Military Law/
Droit militaire canadien
updated and corrections / mises à jour et
corrections: 6 March 2017
By/par © François
1998-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Part I --Laws, Regulations and Orders
sites on military law
-Part I --
Canadian Military Law -- Miscellaneous
- Blog
- Somalia
Inquiry & Government Reaction
- 1995-1997: Somalia Inquiry
- Departmental Reaction
to Somalia Inquiry
- Special Advisory
Group on Military Justice and Military Police
Investigation Services
January 1997 to July 1997
- The
Special Senate Committee on the Canadian Airborne
Regiment in Somalia (April 1997)
- Report to the Prime Minister on
the Leadership and Management of the Canadian Forces
(March 1997)
- Minister's
Monitoring Committee on Change in the Department of National
Defence and the Canadian Forces (October 1997 to 1999)
- Bill C-25--An Act to amend the National
Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other
Assent, 10 December 1998)
- 2003 -- Five Year Review of Bill
- 2011 -- Second Five Year Review
of Bill C-25
- Governments
Bills 1999-2012 on National Defence Act
- Current
Affairs -- Sexual Misconduct
- Court
Martial Comprehensive Review 2016-2017
& DND Web Sites
- Laws,
Regulations and Orders
- Superseded
- Web
Sites of Interest
Part II -- Canadian Military Law --
Starting here:
Regulations and Orders
Federal Legislation
. Constitution
Acts 1867 to 1982
-- Lois
constitutionnelles de 1867 à 1982
. Charter
(Charter of Rights and Freedoms) -- Digest
canadienne des droits et libertés)--- Digeste
. Department of Justice
--- Laws Website ---- - CanLII
. Orders in Council
Database from PCO
. Canada Gazette 1998-
. Military
Professional Code of Conduct
. National Defence Act
and Regulations
Loi sur la défense nationale
et les règlements
Public Statutes under the Responsibility of the
Minister of National Defence
(in accordance with the Table of Public
Statutes and Responsible Ministers updated to 2016, c. 14 and Canada
Gazette, Part II, Vol. 151, No. 4 (2017-02-22)
- Aeronautics Act — R.S., 1985, c. A-2 (Aéronautique, Loi sur l’) Minister of Transport and
the Minister of National Defence (2014, c. 29, s. 10(1) see definition of “minister” in s. 3(1) of the Act)
- Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act
— 1997, c. 33 (Mines
antipersonnel, Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention sur les)...b) Minister of National Defence, for the
purposes of sections 8, 9, 10 and 18 of the Act; (SI/99-58)
- Canadian Forces Superannuation Act
— R.S., 1985, c. C-17 (Pension
de retraite des Forces canadiennes, Loi sur la) Minister of National Defence
- Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal Act
— 1997, c. 31 (Médaille
canadienne du maintien de la paix, Loi sur la) Minister of National Defence
- Defence Services Pension Continuation Act — R.S.C. 1970, c. D-3 (Continuation de la pension des services de
défense, Loi sur la) Minister of
National Defence
- Emergencies Act
— R.S., 1985, c. 22 (4th Supp.) (Mesures d’urgence, Loi sur les) Minister of National Defence
- Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act
— R.S., 1985, c. G-2 (Saisie-arrêt
et la distraction de pensions, Loi sur la)...b) the Minister of National Defence, for the
purposes of the provisions,
except sections 46 and 47, of Part II of the Act as those
provisions relate to the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act; (SI/84‑6)
- Injured Military Members Compensation Act— 2003, c. 14 (Indemnisation des militaires ayant subi des
blessures, Loi d’) Minister of National Defence
- National Defence Act
— R.S., 1985, c. N-5 (Défense
nationale, Loi sur la) Minister of
National Defence
- Pension Benefits Division Act— 1992, c. 46, Schedule II (Partage des prestations de retraite, Loi sur
le) (a) Minister of National Defence for the purposes of
applications and other matters pertaining to a superannuation or
pension plan provided by the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act or the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act (SI/94‑122)
- Security of Tenure of Military Judges Act— 2011, c. 22
see National Defence Act (Inamovibilité des juges militaires, Loi sur l’) Minister of National Defence
- Strengthening Military Justice in the Defence of
Canada Act — 2013, c. 24
Justice militaire pour la défense du Canada, Loi visant à
renforcer la) Introduced by
Minister of National Defence
- Visiting Forces Act
— R.S., 1985, c. V-2 (Forces
étrangères présentes au Canada, Loi sur les) Minister of National Defence

-- Iternet
for QR&Os (back to 2 March 2009)

- vol. 1,
vol. 2, 1999-2004
vol. 3, 1999-2004
vol. 4, 1999-2004
also search "JAG -- Internet Archives",
supra, and look for
QR&Os under the Links' page;

no longer published on the internet since 29 February 2012,

but see research
For a while the DAOD were not available but transparency and the
DAODs came back on the internet after the victory of the Liberal
Party on 19 October 2015
available at :
disponible à:
- DAODs -- Defence Administrative Orders zand Directives --
see Archives
---- Keyword
DOAD -- Directives et ordonnances
administratives de la défense -- voir Archives