Canadian Arts Books--not for sale--just a record of books on art

François Lareau
55-890 Cahill Drive West
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,  K1V  9A4                                           
Tel.: 613-521-3689

updated 19 February 2025

er salon national des Galeries d'art (softcover without d.j.; acheté à Montréal; 26 avril 2012; $10.00)
10 Canadian Artists in the 1970s, (library hardcover; ex-library; Friends of the Library; $1.50; 30 May 2008)
16 Quebec painters in their milieu, 1978, English version (hardcover; hardcover; d.j. glued insider; library)
16 peintres du québec dans leur milieu, version française (mint; no ex-lib; 2 Sep 14; Ex Libris Alta Vista; $2.00)
35 peintres dans l'actualité, 1957, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal (softcover; Fred Campbell de Montréal en visite, exposition Ottawa; 27 October 2013; $10.00)
50 ans d'art : d'hier à aujourd'hui vers demain50 Years of Art: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (softcover with no d.j.; $7.95; Merivale Store; October 2013)
52 Couleurs du Québec...Cinquante-deux peintres, par Louis Bruens, 1987 ($10.00; livres de seconde main à Victoriaville; 2 August 2010; mint hardcover with d.j.)
-----------***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; Ex libris downtown; $3.00; 21 November 2014)
60s in Canada, The (softcover without d.j.; $2.50; pages missing; the Friends' Bookshop; 16 April 2012)
92 Transparences aquarelle -- pastel, par Louis Bruens (ex-library; Friends' Bookshop; hardcover without d.j.; 13 July 2009; $10.00)
100 ans de desseins canadiens by Jerrold Morris (softcover without d.j.)
100 Years of Canadian Drawings by Jerrold Morris, 1980 (softcover) ***2nd copy*** (mint, ex libris near Fred; $1.00; May 2014; ***3rd copy (mint; $2.00; November 2016;
------ Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista ***4th copy almost mint, $2.00 Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista on 18 May 2022)
103 Peintres du Québec, par Jean Trépanier (sofcover without d.j.)
100 Photos that Changed Canada (hardcover with d.j.)
150 Years of Art in Manitoba: Struggle for a Visual Civilization (softcover without d.j.); ***2nc copy (softcover without d.j.; ver good copy; $3.00, Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista; June 2022)
1815 Cornelius Krieghoff 1872, Privately printed, Toronto 1984; First printing 1976 (softcover without d.j.; fine; Friends; $1.50; 16 September 2008)
300 years of Canada's Quilts by Mary Conroy (softcover without d.j.; bought at Friends of Library; not ex-library; une 2008; $2.00)
1940s: A Decade of Painting in Ontario, The ($6.00; Oct 15; Timeless Treasures; softcover without d.j.)
1975-76, The Canadian Canvas / Peintres canadiens actuels (softcover; $1.00; Salvation Army on Alta Vista; 10 june 2014)
1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au Québec, 1991 (hardcover with d.j.$25.00; 7 juin 2008); ***2nd copy ($3.00; 16 Jun 14; Ex libris; ex-library)
1992 Cape Dorset Annual Graphics Collection (softcover without d.j.)
ABC Canada The first Canadian Collection of contemporary calligraphy (hardcover with no d.j.; 2018)
À fleur de l'art, catalogue d'exposition, Galerie Montcalm, 1998
À la recherche du pays de Félix Leclerc: vingt-quatre tableaux de Labelle (hardcover without d.j.)
A to Z of Canadian Art --artists & art terms, by Blake McKendry ***2nd copy ($1.00; 4 Dec 2017; Ottawa Public Library branch near Fred) ***3rd copy mini! (Village, 21 March 2023; $5.99 minus 30%)
About Face Self-Portraits (softcover with no d.j., bought in 2022 probably).
xAbraham Anghik Ruben
, The Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2001 (softcover without d.j.)
Abstract Art of Claude Tousignant: After Geometry by James D. Campbell (hardcover with d.j.; $6.00; Village on Wakely; January 2019)
Abstract Painting in Canada by Roald Nasgaard (hardcover with d.j.)
Act of Art by Jack Shadbolt, (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $20.00; softcover without d.j.)
Act of Art by Jack Shadbolt, (Ex Libris, Center Town; $2.00; hardcover with d.j.; 2 June 2014)
Adrien Hébert: premier interprète de la modernité québécoise (softcover without d.j.)  ***2nd copy (Value Village; $4.00; 31 August 2015; softcover with no d.j.)
Adrien Hébert: trente ans de son oeuvre / Thirty Years of His Art (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; 9 septembre 08; Friends but new)
Adventure of Canadian Painting, The, 1947 (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $12.00; hardcover with d.j.)
Agenda d'art 1984 (marché aux puces hippodrome, August 2016; $2.00)
Agenda 1999 Art, introduction de Robert Bernier (Victoriaville sur rue principale, $3.00; janvier 2014; hardcover without d.j.)
Agnes Etherington Art Centre: Queenn's University at Kingston (softcover without d.j.)
Aislin: 150 Caricatures (softcover; 16 January 2015; $2.00; Ex Libris on Alta Vista)
A.J. Casson by Paul Duval, 1951 (hardcover with d.j.; $1.00; garage sale in Ottawa, Saturday 27 August 2011)
A.J. Casson (series; canadian artists;1)(Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $15.00; softcover without d.j.)
A.J. Casson / His Life & Works / A Tribute by Paul Duval (oversized hardcover with d.j.)
A.J. Casson My Favourite Watercolours 1919 to 1957 (hardcover with d.j. missing; 19 July 2018; approx $7.00; Value Village on Wakely near Home)
Albéric Bourgeois, caricaturiste; préfaces ... (softcover; $2.50; juillet 2014; Victoriaville -- pas la place dans le centre d'achats intérieur)
Albert Dumouchel par Guy Robert, 1970, Les Presses de l'Université du Québec (softcover without d.j.)
Albert Dumouchel: maître graveur, par Jacques Dumouchel, 1988, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
Albert Franck: Keeper of the Lanes by Harold Town, 1974 (hardcover)
Alfred Pellan by Donald W. Buchanan, 1962, series: The Gallery of Canadian Art: 4 (softcover without d.j; Patrick McGahern Books, Inc.; $4.00; 25 November 2010)
Alex Colville: Diary of a War Artist (hardcover with d.j.; $36.75; Patrick McGahern; 24 August 2009)
Alex Colville: embarquement, la genèse d'un tableau par Philip Fry (paperback without d.j.; $1.00; garage sale; 9 June 2013) ***2nd copy (mint; $2.00; 22 April 2016;
------ Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch); une des copies est la version anglaise: Alex Colville: embarkation: the genesis of a painting;
Alex Colville Return by Tom Smart, 2003 (hardcover with d.j.); ***idem 2nd copy  bought in August 2022, Value Village, $4.50;
Alex Colville peintures, estampes et processus créatifs 1983-1994 (ex-library; Friends' Bookshop; softcover without d.j.; 13 July 2009; $3.00)
Alfred Pellan by Donald W. Buchanan (The Gallery pf Canadian Art:4)
Alfred Pellan au Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, par Germain Lefebvre, 2008 ($39.95, softcover; Librarie du Soleil; 29 décembre 2008)
Alfred Pellan
par Michel Martin (hardcover with d.j. in box; 10 July 2009; L'Échange, rue Mont-Royal; $100 plus taxes)
All About Colour
by Janice Lindsay (hardcover without d.j.;  mint; $2.00; The Friends' Bookshop; 12 November 2010)
de Félix leclerc avec illustrations d'Albert Rousseau (softcover without d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; not ex-library; $1.00; 19 May 2009)
Allied Arts Catalogue - Catalogue des arts connexes", Arts for Architecture (Royal Architectural Institute of Canada), numbers 49-89, volume 1968
    ($0.50; hardcover; April 2011; The Friends, Bookshop)
Alma Duncan and Men at Work: 1943 to 1986, 1987 (softcover without d.j.)
Alma The Life and Art of Alma Duncan...(hardcover with no d.j.; $7.41; March 2019; Value Village).; ***2nd copy (Saint-Vincent de Paul, Gloucester;
------ $5.00, 4 January 2025).
Ample mansions : the viceregal residences of the Canadian provinces (hardcover with d.j.; August 2015; $5.24Value Village)
Andre Bertounesque, Stanké, 1981(Victoriaville; livres usages dans centre d'achat; mars 2016; hardcover without d.j.; $7.75)
André Bertounesque,  par Jacques de Roussan (softcover; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.50; 27 April 2010)
André Biéler, by Frances K. Smith, 1980, English version (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $3.50; 6 January 2015; Ex Libris Center downtown); ***3rd copy (Value Village, $3.14, 10 October 2018)
-----***4th copy (hardecopy; Village; about $3.00; 24 Septembre 2019)
André Biéler: An Artist's Life and Times, by Frances K. Smith, 2006, English version (hardcover with d.j.)
André L'Archevêque, Collection Signatures ($45.00; Mr. Craig, Nepean; 30 juillet 2009; hardcover with d.j.)
André Michel, par Guy Robert (Collection; signatures) (hardcover without d.j.), 1993
André Michel par l'autre auteur 1981 (hardcover without d.j.; $5.00; December 2014; Vitoriaville; Recyclo au 2e étage)
Anecdotes and enigmas : Marion McCain Atlantic art exhibition, 1994 (softcover; $10.00; used bookshop David Cameron on Bank St; February 2011)
Anne Savage: Sa vision de la beauté -- Her expression of beauty, par/by Janet Braide, 1979 (softcover without d.j..; $5.00; 4 June 2010; right side bookshop as you come in, Antique store on Bank St.) *** 2 copies
Anne Savage: The Story of a Canadian Painter (hardcover without a d.j.); ****2nd copy hardcover with d.j.; large print ($2.00; 6 September 2011; The Friend's Bookshop);
------***3rd copy*** large print; ex libris library section near Fred; 7 June 2014; mint with d.j.; $1.00
Années 60 au Canada, Les (softcover in French; $2.00; 8 nov 2022; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)   
Annesley Drawings, The
by David Annesley (softcover without d.j.; $3.50; May 2010; The Friends' Bookshop)
Annonciation dans la sculture au Québec, L' (softcover; without d.j.; $3.50; Hull/Loisirs; 19 August 2008)
Annual Book of Norris, Cartoons from the Vancouver Sun ($1.00; Salvation Army on Alta Vista, 16 September 2014; old and yes I could get a better copy)
Anthology of Canadian Art, An, by Hubbard (new library binding; no d.j.)
Antique Country Furniture of North America by John G. Shea (hardcover with d.j.; ex library)
Antoine Dumas: Bibliothèque du 5400, Stanké, 1983 (hardcover with d.j.; $20.00; juin 2008)
Antoine Plamondon et ses peintures dans l'église de Neuville (softcover without d.j.)
Antoine Plamondon: soeur Saint-Alphonse/Sister Saint-Alphonse, National Gallery/Galerie nationale, bilingue/bilingual (softcover)
Antoine Plamondon: Two painters of Quebec/Deux peintres du Québec Théophile Hamel (softcover without d.j.)
Applied Arts, Canada's Visual Communications Magazine
  - vol. 23(1), Feb. 2008 ($1.95; Bookmarket; February 2011)
Apprécier l'oeuvre d'art: un guide, par Francine Girard (softcover without d.j.)
Aquarelle! A History of the Canadian Society of Rebecca Sisler, (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $4.75; softcover  with no d.j.)
aquarelle au Québec -- 2, L'
aquarelle au Québec -- 3, L'
arche de Noé, L',  (Ottawa Public Library, February 2018; $2.00; softcover without d.j.)
Archipel de désirs: Les artsites du Québec et la scène internationale, Un
, par Louise Déry (soft cover without d.j.; 29 August 2009; $14.12; Book Market)
Architecture Montreal, par Norbert Schoenauer, texte français de Guy R. Legault (softcover withgout d.j.)
Armand Vaillancourt: Le chant des peuples -- Song of the Nations (softcover without d.j.)
arrivée de la modernité: la peinture abstraite et le design des années 50 au Canada, L' (softcover without d.j.)
Art actuel au Québec depuis 1970 par Guy Robert, 1983 (hardcover without d.j.); j'ai aussi une copie ex-library de l'édition de 1973; ***2e copie de l'édition de
--------1983 (hardcover, d.j., très belle copie; $2.00, 10 septembre 2022; Ottawa Public Library près de Frédéric)
Art and Man, Book three by Peter H. Brieger et al. (hardcover without d.j.)
Art at the Service of War.  Canada, Art, and the Great War,(hardcover with d.j.; 20 April 2011; $20.00; Cameron books on Bank St.)
Art at Work / L'art au travail (softcover, no d.j.; $10.00; Book Market on Alta Vista; 12 February 2009); ***2e copie (hardcover, d.j., très belle copie; $3.00, 10 septembre 2022;
------ Ottawa Public Library près de Frédéric)
art au féminin, L' / The Feminine Viewpoint, Boutique Jacob ( softcover without d.j.)
art au lendemain de la conquête (1760-1790), L' (softcover without d.j.)
art au Québec depuis 1940, L', par Guy Robert, réimpression 1977 (hardcover without d.j.)
art au Québec depuis Pellan: une histoire des prix Borduas, L' (softcover without d.j.); ***2nd copy***mint (softcover without d.j.; 12 Nov 2014; Ex libris, Alta Vista; $2.00)
Art BC: Masterworks from British Columbia, by Ian M. Thom (hardcover with d.j.)
art canadien : maîtres choisis de collections privées, L' (hardcover with d.j.; new Gallerie Nationale; 17 septembre 2008; $65.00)
art en actes, L': Le lieu Centre en art actuel 1982-1997 par Richard Martel (softcover not ex-library; Friends, $2.50; 11 février 2009) 
art est un miroir, L', par Jérémie Giles (softcover without d.j.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
art et la nature, L', Les Publications du Québec, 1995 (hardcover without d.j.)
Art Carleton, 1989, (harcover with d.j.) ***2nd copty (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; The Friend's Bookshop; 16 March 2012) ***3rd copy; $2.00;
------The Friends' Bookshop in Red casing; ***4th copy (4 October 2013; $1.00; Friends' near Frédéric) ***5 th copy!!! (May 2015; $2.00; Ottawa Pub;lic Library on A;lta Vista)
Art Collection D'art: Canadian Catholic Conference (library hardcover; $0.50; 4 May 2011; The Friends' Booksop); ***2nd copy*** (softcover not library; $1.00; Oct 2013; The
------Friends' Bookshop)
Art Collection of McMaster University, The (softcover without d.j.)
art comme alternative: réseaux et pratiques d'art parallèle au Québec 1976-1996,  L', (Friends, March 2010; not ex; paperpack with n. d.j.; $2.00)
Art des étoffes: le fillage et le tissage traditionnels au Canada, L', par Dorothy K. Burnhamart du paysage au Québec (1800-1940), L' (softcover without d.j.)
Art et ethnicité: la tradition ukrainienne au Canada (softcover without d.j.)
art et le papier, L',  II, IV, V, VI, et VII (all softcover without d.j.)
Art for Enlightenment: A History of Art in Toronto Schools (haedcover with d.j. in box;t 2010; $25.00; Benjamin used book store close to Faculty of Law; August 2010)
Art Gallery of Hamilton: Seventy-Five Years, The (1914-1989), (sotcover without d.j.)
Art Gallery of Ontario: the Canadian Collection, 1970 (hardcover without d.j.)
Art Gallery of Ontario: Selected Works (Village Value; $5.00; softcover with d.j.; 27 May 2013)
Art Gallery of Toronto -- Painting and Sculpture, The (softcover; $1.50; The Friends'Bookshop; 25 June 2013)
art impressions, volume 10, number 10, autum 1994
art impressions, volume 10, number 1, February 1995
Art in Everyday Life by Peter Day and Linda Lewis, 1988 (softcover with no d.j.; bouht Value Village, Tuesday, 31 January 2023)
Art is a Mirror (softcover without d.j.)
Art of Alex Colville, The, by Helen J. Dow (softcover without d.j.)
Art of Alex Janvier: His First Thirty Years, 1960-1990 ***signed by artist*** (softcover with no d.j.; $10.00; Antiques store on Bank St with numerous vendors, Olda, February 2011)
Art of Anita Croteau (softcover without d.j.)
Art of Ben Babelowsky, The (hardcover with d.j.; $6.00 Bentley Flea Market; 28 Novemver 2010)
Art of David Blackwood, The, by William Cough (hardcover with d.j.)
Art of Emily Carr, The,  by Doris Shadbolt (hardcover with d.j.) -- aussi 2e copie à disposer; 3e copie, mint; Value Village; $5.00; 22 May 2014;
------ ***4th copy (mint; Value Village, 30 September 2015; $5.00); ***5th copy ($3.00; hardover with d.j.; was mint until I tore the page in the bag!;
------ Alta Vista Public Library; 19 November 2024)
Art of Emily Carr, The, by Doris Shadbolt, 1979 (softcover without d.j.); ***2nd copy (softcover without d.j.; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $5.00; 12 February 2019)
------***3rd copy (cover once partly bent; 10 March 2020; $5.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Art of Fred Ross, The (softcover without d.j.)***4th copy (softcover, no d.j.; $2.00, Ottawa Public library on Alta Vista; mint)
Art of Glen Loates, The by Paul Duval (hardcover with d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; not ex-lib.; 7 October 2010; $25.00)
Art of Glen Loates, The by Paul Duval (hardcover without d.j.) ***2nd copy
Art of Grant Tigner, The / L'art de Grant Tigner ( (hardcover; without d.j. $12.00; Antique part of store on Bank St.; 6 February 2010)
Art of Norval Morrisseau, The by Sinclair and Pollock (hardcover; $4.00; 25 July 2022; Saint Vincent de Paul, Blosson Park)
Art of Robert Bateman, The
, by Ramsay Derry (hardcover with d.j.; d.j. = fox)
Art of Robert Bateman, The, by Ramsay Derry (hardcover with d.j.; d.j. = type cigogne)
Art of the Edge Fogo Island...Thérèse Frère  (softcover without d.j.; Feb-March 2024; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Art of the Eskimo by Crason I.A. Ritchie (hardcover with d.j. glued inside)
Art of Tom Thomson, Art Gallery of Ontario, 30 October -- 12 December 1971 by Joan Murray (softcover; $4.19 Value Village, Bank St. 2022); this book on the internet at
Art of Thompson (softcover; $2.00; Alta Vista Ottawa Public Library; stain on the cover)
art of Grant Tigner, The = L'Art de Grant Tigner  (hardcover without d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public library near Fred; 5 September 2018)
art québécois de l'estampe: 1945-1990, L' (hardcover with d.j.)
Art, Sight and Language: A Reading / Writing of some Contemporary Canadian Art, (softcover without d.j.; December 2013; $7.50; Timeless Treasures)
art traditionnel au Québec, L', par Michel Lessard et Huguette Marquis, 1975 (hardcover,d.j. integrated in rebinding;  no d.j.)
Art Toronto 2009 (used bookshop David Cameron on Bank St; April 2017; $10.00; softcover without any d.j.)
L'art vivant et nous par Gérard Petit ($2.00; public library on Alta Vista; April 2015; softcover)
Artisans du Québec par Jean-Marie Gauvreau (Bouvier à Gatineau; 22 mars 2016; US 15.79$; softcover)
L'artiste était un jeune homme par Alvin M. Joseph (ex-library; $1.00; 22 October 2013; The Friends' Bookshop)
Artist at Large in the Queen Charlotte... (softcover without d,j,; $2.00; 6 September 2018; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Artist at War, by Charles Fraser Comfort (hardcover with d.j.; $20.00; antique place on Bank; 21 March 2009) ***2nd copy printing of 1995 (softcover; 28 July 2015; Ottawa Public library near Fred; $1.00)
------*** 1995 (softcover;  1 January 2018; Ottawa Public library near Alex; $1.00) ***fourth copy with signature of Lawren D. Harris inside (hardcover with no d.j.; 13 Feb 19; $2,70; Salvation army on Alta Vista)
------***5th copy (softcomer with no d.j., $2.00, Ottawa Public ZLibrary on Alta Vista; 9 May 2023)
Artist was a young man : the life story of Peter Rindisbacher, The (hardcover with d.j.; October 2015; Timeless Treasure; $6.00)
Artiste peintre Maud Lewis, L', par Chelsea Donaldson (en français; décembre 2013; hardcover)  ***2nd copy (6 January 2015; $0.50; Ex Libris centertown; hardcover)
Artistes de mon temps, Les, par Alfred Laliberté et Odette Legendre (softcover without d.j.; Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $12.00)
Artistes du Québec, par Irénée Lemieux, Tome I, 1974 (hardcover without d.j.)
Artistes du Québec, par Irénée Lemieux, Tome II, 1978 (softcover without d.j.)
Artistes et artisans du Canada, première série: Achim, Auclair..., par Émile Falardeau (Bouvier à Gatineau; 22 mars 2016; hardcover commerciale binding)
Artistes et artisans du Canada, cinquième série: Fillau, Dubois, par Émile Falardeau (Bouvier à Gatineau; 22 mars 2016; US 14.21$; softcover; signed by author)
Artistes-peintres canadiens-français: les anciens, 1927 (hardcover, no d.j.) ****2nd copy (Bouvier à Gatineau; 22 mars 2016; US 9.47$; original hardcover with blue strip to hold book together)
Artistes plasticiens : Canada (Régime français et Conquête) Bas-Canada et le Québec par André Comeau library hardcover with no d.j.; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop, February 2011)
Artistic Traditions of Spirit Canada's First Peoples Sings (hardcover with d.j.; mint; $2.00; Ex Libris on Alta Vista; September 2014) ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; 23 November 2015; Ottawa Public Library, branch near Alex)
------**3rd copySpirit Sings: Artistic Traditions of Canada's First Peoples, The (hardcover; with d.j. ; Antique store on Bank St.; $30.00; 6 Feb 2010); ***4th copy (second paid $2.00 Ottawa Public library; not ex-library; August 2012)
Artists from the Fringe (softcover; $2.00; ex libris near Fred; 18 December 2014)
Artists in a floating world: The Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition, bilingual (softcover without d.j.)
Artists in Canada: A Union List of Artists' Files / Artistes au Canada: une liste collective des dossiers d'artistes, (softcover without d.j.; Benjamin Books; $20.00; 16 April 2010)
Artists in Wood American Carvers of Cigar-Store Indians by Frederick Fried, incl Canadian Artist (hardcover with no d.j.; 2019; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Artists of Alberta by Suzanne Devonshire Baker (softcover without d.j.; $0.50; 9 October 2013; The Friends" Bookshop -- downtown)
------ ***2nd copy*** (ex-library; hardcover without d.j.; $1.00; Friends' Bookshop; 22 October 2013)
Artists of the Gatineau Hills (softcover; ex-library (heavy); $1.00; bought in 2016; Ottawa Public Library, Centertown)
Arthur Lismer Paintings 1913-1949, circa 1950 (softcover, no d.j.; $12.00; used bookshop David Cameron on Bank St; 27 janvier 2011)
Arthur Lismer's Pen and Pencil: A Border of Beauty by Marjorie Lismer Bridges, 1977 (hardcover with d.j.)
Artic Memories by Normee Ekoomiak (hardcover; d.j. integrated in binding; library)
Artic Spirit: Inuit Art from the Albrecht Collection at the Heard Museum, 2006 (hardcover with d.j.)
Arts Canada -- December 1971---January 1972, issue numbers 162--163 (Vincent de Paul, December 2023; about $0.85)
Arts Canada
-- December 1973, issue numbers 184 to 187: Thirtieth Anniversary: Stones, Bones and Skin (softcover); *****2nd copy (bought Alta Vista Branch, Ottawa Public Library, January 2023, all pages unglued; paid $1.00;
------ see also other book, infra, Stones, bones and skin
Arts Canada, December 1974, issue number 192/193/194/195
Arts Canada -- February/March 1978; issue numbers 218-219 ($1.00; Friends' Bookstop; May 2009)
Arts Canada-- December 1979/January 1980, number 232/233;
Arts Canada -- March 1982; issue numbers 244-247: 40th Anniversary Issue: The Artist's Eye (Library hardcover; $1.00; Friends of Library; 21 May 2008)  ***2 copies***
Arts Canada -- November 1982; issue numbers 248-249;
Arts in New Brunswick, edited by R.A. Tweedie et al.  (hardcover without d.j.; May 2014; Ex libris downtown; approx. $3.00)
arts au Canada, Les, par Direction de la Citoyenneté canadienne, 1958 (softcover; without d.j.)
arts au Canada français: peintres et tableaux I, Les, by Gérard Morisset (softcover without d.j.)
Arts d'attitudes sous la direction de Richard Martel (softcover; not ex; Friends, $1.50; 11 février 2009)
Arts décoratifs et design du Québec (softcover. Ottawa Public Library on Alra Vista; $2.00; September 2019; excellent but library paper glued)
Arts in Canada, The, prepared by Canadian Citizenship Branch (ex-library, $1.00; 7 March 2008; The Friends Bookshop); ***2nd copy (softcover; Ottawa Public on Alta Vista; $2.00; September 2019)
Arts in Canada: A Stock-taking at Mid-century, The, by Malcolm Ross, ed., (not ex-library, $0.50; 29 June 2009; The Friends Bookshop; with d.j.)
Arts of the Eskimo : prints, general editor, Ernst Roch (ex-library, no d.j.; library binding; $4.00; Friends; 24 October 2008)
Arts of the Raven, Masterworks by the Northwest...(hardcover, d.j. pasted on cover; ex-library; Friend's Bookshop, 5 March 2008; $0.50; ex library)
Arts populaires du Québec, Musée du Québec, 1975 (softcover without d.j.); ***2 copies***.
arts sacrés au Québec, Les, par Jean Simard, 1989 (hardcover with d.j.)
Aspiring to the Landscape.  On Painting and the Subject of nature (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00 Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 25 July 2015); ***2nd copy hardcover with d.j.; $2.00 Ottawa Public
------Library, downtown; February 2018; ex-library)
Association des artisans St-Jean-Port-Joli inc. :  collection d'oeuvres, 1973, (sofcover without d.j.; Vaisseau d'or; août 2009; $20.00)
Asymmetric Vision, The: Philosophical Intuition....Art of Yves Gaucher (softcover without d.j.; Benjamin Books; $10.00; 12 October 2010)
At Home in Upper Canada by Jeanne Minhinnick (hardcover with d.j.; Friends' Bookshop; not library; $3.00; October 2009); ***2nd copy mint (softcover; $2.00; 8 July 2019; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Atelier réalisations graphiques 25 ans d'estampe à Québec Engramme (softcover without d.j.)
Atlantic Canada: A History, 2nd ed., (softcover with no d.j.; 12 April 2016; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Atlantic visions : crafts from Canada's four Atlantic province /Visions de l'Atlantique : artisanat des quatres provinces atlantiques
       du Canada
(softcover without d.j.; $0.50; 19 May 2009; not ex-library; The Friends' Bookshop)
auberge des morts subites par FElix Leclerc, roman avec des dessins de Yves Massicotte
automatistes d'hier aujourd'hui, Les -- The Automatists: Then and Now
(softcover without d.j.)
Avmor Collection, The, 1965-2004 / La Collection Avmor 1965-2004 (hardcover with d.j.; Friends; not ex-library; $3.50; 14 Feb 2010)
Avmor Collection, The, 1965-2004 / La Collection Avmor 1965-2004, ***2nd copy*** (hardcover with d.j.;  not ex-library; $3.00; 19 March 2015)
A. Y. Jackson: un été au Québec en 1925, (softcover, without d.j.; ex-library)
A. Y. Jackson: The Artic 1927 ( Patrick McGahern Books; 20 September 2008; $35.00; hardcover in box, no d.j.); ***2nd copy with box ($2.00 garage sale  architect near my place; 2 Sep 2022)
A.Y.'s Canada : Drawings by A.Y. Jackson (hardcover with d.j.; $45.00, Patrick McGahern Books; 20 September 2008)  ******2nd copy ($2.00; hardcover with d.j.; 10 November 2015; Ottawa Public Library on
------ Alta Vista); 3rd copy (hardcover with d.j., $6.00, March 2024, Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Ayotte, par André Fortier. 1980, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
Ayotte mon Québec (hardcover without d.j.; $1.00; 19 August 2010; The Friends's Bookshop)***2nd copy**** (Victoriaville; March 2015; $5.50; Recyclo; hardcover without d.j.)
Bachinkski: Still Life -- Ten Years, MacLaren Art Centre (softcover; $0.75; 23 June 2010)
Bado Ça va fumer (softcover; bought 22 Jan 2025, $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Balancings of the Clouds: Paintings of Mary Klassen, The (hardcover with d.j.; book section store in antique store on Bank St.; $10.00; 16 May 2009) ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; Ottawa Public
------ Library downtown; $1.00; 30 March 2016)
Barker Fairley: Portraits (hardcover with d.j.; $1.50, Friends of the Library; May 2008) ***2nd copy with d.j. light ex-library; Friends of the Library, downtown; 27 June 2014;
------***3rd copy mint ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j., $3.00, Ottawa, Public library on Alta Vista, 12 Aug 2023)***another copy (hardcover with d.j.; Salvation Army, Alta Vista;$3.60; 21 November 2024)
Baroque to Neo-Classical: Sculpture in Quebec (softcover without d.j.)
Bartlett's Canada : A pre-Confederation journey (hardcover with d.j.)   ****2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.) ***3rd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00, Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 1 October 2019)
----****4th copy (mint hard cover with d.j., Value Village; 26 July 2022; less than $5.00); ****5th copy (mint with d.j. with cerliox; 4 sept 2024; Saint-Vincent-de-Paul; $5.00)
Basque, Collection Signatures (hardcover with d.j.)
Beautiful Old Houses of Quebec, The, by P. Roy Wilson, 1975, University of Toronto Press (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; Alta Vista--Ottawa Public Library; September 2023)
Beauty in a common Thing, Drawings and prints by L.L. FitzGerald --- bilingual---(softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 3 May 2014, National Gallery of Canada);
------***2nd copy (mint, softcover without d.j.; $2.00; 30 August 2023; Alta Vista Ottawa Public Library)
Beaverbrook Art Gallery: Paintings (softcover without d.j.)
Beginning of Vision: The Drawings of Lawren S. Harris, The, (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $52.00; hardcover with d.j.)
Being Scene 2007 (softcover; without d.j.; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop; 14 October 2011)
Béliveau, Galerie Trois Points et autres galeries, 2002 (softcover with no d.j.; Friends' Bookshop; $2.00; September 2009)
Bellefleur ou la ferveur à l'oeuvre par Guy Robert, 1988 (hardcover with d.j.)
Bellefleur: The Fervour of the Quest, by  Guy Robert, 1988 (hardcover with d.j.)   ***2nd copy***(ex libris Center Town; $5.00; 2 June 2014)
Belles églises du Québec par André Croteau (hardcover with d.j., mint)
belles vieilles demeures du Québec, Les
, par P. Roy Wilson (softcover without d.j.)
Berczy (English version) by Mary Macaulay Allodi et al., National Gallery of Canada (softcover without d.j.; $5.40; 25 April 2011; The Book Market; Merivale Rd., Ottawa);
------****2nd copy (20 Aug 14; $2.50; softcover; ex libris downtown); ***3rd copy (24 September 2024, sofcover; $4.89;  Village)
Bernard Aimé Poulin un portrait --a portrait (hardcover; Value Village; $4.60, July or August 2022)
Bertram Brooker by Dennis Reid, 1979, Canadian Artists Series (harcover with no d.j.; new binding)
Bertram Brooker by Dennis Reid, 1979, Canadian Artists Series
Bertram Brooker by Dennis Reid, 1979, English & French version, Canadian Artists Series/Monographies d'artistes canadiens (softcover)
Best Contemporary Canadian Art, The, by Joan Murray (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy*** (library--heavy; June 2015; hardcover with d.j.; $2.00)
Best of Canadian Pastels, The, by Herbert Rogoff, ed., (hardcover with d.j.;  about $20.00; 10 June 2013; Timeless Treasures)
Best of Tom Thomson by Joan Murray (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; circa May 2022; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Best of the Group of Seven, The, by Joan Murray (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy ($2.00, 11 October 2017; Ottawa public library on Alta Vista; hardcover with d.j.)
Best of the Group of Seven, The by Joan Murray (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; 25 October 2016; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Bestiaire II de Serge Bouchard (soft cover; $4.19; 3 April 2019; Value Village près de chez moi)
Bestiaire de Denis Nadeau, Le, (hardcover wiothout d.j.; March 2008, $2.50, The Friend's Bookshop)
Betty Goodwin Passages, Concordia Art Galery (softcover with no d.j.; Value Village; $2.00; Feb 2013)
Bibliographie de l'artisanat québécois (Bouvier à Gatineau; 22 mars 2016; US 17.37$; hardcover);
Bigger Picture: Portraits from Ottawa, The (softcover without d.j.; $1.50 Friends but not ex-lib.; January 2010)
Bill Mason: Wilderness Artist (missing 1 page; hardcover with d.j.; May 2019; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista; $3.00)
Bill Reid by Doris Shadbolt, 1986 and 1998 (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; mint; $1.00; Ottawa public library near Fred; 2 October 2015)
Bill Reid and Beyond: Expanding on Modern Native Art ($10.00; 20 March 2010; softcover without d.j.; antique place on Bank)
Bill Reid: The Making of an Indian by Maria Tippett  (hardcover with d.j.; 22 July 2014; Ex Libris on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada by Evelyn De R. McMann
Black Canoe: Bill Reid and the Spirit of Haida Gwaii, The (softcover without d.j.)
Blancs gris et noirceurs by Gilles Lacombe (hardcover with d.j., November 2013; $2.50)
Bob Boyer: his life's work=, by Lee-Ann Martin et.,

Boisvert par Normand Boisvert  (softcover -- green cover about 14 inches high; $1.50; The Friends' Bookshop; 23 juin 2010)
"Bo'jou, Neejee!": Regards sur l'art indien au Canada (softcover with d.j.)
Book of Canadian Antiques, by Donald Blake Webster (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy ((hardcover with d.j.; $2.00 Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; 5 June 2015)
Book of Small, The, by Carr, Emily (Oxford University Press, 1942, reprint but same year as first published;  hardcover with no d.j.; bought Salvation Army on Alta Vista 12 February 2019; $2.50)
Borduas, par Guy Robert, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1972 (softcover with d.j.)
Borduas et les automatistes, Montréal, 1942-1955
Borduas ou le dilemme culturel québécois par Guy Robert, 1977 (hardcover with d.j.)
Boucherville, Montreal, Toronto, London, 1973  ($1.00 bought in 2016; August 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtownOttawa somewhere)
Boundless Horizon, A, by Virginia G. Berry (softcover without d.j.)
Braves and Buffalo Plains Indian Life in 1837, Watercolours of Alfred J. Miller (hardcover with d.j.; Friends but not ex-lib; $4.00; 19 November 2008) I also have the French Des indiens et des bisons
Breaking Barriers: Eric Brown and the National Gallery (hardcover with d.j.; $12.00; used bookshop David Cameron on Bank St; 26 July 2010)****2nd copy
------(-(harcover with d.j., 23 Aug 2024,  $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Bright Land: A Warm Look at Arthur Lismer by Lois Darroch (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $5.95 - 30% ; 16 April 2019)***3rd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $5.95 - 30% ;March 2023)
brin de fantaisie: art populaire germano-canadien, Un ($0.50; softcover without d.j.;  The Friends' Bookshop; 21 June 2012)
Bringing art to life : a biography of Alan Jarvis,(harcover with d.j.; bought Value Village; May 2024)
British Columbia: A History by Maragaret A. Ormsby (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; 2016; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
British Columbia: A Pictorial Record by Charles P. Volpi (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; The Friends' Bookshop; $5.00; December 2009)
Brodie Shearer: 50 Years -- 50 années (softcover without d.j.)
Bruno Bobak: The Full Palette (hardcover with d.j.)
Bruno Bobak: Selected Works /Oueuvres choisies 1943-1980 (softcover without d.j.)
Bruno Côté, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.; ex-library medium quality; Friends; 14 October 2008; $1.00)
Bruno Côté: au-delà du paysage, par Roxane Babinska, 2003 (hardcover with d.j.)
By a Lady: Celebrating Three Centuries of Art by Canadian Women, by Maria Tippett (hardcover with d.j.)
By a Lady: Celebrating Three Centuries of Art by Canadian Women, by Maria Tippett (2nd copy but softcover with d.j.; $4.50; mint; not ex-library; 13 Sep 2010; The Friends' Bookshop)
By a Lady: Celebrating Three Centuries of Art by Canadian Women, by Maria Tippett (3rd copy but softcover with d.j.; $4.00; not ex-library; 19 March 2015; Alta Vista Salvation Army)
By a Lady: Celebrating Three Centuries of Art by Canadian Women, by Maria Tippett (4rd copy but softcover with d.j.; $5.25; not ex-library; 21 September 2015; Value Village)
By a Lady: Celebrating Three Centuries of Art by Canadian Women, by Maria Tippett (5th copy but softcover with d.j.; $2.50; not ex-library; 11 December 2015; Value Village)
By a Lady: Celebrating Three Centuries of Art by Canadian Women, by Maria Tippett (6th copy but softcover with d.j.; $2.00; not ex-library; mint; 17 May 2015; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Cabinet makers of the Eastern Seaboard by Charles H. Foss (hardcover without d.j.)
Calcutta by Livick, Stephen, 1945- et al., Museum of Photography (softcover; circa 2014)
C.W. Jefferys by Robert Stacey, English version, Canadian Artists Series, (softcover)
Calvaires et croix de chemins du Québec par Porter et Désy (September 2014; $2.00; Ex libris on Alta Vista)
Calvary at Oka : a monograph prepared for the National Gallery, The (softcover without d.j.; $1.50; 1 May 2016; Ottawa Public Library Ottawa, downtown)
Camera Canada, Magazine
- number 68, Summer 1986;
- and others not catalogued;
Canada 1812-1871 The Formative Years, illustrations by c.w. Jefferys, July 1967 (magazine type; $2.00; 14 November 2016; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Canada 1984 The Year in Review by Murray Soupcoff and illustrated by Isaac Bickerstaff (hardcover with no d.j.; $1.00; Feb 2019; bought in Ottawa)
Canada: A History in Photographs (hardcover with d.j.; 27 Janurary 2017; Ottawa Public Library near Fred; $1.00)
Canada A Journey of Discovery, Text and Watercolours by Michale Kluckner
(hardcover without d.j.; Friends' Bookshop; not ex-libray; $4.00; October 2009)
Canada Illustrated: The Art of Nineteenth-Century Engraving
(hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy mint*** (hardcover; $2.00; 3 December 2014; Ex Libris on Alta Vista)
Canada at War by Leslie F. Hannon (hardcover with d.j. glued inside) ***2nd copy (hardcover with tired d.j.; $2.00; November 2016; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Canada in Paintings, 1953 (softcover without with d.j.; 16 October 2016; $5.00; bought at Patricia McGregor Books at the BookFare at the Tudor In)
Canada je t'aime: tableaux: miyuki tanobe / Canada: i love you: paintings by miyuke tanobe (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy*** paid $0.50, 7 December 2012, Friends's Bookshop ***3rd copy ($3.00; August 2016; Value Village near Fred)
Canada Portrait, 1999 (hardcover with d.j.; $1.00)
Canada The Missing Years (ex libris, Alta Vista, 5 October 2014; $2.00; hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy***(not ex-library; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch, 10 September 2018;
------ $3.00; hardcover with d.j.); 3rd copy (hardcover with d.j.; July 2022; mint copy)
Canada une histoire populaire des origines à la Confédération, Le ($1.00; Ottawa public library near Fred; October 2016; softcover without d.j.)
Canada's Printing Pioneers, (1966) 31(2) Provincial's Paper (one page missing)
Canada's story in song (hardcover with d.j.; 18 April 2016; $3.00; Salvation Army on Alta Vista)
Canadian Art by Graham McInnes (hardcover with d.j.)
Canadian Art
1987, Fall
2001, Spring, 18(1)
2001, Summer, 18(2)
2001, Fall, 18(3)
2001, Winter, 18(4)
2002, Spring, 19(1)
2002, Summer
2002, Fall
2002, Winter, 19(4)
2003, Summer, 20(2)
2003, Winter 20(4)
2005, Fall, 22(3)
2007, Spring, 24(1)
2007, Summer, 24(2)
2007, Fall, 24(3)
2007, Winter, 24(4)
2008, Winter, 25(4)
2016, Fall
2017, Winter
2018, Spring
2018 Summer
2018, Winter
Canadian Art 62 (Autumn 1958)
Canadian Art Auctions: Sales and Prices 1976-1978 by Harry Campbell (hardcover but no d.j.; 1 March 2001; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.00)
Canadian Art: From Its Beginnings to 2000 by Anne Newlands, 2000 (hardcover  with d.j.)
Canadian Art in the Twentieth Century, by Joan Murray (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; 26 March 2019; Value Village; $4.40; excellent condition);
------***3rd copy (mint; $3.00, Ottawa Public library on Alta Vista; 15 December 2023)
Canadian Art: Its Origin and Development, by William Cogate, paperback ed., 1963; ***2nd copy in paperback, published first paperback 1967 ($1.00; Ottawa Public Library downtown; 28 Feb 2018)
Canadian Art Movement: The Story of the Group of Seven, A, by Housser (hardcover with d.j.; $20.00; 6 Feb 2010; antique place on Bank)
Canadian Art of the First World War: Witness (paper back with no d.j., small book; $1.00 on sale; Ottawa Public Library; May 2024)
Canadian Art Sales Index: 1989-90, vol. 11, by Anthny R. Westbridge, ed.,
Canadian Art Today, by William Townsend, 1970 (hardcover with d.j.)
Canadian Art: Vital Decades, by Paul Duval (hardcover with d.j.; $40.00; 25 September 2008)
Canadian Artists and Airmen 1940-45 (hardcover with d.j.; $25.00; bought fromCameron; October 2013)
Canadian Artists by Maxime Trottier; book for children (softcover with no d.j.; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop, i.e. school near son; 30 July 2010);
Canadian artists in exhibition: 1972-1973 (hardcover without d.j.; library new binding)
Canadian artists in exhibition: 1972-1973 *** 2nd copy *** (not ex-library; Village; $6.00; 30 December 2011); I added a dust jacket from Timeless Treasures on 10 June 2013;
Canadian artists in exhibition: 1973-1974 (series; vol. 2) (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy, hardcover with d.j.; not ex-library; 18 September 2023; Alta Vista Public Library
Canadian Attic, In (hardcover with d.j.)
Canadian Biennial 2012--Builders (soft cover without d.j.; November 2018; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch).
Canadian Biennal of Contemporary Art/Biennale candienne d'art contemporain, par Diana Nemriroff (softcover without d.j.)
Canadian Country Furniture 1675-1950
((hardcover with d.j.; $2.00 Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; 5 June 2015)
Canadian Drawings and Prints, Toronto: Burns and MacEacherns, 1952 (hardcover but with no d.j.; $25.00; Benjamin Books; August 2010) ***2nd copy ((hardcover but with no d.j.; $5.00;  2016)
Canadian Eskimo Art, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1965, repr. 1974 (softcover without d.j.; Friends' Bookshop near Frederic; $0.25; Oct 2013)
Canadian Film Awards by Maria Topalovich (hardcover; bought used in 2019; at Ottawa Public Library near Fred on Ogilvie; $1.00)
Canadian Folk Art: Old Ways in a New Land by Michael Bird (hardcover with d.j.; 27 August 2010; $15.00; antique place on Bank, on the left as you enter)
Canadian Earth, The: Landscape Paintings by the Group of Seven, foreword by A.C. Casson (hardcover; $30.00; Antique store on Bank St.; 23 Nov 2008); ****2nd copy
-----------(hard cover with d.j.; 13 February 2015; $7.00; Ex Libris, Center Town);
Canadian Folk Art Old Ways in a New Land (hardcover with d.j.; $15.00; Antique store on Bank St.; August 2010)
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec ($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 18 Oct 17; softcover)
Canadian Handbook of Pressed Glass Tableware by Peter Unitt et al. ($1.00; ex-library; The Friends Bookshop)
Canadian Impressionism by Paul Duval (hardcover with d.j.; $3.99 - 20%; 9 March 2011; Village); ***2nd copy*** (3 Oct 2014; Ex libris on Alta Vista;
****** $2.00; hadcover with d.j.); 3rd copy (hardcover with no d.j.; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 18 Sep 2023).
Canadian Indian: The Illustrated History of the Great Tribes of Canada, The (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy**** (2 Aug 2019; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; hardcover with d.j.)
Canadian Inuit Sculpture, 1993, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (brochure; March 2008, $0.75, The Friends' Bookshop)
Canadian Jungle: The later Work of Arthur Lismer, Toronto (softcover without d.j.; mint; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00; March 2016)
Canadian Landscape Painting, 1670-1930  (softcover without d.j.) ***2nd copy*** (mint; $3.00; softcover without; June 2014; Billings Bridge, middle court expo)
Canadian Landscape Painters, by Albert H. Robson (hardcover without d.j.; Argosy Books, on Dalhousie; 25 Februart 2009; $85.00 + 5% GST tax)
Canadian Landscape: Paintings from the Ontario Heritage Foundation, Firestone Art Collection, The,  1983-84, 37 p. (softcover without d.j.)
Canadian Military History, volume 24, issue 1 (magazine; $0.80; 11 April 2016; Value Village on Wakely)
Canadian Military History, Autumn 1993, volume 2, number 2,
Canadian Native Art: Arts and Crafts of Canadian Indians and Eskimos (hardcover without d.j.)
Canadian Painters, edited by Donald W. Buchanan, Oxford & London: Phaidon Press, 1945 (hardcover with d.j.; $45.00; 25 September 2008) ***2nd copy --library bound--May 2014; approx. $3.00)
Canadian Painting, 1939-1963..., National Gallery of Canada (ex-library; Friends of the Library; $0.75; 30 May 2008); ***2nd copy Mint (August 2016; $1.00; Ottawa Public Library, downtown)
------3rd copy (mint, soft-cover; $2.00; nov 2022; Ottawa Public Library).
Canadian Painting in the Thirties, by Charles C. Hill, 1975 (ex-library; Friends of the Library; $2.00; 13 April 2010 no dust jacket); ***2nd copy (soft coverl Value Village,
------ 25 Oct 2022; $4.40)
Canadian Paintings, Prints and Drawings by Anne Newlands(hardcover with d.j.)
Canadian Poster Book, The, by Robert Stacey (softcover without d.j.; March 2008, $2.50, The Friend's Bookshop) **2nd copy (1 June 2015; $2.00; softcover without d/.j.; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Canadian Profiles by George Lonn, 1965 (hardcover with d.j.; hardcover with d.j.; bought Salvation Army on Alta Vista 12 February 2019; $2.50)
Canadian Quilter, The
- Winter 2013
- Summer 2014
- Autumn 2014
Canadian Scenery by Willis and Bartlett, facsimile edition, 1967 (two hardcover in box; no d.j.; Friends' Bookshop; but not ex; 22 May 2009; $35.00)
Canadian War Posters 1914-1918, 1939-1945 by Marc H. Choko (softcover without d.j.; $20.00; Benjamin Books; August 2010)
Canadian Watercolours and Drawings in the Royal Ontario Museum in box (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $40.00; hardcover without d.j.)
Canajan, Eh (hardcover with d.j. in poor shape; $2.00; March 2016; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Canoe Lake: A Novel  by Roy Macgregor (softcover; $2.00; 18 March 2024; Ottawa Public on Alta Vista)
Canvas of War: Painting the Canadian Experience: 1914 to 1945
(softcover without d.j.)***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; 13 December 2022; mint;
------ $4.40; Value Village on Walkley)
Cape Breton Island Sketchbook, by Ellison Robertson, 1981 (softcover without d.j.)
Cape Dorset 1959-2009 Uuturautiit --- bilingual---(softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 3 May 2014, National Gallery of Canada); ***2nd copy****--May 2014, National Gallery, $5.00
Cape Dorset Annual Print Collection 2000 (softcover with no d.j.; 21 August 2015; Alta Vista Ottawa Public Library; $2.00)
Cape Dorset Prints: A Retrospective.  Fifty Years..., by Leslie Boyd Ryan (hardcover with d.j.)
Cape Dorset Sculpture by Derek Norton et al. (softcover without d.j.;$2.00; probably 2015 or 2016)
Captured in Stone: Carving Canada's Past (hardcover with d.j.; Value Village on a Wednesday in June or May 2019)
Caricature History of Canadian Politics by J.W. Bengough, 1886  reprint in of 1974
Caricatures par Eugène Bellemare (softcover; $1.00; Ex libris near Fred; 9 février 2015)
Carl Beam (softcover without d.j.; $2.00 Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; 5 June 2015)
Carl Rungius: Painter of the Western Wilderness by Jon Whyte (hardcover with d.j.; Salvation Army on Alta Vista; $3.50; May 2014); ***2nd copy ($6.99, hardcover with d.j.; Village, 31 Jan 2024)
Carl Schaefer by margaret gray et al., -- canadian artists 3 series (hardcover with d.j.; $25.00, Patrick McGahern Books; 20 September 2008); ****2nd copy (almost mint except little tear on dust jacket;
------ about $2.50; Value Village near home; 3 March 2020.
Carl Schaefer: Retrospective Exhibition Paintings from 1926 to 1969 (softcover  with d.j.; $25.00, Friends;$1.00; October 2008)
Carmanah: Artistic Visions of an Ancient Rainforest (hardcover with d.j.; The Friends Bookshop; $2.50; 9 December 2008) ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; Village; $3.00; September 2019)
Carnaval Perpetuel: A Collection of Works by Heather Cooper (hardcover with d.j.; Friends'Bookshop but not ex-library; October 2009; $6.00);
------*** 2nd copy*** (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00 Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; 5 June 2015)
Carnet de Riopelle, Le par Marie Roberge (oct. 2014; ex libris pres de Fred $0.00 = elle me l'a donnée car aucun prix d'inscrit; softcover without d.j.)
Carnets de campagne, par François Barcelo et Jean-Paul Lavigueur, 2002 (softcover without d.j.; Value Village, November 2013; $4.00)
Carnets de l'île d'Orléans, Aquarelles de Faber [textes de] Haïkus de Lise Julien et Marc Lebel, (softcover without d.j.; Friends but not ex-library; avril 2009; $2.00)
Caroline and Frank Armington by Janet Braide et al., (hardcover with d.j.; March 2024; Value Village; $6.70)
Carte postale québécois
, Collection Signatures Plus (hardcover without d.j.; $25.00 Bouquinerie Saint-Denis; 3 août 2009)
Cartoons of Arthur Lismer: A New Angle on Canadian Art, The, by Ian M. Thon (softcover without d.j.)
Carved from the Land: The Eskimo Museum Collection (hardcover with d.j.; 2016; $20.00; relatively new bookstore on Bank Stree)
Catalogue des oeuvres de Théophile Hamel, par Raymond Vézina, Tome II (hardcover without d.j; $0.50, ex-libray, Friends, 18 July 2008)
Catalogue du Musée des Beaux-Arts du Canada, Art Canadien, Volume Premier/A-F (hardcover with d.j; $25.000; rue St-Denis; août 2008)
Catalogue du Musée des Beaux-Arts du Canada, Art Canadien, Volume Deux/G-K (softcover without d.j; $78.000; Musée des Beaux Arts, Ottawa, 19 août 2008) *** 2 copies
Catalogue of the National Gallery of Canada, Canadian Art, Volume One / A-F (hardcover with d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; ex-library $2.50; 4 June 2014);***2nd copy
------(hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Catalogue of the National Gallery of Canada, Canadian Art, Volume Two / G-K (softcover without d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; not ex-library $0.50; 7 October 2010)
Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Ottawa, La,  par Norman Pagé, Presses Université d'Ottawa (hardcover with d.j.; mint)
Catherine Richards: Excitable Tissues -- Tissus excitables (hardcover without d.j.)
Celebrating Home: A Collection of Canada's Best-Loved Painters (hardcover with d.j.; new; $26.24; 31 August 2008)
Céline Elce Barrette (hardcover without d.j.; $5.00; août 2008; Loisirs, Hull)
Cent vingt du Cercle des Artistes du Quebec (hardcover without d.j.; May 2014; Ex libris downtown; $5.00)
Cent peintres du Québec par Jean Trépanier, 1980
Century of Canadian Art -- Catalogue, A, London, Tate Gallery, 1938 (library hard cover; $2.00; The Friends' Booksop; 26 January 2011)
céramique, La par Louise Désy (hardcover by library but authenticity kept; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop; 24 Feb. 2011)
céramique québécoise ancienne, La (softcover without d.j.; avril 2015; don't remember the price!)
Ces pays qui m'habitent: expressions d'artistes canadiens d'origine arabe (softcover; no d.j.; $3.00; Friends' Bookshop; 11 août 2008)
Ces visages qui sont un pays (hardcover with d.j.; 25 june 2015; Value Village near home; $5.24)
chaîne d'alliance: l'orfèvrerie de traite et de cérémonie chez les Indiens, La, 1980 (hardcover with d.j.)
chaîne d'alliance: l'orfèvrerie de traite et de cérémonie chez les Indiens, La,  2e copie mais avec d.j.!!! (hardcover with d.j.; $2.50.; 19 August 2010; The Friends's Bookshop;
-----------***3e copie (hardcover with d.j.; not ex-library; 15 May 2015; $1.00; Ottawa Public library near Fred)
Chaki published by Buschlen Mowatt Galleries (2001) (almost mint; little correction on d.j.; Value Village; 29 Jam 2020; $4.19)
Chandail du Canadien , texte de Roch Cartier, illustrationbs de Sheldon Cohen
Chapleau 2014 (softcover; $2.00; 6 October 2015; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Charles Comfort
by Margaret Gray et al., 1976 (hardcover with d.j.)
Charles Comfort by Margaret Gray et al., 1976 (hardcover with d.j.)---*** TWO EXTRA COPY MARKED INSIDE
Charles Daudelin : l'avenir retrouvé, ou, la  résurrection des rêves (The Friends' Bookshop; 11 May 2010; $3.50; softcover without d.j.)
Charles Huot par Jean-René Ostiguy, version française, Collection artistes canadiens (softcover)***2nd copy in French (mint; May 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown);
Charles Huot by Jean-René Ostiguy, English version; Library bound ((ex-library; Ex libris downtown; $1.00; 21 November 2014; no dust jacket)
Charles Willimam Jefferys 1869-1951 (softcover without d.j.; book section store in antique store on Bank St.; $8.00; 16 May 2009)  -- extra 2nd copy (right book section store in antique store on Bank St.; $12.00; 12 February 2011)
Charlevoix County, 1930 Jori Smith (hardcover with d.j.; bought from Mr. Cameron on Bank St.; October 2010; $20.00) 
chef-d'oeuvre de l'art ancien du Québec: La chapelle des ursulines, Un (softcover without d.j.)
Chefs-d'oeuvre des arts indiens et esquimaux du Canada. Musée de l'homme paris mars-septembre 1969 (softcover without d.j.; $20.00; Cameron used Book Store, Bank Store, magason d'antquités)
Chemainus Murals, The (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 2016; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Chez Riopelle : visites d'atelier; suivi de Trois fois passera par Lise Gauvin (Ex Libris downtown; $1.00; June 2014; softcover)
Children Photography 150 Years (softcover; no d.j.; $3.00; Value Village; Bank St; 28 Aug 2014)
Christmas with Maud Lewis (hardcover with d.j.; 3 December 2013; Friends' Bookshop on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Christopher Pratt, by David P. Silcox and Merike Weiler (hardcover with d.j.)
Christopher Pratt: A Retrospective Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery... (softcover without d.j.; 30 August 2013; $8.00; Cameron Book Store at the Antiquees place on Bank St.);
------2nd copy (softcover; Alta Vista Ottawa Public Library; $2.00; avril 2023)
Christopher Pratt: All My Own Work, by Josée Drouin-Brisebois (hardcover with d.j.)****j'ai aussi la version française, Christopher Pratt de ma propre main
Christopher Pratt de ma propre main (hardcover with d.j.; mint except owners stamps inside; Alta Vista Public Library; $3.00; August 2024) ***I also have the English version Christopher Pratt: All My Own Work
Christopher Pratt: Places I have Been (few pages brochures; October 2013)
chroniques du Québec d'Arthur Villeneuve, Les (softcover without d.j.; bilingual)
Church architecture in New France (hardcover without d.j.; May 2016; $3.50; Value Village)
Cineplex Odeon.  The First Ten Years: A Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art (Hardcover with d.j.; 24 May 2010; $7.00;  Book Market on Dalhousie St.)***2nd copy
------(hardcover; $3.00; Alta Vista Public Library; 18 January 2018)
Cities: John Hartman by Dennis Reid et al. (Antique store on Bank St and book store there, left as you enter; $25.00; hardcover with d.j.; 9 October 2010)
Clarence A. Gagnon, Canadian Artists series (softcover without d.j.; $15.00; vaisseau d'or; août 2009)
Clarence Gagnon, par René Boissay (hardcover with d.j.; exposition Booksellers, Ottawa; $50.00 from bookseller Campbell from Montreal; October 2013) ***2nd Value Village; $5.00, mint, 23 May 2014
Clarence Gagnon, 1881-1942, Rêver le paysage, par Hélène Sicotte et al., 2006 (hardcover with d.j.)
Claridge Montreal (softcover without d.j.; 2 June 2013; Timeless Treasures; approx. $10.00)
Claude A. Simard par André Juneau, 1991 (hardcover without d.j.)
Claude Le Sauteur par Robert Bernier (hardcover with d.j.)
Claude Roussel, sculpteur/sculptor (ex-library; Ex libris downtown; $0.50; 21 November 2014; no dust jacket)
Claude Tousignant, 2009 (softcover without d.j.; $49,95 + tax; National Gallery; 20 February 2009)
Closer to Home : the author and the author portrait (hardcover with d.j.; Signed; December 2015; Value Village; $2.50)
Clyde River Prints/Estampes ($1.00; bought probably October 2016; in Ottawa; place I do not remember)
Coast Salish Artist, by Susan Point (softcover without d.j.)
Coeur au métier.  La photographie amateur au Canada 1839-1940 (hardcover; $1.50; 28 Feb 2018; heavy ex-library; Ottawa Public Library downtown); there is an English version in existence Private realms of light : amateur photography in Canada, 1839-1940
Collecting Canada's Past by Jean & Elizabeth Smith (hardcover with d.j.; Friends' Bookshop; but not ex; 22 May 2009; $2.50)
Collection Borduas du Musée d'art contemporain, La, (hardcover; ex library; $1.00; FRiends of the Library; 30 May 2008)
Collection Contemporary Canadian Art at Seneca College, The, by David Phillips (hardcover with d.j.; bought 2022)

collection de la galerie d'art Beaverbrook oeuvres choisies, La, par Ian G. Lumsden et al., 2000 (softcover with no d.j., $1.00; Frionds' Bookshop)
collection des dessins et estampes: 80 oeuvres choisies, La, par Denis Martin et Michèle Grandbois (softcover without d.j.); ***2nd copy hardcover; library bound; $0.50; Friends' Bookshop
Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, La ( Hardcover; without d.j.; $30.00; août 2008; acheté rue St-Denis, Montréal);
------ ***2nd copy ( Hardcover; without d.j.; $4.40; 4 avril 2023; Village)
Collection Loto-Quebec avec introduction par Jean Dumont, 1990 ((hardcover without a d.j.; mint condition; 23 September 2015; $1.50.00, Ottawa Public Library downtown)
collection tableau inaugural Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, La (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; The Friends' Bookshop (Lorne Greenberg Branch); 14 March 2011) ****
------***2nd copy (mint, Ottawa Public Library downtown; hardcover with d.j. $3.50; mai 2016)
Collectionneur, Le, (octobre 1995) vol. 9, numéro 33
Collectionneur, Le, (printemps 1988) vol. 6, numéro 22
Collectionneur, Le, (automne 1988) vol. 6, numéro 23
Collectionneur, Le, (printemps-été 1989) vol. 6, numéro 24
Collectionneur, Le, (automne-hiver 1989) vol. 7, numéro 25
Collectionneur, Le, (été 1990) vol. 7, numéro 27
Collectionneur, Le, (automne 1990) vol. 7, numéro 28
Collectionneur, Le, (hiver 1990-91) vol. 8, numéro 29
Collectionneur, Le, (mai 1996) vol. 9, numéro 34
Colour of Canada, The,
 by MacLennan (hardcover with no d.j., 2023, Salvation Army; $1.79)
Colville by David Burnett, 1983 (softcover without d.j.)
Colville by David Burnett, 1983 in English (mint; bought in 2022; hardcover with d.j.)
Colville par David Burnett, 1983, en français (hardcover with d.j.; antique store on Bank St; $30.00; 21 March 2009)
Comfortable Arts: Traditional Spinning and Weaving in Canada, The (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; Friends; 30 March 2009)
Compendium of Canadian Folk Artists, A, by Terry Kobayashi and Michael Bird (softcover without d.j.)
Complete Guide to French-Canadian Antiques by Michel Lessard and Huguette Marquis (hadcover with d.j.; ex-library)
Complete Guide to French-Canadian Antiques by Michel Lessard and Huguette Marquis (softcover without d.j; Patrick McGahern Books, Inc.; $8.00; 25 November 2010)
Concise History of Canadian Painting, A, by Dennis Reid, 1973 (softcover without d.j.)
Concise History of Canadian Painting, A, by Dennis Reid, 1973 (hardcover with d.j.; September 2015; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; $2.00) ****
------second hard cover copy with d.j. mint mint mint condition  (10 June 2019; Value Village near Fred; $5.00); ***3rd copy (hard copy with d.j.; ex-library; Nov 2022; $3.00)
Concise History of Canadian Painting, A, 2nd ed., by Dennis Reid, 1988 (softcover without d.j.); ****2nd copy (softcover; almost mint; $2.00; Salvation army
------ on Alta Vista; September 2016) ***3rd mint copy ($2.00; 6 September 2018; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista) ***4th copy mint (($2.00; 26 April 2022; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Concours culturels Arts visuels, IVe jeux de la Fracophonie, 2001;
Concours de peintures canadiennes de RBC dix ans ($1.50; 27 nov 2012; hardcover with no d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop) I also have the English version RBC Canadian Painting;
Confessions of a Curator, Adventures in Canadian Art (hardcover with d.j.; ex library)
Confluence: Contemporary Canadian Photography, (hardcover with no d.j.; Nov or Dec 2013; $0.50; Friends' Bookshop)
Conseil de la sculpture du Québec 2009,(Galerie Montcalm; 7 mai 2010; $7.00; softcover without d.j.)
Construction du canal Rideau: histoire illustrée par Robert W. Passfield (hardcover with not so good d.j.;$1.59; Friends; March 2009); ***2nd copy
------(hardcover with excellent d.j.;$3.00; Ottawa Public library on 31 March 2023)
Contemporary Art Collection, The Ottawa Art Gallery, 2008, bilingual, double book, with Firestone Collection of Canadian Art (hardcover with d.j.; antique store
------ on Bank St; $15.00; 9 July 2009) ***2nd copy*** ($1.00; value Village; 5 November 2012)
Contemporary Arts Society Montréal 1939-1948, The (softcover with no d.j.; free;  The Friends' Bookshop;tear and piece of cover missing; July 2010; $1.00)
Contemporary Canadian Art by David Burnette et Marilyn Schiff (hardcover with d.j.)
Contenporary Canadian Painters: An Exhibition of Works from the Canada Council Art Bank, (bilingual) (softcover without d,j,)
Contemporary Canadian Painting by William Withrow, 1972 (hardcover with d.j.)
Contemporary Native Art of Canada -- The Woodland Indians (softcover; $1.00; October 2018; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Contemporary Stained Glass: A Portofolio of Canadian Work by Joel Russ and Lou Lynn, 1985
Cornelius Krieghoff by Marius Barbeau, in English, 1938, Canadian Art Series (softcover; no d.j.; $1.00; not ex-library; Friends Bookshop; June 2009)
Cornelius Krieghoff by Hugues de Jouvancourt, English version (hardcover with d.j.; Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $32.00)
Cornelius Krieghoff by Hugues de Jouvancourt, English version (softcover; garage sale; $1.00; 10 September 2011)
Cornelius Krieghoff par Raymond Vézina (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.50; 28 November 2008);
Cornélius Krieghoff, 1815-1872, Musée du Québec, 1971
Cornélius Krieghoff, 1815-1872,  see supra 1815 Cornelius Krieghoff 1872
Cornelius Krieghoff: Pioneer Painter of North America by Marius Barbeau, 1934 (hardcover, without d.j., ex-library)
Cornelius Krieghoff: The Habitant Farm, bilingual by J. Russell Harper, 1977 (library hardcove; without d.j.; Friends of the Library; June 2008; $1.00)****
------2nd copy (without d.j., soft-cover; $2.00, Alta Vista Public Library, 17 October 2023).
Cornerstone Rural Churches of Southern Ontario Drawings by Catherine Delhaise (hardcover with d.j; $1.50, ex-libray, Friends, 18 July 2008)
Cosgrove, by Jacques de Roussan, 1989 (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy*** (hardcover with d.j.; $5.00; Value Village near home; 9 January 2017)
Cosgrove par André Fortier (hardcover without d.j.; collection signatures; acheté Alain Doucet L'Assomption, 21 August 2024; envrion $15.00)
Cote officielle d'artistes du Queebec 1978 (Bouvier à Gatineau; 22 mars 2016; US 11.05$; hardcover but new library binding)
Country Roads Rural Pictou....Drawings by L.B. Jenson (softcover with cerlox binding; 3 March 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Coup d'oeil sur les arts en Nouvelle-France, par Gérard Morisset
Coureurs de bois par Jeanne Pomerleau ($2.00; 2023; softcover without d.j.; $2.00)
Crafts Canada The Useful Arts (hardcover with d.j.)
Craftsman's Way: Canadian Expressions, The,  (hardcover with d.j.)
Creative Canada, 1971 and 1972 (2 volumes; $3.00; June or July 2010; The Friends' Bookshop; library bindings)
Crisis of Abstraction in Canada: The 1950s, The, by Denise Leclerc, English version, 1992 (***2nd copy needs repair, 20 August 2024, $2,00 at Alta Vista Library with help Mme Goyette, softcover without d.j.)
Croix de chemin du Québec: inventaire sélectif et trésor, Le, par Jean Simard et al. ($14.00; Ottawa Antique Market; 14 May 2015; softcover without d.j.)
Cross-Section of Work by Art Price, A (22 October 2013; $1.00; ex-library with cover page glued; The Friends' Bookshop) ***2nd copy*** (31 July 2014; Ex libris downtown; $0.50)
Culbutes , oeuvre d'impertinence (($1.00; Ottawa Public Library downtown; 27 April 2015; hardcover without d.j.)
Culture pour tous: 10 ans de la culture (softcover without d.j. but with CD; May 2015; City of Ottawa downtown; $1.50)
C.W. Jefferys by Robert Stacey, English version, Canadian Artists Series  (softcover without d.j.); ***2nd copy (checked on 5 January 2023)
D2ux, Le (hardcover; no d.j.; mai 2015; $1.50; Ottawa Public Library downtown)
Daily Smile MacPherson (softcover; $2.00; 6 April 2016; Salvation Army on Alta Vista)
Dalhousie Art Gallery : the collection, 2003 (softcover without d.j.)
Dallaire, by Marie Canari et al., 1999 (softcover without d.j.)
Dallaire: Le cyclope et l'oiseau, par René Viau (softcover withouit d.j.) **2nd copy (1 June 2015; $2.00;  softcover without d..j.; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Dallaire ou l'oeil panique par Guy Robert (hardcover with d.j.) *** 2nd copy (hardcover without d.j.; ex-library; very used book); ***3rd copy (hardcover with d.j.; 25 July 2015; Value Village $5.00))
Danby: Images of Sport (box)
Dancing with wood : 50 years of woodcuts by Naoko Matsubara (softcover without dust jacket; 4 April 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Danica Jojich: Marble Pillows (softcover without d.j.)
Danièle Rochon, Galerie de Bellefeuille, 1996
Danse traditionnelle au Québec, La (softcover without d.j.; ex-library; Friends; $1.00)
Daragon: La parade pour la paix sur la terre, CD, 2006
Daragon: Les esapaces de la poésie, CD, 2004
Dare to Dream A Celebration of Canadian Women (hardcover with d.j.; bought in 2018...not sure)
Daudelin, Musée du Québec (softcover; National Gallery; without d.j.; $39.95 + tax; 18 February 2009)
David Blackwood / [introduction by John de Visser], [Port Hope, Ont. : D. Blackwood, 1979] (softcover about10 p.; bought in September 2016)
David Blackwood: Ephraim Kelloway's Door paintings (softcover without d.j.; $1.00 bought in 2016
David Blackwood: Master Printer, by William Cough, 2001 (softcover)
David Milne by Alan Jarvis, 1962, series: The Gallery of Canadian Art: 3 (softcover without d.j; Patrick McGahern Books, Inc.; $4.00; 25 November 2010) ***
      2nd copy (softcover without d.j; $1.00; 16 Nov 2019; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)***3rd copy ($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; Dec 2019 or Jan 2020)
David Milne, by Ian M. Thom, ed., 1991 (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; 7 March 2023;l Value Village; $5.00 minus 30%)
David Milne, par Ian M. Thom, sous la direction de, version française, 1991 (hardcover with d.j.; $20.00; antiquaire rue Bank; 17 janvier 2009)
David Milne and the Modern Tradition of Painting by John O'Brian (softcover with no d.j.;Friends; $1.50; Feb 2010)
David Milne: An Introduction to His Life and Art by David P. Silcox (30 December 2010; $6.00; hardcocer without d.j.; Chapters at South Keys Shopping Center)
David Milne Painting Place/Un coin pour peindre, by/par Rosemarie L. Tovell, National Gallery/Galerie nationale, bilingue/bilingual
--------softcover)***2nd copy (checked on 5 January 2023)
David Milne: The New York Years: 1903-1916 ovember 2014)(softcover without d.j.; $2.00; Exlibris on Alta Vista; November 2014)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
David Milne: Watercolours by KatharineLochnan (new; National Gallery; 2 October 2008; $65.00)
David Milne and the Modern Tradition of Painting ***2 copies***
David Rabinowitch (softcover without d.j.)
David Sorensen: intimité lumineuse, intimacy of light, (softcover without d.j.; bought new; $39.95 + tax;  National Gallery; 12 March 2009)
Deborah Margo (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 19 August 2010; The Friends's Bookshop)à
Décennie de la métamorphose 1982-1192, La (hardcover with d.j. in library binding; $0.50 ; 5 August 2011; The Friends' Bookshop)
Découverte de l'art canadien: le langage, À la, adaptation française par Jacques de Roussan (softcover without d.j.; Friends; not ex-library; $1.50; 17 February 2009)
De l'art cuit à l'art cru par henri barras (softcover; victo chez la libraire dans le petit centre d'achat; August 2021; $5.00)  
De la série Suite pour un fleuve, par Gernot Nebel (hardcover with no d.j.; $1.50; Ottawa Public Library, downtown; 2016)
De main de maître: Les lauréats du prix d'excellencxe en Artisanat Saidye Bronfman, 1977-1986; ****2nd copy in French (November 2018; $1.00; ex-library with d.j.)
------ (I also have the English version--"Master of the Crafts"; hardcover with d.j.)
Der: la comédie humaine by Roussan (without d.j.hardcover; Value Village near my place;  $3.50)
Des Indiens et des bisons ($3.00; Salvation Army on Alta Vista; hardcover with d.j.; 16 March 2015); I also have the English Braves and Buffalo Plains Indian Life in 1837
Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Paintings in the Gallery of Laval University, by J. Purves Carter (new binding; no d.j.)
Des planches à la palette par Suzan Demers, 2004 (softcover without d.j.; 30 May 2011; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop)
Després, par Guy Robert (hardcover with d.j.; juin 2008; $17.50)
Dessinateur Louis Muhlstock, Un -- The Draughtsman (softcover without d.j.)
Dessus, les dessous du marché de l'art, Les par Louis Bruens ( $2.00; softcover without d.j.; 12 Feb 2013, The Friends' Bookshop, downtown)
De tous les Coté 2013, par André-Philippe Coté (softcover; $0.25; 2015)
Development of Canadian Art, The by R.H. Hubbard (hardcover with d.j.; $25.00; 29 August 2008; Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.) ***2nd copy*** (hardcover  with d.j.; $3.00; 5 september
------ 2012; The Friends' Bookshop); 3rd copy (November 2017; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; Hardcover with d.j);
De Ville-Marie à Montréal -- 75 tableaux de Bourbonnais par Ernest Pallascio-Morin et al (hardcover with  no d.j.; $0.50; Friends'Bookshop; Center Town; October 2013)
Dialogue and Divergence: Art of the Northwest  (small book; $1.00; Feb 2015; Ex libris near Fred; softcover without d.j.)
Diary of Mrs John Graves Simcoe, The (hardcover with d.j. mint; $3.00; Alta Vista public library; August 2024)
Dictionary of Canadian Artists, A, vol. 1 to 7 and vol. 8, part 1 (softcover without d.j.)
Dictionary of Folk Artists In Canada from the 17th Century... by Blake McKendry (ex-library; $1.00; 22 October 2013; The Friends' Bookshop)
Dictionnaire des artistes de langue française en Amérique du Nord, par David Karel (hardcover with d.j.)
Discerning Tastes Montreal Collectors 1880-1920 (softcover; no d.j.; $2.50; The Friends' Bookshop; not ex-lib.January 2010)
Dix ans déjà: Galerie éducative De-la-Salle (softcover; no d.j.; $1.00; July 2008; The Friends' Bookshop)
Documents in Canadian Art by Douglas Fetherling, ed., (hardcover with d.j.; $1.50; 30 June 2009; The Friends' Bookshop; not ex-library)
***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; 13 April 2015; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Dominque, Comme un gamin, 50 ans d'aquarelle par Gaston Roberge (hardcover with no d.j.; 2022)
Donavan Collection, The, 2010, U of St.Michael's College) (hardcover , no d.j. bought in 2022)
Doris McCarthy: My Life, Toronto: Second Story Press, 2006 (softcover wihout d.j.; $1.00; Ottawa Public Library near Fred; 21 March 2016)
Double Duty: Sketches and Diaries of Molly Lam Bobak Canadian War Artist
(softcover without d.j.)  ***2nd copy (petite déchirure haut de la couverture; 27 October 2015; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; hardcover with d.j.)
Down to Earth: Canadian Potters at Work (hardcover with d.j.; 2 June 2013; Timeless Treasures; about $10.00)
Dragon's Eye, An Artist's View, The, by Duncan Regehr ($10.00; hardcover with d.j.; June 2014; Billings Bridge, middle court expo)
Drawings of, The / les dessins de Norman McLaren (hardcover with d.j.; not ex-library; $3.00;Friend's Bookshop; 5 June 2009)
Drawn & Quartered The TRudeau Years by Peter C. Newman (softcover without d.j.)
Du baroque au néo-classicisme: la sculpture au Québec, Musée des Beaux-arts du Canada (softcover without d.j.)
Du fond du coeur: l'art populaire au Canada (softcover without d.j.; Argosy Books, Dalhousie St; $30.00 + 5% tax; 25 February 2009) ***2nd copy (ex-library; hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; 3 March 2016) =
------ English version = From the Heart: Folk Art in Canada ***3rd copy (softcover without d.j.; Ottawa Public Library downtown; $2.50; 30 March 2016) ***4th copy ($1.00; 23 April 2016; mint; hadrcover with d.j.; Ottawa
------Public library near Fred; ***5th copy mint, hardcover, d.j. 2022)
Drawing on the Land The New World...Millicent Mary Chaplin ($3.00; softcover without d.j.; Value Village; 12 April 2013)
Drawings of Alfred Pellan, The, by Reesa Greenberg, 1980 (softcover without d.j.)  ***2nd copy (Alta Vista public library; $2.00; 5 nov 2015; softcover without d.j.)
Drawings of James Cockburn: a visit through Quebec's past, by Christina Cameron and Jean Trudel (hardcover without d.j.)
Dreams of Empire--Canada before 1700 ($2.00; August 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown; softcover; mint with plastic);
Dufour par Guy Robert (hardcover with d.j.; mint; $30.00; used bookshop David Cameron on Bank St; 26 July 2010)
Each One of US: A Collection of Writings and Art Work (spiral binding)
Eagle Transforming: The Art of Robert Davidson by Ulli Steltzer and Robert Davidson, 1994 (hardcover with d.j.)
Early Canadian Glass by Gerald Stevens (pocket size paperback; 10 July 2019; $1.00; Alta Vista Public Library)
Early Canadian Pottery by Donald Webster (hardcover; $30.00; with d.j. ; Antique store on Bank St.; $30.00; 6 Feb 2010)
Early Days on the Great Lakes: The Art of William Armstrong, by Henry C. Campbell, 1971 (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j., $4.00; 25 July 2022; Saint Vincent de Paul; Blossom Park);
------***3rd copy (hardcover with d.j., $3.00; March 2024; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista);
Early Furniture of French Canada, The, by Jean Palardy, English, translated by Eric McLean, 1965 -- Big Book (hardcover with no d.j.; ex library)
Early Furniture of French Canada, The, by Jean Palardy, English, translated by Eric McLean, 1965 -- Small Book (hardcover with d.j; ex library)
Early Maritime Artists of the Pacific Northwest Coast (Cameron Books near Ottawa U, Faculty of Law, April 2015; hardcover with d.j.; $20.00)
Early Painters and Engravers in Canada by J. Russell Harper ((hardcover with no d.j.; $30.00; "ex libris" from someone; 24 Oct. 2010; Robert Campbell, Montréal, 514-739-6487;  Book Fair Ottawa)
Early Painters and Engravers in Canada by J. Russell Harper ****2nd copy (ex-library;The Friends' Bookshop; $1.00 (1/2 price day); 13 December 2010)
Early Ontario Potters: Their craft and trade including a checklist of pottery marks for the collector by David L. Newlands (hardcover with d.j.)
Earthy Paradise: Arts and Crafts by William Morris and the circle from Canadian Collections, The (softcover without d.j.; bought in 2015; $2.50)
E.B. Cox (hardcover with d.j.; $30.00; Argosy Books, on Dalhousie on Dalhousie St.; May 2010)
École de Montréal: situations et tendances -- situations and trends par Guy Robert (hardcover with d.j.)
L'Éden côté jardin: l'art populaire (hardcover with d.j., $5.00; Value Village; 16 January 2015) ***also have Two English versions This Other Eden: Canadian Folk Art Outdoors, This
Edmond Massicotte: scènes d'autrefois, textes de Hector Grenon (softcover without d.j.; Friends but not ex; $12.40; 9 March 2009)
Edmund Morris: Frontier Artist by Jean S. McGill (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $12.00; hardcover with d.j.)
Edwin H. Holgate by Dennis Reid, English version, Canadian Artists Series (softcover)
Edwin Holgate, by Rosalind Pepall et Brian Foss, en français (softcover without d.j.)
Eighty-First Annual Exhibition Royal Canadian Academy of Arts ($2.00; February 2020; softcover; small booklet; bookseller bout on Brank street big antique place)
EKKT 1956-1990 art album / Society of Estonian Artists  in Toronto (softcover without d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; $2.00; June 2010)
E.J. Hughes, by Ian M. Thom (hardcover with d.j.)
E.J. Hughes: 1931-1982, Surrey Art Gallery, 1983 (softcover without d.j.)
Elders are watching, text by Dave Bouchard, images by Roy Henry Vickers
Elusive Paradise: The Millennium Prize (softcover without d.j.)
Emanuel Hahn et Elizabeth Wyn Wood: Tradition et innovation dans la sculpture canadienne, français  (softcover)
Emily Carr by Judith Mastai, 1992 (small book 20 cm, (softcover with no dust jacket; ex libris near Fred; $1.00; Feb 2015)
Emily Carr x2 books  --English + French version  by National gallery of canada, Vancouver Art Gallery and Douglas & McIntyre, circa 2006 (hardcover with d.j.)
Emily Carrr by Doris Shadbolt (softcover without d.j.); ***2nd copy*** ex libris store near Fred; 7 June 2014; mint with d.j.; $1.00; ***3rd copy (10 Oct 18;
------ Alta Vista Public Library; $2.00; ***4rth copy, mint (softcover without d.j.; mint; alta vista public library, september 2023; $2.00)
Emily Carr: A Book of Postcards (softcover with no d.j.; $2.00; Value Village; 3 December 2013)
Emily Carr: A Centennial exhibition, 1975, by Doris Shadbolt  (softcover without d.j.; April 17, 2010; $1.00; Friends; Nepean Sport Center)  ***2nd copy*** ($2.00; May 2014; Friends Alta Vista Library)
Emily Carr by Rosemary Neering, 1976, English version (softcover without d.j.; Friends; $0.75; September 2008)
Emily Carr par Rosemary Neering, 1976, version française (softcover without d.j.)
Emily Carr: A Biography by Maria Tippett, (softcover without d.j.)
Emily Carr: A Biography by Maria Tippett, (hardcover with d.j.; ex library); ***2nd copy (1979 edition, oxford, hardcover; without d.j.; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library; June 2022)
Emily Carr & her dogs (softcover, small format; probably bought in 2018)
Emily Carr: An Introduction to her Life and Art by Anne Newlands (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; March 2010; Friends)
Emily Carr: Her Paintings and Sketches, Oxford University Press, 1945, (hardcover; ex-library; Friends of the Library; $1.00; 30 May 2008)
Emily Carr: Rebell Artist, by Kate Braid (softcover with no d.j.; Friends' Bookshop; $1.50; September 2009)
Emily Carr: The Story of an Artist, by Marion Endicott (softcover with no d.j.; Friends' Bookshop; $1.50; 23 juin 2010)
Emily Coonan (1885-1971), Concordia Art Gallery (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $8.00; hardcover without d.j.)
Émotions, par Séguin Poirier (hardcover without d.j.)
Encyclopédie de la maison québécoise: 3 siècles d'habitations par Michel Lessard et Huguette Marquest (hardcover with d.j. glued on library binding; ex-library)
Encyclopédie des antiquités du Québec : trois siècles de production artisanale par Michel Lessard et Huguette Marquest (hardcover with d.j. glued on; library binding; ex-library;
----------- $2.00 The Friends' Bookshop; 20 octobre 2010); 2nd copy (softcover; not ex-library; 15 May 2015; $1.00; Ottawa Public library near Fred); 3rd copy mint (softcover; $2.00; Public Library on Alta Vista; February 2018)
Endless summer : Canadian artists in the Caribbean (bought in 2015; $10.00; chez Tollé!)
English-Canadian Furniture of the Georgian Period (hardcover with d.j.; $4.00; 6 March 2008; The Friend's Bookshop)
Enjoying Canadian Painting
, by Patricia Godsell (hadcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $3.14; 14 July 2014; Value Village on Cyrille St.) ***3rd copy (mint; garage sale; $1.00; 29 August 2014);
---------***4th copy (hardcover wirg d.j.; 2 April 2024; Value Village; $4.89)
En pleine terre / Germaine Guèvremont ; ill. de André Bergeron (softcover ; $1.75, 10 décembre 2014, Orapé; Plessiville),
En retrait avec la nature: l'oeuvre tardive de L. Lemoine Fitzgerald, de 1942 à 1956 (softcover without d.j.)
Eric Walker: Railway Lands / Terres ferriviaires
(softcover; no d.j.; Friends' Bookshop; $1.75; October 2009)
Escobedo Derouin,
Musée du Québec(softcover without d.j.; Librarie Bonheur d'occasion, Montréal, $15.00; 10 July 2009)
Eskimo and His Art, The by Carson I.A. Ritchie (hardcover with d.j.)
Eskimo Art by Cottie Burland (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy (21 August 2015; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library; hardcover with d.j.); ***3rd copy (13 January 2025; $2.00; Ottawa Public
------ Library on Alta Vista; hardcover with d.j.; $3.00);
Eskimo Graphic Art, Issued under the authority of the Minister of Northern Affairs and National resources, c. 1960 (softcover)
Eskimo Masks: Art and Ceremony (hardcover with d.j. glued inside; ex library)
Eskimo Prints by James A. Houston (hardcover with d.j)
Eskimo Prints  By James A. Houston (1971, Longman; softcover without d.j.; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00; December 2019)
Eskimo sculpture/Sculpture esquimaude by George Swinton, 1965, library binding (hardcover because of library binding; cover page not there; $1.00 The Friends' Bookshop; 5 September 2012), ***
------2nd copy*** (ex-library; hardcover with d.j.; $1.00; garage sale near Frederick; 6 June 2015)
Eskimo stories from Povungnituk, Quebec, by Zebede Nungak and Eugene Arima, 1969 (softcover without d.j.); ***2nd copy (softcover with no d.j.; $2.00 Ottawa public
------Library on Alta Vista; $2.00; nov 2022)
Espaces -- Tensions, Claude Tousaignat, Charged Spaces, 1955-1998, Galerie De Bellefeuille (hardcover without d.j.)
Esprit révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois par Robert-Lionel (library copy; hardcover without d.j.; May 2014; Ex libris downtown; approx $3.00)
Esquimaux, peuple du Québec (ex-library; $1.00; 1966; octobre 2013)
estampes de Betty Goodwin, Les (softcover without d.j.)  ***2nd copy; February 2018; Ottawa Public Library; $2.50; ex-library with d.j. glued)
esthétiques modernes au Québec de 1916 à 1946, Les - (softcover; without d.j.; $2.00; 29 April 2010; The Friends' Bookshop); English version = Modernism in Quebec Art, 1916-1946;
Etchings Franc Van Oort Gravures (softcover without d.j.)
Etched in Stone: The Life and Prints of Ernst Neumann (1 June 2015; $2.00; softcover without d..j.; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
European Paintings in Canadian Collections by R.H. Hubbard, 2 volumes (hardcover without d.j.); ***2nc copy of vol. 2 (mint; 27 May 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Evan MacDonald's A Painter's Life ($2.00; softcover without d.j.; 4 August 2016; Ottawa Public Library Alta Vista Branch)
L'éveil des rondes par Rose-Aimée Boulanger (softcover without d.j.; 12 April 2017; $1.50; Ottawa Public Library downtown)
Evergon 1971-1987 (softcover; no d.j.; new $10.49; National Gallery, 22 May 2011)
Everyman's Canada: Paintings and Drawings from the McCord Museum of McGill University (softcover without d.j.)
évolution de l'art au Canada, L', par R.H. Hubbard, 1964 (hardcover with d.j.)
Exposition rétrospective de l'art au Canada français / The Arts in French Canada, 1952 (softcover without d.j.)
Explore Canada. The Reader's Digest (hardcover with d.j.; bought in Nov 2022; most probably at City of Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; $3.00)
Expressions of Will The Art of Prudence Heward (softcover; Alta Vista Brandh Ottawa Public Library; $2.00; 7 March 2023)
F. Nemeth  (hardcover, no d.j., Book Market, 2 October 2022)
Faces Photography by Lois Siegel (softcover without d.j.; $3.00; 24 January 2018; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch).
Facing history : portraits from the National Archives of Canada (softcover without d.j.; 2015; $1.00)
Faces of Canada (Hardcover with d.j.; 1 December 2014; Value Village; $5.00)
Facts of Art, The, A Practical Guide...((softcover; not ex-library; 19 October 2019; $1.00; Ottawa Public library near Fred)
The Farm: photographs by Reuben Sallows & John de Visser (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista; 31 May 2019)
feast of Gingerbread from our Victorian past, A = Patisserie maison Montréal 1870-1900 ($1.00; softcover; 27 October 2016; Ottawa Public Library near Fred; $1.00)
Fecteau, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
Female Gazes: Seventy-Five Women Artists by Elizabeth Martin and Vivian Meyer (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 12 November 1924)
Femmes artistes inuit Échos Cape Dorset (hardcover with d.j.; $1.00, 12 June 2018; Ottawa Public Library near Fred; also have English version)
femmeuses 2001, Les, Longueuil: Pratt & Whitney Canada, [2001] (softcover without d.j.; 30 March 2011; $1.50; The Friends' Bookshop)
fer, le par Eric Arthur et Thomas Ritchie ((3 August 2016; $1.00; Ottawa Public Library ner Fred; hardcover without d.j.)
Fernand Toupin par Henri Barras (softcover without d.j.; $3.00; antique place on Bank; 27 February 2009) -- signed document by Toupin
fête au Québec et l'art naïf, La, éditions du Trécarré (hardcover with d.j.)F.H. Varley: 1881-1969, par Christopher Varley, Collection artistes canadiens (softcover) et en français;
F.H. Varley, A Centennial Exhibition, 1981 (softcover); ***2nd copy (softcover without d.j.; 3 December 2024; $2.00; Alta Vista Branch)
F.H. Varley, Portraits into the Light / Mise en lumière des portraits (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy bought at Value Village, hardcover with d.j., $4.40;
------ 30 Nov 2021 (a Wednesday!)
Fields, Paintings by William Kurelek, 1976 (softcover without d.j.; large size; ex-library; $2.00, 27 Feb 08; The Friends' Bookshop) ****2nd copy (soft-cover without d.j.
------not ex-library; Value Village near homw; about $5.00; 2019)
Fifty mighty men / by Grant MacEwan (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library; March 2016)
Figure Ground: Paintings and Drawings of Ivan Eyre (hardcover with d.j.)
Fine Art Engagement Calendar 1983, Daily Life in 19th Century Canada (hardcover without d.j.; $3.00, Timeless Treasures; 14 September 2012)
Fine Arts in Canada, The, by Newton MacTavish, 1973 (reprint of the 1925 ed.)
A Fine Line: Studio Crafts from 1930 to the Present, by Gail Crawford (bought in 2022; hardcover with d.j.)
Fire into Ice: Adventures in Glass Making
by James Houston (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.25; circa December 2009)
Firestone: Art Collection, by the Ontario Heritage Foundation, 1978, ISBN: 0070827478 (The Friends' Bookshop; $2.00 not ex-library; softcover without d.j.; 1 December 2008)
Firestone Collection of Canadian Art, The Ottawa Art Gallery, 2008, bilingual, double book, with Contemporary Art Collection (hardcover with d.j.; antique store on Bank St; $15.00; 9 July 2009)
First Book of Canadian Art, A by Richard Rhodes (hardcover without d.j.; 6 May 2010; $2.00; sale at church corner of Elgin St.)
First Nations in Canada (softcover; bought in 2005)
FitzGerald as Printmaker by Helen Coy (hardcover but library bound with dust jacket glued; ex-library; $2.00; The Friends' Bookshop downtown; 15 April 2012)
Five New Brunswick artists : Strathbutler Award, 1991-1995, (softcover; $1.00 in 2019; bought at Ottawa Public Library near Fred on Ogilvie Avenue)
Fleuve et la montagne: Montréal = The Mountain and the River Montreal (hardcover; ex-library; 27 October 2016; Ottawa Public Library near fred; $1.00)
Flowers: J.E.H. MacDonald, Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven (hardcover with d.j.)
Flying Colours: The Toni Onley Story As Told to Gregory Strong (hardcover with d.j.; about $10.00; Timeless Treasures; 2 June 2013)
Folk Art: Primitive and Naïve Art in Canada (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy (Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch, 10 September 2018; $3.00; hardcover with d.j.)
Fool in Paradise by Doris McCarthy (hardcover with d.j.; May 2016; $1.00; Ottawa Public Library, downtown)
fonderie expérimentale André Fournelle, La, Collection initiation aux métiers d'art du Québec, 1973 (softcover without d.j.)
Fonds et figures: L'oeuvre de Ross Heward / Figures and Grounds: The Work of Ross Heward (hardcover with d.j.)
Form and Figure: Drawings and Prints --bilingue La ligne du corps (softcover with no d.j.; $1.00; Friends near Fred; 24 August 2013); 2nd copy (softcover with no d.j.; $1.50; Ottawa Public Library downtown, Friends near Fred; 29 September 2016)
Fortin : [an exhibition organized and circulated by the National Gallery of Canada ($1.00; April 2016; softcover without d.j.; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Fortin: les enfants et Marc-Aurèle Fortin (softcover without d.j.; $1.50; 1 May 2016; Ottawa Public Library, downtown)
Fortin: l'oeuvre et l'homme, par Guy Robert, 1982, Éditions France-Amérique (hardcover with d.j.)
Founders and the Guardians, The,1st. ed., 1967, (softcover without d.j.; $1.00, Friends's Bookshop; 5 May 2009)
Founders & Guardians, 74 Portraits by Irma Coucill, 2nd ed., 1982, (hardcover with d.j.; $1.25, Friends' Bookshop; 28 May 2008)
Four Decades: The Canadian Group of painters and their contemporaries 1930-1970 (hardcover with d.j. glued insid) ***2md copy (hardcover with not so good d.j.; $2.00; 13 Oct 2016; Ottawa Public Librry onAlta Vista)
Four Pictures by Emily Carr (hardcover with d.j.; 6 December 2016; $0.25; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Four War Artists
(ex-library, $1.00; The Friends Bookshop; 11 August 2008)
Fourrures qui firent fureur par Ronald Searle et Kildare Dobbs (sur la Compagnie Baie d'Hudson) (manque une page au devant; hardcover with d.j.; St-Vimcent de Paul; avril 2023; $4.00)
Fragments d'humanité Archéologie du Québec (softcover without d.j.; novembre 2018)
Frances Anne Hopkins: Images from Canada, by Thomas Schultze (hardcover with d.j.; Friends but not ex; mint; $3.50; 19 February 2009)
Frances-Anne Johnston, Art and Life, by Rebecca Basciano, Ottawa Art Gallery, 2022 (hardcover, no d.j.(I do not think that one ever existed); paid $7.34, Value Village, 19 April 2024, receipt in book)
François  Ranvoyzé Orfèvre 1739-1819, Musée du Québec, 1968 (hardcover  with d.j. glued on front; ex-library; Timeless Treasures ; $5.00; October 2013)
Frederick H. Varley by Peter Varley, 1983 (hardcover, ex-library; no d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; $3.00; 28 October 2008); ***2nd copy (hardcover, not ex-library; .with d.j.; The
------ Friends' Bookshop; $6.00; 27 September 2010; this 2nd copy much better than firs); ***3rd copy (Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 29 November 2024; hardcover with d.j.; $3.00)
Frederick Simpson Coburn, by Gerald Stevens, 1958 (hardcover; ex-library; Friends of the Library; June 2008; $1.00)
FitzGerald as Prinmaker by Helen Coy (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $12.00; softcover without d.j.)
Freeing the Spirits Anna Woods (softcover without d.j.; 26 January 2015;$1.00;  City public library near Fred Ex Libris)
French Canada Pictures and Stories (hardcover with d.j.; 16 October 2016; $20.00; bought at Patricia McGregor Books at the BookFare at the Tudor In)
Fr. Herman Falke: Scripture Sculptures in Wood and Clay (softcover without d.j.; bookshop, regular left, Antiquities store on Bank St.; June 2010)
Frere Jérome ($50.00 think I bought it in Montréal); *** 2nd copy (hardcover; Value Village; $5.99; 17 Feb 2017)
From Desolation to Spendour: Changing Perceptions... (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $16.00; hadcover with d.j.)
From Drawing to Print -- Perceptions and Process in Cape Dorset Art, by Dorothy LaBarge et al., (softcover; no d.j.)
From the Heart: Folk Art in Canada (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy (ex-library; hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; 3 March 2016) = French version = Du fond du coeur: l'art populaire au Canada
From the Heart: Folk Art in Canada (softcover with no d.j.; Ex libris downtown; $3.00; 21 November 2014; no dust jacket; not public library book)
From the Wild: Portofolios of North America's Finest Wildlife Artists, David M. Lank, ed.,  (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library; Nov 2023)
F.S. Coburn: Beyond the Landscape, by Evelyn Lloyd Coburn, 1996 (hardcover with d.j.)
Full Space: Modern Art from the Firestone Collection of Canadian Art
(softcover without d.j.)
Furniture of Old Ontario, The (hardcover without d.j.)   ***2 copies***
G. Roberts, catalogue, National Gallery of Canada, 1969-1970  (softcover without d.j.; 29 September 2008; Friends; $2.50)
Gabriel Bonmati, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
Gaétan Grondin / Hughes de Jouvancourt (Victoriaville, November 2016; Used Books and Income Tax; $5.00)
Galerie éducative De-la-Salle, circa 1985, (softcover without d.j; $1.00, ex-libray, Friends, 18 July 2008)
Galerie franco-ontarienne: vingt peintres par Anne Houpert Lengellé, 1996 (hardcover with d.j.)
Gallery Magazine (Autumn 1997) vol. 1(3)
Gallery School 1930-1980 A Celebration (softcover without d.j.; $1.00 1 May 2016;Ottawa Public Library, downtown)
Gapi et Sullivan; bought book because fron cover is by Rita Scalabrini  (1 April; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista; $2.00; softcover)
Gardons fermement nos traditions oeuvres tirées [...] famille Klamer par Jean Blodgett (softcover without d.j.; 22 August 2018; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Garry Neill Kennedy Superstar Shadow (softcover without d.j.)
Gaston Petit, par Jacques de Roussan, 1967, Collection Panorama (softcover without d.j.)
Gathie Falk, by Jane Lind, 1989, 40 pages (soiftcover; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; June 2022)
Gathie Falk, Vancouver Art Gallery, 2000  (hardcover with d.j.; from Mr. Cameron Antiques store on Bank street; probably December 2013; $30.00)\
Gatineau Etchings by John Benn (2017; softcover without d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Gatineau Park An Intimate Portrait, J. David Andrews...(hardcover with d.j., #3.00l Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 4 DEc 2023).
Gauvreau, 2005 (softcover)
Géodésiques par Marcel Nadeau (hardcover with d.j.)
Gens de Bois par Alain Duhamel, éditions Port-Joly (softcover without d.j.)
Geoffrey Hendricks, Between Earth & Sky ($1.00; softcover without d.j.; 12 Feb 2013, The Friebds' Bookshop, downtown)
George Heriot: 1759-1839 by Gerald E. Finley, 1979, English, Canadian Artists Series (harcover with no d.j.; new binding)----
------ ***2nd copy and 3rd copy in Englis in French??? (mint; May 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown);
George Reid: A Biography by Muriel Miller (softcover without d.j.; April 17, 2010; $1.00; Friends; Nepean Sport Center)
Gerald Squires: Newfoundland Artist (hardcover with d.j.; fine)
Gershon Iskowitz: Painter of Light (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; Ottawa Public library downtown while going to the dentist Dr. Landau; 20 November 2019)
Ghitta Caiserman-Roth: A Retrospective View/Un aperçu rétrospectif, 1947-1980 (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; November 2010; The Friends' Booksop);
Gift from the Douglas M. Duncan Collection and the Milne-Duncan Bequest, c. 1971 (softcover without d.j.)
Gilles Jaques (material on the artist,  (2 portofolio magazines)
Glass in Canada, by Thomas B. King (hardcover with d.j.)
Glass in Canada: The First One Hundred Years, by Gerald Stevens (hardcover with d.j.)
Glen Loates: Birds of North America (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00...great deal!; The Friends' Bookshop near Alex; 17 June 2013)
Golden age of Canadian railways, The, (April 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch, hardcover with d.j.)
gondoles d'artistes, Les, Hull, Québec : AxeNéo-7 art contemporain,  [2000?] ($1.00; softcover without d.j.; 14 January 2016; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Goodridge Roberts by Sandra Paikowsky (softcover without d.j.; 21 July 2010; $8.00; Friends' Bookhop)
Gordon E. Pfeiffer par Cotton Aimers, trad. française par François Laurent (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy, $2.00; ex-library; The FRiends' Bookshop; August 2012)***
goût de l'art, Les colllectionneurs montréalais 1880-1920, Le (sotcover, no d.j.; $2.00; bibliothèque Alta Vista; 6 June 2012; not ex-library)
Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts -- 2004, The (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop; Feb 2013)
Graham Metson, 2001
Graham Metson: Kalioka Verberra...Elusive Cosmos Emenae, Galerie Montcalm,.2002
Grand Eye for Glory: A Life of Franz Johnston, A, by Burford Mason (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy*** (Value Village; $5.00; 14 November 2013)
Grand héritage: L'Église catholique et les arts au Québec, 1984 (hardcover without d.j.)
Grand prix des métiers d'art Banque Laurentienne du Canada, 1988: objets de magie  (softcover without d.j.; got book in 2011 or 2012)
The Grand Western Canadian Screen Shop : printing, people and history (softcover without d.j.; 16 October 2015; $10.00; The Grand Western Canadian Screen Shop : printing, people and history)
Grandes étapes de l'art au Canada: de la préhistoire à l'art moderne, Les, par Peter Mellen (hardcover with d.j.)
Gransow, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
Gravel, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.); 2nd copy ($1.00, Friend's Bookshop but not ex-lib.; 20 May 2011)
gravure au Québec (1940-1980), La, par Gilles Daigneault et Ginette Deslauriers, 1981 (hardcover with d.j.)
Great Canadian Painting: A Century of Art, 1966 (hardcover without d.j.) ***2nd copy*** (hardcover with no d.j. $0.90; Ex Libris on Alta Vista; 19 Sep 2014)
------***3rd copy (oct. 2014; ex libris pres de Fred $1.00 hardcover without d.j.)
Great Canadian Posters Selected by Theo Dimenson (softcover without d.j.; Friends' Bookshop on Alta Visate; $2.00; 3 December 2013) ***2nd copy for $2.00 on 22 April 2015
Great Moments in Canadian History by the Dow Chemical of Canada (February 2018; $2.50; Salvation Army on  Alta Vista; hardcover without d.j.
Great West, before 1900, The (hardcover without d.j.; bought in 2015) ***2nd copy (hardcover without d.j.; October 2015; $3.66; Value Village)
Great Work! An overview of Contemporary British Columbia Artists (softcover)
Greg Curnoe by Pierre Théberge, 1982 (softcover)  ***2nd copy $1.50; softcover without d.j.; 12 Feb 2013, The Friends' Bookshop, downtown
Greg Curnoe: Life & Stuff (new; National Gallery; $75.00 + tax; hardcover with d.j.; 12 March 2009)
Group of One Joseph Bradshaw Thorne... by Mark Cumming (hardcover with d.j; Patrick McGahern Books, Inc.; $10.00; 25 November 2010)
Group of Seven, 8th ed., by Thoreau MacDonald, 1969, 29 p. (softcover without d.j.)
Group of Seven: Art for a Nation, by Charles C. Hill, 1995 (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy, library with d.j. (excellent d.j.); $3.50; 13 April 2011; The Friend's Bookshop;
Group of Seven, The, by Peter Mellen (hardcover with d.j. and with box)  ***2nd copy almost mint (hard cover eith d.j.; $3.00; Library of City of Ottawa on Alta Vista, April 2022)
------***3rd copy (mint, hardcover with d.j.; 2022)
Group of Seven and Tom Thomson, The, by David P. Silcox (hardcover with d.j.)
Group of Seven and Tom Thomson: An Introduction, The, by Anne Newlands (softcover without d.j.; Friends; $2.00; March 2010)
Group of Seven Drawings by Paul Duval (hardcover with d.j.; $34.50; antique place (midle island) on Bank; 27 February 2010); ***2nd copy (hardcover
------ but no d.j.; $3.00; Ex libris downtown; 6 January 2015)
Group of SEven Project 1929-2005, The --/Le projet du Groupe des sept 1920-2005 (bilingue; souple; $2.00; Alta Vista Public Library; November 2023).
Group of Seven in Western Canada, The, by Catherine M. Mastin, 2002 (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy 2008 edition, my copy is hardcover but I did not get a d.j.;
------bought at the Village, $51.13, 23 January 2024); ***3rd copy mint (hardcover with d.j.; 30 avril 2024; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
------**4th copy (min; hardcover with d.j.; 10 Feb 2025; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch).
Groupe des sept / The Group of Seven, par Dennis Reid, 1970 (hardcover with d.j.)   *** 2 copies***
Groupe des sept, Le, par Peter Mellen, adaptation française par Jacques de Roussan (hardcover with d.j.; $30.00; 10 June 2013; Timeless Treasures) ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; 11 Dec 15; Value Village $2.50)
Groupe des sept, Le, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j; ex-library; $1.00, ex-library, Friends, 18 July 2008); 2nd copy (library binding hardcover; $1.00,
       Friend's Bookshop, 13 April 2011; I painted the call number); 3rd copy  ($1.00, Friend's Bookshop but not ex-lib, 20 May 2011)
Groupe des sept: l'émergence d'un art national, Le, par Charles C. Hill  (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library but very good condition; $4.50; The Friends' Bookshop; 29 July 2010)
Growing Pains, by Carr (new library binding, hardcover without d.j.)
Growing Pains: The Autobiography..., by Carr, Emily (Oxford University Press, 1946, hardcover with no d.j.; bought Salvation Army on Alta Vista 12 February 2019; $2.50)
Growing Pains: An Autobiography..., by Carr, Emily (Irwin Press, 1946, softcover with no d.j.; bought Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $1.00; March 2024)
Growth of Canadian Painting, The,  by Donald W. Buchanan (hardcover with d.j.)
Growth of Canadian Painting, The---EXTRA COPY MARKED INSIDE
Growth of Canadian Painting, The---***SECOND EXTRA COPY*** ($1.50; not ex-library; The Friends' Bookshop; 18 June 2012; at that price could not resist! no dust jacket)
Growth of Canadian Painting, The---***third*** ($1.00; not ex-library; Ottawa Public Library downtown; 27 April 2015; at that price could not resist! no dust jacket)
Growth of Canadian Painting, The---***fourth*** ($2.00; not ex-library; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 20 Decemberl 2016; at that price could not resist! no dust jacket)
Guide de Roussan: peintres du Québec -- Marché de l'art 1998, 5e éd.
Guide des antiquités québécoises 80, par Michel Ste-Marie (hardcover without d.j.) (aussi une autre copie softcover; witjout d.j.; pas ex-; Friends, January 2010; $1.00)
Guide des artisans du Québec publié par Styanké (softcover without d.j.; May 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown; $1.00)
Guide to Canadian Architectural Styles, A (softcover without d.j.)
Guide to Early Canadian Glass, by Hilda & kelvin Spence, 1966 (hardcover with d.j.; 16 April 2019; Alta Vista Public Library; $3.00)
Guide to Pre-Confederation Furniture of English Canada, A by Don R. Stewart (hardcover with d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.25; 17 November 2008) *** 2 copies***
Guide Vallée, marché de la peinture, Le, 1983 (library hardcover; $1.50; 9 octobre 2013; The Friends' Bookshop downtown) -- this is the first edition!
Guide Vallée: marché de l'art -- Fine Art Market  -- 2e édition (hardcover without d.j.) ***2e copie ($3.00; 15 janvier 2019; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Guide Vallée: marché de l'art -- Fine Art Market  -- 3e édition, 1993,  (hardcover without d.j.) *** 2 copies
Guido Molinari, par/by Pierre  Théberge, 1976 (softcover without d.j.) ****2nd copy (ex-library; softcover without d.j.; $1.00; Ottawa Public Library downtown; 27 January 20160
Guido Molinari: Écrits sur l'art (1954-1975), Textes compilés et présentés par  Pierre  Théberge, 1976 (gardcover with  d.j.)
Guido Molinari: Works on Paper/Oeuvres sur papier, by David Burnett, 1981 (softcover without d.j.)
Haida Art by George F. MacDonald (ex-library; hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; 22 August 2012; The Friends' Bookshop)
Haida: Their Art and Culture by Leslie Drew (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 23 April 2016; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Happiness is where you Find It by Art Price (22 October 2013; $1.00; ex-library with cover page glued; The Friends' Bookshop)
Hard-Edge Collection (softcover with no d.j.; free;  The Friends' Bookshop, i.e. school where I just started going and which is near my son's home; 30 July 2010);
Harold Town Drawings by Robert Fulford, 1969 (hardcover with d.j.)
Hecklers: A History of Canadian Political Cartooning..., The by Peter Desbarats et Terry Mosher (hardcover with d.j.; $4.50; May 2014) ****2nd copy ($1.00; harcover with d.j.; 24 June 2015; Pttawa public Library near Fred)
Helen Lucas 2000 (softcover without d.j.)
Henri Hébert 1884-1950: un sculpteur moderne (softcover without d.j.)
Henri Masson, par Claude Bouchard,
Henri Masson, in English, Collection Signatures (hardcover with d.j.)
Henri Masson, en français, Collection Signatures (hardcover with d.j.;  $21.00; Librairie Port de tête (coin Henri Julien et Mont-Royal; 4 août 2009)
Henri Masson: La vision d'un peintre par Claude A. Bouchard(hardcover with d.j.; mint)
Henri Masson : La vision d'un peintre par Claude A. Bouchard ***2nd copy, hardcover without d.j.;ex-library; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop; 25 November 2011)
Henry Evaluardjuk (softcover without d.j.)
Henry Saxe: oeuvres de de 1960 à 1993 (softcover without d.j.)
Here's looking at us : celebrating fifty years of CBC-TV (hardcover with d.j.; bought in 2015; $5.00; Value Village)
Heritage: A Romantic Look at Early Canadian Furniture (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 24 January 2018)
Heritage of Canadian Art: The McMichael Collection, A (hardcover with d.j.; $35.00; 25 September 2008)
Heritage of Canadian Handicrafts, A (hardcover with d.j.; $4.00 circa; February 2010, Book Market)
Heritage of Light: Lamps and Lighting in the early Canadian home, A,  (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; 26 June 2008; Friends' Bookshop)
Heritage of Upper Canadian Furniture, The (hardcover with d.j.; mint; 27 July 2010; $5.00; Village) ***2nd copy ((hardcover with d.j.; $2.00 Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch;
------- 5 June 2015) 3rd**** (extra mint; Alta Vista Ottawa Public Library; $2.00; hardcover with d.j.; 7 October 2016)l ***4th copy (mint; used book Alta Vista, Ottawa Oublic Library; $3.00; 13 November 2023);
Herman Heimlich: oeuvres sur papier (softcover without d.j.; mint; $3.50; The Friends' Bookshop; September 2010)
Hidden Values: Contemporary Canadian Art in Corporate Collections by Robert Swain (harcover with d.j.)
Hier au Québec 1875 1915 (ex-library; $1.00; 22 October 2013; The Friends' Bookshop)
High Artic: An Expedition to the Unspoiled North, 1971 (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; Marh 2016; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
High Realism in Canada, by Paul Duval, 1974 (softcover without d.j.) ***2nd copy (softcover; Value Village near Fred; 17 April 2015; $5.00)
High Realism in Canada, by Paul Duval, 1974 (hardcover with d.j.; very good condition; not ex-lib.; $2.50; 20 December 2011; The Friends' Bookshop)
High Realism in Canada, by Paul Duval, 1974 (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; could be changed for better)
hiker's guide to art of the Canadian Rockies, A / by Lisa Christensen (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista, probably in September 2016)
Hiker's Guide to the Rocky Mountain Art of Lawren Harris, A,  by Lisa Christensen (softcover without d.j.; $4.00; friends)
Historic Forts of Ontario (hardcover with d.j.; October 2015)
History in their Blood: The Indian Portraits of Nicholas de Grandmaison (hardcover with d.j.)
Historical Sketches of Ottawa by Leslie Maitland (hardcover with d.j.; 31 July 2023; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
History of Canadian Architecture by Harol Kalman (Book Market; $17.00; 20 Nov 2014
History of Art and Artists of Ottawa and Surroundings, Parts 1 to 3 (hardcover, library binding)
History of Art in Quebec: The Collection of the Musée national des beaux arts du Québec, A (softcover without d.j.; $7.00; Friends' Bookshop; mint; 31 August 2009);
------***2nd copy (softcover; mint; 24 may 2015; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
History of Painting in Canada: Toward a People's Art by Barry Lord, 1974  (softcover); ***2nd coy*** (mint; $2.50; July 2013; Friends, downtown); ***3rd copy*** (Friends near Fred; 22 July 2013; $2.00; mint; not lib.)
-----***4th copy ($2.00)   
History of Painting in Canada: Toward a People's Art by Barry Lord, 1974  (hardcover without d.j.; library)
Home Truths: A Celebration of Family Life by Canada's Best-Loved Painters (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library but fine condition)
Home Truths: A Celebration of Family Life by Canada's Best-Loved Painters, by Joan Murray, 1997 (hardcover with d.j.)  ***3rd copy hardcover ***
Homer Watson: The Man of Doon by Muriel Miller (softcover without d.j.); ***2nd copy same ($2.00; Ex libris on Alta Vista; 1 December 2014); ******3rd copy same ($1.00; Ottawa Public Library
------near Fred; 1 December 2018);
Hommage à Jordi Bonet / Homage to Jordi Bonet, circa 1973, Ambassade d'Espagne, Ottawa (softcover)
Hommage à nos Sculpteurs: Henri Angers 1870-1963; Louis Jobin 1845-1928; Fabien Pagé 1959 (softcover without d.j.)
Homme aux trois femmes, par Marius Barbeau et al. avec dessins de Robert Langstadt (approx. $7.00; Timeless Treasures; October 2013)
Horatio Walker by David Karel, English version, Musée du Québec, 1987 (hardcover with d.j.)
Horatio Walker par David Karel, version française, Musée du Québec (hardcover with d.j.)
Hôtel crève-coeur, L' (softcover without d.j.; $5.00; Loisirs/Hull; 19 August 2008)
Hull et sa région en peinture (hardcover without d.j.; $1.50; mars 2008; The Friends' Bookshop)
Hull entre mémoire et histoire (ex-library; hadcover; $2.00; 18 novembre 2015; Ottawa Public Alta Vista, Branch)
Hundred and Thousands: The Journals of an Artist by Emily Carr (softcover without d.j.)
Hymn to the Sun, Early Work Jack Bush (hardcover without d.j.; bought Village, 2 Nov 2024, $5.06; journée ou j'ai rencontre Eric Gazeault.
Iegor Encheres, catalogue de vente, 17 et 18 septembre 2019
I Have Seen Quebec by Marius Barbeau, Librairie Garneau, 1957 (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $16.00; softcover with d.j.)
I Heard the Drums, by Allen Sapp (hardcover with d.j.)
IAQ -- Inuit Art Quarterly
    - Winter 2000, vol. 15(4)
    - Spring 2001, vol. 16(1)
    - Fall 2001, vol. 16(3)
    - Winter 2001, vol. 16(4)
    - Spring 2002, vol. 17(1)
     - Summer 2002, vol. 17(2)
     - Fall 2002, vol. 17(3)
     - Summer 2003, vol. 18(1)
    - Fall 2003, vol. 18(3)
     - Winter 2003, vol. 18(4)
     - Spring 2004, vol. 19(1)
     - Spring 2005, vol. 20(1)
     - Fall 2005, vol. 20(3)
     - Winter 2005, vol. 20(4)
Il manque aux humains un prédateur: Carnet de cération, par Dominique Desbiens ($2.00; Friends of the Library; 22 April 2008)
Illuminated Life of Maud Lewis, The, by Lance Woolaver et al., (Benjamin Books; $15.00; 12 October 2010; hardcover with d.j.)
Illustrated History of  Canada, The by ed. Craig Brown (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; April 2018); idem, 2nd copy, $4.00, St-Vincent de Paul, July 2023
Illustrated History of Western Canada, The by Tony Cashman (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; $1.00; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Illustrated News: Juliana Horatia Ewing's Canadian Pictures 1867-1869 (hardcover with d.j.; $1.00; Friends; not ex-library; 26 February 2009)
Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1997-1998 (acheté 2016 d'un gars à Montréal; j'ai achté un lot)
Image of Man in Canadian Paiting: 1878-1978, The, University of Western Ontario (softcover without d.j.; $12.00, Patrick McGahern Books; 20 September 2008)
Image of Winter in 19th Century Canada: When Winter Was King,The
, by Edward Cavell and Dennis Reid (softcover with d.j.)
Imagerie canadienne: peintures et dessins du musée McCord de l'Université McGill, Une (library hardcover; $0.50;  The Friends' Bookshop; 6 April 2011; I also have the English version)
Images: Contemporary Canadian Realism: Selected by Marci Lipman and Louise Lipman (softcover without d.j.)
Images of Sport in Early Canada/Images du sport dans le Canada d'autrefois (softcover without d.j.)
Images of the Land: Canadian Block Prints 1919-1945 by Patricia Ainslie, 1984 (softcover)
Images stone b.c.(softcover without d.j.; $2.00; 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown)
Imagining Canada: A Century of Photographs (hardcover with d.j.; April 2015; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Impressions and Sketches of a Field Artist: Wild Flowers of Canada by Molly Lamb Boback (softcover without d.j.; ex-library; $2.00; Friends' Bookshop; 9 July 2009)
Impressions and Sketches of a Field Artist: Wild Flowers of Canada by Molly Lamb Boback (hardcover with d.j.; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop; 29 September 2010)
Impressions: la petite histoire de l'imprimeur national (hardcover without d.j.)
In Cape Dorset We Do It This Way: Three Decades of Inuit Printmaking, by John Blodgett (softcover without d.j.)
In the Shadow of the Sun: Perspectives on Contemporary Native Art (ex-library; bought from Friens; 10 February 2010; $1.50; could have a better copy)
Independent Spirit -- Early Canadian Women Artists (hardcover; with d.j.; National Gallery; 4 September 2008; $78.75)
Index of Ontario Artists, The, by Hennie Wolfe, ed., Visual Arts of Ontario (Library hardcover; cover page incorporated in the binding; $1.25; 6 September 2011; The Friends' Bookshop)
Indian and Eskimo Art of Canada, Ryerson Press, 1971 (hardcover without d.j.)
Indian Artists at Work by Ulli Steltzer (softcover without d.j.; August 2015)
Indian Arts in Canada by Olive Patricia Dickason (hardcover; library new binding; without d.j.); ***2nd copy ( (hardcover; without d.j.; March 2024; $5.00; Saint-Vincent de Paul near homeg);
Indigena Contemporary Native Perspectives (hardcover; not ex-library; Friends' Bookshop; $1.50; 5 May 2009)
Informing spirit: Art of the American Southwest and Wesr Coast Canada, 1925-1945 (softcover; part damaged by water)
In honour of our grandmothers : imprints of cultural survival (sotfcover without d.j.; October 2015)
In Seclusion with Nature: The Later Work of  L. Lemoine Fitzgerald, 1942 to 1956 (softcover without d.j.)
Insights Discoveries Surprises (hardcover with d.j.)
Introduction to the Arts in Canada, An, by Robert Fulford (softcover without d.j.)
Inuit Art A History by Crandall, 2000 (hardcover without d.j.; ex-library; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista, 23 October 2019)
Inuit Art: An Introduction by Ingo Hessel (softcover without d.j.)
Inuit Art: An Anthology, Introduction by Alma Houston, 1988 (softcover without d.j.) ***2nd copy (29 Oct 14; $2.00; Ex Libris on Alta Vista; mint) **3rd copy (hardcover with d.j. mint; $2.00; 6 November 2017)
Inuit Art: An Anthology, Introduction by Alma Houston, 1988 *** 2nd copy*** (softcover without d.j.; excellent copy; $2.00; used book Alta Vista Public LIbrary; 4 January 2012)
Inuit Art Quarterly (I have a few numbers in the library)
Inuit Imagination: Artic Myth and Sculpture, The (hardcover with d.j.)
Inuit Print, The / L'estampe inuit (hardcover with d.j.)
Inuit Women Artists, by Odette Leroux et al., ed., (hardcover with d.j.; also have the French version: Femmes artistes inuit); 3rd copy in English (ex-library; $3.00;
------hardcover with super nice d.j., 2 March 2020; Ottawa City Library on Alta Vista).
Inunnit -- The Art of the Canadian Eskimo / L'art des Esquimaux du Canada, reprint of 1974 9 (softcover without d.j.)
Investir dans les oeuvres d'art: guide de la peinture figurative par Louis Bruens (hardcover without d.j.)
Irene Avaalaaqiaq: Myth and Reality by Judith Nasby (softcover without d.j.; ex-library; Friends' Bookshop; $1.00; June 2009)
Irene Whittome 1975-1980, bilingue (softcover without d.j.)
Island Painter -- The  Life of Robert Harris (1849-1919) (softcover without d.j.; $7.50; Timelesss Treasures; 12 July 2013) ***2nd copy*** ($0.90; Ex Libris on Alta Vista; 19 Sep 2014)
Isaac Erb Collection, The, Camera Canada, special edition, 1977.
ItuKiagatta: Inuit Sculpture from the Collection of the TD Bank...)(softcover without d.j.; $1.00; August 2016; Ottawa Public Library, dowtown)
Ivan Eyre by George Wooddcock (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; 30 June 2009; The Friends' Bookshop; not ex-library)
Ivan Eyre Pavillion Gallery (Timeless Treasures; $10.00; 15 June 2013; softcover without d.j.)
Ivan on Eyre -- The Paintings (Value Village, mint, $6.00 + tax; 30 April 2019; hardcover plus dust jacket)
Jack Bush, by Karen Wilkin, ed. (hardcover with d.j.)
Jack Bush by Mark Meyer (softcover without d.j.; 20 November 2024; Value Village; $7.34)
Jack Bush: A Retrospective, Art Gallery of Ontario, 1976 (softcover without d.j.; antiquitees Bank St. Book store, $8.00; 9 July 2009)
Jack Shadbolt, by Scott Watson, 1990 (hardcover with d.j.)
Jack Shadbolt Correspondances by Patricia Ainslie, book in French (softcover with no d.j.; $1.50; The Friends' Bookshop;July 2010); ***2e copie
       en français (25 fév. 2020; $0.72; Value Village; softcover with no d.j.)
Jack Shadbolt Drawings by Scott Watson, 1994 (hardcover with d.j.)
Jacques Bilodeau, Habiter.... (hardcover without d.j.; 27 January 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown; $1.00)
Jacques de tonnancour par Jacques Folch-Ribas (small book; $1.00; Feb 2015; Ex libris near Fred; softcover without d.j.)
Jacques Hurtibise: quatre décennies image par image, 1998 (softcover without d.j.)
James Wilson Morrice, 1865-1924, introduction pa Denys Sutton, catalogue par Dennis Reid (tout en français)
James Wilson Morrice
by Donald W. Buchana (hardcover without d.j.; small size)
James Wilson Morrice 1865-1924 by Nicole Cloutier, bilingual (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $16.00; softcover without d.j;
------****2nd copy softcover without d.j., bought $4.00, The Friends' Bookshop, 24 September 2011)
Jana Sterbak: States of Being -- Corps à corps (softcover; new; still in wrappers; Friends; $1.00; still in wrappers; 13 juin 2008)
J. David Brown published in 2000 in French by Aubé et Associés Ltée (hardcover with no d.j.; $2.00; The Friends' Bookshop downtown; 15 April 2012)
Je lis Montréal (hardcover without d.j.; $10.00; Victoriaville, place des impots; septembre 2015)
J.E.H. Bruce Whiteman. (Fiends; softcover without d.j.; ex-library; $1.50; Feb 2010)
J.E.H. MacDonald Designer: An Anthology of Graphic... (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $16.00; hardcover with d.j.)
Jean-Baptiste Côté: caricaturiste et sculpteur (softcover without d.j.; $10.00 Bouquinerie Saint-Denis; 3 août 2009)
Jean Brillant, Galerie Madeleine Lacerte (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 19 August 2010; The Friends's Bookshop)
Jean Dallaire et la tradition québécoise, par Jean-René Ostiguy, Ville de Hull, 1989 (softcover without d.j.)
Jean Dallaire: rétrospective, 1968;
Jean Gaudreau: l'enfant sage de l'art rebelle (hardcover with d.j.; $75.00; fév 2020; Librarie Reynaud-Bray; payé en partie par un don d'Agathe Sauvé et Maurice Caron)
Jean-Louis Hébert: le temps d'une mémoire ...(softcover; $1.00; juillet 2014; Victoriaville -- pas la place dans le centre d'achats intérieur) ****2nd copy (Victoriaville,
------ 8 dec 15; $4.73; Recyclo); ***3rd copy ($1.00; REcyclo; Victoriaville; August 2021)
Jean-Paul Lemieux, par Guy Robert, 1968 (hardcover without d.j.; ex-library, Friends; $1.50; June 2008); ***2nd copy (hardcover without d.j.; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 3 Feb 2020)
Jean-Paul Lemieux, par Marie Carani, (hardcover with d.j. in box; 3 August 2009; L'Échange, rue Mont-Royal; $100 plus taxes) 
Jean-Paul Lemieux, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, 1967-68, 80 p. (softcover without d.j.)
Jean-Paul Lemieux et le livre, par Marcel Dubé, Art Global, 1988, exemplaire 49/800 (hardcover in box but no d.j.; $4.50; The Friends' Bookshop; June 2010)
Jean-Paul Riopelle par René Viau (softcover without d.j.)
Jean-Paul Riopelle, Musée des Beaux-arts, 1991 (hard cover with d.j.; $30.00; used bookshop David Cameron on Bank St; 27 janvier 2011)
Jean-Paul Riopelle: des visions d'Amérique par Robert Bernier (hardcover with d.j.)
Jean-Paul Riopelle: Paintings and Sculpture, XXI International Biennial of Art , Venezia 1962, 16 p. (August 2016; Ottawa Public Library, downtown, $0.50)
Jean Palardy, Peintre témoin de son époque (hadcover without d.j.)
Jeremy Smith by David Burnett, 1988 (softcover without d.j.)
Jessie Oonark: A Retrospective by Jean Blodgett and Marie Bouchard (softcover without d.j.; 10 June 2013; Timeless Treasures; approx $10.00)
Jewish Painters of Montreal: Witnesses of their Time 1930-1948 (softcover; without d.j.; $50.00; August 2008)
Jim Davis, Artist (softcover; bought probably in December 2023)
J' Blier, par Paul Gladu (hardcover without d.j.; collection signatures; acheté Alain Doucet L'Assomption, 21 August 2024; envrion $15.00)
Joan & Goodridge: My Life with Goodridge Roberts (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; November 2010; The Friends' Bookshop)
Jock Macdonald, Retrospective Exhibition; National Gallery of Canada; 1969-1970 (softcover with no d.j.; 26 January 2015;$1.00; near Fred Library Ex Libris) ****
------2nd copy ($2.00, softcover without d.j., Alta Vista Library through Mrs Goyette; 20 August 2024, bilingual)
Jock Macdonald, by Joyce Zemans, English version, Canadian Artists Series, (softcover); *****2nd copy (checked on 5 January 2023)
Joe Fafard by Terrence Heath (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j., ex-library with discreet mark; $2.00; Ottawa Public library near Alex; 20 July 2022)
Joe Fafard, Cows and other luminaries 1977-1987 by mstthew teitelbaum et al, (softcover without d.j., $5.10, 4 juin 2024, Value Village)
Joe Norris : painted visions of Nova Scotia by  Bernard Riordon (hardcover with d.j.; $20.00; Cameron's corner in Antique store on Bank St., 24 January 2015),
Joe's Politicians (31 July 2014; Ex libris downtown; $0.50)
Joe's Toronto (hardcover with d.j.)
John F. Marok, Galerie Montcalm, 2002
John Herbert Caddy 1801-1887 (softcover without d.j.; $100; 15 August 2014;Ottawa Public Library 2016)
John Lyman: 1886-1967 by Louise Dompierre, 1986, version bilingue, (softcover; 5.95; Book Market 29 December 2008)
John Massey : the house that Jack built (hardcover; $1.50; Ottawa Public Library downtown; 15 March 2017)
John Meredith: Fifty Years, Art Gallery of Ontario, 1975 (softcover without d.j.; April 17, 2010; $1.00; Friends; Nepean Sport Center)
John Walsh: 1907-1994 (softcover without d.j.)
Jordi Bonet, by Guy Robert,1975 (hardcover in bookcase)
Jordi Bonet, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
Joseph Légaré: 1795-1855 par John R. Porter, 1978, français, (hardcover with d.j.)
Jouet dans l'univers de l'enfant, Le (softcover; without d.j. $1.00, The Friends' Bookshop; 11 March 2008)
Journal of Canadian Art History, The / Annales d'histoire de l'art canadien
   - Vol. V No. 2 1981 ($5.00; Benjamin Books;; October 2010)  ***contains bibliography with thesis; contient bibliographie avec thèses***
    - Vol. XI No 1 and 2 (paid $2.00; Ottawa Public Library downtown going to dentist; 11 Jan 2023)
   - Vol. XII No. 1  (Book Market on Dalhousie; $2.05; 4 October 2010
   - Vol. XV  No. -- 19941
(paid $2.00; Ottawa Public Library downtown going to dentist; 11 Jan 2023)
   - Vol. XV No. 2 -
(paid $2.00; Ottawa Public Library downtown going to dentist; 11 Jan 2023)--contain list of theses ***includes also list of previous numbers with lists
   - Vol. XV  No. -- 19941 (paid $2.00; Ottawa Public Library downtown going to dentist; 11 Jan 2023)
  - Vol. XV No. 2
    - Vol. XVII No. 1 --- 1996(paid $2.00; Ottawa Public Library downtown going to dentist; 11 Jan 2023)
Jours tragiques de 1837: Le Richelieu héroique
avec illustrations de James McIsaac (Timeless Treasures; october 2013, circa $7.00; softcover without d.j.)
Joyce Wieland: A Life in Art ($12.00; softcover without d.j.; Timeless Treasures;  2 June ------2013                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Joyce Wieland,  Art Gallery of Ontario, 1987 (softcover without d.j.)
Joyce Wieland: Artist on Fire (hardcover with d.j.)
Jubilee Year Catalogue 75th annual exhibition Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, 1954 ($10.00; from Campbell, Montreal; Book Fare, Ottawa, October 2013)
Jungle canadienne: la période méconnue d'Arthur Limer ($1.00; softcover without d.j.; 29 September 2016; Ottawa Public Library downttown)
J.W. Morrice, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, c. 1965 (hardcover without d.j.; new library building)
J.W. Morrice, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, c. 1965 (softcover without d.j.; Ottawa Public Library; about $2.00; 23 October 2019)
J.W. Morrice by Lucie Dorais, English version, Canadian Artists series (softcover; $2.00; Friends; not ex-library; 30 June 2008)
J.W. Morrice par Lucie Dorais, version française, collection: artistes canadiens (softcover)
Karen Bailey an artist in Kandahar, (softcover without d.j.; April 2019; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista, Ottawa; $2.00)
Karl May Retrospective 1948-1975 / Rétrospective Karl May 1948-1975 (softcover without d.j.)
Karsh: A Fifty-Year Retrospective (hardcover; $2.00; September 2015; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Karsh American Legends (hardcover with d.j.; $5.00; Value Village; 1 June 2015) ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $5.00; Value Village; 12 November 2015)
Karsh Canadians (ex-library; Friends; $2.50; March 2009)
Karsh: The Art of the Portrait (softcover without d.j.; June 2015; bought in Ottawa...)  ***2nd copy (softcover without d.j.; 12 November 20015; $5.00; Value Village)
Kattie Bruneau, par Jacques de Roussan, 1967, Collection Panorama (softcover without d.j.)
Keirstead: My Art and Thoughts  (hardcover with d.j.; $4.00; Friends; 9 October 2008); ***2nd copy hardcover but no d.j. ($3.00, Ottawa Public Library
------ on Alta Vista, 4 Dec 2023).
Keepers of the Totem by the Editors of Time-Life Books (The Friend's Bookshop; ex-library; $0.50l; April 2009; hardcover without d.j.)
Kelly Clark, Winnipeg, 1998 (softcover, oversized, $3.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta vista Branch; June 2022; MISSING photo on cover page)
Ken Danby, 
by Paul Duval, Clarke, Irwin 1976 (hardcover with d.j.; fine)  ****2nd copy*** signed by the artist (hardcover with d.j.; 9 November 2015; $1.00; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Ken Danby: The New Decade, by Paul Duval (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy signed by Danby*** (bought Village Value; hardcover without d.j.; $3.99; 19 July 2012);
------ ***3rd copy*** (Salvation Army; $2.69; 23 July 2013); ***4th copy (almost mint;  hardcover with d.j.; 6 November 2019; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library, on Alta Vista);
------***5th copy (softcover; 2022)***6th copy (softcover; bought Vikkage, 1 March 2023)
Killick: a Newfoundland story, The, by Geoff Butler (softcover bought in 2022, I think!)
Kenojuak by Ansgar Walk (hardcover, no d.j., $15.00; Antique Book Store on Bank St, 27 June 2024)
Kenojuak by Jean Blodgett (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library could be changed for a fine; Friends; $2.00; 2 October 2008)
Kittie Bruneau, Centre d'exposition du Vieux Palais (25 mai 2012; Verdun, bric-à-brac rue Wellington; très environ $5.00)
Krieghoff by J. Russell Harper, Toronto University Press,1979 (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy (30 January 2015; $6.00; Value Village)***3rd copy edition 1990 (6 December 2016; Value Village near Fred; $3.00; hardcover with d.j.)
--------***4th copy (hardcover with d.j.; Ottawa Public library on Alta Vista; $2.00; 11 Octobr 2017); ***5th copy (without d.j., soft-cover; $2.00, Alta Vista Branch, City of Ottawa Public Library, 17 October 2023).
Krieghoff, Cornelius, narration Chrystine Brouillet (hardcover; book bought by Gisele; Dec 15; about $5.00)
Krieghoff: Images du Canada par Dennis Reid (softcover without d.j.)
Kurelek A Biography by Patricia Morley (hardcover with d.j., ex-library, $1.50, 3 March 2008; discarded, Ottawa Public Library)
Kurelek Country by William Kurelek, 1975 (hardcover with d.j.)
Kurelek Country by William Kurelek 1975 ***extra copy*** (hardcover with damaged  d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; 12 November 2010);
Kurelek's Canada by William Kurelek, 1975 (hardcover with d.j.)
Kurelek's Vision of Canada by William Kurelek and Joan Murray (hardcover with  d.j.; 4 June 2010; $5.00; right side bookshop as you come in,
------ Antique store on Bank St.) ***2nd copy*** (mint; 23 Feb 15; Value Village; $5.00; hardcover with d.j.) ***3rd copy ((April 2016; $2.00; softcover; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista);
------***4th copy (about $3.00; Alta Vista, Ottawa Public librart; 4 dec 2023)
Laliberté et Rodin par Odette Legendre (softcover; not library; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.50; septembre 2010)
Land and Sea: Eight Artists from Newfoundland  (softcover without d.j.; 2010)
Land Spirit Power: First Nations at the National Gallery of Canada (softcover; ex-library; $2.00; 22 October 2013; The Friends's Bookshop)
Ladouceur, Collection Signatures (achat d'Agathe Fortin, Chicoutimi, juin 2009; $10.00; hardcover without d.j.)  ***2nd copy (ex-library; $1.00; October 2013; The Friends' Booksop)
-----------****3rd copy (Victoriaville; place ou ils font de l'impot; hardcover with dust jacket; March 2015; $7.00)  ***4e copie (Alta Vista Public Library; Village, 26 février 2019; $3.00 sans d.j.)
Landmarks of Canadian Art by Peter Mellen (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy*** (mint; $1.00; garage sale; 29 August 2014)
Langevin: ombres et lumières / Shadow and Light (Collection Panorama) (hardcover; signed by artist; no d.j.)
Lapierre avec texte de Pierre Paquin (hardcover without d.j., édition 1984; 10 July 2009; L'Échange, rue Mont-Royal; $8.00 plus taxes) ***OTHER EDITION, 1979  (Victoriaville centre d'achats, mars 2016; hardcover with d.j.; $7.75)
Last days and drawings of William Kurelek To My Father's Village, The (hardcover with d.j.)
Last Horizon, The (hardcover with damaged d.j.; September 2015; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Last of the Artic, The by William Kurelek (hardcover with d.j.***j'ai trois fois au total!!!!***)
Last Page First by Allan Fotheringham with Roy Peterson (hardcover with d.j.; achete en 2014); ***2nd copy (mint, hardcover with d.j.; May 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library)
Laszlo, (hardcover with case; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library Main downtown; 14 April 2015)
Laurentians, Painters in a Landscape, The, (The Friend's Bookshop; not ex-library; $2.00; 12 May 2009; softcover without d.j.) ****2nd copy (The Friend's Bookshop; ex-library;
      $1.00; 6 April 2011; hardcover without d.j.; binding could be by library); ***3rd copy (softcover without d.j.; 29 February 2016; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Laval : vingt-cinq ans, vingt-cinq artistes / par Jacques de Roussan et Lise Larochelle Roy ;
Lawren Harris
by Bess Harris and R.G.P. Colgrove (hardcover without d.j. but in box; ex library; box is not in good shape)
Lawren Harris by Bess Harris and R.G.P. Colgrove, softcover ed. 1976p (softcover without d.j.; 2 June 2014; $2.50)
Lawren Harris: Retrospective Exhibition, 1963 (softcover without d.j.; bought from Mr. Cameron on Bank St.; October 2010; $10.00)  
Lawren Harris: An Introduction to his Life and Art by Joan Murray (hardcover without d.j.)
Lawren S. Harris: Urban Scenes and Wilderness Landscapes (softcover with no d.j.; $1.00; 27 June 2014; ex libris downtown)
L'Éden, côté jardin: l'art populaire canadien en plein air (hardcover with d.j.)
Lefebvre 1991 publié par la Galerie Vincent (softcover; $1.00; 29 mars 2011; The Friends' Bookshop)
légende dans l'art québécois, La (softcover without d.j.)
Légendes, coutumes métiers de la Nouvelle-France, Bronzes d'alfred Laliberté (ex-library; $4.50; The Friends' Bookshop; 5 June 2012)
Legends of the Gaspé / Légendes gaspésiennes, illustrations de Claude Picher, Musée de la Gaspésie (softcover without d.j.; $1.20; The Friends' Bookshop; June 2010)
Legs MacCallum, Le / The MacCallum Bequest  (softcover without d.j.)   ***2 copies***
Lemieux, by Guy Robert, 1975, English version (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; $3.00)
Lemieux, by Guy Robert, 1975, English version, 2nd copy, (hardcover without d.j.; ex-library; $3.00)
Lemieux, par Guy Robert, Stanké, 1975 version française, (hardcover with d.j.; $30.00; antique store on Bank St.)  ***2nd copy*** (ex-lib; 16 Jun 14; $3.00; Ex Libris)
L'envol des signes, par Gilles Lapointe (softcover with d.j.)
L'envol des signes, par Gilles Lapointe (softcover with d.j; $1.00; ex-library)  ***2nd copy***
Leo Mol, Sculpture Garden (softcover without d.j.; $7.50; October 2015; Timeless Treasures)
Léon Bellefleur, 1968, National Gallery/Galerie nationale, bilingue/bilingual (softcover)
Lest we forget paintings by Charles Pachter ((softcover; $2.00; Public Library on Alta Vista; February 2018)
L'Estampe au Québec, 1900-1950, par Denis Martin (softcover with no d.j.; $15.00; 30 November 2012; Antique shop on Bank St, boot of Mr. David Cameron); ***2nd copy*** but hardcover
------, ex-library with cover glued; $3.00; June 2014)
L'Estrie ses trésors, Promotions Ad Librium Inc., 1996 (hardcover without d.j.; $4.19; 2 September 2011; Value Village, Bank St.)
L'hotel du Parlement, 1981 (hardcover with d.j.; $1.00; ex-library of the Australian High Commission; numéro 361 hors commerce; 18 June 2012);
L'Hôtel du Parlement: témoin de notre histoire, [Québec] : Assemblée nationale, ©1986, (harcover with d.j., purchased probably in 2022)
Liberation, The Canadians in Europe  by Bill McAndre et al. (hardcover with d.j.)
Life and work of Alexander Bercovitch artist, The, by Robert Adams (hardcover with d.j.; $80.00; book section store in antique store on Bank St.; 20 May 2010)
Life of Emily Carr, The, by Paula Blanchard  (hardcover with d.j.; end 2019-begining 2020; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista);
---------***2nd copy, ex-library, $3.00, 19 September 2023, hardcover with plastic stuck on it everywhere;
Life of Yousuf Karsh (hardcover with d.j.; August 2015; Ottawa Public Library) ***2nd copy (harcover with d.j.; ex-library copy; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Light for a Cold Land Lawren Harris's Work and Life -- An Interpretation (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $24.00; hardcover with d.j.)
Like vision the group of seven & Tom Thomson by Peter and Camilla Dalglish (hardcover with no d.j.; $5.25; April 2024; Value Village)
Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald: The Development of An Artist  (softcover with no d.j.;$1.50; The Friends' Bookshop downtown; 15 April 2012); ***2nd copy
------(softcover without d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 12 November 1924)
Littérature québécoise: des origines à nos jours: textes et méthodes (Plessisville; Orapé; décembre 2014; $1.50)
Littorio Del Signore / Hugues de Jouvancourt ; translation by Nancy Côté, 1984,  (Victoriaville; livres usages dans centre d'achat; mars 2016; hardcover without d.j.; $7.75)
Living in Style: Fine Furniture in Victorian Quebec (hardcover with d.j.)
Living Past of Montreal--Le Passé Vivant de Montréal dessins de D. Wilson (softcover with no d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 8 nov 2022).
Lord Dalhousie, mécène et collectionneur (softcover; no d.j.)  ***2 copies en français***
Lord Dalhousie Patron and Collector (softcover with no d.j.; ex libris, Alta Vista, 5 October 2014; $2.00) ***2nd English copy (14 May 2015; Ottawa Public Library, Main branch downtown; $2.00; softcover;
------***3rd copy Value Village, August 2022, softcover with no d.j.; $3.00)***4th copy (Value, Aug or July 2022; $2.93)
Lords of the Stone: An Anthology of Eskimo Sculpture, by Alistair Macduff et al. (hardcover with d.j.; not ex-library; The Friends' Bookshop; $4.50; circa November-December 2009)
Louis de Niverville Retrospective: The Robert McLaughlin Gallery Oshawa by Joan Murray (softcover without d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.00; 19 May 2010)
Louis Jaques, Collection signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
Louis Jobin: maître-sculpteur par Mario Béland (hardcover with d.j.)
Louis-Philippe Hébert, publié par le Musée du Québec (softcover) ***2nd copy in French (27 nov 2015; Ottawa Public Library near Fred; $1.00; softcover)
Louis Muhlstock, Galerie Montcalm, 1995 (softcover without d.j.)
loups de ma forêt, Les / texte et illustrations de Claude Lafleur (cadeau de Jean-Paul Bellemare; mars 2016; bibliothèque Bellemare)
Lucius R. O'Brien: Visions of Victorian Canada (softcover without d.j.)
Lumberjack, by William Kurelek (hardcover with d.j.)
Lumberjack, by William Kurelek (softcover without d.j., September 2014; Ex Libris on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Lunenburg: an illustrated History (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; March 2016)
M/11, La Revue du Musée des Beaux-arts Montréal, numro M/11, ,septembre à décembre 2011
MacPherson  Cartoons 1971
MacPherson Editorial Cartoons 1976 (Value Village near Fred; 21 September 2014; $2.00; softcover)
Macpherson's Canada (hardcover without d.j. in box)
Macpherson World Events Reportage Drawings... (hardcover with d.j.)
Arnasungaaq, Barnabus, 1924-2017
M.A. Fortin, texte de Jacques de Roussan (hardcover with d.j.) *** 2nd copy (with no d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop on Alta Vista; $2.00; 4 June 2013)
M.A. Fortin, Centre culturel de Verdun, du 4 au 25 mai 1968 (gratuit, don de Mme Goyettem Alta Vista Library, 22 August 2024)
Magazin' Art (Printemps 1993) 5e année, numéro 3
Magazin' Art (été 1993) 5e année, numéro 4
Magazin' Art (hiver/winter 2000/2001) 13e année, numéro 2
Magazin' Art (automne/Fall 2001), 14e année, numéro 1
Magazin' Art (printemps/spring 2005), 17e année, numéro 67
Magazin' Art (printemps/spring 2006), 18e année, numéro 71
Magazin' Art (automne/Fall 2005), 18(3) année, numéro 69
Magazin' Art (automne/Fall 2006), 19e année, numéro 73 ***may have more than one
Magazin' Art (hiver 2006-2007), 19e année, numéro 74
Magazin' Art (automne/Fall 2006), 20e année, numéro 77
Magazin' Art (été 2008) numéro 80
Magazin' Art (printemps/spring 2010), numéro 89
Magazin' Art (hiver 2010-2011), numéro 90
Magazin' Art (automne--Fall 2012, numéro 97)
Magazin'art répertoire Biennal des artistes canadiens en galleries 1998-1999 (hardcover with d.j.; $1.00; 25 June 2013; The Friends' Bookshop downtown)
------***2e copie*** ($7.00, Value Village; 29 janvier 2025)
Magazin'art répertoire Biennal des artistes canadiens en galleries 2000-2001 (hardcover with d.j.); ***2e copie*** ($7.00, Value Village; 29 janvier 2025)
Magazin'art répertoire Biennal des artistes canadiens en galleries 2002-2003 (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy*** (garage sale, August 2013; $1.00)
Magazin'art répertoire Biennal des artistes canadiens en galleries 2002-2003 (acheté en 2017 à Vitoriaville, la place des taxes; $5.00 avec un autre livre, je crois)
Magnificent Decade: Harold Town: 1955-1965 (softcover without d.j.; $2.50; Hull/Loisirs; 19 August 2008)
Magnificient Derelicts: A Celebration of Older Buildings, by Ronald Woodall (hardcover with d.j.)
Main et l'outil, Arts anciens et traditions artisanales du Québec, La (softcover without d.j.)
maître de la peinture, Un (library hardcover; $0.50, 16 April 2008; Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association)
maitrise d'art en Canada, une (1800-1823) ($8.00; Victoriaville; Librairie Délivrez-nous; septembre 2013)
Making it New! (the big sixties show) (softcover; $10.00, Cameron Store on Bank with Antiques Store; 28 Aug 2014); ***2nd copy ($1.50; Ottawa Public Library downtown; 27 April 2015)
Making of the Nation: A Century of Challenge, The (Hardcover with poor d.j.; $5.24 Value Village near home; 18 December 2015)
Les mammifères de mon pays, livre illustré par Duchesnay, Saint-Denys Juchereau 1955 ($2.00, Bibliothèque d'Ottawa, janvier 2025; $2.00)
Man who Makes Heads with his Hands, The by Harold Pfeiffer (hardcover with d.j.; May 2014; $5.00)
Manawa: Pacific Heartbeat (softcover without d.j.)
Mannish / Comme un homme, The Ottawa Art Library, 2009 (softcover with no d.j.; $1.00; Friends' Bookshop; 8 September 2009)
Manuel de l'artiste, Le par Ray Smith (hardcover; Dec 2022; Value Cillage ou Ottawa Public Library; $3 to $4)
Manuel de bienséances : 4e et 5e années / par un groupe de professeurs; illustrations de M. Petitdidier (livre que Jean-Paul Belle m'a donné à Plessisville; mars 2016)
Marc-A. Fortin 1888-1970, VHS, film d'André Gladu, 1983, (payé environ $1.00; Friends, October 2008)
Marc-Aurèle Fortin par Jacques Lamarche (Collection biographique; célibrités) (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 16 March 2013; second hand books, Ottawa Public Library near Frédéric)
Marc-Aurèle Fortin en Gaspésie, (hardcover without d.j.; Librarie Bonheur d'occasion, Montréal, $20.00; 10 July 2009)
Marc-Aurèle Fortin: l'homme à l'oeuvre, par Guy Robert, Stanké, 1976
Marc-Aurèle Fortin: The Experience of Colour by Michèle Grandbois, Québec : Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, ©2011 (Value Village, 20 August 2024, softcover without d.j., $4.89)
Marcel Barbeau: Le regard en fugue par Carolle Gagnon et Ninon Gauthier (hardcover with d.j.)
Marcel Baril: figure enigmatique de l'art québécois par Phlippe Dubé et al. (hardcover with d.j.)
Marché de la peinture au Québec -- III -- Cotes en galerie édition 1991/1992, Jacques de Roussan
Maria Chapdeleine, Art Global ($5.00; Dec 2015; Victoriaville Income TaxPlace & second hand books)
Maria Chapdeleine, Illustrations Gagnon, Suzor-Cote ($1.00; 18 March 2016; Ottawa Public Library near Fred; softcover without d.j.)
Marian Dale Scott: Pionnière de l'art moderne (sofcover without d.j.; $35.00; Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec; 3 août 2009)
Marie-Hélène Allain : la symbolique de la pierre (hardcover without d.j.; $15.00; October 2015; Timeless Treasures)
Marie-Josée Laframboise : ensembles réticulaires = Marie-Josée Laframboise : network installations (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; January 2016; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Mario Merola, par Jacques de Roussan, 1970, Collection Panorama (softcover without d.j.)
Mario Merola Desasins, par Robert Melançon (softcover without d..j.; Downtown Ex Libris; 1 May 2014; $1.00)
Markowsky: Drawings -- Dessins, by Claude A. Bouchard (spiral binding)
Mary Anne Barkhouse The Reins of Chaos / Les rênes du chaos ($0.50, July 2009; Friends' Bookshop; softcover without d.j.)
Mary Pratt, by Sandra Gwyn and Gerta Moray, 1989 (hardcover with d.j.)
Masks & Shadows: The Art of Ivan Eyre (softcover without d.j.; Timeless Treasures; $7.50; 12 July 2013)
Massey Collection of Englis Painting ($2.00; 4 Dec 2023; softcover with no d.j.; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista).
Master Drawings from the National Gallery of Canada (August 2016; Ottawa Public Library at Alta Vista; softcover with no d.j.; $2.00)
Master Pieces of Canadian Art from the National Gallery of Canada by David Burnett (Hradcover with d.j.); ****2nd copy mint (July-August, $5.00; library Alta Vista) **
Masters of The Crafts (I also have the two French version-- "De main de maitre"; hardcover with d.j.; $1.00; Friends; 10 February 2010)
Masterpieces -- Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven, by Joan Murray (bought new; $20.00; 12 September 2008; softcover without d.j.) ****2nd copy (softcover without d.j.; bought Village near home; 2019; about $5.00)
Maud's Country Landscapes that inspired the art of Maude Lewis (Hardcover with d.j.; $1.00; 10 August 2015; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Maurice Cullen 1866-1934 by Sylvia Antoniou, bilingual text ( (softcover without d.j. $15.00; right side bookshop as you come in, Antique store on Bank St.; 8 May 2010)***2nd copy
------(ex-library; hardcover with d.j.; Ottawa Public Library downtown; $1.00; 30 March 2016); 3rd copy (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 29 September 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown)
Maurice Cullen 1866-1934 by The Art Gallery of Hamilton, 1956 (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; 8 October 2019; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Maurice Cullen et son cercle (softcover; without d.j.; National Gallery; 18 February 2009; $6.95)
Maurice Gaudreault un sculpteur d'histoires (softcover without d.j.; 18 April 2014; Value Village; $4.95)
Max Boucher, peintre-sculpteur, par René Pageau (softcover without d.j.)
Max Maynard: Landscape as Metaphor by Nicholas Tuele (softcover without d.j.; 22 October 2010; $2.00; Village store on Bank St.)
Maxwell Bates: Canada's premier Expressionist of the 20th Century (new; 27 Jan 2009; National Gallery; $19.95 + GST; softcover)
McMichael Canadian Collection, The, 1983 (softcover without d.j.); ***also extra copy;
McMichael Canadian Collection, The, 1989 (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; Ex Libris on Alta Vista; 24 November 2014);
Médard Bourgault: sculpteur, par Angeline Saint-Pierre, 1972 (softcover without d.j.)
Memoirs of an Art Dealer by G. Blair Laing (hardcover without d.j;  Benjamin Books; $25.00; 27 November 2010)
Memoirs of an Art Dealer 2 by G. Blair Laing (hardcover without d.j; Patrick McGahern Books, Inc.; $16.00; 25 November 2010)
Memories of a Governor General's Daughter with illustrations by Tony Urquhart (hardcover with d.j.; $1.50; 2017)
meubles anciens du Canada français, par Jean Palardy, 1971 (hardcover; without d.j.; library) ***2nd copy (hardcover without d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library brancon Alta Vista; 22 April 2015)
M Leroux (collection Signatures); note: Michel Leroux ; *** also 2nd copy
Mia and Klaus, Le Québec des grands espaces (in box; was bound as a hardcover; lovely work! $3.00; Ottawa Public Library Alta Vista, 22 January 2025)
Miller Brittain: When the Stars Threw Down Their Spears by Tom Smart (hardcover with d.j.; new; $60.00; National Gallery; 26 November 2008)
Michael Forster (1907-2002) an inner landscape (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 2016; bought I don't remember where!!!)
Micheline Beauchemin aux /éditions du passage par Laurier Lacroix (hardcover with d.j.; Ex Libris at center Town; 10 February 2015; $2.00)******2nd copy mint still wrapped
------( 25 March 2015; $3.00; Friends of the library at downtown)
??????? moment dans l'histoire, un : vingt ans d'acquisition...(softcover without d.j.; 30 May 2011; $1.50; The Friends' Bookshop)
Milutin Gubash, Kitchener, Ont. : Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, 2013 ($2.00; Ottawa Pubic Library Alta Vista; bought in Feb or Mar 1917; hardcover without d.j.)
Modern Painting in Canada: Major Movements in Twentieth Century Canadian Art
(hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $3,00; 6 Oct 2015; Value village)
-------***3rd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $3,00; 12 March 2019; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Modern Painting in French Canada, by Guy Viau, 1967 (softcover, without d.j.; ex-library)
Modernism in Quebec Art, 1916-1946 by Jean-René Ostiguy (softcover without d.j.) also ***2nd copy*** ***3rd copy (mint; Alta Vista Ottawa Public Library; $2.00; 17 August 2015)
-------- French version = Les esthétiques modernes au Québec de 1916 à 1946
Molinari, une rétropective (softcover without d.j.; $12.00 juillet 2013; used bookshop of Mr. Cameron on Bank St.)
Mon Québec, GéEé Gingras ((hardcover, Victoriaville chez le faiseur de rapports d'impots; juillet 2015; $5.00)
Monde de Louis-Philippe Hébert, Musée des Beaux-arts du Canada, Éducation et programmes publics Art, 2001 (20 August 2024, Alta Vista Library, free with Mrs Goyette, soft cover...very few pages).
Monica Tap (softcover; $2.00; Alta Vista Public Library; 18 January 2018)
Monique Mercier (Collection Signatures)
Mont Royal A World Apart -- Un monde à part, par Linda Rutenberg (hardcover with d.j.; August 2015)
Montréal, Michel Tétreault art contemporain (softcover without d.j.; $2.00 The Friends' Bookshop, Alta Vista Branch; 30 January 2012)
Montréal : la nature en ville / Jocelyne Bouchard (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; City of Ottawa Public Library near Fred; new with pastic; 9 April 2016)
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: Painting, Sculpture  Decorative Arts, The, 1960 (softcover without d.j.)
Montreal/Souvenirs (hardcover without d.j.; September 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown; $1.50)
Montréal vu par les peintres / Montréas as seen by Painters (softcover without d.j.; ex-library)
Montreal Yesterdays: More Stories from All Our Yesterdays, Montréal : The Gazette, ©1989, illustrations by John Collins (harcover with no d.j.; May 2023; Salvation Army on Alta Vista; $3.60)
Morrice par John Lyman, 1945 en français (softcover without d.j.; Loisirs/Hull; $2.00; 19 August 2008)
Morrice: A Gift to the Nation: The G. Blair Laing Collection (softcover without d.j.)
Morrice: A Great Canadian Artist Rediscovered by G. Blair Laing, 1984 (hardcover with d.j.)
Morrice: Painter of Light and Shadow (softcover without d.j.; $7.50; Timeless Treasures; 12 July 2013)
Mountains and the Sky, by Lorne E. Render, 1974 (2 copies; hardcover with d.j.; other, hardcover with integrated d.j.; new binding)
Murals From a Great Canadian Train (softcover; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library near Fred; June 2019)
Murs et murales par Victor Pilon (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; Friends; $1.50; 27 November 2008)  
Musée d'art de Joliette, Le, par Wilfrid Corbeil (softcover without d.j.)
Musée du Québec, les cahiers de recherche (un livre relié bibliothèque; The Friends' Bookshop; février 2011; $0.50)
  - Le musée du Québec : Histoire d'une instituition nationale par Jean Hamelin (cahiers de recherche; 1)
  - Le musée du Québec : Les expositions des origines à 1990 par Mario Béland (cahiers de recherche; 2)
  - Le musée du Québec : son public et son milieu par Fernand Harvey (cahiers de recherche; 3)
  - Le musée du Québec : L'architecture du Pavillon Gérard-Morisset par Luc Noppen (cahiers de recherche; 4)
Muskoka Originals Artistry and Inspiration on...(hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public library downtown while going to the dentist Dr. Landau; 20 November 2019)
Muskokas's Main Street (softcover with no d.j.; 12 April 2016; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00)
My 15 Years of Cartooning Brian Mulroney by Aislin (softcover; January 2018; $2.00)
My Heart Soars
by Chief Dan George, Drawings by Helmut Hirnschall (hardcover with d.j.)
N. Poirier, directeur André Fortier, Marcel BRoquet, Collection Signatures, 1982, ($3.00; Alta Vista Library through Mme Goyette, hardcover, 20 August 2024).
Naïfs...ces peintres du Québec et de l'Acadie (hardcover with d.j.)
Napachie Pootoogook (softcover without d.j.)
Napoléon Bourassa (1827-1916): introduction à l'étude de son art, par Raymond Vézina, 1976 (hardcover without d.j.)
Napoléon Bourassa : l'homme et l'artiste, par Roger Le Moine (softcover without d.j.)
National Gallery of Canada, The, by Jean Sutherland Boggs, 1971 (hardcover with d.j., ex-library...could be changed)
National Gallery of Canada, The, by Jean Sutherland Boggs, 1971 *** 2nd copy*** (hardcover with d.j., like new; Village; $4.00; 30 December 2011)
National Gallery of Canada, The, Bulletin, 8/1966
National Gallery of Canada, The, Bulletin, 11/1968
National Gallery of Canada, The, Bulletin, 15/1970
National Gallery of Canada, The, Bulletin, 18/1971
National Gallery of Canada, The, Bulletin, 20/1972 ***2nd copy (March 2016)
National Gallery of Canada, The, Bulletin, 21/1973
National Gallery of Canada, The, Bulletin, 22/1973
National Gallery of Canada, The, Bulletin 30/1977 also ***2nd copy
National Gallery of Canada: Catalogue of European Drawings by A.E. Opoham and K.M. Fenwick; Vol. IV of the National Gallery Catalogue, 1965 (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; $2.00; The Friends' Bookshop; 7 March 2011)
National Gallery of Canada: Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture -- Volume II: Modern European Schools, The, by R.H. Hubbard, 1959 (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; The Friends' Bookshop; ex-library book)
National Gallery of Canada: Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture -- Volume III: Canadian School, The, by R.H. Hubbard, 1960 (hardcover without d.j.)
National Gallery of Canada: Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture -- Volume III: Canadian School, The, by R.H. Hubbard, 1960 (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; The Friends' Bookshop; ***2nd copy)
National Gallery of Canada: Guide, 1988, English (softcover without d.j.)
Native Arts of North America by Christian F. Feest (softcover without d.j.; 17 Feb 2012; $2.50; The Friends' Bookshop)
Natura by Louise Tanguay, Les éditions de l"homme (hardcover, mint; no d.j.; Jan 2024, je crois; $3.00, je crois at Ottawa Public library)
Native North American Art (softcover without d.j.; $3.00); ***2nd copy mint (mint, softcover without d.j.; $2.00; 30 August 2023; Alta Vista Ottawa Public Library)
Nérée de Grâce, Colllection Signatures (Friends'Bookshop; $0.75; 24 June 2009; ex-library; yes could change for a better one)
new class of art, the artist's print in Canadian art, 1877-1920, A; (Benjamin Books near Faculty of Law; 12 October 2010; $20.00;  softcover without d.j.; I also have the French version )
New territories : 350/500 years after..., 1992 (softcover without d.j.)
Nicole Foreman, Collection Signatures ($30.00; Mr. Craig, Nepean; 30 juillet 2009; hardcover without d.j.)
Nineteenth-Century Pottery and Porcelain in Canada (hardcover with d.j.; 17 December 2013; Alta Vista Public Library -- Friends' Bookshop; $2.00) ****2nd copy (softcover; 10 July
------ 2019; $1.00; Alta Vista Public Library)
Ninstints: Site haïda du patrimoine mondial par George F. MacDonald (softcover; without d.j.)
Norman Hudon  par Jacques de Roussan, 1967, Collection Panorama (softcover without d.j.)
Normand Hudon: humour et humanisme/Humour and humanism par Jacques de Roussan, 1988 (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy; library copy; Ex Libris; Center Town;$1.00;
------ 2 June 2014); third copy (hardcover with d.j.; March 2024; bought Value Village; $4.89)
North American Indian Art  by David W. Penney (softcover, no d.j.; $2.00; )
North American Indian Art: Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial ...(hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; 29 April 2010; The Friends' Bookshop)
North by South: The Art of Peleg Franklin Brownell (1857-1946) (softcover without d.j.)
Northern Blights more than anyone needs to Mary Geggie et al. (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 18 July 2011; bibliothèque municipale près d"Alexandre)
Northern Light: the enduring mystery of Tom Thomson, (hardcover with d.j.; 21 Feb 2020; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Northern Lights, Masterpieces...
, by Joan Murray (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; The Friends' Bookshop; $3.50; 23 December 2009)
Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form by Bill Holm (softcover without d.j.; 12 November 2014; $5.00; Value Village on Bank)
Norval Morrisseau, Lorraine Létourneau (Collection biographique; célibrités) (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 16 March 2013; second hand books, Ottawa Public Library near Frédéric)
Norval Morrisseau Exhibition  "Honoring First Nations", (softcover without d.j., $2.00, Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista, 29 January 2024)
Norval Morrisseau: Return to the House of Invention, 2005 (harcover with d.j.)
Norval Morrisseau: Travel to the House of Invention, 1997 (harcover with d.j.)
NoteBooks Thoreau MacDonald (softcover; mint; $12.00; used bookshop David Cameron on Bank St; 26 July 2010)
Notre-Dame de Québec: Son architecture et son rayonnement (1647-1922) par Luc Noppen, 1974 (softcoverr without d.j.; not ex-library; Friends; $2.00; 20 janvier 2009)
Notre histoire, notre mémoire : hommage à nos bâtisseurs, 1608-2000 (March 2016; $0.50; Ottawa Public Library, downtown; softcover without any d.j.)
Notre patrie le Canada: mémoires sur les aspirations nationales
[...] par Dennis Reid, 1979(hardcover with d.j. -- ***2 copies)
Nouvel art: L'estampe originale auCanada de 1877 à 1920, Un
(softcover without d.j.; I also have the English version, NewClass of Art..., A)
nouvelle tapisserie québécoise, La (hardcover -- library made with glue; 2013; $0.50; The Friends' Bookshop)
Nova Scotia Folk Art (hardcover; library binding; $1.00; 5 August 2011)
Nova Scotia Sketch Book, by L.B. Jenson, 1971, 4th printing (hardcover without d.j., avpr-May 2017; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library at Alta Vista)
Nu dans l'art au Québec, Le, par Jacques de Roussan, 1982 (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy*** (Timeless Treasures; $30.00; 15 June 2013; harcover with d.j.)
-------3rd copy (hardcover with d.j,.,$3.00, Vito, place pour les taxes, august 2021)
Nude in Canadian Painting, The, by Jerrold Morris (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy idem, good condition, $3.00, Alta Vista Branch, Ottawa Public Library
Nu-tka The History and Survival of Nootkan Culture (Sound Heritage) (softcover without d.j.; Dec 2023; Saint-Vincent-de-Paul; about $2-3)
Nuvisavik là ou nous tissons (softcover; $1.00, 12 June 2018; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Nuvisavik the place where we weave (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $12.00; softcover without d.j.)
Oakville, a place of some importance / by Clare McKeon and Joseph P. McKeon (hardcover with d.j.; probably April 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Ojibway dream, The / Arthur Shilling ($10.00; April 2015; Benjamin Books near Ottawa U, Faculty of Law; hardcover with d.j.)
O Toronto, by William Kurelek (hardcover with d.j.; signed)
Objets d'art, oeuvres d'artisans: la Collection de la Fondation Massey (softcover without d.j.; bought in 2013)***2nd copy ($1.00; 4 Dec 2017; Ottawa Public Library branch near Fred)
Oeuvres de chair par Yves Thériault avec illustrations par Louisa Nicol
Objets de civilisation, Musée de la Civilisation (hardcover without d.j.)
oeuvre de Geneviève Deslauriers, L', par Guy Robert (hardcover without d.j.)
oeuvres d'art du Ministère des Travaux publics et de l'approvisionnement : ou la politique du un pour cent, Les ($2.00; hardcover with d.j.; 26 janvier 2011; The Friernds' Bookshop; ex-library)
oeuvres de femmes 1860-1961 ($2.00; November 2016, Used book store Victoriaville on Notre-Dame Street shopping center; hardcover without d.j; end pages damaged by rain.)
Oh, Canada  Contemporary Art from North America ( (no dust jacket; $2.00; Ex Livris on Alta Vista; November 2014)
Oh Canadians Hysterically Historied Rhymes by Aislin (hardcover with no d.j.; bought in 2022 or early 2023)
Oh So Iroquois curated by Ryan Rice, Tellement iroquois

Old Silver of Quebec, The, by Ramsay Traquair (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library)
Olindo Gratton, 1855-1941, par Bernard Mulaire (softcover; without d.j.; ex-library. $2.00, 28 March 2008; The Friends' Bookshop); ****2e copie (mint; Ottawa Public Library on Alta vista;
------$2.00; not ex-library; softcover without d.j.; bought on 28 November 2022)
On the edge of discovery contemporary paintings in a personal context by Blair Thomas Paul (softcover with no d.j.; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 2019; $2.00)
Onley's Artic: Diaries and Paintings of the High Artic (hardcover with d.j.)
orfèvrerie Jean-Guy Monette, L', Collection initiation aux métiers d'art du Québec, 1973 (softcover without d.j.)
On the Edge: Artistic Visions of a Shrinking Landscape by Catherine Gibbon, ed., 1995 (hardcover with d.j.)
On the Edge of discovery contemporary paintings...blair thomas Paul (softcover with no d.j. ; $2.00; 4 April 2019; Ottawa Public library on Alta Vista)
One Man's Obsession by Robert McMichael (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; Alta Vista Branch of Ottawa Library; 3 October 2012); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00;
------near Fred Ottawa Public Library; 6 July 2019)
ONE ON ONE 3, The Spring Portofolio of Contemporary Canadian Photography and Illustration (July 2015; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Ontario 200 Years in Pictures (softcover with no d.j. bought before 2021)
Ontario Collection, The, by Fern Bayer, 1984 (harcover with d.j.)
Ontario Community Collects: a survey of Canadian painting from 1766 to the present, The, by William C. Forsey (harcover with d.j. glued inside)
Ontario Fraktur: A Pennsylvania-German Folk Tradition in Early Canada (hardcover with dust jacket; 1 December 2014; $2.00; Ex libris on Alta Vista)***2nd copy
------(Alta Vista Branch; $2.00; May 2015; hardcover with d.j.); ***3rd (hardcover with d.j.; $5.13, 26 November 2024, Value Village)
Ontario of Yesterday: Pictorial Record by Nick and Helma Mika (hardcover with d.j.)
Ordinary Magic: A Biographical Sketch of Alex Colville ... (hardcover with d.j.; $25.00; Benjamin Books; August 2010)
Orfèvrerie québécoise, Musée des Beaux-Arts du Canada (softcover without d.j.)
orfèvres de Nouvelle-France, Les, par Robert Derome (20 Aug 14; $1.50; hardcover; ex libris downtown)
Other A.Y. Jackson: A Memoir, The by O.J. Firestone (hardcover with  d.j.; 4 June 2010; $12.50; right side bookshop as you come in, Antique store on Bank St.)
Other Places (Image;3) (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U, Faculty of Law; April 2015; $3.75; softcover without d.j.; book on photography by the National Film Board)
Other Ramifications: Paintings and Drawings by John Clark (softcover without d.j.; March 2010; Book Market; circa $3.99)
Ottawa: A Pictorial Record/Recueil iconographique, by Charles P. DeVolpi1964 (hardcover withour d.j.; $3.50; Friends; November 2008)
Ottawa Country: a historical guide to tyhe National Capital Region, The by Bond (Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch, 2024, $5.00; softcober with d.j.)
Ottawa Valley Portofolio, The by Pat & Rosemarie Keough (haedcover with d.j.; $2.00; April 2016)
Out of the Silence (hardcover with mylar clear plastic dust jacket; mint; no ex-lib; 2 Sep 14; Ex Libris Alta Vista; $2.00)
Our Own Country Canada by Dennis Reid (17 Feb 2012; $25.00; hardcover with d.j.; Cameron used Book Store, Bank Store, magason d'antquités)
Overland to Oregon in 1845: Impressions of a Journey across North America by H.J. Ware (Friends Bookshop; softcover without d.j.; $1.75; 2010)
Ozias Leduc, par Paul Gladu (Collection; Signatures) (ex-library) ***2nd copy*** (mint, Book Market; 20 Nov 2014; $11.00)
Ozias Leduc et son dernier grand oeuvre  par Lévis Martin (août 2008; $15.00; no d.j.)
Ozias Leduc peinture symboliste et religieuse par Jean-René Ostiguy, 1974 (softcover; ex-library; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista 29 January 2023 in French)
P.  Soulikias, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
P.V. Beaulieu, Collection Signatures (hardcover with d.j.)
Pageant of Canada, A. / Pages d'histoire du Canada (softcover without d.j.); *** also 2nd copy mint compare with 1st (November 2010)
Painter's Country: the autobiography of A.Y. Jackson, A, 1958 (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; friends of the Library; June 2008; $1.00); ****2nd copy but in paperback (Oct 2015; $2.00)
------3rd copy (paperback, 26 Feb 2024; $1.00; Ottawa Public Library Alta Vista);
Painter's Harvest: The Works of Peter Etril Snyder, A (hardcover no d.j.; $5.00; The Friends' Bookshop; not ex-library; 20 November 2008)
Painters in a New Land: From Annapolis Royal to the Klondike (hardcover with d.j.)
Painting Canada by Peter Etril and Marilyn Snyder (Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista; new; $3.00 April 2022)
Painting Friends: The Beaver Hall Women Painters by Barbara Meadopwcroft (softcover without d.j.; 20 December 2013; $5.00; Value Village)
Painting in Canada: A History, by J. Russell Harper, 1st ed., 1966 (hardcover with d.j. glued inside)
Painting in Canada: A History, by J. Russell Harper, 1st ed., 1966 (hardcover with no d.j.; $3.00; Ex Libris centre-ville; 10 February 2015)
Painting in Canada: A History, by J. Russell Harper, 2nd ed., 1977 (booksize, hardcover without a d.j.)
Painting in Canada: A History, by J. Russell Harper, 2nd ed., 1977 (hardcover without a d.j.; mint condition; 23 September 2015; $2.00, Ottawa Public Library downtown)
Painting in Canada: A History, by J. Russell Harper, 2nd ed., 1977 (hardcover without a d.j.; mint condition; 19 October 2016; $2.00, Ottawa Public Library Alta Vista)
Painting in Canada: A History, by J. Russell Harper, 2nd ed., 1985 reprint (softcover without a d.j.; $2.00; Friends' Bookshop; 8 septembre 2010)
Painting in Canada: A History, by J. Russell Harper, 2nd ed., 1978 reprint (softcover without a d.j.; $1.00; Friends' Bookshop downtown; 16 March 2016)
Painting in Canada: A History, by J. Russell Harper, 2nd ed., 1981 reprint (softcover without a d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista , 26 April 2022)
Painting in Canada: A History, by J. Russell Harper, 2nd ed., 1985 reprint (softcover without a d.j.; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista , 4 November 2022)
Painting in Canada A Selective Historical Survey (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $16.00; softcover  with no d.j.)
Painting in Canada: Canadian Government Pavilion Expo 67 (softcover without d.j.)
Painting in Quebec 1820-1850: Essays (softcover without d.j.; 23 March 2016; Cameron in Antiques on Bank St; $15.00)
Painting Place: the Life and Work of David B. Milne, by David P. Silcox, 1996 (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; 24 June 2016; Value Village near Home; $14.69)
Paintings by J.F. Landsdowne, Birds from the Eastern Forest: 1 (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; Friends; $4.00; November 2008)
Paintings by J.F. Landsdowne, Birds from the Northern Forest, (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00...great deal!; The Friends' Bookshop near Alex; 17 June 2013
Paintings from Nova Scotia from the Collection of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (hardcover with d.j.)
Panorama de la sculpture au Québec 1945-1970 (softcover without d.j.)
Panorama peinture au Québec 1940-1966 (softcover without d.j.)
Papier 14 (softcover; octobre 2015)
Paraskeva Clark: Peinture et Dessins, par Mary E. MacLachlan, en français (softcover without d.j.; Friends; not ex-library; $1.00; 17 February 2009)
Paradis du monde: l'art populaire au Québec, Les, par Pascale Galipeau (softcover without d.j.)
Parcours: L'informateur des arts, été 1998, 4(2) ($0.50, The Friends' Bookshop, March 2008)
Parcours: L'informateur des arts, été 1998, 4(3); ($0.50, The Friends' Bookshop, March 2008)
Par delà l'horizon -- autobiographie par Thérèse Frère (softcover; $1.00; August 2013)
Parole changée en pierre: Vie et oeuvre de Davidialuk Alasuaq, artiste inuit du Québec arctique, La (softcover; without d.j. $1.00, The Friends' Bookshop; 11 March 2008)
Paroles de l'art par Normand Biron (softcover without d.j.; $4.50; Friends but not ex-library) ***2nd copy (softcover in box!; Victoriaville centre d'achat; $8.00; 9 décembre 2014)
Patrick Hayman: The Visionary and the New Frontier, 1985 (softcover without d.j.)
Passion for Painting: Army Dryer's Artwork (hardcover with d.j.; $1.00; bought in 2015 or 2016).
Passionate Spirits: A History of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, 1880-1980 by Rebecca Sister (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy but ex-library (26 January 2015;$2.00; Alta Vista Ex Libris)
------ ***3rd copy (mint; $2.00; 11 Jan 16; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Patrie québécoise au début de la Confédération, La, par Mary Fallis Jones ($7.00; Timeless Treasures; October 2013; softcover without d.j.)
Patrimoine religieux au Québec, Le, par Jean Simard (softcover without d.j.)
Patterson Ewen by Matthew Teitelbaum, 1996 (hardcover with d.j.) 
Paul Kane 1810-1871: An exhibition organized by J. Russell Harper, 1971 or 1972 (hardcover with no d.j.)
Paul Kane 1810-1871: An exhibition organized by J. Russell Harper, 1971 or 1972 (softcover; with no d.j.; ex-library; November 2013; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop) ***2nd copy
-----------**** (mint; not library; Sep 2014; $2.00; Ex Libris on Alta Vista)
Paul Kane Sketch Pad (Timeless Treasures; $6.00; 15 June 2013; harcover without d.j.)
Paul Kane's Frontier by J. Russell Harper, 1971 (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; 25 July 2015; Value Village on Wakely; $5.00)
Paul-Émile Borduas 1905-1960, published by the National Gallery, circa 1962 (softcover without d.j; $1.00; 16 Nov 2019; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Paul-Émile Borduas by François-Marc Gagnon, 1988, English version (hardcover with d.j.); ****2nd copy (mint; hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; Ex Libris on Alta Vista; 24 November 2014)
Paul-Émile Borduas by François-Marc Gagnon, English version, Canadian Artists Series (softcover)
Paul-Émile Borduas par François-Marc Gagnon, version française, collection artistes canadiens (softcover without d.j.)
Paul-Émile Borduas: écrits/writings 1942-1958 (softcover with no d.j.; about $10.00; Timeless Treasures; 2 June 2013)
Paul Peel: A Retrospective 1860-1892 by Victoria Baker ($5.99 minus 30% for senior Discount; Value Village Wakeley St., Ottawa; hardcover with no d.j.; 29 November 2022).
Paul Soulikias, réalisé par Marc de Roussan, 1996 (hardcover, Victoriaville chez le faiseur de rapports d'impots; juin 2015; $10.00) *** (hardcover, Victoriaville chez le faiseur de rapports d'impots; juillet 2016; $5.00)
Paul Tex Lecor, Roussan éditeur (hard cover with d.j.; $20.00; used bookshop David Cameron on Bank St; 27 janvier 2011) ****2nd copy ($5.00; Value Village on Cyrville; 24 June 2015; hardcover with d.j.)
Pauline T. Paquin: Jacques de Roussan et Pauline T. Paquin, Pauline T. Paquin : a child's world = le monde des enfants, (hardcover with no d.j., ; about $5.00; Village; June 2024)
Pause: A Sketch Book by Emily Carr, Stoddart, 1995
Pause: A Sketch Book by Emily Carr, first edition 1953 (hardcover without d.j.; $3.00; 8 October 2019; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
without d.j.; $2.00; 8 October 2019; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branh)
Paysage dans la peinture au Québec, Le, par Guy Boulizon (hardcover with d.j.)
Paysage dans la peinture au Québec, Le, par Guy Boulizon  *** 2nd copy*** (hardcover with d.j., like new; Village; $6.00; 30 December 2011)
Pegi by Herself: The Life of Pegi Nicol MacLeod, Canadian Artist by Laura Brandon (hardcover with d.j.); ****2nd copy mint (Value Village near home; 26 November 2019; hardcover with d.j.;$4.19 before taxes)
Peindre un pays: Charlevoix et ses peintres populaires par Richard Dubé et  al. (hardcover without d.j.; collection signatures; acheté Alain Doucet L'Assomption, 21 August 2024; envrion $15.00)
Peintres du Québec -- Collection Maurice & André Corbeil
(softcover, no d.j.); also  ***2nd copy compare with 1st, $1.75, softcover with no d.j., The Friends' Bookshop, not ex-library, 28 Oct 2010
Peintres & paysages du Québec, video VHS, 32 minutes (Friends' Bookshop; October 2009)
Peintres de la montée Saint-Michel un groupe montréalais (1911-1946), Les par Richard Foisy  ($99.00; hard cover with no d.j.; avril 2024, achat renaud Bray)
Peintres juifs de Montréal: témoins de leur époque 1930-1948 (softcover; no d.j.; new; $50.00; August 2008); ***2nd copy (softcover. mint; July 2014; $2.00; Ex Libris on Alta Vista)
Peintres Juifs et modernité Montréal 1930-1945 Jewish Painters and Modernity (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $16.00; softcover without d.j.) ****2nd copy (1 June 2015; $2.00;
------ softcover without d/.j.; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
peinture au Canada, La -- des origines à nos jours, par J. Russell Harper (hardcover with d.j.; $15.00; Loisirs, Hull, P.Q.; 19 August 2008)
peinture au Canada, La -- Le pavillon du Canada Expo 67, par Barry Lord, 1967, français (softcover without d.j.)
peinture au Canada, La -- Le pavillon du Canada Expo 67, par Barry Lord, 1967, français (softcover without d.j.) ***2nd copy
peinture au Québec depuis les années 1960, La, par Robert Bernier, 2002 (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library bound)
peinture au Québec depuis ses origines, La, 3e éd.,  par Guy Robert, 1978 (harcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy but softcover with no d.j.;$1.00; Ex Libris Center Town; $1.00; 2 June 2014)
Peinture au Québec: une nouvelle génération : [exposition] 5 mai -- 23 juin 1985 (softcover without d.j.; $2.50; Loisirs à Hull; 19 August 2008)
Peinture canadienne par Maurice Gagnon ($10.00; Victoriaville; Librairie Délivrez-nous; septembre 2013)
peinture canadienne contemporaine, La
,  par William Withrow traduction de René Chicoine (hardcover with d.j.; $12.50; Hull, Loisirs; 19 August 2008; patched d.j.)
Peinture canadienne des années trente, par Charles C. Hill (softcover; no d.j.)
peinture traditionnelle au Canada français, La,  par Gérard Morisset, 1960, Cercle du Livre de France (hardcover without d.j.)
Peinture vivante au Québec -- Vingt-cinq ans de libération de l'oeil et du geste, (ex-library bound)
Pellan by Germain Lefebvre, 1973, English version (hardcover with box)
Pellan, 1972, 172 p.  ***2nd copy***
Pellan: sa vie et son oeuvre -- his life and his art, par Guy Robert, 1963 (hardcover with d.j.)
Pellan: sa vie, son art, son temps, par Germain Lefebvre, 1986 (hardcover without d.j.; $30.00; L'Échange; 3 août 2009)
Pellan, un film d'André Gladu, VHS (The Friends' Bookshop; May 2010; $0.75)
People's Art: Naïve Art in Canada /L'art populaire: l'art naïf au Canada, by J. Russell Harper, 1973 (library hardcover with d.j. glued; ex library)
People's Art: Primitive, Naïve, Provincial, and Folk Painting in Canada, A, by J. Russell Harper, 1974 (hardcover with d.j.); ***
------I got bought a second copy on 7 June 2024, for $2.00; Ottawa Public Library, used books, near Alex; good condition except d.j. which I am trying to repair     
People Struggle the life and art of Bill Stapleton (softcover with no d.j.; 16 Sep 2019; Ottawa Public Library; $2.00)
People within, The -- Art from Baker Lake / Les gens de l'intérieur -- L'art de Baker Lake (softcover without d.j.)
Permanent Collection -- Thunder Bay Art Gallery, The,  1986 (softcover; no d.j.; $3.00; 7 June 2008);
Personal Mythologies/Images of the Milieu Ivan Eyre, by Terrence Health, 1988, bilingual  (hardcover with d.j.)
Petrigo's Calgary,  Calgary : Petrigo of Canada,  1975 and 1978 (Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista, Ottawa; d.j. with tear hardcover; $3.00; April 2019);
Photography Canada, 1967, [0ttawa] : National Film Board of Canada(series; Image 2) ($3.75; Benjamin Books near Ottawa U; April 2015; softcover without d.j.)
Picher / texte de Paul Dumas; préface de Michel Champagne, Collection Signatures (my copy home does not have the dust jacket)
Picher: la couleur de la Gaspésie, Collection Signatures, 1991 or 1992 (hardcover with no d.j.; bought in 2019) 
Pichet, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
The Pictorial Stage.  Twenty-five years of vision and design at the Shaw Festival,  (soft cover; bought at Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; June 2022; $2.00 or $3.00)
Pictures for the sky --Parallel Flight (softcover; curved a bit by water!!! November 2014)
Pictures from the Douglas M. Duncan Collection, by Frances Duncan Barwick, 1975 (hardcover with d.j.) ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; 16 Sep 2019; Ottawa Public Library; $3.00)
pictorial history of Canada's Army overseas, 1939-1945, (hardcover; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library where?)
Picture Gallery of Canadian History, The by C.W. Jefferys (3 volumes hardcover, no d.j.; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $9.00; 18 March 2024)
Pierre Gilles Dubois, Collection Signatures (hardcover with d.j.)
Pierre Huot: 50 dessins inédits / 50 selected Drawings, by Claude A. Bouchard (spiral binding)
Philippe Hebert Sculpteur par Bruno Hebert (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $7.90; softcover  with no d.j.)
Pilgrim's Progress: The Life and Art of Gerald Trottier, A (hardcover with d.j.; new; $30.00 + GST; National gallery; 27 January 2009)
Pinsonnault par Guy Robert (hardcover with d.j.; $1.50; Friends but not ex-library; 13 juin 2008)
Pipes that won't smoke; Carol Sheehan (softcover with no d.j.; Value village on Walkely; 18 Dec 2022; $4.19)
Pitseolak: Pictures out of my Life (hardcover with no d.j.; $2.00; 21 August 2015; Ottawa Public Library--Alta Vista Branch)
Place in History, A, Twenty Years of Acquiring Paintings... (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; The Friends' Bookshop, Alta Vista Branch; 19 December 2012)
-------2nd copy ($2.00; May-June 2017)
Place for art: the architecture of the National Gallery if Canada, A, by Rybczynski, bilingual (library hardcover with d.j. pasted; $1.00; Friends; March 2009)
Plantae Occidentalis: 200 Years of Botanical Art in British Columbia (softcover without d.j.; $3.00; Value Village; 6 October 2015)
Plasticiens and Beyond, Montreal, The   1955-1970 (softcover; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library; 22 February 2016)
Pluralities -- 1980 -- Pluralités (softcover without d.j.)
Pnina Granirer: Portrait of an Artist by Ted Lindberg (library hardcover with d.j. front pasted; $2.50; 14 October 2011; The Friends' Bookshop)
poésie art pluriel, La, par Jacques Flamand (hardcover with d.j.)
Polish Canadians, The, by William Kurelek (hardcover with d.j.; $15.00; antique place on Bank; 27 Februar 2009); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j., $3.00, Ottawa
------ Public library on Alta Vista, 12 Aug 2023)
Potiers québécois, par Serge Fisette, 1974
Portfoolio 8 : the year in Canadian caricature
Portofolio 13
($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; March 2016; softcover)
Portofolio 15 (
($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; March 2016; softcover)
Portofolio 16 ($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; March 2016; softcover)
Portfoolio 18 : the Year's Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons
Portofolio 20 ($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; March 2016; softcover)
Portofolio 22 ($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; March 2016; softcover) ***2nd copy ($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; March 2016; softcover)
Portofolio 24 ($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; March 2016; softcover)
Portrait du Canada , 1995, ISBN: 0-660-946203 (the only thing I am sure is that I got in in 2016)
Portrait d'un spiritualiste -- Franklin Carmichael
(softcover without d.j; $0.50, ex-libray, Friends, 18 July 2008)
Portrait Gallery of Canada, CD (bought Salvation Army, January 2020; about $1.00-$2.00)
Portrait of a Spiritualist -- Franklin Carmichael (softcover without d.j; $0.50, ex-libray, Friends, 18 July 2008)
Portraits of Nature: Paintings by Robert Bateman, by Stanwyn G. Shetler (softcover without d.j.) ***2nc copy (Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista, 4 April 2015; $2.00; softcover)
Povungnituk 1960-1970 ($3.75; 15 August 2009; softcover without d.j.)
Practice of Her Profession Florence Carlyle Canadian Painetr in the Age of Impressionism, The (hardcover with d.j.; $15.00;  used bookshop David Cameron on Bank St; 29 December 2010)
Prélude à l'automatisme, Musée des Beaux-arts du Canada
Premiers peintres de la Nouvelle-France, Tome I et II, par François-Marc Gagnon (softcover without d.j.)
Présence de l'art néo-byzantin au Canada, par Angela Comnène (softcover without d.j.)
Présence du Musée du Québec, chefs d'oeuvree de la Collection, une exposition itinérante, 1996 (softcover without d.j.)
Prime Ministers, The, by William Ronald (ssoftcover without d.j.)
Primitives and Folk Art our handmade heritage (hardcover without d.j.; $3.50; mars 2008; The Friends' Bookshop)
Printmaking in British Columbia 1889-1983 (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $8.00; softcover  with no d.j.)
Printmaking in Canada -- The Earliest Views and Portraits (softcover without d.j.; $25.00, Patrick McGahern Books; 20 September 2008) ***2nd copy ex-library
------$2.00; hardcover without d.j.; 12 Feb 2013, The Friends' Bookshop, downtown ***;   
Prints of Betty Goodwin, The, (new; 17 September 2008; National Gallery; $9.95; softcover; still in wraps)
Prints and Drawings with a collection of photographs by Yousuf Karsh, 1967
Prints of Christopher Pratt 1958-1991, Catalogue Raisonné, 1991 (hardcover with d.j.)
Profil de la sculpture québécoise, XVIIe-XIXe siècle, Musée du Québec 1969
Project Remembrance by Brian Lorimer (hardcover with d.j.; mint; 2022)
Prudence Heward 1896-1947 Memorial Exhibition (Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; softcover without d.j.; 28 December 2019; free "cadeau" says librarian as included in another purchased book)
Pudlo: trente années de dessin (softcover without d.j.)
Pudlo: thirty years of Drawing (softcover with d.j.; $1.50; 28 May 2015; Ottawa Public Library Ottawa)
Qu'Appelle Tales of Two Valleys by Dan Rig and al (softcover with no d.j., $2.00, Salvation Army on Alta Vista, 15 January 2025)
Quatre saisons dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent, Les, par Jean Provencher (hardcover with d.j.; December 2013; $10.00)
Quebec 1800 W.H. Bartlett ((hardcover with d.j.; library condition; 23 September 2015; $3.00, Ottawa Public Library downtown)
Québec au temps de James Patterson Cockburn par Christina Cameron et Jean Trudel, 1976 (hardcover with d.j.)
Québec en peinture / in painting par Jacques de Roussan (hardcover without d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; Alta Vista Branch; $2.00; 29 Dec 2012)
Quebec City: Architects, Artisans, and Builders, by A.J.H. Richardson et al., (ex-library binding; Friends', $2.50; March 2009)
Quebec en design: 75 ans de la Collection du Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (softcover without d.j.; $0.50; Ottawa Public Library downtown; 28 May 2015)
Québec je t'aime i love you miyuki tanobe, (hardcover with d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.00; November-December 2009) ***2nd copy
------(hardcover with d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop on Alta Vista; $2.00; 24 November 2014); ***3rd copy ((softcover; not ex-library; 19 octobre 2019; $0.50; Ottawa Public library near Fred)
Québec mon Amour, Croquis de Montréal, de Québec, et de la province par Bobby Atkinson (softcover without d.j.) ***2nd copy (softcover; not ex-library; 15 May 2015; $1.00; Ottawa Public library near Fred)
Québec nostalgie -- scketches by Bobby (Barbara) Atkinson (hardcover with d.j.; not ex-library; $1.50; The Friends' Bookshop; 24 March 2012)*** 2nd
------copy (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; 9 May 2023; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista).
Québec Recueil iconographique -- A Pictorial Record (ex-library, hardcover; $6.00; Friends; July 2008)
Québec trois siècles d'architecture (Friends but not ex-library; sofcover with d.j. a bit damaged; $3.00; 2 March 2009)
Quebec Underground: 1962 -- Tome 1 à 3 (library hardcover with d.j.pastred; ex-library)
Québec une ville et ses artistes (new; softcover; under wraps; National Gallery; $59.95 before 5% GST; 1 October 2008)
Quilts and other Bed Ruth McKendry (hardcover with d.j.; 2022; Saint Vincenr de Paul; $4.00)
Quoi de neuf?  Phaneuf (softcover; acheté à Victoriaville; juin 2015)
R. Lasnier (hardcover; $11.00; December 2015; Victoriaville place with books and income tax returns)
Raven Steals the Light: Drawings by Bill Reed, The (hardcover with d.j., ex-library)
Raven Steals the Light: Drawings by Bill Reed, The (softcover; Friends but not ex-library; March 2009; $1.50)
RBC Art Collection Selected Works (hardcover with d.j.; $5.10; 4 June 2024; Value Village)
RBC Canadian Painting Competition Ten Years (hardcover without d.j.; $10.00; antique stores on Bank; 21 March 2009); I also have the French version:; Concours de peintures canadiennes de RBC
Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Canadian painting competition 2014
Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Canadian painting competition 20154
R.E. Fortin
, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)   ***2nd copy*** (mint; no ex-lib; 2 Sep 14; Ex Libris Alta Vista; $2.00)
Regarde, il y a des géants partout!...par Joan Finnigan, adaptation française de Jacques de Roussan et dessins de Richard Pelham (hardcover with d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; $0.50; October 2010)
R. Laframboise, par Jacques de Roussan (hardcover; without d.j.; Loisirs/Hull, 19 August 2008; $6.50)
R. Roussil, 1996
R. Vincelette, Collection Signatures (achat d'Agathe Fortin, Chicoutimi, juin 2009; $10.00; hardcover with d.j.)
Réal Arsenault, par Jacques de Roussan, 1968, Collection Panorama (softcover without d.j.)
Records of Our History --Colonial Identities, Canada from 1760 to 1815 (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop near Frédéric's house, 21 Dec 2012)
Records of Our History --Taking Root, Canada from 1700 to 1760 (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop near Frédéric's house, 21 Dec 2012)
Reflections, 2011 -- book by Elena Calvo (artist's name: Marlenka), photographer (hardcover with no d.j.; Ottawa Public Library; 9 March 2016; $1.00)
Reflections in a Quiet Pool: The Prints of David Milne (hardcover with d.j.; bough Village on Bank St, 29 September 2021; $6.30; I also have the French
------ version: Reflets dans un miroir d'eau, Estampes de David Milne
Reflets dans un miroir d'eau, Estampes de David Milne (Hardcover with d.j., Ottawa Main Library, downtown, February 2018; ex-library); I also have
------ the English version: Reflections in a Quiet Pool
Réfractions: Trajets de l'art contemporain, Jessica Bradley et al., eds., (ex-library; softcover with no d.j.; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop; 24 Feb. 2011)
Regards sur les collections du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal ($2.00; mint; 17 mai 2016; hardcover with d.j.; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Renaissance des métiers d'art au Canada français, La,  par Lamy, Laurent, (Bouvier à Gatineau; 22 mars 2016; US 12.63$; hardcover but without d.j.)
René Richard par Ministère des Affaires culturelles, 1978 (voir p. 77 reproduction) (ex-library; 22 October 2013; $1.00; The Friends' Booksop)
René Richard par Hugues de Jouvancourt (hardcover without d.j.; $28.35; Libraririe Henri Julien; 3 août 2009)
René Richard, par Fondation René Richard, bilingue (hardcover withour d.j.; $30.00; antique place (midlle island) on Bank; 27 February 2010) ***2e copie
------(harcover, 23 Aug 2024 about $4.00; Salvation Army on Alta Vista)
Renée duRocher, 1999 (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; The Friends' Bookshop on Alta Vista; 11 June 2013)
Renegade: The Art of Leo Yerxa, c. 1984
Répertoire de l'Association des illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec, 1994-1995
Répertoire de l'Association des illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec, 1997-1998
Répertoire de l'Association des illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec, 2000-2001 (Timeless Treasures; softcover without d.j.; approx $10.00; June 2013)
Répertoire des artistes et des ressources artistiques et culturelles du Nouveau-Brunswick (softcover; $2.00; probably 2018; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Répertoire des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec et du Canada (softcover without d.j.; $3.49; 10 November 2015; Value Village)
Reta Summer Cowley, by  Terry Funton  (softcover; Friends but not ex-library; 29 April 2009; $2.50)
Retrospective: Recollections of a Montreal Art Dealer (hardcover with d.j.; antique store on Bank St; $15.00; 16 May 2009) 
Reynald Piché, par Gabriel-Pierre Ouellette (softcover without d.j.)à
Richard-Max Tremblay, portrait, éditions du passage (25 March 2015; $1.00; Friends of the library at downtown); ***2nd copy ($2.00; Ottawa public library on Alta Vista, 7 April 2015)
Rick Rivet (softcover.; ex-library; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Rick Rivet: paintings, 2000-2005 (bought in 2018)
Rideau A Pictorial History of Waterway (bought end 2019 or beginning 2020; probably Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; probably $2.00)
Riopelle, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 2002, connaissance des arts, numéro spécial numéro 179; ENGLISH TEXT; ($2.00; softcover; Ottawa Public Library branch on Alta Vista; 20 April 2015)
Riopelle, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, 1991 (Victoriaville; March 2015; $25.00; Recyclo; hardcover with d.j.)
Riopelle par Guy Robert, Les Éditions de l'Homme, 1970 (softcover without d.j.)
Riopelle par Hélène de Billy (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 21 avril 2010; The Friend's Bookshop); ***2nd copy (softcover; $2.50; Plessisville Opaque; novembre 2017)
Riopelle à Baie st-Paul (softcover without d.j.; probably bought in 2018 circa)
Riopelle: chasseur d'images par Guy Robert, 1981 (hardcover with d.j.; book section store in antique store on Bank St.; $40.00; 9 January 2010)
Riopelle.  Impressions sans fin (softcover without d.j.)
Riopelle In Conversation by Gilbert Érouart (softcover without d.j.)
Riopelle: signes mêlés par Pierre Schneider (hardcover without d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; not ex-library; $10.00; 21 May 2009)
Riopekke Tigre de papier, texte de Simon Blais ($2.00; 7 septembre 2919; softcover; ex-library; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Richard Gorman: Pure Painting (softcover without d.j.)
Richard Lacroix, par Jacques de Roussan, 1967, Collection Panorama (softcover without d.j.)
Ride the Wind, To by H. Albert Hochbaum (15 September 2009; no d.j.; $3.00; Friends' Bookshop)
Rita Letendre: Aux couleurs du jour, 2003 (softcover without d.j.; new National Gallery of Canada Bookstore, 30 November 2008; $39.95)
Rita Letendre: Beginnings in Abstraction, 2005 (softcover without d.j.; new National Gallery of Canada Bookstore, 30 November 2008; $10.00)
Robert Bateman: An Artist in Nature, by Rick Archbold (hardcover with d.j.; d.j. = owl)
Robert Bateman: A Retrospective of Limited Editions, vol. 1, 1978-1982 (Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista, 4 April 2015; $2.00; softcover)
Robert Bateman: A Retrospective of Limited Editions, vol. 2, 1983-1986 (Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista, 4 April 2015; $2.00; softcover)
Robert Bateman: Birds (hardcover with d.j.)
Robert Davidson: Au seuil de l'abstraction (softcover without d.j.)***2nd copy (Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00; 20 september 2022)
Robert Davidson Haida Printmaker by Hilary Stewart (hardcover with d.j.; 6 April 2023; $3.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Robert Davidson Wagle of the Dawn by Thom (hardcover with d.j, mint, bought Village 17 August 2021 for $4.19, a Wednesday, 30% off)
Robert Davidson: The Abstract Edge (softcover without d.j.)
Robert : Genn: The Praise of Painting (hardcover with d.j.; $20.00; 9 October 2010; Antique store on Bank, left as you enter)
Robert Harris 1849-1919 An Unconventional Biography by Moncrieff Williamson
Robert Murray: de l'atelier à l'usine (softcover without d.j.)
Robert Murray: de l'atelier à l'usine (softcover without a d.j.; 31 August2019, $1.00, Ottawa Public Library near Fred, Ogilvie St., Ottawa)
Robert Murray: The factory as a studio (softcover without a d.j.; mint condition; 23 September 2015; $2.00, Ottawa Public Library downtown)
Robert Tait McKenzie: 1867-1938: Sculptor of Athletes/Sculpteur d'athlètes (softcover without d.j.)
Robert W. Pilot Retrospective, 1969 (softcover without d.j.)
Robes of Power: Totem Poles on Cloth by Dorees Jensen et al. (sofcover without d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; $2.00; circa November- December 2009)
Rodolphe Duguay 1891-1973 (hardcover; new library binding; integration of d.j. or front page; no. d.j.)
Rodolphe Duguay, Journal 1907-1927 (softcover; 30 semptembre 2015; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library Alta Vista)
Roger Cavalli: espace et matière, par Jacques de Roussan, 1984 *** 2nd copy***(hardcover with no d.j.; not ex-library; 15 May 2015; $1.00; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
------***3rd copy ($5.00; November 2016, Income tax place in Victoriaville; hardcover without d.j.)
Roland Poulin Sculpture (softcover without d.j. $12.00; bookshop, regular left, Antique store on Bank St.; 8 May 2010)  **** 2nd copy this one in English check languages  ($2.99; Salvation Army; Alta Vista;  24 March 2011);
------*****3rd copy ****in French  (mint; no ex-lib; 2 Sep 14; Ex Libris Alta Vista; $2.00)
Romantic Look at Early Canadian Furniture: Heritage, A, (hardcover with d.j.)
Ron Noganosh : it takes time (hardcovver with d.j.; $7.50; 16 October 2015; Timeless Treasures); ****2nd Ron Noganosh : it takes time (hardcover with d.j.;
------ $2.00; Ottawa Public Library downtown; 29 February 2020)
Rose-Aimée Boulanger à l'ombre des chuchoteuses (softcover without d.j.; 28 March 2023; $4.40; Village)
Rousseau et le Moulin des Arts, par Guy Robert, 1979 (hardcover with d.j.)  *** 2 copies of library but excellent shape!
Roussil écarlate (hardcover without d.j.; 22 August 2012;not ex-lib., $3.00; The Friends' Bookshop)
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Book of Days 1997 (hardcover with no d.j.; October 2015)
Rural Ontario by Verschoyle Benson Blake and Ralph Greenhill (hardcover with no d.j.; ex libris on Alta Vista; $2.00; November 2014)
Sailors by Grant MacDonald, 1945 (Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; hardbook, no dustcover; $3.00)
sagesse du bonhomme, illustrations de Jean Simard ($2.00; janvier 2014; Vesto-Recyclo; Victoriaville; $2.00)
Saint James's Club : the story of the beginnings of the Saint James's Club, The (répétorier sur le tard: 11 avril 2024)
Sam Borestein, by William Kuhns and Léo Rosshandler (hardcover with d.j.)
Sarah Robertsone 1891-1948 Memorial Exhibition (Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; softcover without d.j.; 28 December 2019; free "cadeau" says librarian as included in another purchased book)
Saskatchewan: art and artists (softcover without d.j.; $30.00; Argosy Books, on Dalhousie on Dalhousie St.; May 2010); ***2nd copy (softcover without d.j.;
------ 3 December 2024; $2.00; Alta Vista Branch)
Sculpteurs et art populaire au Québec par Adrien Levasseur (neuf; $50.00; softcover without d.j.; March 2009); ***second copy, ($2.00; ex-library book; Ottawa Public Library downtown; 15 May 2019)
sculpture ancienne au Québec, La par John R. Porter et al. (ex-library; $4.00; The Friends' Bookshop; 10 August 2010; hardcover without d.j.)
Sculpture des Esquimaux, La par George Swinton (hardcover; with d.j.; fine)
Sculpture/Inuit, University of Toronto Press, 1971 (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy*** (no dust jacket; $2.00; Ex Livris on Alta Vista; November 2014);***
------3rd copy (hardcover with d.j., $3.00, December 2024, Alta Vista Branch).
Sculpture of David Robinson, The (softcover without d.j.; 30 June 2011; The Friends' Bookshop; $2.50)
Sculpture of Henry Evaluardjuk, The (softcover without d.j.;  $1.00; Friends; September 2008)
Sculpture of the Eskimo, by George Swinton (hardcover with d.j.)
Sculpture of the Inuit by George Swinton (considered as the 2nd ed of the Sculpture of the Eskimo; hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; $4.00; 6 September 2011;
---- The Friend's Bookshop); ***2nd copy (very ex-library appearance; $1.00; Friends' near Frédéric; 4 October 2013)
Sculpture traditionnelle du Québec, Musée du Québec, 1967 (softcover without d.j.)
Sculpture Walks / Circuits sculptures (softcover without d.j.; ex library) also *** (library hardcover without d.j.; The Friends' Booksopt; ex-library; $1.00; July 2010)
Séguin Poirier, texte de Claude Sauvage, (Collection Signatures) 2004 (hardcover; no d.j. Village rue Walkley, 22 June 2022)
Selected Works from the Winnipeg Art Gallery Collection, 1971 (softcover without d.j.)   *** 2 copies***
Selections from Picturesque Canada: An Affectionate Look Back... (softcover without d.j.; Friends; ex-library; $1.50; 6 March 2009)
Selections from The John and Mary Robertson Collection of Inuit Sculpture (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; ex libris on Alta Vista; 29 Oct 2014)
September Gale: A          of Arthur Lismer (library hardbook with glued page; Friends; $1.25; 30 April 2009)
Seven Years with the Group of Seven, by Joyce Putman (hardcover with d.j.)
Shades Gathering -- Catherine Heard and Ed Pien ($1.00; softcover without d.j.; 12 Feb 2013, The Friends' Bookshop, downtown)
Shadow Light: A Photographer's Life by Freeman Patterson ($4.20; Value Village on Bank St., mint; 14 Oct 2014; hardcover with d.j.)
Shape of Colour: Exursions in Colour Fileld Art: 1950-2005, The (softcover with d.j.)
Shaped by this land, by Tom Forrestall, 1974 (hardcover without d.j.)
Shared Experience Art & War ($1.50; mint; softcover without d.j.; Salvation Army; 6 October 2015)
Shell Canada collection : a selection of Canadian art assembled by..., The, [1977]
Sheridan: The Cutting Edge in Crafts ((hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; $2.00, Friends of the Library; January 2010)
Shooting the Story: Outstanding photojournalism (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; City of Ottawa Branch library on Alta Vista; 20 April 2015)
Sight Lines: Looking at Architecture and Design in Canada (softcover without d.j.)
Signs of the spirit : the Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College (October 2015; $15.00; Book fair near Golg course my place; A & E Books)
silenciaire, Le Jean-Paul Lemieux, par Michel Champagne et Daniel Morency Dutil (hardcover with d.j.)
Sight Specific: Lesbians & Representation (softcover without d.j.; $3.00; Value Village; 6 October 2015)
Silent Echoes: Pre-historic Canadian Eskimo Art (softcover without d.j.; Friends' Bookshop near Frederic; $0.25; Oct 2013)
Silver in New France by Jean Trudel (English version; softcover; ex-library but clean reference book; The Friend's Bookshop; $3.00; 29 March 2011)
Simone Mary Bouchard et Louise Gadbois l'art naif dans la modernité ( hardcover withourt d.j.; $5.00; 12 September 2015; Value Village near Fred)
Slow Sight: Itee Pootoogook and Tim Zuck (($1.00; softcover without d.j.; The Friend's Bookshop; 27 August 2013)
Snakes in the Garden (softcover without d.j.)
Sokolowski, 2004
Sokolowski Dominik, 2006 (softcover without d.j.)
Soleil, lune, étoiles [dessins de Odette Vincent-Fumet] (cadeau de Jean-Paul Bellemare; mars 2016; softcover)
Solstice : the art of Roy Henry Vickers (hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; 26 June 2014; Ex Libris on Alta Vista); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; March
------2024; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Some Canadian women artists = Quelques artistes canadiennes / by Mayo Graham (hardcover without dust jacket; $0.50; March 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown)
Some Paintings Drawings and Prints from the Douglas Duncan Collection (library hardcover; $0.75; 4 May 2011; The Friends' Bookshop)
Someone with me: The Autobiography of William Kurelek (softcover; Friends' Bookshop; 26 June 2008; $2.00)
Somewhere Waiting: The Life and Art of Christiane Pflug by Ann Davis (hardcover with d.j.; $20.00; Cameron on Bank St; October 2013)
Sophie Jodouin, 4-16  novembre 2000 (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; 6 décembre 2012; Friends' Bookshop)
Sophie Ryder ($1.00; softcover without d.j.; 12 Feb 2013, The Friebds' Bookshop, downtown)
Souvenir of Canada by Douglas Coupland (softcover without d.j.; $2.00; 6 February 2017; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Souvenirs:  Canadian Council of Archives, Conseil canadien des archives, [Ottawa] (small book; $0.50; softcover; Ottawa Public Library, downtown; May 2015)
Speaking Likeness , A, by Joseph Plaskett (Benjamin Books near Faculty of Law; 12 October 2010; $20.00; hardcover with d.j.; signed by Plaskett)
Species at risk leave no footprint, by Roger J. Hunka, 2010 (hardcover, book numbered 54 on 100 (bought 2024; hardcover with d.j.)
Speculative Fictions Graham Metson (softcover without d.j.; 16 October 2015; Timeless Treasures)
Spinning wheels and homespun with illustrations by C.. Manly  (hardcover)
Spirit of Nova Scotia: Traditional, Decorative...(hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; Nov-Dec 2013) ***2nd copy but softcover!!!!**ex libris, Alta Vista, 5 October 2014; $2.00
------***3rd copy (May 2016; softcover; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; $2.00; has addendum); ***4th copy mint (hardvover with d.j.; mint; August 2016; $1.00; Ottawa Public Library downtown)
Stanley Royle: 1888-1961, by Patrick Condon Laurette (softcover without d.j.)
Star Ting With (softcover; $0.50; 2016)
Stealing the Show: Seven Women (softcover with no d.j.; ex-library; $1.00; The Friends Bookshop; 22 October 2013)
Steel Notes: Betty Goodwin (hardcover with d.j.; 18 January 2019; Village on Wakely; $6.00)
Stone Age: Canadian Lithography from its Beginnings, National Gallery of Canada (softcover without d.j.; garage sale on McCarthy St; $0.00 (free), 25 May 2013)
Stones, bones and skin: ritual and shamanic art (hardcover with d.j.; $2.50; 6 March 2008; The Friend's Bookshop; see other book, supra, Arts Canada - December)
Stories from Pangnirtung Illustrated by Germaine Arnaktauyok
(hardcover with d.j.; $1.00; 8 July 2011; The Friends' Bookshop)
Stormy Weather: F.H. Varley: A Biography, by Maria Tippett (softcover without d.j.)
Story of the Group of Seven, A, by Harry Hunkin (hardcover with d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.00; 27 April 2010; ex-library)
------*** 2nd copy*** (hardcover with d.j. almost mint; $1.00 The Friends' Bookshop; 10 Janurary ) ***3rd copy ($1.00; 1 April 2017; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
------**4th copy ($3.00; 10 Febl 2025; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Street Smart Promenart, by NCC (Ottawa) (softcover without d.j.)
Studio Rally Art and Craft of Nova Scotia (harcover with d.j.; $2.00; The Friends' Bookshop; 2010)
Sucsan -- La symbolique du cycle de la vie (hardcover without d.j.); ***2nd copy (signed by the authro; 7 April 2015; Value Village near home; $3.80)
Sunday Morning with Cass (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; The Friends' Bookshop; 5 August 2011)
Sunfield Painter: The Reminiscences of John Davenall Turner (hardcover with d.j.; Ottawa Antique Market (left as you come in; $20.00; 16 October 2010);
Sur un état actuel de la Peinture canadienne par Maurice Gagnon (softcover  without d.j.)
Susan Feindel : figura (Timeless Treasures; 16 October 2015; 5.00; softcover with d.j.)
Suzelle Levasseur : peintures et dessins, 1980-1987 (softcover without d.j.; Benjamin near Ottawa Faculty of Law; 11 April 2015;$4.00)
Suzor--Coté par Hugues de Jouvancourt, Stanké 1978 (hardcover with d.j.; mint; $50.00;  24 Oct. 2010; Charles Vyvial 514-747-0591 from Ville St-Laurent; Book Fait Ottawa)
Suzor-Côté: lumière et matière, circa 2005 (hardcover with d.j.)
Suzor-Côté: light and matter, circa 2005 (hardcover with d.j.; $69.95 + tax; National Gallery; 20 February 2009)  ***2nd copy (11 Feb 2016; hardcover with d.j.; fine; $11.00; store behind beer store on Bank St.)   
Sybil Andrews, Glenbow Museum (softcover without d.j.)
Symposiums de sculpture au Québec 1964-1997 (softcover without d.j.)
tabernacle de Paul Jourdain, Le, par René Villeneuve (softcover without d.j.)
Tabernacle of Paul Jourdain, The, by René Villeneuve (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop at school near Alex; 9 September 2011) ***2nd copy (3 August 2016; $1.00; Ottawa
------ Public Library near Fred; softcover)
Tableaux de guerre: reflets de l'expérience canadienne 1914 à 1945 (hardcover with d.j.)
Take Comfort -- The Career of Charles Comfort (hardcover with d.j.)
Tanobe, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
tapisserie canadienne contemporaine. La/Canadian contemporary tapestryCanadian contemporary tapestry (softcover; $1.00 The Friend's Bookshop; library near Alex; 13 Feb 2012)
T.C. Cummings: Retrospective ($1.00; softcover without d.j.; The Friend's Bookshop; 27 August 2013)
Temps mangeur d'hommes, Le, Gabriel Lapointe (softcover; $3.00; Victoriaville libraire dans le petit centre d'achat, August 2021
Terra Nostra by Jeffrey S. (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; $2.00; September 2015; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Terre des hommes / Man and his World (hardcover with d.j.)
Terre, esprit, pouvoir: les premières nations au Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (ex-librray; $1.00; softcover without dust jacklet; public library near Frédérick)
Terre Sauvage Kanadensiskt och Group of Seven (in German with English insert translation) *** 2 copies (each $2.00; January 2015; Ex Libris on Alta Vista)
They Sought a New William Kurelek (hardcover without d.j.; bought in 2018; $1.50; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Thoughts about my sculpture by John Fillion
Three Hundred Years of Canadian Art / Trois cents ans d'art canadien
(hardcover without d.j.); ***2nd and ***3rd copy)
T.K. Thomas
, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
Takao Tanabe by Ian M. Thom et al., 2005 (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; 11 December 2015; Value Village; $2.50)
Tangled Garden: The Art of J.E.H. MacDonald, The, by Paul Duval (hardcover with d.j.); ***2nd copy ($3.00; signed by author; book mint but d.j. torn at a few places; 12 April 2023)l
------***3rd copy signed by Casson and Duval (hardcover with d.j., $3.00, Ottawa,  Public library on Alta Vista, 12 Aug 2023)
Tango: Lance Belanger (softcover without d.j.)
Terrible Beauty: The Art of Canada at War, A, by Heather Robertson (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy*** ($1.00; 27 April 2013; hardcover with d.j.;
----------- Ottawa Public Library near Frédéric); ***3rd copy (14 May 2015; Ottawa Public Library, Main branch downtown; $2.00; hadcover with d.j.)
Théberge, Collection Signatures (Coin du livre, Ottawa; hardcover without d.j.; 33.00; 7 août 2009)
Théophile Hamel par Raymond Vézina (hardcover with d.j.)
Thirteen Essays on Photography, Canadian Museum of Contemporary, 1990 or 1992 (softcover, no d.j., mint, $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; $2.00)
Thirty Stories by Favorire Writers: Images Paintings by Len Gibbs (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library)
This Other Eden: Canadian Folk Art Outdoors (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; $2.00, Friends of the Library; 26 May 2008)  ***2nd copy ***like new ($0.50, Friends of the Library; 22 August 2012)
Through Canadian Eyes: Trends and Influences in Canadian Art: 1815-1865 (softcover with no d.j.;$2.00; Ottawa Public Library near Alex; 2 March 2016)
Thomas Davies in Early Canada (hardcover with d.j.)   ***deux copies
Thomas Davies c. 1737-1812/vers 1737-1812, 1972 (softcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy (Ex Libris downtown; $3.00; 6 January 2015)
Tit-Coq par Gratien Gélinas, couverure par l'artiste par Norman Lavoie
Toller, Clairmont, Elva (Oglanby, Elva), Toller Cranston, David Street, Toller / , 1975 (hardcover with d.j.; April 2015)
[Agincourt, Ont] : Gage Publishing, c1975
Tom Forrestall: Paintings, Drawings, Writings (hardcover with d.j.; new; $60.00; Chapters; 13 September 2008) ***2nd copy ($5.00; Value Village; hardcover with d.j.; 31 August 2015)
Tom Thomson, by Dennis Reid and Charles C. Hill, c. 2002 (hardcover with d.j.)
Tom Thomson, par Dennis Reid et Charles C. Hill, c. 2002 (27 août 2010; Galerie nationale -- vente $26.24; hardcover with d.j.) -- version française
Tom Thomson: An Introduction to His Life and Art by David P. Silcox (30 December 2010; $6.00; hardcocer without d.j.; Chapters at South Keys Shopping Center) ***2nd copy (library copy;
------ $1.00; Ex Libris Center Town; 10 February 2015)
Tom Thomson: Le calme et la tempête, par Harold Town et David P. Silcox, version française, 1983 (hardcover with  d.j. glued; ex-library; $3.00; Friends of the Library, 6 janvier 2009)
Tom Thomson Mystery, The by Wlliam T. Little.(hardcover with d.j.; $1.25; 20 July 2010; ex-library heavy; The Friends' Bookshop)
Tom Thomson: The Algonquin Years by Ottelyn Addison...(hardcover with d.j.; $2.00; 3 September 2008; mint condition)***2nd copy (softcover; $2.00; 25 June 2018; Ottawa Public
------ Library, Alta Vista Branch); ***3rd copy (softcover; no d.j.; 2.00; 18 March 2024; Ottawa Public on Alta Vista)
Tom Thomson: The Last Spring (hardcover with d.j.; $3.00; 22 Jan 2020; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Tom Thomson: The Life and Mysterious Jim Poling Sr. (softcocover; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop 18 April 2011); *****2e copie ($2.00; 15 janvier 2019; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Tom Thomson: The Silence and the Storm, by Harold Town and David P. Silcox, 1st ed, 1977 .(hardcover with d.j.; $6.29; Value Village on Wakely, 20 Sep 2018;
------ ***2ncopy with no d.j.; 27 March 2023; $4.00, St-Vincent de Paul))
Tom Thomson: The Silence and the Storm, by Harold Town and David P. Silcox, 3rd ed.(hardcover with d.j.)
Tom Thomson: The Silence and the Storm, by Harold Town and David P. Silcox, 4th ed.(hardcover with d.j.)
om Thomson: The Silence and the Storm, by Harold Town and David P. Silcox, 2017 (mint; hard cover with d.j.; 2022)
Toni Onley: A Silent Thunder by Roger H. Boulet (hardcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy ($2.00; hardcover with d.j.; 10 November 2015; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
       ***3rd copy ($3.00; hardcover with d.j.; 29 September 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown) ***4th copy (hard cover with d.j.; $2.00; Salvation Army on Alta Vista, 21 February 2017)
Toronto in Art : 150 years through artists' eyes  (hardcover with d.j.; $35.00; 26 September 2008); ***2nd copy (hardcover with d.j.; Salvation Army on Alta Vista, 29 July 2924; $3.60)
Toronto Dominion Bank Collection of Canadian Art, The / La Collection..., 1977 (softcover with d.j.; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.50; November-December 2009)
Toronto no mean city (hardcover with d.j.; January 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Toronto Painting: 1953-1965 / La peinture torontoise: 1953-1965 (softcover without d.j.)
Totem Poles by Hilary Stewart (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library; Friends; April 2009; $3.00)
Totem Poles of the Northwest by D. Allen, 1977 (softcover without d.j.)
Tougas, Collection Signatures (achat d'Agathe Fortin, Chicoutimi, juin 2009; $10.00; hardcover without d.j.)
Towards Automatism, by National Gallery of Canada, 1994 (brochure, few pages)
Town, by David Burnett, 1986 (softcover without d.j.; not ex-library; 21 January 2009; Friends' Bookshop; $3.00)
Town, by David Burnett, 1986 (softcover without d.j.; not ex-library; 28 September 2009; Friends' Bookshop; $2.00)  *** 2nd copy
Trait dans tous ses états, le sur Raoul Hunter ($25.00, hardcover no dust jacket, uses book store on rue Mont-Royal)
Transformation : Prix Saidye Bronfman Award 1977-1996 (softcover with dust jacket; $1.50; probably bought in 2016)
Transitions: Contemporary Canadian Indian and Inuit Art (2 June 2013; approx. $4.00; softcover without d.j.; Timeless Treasures) ***2nd copy (29 Oct 2014; $2.00; Ex Libris on Alta Vista)
Traversées / Diana Nemiroff ... [et al.], [Ottawa] : Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, c1998 (acheté 2015; softcover)
Trésors d'art populaire québécois / Folk Art Treasures of Québec, Gouvernement du Québec, c. 1980 (softcover without d.j.; $0.90; Book Market; February 2011)
Trésors du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, sous la direction de David Franklin, 2003 (softcover without d.j.; $5.00; 12 September 2015; Value Village near Fred)
Treasures: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1988 (hardcover with d.j.)
Treasures of Canada, Samuel-Stevens Publishers, Toronto, 1980  (hardcover but no d.j.; $4.75; June 2010; The Friends' Bookshop)
Treasures of the National Archives of Canada (hardcover; mint with d.j.; not ex-library; The Friends' Booksop; 20 October 2010; $1.50)
A Treasury of Canadian Humour, A (April 2016; $2.00; Hardcover special edition; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Trees sentinels of the Land by Daniel Weiner (mint; $3.00, Ottawa Piblic Library on Alta Vista; 15 December 2023)
, Collection Signatures (hardcover without d.j.)
Trésors des archives nationales du Canada (hardcover; almost mint with d.j.; not ex-library; 24 June 2009; Friends' Bookshop; $3.50)
Trésors parlants, version française, (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; Friends; ex-library; 26 February 2009)
Treasured Moments by John and Monica Kurtz (hardcover with d.j.; $2.50, Ottawa Public Library downtown; 29 September 2016)
Trevor Gould (softcover without d.j.)
Trickster Shift: Humour and Irony in Contemporary Native Art, The by Allan J. Ryan ($25.00; mint; 26 September 2010; bookshop, regular left, Antiquities store on Bank St.)
Trisha Romance (hardcover with d.j.; $4.00; Salvation Army on Alta Vista; 13 April 2015)
turning point : the Deichmann pottery, 1935-1963  (softcover; April 2015)      
'twas ever thus : A Selection of Eastern Canadian Folk Art,  Toronto, 1979, 88 p. ($7.50; softcover with no d.j.; Nove 2013; Timeless Treasures) ***2nd copy (softcover without d.j. 17 Feb 2015; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Twenty Painters /Twenty Paintings (softcover; May 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch; Oversized)
Two Jacksons Abroad 1936
(hardcover with d.j.; 4 June 2010; $15.00; bookshop, left as you enter, Antiquités store on Bank St.)
Two  Soar: The Art of Allen Sapp: The Inspiration of Allan Gonor, 1990 (softcover without d.j.)
Two Spirits Soar: The Art of Allen Sapp: The Inspiration of Allan Gonor, 1990 (hardcover with d.j.; 2 October 2010; $10.00; Antique part of store on Bank St -- left side; mint with plastic)
Two visions of Newfoundland & Labrador (Cameron Book Section on Bank Antique Store; $20.00; 20 December 2014; hardcover with d.j.)
L'univers harmonieux de Mary Hiester Reid (softcover in French; no d.j.; $1.50; Ex Libris Center Town; 10 February 2015)
Ulysse Comtrois, 1952-1982 (softcover without d.j.)  ***2n copy*** ($0.50; downtown Ex Libris; 31 July 2014)
Umberto Bruni, Collection Signatures (achat d'Agathe Fortin, Chicoutimi, juin 2009; $10.00; hardcover with d.j.)
Under This Roof: Family Homes of Southern Ontario (hardcover without d.j.; March 2008, $1.00, The Friends' Bookshop)
Understanding Northwest Coast Art: A Guide to Crests, Beings and Symbols (softcover without d.j.)
Unitt's Canadian Price Guide Antiques & Collectables Book Eleven 1986/1987 (softcover with cerlox; The Friends' Bookshop; $1.00; July 2010)
University of Guelph Art Collection, The, 1980  (softcover without d.j.)
Unlikely Paradise: The Life of Frances Gage (July 2013; $15.00; Cameron books ar the Antique store on Bank St.; hardcover with
Un prêtre et son péchén péché
Unsettling Encounters: First Nations Imagery in the Art of Emily Carr by Gerta Moray,  c. 2005 (hardcover with d.j.)
Un siècle de peinture au Québec: nature et paysage par Robert Bernier, 1999 (hardcover with d.j.)
Un siècle de peinture canadienne 1870-1970, par Jean-René Ostiguy, 1971 (softcover without d.j.)
Une histoire de l'art du Québec, sous la direction d'Yves Lacasse et John R. Porter, 2004 (softcover)
L'uniforme militaire au Canada 1665-1970 (hardcover; bought December 2023)
L'Univers de Jean-Paul Lemieux (softcover without d.j.; 26 July 2013; $3.50; St. Vincent de Paul on Wellington St.)
L'Univers de Saint-Denys Garneau (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop near Frédéric's house, 21 Dec 2012)
Urban Images Canadian Painting / L'image de la ville en peinture canadienne (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $12.00; softcover without d.j.)
Uumajut : animal imagery in Inuit art (softbound; no dust jacket; $2.00; August 2014; Ex Libris on Alta Vista)
Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983 (softcover; without d.j.; $30.00; Montréal/rue St-Denis; août 2008)
Vanishing Halifax....Drawings by L.B. Jenson (softcover with cerlox binding; 3 March 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista) Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983
(softcover; without d.j.; $30.00; Montréal/rue St-Denis; août 2008)
vast and magnificent land : an illustrated history of northern Ontario, A ($3.50; Salvation Army on Alta Vista; 10 February 2020; hardcover with d.j.)
vaults : art from the Mackenzie Art Gallery and the University of Regina Collections, The / edited by Timothy Long and Stephen King (hardcover with d.j.; 2016; bought in Ottawa; $8.50)
Vernissage: The Magazine of the National Gallery of Canada / Le magazine du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
    - Fall / Automne 1999
    - Winter / Hiver 2001
    - Summer 2003
    - Fall / Automne 2010
    - Winter / Hiver 2010
    - Fall / Automne 2011
    - Winter / Hiver 2012

verrerie utilisée par l'armée britannique de 1755 à 1820, La,  par Olive R. Jones et E. Amm Smith (softcover without d.j.)
Verriers du Québec par Guy Simard (hardcover without d.j.; ex-library; Friends; $3.50; 13 March 2009); ***2nd copy*** ($0.50; Friends; downtown; July 2013; ex-library)
Vers les îles de lumière: Écrits (1942-1980) par Fernand Leduc (softcover; without d.j.; Loisisrs/Hull; $5.00; 19 août 2008)
Vestiges de l'indiscipline (softcover without d.j.; not ex-library; The Friends' Bookshop; $2.50; 4 May 2009)
Victor Cicansky: Clay Sculpture (softcover without d.j.)
Vie des Arts:
numéro 191, été 2003
numéro 218, printemps 2010
numéro 219, été 2010
number 220, Fall 2010 (English edition only),
numéro 221, hiver 2010-2011
numéro 223, été 2011
numéro 224, auromne 2011   
numéro 226, printemps 2012
numéro 227, été 2012
numéro 233  hiver 2013-2014
num/ro 236, Fall 2014
numéro 238, spring 2015
numéro 240, autumn 2015

Vancouver: The Way it Was, by Michael Kluckner (hardcover with d.j.)
Victoria: The Way it Was
, by Michael Kluckner (hardcover with d.j.; $4.00; The Friends' Bookshop)
vie et l'oeuvre de François Malepart de Beaucourt, La (softcover with no d.j.; June 2015; $2.00; crois)
Vieux Montréal (peintures), Le (hardcover with no d.j.;  very ex-library; The Friends' Bookshop; $10.00; 20 October 2010)
Vilallonga, exhibition catalogue 2006 with front cover being a photo of the artist (softcover; $15.00; used book store rue Mont-Royal; August 2026)
Villeneuve: un homme et sa maison (softcover without d.j.; ex-library; The Friends Bookshop; $1.00; 13 March 2009)
Vingt ans du musée à travers sa collection, Les (softcover, $1.00; The Friends' Bookshop; no d.j.; 21 December 2011)
vingt premières années du caricaturiste canadien--The First 20 Years of the Canadian Caricaturist La Palme, Les ($40.00; 4 octobre 2013; garage sale -- l'avocat patents)
Vision circle: the art of Roy Thomas: a retropective exhibition (hardcover; with no d.j.; probably bought in 2024).
Vision of Canada: The McMichael Canadian Collection, A, 1973 (hardcover with d.j., ex-library;   The Friends' Bookshop; $1.50; 28 October 2008)
Visions: Contemporary Art in Canada by Robert Bringhurst et al., 1983 (harcover with d.j.)  ***2nd copy*** (mint; no ex-lib; 2 Sep 14; Ex Libris Alta Vista; $2.00)
------***3rd copy (mint; $5.00; Value Village; 30 September 2015) ***4th copy ( ($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; 18 Oct 17; hardcover with dust jacket mint);
------*5th copy Visions (mint, hardcover with d.j.; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista), 22 Nov 2022; $3.00)
Visite chez Claude Le Sauteur peintre, Une, par Hélène-Andrée Bizier et Martine Turenne (hardcover; no d.j.; $25.00; août 2008)***2nd copy ($2.00; Ottawa Public Library, Friends, hardcover with no d.j.;10 January 2019)
Visual journeys / Roloff Beny (hardcover with d.j.; 4 November 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Vitrail par Claude Bettinger ($2.00; 4 janvier 2017; siiftcover; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Vladimir Horik, par Hugues de Jouvancourt (hardcover without d.j.)
Vladimir Horik: L'alchimiste des couleurs -- The Alchemist of Colours (hardcover with d.j.; 4 June 2010; $10.00; bookshop, left as you enter, Antique store on Bank St.)
------***2nd copy (2014)*** 3rd copy (mint; July 2014; $2.00; Ex Libris on Alta Vista); ***4th copy (nint; 3 Sep 2023; $5.13; Village)
Les voies du passé, 1870-1965 : les transports au Québec / Serge Lambert (softcover; $2.00; February 2016; Ottawa Public Library in Ottawa)
voluptuous gardener : the collected art and writing of Joe Rosenblatt, 1973-1996, The (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U, Faculty of Law; 11 April 2015; softcover without d.j.; $7.50)
Voyage en Artique Toni Onley Claude Péloquin (Timeless Treasures; $10.00; 15 June 2013; harcover with d.j.; signed)
Wake of the Great Sealers: Prints and drawings by David Blackwood, by Farley Mowat (hardcover with d.j.)
Walls of India, The , by George Woodcock and illustrations by Toni Onley ($1.50; ex-library; hardcover with d.j.; Friends' Bookshop; 30 March 2012)
Walter Bachinski: Approaching Classisicism Works from 1979-1989 (softcover with no d.j.; $0.50; The Friends' Bookshop; July 2010)
Walter J. Phillips by Michael J. Gribbon (softcover without d.j.; $8.00; Antique store on Bank; 19 October 2008)
Wanderings of An Artist... by Paul Kane (hardcover)
Wanderings of An Artist... by Paul Kane (softcover; $2.00; 25 June 2018; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista Branch)
Water: Lawren Harris and the Group of Seven (hardcover with d.j.)
Watercolour Painters from Saskatchewan: An exhibition... by Terry Fenton, (softcover without d.j.; $5.95; Bookmarket; February 2011)
Weathervane / L'air du temps  (hardcover with no d.j.; $0.50; Friends' Bookshop; March 2010))
We don't live in snow houses now
(softcover without d.j.; ex-library; $1.50, 27 Feb 08; The Friends' Bookshop)
We stand on guard: an illustrated history (hardcover with d.j.; $6.00; Ottawa Public Library of Alta Vista; Nov 2022)
of the Canadian army,Montreal, Canada : Ovale, ©1992
W. H. Coverdale Collection of Canadiana: Paintings, Water-colours and Drawings (Manoir Richelieu Collection),  (softcover without d.j., English edition only; $20.00; Benjamin Books (near Faculty of Law), August 2010)
Where the Heart Is Ann Mitchell (hardcover with d.j.; 2 October 2010; store behind  beer store on Bank St; $9.00)
White line: wood engraving in Canada since 1945 :  a selection of artists...The (softcover without d.j.; Patrick McGahern Books; $4.00; 25 November 2010)
Wilfred Corbeil par René Pageau (softcover without d.j.)
William Berczy: Co-Founder of Toronto (hardcover with d.j.; $15.00; newest Bookstore on right as you enter antques store on Bank street)
William Berczy: La famille Woolsey / The Woolsey Family, National Gallery/Galerie nationale, bilingue/bilingual (softcover) ***2nd copy (softcover; not ex-library; 15 May 2015; $1.00; Ottawa Public library near Fred)
William G. R. Hind, by J. Russell Harper, English version, Canadian Artists Series (softcover without d.j.; ex-library; Friends of the Library; June 2008; $1.00); needs glue
William G. R. Hind, par J. Russell Harper, version française, collection artistes canadiens (softcover)
William Henry Bartlett: Artist, Author & Traveller, by Alexander M. Ross, 1973 (hardcover with d.j.)
William Kurelek O Toronto (hardcover without d.j. glued inside)
William Kurelek: painter and prophet ny Michael D. O'Brien (softcover without d.j.; mint; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; mint; 28 November 2022).
William Kurelek, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 4 Sep 1992 to 10 Jan 1993 (catalogue, 10 p., 22 February 2015; Value Village; was in another book thus $0.00)
William Notman: l'empreinte d'un studio par Stanley G. Triggs, 1986 (softcover without d.j.; not ex-library; The Friends' Bookshop; $3.00; circa November-December 2009); *** 2nd copy
------(November 2017; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; softcover without d.j.)
Winnipeg 100--100 Year Pictorial History of Winnipeg (softcover with no other information available as it was a forgotten book).
Winnipeg School of Art, The -- The Early Years (Benjamin Books near Ottawa U.; 13 April 2009; $16.00; hardcover with d.j.)
Winslow Homer Watercolors by Helen A. Cooper (hardcover with d.j.; Ottawa Public Library, Alta Vista; new; $3.00 April 2022; contains chapter on fishing in Quebec)
Winter text by Morley Callaghan, photpgraphs by John de Visser, 1974, with d.j. ex-library
With Faith, Ignorance and Delight Homer Watson (hardcover with d.j; $1.00; 16 Nov 2019; Ottawa Public Library near Fred)
Wood and Stone Pictou, Nova Scotia ....Drawings by L.B. Jenson (softcover with cerlox binding; 3 March 2016; $2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista)
Women & Paint : Mendel Art Gallery..., 1995 (softcover without f.j.)
Women of Beaver Hall -- Canadian Modernist Painters, The (hardcover with d.j.; new; National Gallery; 17 September 2008; $60.00) ***2nd copy**** (mint; ex libris on Alta Vista; $2.00; 18 August 2014)
Work of Joni Mitchell, The by Gilles Hebert, ed., (hardcover with d.j.; ex-library but excellent conditio; $1.00; 4 Dec 2017; Ottawa Public Library branch near Fred)
Works By A.Y. Jackson From The 1930s by Naomi Jackson Groves (softcover without d.j.; $1.00; ex-library heavy; The Friends' Bookshop; June 2010)****2nd copy mint
------ ($2.00; Ottawa Public Library on Alta Vista; June 2023).
Works of Joseph Légaré, The, by John R. Porter , this is the English version; I have the French also; (hardcover with d.j.; about $28.00; 10 June 2013; Timeless Treasures);
World of John Hooper, The ((softcover without d.j.; 30 May 2011; $3.00; The Friends' Bookshop)
World of McNally (hardcover with special binding; $2.50; May 2016; Ottawa Public Library downtown); ***2nd copy (softcover;  Village; 18 June 2044; about $4.00)

World of Robert Bateman, The, by Ramsay Derry (hardcover with d.j.; petit écureuil)****2nd copy (signed by the author!!!; hard cover with d.j.; bought Alta Vista Public library)
World of Trisha Romance (hardcover with d.j.; Salvation Army of Alta Vista; $3.50; April 2015)
World of William Notman The Noneteenth Century..., The (Hardcover with d.j.; 13 Dec2022; $4.40; Value Village on Walkley)
Worlds apart : the symbolic landscapes of Tony Urquhart  (softcover without d.j.; June 2015; Value Village near home; $5.00)
Year 85 Potfoolio (softcover bought in 2015)
Year in the Life of an Artist Laura Starkey ($3.99; Value Village; softcover without d.j.; 29 November 2019)
Yves Trudeau: espace et matière/oeuvres 1959-1985 par Jacques de Roussan,1989 (hardcover without d.j.)