",  The Guardian of the Gulf, Charlottetown, Tuesday, 30 September 1952, at pages 1 and 11; available at https://islandnewspapers.ca/islandora/object/guardian:19520930-001  for p. 1 and https://islandnewspapers.ca/islandora/object/guardian:19520930-011  for p. 11 (accessed 2 October 2018);

Extract from p. 11

Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse
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-------------------Image source: hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/waymac/Sociology/A%20Term%202/Obedience%20Power%20and%20Control/somalia_affair.htm
Carol Mathieu saluting at the end of his testimony                    Carol Mathieu, commanding officer of the Canadian Airborne Regiment
at the Somalia Inquiry Commission
Image source: www.cbc.ca/archives/categories/war-conflict/peacekeeping/the-somalia-affair/lt-col-carol-mathieus-testimony.html, accessed on 30 November 2014

MATHIEU, Carol, Law of war training  for the Canadian Forces : a luxury or a necessity, Toronto: Canadian Forces Command and Staff College, 1984 (series; Exercise New Horizons; DSIS 01727), 1 microfiche; research notes: LCol Mathieu was court martialled twice and twice acquitted; LCol Mathieu testified at the Somalia inquiry; his paper is probably on the CD of the commission;

___________research note pour aller plus loin: LCol Carol Mathieu was court martialed twice and twice acquitted; the transcripts of his two courts martial are on the CD of the commission available at universities;

MAYBEE, Larry, Major, legal officer, member of the OJAG, see "Major Larry Maybee" in the article by the New Zealand Army, Legal Service, Directorate of Legal Services, Headquarters New Zealand Defence Force, Wellington"Kiwi Corner: A Random update on former JAG Officers serving in the New Zealand Armed Forces", 1997, 3 pages, in (January-February 1998) JAG Newsletter-Bulletin d'actualités;

Major Larry Maybee CD, formerly Somalia Coordinator and DJA Petawawa, was the
second and ("no promises") last Canadian to take up a position with the New Zealand Armed
Forces as a legal officer.

Larry moved to Wellington, NZ in February 97 and joined the New Zealand Army Legal Service
as a Major.  He spent 20 years in the Canadian Armed Forces, the first 15 of which were as an
Armoured officer (and a professional student) and the last 5 as a legal officer with JAG.  He attended
the University of New Brunswick Law School under MLTP and was admitted to the NB bar in 1992.

His call to the [New Zealand] bar was on 20 November 97....

[pages 1 and 2]

____________see Larry Maybe on Linked in at https://www.linkedin.com/in/larry-maybee-10b85819/ (accessed 13 January 2019);

Larry Maybe
____________see video on MAYBEE, Larry: "Larry Maybee talks about ICRC", You Tube, available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYI2YBKNQFw (accessed 13 January 2019);

Source of image: https://twitter.com/amayeda, accessed 23 September 2016
Andrew Mayeda
MAYEDA, Andrew, "Afghan security contracts tightened up; Contractors working for Canada's military told they must obey international humanitarian law while doing duties", The Vancouver Sun, 27 May 2008 p. A5;

Caroline Maynard

MAYNARD, Caroline, Interim Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of the Military Grievances External Review Committee for a one-year term, commencing on January 4th, 2017:
Ms. Caroline Maynard was appointed Interim Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of the [Military Grievances
External Review] Committee for a one-year term, commencing on January 4th, 2017.  Her term was recently extended to April 3rd, 2018

Since 2006, Ms. Maynard has held the position of Director of Operations and General Counsel to the Committee.
Prior to working at the Committee, Ms. Maynard worked as Legal Counsel at the office of the Judge Advocate
General (Department of National Defence), the RCMP External Review Committee, the Canada Revenue Agency
and in private practice.

She holds a Bachelor of Laws from Sherbrooke University and has been a member of the Quebec bar since 1994.

[source: https://canada-prod.adobecqms.net/en/military-grievances-external-review/corporate/about/committee-members/maynard-caroline.html, accessed 7 November 2017]

[Research note: Nominated new Canada's information commissioner, circa 14 February 2018, see https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/trudeau-nominates-lawyer-caroline-
maynard-as-new-information-commissioner-1.3803861, accessed 19 February 2018]


Caroline Maynard
__________Caroline Maynard is the Information Commissioner of Canada, see https://www.oic-ci.gc.ca/en/information-commissioner-canada (accessed 15 July 2019);

Caroline Maynard is the current Information Commissioner of Canada. She was appointed for
a seven-year term on March 1, 2018.

Appointed by and reporting directly to Parliament, the Commissioner investigates complaints
about how federal institutions process and respond to requests under the Access to Information Act,
Canada’s freedom of information legislation. When required, the Commissioner also pursues points
of access before the courts.

The Commissioner provides arms-length oversight of the federal government’s access to information
practices, working with institutions to ensure they meet their obligations under the Act.

As an Agent of Parliament, the Commissioner offers information and advice to Parliamentarians on
matters related to access to information.

The Commissioner is supported in her work by the Office of the Information of Canada.

Prior to her appointment as Information Commissioner, Ms. Maynard led the Military Grievances
External Review Committee for as Interim Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer from January
2017 to March 2018, after serving as Director General, Operations, and General Counsel in the
organization for a number of years. Earlier in her career, she was Legal Counsel in the Office of the
Judge Advocate General
and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee.
Ms. Maynard also worked with the Canada Revenue Agency and briefly in private practice.

Ms. Maynard holds a Bachelor of Laws from the Université de Sherbrooke, and has been a member
of the Quebec Bar since 1994. A native of Saint-Hyacinthe, she lives in the National Capital Region
with her family.

[emphasis in bold and size added]

___________on Caroline Maynard and see her testimony in Pouliot v. Deputy Head (Canadian Forces Grievance Board), 2014 PSLRB 94 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/gfkls>, accessed 14 September 2020;

___________on Caroline Maynard, the Information Commissioner, see her decision about a memorandum of Understanding between Justice Canada and  DND/CF for the provision of legal services, available at http://www.lareau-law.ca/Access-2015-00288.pdf, accessed 26 June 2020; the complainant was François Lareau;  here is an excerpt hereunder:

Excerpt only read complete report here

Image source: www.google.ca (image search), 19 February 2015

MAYNARD, Major Kim (Kimberley Dawn Smith Maynard), Biographical notes available at http://www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/uploads/Maynard%20Maj%20Bio%28Bilingual%2916%20Aug%2010.pdf  (accessed on 3 June 2012);

Major Kim Maynard is a member of Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Canadian Forces and currently works as a Legal Staff Officer
and Instructor with the Military Law Centre at the Canadian Defence Academy.  Previous positions include that of Legal Advisor with the
Directorate of Law – Intelligence and Information Operations (2009 – 2010), Deputy Judge Advocate at 8 Wing Trenton (2005 – 2009) /
Acting Assistant Judge Advocate General Central Region (2008-2009), and Legal Advisor to the Canadian Forces Health Services Group
Headquarters (2003 – 2005).  Major Maynard joined the Canadian Forces as a legal officer in 2002.


___________photo, source: (2005) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter at p. 59:

Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse
allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Photo by MCpl Paul MacGregor, Canadian Forces Combat Camera, IS2005-1174a
Captain Kim Maynard, 2005, Legal Officer,
Ampara, Sri Lanka

___________Photo, Canadian Forces Imagery Gallery, available at http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca/gallery/cc_photos/detail/?filename=IS2005-1174a&assetId=3690 (accessed 31 May 2017);

Captain Kim Maynard, a Legal Advisor with the Canadian Forces Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), fills her CAMELBAK hydration system.
Capt Maynard from Trenton, Ontario is in Sri Lanka to provide humanitarian aid.

Ampara, a district of approximately 600,000 people, was hit hard by the December 26 tsunami and suffered an estimated 10,400 deaths. An estimated total
of 105,560 people have been forced to seek temporary shelters.

From the left: Martin Pelletier, Maureen Pecknold,                Kim Maynard (source: www.cba.org/Sections/Military-Law/Executive, accessed 29 August 2016)
Anne London-Weinstein and Philip Millar

____________"A Recap of the CBA 2016 Military Law Conference", Canadian Bar Association Web Site, 7 July 2016; available at https://www.cba.org/Sections/Military-Law/Articles/2016/recap (accessed 20 August 2016);

The key note address was given by Rear-Admiral Jennifer Bennett, the Director General of the Canadian Armed Forces Strategic
Response Team on Sexual Misconduct. She focussed on steps the CAF have taken and continue to take to recruit, retain and
integrate women, and she described the campaign to address the “sexualized culture” as described in the Deschamps Report, in
the CAF. The address was followed by an engaging panel on the challenges of sexual assault proceedings from the perspective
of a military prosecutor (Maj Maureen Pecknold), a civilian defence lawyer (Ms. Anne London-Weinstein) and a civilian lawyer
who regularly represents victims of sexual assault, (Mr. Phillip Millar). The panel was moderated by Commander Martin Pelletier,
Military Judge.


___________research note: LCol Kim Maynard, recent photo with others:

" hours ago [2 May 2019] AJAG Central LCol Kim Maynard,
MGen (Ret’d) Fraser Holman, Maj Eric Weaver, DJA Toronto, and LCol (Ret’d) Diane Kruger
enjoyed the annual joint dinner of the and the earlier this
week, a great opportunity to connect with defence stakeholders".

MAYNARD,  Robert, "Rules of engagement in ground operations : a legal or training problem?",  JCSP: Master of Defence Studies  (2008), available at http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/260/262/maynard2.pdf  (accessed on 2 January 2012);

Image source: http://www.provincialcourt.bc.ca/enews/enews-05-04-2016  (accessed 9 October 2016)
"Major Randy Callan (as he then was (on the right) and Major Bruce Mayo, Kandahar airfield 2002"
MAYO, Bruce, biographical notes taken from the following article: SAMSON, J. Jason, "AJAG Ottawa: JAG's Latest Addition", (2003) 1 JAG Newsletter -- Les actualités 88-89, at p. 88:
Major Bruce Mayo enlisted in the CF in 1974 and served with the military police.  In 1982 he took his
release from the CF and attended law school at the University of Manitoba.  He was called to the
Manitoba bar in 1986.  After practicing law in Brandon, Manitoba, he re-joined the CF as a legal
officer in 1988.

___________on MAYO, B.C., Capt, see the article where Capt. Mayo is the prosecutor:  Jones, Lyndon, "Court Martial Hears Final Summation", The Whig Standard,  Kingston, 23 November 1989, at p. 1; re court martial of Warrant officer George Turnbull; the Judge-Advocate was Colonel Pierre Boutet and the defending officer Major G.K. Duncan;

___________was a lawyer and a Captain on 31 December 1990 with the OJAG; his seniority date for that rank was 1 September 1988(source: Canadian Forces Officer's List (Regular) (Bilingual), A-AD-224-001/AF-001, 31 December 1990; obtained from DND, Access to Information and Privacy, file A-2019-00318, 13 February 2020);

___________"The power of flight safety : A background and overview of Bill C-7, An Act to Amend the Aeronautics Act, Part 2" (April/Avril 2008) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters/mil-2008/news.aspx (accessed on 26 April 2012);
___________"Le pouvoir de la sécurité aérienne : contexte et teneur du projet de loi C-7, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'aéronautique" (April/Avril 2008) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles/mil-2008/nouvelles.aspx#article3 (site visité le 26 avril  2012);

Dr. Richard O. Mayne, photo detail, twitter.com/RCAF_ARC/status/1022492905045454848

MAYNE,  Richard O., Lieutenant (N), "Protesters or Traitors? Investigating Cases of Crew Sabotage in the Royal Canadian Navy: 1942-45" (Spring 2005) 6(1) Canadian Military Journal 51-58; available at http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo6/no1/history-histoire-eng.asp  (accessed 1 October 2017); in 2016, Dr. Richard Oliver Mayne is Director, RCAF  History and Heritage;

Professor/Dean Brian Mazer, image source:
web2.uwindsor.ca/law/oyez/Oyez%20-%2040th%20Anniversary.pdf, accessed 18 September 2020

MAZER, Brian Michael, Manhattan to missiles : Canada, nuclear weapons and international law : an interdisciplinary study, LL.M. University of Alberta, 1977, xii, 200 leaves ; 28 cm;

Image source: https://twitter.com/pjmazereeuw
Peter Mazereeuw

MAZEREEUW, Peter, "‘No money’ to bring in missing-in-action military justice reforms, four years after being made law.  The government still hasn’t brought into force several big changes to the way the Canadian Forces disciplines its members, and says doing so will be complicated and expensive", The Hill Times, 23 January 2018; available at http://www.hilltimes.com/2018/01/22/no-money-bring-missing-action-military-justice-reforms-four-years-made-law/131582 (accessed 23 January 2018);

Image source: iclmg.ca/press-release-appointment-of-new-iclmg-national-coordinator-monia-mazigh/, accessed 11 October 2016
Monia Mazigh
MAZIGH, Monia, "Oversight and Review Mechanisms: Which One to Choose?", News from International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, 12 January 2016 ; available at http://iclmg.ca/oversight-and-review-mechanisms-which-one-to-choose/ (accessed 21 January 2016);

On February 19, 2015, four former Canadian Prime Ministers wrote an op-ed in the Globe and Mail entitled “A Close Eye on Security Makes Canadians Safer”.
They were urging Canada to implement an accountability regime that would deal with the government national security activities.

Canada is the only country amongst the Five Eyes without any sort of oversight process regarding its national security agencies. However, Canada has two
external review bodies:

  • The Security Intelligence review Committee (SIRC) established in 1984 to review CSIS activities;
  • The Communication Security Establishment (CSE) Commissioner established in 1996 to review CSE activities.

Today, there are 17 Canadian agencies involved in national security information sharing, and only three have some sort of a review mechanism: CSIS,
the CSE and somewhat the RCMP. What about departments and agencies such as Public Safety, Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), Financial
Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (FINTRAC), Foreign Affairs, etc? They have none.


In 2005, Bill C-81 was introduced by the Liberal government as an Act to establish a National Security Committee of Parliamentarians. It is the first
attempt after the “Maher Arar case” to create an oversight body. This legislation died when the Parliament was dissolved on October 29, 2005 and
general elections were called.

In 2013, private member’s bill C-551 was introduced by Liberal MP Wayne Easter. The proposed legislation was to establish a parliamentary
committee to oversee all national security activities. The bill stopped at the first reading in the House. Private member bills rarely become laws especially
under majority governments, which was the case at the time.

In 2014, private member’s bill C-622 was introduced by Liberal MP Joyce Murray with the intent to impose greater judicial and parliamentary scrutiny
on the CSE as well as creating a Parliamentary Committee on intelligence and security matters. The bill was voted down at the second reading.

And finally, in 2014 again, Bill S-220 was introduced by the Conservative Senator Hugh Segal and supported by his liberal colleagues Roméo Dallaire and
Grant Mitchell. The intent of the bill was to create an all-party committee of parliamentarians on national security and intelligence oversight. The bill stopped at the second reading in the Senate.

Dominic McAlea at Canadian HQ Bahrain, photo reproduced from McDonald, R. Arthur, Canada's Military Lawyers, infra, at p. 141.
McALEA, Dominic D., Colonel, Biographical notes:

Colonel (Retired) Dominic McAlea

Colonel (Retired) McAlea joined the Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre Foundation as a board member earlier this year. Dominic was
 called to the Bar of Ontario and enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces in 1981. He then served over 34 years in the Canadian Armed Forces.

During that period, he prosecuted and defended within the Canadian Armed Forces courts martial system, served with the Special Service
Force in Petawawa, completed Master of Laws studies in Public International Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science,
deployed to the Middle East during the 1st Gulf War, investigated war crimes in the Former Yugoslavia, provided legal advice to SACEUR
while posted to the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, helped negotiate and draft the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
Court, helped develop and promulgate the suite of anti-terrorism legislation post 9/11, completed Master of Philosophy studies in International
Affairs at the University of Cambridge, deployed to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and drafted the strategic plan for reforming the
Congolese military justice system, worked on the International Military Staff at NATO Headquarters overseeing NATO-led operations in
Afghanistan, and then deployed to Kabul as Canada’s Defence Attaché to Afghanistan before retiring at the rank of colonel earlier this year.
(source: https://www.perleyrideau.ca/article/colonel-retired-dominic-mcalea--243.asp, accessed 27 February 2017).

___________"Le droit de Genève -- Comment assurer son application effective", (1992) 23(4) Études internationales 833-842; disponible http://www.erudit.org/revue/ei/1992/v23/n4/703087ar.pdf (site visité le 28 février 2012);

___________"Full-time Vice-Chairperson [to the Military Grievances External Review Committee]", Government of Canada, 15 January 2018; available at https://www.canada.ca/en/military-grievances-external-review/corporate/about/committee-members/dominic-mcalea.html (accessed 18 January 2018);

Dominic McAlea

Full-time Vice-Chairperson [to the Military Grievances External Review Committee]
Four-year term, from March 28th, 2018 to March 27th, 2022

Dominic McAlea is a senior executive with extensive management experience with the Canadian Armed Forces,
Department of Justice and Global Affairs Canada. A barrister and solicitor, Mr. McAlea’s background includes
serving as a Deputy Judge Advocate General in the Canadian Armed Forces, and Canadian Defence Attaché to
Afghanistan, in Kabul. His expertise includes strategic planning, policy development and implementation,
developing and promulgating Federal legislation and regulations, criminal and civil accountability systems,
and consensus building nationally and internationally.

Mr. McAlea holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Windsor; Master of Laws in Public International
Law from the London School of Economics and Political Science; and a Master of Philosophy in International
Relations from the University of Cambridge.


Dominic McAlea

Vice-président à temps plein [au comité externe d'examen des griefs militaires]
Mandat de quatre ans du 28 mars 2018 au 27 mars 2022

Dominic McAlea est un cadre supérieur qui possède une vaste expérience en gestion au sein des Forces armées
canadiennes, au ministère de la Justice et Affaires mondiales Canada. Avocat et conseiller juridique, M. McAlea
a déjà servi comme juge-avocat général dans les Forces armées canadiennes et comme attaché de défense du
Canada en Afghanistan, à Kaboul. Son expertise comprend la planification stratégique, l’élaboration et la mise
en œuvre des politiques, l’élaboration et la diffusion de lois et de règlements fédéraux, des systèmes de
responsabilisation criminels et civils, et l’établissement de consensus, à l’échelle nationale et internationale.

M. McAlea détient un baccalauréat en droit de l’Université de Windsor, une maîtrise en droit, droit public
international, du London School of Economics and Political Science et une maîtrise en philosophie et relations
internationales de l’Université de Cambridge.

Image source: portal.clubrunner.ca/1100/Stories/presentation-on-living-in-war-or-conflict-areas, accessed 24 August 2016
Dominic McAlea, 11 May 2016

___________"Military Justice, Security Sector Reform & State Building", KCIS Security & Governance: Foundations for International Security, 23 June 2010, available at https://qshare.queensu.ca/Groups/QCIR/KCIS/www/2010/Panel%204%20-%20Military%20Justice%20-%20McAlea.pdf (accessed on 10 December 2013); presented at the Kingston Conference on International Security 2010 Conference, Panel 4 -- see http://www.queensu.ca/kcis/pastconferences/2010.html (accessed on 10 December 2013)

Colonel McAlea focused on the challenges facing Western states seeking to reform dysfunctional institutions in the developing world. Drawing
on the Canadian experience in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), he highlighted the difficulties associated with altering entrenched
patterns of behavior in a country with a legacy of instability and conflict. In countries such as the DRC, the security apparatus is often deeply
distrusted by the civilian population. To alter this dynamic, the partner countries must implement reform programs specifically tailored to the
situation on the ground, with the overarching aim of promoting the rule of law and increasing accountability among the security services. In
the context of the DRC, Canadian military personnel spearheaded efforts to: reform the payroll system for the Congolese military; provide skills
training for officers involved in the military justice system; and sought to integrate former rebel forces into the national army.  However, while
arguing that initiatives of this nature are a vital first step in resolving the more entrenched problems present in a fragile state, McAlea also pointed
out that capacity building is a lengthy process that requires a considerable amount of time to produce lasting results.

While McAlea highlighted the measures that can be taken to reform the security sector of a partner state once a relationship has been established....
(source: 2010 Conference Proceedings, available at https://qshare.queensu.ca/Groups/QCIR/KCIS/www/2010/KCIS%202010%20Conference%20Report.pdf,
accessed on 10 December 2013);


___________on McALEA, Colonel Dominic, see the following announcement of a lecture given to the Centre for Security and Defence Studies Speaker Series 2009. available at http://www3.carleton.ca/csds/csds_bulletin/csds%20bulletin%209%20april%202010.html (accessed 18 February 2019);

Colonel McAlea on the Rule of Law and Military Justice in Africa
Return to top.


"The Rule of Law and Military Justice in Africa: Partners in Accountability"

Col. Dominic McAlea
Deputy Judge Advocate
Canadian Forces

Security sectors in failed or failing states reflect, and often contribute to, the weaknesses that lead to the failure
of their respective states. Establishing sustainable peace and Rule of Law in failed states requires, among other
things, real security sector reform - reform that includes the military justice sector. This session will consider
military justice in the context of security sector reform in failed or failing states using the Democratic Republic
of the Congo as the vehicle for discussion.

Col. Dominic McAlea has served as Deputy Judge Advocate Regional Services in Ottawa since September 2006.
Previously, he served as DND/CF Deputy Legal Advisor - Military. In 2004, he obtained a Master of Philosophy
in International Relations at the Center of International Studies, Cambridge University. He then assumed the duties
of Deputy Judge Advocate General / Military Justice and Administrative Law. As Director of Law/International,
Col McAlea was the Military Advisor in the Canadian Delegation at the UN Conference in Rome which drafted
the Statute of the International Criminal Court in June-July 1998.

Colonel McAlea recently returned from duty with MONUC Rule of Law Unit where he worked on military justice
reform as the Military Criminal Law Advisor to the UN mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Kinshasa.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010
12:00 - 1:30pm
Alumni Board Room, 617 Robertson Hall
Carleton University

Complimentary light sandwich lunch provided.

Registration requested by Friday, 16 April
or calling 613.520.2600 ext. 6671

Public parking is available inParking Garage P9, adjacent to Robertson Hall

The CSDS Speaker Series events are free and open to the public.
For more information visit carleton.ca/csds

or call 613.520.2600 ext 6671

____________on McALEA, Lieutenant-Colonel Dominic, see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 141 and 170, available at  103-242;

___________photo of Major Dominic McAlea at the JAG Law of Armed Conflict Conference or course,  Cornwall 19-23 May 1986 put on flick by Jim Rycroft and available at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4568475946/in/album-72157624001614413/ (accessed 29 September 2020);

___________"Post-Westphalian Crime", in David Wippman & Matthew Evangelista, eds., New Wars, New Laws?  Applying the Laws of War in 21st Century Conflicts,  Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, 2004, at p.111, ISBN: 1571053158; copy at Ottawa University, KZ 6355 .N49 2005;

___________Biographical Notes on Colonel D. McAlea, 2009, available at  Osgoode Research Lectures PRESENTS Colonel D. McAlea, CD ...  (accessed on 3 June 2012);

Col McAlea is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and has served with the Canadian Forces Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG)
since 1981 in a variety of postings . He has been the Director of Law International, legal advisor to the special forces, and has served with the Office
of the Legal Advisor to the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe. He is currently the Director of all JAG Regional Services. Col McAlea
served in the Persian Gulf, led a UN War Crimes Investigation Team in the former Yugoslavia, and was a military advisor at the UN Conference in
Rome which drafted the Statute of the International Criminal Court. Col McAlea holds a Master of International Law studies from the London
School of Economics and Political Science, and a Master of Philosophy in International Relations from Cambridge. Colonel McAlea recently
returned from duty with MONUC Rule of Law Unit where he was the Military Criminal Law Advisor to the UN mission to the Democratic Republic
of the Congo in Kinshasa.

____________Biographical Notes on Colonel D. McAlea, available at http://www.queensu.ca/kcis/sites/webpublish.queensu.ca.kciswww/files/files/2010/KCIS2010ConferenceBrochure.pdf, p. 18 (accessed on 18 October 2017);

Colonel Dominic McAlea

___________Notes biographiques sur le colonel D. McAlea, circa 2006:

Dominic McAlea
Depuis 2006, le Colonel Dominic McAlea occupe les fonctions d’adjoint au cabinet du Juge Avocat Général (JAG) responsable des services
régionaux au sein des Forces armées canadiennes. Il est diplômé de la faculté de droit de l’Université de Windsor et est devenu membre du
Barreau de l’Ontario en 1981. Il a rejoint les Forces canadiennes la même année. En 1990, il a obtenu sa maîtrise en droit international de la
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) d’Angleterre. En 1993, après avoir été impliqué dans la Guerre du Golf, Le Colonel
Dominic McAlea a dirigé des enquêtes sur les crimes de guerre commis dans l’ancienne République de Yougoslavie, plus particulièrement
dans la région de Dubrovnik, pour le compte des Nations unies. Il a également servi au Bureau du Conseiller juridique pour le Grand Quartier
Général des Puissances Alliées en Europe (SHAPE). En 1998, le Colonel McAlea était le conseiller militaire de la délégation canadienne à la
Conférence de Rome, suite à laquelle le Statut de la CPI a été adopté. En 2004, Col Dominic McAlea a complété une maîtrise en philosophie
 au Centre d’études internationales de l’Université de Cambridge.
(source: http://www.ieim.uqam.ca/IMG/pdf/Montreal_training_workshop_2006_draft_07f.pdf, vérifié le 1er février 2015).

___________on Dominic McAlea, about his lecture "The Rule of Law and Military Justice in Africa : Partners in Accountability",  CENTRE FOR SECURITY AND DEFENCE STUDIES: SPEAKER SERIES 2009-10, 20 April 2010, Carleton University, from csds Bulletin, newsletter of the centre for security and defence studies, 9 April 2010; see http://www3.carleton.ca/csds/csds_bulletin/csds%20bulletin%209%20april%202010.html#Link1.5, accessed 22 August 2020;

Colonel McAlea on the Rule of Law and Military Justice in Africa
Return to top.


"The Rule of Law and Military Justice in Africa: Partners in Accountability"

Col. Dominic McAlea
Deputy Judge Advocate
Canadian Forces

Security sectors in failed or failing states reflect, and often contribute to, the weaknesses
that lead to the failure of their respective states. Establishing sustainable peace and Rule
of Law in failed states requires, among other things, real security sector reform - reform
that includes the military justice sector. This session will consider military justice in the
context of security sector reform in failed or failing states using the Democratic Republic
of the Congo as the vehicle for discussion.

Col. Dominic McAlea has served as Deputy Judge Advocate Regional Services in Ottawa
since September 2006. Previously, he served as DND/CF Deputy Legal Advisor - Military.
In 2004, he obtained a Master of Philosophy in International Relations at the Center of
International Studies, Cambridge University. He then assumed the duties of Deputy Judge
Advocate General / Military Justice and Administrative Law. As Director of Law/International,
Col McAlea was the Military Advisor in the Canadian Delegation at the UN Conference in
Rome which drafted the Statute of the International Criminal Court in June-July 1998.

Colonel McAlea recently returned from duty with MONUC Rule of Law Unit where he
worked on military justice reform as the Military Criminal Law Advisor to the UN mission
to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Kinshasa.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010
12:00 - 1:30pm
Alumni Board Room, 617 Robertson Hall
Carleton University

Complimentary light sandwich lunch provided.

Registration requested by Friday, 16 April
or calling 613.520.2600 ext. 6671

Source: (2003) 1 JAG Newsletter -- Les actualités at p. 8
"CF Peacekeeping Medal to Capt Stoney, Maj
Wickler, Maj Wakeham, Col McAlea"

___________"Superior Orders and Command Responsibility" in Osgoode Hall Law School. Professional Development Program, The International Criminal Court : the road to Rome and the future, Toronto, Ont.: Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, Professional Development Program, 2002, 1 v. (various pagings), for the article: 7, [13] p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KZ6310 I54 2002;

___________Testimony before the House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs concerning Bill C-42, the Public Safety Act, 6 December 2001; Col Allan Fenske also testified with Col. McAlea; available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=e&Mode=1&Parl=37&Ses=1&DocId=1041247 (accessed 27 February 2017);

____________Testimony before the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, to which was referred Bill S-39, to amend the National Defence Act, the Criminal Code, the Sex Offender Information Registration Act and the Criminal Records Act,Issie 25, Evidence, 3 November 2005, available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/SEN/Committee/381/lega/25eva-e.htm?Language=E&Parl=38&Ses=1&comm_id=11 (accessed 24 August 2016); Issue 24, Evidence, October 27, 2005, available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/SEN/Committee/381/lega/24evc-e.htm?Language=E&Parl=38&Ses=1&comm_id=11 (accessed 24 August 2016);

__________ United States National Strategy Regarding Al-Qaida's militant Islamic Ideology, dissertation for the degree of Master of Philosophy in International Relations at the Center of International Studies, University of Cambridge, 2004; copy at Mill Lane Library: Centre of International Studies –  CIS M.Phil 2003/27 at University of Cambridge; see abstract in (2006) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 74; see notes on Col McAlea, Office of the Judge Advocate General  at  http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dsa-dns/sa-ns/ab/sobv-vbos-eng.asp?mAction=View&mBiographyID=260, accessed on 26 March 2012;

McALLISTER, Bradley Duncan, Code of Conduct : An Analysis of the Modern Law of Armed Conflict,  LL.M. thesis (Master of Arts), Department of Political Studies, University of Manitoba, 1997,  211 p.; available at http://mspace.lib.umanitoba.ca/handle/1993/1364 (accessed on 7 January 2013);

"The problem studied in this thesis is the dilemma of the modern international, in its application to contemporary forms of warfare. Wars being
fought today occur predominantly on an intrastate level. Meanwhile, the bulk of relevant international law applies mainly to inter-state forms
of armed conflict. The discussion of this problem examines the emergence of the politically motivated mass army in the early nineteenth century.
Older customary restraint in war broke down in favour of international legal codification. The impact of total war in the first half of the twentieth
century broke down the effectiveness of the law of war. Reconstruction of the law created a greater distinction between non-combatant and combatant,
in order to protect non-combatants from the effects of war. The modern law of war remains predominantly concerned with international armed conflict.
This has created serious problems when attempting to apply laws of restraint to civil war. International organizations such as the Red Cross have
emphasized the humanitarian value of the  in hopes of finding a means of applying law to intrastate warfare. As intrastate war surpasses international
armed conflict in frequency, international law is again in danger of breaking down. As armed violence transcends the borders of the sovereign state,
the state may be impeding efforts to apply effective international law to armed conflict."
 (source: http://mspace.lib.umanitoba.ca/handle/1993/1364, accessed on 7 January 2013)

McCAFFREY, Pat (Patrick), former JAG officer for 35 years (28 in Ottawa and 7 in Europe with NATO), seeking the Liberal nomination in the riding of Saint John Harbour, see You Tube, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ziUUKmo6D0 (accessed 1 October 2016);

___________LCol Pat McCaffrey, on the right, receiving his CD1 for 22 years of service from BGen Pierre Boutet, JAG, 2 February 1998, image source: JAG Newsletter/Bulletin d'actualités du JAG, volume 1, Part 1, Jan-Feb 98 (image posted on 21 December 2016);

___________on Pat McCaffrey, see the article: Smith, Connell, "New Brunswick--'Context missing,' says former Saint John Harbour official disparaged in election case", CBC News, 7 July 2019, available at https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/election-irregularities-vote-provincial-recount-voting-1.5201758 (accessed 10 July 2019);

He [Pat McCaffrey] is a lawyer and former officer with the Canadian Armed Forces Judge
Advocate General. After he retired from the military in 2003, he moved to the Netherlands
to work as a civilian with NATO before retiring for good in 2010.

Pat McCaffrey

__________photo of Pat McCaffrey, detail, from photo of the 1981 JAG Conference put on flick by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4528355114/in/album-72157623951146254/ (accessed 27 September 2020);  the same  photo of the 1981 JAG conference photo, in colour,  can also also be found in McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 124, available at  103-242;

____________see photo of Major Pat McCaffrey, member of the OJAG, in the following flickr photos by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4567834467/in/album-72157624001614413/ from the left: Maj Arnaud, Maj Lamontagne, Maj Duncan, Mr. J.J. Surbeck, Maj McCaffrey and Maj Gouin, JAG Law of Armed Conflict Cornwall 19-23 May 1986

McCALLUM, Gordon, "Authority of U.S. Army Courts Within Canada Extended: Working Well", Globe and Mail, 1943/12/30, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5028217 (accessed 11 June 2018);

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Source of image: http://mccannandlyttle.com/lawyer-bios/patrick-mccann/, accessed 12 January 2016.
Patrick McCann, lawyer

McCANN, Patrick, Lawyer, McCann & Giamberardino, Testimony on Bill C-25, an Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts before the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on 7 October 1998, Issue 35, see  minutes  and evidence;

___________on McCANN, Patrick, see BINDMAN, Stephen, "Peacekeepers On Trial: Court martial in question as prosecutors' roles mixed", The Vancouver Sun, 8 February 1994 at p. A5, available at  https://www.newspapers.com/, accessed 15 May 2020;

Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

____________on McCANN, Patrick, see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 160, available at  103-242;

McCANDLESS, Henry E. (Henry Emerson), 1935-, A Citizen's Guide to Public Accountability: changing the relationship between citizens and authorities, Victoria (B.C.): Trafford, c2002, ii, 407 p., ISBN: 1552129578 and see Chapter 10, "The Accountability of Top Command", at pp. 212-233; limited preview at http://books.google.com/books?id=Yn7zBvmP78kC&printsec=titlepage&dq=l%C3%A9tourneau+somalia&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_toc_s&cad=1#PPA217,M1
and http://books.google.com/books?id=Yn7zBvmP78kC&dq=l%C3%A9tourneau+somalia&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 16 July 2008); book not consulted yet (19 December 2017);

Chapter 10 The Accountability of Military Top Command

The Somalia Inquiry and Other Alerts
The Court Martial of LCdr Dean Marsaw
The Case of the Medical Files
Other Examples
The Pattern
Installing Accountability Reporting by Top Command

(This chapter deals with the issue of senior officers not taking responsibility for performance failures and not accounting for the quality of management
control in the Forces for fairness and effectiveness -- something that is their responsibility. The fact that the public knows so little about military top
command and has relied on blind faith (resulting from earlier citizen trust in wartime) means that the Chief of the Defence Staff should now be asked
to report regularly and publicly on the discharge of senior command responsibilities. The reporting standards would be set by a defence-related
parliamentary accountability committee.
[source: http://www.accountabilitycircle.org/learnmore.html, accessed 19 December 2015]

Image source: avocette.com/2014/11/times-colonist-fresh-identity-local-firm/, accessed 20 December 2017
___________"Horror stories persist on military accountability", Times - Colonist, Victoria, B.C., Jun 8, 2006, p.A13;

Description: To name a few instances: Tampering with Croatia-produced health warnings in soldiers' medical files rather than supporting the military
doctor who put them there; sending a bad-conduct junior officer to command a platoon in Somalia that killed an unarmed civilian; a general's illegal
large expense claims and a needless $250,000 farewell parade for an Atlantic Land Forces general; an aborted military mission to Zaire; intimidating
letters to civilians on base by the office of the judge advocate general; inadequate casualty information to families; sexual assault and harassment;
withholding of information on a 70-per-cent missile failure rate; and the fact that career progression of the judge advocate general, whose job is to
serve justice, was in the hands of his boss, the chief of the defence staff. These public assertions can then be audited for their fairness and completeness.
Accountability explanations made publicly have a self-regulating influence on the conduct of those with the responsibilities. Thus far the chief of defence
staff, Gen. Rick Hillier, has been silent and the new minister, Gordon O'Conner, in full command of the decision-making and its pace in the case of
[Christina Wheeler], has said only, "This issue will get resolved soon, hopefully." He did not state the resolution performance standard he sets for the
Crown. [David Pugliese] quotes ex-military ombudsman Andre Marin as saying that he couldn't believe how the Wheeler case has "dragged on for so
long." Based on the apparent general ploy of litigation lawyers working for the executive government, Marin probably meant the active voice, i.e., that it
was the Department of National Defence lawyers who had purposefully dragged it on.
© ProQuest LLC All rights reserved; see: http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?ct=Next+Page&pag=
, accessed 20 December 2017

___________Note on "Henry McCandless", The Hill Times, 2 February 2016, available at , accessed 18 September 2020;

image source: thestar.com/news/canada/2009/12/28/in_afghan_pr_money_talks.html, accessed 16 August 2017
"Master Cpl. Ken Hutcheson counts money as Lt.-Cmdr. Mike
 McCarthy, right, listens to an Afghan man's account. (Dec. 23, 2009)

McCARTHY, Michael J. (Mike), Lieutenant-Commander (LCdr), legal officer with the OJAG, biographical notes taken from the Newfoundland & Labrador Continuing Legal Education information sheet "Ethics, Professional Responsibility and the Practice of Law: Advising Clients in Challenging Circumstances-Examples and Perspectives on Legal Ethics and Professionalism from a Military Legal Officer with General Lessons for the Bar Monday, August 22, 2016"; research note the lecture ""Ethics, Professional Responsibility and the Practice of Law: Advising Clients in Challenging Circumstances-Examples and Perspectives on Legal Ethics and Professionalism from a Military Legal Officer with General Lessons for the Bar" is mentioned in footnote 25 of MARTIN, Andrew Flavelle, "Legal Ethics and Canada's Military Lawyers", (2019) 97 Canadian Bar Review 100-128, at p. 107, available at https://cbr.cba.org/index.php/cbr/article/view/4509/4452  (accessed 22 May 2019);

This presentation on professional responsibility for lawyers will be facilitated by Lieutenant-Commander (LCdr) M.J.
(Mike) McCarthy, one of the Legal Advisors for the Canadian Joint Operations Command.  LCdr McCarthy is a member
of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador who practices in the context of military law with the Office of the
Judge Advocate General. As such, his advice is often provided in unconventional contexts, including domestic emergency
operations and internationally involving various practice issues, including advice on the legal responsibilities of Canadian
military serving abroad, Law of Armed Conflict, Administrative Law and Military Justice.  He has been deployed as the
Legal Advisor to the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team in 2009-2010, as well as the Legal Advisor for the Air
Component Command for Operation MOBILE part of the NATO lead mission in Libya in 2011and has been the legal
advisor for Canadian Forces Base Petawawa and 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group.
[source: http://www.lawsociety.nf.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Legal-Ethics-Seminar-Brochure.pdf, accessed 16 August 2017]

___________notes: member of the law Society of Newfoundland since 2002 and  member of the OJAG since 2002, works in Ottawa, 101 Colonel By;  Michael.McCarthy@forces.gc.ca Office (613) 998-3534 (information collected as of 2 July 2018);

___________notes on LCdr M.J. (Mike) McCarthy:

This presentation on professional responsibility for lawyers will be facilitated by Lieutenant-Commander (LCdr) M.J.
(Mike) McCarthy, one of the Legal Advisors for the Canadian Joint Operations Command.  LCdr McCarthy is a
member of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador who practices in the context of military law with the
Office of the Judge Advocate General. As such, his advice is often provided in unconventional contexts, including
domestic emergency operations and internationally involving various practice issues, including advice on the legal
responsibilities of Canadian military serving abroad, Law of Armed Conflict, Administrative Law and Military Justice. 
He has been deployed as the Legal Advisor to the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team in 2009-2010, as well
as the Legal Advisor for the Air Component Command for Operation MOBILE part of the NATO lead mission in
Libya in 2011 and has been the legal advisor for Canadian Forces Base Petawawa and 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade
[Source: NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION, Ethics, Professional Responsibility
and the Practice of Law: Advising Clients in Challenging Circumstances-Examples and Perspectives on Legal Ethics and
Professionalism from a Military Legal Officer with General Lessons for the Bar, Monday August 22, 2016, St. John’s, NL,
see lawsociety.nf.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Legal-Ethics-Seminar-Brochure.pdf, accessed 19 September 2018]

___________photo of LCdr McCarthy, Mike  receiving the Canadian Joint Operations Command Commendation:

" May 30 [2019] LCdr Mike McCarthy
was presented a Canadian Joint Operations Command Commendation
today for his exemplary contribution to the success of
operations in Latvia as the Joint Task Force Europe and the Task Force
Latvia Legal Advisor, from April to November 2017.

McCLASKEY, Angus C., born in Vonda Saskatchewan, 1905 and died on 8 November 1976, Sqadron Leader was a member of the JAG branch, see "McClaskey To Toronto", Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saturday, 18 November 1944; available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 17 May 2020;

___________on McCLASKEY, A.C., Sqadron Leader, see biographical notes at The Calgary Herald, Wednesday, 2 June 1943 at p. 15; available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 19 May 2020;

___________photo hereunder of McClaskey, Angus C. that appeared with the article "Flin Flon Admitted to Northern Hockey Loop.  Northern Mining Centre Granted Berth at Annual Meeting of Circuit; Angus McClaskey Named President", Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Monday, 26 October 1936 at p. 10, available at , accessed 21 June 2020;


____________see his book: McClaskey, Angus C., 1905-, Angus McClaskey remembers ..., [Toronto, Ont. : A. McClaskey, 1976], 91 pages, source: https://lakelandlibrary.ca/sm/search/item/112430, accessed 23 June 2020;

___________see on his book, Angus McClaskey remembers ..., the review made by Cam McKenzie, in "Cam's Corner -- Book of memories", The Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saturday, 2 July 1977 at p. 19, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 23 June 2020;


Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
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Major W.P. McClemont
McCLEMONT, W.P. (William Porter), 1901-1961, biographical notes and photo at Edmonton Journal, 20 April 1950 at p. 17, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 23 May 2020;

___________ "W.P. M'Clemont Explains Rights of Men in Army: Continue to be Citizens, Lawyers' Club Is Informed.  Officers Elected", Hamilton Spectator, 1939/11/15, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5028274 (accessed 30 May 2019);

___________ “War Crimes Trials: Criminals Brought to Justice”,  (June 1947) 1(3) Canadian Army Journal 16-20; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (21 January 2015);  McClemont was a member of the OJAG, a LCol at the end of his career;

___________McCLEMONT, W.P. était un Lieutenant-Colonel, juge-avocat général adjoint, 27e Brigade de l'armée canadienne en Europe, voir "En Allemagne: Le lieutenant Julien Chouinard",  Le soleil, Québec, vendredi 29 août 1952, à la p. 3; disponible à http://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/3171699?docsearchtext=juge-avocat (consulté le 15 mars 2019);

___________on McCLEMONT, W.P., see "Amount of Blood on Uniform Argued", Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Wednesday, 30 June 1954 at p. 14, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 23 June 2020; Lieutenant-Colonel represented the Crown in the appeal of Pte George Mitchell before the court martial appeal board for the murder conviction of Frau Elizabeth Sieling in Germany; see the court martial appeal board volume; 

___________on McCLEMONT, W.P., see "Behind the Lines", Hamilton Spectator, 1944/06/30, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5051548 (accessed 31 May 2019);

Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

___________on McCLEMONT, W.P., Major, see his testimony in number 3, of 25 May 1950; number 4, 26 May 1950; number 5, 29 May 1950; number 6, 30 May 1950; number 7, 1 June 1950; and number 8, 6 June 1950 in
PARLIAMENT, House of Commons, Special Committee on Bill No. 133 An Act Respecting National Defence, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence: Special Committee on Bill No. 133 on Act Respecting National Defence, Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier, King's Printer, 1950; eight numbers, No. 1 dated 23 May 1950 to No. 8 dated 6 June 1950, 360 p.; copy at the Library of Parliament, call # J103 H7 1950 D4 A1 and at Library and Archives Canada; the wallet of the Special Committe is located at the Library and Archives Canada,  Record Group # 14, 1987-88/146, Box 58 which contains the reports to the House, amendments, exhibits and minutes; there is a Microfiche. [Toronto] : Micro Media Limited, [1995?] -- 5 fiches ; 11 X 15 cms at the University of Ottawa,  Off-Campus Storage - Annex  CA1 XC2 N14a  212; other information for research: Canada, Parliament, House of Commons, Special Committee on Bill no. 133, An Act respecting National Defence, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence. May 23 [21st Parliament, 2nd session] - June 6, 1950 [21st Parliament, 2nd session], King's Printer 1950, see https://books.google.ca/books/about/Minutes_of_Proceedings_and_Evidence_May.html?id=_oGrtAEACAAJ&redir_esc=y  (accessed 21 May 2018); see also fonds at National Defence Headquarters Directorate of History and Heritage: Fonds 2007/16 - Special Committee on Bill No. 133, An Act Respecting National Defence fonds, 3.5 cm of textual records, see https://www.archeion.ca/special-committee-on-bill-no-133-act-respecting-national-defence-fonds (accessed 21 May 2018); copy also at the  Department of Justice Canada, Supreme Court of Canada, Guelph University, University of Toronto Robarts Library; VERY IMPORTANT DOCUMENT NOW AVAILABLE at http://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.com_HOC_2102_3_1/1?r=0&s=1, accessed on 24 August 2020 and many thanks to my federal member of Parliament Mr. David McGuinty, Ottawa South and his executive Assistant Jenny Hooper for providing information about this link on 24 August 2020;

___________on McCLEMONT, W.P., see his wife death notice, McClemont, Norah Carson, née Norah Carson Sparling, in The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 12 August 1971 at p. 47, available at https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/..., accessed 23 June 2020;

McCLEMONT, W.P., see "Law Association Has 14 on Active Service", Hamilton Spectator, 1941/02/19, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5044699 (accessed 31 May 2019);

____________photo of William Porter McClemont in the album of The Osgoode Hall Law School Class of 1923, available at https://www.flickr.com/photos/lsuc_archives/12521003763/, accessed 23 June 2020;

__________"Says Army Got Full Retribution for Jap Crimes", Hamilton Spectator,
1947/06/17, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5139421 (accessed 31 May 2019);

__________sur McClemont, W.P., voir
PARLEMENT, Chambre des communes, Comité spécial chargé d'étudier le Bill 133 intitulé Loi concernant la défense nationale, Procès-verbaux et témoignages, Ottawa Edmond Cloutier, 1951, 8 fascicules (le 1er est du mardi le 23 mai 1950); les témoins: MCM Drury, sous-ministre de la Défense nationale, le commandant P.H. Hurcomb, le brigadier W.J. Lawson, Juge-avocat général, le commndant d'escadre H.A. McLearn,  et les majors J.H. Raedy et la Major W.P. McClemont; Note de recherche de François Lareau: Il existe une copie de ces procès-verbaux à la Librairie du Parlement, no de cote J103H7 D4 A1 et à la Bibliothèque et Archives Canada; le dossier du Comité spécial se trouve aux Archives nationales, Ottawa, Record Group # 14, 1987-88/146, boîte 58 et il contient les rapports à la Chambre des communes, les amendements, les pièces et les procès-verbaux; on retrouve également une copie des huit fascicules en français à la Bibliothèque Brian Dickson, de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa, University of Ottawa, FTX Parliamentary Doc, CA1 XC2 D25F;  

McCONNELL, W.H. (William Howard), 1930-2006, William R. McIntyre: Paladin of the Common Law, Monteal: McGill-Queen's University Press (published for Carleton University), 2000, x, 248 p., see "Military Justice and the Jurisdiction of the Civil Cases" at pp. 136-138, ISBN: 0886293413; discusses MacKay v. The Queen, [1980] 2 S.C.R. 370;

Howard McConnell, image source:
law.usask.ca/documents/alumni/OfNote2006.pdf, accessed 19 January 2019

___________McConnell, Howard was also a member of the OJAG, see the article by Saccone, Juile, "Former law professor McConnell dies at 75", Star--Phoenix, Saskatoon, 14 June 2006;

Obituary of Howard McConnell

It was not an usual task for respected lawyer and author Howard McConnell to pore over documents and books at lightning speed.

"He had a prodigious memory and an ability to go through material faster than I think anyone I have ever met. Sometimes he would
read a book in a day and he would remember it," said Doug Schmeiser, professor emeritus of law at the University of Saskatchewan.
"Ten, 15 years later after he read something, he would still remember it and put his finger on it."

McConnell, a U of S professor emeritus of law, died Monday in Quebec from a heart attack at the age of 75. He is survived by his son.

McConnell was born in Aylmer, Que., in 1930. He earned a bachelors degree from Carleton University in 1955, a master's degree from
the University of Ottawa in 1962 and a PhD from the University of Toronto in 1969.

He earned his law degree at the University of New Brunswick in 1958, followed by his master's of law degree at the University of
Saskatchewan in 1970.

It was during McConnell's studies at the U of S that he came under the guidance of Schmeiser.

"He was just a wonderful person and, of course, a wonderful student," said Schmeiser, McConnell's former graduate supervisor.
 "He was incredibly competent."

Schmeiser had no doubt the bright young student would go on to make his mark in legal circles.

"There was no question about his ability."

McConnell was admitted to the New Brunswick bar in 1958.

According to the University of Saskatchewan, between 1959 and 1963, McConnell served as a flight lieutenant in the Judge
Advocate General's department with the Royal Canadian Airforce. The department is the legal adviser to the Governor General,
the Minister of National Defence, the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces in the area of military law.

In 1970 McConnell became a faculty member at the U of S college of law, later becoming a full professor in 1975.

A well-known constitutional law and international law expert, McConnell was both personable and affable, Schmeiser said.

"He was extremely interested in people, but next to people he was interested in books," Schmeiser said. "His life was devoted
to people first and then to literature." McConnell wrote more than 30 articles in legal journals and authored four books,
including a book co-authored with Schmeiser on the independence of provincial court judges. He retired from the U of S in
1998 and was living in Aylmer until his death. A funeral service will be held for McConnell in Quebec on Friday.

(Copyright The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon) 2006)

McCORMICK, Neil, "A Mean and Green Fighting Machine: Wartime environmental assessments and the Canadian Forces", (2007) 16 Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies 1-20; available at 2007 CanLIIDocs 20, <http://www.canlii.org/t/27zb> (accessed 7 May 2020);

McCRACKEN, Captain(N) Gerry (G.H.), legal officer, member of the OJAG, see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 213, available at  103-242;

Art McDonald, the author,  photo                            Arthur McDonald's book on the OJAG (photo
reproduced from JAG Newsletter/                            of dust jacket)
Les actualités
, volume 1, 2003 at p. 4

McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, x, 242 p., ISBN: 0662321928;
Source: McDONALD, R. Arthur, Office of the Judge Advocate General,
            The Story of Canada's Military Lawyers, Department of National
             Defence, Cat. no D2-136/2002E, ISBN: 0-662-32192-8.
             Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works
             and Government Services Canada, 2011.
- Table of Contents;
- pp. i-xii and 1-102;
pp. 103-242;
- Index;

This history of Canada's military lawyers provides a captivating look at the personalities who made up the Office of the Judge Advocate General
from 1911 to 2000. Along with an account of the wide-ranging activities of military lawyers during this period, the book chronicles many of the
landmarks in military law. Anyone interested in the history of law, and particularly how the law is applied in Canada's armed forces, should
enjoy this recounting of Canada's military law, lawyers, and traditions.
[source: http://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/9.648558/publication.html, accessed 15 December 2017]

Canada's Military Lawyers' book lauch ceremony, 1 October 2002; from the
left General Henault, Major-General Pitzul and the author, Colonel (retired) Art
McDonald; photo reproduced from (2003) 1 JAG Newsletter -- Les actualités at p. 3.

McDONALD, R. Arthur, Les avocats militaires du Canada, Ottawa : Cabinet du Juge-avocat général, c2002, x, 263 p., ISBN: 0662874358;  
Source: McDONALD, R. Arthur, Cabinet du juge-avocat général,
             Les avocats militaires du Canada, Ministère de la défense nationale,
             numéro de catalogue D2-136/2002F, ISBN: 0-662-87435-8.
             Reproduit avec la permission du ministre des Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, 2011.
- Table des matières;
- pp. i-x et 1-116;
- pp. 117-263;
- Index;

___________Equality Issues in the Canadian Forces under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: a Study of the Effect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on Certain Policies of the Canadian Forces
, LL.M. thesis, Queen's University, Faculty of Law, 1986, v, 354 p.; Additional Title A study of the effect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on certain policies of the Canadian Forces [microform]; there is microfiche copy at the Ottawa University, Call number: Off-Campus Storage - Annex , KE 4381.5 .M327 1986A; also Microfiche (negative) Ottawa : National Library of Canada. 4 microfiches, 10.5x15 cm (Canadian theses), Mic.F. TH- 32205, ISBN: 0315322055;

___________"Expert Testimony Before Human Rights Tribunals" (1995) 14 PSO Forum  22-41; this periodical is published by the Personnel Selection Branch, Department of National Defence; PSO=Personel Selection Officer

___________"The Legal Branch Law Firm of the Canadian Forces" (1987) 2 Canadian Forces Judge Advocate General Journal 1-4;
___________«Le service juridique: L'étude légale des Forces Canadiennes» (1987) 2 Revue du JAG des Forces canadiennes 1-4;

___________notes on Art McDonald from the dust jacket of his book, Canada's Military Lawyers, supra;


____________on McDONALD, Colonel R.A. (Art), see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 151, available at  103-242;


___________"The Trail of Discipline: The Historical Roots of Canadian Military Law" (1985) 1 Canadian Forces Judge Advocate General Journal 1-28; available at http://www.lareau-law.ca/A-2015-01088.PDF (accessed 1 December 2015), as a DND/CF Access to Information Act Request/Answer, file A-2015-01088;

___________«Le Sentier de la Discipline: Les Racines Historiques du Code de Justice Militaire Canadien» (1985) 1 Revue du JAG des Forces canadiennes 1-30;

McDOUGALL, Allan Gordon (A. Gordon), Major, legal officer, see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 42 available at i-xii and 1-102; note: Deputy Judge Advocate General  in 1926 and later county court judge in Ontario;

Photo from The Evening Citizen, Ottawa,
23 March 1943 at p. 10

___________on McDOUGALL, Gordon, Lieutenant-Colonel, see "Gordon McDougall Appointed Judge of Carleton Court", The Evening Citizen, 20 November 1942 at p. 23:

Excerpt only

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___________on McDOUGALL, A. Gordon, "Judge A.G. McDougall leaving Carleton bench", The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, 22 February 1963 at p. 20; he married Margaret Robertson from Ottawa in 1943,a champion badmington and golf player;


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McDOUGALL, Bruce, "Be All You Can Be", (May 1991) 15(4) Canadian Lawyer 26-28; about military lawyers in the Canadian Forces; ****; the SCC library has one number PER 2001 V. 25; see web site https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/ and to subscribe Please call 1-800-387-5164; thomson reuters; Canadian Lawyer and its sister publications Canadian Lawyer InHouse, Canadian Lawyer 4Students, and Law Times have been bought by Carswell, a Thomson Reuters business headquartered in Toronto; ISSN: 0703-2129;

to get copy https://store.thomsonreuters.ca/product-detail/canadian-lawyer-print-digital/

Launched in 1977, Canadian Lawyer delivers unbiased reporting and analysis of the legal
landscape from coast to coast and across all areas of practice. Focused on both the practice
and the profession, Canadian Lawyer delivers award-winning editorial content that informs,
inspires and occasionally inflames the lawyers, corporate counsel, judges, law professors,
and students-at-law who consider it a "must-read." It is published in print and digitally
11 times a year. www.canadianlawyermag.com

McDOUGALL, Errol K., Captain, Assistant Deputy Judge Advocate, see article: "Renfrew Officer Promoted", The Globe and Mail, 12 March 1942, at p. 13;

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

ProQuest Historical Newspapers
https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca...., accessed 25 November 2018

___________on McDOUGALL, E.K., Captain, see "Capt. E. McDougall With 7th Division", The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, 19 August 1942 at p. 13;


Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

ProQuest at
https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca...., accessed 29 April 2020

____________on McDOUGALL, Errol K.,  Major from Montreal, as defence counsel in court martial referred to in "Non-Comissioned Officers Will Be Tried at Winnipeg.   Pair Said to Have Ill-Treated Other Prisoners After Fall of Hong Kong",  Hamilton Spectator, 1946/03/04, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5134595 (accessed 8 June 2019);

___________photo of McDougall, Errol K., in "Henry Marks (1966) Ltd. Names Directors", The Gazette, Montreal, Friday, 28 October 1966 at p. 23, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 23 June 2020; practiced with the law firm of Magee, O'Donnell & Byers, Place d'Armes, Montreal;

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Stuart_McDougall, accessed 26 June 2018
Edward Stuart McDougall

McDOUGALL, Edward Stuart, 1886-1957, Canadian Judge at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE, also known as the Tokyo Trial or the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal); was appointed a Judge of the Quebec Court of King's Bench;

___________on McDOUGALL, Edward Stuart, see FISHER, J.H., Telegram Staff writer, "Canada's Evidence Ready in Japanese Atrocities.  Justice E.S. McDougall to Sit on International Tribunal Trying Lesser Criminals", Toronto Telegram, 1946/04/13; available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5139450 (accessed on 4 February 2018);

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Research Note: I have not included all of the last paragraph starting with the words "During the war",
because it did not seem to have any link to the article.

McDOUGALL, Martha, "Book Review Essay: Canadian Military Law Annotated by Justice Gilles Letourneau and Colonel (ret'd) Michel W. Drapeau, Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2006, 1787 pages, $185.00",  8(3) Canadian Military Journal, available at http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo8/no3/essay-essai-01-eng.asp (accessed on 11 July 2008);

More importantly, the book fails to examine many substantive issues that would have been of great value to anyone interested
in the administrative legalities of the military. Generally, the book does justice to the Code of Service Discipline, but it does
not do justice to issues not related to the Code. For example, while dismissal may be one of the harshest penalties available to
a military judge, the book does not explore the release of a member from the Canadian Forces. Apart from the useful reproduction
of the tables of QR&O 15.01 on release, the book makes no mention of the many legal cases on administrative release that
some would equate with dismissal, since both sanctions mean the termination of service. A book on military law that does not
mention the trilogy of cases (St. Thomas [1993] FCA, Husband [1994] FCA and Robinson [1994] FCA) on the release of members,
due to breaches of universality of service (Section 33 of the National Defence Act) commits a substantive error.

McDOUGALL, Martha, "Études critiques, Canadian Military Law Annotated de Gilles Létourneau, juge et Michel W. Drapeau, colonel à la retraite, Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2006, 1787 pages, $185.00", (automne 2007) 8(3) Revue militaire canadienne, disponible à http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo8/no3/essay-essai-01-fra.asp (vérifié le 11 juillet 2008); 

___________"The Canadian Forces Grievance Board: Institutional Change" (June/Juin 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 6; available at http://web.archive.org/web/20050125074204/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/sword2001-06.pdf (accessed on 18 April 2012);
___________, "Précis : Un changement institutionnel : le Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes" (June/Juin 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 6; disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20050125074204/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/sword2001-06.pdf  (site visité le 18 avril 2012);

Image source: navy-marine.forces.gc.ca/en/navy-life/history-commanders/32-mcfadden.page, accessed 15 April 2017
Vice-Admiral Philip Dean McFADDEN, CMM, CD

McFADDEN, Capt(N) Philip  Dean, "Why the Laws of Armed Conflict are no longer the ties that bind.", Canadian Forces College, AMSP (2003), AMSC 6, 42 pages; available at http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/260/266/mcfadden.pdf (accessed 2 February 2017);

Mary McFadyen, photo source: http://www.thestarphoenix.com/news/provincial+ombudsman+starts/9688135/story.html, accessed on 8 April 2014
McFADYEN, Mary, "The DND/CF Ombudsman: Our role and how we assist the CF prevent and resolve grievances" (April/Avril 2008) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters/mil-2008/news.aspx (accessed on 26 April 2012);

___________"L'ombudsman de la Défense nationale : aider les FC à éviter et résoudre les griefs" (April/Avril 2008) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles/mil-2008/nouvelles.aspx#article2  (site visité le 26 avril  2012);

___________"Office of the Ombudsman for National Defence and Canadian Forces" in Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces: Selected Case Studies, Geneva: DCAF (The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces), 2017, [iv], 193 p., at pp. 33-63, ISBN: 978-92-9222-429-5; available at dcaf.ch/Publications/Ombuds-Institutions-for-the-Armed-Forces-Selected-Case-Studies  (accessed 7 April 2017);

7. The Office Has No Power over Veterans Affairs Matters

In Canada, the Department of National Defence is separate from the
Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Ministerial Directives stipulate
that the Ombudsman for National Defence and Canadian Forces shall
not deal with any complaint that falls within the jurisdiction of Veterans
Affairs Canada or the Veterans Review and Appeal Board. Yet, in practice,
it can be very difficult to clearly draw jurisdictional lines. For example,
if a current or a former member makes an application for a disability
pension (for an injury relating to military service) to Veterans Affairs,
and the current or former member is not satisfied with the decision and
feels they were treated unfairly, the member cannot complain to the
Ombudsman. However, if the application for a disability pension was
rejected by Veterans Affairs because certain medical information was
not provided or was deemed insufficient for the purposes of assessing
the claim, the medical information concerning the injury would be held
by the Canadian Forces. If the Canadian Forces did not forward proper
information to Veterans Affairs so that it could assess the claim properly,
and if the current or former member was having an issue getting this
medical information from or correcting certain information held by
the Canadian Forces, then the member could seek the assistance of the
Ombudsman to obtain that information.

McFARLAND, Colonel, George Franklin, 1880-1950, member of the OJAG during WW I; see "How Reverting Affects Pensions.  In Case of Death Pension is of Original Rank -- Disability, Lower", The Globe and Mail, 28 March 1919 at p. 4  (accessed 22 July 2018); he aws commaning officer of the Grev County Battalion (see The Globe (Globe and Mail) Toronto, 20 March 1919, at p. 8);

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
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George Franklin McFarland

___________on McFarland, George Franklin, see "L.Col. George Franklin McFarland", available at http://www.4cmr.com/mcfarland.htm, accessed 2 July 2020;

L.Col. George Franklin McFarland was born in Markdale, Grey County, Ontario,
in June 1880. Raised in the Markdale area, he received his high school education at
Owen Sound Colligate and Vocational Institute, before carrying on with his studies
at the University of Toronto. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from University
College in 1902 and Bachelor of Law in 1905.
Major McFarland was struck off strength from the 4th CMR in August of 1918,
and thence was again given the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, this time as the Assistant
Judge Advocate General at Military Headquarters in Ottawa.

___________on McFarland, George Franklin, see "Mr. Justice McFarland Dies; 16 years on Bench", The Globe and Mail, 16 May 1950, at p. 5;

Mr. Justice McFarland served with distinction during the First World War and
held the post of Deputy Judge Advocate at General Heaquarters in Ottawa.

Andrew McGarva

McGARVA, Andrew (Andrew James), lawyer, member of the Law Society of Ontario and a legal officer with the OJAG, regular force; see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/andrew-mcgarva-b8a1a9111?trk=pub-pbmap (accessed 28 February 2019);  he attended the 2019 mandatory legal officer qualification course at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, CFB Kingston, see Access to Information Act, DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 12 June 2019, File A-2019-00289;

___________photo of McGarva, Andrew, Captain with other members of the OJAG:

" 6 hours ago [19 June 2019 ] Our Administrative Law Division
is happy to have their Captains back from their month-long Legal Officer Qualification Course.
Plenty of admin law files for Captains Ruth Shojaei, Andrew McGarva, Jamil Beauchamp-Dupont
and Kaila Morin!"

McGOVERN, Michael, "served as a legal officer with the OJAG, see:

-  Michael McGovern has been with WorkSafeNB since 1996 and is currently Legal Counsel for WorkSafeNB.
Most recently Mike was WorkSafeNB General Counsel for five years. Mike practices primarily in corporate law,
occupational health and safety law, workers’ compensation law and administrative law. He also guest lectures at
the law school at UNB in labour law and construction law and teaches a course in occupational health and safety
law at the University of Fredericton. Mike has served as a Legal Officer with the Office of the Judge Advocate
General in the Canadian Armed Forces.
[source: http://cphrnb.ca/fr/developpment/?event_id=767, accessed 16 August 2019]

- Speaker: Michael McGovern, Legal Counsel, WorkSafeNB.

Mike is currently Legal Counsel for WorkSafeNB and was most recently General Counsel there for five years.
 Mike holds a law degree from the University of New Brunswick and has been with WorksafeNB and its predecessors
since 1996. Mike practices primarily in corporate law, occupational health and safety law, workers’ compensation law
and administrative law. He also guest lectures at the law school at UNB in labour law and construction law and teaches
a course in occupational health and safety law at the University of Fredericton. He is a member of the New Brunswick
Law Society, the Canadian Bar Association and the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association.  Mike also holds the
designation of Certified In-House Counsel, an international certification by the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association
and the Rotman School of Business.  In the past Mike served with the Canadian Forces in both Regular and Reserve
capacities and concluded his eleven years as a Legal Officer with the Office of the Judge Advocate General.

[source: https://ststephenchamber.com/?event=updates-on-worksafenb-issues, accessed 16 August 2019]

McGOWAN, R.J. (Robert? J.), Captain, Deputy Judge Advocate Petawawa, appeared as Assistant counsel for Her Majesty the Queen in Sarmiento J.A. (Ex-Private), R. v., 2003 CM 360 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hx0k6>;

McGOWAN, Major D., part of the OJAG, see photo:

source:(2006) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter at p. 11
JAG Recognition... October 27, 2005--CD1 (22 years of service) presented to
LCol J. MacMillan, Maj D. McGowan, Maj R. Stoney and Sgt G. Taillon
(with MGen Jerry Pitzul in his blue uniform in the middle)

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McINTOSH CLARK, Ronald, member of the JAG Branch in 1960, see "Engagements", The Calgary Herald, Monday, 3 October 1960 at p. 25; available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed on 19 May 2020;

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
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___________on McINTOSH CLARK, Ronald, see hereunder his photo from University of New Brunswick and a photo of his wife:

Ronald McIntosh Clark
o/c, RCAC
University of New Brunswick
source: https://web.lib.unb.ca/archives/UNBComposites/results.
php?action=show_graduate&graduate_id=4388, accessed 19 May 2020

Mary Elizabeth Clark

CLARK _ Mary Elizabeth "Betty" 1938 - 2006 Mary Elizabeth Clark
passed away following a brief illness at the Rockyview General Hospital
at the age of 67 years. Betty is survived by her daughters: Emilie, Sarah,
and Leslie; and grandchildren: Marina, Andrew, Chelsea, Conor, and Holly.
Betty was predeceased by her father, William B. Cromarty Q.C., and her
husband Ronald McIntosh Clark, LLB. Betty was employed by Amoco
Petroleum, as a land analyst for twelve years, before retiring in 1993.
At Betty's request, no Service will be held. Arrangements entrusted to
LEYDEN'S FUNERAL HOME, 304 - 18 Avenue S.W. Telephone: 228-4422. www.leydens.com .

[source: https://calgaryherald.remembering.ca/obituary/mary-clark-1065560494, accessed 19 May 2020]

Image source: mcnallyrobinson.com/event-13600/Mike-McIntyre----Book-Launch#.Wlu51XlG2Uk, accessed 14 January 2018

Mike McIntyre
McINTYRE, Mike, "Judge wasn't told about ex-soldier's dishonest past", Winnipeg Free Press, 25 May 2011, available at  (accessed 14 January 2018);

[Paul] Young, 54, was treated as a first-time offender with a spotless record based on submissions made by the Crown and Young, who acted as
his own lawyer. Based on those submissions, provincial court Judge Mary Kate Harvie gave Young a one-year conditional sentence.

However, Young has twice admitted to similar crimes of dishonesty that were not presented to the court. It appears no reference was made
to those indiscretions because they were dealt with by the military in the form of court martials and did not result in charges under the
Criminal Code of Canada.

[research note by F. Lareau, see
Young P.D. (Captain), R. v.
, 2006 CM 33 (CanLII) — 2006-12-06
Courts Martial — Canada (Federal)

offender — sentence — martial — gambling addiction — punishment]

Image source: scc-csc.ca/judges-juges/bio-fra.aspx?id=william-rogers-mcintyre, accessed 11 October 2018
William Rogers McIntyre
MCINTYRE, William Rogers ("Bill"), 1918-2009, biography, available at http://www.canadianarmyaviation.ca/last_flight.html (accessed 11 October 2018);
MCINTYRE, William Rogers The Honourable William "Bill " Rogers McIntyre, O.C., Q.C. was born in Lachine,
Quebec on March 15, 1918 to Sidney and Pauline McIntyre and died peacefully in Victoria, BC on June 14, 2009.
....After growing up in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Bill attended the University of Saskatchewan where he earned
 a law degree in 1941. He joined the army and after training at Gordon Head in Victoria was sent overseas.
He landed in Sicily in 1943 with the 1st Canadian Division and served as an artillery officer in the campaigns in
Sicily and Italy. Bill was enormously proud of the accomplishments of the Canadians in Sicily and Italy and of the
men under his command. He often said that one of the most memorable and emotional events of his life was the
Christmas of 1943 during the battle of Ortona. Bill returned to England in 1944 and finished the war as an Air
Observation Pilot in North-West Europe. In 1944, Bill met and married Mimi Reeves and in 1945, Elizabeth was born.
....Bill was admitted to the British Columbia Bar in 1947 and practiced law in Victoria until 1967 when he was appointed
to the British Columbia Supreme Court and then in 1973 to the British Columbia Court of Appeal. In 1979, Bill was
appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada where he served for ten years. ....

McKay, Alexander, The Canadian military training and advisory assistance programme to Tanzania 1965–1970, Thesis (M.A.) -- Carleton University, 1972, x, 92 p. : maps; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1972, ISBN: 9780494544907;

"Cdr Craig Skjerpen, CO of HMCS Charlottetown , and LCdr John McKee,
legal advisor, work on the bridge of HMCS Charlottetown"

McKEE, John (John Douglas Martin), photo of  LCdr John McKee with the article "Charlottetown patrols waters off Libya" in (1 June 2011) 14(19) The Maple Leaf at p.6; available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/dn-nd/D12-7-14-19.pdf (accessed 28 August 2017); member of the Law Society of Ontario, member of the OJAG;

Interview avec le capitaine de corvette John Mckee, avocat militaire; source de la photo:

____________interview de Patrice Bergeron  avec John McKee: BERGERON, Patrice, "L'insurrection rend la tâche des avocats militaires beaucoup plus difficile", LaPresse.ca, 11 mai 2009; disponible à http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/dossiers/le-canada-en-afghanistan/200905/11/01-855418-linsurrection-rend-la-tache-des-avocats-militaires-beaucoup-plus-difficile.php (vérifié le 3 January 2015); interview avec le capitaine de corvette John McKee, avocat militaire;

Scott Campbell, co-counsel for plaintiffs                    Chris Madill co-counsel for plaintiffs 
Image source: youtube.com/watch?v=tVOUIbAkJQY             Image source: https://www.cdlawyers.org/?page=65 (both images accessed on 21 December 2016)

McKELVEY, Stewart, Lawyers, Halifax, "Canadian Forces face racial discrimination and harassment class action", 21 December 2016; available at https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/canadian-forces-face-racial-discrimination-153000670.html (accessed 21 December 2016);

HALIFAX, Dec. 21, 2016 /CNW/ - Systemic racial discrimination and harassment are the basis of a class action filed in the Federal Court
by Stewart McKelvey on behalf of three former members of the Canadian Forces. The Plaintiffs, who propose to represent all persons in
Canada who have been enrolled as members in the Canadian Forces and who are or who identify as racial minorities, visible minorities
or Aboriginal peoples, allege that the Canadian Forces, from top to bottom, has failed to protect racial minorities and Aboriginals from
racism within the ranks.

"When individuals enroll in the Canadian Forces, they expect to serve, advance and protect the ideals we value and enjoy as Canadians –
equality, fundamental justice and human dignity," said Scott Campbell, co-counsel representing the Plaintiffs. "But our clients allege that
the very institution we trust to bring these ideals to the world, has denied them, and those they represent, these basic human rights."


"This filing is a defining moment for Canadian Forces members who have experienced racial harassment and racial discrimination," said
Chris Madill, co-counsel representing the Plaintiffs. "We intend to shine a bright light on the alleged behaviours and institutional practices
described in the Statement of Claim."

McKENZIE, J.P.S., Struggling with outdated rules: international humanitarian law and its impact on Canadian Detainee Policy, Canadian Forces College, JCSP 37, Canadian Forces College, Master of Defence Studies, 2011, available at http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/297/286/McKenzie.pdf (accessed 15 March 2015);

McKINLEY, John, LCol, member of the JAG Branch, see "John F. McKinley Given Promotion",  The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, Saturday, 28 February 1942 at p. 1, available at https://www.newspapers.com/ (accessed 16 May 2020);

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McKINNON, Alexander John, 1947-, Torture of the Other : racism as an element of torture in contemporary military operations, Thesis, (M.A.), Carleton University, 2006; available at http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/thesescanada/vol2/002/MR18285.PDF (accessed on 16 April 2012);

Allan Bruce McKinnon

McKINNON, Allan Bruce, M.P., Progressive Conservative, Introduction of Bill C-658, to amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (retirement for misconduct), House of Commons, Hansard, 22 June 1982;

  Hon. Allan B. McKinnon (Victoria) moved

for leave to introduce Bill C-658, to amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (retirement for misconduct).


Mr. McKinnon:

Madam Speaker, the purpose of this bill is to limit the extraordinary discretion of the Treasury Board under the
Canadian Forces Superannuation Act to reduce substantially pensions of Canadian Forces personnel who have

June 22, 1982

been discharged for misconduct, sometimes for less than major offences. It is to stop such miscarriages of justice
that 1 introduce a bill that I hope some day will receive approval from all sides of the House.

[source: lipad.ca/full/1982/06/22/12/#3371929, accessed 23 June 2018]

McKINNON, John Lauchlin, Colonel, member of the Bar of Nova Scotia, see the article by Barry Cahill, "Actions not words: Lawyers and the First World War",  an excerpt of this article was published in The Society Record, Vol. 35 No. 2, Fall 2016, available at http://nsbs.org/actions-not-words-lawyers-and-first-world-war (accessed 27 July 2018)

Though there was no clearly articulated response from the Society to the outbreak of war, its effects were felt from the very
beginning: John Lauchlin McKinnon (called in 1897), a serving Militia officer, had to resign as treasurer in order to answer
the call to arms. The closest thing in the Society to a professional soldier, McKinnon – according to his 1944 obituary – “had
a long and distinguished military life. He joined the Halifax Regiment of the Canadian Artillery back in the early [1890s]. He
served in Halifax at the start of the First World War and went overseas with the rank of major. He returned after the war with
the rank of a full colonel.” McKinnon was unusual in that he was among the few lawyer-soldiers called on to apply his
professional knowledge, on various occasions serving as Acting Judge Advocate General of the Canadian Forces.

___________McKINNON, John Lauchlin, see Nova Scotia's part in the Great War, compiled and edited by M.S. Hunt, Halifax, N.S. : Nova Scotia Veteran Pub., 1920; 456 pages, at p. 76, available at  (accessed 24 March 2019);

On the formation of the Nova Scotia Regimental Depot, Lieutenant-Colonel
McKinnon was given command and was later appointed  Deputy Judge Advocate
General, Canadian Forces Overseas. 

McKOENA, Kashmeel (Dennis Kashmeel Keevantoza), legal officer, member of the OJAG; his court martial at McKoena D.K.K. (Captain), R. v., 2005 CM 6 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/282kt>  where he was acquitted of all charges (site accessed on 5 May 2018);

____________ "MLOTV: Canadian Forces (CF) Grievance Process", 25 May 2012, 13:15 minutes, available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJVy8FWzVf8 (accessed 1 January 2016);

___________Web site of Kashmeel McKöena, available at  http://mckoenalaw.com/ (accessed 1 January 2015);

Kashmeel joined the Canadian Forces in 2003 as practicing military lawyer with the Office of the JAG Headquarters in Ottawa,
Kashmeel participated in several military law & training assignments; including acting as the legal advisor to the Canadian Forces
Grievance Authority and the training of Law Of Armed Conflict to members of the Canadian Forces.

Kashmeel retired from the Canadian Forces JAG at the rank of Major and join McKöena Law Professional Corporation where he
continues his legal practice as a passionate advocate for his clients when it matters the most.
[Source: http://mckoenalaw.com/about-us/, accessed 1 January 2015]

McLAUGHLIN, Beverly:

- Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, 2000 to 20017, see Wikipedia; accessed 17 May 2019;

The Chief Justice, the Right Honourable Beverly McLaughlin, Supreme Court of
Canada, as seen on the Webcast of the hearing on 2015-05-12, case number 35755,
Second Lieutenant Moriarity, et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen, et al. (Federal Court)
(Criminal) (By Leave), see  https://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/.... and R. v. Moriarity [2015] S.C.C.  55.

-  Named Honorary Captain (Navy) of the Office of the Judge Advocate General, June 2018:

La capitaine de vaisseau honoraire du Cabinet du Juge-avocat général Beverly
McLachlin avec la Commodore Geneviève Bernatchez, Juge-avocat général, le
juin 2018, Ottawa (photo: Caporal-chef Pierre Habib, FAC), source: www.45enord.ca/2018/06/
lex-juge-en-chef-du-canada-devient-capitaine-honoraire-du-cabinet-du-juge-avocat-general, consulté le 17 mai 2019

McLAUGHLIN, P.  Elmer  (Patrick Elmer), born in Bocabec 18 June 1880 and died 5 April 1952, St. Stephen, N.B.,  Colonel was defence counsel in the court martial referred to in the article: "Court-Martial Tries Charges of Criminal Negligence", Globe and Mail, 1944/01/07, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5028991 (accessed 4  September 2018); received his B.C.L. from the University of New Brunswick;

___________on McLAUGHLIN, P. Elmer, Colonel was defence counsel in the courts martial referred to in the article:  "Three Officers Before General Court-Martial.  Charge of Negligence Following Death of Soldier.  Plea of Not Guilty Entered By Capt. G.G. Alleyn", Hamilton Spectator, 1944/01/06, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5028992 (accessed 4 June 2019);

Defence counsel for the three accused officers is Col. P. Elmer McLaughlin,
former St. Stephen, N.B., lawyer stationed at Saint John, N.B. 

McLEAN, D.H., Col., prosecutor, see "Sentence Commuted, Two Years Hard Labor.  Pte Telesphore St. Cyr, Draftee, Did Not Like Army Life",  The Globe, Toronto, 23 January 1919, at p. 3, available at https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/...., accessed 8 July 2020; for clarity, see also following entry on McLean, article in French;

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___________sur McLEAN, D.H., Colonel, avocat de la poursuite  pour la cour martiale de A.Gohr en 1919: "Châtiment sévère pour cet insoumis",  La Presse, 11 février 1919 à la p. 7; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3197797  (vérifié le 9 août 2018);

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McLEAN, Fiona, Major, member of the Alberta Bar, worked for the OJA;

Major Fiona G. McLean

Major and Canadian Forces Decoration aide-de-camp Fiona G. McLean, a Calgary barrister
and solicitor, is completing her 32nd and final year with the Canadian Army Reserve. Born
in Glasgow, Scotland, she joined The Calgary Highlanders in June 1987, at age 19, as part
of the Summer Youth Employment Program. She began her military training as a logistician
while pursuing a bachelor of history at the University of Calgary. Admitted to the officer
program, she completed her qualification training at Canadian Forces Base(CFB) Petawawa,
Ont., prior to being promoted second lieutenant in September 1988. During the summers of
1989 and 1990, McLean worked under the auspices of the Office of the Judge Advocate
General at CFB Calgary
and completed her officer training at CFB Borden, Ont.; following
which she was promoted to lieutenant. While studying law at the University of Alberta from
1989 to 1992, she was attached posted to the Loyal Edmonton Regiment before returning to
Calgary to article with the City of Calgary Law Department. In 1994, after completing the
Militia Officer Staff Course at CFB Chilliwack, B.C., McLean was promoted to captain. In
1996, with limited ability to continue rising through the ranks within her regiment as a logistician,
she decided to reclassify to infantry. In 2002, she was attached posted to the 14 Calgary Service
Battalion acting as the second-in-command of the Close Support Company and, later, as their
operations officer. The following year, McLean acted as a tactical civil-military co-operation
operator for Land Force Western Area (LFWA) and, finally, returned as operations officer
with her home unit. From August 2004 to February 2005, she volunteered to deploy in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, where she first partook in Operation Bronze as civil-military co-operation
liaison officer under NATO command. Once the European-Union task force took over command
from NATO as Operation EUFOR-Althea, McLean served as adjutant to the Canadian National
Support Element during the last part of Operation Boreas. Upon her return, and through to 2010,
she served in a variety of roles for the 41 Canadian Brigade Group and Collective Training Team
of LFWA. In 2012, she was appointed officer commanding of the Battleschool South Training
Company (South) of 41 Canadian Brigade Group, and was promoted to major. In 2016, she was
appointed for the second time as aide-de-camp to the lieutenant-governor of Alberta, a duty she
continues to fulfill.

[source: www.aidannidelet.ca/face-of-service/wjrzjb9udw4mp6fjwlpvb7ypi5tdm1, accessed 31 March 2020]

James Montalieu McLean, 1934, photo by
Charles Aylett, Archives of the Law Society of Ontario
source of photo: flickr.com/photos/lsuc_archives/13902278120/in/photostream/

McLEAN, James Montalieu, 1909-1989, "Deaths -- McLEAN, James Montalieu", The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 4 February 1989, at p. A14;

[Died] At Macassa Lodge in Hamilton on Friday, February 3rd 1989, beloved husband of Mary Constance Hunt.
....  He was born in Leduc Alberta and raised in Woodstock, Ontario.  The son of the late James and Louise Nesbitt
McLean.   He graduated from Upper Canada College and Osgoode Hall Law School.  He practised law in
Hamilton for many years and was a life member of the Law Society of Upper Canada.  During W.W. II he served as
an officer with with Arggyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (P.L.) and later in the war as Assistant Judge
Advocate General at National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa. ...

McLEAN, Lieutenant-Colonel Mike, "ROE: Their Impact on Combat Stress in Peace Support Operations", AMSC 3 (Advanced Military Studies Course 3), Canadian Forces College, 26 p.; available at http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/260/263/mclean2.pdf (accessed on 19 June 2012);


Armand Desroches, source of photo: http://www.redecoupage-federal-redistribution.ca/content.asp?section=pei&dir=mem&document=index&lang=f (accessed on 20 March 2014)

McLEAN, R. and A. (Armand) Desroches (both Lieutenant-Colonels), "The Canadian Forces in Internal Security Operations” in The Management of the Police Response to Crisis Situations: the Proceedings of the Tactical Unit Workshop Canadian Police College, Ottawa: Canadian Police College, 1982, 184 p., at  p. 61; Armand Desroches is a former Justice and JAG officer;

--5th Judge Advocate General, 1969-1972
H.A. McLearn, photo
reproduced from the
back dust jacket of McDonald, R. Arthur, Canada's Military Lawyers, supra.

McLEARN, Brigadier-General  H.A. (Harold Alexander) ("Mac"),  "Canadian Arrangements for Aid of the Civil Power", (Summer 1971) 1(1) Canadian Defence Quarterly 26-31; available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Power44.pdf (accessed 8 September 2017); ; copy available at the Directory of History and Heritage, 2nd floor of the Colonel Charles P. Stacey Building, 2429 Holly Lane, Ottawa, Ontario;

Image source: flickriver.com/photos/tags/osgoodehalllawschool/interesting/, accessed 6 May 2018
Harold Alexander McLearn, Archives of
the Law Society of Ontario

___________1912-1990,  Brigadier-General McLearn was the Judge Advocate General from 20 February 1969 to 13 August 1972; subsequently worked for the Department of Justice Canada;

___________on McLearn, Brigadier-General Harold, see "Death--McLearn, Brigadier-General Harold", The Ottawa Citizen, 15 April 2020 at p. 38 or D10;

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
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___________on McLearn, Brigadier-General Harold Alexander, see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 83, 97, 99, 99-102, 109, 114 and 117, available at i-xii and 1-102 and  103-242;

___________Testimony IN CAMERA of Brigadier General H.A. McLearn, Judge Advocate General, before the House of Commons, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defence respecting the White Paper entitled "Defence of the 70's", Issue number 5, 9 March 1972 (28th Parl., Fourth Sess., 1972) and see relevant text at https://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.com_HOC_2804_3_1/125?r=0&s=1  (accessed 3 September 2020);

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

___________Testimony of Brigadier General H.A. McLearn, Judge Advocate General, before the House of Commons, Standing Committee on Finance, Trade and Economic Affairs, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, No. 34, Respecting Bill C-178, An Act to amend the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act, the Royal Canadian Mounted Policy Pension Continuation Act and the Public Service Superannuation Act, Tuesday, March 18, 1969 (28th Parl., First Sess.) and available at https://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.com_HOC_2801_4_2/717?r=0&s=1 (accessed 3 September 2020);  

___________Testimony of Brigadier General H.A. McLearn, Judge Advocate General, Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defence, Minutes of Proceedings and evidence respecting the White Paper entitled "Defence in the 70s", No. 5, Thursday, March 9 and Thursday, March 16, 1972, 29 p. ; note: 28th Parl., 4th Sess.;  see http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/spac-pspc/PF1-4-1972.pdf at p. 56;

____________Testified as Commander, deputy judge advocate general,  before the defence committee of the House of Commons, on a bill to consolidate and modernize defence legislation, see "Rap at Communism--Forces to Clamp Down on Sedition", Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon,  26 May 1950 at p. 2, available at https://www.newspapers.com/, accessed 19 May 2020;

___________Testimony as Group Commander before the House of Commons, Standing Committee on National Defence respecting Bill C-243, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and other Acts in consequence thereof, 27th Parl., 1st Sess., Minutes of Proceedings, Number 32, Tuesday, March 14, 1967 and available at https://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.com_HOC_2701_13_2/869?r=0&s=1 (accessed 2 September 2020);

___________Testified as Wing Commander in PARLIAMENT, House of Commons, Special Committee on Bill No. 133 An Act Respecting National Defence, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence: Special Committee on Bill No. 133 on Act Respecting National Defence, Ottawa: Edmond Cloiutier, King's Printer, 1950; eight numbers, No. 1 dated 23 May 1950 to No. 8 dated 6 June 1950, 360 p.; copy at the Library of Parliament, call # J103 H7 1950 D4 A1 and at Library and Archives Canada; the wallet of the Special Committe is located at the Library and Archives Canada,  Record Group # 14, 1987-88/146, Box 58 which contains the reports to the House, amendments, exhibits and minutes; there is a Microfiche. [Toronto] : Micro Media Limited, [1995?] -- 5 fiches ; 11 X 15 cms at the University of Ottawa,  Off-Campus Storage - Annex  CA1 XC2 N14a  212; other information for research: Canada, Parliament, House of Commons, Special Committee on Bill no. 133, An Act respecting National Defence, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence. May 23 [21st Parliament, 2nd session] - June 6, 1950 [21st Parliament, 2nd session], King's Printer 1950, see https://books.google.ca/books/about/Minutes_of_Proceedings_and_Evidence_May.html?id=_oGrtAEACAAJ&redir_esc=y  (accessed 21 May 2018); see also fonds at National Defence Headquarters Directorate of History and Heritage: Fonds 2007/16 - Special Committee on Bill No. 133, An Act Respecting National Defence fonds, 3.5 cm of textual records, see https://www.archeion.ca/special-committee-on-bill-no-133-act-respecting-national-defence-fonds (accessed 21 May 2018); copy also at the  Department of Justice Canada, Supreme Court of Canada, Guelph University, University of Toronto Robarts Library; VERY IMPORTANT DOCUMENT NOW AVAILABLE at http://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.com_HOC_2102_3_1/1?r=0&s=1, accessed on 24 August 2020 and many thanks to my federal member of Parliament Mr. David McGuinty, Ottawa South and his executive Assistant Jenny Hooper for providing information about this link on 24 August 2020;       

Photo of Paul McLeod, Canada political editor for BuzzFeed News, image source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/paulmcleod?language=en, 21 May 2016
McLEOD, Paul, "One Sexual Assault Case Could Gut Canada’s Military Justice System.  Advocates say the military justice system is unconstitutional and must be heavily reformed", 5 May 2016; available at  https://www.buzzfeed.com/paulmcleod/canadas-military-justice-system-could-be-undone-by-the-supre?utm_term=.rbxJzdLv26#.sdrjOoPq53 (accessed 21 May 2016);

Image source: http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/?p=76619, accessed 16 August 2016
Major Trevor McLeod, center, with two ANA Legal School Training
Advisor Team 2012-1
McLEOD, Trevor P., biographical notes on retirement from the CF in 2016; going to the Department of Justice Canada;
Major Trevor P. McLeod, CD, BEng (Civ), LL.B., MBA 

Major Trevor McLeod joined the CF in 1983 as an ROTP cadet at the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston.  He graduated in
1987 with a degree in civil engineering.  After an aborted attempt to become a CF pilot, Trevor completed classification training as an
Air Weapons Controller in 1989

Trevor spent two tours of duty at the Canadian NORAD Sector in North Bay (1988 - 1992, and 1996 - 1999) where at different times
he maintained qualifications as a Weapons Director and Weapons Assignment Officer, Surveillance Controller, Standards Evaluator,
Operations Room Tactical Director, NORAD Airborne Battle Staff and Joint Operations Officer.  From 1992 to 1996 he was posted
to the NATO Airborne Early Warning Force in Geilenkirchen, Germany where he served as a Weapons Controller and Fighter Allocator
on squadron, as well as an Instructor in the Training Wing.

After being accepted into the Military Legal Training Program in 1999, Trevor attended law school at the University of Ottawa and
graduated in 2002.  After completing his Bar Admissions Course for the province of Ontario, Trevor officially joined the Office of the
JAG in 2003.  As a Legal Officer he has advised in the areas of administrative law concerning personnel issues and grievances, on
general military law, and on military justice issues.  He has deployed operationally twice as a legal officer.  In 2007 he had an opportunity
to advise on operational law issues during a deployment to the Democratic Republic of Congo where he filled the position of Deputy
Military Legal Advisor to the United Nations peacekeeping force in that country.  In 2012 Trevor deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan and
served as the Deputy Training Advisor to the Afghanistan National Army Legal School.

Trevor’s current and last posting as a legal officer is in Ottawa with the JAG Directorate of Law / Military Justice Policy where he
works diligently and tirelessly on the regulations and consequential amendments stemming from Bill C-15: Strengthening Military
Justice in the Defence of Canada Act.  He will be joining the ranks of the Department of Justice as a counsel with the International
Assistance Group.  Currently enjoying a return to paternity with a little one less than 2 years old, Trevor anticipates many years with
the Department of Justice.

Congratulations to Major Trevor McLeod for his 33 years of service in the Canadian Armed Forces and numerous achievements as
an Air Weapons Controller and Legal Officer, and best of luck to him, his wife Vesna and two daughters Alyssa and Anna in their future endeavors.



Major Trevor P. McLeod, CD, BEng (Civ), LL.B., MBA 

Le major McLeod joint les FC en 1983 en tant que cadet dans le PFOR du Collège militaire royal du Canada, à Kingston.  En 1987, il
obtient un diplôme en génie civil.  En 1989, après un échec pour devenir un pilote des FC, Trevor complète la formation pour se qualifier
à titre de contrôleur des armes aériennes.

Trevor a passé deux périodes de service avec le secteur canadien du NORAD à North Bay (1988 - 1992 et 1996 - 1999) où, pendant
des périodes différentes, il maintient ses qualifications comme directeur des armes et officier à l’affectation des armes, contrôleur de la
surveillance et évaluateur des normes, directeur tactique du Centre des opérations, officier d’état-major de combat aéroporté du NORAD et
officier des opérations interarmées.  De 1992 à 1996, il est posté à la Force aéroportée d’alerte avancée de l’OTAN, à Geilenkirchen, en
Allemagne, où il sert à titre de contrôleur à bord des avions dotés du système aéroporté de détection lointaine pour un escadron ainsi que
d’instructeur de l’escadre responsable de la formation.

Après avoir été accepté au Programme militaire d’études en droit en 1999, Trevor a fréquenté la faculté de droit de l’Université d’Ottawa
et obtient son diplôme en 2002. Trevor complète ensuite son cours de formation professionnelle du barreau pour la province d’Ontario et
joint officiellement le cabinet du JAG en 2003. En sa qualité d’avocat militaire, il fournit des avis dans le domaine du droit administratif,
sur les questions de personnel et de griefs, du droit militaire en général, et de la justice militaire.  Il se déploie deux fois comme avocat militaire
en théâtre opérationnel.  En 2007 il avise sur les questions de droit opérationnel au cours d’un déploiement dans la République démocratique
du Congo où il occupe le poste de conseiller juridique militaire adjoint à la Force de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies dans ce pays. En
2012 Trevor se déploie à Kabul, Afghanistan ou il occupe le poste d’adjoint au conseiller militaire senior à l’École juridique de l’Armée nationale

La dernière et actuelle affection de Trevor en tant qu’avocat militaire est à Ottawa au sein de la Direction juridique / Justice militaire – politique
ou il a travaillé avec diligence et ardeur sur les amendements législatifs et règlementaires résultant du projet de loi C-15, la Loi visant à renforcer
la justice militaire pour la défense du Canada. Il va par la suite joindre les rangs du Service d’entraide internationale au Ministère de la Justice
en qualité d’avocat. Savourant présentement un retour aux joies de la paternité avec une petite ayant moins de 2 ans d’âge, Trevor anticipe plusieurs
années au sein de l’équipe du Ministère de la Justice.

Félicitations au major Trevor McLeod pour ses 33 années de services au sein des Forces armées canadiennes et ses nombreux accomplissements
en tant que contrôleur des armes aériennes et avocat militaire, et meilleurs vœux à lui, son épouse Vesna et ses deux filles Alyssa et Anna dans leurs projets futurs.

[Source: email from Keith Reichert, Assistant Chief of Staff (Personnel), Office of the Judge Advocate General to Benoit Pinsonneault, alumni member, 16 August 2016, 14:33 h]


Maj Trevor McLeod, image source: http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/?p=76619
____________for an article on Trevor McLeod, see EDWARDS, Victoria, "16004 Major Trevor McLeod, Member ANA Legal School Training Advisor Team", posted by rmcclub on 13 May 2012, available at http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/?p=76619  (accessed on 19 April 2015);

____________for an article on Trevor McLeod, see Rmcclub, "Where are they now?",  17 October 2010; available at http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/where-are-they-now-112/ (accessed 15 November 2017);
16004 Major Trevor McLeod (RMC 1987) is currently posted in Ottawa as Deputy Judge Advocate – Ottawa. He joined
the CF in 1983 as an ROTP cadet at the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston. He graduated in 1987 with a degree
in civil engineering. After being accepted into the Military Legal Training Program in 1999, Major McLeod attended law
school at the University of Ottawa and graduated in 2002.

After completing his Bar Admissions Course for the province of Ontario, Trevor officially joined the Office of the JAG
in 2003. As a Legal Officer he has advised in the areas of administrative law concerning personnel issues and of general
military law. He had an opportunity to advise on operational law issues during a deployment to the Democratic Republic
of Congo where he filled the position of Deputy Military Legal Advisor to the United Nations peacekeeping force in that
country.  Source

From the left, Gravi Swayze, the author, and Major Trevor McLeod

____________on Trevor McLeod, see SWAYZE, Gavi, "The people", in The Juris Diction, available at https://gaviswayze.wordpress.com/the-people/; on the author see https://gaviswayze.wordpress.com/about/ (both sites accessed 4 January 2016);

McMACKIN, Vanessa, "Rearranged Snowdrops: The Construction of Memory at Abbaye d'Ardenne", Canadian Military History: Vol. 20 : Iss. 3 , Article 4; available at https://scholars.wlu.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1562&context=cmh and  https://fliphtml5.com/fxrb/avpx/basic (accessed 13 April 2020);

Source of image: https://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters/pdf/MIL-jamaica.pdf, accessed 1 October 2015
From the left: Maj Colin Carson, LCdr Magda Siepka
and Maj Benoit McMahon (2005 CJSC LOAC Instructors)

Source: ca.linkedin.com/in/benoit-mcmahon-17162489, consulté le 7 avril 2018
Benoit Mc Mahon

MC MAHON, Benoit, military legal officer, biography (French and English), available at docplayer.fr/23371423-Un-headquarters-in-geneva-and-in-the-office-of.html (accessed 8 August 2017); member of Barreau du Québec;

Le major Mc Mahon est originaire de Laval, province de Québec.  Il a un frère
jumeau avec qui il a joué au baseball et au hockey durant toute sa jeunesse.
Il a aussi une sœur de 4 ans son ainée.  Ses parents sont retraités depuis quelques
années déjà et ils vivent paisiblement à Rawdon, petite ville située au nord‐est de Montréal.

Le major Mc Mahon est avocat depuis1993.  Après ses études de droit à l’Université de
Montréal (LL.B. 1989‐1992), le major Mc Mahon fait son stage comme procureur de la poursuite
au palais de justice de Montréal où il fait partie de l’équipe des enquêtes préliminaires. Après
son stage, le major McMahon devient avocat de la défense à Montréal où il exerce en pratique
privée de 1994 à 1998.  En 1999, le major McMahon joint les FC et est muté à la Direction du
service des avocats de la défense.  Dès l’année 2000, le major Mc Mahon retourne à Montréal
en tant que JAA au SQFT, et en profite pour être déployé en Bosnie-Herzégovine sur la roto 10.

Il retourne ensuite à Ottawa pour travailler à la direction du droit administratif pendant environ
deux ans (griefs) et revient à ses anciennes amours en 2006 comme procureur militaire régional
à Ottawa (deux ans) et Edmonton (trois ans).  Entre 2012 et 2014, le major Mc Mahon est muté
à Ottawa et agit en tant que conseiller juridique du Centre de soutien aux enquêtes administratives
(CSEA‐AISC). Le major McMahon est transféré au CDMFC en 2014 où il enseigne le DIH, le droit
administratif et le droit militaire.  Il détient une Maîtrise professionnelle en droit administratif du
Osgoode Hall Law School.  La  lecture de romans, la marche et l’entraînement au gymnase font
partie de ses passe‐temps.

[Research note: for an English version of the biography, see https://cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/sites/cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/files/contributors_ihl2018.pdf,
accessed 28 September 2018]

___________sur MC MAHON, Benoit, voir "Nominations du Conseil des ministres", site du Premier minsitre du Québec, 21 octobre 2020, disponible à https://www.quebec.ca/premier-ministre/actualites/detail/nominations-du-conseil-des-ministres-21octobre/ (site consulté le 22 octobre 2020);

Nominations du Conseil des ministres

Québec, le mercredi 21 octobre 2020 – Le Conseil des ministres a procédé
 aux nominations suivantes à sa séance d’aujourd’hui.


Comité de déontologie policière

M. Benoit Mc Mahon est nommé, à compter du 16 novembre 2020, membre du Comité de
déontologie policière. M. Mc Mahon est avocat militaire à la Direction juridique du Personnel
militaire au Cabinet du juge-avocat général des Forces armées canadiennes.

___________ sur Mc MAHON, Benoit, voici quelques notes biographiques sur sa carrière en droit; source de l'information  à emplois-superieurs.gouv.qc.ca/Nominations/Communique/2020-10-21/Notes-Biographiques/Benoit-Mc-Mahon/11054 (accès le 16 décembre 2020);

Expérience professionnelle


Forces armées canadiennes

Depuis 2018 
Avocat militaire – Direction juridique – Personnel militaire – Cabinet du juge-avocat général
2014 - 2018 
Professeur de droit – Centre de droit militaire des Forces canadiennes – Académie canadienne de la défense (Kingston, Ontario)
2011 - 2014 
Avocat militaire – Centre de soutien aux enquêtes administratives – Cabinet du juge-avocat général
2006 - 2011 
Avocat militaire, procureur militaire régional – Cabinet du juge-avocat général
2001 - 2005 
Juge-avocat adjoint – Cabinet du juge-avocat général – Montréal
1999 - 2001 
Avocat militaire – Direction du service des avocats de la défense – Cabinet du juge-avocat général
1993 - 1999 
Avocat de la défense en pratique privée – Montréal

Ministère de la Justice

Stagiaire en droit – Bureau des substituts des procureurs de la couronne – Montréal

McMAHON, J. Ambrose, lawyer and served with the JAG "Department" during WW II, see "J. McMahon  Dies at 58",  The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 26 January 1959 at p. 2:

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

[Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/....,
ProQuest, accessed 29 April 2020]

McMEANS, P.W., Captain, permanent prosecutor at military district 12 headquarters in Regina, see in the Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saturday, 25 November 1944 at p. 8; available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/, accessed 25 June 2020; LL.B. in 1931 from the University of Saskatchewan, see https://library.usask.ca/archives/campus-history/wwii-cotc.php?seq=3 (accessed 29 September 2020);

McMichael, G.T. (Gordon T.), Captain, from the "Office" of the Judge Advocate General, see "Resume Practice", The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, 11 May 1946 at p. 10, available at https://www.newspapers.com/i...., accessed 27 May 2020;

___________on McMichael, Gordon T., death notice, The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 13 November 1995, at p. 51, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 23 June 2020;


____________on  McMichael, Gordon T., see his photo (first on the left) with others that appeared with the article by Sheri Barron, " 'Survivors' recall half century of law", The Ottawa Citizen, 9 May 1987, at p. A5, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 23 June 2020;

Gordon McMichael, first on the left.

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Elizabeth McMillan, image source:                        Anjuli Patil, image source:
https://twitter.com/elizmcmillan                              https://twitter.com/anjulicbc, accessed 6 July 2017


McMILLAN, Elizabeth, Anjuli Patil, "Forces members who disrupted Indigenous rally face 'severe consequences'.  'Their future in the military is certainly in doubt,' says Gen. Jonathan Vance, chief of defence staff", CBC News, Nova Scotia, 4 July 2017, available at http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/proud-boys-canadian-military-indigenous-protest-disrupted-1.4189615 (accessed 6 July 2017);

McMILLAN, Ken, Commander, photo of, put on flick by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4568471312/in/album-72157624001614413/  (Cdr McMillan is on the left with Maj Coulombe of the right) (accessed 29 September 2020);

Image source: pressreader.com/canada/ottawa-citizen/20100809/281784215388365, accessed 7 November 2017
John McMunagle
McMunagle, John A.,  notes on Ontario Superior Court Justice John McMunagle, see http://www.queensu.ca/gazette/content/alumni-sworn-judges-superior-court, accessed 7 November 2017;

Two Queen's alumni were sworn in on August 9 [2010] as judges of the Superior Court of Justice. 

The appointments of the Honourable Peter B. Annis, Arts'68, Law'71, and the Honourable
 John A. McMunagle, Law'85, were announced by the federal Minister of Justice in June.

Mr. Justice McMunagle has been a sole practitioner since 2008. He practised with McCann
Law Offices (2002-2008) and was a sole practitioner (1992-2002). He has been a prosecutor
for the Law Society of Upper Canada since 2004; a member of the Canadian Armed Forces
Reserves, Judge Advocate General since 1999
; standing part-time prosecutor for Elections
Canada (1992-2007); part-time assistant Crown Attorney for the Ministry of the Attorney
General (1993-1997). His main area of practise was criminal defence trial litigation.

___________on  McMunagle, John A., Lieutenant (Navy), was defence counsel in the Standing Court Martial of R. v. Lowen CM 29, Kingston, Ontario, 8 April 2002; available at  (accessed 24 August 2019); source of information:  MADSEN, C.M.V. (Chris Mark Vedel), Military law and operations, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, c2008-, vol. 2, at p. APP2: 2002-11;

David McNair, source of photo :  http://www.commonlaw.uottawa.ca/en/david-mcnairn.html  (accessed on 31 March 2014)

McNAIRN, David (David Patrick), Canadian Military Justice, forthcoming book, 2015-2016, Irwin Law Inc.; source:  http://www.scc-csc.gc.ca/factums-memoires/35946/FM010_Appelant_Sergeant-Damien-Arsenault.pdf, at p. 44, accessed 16 March 2015;

Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/umjanedoan/497353227/, accessed 11 February 2015

___________ "The Canadian Forces' Criminal Law Firm: A Blueprint for Independence -- Part I", (2003) 8(2) Canadian Criminal Law Review 237-280 and "The Canadian Forces' Criminal Law Firm: A Blueprint for Independence -- Part II", (2004) 8(3) Canadian Criminal Law Review 329-376;

___________"The costs connandrum in the Court Martial Appeal Court", circa 2012, available at http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/pdf/2012-05-military-2.pdf (accessed on 1 February 2015);

___________"Does Canada Need a Permanent Military Court?",  (2006) 18 Constitutional Law 205-234;

___________"Message from the Chair" (February/Février 2003) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 2 and 7; available at  http://web.archive.org/web/20050125062546/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/swordscaledec2002.pdf (accessed on 19 April 2012);
___________"Précis : Message du président" (February/Février 2003) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 2 et 6; disponible à  http://web.archive.org/web/20050125062546/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/swordscaledec2002.pdf (site visité le 19 avril  2012);

___________"A Military Justice Primer, Part I and Part II", (2000) 43 The Criminal Law Quarterly 243-267 and 375-392; with the same title in  (July-October 2000) vol. 3 JAG Newsletter / JAG Bulletin d'actualités 32-49;
___________"Introduction au système de justice militaire" dans Congrès annuel du Barreau du Québec 2002, 2002, 614 pages, aux pp. 1-45; disponible à http://congres.barreau.qc.ca/2002/documentation.html (vérifié le 27 février 2012); aussi publié dans (2002) 7(3) Canadian Criminal Law Review / Revue canadienne de droit pénal 299-332; aussi disponible à https://edoctrine.caij.qc.ca/recherche#q=cour%20martiale&t=edoctrine&sort=relevancy&f:caij-unik-checkboxes=[Doctrine,L%C3%A9gislation,jurisprudence]&m=detailed&i=7&bp=results (vérifié le 23 mars 2018);

___________Canadian Military Law, Ottawa : University of Ottawa, Common Law Section, 2013-, "CML 3149" (seies; Casebook, University of Ottawa, Common Law Section; copy at the University of Ottawa, Fauteux Library: KE 6800 .M36  2013-2014 v.1 et v. 2;

___________"Military Enjoys Rights", The Ottawa Citizen, 5 December 1996, at p. A14; 

As I read the Nov. 29 editorial, ``Officer can eat again,'' on the Dean Marsaw case,
I felt compelled to respond to the egregious error that it contains. It states:
``Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not apply to members of the military...''
This is plainly wrong.

Just because someone joins the Forces, he does not lose the protection of the
Canadian Charter of Rights. Soldiers are not second-class citizens; they enjoy the
same rights and freedoms as everyone else. The Charter has been used to bring
about many changes to the military justice system.

It is highly unprofessional, bordering on incompetence, to suggest that military
members are not protected by our Charter.

David NcNairn, lawyer, Ottawa

[source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/....; accessed 9 June 2019]  

Image source: http://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?collection=journals&handle=hein.journals/nzaflr3&div=12&id=&page=, accessed 11 February 2015
___________"Military Law Reform in Canada", [2003] New Zealand Armed Forces Law Review 51-56; p. 51 is available at http://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?collection=journals&handle=hein.journals/nzaflr3&div=12&id=&page=  (accessed on 27 February 2012);

___________on McNairn, David, see :

 Forsyth v. Canada (Attorney General), 2002 FCT 643 (CanLII), [2003] 1 FC 96, <http://canlii.ca/t/kdl>, date 2002-06-05 where Major McNairn appeared as counsel for the applicant Private Forsyth, and Major Ken Lindstein was one of the counsel for the respondent the Attorney General for Canada;

 Further research on the Forsyth case

- was court martialed and convicted  on 2 September 2002 at CFB Gagetown; LCol Ménard was President; other counsel unknown;

- the appeal of of Forsyth, 26 Sep 2003, available at R. v. Forsyth, 2003 CMAC 9 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/ggpx3>

Heather Forsyth
- CBC NEWS CANADA, "Alberta's solicitor general accused of witness tampering", http://www.cbc.ca, 29 November 2012, available at http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/alberta-s-solicitor-general-accused-of-witness-tampering-1.317693 (accessed 18 December 2017);

Opposition Liberals are demanding Alberta Solicitor General Heather Forsyth
resign over allegations she asked a witness not to testify at a trial in 1999.

The accusations, made during a court martial of her son at CFB Gagetown
in New Brunswick, surfaced when a transcript of the hearing became public.


Forsyth's son was found guilty of assault causing bodily harm at the court
martial. Cpl. Thomas Forsyth was sentenced to eight months in a military
prison but has been released while the case is being appealed.

According to the transcript, the military investigator said the original
criminal case fell apart after Heather Forsyth persuaded her son's girlfriend not to testify.

Forsyth was not solicitor general at the time, but was a member of the legislature.

__________on McNairn, David, as of August 2019, employed by the Department of Justice Canada and works at  DND/Canadian Forces Office of The Legal Advisor; Ottawa; source https://www2.lsuc.on.ca/LawyerParalegalDirectory....;

David McNairn

___________on McNairn, David, see the article by Alex Robinson, "Lawyer wins $160,000 judgment against condo neighbours", Canadian Lawyer, 21 April 2017, available at https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/news/general/lawyer-wins-160000-judgment-against-condo-neighbours/274261 (accessed 30 August 2019); to go further, see McNairn v Murphy, 2017 ONSC 1678 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/h32j6>;

An Ottawa lawyer and aspiring judge has won $160,000 in damages in a defamation
lawsuit he brought against neighbours of a condominium he owns in Costa Rica.

___________on McNairn, David, see the following biographical notes published in  Canadian Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (CACOLE), Conference 2004: Many Voices : Communities and Civilian Oversight,  at pp. 19-20 and available at  http://www.cacole.ca/confere-reunion/pastCon/pdf/2004Biographies-eng.pdf (accessed 13 April 2020);

David McNairn, C.D., B.A., LL.B., M.A.

 David McNairn is employed as counsel with the Department of Justice
in Ottawa
at the Criminal Conviction Review Group. He is one of several
responsible for reviewing and investigating criminal conviction
applications submitted to the Federal Minister of Justice pursuant
to sections
696.1-696.6 of the Criminal Code and the Regulations Respecting
for Ministerial Review – Miscarriages of Justice. As part of this
process, Mr. McNairn prov
ides advice to the Federal Minister of Justice
with regard to whether an applic
ant should be granted a remedy (i.e., a

20new trial or a referral to the court of appeal) because there is a reasonable
to conclude that a miscarriage of justice likely occurred in his or her case.
Mr. McNairn was called to the bar of Ontario in 1988. He received his post-secondary
education at Carleton
University where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree
(History and Political Science) in 198
3, the University of Ottawa where he earned
his Bachelor of Laws
degree in 1986, and Wilfrid Laurier University where he
earned his Master of Arts degr
ee (Military History) in 1997. After articling in Ottawa,
Mr. McNairn spen
t nine years in private practice in Stratford, Kitchener-Waterloo and
His practice focussed on litigation with an emphasis on criminal law
ing defence and prosecution work. Mr. McNairn enrolled in the Canadian Forces
(CF) in 1984 as a non-
commissioned member of a reserve infantry regiment. He was
from the ranks in 1986 and served thereafter as a reserve infantry officer.
1996 Mr. McNairn became a reserve legal officer with the Office of the Judge
Advocate General for the CF and transferred to the regular force a short time later.
After five years of full-time m
ilitary service – three of those years as a military defence
counsel - Mr. McNair
n left the regular force in 2002 and accepted his present position
the Department of Justice. Mr. McNairn is active in the Canadian Bar Association
and in particular served as
chair of the National Military Law Section in 2002-2003.
He is the author of
several published articles on military law and justice issues and
is presently
working on a book tentatively entitled Canadian Military Justice. Mr.
McNairn is married, has two
children and resides in Ottawa.

___________"Should Canada's Military Justice System Have Jurisdiction Over Ordinary Criminal Offences?",  in Michel Drapeau Law Office, ed.,  Winds of Change: Conference and Debate on Canadian Military Law, [Ottawa:] Michel Drapeau Law Office, 2016, 102 p., at pp. 65-71, NOTES: Conference held at the University of Ottawa, 13 November 2015; "For the first time an international academic conference on military law was held in Canada at the University of Ottawa with the focus on reform and comparative law" (Gilles Létourneau, Preface, p. 7);  "(Organizing Committee for the Conference: Michel W. Drapeau, Joshua M. Juneau, Walter Semianiw and Sylvie Corbin)"; Speech transcribed by Joshua M. Juneau, p. 31; available at mdlo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/2015-Conference-Proceedings.pdf (accessed 20 January 2016);

The Three Conditions for the Exercise of Military Jurisdiction Over Ordinary
Criminal Offences: A Reformulation of the Military Nexus Doctrine

What I am about to offer you is in effect a reformulation of the military nexus doctrine which developed rather haphazardly in Canadian
jurisprudence.  I suggest that the military justice system should only exercise its concurrent jurisdiction over an ordinary criminal offence
allegedly committed in Canada by a person subject to the Code of Service Discipline if three conditions are satisfied:

1. Is there a real and substantial connection between the alleged offence and the accused’s military service?

2. Taking into account all relevant considerations, is there a compelling military interest in prosecuting the alleged offence?

3. Have civilian justice authorities been fully informed of the circumstances of the alleged offence, waived their authority to prosecute the
offence, and consented to the prosecution in the military justice system?

___________Studies in Public Law: Canadian Military Law CML 4104A-- Materials on Military Justice, University of Ottawa, 2009; available in part at http://www.commonlaw.uottawa.ca/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=2583&Itemid=99999999  and http://www.commonlaw.uottawa.ca/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=2613&Itemid=99999999http://www.commonlaw.uottawa.ca/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=2551&Itemid=99999999http://www.commonlaw.uottawa.ca/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=2552&Itemid=99999999, http://www.commonlaw.uottawa.ca/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=2583&Itemid=99999999, http://www.commonlaw.uottawa.ca/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=2613&Itemid=99999999
(accessed on 6 December 2011 and 6 January 2012);

___________Studies in Public Law: Canadian Military Law [Materials on Military Justice], Ottawa: University of Ottawa, Common Law Section 2011-, (series; Casebook, University of Ottawa, Common Law Section), NOTES: CML 4104;  Latest edition only kept at the Law Library; copy at Ottawa University, FTX Reserve  KE 7146 .M36  2011-2012, volumes 1 and 2;

Casebook (ch. 1)

Casebook (ch. 2)






Casebook_(ch._8)   (source: http://www.commonlaw.uottawa.ca/en/courses/courses/cml-4104-studies-in-public-law-canadian-military-law.html (accessed on 6 January 2012)

___________"An Update on Military Law Reform in Canada", [December 2004] New Zealand Armed Forces Law Review 36 to approx. 44;  title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (4 November 2005);

___________ "Why is independence of the legal profession important?" (May/Mai 2002) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 4 and 7; available at http://web.archive.org/web/20050125112748/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/swordscaleapril2002.pdf (accessed on 19 April 2012);
___________"Précis : Pourquoi l'indépendance de la profession est-elle si important?" (May/Mai 2002) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 4; disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20050125112748/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/swordscaleapril2002.pdf  (site visité le 19 avril  2012);

John McNamer, source of image: http://sgnews.ca/author/johnmcnamer/, accessed on 13 May 2014;

McNAMER, John, "Canada -- Briefing to the UN Committee against Torture, 48th Session, May 2012, on Canada's Transfer of Afghan Detainees into the Danger of Torture by Other Authorities", available at http://www.nightslantern.ca/law/mcnamertocat.pdf (accessed on 3 November 2014); 

___________"Canada's Detainee Torture Scandal : An Overview February 12, 2012",  13 p.; available at http://www.lawyersagainstthewar.org/letters/Canada.Detainee.Scandal.Feb.12.pdf (accessed on 22 May 2012);

McNEILL, D.J. was Captain on 31 December 1990 with the OJAG; his seniority date for that rank was 1 May 1989 (source: Canadian Forces Officer's List (Regular) (Bilingual), A-AD-224-001/AF-001, 31 December 1990; obtained from DND, Access to Information and Privacy, file A-2019-00318, 13 February 2020);

Image source: johnjmcneil.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/wilcox-gazette.jpg, accessed 7 November 2017
McNEIL, John, Cape Breton Post, "Soldier accused of murder loses constitutional challenge", The Montreal Gazette, 18 March 2009, available at https://mcneilmedia.ca/nr3/ (accessed 7 November 2017);

Defence lawyer Maj. Stephen Turner presented arguments Tuesday, claiming the process for selecting the military
 jury that will hear Wilcox’s court martial violates his constitutional right to a fair trial.
Military prosecutor Maj. Sherry MacLeod said Turner’s arguments called for broad changes to the military justice
system without demonstrating that any of these possible problems will actually affect the Wilcox court martial.

McNEILL, N.-N. (could be instead N.J., see infra next entry) research note: article about a General Court martial where Captain N.-N. McNeil from Calgary was the prosecutor,  see "Procès de trois soldats devant une Cour martiale, à Aldershot", Le soleil,  mardi 31 juillet 1945, à la p. 9; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3439529 (consulté le 21 août 2018);

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

____________on McNeill, N.J., Captain, from Calgary, see "Canadian Not Guilty of Fomenting Mutiny", Hamilton Spectator, 1945/08/01, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5030367  (accessed 4 June 2019);

McQUARRIE, Robert Laughlin, lawyer and was named Assistant Judge Advocate-General in charge of internment camp operations during WW II, see Dr. L. Gordon Goldsborough, "Memorable Manitobans: Robert Laughlin McQuarrie (1896-1968)", Manitoba Historical Society, available at http://www.mhs.mb.ca/docs/people/mcquarrie_rl.shtml (accessed 17 March 2019);

Memorable Manitobans: Robert Laughlin McQuarrie (1896-1968)


Born at Minnedosa on 21 February 1896, son of Thomas Chalmers McQuarrie (1858-1921) and Mary
Cameron Smith (1863-?), he was educated in Minnedosa. In 1917, he enlisted in the military and served
two years in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps and Royal Flying Corps. After the First World War,
he articled in law with James F. Kilgour and was called to the Manitoba Bar in 1925. He became a member
of Kilgour, Foster & McQuarrie and later joined the firm of Coldwell, Coleman & Kerr. During the Second
World War, he rejoined the military in August 1940 and served as Assistant Judge Advocate-General in
charge of internment camp operations. He made a King’s Counsel in 1944. On 20 November 1926, he
married Norma Henrietta Andrew (?-?) of Minnedosa and they had one daughter. He served as President of
the Brandon Kinsmens Club (1927) and Vice-President of Canadian Kinsmens Clubs (1928-1929). Active
in Conservative politics, in 1929 he was President of the Federated Young Conservative Clubs of Manitoba.
He was a member of the Brandon Masons, Canadian Club of Brandon, and Anglican church. He retired to
Victoria, British Columbia in 1949 and died there on 5 March 1968.

.___________on McQUARRIE, Robert Laughlin, Major, Assistant Judge Advocate -General, military district number 10, Winnipeg,  see his memorandum dated 16 September 1943, Canadian Heritage, Canadian Army Courts Martial documents T-15650, matching page image 2567,  available at http://heritage.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.lac_reel_t15650/2567?r=0&s=1 (accessed 24 March 2019);

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed


___________on McQUARRIE, Robert Laughlin, see his personel military file at http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/first-world-war-1914-1918-cef/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=135176 and   (accessed 17 March 2019);

___________on McQUARRIE, Robert Laughlin, see his photo with the article "Major McQuarrie Named Assistant Judge Advocate", The Winnipeg Tribune, 8 January 1942 at p. 18, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 22 May 2020;

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

___________on McQUARRIE, Robert Laughlin, see "Soldier-Lawyer Seeks Esquimalt Tory Nomination", Times Columnist, Victoria, B.C., Saturday, 27 February 1960 at p. 4; available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 28 May 2020;


Angus McRae
McRAE, Angus Alexander, Reverend, died in 2011, as a Captain-Chaplain was court martialed in 1980 for sex offences on a young boy, see the site http://www.theinquiry.ca/wordpress/accused/charged/mcrae-father-angus-mcrae/#comments (accessed 30 August 2017); the trial was held in-camera; there was an appeal as to severity of sentence and it was reduced to 18 months; Capt Boan was the prosecutor and LCol J.B. Fay the JAG;

Priest, Archdiocese of Edmonton, Alberta.  Ordained 05 June 1954. Spent several years with the Canadian Armed Forces as a military chaplain.
1980  court martial –  sentenced to four years for sex abuse of young boy. The charges, which included buggery, gross indecency and indecent
assault, were laid by military police and prosecuted by military.  Served only 10 months of four year sentence, and that  in CFB military prison
in Edmonton.

___________on McRAE, Angus, see the transcript of his General Court Martial, CFB Edmonton, 15-18 July 1980, available at https://cfbnamao.files.wordpress.com/2020/11/a-2019-00017_transcript.pdf (accessed 4 November 2020); the transcript was obtained by an Access to Information Act request, DND, number A0610347_265-A-2019-00017-00265; this is the number that appears at the bottom of each page;  the judge-Advocate was LCol J.B. Fay; prosecutor Major D.J. Boan; defence counsel Major G.L. Brais;

___________on the court martial, see "Military Chaplain sentenced to 4 years over sexual offences", The Globe and Mail, 1 August 1980, at p. 11;

ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

___________another conviction in 1989, see "Ex-Edmonton priest convicted on sex charges", Edmonton Journal 23 July 1989, at p. B8;

TORONTO (CP) -- A 63-year- old Roman Catholic priest who molested two boys from his suburban parish
has been placed on probation for three years.

Rev. Angus NcRae, once a military chaplain at CFB Edmonton, pleaded guilty Friday to sexual exploitation
and sexual interference for fondling the buttocks of the boys, aged 12 and 14, several times over the past year.

McRae often discussed erections and masturbation with the older boy, Crown attorney Mary Hall told provincial court.

When the older boy began avoiding him, McRae started to get friendly with the 12-year-old, and fondled his
buttocks "whenever he had the opportunity."

The boys' complaints to church officials in May prompted calls to the Catholic Children's Aid Society and Toronto
police, who charged McRae June 27.

McRae underwent psychological assessment and will receive treatment, the defence said. He will return to a small
farming community on the outskirts of Edmonton to live with his sister.

The church has barred him from parish work for life.

The judge also ruled McRae is not to associate with anyone under the age of 18 unless accompanied by an adult.

He received a four-year sentence in 1980 after being convicted of three sex charges involving a boy.

He had been tried at a military court martial in Edmonton on charges of buggery, indecent assault and gross

[source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/; accessed 11 September 2018]  

___________on McRae, Angus, see the article by David Pugliese, "Defence minister has the power to release info about dead child molester, legal experts say", The Guardian, 2 September 2020, available at https://www.theguardian.pe.ca/news/canada/defence-minister-has-the-power-to-release-info-about-dead-child-molester-legal-experts-say-491878/, accessed 2 September 2020;

___________on McRae, Angus, see the article by David Pugliese, "Records military fought to keep secret show pedophile priest had multiple child victims", The Ottawa Citizen, 16 November 2020; available at (accessed 16 November 2020);

McRAE, D.M., "Annual Conference of the Canadian Council on International Law", (1975) 12 Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire canadien de droit nternational 267-271;

The Canadian Council on International Law held its third Annual Conference in Ottawa on October 18-19, 1974. The theme of the
Conference was International Terrorism and three sessions were devoted to it. The first session on October 18 focused on a paper
delivered by Professor Paul de Visscher of the University of Louvain, Belgium, entitled, “Le Terrorisme International: Ses Effets
sur l’Ordre Juridique International.” The paper was commented upon by Professor L. C. Green of the University of Alberta,
Professor Jordan J. Paust of the University of Houston, and Brigadier J. M. Simpson of the office of the Judge Advocate General.

McRAE, Peter, and LaViolette, Nicole,  Unaccountable Soldiers: Private Military Companies and the Law of Armed Conflict, LL.M. thesis, University of Ottawa, 2011, iii, 116 p.;  available at https://www.ruor.uottawa.ca/handle/10393/20580?locale=fr (accessed on 15 October 2015); also available at http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/thesescanada/vol2/OOU/TC-OOU-20580.pdf  (accessed 9 September 2017);

The use of Private Military Companies (PMCs) has become an increasingly common feature of contemporary armed conflict. Because of their autonomous
contractual status, PMCs have presented governments with problems of accountability on several levels, including violations of international human rights
and humanitarian law (IHL) standards. This thesis argues that PMCs should be considered to be non-state actors (NSAs), subject to international law from
both an International Relations Theory and a Legal Theory perspective. This conclusion is linked to the issue of whether individual PMC employees can
be treated as legitimate combatants according to IHL. State practice has not led to a clear understanding of the definition of combatant, a problem which
has been compounded by a lack of government policy on the use of PMCs. Using Canadian experience as a case study, the thesis concludes that IHL
suggests two options for regularizing the status of PMCs which would both strengthen accountability and uphold the rule of law.

McWHINNEY, Edward, "The Firing Squad Case: Have we swept it under the rug?", The Globe and Mail, 11/04/1966, p. 7;

THE TRIAL AND execution in the Netherlands of the two German prisoners-of-war, Bruno Dorfer and Rainer Beck, nine
days after the Allies abolished the legal... (source: http://queensu.summon.serialssolutions.com/search?s.cmd=nextPage%
28%29&s.light=t&s.pn=5&s.q=%22canadian+military+law%22, accessed 15 October 2015)

 ____________"Canada and the 2003 invasion of Iraq: Prime Minister Chrétien's gloss on the UN charter principles on the use of force", (2007) 45 Canadian yearbook of international law 271-290;


McWILLIAMS, A.C., Major, assistant judge advocate general for the Western Command, referred to in the article "Rosedale Area Subdivision Plan Approved.  Lots Will Be Auctioned by City Within Few Weeks", Calgary Herald, Tuesday 8 April 1947 at p. 9; available at www.newspapers.com/...., accessed on 20 May 2020;  

Source de l'image: https://www.mcgill.ca/law/fr/about/profs/megret-frederic, visité 18 octobre 2015
MÉGRET, Frédéric, "Thinking About What International Humanitarian Lawyers 'Do': An Examination of the Laws of War as a Field of Professional Practice", (October 7, 2014) in Wouter Werner, Marieke de Hoon, and Alexis Galán Ávila (eds), The Law of International Lawyers (2015). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2670673 (accessed 18 October 2015);

MEHKERI, Leila (Leila Vanessa), Captain, member of the OJAG, reserve force; she attended the 2019 mandatory legal officer qualification course at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, CFB Kingston, see Access to Information Act, DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 12 June 2019, File A-2019-00289; she is an Assistant Crown Attorney in  Guelph, Ontario; member of the law Society of Ontario since 2012;

Michel Melbourne, image source: facebook.com/BNIAlphaOrleans/photos/
, accessed 23 June 2020

MELBOURNE, Michel (Joseph Michel Robert), Captain, regular force, lawyer, member of the OJAG; he attended the 2019 mandatory legal officer qualification course at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, CFB Kingston, see Access to Information Act, DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 12 June 2019, File A-2019-00289; see also LinkedIn at https://ca.linkedin.com/in/michel-melbourne-40572a162 (accessed 19 June 2019);

___________on MELBOURNE, Michel, acts as defence counsel in the court martial: Kanaar J.R. (Private), R. v., 2020 CM 5009 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/j94jp>; guilty plea; accessed 15 August 2020;

Photo with the article
MELNYK, Kelly, "The Resort to Force and International Humanitarian Law in Contemporary Armed Conflicts: The Military Lawyers’ Perspective", Thompson Rivers University, Faculty of Law, available at  http://law.inside.tru.ca/2015/10/03/the-resort-to-force-and-international-humanitarian-law-in-contemporary-armed-conflicts-the-military-lawyers-perspective/ (accessed 16 November 2015);

Lieutenant-Commander Mike Madden and Major Patricia Beh of the Canadian Armed Forces, Judge Advocate General (JAG), will be speaking on the “The Resort to Force and International Humanitarian Law in Contemporary Armed Conflicts: The Military Lawyers’ Perspective” on Wednesday, October 14th, 2015 at 1:oopm in OM 3632.

Memorandum of laws affecting the members of the Mennonite Religious Society and military service in Canada, imprint [Canada] : Liberal Print, [1917], [6 p.]; copy at the University of Toronto, Thomas Fisher Rare Book, Rare Book cap 07444;

"Memorandum of Understanding between, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister and the Honourable Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Official Opposition and Gilles Duceppe, Leader of the Bloc Québécois, available at https://www.scribd.com/doc/33140175/100615-Mou-en-Final (accessed 8 September 2016);

Alain Ménard (à droite) avec Francis                   
(Frank)  Bergeron (court reporter), sourcede la photo: JAG Newsletter/Les actualités,
vol. 1, 2003 at p. 16

MÉNARD, LCol A. (Alain), "The Role of the Military Judge: Meeting the Challenges of Independence - National Military Law Section Panel - Discipline Through Justice - Canadian Bar Association Annual Conference - Saskatoon - August 2001", (Jun-Dec 2001) 2 JAG Newsletter-Les actualités 49-54; note: "BGen Pitzul was the invited speaker at the luncheon given by the Association des avocats civilistes", November 1, 2001, Ottawa; note: bilingual article (parts in French and English) / article bilingue (parties en français et anglais);

source: collectionscanada.gc.ca/webarchives/20060224042032/http://www.forces.gc.ca/cmj/photos2_e.asp?img=eggleton
"Judges Swearing in ceremony"; Lieutenant-Colonel Ménard is first
left, back row

Source of image: cba.org/CBA/Judges_Forum/pdf/voxjune2003.pdf, accessed 31 October 2015
"Military judges: Lieutenant Colonel Alain Ménard ((back),
and left to right, Commander Jim Price, Lieutenant Colonel
Mario Dutil, Colonel Kim Carter."

___________Notes on LCol Ménard:

Biography - Lieutenant-Colonel Alain Ménard

Lieutenant-Colonel Ménard was born in Joliette, Québec. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Montréal and his Law degree at
Sherbrooke University in 1971. Admitted to the practice of law in 1972 he has been a member of the Québec Bar ever since.

Lieutenant-Colonel Ménard practised law for 4 years in private practice before he enrolled in the CF in August 1976. After being commissioned he served
initially in Ottawa in the Claims section and in the Legislation, Regulations, Orders and Finance section.

Promoted to the rank of major in 1980, he was appointed Deputy Judge Advocate, CFB Montréal (St-Hubert) until 1982 when he joined the Office of the
Senior Legal Adviser Europe in Lahr, FRG, until 1986.

In July 1986 he was posted to the Defence and Training section in Ottawa until March 1987, at which date he was posted to the Legislation, Regulations,
Orders and Finance section.

Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel on the 1st of August 1988 he was appointed Director of Law/Pensions and Estate in Ottawa for a period of one year.

On 21 November 1989, he was appointed Military Trial Judge for a period of 4 years, which appointment was renewed until November 2, 2002.
(source: http://web.archive.org/web/20021022002424/http://www.forces.ca/cmj/biosMenard_e.asp, accessed on 10 May 2014)


Biographie - Lieutenant-colonel Alain Ménard, CD

Le lieutenant-colonel Ménard est né à Joliette (Qc). Il a fait son cours classique au Séminaire de Joliette et son cours universitaire à Sherbrooke (Qc) où il
obtint une licence en droit en 1971. Il fut admis à la pratique du droit en 1972 et est membre en règle du Barreau du Québec depuis lors.

Le lieutenant-colonel Ménard a pratiqué le droit pendant une période de 4 ans dans un bureau de pratique privée et s'est par la suite enrôlé dans les Forces
canadiennes en août 1976. Une fois son brevet d'officier obtenu, il travaille au cabinet du Juge-avocat général à Ottawa à la section des réclamations de
même qu'à celle des lois, règlements, ordonnances et finances.

Promu major en 1980, il occupe le poste d'adjoint au juge-avocat à la BFC Montréal (St-Hubert) jusqu'en 1982 d'où il est muté au bureau du conseiller
juridique supérieur en Europe, à Lahr, en RFA jusqu'en 1986.

En juillet 1986, il est affecté à Ottawa à la section de défense et formation jusqu'en mars 1987 alors qu'il est muté à la section de législation, règlements,
ordonnances et finances.

Promu lieutenant-colonel le 1er août 1988, il occupe le poste de Directeur juridique, Pensions et successions à Ottawa pendant un an.

Le 21 novembre 1989, il fut nommé juge militaire pour une période de quatre ans, nomination qui devait être renouvelée jusqu'au 2 novembre 2002.
(source: http://web.archive.org/web/20021028061635/http://www.forces.ca/cmj/biosMenard_f.asp, site visité le 10 mai 2014).

___________sur le  Lieutenant-colonel Alain Ménard, président de la cour martiale de Richard Boivin, voir LEMIEUX, Louise, "Procès de Richard Boivin: Les cassettes détruites ne nuiront pas à la défense. affirme le juge", Le soleil, 28 novembre 1996, Cahier A, à la p. 1; disponible à  http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2736394 (consulté le 25 mai 2019);

___________sur le Lieutenant-colonel Alain Ménard, juge-avocat au deuxième procès de l'ancien caporal trouvé coupable de meurtre de William John Clapp à Lahr, voir LAFERRIÈRE, Michèle, "L'ancien caporal Deneault connaîtra son sort sous peu", Le soleil, 25 octobre 1994, cahier A, p. 2; disponible à  http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2909814 (consulté le 13 juin 2019); le procureur de la poursuite est le Lieutenant Benoît Pinsonneault et l'avocat de la défense, Me Jean Asselin; éventuellemnt condamné à l'emprisonnement sans possibilité de libération conditionnelle pour 12 ans; 

[ Pour aller plus loin:

Source: image search with Google
Le juge Lawrence Poitras

Il y eut un 2e appel à la cour d'appel des cours martiales et le verdict de meurtre fut changé à celui d'homicide involontaire et la peine réduite, voir
Richard Hénault, "Homicide d'un jene canadien en Allemagne: Réduction de la peine du militaire Deneault", Le soleil, 2 février 1996, à la p. 5, disponible à  http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2734870, consulté le 13 juin 2019]

Voir la décision de la Cour d'appel des cours martiales à R. v. Denault, 1996 CanLII 12043 (CMAC), <http://canlii.ca/t/ggpqd>

The first appeal of Deneault to the Court martial appeal court is also reported at R. v. Walsh, 1993 CanLII 8749 (CMAC), <http://canlii.ca/t/ggppv>]

MENZIES, Adam (Adam Clayton Joseph), Captain, member of the Law Society of Ontario and member of the OJAG:

[20 February 2020] Captain Adam Menzies, one of our Legal
Advisors from AJAG Central, gave his full attention to UNIFIED
RESOLVE III, a simulation training exercise designed to test leaders’
planning and decision-making with government partners and allied forces.
Photo: Pte Kingerski

Source de l'image: Google image et aussi image à la page web citée immédiatement sous-dessous
Noémi Mercier

MERCIER, Noémi, "Jonathan Vance: ‘I’m not satisfied at all with where we are at’ Noémi Mercier in conversation with the Chief of the Defence Staff of the Canadian Armed Forces on sexual assault and harassment in the military", MacLean's, 1 February 2016; available at http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/jonathan-vance-im-not-satisfied-at-all-with-where-we-are-at-right-now/ (accessed 5 February 2016);

____________ "La justice militaire canadienne n’est pas indépendante»  Dans une entrevue exclusive, le grand responsable de la justice militaire du Royaume-Uni déplore le manque d’indépendance et d’impartialité de l’appareil de justice des Forces canadiennes",  L'actualité, 18 janvier 2016; disponible à  http://www.lactualite.com/societe/la-justice-militaire-canadienne-nest-pas-independante/ (vérifié 20 Janvier 2016);

___________ "La justice militaire sort gagnante en Cour suprême", L'Actualité, 24 novembre 2015; disponible à http://www.lactualite.com/actualites/politique/la-justice-militaire-sort-gagnante-en-cour-supreme/ (visité 25 novembre 2015); aussi disponible à http://lactualite.com/politique/2015/11/24/la-justice-militaire-sort-gagnante-en-cour-supreme/ (vérifié le 1er mars 2018) et dans cette dernière référence à noter les 7 commentaires qui suivent l'article dont ceux de l'auteure, Jean Caron, Pierre-André Hamel et Jean-Guy Perron;

Ainsi, les Forces canadiennes conservent toute leur latitude pour juger non seulement les manquements disciplinaires de leurs membres
(comme l’insubordination ou l’absence sans permission), mais aussi leurs crimes, sans devoir consulter les autorités civiles. Et ce,
quelles que soient les circonstances. Que le soldat ait commis son infraction alors qu’il était en devoir ou non, que l’incident se soit
produit sur une base militaire ou en dehors, que la victime soit militaire ou civile, peu importe, tranche la Cour suprême: le procès
peut se dérouler dans une cour martiale, dans ce régime opaque où tous les acteurs, du juge au sténographe en passant par les
procureurs et les jurés, sont militaires.

Tout le flou qui pouvait encore planer sur ce point vient de s’envoler. «On a perdu sur toute la ligne», admet le Capitaine de corvette
Mark Létourneau, l’un des avocats militaires qui ont plaidé cette cause devant la Cour suprême. Joint au téléphone à son bureau de
Gatineau, quelques heures après le dévoilement du jugement, il était sonné par l’ampleur de la défaite. «Les assises constitutionnelles
 du système de justice militaire sont pas mal plus fortes aujourd’hui qu’hier.»

Source de l'image: http://www.lactualite.com/societe/crimes-sexuels-le-cancer-qui-ronge-larmee-canadienne/, visité le 28 novembre 2014

MERCIER, Noémi et Alec Castonguay, "Crimes sexuels: le cancer qui ronge l'armée", L'Actualité, 22 avril 2014;

former lawyer with the OJAG

MERREDEW, Russell, on, see Doran, Carol, "Criminal court judges want better salary, benefits.  Merredew says asociation will recommend changes to province", The Ottawa Citizen, 20 June 1988, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/ (accessed 15 May 2020);

    Pembroke -- The newly-elected president of the Association of
Provincial Criminal Court Judges is calling for higher salaries and
improved benefits, to give its 150 members parity with district court

   Renfrew County provincial court Judge Russell Merredew, 56, was
elected association president at the group's annual meeting at the end
of May.

    Merredew began his career as a military lawyer at CFB Petawawa in
1956 and joined a civilian law firm in Pembrooke in 1960.  He formed his
own law firm in 1969, and continued in private practice until named to
the provincial court bench in 1977.

Source: www.maitremarcomorin.com/fr/ (accessed 13 August 2016)
Marco Morin, ancien LCol au JAG et pratiquant maintenant à Victoriaville, cité dans l'article
___________"La justice militaire dans la mire de la Cour suprême", L'actualité, 7 mai 2015; disponible à http://www.lactualite.com/actualites/quebec-canada/la-fin-de-la-justice-militaire/  (vérifié le 8 mai 2015);

Marco Morin, un avocat de Victoriaville et lieutenant-colonel à la retraite, a souvent plaidé en cour martiale, lui qui a exercé le droit dans les Forces pendant
une vingtaine d’années, dans les années 1990 et 2000. « Ce système de justice n’en est pas un, dit-il. La cour martiale est excellente pour rendre une justice
expéditive dans des cas d’infractions à caractère purement militaire. Mais dans des causes d’agressions sexuelles, elle n’a pas les mêmes outils que les tribunaux
civils pour apprécier la gravité de la situation et rendre des ordonnances appropriées. Pourquoi donner cette juridiction à la cour martiale? Les agressions sexuelles
sont des crimes contre la personne qui dépassent toujours l’intérêt des Forces canadiennes à maintenir la discipline interne. »


____________"Our military disgrace: An investigation uncovers the sexual violence plaguing our soldiers -- and a military hierarchy with its own justice system, and its own rules", Maclean's, 16 May 2014; available at http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/our-militarys-disgrace/ (accessed on 6 November 2014); on the photo, right, Major Edmund Thomas, defence counsel;

Theodor Meron, image source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Meron, accessed 10 August 2019

MERON, Theodor, "Civil Jurisdiction of Canadian Courts over United States Military Personnel in Canada", (January 1957) 12(1) The University of Toronto Law Journal 67-78;

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Merritt, accessed 3 June 2019
Charles Merritt, photo
from The Times

MERRITT, Charles Ceci Ingersoll (C.C.I.), 1908-2000, on, "Nonchalant Lawyer-Soldier is First Canadian to Gain Highest Empire Decoration.  Lieut.-Col. C.C.I. Merritt, of Vancouver and Belleville, Awarded Victoria Cross for Heroism in Face of German Fire", Hamilton Spectator, 1942/10/02, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5026214 (accessed 3 June 2019); was also a member of Parliament; not a member of the OJAG;

MERRITT, William Hamilton, 1855-1918, The old militia law of Canada: the new militia laws of Australia and New Zealand and Lord Kirchener's report / by Lieut.-Col. Wm. Hamilton Merritt, [S.l. : s.n., 1910?], pp. [19]-58 ; 22 cm.,  Notes:  "Read before the Canadian Military Institute at Toronto, on Monday evening, 21st November, 1910"  and "Donation of Sylvia and Bernard Ostry, 1985" (source: University of Ottawa catalogue); copy at University of Ottawa, Archives Ostry -- MRT Concourse, KE 6800 .M48 1910; available at https://archive.org/details/oldmilitialawofc00merr, accessed 12 May 2015; also available at https://archive.org/details/cihm_80696 (accessed 9 March 2019);

"Message from the Chair" (June/Juin 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 2; available at http://web.archive.org/web/20050125074204/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/sword2001-06.pdf (accessed on 18 April 2012);
"Précis : Message du président" (June/Juin 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 2; disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20050125074204/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/sword2001-06.pdf  (site visité le 18 avril 2012 

MERTZ, Emily and Amy Wilson, "Military Traditions and Laws as Exercised in the Framework Created by Canadian Social Legislation", submitted to the Canadian Forces Leadership Institute, August 14, 2002, 57 p.;

MERXTM, Canadian Public Tenders, "Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Requirement" [Department of National Defence, Judge Advocate General Comprehensive Information Management Project (JAG CIMP)], April 2012; available at http://www.merx.com/English/SUPPLIER_Menu.asp?WCE=Show&TAB=1&PORTAL=MERX&State=7&id=241963&src=osr&FED_ONLY=0&ACTION=&rowcount=&lastpage=&MoreResults=&PUBSORT=0&CLOSESORT=0&IS_SME=Y&hcode=WKgoXD%2BFQjBVzu3egDuzHA%3D%3D, accessed 24 February 2015;
Notice Description
Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Requirement
This requirment is for: Department of National Defence
Description of the requirement:
The Judge Advocate General Comprehensive Information Management Project (JAG CIMP) within the Department of National Defence is providing a JAGNet portal for Legal Knowledge Management (LKM). LKM will give JAG users access to legal information stored within the records of the Office of the JAG, the corporate knowledge of its legal officers and the numerous legal information sources available throughout Canada and the world. Such access is made possible through application integration, collaboration and portal creation features provided by Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.

Samy Mesli, source de la photo:

MESLI, Samy, " 'Free us from our Liberators' : l’armée canadienne et lalibération des Pays-Bas (1944-1946)", (2013)  21 (3) Bulletin d'histoire politique 17–33; disponible à erudit.org/en/journals/bhp/2013-v21-n3-bhp0554/1015321ar/ (consulté le 19 décembre 2020); enseigne à l'UQAM, mesli.samy@uqam.ca; enseigne aussi à l'UdeM, samy.mesli@umontreal.ca;

Source de l'image: http://www.1837.qc.ca/1837.pl?out=article&pno=1071, consulté le 28 décembre 2018
MESSIER, Alain, 1949-, Dictionnaire encyclopédique et historique des patriotes 1837-1838,  Montréal: Guérin, 2002, xciii, 497 p. : cartes, fac-sim. ; 24 cm,  NOTES: Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. 487-492, ISBN: 2760163458;

source photo: journalacces.ca/sur-les-traces-dun-detective/, consulté le 28 décembre 2018
Alain Messier photographié avec un
de ses livres

___________ " 'Procès du siècle' d'hier et d'aujourd'hui",  (16 juin 2011) 11(8) Journal des citoyens 20 et 27, disponible à http://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/3209020?docref=LDzg1WDzaelgNabEArDClg&docsearchtext=cour%20martiale  (consulté le 28 décembre 2018); cours martiales 1838;

Photo of Armand de Mestral, reproduced from  http://www.mcgill.ca/humanrights/aboutus/members (accessed on 31 March 2014)

MESTRAL, Armand de, 1941-, "L'obligation constitutionnelle de respecter les conventions de Genève : quelques réflexions sur la place du droit humanitaire en droit canadien" dans Mélanges Gérald-A. Beaudoin,  Cowansville (Québec): Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 2002, pp. 155-162;

Troy Metz, image source http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/troy-metz/14/432/235, accessed on 25 Jun 2014

METZ, Troy Kenneth, 1970-, The training of the Canadian military and the Somalia affair, University of Saskatchewan thesis, 1997, iv, 116 leaves; available at http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape15/PQDD_0005/MQ30520.pdf (accessed on 11 April 2014); also available at http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape15/PQDD_0005/MQ30520.pdf (accessed 11 August 2019);

Contents The primary purpose of this thesis is to examine the training programme of Canadian military
specifically the Airborne Regiment's officers prior to 1993, and correlate this training with the Somalia
Affair. (source: http://ares.cfc.forces.gc.ca/rooms/portal/media-type/html/language/en/country/US/user/
anon/page/Sirsi_AdvancedCatalogSearch, accessed on 20 December 2011)

Kurt Meyer                                              Book Image source: https://www.google.com/imgres?....
Image source: ww2gravestone.
accessed 16 September 2018

MEYER, Kurt, Grenadiers: The Story of Waffen SS General Kurt Panzer Meyer, Stackpole Books, 1957, 437 p. available in part at https://books.google.ca/books?id=zwsFdhk9mj8C&pg=PA107&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=2#v=onepage&q&f=false (accessed 27 September 2018);

___________on MEYER, Kurt, see  "
CASE NO. 22 THE ABBAYE ARDENNE CASE TRIAL OF S.S. BRIGADEFUHRER KURT MEYER CANADIAN MILITARY COURT, AURICH, GERMANY 10TH-28TH DECEMBER, 1945", available at http://www.worldcourts.com/imt/eng/decisions/1945.12.28_Canada_v_Meyer.pdf (accessed 13 October 2020);

___________on MEYER, Kurt, see
Forcese, Craig, "Prosecuting Kurt Meyer: The Abbaye d’Ardenne War Crimes Trial" (January 14, 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3519427 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3519427;

___________on Meyer, Kurt, see GORDON, Donald R., "
He Wants to Be a Soldier Again: Kurt Meyer Now Has Support of Half-Million Germans", The Globe and Mail, 30 June 1960;

Kurt Meyer on the Russian front; photo
reproduced from Bob Carruthers and John Erickson, The Russian Front 1941-1945, London: Cassell, 1999,
xi, 196 p., at p. 77, ISBN: 0-304-353728.

___________on Meyer, Kurt, see HOW, Douglas, "Almost Free This Year, SS Says", The Globe and Mail, 30 November 1951, at p. 1:

Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

Source: ProQuest Historical Newspapers
https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview, accessed 26 October 2018

____________on MEYER, Kurt,  see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 63-66, available at i-xii and 1-102;

___________transcript of the Canadian trial of Kurt Meyer, available at https://search.archives.un.org/unwcc-canadian-trials-trial-of-s-s-brigadefuhrer-kurt-meyer-transcripts-of-proceedings-and-report-of-trial-exhibits-bound-volume (accessed 25 October 2018);

MGBEOJI, Ikechi, Course and Seminar, "Law of War", Osgoode Hall Law School--York University;

Law of War

Was NATO’s military intervention in Libya legal? What about Afghanistan? Or the imprisonment of America’s detainees
in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba? What is the legal status of killing by drones? What happens to people who commit war crimes?
What are the remedies for an illegal war? This seminar examines the international law governing war, including both
questions of when war is legal (so-called ‘jus ad bellum’) and how even legal wars must be conducted (so-called ‘jus in bello’
or the laws and customs of war) and the relationship between the two types of law. It also examines the various judicial institutions
that have jurisdiction over these issues, from the World Court, to the ad hoc tribunals (Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone), to
national courts exercising ‘universal jurisdiction’ (Belgium, Canada), to the new International Criminal Court.

Case studies on the armed conflicts over Kosovo, in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, and between Israel and the Palestinians, provide
the settings for concrete legal analysis and also for critical evaluation of the role of law in war.


Ikechi Mgbeoji, image source: http://www.osgoode.yorku.ca/faculty-and-staff/mgbeoji-ikechi/, accessed 26 December 2014
MGBEOJI, Ikechi,  
___________“Prophylactic Use of Force in International Law:  The Illegitimacy of Canada’s Participation in ‘Coalitions of the Willing’ Without United Nations Authorization and Parliamentary Sanction” (2003) 8(2) Review of Constitutional Studies 170-202; available at http://www.law.ualberta.ca/centres/ccs/uploads/Review8.2.pdf  (accessed on 8 May 2012);

___________"Reluctant Warrior Enthusiastic Peacekeeper: Domestic Legal Regulation of Canadian Participation in Armed Conflicts” (2005) 14(2) Constitutional Forum 7-17; available at http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/scholarly_works/717/ (accessed 2 June 2016);

MICHAUD, Kathy, Sarah Powers and Chantale Lussier-Ley, Survey on the summary trial process, [Ottawa, Ont.] : Director General Military Personnel Research & Analysis, 2009, xviii, 184 p.; xviii, 184 p. (series; DGMPRA technical note; 2009-22),

1. Introduction – 2. Methodology – 3. Overall demographics – 4. Accused – 5. Assisting officer – 6. Presiding officer – 7. Commanding officer –
8. Review authority – 9. Charging authority – 10. Discussion – 11. Conclusions – References – Annexes.

Administered yearly, the Survey on the Summary Trial Process supports the Judge Advocate General’s requirement to conduct annual reviews
of the administration of military justice. Since 2007, this survey has been administered by the Directory of Military Personnel Operational
Research and Analysis (DMPORA) on behalf of the Directorate of Law/Military Justice Policy and Research. In 2009, 423 responses were
collected from those accused, Assisting Officers (A)s), Presiding Officers (POs), Commanding Officers (Cos), Review Authorities (RAs) and
Charging Authorities (CAs) involved in the summary trials (ST) process in the 2008/09 fiscal year. Consistent with previous years, respondents
of the survey were generally satisfied with the summary trial process, regardless of the role they played in the process. – p. i
[Source: http://ares.cfc.forces.gc.ca/rooms/portal/media-type/html/language/en/country/US/user/anon/page/Sirsi_AdvancedCatalogSearch, accessed on 1 December 2011]

Image source: http://www.dal.ca/dept/cfps/fellows/middlemiss.html, accessed 28 November 2014
Dan Middlemiss

MIDDLEMISS, Dan, "Political Science 3571R/5571R -- The Politics of Contemporary Canadian Defence Policy", Course outline 2010-2011,  98 p.; extensive bibliography; available at http://politicalscience.dal.ca/Files/syllabi_docs/Fall_10.11/3571-_Fall.pdf (accessed on 2 March 2012);

MIDDLEMIS, Dan D.,  P. Haydon, ‘Uncivil relations? Military-media relations in Canada. Paper presented to the Security and Defence Forum’ (Ottawa, 29 april 1998)title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (25 August 2019);.

MIGNEAULT,   Jenny, "Un ancien 22 au front… (de bœuf)", 45E NORD.CA", 31 octobre 2017; disponible à http://www.45enord.ca/2017/10/un-ancien-22-au-front-de-boeuf/ (vérifié le 6 avril 2019);voir la décision de la Cour d'appel du Québec à Dufour c. Agence du revenu du Québec, 2017 QCCA 1409 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hnqqz> (consulté le 30 juillet 2018);

Image source: https://twitter.com/cbcterry, accessed 18 August 2016
Terry Milewski
MILEWSKI, Terry, "Inside Canada's bombing bureaucracy", CBC News, 5 March 2016, available at  cbc.ca/news/politics/cf18-bombing-forms-milewski-1.3476675 (accessed 6 March 2016);
Pity the military bureaucrat, buried in acronyms. Even the most intrepid clerk may remember his ROE and STD but forget to check
his TSS/TEA with a LEGAD from the OJAG. It can happen to anyone.
For that, you'll need a LEGAD from the OJAG. You guessed it: a legal adviser from the Office of the Judge Advocate General.

'The doubt rule'

One of the few paragraphs not riddled with acronyms puts the pilots on notice: if you're not sure whether it's a civilian target or a military one, don't drop the bomb.

A section of the FRAG O guidelines describes the 'doubt rule,' instructing pilots not to bomb when unsure whether it's a civilian target or a military one. (Department of National Defence)


But the document wants to know: Is this bombing militarily necessary? Is the damage proportional to the benefits? Has the target been approved by the coalition? By the
intelligence officer? By the legal adviser? By the Targeting Engagement Authority? 

Defence Department guidelines show questions to be answered and approvals obtained for every target during Operation Impact. Canada's CF-18 pilots flew 1,378
sorties over Iraq and Syria between Oct. 30, 2014, and Feb. 15, 2016. (Department of National Defence)

Your answer had better be, yes. It's enough to make you wonder if a LEGAD clings to every falling bomb, taking notes for the mandatory post-bombing reports.

[Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in
or out of the web page being viewed]

Military Articles Meta Search Engine Created by Annette Demers, available at http://www.uwindsor.ca/law/library/new-military-articles-meta-search-engine-created-by-annette  (accessed on 30 November 2011; site at University of Windsor, Windsor Law);

Source of image: , accessed 27 September 2916
Colonel Bruce J. Wakeman, Chief of Staff Judge
 Advocate General, complainant

Military Judges Inquiry Committee, decision about the complaint against Chief Military Judge Mario Dutil, 27 April 2016; available at http://www.cmac-cacm.ca/bulletins/documents/April_27_2016.docx (accessed 27 September 2016);

Ottawa, 27 April 2016

The Military Judges Inquiry Committee, established in accordance with section 165.31 of the National Defence Act, reviewed a complaint against
the Chief Military Judge Mario Dutil. The complaint was made by Colonel Bruce J Wakeham.


The complaint concerned allegations of infringement to the Defence Administrative Order and Directives (DAOD) 5019-1, Personal Relationships
and Fraternization. After considering all the issues in this case, the complaint was dismissed on the basis that it did not raise any issue of
judicial conduct as referred to in subsection 165.32(7) of the National Defence Act and therefore did not warrant consideration by the Military
Judges Inquiry Committee.


Military Judges Selection Process, Ottawa, Backgrounder / January 24, 2001 / Project number: BG-01.003; available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/news/article.page?doc=military-judges-selection-process/hnmx19ox, accessed on 12 February 2015; also published in French /aussi publié en français à http://www.forces.gc.ca/fr/nouvelles/article.page?doc=processus-de-selection-des-juges-militiares/hnmx19ox, visité le 12 février 2015;



Subsection 165.21(1) of the National Defence Act provides that the Governor in Council may appoint officers who are barristers or advocates of at least ten years standing
at the bar of a province to be military judges. To ensure that competent and deserving officers are recommended for military judicial appointments the Minister, in consultation
with the Office of the Commissioner of Federal Judicial Affairs and the Minister of Justice, developed and implemented an evaluation and selection process that is consistent
with the Federal Judicial Appointment process. The Office of the Commissioner of Federal Judicial Affairs administers and supports the process.

Military Judges Selection Committee

The military judges selection process provides for the assessment of candidates by an advisory committee, known as the Military Judges Selection Committee (MJSC).
The MJSC, appointed by the Minister of National Defence is representative of the bench, the civilian bar and the military community. It is composed of:

  • a lawyer or judge nominated by the Judge Advocate General (JAG);
  • a civilian lawyer nominated by the Canadian Bar Association;
  • a civilian judge nominated by the Chief Military Judge;
  • an officer of the Canadian Forces, holding the rank of Major-General or higher, nominated by the Chief of the Defence Staff; and;
  • a non-commissioned member of the rank of Chief Warrant Officer or equivalent nominated by the Chief of the Defence Staff.

Candidate Assessments
Those interested in being considered for a military judicial appointment place their names before the MJSC. The MJSC assesses all candidates based upon a list
of identified criteria relating to:

  • professional competence and experience;
  • personal characteristics such as honesty and integrity;
  • social awareness; and
  • potential impediments to appointment such as an inability to meet Canadian Forces medical and physical fitness requirements.

    All Committee proceedings and consultations take place on a confidential basis.

    Upon the completion of a candidate's assessment, the MJSC is asked to place the candidate into one of three possible assessment categories:

  • recommended;
  • highly recommended; or
  • unable to recommend.


    Once the MJSC has completed its assessment of a candidate, the assessment is forwarded to the Minister of National Defence. The Minister of National Defence is ultimately responsible for recommending candidates to the Governor in Council.


    The Government of Canada and the Minister of National Defence are committed to ensuring the appointment of qualified and deserving candidates to the military judiciary. The evaluation and selection process implemented by the Minister ensures this occurs and contributes to the strengthening of the Canadian Forces as a national institution.

  • * The full text of the Military Judges Selection Process is available on request [emphasis added]


    JAG Court reporters, 1981, photo reproduced from the book: McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur),
    Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 111, available at pp. 103-242.

    Military justice and court reporters", (11 May 2011) The Maple Leaf--La feuille d'érable 7; aussi en français à la meme page: "La justice militaire et les sténpgraphes judiciaires"; available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/dn-nd/D12-7-14-16.pdf (accessed 11 September 2016);

    "Military Justice - Too Little, Too Late", (shipped October 1998) volume 6, issue 9, Esprit de Corps,  pp. 5 and 11; the article deals mostly about General Gerry Pitzul, the Judge Advocate General of the Canadian Forces;

     image source: cdiscount.com/le-sport/electronique/chronometre-de-chronographe-de
    , accessed 19 July 2020

    "Military Justice System Time Standards", 20 Jan 2020, available at https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/legal-policies-directives/military-justice-system-time-standards.html (accessed 24 January 2020)

    "Military Law Section Meeting and CLE conference 'Military Justice -- an Oxymoron?' -- June 5, 2009, Ottawa" (May/Mail 2009) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2009/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=37322#top and http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2009/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=37322#article2 (accessed on 28 April 2012);
    ___________"Conférence de 2009 en droit militaire et réunion du comité exécutif de la Section le 5 juin 2009, Ottawa" (May/Mai 2009) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx  et http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx#article4 (site visité le 28 avril  2012);

    Military Libraries in Canada:

    Military libraries : Canada
    Canadian Forces College
    Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Studies (Intranet)
    Canadian Forces School of Communications & Electronics (Intranet)
    Canadian Forces Virtual Library
    Defence and Research Development Canada
    Fort Frontenac (Intranet)
    General-Jean-V.-Allard Memorial Library (Intranet)
    National Defence Headquarters (Intranet)
    ORD : Operational Research Division (Intranet)
    Royal Military College of Canada
    Training Schools : CFB Borden (Intranet)

    Ŝource : http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/303/180/223.php?typeId=14#14

    MILITARY NEWSPAPERS, List of:  (information from Internet, accessed 18 April 2016)

    Naval Base Newspapers


    Air Force Base Newspapers

    Army Base Newspapers


    Canadian National Defence Headquarters

      ----- Image source: accessed 16 December 2017    

                                                                             Sheila and Shaun Fynes with a photo of their son Cpl. Stuart Langridge,  photo by David Pugliese , The Ottawa Citizen                               

    MILITARY POLICE COMPLAINTS COMMISSION OF CANADA, Final Report Following a Public Interest Hearing Pursuant to Subsection 250.38 of the National Defence Act With Respoect to a Complaint Concerning the Conduct of Sergeant David Mitchell et al., [Fynes Public Interest Hearing] - MPCC 2011-004, Ottawa, 10 March 2015, Chairperson; Glenn M. Stannard, available at http://www.mpcc-cppm.gc.ca/alt_format/01/1400/3700/pih-aip-2011-004-fnl-rpt-eng.pdf  and http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/cppm-mpcc/DP5-1-2015-eng.pdf (accessed 16 December 2017);
    155. In their complaint before this Commission, the Fynes specifically refer to the role
    of CF legal advisors and allege they participated in influencing the CFNIS’ decisions, in
    particular about their contacts with the complainants particular about their contacts with the complainants.

    156. The basic issue raised by this allegation is whether consultation by the CFNIS of
    egal advisors who are members of the CF, and who answer to a CoC separate
    from the Military Police’s, raises issues about independence.

    157. As Prof Roach explained, if the advice is obtained from military or civilian
    prosecutors, no concerns are raised since these actors have duties to uphold the rule of
    law similar to the police’s duties.278  If advice was sought from CF legal advisors who are
    not prosecutors or from DOJ counsel representing the interests of the Government,
    independence issues could arise, depending on the content of the advice.279

    158. There is very little evidence before this Commission about specific legal advice
    received by the CFNIS in connection with the issues raised in the Fynes’ complaint.280
    Because of solicitor-client privilege, it cannot be known exactly what advice was
    obtained and from whom.281  However, the evidence has shown the general practice
    followed by the CFNIS is to obtain legal advice from military prosecutors or from its
    embedded legal advisor, who is also a member of the JAG’s Director of Military
    Prosecutions.282  There is no indication any derogation from this practice took place in
    this case. Based on the evidence available, it does not appear any independence concerns
    arise as a result of any legal advice sought or obtained by the CFNIS.
    [p. 871]
    277 See Exhibit P-6, Collection F, vol. 1, tab 5, doc. 1151, Allegation 13, pp. 2-3.
    278 See Exhibit P-176, doc. 1435, pp. 49-51; Testimony of Prof Roach, Transcript of Proceedings, vol. 60, 9
    October 2012, pp. 27-28 and 30-32.
    279 Exhibit P-176, doc. 1435, pp. 51-52; Testimony of Prof Roach, Transcript of Proceedings, vol. 60, 9
    October 2012, pp. 28-30 and 32.
    280 See Exhibit P-5, Collection E, vol. 1, tab 1, doc. 1131, p. 18; Testimony of LCol Sansterre, Transcript of
    Proceedings, vol. 61, 10 October 2012, p. 165. See, generally, Section 4.4, The 2010 Criminal Negligence
    281See, generally, Section 2.0, The Hearing Process.
    282 See Testimony of LCol Delaney, Transcript of Proceedings, vol. 15, 25 April 2012, pp. 21, 115 and 146-
    152; Testimony of Col Lander, Transcript of Proceedings, vol. 43, 6 September 2012, pp. 301-302;
    Testimony of Maj Bolduc, Transcript of Proceedings, vol. 33, 12 June 2012, pp. 200-203 [Translation];
    Testimony of Maj Bolduc, Transcript of Proceedings, vol. 34, 13 June 2012, pp. 1-5 and 95-98
    [Translation]; Testimony of LCol Sansterre, Transcript of Proceedings, vol. 61, 10 October 2012, pp. 10-11
    and 220; Exhibit P-6, Collection F, vol. 3, tab 3, doc. 1317, pp. 17-27.
    [p. 890]

    MILITARY POLICE COMPLAINTS COMMISSION,  Chairperson's Final Report -- Following a Public Interest Investigation Pursuant to Subsection 250.38(1) of the National Defence Act With Respect to the Complaints of Brigadier-General Patricia Samson Canadian Forces Provost Marshall And Ex-Warrant Officer Matthew Stopford, Ottawa: Military Police Commission, Ottawa: 17 January 2001,  80 p., files: MPCC 2000-023 and MPCC 2000-025 (Chairperson: Louise Cobetto); available at http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/webarchives/20071115030212/http://www.mpcc-cppm.gc.ca/300/319_e.aspx (accessed on 26 February 2012);

    COMMISSION D'EXAMEN DES PLAINTES CONCERNANT LA POLICE MILITAIRE, Rapport final de la Présidente consécutivement à une enquête d'intérêt public en vertu du paragraphe 250.38(1) de la Loi sur la défense nationale à l'égard des plaintes du brigadier-général Patricia Samson, Grand prévôt des Forces canadiennes et de l'ex-adjudant Matthew Stopford, Ottawa: Commission d'examen des plaintes concernant la police militaire, 17 janvier 2001, 83 p., dossiers: CPPM 2000-023 et CPPM 2000-025 (Présidente: Louise Cobetto); disponible à http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/webarchives/20071115034033/http://www.mpcc-cppm.gc.ca/300/319_f.aspx (vérifié le 26 février 2012); 

    MILITARY POLICE COMPLAINTS COMMISSION,  Conduct Case Summary MPCC-2002-051, ; case noted on 10 April 2020; research project; see https://www.mpcc-cppm.gc.ca/01/1400/3100/3111-eng.aspx

    Facts and Complaint

    During the course of a Court Martial proceeding, a Military Defence Counsel
    became aware that a Military Police member had signed and postdated a Record
    of Disciplinary Proceedings, which was to be served on the accused. Following the
    court martial a conduct complaint was lodged alleging that by postdating the Record
    of Disciplinary Proceedings the Military Police member undermined the Charter rights
    of the accused and by willfully or negligently making a false statement in an official
    document he breached the National Defence Act and the Military Police Professional Code of Conduct.

    In the military justice system a charge is considered to have been laid when it is set
    down in writing in a Record of Disciplinary Proceedings. In this instance, the date on
    which the charge was laid is significant as defence counsel was arguing for a stay of
    proceedings under section 11(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which
    guarantees an accused the right to be tried within a reasonable time.

    [read the rest at https://www.mpcc-cppm.gc.ca/01/1400/3100/3111-eng.aspx, accessed 10 April 2020]

    Military Police Complaints Commission, see Backgrounder, 17 January 2001, BG.01.002,  available at http://web.archive.org/web/20021003002034/http://www.dnd.ca/eng/archive/2001/jan01/17mp_b_e.htm;
    Commission d'examen des plaintes concernant la police militaire, voir Documentation, 17 janvier 2001, BG.01.002, disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20021003085758/http://www.dnd.ca/fr/archive/2001/jan01/17mp_b_f.htm;

    MILITIA COUNCIL, THE, research notes as the Judge Advocate General was part of it for a while;

    Miltia List, The, Department of Militia and Defence, copy of various years at the Canadian War Museum Library, UA 600.3 A2;


    image source: https://twitter.com/millarslaw, accessed 20 August 2016
    Philip Millar
    MILLAR, Phillip, Anonymous author, article on Phillip Millar, "Phillip Millar Tackles Sexual Assault at CBA Military Conference", Millars Law: A Professional Corporation Web site, 17 June 2016; available at http://millarslaw.com/2016/06/17/phillip-millar-tackles-sexual-assault-at-cba-military-conference/ (accessed 20 August 2016);

    On June 2, 2016, the annual Canadian Bar Association’s Military Law Conference was held in Ottawa.


    Phillip went on to state that once a complaint is made, serving soldiers can be laid and a court martial held, but
    afterwards they cannot sue their employer. Essentially, they are denied the civil remedy most civilians have available
    to them to seek damages and receive justice. In addition, Phillip addressed the fact that lawyers who represent the
    Department of National Defence in civil suits do not reflect the internal policies of the Chain of Command when it
    comes to treating victims with respect. He brought up the example of one case in which lawyers for the defence
    described a sexual assault as a simple breast groping, thereby showing a lack of understanding of the nature of what
    a sexual assault constitutes and the power dynamics involved.

    ___________Cultural awareness and Canadian Forces' Peace Support Operations, MA thesis, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Royal Roads University,  2003,  advisor: Hugh Landerkin; note: talked to Mr. Millar on the telephone about his thesis on 12 October 2018;

    Description: Aim. This Major Research Project will apply emergent theories from the field of conflict analysis
    and management to practical experiences in Peace Support Operations. Specifically, it will focus on theories
    applicable to the cultural dynamic of interpersonal relationships between the citizens of a country suffering from
    conflict and the military forces sent to manage the conflict. The thrust of this research will focus on CF experiences
    in the Balkans. The purpose is to examine the question of whether the current emphasis on cultural awareness training
    is adequate for the demands placed on a military commander in a Peace Support Operation. Hypothesis. My hypothesis
    is that a Commander of a Peace Support Operation is better able to achieve his mission with an increased cultural
    awareness of the society he is operating in. Currently, the CF spends, in relative terms, little time educating its officers
    about the culture they are deploying to. The result is a brief and altogether too basic familiarization with some cultural
    habits discovered upon deployment overseas, without a deeper understanding of how the society operates. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
    [Source: http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?ct=Next+Page&pag=nxt&pageNumberComingFrom=4&frbg=
    accessed 12 October 2018;
    © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved]

    ___________"Military Punishes Sexual Assault Victims", Millars Law: A Professional Corporation Web site, 21 May 2016; available at http://millarslaw.com/2016/05/21/sexualassaultinthemilitary/ (accessed 21 August 2016);

    MILLER, Eric M., Major, on "Miller back in practice", The Leader-Post, Regina, Saturday, 11 August 1945 at p. 3, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 25 June 2020;

    Source of image: samaracanada.com/samarablog/blog-post/samara-main-blog/2015/10/26/2015-epcitizen-nominee-suneeta-millington, accessed 12 September 2017
    Suneeta Millington
    MILLINGTON, Suneeta, worked for the Office of the Judge Advocate Officer, see http://ottawa.ca/fr/nouvelles/nomination-du-premier-conseil-dadministration-pour-la-nouvelle-structure-de-gestion-des-marches-et-parkdale (accessed 12 September 2017);
    Suneeta Millington

    Avocate, Suneeta Millington travaille comme agente du service extérieur pour Affaires mondiales Canada et se spécialise en droit international et en
    sécurité internationale. Outre les nombreux postes qu’elle a occupés à la Direction générale des affaires juridiques et à la Direction des politiques
    stratégiques, sa carrière l’a amenée à travailler à New York et à Genève pour l’Organisation des Nations Unies, ainsi qu’en tant observatrice du
    gouvernement canadien à la commission militaire de Guantanamo; elle a également travaillé pour le Cabinet du Juge-avocat général des forces
    canadiennes durant plusieurs années, dans le cadre d’un échange de postes. Elle possède une vaste expérience en négociations multilatérales,
    et a représenté le Canada dans le cadre de nombreuses négociations de traités internationaux.

    Mme Millington fait énormément de bénévolat dans la collectivité; elle est l’ancienne vice-présidente d’Action Côte-de-Sable, siège actuellement
    au comité du Club Southam du Centre national des Arts et est cofondatrice et présidente de l’initiative de L’Allée des premiers ministres. Elle
    demeure dans Ottawa-Centre avec son mari et ses trois enfants.

    [The following looks like the English version of the above:]

    Suneeta Millington

    Suneeta Millington is a lawyer and Foreign Service Officer with Global Affairs Canada specializing
    international law and international security. In addition to multiple positions within the Legal Affairs
    Bureau and
    the Strategic Policy Branch, her career has spanned postings to the United Nations
    in New York and Geneva,
    an assignment as the Canadian Government Observer to the Guantanamo
    Bay Military Commission
    Proceedings and a multi-year exchange with the Office of the Judge Advocate
    inthe Canadian Armed Forces. She has extensive multilateral negotiating experienceand
    represented Canada on numerous international treaty delegations.

    Suneeta is an active community volunteer; she is theformer Vice-President of Action Sandy Hill, and
    currently serves on the National Arts Centre’s Southam Club Committee and as Co-Founder and
    Chair of the
    Prime Ministers’ Row initiative. She lives in central Ottawa with her husband and three
    [source: http://www.lowertown-basseville.ca/uploads/4/2/5/9/42591915/biographies_msc_board_members_en.pdf,
    accessed 22 August 2020]

    MILLS, A.V. Lenox, 1918-2010, lawyer, served with the JAG during World War II, see "Deaths-- Mills, V. Lenox",  The Gazette Montreal, 4 October 2010, p. 10

    MILLS, A.V. Lennox 1918 - 2010 On October 1, 2010 at the age of ninety-one years. In Thornhill Ontario. Born in Ottawa,
    the oldest son of the late Arthur L.S & Georgina Mills, brother of the late G.H Stanley (Sandy) Mills, and beloved husband
    of 63 years of the late N. Elspeth Mills (Maclean) of Thunder Bay , Ontario, who predeceased him in 2003. He is survived
    by three children, Victor, Katharine and David (Lauri) and four grandsons, Tim & Duncan Johnson, Blair & Brian Mills.
    Lennox spent most of his life in Montreal. He was educated at Selwyn House School, Trinity College School, Bishops
    University, Merton College Oxford, and McGill University from which he graduated with a degree in law, becoming a member
    of the Quebec Bar. He then served as an officer with the Canadian Black Watch in Northern Europe where he was wounded at
    Woensdrecht, Holland and returned to England. He also served in the Judge Advocate Generals Dept. for over a year. On
    returning to Canada, instead of practicing law, he joined the Royal Trust Co. in Montreal holding a number of positions,
    ending up as Corporate Secretary and retiring at the age of sixty. Most summers were spent at Metis-sur-Mer (Metis Beach)
    Que. with his family, where he was a keen golfer. In Montreal , he was a member of the Royal Montreal Golf Club, and for
    a time was the Golf Captain at that club. Funeral Arrangements are private. Memorial donations may be made to the charity
    of your choice. He will be laid to rest at Metis Beach. Published in the Montreal Gazette from 10/2/2010 - 10/4/2010.
    [Copyright CanWest Digital Media Oct 4, 2010]

    MILLS, Bryan, lawyer, Captain, member of the OJAG, reserve force; attended the 2019 mandatory legal officer qualification course at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, CFB Kingston, see Access to Information Act, DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 12 June 2019, File A-2019-00289;

    Image source: pressreader.com/canada/edmonton-journal/20111008/285898794515076, accessed 20 December 2017
    Mark Minenko

    MINENKO, Mark, 1957-, Private Military Companies: Their Role in the Continuum of Conflict, University of Alberta, 2003, [viii], 278 leaves ; 29 cm; A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Laws, Faculty of Law, Edmonton, Alberta, Fall, 2003. Thesis (LL.M)--University of Alberta, 2003; advisor: G. Gall;

    Changes in global security issues have resulted in increasing amounts of intrastate conflict. Alleviating the human suffering which these
    conflicts bring requires quick reaction which the United Nations preventive process has not been able to meet. A review of the record of
    various UN peacekeeping and regional rapid reaction forces indicates that not only have these alternatives not relieved human suffering,
    but that these forces have negatively contributed to the conflict they are meant to resolve. This thesis argues that there are no stated legal
    impediments to the introduction of Private Military Companies into the continuum of conflict. The thesis also looks at a number of issues
    related to the UN Secretary-General and his ability to interpret his role and concludes that the Secretary-General of the UN has sufficient
    authority to outsource the immediate reaction to conflict and hire Private Military Companies.
    (source: http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/ER/detail/hkul/3076435, accessed 18 August 2016)

    Image source: https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/ian-mingo/45/860/942, accessed on 1 December 2014
    Ian Mingo

    MINGO, Ian, "Law Clerk, Office of the Legal Advisor to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces, January 2013--April 2013 (4 months), Ottawa", available at https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/ian-mingo/45/860/942, accessed on 1 December 2014;

    Law Clerk

    Office of the Legal Advisor to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces
    (4 months) Ottawa

    Provided administrative support to the Director of Claims and Civil Litigation,
    Counsel and paralegals: coordinated meetings, prepared briefing binders for the Minister and senior officials
    on the status of litigation cases, coordinated travel arrangements, prepared travel claims and filed litigation documents;
    Scanned, uploaded and retrieved legal documents into iCase for counsel and paralegals;
    Managed the process for ministerial correspondence, access to Information and privacy requests;
    Secured approvals to release funds for litigation cases and mailed payments;
    Delivered documents to the Minister of National Defence and Deputy Minister for signature;
    Responded to inquires on behalf of the Director of Claims and Civil Litigation;
    Liaised with government departments and litigators on civil litigation files;
    Ran reports for the Director using iCase (Time compliance, Contingent Liability, Legal Risk, Open cases)
    Managed project timelines and resources with Microsoft Project;
    Drafted Standard Operating Procedures for the unit

    MINISTÈRE DE LA DÉFENSE NATIONALE, "Le choix d'être jugé par procès sommaire ou devant une cour martiale : guide à l'intention des accusés et des officiers désignés pour les aider", Ottawa: Ministère de la défense nationale, 1997, document cité par Paul Cormier, dans "La Justice militaire canadienne: le procès sommaire est-il conforme à l'article 11(d) de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés?", (2000) 45 McGill Law Journal 209-262 à la p. 215, note 21;

    MINISTÈRE DE LA DÉFENSE NATIONALE, Communiqué de presse, "Rapport du JAG [Brigadier-général Jerry Pitzul] sur les premiers mois de la réforme du système judiciaire", 30 ami 2000; disponible à http://cnrp.ccnmatthews.com/news/releases/show.jsp?action=showRelease&actionFor=346883&searchText=false&showText=all (vérifié le 10 juin 2013); note: "Communiqué de presse transmis par le fil de presse CCN -- un service D'ITG pour défense nationale";

    Source: https://gowlingwlg.com/en/canada/people/jonathan-minnes, accessed 10 August 2016
    Jonathan Minnes

    MINNES, Jonathan, "Law and Justice: Scott v. Canada and the History of the Social Covenant with Veterans Affairs", (2016) 25(1) Canadian Military History 1-32; available at http://scholars.wlu.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1821&context=cmh (accessed 10 August 2016);

    ___________Law and Justice: Scott v. Canada and the History of the Social Covenant with Veterans Affairs, Master of Laws thesis, University of Victoria, 2019, viii, 132 p; available at https://dspace.library.uvic.ca/bitstream/handle/1828/10910/Minnes_Jonathan_LLM_2019.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y ; also available at https://dspace.library.uvic.ca//handle/1828/10910 (accessed on 26 August 2019);


    This paper explores the issues underlying the Scott v. Canada veteran class action lawsuit.
    In particular it seeks to provide context to these issues by examining the cultural and legal
    structure of the Canadian military, the historic developments of veteran benefits in Canada,
    and the difficulties veterans face navigating the institutions that disseminate these benefits.
    The Scott v. Canada veteran class action lawsuit was launched against the Federal
    Government in 2012, in response to the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment
    and Compensation Act (the “New Veterans Charter”), which replaced the disability pension
    regime for many Canadian Forces Members and veterans under the Pension Act.

    [source: https://dspace.library.uvic.ca/handle/1828/10910, (accessed 7 August 2019)]

    ___________Wlliam Petrie Graduate Student Library Scholarship Essay Contest Jonathan Minnes, available at https://dspace.library.uvic.ca/bitstream/handle/1828/6826/Minnes_Jonathan_PetrieWinner_2015.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (accessed 10 August 2016);

    MINNIS, William (William Hiran/Bill), Colonel, Office of the Judge Advocate General as indicated below? ENIGMA.  Big Mistake!

    - Meritorius Service Medal (Military) (MSM)

    Colonel William Hiram Minnis

    Image source: blatherwick.net/documents/Canadian%20Meritorious%20Service%20Decorations%20Citations/
    , accessed 1 April 2020

    - Veterans Affairs Canada, Minister of  Veterans Affairs Commendation, 2014 Recipient:

    William Minnis
    Belfast, Prince Edward Island

    Mr. Minnis is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran. He spearheaded the fundraising, design, and
    completion in 2005 of the Service Memorial Fountain located in Charlottetown. Peacekeepers,
    peace officers and firefighters now rally at the fountain annually for commemorative services.
    From 2007 to 2010, Mr. Minnis served as the Honorary Colonel of the Prince Edward Island
    Regiment and has been very active with the Prince Edward Island Regiment Association,
    where he helps to bring together Veterans and their spouses. Mr. Minnis is a Trustee of the
    Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Foundation, which is dedicated to supporting
    Veterans and their families, funding research into rehabilitation for PTSD, and researching
    into improving artificial limbs.  Mr. Minnis’ participation in this program has involved
    mentoring and assisting a number of Veterans of the Afghanistan War in their return to
    civilian life. For the past 16 years, Mr. Minnis has been on the Board of Directors with the
    Army Cadet League of Canada serving both nationally and provincially and as well, he serves
    as a Governor with the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires.
    [source: blatherwick.net/documents/Canadian%20Meritorious%20Service%20Decorations%20Citations/03a%
    , accessed 1 April 2020]

    - article bv Jim Day, "Bill Minnis reflects on scars and successes",  The Guardian, 27 October 2017,
    available at theguardian.pe.ca/news/local/bill-minnis-reflects-on-scars-and-successes-of-military-life-157943/, accessed 1 April 2020;

    Author Amy Minsky, source: http://globalnews.ca/author/amy-minsky/, accessed 14 March 2015

    MINSKY, Amy, "Suggesting Charter rights for military puts judge Advocate General's crosshairs", Global News, 13 March 2015 available at http://globalnews.ca/news/1878846/suggesting-charter-rights-for-military-puts-judge-in-dnds-crosshairs/ (accessed 14 March 2015);

    Letter from MGen Blaise Cathcart, Judge Advocate General, to
    the Honourable Mr. Justice Edmond P. Blanchard, Chief Justice,
    Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada, 4 November 2011.

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Letter from the Honourable Mr. Justice Edmond P. Blanchard, to
    MGen Blaise Cathcart, Judge Advocate General, 21 November 2011

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Letter from Justice Létourneau to Chief Justice Edmond P. Blanchard,
    20 December 2011

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Image source: numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/2634240?docsearchtext=jean%20miquelon%20danville, accessed 9 May 2018
    Jean-Miquelon, "fut juge avocat-général outre-mer,
    de 1943 à 1947"

    MIQUELON, Jean R., 18 avril 1910- 23 Ocobre 1993, Ottawa, former member of the OJAG;

    - research note 1, statement by Right Hon. J. G. Diefenbaker (Prime Minister), in the House of Commons, Hansard, 30 March 1962

    Mr. Speaker, following the traditional course I wish to announce the appointment of the under secretary
     of state and deputy registrar general of Canada in the person of Mr. Jean Miquelon, Q.C., of Danville
    and Montreal. Mr. Miquelon studied law at Laval University and was admitted to the bar of the province
    of Quebec in 1934. He joined the Canadian army in 1941, following a period of service as crown prosecutor
    in Val d'Or. He spent several years overseas and became deputy judge advocate general of the Canadian army
    occupation force in Germany; returned to Canada with the rank of major and resumed legal practice in
    Montreal. Mr. Miquelon served as the Quebec representative on the dominion command of the Royal Canadian
    Legion from 1955 to 1960, and in the latter year was elected vice-chairman of the Legion's dominion command.
    He is recognized as a distinguished member of the bar, and the government is pleased that a man of his capacity
    is available to accept this appointment.
    [source: https://www.lipad.ca/full/1962/03/30/1/#2167317, accessed on 9 May 2018]

    - research note 2:

    Le Soleil, mardi le 26 octobre 1993
    source: http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2734334

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    - research note 3:

    La Gazette du Nord, Saint-Jerome, vendredi
    16 novembre 1945 à la p. 1, source:
    consulté le 15 mars 2019

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    - research note 4:

    "Revision des pensions", L'artisan, mercredi 28 novembre 1973, à
    la p. 23, disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2454382 (consulté le 19 octobre 2018).

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Shaunna Mireau, image source: https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/shaunna-mireau/3/65b/8, accessed on 22 January 2015

    MIREAU, Shaunna, "Canadian military law",  (October-November 2002) 27(2) LawNow 42-43; available at http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0OJX/is_2_27/ai_n25039309/ (accessed on 9 March  2012);

    Description: Our Canadian Military also has its own legal system. Just like television, the Canadian Forces has an
    office of the Judge Advocate General. The JAG website (http://www.forces.gc.ca/jag/ welcome_e.html) reports on the
    duties of this office: The key duties and functions of the office of the JAG are defined by Canadian law. A key
    responsibility of the JAG, as defined by Canadian law, is the supervision of the offices of the prosecution and defence.
    Canadian military law, including the military system of justice, is a component of Canadian law and subject to the
    Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Another important component to military legal structure is the Office of
    the Chief Military Judge. This office also has its own website at http://www.forces.gc.ca/cmj/intro_e.asp The website
    describes the role of the military judge as follows: *provide military judges to preside at courts martial and perform
    other judicial duties under the National Defence Act * administer the convening of courts martial, the appointment
    of members of General and Disciplinary Courts Martial, and the provision of court reporting services and transcription
    of the proceedings of courts martial and other judicial hearings * appoint military judges as boards of inquiry (with
    the concurrence of the Chief Military Judge) A recent example of a Board of Inquiry appointed by the Office of the
    Chief Military Judge is Tarnak Farm 2002. This board was gathered to investigate the injury and death of Canadian
    Forces personnel during live fire training at or near Kandahar, Afghanistan on 17/18 of April, 2002. The Canadian
    answer is Quicklaw! Subscribers to Quicklaw can access decisions reported in the Court Martial Appeal Reports
    from 1978 to 1994, plus decisions reported by Quicklaw since 1975. Summaries of recent Court Martial Appeals
    and Court Martial decisions can be accessed through the JAG website above.
    [source: http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?fn=search&ct=search&initialSearch=true&
    , accessed 12 October 2018]

    Colonel Alan ("Al") Mitchell -- the SLAE (Senior Legal Advisor
    Europe) and Mrs. Gertrud Graham, Lahr, Federal Republic of
    Germany, circa 1981-1982  (photo taken by François Lareau)

    MITCHELL, A.D. (Allen "Al"), 1930-, Colonel, legal officer; was with NDHQ/DPLS in 1978 and SLAE in 1983; was a Major in 1969, see Canadian Forces Officers' List (Regular), 1969, available at  https://navalandmilitarymuseum.org/sites/default/files/pdf/Navy_List_1969_March_400_dpi.pdf (accessed 16 August 2018);

    __________on MITCHELL, Colonel Allen, see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 128, available at  103-242;

    __________on MITCHELL, Allen, I, François Lareau, heard on 1 April 2020 that Al lives in Ottawa with his wife;

    Allen Mitchell

    ___________on MITCHELL, Allen, 1930-2020, death notice: Ottawa Citizen, 2 September 2020, available at https://ottawacitizen.remembering.ca/obituary/allen-mitchell-1079966331 (accessed 2 September 2020);

    ___________photo of  MITCHELL, Allen, 1930-2020, with  Major-General John P. ("Jack) Wolfe, 1924-2017, the JAG, 1976-1982.

    Photo source: dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/ottawa-on/allen-mitchell-9340989, accessed 10 September 2020


    MITCHELL, Allison, lawyer and diplomat at Global Affairs Canada:

    Week 1, with Law 670
    Ms. Alison Mitchell
    is a lawyer and diplomat at Global Affairs Canada.
    She is specialized in the law
    of armed conflict, international human
    rights law, international criminal law, targeted sanctions,
    and the law
    of the sea. She is currently the deputy director of the Polar and Nordic
    Division in Ottawa. Since joining the department in 2006,
    Ms. Mitchell has had assignments to
    Canada’s embassy in Washington,
    D.C., to NATO in Brussels, to UN Headquarters in New York, and
    to the
    Provincial Reconstruction Team in Kandahar, Afghanistan. In 2012
    she spent a year on
    exchange with the Canadian Armed Forces in the
    Office of the Judge Advocate General. She
    previously served as an
    assistant legal officer in the Office of the Prosecutor at the International
    Criminal Court in The Hague in 2005-2006 and clerked for Mr. Justice
    Marshall Rothstein at the
    Supreme Court of Canada in 2007.

    Ms. Mitchell received a B.A. from Queen’s University in 2001, an LL.B. from the
    University of
    Ottawa in 2005, and an LL.M. in International Legal Studies
    from New York University in 2012

    [Source: International Law Programs at the Bader International Study Centre,
    International Business Law Program 2020, Instructor Biographies, Law 673--
    Introduction to Public International Law (Economic Focus), available at
     law.queensu.ca/sites/default/files/files/BISC/IBL%20Instructors%202020.pdf, accessed 1 April 2020]

    Photo soyurce: www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/136/285-eng.html, accessed 7 August 2017
    Dr. Paul T. Mitchell

    MITCHELL, Paul T., "Military Education at Canadian Forces College",  (2017) 17(4) Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 84-102; available at http://jmss.org/jmss/index.php/jmss/article/view/700 (accessed 7 August 2017);

    ...the six month National Security Studies Programme and the three month Advanced Military Studies Programme (AMSP) morphed
    into a single yearlong National Security Programme (NSP). It has continued with the development of the Advanced Joint Warfighting
    Studies (AJWS) stream to the Joint Command and Staff Programme (JCSP).  (at p. 84)

    The NSP emerged out of a decision to amalgamate the two senior-most professional military education (PME) programmes in the CAF into
    a single, ten-month long programme. As part of that decision, the curriculum of the former three month long AMSP had to be both up-dated
    and transformed into a thirteen-class course capable of being accredited as a graduate level course for a Masters of Public Affairs degree offered
    by Royal Military College.4 ...
    4 The role of graduate level learning in senior PME [professional military education] programmes was mandated by the Minister of National
    Defence, the honorable Douglas Young in response to the Blue Ribbon Committee reports issued after the Somalia debacle. On the basis of
    this report, an educational revolution was launched at CFC, which is the subject of a related but different story. Since that report, the JCSP
    as well as the NSP have been required by Armed Forces Council to be taught at the graduate level. See:CANFORGEN106/08 CMP 042/08 061754Z JUN 08;
    CANFORGEN 064/08 CMP 026/08 031905Z APR 08.  (at p. 85 with footnote 4).

    Image source: web.archive.org/web/20160803131204/http://forces.gc.ca/
    Col. Raymond Mitchell                                                                                              en/about-org-structure/judge-advocate-general-command.page, accessed 15 June 2018

    MITCHELL, R. (Raymond), Colonel, lawyer, legal officer with the OJAG (reserves); Deputy Judge Advocate General/Reserves;

    ___________notes on Raymond Mitchell, see http://lancasterhouse.com/audioConferences/authority/id/2290/audio_conference_id/409 (accessed 19 August 2018);
    Ray Mitchell is currently the Legal Counsel for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, District Council
    39 (Atlantic Canada) and also represents several other construction labour organizations.  ....

    In addition to Ray's labour practice, he has served as a Reserve Officer in the Canadian Forces for 28 years, where he
    currently holds the appointment as the Deputy Judge Advocate General – Reserves. Ray is a graduate of the University
    of New Brunswick Law School, and was called to the Bar in 1994.

                                                                                    Rick Mofina, the author of the article
                                                                                    image source: rickmofina.com/rick.html, accessed 19 August 2018

    MOFINA, Rick, "Ombudsman fires salvo at military police - Evidence 'withheld' from investigations", The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, June 2, 2001, p. A6;

    MOCK, Karen R., "The Somalia Inquiry: What Does It Have to Do with US?   Focus on Human Rights" (winter 1996) 30(2) Canadian Social Studies 53-55;

    Explores the recent scandal concerning Canadian paratroopers' conduct during the United Nations relief and peacekeeping efforts.
    Three soldiers from an elite commando unit tortured and murdered an unarmed Somali teenager. Government investigation of this
    incident  has focused on racist ideology, socialization of recruits, and chain-of-command responsibility. (MJP)
    &ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ525298, accessed on 6 December 2011]

    MOFFAT, David (Dave), Captain, lawyer, member of the OJAG, Canadian Military Prosecution Service, member of Barreau du Qubec since 2006;

    Captain David Mofat
    image source: twitter.com/CMPSCAF/status/1217821232109891584/photo/1, accessed 30 March 2020

    We are pleased to introduce Captain David Moffat, new to our office, but not to the courtroom.
    Captain Moffat has over 16 years prosecuting criminal offences and has joined us most recently
    from Directeur Des Poursuites Criminelles et Pénales, (

    ___________on MOFFAT, David (Dave), capitaine, avocat, membre du Barreau du Québec (2006) représente le directeur des poursuites militaires, avec le  major L. Langlois dans la cour martiale suivante: Thibault A.J.R. (Sergent ), R. c., 2020 CM 5005 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/jbqjt>;

    image source: collections.musee-mccord.qc.ca/en/collection/artifacts/I-4354.1, accessed 7 March 2018
    Dominique Mondelet

    MONDELET, Dominique in DICTIONARY OF CANADIAN BIOGRAPHY, "Mondelet, Dominique", (1861-1870) 9 Dictionary of Canadian Biography; available at biographi.ca/en/bio/mondelet_dominique_1799_1863_9E.html (accessed 7 March 2018);
    MONDELET, DOMINIQUE, lawyer, politician, judge, and seigneur; b. 23 Jan. 1799 in the parish of Saint-Marc on the Richelieu River, Lower
    Canada, son of Charlotte Boucher de Grosbois and Jean-Marie Mondelet*, notary, member of the assembly (1804–9), and coroner of Montreal;
    d. 19 Feb. 1863 at Trois-Rivières, Canada East.
    On 20 Nov. 1820 Mondelet was named major in the Pointe-Claire division of the militia, but seven years later lost his commission for opposing
    the militia policies of Governor Dalhousie [Ramsay*].
    Politically, Mondelet remained unreconciled with the Patriotes. On 21 Dec. 1837 he was named among those to administer the general oath
    of allegiance, an unpopular function. In 1838 he was appointed to the hated Special Council, though he never attended a meeting or participated
    in its activities. From 10 May 1839, as deputy judge advocate, he prosecuted rebel prisoners, dealing severely with foreigners whose meddling
     in Lower Canadian affairs he deplored.

    ___________sur MONDELET, Dominique, voir cette lettre publiée dans Le canadien, mercredi, 10 février 1841, à la p. 2, disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3455303, page vérifiée le 30 juin 2020;

    Source: gregmonforton.com/greg-monforton.html, accessed 7 August 2018

    Greg Monforton

    MONFORTON, Greg, "Military law can be faster than regular civilian system", The Windsor Star, 2 July 1992, at p. E4;

    WHY A SEPARATE system of offences - one for the military and one for all other Canadians? Mostly because the military wanted
    a quicker and more efficient system for punishing offences than the regular criminal system. Also, many service offences have a
    more severe punishment than regular criminal offences. Given the requirement for strict discipline in the military, offences are
    not viewed with much compassion.

    A separate system is also practical because many offences - for example, desertion - are unique to the military. Many other
    offences such as theft or damage to property are similar to regular criminal offences.


    ONE INTERESTING aspect is the inter-relationship between the military law and regular criminal law. The regular law
    continues to apply to members of the military. But they will not be tried in two places for the same offence. This is called
    double jeopardy in law. Which law ought to be used depends simply on the connection the offence has with the military.
    Is it a military matter? Or has the soldier done something - on leave, for instance - that would better be tried in a regular court?

    ___________"YOU AND THE LAW: Military law aims to enforce troop discipline", The Windsor Star, 12 July 1997, at p. B10;

    ___________"You and the Law: Military law offers little compassion", The Windsor Star, 30 December 1995, at p. H6;

    Commander Walter Moniz

    MONIZ, Walter, Commander, worked with the OJAG, see https://yorkassociation.ca/command/ (accessed 2 March 2019);

    In 2001, Cdr Moniz switched to the Public Affairs Branch and served as a public affairs officer
    for the Judge Advocate General, Canadian Special Operations Forces and ultimately ended his
    Regular Force military career in 2013 at the National Defence Public Affairs Office in Toronto.

    ----------- Source: cba.org/Sections/Military-Law/Executive
    Cdr Sheila Archer and Lt(N) Carl Monk, Source:                       Carl Monk                   accessed 6 November 2017
    accessed 16 August 2016

    MONK, Carl, "100  yrs  of military laws",  in CFB Esquimalt  Navy News on Linehttp://www.lookoutnewspaper.com/top-stories.php?id=501 (accessed on 13 March 2012);

    In Canada, the post was created in 1911 by Minister of Defence Frederick (later Sir Frederick) Borden, who was frustrated at not having
    Canadian military legal expertise. The first JAG, Colonel Smith, was a militia army officer and lawyer who had risen through the ranks
    over the course of a 49-year career, seeing action in several conflicts. ...

    Today, there are approximately 151 Regular Force and 55 Reserve Force members advising the Chain of Command and the Minister of
    National Defence on increasingly complex matters pertaining to military law, both at home and abroad. Legal issues range from providing
    advice on disciplinary measures for infractions of the Code of Service Discipline, to providing operational legal advice to Commanding
    Officers in the field and at sea. In fact, legal officers have found themselves increasingly deployed, providing advice on issues such as targeting,
    rules of engagement, and Law of the Sea.


    Besides operational advice, the Branch tends to matters of administrative law and military justice. Administrative law focuses on issues such
    as compensation and benefits for members, personnel matters, and pensions and service estates, while military justice matters relate to the unique
    enforcement of discipline.

    Lt(N) Carl Monk
    ___________on Carl Monk, see O'HARA, Shawn,  "Officer courts new trade", LookOut., MARPAC NEWS, volume 57, number 51, 17 December 2012, at p. 12; available at http://www.lookoutnewspaper.com/issues/57/2012-12-17-51.pdf (accessed 26 December 2015);

    Image source: mhs.mb.ca/docs/people/montague_jp.shtml, accessed 31 December 2017
    Mr. Justice P.J. Montague

    MONTAGUE, Percival (Price)  John, 1915-1966, JAG officer; info from the Archives of Manitoba,
    Percival (Price) John Montague was born in Dunville, Ontario on 10 November 1882, son of Dr. W. H. Montague and Angelina Furry. He was educated
    at Upper Canada College, the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall. He was called to the Ontario and Manitoba Bars in 1907. He joined the firm of Pitblado,
     Hoskin, Montague and Drummond Hay in 1913 and took a leave to serve in the First World War.

    Price Montague married Anne Isabel Fletcher (1885-1940), also from Ontario, and the couple had two daughters together, Eleanor (1908-2001) and Anne
    (known as Nancy) (1911-2001). Eleanor later married Karl Wintemute (1903-1989) and Nancy married Ernest Moncrieff (1908-2000).

    Price Montague enlisted for service in the First World War on 1 February 1915. He attained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and by 1917 was Assistant Adjutant (A. A.)
    and Quartermaster General (Q. M. G.) in the 2nd Canadian Division.

    After the war, Montague returned to Winnipeg and his legal career although he also continued his military involvement. He was the Commanding Officer of the Fort
    Garry Horse from 1920 to 1923 and of the 6th Mounted Brigade from 1928 to 1936. He was made King's Counsel in 1928 and then was appointed a Court of King's
    Bench judge in 1932. In the 1930s Montague was also the Chief Commissioner of the Manitoba Board of Review for the Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Act.

    At the outbreak of the Second World War Montague was posted to Canadian Military Headquarters in London where he served as Quartermaster General and then
    as Judge Advocate-General. He was later Chief of Staff and attained the rank of Lieutenant-General. Montague was the highest ranking Manitoba serviceman in
    the Second World War.

    In 1945 Montague returned to Winnipeg and to the Manitoba Bench. In 1951 he was appointed to the Court of Appeal. He retired in 1959.

    Price Montague died at the Deer Lodge Military Hospital on 11 June 1966 and was buried with full military honours.

    [source: http://pam.minisisinc.com/SCRIPTS/MWIMAIN.DLL/125366043/1/2/2858?RECORD&DATABASE=AUTHORITY_WEB_INT, accessed 31 December 2017;
    see also about the description of the fonds at http://pam.minisisinc.com/SCRIPTS/MWIMAIN.DLL/125366043/DESCRIPTION_LINK/REFD/20044?JUMP, accessed 31 December 2017]

    ___________"The Judge Who Is a General", Globe and Mail, 1944/12/09, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5029475  (accessed 5 October 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on Montague, Lieutenant-General, the Honourable Price J., see the article by Douglas Amaron, "Canada's Generals-- Major-General P.J. Montague, Senior Officer, Canadian Military Headquarters, London",  The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, Tuesday, 21 July 1942 at p. 3;  retrieved from http://biblioottawalibrary.ca.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ezproxylogin?url=/docview/2337636529?accountid=46526, accessed on 30 April 2020;

                    (1)                                               (3)


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on Montague, Lieutenant-General, the Honourable Price J., see  HITSMAN, J.M. (Capt), The Visiting Forces Act 1941-44, Army Headquarters, Historical Section, report number 180, 29 July 1947, 43 p., at p. 38, paragraph 98, available at https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/themes/defence/caf/militaryhistory/dhh/reports/cmhq-reports/cmhq180.pdf (accessed 19 April 2019);

    ___________on Montague, Lieutenant-General, the Honourable Price J., see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pp. 47, 49, 53, 54, 58 and 62, available at  pp. i-xii and 1-102;

    ___________ on Montague, Lieutenant-General, the Honourable Price J., see "Montague Opens Court of Inquiry in Army Affairs.  Disposal of Captured Automobiles Involved in Charges", Hamilton Spectator, 1946/01/26, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5081831 (accessed 23 September 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________ on Montague, Lieutenant-General, the Honourable Price J., see note by Colonel C.P. Stacey, Six Years of War: The Army in Canada, Britain and the Pacific, volume 1, Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier, Queen's Printer, 1955,  at p. 222, available at https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/themes/defence/caf/militaryhistory/dhh/official/book-1955-army-ww2-1-en.pdf (accessed on 12 March 2019);

    under authority of P.C. 9701 of 20 December 1943, General Montague was formally given the title of Judge Advocate General
    Canadian Army Overseas. Previ
    ously he had been authorized to exercise "the powers, duties and functions of the Judge Advocate

    ___________"Report on Discipline of the Canadian Army Overseas by Senior Officer, C.M.H.Q.", 29 September 1942, being Appendix "A" of C.P. Stacey, Historical Officer, "Canadian Relations with the People of the United Kingdom, and General Problems of Morale, 1939-44",  Canadian Military Headquarters, Report number 119, historical Officer, available at http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/his/rep-rap/doc/cmhq/cmhq119.pdf (accessed 17 April 2019);

    ----------- source: http://www.adam-montgomery.ca/, accessed 23 October 2017
                                                                                  Adam Montgomety
    MONTGOMERY, Adam, The Invisible Injured: Psychological Trauma in the Canadian Military from the First World War to Afghanistan, McGill-Queen's Press, 2017352 pages;

    ___________Shocked, Exhausted, and Injured:
    The Canadian Military and Veteran’s experience of Trauma from 1914 to 2014, A Thesis Submitted to the College of Graduate Studies and Research In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In the Department of History University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, 2015, vii, 306 leaves, available at https://ecommons.usask.ca/bitstream/handle/10388/ETD-2015-12-2345/MONTGOMERY-DISSERTATION.pdf;jsessionid=9873D6678AE47C4DB814710B0346AE56?sequence=4 (accessed 8 January 2017);

    Image source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/marc-montgomery-91665920, accessed 2 October 2018
    Marc Montgomer
    MONTGOMERY, Marc, "Major court decision [Beaudry] shakes military justice system", Radio Canada International, 1 October 2018, available at http://www.rcinet.ca/en/2018/10/01/major-court-decision-shakes-military-justice-system/ (accessed 2 October 2018);

    Micheline Montreuil  (photo Steve Deschênes,
    Le Soleil)
    MONTREUIL, Micheline, 1952-, on, see:

    - the article by GAUDREAU, Valérie, "Micheline Montreuil n'a pas été victime de discrimination, tranche le Tribunal", Le Soleil, 9 septembre 2009; disponible à http://www.lapresse.ca/le-soleil/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/200909/08/01-899838-micheline-montreuil-na-pas-ete-victime-de-discrimination-tranche-le-tribunal.php (vérifié 24 octobre 2015);


    - les décisions de la Cour fédérale:
    Canada (Procureur général)c. Montreuil - 2009 CF 60 - 2009-01-23 / ; et

     Canada (Procureur général) c. Montreuil - 2009 CF 22 - 2009-01-07 / Canada (Attorney General) v. Montreuil, 2009 FC 22 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/24nzs>;

    -  Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne / Canadian Human Rights Tribunal: en français
    Montreuil c. Forces canadiennes, 2009 TCDP 28 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/2crs9>; à
    and in English at Montreuil v. Canadian Forces, 2009 CHRT 28 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/29th9> (accessed 13 September 2020);


    Source: pjmooney.squarespace.com/biography/, accessed 19 August 2018
    Paul Mooney, journalist
    MOONEY, Paul, "Sécession violente ou douce?  Deux thèses aux antipodes", Le devoir, 7 novembre 1991, à la p. 2; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2761023 (vérifié le 2 avril 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    MOONEY, P.J.,  member of the OJAG during WW II; see "Admitted to Bar", The Charlottetown Guardian, 7 August 1946, at p. 5; available at http://islandnewspapers.ca/islandora/object/guardian%3A19460807-005?solr%5Bquery%5D=%22Judge%20Advocate%20General%22&solr%5Bparams%5D%5BdefType%5D=dismax&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet%5D=true&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.mincount%5D=0&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.limit%5D=20&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B0%5D=PARENT_century_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B1%5D=PARENT_decade_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B2%5D=PARENT_year_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B3%5D=PARENT_month_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B5%5D=RELS_EXT_isPageNumber_literal_ms&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bqt%5D=standard&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date%5D%5B0%5D=PARENT_dateIssued_dt&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.date.start%5D=NOW/YEAR-120YEARS&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.date.end%5D=NOW&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.date.gap%5D=%2B1YEAR&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.mincount%5D=0&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date.start%5D=NOW/YEAR-20YEARS&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date.end%5D=NOW&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date.gap%5D=%2B1YEAR&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl%5D=true&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.fl%5D=OCR_t&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.fragsize%5D=400&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.simple.pre%5D=%3Cspan%20class%3D%22islandora-solr-highlight%22%3E&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.simple.post%5D=%3C/span%3E&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bqf%5D=OCR_t%5E10.0 (accessed on 21 July 2018);

    MOORE, Corey, Major, Legal officer, membre du JAG, voir les photos ci-dessous:

    "120519-N-DW912-001 Kaboul, Afghanistan (19 mai 2012) - Le Major Cory
    Moore, agent juridique avec les Forces canadiennes, Cabinet du Juge-avocat
    général, dirige l'Armée nationale afghane (ANA) ont au cours de la scène de
    classe de l'état-major général de l'ANA vidéo de recrutement juridique. (U.S. Photo par
    marine Spécialiste de la communication de masse 2e classe (SW) Cory Rose) DSC 0667 (7350964026)".
    [source: https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-120519-n-dw912-001-kaboul-afghanistan-19-mai-2012-le-major-cory-moore-agent-juridique-avec-les-forces-
    , accessed 1 August 2018]

    "NATO Training Mission-AF...DSC_0738

    120526-N-DW912-001 Kabul, Afghanistan (May 19, 2012) - MAJ Cory Moore, legal officer with
    the Canadian Forces Office of the Judge Advocate General, speaks with Afghan National Army (ANA)
    legal judges during the courtroom scene of the ANA General Staff Legal recruiting video. (U.S. Navy
    photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW) Cory Rose)"

    Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ntm-a_cstc-a/7350963708/in/photolist-opX7Wr-28QKikx-opES48-sy
    CnBo-2hDBmzz-od3Mtn/, accessed 29 September 2020


    Image source: http://carleton-ca.academia.edu/matthewmoore/CurriculumVitae, accessed 11 April 2017
    Matthew Moore
    MOORE, Mathew, The Kiss of Death Bestowed with Gratitude: The Postwar Treatment of Canada's Second World War Merchant Navy, Redress, and the Negotiation of Veteran Identity, A thesis submitted to Carleton University in fulfillment of the requirements for the course HIST 5909, as credit toward the degree of Master of Arts in History-- History, Department of History, Carleton University, Ottawa, 31 August 2015; available at (accessed 11 April 2017); available at https://curve.carleton.ca/system/files/etd/2e3315e9-7655-4133-8bed-80ad2329074a/etd_pdf/d27295463cda90d7813b5dba1d49b296/moore-thekissofdeathbestowedwithgratitudethepostwar.pdf (accessed 11 April 2017);

    This thesis focuses on the Merchant Navy’s redress campaign and appraises
    shifting government attitudes towards the mariners in veterans’ legislation. It traces the
    wartime experience of the mariners and discusses their postwar treatment. By examining
    the factors that contributed to the mariners’ initial exclusion as veterans, this study sheds
    light on the complex process whereby the state evaluates and then reassesses what is
    owed to those who serve. It demonstrates that concepts of “veteranhood” are fluid, and,
    that in the case of the Merchant Navy, once neglected wartime narratives can be
    reincorporated into the nation’s military past. In the case of the Merchant Navy, renewed
    public engagement with Canada’s social memory of its involvement in two world wars
    helped the merchant seamen find an audience willing to validate their claims. This study
    of Merchant Navy redress serves as an exploration into the nature of the state-veteran

    MOOREHEAD, G. J. (Gregory/Greg), lawyer, member of the OJAG; member of the Law Society of Alberta since 2014; acted as the representative of the Director of Military Prosecutions in the case of Leadbetter C.L.J. (Master Corporal), R. v., 2017 CM 4007 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/h3pkz> (accessed 9 May 2018); represented the Director of Military Prosecutions in Baycroft H.A. (Master Seaman), R. v., 2018 CM 2020 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hsqf1>;

    Kendra Crighton, the photographer and author
    of the article
    ___________on Major Greg Moorehead, see Kendra Crighton, "Retired Canadian Forces member guilty of sex assault and using spy cameras to record coworkers.  Colin McGregor found guilty of five out of seven charges he faced",  Victoria News, 30 September 2019; available at vicnews.com/news/retired-canadian-forces-member-guilty-of-sex-assault-and-using-spy-cameras-to-record-coworkers/ (accessed 12 March 2020);

    Maj Greg Moorehead, the prosecutor in the Colin McGregor court martial
    referred to in the  article of Ms. Crighton (photo by Kendra Crighton/News Sraff).
    On the McGregor court martial, see:

    2019-05-28  |  11 pages  |  cited by 2 documents
    prosecution — delay — discrete — exceptional — ceiling
    2018-09-13  |  17 pages; investigators — search warrant — residence — diplomatic immunity — devices
    2019-10-03  |  31 pages; sexual assault — voyeurism — offender — dismissal with disgrace — sentence
    2019-09-30  |  39 pages; camera alarm clock — video — images — personal audio recorders — sexual

    Image source: remotecontrolproject.org/interview-jon-moran/, accessed 18 October 2017
    Dr. Jon Moran
    MORAN, Jon, "Time to Move Out of the Shadows?  Special Operations Forces and Accountability in Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Insurgency Operations", (2016) 39(3) The University of New South Wales Law Journal 1239-1260; covers Canada; available at https://lra.le.ac.uk/bitstream/2381/38798/2/MORAN%20UNSWLJ.pdf (accessed 18 October 2017);

    MORCHAIN, Major G., "L'appui aux pouvoirs civils"  (février-mars 1971) 7(2)  Sentinelle 1-14; this article should also be available in English; note Sentinel: magazine of the Canadian Forces (in English) or Sentinelle: revue des Forces canadiennes (French) was a periodical magazine of the Canadian Forces published under the authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff; periodical existed 1965-1994, see https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/military/025002-1011.01-e.html;

    MORDEN, K.G. (Kenneth Gibson), died on 14 July 1961 at the young age of 54,   Lieutenant-Colonel, member of the OJAG, in Article 8 -- No Title, The Globe and Mail, Feb 5, 1946, at p. 18; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Globe and Mail, p. 18; see https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview/1325879270/fulltextPDF/330F5E87FB024E65PQ/5?accountid=46526 (accessed 19 July 2018);


    ___________on K.G. Morden, see "Mr. Justice K. Morden: Brillant Career Carved by Son of Lawyer", The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 17 July 1961 at p. 9, available at , accessed 23 June 2020;


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________photo of  K.G. Morden, in "Justice Dies", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 17 July 1961 at p. 10, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 23 June 2020; died of a heart attack; born in Belleville Ontario; son of lawyer Wilson S. Morden;

    André Morel, image source: http://www.mcgill.ca/reporter/36/17/convocation/honorary/, accessed on 21 April 2014

    MOREL, André, "Les garanties en matière de procédure et de peines (alinéas 11b), f),  articles 12 et 14)",  in Gérald-A. Beaudoin and Errol Mendes, eds., The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 3rd ed., Scarborough (Ontario), Carswell (Thomson Professional Publishing), 1996, pp. 12-1 to 12-64; see in particular pp. 12-23 to 12-26 for Professor Morel's discussion and interpretation of s. 11(f) of the Charter, ISBN: 045956014X (bound) and 04595604171 (pbk.);
    aussi disponible dans: sous la direction de Gérald Beaudoin et Errol P. Mendes, Charte canadienne des droits et libertés,  3e éd., Montréal : Wilson & Lafleur, c1996,  xxv, 1192 p.,  ISBN    2891273494;

    MOREL, D.Y., Captain, received the Judge Advocate General's legal branch membership coin number 188, see http://www.lareau-law.ca/Coin2016.pdf (accessed 6 October 2020);

    Source de l'image: friends-amis.org/index.php/fr/evenements/235-french/publications/flambeau1/flambeau-aout-2016/822-benevole-de-l-annee-des-amcg-2015-2016-jean-morin, visité 27 novembre 2016
    Jean Morin, à droite, reçoit le prix de bénévole de l'année
    2015-2016 des Amis du Musée canadien de la guerre, de Linda
    Colwell et Stephen Quick

    MORIN, Jean, « La discipline militaire un impératif. Partie 1 : Le rôle des forces armées. Partie 2 : L’interaction entre les forces armées et le gouvernement civil. Partie 3 : L’importance de la subordination au pouvoir politique. Partie 4 : Les valeurs. Partie 5 : La loyauté », (1997), La Citadelle, vol.33 n°2 (avril) ; n°3 (juin); titre noté dans mes recherches; article pas encore lu; article cité à https://unites.uqam.ca/chf/conf163.htm (visité 27 novembre 2016); ****

    Jean-François Morin
    MORIN, Jean-François, avocat militaire membre du cabinet du  JAG; voir https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jean-fran%C3%A7ois-morin-a797a356 (visité le 24 août 2017);

    ___________monsieur MORIN, Jean-François, conseiller principal en politiques, Bureau du Conseil privé a été avocat militaire du mois d’août 2012 à avril 2018, voir son témoignage devant le Comité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre, sur l'étude du projet de loi C-76, Loi modifiant la Loi électorale du Canada et d'autres lois et apportantdes modifications corrélatives à d'autres textes législatifs, 17 octobre 2018, disponible à https://www.noscommunes.ca/DocumentViewer/fr/42-1/PROC/reunion-126/temoignages (consulté le 20 juin 2019);

    ___________photo of MORIN, Jean-François, Privy Council Office,  testifying before the
    Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs on Bill C-76 on electoral reform legislation, 15 October 2018, see http://www.cpac.ca/en/programs/in-committee-house-of-commons/episodes/65094762  (accessed 20 June 2019);

    Jean-François Morin  

    ___________témoignage du Capitaine de corvette Jean-François Morin, conseiller principal en politiques, Bureau du Conseil privé, devant le Comité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre, sur l'étude du projet de loi C-76, Loi modifiant la Loi électorale du Canada et d'autres lois et apportantdes modifications corrélatives à d'autres textes législatifs, 28 mai 2018, disponible à http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2018/parl/xc59-1/XC59-1-2-421-106-fra.pdf (consulté le 20 juin 2019);

    MORIN, Kaila, legal officer with the OJAG, regular force,  since November 2018, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/kailamorin (accessed 22 March 2019); she attended the 2019 mandatory legal officer qualification course at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, CFB Kingston, see Access to Information Act, DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 12 June 2019, File A-2019-00289;

    __________"Bridging the Conceptual Gap Between Law and Morality: A Critical Response to H.L.A. Hart's The Concept of Law", (2012) 1(1) UCL Journal of law and Jurisprudence 120-136; available at http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1470665/1/1UCLJLJ120%20-%20Bridging%20the%20Gap.pdf(accessed 13 June 2019);


    In The Concept of Law, H.L.A. Hart develops his theory for a concept of law that rejects the possibility of a
    necessary connection between law and morality i.e., what the law is from what the law ought to be. He admittedly
    does so for moral reasons. If there is a conceptual gap between law and morality, it is possible to use the latter as
    a critical standard for assessing the law by questioning 'is this law too iniquitous to obey or apply?' However, this
    concept of law is flawed. If the human capacity for moral reason can be used to correctly identify and disobey legally
    valid though morally deplorable laws, one must assume that belief in what the law ought to be is an inherently moral
    aspect of the internal point of view. Furthermore, unless one chooses to acknowledge the suppositions of command
    theory-that is, that law is nothing more than habitual congruencies or the command of a supreme sovereignone must
    assume Hart's idea of the ultimate rule of recognition as an external statement of fact relating to societies internal
    perspective of what ought to be. In this way, the inclusion of the internal perspective as a necessary aspect of law
    entails a connection between law and morality. Otherwise, what law is and what law ought to be become synonymous
    under a merely external viewpoint. This does not reflect the reality of how individuals assess the law or their actions
    in relation to the law.

    ____________Photo of Captain Kaila Morin with other members of the OJAG:

    " 6 hours ago [19 June 2019 ] Our Administrative Law Division
    is happy to have their Captains back from their month-long Legal Officer Qualification Course.
    Plenty of admin law files for Captains Ruth Shojaei, Andrew McGarvan, Jamil Beauchamp-Dupont
    and Kaila Morin!" (accessed 19 June 2019)

    Marco Morin

    MORIN, Marco, avocat, ancien membre du Cabinet du JAG (Lieutenant-colonel); pratique à Victoriaville (information récoltée 28 juin 2018); source: https://www.maitremarcomorin.com/droit-et-justice-militaires

    Pour vous aider à naviguer le système militaire Canadien

    La réalité militaire est parfois complexe et bien particulière. Me Marco Morin, de par son passé, est bien outillé pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques, autant dans les domaines traditionnels du droit que dans le domaine distinct du droit militaire (cour martiale, libération, grief, etc.).Il est disponible pour déplacements au besoin, et ce, sur rendez-vous.

    Par le passé, Me Morin s’est enrôlé dans le 6e Royal, 22e Régiment. Il a par la suite, obtenu son transfert au sein du cabinet du Juge-avocat général
    (JAG). Durant ses années de service, Me Morin a été principalement affecté à la conduite des poursuites en cour martiale. Il a également agit à titre
    d’aviseur juridique pour la 5e GBC de Valcartier, et a étudié le droit immunitaire et le droit de la guerre à San Remo, en Italie.

    Après ces années de services auprès des Forces armées canadiennes, Me Morin a obtenu sa libération au grade de lieutenant-colonel. Depuis, il agit
    comme avocat en pratique générale du droit. Il exerce à Victoriaville au sein de sa propre étude d’avocats. Son rôle d’avocat le mène fréquemment à
    représenter des militaires.

    Si vous êtes aux prises avec des problèmes reliés au service militaire et que vous êtes à la recherche d’aide ou de conseils, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter dès aujourd’hui.

    Diplômé de l’Institut de droit des conflits de l’armée et récipiendaire d’une décoration des Forces canadiennes, Me Marco Morin est au garde à vous pour plaider votre cause judiciaire et pour vous fournir des conseils juridiques


    Colonel (retired) René Morin
    MORIN, René, DND Dependants' Schools 1921-1983, Ottawa: Directorate of History, National Defence Headquarters, 1986, xiv, 170 p., plus annexes; available at http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/his/docs/dependants_e.pdf (accessed 23 October 2016);

    Image source:                                                     Rev. Capt. Victor Morris, video at gracecamrose.ca/worship/sermon/sermon-2016-04-24/ (accessed 14 April 2017)
     accessed 14 April 2017
    Rev. Vic Morris

    MORRIS, Victor (Vic) E., "Conscience and the Canadian Armed Forces" (Spring 2017) 17(2) Canadian Military Journal 15-25; available at http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/Vol17/no2/page15-eng.asp and http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/Vol17/no2/PDF/CMJ172Ep15.pdf (accessed 14 April 2017);

    MORRISON, C.M., Major of the JAG branch, see "President", The Leader-Post, Regina, Wednesday, 14 June 1944, at p. 3, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/..., accessed 25 May 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Laura Morrison

    MORRISON,  Laura M., legal officer with the OJAG, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/laura-morrison-24052827 (accessed 12 December 2017); she is a Lieutenant (N) and employed by the Director of Military Prosecutions in Gibbons C.C. (Corporal), R. v, 2018 CM 4002 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hqpck> (accessed 8 May 2018);

    ___________photo of LCdr Laura Morrison at the Chemical Weapons, Armed Conflict and International Humanitarian Law Conference, Quuen's University, Kingston, 29 October 2018:

    " Oct 29.  LCdr Laura Morrison is speaking on
      and . "
    source: https://twitter.com/hashtag/ChemicalWeaponsIHL?src=hash, accessed 31 October 2018.
    The officer, second from the right is LCol  Allan Taylor.

    LCdr Laura Morrison, second from the left, IHL Conference: Chemical Weapons, Armed
    Conflict and International Humanitarian Law -- Kingston 2018.
    image source: www.redcross.ca/crc/documents/How-We-Help/International-Humanitarian-Law/IHL-Conference-
    , accessed 29 March 2020.

    Source: twitter.com/hashtag/ChemicalWeaponsIHL?src=hash, accessed 31 October 2018

    See also on her presentation redcross.ca/crc/documents/How-We-Help/International-Humanitarian-Law/
    , accessed 1 May 2019

    ____________on the military career of LCdr Laura Morrison, see redcross.ca/crc/documents/How-We-Help/International-Humanitarian-Law/IHL-Conference-EXTERNAL-Report-Kingston-October-29-2018.pdf (accessed 1 May 2019);


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    MORRISSEY, Simone (Marie Simone/MS), Court martial administrator, information as of 10 June 2019, see https://www.vancourier.com/chief-military-judge-s-court-martial-hears-about-friendship-with-presiding-judge-1.23850937, accessed 11 June 2019;

    ___________on MORRISSEY, Marie Simone, former Major, Officer of Military Merit (O.M.M.), awarded 2003  and Member of Military Merit (M.M.M.), 1988; source: https://www.gg.ca/en/honours/recipients/150-1746, accessed 5 April 2020;

    __________on MORRISSEY, Marie Simone and the position of court administrator, search also also the database of the courts martial at  (accessed 6 April 2020);

    __________on Morrissey, Simone, see Dutil M. (Colonel ), R. c., 2019 CM 3003 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/j120t>, décision sur la demande en récusation formulée par l'accusé par l'accusé à l'égard du juge militaire présidant la cour martiale;  consulté le 2020-04-06;

    Au soutien de sa demande, le colonel Dutil a témoigné devant moi et il a aussi fait
    comparaître l’administratrice de la cour martiale, madame Morrissey [...]
    Tel que rapporté dans son témoignage par madame Morrissey, administratrice de la
    cour martiale, elle aurait été approchée au mois de septembre 2015 par le colonel
    Wakeham, chef d’état-major du juge-avocat général (JAG), qui lui aurait mentionné
    qu’il considérait formuler une plainte au comité d’enquête des juges militaires à l’égard
    du JMC en raison d’une allégation à l’effet qu’il aurait eu une relation personnelle avec
    une sténographe judiciaire. Il aurait aussi mentionné qu’il en avait discuté avec le JAG.
    Il aurait indiqué à madame Morrissey que son code d’éthique du barreau auquel il
    appartenait en tant qu’avocat l’obligeait à considérer à faire une telle plainte. Il a
    demandé la coopération de l’administratrice de la cour martiale, ce qu’elle a refusé,
    car ce n’était pas son rôle dans les circonstances. [...]
    Le colonel Dutil a mentionné qu’il n’avait eu aucun contact personnel avec moi depuis
    la mise en accusation au mois de juin 2018. Cela a d’ailleurs été confirmé par madame
    Morissey dans son témoignage. [...]

    Madame Morrissey sera aussi appelée à titre de témoin à charge dans cette affaire.
    Nous maintenons des liens professionnels en raison de nos fonctions respectives, mais
    un fait est évident : madame Morrissey aura à continuer à prendre des décisions à titre
    d’administratrice de la cour martiale qui pourraient m’affecter dans ma fonction de juge
    militaire. Me prononcer sur la crédibilité et la fiabilité de son témoignage comporte le
    risque de vivre avec ma décision par la suite, incluant qu’elle puisse prendre des
    décisions à saveur de représailles ou craindre que la relation de travail soit affectée.
    Dans cette perspective, il est clair pour moi qu’une personne bien renseignée qui
    étudierait la question en profondeur, de manière réaliste et pratique, conclurait que
    je suis partial.

    ___________on MORRISSEY,  Simone, see "Lawyer challenges jury selection at N.S. soldier's court martial", CBC News, 6 February 2009; available at https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/lawyer-challenges-jury-selection-at-n-s-soldier-s-court-martial-1.849873 (accessed 5 April 2020); see M.A. (Corporal), R. v., 2009 CM 2009 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/27rwf>  (accessed 6 April 2020);

    on MORRISSEY,  Simone, testimony in Middlemiss R. J. (Master Seaman), R. v., 2009 CM 1001 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/27rv8> (accessed 6 April 2020);

    The testimony of Mrs Morrissey provided the following information. She performs her
    functions in the office of the Chief Military Judge. She described her main statutory role
    included the convening of courts martial and selecting and appointing panel members for
    General Courts Martial as the case may be. Mrs Morrissey stated that she somewhat acts
    as the Chief of Staff and comptroller to the Chief Military Judge as well as her other
    prescribed duties under the statutory framework. She testified as to her knowledge of
    the Canadian Forces, including its administrative and legal aspects as a result of her
    extensive career as an officer in the field of human resources. She testified that her
    statutory duties use 50 to 60 per cent of her time, where her other functions fill the
    remaining of her schedule. Mrs Morrissey stated that the function of Court Martial
    Administrator does not require specialized training, but she found it helpful to have
    a background in human resources and administration. She described her extensive
    career as both a non-commissioned member and officer in the Canadian Forces,
    until her retirement in 2007 and accepting her appointment, as a civilian, as the
    Court Martial Administrator on 14 March 2007. She explained the method she
    uses for the selection of panel members in the case of a General Court Martial. ....

    ___________"Policy on Access to Documents and Information - Courts Martial and other Judicial Hearings", Office of the Chief Military Judge, 1 September 2018, available at https://www.canada.ca/en/chief-military-judge/services/consult-legal-resources/policy-access-documents-information.html (accessed 5 April 2020);

    ___________"Policy on procedure for appointment of members to a court martial panel - General Court Martial", Office of the Chief Military Judge, 1 September 2018, available at https://www.canada.ca/en/chief-military-judge/services/consult-legal-resources/procedure-appointment-members.html (accessed 5 April 2020);

    Wayne Cotton, image source:                   Paul Morse, the author
    thespec.com/opinion-story/2551247-                      source: unifor87m.org/node/281
    accessed 17 December 2017

    MORSE, Paul, "Officer denies wrongdoing; Female cadets trying to destroy his military career, captain's lawyer tells court martial",  The Spectator, 8 March 2002, p. A03;

    Description: Two years ago, [Wayne Cotton] was the volunteer adjutant at the Hamilton air cadet 826 Gryphon Squadron and poised to
    become the unit's commanding officer. In his closing submission, defence lawyer Major Dave McNairn said the two cadets are not credible
    witnesses, each with motives to destroy Cotton's military career. ....
    © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved
    [source: http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?fn=search&ct=search&initialSearch=true&mode=Basic&tab=default_tab

    Photo of Desmond Morton, reproduced from http://cepsi-cipss.ca/en/membres/desmondmorton/ (accessed on 31 March 2014)

    MORTON, Desmond, 1937-2019,  "Aid to the Civil Power: The Canadian Militia in Support of Social  Order, 1867-1914", (December 1970) 51(4) Canadian Historical Review 407-425;

    ___________"Exerting Control: The Development of Canadian Authority over the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919", in Christon Archer, ed.,  Men at War Politics, Technology, and Innovation in the Twentieth Century, New York: Routledge, 2005, 228 p.,

    On October 14th, 1914, when men of the First Contingent of the Canadian Expeditionary Force reached
    Plymouth on the first stage of their journey to the Western Front, their status was clear. In the meaning
    of Britain’s Army Act, the Canadians were “Imperial”. They were soldiers of the British Army, recruited
    from the Empire. In the mood of the moment, any other status would have seemed inconceivable. 1 If there
    was any doubt of the full integration of the Canadians in the British Army, it was laid to rest by Canada’s
    Minister of Militia, Colonel Sam Hughes: “we have nothing whatever to say as to the destination of the
    troops once they cross the water,” Hughes told the Canadian House of Commons, “nor have we been
    informed as to what their destination may be.” 2 In London, Canada’s acting High Commissioner, George
    Perley, assumed, “that as soon as the Canadian troops arrive here they will be entirely under the authority
    of the War Office and become part of the Imperial army in every sense of the word.” 3 In 1914 no one
    presumed otherwise.
    [source: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780203785720, accessed 6 January 2019]


    ___________ Une histoire militaire du Canada: des origines à 1990, version française dirigée par Serge Bernier, Sillery (Québec): Éditions du Septentrion, 1992, 414 p., ISBN:  2921114704;  traduction de A Military History of Canada;


    ___________ Histoire militaire du Canada, nouvelle édition rev. et aug., Outremont (Québec): Athéna, 2009, 375 p., (Collection; Histoire militaire), ISBN:  2921114704;

    __________" 'Kicking and Complaining' Demobilization Riots in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1918-1919",  (/1980) 61(3) The Canadian Historical Review 334-360; available at https://www.utpjournals.press/doi/pdf/10.3138/CHR-061-03-03%20 (accessed 14 March 2018);


    ___________A Military History of Canada, 5th ed., Toronto : M&S (McClelland & Stewart), 2007, xiii, 369 p., [48] p., bibliographical references at pp. 319-338, ISBN: 9780771064814;

    ___________Ministers and Generals.  Politics and the Canadian Militia, 1868-1904, University of Toronto Press, 1970, x, 257 p., ISBN: 0082052282;

    ___________" 'No More Disagreeable or Onerous Duty': Canadians and  Military Aid of the Civil Power, Past,  Present, Future", in David B. Dewitt, 1948-,  and David Leyton-Brown, eds., Canada's International Security Policy, Scarborough (Ontario): Prentice Hall Canada, 1995, viii, 504 p., at pp. 129-152, ISBN: 0133115496; very important contribution to the subject;

    ___________"The Supreme Penalty: Canadian Deaths by Firing Squad in the First World  War",  (1972) 79 Queen's Quarterly 345-352;

    ___________Understanding Canadian Defence, Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2003, xiii, 234 p., ISBN: 0141008059; note: "A Penguin/McGill Institute Book"; copy at Ottawa University, FC 226 .M69 2003;

    ___________When Your Number’s Up: The Canadian Soldier in the First World War, Random House of Canada, Toronto, 1993;

    MOSS, Thomas, Lieutenant-Colonel, member of the OJAG, see  https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview/1353888361/fulltextPDF/330F5E87FB024E65PQ/13?accountid=46526 (accessed 19 July 2018), see "Col. Moss Named Deputy in the Branch", The Globe and Mail, Jan 23, 1945; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Globe and Mail, p. 7; available at (accessed 19 July 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ____________"Obituaries-- Col. Thomas Moss, 67 War Crime Judge", The Globe and Mail, 24 November 1952, at p. 9;

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers
    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on MOSS, Thomas, Colonel, see: FISHER, J.H., Telegram Staff writer, "Canada's Evidence Ready in Japanese Atrocities.  Justice E.S. McDougall to Sit on International Tribunal Trying Lesser Criminals", Toronto Telegram, 1946/04/13; available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5139450 (accessed on 4 February 2018); 

    ---------- Image source: ca.linkedin.com/in/donaleemoulton, accessed 11 July 2017
    Chief Judge Pamela Williams                Donalee Moulton, author of article

    MOULTON, Donalee, "Court pilot program for veterans will expand nationally", The Lawyer's Daily, 15 May 2017; available at https://www.thelawyersdaily.ca/articles/3729/court-pilot-program-for-veterans-will-expand-nationally (accessed 11 July 2017);

    Nova Scotia’s mental health court is intended to provide a collaborative environment where therapeutic and restorative practices are used
    to help people struggling with mental health and addictions issues. Context is taken into account. In the case of military personnel, the
    circumstances of their arrest is often a consequence of serving their country. “Most of these people have not been in and out of the
    criminal justice system,” noted Chief Judge Williams. “This is as a result of their military service.”


    MOWAT, H.M., "The Law and the Soldier", (1898) 18 The Canadian Law Times PDF at pp. 97-107 (posted on 18 January 2012); notes: "Extracts from a paper delivered before the Canadian Military Institute, Toronto", p. 97;

    MUDGE, Caroline, Lt(N), legal officer, member of the OJAG, see "Personnel--Postings" (January-March 2000) 1 JAG Newsletter--Bulletin d'actualités at p. 6; re posting on 4 July 2000 from CF NES Halifax to Dlaw/T;

    Image source: flickr.com/photos/mortybison/23803314552/in/photolist-eX1JiG-3duUjL-3dqt2k-3duV5y-3duUN9-7aR87W-bBam64-6kp35j-3dqsRx-3duWGb-
    "Bombadier Anwarullah Mujtabah from 5 Field Artillery...                                              3dqtnz-3duTg7-3dqs2F-3duT8E-3duW4w-3dqs7a-3duVKy-3dqrUp-3dqt6x-3dqtXZ-3duU5N-3dqsc2-7DV3Ba-7DV44x-3dqtBk-7DYTho-7t5dwF-
    Photo by: MCpl/Cplc Louis Brunet, Canadian Army Public                                                                         7DYScj-7DV4A2-6XtwkC-7DV5dt-5n18Xi-7KynXk-7KynWe-yJpu1L-JbMK3k-K8bYCi-Cgqd83-y1pbZY-7DV4Xn-yERSGY-3dqtFT-woYAhN
    Affairs/ Affaires publiques de l'Armée canadienne

    MUJTABAH, Anwarullah, notes on a Canadian Forces law student under the Military Law Training Plan :
    -  Recipient of the 2014 Leslie C Green Veterans Scholarship, see ccil-ccdi.ca/leslie-c-green  and  testimonial
    The Leslie C Green Veterans Scholarship is a $2,000 scholarship to be awarded to a Canadian
    Forces veteran entering or pursuing first year legal studies at the JD or LLB level at a Canadian
    law school.  The successful candidate will have a demonstrable interest in international humanitarian
    law. This interest may be reflected in past activities or future career plans.  Preference will be given
    to candidates whose past activities and future career plans suggest an intent and ability to make an
    active contribution to the development of international humanitarian law. Consideration will also be
    given to the caliber of the candidate’s academic and professional record.
    [source: docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/1092ea_8e3817eeef094a56b1ef468411b27087.pdf]

    -  Linked In

    - CFAO 9-62
    MILITARY DENTAL, LEGAL, MEDICAL, CHAPLAIN AND PHARMACY TRAINING PLANS (I do not know if this CFAO is still in force and has been amended see http://web.archive.org/web/20131220192725/http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/cfa-oaf/index-eng.asp)

                                  - On 3 October 2017, I was informed by 2Lt Mujtabah that he has completed his JD degree and is now articling at a firm in Victoria.

    Image source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannah-mullen-0b20b168, accessed 2 April 2016
    Hannah Mullen

    MULLEN, Hannah M., Shifting Scales of Justice: Military Justice Reform in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States, Thesis (A.B., Honors in Government)--Harvard University, 2015, 138 p., 29 cm, Notes: Thomas T. Hoopes Prize--Harvard University, 2015; noted in Harvard Hollis catalogue; Adviser: Prof. Cheryl Welch;

    MUNN, Edwidge, 1958-, "À la recherche de sujets et de sources d'archives en histoire militaire.  Quelques conseils d'usage", (2000) 8(2-3) Bulletin d'histoire politique 46-56; disponible à https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/bhp/2000-v8-n2-3-bhp04636/1060196ar.pdf (site consulté le 18 décembre 2020);

    image source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross_Munro, accessed 14 April 2018
    Ross Munro, "Canadian Press's
    lead war correspondent in Europe during World War II"

    MUNRO, Ross, Canadian Press Staff writer, "Canadian Not Guilty of Fomenting Mutiny.  Court at Aldershot Upholds Charges of Damaging Property", Hamilton Spectator, 1945/08/01; available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5030367 (accessed 14 April 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed


    ___________"Two Nazis to Hang For Murdering Canadian Flier", Globe and Mail, 1946/03/26; available at collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5090543 (accessed 15 April 2018); prosecutor was Wing Commander Oliver "Pat" Durdin of London; defence counsel was Sqdn Ldr. Vic Collins of Dunnville, Ontario and the JAG was Wing Cmdr. A.A. Cattanach;  research note on the RCAF was crimes, see : BRODE, Patrick, Casual Slaughters and Accidental Judgments : Canadian War Crimes Prosecutions, 1944-1948, Toronto ; Buffalo : Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, c1997, xix, 290 p., [10] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.; available in part at books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6z9EDAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT6&dq=%22Judge+Advocate+General%22+Canada&ots=tZ5a9_rhc6&sig=NjATSXGZrXLSVEHrH8O5ap444hU#v=onepage&q=%22Judge%20Advocate%20General%22%20Canada&f=false  (accessed 11 August 2016)

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    MURCHISON, John T., Squadron Leader, member of the JAG Branch of the RCAF, see following article about him: "Attended Course At The Hague Academy",  The Guardian, 19 September 1953, at p. 1, available at https://islandnewspapers.ca/islandora/object/guardian%3A19530919-001?solr%5Bquery%5D=%20judge-advocate&solr%5Bparams%5D%5BdefType%5D=dismax&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet%5D=true&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.mincount%5D=0&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.limit%5D=20&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B0%5D=PARENT_century_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B1%5D=PARENT_decade_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B2%5D=PARENT_year_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B3%5D=PARENT_month_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B5%5D=RELS_EXT_isPageNumber_literal_ms&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bqt%5D=standard&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date%5D%5B0%5D=PARENT_dateIssued_dt&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.date.start%5D=NOW/YEAR-120YEARS&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.date.end%5D=NOW&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.date.gap%5D=%2B1YEAR&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.mincount%5D=0&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date.start%5D=NOW/YEAR-20YEARS&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date.end%5D=NOW&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date.gap%5D=%2B1YEAR&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl%5D=true&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.fl%5D=OCR_t&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.fragsize%5D=400&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.simple.pre%5D=%3Cspan%20class%3D%22islandora-solr-highlight%22%3E&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.simple.post%5D=%3C/span%3E&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bqf%5D=OCR_t%5E10.0 (accessed 2 October 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________thesis by John Taylor Murchison, The Contiguous Air Space Zone in International Law, LL.M. thesis, McGill University, 1955, vi, 131 p., supervisor: Cooper, J. available at http://digitool.library.mcgill.ca/webclient/StreamGate?folder_id=0&dvs=1538563756427~579&usePid1=true&usePid2=true  and http://digitool.library.mcgill.ca/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=110036&silo_library=GEN01 (accessed 3 October 2018); research note: published by the Department of National Defence, Ottawa, Canada, 1955 and revised in 1956; thesis reviewed at  Calkins, G Nathan. The Journal of Air Law and Commerce; Chicago Vol. 24,  (Jan 1, 1957): 372.

    Two States, namely the United States and Canada, have seen fit, in recent years, to formulate rules, for security purposes,
    in respect of identification and control of aircraft approaching their coasts, or within certain fixed zones contiguous to the
    coast, whereby, in effect, they assert a jurisdiction for that limited purpose only, which departs drastically from the popular
    conception in Maritime Law of the three-mile limit, six-mile limit, or twelve-mile limit, which has heretofore been generally
    accepted, among laymen particularly, and by governments, and indeed, by some international lawyers, as the limit to which
    a State may exercise jurisdiction over the high seas contiguous to its coasts, for various purposes. [...]

    MURCHISON, Kelly, works in the JAG library, see https://books.google.ca/books?id=Jf3RDwAAQBAJ&pg=PR3&lpg=PR3&dq=%22frontline+justice%22+mcgill+press&source=bl&ots=DmBCnRhwKX&sig=ACfU3U1RyqmDykQGa7Op7m7q33KFDO8RkQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiW09aAhNLoAhUVVs0KHX9hAVIQ6AEwAnoECAsQLA#v=onepage&q=%22frontline%20justice%22%20mcgill%20press&f=false (accessed 5 April 2020);

    Image source: http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/arts/centres/mmfc/, accessed 18 August 2016

    MURIEL McQUEEN FERGUSON CENTRE FOR FAMILY VIOLENCE and Resolve Violence and Abuse Reserach Centre, Report on the Canadian Forces Response to Woman Abuse in Military Families [electronic resource] / prepared by the Family Violence and the Military Community  research teams of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research at the University of New  Brunswick and the RESOLVE Violence and Abuse Research Centre at the University of Manitoba Canadian forces' response to woman abuse in military  families [electronic resource]  Family violence and the military community [electronic resource], Fredericton, N.B. : Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for  Family Violence Research, 2000,  available at http://web.archive.org/web/20050503130958/http://www.unbf.ca/arts/CFVR/military.html (accessed on 2 August 2008); also available at http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/arts/centres/mmfc/_resources/pdfs/familyviolmilitaryreport.pdf(accessed 7 October 2016);

    MURPHY, Brian (Douglas Brian), "Military law course is a unique offering for non-military students", (19 August 2005) 25(14) The Lawyers Weekly 12; available at http://www.lawyersweekly.ca/index.php?section=article&articleid=138 (accessed on 15 July 2008); law course, University of Alberta, Alberta Law School;  Mr. Brian Murphy is an ex JAG officer; available at   http://www.lawyersweekly.ca/articles/138  (accessed 15 August 2016);

    ____________Notes on Brian Murphy from CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION,  2005, available at http://www.cba.org/cba/annualmeeting/2005bios/PrintHtml.aspx?DocId=5591 (accessed on 3 June 2012);

    Col (Ret’d) Brian Murphy, C.D. is a Pensions Advocate with the Edmonton Office of Veterans Affairs Canada.
     He is also a Sessional Professor of Military Law at the University of Alberta Law School. 

    For 26 years (20 in the Regular Force) he was a JAG Officer  serving in Canada, West Germany, Cyprus,
    Middle East and Norway. Between July 1985 and May 1987 he was  the Director of Law/Training where he
    lectured extensively to the CF Staff College and other CF agencies on the Laws of Armed Conflict and Code
    of Service Discipline. 

    He is the former Assistant Judge Advocate General Pacific, CFB Esquimalt.  He is a member of the  CBA
    National and Northern Alberta Section of Military Law

    ___________on MURPHY, Lieutenant-Colonel Brian, see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 117 and 212, available at  103-242;

    ___________on MURPHY, Brian, LCol, see his photo hereunder taken during the May 1986 LOAC (Law of Armed Conflict) course n Cornwall; the photo was put on flickr and taken by Jim Rycroft and is available at  https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4567836309/in/album-72157623951146254/ (accessed 23 September 2020);

    __________on Murphy, Brian, retired from Veterans' Affairs, Appeals and Legal Issues Directorate, in 2014;

    __________on Murphy, Brian, counsel in the following case: Forster v. Buckham, 1995 ABCA 334 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/2dcc9>, accessed 16 September 2020; as background see R. v. Forster, [1992] 1 S.C.R. 339;

    MURPHY, Lindsay, DND/CF LA and Bob Smith, Assoc DGPFSS, "Everything you wanted to know about NPP...but were afraid to ask An NPP Primer", Base and Wing Commanders and Chief Warrant Officers Conference, 27 April 2010, 22 slides, available at http://slideplayer.com/slide/6385877/ (accessed 21 December 2015);

    Image source: http://uottawa.academia.edu/MichaelPAMurphy/Book-Reviews, accessed 27 June 2018
    Professor Michael Murphy

    MURPHY, Michael P.A., "The Special Council of Lower Canada and the Origin of Canadian Sovereignty", (2017) 11(1) Canadian Political Science Review  90-113; excellente bibliographie; available at https://ojs.unbc.ca/index.php/cpsr/article/view/1603 (accessed 27 June 2018);

    Following Giorgio Agamben’s theory that the decision of the “state of exception” is the fundamental act of sovereignty, this article traces
    the origin of Canadian sovereignty through a review of the suspension of habeas corpus in Lower Canada to its first autonomous declaration
    on Canadian soil. This article fills an important gap in the historiography of the Special Council and demonstrates the significance of Governor
    Colborne’s declaration of martial law in response to the 1837-38 rebellions in Lower Canada. By underlining this genesis-moment of Canadian
    sovereignty, I offer a critical alternative to traditional narratives of Canadian sovereignty.

    Suivant la théorie de Giorgio Agamben que la décision de l’état d’exception est l’acte fondamental de la souveraineté, cet article identifie
    l’origine de la souveraineté canadienne par une revue de la suspension de l’habeas corpus au Bas-Canada à sa première déclaration
    autonome en sol canadien. Cet article rempli un vide important dans l’historiographie du Conseil spécial et démontre l’importance de la
    déclaration de la loi martiale par le Gouverneur Colborne en réponse aux rébellions de 1837-1838 au Bas-Canada. En soulignant ce
    moment-genèse de la souveraineté canadienne, j’offre une critique alternative au discours traditionnel de la souveraineté au Canada.


    MURPHY, Ray, "A Comparative Analysis of the Municipal Legal Basis for Canadian and Irish Participation in United Nations Forces", (1999) 38 Military Law  and Law War Review 163; see http://www.ismllw.org/REVIEW/1999%20ART%20Murphy.pdf  accessed 20 July 2020;

    ___________"International humanitarian law training for multinational peace support operations -- lessons from experience", 31-12-2000 Article, International Review of the Red Cross, No. 840, available at http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/misc/57jqtg.htm (accessed on 21 December 2011);

    Image source: http://whitakerinstitute.ie/person/raymond-murphy/, accessed 26 May 2017
    Prof Ray Murphy

    ___________"Legal Framework of UN Forces and Issues of Command and Control of Canadian and Irish Forces", (1999) 4(1) Journal of Conflict and Security Law 41-73;

    Image source: http://www.amazon.ca

    ___________UN Peacekeeping in Lebanon, Somalia and Kosovo: operational and legal issues in  practice, Cambridge University Press, 2007, xv, 375 p.; read a few pages at https://books.google.ca/books?id=0-AAP1TqkkIC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (accessed 15 September 2017);

    ___________"United Nations Peacekeeping in Lebanon and Somalia, and the Use of Force", (2003) 8(1) Journal of Conflict and Security Law 71-99;

    The article analyzes the use of force in traditional peacekeeping operations, and second‐generation peace enforcement operations.
    It examines two operations in particular, UNIFIL in south Lebanon, and the UN operations in Somalia. Although both missions had
    different purposes, it is surprising how the interpretation of the rules of engagement (ROE) and the right to resort to force in self‐defence
    were dependent on subjective variables. In the case of Somalia, once the operation was approved under chapter VII, this had a significant
    impact on how commanders viewed their role. In the case of UNIFIL, early confrontation with armed groups set a precedent that to a large
    extent determined the nature and extent of force used by the peacekeeping force thereafter. However, in the case of both operations, the
    actual wording of the relevant Security Council resolutions was remarkably vague. This in turn influenced the application of the ROE,
    which by their very nature lent themselves to either restrictive or expansive interpretations. The publication of the Brahimi Report, and
    the report on events that led to the fall of Srebrenica, have questioned the traditional response of UN forces to the use of force and advocated
    the formulation of a more robust doctrine. The experience of UN forces in Somalia and Lebanon shows that the non‐use of force except
    in self‐defence principle has proved controversial and difficult to apply in practice, not least because of its correlation to the other
    characteristics, especially the need to maintain impartiality.
    (source: http://jcsl.oxfordjournals.org/content/8/1/71.abstract?sid=be9f35b0-fed1-4131-80ea-5f98241d5e5e, accessed 2 February 2015)

    ___________""War in (Another) New Context: Postmodernism.", (Spring 2003) 23(1) Journal of Conflict Studies 12-59; available at https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/jcs/article/view/350/546 (accessed 18 December 2020);

    MURPHY, REX, CBC commentator, "Operation Snatch Niggers Pt. 1", You Tube, available at http://player.mashpedia.com/player.php?ref=mashpedia&q=R4od_5pXmbg (accessed on 28 August 2016); on the Airborne Regiment (Somalia Affair);

    "Must Notify Military if Soldier Charged", The Globe and Mail, 5 December 1940, at p. 5;

    Image source: ProQuest Historical Newspapers


    NADEAU, Phyllis, "The Court Martial Case", (2004) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter 24-25; in 2008, Phyllis Nadeau was a paralegal at CMPS (Canadian Military Prosecution Service) Headquarters, see https://military-justice.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Bronson-Reports.pdf at p. 6 (accessed 29 december 2018);
    NADEAU, Phyllis, "Procédure de la cour martiale", (2004) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter 25-26;

    NAIRN, D.R., Major, from C.A.C., Assistant Judge Advocate-General, in military district number 1 with Headquarters in London, Ontario in 1946,  see The Quarterly Army List, April 1946, Part I, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1946 at p. 180 (bottom page number) or p. 178 (top page number), available at https://deriv.nls.uk/dcn23/8964/89641296.23.pdf  (accessed 21 March 2019);

    ___________on NAIRN, see "Major Nairn Appointed", The Globe and Mail, 30 August 1946 at p. 9;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    [Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/....,
    ProQuest Historical Newspapers, accessed 21 March 2019]

    ___________photo of Major D.R. Nairn, E.D. of  Goderich, assistant-judge advocate general, in The Windsor Star, Monday, 15 April 1946 at p. 9, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 23 June 2020;

    Major D.R. Nairn


    Image source:  http://globalmjreform.blogspot.ca/2016/03/ugandas-military-courts.html, accessed 25 September 2016
    Dr. Ronald Naluwairo

    NALUWAIRO, Ronald, "Military courts and human rights: A critical analysis of the compliance of Uganda's military justice with the right to an independent and impartial tribunal", (2012) 12 African Human Rights Law Journal 448-469; deals with Canadian law; available at http://www.ahrlj.up.ac.za/images/ahrlj/2012/ahrlj_vol12_no2_2012_ronald_naluwairo.pdf  (accessed 25 May 2015);

    ___________Military justice, human rights and the law: an appraisal of the right to a fair trial in Uganda’s military justice system, A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Laws), Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, November 2011, 338 leaves; discusses Canadian law; availablde at http://eprints.soas.ac.uk/18467/1/Naluwairo_3308.pdf (accessed 21 January 2018);

    Any system or tribunal that exercises judicial power in a democratic society must comply with certain minimum standards for the administration
    of justice. In international human rights law, these standards are embedded in the right to a fair trial which undoubtedly is the most important
    prerequisite for ensuring justice in the adjudication of cases. This thesis examines the extent to which Uganda's military justice system complies
    with the right to a fair trial. It questions the competence, independence and impartiality of Uganda's military tribunals and generally casts strong
    doubt on the country's current military justice system to administer fair justice according to the minimum international human rights standards.
    It is argued that despite attempts at reform, Uganda's military justice system is still largely stuck in its historical origins and falls far too short of
    complying with the country's international human rights obligations concerning the right to a fair trial.

    The thesis points out areas that require reform and provides recommendations which can help to make Uganda's military justice system compliant
    with the country's international human rights obligations concerning the right to a fair trial, in particular the right to a fair and public hearing by a
    competent, independent and impartial tribunal. Ensuring that the administration of military justice complies with the right to a fair trial is not only
    an international obligation which Uganda is obliged to fulfill, but could also help it to achieve effective and sustained military discipline - which is
    the main reason advanced for the existence of military justice as a separate system of administration of justice.

    NAM, C.S. (Christopher), Captain, member of the OJAG; was co-counsel with Major D. Martin for the Director of Military Prosecutions in the case of Simms A.W. (Master Warrant Officer), R. v., 2016 CM 4001 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/gsngb> (accessed 10 May 2018);

    ____________a photo of Major Christopher Nam on a course with other JAG members in Italy (accessed 3 June 2018);

    " Jun 1 [2018]

    Legal Officers from our regional services team, Majors Ashley Dunn, Christopher
    Nam and Gary Pattison, completed a five-day course on Detention and Captured
    Persons at in Italy this week."

    source: Twitter account: https://twitter.com/JAGCAF; https://twitter.com/JAGCAF/media

    Source: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2634244,
    à la p. 600, consulté le 1er avril 2018

    NANTEL, G. A.M. (Gérald A.M., avec le surnom anglais de "Gerry"), 1913-1991, Colonel avec le bureau du JAG; hereunder are a few references:

    Presse canadienne, "Des nominations", Le soleil (Québec),
    jeudi, 29 octobre 1953, à la p. 36; disponible à
    collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3172697 (vérifié le 1er avril 2018)

    - "L
    e lieutenant-colonel Nantel a fait ses études à l’Université de Montréal.  Il s’est enrôlé en 1942, est devenu officier un
    an plus tard et a été nommé avocat militaire de la région militaire à Montréal.  En 1944, il a été promu major, servant à titre
    d’avocat à Terre-Neuve.  De­puis la guerre, il a exercé sa professsion dans l'armée à Montréal et à Ottawa." (Anonyme,
    "Nomination en Corée du col. Alfred Crowe", La Presse, jeudi, 29 octobre 1953, à la p. 23, disponible à
    collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2876188 (vérifié le 1er avril 2018).

    Presse canadienne, "Unité d'administration" Progrès du Saguenay
    (Chicoutimi), jeudi, 26 novembre 1953, à la p. 1, disponible à
    collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2619251 (vérifié 1 avril 2018).

    Presse canadienne, "Le colonel
    Nantel étudiera l'administration des
    pensions", La Presse, 27 décembre
    1965, à la p. 8; disponible à
    http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2759380  (vérifié le 1er avril 2018);

    Extrait du livre suivant:
    Biographies canadiennes-françaises, 21e édition 1968-69,
    Montréal, à la page 601;  disponible à
    collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2634244 (consulté le 1er avril 2018)

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Avis de décès dans La Presse,
    17 novembre 1991, cahier C, à la p. 15;
    disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2172499 (vérifié le 1er mars 2018)

    - McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, x, 242 p., at pp. 81-82, see pp. i-xii and 1-102, ISBN: 0662321928; aussi disponible en français: McDONALD, R. Arthur, Les avocats militaires du Canada, Ottawa : Cabinet du Juge-avocat général, c2002, x, 263 p., voir  pp. i-x et 1-116, ISBN: 0662874358;

    La Presse, 19 janvier 1953, p. 13
    source: http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2875467, consulté le 20 octobre 2018

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    - On LCol Nantel, Gérard, see "Nantel Posted to U.K.", The Globe and Mail, 1 March 1956, at p. 46:

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Image source: https://twitter.com/walsh1852/status/911714396623294464
    John Walsh, left, with Mark Napier, 2017

    NAPIER, Matthew Mark ("Matt"), Major, lawyer, member of the law Society of Ontario (2008) and the OJAG; LL.B., Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, 2007;

    Book written by Matt Napier

    ___________note on Matt Napier:

    MATT NAPIER has written 6 children's books, 5 of which are on the subject of hockey. He lived in
    Toronto for most of his life, watching every Maple Leafs game he possibly could. After attending the
    University of Toronto, Matt studied law at the University of Windsor and now practices as a lawyer
    near Ottawa.

    [Source: https://www.amazon.ca...., accessed 29 December 2018]

    Source de l'image: globalnews.ca/video/2517413/focus-montreal-undercover-uber, consulté le 12 septembre 2018
    Le journaliste Christopher Nardi

    Source de l'image: cabinetguybertrand.com/equipe, consulté le 29 décembre 2018
    Me Dominique Bertrand, l'avocate de monsieur
    Sylvain Lafrenière

    NARDI, Christopher, "Il [l’ex-caporal Sylvain Lafrenière] poursuit l’armée pour 500 000$.  Le vétéran de Québec réclame aussi des excuses pour le calvaire subi après qu’on l’eut accusé, à tort, de fraude", Le Journal de Montréal, 12 septembre 2018; disponible à https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2018/09/12/il-poursuit-larmee-pour-500000 (consulté le 12 septembre 2018);

    NASH, Steve, military lawyer, participated in the coroner's inquiry of six military engineering students of Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering killed on 20 June 1988, Slesse Demolition Range at CFB Chilliwack, BC, see the article :  Rose, Chris, "Veterans testify military class wore out explosives students", The Vancouver Sun, 16 November 1988, at p. B1; available at ProQuest, https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ .... (accessed 10 November 2018);  in addition to the coroner's inquest there was also a Board of Inquiry;

    ____________Note on Steve Nash, S.R.: , was a captain with the OJAG in 1985 (source: Canadian Forces Officer's List (Regular) (Bilingual), A-AD-224-001/AF-001, 1985-11-20, obtained from DND, Access to Information and Privacy, file A-2019-00318, 13 February 2020);

    NATHANSON CENTRE ON TRANSITIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS, CRIME AND SECURITY, Special Forum on the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan (February 2010), "Archive of video webcasts and transcripts of testimony before the Special Committee", available at http://nathanson.osgoode.yorku.ca/programs/conferences-workshops/2009-2010/special-forum-on-canadian-mission-afghanistan/archive-of-video-webcasts-transcripts-of-testimony-before-special-committee/ (accessed 2 April 2017);

    NATIONAL ARCHIVES (UK), "Canadian Expeditionary Force: death sentence C.M.s, officers' G.C.M.s and F.G.C.M.s, and other ranks' G.C.M.s", date: 1915-1919; held by the National Archives at KEW, see http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C1026693 (accessed 7 September 2017);

    ___________"Nominal roll of other ranks in the Overseas Military Forces of Canada and the Canadian Expeditionary Force who were tried by district courts martial, 1 March-30 June 1915."; available at http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/firstworldwar/service_records/p_district.htm (accessed 10 November 2017);

    NATIONAL DEFENCE, Canadian Forces 101 for Civilians, 163 p.; available at https://www.familyforce.ca/sites/London/EN/Documents/CF-101%20for%20Civilians%20EN.pdf (accessed 25 September 2016);

    NATIONAL DEFENCE, "Enhancing Victims Rights in the Military Justice System: An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts", Backgrounder July 10, 2019 – Ottawa – National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces, available at  https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/news/2018/05/enhancing-victims-rights-in-the-military-justice-system-an-act-to-amend-the-national-defence-act-and-to-make-related-and-consequential-amendments-t.html(accessed 30 July 2019); on Bill C-77, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts (the Act), ,which received royal assent on 21 June 2019;


    NATIONAL DEFENCE, The Future Security Environment 2013-2040, Winnipeg: Chief of Force Development, 2014, xvii, 182 p., ISBN 978-1-100-24665-9, NDID # A-FD-005-001/AF-003; available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/mdn-dnd/D4-8-2-2014-eng.pdf (accessed 1 January 2018); aussi publié en français: L’environnement de la sécurité de l’avenir 2013-2040;

    Future Conflict and the Law

    The CAF will always conduct operations under the principle of the rule of law. This is the
    lynchpin to establishing and maintaining legitimacy for military operations. For the CAF,
    the rule of law includes both domestic legislation and such laws as prescribed under any
    international agreements to which Canada is a party, including internationally agreed
    upon LOAC. In addition, the behaviour of Western forces is often influenced by similar
    moral and ethical codes and beliefs. However, as noted in Chapter One, the application
    of international law is often a function of perceptions of a state’s power. Thus, as has
    been true for much of the past century or so, there can be no assurance that states will
    abide by the LOAC or interpret those laws in a manner similar to that of Western
    states. Moreover, given the frequency with which non-state or sub-state actors are
    encountered as adversaries and given the array of international laws, the interpretation
    of those laws, and possible enforcement options, legal considerations and dilemmas
    will increasingly affect the conduct of military operations in the future.117

    The legal constraints under which states operate may be exploited by state, non-
    state and sub-state adversaries to their advantage militarily, politically, and for
    propagandistic purposes.118 All bodies of law evolve over time. Societal norms,
    technological change, and other factors all help to spur legal thinking meant to
    assure the safety and security of the public. Warfare is no different. For example,
    vigorous legal and public debates over such security and defence issues as the rights
    of captured non-state belligerents, the parameters of what might constitute an
    act of war in the cyber domain, and consideration of what constitutes a proper
    balance between security, freedom, and the requirement for adequate anti-terrorism
    measures are recent examples of the normal process by which Western legal thought
    evolves. The changing characteristics of warfare and the normal process by which
    legal thought evolves will, as in the past, continue to affect how the CAF and its
    allies prosecute campaigns. It should be expected that subtle and more fundamental
    changes to the broad body of law that guides military activities will occur as
    Canada’s legal system and legislators strive to balance the protection of Canadians
    and Canada from aggressors, with the requirement to protect Canadian rights and
    values, universal human rights and uphold the legitimacy of international law.119

    Similarly, new and evolving military capabilities will require ongoing analysis to
    ensure that they are in compliance with applicable Canadian and international law
    and may suggest the need for the development of new laws. The increased use of
    armed UAVs is one such capability currently generating much legal debate.120 As
    noted in Chapter 3, a further challenge to existing law is the trend towards greater
    autonomy in the unmanned armed systems. The major moral, ethical, and legal
    issues are related to whether a ‘human-in-the-loop’ is a necessary permanent check
    and balance on autonomous systems to ensure that such systems “discriminate
    sufficiently between combatants and non-combatants.”121

    Thus, dealing with the legal issues sure to be encountered on future operations
    will require concerted efforts on the part of the CAF to ensure the Office of the
    Judge Advocate General is positioned to proactively deliver and, where required,
    coordinate whole of government advice on emerging military and security legal
    issues.122  Furthermore, there is no guarantee that any future adversary will abide
    by, or interpret international laws regarding conflict in a similar manner to how the
    CAF or any of Canada’s traditional allies might. Therefore, while the CAF will rightly
    always operate with full consideration of the moral, ethical, and legal implications of
    its activities such constraints may not be shared by Canada’s adversaries.


    67 The provision of legal advice to political and military leadership at the
    strategic and operational levels in real-time will be required to facilitate effective
    military operations in the future. Achieving this requires the Judge Advocate
    General to maintain a high level of expertise in all areas of military law to ensure
    the delivery of responsive force-enabling legal advice and to influence the shaping'
    of domestic and international legal frameworks to facilitate CAF, Departmental
    and Governmental mission success.

    68 The military institution will need to remain aware of the legal implications
    of new technologies as they are considered for integration into the CAF capability

    69 Continued education, professional development, and training in the LoAC
    by CAF personnel and deploying civilian representatives of the GoC are necessary
    for the conduct of effective operations.

    117 See for example The Commission for the Examination of the Events of the 2006 Campaign in Lebanon
    (The Winograd Commission), The Second Lebanon War, Final Report, Vol. 1. January 2008. See in particular
    pp. 468-483. The phenomenon of countries operating under so-called ‘universal jurisdiction’ regarding alleged
    war crimes is one such example.

    118 Winograd Commission, p. 478-480.

    119  The conclusions of the Winograd commission in this regard are as applicable to Canada as they
    are to Israel. Indeed, it can be argued that this is one of the fundamental considerations of legal thought
    in democratic states. See Winograd Commission, p. 480. The type of coordinated, proactive policy and
    legislative efforts necessary in this regard would be very similar to those necessary to counter terrorist
    activities as described in the Radicalization Key Topic above.

    120  Frank Sauer and Niklas Schornig, “Killer Drones: The ‘silver bullet’ of democratic warfare? Security
    Dialogue, 2012, Vol. 43, No. 4, p.374.

    121 Sauer and Schörnig, Killer Drones, p. 374.

    122  A conclusion reached by Israeli authorities in the commission investigating the conduct of the 2006
    Lebanon War. See the Winograd Commission, pp. 478-483.

    [pages 108-109 and 124 (footnotes)]

    NATIONAL DEFENCE, Strong Secure Engaged, Canada's Defence Policy, 2017, 113 pages, ISBN: 978-0-660-08443-5; available at http://dgpaapp.forces.gc.ca/en/canada-defence-policy/docs/canada-defence-policy-report.pdf (accessed 24 August 2017);

    NATIONAL DEFENCE AND BOARD OF INQUIRY, "Board of Inquiry – Allegation of assault of a civilian by Afghan National Security Forces and the Canadian Forces response to such incidents (Redacted)", available at  http://forces.gc.ca/en/about-reports-pubs-boards-inquiry/ptsd-exec-summary.page (accessed 13 April 2016);

    NATIONAL DEFENCE AND CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, Elizabeth Rolland-Harris, Elizabeth Cyr, Mark A. Zamorski,  2016 Report on Suicide Mortality in the Canadian Armed Forces (1995 to 2015), [Ottawa]: Surgeon General Report, Surgeon General Health Research Program, Surgeon General Document Number (SGR-2016-005), November 2016, 42 pages, complete document?, available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-reports-pubs-health/report-on-suicide-mortality-caf-2016.page#references  and http://www.forces.gc.ca/assets/FORCES_Internet/docs/en/about-reports-pubs-health/report-suicide-mortality-caf-2016.pdf (accessed 25 November 2016);

    Montgomery Paisley, Image source

    NATIONAL DEFENCE AND CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, "Charge against former JTF 2 soldier withdrawn", News Release / May 19, 2006 / Project number: NR-06.022, available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/news/article.page?doc=charge-against-former-jtf-2-soldier-withdrawn/hnocfoi4 (accessed 18 December 2017);

    OTTAWA – Captain (Navy) Holly MacDougall, the Canadian Forces Director of Military Prosecutions (DMP), has withdrawn the charge
    of desertion, an offence under section 88 of the National Defence Act, against former Sergeant Montgomery Paisley.  Sgt. Paisley was the
    member of Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) who left his unit in July of 2003 and was absent until he turned himself in at the Canadian embassy
    in Bangkok, Thailand, in April of 2005.  

    The DMP decision to withdraw the charge was based on a consideration of the public interest, which balanced the nature of the offence and
    the public interest in prosecuting the charge against recently-provided evidence that the accused suffered at the time of the offence (and
    continues to suffer) from a major depressive disorder.   Had the matter proceeded to court martial, the central issue would have been the
    mental health of the accused and his level of criminal responsibility. 

    After a review of materials provided by Sgt. Paisley’s defence counsel, including psychological test results and opinions, and having further
    consulted with other mental health professionals in respect of those materials, the DMP decided that the public interest does not require
    prosecution of this matter and that Sgt Paisley’s conduct may adequately be addressed through administrative processes and within the
    medical domain.
    The CF National Investigation Service charged Sgt. Paisley with the National Defence Act offences of desertion, absence without leave
    and stealing on April 15, 2005, after escorting him back to Canada from Thailand.  Following review by a military prosecutor, DMP
    determined that he should be tried by a court martial on a single count of desertion.

    NATIONAL DEFENCE AND CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, Evaluation of the Provision of Legal Services by JAG and DND/CF LA,  January 2017, 1258-227 (ADM(RS)), Reviewed by ADM(RS) in accordance with the Access to Information Act. Information UNCLASSIFIED, available at  http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-reports-pubs-audit-eval/284p1258-227.page and http://www.forces.gc.ca/assets/FORCES_Internet/docs/en/about-reports-pubs-audit-eval/284p1258-227-eng.pdf (accessed 12 May 2018); also published in French, aussi publié en français;  Évaluation de la prestation de services juridiques par le JAG et le CJ MDN/FC Janvier 2017 1258-227 (SMA[Svcs Ex]) Revu par le SMA(Svcs Ex) conformément à la Loi sur l’accès à l’information. Renseignements NON CLASSIFIÉS.

    The Office of DND/CF LA was created to provide DND and the CAF with independent, legal advice pursuant to the Department of Justice Act.
    The MOU signed by the Department of Justice and the DND/CAF in 2013 describes the services provided by DND/CF LA. DND/CF LA is a DLSU
    of the Department of Justice, and it is part of the Public Safety, Defence and Immigration Portfolio. It is a unique organization at DND, led by a
    Justice Senior General Counsel, and staffed with civilian lawyers from the Department of Justice, military lawyers from the OJAG, and paralegals
    and administrative and financial personnel from DND.9

    Currently, DND/CF LA provides services through four teams: Materiel, Environment and Real Property (MERP), Claims and Civil Litigation (CCL),
    Cadets, Health, Aboriginal, Law Advisory Services (CHALAS) and Public Law Advisory Services (PLAS) comprising National Security and Public
    and Labour Law (PLL). Legislative Services are delivered by the National Defence Regulations Section (NDRS). NDRS, a satellite unit of the
    Department of Justice Legislative Services Branch, is co-located with DND/CF LA and works closely with DND/CF LA and the JAG. In addition
    to its partnership with NDRS, DND/CF LA works in cooperation with regional, headquarters and DLSUs of the Department of Justice, the OJAG,
    the Legal Bureau at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Privy Council Office Legal Counsel to provide coordinated,
    seamless and integrated legal services to the DND/CAF.10 Similarly, OJAG works in cooperation with these same departments and organizations to
    provide seamless and integrated legal services to the DND/CAF.  ....

    9. DND/CF Business Plan 2013-2014.
    10. ibid.


    Le bureau du CJ MDN/FC a été créé dans le but d’offrir des conseils juridiques indépendants au MDN et aux FAC en vertu de la Loi sur le ministère
    de la Justice
    . Le PE signé par le ministère de la Justice, le MDN et les FAC en 2013 décrit les services que le CJ MDN/FC offre. Le CJ MDN/FC est
    une unité de SJM de la Justice et fait partie de son Portefeuille de la sécurité publique, de la défense et de l’immigration. C’est une organisation unique
    dans le MDN, menée par un avocat général principal du ministère de la Justice et dotée d’avocats civils du ministère de la Justice, d’avocats militaires
    du CJAG ainsi que de techniciens en droit et de personnel administratif et financier du MDN9.

    Actuellement, le CJ MDN/FC offre des services par l’entremise de quatre équipes : Droit du matériel, de l’environnement et de l’immobilier (DMEI);
    Réclamations et contentieux des affaires civiles (RCAC); Services consultatifs sur les droits des cadets, de la santé et des autochtones (CHALAS);
    et Services de consultations – Droit public (SCDP) qui comprend la sécurité nationale et le Droit public et du travail (DP et T). Les services législatifs
    sont offerts par la Section de la réglementation de la Défense nationale (NDRS). La NDRS, une unité satellite de la Direction des services législatifs
    du ministère de la Justice, est située sur le même site que le CJ MDN/FC et travaille en étroite collaboration avec le CJ MDN/FC et le JAG. En plus de
    son partenariat avec la NDRS, le CJ MDN/FC travaille en collaboration avec les unités de services juridiques régionales, d’état-major et les SJM du
    ministère de la Justice, le cabinet du JAG, le service juridique du ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international et le conseiller juridique
    du Bureau du Conseil privé afin d’offrir des services juridiques coordonnés, homogènes et intégrés au MDN et aux FAC10. Par conséquent, le CJAG
    travaille également en collaboration avec ces mêmes ministères et organisations pour offrir de façon similaire des services juridiques homogènes et
    intégrés au MDN et aux FAC. [...]


    9. Plan d’activités du CJ MDN/FC pour l’AF 2013-2014.
    10. Ibidem.

    NATIONAL DEFENCE AND CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Meets with Judge Advocate General", Image Gallery, Article/ June 9, 2015; available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/news/article.page?doc=her-majesty-queen-elizabeth-ii-meets-with-judge-advocate-general/iaiiotep (accessed on 25 October 2015); also published in French/aussi publié en français à http://www.forces.gc.ca/fr/nouvelles/article.page?doc=sa-majeste-la-reine-elizabeth-ii-rencontre-le-juge-avocat-general/iaiiotep;

    Major-General Blaise Cathcart, Judge Advocate General of the Canadian Armed Forces, on June 5th, 2015, was granted the Canadian
    Forces Legal Branch’s first audience with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who serves as their Colonel-in-Chief. Major-General Cathcart,
    along with Sir Graham Day, Colonel Commandant of the Canadian Forces Legal Branch, presented Her Majesty with a Legal Branch
    membership coin and a plaque of the Legal Branch Crest, while also updating her on the affairs of the Branch. 

    Legal Branch coins are presented to Legal Officers upon their qualification, and are consecutively numbered to indicate the order of entry
    into the Branch. The coin presented to Her Majesty carried the inscription “Regina,” to indicate her status within the Legal Branch. The coin
    contained the Branch motto, “Fiat Justitia”, often translated as “let justice prevail” or “let right be done”. This motto is also a reference to a
    ruling made by King Edward VII in 1910, and serves as a link between the Canadian Forces Legal Branch and the Royal Family.

    [Here is the LIST of the 306 JAG Officers who have received a JAG coin; list obtained Access to Information Act letter, file A-2016-01294,
    dated 7 December 2016]


    Le 5 juin 2015, le major-général Blaise Cathcart, juge-avocat général des Forces armées canadiennes, s’est vu accorder la première audience pour
    la Branche des services juridiques des Forces canadiennes avec Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II, qui est leur colonel en chef. Le major-général Cathcart,
    en compagnie de Sir Graham Day, colonel commandant de la Branche des services juridiques des Forces armées canadiennes, a remis à Sa Majesté un
    médaillon et une plaque arborant l’insigne de la Branche des services juridiques, et l’a entretenue des affaires courantes de la Branche. 

    Les médaillons de la Branche des services juridiques sont remis aux avocats militaires une fois qualifiés et admis au sein de la Branche; ils portent un
    numéro de série afin d’indiquer l’ordre d’adhésion. Le médaillon remis à Sa Majesté portait l’inscription « Regina » pour indiquer son statut au sein
    de la Branche des services juridiques, ainsi que la devise de la Branche, « Fiat Justitia », souvent traduite par « Que justice soit faite ». Cette devise
    renvoie également à une décision rendue par le roi Edward VII en 1910 et sert de lien entre la Branche des services juridiques des Forces canadiennes
    et la famille royale.

    [Voici la LISTE des 306 officiers du JAG qui ont reçus le jeton JAG; cette liste a été obtenue par une demande de la Loi sur l'Accès à l'information,
    lettre, dossier A-2016-01294, datée le 7 décembre 2016]

    NATIONAL DEFENCE AND THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, "National Defence Act – Court Martial Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Chief Military Judge (proposed)" at http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-policies-standards/court-martial-rules-practice-procedure.page (accessed 30 January 2018);

    Image source: www.google.ca/, Google image search, accessed 14 March 2017
    LCdr Anthony Russel giving a lecture at Laval University

    NATIONAL DEFENCE AND THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, "Quebec Region Update - April 2015.  LCdr Russel, Guest of Honour Laval University’s Faculty of Law"/"Des nouvelles de la région du Québec - Avril 2015.  Le Capc Russel : invité d’honneur de la faculté de droit de l’Université Laval";


    On March 17, Lieutenant-Commander Anthony Russel, Deputy Judge Advocate, spoke at a conference organized by the Clinic of International Criminal
    and Humanitarian Law at Laval University in Montréal. In the morning, LCdr Russel presented on the CAF Code of Conduct for international operations.

    He then joined Julia Grignon, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, to give a course to Masters students on the law of armed conflict, specifically the
    CAF’s targeting doctrine. In an interactive fashion, Lt.Col. Russel covered the fundamental principles of targeting, the role of the deployed legal officer,
     targeting methods, legitimate objectives and the rules of engagement as well as the fundamental rules of targeting. (source: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/
    news/article.page?doc=quebec-region-update-april-2015/i8oa1nfm, accessed 14 March 2017)


    Le Capitaine de corvette Anthony Russel, juge-avocat adjoint Montréal, était présent une conférence-midi organisée par la Clinique de droit international
    pénal et humanitaire de l’Université Laval. En cette occasion, le Capc Russel a présenté le code de conduite des FAC dans le cadre d'opérations internationales.

    Puis, durant l’après-midi, il s’est joint au cours de Julia Grignon, professeure adjointe à la faculté de droit, pour animer une séance de formation portant sur le
    droit des conflits armés: « l'égérie » de la doctrine de ciblage des FAC. De manière interactive, il a énoncé des principes fondamentaux à connaître en matière
    de ciblage, a présenté le rôle de l'avocat militaire déployé, a expliqué ce qu'est le ciblage, a parlé des méthodes de ciblage, a défini ce qu'est un objectif légitime,
     a abordé les règles d'engagement (ce qu'elles sont,  leur rôle dans le ciblage, qui les adopte et les promulgue) et a expliqué les règles fondamentales du ciblage.
    (Source: http://www.forces.gc.ca/fr/nouvelles/article.page?doc=des-nouvelles-de-la-region-du-quebec-avril-2015/i8oa1nfm, visité le 14 mars 2017)

    NATIONAL DEFENCE AND THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES (web route : Defence Home to CAF Community to Legal Services), "Legal Services", available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-legal-services/index.page (accessed 9 June 2016);


    Defence counsel services (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-legal-services/defence-counsel-services.page)

    Voting & elections (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-legal-services/voting-and-elections.page)

    Legislative initiatives (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-legal-services/legislative-initiatives.page)

    Service Estates (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-legal-services/service-estates.page)

    Prosecution Services (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-legal-services/mil-prosecutions.page)

    Most Requested

    ____________(web route: Home to Public Service and military), "Services and benefits for the military", available at https://www.canada.ca/en/government/publicservice/benefitsmilitary/index.html (accessed 9 June 2016);

    Services and Information

    Support and health services (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-support-services/index.page)

    Housing services (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-support-services-housing/index.page)

    Conflict, misconduct and harassment resolution (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-dispute-resolution-centres/index.page)

    Voting and elections (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-legal-services/voting-and-elections.page)

    Defence ethics (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about/defence-ethics.page)

    Pay, pension and benefits (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-benefits/index.page)

    Education and training (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/education-training.page)

    Legal services (http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-legal-services/index.page)

    Most Requested

    What we are doing

    Laws and Regulations


    ___________"Board of Inquiry into Command, Control, and Leadership of Combat [in Bosnia]", Backgrounder / January 19, 1997 / Project number: BG-97-009, available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/news/article.page?doc=board-of-inquiry-into-command-control-and-leadership-of-canbat-2/hnlhlx39  (accessed 14 December 2016); research note: see the "The Thomas Report", Backgrounder / January 17, 1997 / Project number: BG-97.006, availabhle at http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/news/article.page?doc=the-thomas-report/hnlhlx2z (accessed 14 December 2016);

    Source: amicus.collectionscanada.ca/aaweb-bin/aamain/illpolicy?sessionKey=1510650877007_142_78_200_14&l=0&lvl=1&v=0&lib=OOND
                                                                                                                                               accessed 14 November 2017

    NATIONAL DEFENCE, Headquarters Library/Défense nationale, Bibliothèque du quartier général,  Pearkes Buildings, 3 North Tower, 101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K2, tel: 613- 996-0831, libraryndhq@forces.gc.ca; OCLC Symbol NDHQL; WHO Code NDL; Library Symbol OOND

    NATIONAL DEFENCE HEADQUARTERS, Directorate of History and Heritage, Advance search for "Judge Advocate General", 1 March 2019, at https://www.archeion.ca/informationobject/browse?showAdvanced=1&sort=identifier&sq0=Judge+advocate+general&repos=3187&topLod=0&rangeType=inclusive&query=Judge+advocate+general (accessed 1 March 2019);

    - Overview of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) (2002/23)

    Series consists of material which provides an overview of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague and the United States concerns with the institution.

    - Reference Files

    Series consists of working and reference documents relating to the Second Independent Review of the National Defence Act by Chief Justice LeSage in 2011. Includes annual reports from the Office of the Judge Advocate General, Queen’s regulations an...

    - Submissions

    Series consists of submissions and supporting documents by the following bodies in the Dept. of National Defence to Second Independent Review of the National Defence Act: 1. Canadian Forces Grievance Board 2. Canadian Forces Provost Marshal 3. Can...

    - Court Martial Records from the Judge Advocate General Office

    Series consists of photocopied documents from the court martial records from JAG for 1952 to 1968. It includes court martial appeal records, section case cards for courts and for appeals, conduct sheets and records of services. There is also one f...

    Canada. Office of the Judge Advocate General

    Court Martials 1940-1947 (111.6 (D3))

    Series consists of books of extracts of Court Martial information and miscellaneous indexes to Courts Martial Records from 1943-1947.

    - Office of the Judge Advocate General fonds

    • CA ON00093 2002/23; 111.6 (D3)
    • Fonds
    • 1940-1947, 2002

    Fonds consist of material that gives an overview of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague and the United States concerns’ with the institution. Includes extracts of Courts Martial information and miscellaneous indexes ...

    Canada. Office of the Judge Advocate General

    - J.T. Loranger fonds

    • CA ON00093 2004/63
    • Fonds
    • 1929-1947

    Fonds consists of material documenting Major J.T. Loranger's involvement in the Japanese War Crime Tribunal after the Second World War. This includes information on charges, witness statements, court rulings, and addresses to the court for a ...

    Loranger, J.T.

    Canadian Forces Base (Lahr, Germany) fonds

    • CA ON00093 2008/11
    • Fonds
    • 1990

    Fonds consists of one document entitled "Standing Orders / Ordres Permanent" for CFB Lahr, Germany. Consists of orders that were published under the authority of Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces, article 4.21(1...

    - Dept. of National Defence fonds

    • CA ON00093 2009/13; 72/237; 2013/7
    • Fonds
    • 1950-1998

    Fonds consists of microfiche documenting army pensions and those affected by mustard gas during the Second World War. Includes a file (2013/7) of textual records which outline the organizational structure and describe the chain of command of Natio...

    Canada. Dept. of National Defence

    Isabel Campbell collection

    • CA ON00093 2015/10
    • Collection
    • 1939-2015

    The fonds consists of documents that were used by Isabel Campbell for her research for her book, Unlikely Diplomats. The Canadian Brigade in Germany, 1951-64. The majority of the files are duplicates from numerous archives and government departme...

    Warrants Authorizing Courts Martial

    Series consists of warrants authorizing Senior Commanding Officers to convene General and District Courts Martial, delegated warrants for general courts martial and other relevant documents. Also includes numerous orders of detail, disposal, attac...


    Series consists of six reports regarding Operation Morning Light with annotations by C.A. Morrison. The reports includes:• Transcripts from executive planning sessions (79/356, folder 1)• A report of the United States Department of Energy (79/356,...

    Deputy Judge Advocate General/Advisory fonds

    • CA ON00093 75/213
    • Fonds
    • 1915-1918, 1972-1976

    Fonds consists of notes and reports regarding the award and confirmation of sentences of death of twenty-five Canadian soldiers in the First World War by the Chief of the General Staff. Also includes excerpts from two books dealing with the troubl...

    Canada. Dept. of National Defence. Deputy Judge Advocate General/Advisory

    - Office of the Judge Advocate General Senior Legal Advisor Europe fonds

    • CA ON00093 88/35
    • Fonds
    • 1952-1972

    Fonds consists of fourteen files containing legal documents and correspondence regarding the Canadian forces presence in Europe during the 1950s and 1960s. These include negotiations, agreements and contracts on matters such as the use of various ...

    Canada. Office of the Judge Advocate General. Senior Legal Advisor Europe

    NATIONAL DEFENCE HEADQUARTERS, Directorate of History and Heritage, "Officers of the Canadian Naval Service Tried by Court Martial", National Defence Headquarters, Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH), File 82/401; mentioned in CALOW, Keith, "Rough Justice : The Court Martial  of Lieutenant  Robert  Douglas  Legate",  (October 2005) 15(4) The Northern Mariner /  Le marin  du nord 1-17 at p. 1, footnote 2;

    Daniel Ménard, à gauche, avec son avocat Me Jean Asselin

    NATIONAL POST STAFF, "Canada’s former top soldier in Afghanistan Daniel Ménard now locked in Kabul jail over alleged gun smuggling", 30 January 2014, available at http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadas-former-top-soldier-in-afghanistan-daniel-menard-now-locked-in-kabul-jail-over-alleged-gun-smuggling (accessed 13 January 2017);


    Notes on Mr. Vincent Rigby:

    Vincent Rigby is Assistant Deputy Minister of the Strategic Policy Branch of
    the new Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD). He
    previously held the title of Vice-President of the Strategic Policy and Performance
    Branch of CIDA, a role to which he was appointed in December 2010. Prior to
    his arrival at CIDA, Mr. Rigby was the Executive Director of the International
    Assessments Staff (IAS) at the Privy Council Office (PCO), reporting to the
    National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister. The IAS produces intelligence
    assessments of foreign developments and trends affecting Canadian interests for
    the Prime Minister and other senior clients across government. Mr. Rigby also
    held the title of Afghanistan Intelligence Lead Official while at PCO. He was
    responsible in this capacity for coordinating the Canadian intelligence community
    in support of Canada’s Afghanistan mission. Before arriving at PCO, Mr. Rigby
    was Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy) at the Department of National Defence
    (DND) from 2006 to 2008. He was responsible for supporting the Minister of
    National Defence, through the Deputy Minister, in the formulation and execution
    of defence policy both at home and overseas. Over his 14 years at DND, Mr. Rigby
    held a number of other positions within the Policy Group, including Director General
    Policy Planning, Director of Policy Development and Director of Arms and Proliferation
    Control Policy. Prior to joining DND, he was a defence and foreign policy analyst at the
    Research Branch of the Library of Parliament. Mr. Rigby holds an MA in diplomatic
    and military history from Carleton University in Ottawa.
    [source: cips-cepi.ca/the-ottawa-forum/participant-bios/, accessed 3 August 2020]


    - appointed 27 January 2020, see https://orders-in-council.canada.ca/attachment.php?attach=38776&lang=en


    - created by Bill C-59, see https://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/BillDetails.aspx?Language=E&billId=9057418;

    - its four members are:

    - MURRAY RANKIN, Q.C., of Victoria

    - the Executive Director is JOHN DAVIES of Ottawa, for 3 years, starting 12 August 2019
    (see order-in-council at https://orders-in-council.canada.ca/results.php?lang=en)

    John Davies, Photo-sitll, parlvu.parl.gc.ca/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20120517/-1/16887?Language=English&Stream=Video
    Proceedings of the House of Commons, Standing Committee on Finance,  on Bill C-38 on 17 May 2017
    - Past ? Director General, National Security Policy Directorate, Public Safety Canada
    - Bachelor of Social Science with Honours, University of Ottawa
    - Master of Science, Politics of the world economy, London School of Economics

    - General Enquiries: info@nsira-ossnr.gc.ca
    - media inquiries: 1-833-959-0081, mail media-medias@nsira-ossnr.gc.ca.
    - for historical information related to the past mandate and public record, we invite you
       to visit the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) website (http://www.sirc.gc.ca/index-eng.html)
    - for archival information regarding the review of the CSE, which is now part of NSIRA's mandate, please
     consult the former website of Office of the Commissioner of Communications Security Establishment (CSE) (https://www.ocsec-bccst.gc.ca/en)
    - Registrar of complaints: tel. 1-833-890-0293;

    - National Security and Intelligence Review Agency
    P.O. Box 2430, Station “D
    Ottawa, Ontario
    K1P 5W5

    - web site of NSIRA at http://www.nsira-ossnr.gc.ca/

    - writing about Gleeson decision:

    - John.Davies@nsira-ossnr.gc.ca
    - Murray.Rankin@nsira-ossnr.gc.ca
    - Marie.Deschamps@nsira-ossnr.gc.ca

    NATIONAL SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE OF PARLIAMENTARIANS (NSICOP),  Annual Report 2018Submitted to the Prime Minister on December 21, 2018 pursuant to subsection 21(2) of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Act (Revised version pursuant to subsection 21(5) of the NSICOP Act), 2019, available at http://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2019-04-09/2019-04-09_annual_report_2018_public_en.pdf (accessed 13 April 2019);

    NATIONAL SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE OF PARLIAMENTARIANS (NSICOP),  Annual Report 2019 Submitted to the Prime Minister on August 30, 2019 pursuant to subsection 21(2) of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Act (Revised version pursuant to subsection 21(5) of the NSICOP Act), 2019, available at https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2020-03-12-ar/annual_report_2019_public_en.pdf (accessed 2 August 2020);

    ___________ "NSICOP announces two substantive reviews and provides an update on the Special Report", 12 October 2018; available at http://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/press-releases/pr-cp-2018-10-12/pr-cp-2018-10-12-en.html (accessed 15 October 2018);

    Ottawa, October 12, 2018 — The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) today announces two
    substantive reviews of government national security and intelligence activities. Its findings will be published in NSICOP’s first annual

    The Committee is examining how the Government of Canada establishes national intelligence priorities. The priorities provide direction
    to the intelligence organizations in the collection and analysis of intelligence. This process is the primary mechanism for the Prime Minister,
    Cabinet and senior officials to ensure the proper exercise of control, oversight and accountability for Canada’s intelligence activities.

    NSICOP is also conducting a separate review of the intelligence activities of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed
    Forces. This review focuses on the structure and scope of defence intelligence activities, the legal authorities under which they are conducted,
    and the internal oversight and governance mechanisms in place for their control and accountability. Consistent with its mandate, NSICOP is
    conducting the first independent, external review of defence intelligence activities.

    "Intelligence activities are critical for the effectiveness of government activities. They also have the potential to affect the rights and privacy
    of Canadians,” said the Chair, the Honourable David McGuinty. “NSICOP’s review of these two important programs will help ensure that
    our security and intelligence agencies continue to keep Canadians safe in a way that also safeguards our values, rights, and freedoms."

    Relying on expert witness briefings and classified documentation, the Committee will submit its findings and recommendations to the Prime
    Minister by the end of this calendar year as part of the Committee’s annual report. A declassified version of the report will be tabled in

    "Officials met all requests for information within the deadlines set, and readily complied with any follow-on requests. We are deeply grateful
    for their cooperation and for the insights they provided during the Committee's hearings," McGuinty said.

    [emphasis in bold and oversized added]

    ___________Special Report on the Collection, Use, Retention and Dissemination of Information on Canadians in the context of the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Defence Intelligence Activities, Ottawa, 2020, xiii, 57 p., CP104-2/2020E, ISBN: 978-0-660-33057-0 (print); available at https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2020-03-12-sr/special_report_20200312_public_en.pdf (accessed 4 May 2020);

    ___________on the subject of the NATIONAL SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE OF PARLIAMENTARIANS (NSICOP), see  Murray Brewster, "Canadian military says its intelligence operations aren't bound by privacy law -- 'Canadians should be concerned ... because it speaks to their rights.' - Liberal MP David McGuinty", CBC Politics, Updated, 12 March 2020; available at (accessed 18 October 2020);

    It will be up to Attorney General David Lametti to decide what, if anything, to do with the report
     — which pointed to a series of contradictions in the rules governing the covert activities of
     military intelligence officers.

    A spokeswoman for Lametti referred those questions back to National Defence. Officials in
    Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan's office were not immediately available comment.

    "We're not sure what the next steps are for the attorney general, but we've done our job,"
     McGuinty said.

    Unlike the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Communications
    Security Establishment (CSE), the Department of National Defence's intelligence branch
    has never faced external review or oversight.


    ___________on the subject of the NATIONAL SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE OF PARLIAMENTARIANS (NSICOP), see photo hereunder of the members of the "JAG Operational and International Law Division on receiving the Public Safety, Defence and Immigration Advisory Award 2019 for their work on the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians file!":

    " Jun 21 [2019] Congratulations to the members of our Operational and International
    Law Division on receiving the Public Safety, Defence and Immigration Advisory Award 2019 for their work on the
    National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians file!"

    [Research note : on the Public Safety, Defence, and Immigration (PSDI) Portfolio at the Department of Justice, see
    https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/cp-pm/eval/rep-rap/2015/psdi-spdi/p2.html, accessed 24 June 2019]


    - On 17 July 2020, his Executive Director was :
    Rennie Marcoux, Executive Director,
    National Security and Intelligence Committee  of Parliamentarians
    (613) 402-7130

    - photo of Rennie Marcoux, photo still from
    cpac, "Intelligence Review Committee Releases 2019 Reports",
    2019, available at cpac.ca/en/programs/headline-politics/episodes/66169845/, accessed 3 August 2020;

    - website of the  Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians
    at canada.ca/en/secretariat-national-security-intelligence-committee-parliamentarians.html


    - Notes about its creation by the Minister of Public Safety and its  mandate at https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/nationalsecurity/national-security-transparency-commitment/national-security-transparency-advisory-group.html

    - Terms of  reference at https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/nationalsecurity/national-security-transparency-commitment/national-security-transparency-advisory-group/terms-reference.html

    - Members: William Baker;

    - It has a Secretariat

    - there is also an Interdepartmental national security transparency working group

    - Meering of 22-23 August 2019 in Ottawa, https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/nationalsecurity/national-security-transparency-commitment/national-security-transparency-advisory-group/summary-report-meeting-august-2019.html

    - site twitter à  https://twitter.com/hashtag/NSTransparency?src=hashtag_click

    - see https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/nationalsecurity/national-security-transparency-commitment.html

    NATIONS-UNIES, Manuel du quartier-général des la force des Nations Unies, novembre 2014, iv, 106 p.; disponible à http://dag.un.org/bitstream/handle/11176/89596/United%20Nations%20FHQ%20Handbook%20French%20version.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y (accessed 9 August 2016);

    Image source: thewarriorsdayparade.ca/Parade%20Info%202010-Gen%20Natynczyk.htm (accessed 4 February 2018)
    Walt Natynczyk

    NATYNCZK, General W.J.,  CDS and MacLean's, "Russell Williams no longer a colonel.  Convicted serial killer officially stripped of his rank. CDS Message: Mr. Russell Williams", MacLean's Magazine, 22 October 2010, available at http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/russell-williams-no-longer-a-colonel/ (accessed 4 February 2018);

    CDS Message: Mr. Russell Williams

    4. With the conviction and sentencing completed, and following my recommendation, the Governor General has revoked his commission,
     an extraordinary and severe decision that may constitute a first of its kind in Canadian history.

    5. Further, the following actions will now be taken:
    A. Stripping Mr. Williams of his medals
    B. Termination and recovery of his pay from the date of arrest
    C. Denial of severance pay; and
    D. His prompt release from the CF under “service misconduct” – which is the most serious release item possible.
    6. As a consequence of his release from the CF for “service misconduct” and of the revocation of his commission, Mr. Williams no longer
    possesses a rank as a member of the CF.

    NAUMETZ, Tim, "Drapeau, Létourneau push to update military justice, say military members deprived of Charter freedoms", The Hill Times on Line, Tuesday, 29 November 2011, available at http://www.hilltimes.com/news/politics/2011/10/21/drapeau-l%C3%A9tourneau-push-to-update-military-justice-say-military-members/28536 (accessed on 29 November 2011);

    ___________"Feds should've consulted international law experts before invoking UN Charter's article 51 against ISIL in Syria, says critics", The Hill Times on Line, Tuesday, 26 March 2015, available at http://www.hilltimes.com/news/2015/03/26/feds-shouldve-consulted-international-law-experts-before-invoking-un-charters-article-51/41539 (accessed on 29 November 2011);

    The government’s top military lawyer, whose advice Defence Minister Jason Kenney cited to argue unilateral Canadian air strikes against Islamic
    State militants in Syria would be legal, has served a three-year stint as legal adviser for Canada’s top-secret JTF2 commando unit and provided the
    legal advice for 13 counter-terrorism and special operations missions, his Canadian Armed Forces biography states.
    But despite Mr. Cathcart’s top-echelon role in military strategy and operations—as well as his position as the chief legal adviser on military law for
    Governor General David Johnston, Mr. Kenney (Calgary Southeast, Alta.) and the Department of National Defence—experts on international law
    question the government’s apparent decision to depend exclusively on Mr. Cathcart’s legal counsel. They say the government should also perhaps
    obtain advice from international law experts at the Department of Justice and Foreign Affairs to make a decision that includes major risks and,
    considering Canada’s fractional contribution to the air war against ISIL, will not significantly increase the country’s impact in the war against the
    so-called Islamic State.

    NDP, NDP Press Releases, "New Democrats call for modernization at the Department of National Defence", 18 February 2010, available at http://www.ndp.ca/press/new-democrats-call-for-modernization-department-national-defence (accessed on  18 March 2012);

    The creation of the position of Inspector General was one of the recommendations of the Somalia Commission of Inquiry and has been
    identified by some as a possible solution to the Afghan detainee issue.

    “The appointment of a civilian Judge Advocate General would be a first in Canadian history, although Britain and Australia have had
    this for some time,” said Dewar. “Questions have been raised about the legal advice given on the detainee issue. Drawing on experience
    from beyond the military and outside the chain of command would increase confidence on the part of members of the military and Canadians.”

    NPD, NPD Communiqués, "Plaidoyer du NPD en faveur de la modernisation du Ministère de la défense", 18 février 2010, disponible à http://www.npd.ca/article/plaidoyer-npd-faveur-modernisation-minist-re-d-fense (visité le 18 mars 2012);

    La création du poste d’inspecteur général était une des recommandations contenues dans le Rapport de la Commission d’enquête sur la
    Somalie et a aussi été identifié comme une des pistes de solutions possible dans le dossier du transfert des détenus afghans.

    « La nomination d’un Juge-avocat général civil serait une première dans l’histoire canadienne mais pas une première dans les pays
    possédant un régime parlementaire britannique », a pour sa part confirmé Paul Dewar. « Des questions ont été soulevées concernant
    les avis légaux présentés par le Juge-avocat général dans l’affaire des détenus afghans. En faisant appel à lune expertise légale située
    à l’extérieur de la chaîne de commandement militaire permettrait d’accroître la confiance de tous envers l’institution militaire.

    Robert Near, image source: https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/robert-bob-near/44/656/393, accessed 22 January 2015
    NEAR, Major Robert, “Driving the Message: An analysis of the MND and Somalia Commission Reports” in LCol Bernd Horn, ed.,  Contemporary Issues in Officership: A Canadian Perspective,
    Toronto: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, Toronto, 2000, x, 267 p., ISBN: 0919769950; also published  in Ottawa: OPDP 2020, Department of National Defence,  1999, 20 p. (series ; OPD research paper; no 01)

    "The aim of this paper is to discern the causes of the ethical and professional failings in the Canadian Forces as described in the
    MND and Somalia Commission reports in order to identify a framework for future CF institutional reform and officer professional
     (source: http://ares.cfc.forces.gc.ca/rooms/portal/media-type/html/language/en/country/US/user/anon/page/Sirsi_AdvancedCatalogSearch, accessed on 20 December 2011)

    NEIL, Brendan, former member of the OJAG, on, see the article by DE LAPLANTE, Cheryl, "Older recruits attracted by career opportunities", (21 April 2004) 7(14) The Maple Leaf, 4-5, talks about Capt Brendan Neil discusses, available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/mdn-dnd/D12-7-7-14.pdf; aussi publié en français sous le titre "Recrues plus âgées attirées par des perspectives de carrière; parle du Capitaine Brendan Neil, avocat;

    ___________on NEIL, Brendan, Barrister & Solicitor, Criminal Trial Lawyer  Certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a Specialist in Criminal Law and former JAG officer; see his web site at http://www.neillaw.ca/ (accessed 16 September 2017);

    Prior to leaving British Columbia I was commissioned as an officer in the Canadian Forces and came to Ontario as a lawyer
    for the Judge Advocate General. My role was as a legal advisor to the chain of command of the Canadian Forces on such

    issues as military justice, criminal law, administrative law, contracts and general law.

    [source: http://www.neillaw.ca/my_profile.html, accessed 16 September 2017]

    Michelle Nel, image source:Google Image ---Sun.Academia.edu , accessed on 29 June 2014
    NEL, Michelle, "Military Law Practitioners and Academic Discourse: A Sine Qua Non for Developing Military Law" (2017) 45(2) Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies 1–19.; available at https://www.ajol.info/index.php/smsajms/index  , accessed 28 February 2018;
    Comparative studies with Canada and Australia have however proved beneficial in the context of research on the shared concerns
    regarding the independence of military judges.59 Comparative study is consequently limited in the area of military justice but may
     prove useful in the areas of operational and international law due to the international utilisation of the armed forces. ....
    59 See in this regard the research done by Prof. AE Tshivhase from the Faculty of Law, NMMU.

    ____________ Sentencing Practice in military Courts, Doctor of Laws thesis, University of South Africa, 2012, 486 p., supervisor: Professor S.S. Terblanche; available at http://uir.unisa.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10500/5969/dissertation_nel_m.pdf?sequence=1 (accessed on 10 August 2013); deals in part with Canadian law;

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the sentencing practice of the military courts. Since an independent and impartial military
    judiciary is essential to ensure that justice is done a further aim of this study is to investigate whether the military courts are impartial,
     independent and affords the accused his fair trial rights. The sentences imposed by military courts are investigated and concerns
    regarding the imposition of these sentences are identified. Finally the appeal and review procedures followed by the military courts are
    investigated with specific reference to the military accused’s right appeal and review to a higher court as provided for by the Constitution.
    The sentencing phase of a trial forms an important part of the whole trial process. This is also true for military trials, yet no research has
    been done on military sentencing practice. Because of the potential influence of the draft Military Discipline Bill and the Law Reform
    Commission’s revision of the defence legislation on sentencing, research in this area is critical in the positive development of sentencing
    law in the military justice environment. An extensive literature study is undertaken to evaluate current military sentencing practices against
    civilian practices. The result of this study identifies certain concerns regarding the independence of the military courts, the treatment of
    military offenders and the appeal and review powers of the military reviewing authority. To a large extent it is also found that many concerns
    are based on the apparent rather than the existence of any real dangers to the independence of the military courts or the rights of the military
    accused. This thesis contributes to the accessibility of military law for a civilian audience, creating a platform for the development of future
    military sentences. (source: http://umkn-dsp01.unisa.ac.za/xmlui/handle/10500/5969)

    NELSON, Fiona, "The Canadian Forces Grievance Board: a transparent, fair and efficient grievance process for the men and women who serve in the Canadian Forces" (December/Décembre 2006) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at  http://web.archive.org/web/20070515000335/www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters/mil-2006/news.aspx (accessed on 24 April 2012);
    NELSON, Fiona, "Résumé: Le Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes: une procédure de grief transparente, équitable et efficace pour les hommes et les femmes qui servent dans les  Forces canadiennes  " (December/Décembre 2006) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire ; disponible à  http://web.archive.org/web/20070518052202/http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles/mil-2006/nouvelles.aspx#article1 (site visité le 24 avril  2012);

      Image source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchist_League_of_Canada, accessed 27 August 2016

    "News from the Canadian Forces: Queen is first Colonel-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces' Legal Branch", Canadian Monarchist News -- Autumn 2013 at p. 5; available at http://www.monarchist.ca/sites/default/files/documents/2013/1/269.pdf (accessed 24 July 2015);

    ---Image source: http://floraweb.nfb.ca/ww2/critical-perspectives/the-rights-and-wrongs-of-war.htm?pext=1&view=699252&subtype=extraits, accessed 8 October 2016

    NFB STREAMING VIDEO -- YORK UNIVERSITY, NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA, Open Secrets, Montreal: National Film Board of Canada, 2003, 1 streaming video file (52 min.) : digital, stereo, sd., col.; Note: Produced by the National Film Board of Canada in association with CBC News and Vision TV.; Quebec Centre;

    This provocative documentary uncovers a lost chapter in Canadian military history: how the Armed Forces dealt with homosexual
    behaviour among soldiers, during and after World War II. A group of veterans break their silence after more than 60 years. We hear
    from five men, barely adults when they enlisted. From the sexual timidity of the 1930s, when homosexual behaviour 'was even more
    unmentionable than cancer,' spring these stories of sexual awakening amidst the brutality of war. Soldiers and officers who depended
    upon one another for survival accepted each other's differences. Initially, the Army overlooked homosexual activity, but as the war
    advanced, they began to crack down: military tribunals, threats of imprisonment, discharge and public exposure. After the war, officers
    accused of homosexuality were discharged. Back home in Canada, reputations and careers were ruined. For the young men who had
    served their country with valour, this final chapter was often too much to bear. Interviews are skilfully woven with archival footage
    and rare photographs. Open Secrets is based on the Paul Jackson book, Courting Homosexuals in the Military. Open Secrets was
    produced as part of the Reel Diversity Competition for emerging filmmakers of colour. Reel Diversity is a National Film Board of
    Canada initiative in partnership with CBC Newsworld.
    (source: https://www.library.yorku.ca/find/Record/2592424, accessed on 22 December 2014)

    George Van Vliet Nicholls, photo source:
    findingaids.library.dal.ca/photograph-of-george-van-vliet-nicholls-1, accessed 24 June 2020

    NICHOLLS (I have also seen "NICHOLS"), George Van Vliet, 1908-1986, lawyer, part of the JAG; there is a "Fonds MS-2-561 - George Nicholls fonds" at Dalhousie University Archives, see  https://findingaids.library.dal.ca/george-nicholls-fonds (accessed 15 February 2019);

    George Van Vliet Nicholls, QC was born on October 25th, 1908 in Montreal, Quebec to Dr. Albert George and
    Lucia Pomeroy (Van Vliet) Nicholls. The family moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1915 where Nicholls graduated
    from the Halifax County Academy with the highest standing in his class. He went on to Dalhousie University, and
    then transferred to McGill University his junior year, later graduating with honours in English literature in 1929
    and a civil law degree from McGill in 1932. Nicholls was admitted to the Quebec Bar that same year and practiced
    law for a few years in Montreal. The Nicholls family had returned to Montreal in 1927.

    Nicholls went on to work in the legal and industrial relations departments at the Toronto head office of the Canadian
    Manufacturers’ Association in 1937. He was commissioned by the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1941, and was the
    first sectary and chairman of the K.R. (Air) Revision Committee. In 1943, he joined the staff of the Judge Advocate
    General’s Brach in London and transferred to the Reserve in December, 1945.

    After the service, Nicholls was appointed Manager of the Research Department at the Canadian Chamber of
    Commerce in Montreal. Nicholls was appointed to Queen’s Council in 1953 in Quebec. He also became the editor
    of the Canadian Bar Review until 1957 when he joined the Faculty of Law at Dalhousie.

    While at Dalhousie, he taught administrative law and labour law. He also originated and taught the courses, the
    Introduction to the Private Law of Quebec and Legal Research and Writing which is still part of the curriculum
    and became a model for legal research and writing courses at other law schools across Canada. Nicholls also assisted
    in the creation of the Dalhousie Law Journal, which was first published in September, 1973 and served as one of the
    original editors and was on the editorial board. He’s been published in multiple legal journals and reviews writing
    on topics covering administrative and common law, labour law and Quebec law and was the author of The
    Responsibility for Offences and Quasi-offences under the Law of Quebec.

    Nicholls was a member of the Senate Committee, and chairman of the Art Gallery Committee and Dalhousie
    University’s General Committee on Cultural Activities. He was also one of the people responsible for the concept
    and planning of the Dalhousie Arts Centre. Nicholls also served as chairman for the public relations of the
    Waegwoltic Club.

    George V.V. Nicholls was married to Patricia “Pat” Ross and had one daughter, Anne. Nicholls died on August 9,
    1986 in Halifax.

    ___________on Nichols, George V.V. (Van Vliet), see "Commerce Chamber Makes Appointments", The Ottawa Journal, 6 March 1946, available at https://www.newspapers.com/, accessed 16 May 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    NICHOLSON, Alasdair, W.H., For King and Country: The Politics of Conscription in Australia and Canada during the First World War, 1914-1918, Harvard University, part of the senior honors theses from the Department of History degrees 2017, thesis date March 2017, accession 2017.610, Box 3; see http://lms01.harvard.edu/F/FR1FB5TXGIVHK85GDSN8AMK5IBQJ51VFLE723HVTALMRES9213-23212?func=full-set-set&set_number=188990&set_entry=000001&format=999 (accessed 21 January 2018);

    Nicolas, Nicolas Laffont, source de l'image: 45enord.ca/2018/06/

    NICOLAS,  "Réforme de la justice militaire: C-77 «ne va pas assez loin» pour les droits des victimes", 45E NORD.CA, 27 mai 2019, disponible à http://www.45enord.ca/2019/05/reforme-de-la-justice-militaire-c-77-ne-va-pas-assez-loin/ (consulté le 29 mai 2019);

    image source: www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/yukon-erik-nielsen-former-tory-mp-dies-at-84-1.730761, accessed 28 January 2018
    "Yukon" Erik Nielson
    NIELSON, Erik, 1924-2008, Canadian Politician:
    Members will remember Erik as the guest speaker at our final reunion September 2000. Erik did his first tour on 101 RAF Sqdn.
    It was a Special Duties Sqdn conducting "Airborne Cigar" operations while carrying out the same duties as other A/C in the
    Bomber Stream. There were a good number of Canadian Members of the RCAF on 101. Post war Erik graduated from Dalhousie
    Law School and applied to enlist in the Judge Advocate General’s Branch of the RCAF. He was not accepted due to a bureaucratic

    Erik practiced law in the Yukon, was elected Member of Parliament, became Minister of National Defence, and Deputy Prime Minister.
    From rejection to HEAD MAN. Now that is class!
    [source: www.airmuseum.ca/mag/0506.html, accessed 28 January 2018]

    Noël, C., Captain, General list, legal officer in military district number 5 with headquarters in Quebec, P.Q., in 1944, see
    The Quarterly Army List, January 1944, Part I, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1944 at p. 170 (bottom page number) or p. 180 (top page number), available at https://deriv.nls.uk/dcn23/8897/88977987.23.pdf (accessed 21 March 2019);

    ___________on  Noël, Camil, Lieutenant defended Pte Hamel with Antoine Rivard, K.C., see "Evidence of Graft and Bribery Given at Quebec Court Martial", The Gazette, Montreal, 26 November 1942 at p. 1; available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 31 May 2020; 

    ___________there was a Camilien Noël as a Mr. Justice, exchequer Court in 1966; en 1971, after federal court judge; father of judges  Simon et Marc Noel; en 1942 Camillien marie Blanche Belleau, fille du juge Belleau de Lévis;



    source: www.google.com and outlet.historicimages.com,                Source: Sherbrooke Daily Record, 9 May 1962, p. 1
    accessed 13 April 2018                                                                      collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2992266                                                      
    Cpl Noël, Maurice Hector Joseph

                                             Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
                                             of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Noël, Maurice Hector Joseph, Corporal, et al., courts martials in 1962 for opium smuggling in Indochina:

    "Le caporal Noël en Cour martiale",          Canadian Press, "After spotless record of 18 years: Is dismissed
     Le Nouvelliste, Trois-Rivières,                  from Canadian army for Indochina opium smuggling"
    4 mai 1962, p. 1,                                         Sherbrooke Daily Record, 9 May 1962, p. 1, collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2992266
     disponible à collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3255900

                                   Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
                                   of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

      Image thelawyersdaily.ca/articles/2651/csis-secrecy-law-doesn-t-apply-to-its-judges-federal-court-says, accessed 2 September 2017

    Noël, Simon, 1947-, co-chief counsel for the Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia (1995-1997), now Judge at the Federal Court; see notes at http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/portal/page/portal/fc_cf_en/SNoel (accessed 2 September 2017);

    ___________on Noël, Simon, see Pugliese, David, "Rank injustice: Seven cases from Canada's military: A Nine-Part Report", The Ottawa Citizen, 12 October 1999, at p. 12;

    The problem with investigating senior officers, according to Simon Noel, a lawyer and former counsel to
    the Somalia inquiry, is that the military police and justice system lacks the independence needed to do
    the job. The military's top police officer, Provost Marshall Brig.-Gen. Patricia Samson, is not truly
    independent of the chain of command, as she still reports to the second-highest ranking officer in the
    Canadian Forces, Vice-Admiral Gary Garnett, Mr. Noel said. He said there is a fundamental conflict
    of interest in having military police investigate their own senior officers for wrongdoing.

    "Samson is still wearing a uniform, she is a general," said Mr. Noel. "Where is the independence in

    NOEL, Steve D., Canadian forces use of private security in Afghanistan: a consequence of national decisions, Command and General Staff College (CGSC), School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), 2013, available at http://cgsc.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/singleitem/collection/p4013coll3/id/3126/rec/8, accessed on 2 February 2014;

    NOLAN, Brian,  "Dishonoured legacy (Somalia incident)", (1 July 1997) Esprit de Corps; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet (21 December 2011);

    It is difficult to know whether the Canadian Forces are capable, or willing, to take the Somalia Inquiry's recommendations as a blueprint to
    begin rebuilding the once proud institutions that are the army, navy and air force. Given the open contempt that some members of the
    Canadian Forces showed the Inquiry Commissioners and the concerted effort they made to delay handing over evidence, the prospects
    of genuine reform seem slight. Even more suspect are the intentions of the Liberal government. The depth of cynicism the Liberals
    demonstrated in dealing with the Inquiry and the public's right-to-know does not suggest a favourable finale to this shameful episode.
    While editorial outrage swept across the nation in wake of the government's decision to close down the Inquiry before the Commissioners
    could complete their mandate, Jean Chretien's backroom boys had correctly judged that Somalia was not going to become an election issue. …
    (Source: http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-30178024.html, accessed on 22 January 2015)

                                                                         Source of above image: albertagenealogy-research.ca/LER/49er/49er1958No062.pdf, accessed 2 March 2019

    NOLAN, The Hon. Henry (Harry) Grattan, C.B.E., M.C., Q.C., 1895-1957:

     The Honourable Henry Grattan (Harry) Nolan was born in Calgary, Alberta, on May 5, 1893.  He graduated from the University of Alberta with a B.A. in 1914.
     He fought in Europe during the First World War where he was wounded in Cambrai, France.  In 1918 he received the Military Cross.  In 1921 he graduated with
     his second B.A. from Oxford University where he attended as a Rhodes Scholar.  He was called to the English bar and bar of Alberta in 1922.  After moving
     back to Calgary, he practiced with the firm of Bennett, Hannah & Sanford.  During the Second World War he was appointed deputy to the Canadian Army
    Judge Advocate General.  After the war, he was selected to be the Canadian prosecutor before the International Military Tribunal trying war criminals in the
    Far East.  For his war-time service, Justice Nolan was created Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1946.  He was appointed to the Supreme
    Court of Canada on March 1, 1956 where he served until his untimely death at the age of 64 on July 8, 1957.
    (available at  http://archive.li/sOM0r#selection-681.4-705.1032, accessed 17 July 2017);

    Nolan, Henry Grattan
    image source: ,http://legalarchives.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Acc2004-005.jpg accessed 29 April 2019

    Image source: scc-csc.ca/judges-juges/image-eng.aspx?id=henry-grattan-nolan, accessed 25 November 2017
    Henry Grattan Nolan (photographer: Chris Lund, National Film Board - Library and Archives Canada Collection (1971-271, # 78171)

    ____________"Henry G. Nolan fonds [textual record, graphic material]", 4 cm of textual records and 5 photographs b&w., Library and Archives Canada, Other system control no.: MAINS22289, Mikan number 103728;

    Biography / Administrative history
    Henry G. Nolan, born in 1895 at Calgary, Alta., was educated at the University of Alberta and Oxford University. During World War I, he
    served in the 49th Battalion and was awarded the Military Cross. He was called both to the Bar of England and to the Bar of Alberta in 1922
    and practised law in R.B. Bennett's law firm. He enlisted in the Canadian Active Service Force in 1940 and was appointed Vice Judge Advocate
    General, with the rank of Brigadier, 1944. In 1946, he was appointed Prosecutor for Canada before the International Military Tribunal for the Far
    East. He was a Justice on the Supreme Court of Canada, 1956-1957.

    See also: Encyclopedia Canadiana.

    Scope and content
    Fonds consists of correspondence consisting of letters of congratulations, letters of condolence and focusing on his career as Justice of the
    Supreme Court Canada, 1936-1957, 1964, Newspaper clippings emphasizing the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1942-1957,
    an issue of the American Bar Association Journal which contains the article "The Trial of Tojo", 1950. The fonds also contains photographs
    depicting activities of the Brigadier H.G. Nolan, Prosecutor for Canada at the War Crimes Trials, International Military Tribunal for the Far
    East, Tokyo, Japan, 1947-1948.

    [See permanent link at: http://collectionscanada.gc.ca/ourl/res.php?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&url_tim=2017-09-26T06%3A42%3A41Z&url_ctx_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt
    , accessed 26 September 2017]

    ___________on NOLAN, Brigadier Henry (Harry) Granton, see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 62 and 66, available at i-xii and 1-102;

    ___________on NOLAN, Brigadier Henry (Harry) Granton, see notes on him in "Books Authors and Personalities of the Hour Broadcast, dated 25 January 1946 , 4 pages and available at https://www.glenbow.org/collections/search/findingAids/archhtm/extras/nolan/m-9761-26-2.pdf  (accessed 18 April 2020);

    [at p. 2]
    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    NOLAN, J. D., was a captain with the OJAG in 1980 (source: Canadian Forces Officer's List (Regular), A-AD-224-001/CFP/PFC 224), 31 December 1980, obtained from DND, Access to Information and Privacy, file A-2019-00318, 13 February 2020);

    Image source: law.edu/fac-staff/noonem/, accessed 5 July 2017
    Michael F. Noone
    NOONE, Michael F., "Summary Trial: Does the U.S. Experience offer any lessons for Canada?", in Office of the Judge Advocate General, Summary Trial Working Group, Summary Trial Working Group Report, Ottawa, 2 March 1994, 2 volumes, at volume 2, Appendix D, 27 p.; available at  Annex A to D; François Lareau obtained a copy of these two volumes in two pdf files with Department of National Defence, Acess to Information and Privacy's letter dated 28 June 2012, file A-2012-00340 to François Lareau;

    NORMAN, F.J., Brigadier-General, headed a Canadian Forces committee to report on Charter exemptions to top Defence Department officials by 22 March 1982, see "Need for discipline and order cited Military to seek exemptions from rights charter", The Globe and Mail, 10 March 1982, at p. 8;

    Mr. Lamontagne's  [Minister of Nastional Defence] spokesman said yesterday exemptions are needed
    ''to ensure the discipline and order that is necessary for the Armed Forces.'' A forces committee is to
    make recommendations on exemptions to top Defence Department officials by March 22. ''We have
    to take a look to see whether a problem is sufficiently serious that we should seek an exemption or
    whether we can turn around and say 'No, we'll accept the bloody problem,' " Brig.-Gen. F. J. Norman,
    who heads the committee, said in an interview.

    source de la photo: ordre-national.gouv.qc.ca/membres/membre.asp?id=2473, consulté le 18 mars 2019
    Robert Normand, membre de l’Ordre national du Québec

    NORMAND, Robert, 1936-, voir http://amlhq.ete.inrs.ca/?q=node/9


    • Conseiller juridique du Comité de législation, à l’Assemblée Nationale du Québec, puis greffier en loi de la Législature, 1962-1971 et Sous-ministre associé de la Justice (législation), du 17 juin 1970 au 1er novembre 1971
    • Sous-ministre de la Justice du Québec, du 1er novembre 1971 au 30 juin 1977
    • Sous-ministre des Affaires intergouvernementales, du 30 juin 1977 au 18 octobre 1982
    • Sous-ministre des Finances, du 18 octobre 1982 au 20 décembre 1987
    • Président et éditeur du journal «Le Soleil» de Québec,
      du 21 décembre 1987 au 18 octobre 1993
    • Vice-président, Affaires corporatives, d’UniMédia Inc., du 19 octobre 1993 au 28 septembre 1994
    • Sous-ministre des Relations internationales et sous-ministre responsable de l’Immigration, du 28 septembre 1994 au 12 août 1996
    • Président-directeur général de Télé-Québec (Société de radio-télévision du Québec), du 3 septembre 1996 au 17 mai 1999
    • Retraité depuis le 17 mai 1999



    A fait partie de l’Armée canadienne qu’il a quittée avec le rang de capitaine en 1960 après être passé par les garnisons d’infanterie dela Citadelle de Québec, de Borden en Ontario, du Fort Saint-Louis (Werl) en Allemagne (1957), et par le bureau du Juge-avocat général adjoint aux quartiers généraux de Montréal, en 1959

    NORRIS, Thomas Grantham, 1893-1976, senior legal officer during World War II:

    Thomas Grantham Norris. In World War II he was a senior legal officer for the Canadian forces. He had a
    partnership with Russell J.G. Richards, and later was appointed to the B.C. Supreme Court and B.C. Court
    of Appeal.
    [source:  https://www.rbs.ca/about-us/#0, accessed 20 October 2017]


    Biographical notes:

    Thomas Gratham Norris was born in Victoria, British Columbia. He articled with the law firm Barnard, Robertson and
    Heisterman and was admitted to the B.C. bar in 1919. Norris practiced in Vernon and Kelowna as a lawyer for the Soldier
    Settlement Board and later in private practice. He eventually moved to Vancouver and continued to work in private
    practice until 1959 when he was appointed to the B.C. Supreme Court. In 1960 Norris was elevated to the B.C. Appeal
    Court. In 1961 he also sat on the Canadian Court Martial Appeal Board as well as acting Deputy District Judge of the
    Admiralty. Norris was president of the Kelowna and Vancouver Board of Trade, and president of the Vancouver Bar
    Association. He also served as a Bencher of the Law Society from 1944 to 1957 and was elected Treasurer of the
    Law Society of B.C. from 1957 to 1958.
     From the description of Thomas Norris fonds. [ca. 1920-ca. 1974] (University of British Columbia Library). WorldCat record id: 606463148
    [Source: http://snaccooperative.org/ark:/99166/w6fn8vwf, accessed 20 October 2017]

    "Mr. Justice Norris is an authority on army legal affairs.  He won the military cross and bar in the First World War and was Judge-Advocate General
    of Field Marshall Montgomery's 21st Army Group in the later days of the Second World War" in Canadian Press, "Appeal Court Clears Major in
    Smuggling", The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 15 March 1963, at p. 35.         

    See also http://www.canadaveteranshallofvalour.com/NorrisTG.htmdescription of Thomas Norris f [ca. 1920-ca. 1974] (University of British Columbia Library). WorldCat record id: 606463148
    [Source: [Source:

    ____________on NORRIS, Thomas Grantham, biographical notes from "Book Authors and Personnalities of the Hour Broadcast", 25 January 1946, available at https://www.glenbow.org/collections/search/findingAids/archhtm/extras/nolan/m-9761-26-2.pdf  (accessed 14 March 2019);

    ____________on NORRIS, Thomas Grantham, biographical notes from http://www.vancouvergunners.ca/1968.html  (accessed 18 February 2019):

    Artillery Cuff Links - The Honorable Colonel Thomas Grantham Norris QC

    On 6 December 1968, the Honorable Thomas Norris, Q.C., a judge of the Supreme Court of British
    Columbia presented a pair of suitably engraved gold cuff links that were to be worn by the
    Commanding Officer of the Regiment. Colonel Norris began his military career as a Gunner with the
    5th Regiment Canadian Garrison Artillery in Victoria. He rose to the rank of Bombardier prior to
    transferring to the 47th Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force when a former Commanding Officer
    of the 5th, Lieutenant-Colonel William Norman Winsby, commanded the unit and took it overseas. He
    subsequently transferred to the Canadian Field Artillery and from 
    1917 to 1918 he was a Lieutenant
    with the 10th Battery Canadian Field Artillery, 3rd Brigade and was awarded his first Military Cross
    (MC) for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during operations from September 27th to 30th,
    1918. His citation reads in part, as follows: When a shell landed alongside "E" subsection gun, wounding
    him and three Non Commissioned Officers (NCOs), he saw the NCOs bandaged up and sent to the dressing
    station, and though his wound was most painful, stayed with the battery until the night of September 29th
    when he was finally ordered out by the brigade medical officer. The devotion to duty and coolness under
    fire, of this officer, has always been an inspiration to the men of this battery.  
    One month later he was
    awarded a second MC. His second citation reads in part, as follows: He went forward with a small patrol,
    keeping in touch with the infantry, under heavy shell fire, and sent back information. One of his men and
    all of his horses were killed during the day, but he continued on foot and persevered in the task of enabling
    his battery to support the attack by the information he sent back. 
    After World War I, Norris was called to
    the Bar of British Columbia in January 1919 and practiced law with Barnard, Robertson and Heisterman
    in Vancouver BC. In September 1932 he was created King's Counsel (KC). In World War 2, from 1941
    to 1945 he was Judge Advocate General for the 21st Army Group. After the war he was appointed Judge
    of the Court of Appeal of British Columbia and the Court of Appeal of the Yukon Territory, Judge of the
    Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada, and District Judge in Admiralty for British Columbia. 

    ____________on NORRIS, Thomas Grantham, see Eric M Adams and Jordan Stanger-Ross, "Promises of Law: The Unlawful Dispossession of Japanese Canadians",  (2017) 54-3 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 687,  2017 CanLIIDocs 3663, <http://www.canlii.org/t/sqns>;

    ___________on NORRIS, Thomas Grantham, see "Judge Norris retiring after brillant career", The Ottawa Citizen, 3 August 1968 at p. 16; r
    etrieved from http://biblioottawalibrary.ca.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ezproxylogin?url=/docview/2338629209?accountid=46526, accessed 1 May 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ____________on NORRIS, Thomas Grantham, see Cumming, GS,"Nos Disparus: The Honouranle Thomas Grantham Norris, MC, QC", (1977) 35(1) The Advocate 69; this reference is taken from Eric M Adams and Jordan Stanger-Ross, supra;


    Assistant Judge Advocate General - c/o NORAD-USNORTHCOM/JA (AJAG, Colorado Springs)

    250 Vandenberg St Suite B016
    Peterson AFB
    Colorado USA 80921

    Telephone: 719-554-7635

    Image source: seeklogo.com/vector-logo/97457/nato, accessed 25 November 2017

    NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION, web site, http://www.nato.int/, accessed on 11 June 2014;

    ___________"Careers at NATO--Legal", available at http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/102570.htm (accessed 4 December 2016);

    The current 58 NATO legal offices located in 22 nations are staffed with civilian and military lawyers who provide advice on a large number of topics that require legal expertise.
    Depending on the mission of the organisation they support, NATO legal advisors may work on actions involving public international law, private international law, administrative
    law, intellectual property rights, the law of armed conflict and military operations, legal relations with host nations, personnel, cyber defence, air and space, maritime, contracting,
    and procurement law.

    "MAJ Cory Moore, legal officer with the Canadian Forces Office
    of the Judge Advocate General, speaks with Afghan National Army
    (ANA) legal judges during the courtroom scene of the ANA General
     Staff Legal recruiting video." (image source: at  http://aco.nato.int/criminal-investigation-division-realizes-the-need-for-female-lawyers.aspx#prettyPhoto (accessed on 13 February 2015)
    ____________Allied Command Operations, "Criminal Investigation Division realizes the need for female lawyers", 13 June 2012, available at  http://aco.nato.int/criminal-investigation-division-realizes-the-need-for-female-lawyers.aspx#prettyPhoto (accessed on 13 February 2015); also available at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:DSC_0738_(7350963708).jpg (accessed 8 June 2017);

    Image source: https://twitter.com/kimnossal, accessed 20 October 2015
    Kim Richard Nossal
    NOSSAL, Kim Richard, "The Use -- and Misuse -- of R2P; The Case of Canada", in Aidan Hehir and Robert Murray, eds. Libya: The Responsability to Protect and the Future of Humanitarian Law, New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, xi, 240 pages, at pp. 110-128 : maps ; 23 cm, ISBN: 9781137273949; available in part at https://books.google.ca/books?hl=fr&lr=&id=ETchAQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=2014+%22law+of+armed+conflict%22+canada&ots=PEFsWUDw54&sig=u_Vy383O1yYowgyNyF0w53NOy5Y#v=onepage&q&f=false (accessed 20 October 2015);

    NOURY, Guy, Major, legal officer with the OJAG,  member of the Law Society of Ontario, photos of :

    " 2 hours ago

    Maj Guy Noury, Legal Advisor to the Joint Task Force – Iraq, at work in
    Camp Canada, Kuwait. Officers from our Operational and International Law
    Division provide legal support to deployed CAF commanders and their staffs
    in all aspects of military law.
    [source: https://twitter.com/jagcaf, accessed 17 October 2018]

    "Congratulations to Guy Noury, new CANEX customer from our
    Berwick, NS branch. He is the winner of our random draw for a 42" HDTV!"
    [source: twitter.com/bluewaveenergy/status/834458211495325697, accessed 17 October 2018]

    Capt Guy Noury, 2007, photo by MCpl Bruno Turcotte,
     photographer, Afg Roto 4 HQ
    [Source: http://www.flickriver.com/photos/96742839@N08/16746456695/, accessed 17 October 2018]

    ___________Noury, Guy, Meritorious Service Medal, 16 May 2012:


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Image source: ca.linkedin.com/in/jean-numa-goudou-a27ab130, accessed 5 July 2017
    Jean Numa Goudou
    NUMA GOUDOU, Jean, "Justice militaire: un Repentignois forme l'armée du Congo", Hebdo Rive Nord . com, publié le 27 février 2010; article sur l'avocat militaire Mario Denis Paillé; disponible à http://www.hebdorivenord.com/Societe/Monde/2010-02-27/article-1080076/Justice-militaire-%3A-un-Repentignois-forme-l%26rsquo%3Barmee-du-Congo/1  (vérifié le 16 janvier 2012);

    "Obituaries.  Col. Thomas Moss, 67 War Crimes Judge", The Globe and Mail, 24 November 1954, at p. 9; source: ProQuest Historical Newspapers;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    " ILS UNB @UNB_ILS 12 Feb 2016   Panel session with Catherine Gribbin,
     @Bre_England, Maj. Sarah O'Blenes and Audrey Macklin. #UNBIHL @redcrosscanada"
    source: twitter.com/hashtag/UNBIHL?src=hash, accessed 16 September 2018

    O'BLENES, Sarah J., Major, lawyer, member of the OJAG; Deputy Judge Advocate at CFB Gagetown (information 2016);

    ___________photo of O'BLENES, Sarah J., Major, with others:

    Major Sarah O'Blenes, sixt from the left.

    " Jun 21 [2019] Congratulations to the members of our Operational and International
    Law Division on receiving the Public Safety, Defence and Immigration Advisory Award 2019 for their work on the
    National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians file!"


    O'BRIEN, Mike, "Manhood and the Militia Myth: Masculinity, Class and Militarism in Ontario, 1902-1914"  at p. 115, available at https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/LLT/article/viewFile/5115/5984  (accessed 4 March 2019);

    Image source: globalmjreform.blogspot.com/2019/02/canadian-observatory-newsletter_16.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_
    , accessed 17 February 2019
    OBSERVATORY, The, which is "The Newsletter of the Canadian Observatory for Military Justice Reform"; its editor is Major (retired) Tim Dunne.  The web site of the  "Canadian Observatory for Military Justice Reform" is at https://military-justice.ca/ (accessed 17 February 2019);

    OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL (AJAG) -- Europe, "Selection process number: 007-GG-05-19 Liaison Officer (Legal Affairs) Office of the Assistant Judge Advocate General (AJAG) -- Europe Canadian Forces Support Unit (Europe) Geeillenkirchen --Niederheid (Selkant Kaserne), Germany", closing date 30 April 2019, 4 pages, available at https://www.cafconnection.ca/getmedia/51a9296e-4b85-4684-a48e-ab0d84d4b25b/007-GG-05-19-Liaison-Officer-(Legal-Affairs)-Poster-0219-English-e.pdf.aspx (accessed 2 June 2019);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    [Research note:

    Assistant Judge Advocate General – Europe (AJAG, Europe)

    Canadian Forces Support Unit (Europe) Selfkant-Kaserne
    Geilenkirchen Germany
    PO Box 5053 Stn Forces
    Belleville ON  K8N 5W6]

    OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MILITARY JUDGE, Decisions, Advanced search, available at  https://decisia.jmc-cmj.forces.gc.ca/jmc-cmj/en/d/s/index.do?cont=&ref=&d1=&d2=&ca=&p=&or=date (accessed 8 March 2018);

    OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MILITARY JUDGE, Ministerial Organization Order, Canadian Forces Organization Order and Designation of Commanding Officers, documents obtained by François Lareau with Letter (file A-2017-01754) dated 23 March 2018 from the Director , Access to Information and Privacy; see documents at (accessed 2 April 2018); available at http://www.lareau-law.ca/ChiefMilitary2Judge.pdf (put on line on 2 April 2018);

    photo reproduced from the book: McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur),
    Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 215, available at 103-242
    OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MILITARY JUDGE, "Military Justice and Court Reporters", available at http://web.archive.org/web/20041021165505/http://www.forces.gc.ca/cmj/courtreporters.pdf  (accessed on 11 November 2017); note: le document inclus la version française;

    OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR FEDERAL JUDICIAL AFFAIRS, "Military Judge Position - How to Apply - Application File", 2018-08-03; note: to find a military judge to try the Chief military Judge, Col. Mario Dutil;

    [Source:fja-cmf.gc.ca/appointments-nominations/military-militaire/apply-appliquer-eng.html, accessed 24 October 2018]

    -  "Questionnaire for Military Judicial Appointments" -- Click here to download the Application Form PDF file.
    -  "Authorization and Release Forms for Appointments of Military Judges", available at fja-cmf.gc.ca/appointments-nominations/forms-formulaires/ma-am/index-eng.html
    -  "Background Check Consent Form", available at http://fja-cmf.gc.ca/appointments-nominations/forms-formulaires/bc-va/index-eng.html
    -  "Overview of Appointments of Military Judges", available at http://fja-cmf.gc.ca/appointments-nominations/military-militaire/index-eng.html
    -  "Military Judge Position -- Guide for Candidates", available at http://fja-cmf.gc.ca/appointments-nominations/military-militaire/guideCandidates-eng.html
    - "Military Judge Position -- How to Apply -- Application form, available at http://fja-cmf.gc.ca/appointments-nominations/military-militaire/apply-appliquer-eng.html

    [Note: all sites were accessed on 24 October 2018]

                                                                                        Sue O'Sullivan image source: http://www.victimsfirst.gc.ca/abt-apd/mo-vo.html
    OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL OMBUDSMAN FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME, Fairness for all victims: Addressing the gap in the rights of victims of crime within the Canadian military justice system, submission to the Court Martial Comprehensive Review Submitted by Sue O ’Sullivan,
    Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime, November 2016, 15 p.; available at  http://www.victimsfirst.gc.ca/vv/SCMCR-MCRCM/index.html?pedisable=true (accessed 11 November 2017);

    Carole Maynard, the Information Commissioner
    and a former legal officer with the Judge Advocate General
    photo source: oic-ci.gc.ca/eng/abu-ans_the-commissioner-le-commissaire.aspx, accessed 23 January 2019

    OFFICE OF THE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER, "News Release--Information Commissioner launches a systemic investigation into the Department of National Defence", 21 December 2019:

    Gatineau, December 21, 2018 — The Information Commissioner of Canada has initiated a systemic investigation
     into the Department of National Defence (DND) based on allegations the department inappropriately withheld
    information during the processing of access to information requests.

    The department has confirmed with Commissioner Maynard that they will conduct an internal investigation into
    these allegations. The Commissioner welcomes this action while undertaking to conduct her own independent investigation.

    The Access to Information Act provides under section 30(3) that the Information Commissioner may initiate a complaint if
    there are reasonable grounds to investigate a matter relating to requesting or obtaining access to records.

    The Act contains strict confidentiality provisions to protect the integrity of investigations under the Act. As such, no
    additional information or comments can be provided.

    For media enquiries, please contact:
    Natalie Bartlett
    Manager, Communications and Linguistic Services
    Office of the Information Commissioner
    Tel.: 819-994-1068
    Email: Natalie.Bartlett@ci-oic.gc.ca

    Image source: oic-ci.gc.ca/eng/biography-biographie.aspx, accessed 5 July 2017
    John Reid, Information Commissioner in 1999
    OFFICE OF THE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER, "Remarks to CAPA Conference", speech, 1999-10-20, available at  http://www.oic-ci.gc.ca/eng/med-roo-sal-med_speeches-discours_1999_1.aspx (accessed 29 June 2016);
    Need I remind anyone that, in the records alteration incidents at DND, senior officers including officials of the Judge Advocate
    General’s office were informed that orders had been given to destroy records, yet no remedial action was taken by them. Only
    after a whistle-blower went to a member of the media, who--in turn--came to the Information Commissioner’s office, was action
    taken to inquire into the matter.

    "The Office of the JAG and the Mission in Afghanistan" (March 2014), vol. 17, number 3, The Maple Leaf  9; available at  http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2014/mdn-dnd/D12-7-17-3-eng.pdf (accessed 11 September 2016);
    Over the course of Canada’s mission to Afghanistan, CAF
    Legal Officers were deployed into that Theatre of Operations
    on more than 100 occasions for tours of up to one year. These
    numbers represent a significant proportion of the Office of
    the Judge Advocate General, which is only formed of 160 Regular
    Force Legal Officers and 55 Reservists. The Legal Office’s
    commitment to the Afghanistan mission is even more
    impressive when its concurrent contribution to other activities
    is considered. From 2002 to 2013, up to 25% of the JAG Office’s
    effective strength was deployed on international operations and
    operational training exercises in any given year.

    In Afghanistan, legal advice was provided in several distinct
    contexts. This included strategic advice to the Government of
    Afghanistan, operational law advice to both conventional
    military operations and special operations at the battle
    group and unit levels, administrative law and military justice
    advice to Provincial Reconstruction Teams, and mentoring
    advice and training to those members of the Afghan justice
    and law enforcement community tasked with being the boots
    on the ground in the struggle to establish the rule of law in
    that country.

    Support for the mission in Afghanistan was also provided
    by those Legal Officers based in Ottawa working from dedicated
    groups within the Office of the Judge Advocate General who
    assisted their colleagues in Afghanistan when particularly
    specialized questions required detailed analysis by these subject
    matter experts.

    ....With the continuing growth in the complexity of legal issues
    arising from military operations, it is likely that the demand
    for legal advice and services from Canada’s military lawyers
    will continue.

    Image source: http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo9/no3/08-madden-eng.asp, accessed on 6 November 2014
    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Canadian Forces  Manual (Second Draft), [Ottawa]: [Office of the Judge Advocate General] circa 1983-1984; there is a copy available at the University of Ottawa, FTX General, KZ 6385 .C343 1984;  

     Research Note by François Lareau - Only available in English.  The first draft was written by Professor L.C. Green; in his book, The Contemporary ,
    Manchester/New York: Manchester University Press, 1993, Professor Green, writes at p. xv: "This volume has grown out of the draft Manual of
    Armed Conflict Law
    that I prepared at the request of the then Judge Advocate General, General Jack Wolfe, for the Canadian Department of National Defence".

     Note de recherche par François Lareau:  Seulement disponible en anglais.  La première version  de ce livre fut exécuté par le professeur L.C. Green, qui
    dans son livre The Contemporary , Manchester/New York: Manchester University Press, 1993, écrit à la p. xv [traduction] «Ce volume a été développé à
    partir de la version Manual of Armed Conflict Law que j'ai préparé à la demande du juge-avocat général du Ministère de la Défense nationale du Canada de l'époque, le Général Jack Wolfe.»

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, "Celebrating a Century of Canadian Military Legal Services", The Maple Leaf;
    Today, approximately 180 members of the Military Legal Branch support the Canadian Armed Forces as members
    of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG). Under the leadership of the Judge Advocate General, Commodore
    Geneviève Bernatchez, these members work as legal advisors in the areas of operational law, military justice, and
    military administrative law. Their files address law, at home or abroad, for operations on land, at sea, in the air, and
    even in outer space or cyberspace; for all aspects of military judicial processes such as the presumption of innocence,
    search, seizure, arrest and detention; and for all personnel-related matters from recruitment to release and beyond.
    This requires in-depth knowledge, agility and personal stamina to be able to maneuver through an environment of
    hifting global allegiances, borderless conflicts, natural disasters, evolving societal demands, pervasive communications,
    and rapid technological advancements.
    [source: ml-fd.caf-fac.ca/en/2018/05/13621, accessed 19 May 2018]
    BUREAU DU JUGE AVOCAT GÉNÉRAL, "Célébrer un siècle de services juridiques des Forces armées canadiennes", La Feuille d'érable;
    Aujourd’hui, environ 180 membres de la Branche des services juridiques appuient les Forces armées canadiennes
    en faisant partie du Cabinet du juge-avocat général. Sous la direction du  juge-avocat générale, le commodore
    Geneviève Bernatchez, ces membres font office de conseillers juridiques dans les domaines du droit opérationnel,
    de la justice militaire et du droit administratif militaire. Leurs dossiers portent sur le droit applicable dans les opérations
    terrestres, maritimes, aériennes et même de l’espace cosmique ou le cyberespace, au Canada ou à l’étranger et touche
    tous les aspects du processus judiciaire militaire tel que la présomption d’innocence; les comportements sexuels
    préjudiciables et inappropriés; les perquisitions, les saisies, les arrestations et les détentions; ainsi que tous les
    sujets relatifs au personnel à partir du recrutement jusqu’à la libération et même au-delà. L’évolution dans un
    environnement caractérisé par des allégeances mondiales changeantes, des conflits sans frontières, des catastrophes
    naturelles, des demandes sociétales changeantes, l’omniprésence des communications et la progression rapide de
    la technologie requiert une connaissance approfondie, de l’agilité ainsi que de l’endurance.
    [source: https://ml-fd.caf-fac.ca/fr/2018/05/13621, visité le 19 mai 2018]

    Image source: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-reports-pubs-military-law-annual-2010-11/ch-4-military-justice-year-in-review.page, accessed on 6 November 2014

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Defence Counsel Study Team, Provision of Defence Counsel Services in the Canadian Forces: Report of the Defence Study Team, Ottawa, Office of the Judge Advocate General, 1997, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2018-02048.pdf; obtained under an Access  to Information Act request, National Defence Access to Information and Privacy Request file A-2018-02048 dated 26 February 2019, available at http://www.lareau-law.ca/A1a-208-02048.pdf (accessed 25 March 2019); referred to by McNairn, "The Canadian Forces' Criminal Law Firm: A Blueprint for Independence", Part I, infra, p. 245;  also referred to by McDonald, R. Arthur, Canada's Military Lawyers, infra, at p. 165:

    "One of the responses to the Somalia Inquiry and Special Advisory Group recommendations was the creation of a Defence Counsel Study Team to evaluate
    different ways by which defence counsel services could be provided in the CF.  The Study Team analyzed seven different possibilities involving civilian or
    military lawyers.  After all of the advantages, disadvantages and costs were considred, and a pool of Canadian Forces members  was conducted as to the
    preferred option, the Study Team made twenty-eight recommendations, including the selection of a Regular Force defence counsel organization.  Most of
    the recommendations were accepted and were reflected in the amendments to the National Defence Act and regulations."  (p. 165)

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Defence Counsel Services Manual, available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-reports-pubs-military-law-defence-counsel-manual/index.page (accessed on13 November 2014);
    BUREAU DU JUGE AVOCAT GÉNÉRAL, Manuel du Service d'avocats de la défense, disponible à http://www.forces.gc.ca/fr/a-propos-rapports-pubs-droit-militaire-manuel-avocats-defense/index.page, vérifié le 13 novembre 2014;

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Digest of opinions and rulings : Ottawa, March 31, 1944  compiled from the records of the Office of the Judge Advocate-General at National Defence Headquarters, [Ottawa : King's Printer, 1944], 353, [35] p.; note: At head of title: "Not to be published"; notes: technical manual; Judiciary, administration of Military justice; subjects: Courts-martial and courts of inquiry;
    [research on this publication by F. Lareau:
    Copies of this publication can be found at the following libraries:

    - Library of Parliament, Ottawa, UB 505.5 1944;
    - Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF7208 C36 1944;
    - CWM LIBRARY / BIBLIOTHÈQUE DU MCG : REF TECH UB 845 C2 D5 1944; note CWN= Canadian War Museum/MCG=Musée canadien de la guerre;
    - National Defence, Headquarters Library/Défense nationale, Bibliothèque du quartier général;
    - 99.9% sure that the JAG library in Ottawa also has a copy;
    - Western University, Western Libraries;
    - National Defence, Directorate of Land Concepts and Doctrine, Fort Frontenac Library/Défense nationale, Direction des concepts et de la doctrine de l'Armée de terre, Bibliothèque Fort Frontenac;
    - University of New Brunswick, Gerard V. LaForest Law Library; University of Victoria,UB506 C2;
    Information obtained in part from AMICUS catalogue

    As far as I know this publication has not been published; nor do I have a copy.

    One could get a copy by either an inter-library loan or by an Access to Information Act (ATI) request. 

    Made an Access to Information request to NDHQ on 14 February 2019] 

    Image source:  http://spartanfleetjag.purpleglen.com/ , accessed on 6 November 2014
    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Establishment of Canadian Forces Judge Advocate General's School, Ottawa: Judge Advocate General Library?, 2000?;  copy at the JAG Library, Ottawa, call number KF 7307 E88; noted from (2000) 2 JAG Newsletter at p. 74;

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, "FY [FINANCIAL YEAR] 00/01 Strategic Letter Office of the Judge Advocate General", 15 December 1999, available at http://web.archive.org/web/20010419105825/www.dnd.ca/jag/office_stratletter_toc_e.html#top;
    CABINET DU JUGE-AVOCAT GÉNÉRAL, "Lettre sur la stratégie pour l'AF [ANNÉE FINANCIÈRE] 2000-2001.  Bureau du Juge-avocat général", 15 décembre 1999, disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20010418090214/www.dnd.ca/jag/office_stratletter_toc_f.html#top;

    - JAG Business Plan Fiscal Year 2018-2019; and
    - JAG Business Plan Fiscal Year 2017-2018;
    [obtained under DND Access to Information Act Request file A-2018-00334, letter dated 12 June 2018;
     put on line at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2018-00334.pdf on 16 June 2018]

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, The Law of Armed Conflict at the Operational and Tactical Level [Manual], [Ottawa]: Office of the Judge Advocate General, 20 October 1999, military publication number: B-GG-005-027/AF-020 available at http://web.archive.org/web/20021016113213/www.dnd.ca/jag/operational_pubs_e.html and see also the Internet archives at http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.dnd.ca/jag/operational_e.html#top; for the 2001 edition, see http://www.fichl.org/uploads/media/Canadian_LOAC_Manual_2001_English.pdf (accessed on 4 November 2014);
    BUREAU DU JUGE AVOCAT GÉNÉRAL, [Manuel sur] Le doit des conflits armées au niveau opérationel et tactique, [Ottawa]: Bureau du Juge-avocat général, 31 mai 1999, publication militaire numéro B-GG-005-027/AF-020 disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20021022031601/www.dnd.ca/jag/operational_pubs_f.html; et voir aussi les archives internet à  http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.dnd.ca/jag/operational_e.html#top;

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Judge Advocate General Primary Reserve Study Team, Lieutenant-Colonel R.A. Mitchell, Commander L.C. Markert, Major P.T. Crocco, and Captain D. Austin, JAG Primary Reserve Study, Interim Report, 13 November 2012 under DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 3 February 2014, file A-2013-01407 (posted on the internet on 8 February 2014);

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, List of all lawyers serving in the JAG Office.  For each JAG lawyer (and articling students) indicating rank and name, the title of the of the position held on July 1, 2016 and the date on which the said lawyer was posted, assigned, transferred their position, NDHQ, Access to Information and Privacy, file A-2018-01456 and A-2016-00675 (for both files, the same request) ; put on line at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/List27Nov2018.pdf  on 27 November 2018);

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Manuals, see supra under "Manuals";

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Military Justice Handbook, [Ottawa?]: [Office of the Judge Advocate General], 1992?-?; [note the title might be instead: Courts Martial Index of Canadian Forces or A Handbook for Military Prosecutors] ; Research Note by François Lareau: I consulted a copy of this document in the Acess to Information and Privacy reading room at NDHQ, Ottawa on 24 April 1998; only part of this publication was available but the index indicated that it contained: -  several indexes to courts martial by key word, title and subjects (e.g.: defences, evidence, motions, pleas in bar of trial; certain statutes; QR&Os, CFAOs);  - indexes to court martial appeals, e.g.: by topics, statutes, offences; also a table of cases (alphabetical list and chronological list); - prosecution practice notes and court martial opinions;
    en anglais seulement; Note de recherche par François Lareau: J'ai consulté une copie de ce document dans la salle de lecture de l'Accès à l'information et protection des renseignements personnels, QGDF, Ottawa, le 24 avril 1998; seulement une partie de ce document était disponible mais l'index indiquait le contenu:  - plusieurs index sur les cours martiales par mots-clés; titres et matières (par ex.: les moyens de défense; preuve, les requêtes, fins de non-recevoir, certaines lois, les ORFC, les OAFC);  - des index pour la Cour d'appel des cours martiales du Canada, ex.: sujets, lois, infractions et aussi une table des arrêts (alphabétique et chronologique);  - des notes de pratique pouite des opinions concernant les cours martiales;

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Military Justice Materials: Sexual Offences and Sexual Harassment, online: DIN <http://jag.dwan.dnd.ca/training/publications/default_e.asp#SEXUALH>, as mentioned in Manual Administrative Law, 2008 at p. 23-5;

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Military Rules of Evidence, Ottawa: Judge Advocate General Library, 2000?; copy at the JAG Library, Ottawa, call number KF 7628 M55; noted from (2000) 2 JAG Newsletter at p. 72; summary: "A collection of documents tracing the origin and development of the Military Rules of Evidence 1951-1990"; 

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL,  a multitude of publications at the JAG Web Site
    CABINET DU JUGE-AVOCAT GÉNÉRAL, une multitude de publications au site web du JAG

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, "Report on the discipline survey: the development of a training and education strategy", Ottawa: Office of the Judge Advocate General, May 1998, 55 p.; obtained by François Lareau, Access to Information Act Request, file A-2015-00565, 19 June 2015; 
     pp. 1-55; important document;

    Introduction : the nature of discipline : the scope of discipline training : work in progress : aim. -- Section 1. Introduction. -- Section 2. Major training education issues : the present strategy : training resources : qualifications for instructors : entry level training : junior and senior leader and officer training : environment specific training : the reserves : the Office of the JAG. -- Conclusions." (Source: Catalogue of the Canadian Forces College)

    The aim of this report is to analyze existing training and education and recommend a comprehensive "crade to grave" discipline training/education strategy for the CF. Particular emphasis is placed on gearing training and education to the level and needs of the recipients. The provision of proper training aids and the use of qualified non-legal officer trainers when feasible." (Source: Catalogue of the Canadian Forces College)

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, see Order in Council , P.C 495, 28 February 1918, "Militia and Defence Department - Legal Branch to be constituted - Lieutenant Colonel O. M. Biggar to be Judge Advocate General - Authority for appointment of Deputy Judge Advocate General and assistants etc - M. M. and D. [Minister of Militia and Defence]; see http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/politics-government/orders-council/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=323683  (accessed 3  September 2016);  (français: décret C.P 495, 28 février 1918);

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Selected orders in Council and Treasury Board minutes, Ottawa : National Defence, [1942-, 4 v. (loose-leaf) ; 29 cm.   NOTES: Preliminaries and index in English only; text in  English and French in parallel columns.   Kept up to-date by Amendment lists.   A descriptive listing (photocopies) of federal Cabinet orders and Treasury Board minutes relating to the Dept. of National Defence.   v. 3 : some text in French in parallel column.   Office of the Judge Advocate General publication.   Stewart Collection; copy at  Canadian War Museum, Hartland Molson Library/Musée canadien de la guerre, Bibliothèque Hartland Molson,  Place Vimy, Ottawa, call number: KE 122 S35; v.1:1942-60; v.2:1961-67; v.3:1968-73; v.4:Index; ****

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, "Service Estates",  date modified:
    The Minister of National Defence, in Ministerial Order MCU2000-03830 of 3 August 2000, appointed the Judge Advocate General (JAG)
    as Director of Estates. On behalf of the JAG, the Estates and Elections Section of the Directorate of Law/Compensation, Benefits, Pensions
    & Estates
    carries out the administration and disbursement of military Service Estate entitlements in relation to Canadian Armed Forces
    members who die while serving full time in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). This entails coordinating with unit level personnel, JAG
    field offices, the deceased’s executor or estate administrator, family members and private sector legal counsel to ensure that any legal
    complications are resolved prior to authorizing the release of personal effects and disbursement of the Service Estate monetary entitlements.

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Service Estates & Elections, online: DIN DIN <http://jag.dwan.dnd.ca/estates_and_elections/default_e.asp>, mentioned in Manual Administrative Law, 2008 at p. 11-7;   

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, Summary Trial Working Group, Summary Trial Working Group Report, Ottawa, 2 March 1994, 2 volumes; François Lareau obtained a copy of these two volumes in two pdf files with Department of National Defence, Acess to Information and Privacy's letter dated 28 June 2012, file A-2012-00340 to François Lareau and is reproduced immediately hereunder in PDF format;

    PDFVolume 1
    - Table of Contents;
    - Executive Summary and Recommendations (being Chapter 1);
    - pp. i-viii and 1-126;
    - pp. 127-244;
    PDF Volume 2
    - Table of Contents;
    - Annex A to D;
    - Annex E and F;
    - Annex G to L;

    Notes on this document by François Lareau

    -  McNair, "Military Law Reform in Canada", supra, p. 53, note 21 states that the recommendations of the report "were approved by the Armed Forces Council in May 1994";

    - Jerry S.T. Pitzul, Brigadier-General,  and John C. Maguire, Commander, "A Perspective on Canada's Code of Service Discipline", JAG Newsletter, Vol.IV: Oct-Dec 1999, pp. 6-16 at p. 13, note 47 state that  the report' 59 recommendations  were approved by the Armed Forces' Council in May of 1994;

    - this report is also cited in Judge Advocate General,  Annual Report of the Judge Advocate General to the Minister of National Defence on the administration of military justice in the Canadian Forces: a review from 1 september to 31 march 2000, supra, at p. 1;

    OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL FONDS,  Repository: National Defence Headquarters Directorate of History and Heritage, Reference code: CA ON00093 2002/23; 111.6 (D3), 1940-1947, 2002 (Creation), 2.47 m of textual records;

    Administrative history

    The establishment of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Army) was authorized by the Canadian
    Expeditionary Force Routine Order No. 327 in 1911. It consisted of the Judge Advocate General, the
    President of the Pensions and Claims Board, an Executive Officer, a Secretary and a Chief Clerk. In 1917,
    following the passing of the National Defence Act, the Office of the Judge Advocate General became part
    of the Department of National Defence. Its terms of reference were to supervise and control the administration
    of Naval, Army and Air Force Law, to advise on all matters leading up to the convening of Courts Martial and
    the review of proceedings, to deal with the recording of proceedings of Courts Martial and their final disposition,
    to assist the Minister in the formulation of any advice it may be necessary to give the Governor in Council with
    regard to the proceedings of General Courts Martial, to advise on and perform certain duties in relation to
    matters of a legal nature within the Department of National Defence and to revise and amend the Naval, Military
    and Air Force Law and regulations, when and as required to do so. The Judge Advocate General was also legal
    advisor to the Defence Research Board following its creation in 1947. The JAG reported to the Deputy Minister
    and had three Deputies, one Naval, one Army and one Air Force officer. In the 1950s, the office of the JAG was
    divided by the following functional aspects: international and general, legislation, special projects, claims, pensions,
    real property, patents and inventions, courts martial, and estates and administration. Representatives of the JAG in
    the field could be legal officers of any of the three Services and served all three Services in the area to which they
    are assigned. The Assistant Judge Advocates General in the field were effectively legal advisers of the local Flag
    Officers, General Officers Commanding or Air Officers Commanding in their respective areas. In addition to the
    Assistant Judge Advocates General for regions within Canada (Pacific, Prairie, Central, Eastern and Atlantic),
    there existed a Senior Legal Advisor Europe (SLEA). In 1958, eight naval, 38 army and 35 air force legal officers
    were employed on the staff of the JAG and staffs of service headquarters and commands. In the early-1960s, there
    were 46 positions for lawyers on the establishment of the JAG's office and 23 legal positions on service establishments.
    Until 1998 or 1999, the JAG's functions remained essentially unchanged. However, at that time, the function of
    Department of National Defence (DND) and Canadian Forces (CF) Legal Advisor (LA) was created. The DND/CF LA
    is a unit of the Department of Justice that provides legal advice to the Department and Forces on matters other than
    military law and the military justice system, in accordance with the Department of Justice Act. The JAG remains
    responsible for matters involving military legal components.
    [available at: https://www.archeion.ca/office-of-judge-advocate-general-fonds, accessed 30 January 2019]

    OFFICE OF THE LEGAL ADVISOR TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE AND THE CANADIAN FORCES -- DND/CF LA, web site available at http://www.dndcfla.forces.gc.ca/en/home.page  (accessed on 4 January 2013);

    The Office of the DND/CF LA provides legal services on issues relating to: 

    CABINET  DE LA CONSEILLÈRE JURIDIQUE AUPRÈS DU MINISTÈRE DE LA DÉFENSE NATIONALE ET DES FORCES CANADIENNES -- CJ MDN/FC, site disponible à http://www.dndcfla.forces.gc.ca/fr/accueil.page? (vérifié le 4 janvier 2013) ;

    Le Cabinet de la CJ MND/FC fournit des services juridiques se rapportant :

    OFFICE OF THE LEGAL ADVISOR TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE AND THE CANADIAN FORCES -- DND/CF LA, Canada. Defence Planning Guidance 2001 - Chapter 3, article 317, available at http://www.resdal.org/Archivo/gui-cap3.htm  (accessed 18 June 2018):
    317. Office of The DND/CF Legal Advisor - DND/CF LA

    1. General. The DND/CF LA is the primary legal services provider in areas such as legislative and regulatory services, pensions and finance, claims, materiel procurement, environment and real property, civilian labour relations, human rights, information and privacy and intellectual property issues. Key priorities include establishing business processes and exploring with DND/CF leadership the roles of the Department of Justice and how best to serve the legal needs of the Department and the Canadian Forces.

    2. Mission/Responsibilities. The DND and CF Legal Advisor, a unit of the Department of Justice, provides legal advice to the Department and Forces on matters other than military law and the military justice system, in accordance with the Department of Justice Act. The DND/CF LA is the primary legal service provider in the areas of legislative and regulatory services, pensions and finance, claims, materiel procurement, environment and real property, civilian labour relations, public laws including human rights, information and privacy matters and intellectual property issues.

    3. Resource Planning Levels. See Chapter 4.

    4. DND/CF LA Tasks. DND/CF LA is assigned the following tasks in support of the Defence Objectives. The DND/CF LA business plan is to indicate the intended output level of effort for these tasks.
    a. Defence Objective 1 (LAD01): To provide strategic defence and security advice and information to the Government.
    Task. Provide to the Minister and Level One Managers with advice and information on legal matters pertaining to DND other than those dealing with military law and discipline.
    b. Defence Objective 5 (LAD05): To assist other Government departments and other levels of Government in achieving national goals.
    Task. Participate in and coordinate DND's contributions to the staffing of legal matters of national interest that involve other Government departments and/or other levels of government.
    c. Defence Objective 6 (LAD06): To provide support to broad Government programs.
      1. Comply with Government legislation, policies and management practices; and
      2. Support government-wide initiatives in areas such as civilian labour relations, human rights, information and privacy.
    d. Defence Objective 8 (LAD08): To maximize defence capabilities through the effective and efficient use of resources.
      1. Provide the CF and the Department with cost-effective legal services with respect to materiel, environment and real property law, human rights, labour relations, administrative law, access to information and privacy, claims, regulations and orders, pensions and finance; and
      2. Provide a work environment that supports organizational and individual performance and learning.


    - Draft Business Plan 2017/2018, 5 December 2016, at pp. 000001-000082, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2018-00292.pdf, put on line on 17 December 2018; obtained Department of Justice, Access to Information Act request, reference A-2018-00292, dated 21 November 2018;
    - Draft Business Plan 2018/2019, 8 December 2017, at pp. 000083-000164, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2018-00292.pdf, put on line on 17 December 2018; obtained Department of Justice, Access to Information Act request, reference A-2018-00292, dated 21 November 2018;

    OFFICE OF THE LEGAL ADVISOR TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE AND THE CANADIAN FORCES -- DND/CF LA/CCL-RCAC--Claims and Civil Litigation/Réclamations et contentieux des affaires civiles, Counsel/Avocats :

    - Dominique Babin
    - Cathia Bérubé, A/Director and Senior Legal Counsel
    - Meaghan Enright
    - Annie Guimond
    - Geneviève Hautcoeur
    - Noah Lander
    - Waldemar Lonc, legal oficer
    - Daniel Matte
    - Sophie Routier
    - Kristen Rudderham, legal officer

    [source: http://www.goc411.ca/en/93130/Noah-Lander, accessed 19 July 2018]

    OFFICE OF THE LEGAL ADVISOR TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE AND THE CANADIAN FORCES -- DND/CF LA/DLAGCPLA-CJAAGCJD--Deputy Legal Advisor and General Counsel, Public Law Advisory Services/Conseiller juridique adjoint et avocat général, conseiller juridique en droit public, Counsel/Avocats :

    - Deborah Friedman
    - Marian McGrath, Deputy Executive Director & General Counsel

    [source: http://www.goc411.ca/en/91960/Marian-McGrath, accessed 19 July 2018]

    OFFICE OF THE LEGAL ADVISOR TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE AND THE CANADIAN FORCES -- DND/CF LA/LAS-SCJ--Legal Advisory Services/Services de consultation juridique, Counsel/Avocats :

    - Sébastien Bouchard
    - Emilie Brouzes
    Genevieve Hautcoeur
    - Ken MacInnes MacInnes
    - Randy Smith, Directeur et Avocat militaire
    - Charlotte Sully

    OFFICE OF THE LEGAL ADVISOR TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE AND THE CANADIAN FORCES -- DND/CF LA/MERPL-DMEI--Material, Environment and Real Property Law/Droit de matériel, de l'environnement et de l'immobilier, Counsel/Avocats :

    - Nefeterri Carnadin
    - Stephen Conway
    - Renée Delcourt
    - Marc André Dionne
    - Élizabeth Giroux, Directrice et avocate-conseil
    - Benjamin Hiemstra
    - Nicholas Howard
    - Josiane Houde
    - Anita Kuriakose
    - Michel Lapierre, Directeur et avocat principal
    - Karine René
    - Jean Rheaume
    - Allain Roy
    - Catherine Sodha

    [source: http://www.goc411.ca/fr/95488/Stephen-Conway, accessed 19 July 2018]

    - Denis Bordeleau
    - David McNairn
    - Gérard Normand, General Counsel and Team Leader of National Security Law

    [source: , accessed 19 July 2018]

    - Nathalie Dorais-Pagé
    - Heather Hui
    - Laurel Johnson, Director and Senior Counsel
    - Ken MacInnes
    - Christopher Smith
    - Hanya Soliman
    - Roksana Stalinski
    Laurence St-Gelais
    - Magali Trevisan-Peries

    [source: http://www.goc411.ca/en/196738/Hanya-Soliman, accessed 19 July 2018]

    Image source: zvab.com/buch-suchen/textsuche/militia/, accessed               Image source: contentdm.ucalgary.ca/digital/collection/cmh/id/57380/,
    2 January 2019                                                                       accessed 2 January 2019

    Image source: www.ebay.com....
    accessed 3 January 2019

    OFFICERS' LIST (see also under "LIST", this bibliography)

    Officers' Lists

    Published officer's lists can be invaluable in recreating the career of a military officer, whether he be in the Canadian armed forces, a Canadian serving in the British forces or a British officer in Canada. It must be emphasized that these lists do not include enlisted men; their purpose was to record the seniority of individual officers publicly. Use of the lists covering a period of years will show promotions and transfers and eventual retirement. Some lists, such as the Defence forces list, Canada or Hart's annual army list, are also rich in personal detail. Note that the British lists also included officers of the Canadian armed forces while Canada was still a colony.

    The advent of the computer has meant the end of a celebrated but idiosyncratic tradition of very useful officers' lists. This was first seen in The Royal Canadian Air Force list, which gave nothing more than name, rank, serial number, date of seniority and date of birth. The Canadian Forces officers' list, published annually since integration of the Canadian Armed Forces in 1965, gives no more detail than that. Using it involves privacy issues, because of the inclusion of birth dates for officers who are still alive and serving, and, for many years, social insurance numbers, which were also used as service numbers. For these reasons the researcher may not find it readily available in libraries.

    Canada. Air Force. - The Canadian Air Force list. - Ottawa: King's Printer, [1921?]-[1922?]

    _____. - The Royal Canadian Air Force list. - Ottawa: [s.n.], 1924-1966.

    • Frequency varies.
    • Issued in mimeographed form until 1942.

    Canada. Dept. of Militia and Defence. - The militia list. - Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1867-1929.

    • Title and frequency vary, e.g. - The annual volunteer and service militia list of Canada (1867) or - The quarterly militia list of the Dominion of Canada (1900).
    • Superseded by Defence forces list, Canada.

    Canada. Dept. of National Defence. - The Canadian Army list. - Ottawa: King's Printer, 1940-1966.

    • Title varies, e.g. - Gradation list, Canadian Army Active (1940-1945); - Canadian Army (Regular) list (1959-1966).
    • Annual.

    _____. - Defence forces list, Canada (naval, military and air forces). - Ottawa: King's Printer, 1930-1939.

    • Title varies somewhat. Supersedes The militia list. Superseded by The Canadian Navy list, The Canadian Army list and The Royal Canadian Air Force list.

    Canada. Dept. of the Naval Service. - The Canadian Navy list. - Ottawa: King's Printer, 1914-1965.

    • Issued by the Dept. of National Defence from 1923.
    • Frequency varies, sometimes quarterly, but at least annually.

    [Source: http://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/militaire/025002-1040.03-e.html, accessed 2 January 2019]


    Canadian Forces Officers' List (Regular) = Liste des officiers des Forces canadiennes (force régulière), Department of National Defence, copy of various years at the Canadian War Museum Library, UA 600.3 A2;


    Canadian Law Times, Toronto : Carswell, 1881-1922; this periodical published a “List of Barristers, Solicitors and Students-at-Law Now on Active Service for Canada and the Empire…,” in 1915; available at https://archive.org/stream/canadianlawtime00unkngoog/canadianlawtime00unkngoog_djvu.txt, and https://archive.org/details/canadianlawtime00unkngoog accessed 24 June 2020;


    Almost all but not quite all of the 1863 to 1939 inclusive Canadian militia lists are now searchable online via Ancestry.ca




    For navy lists, see https://navalandmilitarymuseum.org/archives/projects/the-navy-list, accessed 3 January 2019


    British Military Lists (Army, Navy and Air Force lists), available at https://digital.nls.uk/british-military-lists/archive/97343435, accessed 20 Marsch 2019;

    available at https://digital.nls.uk/british-military-lists/archive/97343435, accessed 20 Marsch 2019

    OGLE, Robert J., The faculties of Canadian military chaplains : a commentary on the faculty sheet of December, 1955, and the directives for Holy Week promulgated March 14, 1956,  Ottawa : [publisher not identified], 1956, xviii, 267 pages ; 24 cm; Universitas Catholica Ottaviensis. Dissertationes ad gradum laureae in facultatibus ecclesiasticis consequendum conscriptae. Series canonica altera ;t. 1;

    Vahe Ohanessian

    OHANESSIAN, Vahe, legal officer with the OJAG, reserve force, see Major David Hodson, "Honoring Vahe Ohanessian",  Durlaw Voice, Volume I, issue IV, Spring 2015, at p. 4; available at http://www.durhamregionlawassociation.com/SpringDURLAW2015.pdf  (accessed 10 January 2016; article about Vahe Ohanessian;

    ___________on OHANESSIAN, Vahe, see photo:

    " 1 hour ago [31 July 2019]  Legal advice at sea for
    the . Major Vahe Ohanessian, deployed legal officer on
    2019, discusses an operational law issue with Captain(N) Martin Fluet on the bridge of .

    Image reproduced from:  http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/speaking-out-on-sexual-assault-in-the-military/ (accessed on 23 November 2014);

      A pioneering fighter pilot adds her story to the growing disclosures", 1 June 1998 issue, Maclean's -- Canada's Weekly NewsMagazine; available at  http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/speaking-out-on-sexual-assault-in-the-military/ (accessed on 23 November 2014);

    Image reproduced from Google Image, accessed on 2 June 2014       

    O'HARA, Jane with Brenda Branswell, John Geddes, Shanda Deziel, Sharon Doyle Driedger and Stephanie Nolen, "Rape in the military", 25 May 1998 issue, Maclean's -- Canada's Weekly NewsMagazine; available at http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/rape-in-the-military/ (accessed on 2 June 2014); also available at http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/rape-in-the-military-investigated/ (accessed 17 March 2018);

    Image source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqvvfNEVOSk, accessed 16 August 2016
    Jane O'Hara
    O'HARA, Jane, "Abuse of Power: Critics say the military justice has failed", Maclean's,  13 July 1998, Volume 111, Issue 28, p. 16-20, ISSN 0024-9262;
    Description:   For [Everett Boyle], who had spent much of his career disciplining enlisted soldiers, the grievance--if borne out by an investigation--could have
    resulted in three charges against [Gary George]: conduct unbecoming an officer, abuse of authority and fraternization with a subordinate. But Boyle's rank did
    not give him the authority to investigate officers. He took the grievance to base commander Col. Edward Jackson, who in turn passed it up the chain of command
    to Maj.-Gen. Dave O'Blenis. (source: 
    © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved, http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do
    accessed 8 July 2016)

    Image reproduced from http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/of-rape-and-justice/ (accessed on 23 November 2014)
    ___________"Of Rape and Justice: Has anything really changed in the Canadian Military", 14 December 1998 issue, Maclean's -- Canada's Weekly NewsMagazine; available at http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/of-rape-and-justice/ (accessed on 23 November 2014);

    From the left: Cdr Sheila Archer and Lt(N) Carl Monk         From the left: Cdr Sheila Archer and Lt(N) Mike Baker

    O'HARA, Shawn,  "New JAG lawyers are sworn in", LOOKOUT MARPAC News, CFB Esquimalt, Victoria B.C., volume 58, number 20, 21 May 2013, www.lookoutnewspaper.com, at p. 14 available at http://www.lookoutnewspaper.com/issues/58/2013-05-21-20.pdf (accessed on 23 November 2015);
        In a small ceremony in the courtroom located in the AJAG office, two naval lawyers were sworn into the practise of law in
    British Columbia.

        Lt(N) Carl Monk and Lt(N) Mike Baker, who both attended law school under the Military Law Training
    Plan, have passed their bar exams and finished their period as articled students. They took an oath and were sworn in as lawyers
    on May 14, and are now legal officers within the Office of the JAG.   

    LCol Steven Richards
    ___________"New prosecution office opens", 15 April 2013, CFB Esquimalt Navy News on Line, available at http://www.lookoutnewspaper.com/new-prosecution-office-opens/ (accessed on 13 February 2015); article about LCol Steven Richards;

    Image source: researchgate.net/profile/Eamonn_Okeeffe, accessed 11 November 2016
    O'KEEFFE, Eamonn, " “Such Want of Gentlemanly Conduct:” The General Court Martial of Lieutenant John de Hertel", (2016) 25(2) Canadian Military History, second article; available at scholars.wlu.ca/cmh/vol25/iss2/2/ (accessed 11 November 2016); with the same title at https://1812andallthat.wordpress.com/suchwantofgentlemanlyconduct/ (accessed 20 May 2017);

    Image source: cfc.forces.gc.ca/136/294-eng.html, accessed 26 January 2017
    Alan Okros
    OKROS, Alan, "Civil-military Relations: The Broader Context" in Angela R. Febbraro, 1963-, Irina Goldenberg, 1974-, Waylon Dean, editors, Canadian Defence Academy, Canada, Canadian Armed Forces. Wing, 17., The defence team : military and civilian partnership in the Canadian Armed Forces and Department of National  Defence / edited by Irina Goldenberg, Angela R.  Febbraro, and Waylon H. Dean.  Subtitle on cover: Military & civilian partnership in  the Canadian Armed Forces & Department of National Defence, Kingston, ON : Canadian Defence Academy Press, [2015], iii, 268 p.,  at pp. 47-68: ill., charts ; 23 cm.   NOTES: Produced for the Canadian Defence Academy Press by 17 Wing Winnipeg Publishing Office.  Includes bibliographical references and index.   Available also on the Internet.  Issued by: Canadian Defence Academy Press. ISBN: 9781100253565 (pbk.).  ISBN: 1100253564 (pbk.)  ISBN: 1100253572 (bound), available at http://cradpdf.drdc-rddc.gc.ca/PDFS/unc204/p802756_A1b.pdf#page=60 (accessed 26 January 2017);

    OKROS, Alan and Denise Scott, "Gender Identity in the Canadian Forces A Review of Possible Impacts on Operational Effectiveness", (April 2015) 41(2) Armed Forces & Society 243-256;
    One of the most prominent debates over minority participation in the military has been whether or not inclusive policies would undermine operational effectiveness.
    While the adoption of inclusive policy has tended to indicate that minority participation does not compromise effectiveness, the question has not yet been tested in
    the context of transgender military service. In this paper, we conduct the first-ever assessment of whether policies that allow transgender troops to serve openly have
    undermined effectiveness, and we ask this question in the context of the Canadian Forces (CF), which lifted its transgender ban in 1992 and then adopted more
    explicitly inclusive policy in 2010 and 2012. Although transgender military service in Canada poses a particularly hard test for the proposition that minority inclusion
    does not undermine organizational performance, our finding is that despite ongoing prejudice and incomplete policy formulation and implementation, allowing
    transgender personnel to serve openly has not harmed the CF’s effectiveness. (source: http://afs.sagepub.com/content/41/2/243.abstract#aff-2, accessed 13 November 2015)

    Image source: saugeentimes.com/59%20x/Feature%20Museum%20War%20Historian%20returns%20Sept.%2022%202014/Template.htm, accessed 4 November 2016
    Michael O'Leary
    O'LEARY, Michael, Researching Canadian Soldiers of the First World War, see Part 3: "Court Martial Records", at http://regimentalrogue.com/misc/researching_first_world_war_soldiers_part3.htm; Part 15: "Crime...", at http://regimentalrogue.com/misc/researching_first_world_war_soldiers_part15.htm ; Part 16, "...and Punishment" at http://regimentalrogue.com/misc/researching_first_world_war_soldiers_part16.htm (all pages accessed 21 June 2016); consult the most recent version at  http://regimentalrogue.com/misc/researching_first_world_war_soldiers_part3.htm (accessed 25 December 2019);

    OLEXIUK, Eileen, Alex Neve, Craig Scott, Chris Alexander, Peggy Mason, "Is the Afghan detainee case unfinished business?  A defence minister who served in Afghanistan. A new International Criminal Court investigation. Ongoing calls for an inquiry. Will Canada's handover of detainees come back to haunt this government?", OPENCANADA.ORG, 14 June 2017, available at https://www.opencanada.org/features/afghan-detainee-case-unfinished-business/ (accessed 4 July 2017); 

    Ken Watkin
    OLIVER, Ben, Interview with Ken Watkin, 2007, available at http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/11027-ken-watkin-award-winning-author-on-the-international-stage/ (accessed 9 May 2017);

    What motivated you to write this particular book? [Fighting the Legal Boundaries]

    For a significant period following the 9/11 attacks until 2010, while serving first as the Deputy Judge Advocate General/Operations and
    then as the Judge Advocate General, I was responsible for the provision of operational law advice regarding Canada’s air, sea, land and
    Special Forces operations both overseas and in Canada. It quickly became evident to me that for the Canadian perspective to be properly
    represented on the international stage, and to ensure our military operations were not improperly constrained, it was crucial for the Office
    of the Judge Advocate General to engage in the strategic dialogue taking place regarding 21st Century conflict. In this endeavour I was
    assisted by a group of very talented military lawyers, including a number of military colleges’ graduates. For me this engagement included
    writing academic articles about operational law issues for publication in international law journals, and participation in working groups
    with other State legal advisors, human rights advocates and academics. I have had articles published on a variety of subjects such as targeted
    killing and proportionality, the interface between law enforcement and armed conflict, and the law applicable to terrorism and complex
    security threats. A critique I wrote on the International Committee of the Red Cross’s interpretation of “direct participation in hostilities”
    has been widely referred to in academic discussion. This latter concept establishes who qualifies as a lawful target during armed conflict,
    and identifies which persons qualify for the protection of civilian status. My book represents post retirement continuation of that effort.

    Photo Source: http://www.historymuseum.ca/research-and-collections/research-staff/dean-oliver/, accessed 13 November 2015
    OLIVER, Dean F. (Dean Frederick), 1965-, "The Canadian military after Somalia" in Fen Osler Hampson and Maureen Appel Molot, eds., Leadership and dialogue, Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1998, iv, 304 p., at pp. [99]-118 (Series; Canada among Nations), ISBN: 0195414063;

    ___________"Foreign affairs and defence", in David Mutimer, ed., Canada Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs: 1997, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, at p.67; limited preview in  http://books.google.com/books?id=RyH-ouVcnrEC&pg=PA91&dq=%22Dishonoured+Legacy%22&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=Sz1-SL-pIYS0sgOxjY2kBg&sig=ACfU3U3O6Y8xKqhKU1zVUQBSGwfni2lVlQ#PPA67,M1  and http://books.google.com/books?id=RyH-ouVcnrEC&dq=%22Dishonoured+Legacy%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 16 July 2008);

    From the left: Maj G. Turner, LCdr H.G. Oliver and F/L.J.M. Simpson, Metz, France, 1954, photo reproduced from JAG Newsletter, volume 1, 2004 at p. 13.


    Photo of Hubert (Bert) Oliver from (Nov-Dec 2000) JAG Newsletter -- Bulletin d'actualités at p. 55.

    OLIVER, H.G. (Hubert Galt/Hubert G.) ("Bert"), 1922-2000, "Canadian Military Law" (1975) 23 Chitty's Law Journal 109-119; a photocopy reproduction of this article is found in Oliver, Our Criminal Courts, infra, at Appendix I;

    _________Notes on Hubert Oliver taken from JAG Alumni, " 'Gentleman judge' Oliver remembered", (Nov-Dec 2000) JAG Newsletter -- Bulletin d'actualités at p. 55:
    Capt(N) "Bert" Oliver served 28 years in the RCN and the CF, 21 years of which were in the Office of the JAG.  His first years of naval service were
    in coastal vessels, corvettes, frigates, and destroyers.  He came to the Office of the JAG in 1951 and served in NDHQ, Halifax, Vancouver, Esquimalt,
    Metz (France), and Edmonton.  He attended NDC in Kingston and prior to taking his retirement in 1972 he was the Chief Judge Advocate for the CF.
    Upon leaving the CF he assumed a position with the Law Reform Commission of Canada before being appointed a Provincial Court Judge in Calgary.
    [He died 12 October 2000].

    ___________Our Criminal Courts, [Calgary(Alberta): H.G. Oliver], 1995, ii, 7, 194, [Appendix 1, 11], [Appendix 2, 8] pages, 28 cm., ISBN: 0969942109; copy at Library and Archives Canada; copy at the Library of Parliament;

    see in particular:

    - Part I : "Office of the Judge Advocate General - Canadian Forces 1950-1972" (Chapter 1: Courts Martial; 2: Courts Martial Appeals; 3. Other Judge Advocate General Functions, Especially Claims By and Against the Crown; and a chapter 4 on the Canadian Military College);

    - Part III: "(A) Important Differences Between the Military Courts Martial System and the Provincial Criminal Court System in Canada...[partial title of Part III]";

    ___________on OLIVER, H.G., Colonel, appeared for the Crown, respondent in the Court martial Appeal Court of Canada, see Regina v. Weselak, 1972 CanLII 1450 (CMAC), <http://canlii.ca/t/htwl7>  and  (1972) 9 C.C.C. (2d) 193;

    ___________on OLIVER, H.G., photo in Calgary Herald, 28 June 1958 at p. 18, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 28 May 2020;


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on OLIVER, H.G., see obituary at "Judge Hubert Oliver", Calgary Herald, Saturday, 21 October 2000, at p. 135, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 30 May 2020;


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Source de l'image: https://twitter.com/fannieolivier, vérifié 17 juin 2016
    Fanny Olivier
    OLIVIER, Fanny, "Détenus afghans: Des policiers demandent une enquête publique",  16 juin 2016 | Fannie Olivier - La Presse canadienne à Ottawa|, Le Devoir, disponible à http://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/473568/detenus-afghans-des-policiers-demandent-une-enquete-publique (vérifié le 17 juin 2016);

    (Col Ret'd) Charles S. Oliviero, CD, PhD, image source: https://www.qyrang.ca/honoraries,
    accessed 17 September 2020.
    OLIVIERO, Charles S., 1954-,"Operation 'Delivrance': International Success or Domestic Failure?", (Summer 2001) 2(2) Canadian Military Journal 51-58; available at http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo2/no2/doc/51-58-eng.pdf (accessed on 24 April 2012);
    OLIVIERO, Charles S., "Opération 'Délivrance' : succès international ou échec national?", (été 2001) 2(2) Revue militaire canadienne 51-58; disponible à http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo2/no2/doc/51-58-fra.pdf (vérifié le 24 avril 2012);

    Col Pat Olson (left) with MGen J. Pitzul (source: (2005) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter at p. 15)

    OLSON, Colonel P. (Patrick) (Pat) J., "Leadership and the Law", (2005) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter 15-21;
    OLSON, Colonel P., "Le leadership et la loi", (2005) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter 21-28;

    Colonel P.J. Olson
    ___________Notes on Colonel P.J. (Patrick) Olson, available at  http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/webarchives/20061216051631/http://www.forces.gc.ca/dsa/app_bio/engraph/fseniorofficerbiographyview_e.asp?sectchoice=1&maction=view&mbiographyid=545 (accessed 24 January 2016);
    Colonel Olson joined the Canadian Forces in 1980 as a member of 25 Toronto Service Battalion, a Reserve unit. From 1982 to 1984,
    he commanded the Military Police Platoon of that unit.

    He transferred to the Regular Force in 1984, after graduating from Osgoode Hall Law School and being called to the Ontario Bar.

    Colonel Olson served in the JAG Branch first as a member of the Defence Team and then in the Directorate of Law/Legislation,
    Regulations and Orders. From 1986 to 1989, he served as Deputy Judge Advocate, Trenton. From 1989 to 1991, he served in the
    Directorate of Personnel Legal Services.

    In 1992/1993, Colonel Olson received post-graduate training at the University of Ottawa, earning a degree in Legislative Drafting.

    In 1993, he served as a member of the UN War Crimes Investigation team in Croatia as a site leader for the excavation of a series of
    mass graves.

    From 1994 to 1999, Colonel Olson served as Director of the Law/Legislation, Superannuation and Finance directorate at NDHQ.
    From 1999 to 2002, he served as Assistant Judge Advocate General in Toronto.

    From September 2001 to January 2002, he deployed to Bosnia as legal advisor to SFOR HQ. In the spring of 2002, he was
    posted to Ottawa as JAG Special Assistant.

    In April 2003, he was promoted to Colonel and appointed to the position of Deputy Judge Advocate General/Human resources.

    ___________on OLSON, Colonel Patrick, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 170, available at  103-242;

    ___________on OLSON, Patrick, Captain,  see his photo on flickr by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4432418916/in/album-72157623951146254/ ("Rockcliffe--AJAG Trenton Conference"; Capt Olson is on the left and Maj Priddle on the right) (accessed 25 September 2020);

    ____________"Promoting the Rule of Law -- A Value Apart", (2006) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 55-66; notes: "National Security Course 7 Canadian Forces College, May 2005"; available at http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/281/277/olson.pdf (accessed 5 March 2015);

    image source: twitter.com/kady, accessed 16 August 2016
    Kady O'Malley
    O'MALLEY, Kady, "Afghanistan committee update: Let the arcane legal arguments begin!", CBC News Politics, Inside Politics Blog, 8 November 2009, available at http://www.cbc.ca/newsblogs/politics/inside-politics-blog/2009/11/not-done-afghanistan-committee-witness-list.html (accessed 25 November 2015);

    ___________"Uncensored Afghan detainee reports sought by NDP MP Craig Scott.  Afghan detainee issue 'will not and must not go away,' former law professor says", CBC News/Politics, 18 February 2015, available at http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/uncensored-afghan-detainee-reports-sought-by-ndp-mp-craig-scott-1.2962122 (accessed 3 March 2017);

    OMBUDSMAN, Investigative Reports and Analyses:
    - A Systemic Review of Compensation Options for Ill and Injured Reservists (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-rfc/rfc-toc.page), February 2016;

    - The Feasibility of Providing Periodic Health Assessments to All Primary Reservists (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-pha/pha-index.page), June 2015;

    - An Investigation into the 1974 Valcartier Cadets Grenade Incident (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-valcartier/valcartier-index.page), June 2015;

    - Boards of Inquiry: Families in Focus  (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-boi/boards-of-inquiry.page), April 2015;

    - Canadian Armed Forces best positioned to determine Public Service priority hiring for releasing members (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-priority-hiring/priority-hiring-index.page), January 2015;

    On the Homefront: Assessing the Well-being of Canada's Military Families in the New Millennium (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-military-families/military-families-index.page); November 2013;

    - Preliminary Assessment: Joint Personnel Support Unit (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-news-events-media-letters/jpsu-ipsc.page), October 2013;

    - An Examination of Canadian Forces Base Cold Lake (4 Wing) (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-cold-lake/cold-lake-index.page), July 2013;

    - A Report Outlining the Delays in the Processing of Adjudications and Initial Authority Grievances by the Director General Compensation & Benefits (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-dgcb/index-dgcb.page), May 2013;

    - Reserved Care: A Follow Up into the Treatment of Injured Reservists (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-reserved-care-follow-up/index.page), November 2012;

    - Fortitude under Fatigue: Assessing the Delivery of Care for Operational Stress Injuries that Canadian Forces Members Need and Deserve (http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-fortitude/index.page), September 2013;

    ___________The Case for a Permanent and Independent Ombudsman Office.  The Defence Community Deserves no Less, Report to the Minister of National Defence, March 2017, available at http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/assets/OMBUDSMAN_Internet/docs/en/governance-report-eng.pdf  and http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/en/ombudsman-reports-stats-investigations-the-case-for-a-permanent-and-independent-ombudsman-office-/the-case-for-a-permanent-and-independent-ombudsman-office.page (accessed 25 April 2017);

    André Marin, source: http://en.wikipedia.
    , 23 Nov 14
    OMBUDSMAN -- NATIONAL DEFENCE AND CANADIAN FORCES and André Marin, 1965-, Ombudsman, The Way Forward: Action Plan for the Office of the Ombudsman, Ottawa: Ombudsman, 1999, 183 p. and six Appendixes and a bibliography; available at http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/rep-rap/sr-rs/wf-aa/index-eng.asp (accessed on 15 July 2008);
    OMBUDSMAN -- DÉFENSE NATIONALE ET FORCES CANADIENNES et André Marin, 1965-, Ombudsman, Allons de l'avant plan directeur du Bureau de l'ombudsman, Ottawa: Ombudsman, 1999, disponible à http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/rep-rap/sr-rs/wf-aa/index-fra.asp  (vérifié le 15 juillet 2008);

    O'Neill. Juliet,  Canwest News Service, "Hillier accused of 'trivializing' torture at detainees hearing", Calgary Herald, 22 December 2009, available at http://www.calgaryherald.com/life/hillier+accused+trivializing+torture/2371954/story.html (accessed 26 July 2017);

    OTTAWA — Civil liberties lawyer Paul Champ on Tuesday accused retired general Rick Hillier of "trivializing" torture when the country's former top
    soldier compared Afghan detainees and inmates at Ontario's Millhaven penitentiary during testimony last month to a House of Commons committee.

    Champ, representing Amnesty International and the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, and retired diplomat Gar Pardy, former head of
    consular affairs, testified at an informal hearing of the committee looking into allegations that senior government and military officials turned a blind
    eye to a risk of torture of detainees transferred into Afghan custody by Canadian military forces in 2006-07.


    O'NEIL, Terence, Captain, from Vancouver was the defending officer in the murder case by court martial referrred to in Boss, William, "Canadian Pleads not Guilty to Murder Charge in Holland", Globe and Mail, 1946/05/17, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5028166 (accessed 7 June 2019); court martial of Pte Stefan Kolesar accused of murder at a court martial; the co-accused at another court martial was Pte John Merkley;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on O'NEIL, Terence, Captain, from Vancouver and Atlanta, Ga., see "Acquit Canadian of Murdering Dutch Sergeant", Globe and Mail, 1946/05/29, available at  https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5028159 (accessed 7 June 2019);

    OPEN SOCIETY JUSTICE INITIATIVE, "Comparative Analysis of Preliminary Investigation Systems in Respect of Alleged Violations of International Human Rights and/or Humanitarian Law", New York, 10 August 2010, 27 p., deals with Canada, see for example "Canada" starting at p. 22; available at http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/default/files/comparative-analysis-20100810.pdf (accessed on 4 November 2014);

    --4th Judge Advocate General, 1920-1950
    Brigadier-General Reginald John Orde,
    source of photo: McDonald, R. Arthur, Canada's Military Lawyers, supra, at p. 36

    ORDE, Brigadier-General Reginald John (R.J./"Reggie"/"Reg"), 15 May 1893- 3 June 1975, in World War I Canadian Generals, 125 pages at p. 124, Judge Advocate General; available at http://www.blatherwick.net/documents/General%20%26%20Flag%20Officers%20WWI%20and%20WWII/01%20World%20War%20I%20Canadian%20Generals.pdf (accessed 10 October 2017);

    Brigadier-General Reginald John ORDE, CBE, CD, KC
        Judge Advocate General

    Born: 15/05/1893 Toronto, Ontario
    Married: 1919 Dorothy Cook No Children
    Died: 03/06/1975 Ottawa, Ontario


    06/01/1945 CBE Brigadier-General JAG
    24/02/1945 Commander The Order of Orange Nassau Netherlands
    04/01/1952 CStJ Commander, Order of St. John Brigadier-General
    07/01/1955 KStJ Knight, Order of St. John Brigadier-General
               KC King’s Council
    1950 CD Canadian Forces Decoration and two Clasps


    1913 B.A. Trinity College, University of Toronto
         LLD Osgoode Hall


    09/1914 Bombardier 2nd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery
    01/1915 2nd Lieutenant 13th Brigade Royal Field Artillery Meerut Div.
    03/1915 2nd Lieutenant To France RFA
    05/1915 2nd Lieutenant Wounded at Festubert, Givenchy, Loos.
    09/1915 Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery
    12/1915 Lieutenant RFA in Mesopotamia for Tigris Relief Column
    07/1916 Lieutenant Invalided in July
    10/1916 Lieutenant Returned to Canada
    1917 Captain R.S.A. Kingston; Instucting
    04/1917 Captain 67th V. of T. Battery Overseas
    10/1917 Captain Invalided Home
    05/1918 Captain Judge Advocate General Staff
    12/1918 Major Judge Advocate General Staff
    1919 Major Assistant Judge Advocate General
    1920 Lieutenant-Colonel Judge Advocate General (JAG)
    1931 Lieutenant-Colonel Imperial Defence College
    1950 Brigadier-General Retire as JAG (30 Years)

    ___________ biographical notes (includes notes on his wife also):

    Brigadier General Reginald John Orde (service nos. 40467 and C40467) was born 15 May 1893 at Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Orde received his BA
    at the University of Toronto and a Law Degree from Osgoode Hall. He enlisted as a private in the 15th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, on 22
    September 1914 and embarked from Quebec on 3 October 1914. During the war, he served with the Royal Field Artillery and Indian Army. Orde
    began as an Acting Corporal overseas on 13 October 1914; was struck off strength to the Imperial Army on 18 January 1915; was commissioned
    as 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery, on 21 January 1915 and served with the 8th Battery, 13th Brigade, BEF, until 26 December 1915. Orde
    then joined Meerut Division, Indian Corps, on 26 December 1915 and travelled to Mesopotamia. He was seconded to the Relief Force on 10 January
    1916; invalided to India on 10 June 1916; invalided to the United Kingdom on 5 October 1916; and taken on as Lieutenant, General List, Canadian
    Expeditionary Force (Canadian Field Artillery) in October 1916. Orde was on leave in Canada until 17 January 1917, and taken on strength with
    the Reserve Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, on 31 January 1917. He returned again to Canada on 9 May 1917 and served as Assistant, Judge
    Advocate General, and Judge Advocate General into the 1920s. He was made a Captain, Royal Canadian Artillery, in February 1920; a temporary
    Colonel in March 1928; a Major, Royal Canadian Artillery, in 1930; a Lieutenant-Colonel on 1 April 1938; a Colonel and Judge Advocate General,
    National Defense Headquarters, on 1 September 1939; and a Brigadier on 6 June 1940. His medals and decorations include: Commander-Order
    of the British Empire, January 5, 1945; Canada Volunteer Service Medal (with clasp); War Medal 1939-1945; and Commander of the Netherlands
    Order of Orange-Nassau (with swords), February 24, 1945 by HM the Queen of the Netherlands. Reginald John Orde died in Ottawa, Ontario, on
    3 June 1975. He is buried at Beechwood Cemetery.

    Dorothy Hazel Cook was born in Ottawa on 13 March 1892. She was one of four daughters of Frederick Cook who was the Mayor of Ottawa 1901-1902.
    She was a student nurse at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto at the outbreak of the First World War and was appointed a Nursing Sister on 28
    September 1914. She boarded the H.M.S. Franconia in Quebec on 29 September and sailed from Gaspé with the First Division, reaching England on
    15 October 1914. She died 4 October 1978.
    [ http://catalogue.warmuseum.ca/musvw/FullBB.csp?WebAction=ShowFullBB&EncodedRequest=*5F*1F*1E*13*CD*89*D7*8D*A1*C0*7B*E1*9C*9C*E9*CC&Profile=Profile28&OpacLanguage=eng&NumberToRetrieve=50&StartValue=15&WebPageNr=1&SearchTerm1=ORDE%20REGINALD%20JOHNBRIGADIER%20GENERAL1893%201975%20.1.51469&SearchT1=&Index1=1*authbibnew&SearchMethod=Find_1&ItemNr=15, accessed 17 September 2017]

    US JAG with Canadian JAG (Orde at far right), 1943, University Michigan,
    source: aadl.org/N037_0017_001, © The Ann Arbor News; note: third
    person not identified (accessed 13 February 2019)

    ___________ "Canadian Military Law", (1943) 5 Federal Bar Association Journal 29; Brigadier Orde was the Judge Advocate General from 1 February 1920 to 5 May 1950;

    ___________Notes on the service of Reginald John Orde, Canadian Great War Project Copyright © 2004-2016 Marc Leroux| Last updated: November 11, 201, available at http://canadiangreatwarproject.com/searches/soldierDetail.asp?ID=179353 (accessed 6 September 2017);

    ___________on ORDE, Brigadier Reginald J., and the sport of golf:

    - from Canadian Golfer, February 1932, vol. 17, number 10 at p. 614 and available at
    canadiangolfer.golfcanada.ca/files/original/2af89c0853027ca32533db0d08f9cffa6074b88b.pdf, accessed 3 May 2020;

    - from a biography concerning General Henry Duncan Graham Crerar, commander of the
     First Canadian Army during WW II:
    Harry’s [Crerar] father, a member of the Royal Golf Society of Canada and the
    Canadian Association of Amateur Oarsmen, communicated to him a passion for
    A member of the University Club of Toronto, he [Crerar] took every opportunity
    to golf; a frequent partner was a young law student, Reginald John Orde, a future
    judge-advocate-general in the armed forces.
    His [Crerar'a] passion for golf grew; he was said to be unapproachable after a bad game.

    [source: www.biographi.ca/en/bio/crerar_henry_duncan_graham_19E.html, accessed 3 May 2020]

    - his father, the Hon. John Fosbery Orde "in 1907, 1911 and 1912 was President of the Royal Ottawa
    Golf Club and President of the Royal Canadian Golf Association for 1911 and 1912", see "Illness
    Fatal to Justice Orde", The Globe, Toronto, 2  August 1932, 1 at p. 2 and retrieved from http://


    ___________on ORDE, Brigadier Reginald J., see "Army Has Its Lawyer For Run of Problems", The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, Friday, 3 December 1943 at p. 21:

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    [Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/....,
    ProQuest, accessed 29 April 2020]

    ___________on ORDE, Brigadier Reginald J., see "Brig. Orde Retiring From Defence Post", The Windsor Star, Windsor, Ontario, Tuesday, 9 May 1950 at p. 11, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 27 May 2020;

    Among Brig. Orde's bigger jobs in his 27 years in the
    legal branch was the preparation of legal regulations and
    laws governing the wartime Commonwealth Air Training

    ___________on ORDE, Brigadier Reginald J., see "Canadiens décorés par la Hollande", Le soleil, Québec, 23 février 1945 à la p. 1; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3439367 (vérifié le 15 mars 2019); 

    ___________on ORDE, Brigadier Reginald J., see "Three  Ottawa Officers Appointed Commanders of Orange-Nassau Order", The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, Friday, 23 February 1945 at p. 20;  retrieved from http://biblioottawalibrary.ca.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ezproxylogin?url=/docview/2337636535?accountid=46526, accessed 30 April 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on ORDE, Brigadier Reginald J., see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 31, 34, 35-44, 46, 53, 66-70, 71, 89, 207 and 209. 82 and 209, available at i-xii and 1-102 and  103-242;

    ___________on ORDE, Brigadier Reginald J., see "ORDE, REGINALD JOHN", The War Memorial Volume of Trinity College, Toronto, Toronto: Printers Guild Limited, 1922 at pages 108-109; available at http://static.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/warmemorial00younuoft.pdf, accessed 3 May 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on ORDE, Brigadier Reginald J., see Ross Munro, "Brig. Orde Retiring", The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, Monday, 8 May 1950 at p. 20; retrieved from http://biblioottawalibrary.ca.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ezproxylogin?url=/docview/2338054959?accountid=46526 , accessed 2 May 2020;


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on ORDE, Brigadier Reginald J.'s father, the Hon. John Fosbery Orde, 1870-1932, see "Illness Fatal to Justice Orde", The Globe, Toronto, 2 August 1932 at p. 1;


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    [Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/....,
    ProQuest Historical Newspapers, accessed 13 March 2019]

    ___________on ORDE, Colonel, testified before the House of Commons public accounts committee on 22 March 1939, see "Indemnity Bond Not Obtainable", The Winnipeg Tribune, Wednesday 22 March 1939, at p. 24, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 22 May 2020;

    ___________Personal Records of Orde, Reginald John, First World War, Library and Archives Canada, available at http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/personnel-records/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=548502  and http://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?op=pdf&app=CEF&id=B7477-S039 (accessed 4 March 2019);

    ___________photos of ORDE, at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa:
    - 1 photograph : b&w ; 17.4 x 12.5 cm, Photo is a full length studio portrait of Reginald John Orde as a Lieutenant in the Royal Field Artillery, 1915;
    CWM ARCHIVES / ARCHIVES DU MCG : Photo Archives 52A 2 17.84; see http://catalogue.warmuseum.ca/musvw/FullBB.csp?WebAction=ShowFullBB&EncodedRequest=*5F*1F*1E*13*CD*89*D7*8D*A1*C0*7B*E1*9C*9C*E9*CC&Profile=Profile28&OpacLanguage=eng&NumberToRetrieve=50&StartValue=10&WebPageNr=1&SearchTerm1=ORDE%20REGINALD%20JOHNBRIGADIER%20GENERAL1893%201975%20.1.413675&SearchT1=&Index1=1*authbibnew&SearchMethod=Find_1&ItemNr=10
    (accessed 17 September 2017);

    - 1 photograph : b&w ; 14.8 x 21 cm., Photo is a studio portrait of Reginald John Orde as a Lieutenant in the Royal Field Artillery, 1915, CWM ARCHIVES / ARCHIVES DU MCG : Photo Archives 52A 2 17.03; see http://catalogue.warmuseum.ca/musvw/FullBB.csp?WebAction=ShowFullBB&EncodedRequest=*5F*1F*1E*13*CD*89*D7*8D*A1*C0*7B*E1*9C*9C*E9*CC&Profile=Profile28&OpacLanguage=eng&NumberToRetrieve=50&StartValue=11&WebPageNr=1&SearchTerm1=ORDE%20REGINALD%20JOHNBRIGADIER%20GENERAL1893%201975%20.1.48128&SearchT1=&Index1=1*authbibnew&SearchMethod=Find_1&ItemNr=11  (accessed 17 September 2017);

    - 1 photograph : b&w ; 6.5 x 11 cm., 1914-1916, Photo depicts R. J. Orde sitting on a wooden chair reading. His legs are crossed and he is holding a newspaper on his lap. There is a towel bar with a towel hanging on it on the wall behind him, CWM ARCHIVES / ARCHIVES DU MCG : Photo Archives 52A 4 110.19, control number 19790293-019; see http://catalogue.warmuseum.ca/musvw/FullBB.csp?WebAction=ShowFullBB&EncodedRequest=*5F*1F*1E*13*CD*89*D7*8D*A1*C0*7B*E1*9C*9C*E9*CC&Profile=Profile28&OpacLanguage=eng&NumberToRetrieve=50&StartValue=12&WebPageNr=1&SearchTerm1=ORDE%20REGINALD%20JOHNBRIGADIER%20GENERAL1893%201975%20.1.48179&SearchT1=&Index1=1*authbibnew&SearchMethod=Find_1&ItemNr=12 (accessed 17 September 2017);

    - 1 photograph : b&w ; 10 cm., Photo is a studio portrait of R. J. Orde as a child. He is wearing a straw hat and a sailor outfit  [ca. 1900]; CWM ARCHIVES / ARCHIVES DU MCG : Photo Archives 52A 4 110.20, control number 19790293-020; see http://catalogue.warmuseum.ca/musvw/FullBB.csp?WebAction=ShowFullBB&EncodedRequest=*5F*1F*1E*13*CD*89*D7*8D*A1*C0*7B*E1*9C*9C*E9*CC&Profile=Profile28&OpacLanguage=eng&NumberToRetrieve=50&StartValue=13&WebPageNr=1&SearchTerm1=ORDE%20REGINALD%20JOHNBRIGADIER%20GENERAL1893%201975%20.1.48285&SearchT1=&Index1=1*authbibnew&SearchMethod=Find_1&ItemNr=13 (accessed 17 September 2017);

    1 photograph, black & white, Photo depicts Lieutenant R.J. Orde (far left) aboard H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth en route to India, February 1946, CWM ARCHIVES / ARCHIVES DU MCG : Photo Archives 52A 4 110.11, control number 19790293-006; see http://catalogue.warmuseum.ca/musvw/FullBB.csp?WebAction=ShowFullBB&EncodedRequest=*5F*1F*1E*13*CD*89*D7*8D*A1*C0*7B*E1*9C*9C*E9*CC&Profile=Profile28&OpacLanguage=eng&NumberToRetrieve=50&StartValue=16&WebPageNr=1&SearchTerm1=ORDE%20REGINALD%20JOHNBRIGADIER%20GENERAL1893%201975%20.1.96089&SearchT1=&Index1=1*authbibnew&SearchMethod=Find_1&ItemNr=16  (accessed 17 September 2017);

    Image source: facebook.com/LostOttawa/posts/749506255148601, accessed 5 June 2018
    - 1 photograph : b&w ; image 21.5 x 15.5; matted 33 x 23 cm. Photo depicts Brigadier General Reginald John Orde and Dorothy Cook on their wedding day. They are standing on the steps of their house [323 Metcalfe St., Ottawa ]. Orde is in uniform while Dorothy Cook is wearing a wedding dress and veil, and holds a large bouquet of flowers, 1919, CWM ARCHIVES / ARCHIVES DU MCG : Photo Archives 52B 3 4.1, control number: 19790293-022 see http://catalogue.warmuseum.ca/musvw/FullBB.csp?WebAction=ShowFullBB&EncodedRequest=*5F*1F*1E*13*CD*89*D7*8D*A1*C0*7B*E1*9C*9C*E9*CC&Profile=Profile28&OpacLanguage=eng&NumberToRetrieve=50&StartValue=15&WebPageNr=1&SearchTerm1=ORDE%20REGINALD%20JOHNBRIGADIER%20GENERAL1893%201975%20.1.51469&SearchT1=&Index1=1*authbibnew&SearchMethod=Find_1&ItemNr=15; (accessed 17 September 2017);

    - photograph: 1 b&w, February 1946, Photo depicts Brig. R.J. Orde (on left) with Brig. Bell Irving (on right) aboard the H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth. On the top right hand of the photograph is a handwritten note: H.M.T "Queen Elizabeth" New York, 3 Feb 1946; CWM ARCHIVES / ARCHIVES DU MCG : Photo Archives 52A 4 110.187, control number 19790293-003; see http://catalogue.warmuseum.ca/musvw/FullBB.csp?WebAction=ShowFullBB&EncodedRequest=*5F*1F*1E*13*CD*89*D7*8D*A1*C0*7B*E1*9C*9C*E9*CC&Profile=Profile28&OpacLanguage=eng&NumberToRetrieve=50&StartValue=9&WebPageNr=1&SearchTerm1=ORDE%20REGINALD%20JOHNBRIGADIER%20GENERAL1893%201975%20.1.413672&SearchT1=&Index1=1*authbibnew&SearchMethod=Find_1&ItemNr=9  (accessed 17 September 2017);

    ____________research note of 29 January 2018: Colonel Orde is the subject of discussions in the House of Commons, Hansard, 13 February 1939, subject: Bren Machine Gun Contract:

    Jean-François Pouliot, image source: https://www.lipad.ca/....

    The house resumed from Thursday, February' 9, consideration of the motion of Mr. MacNeil: That the agreement between the government and the John
    Inglis Company, of Toronto, for the manufacture of Bren machine guns, the report of the royal commission dealing with said agreement, and all
    related documents, evidence, vouchers and exhibits, be referred to the standing committee on public accounts; and the amendment thereto of Mr. Stevens.

    Mr. JEAN-FRANCOIS POULIOT (Temis-couata): Mr. Speaker, to say a few more words about the Bren gun contract required inspiration....
    At page 3948 the commissioner said: I do not know yet, from the evidence, who was the solicitor really acting for the government, the Department of
    National Defence. That was left in the shade, probably because every counsel was afraid of the kind of evidence which was to be given by the one who
    is not a judge or an advocate or a general, but who is the judge advocate general. At page 800 of Hansard of February 9 the hon. member for St.
    Lawrence-St. George (Mr. Cahan) said this: Then there is another young officer, with whom I am not acquainted, Colonel Orde, judge-advocate general
     of the Department of National Defence, who was called upon without any expert assistance to draft a very important contract.

    [source: https://www.lipad.ca/full/1939/02/13/1/#1171172, accessed 21 February 2019]


    Here is the judge advocate general of the Department of National Defence, who is entirely and absolutely incompetent, and
    who takes comfort from the fact that he is helped by counsel acting for the other parties. It is enough to disbar any lawyer
    whose name appears on the law list, and I do not see why this has not been brought out by other members who have spoken
    previously. It is something formidable. Here we have a man who, according to the evidence, can hardly sign his name, who
    cannot draft a contract, who has had no experience. You know the number of people who are engaged in that sort of work
    in the British war office, the British admiralty and the British air force. Here we have that man with a grade 4 clerk and a
    grade 3 stenographer, both of them incompetent, both making plenty of mistakes which were the cause of 'trouble. He
    cannot do anything; he has to rely on counsel for the other party to do his own work. I continue quoting:

    [source: ,https://www.lipad.ca/full/1939/02/13/1/ accessed 21 February 2019]

    The report  by Commissioner the Hon. Henry Hague David, Ottawa: Kings Printer, 1939, 51 p.  is found at publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2014/bcp-pco/CP32-113-1939-eng.pdf
    There  was a transcript made; Order testifies at the hearings of the Commission                    

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom inor out of the web page being viewed
    ___________"Some Aspects of Canadian Service Law and the Office of the Judge-Advocate General in Canada", (December 1944) 1(3) The Judge Advocate Journal  8-11 and 18; available at http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/JAG_I-3.pdf (accessed on 28 November 2011); this is a U.S.A. publication;

    ___________"The Statute of Westminster: Notes on the Application of the Statute and Complementary Legislation to the Armed Forces of Canada", (October 1933-July 1934) 11 Canadian Defence Quarterly 213-223; available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/orde46.pdf ( (accessed 6 September 2017); the rank of Orde indicated in the article at p. 213 is that of  Colonel; copy available at the Directory of History and Heritage, 2nd floor of the Colonel Charles P. Stacey Building, 2429 Holly Lane, Ottawa, Ontario;

    __________Transcript of Interview with Brigadier [R.J.] Orde, 24 Jul 73, see DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, Access to Information Act answer, Department of National Defence  File A-2015-00865, available at http://lareau-legal.ca/A-2014-00865.PDF (accessed 4 October 2015);  the answer is to "Request Summary: Directorate of History and Heritage File 77/490, Transcript of Interview with Brigadier [R.J.] Orde, 24 Jul 73";  François Lareau obtained this answer from the Department of National Defence, National Defence Headquarters, Director, Access to Information and Privacy letter File AI-2015-00142, 28 September 2015; VERY IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION TO THE OJAG HISTORY;

    "Ordinariat militaire du Canada— Statuts commentés/Military Ordinariate of Canada— Annotated Statutes", (2013) 73(2) The Jurist: Studies in Church Law and Ministry 645-679;  sur cet article, voir http://muse.jhu.edu/article/548273 (consulté le 21 février 2019);

    Image: www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/pam_archives/public_mikan/index.php?fuseaction=genitem.displayEcopies&lang=eng&rec_nbr=3192926&title=Privy+Council+Chamber+%28Parliament+Buildings%29+&ecopy=a008388, accessed 28 September 2016

    Privy Council Chamber, Parliament Buildings after 1886

    ORDERS-IN-COUNCIL dealing with matters of aid to the civil power /Décrets concernant l'aide au pouvoir civil:

    - P.C. (Privy Council) 1996-833 (registered as Order-in-council number 833 in 1996), 4 June 1996, "Canadian Forces Assistance to Provincial Police Forces Directions, to specify the procedure associated with the making of and response to a provincial request for military assistance (Canadian Forces) to police Operations carried out under provincial authority, to resolve disturbances of the peace affecting the national interest", available at http://www.cda.forces.gc.ca/cfmlc-cdmfc/doc/CollectionofDocumentsonDomesticOperations.pdf  (pp. 276-279 of the publication, Domestic Operations -- Collection of Documents,  B-LG-007-000/AF-001; accessed on 13 January 2012); FRANÇAIS : .C.P. 1996-833, 4 juin 1996, "Instructions sur l'assistance des forces canadiennes aux corps policiers des provinces", disponible à http://www.cda.dnd.ca/cfmlc-cdmfc/doc/DOCD-ONRD-fra.pdf  (pp. 289-292 de la publication Opérations nationales -- Recueil de documents, B-LG-007-000/AF-002; vérification du 28 novembre 2011);

    - P.C. 1993-624 (registered as Order-in-council number 624 in 1993; 30 March 1993) Canadian Armed Assistance Directions which set out the procedures for the provision of armed assistance by the Canadian Armed Forces to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in order to deal with disturbances of the peace affecting the national interest, effective April 1, 1993, available at http://www.cda.forces.gc.ca/cfmlc-cdmfc/doc/CollectionofDocumentsonDomesticOperations.pdf  (pp. 309-311 of the publication, Domestic Operations -- Collection of Documents,  B-LG-007-000/AF-001; accessed on 13 January 2012); FRANÇAIS: .C.P. 1993-624, 30 mars 1993, "Instructions relatives à l'assistance armée fournie par les forces canadiennes à la Gendarmerie royale du Canada afin de maitriser des troubles touchant l'intéret national", disponible à http://www.cda.dnd.ca/cfmlc-cdmfc/doc/DOCD-ONRD-fra.pdf  (pp. 286-288 de la publication Opérations nationales -- Recueil de documents, B-LG-007-000/AF-002; vérification du 28 novembre 2011);

    - P.C. 1975-131 (Approved by the Governor-General,  Jules Léger, on 23 January 1975; replacing P.C. 2304 of 1 June 1948), Assistance to Federal Penitientiaries Order (directions regarding the Solicitor General of Canada or the Commissioner of Penitentiaries' request to the Chief of the Defence Staff to despatch to a federal penitentiary a military force for the purpose of aiding in suppressing, preventing or otherwise dealing with a disturbance ...which is beyond the powers of the penitentiary staff to suppress or prevent (not official title of the order-in-council as it has none), available at http://www.cda.forces.gc.ca/cfmlc-cdmfc/doc/CollectionofDocumentsonDomesticOperations.pdf  (pp. 274-275 of the publication, Domestic Operations -- Collection of Documents,  B-LG-007-000/AF-001; accessed on 13 January 2012); FRANÇAIS : C.P. 1975-131, 23 janvier 1975 remplaçant le C.P. 2304 du 1er juin 1948, (directives pour le Solliciteur général du Canada et le Commissaire des pénitenciers pour demander au chef de l'état-major de la défense d'envoyer un détachement militaire dans un pénitencier fédéral dans le but d'aider à mater, à prévenir ou à régler de quelque autre manière les troubles qui s'y sont produits ou rsquent de s'y produire lorsque le personnel dudit pénitencier n'est pas lui-même en mesure de mater ou de prévenir ces troubles), disponible à http://www.cda.dnd.ca/cfmlc-cdmfc/doc/DOCD-ONRD-fra.pdf  (pp. 293-294 de la publication Opérations nationales -- Recueil de documents, B-LG-007-000/AF-002; vérification du  13 janvier 20012);


    "Ordre général. A une cour martiale générale tenue à Chambly, lundi le 17 mai dernier,... / J.T. Taschereau, dep. adj. gen. des milices.", disponible à  http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/1934978 (vérifié le 29 mars 2018);

     and     ............
    James W. O'Reilly      Patrick Healy
    source: FederalCourt   source: McGill
    (photo credit Couvrette) 

    O'REILLY, James W. and Patrick Healy,  Independence in the Prosecution of Offences in  the Canadian Forces: Military Policing and Prosecutorial Discretion --  A study prepared for the Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia, [Ottawa]: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 1997, viii, 125 p., ISBN: 0660170809, Cat. no. CP32-64/8-1997E; available also on the Commission's CD-ROM 1997,  Information Legacy: A Compendium of Source Material from the Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia, supra; also available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/bcp-pco/CP32-64-8-1997-eng.pdf (accessed 29 March 2015)
    - Table of Contents ;
    - Summary of Recommendations (pp. 91-93)
    O'REILLY, James W.et Patrick Healy, L'indépendance des poursuites engagées relativement à des infractions commises dans les Forces canadiennes: La police militaire et le pouvoir discrétionnaire de poursuivre - Étude préparée pour la Commission d'enquête sur le déploiement des Forces canadiennes en Somalie, [Ottawa]: Ministère des travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, 1997, vii, 142 p., ISBN: 0660956888, No de catalogue: CP32-64/8-1997F; aussi disponible sur le CD-ROM 1997 de la Commission, Un héritage documentaire - Recueil des ressources de la Commission d'enquête sur le déploiement des Forces canadiennes en Somalie, supra; aussi disponible à http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/bcp-pco/CP32-64-8-1997-fra.pdf (site vérifié le 29 mars 2015);
    - Table des matières;
    - Recommandations (pp.103-105);

    Image source: https://twitter.com/orfali, accessed 29 July 2016
    Philippe Orfali 
    ORFALI, Philippe, "Des milliers de délits commis dans l'armée" LaPresse.ca, 15 février 2010;

    «Les bases où l'on voit  les plus hauts taux (de conduite en état d'ébriété) sont celles d'où proviennent beaucoup de soldats (envoyés) en Afghanistan. Après avoir été encadrés strictement, il se peut qu'il y ait une certaine recrudescence au niveau de l'abus d'alcool à leur retour.» En réalité, les cas de conduite en état d'ébriété seraient six fois plus élevés dans les forces de terre que dans l'ensemble de la population canadienne.

    «Un problème systémique»

    De retour au pays et mal outillés pour faire face au syndrome de stress post-traumatique, de nombreux soldats sombrent dans l'alcool, soutient Me Drapeau. «Ce ne sont pas des cas isolés. C'est un problème systémique. Les soldats, ce sont des gens éduqués qui risquent leur vie pour le Canada. Ils boivent non pas par imbécillité, mais parce qu'ils sont désemparés. Le Canada faillit à sa tâche de les aider.»

    De cette détresse découlent aussi plusieurs cas de violence conjugale et de consommation de drogue, croit-il.
    (disponible à  http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/national/201002/14/01-949654-des-milliers-de-delits-commis-dans-larmee.php, accessed on 11 August 2013)

    "Organization and Accountability : Guidance for Members of the Canadian Forces and Employees of the Department of National Defence", 2nd ed., September 1999, 39 p.; available at http://www.queensu.ca/dms/DMS_Course_Materials_and_Outline/Readings-MPA834/NDHQ-Accountability%20and%20Organization-Sept1999.pdf (accessed on 25 June 2012);

    Angela Orme
    ORME, Angela, legal officer with the OJAG, see  https://ca.linkedin.com/in/angela-orme-55229973 (accessed 22 May 2018); member of the Law Society of Alberta (since 2013);

    Image source: searcharchives.vancouver.ca/oscar-orr-in-military-uniform, accessed 12 September 2018
    Oscar Orr in 1943, Vancouver Sun

    ORR,  Oscar (J.O.E.), 1892-1992, "Ex-circus boy, soldier, lawyer, chief magistrate, Oscar Orr dies at age 100", The Vancouver Sun, 4 November 1992, at p. B5; officer in charge of the Canadian War Crimes Liaison Detachment – Far East, however, was not a member of JAG according to  McDonald, Canada's Military Lawyers, at p. 66; however, see Sweeney,  The Canadian War Crimes Liaison Detachment – Far East and the Prosecution of Japanese “Minor” War Crimes, at p. 47 and Still, Larry, "B.C. Law Society honors man who judged Japanese after war: [3* Edition]", The Vancouver Sun, 18 November 1988, at p. B8, available at https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview/243606316/4FB4AC8D00AC4C18PQ/6?accountid=46526 (accessed 29 May 2018);

    After a brief stint in the navy, he joined the 29th Vancouver Batallion and, a few days before his 24th birthday, at Ypres, German shrapnel
    blew away part of his face. He returned to Canada to receive his law degree and spent the rest of the war working in a supply depot.

    Between wars, Orr became assistant city prosecutor and city prosecutor. In 1941 he rejoined his old regiment as a lieutenant-colonel in the
    judge advocate-general's office.

    In 1945, he was posted to Japan to spend 14 months as chief Canadian prosecutor at the Japanese War Crimes trials. His detachment tried 50
    cases in which Canada was interested, in Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong.

    ___________on ORR, see "Charles Roland interview with Oscar Orr, 23 April 1985, McMaster University Oral History Archives", reference at p. 261, note 22 of BRODE, Patrick, Casual Slaughters and Accidental Judgments : Canadian War Crimes Prosecutions, 1944-1948, Toronto ; Buffalo : Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, c1997, xix, 290 p., [10] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.; available in part at https://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6z9EDAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT6&dq=%22Judge+Advocate+General%22+Canada&ots=tZ5a9_rhc6&sig=NjATSXGZrXLSVEHrH8O5ap444hU#v=onepage&q=%22Judge%20Advocate%20General%22%20Canada&f=false  (accessed 11 August 2016); 

    ___________on ORR, see "Canada To Aid in Jap War Crime Trials", The Winnipeg Tribune, Friday, 19 April 1946 at p. 17; available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 22 May 2020;


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on ORR, Lieutenant-Colonel O.,  see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 66, available at i-xii and 1-102;

    Photo source: searcharchives.vancouver.ca/magistrate-oscar-orr-in-his-office, accessed 12 September 2018
    "Magistrate Oscar Orr in his office", ca 1955,
    Vancouver Sun

    ___________on Orr, see “Orr’s Ordered Court,”  B.C. Magazine, 27 June 1953, reference from Sweeney,  The Canadian War Crimes Liaison Detachment – Far East and the Prosecution of Japanese “Minor” War Crimes, at p. 47;

    ___________on Orr, see the article: STILL, Larry, "B.C. Law Society honors man who judged Japanese after war: [3* Edition]", The Vancouver Sun, 18 November 1988 at p. B8:

    Profile of Oscar Orr

    The guest of honor at the Vancouver Law Courts building Thursday night wasn't exactly a contemporary of B.C.'s
    first judge, Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie, but almost.

    In fact, 96-year-old Oscar Orr, former Vancouver city prosecutor and longtime chief magistrate, was born in 1892,
    just two years before the fabled Begbie died.

    More than 300 judges and lawyers, including Chief Justices Allan McEachern and Beverley McLachlin, along with
    Attorney-General Bud Smith, gathered to honor Orr for his services to the law.

    Fittingly, the award Orr received from the Law Society of B.C. was a bronze statuette of Begbie, astride the horse
    he rode as he brought law and order to the Crown colony, cast by Pender Island sculptor Ralph Sketch.

    "This award is intended to honor the truly exceptional within our profession," said law society treasurer Dennis
    Mitchell, "the person who stands out from the crowd."

    Born in Battleford, Sask., where his father was a member of the North West Mounted Police, Orr received his early
    schooling in Ontario. Moving to New Westminster in 1908, he articled as a student with a local law firm.

    Orr joined the navy at the outbreak of the First World War, but three months later transferred to the 29th battalion
    Vancouver Regiment). He was called to the B.C. bar in 1916, while still serving.

    Severely wounded in France, Orr returned to Vancouver and practised law with a private firm until 1928, when
    he joined the city prosecutor's office.

    Appointed head of the department in 1931, Orr gained a reputation over the next 17 years as a fair-minded chief
    prosecutor who tempered his work with a broad understanding of human nature.

    Despite his earlier war wound, Orr rejoined his old regiment at the outbreak of the Second World War and
    subsequently spent six years, 1941 to 1947, in the judge advocate-general's office.

    It was in this capacity that Orr was posted in 1945 to Japan, where he spent 14 months as chief Canadian prosecutor
    at the Japanese War Crimes Trials.

    Reputation for fairness

    Orr and his staff of 10 officers assigned to the Canadian war-crimes liaison detachment dealt with 50 cases. Of the 50
    Japanese convicted, seven were sentenced to death and four to life imprisonment.

    Returning to Vancouver, Orr resumed his role as chief city prosecutor until 1948, when he was appointed a police
    magistrate for the city. He was promoted to senior magistrate in 1953.

    As a judge, Orr continued to enhance his reputation for fairness, often interrupting lawyers to make sure the accused
    knew what was being said.

    A non-drinker who tolerated social drinkers, Orr was nonetheless very tough on drunken drivers, advocating mandatory
    breath tests long before the law was enacted.

    Orr stepped down from the bench at age 70 in 1962.

    Choosing to end his long career on a sweet instead of sour note, Orr told the last accused drunk to appear before him:
    "I can acquit you without any damage to my conscience - although I may have some doubts as to your innocence."


    Black & White Photo; KEN OAKES; HONORED: 96-year-old Oscar Orr with award

    [Source: ProQuest, Canadian Major Dailies, https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/....; accessed 5 November 2018]

    ___________on Orr, see the article: Walden, Frank, "42 Years in Courtroom 'Enough;'  Oscar Orr Quits", The Vancouver Sun, Tuesday, 31 July 1962 at p. 2; excellent and long article on Orr;

    ___________on Orr, see the article: White, Kayce, "Retired magistrate enjoys no-worry life", The Vancouver Sun, 3 July 1992, at page B4;

    ___________on ORR, see "Vancouver Sun, 17 November 1945",  reference at p. 261, note 22 of BRODE, Patrick, Casual Slaughters and Accidental Judgments : Canadian War Crimes Prosecutions, 1944-1948, Toronto ; Buffalo : Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, c1997, xix, 290 p., [10] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.; available in part at https://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6z9EDAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT6&dq=%22Judge+Advocate+General%22+Canada&ots=tZ5a9_rhc6&sig=NjATSXGZrXLSVEHrH8O5ap444hU#v=onepage&q=%22Judge%20Advocate%20General%22%20Canada&f=false  (accessed 11 August 2016);

    ___________on ORR, see Peter Moogk, "An Extraordinary Life: LCol Oscar Orr", available at https://www.uelac.org/UELAC-history/Branching-Out/Branching-Out-Victoria.pdf (accessed 1 May 2019); note" Based on conversations with Col. Orr in November 1988 and in January 1989";

    ___________on ORR, see William Orr family fonds, see http://ao.minisisinc.com/scripts/mwimain.dll/1539580335/1/1?RECLIST&DATABASE=DESCRIPTION_WEB_INT (accessed 15 October 2018);

    James Oscar Fitzalan Orr II was born on the Red Pheasant Indian Reserve in the Northwest Territories, was
    educated at local schools in Ontario and British Columbia, and received his law degree at the Vancouver
    Law School. In 1914 he served on the HMS Newcastle and later enlisted in the 29th Vancouver Regiment.
    He served in France and was wounded at Ypres. Upon his return to Canada in 1916 he was promoted to
    the rank of Captain and was appointed adjutant of the 1st Depot Battalion at Vancouver until he was discharged
    after further surgery in 1918.

    He was called to the Bar in 1916, and around 1935 was appointed Assistant City Prosecutor. In 1941 he again
    served in the army and was appointed Assistant Judge Advocate General, Pacific Command. He was later
    promoted to the rank of Major, and was also made a K.C. at this time. In 1945 he was promoted to the rank of
    Lieutenant-Colonel and was given command of the Canadian War Crimes detachment for SEA Command,
    Admiral Lord Mountbatten of Burma and SCAP, and General Douglas MacArthur. In the course of his duties
    in this position, Orr travelled to Washington, Ottawa, Singapore, Hong Kong, Saigon, Tokyo, Shanghai, and

    In 1947 Orr was appointed City Prosecutor, and in 1948 was appointed a deputy Police Magistrate, and was
    made a member of the Vancouver Police Commission. He was later appointed Senior Police Magistrate, a
    position he retained until his retirement in 1962. In 1962 he was appointed Freeman of the City of Vancouver.

    Image source: Google Image, accessed on 12 May 2014

    ORSONNENS, L.G. d'Odet (Louis Gustave d'Odet), comte d',  1842-, Projet d'organisation militaire pour la confédération canadienne, Montréal, 1868, disponible à http://www.archive.org/details/cihm_50740 (vérifié le 25 février 2012);

    ORSYK, George,  "A Case of Unreasonable Doubts - Lingering questions about NIS' ineptitude of probing senior brass", (shipped July 1999), volume 7, issue 2, Esprit de Corps, at pp. 9 and 23; NIS is the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service;

    ___________"A Tale of Two Investigations [by the NIS]", (shipped December 1999), volume 7, issue 7, Esprit de Corps, at pp. 11 and 20; NIS is the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service;

    ___________"Is it time to unionize Canada's armed forces? Esprit de Corps, 1 June 1998;

    "Change has crept into the military. People notice it, they record it, but they don't talk about it too much, less they be considered disloyal."

    from R. Jolly's Military Man, Family Man

    Once again, much like the 1970's, our servicemen and women are asking themselves what options are available to help restore the trust and,
    by the same token, restore their quality of life as well as the CF's operational effectiveness. Once again, the senior leadership is trying to take
    the lead and posit the same ideas they had mentioned almost thirty years ago. They range from better leadership, grievance procedure reforms
    and the creation of an ombudsman.

    Vice-Admiral Hennessy, the Chief of Personnel at Armed Forces Headquarters in 1970, for example, stated: "The responsibility of the officers
    to look after their men is traditional. …

    OSBORNE, John C., Captain, R.C.A., attached with the JAG "Department" at Canadian Military Headquarters,  The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, Friday, 19 June 1942 at p. 3, see photo hereunder; Retrieved from http://biblioottawalibrary.ca.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ezproxylogin?url=/docview/2337608242?accountid=46526, accessed 30 April 2020;



    ___________on OSBORNE, John C., see his death notice in The Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, 20 August 1985 at p. 22, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/....., accessed 24 June 2020;

    Ken Osborne, photo source: http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/ken-osborne/9/429/aa5?trk=pub-pbmap, accessed on 7 Apruil 2014

    OSBORNE, LCdr Kenneth (Ken), biographical notes:

    Kenneth Osborne served in the Canadian Forces for 24 years. As a lawyer with the Office of the Judge Advocate General,
    his key posts included roles with NATO, the Strategic Joint Staff, and as a Deputy Judge Advocate. He is a veteran of
    peacekeeping operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina and combat operations in Afghanistan. Deploying to Afghanistan on two
    occasions, he served as the lawyer to Canada's Special Operations Task Force, and subsequently deployed as legal mentor
    in a rule of law capacity with the US Forces. For service as a mentor in Afghanistan, he was awarded the United States
    Meritorious Service Medal. Mr. Osborne's community involvement includes service with the Town of Aurora Council
    Compensation Committee and he has volunteered with the Government of Canada Charitable Workplace Campaign.
    Following retirement from the military, Mr. Osborne now resides in Stoney Creek, Ontario, and works with the Law
    Society of Upper Canada.
    [source: pas.gov.on.ca/scripts/en/bios.asp?boardID=722&persID=168004, accessed 17 March 2018; also available at
    https://www.pas.gov.on.ca/Home/AgencyBios/22, accessed 10 March 2019]

    ___________ "Clarifying the Role and Responsibilities for Aboriginal Consultation and Accomodation / Clarifier l'obligation de consulter et d'accomoder les Premières nations",  (2007) 1
    JAG Les actualités Newsletter 76-78; article en Français et en anglais; article in French and English;

    Source of image: JAG Les actualités /Newsletter, volume 1, 2006 at p. 10
    Lt(N) Kenneth Osborne, left, congratuled by MGen Jerry Pitzul, JAG, for his promotion to the rank of LCdr

    ___________"Clarifying the role and responsibilities for First Nations consultation and accommodation within the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces" (December/Décembre 2006) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at  http://web.archive.org/web/20070515000335/www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters/mil-2006/news.aspx (accessed on 24 April 2012);
    ___________"Clarifier l'obligation de conseiller et d'accommoder les Premières Nations au ministère de la Défense nationale et des Forces canadiennes" (December/Décembre 2006) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible  à  http://web.archive.org/web/20070518052202/http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles/mil-2006/nouvelles.aspx#article5 (site visité le 24 avril  2012);

    Image source: www.cg.cfpsa.ca/cg-pc/Borden/SiteCollectionDocuments/BordenCitizen/2014/07-25-2014.pdf, accessed 19 January 2016
    LCdr Ken Osborne (far right) at CFB Borden

    ___________military career history at https://ca.linkedin.com/in/ken-osborne-aa54299 (accessed 19 January 2016);

    Legal Officer Instructor and Training Development
    Canadian Forces Military Law Centre
    June 2015- Present (8 months)

    As a lawyer and training development specialist with the Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, I am responsible for supporting the design, delivery,
    evaluation and validation of military legal education and training within the military justice, public administrative and international legal pillars.
    The CFMLC mandate is to provide legal education and training to military members in order to assist them in preparing to meet the challenges
    associated with current and future operations. Additionally, I am responsible for the generation of legal research in the areas of military justice
    and military law, and provide support to the development of Canadian Armed Forces doctrine governing those legal disciplines.


    Deputy Judge Advocate Borden

    Canadian Forces
    April 2011-June 2015 (4 years 3 months)

    As the Deputy Judge Advocate for CFB Borden I am responsible for proving legal support and advice to the Base Commander and his units,
    including Military Police in areas such as military justice matters, administrative legal issues, including Boards of Inquiry and Summary
    Investigations to one of the Canadian Forces largest military training establishments. In addition, I am also responsible for the provision of
    legal training to units on the Base. CFB Borden trains 15,000 personnel annually and employs approximately 3500 military members and 1500
    civilian employees.


     Legal Advisor
    (3 years 4 months)

    Legal Advisory Services (LAS) is a Directorate with the Canadian Forces Legal Advisor’s Office (DND CFLA) providing legal services on a
    variety of issues, impacting DND/CF. LAS clients cover a wide range of activities, including Public Service and Labour, Health Services,
    Search and Rescue, Non Public Property, Public Affairs and Reserves and Cadets. As a Legal Advisor with CFLA I provided general legal
    advice in a variety of Public Law areas and was the legal advisor to the Deputy Provost Marshal (Security). I also appeared as DND/CF
    Counsel before the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC).

    [Excerpts only]


    Photo of Ken Osborne in the article of Lisa Graham
    ___________on Ken Osborne, see GRAHAM, Lisa, "US Meritorious Service Medal to Canadian grad Lieutenant Commander Ken Osborne, Law ’03", Queen's Law Reports at p. 41; available at http://law.queensu.ca/sites/webpublish.queensu.ca.lawwww/files/files/Alumni%20Donors/lawReports2011.pdf (accessed 1 May 2016);

    ____________on Ken Osborne, see "Lieutenant Commander Ken W. Osborne awarded US Meritorious Medal",  Summer 2011, Vo. 15, no. 2 Ontario Lawyers Gazette at p. 38; available at http://lawsocietygazette.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/gazette-2011-02-summer.pdf (accessed 12 March 2019);

    ____________on Ken Osborne, was appointed to the Soldiers’ Aid Commission as a Commissioner in November 2017, see web site of Annual Report Of The Soldiers' Aid Commission 2017-2018, available at https://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/en/mcss/open/sac/201718_AnnualReport.aspx (accessed 19 August 2019);

    Source of image: http://www.ischool.utoronto.ca/zachary-osborne-2013-recipient, accessed 25 September 2016
    Zachary Osborne

    OSBORNE, Zachary J., Queer Consequences: Homosexualiy and its Penalties in the Canadian Military, 1939-1945, thesis Bachelor of Arts with Honours in History, Acadia University, April 2007, vi, 86 leaves; available at https://zacharyosborne.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/queer_consequences.pdf     (accessed 25 September 2016);


    OSWALD, Bruce "Ossie", "Detention of Civilians on Military Operations: Reasons for and Challenges to Developing a Special Law of Detention", (2008) 32 Melbourne University Law Review 524-553; available at http://www.mulr.com.au/issues/32_2/32_2_5.pdf (accessed on 25 June 2014);

    OTTAWA CITIZEN (Newspaper), "Canadian quietly writes humanitarian law into Afghan security contracts. The Canadian military has quietly revised its contracts with private-security providers in Afghanistan to ensure they obey international humanitarian law, which prohibits attacks on civilians", 27 May 2008; available at http://www.canada.com/topics/news/national/story.html?id=8ba7014d-f640-4fb3-a88d-c541ecd7cf65  (accessed on 2 November 2014);

    "To commemorate the centennial in 2017 of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, Art
    Linton (JD ’12)  [on the right ] of the Vimy Foundation presented Osgoode Dean
    Lorne Sossin with a Vimy Commemorative Coin on Friday, March 10, 2017 on
    behalf of the Law Society of Upper Canada. Linton said the coin is “in remembrance
    of the service and leadership of the many Canadian law students, lawyers, and judges
    who served in WWI generally and at Vimy in particular.” Linton also thanked Sossin
     for his "service and leadership." "

    OSGOODE HALL LAW SCHOOL, York University, "Remembering the service and leadership of Canada’s legal professionals: Vimy Commemorative Coin presentation", 10 March 2017 for the You Tube link see http://www.osgoode.yorku.ca/news/remembering-service-leadership-canadas-legal-professionals/ and a video at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWTJ9kWY934 (both sites accessed on 23 May 20167);

    "Other Canadian Military Whistleblowers", available at https://hestories.info/robert-read-named-bc-fipa-whistleblower-of-the-year-2001.html?page=4#Navy_Lieut._Joel_Brayman., accessed 13 July 2020;

    OTTAWA CITIZEN, "Court martial of major [Karen Forster] improper, says lawyer [Bruce Gunn of Edmonton before the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada]", The Ottawa Citizen, 18 May 1989, at p. E-1;

    [research notes:
    - convicted by a General Court Martial at CFB Edmonton on 2 May 1988;
    - appeal by Ms. Forster dismissed by the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada, see (1989) 5 C.M.A.C.;
    - R. v. Forster, [1992] 1 S.C.R. 339, available at scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/838/index.do; appeal allowed and a new trial was ordered; Lt.‑Col. K. S. Carter and
     Maj. M. H. Coulombe were part of the counsel team of Her Majesty The Queen]; see site of Manitoba Archives on the SCC decision at http://pam.minisisinc.com/SCRIPTS/MWIMAIN.DLL/125366034/1/3/559973?RECORD&DATABASE=LISTINGS_WEB_INT (accessed 31 December 2017);
    - no new trial;
    - redress of grievance resulted in her re-enrolment in the Canadian Forces;
    - $45,000 damages awarded by
    Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench justice Myra Bielby on 19 November1993:
    Medicine Hat News (Newspaper) - November 20, 1993, Medicine Hat, Alberta A2 - Saturday, November 20,1993,
    THE MEDICINE HAT NEWS Military ‘pompous’ court rules General ordered pay major $45000 EDMONTON (CP)
    — Members of the military are not above civilian law and a "pompous" Canadian Armed Forces general must compensate
    a female subordinate for his acts, an Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench justice ruled Friday. Maj. Karen Forster was
    awarded $45,500 in damages by Justice Myra Bielby who found that Gen. William Buckham acted ' maliciously■’
    when he had Forster arrested and charged more than five years ago. Buckham, base commander of Candían Forces Base
    Edmonton, arrested Forster because of his “anger and ill will" and used "dramatic and intrusive mecha- nisms” to do so,
    Bielby wrote in her decision. The general relieved Forster of her duties as base comptroller in January 1988. He claimed
    that her management style was "aggressive and offensive.” Forster believed she had been fired and failed to turn up for
    a temporary posting in Ottawa. She was later arrested, charged and held overnight on two separate occasions in March
    and April 1988. The April charges were dropped, but a court martial found Forster guilty of being absent without leave
    on the March charge. She was demoted and fined $4,000. The Supreme Court of Canada over- tumed that decision
    last year. Forster was reinstated as a major earlier this year and given a six-year contract at National Defence Headquarters
    in Ottawa. She launched the civil suit against five officers — Buckham among them
    [source: "General ordered to pay major $45,000.00", Medicine Hat News, 20 November 1993, at p. 2, see:
    newspaperarchive.com/medicine-hat-news-nov-20-1993-p-2/, accessed 21 December 2017].

    - case reported at Forster v. MacDonald, 1993 CanLII 7302 (AB QB), <http://canlii.ca/t/2brdh>,
     see www.canlii.org/en/ab/abqb/doc/1993/1993canlii7302/1993canlii7302.html

    - finally, the appeal as to liability and as to damages was dismissed by the Alberta Court of Appeal, see:
    Forster v. Buckham, 1995 ABCA 334 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/2dcc9>, available at

    OTTAWA CITIZEN, "Somalia Scandal The Lingering Stain",  Star - Phoenix, Jun 28, 1997, p.D6;

    Description: Defence officials were also urging [Marianne Campbell] to keep the [Arone] killing in perspective as an isolated incident.
    But [John Dixon] didn't think the Canadian public would be so understanding. "These were Canadian soldiers, trained and led by Canadian
    officers, who tortured to death a young thief, and then took photographs of themselves posed with the body of their victim apparently in order
    to prove their exploits to their follow soldiers," Dixon wrote to his minister. "This at least suggests the existence of an ethos supportive, or at
    least condoning, of this monstrous crime." On April 4, Blair of the Judge Advocate General's Office sent Campbell's staff a letter advising
    the minister not to say or do anything which might be interpreted as trying to influence the course of the investigation or legal process.
    The military legal official even suggested that an earlier telephone call Campbell had made to Admiral Anderson to express her concern about
    the Arone killing could be seen as risky. Dixon refused and later told Campbell of the events. She telephoned deputy attorney general John
    Tait to read Blair's letter to him. To Campbell, the note was "blackmail" and an attempt at intimidation.
    © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved, see http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?ct=Next+Page&pag
      accessed 20 December 2017]

    OTTER, Chris, Canadian military justice: Confederation to the National Defence Act, thesis, M.A. (history), 2003, Guelph University, subject: C13D01 - Canada since Confederation / General History; Advisor: Prof. James Grant Snell, 1940- 2017; (source: http://www.cha-shc.ca/english/dissertation/view/7823/#sthash.lj7VqrcP.JXEc4wxh.dpbs; accessed 26 May 2017); research notes: the thesis is not in the library, verification made 1 January 2018; Mr. Otter is "Product and tools consultant at London life / Great-West Lifeco Inc", see https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/dir/Chris/Otter; to contact the author, try: https://www.greatwestlifeco.com/contact-us.html; sent an email at his corporation on 23 May 2019;

    "Canadian Military Justice": Confederation to the National Defence Act - See more at: http://www.cha-shc.ca/english/dissertation/view/7823/#sthash.lj7VqrcP.dpuf

    Image source: archive.org/details/guidemanualforca00otte     Photo of Sir William Otter, on the dust jacket of the
                                                                            book: Moron, Desmond, The Canadian General Sir William Otter,
                                                                            Toronto: Hakkert, 1974                               

    OTTER, W.D. (William Dillon), 1843-1929,  The guide : a manual for the Canadian militia (infantry) embracing the interior economy, duties, discipline, drills and parades, dress, books and correspondence of a battalion with regulations for marches, transport and encampment, also forms and bugle calls / compiled by William D. Otter, 9th ed.--rev., Toronto : Copp, Clark, 1914, 325 p. : ill., forms, music; 17 cm; available at https://archive.org/details/guidemanualforca00otte, https://openlibrary.org/books/OL19475010M/The_guide_a_manual_for_the_Canadian_militia_%28infantry%29  and https://archive.org/stream/guidemanualforca00otte/guidemanualforca00otte_djvu.txt (accessed 21 June 2015); several previous editions are available on the internet;

    OTTEWELL, R.P. (Richard Philip), 1890-, "Civil Courts Advocated for Trial of Military Men", Globe and Mail, 1943/03/12, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5028239 (accessed 2 August 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers:
    Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca, accessed 23 May 2019

    ___________on OTTEWELL, R.P. (Richard Philip), born 30 June 1890- died 17 May 1963, see his Personnel Records of the First World War at https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/personnel-records/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=542153  and http://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?op=pdf&app=CEF&id=B7507-S023 (accessed 23 May 2019); was a policeman when he joined the Canadian militia;

    ___________on OTTEWELL, R.P. (Richard Philip), see "R.P. Ottewell: War Veteran Practiced Law", The Globe and Mail, 20 May 1963 at p. 5; became a lawyer after world war I;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Image source: http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/136/295-eng.html, accessed 25 September 2016
    Dr. Éric Ouellet

    OUELLET, Éric,  “ Les années 1990 : émergence du soldat-diplomate ”, Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains 2/2013 (No 250) , p. 55-65; URL : www.cairn.info/revue-guerres-mondiales-et-conflits-contemporains-2013-2-page-55.htm; DOI : 10.3917/gmcc.250.0055.

    Au Canada, les années 1990 sont souvent décrites comme la « sombre décennie » par les militaires. Ce fut une époque difficile pour l’institution
    militaire canadienne qui, assiégée de toutes parts, dû se résigner à s’adapter aux nouvelles réalités de l’après-Guerre froide, mais aussi à se
    rapprocher des normes et des valeurs de la société canadienne. La mission canadienne en Somalie, en 1992-1993, fut l’événement catalyseur de
    ces changements, où le manque d’éthique et les problèmes de disciplines firent scandale. L’éthos du « vrai » guerrier, issu de la Guerre froide,
    était en conflit avec les attentes de la société canadienne qui se représentait ses forces armées comme une force de casques bleus. C’est dans
    ce contexte que les Forces canadiennes se réformèrent par un compromis institutionnel où l’identité militaire fut reconstruite autour de la notion
    implicite du soldat-diplomate. Cet article retrace les dynamiques institutionnelles qui menèrent à ce compromis.

    Plan de l'article

    1. Introduction
    2. La Somalie : un bref rappel des faits
    3. Le contexte institutionnel plus large
    4. La dimension cognitive de la légitimité ou le retour inopiné de Clausewitz
    5. La dimension normative ou le passage du guerrier au soldat-diplomate
    6. La dimension régulative ou le départ inopiné d’Huntington
    7. Conclusion  
    [Source: http://www.cairn.info/revue-guerres-mondiales-et-conflits-contemporains-2013-2-page-55.htm, visité 25 septembre 2016]


    In Canada, the 1990s were often described by the military as the “decade of darkness.” This was a difficult time for the Canadian military,
    which was socially under siege, and had to both adapt to the new realities of the post-Cold War and to realign its norms and values with
    those of Canadian society. The Canadian mission in Somalia (1992–1993) was a catalyst for these changes, as ethical lapses and discipline
    problems turned into a scandal. The “true warrior” ethos, a legacy of the Cold War, was in conflict with the expectations of Canadian society,
    which thought of its armed forces as a peacekeeping force. It is in this context that the Canadian Forces implemented reform through an
    institutional compromise in which the military identity was reconstructed around the implicit notion of the soldier-diplomat. This article traces
    the institutional dynamics that led to this compromise.

    [Source:  http://www.cairn-int.info/resume.php?ID_ARTICLE=E_GMCC_250_0055, accessed 25 September 2016]

    OUELLET, Fernand, "Les officiers de la milice et la structure sociale au Québec", dans Colloque international d'histoire militaire (4e: 1978: Ottawa, Ont.), Commission canadienne d'histore militaire, Commission internationale d'histoire militaire, Actes du 4e Colloque international d'histoire militaire : Ottawa 23-25 VIII 1978 = Records of the 4th International Colloquy on Military History : Ottawa  23-25 VIII 1978 = Verhandlung der 4 Internationalen Tagung für Militärgeschichte : Ottawa 23-25 VIII 1978  Records of the 4th International Colloquy on Military History Verhandlung der 4 Internationalen Tagung für Militärgeschichte, Ottawa : [s.n.], 1979, Secrétaire général de la Commission canadienne d'histoire militaire, Service historique, Quartier général de la Défense nationale, 101, promenade Colonel  By, Ottawa K1A 0K2,: xviii, 326 p., aux pp. 125-155 : ill. ; 24 cm.; series Acta (Commission internationale d'histoire militaire) no 4; NOTES: En tête du titre: Commission internationale d'histoire militaire. International Commission of Military History. Internationale Kommission für  Militärgeschichte. Acta no 4.  Textes en anglais, en français et en allemand.  Comprend des références bibliographiques; disponible à http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/his/docs/Coll_4th_1978.pdf (consulté le 5 janvier 2018);

    On peut même prétendre qu'a certains égards la période du régime mili-
    taire met davantage en relief pour un temps le rôle de l'officier de milice dans la
    société. En effet les dirigeants militaires britanniques, en plus de lui conserver
    ses fonctions habituelles, lui attribuent un rôle judiciaire et policier de premier
    ordre dans les circonstances. La création des chambres de milice et des chambres
    d'audience se trouve à intégrer des groupes d'officiers de milice dans l'organisa-
    tion judiciaire. (40) Ceux-ci remplissent les devoirs d'une cour de première ins-
    tance dont les jugements peuvent faire l'objet, selon la nature du litige et du cas,
    d'un appel auprès d'une cour composée d'officiers supérieurs de l'armée britanni-
    que. Cet accroissement de l'autorité des capitaines de milice qui, en un sens,
    porte peut-être atteinte au prestige des officiers supérieurs de la milice, s'expli-
    que par les circonstances.

    (40 E.J. Chambers, The Canadian Militia , p. 16s.

    [aux pp. 136-137 et 155]

    OUELETTE, Bernard, Colonel, on, see:

    - "Canada's former top soldier in Haiti has $6M lawsuit tossed", CBC News, 3 January 2013; available at https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canada-s-former-top-soldier-in-haiti-has-6m-lawsuit-tossed-1.1303943, accessed 16 September 2020;

    - Ouellette v. Canada (Attorney General), 2015 FC 1185 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/glrm2>, decision of 21 October 2015;

    - Murray Brewster, "Court-ordered review of peacekeeper's case still grinding through DND 2 years later", CBC News, 17 September 2017, https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/haiti-commander-apology-1.4291675, available at (accessed 16 September 2020);

    Source: media.iwm.org.uk/ciim5/429/774/large_000000.jpg?action=d&cat=photographs, accessed 7 August 2018

    OUTERBRIDGE, L.C. (Leonard Cecil), Sir, 1888-986, died at the age of 98, from 55th Canadian Inf. Battalion, also 75th Battalion,CEF was the prosecutor in the court martial of Lieut. Col. V.V. Harvey, D.S.O., 54th Canadian Inf. Bn., 8th July 1917, available at http://54thbattalioncef.ca/?page_id=236 (accessed 7 August 2018);

    ___________on OUTERBRIDGE, L.C. (Leonard Cecil), 1888-1986,lieutenant-Governor of Newfoundland, see "Leonard Outerbridge" in WIKIPEDIA, available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Outerbridge    , accessed

    David Paciocco, image source: ottawasun.com/2017/04/08/view-from-
    , accessed 16 May 2020

    PACIOCCO, David, on, see Blanchfield, Mike, "Give Military Ombudsman more clout, says expert", The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, 9 May 2000, at p. A3; available at https://www.newspapers.com/, accessed 16 May 2020;

                  (1)                                                                  (2)

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling  the
    wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Darren Pacione

    PACIONE, Darren, Courts and Late-Modern Security Crises: Judicial Deference, Temporary Emergency Power and the Rule of Law in Quebec and Northern Ireland, a thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts, in Legal Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 2011, v, 111 p.; available at https://curve.carleton.ca/system/files/etd/76b861fa-c9a4-401b-817f-f255ed75ec97/etd_pdf/7ebba302ae75d1a30298230abb87a192/pacione-courtsandlatemodernsecuritycrisesjudicial.pdf (accessed 17 October 2018);

    Image source: twitter.com/beatricespaez?lang=en, accessed 24 October 2018
    Beatrice Paez, the author of the article

    PAEZ, Beatrice, "NDP critic wants feds to scrap disciplinary offence for self-harm as it reforms military justice system", The Hill Times, 23 October 2018; available at https://www.hilltimes.com/2018/10/23/ndp-critic-asks-feds-scrap-disciplinary-offence-self-harm-reforms-military-justice-system/173483 (accessed 24 October 2018);


    Valérie Pagé
    PAGÉ, Valérie (V.M.H.), Capc, "La Juge-avocat adjoint de la Réserve navale prodigue des services juridiques en plein Pacifique!", Marine Royale canadienne, L'Encre--octobre 2016/4 novembre 2016, disponible à http://www.navy-marine.forces.gc.ca/fr/nouvelles-lencre/lencre-voir.page?doc=la-juge-avocat-adjoint-de-la-reserve-navale-prodigue-des-services-juridiques-en-plein-pacifique/iv3fcuu9 (visité le 15 mars 2017);

     Comme avocate militaire œuvrant sur la Base de soutien de la 2e Division du Canada Valcartier et au Quartier général de la Réserve navale,
     les opportunités de naviguer se font assez rares. Pourtant, du 29 juin au 4 août 2016, j’ai eu l’immense privilège de me joindre à l’équipage
    du Navire canadien de Sa Majesté Calgary et de participer à la 25e édition de l’exercice RIMPAC.


    Mon rôle dans cet exercice était d’agir comme conseillère juridique du Sea Combat Commander dont la mission était d’assurer la protection
    d’un porte-avion américain. Nous étions donc à la tête d’un groupe de combat comptant neuf navires de huit nationalités différentes.

    J’ai ainsi eu l’occasion de conseiller l’équipe de commandement sur le droit maritime et les règles d’engagement applicables dans certaines
    situations à laquelle le scénario de l’exercice nous confrontait. À l’extérieur de ce scénario, j’ai également eu l’occasion d’échanger avec les
    membres de l’équipage sur diverses questions d’ordre juridique qu’ils avaient.

    ___________photo of LCdr Valérie Pagé, Operation IMPACT, source of photo: https://twitter.com/art_linton, Office of the JAG@JAGCAF· accessed 3 July 2020;

    LCdr Valérie Pagé, Operation IMPACT,

    Tancrède Pagnuelo
    Image source: http://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/3733667, accessed 10 Augsut 2019

    PAGNUELO, Tancrède, 1869-, Lieutenant-Colonel was a lawyer and an officer who was court-martialed; see the following articles and references:

    - Kalbfleisch, John, "A dishonourable end", The Gazette, Montreal, 17 December 2006, at p. A20:

    Tancrede Pagnuelo's military career began with great promise but an incendiary speech landed him behind bars

    "As a result, Lieut.-Col. Tancrede Pagnuelo is now Mr. Pagnuelo, a numbered prisoner at Bordeaux jail."

    - Gazette, Tuesday,

    Dec. 19, 1916

    It was the tawdry end to a military career that had seemed full of promise just a year before. From being a leader
    in sustaining French-Canadian support for the war against Germany, Tancrede Pagnuelo was now guilty before a
    court martial, cashiered from the service, stripped of his military honours and sentenced to six months behind bars.

    The Pagnuelo family, Spanish in origin, had produced a notable figure in Tancrede's late father, Simeon, a legal
    scholar and judge in Montreal. Tancrede entered law as well, eventually becoming a KC with a practice in St. James
    St. He was active in politics, both municipal and federal, though perhaps with more enthusiasm than success.

    As the rush to the colours in 1914 shows, French- and English- speaking Montrealers greeted the outbreak of war
    with equal fervour. But within a year, that fervour had begun to fade on the French side.

    Henri Bourassa at Le Devoir was campaigning hard against entanglement in a foreign war. Ontario's Regulation 17,
    which severely limited French-language education, continued to rankle in Quebec, and the parallels with how Germany
    had proscribed French in occupied Alsace and Lorraine were inescapable.

    French Canadians who enlisted were soon grumbling that their training was mainly in English, that there were few
    French-speaking officers and that in any event they were being passed over for promotion. Even the number of medals
    they were awarded seemed niggardly. No wonder enlistments began to drop off dangerously.

    Yet the resentment wasn't universal, and early in 1916 plans to raise eight new battalions in Quebec were launched.
    Five were to be French-speaking, including the 206th Battalion under Pagnuelo, by then a militia lieutenant-colonel.

    At 47 he was a little old for active service, but the desperate need for manpower left military recruiters little choice.

    To find the men he needed, Pagnuelo concentrated his efforts near Beauharnois, La Prairie and Terrebonne. But it
    went slowly, as it did for the other new units. Recruits were constantly being seconded away to undermanned
    English-language battalions. There were outright desertions. And Pagnuelo himself quickly came to bridle under
    the reality of being a French-speaking officer in an essentially English- speaking army.

    At the new Valcartier base near Quebec City that summer, the 206th's training was in a shambles. The grumbling
    became so open that the military hierarchy feared mutiny. In July several of the battalion's officers were dismissed,
    and on the 15th of that month Pagnuelo went over the edge.

    "The authorities have sacked the officers, and we are going home," he told his men. "It is a revenge because we are
    French Canadians, and because of small errors here and there. As far as you are concerned, they are shipping you to
    Bermuda, where you will undergo hardship and suffer misery from the heat.

    "Now military law prevents me from speaking, but if you are wise enough to read between the lines you will know
    what to do. I will give passes to everybody, and be sure that the little money that your friends have subscribed to the
    regimental fund will not be used to run after those who will not come back."

    It was an incendiary speech, one the army could scarcely ignore. The 206th - described as "pathetic ... the worst unit
    in the Canadian Expeditionary Force" - was absorbed into another battalion in August, and Pagnuelo was committed
    to a court martial to begin late that autumn.

    There could be little doubt about its outcome. Pagnuelo apologized for his speech, but especially with the country at
    ar this counted for little. In addition, there were also some financial irregularities laid to him. These were the "small
    errors here and there" that he so blithely dismissed in his July harangue and about which he subsequently lied. Found
    guilty, he was lucky that his six- month sentence specifically was "without hard labour."

    "Not a word was said as General Wilson concluded reading the sentence," The Gazette reported. "Lieut.-Col. Pagnuelo,
    very pale, stood at attention to the last word, than saluted and turned on his heel."

    He was taken under guard to the barracks on Peel St. There, stripped of his uniform and "other military distinctions,"
    he changed into civilian clothes before being escorted to Bordeaux Jail.

    The trial, The Gazette concluded, was "unique in Canadian military annals."

    Word count: 789
    (Copyright Montreal Gazette 2006)

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers:
    Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca, accessed 24 September 2018
    [Also available at https://www.pressreader.com/canada/montreal-gazette/20061217/281767034736975]

    - Special Despatch to the Globe, "Lt.-Col. T. Pagnuelo Shorn of his Rank: Loses Also His Long Service Decoration, and to Serve Six Months
      in Jail", The Globe, Toronto, 21 March 1933, at p. 5:

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling  the
    wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers:
    Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca, accessed 24 September 2018

    - Morton, Desmond, "The Limits of Loyalty: French Canadian Officers and the First World War",  in Edgar Denton III, ed.,  Limits of loyalty,
     Waterloo, Ont. : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, c1980, pages 79-98, and see on Tancrède Pagnuelo, pp. 93-94, available at
     (accessed 24 October 2018).

    -"La Cour martiale: M. Pagnuelo en prison", Le devoir, Montréal, mardi le 19 décembre 1916, disponible à collections2.banq.qc.ca/jrn03/devoir/src/1916/12/19/5226335_1916-12-19.pdf
     (consulté le 24 septembre 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling  the
    wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed


    - ANONYME, "Tribunaux civils. M. Pagnuelo en appelle.  L'ex Lieutenant-Colonel veut faire annuler le jugement de la cour martiale qui le condamnait à la prison et lui
    enlevait ses grades", Le devoir, vendredi le 13 avril 1917, à la p. 4; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2794663 (consulté le 28 mars 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling  the
    wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    - ANONYME, "M. Pagnuelo en appelle. Il demande au tribunal civil de casser la condamnation prononcée contre lui par un tribunal militaire.
     M. Allard a reçu sa demande", Le devoir, Montréal, mercredi le 16 mai 1917, à la p. 6; disponible à
    http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2794722 (consulté le 14 mars 2019);

    [article not finished, excerpt only]

    - "Décès de Me T. Pagnuelo", L'Étoile du Nord, 10 janvier 1946 à la p. 2 disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2488114(consulté le 14 mars 2019);à

    - see LIBRARY and ARCHIVES CANADA, "Proceedings of General Court Martial of Lieutenant Colonel T. Pagnuelo, http://collectionscanada.gc.ca/ourl/res.php?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&url_tim=2019-08-10T09%3A48%3A18Z&url_ctx_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Actx&rft_dat=935711&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Fcollectionscanada.gc.ca%3Apam&lang=eng
    (accessed 10 August 2019);

    - see further developments in the following articles/voir les développements subséquents dans les articles suivants:
    - "Le droit de Me Pagnuelo d'en appeler.  L'hon. juge Allard le lui accorde sur son bref de certiorari", La presse, Montréal,
    mardi le 3 juillet 1917, à la p. 7, disponible à http://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/3207866?docsearchtext=Tancr%C3%A8de%20Pagnuelo%20%20martiale
    (consulté le 24 septembre 2018)

    - "Tribunaux civils.  Requête du Col. Pagnuelo", Le devoir, Montréal, le 27 aout 1917, à la p. 6, disponible à http://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/2794901?
    (consulté le 25 septembre 2018)

    - "La requête est rejetée.  Le juge Monet renvoie la demande de M. Tancrède Pagnuelo qui réclamait la production du
       dossier militaire de la cour martiale qui le condamna", Le devoir, vendredi le 7 septembre 1917, à la p. 3, disponible à
        (consulté le 24 septembre 2018)


    PAILLART, Anne, L'indemnisation du traumatisme psychique chez les vétérans : un parcours difficile, mémoire fourni à la Faculté de droit en vue de l'obtention du grade de "Maître en droit", août 2014, x, 266 p., disponible à http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/bitstream/handle/11143/6023/Paillart_Anne_LLM_2015.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (vérifié le 26 mars 2018); 

    Les blessures psychiques ont été présentes au détour de chacun des conflits qui ont jalonné l’Histoire. La première partie de ce travail
    porte sur la découverte de la névrose traumatique, sa perception dans le cadre militaire, et sur la distinction qui existe entre l’approche
    psychanalytique européenne centrée sur le trauma et l’entité américaine qui s’est imposée pour se fonder essentiellement sur le stress.
    Les législations canadiennes et françaises qui encadrent le vétéran et l’ancien combattant atteint de psychosyndrome traumatique vont
    constituer le sujet de la seconde partie. L’historique du cadre juridique contemporain ; les étapes de la demande d’indemnisation avec
    leurs caractéristiques et leurs écueils respectifs ; les notions de preuve et d’imputabilité, enfin les particularités de l’expertise médicale
    sont présentées selon la perspective propre à chaque pays. Des sujets variés issus d’une trame commune qui, relatant l’expérience du
    vétéran blessé psychiquement pour lequel l’exercice de son droit à réparation prend l’allure d’un second combat, vont permettre de
    déterminer si, au-delà de la reconnaissance de l’institution ou des attentes déçues, la législation actuelle encadre de manière satisfaisante –
    ou pas – le droit à réparation.
    [source: http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/6023, consulté le 26 mars 2018]

    Photo of Mario Paillé, reproduced from  http://www.hebdorivenord.com/Communaute/2010-02-27/article-1080076/
    (accessed on 31 March 2014)

    PAILLÉ, Mario D. (Mario Denis), "Assistant au Conseiller juridique -- Quartier-général de la Force internationale d'assistance à la sécurité, Kaboul, Afghanistan", (2007) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 18-20;

    __________Biographical notes on Mario Paillé:
    Lieutenant-Commander Mario Denis Paillé B.A., LL.L., CD is a Royal Canadian Military College of Canada (RMC) graduate who
    serves in the Canadian Forces since 1982. He served as an Administrative Clerk in Ottawa, Montreal, Valcartier and in Irak and
    Kuwait with the United Nations following the first Gulf War in 1991. Following graduation, he is appointed as a Military Police
    Officer. From 1995 to 1999, he served in Ottawa with the Special Investigation Unit as a Personal Investigation Officer and as
    Operations Officer with the Canadian Forces National Counter Intelligence Unit. Following graduation from University of Ottawa
    as a law licensiate, he is posted in 2003 with the Office of the Judge Advocate General in Ottawa. In 2005, he is posted as a Deputy
    Judge Advocate with the 5th Area Support Group and Joint Task Force Eastern Region in Montreal and provide legal advice mainly
    to the 5th Military Police Regiment.

    From Aug 2006 to Feb 2007, he is deployed as a legal advisor with the NATO International Security Assistance Force Headquarters
    in Kabul, Afghanistan under British Command. He provides legal advice to the Commander NATO ISAF on Law of Armed Conflict,
    Targeting Boards, administrative law, military justice and claims. Upon his return from Afghanistan, he is back as Deputy Judge
    Advocate with the 5th Area Support Group.

    From February to August 2010, he is deployed with the United Nations Observer Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo with
    the Rule of Law Unit. He works mainly on the Congolese military justice reform and the Rule of Law and provides training through
    seminars and workshops to the Congolese Armed Forces personnel on the Congolese Military Justice system and International
    Humanitarian Law.

    In August 2013, he is posted with the Canadian Forces Military Law Center in Kingston, Ontario and trains Canadian military
    personnel and abroad in the fields of Military Justice, Military Administrative Law, Operational Law and Law of Armed Conflict.
    (source: https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/mario-denis-paill%C3%A9-b-a-ll-l-cd/a2/aa7/251, accessed 18 April 2015)

    ___________"Le Congo pour pratique", par Droit-inc.com, 14 novembre 2011 disponible à http://www.droit-inc.com/article6594-Le-Congo-pour-pratique (site visité le 26 juin 2017);

    Mario Denis Paillé
    ___________Mario Denis Paillé maintenant en pratique privé au 90, rue De Martigny Ouest, Saint-Jérôme (Québec), J7Y2G1, tél: 450-335-0758,  mdpaille@mdpavocat.com; Mario Denis Paillé, BA, LL.L., LL.M., CD est un diplômé du Collège militaire royal du Canada (CMRC) et a servi dans les Forces armées canadiennes de janvier 1982 à juin 2017"; voir son site web à https://www.mdpavocat.com/ (visité le 5 juillet 2017);


    Mario Denis Paillé, BA, LL.L., LL.M., CD est un diplômé du Collège militaire royal du Canada (CMRC) et a servi dans les Forces armées
    canadiennes de janvier 1982 à juin 2017. Il fut employé en tant que commis d’administration à Ottawa, Montréal, Valcartier, en Irak et au
    Koweït avec les Nations Unies après la première guerre du Golfe en 1991. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme du CMRC en politique en mai
    1995, il joint les services de la police militaire. De 1995 à 1999, il sert à Ottawa avec le Quartier général de l'unité des enquêtes spéciales
    en tant qu'officier enquêteur du personnel et en tant qu'officier des opérations auprès du Quartier général de l'Unité nationale de contre-
    espionnage des Forces canadiennes. Après avoir reçu sa licence en droit civil de l'Université d'Ottawa et après avoir complété son stage
    en tant qu’avocat de la défense auprès du bureau d'aide juridique de Gatineau, il est nommé au Tableau de l’Ordre du Barreau du Québec.
    Il est muté en octobre 2003 avec le Cabinet du Juge-avocat général à Ottawa. En août 2005, il est nommé en tant que juge-avocat adjoint
    auprès du 5e Groupe de soutien de secteur et de la Force opérationnelle interarmées de la région de l'Est à Montréal. Il prodigue de nombreux
    conseils juridiques à plusieurs unités, principalement au 5e Régiment de police militaire, offrant de la formation sur le système de justice
    militaire canadien, sur les questions disciplinaires et les questions de droit pénal.

    D'août 2006 à février 2007, il est déployé comme conseiller juridique auprès du Quartier-général de la Force internationale d'assistance à
    la sécurité (FIAS) de l'OTAN à Kaboul, en Afghanistan, sous un commandement britannique. Il fournit des conseils juridiques au commandant
    de la FIAS de l'OTAN sur le droit des conflits armés, les comités de ciblage, le droit administratif, la justice militaire et les réclamations. À son
    retour d'Afghanistan, il est de retour en tant que juge-avocat adjoint au 5e Groupe de soutien de secteur à Montréal.

    De février à août 2010, il est déployé avec la Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies en République démocratique du Congo avec l'unité
    de l'État de droit. Il travaille principalement sur la réforme de la justice militaire congolaise et l'État de droit et dispense de la formation par le
    biais de séminaires et d'ateliers au personnel des forces armées congolaises sur le système de justice militaire congolais et le droit international

    D'août 2013 à août 2015, il est affecté au Centre de droit militaire des Forces canadiennes à Kingston, en Ontario, et forme des avocats militaires
    et le personnel militaire canadien et à l'étranger dans les domaines de la justice militaire, du droit administratif militaire, du droit opérationnel et
    du droit des conflits armés.

    De septembre 2015 à décembre 2016, il complète une maîtrise en droit international à l'Université de Montréal, Québec. Maître Paillé a pris sa
    retraite des Forces armées canadiennes avec le grade de capitaine de corvette (major) et a reçu de nombreuses distinctions telles que les médailles
    des Jubilés d’or et de diamant de la Reine Elizabeth II en 2002 et en 2012 pour ses réalisations tout au long de sa prestigieuse carrière. Depuis le
    13 juin 2017, il pratique le droit en cabinet privé sous le nom de la Société juridique MDP Inc. dans les domaines du droit criminel, droit militaire,
    droit administratif et droit de la famille. Il offrira également des services d'arbitrage et de médiation en matières familiale, civile et commerciale à
     compter de septembre 2017.

    ___________"Mario in the Congo: The adventures of a Canadian military lawyer in the DRC" (May/Mai 2011) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/2011/2011-03_military.aspx and http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/2011/2011-03_military.aspx#article3 (accessed on 30 April 2012);

    ___________"Mario au Congo (Les aventures d'un avocat militaire canadien en RDC)",  (May/Mai 2011) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/ABC/nouvelles-sections/2011/2011-03_military.aspx  et http://www.cba.org/ABC/nouvelles-sections/2011/2011-03_military.aspx#mario (site visité le 30 avril  2012);

    ___________sur Paillé, Mario Denis, voir par Desbiens, Patrice, "La pratique du droit en théâtre opérationnel: Avocat militaire en Afghanistan" (Mars 2007) 39 Journal du Barreau aux pp. 8 et 32; disponible à www.barreau.qc.ca/pdf/journal/vol39/200703_01.pdf;  interview avec le capitaine  de corvette  Mario Denis  Pauillé  et le major Laura D'Urbano; aussi publié dans:  (2007) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 42-43; l'auteur Patrice Desbiens est un autre avocat militaire;

    ___________ "A military lawyer in Kabul", (9 March 2007) (10(7) The Maple Leaf  7; available at http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/commun/ml-fe/vol_10/vol10_07/1007_full.pdf  (accessed on 25 April 2007);
    ___________ "Un avocat militaire à Kabul", (9 mars 2007) 10(7) La feuille d'érable 7; disponible à http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/commun/ml-fe/vol_10/vol10_07/1007_full.pdf (vérifié le 25 avril 2007);

    Mario Denis Paillé
    ___________"La mission congolaise d'un diplômé", par Droit-inc.com, 11 novembre 2011 disponible à droit-inc.com/article6583-La-mission-congolaise-d-un-diplome (site visité le 26 juin 2017);

    M. Paillé faisait partie d’une équipe d’avocats qui allait sur place pour enseigner le droit de la guerre
    aux militaires. Parmi les apprentissages de base à inculquer, il fallait notamment expliquer que le viol
    n’est pas une arme de guerre.

    « En droit international humanitaire, le viol est illégal, mais pour de nombreux militaires congolais,
    ce n’était pas si évident que ça. Quand on le leur disait dans les formations, ils se regardaient en se
    disant, ah c’est illégal, et leur langage corporel montrait la découverte, la surprise. Pour plusieurs, le
    viol faisait partie de la coutume de guerre. Entre formateurs, on se regardait, on se disait que ça
    n’avait pas de sens. C’était renversant de voir ça, d’avoir à expliquer cela à des militaires. C’est
    illégal en tout temps, c’est immoral », témoigne-t-il.

    ___________"A military lawyer in Kabul" (July/Juillet 2007) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters/mil-2007/news.aspx#top  (accessed on 25 April 2012);
    ___________"Un avocat militaire à Kaboul" (July/Juillet 2007) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles/mil-2007/nouvelles.aspx#article4 (site visité le 25 avril  2012);

    Véronique Bérubé, source de l'image: Google Image, vérifié le 5 juin 2014

    ___________sur Mario Paillé, lire aussi BÉRUBÉ, Véronique,  "Au coeur de la tourmente", Hebdo Rive Nord . com, publié le 4 décembre 2006; disponible à http://www.hebdorivenord.com/Societe/Monde/2006-12-04/article-1077064/Au-c%26oelig%3Bur-de-la-tourmente/1 (vérifié le 16 janvier 2012); article sur le militaire Mario Denis Paillé du Cabinet du JAG;

     Image source: http://www.strategiaworldwide.com/team/, accessed 2 October 2016
    Anthony Paphiti
    PAPHITI, Anthony, "Global Seminar on Military Justice Reform Yale Law School, 8th November 2014", available at http://www.aspals.com/gmjrs.pdf (accessed 2 October 2016);

     Image source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis-Joseph_Papineau, accessed 2 November 2015
    Louis-Joseph Papineau painted by
    Théophile Hamel

    PAPINEAU, Louis Joseph, 1786-1871 was a  Deputy Judge-Advocate, in the Lower Canada militia, see:

    - "Louis-Joseph Papineau (1786-1871) Biography", available at http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/deputes/papineau-louis-joseph-4735/biographie.html, accessed 8 June 2020;

    Né à Montréal et baptisé dans la paroisse Notre-Dame, le 7 octobre 1786, fils
    de Joseph Papineau, arpenteur et notaire, et de Rosalie Cherrier.

    Étudia au Collège Saint-Raphaël de Montréal à compter de 1796 et au Petit Séminaire
    de Québec, de 1802 à 1804. Fit l'apprentissage du droit chez son cousin Denis-Benjamin Viger.

    Admis au Barreau en 1810, exerça sa profession d'avocat de façon intermittente. Pendant
    la guerre de 1812, servit en qualité d'officier de milice. Acquit de son père la seigneurie de la
    Petite-Nation en 1817.

    Élu député de Kent en 1808. Réélu en 1809 et en 1810; appuya le Parti canadien. Élu dans
    Montréal-Ouest en 1814; élu orateur le 21 janvier 1815. Succéda à Pierre-Stanislas Bédard,
    en 1815, à la tête du Parti canadien, qui devint en 1826 le Parti patriote. Réélu en 1816, en avril
    1820 et en juillet 1820.

    - "A chronology of the life of Louis-Joseph Papineau", see following excerpts at https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/qc/manoirpapineau/culture/histoire-history/personnages-people/a, accessed 8 June 2020;

    The Formative Years (1786-1809)
    October 7, 1786

    Birth of Louis-Joseph Papineau in Montréal.


    Louis-Joseph Papineau commences schooling at the Collège de Montréal and, from 1802, continues at the Séminaire de Québec.

    ): Louis-Joseph Papineau
                    at about ten years of age, circa 1796 Louis-Joseph Papineau at about ten years of age, circa 1796
    © National Archives of Canada / Pastel sur papier attribué à Louis Dulongpré, / négatif C-96269, 1796

    Law clerkship at the firm of his cousin Denis-Benjamin Viger.

    The Initiation into Political Life (1808-1815)

    Elected Member of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada for the county of Kent (Chambly).


    Called to the bar of Lower Canada.


    Captain of a battalion of the Select Embodied Militia, during the War of 1812.


    Louis-Joseph Papineau becomes the owner of his father's home, located on Bonsecours Street in Montréal.


    Elected Member of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada for the riding of Montréal West (city).

    The Rise to Political Prominence (1815-1827)
    Louis-Joseph Papineau,
                    speaker at the House of Assembly Louis-Joseph Papineau, speaker at the House of Assembly
    © National Archives of Canada / Gravure sur bois, anonyme (s.d.) / négatif C-9223

    Elected Speaker of the House, for which he receives an annual salary of 1000 pounds beginning in 1817.


    Louis-Joseph Papineau purchases the seigneury of La Petite-Nation from his father.


    Louis-Joseph Papineau marries Julie Bruneau, the daughter of Pierre Bruneau, a merchant and member of the House for Québec.


    Papineau is nominated to the Executive Council, but declines this offer.

    -  Papineau was elected in the county of Kent.  Inside the county, you find the seignory of Longueuil and Montarville, see Bouchette, Joseph, A topographical description of the province of Lower Canada with remarks upon Canada, London, 1815, at pp. 167 and 195, available at https://books.google.ca/books?id=oPsGAAAAQAAJ&dq=%22county+of+Kent%22+Chambly&source=gbs_navlinks_s; Bouchette is a surveyor and Lieutenant-Colonel;

    Image source: http://trentu.academia.edu/MichaelEamon, accessed 19 October 2018
    Michael Eamon

    EAMON, Michael and Angèle Alain, "Faces of 1812", 30 October 2012, available at https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/news/podcasts/Pages/faces-of-1812.aspx
    (accessed 19 October 2018); on Louis-Joseph Papineau; michaeleamon@trentu.ca; ME [Michel Eamon]: Louis-Joseph Papineau, many people
    know, was the moderate rebel leader in the rebellions of Lower Canada in 1837. He was the long-standing speaker of the assembly in Lower
    Canada, he was a lawyer, and in 1834 he helped draft the 92 resolutions that started, that tried to start, the dialogue of change in Quebec and
    Quebec politics. So a lot of people say “Why is he in a War of 1812 exhibition?”

    AA [Angèle Alain]:
    Right, I was just going to ask that actually.

    And the thing is that the War of 1812 shaped many people, and of course Louis-Joseph Papineau was alive at the time and he was
    a part of the Canadian militia at the time. And of course the war, the conflict they had against the United States, shaped many people’s
    ideologies and mindsets, and also helped shape Louis-Joseph Papineau. And it also shows how long the war left an indelible mark on
    the political structure on Upper and Lower Canada. In fact, issues of a more republican and perhaps a different style of government
    couldn’t even be mentioned in polite company in the first decades after the war because there was so much anti-American sentiment.
    So people like Louis-Joseph Papineau had to take a more moderate path. And of course we know others who took a more radical path
    in the rebellion, but part of Louis-Joseph Papineau’s moderation came from this experience, where he was in fact part of the government
    and part of the militia.

    Did Papineau participate in the War of 1812?

    He was a captain, but he was part of the judge advocate general’s office. So he served in the function as a lawyer dealing with legal
     matters that would come up during the war.

    Did Papineau bring a French perspective to the war?

    Oh definitely, he of course being a Quebecer (he was born in Montreal), he and his image is indicative of a much greater
    contingent of French Canadians that helped fight in the war. Indeed the war brought together French Canadians, English-speaking
    Canadians, First Nations peoples, and the British of course, all against a common foe. And there were at this time period, or just
    before, leading up to the war, there were great language tensions and political tensions in Lower Canada. And so the war drew people
    out of their particular tensions and made a common foe for everyone to fight against.


    AUBIN, Georges, 1942-,  et Raymond Ostiguy, 1942-, Louis-Joseph Papineau. Les Débuts, 1808-1815, Montréal: Les Éditions Histoire Québec, 2015, 251 p.,
     illustrations ; 28 cm, Collection Société d'histoire de la seigneurie de Chambly, ISBN:9782895861539; voir en particulier la partie IV -- "Louis-Joseph
    Papineau -- Député Juge avocat de la milice" aux pages 200-231;

    Pendant la guerre de 1812-1815, Louis-Joseph Papineau remplit quatre fonctions. Il sert comme lieutenant dans la milice sédentaire
    de la Ville de Montréal et accède aux rangs de lieutenant et de capitaine dans le 5e bataillon de milice d'élite et incorporée («5e B M.E.I.»);
    il est député des circonscriptions de Kent (Chambly) et de Montréal Ouest à l'Assemblée du Bas-Canada, à Québec; il plaide quelques
    causes comme avocat du district judiciaire de Montréal devant la Cour du banc du roi; enfin, il devient procureur ou député juge avocat
    (adjoint) de la milice du Bas-Canada. à la fin de la guerre
    il sera élu orateur de l'Assemblée.  [lien: http://www.histoirequebec.qc.ca/boutique_details.asp?id=168, consulté le 6 mars 2019]

    - Louise Chevrier, "Louis-Joseph Papineau, ses débuts à Chambly", Chambly matin, Le quotidien de Chambly, 23 septembre 2016; disponible à https://www.chamblymatin.com/information/manchettes/louis-joseph-papineau-ses-debuts-a-chambly.html (consulté le 8 juin 2020);

    Le dimanche 2 octobre à 13 h 30, dans le cadre des Journées de la culture, la Société
    d’histoire de la seigneurie de Chambly présente : Louis-Joseph Papineau, les débuts,
    avec Georges Aubin et Raymond Ostiguy. Cette conférence aura lieu à la
    salle Jacques-de-Chambly au Lieu historique national de Fort-Chambly. L’entrée est gratuite.

    Député, avocat, officier de milice et juge-avocat, le jeune Louis-Joseph Papineau cumule ces quatre
    fonctions au cours de ses premières années de vie publique. On ignore souvent que Chambly fut
    au cœur de cette activité.

    L’année 1808 marque son entrée en politique. Il est élu député du comté de Kent,
    circonscription qui englobait le Chambly de l’époque. Le futur grand tribun n’est
    pas encore avocat, il sera commissionné en 1810. Capitaine dans un régiment
    de la milice d’élite incorporée, sa profession l’amènera à être nommé juge-avocat
    pendant la guerre de 1812, fonction importante qui consiste à organiser les cours
    martiales de la milice. Plusieurs de ces cours martiales se sont déroulées dans
    l’enceinte même du fort de Chambly.

    Tous ces faits historiques, pour la plupart inédits, ont été analysés par l’historien
    Georges Aubin, spécialiste de la famille Papineau dont il a dépouillé et transcrit
    l’abondante correspondance, et Raymond Ostiguy, historien de l’histoire de Chambly
    pendant la guerre de 1812. Auteurs de Louis-Joseph Papineau, les débuts -
    , publié aux Éditions Histoire-Québec dans la collection Société d'histoire
    de la seigneurie de Chambly
    , Georges Aubin et Raymond Ostiguy sont les
    conférenciers invités de la SHSC.

    Source : Louise Chevrier

    -  L. Homfray Irving, Canadian Military Institute, Officers of the British forces in Canada during the war of 1812-15,  [Place of publication not identified] : Welland Tribune Print, 1908, ix, 309 pages; 22 cm, available at https://archive.org/details/officersbrit00irvirich, accessed 2 June 2020:
    - Captain Louis-Joseph Papineau was with the Lower Canada militia, 5th Battalion Select Embodied Militia until 15 December 1813, see at p. 131  [the 5th Battalion was known as "Devil's Own"; today "The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada (unité de perpétuation du 5e bataillon, milice d’élite)", see  http://www.45enord.ca/2012/09/honneurs-de-guerre-de-1812/]; and

    - Captain Louis-Joseph Papineau was with the Lower Canada militia staff as Deputy Judge Advocate from 15 December 1813 to 20 April 1819 and he received the Prince Regent's grant for services during the war, see at pages iii and 102, accessed 4 June 2020;

    - Le 15 décembre 1813, par ordre général de milice, signé par J.T. Taschereau, Dépt. Adj. Génl. M., le Capitaine Papineau du 5e Bataillon de la Milice incorporée,  est nommé député Juge-avocat de la  milice, voir Gazette de Québec, jeudi 23 décembre 1813 et Aubin & Ostiguy, supra,  à la p. 201; 

    -  For Lower Canada, see An Act for the better Regulation of the Militia of the Province, and for the repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein mentioned, Geor. III , 18 April 1803, 43th year of the reign, chapter 1 and see art. 13 about ofence and court martial, art. 14 and 15 about Judge Advocates; art 35 about articles of war; 49 for prosecutors and defendants; see http://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.9_00926_11/4?r=0&s=1;


    - War between U.K. and the US: starts on 18 June 1812 and ends 17 February 1815 when US ratifies the 24 December 1814 Treaty of Ghent, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_1812, accessed 9 June 2020;

    - from R. Arthur McDonald, "The Trail of Discipline: The Historical Roots of Canadian Military Law" (1985) 1 Canadian Forces Judge Advocate General Journal 1-28, at p. 14; available at http://www.lareau-law.ca/A-2015-01088.PDF (accessed 1 December 2015), as a DND/CF Access to Information Act Request/Answer, file A-2015-01088;

           35.  An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army
    and Their Quarters, 1803, 43 Geo. III, c. 20 (U.K.)

    - see excerpt of Donald E. Graves, " 'Every horror was committed with impunity . . . and not a man was punished!' Reflections on British Military Law and the Atrocities at Hampton in 1813", The War of 1812 Magazine, issue 11, June 2009, available at https://www.napoleon-series.org/military-info/Warof1812/2009/Issue11/c_hampton.html#_edn59, accessed 4 June 2020;

    In 1813 the discipline of the British army was governed by two documents -- the Articles of War and the Mutiny Act. The Articles of War were prerogative, which is to say they were drafted by royal authority (actually the Commander-in-Chief of the army, who was the Duke of York in that year), while the Mutiny Act was statutory in that it was debated and assented to by parliament. If there was a conflict between the provisions of the two documents, the Mutiny Act prevailed in England and Scotland (but not Ireland), while the Articles of War prevailed in British territory overseas. Although the Articles and the Act covered such matters as enlistment and billeting, they also had the object of maintaining discipline among both officers and enlisted men -- as well as other persons (e.g. sutlers and camp followers) who were regarded as being subject to military law -- and prescribed the offenses which were punishable and provided for legal procedures to try and punish offenders. Prior to 1803, the Articles and the Act only had validity within the "King's Dominions," but in that year parliament extended this power to any place where British troops served. At this point, the Articles of War were given a statutory basis in the Mutiny Act and became subordinate to it." [59]
    [59] The relevant act was 43 Geo III, c. 20. This brief overview of the foundation of British military law is based on Charles M. Clode, The Administration of Justice under Military and Martial Law, London, 1874 [ at /books.google.ca/books?id=gQzt0EWS56sC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false]; Ridley McLean, "An Historical Sketch of Military Law, "Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, vol 8, no 1, (May 1917), 27-32 [at jstor.org/stable/1133708?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents]; D.P. O'Connell, "The Nature of British Military Law," Military Law Review, vol 19 (1963), 141-148 [at loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/Military_Law_Review/pdf-files/277C63%7E1.pdf ] ; and D.A. Schlueter, "The Court-Martial: An Historical Survey," Military Law Review, 87 (1980), 129 [at loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/Military_Law_Review/pdf-files/27788B%7E1.pdf]

    - In source: Military Justice at the Summary Trial Level 2.2, 2011: "...Throughout the 18th century and well into the 19th century the discipline of military forces was governed by a combination of the Mutiny Act and Articles of War. In 1803, the Articles of War were given a statutory basis.11 The three main types of military courts were: the General Courts Martial, the District Courts Martial and the Regimental Courts Martial:

    11. The Regimental Courts Martial was the most summary of the courts, as it did not have to be authorized by a Royal Warrant. Instead, the Colonel (CO) convened it under the authority of Articles of War first issued in 1672. The Regimental Court consisted of five officers (three officers could be used) and could sentence a soldier to corporal punishment, imprisonment for a period of 42 days and to forfeiture of pay. The sentence had to be confirmed by the CO.12 "
    [ at  https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/military-law/military-justice-summary-trial-level-2-2/chapter-2-history-of-summary-proceedings.html, accessed 4 June 2020].

    sur le rôle du juge-avocat, voir LÉVEILLÉE, Mario, 1962-,  L'évolution de la justice pénale militaire et de l'office du juge-avocat général, thèse pour l'obtention du grade LL.M., Université d'Ottawa, décembre 1997,  iv, 170 feuilles; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX General, KE 7146 .L485 1997; disponible à http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape15/PQDD_0001/MQ36714.pdf (vérifié le 2 août 2008); aussi disponible à https://www.ruor.uottawa.ca/fr/handle/10393/4531 (vérifié le 17 juillet 2009);

    - "Il sert comme officier de milice du Bas-Canada. Il est Capitaine au 5e Bataillon de la Milice d'Élite et Incorporée le 6 octobre 1812. Lieutenant au 2e Bataillon Montréal le 3 avril 1811 ; enseigne le . Assistant juge avocat. Le 23 décembre 1813, il remplace Louis Lévesque comme juge-avocat.[pas clair???]"; voir "Biographie: Louis Joseph Papineau", Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre, voir https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis-Joseph_Papineau (site consulté le 6 juin 2020) [pas clair];

    - Voir l'Aurore, samedi, 15 mai 1819, disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3583309, page consultée le 1er juillet 2020;

    PAQUET, Étienne-Théodore, juge-avocat général dans la cour martiale dont il est mention dans l'article suivant:  LA PRESSE (correspondant du journal), "Une cour martiale le jugera.  Le capitaine J.-A. Goulet sera jugé par un tribunal militaire à Québec.  Le nom des juges", La presse, vendredi 29 novembre 1918 à la p. 12; disponible à (vérifié le 23 août 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling  the
    wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    É.-Théophile Paquet

    ____________sur la vie d'Étienne-Théodore Paquet, on lira "Le colonel E-Théodore Paquet est décédé à l'âge de 68 ans", Le Soleil, Québec, samedi, 15 septembre 1951, à la p. 3; disponible à http://collections2.banq.qc.ca/jrn03/soleil/src/1951/09/15/4878815_1951-09-15.pdf (consulté le 24 août 2018);

    Marie-Ève Paquet

    PAQUET, Marie-Ève, member of the JAG office; Barreau du Québec, see www.linkedin.com/in/marie-eve-paquet-ll-b-34692197/ (accessed 8 April 2023);

    Pierre Paquette

    PAQUETTE, Pierre, ancien avocat militaire, voir  https://ca.linkedin.com/in/pierre-paquette-8478632a, consulté le 19 mai 2019;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling  the
    wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed


    PARADIS, Catherine, "L’ex-militaire Hugo Paradis subit son procès en cour martiale", Béta Radio-Canada, 28 avril 2014, disponible à http://beta.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/664598/cour-martiale-hugo-paradis (vérifié le 19 mai 2017);

    Image source: https://twitter.com/isa_pare, accessed 18 August 2016
    Isabelle Paré
    PARÉ, Isabelle, "La justice militaire : Les avocats dans les Forces armées", (janvier 1990) 2(1) Maîtres 10-15; note de recherche: copy at University of Ottawa, off campus storage, KEQ 151 .A13; on peut voir l'article à http://www.lareau-law.ca/Barreau1990.pdf (mis en ligne le 30 mars 2018); dans cet article on discute de Guy Brais, Linda Savoie et Philippe Pagé;

    Ce dessin à la p. 10 de l'article d'Isabelle Paré est de
    l'artiste Yvan Paré.

    PARÉ, Lorenzo, Les Canadiens-français et l'organisation militaire, Montréal : L'Oeuvre des tracts, 1951, 16 p. ; 19 cm; Collection: Oeuvre des tracts ; no 382; note: Lorenzo Paré est chroniqueur parlementaire à "L'Action catholique"; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2241258 (vérifié le 7 juin 2018);

    source de l'image: ca.linkedin.com/in/jfpcontentmarketing
    Jean-François Parent

    PARENT, Jean-François, "La justice militaire gagne: Deux jugements rendus le même jour par la Cour suprême confirment la suprématie de la Loi sur la défense nationale sur la Charte des droits et libertés...", DROIT-INC, 1er août 2019, disponible à http://www.droit-inc.com/article25134-La-justice-militaire-gagne (consulté le 5 août 2019);

    Lt. Col. Simon-G. Parent, C.R., LL.D.

    PARENT, Simon-G. (Simon-Georges), 1913-,  avocat, membre du Barreau du Québec, juin 1942-1944 (démobilisé), officier juridique au quartier général de Québec,  voir Me J.-A. Fortin, Biographies canadiennes-françaises, 19e édition, Montréal, 1963, aux pp. 532-533, disponible à  http://collections2.banq.qc.ca/jrn03/biographies_cafr/src/1963/170678_1963.pdf (consulté le 11 août 2018);

    Major Simon Parent
    __________sur le major Simon Parent, on lira également : "Promotion au major Simon Parent qui commandera le C.E.O.C. Laval",  Le soleil (Québec),  mercredi 3 août 1949, à la p. 3; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3297623 (consulté le 26 août 2018);

    Extrait de l'article
    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling  the
    wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on Captain Simon Parent, see "Hamel's Guilt Seen Indicated", The Gazette Montreal, Saturday, 28 November 1942 at p. 20, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 8 July 2020;



    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling  the
    wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Source: http://abcqc.qc.ca/fr/A-propos-de-l-ABC-Quebec/Notre-equipe, visité 15 septembre 2016
    Stéphanie Parent
    PARENT, Stéphanie, "Démystifier le droit militaire canadien", L'Association du Barreau canadien, Division du Québec, disponible à http://abcqc.qc.ca/fr/Publications/Articles/ABC-Quebec/2016-09/Demystifier-le-droit-militaire-canadien (vérifié 15 septembre 2016);
    Le droit militaire reste méconnu de la plupart des avocats en pratique privée. Les aperçus anecdotiques transmis par les médias généralistes et les références
    cinématographiques telles que A few good men (V.F. Des hommes d’honneur) constituent l’essentiel de leurs connaissances. Ce constat a motivé Me
    Pascal Lévesque, doctorant en droit à l’Université Queen's, d’organiser la formation Le droit militaire canadien : un droit spécialisé pour un contexte unique qui
    aura lieu le 13 octobre prochain dans les locaux de l’ABC-Québec à Montréal. Ce sera également l’occasion d’évaluer l’intérêt de la communauté juridique
    québécoise et une vitrine pour la création d’une éventuelle section de droit militaire au niveau de la Division.
    « Souvent, les avocats en pratique privée vont refuser de prendre des cas en lien avec le droit militaire, car ils ne le connaissent pas », indique Me Lévesque.
    Cette conférence sera donc non seulement pertinente pour la culture personnelle des juristes, mais leur donnera le contexte et la nomenclature nécessaires
    pour trouver les lois et règlements et, si le client est un militaire ou un ancien militaire, de pouvoir mieux le référer. De leur côté, les jeunes juristes et les
    étudiants découvriront si une carrière en droit militaire pourrait les intéresser.
    Selon Me Lévesque, l’un des principaux mythes à propos du droit militaire, c’est qu’il s’agirait d’un droit « caché ». « Pourtant, la justice militaire canadienne
    est l’une des plus transparentes, notamment plus que celle de nos voisins du Sud, expose le doctorant. En principe, toutes les décisions sont publiées (hormis celles
    pour lesquelles une ordonnance de non-publication a été prononcée) et seules les décisions sommaires ne se retrouvent pas sur CanLII. » L’information juridique
    est disponible et les procès militaires sont publics, hormis les cas de huis clos.

    Image source: http://www.ernaparis.com/, accessed 5 January 2018
    Erna Paris
    PARIS, Erna, "Opinion:  Will Canada finally deal with its Afghan war skeletons?", The Globe and Mail, 4 January 2018, available at https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/will-canada-finally-deal-with-its-afghan-war-skeletons/article37500096/ (accessed 5 January 2018);
    In November,  in
    The Hague in which he argued that Canada has abdicated its legal obligation under the Rome Statute, the ICC's underlying charter, to investigate
    long-standing reports of having handed prisoners over to torture. His timing is propitious: Earlier that same month, prosecutor Fatou Bensouda
    opened an investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan involving Afghan forces and the Taliban – and
    American troops. Mr. Scott believes there is enough evidence to warrant adding Canada to this list; he claims that there are "multiple persons"
    who know much, but who will come forward only if there is an official ICC probe.

    In 2009, Richard Colvin, a high-ranking diplomat in Afghanistan, testified that as far back as May, 2006, he had informed his superiors in Ottawa
    about torture in Afghan prisons. His reports, he said, were ignored. He was ordered to stop putting them in writing. Worse still, he received a
    warning missive: "We trust that you will conduct yourself according to the interpretation of the Government of Canada" – and a second notice
    nforming him that the Justice Department would take legal action if he filed documents. In other words, he might end up in jail. Mr. Colvin was
    ridiculed. General Rick Hillier dismissed his claims as "ludicrous." Peter MacKay, then defence minister, said "Let us get beyond the rhetorical flourishes."

    With the recent announcement that an investigation will be opened – and that the United States will also come under scrutiny – Mr. Scott's brief
    to the prosecutor has a strong chance of success. The Trudeau government has acknowledged that, like the Conservatives, it has never addressed
    the issue. Because both Canadian parties failed to do so when in power, it now falls to the ICC prosecutor to pursue the case.

    Jean Pariseau, image source: http://bv.cdeacf.ca/bvdoc.php?no=113538&col=RA&format=htm, accessed 24 February 2015

    PARISEAU, Jean, 1924-2006, L’aide militaire au pouvoir civil, 1867-1933. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université d’Ottawa, 1973;  disponible à http://www.ruor.uottawa.ca/en/bitstream/handle/10393/21788/EC55334.PDF?sequence=1 (vérifié le 16 avril 2012);

    ___________Disorders, Strikes,  Disasters: Military Aid to the Civil Power  in Canada, 1867-1973, Ottawa: Directorate of History, National Defence Headquarters, 1973; Notes: A French version of the text appears as follows: : Major J.J.B. Pariseau, L’aide militarie au pouvoir civil, 1867-1933), P. Gawn, rev. trans. All references in this paper are to the English version.;

    ___________ Forces armées et maintien de l'ordre au Canada, 1867-1967 :  un siècle d'aide au pouvoir civil, thèse de doctorat ès Lettres, Université Paul Valéry III, Montpellier, France, 1981, 5 volumes, copie à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, Ottawa; 

    ___________"Les mouvements sociaux, la violence et les interventions armées au Québec (1867/1967)", (1983-84) 37 Revue d'Histoire de l'Amérique française 67-79; disponible à http://www.erudit.org/revue/haf/1983/v37/n1/304r125a.pdf (vérifié le 18 décembre 2011);


    Alice Parizeau, image source: http://alice-parizeau.csdm.ca/ecole/alice-parizeau/, accessed on 8 November 2014
    PARIZEAU, Alice, 1930-1990, "L'armée et la crise d'octobre", (1980) 13(2) Criminologie 47-78, disponible à http://classiques.uqac.ca/contemporains/parizeau_alice/armee_crise_octobre/armee_crise_octobre.html  (vérifié le 5 avril 2011); Mme Parizeau a été l'épouse de Jacques Parizeau, premier ministre du Québec;


    PARISIEN, Yves, on, lawyer and member of the JAG branch, see "Yves Parisien--Liberal (Ind)", The Ottawa Citizen, 3 April 1963, at p. 21, available at https://www.newspapers.com/, accessed 16 May 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows
    to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on Parisien, Yves, see Stephen Bindman, " 'Scoundrel' ex-lawyer makes it to court"  Supreme Court judges hear of  flight from fraud charges imvolving $2.1 M", The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, 9 October 1987 at p.. A5, available from https://www.newspapers.com/, accessed 17 May 2020; the article states that Parisien was disbarred in 1971;

    ___________on Parisien, Yves, see R. v. Parisen, [1988] 1 SCR 950, available at https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/6278/index.do, accessed 17 May 2020; 

    Source of image: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/petawawa/main-march272010.swf, accessed 1 October 2015
    PARK, Tatyana, biographical notes, available at  http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/petawawa/main-march272010.swf (accessed 1 October 2015);

    Tatyana Park

    ___________"Lt.-Cmdr. Tatyana Park", Ottawa Citizen, 27 March 2010, available at pressreader.com/canada/ottawa-citizen/20100327/294179490891297 (accessed 22 February 2018);

    PARKER, K.A., Major, legal officer, member of the OJAG;

    Captain Alexander Parker speaking at Queen's University
     Image source: photo in the article

    ____________on Parker, Alexander, legal Officer, see QUEEN'S University, Queen's --Law, "How to start a thriving legal career", available at http://law.queensu.ca/news/how-start-thriving-legal-career (accessed 1 May 2016);

    Capt Parker on the front cover of the publication
    in which the article appeared, source: issuu.com/queensulaw/docs/april_qlr_cs6_v2_20150415,
    accessed 7 August 2020.

    Lieutenant-Colonel Bruce MacGregor, Director of military justice policy        Captain David Hodson, Defence counsel for Capt Robert Semrau

    PARKER, Scott, video by, "Le capitaine Robert Semrau a plaidé non coupable pour l'exécution d'un insurgé", The Ottawa Citizen, available at https://article.wn.com/view/2010/03/24/le_capitaine_robert_semrau_a_plaid_non_coupable_pour_lex_cut/ (accessed 26 December 2016);

    Image source: http://www.kembleunitedchurches.ca/our_ministries.php, accessed 10 October 2016
    Neil Parker
    PARKER, Neil, With All Due Respect, Sir: Canadian Forces’ Chaplains: Defining Competencies for Providing Ethical Advice to the Chain of Command, Doctor of Ministry thesis, St Paul University, Ottawa, 8 April 2014, 270 p., [3]; available at https://www.ruor.uottawa.ca/bitstream/10393/31112/1/Parker_Neil_2014_thesis.pdf (accessed 10 October 2016);

    PARKS, Gordon Craigie, 1926-2006, BA, LL.B. Q.C., former JAG officer;

    Born in Winnipeg on November 15, 1926 and educated at the University of Manitoba, his career
    was spent first in the office of the Judge Advocate General and then at External Affairs from 1967
    until his retirement in 1990.
    [source: www.legacy.com/obituaries/ottawacitizen/obituary.aspx?n=gordon-parks&pid=17648917&fhid=5973, accessed 12 November 2017]

    ___________on PARKS, Gordon Craigie, death notice, The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, 4 March 2006 at p. 61, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 20 June 2020;

    ___________on PARKS, Gordon Craigie, see his photo with his wife with the article "Shirley Tucker Marries F.L. Gordon Craigie Parks", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 7 July 1958, at p. 20, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 14 July 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows
    to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    PARLIAMENT,  Chambre des communes. Comité spécial des dépenses aux fins de la défense, Procès-verbaux et témoignages/Comité spécial des dépenses aux fins de la défense, Ottawa : Imprimeur de la Reine, v. ; 25 cm, en français, OCLC Number: 872663581, Note: "La 21e lég, 5e session, fasc. no 2 (6 déc. 1951) porte le titre: Compte rendu des délibérations et témoignages. Certaines livraisons portent le titre: Procès-verbaux et délibérations.  Le fasc. 1 de la session du 8/22 avril 1952 renferme également les délibérations de 1951 du Comité spécial des dépenses aux fins de la défense (réimpression).  Titre de la couv", copie Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, FTX Parliamentary Doc, CA1 XC2 D23F, IMPORTANT DOCUMENT TO EXAMINE! deals with military law; also published in English: Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Special Committee on defence expenditure. Minutes of proceedings and evidencel

    PARLIAMENT, House of Commons, Special Committee on Bill No. 133 An Act Respecting National Defence, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence: Special Committee on Bill No. 133 on Act Respecting National Defence, Ottawa: Edmond Cloiutier, King's Printer, 1950; eight numbers, No. 1 dated 23 May 1950 to No. 8 dated 6 June 1950, 360 p.; copy at the Library of Parliament, call # J103 H7 1950 D4 A1 and at Library and Archives Canada; the wallet of the Special Committe is located at the Library and Archives Canada,  Record Group # 14, 1987-88/146, Box 58 which contains the reports to the House, amendments, exhibits and minutes; there is a Microfiche. [Toronto] : Micro Media Limited, [1995?] -- 5 fiches ; 11 X 15 cms at the University of Ottawa,  Off-Campus Storage - Annex  CA1 XC2 N14a  212; other information for research: Canada, Parliament, House of Commons, Special Committee on Bill no. 133, An Act respecting National Defence, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence. May 23 [21st Parliament, 2nd session] - June 6, 1950 [21st Parliament, 2nd session], King's Printer 1950, see https://books.google.ca/books/about/Minutes_of_Proceedings_and_Evidence_May.html?id=_oGrtAEACAAJ&redir_esc=y  (accessed 21 May 2018); see also fonds at National Defence Headquarters Directorate of History and Heritage: Fonds 2007/16 - Special Committee on Bill No. 133, An Act Respecting National Defence fonds, 3.5 cm of textual records, see https://www.archeion.ca/special-committee-on-bill-no-133-act-respecting-national-defence-fonds (accessed 21 May 2018); copy also at the  Department of Justice Canada, Supreme Court of Canada, Guelph University, University of Toronto Robarts Library;  NOW AVAILABLE at http://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.com_HOC_2102_3_1/1?r=0&s=1, accessed on 24 August 2020.


    PARLEMENT, Chambre des communes, Comité spécial chargé d'étudier le Bill 133 intitulé Loi concernant la défense nationale, Procès-verbaux et témoignages, Ottawa Edmond Cloutier, 1951, 8 fascicules (le 1er est du mardi le 23 mai 1950); les témoins: MCM Drury, sous-ministre de la Défense nationale, le commandant P.H. Hurcomb, le brigadier W.J. Lawson, Juge-avocat général, le commndant d'escadre H.A. McLearn,  et les majors J.H. Raedy et la Major W.P. McClemont; Note de recherche de François Lareau: Il existe une copie de ces procès-verbaux à la Librairie du Parlement, no de cote J103H7 D4 A1 et à la Bibliothèque et Archives Canada; le dossier du Comité spécial se trouve aux Archives nationales, Ottawa, Record Group # 14, 1987-88/146, boîte 58 et il contient les rapports à la Chambre des communes, les amendements, les pièces et les procès-verbaux; on retrouve également une copie des huit fascicules en français à la Bibliothèque Brian Dickson, de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa, University of Ottawa, FTX Parliamentary Doc, CA1 XC2 D25F;  VERY IMPORTANT DOCUMENT!

    PARLIAMENT, House of Commons, Special Committee on Matters Relating to Defence, Interim report of the Special Committee of the House of Commons on matters relating to defence, Ottawa: Roger Duhamel, 1963, 24, 24 p.; OCLC 872337281; deals with military law; Notes: Presnted by Mr. Maurice Sauvé, chairman; Issued with French text inverted; Rapport intérimaire du Comité spécial de la Chambre des Communes étudiant les questions relatives à la défense; copy at the University of Ottawa FTX Parliamentary Doc CA1 XC2 D22 261R; on 28 May 2018, I checked at the University and that call number was missing; IMPORTANT DOCUMENT TO EXAMINE!

    Research note by François Lareau on 9 March 2019: I noted that this Special Committee on Matters Relating to Defence,
    published "Special studies prepared for the Special Committee of the House of Commons on matters relating to defence. Supplement 1964-65",
    Ottawa : Roger Duhamel, 1965, 179 pages ; 25 cmin English, OCLC Number: 872337250.  Apparently, according to the Voilà catalogue, a
    copy would be found at the University of Ottawa; research to be continued!; Patrick McGahern on Murray st. has a copy for sale at $20.00, his book
    number 23478, see http://mcgahernbooks.ca/cat-ssrch.php?pageNum_Recordset1=102&totalRows_Recordset1=10285&Submit=pwtbrirt, accessed
    9 March 2019;
    PARLIAMENT,  House of Commons, Standing Committee on National Defence, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, (1) Main estimates  1966-67 of the Department of National Defence. (2) Respecting Bill C-243, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and other Acts in consequence thereof, Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1966-1967, :  37 pts;  Research Note by François Lareau - See in particular  minutes (part) No. 32,  dated March 14, 1967, where Brigadier General  W.J. Lawson, the Judge Advocate General, is a witness; the call number for that No. 32 is  # J103 H7 1966/67 A1 v.2 at the Library of Parliament, Ottawa; Bill C-243 passed first reading on November 4, 1966;
    PARLEMENT, Chambre des communes. Comité permanent de  la défense nationale,  Procès-verbaux et témoignages : [1] Budget des dépenses (1966-1967) du Ministère de la défense nationale. [2] Bill C-243, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la défense nationale et, par  voie de conséquence, certaines autres lois, Ottawa : Impr. de la Reine, 1966-1967., 37 fasc. en 2 v. (2408 p.); Note de recherche par François Lareau: Voir en particulier le procès-verbal  (fasicule) no 32, où le Brigadier-Général W.J. Lawson, le juge-avocat général,  est un témoin;  la cote de ce no 32 est  # J103 H7 1966/67 A1 v.2 à la Librairie du Parlement, Ottawa; la première lecture du Projet de loi  C-243 a eu  lieu le 4 novembre 1966;

    PARLIAMENT, Senate,  Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Equal Justice : Reforming Canada's System of Courts Martial, Final Report, A Special Study on the provisions and operation of An Act  to amend the National defence Act (Court Martial) and to make a consequential amendment to another Act, S.C. 2008, c. 29, Ottawa, 2009, iii, 39 p. (Chair: The Honourable Joan Fraser), Final ReportRecommendationsNews ReleaseBackgrounder, Proceedings Issue No. 6, April 22 and April 29 (in camera), 2009, Issue No. 5, April 1 (in camera) and April 2, 2009, Issue No. 3, March 11 and March 12, 2009, Issue No. 2, March 4 and March 5, 2009, Issue No. 1, February 12 and February 26, 2009
    PARLEMENT, Sénat, Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles, Une justice égale: réformer le système canadien de cours martiales.  Rapport final.  Étude des dispositions et de l'application de la Loi modifiant la Loi sur la défense nationale (cour martiale) et une autre loi en conséquence, L.C.  2008, ch. 29, Ottawa, 2009, iii, 43 p. (Présidente: L'honorable Joan Fraser), Rapport Final, Recommandations, Communiqué, Fiche d’information
    ,Délibérations, fascicule no 6, le 22 avril et le 29 avril (à huis clos) 2009Fascicule no 5, le 1er avril (à huis clos) et le 2 avril 2009Fascicule no 3, le 11 mars et le 12 mars 2009, Fascicule no 2, le 4 mars et le 5 mars 2009, Fascicule no 1, le 12 février et le 26 février 2009;

    PARLIAMENT, Senate of Canada, Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Proceedings of the Subcommittee on National Defence, Tuesday, 19 May 1981 (32nd Parl., 1980-81, First Session), issue No. 17, 34 pages (Chairman: The Honourable Paul C. Lafond), witnesses before the Subcommitte were Gen R.M. Withers, Chief of the Defence Staff; MGen John P. Wolfe, Judge Advocate General, BGen R.G. Therriault, Director General, Personnel Careers Officers; and Col F. Karwandy, Deputy Judge Advocate General/Advisory, available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Karwandy18aa1.pdf for most of the pages and http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Karwandy18aa2.pdf for pages 19 and 31 (resolving these two pages problems); on the proposed Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Human Rights Act and the proposed amendments; copy at the  Brian Dickson Law Library, University of Ottawa,  FTX Parliamentary Documents, CA1 YC23 F53, consulted on 28 May 2018; put on line on 29 May 2018;
    PARLEMENT, Sénat du Canada, Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires étrangères, Délibérations du sous-comité sur la Défense nationale, mardi le 19 mai 1981 (32e législature, 1980-81, Première session), fascicule no 17, 34 pages (Président L'honorable Paul C. Lafond), les témoins devant le sous-comité sont: Gén R.M. Withers, chef de l'état-major de la défense; Mgen John P. Wolfe, juge-avocat général; Bgen R.G. Therriault, directeur général, Carrièeres militaires (Officiers); et Col F. Karwandy, juge-avocat général adjoint/consultations, disponible à http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Karwandy18aa1.pdf pour la plupart des pages et http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Karwandy18aa2.pdf pour les pages 19 et 31 (corrections de erreurs pour ces deux pages); sujet: la proposée Charte des droits et libertés et la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne et les modifications qu'on propose d'y apporter; copie de ce document à la Bibliothèque Brian Dickson,Université d'Ottawa,  FTX Parliamentary Documents, CA1 YC23 F53, consulté le 28 mai 2018; mis en ligne le 29 mai 2018;

    Josée Parr on You Tube: http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/291/287/ready.pdf#pagemode=thumbs (accessed 3 September 2016)

    PARR, Josée, notes on Major Parr, from email of Major/major Keith Reichert, Assistant Chief of Staff (Personnel), Office of the Judge Advocate General, Canadian Armed Forces / Assistant chef d'état major (personnel), Cabinet du Juge-avocat général, Forces armeés canadiennes; copy of the email sent to François Lareau by Benoît Pinsonneault on 15 May 2016;

    Major Josée Parr libérée des Forces armées canadiennes après 26 ans de
    service.  Elle s’est enrôlée dans la Force régulière en juin 1990, comme
    officier légal, à travers le programme d’enrôlement direct.  Elle a servi au
    QGDN à Ottawa avec le Directeur juridique- Droits humains & discrimination,
    et avec le Directeur des services juridiques du personnel ainsi qu’à
    Esquimalt, au bureau du JAGA.  En janvier 1999, Major Parr a transféré dans
    la Réserve et a servi au bureau du JAGA à Montréal.  En 2008, elle a
    transféré de nouveau dans la Régulière où elle a servi à Ottawa avec le
    Directeur juridique en droit militaire, avec le Conseiller juridique du
    MDN/CF et avec le Directeur en droit administratif.  Josée est mariée depuis
    30 ans avec Bruno et a deux enfants Stéphanie et Patrick. Ses plans de
    retraite incluent des études en théologie, des voyages et du temps précieux
    avec ses petits enfants à venir.

    Major Josée Parr is releasing from the Canadian Armed Forces after 26 years.
    In June 1990, she enrolled in the Regular Force as a Direct Entry Officer in
    the legal branch. She has served at NDHQ in Ottawa with the Directorate of
    Law- Humans Rights & Discrimination and with the Director of Personnel Legal
    Services,  and in Esquimalt, at the AJAG office.  In January 1999, Major
    Parr transferred in the Reserve Force, serving at the AJAG office in
    Montreal.  In 2008, she transferred back to the Regular Force and has served
    in Ottawa with the Directorate of Law- Military Justice, as DJA Ottawa, with
    DND CFLA and finally, with the Directorate of Administrative Law.  Josée has
    been married for 30 years to Bruno and they have two children, Stephanie et
    Patrick.  Her plans for the future include studies in theology, many travels
    and precious time with her grandchildren to come.

    ___________Major J. Parr, Deputy Judge Advocate Victoria, was Assistant Counsel for Her Majesty the Queen in the case of Ritchie C.M. (Leading Seaman), R. v., 1997 CM 39, available at https://decisia.jmc-cmj.forces.gc.ca/jmc-cmj/cm/en/item/180027/index.do (accessed 26 December 2018);

    ___________Major J. Parr, was prosecutor in the Standing Court Martial of R. v. Maier 1997 CM 41, Esquimalt, 20 February 1998;  source of information:  MADSEN, C.M.V. (Chris Mark Vedel), Military law and operations, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, c2008-, vol. 2, at p. APP2: 1998-3 and 4;

    PARRY, Tom, "Stuart Langridge suicide report places blame on  victim, parents's divorce -- Secret  1,434 page analysis says soldier was distraught over end of relationship with common-law wife", posted  12 March 2015, CBC News, available at http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/news/story/1.2993235  (accessed 15 March 2015);  also available at http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/stuart-langridge-suicide-report-places-blame-on-victim-parents-divorce-1.2993235 (accessed 29 July 2016);

    Tom Parry, CBC journalist             Brig.-Gen. Shane Brennan, image source:
    image source: ca.linkedin.com/      thestar.com/news/canada/2016/09/06/canadian-
    in/tom-parry-7052a6b1                   aircraft-giving-vital-info-to-allies-for-daesh-airstrikes-military-says.html

    ___________"Torture 'counter to our values,' say Canadian military commanders.  We 'will not be involved in any type of torture, of any detained personnel, or anyone else for that matter' ", CBC News/Politics, 26 January 2017; available at http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-militar-us-torture-1.3953970 (accessed on 27 January 2017); statements by Brig.-Gen. Shane Brennan, commander of Joint Task Force Iraq; statement also by Brig.-Gen. Steve Kelsey, a  senior Canadian commander in Iraq;


    --10th Judge Advocate General, 1990-1993
    Commodore Peter R. Partner,
    source of photo: McDonald, R. Arthur, Canada's Military Lawyers, supra, at p. 144.

    PARTNER, Peter R., 1933-, "Address to the 40th Judge Advocate Officer Graduate Course", (July 1992) The Army Lawyer 3-4; available at http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/07-1992.pdf (accessed on 28 November 2011); also available at http://books.google.ca/books?id=sNHCjrpiKrwC&pg=PT481&dq=canada+subject:%22military+law%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=M-fcT_z2O8SN6QHU_OHACw&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=canada%20subject%3A%22military%20law%22&f=false (accessesd on 16 June 2012);  Commodore Peter R. Partner was the Canadian Judge Advocate General from 10 November 1990 to 3 May 1993;

    __________Biographical notes on Peter Partner at The Nautica,  http://nauticapedia.ca/dbase/Query/Biolist3.php?name=Partner,%20Peter%20Richard&id=15364&Page=1&input=Partner,%20Peter%20Richard (accessed on 1 May 2014); see also http://nauticapedia.ca/dbase/Query/Biolist3.php?name=Partner,%20Peter%20Richard&id=15364&Page=1&input=Partner,%20Peter%20Richard (accessed 14 December 2015);

    He was appointed as an Officer Cadet RCAF (ROTP) 1956. He served in Training Command HQ Trenton ON as Staff Officer Personnel Administration
    Legal 1956. He was appointed as a Flight Lieutenant RCAF (With seniority dated 01/02/1957). He served in Central Command Oakville ON as Assistant
    Deputy Judge Advocate 1958. He was appointed as a Squadron Leader RCAF (With seniority dated 01/07/1961). He served in Judge Advocate General
    Branch as Staff Officer Legal Services 1961. He served in Judge Advocate General Branch as Section Head Redress of Grievance Section 1964. He was
    appointed as a A/Wing Commander RCAF (With seniority dated 01/08/1966). He served in Canadian Forces Advisory and Training Team Tanzania as
    Senior Advisor Planning Committee 1966. He served in NDHQ for Judge Advocate General's Office as Section Head Logistics Section 1968. He was
    appointed as a Lieutenant-Colonel (Legal) (With seniority dated 01/05/1970). He served in NDHQ for Judge Advocate General Branch as Director of
    Law Advisory 1972. He served in NATO Defence College Rome for Staff Course 1974. He served in CFB Lahr as Assistant Judge Advocate General
    European Region 1974. He served in CFB Winnipeg as Assistant Judge Advocate General Prairie Region 1978. He was appointed as a Colonel (Legal)
    (With seniority dated 01/01/1982). He served in NDHQ as Director of Personnel Legal Services 1985. He was appointed as a Captain (N) (With seniority
    dated 01/01/1988). He was appointed as a Commodore (With seniority dated 01/11/1990). He served in NDHQ as Judge Advocate General of the Canadian
    Forces 1990. (He was retired on 03/05/1993.)

    After his naval service he was Chief of the General Legal Division of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near
    East in Vienna Austria.


    Peter Partner

    ___________Biographical notes on Peter Partner, available at http://www.probusorv.org/bookfirsttenyearsfinalversionoct04.pdf accessed 30 August 2016;

    Commodore Peter Richard Partner (Ret.) (President, [of The Probus Club of Ottawa-Rideau Valley] 2001-2002)

    Peter Partner is our only second generation Probian, having been introduced to Probus by his father in England, where Peter holds an honorary
    life membership in the Hereford #3 Probus Club. He is respected here no less, having been nominated to an executive position with Probus Centre-Canada.

    After a distinguished career in both the Canadian Armed Services and later the United Nations, Peter retired to Kars where he and his wife Margitha are active in
    many aspects of community life, and where their skills rescued the Manotick Branch of the Canadian Legion. They both received the Queen‟s Golden Jubilee
    medals for their community service.

    Peter was born in England but spent his formative years in Newfoundland. He studied at Memorial University then accepted a scholarship at Dalhousie University
    where he studied law. He is a member of the Nova Scotia Barristers‟ Society.

    While still a student Peter entered service in the Royal Canadian Navy. His distinguished career of 37 years included all aspects of the legal activities of the
    Canadian Department of National Defence. While serving in Winnipeg he was responsible for legal work throughout the Prairies and Northwest Territories. He
    served, as well, in Germany, Rome, Italy, and Tanzania training and advising. By Order in Council, Peter was appointed Judge Advocate General for Canada‟s
    Armed Services. He retired with the rank of Commodore.

    Leaving the Forces, Peter accepted an appointment as Chief of the General Legal Division and subsequently Senior Officer Human Resources of the United Nations
    Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees. This organization is responsible for all services being provided for 3 million refugees in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan,
    The West Bank and Gaza. Peter describes this appointment as “an eye opening experience.”

    Being club president was a highlight for him, as it was for his Management Committee, not only because of is leadership skills but, also, his very keen sense of humour.

    Image source: passages.winnipegfreepress.com/passage-details/id-198520/Francis_Muldoon, accessed 29 September 2018
    The Honourable Fancis Creighton
    Muldoon, 1930-2013
    ___________on PARTNER, Commodore Peter R., being criticized by  Mr. Justice Francis Muldoon, see the article: Bindman, Stephen, "Military accuses judge of bias", The Ottawa Citizen, 31 May 1991, p. A4;

    The Canadian armed forces have accused a Federal Court judge of bias against the military's justice system and its top legal officer.

    But Mr. Justice Francis Muldoon bluntly rejected the allegation and in a ruling this week blasted the man in charge of the military
    justice system for his botched handling of a case, ''bizarre interference'' in a criminal probe and ''unfortunate lack of judgment.''

    A military lawyer last week asked Muldoon to withdraw from a case because of criticism he voiced last year when he attacked the
    forces' unconstitutional and ''hopelessly deficient'' court martial appeal procedures.

    But the 61-year judge refused to step down and said he was showing sound judgment last year, not bias and ''exhibiting neither
    fear nor favor.''

    Muldoon, a former head of the Manitoba and federal law reform commissions, is well-known for his blunt language in condemning
    inefficient bureaucrats and government officials.

    Last year, Muldoon ruled the procedures ''invented'' by the military for appeals violate the principles of fundamental justice
    guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    He said the handling of the case of a veteran pilot convicted for the fourth time of drinking and driving is proof of the dangers of
    ''leaving it to the unsuperintended to run their own show.''

    Under the procedure attacked by Muldoon, a junior officer prepares a written submission to the assistant deputy defence minister
    in charge of personnel on the merits of an appeal.

    But neither he nor the officer making the ultimate decision is obliged to hear from the soldier making the appeal or his lawyer.

    The judge was particularly critical of the role played in that case by Peter Partner, who was then director of personnel legal services
    but has since been promoted to judge advocate general, the military's top legal position.

    ''This failure on Capt. Partner's part exemplifies a deficient process hopelessly deficiently operated and applied,'' Muldoon wrote
    last year.

    Last week, Muldoon was asked by a military captain to block a court martial against him on the grounds that the tribunal was biased
    against him.

    The officer, himself a military lawyer, is charged with trying to get a witness to give false testimony.

    But Lt.-Col. Kim Carter, the military's director of law, prosecutions and appeals, asked Muldoon to withdraw from the hearing
    because of the ''reasonable apprehension'' of bias against the military justice system and against Partner.

    But Muldoon refused, saying the request ''strikes at judicial independence.''

    ''To say that a judge who has made an adverse finding on the performance of some person... is no longer enabled to hear cases
    in which that person again figures as a deponent is to say too much.''

    Although he reluctantly refused to halt the court martial, Muldoon was nonetheless highly critical of Partner for meeting with
    the soldier-lawyer while he was under investigation.

    The judge accused Partner of interfering in the investigation and called his conduct ''bizarre.''

    ''The unfortunate lack of judgment on the part of the JAG in becoming personally involved in this matter, especially the summoning
    of the suspect, now the accused, directly into his office for face-to-face talks, is along with the botched advising, instructing or briefing
    of the investigator, what is bizarre about this case.

    ''These are the factors which generated in the applicant a real apprehension of bias.''

    Muldoon compared Partner's actions to the attorney general or chief judge calling a suspect in a case to meet face to face.

    Although the soldier's motion was dismissed, Muldoon did not order him to pay the military's legal costs as per usual because the
    hearing wouldn't have been necessary had it not been for Partner's ''bizarre interference.''

    Credit: SOUTHAM NEWS

    [Copyright The Ottawa Citizen
    https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview, accessed 29 September 2018]

    ___________on PARTNER, Commodore Peter R., see "Leaving their Prints", The Globe and Mail, 2 March 1983, at p. 6;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows
    to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Source: ProQuest Historical Newspapers, https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/....,
    accessed 27 May 2019

    ___________on PARTNER, Commodore Peter R., see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 97, 143-145 and152, available at i-xii and 1-102 and  103-242;

    PARTNERSHIP FOR PEACE CONSORTIUM, "Military justice experts gather in Kyiv to launch dialogue on reform", 8 September 2016, available at http://www.pfp-consortium.org/index.php/item/255-military-justice-experts-gather-in-kyiv-to-launch-dialogue-on-reform  (accessed 15 September 2016); Joe Holland is a former JAG officer; I do not think that he is still with the Office of the Judge Advocate General in 2016; please correct me if I am wrong.

    Kyiv, Ukraine (8 September, 2016) Today the PfPC in conjunction with the Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed
    Forces (DCAF) completed the first iteration of an academic exchange program focused on the establishment and enhancement of
    effective military justice systems. Participants from throughout the region attended, and frank discussion ensued on the societal and
    institutional challenges still prevalent in post-Soviet systems.
    Joe Holland, from the Office of the Judge Advocate General of Canada offered perspective on the Canadian system - its overlap and
    differences with other programs. He noted the constraints related to the size of the Canadian corps and the distances needed to be
    traveled in commission of doing justice system wide (domestic and overseas).

    Image source: , accessed 29 July 2019
    Christian Paas-Lang

    PAAS-LANG, Christian, "Supreme Court of Canada says military's no-juries justice system constitutional", CTV News, 26 July 2019, available at https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/supreme-court-of-canada-says-military-s-no-juries-justice-system-constitutional-1.4524543 (accessed 29 July 2019); re the SCC Stillman decision;

    The site includes an interview of Mr. Michel Drapeau on his
    views concerning the Stillman decision:

    Surprised and disappointed': military lawyer From CTV News
    Channel: Military lawyer Ret.'d Col. Michel Drapeau
    says he is surprised by the ruling by the Supreme Court
    of Canada.

    "George Passmore, Extract from Conduct Record"

    Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows
    to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    PASSMORE, George, on,  "George Passmore as a Convict Soldier", available at https://www.ourfamilypast.com/article/topic/9244/haa-007-breakout-2-george-passmore-convict-soldier (accessed 7 May 2017);

    The third time, Passmore was absent for a mere 24 hours, but it was enough to have charged him with desertion – they must
    have been convinced that he did not intend to return. He had also "made away with part of his Regimental Clothing". This time
    he faced a General Court-Martial which sentenced him to 14 years transportation and "to be marked with the letter D"

    PATTISON, Gary,  Major, on a course with other JAG members in Italy (accessed 3 June 2018); member of the law Society of Ontario;

    " Jun 1 [2018]

    Legal Officers from our regional services team, Majors Ashley Dunn, Christopher
    Nam and Gary Pattison, completed a five-day course on Detention and Captured
    Persons at in Italy this week."

    source: Twitter account: https://twitter.com/JAGCAF; https://twitter.com/JAGCAF/media

    ____________PATTISON, Gary,  with other JAG members:

    "From left, Marc-Andre Vary, Francesca Ferguson and Gary Pattison, lawyers
    with the Canadian Armed Forces, were out to support the band Lateby10 at
    Rockable Hours, held at Babylon nightclub on Bank Street on Friday, Sept. 21,
    2018. Photo by Caroline Phillips", source: obj.ca/article/legal-community-amps-it-rockable-
    , accessed 7 June 2019.

    Dane Patton

    PATTON, Dane, articling student at Gowling WLG’s Calgary (2019), see https://gowlingwlg.com/en/people/dane-patton/#panel-button1 (accessed 20 August 2019);

    Dane also interned with the Canadian Armed Forces Judge
    Advocate General at 3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton..  

                                                                                                               Robert Patzelt, www.robertpatzelt.ca/category/blog (accessed 7 July 2018)

    PATZELT, Robert, "Role of In-house Counsel: A brief perspective from an outsider", Professional Development Conference Ottawa, Ontario, 25 October 2007; available at http://www.robertpatzelt.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/jag_presentationoct2007.pdf (accessed on 7 July 2018);

    Image source: http://cornwallcriminallawyer.com/about/, accessed 7 October 2017
    Ian Paul

    PAUL, Ian, military lawyer with the Judge Advocate General, 1990-1994; he is now a Cornwall Criminal Lawyer, see cornwallcriminallawyer.com/contact/, accessed 4 September 2020;

    PAULEY, Roger, Captain, lawyer with the OJAG, photo on flickr by Jim Rycroft  at "JAG Law of Armed Conflict Cornwall 19-23 May 1986", available at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4568473214/in/album-72157623951146254/, accessed 25 September 2020);

    Image source: www.law.uh.edu/faculty/main.asp?PID=34, accessed 29 July 2016
    Jordan Paust
    PAUST, Jordan J., "Superior Orders and Command Responsibility" in M. Cherif Bassiouni, International Criminal Law, 2nd ed., Vol. I, Crimes, Ardsley, New York: Transnational Publishers, 1999, ci, 1004 p., at pp. 223-237,  ISBN: 1571050175; Research Note: comments on the Supreme Court of Canada decision of  Finta at pp. 227-228;

    PAWLOWSKI, Major Dennis Franklin, member of the OJAG in 2007, see https://novascotia.ca/just/regulations/rg1/2007/no0707.pdf (accessed 6 May 2018); was Review and Assessment Officer Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta in February 2016, see http://www.cbapd.org/details_en.aspx?id=ab_njun216v (accessed 7 May 2018);

    ____________on PAWLOWSKI, Dennis, lawyer, member of the OJAG; in Kingston as of 8 August 2018, see https://www.linkedin.com/in/dennis-pawlowski-48607b71 (accessed 8 August 2018);

    image source: https://www.google.com, image search, accessed 29 July 2016
    Laura Payton
    PAYTON, Laura, "Military police cleared in Afghan detainee transfer report.  Report compares commission process to stonewalled Somalia inquiry", CBC News, Posted: Jun 27, 2012 11:17 AM ET Last Updated: Jun 28, 2012 8:59 AM ET; available at http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/military-police-cleared-in-afghan-detainee-transfer-report-1.1287512 (accessed 10 July 2016);

    Veterans' privacy audit report coming in 2012", CBC News, 8 November 2011; also includes Video; available at http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/politics/veterans-privacy-audit-report-coming-in-2012-1.1060989 (accessed 29 April 2017);

    Source: cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/gal/vcg-gcv/bio/pearkes-gr-eng.asp, accessed 20 July 2018
    George Randolph Pearkes
    PEARKES, George Randolph, Major General, 1883-1984, "Advice from an Old Soldier.  More Severe Discipline Opposed by Pearkes; Courts-Martial Rapped", The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 17 May 1950 at p. 21; available at https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview/1287548846/fulltextPDF/B858093E47864F00PQ/24?accountid=46526 (accessed 20 July 2018);
    Gen Pearkes said "perhaps it might be desirable to restrict the number of military
    crimes and have only those of a purely military nature tried by courts-martial." The
    others could be sent to civilian courts in peacetime.



    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed


    PEARLMAN, Major E.E. (Edwin E.), 1906-1989, was Assistant Judge Advocate-General, Pacific Command in Vancouver on 27 November 1945, see https://www.hkvca.ca/cforcedata/indivreport/indivdetailed.php?regtno=H6008 (accessed 4 October 2018);

    __________on PEARLMAN, Edwin E., see his death notice in the Times Columnist, Victoria, 2 March 1989 at p. 33, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 28 June 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Edwin Pearlman
    __________on PEARLMAN, Edwin E., see "Memorial service Friday for city lawyer Pearlman", Times Columnist, Victoria, 2 March 1989 at p. 33, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 28 June 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Image source: chds.dodlive.mil/files/2013/12/pub-MISC-sepulveda-sd-institutions-book.pdf, accessed 9 May 2017
    PEARSON-MACKIE, Nancy, "Canada" in Isodro Sepulveda, Coordinator, La Educacion de la seguridad y la defensa en las Américas, Washington (D.C.): William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, National Defense University, 2013, at pp. 18-44, ISBN: 978-0-9913377-0-5; available at http://chds.dodlive.mil/files/2013/12/pub-MISC-sepulveda-sd-institutions-book.pdf  and http://www.academia.edu/8219762/La_Educaci%C3%B3n_de_la_Seguridad_de_la_Defensa_en_las_Am%C3%A9ricas._The_William_Perry_Center_for_Hemispheric_Defense_Studies (accessed 22 June 2015); important contribution;


    I. Political and Institutional Framework
        The Department of National Defence

    II. Military Personnel
        Chief Military Personnel (CMP)

    III. Regular and Reserves Forces
        Regular Force Officer Training Plan (ROTP)
        Continuing Education Officer Training Plan (CEOTP)
        Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Education Plan (NCM SEP)
        Reserve Entry Training Plan (RETP)
        Individual Programme Plan

    IV Armed Forces and Organs of Military Education
        1. Canadian Defence Academy (CDA)
            "Other units within the CDA formation include: ...the Canadian Forces Military Law Centre (CFMLC), which was established as a
            directorate within CDA HQ in June 2007 to lead the design, development, and delivery of military legal education"
             Canadian Forces College (CFC)

        2. Military Colleges
            Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)
            Royal Military College St-Jean
        Training Courses under CDA
        The Defence Learning Network (DLN)
          1. Civilian Personnel of DND
             Civilian Personnel Education Support Plan

    V. Civilian Institutions

        1. Canadian Universities
           a) First Tier
             Centre for Military and Strategic Studies (CMSS), University of Calgary
           b) Second Tier
             Centre for Foreign Policy Studies (CFPS), Dalhousie University
             Gregg Centre for the Study of War and Society (GCSWS), University of New Brunswick (UNB)
             Programme paix et sécurité internationales (PSI) [International Peace and Security Programme], Université Laval
             Centre for International Peace and Security Studies, University of Montréal
             Centre d'études des politiques étrangères et de sécurité (CEPES), UQUAM amd Concordia University
             Centre for International and Defence Policy (QCIR), Queens University
             Centre for Security and Defence Studies (CSDS), Carleton University
             York Centre for International and Security Studies, York University
             Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies (LCMSDS), Wilfrrid Laurier University
             Centre for Defence and Security Studies, University of Manitoba
             Centre of International Relations, University of British Columbia
             Chair in Defence Management Studies, Queen's University


    Jeff Peck

    PECK, Jeff, lawyer, member of the OJAG, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jeff-peck-87b446140 (accessed 1 June 2018);

    ____________on PECK, Jeff, see BARRIS, Ted, "What veterans really need", National Post, 8 November 2012; available at http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/ted-barris-what-veterans-really-need (accessed 27 December 2015); article on veterans and Jeff Peck

    At the final dinner of a tour of the Vimy and Normandy battlefields I led last April, Jeff Peck, one of the Canadian veterans in our tour group, rose to address
     his fellow travellers. He asked if he might offer a toast to soldiers past and present. In mid-sentence he broke down.

    “I cry a lot these days,” he said. “I admit it.”

    It was almost 10 years to the day Peck, now 32, lost comrades at a place called Tarnak Farm (five kilometres from the Kandahar base) in Afghanistan. His
     Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry unit was wrapping up night training at this desert location on April 17, 2002, when an American F-16 pilot,
     thinking he was under attack from the ground, fired a 500-pound, laser-guided bomb at his suspected enemy. It killed four Canadians, men in Peck’s sister platoon.

    “I’d like to say [the experience] affected me for the best. I’d be lying,” he told me in 2004. “It [was] hard on my family. It hurt my marriage.

    Specifically, it forced Peck to look at the darker side of humankind. It removed any sense of optimism about the world. And, he admitted to me, it made him
     less patient with others particularly back in Canada. He couldn’t talk or show any emotion to his parents, his siblings, not even his spouse. He recognized he
     was being more selfish, unwilling to take on his wife’s problems in addition to his own. Their marriage broke up.

    “I realize those experiences – positive and negative – made me who I am,” Afghanistan vet Jeff Peck said recently in anticipation of Remembrance Day
     observances. He eventually remarried and has two young sons. While he once contemplated leaving army service, he now has his law degree and serves
     as a major with the office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG) in the Canadian Forces.

    “I think I’m in a really comfortable space now,” he said.

    __________ photo with notes on this JAG officer from http://everitas.rmcclub.ca:

    "21507 Jeff Peck, Class of ’99, left the Patricia’s and was called to the Ontario
    Bar in 2010 after completing law school at Queens University. He is currently
    employed in the Office of the Judge Advocate General as the Deputy Judge
    Advocate – Kingston. This is ironic because one of his primary duties is advising
    RMC on all disciplinary and administrative issues. Jeff and his partner Stephanie
    live in Sydenham, ON, with their boys JJ (3 yrs) and Luke (1 yr); however most
    of his spare time is spent at the cottage on Big Clear Lake in Frontenac Provincial
    Park." (Image and text from http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/class-notes-torch-is-passed/, accessed
    21 February 2017).

    Maureen Pecknold
    PECKNOLD, Maureen A., notes on Lieutenant-Colonel Maureen Pecknold, BCL/LLD, McGill University, 1996:

    Career profile:  Lieutenant-Colonel Maureen Pecknold is a Deputy Crown Attorney in the Scarborough Crown’s
    office and continues to has a busy trial practice. She has served with the reserves in the Judge Advocate General branch
    since 2006.
    [source: https://www.law.utoronto.ca/academic-programs/jd-program/lawyers-doing-cool-things, accessed 5 January 2019]

    ___________on Pecknold, Maureen A., see Gruske, Carolyn: "Prosecutors hand out national awards", The Lawyer's Daily, 27 October 2017; available at thelawyersdaily.ca/articles/5008/prosecutors-hand-out-national-awards  (accessed 9 January 2019);

    The Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Heads of Prosecutions Committee honoured some of the top
    prosecutors in the country at the Oct. 26 National Prosecution Awards ceremony.

    Maureen Pecknold and ... were each given the 2017 commitment to justice award. 

    Pecknold is assistant Crown attorney with the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario and acting deputy
    director of Reserves in the Canadian Military Prosecution Service. In announcing her award, the FPT Heads
    of Prosecutions Committee noted that she “has distinguished herself in countless ways, handling high-profile
    cases and mentoring less experienced prosecutors.” Pecknold has also recently completed the Canadian Forces
    Joint Command and Staff Programme while retaining a full caseload of major cases.

    ___________photo of Pecknold, Maureen A.:


    Major Maureen Pecknold, April 2016,
    video still from

    ___________Should Canada Sanction Targeted Killings?, Canadian Forces College, JCSP 40, Exercise Solo Flight, 14 p.; available at https://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/301/305/pecknold.pdf (accessed 15 April 2019);

    PEDDLE, Stuart, "Military court martial system experiences backlog", The Chronicle Herald, 1 December 2018; available at https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/news/local/military-court-martial-system-experiences-backlog-264447/ (accessed 1 December 2018);

    Major Dominic Martin, the prosecutor at the court martial,
    photo: Alison Auld/The Canadian Press
    ____________"Ontario ex-reservist pleads guilty, fined $2,000 for disgraceful behaviour", The Chronicle Herald, 9 April 2018, available at http://thechronicleherald.ca/novascotia/1560536-ontario-ex-reservist-pleads-guilty-fined-2000-for-disgraceful-behaviour  (accessed 11 April 2018);

    ___________ "Sailor gets 4 months, fine for dial-for-dope operation", The Chronicle Herald, 9 January 2018; available at http://thechronicleherald.ca/novascotia/1535274-sailor-gets-4-months-fine-for-dial-for-dope-operation (accessed 10 Januaty 2018);  prosecutor:  Lt.-Cmdr. Darin Reeves; defence counsel: Lt.-Cmdr. Brent Walden; military judge:  Lt.-Col. Louis-Vincent D’Auteuil; 

    PEEL, Norman Alan, 1942-2015, Q.C., former JAG Officer, see obituary at yourlifemoments.ca/sitepages/obituary.asp?oid=890049  (accessed 13 September 2017);
    Norm was a very respected lawyer with a criminal law practice in the London, Ontario area for over 40 years. He served in the Canadian
    Forces as Lieutenant Colonel in the Office of the Judge Advocate General. Norm taught law and lectured in many criminal law fields.

    Nicola Peffers
    PEFFERS, Nicola, Refuge in the Black Deck.  The story of Ordinary Seaman Nicola Peffers, Caitlin Press, 2017, 264 p., 6 x 9", ISBN: 978-1-987915-43-3 / 1-987915-43-7(source: http://caitlin-press.com/our-books/refuge-in-the-black-deck/, accessed 5 June 2017)
    When Ordinary Seaman Nicola Peffers boarded the HMCS Winnipeg in 2009, she was embarking on her first deployment with the
    Canadian Navy. At twenty-six years old, one of the top students in her training class, and one of the few women on the boat, Nicola
    began her career with a sense of optimism and hope towards seeing the world and serving her country.
    Refuge in the Black Deck is about physical and emotional strength, the failures of the justice system in the face of sexual harassment,
    and the harmful effects of trauma that continue even after having left the site of the experience.

    Pellan c. Agence du revenu du Québec, 2016 QCCA 263 (CanLII), disponible à <http://canlii.ca/t/gnbqb>  (visité le 4 janvier 2018); la demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel du Québec (Québec), numéro 200-09-008877-141, 2016 QCCA 263 (CanLII), daté du 11 février 2016, est rejetée avec dépens, voir
    Jacques Pellan v. Agence du revenu du Québec, 2016 CanLII 89837 (SCC), <http://canlii.ca/t/gwl15>; income tax case;

    PELLETIER, Jules, avocat, capitaine durant la deuxième guerre mondiale, voir "Nos militaires se récréent outre-mer", Le devoir, Montréal, jeudi, 28 décembre 1944 at p. 2, available at http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2805454, accessed 24 July 2018;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Martin Pelletier, image source: http://www.mcgill.ca/iasl/alumni, accessed on 14 November 2014
    PELLETIER, Martin, Biography/Biographie, 24 May 2017; available at http://www.jmc-cmj.forces.gc.ca/en/biographies-pelletier.page (1 June 2017); en français à  http://www.jmc-cmj.forces.gc.ca/fr/biographies-pelletier.page  (visité 1er juin 2017);

    Upon returning to Ottawa in 2007, Commander Pelletier served as the Director of Law for the team advising the senior Canadian Armed Forces leadership
     on issues of military personnel.  In 2009, he was selected to attend the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University where he obtained a Master's
     degree (LL.M.) in Law.

    On his return from Montreal in 2010, he served once again with the Director of Military Prosecutions, initially as Deputy Director, responsible for the
     supervision of the prosecutors in Atlantic and Eastern Regions.  In 2012, he became Assistant Director, in charge of policy development, appeals and the
     supervision of the provision of legal advice to the National Investigation Service. From 2010, he represented the Minister of National Defence on numerous
     appeals before the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and was counsel for a rare appeal before the Supreme Court of Canada in 2011 in the case of R. v. St-Onge

    Commander Pelletier was appointed as Military Judge by Governor in Council on 10 April 2014.  He presides at courts martial held across Canada.

    He is married to Anne Julie Lalonde from Montreal and they are the proud parents of Samuel and Sarah-Maude.


    À son retour à Ottawa en 2007, le capitaine de frégate Pelletier a occupé les fonctions de directeur juridique pour l’équipe qui conseillait les hauts dirigeants des
     Forces armées canadiennes sur les questions touchant le personnel militaire. En 2009, il a été sélectionné pour étudier à l’Institut de droit aérien et spatial de l’Université
     McGill, où il a obtenu une maîtrise (LL.M.) en droit.

    À son retour à Montréal en 2010, il a repris du service auprès du Directeur des poursuites militaires, d’abord comme directeur adjoint, responsable de la supervision des
     procureurs dans les régions de l’Atlantique et de l’Est. En 2012, il est devenu directeur adjoint, responsable de l’élaboration des politiques et des appels, et chargé de
     superviser la prestation de conseils juridiques au Service national des enquêtes. Depuis 2010, il a représenté le ministre de la Défense nationale lors de nombreux appels
    devant la Cour d’appel de la cour martiale, et il a agi comme avocat à l’occasion d’un rare appel devant la Cour suprême du Canada, interjeté en 2011 dans l’affaire R. c St-Onge.

    Le capitaine de frégate Pelletier a été nommé juge militaire par le gouverneur en conseil le 10 avril 2014. Il préside les procès devant une cour martiale dans tout le Canada.

    Il est marié à Anne Julie Lalonde, de Montréal. Lui et sa femme sont les fiers parents de Samuel et de Sarah-Maude.

    ____________Commander,  "Bourassa, Laurier and the 1910 Naval Service Act: Canadian Identity and the Birth  of a Navy",  (Fall 2010)  6(3)  Canadian Naval Review 10-15; available at http://naval.review.cfps.dal.ca/archive/public/vol6num3art3.pdf (accessed on  30  November 2011); note: "Winner of the Canadian Naval Memorial Trust Essay Competition";

    ___________judgment in Pett K.G. (Master Corporal), R. v., 2020 CM 4002 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/j4j12>, 10 January 2020;

    Concluding that the judicial role of military judges prevents them from being charged and dealt with under
    the Code of Service Discipline while in office would not offend the principle of equality before the law
    as it would be both partial and temporary.  It would be partial because they could still be charged in the
    civilian criminal justice system as any other citizen and their conduct could be reviewed by the Military
    Judges Inquiry Committee, not only on standards of conduct applicable to the judiciary but also on
    standards applicable to officers, as interpreted by the judicial officials constituting the Committee.
     It would be temporary because as for others who cannot be charged and/or dealt with under the Code
    of Service Discipline while in the position they hold, they could still face military discipline as officers
    once removed from their position.  This would not be unique: the CDS, the JAG, the DMP,
    the Provost
    Marshal and possibly the DDCS cannot be dealt with under the Code of
    Service Discipline while in office
    [emphasis in bold and size added]

    ___________"Message from the Chair" (May/Mail 2009) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2009/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=37322#top and http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx#article1 (accessed on 28 April 2012);
    ___________"Mot du président" (May/Mai 2009) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx  et http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx#article16  (site visité le 28 avril  2012);

    Lcol B. Pinsonneault (à gauche) avec le Capc M. Pelletier (source de l'image: (July-Oct 2000) 3 JAG Newsletter--Bulletin d'actualités at p. 5)
    ___________"Les pirates : un phénomène bien actuel" (June/Juin 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 4; available at http://web.archive.org/web/20050125074204/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/sword2001-06.pdf (accessed on 18 April 2012);
    ___________"Précis : Piracy is alive on the high seas" (December/Décembre 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 6; disponible à  http://web.archive.org/web/20050125074904/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/swordscalenov2001.pd (site visité le 19 avril 2012);

    ___________"National Military Section, Martin Pelletier, Chair", available at https://www.cba.org/abc/sections_military_f/pdf/Military_RtC_2009.pdf (accessed on 15 November 2014);

    ___________Notes on Martin Pelletier (not necessarily written by Mr. Pelletier, Sword and Scale, June 2014 – CBA National Military Law Section Newsletter, Members News/ Notes sur Martin Pelletier (non nécessairement écrit par monsieur Pelletier), Salut militaire, juin 2014 – Bulletin de la Section nationale du droit militaire, Nouvelles des membres;
    Canada’s newest military judge appointed

    The Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Defence, has appointed Cmdr. Martin Pelletier
    as Canada's newest military judge, effective 10 April 2014.

    Pelletier was born in Quebec City. He obtained law degrees from Laval University and the University of Western Ontario and has also
    obtained an LLM from McGill University in Air and Space Law. Pelletier enrolled in the Naval Reserve in 1987 and has been member
    of the Quebec Bar since 1993, practising in Quebec City before joining the Office of the Judge Advocate General in 1995.

    Pelletier served as Deputy Judge Advocate at CFB Valcartier, in Germany, and at the Naval Reserve Headquarters. At the Headquarters in
    Ottawa, he worked in the Military Justice and Administrative Law fields and participated in the amendment process of the National Defense
    Act. In 1999, he deployed in Bosnia to serve as legal advisor of the Canadian Contingent of the Stabilization Force (SFOR).

    Pelletier joined the Canadian Military Prosecution Service in 2001 as military prosecutor and served as appellate counsel before the Court
    Martial Appeal Court until promotion in 2004. In his current rank, he was Assistant Judge Advocate General (Atlantic Region) in Halifax,
    during which time he was assigned as legal advisor to the boards of inquiry investigating the fire in submarine HMCS Chicoutimi and on
    the treatment of Afghan detainees. He also obtained a graduate diploma in Military Law from the University of Melbourne in 2005.  Upon
    returning to Ottawa in 2007, he led the legal group that provides advice on military personnel issues. Most recently, he had been working at
    the Assistant Director of Military Prosecutions since 2010.

    Pelletier has been a highly active member of the CBA National Military Law Section, serving in a number of positions including as Chair in
    2008-2009 and again in 2011-2012.  The NMLS Executive would like to congratulate Judge Pelletier on his prestigious appointment and wish
    him all the best during his time on the bench.(source: http://www.cba.org/CBA/sections_military/newsletters2014/news.aspx, accessed on
    12 January 2015).


    Le plus récent juge militaire du Canada est nommé

    Le gouverneur général en conseil, sur recommandation du ministre de la Défense nationale a nommé le capitaine de frégate Martin Pelletier
    comme le plus récent juge militaire du Canada, en date du 10 avril 2014.

    Pelletier est originaire de Québec. Il est bachelier en droit de l’Université Laval et de l’Université Western Ontario, et il a obtenu une maîtrise
    en droit aérien et spatial à l’Université McGill. Pelletier s’est enrôlé dans la Réserve navale en 1987, et il est membre du Barreau du Québec
    depuis 1993 et a pratiqué le droit à Québec avant de joindre le cabinet du juge-avocat général en 1995. Pelletier a servi en tant que juge-avocat
    adjoint à la BFC Valcartier, en Allemagne et au quartier général de la Réserve navale. Au quartier général d’Ottawa, il a œuvré dans les domaines
    de la justice militaire et du droit administratif et a participé au processus d’amendement de la Loi sur la défense nationale.  En 1999, il a été
    affecté en Bosnie en tant que conseiller juridique du contingent canadien de la Force de stabilisation (SFOR). Pelletier s’est joint au Service
    canadien des poursuites militaires en 2001 en tant que procureur et a plaidé les appels devant la Cour d’appel de la cour martiale jusqu’à sa
    promotion en 2004. À son grade actuel, il fut l’assistant du juge-avocat général, région de l’Atlantique à Halifax, période pendant laquelle il
    fut conseiller juridique auprès des commissions d’enquête sur l’incendie du sous-marin NCSM Chicoutimi et sur le traitement des détenus en
    Afghanistan. Il a également obtenu un diplôme de deuxième cycle en droit militaire de l’Université de Melbourne en 2005. À son retour à
    Ottawa en 2007, Pelletier a dirigé la prestation de services juridiques dans le domaine du personnel militaire. Plus récemment, il agissait
    comme directeur des poursuites militaires adjoint depuis 2010. Pelletier a été un membre très actif de la Section nationale de droit militaire
    de l’ABC, y ayant occupé plusieurs fonctions, notamment celle de président en 2008-2009 et de nouveau en 2011-2012. Les membres de
    l'exécutif  de la SNDM tiennent à féliciter le juge Pelletier pour cette prestigieuse nomination et lui adressent tous leurs vœux de succès dans
    la magistrature. (source: http://www.cba.org/ABC/sections_military_f/newsletters2014/news.aspx, visité le 12 janvier 2015)

    ___________ sur la relation entre le juge Martin Pelletier et le juge en chef Mario Dutil, voir la "Décision sur la demande en récusation formulée par l'accusé [le juge en chef, le colonel Mario Dutil] à l'égard du juge militaire [le lieutenant-colonel Louis Vincent D'Auteuil] président la cour martiale", ddisponible à M. Dutil (Colonel ), R. c., 2019 CM 3003 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/j120t> (consulté le 20 juin 2019);

    Le colonel Dutil a été nommé juge militaire le 10 janvier 2001. Dans mon cas, j’ai été nommé le 18 mai 2006. Le juge Dutil a été nommé JMC le 2 juin 2006.
    L’administratrice de la cour martiale occupe son poste actuel depuis le mois de mai 2007. Le capitaine de frégate Pelletier a été nommé juge militaire le 10 avril 2014.

    Le colonel Dutil a dit qu’il a informé les juges militaires de l’existence de cette plainte, ce qui inclut le juge Pelletier et moi-même à l’époque, et ce, le jour
    même où il l’a appris [5 novembre 2015]. En raison des circonstances, il m’a aussi délégué le 5 novembre 2015 l’ensemble de ses pouvoirs et fonctions de JMC.
    Cette délégation a été annulée par lui le 13 novembre 2015.

    [13] Le colonel Dutil a décrit sa relation avec le juge Pelletier. Avant la plainte, ses contacts avec lui étaient professionnels et parfois personnels.
    Il avait des discussions avec lui d’ordre judiciaire sur certains dossiers. Il rencontrait et discutait avec le juge Pelletier dans le cadre d’événements
    à caractère plus social du bureau comme le party de Noël, certains repas au restaurant avec les autres juges et le golf en compagnie des autres juges.
    Suite à la plainte, une animosité s’est développée au fil du temps entre les deux. Le juge Pelletier lui a fait part clairement de son opinion.
    Il lui aurait fait comprendre qu’il était mécontent de cette situation et des effets que cela pourrait avoir sur les juges militaires et sur lui-même.
    Il est d’avis que le juge Pelletier ne lui a pas fourni son soutien dans les circonstances pour des motifs qui lui sont personnels.

    ___________Overflight of Organic Aircraft and the Territorial Sea, LL.M. thesis, Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University,  August 2010, v, 147 leaves; available at  http://digitool.library.mcgill.ca/webclient/StreamGate?folder_id=0&dvs=1332839092709~790 and http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/thesescanada/vol2/QMM/TC-QMM-97267.pdf (accessed on  27 March 2012);

    This thesis explores the issues of navigation and overflight of the territorial sea by military aircraft operating from warships,
    known as organic aircraft. A review of maritime zones in the Law of the Sea from a Canadian perspective reveals a preference for
    the exercise of coastal State jurisdiction on significant ocean space, to the potential detriment of freedom of navigation
    advocated by maritime powers. Current uses of organic air are challenged by a legal framework which does not take into account
    the unique relationship between ships and the aircraft they carry. The regimes of passage do not allow overflight when it would
    be most needed. The weaknesses in the generous interpretation of navigational rights advocated by commentators associated with
    the US Navy and a climate of significant preoccupation towards security of the coasts are not conductive to any changes in the
    legal framework that would secure special freedoms of overflight for organic aircraft.


    Cette thèse explore les questions applicables à la navigation et au survol de la mer territoriale par les aéronefs militaires
    embarqués sur les navires de guerre, désignés sous le vocable "organic aircraft", ibrement traduit par l'expression "aéronefs
    intégrés". Un survol des zones maritimes promulguées par le droit de la mer, telles que mises en oeuvre en droit canadien
    révèle une préférence marquée pour l'imposition de l'autorité de l'État côtier sur de vastes étendues maritimes, au détriment
    possible de la liberté de navigation défendue par les puissances maritimes. L'utilisation des aéronefs intégrés est menacée par
    un cadre juridique ne tenant pas compte de la relation symbiotique entre le navire et l'aéronef qu'il transporte. Les régimes
    de passage ne permettent pas le survol là où on en aurait le plus besoin. Les faiblesses dans l'interprétation généreuse de la
    liberté de navigation par les commentateurs associés àla Marine des États-Unis et une préoccupation accrue quant à la sécurité
    des côtes ne sont pas susceptibles de mener à une évolution du cadre juridique qui pourrait garantir une liberté de survol
    adéquate pourles aéronefs intégrés.

    [Source: AMICUS catalogue, Library and Archives Canada]  

    Video-still of Commander Pelletier before the SCC (at 02:14/2:07:06)
    ___________photo of Commander Pelletier representing Her Majesty before the Supreme Court of Canada in the Supreme Court of Canada on 24 March 2011 ; the CPAC VIDEO is available at https://www.cpac.ca/en/programs/supreme-court-hearings/episodes/17031346/ (accessed 24 October 2020); pour aller plus loin voir les décisions: R. c. St-Onge, 2011 CSC 16 (CanLII), [2011] 1 RCS 625, <http://canlii.ca/t/fkt73>; R. c. St-Onge, 2010 CACM 7 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/ggpt4>; R. c. St-Onge, 2010 CACM 7 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/ggpt4>

    Christopher Penny (left) with the JAG, MGen Jerry Pitzul, photo source: JAG Newsletter, vol. 1, 2006 at p. 10

    PENNY, Christopher K., Collateral Principles: Proportionality and the Inexorable Calculus of War, LL.M. thesis, Cornell Law School, 2004;

    ___________"Cold Comfort: Arctic Conflict, Environmental Protection and the Limits of Law",  (2017). 13(2) Journal of International Law and International Relations (JILIR), p. 123-178, forthcoming, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3054164

    ___________ curriculum vitae, 2014, 24 p.; includes bibliography of his writings; available at http://carleton.ca/npsia/wp-content/uploads/Penny-CV-2014.pdf (accessed 18 July 2015) and https://carleton.ca/npsia/wp-content/uploads/Penny-CV-2017.pdf (accessed 12 December 2017);

    ___________ "De-conflicting Canada's anti-terrorism legislation: Khawaja and the ongoing challenges of the "armed conflict" exclusion", (2009) 27 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 403-430; available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1817802 (accessed 18 July 2015);
    The definition of 'terrorist activity' is fundamental to Canada's anti-terrorism legislation.  Following the  recent trial of Momin Khawaja
     before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, it is clear that the 'armed conflict' exclusion-exempting wartime activities undertaken in
     accordance with international law-poses serious challenges to the coherence of this legislative regime, threatening the effectiveness of
     future domestic terrorism prosecutions.  This article examines the 'armed conflict' exclusion and its judicial treatment in Khawaja,
     identifying key challenges and making specific recommendations to address them.  Coupled with other issues arising from the'armed
     conflict' exclusion, Khawaja serves to highlight a clear and pressing need for amendment of the statutory definition of 'terrorist activity.
     (source: http://web.archive.org/web/20130407065442/http://www.icrc.org/eng/assets/files/2012/ihl-bibliography-4th-trimester-2011.pdf,
     at pp. 27-28, accessed 16 March 2015)


    Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Peacekeeping, accessed 18 July 2015
    ___________ " 'Drop That or I'll Shoot...Maybe': International Law and the Use of Deadly Force to Defend Property in UN Peace Operations", (2007) 14(3) International Peacekeeping 353-367; Mr. Penny is a Lieutenant-Colonel, Primary Reserve, Office of the Judge Advocate General, Canadian Forces;

    Image source: http://www.springer.com/law/environmental/journal/10784, accessed 18 July 2015
    ___________“Greening the Security Council: Climate Change as an Emerging ‘Threat to International Peace and Security’,” (2007) 7 International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 35-71;

    Image source: http://www.amazon.com/Our-House-Order-Implementation-International/dp/0773538143, accessed 18 July 2015
    __________"Humanitarian Law and Canadian Courts: Challenges for the ‘Campaign Against Terror,”in Chios Carmody, ed., Is Our House in Order?  Canada's Implementation of International Law, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010, 336 p., at pp. 225-261 (Chapter 10), ISBN: 9780773538146;

    Image source: http://www.irwinlaw.com/titles/balance, accessed 18 July 2015
    __________"Introduction: The Administration of Justice and National Security in Democracies", in Christopher K. Penny, ed., In the balance : the administration of justice and national security in democracies,  Toronto : Irwin Law, 2011. DESCRIPTION: viii, 225 p.; 23 cm. NOTES: Portion of title: Administration of justice and national security in democracies "This volume resulted from the International Conference on the Administration of Justice and National Security in Democracies, held in Ottawa in June 2007 and organized jointly by the Courts Administration Service and the Canadian Centre of Intelligence and Security Studies at Carleton University." ISBN: 9781552211946 (pbk) ISBN: 9781552212202 (e-book);

    ___________"Mandating Responsibility: International Legal Lessons from the Military Intervention in Libya", in  Fen Osler Hampson and Stephen M. Saideman, eds. ; foreword by Hugh Segal, Elusive pursuits : lessons from Canada's interventions abroad, Waterloo, ON : Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2015, xii, 247 p., at pp. 15-34 : ill. ; 23 cm.. (series; Canada among Nations; 2015), ISBN: 978-1-928096-11-5;


    Image source for Christopher Penny: http://carleton.ca/npsia/people/christopher-penny/, accessed 20 February 2015
    ___________ "Obeying Restraints: Applying the Plea of Superior Orders to Military Defendants before the International Court", (2010) 48 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 3-38; available in part at http://books.google.ca/books?id=cZ9JsDESWbIC&pg=PA625&dq=%22obeying+restraints%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=rNxZT9K7E8Lm0QGyp42nDw&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22obeying%20restraints%22&f=false (accessed on 9 March 2012);

    Videostill of LCol Chris Penny testifying before the Committe on 4 October 2020
    (at 36:26/1:23:30).
    ___________Testimony before the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, to which was referred Bill S-10, An Act to implement the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Issue 14 - Evidence - Meeting of October 4, 2012, available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/content/sen/committee/411%5CAEFA/14EVB-49716-e.HTM (accessed 14 December 2016);   CPAC video of the Committee hearing available at https://www.cpac.ca/en/programs/in-committee-from-the-senate-of-canada/episodes/20163840/ (accessed 27 October 2020);

    ___________Testimony before the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, to which was referred Bill C-6, An Act to implement the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Issue 14 - Evidence - Meeting of October 30, 2014, available at https://sencanada.ca/en/Content/Sen/committee/412/aefa/17ev-51689-e (accessed 14 December 2016);

    Image source: http://www.abebooks.com, accessed 18 July 2015
    PENNY, Christopher K. and Fen O. Hampson, “Human Security,” in T. Weiss and S. Daws, ed., The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations, Oxford University Press, 2009, chapter 31, ISBN: 9780199560103;
    This article gives the benefits of redefining ‘security’ in order to emphasize human beings instead of states. It shows that human security is firmly embedded in today's language of world politics. Human security also reflects the role of the UN in advancing at occasionally enforcing new international norms that place the individual at the core of modern understandings of international security. (source: http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199560103.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199560103-e-031, accessed 18 July 2015)

    PENNY, S.S., Major, on, see "Major Penny Assistant", The Vancouver Sun, Thursday, 21 February 1946 at p. 7, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 26 May 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Steven Penny, image source: papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=88993, accessed 20 June 2019
    PENNY, Steven, "National Security Surveillance in an Age of Terror: Statutory Powers & Charter Limits", (July 28, 2010) 48 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 247-286, 2010. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1994525
    The communications surveillance powers granted to Canada’s national security agencies have rarely resulted in prosecution and,
    as a result, have been subject to very little judicial, academic, or public scrutiny. However, as the state increasingly seeks to
    prosecute alleged terrorists, courts will have to interpret the scope of these powers and decide whether they violate section 8
    of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the Charter). A review of the powers granted to police, the Canadian Security
    Intelligence Service (CSIS), and the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) reveals two constitutional infirmities:
    allowing police to conduct communications surveillance in terrorism investigations without establishing “investigative necessity,”
    and allowing CSEC to intercept domestic communications without prior judicial authorization. Put simply, these powers should
    be found to violate section 8 of the Charter because they substantially infringe on the privacy of innocent Canadians, especially
    of Muslim or Arab background, while doing little to advance national security.
    PENSION REVIEW BOARD, Pension Review Board reports. Recueil des arrêts du Conseil de révision des pensions,  Ottawa, Pension Review Board,  v. 1-9, no. 1; 1972-1986;

    PENTZ, Kathryn,  "Pentz chosen as top Crown in Cape Breton", Chronicle Herald, Halifax, 24 March 2015 at p. A3;  source: search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview
    /1774850354/fulltext/438A0027ABF04400PQ/25?accountid=46526, accessed 30 April 2020.

    Kathryn Pentz has been named chief Crown attorney in Cape Breton, the provincial Public Prosecution Service announced Monday.

    Pentz, a native of Halifax, has been a Crown attorney since 1993 and has prosecuted thousands of criminal offences ranging from theft to murder.

    She will lead 14 Crown attorneys and their support staff in offices in Sydney and Port Hawkesbury.

    She has been a reserve member of the Canadian Forces since 1991 and is the deputy judge advocate in Sydney, providing legal advice to reservists.
    She was promoted to major in 2002.

    ___________on PENTZ, Kathryn,  see photo from Senate, Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, 28 February 2018; https://www.google.ca/search  and https://www.cpac.ca/en/programs/in-committee-from-the-senate-of-canada/episodes/59956853/, accessed 1 May 2020;

    Kathryn Pentz
    "Legal professionals participate in the committee’s study of Bill C-46,
    an act to amend the Criminal Code concerning offences relating to conveyances
    (drug and alcohol-impaired driving). Appearing in the first panel are the
    Canadian Bar Association’s Kathryn Pentz ...."

    Carl Pépin, source de l'image: enbeauce.com/actualites/culturel/106795/lhistorien-carl-pepin-publie-un-ouvrage-sur-la-premiere-guerre-mondiale, consulté le 6 janvier 2019
    PÉPIN, Carl, "Du Military Service Act aux émeutes de Québec: l’effort de guerre canadien-français vu de France (1914-1918)" (Hiver 2009) 17(2) Bulletin d'histoire politique 89-110; disponible à https://www.bulletinhistoirepolitique.org/le-bulletin/numeros-precedents/volume-17-numero-2/du-military-service-act-aux-emeutes-de-quebec-l%e2%80%99effort-de-guerre-canadien-francais-vu-de-france-1914-1918/ (consulté le 6 janvier 2019);

    "Master Cpl. Ken Hutcheson counts money as Lt.-Cmdr. Mike
     McCarthy, right, listens to an Afghan man's account. (Dec. 23, 2009)

    PERKEL, Colin, the Canadian Press, "In Afghan PR, money talks". the.star.com, 28 December 2009; available at (accessed 20 October 2016); note: Lt.-Cmdr. Mike McCarthy is a legal officer; available at https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2009/12/28/in_afghan_pr_money_talks.html (accessed 20 October 2016);

    PERCIVAL-HILTON, Victoria A., JAG officer, with the rank of LCol, reserve force; legal counsel, McGill University, Legal services (research April 2017);

                                                                                Antonio Perrault, source photo: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2241288, consulté 20 octobre 2018
    PERRAULT, Antonio, Le Conseil spécial 1838-1841, Extrait de la Revue du Barreau, 1943, 64 p.; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2636048 (vérifié le 20 octobre 2018);

    PERREAULT, Catherine, "Droit de contact-topo sur le droit martial", Affidavit, UQUAM, 6 avril 2016?; entrevue avec Nadine Déry; disponible à http://affidavit.droituqam.com/droit-de-contact-topo-sur-le-droit-martial/ (accessed 8 August 2016);

    PERREAULT, Les and Steven Chase, "Dion chose jobs over human rights when approving Saudi arms deal, lawyers argue", The Globe and Mail, 19 December 2016; available at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/dion-chose-jobs-over-human-rights-when-approving-saudi-arms-deal-court-hears/article33384510/ (accessed 21 december 2016);

    Normand Perreault
    PERREAULT, Normand, Major, ancien avocat militaire, forces de la réserve, notes biographiques, voir  http://www.fplex.ca/fr/equipe/normand-perreault (site consulté le 12 septembre 2017); on fait mention de lui et de sa famille dans la section "Personnel", (July-October 2000) 3 JAG Newsletter -- Bulletin d'actualités à la p. 6;

    Université McGill, faculté de droit (Programme national) LL.B., B.C.L. de 1985-1989;
    Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (Baccalauréat en administration) de 1972-1977;
    Réserve des Forces armées canadiennes, service du Juge-avocat général (de 1990 à 2000);

    PERREAULT, Samuel, avocat, membre du Barreau du Québec depuis 2006, membre du Cabinet du Juge-avocat général; travaille à Vancouver (vérification du 18 février 2021);

    ___________sur PERREAULT, Samuel, voir Éric Leblanc, "Militaire et agent, le profil différent de Samuel Perreault", RDS, 18 juillet 2019, disponible à https://www.rds.ca/hockey/lnh/militaire-et-agent-le-profil-different-de-samuel-perreault-1.6858772 (site consulté le 18 février 2020);

    Image source: cips-cepi.ca/linsday-l-rodman-postdoctoral-fellow/, accessed 31 July 2018
    Lindsay Rodman
    PERRIN, Dave (host) and Lindsay Rodman, Supporting Victims in Canada's Military Justice System, The Global Exchange -- A CGAI Podcast, 15 May 2018, available at https://soundcloud.com/user-609485369/supporting-victims-in-canadas-military-justice-system (accessed 31 July 2018);

    Image source: (Nov-Dec 2000) 4 JAG Newsletter-Bulletin d'actualités 5
    "Maj Perron [left], CD1 for his 22 years of
    service with the JAG.
    PERRON, Jean-Guy, 1959-, Biographical notes, Linked in, available at (accessed 5 January 2016)
    retired officer with legal and operational experience
    (36 years)

    Infantry officer (Royal 22ième Régiment, Canadian Airborne Regiment) having served in Canada, Europe and the US. As a military lawyer, I provided
    legal advice at the operational, tactical and strategic levels for deployed (UN and multinational) and domestic operations and I also deployed in the
    Balkans, Africa and Afghanistan. Legal adviser to JTF-2. Commanding Officer of the Canadian Forces National Counter Intelligence Unit. Appointed
    a military judge in 2006 and retired in 2014.


    Photo of Jean-Guy Perron, Military Judge in Afghanistan, reproduced from http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2011/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=45319 (accessed on 31 March 2014)

    ____________"Canadian military justice in Afghanistan", (July 2011) Vox Judicia -- Canadian Judges' Forum Newsletter, available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2011/2011-06_judges.aspx and  http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2011/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=45319#article7  (accessed on 18 January 2012); Vox Judicia is published by the Canadian Bar Association;
    ____________ "La justice militaire en Afghanistan", (Juillet 2011) Vox Judicia -- Bulletin du Forum des juges canadiens; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2011/2011-06_judges.aspx  (site visit/ le 7 mai 2012);

    Source de l'image: http://www.ledroitdesavoir.ca/voir_segment03.asp?id=31&segment=4, visité 28 mai 2016
    Jean-Guy Perron
    ___________"A judge is a judge is a judge...", (July 2009) Vox Judicia -- Canadian Judges' Forum Newsletter ; available at http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/2009/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=38032 (accessed on 7 May 2012);
    ___________"Un juge, est un juge, est un juge", (Juillet 2009) Vox Judicia -- Bulletin du Forum des juges canadiens; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-06_judges.aspx (site visité le 7 mai 2012);

    LCol Perron, on the right, image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cba_abc/14414547046/in/photostream/, accessed 4 August 2015

    __________Notes -- Biography on Mr. Jean-Guy Perron (not necessarily written by Mr. Jean-Guy Perron / Notes -- Biographies sur monsieur Jean-Guy Perron (non nécessairement écrites par monsieur Jean-Guy Perron:

    Biography - Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Guy Perron, CD

    Lieutenant-Colonel Perron, CD, was born in Earlton, Ontario in 1959. He enrolled in the Canadian Forces in 1978 and was
     granted a Bachelor of Arts (Military and Strategic Studies) degree by the Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean in 1983.
     His infantry career may be summarized as follows: 1 R22eR (Germany) 1983-86, mechanized infantry platoon commander
     and assistant battalion operations officer; FMC HQ (St-Hubert) 1986-87, Aide de Camp to Commander Force Mobile Command;
     1er Commando Canadian Airborne Regiment (Petawawa) 1987-89, Adjudant; 3 R22eR (Valcartier) 1989-90, infantry company
     2IC. Selected for the Military Legal Training Plan(MLTP), he began his studies at the University of Ottawa in 1990. He was
     granted the degree of Bachelor of Common Law (LL.B.) in 1993 and was called to the Bar of Ontario in 1995. Lieutenant-Colonel
     Perron has served on the staff of the Director of Law (DLaw) / Human Rights and Information, DLaw/International and DLaw/
     Operations. He served as Regional Military Prosecutor and as Director Military Prosecutions-3. He has served a tour in Bosnia-
    Herzegovina in 1996 as the legal adviser to the command of the Canadian Contingent Implementation Force and participated in
     OP ASSURANCE in Rwanda and Uganda in 1996. He was also deployed to Tampa, Florida as legal adviser to the Command
     Joint Task Force South West Asia for OP APOLLO. Lieutenant-Colonel Perron filled the position of AJAG Ottawa when promoted
     in 2001 and, subsequently, the position of commanding officer of the Canadian Forces National Counter Intelligence Unit. Before
     joining the Office of the Chief Military Judge, he was the legal adviser of the Commander of Canada Command.

    Pursuant to section 165.21 of the National Defence Act the Government of Canada has announced the appointment of Lieutenant-
    Colonel Jean-Guy Perron, as military judge on 2 June 2006.
     (source: http://web.archive.org/web/20070822211214/http://www.forces.gc.ca/cmj/biosPerron_e.asp, accessed on 14 January 2015)


    Biographie - Lieutenant-colonel Jean-Guy Perron, CD

    Le lieutenant-colonel Perron, CD, est né en 1959 à  Earlton, en Ontario. Enrôlé dans les Forces canadiennes en 1978, il a
    obtenu un baccalauréat's arts en études militaires et stratégiques du Collège militaire royal de Saint‑Jean en 1983.
    Sa carrière de fantassin peut se résumer comme suit: 1 R22eR (Allemagne) 1983-86, commandant de peloton d’infanterie
    et assistant officier des opérations du bataillon; QG FMC (St-Hubert) 1986-87, Aide de camp du commandant de la Force mobile;
     1er Commando Régiment aéroporté du Canada (Petawawa) 1987-89, capitaine-adjudant; 3 R22eR (Valcartier) 1989-90,
     commandant-adjoint de compagnie. Sélectionné pour le Programme d'études militaires en droit (PEMD), le lieutenant-
    colonel Perron a entrepris ses études à l'Université d'Ottawa en 1990. En 1993, il a obtenu son baccalauréat en common
     law (LL.B.) et fut admis au Barreau de l'Ontario en 1995. Le lieutenant-colonel Perron a servi au sein du Directeur juridique
     (DJ)/ Droits de la personne et information, DJ/ International et DJ/ Opérations. Il a aussi comblé les postes de Procureur
     militaire régional et Directeur poursuites militaires-3. Il a servi en Bosnie-Herzégovine en 1996  à titre de conseiller juridique
     au commandement du Contingent canadien auprès de la Force de mise en oeuvre. Il a aussi participé à  OP ASSURANCE
     au Rwanda et en Ouganda en 1996. Il fut déployé  à  Tampa, Florida à  titre de conseiller juridique au commandement de
     la Force opérationnelle interarmées Asie du sud-ouest pour OP APOLLO. Le lieutenant-colonel Perron a occupé la position
     d’AJAG Ottawa à  partir de sa promotion en 2001 pour ensuite agir en tant que commandant de l’Unité nationale de
     contre-intelligence des Forces canadiennes. Il fut conseiller juridique du commandant du Commandement du Canada avant de
     se joindre au cabinet du juge militaire en chef.

    Le gouvernement du Canada a annoncé, en vertu de l'article 165.21 de la Loi sur la défense nationale, la nomination du
     lieutenant-colonel Jean-Guy Perron, comme juge militaire le 2 juin 2006.
     (source: http://web.archive.org/web/20080117034748/http://www.forces.gc.ca/cmj/biosPerron_f.asp, visité le 14 janvier 2015)

    Image source: https://cimvhr.ca/board-of-directors/, accessed 26 December 2018
    Jean-Guy Perron
    ___________Notes -- Biography of Jean-Guy Perron, Hopital Montfort

    Jean-Guy Perron

    A native of Earlton, Ontario, retired Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol - Ret’d) Jean-Guy Perron enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces in
    1978 and obtained a Bachelor’s of Arts in Military and Strategic Studies at the Royal Military College Saint-Jean in 1983. An
    infantry officer, he served with the Royal 22e Régiment, 1 Commando, Canadian Airborne Regiment in Europe, the United States
    and Canada from 1983 to 1990.

    He earned a degree in French Common Law (LL.B) at the University of Ottawa in 1993, and was admitted to the Law Society of
    Ontario in 1995. LCol (Ret’d) Perron worked in the Office of the Judge Advocate General from 1995 to 2004. He was deployed in
    1996 as Legal Advisor for the commanders of the Canadian Contingent in Bosnia-Herzegovina and later in Rwanda and Uganda.
    He was deployed again in 2001 as Legal Advisor for the commander of the Canadian Joint Task Force at the start of military
    operations in Afghanistan.

    LCol (Ret’d) Perron commanded the Canadian Forces National Counter-Intelligence Unit from 2004 to 2006. He was appointed
    military judge by the Governor in Council on June 2, 2006. LCol (Ret’d) Perron received an honourable discharge on February 7,
    2014, after 35 years of service (retired).

    He obtained a Master of Laws (LL.M) from the University of Ottawa in 2008, specializing in law and national security. He is
    currently teaching a course in law and national security in the French Common Law and Civil Law sections at the University of Ottawa.
    In 2017, he served as a guest expert at a national interdepartmental workshop on the prosecution strategy in cases of terrorism, organized
    by the UN and held in N’Djamena, Chad, in 2017.

    From 2012 to 2017, he was Vice-President of the Board of Directors of RESO (Regroupement des parents et amis des enfants sourds
    et malentendants franco-ontariens).  From 2010 to 2015, he served as School Council President at the Provincial School of the Centre
    Jules-Léger (CJL) for Francophone children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, blind or have low vision, or are deafblind. He was actively
    involved in the initiatives, projects and negotiations with Ontario’s Ministry of Education and Francophone school boards that led to
    Franco-Ontarian governance of the CJL.

    He is a member of the boards of directors of the Association du Royal 22e Régiment, the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran
    Health Research and the National Military Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association, where he is also the Chair of the Legislation
    and Law Reform Committee.

    [Source: https://hopitalmontfort.com/en/jean-guy-perron, accessed 4 August 2018]


    Jean-Guy Perron

    Natif d’Earlton, Ontario, le lieutenant-colonel à la retraite (lcol (ret))    Jean-Guy Perron s’est enrôlé dans les Forces canadiennes en
    1978 et a obtenu un baccalauréat ès arts en Études militaires et stratégiques du Collège militaire royal de Saint Jean en 1983. Officier
    d’infanterie, il servit avec le Royal 22e Régiment et le 1er Commando, Régiment aéroporté du Canada en Europe, aux États-Unis et
    au Canada de 1983 à1990.

    Diplômé en common law en français(LL.B.) de l’Université d'Ottawa en 1993, il fut  admis au Barreau de l’Ontario en 1995. Le
    lcol (ret) Perron a œuvré au sein du Cabinet du Juge-avocat général de 1995 à 2004. Il fut déployé en en 1996 à titre de conseiller
    juridique des commandants du Contingent canadien en Bosnie-Herzégovine et ensuite au Rwanda et en Ouganda.  Il fut de nouveau
    déployé en 2001 à titre de conseiller juridique du commandant de la Force opérationnelle interarmées canadienne au tout début
    d’opérations militaires en Afghanistan.

    Le lcol (ret) Perron commanda l’Unité nationale de contre-ingérence des Forces canadiennes de 2004 à 2006. Il fut nommé juge
    militaire par le gouverneur en conseil le 2 juin 2006. Le lcol (ret) Perron fut libéré honorablement après 35 ans de service (retraite)
    des Forces canadiennes le 7 février 2014.

    Il a obtenu sa maîtrise en droit (L.L.M.) de l’université d’Ottawa en 2008 se spécialisant dans le droit et la sécurité nationale. Il
    enseigne présentement un cours sur le droit et la sécurité nationale aux facultés de common law en français et de droit civil à
    l’université d’Ottawa. Il participa à titre d’expert invité à un atelier national interservices sur la stratégie de poursuites dans les
    cas de terrorisme organisé par l’ONU se déroulant N’Djamena au Tchad en 2017.

    De 2012 à 2017, il fut vice-président du conseil d’administration de RESO (Regroupement des parents et amis des enfants sourds
    et malentendants franco-ontariens).  Il a agi aussi à titre de président du conseil d’école de l’école provinciale pour enfants sourds,
    malentendants, aveugles, à basse vision et sourds-aveugles francophones au Centre Jules-Léger (CJL) de 2010 à 2015. Il fut
    activement impliqué dans les initiatives, travaux et négociations avec le ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario et les conseils
    scolaires francophones qui menèrent à une gouvernance franco-ontarienne du CJL.

    Il est membre des conseils d’administration de l’Association du Royal 22e Régiment, de l’Institut canadien de recherche sur la
    santé des militaires et des vétérans et de la Section nationale de droit militaire de l’Association du barreau canadien dont il est
    aussi le président du Comité de la législation et de la réforme du droit.

    ___________on PERRON, Major Jean-Guy, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 175, available at  103-242;

    ___________on Perron, Jean-Guy, see CIPRIANI, Jean-Philippe, "Chronique de la Justice -- La Cour martiale", site web, "Le droit de savoir", video, 6 minutes; interview avec le juge militaire Jean-Guy Perron; disponible à  http://www.ledroitdesavoir.ca/voir_segment03.asp?id=31&segment=4 (vérifié le 22 avril 2013);

    ___________"Op Apollo -- 'ROTO O' ",  (2003) 1 JAG Newsletter -- Les actualités 56-59; note: article en français;
    ___________ "Op Apollo-- 'Roto O' ", (2003) 1 JAG Newsletter -- Les actualités 53-56; note: article in English;
    I would say that over 85% of my time was devoted to operations.  Questions of discipline, administra-
    tive law and interpretation of regulations or other orders accounted for the other 45% (sic) of my
    time.  When I arrived in Tampa, playing an active part in drafting rules of engagement for JTSWA
    and offering legal advice on their interpretation of the ROE quickly became two of my most important
    priorities.  These were activities that occupied much of my time.  I also have to admit that the
    issue of detainees monopolized a good deal of my time during the months of November, December,
    January and February.  Any deployed legal officer has to be fully familiar with CF doctrine regarding
    operations because any command relationship in a JTF has to respect this doctrine.  Another task that
    soon fell to me was the initial drafting and regular updating of the document appointing commanding
    officers and assigning their responsibilities.  Revising orders and other directives for the signature of
    the Commander JTFSWA or the CDS was another task that took up much of my time.  Like any op-
    erational legal officer assigned to a senior HQ, I was working with each branch of the headquarters
    staff, whether it be in the context of current operations, intelligence, planning of future opera-
    tions, logistics, communications, personnel administration or finance.

    ___________"Panel III Commentary – Maritime & Coalition Operations’, (2003) 79 International Legal Studies  309-310; available at digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1288&context=ils, accessed 4 August 2018;

    ___________"A Review of Bill C-77" presented to the House of Commons, Standing Committee on National Defence, on Bill C-77, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, 1 November 2018 (42nd Parl., 1st Sess.., meeting 114), available at http://www.ourcommons.ca/Content/Committee/421/NDDN/Brief/BR10139829/br-external/PerronJeanGuy-e.pdf (accessed 20 November 2018);

    ___________Suspected Terrorists -- Not Wanted  (Unless you are Canadian): A Comparative Analysis of the Ministerial Power to Detain and Deport and the Representation of Suspected Terrorists in Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia;  Master's essay for LL.M. degree, University of Ottawa, 2003; titre noté dans mes recherches mais mémoire non encore consulté; source: "Liste des mémoires de maîtrise et thèses de doctorat acceptés en 2008", (2009) 68 La Revue du Barreau 583 à la p.584; LCol Perron is a military judge, see http://www.jmc-cmj.forces.gc.ca/bio/perron-jg-eng.asp (accessed on 18 March 2012);

    ___________Testimony and video-still of Perron, Jean-Guy, before the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence, on Bill C-77, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, 27 May 2019, available at https://senvucloud.parl.gc.ca/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20190527/-1/9143 (accessed 29 May 2019); Mr. Perron is a former Lieutnant-Colonel (Ret'd) and appeared as an individual;

    ___________Testimony of LCol (Ret'd) Jean-Guy Perron, former military judge, as an individual, before the House of Commons, Standing Committee on National Defence, on Bill C-77, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, 1 November 2018 (42nd Parl., 1st Sess.., meeting 114), see   http://www.ourcommons.ca/Committees/en/NDDN/StudyActivity?studyActivityId=10298424 and http://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/NDDN/meeting-114/notice and  http://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/XRender/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20181101/-1/30326?Language=English&Stream=Video&useragent=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%206.1;%20Win64;%20x64;%20rv:63.0)%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/63.0  (accessed 24 October 2018); on Bill C-77, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, 1 November 2018 (42nd Parl., 1st Sess.., meeting 114), see   http://www.ourcommons.ca/Committees/en/NDDN/StudyActivity?studyActivityId=10298424 and http://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/NDDN/meeting-114/notice and  http://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/XRender/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20181101/-1/30326?Language=English&Stream=Video&useragent=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%206.1;%20Win64;%20x64;%20rv:63.0)%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/63.0  (accessed 24 October 2018);

    Louis-Samuel Perron, source de la photo: https://twitter.com/lsp_10, site consulté le 4 septembre 2020
    PERRON, Louis-Samuel, "Cour martiale: une décision «exceptionnelle» risque de paralyser la justice militaire", La Presse, 4 septembre 2020; disponible à  https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/2020-09-04/cour-martiale-une-decision-exceptionnelle-risque-de-paralyser-la-justice-militaire.php (site consulté le 4 septembre 2020);

    An “exceptional” decision risks paralyzing military justice", EN 24, 4 September 2020; available at https://www.en24.news/2020/09/an-exceptional-decision-risks-paralyzing-military-justice.html, accessed 5 September 2020;

    "Perzenowski Will Hang on Oct. 16 for Killing PW", Globe and Mail, 1946/07/01, available at collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5064697 (accessed 23 September 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Oscar Peterson, 1925-2007

    PETERSON, Oscar, "Hymn to Freedom", The Legal Branch March/Chanson de marche de la Branche des services juridique,  see: ml-fd.caf-fac.ca/en/2018/05/13621, music-video available at youtube.com/watch?v=tCrrZ1NnCuM  (accessed 19 May 2018);

    Image source: https://www.google.com, image search, accessed on 10 January 2015
    PETROU, Michael, "The proper path to war: Stephen Harper doesn't need Parliament's approval to join the Iraq war.  But there are advantages to getting it", MacLean's -- Canada's National Magazine, 13 October 2014, at p. 20;

    PETTAPIECE, Arthur S., Major, spent two years with the JAG "department' in London, England, see "Obituaries -- A.S. Pettapiece", The Gazette, Montreal, Wednesday, 24 October 1962 at p. 34; available at https://www.newspapers.com..../, accessed 28 May 2020; his wife was Elizabeth Chenier;


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    From the left: Capt Leishia Pettigrew, Maj Sean Raleigh, Lt Geoff               New Zealand Air Force -- New Legal Eagles: L-R: FLTLT Randall Walker, 
    Gaul, Lt Col Randy Callan, Maj Phillip Drew, Maj Tammy Tremblay          BRIG Kevin Riordan (Director General of Defence Legal Services), FLTLT
    & Lt Cdr Mary Wardam; Image source: p. 15 of the article.                          Andy Greig, LTCOL Steve Taylor, CAPT Leishia Pettigrew, CAPT Kate Hill,
                                                                                                                             CDR Chris Griggs. WN; source: airforce.mil.nz/about-us/news/airforce-news/archive/91/image-gallery/wn08003707jpg.htm
                                                                                                                              accessed 2 November 2017

    PETTIGREW, Leishia, "Canada-NZ Exchange 2007 -- Legal Staff Officer Captain Leisha Pettigrew, from HQ 3rd Land Force Group, Took Part in the Annual Exchange in Canada (CANEX).  It proved to be a Joint-Service Experience",  (2007) 126 Navy Today 14-15; available at http://navy.mil.nz/downloads/pdf/navy-today/nt126-web.pdf (accessed 4 November 2015);
    IN MAY, I headed to Canada for CANZEX 07. My initial destination was Victoria, British Colombia, where I arrived at Canadian Forces Base (CFB)
    Esquimalt and quickly settled into the wardroom. I was to spend my time in British Colombia at the office of the Pacific Region Assistant Judge
    Advocate General – AJAG (P).

    My ‘laid-back’ introduction to the new office lasted about 5 seconds, as I happened to arrive in the middle of a major
    discipline issue. However, this also meant catching a Sea King helicopter out to HMCS ALGONQUIN at sea. It was
    a fabulous day and the aerial tour was appreciated. My host officer MAJ Philip Drew, assured me this was not how
    they always did business...

    PHAM, Lan, (Lan Rhonda Huong), lawyer, member of the Law Society of Ontario, member of the OJAG (information as of 28 May 2019); she attended, as a regular force officer,  the 2019 mandatory legal officer qualification course at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, CFB Kingston, see Access to Information Act, DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 12 June 2019, File A-2019-00289;

      [28 May 2019] Legal Officers
     LCdr Pagé, Capt Klassen, Lt Feltham, Capt Pham, and Lt(N) Gonsalves
     are at this week learning from Canadian and International
    experts about International Humanitarian Law through realistic case studies.

    ___________PHAM, Lan, on Linked in, https://ca.linkedin.com/in/lan-pham-530000a, accessed 6 September 2019;

    ___________PHAM, Lan, photo, source:

    Capt Lan Pham

    Marc Philippe
    PHILIPPE, Marc, former JAG officer, 1989-2014, now "Co Owner at Private Enterprise - Independant Art Professional", source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/marc-philippe-00b722104, accessed 24 May 2018

    PHILIPPE, Marc, right on the photo receiving the Somalia medal from BGen Pierre Boutet, Judge Advocate General, 2 February 1998; image source: JAG Newsletter/Bulletin d'actualités du JAG, volume 1, Part 1, Jan-Feb 98 (posted 21 December 2016);

    ___________ Mark Philippe, left on the photo receiving his CD for his 12 years of service from LCol Benoît Pinsonneault, image source: (Nov-Dec 2000) 4 JAG Newsletter-Bulletin d'actualités 5, accessed 21 October 2017;

    ___________on Marc Philippe, see KELLY, Gloria, “RMC-led team win international competition”, (11 May 2005) 8(18) The Maple Leaf 4; available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/mdn-dnd/D12-7-8-18.pdf (accessed 25 September 2016); also, with the same title, in (2005) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter 11;
    ___________sur Marc Philippe, voir KELLY, Gloria, "Une équipe du CMR remporte un concours international", (2005) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter 11;

    Photo description in citation hereunder
    __________ Marc Philippe was a JAG officer from 1989-2014 (https://ca.linkedin.com/in/marc-philippe-00b722104);
    [photo description:]

    The soldiers of Force XXI and the Army After Next must be diplomats, managers, relief workers, and police officers as well
    as warriors. Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia and Rwanda illustrate the complicated political, economic, and social issues---legal and
    non-legal---confronting commanders. It is no longer unusual, for example, for Army lawyers to work along side judge
    advocates from other nations. Thus, while serving as the U.N. Mission in Haiti Force (UNMIH) Legal Advisor, MAJ Mark S.
    Ackerman, was assisted by Canadian judge advocate MAJ Marc B. Philippe. In this photograph, taken in Port-au-Prince
    in 1995, Ackerman (left) and Philippe (right) advise COL Khatak, Commander, Pakistan Contingent, UNMIH Military Force.
    [source: http://www.eur.army.mil/21TSC/SJA/History/History2.htm, accessed 22 June 2017]

    ___________on PHILIPPE, Major Marc, see Sallot, Jeff, "Excessive force suspected by lawyer.  Army counsel urged inquiry in Somalia", The Globe and Mail, at p. A4;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on PHILIPPE, Major Marc, see his testimony before the Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia, volumes 159 & 160 of the transcripts;

    ___________on PHILIPPE, Major Marc, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 155, 156, 159 and 176, available at  103-242;

    Kirby Abbott (right) with Marc Philippe in Somalia,
    photo reproduced from McDonald, R. Arthur, Canada's
    Military Lawyers
    , infra., at p. 156.

    Source: Source: (2003) 1 JAG Newsletter -- Les actualités at p. 9
    "Certificate of Commendation for Sept 11th, 2001,
    to: S. Roy, L. Vaillancourt, Maj Van Veen, Maj Fensom,
    Cdr Phillips, LCol Perron, [the JAG: Jerry Pitzul],  LCol Herfst, Maj Carson,
    LCol Fournier, Cdr Maguire, Capt(N) MacDougall".

    PHILLIPS, Guy R., Lieutenant-Commander, Canadian Forces, Rules of Engagement : An Unclassified Primer, A thesis submitted to the Judge Advocate General's School, United States Army, April 1993; available at http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA456592; also published at (July 1993) Army Lawyer 4-27, available at http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/07-1993.pdf);

    ___________biographical notes, available at https://books.google.ca/books?id=eN-lrav4qt0C&pg=PA292&lpg=PA292&dq=guy+phillips+royal+military+college&source=bl&ots=gBxSbaSIvj&sig=tSHqcxtU6-BiOdTz2uH2aeir-Tc&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=0CEMQ6AEwBWoVChMIptb7yriByQIVB9geCh0OvA3Q#v=onepage&q=guy%20phillips%20royal%20military%20college&f=false (accessed 8 November 2015);

    ___________biographical notes, available at https://www.mcgill.ca/iasl/files/iasl/2016_4th_manfred_lachs_conference_on_conflicts_in_space_and_the_rule_of_law_final_program.pdf, (accessed 3 March 2017);
    Phillips, Guy
    Commander (Retired), Adjunct & Sessional Assistant Professor, Royal Military College of Canada, CANADA

    Cdr Phillips joined the Canadian Forces in 1985 and practiced law exclusively in the Canadian Forces
    as a Legal Officer in the Office of the Judge Advocate General until 2012. In addition to prosecuting
    and defending at courts martials, he advised on a wide variety of military and civilian legal issues,
    including international issues such as Law of the Sea, Air Law, Operational Law, Law of Armed Conflict
    and Negotiating Status of Forces treaties.  The pinnacles of his career were in International Law and
    Operational Law, including as legal advisor to the Canadian Air Task Group Middle East in Doha,
    Qatar, during the "Gulf War" in 1990-91; the Commander of the military forces in the UN Transition
    Mission in Haiti (UNTMIH) in 1997; the Commander of NATO SFOR Brigade North-West in Banja
    Luka, Bosnia-Hezegovina, in 2003104; the CO of HMCS Fredericton during OP SAIPH in the Gulf of
    Aden, Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf in 2009/10 (patrolling for pirates and sea-borne terrorists).
    Professor Phillips started teaching undergraduates and graduate students at the Royal Military
    College of Canada (RMC) in 2006 where he currently continues to teach as an Adjunct Assistant
    Professor. (source: https://www.mcgill.ca/iasl/files/iasl/2016_4th_manfred_lachs_conference_on
    _conflicts_in_space_and_the_rule_of_law_final_program.pdf, accessed 3 March 2017).

    ____________biographical notes, available at http://www.kingstonlife.ca/sitepages/?aid=3999&cn=Features&an=FEATURE%20-%20Swim,%20Bike,%20Run (accessed 29 June 2018);

    Guy Phillips

    When most guys turn 60 and start planning a trip to Hawaii, they’re thinking vacation. Not Guy Phillips. When he reaches that
     milestone next year, he hopes to travel to Polynesia with a very different aim in mind.

    Being a relative newcomer to the sport of triathlon, Phillips figures that once he enters his sixth decade, he’ll have a prime chance
    to realize one of his great unfulfilled goals: qualifying for the Ford Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. The race, held each October,
    attracts about 1,800 of the world’s most elite triathletes and is almost as difficult to qualify for as the Olympics.

                The Hawaii Ironman triathlon — originally a challenge competition started by a U.S. navy officer — is a gruelling 3.86-km swim,
     180-km bike race and 42.2-km run. Participants have a limit of 17 hours to complete the course. (Last year’s winners finished in just
    under nine hours.) Done in sequence with competitors vying against each other, the elements and the clock, the race gives new meaning
    to the word “ultimate.”

    The registration process for Ironman triathlons is quirky and complicated, and competitors must earn a spot at a qualifying event
    or be selected through a lottery. The bottom line for Phillips is that there are fewer triathletes aged 60 and over than there are younger
    competitors, improving his chances of qualifying in his age group “at the bottom end of the senior age pool.” If Phillips’ track record in
    life is any indication, he’ll make it.

    The son of a military man, he was born in Cape Town, South Africa, and lived all over the world in his youth. In 1968, his family
    settled in Barrie, Ont., where Phillips finished high school. He earned a bachelor of arts from Carleton University and a law degree from
    Osgoode Hall before embarking on a 24-year career in the Canadian military that took him on deployments to Bosnia, Haiti, the Gulf War
    and pirate hunting off the coast of Somalia. Along the way, he somehow found time to navigate a world-class car rally team, compete as
    a bicycle racer and earn a master of laws in international law. By the time he retired, he had risen to the rank of naval commander.
    For the past few years, he has taught at the Royal Military College.

                It was only in 2006, when he and his wife, Mary Jane — who’s also a triathlete — arrived in Kingston that Phillips was able to take
    up triathlon seriously. The couple’s involvement began casually when they ran in a five-km race as an excuse to get in shape, and not
    long afterwards Phillips competed in his first triathlon at Wasaga Beach. Since then, he has competed in 26 triathlons, including the 2009
    Ironman at Lake Placid, N.Y. “It was amazing just to be in that annual race, competing in the same field as some of the world’s top
    triathletes. When I came into town on my bike, the street was lined with spectators, and later when the public address announcer called
    out, ‘Guy Phillips . . . you
    are an Ironman!’ — what a feeling that was.”

                The roar of the crowd and the joy of competing at an elite level have driven Phillips to make Ironman-distance triathlon his sport.
    He’s halfway through a six-month training program that’s designed to get him into shape to qualify for next year’s world championships
    in Hawaii. Phillips has a busy summer planned with a race calendar that includes a half-dozen competitions, including the K-Town Triathlon
    and the Canadian Ironman in Penticton, B.C., in August.

                “The thing with training for the Ironman competition is that there can be no cheating on the training,” he says. “You have to have
    the intensity and to put in the time it takes to get into proper shape. I’m determined on both counts.”

    Guy Phillips’ Training Routine

    At five feet nine inches tall and his ideal body weight of 148 pounds — and seven-per-cent body fat — Guy Phillips has the ideal Ironman triathlete’s build.
    To hone his physical condition, he works out twice daily, six days each week, for a total of about 15 hours. “In terms of food, both my wife and I eat a
    healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, salads, all kinds of meat and fish. We watch the serving sizes. Close to a race day, I load up on carbs,
    consuming calories like mad,” he says.

    ___________on PHILLIPS, Lieutenant-Commander Guy, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages  141-142, available at  103-242;

    ___________on Phillips, G., Cdr (Ret'd), Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Royal Military College of Canada, at Guy.Phillips@rmc-cmr.ca, info valid in 2020, see  (accessed 20 April 2020);

    ___________on Phllips, G., Cdr (Ret'd), photo:

    Marc Lemieux and Guy Phillips, Kingston Triathlon Club, 2016.
    source: kingstontriathlonclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/KTC-Kickoff-Presentation-20161.pdf, accessed 20 April 2020

    Guy Phillips?,  Kingston Triathlon Club
    source: http://www.kingstontriathlonclub.com/about-the-club, accessed 20 April 2020

    ___________on Phillips, G.R. (initials?), was a captain with the OJAG in 1985 (source: Canadian Forces Officer's List (Regular) (Bilingual), A-AD-224-001/AF-001, 1985-11-20, obtained from DND, Access to Information and Privacy, file A-2019-00318, 13 February 2020);

    ___________on Phillips, Guy, see his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/guy.phillips.758 (accessed 10 May 2020);

    ___________ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE OF CANADA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICS AND ECONOMICS P0E 486B – SPACE POLICY, WINTER 2011 – SYLLABUS (9 Jan 11 Version); available at http://www.davidmlast.org/Politics_Review/Politics_Courses_files/POE%20486%20-%20PHILLIPS.pdf  (accessed 19 May 2015);

    ___________"Rules of Engagement (ROE) for Military Space Operations"; Guy Phillips is a retired Commander, and Adjunct & Sessional Assistant Professor Royal Military College; available at https://www.mcgill.ca/iasl/files/iasl/2._g_phillips.pptxt  (accessed 3 March 2017); see also his name at https://www.mcgill.ca/iasl/files/iasl/2016_4th_manfred_lachs_conference_on_conflicts_in_space_and_the_rule_of_law_final_program.pdf (accessed 29 June 2018);

    PHILLIPS, Lester Henry, 1911-, Canada's internal security, Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, 1945;

    ___________"Canada's internal security", Canadian journal of economics and political science, vol. 12, no. 1, February, 1946, pp. 18-29; research note: may be the summary of his thesis;

    PICHET,  J.M.R., lawyer who enrolled as a captain with the OJAG on 14 September 1980 (source: Canadian Forces Officer's List (Regular), A-AD-224-001/CFP/PFC 224), 31 December 1980, obtained from DND, Access to Information and Privacy, file A-2019-00318, 13 February 2020); 

    Photo source: www.radiovm.com/ecouter/programmation/la-guerre-la-paix-et-dieu-une-reflexion-ethique, accessed 18 August 2016
    Yvon Pichette
    PICHETTE, Yvon, Une éthique militaire fondée sur les vertus dans le cadre des opérations de soutien de la paix: Une analyse théorique, pratique et théologique, une thèse doctorale soumise à la faculté de théologie en candidature pour le diplome de doctorat, concentration en éthique, Université d'Ottawa, 2006, ix, [5], 304 feuilles; disponible à https://www.ruor.uottawa.ca/handle/10393/29426  (vérifié 18 August 2016);
    Abstract: 1. L'énoncé du problème. L'hypothèse de cette thèse repose sur l'utilisation des théories sur la structure de la pratique et la théorie des
    vertus d'Alasdair MacIntyre. L'objectif de cette thèse est de démontrer qu'il est possible de concevoir une éthique militaire qui puisse répondre
    plus adéquatement aux defis éthiques rencontrés par les membres des Forces canadiennes déployés dans le cadre des opérations de soutien de
    la paix. 2. Méthodologie et questions importantes. Pour réaliser notre objectif, nous avons posé trois questions qui portent chacune sur un
    aspect particulier servant à démontrer notre raisonnement qui articule notre hypothèse. La première question sert à établir les cadres théoriques
    de notre proposition et s'articule ainsi: Quelles sont les théories qui sont susceptibles de nous aider dans notre recherche pour l'amélioration du
    Programme d'éthique de la Defense? Selon nous, ce programme trouve ses fondements dans la théorie libérale de John Rawls. Nous voulons
    examiner certaines limites de cette théorie afin de proposer la nécessite d'établir la spécificité des pratiques militaires. De plus, nous allons suggérer
    le consensus délibératif comme solution au problème que pose le consensus par recoupement de John Rawls. Le deuxième chapitre servira à exposer
    la théorie des vertus d'Alasdair MacIntyre qui se fonde tout particulièrement mais non exclusivement sur sa notion de pratique et des biens internes
    inhérents. La deuxième question porte sur l'aspect pratique de notre recherche et elle se libelle comme suit: Quels sont les éléments que nous pourrions
    utiliser pour démontrer certains des avantages de la théorie des vertus d'Alasdair MacIntyre? Pour répondre à cette question nous allons nous servir
    de scénarios qui expliciteront deux aspects des pratiques que nous retrouvons dans le cadre des opérations de soutien de la paix, soit les pratiques liées
    à l'utilisation de la force et celles liées à la négociation et à la médiation. Suivant la description de ces pratiques, nous allons procéder à une première
    analyse de ces pratiques à la lumière de la théorie des vertus de MacIntyre. La troisième question porte sur la dimension théologique de notre recherche
    et elle examinera les différents rôles de l'aumonier militaire, plus particulièrement en ce qui a trait à favoriser et à maintenir les valeurs spirituelles et
    morales. De plus, l'aumonier militaire joue le rôle du conseiller aupres de la chaine de commandement sur tout ce qui concerne le bien-être spirituel
    et moral des militaires et de leur famille. Il faut ajouter que ces rôles doivent s'exercer tant en garnison que lors des opérations de soutien de la paix.
    En d'autres mots, cette dernière question porte surtout sur la dimension opérationnelle du rôle de l'aumonier: Comment la théorie de l'éthique des
    vertus de MacIntyre peut-elle contribuer au rôle important que l'aumonier militaire exerce dans le cadre des opérations de soutien de la paix,
    particulièrement les aumoniers qui appartiennent à la dénomination catholique romaine. Notre objectif en ce qui a trait à notre recherche est
    d'engager un dialogue avec les responsables du Programme d'éthique de la Défense afin de favoriser la mise en pauvre d'un programme d'éthique
    répondant aux besoins spécifiques liées aux pratiques exercées par les militaires dans le cadre des opérations de soutien de la paix. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)  

    ------------------ source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/stephane-pierre-noel-46a562141
    Promoition à Capc:                                
    Stéphane Pierre-Noël                    
    Lt(v) Stéphane Pierre-Noël
    source: (2006) 1 JAG Les actualités
    p. 11

    PIERRE-NOEL, Stéphane, membre du Barreau du Québec, avocat militaire, Bureau du Juge-avocat généra, photos:

    Le capitaine de corvette Stéphane Pierre-Noel, du Commandement
    des opérations interarmées du Canada, exécute ses tâches dans
    le laboratoire de combat interarmées du Centre de guerre des
    Forces canadiennes, à Ottawa (Ontario), le 15 mai 2013, dans
    le cadre de l’exercice interarmées 2013.

    Lieutenant-Commander Stephane Pierre-Noel, from Canadian
    Joint Operations Command in Ottawa, Ontario, performs his
    duties in the Joint Battle Lab at the Canadian Forces
    Warfare Centre in Ottawa during Joint Exercise 2013 on May 15, 2013. Photo: MCpl Marc-Andre Gaudreault, Canadian Forces Combat Camera © 2013 DND-MDN Canada
    [source: combatcamera.forces.gc.ca/gallery/cc_photos/detail/?filename=IS2013-2000-004&assetId=37177&lang=fra,
    consulté le 28 octobre 2017]


    Photo reproduite de : 2016-2017, Rapport annuel du Juge-avocat général
    au ministre de la Défense nationale sur l'administration de la justice
    militaire du 1er avril 2016 au 31 mars 2017, ISSN 1497-7184, à la page 8,
    source: publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D1-16-2017-fra.pdf, consulté
    le 28 juin 2019.

    --- Image source: dundurn.com/authors/Peter-Pigott, accessed 19 May 2017
                                                                            Peter Pigott 
    PIGOTT, Peter,  From far and wide : a complete history of Canada's Arctic sovereignty, Toronto : Dundurn, c2011, 312 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. (some col.), map ; 24 cm., ISBN: 9781554889877  and 1554889871;
    Is the Canadian North a state of mind or simply the lands and waters above the 60th parallel? In searching for the ill-fated Franklin Expedition in the
    19th century, Britain's Royal Navy mapped and charted most of the Arctic Archipelago. In 1874 Canadian Prime Minister Alexander Mackenzie
    agreed to take up sovereignty of all the Arctic, if only to keep the United States and Tsarist Russia out. But as the dominion expanded east and west,
    the ?North” was forgotten. Besides a few industries, its potential was unknown. It was as one Canadian said ?for later.”

    There wasn't much need to send police or military expeditions to the North. Not only was there little tribal warfare between the Inuit or First Nations,
    but there were few white settlers to protect and the ?forts” were mainly trading posts. Thus, in the early 20th century, Canada's Arctic was less known
    than Sudan or South Africa.

    From Far and Wide recounts exclusively the historic activities of the Canadian military in Canada's North.
    [source for text and image of book: play.google.com/store/books/details?id=1nMRR3nzAnQC&source=productsearch&utm_source=HA_Desktop_US&utm_medium=SEM&utm_campaign=PLA&pcampaignid=
    , accessed 19 May 2017]

    PILGRIM, J. Wayne, "The Security Gap Between the Military and Law Enforcement in Counter-Terrorism", October 2002; available at http://www.dtic.mil/docs/citations/ADA442520 (accessed 26 September 2015); see also http://www.dtic.mil/get-tr-doc/pdf?AD=ADA442520; J. Wayne Pilgrim, Superintendent, Officer In Charge, National Security Program, Criminal Intelligence Directorate, Royal Canadian Mounted Police;

    ------ Image source: iusafs.org/partners/IUSCanada.asp, accessed 1 March 2018
                                                                                          Dr. Franklin ("Frank") Pinch (Past Chair,
                                                                                          IUS/Canada and Board/Council Member, and Associate Editor, Armed Forces and Society)
                                                                                          congratulates Bonnie Vest outside Yo Hall, on the Royal Military College of Canada campus,
                                                                                           upon her being selected for the 2008 Graduate Student Award that bears his name.   

    PINCH,  F. (Frank) C. (Franklin C.),  Perspectives on Organizational Change in the Canadian Forces: Final Report,  April-June 1993.  [Ottawa, Ont.?]: Department of Defense [DODXA], 1994  (Contract no. MDA903-M-5414)(64 p.); available at http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a277746.pdf and http://www.dtic.mil/docs/citations/ADA277746 (accessed 1 March 2018);
     “This report reviews and synthesizes the background literature and other  documentation relating to transition from a homosexual ban
    to the cancellation of the exclusionary policy in the Canadian Forces”
     –  NISC Gay & Lesbian Abstracts.  Information in abstract indicates  that the report is available for order from NTIS in Springfield, Virginia.
     (source: http://library2.usask.ca/srsd/gaycanada/misc/MILITARY.htm, accessed 18 August 2016);

    Image source: https://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/136/295-eng.html, accessed 1 March 2018

    Eric Ouellet

    PINCH,  F. C. (Franklin C.), and Eric Ouellet, "Sociology in the Canadian Military Academy Curriculum" (1 October 2008) Armed Forces in Society; see http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0095327X07312087

    Despite its content being perceived as highly relevant to Canadian Forces (CF) leader development and current and future role demands,
    sociology has not become permanently embedded in the Canadian military college (milcol) curriculum. We argue that among other factors,
    this has been the result of such influences as lack of interest and/or support from academic sociologists outside the military; hegemony of
    other disciplines within the military; reaction of the military system to sociological topics and results; the number and organization of
    uniformed and civilian sociologists internally; and the failure of military sociologists to adequately market themselves or to follow up on
    the gains they have made. Notwithstanding, the authors note that recent developments both outside and inside the military college environment
    offer some promise of improved prospects for sociology (and anthropology): preferably, within a more multidisciplinary instructional context.

    Michele Pineau, image source: http://pslrb-crtfp.gc.ca/reports/0708/PSLRB2007-08_e.asp  (accessed on 12 April 2014)

    PINEAU, Michele A., "Civilians Under Military Justice: A Canadian Study", (1979) 25 McGill Law Journal 3-31; article available at http://www.lawjournal.mcgill.ca/userfiles/other/8532089-pineau.pdf (accessed on 12 April 2014);

    ___________notes sur PINEAU, Michele A., disponible à http://lancasterhouse.com/arbitrators/show/id/238  (consulté le 20 avril 2020); email: mpineau@rogers.com

    Arbitration Practice

    In practice since 1994; bilingual; also active in federal jurisdiction.
    Michele is a chartered arbitrator (c. arb.), mediator (c. med.) and a
    member of the Quebec Bar since 1981.


    B.A., 1968, Carleton University; Bachelor of Laws (B.C.L.), 1979,
    McGill University; French Baccalaureate, 1968, University de Paris
    (Sorbonne); Chartered Mediator (AMIC); Chartered Arbitrator (AMIC);
    VIIB-ADR Certification.


    Vice-Chairperson, Public Service Labour Relations Board, 2007-2011;
    Vice-Chairperson, Canada Industrial Relations Board, 1999-2006; Private
    arbitrator and mediator, at a private arbitration and mediation practice, 1992-1998.

    Image source: ipolitics.ca/author/charlie-pinkerton/
    Charlie Pinkerton
    PINKERTON, Charlie, "Military justice reform bill ‘has the potential’ to die on the order paper: Sajjan", iPolitics, 27 May 2019, available at https://ipolitics.ca/2019/05/27/military-justice-reform-bill-has-the-potential-to-die-on-the-order-paper-sajjan/ (accessed 29 May 2019); on Bill C-77;

    Image source: http://ottawa-voyageurs.wdfiles.com/local--files/winter-2007-pdf/Winter_2007_hiver.pdf, accessed 21 October 2015
    Photo de Benoît Pinsonneault

    PINSONNEAULT, Benoît, notes biographiques, Journal du Barreau du Québec, volume 34, numéro 12, 1er juillet 2002; disponible à http://www.barreau.qc.ca/pdf/journal/vol34/no12/parminous.html (vérifié 20 octobre 2015);

    Me Benoît Pinsonneault (1971), de la section de Montréal, prend sa retraite des Forces canadiennes comme avocat militaire, après 27 ans de service
    au cabinet du juge-avocat général. Diplômé de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke en 1970, Me Pinsonneault a exercé en pratique privée
    pendant quatre ans à Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, avant de joindre les Forces canadiennes en 1975. Sa carrière militaire l'a amené à exercer différentes
    fonctions, principalement au Québec et en Ontario, mais aussi en Allemagne de 1990 à 1993 à titre d'assistant-juge avocat général. Sa principale fonction
    était alors de procureur-chef de la poursuite pour toutes les cours martiales se produisant en Europe. De retour au Canada, il a assumé pendant cinq ans la
    position de directeur juridique des réclamations par et contre la Couronne à Ottawa. Après un séjour à Montréal, le lieutenant-colonel Pinsonneault a été
    nommé directeur-adjoint des poursuites militaires pour les Forces canadiennes par le ministre de la Défense nationale en 2001, poste qu'il occupera jusqu'à
    sa retraite, prévue pour le 8 juillet prochain.


    Benoît Pinsonneault, 2014
    ____________"Benoît Pinsonneault - Club de Marche Voyageurs d'Ottawa", You Tube Video, 3:20 mintes, available at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7c6Z48rEKk  (accessed 25 December 2017);

    ___________LCol Benoît Pinsonneault, on the right, receiving his CD1 for 22 years of service from BGen Pierre Boutet, 2 February 1998, image source: JAG Newsletter/Bulletin d'actualités du JAG, volume 1, Part 1, Jan-Feb 98 (image posted on 21 December 2016);

    __________ Taking a break from our court martial duties, at the Greek Tavern, Nicosia, Cyprus, 12 June 1982:

    From the front left, clockwise: François Lareau, Benoît Pinsonneault, Guy Brais, Francis (Frank)
    Bergeron and Richard Veuilleux.  The first four CF members were not part of the United Nations
    Force in Cyprus but were there on temporary duty for a court martial of  a CF member who had
    been involved in incidents while with the UN Force in Cyprus.

    ___________ Mark Philippe, left on the photo receiving his CD for his 12 years of service from LCol Benoît Pinsonneault, image source: (Nov-Dec 2000) 4 JAG Newsletter-Bulletin d'actualités 5, accessed 21 October 2017;

    ___________Lcol B. Pinsonneault (à gauche) avec le Capc M. Pelletier (source de l'image: (July-Oct 2000) 3 JAG Newsletter--Bulletin d'actualités at p. 5)

    PINSONNEAULT, Gérard,  La propagande de recrutement militaire au Canada, 1914-1917. Essai en histoire des mentalités, mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke, 1981, 183 p., Mémoire dirigé par Laperrière, Guy, 1981; titre noté dans mes articles mais thèse non consultée (13 décembre 2016);

    Image source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/michellepiromalli, accessed 10 January 2015

    PIROMALLI, Michelle, 1977-, Canada's domestic security : the role of  the Canadian Forces in the event of Quebec separation, Thesis (M.A.), Dalhousie University, 2001, viii, 117 leaves, Includes bibliographical references (leaves 110-117); thesis not consulted yet; see abstract and table of contents at https://search.proquest.com/docview/304739206 (accessed 20 April 2020);

    The possibility that Quebec could secede from Canada necessitates a closer examination of the possible post-secession environment. A referendum
    vote in favour of Quebec separation will place the federal government in a precarious position: to protect the security and safety of Canadians as well
    as attempting to keep the country together. The federal government's response to such an event will be fashioned according to existing legal and
    political rights, and the constraints that are imposed upon them. An affirmative vote to separate could trigger three possible responses by the federal
    government: it could accept it, it could go through a period of debate but show willingness to negotiate, or it could contest it. Each possible response
    confers on the government different legal and political rights to involve the Canadian Forces (CF). As an extension to the analysis of the possible
    implications for the federal government and the CF if Quebec votes in a referendum to separate, the current legislation, the 'Emergencies Act' and
    the ' National Defence Act', will be analyzed to determine whether it is sufficient for dealing with such a national emergency.
    (Abstract shortened by UMI.) [Source: AMICUS catalogue]

    -- 12th Judge Advocate General, 1998-2006
    Major-General Jerry S.T. Pitzul,
    photo reproduced from the back dust jacket of
    McDonald, R. Arthur, Canada's Military Lawyers, supra.

    PITZUL, Jerry S.T., "[Address of] Major-General Jerry Pitzul, Q.C. to the Office of the JAG Annual Mess Dinner, Royal Canadian Air Force Officers Mess, 27 October 2005, Ottawa, Ontario, Dîner régimentaire annuel du Cabinet du JAG, Mess des Officiers de la Force aérienne, 27 octobre 2005, Ottawa, Ontario], Past year's activities; Presentation to members of the JAG Advisory Panel on Military Justice; Presentation to Mr. David Bright [past chair of the Canadian Bar Association National Military Law Section];  JAG Liz Lundy Award of Excellence [to Madame Christiane Chevalier and Mrs. Roma Stevenson]; JAG  Commendations -- Mr. W. Hays Parks; Professor Leslie Green); JAG Award of Excellence (to LCol Mike Gibson)", (2006) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 16-22;

    ___________"I fully supported creating a military ombudsman", The Ottawa Citizen, 6 January 2000 at p. A13;

    Description:   I also want to counter any implication that Mr. [Michael Blanchfield]'s article may leave that military
    lawyers do not operate under extensive civilian oversight. Among the reforms recently put in place by Parliament is
    the requirement that I be responsible directly to the minister of national defence. I am required by statute to submit
    an annual report to the minister who in turn must file that report with Parliament.
    © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved, at http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/
    , accessed 20 December 2017]

    ___________ "JAG Change of Appointment Ceremony / Passation des fonctions du JAG", (2007) 1 JAG Les actualités Newsletter 3--4; article in French and English; article en français et en anglais;

    ___________"JAG Remarks to SCONDVA 1 June 2000", available at http://web.archive.org/web/20010618022755/www.dnd.ca/jag/hl_remarks_to_scondva_e.html#top; SCONDVA =  Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs;
    ___________"Remarques du JAG -- CPDNAC -- 1 JUIN 2000", disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20010620192237/www.dnd.ca/jag/hl_remarks_to_scondva_f.html#top; CPDNAC = Comité permanent de la défense nationale et des anciens combattants;

    ___________ "JAG REPORT (1998-99)", JAG Newsletter, Vol.III, July-Sept 1999, pp. 76-92; Brigadier General Pitzul is the Judge Advocate General of the Canadian Forces.  The titles headings of this report include: "Implementing Bill C-25", "Reestablishing the Credibility of the Military Justice System", "Implementing a Revised Legal Services Organization", "Rejuvenating the Office of the JAG", "Current Activities" and "Future Challenges";
    ___________dans  JAG Bulletin d'actualités (publication bilingue, même numéro que la version anglaise);

    ___________"Letters to the Editor -- Military justice maligned", The Ottawa Citizen, 1 November 1999, p. A13;

    Description: David Pugliese's articles raise two points that require specific comment. First, in suggesting there is an alleged
    inconsistency in sentencing based on rank, he does not address the range of factors that must be considered under Canadian law.
    One factor in a case seldom completely outweighs all others, and the consideration of all relevant factors is part of the delicate
    balance involved in the sentencing process. Drawing broad conclusions based on a selective comparison of cases involving
     noncommissioned members and officers is not only misleading but creates an unfounded perception that the military justice
    system is unfair. In this respect, I must also point out that the reporting on specific courts martial cases (all of which were held
    prior to Sept. 1) was incomplete. For example, the Court Martial Appeal Court upheld the sentence of reduction in rank to the
    rank of Lieutenant- Colonel and a fine of $10,000 that had been imposed on Col. Reno Vanier at trial. On appeal to the same
    court, Cmdr. John Legaarden's court martial sentence of six months imprisonment was reduced to a severe reprimand and a
    fine of $10,000.
    © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved; see http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/
    , accessed 20 December 2017

    ___________"Letters to the Editor -- Setting the record straight on the Forces ombudsman", The Ottawa Citizen, 18 May 2001, p. A13, letter in reply to Blanchfield, "Internal battle rages over Forces ombudsman: Marin accuses DND legal branch of waste, delays", supra; there is a mistake in BGen Pitzul's article as the proper reference to his June 1, 2000 testimony is before the House of Commons, Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs and not the Senate Committee;

    ___________on PITZUL, Jerry, see CRANSTON, Marla, "Prosecution progress: After a turbulent time, Novga Scotia's Crown Attorneys had a 'good year' , director [Jerry Pitzul] says", The Daily News (Halifax) 13 January 1997; 

    ___________on PITZUL, Major-General J.S.T. (Jerry), see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 154, 160, 179-182, available at   103-242;

    ___________"Operational Law and the Legal Professional: A Canadian Perspective", (2001) 51 The Air Force Law Review 311-321; available at http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m6007/is_2001_Spring/ai_92044667/pg_1?tag=artBody;col1  (accessed on 28 July 2008) and http://www.afjag.af.mil/library/index.asp (accessed on 12 January 2012); also available at https://books.google.ca/books?id=B8fAMhvA-BgC&pg=PT324&lpg=PT324&dq=OPLAW+Canadian+forces&source=bl&ots=iewqMw0-u7&sig=6Tb3dOZn9WHOwL0M60lKvLV9Czo&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6lLa205_JAhUE8z4KHcagAGUQ6AEIWjAI#v=onepage&q=OPLAW%20Canadian%20forces&f=false (accessed 20 November 2015);

    ___________photo of Jerry Pitzul on the cover of the (2006) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter;

    ____________Photo du Juge-avocat général, le Brigadier général  Jerry Pitzul, rencontrant l'ombudsman des Forces israéliennes de défense, 2001; cette photo vient de la publication suivante: André Marin, Remaniement de la surveillance, Livre blanc de l'obudsman, à la p. 11, disponible à http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/assets/OMBUDSMAN_Internet/docs/fr/remaniement.pdf (vérifié le 15 janvier 2017);

    ___________photo récente de Jerry Pitzul:

    " 12 hours ago  In her first role as our new honorary, HCapt(N)
    McLachlin moderated a panel yesterday of JAGs former and current on Learning From Our
    Past To Position For The Future. BGen(Ret’d) Boutet , MGen(Ret’d) Pitzul [first from the left],
    BGen(Ret’d) Watkin, MGen(Ret’d) Cathcart and Cmdre Bernatchez took part." (from JAG Twitter,
    accessed 22 June 2018)

    ___________photos of Jerry Pitzul 1978 and 1979:

    Jerry Pitzul (photo posted on 4 June 2012 on my blog)
    - Here is a photo that François Lareau took of young Captain Jerry Pitzul in 1978,  Jerry was then a student at Dalhousie University.
        The picture was taken at Captain Bob Benson's residence in Nova Scotia.  In 1978, François Lareau  was with the AJAG office
        in Halifax.  The AJAG was Lieutenant-Colonel Jim Fay, an excellent mentor for military law.  Jerry subsequently worked
        for LCol Fay in Halifax. 

    -  Jerry Pitzul's Dalhousie Law graduate photo, 1979, source:
    , accessed 4 September 2020.

    Jerry Pitzul

    ___________Senior Associate & Consultant, David Pratt & Associates, see https://dpa.ltd/jerry-pitzul/ (accessed 13 June 2018); 

    ___________"The Role and Functions of Military Lawyers in the Canadian Forces", (1999) 38 The Military Law and the Law of War Review 359 to approx. 368;

    ___________"Speaking Notes, Advisory Committee on Defence", 3 February 1997, Halifax; in the Moriarity and Hannah v. R. appeal before the Supreme Court of Canada, we read in the Moriarity's Appellants' Factum, at p. 23, paragraph 70 that "Of note, before the enactment of s. 165.17(3) of the NDA, a former JAG recommended that military prosecutions be under the supervision of the Attorney General.93".  Footnote 93 reads: "Jerry Pitzul, Speaking Notes, Advisory Committee on Defence, 3 February 1997, Halifax".  I got a copy of this six page document from one the Appellant' book of authorities -- click here to read the document;

    ___________"SPEECH AND COMMENT: Operational Law and the Legal Professional: A Canadian Perspective", ISSN: 0094-8381 ; EISSN: 1554-981X

    ... Developing Canadian Forces policies, regulations and directives related to operational law issues (e.g. production of an Operational Law Manual
    and contribution to the rewriting of the Canadian Forces Use of Force Manual);. ... In the context of the Rule of Law, treaty law, like the Geneva
    Conventions (GCs) and the 1977 Additional Protocols and Hague Rules, is paramount and impacts significantly on military operations. In fact, the
    legal, operational and humanitarian principles found in these treaties are so fundamental that it is Canadian Forces policy that all its members will
    apply the spirit and principles of the GCs, Additional Protocols I&II and Hague Rules on international operations, even if Canada is not engaged
    in an armed conflict. ... Further, Canadian Forces personnel are prohibited from participating in the planning for the use of anti-personnel mines
    or providing assistance in the use of these mines to a coalition partner who may not be a party to this Convention. ... For every mission flown for
    which ordnance was expected to be released, a Canadian Forces Legal Officer examined the target to be assigned to Canadian resources by the
    Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) with a view towards its legitimacy and relevance as a valid military target under Canadian and
    international law. ...  (Source:
    Academic Law Reviews (LexisNexis®; available at http://hollis.harvard.edu/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?tabs=detailsTab&ct=display&fn=search&doc=TN_lexisnexis_lawreviews51AFLRev311&indx=3&recIds=TN_lexisnexis_lawreviews51AFLRev311&recIdxs=2&elementId=2&renderMode=poppedOut&displayMode=full&frbrVersion=&vl(2205953UI7)=00&vl(51526790UI0)=any&vl(D2205951UI6)=all_items&&dscnt=0&vl(1UIStartWith0)=contains&vl(1UIStartWith2)=contains&vl(51526793UI1)=title&vid=HVD&mode=Advanced&tab=everything&vl(boolOperator1)=AND&vl(2205954UI7)=Year&vl(freeText3)=&vl(51526794UI2)=creator&vl(boolOperator3)=AND&vl(freeText1)=&vl(51526842UI5)=all_items&dstmp=1494662659156&frbg=&vl(51699613UI4)=all_items&vl(2205956UI7)=00&vl(1UIStartWith3)=contains&vl(2205955UI7)=00&title2=2&vl(51526795UI3)=sub&scp.scps=scope%3A%28HVD_FGDC%29%2Cscope%3A%28HVD%29%2Cscope%3A%28HVD_VIA%29%2Cprimo_central_multiple_fe&tb=t&vl(1UIStartWith1)=contains&vl(2205952UI7)=00&srt=rank&vl(boolOperator0)=AND&vl(2205957UI7)=Year&Submit=Search&vl(freeText2)=Jerry+Pitzul&vl(boolOperator2)=AND&dum=true&vl(freeText0)=, accessed 13 May 2017)

    ___________"Speech to the graduating/Discours prononcé lors de la Cérémonie de remise des certificats", Collège militaire royal de St-Jean, 18 May 2012; disponible à http://www.cmrsj-rmcsj.forces.gc.ca/cb-bk/opi-opi/2012/opi-opi-2012-2-eng.asp (visité le 22 février 2015);

    Victory will come at a cost but not at all cost. It may come at the cost of a loss of life, bodily integrity, or national treasure, but should not come at the cost of a loss of
    morality or the forsaking of the values inherent in the character of individuals who act with integrity. One of those values for Canadians and what lies in part at the core
    of what Canada is as a country is the belief in the Rule of Law. Our cornerstone constitutional document the Charter of Rights and Freedoms starts with the words
    "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law..." The Supreme Court of Canada in the case Reference Re
    Manitoba Language Rights [1985] 1 S.C.R. 721at 748-9 decided that the rule of law means at least two things: that the law is supreme over officials of government as
    well as private individuals, and thereby preclusive of the influence of arbitrary power; and it requires the creation and maintenance of an actual order of positive laws
    which preserves and embodies the more general principles of the normative order. The National Defence document "Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Conceptual
    " treats in more detail the concept providing, in part, that under the Rule of Law, laws become the means by which social order and the framework for the
    governance of society are established. The law codifies the essential norms and values of society. The Rule of Law rejects the use of arbitrary power or force to protect
    individual rights and the security of individuals rather it requires that the conduct of all members of society will be regulated in a manner that is not arbitrary nor subject
    to the improper exercise of discretionary authority... For the Canadian Forces, the Rule of Law establishes the relationship of the military to civil authorities, governs the
    relationship between leaders and subordinates, and is a critical element in decision-making for leaders at all levels. It applies in all conditions: war, peace, and all other
    operations that make up the spectrum of conflict. A military force in a democratic country has a special relationship to the Rule of Law. As the Supreme Court said in
    the case of Marcus v. The Minister of National Defense 45 P.D. (1) 467,470-471: "When the cannons roar, the muses are silent. But even when the cannons roar, the
    Military Commander must uphold the law. The strength of society to withstand its enemies is based on its recognition that it is fighting for values worthy of defense.
    The rule of law is one of those values."

    ___________"Swearing-in/out ceremony of the Chief Justice of the Standing Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada" / "Cérémonie d'assermentation du juge en chef de la Court d'appel de la cour martiale du Canada", (2005) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter 3-4; research note: Speaking notes for Major-General Jerry Pitzul, JAG; the Chief Justice was The Honourable Edmond P. Blanchard; the article is a mixture of French and English; the swearing-in was on 14 January 2005;.

    ___________Testimony of Brigadier-General  Jerry S.T. Pitzul, Judge Advocate General before  Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs, June 1, 2000; see minutes of proceedings and  evidence; see also the evidence at http://web.archive.org/web/20021023153029/http://www.dnd.ca:80/jag/hl_remarks_to_scondva_e.html (accessed 26 September 2017);

    Brigadier-General Jerry S.T. Pitzul (Judge Advocate General, Department of National Defence): 

    I have a prepared statement, Mr. Chair, that I'm prepared to read to you at this point in time.

    Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for asking
    me to appear before you today to discuss the operations of Canada's military legal branch and to speak
    on behalf of the very dedicated group of Canadians serving in uniform who provide legal advice to the
    Government of Canada, the Department of National Defence, and the Canadian Forces.

    While I recognize that I am also here because of the ombudsman's appearance before you on May 9, I
    believe it is important that I take this opportunity to outline for you the organization and activities of the
    Office of the Judge Advocate General. This may allow you to place the ombudsman's comments in their
    proper context.

    ___________Témoignage du  Brigadier-général Jerry S.T. Pitzul, Juge-avocat général devant Parlement, Chambre des communes, Comité permanent de la défense nationale et des anciens combattants, 1er juin 2000; voir le procès-verbal et le témoignage; sur le témoignage voir aussi http://web.archive.org/web/20021101024536/http://www.dnd.ca:80/jag/hl_remarks_to_scondva_f.html  (consulté le 26 septembre 2017);

    ___________Testimony of Brigadier-General Jerry S.T. Pitzul, Judge Advocate General on Bill C-25, an Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts before the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on 6 October 1998, Issue 34, see  minutes and  evidence;

    PITZUL, Jerry S.T., Kirby Abbott, and Christopher K. Penny, "The Responsibility to Protect", (Winter 2004) 5(4) Canadian Military Journal 31-38; available at http://www.journal.dnd.ca/vo5/no4/index-eng.asp (accessed on 12 January 2012); edited version in (2005) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter 28 and  33-37;
    PITZUL, Jerry S.T., Kirby Abbott, and Christopher K. Penny, "Réflexions sur la responsabilité de protéger et le droit militaire", (Hiver 2004) 5(4) Revue militaire canadienne 31-38; disponible à http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo5/no4/index-fra.asp  (vérifié le 19 janvier 2012); version révisée dans (2005) 1 Les actualités JAG Newsletter 37-42;

    PITZUL, Brigadier-General Jerry S.T. with the collaboration of Major L.-V., d'Auteuil, "Upholding the Traditions of Civil and Common Law in the Practice of Canadian Military Law", (June-December 2001) 2 JAG Newsletter -- Les actualités 45-49; note: "BGen Pitzul was the invited speaker at the luncheon given by the Association des avocats civilistes", November 1, 2001, Ottawa;
    PITZUL, Brigadier-général Jerry S.T., "La rencontre des traditions de droit civil et de common law dans la pratique du droit militaire canadien", (Juin-déc. 2001) 2 JAG Newsletter -- Les actualités 40-45; note: "BGen Pitzul était le conférencier invité lors du dîner de l'Association des avocats civilistes", le 1 novembre 2001, Ottawa;

    PITZUL, Jerry S.T., Brigadier-General,  and John C. Maguire, Commander, "A Perspective on Canada's Code of Service Discipline", JAG Newsletter, Vol. IV: Oct-Dec 1999, pp. 6-16; "Originally presented: Saturday, August 1, 1998 ABA Annual Meeting General Practice and Small Firm Section Toronto Canada"; the article has three parts: "A. The Development of Canada's Military Justice System to 1950"; "B. Subsequent Developments in Canadian Military Law"; and "C. The Future: Canadian Military Justice in the 21st Century"; also published in  Eugene R. Fidell and Dwight Hall Sullivan, eds., Evolving Military Justice, Annapilis (Md.): Naval Institute Press, 2002, at pp. 233-245, ISBN: 1557502927, limited preview available at  http://books.google.com/books?id=G3tYljWV_zEC&printsec=titlepage&dq=%22canadian+military+law%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_toc_s&cad=1#PPA233,M1 (accessed on 9 July 2008); with the same title in (2002) 52 The Air Force Law Review 1-15, available at http://www.afjag.af.mil/library/index.asp (accessed on 12 January 2012) and http://www.accessmylibrary.com/archive/4897-air-force-law-review/january-2002.html (accessed on 29 January 2011); with same title in 1 Modern Legal Systems Cyclopedia § 1.30.5 (Kenneth Robert Redden & Linda L. Schlueter, eds., 2000);
    PITZUL, Jerry S.T., Brigadier-général et  John C. Maguire, Commander, "Une perspective sur le Code de discipline militaire du Canada", JAG Bulletin d'actualités, Volume IV, octobre-décécembre 1999,  pp. 17-28; "Présentation originale: Samedi, 1er août 1998 Réunion annuelle de ABA Section des études de pratique générale et des petites entreprises Toronto (Canada)"; l'article comprend trois parties: "A. L'évolution du système de justice militaire du Canada jusqu'en 1950"; "B. Développements subséquents du droit militaire canadien"; "C. L'avenir: la justice militaire canadienne au 21e siècle";

    source: collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3286588, accessed 10 August 2018
    Léonce Plante                                  

    PLANTE, Léonce, nommé juge à la nouvelle cour d'appel des cours martiales, voir "Les militaires disposent désormais d'un tribunal spécial d'appel", Le devoir, 3 janvier 1951 à la p. 3 et disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2781599 (consulté le 10 août 2018); décédé à Montréal, 74 ans, le 18 octobre 1963; pas un avocat militaire;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________notes sur la vie de Léonce Plante par Jean-Jacques Lefebvre, Léonce Plante. 1964 Revue du Barreau du Quebec 48-52; ****

    ___________voir sur Plante, Lieutenant, avocat à une cour martiale, cette bibliographie LAVERY, Salluste, supra, "Trois autres inculpés", Le devoir, Montréal, mercredi, 18 décembre 1918, à la p. 3, disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2800198, vérifié le 29 juin 2020; l'article est reproduit en entier à cet endroit;

     Source of image: https://www.apega.ca/members/election/, accessed 21 May 2016
    Photo of Manon Plante

    PLANTE, Manon, To transfer or not, that is the question (regarding detainees-- a Canadian perspectives), Canadian Forces College, JCSP 35, May 2009, iv, 118 leaves; available at http://milnewstbay.pbworks.com/f/plante-transfer-paper.pdf (accessed 2 July 2015);

    Brian Platt

    PLATT, Brian, "Witness at Mark Norman hearing alleges DND attempts to keep files hidden from public view.  Norman's lawyer filed more evidence: an email from Stephen Harper clarifying that he is willing to waive the right to cabinet secrecy over all documents related to the case", National Post, 18 December 2018; available at https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/witness-at-mark-norman-hearing-alleges-dnd-attempts-to-keep-files-hidden-from-public-view (accessed 18 January 2019);

    William Allan (Al)           R.K. Laishley, defence           Mr. Justice T.G. Norris
    Platt, the accused,            counsel, photo detail, 1946     source: www.rbs.ca/about-us/#0, accessed 20 October 2017
    passed away in 2017        at:https:books.google.ca/books....
    ottawacitizen/obituary.aspx       Franca Iacovetta's book 
    ?n=william-platt&pid=860       Gatekeepers: Reshaping Immigrant
    29048&fhid=6315                     Lives in Cold War Canada   

    PLATT,  William Allan (Al), Major, Research on the court martial of, October 1962:

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    article: BIRD, John E., "Court Martial Appeal Court Probes Officer Conviction", The Guardian, Charlottetown, Thursday, 4 October 1962, at p. 19, available at http://islandnewspapers.ca/islandora/object/guardian%3A19621004-019?solr%5Bquery%5D=%22Judge%20Advocate%20General%22&solr%5Bparams%5D%5BdefType%5D=dismax&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet%5D=true&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.mincount%5D=0&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.limit%5D=20&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B0%5D=PARENT_century_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B1%5D=PARENT_decade_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B2%5D=PARENT_year_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B3%5D=PARENT_month_s&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.field%5D%5B5%5D=RELS_EXT_isPageNumber_literal_ms&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bqt%5D=standard&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date%5D%5B0%5D=PARENT_dateIssued_dt&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.date.start%5D=NOW/YEAR-120YEARS&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.date.end%5D=NOW&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.date.gap%5D=%2B1YEAR&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bf.PARENT_dateIssued_dt.facet.mincount%5D=0&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date.start%5D=NOW/YEAR-20YEARS&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date.end%5D=NOW&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bfacet.date.gap%5D=%2B1YEAR&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl%5D=true&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.fl%5D=OCR_t&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.fragsize%5D=400&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.simple.pre%5D=%3Cspan%20class%3D%22islandora-solr-highlight%22%3E&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bhl.simple.post%5D=%3C/span%3E&solr%5Bparams%5D%5Bqf%5D=OCR_t%5E10.0 (accessed 11 April 2018);

    PART 1                              PART 2                                                        PART 3                                        PART 4
    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Article from "Appeal Court Clears Major in smuggling", The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 15 March 1963, at p. 35,
    ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

    see the court of appeal decision :
    Platt v. R. (1957) 1 Court Martial Appeal Reports  213-235 (before Cameron P., Norris and Bernier J.J.)
    at  lareau-legal.ca./Platt18y.pdf (accessed 11 May 2018);


    PLENKIEWICZ, Adam Alexandre, on, Captain, lawyer, member of the OJAG and member of the Law Society of Ontario, see photo hereunder:

    Office of the JAG
    , [20 February 2020]
    The DJA St-Jean (Maj JF Guay) met yesterday with both OJAG
    members undergoing their Basic Military Qualification for Officers
    in St-Jean, Capt Caroline Isabelle and Capt Adam Plenkiewicz [left].
    Their morale is great. All the OJAG is with you!"

    ___________on PLENKIEWICZ, Adam Alexandre: before being part of the OJAG, he worked a legal counsel with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Legal Services Directorate, Gatineau, see http://www.goc411.ca/en/271116/Adam-Plenkiewicz (accessed 20 April 2020);

    ___________on PLENKIEWICZ, Adam Alexandre: has worked with at McCague Borlack LLP Adam in Ottawa, CazaSaikaley s.r.l, Ville de Montréal; and  Bodden & Bodden Attorneys at Law, Ville de Dollard-Des-Ormeaux; see https://holaconnect.com/profile/adam-plenkiewicz-0e9bc35e (accessed 29 April 2020);

    PLESTER, Gregory ("Greg"), Captain, member of the OJAG, following the Legal Officer Qualification Course that started in April 2019 at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, Canadian Forces Base Kingston;

    " 13 hours ago [circa 29 April 2019]

    Captains Greg Plester, Mike Gough and Pat Cashin from our AJAG Western
     team have finished their first week on the Legal Officer Qualification Course.
     46 new Legal Officers from across Canada are at CFB
     Kingston for the month-long mandatory training."

    [source:Office of the JAG (@JAGCAF) · Twitter]

    ___________on Gregory G. Plester from his former law firm Brownlee LLP, Barristers & Solicitors, Calgary, see https://brownleelaw.com/gregory-plester/ (accessed 30 April 2019);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Gregory is committed to representing municipalities in Alberta and advocating on their

    Gregory practices primarily in the areas of Municipal and Administrative Law and in
    particular in the areas of Tax Recovery, Assessment and Taxation, Municipal Bylaw
    and Safety Codes Act Enforcement, Development Agreement Enforcement, Privacy
    and Access to Information and Utility Regulation.

    Prior to joining the firm as an associate in October of 2013, Gregory articled at the
    Court of Appeal of Alberta in Edmonton before completing his articles at Brownlee LLP.

    Image source: http://www.ocsec-bccst.gc.ca/ann-rpt/2013-2014/1_e.php

    PLOUFFE, Jean-Pierre, former JAG member, biography, available at http://www.ocsec-bccst.gc.ca/ann-rpt/2013-2014/1_e.php, accessed on 13 October 2014;

    The Honourable Jean-Pierre Plouffe was appointed Commissioner of the Communications Security Establishment
    effective October 18, 2013, for a period of three years.

    Mr. Plouffe was born on January 15, 1943, in Ottawa, Ontario. He obtained his law degree, as well as a master's
    degree in public law (constitutional and international law) from the University of Ottawa. He was called to the
    Quebec Bar in 1967.

    Mr. Plouffe began his career at the office of the Judge Advocate General at the Department of National Defence.
     He retired as a Lieutenant-Colonel from the Canadian Armed Forces in 1976. He then worked in private practice
     with the law firm of Séguin, Ouellette, Plouffe et associés, in Gatineau, Quebec, as defence counsel and also as
     defending officer for courts martial. Thereafter Mr. Plouffe worked for the Legal Aid Office as defence counsel.

    Mr. Plouffe was appointed a reserve force military judge in 1980, and then as a judge of the Quebec Court in 1982.
     He was thereafter appointed to the Superior Court of Quebec in 1990, and to the Court Martial Appeal Court of
     Canada in March 2013. He retired as a supernumerary judge on April 2, 2014.
    L'honorable Jean-Pierre Plouffe a été nommé commissaire du Centre de la sécurité des télécommunications le 18
     octobre 2013 pour un mandat de trois ans.

    Né le 15 janvier 1943 à Ottawa, en Ontario, M. Plouffe a fait ses études à l'Université d'Ottawa où il a obtenu sa
     licence en droit ainsi qu'une maîtrise en droit public (droit constitutionnel et international). Il a été admis au
     barreau du Québec en 1967.

    M. Plouffe a débuté sa carrière au cabinet du juge-avocat général du ministère de la Défense nationale. Il a pris
     sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes en en 1976, alors qu'il était lieutenant-colonel. Par la suite, il a été
     avocat en pratique privée au sein du cabinet Séguin, Ouellette, Plouffe et associés, à Gatineau, au Québec, ainsi
     qu'avocat de la défense en cour martiale. Par la suite, M. Plouffe a travaillé en tant qu'avocat à l'aide juridique.

    M. Plouffe a été nommé juge militaire de la force de réserve en 1980 puis juge à la Cour du Québec en 1982. Il a
     ensuite été nommé juge à la Cour supérieure du Québec en 1990 puis juge à la Cour d'appel de la cour martiale du
     Canada en mars 2013. Il a pris sa retraite en tant que juge surnuméraire le 2 avril 2014.

    ____________ Communications Security Establishment Commissioner, Annual Report 2014-2015, Ottawa: Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commisionner, 2015, iii, 67 p., ISSN:1700-0874;  available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/bccst-ocsec/D95-2015-eng.pdf (accessed 29 May 2016);

    On Plouffe, Jean-Pierre, Commissioner Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner, see also:

    [source: , accessed 5 May 2020]

    ___________on PLOUFFE, Mr. Justice Jean-Pierre (J.P.), see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 210, available at  103-242;

    ___________on PLOUFFE, Jean-Pierre (J.P.), see the article: Tunney Catharine, "Canada gets its first-ever intelligence commissioner:  Jean-Pierre Plouffe will offer independent, quasi-judicial review before some espionage activities", CBC News, 18 July 2019; available at https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/intelligence-commissioner-plouffe-1.5216443?cmp=newsletter-news-digests-cbc-news-politics (accessed 20 July 2019);

    The government has appointed Canada's first-ever intelligence commissioner — the
    person who will help keep an eye on some of this country's most secretive operations.

    It will be up to Jean-Pierre Plouffe to offer an independent, quasi-judicial review before
    the spy and signals intelligence agencies can perform certain espionage activities, according
    to a government statement released Wednesday.

    Plouffe, previously the commissioner for the Communications Security Establishment (CSE),
    has to approve ministerial authorizations for foreign intelligence and cybersecurity activities
    before they can proceed. He'll also review the type of datasets the Canadian Security Intelligence
    Service can maintain.

    Image and text under photo source: www.torontosun.com/2016/01/28/canadas-electronic-spy-agency-broke-privacy-law-by-sharing-info-watchdog
    "Communications Security Establishment Commissioner
     Jean-Pierre Plouffe waits to appear before the Senate national
     security committee on the Anti-terrorism act, Bill C-51, Thursday, April 23, 2015 in Ottawa"

    ___________Testimony of The Honourable Jean-Pierre Plouffe, Commissioner Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner before The Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence on the subject matter of Bill C-51, An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act..., 23 April 2015, available at  http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/SEN/Committee/412/secd/16ev-52067-e.htm?Language=E&Parl=41&Ses=2&comm_id=76 (accessed 27 May 2016);

    ___________Testimony of The Honourable Jean-Pierre Plouffe, Commissioner Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner before The Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence on the subject matter of Bill C-59,  2 May 2019, available at https://www.ocsec-bccst.gc.ca/s41/s59/d441/eng/notes-remarks-standing-senate (accessed 5 May 2020);

    Capt. Frank Plourde
    PLOURDE, Capt  F. (Frank/F.R.), .   North Shore Highlanders CAO, assisted Maurice W. Andrew, lead defence lawyer, in the Kurt Meyer Trial; this photo of Capt. Plourde comes from the book: Brode, Patrick, Casual Slaughters and Accidental Judgments : Canadian War Crimes Prosecutions, 1944-1948, Toronto ; Buffalo : Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, c1997, xix, 290 p.; available in part at https://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6z9EDAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT6&dq=%22Judge+Advocate+General%22+Canada&ots=tZ5a9_rhc6&sig=NjATSXGZrXLSVEHrH8O5ap444hU#v=onepage&q=%22Judge%20Advocate%20General%22%20Canada&f=false  (accessed 11 August 2016); copy at Ottawa University, D 803 .B76 1997, off campus storage Annex;

    ___________on PLOURDE, F.R., Capt., was from Edmunston, New Brunswick, see "Found Guilty", The Ottawa Journal, Friday, 28 December 1945 at p. 8, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 27 May 2020;

    Jason Poirier Lavoie, image source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jpoirierlavoie, accessed 22 December 2018

    POIRIER LAVOIE, Jason, "Military Justice on Appeal: CAF v. Charter", Canadian Centre for Strategic Studies 28 November 2018; available at https://ccss-cces.com/regions/americas/2018/11/military-justice-appeal/ (accessed 22 December 2018); re Beaudry v. R., Court Martial Appeal Court 2018;

    Image source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/stephan-poitras-25010616
    Stephan Poitras
    POITRAS, Stephan, avocat membre du Bureau du Juge-avocat général; voir https://ca.linkedin.com/in/stephan-poitras-25010616 (accessed 18 August 2017); member of the Law Society of Ontario;

    ___________on POITRAS, S., Major, represents the Director of Military Prosecutions in the Court martial McEwan R.A. (Corporal (retired)), R. v, 2018 CM 4012 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hx3r0> (accessed 25 August 2019);

    POLAND, Mark T.,  "Poland, Mark T." in Legion Ontario Command, Remember, Military Service Recognition Book, volume 4, at p. 455, available at http://owensoundlegion.com/MSRB%20-%204.pdf (accessed 22 March 2019); was the prosecutor at the scheduled court martial of the chief military judge, Col Dutil, until Dutil changed the language for his trial to French;

    Mark was born in Sarnia, Ontario on September 14, 1971. He joined CF in1989 as a reservist with
    the 1
    st Hussars and earned his commission as anarmoured officer. He served as a UN Peacekeeper
    in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
    attached to the RCD. He was the A Sqn liaison officer to the Bosnian Serb
    Army when he was detained by the Serbs for sixteen days in late 1994.
    Upon returning to Canada,
    he served as a reserve legal officer with the CF
    JAG Branch. He returned to the 1st Hussars in 2010
    where he was appointed
    Regimental 2IC. He is currently serving as DCO of RHFofC, a reserve light
    infantry regiment. He has been awarded the UNPROFOR medal, CPKSM, the Queen’s Gold and
    Diamond Jubilee Medals, and the CD. In civilian
    life, he is the Crown Attorney of Dufferin County in
    Orangeville, ON.
    Mark is a member of The Royal Canadian Legion.

     Image source: rhfc.ca/officer-biographies.html, accessed 20 February 2018

    The Special Prosecutor: Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Poland

    ___________on POLAND, Mark, see David Pugliese, "Special prosecutor to examine charges against top military judge and decide whether case should proceed", The Ottawa Citizen, 19 February 2018; available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/special-prosecutor-to-examine-charges-against-top-military-judge-decide-whether-case-should-proceed (accessed 20 February 2018);

    ___________on POLAND, Mark, see "New Justice Appointed to the Ontario Court of Justice", Ontario, Attorney-General, News, 21 December 2018, available at https://news.ontario.ca/en/bulletin/50842/new-justice-appointed-to-the-ontario-court-of-justice#resources (accessed 18 October 2020);
    The Honourable Caroline Mulroney, Attorney General for Ontario, has announced
    the appointment of a new justice to the Ontario Court of Justice, effective December
    26, 2018.

    Justice Mark Poland was called to the bar in 2000 and has worked as a Crown
    Attorney since 2003, prosecuting cases in the Superior and Ontario Courts of Justice.
    Prior to that, he worked in private practice with a focus on civil litigation and criminal defence.

    Justice Poland was a Lieutenant-Colonel with the Canadian Armed Forces, where he served in
    both active service and as a Reserve Military Lawyer. He has been awarded the UN Medal
    for Service in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canadian Peacekeeping Medal, Canadian Forces Decoration,
    and Queen's Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals.

    Chief Justice Lise Maisonneuve has assigned Justice Poland to London.

    Image source: defence.frontline.online/glossary/p, accessed 3 March 2018
    Ken Pole

    POLE, Ken ("Hudson on the Hill The role of Hudson is being filled by contributing editor Ken Pole"), "Red-button issue: Caring for Veterans", Front Line Defence, issue 1, 2018, at pp. 6-8; available at http://defence.frontline.online/interactive/18def1-3d/ (accessed 3 March 2018);

    Source of image: https://www.amazon.ca/Black-Soldiers-White-Mans-War/dp/1527507793, accessed 19 April 2020
    POLLOCK, Gordon Douglas, 1939-, Black Soldiers in a White Man's War: Race, Good Order and Discipline in a Great War Labour Batallion, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 208 p., ISBN: 1527507793, 978-1527507791;  available at https://www.cambridgescholars.com/download/sample/64456 (accessed 19 April 2020);


    Image source: http://publicaciones.defensa.gob.es/inicio/revistas/numero/15revista-ho-militar/99?rev=bab4a06
                                                               b-fb63-65ab-9bdd-ff0000451707&R=c659896b-fb63-65ab-9bdd-ff0000451707, accessed 25 August 2015
    PONCE DE LEON, Rodrigo Lorenzo, "Las Reglas de enfrentamiento (ROE) como paradigma del Estado de derecho en operaciones militares" 99 enero (Diciembre 2014) Revista Espanola De Derecho Militar 37-221, and see "Canada" at pp. 149-151;


    Cover of the reprint edition, see                  1917 edition, source: https://archive.org/details/toronto?sort=-downloads&and[]=%22military%20law%22

    POPE, E. W., 1887-1965,  A Practical Guide to the Study of Military Law for the Use of Imperial and Overseas Officers, London: Rees, 1917; available at http://www.archive.org/details/practicalguideto00popeuoft (accessed on 3 March 2012);  on the front page Major E.W. Pope is described as "Royal Canadian Regiment Late instructor in military law, Canadian military school, Shorncliffe;

    ___________ The Canadian officer's guide to the study of military law, London : Methuen, 1916, xiv, 103 p.;  NOTES: Running title: Guide to military law; copy at Canadian War Museum Library REF TECH UB 505 P66 1916;

    ___________on POPE, E. W., and for historical purposes, Maj (Bvt.Lt-Col.) E.W. Pope was Judge-Advocate in the District Court martial of Lance-Corporal P.F.J. Brooks on 17 April 1923, see http://heritage.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.lac_reel_t8695/24?r=0&s=1 (accessed 25 March 2019); note that Mr. Edgar Rochette , K.C. appeared for the prosecutor Major Garon and that Mr. George H. Shink appeared as defence counsel;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Lieutenant-Colonel E.W. Pope
    ___________ on POPE, E. W., see " The First World War Officers of The Royal Canadian Regiment Lt.-Col. Edgar William Pope, C.M.G. Soldiers of the First World War database entry E.W. Pope", available at http://regimentalrogue.com/rcr_great_war_officers/rcr_offr_pope_ew.html, accessed 25 March 2019; 

    PORTEUS, Holly, Library of Parliament, Canada, Cat Barker, Parliamentary Library, Australia, Joanna Dawson, House of Commons Library, United Kingdom, Samantha Godec, House of Commons Library, United Kingdom, Claire Petrie, Parliamentary Library, Australia,  Pleasance Purser, Parliamentary Library, New Zealand, Oversight of Intelligence Agencies: A Comparison of the ‘Five Eyes’ Nations, 2017-12-13, Publication No. 2203-5249-E; PDF 617 KB, (71 Pages);

    PORTER, Harold J.,  Capt., legal officer, member of the OJAG, see "CLE Course 97/98--After Action Reports", (March-April 1998) 2 JAG Newsletter -- Bulletin d'actualités at p. 2 of the article; research started on 13 January 2019; also appointed as "assistant director of public prosecutions", see "Personnel" (November-December 2000) 4 JAG Newsletter--Bulletin d'actualités 3;

    ___________on Harold J. Porter, see his photo hereunder:

    Source of photo: Mazol Mirror, Shriners International, available at
    mazolshriners.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Mazol-Mirror-December-2014.pdf, accessed 20 April 2020

    ___________on Harold J. Porter, see "Minister appoints new provincial court judge", News release, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, 12 October 2001, NLIS 11 (Justice), available at  (accessed 14 January 2019);

    Minister appoints new provincial court judge

    Justice Minister Kelvin Parsons today announced the appointment of a new provincial court judge.

    Harold Porter of St. John's will be appointed to the Judicial Centre of Grand Bank, effective immediately.
    The current sitting Judge Patrick Kennedy will be transferred to the Judicial Centre of Clarenville.

    Harold J. Porter has been a Crown attorney with the Department of Justice since 1988. He progressed to
    senior Crown attorney, then to special prosecutions, was seconded to the civil division in 1998 and then
    until his recent appointment served as the assistant director of public prosecutions.

    This past spring, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador passed special legislation to allow for the
    temporary appointment of a bilingual provincial court judge from another province or territory. Newfoundland
    and Labrador now has it own French-speaking judge.

    Mr. Porter is fluent in French. His fluency has allowed him to be called to the bar in the province of Quebec
    in 1993, following which he prosecuted trials, bail hearings and preliminary inquiries in French before La
    Cour du Quebec in Montreal.

    "This is a win-win situation," said Minister Parsons. "Mr. Porter is a very capable individual who has broad
    experience in the law and his ability to speak French fluently will resolve the problem of having to retain a
    bilingual Judge from another province."

    The position of assistant director of public prosecutions will be filled by Kathleen Healey.

    Ms. Healey is the first female assistant director of public prosecutions for Newfoundland and Labrador. She
    has been a Crown attorney with the Department of Justice since 1987 in both Grand Falls-Windsor and
    St. John's. She was appointed head of special prosecutions earlier this year.

    "The transfer of Judge Patrick Kennedy will also fill the vacancy of a provincial court judge in Clarenville,"
    said the Minister.

    " I extend best wishes and congratulations to all three individuals in their new positions."

    Media contact: Edwina Bateman, Communications, (709) 729-6985.

    2001 10 12                           4:50 p.m.

    Charlotte Porter                                        Charlotte Porter, image source: ca.linkedin.com/in/charlotte-porter-33726462, accessed 7 April 2018
    Image source: ca.linkedin.com/in/
    , accessed 5 May 2017
    PORTER, Charlotte, "Tips for Mentoring -- A Mentee's Story", The Advocacy Club, 26 May 2016, available at http://www.advocacyclub.ca/guest-blog/tips-for-mentoring-a-mentees-story (accessed 4 May 2017);

    I recently accepted the position of Legal Officer with the Office of the Judge Advocate General. Just now I am packing my bag to
    start my Basic Military Officer Qualification course in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, for fifteen weeks. In this transition, I think
    about how I got here. I am most grateful to my mentors, who helped me throughout my application process. Here are the lessons I
    learned, framed as tips for mentees.

    POTVIN, Joseph George Marc Alan, The Integration of the Canadian Forces Logistics System and Its Effect on the Operational Capibilities of the Canadian Military, thesis for the degree of master of Arts, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Winnipeg, October 1996, v, 131, v, leaves; available at http://mspace.lib.umanitoba.ca/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1993/19317/Potvin_The_integration.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (accessed 4 December 2015);
    The result was to change the organizational command structure of the Militia by replacing the office of the Commanding General with
    the Chief of Staff (the senior military officer) under the direct command of the Minister of the Militia.  In 1922 the Militia budget was
    $11 million, and Parliament passed the National Defence Act (NDA), which had the effect of centralizing the control of all the Dominion's
    defence forces in the hands of one department.  This new Department of National Defence (DND) replaced the Department of the Militia
    and Defence and the Department of the Naval Services. DND consisted of the Minister of National Defence (MND), the Deputy Minister,
    and the professional heads of the three services, the Chiefs of the General, Naval and Air Staffs.  In addition to this, four "Associate Members",
    the Adjutant General, the Quartermaster General, the Master-General of the Ordonance, and the Judge Advocate General, were created for
    this new DND. (pp. 59-60, footnotes omitted; addition in bold and size added).

    POULIN, BRUCE, “The Official Integration of Homosexuals in the CF (1969-1992)”, Esprit de Corps 11(7) (June 2004) at p. 4 (3 pages):(source: http://library2.usask.ca/srsd/gaycanada/misc/MILITARY.htm, accessed 18 August 2016);

    POULIN,  Major J.-G., 696 heures d'enfer avec le Royal 22e Régiment, Québec: Éditions A-B et distributeurs Beauchemin, Montréal, 1946, 183 p.;  j'ai retenu pour les lecteurs deux passages pertinent au droit de la guerre : PDF  voir les pp. 56 et 59 sur l'importance de l'emblême de la Croix-rouge et la p. 66 sur l'ordre suivant: "Autant que possible, pas de prisonniers"; on pourra aussi consulter les pp. 65, 98 et 173-174 sur d'autres exemples pertinents au droit de la guerre;

    POUND, Richard, "No surprises in SCC courts martial decision", 29 July 2019, Lawyers' Daily, LexisNexis, available at https://www.thelawyersdaily.ca/articles/14094/no-surprises-in-scc-courts-martial-decision-richard-pound (accessed 5 August 2019);

    Image source: commonlaw.uottawa.ca/en/news/common-law-team-wins-2015-clara-barton-international-humanitarian-law-competition, accessed 22 February 2018
    Blaise Power, Christopher Kreutzner and Pinar Cil at the Clara Barton Competition
    Common Law Section, University of Ottawa

    POWER, Blaise (Blaise Alexandria Goddard) , member of the Law Society of Upper Canada, legal officer with the OJAG research done 22 February 2018; she, as  a regular force officer, attended the 2019 mandatory legal officer qualification course at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, CFB Kingston, see Access to Information Act, DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 12 June 2019, File A-2019-00289;

    ___________on POWER, Blaise, biographical notes:

    Captain Blaise Power joined the Office of the Judge Advocate General in 2017 as a legal officer after being
    called to the bar of the Law Society of Ontario in 2016. She articled in downtown Toronto after graduating from
    law school at the University of Ottawa. In law school, she pursued a keen interest in international law and
    completed the intensive Public International Law program in England at the Herstmonceux Castle through
    Queen’s University. Blaise and her team won the Clara Barton IHL Competition in Chicago.

    [source: https://www.redcross.ca/crc/documents/How-We-Help/International-Humanitarian-Law/Agenda-EHL-Training-Mar-1-2-2019.pdf, accessed 9 September 2018]

    ___________photo of Captain Blaise Power dans Servir, Journal bimensuel de la communauté militaire, région de Montréal, volume 24, numéro 10, 22 novembre 2017, à la p.20, disponible à https://www.connexionfac.ca/getmedia/033f7195-a863-4ca4-b906-6f49a9938993/VOL_24_NO_10_SERVIR_2017_11_22.pdf.aspx (consulté le 10 octobre 2019);

    Au détachement Saint-Jean de l'école de langues des forces canadiennes

    En octobre 2017, le major Julie De Busschère, commandant du Détachement
    Saint-Jean de
    l’École de langues des Forces ca-nadiennes, a procédé à la remise
    de certificats de fin de cours.

    Image source: http://www.juristespower.ca/english/bios/bio-power.php, accessed 17 October 2016
    Mark Power

    POWER, Mark C., "La protection de l'environnement en droit international humanitaire : le cas du Kosovo", [2001-2002] Ottawa Law Review / Revue de droit d'Ottawa 225-254; disponible  à https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2724814 (visité 17 octobre 2016);

    Source: http://michaelpower.ca/, accessed 20 March 2017
    Michael Power

    POWER, Michael, "Security and Freedom: Are the Governments' Efforts to Deal with Terrorism Violative of Our Freedoms - Canadian Speaker"  (January 2003) 29(1) Canada-United States Law Journal 331-337; available at http://scholarlycommons.law.case.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1392&context=cuslj (accessed 20 March 2017);

    The CSE is the Communication Security Establishment. It is our equivalent of the National Security Agency (NSA). Prior to
    the Anti-Terrorism Act, the only public reference to CSE was one page in the national archives basically a document establishing
    it.6  It is an arm of our Department of National Defense. You heard a lot of talk today about what Canada does in terms of its
    military and you heard the stories about our seeking helicopters. One thing hat we are exceedingly good at is military intelligence
    and the collection of information. The CSE is the primary vehicle for that in Canada

    I have this segway into the CSE, because right in the heart of the Anti-Terrorism Act is this amendment to the Department of National
    Defense Act laying out a whole section describing the powers, the privileges, and the rights.7  This is sort of your basic departmental
    housekeeping legislation, but how come it is in the middle of the Anti-terrorism Act?  I actually asked this to the members of CSE. I
    said you really had this in the can, you know, you really had this ready to come out when the moment occurred?  He looked at me, then
    began swearing.  What I am getting at here is that the Anti-Terrorism Act seems to be an opportunity to use September 11th as an excuse
    to do some things that people wanted to do.
    6 Established in 1946 as the Communications Branch of the National Research Council, the CSE was transferred to the Department
    of National Defense in 1975.  The Communications Security Establishment and the National Cryptologic Program, Fact Sheet, COMMUNICATIONS
    SECURITY ESTABLISHMENT, available at www.csecst.gc.ca/en/about_cse/aboutcse.html

    7National Defence Act; R.S.C 1985, c. N-5

    From the left: LCol A. Dufour, LCdr M. Geiger-Wolf,
    Roma Stevenson, Maj. Powers, Joy Beghin, and Thea Haut (source of image:  (July-Oct 2000) 3 JAG Newsletter--Bulletin d'actualités at p. 7)

    POWERS, A.R. (André Raymond/Andy), Retirement notes -- Notes sur sa retraite, (2003) 1 JAG Newsletter -- Les actualités 12,


    Maj Andy Powers retired on 30 June after 28 years of service.  Maj Power started as the DJA Montreal
    and NDHQ/JAG Ottawa in the seventies, worked in DLaw/Pensions & Estates and as DJAG Borden in
    the eighties and then in DPLS and Dlaw/Pers in the nineties.  For the last four years Maj Powers
    worked as DJA in Winnipeg,



    Maj Andy Powers a pris sa retraite le 30 juin après 28 années de service.  Le maj Powers a débuté sa
    carrière au JAA Montréal at au QGDN/JAG Ottawa dans les années soixante-dix.  Il a travaillé aux pen-
    sions et successions dans les années quatre-vingt et au DSJP et DJ/PER dans les années quatre-vingt-dix.
    Enfin, lors des quatre dernières années, il était JAA à Winnipeg.  Nous lui souhaitons untre très bonne retraite.

    ___________on Major Andre Powers, see his participation in the following court martial referred to in the article: Canadian Press and Special, "Canadian sentenced to 60 days for deserting to East Germany", The Globe and Mail, 18 January 1984, at p. 3;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows
    to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Source: ProQuest Historical Newspapers, https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview,
    accessed 29 September 2018

    ___________on Major A.R. Powers, he appeared as co-counsel with Major J.M. Dutil for Pte Laflamme in the case of R. v. Laflamme, 1993 CanLII 8744 (CMAC), <http://canlii.ca/t/ggprl>;

        The respondent is a young soldier who was stationed at the Canadian Forces Base at Lahr in Germany.
    He spent the evening of April 27 to 28, 1991 with several companions from the Forces in a bar in
    Lahr known as "La Boum."  There was evidence to indicate that he consumed a considerable quantity
    of liquor during the evening.  He was accompanied by at least two friends and boon companions,
    Corporals Deneault and Leclerc.  At some point during the evening Deneault suggested that the group
    "kill an Anglo," at which the respondent allegedly made a movement of the head indicating a group
    of persons sitting at a table in another part of the bar.  Deneault also supposedly told the respondent
    that he belonged to a gang known as the "Reds" dedicated to killing Anglos and Blacks.


         The victim, William Bartholomew, born May 1, 1972, was a civilian whose father was a soldier.  He was
    not known to the respondent.  He went to the "La Boum" bar on the evening in question and consumed
    a reasonable quantity of alcohol (alcohol level 60 to 80 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood).


                Bartholomew left the bar alone at about midnight.  The respondent, Deneault and Leclerc went out
    after him, followed him and then chased him down the street.  They set upon him and subdued him and,
    once they got him on his back on the ground, at least one of the members of the group began stabbing
    him several times in the abdomen while the others held him down.  Two weapons were used, a serrated
    kitchen knife which, according to the medical evidence, could not have caused the most serious wounds,
    and a jack‑knife owned by the respondent.  The latter weapon had been seen in the respondent's possession
    the day following the crime but was never found by the police.


                After the attack the three assailants left the scene and went back to "La Boum".  The victim was found
    soon afterwards lying on the ground but still alive.  He died before reaching hospital.

    ___________on Major Andy Powers, he appeared as defence counsel in the court martial of Lieutenant-Commander Don Page, see "Naval court rejects drunkenness claim.  Officer dismissed for sexual assault", The Globe and Mail, 11 November 1994, at p. A8;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows
    to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Source: ProQuest Historical Newspapers, https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview,
    accessed 29 September 2018

    __________photo of Andy Powers, detail, from photo of the 1981 JAG Conference put on flick by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4528355114/in/album-72157623951146254/ (accessed 27 September 2020);  a photo of the 1981 JAG conference photo, in colour,  can also be found in McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 124, available at  103-242;

    Image source: ca.linkedin.com/in/dylan-powers-6754013b, accessed 22 March 2018
    Dylan Powers

    POWERS, Dylan, "E-Espionage : Developing Canada's Cyber Warfare Strategy" (Fall 2011) Issue number 3 Potentia -- The Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS) Graduate Student Journal 39-54; available at http://cips.uottawa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Potentia_2011.pdf (accessed on 14 January 2013);

    Image source: http://edmontonjournal.com/author/sheila-pratt-edmonton-journal, accessed 31 January 2016
    Sheila Pratt
    PRATT, Sheila, "It takes everything’: Veteran went ‘off the grid’ after torturing teen in Somalia left him with PTSD", National Post, 30 January 2017, available at http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/it-takes-everything-veteran-went-off-the-grid-after-torturing-teen-in-somalia-left-him-with-ptsd (accessed 15 April 2017);

    Kyle Brown, cover of MacLean's, 28 March 1994
    MacLean's; image source: archive.macleans.ca/issues/1994, accessed 22 January 2019

    ___________ "Life after Somalia: Kyle Brown, PTSD and the past", Edmonton Journal, 30 January 2016; available at http://edmontonjournal.com/news/insight/life-after-somalia-kyle-brown-ptsd-and-the-past, accessed 31 January W2016;

    ___________"Veterans urge another look at Matchee case.  Role of antimalarial drug in beating of Somali teen never fully exposed", Regina Leader-Post, 14 November 2016, available at  https://www.pressreader.com/canada/regina-leader-post/20161114/281556585406416(accessed 22 March 2017);

    Image source: http://uleth.academia.edu/WilliamJohnPratt, accessed 2 April 2016
    William John Pratt

    PRATT, William (Will) John, Medicine and Obedience: Canadian Army Morale, Discipline, and Surveillance in the Second World War, 1939-1945, thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy, Graduate program in history, Calgary, Alberta, 2015, viii, 331 leaves; available at http://theses.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/11023/2540/4/ucalgary_2015_pratt_will.pdf  (accessed 2 April 2016);

    In the Second World War Canadian Army, medicine and discipline were inherently linked in a system of morale surveillance. The Army used a wide
    range of tools to monitor morale on medical lines. A basic function of Canadian medical officers was to keep units and formations up to strength, not
    only by attending to their basic health, but also by scrutinizing ailments under suspicion of malingering. Mental health was a broad category linked to
    morale surveillance where experts of psychiatry and psychology consulted in aid of the Canadian Army in its disciplinary regime. Mental ability and
    stability became key ways to classify and categorize men in relation to their utility to the Army. Psychiatrists participated to various degrees in the
    screening process during the war, and treated those who were suffering from combat stress reaction, or as it was known during the war, “battle exhaustion”,
    considered a medical indicator of poor morale interrelated with discipline. Venereal disease was another medical factor monitored out of concern for its
     detrimental effect on manpower, morale and motivation. Treatment could take men out of the line for weeks, and contracting sexually transmitted infections
    proved disobedience of Army regulations which extended to the most intimate moments of a soldier’s leave. Provost and venereal disease control officers
    alike extended venereal disease surveillance from Canadian soldiers to their sexual contacts in Europe. The study of the morale monitoring system exposes
    a great deal about the Army and how it interacted with the medical profession and soldiers’ health. Using bureaucratic means to codify and quantify soldiers
    and their behaviour, the Army used a wide range of surveillance techniques to gather data on personnel. It is clear that as the Canadian Army was professionalized,
    enhancing its powers of observation, that the medicalization of morale was a key aspect of this process. (Source: http://hollis.harvard.edu/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?tabs=details
    , accessed 12 May 2017)

    ___________“Prostitutes and Prophylaxis: Venereal Disease, Surveillance and Discipline in the Canadian Army in Europe, 1939-45”, (2015) 26(2) Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 111-138; available at http://www.academia.edu/17307395/_Prostitutes_and_Prophylaxis_Venereal_Disease_Surveillance_and_Discipline_in_the_Canadian_Army_in_Europe_1939-45_ (accessed 2 April 2016);


    The wastage of Canadian manpower due to venereal disease (VD) during World War II was an ongoing problem for the Canadian Army. Military authorities
    took both medical and disciplinary measures in attempt to reduce the number of soldiers that were kept from regular duties while under treatment. The study
    of the techniques employed to control sexual behaviour and infection places the Canadian Army in a new historical perspective as a modern institution which
    sought to establish medical surveillance and disciplinary control over soldiers’ bodies. This study also explores Canadian soldiers’ sexual behaviour overseas,
    showing their engagement in a broken system of regulated prostitution, and with European women who were coping with war’s destabilization and strain by
    participating in the sex trade. Agents of the Canadian Army overseas extended their disciplinary and surveillance functions from soldiers to their sexual partners.
    VD rates were low when formations were in combat, but rose to alarming rates when they were out of the line, suggesting that individual agency and sexual
    choice trumped the efforts of modern discipline. (available at: https://www.erudit.org/revue/jcha/2015/v26/n2/1037228ar.html?vue=resume&mode=restriction,
    accessed 6 October 2016)

    "A Telegram confirming Pringle's sentence.  RG24
    Vol 12718. Library and Archives Canada" (Message
    from Orde to Montague)

    Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in
    or out of the web page being viewed

    ____________" 'To suffer death by being shot': Canada's sole military execution of the Second World War", blog, at http://ocanadianhistory.blogspot.ca, 8 October 2013, available at http://ocanadianhistory.blogspot.ca/search/label/discipline (accessed 10 September 2017);

    PREMO, Jordan, Military Law Training            Jordan Premo, image source, everitas.rmcclub.ca/keeping-tabs-180/
    Plan student, executive member of the               article clerk at OJAG, see ca.linkedin.com/in/jordan-premo-cd-jd-rmc-86a199167, 9 July 2018
    Dalhousie Law Students' Society;

    PREMO, Jordan:

    For Jordan, law is a second career path, following a career in the Royal Canadian Navy driving warships and captaining small ships.
    Following his last year of law school, he’ll article with the Office of the Judge Advocate General, with whom he’s spent his last two summers.

    [source: dallss.com/executive, accessed 5 October 2017] 

    ___________on PREMO, Jordan, member of the OJAG, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jordan-premo-cd-jd-rmc-86a199167, accessed 20 April 2020;

    PRENTICE, Susan Marie, lawyer, member of the OJAG, circa 1972-1978, see "About people", The Globe and Mail, 27 July 1972 at p. w3 (retrieved from Retrieved from http://biblioottawalibrary.ca.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ezproxylogin?url=/docview/1240500272?accountid=46526, accessed 11 August 2019);

    PRESSE CANADIENNE,  article sur la cour martiale du Caporal Christian Deneault trouvé coupable de meurtre au second degré à Lahr, République fédérale allemande, lundi le 2 décembre 1991, Journal La Presse, 3 décembre 1981, p. A6; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca:81/lapresse/src/cahiers/1991/12/03/01/82812_1991120301.pdf (article consulté le 19 décembre 2017);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in
    or out of the web page being viewed

    Source: specialforcesroh.com/gallery.php?do=view_image&id=23629&gal=gallery, consulté le 22 mars 2018
    Guy d'Artois (photo source: source Eric Morgensen: )

    PRESSE CANADIENNE,  Le cas du major Guy d'Artois, 1917-1999, quelques articles de journaux en 1952:

    "Procès prévu contre le maj. Guy d'Artois-- Pour éviter tout malentendu, il serait accusé
    d'homicide involontaire", La Presse, jeudi le 10 juillet 1952, p. 24; disponible à
    (consulté le 22 mars 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in
    or out of the web page being viewed

    "Aucun blâme au major Guy d'Artois", Le
    Soleil, mardi le 19 août 1952, p. 13; dispomible à
    , consulté le 22 mars 2018.

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in
    or out of the web page being viewed

    PRESSE CANADIENNE, Courts martial in Korea of: / Cours martiales en Corée de :Glen Blank, Alan Davis, and Donald Gibson

    The cases of Glen Blank, Alan Davis, and Donald Gibson

    , volume 1, published under the supervision of Brigadier W.J. Lawson,
     Q.C., Judge Advocate General, 1957; cases of Davis v. The Queen, at pp. 13-17; Blank v. The Queen, at pp. 29-34;
     and Gibson v. The Queen, at pp. 35-39; available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Korea18c.pdf (put on line on 10 April 2018);

    "Trois soldats canadiens devant une cour martiale pour meurtre en Corée",
    Le Soleil, 2 août 1951, p. 11, disponible à http://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/
    (consulté le 22 mars 2018)
    [Research note: the names of the three soldiers were: Glen Blank, Alan Davis,
    and Donald Gibson of the Princess Patricia Regiment, see at p. 5]

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in
    or out of the web page being viewed

    "Le témoignage d'une Coréenne au procès des
    soldats canadiens", Le nouvelliste, lundi le 27 aout 1952,
    disponible à numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/3211711?docsearchtext
    , consulté le 22 mars 2018.

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in
    or out of the web page being viewed

    "Le soldat Blank abandonnera
    l'armée", Le Devoir, vendredi,
    11 juillet 1952, p. 5, disponible à
    numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/2782074?docsearchtext=martiale%20coree, consulté le 22 mars 2018.

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in
    or out of the web page being viewed

    "Soldat libéré après avoir
    été condamné à mort en Corée,
    en 1951", La Presse, jeudi, 10 juillet 1952, p. 25,
    disponible à numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/2878192?
    , consulté le 22 mars 2018.

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in
    or out of the web page being viewed

    "Le spldat G.B. Blank, condamné à mort en
    Corée, vient d'
    être relâché [...]", Le devoir,
    10 juillet 1952, p. 3; disponible à
    , consulté le 22 mars 2018.

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in
    or out of the web page being viewed

    Doug Christie, 1946-2013, avocat de la caporale-chef Paquet
    Source de la photo: timescolonist.com/news/local/victoria-lawyer-

    (image consulté le 22 août 2018)
    PRESSE CANADIENNE, " 'Le prix de l'égalité' pour les femmes militaires", La Presse, jeudi le 13 juillet 1989, à la page B3; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2262472 (vérifié le 22 août 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    PRESSE CANADIENNE, "Problèmes légaux des militaires", Le devoir, vendredi, le 27 août 1947, à la p. 3; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2805036 (vérifié le 31 mars 2018);

    [extrait seulement]
    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    PRESSE CANADIENNE, "Si la prison vous intéresse.  Les tribunaux et le régime pénitenciaire militaires plus sévères que les civils", La Presse, mercredi le 5 décembre 1984, à la p. Z-5; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2288325  (consulté le 2 avril 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    PRESSE CANADIENNE, "Les soldats n'ont pas confiance au système judiciaire militaire.  L'armée ne doit pas se mêler des causes criminelles, soutiennent plusieurs experts devant un comité fédéral", La Presse, 4 février 1997, à la p. ; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2183343 (vérifié le 7 juin 2018);  

    PRESTON, Richard A., Canadian Defence Policy and the Development of the Canadian Nation 1867-1917, Ottawa: The Canadian Historical Association, 1970, 20 p. (series; Historical Booklet; 25), ISBN: 0-88798-061-9.  NOTE: Bibliography at p. 20 ; available at (accessed 15 March 2018),

    Image source: Google image seach result, accessed 7 June 2017
    Sean Previl
    PREVIL, Sean, "Gay former navy officer loses appeal of discrimination case", Global News, 6 June 2017, available at http://globalnews.ca/news/3506311/gay-former-navy-officer-loses-appeal-of-discrimination-case/ (accessed 7 June 2017);

    In the recently released decision, Justice Andre FJ Scott [Federal Court of Appeal] said three issues had to
    be determined: whether new evidence — a chain of emails exchanged with the Attorney General of Canada’s
    (the respondent’s) counsel — could be introduced as evidence, whether the previous federal judge had erred
    in finding a decision by the CHRC was reasonable, and whether the judge erred in finding the CHRC had not
    violated Ritchie’s [Retired Sub-Lieutenant Paul Ritchie] procedural rights.

    The two other judges that made up the court, Yves de Montigny and Judith M. Woods, agreed with Scott’s analysis.

    Image source:  http://mgerc-ceegm.gc.ca/rpt/ar-ra/2012/10-eng.html (accessed 7 October 2015)
    James Price

    PRICE, James, biographical note at http://mgerc-ceegm.gc.ca/rpt/ar-ra/2012/10-eng.html (accessed 7 October 2015); aussi disponible en français à http://mgerc-ceegm.gc.ca/rpt/ar-ra/2012/10-fra.html (vérifié le 7 octobre 2015);

    Mr. Price brings to his position extensive experience as a Canadian Forces officer in all areas of military law,
    including the military justice system, administrative law, international law and operational law. After serving
    as Assistant Judge Advocate General for Europe, he was appointed military judge, presiding over cases
    involving both service offences and offences under the Criminal Code of Canada.
    M. Price met à contribution la vaste expérience qu'il a acquise comme officier des Forces canadiennes dans tous
    les domaines liés au droit militaire, notamment le système de justice militaire, le droit international et le droit
    opérationnel. Après avoir servi comme assistant du juge-avocat général en Europe, il a été nommé juge militaire
    et a ainsi présidé des procès portant sur des infractions militaires et des infractions au Code criminel du Canada. 

    Source of image: cba.org/CBA/Judges_Forum/pdf/voxjune2003.pdf, accessed 31 October 2015

    "Military judges: Lieutenant Colonel Alain Ménard ((back),
    and left to right, Commander Jim Price, Lieutenant Colonel
    Mario Dutil, Colonel Kim Carter."

    ___________biographical note at http://mgerc-ceegm.gc.ca/rpt/ar-ra/2008/6-eng.html (accessed 15 December 2015);

    Full-Time Vice-Chairperson
    James Price
    Term ending: December 9, 2011

    James Price was Acting Chairperson of the Board for a year, starting in March 2008. He continues his duties
    at the Board as full-time Vice-Chairperson

    Mr. Price joined the Board in January 2004 as a team leader in Operations Directorate, and was appointed full-time
    Vice-Chairperson in December of that same year. He brings to the position extensive experience in all areas of military
    law, including the military justice system, international law and operational law.

    Originally from Twillingate, Newfoundland, Mr. Price joined the University Naval Training Division in 1966 while
    attending Memorial University. After seven years of active service, he attended Dalhousie University, graduating with
    a Masters of Public Administration in 1976 and a Bachelor of Laws in 1980, the same year he was called to the Bar of

    He engaged in private legal practice before joining the CF in 1981, as a legal officer in the Office of the Judge Advocate
    General (JAG) of the CF.

    During his time with JAG, Mr. Price served as Director of Prosecutions and Appeals where, in addition to coordinating
    prosecutions and appeals in the CF, he guided the section through its transition to an independent prosecution service.
    He subsequently served as the Deputy Director of the new Independent Military Prosecution Service.

    After serving as Assistant JAG (Europe), Mr. Price was appointed a military judge by the Governor in Council in 2001,
    a position he held until 2003. During this time, he presided over cases involving both service offences and offences under
    the Criminal Code of Canada.

    ____________biographical note at http://web.archive.org/web/20010723071841/http://www.dnd.ca/cmj/bios/price_e.htm (accessed 22 May 2016);.


    Commander Jim Price, CD, MPA, LL.B.                     

                            Commander Price, originally from Twillingate, Newfoundland joined the
                            University Naval Training Division in 1966 while attending Memorial University.
                            After a period of active service Commander Price attended Dalhousie University
                            obtaining a Master of Public Administration degree in 1976 and LL.B in 1980.
                            Commander Price was called to the Bar of Newfoundland in 1980 and engaged
                            in private legal practice until he joined the Canadian Forces as a legal officer in
                            the Office of the Judge Advocate General in late 1981. Commander Price has
                            extensive experience in all areas relating to military law including, the military
                            justice system, international law and operational law. He has served as both
                            a Deputy Judge Advocate and Assistant Judge Advocate General on Canada’s
                           West Coast and filled a variey of legal positions within National Defence
                           Headquarters in Ottawa. Commander Price was employed as the Assistant Judge
                           Advocate General (Europe) prior to his appointment as a military judge.

    ___________on PRICE, Commander James, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 131, available at  103-242;

    ____________Price v. Canada (Attorney General), 2004 FC 164 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/1gd66>; and Price v. Canada (Attorney General), 2003 FCT 764 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/glt>;

    ___________Testimony before the Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, to which was referred Bill S-10, to amend the National Defence Act, the DNA Identification Act and the Criminal Code, met this day, 8 December 1999,  at 3:30 p.m. to give consideration to the bill, available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/SEN/Committee/362/lega/05ev-e.htm?comm_id=11&Language=E&Parl=36&Ses=2 (accessed 28 December 2015);

    Image source: amazon.ca/Orienting-Canada-Race-Empire-Transpacific/dp/0774819847, accessed 9 November 2017
    PRICE, John, 1950-,  Orienting Canada: race, empire, and the transpacific, Vancouver, BC : UBC Press, 2011, xiv, 445 p. : ill. ; 24 cm, ISBN: 9780774819831; 0774819839;copy at University of Ottawa, MRT General  FC 244 .P3 P75 2011;

    Table of Contents

      Illustrations vii
      Acknowledgments ix
      Abbreviations xiii
      Introduction 1
    pt. 1 Race, Empire, and War  
    1. Prologue to War: Migration, Race, and Empire 11
    2. China and the Clash of Empires 35
    3. December 1941 and World War 62
    4. Hiroshima and War's End 88
    5. Shades of Liberation 107
    6. Boundaries of Race and Democracy 128
    7. Elusive Justice: Canada and the Tokyo Tribunal 148
    pt. 2 Pax Americana --- Race, Anti-Communism, and Asia  
    8. Mr. Kennan Comes to Ottawa 169
    9. Canada, Asia, and "Pax Americana" 191
    10. America's Prestige, Korea's War 209
    11. San Francisco Peace Treaty and Re-Militarization of the Transpacific 238
    12. Racism, War Crimes, and the Korean War 257
    13. Vietnam: Departures in Canadian Foreign Policy 280
      Conclusion 302
      Chronology 322
      Notes 330
      Select Bibliography 388
      Index 410

    [source: https://orbis.uottawa.ca/, classic catalogue]

    Image source: http://web.uvic.ca/~transpac/, accessed 5 October 2016
    John Price
    ___________ "Racism, Canadian War Crimes, and the Korean War: Shin Hyun-Chan’s Quest for Justice", (15 January 2012) volume 10, issue 3, number 2 The Asia-Pacific Journal/Japan Focus 1-14; available at http://apjjf.org/-John-Price/3678/article.pdf and http://apjjf.org/2012/10/3/John-Price/3678/article.html (accessed 5 October 2012);

    On 16 December, a Canadian army psychiatrist testified that Steeves had a mild form of “repressed hostility” that might
     cause him to “explode” if intoxicated. Steeves himself testified on 17 December, during his court martial in Seoul, that
     he could not remember anything about the incident. The following day, the court convicted Steeves of manslaughter in
     the death of Shin’s father and sentenced him to fifteen years in prison. The field commander arbitrarily reduced the
    sentence by five years. Steeves had not been charged or tried for the wounding of young Hyun-Chan or for the shooting
     of the ROK soldier.

    The court martial seemed to have produced a semblance of justice. However, on 13 June 1952, Canadian Press reported
     that a Canadian “found guilty of manslaughter in the death of a Korean civilian and sentenced to 15 years in prison ha[d]
     been freed by the Defence Department.”9 John Steeves was freed “some time ago,” after Judge Advocate General Brigadier
     W.A. Lawson ruled that he had been wrongfully convicted at the December court martial, basing his ruling on the law involving
     “circumstantial evidence.” In other words, Steeves didn’t even serve six months of his fifteen-year sentence. News of this
     development never reached the Shin family. Was the court martial really that flawed? Was Steeves really innocent? We
     may never know the answers to those questions.

    What is striking in the press reports, however, is the number of war crimes reported.

    [Research note # 1:
    The cases of Glen Blank, Alan Davis,and Donald Gibson

    , volume 1, published under the supervision of Brigadier W.J. Lawson,
     Q.C., Judge Advocate General, 1957; cases of Davis v. The Queen, at pp. 13-17; Blank v. The Queen, at pp. 29-34;
     and Gibson v. The Queen, at pp. 35-39; available at http://www.lareau-legal.ca/Korea18c.pdf (put on line on 10 April 2018)]

    [Research note # 2:
    At the Canadian War Museum Library:
    Court Martial trial H.800217 Private Glen Roland Blank, 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry [textual records],
    22 Aug. 1951 - 28 Aug. 1951, manuscript : 1 ; typescript ; 36.5 x 23 cm., Summary: "Manuscript of the proceedings of a general court
    martial held at 25 Canadian Field punishment camp, Seoul, Korea on the 22-28 of August 1951 by the order of Brigadier J. M.
    Rockingham CBE, DSO, ED, commanding 25 Canadian Infantry Brigade, Canadian Army, dated the 20th August, 1951. Trial
    of Private Glen Roland Blank of the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry charged for murder of Ee Chong Sung,
    an officer of the Army of the Republic of Korea.", call number : CWM ARCHIVES / ARCHIVES DU MCG : Textual Records 58A 1 292.6;
    control number manuscript : 1 ; typescript ; 36.5 x 23 cm; see https://catalogue.warmuseum.ca/musvw/FullBB.csp?WebAction=ShowFullBB
    Find_2&ItemNr=38, accessed 3 October 2020]

    PRIDDLE, JAMES J. ("Jim", J.J.), member of the OJAG, circa 1975-1978 to circa 1999;

    ___________on Priddle, James J., Capt. see "Court Martial Halted by Illness", Times Columnist, Victoria BC, 20 October 1976 at p. 10; available at https://www.newspapers.com/..., accessedc30 May 2020;  Captain Priddle, 32 collapsed during the court martial of MCpl Adolph Gustav Plewa at CFB Esquimalt; the Judge-Advocate was LCol. R.C. Tate;

    ___________on Priddle, Jim,  see his photos on flickr by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4432418916/in/album-72157623951146254/ ("Rockcliffe--AJAG Trenton Conference"; Capt Olson is on the left and Maj Priddle on the right) (accessed 25 September 2020);

    ___________photo of Jim Priddle, detail, from photo of the 1981 JAG Conference put on flick by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4528355114/in/album-72157623951146254/ (accessed 27 September 2020);  a photo of the 1981 JAG conference photo, in colour,  can also be found in McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 124, available at  103-242;

    PRIESTMAN, Karen, “The Kurt Meyer Case: The Press and the Canadian Public’s Response to Canada’s First War Crimes Trial.” Master’s cognate essay, Wilfrid Laurier University, 2003; published at : Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2003;

    Source: https://www.google.com, image search
    Mario Prieur
    PRIEUR, Mario, avocat militaire de la réserve, voir http://avocats-boucherprieur.ca/Nos-avocats/  (site consulté le 12 septembre 2017);

    En 2010, Me Prieur rejoint le cabinet du Juge-Avocat Général des forces armées canadiennes, en qualité d’avocat militaire réserviste,
    et exerce depuis lors les fonctions de Juge-Avocat adjoint, pour les unités du 34ième Groupe-Brigade du Canada. 

    Promu capitaine de Corvette en 2014, Me Prieur a notamment eu l’opportunité depuis 2010, d’accompagner le groupe bataillon territorial
    et le Groupe Compagnie d’intervention Arctique des 34ième et 35ième Groupe Brigade du Canada, au camp Lejeune des Marines aux USA,
    à Salluit et Puvirnituk au Nunavik, et à Chisasibi à la Baie James.

    ___________photo de Mario Prieur avec deux collègues:

    " 4 hours ago Legal officers LCdr Mario
    Prieur, Lt(N) Guillaume Benoit-Gagné and Capt Martin Tremblay joined
    over 575 soldiers this week for FIGHTING WARRIOR 19, a training exercise conducted
    by 34 Canadian Brigade Group in Fort Pickett, Virginia. ", accessed 10 January 2019.

    PRIMEAU, J.-H. (J.- Hermann), avocat et membre du cabinet du JAG, deuxième guerre mondiale, voir "Au service légal", La Presse, 4 octobre 1944, at p. 3, available at http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2962786, accessed on 25 July 2018;

    ___________Me Hermann Primeau nommé juge à la cour municipale de Montréal; voir "Nouveau juge municipal à Montréal", La Presse, 24 novembre 1967, à la p.  8, disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2698998 (consulté le 25 juillet 2018);

    ___________Nécrologie de Hermann Primeau, La Presse, 31 juillet 1990, à la p. C 11; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2169610 (consulté le 25 juillet 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the
    Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in
    or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________partie d'un article sur le Capitaine Primeau dans Le Devoir, 4 octobre 1944 à la p. 10; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2805381 (vérifié le 10 août 2018),

    Keith Prior
    PRIOR, Keith, former JAG Officer, reserve force; see  his web site at http://www.bertramlaw.ca/keithprior.html (accessed 4 May 2017);

    He also practiced Military Law as a member of the Canadian Forces Judge Advocate General’s reserve legal staff, completing 22 years of
    service and retiring as the Deputy Assistant Judge Advocate Prairie Region at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

    PRITCHARD, R.,  (R. John), "Casual Slaughters and Accidental Judgements: Canadian War Crimes Prosecutions, 1944-1948" by Patrick Brode is reviewed, Criminal Law Forum, 1999, Vol.10(4), pp. 505-521; see first page at https://search.proquest.com/openview/423782d782d121cf23700079399e9369/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=33826 (accessed 20 April 2020);

    PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE, "Discussions and submissions which led to the phrase "except in the case of an offence under military law tried before a military tribunal…” being inserted into Section 11(f) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms between 1980 and March 29, 1982"; completed Access to Information Act request, File A-2011-00398, May 2012, disclosed in part, 297 pages; see http://www.pco-bcp.gc.ca/index.asp?lang=eng&page=acc&doc=2012-eng.htm (accessed 23 October 2016);

    PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE,  Securing an Open Society: Canada's National Security Policy April 2004, [Ottawa: Privy Council Office], 2004, xi, 52 p., ISBN: 0-662-36982-3; available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/CP22-77-2004E.pdf (accessed on 1 July 2012);
    BUREAU DU CONSEIL PRIVÉ,  Protéger une société ouverte : la politique canadienne de sécurité nationale, avril 2004, [Ottawa : Bureau du Conseil privé], 2004, x,  59 p., ISBN: 0-662-76741-1; disponible à http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/CP22-77-2004F.pdf (vérifié le 1er juillet 2012);

    "Procès contre Laprairie, sergent, et Lajeunesse, soldat de la Compagnie de Noyan, accusés de voies de fait armées",  8 février 1746 - 10 février 1746,  15 images. Fonds Juridiction royale de Montréal; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3383032 (consulté le 29 mars 2018);

    Description : Ce dossier de matière criminelle est composé des pièces suivantes : la plainte pour la tenue d'une information contre
    certains quidams accusés d'avoir coupé la main de Sorel dit Marly, concierge du château de monsieur le Général, et blessé sérieusement
     au sabre Jean Brossard ; la permission de tenir une information judiciaire ; l'ordonnance pour faire assigner les témoins du procureur ;
    le rapport d'assignations à ceux-ci ; l'information judiciaire ; et le réquisitoire du procureur du roi pour l'arrestation de Laprairie, sergent
    et de Lajeunesse, soldat. Les documents mentionnent les témoins suivant : Étienne Laîné dit St-Pierre, 70 ans, de la rue St-Denis ; François
    Gatineau dit Larègle, 38 ans, aubergiste de la rue Ste Thérèse ; Louis Guilbault, 38 ans, jardinier, demeurant chez Gatineau ; et Joseph
     Douaire, marchand, commande des gardes de milice. Les chirurgiens Feltz, absent, et Benoît sont également cités.

    Source: ville.montreal-est.qc.ca/histoire/maires-dhier-a-aujourdhui/
    Joseph Versailles , 1881-1931
    "Un procès militaire à Saint-Sulpice",
    Le devoir (Montréal),  vendredi 6 mars 1931, à la p. 4; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2790113  (consulté le 26 août 2018);

    Jason Proctor, image source: cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/jason-proctor-1.2674036, accessed 5 October 2020
    PROCTOR, Jason, "Sexual assault charges stayed as questions of independence rock military justice system--Controversial order from defence chief results in series of stays at courts martial",  CBC News British Columbia in depth, 4 October 2020; available at https://www.cbc.ca/news/SOMNIA-1.5749072  (accessed 5 October 2020);

    Source de l'image: www.prixduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/recherche/desclaureat.php?noLaureat=425, site visité 22 mai 2016
    Photo de Jean Provencher par Rémy Boily
    PROVENCHER, Jean, 1943-, Québec sous la Loi des mesures de guerre. 1918, Montréal : Boréal Express, 1971, 146 p. : ill., fac-sim., plans, portr.; NOTE: Préface de Fernand Dumont; bibliographie aux pp. [141]-146;

    Édition de 2014 chez LUX Éditeur

    Aux élections de 1917, les électeurs du Québec se sont opposés massivement au
    gourvernement conscriptionniste et se trouvent pratiquement sans représentation
    au sein du pouvoir.

    Des mouvements divers surgissent un peu partout. Des bagarres, des attentats ont
    lieu à Montréal. Ces manifestations ne se limitent pas à la métropole ; elles s'étendent
    à Shawinigan, par exemple. Et voilà que la ville de Québec est atteinte à son tour.
    Des agents fédéraux, policiers d'occasion pour plusieurs, traquent sans merci les
    jeunes gens assujettis à la conscription. Les méthodes utilisées ne sont pas toujours
    orthodoxes. Le maire Lavigueur, homme d'ordre et de sentiment rassis, dénonce
    lui-même au premier ministre du Canada "le manque de discrétion, de tact, de
    discernement de la part des agents responsables de l'application de la Loi sur le
    service militaire". Les gens de la Basse-Ville, de Saint-Roch, de Saint-Sauveur et
    d'ailleurs s'expriment, sans doute, en des termes plus vigoureux ; certains le font bien
    voir dans les émeutes qui débutent dans la capitale au cours de la semaine sainte de

    Ces l'histoire de ces journées que, dans ce livre, raconte minutieusement, et avec le
    plus grand souci de la documentation exacte Jean Provencher.

    source: renaud-bray.com/Livres_Produit.aspx?id=1547776&def=Qu%c3%a9bec+sous+
    consulté le 30 septembre 2020;

    PROVINCE  LOWER CANADA, Adjutant General's Office, F. (François) Vassal de Monviel, Lower Canada, Abstract of the Militia Act at present in force, and of the duties thereby imposed on the officers & militiamen,  Printed by P.E. Desbarats, 1821, available at http://www.archive.org/details/cihm_21103  (accessed on 20 January 2012);

    Source de l'image: http://www.mcgill.ca/law/about/profs/provost-rene, visité le 24 juillet 2015
    René Provost

    Provost, Rene, 1967-, "L’Attaque Directe D’Enfants-Soldats En Droit International Humanitaire: Expériences Et Réflexions Canadiennes (Direct Targeting of Child Soldiers: Canadian Experiences and Approaches)" (October 1, 2017). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3046247 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3046247;

    Image source: www.amazon.com
    ___________International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2002, xxxix, 418 p. ; 24 cm.  (Cambridge studies in international and comparative law), ISBN: 0521806976 (HB);
    Summary : Provost analyses systemic similarities and differences between the two to explore how they are each built to achieve their similar goal.
    He details the dynamics of human rights and humanitarian law, revealing that each performs a task for which it is better suited than the other, and
    that the fundamentals of each field remain partly incompatible. This helps us understand why their norms succeed in some ways and fail - at times
    spectacularly - in others. Provost’s study represents innovative and in-depth research, covering all relevant materials from the UN, ICTY, ICTR,
    and regional organizations in Europe, Africa and Latin America. This will interest to academics and graduate students in international law and
    international relations, as well as legal practitioners in related fields and NGOs active in human rights.
    [source: Hollis catalogue, Harvard]

    PROVOST, René with the research assistance of Guillaume Beaupré, "Canada", (2001) Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law at p.469; available in part at https://books.google.ca/books?id=lw62fC-SbrIC&pg=PA470&dq=judge+advocate+general+canada+%22law+of+armed+conflict%22&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=judge%20advocate%20general%20canada%20%22law%20of%20armed%20conflict%22&f=false (accessed 24 July 2015);

    Dick Pucci, court reporter, circa 1987
    image source: detail of photo from R. Arthur McDonald, Canada's Military Lawyers, supra, at p. 215

    PUCCI, Dick, "Court Reporter, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, quoted in Hepenstall, Find the Dragon, 262-263" (source: note 88, at p. 392 of the thesis WATSON, Brent Byron, Far Eastern Tour: The Experiences of the Canadian Infantry in Korea, 1950-53, infra); on-going research as of 11 January 2016; copy at the book at Canadian War Museum, Hartland Molson Library/Musée canadien de la guerre, Bibliothèque Hartland Molson;

    ___________on PUCCI, Chief Warrant Officer Dick, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 80 and 214, available at i-xii and 1-102 and  103-242;

    "Seven of the eight original members of the Canadian detachment prior to departure. Back row,
    left to right,
    RSM Hogg, S/Sgt. Martin, SM Manchester, SM Shepherd; front row, left to right, Captain Boland,
    Lt. Col. Orr, Major
    Puddicombe. Missing from the photo is  Captain John Dickey. ( Montreal Daily Star, 11 April 1946); photo reproduced from SWEENEY, Mark,
    The Canadian War Crimes Liaison Detachment - Far East and the Prosecution of Japanese "Minor" War Crimes, Degree: PhD, 2013,  available at

    PUDDICOMBE, Major George Beverly, lawyer, part of The Canadian War Crimes Liaison Detachment – Far East; however was not a member of JAG, see McDonald, Canada's Military Lawyers, at p. 66; sur Puddicombe, voir aussi: Lefebvre, Jean-Jacques. “Nos disparus: George Beverly Puddicombe.” La revue du barreau 31, no. 1 (janvier 1972): 69-71;

    _________Major  G.B. Puddicombe was the prosecutor in the court martial referred to in the article: "Still Some Doubt Two Japs Coming to Canadian Jail", Globe and Mail, 1947/08/28, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5139419 (accessed 30 August 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Assermentation, de la gauche: les honorables Benjamin Robinson, G. Beverly Puddicombe, Philippe
    Lamarre; complètement à droite, le juge en chef adjoint W.B. Scott s'occupant de l'administration du
    serment (Photo La presse)

    ___________on PUDDICOMBE, Major G.B., see "Augmentation croissante du nombre de litiges en Cour supérieure", La presse, 25 novembre 1960, à la p. 23; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2756119 (consulté le 28 octobre 2018);

    ___________on PUDDICOMBE, Major G.B., see "56 Japs Convicted By Canadians", The Globe and Mail, 30 May 1947, at p. 13;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Source: ProQuest Historical Newspapers
    https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview, accessed 28 October 2018

    ___________on Puddicombe, Major G.B., see Ignace Deslauriers, Les cours de justice et la magistrature du Québec, Volume 2, Direction des communications du ministère de la justice du Québec, Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, (1992); disponible à http://memoireduquebec.com/wiki/index.php?title=Puddicombe_%28George_Beverly%29 (consulté le 7 janvier 2019);

    Puddicombe (George Beverly)

    • Militaire et homme de loi (avocat) né en 1898 à Ottawa.
    Études à l'Ottawa Collegiate Institute et à la McGill University.
    Service actif dans l'armée canadienne au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale - 1914-1918.
    Major du Victoria Rifles en service actif au cours de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale - 1939-1945.
    En 1946, il est l'un des enquêteurs sur les mauvais traitements infligés aux soldats canadiens prisonniers à Hong Kong.
    Juge municipal de Hampstead *(1958-1960). Juge à la Cour supérieure du Québec-CSQ (1960-1971).
    Décès en 1971.

    ___________on PUDDICOMBE, Major G.B., see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 66, available at i-xii and 1-102;

    ___________on PUDDICOMBE, Major G.B., see the biography by LEFEBVRE, Jean-Jacques, "Puddicombe, George Beverley", (1972) Revue du Barreau 69-71; ****

    __________on  PUDDICOMBE, Major G.B. see George B. Puddicombe fonds, MG 30, E567 / R10740-0-8-E (formerly MG30 E567), Library and Archives Canada;

    ___________photo of Major G.B. Puddicombe, Calgary Herald, Wednesday, 10 April 1946 at p. 18, available at (accessed 25 June 2020);

    ___________photo of Major G.B. Puddicombe with Sergeant-Major H.B. Shepherd taken from the following book:     Brode, Patrick, Casual Slaughters and Accidental Judgments : Canadian War Crimes Prosecutions, 1944-1948, Toronto ; Buffalo : Published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by University of Toronto Press, c1997, xix, 290 p.; available in part at https://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6z9EDAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT6&dq=%22Judge+Advocate+General%22+Canada&ots=tZ5a9_rhc6&sig=NjATSXGZrXLSVEHrH8O5ap444hU#v=onepage&q=%22Judge%20Advocate%20General%22%20Canada&f=false  (accessed 11 August 2016); copy at Ottawa University, D 803 .B76 1997, off campus storage Annex;

    "Major G.B. Puddicombe, standing at right, conducts the trial
    of Col. Tokunaga.  Sergeant-Major H.B. Shepherd of the Canadian
    War Crimes Liaison Detachment sits on his right."

    Image source: cags.ca/documents/sshrc/documents/ICF%20Project/QUEEN%27S%20&%20RMC%20SSHRC%20CAGS%20Report%202015.pdf, 10 June 2018
    Anthony Pugh

    PUGH, Anthony, "Queen’s Law grad publishes ‘outstanding’ book on contemporary armed conflict", Queen's University, Queen's Law, 11 January 2017, available at http://law.queensu.ca/Queens-Law-grad-publishes-outstanding-book-on-contemporary-armed-conflict  (accessed 26 January 2017); about Kent Watkin's book: Fighting at the Legal Bounderies: Controlling the Use of Force in Contemporary Conflict;

    David Pugliese, photo reproduced from http://blogs.ottawacitizen.com/author/davidpugliese2/, accessed 31 March 2014

    PUGLIESE, David, David Pugliese's Military Articles archived web site at http://web.archive.org/web/20110718092345/http://davidpugliese.wordpress.com/ (archived site of 18 July 2012, accessed on 18 February 2012); Notes: see current web site at http://davidpugliese.wordpress.com (accessed on 18 February 2012);

    ___________"Activist Ottawa lawyer [Michel Drapeau] targeted by military over positive review of his book", Calgary Herald, 23 April 2014; available at http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/national/Activist+Ottawa+lawyer+targeted+military+over+positive/9768054/story.html (accessed on 27 April 2014); also available at http://o.canada.com/news/national/activist-ottawa-lawyer-targeted-by-military-over-positive-review-of-his-book (accessed 3 September 2016);

    The efforts of an Ottawa lawyer to advocate for families battling the military justice system rankled National Defence so much
    that even a mildly positive review of his book sparked a plan to counter that in the military’s professional journal.

    The Canadian Military Journal found itself in a predicament after a retired general wrote a positive review of a military law
    textbook written by retired federal court judge Gilles Letourneau and lawyer Michel Drapeau.

    Drapeau, a retired colonel, is a high-profile critic of the way the Canadian Forces treats its soldiers and families. He has also
    called for changes in the military’s justice system.

    The book review in late 2011 set off a series of emails on how to deal with the situation, according to documents obtained by
    the Citizen under the access to information law.

    “We have a bit of a situation here,” the military journal’s editor, David Bashow wrote to Col. Michael Gibson, a senior military
    lawyer with the Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) branch. “Lieutenant General (ret’d) Rick Evraire has done a review of the
    latest Letourneau/Drapeau book, and it is positive, and we are publishing it in the Winter edition.”

    The situation played out in late 2011 and early 2012 and resulted in a three-page rebuttal penned by Gibson and published in the
    military journal. Evraire’s original review ran a page-and-a-half in the journal while Gibson’s piece was twice the length.

    But the department’s interest in countering Drapeau continued. In 2013, it devoted several pages of its website to challenging
    Drapeau’s comments about how the military and government poorly treats injured soldiers and their families.

    A brief television appearance by Drapeau prompted a 1,500-word rebuttal to his comments about how military members are
    treated. And another 100 pages of emails and other documents produced by military lawyers concern Drapeau.

    Although the journal review was about the book written by Letourneau and Drapeau, Bashow acknowledged Drapeau was
    the focus of his concern.

    “The fact of the matter is at the time there were issues brought forward by Michel Drapeau that I think the JAG branch had
     a legitimate chance to express a countering view,” Bashow said in an interview.

    The Drapeau-Letourneau book, Military Justice in Action, was published in late 2011 and is considered the only textbook
    on the Canadian military justice system. It contained a forward by Justice Ian Binnie, then of the Supreme Court of Canada,
    and is used in universities across the country.

    Drapeau said the journal’s efforts were designed to target him and were “petty and unprofessional.” They also raise the question
     of using a taxpayer-funded publication to attack critics of the department, he added.

    “Where’s the journal’s supposed independence?” asked Drapeau.

    Bashow, however, dismissed Drapeau’s concerns, saying he stands by the material in the journal.

    The emails show Gibson, since promoted to a military judge position, immediately went to his boss, Brig.-Gen. Blaise Cathcart,
    for permission to write the rebuttal. Gibson called Bashow’s offer a “good opportunity.”

    Cathcart, now a major general and still Judge Advocate General, gave Gibson approval to proceed, with the material being
    scrutinized by a number of Canadian Forces legal officers.

    Bashow said the rebuttal was about offering up a counter idea. But he acknowledged it is rare for the journal to publish a rebuttal
    to a book review.

    In one of his emails, Bashow expressed to Gibson how happy he was with the officer’s rebuttal. “I think you ‘hit it out of the park”
    Bashow wrote.

    Drapeau and Letourneau’s 1,700-page textbook also received a highly positive review in the U.S. federal lawyers’ bar association

    An expanded edition is planned for the fall of 2014.



    __________"Boards of inquiry 'designed to cover the military’s butt'", Ottawa Citizen, 17 October 2014, available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/boards-of-inquiry-designed-to-cover-the-militarys-butt  (accessed 13 April 2017);

    ___________"The Canadian Forces Judge Advocate General, second highest paid officer in the Military, is not even a judge", Ottawa Citizen, 30 June 2014, available at  http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/the-canadian-forces-judge-advocate-general-second-highest-paid-officer-in-the-military-is-not-even-a-judge  (accessed 17 January 2016);

    ___________"Canadian Forces misled media and public on $337,000 taxpayer-funded VIP booze flight", The Ottawa Citizen, 5 November 2018, available at https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/canadian-forces-misled-media-and-public-on-337000-taxpayer-funded-vip-booze-flight (accessed 9 November 2018);

    ___________"Canadian Forces sexual misconduct survey:  Concerns raised commanders could be provided with private information", Ottawa Citizen, 17 April 2016, available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/canadian-forces-sexual-misconduct-survey-concerns-raised-commanders-could-be-provided-with-private-information (accessed 17 April 2016);

    __________"Canadian Military threatened soldier's grieving parents with legal action", The Otawa Citizen, published on 17 October 2014, last updated on 21 October 2014; available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/canadian-military-threatened-soldiers-grieving-parents-with-legal-action, accessed on 12 November 2014;

    The Rogers family say they twice verbally told the BOI they did not wish to appear. Then Drapeau told the military in
     writing they wouldn’t participate. DND issued a summons despite this, says the family.

    Summonses were sent to the couple on three different occasions but the department said that was because the date of
     their required testimony kept changing. Drapeau then filed a legal document with the federal court in Ottawa, giving
     notice he planned to challenge the summons. After Drapeau filed the paperwork, DND rescinded the summons.

    ___________"Canadian military claimed a report didn't exist — even though it 'clearly' did  Details of the incident emerged shortly after a court heard about alleged attempts by officers to hide records needed by Vice Admiral Mark Norman", National Post, 16 January 2019; available at https://nationalpost.com/news/canadian-military-claimed-a-report-didnt-exist-even-though-it-did?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR0NACd5i-iXtS9ANuKFp-V_5oLjNxI0Gxm9DcTircyX6s-P0drKbalxUyc#Echobox=1547687291(accessed 18 January 2019);

    Petty Officer (second class) Janet Sinclair, right, and her spouse, Petty Officer (second
    class) Silvya Reid, will be  reduced in rank and fined after a court martial judge's order on
    Photograph by: Darren Stone , Victoria Times Colonist

    ____________"Court-martialled sailors handed minimum sentence", The Ottawa Citizen, 10 February 2009; available at http://www.canada.com/news/court+martialled+sailors+handed+minimum+sentence/1271179/story.html (accessed 13 January 2017)   

    ___________"Defence chief issues gag order - Officers forced to obtain approval before talking to media", The Ottawa Citizen,  Friday, November 9, 2001, p. A5;

    ___________"Forces base tightens rules on social media--Freedom of Speech", The Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, 5 April 2016 at p. NP4;

    ___________"Grieving parents of dead soldier stuck with legal fees in DND spat", Ottawa Citizen, 7 November 2014; published at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/grieving-parents-of-dead-soldier-stuck-with-legal-fees-in-dnd-spat (accessed 8 March 2015); research note: as of 25 February 2015, there is a Public Fatality Inquiry (coroner inquest) in Alberta scheduled to take place --

    The couple [Rick and Ellen Rogers] ] was sent three summonses to attend a military board of inquiry (BOI) examining
     their 27-year-old daughter’s [Lt. Shawna Rogers] drug overdose in Edmonton, even though the parents, who had no
     faith in that process, had repeatedly told the Canadian Forces they didn’t want to participate.
    Asked about whether any disciplinary action had been taken against members of the BOI or military lawyers for
     allegedly harassing the Rogers family, DND spokesman Dan Blouin sent an email that stated, “DND has rescinded
     the summonses out of respect for the family’s wishes.”


    ___________"How military buries the truth", The Ottawa Citizen, 16 October 1999;

    ___________"Law passed three years ago by Parliament to make it easier to sue DND, deal with military grievances still in limbo", The Ottawa Citizen, 22 September 2016, available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/law-passed-three-years-ago-by-parliament-to-make-it-easier-to-sue-dnd-deal-with-military-grievances-still-in-limbo (accessed 23 September 2016);

    ___________"The Libya Mission One Year Later: The Rules of Engagement", The Ottawa Citizen, 19 February 2012, pp. A1 and A5;

    ___________"Major conference on military justice to be held in Ottawa Nov. 13 [2015]", Ottawa Citizen, 2 November 2015; available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/major-conference-on-military-justice-to-be-held-in-ottawa-nov-13 (accessed 2 November 2015);

    ___________"Man Overboard", The Ottawa Citizen--National Post,  12 January 2018; available at http://nationalpost.com/feature/man-overboard (accessed 15 January 2018);

    Vice-Admiral Mark Norman was second-in-command of the Canadian Forces until an RCMP investigation
    cost him his job. A year later, no charges have been laid, but Norman remains in limbo

    ___________"Mark Norman case transferred to Halifax prosecutors as RCMP re-interview government employees.  Norman was suspended as second-in-command of the Canadian military after the RCMP alleged he told Davie shipyards the Liberals were going to derail a project", The Ottawa Citizen, 17 January 2018; available at  http://nationalpost.com/news/politics/mark-norman-case-transferred-to-halifax-prosecutors-as-rcmp-re-interview-government-employees (accessed 19 January 2018);

    ___________"The military and the media: time for openness", (Fall 1997) 27(1) Canadian Defence Quarterly;


    ___________"Military judge won't order secret trial.  Government ask court to force officer to try JTF2 suspect in closed sessions", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 7 November 2005, at pp. A1 and A10; title at p. A10 is "Secret: Accused is back in Canada"; Chief Military Judge: Colonel Kim Carter; Department of Justice Canada lawyer is Jan Brongers; available at http://www.canada.com/ottawa/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=634f541b-53b1-4eae-a4d5-099fb3371865 (accessed 1 December 2015);

    The unprecedented legal battle revolves around a member of Canada's special forces unit,
    Joint Task Force 2, who has been charged with aggravated assault  and ill-treatment of a
    subordinate after an alleged incident in Afghanistan in August.

    The Sept. 23 charge sheet, which outlines details of the incident, has been classified as
    secret by the Defence Department.

    But Chief Military Judge Col. Kim Carter has refused to assign one of her judges to
    preside over the court martial of the JTF2 warrant officer because of the secret charge
    sheet. Col. Carter argues that would be "to accept and follow a presumption of secrecy"
    in the case, according to legal records.

    _____________"Military Justice system needs needs reform, lawyer argues", The Ottawa Citizen, 30 April 2015; available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/politics/military-justice-system-needs-reform-lawyer-argues (accessed 1 May 2015);

    Image source: https://www.google.com/search?as_st=y&tbm=isch&as_q=military&as_epq=sex+cards&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&imgar=&imgc=&imgcolor=&imgtype=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=images&as_filetype=&as_rights=&gws_rd=ssl#as_st=y&tbm=isch&q=%22Canadian+Forces%22+sex+card&imgrc=FspaBcLy7KNjnM%3A;
    ___________"Military's 'no harm' sex cards stir anger -- Abuse Reminders", The Ottawa Citizen, 17 June 2016, at p. NP3;

    The Canadian Forces has distributed 120,000 wallet-size cards to military-
    personnel to remind them that sexual assault is an "inappropriate" behaviour.

    ___________"Military police couldn’t find enough evidence to lay charge in Mark Norman document case", The Ottawa Citizen, 6 August 2020; available at https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/military-police-couldnt-find-enough-evidence-to-lay-charge-in-mark-norman-document-case, accessed 7 August 2020; about JAG, the CFNIS, the Access to Information Act;


    __________"Military witness in the Mark Norman case needs protection – that tells you a lot about National Defence HQ", The Ottawa Citizen, 21 January 2019, available at https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/military-witness-in-the-mark-norman-case-needs-protection-that-tells-you-a-lot-about-national-defence-hq (accessed 22 January 2019);

    ource: video from cbc.ca/archives/entry/somalia-investigation-hits-inexplicable-delay (accessed 25 December 2018);
    Major Vincent Buonamici testifying before the Somalia inquiry

    ___________"Officials `hijacked' Somalia probe: Murder could have been prevented, major [Vincent Buonamici] testifies", The Ottawa Citizen, 11 March 1997 at p. A1;

    The brutal torture-murder of a Somali teenager in 1993 could have been prevented if senior
    Defence Department leaders hadn't stalled an investigation into the earlier killing of a Somali
    man by Canadian troops, says a military police investigator.

    Maj. Vincent Buonamici told the Somalia inquiry yesterday that the failure to properly investigate
    the March 4, 1993 shooting death of a Somali man set the stage for the torture-murder of Shidane
    Arone less than two weeks later.

    He also said that Vice-Admiral Larry Murray, now acting chief of the defence staff, and the
    military's Judge Advocate General's office tried to have references to the delay in sending
    police deleted from his report. ``In my opinion, what was happening was a hijacking of this
    investigation,'' Maj. Buonamici testified.

    Maj. Buonamici said he believed there was an attempt to cover up the March 4 killing at
    several levels in the military. ``What we're dealing with here is a conspiracy.''

    He said officials at military headquarters were worried the March 4 killing could result
    in ``bad publicity.''

    Maj. Buonamici is one of the final two witnesses called by the inquiry. His testimony is
    seen as significant because of what it will say about how the senior command handled the
    investigation of the Somalia mission. He is back on the stand today.

    Military police weren't sent to investigate the March 4 killing until six weeks later. In that
    incident, two Somali men trying to run away from Canadian soldiers were shot in the back.
    One was killed, the other wounded.

    Even though he knew the men had been shot in the back, Vice-Admiral Murray testified
    that he decided against sending police immediately because he first wanted to see an initial
    report on the incident from senior officers in Somalia. When he got that report, he sent it to
    military lawyers to study. By the time the process was finished, six weeks had passed.

    In the meantime, Canadian troops captured Arone and tortured him to death.

    Maj. Buonamici said the lack of action may have sent a signal to Canadian troops that it
    was OK to use force against Somalis.

    ``It presented to the troops an opportunity I think to unequivocally determine where the
    limits of force were going to be.''

    Maj. Buonamici said the fact that an unarmed man was shot in the back ``constitutes the
    classical features of a suspicious death'' and should have triggered a police investigation.

    The Somalia inquiry has already heard testimony from a senior military police officer that
    his requests to send investigators immediately to Somalia were rebuffed by Vice-Admiral Murray.

    The vice-admiral has also said he didn't immediately send in police because he was more
    concerned about ensuring that Canadian soldiers in Somalia knew when they could use force
    rather than determining if the troops involved in the March 4 killing had acted with ``criminal'' intent.

    Maj. Buonamici later wrote in his police report that the ``inexplicable delay'' in sending
    investigators to Somalia allowed crucial evidence to be destroyed and possible collusion among

    Later Vice-Admiral Murray complained about the police officer using the words ``inexplicable delay.''
    He was worried someone might interpret the remark as indication of a coverup. He also said that
    the investigators never interviewed him to get his side of the story.

    At one point Vice-Admiral Murray and the Judge Advocate General's Office asked the military police
    to change their report, Maj. Buonamici said.

    But in a military police report written in October, 1993, Maj. Buonamici cleared Vice-Admiral Murray.
    That report said there was no attempt by Vice-Admiral Murray to ``illegally influence or obstruct the
    proper investigation of the 4 March, 1993 shooting.''

    Maj. Buonamici also testified yesterday there was a possibility that defence minister Kim Campbell's
    bid to lead the Conservative party was behind the senior military command's reluctance to look into
    the matter, although he stressed he never saw any evidence that Ms. Campbell was involved in any

    Maj. Buonamici said only after military doctor Maj. Barry Armstrong indicated he would go public
    with his allegations that the Somali man may have been killed execution style, did senior military
    leaders act.

    Maj. Buonamici also pointed out that none of the soldiers involved in the March 4 killing told
    investigators that food and water was put out as bait to lure Somalis into the Canadian base.

    That, he said, ``indicates a consensus there was something incriminating about that bait.''

    Maj. Buonamici also believes the soldiers' actions that night show they did not perceive a threat
    from the Somalis even though they opened fire on the two men. The paratroopers used flashlights
    and were yelling and chased the Somalis, he said. If the Somalis had been armed the soldiers likely
    would not have done that.

    ``It tends to indicate there was no perceived threat.''

    *** Infomart-Online ***




    Word count: 835

    (Copyright The Ottawa Citizen)

    [Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview/...., accessed 23 February 2019]

    ___________"No charges, no investigation — but DND declares Vice-Admiral Mark Norman is guilty.  The government has rejected the vice admiral’s request for help with his legal bills because it has determined he is guilty of disclosing confidential information", National Post, 22 January 2018, available at http://nationalpost.com/news/politics/dnd-declares-mark-norman-is-guilty-even-though-no-charges-have-been-laid-document (23 ZJanuary 2018);

    ___________"Ombudsman takes Vance, Sajjan, bureaucrats to task for failing to help military personnel", The Ottawa Citizen, available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/ombudsman-takes-vance-sajjan-bureaucrats-to-task-for-failing-to-help-military-personnel (accessed 16 March 2017); about the testimony of the ombudsman, Gary Walbourne, before the Senate subcommittee on Veterans Affairs, 8 March 2017;

    My recommendations are straightforward and easily implementable. They are:

    1)  First, that the Surgeon General be assigned the responsibility for determining
    whether an individual’s illness or injury is attributable to their service, and that
    Veterans Affairs Canada accept that determination to activate their benefit suite for
    the releasing member.

    –      We have estimated that this would cut the wait times for VAC benefits by at least 50%.

    2)  Second, that the Member not be released from the Canadian Armed Forces until ALL benefits
    and services, from ALL sources, including Veterans Affairs, are in place.

    –      This includes their Canadian Forces pensions.

    3)  Third, that a Concierge Service be put in place, staffed by members of the Canadian Armed
    Forces, to help the member navigate the complex release process.

    4)  Finally, that one easily navigable, COMMON web portal be created containing all relevant
    information on the benefits and services from Veterans Affairs and the Canadian Armed Forces.

    Senators, you would think that this blueprint would be accepted and implemented as quickly as possible. It has not.

    ____________"Plaintiffs join forces in class action lawsuits over sex assault in Canadian military", The Ottawa Citizen, 9 September 2017, available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/plaintiffs-join-forces-in-class-action-lawsuits-over-sex-assault-in-canadian-military (accessed 10 September 2017);

    Plaintiffs in five separate class action lawsuits against the Canadian military have agreed to work together to take the federal government to court.
    The class actions were filed in Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec City, Halifax, and Victoria. Now all five plaintiffs have agreed to combine their resources to
    work together, according to a news release issued by Acheson Sweeney Foley Sahota LLP, a Victoria, BC law firm.

    The plaintiffs in class actions are represented by Koskie Minsky LLP in Toronto, Raven, Cameron, Ballantyne & Yazbeck LLP/s.r.l. in Ottawa, Quessy
    Henry St-Hilaire, avocats in Quebec City, Wagners – A Serious Injury Law Firm, in Halifax, and Acheson Sweeney Foley Sahota LLP in Victoria.

    The motions for certification, which will decide if the cases can proceed as class actions will be heard in the Federal Court the week of July 9, 2018.

    ___________"Political information Mark Norman accused of leaking was already well known in Ottawa: ex-defence lobbyist.  Norman was suspended as second-in-command of the Canadian military after the RCMP alleged he told Davie shipyards the Liberals were going to derail a project", The Ottawa Citizen, 16 January 2018; available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/politics/cabinet-meeting-details-mark-norman-accused-of-leaking-were-already-well-known-in-ottawa-ex-defence-lobbyist/wcm/13f32a72-6e41-4a34-bb8f-abc0f922e0cc (accessed 17 January 2018);

    Cyr isn’t the only one pointing out that information from cabinet meetings is widely circulated despite government claims of confidentiality.
    Liberal Senator Colin Kenny said the details of the Nov. 19 cabinet meeting would have been known initially by dozens of government officials.
     Such details are quickly disseminated to various senior bureaucrats for planning purposes, explained the senator, whose job in the office of
    prime minister Pierre Trudeau was at times to coordinate and prepare cabinet-confidential information. Those bureaucrats, in turn, pass the
    information on to their subordinates. In addition, political staff are also aware of the information their cabinet minister bosses have discussed.

    ___________"Proposed military ombudsman not in a conflict, minister's aide insists", CanWest News, Jun 20, 2005, p.1;

    Description: The leaked records show that in 1999 Cote was acting as the lawyer for the military's senior hierarchy in negotiating the
    mandate of the first Canadian Forces ombudsman, Andre Marin. But the negotiations over 14 lengthy sessions, which at times also
    involved members of the Judge Advocate General's office (JAG) and senior Defence staff, became deadlocked after Marin complained
    he was receiving little co-operation. Marin also pointed out he continued on in negotiations with Cote, but to no avail. Another draft
    report produced after Cote met with the JAG and the Chief of the Defence Staff was profoundly disappointing, according to Marin.
    It rejected recommendations put forward by Marin and his staff and failed to ensure methods were in place to deal with retaliation
    and reprisals against those making complaints to the ombudsman. [Bill Graham]'s spokesman, Steve Jurgutis, said he saw no conflict
    of interest in naming Cote as ombudsman, despite the lawyer's role in representing the generals and Defence Department during
    negotiations in determining the ombudsman's mandate. Jurgutis dismissed concerns Cote, currently the Privy Council lawyer, wouldn't
    be objective and reiterated Graham considered him an excellent candidate.
    (source: http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_
    %20Pitzul%22%20Judge%20Advocate%20General&dstmp=1474922626257, accessed 26 September 2016;
    © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved)

    ___________"Questions remain about top military officer’s removal as replacement ‘double-hats’ navy and defence jobs", The National Post, 29 January 2017, available at http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/questions-remain-about-top-military-officers-removal-as-replacement-double-hats-navy-and-defence-jobs (accessed 31 January 2017);

    ___________"Rank injustice: Seven cases from Canada's military: A Nine-Part Report", The Ottawa Citizen, 12 October 1999, at p. 12;

    Among the incidents listed:


    - An official with the Judge Advocate General's office -- the Canadian Forces' top legal authority -- withheld key evidence in the investigation
    of a senior officer. According to a June 8, 1998, memo, the assistant JAG officer withheld a letter written by a navy captain who admitted to
    violating military rules by drinking alcohol shortly before taking the helm of a warship. The legal officer wasn't involved in the case but
    worried the navy would be embarrassed by the evidence. Even though top military police officials knew about the withholding of evidence,
    no charges were laid against the legal officer.

    ___________"Retired army officer sets up legal defence fund for suspended vice-admiral Mark Norman.  Retired army colonel Lee Hammond of Vancouver has set up a GoFundMe account with a goal of raising $50,000", National Post, 30 January 2018; available at http://nationalpost.com/news/canada/retired-army-officer-sets-up-legal-defence-fund-for-fired-vice-admiral-mark-norman (accessed 1 February 2018);

    __________"Searches of lockers of military cadets stopped after complaints about violations of Charter Rights", The Ottawa Citizen, 29 June 2015; available at http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/searches-of-lockers-of-military-cadets-stopped-after-complaints-about-violations-of-charter-rights (accessed 29 June 2015); 


    ___________"Soldier of torture was part of Forces' elite unit", The Ottawa Citizen, 10 October 1999;

    ___________"Top general apologizes to Forces whistleblower: Unprecedented letter admits military failed to act on allegations of sexual harassment", The Ottawa Citizen, pp. A1 and A10; the other title at p. A10 is "Baril: Case not handled properly";

    ___________"Vice-Admiral lashes out at inquiry; Witness stand used to give `surrogate press conference,' Somalia commissioner says; HOT TIMES", Edmonton Journal, Jan 29, 1997, p. A.3;

    PUNSHON, Catherine (Catherine Jennifer), Lieutenant (N), regular force;  she attended the 2019 mandatory legal officer qualification course at Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, CFB Kingston, see Access to Information Act, DND Acess to Information and Privacy letter dated 12 June 2019, File A-2019-00289; member of the Law Society of Ontario;

    ___________on PUNSHON, Catherine, Lieutenant (N),  was co-counsel for the defence with Maj Bolik, in the case referred to in the article: Peddle, Stuart, "Defence wants crucial video evidence excluded in drug use court martial", The Chronicle Herald, Halifax, 6 November 2018; available at https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/news/local/defence-wants-crucial-video-evidence-excluded-in-drug-use-court-martial-257175/, accessed 13 November 2018; court martial of Leading Seaman Christopher Edwards; court martial published decision can be found at Edwards C.D. (Leading Seaman), R. v., 2018 CM 4018 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hx7pw> (accessed 11 February 2019);

    PURANEN, Captain, lawyer, received the Judge Advocate General's Legal Branch membership coin number 211 (qualified on 5 June 2008),  see http://www.lareau-law.ca/Coin2016.pdf (accessed 25 September 2020);  my initial research indicates that it may be Serena Puranen, however, I am not 100 % sure (26 September 2020);

    PURDY, Major K.R. (Kristopher Robert/Kris),  "Inviting Terrorism?  Canada's Immigration Policy and Implications for National Security", Canadian Forces College, JCSP 41, 2014=2015; available at https://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/317/305/purdy.pdf (accessed 19 October 2020);


                                                        Michel Purnelle et son livre, source: Le soleil, Québec, 28 août 1996, Cahier A,
                                                        à la p. 8, collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2735913, consulté le 25 mai 2019

    PURNELLE, Michel, 1960-, Une armée en déroute / Michel Purnelle préface du colonel Michel W. Drapeau, Montréal: Liber (Diffusion Dimedia, 539, boul. Lebeau, Saint-Laurent, PQ, H4N 1S2), 1996, 189 p., ISBN:  2921569345; monsieur Purnelle était un militaire en Somalie et un témoin à la Commission d'enquête sur la Somalie; il eut également un procès devant une cour martiale; j'ai parlé à Michel Purnelle le 5 juillet 2017, il est maintenant Major dans les Forces canadiennes et Commandant adjoint, Services au personnel, Groupe de soutien de la 2e Division du Canada; une copie de ce livre est disponible à l'Université d'Ottawa, FTX:   KE 7135 .P87 1996;


    ___________on PURNELLE, Michel, see Ward, John, "Boyle urged to give whistle-blower a break: Commissioners ask brass to suspend bid to dismiss soldier", The Ottawa Citizen, 27 Aug 1996: A.3;

    As Gen. Jean Boyle returns for an eighth day of questioning at the Somalia inquiry today, he has one
    more problem: What to do about the army's plan to discharge a whistle-blowing soldier.

    Boyle already knew he would face more cross-examination from lawyers representing some of the
    subordinates he blames for a document-altering scandal. The questioning has been rough and there's
    no sign the lawyers will let up.

    But a new issue arose Monday when the three inquiry commissioners sent a formal letter to Boyle and
    Brig.-Gen. Pierre Boutet, the judge-advocate general, asking them to suspend an attempt to dismiss a
    soldier who got into trouble last spring while trying to bring information to the inquiry.

    Boyle was out of town Monday and didn't get the letter immediately. The Defence Department promised
    a response ``in due course.''

    In its letter, the commission expressed concern about the convening of a career review board to consider
    the future of Cpl. Michel Purnelle of the Royal 22nd Regiment, the Van Doo.

    Purnelle was with the Canadian Airborne Regiment in Somalia in 1992-93 and testified before the inquiry
    in January. He talked about the unit's training and suggested there was alcohol abuse among its officers.

    The inquiry is investigating the circumstances of the Airborne's troubled Somalia mission.

    In May, Purnelle was charged with seven counts under the National Defence Act, including being absent
    without leave and with giving unauthorized media interviews.

    The absence charges were filed after he left his regimental base in Quebec City April 26 to deliver more
    material to the inquiry in Ottawa.

    The interview charges are connected to February broadcasts on Radio-Canada.

    The army leadership says it wants to get rid of Purnelle, a former Belgian paratrooper who joined the
    Canadian Forces five years ago. A career review board is an administrative process that can, in effect,
    fire a soldier.

    A court martial can do the same thing but is a more structured and legalistic process, with a full avenue
    of appeal right up to the Supreme Court of Canada.

    A review board decision is subject to much more limited appeals.

    If Purnelle were kicked out of the army by the board, there would be no need to proceed with a court
    martial on the charges against him.

    The inquiry letter urges that the career review be suspended until after a court martial.

    ``The court-martial process allows for the individual to raise fundamental legal and constitutional
    objections in ways not comprehended by less formal administrative proceedings such as a career
    review board,'' said the letter signed by chairman Gilles Letourneau and his colleagues, Justice
    Robert Rutherford and Peter Desbarats.

    Letourneau has pledged from the outset to protect soldiers coming to his inquiry, and Defence
    Minister David Collenette has said it is a soldier's duty to come forward.

    In May, Letourneau said the charges against Purnelle sent a different and chilling message to other
    soldiers who might want to testify.

    *** Infomart-Online ***




    Word count: 534

    (Copyright The Ottawa Citizen)

    [Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/..., 23 February 2019]

     Image source: twitter.com/huguetteyoung?lang=en, accessed 5 July 2017
    Huguette Young

    ___________ on PURNELLE, Michel, see "D'autres soldats seront encouragés à témoigner, selon Michel Purnelle  Le caporal suspendu salue la recommandation de la commission sur la Somalie à son endroit", La Presse, 28 août 1996, à la p. C-6, disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca:81/lapresse/src/cahiers/1996/08/28/03/82812_1996082803.pdf (vérifié le 24 janvier 2017);

    source de l'image:collections2.banq.qc.ca/jrn03/devoir/src/1996/07/16/A/5226335_1996-07-16_A.pdf, consulté le 27 mai 2018
    __________ On peut lire les pp. 382-518 de la transcription de la cour martiale du Caporal Michel Purnelle, février 1997 à  transcri3.docx  (mises en ligne 5 juillet 2017);

    ___________sur PURNELLE, Michel, voir COULON, Jocelyn, "Une armée en déroute.  La Défense suspend le caporal-écrivain [Caporal Michel Purnelle]", Le Devoir, mercredi le 29 mai 1996, à la p. A2; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2766544 (consulté le 26 seotembre 2018);

    Dans une lettre qu’il a fait parvenir vendredi à l’avo­cat du caporal, M' Jean Asselin,
    le ministère de la Défense explique les raisons de sa décision.

    La missive, signé par le juge-avocat général adjoint, le colonel Bruno Champagne,
    souligne que si la liberté d’expression est absolue, «la personne qui s’enrôle volon-
    tairement dans les Forces canadiennes doit savoir que son service comporte l’acceptation
    de certaines restrictions.  L’une des plus importantes est de montrer réserve et prudence
    lorsqu’il s'agit de critiquer publiquement les politiques et les décisions du gouvernement,
    incluant celles des Forces canadiennes».

    ___________sur PURNELLE, Michel, voir COULON, Jocelyn, "La bête noire de l'armée.  Le procès en Cour martiale du caporal Purnelle commence demain", Le devoir, 28 Janvier 1997, cahier A, à la p. 2; disponible à  http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2767608 (consulté le 25 mai 2019);


    QR&O  [The Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces] Chapter 108 -  Draft Proposal, MJ 141  mentioned at note 32, p. 44 of the Report of the Special Advisory Group on Military Justice and Military Police Investigation Services,  25 March 1997, supra;

    MJ 141, Chapitre 108 des ORFC [Ordonnances et règlements royaux applicables aux forces canadiennes] - Ébauche de proposition, cité à la note 32, p. 48 du Rapport du Groupe consultatif spécial sur la justice militaire et sur les services d'enquête de la police militaire, supra;

    QUAN, Douglas, "Canadian colonel stripped of command over alleged affair with assistant ‘was denied justice’: judge", National Post, 27 October 2015; available at http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadian-colonel-stripped-of-command-over-alleged-affair-with-assistant-was-denied-justice-judge (accessed 30 April 2017); about Colonel Bernard Ouellette;

    QUAYAT, David, member of the OJAG, reserve force;

    " Aug 26 [2019] Welcome to the Office of the
    JAG Capt David Quayat, the newest Reserve Force Legal Officer at
    AJAG(Central Region)! He was recently sworn in to the CAF by LCol
    Kimberley Maynard in a ceremony held at Denison Armoury in Toronto,
    with his partner Maureen LaPier in attendance."

    ____________on QUAYAT, David, biographical notes, University of Toronto:

    David Quayat

    Sessional Lecturer


    David Quayat is Crown Counsel with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC), where he
    conducts trials and appeals on a range of issues including narcotics, terrorism, and regulatory offences.
    Prior to joining the PPSC, David practiced internationally, including in Washington, D.C., and was
    legal counsel to a number of foreign states in a variety of international trade law matters, including
    before the World Trade Organization. He has also litigated cases in Canada and the United States
    related to diplomatic and sovereign immunity. David has published a number of articles on diplomatic
    immunity, sovereign immunity, the North American Free Trade Agreement and international trade.
    He serves as the National Administrator of the Canadian Rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International
    Law Moot Court Competition.
    [source: https://politics.utoronto.ca/faculty/profile/413/, accessed 30 August 2019]

    ___________on QUAYAT, David, see following biographical notes:

    David Quayat is Crown Counsel with the Ontario Regional Office of the Public Prosecution Service
    of Canada. He has appeared all levels of court in Ontario and at the Supreme Court of Canada. David
    prosecutes narcotics, regulatory and terrorism offences. He is a reserve legal officer with the Office
    of the Judge Advocate General, where he advises on administrative law, military justice and operational
    law matters. David also teaches international law at the University of Toronto. Prior to being called to
    the bar, David clerked for Chief Justice Allan Lutfy of the Federal Court. He holds a B.A. (Hons.)
    from the University of Calgary, an M.A. (International Relations) from the Johns Hopkins University
    School of Advanced International Studies, and an LL.B. from the University of Ottawa.

    [source: commentary.canlii.org/w/canlii/2020CanLIIDocs703?zoupio-debug#!fragment/zoupio-_Toc39754393/(hash:(chunk:
    , accessed 13 September 2020]

    Québec, Assemblée nationale, Projet de rapport. Commission d'étude des questions afférentes à l'accession du Québec à la souveraineté, p. 85-89 (La défense); titre noté dans mes recherches mais non consulté (10 septembre 2015);

    QUÉBEC (Province), Ministère de la Sécurité publique et Canada, Secretary of State, "Réquisition du Procureur-général de la province suivant l'article 277 de la Loi sur la défense nationale",  [Québec, Qué.] : Ministre de la Sécurité publique, 1990, 9 feuilles; autre titre "Pour venir en aide au pouvoir civil." (source: catalogue du Collège des Forces canadiennes);

    QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, Lederman Law Library, "Select Bibliography -- Military Law", available at
    http://library.queensu.ca/law/bibliographyMILITARY.htm (accessed on 3 November 2013);

    Image source: law.usask.ca/documents/alumni/ofNote_Winter2013.pdf, accessed 29 August 2020

    QUIGLEY, Tim, "Case comment : R. v. Stillman, 2019 SCC 40", (2019) 56 C.R. (7th) 217-218; comments on R. v. Stillman, 2019 SCC 40 (CanLII), http://canlii.ca/t/j1n56;

    Image source: www.google.com/, image search, accessed 13 September 2017
    Patrick Quinn

    QUINN, Patrick, "Experts say war crimes in Sarajevo exist, but prosecution hard with AM-Yugoslavia", AP (Associated Press) News Archives, 6 July 1993; available at http://www.apnewsarchive.com/1993/Experts-Say-War-Crimes-in-Sarajevo-Exist-But-Prosecution-Hard-With-AM-Yugoslavia/id-a95ea9cc3cf3fa984444488779631a02  (accessed on  22 January 2015)

    SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) _ Much evidence exists that war crimes were committed against residents
    of besieged Sarajevo, but two lawyers on assignment for the United Nations said Tuesday that prosecution would be hard.
    [Bill] Fenrick and a Canadian team of three military lawyers and four military police investigators spent two weeks in Sarajevo gathering material for a report
    to U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.
    'There is a lot of information available. The difficulties we are facing, and I think we are beginning to overcome, is translating evidence for prosecution,'' said
    Lt. Col. Kim Carter, a Canadian army military prosecutor. 

    "Lawyer Will Hiscock is representing woman who is suing the federal
    government for damages after she was sexually assaulted by a cadet
    leader. She was 14 when the assaults began. (Mark Quinn/ CBC)"

    QUINN, Mark, "Sexually assaulted cadet needlessly traumatized in court, lawyer says  Jane Doe seeking more than $900K in damages from Government of Canada", CBC News--Newfoundland & Labrador", 15 May 2017, available at http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/cadet-suing-federal-government-1.4115582 (accessed 18 September 2017);


    William Quinn, image source: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/captain-n-william-quinn/30/741/100, accessed on 12 November 2014

    QUINN, William, J., Legal and Policy Responses to the Terrorist Threat to Canada: A "Soft Approach", [Toronto]: Canadian Forces College, 2008, iii, 91 p., 28 cm., Masters thesis (Canadian Forces College), JCSP/PCEMI 34-56; available at  http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/294/286/quinn_w.pdf (accessed on 12 January 2012);

    Summary "A credible terrorist threat to Canada exists from nuclear, biological, chemical and conventional weapons, and from
     cyberterrorism. Obstacles exist to the use of any of these methods, but terrorists have expressed the will to attack Canada and
     some believe such an attack is inevitable. Canada has acted on many fronts to counter this threat. In the legal domain Canada
     has used a combination of domestic criminal and immigration law, along with international law to foil terrorists’ plans. Canada
     is also taking actions that are complementary to legal methods with an aggressive Anti-Terrorism Plan, active cooperation with
     the United States and significant participation in international cooperative activities. These strategies and tools are important,
     but they form only part of the solution to the problem of terrorism. Military action is also required to stop terrorists before they
     reach the shores of Canada, as well as effective consequence management to deal with terrorists who penetrate the layers ofé
     defence. The Canadian Government must continue to focus on all of these areas in order to ensure the safety of its citizens."
     - p. iii (source: Canadian Forces College catalogue)

    Source de l'image:https://twitter.com/rquirion, consulté le 18 janvier 2018
    René-Charles Quirion

    QUIRION, René-Charles, "Un détenu accusé de menaces de mort sur un procureur aux poursuites criminelles",  La Tribune,  25 octobre 2016; disponible à https://www.latribune.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/un-detenu-accuse-de-menaces-de-mort-sur-un-procureur-aux-poursuites-criminelles-ba9dfa02076861f48273574a93af073e (consulté le 18 janvier 2018); note: Me Jean Caron est un ancien membre du JAG;

    C'est le procureur aux poursuites criminelles, Me Jean Caron qui a déposé les accusations contre Richard Skinner.

    [Note de recherche en date du 24 avril 2020: sur l'arrêt Skinner, on consultera
    les décisions suivantes:

    - R. c. Skinner, 2018 QCCS 2722 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hsqqj>

    - R. c. Skinner, 2018 QCCS 2737 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hsqqk>

    - R. c. Skinner, 2018 QCCS 2736 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hsqql>]

    QUIROZ-BORREREO, Felipe, Major, former JAG Officer, works as Legal Counsel for Privy Council Office, Legal Operations/Counsel, see https://opengovca.com/employee/Quiroz-Borrero,_Felipe (accessed 30 October 2018);  has served twice in Afghanistan, see http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/house-proceedings/house_detail.do?Date=2015-05-12; obtained his LL.M., University of Ottawa, 2014, see http://archive.is/aW9Ha;

    Felipe Quiroz-Borrereo with other JAG members
    " A departure parade was held today for members
    taking part in the 102nd International Four Days Marches Nijmegen in the Netherlands from July 17-21
    [2018]. The contingent includes a team of 10 legal officers who will also mark the 100th anniversary of the Legal Branch."
    [source: https://twitter.com/JAGCAF/status/1016835836325740544, accessed 2 December 2018]

    Source of Image: (2005)1 Les actualités -- Newsletter at p. 55
    "Our 'honest brokers' in action Major Quiroz-Borrero and Major Moore in Afghanistan"

    __________on Major Quiroz-Borrero, see the article by FARRELL, Jim, "Afghans' claims settled by 'honest broker' Canadian military lawyer says his form of justice works", The Edmonton Journal, Thursday, December 23, 2004; available at http://www.afghanistannewscenter.com/news/2004/december/dec232004.html, accessed 25 February 2015; about Capt. Felipe Quiroz-Borrero; also published in (2005)1 Les actualités -- Newsletter 55-56;

    ___________ Trust, but Verify: The Suitability of Traditional Accountability Mechanisms for Defence Intelligence Agencies in Democratic States, Mémoire de Maîtrise en droit avec concentration en droit humanitaire et droit de la sécurité internationale, Ottawa University, LL.M., 2014, mentioned in (Automne 2014) 73  Revue du Barreau at p. 679;

    R. c. Gingras, transcription du procès-verbal de la cour martiale.générale à Nicosie, Chypre, mars 1982, à http://www.lareau-legal.ca/A-2015-01060.PDF (mis en ligne en 2018);

    Image source: ca.linkedin.com/in/louise-rachlis-54772329, accessed 24 August 2017
    Louise Rachlis
    RACHLIS, Louise, "Ottawa lawyer returns from training mission for lawyers and judges in Afghanistan.  Louise Rachlis talks to Stuart Hendin about his dangerous mission in the war-torn country", Ottawa Jewish Bulletin, 28 February 2014, available at http://www.ottawajewishbulletin.com/2014/02/ottawa-lawyer-returns-from-training-mission-for-lawyers-and-judges-in-afghanistan/ (accessed 24 August 2017);

    Ottawa lawyer Stuart Hendin has returned home after spending more than four months in Afghanistan training
    lawyers and judges as an international training adviser in Kabul for the International Development Law Organization (IDLO).

    An expert on the law of armed conflict and human rights law, Hendin teaches morality and ethics at the Royal Military
     College of Canada in Kingston and at the Canadian Forces College in North York.

    "Le brigadier-général à la retraite Daniel Ménard à son arrivée en cour martiale,
     le 21 juillet 2011, en compagnie de son avocat [Me Jean Asselin]".   Photo : PC/Paul Chiasson

    RADIO-CANADA, "Coupable de mauvaise conduite, Daniel Ménard est rétrogradé au rang de colonel", http://beta.radio-canada.ca, 21 juillet 2011, disponible à  http://beta.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/524330/daniel-menard-cour-martiale (accessed 3 August 2017);

    RADIO CANADA, "Le sort des détenus afghans", mise à jour 15 novembre 2016; une multitude d'articles avec liens, voir http://ici.radio-canada.ca/sujet/detenus-afghans (site visité le 16 juin 2017);

    RADIO-CANADA AVEC CBC, "Des vétérans disent avoir été torturés dans l'Armée canadienne", 10 avril 2017, disponible à http://beta.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1027407/torture-armee-canadienne-defense-nationale-wainwright-entrainement-prisonniers-guerre-alberta (vérifié le 6 mai 2017);
    Pour la première fois, des militaires à la retraite osent parler publiquement d'un épisode de torture qu'ils disent avoir
    vécu lors d'un entraînement particulièrement éprouvant dans les années 80 à la base militaire de Wainwright, en Alberta.

    RADIO-CANADA, Ici Manitoaba, "La majorité des cas d'extrémisme dans l'armée ne sont pas sanctionnés", 19 décembre 2019. disponible à https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1442445/armee-extremisme-sanctions-militaire-racisme-homophobie-justice, site consulté le 24 décembre 2019;

    L’armée a traité à huis clos et en n’engageant aucune sanction disciplinaire la
    plupart des cas d’extrémisme et de comportement haineux parmi ses membres.
    Me Rory Fowler, un ancien avocat militaire, n’a trouvé que quatre cas de sanction
    disciplinaire en analysant la liste. La majeure partie du temps, l’armée n’a pas pris
    de mesures correctives et, lorsqu’elle le faisait, les militaires s’en sortaient souvent
    avec un avertissement ou une procédure de mise en garde et surveillance. Au contraire
    d’un procès public ou d’un procès sommaire, les mesures administratives militaires
    sont confidentielles.
    Michel Drapeau est un colonel à la retraite et un avocat spécialisé dans les cas de
    justice militaire à Ottawa. Il explique que, parfois, libérer de ses fonctions un militaire
    accusé de racisme peut être un moyen de se débarrasser du problème et d’éviter un
    long procès. Car, une fois que l’accusé n’est plus militaire, l’enquête sur son cas s’arrête.
    Selon Rory Fowler, c’est parce que la hiérarchie militaire est mécontente du Code de
    discipline que si peu de procès sont lancés. Il explique que les gradés rechignent à utiliser
    ce moyen, car cela requiert plus de temps et plus de preuves à présenter en cour martiale.

    Récemment, un projet de loi a été adopté pour mettre à jour la Loi sur la défense nationale
    et réduire le nombre de preuves requises.

    Image source: amazon.ca/Get-Tough-Stay-Canadian-1914-1918/dp/1909982865, accessed 10 October 2018
    RADLEY, Kenneth, 1943-,  Get Tough Stay Tough: Shaping the Canadian Corps, 1914-1918, Solihull, uk: Helion and Company, 2014, 423 pages (series; Wolverhampton military studies ; no. 4); copy at Canadian War Museum, Hartland Molson Library/Musée canadien de la guerre, Bibliothèque Hartland Molson, call number: D 547 C2 R34 2014;


    1 - With the Colours
    2 - Make Me A Soldier
    3 - Discipline: Powers and Responsibilities
    4 - Trenches: Alarms and Excursions
    5 - Crime and Punishment: System
    6 - Crime and Punishment: Practice
    7 - Morale - Concepts
    8 - Morale - Basics
    9 - Morale - Welfare
    10 - Morale - Esprit
    11 - Officers and Other Ranks - Differences
    12 - Officers and Other Ranks - Relations
    13 - Finis

    I - Field General Court-Martials July 1915-July 1916, January-July 1918
    II - Canadian Corps order of Battle

    [Source: http://www.historyofwar.org/bookpage/radley_shaping_canadian_corps.html, accessed 10 October 2018]

    Chris Raible, image source:
    simcoe.com/whatson-story/2046987-rebellion-boxes-tell-a-story/, accessed 5 March 2020

    RAIBLE, Chris,  "Bibliography of Published Works Relating to the Upper Canada Rebellion, 1837-1838", 2009. Ontario History, 101 (2), 222–251.https://doi.org/10.7202/1065619ar; available at https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/onhistory/2009-v101-n2-onhistory04950/1065619ar.pdf (accessed 5 April 2020);

    Sean Raleigh, image source: http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/sean-raleigh-cd-ba-llb-pcsc/63/16/4a9?trk=pub-pbmap (accessed on 18 April 2014)

    RALEIGH, Major Sean, "Brigadier-General (Retired) Robert Martin", (2006) 1 JAG  Les actualités -- Newsletter 12;

    RALEIGH, Major Sean, "Brigadier-Général (Retraité) Robert Martin",  (2006) 1 JAG  Les actualités -- Newsletter 13;

    Sean Raleigh                                                                                       Sean Raleigh, video-still
    ___________"The Legal Officer [Lieutenant-Commander Sean Raleigh]", People in Your Neighbourhood, available at https://www.peopleinyourneighbourhood.ca/the-legal-officer/  (accessed 5 April 2018); note:"People in Your Neighbourhood™ is presented by Jen & Van Hansen, Sales Representatives for Apex Results Realty Inc., the full-service boutique brokerage with offices in Burlington, and Hamilton, ON."; includes a video "Legal Officer";

    __________Sean Raleigh and his involvement in the case of  J.P. v. Attorney General (Canada), 2010 ONSC 5327 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/2d997>; case accessed 7 April 2020;

    Photo by MCpl Kevin Paul, Canadian Forces Combat Camera
    Major Sean Raleigh, on USS Bainbridge, 27 September 2007
    ____________Photo, Major Sean Raleigh, Canadian Forces Imagery Gallery, available at combatcamera.forces.gc.ca/gallery/cc_photos/detail/?filename=IS2007-7700&assetId=13816 (accessed on 31 May 2017)
    Major Sean Raleigh, Legal Officer on the Canadian Frigate HMCS TORONTO, gets a guided tour of the American warship
    USS BAINBRIDGE from Lieutenant-Commander Schwarzkopf, Executive Officer of the BAINBRIDGE. The two ships are part of
    a multinational fleet carrying out a NATO presence patrol in the Indian Ocean near Somalia.
    Le Major Sean Raleigh, avocat militaire à bord de la frégate canadienne, le NCSM TORONTO, participe à une visite guidée
    du navire de guerre américain USS BAINBRIDGE donnée par le Capitaine de corvette Schwarzkopf, commandant en second du
    BAINBRIDGE. Les deux navires font partie de la flotte multinationale de l’OTAN effectuant une patrouille de présence
    dans l’océan Indien, près de la Somalie. (source pour le texte français: http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca/gallery/

    RALPH, H. Spencer (Hugh Spencer), Major, member of the OJAG, circa 1918, Directory of Military Estates, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 30, available at i-xii and 1-102;

    __________on Ralph, H. Spencer, Major, see "Hundred of Toronto Folk File Claims Against Teuton", The Globe, Toronto, 14 May 1924, at p. 11;

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers:
    Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca, accessed 18 September 2018

    ___________on Ralph, H. Spencer, Major, see "Is to Have Charge of Soldiers' Estates", The Globe, Toronto, 18 November 1916, at p. 5;

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers:
    Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca, accessed 18 September 2018

    ___________on Ralph, H. Spencer, Major, see "Ontario Itinerary Arranged by Enemy War Debts Board", Canadian Press Despatch", The Globe, Toronto, 25 September 1925, at p. 3;

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers:
    Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca, accessed 18 September 2018

    RALSTON, Stuart B., Montreal Superior Court Judge and former officer of the JAG "department", see "Like father, like son", The Leader-Post, Regina, 17 August 1961 at p. 21, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 25 May 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ____________photo of RALSTON, Stuart B., in The Equity, 14 December 1944 at p. 3, available at http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2556932, accessed 24 June 2020;

    RAM, Sunil, "Sharing the Responsibility: Thoughts on the Civil-Military Relationship", (2007) 4(3) Front Line 8-10; available at  http://defence.frontline.online/interactive/07def3-3d/ (accessed 30 July 2017);

    Sunil V. Ram                           Tim A. Mau

    RAM, Sunil V., Tim A. Mau, "The Nature of the Civil-Military Relationship in Canada and its Impact on the Leadership Role of the Officer Corps", CSL Leadership Review September 2016 , pp. 1-21; available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236578651_The_Nature_of_the_Civil-Military_Relationship_in_Canada_and_its_Impact_on_the_Leadership_Role_of_the_Officer_Corps (accessed 26 November 2016);

    Image source: www.linkedin.com/in/rob-ramey-6989a5a8, accessed 30 July 2016
    Robert Ramey
    RAMEY, Robert A., Space Warfare and the Future Law of War, A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Law (LL.M.), Institute of Air and Space, McGill University, 1999; available at http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape10/PQDD_0030/MQ55106.pdf (accessed on 17 October 2014);

    Source: www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/law/comparative-law/global-anti-terrorism-law-and-policy-2nd-edition, accessed 30 July 2016

    RAMRAJ, Victor, Michael Hor, Kent Roach, et al., eds., Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy, 2nd ed., New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 9781107014671; and see The criminal law and its less restrained alternatives Kent Roach and Canada's response to terrorism Kent Roach;

    RANGER, Paul, c.r.,  Lieutenant-Colonel avec le bureau du JAG, décédé dimanche le 7 avril 1963, voir l'avis de décès dans La Presse, lundi le 8 avril 1963, à la p. 49, disponible à  http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2757798 (consulté le 31 mars 2018);


    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________photo "Officiers à leur retraite" du LCol Ranger avec d'autres militaires, La presse, Montréal, mercredi, le 2 mai 1945, à la p. 10; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2884536 (vérifié le 25 janvier 2019); for the same photo, somewhat clearer, see The Gazette, Montreal, 3 May 1945 at p. 17;

    ___________pour une biographie sur RANGER, Paul, voir Lefebvre, Jean-Jacques à (1963) Revue du Barreau aux  pp. 370-372; ****

    RANKIN, Colonel J.S. (James S.), lawyer, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 42 available at i-xii and 1-102;

    In June 1929, The JAG [Colonel Orde] received some additional help.  Colonel J.S. Rankin
    was appointed as an Assistant Departmental Solicitor under a temporary certificate from the
    Civil Service Commission.

    ___________on RANKIN, Colonel James S., see Canadian Press, "Claim for $10,674 Dismissed",  The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 10 May 1939, at p. 9; available at https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/.... (accessed 3 February 2019);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    [Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/,
    ProQuest Historical Newspapers,  accessed 3 February 2018]

    ___________on RANKIN, Colonel James S., see "Col. Orde and Capt. Gordon Spend Year at War College", The Globe, Toronto, 9 December 1930 at p. 17;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    [Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/....,
    ProQuest Historical Newspapers, accessed 13 March 2019]

    ___________on RANKIN, Colonel James S., see "Discuss Petition of Col. J. Rankin", The Evening Citizen, Wednesday, 10 May 1939 at p. 17; retrieved from http://biblioottawalibrary.ca.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ezproxylogin?url=/docview/2342335204?accountid=46526, accessed 30 April 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    "Un rapport du comité des affaires extérieures de la défense.  Le recours aux forces armées à des fins de sécurité intérieure", Le devoir, Montréal,  mardi 1 août 1972, à la p. 5; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2774152 (vérifié le 20 octobre 2018); important article;

    Maj Prem Rawal, second from left, image source: http://www.touchbaseonline.ca/?p=2141
    RAWAL, Prem, Captain, on, "Congo's conflict spurred by corporations need for minerals" Touch Base -- The Magazine for global Canadians, 31 October 2011; available at http://www.touchbaseonline.ca/?p=2141, accessed on 25 February 2015;
    "Maj Prem [Rawal] was part of a panel [John E. Read International Law
    Society at Dalhousie University] that examined what legal obligations do
    multinational corporations have when operating in geographic regions
    where there is an armed conflict and what are the current best practices
    in terms of ensuring overall respect for International Humanitarian Law."

    RAWAL, Capt. P. (Prem), "First Annual Office of the JAG, Post-Deployment Conference for Legal Officers", (2006) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 25;

    RAWAL, Capt. P. (Prem)
    ___________"Première conférence annuelle: post-déploiement du JAG",  (2006) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 25;

    ___________on RAWAL, Prem, see his photo hereunder from hindutemple.ca/Temple_BOD.pdfhttp://www.hindutemple.ca/Temple_BOD.pdf, accessed 7 May 2020;

    Photo source: theglobeandmail.com/news/world/the-bleak-calculus-of-congos-war-without-end/article4318421/, accessed 6 May 2020

    ___________on Rawal, Prem and his participation in Operation Crocodile, see York, Geoffrey, Reuters, "The War [in Congo] that Won't End", The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 27 Mar 2010 at pages F1 and F6-F7; retrieved from http://biblioottawalibrary.ca.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/ezproxylogin?url=/docview/1444873633?accountid=46526, accessed 6 May 2020;


    ___________on Rawal, Prem, see "Soldier charged with manslaughter questions impartiality of judge",  CBC News Nova Scotia, 13 January 2009, available at https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/soldier-charged-with-manslaughter-questions-impartiality-of-judge-1.780684 (accessed 7 May 2020); re Wilcox M.A. (Corporal), R. v., 2009 CM 2006 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/27rwj>;

    A Canadian reservist [] charged in the death of a fellow soldier is trying to end his court martial by challenging the independence of military judges.
    As the court martial resumed Monday in Sydney, defence attorney Maj. Stephen Turner submitted two volumes of documentation and spent over two hours arguing that the proceedings must end.

    Prosecution warns of 'chaos' if defence challenge granted 

    The prosecution warned that military justice could grind to a halt if the defence's challenge is granted.

    Legislation on how military judges are appointed or re-appointed would have to change if the judge agrees with the defence's argument, said Maj. Prem Rawal, one of the prosecutors.

    "As to when Parliament would be able to remedy that situation, no one knows," Rawal said Tuesday.

    "It's the prosecution's submission that it's really a gamble and one that would cause chaos or have the potential anyway to cause chaos."

    ___________on Rawal, Prem, see the court martial of Captain MacLellan saga :

    - MacLellan J.C. (Captain), R. v., 2011 CM 3005 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/flx0b>

    - MacLellan J.C. (Captain), R. v., 2011 CM 3003 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/g87qn>, 20 May 2011; Standing Court Martial in Halifax, President: Lieutenant-Colonel L.-V. d'Auteuil, M.J.; prosecutor: Prem Rawal; defence counsel: Mr Kevin A. MacDonald, from the firm Crowe Dillon Robinson Barristers and Solicitors;

    - MacLellan J.C. (Captain), R. v., 2011 CM 3004 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/g2lg8> --

    - Kevin A. MacDonald, counsel
    for Capt MacLellan; image: ca.linkedin.com/in/kevin-a-macdonald-4b581bb6
    - on Kevin A. MacDonald, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/kevin-a-macdonald-4b581bb6, accessed 8 May 2020

    - MacLellan v. Canada (Attorney General), 2014 NSSC 280 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/g86bw>;

    - MacLellan v. Canada (National Defence), 2015 NSSC 125 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/gh8mk>;

    -  Rachel Ward, "Defeated ex-flying school deputy looks to appeal", 27 August 2014, available at http://www.davidmckie.com/defeated-ex-flying-school-deputy-looks-to-appeal/;

    -  Eva Hoare, " 'Glider instructor sues military , officer", 1 April 2012, available at http://canadianveteransadvocacy.com/Board2/index.php?PHPSESSID=j4te4f5rfkt71aev1fmk5mnkv3&topic=992.msg1002#msg1002, accessed 8 May 2020;

    ___________on Rawal, Prem, see Trinity College School, "Canadian Armed Forces Legal Officer speaks to TCS students",  22 January 2007, available at https://www.tcs.on.ca/2007-01-22/canadian-armed-forces-legal-officer-speaks-tcs-students (accessed 7 May 2020);

    Language and Culture students learned about the importance of bilingualism in the
    professional world thanks to guest speaker Prem Rawal from the Canadian Armed
    Forces. Speaking to students in period three and four classes on Friday, January 19,
    Mr. Rawal also addressed justice issues, specifically Canadian military justice and
    the law of armed conflict.

    Mr. Rawal is a soldier who also holds the position of legal officer with the Judge
    Advocate General's Office of the Canadian Armed Forces. He completed law school
    at the University of Western Ontario in 2002 and was called to the Bar of Ontario
    in 2003 before completing basic officer training in St-Jean, Qu

    Source of image: http://randyray.ca/biography.html, accessed 28 September 2016
    Randy Ray

    RAY, Randy, "Law in the Trenches", (March 1995) 4 National (The Canadian Bar Association - L'Association du Barreau canadien) 12-24;  research note: article on Canadian military lawyers; note de recherche: article sur les avocats militaires canadiens;

    RAYCROFT, Maxwell (Max), Captain, from Stratford, Ontario was the defending officer in the court martial of Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Tedman,  see "Second Officer Convicted; Trial of Third Opens", Globe and Mail, 1946/03/02, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5081819 (accessed 7 June 2019);

    RAYFUSE, Rosemary, Ph.D., research note: "1985 -87Articled Law Student, Assistant Judge Advocate General, Maritime Forces Pacific, H.Q., Victoria, British Columbia Canada", source: https://socialsciences.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Rayfuse-Rosemary-Nomination-Form.pdf (accessed 22 April 2020);

    Elizabeth Raymer, image source: canadianlawyermag.com/authors/elizabeth-raymer, accessed 7 August 2019

    RAYMER, Elizabeth, "Military ‘members tried by members’ fosters morale, says SCC",  Canadian Lawyer, 29 July 2019, available at https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/resources/legal-education/military-members-tried-by-members-fosters-morale-says-scc/277570 (accessed 7 August 2019); re the Stillman decion from the SCC (2019);

    RAYMOND, Martin (M.D.N.), LCol, member of the OJAG, Canadian Joint Operations Command Legal Advisor, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/martin-raymond-02526147 (accessed 9 May 2018); "Lieutenant-Commander M. Raymond, Director of Military Prosecutions, Eastern Region Counsel for the prosecution/respondent" in Benoît M.R. (Captain, retired), R. v., 2008 CM 1010 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/27znb>, accessed 9 June 2018; member of the Quebec Bar since 2002; Royal Military College of Canada/Coll, Master's degree, Defence Studies,

    ___________on RAYMOND, Martin, see at https://ca.linkedin.com/in/martin-raymond-02526147?trk=public_profile_browsemap_profile-result-card_result-card_full-click (accessed 24 December 2019);

    Book image source: http://www.dominionpaper.ca/foreign_policy/2006/10/31/whose_trau.html, accessed on 8 April 2014

    RAZAK, Sherene H., Dark Threats and white knights : the Somalia Affair,  peacekeeping and the new imperialism, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2004, xii, 236 p., ISBN: 0802087086 and 0802086632 (pbk.); limited preview at http://books.google.com/books?id=nfj8SN649zEC&pg=PA181&dq=%22Dishonoured+Legacy%22&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=sTh-SMObJ4OQsgPw1PHhDw&sig=ACfU3U3IyQDokfGlXdDLR6GcbWA0UEM7OA#PPP1,M1 and
    http://books.google.com/books?id=nfj8SN649zEC&dq=%22Dishonoured+Legacy%22&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 16 July 2008);

       Acknowledgments| p. ix
       'The White Man's Burden,' Rudyard Kipling| p. xi
       Introduction: 'Savage Wars of Peace'| p. 3
       1 Those Who 'Witness the Evil': Peacekeeping as Trauma| p. 15
       I. Those Who 'Witness the Evil'| p. 18
       II. On Being the Hero's Friend: Canadian Investments in Peacekeeping| p. 32
       III. Sending in the Warriors: 'The Spread of Non-Democratic Regimes and Human Rights Abuses'| p. 39
       2 Men from the 'Clean Snows of Petawawa'| p. 51
       I. Masculinities That Make the White Nation| p. 57
       II. Operation Deliverance| p. 67
       3. Outwhiting the White Guys?' Men of Colour and the M"It is obvious that justice (in the sense of fair treatment,
     rather than in the more narrow legalistic sense) is important to the members of an organization. Yet, the following
     questions remain: why is it important, and what is its impact on the effectiveness of that organization? This paper
     will answer those questions from both the theoretical and practical perspectives. Opening with an examination of
     organizational justice theory itself and its related concepts, it will argue that in order that the CF/DND retain the
     trained personnel in which it has invested time and money and attract recruits of quality, it must devote greater
     efforts to the principles of organizational justice. Discussion will conclude with a series of practical
     recommendations as to the means of improving both the substance and appearance of organizational justice in
     the CF/DND." -- p. 3. urder of Shidane Abukar Arone| p. 87
       I. 'A Significant Opposition of Values'| p. 91
       II. The Bully and the Weak Soldier| p. 101
       4 Bad Apples and a Nation Wronged: Public Truth and the Somalia Affair| p. 116
       I. The Disappearance of Race| p. 119
       II. Race as Culture| p. 135
       III. Ill-Prepared and Rudderless Soldiers and a Nation Wronged| p. 141
       Conclusion: Acting Morally in the New World Order: Lessons from Peacekeeping| p. 153
       I. The Role of Racism in the New World Order| p. 155
       II. Superfluous Human Beings and Evil as Policy| p. 158
       Notes| p. 167
       Bibliography| p. 207
       Index| p. 227
     (source: http://ares.cfc.forces.gc.ca/rooms/portal/media-type/html/language/en/country/US/user/anon/page/Sirsi_AdvancedCatalogSearch.psml?eventSubmit_doDocumentviewenrichment=
    accessed on 20    December 2011)

    ___________"From the 'Clean Snows of Petawawa': The Violence of Canadian Peacekeepers in Somalia", (February 2000) 15(1) Cultural Anthropology 127-163;

    Portrait of Horace E. Read by Siegfried
    Haase, 1968; image source: dal.ca/faculty/
    accessed 20 January 2018
    READ, Horace Emerson, 1898-1975, Fonds MS-2-322-- Horace E. Read fonds, Dalhousie University Archives, see https://findingaids.library.dal.ca/horace-e-read-fonds  (accessed 3 May 2018);
    During the Second World War, Read served as a Major in the Minnesota wing of the United States Civil Air Patrol from 1941 to 1943.
    At the request of his colleague and friend, Angus L. Macdonald (then Minister of National Defence for Naval Services), Horace joined
    the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve as Commander. With the rank as Commander, Read became chairman of the Naval
    Regulations Revision Committee and served as a principal architect in the revision of the Naval Regulations (K.R.C.N.), as well
    as the draftsman of the Naval Service Act of Canada in 1944. Read also served as chairman of the Canadian Naval Orders
    Committee from 1944-1945. As a result for his work directing the revisions of naval regulations, he was awarded the Order of British
    Empire in 1946.

    In 1950, Read accepted an offer to become Richard Chapman Weldon Professor of Law and Dean of the Faculty of Law at Dalhousie
    University on the terms that a Nova Scotia Centre for Legislative Research be established. In 1964, after being appointed Dean Emeritus
    of Law and Sir James Dunn Professor of Law, Read accepted the role of Vice-President of Dalhousie University until 1969 when he
    stepped down to pursue teaching full-time until 1972. On February 26, 1975, Horace Read died at the Victoria General Hospital in
    Halifax at the age of 78.

    ____________ Proposed code of the law of evidence for Canadian courts-martial, [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1956?], 93 p.; copy at Dalhousie University, DAL Dunn Law Library ; KB 96.D2 C21;

    "Readers Discuss Current Topics.  Are Misdemeanors in Army Dealt With Impartiality?", The Globe and Mail, 26 February 1943, at p. 6;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling  the
    wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    The article's title is missing from the image.
    ProQuest Historical Newspapers:
    Source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca, accessed 24 September 2018

    READY, David K., "Organizational  justice in the Canadian Forces", Toronto: Canadian Forces College, 2005, 21 p. (series title: Exercice New Horizons); available at http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/291/287/ready.pdf#pagemode=thumbs (accessed on 13 September 2013);

    "It is obvious that justice (in the sense of fair treatment, rather than in the more narrow legalistic sense) is important to the
    members of an organization. Yet, the following questions remain: why is it important, and what is its impact on the
     effectiveness of that organization? This paper will answer those questions from both the theoretical and practical
     perspectives. Opening with an examination of organizational justice theory itself and its related concepts, it will
     argue that in order that the CF/DND retain the trained personnel in which it has invested time and money and
     attract recruits of quality, it must devote greater efforts to the principles of organizational justice. Discussion
     will conclude with a series of practical recommendations as to the means of improving both the substance and
     appearance of organizational justice in the CF/DND." -- p. 3.

    READY, J.H. (John Howard), Lieutenant-Colonel with the JAG branch in Ottawa as indicated in "Ottawa Shorts", The Ottawa Journal, 11 September 1951 at p. 14, available at  https://www.newspapers.com/, accessed 16 May 2020;

    ___________on READY, J.H., Major, testified  in PARLIAMENT, House of Commons, Special Committee on Bill No. 133 An Act Respecting National Defence, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence: Special Committee on Bill No. 133 on Act Respecting National Defence, Ottawa: Edmond Cloiutier, King's Printer, 1950; eight numbers, No. 1 dated 23 May 1950 to No. 8 dated 6 June 1950, 360 p.; NOW AVAILABLE at http://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.com_HOC_2102_3_1/1?r=0&s=1, accessed on 24 August 2020;

    ___________on READY, J.H. (John Howard), see "2245, Sgt John Howard Ready", in Royal Military College, Review, June 1935 at p. 29 and available at http://rmcmuseum.ca/wp-content/uploads/RMC-Review-Vol-16-No-31-Jun-1935.pdf (accessed 29 August 2020);


    ___________photo of LCol Ready, J.H. with others,  "At Dinner Dance" The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 9 May 1955 at p. 12, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 28 May 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling  the
    wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Image source: lop.parl.ca/sites/ParlInfo/default/en_CA/People/Profile?personId=6471, accessed 25 November 2018
    Daniel Lee Redman
    REDMAN, Daniel Lee, 1889-1948, served with the Judge Advocate General's Branch, see "D. Lee Redman", The Globe and Mail, 9 April 1948, at p. 26;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers, The Globe and Mail
    https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca...., accessed 25 November 2018

    ___________on REDMAN, Daniel Lee, see "Military Funeral for D.L. Redman", Calgary Herald, Friday, 9 April  1948 at p. 13, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/479864799/?terms=%22Judge%2BAdvocate%2BGeneral%22%2B%22from%2Bthe%2Bleft%22, accessed 12 June 2020;

    REE, Angus Creelman, former lawyer and OJAG member, see : Ree v. Ree, 1999 CanLII 6048 (BC SC), <http://canlii.ca/t/1d15q>:  "Mr. Ree is a lawyer.  He was called to the Bar in 1956 and then worked for the Judge Advocate General, Canadian Army."

    ___________on REE, Angus Creelman, see book by Aaron Philippe Toll, editor, Angus Creelman Ree, Legsilative Assembly of British Columbia Social Credit Party, Creed Publishing, 2012, 96 p.; see https://www.morebooks.de/store/gb/book/angus-creelman-ree/isbn/978-620-1-90617-4 , accessed 24 June 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on REE, Angus Creelman, see "Law graduate takes bride September 14", The Province, Vancouver, Saturday, 31 August 1957 at p. 27, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 28 May 2020;

    ___________on REE, Angus C., see his photo in The Province, Vancouver, Friday, 6 May1966 at p. 20, available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 24 June 2020;

    Image source: cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-lawyers-airport-travel-ban-1.3969359, accessed 4 June 2018
    REED, Alison (Alison Mary Watson), legal Officer with the Judge Advocate General Office, reserve force, biographical notes, at http://alumnius.net/york_university_-_os-888-4, accessed 12 October 2017:
    York University - Osgoode Hall Law School   2000 – 2003
    Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

    University of Ottawa   1997 – 2000
    Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSocSc)

    Office of the Judge Advocate General   August 2011 – Present
    Office of the Judge Advocate General   July 2010 – July 2011
    Office of the Judge Advocate General   July 2007 – July 2010
    Office of the Judge Advocate General   September 2006 – July 2007
    Special Court for Sierra Leone   October 2004 – March 2005
    Crown Law Office Criminal   September 2003 – June 2004

    ___________on REED, Alison, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/alison-reed-06212b22?trk=pub-pbmap (accessed 18 February 2019);

    Legal Officer
    Office of the Judge Advocate General
    – Present 1 year 5 months
    Ottawa, Canada Area
    Serving as a reservist in the operations division, provide legal advice on legal status,
    protections and obligations of the Canadian Armed Forces in both domestic and
    international military operations.

    ___________Reed, Alison "Alison Reed is a founding partner of Reed Robins Naik LLP. Ms. Reed received her LL.B. from Osgoode Hall Law School in 2003", see https://rrnlegalteam.com;

    Ms. Reed completed her articles with Crown Law Office Criminal, in Toronto. After being called
    to the bar, she interned with the Office of the Prosecutor, Special Court for Sierra Leone. Upon
    her return to Canada, Ms. Reed joined the Canadian Armed Forces as a legal officer in the Office
    of the Judge Advocate General.

    As a legal officer serving in the rank of major, Ms. Reed delivered timely, solution oriented legal advice on a broad spectrum of issues relating to Crown liability, criminal, administrative and international law.

    Ms. Reed held several positions in over a decade of military service. Ms. Reed served as
    military defence counsel, providing vigorous and proactive representation to clients at military
    bail hearings, trial by courts martial and on appeal to the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada.
    She was, also, legal advisor to the commanders and staff officers of Canadian Forces Base
    Kingston, one of Canada’s largest military bases hosting 8 000 military and civilian personnel.
    Ms. Reed has also served as part of a small team advising senior staff at National Defence
    Headquarters on the domestic and international legal authority applicable to the planning,
    approval and conduct of Canadian Armed Forces operations in Canada and abroad.

    Image source: https://www.friends-amis.org/index.php/en/support-fcwm-2/our-volunteers-test-not-public-visible/347-volunteer-reed-william-arthur-bill, accessed 5 March 2015)
    REED, William Arthur (Bill), biographical notes (not necessarily written by Bill Reed):

    His close to 35 year career as a military lawyer has taken him throughout Canada, Europe, the Balkans and the United States
    (including Puerto Rico and Hawaii) where he has performed as both prosecutor and defence counsel, sat as a trial judge
    (alone and with a full court), and provided a wide range of legal advice, services, training and counsel in personnel,
    administrative, criminal, disciplinary, international and operational legal matters at the strategic, operational/theatre and tactical levels.

    He was the senior Colonel (Captain (N)) and Deputy in the Office of the JAG and, by appointments, both the Acting JAG in
    the latter’s absence from the National Capital Region and the Legal Branch Adviser.  He is an Officer of the Order of Military
    (source: https://www.friends-amis.org/index.php/en/support-fcwm-2/our-volunteers-test-not-public-visible/347-volunteer-reed-william-arthur-bill, accessed 5 March 2015)

    ___________on REED, Captain(N) W.A. (Bill), see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 151, 162, 214, 222 and 223, available at  103-242;

    ___________on REED, Captain(N) W.A. (Bill), see his photo on flickr put by Jim Rycroft at  https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/32459911480/in/album-72157623951146254/lightbox/ (accessed 26 September 2020);

    ___________photo of Bill Reed:

    [source: (Nov-Dec 2000) 4 JAG Newsletter-
    Bulletin d'activités
    at p.7]

    Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    From left: Allan Fenske, Pierre Boutet and Bill Reed, 10 April 2003, photo reproduced from JAG Newsletter, 2004, volume 1 at p.  5

    ____________Presentation on the rationale for a military justice system made before The Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia; taken from the Hearings Transcripts, volume 3P, 20 June 1995, COMMISSION OF  INQUIRY INTO THE DEPLOYMENT OF CANADIAN FORCES TO SOMALIA, Information Legacy: A Compendium of Source Material from the Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia, supra;
    PDF Presentation of Captain (N) Bill Reed

    ___________sur REED, Captaine de marine,  W.A. (Bill), voir l'article suivant: PRESSE CANADIENNE, "Pas de criminels endurcis parmi les soldats canadiens en Allemagne.  C'est ce que soutient le capitaine Bill Reed face aux meurtres récents", La Presse, 9 août 1991, C. Week-end, à la p. 6; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2171888 (vérifié le 29 mars 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows
    to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Image source: dal.ca/news/2017/02/06/a-new-generation-of-cyber-warfare-.html
    Stephanie Carvin and Major Max Reede
    REEDE, Maxmillian (M.J.), legal officer with the OJAG; member of the Law Society of Ontario;

    REENS, Roger F., Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel, DND/CF LA Materiel, Environment and Real Property (MERP-DMEI ),  613-949-9377; reens.rf@forces.gc.ca;  6th floor, 1 Nicholas St, Ottawa; see http://www.goc411.ca/en/99009/Roger-Reens,  accessed 13 May 2018;

    Martin Reesink
    REESINK, Martin, web site for his law practice at http://www.reesinklaw.com/ (accessed 31 May 2016); Martin Reesink is a former JAG officer;

    Darin Reeves, image source: http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/2011/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=44204, accessed on 23 April 2014

    REEVES, Darin, "An interview with Colonel Commandant of the Legal Branch, Capt(N) Goodfellow / Une entrevue avec le colonel-commandant de la Branche des services juridiques des FC: le Capv Goodfello", (2007) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 15-17; article in French & English/article en français et en anglais;

    ___________Detainee Rights and State Obligations; Charting the Shoals Facing the Royal Canadian Navy, LL.M. thesis, Dalhousie University, 2014; available at http://dalspace.library.dal.ca/bitstream/handle/10222/53987/Reeves-Darin-LLM-Law-August-2014.pdf?sequence=1 (25 February 2015);
    This thesis examines the question of Canadian domestic, and international, rights and obligations owed to individuals detained
    by Ships of the Royal Canadian Navy in a selection of contemporary naval operations. Discussed are underlying lawful authorities
    as well as the international law affecting the maritime environment. Next reviewed are extra-territorial extensions of State jurisdiction
    and the rights and international and Canadian State obligations triggered when an individual is detained. Legal issues found in
    maritime operations are then analyzed in contrast to land operations involving detention of individuals and attendant human right’s
    concerns. The thesis concludes by re-conceptualizing naval operations in light of State border and frontier zone legal principles and
    concludes by setting out general principles that can be applied to these, and other, naval operations.
    (source: https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/darin-reeves/11/b55/b35, accessed 30 April 2015)

    __________"Notes on Darin Reeves", available at https://ca.linkedin.com/in/darin-reeves-b35b5511 and  at https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/darin-reeves/11/b55/b35 (accessed on 30 April 2015);

    ___________Notes on Darin Reeves, available at https://www.childsoldiers.org/team/darin-reeves/ (accessed 15 August 2017);
    Darin joined the Dallaire Initiative on 1 March 2016 as the Director of Training.  He began volunteering with the Initiative in 2012 by writing and researching
    on issues surrounding International Law and maritime child piracy, and volunteered extensively with the Dallaire Initiative and Dalhousie Maritime Piracy
    Project in examining this phenomenon through 2014.

    Darin first joined the Canadian Armed Forces reserves in 1985 as a Cadet Instructor Cadre pilot where he served as senior instructor pilot, tow pilot and flight
    commander teaching Air Cadet youth to fly gliders.  In 1989 Darin transferred from the Reserves to the Regular Force as a Maritime Surface Officer and served
    in numerous ships in both the Atlantic and Pacific fleets.  Transferring to the Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG) in 2005, as a military lawyer Darin
    provided operational advice to all elements of the Canadian military and became a very experienced prosecutor within the military Courts Martial system,
    prosecuting complex matters including internet based crime, crimes against children and other breaches of the National Defence Act and the Criminal Code of
    Canada.  In 2006 he sailed with and advised the Standing Contingency Force exercising an experimental Joint Operations Deployable Command structure and
    has advised naval commanders for Operations ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR, Operation SEXTANT and Operation SERIOUS.  In 2008 he deployed to Afghanistan
    as the legal advisor to the 2nd Battalion PPCLI Battle Group, where he advised on all aspects of operational, disciplinary and administrative law.  In 2010 he
    was tasked to the NATO Joint Force Command Head Quarters in Naples, Italy where he assisted the NATO command team led by Lieutenant-General Bouchard
    in achieving Command Ready Status immediately prior to taking command of the NATO led operations against pro-Kaddafi forces in Libya (Op MOBILE). In
    2015 Darin deployed as legal advisor to the deployed Target Engagement Authority in support of Canadian Armed Forces operations in Libya and Syria (Op IMPACT).

    Darin received his Bachelor of Commerce degree (with distinction) from Royal Roads University in 2001 where he was awarded the Governor General’s Academic
    Medal and Chancellor’s Award.  He received his Juris Doctor from the University of Victoria Law School in 2004 where he mooted internationally, placing second
    in the Louis M Brown competition, and received his Masters of Law from the Dalhousie University Schulich School of Law in 2014.  In 2005 Darin was called to
    the Bar of British Columbia.

    Darin Reeves is part of the "Our Team", see
    www.childsoldiers.org/team/ accessed 23 January 2017
    ___________on Darin Reeves, see CHILD SOLDIERS INITIATIVE (The Roméo Dallaire initative), web site at www.childsoldiers.org/team/ accessed 23 January 2017;

    We are global leaders in the fight against child soldiers

    No individual country or regional organization has yet developed coherent policies, or military and police doctrine for dealing with child soldiers during peace operations. Our unique approach working with military, police and peacekeeping forces—often the first point of contact for child soldiers—is breaking new ground, and is a critical part of interrupting the cycle of recruitment of children by armed groups.

    Our focus goes beyond child protection–in order to solve this problem it must be seen as a security concern andsecurity sector actors must be included as part of the solution. Through this prevention-oriented approach, we aim to create the necessary tools and training, supported by research, to better protect children from recruitment, and in so doing, help end this crime against humanity, community-by-community, country-by-country, once and for all.

    [source: http://www.childsoldiers.org/what-we-do/, accessed 23 January 2017]

    Lt.-Cmdr. Darin Reeves comments on the case in the video
    ___________on Darin Reeves, see CTV News Vancouver, "Court Martial for Cmd. accused of misconduct", August 2016; available at http://bc.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=926659 (accessed 10 August 2016); Standing court martial of Commander J.A.Yanchus, CFB Esquimalt, 8 August 2016;

    ___________on Darin Reeves, see Eric Charland, "LCdr Darin Reeves recognized with a TTCP Award", Sword and Scale, May 2013– CBA National Military Law Section Newsletter; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/sections_military/newsletters2013/news.aspx (accessed on 26 July 2014);
    LCdr Darin Reeves, current secretary of the CBA National Military Law Section, was recognized by
    Defence Research and Development Canada, in November 2012, with a Technical Cooperation Program
    (TTCP) Achievement Award as part of the Force, Port and Area Maritime Force Protection team
    (MAR Group AG-10 team) for "excellence in the development and use of analytical tools and models
    for the evaluation and improvement of Maritime Force Protection, Maritime Security, and Counter-Piracy
    Operations against a range of asymmetric threats." LCdr Reeves was the Legal Issues Team leader for the
    Maritime Force Protection portion of the project. He oversaw the contributions of legal advisors from
    Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. LCdr Reeves received
    the award on behalf of the entire Canadian team, which also included Major Dennis Pawlowski and LCdr Mike Madden.

    ___________on Darin Reeves, see "Uvic Law places Second in the World!", UVicLaw News, Spring 20014, at p. 25, available at https://www.uvic.ca/law/assets/docs/news/lawnesspring2004.pdf, accessed 13 July 2019;

    ___________"Report of the Nova Scotia Military Law Section",  (May/Mai 2012) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/2012/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=48115  (accessed on 6 May 2012);
    ___________"Compte-rendu de la Section du droit militaire de la Nouvelle-Écosse",  (May/Mai 2012) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2012/2012-05_military.aspx#article1 (site visité le 6 mai 2012);

    ___________"Set Condition 'one-alpha' for Wet Well Operations" /"Adoptez Conditions 'un-alpha' pour les opéraions de la bâche d'aspiration",  (2007) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 34-36; article in French & English/article en français et en anglais;

    Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Reform_Party_of_Canada_logo_(english_version).svg, accessed 21 October 2017
    REFORM PARTY OF CANADA, National Defence Task Force: Final Report, July 1997;

    "Reformers show real backbone standing up for Canada - Francis", Financial Post (Index-only), Mar 19, 1996, Vol.9(26), p.19;
    Description: Also consider the behavior of Liberal House Speaker Gilbert Parent who refused to unseat the Bloc as Opposition (so did the Liberal majority).
    And Hart said Parent told him last week that parliamentary precedent dictates that if [Jean-Marc Jacob] is exonerated by the committee Hart must resign
    his seat because he asked for the probe. "Can you imagine?" asked Hart. "Let the separatist off scot-free and make the federalist resign?" We're talking
    about a national security issue. Reform defence critic Jim Hart told the House of Commons: "According to the Bloc Quebecois, high-level negotiations
    were held, agreements reached and senior members of the Canadian military were signed, sealed and delivered. The Bloc's defence critic [Jacob] confessed:
    'There were officers who were already prepared to create the nucleus of a Quebec Defence Staff. There are people who have confided this to me already.
    Absolutely, even officers.' The minister expects the Bloc member to come forward and give us proof. Canadians want to know why the minister doesn't
    exercise the due process and force the member to tell Canada what he knows and name names?"
    [source: © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved,
    available at : http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?ct=Next+Page&pag=nxt&pageNumberComingFrom=10&frbg=&indx=91&fn=search&
    Judge%20advocate%20general%22%20Canada&dstmp=1502693354815, accessed 14 August 2017]

    Ernie Regehr, image source: uwaterloo.ca/centre-peace-advancement/core-collaborators/researchers/ernie-regehr
    REGEHR, Ernie,  "Operation NANOOK 2016 and DND aid to civil authorities", 13 December 2016; part of Disarming Artic Security, Briefing papers by Ernie Regehr, O.C., Senior Fellow in Defence Policy and Arctic Security,  available at https://www.thesimonsfoundation.ca/sites/default/files/Operation%20NANOOK%202016%20and%20DND%20aid%20to%20civil%20authorities%20-%20DAS%2C%20December%2013%2C%202016_0.pdf (accessed 11 December 2020); note :"
    Senior Fellow in Defence Policy and Arctic Security at The Simons Foundation, and Research Fellow at the Centre for Peace Advancement, Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo" (https://www.thesimonsfoundation.ca/highlights/operation-nanook-2016-and-dnd-aid-civil-authorities);

    see Ernie Regehr's book:
    Disarming Conflict Why Peace Cannot Be Won on the Battlefield, London : Zed Books, 2015, xi, 217 pages ; 22 cm, ISBN: 9781783603558 1783603550 9781783603541 1783603542;

          Table of Contents

    Image source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Niobe_(1897), accessed 22 October 2017
    HMCS Niobe (1897)

    REGIMENTAL ROGUE, THE, The Minute Book, "HMCS Niobe Grounding and Court Martial; Part 2: The Courts Martial, Day 1 of 3, Nov 1911", available at http://regimentalrogue.tripod.com/blog/index.blog/2328804/hmcs-niobe-courts-martial-nov-1911-part-1/ (accessed 28 December 2015);
    Halifax, N.S., Nov 15.—A naval court martial convened here today to investigate the responsibility for the stranding of the Canadian cruiser Niobe near Cape Sable,
    last July. Commander Macdonald of the Niobe and two of his officers are on trial. In order to provide the officers of necessary rank for the court, the British Atlantic
    Squadron, consisting of Leviathan, Essex, Donegal and Berwick was sent here. Capt Baker of the Berwick is presiding over the court.

    Mishall Rehman, souce: cmfmag.ca/                 
    author/mishall/, accessed 1 November 2017

    REHMAN, Mishall, "CAF Board of Inquiry releases report on allegations of sexual assault of Afghan children", Canadian Military Family Magazine, 13 April 2016, available at https://www.cmfmag.ca/events/caf-board-of-inquiry-releases-report-on-allegations-of-sexual-assault-of-afghan-children/ , accessed 4 August 2020;

    Collin Fitzgerald, left, with Mark Gerretsenm

    ___________"MCpl. (ret’d) Collin Fitzgerald petition presented in House of Commons", Canadian Military Family Magazine, 4 May 2017, available at http://cmfmag.ca/cmf_profiles/mcpl-retd-collin-fitzgerald-petition-presented-in-house-of-commons/ (accessed 1 November 2017);

    After accumulating thousands of dollars in debt and being dragged through 27 months of prosecution, MCpl. (ret’d) Collin
    Fitzgerald finally saw a ray of justice this week when his petition to the House of Commons was presented on in Parliament on May 2.

    The Federal petition demands that an independent inquiry be held looking into the 27 month prosecution of this decorated war hero,
    demands an overhaul of the relationship between the Police Force and the Crown Attorney, and the government determine a way of
    compensating thousands of unjustly accused Canadians.

    The petition, which was signed by hundreds of Canadians from across the country, was presented to the House of Commons by MP
    for Kingston and the Islands, Mark Gerretsenm who has been working with Fitzgerald since last fall to get his voice heard.

    “Collin is one of many veterans who have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, something he has struggled with for
    many years. Collin’s story is one of a military hero who has returned home to later face charges he claims are a result of his PTSD,”
    said Gerretsen in his address to Parliament.

    The government now has 45 calendar days to respond to Fitzgerald’s petition.

    Keith Reichert
    REICHERT, Keith, Commander, member of the AJAG Pacific Team; see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/keith-reichert-94227537, accessed 18 September 2018;

    REID, F.M., Major, on, see "Behind the Lines", Hamilton Spectator, 1944/06/30, available at https://collections.museedelhistoire.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5051548 (accessed 31 May 2019);

    Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    REID,  Michel, "Military Ethics and Political Activism: The Charter, the soldier, and freedom of political expression",  (Summer 2008) 1(1) Journal of  the Defence Ethics Programme; available at  http://www.dep.forces.gc.ca/dep-ped/jdep-jped/2008/v1n1-eng.aspx  (accessed on 25 March 2012);
    REID,  Michel, "Éthique militaire et milantisme politique: la Charte, le soldat et la liberté d'expression politique", (Été 2008) 1(1) Journal du Programme d'éthique de la défense; disponible à http://www.dep.forces.gc.ca/dep-ped/jdep-jped/2008/v1n1-fra.aspx (vérifié le 25 mars 2012);

    ___________"Where Ethics and Legality Collide", (Summer 2011) 11(3) Canadian Military Journal 5-13; available at http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo11/no3/03-reid-eng.asp (accessed on 17 August 2013);
    ___________"Lorsque l'éthique et la légalité s'affrontent", (été 2011) 11(3) disponible à http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo11/no3/03-reid-fra.asp (vérifié le 17 août 2013);

    REILLY, J., "Military employment law" (January/Janvier 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 8; available at http://web.archive.org/web/20030519205047/abc.cba.org/Sections/military_F/sword+01-01.pdf (accessed on 18 April 2012);
    REILLY, J., "Précis : Le droit de l'emploi militaire" (January/Janvier 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 8; disponible http://web.archive.org/web/20030519205047/abc.cba.org/Sections/military_F/sword+01-01.pdf (site visité le 18 avril 2012);

    Image source: www.google.ca (image search, 31 December 2014)
    REILLY, John, Office of the Assistant Judge Advocate General (Pacific Region), "Op Caribe: Personal Legal Issues", slide presentation, see  http://www.slideshare.net/esquimaltmfrc/mcdv-briefing-december-2014 (accessed on 31 December 2014);

    ___________ Office of the Assistant Judge Advocate General (Pacific Region), "Her Majesty's Canadian Ship WINNIPEG: Personal Legal Issues", slide presentation, see https://www.slideshare.net/esquimaltmfrc/predeployment-briefing-hmcs-winnipeg-2015  (accessed on 24 May 2016);

    REILLY, J.J. (John Joseph?), Major, member of the OJAG, called to the Law Society of Ontario (Ontario Bar) in 1982, see https://www.canadianlawlist.com/listingdetail/contact/j-j-reilly-561461/ (accessed 19 August 2018); was at one time
    Deputy Judge Advocate Military Justice & Administrative Law, National Defence Headquarters, 305 Rideau St.,  Ottawa;

    ___________on REILLY, J.J., was a captain with the OJAG in 1985 (source: Canadian Forces Officer's List (Regular) (Bilingual), A-AD-224-001/AF-001, 1985-11-20, obtained from DND, Access to Information and Privacy, file A-2019-00318, 13 February 2020);

    RELPH, Hugh S., Major, member of the OJAG during WW II, see "Maj. Hugh S. Relph Named Acting O.C. Of U. of O. Corps", The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, 21 April 1944 at p. 2:

    Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    source: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca/docview/....

    Image source: palmerconference.com/panels/defence-and-security/, accessed 12 November 2017
    Roy Rempel

    REMPEL, Roy, 1962-, The Chatter Box : An Insider's Account of the Irrelevance of Parliament in the Making of Canadian Foreign and Defence Policy, Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2002; available in part at http://books.google.ca/books?id=TpZ6YOtt7pEC&pg=PT36&lpg=PT36&dq=The+Charter+Box+:+An+Insider
    Irrelevance%20of%20Parliament%20in%20the%20Making%20of%20Canadian%20Foreign%20and%20Defence%20Policy&f=false (accessed on 9 December 2013);

    RENNIE, Ian, "A reply to 'The Battle of the Windmill': a different perspective" (March/Mars 2010) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2010/2010-02_military.aspx and http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2010/2010-02_military.aspx#article3 and http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/pdf/02-10-military_2.pdf (accessed on 29 April 2012);
    RENNIE, Ian, "Une perspective différente : réplique à 'La Bataille du Moulin-à-Vent' ",  (March/Mars 2010) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/pdf/03-10-salut_militaire.pdf  (site visité le 29 avril  2012);

    RENNIE, Richard, former JAG officer, biographical notes:

    Richard Rennie

    Richard A. Rennie was appointed to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board in 2012. He joined the Royal Canadian Navy in 1964
    and, after three years, transferred to the Royal Canadian Air Force. During his 23 years of military service, Mr. Rennie spent most
    of his field-time with 4 Service Battalion, 4 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group in Lahr, Germany. He also served in Comox,
    Borden, Ottawa and Victoria. After retiring from the Judge Advocate General Branch of the Canadian Armed Forces, Mr. Rennie
    was Assistant to the Dean in the Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria. As well, Mr. Rennie lectured in Law and Ethics at
    the University for more than 20 years.

    Mr. Rennie obtained a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of British Columbia, a Master of Public Administration from
    Carleton University, and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Victoria.

    Mr. Rennie and his wife Karen have three adult children. They reside in Victoria.
    [source: http://www.vrab-tacra.gc.ca/Members-membres/Rennie-eng.cfm, accessed 27 December 2015]

    ___________on RENNIE, Richard,  was Major R.A. Rennie, defence counsel in  R. v. Schick 1986 CM 15, Disciplinary Court Martial,  Esquimalt, British Columbia, 6 February 1986, source of information:  MADSEN, C.M.V. (Chris Mark Vedel), Military law and operations, Aurora (Ontario): Canada Law Book, c2008-, vol. 3, at p. APP2: 1986-4;

    RENNIE, Richard, note by François Lareau: If I recall correctly, Mr. Rennie worked at the JAG, Directorate of Law Claims, at NDHQ, while I was its Director in late 1982 and early 1983;

    on RENNIE, Richard, note by François Lareau: was a captain with the OJAG in 1980 (source: Canadian Forces Officer's List (Regular), A-AD-224-001/CFP/PFC 224), 31 December 1980, obtained from DND, Access to Information and Privacy, file A-2019-00318, 13 February 2020);

    ___________on RENNIE, Richard, see photo, hereunder, as a running candidate for Esquimalt council in British Columbia,  from Times Colonist, Sunday, 10 November 1996 at p. A4; available at https://www.newspapers.com/ (accessed 15 May 2020);

    ___________on RENNIE, Richard, see his dissent in 100002102207 (Re), 2016 CanLII 33296 (CA VRAB), <http://canlii.ca/t/grzj5>, accessed 15 September 2020;

    ___________on RENNIE, Richard, see his photo with Claude Arnaud put on flick by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/32717057891/in/album-72157623951146254/lightbox/ Major Rennie is on the left(accessed 26 September 2020);

    From the right, two defence counsel: David Hodson and
    Edmund Thomas

    RENNIE, Steve, "Court martial begins for ex-medic: Former medical technician faces sex assault", CTV News London,, 25 September 2013, p. A4; court martial of retired petty officer James Wilks; available at http://london.ctvnews.ca/court-martial-begins-for-former-london-based-medic-facing-sex-assault-charges-1.1470182 (accessed 24 October 2017);

    "Report on the Expert Meeting on Human Rights and the Administration of Justice by Military Tribunals, held in Brasilia, 27 to 29 November 2009", 36 p., available at http://www.law.yale.edu/The_Brasilia_Report.pdf (accessed on 17 June 2012); Lt. Colonel Michael Richard Gibson was a participant;

    Reserve Force with the JAG, see https://www.canada.ca/en/ombudsman-national-defence-forces/education-information/caf-members/career/reservists.html, accessed 23 December 2019;

    Reservists: Who are they and what do they do?

    The Reserve Force is a vital component of the Canadian Armed Forces. This group consists
    of officers and non-commissioned members who enrolled for service other than continuing,
    full-time military service. The Reserve Force has four sub-components: Primary Reserve,
    Canadian Rangers, Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service and the
    Supplementary Reserve. Individuals enrolled through these components exist as a trained
    and valuable force who make important contributions to the CAF domestically, with their
    presence and service during emergencies, in communities, (administration and training
    of the Cadet programs) and abroad as part of international operations.

    The Reserve Force has four sub-components:

    • Primary Reserve
      • The Primary Reserve is largely comprised of part-time soldiers, sailors, airmen and airwomen who work in armouries, Reserve units or with Regular Force units across Canada and overseas. This is the largest of the sub-components at approximately 27,000 strong.


    How are members of the Primary Reserve employed?

    Members can be employed on three classes of service:

    • Class “A”
      • Short periods of service up to a maximum continuous duration of 12 consecutive calendar days.  The majority of members of the Reserve Force are employed as Class “A”, normally serving one evening per week and one weekend per month, who can apply for occasional higher-level full time work
    • Class “B”
      • Periods of service of 13 or more consecutive days. These are used for temporary full-time periods of employment, such as for members undertaking training, instructing at a training establishment, in support of training activities or for full-time positions within a unit. The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces employ Class “B” service Reservists for periods up to 180 days and more than 180 daysFootnote 1


    The Primary Reserve Force

    Who are members of the Primary Reserve?

    The Primary Reserve is made up largely of members who have other full-time civilian employment or who attend school, and who dedicate themselves to the military on a part-time basis.

    Members of the Primary Reserve are men and women who contribute to the defence and security of Canada. They train to qualify for their selected professions, and subsequently, to prepare for domestic or international operations.

    Primary Reservists serve in communities across Canada. Many are situated in large urban centres while others are located in isolated areas from coast to coast to coast.  Though Reserve units are supported by a Canadian Armed Forces base or wing, many are not in close proximity to those establishments or the services that are provided by them.

    The Primary Reserve sub-component consists of the following six elementsFootnote 3


    the Judge Advocate General Reserve (approximately 50 legal officers employed on Class “A” and short term class “B” in various supporting legal roles).


    footnote 1:

    The divide of Class “B” Reserve Service surrounding 180 days is a recurring threshold for benefits to Class “B” Reservists. The Injured Military Members Compensation Act expresses the divide as “more than 180 days” and “180 days or less”.  However, Canadian Armed Forces policies and regulations are inconsistent.  Some refer to more than 180 days and up to 180 days, without addressing terms of service of 180 days exactly.  Other policies and regulations are silent on the duration of period of service when on Class “B”.

    Footnote 3

    Return to footnote3 Referrer

    Canada’s Reserve Force – 2016-17 Report on Plans and Priorities, http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-reports-pubs-report-plan-priorities/2016-canadas-reserve-force.page

    Maria Rey, image source: http://ieeeradarcon13.org/program/lunch-and-learn/, accessed 11 February 2015
    REY, Maria, Civilians Accompanying the Armed Forces : Issues and Considerations when Employing Civilians in Support of International  Operations,  Canadian Forces College -- Collège des Forces Canadiennes NSSP 10 -- PESN 10, 29 April 2008; available at http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/281/280/rey.pdf (accessed on 8 December 2013);

    REYCRAFT, J.M., Captain, legal officer, from Hast. & P.E.R.,  with the AJAG, military district number 4 with headquarters in Montreal, in 1944, see The Quarterly Army List, January 1944, Part I, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1944 at p. 169 (bottom page number) or p. 179 (top page number), available at https://deriv.nls.uk/dcn23/8897/88977987.23.pdf (accessed 21 March 2019);

    RICHARD, A., Capitaine, avocat, représentants du directeur des poursuites militaires, dans la cour martiale suivante: Pépin C. (Sergent), R. c., 2021 CM 3005 (CanLII), <https://canlii.ca/t/jdwnz>;

    RICHARD, Adrien-E, avocat, membre du cabinet du JAG pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale; voir "Au service juridique du C.A.R.C.", La presse, 28 août 1942 à la p. 16; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2980342 (consulté le 25 juillet 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling
    the wheel of the mouse allows to oom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________sur RICHARD, Adrien-E, voir l'article: "Juge-avocat général adjoint du C.A.R.C.", La presse, mardi le 4 août 1942, à la p. 6; disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2980281 (consulté le 5 octobre 2018);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling
    the wheel of the mouse allows to oom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ____________sur le chef d'escadrille A. Richard, voir l'article:  "La 3e région d'entrainement aérien possède maintenant son propre service juridique", La Tribune, Sherbrooke, mercredi 27 janvier 1943, disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3541273 (vérifié le 27 janvier 2019);

    ___________sur le chef d'escadrille A. Richard, voir l'article:   "Service juridique de l'aviation", La presse, Montréal, lundi, 25 janvier 1943 à la 17; contient aussi d'autres photos et des notes biographiques; disponible au permalien http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2962059, site consulté le 24 février 202l

    ___________sur le chef d'escadrille A. Richard, voir l'article:   "Wing Cmdr, Richard Named Law Editor", The Ottawa Journal, 21 October 1947 at p. 22, available at https://www.newspapers.com/...., accessed 27 May 2020;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling
    the wheel of the mouse allows to oom in or out of the web page being viewed

    Béatrice Richard, source de l'image: http://www.cmrsj-rmcsj.forces.gc.ca/cp-fs/brichard/pp-pp-richard-fra.asp, visité 11 février 2015

    RICHARD, Béatrice, "Le 1er avril 1918 — Émeute à Québec contre la conscription : résistance politique ou culturelle? Conférence de Béatrice Richard, Auditorium de la Grande Bibliothèque Montréal, 31 janvier 2013", Fondation Lionel-Groulx, disponible à http://www.fondationlionelgroulx.org/Le-1er-avril-1918-Emeute-a-Quebec.html (vérifié le 25 mai 2015) et assi disponible à https://www.fondationlionelgroulx.org/Le-1er-avril-1918-Emeute-a.html (vérifié le 30 septembre 2020);

    Pressing(and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling
    the wheel of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________ Bibliographie, la guerre et le Québec, disponible à http://www.chf.uqam.ca/ (vérifié le 15 décembre 2011); notes: "Nous tenons à remercier la Direction Histoire et patrimoine et la Chaire Hector-Fabre d'histoire du Québec pour leur aide financière dans la réalisation de ce projet.";

    Image book source: https://www.abebooks.com -- THE BOOK BROTHERS (CHATHAM, ON, Canada)
    RICHARD, Marcel, "The Role of the Military in Countering Terrorism" in Brian MacDonald, 1939-, ed., Terror, Toronto: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, 1986, 170 p., at pp. 113-117, (series; Proceedings; Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies; Spring 1986), ISBN: 0919769225; title noted in my research but article not consulted yet (6 January 2012);

    LCol Steve Richards
    RICHARDS, Steve, Lieutenant-Colonel, Presenter details, 12 February 2015; available at http://careersday.brentwood.bc.ca/portfolio-item/steve-richards/ (accessed 1 December 2015);
    Over the past eleven years, I have served as a legal advisor and as a military prosecutor in a variety of places.
    In addition to postings from coast-to-coast within Canada, and work in the United States, Jamaica, and in Europe,
    I have deployed on military operations in Croatia, Afghanistan, and Jerusalem/West Bank.  I also served as a legal
    advisor during the Olympic security operation for the Vancouver 2010 games.

    ___________"Lieutenant-Colonel Steve Richards", Brentwood College School, 15 February 2017; available at http://wp-multi.brentwood.bc.ca/careers/portfolio-item/lieutenant-colonel-steve-richards/ (accessed 16 Jnuary 2019);
    I left the Regular Force in 2015 to join BC’s Criminal Justice Branch as a Crown prosecutor. I worked as a
    Crown in Cranbrook, BC, and am currently working in Special Prosecutions, where I primarily prosecute
    gang and other organised crime-related offences. I continue to serve in the military reserve as the Deputy
    Director of Military Prosecutions (Reserve). I am also chief driver of two current Brentwood day students.

    ___________photo of Steve Richards:

    Representing Her Majesty the Queen: Steven D. Richards, in
    action before the Supreme Court of Canada on 12 May 2015:
    (source: still video from http://www.scc-csc.gc.ca/case-dossier/info/webcastview-webdiffusionvue-eng.aspx?

    Steve Richards
    ____________Richards, Steve, since 2017 employed as Crown Counsel at BC Prosecution ServiceVancouver, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/steve-richards-668b3b7a (accessed 27 September 2018); he appeared as c-counsel for the The Director of Military Prosecutions in Ryan B. (Lieutenant (Navy)), R. v., 2018 CM 2017 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hsql2>, (accessed 27 September 2018);

    Image source: http://www.web.uwa.edu.au/people/sean.richmond, accessed 30 July 2016
    Sean Richmond
    RICHMOND, Sean, At the vanishing point of law? : international law and the use of force by Britain and Canada in the Korean War and Afghanistan conflict, thesis,  D.Phil. University of Oxford 2014 Social Sciences Division Department of Politics and International Relations Linacre College, 311 p., Supervisor: Dr Jennifer Welsh.; see reference at http://www.worldcat.org/title/at-the-vanishing-point-of-law-international-law-and-the-use-of-force-by-britain-and-canada-in-the-korean-war-and-afghanistan-conflict/oclc/903165508&referer=brief_results (accessed 14 December 2015); thesis not consulted yet;
    This thesis examines important aspects of Canada and Britain’s participation in the Korean War of 1950-53 and the Afghanistan
    Conflict of 2001-present with a view to better understanding how international law influenced this participation, and whether key
    leaders and officials understood said law as a binding and distinct phenomenon. It draws on constructivist International Relations
    (IR) theory and “interactional” International Law (IL) theory, and employs a method of historical reconstruction and process tracing.
    I argue that, contrary to what realism might predict, international law helped define and shape each state’s possible course of action
    in the wars, and the justifications that could be made for their behaviour. More specifically, Canada and Britain’s involvement in the
    conflicts suggests that, when states use force, international law can play four broad roles: 1) it helps constitute the identities of the
    actors at issue; 2) it helps regulate the political and military practice of the actors at issue; 3) it permits and legitimates certain political
    and military practices that otherwise might not be permitted; and 4) it helps structure the process by which agents seek to develop
    and promote new legal rules and legitimate practice. However, I also contend that, contrary to what IL scholars might predict, the
    discourse and actions of Canadian and British leaders and officials during the Korean War and Afghanistan Conflict offer mixed
    support for the hypothesis that, when states use force, policy-makers understand international law as a binding and distinct set of
    legal rules, and the legal status of these rules impacts their decision-making. In sum, my findings suggest that international law can
    play important roles in world politics and the use of force by states, but it is unclear whether these effects are attributable to an
    obligatory quality in law.
    (source: http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.618545, accessed 14 December 2015).

    Image source: cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/mounties-involved-in-airport-taser-death-to-appear-at-inquiry-rcmp-1.765911, accessed 12 November 2017
    Wayne Rideout
    RIDEOUT, Wayne, Superintendent, "Assistance to the Department of National Defence The Canadian Forces Provost Marshall -- Canadian Forces Detainees in Afghanistan", RCMP Document, 29 June 2007, document number B-17, receipt date: 9/7/07;   Military Police Complaints Commission, 9 July 2007, vol. Operations, File number: 2007-006, document number: 13987; available at http://www.afghanistan.gc.ca/canada-afghanistan/assets/pdfs/docs/362/poa_391.pdf (accessed on 28 December 2011);

    Roy Ridlington on the right:
    " Foodland Summerside-- June 21, 2017 --Congratulations to Roy
    Ridlington on winning the Cadbury mountain bike from the Mondelez
    contest. Roy was excited with his win and assured us it would get lots
    of use by his grand children at the cottage. Enjoy your summer Roy."

    RIDLINGTON, Roy James, former JAG officer, biographical notes:

    Roy Ridlington served for more than two decades with the Canadian Army and the Canadian Forces in the role of Military Recruiter,
    Transport Officer and Military Lawyer. He received his law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 1977, and is a member
    of both the Law Society of Prince Edward Island and the Law Society of New Brunswick. From 1977 to 1983, he served as Deputy
    Judge Advocate at CFB Gagetown and then at CFB Halifax. In 1983, he was appointed Assistant Area Advocate with the Bureau
    of Pensions Advocates at Veterans Affairs Canada. In 1985, he was promoted to Area Advocate, a position he held until 1999. From
    1999 until his retirement in 2009, he was a Legal Advisor for both the Department of Veterans Affairs’ benefits adjudicators and, most
    recently, the Veterans Review and Appeal Board. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Professional Institute of the Public
    Service of Canada, a major federal government employees’ union. Roy Ridlington lives in Summerside, PE.
    [source: http://www.policecommissioner.pe.ca/index.php3?number=news&dept=&newsnumber=6653&lang=E, accessed 28 December 2015]

    ___________on RIDLINGTON, Major Roy, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 213, available at  103-242;

    ___________on RIDLINGTON, Major Roy, as a prosecutor at a court martial, see: "Peers give commander black mark", The Globe and Mail, 23 July 1981, at p. 8;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling
    the wheel of the mouse allows to oom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers
    https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.biblioottawalibrary.ca, accessed 29 September 2018

    Roy Ridlington
    __________photo of Roy RIDLINGTON, detail, from photo of the 1981 JAG Conference put on flick by Jim Rycroft at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/4528355114/in/album-72157623951146254/ (accessed 27 September 2020);  the same photo of the 1981 JAG conference, in colour,  can also be found in McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 124, available at  103-242;

    Image source: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/wolfriedel, accessed 15 February 2017

    RIEDEL, Wolf (W.W.), Blog on "Re: Judge Advocate General has gone 3 years without filing reports to Def Minister", available at http://army.ca/forums/index.php?topic=115252.0 (accessed 15 February 2017);

    Okay. Time to throw a few facts into the mix.

    First of all has anyone ever read these reports? Notwithstanding that they are statutorily mandated (and yes I do know what that means
    and what should happen) very few people look at these things. They mostly get a superficial review to see if there is anything exciting
    in them (which there never is) and then get shelved.

    Again if you read these things you will see that about 80% of them is boilerplate stuff that one can mostly cut and paste from the previous
    years review. The remaining 20% is justice system statistics. These are very manpower intensive in collecting. The court martial ones aren't
    too difficult but the summary trial ones are very hard to get from the units notwithstanding that there is a mandate that they send them
    to their AJAGs in a timely manner.

    When I worked in Ottawa from 2006 to 2009 on the JAG's Comprehensive Information Management System one of my mandates was to
    produce a system that automated the gathering of mil justice statistics. Unfortunately by the time that I left the project due to CRA, the
    system was not completed and in fact the contract for the key component that would allow gathering statistics (the case management
    system) fell through (after two years in the tendering system) and it didn't look like the contract could be revived within the projects lifetime.
    My successor was left in the unfortunate situation of having to see what (if anything) could be done to create a case management system
    out of the toolsets which we had obtained for both the Records and Knowledge Management Systems.

    I don't want to be seen as making excuses here but over the last two decades the demand for legal services from the field (which includes
    JAG's clients in Ottawa) has expanded tremendously and while the legal branch had grown, demand for services outstrips the resources
    available. There is, IMHO, a significant shortfall in support staff, within the office of the JAG (Civilian lawyers generally work on a one
     lawyer to one support staff ratio while within JAG the ratio is frequently 5 or 6 legal officers per support staff) The result is that legal
    officers spend valuable hours doing necessary clerical which takes away from their providing legal advice. When a General or the
    Minister calls a legal officer he wants a legal opinion RFN, not some time down the road. As a result the entire office works on priorities
     which often requires that tasks of a lesser priority get set aside.

    Please remember that the CoC understands this, has been told about the delays and accepts the situation. This news article didn't arise
     because the Minister or the CDS said "Hey where's our report?". This article comes as a result of the usual gang of critics who make it
     their mission in life to make a fuss over things which (again notwithstanding their statutory necessity) have really very little importance
     in the real world.

    One further comment; the Office of the JAG does not sit in judgement of others - that's the role of the Office of the Chief Military Judge
     who does not belong to JAG, DMP or DDCS.

    One last comment; I know Blaise Cathcart personally. He's earned his promotion.

    ___________lawyer, member of the OJAG; appeared as a LCol for the respondent Her Majesty the Queen in the case of  R. v. Jones, 1996 CanLII 12044 (CMAC), <http://canlii.ca/t/ggpqb> (accessed 10 May 2018);

    ___________on Wolfgang W. Reidel, an author of several books, see:

    Colonel (ret’d) Wolfgang W. Riedel, OMM, CD, QC has served for forty-four years
    in the ranks and as an artillery, infantry and legal officer in the Regular Force and
    the Reserve Force. As Deputy Judge Advocate General – Reserves he was Canada’s
    Senior Reserve Force Legal Officer and was a member of the Chief of Reserves and
    Cadets Council.
    [source: https://sites.google.com/view/wolfriedel, accessed 10 December 2020]

    AJAG Prairie visit to German Army Training Establishment Shilo, Exercise
    Black Bear 1990s
    — at CFB Shilo, Manitoba.
    [photo source: www.facebook.com/WolfRiedelAuthor/photos/a.2408239459187234/240823963
    , accessed 10 December 2020]

    Mr. Riedel is a frequent blogger at milnet.ca/forums/ 
    , accessed 10 December 2020.

    Image source: www.nationalnewswatch.com/2014/08/27/top-military-purchases-official-to-leave-as-tories-prep-for-2015-election-2/#.WXRiNVGQyUk, accessed 23 July 2017
    Tom Ring
    RING, Thomas J., Civil-Military Relations in Canada: A 'Cluster Theory' Explanation , thesis submitted to the Division of Graduate Studies of the Royal Military College of Canada in partial fulfillment of the requirements  for the Degree of Master of Arts in War Studies, April 2009, x, 145 leaves;  available at http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/thesescanada/vol2/002/MR53135.PDF (accessed on 13 March 2012);

    " Office of the JAG @JAGCAF 23 hours ago

    Legal Officers LCdr Antoine Lippé (right) and Capt Ève Rioux (left) were in
    Charlevoix for the G7 Summit [June 2018] supporting @CanadianForces troops deployed on
     #OpCADENCE in support of law enforcement agencies. They are seen here with
     CWO Dugal, 3 #R22eR Regimental Sergeant Major." (accessed 15 June 2018)

    RIOUX, E.L.R. (Ève), capitaine, membre de l'étude du JAG et travaillant pour le Directeur des poursuites dans Obele Ngoudni F. (Caporal-chef), R. c., 2017 CM 4019 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/hqf4p> (consulté le 8 mai 2018); membre du Barreau du Québec (2008);

    ___________photo of Major Ève Rioux:

    Members of AJAG Eastern participated in a mini-triathlon at Montreal Garrison yesterday.
    As their colleagues cheered them on, Maj Ève Rioux and Capt Manuela Islam, here with
    PSP instructor Vincenzo Varricchio, rowed, biked, and ran to the finish line!

    acccessed 17 February 2020.


    Clive Rippon, 2nd row, second from the right, image from McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, supra, at p. 93.    

    RIPPON, Clive L. (Clive Langley), 1921-2008, The legal status of military air transport, LL.M. McGill University, 1957, xvi, 224, [66] leaves (series; McGill University Institute of Air and Space Law);

    Clive Langley Rippon

    ___________Biographical notes -- obituary--Clive Langley Rippon;

    RIPPON, Clive Langley It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Lt. Col. (retd) Clive L. Rippon, DFC, CD3 on March 4, 2008,
    in Victoria, British Columbia. Born on April 7, 1921, in Coventry, England, Clive attended Coventry Preparatory School and Rugby School,
    OTC. In 1939 he enlisted in the RAF, and trained as an Air Observer, Navigator, Bomb Aimer, and joined 23(F) Sqdn., flying night intruder
    operations over Europe. In 1943 he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and in that year was posted to Calgary, Alberta, for Pilot
    training and operation rest. He met and on February 25, 1944, married Marion E. Simpson of Drumheller, Alberta. In March 1944, he
    returned to the UK. He was posted to 116 Squadron operating in France on D Day and on to Arnhem in support of ground forces. In
    1945 he was posted to 575(T) squadron flying DC3s out of Bari, Italy. In 1946 he was posted to 216(T) squadron based at Almaza,
    Egypt, flying freight and passengers to the UK, West Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, Karachi, India, the Middle East and Mediterranean
    destinations. In 1948 he immigrated to Canada and transferred from the RAF to the RCAF. He attended Dalhousie Law School in
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, graduating with an LLB in 1952. He joined the Office of the Judge Advocate General in Ottawa, Ontario. He
    obtained his LLM from McGill University, in Montreal. Between 1958-1962 he served as Deputy Judge Advocate in Metz, France
    and Soest, Germany. Upon return to Canada, he was posted to Halifax, St. Hubert, Ottawa, and finally as AJAG and Military Judge in
    Victoria, sitting as Judge at different courts martial in Canada, Europe, Cyprus, Malta, and the UK. In the seventies, he transferred from
    CF Regular to Reserve Force for call out duties, spent one year in private practice, and was appointed Counsel to the British Columbia
    Royal Commission on Electoral Reform, and Chairman of the Federal Penitentiary Disciplinary Courts. In 1981 he retired after serving
    43 years in the military and 20 years with the penitentiary service. Clive was predeceased by his parents, Col. The Reverend William
    Rippon and Malvina. He is survived by his wife, Marion; daughter, Michelle Rippon, an attorney in Asheville, North Carolina (Larry Farr);
    sons, David Rippon (Daphne), Novato, California, and Dr. Tom Rippon (Judy), Victoria; sisters, Rosemary Rippon, Halifax, and Patricia
    Lyell, Bath, England; grandson, Patrick, California; granddaughter, Victoria Miller (Cam), Mankato, Minnesota; great-grandchildren, Rose
    and Jacob Miller; nephew, Robert Lyell, France; and niece, Susie Bancroft (Andy), Bath. A memorial service will be held at St. John the
    Divine Anglican Church, 1611 Quadra Street, Victoria, on Friday, April 11, 2008 at 2:00 pm. In lieu of flowers, donations are gratefully
    accepted to the BCSPCA or the BC Heart and Stroke Foundation. He will always be our hero. 450929. [By Times Colonist (Victoria)
    March 11, 2008; available at: http://www.canada.com/story_print.html?id=e43e489c-4672-4fa6-a54a-cba37570d423&sponsor=, accessed
    27 December 2015
    ; see also http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/timescolonist/obituary.aspx?n=Clive-Langley-Rippon&pid=105325241,
    accessed 13 February 2016]

    ___________on RIPPON, Lieutenant-Colonel Clive L., see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 211, available at  103-242;

    ___________photo of RIPPON, Clive L. (Clive Langley), 1921-2008, see "Pacific Maritime Forces'", Times Columnist, Victoria, British Columbia, Monday, 21 April 1969 at p. 3; available at https://www.newspapers.com/image/...., accessed 27 June 2020;


    Glen Rippon, image source: http://www.namaoflyingclub.com/club.php?page=board, accessed on 23 April 2014

    RIPPON, Major Glen (Glen T.), "Message from the Chair" (December/Décembre 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 2; available at http://web.archive.org/web/20050125074904/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/swordscalenov2001.pd  (accessed on 19 April 2012);
    RIPPON, Major Glen, "Précis : Message du président" (December/Décembre 2001) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 2; disponible à  http://web.archive.org/web/20050125074904/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/swordscalenov2001.pd (site visité le 19 avril 2012);

    ___________"Message from the Chair: While nullifying the trial judge's decision on procedural grounds, the CMAC went on to reject the trial judge's s. 7 Charter analysis, pointing out that mere risk to life or security of the person is not sufficient to invalidate orders" (May/Mai 2002) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 2; available at http://web.archive.org/web/20050125112748/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/swordscaleapril2002.pdf (accessed on 19 April 2012);
    ___________"Précis : Message du président" (May/Mai 2002) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire 2; disponible à http://web.archive.org/web/20050125112748/http://dev.cba.org/CBA/Sections/military/swordscaleapril2002.pdf  (site visité le 19 avril  2012);

    ___________former AJAG member; member of the Law Society of  Alberta since 1983, employed at the  Bureau of Pensions Advocates, Suite 940, Canada Place 9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton, tel. 780-495-3750 as of 8 August 2018;

    Image source: http://www.thecourt.ca/about-the-staff/, accessed 20 December 2015.
    RITA, Zinejda, "R. v. Moriarity: Reconfirming the Jurisdiction of Court Martial in Canada:, http://www.thecourt.ca, 25 November 2015; available at http://www.thecourt.ca/2015/11/25/r-v-moriarity-reconfirming-the-jurisdiction-of-court-martial-in-canada/ (accessed 1 December 2015); see also at http://canliiconnects.org/en/commentaries/39234 (accessed 1 March 2018);

    Image source:  Google Image, accessed on 21 May 2014http://www.bagbooks.com/?page=shop/flypage&product_id=19034

    RITCHIE, Andrew R., Watchdog: A History of the Canadian Provost Corps, Burlington (Ontario): Canadian Provost Corps Association, 1995, xiii, 334 p., ISBN:  0969964706; title noted in my research but book not consulted yet (15 December 2011);

    Image source: graduations.lib.unb.ca/degree/16563, accessed 12 April 2018
    Honorary Degree Photo: L to R: Colin B. Mackay, Louis McCoskery
    Ritchie, C.L. Mahan
    Source: UA PC-4 no.12(55); Photo by Harvey Studios;

    RITCHIE, Louis McCoskery, former member of the OJAG, see  "L.M. Ritchie", The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 30 December 1981 at p. 11; see also bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/first-world-war-1914-1918-cef/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=619145 (accessed 12 April 2018);

    L.M. Ritchie

    SAINT JOHN (CP) -- Louis McCoskery Ritchie, a retired judge, has died here at 87.  Ritchie, who served in the
    First World War with the 26th Battalion and the Royal Flying Corps, was admitted to the bar in 1920.  During
    the Second World War he served as an assistant judge advocate general.  He was named to the Exchequer Court
    of Canada (now the Federal Court) in 1955 and was appointed to the New Brunswick Court of Appeal in 1956.


    ___________sur le major L.M. Ritchie, note de recherche : "Le major L.-M. Ritchie de Saint-Jean, Nouveau Brunswick est nommé juge avocat général adjoint du district militaire No. 7", voir le court article "M. Thomas Dann lieut.-colonel", La Presse, Montréal, 18 mars 1941, à la p. 10 et disponible à http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2979034 (site consulté le 12 avril 2020);

    Source: http://www.scc-csc.ca/court-cour/judges-juges/image-eng.aspx?id=roland-almon-ritchie, accessed 16 August 2016
    Roland Almon Ritchie,
    Credit: Al Blair, photographer
    National Film Board - Library and Archives Canada Collection (1990-295, # PC23C)

    RITCHIE, The Honourable Roland Almon, biographical notes,

    The Honourable Roland Almon Ritchie

    Roland Almon Ritchie was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on June 19, 1910. He was the son of William Bruce Almon Ritchie and
    Lillian Stewart. After graduating from the University of King's College with a B.A. in 1930, he went to Oxford University, where
    he earned a further B.A. in 1932. He returned to Halifax and was called to the bar in 1934. He practised law for a few years with
    Stewart, Smith, MacKeen & Rogers, then enlisted in the armed forces and went overseas during the Second World War. From
    1941 to 1944, he served as Assistant Deputy Judge Advocate with the Third Canadian Division
    . Upon his
    return to Canada, he resumed his practice in Halifax and helped found the law firm of Daley, Phinney & Ritchie. He also
    lectured on insurance law at Dalhousie University for 12 years and acted as counsel to the royal commission on the terms of
    Newfoundland's union with Canada in 1949. On May 5, 1959, he was appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada. He served
    on the Court for 25 years, retiring on October 31, 1984. Justice Ritchie died on June 5, 1988, at the age of 77.
    (source: http://www.scc-csc.ca/court-cour/judges-juges/bio-eng.aspx?id=roland-almon-ritchie, accessed 16 August 2016)

    ___________on RITCHIE, The Honourable Mr. Justice Roland Almon, see "N.S. Lawyer Named to Supreme Court", The Globe and Mail, 9 May 1959 at p. 9;

    Mr. Ritchie whose post pays $22,500 a year, is a wounded veteran of the Second World War
    who dropped his appointment in England as a divisional judge advocate-general to rejoin
    his anti-aircraft unit for the Normandy fighting.  He was retired with the rank of captain. 

    ___________on RITCHIE, The Honourable Mr. Justice Roland Almon, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at pages 49, 119 and 208, available at i-xii and 1-102 and  103-242;


    ------ Source: commonlaw.uottawa.ca/en/people/rikhof-joseph, accessed 27 September 2018
                                                                            Joseph Rikhof

    RIKHOF, Joseph, "Child soldiers: Should they be punished?" (May/Mail 2009) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2009/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=37322#top and http://www.cba.org/cba/newsletters-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx#article6 and http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/pdf/05-09-military_2.pdf  (accessed on 28 April 2012);
    RIKHOF, Joseph, "Faut-il punir les enfants soldats?" (May/Mai 2009) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx et http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx#article2  (site visité le 28 avril  2012);

    RMCCLUB, "Where are they now?   Law Day: Many Ex-Cadets at the 'Bar'  Ontario Law Day 2009", available at https://everitas.rmcclub.ca/law-day-many-ex-cadets-at-the-bar/ (accessed 18 March 2019);


    "RMC Ex-Cadets currently with JAG", What’s Happening At RMC Posted by rmcclub on April 14th, 2009, available at http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/?s&paged=255 (accessed on 29 June 2014); see also http://everitas.rmcclub.ca/law-day-many-ex-cadets-at-the-bar/ (accessed 18 March 2018); the site also includes lawyers, not part of the OJAG, that are graduates from RMC;

    11027 Brigadier-General Ken Watkin, O.M.M., C.D., Q.C. (RMC 1976) .....

    RMC graduates are well represented within the Judge Advocate General branch.  The following Ex-Cadets are currently serving as JAG officers throughout the CF – our apologies if we missed anyone:

    20103 Maj E. Charland; 15788 LCol M. Gendron; 14435 LCol M. Gibson;10953 Maj R. Henderson;
    17344 Maj R. Holman;12188 LCdr G. Killaby; 19210 Maj A. Koskie;15519 LCdr Sandra MacLeod;
    16004 Maj T. McLeod; M0729;  LCdr M. Paillé; 20514 Maj K. Reichert; 16141 Maj J. Simpson;
    19413 Maj C. Smith; 16149 Maj R. Stoney; 17395 Maj A. Tamburro; and 18278 LCdr B. Walden


    ROACH, A.J., Captain, had LL.B. degree, lawyer and legal officer with the JAG, circa 1948-1952; got this information from the Canadian Army List of that period;  mentionned briefly by McDonald, R. Arthur, 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, x, 242 p. at p. 81,see PDF page at  pp. i-xii and 1-102;


    Photo of Kent Roach, reproduced from http://www.law.utoronto.ca/faculty-staff/full-time-faculty/kent-roach (accessed on 31 March 2014)

    ROACH, Kent W.,   The 9/11 effect: comparative counter-terrorism, Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, xiv, 477 p., ISBN: 9781107006164 and 9780521185059 (pbk.); available in part at http://books.google.ca/books?id=meZDxEpBAjsC&pg=PA389&lpg=PA389&dq=%22National+defence+act%22&source=bl&ots=rh6SchtFo5&sig=icyuZTW4ajEtKZvcJ2OVWLaF2D4&hl
    =en&sa=X&ei=ud0BUP7bOIrH6gHjm_HxBg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22National%20defence%20act%22&f=false (accessed on 15 July  2012);

    Image source: cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/comparative-law/global-anti-terrorism-law-and-policy-2nd-edition?format=HB&isbn=9781107014671#LodcSrWhSy7V2xfD.97, accessed 31 January 2018
    ___________"The criminal law and its less restrained alternatives",  in Victor Vridar Ramraj, Global anti-terrorism law and policy, 2nd ed., Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012, x, 691 pages, at pp. 91-121 ; 24 cm, ISBN: 978-1-107-01467-1 (hardback) ; available in part at https://books.google.ca/books?id=-e4gAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA91&lpg=PA91&dq=%22The+criminal+law+and+its+less+restrained+alternatives%22+roach&source=bl&ots=yyzpJ0bJaG&sig=mgH9TC6Wlwnt40o5fARnX2TcQe4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwie2v-X6YHZAhVLzIMKHerND88Q6AEILjAC#v=onepage&q=%22The%20criminal%20law%20and%20its%20less%20restrained%20alternatives%22%20roach&f=false (accessed 31 January 2018);

    ___________"Editorial: Calling Out the Troops", (2003) 48(2) The Criminal Law Quarterly 141-143; note: this editorial is signed "K.R." and Kent W. Roach is the Managing Editor; available at http://www.law.utoronto.ca/documents/Roach/_48CLQ1.pdf (accessed on 7 March 2012);

    ___________"The law working itself pure? The Canadian experience with exceptional courts and Guantánamo" in Fionnuala Ni Aoláin and Oren Gross, eds., Guantanamo and Beyond Exceptional Courts and Military Commissions in Comparative Perspective, New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2013, xxii, 385 pages ; 24 cm, ISBN: 9781107009219 (hardback); 1107009219 (hardback); 9781107401686 (pbk.); 1107401682 (pbk.); 

    ___________"Police Independence, The Military Police and Bill C-41", University of Toronto, 14 January 2011, available at http://www.mpcc-cppm.gc.ca/alt_format/1100/1102-eng.pdf (accessed on 3 June 2011);
    ___________"L'indépendance de la police, la police militaire et le projet de loi C-41", traduction vérifiée par la Commission et non par l'auteur, Université de Toronto, 14 janvier 2011, 36 p., disponible à http://www.mpcc-cppm.gc.ca/alt_format/1100/1102-fra.pdf (vérifié le 3 juin 2011);

    ___________"Police Independence and the Military Police", available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1888517 (accessed on 26 July 2011); now published at (2011) 49(1) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 117-149, available at http://ohlj.ca/english/documents/ART_Roach.pdf (accessed on 27 November 2011);

    Richard L. Roach

    ROACH, Richard L., lawyer, member of the OJAG, reserve force, see notes from New Brunswick Cr4edit Union, Deposit Insurance Corporation; available at http://www.assurance-nb.ca/Financia-AnnualReportsl/Report2015-e.pdf (accessed 10 March 2019);

    Richard L. Roach (Oromocto)

    Richard L. Roach was raised in Aroostook, N.B. He graduated from Southern Victoria High
    in Perth-Andover, N.B., with honours in 1972. He attended St. Thomas University,
    in 1976 with a bachelor of arts. He then attended the faculty of law at the
    University of New
    Brunswick and received a bachelor of laws in 1978. He was admitted
    to the New Brunswick
    Bar in June 1978. He practised as an associate lawyer with the firm
    of McKee, Calabrese
    and Whitehead in Oromocto and Fredericton, N.B., from 1978 to 1980.
    In 1981, he formed
    a partnership with Ronald Morris, which continued until 2001, when he
    opened his own firm,
    Richard L. Roach Law Office, in Oromocto.Since then, Mr. Roach has
    practised extensively in real property law, family law, wills and estates and
    criminal law. He
    has provided numerous pre-retirement seminars at 5th Canadian Division Support
    Gagetown for military and civilian personnel. Mr. Roach also served as a legal adviser for
    Canadian Armed Forces Office of the Judge Advocate General (Reserve) from 1989 to
    In addition to his professional life, he has been a member of numerous community
    including the Oromocto Rotary Club (charter member), Oromocto Training
    and Employment Centre
    Inc., Oromocto Public Hospital Foundation Inc. and Oromocto and
    Area Basketball Association Inc.
    He is currently serving as a volunteer for the Burton, N.B.,
    chapter of Ducks Unlimited.
    He is married to Sandra Jessop-Roach, who is a CPA employed
    by the Government of New Brunswick.
    They have two children

    ROACH,  W.D.L,  Waterloo lawyer, served with the OJAG in Ottawa, moved to Kitchener in 1957, see article hereunder "Farm Credit Aide Named", Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Dec 1961, p. 1 and available at http://images.ourontario.ca/waterloo/3546900/page/2?q=Judge+advocate+general&docid=OOI.3546900 (accessed 25 April 2020);

    Image source: ca.linkedin.com/in/anthony-robb-43597759, accessed 12 November 2017
    Anthony Robb
    ROBB, Anthony, "An Unfortunately Popular Aversion to Truthful Feedback within the CAF", (Autumn 2015) 15(4) Canadian Military Journal 49-54; available at http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vol15/no4/pdf/CMJ154E.pdf (accessed 30 October 2015);

    ROBB, Anthony,  "Une malheureuse aversion généralisée à l'égard de la rétroaction sincère dans les Forces armées canadiennes" (automne 2015) 15(4) Revue militaire canadienne 48-54; disponible à http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vol15/no4/pdf/CMJ154F.pdf  (vérifié 30 octobre 2015);

    ___________Major (rank), Discipline Breakdown: Confronting and Addressing the Erosion of Discipline in the Army,  JCSP 44, Master of Defence Studies, 2017-2018, iii, 74 p.; available at https://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/405/286/robb.pdf (accessed 16 October 2018);

    Canadian Military Journal

    Me Andrée-Ann Robert

    ROBERT, Andrée-Ann, avocate, membre du Barreau du Québec et Lieutenant de vaisseau, "Nouveaux diplômés partageant leur expérience d’études payées", date de modification :


    Source de l'image: voir.ca/veronique-robert/ (vérifié le 12 novembre 2017)
    Véronique Robert
    ROBERT,  Véronique, "Le viol de Caporale V...", 6 mars 2013, disponible à http://voir.ca/veronique-robert/2013/03/06/le-viol-de-caporale-v/ (vérifié le 31 juillet 2015);

    Valérie* est militaire.  Le 15 décembre 2011, elle a été agressée sexuellement.  Dans un manège militaire.  Par son adjudant.


    Me Robert, s’il y a une chose qui n’effrait pas les procureurs militaire, c’est d’obtenir une condamnation en Cour martiale.
    Toutefois, ils sont d’une grande prudence avant de porter des accusations, ayant des standards très élevés en ce qui a trait
    à la probabilité d’obtenir une condamnation. On exige d’eux presqu’une certitude d’obtenir une condamnation avant de
     porter des accusation. Je vous invite à regarder le taux de condamnation en Cour martiale pour vous en convaincre… près
     de 95% des procès en Cour martiale se soldent par des verdicts de culpabilité. Souvent, on reproche justement à la justice
     militaire d’obtenir trop de condamnation en terme de pourcentage…


    ROBERTS, C.H., Major, 1st Canadian Headquarters Staff, is the Judge-Advocate in the general court martial of Lieutenant Henry N. Aldous, 1st Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column, tried at Mont St. Eloi, France on 15 May 1917on a drunkenness charge, commented upon in Hémond, Marc-André,  Military law, courts martial and the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1918,  Thesis (M.A.)--University of Manitoba, 2008, iii, 94 leaves at pages 72-73, advisor: DeLloyd J. Guth; available at http://mspace.lib.umanitoba.ca/jspui/handle/1993/21177 (accessed 19 June 2015); also available at http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/thesescanada/vol2/002/MR50543.PDF (accessed 22 June 2017);  

    ROBERTS, Leslie, There Shall Be Wings: A History of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Toronto: Clarke, Irwin and Co., 1959;

    Image source: resolution.institute/chapters-groups/wa-chapter-resources/restorative-engagement-a-new-approach, accessed 12 November 2017
    Len Roberts-Smith
    ROBERTS-SMITH, L. (Len), "A Nettle Grasped Lightly: The Introduction of the Australian Military Court.  Address to the 2007 Judicial Conference, Washington DC 17 May 2007 U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces by Major General The Hon Justice L. Roberts‑Smith, Judge Advocate General – Australian Defence Force", (2007) 174 Australian Defence Force Journal 53-70; available at http://www.adfjournal.adc.edu.au/UserFiles/issues/174%202005%20Sep_Oct.pdf (accessed on 28 February 2014); also available at http://www.defence.gov.au/JAG/20070523_AMCPaperJAG.pdf (accessed 12 November 2017);

    ___________Letter to The Secretary, Senate Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade References Committee of Australia on "Submission Relating to the Committee's Inquiry into the Effectiveness of Australia's Military Justice System", 2014; available at http://www.defence.gov.au/oscdf/jag/papers/20040216_emjs_jagsubmission.pdf (accessed on 1 may 2014); deals extensively with Canadian military law;

    Dylan Robertson
    Image source: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/biographies/436338523.html, accessed 5 August 2019

    ROBERTSON, Dylan, "Supreme Court denies Shilo soldier's bid for civilian jury review",  Winnipeg Free Press, 29 July 2019, available at https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/supreme-court-denies-shilo-soldiers-bid-for-civilian-jury-review-513362452.html (accessed 5 August 2019); on the Stillman SCC decision (2019);

    ____________ "Supreme Court hears ex-Shilo soldier's appeal", Winnipeg Free Press, 26 March 2019, available at https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/supreme-court-hears-ex-shilo-soldiers-appeal-decision-could-change-military-courts-507676842.html (accessed 28 March 2019); on the Stillman appeal case heard by the Supreme Court of Canada with the Beaudry case on 26 March 2019; 

    ROBERTSON, Struan Gordon, Lieutenant-Colonel, 1868-1928, see the following :

    Under Canada’s constitution as it then existed, the ‘Dominion’ as a limitedly self-governing
    unit of the British Empire went to war when Great Britain declared war on Germany on August 4,
    1914. Given Nova Scotia’s long history as an imperial military establishment, it was to be expected
    that the learned professions would respond positively to Canada’s Great War.

    Though the relevance of the contributions that could be made by ministers of religion, doctors,
    dentists and engineers was obvious, lawyers on active service had little or no opportunity to practise
    law. Unlike Dalhousie University’s medical school, neither the Nova Scotia Bar nor Dalhousie Law
    School was in a position to raise a unit of its own. The explanation, at least in part, is that doctors
    and medical students enlisted to practise medicine; lawyers enlisted not to practise law but to fight,
    and in order to do so had to be physically fit and of military age.

    There was no need and therefore no opportunity for a ‘Canadian Army Legal Corps’ such as existed
    for doctors and dentists. But if lawyers could rarely if ever offer their professional services to King
    and Country, they did everything else, the older or less fit among them serving on home defence,
    the younger and fitter going on active service overseas.


    The formation of a Nova Scotia regiment (17th Battalion) had been authorized on the express wish of
    Prime Minister Robert Borden days after war broke out. Presented their colours by no less a personage
    than Lady Borden, the battalion went overseas with the 1st Canadian Contingent in September 1914. The
    honour of commanding the Nova Scotia volunteers fell to a Westville lawyer, Struan Gordon Robertson
    (1868-1928), an immigrant Scot called to the Bar in 1894. Among the recruits was a young lawyer, Alistair
    , son of a late former lieutenant governor of the province and a future lieutenant governor himself.
    For reasons that were not fully explained at the time and remain unclear to this day, during the four months
    following its arrival in England the battalion was maltreated.

    The ensuing scandal became a political embarrassment for Sir Robert Borden, whom Liberals understandably
    suspected of installing political friends among the battalion’s senior officers. The damage done in what was
    expected to be an election year had to be quickly controlled – and it was. In January 1915, Lieutenant-Colonel
    Robertson, the chosen scapegoat, having refused to resign when asked to, was cashiered and the Nova Scotia
    regiment reduced to reserve status. As a quid pro quo, Robertson was made legal adviser to the Canadian
    Expeditionary Force, ultimately becoming head of the army estates branch of the pay and records office at
    CEF headquarters in London. Unlike J. L. Ralston, not all lawyer-soldiers were prepared for or effective in
    positions of senior command, and Robertson may have been one such. In retrospect, he appears to have been
    a capable staff officer but not well equipped to command an infantry battalion in training for the front.

    [Source: CAHILL, Barry, "Actions not words: Lawyers and the First World War", available at
    http://nsbs.org/actions-not-words-lawyers-and-first-world-war, accessed 3 October 2018]

    Image source: militaryandfamilyhistory.blog/officer-photo-gallery/robertson-lt-col-struan-g/, accessed 4 May 2019
    ___________Lt-Col. S.G. Robertson was Director of Military Estates, see "Estates and Legal Services Branch.  Department which Serves as a Soldier's Legal Adviser Overseas", in CANADA, Ministry Overseas Military Forces, Report of the Ministry, Overseas Military Forces of Canada, 1918, London, Printed by authority of the Ministry, Overseas Military Forces of Canada [1919?], xv, 533 pages frontispiece, plates, folded maps, diagrams (some folded) 26 cm , at pp. 437-439, available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2013/dn-nd/D61-33-1919-eng.pdf and at https://archive.org/details/cu31924063725810/page/n6 (accessed 3 May 2019);  also available at https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/13615756/report-of-the-ministry-overseas-military-forces-of-canada-1918-1919 (accessed 24 May 2020);

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling
    the wheel of the mouse allows to oom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on LCol S.G. Robertson, see "Camp Valcartier, the 1st Contingent , and the 78th Pictou Highlanders", at http://www.parl.ns.ca/greatwar/features/campvalcartier.html (accessed 4 May 2019);

    ___________on LCol S.G. Robertson, see his Personnel Records of the First World War, available at http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/personnel-records/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=614786  and  http://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?op=pdf&app=CEF&id=B8366-S054 (accessed 4 May 2019);

    ___________on LCol S.G. Robertson, see Barrett, Matthew, "Lieutenant Colonel S. G. Robertson 17th (Nova Scotia Highlanders) Battalion", The Partisan, 30 January 2015, available at https://matthewkbarrett.com/2015/01/30/the-partisan/#more-1270 (accessed 4 May 2019);

    Struan Gordon Robertson was a Nova Scotia barrister and militia major. Born on 13 September 1868
    in Bothwell, Scotland, he was a Conservative party activist and a candidate for the riding of Pictou.
    When the First Contingent of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces organized at Valcartier in August 1914,
    Robertson assumed command of the 17th Battalion.


    To the opposition party, the allegation that the Militia Minister had called Robertson and his officers
    “cowards,” was even more troubling. At best, the comment was unseemly; at worst it was a fireable
    offense. Hughes admitted to using “strong language” but avoided an outright denial. Attempting to
    calm the debate, Wilfrid Laurier injected, “My hon. friend can lose his temper, and I think that is
    what has happened to him.”

    ROCHE, Major, legal officer in 1941, see McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 49, available at i-xii and 1-102;

    ___________Colonel John Redmond Roche:

    Member of the Order of Canada

    • Awarded on: June 20, 1983
    • Invested on: October 05, 1983
    Lawyer, soldier, Member of the National Assembly and justice for the Montreal Court of Sessions
    who made a name for himself as national president of the Royal Canadian Legion and Chancellor
    of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. He continues to be actively involved in
    veterans' causes.

    [source: gg.ca/en/honours/recipients/146-13384, accessed 7 August 2022]

    John Redmond Roche, source de
    l'image: journallemonteregien.com/le-
    ,  site consulté le 7août 2022.

    ___________biographie de l'Assemblée nationale, disponible à assnat.qc.ca/en/deputes/roche-john-redmond-5147/biographie.html  (vérifié le 7 auût 2022);

    John Redmond Roche



    Né à Ottawa, le 18 juin 1907, fils de Henry George Roche, directeur des poids et mesures au
    ministère de l'Intérieur à Ottawa, et d'Ève DeMontigny Gingras.

    Étudia au Collège Bourget, à Rigaud, et à l'Université de Montréal. Admis au Barreau du Québec
    le 27 septembre 1930. Fit aussi des études militaires à Montréal de 1930 à 1936. Diplômé de l'École
    des officiers supérieurs en novembre 1941. Créé conseil en loi du roi le 24 mars 1945.

    Pratiqua le droit à Montréal jusqu'en 1956. Fit également une carrière militaire et fut d'abord lieutenant
    en 1930, puis lieutenant-colonel 1938 dans le Corps d'entraînement des officiers canadiens de l'Université
    de Montréal. Mobilisé dans l'armée active en septembre 1939, fut par la suite nommé à l'état-major comme
    sous-assistant de l'adjudant-général. Partit pour l'Angleterre en décembre 1939 et fut commandant de la
    section canadienne au grand état-major. Nommé lieutenant-colonel et commandant du régiment de
    Maisonneuve en décembre 1941. Promu colonel en octobre 1942, puis nommé à l'état-major général.
    Démobilisé en avril 1946.

    Secrétaire-trésorier de la Municipalité de la paroisse Saint-Joseph-de-Chambly de 1926 à 1936. Échevin
    de Chambly de 1931 à 1933 et de 1935 à 1937. Commissaire d'école dans cette municipalité de 1934 à
    1939. Élu député de l'Union nationale dans Chambly en 1948. Réélu en 1952. Adjoint parlementaire au
    ministre des Finances du 1er janvier 1955 au 20 juin 1956. Défait en 1956.

    Juge à la Cour des sessions de la paix à Montréal du 4 juillet 1956 jusqu'en juin 1977, date à laquelle
    il devint juge suppléant pour une période de un an. Membre de la Commission nationale de libération
    conditionnelle en 1978 et en 1979.

    Récipiendaire de la décoration de l'Efficacité et de plusieurs décorations militaires. Président du comité
    provincial des fonds de bienfaisance des Forces armées à partir de 1948. Officier de l'Ordre de
    l'Empire britannique. Président national de la Légion royale canadienne de 1970 à 1972. Chancelier de
    l'Ordre de Saint-Jean-de-Jérusalem de 1972 à 1975. Chevalier de l'Ordre Souverain Militaire de Malte.
    Appelé au Barreau d'Angleterre à Lincoln's Inn en 1941. Président de la Société d'archéologie et de
    numismatique de Montréal de 1974 à 1977. Président national du Lost Post Fund à compter de 1980.
    Directeur de la Rehabilitation Society for Crippled Children, de la Canadian Paraplegics et des Concerts
    symphoniques de Montréal. Commissaire et vice-président du Bureau des commissaires du Greater
    Montreal Poppy Fund. Membre de la Société royale des arts de Londres, de la Society of Lincoln's Inn
    de Londres, du Club Saint-Denis et du Cercle universitaire de Montréal.

    Décédé à Montréal, le 2 février 2005, à l'âge de 97 ans et 8 mois.

    Avait épousé à Montréal, le 17 octobre 1934, Alice Brunelle, fille d'Herménégilde Brunelle, industriel, et d'Eugénie Bernier.

    Date de mise à jour de la biographie : June 2009

    ROCKLIFFE, Amber, "Veterans devastated after pension payouts plummet", Global News, 21 August 2013, available at http://globalnews.ca/news/791818/veterans-devastated-after-pension-payouts-plummet/  (accessed 18 March 2017); HAS VIDEO; two still images posted;

    SASKATOON – Jay Jorgensen feels he’s been betrayed by the Department of National Defence after finding
    out his estimated pension amount was nearly half what he expected it to be.

    And that’s why, when given the option to cash half of his veteran’s pension, he took it, comfortable with the
    amount that was estimated to him.


    Both vets have spent hours on the phone trying to get answers. Both have been told the shocking drops are due to market

    Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Lawyer Jana Steele deals with pensions on a daily basis. She said such a drop is unusual.

    “In our experience, in a short period of time after the estimate, there usually would not be a significant fluctuation generally
     speaking, but subject to any other actuarial considerations that may be at play here.”

    Global News reached out to the Department of National Defence, and after several days and dozens of emails back and forth,
     by late Tuesday afternoon, the department had this to say:

    “We will continue to do our due diligence and investigate this matter internally to ensure the members are provided the
     support they require.”

    The veterans plan to continue fighting the government for answers, so future service members don’t face the same losses.

    Image source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/dave-rogalsky-39678a22, accessed 21 August 2016
    Dave Rogalsky, pastor

    ROGALSKY,  Dave, "PeaceQuest challenges Canada to sign Small Arms Treaty", (16 February 2015) Canadian Mennonite 26; available at http://www.canadianmennonite.org/sites/default/files/past-issues/19-04small_468_2015-02-16.pdf (accessed 21 August 2016);

    PeaceQuest challenges Canada to sign Small Arms Treaty
    KITCHENER, ONT.—A new peace group in Waterloo Region gathered at Kitchener
    City Hall on Jan. 19 to highlight the fact that the Canadian government has yet to sign
    the Small Arms Treaty and to begin a local petition to have people encourage the gov-
    ernment to do so. Roger Albrecht of the new PeaceQuest group, pictured, addressed
    the group. As the photo illustrates, the group chose Martin Luther King Day to begin
    its public work. The treaty is an attempt to ensure that conventional weapons are not
    transferred to those who would violate international human rights or humanitarian
    law, engage in acts of genocide or crimes against humanity, or facilitate terrorist
    attacks. Canada is the only NATO country that has refused to sign it, even though
    Canada voted to approve the text of the treaty back in April 2013. By now refusing to
    sign it and bring it to Parliament for ratification, some believe Canada appears to be
    backing the only three states that voted against it: North Korea, Iran and Syria. “That
    doesn’t send a good message to the global community about Canada’s commitment
    towards working for peace,” said PeaceQuest coordinator Emily Mining.


    ROGERS, Bill, "Going to War in the Courtroom", (2007) 31(7) Can. Law. 18-19; title noted in my research on 21 March 2012 but article not consulted yet; ****; the SCC library has one number PER 2001 V. 25; see web site https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/ and to subscribe Please call 1-800-387-5164; thomson reuters; Canadian Lawyer and its sister publications Canadian Lawyer InHouse, Canadian Lawyer 4Students, and Law Times have been bought by Carswell, a Thomson Reuters business headquartered in Toronto;

    to get copy https://store.thomsonreuters.ca/product-detail/canadian-lawyer-print-digital/

    Launched in 1977, Canadian Lawyer delivers unbiased reporting and analysis of the legal
    landscape from coast to coast and across all areas of practice. Focused on both the practice
    and the profession, Canadian Lawyer delivers award-winning editorial content that informs,
    inspires and occasionally inflames the lawyers, corporate counsel, judges, law professors,
    and students-at-law who consider it a "must-read." It is published in print and digitally
    11 times a year. www.canadianlawyermag.com


    Description: Holding the rank of captain in the Canadian Forces Reserve, Toronto
    Criminal lawyer Jason Morische trains soldiers to go overseas to theatres of war,
    such as Afghanistan. As a fourth-year associate at Adler Bytensky Prutschi,
    Morische's uncommon knowledge of weaponry and military tactics has served him well.

    [source: http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.
    Source: © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved,
    accessed 23 August 2019 ]

    ROGERS, Chris, "Addressing Civilian Harm in Afghanistan : Policies & Practices of International Forces", CIVIC (Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict), 2010, 15 p., and see Canada at p. 11; available at http://civiliansinconflict.org/uploads/files/publications/Addressing_civilian_harm_white_paper_2010.pdf (accessed 20 April 2015); NOTE: "All information from interview with MAJ Michael McCarthy, Canadian Legal Advisor Kandahar, March 11, 2010, email"

    Canada provides ex-gratia payments for civilian property loss, injury or death caused by Cana-
    dian forces. In the case of damage to real property, Canadian forces accept documents attesting
    to ownership signed by local elders. There must also be evidence that Canadian forces caused
    the damage or harm. Payment will also be made in cases where harm was suffered during joint
    ANA-Canadian operations and it is unclear which force was responsible.

    Full compensation is not the goal of the ex-gratia payments, though the Canadian forces claim
    they try to compensate for most of the losses suffered. There are no standardized amounts, but
    there are upper limits on what forces in the field are authorized to provide. Factors considered
    in cases of personal injury or loss include family situation and lost earnings. Canadian forces
    also rely on local monetary values to estimate appropriate amounts on a case-by-case basis.
    Canada has declined to disclose what the ranges or upper limits on payments are, however,
    the Canadian Legal Advisor in Kandahar is only authorized to approve payments up to 2,000
    CAN (approximately 1,960 USD). Above that amount, approval from Ottawa is required, which
    can take weeks or months. In almost all cases of personal injury or death, because the amount
    claimed is above 2,000 CAN, approval will be delayed by the need to get approval from Ottawa.

    Image source: uleth.ca/alumni/awards/2005/raymond-romses, accessed 5 March 2018

    ROMSES, R.R. (Raymond), Ethics and Non-commissioned Officers: A Critical Link!, Canadian Forces College, Advanced Military Studies Course 1, 30 November 2018; available at https://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/260/261/romses2.pdf (accessed 5 March 2018);

    Ethics.   For the purposes of this paper the following definition of ethics will be used: the study of good and evil,
    of right and wrong, of duty and obligation in human conduct, and of reasoning and choice about them. [p. 3]


    Image source: ca.linkedin.com/in/anthony-robb-43597759, accessed 8 January 2019
    Anthony Roob

    ROOB, Anthony, Major, "Discipline Breakdown : Confronting and Adressing the Erosion of Discipline in the Canadian Army", Canadian Forces College, JCSP 44, 2017-2018, Master of Defence Studies, iii, 74 p.; available at https://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/259/290/405/286/robb.pdf (accessed 8 January 2019);

    Robert Rooney
    ROONEY, Robert J., former JAG officer, now Legal director at Legal Aid Saskatchewan, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/robert-rooney-4b2171117 (accessed 17 June 2017); rrooney@legalaid.sk.ca (28 October 2018);

    ___________photo of then Major Robert Rooney:

    Image source: backcover of (2006) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter
    From the left in Afghanistan: "Maj Bruce Wakeham, Multi-National
    Brigade LegAd; LCol Randy Smith, Task Force Afghanistan National
    Command Element Senior LegAd; and Maj Rob Rooney Task Force
    Orion LegAd

    ROSSIGNOL, Michel, 1949-, Parliament, the National Defence Act, and the Decision to Participate, [Ottawa]: Library of Parliament, Research Branch, 1992, 23 p. (series; Background Paper; BP-303E); available at http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/BP/bp303-e.htm (accessed on 9 January 2012);
    ROSSIGNOL, Michel, 1949-, Conflits internationaux: Le rôle du Parlement, la Loi sur la défense nationale et la décision d'envoyer des troupes, Ottawa: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de la recherche, 1992, 23 p., (Collection; Étude générale; BP-303F), disponible à http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/BP/bp303-f.htm (vérifié le 9 janvier 2012);

    ___________ National Defence Act: Reform of the military justice system,
    Ottawa:  Library of Parliament, Research Branch (Political and Social Affairs Division), [1996]-, (revised 22 January 1997) 15 p.; 28 cm. (Series; Current issue review; 96-1E), ISSN: 1483-1864, available at http://dsp-psd.tpsgc.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/961-e.htm (accessed on 9 July 2008); Research Note by François Lareau: The bibliography at pp. 14-15 lists several newspaper articles;
    ___________La Loi sur la défense nationale et la réforme de la justice  militaire,  Ottawa : Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche,  [1996]-, (révisé le 22 janvier 1997), 16 p. ; 28 cm. (Collection; Bulletin d'actualité; 96-1F),  ISSN:  1483-1910; Note de recherche de François Lareau:  La bibliographie aux pp. 15-16 énumère plusieurs articles de journaux; disponible à http://dsp-psd.tpsgc.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/961-f.htm (vérifié le 9 juillet 2008); aussi disponible à http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR-f/961-f.pdf (vérifié le 10 juin 2013);

    Louis-Philippe Rouillard, source of image: http://ca.linkedin.com/in/lprouillard, accessed on 20 May 2014

    ROUILLARD, Louis-Philippe F., "Canada's prevention and repression of war crimes", (2005) 2 Miskolc Journal of International Law 43-58; available at http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwdrint/MJIL3/20051rouillard1.pdf (accessed on 18 January 2012);

    ___________"The Enlargement of Human Rights in 'Situations of Exceptions' "(2007) 4(1) Miskolc Journal of International Law 39-94; available at http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwdrint/MJIL9/20071rouillard1.pdf  (accessed on 21 May 2012);

    ___________"Ethics, Human Rights, and the Law of Armed Conflict", Canadian Military Journal, volume 12, number 1, available at http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vol12/no1/06-rouillard-eng.asp (accessed on 28 February 2012); with the same title in (2011) 8 Miskolc J. Int'l L. 1;
    ___________"Éthique, droits de la personne et droit des conflits armées", Revue militaire canadienne, volume 12, numéro 1, disponible à http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vol12/no1/06-rouillard-fra.asp  (visité le 28 février 2012);

    ___________"Misinterpreting the Prohibition of Torture under International Law: The Office of Legal Counsel Memorandum", (2005) 21(9) Am. U. Int'l L. Rev. 9-41; available at http://auilr.org/pdf/21/21-1-3.pdf (accessed on 28 February 2012);

    Image source: http://www.lybrary.com/precise-of-the-laws-of-armed-conflicts-p-397880.html, accessed 2 February 2015
    ________________________Precise of the Laws of Armed Conflicts, 2nd ed., Budapest, 2007, 324 p.; available at http://www.jak.ppke.hu/tanszek/doktori/letolt/p.pdf (accessed on 28 February 2012); important contribution!

    Image source: psac-ncr.com/news-releases/larry-rousseau-re-elected-regional-executive-vice-president-three-years, accessed 15 October 2018
    Larry Rousseau

    ROUSSEAU, Larry, The Blog, "Canada Should Remember the Afghanistan War With Shame",  18 November 2014 and updated 18 January 2015, available at https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/larry-rousseau/afghanistan-canada_b_6172404.html (accessed 15 October 2018); Larry Rousseau is Regional Executive Vice President, Public Service Alliance of Canada;

    Stéphane Roussel, source de l'image: http://www.cirricq.org/chercheurs/profil/index.php?id=stro, visité 11 février 2015
    ROUSSEL, Stéphane,  "Bibliographie: La politique de la sécurité au Canada", UQAM, disponible à http://www.pedc.uqam.ca/IMG/pdf/Bibliographie_210409-2.pdf, http://www.pedc.uqam.ca/pdfs/Website-biblio-v07.pdf  (vérifié le 6 janvier 2012);

    ROUSSEL, Sylvie E., juge à la Cour fédérale; a travaillé à la Commission d'enquête sur la Somalie; voir Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Radio-canada) v. Canada (Attorney General), 2016 FC 933 (CanLII), [2017] 2 FCR 304, <http://canlii.ca/t/gt1q9> pour une décision concernant le droit militaire;

    ROWE, Peter, "Maintaining Discipline in United Nations Peace Support Operations: The Legal Quagmire for Military Contingents", (2000) 5 Journal of  Conflict and Security Law 45-62;

    Image source: research.lancs.ac.uk/portal/en/people/peter-rowe(24ce10b9-01c3-45da-a156-d06e08abda41).html, accessed 4 May 2019
    Professor Peter Rowe

    ___________"Military Misconduct during International Armed Operations: ‘Bad Apples’ or Systemic Failure?" (2008) 13(2) Journal of  Conflict and Security Law 165-189;

    The various trials of soldiers for the excessive use of force or for the ill-treatment of detained civilians during international armed operations have
    attracted considerable publicity. The explanation frequently given by senior commanders is that misconduct of this type can be explained by seeing
    the alleged culprits as ‘bad apples’ and, once they are removed, the military system should be able to operate without further incidents of serious
    wrongdoing. This article explores why the various forms of misconduct take place and, in so doing, it considers the effectiveness of training, the
    effect on the soldier of any uncertainty of action, command failures and group influences. The action likely to be taken (or not taken) by way of
    legal or other proceedings against both soldiers and their commanders is assessed. The article concludes by taking the position that whilst the
    ‘bad apple’ theory might explain why some, but not all, soldiers engage in military misconduct during armed operations it fails to address the more
    important systemic issue, namely, whether adequate training and effective command responsibility can control such conduct. It argues for the need,
    on the part of military commanders, to reduce uncertainty of action or conduct to its irreducible minimum (through measures to counteract the
    causes of misconduct discussed in the article). This may then prove to be the key to reducing the need to rely predominantly on taking legal
    proceedings against individual soldiers in a search for alleged ‘bad apples’.
    (source: http://jcsl.oxfordjournals.org/content/13/2/165.abstract?sid=c055bd3e-09b0-4e04-b898-ee3f4fdd2a51, accessed 2 February 2015)

    ROWLAND, Henry E., "One Man Court-Martial Criticized As Danger to Army Discipline", Globe and Mail, 24 July 1944; available http://collections.civilisations.ca/warclip/objects/common/webmedia.php?irn=5028216 (accessed 21 August 2017);

    Order-in-Council Cited
    Slight notice, however, has been given the Order-in-Council, dated July 1, 1944, amending the Army Act and presenting the Canadian
    Army with a new streamlined court martial called a standing court-martial.  The members of this court may or may not have legal experience
    and are chosen at the discretion of the Minister of National Defense. They may serve anywhere in Canada, and one man in place of the
    traditional three may constitute a court: Its obvious advantage is speed, and the verdict is promulgated. : immediately without the -customary
    reference to the district officer commanding or " ,judge advocate-general for review and approval. This latter and important staff duty as well
    as that of preliminary inquiry is effectively denied along with the age-old right of the soldier to object to the personnel of the court. The
    traditional types 'of courts-martial' are retained but the accused is denied the right to ask for them, the selection being up to his commanding
    officer. At the Minister's discretion this new court may also be used for officers.

    Given Extensive Powers
    This one-man court-martial is given extensive powers which are fully described in C.A .R .O ., 1563, and the above, is, of course, only an
    outline.  Regardless of  its virtues or the fact that it is a sharp break with military traditions built up over 300 years, the average Canadian
    will ask himself to what use this new legal system will be put.


    On the legal side it is to be hoped at least that the members chosen for the new standing court-martial will not have to cram a course in military
    law in order to qualify for the exercise of their sweeping power: and at most with no bitterness intended in the remark, not selected from
    Provincial agronomists.
    Law administered by a one-man court-martial; without the usual safeguards, may seem like rough justice, but it appears to be a logical,
    development in Canada when it is considered that the army has long, :operated under a one-man Army Council.

    and it may further be wrong to ask whether it is established constitutional practice to amend the Army Act by Order-in-Council.

    Image source: www.gettyimages.ca/photos/, accessed 4 May 2019
    Henry Leslie Rowntree
    ROWNTREE, Henry Leslie,  1914-1975, Lieutenant (N), legal officer mentioned in The Canadian Navy List for January 1945, available at https://navalandmilitarymuseum.org/sites/default/files/pdf/Navy_List_1945_January_400dpi.pdf (accessed 17 August 2018);

    ___________"Leslie Rowntree.  Lawyer held 3 portfolios in Ontario", The Globe and Mail, 19 May 1975, at p. 2;

    Pressing (and holding) the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel
    of the mouse allows to zoom in or out of the web page being viewed

    ___________on Leslie Rowntree, see WIKIPEDIA at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_Rowntree (accessed 4 May 2019);

    Rowntree was born in Toronto, Ontario. He attended Runnymede Public School and
    Humberside Collegiate Institute. He graduated from University of Toronto and
    Osgoode Hall Law School. During his student days he worked summers on ships
    on the Great Lakes and spent a time as purser on the SS Noronic.[1] In 1940, he
    enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy and became a Lieutenant-Commander in
    the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve. After the war he was called to the
    bar and eventually started his own law firm specializing in maritime law.[2]

    ROY, Allain, lawyer, member of the Law Society of Ontario, works for the Office of The Legal Advisor To National Defence and the Canadian Forces (information as of 19 February 2021);

    ROY, Cochran, 14 May 1923-10 August 2007, former OJAG:
    Roy was born in Colchester, Nova Scotia, May 14, 1923. He served in Canada's Air Force during World War II with the 409th Squadron. From 1952,
    he served in the regular Army's Judge Advocate General Branch and retired as Major in 1960. Roy obtained his LLB from Halifax's Dalhousie
    University in 1951 after completing undergrad studies at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick.

    Roy met his beautiful wife June Gallon, a flight nurse with the Royal Canadian Air Force, while they were both stationed in Cold Lake, AB. In 1960
    Roy and June went on an adventure to California, and settled in San Francisco until 1963. Back in Canada, Roy practiced law in Lacombe and Camrose,
    Alberta and Fort St. John and Chetwynd, BC. He helped countless people in their times of difficulty, was generous, humble and always enjoyed a good joke.
    He was an inspiration to all of us.
    [source: http://mbfunerals.com/lethbridge/obituaries/obit_details.php?obitid=5781, accessed 28 January 2018]

    Dorothée Roy, source de l'image: https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/doroth%C3%A9e-roy/8a/113/981, visité 11 février 2015;

    ROY, Dorothée, 1979-, Analyse de la politique étrangère : application du  modèle poly-heuristique à la décision canadienne d'intervenir en Afghanistan, Thèse (M.A.), Université Laval, 2006, 128 feuilles; disponible à  http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2006/23651/23651.pdf (vérifié le 8 novembre 2013);

    Source de l'image pour Gabriel Roy: (2007) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 27.

    ROY, Gabriel, "Une expérience de vie pleine d'ambiguïtés et de contradictions [en Afghanistan]", (2007) 1 JAG Les actualités -- Newsletter 27; Major G. Roy, acted for the Canadian Military Prosecution Service in the case of Pratte S. (Ex-Private), R. v., 2011 CM 4001 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/2fhc7> (accessed 10 May 2018);

    ___________le Major Gabriel Roy représente le Service canadien des poursuites militaires dans Arsenault P.D. (Adjudant), R. c., 2013 CM 4005 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/g0jgz> (note de recherche en date du 24 avril 2020);

    ___________Note de recherche: Me Gabriel Roy est un membre du Barreau du Québec depuis 1993; il travaille pour le JAG à Montréal, 6560 rue Hochelaga, Garnison Montréal, Édifice 214, local 121, Montréal QC H1N 1X9, voir https://www.barreau.qc.ca/en/directory-lawyers/#!/detail/c5-a75fK-g2deUAUSO7ZcG8eyb4l-mZS07kwFK_Kwlw (site consulté le 8 avril 2020);

    Gabriel Roy, procureur de la poursuite                                                   Gabriel Roy, source:https://www.google.com/                                           
    ___________sur ROY, Gabriel, voir PAPILLON, Martine, reportage de, et ICI-RADIO-CANADA.CA, "L'adjudant André Gagnon déclaré non coupable d'agression sexuelle", http://ici.radio-canada.ca, publié le vendredi 22 août 2014, disponible à http://ici.radio-canada.ca/regions/quebec/2014/08/22/004-verdict-andre-gagnon-agression-sexuelle-stephanie-raymond-vendredi.shtml (vérifié le 6 juin 2016);

    Royal Canadian Air Force List, Department of National Defence, copy of various years at the Canadian War Museum Library, Gen UG 635 C2 R69;

    ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE, Pocket manual of everyday discipline, Western Air Command, 1944, 8 [i.e. 16] p., 1 copy available at University of Alberta Bruce Peel Special Collections, UG 635 C2 P63 1944;

    Image source: abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=               Source: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Cold-War-RCAF-
    snippet-_-srp2-_-image1                                                                        military*antiques*toronto

    source: https://navalandmilitary                            source: navalandmilitarymuseum.org/sites/default/
    museum.org/sites/default/files/pdf/Navy              files/pdf/Navy_List_1969_March_400_dpi.pdf
    also at

    source: http://eco.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.

    ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY, The Canadian Army List Part I Active Force, 4th edition, Ottawa: Royal Canadian Army,  1 April, 1949; the book is divided in sections; in section A are Government departments, Judge Advocate General, Public Relations; editions: 1st ed.=1947; 2nd=1948; 3rd=1948; 8th=1952; 9th=1953; 10th=1953; 11th=1954; IMPORTANT NAME CHANGED: The Canadian Army List Part I  Canadian Army (Regular), 14th edition, 1955; 15th ed., 1956;

    To go further on this topic:

    From: https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/military/025002-1040.03-e.html, accessed 5 August 2018...to go further on this topic:

    Officers' Lists

    Published officer's lists can be invaluable in recreating the career of a military officer, whether he be in the Canadian armed forces, a Canadian serving in the British forces or a British officer in Canada. It must be emphasized that these lists do not include enlisted men; their purpose was to record the seniority of individual officers publicly. Use of the lists covering a period of years will show promotions and transfers and eventual retirement. Some lists, such as the Defence forces list, Canada or Hart's annual army list, are also rich in personal detail. Note that the British lists also included officers of the Canadian armed forces while Canada was still a colony.

    The advent of the computer has meant the end of a celebrated but idiosyncratic tradition of very useful officers' lists. This was first seen in The Royal Canadian Air Force list, which gave nothing more than name, rank, serial number, date of seniority and date of birth. The Canadian Forces officers' list, published annually since integration of the Canadian Armed Forces in 1965, gives no more detail than that. Using it involves privacy issues, because of the inclusion of birth dates for officers who are still alive and serving, and, for many years, social insurance numbers, which were also used as service numbers. For these reasons the researcher may not find it readily available in libraries.

    Canada. Air Force. - The Canadian Air Force list. - Ottawa: King's Printer, [1921?]-[1922?]

    _____. - The Royal Canadian Air Force list. - Ottawa: [s.n.], 1924-1966.

    • Frequency varies.
    • Issued in mimeographed form until 1942.

    Canada. Dept. of Militia and Defence. - The militia list. - Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1867-1929.

    • Title and frequency vary, e.g. - The annual volunteer and service militia list of Canada (1867) or - The quarterly militia list of the Dominion of Canada (1900).
    • Superseded by Defence forces list, Canada.

    Canada. Dept. of National Defence. - The Canadian Army list. - Ottawa: King's Printer, 1940-1966.

    • Title varies, e.g. - Gradation list, Canadian Army Active (1940-1945); - Canadian Army (Regular) list (1959-1966).
    • Annual.

    _____. - Defence forces list, Canada (naval, military and air forces). - Ottawa: King's Printer, 1930-1939.

    • Title varies somewhat. Supersedes The militia list. Superseded by The Canadian Navy list, The Canadian Army list and The Royal Canadian Air Force list.

    Canada. Dept. of the Naval Service. - The Canadian Navy list. - Ottawa: King's Printer, 1914-1965.

    • Issued by the Dept. of National Defence from 1923.
    • Frequency varies, sometimes quarterly, but at least annually.

    Canada. Militia. Canadian Expeditionary Force. 1st Canadian Contingent. - Gradation list & list of appointments, staff & units. - [S.l.: s.n., 1914?] - 118 p.


    From: https://navalandmilitarymuseum.org/archives/projects/the-navy-list
    for Navy List 1910-1965 and 1969 (all CF)

    The Royal Canadian Regiment and The First World War - 1914-1919.  The RCR - Courts-Martial of the First World War", The Regimental Rogue Web Site, available at http://regimentalrogue.com/rcr_great_war/rcr_great_war_courts_martial.html (accessed 26 December 2018);

    The following table lists identified Courts Martial for The RCR, incuding those that have been identified as members
    of the Regiment who were serving with other units at the time of their Court Martial.

    Data has been compiled from the Library and Archives Canada database of Courts Martial for the First World War
    and entries in the Part II Daily Orders of The RCR for the overseas battalion (1915-1919).

    ROYAL COMMISSION ON GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION, Report 11: Legal Services; note: deals with the Office of the Judge Advocate General, available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2014/bcp-pco/Z1-1960-4-2-3-eng.pdf (accessed 22 March 2019);

    Image source: https://archivesdemontreal.ica-atom.org/bm1-5p1321-01, accessed 26 December 2018
    Errol M.W. McDougall, 1881-, commissioner

    ROYAL COMMISSION on Illegal Warfare Claims and for Return of Sequestered Property in Necessitous Cases, Reparations : [reports],   Ottawa : F.A. Acland, 1931-1933, 6 v. ; 25 cm.; NOTES:  Errol M. McDougall, commissioner.  Includes indexes.  Includes: [v.1]. Reparations, 1930-31 : special report upon Armenian claims -- [v.2]. Reparations, 1930-31 : interim report -- [v.3]. Reparations, 1930-31 : supplementary report -- [v.4]. Reparations, 1930-1931 : maltreatment of prisoners of war -- [v.5]. Reparations, 1932-1933 : final report -- [v.6]. Reparations, 1932 : further report;

    ROYAL GAZETTE, Halifax, N.S., The militia laws of the province of Nova-Scotia, [Halifax, N.S.? : s.n.], 1839 (Halifax [N.S.] : Royal Gazette Office),: iii, 42 p. ; 28 cm; available at https://archive.org/details/cihm_57301 (accessed 7 July 2017);

    ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE OF CANADA, Graduate Studies Calendar 2011-2012, Academic Units -- Faculty of Arts, Department of Defense Studies;

    [Course] DS519 Military Law in Comparative Perspective

    Military law in Canada has evolved historically, legally, and organizationally to meet the specific needs of the Canadian Forces
    and reflect broader changes in Canadian society. This course examines the state of Canadian military law from the past to the
    present day, with particular emphasis on the balance between operational requirements and the primacy of civilian control in
    a parliamentary democracy. (source: http://www.rmc.ca/aca/ac-pe/gsc-adc/au-ua/fa/ds-ed-eng.asp#ds519, accessed on 27 February 2012)

    COLLÈGE MILITAIRE ROYAL DU CANADA, Annuaire des études supérieures 2011-2012, Faculté des arts, Département des études de la défense;

    [Cours] ÉD519 Droit militaire dans la perspective comparative

    Le droit militaire au Canada a évolué des points de vue historique, légal et organisationnel afin de satisfaire aux besoins spécifiques des

    Forces canadiennes et de refléter les changements plus vastes au sein de la société canadienne. Ce cours examine l'état du droit militaire

    canadien depuis le passé jusqu'à maintenant, en insistant particulièrement sur l'équilibre entre les exigences opérationnelles et

     la suprématie du contrôle civil au sein d'une démocratie parlementaire.

     (source: http://www.cmrc.forces.gc.ca/aca/ac-pe/gsc-adc/au-ua/fa/ds-ed-fra.asp#ds519, visité le 27 février 2012)

    RUBEC, Stephanie, "New search for bomb thief ex-private.  Top military force asked to find man suspected of carrying explosives", The Record (Sherbrooke), Wednesday, 21 July 1999, at p. 11; available at http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2968396 (accessed 4 April 2018);


    image source: http://globalmjreform.blogspot.ca/2015/03/crossed-sabres-in-ottawa.html, accessed 23 January 2016
    Clayton Ruby
    RUBY, Clayton, Lawyer, his testimony on Bill C-15, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts -- this Bill has the Short Title: Strengthening Military Justice in the Defence of Canada Act, before the House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence, meeting number 65, 11 February 2013, minutes and evidence;

    Kristen Rudderham,
    image source: https://www.ourcampaigns.com/CandidateDetail.html?CandidateID=196524, accessed 20 August 2019

    RUDDERHAM, Kristen, lawyer, member of the OJAG, see https://ca.linkedin.com/in/kristen-rudderham-99a6aa1a (accessed 19 May 2018);

    ___________on RUDDERHAM, Kristen, Captain was Assistant Judge Advocate General Western, 
    Assistant Counsel for Second Lieutenant A. Balint in the court martial case of Balint A. (Second Lieutenant), R. v., 2012 CM 2010 (CanLII), <http://canlii.ca/t/ft7jr>, accessed 8 April 2020;                                                                           

    ---------Image source: JAG Les actualités /Newsletter, volume 1, 2006 at p. 10, accessed 27 November 2016
    Anthony Russell                                          Lt(N) Anthony Russell, left, congratuled by MGen Jerry Pitzul, JAG, for his promotion to the rank of LCdr                                         

    RUSSELL, Anthony, biographical notes (not necessarily written by him):

    Le Capc Russell est Juge-avocat adjoint à Montréal depuis 2010. Membre du Barreau du Québec depuis 1992, détenteur d’un baccalauréat
    en droit et d’une maîtrise en droit commercial international, il s’est s’enrôlé dans les Forces canadiennes en 2003 après avoir exercé le droit
    au ministère de la Justice du Québec et au ministère des Relations internationales du Québec. Il a ensuite été conseiller juridique au Cabinet
    du Conseiller juridique du ministère de la Défense nationale et des Forces canadiennes (2003), au Bureau d’étude juridique militaire à
    Kingston (2006-2007) et au Centre de droit militaire des Forces canadiennes (2007), en plus d’enseigner au Collège militaire royal de
    Kingston (2005-2010). Au cours de sa carrière, il a été déployé à Sarajevo (2006), en République démocratique du Congo (2008-2009) et en
    Afghanistan (2011). Pour plus d'information, consultez la biographie du Capc Russell.

    Image source: forces.gc.ca/en/news/article.page?doc=quebec-region-update-        Anthony Russell, source: justiceinternationale-chaire.ulaval.
    April-2015/i8oa1nfm                                                                                                 ca/activites-a-venir/conference-du-capitaine-de-corvette-anthony-russell
    "On March 17, 2015, at Laval University, Lieutenant-Commander Anthony           (accessed 10 August 2017) 
     Russel, Deputy Judge Advocate, Montréal, takes part in a course given by
     Professor Julia Grignon dealing with international and humanitarian law. Photo: Marie-Anne Jutras, NDPAO – Quebec" (photo detail)

    "Le 17 mars 2015, le Capitaine de corvette Anthony Russel, juge-avocat adjoint           Affiche
    Montréal, s’adresse aux invités et membres de la Clinique internationale de droit          source: justiceinternationale-chaire.ulaval.ca/sites/cdiph.ulaval.ca/files/20160226_russell_pub.pdf
    pénal et humanitaire de l’Université Laval. Photo : Marie-Anne Jutras, BAPDN-RQ"
    Image source: forces.gc.ca/fr/nouvelles/article.page?doc=des-nouvelles-de-la-region-du-quebec-avril-2015/i8oa1nfm,
    site visité 23 juillet 2017

    ___________Note sur  Anthony Russell, dans un article, Défense nationale et les Forces armées canadiennes, "Des nouvelles de la région de Québec -- avril 2015";

    Le Capc Russel : invité d’honneur de la faculté de droit de l’Université Laval

    Le Capitaine de corvette Anthony Russel, juge-avocat adjoint Montréal, était présent une conférence-midi organisée par la Clinique de droit international pénal et
    humanitaire de l’Université Laval. En cette occasion, le Capc Russel a présenté le code de conduite des FAC dans le cadre d'opérations internationales.

    Puis, durant l’après-midi, il s’est joint au cours de Julia Grignon, professeure adjointe à la faculté de droit, pour animer une séance de formation portant sur le
    droit des conflits armés: « l'égérie » de la doctrine de ciblage des FAC. De manière interactive, il a énoncé des principes fondamentaux à connaître en matière de
    ciblage, a présenté le rôle de l'avocat militaire déployé, a expliqué ce qu'est le ciblage, a parlé des méthodes de ciblage, a défini ce qu'est un objectif légitime, a
    abordé les règles d'engagement (ce qu'elles sont,  leur rôle dans le ciblage, qui les adopte et les promulgue) et a expliqué les règles fondamentales du ciblage.
    [source: http://www.forces.gc.ca/fr/nouvelles/article.page?doc=des-nouvelles-de-la-region-du-quebec-avril-2015/i8oa1nfm, site visité le 23 juillet 2017]


    LCdr Russel, Guest of Honour Laval University’s Faculty of Law

    On March 17, Lieutenant-Commander Anthony Russel, Deputy Judge Advocate, spoke at a conference organized by the Clinic of International Criminal and
    Humanitarian Law at Laval University in Montréal. In the morning, LCdr Russel presented on the CAF Code of Conduct for international operations.

    He then joined Julia Grignon, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, to give a course to Masters students on the law of armed conflict, specifically the CAF’s
    targeting doctrine. In an interactive fashion, Lt.Col. Russel covered the fundamental principles of targeting, the role of the deployed legal officer, targeting methods,
    legitimate objectives and the rules of engagement as well as the fundamental rules of targeting.
    [source: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/news/article.page?doc=quebec-region-update-april-2015/i8oa1nfm, accessed 23 July 2017]


    ___________photo of Commander Anthony Russell with others:

    Commander Anthony Russell is fourth from the left.

    " Jun 21 [2019] Congratulations to the members of our Operational and International
    Law Division on receiving the Public Safety, Defence and Immigration Advisory Award 2019 for their work on the
    National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians file!"

    Image source: www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/ken-watkin/9785510984903-item.html, accessed 23 July 2017
    Russell, Jesse and Ronald Cohn, Ken Watkin, Book on Demand, published 2013, 74 p., ISBN:
    5510984902 and  9785510984903;

    High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Brigadier General Kenneth "Ken" Watkin, OMM, CD, QC
    (born 1954) was Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Canadian Forces from 2006 to 2010. He is an expert
    on military law. (source: google.ca/books?id=ekVyMAEACAAJ&dq=canadian+military+law+google+books&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjN64_4oo
    , accessed 6 Apr 2017)

    RUTHERFORD, Colonel The Honourable Robert Campbell Rutherford, 29 November 1922- 3 April 2018, obituary, available at http://yourlifemoments.ca/sitepages/obituary.asp?oid=1072847 (accessed 23 April 2018); he was one of the three commissioners  of the Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia, 1995-1997;

     Image source: http://www.thememoryproject.com/stories/2713:robert-rutherford/, accessed 10 July 2016
    Mr. Robert Rutherford

    Image source: https://archive.macleans.ca/article/19970127017/print, accessed 13 September 2020.

    ___________on Mr. Justice Robert Rutherford, see CANADIAN PRESS NEWS WIRE, "Decorated war veteran and judge adds experience to Somalia inquiry", 3 January 1997; died in 2018;

    Description: When Mr. Justice Robert Rutherford agreed to sit on the Somalia inquiry in the spring of 1995, he was looking at a six-month assignment.
    Rutherford, a judge on the Ontario Court of Justice, was a replacement for one of the original three commissioners who stepped down because of a friendship
    with one of the key players in the Somalia affair. The 74-year-old Rutherford is the quiet man of the three commissioners, keeping his questions few, short and
    sharp. Gilles Letourneau, the chairman, runs the hearing room. Peter Desbarats, a journalist, is the third commissioner.
     (source: © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved
    and primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?ct=Next+Page&pag=nxt&pageNumberComingFrom=34&frbg=&indx=331&fn=search&dscnt=0&
    , accessed 9 July 2016)

    Image source: concourspictet.org/list2001en.html, accessed 23 July 2017
    Paul Rutkus

    RUTKUS, Paul , "The Battle of the Windmill: Genesis of unlawful combatant trials in Canada" (May/Mail 2009) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; available at http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2009/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=37322#top and http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/2009/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=37322#article6 and http://www.cba.org/CBA/newsletters-sections/pdf/05-09-military_1.pdf (accessed on 28 April 2012);
    RUTKUS, Paul, "La Bataille du Moulin-à-Vent : genèse du traitement judiciaire des combattants illégaux au Canada" (May/Mai 2009) Sword & Scale -- Salut militaire; disponible à http://www.cba.org/abc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx et http://www.a.org/acbbc/nouvelles-sections/2009/2009-05_military.aspx#article1 (site visité le 28 avril  2012);

    ___________"Licensing of Armed Force: NATO's Attack Upon Yugoslavia" 33 U.N.L.Rep. 117 (John Carey ed., 1999); title noted in my research but article not consulted yet,  https://books.google.ca/books?id=RvAYn7ufhEkC&pg=RA1-PA155&lpg=RA1-PA155&dq=paul+rutkus&source=bl&ots=BnKEaKJmlw&sig=UboVau7T-umIvBBFzkLaWWSk5YE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjAm9zrn4_TAhVs5oMKHbl5CKwQ6AEIUDAJ#v=onepage&q=paul%20rutkus&f=false accessed 6 April 2017;   

    Image source: , accessed 23 July 2017
    ___________"NATO's Attack on Yugoslavia: The Deputation of an Ad Hoc International Constabulary", chapter 7, pp. 211-226 in John Carey, 1924-, William V. Dunlap and R. John Pritchard, International Humanitarian Law: Prospects,  Ardsley, N.Y. : Transnational Publishers, 2006;


    ___________"POE 488A Law of Armed Conflict, Department of Political and Economic Science", Spring 2010 Syllabus, 9 pages; available at http://www.davidmlast.org/Politics_Review/Politics_Courses_files/POE%20488%20-%20RUTKUS.pdf (accessed 21 June 2015);  note Professor Paul T. Rutkus is described as a LCdr at the CF Military Law Centre, Canadian Defence Academy;

    Course Description:
    The principle aim of this course is to introduce the student to the complex area of international law regarding armed conflict. This subject comprises
    two separate bodies of rules governing the actions of states in armed conflict often referred to as the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). The first body
    of rules, referred to as jus ad bellum (the law before war), governs the legality of a state’s resort to use force. The second body of rules, jus in bello
    (the law in war), regulates conduct of hostilities once armed conflict has commenced. The body of rules contained in jus in bello is also referred to as
    International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and sometimes as the Law of War (LOW). The body of jus in bello rules will be the primary focus of this course.

    David Ryan served "a tour of duty in Afghanistan in a
    non-legal capacity where he was an officer in the Canadian Forces Primary
    Reserves",  see ryanandlewis.com/lawyers/, accessed 14 September 2020.

    RYAN, David, a, lawyer, in the reserve force, see Huntsville Forester, "Local lawyer says stint in Afghanistan ‘interesting’", 30 June 2006, available at https://www.muskokaregion.com/news-story/3610196-local-lawyer-says-stint-in-afghanistan-interesting-/ (accessed 14 September 2020);

    PARRY SOUND –Parry Sound’s newest lawyer and history buff David Ryan, 37,
    wanted to join the Canadian army and attend the Royal Ministry College. But when
    that wasn’t possible due to health reasons, he went to law school instead. Years later,
    the former Kingston resident joined the reserves and went to Afghanistan for seven
    months before opening his own law practice in Parry Sound at the start of May.
    Duty officer Mr. Ryan was in Camp Julien, in Kabul, Afghanistan and in Kandahar,
    from August 2005 to March 2006. He was stationed at Camp Julien while it was
    being dismantled and moved to Kandahar, where he finished off his tour. While
    overseas, he worked at the task force headquarters as a visits officer and duty officer.

    Live the dream While Mr. Ryan hadn’t been able to join the army as a high
    school graduate due to his spleen, which later ruptured, he realized he could
    still live that dream in 2000 when he read about the reservist positions for
    lawyers with the Canadian Forces Judge Advocate General. "I hadn’t realized
    there were reserves for lawyers," said Mr. Ryan. When he went to sign up,
    though, there were no posts available, but he filled out the paper work
    anyway and became a reservist in December 2001.

    Image source: http://cbanational.rogers.dgtlpub.com/2010/2010-12-31/pdf/profile.pdf, accessed 9 January 2016)
    Photo of Ken Watkin

    RYAN, Patti, "A leader for his times -- Retired Judge Advocate General Ken Watkin on the fight for justice in a volatile world and the importance of dreaming big", (December 2010) National 41-43; available at http://cbanational.rogers.dgtlpub.com/2010/2010-12-31/pdf/profile.pdf (accessed 17 February 2015);

    For a military lawyer just starting out, the notion of a term as JAG may seem like pie in the sky. But the key, says Watkin, is to keep dreaming big.

    “Never feel constrained by where you are now and where you think you want to go,” he says, by way of advice to those new to the profession.
     “Be inquisitive. Treat people fairly. And never accept the idea that ‘That’s the way we’ve always done it.’ That drives me crazy.”

    Image source: https://twitter.com/lryck, accessed 5 July 2017
    Laura Ryckewaert
    RYCKEWAERT, Laura, "Cudmore takes on policy director role in Defence Minister’s Sajjan’s office.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has also made some staff changes in the PMO", The Hill's Times, Monday, 27 March 2017; see http://www.hilltimes.com/2017/03/27/cudmore-takes-policy-director-role-defence-ministers-office/100725 (accessed 28 March 2017);

    Image source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jim-rycroft-4414917a, accessed 30 August 2016
    Jim Rycroft

    RYCROFT, Jim, former JAG Officer, 1981-2002;

    ___________on RYCROFT, Jim, former JAG Officer, and his photos collections about the OJAG on flckr and available at https://www.flickr.com/photos/xjag/albums/with/72157624001614413 (accessed 23 September 2020);

    ___________on RYCROFT, Lieutenant-Colonel Jim, see  McDONALD, R. Arthur, (Ronald Arthur), 1948-, Canada's Military Lawyers, Ottawa : Office of the Judge Advocate General, c2002, at p. 214, available at  103-242;

    Image source: google.ca/search?dcr=0&biw=1920&bih=938&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=dToHWsehIaKzjwTLhYKwAw&q=Jim+Rycroft+&oq
    , accessed 11 November 2017
    Jim Rycroft, @XJAGMan|Twitter

    ____________Testimony of Jim Rycroft, Chairman, Veterans Service and Seniors Committee, Royal Canadian Legion,  before the House of Commons NDVA Committee meeting number 85, 1 December 1998, 36th Parliament, 1st Session, available at http://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/36-1/NDVA/meeting-85/evidence (accessed 11 November 2017);

    ____________"Troops must obey rules of civility", The Ottawa Citizen, 16 February 2005;