19 January 2021 ---- 
Home page/page principale: www.lareau-law.ca/
Web page research on the artist: Daniel Lareau
Page web de recherches sur l'artiste Daniel Lareau
François Lareau
François Lareau, LL.M.
55-890 Cahill Drive West
Ottawa, ON, K1V 9A4
Tél. 613-521-3689
Daniel Lareau, born on 2 August 1910-
Information on Daniel Lareau
The best general information about Daniel Lareau is found in André
Comeau's book:
Sources de l'image:
ovieuxbouquins.com et Google image (visité le 27 mai 2015)
plasticiens par
Comeau, André, Artistes
plasticiens : Canada (Régime français et Conquête)
Bas-Canada et le Québec, Montréal:
Les Éditions Bellarmin, 1983, 261 p., ill., 26 cm, ISBN:
2890075133, ISBN: 978-2890075139;
At the time of the publication of his book André Comeau is a
"Professeur d'histoire de l'art Collège [Cégep] du
Vieux Montréal",
at p. 8. In English, it simply means that André Comeau
is an art professor at the Cégep
du Vieux Montreal, also known as the Collège du Vieux
It is basically a dictionary on artists.
At page 154, Comeau gives us in French, the following
information about Daniel Lareau:
"LAREAU, Daniel (Montréal, 1910). --
Peintre; diplôme de l'École normale de
Montréal; diplôme de l'EBAM avec Maillard,
St-Charles et Laliberté (1937-1942), où il
enseigne; illustrateur; enseigne au Collège
de Saint-Laurent (jusqu'en 1978)."
Here is my translation of Comeau's text:
"LAREAU, Daniel (Montreal, 1910). --
Painter; diploma from l'École normale de
Montréal; diploma from l'EBAM with Maillard,
St-Charles and Laliberté (1937-1942) where
he teaches; illustrator; teaches at the Collège de
Saint-Laurent (until 1978)"
Here are some comments on Comeau's text:
- Comeau is right to write that Daniel Lareau was born in 1910, but
possibly wrong when he says that it was in Montreal (I
will later in my work bring contrary evidence).
- Comeau says that Daniel Lareau has a diploma from "l'École
normale de Montréal", I believe that he is referring to
l'École normale Jacques-Cartier.
- Comeau says that Daniel Lareau has a diploma from "L'EBAM" which
is "l'École des beaux-arts de Montréal", and is
translated as The School of Fine Arts in Montreal,
click here.
- Maillard, St-Charles and Laliberté are well known Canadian artists
all three taught at the The School of Fine Arts in Montreal.
- Charles Maillard, 1887-1973, painter and
professor at The School of Fine Arts in Montreal,
1923-1945 and its director from 1925-1945;
- Joseph St-Charles, 1868-1956, painter, professor at the School
of Fine Arts in
Montreal 1925-1943;
- Alfred
Laliberté, 1878-1953, painter and sculptor who taught at
The School of Fine Arts in Montreal, 1923-1953
Genealogy on Daniel Lareau
I have found information on Daniel Lareau in the book by Paul
J. Lareau, Lareau Genealogy: Descendants of a Carpenter,
Daniel Lareau, the illustrator
His association with Béatrice
Clément, 1905-2001,
With the writer Béatrice Clément 1905-2001, as the writer,
and him as the
illustrator, they publish the book Parade historique,
Montréal : Editions Jeunesse, [1950?-1951?],
3 volumes (46, 54, 52 pages) : illustrations ; 20 x 28 cm

Le Devoir, Friday, 21 April 1950, at p. 5,
available at
accessed 18 January 2021.

Le Devoir, Saturday, 15 January 1950, at p. 5,
available at
accessed 18 January 2021.

"Robert Caveller de La Salle (1643-1687)" written by
Clément and illustrated by Daniel Lareau, in L'Action
Sunday, 19 March 1950, available at collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/3524858,
accessed 17 January 2021.

About these comic pages published in l'Action catholique,
see in the Encyclopédie
de la bande
dessinée de journal au Québec 1918-1988:

Some images of books illustrated by
Daniel Lareau
For the list, see World
CatWorld Cat

Source de l'image: Claudine Bouvier, Gatineau, QC, AbeBooks

Publicity add for Raymond Tanghe's book, Le Devoir,
27 October
1945 at p. 8, available at collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/2779984
(accessed 18 January 2021)
Raymond Tanghe, 1898-1969, Itinéraire canadien,
lettre-Préface par André Siegfried,
Montréal: B.D. Simpson, 1945, 252 pages illustrations,
notes: "Les textes remaniés d'une série
de causeries données sous les auspices de Radio-College."
Lillian E. Davies Memorial Collection.
(Catalogue Voilà)
Gérard Beaudry, 1909-, [et autres] ; illustration de Daniel
Lareau., Le Calcul Vivant, arithmétique, 3e année,
Montréal: Éditions du Centre de psychologie et de
pédagogie, 1950, 193 pages : illustrations; 21 cm, notes:
"Approuvé par le Conseil de l'Instruction Publique à sa
séance du 13 décembre 1950" (Catalogue Voilà)
Source des images: Claudine Bouvier, Gatineau, QC, AbeBooks
Daniel Lareau, the sculptor
I also found some information in a book compiled and edited by Harry

CAMPBELL, Harry, compiled and edited by,
Canadian Art Auctions:
Sales and Prices 1976-1978,
Don Mills: General Publishing, 1980, 255 p., ISBN:
the image is p. 1 of the book.
At p 136, here is the excerpt on a Daniel Lareau's sculpture sale:

13.75 = 13.75 inches
FB= Fraser Bros. Ltd.
Various art exhibitions/expositions d'art:

Source: AgendArt, Vie des Arts, hiver 1977-1978,
vol. 22, no. 89, à la p. 101,
at erudit.org/fr/revues/va/1977-v22-n89-va1177701/54872ac.pdf,
accessed 19 January 2021.

Source: "Les arts cette semaine-- Expositions", La
samedi, 31 mars 1973, p. D8, at collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/
accessed 20 January 2021.

Source: "Les arts cette semaine-- Expositions", La
samedi, 15 juin 1974, p. D8, at , accessed 20 January 2021.
Daniel Lareau and his religious art

Daniel Lareau, 5x16", source:
seller: LuckyLeesLabyrinth, accessed 19 January

Daniel Lareau, source: ebay.com/itm/Vtg-MCM-Daniel-Lareau-Crucifix-Mission-Arts-
seller: everythingnotcloth-0,
accessed 19 January 2021

Daniel Lareau, source:
seller: Radpad1960, accessed 19 January 2021

Daniel Lareau, source: worthpoint.com/wortho
seller: Worth Point, accessed 19 January 2021

Daniel Lareau, source: ebay, image
from google image search, no more
information, accessed 19 January 2021