[Main Page -- Criminal Law / Page principale -- droit pénal]

updated on / mise à jour au: 7 December 2011

by / par  ©François Lareau, 2009, Ottawa
first put on the internet on 6 september 2009

Selected Bibliography on Sentencing
in Canadian Criminal Law


Part / Partie: T - Z

TALBOT, Charles K., Justice in Early Ontario 1791-1840: A Study  of Crime, Courts and Prison in Early Upper Canada, Ottawa: Crimcare, 1983;

TALLIS, Calvin F., "Sentencing in the North" in B.A. Grosman, ed., New Directions in Sentencing, Toronto: Butterworths, 1980 circa p. 305;

___________"Sentencing the Native Offender / Imposer une peine au contrevenant autochtone [article in English]" in Hélène Dumont, ed./sous la direction de,  Sentencing = La détermination de la peine, Cowansville (Quebec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1987,  [vi], 253 p. at pp. 107-112, ISBN: 2890736105 (Major papers presented at a National Conference on Sentencing  held in Toronto, Ontario from October 16th to the 19th, 1985, and hosted by the Canadian Institute for the Administration of  Justice / Principales études présentées lors de la conférence de l'Institut canadien d'administration de la justice, du 16 au 19 octobre 1985 à Toronto, Ontario, sur le thème de la détermination de la peine);  (ok reference checked)

TAMBORINI, J., "Les limites et les bienfaits des mesures de rechange", (1996) 27(2) Revue Générale de Droit Université d'Ottawa 281-287;

TANOVICH, David M., "An Analysis of Section 741.2 of the Criminal Code", (1993) 18 Criminal Reports (4th) 215-220; (ok reference checked)

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 2000, Carswell, 2001; see on Sentencing: 1- Conditional Sentences.  General principles to be applied: R. v. Proulx (S.C.C.); 2- Joint Submissions: Trial judge justified in 'jumping' joint submission only in exceptional cases: R. v. C. (G.W.) (Alta. C.A.); 3- Pre-Trial Custody: Application to minimum sentences and amount of credit to be applied in other cases: R. v. W. (L.W.) (S.C.C.); see on Appeals: Fresh Evidence: Admissibility on sentence appeals: R. v. Levesque (S.C.C.);

___________“A Breath of Fresh Air on the Incarceration Addiction in Drug Cases”, (1999) 23 Criminal Reports (5th) 242-258;  (ok reference checked)

___________"Race, Sentencing and the 'War on Drugs'", (2004) 22(1) Criminal Reports (5th) 45-62; (ok reference checked)


TANOVICH, David M. and Gerry Ferguson, Annual Review of Criminal Law 2001, Carswell, a Thomson Company, 2002, xxvii, 200 p., ISBN: 0459271148; see  "Sentencing", at pp. 157-175 covering the following headings: "1. Family Group nferences; 2. Aboriginal Offenders; 3. DNA Databank Orders; 4. Admissibility of Uncharged Misconduct; 5. Cruel and Unusual Punishment; 6. The Death Penalty; 7. Mandatory Minimums; 8. Pre-Trial Custody; 9. Joint Submissions; 10. Conditional Sentences; 11. Probation Orders; 12. Stark Horror; 13.  Fine Default and Conditional Sentences; 14. Dangerous Offenders; 15. Psychiatric Assessments; 16 Review Board Hearings"; (ok reference checked)

___________Annual Review of Criminal Law 2003, Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2004, xxvi, 400 p., see "Sentencing", at pp. 279-381, ISBN: 0459273713;  (ok reference checked)

TARASOFSKY, Joseph, "Aspect juridique des sentences",  pp. 1-23, dans BARREAU DU QUÉBEC, Formation permanente, Cours 74, La sentence et le pardon: aspects juridiques, administratifs, sociaux et humanitaires, Montréal, Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1983, 172 p., [2] p., 23 cm., ISBN: 2890732541 [note: le même volume comprend aussi le cours 75 ayant pour titre: Nouvelles législations: le code de la sécurité routière et la loi sur les valeurs mobilières];

___________"The Sentence at Present" dans [sous la direction de, Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec], Droit pénal - Orientations nouvelles, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1987, [v], 290 p., aux pp. 235-255 (Collection; Colloques du Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec; vol. 2), ISBN: 2890736407; (ok reference checked)


TARASOFSKY, Joseph et Hélène Dumont, "Le traitement du délinquant" dans Droit pénal 13 Cours de la formation professionnelle du Barreau du Québec 1986-1987, Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, 1987, ISBN: 0890735842, titre 5, pp. 137-193;

TARNOPOLSKY, Walter, "Just Deserts or Cruel and Unusual Treatment or Punishment? Where Do We Look for Guidance?", (1978) 10 Ottawa Law Review 1;

TAYLOR, Charles, More Only Love Heals: Life Renewing Experiences of Prisoners, Lancelot, 1985, ISBN: 0889992940;

___________Only Love Heals: Life Renewing Experiences of Prisoners, Lancelot, 1978, ISBN: 0889990832;

TAYLOR, S., "Sentencing Powers and Principles" in Joel  E. Pink and David Perrier, eds., From Crime to Punishment: An Introduction to the Criminal Law System, 5th ed. , 2003, at pp. 293-317;

TEASDALE, Peter, Regional Director, General Prosecutions, "CRIMINAL JUSTICE UPDATES: 3. Victim Impact Statements - Section 735 C.C.", A.C.A.A.  Newsletter, Issue Number 1, January, 1995;

TEEVAN, J.J. (James J.), "Deterrent Effects of Punishment for Breaking and Entering and Theft"/"La force de dissuasion des peines imposées pour les introductions par effraction et les vols" in Reform Commission of Canada (ed.)/Commission de réforme du droit du Canada (éd.), Fear of Punishment/La crainte du châtiment, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada/Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1976, pp. 121- 149(E.)/129-160(F.); with the same title in (1977) 18 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 123-149;

___________"Deterrent Effects of Punishment: Subjective Measures Continued", (1976) 18 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 152-160;

___________"Deterrent Effects of Punishment: The Canadian Case", (1972) 14 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections 68-82; with the same title in: C.L. Boydell, C.F. Grindstaff and P.C. Whitehead, eds., Deviant Behaviour and Societal Reaction in Canada, Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972;

___________"Perceptions of Punishment: Current Research" in Richard L. Henshel and Robert A. Silverman, eds., Perception in Criminology, New York: Columbia University Press, 1975;

___________"Subjective Perceptions of Detrrence (Continued)", (1976) 13 Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 155-164;

TEPLITSKY, Martin, "Parole and Arbitrary Imprisonment", (1971) 13 Criminal Reports New Series 74-79;  (ok reference checked)

TESSIER, Raymond, "L'emprisonnement au Québec", (1976) 7 Revue de l'Université Sherbrooke 285-289;

THÉORÊT, Bruno, Marie-Marthe Cousineau et Danielle Laberge, Les services de probation du Québec: un examen des principales activités,  Groupe de recherche et d'analyse sur les politiques et les pratiques pénales, Centre international de criminologie comparée, Université de Montréal et Départment de sociologie, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1987 [i.e.] 1990, ix, 159, xv p. (Collection; Les cahiers du GRAPPP, numéro 2);

THERRIEN, André, Analyse des facteurs de prédiction du succès en libération conditionnelle, maîtrise criminologie, Universit/ de Montral, 1967, 107 p., directeur de thèse: Ciale, Justin;

THOMAS, David A., "Have the Courts Failed? The Problems of Sentencing in the 1980's / Les tribunaux ont-ils fait fausse route? Les problèmes des années 80 en matière de détermination de la peine [article in English]"  in Hélène Dumont, ed./sous la direction de,  Sentencing = La détermination de la peine, Cowansville (Quebec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1987,  [vi], 253 p. at pp. 123-134, ISBN: 2890736105 (Major papers presented at a National Conference on Sentencing  held in Toronto, Ontario from October 16th to the 19th, 1985, and hosted by the Canadian Institute for the Administration of  Justice / Principales études présentées lors de la conférence de l'Institut canadien d'administration de la justice, du 16 au 19 octobre 1985 à Toronto, Ontario,  sur le thème de la détermination de la peine); (ok reference checked)

___________"The Law of Sentencing - Some Unresolved Legal  Issues" in Sandra Oxner, ed., Criminal Justice: Papers Prepared for Presentation at the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice Conference on Criminal Justice Held at Halifax, October 28, 29 and 30m 1981, Toronto: Carswell, 1982, at pp. 165-174, ISBN: 0459349708;

THOMAS, Jennifer,  Adult Correctional Services in Canada, 1998-99, (2000) 20(3) Juristat;

THOMAS, Nadia E., "Sentencing Murder: Did Robert Latimer Deserve the Mandatory Minimum?", (2001) 6 Canadian Criminal Law Review 93-118; (ok reference checked)

THOMAS, Paul, "The Judicial Approach to Plea Bargaining", (1972) 5 Manitoba Law Journal 201-204;

THOMSON, George M., "Wrap-Up & Closing Remarks", in Patrick Healy and Hélène Dumont, eds., Dawn or Dusk in Sentencing / La détermination de la Peine: une réforme pour hier ou pour demain, Montréal: Éditions Thémis (publié en collaboration de l'Institut canadien d'administration de la justice (ICAJ)/Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ), 1998, xiii, 417 p., aux pp. 413-417, ISBN: 2894000960, available at http://www.ciaj-icaj.ca/english/publications/DP1997/thompson.pdf  (accessed on 16 April 2006); (ok reference checked)

THORVALDSON, S.A., "Restitution by Offenders in Canada: Some Legislative Issues", (1987) 29 Canadian Journal of Criminology 1-16;

TIBBETTS, Janice, "[The Minister of Justice Canada] Cauchon overturns man's rape conviction -- Red Deer man spent seven years in prison", The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, January 28, 2003, at p. A3; (ok reference checked)

___________"Crime victims promised more help.  Tories to unveil millions of dollars for programs", The Ottawa Citizen, Friday, 16 March 2007, p. A3; (ok reference checked)

"The Conservative government will announce several new measures today for victims of crime, including spending nore than $3 million a year on a new national victims' ombudsman to field complaints about the federal justice system and another $10 million for crime victims to attend parole hearings." (p. A3)

___________"Judges lash out at PM's comments.  Say independence of judiciary 'in peril'", The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, 21 February 2007, pp. A1 and A2; title at p. A2 is: "Judges: Merit, not ideology, should guide appointments, council says'";  (ok reference checked)

___________"Opposition inclined to block gun bill.  Mandatory minimum sentences likely to face Charter challenge, MPs say", The Ottawa Citizen, Sunday, 26 March 2006, p. A2; (ok reference checked)

"There are already 29 minimum mandatory sentences in Canada's Criminal Code, 20 of which were imposed in 1995 gun-control legislation that increased punishment for crimes committed with firearms. ...

There is a consensus among criminologists that minimum jail terms, which eliminate discretion for judges to impose sentences they see fit, do not deter crime."

___________"Parole changes could violate Charter: expert.  Tory plan to revoke 'faint hope clause' wouldn't affect current lifers: professor", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, August 21, 2006, p. A3; professor Allan Manson; (ok reference checked)

___________"PM trying to muzzle judges: Lamer.  Shouldn't interfere in sentencing, ex-chief justice says", The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 19 February 2007, pp. A1 and A2; title at p. A2 is: "Judges: Harper going about change 'the wrong way'";  (ok reference checked)

___________"PS warning that Tories' crime laws won't work was ignored -- Mandatory prison terms ineffective, lawyers told new justice minister", The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, 6 July 2006, pp. A1 and A2; title at p. A2 is: "Tories: Minister wants proof minimums don't work"; (ok reference checked)

___________"Tories plan review of prison system.  Safety of guards, concerns of victims to be considered", The Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, January 13, 2007, p. A3; (ok reference checked)

____________"Youth crime bill lets judges add to jail sentences.  Harsher treatment includes longer jail terms as a deterrent",
The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, 5 February 2007, p. A5;  (ok reference checked)

TIMS, F., "Bill C-41 and Treatment Resources — Myth and Reality" in Symposium on Drugs, Rehabilitation & Criminal Justice : A Creative Partnership for Recovery, Montreal : Portage Foundation, 1996, at 64-71;

TKACHUK, Brian, "The Assessment and Management of Risk in Corrections and Conditional Release.  Managing Risk in the Correctional Service of Canada", International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, 14th International Confernce, Sandton,  South Africa, December 3-7, 2000; available at  http://www.isrcl.org/Papers/Tkachuk.pdf (accessed on 4 August 2004); (ok reference checked)

___________Criminal Justice Reform: Lessons Learned Community Involvement and Restorative Justice Rapporteur's Report, 25 p., available at  http://www.icclr.law.ubc.ca/Publications/Reports/ViennaReport.PDF (accessed on 15 August 2004); note: "prepared for, United Nations Programme Network Institutes Technical Assistance Workshop Vienna Austria - April 17, 2002";

TJOSVOLD, Ken, "Summary of Sentencing Amendments - Bill C-41",  A.C.A.A.  Newsletter, Issue Number 1, January, 1995;

TOPPING, Coral Wesley, 1889-, Canadian Penal Institutions, Ph.D. thesis, Columbia University, 1929, 126 p.;

___________Canadian Penal Institutions, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1930; also Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1929 and with a revised edition, 1943;

Transfer of Offenders Act, R.S.C. 1985, C. T-15, for possible annotations and case law on that statute, see  Martin's Related Criminal Statutes: 1994-1995, Aurora: Canada Law Book Inc., 1994, p. 640, ISSN: 0701805;

TREMBLAY, Gaëtan, Research on Media and Practices in the Field of Legal News, Ottawa: Department of Justice, Policy, Programs and Research Branch, Research and Development Directorate, 1988, iii, 54 p.(series; Research reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission; ISSN: 0836-1797; volume 14); ISBN: 0662158768; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Tremblay, Gaëtan, Recherche sur les stratégies et pratiques des médias en matière d'information judiciaire, Ottawa : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Direction générale de la recherche et du développement, Direction de la politique, des programmes et de la recherche, 1988,  ii, 61 p. (Collection; Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine; ISSN: 0836-1800; volume 14), ISBN: 0662946790;  (ok reference checked)

"This report summarizes the findings from a study of French-language media practice in the area of sentencing in this country.  The interested reader is also directed to other reports in the series that deal with the news media.  In-depth interviews were conducted with 14 individuals, of whom 12 were journalists."  (Department of Justice Canada, Research Reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission, [Ottawa]: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Communications and Public Affairs, Department of Justice Canada, 1988, [15] p. at p. 9, ISBN: 0662556534; also published in French (text in English an French on inverted pages) / aussi publié en français (texte en français et en anglais disposé tête-bêche) : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine, [Ottawa]: Ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada, Direction des communications et affaires publiques, Ministère de la Justice du Canada, 1988, [15] p., à la p. 10, ISBN: 0662556534)

TREMBLAY, P., "L'évolution de l'emprisonnement pénitentiaire, de son intensité, de sa fermeté et de sa portée: le cas de Montréal de 1845 à 1913", (1986) 28 Canadian Journal of Criminologie 47-68;

___________Punir le crime avec constance: le cas de Montréal de 1845 à 1913, thèse de doctorat, Université de Montréal,

TREMBLAY, Pierre, G. Cordeau et M. Ouimet, "Underpunishing Offenders: Towards a Theory of Legal Tolerance", (1994) 36 Canadian Journal of Criminology 407; résumé à  http://www.fas.umontreal.ca/CRIM/cri6002/recherche/resume/a7.htm

TREMBLAY, P., S. Gravel, et M. Cusson, "Équivalences pénales et solutions de rechange à l'emprisonnement : la métrique pénale implicite des tribunaux criminels", (1987) 20(2) Criminologie 69-88.

TREMBLAY, Pierre et André Normandeau, "L'économie pénale de la société montréalaise, 1845-1913", (1986) 19 Histoire Sociale 177;

TREMBLAY, P. et G. Therriault, "La punition du crime : la prison et l'amende de Montréal de 1845 à 1913", (1985) 18 Criminologie 43-67;

TRÉPANIER, Jean, "L'avenir des pratiques dans un nouveau cadre légal visant les jeunes contrevenants", (2003) 34(1-2) Revue de droit Université de Sherbrooke 47-89;  (ok reference checked)

    On s'attend à ce que la Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents ait des conséquences considérables -- souvent négatives -- pour les pratiques de la justice des mineurs.  Les décisions visant les jeunes contrevenants seront plus centrées sur les infractions et moins sur la personne ou l'ensemble de la situation du contrevenant; les tribunaux n'imposeront plus des mesures mais des peines.  Les mesures extrajudicaires seront touchées aussi bien que diverses peines.  La mise sous garde sera particulièrement affectée.  Le risque étant qu'elle devienne plus une mesure de détention que de réapdaptation.  Des suggestions sont offertes pour tenter de limiter la portée de certains effets indésirables de la loi afin de préserver des acquis développés au Québec au fil des ans.  Certains points d'appui des interventions sont évoqués, notamment le recours à la Loi sur la prorection de la jeunesse et l'engament des parents." (p. 47)

___________"La légitimité des mesures imposées aux jeunes contrevenants", (1996) 27(2) Revue Générale de Droit Université de Ottawa 255-273;

TREVEN, J.J., "Deterrent Effects of Punishment": The Canadian Case", (1972) 14 Canadian Journal of Corrections 68-82;

TREVETHAN, Shelley, "Is There a Need for Aboriginal-Specific Programming for Aboroginal Offenders?",  in David Newhouse and Evelyn Peters, eds., Not Stangers in These Parts: Urban Aboriginal Peoples, Ottawa: Policy Research Initiative, 2003, 289 p., at pp. 195-200, ISBN 0662676041; available at http://www.urbancentre.utoronto.ca/pdfs/elibrary/Canada_Urban-Aboriginal-Peo.pdf  (accessed on 15 April 2006); (ok reference checked)

TROTTER, Gary T.,  "Annotation: R. v. Bertuzzi, (2005) 26(1) C.R. (6th) 71 (British Columbia Provincial Court)", (2005) 26(1) Criminal Reports (6th) 72-73; on absolute or conditional discharge; (ok reference checked)

___________"Appellate Review of Sentencing Decisions"  in Julian V. Roberts and David P. Cole, eds., Making Sense of  Sentencing, Toronto: University of  Toronto Press, 1999, [ix]¸ 381 p. at pp. 230-241, ISBN: 0802006868 (cloth) and 0802076440 (paper); (ok reference checked)

__________"R. v. Shropshire: Murder, Sentencing and the Supreme Court of Canada", (1995) 43 Criminal Reports  (4th) 288-305; (ok reference checked)


___________"The Role of Appellate Courts in the Canadian Sentencing Process", (March / April 1997) 9(5) Federal Sentencing Reporter 262;

___________(prepared by), Sentencing and Penal Policy, Toronto, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, 1995, 1 vol., 1995, 1 v., "Spring Term";

___________Sentencing and penal policy, [Montreal : McGill University], 1994, 1 v. (various pagings), (series; Materials book series (McGill University. Faculty of Law); note: "Winter term, 1994.";

___________"Sentencing in a 'New Era'", in Anil K. Kapoor, Renee Pomerance, Law Society of Upper Canada. Dept. of Continuing Legal Education, Criminal law update / materials for the program chaired by Anil K. Kapoor, Renee Pomerance held in Toronto on  Saturday, March 28, 1998, [Toronto] : Dept. of Continuing Legal Education, Law Society of Upper Canada, 1 v. (various pagings),  at part 5, pp. 5-1 to 5-29,  ISBN:  0887597092; note: "P#889"; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, KF 9220 ZA2 C7526 1998 C. 01;  (ok reference checked)

TROUSDELL, Marie, 1944-, The Psychiatric Evaluation of Dangerousness Individual vs Collective Rights, LL.M. Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, April 1991, ii, 146, [addendum 7]  p.; (ok reference checked)

TROYER, Joseph Gordon, Socialization in a Canadian penal setting, thesis, University of Calgary, 1972, 179 leaves, note: "thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts";

TURMEL, Jean, "Les mesures de rechange pour les contrevenants adultes - l'expérience en matière de jeunes contrevenants" in Développements récents en droit criminel, Éditions Yvon Blais, 1997 (Textes des conférences du colloque tenu le 17 octobre 1996) (Formation permanente du Barreau du Québec - volume 84);

TRUDELL, William, CCCDL Corner "Highway to Hell!", (June 2006) 27(3) For the Defence 41-42;  (ok reference checked)

__________ "The Politics of Criminal Law Reform", (October 2005) 26(5) For the Defence 35-38;  (ok reference checked)

___________"Sentencing" in The Law Society of Upper Canada, Criminal Procedure 1986-87, Bar Admission Course Materials, Carswell, 1986, chapter 10, ISBN: 045936102;

TUFFS, Jennifer, 1976-, "Public AttitudesToward the Criminal Justice System", Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 85-002-XIE Vol. 20 no. 12;

___________Understanding public attitudes toward sentencing, Thesis (M.A.), University of Ottawa, 2000;

TURNER, Jan, "Adult Diversion: A Progress Report", in Patrick Healy and Hélène Dumont, eds., Dawn or Dusk in Sentencing / La détermination de la Peine: une réforme pour hier ou pour demain, Montréal: Éditions Thémis (publié en collaboration de l'Institut canadien d'administration de la justice (ICAJ)/Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ), 1998, xiii, 417 p., at pp. 369-371, ISBN: 2894000960, available at http://www.ciaj-icaj.ca/english/publications/DP1997/turner.pdf  (accessed on 16 April 2006); Mr. Turner is Director, Community Services Branch, Saskatchewan Department of Justice, Regina; (ok reference checked)

___________"Transforming the Punishment Environment", 10 p., in Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice.  Conference (1999: Saskatoon, Sask.), Changing punishment at the turn of the century: finding a common ground  Punir autrement au tournant  du siècle : trouver un terrain d'entente, [Montréal] : Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, [1999], 1 v. (various pagings); notes: Papers from a conference held in Saskatoon, September 26-29, 1999, available at http://www.ciaj-icaj.ca/english/publications/DP1999/Turner.pdf (accessed on 17 April 2006);  (ok reference checked)

TURNER, John, Sentencing in Adult Criminal Courts: A Study of Six Canadian Jurisdictions - 1991 and 1992, Ottawa, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 1993, ISBN:  0660153882; also published in French / aussi publié en français: La détermination de la peine dans les tribunaux provinciaux de juridiction criminelle pour adultes au Canada : étude de six secteurs de compétence - 1991 et 1992;

TURNER, R.E., "The Sexual Offender", (1964) 9 Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 533-540; (ok reference checked)

___________ "Treatment of the Sex Offender", (1960-61) 3 The Criminal Law Quarterly 461-472;

TURPEL-LAFOND, Mary Ellen, "Sentencing within a Restorative Justice Paradigm: Procedural Implications of R. v. Gladue", 17 p., in Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice.  Conference (1999: Saskatoon, Sask.), Changing punishment at the turn of the century: finding a common ground / Punir autrement au tournant  du siècle : trouver un terrain d'entente, [Montréal] : Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, [1999], 1 v. (various pagings); notes: Papers from a conference held in Saskatoon, September 26-29, 1999, available at  http://www.ciaj-icaj.ca/english/publications/DP1999/Turpel-lafond.pdf (accessed on 17 April 2006);

"Une note ... finale: la mort civile", (1985) 18 Criminologie 128-129;

TURRELL, Rob, "It's a mystery: the royal prerogative of mercy in England, Canada and South Africa", (2000) 4(1) Crime History and Societies 83-101;

TWENEY, Gregory, "Supreme Court of Canada Speaks on Conditional Sentences" in The changing  face of conditional sentencing : symposium proceedings, Ottawa : Dept. of Justice Canada, c2000, iii, 87 p. at pp.53-58; note: The symposium was held at the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, on May 27, 2000; also published in French /aussi publié en français: Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages, "La Cour suprême du Canada examine l'emprisonnement avec sursis" in Nouveau visage de l'emprisonnement avec sursis : compte rendu du symposium, aux pp. 59-65, ISBN: 0662653688; (ok reference checked)

UMBREIT, Mark S., 1949-, Canadian Component (Enhancement Grant) Cross-national Study of Victime Offender Mediation, Ottawa: Ottawa : Department of Justice Canada, Corporate Management, Policy & Programs Sector, Research & Statistics Directorate, 1994, iii, 60 p. (Technical Report; Department of Justice; TRI1994-13e);

___________How to increase referrals to victim-offender mediation  programs, Waterloo, Ont.: Fund for Dispute Resolution, 1993, 8, A-9 p.; copy at Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre/Solliciteur général Canada, Bibliothèque ministérielle et centre de référence, HV 8688 U5h 1993; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet;  (ok reference checked)


UMBREIT, Mark S. et al., Mediation of criminal conflict : an assessment of programs in four Canadian provinces : executive summary report,  St. Paul, Minn. : University of Minnesota, School of  Social Work, Center for Restoration Justice & Mediation, 1995, xxiii p., bibliography: p. xxii-xxiii; copy at Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre/Solliciteur général Canada, Bibliothèque ministérielle et centre de référence, HV 8688 U5m 1995; title noted in my research but document not consulted yet; (ok reference checked)

UNIFORM LAW CONFERENCE, Uniform Criminal Injuries Compensation Act/Loi uniforme sur l'indemnisation des victimes d'actes criminels", (1983) Uniform Law Conference 67-93;

___________Working Group on Probation, Report of the Criminal Section: Working Group on Probation, May 2005, 9 p., available at http://www.ulcc.ca/en/poam2/Probation_Working_Group_Rep_En.pdf  (accessed on 27 March 2006);  (ok reference checked)

UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA, Committee on Alternatives to Capital Punishment, Alternatives to Capital Punishment: Full Text of the Report of the Committee on Alternatives to Capital Punishment to the Nineteenth General Council of the United Church of Canada, September 1960, Edmonton, Alberta, Toronto: Board of Evangelism and Social Service, United Church of Canada, 1960, 14 p., copy at University of Toronto: Pam/Hv/8699/C3/U5;

UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, Association for Values Education & Research: Prisons, OISE Press, 1981, ISBN: 0774402210 with Teacher's Manual, ISBN: 0774402229 (values Reasoning Series);

URWICK, E.J., "Penal Commissions Report", (Aug. 1939) 46 Queen's Quarterly 320-323;

VACHERET, Marion, "Les dynamiques de pouvoir dans un modèle de primauté du droit.  Analyse du système carcéral canadien", (2004) 57 Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique 29-42; (ok reference checked)

___________La gestion du risque dans le système correctionnel fédéral pour délinquants adultes, Montréal, Ecole de criminologie, Mémoire de maîtrise inédit, 1995. 

___________"L'univers des surveillants de prison: de la dévalorisation à l'atomisation", (juin 2001) Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 532-559;

___________"Relations sociales en milieu carcéral: une étude des pénitenciers canadiens", (2002) 26(1) Déviance et société 83-104;

___________Social relationships in correctional settings: A study of Canadian penitentiaries, (2002) 26(1) Déviance et Société 83-104;

___________"Le système pénitentiaire canadien", dans, sous la direction de, Jean-Paul Céré et Carlos Eduardo A. Japiassu, Les systèmes pénitentiaires dans le monde, 2e édition, Paris: Dalloz, 2011, vi,  400 p., aux pp. 91-105, ISBN: 978-247-101382; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa, Bibliothèque Fauteux, K5524 .S97 2011;

___________Une étude de la vie quotidienne et des interactions sociales dans les pénitenciers canadiens,  thèse de doctorat, U de M., 2001, 161 p.; Directeur:  Lemire, Guy;

___________"Les visites familiales privées au Canada, entre réinsertion et contrôle accru : portrait d’un système" (février 2005) Champ pénal /Penal Field, mis en ligne le 13 septembre 2005, disponible à http://champpenal.revues.org/document81.html (site visité le 9 janvier 2007);

VACHERET, Marion; sous la direction de Guy Lemire, L'univers de la prison à l'aube du 21ème siècle, Montréal: Université de Montréal, 1998, vi, 91 feuilles  (Collection; Les Cahiers de recherches criminologiques no. 29); titre noté dans mes recherches mais document non consulté; copie à Sécurité publique et Protection civile Canada, Bibliothèque et Centre d'information/Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, Library and Information Centre, HV 9507 V3 1998;

VACHERET, Marion et Marie-Marthe Cousineau, "L'évaluation du risque de récidive au sein du sytème correctionnel canadien: regrads sur les limites d'un système", (2005) Déviance et société, numéro 4;

Résumé :

L'objet de cet article est d'apporter un regard critique sur le modèle canadien de gestion des sentences fédérales d'incarcération, lequel est souvent considéré comme un modèle idéal. A partir de données qualitatives et quantitatives, il ressort qu'un nombre important de détenus considérés comme porteurs des risques élevés et, par conséquent, ne bénéficiant pas d'une libération anticipée, réintègrent la collectivité sans qu'on les retrouve ensuite dans le système. Dès lors, on peut se demander jusqu'à  quel point ce modèle, dont on vante la « réussite », ne peut pas être vu avant tout comme créateur d'échec. Il ressort, en effet, que sous couvert d'évaluations rationnelles et de prédictions actuarielles, non seulement le délit apparaît comme la dimension prépondérante dans la prise de décision, mais encore que les outils mis en place utilisent des critères peu variés et redondants, augmentant d'autant leur influence. Ces constats nous amènent à  questionner la place de la responsabilité des acteurs dans un contexte où la gestion du risque fait face à  une opinion publique en mal de sécurité.  http://mhsrvweb.medhyg.ch/revues/r_article.php4?article_id=99940070&num_char=0

___________"Quelques éléments de compréhension des libérations d'office réussies", (2003) 45(1) Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale 99-123;

VACHERET, Marion, J. Dozois et G. Lemier, "Le système correctionnel canadien et la nouvelle pénologie : la notion de risque", (1998) 22(1) Déviance et société 37-50;

VALIQUET, Dominique, "The Dangerous Offender and Long-Term Offender Regime",
Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Law and Government Division, 4 April 2006 (series; PRB 06-13E), available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/library/PRBpubs/prb0613-e.htm (accessed on 30 January 2008); (ok reference checked)

VAMOS, Dr. Peter A., (Director, Portage Rehabilitation Centre( Montreal), "The Criminal Justice System: A Catalyst to Addiction Treatment", in Patrick Healy and Hélène Dumont, eds., Dawn or Dusk in Sentencing / La détermination de la Peine: une réforme pour hier ou pour demain, Montréal: Éditions Thémis (publié en collaboration de l'Institut canadien d'administration de la justice (ICAJ)/Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ), 1998, xiii, 417 p., aux pp. 181-186, ISBN: 2894000960, available at http://www.ciaj-icaj.ca/english/publications/DP1997/vamos.pdf (accessed on 16 April 2006); (ok reference checked)

VANCHESTEIN, Érick, Ronald Prégent, et Amélie Zinzius, "Décisions de la Cour d'appel en matière criminelle et pénale 1994 - Sentences» dans Septième journée d'étude de l'association des avocats de la défense de Montréal, Éditions Yvon Blais, 1995, 304 p., ISBN: 2894510624 [«L'Association des avocats de la défense de Montréal présente le texte des conférences prononcées dans le cadre de sa journée d'étude tenue le 6 avril 1995»];

VANCISE, The Honourable Mr. Justice William (Saskatchewan Court of Appeal), "Appellate Review of Sentencing" in  in The changing face of conditional sentencing : symposium proceedings, Ottawa : Dept. of Justice Canada, c2000, iii, 87 p., at pp.59-63; note: The symposium was held at the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, on May 27, 2000; also published in French /aussi publié en français: Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages, "Les appels sur sentence" in  Nouveau visage de l'emprisonnement avec sursis : compte rendu du symposium, aux pp. 73-80, ISBN: 0662653688; (ok reference checked)

__________"Dawn or Dusk: New Beginning or More of the Same?" in Patrick Healy and Hélène Dumont, eds., Dawn or Dusk in Sentencing / La détermination de la peine: une réforme pour hier ou pour demain, Montréal: Éditions Thémis (publié en collaboration de l'Institut canadien d'administration de la justice (ICAJ)/Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ), 1998, xiii, 417 p., aux pp. 383-396, ISBN: 2894000960; available at http://www.ciaj-icaj.ca/english/publications/DP1997/vancise-ang.pdf (accessed on 16 April 2006); also published in French /aussi publié en français:: "La détermination de la peine: une réforme pour hier ou pour demain", dans le même livre, aux pp.397-411, disponible à http://www.ciaj-icaj.ca/english/publications/DP1997/vancise.pdf  (consulté le 16 avril 2006);  (ok reference checked)

___________"Preliminary paper -- Things Aren't Always What They Seem", Sentencing Criminal Law Seminar, March 17-19, 1999, Vancouver British Columbia, 32, [2], p.; copy at the Library of Parliament, KE9355 Z85V35 (library Br.B.); (ok reference checked)

___________"To Change or Not to Change - That is the Issue", (1996) 1 Canadian Criminal Law Review 263-276;

VANCISE, William J. and Patrick Healy, "Judicial Notice in Sentencing",  (2002) 65(2) Saskatchewan Law Review 97-105; (ok reference checked)

"[Abstract] Using R. v. Gladue as their starting-point, the authors examine the extent to which judicial notice of relevant facts is permissible in the determination of a fit sentence.

      The authors test the Gladue approach to judicial notice against traditional doctrine and suggest that judicial notice of an 'approach to sentencing' is untenable.  They suggest that judicial notice has been over-extended as a basis for systemic and background fact finding.  Rather than distorting judicial notice in sentencing decisions, the authors propose that a better approach to the admissibility of evidence in sentencing is to relax the standards of admissibility by an amendment to s. 723(2) of the Criminal Code." (p. 98)

VAN DALEN, Lynne Hilda, 1962-, Playing with people's lives : the interest groups involved in the most recent debates on capital punishment, Kingston, Ont. : s.n., 1986, v, 100 leaves ; 29 cm., Thesis (M.A., Political Studies)--Queen's University, 1987?;

VAN STEEN, Marcus, "Is death penalty on the way out?", (3 Janvier 1959) 74 Saturday Night 16-17 and 33-34;

VAN VEEN, W.L. and B.M. Mazer, "Sentencing", (1984) 16 Ottawa Law Review 403-424;

VASEY, Adam, "Rethinking the Sentencing of Aboriginal Offenders: The Social Value of s. 718.2(e)", (March 2003) 15 Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 73-97; (ok reference checked)

"Section 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code provides that 'all available sanctions other than imprisonment that are reasonable in the circumstances should be considered for all offenders, with particular attention to the circumstances of [A]boriginal offenders.'  In R. v. Gladue, the Supreme Court of Canada interpreted this provision as requiring sentencing judges to adopt a new method of analysis when dealing with Aboriginal offenders.  Commentators have subsequently critized s. 718.2(e), as interpreted in Gladue and expanded upon in R. v. Wells, for failing to effectively address the problem of Aboriginal over-representation in Canadian penal institutions, and for legislating that Aboriginal offenders receive preferential treatment.  While the author concedes that a new sentencing methodology is not a panacea, and its success will depend largely on the will of the individual judges who implement it, he believes many critics have ignored the provision's underlying social value.  By requiring sentencing judges to explicitly recognize and address the unique circumstances of Aboriginals offenders, the Supreme Court has clearly indicated that a new judicial mindset is needed to deal with the problem of over-representation.  Moreover, far from mandating preferential treatment for Aboriginal offenders, s. 718.2(e) will help ensure that the sentencing judge does not overlook important factors in arriving at a sentence that is just and appropriate not only for the Aboriginal offender, but for the victim and community as well." (p. 73; note: un sommaire en français est aussi disponible à la même page)

VAUCLAIR, Martin, La peine de mort au Canada, Montréal : Association professionnelle des criminologues du Québec, 1986, v, 78 p. (Collection:Cahiers scientifiques et pratiques (Association professionnelle des criminologues du Québec);v.6); call # U de Montréal: L.S.H. - HV 8699 C3 V38 1986;

VAUTOUR, Jim, ed., Our story : Organizational Renewal in Federal Corrections, [Ottawa] : Correctional Service Canada, 1991, [ix], ii, 246 p., ISBN: 0662188896; (ok reference checked)

VEILLETTE, L", "Le virage des services correctionnels du Québec", (1996) 12 Actualités 4-5; "New Directions for Corrections in Quebec", (1996) 12 Justice Rep 4-5;

VERDUN-JONES, Simon N. (Simon Nicholas), 1947-, Plea bargaining and sentencing guidelines, Ottawa : Department of Justice Canada, Research and Development Directorate, Policy, Programs and Research Branch, 1988; vii, 56 p. (series;Research reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission 0836-1797; ISBN:  0662158695; copy at the National Library Ottawa:  COP.CA.2.1988-4357;

___________"Forensic psychiatry, ethics and protective sentencing: what are the limits of psychiatric participation in the criminal justice process", (2000) 101 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 77-82;  (ok reference checked) 


VERDUN-JONES, Simon N. and Douglas Cousineau, "Cleansing the Augean Stables: A Critical Analysis of Recent Trends in the Plea Bargaining Debate in Canada", (1979) 17 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 227-260;

__________"A Critical Analysis of Plea Bargaining in Canada" in BOYDELL, Craig L., CONNIDIS, Ingrid Arnet (ed.), The Canadian Criminal Justice System, pp. 177-199, voir, ce document, p. 7;

VERDUN-JONES, Simon (Simon Nicholas), 1947-, and Alison (Alison J.) Hatch, "An Overview of Plea Bargaining in Canada: Cautionary Notes for Sentencing Reform /  La transaction des plaidoyers au Canada: Quelques remarques préliminaires en vue de la réforme en matière de détermination de la peine [article in English]" in Hélène Dumont, ed./sous la direction de,  Sentencing = La détermination de la peine, Cowansville (Quebec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1987,  [vi], 253 p. at pp. 71-106, ISBN: 2890736105 (Major papers presented at a National Conference on Sentencing  held in Toronto, Ontario from October 16th to the 19th, 1985, and hosted by the Canadian Institute for the Administration of  Justice / Principales études présentées lors de la conférence de l'Institut canadien d'administration de la justice, du 16 au 19 octobre 1985 à Toronto, Ontario, sur le thème de la détermination de la peine);  (ok reference checked)

___________Plea Bargaining and Sentencing Guidelines, Ottawa : Department of Justice, Policy, Programs and Research Branch, Research and Development Directorate, 1988, viii, 56 p.(series; Research reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission; ISSN: 0836-1797; volume 7); ISBN: 0662158695; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Verdun-Jones, Simon et Alison (Alison J.) Hatch, La négociation de plaidoyer et les lignes directrices en matière de détermination des sentences, Ottawa : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Direction générale de la recherche et du développement, Direction de la politique, des programmes et de la recherche, 1988,  viii, 106 p. (Collection; Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine; ISSN: 0836-1800; volume 7), ISBN: 0662946723;  (ok reference checked)

"The implementation of sentencing guidelines inevitably raises the issue of plea bargaining.  This paper considers the potential impact that plea bargaining would have on the introduction of sentencing guidelines in Canada.  From a consideration of the U.S. literature, it was determined that plea bargaining is a complex and diverse phenomenon that varies greatly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  Attempts to abolish or restructure it have failed or resulted in undesirable consequences.  Any study, therefore, of the impact of sentencing reform should consider the role of plea bargaining, from arrest through to parole."  (Department of Justice Canada, Research Reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission, [Ottawa]: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Communications and Public Affairs, Department of Justice Canada, 1988, [15] p. at p. 6, ISBN: 0662556534; also published in French (text in English an French on inverted pages) / aussi publié en français (texte en français et en anglais disposé tête-bêche) : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine, [Ottawa]: Ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada, Direction des communications et affaires publiques, Ministère de la Justice du Canada, 1988, [15] p. à la p. 6, ISBN: 0662556534)  Canadian Sentencing Commission, 1986)

VERDUN-JONES, Simon (Simon Nicholas), 1947-, and Teresa (Teresa Ruth) Mitchell-Banks, The Fine as a  Sentencing Option in Canada, Ottawa, Department of Justice, Policy, Programs and Research Branch, Research and Development Directorate, 1988, 92 p.(series; Research reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission; ISSN: 0836-1797; volume 8); ISBN: 0662158709; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Verdun-Jones, Simon (Simon-Nicholas), 1947-,  et Teresa (Teresa Ruth) Mitchell-Banks, L'amende comme option de détermination de la peine au Canada, Ottawa : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Direction générale de la recherche et du développement, Direction de la politique, des programmes et de la recherche, 1988, 107 p. (Collection; Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine; ISSN: 0836-1800; volume 8), ISBN: 0662946731;  (ok reference checked)
"The fine is, for most offences, the most frequent disposition.  This is true in all western industrialized nations.  In Canada, over 90 percent of convictions for summary offences and one percent to one-third of convictions for indictable offences result in the imposition of fines.  Notwithstanding this, the fine has not received anything like the attention from researchers that has been focused upon incarceration.  This report explores the fine as a sentencing option.  Various issues are described and discussed, such as imprisonment for fine default, which accounts for a significant percentage of admissions to provincial institutions.  The report includes a series of recommendations.  (Department of Justice Canada, Research Reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission, [Ottawa]: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Communications and Public Affairs, Department of Justice Canada, 1988, [15] p. at p. 6, ISBN: 0662556534; also published in French (text in English an French on inverted pages) / aussi publié en français (texte en français et en anglais disposé tête-bêche) : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine, [Ottawa]: Ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada, Direction des communications et affaires publiques, Ministère de la Justice du Canada, 1988, [15] p. à la p. 6, ISBN: 0662556534)  Canadian Sentencing Commission, 1986)

VERDUN-JONES, Simon N. (Simon Nicholas), 1947-, and Adamira A. Tijerino, "Four Models of Victim Involvement during Plea Negotiations: Bridging the Gap between Legal Reforms and Current Legal Practice", (2004) 46(4) Criminologie et de justice pénale  471 to approx. 500;

___________"Victim Participation in the Plea Negotiation Process: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?", (April 2005) 50(1 & 2) The Criminal Law Quarterly 190-212;

VERTES, John, "Restorative Justice", in National Criminal Law Program (2004 : Halifax, N.S.), Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law, and Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Substantive criminal law : 2004 National Criminal Law Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 12 to 16, 2004 / presented by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in conjunction with the Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, [s.l. : s.n.], 2004, 3 v., in volume 1, Tab 5.4, 15 p.; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada KF9220 ZA2 N38 2004;  (ok reference checked)

VIAU, Louise,  «Victimes des amibitions royales», (1996) 30 Thémis 117-141;

___________«Victimes des ambitions royales» in Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice/Institut canadien d'administration de la justice, Public Perception of the Administration of Justice - Papers presented at a Conference Held in Banff, Alta, Oct. 11-14 1995/L'administration de la justice: la perception du public - Textes présentés lors d'un colloque tenu à Banff, Alb., du 11 au 14 oct. 1995, ISBN: 2894000839, copy at Ottawa University, Fauteux Library, KE8200 .Z85 P826 1996, pp. 67-96;

 «Introduction...69; I. L'historique du rôle des victimes...72; A. L'histoire ancienne...72; B. L'apport de la criminologie...75; C. L'influence du mouvement féministe...78; II. Les acquis récents des victimes en droit canadien et québécois...81: A. La reconnaissance de certains types de victimisation...81; B. L'humanisation du processus judiciaire...85; C. L'aide aux victimes d'actes criminels...87; D. L'indemnisation des victimes...90; E. Sentiment de victimisation et victimologie comparée...92; Conclusion...95»; disponible à http://www.ciaj-icaj.ca/english/publications/1995/LVIAU.pdf (site visité le 17 avril 2006); (ok reference checked)


VICKERS, The Honourable Mr. Justice David H. (Supreme Court of  British Columbia, Vancouver), "Opening Remarks", in Patrick Healy and Hélène Dumont, eds., Dawn or Dusk in Sentencing / La détermination de la Peine: une réforme pour hier ou pour demain, Montréal: Éditions Thémis (publié en collaboration de l'Institut canadien d'administration de la justice (ICAJ)/publish in cooperation with the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ), 1998, xiii, 417 p., aux pp. 233-234, ISBN: 2894000960, available at http://www.ciaj-icaj.ca/english/publications/DP1997/vickers.pdf (accessed on 16 April 2006); (ok reference checked)

"Victims of Crime", (1984) 1 Justice Rep. 1: 18-20, 2:11-12; / "Victimes d'actes criminels" (1984) 1 Actualités 19-21, 2:12-13;

VIENS, Christine, "Le projet de loi C-89: Justice pour les victimes d'actes criminels" dans [sous la direction de, Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec], Développements récents en droit criminel, Cowansville (Québec): Éditions Yvon Blais, 1989, [vi], 297 p. aux pp. 133-168, voir "La déclaration de la victime" aux pp. 160-163 (Collection; Colloques du Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec; vol. 11, ISBN: 2890737128; (ok reference checked)

VILLENEUVE, David Brian, 1948-, Predictors of general and violent recidivism among mentally disordered federal incarcerates, Thesis (Ph.D.), Queen's University, March 1994, viii, 158 leaves; thesis supervisor: Dr. Vernon L. Quinsey;

VILLENEUVE, Marc, "Pénologie: les autochtones et la reconnaissance du principe de la différence culturelle comme facteur atténuant", (1995) 29 Revue juridique Thémis 707-742, «Introduction...707; I. Nation autochtone...708; II. Les Doukhobors...710; III. La reconnaissance de la différence culturelle...712; IV. Les cercles de consultation...728; V. Synthèse...738; Conclusion...740; Annexe 1...742; Annexe II...742»;

VINCENT, André, "Ordonnance de sursis - Modification des conditions et mesures en cas de manquement" in Développements récents en droit criminel, Éditions Yvon Blais, 1997 (Textes des conférences du colloque tenu le 17 octobre 1996) (Formation permanente du Barreau du Québec - volume 84);

VINCENT, André et Marie A. Trudeau, Droit pénal, [Montréal], Édition École du Barreau du Québec, 1992, 67 p., ISBN: 292141015X, [Titre I: Procédure et preuve criminelle: chap. 1: la perquisition; 2: les moyens de contraindre une personne à comparaître et la comparution; 3: la mise en liberté par voie judiciaire; 4: l'enquête préliminaire «pro forma»; 5: l'enquête préliminaire; 6: le procès; 7: la déclaration extrajudiciaire; Titre II sentence et infractions: chap. 1: la sentence (p. 59); 2: certaines infractions], copie à Ottawa U, Fauteux, KE8809.V547 1992;  

VINCENT, Marie-France, «Les dispositions législatives et la protection de la société face aux agresseurs sexuels dangereux» (1995) 9 R.J.E.U.L. 205 (sommaire seulement d'un travail sur commande # 95-13);

VINING, Aidan R., "Developing Aggregate Measures of Disparity", (1985) 21 Criminology 233-252;

___________Issues Relating to Sentencing Guidelines: An Evaluation of U.S. Experiences and Their Relevance for Canada,Ottawa, Department of Justice, Policy, Programs and Research Branch, Research and Development Directorate, 1988, [i], 75 p., (series; Research reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission; ISSN: 0836-1797; volume 2); ISBN:  0662158644; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Questions relatives aux lignes directrices en matière de détermination de la peine: évaluation de divers modèles américains et de leur pertinence au Canada, [Ottawa] : Ministère de la Justice, Direction de la politique, des programmes et  de la recherche, Direction générale de la recherche et du développement, 1988, 83 p.(Collection; Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine; ISSN: 0836-1800; volume 2), ISBN: 0662946677; (ok reference checked)

"The issue of sentencing guidelines lies at the heart of recent attempts to reform the sentencing process.  Sentencing guidelines have been instituted in several jurisdictions in the United States.  This report analyses and evaluates these guideline systems, particularly those in Minnesota and Pennsylvania.  Have the sentencing guidelines commissions in these locations achieved their stated objectives?  What are the weaknesses of structuring sentencing decisions in this way?  Professor Vining examines the critical questions in the area of sentencing guidelines, with particular reference to the implementation possibilities for Canada."  (Department of Justice Canada, Research Reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission, [Ottawa]: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Communications and Public Affairs, Department of Justice Canada, 1988, [15] p. at p. 3, ISBN: 0662556534; also published in French (text in English an French on inverted pages) / aussi publié en français (texte en français et en anglais disposé tête-bêche) : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine, [Ottawa]: Ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada, Direction des communications et affaires publiques, Ministère de la Justice du Canada, 1988, [15] p. à la p. 3, ISBN: 0662556534)

___________Issues Relating to Guideline Implementation and Evaluation in the U.S. and their Relevance to Canadian Sentencing Reform, Ottawa: The Canadian Sentencing Commission, 1985;

___________"Reforming Canadian Sentencing Practices: Problems, Prospects and Lessons", (1979) 17 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 355-414;

___________A Review of Issues in Sentencing, Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Secretariat, cat. no. JS42- 22/4-1984E, "This review has a very broad definition of sentencing that includes the roles played bt Crown and parole.  The Legislation informs us on the results of the availability of numerous sentencing options and wide ranges of imprisonment, without adequate legislative guidance regarding the circumstances under which they should be utilized";


VINING, A.R. and C. Dean, "Towards Sentencing Uniformity: Integrating the Normative and the Empirical Orientation", in New Directions in Sentencing, edited by B. Grosman, Toronto, Butterworths, 1980, at pp. 117- 154;

VON HIRSCH, Andrew and Marc Ouimet, "Proportionalité et prévention: Evolutions récentes de la pénologie aux Etats-Unis. (avril 1989) Revue de  science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé; résumé.à http://www.fas.umontreal.ca/CRIM/cri6002/recherche/resume/a1.htm

WABY, Michael, "Comparative Aspects of Plea Bargaining in England and Canada: A Practitioner's Perspective", (April 2005) 50(1 & 2) The Criminal Law Quarterly 148-164; (ok reference checked)

WALLER, Irvin, 1944-, "Justice even for the crime victim: Implementing international standards", (1989) *** International Review of Victimology 89;

__________Men Released from Prison, Toronto, Toronto University Press, 1974;

___________"Report on the Implementationof the basic principles embodied in the United Nations on victims", (1991) 2 International Review of Victimology 65;

__________ The role of the victim in sentencing and related processes, Ottawa: Department of Justice, Policy, Programs and Research Branch, Research and Development Directorate, 1988, v, 69 p.(series; Research reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission; ISSN: 0836-1797; volume 16); ISBN: 0662158784; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Waller, Irvin, Le rôle de la victime dans la détermination de la peine et les processus connexes, Ottawa : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Direction générale de la recherche et du développement, Direction de la politique, des programmes et de la recherche, 1988,  iv, 113 p. (Collection; Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine; ISSN: 0836-1800; volume 16), ISBN: 0662946784;  (ok reference checked)

"Over the past few years there has been an increasing number of calls, from various groups and individuals, for the criminal justice system to become more responsive to the needs of victims.  Professor Waller examines the role of the victim in the sentencing process.  This paper includes a survey of the role of the victim in criminal justice proceedings in foreign jurisdictions."  (Department of Justice Canada, Research Reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission, [Ottawa]: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Communications and Public Affairs, Department of Justice Canada, 1988, [15] p. at p. 10, ISBN: 0662556534; also published in French (text in English an French on inverted pages) / aussi publié en français (texte en français et en anglais disposé tête-bêche) : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine, [Ottawa]: Ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada, Direction des communications et affaires publiques, Ministère de la Justice du Canada, 1988, [15] p., à la p. 11, ISBN: 0662556534)


__________"La victime et le procès", titre et article anticipés du conférencier pour le Colloque «État, accusés, victimes», Faculté de droit (Droit civil), Université d'Ottawa, 11 mars 1994 (comité organisateur constitué des profeseurs de la Faculté de droit: Alain-François Bisson, André Jodouin, Marine du Peloux et du Professeur Alvaro Pirez du département de criminologie;

__________"Les victimes d'actes criminels: besoins et services Canada/États-Unis", (1981) 5 Déviance et Société 263;

___________"Victims", (1984) 16 Ottawa Law Review 444-454;

___________"Victims v. Regina v. Wrongdoer: Justice", (1985) 8 Can. Com. L. J. 1-20;

___________Victims, safer communinities and sentencing", (1990) 32 Canadian Journal of Criminology 461;

WALLER, Irvin and Janet Chan, "Prison Use: A Canadian and International Comparison", (1974-75) 17 The Criminal Law Quarterly 47-71;

WALLER, Irvin and Norman Okihiro, Burglary: The Victim and the Public, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1978;

WARDROPE, Hon. G.C., Trends in Correctional Planning, March 1961;

WARNER, Alan Henry, The Criminal Sentencing Process: Comparisons Between Lawyer Recommendations and Judicial Decisions, M.A. Dalhousie University, 1978, iv, 71 leaves; copy at National Library;  

WARNER, Alan H. and K. Edward Renner, "The Bureaucratic and Adversary Models of the Criminal Courts: the Criminal Sentencing Process", (1981) 1 Windsor Yearbook Access to Justice 80- 93;

WATERMAN, J., "Disclosure of Social and psychological Reports at Disposition", (1969) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 213;

WATERS, Kathleen, Impact of the presentence report on sentencing, Thesis (M.A.), University of Ottawa, 1979, iv. 141 leaves;

WATSON, Catherine M., Women prisoners and modern methods of prison control : a comparative study of two Canadian women's prisons, Thesis (Ph.D.), Department of Sociology, McGill University, 1980, iii, 449 leaves;

WATSON, Jack, "Blow the Man Down: Punishing the Recidivist Drinking Driver", (1989) 1 Journal of Motor Vehicle Law 131-138;

__________"Conditional Sentences under Bill under Bill C-41", A.C.A.A. Newsletter, Issue Number 7, December, 1996;

____________“Crime and Punishment: Sweeping Changes to Sentencing Provisions “, (August/September 1996) Law Now 8-12; (ok reference checked)

WATSON, Jack, 1950-, Laurie Wood, Gilbert Van Nes, Principles of  sentencing in Canada, Scarborough (Ont.): Carswell, 1993, ISBN:  0459551957;

WATSON, Jack, 1950-, Gilbert Van Nes, 1967-, and Laurie Wood, 1955-, Principles of sentencing in Canada, Scarborough, Ont.: Carswell, 1993, ISBN: 0459551957;  

WATT,  David, 1948-, Ontario specimen jury instructions (criminal)  2005 supplement, Toronto : Thomson Carswell, 2005, xiv, 246 p., and see "Final 508-A Parole Ineligibility Recommendation (Adult Offender) (Code, s. 745.2)", at pp. 235-238; "Final 508-B Parole Eligibility Recommendation (Adult Offender) (Code, s. 745.2)", at pp. 239-240; "Final 508-C Parole Ineligibility Recommendation (Offenders Under Sixteen) (Code, S. 745.3)", at pp. 241-245; and "Final 508-D Parole Eligibility Recommendation (Offenders under Sixteen) (Code, s. 745.3)", at p. 246, ISBN: 0459242628; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF9682 W38 2003 Suppl. c. 01; (ok reference checked)

WEATHERSTON, Richard, "Penitentiary Disciplinary Hearings and the Right to Counsel", (1988) 4 Admin. L. J. 8;

WEBB, S.D., "Deterrence Theory: A Reconceptualization", (1980) 22 Canadian Journal of Criminology 23-35;

WEBSTER, Cheryl Marie and Anthony N. Doob, "Classification without validity or equity: An empirical examination of the custody rating scale for federally sentenced women offenders in Canada", (2004) 46(4) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 395-422;

"Punitive trends and stable imprisonment rates in Canada", in  Michael Tonry, ed., Crime, punishment, and politics in comparative perspective, Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, c2007, ix, 673 p (series; Crime and justice : a review of research ; v. 36 )9780226808635 and 9780226808642 (pbk.);

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-,  et al.Dangerous behavior rating scheme (DBRS) : construction and inter-rater reliability, Toronto : Metropolitan Toronto Forensic Service METFORS,  [197-], 1 v. (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry  W.P. #23);

WEBSTER, Christopher D., Ben-Aron and Stephen J. Hucker, eds., Dangerousness: Probability and prediction, psychiatry and public policy, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985, [xiii], 236 p.,

WEBSTER, Christopher D., 1936-, and Bernard M. Dickens, 1937-, Deciding dangerousness : policy alternatives for dangerous offenders, Toronto : METFORS, 1984, 20 leaves (series; Working papers in forensic psychiatry; number 76); notes: On cover : Metopolitan Toronto Forensic Service; "A version of this paper appears in Chapter 4 of Deciding Dangerousness : Policy Alternatives for Dangerous Offenders by C. D. Webster, B. M. Dickens and others, a Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, 1984.";

WEBSTER, Christopher, 1936-, Bernard Dickens, and Susan Addario, Constructing Dangerousness: Scientific, Legal and Policy Implications, Toronto: University of Toronto Centre of Criminology, 1985, xxvii, 161 p. (series; research report of the Centre of Criminology University of Toronto; number 22), ISBN: 0919584624; table of Contents: "...Chapter one: Scope of the Monograph and General Introduction...1...Chapter Two: Review of the Scientific Literature on Assessment, Prediction, and Treatment...13...Chapter Three: Dangerous Offenders: Legal Issues...87....Chapter Four: A Consideration of Policy Options...140..."; at p. iv, we read: "This monograph is based on a report published in French and English y the Department of Justice, Canada, in December 1983.  That report was entitled: 'Deciding Dangerousness: Policy Alternatives for Dangerous Offenders'"; (ok reference checked)

WEILER, D., and J.D. Desgagne, Victims and Witnesses of Crime in Canada, Ottawa: Ministry of Supply and Services (from Department of Justice), 1984;

WEILER, Joseph M.P., "Why Do We Punish?  The Case for Retributive Justice", (1978) 12 University of British Columbia Law Review 295;

WEILER, Paul C., The Criminal Sanction in the Just Society, Ottawa: National Liberal Federation, 1969, 15 p.;

___________"Criminal Sanction" (from Osgoode Hall Law at York University written originally as a background paper for a liberal Conference) in Kathleen Keating, ed. and Norman Sheffe, consulting editor, Issues for the Seventies, Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1972, ISBN: 0070929459, vii, 78 p., at pp. 15-17;

___________"The Reform of punishment", in Law Reform Commission of Canada, ed., Studies on Sentencing, Ottawa: Information canada, 1974, x, 205 p., at pp. 91-205; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "La réforme de la peine", dans Commission de réforme du droit du Canada, sous la direction de, Études sur le sentencing, Ottawa: Information canada, 1974, x, 232 p., aux pp. 103-232; (ok reference checked)

"Table of Contents ...
 The Reform of Punishment...91
The Varieties of Punishment...97
The Justification of Punishment: Competing Theories...121
The Logic of our Criminal Sanctions: Institutional Design
    and Moral Justification...157
Conclusion 201" (p. v)

___________The Structure of Sentencing" in Kathleen Keating, ed. and Norman Sheffe, consulting editor, Issues for the Seventies, Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1972, ISBN: 0070929459, vii, 78 p., at pp. 75-76;

WEILER, Richard, Report of the Proceedings: National Workshop on Services to Crime Victims / Compte rendu du colloque national sur les services d'aide aux victimes du crime, Ottawa, A Planning and Liaison Division report published by the Communication Division, Ministry of the Solicitor General, 1981, 34 p.(E.) et 41 p. (F.), cat. no. JS22-59/1981E et JS22- 59/1981F;

WEINSTEIN, Seth, "Supreme Court Watch -- Johnson: Making Sense of Preventive Detention Provisions", (2003) 24(4) Criminal Lawyers Association Newsletter 36-39; (ok reference checked)

WEISMAN, Richard, "Why Say Sorry When I Didn't Do It?: The Dilemma of the Wrongfully Convicted", in Julian V. Roberts and Michelle G. Grossman, eds., Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 3rd ed., Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2007, xiv, 321 p., at pp. 235-245, ISBN: 0176424091; (ok reference checked)

WEITECAMP, "Recent developments on restitution and victim-offender reconciliation in the U.S.A. and Canada" in G. Kaiser, H. Kury, and J. Albrecht, eds., Victims and criminal justice, Freiburg: Max-Planck Institute, 1991;

WELCH, Michael, "Critical Criminology, Social Justice, and an Alternative View of Incarceration", (1996) 7(2) Critical Crim. 43-58;

WELLING, B. and Hipfner, L.A., "Cruel and Unusual? Capital Punishment in Canada", (1976) 26 University of Toronto Law Journal 55-83;

WELSH, Andrew, Sentencing Aboriginal offenders progressive reforms or maintaining the status quo?, Thesis (Ph.D.), Simon Fraser University, 2004;

"As of March 31, 2003, Aboriginal offenders represented 18.3% of the incarcerated population, but accounted for only 2.7% of the Canadian population. Bill C-41 was  introduced by Parliament to amend 'Criminal Code' sentencing practices, and to encourage judicial consideration of alternatives to incarceration, with particular attention to the circumstances of Aboriginal offenders. To investigate the extent to which the Bill C-41 sentencing reforms have been effective in addressing Aboriginal over-representation, two separate studies were conducted. The first study examined sentencing admissions to incarceration, probation, or a conditional sentence for all male offenders in British Columbia from April 1993 to Apri1 2000. Analyses demonstrated that neither overall incarceration rates nor Aboriginal incarceration rates in British Columbia have declined significantly since the introduction of Bill C-41. There was also no significant decline in Aboriginal incarceration rates when controlling for offence seriousness and criminal history. The second study examined judges' reasons for sentencing in a sample of Canadian sentencing cases to determine the role of Aboriginal status relative to other legally relevant factors. The Quicklaw dataset was used to identify 713 reported sentencing decisions from 1990 to 2002. Results indicated that Aboriginal offenders were not more likely to be incarcerated than non-Aboriginal offenders. Finally, Aboriginal status did not significantly predict the likelihood of receiving a custodial or non-custodial disposition relative to aggravating and mitigating factors cited by judges. Thus, it appears that the Bill C-41 sentencing reforms have underestimated the true complexity of the overrepresentation problem and, regardless of recent common law developments, sentencing judges alone cannot significantly reduce the current disproportionate rates of Aboriginal incarceration. The implications of these findings in light of the goals of Bill C-41 are discussed." (source: AMICUS catalogue)

WEMMERS, Jo-Ann and Maris Canuto, Victim's Experiences with, Expectations and Perceptions of Restorative Justice: A Critical Review of the Literature, Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, 2002, iv, 41 p.;  (ok reference checked)

WEMMERS, Jo-Anne and Katie Cyr, "Can Mediation Be Therapeutic for Crime Victims?  An Evaluation of Victims' Experiences in Mediation with Young Offenders", (July 2005) 47(3) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 527-544; (ok reference checked)

___________ Les besoins des victimes dans un processus de médiation, (2004) 40 Les Cahiers de recherches criminologiques, 89 p.;

Ce rapport de recherche résulte d’une étude effectuée auprès de 76 victimes et de certains parents de victimes mineures ayant été victimes d’un délit commis par un jeune contrevenant et ayant été approchées afin de participer à une médiation avec ce dernier. Cette étude permet de comprendre l’expérience des victimes ayant participé à une médiation, et de mieux cerner les motifs des victimes ayant refusé de participer. Le présent rapport examine à quel point la médiation semble répondre aux besoins des victimes et a permis d’isoler des variables importantes reliées au traitement des victimes qui favorisent la guérison de ces dernières ainsi que leur satisfaction. Nous avons également observé que les possibilités qu’ont les victimes de s’exprimer et d’être entendues sont aussi reliées à la satisfaction de celles-ci envers leur expérience de médiation ainsi qu’avec l’effet thérapeutique qui en découle. De plus, les victimes semblent en grande majorité ouvertes et favorables envers les programmes de médiation et plusieurs seraient intéressées par une application plus large de la médiation. Finalement, le rapport propose certaines recommandations générales pour un meilleur traitement des victimes qui sont approchées afin de participer à une médiation. (http://www.cicc.umontreal.ca/122.htm)


WEMMERS, Jo-Anne Wemmers, Romilda Martire et Annie Tremblay,  La médiation et les victimes d'actes criminels, Les Cahiers de recherches criminologiques, numéro 41, 114 p.;

« La médiation et les victimes d’actes criminels » présente les actes d’une journée d’étude tenue à l’Université de Montréal ayant pour but d’explorer la question de la participation des victimes d’actes criminels dans un processus de médiation.  Dans le cadre de cette journée, des chercheurs et étudiants ont présenté les résultats de leurs projets de recherche portant sur les types de délits référés en médiation, les besoins des victimes dans l’application des mesures de réparation, la satisfaction des victimes à travers le processus de médiation, les facteurs impliqués dans le rétablissement des victimes d’abus sexuel et, les effets thérapeutiques et anti-thérapeutiques de la médiation. (http://www.cicc.umontreal.ca/122.htm)

WEST, Nora, "Rape in the Criminal Law and the Victim's Tort Alternative: a Feminist Analysis", (Winter 1992) 50 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 96-118;

WETHERELL, Donald G., "To Discipline and Train: Rehabilitation Programs in Ontario Prisons 1874-1900", (May 1979) vol, 12 number 23 Histoire Sociale/Social History 145-165;

WHEELER, G., "The police, the Crowns and the Courts: Who's Running the Show?", (1987) 11 Provincial Judges Journal 28;

WHITE, Elizabeth, "Where Do We Go from Here?”, (2001) 6(3) Canadian Criminal Law 366-368; deals with electronic monitoring; (ok reference checked)

WHITE, Timothy W., "Personal Demons: Public Dilemmas: Sentencing in the 21st Century", (Spring 1997) 21 Prov. Judges J., No. 1, 33-36;

WHITE, Vernon Darryl, Restorative justice : resolution of criminal conflict, Thesis (M.A.), Royal Roads University, 2001; copy at National Library of Canada;

WHITEHALL, I.G., "The Criminal Injuries Compensation Act",  (1974) 4 Rec Laws 117-118; 

WHITELEY, Alan, Arguments Against a Treatment Theory of Punishment, M.A. University of Guelph, 1976, copy at National Library;

WHITELEY, Diane Elizabeth, A naturalistic justification for criminal punishment, Ph.D. thesis, The University of British Columbia, 1998, 213 p.;

WHITTINGHAM, Michael David, "Canadian Corrections: Confederation To The First World War", (2000) 48(5 & 6) Chitty's Law Journal 14-23; (ok reference checked)

___________Client assessment and prediction in probation/parole : an annotated bibliography, Toronto : M.D. Whittingham, 1986, 24 leaves;

___________Criminality and Correctional Reformism in Ontario 1831 to 1954, Ph.D. thesis, York University, 1980, xiv, 379 leaves;

___________The role of reformers and volunteers in the advance of correctional reform in Canada, since Confederation, [Ottawa] : Programs Branch, Ministry of the Solicitor General, 1984, 1 v. (various pagings), (series; User report. no. 1984-70);

WHITZMAN, Stephen, "Combining Secure and Open Custody in Dispositions Under the Young Offenders Act", (1990) 77 Criminal Reports  (3d) 389-397; (ok reference checked)

WILKINS, James L., "Absolute and Conditional Discharge",  (1976-77) 19 The Criminal Law Quarterly 454-470;

WILKINS, Leslie T., "Does it Help to Transform the Problem?",(1992) 5 The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 69-80;

WILLIAMS, Jeremy S., "The Infliction of Punishment - Modern Theories - Public Attitude", (1968-69) 7 Alberta Law Review 149;

WILLIAMS, Toni, "Sentencing Black Offenders in the Ontario Criminal Justice System"  in Julian V. Roberts and David P. Cole, eds., Making Sense of  Sentencing, Toronto: University of  Toronto Press, 1999, [ix]¸ 381 p. at pp. 200-216, ISBN: 0802006868 (cloth) and 0802076440 (paper); (ok reference checked)

WILLIAMSON, Sherrie, 1959-, Cohesion and coherence in the speech of psychopathic criminals, Thesis (Ph.D.), University of British Columbia, 1991;

WILLISTON, Brian D., "Commentary: Unresolved Issues in Sentencing" in Sandra Oxner (ed.), Criminal Justice: Papers Prepared for Presentation at the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice Conference on Criminal Justice Held at Halifax, October 28, 29 and 30m 1981, Toronto: Carswell, 1982, ISBN: 0459349708, pp. 175-179;

WILSON, C., Protective Custody in a Federal Penitentiary: A Study of a protective Custody Population, M.A. Thesis, Ottawa, University of Ottawa, 1983;

WILSON, Frederick Stewart, Effects of long penal imprisonment on flexibility in problem-solving, Thesis (M.A.), University of Manitoba, 1959, 112 leaves;.

WILSON, H.L., The Use of the Prerogative of Mercy in Canada, M.S.W. thesis, University of Toronto, 1954, 93, [53] leaves: ill.;

WINES, E.C. and T.W. Dwight, Report on the Prisons and Reformatories of the United States and Canada, Albany: Van Benthuysen and Sons Steam Printing House, 1867;

WINTERDYK, John A., ed., Corrections in Canada : social reactions to crime, Toronto : Prentice Hall, c2001,  xx, 356 p., ISBN: 013084425X;

WOLFF, Horst G., "The Relation Between The Courts and The National Parole Board", (1969) 19 University of Toronto Law Journal 559-596;

WOODS, Mervyn, "Punishment under Law", (1958-59) 1 The Crimimal Law Quarterly 423-440;

WORMITH,  J.S., "A Survey of incarcerated sexual offenders", (1983) 25 Canadian Journal of Criminology 379-390;

___________What do we know about long term incarceration?, [Ottawa] : Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Secretariat, [1984], 6 leaves (series; User report / Programs Branch ; no. 1984-17);

WORMITH,  J.S., and Monika Ruhl, "Preventive Detention in Canada", (December 1986) 1(4) Journal of Interpersonal Violence 399-430; (ok reference checked)

WORTLEY, Scot and Andrea McCalla, "Racial Discrimination in the Ontario Criminal Justice System", in Julian V. Roberts and Michelle G. Grossman, eds., Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 3rd ed., Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2007, xiv, 321 p., at pp. 187-206, with bibliography at pp. 202-206, ISBN: 0176424091;  (ok reference checked)

WRIGHT, Keith E., "Judicial Review of Parole Suspension and  Revocation", (1975-76) 18 The Criminal Law Quarterly 435-467;

WYNNE and Hartnagel, "Race and Plea Negotiations: An Analysis of Some Canadian Data", (1975) 1 Canadian Journal of Sociology 147-155;

WYNNE, Derek Francis, Plea Bargaining: an Empirical Analysis, M.A., Alberta, 1975, copy at National Library;

YASNY, R. discute de R. v. Corbett, [1988] 1 S.C.R. 670 dans (1989) 27 Alberta Law Review 499-501;

YEAGER, Mathew G., Survey of Client Specific Planning Programs and their Feasibility as an Alternative to Incarceration in Canada, [Ottawa] : Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Secretariat, 1992, iii, 133, [11] p.(series; User report; 1992-06), ISBN:  066219702X; also published in French / aussi publié en français: Bilan - les programmes de planification axée sur le client  et leurs chances de succès comme solutions de rechange à  l'incarcération au Canada, [Ottawa] : Solliciteur général Canada, Secrétariat du ministère, 1992, iii, 91, 6, 8 p., (Collection; Rapport pour spécialistes (Solliciteur général Canada, Secrétariat du ministère); 1992-06); ISBN: 0662975677;

YESSINE, Annie K., and James Bonta, "Tracking High-Risk, Violent Offenders: An Examination of the National Flagging System", (July 2006) 48(4) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 573-607; (ok reference checked)


YOUNG, A. and J.V. Roberts, Research Workshops on the role of the Victim in the Criminal Process: Summary Report, Ottawa, Department of Justice, Policy Centre for Victim Issue, 2001;

YOUNG, Alan N., "Crime Victims and Constitutional Rights", 49(4) The Criminal Law Quarterly 432-473; (ok reference checked)

___________"The In-Out Decision and the Impact of the Criminal Record", unpublished; research paper prepared for the Canadian Sentencing Commission;

___________Justice defiled : perverts, potheads, serial killers and lawyers, Toronto : Key Porter Books, c2003, xi, 347 p., see Chapter 8, "Why We Punish", at pp. 140-157, Chapter 14, "The Circle of Victimization", at pp. 216-232 and Chapter 18, "Let's Make a Deal", at pp. 297-315, ISBN: 1552632253; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, KF 9223 Y68 2003; (ok reference checked)

___________"The Operation of Appellate Sentencing Ranges in Trial Sentencing Decisions", 1984, unpublished research paper prepared for the Canadian Sentencing Commission;

___________"The Operation of mitigating and aggravating factors in appellate sentencing decisions", 1985, unpublished; research paper prepared for the Canadian Sentencing Commission, Ottawa;

___________"The Role of Appeal Courts in Establishing Ranges", 1984, unpublished; research paper prepared for the Canadian Sentencing Commission;

___________The Role of an Apppellate Court in Developing Sentencing Guidelines, Ottawa: Department of Justice, Policy, Programs and Research Branch, Research and Development Directorate, 1988, ii, 105 p. (series; Research reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission; ISSN: 0836-1797; volume 22); ISBN: 0662158849; also published in French / aussi publié en français : Élaboration de lignes directrices en matière de la détermination de la peine: le rôle de la Cour d'appel, Ottawa : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Direction générale de la recherche et du développement, Direction de la politique, des programmes et de la recherche, 1988, vi, 111 p. (Collection; Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine; ISSN: 0836-1800; volume 22), ISBN: 0662946863;  (ok reference checked)

"This paper summarizes recent case law on sentencing in Canada.  Professor Young completed several research studies for the Canadian Sentencing Commission.  This recent volume summarizes his findings in the area.  He has surveyed the case law as it pertains to sentencing with a view to evaluating the impact of appellate review of sentencing."  (Department of Justice Canada, Research Reports of the Canadian Sentencing Commission, [Ottawa]: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Communications and Public Affairs, Department of Justice Canada, 1988, [15] p.,  at p. 13, ISBN: 0662556534; also published in French (text in English an French on inverted pages) / aussi publié en français (texte en français et en anglais disposé tête-bêche) : Ministère de la Justice Canada, Rapports de recherche de la Commission canadienne sur la détermination de la peine, [Ottawa]: Ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada, Direction des communications et affaires publiques, Ministère de la Justice du Canada, 1988, [15] p., à la p. 14, ISBN: 0662556534)

___________The Role of the Victim in the Criminal Process: A Literature Review -- 1989-1999, Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, Research and Statistics Division, 2001, iii, 67 p. (series; Victims of crime research series); available at  http://www.justice.gc.ca/en/ps/rs/rep/2000/victims_role.pdf (accessed on 21 April 2006); also published in French (Text in English and French on inverted pages) / aussi publié en français: Rôle de la victime au sein du processus judiciaire, Ottawa: Ministère de la Justice Canada, Division de la recherche et de la statistique, 2001, iii, 67 p. (Collection; série de recherchesur les victimes d'actes criminels); disponible à  http://www.justice.gc.ca/fr/ps/rs/rep/2000/victims_role.pdf (visionné le 21 avril 2006); important contribution;  (ok reference checked)

"Document Brief
 Recognition of the plight of the victim first emerged in the 1960s  with disturbing revelations concerning the treatment of rape victims in the criminal process. The 1970s was a decade of significant reform with respect to compensation for injury from crime and the 1980s was a decade of the institutionalization of victim participation in the process through the creation of rights and entitlements for victims. The 1990s was a decade of taking stock of the rapid changes in the status of the crime victim, and this report serves to outline the academic literature produced during that decade. The literature review produced in this report is not intended to be a sterile catalogue of articles and books, but rather it is intended to be a compendious summary of recurring themes found in the literature. The ultimate objective is to review the literature with the intent of discovering if victims’ rights reform has had any meaningful impact upon the criminal process and its unfortunate side effect of secondary victimization. The report will attempt to identify goals which have been achieved, goals which have not been realized and recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of victims’ rights projects." (source:  http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/ps/rs/rep/victims_role-b-e.html (accessed on 4 January 2003); also published in French / aussi disponible en français, à  http://canada.justice.gc.ca/fr/ps/rs/rep/victims_role-b-e.html (visionné le 4 janvier 2003);

___________"'Son of Sam' and his Legislative Offspring: the Constitutionality of Stripping Criminals of their Literary Profits", (1988) 4 Intellectual Property Journal 25-62;

___________"Tariff Sentencing in Canada", 1985, unpublished; research paper prepared for the Canadian Sentencing Commission;

___________"Two Scales of Justice: A Reply", (1993) 35 The Criminal Law Quarterly 355-375 [reply to SKURKA, Steven, "Two Scales of Justice: The Victim as Adversary", (1993) 35 The Criminal Law Quarterly 334- 354];

YOUNG, Doris...[et al.], Manitoba Inmate Survey, 1991, voir, ce document, p. 70;

YOUNG, Simon, "Kant's Theory of Punishment in a Canadian Setting", (1977) 22 Queen's Law Journal 347-388; ["The author argues that Immanuel Kant's theory of retributive punishment should be the basis for the sentencing of criminals in Canada.  The theory holds that it is the law's duty to honour the self- determinacy of people by holding individuals responsible for actions they commit that impinge on the freedom of others.  Punishment based on retribution recognizes the free will and personal autonomy of individuals, and the idea that they should be punished only because they have committed a particular crime.  Criminals should not be treated as means for social purposesof the Stae, but as ends in themselves.  Through retribution, criminals are punished only for the pain they have inflicted on their victims and society.  The degree of moral blameworthiness and the nature of the wrong will determine the quantity of punishment.  The notion that retribution as a theory for developing actual sentences can coexist with other sentencing principles, such as deterrence and rehabilitation, is rejected by the author.  The two latter goals consider factors external to the realm of the law, for they demand a utilitarian approach in which the offender is used to further the goals of social engineering.  While it may be desirable to reduce the overall incidence of crime in society (as deterrence seeks to do) or to cure the offender of his or her social ills (as is the case with rehabilitation), these are beyond the role of the judiciary.  Once an accused is found guilty, the sentence decided upon should reflect the nature of the particular crime and its resulting harms back upon the offender.  Let the punishment fit the crime, while keeping within juridical bounds, Kant and the author say" (summary at p. 347)].  Contents: Introduction; I. Kantian Fundamentals: A. Self- Determining Beings; B. Doctrine of Right; C. Coercion; D. Civil Society; II. Kant's Theory of Punishment: A. Intentionality or ‘Moral Culpability'; B. Nature of Wrong; III. Implementing Kant's Theory of Punishment: A. Sentencing and Penal Policy in Canada; B. Sentencing and Prevailing Sentencing Factors: (i) Circumstances Relating to the Offender; (ii) Circumstances Relating to the Offence; C. Application of Kantian Principles: (I) Gravity of the Offence and Moral Culpability; (ii) Range of Sentence - Maintaining Consistency; IV. In Final Defence of Kant";

YOUNG, T.R., "Beyond Crime and Punishment (Part 2): Democratic Proposals for Social Justice", (1996) 7 Critical Crim. No. 2, 92-107;

YOUNGER, E.E., "Are Judges Responsible for Victims Too?", (1982) 6(2) Provincial Judges Journal 28-29;

ZAHND, Walter Fred., Parole: High Risk Parolees, M.S.W. Thesis, University of Toronto, 1964;

ZAMBROWSKY, Josh and Darryl Davies, eds., Proceedings of the First National Seminar on Victims' Rights and the Judicial Process, Canadian Criminal Justice Association, 1985, 139 p.;

ZANATTA, Robert G., The Risk of Violent Recidivism: A Comparaison of Dangerous and Non Dangerous Offenders, Masters Thesis (M.A.), Simon Fraser University, 1997. 119 p.

ZAPF, M.K. and B. Cole, "Yukon Restitution Study", (1985) 27 Canadian Journal of Criminology 477-490;

ZEHR, Howard, "A Restorative Lens" in Nick Larsen, ed., The Canadian Criminal Justice System: An Issues Approach to the Administration of Justice, Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1995, xxiv, 548 p., at pp. 521-546, ISBN: 155130046X;

___________Retributive justice, restorative justice. New Perspectives on Crime and Justice – Occasional Paper Series. Kitchener Mennonite Central Committee, Canada Victim Offender Ministries, 1985

ZEITOUN, L., "Material Assistance Given by After-Care Agencies in Canada", (Jan-Feb 1959) American Journal of Correction;

___________"Parole Supervision and Self-Determination", (Sep 1962) Federal Probation;

ZELLERER, Evelyn, "Restorative Justice in Indigenous Communities: Critical Issues in Confronting Violence Against Women", (1999) 6 International Review of Criminology;

ZIEGELWANGER, Vera, Plea bargaining : a comparative study of Austrian and Canadian law, Thesis (LL.M.), University of British Columbia, 1996, vii, 173 leaves;

ZIMMERMANN, S., " 'The Revolving Door of Despair': Aboriginal Involvement in the Criminal Justice System", (1992) U.B.C. Law Review 367;

ZINGER, Ivan,  "Human Rights Compliance and the Role of External Prison Oversight", (April 2006) 48(2) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice / Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale 127-140; (ok reference checked)

___________"Respect des obligations relatives aux droits de la personne et rôle de la surveillance externe", (avril 2006) 48(2) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice / Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale 141-155;  (ok reference checked)


ZINGER, Ivan and J. Stephen Wormith, Carleton University, "The Development of Emperically-based Detention Measures in Canada: An Impossible Task?", August 1994, 51 p.; note: "This research was funded by the Law Refund Fund and was submitted to the Task Force on High Risk Violent Offenders (Department of Justice Canada", p. 2;

ZU, Zhiyun, Examining Good Character as a Mitigating Factor in Canadian Sentencing, LL.M. thesis, Queen's University, December 2007, x, 96 leaves; available at https://qspace.library.queensu.ca/jspui/bitstream/1974/946/1/Wu_Zhiyun_200712_LLM.pdf (accessed on 10 December 2011);


ZUBRYCKI, Richard M., The Establishment of Canada's Penitentiary System: Federal Correctional Policy 1867-1900, Toronto: University of Toronto Social Work, 1980 (series; U. of T., Faculty of Social Work, Working Papers on Social Welfare in Canada; ISSN: 03178382, no. 2);

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